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Book of Mormon Title Page:1
Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile—Written by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—Written and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed—To come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof—Sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in due time by way of the Gentile—The interpretation thereof by the gift of God.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
See my notes in Words of Mormon 1:11 about hiding up records to the Lord.


Book of Mormon Title Page:2
An abridgment taken from the Book of Ether also, which is a record of the people of Jared, who were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, when they were building a tower to get to heaven—Which is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations—And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.

Sun, Jan 7, 2024
One of the purposes of the Book of Mormon is to bring to our remembrance the covenants of the Lord, which God made and renews again with the elect and the House of Israel. See 1 Nephi 14:5, 8.


1 Nephi 1:1
1 I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days.

Sun, Mar 12, 2023
The way the Lord helps us learn his ways is to give us many afflictions and then to bless us to endure and work through these afflictions.


1 Nephi 1:5-6
5 Wherefore it came to pass that my father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, yea, even with all his heart, in behalf of his people.

6 And it came to pass as he prayed unto the Lord, there came a pillar of fire and dwelt upon a rock before him; and he saw and heard much; and because of the things which he saw and heard he did quake and tremble exceedingly.

Tue, Jan 9, 2024
Lehi was very concerned for his people because of the dark times he lived in, and because of the warnings of the prophets. In these last days, we too are very concerned with the corruption in our society and God's judgments upon our land. We should follow Lehi's example of praying with all of our heart, with sincerity and in secret places as he did. We then need to act on what God reveals to us, just as Lehi acted in faith on his revelations and dreams from God.


1 Nephi 1:8
8 And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God.

168D9-168D11, from Heavenly Father: "Sometimes, when we give our mortal child a vision, and they are brought into our presence, We, at that moment, replicate their spirits when they come into our world. They have their spirit and body on the earth, and their replicated spirit with us in heaven. This is what Lehi experienced in 1 Nephi 1:8-10. "And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God."

Lehi's spirit was replicated and taken into heaven, to the Great Assembly Hall, in a meeting there with our premortal spirits. Without replication, his body couldn't continue to function on earth, for it needed his spirit to continue to reside inside his body to perform all of its functions. When we give our children visions or certain dreams, they necessarily need the ability to replicate themselves if we take them away from their bodies. Most of our children have dreams within their own bodies, so replication is not required.

In the millennial day, we will have many more of our elect on earth given the blessing of replication while living in mortality. The earth will be renewed and receive a paradisiacal glory, even a terrestrial state. Those who replicate will do so because we will extend this blessing to them due to their faith and desire, and the need to replicate."


1 Nephi 1:8
8 And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God.

Tue, Jan 9, 2024
This is the pattern for receiving revelation: prayer in the sincerity of their heart (with all his heart), revelation or direction coming from heaven, then having more direction from heaven. Note that he said in verse 8 that "he thought he saw God", which may have been a perception or feeling revelation. This experience is usually in the spiritual realm.

Compare to Moses 1:11, where Moses saw God and talked with him face to face. This was an experience with Moses' spiritual eyes in the celestial realm, and Lehi also was brought into this same realm, for he saw God (v 8-9) and conversed with God (v 11). This experience was done in great reality but in a higher, spiritual realm, seen with spiritual eyes (see explanation in the note in Moses 1:11).

112C1-112C14, from Heavenly Father: "I have been thinking this morning, ever since I awoke, about the highest celestial realm from where God operates and interfaces with their children. I came to the beautiful and quiet desert oasis. I sat on the bench and was in a very contemplative state. While sitting there, thinking about this highest sphere, Heavenly Father appeared next to me, sitting on the bench with me! He had his arm resting on the back of the bench, touching my upper back.

He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, I saw you come to this bench from my highest celestial sphere on this celestial orb where I dwell. To go from this higher sphere or realm to the one you are in, I simply thought to descend into your realm and it happened. I had been sitting on this bench while in the higher realm, and when I wanted to descend, I just thought to do so, still sitting on the bench. We control all of our actions and movements by our mind.

You also do that same thinking process when you come to our celestial orb to pray, or when you go to the celestial sphere around the earth where you do your angelic work. Your thoughts control all of your movements. We, or our children, may descend from a higher sphere to a lower sphere by thinking only to be there and it happens.

Those who dwell or work in a certain spiritual sphere around a planet or orb may not move to a higher sphere unless they have access to it. Access is determined by us and controlled by ordination. For example, angels are ordained by our authority to dwell and work from the basic celestial sphere. Gods are ordained to work and minister from the highest celestial sphere. The devils are consigned to live in the lowest sphere, that of a telestial sphere.

You have read in 'Visions of Glory' how Spencer saw in vision his own birth. He saw healing angels attending his birth, but he also saw ministering spirits of his own deceased or yet unborn family. He also saw devils and evil spirits. These all dwelt in different spheres, but mingled at different times together. The mingling occurred because those of a higher sphere descended into a lower sphere to do their work. They also came so Spencer could see them and know they existed and that they worked in spiritual realms for those on the earth. Normally, there is not much mingling between spheres. For example, when one of our angels goes on assignment on behalf of an elect child on earth, this angel still works hidden in the celestial sphere that the elect child cannot see. The angel has every ability to see and work clearly from the celestial sphere, but the child who is served cannot see. They may sense or feel that God is blessing them, but they generally won't see the angel unless that is part of our assignment.

Some may think that celestial beings may disappear themselves, but in reality it is that they simply transfer or move themselves into a celestial realm that is not visible to the one they serve. There are a limited number of spiritual spheres, not unlimited dimensions as some have said.

When you have come to the Great Assembly Hall for a meeting, and are in the upper corner speaking with us before the meeting, we are not visible to those in the meeting. This is because we have brought you into our highest celestial realm so that we would not be visible. You are brought into our realm because we have invited you to come. You cannot go there without our permission and invitation. If you wanted not to be seen in the meeting, you would have to gain our permission and come with us, else all would see you since they dwell in the same celestial realm as do you.

When we have one of our children come to our world from a lower sphere, they need to be quickened. This is elevating them to a higher sphere temporarily so that they may abide in that sphere. When Lehi saw God on the throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels (1 Nephi 1:8), he was quickened to come into our celestial sphere on this heavenly orb. I had come from my higher celestial realm and dwelt among my children and angels in my throne room in my temple. I brought Lehi into our presence by quickening his spirit to a celestial glory, and bringing him into that celestial sphere. This vision was retained in his mind, even after he returned to earth, so he could witness to others of what he saw. Sometimes we don't allow memories of being in a higher sphere to be retained, but sometimes we do. We determine all of the quickening and retaining of the vision experience based on our greater understanding of the probationary plan for that particular child.

When Adam fell, he and all of his posterity came into a mortal telestial sphere. In this mortal sphere, they had no access or ability to see those other spiritual spheres around them. They couldn't see the devils in another telestial sphere, or the angels in the celestial sphere, or other ministering spirits in the terrestrial sphere. All of these spheres were and still are continually around them and their posterity, unseen to them. Higher spheres are also invisible to lower spheres unless one from a higher sphere descends into the lower. When this happens, the one from the lower sphere can then see the person come into his or her own sphere. They still cannot see into the higher sphere.

Our first heavenly parents saw the need for the various spiritual spheres that surround the living areas of their children. They chose to control access to these various spheres based on the one in a particular sphere's need to have access, which was dictated by their assigned mission of service. For example, angels have a need to work in secret from a higher sphere than those they serve, so they are given continual access to the celestial realm. They work from realms of love and light. They also may commune even with God who may descend from the highest celestial realm to their own lower celestial realm, as the need for direct communion arises.

When we visit with others of the Gods, we always meet them in the highest celestial realm where Gods commune. The method our first parent Gods devised and created has continued from the beginning first creation, even until now in the entire organized universe. We who are Gods may freely travel and commune with other Gods in these highest celestial realms, for we are ordained to that privilege as are they.

When our spirit offspring are born to us, they have access to our celestial realm on our celestial orb and are confined to the third heaven, or third level where premortal spirits dwell (see post 111 paragraphs A3 and E11. The celestial glory has three degrees, the first where the God's live [this is the highest celestial sphere], second where the resurrected, translated and angels dwell [second level, where we always go on the celestial orb to pray and visit], and the third level or heaven where the premortal spirits dwell). We require these to be confined to the third heaven, for we don't want them mingling with others that may be on our same celestial orb in their same celestial realm. These are boundaries that we place. We also have a boundary in the second heaven, or the location where our resurrected and translated beings dwell, or where angels work. These may mingle together. There are also areas in our celestial world where only we who are Gods dwell. These are physical areas with boundaries also, but are also restricted by being in the highest celestial sphere. The plants and animals that dwell in this latter uninhabited area dwell in the celestial sphere there, but we who are Gods dwell in the higher celestial sphere. We coexist together, although these plants and animals in our uninhabited area usually don't see us since we dwell in the higher celestial sphere.

Each spiritual sphere has its own laws and order. Those that are higher have greater light and capacity. The lowest level is for the devils. This is where Lucifer and his followers were cast in the beginning. We allow the devils to interact only with others of a fallen telestial glory, who currently dwell in mortality or in the spirit world of the deceased. Once the earth is elevated to a terrestrial state, the devils will be confined deep in the earth in their same telestial sphere. They will be bound to dwell there for the entire millennium until you loose them for a little season before the end.

When one of our mortal children pray to us in a meditative attitude, with openness and humility, they actually attract us, who are their Heavenly Parents, to come to them from our highest celestial realms. We always hear the sincere pleadings of our children in their lower spiritual states or spheres. We may even embrace and dwell in them from our higher realms without them consciously knowing. However, they unconsciously commune with us too, for we quicken their unconscious minds to hear us and to transfer their thoughts to us as they have always done in their premortal sphere, or third heaven.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable expansion of information on the spiritual spheres! I feel very enlightened and so blessed to receive so great truths directly from my Heavenly Father today!"


1 Nephi 1:14
14 And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thy power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!

Sun, Mar 12, 2023
Whenever there is a revelation from God like this to Lehi, there seems to always be praise to God for his unbound mercy, particularly to those who trust in Him.


1 Nephi 1:17-18
17 But I shall make an account of my proceedings in my days. Behold, I make an abridgment of the record of my father, upon plates which I have made with mine own hands; wherefore, after I have abridged the record of my father then will I make an account of mine own life.

18 Therefore, I would that ye should know, that after the Lord had shown so many marvelous things unto my father, Lehi, yea, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, behold he went forth among the people, and began to prophesy and to declare unto them concerning the things which he had both seen and heard.

Wed, Jan 10, 2024
Whenever anyone receives revelations like Lehi received, then they are usually commanded to write the accounts of these visions and dreams. In the case of Lehi, God commanded Lehi to go forth among the people and share these prophesies that he had both seen and heard (see1 Nephi 2:1). In Lehi's case. God expected that he take action following his revelations. We all need to ask what we should do with our revelations and then follow God's specific directions to us. In Lehi's case, he preached to the people, taught his family, and then departed into the wildernesses.


1 Nephi 1:20
20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

Wed, Jan 10, 2024
If we have been called of God, then he will protect us and extend to us great mercies. We need to act in faith, following the directions we receive from God. In these last days, the elect of God will receive the Spirit as they ask in faith and openness of heart, and give them individual instructions on what to do.


1 Nephi 2:1-2
1 For behold, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto my father, yea, even in a dream, and said unto him: Blessed art thou Lehi, because of the things which thou hast done; and because thou hast been faithful and declared unto this people the things which I commanded thee, behold, they seek to take away thy life.

2 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded my father, even in a dream, that he should take his family and depart into the wilderness.

Wed, Jan 10, 2024
Often the Lord speaks to us in dreams, or in meditations, when we seek him diligently, with an openness of heart and mind, and have the spirit of obedience. I believe that God here talked with Lehi, and Lehi perceived him and could clearly tell what God had said to him in his mind.

The Lord also is pleased with the things which we do in obedience to him. Faithfulness is very important to the Lord. As we are faithful, God will reveal more to us, leading us along according to our faith and obedience.


1 Nephi 2:5
5 And he came down by the borders near the shore of the Red Sea; and he traveled in the wilderness in the borders which are nearer the Red Sea; and he did travel in the wilderness with his family, which consisted of my mother, Sariah, and my elder brothers, who were Laman, Lemuel, and Sam.

Thu, Jan 11, 2024
Nephi also states later that he had sisters: see 2 Nephi 5:6. Apparently, the custom of the times when describing one's family was to only mention brothers and not sisters.


1 Nephi 2:11
11 Now this he spake because of the stiffneckedness of Laman and Lemuel; for behold they did murmur in many things against their father, because he was a visionary man, and had led them out of the land of Jerusalem, to leave the land of their inheritance, and their gold, and their silver, and their precious things, to perish in the wilderness. And this they said he had done because of the foolish imaginations of his heart.

Mon, Dec 2, 2013
There will be some that say that our revelations are "foolish imaginations of our heart". This is true for anyone who receives revelations from God.


1 Nephi 2:12-13
12 And thus Laman and Lemuel, being the eldest, did murmur against their father. And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.

13 Neither did they believe that Jerusalem, that great city, could be destroyed according to the words of the prophets. And they were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusalem, who sought to take away the life of my father.

Wed, Jan 10, 2024
When people don't know how the Lord works in giving revelation, and his dealings with us, his children, they often start to ridicule and murmur. The greater part of the people also don't believe in what the Lord will be doing.


1 Nephi 2:16
16 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.

Thu, Jan 11, 2024
These are the steps to getting directions from God: great desires to know God and mysteries, prayer with sincerity and fervency (not slacking, being persistent), softening of one's heart, belief in all the words of the Lord and his directions. These are the steps to knowing God, to receiving revelation from him.

134H14-134H22: "You read in your family scripture study tonight about how the Lord softened Nephi's heart:

1 Nephi 2:16-"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

Nephi had an open and receptive heart, and was very diligent in inquiring of God about the words of his Father and what the prophets had written about. These are the key ingredients to becoming softened in his heart so that he believed the words of truth as spoken by his father Lehi. The condition of a softened heart may be described as full of faith, eager and believing of whatever we may say, and very open and receptive.

Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, on the other hand, said "We have not (inquired of the Lord), for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." (1 Nephi 15:9) They would not even attempt to ask of God to find answers to their questions. They were lacking faith, and had little or no desire to believe the words of their Father Lehi or Nephi, their younger brother. Therefore, they were described as hard-hearted. Nephi responded in 1 Nephi 15:11-"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? -If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

Our children come with softened hearts to earth, or with hardened hearts, and all conditions in between. All are alike to us, at first, and we respond equally to our children in all ages and at all times:

1 Nephi 10:19-"For he that diligently seeketh shall find, and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old, as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

Sometimes the scriptures talk of a softened heart as a believing heart. It is all the condition of the faithful. It requires a penitent attitude that we recognize in those with soft hearts and open minds. Only to those will we unfold our mysteries, a little here and a little there, and "none knoweth these things, save it be the penitent." (see Alma 26:2).

Those with hardened hearts, like Laman and Lemuel, come to earth and then when the natural man swells up inside of them, they want the things of the world more than the things of God. They make little or no effort in seeking to commune with us, their God. We still give them a prompting of our Spirit, but they are past feelings, as were Laman and Lemuel, as spoken by Nephi:

1 Nephi 17:45-"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you, yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken to you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Our elect sons and daughters have a soft heart, and open and receptive mind, and seek us diligently. When we speak to them quietly by our still small voice they hear us, love our words, and follow our promptings! We give them revelation upon revelation, unfolding to them our mysteries and truths that none of the hard-hearted can hear or know about. We lead them even to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and eventually back into our holy presence.

Raphael, before you is the vast Lake Beautiful. It is full of living water that is akin to the vast knowledge of truth we wish to reveal to each one of our faithful. We will do so line upon line, here a little and there a little, until all of our truths and revelations are known and understood by our faithful who continue to have softened hearts and open and receptive minds. Those who thus partake become our celestial couple gods in eternity, even as we are!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful message! I watched him turn and walk over the vast lake of living water. His light around him gradually dimmed and soon I could no longer see him. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed."


1 Nephi 2:19
19 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

68D20-68D21. "Heavenly Father continued:

'Raphael, we are very pleased that you continue to persist in diligence in coming before us! You have received great understandings and revelations from our very mouths. How could we not reveal all things to you gradually, as you come daily to us in such a manner? We will continue to reveal from heaven all of our secrets and revelations over time to you as you continue to come unto us. We have so much to reveal to you, R! We will also do so to all of our children who similarly come unto us.'

During the remainder of the meeting, I opened up my Book of Mormon on my gospel library phone app and read the scripture:

1 Ne 2:19 "And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

I felt everyone who seeks God with diligence and lowliness of heart, or true humility, will receive blessings, and knowledge, even revelation from God! This is the promise today from the Father to me, also for all of his children."


1 Nephi 2:19-20
19 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands.

Thu, Jan 11, 2024
A key to receive revelation and direction from the Lord is to pray in faith, diligently, with openness and in lowliness of heart. He then often gives us promises to prosper and to do our mission, dependent upon our continued faithfulness and obedience to him.

God leads the faithful along as they keep the inspiration and commandments they receive. This includes to seek his guidance in everything in their lives, including such things as how and when to plant in their fields, investing their money, sharing their resources with others, raising their children, becoming more tender and loving in their relationships, and all that they seek to do in their mortal life. I believe God will lead the faithful along, and show them how to prosper and be led, even as this scripture states.


1 Nephi 2:21
21 And inasmuch as thy brethren shall rebel against thee, they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

Thu, Jan 11, 2024
Those who reject God and his inspiration to them, who do not hear the gentle whisperings of the Spirit, in all ages of the earth, will be more and more cut off from the presence of the Lord. This warning applies to all God's children. They each have choice to choose whom they list to obey, either God or their own personal desires.


1 Nephi 2:24
24 And if it so be that they rebel against me, they shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to stir them up in the ways of remembrance.

Thu, Jan 11, 2024
We all have scourges in our lives that keep us humble, and keep us in the right way, as we choose to be faithful to the Lord's directions in our personal lives. This earth life is a place of testing (see Abr 3:25 "And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them").


1 Nephi 3:2
And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem.

Fri, Jan 12, 2024
Dreaming a dream might be just the same as perceiving in energy realms. In this mode, the Lord can speak to us and give us directions.


1 Nephi 3:7
7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Tue, Jan 9, 2024
Our attitude should be like Nephi's--that if the Lord commands, we need to find the way to accomplish that thing.

134F13-134F24: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad you obeyed our prompting and did not ask questions about how you could fulfill our will. Instead you were resourceful and just tried to obey, according to your best ability, and then it happened just as you intended. We like this initiative in following our directions and our commandments! This is the level of obedience we desire in our faithful children who hear our promptings, and are not sure how exactly to fulfill them.

1 Nephi 3:7-"And it came to pass that I Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

Nephi showed extraordinary faith in retrieving the records from Laban, even after his brothers were so discouraged and even beat him with a rod. The spirit of God led him how to proceed in each part of his journey.

1 Nephi 4:6-"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."

This faith and obedience allowed us, Nephi's Gods, to direct him in a journey where he ultimately obtained the brass plates and the servant of Laban, and returned with his brothers to the tent of their father in the wilderness.

In these last days, there will be many occasions for our elect to hear our voice of the Spirit, and not know how they will fulfill our commands. We want them to fully trust in our still small voice of the spirit, and like Nephi of old, be led to fully accomplish all the directions and commands we give them. We will lead our faithful and open servants in a step-by-step manner to be able to fulfill our will.

In these cases, it is so important to be open in your mind, and to be perceptive to any intimations that we might give in your thoughts. We will guide you by this our voice, in your unconscious mind, quietly yet assuredly. We will always give directions, in a progressive step-by-step manner, on the way we wish you, our servant, to fulfill our commandment.

Doubt not, and fear not, for we will lead you and the faithful along, and will never abandon you.

When the wicked priest of Elkenah rose up to slay Abram, we rescued him at the last moment and slew the priest and broke down the altar (see Abraham 1:15). The people also sought to take away Noah's life, but we were with him and protected him (see Moses 8:18). We will also protect you Raphael, and have preserved you even until now. Remember when you fell headlong down a loose rocky steep slope in the mountains, during a hike of a Fathers and Sons campout? You were fully protected by being turned over in the air and landing in a sitting position on the rocks. We protected you in that instance against severe injury. We have a mission for you to accomplish, and will be with you in every time of trouble.

When danger comes around you, or our commandments seem impossible to fulfill, then listen to our still small voice and we will guide you along, so you will be able to fulfill our will. Be believing!

D&C 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

What I speak to you, I also speak to our other faithful in these last days. You will all face times of decision whether to act in faith in keeping all of our commandments. These last days will provide many opportunities for us, your Gods, to watch how you consider and then fulfill our promptings.' "

185H13-185H20: "I came tonight to the north side of the fountain of living water. I drank some water, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

He then walked a few feet from my right, from behind the fountain. He came up to me and began to speak to my mind: 'Raphael, there is a sequence of steps that each of our children need to follow in order to develop the faith necessary to fulfill our every desire for them to do on earth.

The first step is for them to come in constant communication with us, their Gods. This is the level we are working on with you. This requires that you receive our word, our mind and will, and recognize for sure this is from us your Gods. Once you know our mind and will, if there is some step or action we wish you to fulfill, then you need to make sure you do all in your power to accomplish this. We will prepare and open up the way to make it so that you can fulfill our will (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

Once this becomes a standard behavior or practice, of you hearing our voice and then acting on whatever we direct you to do, then you will be our true and faithful servant! In continuing in this way of living, your faith will continue to grow, even to where you are exceedingly full of faith and action. You will have confidence in our presence, and our revelations will flow continually into your heart and mind, and will distill upon you as the dews from heaven. This connection between you, our child, and us, your Gods, will be constant, and will flow easily from us to you without any degree of compulsion or restriction. In addition, your desires will flow also to us, and we will order all things for your good (see D&C 121: 45-46, and D&C 111:11). In this state of oneness, whatever you ask of us you shall receive; if you knock it shall; be opened unto you (D&C 11:5).

It is in this state of full connection with us, your Gods, that you will develop the faith necessary to do as the ancients did, in commanding nature or the elements, and having them obey. We hold out this promise to act in our name not only to our faithful sons who are ordained after my order of the priesthood, but to our faithful daughters who are ordained after Heavenly Mother's order to a high priestess. Both are given access to our Godly power as they become one with us, and are ordained to this authority with our approval. They then may exercise our power on the earth, even as did Melchizedek and Enoch:

JST Genesis 14:26,29-31

"Now Melchizedek was a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.

And it was delivered unto men by the calling of his own voice, according to his own will, unto as many as believed on his name.

For God having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seed with an oath by himself; that every one being ordained after this order and calling should have power, by faith, to break mountains, to divide the seas, to dry up waters, to turn them out of their course.

To put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break up every band, to stand in the presence of God; to do all things according to his will, according to his command, subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the Son of God, which was from before the foundation of the world."

Raphael, once you and our faithful sons and daughters become one with us, our very servants, we will command you to act and do according to our desire. You will exercise the faith to act and to do our will. You will be courageous, and full of faith and confidence. At such a time, even the elements and all nature will obey your words, for you will be commanding even in the name of God and by our direct authority. Of yourself, you will do nothing except as a normal man. But in our behalf, you will act fully in our power and authority.'

I bowed my head before my Father, and asked him to please continue to purify, strengthen, and empower me to know his and Heavenly Mother's will, and then to act in all diligence, with all holiness of heart (see D&C 46:7) in doing their will. He then touched my head and I lifted it up. I then felt like I came back to the earth and ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."


1 Nephi 3:15
15 But behold I said unto them that: As the Lord liveth, and as we live, we will not go down unto our father in the wilderness until we have accomplished the thing which the Lord hath commanded us.

Fri, Jan 12, 2024
Once we receive a commandment from God by personal revelation, we should endeaver to fulfill and obey that direction, even as did Nephi. There will be obstacles before us, for by this means God tests us to see if we will be faithful in keeping his commandments. By being open to his direction, we may be led, one step at a time, by God in order to fulfill his commands and gentle promptings. This is one of the methods that God uses in leading us to do his will. It requires us to be very open to God's gentile whisperings by the Spirit as we are led in this process.

Isaiah 28:13: "But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little;"

D&C 50:24 "That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

2 Nephi 28:30: "For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have."


1 Nephi 3:26-27
26 And it came to pass that we did flee before the servants of Laban, and we were obliged to leave behind our property, and it fell into the hands of Laban.

27 And it came to pass that we fled into the wilderness, and the servants of Laban did not overtake us, and we hid ourselves in the cavity of a rock.

Fri, Jan 12, 2024
There will be times when we are trying to keep the commandments of God, that there are obstacles in our way, or that it doesn't seem that we will be successful. Sometimes we expect how things would happen to be different than what is, and we wonder how God can still fulfill his will through us, his servants. We often don't know the process or manner that we should take in our actions, so we may need to drop our expectations, and just be open and believe we may still accomplish what God wants us to do. All along the way, we may confirm in our minds that we are being led by God, and that we are obedient to that point of our journey. We are pleasing God when we continue in faith and seek his direction in opening up the way.


1 Nephi 3:31
31 And after the angel had departed, Laman and Lemuel again began to murmur, saying: How is it possible that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty man, and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then why not us?

Fri, Jan 12, 2024
The disobedient wonder how the Lord can do something, for their perspective is only of this world. This does not develop the faith required to obey the Lord.


1 Nephi 4:6
6 And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.

Sat, Jan 13, 2024
This is how often the greatest revelations come--when we do not know beforehand what we should do, and rely entirely upon the Lord for guidance.

See also my note in 1 Nephi 3:7, repeated below:

134F11-134F25: "I then looked across the lake and saw a couple sitting on the bench where I usually pray. I immediately knew they were my Heavenly Parents! I received the prompting to come directly across the water on the lake to them, and to not walk around the lake on the path like I had come.

I then stood and walked to the shore, directly opposite them. I intended to walk in the air above the water, and then I actually did walk in the air above the water. I kept looking at my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the bench while I passed over the lake. Soon I was over the shore and continued to walk in the air above the ground, and I did! I came right in front of the bench where they were sitting, and then came on my knees in the air before them. I had to concentrate to keep myself in my course to them above the ground in the air. I transferred a thought to them that I had come before them according to their prompting. I waited.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad you obeyed our prompting and did not ask questions about how you could fulfill our will. Instead you were resourceful and just tried to obey, according to your best ability, and then it happened just as you intended. We like this initiative in following our directions and our commandments! This is the level of obedience we desire in our faithful children who hear our promptings, and are not sure how exactly to fulfill them.

1 Nephi 3:7-"And it came to pass that I Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

Nephi showed extraordinary faith in retrieving the records from Laban, even after his brothers were so discouraged and even beat him with a rod. The spirit of God led him how to proceed in each part of his journey.

1 Nephi 4:6-"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."

This faith and obedience allowed us, Nephi's Gods, to direct him in a journey where he ultimately obtained the brass plates and the servant of Laban, and returned with his brothers to the tent of their father in the wilderness.

In these last days, there will be many occasions for our elect to hear our voice of the Spirit, and not know how they will fulfill our commands. We want them to fully trust in our still small voice of the spirit, and like Nephi of old, be led to fully accomplish all the directions and commands we give them. We will lead our faithful and open servants in a step-by-step manner to be able to fulfill our will.

In these cases, it is so important to be open in your mind, and to be perceptive to any intimations that we might give in your thoughts. We will guide you by this our voice, in your unconscious mind, quietly yet assuredly. We will always give directions, in a progressive step-by-step manner, on the way we wish you, our servant, to fulfill our commandment.

Doubt not, and fear not, for we will lead you and the faithful along, and will never abandon you.

When the wicked priest of Elkenah rose up to slay Abram, we rescued him at the last moment and slew the priest and broke down the altar (see Abraham 1:15). The people also sought to take away Noah's life, but we were with him and protected him (see Moses 8:18). We will also protect you Raphael, and have preserved you even until now. Remember when you fell headlong down a loose rocky steep slope in the mountains, during a hike of a Fathers and Sons campout? You were fully protected by being turned over in the air and landing in a sitting position on the rocks. We protected you in that instance against severe injury. We have a mission for you to accomplish, and will be with you in every time of trouble.

When danger comes around you, or our commandments seem impossible to fulfill, then listen to our still small voice and we will guide you along, so you will be able to fulfill our will. Be believing!

D&C 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

What I speak to you, I also speak to our other faithful in these last days. You will all face times of decision whether to act in faith in keeping all of our commandments. These last days will provide many opportunities for us, your Gods, to watch how you consider and then fulfill our promptings.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents to be before me, and for the words of encouragement from my Heavenly Mother. I told her I would seek to always be diligent in following their still small voice."


1 Nephi 4:10
10 And it came to pass that I was constrained by the Spirit that I should kill Laban; but I said in my heart: Never at any time have I shed the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him.

Sat, Jan 13, 2024
Constrained or moved upon by the impressions of the Spirit of the Lord. Even in monumental events like this, God often speaks to our minds in a still, soft voice, so that we need to be very in tune to hear and feel his words.


1 Nephi 4:12-13
12 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me again: Slay him, for the Lord hath delivered him into thy hands;

13 Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.

Sat, Jan 13, 2024
Sometimes the Spirit tells us in words, not just promptings or gentle nudges, like occurred here to Nephi. I believe these words came into the mind of Nephi, in his thoughts, clearly. Sometimes the Spirit gives us clear promptings to follow directions that are counter to the previous commandments of God, as happened here. In all cases, we need to follow the current directions of the Spirit. It is best to confirm that those words or promptings are from God and not ourselves or any other source, and then to act in faith. This is why it is so very important to be familiar with the voice of the Spirit, so that when major decisions present themselves, that we are sure of our direction.


1 Nephi 4:15-16
15 Yea, and I also thought that they could not keep the commandments of the Lord according to the law of Moses, save they should have the law.

16 And I also knew that the law was engraven upon the plates of brass.

Sat, Jan 13, 2024
Often we reason out the 'whys' of obeying the voice of the Lord, particularly if it flies in the face of what is accepted in the society in which we live. This 'reasoning out' is a good thing and, if done with the Spirit, will lead us to obedience.


1 Nephi 5:8
8 And she spake, saying: Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath commanded my husband to flee into the wilderness; yea, and I also know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons, and delivered them out of the hands of Laban, and given them power whereby they could accomplish the thing which the Lord hath commanded them. And after this manner of language did she speak.

Sun, Mar 26, 2023
Almost always, even after we have received confirmations from the Spirit, our faith is tried. In this case, Sariah's faith was tested, but then confirmed when reality came and her sons returned with the miracle of having the plates of brass. Then she knew of a certainty. As we trust in faith, the confirmations of our spiritual promptings also will finally be realized by the unfolding of things and life.


1 Nephi 7:12
12 Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.

Mon, Jan 15, 2024
The Lord always can do whatever he desires to help in our trials here below.


1 Nephi 7:17-18
17 But it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound.

18 And it came to pass that when I had said these words, behold, the bands were loosed from off my hands and feet, and I stood before my brethren, and I spake unto them again.

Sun, Apr 16, 2023
The Lord is always with the faithful as he was with Nephi, and according to their faith will answer their prayers, sometimes in ways they think not.


1 Nephi 8:2
2 And it came to pass that while my father tarried in the wilderness he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I have dreamed a dream; or, in other words, I have seen a vision.

Tue, Jan 9, 2024
Having a dream, or being in a meditative state, is the same as seeing a vision. This tree of life vision, was therefore a vivid dream where Lehi felt he was walking and talking, seeing things on the other side of the veil.

82H2-82H8, from Heavenly Mother: "After I looked on her for a bit, she asked me to write her words she would speak to me:

'Raphael, it is now time again for you to act in the spirit of Elijah. We need you to deliver messages tonight to President Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and also to President Donald Trump of the United States. We will inspire you what to deliver tonight, after you retire to bed in your mortal body. You will appear to them both as a holy angel of God, while they, too, are asleep, in their dreams.

When we send you or another angel to appear to someone in their dreams, you go to them, to their unconscious state. You appear to them from the celestial realms, and in the case tonight, both recipients will be sleeping. They will see you in their telestial state, in their unconscious minds. To their mortal conscious minds, this will be like a dream since they will be able to fully remember the vision to their unconscious state, in their mortal conscious minds. It will be very real to them and they won't be able to dismiss it because they will know they experienced the vision in to a different realm above.

Because you come to them from a higher celestial glory, you will appear bright and with great power and authority, from the presence of God. This is how we intend you coming to them.

At other times, we may have you come to someone without your glory. You are able to retain this in your body but would still come to them from the celestial realms. You are able to adapt your glory as you appear, since you have a physical translated body and have this capability.

When our prophet, Lehi, said he dreamed a dream, or saw a vision, he meant that this was the same event:

1 Nephi 8:2

"And it came to pass that while my father tarried in the wilderness he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I have dreamed a dream; or, in other words, I have seen a vision."

Lehi had many dreams or visions, in which he was shown what would soon happen, and was also given directions to depart into the wilderness. These were very real to him and came to him while he was sleeping. To some, we reveal our words in dreams or visions, and to others in their quiet meditations during the day. All comes from us, their God. We use various means and ways to speak to our children on earth. Lehi needed a clear vision to know what to do and how to act. He was obedient to all we have revealed to him.

For you, Raphael, we normally speak to you in your prayers, while you write our words. Your connection with your unconscious mind is well developed, and therefore you may correctly write our words or thoughts, in your own language and your own words.

Lehi prayed in behalf of his people, and was shown great things in his unconscious mind. He saw a pillar of fire on the rock before him, and saw and heard much, all in the unconscious part of his mind (see 1 Nephi 1:5-6). When he returned home and cast himself on his bed, he was "overcome with the Spirit and the things which he had seen." He was then carried away in a vision, or he could be quickened in his spirit and transported in his spirit to our throne room in our holy temple (see 1 Nephi 1: 7-8). This was all done in his replicated spirit, while he was still lying on his bed on the earth.

We thus appear to selected individuals, or give them messages in various ways, in order to lead them and give them valuable truths from heaven. We have also led you Raphael, daily since I first came to you in your energy class in April 2013. We will also continue to reveal to you our will each day in the future as you come unto us in prayer.' "


1 Nephi 8:5-7
5 And it came to pass that I saw a man, and he was dressed in a white robe; and he came and stood before me.

6 And it came to pass that he spake unto me, and bade me follow him.

7 And it came to pass that as I followed him I beheld myself that I was in a dark and dreary waste.

Mon, Jan 15, 2024
The man in a white robe asked Lehi to follow him, and then he further led him into the dark and dreary waste that he was already in. This was not a messenger from heaven, for he led him into the world, into loneliness, into the dark, in the same state he had been in, but not to God or to more light. Once Lehi followed him he traveled for the space of many hours, and this man apparently abandoned Lehi, for he was alone for many hours traveling in darkness and in a dreary waste. 

Lehi only found the path to the tree of life once he humbly prayed to and petitioned God with all of his heart. He only then found direction to that which was true and from God. 

Lehi's drama shows how following another person (the man in a white robe: our religious or political leaders, trusted friends, neighbors, or family members) can lead us astray if we trust them without seeking confirmation from God. We need to find out for ourselves the truth through humble and sincere prayer, and then the path we should follow will open up to us from God, and not from man. If a man/woman inspires us to to come to what they say is more truth or to God, then we need to confirm what he/she is teaching us to do or believe. This is what Jesus taught us in JST Mark 9:40-48:

"40 Therefore, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; or if thy brother offend thee and confess not and forsake not, he shall be cut off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.

41 For it is better for thee to enter into life without thy brother, than for thee and thy brother to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

42 And again, if thy foot offend thee, cut it off; for he that is thy standard, by whom thou walkest, if he become a transgressor, he shall be cut off.

43 It is better for thee, to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched.

44 Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or not trusting another.

45 Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.

46 And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out.

47 It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God, with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

48 For it is better that thyself should be saved, than to be cast into hell with thy brother, where their worm dieth not, and where the fire is not quenched."


1 Nephi 8:8-9
8 And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies.

9 And it came to pass after I had prayed unto the Lord I beheld a large and spacious field.

Sun, Aug 3, 2014
It seems that the Lord waits for us to pray to him before he answers our desires and answers our prayers. We have to take the initiative.


1 Nephi 8:10-12
10 And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable to make one happy.

11 And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.

12 And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit.

See my notes in 1 Nephi 11:21-23.

55E25-55E34: "Heavenly Father then spoke to me. I will try to reconstruct what he said to me in my journal, now that he has stopped speaking:

'Raphael, we are pleased also to come to you in this lovely celestial place. We have showed you more of the fountain of living waters-its construction, operations, and details. This design is from us, not man. It will also be constructed by the power of God.

After drinking of this living water, you next went to our tree of life behind us to the west, and partook of the white fruit and of the leaf. When you chewed the leaf, you asked in your mind that we tutor you in the full control of your thoughts, as your Heavenly Mother said we would do for you.

Raphael, we will honor your request, and will tutor you this weekend. We have given you a help, which is the leaf of the tree of life. This will help in this training process as you chew and swallow the leaf with the thought of having us to tutor and train you.

The leaf will act as a training aid, much like the Liahona was to Lehi in the wilderness, or the Urim and Thummin was to Joseph in translating the Book of Mormon. For you, once we have trained you, and you learn, you will no longer need to associate the partaking of the leaf of the tree of life with training from us, for you will understand the full process. However, with the leaf you will much more quickly gain access to this skill of controlling your thoughts in ways you desire.

Raphael, the first step in controlling your thoughts is to be free of the expectations of others. There are so many of our children in mortality who have willingly subjugated themselves to the control of others, or to outside circumstances. They unknowingly have chosen to do so, because of the traditions of their fathers or the culture of the world around them. Had they possessed full control of their thoughts, they might have freed themselves from all this with their choice of thoughts. They are trapped in not knowing how to control their thoughts, but are carried about with every wind of doctrine and of the influence of others and of the world.

There is a filter that you have created around your own mind. This filter is created by your actions. You have diligently sought us, your God, twice daily in prayer. You have thought of us and our words to you by day and night. You have, of your own volition and choice, sought us above the world.

We in turn have revealed ourselves to you, gradually at first, but more and more as you have persisted. You have sought to become like us in how you see us act. You have sought Godly actions, repented of your foolish and worldly ways. You have aligned yourself with us more and more, especially over the past few years.

This effort to draw close to us has created a filter of sorts around your mind. You have layered more and more filters, making it stronger and more robust over your time of association with us.

This filter now operates like this: when you see someone, or a situation, or actions of others, these views enter through your mental filter. You can now see these views through objective eyes. You have learned gradually through seeking the good and praiseworthy in life, the truth about what you see through this filter. You have learned to see objectively, without emotion, the world around you. You see the situation more and more as we see it.

This view of life through the filter you have created over time is the second step to full control of your thoughts. The goal is to see life and things as they really are, and objectively without emotion. You may see lovely things or wicked things, all with an objective mind.

Once you see life through this filter, it is like seeing life through our eyes. This is only developed over time, and of your close association with us and our ways.

Once you objectively see things as they really are, we will next share with you how to consciously choose or select your thoughts about what you think about the situation you see. We will share this next process with you this weekend. You will then possess the keys of fully controlling your thoughts.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear direction and explanation this morning! If feel so blessed! I knew my prayer was ended. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, their wonderful Son."

91H3-91H11, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke to me:

'Raphael, I will address the question about the tree of life. R.S. is correct that this unique tree was created by our first parent Gods on their first creation for their first eternity. They used it precisely as we use it in our domain even today.

At the end of the conference of the gods, the new gods that attend are given a fruit of that tree to take back to their own creations they will begin. The tree of life at the beginning of each eternity, in our first God's residence at the center of the universe, created all fruit with seeds, like is common to fruit. These are given to the new gods so they may plant these fruits and grow their own tree of life. They usually plant it on their own inheritance on their resurrected celestial earth. When the time comes when they build their own celestial orb and the beginnings of their own galaxy, they bring a transplant from their own tree of life on their own celestial earth where they had originally planted the seed. This first tree of life transplant is a physical tree, brought into a spirit celestial creation, even before the celestial orb is resurrected. This celestial orb remains a spirit creation until it is resurrected as a glorious celestial orb. I will speak about this more.

The tree of life therefore is brought from the first creation of our first Gods. It is the plant that is always brought from the residence of our first Gods. It is altogether a miraculous tree, for it only has seeding fruit at the beginning of each eternity for the new couple gods. However, once on their own domain, it produces non-seeding fruit (no seed) so that it may continually be eaten, both the fruit and the leaf. It is a gift from the first Gods to every one of their posterity who become gods. It represents their great love for all their children in their great universe! When one partakes of the fruit of the tree of life, they are filled with this same love of God, from their first parent God. The leaves of this tree are for the healing of the souls of man and woman, another great gift from our first parent Gods!

This tree of life may be planted in physical or spirit creations, and works the same in each one. This is why it may be transplanted in the new spirit creation of the celestial orb of the new couple god.

The first celestial orb is always created spiritually before physically. We have explained this before. When the first Redeemer of the new couple god atones for the sins and weaknesses of all their children who will come to mortality, the celestial orb is created physically by the gods of that creation. This celestial orb then rises in the celestial resurrection along with the first Redeemer in that domain. The tree of life on that celestial orb is already in a physical resurrected state, so it is not resurrected again. The resurrection of the celestial orb applies to everything else that was created spiritually on that orb.

The gods all share freely their own creations with each other. We share these when we meet at the convention of the gods at the completion of each eternity. We have created some new plants on our own that we have brought and shared with the other gods.

However, all the other plants and animals we have brought to our own domain are from the worlds of the other gods. Most are from our own parent God's residence, but we have brought more also from the other gods.

When we bring a physical celestial plant or animal from another of the god's creations, these plants and animals are able to create a spirit offspring. We planted these spirit plants in our spirit celestial orb, and brought these spirit animals to that same creation. These were also brought in their spirit form to our first spiritually created earth, prior to its becoming physically created. These all came from the resurrected celestial plants and animals from other gods.

The earth was created physically, even before we bore the first physical man and woman on that earth (the Adam and Eve of that eternity). Once our earth was created spiritually, we then created it physically.

This was done as is revealed in Moses 3:6-9:

But I, the Lord God, spake, and there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

And I, the Lord God, formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the first flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created and made according to my words.

And I, the Lord God, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there I put the man whom I had formed.

And out of the ground made I, the Lord God, to grow every tree naturally, that is pleasant to the sight of man; and man could behold it. And it also became a living soul. For it was spiritual in the day that I created; for it remaineth in the sphere in which I, God, created it, yea, even all things which I prepared for the use of man; and man saw that it was good for food. And I, the Lord God, planted the tree of life also in the mist of the garden, and also the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

This scripture refers to the physical creation of the earth. It was created physically, in a telestial state when it was without form and void. Then it was populated with unique plants and animals to create the rich soils on its surface. When ready for Adam and Eve, we then planted a garden eastward in Eden. The earth then became elevated on its surface to a terrestrial state. Satan had already been cast into the earth, that portion remaining telestial. Your Heavenly Mother and I came and then bore Adam and Eve physically, for we had already birthed them in the spirit. They and all the creations on the earth were physical, but in a suspended state, in its terrestrial state. This was the paradise glory state of the earth. Once Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, of which we had commanded them not to eat, they fell and their bodies became mortal. All of the earth then also fell from its paradise state, and also then became mortal, or could die, decompose, etc.

The tree of life in the garden was subsequently removed from the Garden of Eden, and brought back into our celestial orb. It was resurrected and could never die.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer to the question on the tree of life. It is so fascinating! I thanked him for this revelation. I feel very enlightened by all of this new knowledge revealed to me from God."

See also my note in Revelation 22:2.


1 Nephi 8:21
21 And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood.

191I4-191I14, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke: 'Raphael, why do you think that I cannot inspire these open and humble elect with specific impressions to do the same thing, in preparing and walking to Zion?'

I looked upon her and spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, I am sorry to have doubted the visions I saw on these domed room walls! I know that with you and my Heavenly Father, all things are possible. I also know that you speak to my unconscious mind, even now, in clear words that I understand and write down. How then could I wonder that these your open, humble, and petitioning elect children couldn't be led to prepare and walk to Zion? Please forgive me for my doubting heart! Help me to be more believing and understanding.

Heavenly Mother smiled, and told me to look again upon the wall. I turned and looked. I saw then a short vision of this scripture:

1 Nephi 8:21, 24

"And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood.

...And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree."

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, there are many now upon the earth who will press forward in what we whisper to their hearts and minds, even as Nephi and Lehi saw in their vision of the tree of life. Remember, "mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts" (D&C 33:6).

Look again upon the wall!'

I looked and saw new individuals and families humbly praying to God, seeking to be led by the Spirit of God. I heard them pray that they would do whatever God inspires them to do.

I then saw the Holy Ghost, even from my Heavenly Mother, come upon them in a powerful way and speak to their unconscious minds. I saw them trying to discern her words, and then writing these in their journals. I saw that they pondered these impressions, and prayed more to God about them.

I then saw groups of like-minded people sharing their impressions and finding out they had similar feelings from their individual prayers. I saw the Spirit of God, angels, and other heavenly messengers whispering these same impressions to these humble elect mortal individuals and groups. I could tell these recipients understood and were deeply impressed.

Heavenly Mother turned and spoke again to me: 'Raphael, we are using our many celestial servants and our Spirit, to whisper the same message to our faithful elect. We desire to gather them, one at a time, and to as many as will listen and hearken, to our voice of the Spirit.

1 Nephi 19:15-16

"Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, then will he remember the covenants which he hath made to their fathers.

Yea, then will he remember the isles of the sea; yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel, will I gather in, saith the Lord, according to the words of the prophet Zenos, from the four quarters of the earth."

Now has begun the gathering of Israel, from all the ends of the earth. It will start in full force, even upon your promised land, with us gathering our elect who will hear and obey, to come by foot to Zion, the New Jerusalem. We are whispering this same message to all now, to prepare. Soon we will speak the message for them to come. Soon they will start coming and be guided by our light that will show them the way to travel.' "


1 Nephi 8:24
24 And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree.

Sun, Apr 16, 2023
To arrive at the tree of life, and partake of the fruit of the tree requires great diligence. This requires catching hold of the rod of iron, pressing forward, clinging to the rod (gospel principles), being diligent until they eventually come to the tree and partake of the fruit.


1 Nephi 8:25
25 And after they had partaken of the fruit of the tree they did cast their eyes about as if they were ashamed.

Sun, Apr 16, 2023
Part of the test of allegiance to God is to believe and hold fast to the truths of God received from the Spirit, even when ridiculed. Enduring shame is a true test of holding fast to the revelations of God.


1 Nephi 8:30
30 But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.

182C5-182C15: "I looked at each one, and then Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are still weak and yet you try consistently to come to us twice a day. Because of this, and because of your repentance, humility and openness, we come to you and you are brought into our presence. If our elect will do as you do, even though they might have big weaknesses of the flesh, we will accept them and come to them, even at their sides to support them. Isaiah spoke of our acceptance of the elect who are meek and lowly, humble and repentant, and who diligently come unto us:

Isaiah 1:16-20

"Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;

Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

Raphael, it is the overall effort in one's life of seeking to be righteous and becoming like our Son, Jesus Christ, by which we judge them. We see this behavior as being willing and obedient.

Nephi wrote this of these sorts of people, our elect, who made their way to the tree of life:

1 Nephi 8:30

"But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree."

Along the way to their goal of reaching the tree of life, these, our elect, stumbled and some fell. However, they got up and continued to press forth and were diligent in their daily effort to come to the tree of life. The rod of iron, even the gospel of Jesus Christ, was given to them by the voice of our Spirit in their trek. They hear our voice and keep our commandments. They will eventually be rewarded with eternal life.'

Heavenly Father then spoke to me. I turned my head and faced him: ''Raphael, we forgive you for your mistakes and weak behaviors, for you are not yet perfected. Keep pressing forth with diligence, and you will become the man of God we know you can and will be. What you do daily and repeatedly is the path you are pursuing in your life. We know your heart and intent, for we walk beside you daily and see your efforts in trying to become a holy and loving man. You are still called as our prophet and archangel Raphael, even though you may feel weak and occasionally stumble.

Nephi, our prophet of old, who was the son of Lehi, felt the way you do:

2 Nephi 4:15-19

"Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.

I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted."

Raphael, like Nephi, we have "been your support" and have "led you through (your) afflictions" (see verse 20 of above selection). We will continually be by your side and give you answers to your prayers, and abundant revelations. This is the same pattern we give to all of our children.Those who come unto us, and draw near to us, we will in turn draw near to them (D&C 88:63). We will lead and guide them in their lives, even as they are willing.

I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for coming and strengthening me this morning. I told them I would be diligent in obeying them and in following their counsel. I asked for strength to overcome my weaknesses."

July 28, 2024: In sacrament meeting brother Perry today spoke of this verse. He said that the tree represents the love of God, which was embodied by the person of Jesus Christ. So these people who "fell down", really fell down before Jesus Christ.


1 Nephi 9:3
3 Nevertheless, I have received a commandment of the Lord that I should make these plates, for the special purpose that there should be an account engraven of the ministry of my people.

Tue, Jan 16, 2024
We should make sure our journals have a place for sacred issues, of our dealings with the Lord, of our mission and our trials, how we coped with life. These should be saved to buoy up our posterity some day and perhaps for other purposes of the Lord.


1 Nephi 9:5-6
5 Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not.

6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen.

Tue, Jan 16, 2024
God will do his work, and we often are not aware of his entire plan. We may, however, feel the promptings of his Spirit to lead us. As we exercise faith in him, and in the still small voice, we will be led aright and be where we need to be. We need to remember too that God has all power, and we should not doubt, but be open and be led by the Spirit in our lives.


1 Nephi 10:17
17 And it came to pass after I, Nephi, having heard all the words of my father, concerning the things which he saw in a vision, and also the things which he spake by the power of the Holy Ghost, which power he received by faith on the Son of God—and the Son of God was the Messiah who should come—I, Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.

Tue, Jan 16, 2024
This is the first step to receiving revelation: have a desire to know and exercise faith in God to have it revealed to you.


1 Nephi 10:19
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

Tue, Jan 16, 2024
Here is the promise: for those who diligently seek, they shall find, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

131H4: "Jacob, in the Book of Mormon, said that the mysteries are unsearchable, and that no man knows of his ways except it be revealed unto him (see Jacob 4:8). This is how I feel. The mysteries are entirely unknown to me unless they are revealed to me, for I can't even begin to search them, for I wouldn't know what even to search or think about! So much of what I have already received I had no concept of until my mind was enlightened by my Heavenly Parents who revealed these truths to me. I am eternally grateful for these revelations of God!"

134H14-134H22: "You read in your family scripture study tonight about how the Lord softened Nephi's heart:

1 Nephi 2:16-"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

Nephi had an open and receptive heart, and was very diligent in inquiring of God about the words of his Father and what the prophets had written about. These are the key ingredients to becoming softened in his heart so that he believed the words of truth as spoken by his father Lehi. The condition of a softened heart may be described as full of faith, eager and believing of whatever we may say, and very open and receptive.

Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, on the other hand, said "We have not (inquired of the Lord), for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." (1 Nephi 15:9) They would not even attempt to ask of God to find answers to their questions. They were lacking faith, and had little or no desire to believe the words of their Father Lehi or Nephi, their younger brother. Therefore, they were described as hard-hearted. Nephi responded in 1 Nephi 15:11-"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? -If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

Our children come with softened hearts to earth, or with hardened hearts, and all conditions in between. All are alike to us, at first, and we respond equally to our children in all ages and at all times:

1 Nephi 10:19-"For he that diligently seeketh shall find, and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old, as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

Sometimes the scriptures talk of a softened heart as a believing heart. It is all the condition of the faithful. It requires a penitent attitude that we recognize in those with soft hearts and open minds. Only to those will we unfold our mysteries, a little here and a little there, and "none knoweth these things, save it be the penitent." (see Alma 26:2).

Those with hardened hearts, like Laman and Lemuel, come to earth and then when the natural man swells up inside of them, they want the things of the world more than the things of God. They make little or no effort in seeking to commune with us, their God. We still give them a prompting of our Spirit, but they are past feelings, as were Laman and Lemuel, as spoken by Nephi:

1 Nephi 17:45-"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you, yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken to you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Our elect sons and daughters have a soft heart, and open and receptive mind, and seek us diligently. When we speak to them quietly by our still small voice they hear us, love our words, and follow our promptings! We give them revelation upon revelation, unfolding to them our mysteries and truths that none of the hard-hearted can hear or know about. We lead them even to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and eventually back into our holy presence.

Raphael, before you is the vast Lake Beautiful. It is full of living water that is akin to the vast knowledge of truth we wish to reveal to each one of our faithful. We will do so line upon line, here a little and there a little, until all of our truths and revelations are known and understood by our faithful who continue to have softened hearts and open and receptive minds. Those who thus partake become our celestial couple gods in eternity, even as we are!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful message! I watched him turn and walk over the vast lake of living water. His light around him gradually dimmed and soon I could no longer see him. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed."


1 Nephi 11:1
1 For it came to pass after I had desired to know the things that my father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto me, as I sat pondering in mine heart I was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I never had before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot.

Wed, Jan 24, 2024
These are the steps to receiving revelation: desire to know, believing that the Lord can make them known, pondering in our hearts, then the Lord or his spirit will take over and reveal himself.

This experience of Nephi is akin to the experience of his father Lehi when he saw the fire on the rock and came home and had a vision. It is akin to myself having the experience of perceiving God the Father and Heavenly Mother on April 20, 2013. The experience is brought about by our desires and faith to know. The interaction with deity, as Nephi had here, is very exhilarating and sinks very deeply into the soul.

56C11-56C22: "I arrived at the tree of life, and plucked one of the fruits and a leaf. I then thought to immediately take these with me to the high mountaintop. I was instantly there, even though it was very far away.

I looked around and saw no vegetation, but rocky and sandy soil. I wondered if this was the same high mountaintop to where Nephi of old had been carried by the Spirit. I instantly knew it was the same mountaintop!

Here is what Nephi said:

1 Nephi 11:1 "For it came to pass after I had desired to know the things that my father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto me, as I sat pondering in mine heart I was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I never had before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot."

. . . I knelt on the ground on the mountaintop, and raised both hands high above my head, asking for Elohim to come. Then both of my Heavenly Parents came to me from the eastern skies. They were smiling. I looked into their faces, first my Heavenly Father and then my Heavenly Mother.

I said a few words, like apologizing that my prayer was interrupted, and how I wanted to get back to praying throughout the day. I said I thought of them often. I was hopeful to receive direction and instruction to increase my faith. I then waited upon them. I had my hands to my side in a cupped manner, with my forearms on my upper legs. I was still kneeling, and looking up at them.

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, we are glad that you have thought of us throughout the day. Sometimes in life, things happen that prevent a real connective prayer with us. Your attitude and desire are very important to us, your Heavenly Parents.

I want you to return to the 1 Nephi 11:1 verse, and we can take this as our scripture to learn how to increase your faith in us.

Nephi was caught up to this very ground on which you are kneeling today. He prepared himself well for his communication with God, by his desire to know for himself what his father Lehi had seen. He wasn't sure that the words his father spoke were true, but he greatly desired to know if they were true.

He believed that God could make the truth known to him. He wondered and pondered what his father said, and how God would show him that truth. He didn't have any expectation at all of how God would do so, but he believed that God could reveal to him the truth. Nephi had been taught since a child that God did live, and he was God's son. He believed that God was a revealer of truth. This belief in God and God's power to communicate to his child was an important foundation for Nephi to believe. Nephi hoped God would show him, somehow, that his father's words were true.

At that time, our Son Jesus Christ brought Nephi to this high mountaintop. He had judged the openness of Nephi's heart and mind, and his desire to know if his father's vision of the tree of life was true. That was sufficient for our Son Jesus to extend his power to Nephi and bring him here.

At that time I appeared to my son Nephi, as the Spirit of the Lord, as Nephi describes in verse 11. (R here: 1 Nephi 11:11- "And I said unto him: To know the interpretation thereof—for I spake unto him as a man speaketh; for I beheld that he was in the form of a man; yet nevertheless, I knew that it was the Spirit of the Lord; and he spake unto me as a man speaketh with another.") He saw that I was in the form of a man, and that I spoke to him as I am now speaking to you. However, I withheld my identity as his Heavenly Mother and he couldn't tell I was his Mother.

Once this same pattern from Nephi is followed by one of our children in mortality, they need to persist in approaching us, waiting upon God as you do in your prayers. We will extend our revelations and power to them in our own time and in our own way. Desire and belief then turn into assurance and knowledge and a communion with God in some way. We gradually reveal ourselves to our children, here a little and there a little, watching how they respond to what we reveal to them. In this way we lead our children, as fast as they are able and willing to receive. If they are obedient and continue seeking us in humility, we will continue to guide them. If they prove faithful, eventually they will be approved of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, for entrance into our Church of the Firstborn.'

I thanked Heavenly Mother for her clear and simple words on how we can develop faith in them, to eventually receive eternal life in their kingdom. It is all so clear and simple to my mind now."

Raphael was the very angel that appeared to Nephi, starting in 1 Nephi 1:14 through 1 Nephi 14:30. See my notes in 1 Nephi 11:21, 4th paragraph, which references 92E4.


1 Nephi 11:6
6 And when I had spoken these words, the Spirit cried with a loud voice, saying: Hosanna to the Lord, the most high God; for he is God over all the earth, yea, even above all. And blessed art thou, Nephi, because thou believest in the Son of the most high God; wherefore, thou shalt behold the things which thou hast desired.

Wed, Jan 24, 2024
Since this is the Holy Spirit speaking to Nephi, it is really the voice of Heavenly Mother. She referred to the "Lord, the most high God" who is really her husband Heavenly Father. She called him Lord as we all should do, for he is our Father. Then she referred to "the Son of the most high God" who is really her own beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We should refer to him as our God also, for he is the Son of God.


1 Nephi 11:11
11 And I said unto him: To know the interpretation thereof—for I spake unto him as a man speaketh; for I beheld that he was in the form of a man; yet nevertheless, I knew that it was the Spirit of the Lord; and he spake unto me as a man speaketh with another.

Wed, Jan 24, 2024
See my notes in 1 Nephi 11:1 where this is explained in detail.


1 Nephi 11:14
14 And it came to pass that I saw the heavens open; and an angel came down and stood before me; and he said unto me: Nephi, what beholdest thou?

Wed, Jan 24, 2024
See my notes in 1 Nephi 11:21 for the identity of this angel of God.


1 Nephi 11:16,26
16 And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God?

26 And the angel said unto me again: Look and behold the condescension of God!

Thu, Jan 25, 2024
From the 1828 Webster Dictionary: "CONDESCENSION, noun Voluntary descent from rank, dignity or just claims; relinquishment of strict right; submission to inferiors in granting requests or performing acts which strict justice does not require." The virgin Nephi saw was to be impregnated with by the Holy Ghost of the Son of the both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. These our Gods consdescended to the lowly state of a mortal in the telestial world and transferred to Mary the holy seed of Jesus Christ, the Son of these Gods. God surely condescended to a very lowly state, even accepting his great commission to be the Savior of mankind of his own free will. His Heavenly Mother also condescended to overshadow Mary in the flesh and transfered the physical holy seed within her. This great act of lowering themselves to introduce their Beloved Son into mortality was a great act of submission and condescension.


1 Nephi 11:18-20
18 And he said unto me: Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh.

19 And it came to pass that I beheld that she was carried away in the Spirit; and after she had been carried away in the Spirit for the space of a time the angel spake unto me, saying: Look!

20 And I looked and beheld the virgin again, bearing a child in her arms.

40D5-40D8, from Heavenly Mother: "Once Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. At that time, I too voluntarily removed myself. I went to an isolated location in the celestial world, where my resurrected body (flesh and spirit) would dwell. I would be separated from all my children, in my resurrected body, since my resurrected body would be located in that secret location.

However, I replicated my spirit, and did so many times. My spirit then became known as the Holy Ghost among mankind. All of my associations with my husband, your Heavenly Father, during this time, was in my spirit only. All of my workings with my children, whether premortal, or mortal, or post-mortal spirits, were with my spirit only. I was recognized as their Heavenly Mother except for those in mortality, who recognized me as the Holy Ghost.

When it was time for Mary, the mother of Jesus, to be overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, and to conceive the seed of Heavenly Father here is how it happened:

At that time, I came out of my isolation as a resurrected being. My husband, your Heavenly Father and I had relations, and I conceived in my resurrected body, the seed of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I then overshadowed Mary with my spirit, the Holy Ghost, and by the power of God, transferred to her that holy seed into her womb. Jesus then grew in her womb until the time of his birth.

Immediately after the transfer of the seed to Mary, my resurrected body went back into isolation. I went to the same secret location in the celestial world where I had been for four millennia. I continued my role among my children as the Holy Ghost."


1 Nephi 11:21-23
21 And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?

22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.

23 And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.

92E3-92E16, from Heavenly Mother: "1 Nephi 11:21-23

"And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?

And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.

And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul."

Raphael, you were the angel who appeared to Nephi on our high mountaintop in heaven, above my upper gardens! You spoke to him after I came as the Holy Ghost to him. You visited and instructed Nephi as recorded from 1 Nephi 11:14 to 1 Nephi 14:30. At that time, you did not realize that the tree of life actually came from our first parent Gods, from their original tree of life they created to share the love they possessed for all of their own posterity. This love of God is a very real tangible substance and, like light, it may truly shed itself abroad in the hearts of all the children of God, even of our first parent Gods.

Like light, love may come from one person to another. Our first parent Gods created love from elemental matter. It does not have an intelligence component, but, like light, it may beam across the particles of light matter from the very center of the universe, and beam itself to all the very outer reaches of every space in the great universe where light itself may go.

Most people consider love only as an emotion, felt in the heart mostly but also in the mind. This actual substance called love from our first parents, comes across the light matter from them, and sheds itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men. It penetrates the heart of every one of our children. This motivates and encourages each to act in more kindness, gentleness, consideration of others, and every godly virtue of thinking about oneself and others.

Even though our first Gods may send love from their very presence, their children may choose how they receive this love. Love is such a tender and gentle substance that it can easily be rejected or brushed aside. It will, however, keep coming and be abundantly present all around God's children, but they have to open up their own hearts to receive it.

Our first parents created the first tree of life in order to shed forth their love upon their children. They created the substance called love and then sent it up the very roots of the tree of life. Love then beams forth from their tree to all space. It is extremely abundant in the fruit of the tree of life.

All gods know how to create the substance called love from elemental matter. We too create love abundantly, and in the same way bring it forth through our tree of life trees, wherever they may have been planted.

This tree of life is always a resurrected celestial tree, and is a transmitter to all our children of our love that we abundantly create. We have chosen to have two Trees of Life in our New Jerusalem, as you have previously seen. Our love will emanate from these two trees to our entire millennial world. Love will come from us to our celestial center of the New Jerusalem, and literally shed itself abroad in the hearts of our elect. Our elect will accept love as it gently comes to them, and they will share this love by their actions to themselves and to others around them.

In our own galaxy, our love we continually create from elemental matter comes through us to our many Trees of Life in our domains. Our love comes from these trees to the entire myriad of celestial earths that surround our galaxy hub or center, and into our own glorious celestial orb. These Trees of Life are actually love transmitters to our vast domains. Wherever there is a tree of life, our love comes and is shed forth abroad upon all of our children.

We also focus more and more of the love of God upon our children who are receptive to our love. The more actions of love they produce, the more love we send to their hearts. Soon they have a vibrant channel of love flowing into them and from them. When combined with actions of love from themselves, they are filled with more love for themselves and for others around them. Others feel this abundant love flowing from them.

We also send more of our light with our love that is turned into actions of love. Light and love go hand in hand together, each also proceeding from us, their Heavenly Parents, and also from our first parent Gods. As we send forth our light abroad, we also send forth our love, for these always accompany each other.

When our love substance is received in the hearts of our children, they feel this increase of love as an emotion, both in their heart and mind. When our children are well practiced, they then turn this emotion into action. They then seek to bless themselves and others with more kindness and consideration. Love tempers all other emotions, bringing them into check and greatly enhancing their fruits of actions.

Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has been one who has abundantly received our love, even from the beginning. When we first chose him as an intelligence to be the Redeemer of this eternity, his very intelligence fully received our love and was particularly responsive. Our Beloved Son has continued to be filled with love, particularly for others of our children. This great quality has motivated him to act as a sinless sacrifice for sin, and qualified him as the great Redeemer of our children. We have utmost confidence in all his works, for they continue to be based on love.

Raphael, our holy angels also have an abundance of love for their fellowman. This receptivity to our love was the primary criteria for us choosing each of you, even from the beginning. As you grew in our premortal world, you all exhibited great actions of love towards your fellowman. We honored you by choosing you as our holy angels who would represent us and our Beloved Son to our many children.

To all our elect children, we encourage you to receive openly our love. Try to look around you beyond your own needs. There are so many in great need of your love and consideration! We desire you each to be our servants of sending forth actions of love to all peoples everywhere! As you do so, we will more abundantly shed forth our light and love upon you!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her amazing revelation on love! I feel so grateful for this new knowledge! I feel so very loved by her and Heavenly Father, in sharing their light and love of God with me!

I then saw my Heavenly Mother smile. I could feel her love coming from her into my heart, and actually all of my being too! She started to depart by backing up to the water's edge. Then she left my presence. I did, however, still feel her love coming into my heart.

I then felt that this communion with God was so very real, and I confirmed the truth of what I received. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."

93F11-93F15, from Heavenly Mother: "She then spoke:

'Raphael, I want to address the two questions you recently received about the tree of life.

Q1-When Heavenly Father had the tree of life removed from the Garden of Eden and taken to the celestial realms, was it later transported to the city of Enoch? Or was there a new tree of life created or a sapling from the celestial realms brought down and planted in the city of Enoch?

Q2-About the tree of life: Aren't there several in the celestial orb? It seems there is one near the celestial temple area, Enoch has one, and didn't you plant one as a sapling? Where did the sapling come from?

A-Raphael, the first tree of life was created by our first parent Gods in order to send out to all of their children their abundant love. The tree was the main transmitter of this love of God. The love also plainly came from our first Gods themselves, and still does, from their very beings.

As they ordained some of their children to become Gods also, they each were given a seeded fruit from this original tree of life. This they each planted in their celestial resurrected earth, in the land of their inheritance. From this tree they planted more trees of life on their own celestial orb they would someday create. We have followed this same pattern.

Our own original tree of life grows on our celestial planet earth where we were given a celestial inheritance. From this tree of life, we planted a seeded fruit next to our celestial temple in our celestial orb. This was our second tree of life.

We have planted various trees on our celestial orb and later transplanted them as we required for different eternities. When these were brought to the current earth of that eternity, during the Garden of Eden phase, they only remained in the terrestrial garden area until the fall of man. We then took them back to our celestial orb.

We have also brought one or two trees of life back to the earth in each eternity at the phase of the millennium of that earth. This is our current plan for your earth. We will have our angels bring both trees and transplant them in the New Jerusalem area, a celestial area. One is the sapling you transplanted from under the tree of life by our temple, and is now growing to the west of this tree. The other will come from Enoch's city.

The one from Enoch's city is the very tree of life we had first placed in the garden of Eden. When we brought it to our celestial orb, after the fall of man, it remained near our temple until we received the city of Enoch to ourselves. We then transplanted it there for the use of his people.

In the millennial day, we will have two trees of life in the New Jerusalem area. These trees will be visited more than they would have been in heaven. They will see heavy use as our elect come and partake of their fruit and leaves. This will be a glorious garden area which will house our temple, the two trees of life, and our fountain of living water. We look forward to coming there frequently and visiting with our children in this celestial realm on the earth.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer tonight! I was so pleased with this interesting revelation on the two trees of life that we will one day hove together on the earth."

94C23-94C25: "Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we will always be with you. We will have our Holy Ghost to be with you always on earth, who is the spirit of your Heavenly Mother. In heaven in our celestial world, we will both be with you in our very persons. Raphael, now place your hand on the trunk of this tree of life.'

I stood and came to the tree of life and placed my right hand on the trunk. I felt immediately a strong flow of something going through the trunk, upwards to its canopy above me. It was like a water pipe with water flowing through it.

Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, the flow of matter you felt in the trunk of the tree of life is love matter that comes up from the roots of the tree of life. We send our love through the tree of life abroad to all our children. From here the love of God is transmitted to the earth upon which you dwell. Come now and pluck a leaf and a fruit of this tree of life and eat these!'

I plucked a leaf and a white fruit. As I ate, I felt my being filling with the love of God, particularly from the white fruit. The love seemed to settle more fully into my heart area than anywhere else in my body.

I then thought of being on earth, in my side yard of my home where I had come this morning with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I had felt the light matter coming down from the sky. I looked again now and saw this same light matter coming to the earth together with the love of God. This was also tangible matter, or love matter. The love matter was finer and did not present like the tiny particles of light. Instead, love matter was a constant flow medium. I saw that the love accompanied the light matter when coming to the earth. I knew too that this love matter came from the tree of life before me in heaven, next to God's temple. I was there still, replicated and in my celestial translated being."

102D7-102D11: "Evening-I came tonight to the beautiful tree of life near God's temple. This tree has been in this place since our Heavenly Parents first created this celestial orb, and planted a fruited seed from their first parent God's own tree of life. All other trees of life that were transplanted to the various earths they created for their children came from the same tree of life near God's temple.

I came reverently to this amazing tree of life. I plucked of one of its fruits and a leaf. I then slipped off to the northern side and sat on a rock. I then ate the leaf and the fruit, thinking of to whom I could show more love. I thought of trying to act more pleasant, genuine, interested and service-oriented, particularly to my wife and loved ones. I thought also to have a clear and very cognitive mind, quick to remember, and also in tune spiritually to God and to other people. After eating of both, I felt clear and even transparent. I felt like I was slightly glowing too! I was now ready to approach God in prayer. I knelt next to the rock and faced the tree of life. I asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I watched and then saw some people around the tree of life. From the crowd, my Heavenly Father turned and motioned me to come to him. I came and stood next to him.

He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are correct that this tree of life has been here since our first eternity. It is a celestial resurrected tree of life and never dies. I have eaten of the fruit of this tree many times, as has your Heavenly Mother. We are, however, the ones from whom the love of God flows into this tree of life and all other trees in our own galaxy.

Each time you partake of the leaf and/ or the fruit, it is good to evaluate how you interact with others of our children around you, as well as with us, your God.'

At this time, one of the other people came next to us from the crowd. I immediately saw my Heavenly Mother! She kissed my Heavenly Father and then leaned over to me and kissed me on my cheek. I was thrilled to now have both of my Heavenly Parents before me!

Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we feel very happy to be here with you at our tree of life. There is an abundant flow of love all around here, emanating from our beautiful tree of life. This same feeling of intense love will be emanating from our trees of life in the millennial day on your earth. The love of God, from your Heavenly Father and I, flows into all these trees and fills our people and all our creations with this celestial love. Our temple square area in the future New Jerusalem will be the only celestial spot on the millennial earth. All the rest will be of a terrestrial order. That celestial area will be so filled with love and light that it will shine into space. It will be a wonderful experience for our children to come to this area, the New Jerusalem temple, the trees of life, and our fountain of living water. Celestial living water will come forth from this center place to fill and heal the earth. Eternally binding ordinances for our celestial children will occur in the temple. We will frequent this beautiful area, for it will be where the celestial sphere meets the physical earth, for all to see who are privileged to be admitted.

Raphael, you have recently felt healing energy coming from the palms of your hands. You feel this whenever your palms are pointed at a place on your body. Soon your hands and heart will start emitting light and love too. This will be at first only evident and felt by you. Then others may also feel it, all according to your intentions. We may control the amount of light and love that comes from us too, depending on our intentions for a given situation. Our normal resting state is to emit a great amount of light and love, without our intention to cover it up.

To attain more and more light and love, come to us frequently as you may absorb this from our personal beings. Secondly, come frequently to one of our trees of life and partake of the fruit and leaf. Take a fruit and a leaf, which is sufficient for one day. Thirdly, serve others, either according to our directions to you, or by your own desires to uplift and bless others around you.

We will continue to bless and guide you and all our children who diligently pursue this path to attain more light and love.'

I felt so happy to be with both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I expressed my love to them and the great enjoyment I had in being with them at this tree of life. I then started fading away, like my vision was ending. I next found myself in my recliner writing all of this down in my journal. I reread it and got ready for bed."

129E15-129E16: "I walked quickly on the path, with my right hand on the rod of iron. I soon came to the tree of life, and saw my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing near the trunk of that beautiful tree, under its canopy. I walked up to them and knelt before them! I looked up into their eternity eyes and their smiling faces. I felt very filled with their love and light! Heavenly Father reached out and plucked a fruit of the tree above us and Heavenly Mother reached and plucked a leaf. I took the fruit from Heavenly Father and ate, and then took the leaf from Heavenly Mother and ate. I felt strengthened and so much more confident!

Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you feel weakened in your resolve, or when you need a boost to maintain your heavy workload, come here to our beautiful tree of life and eat of this fruit and leaf again. You will be then strengthened and blessed to have our confidence and Spirit. You will then be able to do all we ask of you to do!'"

See also my notes in 1 Nephi 8:10-12 and Revelation 22:2.


1 Nephi 11:25-26
25 And it came to pass that I beheld that the rod of iron, which my father had seen, was the word of God, which led to the fountain of living waters, or to the tree of life; which waters are a representation of the love of God; and I also beheld that the tree of life was a representation of the love of God.

26 And the angel said unto me again: Look and behold the condescension of God!

59A13-59A19: "When he was done, Jesus dropped his right hand from my shoulder, and motioned me to proceed to the tree of life, on the path before me.

As I walked, I saw a gold path before me! It was still somewhat narrow (about 15-in wide), so it could only accompany one person at a time. I walked easily on this path to the tree of life. Its fruits were all ablaze with light, shining brightly! What a contrast with the night before when I could find only one lit fruit!

I then felt that the old path, and the old tree that I had seen last night was representing the old church, even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This new path and new tree represented the new Church of Christ, to be established again on the earth, with all the blessings of the Spirit of God to its members, in great abundance!

I was impressed with this beautiful yet simple straight gold path that led to the tree of life. A magnificent rod of iron also appeared next to the gold path, at waist-height on the right side of the path! I could easily walk and balance myself on the path without falling or slipping. The rod of iron led right to the tree of life to a point under the canopy where the gold path ended. I knew the rod of iron represented the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. This includes the principles of life he taught and his way of living.

When I arrived at the tree of life, I looked back from whence I came. I saw Jesus Christ in the distance, at the white gate. I saw him wave to me, smiling I thought. I saw the gold path that led from him to the tree by which I stood. I also saw the rod of iron extend from him to the tree, next to the gold path. I felt so protected and assured that I was in the right place.

I felt the tree of life now beckoning me to partake of its glorious white fruit! I turned and plucked a fruit near me. It was shining, brilliant white, more than I had ever noticed, and was glowing so brightly! I ate and savored the fruit. I felt it bring me joy and deep satisfaction-like I was finally home, home to God and very safe!

I plucked a leaf and saw another one growing immediately in its place. I ate the leaf I plucked and I felt healed from my head to my feet! I felt very complete and so happy.

I stayed under the canopy of the tree of life for some time, before moving to a place of prayer. I just basked in the bright light from the many glowing fruits from this amazing tree. It was like a Christmas tree with myriads of white lights-only so much more glorious!"

See also my notes in 2 Nephi 2:15.


1 Nephi 11:28
28 And I beheld that he went forth ministering unto the people, in power and great glory; and the multitudes were gathered together to hear him; and I beheld that they cast him out from among them.

Tue, Nov 9, 2021
Jesus had the great power of God, and yet the people cast him out from among them. He was no doubt excommunicated and rejected from the church and the people.


1 Nephi 11:31
31 And he spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Lamb of God going forth among the children of men. And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God; and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out.

Wed, Jan 17, 2024
Jesus' ministry was highlighted by his great power in healing the sick and afflicted. Yet the people and the church of his day cast him out and rejected him.

110D12-110D28: "Later-I received an email from my sister K who had some questions. I would like to ask these to my Heavenly Parents and, in turn, write down their answers in my journal as they come to me.

Q1: "Do you think it is true what M.S. said in his podcast 11 that all disease is caused by Satan? I thought it just came with the territory of living in a telestial fallen mortal world. Not so sure that it is inflicted by Satan and his followers. What are your thoughts?"

Here are the exact words from podcast 011 on 1 Nephi 11: at about 51:20 on the podcast. First he (M.S.) reads 1 Nephi 11:31 'And he spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Lamb of God going forth among the children of men. And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God: and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out.'

M.S. continues, "As we've taught in other places, except in one place that I can find, the casting out of devils and unclean spirits always precede the healing of the sick. The reason for that is taught by the early brethren of the restoration, is that the sicknesses and diseases that afflict mankind are caused by devils and unclean spirits. And that once you cast them out, you've already taken the first step, a mighty step, towards the healing of their diseases and afflictions. President Brigham Young taught this in the Journal of Discourses, vol. 4, page 133: He said there was a direct connection between evil and illness. You never felt a pain, an ache or felt disagreeable or uncomfortable in your bodies and minds but what an evil spirit was present, causing it. Do you realize that the ague, the fever, the chills, the severe pains in the head, the pleurisy or any pain in the system, from the crown of the head to the souls of the feet is put there by the devil? Do you not realize this? But I say little about this matter because I do not want you to realize it. When you have the rheumatism, do you realize the devil put that upon you? But you say, I got wet, I got cold, therefore I got the rheumatism. The spirits that afflict us and plant diseases in our bodies, pain in the system, and finally death have a control over us so far as the flesh is concerned."

A1: From Heavenly Mother: 'M.S. is our servant who gives many truths he has received by revelation and from scripture. However, there are many illnesses, conditions and weaknesses of the physical body that end up in disease or malfunctions in the mortal body without the influence of the adversary. There may also be some illnesses, whether physical, mental or emotional, that are caused by the body being possessed by evil spirits. When these are removed, the cause of these conditions is removed. When trying to correct the cause of disease, it is helpful to inquire of us, your Gods, who will give you the direction on how to correct the ailment and help return the one afflicted back to health.'

Q2: "Is the tree of life the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as mentioned in the Garden of Eden?" Moses 4:31 "I placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, cherubim and a flaming sword, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life." Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." See also Alma 42:5

A2 from R: The tree of life was eaten freely by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It wasn't until they ate of the new tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that they were not to eat of the tree of life again. Once they had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the fruit caused a change in their immortal bodies, making them mortal, or soon to be mortal. Had they eaten of the tree of life at that time, in their physical and newly fallen state (or falling state), they would have forever lived in their sins, having transgressed God's commandment and not having time to repent. The tree of life is not the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was made available to Adam and Eve once they became adults in the Garden of Eden. Heavenly Father introduced them to this new tree, saying that he forbid them to eat of it, lest they would surely die. He gave them their choice, however.

"Does the tree of life have 12 different kinds of fruit? Revelation 22:2 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." (speaking of the holy city, the New Jerusalem)." Later-This is a question that I don't know the answer to and I am hoping our Heavenly Parents will answer tonight!

I came to the grassy area just south of the white gate. I was impressed to kneel on the grass, which extended to my left and right. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited. To my left I saw a movement and saw my Heavenly Father signaling for me to arise and walk to him! He was next to a hedge of bushes and some taller trees. I stood and walked up to him. He was smiling and seemed eager to talk with me. He asked me in my thoughts to remain standing.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have asked you to come near these trees next to these bushes. They are two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. These trees are male and female so that they may produce fruit for our use. We planted the fruit of this tree in the terrestrial Garden of Eden on your earth once Adam and Eve were adults. They still lived with us in that paradisiacal state. When the fruit grew up to a tree, it was a fruiting tree, a female tree. We hand pollinated the blossoms from the male tree in our celestial world, that you see before you on the right (he pointed to that tree). The blossoms on the tree of knowledge of good and evil on earth became beautiful fruits on that tree. It was at that point that I introduced Adam and Eve to that tree, with my charge not to eat of the fruit lest they would surely die. Once they were deceived by Lucifer, they both ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit started a change in their immortal bodies, as you have correctly answered to your sister's question

I came again to visit Adam and Eve along with your Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. I asked Adam and Eve if they had eaten of the fruit of that tree. They both admitted that they did eat. I then asked our Beloved Son then to protect the tree of life from Adam and Eve, lest they again eat of that fruit and live forever in their sins. Adam and Eve had physical bodies of flesh and bones, which were now changing to mortal bodies due to partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They also began perceiving that the serpent really was possessed by Lucifer who lied to them, tricking them to eat. Eve was the first to partake and came to an awareness of the designs of the evil one. She also began to be enlightened by the Holy Ghost, your Heavenly Mother, that now that she had partaken, she would be cast out of the Garden of Eden, and Adam would be left alone as man in the garden. They would be forever separated. Heavenly Mother reasoned with her daughter to convince Adam to partake so that they could together bring forth the children of men and women on the earth, to experience mortality in a fallen world.

Eve convinced Adam, who had not yet been enlightened by the actions of the fruit. Once he ate, he and Eve realized too that they were naked, which they had never before realized. They hid when we came walking through our garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). I knew then, besides my gift of seeing all things, that they had both partaken of the fruit of the tree that I had commanded them not to eat. I had no choice but to drive them forth into the lone and dreary world outside of their terrestrial garden home. The outside world was telestial in nature.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me these two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. He said that if I ate of the fruit, now that I had been redeemed and brought again into his presence, it would have no detrimental effect on me. I asked if I could partake, and Heavenly Father reached out to the female tree, plucked a fruit and gave it to me. I ate, and it tasted sweet and very clarifying to my mind. The effects were like drinking of living water, but had substance and was sweeter. I ate the fruit to the pit. I then asked if I should plant the pit next to the other two trees.

Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, plant the pit of the fruit you have eaten where you are standing on the grass.' I planted the pit of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the grass. I easily dug a little hole in the grass with my hand. I covered it up and stood again before my Heavenly Father.

'Raphael, the pit you planted will become a new female tree of knowledge of good and evil. I will have you transplant this future sapling tree, with other people that you choose to help you, to your celestial earth. This will be during the time that we divide the earth into inheritances for the faithful couple Gods. The tree that you will plant will be the sapling tree of knowledge of good and evil. It will have twelve manners of fruits, which yield their fruit every month, and her leaves are for the healing of the nations. This was spoken by John the revelator in Revelation 22:2. The current version reads that this will be the tree of life, but it was mistakenly written in your Bible. It should read the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That tree will remain on the celestial earth forever, as a memorial to the celestial Gods who live there and who frequent there. The memorial will be that this fruit is what initiated the past mortal journey of their first parents, Adam and Eve.'

I was amazed at this revelation from my Father! I felt so blessed to have been here with him tonight and to have learned first hand the wonderful story of these beautiful trees. I am so pleased to have partaken of one of its fruits, and to have planted that pit where I was standing. I felt so privileged to one day in the future be able to transplant this sapling tree to the new celestial earth where we will have our inheritance.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for being with me tonight and for what he shared with me! He smiled and I came immediately into my mortal body, writing all of this down."


1 Nephi 11:35-36
35 And the multitude of the earth was gathered together; and I beheld that they were in a large and spacious building, like unto the building which my father saw. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Behold the world and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold the house of Israel hath gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

36 And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world; and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Thu, Jan 18, 2024
Those who gather to fight against Jesus and the true twelve apostles of the Lamb are those who are prideful and full of the "wisdom of the world". It will be the house of Israel who gathers together to fight against Jesus and the original twelve.

In a latter-day context, the house of Israel will also fight against the true doctrine of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. There will be a time when the LDS Church will be part of the large and spacious building, because of entangling alliances with the elite and the evil conspiracies of the world. There will also be great mists of darkness that will blind many people of the house of Israel, so that they will lose their way and fall away from the true tree of life, Jesus Christ, the Spirit, and the love of God. The church will then represent the wisdom of the world, and be supported by many of the house of Israel who are deceived, including some of the elect of God. These will be blinded by the mists of darkness, or the wiles of the devil, and fight against God and the truth. It is only through humbly petitioning God for direction, and holding onto the rod of iron, that the elect of God will be able to come to the knowlege of the truth, and ultimately arrive at the tree of life. 

48D1-48D7: "Last night I prayed in the gardens west of the tree of life, next to the river representing Jesus Christ. At the end of the prayer, I asked to see where this river went. I walked with Jesus who joined my prayer. We two walked westward from the tree of life and the garden. We soon came to a large rocky waterfall area. The water from the river went crashing down rocks into a large open hole in the ground. It reminded me of what I had pictured in the tree of life account in the Book of Mormon-with a gulf that separated those by the tree and those in the great and spacious building. It wasn't where I had pictured it in my mind before, however. It was at the end of the garden area, west of the tree of life.

Here are my questions: Q- Is this rocky waterfall, at the end of the river representing Jesus Christ, the same gulf that Lehi and Nephi saw, between the tree of life and the large and spacious building? A- Yes

Q- Is there a large and spacious building there now? A- No, for it has fallen, and great has been the fall thereof (see 1 Nephi 8:26 and 11:35-36). This great fall forebodes the fall of the current nations of the earth.

1 Nephi 8:26- "And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth."

1 Nephi 11:35-36- "And the multitude of the earth was gathered together; and I beheld that they were in a large and spacious building, like unto the building which my father saw. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Behold the world and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold the house of Israel hath gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world; and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

Celestial Temple Map

Q- What is now on the other side of this rocky waterfall area? A- It is a large and spacious field, similar to the one Lehi saw (see 1 Nephi 8:9). However, it is now in a different location than when Lehi saw it. It can be configured differently for the needs of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in showing his people different things in dreams, visions and visitations here.

1 Nephi 8:7-9- "And it came to pass that as I followed him I beheld myself that I was in a dark and dreary waste.

And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies.

And it came to pass after I had prayed unto the Lord I beheld a large and spacious field."


1 Nephi 12:14-15
14 And the angel said unto me: Behold thy seed, and also the seed of thy brethren.

15 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the people of my seed gathered together in multitudes against the seed of my brethren; and they were gathered together to battle.

175C8-175C17: "Look now with me into the eastern skies to see what is soon coming to your country and land!'

Heavenly Father then looked behind me. I turned and also looked where he looked. At first I saw blue skies and clouds. He then touched my eyes with his left hand so I could better see.

My eyes were then opened. I saw events soon coming upon my land of America, even as Nephi of old saw the vision of America's future in his day (see 1 Nephi chapters 12-14), even from this same high mountaintop where I had come a few moments ago.

I saw in the United States cities many riots brewing and lawless behavior of frenzied and devil-possessed men and women. They had been planning for this time of destruction around the time of the U.S. elections. They were fully armed and supplied with food and resources to wreak havoc in the land by destroying buildings, businesses, killing people without any cause, and being completely destructive in their behavior. I saw that they followed a general script in each city to cause great turmoil in their path of destruction. When confronted by opposing police or military, they engaged them and killed them with their automatic weapons in guerilla-like attack and hide behavior. I then saw the same gargoyle-looking creatures flying above them like Pastor Dana Coverstone saw in his dream (see my post 169G11-169G14). These I knew were evil spirits of Lucifer who were coming upon people and entering their bodies. It seemed they were everywhere so that the skies in these cities were full of Satan's hosts!

I saw great agitations in these places, and people were very lawless and ruthless, feeling they would not be brought into accountability for their actions. Others in the city were afraid and were escaping in their cars with what they had with them.

Heavenly Father then waved his hand in the air before us, and the scene changed into another vision. I saw foreign troops land on the east and west coasts in ships and large transport aircraft. They were marshaled for war, even bringing their tanks and military vehicles of all varieties. These came in great numbers, one wave after another, in preplanned and organized take over. These became occupying forces in the cities and more populated areas of the United States. They were well armed and very disciplined for war. I thought of the scripture I had recently read in D&C 87:4-5 where the slaves would be marshaled and disciplined for war. I felt that the leaders of these armies were in a secret association with the gangs in the inner cities that were wrecking and destroying property and killing people. I knew it was the governments behind these invading armies that were funding the BLM and antifa gang groups in the inner cities.

I saw the invading troops were intent on possessing all the land and quelling any resistance. They were not interested in destroying the people unless they resisted them. They wanted to become the complete government, and supplant the old US federal, state and county governments. They wanted the people to remain subservient to their takeover.

Heavenly Father then waived his hand again in the air before us. He turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, stay here with me today in your unconscious mind and I will show you multiple visions of the future of your society and land. I will reveal them to you in your conscious mind, even as I will, in the future.

It is now time for you to begin your mortal day on earth. Come again here this evening and I will be here with your replicated celestial being in my celestial sky near the high mountaintop.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for the two visions he showed me. I said I would do as I was instructed."


1 Nephi 12:17
17 And the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth the hearts of the children of men, and leadeth them away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost.

111C4-111C9: "Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we will have patience with you, for you spend most of your time in a false world of pretenses. Your neighborhood and community believe stories and imaginations that are made up and are not true. These are called the "vain imaginations and the pride of the children of men". (see 1 Nephi 12:18) In the vision that Nephi of old saw while on the the straight and narrow path leading to the tree of life, he saw mists of darkness:

1 Nephi 12:17 "And the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and harden the hearts of men, and leadeth them away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost."

The mists of darkness are very strong, even now in your day, in your community, even among the Latter-day Saints who profess to believe in us, their Gods! Satan has created a culture of make believe among them that is analogous to the mists of darkness, which truly blind the eyes of our people. There are many of the elect who are among them, who are being led into broad roads of false beliefs. If they do not question or they are not open to our gentle, peaceful reasonings and promptings, they must perish, for they are deceived. They say that I, the Holy Ghost, inspire them and that I have guided them to be led in some sensational story they weave that supports their false belief that:

"...All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them carefully down to hell. ...Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well! Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men (like that given by your son's Stake President), and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more! (at least no more from God, but from their fallen leaders) And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he fall. Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough! For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts and lend an ear unto my counsel (these are the truly humble, inquisitive and open of our people, for if they are steeped too much in the fables and doctrines of men and devils, they push aside our whisperings and cannot hear us!), for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receive I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." (I have taken away my presence, even of the presence and gift of the Holy Ghost from among those who profess to receive my Spirit!) (See 2 Nephi 28:21-30 inclusive)

Raphael, my son, I do not fault you for questioning your own revelations from us, for these are very counter to the culture that you live in. However, now is the time to fully accept these truths from us, wholly and with faith! You must make them your own, and no more pine over the fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! We have so many more glorious events we will reveal among men and women from the heavens, and a clean and fresh new Church of Christ that is soon to be reestablished on the earth. This church will be pure and holy, having my presence in abundance. It will not be riddled with the concepts and false beliefs of man or of devils!'

I bowed before my glorious Heavenly Mother who stood in majesty before me! I said I would no longer question my doubts, but have full faith in these things she and Father have shown to me in such clarity. Heavenly Mother then quickly departed, leaving me to ponder the truths of all I have seen and received directly from my Gods."


1 Nephi 13:5
5 And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a church which is most abominable above all other churches, which slayeth the saints of God, yea, and tortureth them and bindeth them down, and yoketh them with a yoke of iron, and bringeth them down into captivity.

Tue, Feb 22, 2022
The great and abominable church of the devil has been around for centuries. Under the guise of religion, many righteous people have been slain and persecuted. The angel called these saints.

In our day, this continues, but at the current time in a different manner. Unfortunately leaders of churches who are classed with the church of the devil bind and captivate mentally their members with false dogmas. These are akin to binding and torturing them in their views so that they will not inquire of themselves of God. Were they to ask of God, and have the courage to follow God's personal revelations to themselves, they would find themselves freed from their leaders and oppressors, for the truth would surely make them free (see John 8:32). The angel's words apply to these saints as well as former saints in centuries past. In this context, saint means sanctified by God because of their humility, meekness, and desire to follow God's revelations over that of mans or the current society or church they live in.


1 Nephi 13:7
7 And I also saw gold, and silver, and silks, and scarlets, and fine-twined linen, and all manner of precious clothing; and I saw many harlots.

Tue, Feb 22, 2022
Whenever there is extreme richness displayed, this is a sign that this is the church of the devil. Whether it be a gody cathedral, or a temple of any kind or a church, we need to carefully consider and pray whether this is approved and accepted of God.

In Revelation 13:7, John was shown that the beast made war with the saints, and to overcome them. In Revelation 17:6 the whore was drunken with the blood of the saints, with the martyrs of Jesus. This is referring to the same abominable church or whore of the entire earth. Her demise is described in Revelation 17:6-8. Her desires are for gold and silver, fine clothing, riches of all kinds, and the souls of men.


1 Nephi 13:7
7 And I also saw gold, and silver, and silks, and scarlets, and fine-twined linen, and all manner of precious clothing; and I saw many harlots.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
The whore spoken of in Revelations--money and praise are motives. The formation of this great and abominable church predates Columbus.


1 Nephi 13:8
8 And the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold the gold, and the silver, and the silks, and the scarlets, and the fine-twined linen, and the precious clothing, and the harlots, are the desires of this great and abominable church.

Tue, Feb 22, 2022
See Revelation 18:12-13.


1 Nephi 13:9
9 And also for the praise of the world do they destroy the saints of God, and bring them down into captivity.

Sun, Jul 17, 2022
Leaders of the churches need to beware how much they become aligned to the world, the evil culture of our society, the corrupt political views of the world- for if they do so they will exercise control, dominion and compulsion upon their members in unrighteous ways. These members will then be brought down into captivity and kept in darkness.


1 Nephi 13:26-27
26 And after they go forth by the hand of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, from the Jews unto the Gentiles, thou seest the formation of that great and abominable church, which is most abominable above all other churches; for behold, they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious; and also many covenants of the Lord have they taken away.

27 And all this have they done that they might pervert the right ways of the Lord, that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
The desires and intents of the church of the devil and all of its churches and organizations are to blind the eyes and hearts of the people into subjugation. This brings these subjects into captivity and control, which binds the people and keeps them from inquiring of God and having faith that they can receive revelation from God.


1 Nephi 13:26-28
26 And after they go forth by the hand of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, from the Jews unto the Gentiles, thou seest the formation of that great and abominable church, which is most abominable above all other churches; for behold, they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious; and also many covenants of the Lord have they taken away.

27 And all this have they done that they might pervert the right ways of the Lord, that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men.

28 Wherefore, thou seest that after the book hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church, that there are many plain and precious things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
The great and abominable church (whore) started after Apostles died (see also D&C 86:3).


1 Nephi 13:30
30 Nevertheless, thou beholdest that the Gentiles who have gone forth out of captivity, and have been lifted up by the power of God above all other nations, upon the face of the land which is choice above all other lands, which is the land that the Lord God hath covenanted with thy father that his seed should have for the land of their inheritance; wherefore, thou seest that the Lord God will not suffer that the Gentiles will utterly destroy the mixture of thy seed, which are among thy brethren.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024
The mixture of Nephi's seed are mingled with the seed of Nephi's bothers, whom we call the Lamanites. In our day they are indistinguishable.


1 Nephi 13:37
37 And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.

Sun, Jan 21, 2024
The way Zion will be established is by the humble and meek who are led by personal revelation from God to do so. These will be greatly blessed. They will be among the first ones to establish Zion. Their feet will be figuratively beautiful on the mountains of Israel, or upon the mountain island of the New Jerusalem. These will become inhabitants of the terrestrial realm and world, and will dwell in Zion.

189C16-189C27: "In many ways, we are enduring in patience and faith. If we hold out faithful to the end, we shall inherit Zion, and ultimately eternal life:

1 Nephi 13:37

"And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be."

I, for one, am determined to endure unto the end!

I then lifted up my eyes to the red sky above the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my request. The red sky parted, and a glorious beam of white light with blue skies opened up to my view! The light shone upon the lake and she asked me to come to her.

I quickly stood and intended to move to a kneeling position in front of her. I was then quickly there, and looked up into her bright face and sparkling eyes.

She spoke to my unconscious mind:

'Raphael, if you endure all things, and continue to come to us and obey our commandments, you will surely enter Zion. In the end, you will have eternal life with all the faithful saints who have endured to the end.

Along the way, we strengthen and encourage every one of our elect. We want them to continue to have faith and not be discouraged in their efforts to progress and endure.

In our estimation, "endure to the end" does not mean just hanging on. Instead, it embodies growth and progression, and a greater measure of our Spirit to enlighten their minds. Endurance means to grow, one step at a time, even by grace for grace. Endurance demonstrates to us the determination of their souls, and the inner desire to never give up. It requires our son or daughter to make available a good part of their lives in putting us first and dropping earthly concerns. Another synonym for endurance is feasting upon the word of God, and pressing forward in consistent faith and good works (2 Nephi 31:20).

We will reward our faithful saints, our righteous elect, with more revelation and truth, and continually more and more enlightenment. In such an upward growth state, our elect will be continually filled and spiritually fed. They will have deep reservoirs of spiritual nourishment and abiding peace. They will feel satisfied, and possess an ever binding level of confidence, trust and faith in us, their Gods. This is the "well of water springing up unto everlasting life" (see John 4:14).

Those who are unacquainted with the fruits of the Spirit, and who have rejected our gentle promptings, know no part of the meaning of enduring to the end, for it seems foolish to them. They can't understand how faithful Christians maintain their peace and happiness, even in the midst of difficult circumstances and trials. None of the princes of your fallen world know this, for they have succumbed to the natural man, and cannot know these things (see 1 Corinthians 2:8,14).

Raphael, we will surely lead our open and humble followers, even as fast as they wish to receive and conform their lives to our desires. We will always lead them into life eternal, by the gospel standards and truths we reveal and confirm to their souls.'

My Heavenly Mother then rose upwards into her glorious higher celestial realm. I watched until the red sky closed up again and she was gone. I then came back to my private setting at home, and closed my prayer."


1 Nephi 13:39
39 And after it had come forth unto them I beheld other books, which came forth by the power of the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto them, unto the convincing of the Gentiles and the remnant of the seed of my brethren, and also the Jews who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, that the records of the prophets and of the twelve apostles of the Lamb are true.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024
This has reference to the dead sea scrolls, and the great volume of buried and/or sealed records that have come after the Book of Mormon, and are still coming forth from the dust, by way of the Gentiles. This started in 1947 with the discoveries of discoveries texts at Qumran and Nag Hammadi. Many of these records testify of the truths of the Bible, and of the precious things that have been removed by evil transcribers of the original records. See 1 Nephi 13:40.


1 Nephi 13:40
40 And the angel spake unto me, saying: These last records, which thou hast seen among the Gentiles, shall establish the truth of the first, which are of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, and shall make known the plain and precious things which have been taken away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father, and the Savior of the world; and that all men must come unto him, or they cannot be saved.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024
These last records, starting in 1947, contain plain and precious doctrines that were previously taken out of the Bible records. These doctrines include premortal grand council in heaven, the calling of Jehovah, temple rituals, and more.


1 Nephi 14:1
1 And it shall come to pass, that if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks

Sun, Jul 14, 2024
The Gentiles are those who dwell in the nations of the United States and Canada, many of whom are in the LDS and Christian Churches. Jesus Christ will give them revelation if they hearken to him, and help them understand these truths, clearing up their stumbling blocks.

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, will give the halt, the humble and the meek who come unto him revelations. These revelations will take away the stumbling blocks, or the gaps in understanding of the scriptures and the doctrines of God.

This amazing chapter refers to our day, after the Book of Mormon comes forth, after the LDS Church is well established, after the Gentiles are in power in America, and when a new church, the "Church of the Lamb of God" (see verse 10) in millions of numbers is formed. The Father will have chosen his elect, across all of the earth, and gathered them into spiritual garners. These are those in this church of the Lamb, which is really not a church like we think of one, but a group of people who are humble and follow God's promptings.

See D&C 10:64-69 for a definition of Christ's church, given by Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith (he identifies himself in a previous verse 10:57: "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I came unto mine own, and mine own received me not."). R's words in brackets below: 

"Therefore, I will unfold unto them this great mystery [note that this is a great mystery, about the identity of this church of the Lamb that he will describe];

For, behold, I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts [this is similar verbiage as 1 Nephi 14:1; "if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day"];

Yea, if they will come, they may, and partake of the waters of life freely.

Behold, this is my doctrine—whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church. [This is the same church as spoken of by the angel in 1 Nephi 14:10 as the church of Lamb of God.]

Whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me; therefore he is not of my church. [The words "against me" are similar to what the angel said in 1 Nephi 14:10: "Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth." The church of the devil is "against me", or against Jesus Christ.]

And now, behold, whosoever is of my church, and endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them."

Compare this chapter with Micah chapters 4 and 5, which describes the same events differently. Micah 4:5-10: "For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, [this describes well our Gentile nation and world] and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.

In that day, saith the Lord, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; [a large number of these are the illegal immigrants coming across the southern border of the United States in huge numbers.]

And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.

And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. [the kingdom is the true church of the Lamb of God.]

Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail. [The cry and pangs are those without a home, or the refugees, or mostly the illegal aliens that are extremely poor without possession, who now inhabit much of America.]

Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon [among the Gentiles in the United States]; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies."

This last verse describes how Jesus Christ will gather his elect who are halt and driven out. These are the humble and meek, those whom he accepts into his church of the Lamb of God.

See also Micah 5:3 "Therefore will he [Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, previous verse] give them [the halt, the humble, the elect] up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. [The remnant of his brethren are also called remnant in the Book of Mormon by Jesus Christ: 3 Nephi 16:4 "the remnant of their seed" and 3 Nephi 21:2 "remnant of the house of Jacob".]


1 Nephi 14:2
2 And harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father; yea, they shall be numbered among the house of Israel; and they shall be a blessed people upon the promised land forever; they shall be no more brought down into captivity; and the house of Israel shall no more be confounded.

Wed, Jan 31, 2024
Those who receive revelation and cherish it above the religions of man, are called the elect. These will be numbered among the house of Israel, for they will be soon led to the New Jerusalem and into the terrestrial world. They will be blessed in the promised land during the millennial day. The telestial world they depart will be destroyed, but they will dwell upon the promised land forever, even upon the terrestrial earth during the millennium. These are those chosen of the Father to transition into the terrestrial millennium. 

The last line of this verse "and the House of Israel shall no more be confounded" means that there will be major shift for all of the House of Israel in these last days. These will be led, as many as will hearken the Jesus Christ, to new concepts and understandings, to the taking away of their stumbling blocks, and to eventually being led to Zion, the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial earth.


1 Nephi 14:3
3 And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell—yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end.

Thu, Dec 21, 2023
This is the demise of great and abominable church of the devil (also called the whore of the earth): all who follow the devil and the creeds of this church (and it's multitudinous organizations) shall be destroyed in the pit they digged to destroy the elect of God. Those people who laid out these plans to destroy the elect will be those who ultimately fall prey to their own traps. Their destruction will be in their physical death, and being propelled into the telestial spirit world of the dead.

165H30-31, from Heavenly Mother: "The great pit spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:3 consists of the sinister and evil plans of conspiring men and women, organizations, industries, armies, and governments to entrap and enslave the people.

These have all been inspired and directed by Satan, for he has led those who laid those evil plans with thoughts of greater power, wealth and control over the masses. This great evil will be turned upon those who planned it, and they will fall by the trickery and captivity of the devil, both temporally and spiritually. Those who work wickedness will be destroyed, and their spirits will be cast down to dark spirit places of the dead where they will be spiritually held captive."


1 Nephi 14:5-6
5 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be well with them; and thou also knowest concerning the covenants of the Lord unto the house of Israel; and thou also hast heard that whoso repenteth not must perish.

6 Therefore, wo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God.

Wed, Jan 31, 2024
The angel is talking to Nephi about our very day, about us who are Gentiles, among a gentile nation. Those who repent and are chosen of the Father, will be numbered among the House of Israel. They are then brought into the church of the Lamb of God (those who repent and are chosen of the Father, gathered into safe garners, see D&C 10:67-68) whose behavior is one of being humble and repenting. Those who do not repent will be burned with fire along with the telestial physical earth.

The covenant with Israel in the last days is defined by Jeremiah, see Jeremiah 31:33-34. This covenant is that each elect individual will have God's will in their mind and heart. They will follow the promptings from the Spirit above their own will.

See also D&C 10:65, which says those of this church of the Lamb don't harden their hearts, but repent, and follow the directions of God. These are those he considers to be members of God's church. 

There will be many LDS people who think that they are members of God's church, where in reality they aren't members of the church that Christ defined in D&C 10:55. These LDS individuals won't humble themselves, they won't repent, and they won't listen to revelation from the Holy Ghost. These are those classed as foolish virgins, for they have NOT "received the truth, and have [NOT] taken the Holy Spirit for their guide" (D&C 45:56-57). They will be greatly deceived, hewn down and cast into the fire. Nephi says wo unto these Gentiles, for they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God.

The importance of repenting and not hardening one's heart in these days is reiterated by Jesus in 3 Ne 21:11: "Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant." This is the same message of 1 Ne 14:5-6.


1 Nephi 14:7
7 For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other—either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken.

Sun, Jul 14, 2024
The Book of Mormon is one of the eternal works of the Father. It will be the work read and seen by mankind that will help convince them of peace and life eternal. Those who reject this book will become more hardened and blind. 

This great and marvelous work of the Father is everlasting, even lasting into the eternities. The work of the Father is fulfilled in the establishment of the Church of the Firstborn, for this is eternal and will never be removed throughout eternity. 

The gathering of the elect is also a major step to the eternal life of those chosen by the Father. The LDS Church is telestial, and as such will be dissolved, and will end. It will be replaced by the terrestrial Church of Christ, with priesthood keys conferred to new leaders by Joseph Smith the prophet who initially received them. Some of the ordinances, such as baptism and priesthood ordinations in the LDS Church, and those done in the millennial Church of Christ are eternal and will remain. The ordinances of the celestial church are also all everlasting, and will last into eternity forever.

If the people repent and humble themselves before God, they will progress and ultimately receive life eternal. If they don't repent, but continue in their blindness and unbelief, they will be thrust down to captivity and destruction. They will not transition into the millennium and not receive the eternal ordinances that those who are elected into the Church of the Firstborn will receive. 

Those who are members of the church of the Lamb, or the elect of God, will be saved temporally into the terrestrial millennial world. It will be a great day for them!

Those of the church of the devil will die spiritually as well as temporally or physically. This means that they will die as the telestial mortal realm on the earth is shed from Mother Earth at the fiery coming of Jesus Christ. They will die in the fire of this telestial destruction, and it will be a dreadful day for them. 

165G23-24, From Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, the marvelous work among the children of men spoken of by Nephi above refers in part to the great protection and strength that we have now shielded our elect with, that we have just recently revealed to you. This holy work will preserve the righteous and bring them into the great millennial day!

However, for the wicked, they will be subjugated, both temporally and spiritually, to the captivity of the devil. These will ultimately all be cleansed from the earth, making way for a happier and peaceful terrestrial world ahead.'"


1 Nephi 14:10-11
10 And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.

11 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters; and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

Thu, Feb 1, 2024
This is the definition of the great and abominable church-to be the whore of all the earth who has world dominion among all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples.

The members of the Church of the Lamb are those elect of God, those chosen by the Father. In Nephi's words, these are members of the Church of the Lamb, scattered abroad on the earth. These are the elect of God, chosen to be his church members according to the definition in D&C 10:67-68 (see also Pres Benson's talk of Oct 1989 "A Mighty Change of Heart", paragraphs 2-3). They belong to all sorts of churches or to no church, and they will become the humble followers of Jesus Christ. They are now identified, and many have not yet been fully tested to follow the Spirit or not. These are they who are terrestrial or celestial, and who will go forth into the terrestrial world and live in Zion. None of these are telestial in nature, for these telestial will be physically destroyed in the fire of the second coming, whose spirits will move into telestial spirit prison for the duration of the millennium. 

These mortals who are saved into the terrestrial millennial day will be caught up to Jesus Christ when he comes in glory at his second coming. These elect will also be candidates for celestial glory once Jesus Christ proves them further. Some of them will be later admitted into the Church of the Firstborn, the celestial church.


1 Nephi 14:12
12 And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
The Father has chosen his elect, those who are gathered into the spiritual garners. These will go into the terrestrial millennial world. Jesus Christ defines these as those of his church of the Lamb, even though they haven't all been baptized. See D&C 10:67 for Christ's definition of his church. The saints of God are those whom the Father chooses to be gathered into the Church of the Lamb, and are not necessarily the latter day saints. A saint is one who is (or soon will be) sanctified by Jesus Christ. See my notes in Mosiah 3:19 on God's definition of a saint. These are those who will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air at his second coming. 

At the time of this vision in the future, the LDS church was not classed as the Church of the Lamb, so it must be classed, according to Nephi, with the Church of the devil. 

Of the members of the Church of the Lamb, those further elected to become members of the Church of the Firstborn are relatively few. Jesus Christ qualifies them and elects them into his celestial church after trying and proving them. These will have forsaken the world for a better world. All others who are not elected by the Father are associated with the world, or the great and abominable church of the devil. 

10-12-2023, about 11 pm in evening prayer, from R: "Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came and asked me to raise the sword of Raphael above my head. They then replicated me the celestial realm to be next to each of the elect of God in mortality. This action removed any evil spirits from these elect individuals, gave them added angelic guidance, and higher access to God's Holy Spirit, and protected them for these days of vengeance which are now upon the earth. This presence of Raphael will remain with them until their entry until into the mortal terrestrial world. 

Raphael will be able to detect this additional light coming from the sword of Raphael, in his prayer and meditation from God, on any individual that may so be protected."

165H9-165H21, From Heavenly Father: "He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I will show you what Nephi saw when Heavenly Mother (the Holy Spirit in 1 Nephi 11:1-12) and the angel appeared to him and interpreted what he saw.'

I then saw one of the very scenes where Nephi described the saints of the Church of the Lamb. I immediately recognized this group as the elect of God, for I saw they each possessed the corona flame of Heavenly Mother to an intensity of about 8-9 inches coming out of their physical bodies. I saw that this fire protected them from the pandemic upon all the face of the earth, and other dangers that might come their way. When they contracted these viruses, the coronavirus being the first of several, the flame increased and destroyed the invading virus.

I also saw that these "saints" were really the elect of God, [many of] who[m] would one day in their future enter into the Church of the Firstborn. This is what Nephi meant by the church of the Lamb in 1 Nephi 14:14. Not only did they have the power of God in the corona fire, but they had great protection from unseen individuals, who consisted of me, Raphael, with my sword unsheathed in the celestial realms, various other holy angels and celestial servants coming frequently from the presence of God on assignment, a host of future progenitors from the premortal world who were also guardians, a host of righteous ancestor guardian spirits who came from the terrestrial realm, and the 144,000 who ministered in the terrestrial realms, and the Refugees of Lucifer who would occasionally minister to them when they would be brought to Lake Beautiful to be encouraged and buoyed up. I saw that these elect of God were also able to commune directly with Jesus, Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, were they to humbly and openly petition their Gods.

This entire group of the elect of God were truly "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." (1 Nephi 14:14) I saw that Satan could not get at them much, so he caused those in his church of the devil (see 1 Nephi 14:10), which consisted of governments, organizations, industries, armies and people to fight against these chosen elect and against the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ.

I saw one more scene in the eastern skies, and that was that those of the lost tribes of Israel, in the inner earth were preparing their boats with provisions to soon come out to the northern oceans.

This was also seen by Nephi in 1 Nephi 14:17.

".….at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, after the destruction that is coming upon your land in the latter end of this year and next, we will then inspire these tribes of Israel to start their trek next year, in 2021, to the outer earth. Our servants John and S will both be with them in their journey, eventually coming to the New Jerusalem. They will come after your own country is invaded by foreign troops who destroy many of the wicked in your own land of America. These tribes of Israel will come upon the outer earth armed with a similar power of God as those elect living on the outer earth.

Then shall the scripture in D&C 133:26-29 be fulfilled when these lost tribes of Israel will make their grand appearance in the north countries:

D&C 133:26-

"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

And in the barren desserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land."'

I then saw this large group of Israel coming out upon the Arctic Ocean, and traveling by boat to the northernmost shores on the land. They then traveled by foot southward, and were fully sustained by the provisions they brought and by the protection God gave to them.

When they were attacked, or attempted by evil powers to be destroyed, these enemies became a prey to them. Thus they were protected along their journey and sustained, even until they reached the New Jerusalem that would be started in its construction. Their arrival would greatly strengthen and speed up the building of that holy city.

Heavenly Father then directly looked upon me, turning from the scene that we had been viewing in the eastern skies:

'Raphael, the timing of all the events coming quickly upon your earth is all coordinated by us, your Gods. We see the end from the beginning. We are employing all of our righteous children in our great effort to bring about the promised millennial day. This is our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21) in these last days of great change and transition.'

I deeply thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations this morning. I thanked him to have fully answered my questions. I said I felt very humbled to have part in this great effort in helping protect and save the elect from Satan and his powers."


1 Nephi 14:13
13 And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.

Sun, Jul 23, 2023
The Whore will fight against Christ and the elect of God. If any of the telestial churches or earthly organizations get in the way, God will make way for the escape for his elect. He will bring them forth out of their individual obscurity and darkness into his light, or revelation. He will carefully lead each one of his elect, even as they follow his guidance through the difficulties of their lives.


1 Nephi 14:14
14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

Sun, Apr 28, 2024
The Lord will protect the Saints, and arm them with righteousness, and bring them to the true millennial Church of Christ, with power and great glory. The Saints, who are the elect of God, chosen by the Father, will call down the powers of heaven, using their faith and those who have active priesthood power, and be able to access personal protection with the powers of God. God knows his elect, and has power to lead each one faithfully to Zion, even as calves of the stall. The elect of God are already gathered into the garners, according to the parable of the wheat and tares. 

Updated 10-15-2023: On Thursday, 10-12 of this week, Raphael raised his sword of Raphael high above his head, next to each of the elect on the earth. Raphael was replicated by the power of God to every one of the elect. This action protected each of the elect, those who were chosen of God to enter into the terrestrial world of the millennium. This event will also drive away Satan and his hosts from them, and will give each additional light and guidance of the angels and the Holy Ghost.

Today at sacrament meeting, I felt that at some near future time, God will command Raphael to lower his sword, which exudes bright lightning, onto the heads of the elect. At that time they will each be empowered with power and great glory, even as Nephi foresaw in this scripture. See also verse 1 of this chapter 14-- God will take away their stumbling blocks at this time, in word, power and very deed: ". . . in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them (the elect) in word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks".

100A11-100A13: "This is now the day of revealing our gifts to our faithful leaders in these last days. These will be our vanguard group to begin to do more and more of our work among the elect of our people. We will give abundant gifts to all our humble and faithful followers who are now in mortality. They will receive visions and deep spiritual impressions of what their role and missions will be. We will confirm all by our Spirit to their soul. This will be a day of great awakening, arming our righteous with the power of God and the gifts of God!

See 1 Nephi 14:14, 17

This day spoken of by Nephi in this scripture is now! The arming of righteousness of the covenant people means the bestowing of these great gifts of God, and an understanding of the missions of this elect vanguard group.

Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to make you aware of how the power of God will descend upon these righteous saints, in preparing the way for our great work and act.'"

44H7-44H12. "Then, this morning in my prayer, I went back to the granite cliff area. When I prayed to Elohim, my Heavenly Parents both came. I had listened to a podcast last night from M.S. (053, the Tip of the Spear). I was pondering over 1 Nephi 14:14, where Nephi talks about the church of the Lamb of God ("And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.").

M.S. had come to my previous same conclusion, that the church of the Lamb was the Church of the Firstborn, not the current LDS Church. However, he also talked about an Aaronic and a Melchizedek portion of the church. Here are my questions:

Q- In 1 Nephi 14:14, where Nephi says that he saw the church of the Lamb, whose numbers were few, and dominions small (verse 12), being armed with power and great glory-is this referring to the mortal angels and the 144,000 who are now awakening? Are these the heirs of the Church of the Firstborn? A- Yes! This is what M.S. describes as a group among the elect of God who are being sent to rescue the elect of God. These also will cleanse the world. [Many of ] These are the heirs of the Church of the Firstborn. Currently, there are no actual members in this church among God's children save Jesus, until the waters of separation ordinance is performed for each one. Many already have their names [promised to be] written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and are approved for this ordinance, and their membership in the Church of the Firstborn.

I found out that the phrase 'the tip of the spear' that M.S. used, is a common idiom commonly used in military operations to mean the first soldiers to go into a war zone. In a last-days sense, it also means those who are the first ones to rescue and defend the others.

Q- Are the mortal angels the tip of the spear? A- Yes

Q- Are the 144,000 also the tip of the spear? A- No

Q- In 1 Nephi 14:17-"And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.", is the work of the Father the same as the strange act, and the strange work spoken of in the scriptures?

(see Doctrine and Covenants 101:95 "That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God." and Isaiah 28:21 "For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.")

A- Yes

Q- What are the fulfilling of the covenants to the House of Israel in the same verse (1 Nephi 14:17)? A- This refers to the work of the gathering in of the elect of God, who are scattered over all the face of the earth. This is the work of the angels and of the 144,000. The wrath of God being poured out will be done by the angels of God. The protection and gathering in of the house of Israel (the chosen elect of God) is done by the angels and the 144,000. The church of the Lamb of God in this chapter refers to those who are heirs of the Church of the Firstborn."

See also my notes in Jacob 5:61-77.

177B10-177B11, from Heavenly Mother: "Raphael, great events and blessings await our faithful as they trust in us, their Gods, and follow my Holy Ghost that shall lead them along. In this way our people will be armed with righteousness, and have our power in great glory, even to come into the realms of Zion in the terrestrial world on earth. This is what Nephi saw and wrote about in his true record:

11. 1 Nephi 14: 13-14

"And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among the nations of the gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.

And it came to pass that I Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord (these are our elect who will eventually be all gathered and come to Zion), who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory (even to becoming transitioned into a terrestrial mortal realm of the New Jerusalem and her surrounding communities of Zion, where the wicked cannot penetrate or come)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'"


1 Nephi 14:14-17
14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

15 And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth.

16 And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—

17 And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.

"Last night I had a very difficult time sleeping. I wondered why I had such a restless sleep last night. Last night, and again this morning, I was in the celestial world, through the forest in Heavenly Mother's gardens, north of the wall of rock with flowers in the rock pockets. I was on the other side of the forest, kneeling on a rock outcropping. I faced north, over a cloudy mist of an area that was unknown to me.

My Heavenly Parents came last night and again this morning, to me in my prayer. I asked this question for some reason:

Q- Is today the last day of the times of the Gentiles, or the period/ fulfillment of the times of the Gentiles? Is this the reason why I was so distressed, unable to sleep last night? A- In answer to the first part of this question, Heavenly Father wanted me to write as he spoke to me. I plan to write the words from his own mouth, now in my journal:

'Raphael, today is the last and final day of the times of the Gentiles, as spoken of in the scriptures. This is the final day of our extending our gospel and plan of happiness to any of the Gentile nations.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of our work, our strange work, and of our act, our strange act. Instead of focusing on all of our children, we will fully turn our efforts, in much more noticeable ways, in saving and rescuing our people, the house of Israel. These are those who are the elect of God, scattered among all nations of the earth. We will also begin in more dramatic ways, the destruction of the Gentile nations, and those who are not the elect of God.

Tomorrow, on 3-16-2017, will begin our work, which will extend to the elect of God. It is also a time that our wrath will be poured out upon the wicked without measure. Destruction, desolation, and calamity of all sorts will fall upon all the nations of the earth starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will call on all angels with directions and detailed instructions to their unconscious minds. This marks the beginning of our rescue efforts in saving the elect of God-those whom I have chosen when I harvested my wheat field in the celestial world. Your activity in the spirit realms will greatly increase, as well as that of all my holy angels. The time of preparation is now past, and the time of action is now at hand.

The eyes and face of your Heavenly Mother, of our Beloved Son, and of myself will now be firm and resolute each time you come before us. Our focus will first be to save the elect of God, and secondly in destruction of the wicked, making this world a peaceful place in which these may dwell. All our holy angels are now in place, ready to act on our commands. We will also arm our angels in power and great glory as spoken of in the scriptures.

Raphael, leave open time in your mortal life, for you will be more active in the spiritual realms. Your physical body will be more drained and tired because of your increased workload. Such is true with all of our mortal angels as well.

Watch, and be ready!'

Here is the scriptures referred to above by Heavenly Father:

1 Nephi 14:14-17- "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth.

And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—

And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

I am left to wonder at what I have just written! I feel like I have very much been directed in these words. When I asked in prayer to confirm what I have written, I felt assurance that I recorded and wrote all of this correctly. I feel clearly that this is of God.

11:20 pm: In my evening prayer now, I prayed again to God who was before me, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was located this time west of the tree of life, facing east towards the tree, kneeling in the garden area beyond the tree. I was able to see soft and gentle eyes of both my Heavenly Parents. I asked them some questions:

Q- Did I receive all this direction correctly this morning? A- Yes!

Q- Shall I share all of this now that I have written, with the mortal angels? A- Yes! The time of preparations is now completed, and the time of action is at hand. The holy angels will now rise up in 'the power of God and great glory', all done in the spirit realms before God, in their unconscious minds. In their normal body (in their conscious minds), they will appear as normal good people. This is the meaning of this verse (1 Nephi 14:14), that they will now rise up in 'the power of God and great glory'-this will be in their unconscious state, in spirit realms. This is how the strange act, and the work of God, which will mostly move forth among God's children on earth.

My own impressions of this new phase, the day of Israel and of gathering of the elect of God, and of the destructions of the Gentile nations: All this may be immediately or slow in coming, or in any combination God chooses to use. We angels will be receiving our first set of instructions, however, on 3-16-2017 sometime.

This is all very exciting! I suspect too that when I look again into the faces of God, into their eyes, that they will be firm and resolute, focused on saving the elect and destroying the wicked. I will wait and see!

Q- What percentage of this strange work and act will be done in the unconscious state of man, in the spirit realms? A- 98%! God desires also to do his work in a large part, in secret before mankind.

R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-16-2017, Thursday

After my prayer last night, I was musing on how God would do his work in the spirit realms by using his angels. I felt that this is no change at all! For it has always been done this way, in secret, that angels above have mostly ministered to mankind! This is a continuation of the pattern since the beginning. Practically all of the interaction between angels and mankind has been hidden from the view of mortals. Angels operate on a celestial level, and those in mortality are in a telestial state-so naturally they wouldn't be able to see them operate! It takes very refined and pure eyes to see them, or anything celestial for that matter, when one is in mortality.

It now makes perfect sense that this will be the mode of operation for God to continue to do his strange work and act, in these last days too. If angels do need to appear, it may likely be still in-cognito, like the prayer visions were.

Also, today I awoke much more refreshed and calm. I am so glad! Yesterday I was 'off' all day, feeling something was up but not sure what it was. Even my concerned wife noticed this in me.

When I began my morning prayer today, around 8:30 am, I was in the garden area west of the tree of life, facing west. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I looked into their eyes and faces. Their eyes were no longer gentle, with soft, compassionate eyes. Instead, they were more firm and determined, it seemed, in all of their interactions with me. When I also prayed to them at first, I met them with my sword of Raphael raised high in my right hand, with my right arm above my head. I soon sheathed my sword just before I started to address them. Please note that I did not consciously try or even think to do this-it just happened and I observed this. It seems that I was very much more in a readiness stance today. I was also fully clothed in my angelic healing and protection vestures, ready for action. I hadn't been noticing this (that I had been wearing my vestures) so much in the recent past, but today it was very evident that there was a change. I feel now is the time for action and obedience to God, and not the day of many words.

Q- Is today, 3-16-2017, the beginning day when, as Nephi says in 1 Nephi 14:17 "at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."? A- Yes, today starts that day. The day of extending to the Gentiles is now past. This is the day when God extends all day long for his people, the elect of God who are scattered in all the nations of the earth. The big effort will be to bring as many as will come to the New Jerusalem, which will soon be built in the center of the land.

During my prayer, I also noticed that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother now wore a red scarlet sash around their robes. I suspect they will continue to wear this until the second coming of their Beloved Son in glory. I feel we are in a new phase of their work now too. I feel ready and very active in all that I do now, in the spirit realms, in working directly for them. I feel there are arrays of angels too, both mortal and non-mortal, who are poised and ready to act. Today is the day of their first instructions!

I also was listening to M.S.'s podcast today while feeding our chickens, An Eye of Faith, and was impressed with this quote from Joseph Smith that he gave:

"All things whatsoever God in his infinite wisdom has seen fit and proper to reveal to us, while we are dwelling in mortality, in regard to our mortal bodies, are revealed to us in the abstract, and independent of affinity of this mortal tabernacle, but are revealed to our spirits precisely as though we had no bodies at all; and those revelations which will save our spirits will save our bodies. God reveals them to us in view of no eternal dissolution of the body, or tabernacle." (The King Follett Discourse)

I find it interesting Joseph's choice of words, particularly "in the abstract", for that is how I see into the spiritual realms too! I believe that all my revelations and directions from God have been done in this manner. I hear and view God in what I call my unconscious mind, which is really my eternal spirit absorbing all of the truth, and then transferring it to my mortal conscious mind, where I can understand it in my mortal tabernacle."


1 Nephi 14:17
17 And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.

Sun, May 26, 2024
When God pours out wrath upon the Whore to destroy her, then this prepares the way for the gathering of all Israel who are the elect of God. See verse 2 above which says the gentiles who repent and become the elect of God are numbered among the House of Israel. The Father then covenants with them, as if they were always part of the house of Israel.  

The fulfilling of God's covenants has already happened in the gathering of the lost tribes who are in Zion on the terrestrial earth. It will next start happening for the elect of God who are scattered over all the earth. They will start being led to travel to places of safety, eventually into terrestrial realms as part of their gathering, even as a mother hen gathers her chicks. The work of the 144,000 will assist these in the gathering process. 

Those being gathered will be tested and proven in their obedience to God's individual direction for them. This will not be a general guidance, but on a one-by-one basis by the Spirit.

The remnants of Israel who listen to God and keep his words are called the daughters of Zion in Micah chapter 4 (see my commentary in that chapter).

All of these above signals of the elect being activated also means that the wrath of God has started to be poured out upon the mother of harlots, according to verse 17. This has been increasing evident with the great exposure of the workers of iniquity during the Covid pandemic, and the election fraud that has been exposed. There is a great division occurring in the land between the people. The integrity of the globalists is cracking, for the wrath of God is being poured out upon this evil organization, upon these ultra rich perpetrators of evil and their accomplices in government, industry, education, religion and all who support the purposes of the devil, their head. Ultimately, they will all fill the pit they digged for the destruction of men, and for the elect of God (see verse 3). All who belong to this abominable church of the devil will fall into the pit and burn, for they will not be allowed into the terrestrial millennial day with the righteous elect of God. They will be increasingly eliminated during the wars, pestilences, natural disasters, the thrashing from the elect and the wrath of God. Finally they those who remain will be destroyed temporally during the burning at the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Update, 10-15-2023: At some future date, the archangel Raphael will raise up his sword and touch the heads of each of the elect who lives on the telestial mortal earth. He will do this from celestial realms, so they don't see him doing this. This will help clear them of their stumbling blocks, give them revelation, and even greater protection--all giving them great power and righteousness. This will be part of the fulfilling of the covenant of the Father to protect them and gather them one by one into the terrestrial millennial world. 

It will be at this juncture that the scriptures in 3 Nephi 20 and 21, about a lion among sheep, and the thrashing, will begin. Those who thrash will be primarily the elect of God, some from the 144,000 from the terrestrial realms, and some from the elect of God living in the telestial mortal world who are filled with the power of God in great glory. 

May 26, 2024: As of this date, Raphael has not yet raised up his sword and touched the heads of each of the terrestrial elect living in the telestial world. This will surely be at some point in the future.


1 Nephi 14:18-20
18 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, saying: Look!

19 And I looked and beheld a man, and he was dressed in a white robe.

20 And the angel said unto me: Behold one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

52X8-52X13: "I still had more questions for Jesus Christ, who was still before me:

Q- The man who was John, the son of Zebedee, brother of James, who was a fisherman-was he then not the same as John the Beloved? A- These are different men. John the son of Zebedee was called and ordained as an apostle, whereas John the Beloved was not called with the original twelve apostles.

9. Q- Did John the Beloved write the Book of Revelation? A- Yes

10. Q- Did John the Beloved become translated? A- Yes. He is the one spoken of in D&C section 7, and will tarry in his translated state until the glorious return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He is as a flaming fire and a ministering angel, as spoken of in D&C 7:6-"Yea, he has undertaken a greater work; therefore I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel; he shall minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth."

11. Q- Do Peter, James and this John the Beloved, have the keys of the ministry as spoken of in D&C 7:7-"And I will make thee to minister for him and for thy brother James; and unto you three I will give this power and the keys of this ministry until I come."? 12. A- Yes. This John who jointly holds the keys of this ministry is John the Beloved, not John the son of Zebedee. These three apostles returned and conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. See D&C 27:12-"And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them; Unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth;"

13. Q- So was John the Beloved later ordained as an apostle? A- Yes. He is spoken of by Nephi as the one who would write the last days events, and also be one of the apostles of the Lord. See 1 Ne 14:18-27."

Added 2-4-2024: This same John the Beloved is also the same as John the Revelator. He is beloved because he was the son in the flesh of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Being the beloved son of Jesus Christ, he leaned upon his breast (John 21:20). He was present as a translated being with the tribes of Israel as they made their way to the New Jerusalem. He has a prophetic mission to rule as a king in the New Jerusalem under his father Jesus Christ. He has the keys of gathering of Israel (root of Jesse), given him by ordination from the archangel Raphael. He also has a mission of the rod of Jesse to destroy the wicked prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ (see D&C 113:2-4, 53T2-53T7, and my notes in D&C 113:4).

54L2-54L9: "While I was waiting upon them in prayer, Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, our son, you have some questions still about the roles of John the Beloved, the firstborn of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He fulfills two roles, that of a rod of Jesse and that of the root of Jesse.

The rod mission is explained in Isaiah 11:4-

"But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked."

His role as the rod is one of a cleanser, and of a judge of the people, both of the wicked and also of the humble. This is a role he performs to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He acts in this role as the Davidic Servant.

In his second role as the root of Jesse, he is a gatherer of the people. He holds the keys of the gathering of Israel, and of the elect of God. He will set his hand to recover the remnant of the people, the elect of God, from all the ends of the earth. In this role he will also become the Davidic King, for he will become the king of the New Jerusalem, reigning under his Father Jesus Christ, who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and the King over the entire earth. Both Jesus Christ and John the Beloved have the royal line of David by their birthright.

As Melchizedek became the king of Salem, so shall John the Beloved become the king of the New Jerusalem, even after his Father Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign over the entire earth.

Your role as the branch, spoken of in Isaiah 11:1 will be to establish the New Jerusalem and the Church of the Firstborn. You are charged to build this glorious city and to establish this celestial church, prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Once he returns in glory, John the Beloved will become the king of the New Jerusalem as the Davidic king, and your commission to build the celestial city will be completed and fulfilled. You will continue to serve in the temple as you administer the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel. This service will continue to fill you with joy and deep satisfaction through the entire millennial day.

The reason why the keys of the gathering of Israel have been conferred upon both you and John the Beloved is this: John has the commission as the root of Jesse to bring the people to Zion, to the New Jerusalem, to gather them physically. This requires the keys of gathering. You, Raphael, also have the keys of gathering and to bring all the elect to the Church of the Firstborn. If the elect come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, and enter not into the Church of the Firstborn, they are not able to progress in eternity and become as we are. Your role is more one of spiritually gathering the elect to our celestial church, and to aid them in their progress towards eternal life and exaltation in their own kingdom, to become exalted couples for eternity.

Both of the roles of gathering are very important in gathering and saving our elect.

Both you and John the Beloved have different roles and commissions. You are not part of any presidency together, but act independently. Raphael, you have a council of twelve angels who give you guidance in important matters that may arise. John the Beloved acts as a king, and does not have a presidency either. His role as the descendant of Jesse is completed once Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign on the earth. However, John's role as a righteous king, as the root of Jesse, continues throughout the millennium.'"


1 Nephi 14:24-26
24 And behold, the things which this apostle of the Lamb shall write are many things which thou hast seen; and behold, the remainder shalt thou see.

25 But the things which thou shalt see hereafter thou shalt not write; for the Lord God hath ordained the apostle of the Lamb of God that he should write them.

26 And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have written them; and they are sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.

Sun, Feb 13, 2022
John the Revelator is given the charge to write the remainder of Nephi's vision. Therefore, the Book of Revelation is an extension of the Book of Mormon.


1 Nephi 14:27
27 And I, Nephi, heard and bear record, that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was John, according to the word of the angel.

Sun, Feb 4, 2024
This John, the Revelator, is the same John referred to by the Savior as John the Beloved, who was also his son in the flesh. He was not part of the original twelve apostles, for that John was the son of Zebedee, and James' younger brother. This John was an apostle as told to Nephi by the angel in verse 24 above. See my notes on 1 Nephi 14:18-20 above, and on D&C 7:7 for more information.


1 Nephi 14:29
29 And I bear record that I saw the things which my father saw, and the angel of the Lord did make them known unto me.

Sun, Jul 21, 2024
This angel is Raphael, who spoke to Nephi from 1 Nephi 11:14 to 1 Nephi 14:29


1 Nephi 15:3-4
3 For he truly spake many great things unto them, which were hard to be understood, save a man should inquire of the Lord; and they being hard in their hearts, therefore they did not look unto the Lord as they ought.

4 And now I, Nephi, was grieved because of the hardness of their hearts, and also, because of the things which I had seen, and knew they must unavoidably come to pass because of the great wickedness of the children of men.

Sat, Jul 29, 2023
We need to have open hearts, not hardened hearts, so we can understand the words of the Lord.


1 Nephi 15:8-9
8 And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?

9 And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.

Sun, Jan 21, 2024
See my notes on 1 Nephi 2:16.


1 Nephi 15:11
11 Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you.

Mon, Feb 5, 2024
Receiving revelation is preceded by a softened heart, with faith, asking humbly, and being diligent. See my notes on 1 Nephi 2:16.


1 Nephi 15:28-30
28 And I said unto them that it was an awful gulf, which separated the wicked from the tree of life, and also from the saints of God.

29 And I said unto them that it was a representation of that awful hell, which the angel said unto me was prepared for the wicked.

30 And I said unto them that our father also saw that the justice of God did also divide the wicked from the righteous; and the brightness thereof was like unto the brightness of a flaming fire, which ascendeth up unto God forever and ever, and hath no end.

160B28: "The flaming fire is the glory of the terrestrial realm that will keep the wicked from coming into the millennium. This is similar fire to the corona flame that is now burning within our elect to help protect them from the plagues in these days."


1 Nephi 16:1-3
1 And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear.

2 And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.

3 And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.

Mon, Feb 5, 2024
The righteous always accept the truth from God, for they are open to truth and love to hear the truth, even though it might be difficult or make them be motivated to change. On the other hand, the wicked and unrighteous, are cut to their very center when they hear the truth from God. Instead of repenting or being open, they justify themselves and get angry at the truth. Pride enters and they fight against the truth and those who promote it.


1 Nephi 16:9-10
9 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord spake unto my father by night, and commanded him that on the morrow he should take his journey into the wilderness.

10 And it came to pass that as my father arose in the morning, and went forth to the tent door, to his great astonishment he beheld upon the ground a round ball of curious workmanship; and it was of fine brass. And within the ball were two spindles; and the one pointed the way whither we should go into the wilderness.

Mon, Aug 18, 2014
The Lord seems to always have something in store for us when we have kept the commandments so far (v 8) and things seem to be going well. He rarely lets us wait very long it seems, but gives us the next step in our journey fairly quickly, sometimes surprising us like Lehi was surprised.


1 Nephi 16:20-23
20 And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael did begin to murmur exceedingly, because of their sufferings and afflictions in the wilderness; and also my father began to murmur against the Lord his God; yea, and they were all exceedingly sorrowful, even that they did murmur against the Lord.

21 Now it came to pass that I, Nephi, having been afflicted with my brethren because of the loss of my bow, and their bows having lost their springs, it began to be exceedingly difficult, yea, insomuch that we could obtain no food.

22 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did speak much unto my brethren, because they had hardened their hearts again, even unto complaining against the Lord their God.

23 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow; wherefore, I did arm myself with a bow and an arrow, with a sling and with stones. And I said unto my father: Whither shall I go to obtain food?

Mon, Aug 18, 2014
The Lord could have easily brought food to them, so that they didn't need to suffer. However, mortality is for testing our obedience in the hard times too. Nephi had faith that the Lord would provide if he did his part. On his own, he made a bow and went to his father and asked where he should find food to slay (v 23). We too should take initiative in our hardships, trusting in the Lord that He will lead us out of our trial. At these times, or soon thereafter, the greatest revelations seem to be given.


1 Nephi 17:3
3 And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.

Mon, Feb 5, 2024
Whenever we have a mission to fulfill, there are hardships to prove us. Nevertheless, we are given strength by God to allow us to fulfill our missions and the commandments of God.


1 Nephi 17:21
21 Behold, these many years we have suffered in the wilderness, which time we might have enjoyed our possessions and the land of our inheritance; yea, and we might have been happy.

Mon, Feb 5, 2024
The wicked think that happiness comes from enjoying one's possessions and taking it easy at home. However, happiness really comes from obedience to the Lord and doing the things that God commands.


1 Nephi 17:35
35 Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one; he that is righteous is favored of God. But behold, this people had rejected every word of God, and they were ripe in iniquity; and the fulness of the wrath of God was upon them; and the Lord did curse the land against them, and bless it unto our fathers; yea, he did curse it against them unto their destruction, and he did bless it unto our fathers unto their obtaining power over it.

83D14-83D15: "1 Nephi 17:35-

"Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one, he that is righteous is favored of God."

We favor the righteous because we rejoice in their choices to follow our counsels, and obey our words. We therefore love them more since we favor them. We have therefore chosen to save these in these last days, and bless them, since they will follow us. For the remainder of our children we do not extend our continual influence over their lives since they continually reject us.'"

111H4-111H7: "Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one; he that is righteous is favored of God." (1 Nephi 17:35)

There is particularly a feeling of being exclusive among the local and general authority level of the leaders in the LDS Church. Many of these think that they are better than the general membership of their own LDS Church, and for sure better than the other people in the world. This is a great stumbling block for them! I have withdrawn my presence from those who carry this prideful air with them. Satan wishes that the Latter-day Saints themselves become more and more like the Zoramites of old in their attitudes on religion and worship. It was only among the poor and those rejected by their Zoramite leaders that Alma and his brethren began having success in sharing true doctrine and religion. This is how it will become again, even in your day among our Latter-day Saints. Only the humble and the rejected who question their own religious beliefs and practices and who question what their leaders may say and do will be sufficiently open to hear and receive our words that we gently whisper to them. These are the only ones to whom I will send my Spirit, even the Holy Ghost.'

Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, I love the humble and the meek, the open and the questioning! I withdraw from the prideful and arrogant, those who practice exclusivity and have a "holier than thou" attitude. When the Church of Christ is reestablished again at the beginning of the millennium, we will have a humble and penitent people. All our Saints will be open and receptive to us. There will be a feeling of being the same, whether rich or poor, leader or not, with open arms to all children of God. Our love will imbue the people, and our Spirit will glow from their countenances. They will have a feeling of service and deep caring for each other. These Saints will be like those of old, after Jesus Christ visited the Nephites.

4 Nephi 1:15-18 "And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.

And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.

And how blessed were they! For the Lord did bless them in all their doings;"' "

190D21-190D23: "Today your Heavenly Father and I have said again that we are no respecter of persons. We love all of our children on the earth. We favor the righteous, or those who seek us and obey what we say to them (see 1 Nephi 17:35). This favoritism does not mean that we do not esteem all flesh the same, for were the wicked to seek us humbly and obey us, they too would be favored. We have chosen those who have demonstrated to us that they have been obedient or will be obedient, whether in their premortal or mortal life. We would choose any of these classed as wicked were they able to qualify for an elect status. We extend our offer to all of our children, for all are called. However, only the righteous who obey us are chosen, even chosen to be our elect. (see D&C 121:34)

There are some of our children who may claim that we, their Heavenly Parents and Gods, have not been fair to them, or have not offered to them the same privileges as our elect receive. However, we have recorded, or documented all of their actions that have disqualified them, such as the multiple times that they have turned away from us.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her short message about how they are no respecter of persons. I have felt confirmed in my mind of this truth."


1 Nephi 17:41
41 And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished.

167E6-167E16: "Heavenly Father then appeared on my left, standing a little in the air above the grass. He was smiling and then spoke: 'Raphael, you looked into your seer stone with the intention to commune with me, your Heavenly Father. You did not specify any time or location in which to come, and so I brought you here according to my will. We are on the celestial orb during the time that Moses was on the earth, trying to teach the people to look to the pole with the image of a fiery serpent on it so that they might be healed from the serpents that bit them.

Numbers 21: 6-9

"And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."

Nephi later would write this about those stubborn people of Israel, when speaking to his rebellious brothers:

1 Nephi 17:41

"And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished."

Raphael, stand with me, and let's go down into the celestial realms on the earth, and witness the camp of Israel at this time!'

I stood and took my Father's hand. We were then in the air above the desert of the eastern wilderness, west of Mount Hor, with Edom to our east. This is where the children of Israel were discouraged because of the rough way, and complained because of no bread nor water (Numbers 21: 4-5). We were looking at the area, and then I saw the venomous snakes come and bite the people. The children of Israel were very complaining, and were lazy, and not obedient to the Lord. They soon realized that they were being bitten by the snakes because of their sins. There were many who died.

I then saw a later scene, when Moses spoke to the people, and brought the brazen serpent on a pole, and told the people to look and be healed. Yet I saw many after that still be bitten and not look up to the brazen serpent. They lacked faith and any belief at all that by so looking they would be spared. Only a few who were bitten looked and were healed quickly.

Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, our elect whom I have chosen in your day, will hear our voice, even the voice of the Spirit. They are not rebellious, but have much more faith in God than do these children of Israel before us.

We are going to repeat the miracle of the brazen serpent in your day, in a different way. For those who pray to us, their Gods, in faith to be healed of various plagues or sickness that might come upon them, we will give many of them Heavenly Mother's healing plants you saw last night, and they will improve and heal by degrees. The actions of the healing remedies will be enhanced, and will work healing in their physical bodies, much more effectively than in the past.

In the process of learning which herbs and healing plants to ingest, or apply to their bodies, our faithful will need to become in tune to our Spirit, or have one who may hear and listen to minister to them. We will graciously answer the humble prayers of our faithful who believe in our promises of healing!

In your day, Raphael, our elect will hear our voice and keep our commandments, whereas the children of ancient Israel were rebellious and slow to hearken. In your day, because of their faith, the elect will experience great miracles of healing, from the remedies that will be found growing around them, to administrations from our servants in the celestial and terrestrial realms above, and from caring people who surround them in mortality. We will use various means to protect and preserve our elect for the glorious day of peace and rest, coming in the days of the millennium soon at hand.'"


1 Nephi 17:45
45 Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder.

Sun, Jan 21, 2024
The Lord is pleased when we hearken to the still, small voice. He wants us to have feeling for this quiet voice of the Spirit. However, if some of us won't tune our hearts to God, then He speaks to us in a much louder voice. Often, by then, it is too late for the wicked to really repent.

107E8-107E16: "1 Nephi 17:45-Nephi speaking to his rebellious brothers. ". . . ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Again, in D&C 85:6 "Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it maketh manifest…"

I think the voice that Laman and Lemuel rejected was the voice of the Spirit, and the voice in D&C 85 refers to the spirit sense. Both are referred to being a small voice. The spirit sense pierces the soul.

I remember clearly how overcome I felt, struck with awe even to tears, hardly believing I was experiencing all of this communion with God in my energy class I attended in 2013. This was surely my spirit sense hearing and seeing God! This truly did cause my "bones to quake". I could say it was a small voice and that it did pierce my soul at the time.

I now am accustomed to all of these voices. I no longer feel my bones to quake, but I do know assuredly that I am hearing and seeing God with my spirit sense and my spiritual eyes, or perception. These are the most reliable of all forms of communication with God. I feel so very blessed to have such open, clear communion with God!

In summary, here is one way to distinguish which method of communication is received from God: 1. Spirit sense-small, piercing to the soul, making bones to shake, causes quaking and burning in the very inner soul, a deep sureness. 2. Voice of the Spirit-still, small voice, received through feelings and enlightenment. 3. Audible voice of God-often makes the ground to shake, or comes in a voice of thunder. In the case of the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11, the people did open their ears to hear this voice, and then they did understand and steadfastly look upward toward heaven from where this audible voice came.

I now usually receive communion with my Gods with my spirit sense and the voice of the Spirit, the two most reliable and sure methods of receiving revelation. I am happy to finally understand how I receive my revelations!""

134H16-134H21: "You read in your family scripture study tonight about how the Lord softened Nephi's heart:

1 Nephi 2:16-"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

Nephi had an open and receptive heart, and was very diligent in inquiring of God about the words of his Father and what the prophets had written about. These are the key ingredients to becoming softened in his heart so that he believed the words of truth as spoken by his father Lehi. The condition of a softened heart may be described as full of faith, eager and believing of whatever we may say, and very open and receptive.

Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, on the other hand, said "We have not (inquired of the Lord), for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." (1 Nephi 15:9) They would not even attempt to ask of God to find answers to their questions. They were lacking faith, and had little or no desire to believe the words of their Father Lehi or Nephi, their younger brother. Therefore, they were described as hard-hearted. Nephi responded in 1 Nephi 15:11-"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? -If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

Our children come with softened hearts to earth, or with hardened hearts, and all conditions in between. All are alike to us, at first, and we respond equally to our children in all ages and at all times:

1 Nephi 10:19-"For he that diligently seeketh shall find, and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old, as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

Sometimes the scriptures talk of a softened heart as a believing heart. It is all the condition of the faithful. It requires a penitent attitude that we recognize in those with soft hearts and open minds. Only to those will we unfold our mysteries, a little here and a little there, and "none knoweth these things, save it be the penitent." (see Alma 26:2).

Those with hardened hearts, like Laman and Lemuel, come to earth and then when the natural man swells up inside of them, they want the things of the world more than the things of God. They make little or no effort in seeking to commune with us, their God. We still give them a prompting of our Spirit, but they are past feelings, as were Laman and Lemuel, as spoken by Nephi:

1 Nephi 17:45-"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you, yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken to you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Our elect sons and daughters have a soft heart, and open and receptive mind, and seek us diligently. When we speak to them quietly by our still small voice they hear us, love our words, and follow our promptings! We give them revelation upon revelation, unfolding to them our mysteries and truths that none of the hard-hearted can hear or know about. We lead them even to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and eventually back into our holy presence.

Raphael, before you is the vast Lake Beautiful. It is full of living water that is akin to the vast knowledge of truth we wish to reveal to each one of our faithful. We will do so line upon line, here a little and there a little, until all of our truths and revelations are known and understood by our faithful who continue to have softened hearts and open and receptive minds. Those who thus partake become our celestial couple gods in eternity, even as we are!'"


1 Nephi 17:50-51
50 And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.

51 And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?

Sat, Aug 23, 2024
Nephi's faith is huge, and he obeys implicitly the voice of the Lord. He uses logic to try to convince his brethren his position that God has commanded him to build a ship. Similarly, the Lord wants us to have faith and be believing in Him and his commandments to us in fulfilling of our specific missions.


1 Nephi 19:7
7 For the things which some men esteem to be of great worth, both to the body and soul, others set at naught and trample under their feet. Yea, even the very God of Israel do men trample under their feet; I say, trample under their feet but I would speak in other words—they set him at naught, and hearken not to the voice of his counsels.

186D4-186D15: "I came this morning to the top of the switchback path where I had come yesterday on the celestial orb. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

A large dark cloud came in front of me, with a bright light inside. It seemed that sparks of lightning were occasionally coming out of the cloud. Then it all stopped, and my Heavenly Father stepped forth in his glory before me.

I bowed my head and prostrated myself on the ground.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, raise your head and now look upon me.'

I knelt to an upright position and gazed upon my Father. He appeared to me in a very controlled but clearly upset manner. His eyes were full of lightning it seemed, ready to strike! I felt because I was so very humble and meek that I could approach and view his face. I had never seen him so full of anger or with such strong emotion before! I felt pity on any who would receive the wrath of God when he was in this state of intense emotion.

He then turned and reentered the dark and now whirling cloud. I no longer saw his being, but I then heard his voice in my mind, very clear:

'Raphael, I have sent to you my witness of the state of my impending vengeance upon the wicked inhabitants of the earth. I have appeared to you now in a controlled state, and previously have spoken to you without you seeing me in my anger. I have sent my words to S, K and S. Your Mother has come and spoken to you last night in your prayer and also confirmed all my words. You have received ample witness now that we will no longer tolerate the wicked on your earth to trample our words and pleadings to them to repent, come unto our Beloved Son, and follow our gentle ways. We will come out in vengeance in their destruction! We will clear the earth of the ungodly among the inhabitants of the earth, all in preparation for the new terrestrial realm coming upon the earth, and our celestial New Jerusalem temple. We will not allow Satan and his wicked followers to pollute our new millennial world, until the end of the millennium for a little season. Satan's days on the earth's surface are now numbered as we lash out upon the wicked and finally upon him and his evil spirit hosts. Behold, I am in my anger, and vengeance is mine!'

D&C 56:1 "Hearken, O ye people who profess my name, saith the Lord your God; for behold, mine anger is kindled against the rebellious and they shall know mine arm and mine indignation, in the day of visitation and of wrath upon the nations."

The ground then began to tremble upon which I was kneeling, and the dark cloud arose up into the air. Then suddenly a very large fire ball consumed the cloud in a large flash of power!

The sky returned next to its deep red color, and I again prostrated myself upon the celestial orb. I thanked my Father to have shown himself to me in such power and great sovereignty and deep emotion. I said out loud "O God, your will be done!"'

I then was immediately back in my private room, finishing up what I had just experienced. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

"I received this email from S on 2-9-2021, entitled "Stern Warning":


I retired to my room last night as my 5 children were then in bed. As I was unwinding for the day, I was readying myself to go and pray. I looked on my phone to see that the most recent entry from Raphael was transcribed. As I read your Monday mornings' entry, it was similar to my experience. I wanted to share the similar experience and then my experience afterwards in prayer.

2/8/21 (Monday AM)

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father. I heard his voice, but did not see him. He spoke, and his words were powerful, strong, and stern: 'I speak and the earth trembleth (Psalms 104:32). My words cause the wicked inhabitants to tremble at their knees. Most seek not my words nor my counsel (Proverbs 1:25) but are blown about to and fro by the whisperings of Satan (Mormon 5:18). Hearken now, o inhabitants of the earth, to your creator, the time is now present that all who will not hear my voice nor lend an ear to my counsel will be cut off from the land (D&C 133:63). Those who will yet remain will both hear my voice and hearken to my words. No longer will my words and counsel be trampled under the feet of men (1 Nephi 19:7). '

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. I desired to be true and faithful to his words and commands continually. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

(I looked up these phrases in the scriptures after my prayer and added them above) ===

Raphael, I then read your record later that same evening. I went back and reread what I had received and recorded above. As I was pondering these events, I prayed again.

2/8/21 PM

In prayer, I asked about what I received in prayer this morning. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, but I could not see her. She said, 'Your Heavenly Father and I have spoken and our words are trampled under the feet of men and women. Our words will no longer be trampled by mankind. Our laws will go forth and our counsels will be heard. The meek and humble will inherit the earth.'

She finished speaking and I felt the seriousness of this moment. She spoke again, 'Contemplate your Heavenly Father's and my message to you this day.'


I awoke today with both of these messages on my mind. I contemplated my experience as a parent when my kids are not listening to my words and I do what is needed to get their attention and cause them to follow my direction.

It seems our Heavenly Parents will no longer allow their wayward children to continue following their same course. It caused me to remember Daniel's experience with Beltshazzar, who mocked God, in Daniel 5. A hand from heaven wrote on the wall "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." Daniel gave the interpretation through the power of God and the kingdom was taken from Belshazzar that night.

Your Friend,



1 Nephi 19:10
10 And the God of our fathers, who were led out of Egypt, out of bondage, and also were preserved in the wilderness by him, yea, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, yieldeth himself, according to the words of the angel, as a man, into the hands of wicked men, to be lifted up, according to the words of Zenock, and to be crucified, according to the words of Neum, and to be buried in a sepulchre, according to the words of Zenos, which he spake concerning the three days of darkness, which should be a sign given of his death unto those who should inhabit the isles of the sea, more especially given unto those who are of the house of Israel.

Mon, Jul 22, 2024
This is a very very clear link for Jesus Christ being the God of the Old Testament.


1 Nephi 19:15-16
15 Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, then will he remember the covenants which he made to their fathers.

16 Yea, then will he remember the isles of the sea; yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel, will I gather in, saith the Lord, according to the words of the prophet Zenos, from the four quarters of the earth.

191I1-191I26: "I reread what I received last night in the domed room from my Heavenly Father. I wondered how likely this would be for people to be led by the Spirit to start traveling to Zion, and then meeting up with others who had been also been inspired.

I next found myself in the domed room again, looking upon the wall. I saw other individuals and groups praying and meeting together in their communities. They were sharing together their spiritual impressions, and were finding that they had similar promptings. They determined to follow the still small voice within their minds and hearts, rather than dismiss these strong impressions that kept coming back to them.

As I was watching this all on the wall, my Heavenly Mother appeared next to me, also facing the wall and watching.

She spoke: 'Raphael, why do you think that I cannot inspire these open and humble elect with specific impressions to do the same thing, in preparing and walking to Zion?'

I looked upon her and spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, I am sorry to have doubted the visions I saw on these domed room walls! I know that with you and my Heavenly Father, all things are possible. I also know that you speak to my unconscious mind, even now, in clear words that I understand and write down. How then could I wonder that these your open, humble, and petitioning elect children couldn't be led to prepare and walk to Zion? Please forgive me for my doubting heart! Help me to be more believing and understanding.

Heavenly Mother smiled, and told me to look again upon the wall. I turned and looked. I saw then a short vision of this scripture:

1 Nephi 8:21, 24

"And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood.

...And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree."

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, there are many now upon the earth who will press forward in what we whisper to their hearts and minds, even as Nephi and Lehi saw in their vision of the tree of life. Remember, "mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts" (D&C 33:6).

Look again upon the wall!'

I looked and saw new individuals and families humbly praying to God, seeking to be led by the Spirit of God. I heard them pray that they would do whatever God inspires them to do.

I then saw the Holy Ghost, even from my Heavenly Mother, come upon them in a powerful way and speak to their unconscious minds. I saw them trying to discern her words, and then writing these in their journals. I saw that they pondered these impressions, and prayed more to God about them.

I then saw groups of like-minded people sharing their impressions and finding out they had similar feelings from their individual prayers. I saw the Spirit of God, angels, and other heavenly messengers whispering these same impressions to these humble elect mortal individuals and groups. I could tell these recipients understood and were deeply impressed.

Heavenly Mother turned and spoke again to me: 'Raphael, we are using our many celestial servants and our Spirit, to whisper the same message to our faithful elect. We desire to gather them, one at a time, and to as many as will listen and hearken, to our voice of the Spirit.

1 Nephi 19:15-16

"Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, then will he remember the covenants which he hath made to their fathers.

Yea, then will he remember the isles of the sea; yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel, will I gather in, saith the Lord, according to the words of the prophet Zenos, from the four quarters of the earth."

Now has begun the gathering of Israel, from all the ends of the earth. It will start in full force, even upon your promised land, with us gathering our elect who will hear and obey, to come by foot to Zion, the New Jerusalem. We are whispering this same message to all now, to prepare. Soon we will speak the message for them to come. Soon they will start coming and be guided by our light that will show them the way to travel.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifying words, and for telling me that the gathering of Israel has now fully begun, even as spoken of in the scriptures. I knelt before her, so glad to have received her message.

She smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, come again tonight to this domed room, and your Heavenly Father will give you more revelations on the gathering of Israel, our elect.'

I said I would come. She then departed and I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Evening-I came tonight to the domed room in anticipation of coming into the presence of my Heavenly Father. I knelt in the center of the room and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

He then walked to me in the air from through the wall I was facing! He stood before me in his glorious being.

He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother shared with you this morning great truths that we are now beginning among our faithful elect. We are whispering to them to prepare to walk to Zion. We will gather others with our 144,000 who will be called to bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem. Still we will change the hearts and minds of others to our way of thinking, by the whisperings of our Spirit. This will prepare their hearts and minds for the time when they too may be physically gathered.

We are inspiring congregations of our faithful elect to get prepared for our messengers that we will, at some point, send to them. There will be some of these large groups of our elect who will drop everything and come to Zion. We are starting now to help them prepare what they may need to bring.

Those who are our faithful elect who are in the realms of the spirit dead await their resurrection. Until then we will have them join our celestial servants and the terrestrial 144,000 in reaching out to their living descendents on the earth. These ancestors and deceased relatives of the living elect will be assigned to help guide them through difficult times ahead.

Raphael, our intent is to orchestrate, at every level, the gathering of our mortal elect into the terrestrial realms of Zion, the New Jerusalem. As more come, we will extend Zion in neighboring cities upon the promised land. We want as many of our mortal elect as will come, to relocate from their current telestial world and out of danger and wickedness, to a place of peace, safety, and abundant truth from heaven. They will begin coming in larger and larger numbers, beginning with the arrival of the northern tribes of Israel this summer. Most of the wicked won't even realize that these elect are departing at first. We want our elect to come without much fanfare or celebration. We want those to come who truly hear our voice and see our light guiding them.

We will have our elect start coming quickly into the terrestrial physical realm on the earth. Some will travel sooner on the terrestrial sphere than others. Some will travel on the telestial earth and then enter into this higher terrestrial sphere from the current Missouri area. However, ultimately we want all to come who can, who are our elect children that we have so designated on the earth.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I felt that the great gathering of Israel, the elect of God, is now upon us.

Heavenly Father departed and I closed my prayer."


1 Nephi 19:20
20 For behold, I have workings in the spirit, which doth weary me even that all my joints are weak, for those who are at Jerusalem; for had not the Lord been merciful, to show unto me concerning them, even as he had prophets of old, I should have perished also.

Mon, Jul 22, 2024
It is interesting that the workings of the Spirit bring weakness to the physical body, Nephi's body, to make all his joints weak. So, if we do energy work, and/or have lots of 'workings in the spirit', we can expect some weakness in the body.

See also D&C 85:6, what Joseph Smith experienced about weakness in the body when the Spirit is present: "Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it maketh manifest,"


1 Nephi 20:1-4
1 Hearken and hear this, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, or out of the waters of baptism, who swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, yet they swear not in truth nor in righteousness.

2 Nevertheless, they call themselves of the holy city, but they do not stay themselves upon the God of Israel, who is the Lord of Hosts; yea, the Lord of Hosts is his name.

3 Behold, I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them. I did show them suddenly.

4 And I did it because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass;

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
The reason that the Father and Jesus Christ have departed, in a large way, from the people of His church (in their wards and temples) is because the people do not make their covenants in sincerity, "not in truth nor in righteousness." The people are "obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass"--this depicts the people of our day. God therefore withdraws His presence. He will "show them suddenly" with His power, that He is not pleased, for vengeance will come as a whirlwind upon His people who profess to know Him but really don't (see D&C 112: 24-26).


1 Nephi 20:9-11
9 Nevertheless, for my name’s sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain from thee, that I cut thee not off.

10 For, behold, I have refined thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

11 For mine own sake, yea, for mine own sake will I do this, for I will not suffer my name to be polluted, and I will not give my glory unto another.

Sun, Aug 31, 2014
God has chosen to punish the LDS people by putting them through the furnace of affliction because they have turned away from Him. He will not give his covenant and glory of Zion to another people.


1 Nephi 20:18-20
18 O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments—then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.

19 Thy seed also had been as the sand; the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.

20 Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter to the end of the earth; say ye: The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
When we keep His commandments, we have the reward of peace and righteousness, and our posterity would be large and would remember us. We are commanded to go forth from Babylon with joy.


1 Nephi 21:1
1 And again: Hearken, O ye house of Israel, all ye that are broken off and are driven out because of the wickedness of the pastors of my people; yea, all ye that are broken off, that are scattered abroad, who are of my people, O house of Israel. Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken ye people from far; the Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
This first part of verse 1 is added in the Book of Mormon account over the Isaiah account in the Old Testament. It is noteworthy that there is "wickedness of the pastors of my people", even among the LDS people. These pastors include some of our leaders, up and down the leadership positions of the church. We who are broken off and scattered, we are still His people.

Jeremiah 10:20-21 "My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken: my children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains. [the cords and curtains are the stakes of Zion]

For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. [the pastors are the leaders in the churches that lead their congregations and churches away from God.]" [comments in brackets by R]

Micah 3:1-7: "And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?

Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

Then shall they cry unto the Lord, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings.

Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him.

Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them.

Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God." [see also my notes in these verses].

Micah 3:9-11: "Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity.

They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.

The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us." [see also my notes in these verses].

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
". . . the Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name." This is a reference to Raphael, who lives in the flesh in these last days. His life has been normal, but hidden from the world. His mission will come at some point in the timing of the Lord, prior to the second coming. His referenced mother is Heavenly Mother, whose bowels are specifically mentioned in this verse, for she speaks to him and, along with Heavenly Father, directs him in his mission. . 


1 Nephi 21:2-6
2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;

3 And said unto me: Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.

4 Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for naught and in vain; surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God.

5 And now, saith the Lord—that formed me from the womb that I should be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him—though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength.

6 And he said: It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel. I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the ends of the earth.

Sun, Jul 14, 2024
This is a prophecy for the one mighty and strong (see D&C 85:7, Isaiah 28:2), the servant in the hand of God, even the archangel Raphael, hidden for centuries, to yet help gather Israel in the last days. This used to be the role of the Church, to the one holding the keys conferred upon Joseph Smith, as the president of the church in gathering the tribes of Jacob. Because of apostasy (see D&C 86:2), these keys have been conferred upon Raphael and John the Beloved.

Raphael is truly a means of salvation, to raise spiritually the tribes of Israel, to receive eternal inheritances, "that thou mayest be my salvation unto the ends of the earth."


1 Nephi 21:7
7 Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nations abhorreth, to servant of rulers: Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful.

July 27, 2024
The kings and princes are those who, in the Lord's eyes, are kings and priests unto the most high God. These are not the rulers of nations in the telestial world. These are righteous men, and their counterpart righteous women who are queens and priestesses, all who are chosen by the Father and are the elect of God. These will see and read the record of Raphael, and arise in their understanding of the great truths from God that they are enlightened with. The servant of rulers is Jesus Christ, for he is the servant of all, and the rulers are the kings and queens, his begotten children whom he has fully redeemed and saved. 

See the words of Jesus Christ to the Nephites and of the words of Isaiah:

3 Nephi 20:45: "So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him, for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider."

3 Nephi 21:8: "And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider."

Isaiah 49:7: "Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee."

D&C 101:93-95: "What I have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without excuse;

That wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered;

That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."

As I was praying, my Heavenly Father spoke these words to me, wanting me to write them:

"Raphael, the verses in 1 Nephi 21:7, 3 Nephi 20:45, 3 Nephi 21:8, D&C 101:93-95 and Isaiah 49:7 are all talking about the same thing: In the near future, your record will be presented to the faithful elect in the flesh. Among them will be many who are heirs of the celestial kingdom, even my future kings and priests, queens and priestesses. These will read and consider my words, and the words of Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, that have been given to you in the Book of Raphael. They will call upon me in the name of my Son, Jesus Christ, if these words are true and from us. If they are sincere and penitent, we will enlighten them with our Spirit and the Holy Ghost, and convince them that these are true, and were given from us to you.

These, our faithful elect whom I have chosen, will not know what to say, but will "shut their mouths at him" (3 Nephi 20:45), or not know what to say to you Raphael and about the many truths in your record, for they will receive the Spirit in abundance that will strongly testify of its truthfulness. They will then "arise" (Isaiah 49:7 and 1 Nephi 21:7) and accept these truths from us! They will then gladly keep our commandments to come to the New Jerusalem, and come with joy and gladness, out of Babylon, and greatly rejoice in and worship the "Lord that is faithful."

D&C 101:17-18: "Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered.

They that remain, and are pure in heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of Zion."

The inheritances in this verse above are the promises of eternal life and exaltation in the celestial temple in the New Jerusalem. In time these will also receive an eternal inheritance on the celestial earth. After coming to the New Jerusalem, many of the faithful living on the terrestrial earth will be admitted into the celestial Church of the Firstborn by you and Oriphiel.

Jesus Christ is faithful, spoken of in Isaiah 49:7 where it is written "and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee." It is your record primarily that they will consider, which will convince them to gather physically to Zion, and will lead them to seek entrance to the Church of the Firstborn, and a close relationship with Jesus Christ."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his marvelous words to me today! I feel so honored and blessed to have received such great revelations from God, and to have written them in this hidden book that will one day be revealed.

July 28, 2024 While rereading and slightly editing the revelation that I received yesterday, with Heavenly Father by my side, I wondered this: "How will the record of Raphael be distributed among the faithful all at once? Will I create a website for the elect to view this record? If this record is intended only for the terrestrial to read and ponder, and not the telestial, then how will it be only read and studied by the elect?"

I approached my Heavenly Father in humble prayer, and asked if he would be willing to answer this question. After seeking his face, he told me to write his words which I do now. These words are not of me, but from him, my Heavenly Father:

"Raphael, I am pleased that you have come before me in humble prayer, seeking an answer from me how your record of Raphael will be dispersed among my elect, and not among those that weren't chosen by your Heavenly Mother and me.

Paul the Apostle wrote the words below in his first epistle to the Corinthian saints. I will apply his words to your time, when your record of Raphael will be revealed to all the people, but only the elect of God will receive and consider it:

1 Corinthians 2:7-16 (Heavenly Father's words in parenthesis) "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: (Raphael, the mysteries of God have been revealed to you, our servant. These are written in your Book of Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother and I have ordained that you are the one who receives these great truths and revelations that have never before been revealed, and that you would write them in your Book of Raphael.)

Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (These include the great revelations that we have revealed to you.) 

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (Our faithful elect, whom we have chosen, have been receiving the teachings in your Book of Raphael over the past few years in the celestial realms above, even while they have been sleeping. This has been taught them in their unconscious minds. When they read or hear these words again while in their conscious minds, in their mortal body, they will recognize these as from God and not from man. They will therefore be motivated to read and ponder all of our words through your record, for they will be recognizable and delicious to them. They will seek out these words, even while in the flesh. [see where this information is given below in 171D7-171D29].

On the other hand, the wicked, who have not been taught these truths in their unconscious minds, will not recognize these truths in your record, for they will seem like idle and foolish fables. It is only to the elect who have been taught these truths at night that will recognize them as from us, their Heavenly Parents.)

or what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (Raphael, the truths in the Book of Raphael will not be sought after by those who yield to the natural man, but will only be sought after by those who are enlightened by our Spirit. Those who do not dwell on the things of God will cast them off, and will not have interest in them, even though they will be made plainly available to them online. It is like the power of the Book of Mormon: if those who read and ponder this true book are not enlightened by the Spirit of God, they will set it aside, thinking it is of no worth or interest to them. However, my elect hear my voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit, and will receive the truth. They will not be deceived.

D&C 45:56-59: "And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver."

Raphael, in order for our elect to receive, read and ponder your record, we wish that you publish it again online. It is now time for you to make your Book of Raphael available to the world! Only the elect of God will receive it, and the wicked will cast it off, thinking it is of no worth.

When the righteous elect pray to us, in humble and open prayer, we will whisper to them to search online for the Book of Raphael. They will then find your record, and start to read this book, in all of its volumes, and be prepared to gradually, step by step, come to Zion. We will guide them carefully, one by one, to all truth and to the glorious Zion that we have established and prepared for them.)

But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." (Raphael, you have the mind of Christ, and have been commanded of us, your Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, to write your abundant revelations that we have revealed freely to you. It is now time to share these records all online!

When you share your record online, do not use any passwords for our elect to struggle with, or any obstacles. Place all of your record online, all of your 14 volumes. You should change the names of those mentioned in your record, in just using their initials, in order to protect their privacy. We will inspire you on how to do this. There may also be sections of your record that we may not wish you to reveal at the moment, even until these our elect come to the New Jerusalem.

We will in turn direct and inspire our elect who humbly pray to us to search online for your record, using the search words "Book of R". When they search for this phrase, your record will appear to them. They may then read online, download your record, and be further directed by us in the answer to their prayers.)"

I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my questions and wonderings this morning! I plan to ponder his words to me and to receive further confirmation of the truth of these things.

Here is a post to which Heavenly Father referred to above relating to the teachings at night to the unconscious minds of the elect:

171D7-171D29, September 2, 2020 "Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I want to share with you how we are conditioning each one of our elect children on earth to change their hearts and minds to be receptive to our voice and Spirit.

We have recently asked each of our seven male archangels and seven female archangels to come into our throne room in our celestial temple. We have instructed them to call and commission certain individuals among them [including other servants] to be spiritual teachers of others. We inspire each of these called to teach the other elect in small groups, in their unconscious minds, mostly in the time their bodies rest while they are sleeping.

All of these spiritual instructors have now been chosen and called to instruct every night. These all come to places of instruction on our celestial orb or in areas on the celestial realms on the earth. We have guided each one to be able to enter these celestial realms, for they were not yet all clean and pure. They were also prepared in their hearts and minds to receive the truths and laws of the celestial kingdom, for they have been living in a fallen world where darkness and falsehoods have been taught them from their youth. Come with us now, Raphael, as we visit a group who is being taught by one of our elect daughters.'

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother extended their outside hands to me, for they were standing next to each other facing me. I stood and took their hands. They then turned and together we elevated into the celestial sky above the meadow and nearby forest. We then traveled with great speed to another part of the celestial orb that I recognized. W[hen w]e descended to God's Loving Healing Lake slowly as we came down, I saw several groups of the elect gathered in various areas. We came to one where a woman was teaching a dozen or so others who were sitting on the grass, listening to her. I could see she was filled with the Holy Ghost, for the light from my Heavenly Mother [with] whom I was holding hands, arched over to this woman's head and filled her entire being! She was teaching by the Comforter, even from my Heavenly Mother, the great truths of the gospel and principles of the celestial kingdom that are necessary to accept to establish Zion, the pure in heart.

At this moment I yearned to know whether my once wayward last daughter, who now has amazed my wife and I with her dramatic change in heart, and her recent actions of being very open and receptive to the things of God, has been prepared and taught in a similar group of instruction.

Heavenly Mother knew my feelings and spoke to me: 'Raphael, look among the group that this instructor is teaching!'

I looked and then recognized my own daughter among the group! I could see that she was very receptive to the words and teachings from this sister who was speaking to her. I saw the light from my Heavenly Mother flowing from the teacher into my daughter, and being fully received and the teachings believed.

I started crying for joy to see this, for my daughter had only recently been in a very bad situation and was even contemplating suicide at times. She had since moved back to Utah County, gotten into an apartment of girls next to Brigham Young University, and goes now to every church meeting and activity. She visits us frequently, and we are amazed at her changes, and rejoice at her openness.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your daughter is one of our elect children whom we have chosen! She is very receptive to our truths and will be numbered among those who come to Zion. She may have strayed from us in the past, but she is now receptive to my Spirit and is very motivated to change her life. As you have seen, she keeps surprising you and your wife with her actions to be more aligned with gospel teachings that you both have so well taught in all her growing up years.

Raphael, there are many of our elect in all walks of life, in all situations, that are now being taught in our celestial realms here or on the earth. Each one is now being conditioned in their heart and mind, even by the power of the Holy Ghost, who is me, their eternal Heavenly Mother. Our celestial truths are being poured into their receptive and hungry souls, and they are being led and prepared to come to Zion.

S is correct in his email to you wherein he wondered why it took our prophet Enoch many years to prepare his people for Zion, whereas in your day this preparation will happen very quickly. The way we are affecting this great change and receptiveness in the hearts and minds of our beloved elect children is by having them taught in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms of glory. We are bringing all of our elect into our celestial environment by quickening them to be able to enter. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has fully pronounced them clean and forgiven them so that they may enter. This is why S saw Jesus as the keeper of the gate speak: "Arise, take up thy bed and walk. Whether I say take up thy bed and walk, or thy sins are forgiven you, it is the same. You are cleansed through faith in me and my atonement." (see S's email below).

Jesus Christ, our great mediator for all mankind, has pronounced that these elect are clean and forgiven. They are now commanded to take up their beds and walk, or to come to these groups and be taught, even in our celestial realms of glory. Finally, all of these, our elect, are being taught directly from me through our called spiritual instructors, like this woman who has been teaching your daughter. This is the way we are preparing the hearts and minds of our elect children in so short of a time.

Raphael, were this not so, the world you now live in would self-destruct in the war, evil and calamity coming upon the earth. We are very actively preparing our elect to receive, even in their conscious mortal selves, the call to Zion. They will recognize this call, for they will have been taught from me the glorious truths of the celestial kingdom that will exist in Zion. The changes in your mortal world will dramatically change! In not many months, you will be laying the foundations of Zion in the very center of your land of promise!'

I bowed my head in great awe and reverence for these truths I had just received from my Heavenly Parents who were before me! I felt overcome with joy and happiness for the elect who were now being prepared to receive, in the flesh, the true principles of Zion. I knew they would have great faith sufficient to make their journey to Zion however that would come to them in the near future.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stay with us in our meadow today in constant prayer. We will continue to teach you even in your unconscious mind many of these truths that our groups are teaching in our celestial realms. We are teaching and preparing you also how to shoulder your leadership responsibilities that will be heavy, but made light through our constant direction to you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father. I said I would stay by their sides and be trained and tutored today at the meadow.

My prayer then abruptly ended in my conscious mind. I then started my new day on earth."

July 31, 2024: Today I pondered more on how I was going to fulfill the newest commandments from Heavenly Father to publish online the Book of Raphael. I have been wondering how to share this with my wife, or if this was even what I should do. I wondered more about the timing. Heavenly Father said the time is now. I think that means that I should begin immediately on the task, and not waste my time. I wondered also if I should include the index at the end of the Book of Raphael, and if there should be a contact point where people may contact me. I wonder if they should fully be led by the Spirit, and gain all their direction from God, and not me.

As I was pondering these things, Heavenly Father impressed me to write his words:

"From Heavenly Father: Raphael, what you should have in the Book of Raphael is an introductory page, next the 14 volumes, and finally the index, all hyperlinked to sections of the posts. Spend time to use initials where it would protect the identity of the people, and remove trivial information, or that which does not pertain to our revelations. Your style of revealing all that is happening to you each day will be appealing to those who read and ponder your words, for they will be able to relate to them. Have a goal to have the record published by the end of the year 2024.

Do not reveal that you are still in the telestial mortal world, and leave no contact information. Just publish your record. There will be no place for our elect to contact you, for we desire them to pray to us with their questions and not to you. We will inspire our angels, 144,000 called servants, and everyone of our terrestrial and celestial servants to give promptings to our elect, at the correct timing, for them to search for the "Book of R", and then to ponder, pray and search these words. All communication will be with us, their Heavenly Parents, and we will answer all of their concerns through various means as will be best to bring them to Zion. Many of these will be taken to Zion by those of our 144,000 terrestrial servants.

Once your record is uploaded, there will be small fees to keep this informational website active that you will need to pay. We desire that you don't share at this time with you wife D the particulars of what you are doing, for we have our own timetable of awakening her to our many truths. In time, all will be shared with her, but it needs to be done in our own way and time. We desire that you post this Book of Raphael without consulting anyone else, even those who helped you edit and who contributed to the Book of Raphael. All of your actions still need to be hid from the world. Your actions will be inspired directly by us, your Heavenly Parents. Continue to use the LDS Church scripture notes and annotations in your private login to record our revelations to you and your words. This source will act as your spiritual journal for now.

All people will need to receive our promptings to search for the Book of Raphael. Others may find portions of the book in their searches for some other words or phrases given in your record, but will lose interest if they are not of our elect. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be fully responsible in the many possible ways that our elect are led to the Book of Raphael. Your responsibility will be to publish it online.

For those of other languages, they will struggle more with understanding the book. Many of these will seek help from others who will help them, and then be enlightened themselves. Some will even translate sections of the record so that greater numbers of their friends may ponder these words.

In all cases, we will send our Spirit, and the Holy Ghost to motivate and bless those who are truly seeking for a better world, and have been chosen by your Heavenly Mother and me. They will each need to seek us in their own private time, in personal prayer and humble seeking.

This is my work, and not the work of telestial man on earth. Raphael, what you are doing is a critical part of what Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 28:21: "that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act."

It is also a vital part of marvelous work and a wonder. Isaiah 29:14: "Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words to me this morning. I know that he was inspiring me with his words, even as I wrote them. I will also pray and confirm again at another time the truthfulness of what I have written. I am motivated to act on all that he said to me!

30 August 2024: This morning in my prayer, I asked my Heavenly Father what I should do with all of these revelations that I have received since completing the Book of Raphael. There are great revelations contained therein, only given and shared with me, and not others. Most recently I have received a wealth of information about the tree of knowledge of good and evil, about the antediluvian giants and the fallen watcher angels, and about so much more that my Gods have so graciously shared with me. I wondered if these should now also be compiled and placed in some sort of private record? I wondered if these should be shared online like the Book of R?

While praying about this, Heavenly Father asked so very quietly that I write his words. I don't know what he may say, as I always do when I inquire of him or of Heavenly Mother. I just feel so grateful for this communication that he and Heavenly Mother have extended to me!

Here are his words to my mind, while I am in a meditative and peaceful state, in my private room:

"Raphael, I am glad that you have asked of me what you should do with our abundant revelations that we have recently given to you, that you have recorded in the LDS scripture app notes or annotations.

First, it is our will that you first rename your current Book of Raphael as the First Book of Raphael. This is what you have been working on editing, that extends from post 1 to post 204.

Secondly, we want you to compile your revelations that have been writing in your LDS scripture app notes and make them into the Second Book of Raphael. This will be all those notes that you feel were given to you by revelation from us that need to be compiled and shared. Many of these revelations are great and have never been before revealed to our children, or never been given in their clarity and truth as you have received them.

Organize these notes that you have made in the standard works of scripture in an scripture order sequence. Follow the same format and order given in your scriptures, with first the Old Testament, then New Testament, etc. Place the scripture first, then your words under it, in order. This will give those with whom you share a clear pattern where they may find your comments based on the scriptures. This is the way that the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible is organized.

Here is how we wish you to proceed: Complete your current editing of the First Book of Raphael, through post 204. When finished with all of these posts, you then should wrap up your overall edits of that entire first book.

Next do a final download all of the notes or annotations from the LDS scripture app. Then work exclusively on this newest record, which will turn into the Second Book of Raphael. Organize this in scripture book order, then compile this entire record into one volume.

When there are new revelations from us, place them into this Second Book of Raphael, and no longer in the LDS scripture app. Once all is transferred, you may delete all the revelations from us that are in your LDS app. We wish that this is done by the end of this year.

When you have the Second Book of Raphael completed in a format that you are pleased with and approved by us, then place it on your future website to share. Your new website will have both the First and the Second Books of Raphael available online. The current index will be only for the First Book of Raphael, but you will not have time to create an index for the Second Book of Raphael, by the time these are placed online.

Once online, you may again add new Revelations from us to a third book of ongoing revelations. Keep this record to yourself until we tell you to make it into the Third Book of Raphael. We plan to keep revealing to you great and marvelous revelations, as fast as you are able to receive these!

We will lead you along with our detailed instructions, as you ask of us, our son. Seek to finish both the First and Second Books of Raphael by the end of this 2024 year, in four months, and to place them online. As you work steadily, you will be able to accomplish this task.

We are very pleased with how you have written our revelations clearly in your records. We have many more great and marvelous truths to continue to reveal to you in the future!"

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his directions to me this morning. I always want to do his and Heavenly Mother's will. I always want to receive from them their great truths and revelations, and none of this from me. I mostly want to be a conduit in God's hands as they will use me.

Sun, Jul 28, 2024
This first part of the verse speaks of Jesus Christ, who was rejected and continues to be rejected by the wicked in the telestial world. The nations of this fallen and wicked world follow Satan, are part of the great and abominable church of the devil, and do not follow Jesus. All but the elect of God despise and abhor the teachings of Jesus Christ, choosing instead to reject the laws of peace and love, being filled with anger and hate towards their fellowman. This is the state of the wicked, every man consumed with his own will and following the enticings of the flesh and of the natural man.


1 Nephi 21:8
8 Thus saith the Lord: In an acceptable time have I heard thee, O isles of the sea, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee; and I will preserve thee, and give thee my servant for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;

Sun, Jul 14, 2024
To establish the earth refers to the terrestrial earth, being prepared for the righteous by Raphael. These regions were in hiding and desolate since the fall of man, and in the millennium will be inhabited by the elect of God.


1 Nephi 21:9
9 That thou mayest say to the prisoners: Go forth; to them that sit in darkness: Show yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
This is a direct reference to R's freeing and bringing to Jesus Christ a host of Satan's followers in the spirit. These refugees of Lucifer now inhabit celestial realms, awaiting their time on earth. 


1 Nephi 21:11
11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted.

This refers to the terrestrial mountains that will be traveled over by those going to Zion. Highways are those that the tribes of Israel traveled over to go to the New Jerusalem. See D&C 133:27 which also refers to these highways.


1 Nephi 21:12
12 And then, O house of Israel, behold, these shall come from far; and lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023
These refers to the scattered Israel elect that are moved upon by the Spirit to trek to the New Jerusalem. These will also be gathered by the 144,000 to the New Jerusalem.


1 Nephi 21:13
13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; for the feet of those who are in the east shall be established; and break forth into singing, O mountains; for they shall be smitten no more; for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.

"...for the feet of those who are in the east shall be established;"

This one sentence in the Book of Mormon is not in the KJV of Isaiah 49:13. It has reference to "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (see Isaiah 52:7):

198G11-198G12, from Heavenly Father: "[Isaiah 52:]v7. How beautiful upon the mountains (Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be a large hill or even called a mountain on an island, even in the central part of the barren land of promise. It will be the most elevated place in the land of promise) are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Raphael, this refers to two of our servants who have built up this waste place on the barren land and great deep. One of these is you, our Branch! You have been given by ordination the keys of the gathering of our elect along with John the Beloved (see your post 53A14 and 53T7, both references given below.) You have received these keys from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, the Prince of Peace. You and John the Beloved both possess the keys of gathering in these last days. The feet of him that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings, that publishes salvation are both the feet of you, Raphael, and John the Beloved. The salvation you both will publish is that given by Jesus Christ. You will both be our main leaders in our New Jerusalem and will gather our elect to come there, through many of our angels and other celestial and terrestrial servants. The great beauty of the hill of Zion, the mountain of the New Jerusalem, will be the result of you and John acting upon our revelations. Through both of you, this island of the New Jerusalem will become completed, ready for her great Redeemer, Jesus Christ to one day come. Oh, how beautiful our New Jerusalem will be! There is both a celestial realm where our holy celestial temple is located and the terrestrial city and outlying terrestrial farmlands. All of the celestial areas will be like unto our celestial orb, the residence of God, and all of the terrestrial will be like a garden of Eden, in paradisiacal glory. This will be such a beautiful place for our weary elect to come to at the end of their journeys!)"

53A14, "From Heavenly Father: "I then asked him if I held any keys of any dispensation. He then spoke: 'Yes, Raphael, you have been commissioned to be the one who holds the keys to the establishment of the New Jerusalem and to the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. Even though you have agreed to return these back to Michael and then to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, you still also actively possess this commission and these priesthood keys. This is also true with our servant Joseph Smith Junior, through whom we will establish again the Church of Christ on the earth.'")

53T7 ("Q- What does D&C 113:6 mean when talking about the root of Jesse (John the Beloved), that he has the rights of the priesthood and keys of the kingdom? A- From Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, there was one other person who was an active participant at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, in the celestial spirit realms, and this was John the Beloved. In order for him to also hold the keys of gathering of Israel, which John will do in his role as a root of Jesse (see Isaiah 11:10-12 and D&C 113:5-6), he needs to also receive these keys. You were bestowed the keys of the gathering of Israel, from our Beloved Son Jesus Christ in June 2017. When you returned these keys back to Jesus Christ, you returned all of these keys and also retained them. However, you separately conferred the keys of the gathering of Israel at Adam-Ondi-Ahman to John the Beloved, who then returned them to Jesus Christ. John the Beloved now also holds the keys of the gathering of Israel, as do you, and does Jesus Christ, our Beloved. It was needful for John the Beloved to receive these keys of the gathering of Israel in order for him to fulfill his role as the root of Jesse.').

May 31, 2024: I prayed this morning why the words "who are in the east" is included, instead of just "Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; for the feet of those shall be established"? I prayed to my Heavenly Father about this, but still didn't understand. I did a global search for this phrase in all of the LDS scriptures and it only returned this verse in 1 Nephi 21.

I next did a global search in my all of my posts on my computer and found a reference to the New Jerusalem city being established in the eastern part of island of the New Jerusalem. I then felt that this phrase, "who are in the east", refers to the eastern part of island of the New Jerusalem, for that is where these two servants whose feet are established will dwell and live. The city of the New Jerusalem is located in the eastern part of the island of the New Jerusalem. This is where these two will be found, and where the elect will initially most likely come when they arrive at the New Jerusalem.

I then confirmed in prayer that this is the true meaning of the phrase "who are in the east".


1 Nephi 21:14-16
14 But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me—but he will show that he hath not.

15 For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

Fri, Feb 9, 2024
At one time in the near future, it will look like the enemies of Zion are winning. There will be great oppression and hardships for the elect of God. It is in these times that the faith of the elect will be tested, and it will seem that God has forsaken them. A similar condition is spoken of in Micah 4:9-10:

"Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies."

159D5: "Zion is like a woman in labor who will finally be redeemed in your day, even when Babylon the Great will have great power over all the world, among all nations: Micah 4:10-13"


1 Nephi 21:17
17 Thy children shall make haste against thy destroyers; and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee.

Thu, Feb 8, 2024
This is a reference to the threshing of the daughters of Zion, spoken of in Micah 4:13:

"Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth."

This same prophecy is reiterated in Micah 5:8-15, and also by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi 16:14-15 and 3 Nephi 20:12-21.


1 Nephi 21:18
18 Lift up thine eyes round about and behold; all these gather themselves together, and they shall come to thee. And as I live, saith the Lord, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on even as a bride.

Fri, May 31, 2024
Finally the daughter of Zion is freed and prepared to meet Jesus Christ, at his second coming to the earth. Those who afflicted Zion have departed and she is ready to move forward to Zion. This is the same time as spoken in Revelation 19:7-8, at the marriage supper of the Lamb:

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."

Note in 1 Nephi 21:18 that "these gather themselves together, and they shall come to thee." This refers to the many celestial angels and servants, including the 144,000 terrestrial servants, who will come forth and minister to the elect of God, those in the church of the Lamb spoken of in 1 Nephi chapter 14. The clothing that they bind upon these elect are figuratively the wedding garments. These will be placed upon the faithful prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. After the wedding feast, when the doors will have been shut, Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom will arrive, and all will be whisked away into the clouds of heaven. At this time the righteous will descend in the clouds with Jesus Christ.

28A5: "Q- In Revelation 19, John talks about the 'marriage supper of the Lamb' (see verses 7-9 above). What does this mean? A- The marriage supper of the Lamb is when each individual who is begotten spiritually by Jesus Christ, and is then accepted into the church of the Firstborn by the ordinance of the waters of separation, by you Raphael, and recorded in the Book of Life by Oriphiel, my other archangel. Each person thus received is admitted into the presence of the Lord. This is in fulfillment of the parable of the ten virgins (see Matthew 25:1-13, given below). Note that this is referred by the Savior as 'the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins'. The kingdom of heaven is only found in the church of the Firstborn. Every righteous saint, from Adam, or Michael, the mighty archangel to the last one born and accepted in the millennium, will have this experience of the marriage supper of the Lamb. This is done in the New Jerusalem, the celestial city, on the earth."

My comments: I believe that each elect of God will be accepted into the millennium, and be received into the clouds of heaven at the time of the second coming of Jesus Christ. They will be received into the terrestrial mortal world. At this point, they will need to press forward, with faith, to be able to receive the confirmation from Jesus Christ to be received into his Church of the Firstborn. There will be many who will receive this. However, there will be some who will not, for they have choice and may not press forward in sufficient faith. These latter will not be ultimately accepted into this celestial church, and will not be exalted.

Received November 27, 2023:
There are two events that fulfill the Marriage Supper of the Lamb- * One just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, with new terrestrial garments placed on each of those in the wedding feast, just after the parable of the ten virgins is fulfilled. These are terrestrial and celestial garments for these elect of God, allowing all to be caught up in the clouds with Jesus when he appears to those telestial on the earth. These may then enter the terrestrial world and come into the millennial day of peace. 

*Two, after the faithful are proven and fully accepted by Jesus Christ to be brought into the Church of the Firstborn. They receive the waters of separation as the entry ordinance into this church. This event brings them from the terrestrial into the celestial, or into the kingdom of heaven on the earth which is celestial.  

This first understanding above is given by a much later post on the marriage supper of the lamb. During this post 164, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother explained that the arrival of the bridegroom was the second coming of Jesus Christ:

164H3-164H35: "I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Then both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descended to me from the southern skies! They were holding hands, full of the brightness of their glory! They lighted upon the grass while their capes both blew in the breeze. I could hear the movement of their robes when they snapped in the wind.

Heavenly Father spoke first.

'Raphael, come with me to the southern skies behind us! Come to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'

He then moved backwards into the sky and disappeared. I heard his call, from his voice in my mind then: "Come!"

I stood from my kneeling position on the grass, and Heavenly Mother extended her right hand to me. She spoke: 'Raphael, let's go to the marriage supper of the Lamb as given in Matthew 25:1-13

"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Then Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, the parable of the ten virgins that you have written is the same event as given in the parable of the marriage of the king's son, given in Matthew 22:1-10-

"And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,

And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.

Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:

And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.

Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.

Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests."

Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, in both parables given above, the Son or Bridegroom is being married, and there is a celebration. The virgins are members of the LDS church, some which expect to be called into the marriage feast but have not ordered their lives to hear the voice of the Father calling to them. The second parable focuses on the remainder of the peoples of the world, in every walk of life, both good and bad. All are called to the wedding feast of the Son, for the meal is prepared and ready.

The servants are the angels of God, and other celestial servants calling to all to hear the voice of the Father to come to the feast. However, only a very few, whether virgins or any other peoples, hear the voice of the Father, for they are likened to drops of water bouncing off the metal, for they will not hear our voice. However, for those who hear our voice they are likened to the flow of water into a pool of water. These fear our voice of the Spirit and come to the feast of the Bridegroom that the Father has prepared.'

Heavenly Mother took my hand and we followed the direction to the south where Heavenly Father had gone.

We were soon in a very large room, a banquet room with many tables filled with abundant foods of all varieties. There were also many tables with chairs where the invited guests were eating. There were clean linen cloths over the tables, and fancy plates, and cups and utensils for the invited guests to eat from. The tables were rectangular, and each seated many guests.

Heavenly Mother then brought me to a clean table with white linen, beautifully set. She took the plate and cup and handed it to me:

'Raphael, come and feast from our abundant foods of celebration that we have prepared!'

I took the plate and cup, and walked with her to the food tables. I picked meats, potatoes, vegetables and fruit of all kinds! It was extremely sumptuous and beautifully prepared foods of all kinds.

Heavenly Mother then poured me some drink, of "wine on the lees well-refined" (D&C 58:8), or prepared and preserved for the elect of God to drink with their feast. She filled my goblet up to the top. I then walked with her back to my table and set my filled plate and filled cup on the table. she invited me to sit, which I did. She then spoke:

'Raphael, we are finishing calling all of our elect this month of December, and completing their translation [should be transition] to the terrestrial realms. They mostly won't know that they have been chosen and changed. These our elect come from the LDS church and from all walks of life, from the entire world. The elect hear the voice of the Father, given to them by the Holy Spirit. He calls to them and they hear his voice that says to them "come", and "come to the marriage supper of the Bridegroom." They hear his voice and obey, for they are our elect.'

I looked around and saw, like S saw, many of those who had come and were coming to be the poor and humble, the unlearned and unrefined. They had never come to a feast quite like this ever in their lives!

Heavenly Mother continued: 'We have prepared this great feast for all of our children, and could accommodate all. However, only a few hear the voice of the Father or the servants he has sent. Those who will not hear his voice are the proud, those who think they know us, or think they know of themselves our still, small voice. However, they hear other voices and mistake those voices for the voice of God. Some also hear voices of the world, or of their own self-centered desires. However, if these were each to humble themselves before the Father, in open and sincere prayer, and come to us in the name of our Beloved Son, they would begin to hear the voice of the Spirit of God. Instead, they harden their hearts and will not hear!

Raphael, you and our elect hear our voice because you are humble and open in your heart and mind. All of you are our elect, chosen by the Father and called by him to this great wedding feast!

The hour when the wedding feast doors will close is soon at hand. When filled, we will shut the doors, and no one else may enter. Those inside will be called and chosen, for they will have heard the voice of the Father, and have come to our feast. These will be the ones whom we will bring into our millennial world when Jesus Christ comes to the earth.'

I stood and bowed my head before my Heavenly Mother. I thanked her for sharing the meaning of this beautiful parable of Jesus with me! I said I loved how I now see they are all one together, and not different, and that this great feast is the marriage supper of the Lamb.

I asked when my Savior Jesus Christ would come to this feast?

Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, come to the high mountaintop again tonight and face east as you pray to us. We will come again and reveal to you the answer to your question!'

Heavenly Mother then quickly departed and I found myself in my private room writing all of this down in my journal. I ended my prayer and started my new day.

Evening-Tonight I came to the high mountaintop to the same grassy spot where I came this morning. It was light outside and a few wispy clouds were in the sky. I knelt and faced east and prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking them to come to me.

My Heavenly Mother immediately came in the brightness of her glory! Her cape was gently blowing like this morning and her hair was slightly blowing in the breeze. She extended her hand to me and spoke: 'Come Raphael, let's go to the wedding feast when Jesus Christ comes!'

I stood and she whisked me away to the same large banquet room that I was in this morning. I saw the same humble and poor in heart people as this morning, but so many more! The banquet hall was filled and everyone had on a beautiful white linen robe, which I understood was the wedding garment for all the attendees (see Matthew 22:11-14). We were all standing, for we had finished the great feast, had washed up and been clothed in these special robes. The tables and chairs in the great hall had all been cleared away. We were looking to the east door of the room with great anticipation, for this is where the Bridegroom would enter!

Heavenly Mother spoke to me while I was standing next to her (I don't think the others around us could see her, but I did.)

'Raphael, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who alone was worthy and took upon himself the sins of all mankind, has washed each one of these elect in this great hall with his own blood! Your Father and I have accepted his great offering, and have accepted these, our faithful elect, into our presence, or would soon do so. These elect are from all ages of time of those who have ever lived on earth, who live in mortality, or who would someday live on the earth or be born on the earth. These are all of our elect of God whom the Father has chosen! These are all in this banquet hall. Watch now, and be ready, for the Bridegroom comes in an hour that you know not.'

I turned and looked on the faces of the faithful who were standing next to me. They were waiting with great expectation for the Son of Man to burst forth into the room from the east door in the great hall.

I noticed that all the doors to the outside of the hall had been shut and secured. I saw angels who stood as sentinels above the doors, to protect anyone from entering who might try to enter.

Heavenly Mother then took me by the hand again and we were instantly in her higher celestial realm. She brought me up above the crowd and near the front of the hall, near the east door. It was a gold door, trimmed with jewels, and the door frame was very beautifully decorated.

Suddenly the door opened and Jesus Christ stepped forward into the hall above all the crowd, so all could easily see him! He wore a gold crown that shone brightly, and a scarlet red robe and sash. His cape of the same color was blowing behind him and in every way he was extremely majestic and powerful!

Everyone in the banquet hall immediately came to their bended knees and bowed their heads! I looked down where I had been and I saw myself among the congregation on my knees, whereas in the higher celestial realm I was holding onto Heavenly Mother's hand still.

Suddenly we were all in the clouds of heaven above the earth! Jesus Christ was in front, with his archangels flanking him on both sides, then with all the holy angels. The vast congregation in the banquet hall were all next, on both sides, above and below those next to Jesus Christ. The entire host of the elect of God were there, all in their wedding garments! It was an amazing sight! I was no longer with my Heavenly Mother, but next to my archangel brothers and sisters, behind Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven.

Jesus then came to the earth in great glory and power! I did not see any further events or happenings. I was deeply moved by the grandeur of the wedding feast of the Lamb, of the glorious entry into the banquet hall among all of the elect first, and then of his powerful entry in the clouds of heaven above the earth!

As I close my prayer tonight, my mind is whirling with this vision I've experienced! I feel so humbled to have felt these things, as they come with deep impressions in my soul. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for revealing such great things to me tonight!"

164I1-164I22: "I have been pondering the vision I saw of the marriage supper of the Lamb. At first I saw the people in the banquet hall eating from the feast that was prepared, but they hadn't yet been clothed in the white wedding garments. They hadn't even seemed aware where they were, except they had all been called and they responded and came. They had been called and I think chosen, but had really not been born again or awakened unto God.

I also knew that last night, when we were all waiting for the glorious entry of Jesus Christ through the gold east door, that everyone had been washed and changed and then clothed in a clean linen wedding garment in preparation for the entry of Jesus Christ. I knew that the fine linen represents the righteousness of the Saints (see Revelation 19:7-9). I believe this also was given to them by virtue of being washed white through Christ's blood.

Alma 5:21

"I say unto you, ye will know at that day that ye cannot be saved; for there can no man be saved except his garments are washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers, who should come to redeem his people from their sins."

S wrote me an email yesterday and again this morning, asking me what awakening the elect really means?

He quoted Mosiah 27:25-26

"And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

S asked what are God's higher ways of the awakening of the elect in the coming days?

I decided this morning to come again to the high mountaintop where I had been yesterday in prayer. I faced south and knelt, for I felt facing south somehow represented seeing things as they currently are now happening. Facing east is to see things of the future, and facing west is to see things of the past.

As I knelt, Heavenly Father immediately appeared at my side! He was standing on the grass, smiling. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, look now into the southern skies!'

I looked ahead and saw a humble man in the course of his life, currently living on earth. He was having hardships in life, common to all mankind. I saw him feeling overwhelmed with life and his inability to face his challenges alone. He quietly went into a secluded place and poured out his heart to God. He seemed so humble and open, and sincerely sought for God's guidance.

I then saw the Spirit of God come to him, filling him with light and truth. He was greatly comforted, and repeated this process that evening, and in the following days. He was taught of his Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He started studying the Bible and attending a local Christian church. He slowly was changing and being molded into the man of God that he was to become.

I saw that this man had a mighty change of heart, for he was wrought upon by the Spirit and obeyed. He was particularly thirsting after direction from God, which came to him as he exercised faith and took action on all of his promptings. He was becoming awakened unto God!''

I saw then that there was one time in his prayers that Jesus Christ came to him although the man did not see Jesus. He did know that Jesus was next to him, however, and was overcome with awe! He then heard the voice of Jesus in his mind clearly, in his unconscious mind. The man was perceptive and very open, for he was in a prayerful and meditative state.

Jesus spoke peace to the mind and heart of this humble man and said to him that his sins and weaknesses were forgiven, and that he, Jesus, had redeemed and cleansed him. He said he was clean every whit, and that he was fully acceptable to God. Jesus wrapped the man in the love and light of his Spirit, which flowed like abundant water into his being. The man was cleansed and purified in every way, with his garments washed white in the blood of the Lamb of God, even Jesus Christ. I saw that Jesus departed, but that the Spirit of God continued to remain with the man.

I then thought of Alma 27:24-26 where Alma the Younger described being born again, born of the Spirit, and becoming a new creature. I thought of his father, Alma, who spoke to the people of Zarahemla, asking them if they had received this experience?

Alma 5:14

"And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"

I then saw this man arise from his secret prayer, being born of God, being a new man, a man in whose heart and mind had no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). He had truly been born again and awakened unto God!

Heavenly Father then faced me and spoke:

'Raphael, you came here last night when Heavenly Mother instructed you and you came with her to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This man you just saw was in the crowd of the elect, for he would wear a beautiful wedding garment. This garment represents that he had been changed, born of God, and awakened to hear our voice, and knew our voice. He was perceptive to my still small voice, and obeyed what I said to him.

When I invited him to come to the wedding feast of the bridegroom, he heard and obeyed. This parable is symbolic of what happens to every one of my elect whom I have chosen, for they are called and chosen. They respond and at some point are awakened to God with a very cleansing and redeeming experience by my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They then become born again of the Spirit, and symbolically are given a clean, white linen wedding garment. They are numbered with the other elect of God, and await the prophesied second coming of the Son of Man, in the clouds of heaven.

When Jesus comes in his glory, these elect from all of our children ever born to us, will meet Jesus in the air and descend with him in glory to the earth. They will then live with him on the new terrestrial earth in the millennial day, a day and place reserved for my elect who have been or will soon be awakened unto God and born again through Jesus Christ, our Son.

Raphael, our elect who are born again will be fully transitioned into the terrestrial world. They will have also been changed from a telestial state to a terrestrial mortal state, even by the end of the year 2019. These changes are all necessary for them to have the strength and assurance in God that will be required to weather the storms coming upon the earth during its cleansing of the wicked, or the ungodly.

The awakening of our elect will be done one at a time for each of our children that I have chosen. Like this man in the vision you saw in the southern skies, each needs to be born again in a very deeply personal experience. This is done by their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ himself, like you saw happen to that man. Thus our elect gradually become awakened unto God, and led carefully back into our glorious presence, even as has happened to you.'

I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Father who faced me! I knew I had received great truths today, pure revelation from his very being who was in front of me. I said I would obey all he and Heavenly Mother would ask me to do. I said I was their faithful servant.

Heavenly Father then smiled the light of his countenance upon me and I felt his great love and acceptance in my heart and mind."


1 Nephi 21:19-20
19 For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants; and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.

20 The children whom thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the first, shall again in thine ears say: The place is too strait for me; give place to me that I may dwell.

172B14-172B17, from Heavenly Mother: "The inhabitants of Zion will soon fill the land inside the walls [of the New Jerusalem], and be encouraged to venture forth to establish other cities of Zion in the surrounding lands. Then will be fulfilled this scripture in Isaiah:

Isaiah 49:19-20

"For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction (this is a description of the land of the New Jerusalem immediately after the very large earthquake hits before you will arrive, Raphael, to make it a beautiful place), shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, (this means too populated) and they that swallowed thee up (the wicked and the invading armies) shall be far away.

The children which thou shalt have (the inhabitants of Zion), after thou hast lost the other (those who remained among the wicked and did not come to Zion), shall say again in thine ears, "The place is too strait for me (too many people, and the land is being filled so there is not enough land to build a house and have land to grow our own food): give place to me that I may dwell." ' (words in parentheses by Heavenly Mother).

When this happens, you will encourage those in Zion who do not work directly on the temple, the temple square area, and on the city, to migrate out upon the promised land and establish other cities of Zion. Your enemies by this time will be gone, and the living waters will be flowing across the land outside of the New Jerusalem area. The promised land will fill with other terrestrial cities of Zion until the entire land has become a land of Zion.'


1 Nephi 21:21
21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart: Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? And who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where have they been?

Sat, Jun 1, 2024
These words are spoken by the inhabitants of Zion in their hearts. It will be difficult to have loved ones stay back in the telestial world and be destroyed! They will feel desolate with family and friends who have chosen the telestial lifestyle and have not qualified to come forth in the terrestrial world of the millennium. Those around them at the beginning of the millennium will be strangers at first. In their journey to Zion, they have moved to and fro to escape the calamities and enemies around them. They felt alone in that journey to Zion. Now there are others who did the same thing. They wonder "where have these other inhabitants of Zion been when I was wandering about, seeking the Spirit to guide me through the perilous times?"

See my notes in 1 Nephi 21:24.


1 Nephi 21:22-23
22 Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people; and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.

23 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their face towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

Sat, Jun 1, 2024These verses refer to the latter-day Gentiles who will teach the elect of God, who are of the House of Israel. Jacob, the brother of Nephi, was asked by Nephi to explain these verses:

2 Nephi 6:11-13: "Wherefore, after they are driven to and fro, for thus saith the angel, many shall be afflicted in the flesh, and shall not be suffered to perish, because of the prayers of the faithful; they shall be scattered, and smitten, and hated; nevertheless, the Lord will be merciful unto them, that when they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer, they shall be gathered together again to the lands of their inheritance.

And blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his covenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things.

Wherefore, they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet; and the people of the Lord shall not be ashamed. For the people of the Lord are they who wait for him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah."

See also 2 Nephi 6:13 where Jacob describes that those who "shall bow down to thee with their faces towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet" are the wicked Gentiles, not the righteous Gentiles.

"Licking up the dust of thy feet" is a term which the one who is conquered shows great humility, respect from being defeated. In a like manner with a deep feeling of relief, the elect who are serve and rescued by the righteous Gentiles and/or the servants of God will express deep gratitude and humility for being saved from a very difficult and oppressing situation. These elect will miraculously come out of extreme hardships to the glory and peace of Zion.

Clarke's Commentary: "Verse Isaiah 49:23. With their face toward the earth. . . It is well known that expressions of submission, homage, and reverence always have been and are still carried to a great degree of extravagance in the eastern countries. When Joseph's brethren were introduced to him, "they bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth," Genesis 42:6. The kings of Persia never admitted any one to their presence without exacting this act of adoration; for that was the proper term for it. . . "The Macedonians after the manner of the Persians, saluted their monarch with the ceremony of prostration." - CURTIUS, lib. viii. The insolence of eastern monarchs to conquered princes, and the submission of the latter, is astonishing. Mr. Harmer, Observ. ii. 43, gives the following instance of it from D'Herbelot: "This prince threw himself one day on the ground, and kissed the prints that his victorious enemy's horse had made there; reciting some verses in Persian, which he had composed, to this effect: -

"'The mark that the foot of your horse has left upon the dust, serves me now for a crown.

"'The ring which I wear as the badge of my slavery, is become my richest ornament.

"'While I shall have the happiness to kiss the dust of your feet, I shall think that fortune favours me with its tenderest caresses, and its sweetest kisses.'"

These expressions therefore of the prophet are only general poetical images, taken from the manners of the country, to denote great respect and reverence: and such splendid poetical images, which frequently occur in the prophetical writings, were intended only as general amplifications of the subject, not as predictions to be understood and fulfilled precisely according to the letter. For the different kinds of adoration in the east, see the note on Isaiah 44:17."


1 Nephi 21:24-26
24 For shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives delivered?

25 But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine; and all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Thu, Feb 8, 2024
The prey spoken of are those who are the elect of God, spoken of in 1 Nephi chapter 14. These will be spared, and will ultimately make their way to Zion, and the cities of Zion on the terrestrial earth. All those who oppress these elect of God, the church of the Lamb, will be distressed and ultimately destroyed by the power of God.


1 Nephi 22:2
2 And I, Nephi, said unto them: Behold they were manifest unto the prophet by the voice of the Spirit; for by the Spirit are all things made known unto the prophets, which shall come upon the children of men according to the flesh.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
Thu, Feb 8, 2024 We receive direction from the Spirit for things which will come upon men, this is the way prophets receive direction to know things that are coming.


1 Nephi 22:4
4 And behold, there are many who are already lost from the knowledge of those who are at Jerusalem. Yea, the more part of all the tribes have been led away; and they are scattered to and fro upon the isles of the sea; and whither they are none of us knoweth, save that we know that they have been led away.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
The house of Israel have been scattered upon all earth, led away to distant lands. These are for the wise purposes of the Lord. These scatterings happen at all different times, to different groups of the house of Israel.


1 Nephi 22:7
7 And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded, that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the Gentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land; and by them shall our seed be scattered.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
This mighty nation is the United States of America, raised up by God.


1 Nephi 22:11-12
11 Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to make bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations, in bringing about his covenants and his gospel unto those who are of the house of Israel.

12 Wherefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and they shall be gathered together to the lands of their inheritance; and they shall be brought out of obscurity and out of darkness; and they shall know that the Lord is their Savior and their Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
The Lord will make bare His holy arm by destroying the wicked, first the whore, Babylon, the beast and his allies, and finally the armies at Armageddon. During this destruction, God will also tenderly gather his elect that the Father has chosen This is the purpose of the 2nd coming, to destroy the wicked and to gather out all the righteous to live for a thousand years with Christ.


1 Nephi 22:13
13 And the blood of that great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall turn upon their own heads; for they shall war among themselves, and the sword of their own hands shall fall upon their own heads, and they shall be drunken with their own blood.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024
There will be internal fighting between the globalist (whore, great and abominable church) so that they war among themselves, except for the 10 kings who will give their power to the beast (Rev 17:12-13). All others will have internal conflict between themselves.

105A22-105A29: "Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, our world and our joys all revolve around our beloved children for the particular eternity we are involved in. Your eternity is the one that now thrills us, and also where we focus our energy. We are enjoying our experience so much with you and our faithful who are being gathered to lead out in our great latter-day work. We find deep satisfaction in watching our leaders accept our commands and do as we ask. We are directing each angel and servant, and when they are done we give them each more assignments. We find great joy in seeing them respond and obey!

We anticipate, with our Godly foresight, more and more of our faithful elect who will also be led and guided by us and are obedient to our voice. However, we anticipate a great division among the people:

2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

We will protect those who follow us and obey our promptings, even in the sight of their enemies who actively want them destroyed. Yet we will turn the wicked upon "their own heads; for they shall war among themselves, and the sword of their own hands shall fall upon their own heads, and they shall be drunken with their own blood.

And every nation which shall war against thee, O house of Israel, shall be turned one against another, and they shall fall into the pit which they digged to ensnare the people of the Lord. And all that fight against Zion shall be destroyed, and that great whore, who hath perverted the right ways of the Lord, ye, that great and abominable church, shall tumble to the dust and great shall be the fall of it." (1 Nephi 22:13-14)

We know what plans the wicked will make to ensnare our humble and obedient people. Our wisdom is greater than their wicked plans, and we will work a great work to save the righteous and condemn the wicked for their evil acts and plans.

At that day of deliverance, our faithful will pour out their praises to us for saving them at this dramatic juncture. It will be akin to the praises of the Nephites when they defeated the armies of the robbers (see 3 Nephi 4:31-33). We love to free and save our elect who are in the grasp of their enemies and bring them into the land of our peace in the days of their deliverance.

Raphael, the days ahead will be a closure of Satan's reign on the earth. Wickedness will cease, and our people will live in peace and obedience to us, their Gods. We love saving our obedient children with a spiritual and temporal salvation. This is a great blessing we offer to those who obey our promptings!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words tonight. I felt the joy of anticipation of their great gifts and blessings they would extend to the faithful. I felt invigorated and excited to live in these 'transitional times. My vision then ended. I was alone in the maple tree grove and my Heavenly Parents had departed. I then thanked them again and closed my prayer.""


1 Nephi 22:14
14 And every nation which shall war against thee, O house of Israel, shall be turned one against another, and they shall fall into the pit which they digged to ensnare the people of the Lord. And all that fight against Zion shall be destroyed, and that great whore, who hath perverted the right ways of the Lord, yea, that great and abominable church, shall tumble to the dust and great shall be the fall of it.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
The Lord will fight for Zion and his people. The whore shall tumble to the dust, a great fall.


1 Nephi 22:15
15 For behold, saith the prophet, the time cometh speedily that Satan shall have no more power over the hearts of the children of men; for the day soon cometh that all the proud and they who do wickedly shall be as stubble; and the day cometh that they must be burned.

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
This is the burning, both by nuclear war and by the burning by the Lord himself.


1 Nephi 22:17
17 Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

Sun, Feb 11, 2024
The righteous will be saved by having the wicked (Babylon and the whore) burned with fire, and later the beast destroyed. For all that fight against his saints he will destroy.

167B7-167B35, from Heavenly Mother: "She immediately appeared, bringing me instant comfort. She spoke: 'Raphael, there is fear and division of the people in your land at this time. There is so much uncertainty among many people. With Uriel's blowing of his trumpet, many of our elect mortals have heard this in their hearts, and now many believe that the coming of Jesus Christ is near.

S wrote you this morning and in his email he shared with you his journal entry from July 6, 2020. He is correct in writing what I spoke to him at that time, that "many of our elect heard the trump of Uriel in their mortal heart and are now seeking earnestly to prepare for the day at hand."

I have brought you here to this grassy plain to be my witness of how in such times of uncertainty in which you now live, and in which our elect live, that we will come in answer to their sincere and humble prayers. We will come by them, although they won't see us as do you. We will send our comfort, love, acceptance and gentle direction and promptings to their hearts and minds.

I have also brought you here to again show you our power that we will exercise through you, our celestial angels and servants, and through our humble and praying elect. You have been here once before, at the time of your prayer journal post 33. If there is any time in your own future, or in the future of those to whom you will minister to, when you or they are being attacked or buffeted by the wicked or by Satan, our power of deliverance will be upon you and our elect.

You especially will be our protector to our elect, even as I have spoken to you on Nov. 2, 2016 (see your post 33E7):

"Here is how you will be able to help us: When one of our children, who are elect, come unto us, in the sincerity and commitment of their souls, we will hear them. We will respond by first giving them protection. We will send you, our archangel Raphael, in your replicated physical body, to protect them in their journey back to us! You will be able to wield the sword of Raphael if necessary, in their defense from Satan and his hosts. You will also be directed how to keep them alive and well enough, in their struggles and journey back to us. Stay beside them always, never revealing yourself to them, but watching over them and helping them as we direct you."

Raphael, now look upon this grassy area in front of us. You will see many of our praying elect to whom we will send you to deliver them.'

I then looked and saw many of the elect next to me, kneeling and praying on the grassy plain. I saw that their petitions came to our Gods, and that they smiled upon them. In many instances, I saw one of our three Gods at their side, comforting them and filling them with light and hope, with love and assurance.

I then saw many celestial and terrestrial servants coming to minister to them as well, as they were directed by God.

I saw next many airplanes as I had seen in my post 33, coming from the distant mountains, heading for those grassy plains where we were all kneeling. Those who were kneeling could also see their enemies coming to destroy them and their families!

I know that my prayer vision in my post 33E20 to 33E27 was again being replayed before me, except this time I was not alone on the plain, but with my other innocent praying elect. I could sense their anxiety and great uncertainty.

I then moved into the airplanes and disabled the dropping bombs, all by my intention and my thoughts. I could hear and see the crew being dumbfounded since the bombs did not drop. As the airplanes then turned and headed back to the mountains, I used intention to drop the bombs on a remote location where they would not hurt any elect. This again surprised the crew, just as it did in my previous post.

I came back down consciously to the grassy plain and could sense great relief and joy from those elect by me who were praying. There were many tears of joy and renewed faith in God. I saw I had my sword of Raphael in my hand, and raised above the entire group of the righteous.

I turned and stood before my Heavenly Mother who then addressed me: 'Raphael, we will protect our righteous elect, and preserve their lives, even during the days of war, calamity, and great upheavals and uncertainty. Always follow strictly our promptings, with never a moment's hesitation, and all will be well with you and our elect.'

I told my Heavenly Mother I would do so. I thanked her for my vision this morning. I thanked her for coming to my side and answering my prayer.

She smiled upon me and her light flowed into me in abundance. She said this was all for this morning and to now look up from my healing seer stone and that my prayer would end.

I looked up, with intention, from my stone and found myself writing this all down in my journal. I closed my prayer and joined my family who were now up.

Evening- I reread my entry from this morning, and felt comforted that God would go to great measures to protect the elect of God on the earth. This will not be an easy series of escapes for the righteous.

I pondered this interesting scripture tonight in 1 Nephi 22:17-18 speaking of our day-

"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

Behold, my brethren, I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; Yea, even blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men according to the flesh if it so be that they will harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel."

1) I wondered what the fulness of God's wrath was in verse 17

2) What the destruction of the enemies of the righteous by fire meant, mentioned twice in verse 17

3) Is the fire in verse 18 the same fire as in 17?

4) Is it modern warfare, with vapor of smoke?

These are my questions tonight as I started my prayer.

I came to the desert oasis tonight, and came to the waters edge to drink. I was kneeling down when my Heavenly Father appeared before me, with his feet touching the surface of the water! I was very excited and awed by his presence tonight. He shined a light glow from his being into the water beneath him and into the area immediately around his personage.

I thanked him humbly and sincerely for coming to me! He immediately spoke:

'Raphael, our prophet Nephi had just read and caused to be written the words of Isaiah. Nephi had seen your day, but knew that our servant John the Revelator was to write all these events down in his book, even the Book of Revelation. There are many prophecies both in Isaiah and Revelation that are just now being unveiled before our humble and righteous elect.

Nephi saw your day of modern warfare, with airplanes, missiles, fast moving warships, bombs and other explosives, and more especially how the wicked would fight among themselves, and attempt to destroy the righteous. You relived this vision this morning on the grassy plain by the river wherein evil men and nations were planning to destroy the innocent elect of God.

It will be during these occasions that we will send you and our other mighty angels and celestial servants to intercede on behalf of our righteous elect. We will give you every option, even to the destruction of those enemies by fire, if no other way stops them in their decreed course. Fire may mean their own explosives and weapons they plan to use to destroy our righteous, or the fire of God that may destroy their equipment, armies, leaders, or plans.

Raphael, remember when our prophet Isaiah prophesied that God would protect Jerusalem from the armies of King Sennacherib, king of Assyria? The angel of God slew 185,000 soldiers one night, and the king was slain by his two sons (see 2 Kings 19:35-37). There will be great manifestations and miracles of our power against the ungodly in these last days you live in, R! Some of it will even come from the fire from your sword of Raphael, and the sword of Michael, and of other commanding angels.

The righteous truly need not fear, for we, their Gods, will deliver them by our power. The fulness of my wrath will soon come, even to command you and our celestial servants to destroy the works of Lucifer and the wicked, even in the flesh, on your earth. I will not suffer my chosen ones to be destroyed, for they are mine, and I have chosen them.

I used to defer my anger, and refrained in the past. (see Isaiah 48:9 "For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off.") However, at this juncture before the mighty return of my Beloved Son to the earth, I will no longer stay my wrath and anger against the wicked who seek to destroy my elect. I will command my son, even the Great Jehovah, and my angels and servants, to no longer spare the wicked in defense of the righteous!'

I bowed my head in submission before my Father who stood in majesty before me! I spoke not a word as he ascended in great light and power, even up into the night sky!

I was soon alone. I thanked my Father for his dramatic words, in my mind, and for his great truth! I said I would follow his every command, even the moment I received it.

I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."

141F3-141F24: "1 Nephi 22:17,19,22,24-25

"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.

And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded.

...And the time cometh speedily that the righteous must be led up as calves of the stall, and the Holy One of Israel must reign in dominion, and might, and power, and great glory.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture."

3 Nephi 22:14-15, 17

"In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear, and from terror for it shall not come near thee.

Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

...No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."

Moses 7:61

"And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve."

I have also wondered why there is often fire spoken of to protect the righteous prior to the Second Coming?

I feel relieved that God will protect and preserve the terrestrial elect! What a great blessing this will be!

I came this morning to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where I had seen the mirror-like surface of the lake on Thursday morning 10/24/2019. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came immediately beside me, smiling! Her light was not shining, for she looked like a normal person, but I knew her, particularly her eternity eyes.

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I appear to you this morning with no glory that you see from a normal person. This is how our terrestrial elect will appear to those who are telestial round them, prior to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

However, we will entirely protect our terrestrial elect, even if it so be by fire that will consume the telestial wicked, our terrestrial will be preserved! The fire I speak of will be terrestrial fire at the second coming. At the end of the world, when the earth dies after the millennium, we will also send fire, but that will be celestial fire.'

Heavenly Mother then backed up on the lake and a large cloud came above her. Suddenly, intense fire came down from the cloud! It entirely engulfed her, but she then walked out of the fire upon the surface of the water, back to me.

She spoke: 'Raphael, you have seen fire come out of the cloud and surround me. However, I was not affected within my person or my clothing. We will have permanently transfigured our elect to a terrestrial glory in their mortal bodies by the end of your year 2019. They will have been purified and elevated to withstand the terrestrial fire that will engulf the wicked. They will be preserved by our power over any destructive forces in their telestial world. They will be preserved by our matchless power!

The scriptures that you have recorded this morning in your journal describe how the wicked will perish and the righteous who follow us will be preserved. This is our promise to all our faithful elect!

Some years ago, you fell on a dangerous rockslide in one of your Utah canyons while on a father and sons campout. We sent our angel to protect you and to turn you over and land you on the rocks, thereby avoiding body injury. There will be many instances similar to this where unseen forces will protect our mortal elect. We will also remove them from danger, or shield them by our power, or make them disappear from their enemies-all because we have chosen them to be preserved and led as calves of the stall into our new terrestrial millennial day!

Our righteous need not fear, but give us praise and thanksgiving for our great gift of protection we will extend to them!'

At this time, my Heavenly Mother gradually became more and more filled with light, even until she was brightly shining before me! Her celestial light penetrated and engulfed me! I felt so very enlightened and loved.

She spoke: 'Raphael, you are pure before us, and accept and receive my celestial presence as I stand and shine intensely before you. Our terrestrial elect will also abide the light and fire, for they too will be pure and holy and able to receive of that light and glory.

When Jesus Christ comes in glory upon the earth, he will come in his great celestial glory in the skies above the earth. Our holy angels will descend with him to the earth, for they are celestial and may abide his presence. Our terrestrial elect will be quickened to a celestial glory and also meet Jesus in the clouds of heaven. The dead who have died and merit a celestial resurrection will also rise from the dead and meet Jesus in the clouds of heaven. All will be celestial in the clouds of heaven.

The light, fire and glory of Jesus Christ that is celestial will remain with those who come in the clouds of heaven. However, when this light extends to the earth, it will become terrestrial light. The earth will transform to the terrestrial, for it will already be in a state of change on its surface from a telestial glory to a terrestrial glory. Those who remain as telestial on the earth will be consumed by the light and fire of the terrestrial glory that comes from Jesus Christ, the Savior and King and ruler of the earth. They will all see him and the righteous who come with him who fill the heavens as Jesus descends in glory.

When Jesus comes to the earth and walks upon her surface with the elect of God, he will lessen his light and glory to the realm of the terrestrial. The elect and holy angels of God and other servants will lessen their glory also, to that of the terrestrial, for the glory of the earth will be in that day, all terrestrial except in the New Jerusalem temple and the temple square area.

This lessening of his light is the manner in which Jesus came among the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi. He walked among them in a lower state of glory so that they could be in his very presence in their telestial world. Were he to remain in his celestial glory, they would need to have been quickened to a celestial glory to remain without being consumed by the glory, light and fire of his presence.

In the millennium, when Jesus Christ descends and walks among our sons and daughters on the earth, he will be in terrestrial glory. Those on the earth will all be terrestrial at that time and the earth will be terrestrial also.

When those elect come into the New Jerusalem temple square area, and into our celestial temple, they will be quickened to a celestial glory, or if already transfigured or translated or resurrected to a celestial glory, will come in their celestial state of glory. We will be among them also in our celestial glory.'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her amazing teachings this morning! I expressed my heartfelt love and desire to always keep her sayings and truths close to my heart.

She then ascended up into the same fiery cloud that was over her, above Lake Beautiful. I closed my prayer and started my new day."


1 Nephi 22:18-19
18 Behold, my brethren, I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; yea, even blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men according to the flesh if it so be that they will harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel.

19 For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.

Thu, Dec 1, 2011
Blood, fire, vapor of smoke will come in the destruction of the whore, destruction of the beast, and destruction at Jerusalem when Christ comes on the Mount of Olives.


1 Nephi 22:22
22 And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded. But it is the kingdom of the devil, which shall be built up among the children of men, which kingdom is established among them which are in the flesh

Sat, Feb 10, 2024
The righteous have no need to fear, but to have faith, for it is the kingdom of the devil who should fear.


2 Nephi 1:6
6 Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord.

Wed, Feb 14, 2024
This prophecy includes all of the founding fathers and currently the illegal aliens across the southern border of the United States of America, mostly from Central and South America. These too have come in large numbers, and are brought by the hand of the Lord, according to this prophecy.


2 Nephi 1:7
7 Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.

Thu, Feb 15, 2024
The promise of liberty is to those who serve Jesus Christ, the God of this land. The wicked, who work iniquity, will be cursed upon the land and will be eventually destroyed from the land. See also verses 10-11.

Feb 14, 2024: In prayer I received words like this into my mind from my Father in heaven, while praying about the purposes of God in bringing the currently 5,000/day illegal immigrants across our southern borders:

"Raphael, Lehi's prophecy is true, which states that none will come to this promised land except that they are brought there by the hand of the Lord (2 Nephi 2:6-7).

Currently your country, the United States of America, is ripe for destruction, for the vast number of it's people have allowed gross iniquity to abound in their lives and country. The land is now cursed for their sakes. Great judgments are upon the land, and there will be a transition in the inhabitants, where I will remove the wicked and those who work iniquity, and destroy them. Those who come will destroy Babylon, the wickedness in the land, even as was prophesied by Micah chapters 3-4 and referred to by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi 16, 20 and 21. Those who are coming will thrash the United States government, industry, and the wickedness in the land, acting as my agents in their destruction. They will tread them down (3 Nephi 16:15), be as a lion among a flock of sheep, who, if he goeth through, both teareth in pieces and none can deliver (3 Nephi 20:16). I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard (3 Nephi 21:13-21).

There are also those currently in this land who are righteous, both among the Gentile nation in the United States, and those who are coming across the southern border. Among these are many of my elect whom I have chosen. If they will keep my commandments, they will be blessed upon the face of the land, and there shall be none to molest them, nor take away the land from them (2 Nephi 1:9). I have sent my angels, my 144,000 and other holy men and women to guide them and protect them, so that they may dwell in safety. These will eventually make their way to the terrestrial land of promise where is located the New Jerusalem and Zion. These are all my covenant people, and are numbered among the house of Israel. I will also establish my church among them, and they will be given this land for their inheritance (3 Nephi 21:22).

There will also come other nations into your land as invading armies, predominantly from Russia and China. Many of these are already in place in your land. These will further destroy the governments and industries in your land. Their purpose will be to destroy Babylon, the great and abominable church of the devil, the mother of harlots, and to take possession of the land for themselves. This is prophesied in Isaiah 10 and many other scriptures.

Once spiritual Babylon, and the wicked in the land are destroyed and removed by my power, I will no longer need those who have come whom I have brought to destroy the wicked. If they reject my Beloved Son, the true Messiah, their Redeemer, then they will also be removed and soon destroyed, leaving the righteous in the land. When Jesus Christ returns in power, in his second coming, those who have listened to my voice, and kept my commandments, will be caught up in the clouds of heaven. Those who remain on the telestial earth will be burned at his coming, along with all that is telestial in the mortal sphere. The righteous will then descend to the terrestrial earth and enter into an era of peace and rest, even during the millennial era. Jesus Christ will be their lawgiver, and will reign over the earth for a thousand years."

After I wrote the above, I prayed whether what I wrote was truly from my Heavenly Father. He responded to my mind:

"Raphael, what you have written is of me and was given to you from me, from my Spirit and inspiration. It is not from you, but from me. I am pleased with what you have written."

See also my notes in 3 Nephi 21:12 and 21.


2 Nephi 1:9
9 Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained a promise, that inasmuch as those whom the Lord God shall bring out of the land of Jerusalem shall keep his commandments, they shall prosper upon the face of this land; and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselves. And if it so be that they shall keep his commandments they shall be blessed upon the face of this land, and there shall be none to molest them, nor to take away the land of their inheritance; and they shall dwell safely forever.

Tue, Feb 13, 2024
The promise is for Lehi's seed and the Mulekites, both who came out of the land of Jerusalem. However, if they were to dwindle in unbelief (see verse 10), they would be have the land taken from them (see verse 11). This has come to pass, even as Lehi prophesied.

We are now at another juncture, when the Gentile nation has turned away from God. This Gentile nation of the United States is destined to be destroyed from off the land. Only the righteous who remain among them will be spared, and will be numbered among the House of Israel who will come. Judgements and destructions will come upon the wicked, just as has happened before, to cleanse the land and keep those righteous who remain to possess the land. In our day, the underlying terrestrial land will be the land of their possessions. This holy land will all become a garden of Eden to the inhabitants of the land who will serve Jesus Christ, the God of this land.


2 Nephi 1:11
11 Yea, he will bring other nations unto them, and he will give unto them power, and he will take away from them the lands of their possessions, and he will cause them to be scattered and smitten.

Wed, Feb 14, 2024
The other nations who have taken away the lands from those who dwindled in unbelief (the Lamanites) were principally Great Britain (England, Ireland, Scotland), Holland, Spain, France and Portugal.


2 Nephi 1:17-18
17 My heart hath been weighed down with sorrow from time to time, for I have feared, lest for the hardness of your hearts the Lord your God should come out in the fulness of his wrath upon you, that ye be cut off and destroyed forever;

18 Or, that a cursing should come upon you for the space of many generations; and ye are visited by sword, and by famine, and are hated, and are led according to the will and captivity of the devil.

Tue, Feb 13, 2024
The prophecies of wrath from God upon Laman and Lemuel, and those who followed them, truly came to pass. They also received a cursing, and were visited by the sword according the the captivity of the devil.


2 Nephi 1:20
20 And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence.

Tue, Feb 13, 2024
This is the overall promise and curse of God upon the inhabitants of the promised land.


2 Nephi 2:6-7
6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

125C3-125D27: "I raised both hands above my head and asked in prayer for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw the sky above the fountain and I heard in my mind the voice of my Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, come up here!'

I arose and thought to go up into the opening in the sky and I was immediately above the fountain. I then stepped into the opening into the higher celestial realm from my celestial realm! I was before my glorious Heavenly Father who was smiling at me and very filled with light and radiance! I saw my Heavenly Mother coming to his left side and then hold his hand. I was standing before both of my glorious Heavenly Parents!

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we have brought you into our higher celestial realm above our celestial orb. You may look down and see the fountain, our golden altar and the temple below us. We may go anywhere on our celestial orb in this sphere and we will remain out of sight from any of our children who may be here in the celestial realm.'

I thanked him for allowing me to come before them in this higher celestial realm. I told them how pleased I was to be in their presence!

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, let us now go to the Great Assembly Hall where there is a meeting being held and conducted by you. You are there in a replicated state from the one you are in now before us. We will watch together what happens in the meeting.'

We then were immediately in the upper corner of the hall, in the top southwest corner. I could see that I was addressing the group before me. The hall was filled with many people sitting down. Every seat was taken. I perceived in my mind that these were holy angels, celestial servants including Enoch's translated group and many who were resurrected to a celestial glory. I didn't see any others here. I could switch back and forth between my being in the upper celestial realms to myself standing at the pulpit in the celestial realms! I turned from the podium where I was then standing and looked up at the southwest corner and saw Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and myself, all standing. I knew we were not visible to the congregation, for they had not been invited into that higher celestial realm where the gods dwell.

I then saw Jesus Christ come and stand on the right side of the Father, so that Heavenly Father was in the middle, with Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus on his right! I was standing on Heavenly Mother's left side and we were all facing the podium.

I then tried to perceive both of my minds in both of my replicated beings, the one in the corner and the one at the podium. I knew I could perceive them both at the same time, but in my conscious mind I could only have transferred to me on earth while I wrote in my journal, only one unconscious mind at a time. All seemed natural and just how things should be.

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we have chosen to stop the present moment for a bit while I talked to you. We may do this from our higher celestial realm. Everyone in this Great Assembly Hall remains in their moveless state that they are in. We may remain in this stopped state for as long as we wish.'

I observed that my three Gods before me were moving and acting as normal, whereas those in the room, including myself at the podium, were still and seemed 'frozen' and didn't move. I came to my own self at the podium and was also frozen in my thoughts it seemed! I could instantly perceive the thoughts in my mind at the podium and then my mind in the upper celestial sphere that was active and thinking normally.

Heavenly Mother turned to Jesus Christ who then spoke: 'Raphael, we have brought you here into our upper celestial sphere today to experience what we as gods may do in stopping the present. I also want to explain to you in detail about my suffering for the sins of mankind. Time as you know it in the celestial and lower spheres may be momentarily stopped by us who are gods and who act in our upper celestial sphere.

When I was on the cross, suffering for the sins of mankind and for you, I was replicated from myself in the mortal earth to myself in these upper celestial realms. I was multiplied many times over in this highest realm. I went to each person on the earth, in the spirit world around the earth, in the premortal earth, and even to the evil hosts of Satan on the earth. These were all those who were the children of our Heavenly Parents. I went to each one who was 'frozen' in time.

As I approached you in your domed room, now in God's Loving Healing Center, you were very aware that I was suffering on the earth. You were in a meditative and saddened state, seeing me, your older brother in the spirit, suffer and tremble on the cross from the pains of my mortal death, but especially from the pains for sin I was experiencing in the higher celestial realm.

I came to you in the domed room and stood before you. I was not visible to you, for I was in the higher celestial realm and you were in the celestial realm. I looked upon you and saw, in my godly powers of hindsight and foresight, your very existence from the beginning when you were first born to our Heavenly Mother, to your final time of becoming a god on our celestial earth! I saw your entire life in every phase of your living, in all your states of probation and progression. I perceived your thoughts, desires and actions in every part of this journey from a spirit baby to an exalted man!

I then went back in time and for each moment you committed a sin, by your thoughts, desires and actions, that would have prevented you from dwelling in our presence, and took upon me the required suffering that the law of justice required that I suffer for that sin or weakness in order for that sin to be fully forgiven and erased. I gathered all of these amounts of sufferings together, by my power of being a god and a Redeemer, and then confirmed with my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother that this was enough suffering to make you clean from the sins you had or would ever have. When confirmed, I then agreed in my mind to suffer the accumulated intense pain of the required payment for your sins! I suffered in this higher celestial world, where no one saw me suffer except my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They perceived my sufferings, but did not rescue me from my pain, for I suffered alone. I chose to suffer because I loved you, Raphael.'

I then came to my knees and cried to my Savior, 'Oh I thank you my cherished Redeemer, to have suffered and atoned for my sins and weaknesses!' I was crying and very emotional, for I too could see Jesus suffering for me directly, back when he suffered for me in the domed room in the higher celestial sphere!

Jesus smiled on me and spoke again: 'Raphael, I suffered for your sins since I loved you. When I had fully suffered for you I then stepped forward and embraced you while you were kneeling in the domed room. You were in the attitude of meditative prayer at the time I suffered for you, R! You did not see or feel me embrace you, for I was still in the higher celestial realm.

I repeated these same steps for every son and daughter of our Heavenly Parents! They each were in various states of progression. Many knew that this was the moment of my suffering and were deep in thought, praying in their hearts for me, as were you praying for me.

Others who were in their mortal state or were in sin had no idea of the suffering I would be doing for them. Nevertheless, I suffered for each one from the higher celestial sphere, just like I described to you that I suffered for you.

The entire time I suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, and later on the cross, was the period that I suffered in the higher celestial realm in my replicated spirits. I replicated myself many millions of times, for each period of suffering took finite moments for me to suffer.

The accumulation of my pain was also felt in my mortal body on the earth. I had been given previously a full awareness of my conscious and unconscious mind and so I could perceive all that was happening, even while I was suffering in all of my replicated states. My mind and heart on earth were synched and drawn out together in love for my fellow brothers and sisters! The pain was so severe that I bled from every pore in my mortal body on the earth.'

D&C 19:16-19

"For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

But if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I;

Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-

Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men."

I thus suffered for the few hours in the Garden and later on the cross. In the higher celestial realms, I suffered for many long periods until all was completed, and I had suffered for all! I suffered in multiple phases, for I had stopped time for each of these phases. When my suffering was complete for one phase, I was filled again with light from both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and rested for a short moment. I then started time again on earth and then stopped it in the higher celestial realm again as I entered into the next phase of suffering. There were a total of 700 phases of suffering. This was given me of the Father to thus break down the total suffering into shorter suffering phases. I could then see the progress I made as I suffered through each phase.

The number of phases was significant too. Seven is a godly number and signifies in heaven completeness and one hundred signifies all. Therefore, seven times one hundred signifies all is completed. I uttered, "it is finished" (see John 19:30) when I had completed suffering the last of the 700 phases of suffering. I then voluntarily died on the cross for all mankind, having fully completed all that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had ordained me to do with regards to suffering for the sins of all of mankind.

At that moment, just before I gave up the ghost and my spirit was released from my physical body on the earth, I met again with both of my loving Heavenly Parents in our higher celestial realms. The suffering was all completed, and no one knew it except us three gods. I then was embraced first by my Heavenly Mother and then by my Heavenly Father. We were all crying for joy at this momentous occasion! They infused again in me their light to an exceedingly high amount and comforted and bless me, their Beloved Son!

I then died on earth and my spirit entered into the world of the spirits as is recorded in D&C 138:18.'

I was still on my knees before my Savior, Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked Jesus profusely for his love in suffering for me, a Son of God, and for cleansing me from all sin! I thanked them all for bringing me before them for this experience.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, what your Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, has shared with you is true. Go now down to our very beloved celestial angels and servants and read to them the account in your journal that you have just written! This will be the only address of this meeting. After your talk, then introduce our Beloved Son to them. He will appear in glory and light, coming from our position here. He will then descend to all of you and minister to you here, in the celestial realm in this Great Assembly Hall.

The manner and details of Christ's suffering have never before been revealed to mankind until now. We wish our faithful servants to be the first to receive these wonderful truths!'

I thanked my Father and said I would do so now. I came into my replicated being at the podium and delivered my address on the great atonement of Jesus Christ. I read exactly from my journal to the previous paragraph above. I then introduced Jesus Christ, after first asking that we all come on bended knee before him.

Jesus then appeared before us in glory. He came to each one in the vast congregation and embraced them and spoke to them. It all seemed but a short moment. He then charged us to teach these truths to the faithful, even as the Spirit of God would inspire us to share and when to share.

While I am writing this, I felt overcome with emotion, crying with large breaths between. I am so, so grateful for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and for his revelation to me today!

Evening-This has been a great day. I have thought about my experience in prayer this morning and have been impressed how remarkable it was, particularly the spiritual import upon my soul. I feel so very indebted to Jesus Christ and for his redemption for me and all mankind! It is overwhelming to think of his great love for me and for each of God's other children too!

I had a few more questions about the great atonement:

1) Did Jesus suffer also for the sins of Lucifer and for each of his evil hosts?

2) Were any other of God's creations redeemed, like the earth or animals and plants that attain a celestial glory?

3) Was Christ exhausted after each of the 700 periods and had to be recharged with light to complete the suffering? And what kind of recharging was this?

4) How did Jesus exactly suffer that fulfilled the law of justice? Was this a pain that came upon him somehow from the spirit of the one he atoned for?

I hope to receive some answers in my prayers soon.

I came to the circling waters and faced south towards the water. I drank living water and asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared before me tonight, with his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ on his right side! I did not see my Heavenly Mother. They were both enshrouded in abundant light.

My Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought our Son, Jesus Christ, tonight to answer some of your questions about the atonement he wrought for all mankind.

Jesus then stepped forward and addressed me:

'Raphael, I have been asked by our Father to answer your specific questions about my redemptive work for God's children.

1) Raphael, I suffered for all, even for Lucifer and all of his hosts. Our Father and Mother still hold out that some of these will repent and come unto me. We have already received the large group of the refugees of Lucifer come to me and be saved in my light and from Satan's power. They are our faithful servants and live on our celestial orb. There will be many more before the end of the world that will also repent and come unto me, their Great Redeemer.

2) I only suffered for God's children, and not for any of their other creations, like the earth or plants and animals. These have never sinned and therefore never transgressed any eternal law of heaven. They will all be resurrected by my power, since the Father and Mother have designated that I, the Great Redeemer, should initiate the resurrection for all their creations for this eternity. This includes all those who are resurrected to a celestial, terrestrial and telestial glory, not only for the children of God, but for all others of God's creations for this eternity, including plants, animals and the earth.

3) I suffered for all of God's children in 700 distinct periods of suffering, all done in the highest celestial sphere where only my Heavenly Parents and I were located. Each period was very draining and left me very exhausted, even though I had been ordained and commissioned to be the Great Redeemer and even though I also was ordained as a God. The suffering was intense and even though I was God, I suffered and trembled because of pain and suffered both in my body on earth (see D&C 19:16-18) and my replicated spirits in the highest celestial realms. This was a bitter cup for me to experience for each of the 700 periods. It left me exhausted and trembling each time! I received the intense outpouring of light from my Heavenly Parents after each period ended, to prepare me for my next period I would suffer again. I did the suffering all by myself, but my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother infused in me their light between the extended periods of suffering.

4) The law of justice established by our first parent gods states that no spiritually unclean thing may enter into the kingdom of God, into the celestial glory. The children of God had to be purified from all sin and be made pure and holy. My suffering for each one completed the suffering amount required by the law of justice, by one who was holy and without spot. When completed, I received from my Father or Mother their approval that I had sufficiently suffered to satisfy the demands eternal justice after I suffered for each child of God. I then could request of my Father or Mother, at a future time, when and if the recipient of my suffering repented and asked for forgiveness, that they be accepted of God and be made holy by my redeeming blood and suffering I had previously given in love for them. When approved of God, the recipient would then be made holy and pure, without spot.

This is the process of the one who repents and comes unto me to be cleansed:

D&C 45:3-5

"Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him-

Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;

Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life."

When the Father or Mother gave me their approval, then that child would be then able to have everlasting life and I could cleanse them at a future time by my power and they would be made pure and holy and without spot. They would then be fully redeemed and thus would be able to enter into God's presence in the celestial world.

I suffered the pain of each of our Heavenly Parents' children in this manner: After viewing and accumulating the total sins they committed or would commit in their past, present and future entire existence, I chose on my own to suffer for these accumulated sins. I knew the degree and intensity of the suffering required for payment of those sins, because I am God and had that knowledge given to me for each child of God. I voluntarily agreed to suffer, and then my Father or my Mother placed this sin upon me, upon my spirit. I felt the burden of these sins so very deeply. I knew the sorrows from sin that each experienced or would suffer. I then asked of my Father or Mother that I personally suffer for these heavy sins in my body on earth and my spirit in the higher celestial realms. They agreed, and I suffered until the law of justice for all those accumulated sins and weaknesses were satisfied. This suffering was very tangible, real pain for sin, similar to what you have felt when you sin and feel guilty. I felt that same consequence of sin, only it was by proxy since I did not actually commit the sins. I did, however, feel the pain of remorse, guilt, sorrow, and a deep desire to accept the consequences of sin and be freed of the sin.

2 Nephi 2:6-7

"Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered."

Once I suffered these deep, negative pains of emotion, all accumulated at one time for each child of our Heavenly Parents, then my Father or Mother said to me at one point that my suffering was enough suffering for those sins and that the eternal law of justice was fully satisfied for all the sins of that child. I then had satisfied the demands of justice by extending my tender mercy of love in suffering for all of their sins, both in my body and spirit. This caused me great pain and spiritual sorrow, but I endured and completed my sufferings for each child of God, for all of their life from the beginning to the end. I suffered until I had received the approval from our Heavenly Parents that the law was fulfilled and justice had been met.'

I thanked my Savior, Jesus Christ, for explaining and answering my questions so thoroughly! I thanked him for his willingness to suffer so fully for me and every other of God's children, in multiple replicated states, even at the same moment, for so many of God's children! I had a difficult time fathoming the depth of his suffering he must have experienced during even one of the 700 periods! My experience then ended in front of the circling waters and I came back to my mortal self, writing all of this down in my journal.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 16, 2019, Sunday

I came again to the circling waters this morning in God's celestial orb. I had slept deeply and was now refreshed. I drank again some living water from my cupped hand. I asked for my Gods, or one of them, to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came in bright glory on the water, a little elevated in the air. She was so radiant and smiled deeply! Her eyes were sparkling with great joy it seemed, for I felt her love enter into me with the light of her presence.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought one of the volumes of the Lamb's Book of Life with me today. The volumes contain to date a record of each of the premortal names of our children whom Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has suffered and satisfied the law of justice for all their sins. I have personally written the entries into this Book of Life for every one of my beloved children up to this point.'

She then opened the book in her hand to a certain page and extended the book to me. I then focused my eyes on a passage, for I was thus directed by her Spirit.

'Raphael, the passage you are drawn to was written by me when Jesus Christ fully completed suffering for your sins! Either your Father or I told Jesus Christ that he had suffered sufficiently for our particular child and then I wrote an entry for him or her in this Lamb's Book of Life. This particular passage reads "Raphael, my fourth son-Jesus Christ suffered for all his accumulated sins.' I then left enough space for two more entries: one which Oriphiel might write at the waters of separation (see your post 54K4 and post 107A6), for the same child for whom you might administer the waters of separation and one for a record of the final judgment for that child. In your particular case, Jesus Christ will perform the waters of separation for you since you cannot do this for yourself. Oriphiel will record your information at that time.

I created the lamb's Book of Life before the earth was populated by our children. It had enough volumes to record the information we desired for each of our children for this eternity.

Your entry is in this particular volume of the Book of Life, for I recorded the names of my children sequentially as Jesus Christ suffered for them. I alone wrote their names in these volumes, for there was only the Father, the Son and myself, your Heavenly Mother, who am the Holy Ghost who witnesses of the Son and all of his actions in this highest celestial realm! I witnessed in the Lamb's Book of Life that Christ had sufficiently suffered for each of my children, to redeem them at a future day, were they to repent, come unto our Beloved Son, and that he should redeem them fully from their accumulated sins.

This record is kept in our highest celestial realm until I give it to Oriphiel, our trusted archangel, to record the next entry for those who enter into our Church of the Firstborn. He will be given access to enter into our highest celestial realm by me and retrieve from me the volume(s) he will need for a particular day in our New Jerusalem temple. As the ordinance for the waters of separation is completed, Oriphiel will then find my entry in the Lamb's Book of Life and record that you, Raphael, performed the waters of separation ordinance for that child for whom Jesus had suffered. I will inspire Oriphiel where to find my entry in the volumes I had given him that morning. This entry he makes will signify that our child is now fully redeemed by Jesus Christ and accepted into our celestial church. His or her calling and election will then be made fully sure and be recorded in heaven.

Once Oriphiel records all such ordinances for the day, he will return the volumes I withdrew from our highest celestial sphere back to me. The highest celestial sphere is where we keep the Book of Life. These volumes are safe and protected, for no one may enter unless they are God or personally accompanied by either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or me. I accompany Oriphiel each time he requests the particular volumes for the day and will give him the books. I then stay by his side to witness to my satisfaction that all is recorded properly. When he is done at the end of the day, he returns the volumes I gave him that morning back to me. I then place them in their repository in our highest celestial realm.

John the Revelator wrote in Revelation 20:12: "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." (see also D&C 128:6-7) This other book, the Book of Life, will have entries written by me first, and then by Oriphiel. At the judgment day, there will be one further entry in the Lamb's Book of Life by Oriphiel, our archangel. He will write the conclusion of our judgment, where our child was assigned to go for eternity. This will be written in the space I left for each child after my first entry.

We will rejoice at that day for these, our children, who have both my entry and Oriphiel's entry written at the time of the waters of separation! This third entry at the judgment day will record that they were judged worthy to become a king or a queen, a high priest or high priestess in eternity. The entry will be written by Oriphiel, and then finally concluded by me once that individual is ordained to be a god or goddess. This final entry in the Lamb's Book of Life will conclude all the entries in that book for them. All the volumes of the Book of Life, when completed, will be then transferred to the repository in the New Jerusalem library on the celestial resurrected earth.

The gods, our children who dwell there, may then look up their particular entry in their volume. This will be their record recorded in heaven, for them to view whenever they wish, through all eternity.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words today, such an amazing revelation! I feel so blessed to have received it here on our celestial orb. I told her how grateful I was for her attentiveness to each of us to record and have Oriphiel record these records in heaven, in the celestial realm.

Evening-I wrote the following in my pocket journal at church today. At the sacrament meeting today in a local young single adult ward-we sang in the sacrament hymn page 188 "Thy will, O Lord, Be Done." I was especially touched by verse 3-here is that verse:

"No crown of thorns, no cruel cross Could make our great Redeemer shun He counted his own will but naught And Said "Thy Will O Lord be done"

I came to the knoll above the circling waters. I partook of the bread in the ward, and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were not visible before me.

I then saw my Savior's face, and then he held out the bread in a tray to me. I then realized that I was kneeling next to the podium in the Great Assembly Hall! He was personally passing the sacrament to all the celestial angels and servants of God. This was in the same meeting I was in yesterday morning, on 6-15-2019, in the Great Assembly Hall!

I partook of the sacrament from Jesus, and looked up into his loving face. His eyes were so very tender! He said 'Raphael, I have suffered for your sins and weaknesses, and you are clean before me: you have no more sin in your life. You are brought back into my presence, and into the presence of your Heavenly Parents. I love you R!'

I then looked up to the top corner of the hall, and I saw myself before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, with my replicated self kneeling also before them! Heavenly Mother spoke to me when I was there: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be with you, our son!'

I then looked down and could see me still in front of my Redeemer on the stand next to the podium. This was a unique experience I had. The scene then faded and I was over back at the knoll next to the circling waters! It was as if time was not a factor in heaven, for the meeting was yesterday morning that I had just come from.

Later-It is now evening on Father's Day, and the family has all left and my wife has gone to bed. I am alone up in my household. I wanted to connect again to my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother on the celestial orb.

During the sacrament meeting today, I read a little about the Book of Life, or the Lamb's Book of Life. I read that some don't have their names written in the Book of Life, or some whose names are blotted out of the Book of Life (see Revelation 3:5, 8; 13:8). I wondered if ever the names of God's children for whom Christ suffers are ever withdrawn from the Book of Life? I wondered how to interpret these scriptures in Revelation?

I came to the pond at the bottom of the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I faced the water and felt the mist of the falls upon my face. I felt clear and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Father appeared before me right next to the falling water from the falls! He was bright and smiling. He moved several feet forward so he was right in front of me.

He spoke: 'Raphael, the Lamb's Book of Life is a permanent record for each of our children. We never blot out any entries in this eternal record of heaven. The recordings of your Heavenly Mother will never be erased, nor the recordings of Oriphiel.

The references in Revelation about those whose names are not written in the Book of Life refer to the blank spaces under each first entry made by your Heavenly Mother. If our child has not followed our spiritual promptings, and does not repent, believe and accept Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, he or she will not be considered having their name written in the Book of Life.

D&C 88:33-"For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift."

Those that the scriptures refer to whose names are not written in the Book of Life will never have our designated angel Oriphiel write their names in the Book of Life along with the faithful when their names are written at the waters of separation. They will have had the gift of the atonement of Christ freely given and extended to them, but will reject that gift. They won't have their names recorded by Oriphiel except at the great judgment day when we appoint every man according to that which he is due.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarification! I expressed deep thanks for the great gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, made to every one of his children. I told him I love him so much. Heavenly Father then smiled and left my presence. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed."


2 Nephi 2:8
8 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

109F10, from Heavenly Father: "From this area around Mt. Ararat, Noah and his family populated again the earth. It was soon after the Tower of Babel that I caused the languages of the people to be confounded, except for the brother of Jared and his people who came across the newly formed ocean and landed in the promised land (see Ether 1:33-37). The promised land they came to became a choice land, now separated from all other continents on the earth. I kept it hidden from the knowledge of the other nations that would form, for they would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance." (see 2 Nephi 1:8).'"


2 Nephi 2:8-10
8 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

9 Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.

10 And because of the intercession for all, all men come unto God; wherefore, they stand in the presence of him, to be judged of him according to the truth and holiness which is in him. Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Holy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the punishment which is affixed, which punishment that is affixed is in opposition to that of the happiness which is affixed, to answer the ends of the atonement

125G1-125H13: "This morning I felt to go to the grassy area just outside the white gate that leads to the path and the tree of life. I have come here because this is where I felt I should come.

I knelt outside of the gate on the grass. I faced the gate and asked for God to come answer my prayer.

The gate swung open and Jesus Christ stood in the opening! He was smiling, and had such tender and loving eyes! He motioned for me to come to him.

I stood and he led me behind the gate, and then shut it behind us. I was in an area in front of the beginning of the path, where both of us could easily stand and talk.

Jesus spoke to me: 'Raphael, our Father has asked that I meet you here prior to you going down the path, the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. He told me he would meet you there.

He asked me to speak with you a little more about my sacrifice I made for you and all mankind. He wanted me to talk about the eternal law of justice, and the requirements for the law of mercy to satisfy justice.

2 Nephi 2:5-7-

"And men are instructed sufficiently that they may know good from evil. And the law given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified, or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off, and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.

Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered." (see also 2 Nephi 2:8-10).

Raphael, the temporal and spiritual law of justice is one law, and was established by our first parent Gods. They both saw the need to establish order and rules to govern their expanding posterity. They wisely established this law before any of their children were born, so that these would have the blessings of law and order when they were created into living beings.

The law of justice states that each spiritual realm, be it telestial, terrestrial or celestial, has a different entry requirement. For those who enter into the highest, or the celestial realm, they need to fully conform to the highest standards of purity, with no sin laid to their actions up to that point. Their sins would prevent them from entering into this higher realm where God, angels and holy men and women live, in an environment free from sin. Every sin has been listed by category, and a punishment affixed to this sin in order for that sin to be removed. This is what the law of justice lists in the Book of the Laws of God. These books were written by our first parent Gods, and a copy given by the parents of each couple God to these new Gods, at the time of their ordination to be a God. It is by the requirements of these laws that our Heavenly Parents and I judged how much I needed to suffer for each sin that I made intercession for, and fully satisfied. I accumulated the demands of justice for all of the sins for the recipient of my suffering, for their entire life, past present and future. I suffered for these sins to the requirement for entry into the celestial realm, the highest spiritual level.

Once I suffered for all the sins of a particular child of God, then the law of justice was fulfilled, as required by the Book of the Laws of God.

Even though the demands of justice were met, by me paying the price of suffering for each sin, the recipient still was not free from sin. This person had to meet the requirement for the law of mercy to take effect. This law of mercy, also found and written in the Book of the Laws of God, states that the Great Redeemer who atones for the sins is the one who decides if the recipient meets the requirement for receiving a remission of their sins. This law of mercy requires repentance of one's sins, and a determination not to repeat sinning, or transgress the law of justice. It also requires a humble, penitent spirit, and faith in the Redeemer to make the sufferings fully effective in answering the ends of the law of justice, and satisfying its demands.

Once the law of mercy is met, the Great Redeemer would then be able to extend mercy and love to the repentant recipient, and cleanse them by his power of all sin. Then he or she would be permitted into the celestial realms where God dwells.

The cleansing action for sin is done this way: I freely forgive all accumulated sins, and then imbue with light, even with my Spirit, the recipient who repents. I communicate in the light that he or she is fully forgiven of sin, and is pure and holy before me. This action is done by my spirit, the Holy Spirit, that comes upon my son or daughter. They then become my son or daughter spiritually, for I have redeemed him or her from their sins.

Mosiah 5:7

"And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you, for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name, therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and daughters."

Once I cleanse them by my Holy Spirit, my son or daughter has no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). They then become the elect of God, for I elect them to one day, if they prove faithful, to be admitted into my church, the church of the Firstborn. In the interim, they may be baptized into the Church of Christ, and pursue a godly life. If they are true and faithful over time by renewing regularly their baptismal covenants in the sacrament ordinance and living a righteous life, then one day I will tell them that they will have eternal life! They will then be allowed to be received into my celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, and further progress to become a God in the celestial realms above!

Raphael, you have lived a righteous life, and I have forgiven you of your sins. I have cleansed you by my blood, even the suffering I did for you while on the cross, and in the highest celestial realm. You are now in my presence, in our celestial world. The laws of justice are satisfied, and also the law of mercy. You may now commune with our Father and Mother, and continue to be led by them as you progress and grow!

I thanked my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for his loving service and sacrifice for me! I knelt before him and saw the prints of the nails on his feet! He extended his hands to me, and I saw his nail marks and wounds on his hands also. He lifted me up and then lovingly embraced me! He then spoke: 'Raphael, go now down the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. Your Heavenly Father will meet you there!'

I thanked Jesus again, and turned and walked down the strait path. It was narrow, only allowing one person at a time to walk to the tree of life. On either side was a steep slope where one couldn't walk. I held onto the rod of iron on my right side, and walked to the tree of life.

When I came under the outer perimeter of the canopy of the tree of life, I saw my Heavenly Father! He was standing in front of the trunk of the tree, and was smiling at me. I came before him and knelt at his feet. I looked up into his loving face.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, every one of our children who seek to become even as your Heavenly Mother and I are, must follow this same path that you have walked in your life: they need to repent, believe in our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and be forgiven of their sins and cleansed by his Holy Spirit. They need to walk in righteous ways, and prove their faithfulness before us. They need to follow the prompting of our Spirit and the Holy Ghost throughout their life. When they are fully tested and prove faithful, then Jesus Christ will make their calling and election sure, and admit them into our Church of the Firstborn. You will then administer to them the waters of Separation ordinance, and welcome them officially into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. They will then be able to progress through the steps towards eternal life, with the assurance they will be exalted and become even as we are, and dwell in celestial glory forever!

This is our merciful plan for all of our sons and daughters who obey us, and want to become like us. We reveal to our faithful line upon line, here a little and there a little, ever watching their actions and desires. Thus we will save our faithful sons and daughters in eternity in our kingdom of glory!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father in his words, and for the clearness of the path back to him and Heavenly Mother! I said I loved him so very much.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, make this entry the last one in your current post 125 that you are writing. Name it the "Sufferings of Christ". ' (Note: see paragraph H13 below for an extension for this post).

I told him I would do so. I then came back to full consciousness in my room in my house on earth, where I had been writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

Evening-I had an enjoyable day today. It was sunny and warm, a great time of year! Tonight I came to a place that I usually don't come to. It was at the end of the river representing Jesus Christ, flowing into a deep hole in the ground. I came to the west side of this rocky hole. I knelt and prayed here for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Mother came with Jesus Christ, both coming from the east and then stood in the air in front of me! They were both glowing in abundant light and were both smiling. Jesus Christ was holding a book in his arms.

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with me tonight. He has brought with him one of the Books of the Laws of God. This volume has a list of the types of sins that restrict entry into the celestial realms where God lives. The list is for the celestial entry requirements are more restrictive than for entry into the terrestrial or telestial realms. Each sin has listed an amount of suffering required for the sin to be forgiven, or for the law to be satisfied. Those sins of a more severe nature require more payment or suffering to have them satisfied, or remitted. The levels of suffering are described and are to be understood only by the gods to whom this book is given. The couple god parents of their own children use the Book of the Laws of God to determine how much suffering their chosen Redeemer must suffer to atone for those sins. If these sufferings of the Redeemer are not accepted by the sinner, then he or she may not enter into the celestial, terrestrial or telestial worlds. The suffering then would be endured by the sinner, but still they would not be able to be cleansed and made holy without a Redeemer, a requirement to enter into these worlds.

Jesus then spoke to me: 'Raphael, without me, all of God's children for this eternity would be forever lost and not able of themselves to return to their Heavenly Parents' presence, for this would not be allowed by the laws of God. The laws of God require full payment for sin and then that the sinner be cleansed and made holy in order to return into the presence of God.

One exception to this is when I, their Redeemer, quicken them temporarily to come to the judgment bar of God in the celestial world. Once they are judged, they are escorted to their final destination of a lower glory. They receive a resurrection freely given on my merits as their Redeemer, but are not fully cleansed to a higher level since they are going to a lower spiritual realm. They each acknowledge that I am their Redeemer, but have not taken the necessary steps to receive full forgiveness of their sins from me. They therefore need to pay for the required suffering for their own sins as given in this Book of the Laws of God, for the telestial or terrestrial glory they are being sent to.

Once they have suffered for their own sins and are resurrected, I cleanse them to the level required for entry into the telestial or terrestrial glory. This cleansing is a lower amount than given to the celestial, for the celestial have fully repented and come unto me, their Savior. I have suffered for their accumulated sins so they don't need to suffer like the telestial and terrestrial will suffer.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2019, Thursday

My prayer continued this morning and took up where I had left the night before. Jesus then opened the book in his hands. He asked me to step forward in space above the great rocky hole in the ground under him. I stood and walked up to him in the air and looked upon the book he had opened.

He spoke again: 'Raphael, this page shows the sin of adultery and gives the amount of suffering required to pay for this sin for entry into the celestial world, a lower amount of suffering required for entry into the terrestrial world, and finally the lowest amount of suffering required for entry into the telestial world. There is also a description of what the sin consists of. Once the sin is forgiven for the sinner after he or she, or I pay for the sin through suffering, then I cleanse the sinner for entry to whatever spiritual realm they are assigned. Those who receive a celestial glory are cleansed by my power and made holy to a celestial level, for these are of the celestial nature and are most comfortable living in the celestial realms of glory.

Those who receive either a terrestrial or telestial glory are cleansed by me to the level required for entry into that glory. Therefore for instance, all of the terrestrial are cleansed to a terrestrial glory and will have individually paid the price for their own sins. My sufferings for them will not have been fully accepted, for they never came to me with full repentance or in deep humility and obedience. They therefore need to pay for their own sins, for that is what the Book of the Laws of God states. Lower amounts of suffering are required for the sinner who is of the telestial nature, for their kingdom is of a lower level of glory than the terrestrial or celestial. Those of a telestial glory are also not cleansed to a higher level required for the higher spiritual spheres.

The sufferings are endured by both the telestial and terrestrial, mostly in the spirit world after their death. If they don't fully repent, even in that spirit world where it is fully given to them, nor accept me as their Redeemer so that I may have my previous sufferings accepted for them, and also that I may cleanse them, then they need to suffer themselves without my assistance.

D&C 19:15-20

"Therefore, I command you to repent-repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore-how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.

For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-

Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.

Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, ye, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."

Also, Alma 11:40-41

"And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.

Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God and be judged according to their works."

Raphael, for God's children who do not repent, I have wasted my suffering for them, and they need to suffer. This causes me to be full of anger and wrath for the unrepentant, and is likened to me smiting them with the rod of my mouth (see D&C 19:15). At the same time that I am full of wrath, I am also full of compassion for them, and wonder why they won't repent and come unto me, their Redeemer, and receive fully my gift that I freely offer to them? I therefore need to obey the Book of the Laws of God, for we who are Gods have covenanted to obey these laws.

Alma 42:13

"Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God."

Raphael, our Heavenly Mother and I have come with you to this deep pit below us, filled with jagged rocks and a steep slope. This is representative of the sufferings that I already paid, or that those who don't accept my sufferings for them will pay, for the accumulated sins of their lives. These sins all need to be paid for, according to the requirements of this book I have opened before you, in order for them to be received into a kingdom of glory. Once the payment for their accumulated sins are all fully paid, for their respective telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory, I then will freely cleanse them from their sins and bring them to their respective glory, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. They may then be admitted into their chosen kingdom of glory and dwell there, worlds without end.'

I looked down at the treacherous hole below us, with the river representing Jesus Christ crashing into it. I felt the mist of water from this crashing water. I then was overwhelmed with gratitude that Jesus Christ, who stood before me, had already suffered for my accumulated sins! I knelt in the air in front of him and thanked him for forgiving me of my many sins and for cleansing me!

He closed the book and pulled me close to him with his free arm. I felt his deep love and Spirit come upon me. I feel so very blessed! I also thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and brought Jesus and the book he showed to me. Both smiled at me and then my vision ended.

I asked in my heart if I had correctly recorded the words of this revelation given to me last night and this morning? The words of my Heavenly Mother, the Holy Ghost, came to my mind with power: 'Raphael, you have recorded correctly the words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, and me in your journal. I will witness to the humble of this truth if they ask of me for a witness from me, if they ask in humility and humbleness of heart.'

I asked also if I may include this revelation at the end of post 125 and she said I might do this too. She then stopped speaking, but I felt her presence continue to remain with me, even after she and Jesus had left me. I then closed my prayer and started a new day."


2 Nephi 2:11-12
11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

119C13-119C20: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, when we chose our intelligences that we planned to birth into our own offspring, we kn[e]w that most of them would not attain a status of exaltation, becoming in time gods like your Father and I. However, our great plan required a broad spectrum of our own offspring, some who would be extremely valiant, but most who would not be valiant. Without the spectrum of good and bad, valiant and not valiant, light and darkness, our elect children could not have had opportunity to be tempted and tried. They could not have known the sweet without tasting the bitter. Had we only made the elect into our own children, there would not have been the opposition necessary for any of them to become strong enough to become a candidate as a god, the ultimate aim for us in creating our children.

Therefore, I needed to give birth to a wide variety of our children, and to give them their agency to act and to be acted upon.

2 Nephi 2:11-12-"For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness, nor misery, neither good nor bad.

Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God."

Raphael, without Lucifer rebelling and causing great contention, our elect would not have risen up and proven their valiancy to us and our Christ. They had to have a choice to follow Jehovah or Lucifer. This great division in the premortal estate of our sons and daughters was the most critical choice in their own paths, either towards "liberty and eternal life, through the great mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." (2 Ne 2:27)

When the third part of our beloved spirit children were cast out of heaven for rebellion, we knew that they would tempt and try our other children even more on this fallen earth than they had previously done so then in the premortal life. This was a very necessary part of the opposition our righteous children needed to become fully obedient to us their Heavenly Parents, and to generate the faith necessary for eternal life and salvation.

On their mortal earth, our celestial elect would also be surrounded by many of our other children who would be of a telestial and terrestrial nature. They also were fully mixed in families, and this made it difficult to rely on anyone except us, their God, and themselves. This is why we insist each person be able to choose for themselves, and not for another. Exaltation is a very personal choice, by continually testing and confirming their own way in their mortal life. They can really only choose for themselves and no other.

Joseph Smith Translation Mark 9:44-"Therefore let every man (and woman) stand or fall, by himself (or herself), and not for another; or not trusting another." (see also JST 9:40-48 inclusive. Parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother.)

It takes opposition and several estates of well-designed probationary experiences for our righteous elect children to develop the strength and faith to become a God like your Heavenly Father and I are. This power and authority to become a God is carefully extended to only those who fill the full position, by their repentance and change, and their growth, in becoming even as we are.

Therefore, in each eternity we choose and I birth spirit children who we know will eventually fill the broad spectrum of our children, from Gods to devils, and everything in between. This is the great work we are involved in!'"


2 Nephi 2:15
15 And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.

106R1-106R11: "Question: Does partaking of the fruit from the tree of life make a person eternal? (Never die). Is that why Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat of the tree of life after they had already eaten the forbidden fruit? Therefore, they would have lived in their sins forever? And what about you, is your spirit now eternal?"

I came to the desert oasis this morning. I am glad to come here and write in my journal my experience as it happens. I think this gives me the maximum ability to perceive and immediately record what I receive. I am now in my adjacent bedroom and the house is quiet.

I came to the living water at the desert oasis and knelt at the water's edge. I drank from my cupped hand. I felt clarified and happy. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer. Heavenly Father came to me, walking to me along the shore to my left. He was glowing with light and smiling! I am so pleased to be again in his presence. He lifted me with his hand, put his arm around my shoulder, and we started walking together along the shore of the oasis. I felt very secure to be in his presence and to be so enveloped with him so closely!

He spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you are back home in your house in Utah. You have routines of prayer that you will resume that allow us to again communicate to you our many revelations. Your trip has been a needed change of pace for you. It is helpful to have a break like this every so often. This rejuvenates your soul and makes your mind more clarified when you return. You can more effectively see yourself, your many blessings, how your actions affect your life, and more, once you come back to the routine of daily living.

I would like to address Mary Ann G's question about the effect of eating the tree of life fruit and leaf. Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of the fruit of the tree of life once they had eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They transgressed my commandment and therefore received the consequence to die in the flesh. They had previously eaten freely of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, while in the Garden of Eden, for this fruit kept them in a highly clarified and spiritual state. The fruit and leaf of the tree of life are celestial and those who partake of it are clarified to a celestial level.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lived in a terrestrial world, but as they ate of the tree of life, they were quickened to this higher celestial state, even in their physical bodies. They had not become mortal yet. Once they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they had the seeds of mortality introduced into their systems. It was in opposition to the fruit of the tree of life (see 2 Nephi 2:15). This was called the forbidden fruit, and its effect would propel them into their new mortal life and would initiate the fall of man.

We did not want Adam or Eve, or any of their children, to now freely partake of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life in their mortal state without their own effort to come unto us and seek our face with all of their hearts. We wanted them to grow and progress gradually in their struggle to come to us in the telestial world that they would soon come into.

For this reason, I asked my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to guard the way of the tree of life so that Adam and Eve could no longer eat of the tree of life. We now wanted them to experience a mortal life, in which they would grow from their being cut off from our presence, and need to diligently seek us through our Son, the Great Redeemer. It would no longer be easy, but it would be possible.

Once Adam and Eve fell and came into a telestial environment, the fruit and leaf of the tree of life would no longer be easily accessible. However, as they grew close to us, by degrees, we helped them to progress. At the end of their mortal life, they each did come again to the tree of life which had been relocated on our celestial orb. They partook of this tree after coming down the path from the white gate. This was done in their unconscious state, in a vision like the vision that both Lehi and Nephi received. These all partook of the fruit of the tree of life and were blessed.

Partaking of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, like you have done, or like Adam and Eve, Lehi and Nephi had done while in the flesh, does not mean they would become eternal or never die. Adam and Eve and their posterity who have partaken of the tree of life in their unconscious state, still would die. You too will die, but the seeds of death are suspended until your time is appointed to die at the end of the millennium. You are therefore translated, for while you live in your mortal state, to fulfill your mission. At the end of your mission, you will yet die at some time in the future. The purpose of translation is to delay the time of death to fulfill a particular mortal mission.

During the millennial day, there will be the trees of life in the New Jerusalem. Those who are permitted to come and partake of these trees will be those who are elected into the Church of the Firstborn, or who have entered into the Church of the Firstborn. They will partake in their flesh of these trees. They will yet still die, for they are mortal. They will be partakers of eternal life and exaltation. There will be others who are resurrected, or even who are not yet born in the flesh, that may partake of the fruit and leaf of the trees of life in that millennial day.'"

See also my note in Revelation 22:2.


2 Nephi 2:16
16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

93B2-93B6, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke:

'Raphael, look on the grassy field in front of us!'

I looked and saw my own family members with their struggles in life! I saw that God was continually guiding them by his unconscious voice to their souls. I saw they struggled in their effort to follow this voice. Some were more obedient than others, but all had the voice come to them frequently. Every one had different experiences, seemingly tailored to them.

The scene changed and I saw Lucifer and his evil minions trying to persuade my same family members. His voice seemed to come in their minds, their conscious minds. His voice of enticement seemed actually louder in most cases than the gentle, tender voice of God spoken to the soul. Satan's voice usually appealed to the natural man of each of my family members, whereas God's voice appealed to their higher spiritual selves. I could see the evil spirits come and go frequently, to and from all my family.

As a family member chose to listen and follow their higher self, the influences of the adversary seemed to lessen, even to where these evil spirits had no influence. If they found one of their luring temptations gained some attention, then they would continually repeat that temptation over and over again, with that same or similar thought into their conscious minds. These thoughts came literally as a whisper or a voice to their mind. I saw it was hard for my family member to entertain both the voice of God and the voice of Satan at the same time.

Heavenly Father then turned and addressed me:

'Raphael, you saw your own family members choosing day by day the spirit who they listed to obey:

Alma 3:26-27

". . . that they might reap their rewards according to their works, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey…"

Also 2 Nephi 2:16,27

"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

What you saw in your family members is common to all mankind, both men and women who are of age and accountable before us.

In the Day of Judgment, we will show each of our children a summary of their lives like we showed you, during their days of choosing when they became accountable before us. They will then see it was their own choices that determined their life. Some will listen and hearken to our still, small voice more than the enticements of the world, society and Satan. We will continue to gently lead those who hearken to our voice, even until we bring them unto us and to eternal life and exaltation. These are our elect! They choose to follow us regardless of the other voices they may hear.'"

69H3-69H11: "Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we were discussing together the foibles of being in mortality. We were talking about how obedient many of our spirit children were before they were born, but then when they came to earth they vacillated a lot, not knowing how to live and what to do. Many just followed their cultural norms. We wondered what more we could do for these, our faithful. We then talked together about what a great blessing it is for our elect now to be internally protected from Lucifer and his evil spirits and their devices, and to be so fully shielded. We feel now that the battle for the souls of our elect children will be more on equal grounds. Satan still has immense power over the weak and vacillating souls of many of our children. They are so inclined to heed his trickery and temptations! There are many among our elect who are still foolish and vain, prideful and stubborn to hear our voice and gentle promptings!'

I then asked my Mother if I might write her words before I lose them in my mind. She said I could then write them, and after continue writing her words. I have come to this point. She continued speaking:

'Raphael, you have written well my thoughts and words in your journal just now. Come, let us all together stroll around the oasis!'

I took hands in mind from each of my Heavenly Parents, and we started walking towards the water's edge. We then turned and walked west around the water.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we watch our children when they think no one is watching them. However, we see all. We see them in their secret moments. We see them often struggle within themselves with temptation from the whisperings of the evil one. There is no sin in this struggle, for how could they have choice without being enticed by the evil one and then by our voice? (see 2 Nephi 2:16-"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.")

At these times, we gently speak to them to choose the right and to honor their higher self and to be strong in being virtuous and obedient. Some of our children linger in their decisions, playing between choosing good or evil. We are so pleased when there is a quick decision to hear our voice and follow our gentle words to their heart and mind!

As we said before, our elect will now be able to detect more quickly the enticements of the enemy of their soul, even Lucifer and his band. Our elect will no longer have internal voices and devices of these evil ones, but will only hear their temptations from without their persons. This greatly lessens the intensity of the temptation and makes the view of the tempter clearer.

Our voice of goodness and peace still comes to these, our elect, in their hearts and minds, internal to their persons. This is how they have always heard us. We haven't changed how we continue to speak to them.

We also send our heavenly servants, goodly spirits, angels, and others to persuade and speak to our elect, as we direct them to do. These are very often instrumental in turning our choice elect sons and daughters to choose us and our happy ways.

When great difficulty comes into the lives of our elect, we will frequently ask our resurrected and/or translated servants to bring the replicated spirits of our elect to Lake Beautiful, to be strengthened by our converted Refugees of Lucifer. This will be so very strengthening to the core being of our elect son or daughter!

In these multiple ways we are blessing and encouraging our elect to stay close to us in this battle for their souls. They won't know how intense the battle is until they see their past life in vision, in a future day. They will then be eternally grateful to us and our helpers to have rescued their souls from the evil one. However, it will have been also their free will choice to have chosen good over evil in their struggles. We are always so careful to preserve their agency and choice.'

I looked to my right into the eyes of my Heavenly Father who was looking into my very soul. I knew he saw all; he saw my personal struggles and weaknesses. He saw me to my core, and smiled. I knew I was so weak in many ways. However, my core being wanted to always be strong and to always follow his ways and directions. I then spoke:

'Heavenly Father, please help me to act with quicker decisions in following thee in my temptations! Help me not to linger long in hearing the tempter's voice or thoughts in my mind and heart! Help me to be strong, to put off the carnal and natural man, and to become a saint of God before thee always! Help me quickly yield to thy enticings and put off my natural man, thereby becoming "as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things" which thou and Heavenly Mother will see to give me, even as a child submits to his father (see Mosiah 3:19-"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.").'

Heavenly Father smiled and said Heavenly Mother and he would make me stronger and stronger, as I listened to their soft, still voice. He said this change into a stronger, more valiant man would happen gradually, until I became the mighty angel they knew I was to become.""

85G3-85G8: "You have a large enough family now that you can see your various family members who have matured to adulthood. You have raised those who are your children in the values of Christian behavior and good manners. Once they have become adults, they then challenge these views and establish their own heartfelt desires. Some have kept the same values they were brought up with, and some have chosen other paths. You have been doing well recently in accepting and loving each one, regardless of their choices.

The choices of our children are mostly driven by the intent of their hearts. These are the true desires that emerge once they are adults. There are enough circumstances in a lifetime to thoroughly help these true desires to surface. You never know what your children will choose. Also, you never know who may change their focus and change later in their lives, either for good or evil.

The mortal experience in a fallen telestial world is the only environment where we and our children may see truly their hearts' desires. Each of our children needs the freedom to choose their own path. Without choice, they would not have the options to decide on their own. During this time of choosing, we speak to each one in their unconscious mind. They inwardly hear our gentle enticements to choose the good and let go of the evil. We encourage them in all the ways to love themselves and their neighbor, to serve and bless others around them, and to act in ways of Christian decorum.

They are also enticed by that cunning one, even Satan and his minions. These also seek to persuade them to choose evil and to act in selfish and evil ways.

2 Nephi 2:16

"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other."

In these enticements for good or evil, in the environment of free choice, our child then may fully choose what he or she really wants. This is driven by the intent of their heart. For those who choose good and respond more to our enticements, we then continue to lead and direct. When they hear our voice and hearken to our counsel, we continue to lead them, step by step. They become numbered among our elect sons and daughters. Those who prove valiant and faithful to the end are our elect. They have chosen us, and rejected Satan. We then know, as do they themselves, the state of the true intent of their hearts. We have found that mortality is the most perfect environment to help them find out who they really are.

We ultimately bless each of our children with the eternal world of glory, which matches the intent of their hearts. They live forever with others of our children in a similar state. They are happiest to be with these, in their saved condition. Had they not experienced a fallen telestial state, no longer in our presence, we would not have demonstrated to them the true intent of their hearts.

Raphael, for you and our very faithful ones, we will make you even as we are, Gods in eternity! The intent of your heart is like ours! For all those whose hearts are pure and upright, we will lead them into our Church of the Firstborn and bring them to their exaltation and eternal life as a God, sealed to the companion of their choosing who likewise has a similar intent of heart. This process in eternity is how it has always been, even from our first parent Gods from the beginning.'"


2 Nephi 2:26-27
26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.

27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

120C5-120C12, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, your mind is very powerful, and may be trained to think just how you wish. As you mature and grow in your life, we will give you experiences that will be easy to react to, rather than choose your own mindset and mental state. However, if you seek to think in certain ways of mental control, particularly of your emotions, you will grow skills in training your mind to think just how you wish.

Your Heavenly Mother and I have perfected our ability to act and not to be acted upon. We have learned to sidestep negative energy and to determine what we wish to think and for how long.

The advice your Heavenly Mother gave you last night is very wonderful counsel. She and I always choose to act in the best way we want, for the best and most reasonable choice. We then restrict our thinking to our choices, and never become whiplashed by the consequences and choices of others. We are then fully in control of our emotions and act in exact ways as we choose.'

I then thought of this scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 2:26-27-

"And the Messiah cometh in the fullness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall and because they are redeemed from the fall that have become free forever, knowing good and evil, to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh, and all things are given them, which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil, for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

I realized that we might be held captive by our own minds when we subject ourselves to the actions and poor choices of others. We might experience sorrow and grief that is really not reasonable. It is far better to logically think through how we wish to think and feel, so that we might act and not be acted upon. We then will be free and independent of the actions and choices of others. We will be free to choose how much grieving we may choose to think and feel.

We might empathize and commiserate with one who makes poor choices, but we don't have to be subject to all or any of the consequences of the sins of others when we ourselves haven't sinned.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, your thoughts are correct. We want you and our faithful elect to be mostly happy and positive in the days ahead. You are being propelled into dark times, which are the result of others actions and sins. You have no power to change the environment you live in mortality, except by what you allow to influence your thoughts and your mindset. You are free to choose to dwell on the darkness and sorrow of the people all around you, that they have brought upon themselves, or you may choose how you want yourself to act and to think. We desire that you choose how to think and act, independent of your circumstances and environment you find yourself in while living in your mortal telestial fallen world. You also work and labor in the celestial realms on the earth, in your replicated celestial translated self. The environment there is peaceful and beautiful! There are neither heavy nor dark oppressing feelings in the environment, like there are in your telestial world. You are happy and positive almost all the time while working for us in serving your fellow man from that celestial realm.

In your own telestial realm where you live your mortal life, act in similar happy ways as you do in your unconscious mind in the celestial realms. Choose to not be subject to the sins and oppressive feelings of the consequences of sin that are not your own doing. Choose to be free and controlled in what you think and how you act. This mindset will bless your life more and more as the world you live in sinks into more despair and darkness.'"


2 Nephi 2:27
27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

183B5-183B11: "This scripture then came into my mind: 2 Nephi 2: 27

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto men. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the leaders of your government and industry have overwhelmingly chosen captivity and death in ignoring the voluminous true reports of voter fraud. They have shown and chosen their destiny in these choices. This has been a day of final decision for them, and relatively few have stood up for truth and freedom. Those who have chosen captivity and death are traitors to the very foundational principles of your republic form of government where honor, truth and liberty are held in 'high' standard. They have effectively chosen to be on the side of evil and the devil.

Your Heavenly Mother and I know the hearts and secret acts of evil and treachery of these men and women. As your mother said to you last night, our plans will not require them long. Those who bribed and paid them richly in secrecy will betray them, and the mostly communist Chinese infiltrators will double cross all of them, for they only used their current power and position for their own means and objectives. The desires of these foreign communist leaders is to fully overtake the land of America, to remove the current inhabitants, and replace these with their own. They will soon have no further use for those in your current government and industry, and will destroy them with no commitment to elevate them in their new regime, even though they had bribed and promised them falsely. The large spike, driven with the maul, as seen in Pastor Coverstone's dream, is now nearly fully driven into the earth of the promised land. When it is fully in place, this nation will crumble and die. This will be as we will.

Raphael, you are saddened by these events culminating in what you see as a great injustice. This is how nations fall, by conspiracy and secret works of darkness. Satan and his evil host laugh at those whom they have won, for they have no plans to reward false promises, for they have no love nor loyalty for their mortal followers.

The time of the great division is now come as spoken by Nephi: 2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

I am now in my anger, and will execute vengeance upon those in your nation that destroyed her. Satan and his demons and devils will soon be loosed with greater fury upon your land, and possess the wicked and ultimately destroy them, or place them, unknowing to them, in harm's way. These wicked will be then destroyed like the blind people and the flock of crows that entered into the tunnel in the Bird and Maul Dream of Pastor Coverstone. Great tribulations are soon coming upon your land to cleanse it of Babylon and of the wicked!'

Heavenly Father then was enveloped in intense light and fire. This fireball then descended into the forest pool, causing great steam and bubbling, boiling water all around me."


2 Nephi 3:14-15
14 And thus prophesied Joseph, saying: Behold, that seer will the Lord bless; and they that seek to destroy him shall be confounded; for this promise, which I have obtained of the Lord, of the fruit of my loins, shall be fulfilled. Behold, I am sure of the fulfilling of this promise;

15 And his name shall be called after me; and it shall be after the name of his father. And he shall be like unto me; for the thing, which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand, by the power of the Lord shall bring my people unto salvation.

Wed, Feb 21, 2024
This is the prophet Joseph Smith, the seer of the Lord. Through Joseph the restoration of the priesthood and ordinances for salvation, such as baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost were restored. He also brought forth the true church of Jesus Christ, and translated the Book of Mormon and other records of great worth. There were many who also sought to destroy Joseph throughout his life. Joseph Smith was also named the same first name as Joseph in Egypt, even as stated in verse 15.


2 Nephi 3:24
24 And there shall rise up one mighty among them, who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders, and do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the house of Israel, and unto the seed of thy brethren.

Wed, Feb 21, 2024
This mighty one among them, or among those in the latter days, is Raphael. This is what I received in prayer from my Heavenly Father on 2-21-2024. The key word is "mighty", for this same one is spoken of in D&C 85:7 as "one mighty and strong". It is Raphael who builds the island of the New Jerusalem and the celestial temple of God in the center of that island. It is Raphael who also establishes the Church of the Firstborn, the celestial church which lasts into eternity. It is Raphael who administers the waters of separation ordinance, admitting the elect and chosen of God into this church, and their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. It is also Raphael who has been commissioned to gather Israel, along with John the Beloved, to the New Jerusalem. It is also Raphael who has power over Satan and his hosts, even to vanquishing many to the prison orb, and to locking away Satan and his devils in the bottomless pit. It is also Raphael who will assign the eternal inheritances to the exalted on the celestial earth. It is also Raphael who augments what Joseph Smith restored, with much more restoration of eternal truths, many never before revealed to man. See Isaiah 28, 49, 1 Nephi 21 and D&C 85:6-7.


2 Nephi 4:15-20
15 And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children.

16 Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

17 Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.

18 I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

19 And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.

20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.

182C11-182C14: "11. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. I turned my head and faced him: ''Raphael, we forgive you for your mistakes and weak behaviors, for you are not yet perfected. Keep pressing forth with diligence, and you will become the man of God we know you can and will be. What you do daily and repeatedly is the path you are pursuing in your life. We know your heart and intent, for we walk beside you daily and see your efforts in trying to become a holy and loving man. You are still called as our prophet and archangel Raphael, even though you may feel weak and occasionally stumble.

Nephi, our prophet of old, who was the son of Lehi, felt the way you do:

2 Nephi 4:15-19

"Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.

I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted."

Raphael, like Nephi, we have "been your support" and have "led you through (your) afflictions" (see verse 20 of above selection). We will continually be by your side and give you answers to your prayers, and abundant revelations. This is the same pattern we give to all of our children.Those who come unto us, and draw near to us, we will in turn draw near to them (D&C 88:63). We will lead and guide them in their lives, even as they are willing."


2 Nephi 4:17
17 Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.

192J13-192J16: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we who are your Gods, are understanding of the struggles that our children in mortality experience. Many of their weaknesses and foibles we have allowed to come into their lives in order to see how they respond, and if they keep coming back to us in humble and repentant ways. We will always help them in these, their hardships, even until these weaknesses become strengths to them.

Nephi, son of Lehi, spoke of struggles he experienced in his immediate family (see 2 Nephi 4:17-35). He was very resolved to place his trust in us, his Gods, forever, and not to put his trust in the arm of flesh. You, Raphael, are doing the same process of routing out weak behaviors and replacing them with those that fully align with our truths and gospel way of living.

We helped Nephi in his struggles with his weaknesses, and we will help you, and each of our children who humbly and openly come to us with a great desire to change and improve. We will cleanse and purify, strengthen and make them holy men and women. They will be endowed with our great power and authority to do the works we may ask of them.

You will be prepared, in every way, to be our pure and holy conduit through whom we will do our work of building up Zion."


2 Nephi 4:21
21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.

Thu, Feb 22, 2024
Love from God is consuming, and overcomes the natural man, and renews the body.


2 Nephi 4:22
22 He hath confounded mine enemies, unto the causing of them to quake before me.

Fri, Feb 23, 2024
Nephi's enemies were those in his own family, Laman and Lemuel, and maybe others. For us, we too might have our enemies be members of our own family, neighbors or previous friends.


2 Nephi 4:27-29
27 And why should I yield to sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why should I give way to temptations, that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my peace and afflict my soul? Why am I angry because of mine enemy?

28 Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.

29 Do not anger again because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.

Fri, Feb 23, 2024
When someone irks us, or does something out of line that we feel we need to correct, the best solution might be to remain quiet and not to make a comment and participate in an argument, however small. Were we to speak it may destroy our peace and afflict our soul. When there is contention in the air, we don't have to participate in it, but may be able to "walk in the path of the low valley, and be strict in the plain road" (verse 32), maybe meaning to not participate in any contention or to retort. What good would this do anyway? The "stumbling block" (verse 33) might be the desire for us to jump in and "make things right", when only that might alienate another. People may think what they might, and we don't have to correct them. The Spirit works best often when we are silent and let the offending person(s) think about what they said or did, without us jumping in.


2 Nephi 4:35
35 Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.

Fri, Feb 23, 2024
Trust in god, he will answer our prayers, including how we should act, speak, heal, or anything we may want to do.


2 Nephi 5:6-8
6 Wherefore, it came to pass that I, Nephi, did take my family, and also Zoram and his family, and Sam, mine elder brother and his family, and Jacob and Joseph, my younger brethren, and also my sisters, and all those who would go with me. And all those who would go with me were those who believed in the warnings and the revelations of God; wherefore, they did hearken unto my words.

7 And we did take our tents and whatsoever things were possible for us, and did journey in the wilderness for the space of many days. And after we had journeyed for the space of many days we did pitch our tents.

8 And my people would that we should call the name of the place Nephi; wherefore, we did call it Nephi.

184E4-184E9: "Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you will continue to live in your mortal world where men and women will seek to control you and all people more and more. Although the freedoms in your land will continue to be reduced, we will counter these by giving you great peace and serenity in your life. You don't need to heed much of their increasing restrictions on personal liberty, but just live and act in peaceful ways. You will find much joy with your family on your property and living in your home in your beautiful area. Most importantly, your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you always, and will give you our great peace, even continually, like she gave to you last night at our healing lake.

Your part in all of this is to drop all of your expectations for what you think might happen in the future. We want you to trust in our power to do as we have said, and to continue to seek our faces daily as you do. Lean upon us, and follow our gentle promptings, and you will find great peace and protection in your troubled world.

D&C 61:36-39

"And now, verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you;

And inasmuch as you have humbled yourselves before me, the blessings of the kingdom are yours.

Gird up your loins and be watchful and be sober, looking forth for the coming of the Son of Man, for he cometh in an hour you think not.

Pray always that you enter not into temptation, that you may abide the day of his coming, whether in life or in death. Even so, Amen."'

Heavenly Father then stepped up to me and placed both of his hands on my head, like Heavenly Mother did last night. I felt his light, accompanied by his great peace and serenity, flow into my head, shoulders and the remainder of my body. I sensed as this light passed through me into the ground where I was kneeling, that more deep anxiety and feelings of uncertainty flowed out, freeing me more in my body. I felt airy and very much more lightened and upbeat!

Heavenly Father then lifted his hands and spoke again: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother and I have done for you, we will do for any of our humble and petitioning elect sons or daughters who seek us and our blessing of peace. We want you each to live after the manner of happiness, even as did the Nephites as recorded in 2 Nephi 5: 27. Prior to this peace that came upon the Nephites, their brethren the Lamanites continued to be angry, and to seek to take away their lives and destroy them. However, Nephi and those who would follow him fled into the wilderness (2 Nephi 5:4-8) They believed in the warning and revelations of God, and sought to observe and keep the judgments, statutes and commandments of the Lord in all things. We did cause them to prosper exceedingly, and to labor with their hands, being very industrious. Their brethren, the Lamanites as they were called, were subsequently cut off from our presence, but the Nephites were brought more and more into our presence. We blessed Nephi and his group, making them very delightsome (verse 21), whereas the Lamanites became loathsome to them, full of idleness, mischief and subtlety (verses 21-25).

In your day, there will also be a greater division of the righteous elect and the wicked in the land. Our people will receive of our peace and live after the manner of happiness, even while the wicked become more loathsome, full of intrigue and backstabbing to those in their own circles. We will bring the armies in your land who will occupy it for a season and who will soon overtake the wicked among you. However, we will preserve you, our elect, even at the time when your liberties are further curtailed while the wicked are being removed from the land. Raphael, we will not forsake you or our elect!""


2 Nephi 6:6-7
6 And now, these are the words: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people; and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.

7 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their faces towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

Sat, Feb 24, 2024
See my notes in 1 Nephi 21:22-23. These words are originally penned in Isaiah 49:22-23.


2 Nephi 6:9
9 Nevertheless, the Lord has shown unto me that they should return again. And he also has shown unto me that the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, should manifest himself unto them in the flesh; and after he should manifest himself they should scourge him and crucify him, according to the words of the angel who spake it unto me.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
". . . according to the words of the angel who spake it unto me."
Jacob also was instructed by an angel, as was his brother Nephi (see also verse 11). I prayed about this angel on 2-24-2024 and confirmed that this was the same angel who came to Nephi, even the archangel Raphael. Actually, in three locations the teachings of Raphael are recorded in the Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 11-14, 2 Nephi 6, and 2 Nephi 10 (see verse 3).


2 Nephi 6:11
11 Wherefore, after they are driven to and fro, for thus saith the angel, many shall be afflicted in the flesh, and shall not be suffered to perish, because of the prayers of the faithful; they shall be scattered, and smitten, and hated; nevertheless, the Lord will be merciful unto them, that when they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer, they shall be gathered together again to the lands of their inheritance.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
It is when the remnants of Israel, or mostly the descendants of Lehi, are gathered together in the lands of their inheritance in North America (after coming through the southern borders of the land, mostly as illegal aliens), that they will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. This knowledge will come to them by teachings in the Spirit. The lands of their inheritance, promised to Lehi, are in North America.

Verse 14 below states that Jesus Christ will "manifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him." This is congruent with prophecies in Micah 4 and 5 and 3 Nephi 16, 20 and 21.


2 Nephi 6:12
12 And blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his covenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things.

Sat, Feb 24, 2024
Great are the promises to the elect among the Gentiles, for these will be saved! In order to be saved, they need to repent and not fight against Zion. Zion will be established not through the LDS Church, but through Jesus Christ and his power. He will teach through his servants the elect in their unconscious minds so that they will recognize truth when it is presented in the flesh to them. He will give them power over their enemies. He will gather them and give them their strength with his other servants also, the 144,000 and other heavenly messengers. These on the earth will receive great power and protection against their enemies.


2 Nephi 6:13
13 Wherefore, they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet; and the people of the Lord shall not be ashamed. For the people of the Lord are they who wait for him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah.

Sat, Feb 24, 2024
This great insight is that those who lick the dust of the feet of the remnant of Lehi are the wicked among the gentiles who "fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord", not the righteous. This is unclear from the verse that states "And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their faces towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet".


2 Nephi 6:14
14 And behold, according to the words of the prophet, the Messiah will set himself again the second time to recover them; wherefore, he will manifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
This is the promise of God the daughter of Zion, or the remnants of Israel. These prophecies are in Micah chapters 4 and 5, and 3 Nephi 16, 20 and 21.

Note too that the Messiah will himself manifest unto them in power and great glory. This manifestation will be so powerful that they will fully believe in him, and also that he will destroy their enemies.


2 Nephi 6:15-18
15 And they that believe not in him shall be destroyed, both by fire, and by tempest, and by earthquakes, and by bloodsheds, and by pestilence, and by famine. And they shall know that the Lord is God, the Holy One of Israel.

16 For shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

17 But thus saith the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for the Mighty God shall deliver his covenant people. For thus saith the Lord: I will contend with them that contendeth with thee—

18 And I will feed them that oppress thee, with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine; and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Sat, Feb 24, 2024
Great are the promises to the righteous of the remnant of Jacob, for they have the power of the Holy One of Israel, even Jesus Christ, to destroy their enemies. This power will also be manifest through John the Beloved, who has the commission to thrash the nations by the rod of his power. See also Isaiah 11:4 and D&C 113:1-6 scriptures and my notes.

It is also interesting how the wicked are destroyed: by fire, tempest, earthquakes, bloodsheds (war), pestilence and famine. All of these destructions come prior to or during the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 7:4
4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season unto thee, O house of Israel. When ye are weary he waketh morning by morning. He waketh mine ear to hear as the learned.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
See Isaiah 28:19 when Isaiah talks about the hardships of the last days. This might mean that John will be relentless in using his rod to punish the wicked.


2 Nephi 7:4-7
4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season unto thee, O house of Israel. When ye are weary he waketh morning by morning. He waketh mine ear to hear as the learned.

5 The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back.

6 I gave my back to the smiter, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair. I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

7 For the Lord God will help me, therefore shall I not be confounded. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

Sun, Jun 2, 2024
The previous three verses paint the unique picture of the last days events, during the times of privations and rescue. It is at this juncture that John the Beloved comes forth in his mission to the protect the righteous and to slay and persecute the wicked. This rest of this chapter is about John the Beloved, the son of Jesus Christ in the flesh. He was afflicted to the point that "he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil." (3 Nephi 21:10) It is John who is given the tongue of the leaned, that he may know how to speak a word to those under his stewardship. It is John who is afflicted by having his hair plucked off, and his not his face from shame and spitting (verse 6 below). It is John the Beloved that will not be confounded in the latter days!

The remainder of this chapter in verses 8-11 is also speaking of John the Beloved. Isaiah speaks of him that he (John) relies upon the Lord God. The Lord God is Jesus Christ, and this servant is John who was marred by man. See also my note in 3 Nephi 21:10: "I asked in prayer about John being marred, and was told that he was marred nearly to death in his telestial, mortal life." He is now translated and will thrash the nations with the rod of his power, and by those he directs to do so. This rod is a silver rod given him by God.

53T5: "Q- What is the root of Jesse spoken of in D&C 113:6? Is this also John the Beloved? A- Yes. The rod of Jesse and the root of Jesse are the same man even John the Beloved. The reason why these are two different names, a rod and a root, is because John has two missions in these last days. The rod refers to his power in slaying the wicked as described in Isaiah 11:4, when he John will smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall slay the wicked. This is all done prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth in glory."

59H22-59H27: "Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, the presence of this sash on you is a symbol that you have our authority and power to come against Satan's hosts and the wicked.

John the Beloved also has a scarlet-red angled sash.'

At that moment, Jesus Christ came and stood on the right side of our Father. He was wearing a scarlet red robe as I had seen before. Next to the right side of Jesus came John the Beloved, his son.

John then came to my left, and faced the three Deities before us. He stood next to me. John also wore a scarlet-red angled sash.

Jesus then spoke:

'Raphael and John, you both are now given our authority to destroy the wicked and to vanquish Satan as you feel impressed to do from us, your God.

John, you are also given this rod to execute our vengeance upon the nations of the wicked.'

He then gave to John a silver rod that was about 8 feet tall. It was about 1 1/2-inches in diameter, and rounded at the top. The bottom was flat, so it could be placed flat on the ground. John received this silver rod in his right hand.

'John', continued Jesus, 'use this rod of our power to act in your mission as the rod of Jesse, as spoken of in Isaiah chapter 11. You may stretch forth this rod over the wicked nations to afflict them with the power of God. Hold the rod in both of your hands as you extend it over the nations to be afflicted by God.

Raphael, you have your sword of Raphael sheathed on your left side under your waist sash. Use it to remove any of the hosts of Lucifer who step out of their bounds that have been set by God, which bounds they pass in afflicting our elect or when getting in the way of the healing work of the angels of God. We will no longer tolerate their over-stepping intrusions into the lives of our elect or our angels.

Raphael, when you feel impressed, with direction from us, that any of the hosts of Lucifer have moved beyond their bounds on our people that you see or that is reported to you, then take hold of the offending fallen spirit(s) and remove them to the distant orb, out of your own solar system. You have done this before when you removed to that distant orb two evil spirits in the past, in your conscious memory, one who was a very aggressive and powerful false spirit. This orb acts as a prison for these overly aggressive evil spirits.

When you remove them by our power, secure them in your left hand and raise your sword of Raphael in your right hand, high above your head. Then teleport with the evil spirit(s) to that distant orb prison and deposit them onto that prison orb. These will be constrained to be there until you place Lucifer and his hosts under the thousand-year seal in the bottomless pit, after my return to the earth in glory. At that time, route these whom you have placed on that prison orb to the bottomless pit with Lucifer their master.'"


2 Nephi 7:8-9
8 And the Lord is near, and he justifieth me. Who will contend with me? Let us stand together. Who is mine adversary? Let him come near me, and I will smite him with the strength of my mouth.

9 For the Lord God will help me. And all they who shall condemn me, behold, all they shall wax old as a garment, and the moth shall eat them up.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
This is a reference to the power that Jesus has given to his son, John the Beloved. This verse reference the strength that John will have in having absolute power over the evil ones in the mortal world.


2 Nephi 7:11
11 Behold all ye that kindle fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks, walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks which ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand—ye shall lie down in sorrow.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
Those that kindle fire are those with superior firearms, in both power and numbers. However, the power of John the Beloved is far more powerful, and these shall "lie down in sorrow." They will ultimately be destroyed in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ, or destroyed during his coming. They will be ushered into the telestial spirit world, and will remain there for the thousand years of the millennium.


2 Nephi 8:1-2
1 Hearken unto me, ye that follow after righteousness. Look unto the rock from whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit from whence ye are digged.

2 Look unto Abraham, your father, and unto Sarah, she that bare you; for I called him alone, and blessed him.This is a call to all who are humble followers of Jesus Christ. These have been individually called and blessed because they hearken to the voice of the Spirit, given by Jesus Christ. These are Abraham's seed.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
This is a call to all who are humble followers of Jesus Christ. These have been individually called and blessed because they hearken to the voice of the Spirit, given by Jesus Christ. These are Abraham's seed.


2 Nephi 8:3
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion, he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.

Sun, Jun 2, 2024
These words refer to those righteous who are spared, and come with Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven, and descend with him to the terrestrial earth. The terrestrial earth will largely be in a barren rock waste-in this state since the fall of man. This wilderness will soon become like the garden of Eden, as is the island of the New Jerusalem. Once living water comes upon the ground, and the industry of the people and the blessings of heaven, then these wilderness places will become also like Eden.

See my notes in Moses 3:8 explaining that the ancient land of Eden is now where the New Jerusalem celestial realm is located. It was a wilderness and a waste place, all covered with terrestrial waters before the island of the New Jerusalem was created by Raphael by the power of God.


2 Nephi 8:4
4 Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation; for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light for the people.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
Jesus Christ will rule and reign over the entire terrestrial earth. He will give a law from the New Jerusalem, and utter his words. See Isaiah 2:3 and Micah 4:1. The "law" refers to the US Constitution from Zion (after the kingdom of God was established in the New Jerusalem, with the Constitution and the banner of freedom) and "word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (the New Jerusalem which is center city in Zion, the abode of Jesus Christ on the earth).


2 Nephi 8:5
5 My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arm shall judge the people. The isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
The isles are the Americas. I believe there will be those in North America who will trust in God, and hear the voice of Jesus Christ. These are the elect of God who will be brought to this land.


2 Nephi 8:6
6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment; and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner. But my salvation shall be forever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
This is the future of the telestial earth: the telestial heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will wax old and be of no use, and the telestial inhabitants will die. Through all this, Jesus will provide salvation to all, and the righteous will be preserved.


2 Nephi 8:7-8
7 Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart I have written my law, fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.

8 For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool. But my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation.

Sun, Jun 2, 2024
The elect of God have God's law written in their hearts. They are to trust Jesus, and not fear man. For those aligned with the great and abominable church of the devil (see 1 Nephi 14) will be eaten up and die.


2 Nephi 8:11
11 Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy and holiness shall be upon their heads; and they shall obtain gladness and joy; sorrow and mourning shall flee away.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
The elect of God will come to Zion, with everlasting joy after their deep trials.


2 Nephi 8:12
12 I am he; yea, I am he that comforteth you. Behold, who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of man, who shall die, and of the son of man, who shall be made like unto grass?

Mon, Feb 26, 2024
Jesus Christ is the one who will comfort the afflicted elect in the last days! We should trust in him, and not be afraid of man, or our oppressors. For soon, these will all die and be burned up, prior to or during the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 8:13-14
13 And forgettest the Lord thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth, and hast feared continually every day, because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? And where is the fury of the oppressor?

14 The captive exile hasteneth, that he may be loosed, and that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail.

Mon, Feb 26, 2024
There will be great difficulties in the last days, but the elect will be preserved by the Lord our God!


2 Nephi 8:16
16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my people.

Mon, Feb 26, 2024
This is a direct reference to Raphael, the archangel of the Lord. He has been hid in the shadow of God's hand to build the New Jerusalem ("that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my people."). See also Isaiah 49:2 "in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me".


2 Nephi 8:19-20
19 These two sons are come unto thee, who shall be sorry for thee—thy desolation and destruction, and the famine and the sword—and by whom shall I comfort thee?

20 Thy sons have fainted, save these two; they lie at the head of all the streets; as a wild bull in a net, they are full of the fury of the Lord, the rebuke of thy God.

Mon, Feb 26, 2024
See Revelation 11:4-12. This is about the two servants of the Lord that were allowed to die in the streets of Jerusalem. See also Isaiah 51:20.


2 Nephi 8:24-25
24 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

25 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

Sun, Feb 25, 2024
See also D&C 113:7-8 and Isaiah 52:1-3, and my notes in these scriptures.

From my notes in Isaiah 52:1-3: "Isaiah had reference to these times you live in. The men of my people need to shake themselves from the dust, to arise and sit down. This means to open their hearts and minds to the fact that the priesthood and keys have been removed from the general level leadership of the second Church of Christ, even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They need to accept the establishment of the new third Church of Christ, and the priesthood power that will be reestablished through their priesthood power, becoming awake to my power that I will show through them."


2 Nephi 9:1-2
1 And now, my beloved brethren, I have read these things that ye might know concerning the covenants of the Lord that he has covenanted with all the house of Israel—

2 That he has spoken unto the Jews, by the mouth of his holy prophets, even from the beginning down, from generation to generation, until the time comes that they shall be restored to the true church and fold of God; when they shall be gathered home to the lands of their inheritance, and shall be established in all their lands of promise.

Mon, Feb 26, 2024
Great are the covenants of the Lord with Israel! The house of Israel will be gathered home to the lands of their inheritance, even upon the terrestrial mortal earth. These elect will live in peace for a thousand years during the great millennium.


2 Nephi 9:10-13
10 O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yea, that monster, death and hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit.

11 And because of the way of deliverance of our God, the Holy One of Israel, this death, of which I have spoken, which is the temporal, shall deliver up its dead; which death is the grave.

12 And this death of which I have spoken, which is the spiritual death, shall deliver up its dead; which spiritual death is hell; wherefore, death and hell must deliver up their dead, and hell must deliver up its captive spirits, and the grave must deliver up its captive bodies, and the bodies and the spirits of men will be restored one to the other; and it is by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel.

13 O how great the plan of our God! For on the other hand, the paradise of God must deliver up the spirits of the righteous, and the grave deliver up the body of the righteous; and the spirit and the body is restored to itself again, and all men become incorruptible, and immortal, and they are living souls, having a perfect knowledge like unto us in the flesh, save it be that our knowledge shall be perfect.

Tue, Feb 27, 2024
See my notes in 2 Nephi 2:8-10. This has reference to the requirements of the Laws of God that govern the amount of suffering required for sin, for entry into the celestial, terrestrial and telestial eternal worlds. It is very powerful.


2 Nephi 9:16
16 And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal word, which cannot pass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still; wherefore, they who are filthy are the devil and his angels; and they shall go away into everlasting fire, prepared for them; and their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no end.

114C10, from Heavenly Mother: "The final destiny of Lucifer and his hosts will be done after the last of God's children are resurrected to a celestial, terrestrial and telestial glory. This final destiny of those devils who still persist to deny that their Gods are their own literal parents in the spirit, will be done by Heavenly Father and me ourselves. These will be taken to the original locations where we chose their intelligence. They will then be stripped of their spirit so that their core intelligence will be left in that original location. They will then migrate to their final destiny "where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched, which is their torment". (see D&C 76:44-48)"


2 Nephi 9:21
21 And he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam.

91D13-91D17: "Evening-I had a question tonight about what I had received and written this morning. I wrote that the first heavenly orb was resurrected by virtue of the atonement of the first Redeemer. I had thought that that the first Redeemer and all other Redeemers or Christs since, only atoned for the children of God and not the other creations. I hope my Heavenly Parents will answer this question for me.

This is the scripture I use to base my view:

2 Nephi 9:21

"And he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam."

I then came to the celestial realms on the earth, next to the grassy area and little stream I have come next to before. I felt clear from my head to my feet. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother then came over the small hill and walked right up to me!

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have shared many new revelations with you over a short time. We only showed you summaries or short views of some of the things you saw and that we shared with you.

Your question is a good question. Every Redeemer, or Christ, since the beginning, has suffered willingly for the sins and weaknesses of the children of God who have or would come forth into mortality. In addition, the great Redeemer of every eternity is the one through whom the gods create and resurrect all of their creations, including plants, animals, earths and any new orb in the sky. We each do this to have this Redeemer be the one through whom all our children and all our creations progress. This honor is because of the atonement, or the ultimate sacrifice of this Savior for every mortal human being.

For our first creation, when we first became a couple God, our first Redeemer was the one through whom we resurrected our celestial orb in the beginning. Since that celestial resurrection of our heavenly home, we no longer had the need to have any other Redeemers of subsequent eternities do this since it was already done before.

The Redeemer of each eternity does not suffer for the devils that disobey and follow Satan. If there are those of the devils who repent and subsequently come to the light of their Savior, he will accept them, having suffered already for their sins and weaknesses. In the foreknowledge of God, we all three Gods know who of all of our children will ultimately repent and receive the need for the atonement of their Savior. He only suffers once, and when completed does not suffer for the sins of any individual in the future, after he is resurrected. This ability to know who will come to mortality by the end of the earth is known only by God, through our foreknowledge.'"


2 Nephi 9:41
41 O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

38B11-138B27: "I felt to go to the white gate not far from the southeastern side of God's temple. I came on the grassy area, in front of the gate, and knelt on the grass facing the gate. I felt I would meet Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer here since he is the keeper of the gate, "and employeth no servant there." (see 2 Nephi 9:41). I wondered why I was to come here?

I asked for Jesus to come in answer to my prayer, for I felt I would meet him. I waited and then saw the gate open and Jesus Christ, my Savior, come out onto the grass! He stood in front of me and spoke: 'Raphael, I have been asked of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to talk to you tonight. Come with me, through the gate, and I will take to you on the other side at the start of the straight and narrow path!'

I stood and we walked up to the gate. He opened it and motioned for me to go first through the gate. We then walked up to the start of the straight and narrow path. He spoke:

'Raphael, I accept my elect into the area after having initially proven them in their lives, to see if they will follow the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost that we send to them. For those who are obedient to what we give them, and who hear us and want to be with us, their Gods, more than their own interests and the pull of the world or others, I will say to them: 'my son', or 'my daughter, come enter into my spiritual presence, and pass through this gate. Follow the path that I will lead you on to eternal life!'

I will then accept them into a much closer spiritual relationship with me. They will begin a more rigorous journey where they will be led onto the strait and narrow path that leads to the fruit of the tree of life. I will be with them in every time of trouble along their journey. At the end of this journey, I will introduce them to our Father and Mother, at the tree of life.

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi states that "the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and the Holy Ghost." (2 Nephi 31:17). To pass into the actual white gate where we have just entered, I judge more of God's children than receiving the outward ordinance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I watch how they have taken upon themselves my name, and how sincerely and obedient they are to follow me in their life. I see how quickly and diligently God's son or daughter listens and obeys our Spirit. At a certain point, I invite them into this white gate that represents a much closer relationship to me for our faithful children.

I then bring them symbolically to this straight and narrow path where I will further prove them to see if I may elect them into my Church of the Firstborn, and grant unto them eternal life.

2 Nephi 31:19-20-

"And now, my beloved brethren (and sisters), after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

Raphael, it is after our son or daughter presses forward, walking on the straight and narrow path, all the while feasting upon my words and my guidance in their life, and holding onto the rod of iron (my gospel standards), that I will bring them forth from that straight and narrow path to the tree of life. Then will I say to them that they shall have eternal life! Then will their calling and election be made sure! Then will I appear finally to them, and introduce our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to them. Our son or daughter may then figuratively and in reality come to the tree of life and partake of its beautiful white fruit that is so delicious to the soul!

The journey to the tree of life is the way that our Father and Mother have ordained for everyone of their beloved children to travel on to where they will receive eternal life, even a glory in the celestial worlds!

2 Nephi 31:21-

"And now, behold, my beloved brethren (and sisters), this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." (parenthesis added by Jesus Christ).

I thanked my blessed Redeemer who stood in great majesty before me! He was filled with compassion, for I saw in his eternity eyes so much love and desire to guide and uplift all of us, God's children, along our journey. He pointed his hand to the tree of life at the end of this path in front of me. I turned and looked and saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the canopy of the tree of life in the distance!

I then embraced my Redeemer, and he embraced me! He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have already promised you eternal life and your exaltation! You have walked the straight and narrow path already. I have introduced you already to our glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Come now with me, and let's join them under the canopy of the tree of life!'

We then were instantly in front of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the tree of life! They were smiling at their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and at me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, only by unshaken faith and trust in our Son, Jesus Christ, may our children come back into our presence as have you. Come now and partake of the fruit of this tree of life which is symbolic of partaking with us of eternal life and exaltation!'

I then reached above our heads and plucked a white, shining fruit of the tree of life. I ate and was filled with great joy and light!

My vision then ended, and I was back on earth recording all of this in my journal. I thanked my Gods for this beautiful detailed explanation of the way that the faithful may receive eternal life. I humbly closed my prayer. I then reread my journal entry, and felt it was written just as I received it tonight."


2 Nephi 9:41-43
41 O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

42 And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

43 But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever—yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints.

56C1-56C11: "I prepared myself for my prayer this morning and received a lot of insights in this process. I felt to go to the exceedingly high mountain to the southeast of Heavenly Mother's upper garden, way high. I then knew I would come back there, and I went next to drink of the living water, and eat of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life in the celestial temple area in heaven.

I next went to the fountain of living water just north of the temple in the celestial world. I looked carefully at the fountain structure, and realized it looked just like the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem, in front of the temple to the north. I asked if it was the same design and size, and I immediately knew it was the same! The New Jerusalem fountain was patterned after this fountain.

I drank of the living water from the edge of the fountain, three times with my right cupped hand. I tried to visualize more of my surroundings as I drank.

I next walked south thirty feet or so and came to the golden altar, spoken of in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 8:3 and Revelation 9:13). I touched this altar and wondered if it too was of the same design and shape as the one in the New Jerusalem. I immediately felt it was the same-the one in the New Jerusalem was just like this one!

I next walked directly west on a gold path that changed to a grassy path. There were beautiful trees, bushes and flowers on either side of this narrowing grassy path, until I saw the white gate in front of me. I came to the white gate, and the bushes narrowed on the path around the gate, so I could not pass and proceed onward unless I went through the gate.

I touched the white gate and then Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, immediately stood on the other side of the gate. I looked into his very compassionate and loving face-he was smiling at me, and opened wide the gate. I entered and he shut it behind me.

He then spoke to me, while holding my right hand with his right hand. I saw the marks on his hands, tokens of his suffering and triumph on the cross:

'Raphael, you have been redeemed and cleansed by me, your Savior and Redeemer! I will thus qualify each candidate for entry into the Church of the Firstborn, who comes to me on this same path and through this same gate. I am the keeper of the gate to the Church of the Firstborn, and cannot be deceived.

(Raphael here: see 2 Nephi 9:41-43- "O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever—yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints.")

I will qualify those who follow me in life, and allow through the gate those who are obedient, humble and diligent before me. These may walk the narrow path that leads to the tree of life where they may partake of the fruit and leaf of the tree. They may also meet their Father and Mother there, in the own timing of our Heavenly Parents.

I will let you and Oriphiel know whom I have thus qualified for entrance into my church, the Church of the Firstborn. In this way you may verify those for whom you perform the ordinance of the waters of separation.'

Jesus then extended his left hand towards the tree of life and the narrow path to that tree. I started walking on that narrow path. I saw that it was only 12-in wide, and over 200 ft long for me. I saw it was straight and narrow, with steep sides. There was only room for me on this path, for two people couldn't fit side-by-side, but would have to go in single file when they were walking towards the tree. I also knew that this path was adapted to each individual that walked on it, depending upon the path of life they might take and the obstacles they might have.

I arrived at the tree of life, and plucked one of the fruits and a leaf. I then thought to immediately take these with me to the high mountaintop. I was instantly there, even though it was very far away."

176B17-176B19: "Evening-Tonight I came on the grass outside the white gate. This is where Jesus Christ guards the way, even as spoken of in 2 Nephi 9:41-43.

"O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches-yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever-yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints."

I came on my knees before him and looked up into his very loving and compassionate face. I gazed into his eternity eyes and was struck again how full of love they were!

He spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, welcome into my presence, and into the gate that leads to the straight and narrow path, that even leads to the tree of life. You have come to me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. I have redeemed you and have brought you into my presence."

177M1-177M15: "I came this morning to the celestial orb. I came to the grassy area just south of the white gate. The gate was shut but I knew Jesus was behind the gate. I had faith he would open the gate for me if I came up to it and desired to enter.

I knelt on the green grass and prayed to my Father in Heaven. I felt connected with him and was given the direction to seek entrance past the white gate from Jesus Christ.

I then stood and walked up to the gate. I touched it and then the gate opened. Jesus Christ stood by the gate and then invited me to enter. I stepped past the white gate and Jesus shut it behind me.

He then faced me and spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am glad that you have come to visit me here at the gate that leads to the straight and narrow path. Hear again the words of Jacob.

2 Nephi 9:41-43

"O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches--yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever--yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints."

Raphael, these words of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, are true, for they were given by revelation to him directly from me. All of my faithful who are the elect of the Father and Mother, will need , at some point in their lives, to come to me and enter into this gate and the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life and exaltation. These are the ones who will be allowed to come into the higher terrestrial realm, even to Zion. The great mysteries and happiness that await them are hidden from those who refuse to come to me in the humble and sincere way I prescribe.

My labor among the humble elect in your world is my great redemptive work now on the earth. I prepare them and carefully lead them to the point that they will come unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When they have been sufficiently diligent and sincere, I will come to them and make myself known to them. I am the only way to the Father and Mother, for I will redeem each one by my power, and introduce them again to their Heavenly Parents, in my own way and time.

John 14:6,23

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

...Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."'

Jesus then took my hand and led me to the start of the path that leads to the tree of life, that is narrow and straight.

He pointed the way to the tree of life and spoke again: 'Raphael, all men and women who are accepted and redeemed by me may walk this straight and narrow path, even to the tree of life. This tree represents eternal life and their glory forever, being redeemed by me and coming to our Heavenly Parents. Walk now again along this straight way to visit with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who will pluck for you of the fruit of the tree of life.'

I thanked Jesus, my Redeemer, for his words of eternal truth, and parted his presence. I then walked along the path that only allowed one person at a time. As I walked, I kept my focus on the tree of life. As I got closer, I could see my Heavenly Parents under the beautiful canopy of that majestic tree. I soon came before them and knelt at their feet. I was filled with the light of their countenance!

Heavenly Father reached out and helped me to my feet. Then Heavenly Mother plucked a fruit of the tree and gave it to me. I ate all and was filled with light and great joy.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, our son, we have walked you through the journey again this morning that each of our beloved children must needs take in order to be brought again into our presence, and to partake of eternal life with us. You are clean before us, having been redeemed and cleansed by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are overjoyed to have you before us now in our kingdom!

Thus may each one of our children come unto us, by following this same path and journey to us. All will need to come through the white gate and walk the narrow path to the tree of life where we will be. This is our plan of salvation for each one of our faithful children, through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'

My Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have great plans in sharing our happiness and joy with our faithful elect. What you have done in your journey this morning in coming to us is what each one needs to do in their own journey. We individually customize the path along the narrow path, so that they will be strengthened along the way to us. It is through their tribulations and hardships in life that they grow and become the strong and valiant sons and daughters of our kingdom, even in Zion."


2 Nephi 9:42
42 And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

145H20-145H27: "Raphael, your Father and I wish to send our Spirit among our children, if they will not open to us their hearts and minds, and "consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, we will not open unto them.' (see 2 Nephi 9:42).

There are so many Latter-day Saints who feel they know the truth, and are on a path to eternal life if they just follow the program and the prophet in the church. They never inquire for themselves whether they are being led correctly by their leaders. They never really seek us in the depths of humility, with a willingness to do whatever we may lead them to do. This is the sort of prayer and attitude we require in order for them to receive our light and our Spirit.

This afternoon in your sacrament meeting you saw a very thick cloud cover the entire land and sky, except for a small open window through the clouds to our temple. This is akin to the thick blindness that covers so many of our well-meaning children on earth, including so many members of the LDS church.

There will be a day of reckoning for them that will sufficiently shake many to come to the humble attitude to sincerely ask of us what we would have them do. When they finally trust us, their Gods, more than their own flawed judgments, or their own spiritual leaders, then we will open up to them the sunshine of our Spirit.'

Heavenly Father then spoke. 'Raphael, you have received so much from us because you have been very open, humble, and have sought us diligently. As we have given you direction, you have obeyed. This is true of all of our elect, for they hear our voice and keep our commandments.

We have much more to reveal to you, our son! Continue to be humble, open, and pray to us regularly as you currently do, and great revelations await you and our faithful who will believe on your words.'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their clear words to me tonight! I said I would always seek their faces, hear their words, and keep their commandments.

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me, and turned around together. As they entered back into their temple, the doors shut behind them. I closed my prayer and ended my day."

159A3-159A15: "'Raphael, we desire to awaken our elect that I have chosen in the gentlest way possible. However, they tend to keep doing the things they do, and believe the things they believe in, many which are misguided and not true. We reach out to them often, but they dismiss our still, small voice, thinking these impressions are their own thoughts and not from us. They don't pause in their lives to question of us and confirm that these subtle spiritual feelings are really from us, their Heavenly Parents. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I suffer rejection from these, our elect, time and time again!

We therefore have now placed our elect in a more uprooted environment where they no longer may return to their old lifestyles. We prefer they start to question everything in their lives so that in the state of wondering and questioning, we may guide them.

Our elect among the Latter-day Saints are particularly adept at making up stories about how we, their Gods are orchestrating their lives. However, the basis for these make-believe stories is based on many false beliefs and misconceptions. It is hard for us to shape their minds when they are so used to creating detailed stories of how we have favored them and their loved ones, in sometimes fantastic untrue stories. We would love them to be open, humble, penitent, seeking forgiveness from us, and then approach us with inquiring minds, with a determination to listen to us and not to man or their own stories.

Making up thoughts that put their actions in a positive light with a make-believe story is a way to rewrite their personal history in their own mind. They may in this way continue to sin or delude themselves that they are truly more favored or elite than others in God's eyes. It is difficult for us to reach those who do this. Paul explained this behavior in his epistle to Timothy:

2 Timothy 4:3-4-

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

We will have a contrite people, even if it so be that we humble them, to where they must look squarely at their own situation, and then no longer make up their false stories. We want them to come to us humbly and openly. It is only with a contrite and a humble spirit that they will begin to hear us and do as we say:

Isaiah 57:15-

"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."'

My Father stopped speaking. He was looking off in the distance. I then believe he was seeing his chosen elect in a future day, finally humbled sufficiently to approach him with an open heart and a contrite spirit.

'Raphael, we can only build Zion, the pure in heart, from a foundation of openness and willingness to cast aside their personal sins, their ungodly ways and beliefs, and consider themselves fools before God:

2 Nephi 9:42-

"And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them." '

Heavenly Father stopped speaking. He seemed so compassionate to those who would need to be compelled to be humble (see Alma 32:13), rather than be humble and open on their own. I believe he was looking with compassion upon the hardships these elect need to endure to arrive at an acceptable point of humility before him.

I thanked him for his revelation this morning. I told him I would be open and penitent, and let flow into me his great truths without any barrier on my part, or any qualifications based on any story that I may make up. I asked him to bless me with a humble and contrite heart and an open mind.

He reached his right hand and touched my head. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have chosen you from the beginning partly because you are open and receptive, and will hear my words without rewriting them. We may then speak and you will listen and hear our truths, and write them down. We are pleased with your current state before us, my son!'"

189K3-189K10: "He spoke to me, even while looking at the circling waters. 'Raphael, my son, your Mother and I choose the meek and lowly to be our servants. They know, that of themselves, they have no power or authority, and they consider themselves very ordinary, as the rest of mankind whom they serve.

Our Son, Jesus Christ, said "Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (see Matthew 18:4)

The natural man tendencies that our mortal telestial children experience, gets them in trouble, for they sometimes think that they are better than their brothers and sisters. In reality, only the humble are exalted (see Matthew 23:12). We require all to whom we reveal ourselves, to be open, malleable, and humble.

2 Nephi 9:42

"And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches--yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them."'

Heavenly Father then turned and faced me. He spoke again: 'Raphael, when a proud person comes before one of us, their Gods, they often think that they already know our mind and will. They think that they know our truths of themselves, and are almost always wrong in their views and perspectives. They are of the telestial, and we are of the celestial, and our ways, thoughts, and intentions are hid from them until they come in humility before us.

Isaiah 55:6-9

"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

When our elect come to inherit the terrestrial earth, even to the land of Zion, they must needs be humble and open. We will teach them our abundant truths, even until they shall all see eye to eye, and we bring again Zion. They will all know that access to God is through humility, openness, meekness of heart, and an open mind.'

My Heavenly Father then rose up into the air, and his light started shining upon all the region I was in. He stopped some distance above and again spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, all of the gods are humble and open. None of us are proud, or think among ourselves that our ways are any better than the others. We are thereby filled with the power and views of our first parent Gods, and see eye to eye. We are all united and of one heart and one mind. We live even in a higher celestial realm, akin to the Zion that will come forth in the coming millennial day.'"


2 Nephi 9:42-43
42 And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

43 But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever—yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints.

127K5-127K9: "Heavenly Father then motioned for me to come with him. I stood and came by his side! We both turned and came to the highest branch of the fallen oak tree. Heavenly Father reached out and broke the brittle and dry branch in his hand! He then asked me to gaze upon the branch.

I looked and gazed, with intent upon the branch. Soon I saw many elect sons and daughters of my Heavenly Parents, even within the branch! They were in great turmoil for the most part, in their individual lives. Many were in trauma and desperate to know what God would have them do to better their lives. When they came to a point of acceptance of what God would lead them to do and not by any leader or other friend or family, but directly from God, then they were in a state to receive the directions from God. I saw in the branch, among these humbled people, that the Holy Spirit of God came upon them, and gave them a little personal revelation! Some received this with joy, some questioned it because the direction was not what they were expecting or wanted to hear, and some thought these were from their own thoughts and not from God. However, those who acted on their promptings received a little more, and were gradually led, here a little and there a little. These became more and more dependent upon the still small voice from God.

Some individuals in the broken branch still stayed in their old belief patterns and their false traditions. These were the hardest ones to accept the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many were afraid to change their minds' view, and to consider some other religious perspective other than the "LDS Church is true". When they truly cast away all that they believed they knew, and considered themselves "fools before God", he only would open up to them and give them personal revelation.

2 Nephi 9:42-43

"And whoso knocketh to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches-yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever-yea, that happiness which is prepared for my saints."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this simple vision into all the reasons why his children reject the Holy Spirit, or the still small voice. I realized that only the truly penitent and open could receive personal revelation from God!"


2 Nephi 9:50-51
50 Come, my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price.

51 Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy. Hearken diligently unto me, and remember the words which I have spoken; and come unto the Holy One of Israel, and feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and let your soul delight in fatness.

Jesus asks that we come to him, and receive freely his nourishment, feasting upon that which doesn't perish. Likewise, in healing others by his powers, we provide them a source to him, and something that will last.


2 Nephi 10:3
3 Wherefore, as I said unto you, it must needs be expedient that Christ—for in the last night the angel spake unto me that this should be his name—should come among the Jews, among those who are the more wicked part of the world; and they shall crucify him—for thus it behooveth our God, and there is none other nation on earth that would crucify their God.

Wed, Feb 28, 2024
This angel was the archangel Raphael, for this was confirmed to me on 2-28-2024. This was the same angel who spoke to Jacob earlier in 2 Nephi 6:9


2 Nephi 10:7-87 But behold, thus saith the Lord God: When the day cometh that they shall believe in me, that I am Christ, then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh, upon the earth, unto the lands of their inheritance.

8 And it shall come to pass that they shall be gathered in from their long dispersion, from the isles of the sea, and from the four parts of the earth; and the nations of the Gentiles shall be great in the eyes of me, saith God, in carrying them forth to the lands of their inheritance.

Wed, Feb 28, 2024
Jacob is now speaking not only of the Jews, but all of the house of Israel. Great are the promises of the Lord to the house of Israel!


2 Nephi 10:9
9 Yea, the kings of the Gentiles shall be nursing fathers unto them, and their queens shall become nursing mothers; wherefore, the promises of the Lord are great unto the Gentiles, for he hath spoken it, and who can dispute?

Sun, May 26, 2024
See my notes in 1 Nephi 21:22-23


2 Nephi 10:14
14 For he that raiseth up a king against me shall perish, for I, the Lord, the king of heaven, will be their king, and I will be a light unto them forever, that hear my words.

Wed, Feb 28, 2024
See my notes in D&C 65:5-6 about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven.


2 Nephi 10:15-16
15 Wherefore, for this cause, that my covenants may be fulfilled which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them while they are in the flesh, I must needs destroy the secret works of darkness, and of murders, and of abominations.

16 Wherefore, he that fighteth against Zion, both Jew and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and female, shall perish; for they are they who are the whore of all the earth; for they who are not for me are against me, saith our God.

Wed, Feb 28, 2024
The wicked on the entire telestial earth will be destroyed, or shall perish. This will be by the destructions just prior to or during the great and terrible day of the Lord, or the second coming of Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 10:19
19 Wherefore, I will consecrate this land unto thy seed, and them who shall be numbered among thy seed, forever, for the land of their inheritance; for it is a choice land, saith God unto me, above all other lands, wherefore I will have all men that dwell thereon that they shall worship me, saith God.

Wed, Feb 28, 2024
The promised land of America has many promises extended to it, both in the telestial, terrestrial and celestial promised land. The angel delivering warnings and messages, ancient and modern, is the archangel Raphael.

I have recorded here the events surrounding George Washington's Vision of America. This pertains to what I call the Light of a Thousand Suns, named so by George Washington.

179F17-179F30: "I came to the circling waters and faced the water and the river to my south. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, just like I did last year on 11-26-2019 when she came to me with great speed. I waited and watched.

I then saw a flash of light in the distance, in the direction of God's Loving Healing Center. There was then a column of light that extended from that distant flash to the circling waters in front of me. Heavenly Mother then appeared at the end of the column of light, directly in front of me! Her robes were moving, particularly her cape which was blowing vigorously behind her towards the south from whence she came.

Her eyes were ablaze with penetrating light, and her countenance was truly like lightning! She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I want to reemphasize that the rapid whirlwind coming to your land of America will be a full whirlwind of tribulations within a month from today, even by Christmas day!

You have read tonight a recorded version of George Washington's vision. In this vision, he saw three great perils coming upon the republic. The first two were the revolutionary war and the civil war. The third is another war, even of an occupying army that will invade your land with great speed. This is by far the most devastating peril of the three. This is about to be unleashed upon your land.

In George Washington's dream, the shadowy angel appeared to him and repeatedly spoke, "Son of the Republic, look and learn." This angel was not the female figure who at first appeared to George Washington. The angel and the voice that spoke was your voice, R! You also blew your trumpet of God as is described in the vision.

You will blow your trumpet three times again to herald the third peril coming to this, your promised land and republic. We will tell you when to blow your trumpet to bring forth the occupying armies upon your land. This will be by our command within the next month. These armies will come quickly.

In the vision, the dark red light represents communist China that has been actively seeking to destroy your republic and take over this land. Other allied nations will also come with their armies.

After the five months of occupation and devastations on the land by the armies, you will blow your trumpet one more time. This will herald our great light and deliverance to our elect, and the beginning of the start of the New Jerusalem. We will also tell you when to blow your trumpet of God at this time.

Raphael, I gave my servant George Washington this vision. I was the female messenger who appeared to him at the beginning of his vision. Your Father and I have chosen you, our latter-day archangel, to blow your trumpet and act as the shadowy angel in his vision.

This vision of George Washington is true and will all be fulfilled. Brace yourself for that which is to come! Stand ready to sound your trumpet of God, even as we will command you!'

I bowed my head before my majestic Heavenly Mother. I said I would obey all of her and Heavenly Father's directions. I thanked her for this interpretation of George Washington's vision.

She then departed directly up into the sky above, and as she gained height, a violent whirlwind cloud surrounded her. In a few seconds the whirlwind had risen up out of sight.

I will repeat this vision in full at the end of my entry tonight so that it will be part of my record. When there is no internet, it will still be available to be read and studied.

Here is the George Washington Vision, used with permission:

"Washington's Vision

In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the "Vision of Washington" at Valley Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, who supposedly was at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78. The story has been published several times.

Some people will say that it is substantiated by the fact that a copy of the account is in the Library of Congress. This argument of authenticity is misleading in and of itself. The Library of Congress has copies of anything published. That does not indicate accuracy of the content.

I am unaware of any eighteenth-century evidence that corroborates this story. The soldier mentioned as having a first-hand account of the "Vision," Anthony Sherman, was a soldier in the Continental Army. However, according to his pension application, written by him, he states that he was at Saratoga under the command of Benedict Arnold at the end of 1777 and only joined the main forces in 1778 in New Jersey just before the Battle of Monmouth.

Anthony Sherman wrote:

You doubtless heard the story of Washington's going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour, Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that occurred that day.

'George Washington's Vision'

This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.

A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.

Presently I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly, I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a stranger scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world — Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

"Son of the Republic," said the same mysterious voice as before, "look and learn." At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, "Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn." At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill omened specter approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word "Union," bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, "Remember ye are brethren." Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

"And again I heard the mysterious voice saying "Son of the Republic, look and learn." At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of sword, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn" When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. "Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn." As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last." And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word "Union," he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, "Amen."

The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union." With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.'""


2 Nephi 10:22
22 For behold, the Lord God has led away from time to time from the house of Israel, according to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all them who have been broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also.

166H4-166H20: "This morning I read an email from R.S. about 2 Nephi 10:22- " For behold, the Lord God has led away from time to time from the house of Israel, according to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all them who have been broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also."

He had three questions: 1. For the people that entered the inner earth, were there one or more migrations? 2. From what tribes did they come? 3. Was this group visited by the three Nephites?

I had these questions from R.S. in my mind as I prepared for my morning prayer. I was in a very quiet place, and felt alert and awake. I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit from the tree of life and a leaf. I ate these under the canopy of that tree. I came then to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt down and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then tried to connect more fully to my unconscious mind there.

As I was meditating, I remembered S.A.'s email she sent me yesterday about seeking the abundance of the spirit in our lives. I reread this which included words she received from our Heavenly Mother about yielding our heart and mind, and seeking grace. I then asked S.A. if I could share her email in this post.

I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She seemed to come from a mist on the lake in front of me, and I could see the light increasing all about me. Heavenly Mother then was only a few feet in front of me, a little elevated in the air!

I felt her intense light come into and through me. I also felt her great love and acceptance coming into me from her Spirit, which is her light that shone from her being. I looked up and saw her smiling face-so comforting, and her sparkling eternity eyes. I thrilled again in my heart to be in her wonderful presence!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad to come to you as you well prepared and then sought me in the lowliness of heart. You are as Nephi of old as recorded in 1 Nephi 2: 16, 19-

"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.

And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart."

I say to you, that as you press forward, in obedience to our directions, you will obtain a high measure of the abundance of our Spirit. You have felt this intense light come into you when I came, and even now you feel my Spirit penetrate you, accompanied by my love and acceptance. A portion of this same Spirit will I give to you to share with others as you work with them, and love and accept them. They will receive through this Spirit that I will transmit in part even through you, the witness I may give them of the truth you speak, and of our individual direction to them.

When Jesus ministered among the people, he carried an abundance of our Spirit, for he always kept our commandments and followed our daily directions. We testified to the hearts and minds of those who were open and received him, both from the Spirit we transferred through him to the people, and the Spirit we gave from above to them individually. This is the Spirit that convinced his disciples to follow him and to know he was our promised Messiah in the flesh.

I spoke to my daughter S.A. the words she wrote you in her email. Every one of our mortal children need to yield their hearts to God, even as is described in the Book of Mormon as done by Nephi, the son of Lehi. He also carried the Spirit in abundance, even to the convincing of many of his people to follow God, and to seek us in their individual and personal prayers.

I will now answer R.S.'s questions about the tribes of Israel that we have led away to the refuge of the inner earth. Their place of safety was fully apart from the rest of the earth, for we only allowed the righteous branches of the house of Israel to join them and no others.

This method of migrations and hiding away of elect groups of the righteous was our same pattern even before the flood. Those who were righteous, in that day, and sought heaven, were translated and physically moved to live with Enoch and his city, which eventually was moved to heaven, on our celestial orb. At the time of the great flood, the only righteous on the earth was Noah and his family within the ark.

We brought the first group of the tribes of Israel from their land when they escaped the captivity of the Assyrians (see 2 Kings 17:6). After the people repented, their prophets led the people to the land northward. Their escape and miraculous journey is recorded in their scriptures, which will be shared when they return to the promised land.

We also brought Hagoth with those who followed him from the Nephite population (Alma 63:5-7). This large migration came to join the ten tribes of Israel in the inner earth (see your post 144). There were several smaller migrations from the Nephites at the time of Hagoth.

There were no more other migrations of significant size that came to our inner earth.

Those living there now have a mixture of all twelve tribes of Israel. The first migration came from the northern kingdom which was formed by the ten tribes that revolted against King Rehoboam to create a new nation called Israel. After coming into captivity to the Assyrians, this people generally kept intact when they escaped northwards. Some small groups left the main group on their travels to the north. When they arrived in the inner earth, all the twelve tribes of Israel were represented.

The three disciples of Jesus, who were translated, ministered only to their people in America, and did not go to the inner earth. However, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, came among them as he did to the Nephite nation (3 Nephi 17:4). His visit to this group of our elect is recorded in their scriptures. When they come to the New Jerusalem, they will also bring all of their records, which are included in their "rich treasures" that they will possess (D&C 133:30)!"


2 Nephi 11:3
3 And my brother, Jacob, also has seen him as I have seen him; wherefore, I will send their words forth unto my children to prove unto them that my words are true. Wherefore, by the words of three, God hath said, I will establish my word. Nevertheless, God sendeth more witnesses, and he proveth all his words.

Sun, Mar 3, 2024
This is the law of witnesses. For the Book of Raphael, there were mainly R, K, MA, S and S (five total individuals). These provided witnesses that God's word is established.


2 Nephi 25:23
23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

Thu, Mar 7, 2024
Without putting forth great effort, we are not reconciled to God. For it is by the grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved, after we fully repent and press forward, doing all that we can do.


2 Nephi 25:29
29 And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out.

Thu, Mar 7, 2024
See verse 23 above: it takes all of our might, mind and strength, and whole soul to press forward to know and be redeemed by Jesus Christ. This is the right way and path for those who wish to be numbered among the Church of the Firstborn, and be received into the celestial kingdom of God where Christ and his Heavenly Parents live.


2 Nephi 26:4-6
4 Wherefore, all those who are proud, and that do wickedly, the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, for they shall be as stubble.

5 And they that kill the prophets, and the saints, the depths of the earth shall swallow them up, saith the Lord of Hosts; and mountains shall cover them, and whirlwinds shall carry them away, and buildings shall fall upon them and crush them to pieces and grind them to powder.

6 And they shall be visited with thunderings, and lightnings, and earthquakes, and all manner of destructions, for the fire of the anger of the Lord shall be kindled against them, and they shall be as stubble, and the day that cometh shall consume them, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Fri, Mar 8, 2024
Nephi is prophesying these things of his own posterity, at the time of the death of Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 26:10-11
10 And when these things have passed away a speedy destruction cometh unto my people; for, notwithstanding the pains of my soul, I have seen it; wherefore, I know that it shall come to pass; and they sell themselves for naught; for, for the reward of their pride and their foolishness they shall reap destruction; for because they yield unto the devil and choose works of darkness rather than light, therefore they must go down to hell.

11 For the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction, and this grieveth my soul.

139C1-139C18: "I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for she was who I felt would come to me this morning.

She appeared to me in the air in front of me! I felt so pleased to be in her presence. She was smiling broadly and was full of light and love.

She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, whether you pray to me last night or this morning here, it is very acceptable to me. I look on the desire of your heart and you are full of intention to connect to us, your Gods. Sometimes there are interruptions in life that may prevent you from immediately connecting with us. We will wait, for the overriding issue is the status of your heart and intentions of your mind. Time is not so critical to us, or whether you are here in prayer at night or the next morning. We love and accept you at either time you are able to free up yourself. You have demonstrated your great diligence, day in and day out, over years of praying and putting us first in your life.

This morning I wish to speak to you more about your telestial mortal experience. Our first parent Gods devised the plan to send their spirit children to a fallen telestial earth. This was planned and determined from the beginning. One of the crucial parts of this plan was to restrict a portion of their children's mind temporarily from being in the forefront. Their unconscious mind was still very functional, but hidden behind a veil. This portion of their mind contained all of the memories of their premortal life and a sure knowledge of the existence of God. They became again in their innocent state, similar to how they came just after being birthed by their own Heavenly Mother in the beginning.

These new arrivals on their mortal earth also received a new physical body, patterned after the first one they received at birth in the spirit when their intelligence first entered. Now in mortality, their spirit would enter into this new physical body as a very innocent and dependent baby. They would again be entirely helpless and need direction and intense caring from their parents, just like occurred at the beginning of their spirit existence in the premortal spirit world.

When they would become fully grown adults, they would also become much more capable and independent from their parents. They would now fully choose on their own whatever path they wished to follow. This too was similar to their experience in the premortal world.

We instilled a number of new experiences for our adult mortal physical children. We gave all men and women the desires of the flesh, called the natural man. In opposition to these inclinations we sent our Holy Spirit to guide and direct them in ways we had always done. They heard our voice now as a still and small voice, still spoken to their unconscious mind, just like we had always done in the beginning, during their premortal world.

There would thus be a conflict between the natural man tendencies and our Holy Spirit, or the light of Christ that would give them their own conscience. In this realm, they had free choice to choose either one.

In addition, we allowed our fallen spirits, even Satan and his hosts, to tempt and persuade them. This was always counter to our own whisperings to their inner soul. Satan appealed to their natural man tendencies and we appealed to their higher, more honorable self. Many of our mortal children would choose Satan and his temptations of the flesh over our gentle promptings.

Moses 4:4

"And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice."

Moses 5:12-15

"And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters.

And Satan came among them, saying: I am also a son of God; and he commanded them, saying: Believe it not; and they believed it not, and they loved Satan more than God. And men began from that time forth to be carnal, sensual, and devilish.

And the Lord God called upon men by the Holy Ghost everywhere and commanded them that they should repent;

And as many as believed in the Son, and repented of their sins, should be saved; and as many as believed not and repented not, should be damned; and the words went forth out of the mouth of God in a firm decree; wherefore they must be fulfilled."

This same pattern has continued from the beginning, even until your own day. Satan, in your day, has a greater hold upon our mortal children than any other time since the days of your first parents, Adam and Eve. Your mortal world is ripe in iniquity and as such will soon be destroyed.

2 Nephi 26:10-11

"...and they shall sell themselves for naught; for, for the reward of their pride and their foolishness they shall reap destruction; for because they yield unto the devil and choose works of darkness rather than light, therefore they must go down to hell.

For the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction, and this grieveth my soul."

Raphael, your Father and I have already withdrawn our Spirit from a large portion of the inhabitants of your mortal world, for they have continually chosen Satan over us. Therefore, speedy destruction will soon come upon them.

We have also called upon many who hear our voice and keep our commands. These reject Satan consistently in their lives. We therefore enlighten them more and more with our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. These are our elect that we will save and bring forth into a better world, even where Satan and his evil hosts are no longer present.

In the beginning, with our first Gods, they found the greater part of their children on the telestial earth would follow their own Satan. This tendency has continued in every eternity since then. Those who truly reject the natural selfish man inside of them and seek to hear and obey our voice, are so much fewer in number. These will have proven themselves by their own individual agency, acting on their own and not from another. This is exactly as we wish, for salvation is an individual issue, earned and gained by individual choice and decisions in daily living.

You are correct that mortal life is a very unique time in the progression of our children, with no other way for us to determine who will follow us and who will follow Satan.

Abraham 3:25-26

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.

And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever."

I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother in front of me in the air! I love her words of revelation that flow into me with such clarity. I told her how much I desired to always follow her and Heavenly Father and to keep their commandments. I said I wanted to suppress the natural man in me and to reject Satan's temptations always."


2 Nephi 26:22
22 And there are also secret combinations, even as in times of old, according to the combinations of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness; yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
The whore and beast both work in secret combinations. They are both of the devil who fight against Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 26:27-28
27 Hath he commanded any that they should not partake of his salvation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but he hath given it free for all men; and he hath commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance.

28 Behold, hath the Lord commanded any that they should not partake of his goodness? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but all men are privileged the one like unto the other, and none are forbidden.

189C5-189C13: "He spoke to my mind: "Raphael, when our sons and daughters, created in our very image, come to the earth for their mortal experience. We respond to them based on the effort and diligence they have in coming unto us in prayer and mediation. We give our Spirit to all our children equally, based on how they hearken to the voice of this Spirit. We are no respecter of persons, and do the same for each one, according to their diligence and obedience.

Some respond very quickly, even as Jesus Christ did, who was foreordained from the beginning. However, we revealed ourselves to him based on his heed and diligence in exercising faith in our Spirit, even as we do for all our mortal children.

D&C 84: 46-47

"And the Spirit giveth light to every man (and woman and child) that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man, (woman and child) through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.

And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father." Words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

Some think that one of our children had or have extra access to our Spirit from the beginning more than another, but this is not true. We know, however, beforehand the hearts of all of our children, and know who will respond and who will not, and how diligent each will press forward when we reveal ourselves gradually to them. The righteous come unto me, but the wicked do not, for "they receiveth not my voice, (and are) not acquainted with my voice, and (are) not of me." (D&C 84:52)

Raphael, we knew you well before you were born in the flesh. We had planned to awaken you to your great calling later in life, even as we did. We orchestrated events and taught you, gradually revealing ourselves to you as you diligently inquired of us in faith. You are where you are today because of your efforts in coming unto us, your Gods, and in following our Spirit as we gradually revealed ourselves to you. Thus may all men and women also receive from us, and learn of their own standing and calling before us.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his and Heavenly Mother's extreme fairness to each of their mortal children. They give it free to all of their children (2 Nephi 26: 27), and "all men are privileged the one like unto another, and none are forbidden" (verse 28), and "he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembered the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile." (verse 33).

I said to my Father that my mind has been expanded and enlightened with his and Heavenly Mother's teachings on this topic! I expressed my deep love to him.

He then pulled me close to his body in a full embrace. He spoke quietly to my mind: 'Raphael, oh we would that all would hearken to us, their Heavenly Parents, even as you have done and as the great exemplar our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has done! The way is straight before each one if they will only listen and obey our gentle promptings and nudges we give them through our Spirit!'

I looked upon his face and saw tears in his loving eyes. I know he and Heavenly Mother yearn to reconnect to each one of their beloved children, but many reject their voice, and only languish in unbelief and estrangement from God."


2 Nephi 26:29
29 He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion.

Fri, Mar 8, 2024
This is the definition of priestcrafts. None of these will be permitted into the cities of Zion in the millennial day.


2 Nephi 26:30
30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love. And except they should have charity they were nothing. Wherefore, if they should have charity they would not suffer the laborer in Zion to perish.

30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love. And except they should have charity they were nothing. Wherefore, if they should have charity they would not suffer the laborer in Zion to perish.Fri, Mar 8, 2024

Fri, Mar 8, 2024
We are commanded to have charity, which is love. It is so important that if we don't have it we are nothing.


2 Nephi 26:33
33 For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.

133G4-133G13, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, my daughters have been oppressed in your mortal world (see post 84DS), even until today. They have not generally been mentioned in scriptures, for the culture of the times when they lived often did not allow them to be hardly written about. However, my daughters have continually communed with us their Gods, and have received great revelations, and many have seen God in the flesh. These experiences have been kept sacred and never made it into the written scriptures.

In the future, now that I am being more revealed as the Holy Ghost among our children, and now that I have ordained again women to the office of High Priestess, there will be much more equality among my sons and daughters. Records of my daughters will be just as valuable and cherished as records of my sons, and will make their way into what the future Church of Christ considers as canonized scriptures. There will be great equality among all our children in the millennial day, both with men and women, boys and girls, leaders and servants, black and white, all will have equal status and importance! I am glad these groups will be no longer suppressed and neglected. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I are no respecter of persons.

2 Nephi 26:33 "...and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen, and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."'

At this time my Heavenly Father came out of the domed room, and walked down the path, next to his loving eternal companion! He put his arm around her and they kissed. He then turned towards me and spoke:

'Raphael, when Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, your first parents, rebelled against Jesus Christ who spoke to him, he turned to Satan and worshipped him instead. He became Master Mahan, by which he felt he could murder and get gain (see Moses 5:29-31).

Jesus then set a mark upon Cain to distinguish him from the others of our children on earth. Cain and his descendants lived separately from the other descendants of Adam. The seed of Cain were black, and had no place among the others (see Moses 7:22).

From then on the races began, with darker skin and other facial and body differences that have perpetuated even to today. When Noah came out of the ark with his family, his daughter-in-law was black, of the lineage of Cain, who had married Noah's son Ham. The black race was therefore perpetuated with Ham's descendants. Pharaoh was Ham's grandson, who was a righteous man but was denied the priesthood. His race had been forbidden my priesthood power since the days of Cain (see Abraham 1:21-27).

The restriction of priesthood power was in force until Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, atoned for the original sin of Adam and Eve, and the sins of all mankind. His suffering also included the sins of Cain, even though Cain did not repent, even in the world of the spirits where he had remained after his death.

It was at that time that I lifted the curse upon the seed of Cain as pertaining to my priesthood. Nevertheless, this attitude continued on, even into the restored church in these last days. Brigham Young announced in 1852 that men of black African descent could no longer be ordained to the priesthood (see "Race and the Priesthood" in the LDS gospel topics). This announcement was given in error. It wasn't until 1978 that this was retracted, and the black race had full access, to my priesthood like any other of our worthy sons of any race. (see official Declaration 2). I was glad that this mistake was finally corrected in the church we restored through the prophet Joseph Smith.

Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I consider all of the sons and daughters of God on an equal status. We love them all, and will reveal to each one according to their diligent heed to our Spirit, all truths like we have revealed to you and others of our prophets and righteous elect. The millennial day will be when many prophets and prophetesses will be very abundant in the land. All will have varied gifts of our Spirit, to benefit the whole, regardless of their own status, gender, race or culture. We will pour out upon all of our faithful all the blessings of heaven and eternity!'"

187M3-187M7: "Heavenly Mother came from the clouds above me to the west. She was smiling and very bright. I felt so happy to be in her presence again!

She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you watched a documentary movie last night with your wife about the aborigines in Australia. They lived a very primitive lifestyle without God in the world. These are what the scriptures refer to as the heathen nations. They are steeped in false ideas and practices, and only continue in such behaviors because of the traditions of their fathers. They are our children who are having their earthly experience. They will one day be taught the truths of the gospel and receive the gospel, even at the beginning of the millennium when the earth is transitioned into a terrestrial sphere.

D&C 45:54-55

"And then shall the heathen nations be redeemed, and they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrection; and it shall be tolerable for them.

And Satan shall be bound, that he shall have no place in the hearts of the children of men."

These people who still live on your earth in primitive ways, without civilization or purpose except their own survival, will be enlightened at last. They are kept in their primitive lifestyle which is full of revenge and hostility and false beliefs by Satan. Once you bind Lucifer and his hosts in the bottomless pit, these will be taught by our elect and will gladly accept our true doctrine. They will, as a group, be redeemed by Jesus Christ, and enter into the millennial reign with the righteous on the earth. Their posterity will live throughout the thousand years of peace, and many will ultimately be received into the Church of the Firstborn.

2 Nephi 26:33

"For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.""


2 Nephi 27:1
1 But, behold, in the last days, or in the days of the Gentiles—yea, behold all the nations of the Gentiles and also the Jews, both those who shall come upon this land and those who shall be upon other lands, yea, even upon all the lands of the earth, behold, they will be drunken with iniquity and all manner of abominations

Sat, Mar 9, 2024
This is the wicked state of the world just before the cleansing starts.

These words are more clear than found in Isaiah 29:7-10 which Nephi is quoting.


2 Nephi 27:3
3 And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion.

183K13, from S: "I turned to look at Heavenly Mother and thank her for her message. She smiled at me and departed into the sky and was then gone to my view. I closed my prayer.

I just now felt to look up the scripture that was referenced in my prayer. It speaks of those who seek to fight against Zion. I thought it was interesting that Heavenly Mother referenced this to those who seek to uphold the republic at this time when its judgement has already been pronounced.

2 Nephi 27:3 -"And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion."

Nephi's Book of Mormon record of Isaiah has significant changes at the beginning of the verse compared to the Bible's record. (see Isaiah 29: 7-8)

Your friend, S""

185A3-185A10, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we have both come to you today to discuss our elect who live in your land. There will be an influx of believers in Jesus Christ across your nation, for they are being awakened to the precarious situation in your government and industry, with leaders who are trying to cover up their misdeeds and who are deceiving the people. As your nation moves to a more totalitarian state, which restricts freedom and seeks to manipulate the thoughts and actions of the governed, many will be more and more uncomfortable. They will start more diligently to call upon God and seek to connect with a higher power.

The christian churches of the land will experience a large influx of new converts seeking true religion. The people will be wary of control tactics they are experiencing in the government and industry. They will seek our Son, Jesus Christ, in a revival across America. Most who thus awaken will be our elect whose spirits are being prepared in classes in the spirit realms while they slumber. Their hearts are being prepared to receive our truths, and to seek Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer of mankind.

Pastor Dana Coverstone mentions his opinion about this influx into the church in his recent dream entitled "They Don't Hate me, They Hate You" dream.

We have many of our celestial premortal spirits actively guiding their future ancestors who now live on earth. We also have other celestial servants and our angels very active in doing our work as we direct them to. This will be called the great day of awakening.'

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, while our righteous servants are helping prepare the hearts of our elect and guiding them to our Beloved Son, the wicked who want no part of religion or God will become more controlled by the devil and his minions. They will be led, mostly unknowingly, by these evil spirits, and be carefully led to their destruction.

At this time is this scripture being fulfilled:

1 Nephi 14:17

"And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

The house of Israel includes the tribes of the north and the remnants coming from the south, but it also includes a great number of the elect who live in the land of promise. These are those who are now awakening to God. The fulfillment of my covenants means that those who are coming to us, their Heavenly Parents, in the name of our Son, Jesus Christ, will seek to align themselves to us by their promises to keep our commandments. They will make their true covenants with us, their Gods, when given the opportunity, even in the true Church of Christ, and later in the Church of the Firstborn. They will find great satisfaction and peace to their souls.

On the other hand, those who choose evil and fight against Zion, and "distress her, shall be as a dream in a night vision, yea, it shall be unto them, even as a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth, but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion." (see 2 Nephi 27:3)."


2 Nephi 27:3-4
3 And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion.

4 For behold, all ye that doeth iniquity, stay yourselves and wonder, for ye shall cry out, and cry; yea, ye shall be drunken but not with wine, ye shall stagger but not with strong drink.

Sat, Mar 9, 2024
Those who fight against the Saints will be distressed by the Lord. In verse 4 the drunken not with wine is drunken in money and all that money can buy, which will fail them during the economic collapse.


2 Nephi 27:7-8
7 And behold the book shall be sealed; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof.

8 Wherefore, because of the things which are sealed up, the things which are sealed shall not be delivered in the day of the wickedness and abominations of the people. Wherefore the book shall be kept from them.

145H3-145H6, from Heavenly Mother: ""Were we to reveal the names and migrations that we led to other places, then when their records actually came forth their revealing wouldn't be as new to our people. We will allow their hidden records to come forth in their own time, even as we have planned.

2 Nephi 27: 7-8, 10-11

"And behold the book shall be sealed; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof.

Wherefore, because of the things which are sealed up, the things which are sealed shall not be delivered in the day of the wickedness and abominations of the people. Wherefore the book shall be kept from them.

But the words which are sealed he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall be sealed by the power of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the book until the own due time of the Lord, that they may come forth; for behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world unto the end thereof.

And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth."

Raphael, the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon reveals great events of our last days work. We won't have them revealed until they are mostly all brought to pass. They also speak of you, the Branch that we have chosen to build our New Jerusalem Temple."

2 Nephi 27: 23

"For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith.""


2 Nephi 27:10-11
10 But the words which are sealed he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall be sealed by the power of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the book until the own due time of the Lord, that they may come forth; for behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world unto the end thereof.

11 And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth.

123G8-123G14, from Heavenly Father: "When we have said in Ether 4:15 and 2 Nephi 27:10 that the sealed part of the Book of Mormon would reveal all things from the foundation of the world, we meant that this is a revelation of the chronology of man from his state in the Garden of Eden to the end of the millennium. This revelation spans the seven thousand years of earth's temporal existence. It will contain all things "which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth." (see 2 Nephi 27:11).

Your words, however, reveal new truths never before revealed to man. Your words are not generally contained in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. Instead our words to you will be part of our many records coming forth that will reveal all things.

D&C 101:32-34- "Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things-

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."

When Jesus comes, and the wicked are destroyed, then he will have your records made available to all the living on the earth. There will also be many other records with our revelations that he will bring forth. The sealed portion of the Book of Mormon will then be translated and also revealed for all to read and ponder. All things will then be revealed at the beginning of the millennium!

We are the same Gods that reveal our same truths to men and women everywhere. We command them to record their words, and their words fit in harmony with the words we have revealed to our other children to whom we have also spoken. These records from many sources will cause our elect who remain on the earth in that future day to marvel and rejoice!

You will then lock up Lucifer and his hosts so that they will no longer deceive and blind our children during the greater part of the millennium. You will only loose Satan during a little season at the end of the millennium. We will not have him disturb our truths that we will reveal to all mankind on the earth! The wicked will never read of our great truths revealed in your day.

D&C 121:28, 32- "A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.

. . . According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest." '"

128D10-128D16, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, whether you are inside of me, or I in you, I still may communicate to you with my spirit that comes into you. This is my light emitted by my thoughts that flows into your mind and heart. This method remains the highest form of communication, and will never be supplanted by modern inventions of communication. You have marveled how your cell phones allow you to stay connected with family and friends. However, the emotional and thought transfer of our children with each other will never be supplanted with devices or other inventions. The human mind far surpasses anything man may create for communication!

In areas of the control of the elements, including knowledge of the laws of the terrestrial kingdom, mankind will advance and not need large machines like earth-moving equipment. Men and women of skill and faith will be able to move mountains if needs be, all by thought-control. Advancements in engineering, the sciences, and in the arts will enhance life and be so very stimulating for many of our children.

We will encourage our millennial elect to live off their own land as much as possible. The earth will greatly produce all the foods people will need, and a family may easily grow what they eat. There will be little need of grocery stores. People will freely share produce so that there is always an abundance and variety. This will be a Zion society, where there are no poor among our people. Plants and animals will respond to the gentle and kind ways of our people, and support and produce for their well being and all their physical needs.

Water will be pure and have some attributes of our living celestial water. Disease will become rare, and injury to the body quickly repaired by reason of the many healing plants that will grow in abundance. Faithful healers will also be plentiful.

Higher education will be taught along with spiritual education. We will pour out our revelations in abundance, and confirm, to our inquisitive, open children the many truths that have been revealed to mankind up to this point. Revelation will flow to all the faithful.

Our children will live in modest and simple dwellings. Their interest will be in raising their children in righteous ways, supporting and loving family members and friends, and continuing to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Lord. "...for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9). All things will be revealed-"And all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of man, and which even will be unto the end of the earth." (2 Nephi 27:11).

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words, of a wonderful world soon to be! I asked for her Holy Ghost, her very presence, to guide the faithful through the treacherous times we need to pass through to get to such an idyllic world in the millennial day. She responded: 'Raphael, we will pour out on the humble and openhearted of our children continual guidance, as they are diligent in asking of us. We will not leave them alone in the dark days ahead, for we will come to them, and enlighten their ways.'"


2 Nephi 27:11
11 And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth.

Sun, May 26, 2024
See my notes in Isaiah 2:2 about the coming forth of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon.

94E6-94E8, from Heavenly Father: "Isaiah 11:9

"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

At this time of transition, at the beginning of the millennium, many records that have been kept secret shall be plainly revealed. Your records, Raphael, will become available to all the people. Similarly, your archangel brother [Simiel, see below at end] will translate the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon and also other records of ancient peoples. Many records of great truth and knowledge will come forth on the earth and will spread forth as the waters cover the earth!

Raphael, we look so forward to this beautiful day of peace and rest for the earth and her inhabitants. Your great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will reign personally on the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will frequently come among our people and enjoy their companionship again. This will be the great day for our elect to come forth upon this marvelous terrestrial world!'"


2 Nephi 27:27
27 And wo unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord! And their works are in the dark; and they say: Who seeth us, and who knoweth us? And they also say: Surely, your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay. But behold, I will show unto them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that I know all their works. For shall the work say of him that made it, he made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, he had no understanding?

Sat, Mar 9, 2024
The Lord sees all the wicked, and their doings in the dark. They think He does not see.


2 Nephi 28:3
3 For it shall come to pass in that day that the churches which are built up, and not unto the Lord, when the one shall say unto the other: Behold, I, I am the Lord’s; and the others shall say: I, I am the Lord’s; and thus shall every one say that hath built up churches, and not unto the Lord

Sun, Feb 20, 2022
These churches are from all over the earth, and are not of God. They follow the political, religious and dogmas of the time, and receive little if any direction from God. They are in control in the telestial world, and fight among themselves.


2 Nephi 28:5
5 And they deny the power of God, the Holy One of Israel; and they say unto the people: Hearken unto us, and hear ye our precept; for behold there is no God today, for the Lord and the Redeemer hath done his work, and he hath given his power unto men;

Sun, Feb 20, 2022
Even leaders and members of the LDS Church fall into this trap of saying that they are of God and really aren't. They call to their members to follow them and do as they say. However, they are without direction of heaven, and God no longer sends upon them revelation. They follow their ultimate leader and prophet, but are without overall direction and priesthood power.


2 Nephi 28:8-9
8 And there shall also be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin; yea, lie a little, take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a pit for thy neighbor; there is no harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God.

9 Yea, and there shall be many which shall teach after this manner, false and vain and foolish doctrines, and shall be puffed up in their hearts, and shall seek deep to hide their counsels from the Lord; and their works shall be in the dark.

156K10-156K17, from Heavenly Father: "We also will reveal all things, according to the diligent heed and petitions of our own elect. As they inquire of us, we too will guide and direct them with revelation, giving them precious knowledge and truths. We are free with our truths that we reveal, and do not limit ourselves, but give revelation upon revelation to the humble and open who seek us.

2 Nephi 29:8-9, 11-

"Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations (or individuals) is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation (or person) like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation (or individual) like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.

And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. . .

For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father).

Raphael, it is time for those who support you, and all our mortal angels and celestial servants on the earth, and even all of our elect, to record their own revelations that we give to them. We also want them to write the events of these times they live in, for their benefit and for those of future generations.

Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I are free with our truths and revelations, and we will share these with all people who humbly and openly seek us in the energy of their soul. Our words will be congruent and a witness of each other's revelations.

You are the head at this time, and we will continue to share with you in particular, the events and issues that are secret and hidden. Your record will reveal things never yet revealed to man:

D&C 101:32-34-

"Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things—

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."

It is good that those on your small email list share with you our choice revelations and experiences that we have shared with them. Continue to share these in your posts, as they give you their permission. These other records are our second witnesses to your words, and should be compiled in part in one record, particularly now that these tribulations are intensifying. These records and posts will buoy you all up and strengthen each of you while you live through these calamities coming to the earth. They will also buoy and strengthen the faith of future generations.

Be faithful and obedient, and we will continue to reveal all things to you and those we love who support you. We will never leave your side!'"


2 Nephi 28:9
9 Yea, and there shall be many which shall teach after this manner, false and vain and foolish doctrines, and shall be puffed up in their hearts, and shall seek deep to hide their counsels from the Lord; and their works shall be in the dark.

Sun, Feb 20, 2022
This is fast becoming the state of the Christian churches of the land. They follow the norms of society and dare not counter the culture and politcal dogmas of the time. For example, the LGBT people and beliefs are welcomed among them, and thrive in their churches. Unfortunately, this is the very state the restored church is also now following. The doctrines have greatly changed over the past 50 years, and become more accepting of the world in every passing year.


2 Nephi 28:10
10 And the blood of the saints shall cry from the ground against them.

Mon, Mar 11, 2024
The prayers of the Saints (the humble and meek, who listen to God and not to man) will be answered, and will bring about the destruction of their enemies who are trying to kill them (see Revelation 8:4-5)


2 Nephi 28:12-14
12 Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are puffed up.

13 They rob the poor because of their fine sanctuaries; they rob the poor because of their fine clothing; and they persecute the meek and the poor in heart, because in their pride they are puffed up.

14 They wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men.

124G11-124G14: "I came again to the desert oasis this morning. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I then knelt on the sand and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared again above the water before me! She was bright and glorious. I felt fully accepted and loved! She was smiling. This time I believed I could hear her words:

'Raphael, I tried several times to speak to you via my Spirit last night, but you couldn't hear me. You just sat in your chair unable to write anything from me! This was because you were so deeply tired from the physical work of the day. You are now much more refreshed and my words are flowing into your conscious mind steadily, from your unconscious mind.

The subtle intimations of the Spirit can only be felt by one who is in a meditative or a quiet state. They also should eliminate distractions so that they may focus on what comes into their minds. My thoughts and words come in the light that I send into your being. Last night you couldn't feel my words for 15 minutes or so because of your inability to be in a quiet state and a receptive state. Your mind was not capable of receiving much!

This morning I would like to talk about water and how it is like our light or Spirit. When you were finished rototilling your ground yesterday, you had soft soil to about 6" deep. This was ready for you to plant your squash and melon seeds in. When you deeply water this soil, the water will penetrate and fully wet all the ground. If you water long enough, all of the soil will turn from dry to wet soil.

This same phenomenon happens when we send to you our light. Light matter enters into your physical body and your spirit. As we send more, and as you are receptive, the light infuses into all of your being. As we continue to send our light, it continues to come into all of your being, and you feel full of light, or enlightened. This is akin to your ground being fully wet from watering. When your body is fully saturated with our light, then it starts flowing through you.

Raphael, when I send forth the intense light of my Holy Ghost, this quickly saturates your physical body and spirit and begins flowing through you. If I continue bathing you in my Spirit, this flow into you and out of you becomes constant and flows at a steady rate. You then feel very transparent, for this light is continually flowing into and through you. The transparent feeling comes predominantly from your spirit that is full of our light and Spirit. Your spirit is where your feelings and emotions are centered.

When you feel this light flowing into and through you, I then add my thoughts and/ or feelings to the light. These thoughts and emotions remain in you, even though the light continues to come into and through you. You are very receptive to my thoughts and feelings, and you can understand these, for they predominantly enter into your unconscious mind and into your heart area. In your mortal body, you perceive these if you have quieted down sufficiently. If you can't perceive them, like last night, it will be because you are either too tired, too distracted by the things that occupy your conscious mind, or you consciously reject our Spirit. Were you to reject our Spirit, this choice would repel the light we send to you and the light would be unable to come into your physical body or spirit body. If that were the case, you would "receive it not; for you (would) perceive not the light, and you (would" turn your heart from me because of the precepts of men," and because of your choice to reject the light and truth from God. (see D&C 45:29).

Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, sends forth this same light into a darkened world, and the darkness comprehends it not (D&C 10:58). The world, or the darkness that are of our children receive not our light because of their choice to reject our light. They love the things of this world, and the evil or carnality of the natural man. They could be compared to hard soil like you had before tilling your ground. The water would not penetrate and wet this soil, for it is hard and compact. Likewise, our Spirit requires our children to be receptive and open for the light from us to penetrate into their beings.

When you are full of the Spirit, you are filled with light matter, for that is the base component of our Spirit. This light remains in you and dwells in you continually. We also send you more light to keep you replenished and full. Openness and humility are main factors in receiving our continual light we send upon you. Were you to allow pride to enter, or become spiritually closed for some reason, like not being open to new ideas and truths, the light from us would not enter in so fully, or even be rejected so it couldn't enter. There are many who reject us because they are not humble or open, and think they have enough and need no more. There are many in the LDS Church who once were open and humble to some extent, but now are closed and will not receive more.

Nephi spoke of these in 2 Nephi 28:12, 14

"Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are puffed up…

They wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men."

We will have a humble people, and an open people, for without these attributes our Spirit may not be able to be fully received by them. If this were the case, how could we lead them? They need to love our words and purify themselves by fully accepting what we send to them. They are then in the state for our Beloved Son to cleanse and heal them. As they become sanctified and holy, they are even more capable to receive our Spirit to a higher level and receive our revelations and truths. These truths become delicious to them (see Alma 32:28). They become our elect, and our children who will establish Zion and move into the millennial day of peace and light.'

Heavenly Mother was beaming brightly and her beautiful eyes were very bright and sparkling! I felt her light flowing into and through me and I felt very transparent, open and receptive! I knew I was fully synched to her and receiving her truths and revelations.

I thanked her humbly for sending me so much! She responded: 'Raphael, I will send the abundant light of the Holy Ghost, with my revelations, upon my humble and open children who quietly seek me, in the name of Jesus Christ. I will confirm to each one the truths that I have sent to you. They will know this by the power of the Holy Ghost.'"


2 Nephi 28:14
14 They wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men.

Sun, Feb 20, 2022
Only a few are humble, and are true followers of Christ, and many of them err because of the precepts of men. These are the elect of God, across all the earth. They belong to every nation and churches of all kinds, or not members of churches. These are the ones who follow the Holy Ghost, and the revelations of God.


2 Nephi 28:18
18 But behold, that great and abominable church, the whore of all the earth, must tumble to the earth, and great must be the fall thereof.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
All of the churches and organizations all over the earth belong the the Great and Abominable Church of the Devil. These are NOT the elect of God, for they are not meek and humble (see 1 Nephi 14:10), but follow the creeds of men and false prophets. Many of the LDS Church are in this overarching organization, and receive no more direction for God, for they reject this still small voice but follow others who lead them astray.


2 Nephi 28:21
21 And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

Mon, Mar 11, 2024
This happens to members of the LDS church, depending upon the "church" for everything, not inquiring whether their leaders are in the way of the Lord or not. They have a sense of security in the hopes of some far off Zion society, with no idea how it will all come about. They believe that their church leaders will lead them to the beautiful land of Zion. They believe all they need to do is to follow their earthly apostles and prophets. They ignore the Holy Ghost and the directions and guidance of God himself in their life.

See also my notes in 1 Nephi 12:14.

140C17-148C26: "Tonight I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I knelt near the edge, and saw the large white oak tree below me. I didn't see one green leaf on its branches, and only a few withered and very dry leaves still hanging on, like they were hanging on for their lives! I wondered how my neighbors and fellow ward members must feel about the vitality of the LDS church, and of its seeming lack of spirituality (at least to me) and lack of the Spirit. I wonder if they are just doing what they have always done without questioning or asking questions of God. I guess if they did ask they would get a different direction from what they are now feeling and doing. Maybe this would be very scary for most. There are also not very many other good choices around as far as an organized religion goes.

As I was pondering all of this, I heard some rustling from the ground below by the tree, and I saw my Heavenly Father walking around the fallen oak tree! He looked up at me and motioned for me to come.

I immediately arose from my knees and came next to him, standing. He gave me the thought to walk next to him.

We walked along the massive fallen tree. The bark had already fallen off in many places. I thought of S's experience with our Father described in my post 136A32. I could see termites and earwigs under the loosened bark in one section. I lifted up the bark that was rotting and saw little tunnel marks in the wood of the tree.

Heavenly Father spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, many of our elect are lulled asleep and cannot tell that their source in the LDS Church is no longer vibrant and healthy, and that we have withdrawn our Spirit. They think "all is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them carefully down to hell (see 2 Nephi 28:21).

For some of our elect who are sensitive to our Spirit, we are leading them away from this church and its control of their religious thoughts. For others it will take great distress and may be even personal tragedy to awaken them. In time it will be very evident that we have left the leadership and the meetings among the wards and branches.

Satan wants the members of the LDS Church not to question the quiet removal of our Spirit from this church. He is inspiring the leaders to acclaim they have great revelations in procedural actions. Many are acting awed at all the changes that President Nelson has initiated. However, these are inconsequential and are not inspired by us your Gods.

Many seasoned members are entrapped in family and social norms that makes questioning their own religion an egregious sin. The young adults in the church are much more the mindset to question and challenge long-held beliefs and traditions in their community and family they grew up in. They also are establishing their own beliefs and habits. Many of these can see so much more clearly than their own parents and extended family.

In the end, each one of our elect needs to decide whom they will follow. They may choose the ebbing traditions of their fathers, or listen to others, or listen to our Spirit and be guided into other true paths. We want our elect to be malleable and very open to us, else how can we lead them into life eternal?'

I then somehow saw my Father and me continuing to walk towards the wheat field. I didn't hear anymore of our conversation. I took this as an end to my prayer with my Father. I thanked him in my mind for his insights, and closed my prayer."

111C2-111C14: "Heavenly Mother appeared on the river that represented her that was coming out of the fountain. She walked the short distance to me in the air and stopped in front of me. She was radiant and beautiful! She spoke: 'Raphael, you live in a fallen world where things may not appear as they really are. This is one reason why we have you come to our world to pray to us, so that you may see things as they really are. When you pray to us, we reveal to you our revelations and then you write them down. However, you soon return to your fallen telestial world where you are immersed again in an environment of darkness and appearances that often are not true to how they really are.

Seek to rely more fully on our revelations and not on the appearances in your world! Seek to see the world as we see it for this is reality. Do not be deceived by the outward appearances of men and what society may accept as reality. The entire world may believe a falsehood, but that doesn't make it reality or true.'

I thought of the conversation and revelations I had yesterday about the standing of the LDS Church before God. They see the truth and my culture and society in Utah generally see an entirely different image of the Church, particularly among active members of the Church among whom I frequently mingle. I felt chagrined that it has taken me repeated revelations to really believe and accept the truth about the demise of the LDS Church and its leaders.

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we will have patience with you, for you spend most of your time in a false world of pretenses. Your neighborhood and community believe stories and imaginations that are made up and are not true. These are called the "vain imaginations and the pride of the children of men". (see 1 Nephi 12:18) In the vision that Nephi of old saw while on the the straight and narrow path leading to the tree of life, he saw mists of darkness:

1 Nephi 12:17 "And the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and harden the hearts of men, and leadeth them away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost."

The mists of darkness are very strong, even now in your day, in your community, even among the Latter-day Saints who profess to believe in us, their Gods! Satan has created a culture of make believe among them that is analogous to the mists of darkness, which truly blind the eyes of our people. There are many of the elect who are among them, who are being led into broad roads of false beliefs. If they do not question or they are not open to our gentle, peaceful reasonings and promptings, they must perish, for they are deceived. They say that I, the Holy Ghost, inspire them and that I have guided them to be led in some sensational story they weave that supports their false belief that:

"...All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them carefully down to hell. ...Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men (like that given by your son's Stake President), and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more! (at least no more from God, but from their fallen leaders)

And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he fall.

Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts and lend an ear unto my counsel (these are the truly humble, inquisitive and open of our people, for if they are steeped too much in the fables and doctrines of men and devils, they push aside our whisperings and cannot hear us!), for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receive I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." (I have taken away my presence, even of the presence and gift of the Holy Ghost from among those who profess to receive my Spirit!)

(See 2 Nephi 28:21-30 inclusive)

Raphael, my son, I do not fault you for questioning your own revelations from us, for these are very counter to the culture that you live in. However, now is the time to fully accept these truths from us, wholly and with faith! You must make them your own, and no more pine over the fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! We have so many more glorious events we will reveal among men and women from the heavens, and a clean and fresh new Church of Christ that is soon to be reestablished on the earth. This church will be pure and holy, having my presence in abundance. It will not be riddled with the concepts and false beliefs of man or of devils!'

I bowed before my glorious Heavenly Mother who stood in majesty before me! I said I would no longer question my doubts, but have full faith in these things she and Father have shown to me in such clarity. Heavenly Mother then quickly departed, leaving me to ponder the truths of all I have seen and received directly from my Gods.

Evening-I came tonight to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. It was sunset on the lake and I could see the reflection of the celestial sun on the waters. I then knelt facing the lake and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me from the shore of the lake and then walked in the air to me in the maple trees where I was kneeling. He was soon in front of me, smiling as he does. His eternity eyes were happy and full of light. I told him how grateful I was that he came to me!

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have recently read and listened to comments of others who prophesy or speak of last day events. They are speaking from their pure intention but most things they say are not correct. No one knows the exact sequence of events or even the events, so when they act or speak as if they know, they are making suppositions and are misguided. They are trying their best, but without our direction they will never know. We have planned to hide what will happen in most cases, in the last days' sequences until it happens. This is as it should be, so that our children may learn to rely on us, their Gods, and not on the predictions of men or women. Our children too should just relax and live their lives, trusting in us as they strive to commune daily in open and humble prayer.'

Heavenly Father continued: 'There are and will continue to be many signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. These will happen more and more rapidly in succession. Men and women might suppose what will happen next, but they would do better to spend their energy in seeking our face and in following our promptings.'

Matthew 24:42, 44-"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh."

Heavenly Father: '"Watching" in this verse means coming to us in humble, sincere prayer, full of faith. Our saints also wait upon us in their quiet moments. As they are diligent and open in their minds and hearts, we will come to them, after the trial of their faith. As they persist, they will begin to hear our still small voice, even the voice of the Spirit. We will lead them and protect them as they come to rely on us. Gradually, we will open up more and more to them as they acquaint themselves with our manner and ways of communication. We will open up to every soul who diligently seeks us.'"

124F2-124F15: "I knelt on the ground and prayed for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father then came to me from behind me on my left side! He was directly to my side, standing on the ground. We were both facing the fallen live oak tree with its withered branches. He reached his right hand and placed in on my shoulder. I looked again at the fallen tree and saw members of the LDS Church! I saw them in their activities and in their worship. They seemed very pacified and comfortable in their own lifestyle and in the LDS culture. They were lulled away in carnal security (see 2 Nephi 28:21). They were content to go through the motions of worship, but they rejected attempts by God, who sent to them the Spirit, for they rejected the light. They had no desire to open their hearts and consider other ways of worship. They seemed lulled into a deep sleep of going through motions that once had brought the Spirit but now no longer did. Their lives were empty of the Spirit, but they still attended church meetings and said in their testimony meetings that they knew the church was true. They seemed intent on trying to convince each other that they were very religious and listening to God. However, I saw that they rejected God.

I then saw Satan quietly surrounding them in spiritual chains! These were transparent to them, for they could not see them, but to me they were very real and seemed to wrap around them. The devil and his fallen angels wrapped these tighter and tighter, particularly around their minds. I felt sad these active Latter-day Saints couldn't see what was happening! They truly were just like Nephi described:

2 Nephi 28:21-22 "And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none-and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance."

Heavenly Father then removed his hand from my shoulder and faced me. I turned and looked to my left upon him. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, it saddens your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and me how quickly these Latter-day Saints have rejected our Spirit in place of their traditions of worship, the ways of falseness, and worldliness! They are more concerned how they appear to other members, both in their apparel, their vain worship, and in acting without deeply thinking that there is more to religion than they experience. They are caught up in procedures and false patterns of worship that allow Satan to carefully further wrap their minds and hearts in his awful chains, that they themselves cannot see. When we send our light to them, they are so closed that our light hardly enters into their soul!

Chapter 28 of 2 Nephi is addressed to these members of our once Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our Beloved Son had shown Nephi this same vision of the fallen oak tree and Nephi also saw the emptiness of the worship of the current day Latter-day Saints! He saw their spiritually empty sacrament meetings. He saw them in their Sunday School meetings, contending with each other over points of doctrine that they did not even understand, for they denied the power of the Holy Ghost that would give them utterance. Many were intellectual in their approach and beliefs and they denied the power of God, thinking that we had done our work and now power was given to man, particularly to their own leaders. They blindly followed their apostles and prophet without even asking if they were being led in the right way. Satan had brought them to believe they should never ask God about such things, for they were a special people with the truth and a true prophet.

There were no miracles among them, but only fables and false notions that they believed in and construed in their minds that were evidence that God was leading them in the details of their lives. They completely believed false, vain, and foolish doctrines and were puffed up in their hearts. Their works were in the dark and many committed sins and sought to hide them from their family and friends at church.

Raphael, the fall of this oak tree has not only been in the leaders losing their priesthood power and keys, but in the members also becoming corrupted. They are lifted up in the pride and arrogance of their hearts! I cannot reach them for they will not repent (see D&C 29:17).

Raphael, I will now show you the true Church of Christ as it will be established in the millennium.'

Heavenly Father then placed his hand again on my shoulder. I turned and looked upon the tree. The old, brittle tree then vanished and in its place was a very healthy looking and strong live oak tree! The leaves were vibrant green and there was lots of new growth. I saw lots of acorns all over the tree.

I then saw in my mind the Saints of this restored millennial Church of Christ. They were each very open and humble and fully receptive to the Holy Spirit of God! They were all beaming with light and sought the interest and wellbeing of each other. There was great love and peace among them! They didn't wait for their leaders to tell them what to do, but they followed the Spirit. They were like the Nephites of old:

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

And again, they were happy, and the love of God and the light of God shone through them to all other people. This was also like had happened to the Nephites.

4 Nephi 1:15-16

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people. And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."

For these reasons, I will now prepare the earth and its inhabitants for that which is to come. I will take vengeance upon those who reject me and blaspheme me in the midst of my house that I had once accepted (see D&C 112:24-26). Some of the Latter-day Saints will awaken and begin to follow our Spirit we continually send among them. However, those who are not my elect among them will perish, for they will further reject me, even in their times of trial and hardships.'"

76B1-76B9: "Heavenly Father then came, walking to me from the open temple doors. He walked right up to me and stopped. His visage was determined to do something and looked somewhat upset I thought. I immediately asked him why he was not smiling like normal.

Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, yesterday morning you saw Heavenly Mother crying and upset at our children, mostly in the LDS Church. They had mistakenly thought they felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost, whereas in reality, this was their own emotions or a false and lying spirit they have received.

I am similarly upset at our elect children. When I had selected them, with your Heavenly Mother when I harvested my wheat field, I realized many would have a hard time to hear our voice at first. There are so many that have become hardened and insensitive to our influence over their lives! We speak to them often, without hardly any recognition on their part! We speak to their unconscious minds. However, they are either too busy, not in-tuned to their inner-self, distracted by the things of their world, or not wanting to hear us. They feel no need to come unto us in their ease and contented state.

These are the reasons why I am upset today. My feelings are shifting, as your Heavenly Mother's feelings shifted, from being upset to disgust and even anger.

I have counseled with my eternal companion, your lovely Heavenly Mother, and we have determined it is time to bring calamity into the lives of our elect children, for they will not come unto us in the days of their ease. They are being greatly misled and yet many of them feel they are moving towards us, their God. They think we direct them whereas we are not. This has been all very upsetting to your Mother and I, R!'

I looked into the eternity eyes of my Father, who had expressed his feelings very openly to me, his son. I was drawn into his eyes, and then saw through his eyes the flippant behavior of many of his elect children. I saw their closed-mindedness, their pride, and their desire to be led into worldly and material security, rather than to humble and open up themselves to their God. I soon became upset too at such reckless behavior! They think all is well in Zion, but in reality they themselves are in the direst of all situations!

2 Nephi 28:21-32- a perfect description of our exact day:

"And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.

Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.

Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."

I then came out of seeing through God's eyes and was kneeling in front of him.

Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, come walk with me and let us go to the river to the north, which flows from the beautiful fountain of living water. This river eventually flows into Lake Beautiful in the far distance.'

I stood and my Father put his right arm around me and we turned and walked on the river heading north. This is the river representing him.

We walked in silence for some time. I believe we were both mulling over the behavior of the elect of God.

When we arrived at the wheat field on our left, Heavenly Father steered us onto a dirt road on the north side of his wheat field. We stopped and turned to look at his wheat field. There was newly sprouted wheat growing everywhere! It was maybe a foot in height. These new wheat plants seemed to listen and follow him and his every thought and word. He smiled on them and expressed love to these, his newly planted wheat, who represented his millennial elect. I could see these gave him great joy in their desire to respond to his every word and thought.

Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, why are these so eager to hear my words and to keep my commandments, whereas those in the LDS Church are so blinded as a whole and so insensitive to me?'

I responded:

'Father, I believe it is because the adversary, our enemy, has successfully lured them away by his deceptions and the ease they have in their lives. These new millennial elect are free from the tricks and deceptions of the evil one. They will live in a much happier and truthful world, where all is so much brighter and full of thy love and light.'

Heavenly Father nodded and said I was correct in my assessment. He said the only way to serve his elect currently on earth would be to bring distress into their lives, stirring them up to remembering their Heavenly Mother and him.

He said the shields he had so lovingly provided these, his elect on earth, are of no use if the recipient is intent on following the whisperings of the adversary, even though he is no longer possessing or whispering to their own spirit.

My thoughts then suddenly switched to my surroundings in my bedroom and I knew my time with my Heavenly Father was over for the moment. I felt very blessed to have communed with him today!"

67K18-67K22 "Heavenly Mother then asked me to stand and go with them to the high mountaintop, and go into the western skies there. I stood, and soon we were going back in time in the western skies!

Before us was Elijah, the prophet! He had slain a bullock and laid him on the wood. He had four barrels of water poured on the sacrifice once, then twice, and finally three times. The water ran around the altar and filled the trench with water. Then I saw the fire come down to consume the altar, as described in 1 Kings 18:38. This ended the vision. My Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, there are many similarities between Elijah's day with the priests of Baal, and your day. You are likened to Elijah, and you are coming forth in the Spirit and works of Elijah. The fallen apostles of your day are likened to the false priests and prophets of Baal in Elijah's day. Even though these men who have been ordained as apostles have once been enlightened and once held the priesthood, they are considered before us now as false prophets, for they claim authority and revelation that is no longer available from us.

Your day now is a fulfillment of Isaiah 30:9-11:

"That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord:

Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:

Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us."

These apostles will act more and more in ways prophesied by our servant Isaiah in these verses above. The people will be lulled away into carnal security as well. (2 Nephi 28:21- "And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.")

We have shown you the day of Elijah to fortify you. You too will need to exercise great faith and courage as you challenge the norms of religion in your day. Raphael, we will be next to you continually, so fear not, be of good courage!'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for bringing me to see this vision of Elijah's sacrifice. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of clarity."

111F2-111F16: "Heavenly Father came from my left, in the air a few yards from me! He took a few steps and was in front, facing me. He spoke: 'Raphael, S had sent you an email this morning concerning the words of Jesus Christ to the disciples on the mount, in Matthew 7. He sent you a page from the Joseph Smith Translation of this chapter. You read it over several times before praying to me this morning.

During his day, Jesus Christ was considered an outcast from the church, for he did not endorse the leaders of the Jewish church. He could clearly see that they were hypocrites, for "They teach in their synagogues, but do not observe the law, nor the commandments; and all have gone out of the way, and are under sin." (JST Matt. 7:6) He was excommunicated from their fellowship.

He then said: "And the mysteries of the kingdom ye shall keep within yourselves; for it is not meet to give that which is holy unto the dogs; neither cast ye your pearls unto swine, lest they trample them under their feet. For the world cannot receive that which ye, yourselves, are not able to bear; wherefore ye shall not give your pearls unto them, lest they turn again and rend you." (JST Matthew 7:10-11)

Raphael, I tell you these things so that you realize that you and those who follow you are in a similar situation as was Jesus Christ and his disciples. Because the mission of our Beloved Son required that he be open with the public, he was cast out and ridiculed by the current religious leaders of his day. These leaders were hypocrites, for they spoke one way and acted in another way. This is how the religious leaders in your very day act in the LDS Church. We see all, even that which is done in secret.

Therefore, to spare you the revilings of these leaders and prevent them from trampling upon you and the beautiful truths that we have given you from heaven, we have chosen to keep this in secret from these leaders and the people for now.

We are satisfied that you keep these teachings within yourselves, even until this canon of scripture and revelations becomes so very great. I will show these words to the faithful once they shall exercise sufficient faith in me (see Ether 4:7). Once our mysteries are thus assembled in a format that we desire, we will then reveal them to the faithful, the pure and the open. Those who are false prophets, who come in your day as religious leaders in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves (see JST Matthew 7:24), will never receive your words.

We will not allow our pearls of truth to be trampled under foot of man. Your words will come forth when their craft is destroyed and their church is fractured to the point that they have no more power to sway the minds of the Saints.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his description of how he wants God's revelations to me kept secret. I said I would continue to guard them carefully and to share them only with those with whom he says I should share. I thanked him humbly for his truths he gives me.

Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, we will show that our plans are greater than the cunning plans of that evil one who seeks to thwart our plans! Lucifer has a sinister plan to lead the unwary and the trusting in the LDS Church into ways and paths that will bind the people in falsehoods, complacency, and become surrounded by devils. In that closed and satisfied state, they will say "All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell." (2 Nephi 28:21)

Our plan is that you go forth, independent of their preachings and plans to entrap the Saints and the elect of God in the LDS Church. We will only reveal our words through you to the faithful when they themselves have largely become disillusioned with their leaders and are compelled to be open and humble by their circumstances. When the elect are ready, in a state of receiving, they will only then be privileged to receive our words through you. We will not have our revelations be trampled under foot of men and be reviled by those who follow Satan and his ways!'

At noon-After I sent the above journal entry off to my sister K to type up, I received a long awaited podcast update from M.S.. He said he had been excommunicated for apostasy. This is a sad day, I am sure, for Brother M.S.! It was very appropriate that I again received Heavenly Father's words on the leaders of the LDS Church, comparing them to the Jewish leaders of Christ's day. I was also told this morning that his son, Jesus Christ, had been excommunicated from the church of his day. I think we will see more purges in our day, like what happened to M.S.. I trust that our Heavenly Parents's plans for revealing their holy mind and will shall go forward regardless of whatever the Church leaders may do.

Evening-I have been thinking all day long of the excommunication of M.S.. Even though this may one day happen to me and even though I am told to act and write in secret, I would not hesitate to write and share my revelations that God continues to reveal to me.I feel so anchored in my relationship with my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ! Their words, counsels and directives to me are everything to me. I continually test and challenge all that I receive, by confirming all before God as best I know how. I would admonish all the faithful to continually test their inspiration in the same way.

I came this evening to the desert oasis where I was this morning. The celestial sun was still high up in the sky and its warmth felt so good on my body. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt clarified and ready to connect to my Gods. I knelt back by the bench and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

Heavenly Mother appeared at the water's edge. She walked in the air above the sand and soon was before me. She was smiling and full of light and acceptance for me. I gazed into her deep and sparkling eternity eyes. They were so compassionate and kind to me!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, once a servant like you has come into our presence and has received our words and knows us, even as you do, there is nothing in the telestial world that has power to sway him or her off course, only their own free will. We care not what men or the religious institutions of man may do, for we know our servant, and love and direct him or her. They have reached a pinnacle of faith and progression to even be in our presence! There is nothing greater than this accomplishment for our children in mortality!

The excommunication of M.S. will now be an opportunity for him to connect even deeper with us, his Gods. We have great plans to groom him as our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ or the Father or I continue to inspire and instruct him. If he allows us, we will make him a very valiant servant who will do much good on the earth and affect many, bringing my Spirit to witness of any truth he may teach. It is our will that all our children speak in our name and carry our Spirit with them. It is incumbent upon all to continue to test and challenge their own directions and counsels, thus assuring that they are being led in the right way.

You have been instructed by us, your Gods, on the words of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, found in JST Mark 9:40-48. During times when our children, whom we have trusted, are excommunicated, this scripture would be good to review again. Jesus, our Beloved Son, talked about one's hand offending you (the brother), or one's foot offending you (he that is your standard), or one's eye which seeth for you (him that is appointed to watch over you and show you light).

In each case, "Seek unto my Father (and Mother), and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive." (Parentheses added by Heavenly Mother, JST Mark 9:45)

Heavenly Mother continued: 'Our children need not fret or worry, for we hear every petition made in the sincerity and openness of heart, asked in faith, and we will reward our humble and penitent children with an answer from us, their God. We will not leave them without our comfort and guidance! Raphael, trust in our gentle directions and revelations. These are truths, many of which we have held in reserve for our faithful, to be revealed at our own timing, in our own way, and only to those who humbly and openly seek. The proud and self-centered and those who esteem themselves to be above their brothers and sisters, will never receive them. Come here again tomorrow morning when your Father and I will again reveal great truths to you from our heavens, to be revealed now to you and then soon to our faithful children!'"

157D9-157D16: "Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, S is correct the there will be an event that will be a shock to the LDS Church members, in the near future. It will be akin to a snake whose head I chopped off, and its body writhes for some time. It will also be akin to this fallen oak tree that is decaying now before us, ready for me to burn it by my intense fire.

There are many in the LDS Church now who are my elect, but are misguided in their beliefs. They have listened to and been led by man for so long that they don't know how to receive our revelations for themselves. The are as infants who need to be taught to follow our Spirit, and be led by us and not man, for the first time in their lives. This will be scary for many of them, and they will doubt their own impressions and leanings. They will need to be buoyed up in their faith in us, their Gods.

The only way we can awaken our elect is for these who "are at ease in Zion" to be shocked and writhe in their unbelief of what will occur. Here what Nephi wrote about them:

2 Nephi 28:21-28, particularly verses 21, 24-27 given below-

"And others will he (Satan) pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

. . . Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!"'

Heavenly Father then turned to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. He spoke directly to me, looking me in my eyes:

'Raphael, we need to shock these our elect with trauma and an event that will bring them to their knees in prayer to me, their Father, in the name of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It is only then that I will begin speaking peace to their souls, and lead them tenderly along, as fast as they are able to reject their religious and world beliefs, and accept those of your Heavenly Mother and me that we give them by revelation.'

2 Nephi 28:30-32:

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him (or her) that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men (their leaders in their church and world), save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Wo be unto the Gentiles (these include the LDS Church members as well as the peoples of your nation and the world), saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."' (words in parenthesis given my Heavenly Father).

Heavenly Father then lowered his arms and moved backwards above the fallen oak tree. He raised his right arm and fire came down and consumed the fallen tree! This was the third time I had seen this tree that represented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, burn with fire. I believe that my seeing this fire burn the tree now three separate times makes this event more sure somehow in my mind as an unalterable happening.

My vision then closed. I ended my prayer and started my Sabbath day."


2 Nephi 28:25-32
25 Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

26 Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

27 Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

28 And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

29 Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

31 Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

32 Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts.

130G1-130G16: "I have just reread my journal entry from last night. I see how quickly a religion like the LDS Church may fall into neglect and disrepair, even though it is founded on truth in the beginning. We too may individually wander away from truth and be cut off from revelation from God if we let ourselves become proud, self willed and no longer depend upon God for our support and direction. If we think we know of ourselves and are not open, receptive and humble before God, we might also be left to our own devices, receiving no revelation and be left to wander without the guidance of our Gods. I believe this is the state of many of the elect of God now, for if they are not diligent in seeking humbly and openly a daily communion with our Gods, they will not be in a position to hear the Spirit of God in their lives. They then become subject to the traditions of the past, their leaders who might be misguided and a religion and belief system that is becoming even apostate! Satan will then be able to also lead them.

This state of being led away carefully by the devil is well described by Nephi who saw our day.

2 Nephi 28:19-32

"For the kingdom of the devil must shake, and they which belong to it must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp them with his everlasting chains, and they be stirred up to anger, and perish;

For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.

And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none-and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.

Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.

Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."

Boy, I didn't mean to quote such a long scripture! However, as I was writing down in my journal Nephi's words, the words seemed to become opened up to me, with their true meaning. He was somehow viewing us in these last days, even in our Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He saw that the devil had twisted truth and that the leaders were cut off from revelation and their priesthood. He saw that so many had been left to themselves to flounder and be carefully led away by the adversary. He saw that only the humble that repent, and openly come unto God will be led, and others will become misguided with unbelief and false religion. They will think "all is well in Zion", even their leaders, but it will be just the opposite, with Satan carefully and deceptively leading them away down to hell, being cut off from God! What a dire state we really live in!

This morning I came to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I found myself kneeling, facing eastward. There was a cloud that hung below me on the mountaintop. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father then came from above me, in the sky! He was bright in his glory and came with a man by his right side. He spoke to me when they both came before me.

'Raphael, I have brought my servant Nephi of old, son of Lehi, that you have extensively quoted from the Book of Mormon in your journal this morning! He is now one of our celestial resurrected servants whom we are using in these latter day, and supports and follows your current leadership in heading up our great latter-day work.'

Heavenly Father smiled, and then turned to Nephi. I saw a man with a brilliant white robe, which I knew was a robe of resurrection for the celestial. He had not yet received his robe of exaltation, for that would be given to him in the New Jerusalem temple by the holy angels. He, too, was smiling at me.

Nephi spoke to me: 'Raphael, what our Father has said to you about me is true-I support and sustain you as the only one through whom revelation comes to the Church of the Firstborn. You too are God's prophet in your day now on the earth, just like I was a leader and a prophet of God for my people, the Nephites, in my day.

What you have written today in your journal from 2 Nephi 28:19-32 is also a true account of what I wrote many centuries ago on gold plates that I had molten and made for our holy records. I was taken by the Spirit of God to this same exceedingly high mountaintop frequently. I looked eastward as you now are doing. God, my Father, who is beside me, and the Holy Ghost who I now know is our Heavenly Mother, both came frequently to me here and showed me many things, even that of your day in the future. I saw exactly your day, in your churches across the earth. I saw that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had fallen, with leaders who had become misguided, lost the Holy Spirit, and then lost their priesthood and priesthood keys. I wrote on plates the very words you wrote this morning in your journal about this very LDS Church, at this time in your day. I wrote these words as I was inspired, to you whom I called gentiles.

Raphael, as you know, you live in a very difficult time of deception! Satan is abroad and inspiring men and women to masquerade as prophets and leaders of God, when they are truly led by him, the master of all lies. He deceives even the very elect!

The way for these people to not be deceived is to repent, to take upon them the name of Christ in all humility, and to seek in prayer to be led by revelation from the Holy Spirit of God and by the Holy Ghost. They will be led line upon line, even as I wrote in 2 Nephi 28:30. If they are open and obedient, God will lead them to all truth, protect them by his power, through his holy angels and celestial servants like me, and prepare them for the great millennial days soon at hand. All will be well with them if they follow God's Spirit and keep the directions they receive from God, and not man.

I have looked forward to your day, and rejoice in the privilege to serve with many of my resurrected brothers and sisters from our deceased nation, in this great latter-day work!'

I was kneeling before my Father and Nephi. I felt so pleased that I had written down Nephi's words this morning in my journal, and that Heavenly Father had brought him to me at this very high mountaintop where he had frequently come in his day on the earth.

I spoke: 'I thank you, Nephi, for coming to me with such an urgent message to my fellow elect now living on the earth! I thank you, my Father, to have brought such a choice and faithful servant as Nephi to me here! I will always seek your face and keep your commandments! With your revelations such as this today, I know I will not be led astray."

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, what you and Nephi have spoken and written is from us, your Gods, to help lead our beloved sons and daughters back into our presence!'

Heavenly Father then looked at Nephi and then they went backwards together into the clouds, lower on the mountain. I was left alone and closed my morning prayer."


2 Nephi 28:26-28
26 Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

27 Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

28 And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

175D1-175D10: "I awoke early this morning and emailed out post 173 to my small group. I also saw a new video from Pastor Dana Coverstone before my prayer this morning. His message was sobering again for each of us to be ready for what is coming. He interpreted the battles he saw as a warning to become prepared for what is to come. It was a sobering message!

I came this morning to the western shore of Lake Beautiful just in front of the maple tree grove. I knelt down and drank living water from the lake and then asked humbly for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

I then saw a bright light reflected in the water, and looked up to see my Heavenly Mother descending to me from above the lake! She was so full of light and power, and looked sober this morning. I was still kneeling and looked up into her face. She spoke: 'Raphael, you watched the message from our humble sincere servant, Dana Coverstone, this morning which was in the form of a dream to him. This was from us, his Gods, and not from himself.

We require our children to make a stand and to prepare for the great calamities which are to come. If they don't prepare spiritually, but just wait on the sidelines, they will be destroyed or brought into great captivity by the devil.

In his dream, those who engaged the dark and evil hosts were representing our elect, for they have come to us, their Gods, in humble prayer and have sought us over the other voices in the world. In turn, we have given to them spiritual protection, which in this dream were the horses and their armor and swords. We also gave them clear ways and a battle plan for them to prepare, even in detail of how to rid Satan from their lives and families. They then were inspired and took action to attack Satan and his evil hosts by eliminating them and their influence in their personal lives and families. They shored up their homes and organized every needful thing, even as stated in this scripture:

D&C 88: 119

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."

By becoming proactive in their fight against the adversary, they will become spiritually prepared for their inevitable battle with Satan, and they will be victorious. By this means, we will spare our elect, but they need to come unto us and seek our help so that we might prepare them for the battle of their souls with the adversary.

Raphael, this confrontation with the adversary will be very real. We are greatly saddened by those who do not come to us in humility and prayer, and allow us to direct them in their lives. There are many who will succumb to Satan and his very clever and treacherous attacks on their very souls!

Well did Nephi see your day when Lucifer will rage among our children, for he knows his time is short:

2 Nephi 28: 20-28

"For behold, at that day (your very day, Raphael,) shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.

And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, (this is what Dana Coverstone's dream showed with the christian people not willing to engage or be prepared against their adversaries who were those on the other side of the line on the battlefield), that they will say: All is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none-and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.

Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; (this was shown clearly in the dream) and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.

Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! (this is my Spirit that I will freely give to all who humbly and sincerely come to God in prayer, seeking for protection and guidance).

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more! (These will miss out on our abundant revelations we will give to them individually, and our abundant protection against Satan).

And in fine, wo be unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock (or upon us their Gods and our personal guidance that we will give to them) receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)"

165H26-165H33, from Heavenly Mother: "I asked her for clarification of what the great pit was which had been digged for the destruction of man in 1 Nephi 14:3. I had re-listened to the video from Pastor Dana Coverstone again (see it here) where he mentioned the vultures were like gargoyles that were attacking mercilessly people from the ground. I wanted clarification if this was a true description of what would happen. I thought that the devil and his angels would have greater power for a season over the wicked, even to lead them to hell, and both temporal and spiritual captivity. I asked my Heavenly Mother for clarification.

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that before the time that you remove Lucifer and his evil spirits into the bottomless pit, Satan will rage in more power among the wicked.

2 Nephi 28:20-"For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good." He will do so, more than he has in the past.

He will also have greater power to captivate those who do not repent. There will be a greater division among the people, so that the righteous, or the elect of God, will be more fully protected, and the wicked who do not repent will be more greatly subjugated to the power of the devil.

The great pit spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:3 consists of the sinister and evil plans of conspiring men and women, organizations, industries, armies, and governments to entrap and enslave the people.

These have all been inspired and directed by Satan, for he has led those who laid those evil plans with thoughts of greater power, wealth and control over the masses. This great evil will be turned upon those who planned it, and they will fall by the trickery and captivity of the devil, both temporally and spiritually. Those who work wickedness will be destroyed, and their spirits will be cast down to dark spirit places of the dead where they will be spiritually held captive.

1 Nephi 14:3; "And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell-yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end."

Raphael, the vultures that Pastor Coverstone saw that were flying low above the earth and going after people on the ground was figurative. He recorded what he saw correctly. This manner of attacking people on the ground is akin to how Satan will captivate the wicked, temporally and spiritually, by possessing their bodies, by causing his dark conspiratorial organizations to lead those away to captivity and death, and to ultimately lead them into hell in the world of the spirit dead. These will reap the rewards of him whom they listed to obey in life, for they loved evil more than good, and did not repent or come to God.'"


2 Nephi 28:27
27 Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
This indictment includes the LDS people, for so many do not want to learn more, or inquire for themselves of God whether something be true or not. They feel never to question what their leaders say, or confirm with God that their leaders are on the correct path. Instead they


2 Nephi 28:29-31
29 Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

31 Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

100B3-100B18: "Raphael, today I would like to share with you another topic. You had attended the baptism and confirmation of your granddaughter last Saturday. You saw that even though the gift of the Holy Ghost was audibly conferred upon her, it never was activated. This is because we have removed our presence now from this church and our power.

However, we continue to guide and direct the sincere seeker of truth, who openly and humbly approach us asking for our guidance. We often send our Spirit and I often come as the Holy Ghost to these sincere and choice elect sons and daughters, whether they have the gift of the Holy Ghost or not.

The gift of the Holy Ghost still resides in you and others of our faithful who had received it in a day when we authorized its conferral. This great gift allows me to permanently reside with the recipient as they seek and obey God. It has been freely given by us, your Heavenly Parents, but only activated by the one receiving it, by their intentions and obedience. I am the one who comes as the Holy Ghost and qualifies the recipient of this gift for my constant companionship.

Most members of the church who have received the bestowal of the gift of the Holy Ghost have not activated it in their lives at this time. They may have in the past, but it requires their continual effort, purity and desire. I come as I am invited and as my child is prepared for me to come. I leave when my child might allow his/ her actions to be those of a carnal, sensual, devilish, or selfish nature. I also depart when my child has preconceived ideas of what I might say and are not open to my guidance. Why would I stay if they continually reject my whisperings?

There are now many saints in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have been taught false beliefs or conform to untrue social norms and beliefs. These reject some of my promptings continually if they don't align with their own beliefs. I therefore leave them, for they will not repent and change their attitude. They are at ease in Zion.

2 Nephi 28:24-31

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from then that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost."

In the future day of the restoration again of the Church of Christ, I will come freely to my children in that church. They will listen and obey my words. I will again have the great gift of the Holy Ghost bestowed upon my true followers who are baptized in this church. I will become their constant companion!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her inspiring words. I am so glad that she is continually with me! What a great gift she has bestowed upon me, her humble son who tries to do whatever she says and is open to her and Heavenly Father's direction.

Heavenly Mother then embraced me while I was still kneeling. She fully filled me with her light and love that beamed from her! I then immediately lost the vision from my conscious mind. I then finished my prayer and got ready for my new day.

In the evening- I came to the south side of the desert oasis, and knelt on the sand near the water's edge. It was clear and warm outside-such a lovely evening. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I wondered what I would learn tonight.

Heavenly Father came to me, growing from dim to bright in front of me, a little above the water. His eyes were soft and very deep. They seemed to be so all knowing and wise! I then heard him speak to me from his thoughts that came into my mind:

'Raphael, this morning your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Tonight I wish to speak to you about repentance. This is listed as the second principle of the gospel (see Article of Faith 4).

We want our children who come to earth for their probationary experience to be humble and open to change. Many are born into situations that they have no control of and learn habits and patterns of living that do not lead them to us. We therefore want them to change and repent of their past actions and habits. They need to recognize the great need for them to change their ways, in hopes of pleasing us, their Gods, and in becoming forgiven and clean of all sin. This is all possible through the great suffering of our great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. He alone may forgive them, for he has taken upon himself their sins and has fully paid the price of punishment so that justice may be satisfied. He then may accept the sinner and forgive him, on his own terms. If they humbly ask him, and do what he asks of them, then he will forgive them freely. They then don't need to suffer for their own sins, since he has already suffered for them.

Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, is full of mercy and love. He needs some verifiable proof that our children are sincere in wanting to change, repent, and obey our commandments.

Raphael, you have fully been redeemed by the great Redeemer, Jesus Christ! Because you have repented, he has forgiven you and made you clean on the merits of his suffering for you. You are now clean and pure so that you may come back into our presence. We may then speak to you and bring you back into our celestial realms.

It is a great experience to be blessed to be again in our presence again, even while you are in mortality!

Repentance means a very deep and sincere desire and effort to change. Once you know what you need to change, you act humbly for the strength to change and begin acting differently. This usually comes in small steps, a little at a time, here a little and there a little. As you desire to change and seek help from God, we come and strengthen you to make a little change. Then you gain more confidence and assurance so you can change more. Thus, by degrees our humble, open and determined child receives forgiveness, strength and added confidence to continue.

The sacrament serves as a way for our children to become incrementally forgiven and boosted in their trek towards coming back into our presence. Once Jesus Christ proves our children by their repeated desires and efforts to change and come unto us, he will let them know that he has fully forgiven them of all their sins. He then, or soon afterwards, elects them into the Church of the Firstborn. They then are candidates for this celestial church. They have been gradually brought to this place of cleanliness. These are our elect of God!

At this point, our elect should follow the instructions of Nephi:

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

Once these, our children, are elected by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son we will then give him/her a promise that their election into the Church of the Firstborn is made sure:

D&C 131:5 (modified in parenthesis by Heavenly Father)

"The more sure word of prophecy means a man's (or woman's) knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy Priesthood (or the power of the Holy Ghost)."

We, who are their Gods, will confirm to them by revelation that their calling and election into this Church of the Firstborn, even to eternal life and exaltation, is sure.

Repentance and change is a vital part of the journey, until they are able to land their souls in the kingdom of God (see Helaman 3:27-30).'

I felt very gratified to have been ransomed and forgiven of all my sins and weaknesses. I am so inordinately glad to be cleansed and brought back into the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, through the merits and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son!"


2 Nephi 28:30-31
30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

31 Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Mon, Mar 11, 2024
This method is how the Lord gives revelation: here a little, precept upon precept, etc. This is how the Lord describes the way he reveals doctrine and revelation to the faithful in Isaiah 28. If we receive, we shall receive more, if we ask in faith. This does not include direction from earthly leaders, but from God himself, through the Holy Ghost.

81I2-81I9, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased that you come here to our kingdom and our world so frequently, and seek to commune with us! We hear and watch everything on earth where many of our children live. We can see the past, present and future of the happenings at the same time, of our children and the earth upon which they dwell. For us, it is so very clear the consequences of their actions!

For those who seek us, and make time for us, their Gods, we make sure that we influence and lead them if they are open to our direction. We are particularly successful with those who are humble and open. Some of our children think if they are open, Satan will come and lead them astray with his trickeries. However, he has much more success in leading away those who are stuck in their routines and closed to change. He lulls them away in carnal security, thinking they are in the right way (see 2 Nephi 28:21). They think they are obviously acting in the right way and they judge others who question and are open. They say in their hearts:

We have received, and we need no more! (2 Nephi 28:27). They feel they have received the word of God from their prophet leaders, and have enough (see 2 Nephi 28:29).

Here is what I say to them:

2 Nephi 28:30-31

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost."

There will be some who are close-minded and who blindly follow their leaders, who repent in your day and consider to open their hearts and minds to us, their Gods. For these, "I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of hosts." (2 Nephi 28:32)'

Heavenly Mother then descended from the sky above us. We both watched her come! She came in front of her husband and extended her right hand. He took it in his left hand and squeezed it lovingly and they smiled at each other. She then turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, I come to my children who sincerely ask of me, as the Holy Ghost. I faithfully and continually lead them. They will not be led astray if they listen to my promptings and take action on what I whisper to them.

Those who are in the greatest spiritual danger are those who think they are being led to God, to follow our ways, and yet take no time to ask us themselves if they are in the right way! Satan can then lead them into his ways, and they still think that they are pleasing us, their true Heavenly Parents! We would that all seek us for themselves and not lean upon another so fully. Those in the LDS Church are particularly vulnerable to this pattern of being led astray! And yet, there are so many of our elect in this church, that at one time or another have received the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We would that they continue asking and seeking, rather than trusting others so much, and the religious culture of their day!'

I thanked my wonderful Heavenly Parents who were now both standing in front of me! Heavenly Mother then extended her left hand and passed it in front of my face. I was still kneeling before them.

I immediately saw many good Latter-day Saints who were before my eyes! They were feeling lost and didn't know where to turn. I heard the words of conference in the background, like background noise, and yet they were still feeling lost. I wondered why they didn't pray and ask God for personal direction, and yet they did not! I saw row after row, so many that seemed to search for truth but would not of themselves inquire. These were good wholesome people!

I prayed then to my Heavenly Parents who were in front of me:

'Oh my Heavenly Parents, please awaken somehow these good people, thy children, to be able to come unto thee and inquire for themselves! They seem so lost and not sure where to turn!'

Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we will bring calamity into their lives, for without troubles they will stay in their complacent world of wondering where to turn, but will not inquire of us, their God!'"

163B15-163B21: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, it is not how available the truths of heaven are to our children, but it is their desires to connect to us, their Gods, that determines their open minds and hearts. There are so many active in the LDS church that have been lulled away into carnal security (2 Nephi 28: 21). They feel they have received and need no more (verse 27). Well did Nephi speak about those who were once enlightened, then felt they have received enough that they need no more:

2 Nephi 28: 30-

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have."

Those who reject any further light are worse off than those who are just beginning to receive even a small degree of our enlightenment.'

I looked again and could see so very few in the LDS church who questioned religious things at all, for I perceived they felt their leaders would receive this and they didn't need to worry. I saw the great spirit of complacency and blindness come upon the greater part of the Latter-day Saints. I was chagrined by the malaise! I then spoke to my mother who was in front of me:

'Oh my Heavenly Mother, isn't there something we can do to awaken my fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?'

She turned to me and quoted a scripture in Luke 16: 31-

"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." (see the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, Luke 16: 19-31)

'Raphael, when our Latter-day Saints refuse to receive more truth from us, their Gods, and won't be open or humble as they often once were in an earlier time in their religious life, they will not be persuaded, even though we send you, our archangel, to them, with a voice of thunder to shake the earth. When they are no longer open, they will reject all future promptings that counter their religious views.

What we will do instead is to launch them into great calamity and tribulations, like the rest of the wicked on your earth. There will be some then who awaken and come to us in humility and openness of their hearts, and begin to question their religious moorings.'"

157D13-157D16: "Heavenly Father then turned to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. He spoke directly to me, looking me in my eyes:

'Raphael, we need to shock these our elect with trauma and an event that will bring them to their knees in prayer to me, their Father, in the name of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It is only then that I will begin speaking peace to their souls, and lead them tenderly along, as fast as they are able to reject their religious and world beliefs, and accept those of your Heavenly Mother and me that we give them by revelation.'

2 Nephi 28:30-32:

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him (or her) that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men (their leaders in their church and world), save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Wo be unto the Gentiles (these include the LDS Church members as well as the peoples of your nation and the world), saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."' (words in parenthesis given my Heavenly Father).

Heavenly Father then lowered his arms and moved backwards above the fallen oak tree. He raised his right arm and fire came down and consumed the fallen tree! This was the third time I had seen this tree that represented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, burn with fire. I believe that my seeing this fire burn the tree now three separate times makes this event more sure somehow in my mind as an unalterable happening.

My vision then closed. I ended my prayer and started my Sabbath day."


2 Nephi 29:2
2 And also, that I may remember the promises which I have made unto thee, Nephi, and also unto thy father, that I would remember your seed; and that the words of your seed should proceed forth out of my mouth unto your seed; and my words shall hiss forth unto the ends of the earth, for a standard unto my people, which are of the house of Israel;

Wed, Mar 13, 2024
The Book of Mormon is the great sifter and gatherer of the elect. The Book of Mormon is the standard to the House of Israel.


2 Nephi 29:6
6 Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews?

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
Anyone who is not open to new personal revelation from God to themselves is exactly like those who say "A Bible, a Bible, we have a Bible, and need no more Bible." The elect of God, the humble and meek who seek to repent and to connect to God and listen to his words, are those whom he accepts. These are the members of the church of the Lamb of God. All others are members of the abominable church of the devil, all grouped together and disconnected from God and his revelations. We need to be open to the direct revelation from God, and test all of our church and society leaders against the personal revelations to their own souls (see JST Mark 9:40-48).


2 Nephi 29:8
8 Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.

Mon, Oct 24, 2022
God speaks to all nations, and the words He speaks merge together as one. See also Alma 29:10 which emphasizes this thought.


2 Nephi 29:8-9
8 Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.

9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.

186H19-18623: "You also saw that we give our visions and revelations to various of our sons and daughters, and may reveal such great future events or truths to them before we may reveal them to you, our prophet in the last days. You have openly received these emails, confirmed the contents of each one, and fully accepted them from us, your Gods. This too is how we will continue to often work among you and those who support you in your calling. We are no respecter of persons, and may reveal great things, even hitherto never revealed, to one of our humble inquiring children. You are correct to confirm these truths as you did, and then add them to your own record of Raphael, depending if the one who received our words is willing to share. This is how we wish it to be.

We consider all of our beloved children equal, and we have the freedom to reveal as we wish to any of them. Before adding these truths into our celestial church records and scriptures, we wish for you to confirm the truth of them with us.

There is a false notion in the LDS church that a revelation first has to be given to a president or prophet before it is accepted by the church as doctrine. If one of the members receives our directions and revelations that hasn't yet been revealed to the church, the LDS leaders do not want this new revelation shared and taught among the members of the church. This incorrect policy is very limiting to us, since in reality we may speak our truths to whomsoever we wish, and we may ask of them to share this with others. This policy will not perpetuate in the future Church of Christ. It will operate using the same methods as I described above to you for the Church of the Firstborn.

It is also our will that our revelations be written and preserved. We are free to speak as we wish to any of our children. We will also speak the same words and reveal the same truths to all, irrespective of to whom we may speak.

This principle was clearly taught to Nephi in 2 Nephi 29:8-9

"Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations (or people) is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation (or person) like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation (or person) like unto another. And when the two nations (or people) shall run together the testimony of the two nations (or people) shall run together also.

And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'"


2 Nephi 29:9
9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.

Mon, Feb 21, 2022
Just because God hasn't revealed something to his prophet or any person, doesn't mean God wouldn't reveal something new to another. God may choose to reveal anything to anyone at any time. The prophets do not have a corner on God's revelations. God may and does speak to whomever he wishes to speak to. If we think otherwise, we are limiting our concept of God and what God may choose to do. When we hear of a supposed revelation from God that another has, we can find out the truth of this through direct revelation from God to us. This is the correct pattern Jesus taught in JST Mark 9:40-48. He said "Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or trusting another." (JST Mark 9:44). We should not lean upon another without confirming that person is speaking and conveying the truth from God.


2 Nephi 29:10-13
10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written.

11 For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

12 For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

13 And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews.

103F2-103F11, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, last night you received direction from your Father about the Sabbath day. You wondered if we were going to speak to you on most of the gospel subjects. In answer, we want to reveal again our preferred way to live for our elect children. They will come to us from all situations and all walks of life. Many will not have definitive ways they know how to live. Therefore, we are gradually revealing them anew to you, even as part of the restoration of all things as spoken of in the scriptures.

There will be many more records we will cause to come forth in your day, and during the beginning of the great millennial era. Most will be records of the lives of our people who knew their records would be preserved and not come forth until wickedness would be removed from the people. They will be profitable to read and study, for many of our revelations are contained in them.

2 Nephi 29:10-13

"Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written.

For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews."

Soon the acceptable canon of scriptures from those we asked to write our words will be great. These will fill volumes of corroborating scriptures, all gathered in one for the benefit and enlightenment of our people who will come forth in the great millennial day. Your records, Raphael, and those of our other servants and angels who are living now in mortality, will also be part of these records.

While living in the flesh for our own mortal experience, your Heavenly Father and I were asked by our own Heavenly Parents to write of our experiences and of our impressions and revelations. We did so, and these records of our own journals are now housed in the library on our own celestial earth, along with other records written in our own eternity.

If our people do not record their proceedings, how will the upcoming generations be taught and continue on without these inspired teachings? Remember what happened to the people of Zarahemla that King Mosiah discovered:

Omni 1:17-18

"And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them.

But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates."

Raphael, rather than trying to remember what we say to you, we desire you and our elect to write our words as they receive them. This makes the record more believable and true. You record your account as we reveal it to you. You would not be able to recall all the details of the circumstances and surroundings, nor our words if you were even to write them hours later, for you write them while in your conscious mind, in your mortal state on earth. You also record them in heaven, but these words often contain a different perspective than what you record on earth, not having gone through your mortal conscious mind.

We desire all our elect to write of their experiences in their life on earth and of our revelations to them. They will treasure these records and these will serve to inspire many of their posterity and others as they themselves seek to make sense of their own mortal condition.'"


2 Nephi 29:11
11 For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

Wed, Mar 13, 2024
God may choose to reveal great things to whomever he chooses. He commands such to write his words, and then these align with others that he has similarly revealed his words and commanded them to write. Thus their journals or books will aligned doctrinally with each other, since their author is the same God.

101C2-101C11: Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, you keep your heavenly journal on a shelf in the domed room, your previous own room in our world. You already have multiple journals that you have written in that have been there since you again came into heaven in April 2013, when we first came to you in your energy class. You write similar things you receive in this record that you now write on earth, all in your unconscious mind. We therefore have you write two accounts of your revelations and experiences, one on earth and one in heaven.

We have the revelations and actions of the righteous recorded in heaven on our celestial orb and in the celestial realms of God in the earth.

D&C 62:3

"Nevertheless, ye are blessed, for the testimony which ye have borne is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your sins are forgiven you."

The angels, who dwell in the celestial realms and from where they do their work, write these records. Your records are kept together in the domed room for now, and in other rooms in heaven.

Each holy angel also has a location for his or her own journal or record. We desire that all things are written by hand and preserved, whether concerning revelations, or actions, or service rendered to another, or how our children on earth respond to the activity of the angels.

We will one day call for all of these records and place them in our library in heaven. This is where the records are kept that have recorded all things of the angel activity concerning the actions of our children who come into mortality. The records of the angels are part of this repository in our library in heaven. We also have guardian spirits write in journals or records of the actions of those to whom they are assigned.

2 Nephi 29:11

"For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written."

These guardian spirits work in the terrestrial realms on the earth. They are assigned to each mortal who comes to earth. They have been commanded to write the works of those in their stewardship. These records are then ultimately transferred to the same repository in the library of heaven.

The vast records in heaven, in our library on the celestial orb, will be transferred to the library in the New Jerusalem that will become a permanent part of the resurrected celestial earth. These will be transferred after the Day of Judgment of our people. They will be fully transferred once all our children are judged and rewarded for their works on the earth, some to a celestial glory, some to a terrestrial glory, and some to a telestial glory. These will then become a record in eternity for those who attain to a celestial glory, to view as they wish. Those of lesser glories will not be able to read these records, for they cannot come to the library in the New Jerusalem where these records will all be kept, for it is in the celestial kingdom.

Raphael, your Father and I have records of our own works and revelations on our own celestial earth, where we received our first inheritance. These records are also in a shared library repository on that resurrected earth. We may go there and read any of those records of any of ourselves or of our siblings from our same parent Gods.

These records always are finally transferred to the celestial earth at the end of each eternity. Our record vaults on our own celestial orb are then emptied, ready for a new eternity.

During the Day of Judgment for each of our children who have come to earth, we bring forth the records that pertain to them about their works on the earth as recorded by the angels or their guardian spirits. We also may refer to records we have preserved that were recorded on the telestial or terrestrial earth, depending when these individuals came to the earth for their mortal experience. These records tell of the choices and works of our individual whom we are judging. They are laid out for the one being judged to see. It is hard for them to argue differently than what had been written about them by another. We also bless our children at that time with a vivid memory of all their actions, from their premortal, mortal and post-mortal states. They all acknowledge their works, and the eternal placement we give them in the eternal worlds of glory. They are rewarded to the level of happiness they were willing to receive in their journey up to that point. They are very satisfied in the glory we assign them in eternity, for this is where they best fit for eternity upon eternity. They are resurrected to that glory, quickened by the glory of their particular resurrection be it celestial, terrestrial or telestial.

Raphael, during the ordinance of the waters of separation that you administer to our faithful, Oriphiel, your archangel brother, will record in the Book of Life each of their names and that they were admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. This record is sufficient for the record of a celestial resurrection and exaltation of those who attain this final entry into our highest record in heaven. Once recorded, it is guaranteed that those recorded will receive all things pertaining to their eternal celestial glory as a God, even to become like us, their Heavenly Parents.

The record of the Book of Life will also be eventually placed on your own celestial resurrected earth in the library of the New Jerusalem on that earth. You may read from this record any time you may wish to in the eternities. We have looked at our own entry in our own Book of Life, which is in the library on our own celestial earth. We know our history, both from our vivid memories and that which has been written.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations to me today! I am so glad I recorded her words as she gave them to me, sentence-by-sentence, thought-by-thought. I am grateful for all I have written over the weeks and months and years. I see this as a vital responsibility I have.

Heavenly Mother told me I had correctly written her words and thoughts to me today. She said that her presence would continue with me today. I then closed my formal prayer and got started on my new day.

107H17-107H22: "He then spoke: 'Raphael, you have correctly written that you receive our revelations through your own thoughts, and filter them according to your understanding and then write them immediately in your journal. This is very acceptable to us.

Another of our children would write somewhat differently our same revelation, according to his/ her filter. This is also acceptable to us. We speak to our children and they write according to their own understanding and perceptions.

2 Nephi 29:11-"For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man (and woman) according to their works, according to that which is written."

When you grow in your understanding of our truths and ways, you are able to more deeply and quickly understand our new revelations. We gradually build up your new mindset to become more and more filled with our truths and perspectives.'

I expressed my difficulty in understanding some things he and Heavenly Mother share with me. I asked that he verify my words, if they are all true, to the sincere and faithful.

He spoke again: 'We will verify by the witness of our Spirit, all the words you write that you state come from us. Your words are written in weakness, but we will make them great. As men and women humble themselves before us, their Heavenly Parents, we will reveal the truthfulness of all these words to them.'"

132B7-132B12: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what you have written in your journal this morning is true. Our revelations are being poured out upon our faithful at this time. They write their words in private, and then we will ask them to make available their records in various ways. They all testify of the same truths that we have revealed to them.

Without our truths and revelations, our mortal sons and daughters have no ability of themselves, to make sense of their world and mortal conditions. When records like yours are revealed gradually to them, they may inquire of us, in the openness and humility we require, and then we will confirm to them the truth of these records. When we speak to our children, we also command that they write our words for their own remembrance and for others to read. All of our records speak of congruent truths that we have revealed to our sons and daughters. We are so pleased to give revelation upon revelation to every one of our faithful and sincere children who take time to ask of us, in meditation and prayer.

2 Nephi 29:11-13 "For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man (and woman) according to their works, according to that which is written.

For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the word of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews." (added words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

There will be so many records testifying of the same truths from so many sources, that we will have them available both online during the millennial day, and also in the New Jerusalem Library for all to view and read. There will be so many witnesses of our many truths and revelations!

Raphael, your revelations that we have given to you will be among the great revelations of all time. You have been selected to reveal many mysteries and truths never before revealed to mankind in this eternity. We reveal to you in your weakness, and you record them, have them transcribed, audio recorded and indexed. This is all in preparation of the time when we reveal all things to our faithful who seek us diligently and desire these same revelations for themselves.

So very many of our elect children have been reserved to come forth in their mortal experience during the thousand years of peace, in a terrestrial elevated world. The wicked will not know of our greater truths that we will have revealed to you and others, for these records are reserved for those who will verify these truths in prayer to us, and then fully embrace them, what a beautiful day this will be!'"


2 Nephi 29:13
13 And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews.

Thu, Mar 14, 2024
The records of the 10 tribes will have the words of the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Therefore, these records from the lost tribes of Israel are not those other two records, but an independent record.

When God speaks to the people of the Nephites, Jews and lost tribes of Israel, these are individual people, including their leaders and prophets. Since God considers all men and women equal, they are all privileged to the same truths and revelations from God, for he does not differentiate.

Joseph Smith said that God would reveal all that he has received to the least of the saints:

“God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what He will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least Saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them, for the day must come when no man need say to his neighbor, Know ye the Lord; for all shall know Him … from the least to the greatest [see Jeremiah 31:34].” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, page 268)


2 Nephi 30:8-10
8 And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.

9 And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

10 For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

143E10-143E17: "'Raphael, your mind has been very enlightened by all of our abundant revelations. You have proven us, your Gods, and we have opened to "you the windows of heaven, and poured you out a blessing that there has not been room enough to receive it." 3 Ne 24:10). You can hardly retain in your conscious mind all of these truths you have received!

Nevertheless, you have written, caused to be typed up and indexed, and soon made into a printable format all of our revelations to you so far. For you, and for those who read and study our revelations through you, and those who sustain you and share their own revelations with you, we will reveal all of these hidden things. These are truly "great and marvelous things!"

You have kept these truths hidden from the world, and even largely from your spouse and family. You just proceed, being guided as you feel impressed to do and how to act. You have wondered how the unveiling of these truths at a future day will happen, and how they will be received.

We have shared with you a plan of how we wish your posts from your journals to be shared with the faithful. We desire that these are shared based on the inspirations we give to those who read and know them now, with this small group of nine people. We may also inspire those to whom we wish to reveal to them, to find your website online and then email you directly. We are directing the access of your revelations to those whom we will. These are our revelations and truths and constitute our great and marvelous things.

I will begin inspiring your supporters and those to whom we wish to share these truths with, by my Holy Ghost. My inspiration will come steadily and softly to their unconscious minds. As they pray to the Father, and or to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, we will lead them gradually to the next step for them personally. By these small means will our record gradually become known and shared among the faithful.

After your own land will be invaded, and after the remnants of Israel will hearken to our voice and come in their humility and our power upon this land to cleanse the land of the armies, then will we also start sharing our revelations through you with them. Even though most of the remnants of Israel in that day won't be able to read your language, we will make your words understandable to them as they read. This will be like when they speak or you speak, each will understand in their own minds and heart what each are saying. We will also make your words, written in English, to become understood as they seek to read them, even in their minds and in their own language. By this means we will individually lead them in reading your records, as fast as we wish to reveal to them our revelations.

In that day, many of our faithful terrestrial elect mortals will understand your words from your record, for they will either hear and/or read them in their own language, to their own understandings. We will enlighten and witness to them our truths, in similar ways as we have revealed them to you and your own small group of supporters. These are our remnants of Israel, who at that day believe in us and in all of our revelations and truths.

2 Nephi 30:6-10-

"And then shall they rejoice; for they shall know that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a pure and a delightsome people.

And it shall come to pass that the Jews which are scattered also shall begin to believe in Christ; and they shall begin to gather in upon the face of the land; and as many as shall believe in Christ shall also become a delightsome people.

And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.

And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God will cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."'"


2 Nephi 30:9-10
9 And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

10 For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

141F1-141F9: "I have thought of these scriptures of protection for the righteous:

2 Nephi 30:8-10, 18

"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.

And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings."

D&C 97:22-25

"For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?

The Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;

For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.

Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her."

1 Nephi 22:17,19,22,24-25

"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.

And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded.

...And the time cometh speedily that the righteous must be led up as calves of the stall, and the Holy One of Israel must reign in dominion, and might, and power, and great glory.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture."

3 Nephi 22:14-15, 17

"In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear, and from terror for it shall not come near thee.

Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

...No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."

Moses 7:61

"And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve."

I have also wondered why there is often fire spoken of to protect the righteous prior to the Second Coming?

I feel relieved that God will protect and preserve the terrestrial elect! What a great blessing this will be!

I came this morning to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where I had seen the mirror-like surface of the lake on Thursday morning 10/24/2019. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came immediately beside me, smiling! Her light was not shining, for she looked like a normal person, but I knew her, particularly her eternity eyes.

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I appear to you this morning with no glory that you see from a normal person. This is how our terrestrial elect will appear to those who are telestial round them, prior to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

However, we will entirely protect our terrestrial elect, even if it so be by fire that will consume the telestial wicked, our terrestrial will be preserved! The fire I speak of will be terrestrial fire at the second coming. At the end of the world, when the earth dies after the millennium, we will also send fire, but that will be celestial fire.'"

168F6-168F12,from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we will give to you and our elect a short time to prepare all things in your physical possession against the day of want that is coming on the earth. You have been preparing every needful thing, and finishing the preparations in your own household. Before shutting the door of the ark, Noah worked steadily on gathering provisions and animals as we had commanded him. All the while the wicked were consumed in their own pleasure and self-centered living:

Genesis 6: 5, 13-

"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

2 Nephi 30: 9-10

"And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

We are now prompting our elect who will hear us to prepare spiritually and physically for that which is to come. These are very uncertain times in their minds. As they labor to prepare food, clothing and shelter needs, we will greatly help them, even as we have helped you be so productive in finishing your last minute preparations in the past few days.

Once the fires from the meteorites start coming to the earth in intensity, it will be too late to buy things as you can do now. Your options to buy will be more and more limited.

The time is soon at hand that, "And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.

And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another." (D&C 45:68-69)

Raphael, come stay by my side today, in my heavens, and I will help you make your final list of things to purchase or make ready for the day coming when you no longer may prepare.'"


2 Nephi 30:10
10 For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

Thu, Mar 14, 2024
The great division between the righteous and the wicked will be both geographically divided (primarily the United States and the Americas) and religiously (Saints will be faithful and obedient to God). The wicked will be elsewhere in the world, and they will not worship God. This is the great division, the wheat and the tares. The wheat is first gathered into garners or barns, and the remainder (the tares) are bound and burned with fire. The wheat and the tares will be physically in the same locations, but there will be a distinct difference in their beings and outlooks.

105A23-105A29,from Heavenly Mother: "We anticipate, with our Godly foresight, more and more of our faithful elect who will also be led and guided by us and are obedient to our voice. However, we anticipate a great division among the people:

2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

We will protect those who follow us and obey our promptings, even in the sight of their enemies who actively want them destroyed. Yet we will turn the wicked upon "their own heads; for they shall war among themselves, and the sword of their own hands shall fall upon their own heads, and they shall be drunken with their own blood.

And every nation which shall war against thee, O house of Israel, shall be turned one against another, and they shall fall into the pit which they digged to ensnare the people of the Lord. And all that fight against Zion shall be destroyed, and that great whore, who hath perverted the right ways of the Lord, yea, that great and abominable church, shall tumble to the dust and great shall be the fall of it." (1 Nephi 22:13-14)

We know what plans the wicked will make to ensnare our humble and obedient people. Our wisdom is greater than their wicked plans, and we will work a great work to save the righteous and condemn the wicked for their evil acts and plans.

At that day of deliverance, our faithful will pour out their praises to us for saving them at this dramatic juncture. It will be akin to the praises of the Nephites when they defeated the armies of the robbers (see 3 Nephi 4:31-33). We love to free and save our elect who are in the grasp of their enemies and bring them into the land of our peace in the days of their deliverance.

Raphael, the days ahead will be a closure of Satan's reign on the earth. Wickedness will cease, and our people will live in peace and obedience to us, their Gods. We love saving our obedient children with a spiritual and temporal salvation. This is a great blessing we offer to those who obey our promptings!'"

165F7-165F10, from Heavenly Father: "He then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, peace be to your soul! I am aware of your desires to hear again from me words of consolation and peace. I give them to you individually, for you have diligently sought your Heavenly Mother and me. We have such peace and assurance also for our faithful elect who seek us in humility, diligence, and with an open mind and heart. However, to those who do not approach us, or who are not vigilant in their spiritual lives, they may become overtaken by the confusion, doubt, complacency and fear that accompanies the spiritual darkness that has now filled your own land of America, and spread even all over the earth.

Time has run out for your country, the enemy is at your doors, and the promised consequences await your land. The destruction of the wicked, the ungodly, the proud and arrogant, and those who are at ease will come quickly. You yourself will feel like the lone proclaimer of these destructive events that we have shown to you, that are coming.

2 Nephi 30: 10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

Hold your peace, and be assured that I have spoken clearly to you! Your compilations of the revelations that we, your Gods, have shown to you and others on your small email list are true. We have spoken, and you have diligently written these down and sent them out as posts to those who sustain you. This is as we desire it now to be.'"

165G21-165G24, from Heavenly Mother: "The great division your Heavenly Father spoke of on 7/4/2020, spoken of in 2 Nephi 30:10, is coming literally upon your land in the near future:

1 Nephi 14:7

"For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other-either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken."

Raphael, the marvelous work among the children of men spoken of by Nephi above refers in part to the great protection and strength that we have now shielded our elect with, that we have just recently revealed to you. This holy work will preserve the righteous and bring them into the great millennial day!

However, for the wicked, they will be subjugated, both temporally and spiritually, to the captivity of the devil. These will ultimately all be cleansed from the earth, making way for a happier and peaceful terrestrial world ahead.'"

178F19-178F23, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, there is an entire division happening now on the earth. Peace has been taken from the earth and now a great division among the people is happening, even as Nephi prophesied:

2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

You saw me just now weeding my wheat field. The new wheat plants are my mortal elect that will enter into the new terrestrial earth. I am separating them now from the wicked. The older wheat seeds are already gathered in garners. The wicked, represented by the tares, will never come to the newly changed earth, for they are telestial in nature, and I have not chosen them.

In the terrestrial world during the millennium, our elect will have a higher quality of life and enjoyment than those who have ever lived during the approximate 6,000 years of the telestial earth. There is ample time in each of their lives for us, their Heavenly Parents, to see if they will press forward in righteousness and diligence. Those who seek a personal relationship with our Beloved Son and with us, and place high priority in living according to our promptings, will ultimately be numbered among our celestial children. All men and women will be good people, but the majority will ultimately be numbered among the terrestrial in their eternal reward.

Your Heavenly Mother and I have prescreened our elect who will come forth in the millennium to be either those ultimately numbered among the celestial or terrestrial. It is only at the end of the millennium that a host of telestial will come, for many will in that day follow Lucifer and his evil hosts whom you will again loose for a little season after the thousand years are ended."

182H8-182H13, from Heavenly Father: "After they were settled in their new land of promise, Jesus Christ commanded Nephi to make other plates on which to engrave the things of God for the benefit of his people, and for future generations (2 Nephi 5:30-33). This is our pattern we always follow with a group of people who live after our standards and keep our commandments.

Likewise, we have commanded you to record your revelations in the manner we have prescribed. We will preserve them, even when electric power and the internet may be eliminated. We have commanded you to disperse your records among your faithful supporters so that they may print them and keep them safe. We have commanded you to share with them your digital files also so that they may read and ponder our words without resorting to the internet. Your digital files have indexing and hyperlinks of references to other posts and other scriptures we have already given to our children.

In all of these ways of preserving your record of Raphael, you and those on your email list have been faithful and obedient. Some of them may not have computers, but may have other devices to read and study our words given through you as well as the scriptures they already have.

Because you and your small group have been obedient, we will prosper and bless each of you in the coming year, just like we prospered and blessed the early Nephite group who separated themselves from their ungodly brethren. In your day, there will continue to be a separation of the righteous from the wicked:

2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

Continue faithful to us in this new 2021 year, and we will continue to spare and direct you by our revelations. This new year will be the one where you establish the foundations of the New Jerusalem. You will continue to live after the manner of happiness in this upcoming turbulent year, for we will be by your side continually and bring you joy and prosperity.'"

183B1-183B11: "I came this morning to the forest pool near the pyramid room on the celestial orb. I had read the inevitable news headlines that Biden was chosen in the wee hours this morning by Congress to be the new president elect.

I have come to fully accept the corruption in our government and society. I have chosen to act as independently as possible, and wait upon God to act. I have set my sights on Zion, and to do things that I have the power to change.

I knelt by the pool and drank living water. I sought for clarity in my mind to be able to decipher between truth and error, for my mortal world in which I live is filled with so many false reports it seems. There is great conflict and unrest in the land.

I then looked into the celestial forest pool, and sought for a visit from my God. A bright light appeared on the water, and soon Heavenly Father was standing before me upon the water. His eyes were on fire, and his countenance like lightning! I saw that his robes and capes were ruffling in the wind that apparently blew upon him from the higher celestial realm.

This scripture then came into my mind: 2 Nephi 2: 27

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto men. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the leaders of your government and industry have overwhelmingly chosen captivity and death in ignoring the voluminous true reports of voter fraud. They have shown and chosen their destiny in these choices. This has been a day of final decision for them, and relatively few have stood up for truth and freedom. Those who have chosen captivity and death are traitors to the very foundational principles of your republic form of government where honor, truth and liberty are held in 'high' standard. They have effectively chosen to be on the side of evil and the devil.

Your Heavenly Mother and I know the hearts and secret acts of evil and treachery of these men and women. As your mother said to you last night, our plans will not require them long. Those who bribed and paid them richly in secrecy will betray them, and the mostly communist Chinese infiltrators will double cross all of them, for they only used their current power and position for their own means and objectives. The desires of these foreign communist leaders is to fully overtake the land of America, to remove the current inhabitants, and replace these with their own. They will soon have no further use for those in your current government and industry, and will destroy them with no commitment to elevate them in their new regime, even though they had bribed and promised them falsely. The large spike, driven with the maul, as seen in Pastor Coverstone's dream, is now nearly fully driven into the earth of the promised land. When it is fully in place, this nation will crumble and die. This will be as we will.

Raphael, you are saddened by these events culminating in what you see as a great injustice. This is how nations fall, by conspiracy and secret works of darkness. Satan and his evil host laugh at those whom they have won, for they have no plans to reward false promises, for they have no love nor loyalty for their mortal followers.

The time of the great division is now come as spoken by Nephi: 2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

I am now in my anger, and will execute vengeance upon those in your nation that destroyed her. Satan and his demons and devils will soon be loosed with greater fury upon your land, and possess the wicked and ultimately destroy them, or place them, unknowing to them, in harm's way. These wicked will be then destroyed like the blind people and the flock of crows that entered into the tunnel in the Bird and Maul Dream of Pastor Coverstone. Great tribulations are soon coming upon your land to cleanse it of Babylon and of the wicked!'

Heavenly Father then was enveloped in intense light and fire. This fireball then descended into the forest pool, causing great steam and bubbling, boiling water all around me."


2 Nephi 30:10-11
10 For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

11 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

175N12-175N18, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we have concluded your intense training today. You have been taught and shown all of the details you will need to build the New Jerusalem temple, grounds, and island. We have shown you abundant visions also, almost all exclusively in your unconscious mind.

Our elect are also now being taught the principles and laws of Zion so that their hearts and minds will be receptive to our Spirit and inspiration that will come upon them. They will respond to their higher spiritual selves when tribulations come into their lives.

Vengeance will soon come upon the inhabitants of the earth as a whirlwind (see D&C 112:24), and similarly our elect will gain access to and be moved upon by our Spirit in great measure. As churches and religious institutions continue to flounder without our revelations and directions, our individual elect children will hear our voice and keep our commandments. This is the great day of division among the people.

2 Nephi 30:10-11

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins."

This will be a time when all things shall be made known to the children of men, even to our terrestrial elect who will gather to the New Jerusalem, as we inspire them.

2 Nephi 30:16-18

"Wherefore, the things of all nations shall be made known; yea, all things shall be made known unto the children of men.

There is nothing which is secret save it shall be revealed; there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light; and there is nothing which is sealed upon the earth save it shall be loosed.

Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings."

We will reveal all things to mankind, for all the wicked will have been destroyed. Those who remain will be our elect who will transition into the new terrestrial world and inhabit a terrestrial earth."


2 Nephi 30:11
11 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

Thu, Mar 14, 2024
These words describe the state of the millennium, after the coming of Jesus Christ. The previous verse is the destruction of the wicked by fire. This will be accomplished immediately preceding the opening of the millennial day, which is described in verses 11 to 18.


2 Nephi 30:15-18
15 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

16 Wherefore, the things of all nations shall be made known; yea, all things shall be made known unto the children of men.

17 There is nothing which is secret save it shall be revealed; there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light; and there is nothing which is sealed upon the earth save it shall be loosed.

18 Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings.

15 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

16 Wherefore, the things of all nations shall be made known; yea, all things shall be made known unto the children of men.

17 There is nothing which is secret save it shall be revealed; there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light; and there is nothing which is sealed upon the earth save it shall be loosed.

18 Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings.The abundant records that have been hid up to the Lord will come forth in the last days. These include the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi texts, starting in 1947, and many more since then that have come by way of the Gentiles. These all whisper from the dust, like the Book of Mormon. These all testify of the truth of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. 

Thu, Mar 14, 2024
The records of the nations will be revealed (verse 16). The records of Raphael will be also revealed and read by the terrestrial elect who live on the earth at that time.

175N12-175N18: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have concluded your intense training today. You have been taught and shown all of the details you will need to build the New Jerusalem temple, grounds, and island. We have shown you abundant visions also, almost all exclusively in your unconscious mind.

Our elect are also now being taught the principles and laws of Zion so that their hearts and minds will be receptive to our Spirit and inspiration that will come upon them. They will respond to their higher spiritual selves when tribulations come into their lives.

Vengeance will soon come upon the inhabitants of the earth as a whirlwind (see D&C 112:24), and similarly our elect will gain access to and be moved upon by our Spirit in great measure. As churches and religious institutions continue to flounder without our revelations and directions, our individual elect children will hear our voice and keep our commandments. This is the great day of division among the people.

2 Nephi 30:10-11

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins."

This will be a time when all things shall be made known to the children of men, even to our terrestrial elect who will gather to the New Jerusalem, as we inspire them.

2 Nephi 30:16-18

"Wherefore, the things of all nations shall be made known; yea, all things shall be made known unto the children of men.

There is nothing which is secret save it shall be revealed; there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light; and there is nothing which is sealed upon the earth save it shall be loosed.

Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings."

We will reveal all things to mankind, for all the wicked will have been destroyed. Those who remain will be our elect who will transition into the new terrestrial world and inhabit a terrestrial earth."


2 Nephi 31:17
17 Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost.

138B12-138B27: "I asked for Jesus to come in answer to my prayer, for I felt I would meet him. I waited and then saw the gate open and Jesus Christ, my Savior, come out onto the grass! He stood in front of me and spoke: 'Raphael, I have been asked of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to talk to you tonight. Come with me, through the gate, and I will take to you on the other side at the start of the straight and narrow path!'

I stood and we walked up to the gate. He opened it and motioned for me to go first through the gate. We then walked up to the start of the straight and narrow path. He spoke:

'Raphael, I accept my elect into the area after having initially proven them in their lives, to see if they will follow the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost that we send to them. For those who are obedient to what we give them, and who hear us and want to be with us, their Gods, more than their own interests and the pull of the world or others, I will say to them: 'my son', or 'my daughter, come enter into my spiritual presence, and pass through this gate. Follow the path that I will lead you on to eternal life!'

I will then accept them into a much closer spiritual relationship with me. They will begin a more rigorous journey where they will be led onto the strait and narrow path that leads to the fruit of the tree of life. I will be with them in every time of trouble along their journey. At the end of this journey, I will introduce them to our Father and Mother, at the tree of life.

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi states that "the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and the Holy Ghost." (2 Nephi 31:17). To pass into the actual white gate where we have just entered, I judge more of God's children than receiving the outward ordinance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I watch how they have taken upon themselves my name, and how sincerely and obedient they are to follow me in their life. I see how quickly and diligently God's son or daughter listens and obeys our Spirit. At a certain point, I invite them into this white gate that represents a much closer relationship to me for our faithful children.

I then bring them symbolically to this straight and narrow path where I will further prove them to see if I may elect them into my Church of the Firstborn, and grant unto them eternal life.

2 Nephi 31:19-20-

"And now, my beloved brethren (and sisters), after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

Raphael, it is after our son or daughter presses forward, walking on the straight and narrow path, all the while feasting upon my words and my guidance in their life, and holding onto the rod of iron (my gospel standards), that I will bring them forth from that straight and narrow path to the tree of life. Then will I say to them that they shall have eternal life! Then will their calling and election be made sure! Then will I appear finally to them, and introduce our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to them. Our son or daughter may then figuratively and in reality come to the tree of life and partake of its beautiful white fruit that is so delicious to the soul!

The journey to the tree of life is the way that our Father and Mother have ordained for everyone of their beloved children to travel on to where they will receive eternal life, even a glory in the celestial worlds!

2 Nephi 31:21-

"And now, behold, my beloved brethren (and sisters), this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." (parenthesis added by Jesus Christ).

I thanked my blessed Redeemer who stood in great majesty before me! He was filled with compassion, for I saw in his eternity eyes so much love and desire to guide and uplift all of us, God's children, along our journey. He pointed his hand to the tree of life at the end of this path in front of me. I turned and looked and saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the canopy of the tree of life in the distance!

I then embraced my Redeemer, and he embraced me! He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have already promised you eternal life and your exaltation! You have walked the straight and narrow path already. I have introduced you already to our glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Come now with me, and let's join them under the canopy of the tree of life!'

We then were instantly in front of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the tree of life! They were smiling at their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and at me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, only by unshaken faith and trust in our Son, Jesus Christ, may our children come back into our presence as have you. Come now and partake of the fruit of this tree of life which is symbolic of partaking with us of eternal life and exaltation!'

I then reached above our heads and plucked a white, shining fruit of the tree of life. I ate and was filled with great joy and light!

My vision then ended, and I was back on earth recording all of this in my journal. I thanked my Gods for this beautiful detailed explanation of the way that the faithful may receive eternal life. I humbly closed my prayer. I then reread my journal entry, and felt it was written just as I received it tonight."


2 Nephi 31:20
20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

95K2-95K9: "Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, your Father shared with you last night how important faith is in exercising our thoughts to act. We continue to exercise our faith continually in all of our actions. Faith is often described in the scriptures along with hope and charity:

D&C 18:19-

"And if you have not faith, hope, and charity, you can do nothing."

You understand how critical faith is to all action in intelligent beings, but what about hope? Hope has been described for the faithful by Nephi:

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. . ."

Hope is centered in Christ, with anticipation of eternal life.

Alma 13:29-

"Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."

When our children are able to lay hold upon the idea that they may progress and live in a happy, eternal state, even in eternal life, this hope is very motivating to their desires to persist in the path towards eternal life. It is hope that propels them forward in faith to do what they need to do in order to attain eternal life. They act in small steps towards their overall objective, in exercising their faith, being motivated by hope.

I like the phrase "having a perfect brightness of hope", for this is how our faithful believe and act. If there were no hope in our children, they would have no motivation to persist in faith, and therefore would take no action. Hope, coupled with strong faith, always produces action and improvement when focused on works we direct our children to accomplish.

Even after we ordain our children to be Gods, and ordain them with power to act like we act, the new gods need to act in faith and hope. These two attributes continue to propel them forward in all their actions.

Raphael, you have hope that all of the promises we are telling you by revelation are true. You act in faith, riveted by the hope swelling in your heart that they are true. As you move forward and progress, one step closer at a time, you are encouraged and generate more hope and assurance that you are on the correct path that leads to your own exaltation. You believe and hope that you are acting in harmony with our will. We give you more and more light and love to continue to feed your faith and hope. Soon your hope becomes a perfect brightness of hope!

Even now, Raphael, I am filled with hope and assurance that you will be motivated to do all we encourage you to do. I see your faith and hope growing stronger with each day. This confirms my own hope that you will press forward and attain all we command and encourage you to do!

I also have great hope in our holy angels-all of them! I see them acting in faith and hope to accomplish such great actions, even as we reveal to them! I desire each to press forward in hope, acting in faith, even until they fulfill all of our commands!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words on hope! I told her that I am continually motivated by hope in being with them and my lovely wife and family in eternity and all the faithful. I am filled with joy and happiness that rewards my efforts!

She then pulled me forward to a standing position and then she lovingly embraced me! I felt her great love and acceptance of me! I felt her great hope and assurance I could and would be really able to do all that she and Heavenly Father asked of me! I too was filled with greater faith, hope and charity.

I then immediately came back to my own mortal conscious mind. What a great message I received today from my Heavenly Mother on hope! I closed my prayer and got ready for work."

131H8-131H24: "Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are very pleased to reveal to you every aspect of godliness, of our life and our truths! We will give you revelation upon revelation, as fast as you can receive these. You are enlightened and filled with the light of my presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost in its fullness. There is no greater light that mortal man may receive than the fullness of the light of the Holy Ghost!'

I then paused to look up in the index to the triple combination under 'fullness' on my digital cellphone, and found one reference to the 'fulness of the Holy Ghost, given by Joseph Smith during the dedication of the Kirtland temple (see D&C 109:15).

D&C 109:15

"And that they may grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing

Heavenly Mother spoke to me again: 'Raphael, the fulness of the Holy Ghost is to receive my glory and light, even as you are receiving from me today. It is to receive the brightness of my glory, to have the feeling of my intense light of the Holy Ghost penetrating into you in every part of your being. This light is so intense and full that it passed entirely through you and you felt a very transparent feeling. You are pure before me, for without being pure and holy, cleansed by the sanctifying blood of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, you couldn't withstand my glory. You are not quickened anymore by me, but have become fully cleansed by the Son, even your great Redeemer. Therefore, you can endure my presence, and bask in my intense light!

We desire all of our children who are elected by Jesus Christ to receive the fulness of the Holy Ghost. This is not an ordinance, like the gift of the Holy Ghost, but the receipt of my very presence in my glory and fulness. It is a capstone of our blessings upon our faithful in their progress and enlightenment to receive all from us, their Heavenly Parents.

In the beginning of this eternity, your Father and I determined that I should be the Holy Ghost to our beloved children who would come to mortality. I was to be a witness to the faithful, and a comfort to all who sought us, their Heavenly Parents. We planned that the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost would be received by ordination, by the laying on of hands by one in authority, to do so. I would then be always with my faithful, being next to them in the higher celestial realms, unseen by them but felt by the perceptive and faithful. I would be a guide to them in their daily mortal life.

Once our children had proven themselves by their faithfulness and diligence, then your Father and I decided that Jesus Christ, our future great Redeemer for all of our children, would be the one to accept them and qualify them into our Church of the Firstborn. This would be an election he would make. At or around that same time, he would reveal himself to them, and then soon introduce our faithful child to their Heavenly Father and me, one at a time. We would continue to love them, and openly begin teaching and leading them more fully in their life. We would begin revealing to them gradually all of our mysteries of godliness, our eternal truths. In time, as they proved faithful, I would give to them an experience where they would receive the fulness of the Holy Ghost. This gift and revelation is what you have received a number of times recently, and have recorded this experience in your personal journal each time I came to you in the fulness of my light and glory. You have described the sensation of being transparent, with my intense light of the Holy Ghost passing into and through you in every part of your being. You have also described the feelings of acceptance, love and joy come into you that accompanied my light.

This great gift, the fulness of the Holy Ghost, comes from me directly to each of our children who, in the mind of your Heavenly Father and I, have pressed forward in diligence and faithfulness.

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

In the beginning, we decided that the Father would announce to our faithful the promise of eternal life as described in this scripture. I would later bless them with the fulness of the Holy Ghost, which blessing you received again today. I may bless our faithful repeatedly with the fulness of my glory, as often as I desire.

Raphael, there have been very few who have already received the fulness of the Holy Ghost. However, we desire each of our faithful to receive this great gift from me in their journey and progress towards eternal life and exaltation.

My Spirit of the Holy Ghost fills my child with joy, hope and love. They are thereby encouraged by me to continue to press forward, with an eye of faith, even to the end. I encourage and strengthen them frequently with my intense light of the Holy Ghost.

We have created an actual area in our celestial orb where our children may experience a pattern of their journey to their own eternal life with us, their Gods and Heavenly Parents. This is located to our north, near our temple.

The area I speak of begins with the white gate. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, is the keeper of the gate and he alone stands ready to accept our faithful onto the path that leads to our tree of life. The tree of life, and its precious fruit, represent our child's final eternal state of exaltation and eternal life. The path from the white gate to the tree of life is narrow and allows only one traveler at a time. We also provide a rod of iron on which to grasp and hold onto tightly, for there may be many mists of darkness and treacherous pitfalls along the way. Ultimately, however, our chosen son or daughter reaches the tree, having pressed forward in great diligence and effort. Those who make it to the tree of life become gods, even couple gods before us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, for they have been proven in all things along their journey. They have taken my Holy Spirit for their guide and some have received even the fulness of the Holy Ghost along the journey. What a boon and a blessing to our traveler to the tree of life!

We adapt this area between the white gate and the tree of life to the individual circumstance and mortal experience of each of our children. Each one who travels the path has a unique experience. This ability is only possible because we are the Gods who have this power, and also because this area is in our celestial orb. We have had all of our faithful children from our past eternities also pass through this journey from the white gate to the tree of life. Each one of our faithful received a unique journey, tailored just for them, based on our plan for their mortal and post mortal experience in their quest for eternal life and exaltation. We still have many in this current eternity who will yet travel the path towards the tree of life and partake of its precious fruit and leaf.

Raphael, there have been few who have thus far received a fulness of the Holy Ghost in this current eternity. However, now is the day and into the millennium that I will greatly increase my great gift upon my faithful children. Millions and millions will yet receive of the fulness of the Holy Ghost, even as you have received again this morning from me. Oh, how I love to pour out my abundant light, love and acceptance upon our faithful and choice sons and daughters.

I bowed my head in reverence to my glorious Heavenly Mother who had just revealed again to me some of God's greatest mysteries from the heavens! I feel so grateful and honored, so loved and blessed, to receive all she, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ have given to me in such abundance."

100B11-100B18, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, this morning your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Tonight I wish to speak to you about repentance. This is listed as the second principle of the gospel (see Article of Faith 4).

We want our children who come to earth for their probationary experience to be humble and open to change. Many are born into situations that they have no control of and learn habits and patterns of living that do not lead them to us. We therefore want them to change and repent of their past actions and habits. They need to recognize the great need for them to change their ways, in hopes of pleasing us, their Gods, and in becoming forgiven and clean of all sin. This is all possible through the great suffering of our great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. He alone may forgive them, for he has taken upon himself their sins and has fully paid the price of punishment so that justice may be satisfied. He then may accept the sinner and forgive him, on his own terms. If they humbly ask him, and do what he asks of them, then he will forgive them freely. They then don't need to suffer for their own sins, since he has already suffered for them.

Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, is full of mercy and love. He needs some verifiable proof that our children are sincere in wanting to change, repent, and obey our commandments.

Raphael, you have fully been redeemed by the great Redeemer, Jesus Christ! Because you have repented, he has forgiven you and made you clean on the merits of his suffering for you. You are now clean and pure so that you may come back into our presence. We may then speak to you and bring you back into our celestial realms.

It is a great experience to be blessed to be again in our presence again, even while you are in mortality!

Repentance means a very deep and sincere desire and effort to change. Once you know what you need to change, you act humbly for the strength to change and begin acting differently. This usually comes in small steps, a little at a time, here a little and there a little. As you desire to change and seek help from God, we come and strengthen you to make a little change. Then you gain more confidence and assurance so you can change more. Thus, by degrees our humble, open and determined child receives forgiveness, strength and added confidence to continue.

The sacrament serves as a way for our children to become incrementally forgiven and boosted in their trek towards coming back into our presence. Once Jesus Christ proves our children by their repeated desires and efforts to change and come unto us, he will let them know that he has fully forgiven them of all their sins. He then, or soon afterwards, elects them into the Church of the Firstborn. They then are candidates for this celestial church. They have been gradually brought to this place of cleanliness. These are our elect of God!

At this point, our elect should follow the instructions of Nephi:

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

Once these, our children, are elected by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son we will then give him/her a promise that their election into the Church of the Firstborn is made sure:

D&C 131:5 (modified in parenthesis by Heavenly Father)

"The more sure word of prophecy means a man's (or woman's) knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy Priesthood (or the power of the Holy Ghost)."

We, who are their Gods, will confirm to them by revelation that their calling and election into this Church of the Firstborn, even to eternal life and exaltation, is sure.

Repentance and change is a vital part of the journey, until they are able to land their souls in the kingdom of God (see Helaman 3:27-30).'

I felt very gratified to have been ransomed and forgiven of all my sins and weaknesses. I am so inordinately glad to be cleansed and brought back into the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, through the merits and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son!"

162E5-162E13 : "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, last night you prayed and received my comfort before going to bed. You asked whether S.A. was the angel of peace, which I confirmed was true. All of our angels are angels of light, which means our light shines from them and illuminates their beings. This is the light of God that now enshrouds you.

Some of our angels have a specific mission or assignments, unique from others. These we have revealed to you in part, and reveal to those who have received these assignments. We will continue to reveal all things gradually to you and to our servants.

Mary Ann asked more about her pursuit and desire to see our faces more clearly, rather than through a glass darkly, like the scripture in 1 Corinthians 13:12 refers to:

1 Corinthians 13:12-

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

It is very necessary to connect to one's unconscious mind, even in a quiet and meditative state, in order to initially break through the fog or like the glass that prevents our mortal child from viewing us face to face. Our mortal children are used to seeing through their conscious minds, with their physical eyesight. However, spiritual things are perceived and seen unconsciously, with spiritual perception and spiritual eyesight. This is enhanced by our Spirit, or our light that comes upon our humble and open child.

Were you to gaze upon me this morning, with your spiritual eyes, you could see me, my face, my eyes, my robes-all enveloped in my glory and light. You hear my voice that speaks to you in your mind, coming into your thoughts clearly. This is all common for you now, and is very real. You have developed the spiritual skill to hear us and connect into your unconscious mind where you receive these things.

In the process of learning this skill of spiritual perception in mortality, we require our child to be quiet and meditative, and seek us with all their hearts. We gradually reveal more and more, even as our child is persistent and open to our promptings and follows what we inspire him or her to do. The more our child consistently does this, pushing to perceive more, the more we open to him/ her. This is not imagination, but a gradual awakening to viewing us, his/ her Gods, and are seen and perceived in the higher spiritual realms.

We love our children to "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." (2 Nephi 31:20). They shall also be rewarded along the way in seeing and perceiving us, their Gods, more and more clearly, and in developing greater and greater spiritual perceptions, even in the mortal mind as their unconscious mind becomes more open to them. We gradually lift the veil that blocks the unconscious minds of our mortal children from their darkness.

These things are all real and true! We will carefully lead and gently guide our elect children to us, to help them receive more and more, even as they press forward in diligence and faith.'"

178C4-178C11, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, we allow our beloved children who make a covenant of obedience and sacrifice when entering into Zion, to continue to choose what they wish to do. Agency is always a continual blessing in their lives. Some who live in Zion may choose to not be valiant or press forward to eternal life and exaltation. Others will press forward in the energy of their soul to the lofty goal and objective of fully repenting of their sins, becoming forgiven and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and coming into the Church of the Firstborn. Once their names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will eventually be exalted and become a God.

There will be those in the terrestrial world who are not admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. These will not have qualified by their actions and efforts to be accepted by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. Most of these who don't qualify will be good people but not valiant in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

These are those who have received of the presence of the Son, but not the fullness of the Father. (D&C 76:77). They will be living in the terrestrial mortal earth, and Jesus Christ will reign personally upon the earth. They may at times see him, and will be subject to his reign. However, they do not make the extra effort to come unto him with a broken heart and contrite spirit, pressing forth with faith and diligence to be fully accepted and proven by him, to warrant him to bring them into the Church of the Firstborn. They will live and die terrestrial individuals.

Raphael, S.A. wrote to you this morning about the terrestrial elect and the celestial elect. When we choose our elect to come to Zion, it is not a guarantee that they will be exalted. They need to "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: ye shall have eternal life." (2 Nephi 31:20).

I would prefer not using the word "terrestrial elect", but just elect to describe those who are brought into the terrestrial mortal earth in the millennium. The elect are chosen at the beginning of the millennium as those who will be allowed to come into the terrestrial mortal world and Zion. This is not an approval that they will also be received into the Church of the Firstborn where they will be guaranteed a place in the highest heaven. They still need to show forth great effort in pursuing eternal life by their godly actions and daily living. It is only after they pursue this, and press forward in great diligence in their lives, that Jesus Christ will have proven them worthy of entry into his celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn. Once Oriphiel records their name in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will be promised eternal life and exaltation.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words this morning. This cleared up a misconception in my own mind that I hadn't really thought out in detail. I told him I loved him, and would pursue my course to eternal life, in all diligence.

He then assured me that my salvation in his kingdom was made sure. He then rose up in the air and left my side. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

Email from S on 11-11-2020:

"Hi R!

I'm doing well. I enjoyed reading this post, is there a previous post where I can read more about the difference between the celestial elect and the terrestrial elect? I think it's interesting to contemplate the difference, it seems hard to wrap my mind around the concept that some righteous in Zion will not desire the higher celestial laws. I understand all are seeking light to the level they desire, but in a Zion society I imagine everyone wanting the greatest blessings of all.

Sending my love, S""


2 Nephi 31:21
21 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.

130F4-130F31: "My Heavenly Father then came in a column of light from his temple, just like he also arrived to me last night! He was bright and shining to all the region round about. I felt his light and the feeling of love come into me. However, this light did not pass through me, but stopped inside of me. It was not like the intense light of the Holy Ghost, from my Heavenly Mother that entirely passed through me so that I had a very transparent feeling. Nevertheless, I was filled with light, love and clarity from my Heavenly Father's light.

He then spoke: 'Raphael, the light from my being is the light of my Holy Spirit. This is less intense than the light that comes to you from your Heavenly Mother, who sends forth her light of the Holy Ghost. We have agreed, prior to this eternity in which you live, that she would be the one to send forth the intense light of the Holy Ghost to our children, and act in that role. I was to shed forth the Holy Spirit to our children, as well as our Beloved Son once he were to become a God, ordained to use our power. In all cases, the intense light of the Holy Ghost comes from your Heavenly Mother in this eternity. We all three Gods have power to do this, but she is the one designated to do so.

Your Heavenly Mother also has such tenderness and love that she has developed since we met and married on our own mortal earth! She loves so deeply our children, from our own that were born to us in our mortal life together, to the billions of children in each eternity since then. Her love flows in abundance from her very being, coupled with the intense light of the Holy Ghost. In every way, she is the perfect Holy Ghost to our children!

Nephi of old spoke of three distinct Gods whom you worship:

2 Nephi 31:21-"And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end, Amen."

We are one in purpose and doctrine, and do all our works in transparency before each other, for we are one. We witness and testify of each other, for we know all actions and intents of each other, for we are the three Gods of the world upon which you stand, and are fully united as one.

Our individual roles are different, but our purpose is the same. When we interface with our children, we act in our individual roles. Your Heavenly Mother is the mother of each of our children, and has born each one from her resurrected and glorified body. They grew in her as spirits, from my holy seed in her womb, and were shaped and formed by her, each unique and our beloved child.

Once our spirit child was born, Immanuel being the very first one born in this eternity, she nursed and nourished each with great motherly care and tenderness. They grew under our constant care until they were of full stature as our spirit sons or daughters, in our very image! Their eternal intelligence filled the spirit body we created from elemental matter, to form a unique and beautiful child who looked like either your Heavenly Mother or me, a female spirit daughter or a male spirit son of God! They were destined to one day become like us too, as a God. The choice, however, was entirely their own, for they could choose their own path and determine their own future. We, their loving Heavenly Parents, would continue to nurture, comfort, inspire, and direct them in the ways of our gospel, and encourage them gently to follow our ways.

Our elect children are those who choose to follow our promptings and directions we give to them. I speak to our sons and daughters with my Holy Spirit, as does Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, for this eternity. We have also called this spirit the light of Christ, for it is the same light we receive from our first parent Gods who create if from elemental matter and send it forth to all of their creations. Your Heavenly Mother also receives this same light, and sends it forth with much more intensity and we call this the Holy Ghost, or her Spirit. We speak to our sons and daughters in the flesh through our Holy Spirit, the light of Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which is all light, coming from our first parent Gods.

We couple with this light our thoughts, words, feelings, and everything we wish to communicate or share with our beloved children. Our elect hear our voice of the Spirit, and then keep our commandments by obeying what we ask of them. They all have agency, or the power to choose, but our elect make time for us in their lives, and choose us above the world. Our elect will fulfill their destiny to become like us, their Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, to become couple Gods in eternity! They will receive a fulness of joy, and fulfill the very measure of their creation in the day your Heavenly Mother and I chose and created them.

When light comes into our galaxy and into the very presence of your Mother and I, we shed this light forth upon all of our creations. We have chosen Immanuel, our Firstborn Son, and have channeled this light in abundance through him. We chose and named him to become Jehovah, our chosen Great Redeemer. He in turn was sustained by our light and power we funneled through him. He was the promised Messiah and Savior of the world!

When he came to earth he was born as Jesus Christ, and fulfilled his mission to redeem all mankind who would come to him, accepting him as their Redeemer and personal Savior. It is through Jesus Christ that all of our other children come to us, their Heavenly Parents, for they each need the great cleansing and merciful power of our Beloved Son. Once clean and pure, he may introduce them again to us, their loving parents. We will then receive them with open arms, leading them gently through our Spirit like we have always done since their birth as spirit children to us.

If our children hearken to our voice, and keep our words and commandments, they will receive the Holy Ghost as their constant companion! This is the very presence of the Spirit of their Heavenly Mother! What a comfort she is to each of our faithful sons or daughters in their trek back into our presence! She, like no other, may lead them tenderly, caring for their every need and want, with her accumulated love and wisdom from the ages, and from her knowledge of how she formed them and birthed them, and what she envisioned them to become. She is the ideal one to nourish and guide them constantly in returning back into our holy presence!'

Heavenly Father was then crying for joy, for the wonderful companion he had in his loving wife and companion, and in her tender role as the Holy Ghost to their children! I saw his tears, and knew immediately from his Spirit why he was crying.

At that moment he turned towards the temple in the stance, and another beam of light burst upon us! Heavenly Mother, in her beauty and great glory, stepped forth from the light, came forth and embraced her husband, my Father, and kissed him tenderly! My heart melted and I too burst into tears, for such a tender moment I had never witnessed!

When my Father and I had regained some of our composure, Heavenly Mother turned to me, with her eyes also moistened, and spoke:

'Raphael, you have witnessed our deep love we share together! Oh, how we love and cherish each other!'

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were then holding hands and held each other with their other closest arms around each other. They were both facing me.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, stand and join us in a Godly embrace!'

I stood and came before them. They then each let go of their hands, and wrapped their free hands around me! They each kissed me and cried again, as did I.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have felt and received the love of God in abundance this day! You are our beloved child, as are each of those we created and I birthed in our very image. Oh, we desire our children to become like us, for this was the very purpose in their creation! For those who are true and faithful, they too will have a very intimate and full Godly embrace with their Father and I, like you have experienced today.'

At that time, in our embrace, with their loving arms around me, I felt her intense light of the Holy Ghost beam into me and through me. We seemed like a bundle of intense light, so filled with love for each other. I will never forget this amazing moment!

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then dropped their hands and both stood before me. They looked behind me, and I turned to see what they were looking at.

My Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, was standing behind me, smiling. I turned and faced him. He was full of light and deep love and acceptance that flowed into me. I looked into his very compassionate eternity eyes, and knew he had fully suffered for all my weaknesses and sins, and freely forgiven me of them! I knew that I was clean only because of his merits, and not my own.

He then stepped forward and embraced me and kissed me on both of my cheeks! I started crying again for joy.

Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, you are clean and pure before us, your Gods! You are fully redeemed, and brought back into our presence. What our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have shared with you today is all true, and you have written their words in your journal correctly.

We want a tender moment like this for each of our faithful elect sons and daughters of God. This event will deeply impress them and motivate them to continue to be true and faithful to the end, regardless of the trials of their journey back into our presence.'

My time with Jesus and my Heavenly Parents started to fade, and I found myself writing in my bedroom in my journal. I immediately thought of this scripture;

1 John 4:7-11 "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.

In this way manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another."

I feel so weak, because of my mortal weaknesses, and yet I feel so strong because of the love of my Father, Mother and my Great Redeemer Jesus Christ! I feel somewhat I think like Nephi-"He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh." (2 Nephi 4:21).

I closed my morning prayer with such gratefulness for the tender mercies and love of God that have been poured out upon me so abundantly today!"

185J2-185J18: "I knelt in the center of the grove and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

He came and stood before me, a little elevated in the air. His robes were exceedingly white and shining it seemed to me. I gazed into his kindly face and into his eternity eyes. He had a great feeling of peace and serenity about him.

He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you are able to view and perceive in my mind my peace and serenity, in your mind's eye as you are now doing, you may be assured that you are in my presence. You cannot perceive this feeling and view without being before me.

This view comes to you in your unconscious mind which you may perceive even in your mortal mind in your quiet and meditative states. You are now in this state of stillness and meditation where you may perceive and even view these things in your mind.

Since your Heavenly Mother and I are by your side continually, what you need to do to behold our faces is to slow down your life to the point where you enter into this prayerful and meditative state. You may be able to do this even during your mortal day, even in the midst of other events and activities. This takes practice, and it requires you to slow down and concentrate in your mind what you desire to behold, even our faces and presence. In this way you will know and be connected to us, your Heavenly Parents, at all times.'

I then asked my Father if I had to possess the greater priesthood which "holds the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God" (see D&C 84:19).

I said that I had read D&C 84:21-24 the following:

"And without the ordinances thereof (of the higher priesthood of Melchizedek), and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifested unto men in the flesh;

For without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live.

Now this Moses plainly taught to the children of Israel in the wilderness, and sought diligently to sanctify his people that they might behold the face of God;

But they hardened their hearts and could not endure his presence;"

Heavenly Father responded to my question: 'Raphael, you live in the day when my higher priesthood has been restored to the earth, even through Joseph Smith my seer. You have been ordained to my priesthood and it is active in you. Therefore you may, as you are open and diligent in seeking to behold my face, see me even as I am.

The children of Israel hardened their hearts and would not seek my face. They did not pray to me in faith as they were instructed to do, and would not even get in a quiet and meditative state so that our Spirit could lead and guide them. They did not follow the admonition of their priesthood leader Moses, but allowed their minds to continue to grovel in the mortal cares of their day.

In your day, with the priesthood active in your life, and upon the earth, we again are extending to everyone of our chosen elect, the opportunity to progress in their lives and to ultimately behold our faces, even the faces of God. This applies to every one of our elect sons and daughters. We will gladly lead each one along to one day come into our presence and behold our faces. We will reward their diligent effort in pressing forth in faith to invite us into their lives. We will sanctify each one, through the merits of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who will cleanse them and bring them, when they are proven ready, into our presence. They then will behold our faces even as you behold me today.

We will lead our faithful elect, even as we have led you, into our presence so that they too might have us continually by their sides. They too will need to quiet down their mortal lives, be diligent in meditation and prayer, and rend that veil that obscured their unconscious mind. Once they come into our presence, we will lift this veil and allow them to see us even as you see us. At first, it will be like seeing "through a glass darkly" (1 Corinthians 13:12), but eventually "face to face".

Once they are privileged to view our faces, they will feel the great light, peace and serenity that comes from us. This will be a witness to them that they are truly in our presence, and will assure them that what we communicate to them is from us, their Gods.

In this way their faith will grow by degrees, even until their faith and assurance becomes sure knowledge. Then, were we to ask them to do something in our behalf, they would have the faith necessary to activate our power and authority to have it be done, even according to our will. This is the state that some of our ancients arrived at when they could command the elements and nature, and they would obey their commands.'

I then gazed upon my Father in my meditation and in my prayer. I paused from writing, and just sought to muster and sharpen my vision so it became clearer. My Heavenly Father had all the time needed for me to survey him with my spiritual eyes (see Moses 1:27-28), and gave to me of his Holy Spirit so that these channels of sight could be more clear to me. I particularly was drawn into my Father's face, where I beheld him smiling. I loved his eternity eyes that were so deep and full of peace and control! I felt his peace, love and acceptance flow into me with the light that came from him. I felt very complete and whole, like I was doing what he wanted me to do, and becoming more and more one with him.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, what you are experiencing is part of the process and path we want each of our elect sons and daughters to have. We want them to press forward in faith "with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope" (2 Nephi 31:20). In this steadiness and increasing faith, they may be led to behold our faces and ultimately to have eternal life.

This is the true path and process:

2 Nephi 31:21

"And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (who is your Heavenly Mother), which is one God, without end. Amen." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).'

I continued to look upon the face of my Heavenly Father. I then realized I was in my private room, still beholding his face before my mind, in a sort of visionary view. He smiled again and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus. Even after I closed my prayer, I could still see him before me, in my mind's "spiritual" eye. I felt his peace still in my heart."

197K16-197K20: "He spoke: 'Raphael, we have proven you over the years in your faithfulness. You have been chosen and redeemed by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Your Heavenly Mother and I have called you as one of our servants with whom we interact with in building the New Jerusalem, and in being our archangel prophet in these last days. We have ordained you to reveal our many revelations to our elect. This will be after we have brought them to Zion and the New Jerusalem. We also have revealed to our multitudinous celestial elect our revelations through you, our mortal spokesman.

Raphael, we will reveal ourselves to our chosen elect once Jesus Christ approves them and redeems them. He will then bring them into our presence, even as he has brought us to you in April 2013. Since that time, we have revealed ourselves to you because you have so diligently sought us, with a humble heart and an open mind. We will do so for any of our children on earth who follow the example that you have set, and who seek us diligently.

Once our elect come to the New Jerusalem or cities of Zion, they will need to conform to the higher laws of the terrestrial world. However, to come into our highest celestial realm, they will need to press forward in faith and diligence:

2 Nephi 31: 21-22

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen."

Raphael, the words of our Son Nephi, son of Lehi, are true, even today. This is the way to receive eternal life, and to have a close relationship with us, their Gods, even in mortality. This applies whether in the telestial or the terrestrial realm.'"

89E4-89E7: "Q2: 'What exactly are Father's and Mother's commandments? Are they the Ten Commandments given to Moses? If so, is honoring your Father and Mother referring to our Heavenly Parents?' A2: 'The Ten Commandments are basic commandments we had our Son, Jesus Christ, give to the house of Israel in the wilderness (see Exodus 20:1-19). When in the flesh, Jesus Christ also gave the Beatitudes (see Matthew 5-7). Lastly, Jesus Christ summed up all of these commandments in John 15:12 "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."

These are all the basic commandments. In addition, Jesus gives to each of our sons and daughters commandments individually for them. Once these children are proven and tested by their faithfulness, he introduces them to us, their Heavenly Parents. We continue to lead and guide our sons and daughters.

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

2 Nephi 32:5-6

"For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.

Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do."

Also, honoring your father and mother in the Ten Commandments refers to your earthly parents. One may not even like their earthly parents, but they have given you life and brought you into the world and raised you. This love and sacrifice requires that you give them honor and respect.'"


2 Nephi 32:2-3
2 Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?

3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.

144A11-144A23, from Heavenly Mother: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received an email from R.S. today. He asked what was the true meaning to speak with tongues (see D&C 46:24). I would also like to address when the scriptures mention "the tongue of angels" (see 2 Nephi 31:13).

I am the Holy Ghost among my children on earth. I dispense the gifts of the spirit to my children D&C 46:11-12, 26--

"For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man (and woman) is given a gift by the Spirit of God.

To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.

...And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, I give to our children various gifts. There will be a time when I bestow the gift of tongues on large groups of our children at the same time who come from various lands. This gift will enable our people Israel to communicate with each other when these groups all are assembled in your land, prior to and during the building up of Zion.

My gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues will enable my righteous children on the land to hear the words of those who don't speak their same language, in their minds, and in their own language. This gift also will enable those to read scriptures or your words in their own language and understanding. The words will be in English and not yet available in their own written language. Conversely, their records will be available to you and others who don't read or speak their language.

These gifts are available to my children, as I desire. However, I more freely dispensed these gifts among those who are our terrestrial elect, for they have been chosen of the Father.

Moroni 10:7-8,15-16

"And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for (God) worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, (and women), the same today and tomorrow, and forever.

And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto man, to profit them.

...And again, to another, all kinds of tongues;

And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of diverse kinds of tongues." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Your scriptures and your words, Raphael, will be written in the languages of those who come, and their scriptures, particularly from the lost tribes of Israel coming from the North, will be translated into English. Those who translate these records will have my gift of the interpretation of tongues. When these records are finally published in their native tongues, then will my gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues also be removed. By that time, many will also speak English or the language of those who come.

For some, like you, the angels, and those who come to the New Jerusalem temple, I will bestow the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues during the entire millennium. There will be no language barriers in our celestial holy temple!

Whenever we send our angels to minister to our children, they speak to them in their own native tongue. This is called the tongue of angels. The gift of tongues is when one speaks in their own native language, and the one receiving is able to interpret it in their own native language, in their minds. The gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues work in harmony in this instance, so that both understand each other, and both are edified and uplifted by my Spirit, even by the Power of the Holy Ghost.

When angels minister and speak to our children, they speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the language of the one receiving the message. The angel is on the errand of God, and is our conduit and servant, and bears our name and power of delivery.

When one speaks by tongues of angels, the power of the Holy Ghost, my power, delivers the message by the Holy Ghost to the hearts of the men and women who receive it.

2 Nephi 32:2-3

"Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?

Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."'"


2 Nephi 32:3-5
3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.

4 Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.

5 For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.

125A4-125A10: "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we teach our children many truths through the trials they experience. Often the hardest trials or experiences in mortality create the greatest growth and understanding in our children. You saw a portion of an online video of those who overcame cancer and near death. They did dramatic changes in their diets and mental state in order to do this. This severe trial had taught them so many lessons of healing their bodies. Likewise, your effort to deal with trauma from the injury of your son on his LDS mission in 2010 has been a journey that has been difficult but taught you so many truths. We use dramatic changes in our children's lives to teach them our truths that they could not learn in any other way.

You have been actively learning about and taking supplements for improvement in your brain cognition. This has been teaching you how to heal and strengthen your overall body health. We desire that you continue energy testing natural remedies from local plants and those you can purchase that will continue to boost your health and immunity to disease and body deterioration. It is in this way that we will have you attain a higher state of health and wellbeing. We are not going to magically transform your body for your future work and mortal translation without your concerted effort to change your diet and lifestyle. In the process of your learning, you will attain a much greater awareness of how to naturally heal the human body in its mortal state. We desire you to continue to study and test remedies for brain function and overall body health and immune strength. If your physical body is strong and robust, you will have the natural ability to resist the many plagues, diseases and hardships that will soon come upon humanity. Share what you learn with others so they too may make changes in their diet and lifestyle, as they may feel impressed.

In all things, we are pleased when our children press forward and take charge of their own health and not just wait for us, their Gods, to heal them.

D&C 58:26-30

"For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.

Who am I that made man, saith the Lord, that will hold him guiltless that obeys not my commandments?"

We desire that our elect children are proactive, taking steps to increase their own knowledge and grow in skills that they may need to be more effective servants to us, their Heavenly Parents and to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We will guide them by our Spirit, but they need to take the initiative to learn, act and grow.

2 Nephi 32:3-5

"...Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what you should do.

Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.

For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do."

Also 2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.""


2 Nephi 32:6
6 Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh, the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do.

105C7-105C14, from Heavenly Mother: "Raphael, you have wondered why your interaction and direction has been coming from your Heavenly Mother and myself, and not from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. You have read in the scriptures where all of the interactions with the prophets have been through the Son, and not the Father. However, now both your Heavenly Mother and I come to you twice a day.

Raphael, the angels of God of which you are one, have interactions directly with us, their Heavenly Parents. This group receives almost exclusively their directions from us. Once Jesus Christ accepts the other elect, he in turn introduces them to us, their Heavenly Parents. They too then may receive their directions from us, once Jesus has redeemed them and brought them to us.

Previously, the prophets and writers of your scriptures have reported their revelations and directions coming from Jesus Christ. Few have been able to come into our presence, even of the holy prophets while in mortality. Therefore, Jesus Christ has continued to speak to them and give them revelations.

Our plan, however, is for Jesus Christ to fully cleanse and redeem our children and then to bring them into our presence, like he did for you. Once we receive them, they then receive their guidance primarily from us, their Heavenly Parents. We are now having many of our children break through this veil of unbelief and come unto us, their Gods, with great faith. Jesus, our Son, has been introducing many more to us recently, ever since the world is transitioning to its terrestrial state of glory. These who are coming unto us are our initial leaders, angels and servants, to help the remainder of the elect find their way, through Jesus Christ, to us, their loving Heavenly Parents. We have asked all of these to record their experiences in their private journals so that these records may one day help those who will follow.

Our son Nephi, the son of Lehi, wrote about the process of following Jesus Christ, the doctrine of Christ. This is in 2 Nephi chapters 30 and 31. There Nephi states this:

2 Nephi 32:6-

"Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself to you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh, the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do."

This manifestation of Jesus Christ to our elect is a personal experience they receive while in mortality. It is like what you received at the beginning of 2013. It is a spiritual manifestation from Jesus Christ, and a witness that our child is clean and accepted before their Savior. He then may choose to introduce us, both their Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, to him or her. Once he does, then we, their Heavenly Parents, develop a reconnection with our child. We then lead them, as they are open and receptive to our promptings and directions. These are the things Nephi referred to in this verse that our child should then observe to do.

Raphael, you live in this day when our celestial heavens are opening up to our elect children who dwell on the earth, in a great outpouring. All may receive our presence as they first humbly come unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He redeems and cleanses them, and then brings them to us. We are thrilled with the prospect of so many of our noble children awakening to us and partaking of our great revelations, even while in their flesh.

These are the times looked forward to by all the holy prophets! They saw these times, at the beginning of the millennium, when our manifestations and revelations would be poured out upon the righteous who truly were humble, open, and sought us diligently. Raphael, your awakening to us has been the start of all of this great outpouring of light and truth upon our faithful!'"


2 Nephi 32:7
7 And now I, Nephi, cannot say more; the Spirit stoppeth mine utterance, and I am left to mourn because of the unbelief, and the wickedness, and the ignorance, and the stiffneckedness of men; for they will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be.

175C21-175C25, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that I have given you successive visions to your unconscious mind today. You had a quick glimpse of these when you came before me tonight, but they have already departed your conscious mind. I will reveal them to you before they happen, when I will. When these come to you again, I would like you to record these in your personal journal.

Nephi came to the nearby high mountaintop when he saw his vision of the promised land in 1 Nephi. He saw more than he recorded, for some he saw in his unconscious mind but was forbidden to write (see 2 Nephi 32: 7).

You also will see many things, but we want your record to go to our faithful elect who will read and study our words through you in the terrestrial world. They will be open and sufficiently believing to ponder your words and to pray to us of their authenticity and truth. We will confirm all of our words to our faithful elect who prayerfully ask us to confirm by our Spirit if they are true.

In Nephi's day, many of his people and those who later read his words in the Book of Nephi would "not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be." (2 Nephi 32: 7). Many have believed his words, but many rejected his words also.

We will have your words, Raphael, reserved for those of our terrestrial elect and our celestial servants and angels. They will not reject your words, but will seek to understand our truths that we reveal through you. The telestial and the wicked will never know about them, for they would reject your record.'"


Jacob 1:8
8 Wherefore, we would to God that we could persuade all men not to rebel against God, to provoke him to anger, but that all men would believe in Christ, and view his death, and suffer his cross and bear the shame of the world; wherefore, I, Jacob, take it upon me to fulfil the commandment of my brother Nephi.

Sun, Nov 30, 2014
To "view his death" requires visualization, something God wants us to develop and do regularly.


Jacob 2:27-30
27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;

28 For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts.

29 Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes.

30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.

Thu, Mar 28, 2024
The command from the Lord is to have one wife only, and no concubines. This is the unalterable law of God. In eternal celestial relationships, there are no polygamous relationships, but only one husband and one wife.

In verse 30, the Lord is not clear how he might raise up the seed of the faithful, but I believe he will never depart from the law of marriage with one husband and one wife. He might command his people to have as many children as they can, in a monogamous marriage relationship, and this would be commanding his people to raise up seed to him.

50K6, from Heavenly Father: "Q- Do any of the Gods live in polygamist relationships? A- No, for that is forbidden that a man should have more than one wife in eternity."

51N3-51N7: "Q- If polygamy is against the laws of heaven, why did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and others of the Old Testament practice this? Was this acceptable to God? A- From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, my servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived in a time when the culture fully accepted multiple wives. This degenerate practice was one of many that existed at that time in the fallen telestial world in which they lived. They did not inquire of me, in this one thing, but followed the culture. The concubines were given to these men by their wives to create posterity for themselves-it was the custom. In this practice too, they didn't inquire of me, but followed traditions of the day. Had they inquired by prayer, I would have instructed them in the true order of heaven.

Jacob received his wife Leah by the treachery of Laban, his father-in-law. Jacob's intention was to marry Rachel, not Leah. He also did not ask of me what to do when tricked by his father-in-law. There would have been a different outcome had he asked of God at the time.

In these cases, I suffered the practice of plural marriage to continue, down through the generations because of the customs and traditions of the fallen world in which these men and women lived. This was also true in the times of David and Solomon, and others in the Old Testament times, and again during the administration of Brigham Young and those who followed. These practices were tolerated by your Heavenly Mother and I, but were never inspired in the first place by us. We allowed them to continue for a time until the culture changed and events changed the practice.

We still love those who practiced polygamy, but have never condoned the behavior of having more than one wife at a time. It is not what exists in eternity, but is only a practice which happens in the telestial world, a place of testing and where Satan influences people to sin, and confuses them with dogmas, which are not of God. Such has been the case of plural marriage. Satan is the author of it, and his whisperings have tricked many in this fallen world.

When a man and a woman are sealed in the Church of the Firstborn, there will be only one spouse for each. All this will be reconciled by those who enter into the rest of the Lord.'"

51Q10: "Q- If there aren't plural marriages, are there an exact numbers of righteous male and females to match up as heirs of the kingdom? A- From Heavenly Father:

'Yes, there is ultimately an exact match of male and female couples who become as we are, from this eternity. We planned this from the beginning, knowing the future of all of the intelligences we created as male spirits and female spirits. This foreknowledge of God is difficult for you as a mortal to understand. However, we could see the free-will choices of all of our children, even before they were born to us in the premortal life. We chose an even number of male and females who would ultimately be sealed as an eternal couple in the eternities.'"

83F2-83F3: "'Raphael, yesterday at your Father's day party, the conversation turned to the practice of polygamy, or plural marriage in the LDS Church. This topic often creates lots of anxiety for members of the church. Your oldest son said it was a dark mark for the church, and that most organizations have situations like this. His wife said she thought it might be a higher law. Your other daughter-in-law was very defensive, saying the members of those days needed to strictly follow the prophet, whatever he might have said. You were feeling incredulous of how blind she was in believing that all she had to do was to follow the prophet.

Raphael, when one thinks deeply of polygamy, and sees the contradictions, with an open heart and mind, this stirs wonder and questions. However, many members don't address this and other topics since it is hard to reconcile, unless they shelve the idea and do not face it, believing the prophet is infallible and won't lead them astray."

153G1-153G7, from Heavenly Father: "I received a question a day ago from MA that she said Heavenly Father wanted to answer through me. Here is her question:

Q: 'Jacob 2:30 "For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." Question: when in history has God made such a command and given a man more than one wife to raise up seed? Heavenly Father said to ask through you.

This is being studied this week in "Come Follow Me." '

I had this question in my mind. I read parts of my post 51 where S had asked a similar question before. In post 51N2 to 51N7 this was answered by Heavenly Father. In 51N6 he said "(We) have never condoned the behavior of having more than one wife at a time. It is not what exists in eternity, but is only a practice which happens in the telestial world, a place of testing and where Satan influences people to sin, and confuses them with dogmas, which are not of God. Such has been the case of plural marriage."

I came this morning to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I felt confirmed in my mind that the answer back in May 2017 in post 51 from my Heavenly Father was given accurately to me. This has been nearly three years ago. I was pondering this while kneeling by the water. I then saw a brilliant light reflected on the water, and looked up to the skies. I saw a person come from above me, shrouded in light, descending gradually upon the waters! Soon Heavenly Father was standing in front of me, a little elevated above the waters! He was smiling and full of light.

He spoke to me:

'Raphael, what I spoke to you in May 2017, and what you wrote in your post 51 is accurate. Jacob, the brother of Nephi, also lived in a fallen telestial world. I gave him through Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, what you now read in Jacob chapter 2. We were not wanting to reveal the full doctrine of the incorrectness of plural marriage in the Book of Mormon. When Mormon abridged this record he placed Jacob's record that Jacob himself wrote on the small plates in front of the plates that Mormon abridged. The original revelation to Jacob remained which states that if we were to raise up seed, we would command it. We never had any intention to have seed raised up by having the men of our people receive more than one wife at a time. This practice was abominable before us (see Jacob 2:24), and we did not want that righteous branch of Joseph who came to the promised land to begin practicing plural marriage like those of old (see Jacob 2:26).

We therefore allowed that the Book of Mormon to come forth with the ambiguity of the way Jacob 2:30 reads, so that our future Latter-day Saints would be tried and tested when the practice of polygamy was introduced by Brigham Young. We wanted our people to come unto us their God, and inquire of us directly whether to follow their leaders or not. The practice of plural marriage is not of God, neither in your fallen telestial world nor in eternity. In the eternal worlds, the Gods consist of one man and one women, who are sealed for eternity as a couple God, to rule and reign forever.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words! I never knew that Jacob 2:30 was ambiguous on purpose, so that the Latter-day Saints could be tried and tested to see if they would inquire themselves of God. He would then be able to reveal to each man and woman his own will, even as he states in that scripture. The revelation whether to take another wife would not come from a leader but from God himself to the one who should pray about it. If that man never sincerely prayed about taking another wife, but only followed his leader, he would be condemned in following false counsel. Conversely, if the woman who was asked to be a plural wife also didn't pray to God about this decision, she too would be condemned if she followed false counsel from her leader"


Jacob 2:30
30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.

Sun, Mar 24, 2024
See my note in verse 27 above.


Jacob 3:7
7 Behold, their husbands love their wives, and their wives love their husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children; and their unbelief and their hatred towards you is because of the iniquity of their fathers; wherefore, how much better are you than they, in the sight of your great Creator?

Thu, Mar 28, 2024
If there is love in the family, between husbands, wives and children, how can we think we are any better than that?


Jacob 3:8
8 O my brethren, I fear that unless ye shall repent of your sins that their skins will be whiter than yours, when ye shall be brought with them before the throne of God.

Thu, Mar 28, 2024
The curse of darkness on the Lamanites was in part a dark skin (see 2 Nephi 5:21-25 describing the cursing). When they became righteous, their skin became white, and no longer became loathsome to the Nephites (see 3 Nephi 2:15).


Jacob 4:8
8 Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God.

Thu, Mar 28, 2024
Truths from God have to be revealed, for it is impossible to dream up or find out all God's ways.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I also feel joy in coming to you like you have joy in being in my presence! I may direct any amount of light to wherever I wish. I can control the intensity of that light by my thoughts. I may also send particular emotions or feelings along with that light. I may also send my thoughts, even as I communicate to you now my words into your mind.

Whenever we create or heal something or someone, we also direct our light in the process of revamping or arranging the very elements to create or heal, which for us is the same process. For me, it is as easy to create a new arm as it is to heal the arm that is broken. When we do so, it is to create to its normal size and strength that normally would be in the being that needs healing.

You attended a Primary program at church last Sunday where the children sang "I Believe in Miracles." Some may feel this is wishful thinking and that our children are being brainwashed with false ideas. However, whenever we create or heal something that is broken, we are performing a miracle, particularly for those in mortality. For us in our celestial realm, we create and heal our creations as we desire in any of our realms, and it is a normal process for us as Gods. There are steps and processes we use that are understood by us, but not by others who are not in our position as a God. We create or heal by our intention, by the directed thoughts of our mind, and it is done. To us, all such things are possible, just like for you it is possible to walk or move as you desire, all directed by your thoughts and intentions.

When Jesus Christ was living in mortality on earth, he had been ordained as a god, having our power of creation and healing. He also gradually experienced this power in his mortal body, for he grew from grace to grace (see D&C 93:12-14). He also perceived gradually his full combined mind, conscious and unconscious, during his ministry. He gradually gained full recall of his premortal experiences in his life. He was able, because of these things, to have sufficient faith and power to heal the blind and sick, and even raise the dead. We gave our Beloved Son this godly power in his flesh because of his very important calling as the Great Redeemer.

When you are ordained as a god one day in the future, you will be endowed with the power to create, heal, and perform all sorts of miracles. However, to you this process will become very natural, just as easy as it is for you now to walk. Our future children, like you are now, will need to depend upon your power to heal them. For them, this will be a miracle, for in their realm and of themselves, they will have no power to create or heal as do the gods.

We as Gods are able to see equally clearly the past and future as we do the present. We may therefore arrange events to happen in the present according to our foreknowledge, a power also of God. Usually we let things and events happen as we see them unfolding in mortality, unless our purposes would better be met by orchestrating the lives and circumstances of our children on earth. We watch and observe carefully all they do, act and think, so we may know how valiant they are in obeying and responding to our Spirit we send to them. This is the main purpose of earth life, in addition to receiving a physical body.

We hear and answer the prayers and inward desires of our children who ask of us, their Gods, even as we desire. We can perceive and understand the thoughts of our children in mortality. We communicate to them in the transfer of our thoughts to them by our Spirit which is our directed light, thoughts and emotions.

Jacob 4:8

"Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God."


Jacob 5:1
1 Behold, my brethren, do ye not remember to have read the words of the prophet Zenos, which he spake unto the house of Israel, saying:

Fri, Mar 29, 2024
108F26-108G11: "I knelt where I was on the overlook, wondering what my Heavenly Father was planning to show me. Heavenly Father then appeared at my side. He said he was understanding of my frustration in understanding Jacob chapter 5, the allegory of the olive tree, given to Zenos, the prophet (see Jacob 5:1).

Heavenly Father said he wanted to show me part of this long allegory, the part that pertains to my day. He said that this was all about the house of Israel, and how it had seasons of being righteous or wicked. The house of Israel had many of God's elect who were born into its lineage or baptized into its numbers. In my day, the house of Israel was mostly in a state of wickedness. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, come with me to the nearest olive tree!' I stood and together we came to a mature olive tree in the green field below us. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, this tree represents the house of Israel in your area.

You can see that some of these branches have tame olive fruit and others have wild olive fruit. The tame fruit is larger, firm, and will produce good tasting olives. The wild fruit is small, deformed and will not taste good. These all are growing on this one olive tree. The tame olive fruits are analogous to the elect of God, whereas the wild olive fruits are those in the church and culture of religious organizations who are not righteous in their personal lives. They would like others of the tree to think that they are righteous, but inwardly they follow Satan and love the things of the world.

We may nourish the tree with fertile soil, water it well, and let the sunshine of our countenance shine upon it. The tame olive fruit flourish under such conditions! The roots of the tree bring forth the nourishment into the branches, leaves and fruit. However, for wild fruit, they do not accept this nourishment to themselves, thinking they know better how to thrive. They take upon themselves a semblance of religious practices, but inwardly love Satan and wickedness more, or the sins of the world. They are hypocrites, outwardly feigning to be religious or pious, but in their personal lives they are selfish, take advantage of others, and have secret sins they hide. Their motivation to remain in religious circles is to get gain or to feed their pride.

Our method in these final last days is to prune the olive tree of the bad olive branches as the good grows. The bad branches and wild fruit are cast aside and later will go into the fire as the strength of the good fruit gains a stronger hold and helps sustain the olive tree. Soon the bad will all be discarded and our olive tree, or the house of Israel, will all consist of the tame olive fruit, or the elect of God. This entire fruitful good tree will proceed into the days of the millennium and produce good fruit during the 1000 years of peace.

In the process of strengthening the tree and causing more tame olive fruits to grow, I have called my Son, Jesus Christ, to assist me. He, in turn, has called many other servants who are specifically called to gather Israel (see Jacob 5:61-62). These are our heavenly servants we employ in this last hour of work before the second coming of Jesus Christ. These servants include translated and resurrected individuals who work for their chief servant, Jesus Christ, who reports to me, the master of the vineyard or orchard. (see Jacob 5:7,10) These servants are not the angels, for they receive their directions and commandments from your Heavenly Mother and me directly. These servants who serve Jesus Christ include the 144,000, the people of Enoch, and other servants we call to gather our elect from all the earth. The servants bring these elect to the safe places and here they will be able to move forward into the millennial day (Jacob 5:75-79).'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for making the basic message of the olive tree allegory become understandable to me. I thanked him for showing me this current state of the house of Israel, which has now mostly wild fruit, but will transition to having all good tame olives in a day ahead.

Heavenly Father said I needed to absorb what the scriptures described about the olive tree allegory and what he instructed me with tonight. He asked me to come again to this olive tree tomorrow morning for further instructions. He then left my presence. I knew my prayer was completed so I thanked him in my mind again and ended my prayer.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 21, 2019, Monday

I came again to the olive tree where I had been instructed last night by my Heavenly Father. This tree looked gnarled and old, like it had been around a long time and had seen lots of different conditions. I saw the branches more closely too-there were only a few tame olive fruits on strong branches, but mostly wild poorly shaped and smaller off colored olives on the weaker branches. A few branches looked dead.

The soil around the tree had recently been shoveled it seemed, with rich compost added. It had recently also been watered, for the soil was moist. The sun was shining above. What more could God do to nourish the tree I wondered?

Heavenly Father then appeared as I was examining the olive tree. He spoke: 'Raphael, let's look more carefully at the roots of my olive tree!' He put his hand on my shoulder and I then could easily "see" the roots, or perceive the strength of the olive tree roots. I saw this, not with my spirit eyes, but with my spirit sense. All the roots seemed strong and were thriving. They were soaking up the moisture and rich nutrients from the surrounding soil and were bringing this nourishment up the tree to the branches that were living. I saw that the tame olives took full advantage of all the nourishment that the roots provided. Their branches were strong and healthy.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'The nourishment from the rich soil is from us-Jesus Christ, Heavenly Mother and me. We bless the tame olive fruits with our sustained Spirit that we continually bless them with. We promise them our Spirit as they are open to our promptings and change their lives to conform to our commandments. The wild fruits, on the other hand, are not receptive or open to our Spirit. They reject our gentle guidance and will not be nourished by our Spirit that we openly make available to them. They, instead, want to be carnal, sensual and devilish inside. They think, too, that they may hide their true motives before us and others, but the astute can see that they are wild and not tame. Some of these are even the leaders in religious organizations that try to sway their congregations to be less valiant or to live false teachings that serve only themselves.

Heavenly Father then reached up to a recently dead branch. He commented: 'Raphael, here is a branch with some wild fruit that has slowly withered from lack of nourishment. These withered wild olives are representative of some of the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They claim to be guided by us, and to receive from us, their Gods, but they have no more nourishment from the roots, from our fertile soil and water, that we have provided to the tree.'

Heavenly Father then took a saw from his pocket and sawed off this dead branch. He threw it aside on the ground. He found a few more dead branches and sawed them off too and threw them on top of the others. 'Raphael, these dead, dry branches do not serve well our tree, but encumber it. The tree will do better without them.' When done pruning, Heavenly Father had 4-5 branches piled on the ground. I then saw Jesus come up to the pile of dead branches, with a few of his servants, and pick up the branches. They took them to a large pile of dead branches and refuse to our east, in the green field. There were withered wild olives and leaves on these dead branches.

I looked again at my Father. He spoke: 'Raphael, some may wonder how their leaders could possibly have gone astray and misled them. They need to realize that they themselves may receive personal revelation, direct guidance from us, their Gods. Then they will not be led astray by their leaders. They need to be open and receive the abundant nourishment that flows all around them. If they are wild or partly wild, they may change this by accepting fully our teachings that we give them by personal revelation and through our Spirit that will help guide them gently along. They need to drop the fear of man, the cultural religious dogma and patterns of worshipping, and come unto Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. We will then give them full access to our spiritual guidance, our nourishment from the roots of the tree, as they are willing to receive.'

I asked: 'Heavenly Father, when will the dead branches in that pile be burned?' He responded: 'Raphael, when all the olive trees in this area have been nourished, digged and pruned, then the pile of dead branches will be very large. These will then be burned by the Son, even my servant, your Savior, Jesus Christ. Let's go forward in time and watch!'

Heavenly Father took my hand and we came again to the overlook near the green hill. We could clearly see three olive trees in the green field. They looked vibrant and strong. There was one large pile of dead limbs in the center of the field, away from the trees. I then saw Jesus Christ with his servants in the field. He spoke to them and they all arose up into the sky above the field, to be with him in the clouds of heaven. He then stretched forth his hand over the field, above the pile of dead branches. This pile suddenly burst into flames and burned completely to the ground! Jesus then descended with his chosen servants to be with his olive tree.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, as the tame olive fruit of the trees ripen, they are harvested. Then will they "have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard." (Jacob 5:75) I perceived that the trees in the green field below flourished, for they were in the season of the millennium. 'Raphael, if our angels and any of our elect children wish to see these same things that you have seen, they may come to the overlook here, or to our trees in the field below. They will see at first the olive tree ladened with wild olives, with a few tame olives, as you saw in the beginning.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful visions from last night and this morning! I told him I understood the meaning of the olive tree allegory so much better now. I said I would not so much be bothered by all the grafting episodes in Jacob chapter 5, but realize that the real message is what he had shown to me. Heavenly Father acknowledged that my perspective was accurate by smiling and nodding at me. He then ascended up into the air and was gone. I too departed into my adjacent room where I had written all of this down in my journal. I reread my account and started my day. I feel it is accurate and a true account of what I have seen in my visions."


Jacob 5:41
41 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard wept, and said unto the servant: What could I have done more for my vineyard?

175B16-175B21: "Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, our son, the very most important issues of all our vast creations are those affecting our elect sons and daughters in mortality at this time on earth! We may have all details planned out how to respond to the events of your near future, but our children may still respond how they choose to our efforts to help and bless them. Some of our elect will hear and obey, and others will not at first. We are doing everything in our power to teach and prepare them to receive a new world that they will soon come to. We continually ask ourselves "What more can we do?" in our efforts to bless, protect, teach and prepare our terrestrial elect sons and daughters on earth.

Isaiah 5:4

"What could I have done more in my vineyard (the house of Israel, see verse 7), that I have not done in it?" (see also Jacob 5:41).'

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you had a question or wondering about how the telestial or wicked will never even be capable of viewing the island of the New Jerusalem, nor the cities of Zion that will surround her.

These evil men and women who will seek to destroy our peaceful land won't be able to even locate these Zion places. Were they to bomb or invade, that would be in the telestial world or sphere which is entirely separated from the higher terrestrial sphere. They might know our Zion settlements are in the center of the land, but they will be powerless to enter.

Nonetheless, we still will protect the New Jerusalem with walls, gates, a mighty river of water, and guards. These will act as a second defense, in addition to being in a higher realm of glory with a protective veil. These guards will verify that those who are our elect have their hearts prepared and their minds in tune with the laws of Zion. Were there some who are not yet prepared, they may be turned away for a season until they become sufficiently humble and receptive to all that they will receive and be taught in our glorious land of Zion.

The evil and those without a broken heart and a contrite spirit will never come into the borders of Zion, the place of the pure in heart.'"


Jacob 5:61-66
61 Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

62 Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard.

63 Graft in the branches; begin at the last that they may be first, and that the first may be last, and dig about the trees, both old and young, the first and the last; and the last and the first, that all may be nourished once again for the last time.

64 Wherefore, dig about them, and prune them, and dung them once more, for the last time, for the end draweth nigh. And if it be so that these last grafts shall grow, and bring forth the natural fruit, then shall ye prepare the way for them, that they may grow.

65 And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of my vineyard.

66 For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; wherefore ye shall clear away the bad according as the good shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard.

127H4-127H12: "Heavenly Mother then immediately appeared on my left side! She too was facing the field and the olive trees. She was looking at them when she talked to me:

'Raphael, the angels of God are among the servants that we have called to labor together to save the natural or tame fruit of our olive trees. Now the entire vineyard of trees are all wild, and it appears that practically all of the olives are also wild on our trees.

Jacob 5:61-66

"Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard.

Graft in the branches; begin at the last that they may be first, and that the first may be last, and dig about the trees, both old and young, the first and the last; and the last and the first, that all may be nourished once again for the last time.

Wherefore, dig about them, and prune them, and dung them once more, for the last time, for the end draweth nigh. And if it be so that these last grafts shall grow, and bring forth the natural fruit, then shall ye prepare the way for them, that they may grow.

And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof shall be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of the vineyard.

For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; therefore ye shall clear away the bad according as the good shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard."

Raphael, this is the precise time in which you are now living! The good are beginning to grow by degrees in our vineyard, the house of Israel. We cannot reveal yet to them the glorious revelations that we have revealed to you, and yet will reveal to you and our other servants, for this would overpower them. We need to be careful to gently nourish the faithful, line upon line, here a little and there a little, and thus gradually let them absorb our truths slowly. This is what the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob 5:66 means, "that the root and the top may be equal in strength."

Thus, by gradual and careful means we will inspire our elect to accept more of our words and to gradually realize that their wild tree does not provide the nourishment from us their God. This means that our elect, the natural fruit of our vineyard, need now look to us, their true masters of the vineyard, and not to establishments of men that have had their beginnings from us, but now are wayward and teach for doctrines more and more the ways of man. Our once true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is now no longer supported by us, for we no longer are giving the central leadership our revelations, nor do we inspire or direct them.

Our truths and nourishment will now come directly from us, through our Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, and through our angels and servants of God from higher spiritual realms. We will gently lead them to us, so that they don't become overwhelmed with too much nourishment all at once.'

Heavenly Mother then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, we desire that your revelations which are and will become very great, are gradually introduced to our faithful, by degrees. We will show you how this is to be done in the future. You are doing well now to write all of our words and have them typed up, put into sequential web posts, and also indexed. The full availability of your records will not be revealed to our elect as a group, for this would be overwhelming and cause many to reject all of our revelations. Instead, we will gradually reveal our words through you by degrees.

We love our elect, those tame olive fruits that we need to gently nourish. Tell our angels and heavenly servants to strictly follow all our directions as they nourish and prune the olive trees of our vineyard!

Jacob 5:72

"And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things."'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her commentary and revelation on these words in the scriptures, on the olive trees in Jacob 5. I said her words were delicious to me and I would obey all her and Heavenly Father's directions and commandments!"


Jacob 5:61-62
61 Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

62 Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard.

Fri, Feb 2, 2024
The last time that the vineyard will be pruned is after the destructions, when the New Jerusalem is in place, and translated beings (144,000) are sent worldwide to gather the elect. We haven't yet reached this time. It does not include the current missionary force of 18-25 year olds that the LDS church is now sending to the nations. These missionaries are young and not translated, and are not able to do this work like is described in these verses.


Jacob 5:65-66
65 And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of my vineyard.

66 For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; wherefore ye shall clear away the bad according as the good shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard.

133E5-133E11, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, what you have written in your personal journal about the great millennial day this morning is true! Our children on the terrestrial earth will all worship Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother and me at that day. None will be lost, just like occurred shortly after Jesus Christ came among the Nephite nation:

4 Nephi 1:2-3: " And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.

And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift."

For the Nephites and the Lamanites, they followed the gospel teachings for nearly two hundred years, even with Satan trying to tempt them and lead them astray. In the nearly thousand years of the millennium, the people will also choose us their Gods. They will have no desires to contend or dispute with each other, for all will be made free and will be partakers of the heavenly gifts provided by Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. They too will have all things in common even as did the Nephites during this righteous era.

We will still judge our sons and daughters who live, based on their actions and the desires of their hearts. In their case, during the millennium, they will all choose us their Gods, and all be made partakers of the heavenly gifts of God. When they have been proven by their life-long diligence to us, then Jesus Christ will accept them into his Church of the Firstborn. You will then receive them into this celestial church with Oriphiel, in the New Jerusalem temple. Our holy angels will administer to them the ordinances of eternal life also in that temple. Great will be the outpourings of truth and light upon our people in that day, for they will all choose us their Gods!

Raphael, look now into the waters of this dessert oasis.'

I then looked into the crystal clear waters of the oasis. I could see the entire bottom of the large pool of water, with the light that shone from my Heavenly Father and because of the exceptional clarity of the water. It was like the water wasn't even there, and like it was only a depression in the land!

Heavenly Father spoke again-'In the great millennial day, our elect who dwell on the earth will be receptive, clear and even transparent, allowing our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost to illuminate them, to fill them, and even pass through them as you have experienced. They will be like these crystal clear waters in this desert oasis. Our holy light will enlighten them and we will lead them to all our truths, for all things will be revealed to our children in that day. How can we withhold from them the truths of God and of the universe if they accept all and are eager to receive more?'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his remarkable truths he shared with me today! I feel so blessed to have received the promise to labor for these choice sons and daughters during the entire millennial day!

Oh how I yearn to be free of the shackles of wickedness that grip this world I now live in! I feel I think like God feels-ready and eager to clear out the bad so that the good may grow (Jacob 5:65-66). I know God has all in control, and will remove the wicked after they are each proven, so that this great millennial day will come!"

177H3-177H12, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to bear witness of what your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night that peace has now been taken off the earth. We have done this by drawing away, in a large measure, our Spirit from the wicked and those who have rejected us. We have repeatedly tried to reach them, but they would rather follow their own paths and not those we have given to them.

By withdrawing our Spirit today in a great measure, Satan will have power over his own dominion with increasing intensity and control. Men and women who are not inspired by us, their Heavenly Parents, or by Jesus Christ, their Great Mediator and Redeemer, will act more and more in ungodly and harsh ways.

On the other hand, our elect will continue to be taught in our celestial realms and their hearts will become more and more open to our truths. We will send our light upon them, comfort them and give them peace in their world of increasing turmoil that surrounds them. We will educate their feelings by giving them the peaceable things of our kingdom.

D&C 42:61

"And if thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things-that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."

We will whisper to their hearts the way they should go. Our elect will hear our voice and keep our commandments.

We will lighten the path that is safe before them, even so that they may see the way to proceed in their life. Lucifer cannot give light, for he has none to give. However, even as you feel my light abundantly coming into you at this time from my being, even so will we illuminate our elect. We will not only shine a light spiritually before them, but we will send our feelings to guide them that will accompany this light. Our elect will feel more and more our holy presence, even while we withdraw our presence from the wicked more and more.

Jacob 5:65-67

"And as they (the branches that bear natural fruit, even the elect of God) grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit (these are the wicked, or the ungodly from whom we have withdrawn our Spirit and who love Satan more than God), according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft (the natural good fruit, or the elect), and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of my vineyard.

For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; wherefore ye shall clear away the bad, according as the good shall grow, that the roots and top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground (the earth that will soon transition into a terrestrial sphere) of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard.

And the branches of the natural tree will I graft in again into the natural tree." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

You see that the removal of the wicked on the earth will be gradual, even as our elect awaken unto God and allow us to fully guide and bless them. In the end, the elect will be saved in the terrestrial world, even in Zion, while the wicked who remain in the telestial world on earth will systematically be removed until all are gone.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and for her abundant light and truth that continued to flow into me!

She asked me to stand, which I did. She then came across the stream and embraced me fully! I felt her abundant love that filled my being! She said she loved me, and that she and Father loved their elect. I knew that they would do all things for the wellbeing and growth of the elect, and lead them gradually to the light, even to be in Zion."


Jacob 5:69-71
69 And the bad shall be cast away, yea, even out of all the land of my vineyard; for behold, only this once will I prune my vineyard.

70 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few.

71 And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.

188C15-188C26: "Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you prune your fruit trees each year to help achieve the highest fruit production and yield possible. You are about to do this for your orchard this week. Some trees require different ways of pruning than other trees. The pruning may strengthen the structure of the trees so that they may support the heavy fruit as fall approaches. These properly pruned trees are also more able to withstand the rigors of wind and harsh weather.

We are about to prune our vineyard, and we will do it only once:

Jacob 5:69

"And the bad shall be cast away, yea, even out of all the land of my vineyard; for behold, only this once will I prune my vineyard."

My vineyard is the house of Israel (see Isaiah 5:7). There are many branches that need to be severely pruned and cast away from the trees of my vineyard. Whether I refer to my vineyard as an olive orchard, or a vineyard of grapes, it has the same meaning. Israel has great need to be severely pruned, and the bad cast away, and the good preserved.

The trees of my vineyard are soon to bloom, and my trees will come out of their dormancy. I need to prune now, even for this last time, before the fruit of my vineyard comes forth in its fullness. I will employ you as my servant, and will also call other servants to prune my vineyard.

Jacob 5:70

"And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few."

In the early days of this dispensation, Joseph Smith was designated as my servant by Jesus Christ.

D&C 103:21

"Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., is the man to whom I likened the servant to whom the Lord of the vineyard spake in the parable which I have given you." (see D&C 103:16)

Zion's camp failed to redeem Zion, and my saints were scattered. However, Zion still must be redeemed, this next time by you, Raphael. We need a mortal man to do so and you are assigned to take Joseph's place. This time, "the redemption of Zion must needs come by power." (D&C 103:15). This time also "Mine angels (even those who are mortal), shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land (of Zion)." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father. See D&C 103:20).

You are my archangel whom I will endow with power and my authority to redeem Zion, and to establish the New Jerusalem on this land of promise. You are my Branch that will build our celestial temple.

Now is the time that your Heavenly Mother and I are hastening the preparing of our faithful servants who will do our great work of nourishing our elect and the pruning of our vineyard. Our elect servants and leaders are relatively few, and much will be expected of each of them. Each will need to pay heed to their Heavenly Mother and me, and do so as we direct them in their individual assignments:

Jacob 5:71

"And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them (our few celestial angels and servants whom we will have prepared): Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish (and prune) my vineyard; for the end (of the telestial mortal earth) is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh (for the new terrestrial millennial era on the earth); and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time (of the millennium) which will soon come." (see also verses 72 to 77; comments in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

In preparation, you and our other celestial angels and servants will need to receive more and more revelations, and will need to know our voice and obey it. You need to "obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things" (see Jacob 5:72) even immediately when Heavenly Mother or I speak and command them to you."


Jacob 5:70-72
70 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few.

71 And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.

72 And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things.

Fri, Feb 2, 2024
I believe this servant is Raphael, and these servants spoken of here are angels and heavenly messengers, and those translated beings who comprise the 144,000 of a missionary force, to bring the elect from all over the world to the New Jerusalem. I believe it does not include the current LDS missionary force now in place. See also my notes in 1 Nephi 14:14.


Jacob 5:75
75 And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard.

Fri, Feb 2, 2024
The Lord is talking to Raphael, the angels, celestial servants, and the 144,000 missionary force and He says to them it is finished. This is the beginning of the terrestrial millennial era. I believe that this is not be the current LDS missionary force since there will be a time when those missionaries will be called home before destructions come to the earth.

See also my note in Malachi 4:1.


Jacob 5:74-75
74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.

75 And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard.

140B9-140B19, From Heavenly Mother: "It is our intention to change the very increasingly wicked telestial world into a terrestrial millennial world. This requires so many sub tasks and much labor for all to be accomplished by our servants and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We have detailed plans that we will share with you and our servants so that all will be done even according to our will. We are orchestrating this last days' work through our noble and faithful sons and daughters whom we will inspire to act and do our will.

Jacob 5:70-74:

"And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few.

And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.

And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things.

And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof.

And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning."

Raphael, in this allegory of the tame and wild olive trees, the good fruit increased and then the bad was cleared away, a little at a time so that the roots and the top remained equal. This gradual method will preserve the strength of the tame olive trees. This is akin to our pure and holy doctrines being preserved and kept alive in the hearts and minds of our elect. As our elect are also gradually transformed into becoming terrestrial, they will find new enlightenment and strength from true doctrine and revelations from us their Gods. The false doctrine and believes, and evil thoughts and practices of their cultures and world will be gradually removed as the wicked are destroyed through war, calamity, pestilence and ultimately the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

We will labor side by side with our holy angels and other servants we have called in our strange work, our strange act. Then, when that glorious millennial day finally comes upon the world, and the wicked are all destroyed, we will reward and bless our diligent servants who have obeyed our every command:

Jacob 5:75:

"And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard."

In these last days we have first called Joseph Smith, Jun. to introduce to the world our glorious truths, and the partial restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was the first servant spoken of in Jacob 5:70 and as explained in D&C 103:21 when we stated "Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., is the man to whom I likened the servant to whom the Lord of the vineyard spake in the parable which I have given unto you."

Since this time, Joseph Smith had died and is now resurrected. In his place, we now have designated you, Raphael, to be our servant in this allegory of the tame and wild olive trees.

In these last days shall then be fulfilled the following scripture:

D&C 103:20-"But I say unto you: Mine angels shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land."

Raphael, you are our chosen archangel to be our servant, to help us direct our great latter-day work through you! You will also build the New Jerusalem temple and establish through our power the Church of the Firstborn. All of our last days servants will come to know that you are our servant in mortality who will assist us in orchestrating our great work, as we enter into the great millennium!'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother before me for her words. I humbly submitted myself to act and do whatever she and Heavenly Father would have me do, in any position that I might be called to serve in. I pledged my diligent effort and actions to follow her and to keep her commandments.

She spoke one last time: 'Raphael, you noticed that when you first came to this field of buttercups, that they followed you with their yellow flower heads where ever you went, just like they later did for me, their creator. You now have our power and authority to act as our servant. Your position is recognized by all in our celestial realms, even with these yellow buttercups. We will continue to inspire you to do our great work to save our elect in these last days!'"


Jacob 5:76
76 For behold, for a long time will I lay up of the fruit of my vineyard unto mine own self against the season, which speedily cometh; and for the last time have I nourished my vineyard, and pruned it, and dug about it, and dunged it; wherefore I will lay up unto mine own self of the fruit, for a long time, according to that which I have spoken.

Fri, Feb 2, 2024
The long time, spoken of twice in this verse, refers to the great millennial era. It is also called the season, or against the season. The fruit in that season that is laid up are the elect of God, preserved for the great terrestrial millennial day of peace and rest.


Jacob 5:77
77 And when the time cometh that evil fruit shall again come into my vineyard, then will I cause the good and the bad to be gathered; and the good will I preserve unto myself, and the bad will I cast away into its own place. And then cometh the season and the end; and my vineyard will I cause to be burned with fire.

108D4-108D10, from Heavenly Mother: "I responded: 'M.A. had asked me in an email how Heavenly Father actually bundles his tares together that he places on that road that will be burned? (see paragraph 107H7) Heavenly Mother replied: Raphael, the wheat and tares are figurative of individuals who are living in your telestial world, our mortal children. Heavenly Father does, however, physically and spiritually, remove the tares from his wheat field and place them on the road that leads to the oak tree to the west. These are plants he cuts with his sickle, thus removing them from their source of nourishment from their roots. This is effectively removing them from the growing wheat, allowing the wheat to gain more nourishment from the soil. The roots of the tares quickly die. Cutting the tares is akin to removing the wicked from the earth in preparation for the millennial day. Giving the wheat more room in the field and more access to nourishing soil is akin to more revelation and personal direction to the righteous from us, their Gods.

When the tares are left to wither and dry on the road, the Father then asks certain of our holy angels to come and bind these tares into bundles. They are given twine that Heavenly Father has made himself in our celestial world from certain of our plants here. This twine is extremely strong so that many tares may be grouped and tied tightly together. They are stacked vertically on the road by the angels of God. Their fate to be burned with fire is thereby assured.

The burning comes after the harvest of the wheat into garners. This too is figurative, but also actually is done by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me. We gather the righteous elect, one by one, into safe places prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We protect and nourish them. When they are gathered, they continue to grow and are still nourished by us, unlike the tares that are bound to be burned. Each wheat and each tare represents an adult individual son or daughter on the earth. The wheat, or the elect, are cared for and receive now most of our attention, whereas the tares have demonstrated by their actions and choices that they don't want any part of our millennial world, or a terrestrial or celestial life.

Once the field is harvested, the wheat is gathered in safe garners and the field and tares are burned. Finally, the field is again prepared and replanted with new wheat. These are representative of those choice children of God who will come forth in the great millennial era. They will grow up without sin unto salvation. See D&C 45:57-58 (Heavenly Mother's comments in parentheses).

"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived-(these are the wheat who listen and follow me, the Holy Ghost, and received revelation and direction from their Gods), verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children (these are the new millennial elect that will be planted in Father's wheat field after it is burned and then prepared for planting again) shall grow up without sin unto salvation. (These millennial children will have no devil to tempt and lead them into sin and wickedness. There will be no tares that will come into the Father's field until the end of the millennium when Satan and his hosts are released again by you, Raphael, for a little season. Then the earth will be burned with fire.)

Jacob 5:77 " And when the time cometh that evil fruit shall again come into my vineyard, (this is another allegory one of the branches of the olive tree, speaking of the time at the end of the millennium), then will I cause the good and the bad to be gathered; and the good will I preserve unto myself, and the bad will I cast away into its own place. And then cometh the season and the end, and my vineyard (this is the same as the entire earth) will I cause to be burned with fire (this fire will be the death of the earth. After this, the earth will resurrect, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.)" See Ether 13:9"


Jacob 6:2-3
2 And the day that he shall set his hand again the second time to recover his people, is the day, yea, even the last time, that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in his power, to nourish and prune his vineyard; and after that the end soon cometh.

3 And how blessed are they who have labored diligently in his vineyard; and how cursed are they who shall be cast out into their own place! And the world shall be burned with fire.

Thu, Feb 1, 2024
See my notes in 1 Nephi 14:14, where the angel told Nephi that the power of God would come upon the saints of the church of the Lamb of God, in great glory.


Enos 1:9
9 Now, it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them.

168H1-168H13: "I came this lovely morning to the southwest side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I desired to talk with my Heavenly Father. I drank some living water from the lake and then knelt off the path facing some trees. I took out my healing seer stone and gazed into it. I felt like I came to the same place I was kneeling, and that Heavenly Father was standing before me!

I pleaded for him to bless and strengthen my children. I named them each one at a time, and prayed individually for them to be strengthened so that they would have power to do according to the true desires of their hearts. I prayed for the well-being of my wife. My thoughts and yearning then extended to my mother and my wonderful siblings. For all of these, I asked that they have the opportunity to be who they really want to be, with their core desires. I asked if my Father would bless and strengthen them.

When I was finished with my pleadings, Heavenly Father smiled and asked me to write his words in my journal.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I will fulfill the requests of your heart upon your loved ones. Each one is in a different situation in their life. They each struggle with normal issues in life and choose what they want to do. Some are more connected to their own desires. Your Heavenly Mother and I watch over them in this, their earthly probation. We will extend to them our love and light, each as they may desire to receive. We will speak peace to their souls and encourage them to be receptive to our direction, which will give them the greatest happiness. We are very aware of each of them, Raphael, and will bless and strengthen them.'

I then asked my Father to bless and encourage the mortal angels and mortal celestial servants. I said I knew these were precarious times we were soon to enter. I prayed for those who support me and receive my emails. I prayed for those who once received and chose now not to receive any more. I prayed for those I don't know yet in the flesh. For all of these I asked that they be blessed and endowed with additional light and love, and guided as much as they would receive. I was filled with desires for their wellbeing. I said I loved all of them.

I finally prayed for my neighbors who were on my street. I asked my Father to help me as I plan to individually visit them, with or without my wife. I prayed that they would be buoyed up in these difficult times.

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, you have felt what my servant Enos experienced for others around him, once he received a remission of his sins, and felt the love of Jesus Christ come into his being.

Enos 1:9

"Now it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them."

Before the great flood, my servant Enoch gathered the righteous from the earth. Those who heard his words and were receptive to my light and Spirit believed and followed him. It was also a time of fear and great difficulty, for so many of our mortal children followed Satan. This was the day of a great division upon the land, even as will happen in your day. Enoch and his people established Zion, the pure in heart, for they desired righteousness, and there was great unity and love among them. Such will also come about in your day.

Moses 7:16-18

"And from that time forth there were wars and bloodshed among them; but the Lord came and dwelt with his people, and they dwelt in righteousness.

The fear of the Lord was upon all nations, so great was the glory of the Lord, which was upon his people. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish.

And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."

Raphael, in your day of wars and bloodshed, of great calamity and tribulations, we will also gather out our elect and protect them. We will send forth our light and love upon them in abundance. We will send forth our many celestial and terrestrial servants among them, hidden mostly from their view, to bring them to our Zion that will again be established on the earth.

In these days of preparation, make time for the lonely and fearing people among you, even in your neighborhood. Write or call those who are your family and friends. Encourage and bless them with your words and love. We will be with you, and extend ourselves to those who are open to our light and Spirit.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would act in Christlike ways as I extend myself to those around me and to those I love."


Jarom 1:4
4 And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
Being proud, or stiffnecked, prevents or greatly restricts the flow of revelation.


Omni 1:17-19
17 And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them.

18 But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates.

19 And it came to pass that the people of Zarahemla, and of Mosiah, did unite together; and Mosiah was appointed to be their king.

103F7-103F11, from Heavenly Mother: "While living in the flesh for our own mortal experience, your Heavenly Father and I were asked by our own Heavenly Parents to write of our experiences and of our impressions and revelations. We did so, and these records of our own journals are now housed in the library on our own celestial earth, along with other records written in our own eternity.

If our people do not record their proceedings, how will the upcoming generations be taught and continue on without these inspired teachings? Remember what happened to the people of Zarahemla that King Mosiah discovered:

Omni 1:17-18

"And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them.

But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates."

Raphael, rather than trying to remember what we say to you, we desire you and our elect to write our words as they receive them. This makes the record more believable and true. You record your account as we reveal it to you. You would not be able to recall all the details of the circumstances and surroundings, nor our words if you were even to write them hours later, for you write them while in your conscious mind, in your mortal state on earth. You also record them in heaven, but these words often contain a different perspective than what you record on earth, not having gone through your mortal conscious mind.

We desire all our elect to write of their experiences in their life on earth and of our revelations to them. They will treasure these records and these will serve to inspire many of their posterity and others as they themselves seek to make sense of their own mortal condition.'"


Words of Mormon 1:7
7 And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
If we live our lives, open and seeking for the workings of the Spirit, God will whisper and direct us to do his will. We don't need to know why, but we may be directed to do things, like Mormon did, for the benefit of future generations, or for us later in our lives.


Words of Mormon 1:11
11 And they were handed down from king Benjamin, from generation to generation until they have fallen into my hands. And I, Mormon, pray to God that they may be preserved from this time henceforth. And I know that they will be preserved; for there are great things written upon them, out of which my people and their brethren shall be judged at the great and last day, according to the word of God which is written.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
With such a prayer, for the preservation of the records for future generations or judgments, God will hear and answer this prayer. It is my belief that once these records are hid up unto the Lord, God protects them by moving them into the terrestrial mortal realms. They therefore cannot be found by telestial mortals unless God desires that they bring them forth, in his own due time.


Mosiah 1:13
13 Yea, and moreover I say unto you, that if this highly favored people of the Lord should fall into transgression, and become a wicked and an adulterous people, that the Lord will deliver them up, that thereby they become weak like unto their brethren; and he will no more preserve them by his matchless and marvelous power, as he has hitherto preserved our fathers.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
When a people fall into transgression, they become wicked and adulterous. Their morality wanes and they live more and more according to the carnal man or carnal woman, after their own natural desires, and not that of God. They then become weak, no longer favored of God. These are the telestial, spoken of in D&C 76:103: "These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie."


Mosiah 2:17
17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
Service and love for others is a fruit of the lives of the righteous. This is how the elect of God in the millennium will act in Zion communities.


Mosiah 2:32
32 But, O my people, beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit, which was spoken of by my father Mosiah.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
It is always best not to contend, but to accept and love others even though their standards or behavior might be less than what we think they should be. A critical nature never does one good, but often leads to contentions and hurt feelings.

Instead we should say and think that everyone may choose what they want to do, and their moral agency needs to be honored so that they may fulfill the measure of their creation and probationary experience in mortality. If we are asked by them for advice, we may carefully give it, all done in love and acceptance. If we are responsible for the training and guidance of another or others, when they are young, or in a congregation where we have been given stewardship, then we may train and teach them in persuasive yet loving, gentle ways. In all of these interactions, we should follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.


Mosiah 2:38-39
38 Therefore if that man repenteth not, and remaineth and dieth an enemy to God, the demands of divine justice do awaken his immortal soul to a lively sense of his own guilt, which doth cause him to shrink from the presence of the Lord, and doth fill his breast with guilt, and pain, and anguish, which is like an unquenchable fire, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever.

39 And now I say unto you, that mercy hath no claim on that man; therefore his final doom is to endure a never-ending torment.

Wed, Apr 24, 2024
Divine justice claims the unrepentant: guilt, pain, anguish, unquenchable fire. Mercy cannot claim that man, but he is subject to a never-ending torment.


Mosiah 2:41
41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

202J7-202J9: "Heavenly Mother then appeared in the fountain of living water, and stepped forth from the water into the air to speak to me. She was shining and very clear and majestic.

She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you have been faithful, and you have obeyed our counsels and not that of men or devils. You have rejected the ways of the world, and clung to our words, and followed exactly what we have directed you. You are our angel of light and our prophet, through whom we will work our great latter-day events. We will call, ordain and commission many more of our faithful elect to help us in this great effort of gathering Israel, our faithful elect, from all over the earth. We will lead those who come to us in humble and open prayer, and bring them, if they are willing, to the terrestrial realm where we have established the New Jerusalem. They each need to follow us and lay aside the counsels and directions of mortal man. They need to confirm all things with us, their Gods, and then we can safely guide them to our beautiful future millennial world.

Raphael, we love each of our children who are in their mortal probation on earth. They will experience more calamity and difficult decisions in their telestial mortal world in the coming days. We will use these trials to help refine them, to guide them into a better world. However, for none of these can we guide and help unless they ask of us, and sincerely are willing to do as we direct them and gently lead them. This is the great day of their choosing whether to follow God or man.

Mosiah 2:41

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God (and not the commandments or persuasions of men). For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven (and brought into the higher realms, even to Zion during the remainder of their earthly days), that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness (and among the righteous elect during the remainder of their mortal days in Zion). O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).""


Mosiah 3:19
19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.

Thu, Apr 25, 2024
To become a saint in God's eyes is not to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but is to put off the natural man and accept the ways of God by listening and following the Holy Spirit. By so doing, the person becomes more and more saintly, or filled with the love of God and the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ then cleanses and purifies this person as they pursue a godly life. He further sanctifies them, making them more and more saintly. The saints spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:12, 14, are these types of people who have rejected the natural man, and gradually become more and more purified and saintly.

69H5-69H12: "Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we watch our children when they think no one is watching them. However, we see all. We see them in their secret moments. We see them often struggle within themselves with temptation from the whisperings of the evil one. There is no sin in this struggle, for how could they have choice without being enticed by the evil one and then by our voice? (see 2 Nephi 2:16-"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.")

At these times, we gently speak to them to choose the right and to honor their higher self and to be strong in being virtuous and obedient. Some of our children linger in their decisions, playing between choosing good or evil. We are so pleased when there is a quick decision to hear our voice and follow our gentle words to their heart and mind!

As we said before, our elect will now be able to detect more quickly the enticements of the enemy of their soul, even Lucifer and his band. Our elect will no longer have internal voices and devices of these evil ones, but will only hear their temptations from without their persons. This greatly lessens the intensity of the temptation and makes the view of the tempter clearer.

Our voice of goodness and peace still comes to these, our elect, in their hearts and minds, internal to their persons. This is how they have always heard us. We haven't changed how we continue to speak to them.

We also send our heavenly servants, goodly spirits, angels, and others to persuade and speak to our elect, as we direct them to do. These are very often instrumental in turning our choice elect sons and daughters to choose us and our happy ways.

When great difficulty comes into the lives of our elect, we will frequently ask our resurrected and/or translated servants to bring the replicated spirits of our elect to Lake Beautiful, to be strengthened by our converted Refugees of Lucifer. This will be so very strengthening to the core being of our elect son or daughter!

In these multiple ways we are blessing and encouraging our elect to stay close to us in this battle for their souls. They won't know how intense the battle is until they see their past life in vision, in a future day. They will then be eternally grateful to us and our helpers to have rescued their souls from the evil one. However, it will have been also their free will choice to have chosen good over evil in their struggles. We are always so careful to preserve their agency and choice.'

I looked to my right into the eyes of my Heavenly Father who was looking into my very soul. I knew he saw all; he saw my personal struggles and weaknesses. He saw me to my core, and smiled. I knew I was so weak in many ways. However, my core being wanted to always be strong and to always follow his ways and directions. I then spoke:

'Heavenly Father, please help me to act with quicker decisions in following thee in my temptations! Help me not to linger long in hearing the tempter's voice or thoughts in my mind and heart! Help me to be strong, to put off the carnal and natural man, and to become a saint of God before thee always! Help me quickly yield to thy enticings and put off my natural man, thereby becoming "as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things" which thou and Heavenly Mother will see to give me, even as a child submits to his father (see Mosiah 3:19-"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.").'

Heavenly Father smiled and said Heavenly Mother and he would make me stronger and stronger, as I listened to their soft, still voice. He said this change into a stronger, more valiant man would happen gradually, until I became the mighty angel they knew I was to become.

We stopped and I embraced my Father, thanking him profusely for his love for me! I felt so strong too, in his presence. I felt his deep strength and power. He is everything that I ever want to become!

I then realized I was back in my chair, writing all this down in my journal!

I then knew Heavenly Father was still by my right side, and Heavenly Mother was on my left side. I was ready now to formally end my prayer. I did so, and then started my day."

83B3-89B12: "I then paused, and Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, we will bless you and your wife with our peace and assurance. Living a service-oriented and productive life brings great satisfaction to the soul, and this is how you both live on the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will help awaken her to us, her Heavenly Parents in our own way and timing. We will bless you both to look on others in the way we see them, as our children trying to manage in a fallen world. We will bless you with more permanent thought control also.

Today I wish to talk to you about the hearts and intentions of our children on earth.

We have been with these our children in our celestial world until their spirits came into their new physical bodies on earth. As they grow up, their remembrance of us, their loving Heavenly Parents fades. They become immersed in their new world and lose touch with their unconscious mind. A veil of forgetfulness comes over their mind and blocks this part of their mind. They live almost exclusively in their telestial, conscious state.

Their heart, however, is still the same, and hasn't been divided as has their mind. Their heart has always been the receptacle of their strong emotions and intentions. Now that they are unaware of their unconscious mind, we see what they really want to do, mostly driven by the intentions of their heart. Once they become adults, and aware that they may choose for themselves without their parents or society watching them, their true intentions in their heart comes to the forefront. They begin choosing what they want to do themselves, independent of another. If they have been loved and cared for with consideration, they have an easier time coming to what they desire to become. Some take longer if their childhood has been more difficult. However, all of our children who become adults are free to choose the way they want to live and act, mostly driven by their heart's intentions.

Some choose to act in kindly respectful ways towards others. Some decide they need to be more self-centered and protective, nearly always thinking of themselves. Some have manipulative behaviors that seem to come naturally, so that they position themselves to always be in control or to have power, as they suppose. Some have no guile, and have no such intentions.

It is only in such a state where their overpowering unconscious mind is hidden that the true intentions of our children's hearts come to the forefront. We are thus able to see what our children really want, and what their core-unmasked intentions are.

We, who are their Heavenly Parents, are able to see these intentions, even when they were in our heavenly premortal life, with their minds fully functioning as one. However, our children don't know until they come to a fallen mortal world what they are really like, and how they will act.

We speak to their unconscious mind frequently, and if they will hear us, this inner feeling or direction will guide them in their life. We are able to lead our children throughout their lives, for they hear our voice and follow our promptings and words, being guided by their conscience. They have power to train and change their intentions if they allow us to lead them. Thus they may overcome the natural man or woman that is part of their intentions. As they follow our lead, the natural man diminishes in their heart. It is gradually replaced with intentions to love, accept and serve other people. Our child begins to have greater compassion and empathy for others. They desire more to bless and enhance the lives of those around them, than their own desires of the natural man or woman:

Mosiah 3:19-

"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

Raphael we have been able to help you train the true intentions of your heart through the loving example of your wife, others around you, and especially our continual gentle promptings. Some people like your wife have a very large heart! There are those whose intentions have always been pure and holy, responding to other's needs and to our promptings. The intentions of your own heart have thus been refined and strengthened, making your selfish desires diminish and eventually disappear. This is what we love to see in our elect children! We then may continue to fill these with more and more of our love and acceptance of others, as they allow us.

Each of our beloved children on earth may choose for themselves what their intentions are, and how they will act. We prompt these and entice them to choose our loving ways, but they of themselves need to choose. In the end, those who manage to fill the intentions of their hearts with Christ like behavior are those who are chosen to come into our Church of the Firstborn. These are those we choose to become like us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!'

I feel in awe of this great discourse from my Heavenly Father! I had no idea what he would say, but as I wrote, his words just freely flowed into my mind! I feel so blessed to receive these words!

I thanked my Heavenly Father before me! I reaffirmed my intentions to always follow and obey what he and Heavenly Mother would show me and reveal to me. He smiled and said these words:

'Raphael, you have correctly conveyed my words in your own words, in your journal today. I am pleased with what you have written. These words will be a great strength and provide guidance for our elect children who will one day read and study them.'"

129C3-129C8, from Heavenly Father: "Raphael, our strange work and strange act we are doing in these last days on earth has no precedence in our dealings with mankind on the earth. Therefore, all the many guesses of our children of how we will do our great work are misguided, for they think from their own perspective and from what they have read in the scriptures and in the historical records.

The great events leading to the second coming are in the spiritual realms of the earth. We are doing our work not through mortal prophets, but through celestial and terrestrial servants and angels. The work of spiritually gathering and protecting our elect will be done in higher spiritual realms rather than on the telestial sphere of the earth. Mankind will not see much of what we do, for we are orchestrating our great work behind the scenes and in secret. They will see the effects of our workings in these spiritual realms, but they will not see what we actually do through our many servants who labor in celestial and terrestrial spheres for the salvation of our elect. For those who only see in the telestial plane, it will look like God does not exist but that man is in control of the destiny of planet earth. The telestial cannot see into the higher, for the higher realms are not visible or understandable to them. However, for the humble and prayerful elect who live in your telestial world, they will know we are near, for they feel connected to their own higher spiritual selves. They have interactions with us their Gods and our servants we send to them to bless, protect and instruct them. They act in faith with a strong desire to believe and trust in their own inner self, and not the natural man or woman [in] this is part of their mortal existence.

1 Corinthians 2:10-12,14-"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

...But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Alma 26:21-22-"And now behold, my brethren what natural man is there that knoweth these things? I say unto you, there is none that knoweth these things, save it be the penitent.

Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing-unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed."

Mosiah 3:19-"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him even as a child doth submit to his father."

Raphael, we therefore select among our many children who populate your earth, a few who are sensitive to their inner spiritual selves, and also put off their natural man, or their telestial perceptions and desires of the flesh. As these humble themselves before us, and exercise faith in us, we will reveal ourselves to their inner soul, and speak to their spirits. If they hear us, we will gently guide them to all truth. They need to humbly and openly accept us, and follow our guidance if they are to receive more. These are our elect that we have chosen out of the world, for they hear our words and keep our commandments. These and their posterity we will bring into a higher terrestrial world of peace and happiness, where the enmity of man and beasts also will cease.

Our ways are spoken to the unconscious mind of man.

Isaiah 30:21-"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

Isaiah 55:8-9-"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."'"


Mosiah 4:12-14
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

13 And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably, and to render to every man according to that which is his due.

14 And ye will not suffer your children that they go hungry, or naked; neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil, who is the master of sin, or who is the evil spirit which hath been spoken of by our fathers, he being an enemy to all righteousness.

184H13-184H18, from Heavenly Mother: "We want you to always be happy and relieved from your worries and anxieties. This does not mean that your troubles will be taken away, but that your ability to place them all upon us, your Gods, will relieve you. We will be your "constant companion, and (your) scepter and unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth (this will be our authority and sureness that we will give to you, because of our constant presence with you); and (your) dominion shall be an everlasting dominion (meaning that you will always be able to be in control of your own emotions, anxieties, and thoughts, even at all times without getting ruffled), and without compulsory means it shall flow unto (you) forever and ever (because we will be by your side and freely give to you during all the days of your probation.)" (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)

See D&C 121:46

It is not in our plan for the temporal existence of our children for them to be whiplashed by the difficulties of living, but that they learn skills to be steady and constant. As you continue to lean upon us, your Heavenly Parents, we will provide to you a sure constancy of guidance and direction, even by our Spirit, that will give you this great steadiness. You will accept what comes your way in stride, and have a great calm and deep happiness that will be with you always.

Mosiah 4:12-13

" And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably, and to render to every man (and woman) according to that which is his (her) due." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).

Matthew 11:29-30

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

See my beautiful buttercups in this meadow. They have no cares, and yet we completely provide for them. We will also provide completely for those who seek us first, and we will be their mentors and their guides throughout their lives.'

Heavenly Mother smiled broadly and pulled me close to her, enveloping me fully in her light and love."


Mosiah 4:17-24
17 Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just—

18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.

19 For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?

20 And behold, even at this time, ye have been calling on his name, and begging for a remission of your sins. And has he suffered that ye have begged in vain? Nay; he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy, and has caused that your mouths should be stopped that ye could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was your joy.

21 And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another.

22 And if ye judge the man who putteth up his petition to you for your substance that he perish not, and condemn him, how much more just will be your condemnation for withholding your substance, which doth not belong to you but to God, to whom also your life belongeth; and yet ye put up no petition, nor repent of the thing which thou hast done.

23 I say unto you, wo be unto that man, for his substance shall perish with him; and now, I say these things unto those who are rich as pertaining to the things of this world.

24 And again, I say unto the poor, ye who have not and yet have sufficient, that ye remain from day to day; I mean all you who deny the beggar, because ye have not; I would that ye say in your hearts that: I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give.

Fri, May 3, 2024
In prayer with Heavenly Father: I read again these words of King Benjamin. I then thought of the beggars I have seen in various parts of cities that I drive in, by the street corners and stop lights. I then thought that these people dress like poor people, but actually have a profession to panhandle off the people. I knew too that this behavior was illegal in our current society but tolerated. Many times as I pass by, I ask in my mind to God whether I should give freely of my substance, or my money, and I have felt almost always not to do so. If I do feel prompted, I usually feel to impart of food, not money.

I then remembered a documentary by KSL News some years ago on several beggars in Salt Lake City that they followed. They actually came in modern cars, parked a ways away from their begging location, and then dressed and acted very much in need on the corner of the street, begging for money. They hid their watches and cell phones from sight so others wouldn't think they were well enough off. They were misrepresenting who they really were.

On the other hand, I want to freely give to people who are in true need, and are humbled and down-trodden by the hardships of life.

I asked my Heavenly Father if I was acting in accordance with his direction, or ignoring the words of King Benjamin.

Here are his words to my heart and mind, written in my own words as I received them this morning:

"Raphael, when you see a beggar on the street corner, or anywhere, ask of me and I will prompt you if you should do anything for them. Your society is very different than that of King Benjamin's day. The underlying principles are the same, that you are all beggars, seeking a remission of your sins from God, and seeking answers and blessings to be poured out upon you.

However, in your day, most are professional beggars, who earn their livelihood off donations spurred by the emotions of the people. They are mostly able to find work like others if they were to apply themselves. Instead, they are often lazy and instead misrepresent themselves as someone in dire need. To these people, we do not expect or want you to donate, for that would keep them in their same behavior and evil habits. It is not right that these type of people panhandle off the people, when they could labor with their own hands for their own support, by the sweat of the their brow as we have commanded. We expect our mortal children to work for their own support, as they are able. If they cannot, then there are generous people, services and organizations to help them, which are abundant in your society. I will also prompt my people by my Spirit to assist them.

More in need than those who outwardly beg, are those who are inwardly in emotional distress, mentally disturbed, or in physical handicapped. If they are truly in trouble, then we will inspire their family and neighbors, or those who might see them whom we prompt, to help them in their troubles. It is to these lowly people that we wish our people to impart of their substance, and to become their friend and support. We wish that there are no poor among our people, and for all to consider the needs and wants of each other, and to care and succor each other. This is how it will be in a Zion society, soon coming upon the earth, lived by our elect whom I have chosen."


Mosiah 4:27
27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

184I15-184I15: "Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, you have been continuing to prepare every needful thing for the days ahead, which pleases us. Everything you prepare in your own stewardship over which you have influence, continues to allow you to become more and more independent. It is our will that our elect continue to become as self-reliant and independent of the society and world in which they now live as they are able.

In 1832 a revelation as given to Joseph Smith wherein our Son Jesus Christ spoke to him about the importance of the Church of Christ, in their day, to "stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world." (D&C 78:14) We wish this to be reemphasized in your day also, for every one of our elect, as they are able. Many have prepared for years with food storage and developing provident living skills, in hopes to be self reliant. The day is soon at hand when goods and services of all varieties will no longer be available. We wish our faithful to continue to prepare every needful thing (D&C 88:119), as they have strength and ability, without running faster than they are able. It is important that our elect do these things in wisdom and order, and are diligent. (see Mosiah 4:27).'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel. I said I would always be in the way of preparation and self-reliance, even in Zion, the New Jerusalem. I said I believed we should do as much as we can do ourselves to sustain and provide for our own. I said I would also share of the abundance she and Heavenly Father bless us with, with our neighbors and those in need.

Heavenly Mother smiled and told me I was correct. She then departed, and I closed my evening prayer."


Mosiah 4:29-30
29 And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin; for there are divers ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them.

30 But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.

126B6-126B8, from Heavenly Father: "Our truths are always taught to our children, accompanied by our light, which enlightens the minds and hearts of our children. Thus if they listen to their conscience, and our still small voice, they will always be led aright, and know what is good and evil.

Mosiah 4:29-30 "And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin, for there are diverse ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them

But this much I can tell you, that if you do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish, and now, O man, remember and perish not."

Moroni 7:16-19 "For behold, the spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ, wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one, neither do his angels, neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully, for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ, that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.""


Mosiah 5:2
2 And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.

57H4-57H14: "Heavenly Mother responded to me. I will write what she said to me, as best I can:

'Raphael, we too are very pleased to be in your presence, and to be before you this morning! You have entered into mortality as all our children do, into imperfect circumstances. Your parents and family had great weaknesses, also inherited and taught from the generations before them, and the culture of the times.

Recall the scripture in Ether 12:27:

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

We persuade our children in mortality to come to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and the Mediator between God and man. He will remove their weaknesses as they humbly come unto him. It is usually a gradual process of change. We give experiences and situations in life to steer them to humility and to come unto their Savior. If they do so, they may leave their weaknesses of the flesh behind them, which may be many, and accept the patterns of a Godly life, full of faith, hope and compassion (see verse Ether 12:28- "Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.").

By this means our children may become clean and pure before us. There are many weaknesses of the flesh they need to remove and replace with our ways of thinking, living and learning.

When they have reached a point of purity and are deemed clean before God, Jesus accepts them as his sons and daughters, for he spiritually begets them (see Mosiah 5:7- "And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters."). This is a mighty change of heart, where they no more have a disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (Mosiah 5:2- "And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.").

If this truly is the state of their soul, they may progress to receive entry into our church and kingdom. However, no unclean thing may enter into our kingdom, for all must be humble and clean before us, as little children. (see Matthew 19:13-14, 1 Nephi 10:21, and Alma 11:37-

Matthew 19:13-14-

"Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

1 Nephi 10:21- "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever."

Alma 11:37- "And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.")

We purposefully give our children who come into mortality great flaws and weaknesses. Yet they need to shed these and become pure and holy, and strong in righteous ways, in order to be brought back into our presence. This struggle and process is the best way we have found to sift those who really want to be like us, and live our righteous life from those who don't. This is the very purpose of mortality-to see who will come unto us and our Beloved Son, even when ladened with sin, weaknesses, and not being in our presence anymore. We give them valuable experience also for them to gain compassion and understanding.'

I thanked her for her wonderful teachings I received. I believe what I wrote was truly from my Heavenly Mother. She smiled on me as I asked if I had recorded it properly. I believe I did write it in an acceptable manner."


Mosiah 5:7
7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.

125G1-125G20: "This morning I felt to go to the grassy area just outside the white gate that leads to the path and the tree of life. I have come here because this is where I felt I should come.

I knelt outside of the gate on the grass. I faced the gate and asked for God to come answer my prayer.

The gate swung open and Jesus Christ stood in the opening! He was smiling, and had such tender and loving eyes! He motioned for me to come to him.

I stood and he led me behind the gate, and then shut it behind us. I was in an area in front of the beginning of the path, where both of us could easily stand and talk.

Jesus spoke to me: 'Raphael, our Father has asked that I meet you here prior to you going down the path, the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. He told me he would meet you there.

He asked me to speak with you a little more about my sacrifice I made for you and all mankind. He wanted me to talk about the eternal law of justice, and the requirements for the law of mercy to satisfy justice.

2 Nephi 2:5-7-

"And men are instructed sufficiently that they may know good from evil. And the law given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified, or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off, and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.

Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered." (see also 2 Nephi 2:8-10).

Raphael, the temporal and spiritual law of justice is one law, and was established by our first parent Gods. They both saw the need to establish order and rules to govern their expanding posterity. They wisely established this law before any of their children were born, so that these would have the blessings of law and order when they were created into living beings.

The law of justice states that each spiritual realm, be it telestial, terrestrial or celestial, has a different entry requirement. For those who enter into the highest, or the celestial realm, they need to fully conform to the highest standards of purity, with no sin laid to their actions up to that point. Their sins would prevent them from entering into this higher realm where God, angels and holy men and women live, in an environment free from sin. Every sin has been listed by category, and a punishment affixed to this sin in order for that sin to be removed. This is what the law of justice lists in the Book of the Laws of God. These books were written by our first parent Gods, and a copy given by the parents of each couple God to these new Gods, at the time of their ordination to be a God. It is by the requirements of these laws that our Heavenly Parents and I judged how much I needed to suffer for each sin that I made intercession for, and fully satisfied. I accumulated the demands of justice for all of the sins for the recipient of my suffering, for their entire life, past present and future. I suffered for these sins to the requirement for entry into the celestial realm, the highest spiritual level.

Once I suffered for all the sins of a particular child of God, then the law of justice was fulfilled, as required by the Book of the Laws of God.

Even though the demands of justice were met, by me paying the price of suffering for each sin, the recipient still was not free from sin. This person had to meet the requirement for the law of mercy to take effect. This law of mercy, also found and written in the Book of the Laws of God, states that the Great Redeemer who atones for the sins is the one who decides if the recipient meets the requirement for receiving a remission of their sins. This law of mercy requires repentance of one's sins, and a determination not to repeat sinning, or transgress the law of justice. It also requires a humble, penitent spirit, and faith in the Redeemer to make the sufferings fully effective in answering the ends of the law of justice, and satisfying its demands.

Once the law of mercy is met, the Great Redeemer would then be able to extend mercy and love to the repentant recipient, and cleanse them by his power of all sin. Then he or she would be permitted into the celestial realms where God dwells.

The cleansing action for sin is done this way: I freely forgive all accumulated sins, and then imbue with light, even with my Spirit, the recipient who repents. I communicate in the light that he or she is fully forgiven of sin, and is pure and holy before me. This action is done by my spirit, the Holy Spirit, that comes upon my son or daughter. They then become my son or daughter spiritually, for I have redeemed him or her from their sins.

Mosiah 5:7

"And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you, for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name, therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and daughters."

Once I cleanse them by my Holy Spirit, my son or daughter has no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). They then become the elect of God, for I elect them to one day, if they prove faithful, to be admitted into my church, the church of the Firstborn. In the interim, they may be baptized into the Church of Christ, and pursue a godly life. If they are true and faithful over time by renewing regularly their baptismal covenants in the sacrament ordinance and living a righteous life, then one day I will tell them that they will have eternal life! They will then be allowed to be received into my celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, and further progress to become a God in the celestial realms above!

Raphael, you have lived a righteous life, and I have forgiven you of your sins. I have cleansed you by my blood, even the suffering I did for you while on the cross, and in the highest celestial realm. You are now in my presence, in our celestial world. The laws of justice are satisfied, and also the law of mercy. You may now commune with our Father and Mother, and continue to be led by them as you progress and grow!

I thanked my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for his loving service and sacrifice for me! I knelt before him and saw the prints of the nails on his feet! He extended his hands to me, and I saw his nail marks and wounds on his hands also. He lifted me up and then lovingly embraced me! He then spoke: 'Raphael, go now down the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. Your Heavenly Father will meet you there!'

I thanked Jesus again, and turned and walked down the strait path. It was narrow, only allowing one person at a time to walk to the tree of life. On either side was a steep slope where one couldn't walk. I held onto the rod of iron on my right side, and walked to the tree of life.

When I came under the outer perimeter of the canopy of the tree of life, I saw my Heavenly Father! He was standing in front of the trunk of the tree, and was smiling at me. I came before him and knelt at his feet. I looked up into his loving face.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, every one of our children who seek to become even as your Heavenly Mother and I are, must follow this same path that you have walked in your life: they need to repent, believe in our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and be forgiven of their sins and cleansed by his Holy Spirit. They need to walk in righteous ways, and prove their faithfulness before us. They need to follow the prompting of our Spirit and the Holy Ghost throughout their life. When they are fully tested and prove faithful, then Jesus Christ will make their calling and election sure, and admit them into our Church of the Firstborn. You will then administer to them the waters of Separation ordinance, and welcome them officially into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. They will then be able to progress through the steps towards eternal life, with the assurance they will be exalted and become even as we are, and dwell in celestial glory forever!

This is our merciful plan for all of our sons and daughters who obey us, and want to become like us. We reveal to our faithful line upon line, here a little and there a little, ever watching their actions and desires. Thus we will save our faithful sons and daughters in eternity in our kingdom of glory!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father in his words, and for the clearness of the path back to him and Heavenly Mother! I said I loved him so very much."


Mosiah 5:12-13
12 I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.

13 For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?

174E9-174E13, from Heavenly Mother: "All that your Heavenly Father and I have told you over the years is coming quickly upon your nation and upon the earth. We are inspiring our elect to stay home, to connect to us in diligent prayer, and to prepare every needful thing. Home is where they will generally find protection and safety, unless we direct them by our Spirit otherwise. Their spiritual preparations are the most important, for how can we reach them and give them our protection and blessings if we are far from the thoughts and intents of their hearts?

Mosiah 5: 12-13-Hear the words of King Mosiah:

"I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.

For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

Heavenly Mother then stepped closer to me and took my hand. 'Raphael, you have spent time to know us, your Gods. We have therefore given to you of our Spirit, and inspire you, direct you, and will protect you. We will do this to every one of our elect who humbly and diligently comes unto us, their Gods, in the name of Jesus Christ, their Savior and Redeemer.'

I saw her smile upon me and shine her light and love upon me. I knew I would be with her today by my side, in constant prayer.

She said it was time now to begin my mortal day. I said I loved her and would have her in my mind throughout my day. I then came to myself in my private room and began my new day."


Mosiah 5:13
13 For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?

179B1-179B6: "I am up and ready to pray to my Heavenly Mother this morning. I came to the domed room and knelt in the center of the room. I poured out my heart for family, loved ones and those on my email list and other mortal angels and celestial servants.

As I prayed for them, I realized again I had no real influence over them unless we had a good relationship between us. Those who were more distant from me emotionally, I didn't know too much about. However, those involved with me in my life, I knew all about the details of their lives and could pray more specifically and with more power and faith.

I thought of this scripture in Mosiah 5:13:

"For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

I am not a master over my children or friends of course, but the principle is similar. I have influence with my children with whom we spend time together. I know them much better than those whose lives are more apart from me. In a similar way, God has the greatest influence over those who spend time in prayer and seek God with their hearts and minds.

As I was finishing up writing this, my Heavenly Mother appeared before me! She was radiant and smiling. I felt her light and love come into me and enlighten my mind and fill up my heart with her love and acceptance.

She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Father and I know all of our children, but those who don't come to us in attempts to pray, or to open up their hearts to us, we also feel much more distant from than with those who regularly pray openly to us. When our children ask of us on a daily basis to guide and bless them, we then do that for them. Those who obey us and keep our commandments we have numbered among our elect."


Mosiah 7:29-31
29 For behold, the Lord hath said: I will not succor my people in the day of their transgression; but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them.

30 And again, he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the chaff thereof in the whirlwind; and the effect thereof is poison.

31 And again he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the east wind, which bringeth immediate destruction.

56E1-156E12: "Last night I prayed on the knoll above the circling waters. I prayed to Heavenly Father and he immediately came. I had just read President Nelson's words about the upcoming fast he called for this Friday. I had thought him asking in our prayers that our "life (would be) normalized", as one of the things we should pray and fast about.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the lives of the people of the world will not return to a normal state as President Nelson has asked that the church members in part pray for. Instead, we will disrupt the collective prayers of the Latter-day Saints with an event associated with this fast. Their lives will not return to the normal type of life they had lived up to the point when the pandemic came into their land.'

At this point I saw the cape of Heavenly Father to start blowing to the west behind him, towards the celestial temple. I then asked if there was reason why his cape blew to the west Sunday evening on April 5th towards the Great Salt Lake in my prayer, and then now today towards the west on the celestial orb.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, my cape has blown both times to the west because of the east wind "which bringeth immediate destruction."

Mosiah 7:29-31-"For behold, the Lord hath said: I will not succor my people in the day of their transgression; but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them.

And again, he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the chaff thereof in the whirlwind; and the effect thereof is poison.

And again he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the east wind, which bringeth immediate destruction."

This is how my prayer ended last night. I wondered what kind of event would soon happen relating to the fast called for by President Nelson?

This morning I prayed again at the knoll next to the circling waters. I faced west towards God's temple on the celestial orb. I prayed again for my Heavenly Father to come.

He came in front of me, immediately appearing a few feet away! I saw he wore his scarlet-red sash around his inner robe again. He immediately spoke:

'Raphael, there will be some who are in your world who wake up by reason of the increased calamities coming to the earth. They will wonder why these things have come together so quickly to afflict their lives and the world in which they live, although they will yearn to go back to their old lifestyle before the pandemic.

If these individuals come to me in humble, meaningful and sincere prayer, with an open heart and mind, I will give them promptings from my Spirit. We will lead and bless them with understanding, according to their desires and their receptivity. We will help these who have been shaken up in their own life, and come unto us their Gods.

We will reveal to you the secrets of our will so that you may record them in your journal, even before these events occur. Let our words flow freely through your mind, into your thoughts and heart, and record these at the time we give them to you.'

I then thought to take my journal with me when I pray at night, and to not write these words down the next morning. I said I would write God's words that come into my mind and heart at the moment I receive them. I do this in the morning already, but need to do it also at night."


Mosiah 16:3-5
3 For they are carnal and devilish, and the devil has power over them; yea, even that old serpent that did beguile our first parents, which was the cause of their fall; which was the cause of all mankind becoming carnal, sensual, devilish, knowing evil from good, subjecting themselves to the devil.

4 Thus all mankind were lost; and behold, they would have been endlessly lost were it not that God redeemed his people from their lost and fallen state.

5 But remember that he that persists in his own carnal nature, and goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion against God, remaineth in his fallen state and the devil hath all power over him. Therefore he is as though there was no redemption made, being an enemy to God; and also is the devil an enemy to God.

142I8-142I16, from Heavenly Father: "Same gender attraction is something our spirit children never experienced in their premortal lives. They have come to a fallen world where there are many life styles and patterns they might grow up in that they accept as usual. These, however, never cause same gender attraction, or do the unborn receive these while in their mother's womb before birth.

The greatest source for same gender attraction comes from evil spirits who influence or possess the spirits of those in mortality. If a male mortal is possessed by a female evil spirit, he may feel her attraction to other males, and then say he has same sex attraction. It really isn't from him, but from an evil spirit that has found residence in his body, or who continually stays around her unassuming host.

Were this evil spirit or spirits to depart, the same sex attraction would also depart.

The scriptures say that little children cannot sin, but are whole and not accountable (see Moroni 8:8). This is true doctrine. Little children are alive in Christ, cannot repent and need no baptism until the age of accountability (see Moroni 8:12-14, 19-20).

However, once our mortal children are accountable, these cleverly disguised evil spirits may whisper to their minds and hearts falsehoods about their natural maturing process into young men and young women. If these mortal children listen to and attract the false and evil spirits, they may become deceived into thinking they have same gender attraction. In your day there is an increasing amount who succumb to these temptations and whisperings from clinging spirits, or spirits who even possess their own spirits and largely take over their minds and thoughts. They are allowed to take possession of their bodies because these individuals have desired it at some point. There are all sorts of ways that these evil spirits masquerade as the person who they have influenced or even taken over. The spirit we sent originally into their own body has had to have given permission to their evil host to possess their body, or stay around them.

Mosiah 16:3-5-"For they are carnal and devilish, and the devil has power over them, yea, even that old serpent that did beguile our first parents, which was the cause of their fall; which was the cause of all mankind becoming carnal, sensual, devilish, knowing evil from good, subjecting themselves to the devil.

...But remember that he that persists in his own carnal nature, and goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion against God, remaineth in his fallen state and the devil hath all power over him. Therefore he is as though there was no redemption made, being an enemy to God; and also is the devil an enemy to God."

When Jesus Christ cast out the evil spirits from a man, and sent them to the swine, the man became in his right mind:

Mark 5:15 "And they came to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind; and they were afraid."

Jesus called these unclean spirits, for they had full possession of the man, and even could speak for the spirit of that man, for he had relinquished his power over his body to them. There were many, even Legion (see Mark 5:1-19).

Many in your day have a similar experience of being possessed and live in sin, even in homosexual relationships, or perverted attitudes or desire. These souls never were taught these things by us, their Heavenly Parents, in preparation for their advent into mortality. They were all taught and accepted the methods and feelings they would possess in order to have normal relations with their chosen spouse, and bring forth our children to the earth. This was their desires as they came as spirits to their mortal probation.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for addressing this big issue in our times, of same gender attraction. I also thanked him for the additional witness to me of my mission in the celestial realms. I told him I loved his words, and loved to be brought into his presence."


Mosiah 18:7-11
7 And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord.

8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

11 And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts.

127G14-127G20: "Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are among the trees of my vineyard as you saw and wrote about in your post 108F2 through 108G11. I have brought you here to look more closely at the tame fruit of this olive tree.'

He then extended his hand to me and I took it and stood before him. He then led me to the tame olive tree.

'Raphael, I will show you the tame fruit at different stages of growth.'

Heavenly Father then touched the mature olive tree and then it instantly became much smaller, with smaller branches and no visible fruit. 'Raphael, the olive fruit does not yet emerge when the tree is young. After several years, the flowers will emerge. This is akin to our children beginning to choose on their own, independent of their parents or traditions, habits and teachings that they may have received. They start to flower on their own and develop a fruit. It is all up to them what manner of fruit they will become, whether a plump and tame fruit, or whether a shriveled or small wild fruit. They often are encouraged by family and friends to do what is right or to take another path. The nourishment from the branch is the same, or the opportunity to grow and receive the good word of God. We send forth our Holy Spirit to all the flowers as they grow.

The tame olives usually grow in groups and the wild olives grow in groups too, even on the same tree. When a wild branch is cast off and more nourishment is given to the tree, sometimes tame olives start to grow. This is described in the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob, chapter 5. It is important that the one who seeks to follow our Holy Spirit, and acts as we inspire, have good friends and companions with similar desires. He or she will likely continue to thrive with good companions and encouraging friends. We have established our Church of Christ to establish congregations of like-minded, wholesome people who may encourage each other and support and love each other. True friends look out for each other and sincerely inquire after and serve one another. They don't abandon each other, even in difficult times.

Mosiah 18:7-11

And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord

And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are able to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

('Raphael, once our elect make a covenant to obey us, and keep our commandments, and to love and serve one another, they greatly increase as tame olives on our olive tree. They continue to cluster together on the vine in support and love.')-(Note: emphasis in parenthesis by Heavenly Father).

And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts."

'The true desire and motives of our tame olives, or our elect of God, grow as they continue to be nourished.'

Heavenly Father then touched the tree again and the same branch with those small tame olives became a thicker, stronger branch! The tame olives also became bigger, more plump and nearly ready to harvest. It was very remarkable to see the growth in these tame olives with the sudden change in the tree!

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, as our elect children are nourished and grow, their desires become more refined and pure. They become more sensitive and caring towards each other too. They truly begin to fulfill their baptism covenant of mourning with those who mourn, and comforting those who stand in need of comfort. Their diligence and love grows as they regularly partake of the sacrament with real intent, renewing weekly their baptismal covenant. We lead them along as they grow into our fully tame and ripe olives, or our elect of God.'

I thanked Heavenly Father for his wonderful explanation of how we who are tame olives grow and are nourished! I thanked him for my family and friends who support and love me and I them. In this safety net, we may all grow together and increase in the joy of our God and our feelings for each other."


Mosiah 18:8-10
8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

100D5-100D16, from Heavenly Mother: "I would like to talk to you a little today about baptism, an ordinance we have established in the Church of Christ. This is an outward ordinance, only done in mortality. It requires a worthy priesthood bearer to do, under the direction of a local bishop who has stewardship of a ward or branch. The ordinance is very simple and is done in all the names of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. When the one being baptized is humble and repentant, and committed to serve us in obedience, we send our Spirit during the ordinance, confirming to the recipient that we accept them into the Church of Christ.

Mosiah 18:8-10

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-

Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"

This beautiful scripture captures our exact sentiments and intention for what baptism means. We love to see our faithful children be gathered in our earthly church and then to bear one another's burdens and to show love and service to each other.

When the Church of Christ is established again on the earth, our people will be linked together in love and kindness. They will have entered into this church by the simple ordinance of baptism. Symbolically, it will wash away their sins, and they will come forth as a new person, dedicated to serving us, their Gods, and each other in love and acceptance.

Once the baptism ordinance is done, the new member of the Church of Christ may then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. This is a gift from me, their Heavenly Mother, that the one receiving it may have my continual presence in their life on earth. It is done by the laying on of hands by one who holds the Melchizedek priesthood, like you have learned in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Your Heavenly Father and I have specified that the ordinances of baptism and conferral of the gift of the Holy Ghost be done by those who hold the priesthood of the Father. We have given permission to those who hold the Aaronic priesthood to baptize. However, the authority to baptize in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has now been removed from this church. When the Church of Christ is reestablished, there will be no more need of the Aaronic priesthood, for the sons of Aaron will have offered up to us an acceptable sacrifice (see D&C 84:30-32; D&C 128:24). Those who hold the priesthood of the Father in the new Church of Christ will have the power and authority of the Melchizedek priesthood, or the higher priesthood. The lower, or Aaronic priesthood, was acceptable in the telestial world, but in the millennial terrestrial world, we will have only the power and authority of the higher priesthood operate in the Church of Christ. All ordinances that had been performed by the Aaronic priesthood will now be done by those who hold the higher priesthood.

When the blessing will be given to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost, the priesthood holder giving the blessing should also confirm the new member who was just baptized. This confirmation is to announce in words that our son or daughter is now a new member of the Church of Christ. This may then be recorded in the records of that church. We didn't want this announced during the simple and sacred words of the baptismal ordinance.

All children who attain the age of eight years old may be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Prior to this time, they are to be guided and taught faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and other teachings given in the scriptures. They will thereby become prepared for entry into the Church of Christ by the time they are eight or older.

The ordinance of baptism is done in water on the earth. The candidate for baptism should be fully immersed in the water following the pattern shown by John the Baptist when he baptized Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, according to the words of Jesus himself. (See Matthew 3:13-17; 3 Nephi 11:21-27).

Baptism opens the gate to the celestial world, for he or she that is baptized is now on the path to eternal life. Jesus Christ may then open up to each the white gate that leads to the straight and narrow path to the tree of life. Our newly baptized members of the Church of Christ should seek our Beloved Son, so that he will open to them this gate and lead them tenderly into our very presence.

Members of the Church of Christ who have all been baptized and taken upon themselves the covenant of baptism as spoken of in Mosiah 18:8-10, may renew their covenant each week by partaking of the sacrament. This ordinance is also administered by the priesthood in the Church of Christ, under the direction of the Bishop. Each member of the church can therefore become cleansed anew through their sincere partaking of the emblems of the sacrament, through faith and repentance. We may thereby lead our chosen members of the Church of Christ to become the elect of God, if they press forward in faith and diligence. One day, according to their works and desires, our diligent members may be elected into our Church of the Firstborn and be accepted into the direct path of exaltation to become even as we are. These candidates are accepted by Jesus Christ, and are brought to you and Oriphiel for the ordinance of the waters of separation, having their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Raphael, this is the path for our children to come back to us and partake of eternal life and exaltation. There is no other way or means. It all starts with faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion with correct authority, and the gift of the Holy Ghost.'"

146F23-146G4, from Heavenly Mother: "We expect our faithful to love each other, to just be there to support the one who is suffering. In the case of loved ones, this might require many hours or days of putting aside their own plans and bearing their burdens with them. Such are requirements of loving family members, and also loving members of the fold of God, or the elect of God.

Mosiah 18: 8-9

And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times…"

. . . I then thought of being there on the celestial orb, and saw my Heavenly Mother instructing me in prayer while I was kneeling before her! I then immediately was in my body kneeling before her. She spoke: 'Raphael, many of our children reject the requirements of being loving members of the fold of God. Most respond when a loved one is in great need, but even then they are often too self-centered to drop their own agendas and open their time to serve and bear the other's burdens, that they may be light.

As our elect children awaken to us their Gods, they will also awaken to the need of others around them whom they may serve and love. We will help them love by the circumstances that come into their lives that give them this opportunity.

Right now you have one in your own family who is in great need, and needs your time and support. Go now to him, and with your loving wife, help and support him in this his time of need.'"

198J8-198J18, from Heavenly Father: "In your current society and country, there are many of these freedoms that have in practice been overturned. There is now much deceit, lying, fraud, and unrighteous removal of liberty from the lives of the citizens of the land. This will not be tolerated in our terrestrial world. Were any to begin to impose coercion or unrighteous dominion upon another, or groups of others, our Beloved Son, the king over the earth, would have this corrected immediately, for this action of unrighteous behavior is not allowed in a terrestrial sphere. The "exercise (of) control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men (and women), in any degree of unrighteousness" (see D&C 121: 37, words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father), is not allowed in our terrestrial spheres.

The freedoms protected in the terrestrial millennial world will give all of the inhabitants on the earth a feeling of security and great safety. It will be a wonderful world in which to flourish and grow.

There will be cities in the terrestrial world where our children will live that will not be cities of Zion. Those who live in these cities will be good freedom loving men, women and children. They will flourish and grow, but may not be members of our Church of Christ if they choose not to do so. They are described in D&C 76: 75 as honorable men (and women), who receive of the presence of the Son, but not of the fulness of the Father (see D&C 76: 77). "They are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God (D&C 76: 79).

Those who live in these non Zion cities are not allowed to enter into the New Jerusalem city, or other cities of Zion upon the terrestrial earth until they individually conform to the higher entry requirements of these cities. The other Zion cities are terrestrial locations, but have a higher level of unity and belief. They have all things common among them, even according to the law of consecration and stewardship. They are all members of the Church of Christ. They have all made a covenant to live these (the) higher laws of Zion that our righteous live. These include giving freely of their substance to those in need or want, and living in great love and harmony with their neighbors. They fully live their baptismal covenants as members of the Church of Christ, found in the Book of Mormon.

Mosiah 18: 8-10

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life--

Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"

Raphael, those who live in Zion, and come within her walls and gates, have the great desire to live this covenant of Zion, even as the people of Alma did. The scripture says when they "heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: this is the desire of our hearts." (Mosiah 18:11).

The desires of their hearts include a humble heart, an open mind, and a great willingness to serve and love their fellowman. When our grown children make this covenant of Zion, they are allowed entry into the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion.

You may wonder why we would not allow the others who haven't made such a covenant access to Zion, even to visit. We have chosen to keep a higher standard for Zion than for the rest of the millennial world, in order to preserve the holiness of Zion and to keep in the minds of the inhabitants of Zion the great importance of their active covenant. This entry restriction in Zion will keep a higher quality of love, safety and peace among all who dwell there. They will have full assurance that all their Zion neighbors also believe and act as they do.

If there are children in Zion that wish to live in non Zion communities, they are free to depart. They will still be required to live the basic laws of the terrestrial kingdom that relate to the free liberty of choice for all, without dominion or compulsion upon any other soul.

When S (Gideon) and the guards evaluate those at Zion's gates who seek entry, they will see them as they are seen, and know them as they are known. They will see eye to eye with them, having this great discernment of God given to them, so that they may allow only the pure in heart entrance to Zion and only the holy covenant keepers within her walls.'

I now understand the great importance of having guards at the entrance of the cities of Zion. I yearn to be part of this covenant people. I want to live in the New Jerusalem."


Mosiah 18:8-9
8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

164B6-164B15: "Heavenly Father then spoke: Raphael, we also remember you all of the time, and want to bless and prosper you and our elect living on the earth. These remember us, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me, or will soon after their conversion(s). We will bless them with Heavenly Mother's protecting corona flame, and will bring them forth into a millennial world that will produce from the land in rich abundance. Our Spirit will be upon our people, and we will have relationships with each, according to their desires. We will open up to them quicker and more fully so they come unto us, their Gods.

Your experience with the birds eating most of your cherries from your tree, and us inspiring your kindly neighbors in sharing their own cherries freely, is an example of how our people on earth should share with others in need. There will be many of our elect inspiring your kindly neighbors in sharing their own cherries freely, is an example of how our people on earth should share with others in need. There will be many of our elect in distress for a short time as we transition your earth from the telestial to a terrestrial environment. We desire our elect, and all people, to freely share what they have to those less fortunate, or in distress and need.

D&C 105:5-6

"And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.

And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer."

As our people share, according to the principles in the law of the celestial kingdom, we will bless them with greater abundance, even in their times of privations and hardships. We will multiply their blessings, like you felt when you were freely given a box of ripe cherries.

The covenant of baptism into the true Church of Christ is correctly described in your scriptures, as caring and blessing for others in need:

Mosiah 18:8-9-

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life"

By serving and blessing each other, we will then be able to establish Zion among you:

Moses 7:18-

"And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."

12. The reason that there was no poor among the people of Zion is because they freely shared their abundance that we blessed them with, even according to the law of the celestial kingdom. Sharing like this brings joy to the giver and the receiver, and encourages and blesses all.

We need a people that we abundantly protect and bless to comfort and share greatly their blessings with others. This is the law of Zion, and needs to start even now, in the coming days of spiritual darkness coming upon the earth, among our people, the elect of God.'

I thanked my Father for his teachings this morning! What a blessing I feel to be taught by my Father these things.

I said that I would share of my abundance with those around me. I rejoice in the goodness of God, his great power to bless, protect, and prosper us in happiness and temporal abundance too!"

175I13-175I15, from Heavenly Mother: "S is correct that hardships, disappointments, and destructions will come upon many of our children in mortality, including our elect. These obstacles may be viewed as experiences from which to grow and learn. There will be many such events and trials that will be difficult to overcome. These will be the means we use to shape and prepare the hearts and minds of our elect to be ready for living in a Zion society of selflessness and love. We desire our inhabitants of Zion to bear one another's burdens, similar to this scripture from the words of Alma.

Mosiah 18:8-9

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light.

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn, yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-"

Raphael, these principles in these verses are those our people will live and practice in our Zion communities. Our people will think of their neighbors as themselves (see Luke 10:27-37), even as our Beloved Son so well taught when he was on earth. All will live by the laws of Zion in love and harmony.'"

190B4-198B9, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, you are correct that every phase of mortal life, at different ages, teaches our children valuable lessons. You think you have forgotten some of these from your youth and early marriage, but they are still with you in your unconscious mind.

Your Heavenly Father and I appear to many as not involved in the mortal lives of our children. We do our work almost exclusively behind the scenes so that our children can't see us. What appears natural to most has been orchestrated by us to give our children direct experiences to help them in their lives.

You have one daughter in law who has children relatively easy. One of your own daughters has had very difficult times in childbirth, with stillborns, miscarriages, and more traumatic births. These two women have had very different experiences in bringing forth children to earth. We love them both abundantly, but have given each entirely different experiences. Your own daughter has a much deeper understanding of loss and grief. She and her husband are very compassionate with others who have great difficulties, or who have lost children in childbirth. This increased understanding will remain with them forever. Your daughter-in-law doesn't have this understanding, and cannot understand the depth of suffering and grief that a mother has when her anticipations are dashed and her baby dies. She might express her sorrow for a friend who has a stillborn, but doesn't know herself what it is like.

Someone who experiences deep grief in life, may understand another who is grieving, even though circumstances are entirely different. For example, the loss of an older sibling or parent will help the one who had this experience commiserate with another's loss of their baby. These are all so difficult to bear for many, and they might wonder why they are having such hardships. However, we, their Heavenly Parents, see all, and will turn such crises into their own growth and expanded understandings. Above all, we wish our children to be compassionate with each other, and never to judge one another. When they visit or connect with the one experiencing difficulties, whatever these might be, they should be compassionate and helpful. It is not a time to bring up and reconnect with one's own traumas and experiences, but just to focus on the one suffering. Sometimes silence is best, or just listening with understanding will help the sufferer heal the fastest.

Part of the baptismal covenant involves entering into a community of saints in our Church of Christ. Alma knew this, and taught his people at the place of Mormon who were gathered there in secret:

Mosiah 18:8-9

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-"

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning. I thanked her for giving me hardships that I might grow and come to a deeper understanding."


Mosiah 24:13-14
13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.

14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

Thu, May 16, 2024
The voice of the Lord came into their minds during their afflictions.

161I22-161I26: "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, if you are ever, or any of our faithful, approached by looters and rioters, it would be far better to let them be and not resist with weapons or force. If armies come to occupy your area, you can still be peaceful. We will protect our own without the need for armed conflict. We will inspire our elect what to do in any particular situation, at the time that they might be subjugated and in bondage.

Remember in the Book of Mormon, how we allowed Alma and his people to be subjected to the Lamanites, even under the rule of Amulon. Alma showed the Lamanites the way to the land of Nephi, with the promise they would be free. However, the Lamanites would not keep their promise, but set guards around the land Helam. (see Mosiah 23:25-39).

This was a very trying period for our people who were righteous, being subjugated to the rule of wicked Amulon and the Lamanite army. They couldn't even pray to me without being put to death, so Alma and his people "did pour out their hearts to (me); and (I) did know the thoughts of their hearts. (see Mosiah 24:12).

There will be similar oppressions in the last days for some of our faithful. However, if they now come to your Heavenly Mother or me, in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we will comfort and bless them, and deliver them out of their oppression and bondage.

Mosiah 24:13-14:

"And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their affliction, saying: Lift up your head and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.

And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."'"


Mosiah 24:16-25
16 And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage.

17 And he said unto Alma: Thou shalt go before this people, and I will go with thee and deliver this people out of bondage.

18 Now it came to pass that Alma and his people in the night-time gathered their flocks together, and also of their grain; yea, even all the night-time were they gathering their flocks together.

19 And in the morning the Lord caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites, yea, and all their task-masters were in a profound sleep.

20 And Alma and his people departed into the wilderness; and when they had traveled all day they pitched their tents in a valley, and they called the valley Alma, because he led their way in the wilderness.

21 Yea, and in the valley of Alma they poured out their thanks to God because he had been merciful unto them, and eased their burdens, and had delivered them out of bondage; for they were in bondage, and none could deliver them except it were the Lord their God.

22 And they gave thanks to God, yea, all their men and all their women and all their children that could speak lifted their voices in the praises of their God.

23 And now the Lord said unto Alma: Haste thee and get thou and this people out of this land, for the Lamanites have awakened and do pursue thee; therefore get thee out of this land, and I will stop the Lamanites in this valley that they come no further in pursuit of this people.

24 And it came to pass that they departed out of the valley, and took their journey into the wilderness.

25 And after they had been in the wilderness twelve days they arrived in the land of Zarahemla; and king Mosiah did also receive them with joy.

147R13-147R14, from Heavenly Mother: "At this time I was interrupted to help my son living with us to calm his racing mind. He was supposed to be asleep, and needs to get up early to go to work. I went to his bedroom and gave him a priesthood blessing. I then directed my hands onto his head, and felt Heavenly Mother's light come into him to calm him down. It wasn't intense light, but a very low-level and very calm and sedating light. I then heard the voice of Heavenly Mother in my mind:

'Raphael, the feeling you had when this sedating light came through your hands is the way we caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites when Alma and his people escaped their captors (see Mosiah 24:16-25). This light will continue helping your son settle his mind and to go to sleep for the night.'"


Mosiah 25:7-8
7 And now, when Mosiah had made an end of reading the records, his people who tarried in the land were struck with wonder and amazement.

8 For they knew not what to think; for when they beheld those that had been delivered out of bondage they were filled with exceedingly great joy.

Mon, Jun 10, 2024
This same type of amazement will occur just after the second coming when the elect descend with Christ upon the new land. They will be struck with amazement in their great deliverance from their enemies, worldwide. They will be filled with wonder at the power of them being saved temporally and spiritually on an individual basis by Jesus Christ. They will marvel at the destruction of all the wicked in one act of burning. They will be so ever grateful for being at the new terrestrial earth, at the start of the millennium.


Mosiah 26:21
21 And he that will hear my voice shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive.

Mon, Jun 10, 2024
The members need to be willing to hear and follow God. These are numbered among the believers, and claimed as his elect.


Mosiah 26:28
28 Therefore I say unto you, that he that will not hear my voice, the same shall ye not receive into my church, for him I will not receive at the last day.

Mon, Dec 4, 2023
This is the requirement for the elect of God: they each need to be willing to hear and follow God. This is the distinguishing characteristic of the five wise virgins: they take the Holy Spirit as their guide, and are not deceived (see D&C 45:57). God will lead them carefully by his Spirit to him and to the church that he accepts on earth as his own church. He will continue leading them along, even until they are received into heaven where His dwells.


Mosiah 27:10-17
10 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—

11 And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;

12 And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them.

13 Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.

14 And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

15 And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God.

16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off.

17 And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed.

83H7-83H12, from Heavenly Father: "Mosiah 27:10-17-

"And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—

And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;

And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them.

Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.

And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God.

Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off.

And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed."

Both Saul and Alma the younger had a dramatic experience wherein they completely changed the course of their lives. They experienced a mighty change of heart. They were both born of God. They both drastically changed their lives, and followed what God told them to do.'

I still couldn't see my Heavenly Parents clearly. I then looked at the sand before me, and scales fell from my eyes on the sand! I looked and gazed on the loving and accepting faces of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother! I could clearly see them! Their eyes were so loving and clear, so deep and accepting of me!

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, we have also changed your heart and mind, as you have come unto us in humble prayer. We have given to you liberally, and you have witness our very presence in the energy class when I came to you, now over five years ago. You could hardly believe what you spiritually saw, but you knew it was true! For you, this is when your eyes became opened, and you began to see us and receive our clear direction on your mission as a healing angel.

Each of our children who come unto us needs their own mighty change of heart. They need to have a spiritual rebirth. Sometimes we orchestrate an experience like we did for Saul and Alma the younger, forever changing the course of their lives. Sometimes we come in answer to a prayer like we did for Joseph Smith, and for you when you were kneeling before your Heavenly Father in prayer, in your energy class. However we come, we will come and witness to the soul of our child on earth of our reality and presence. We will lead them along, each one differently, but we will give them liberally. Each one will receive a new perspective, or eyesight of who we are and what we want them to do. Each needs to experience this mighty change of heart and be spiritually reborn.

We come to our child usually when we know they will act in faith, in the new mission or change of their life, even as we direct. If we don't have confidence that they will change, our words and the spiritual experience may turn to their condemnation. Their hearts and minds need to be open and humble before us, and take the action we inspire them to do.

When Jesus, our Beloved Son, spoke to Cain, when his offering was not accepted (see Moses 21-26), Cain rejected the greater counsel from God, and was cursed, because he did not repent and change. He was condemned for not obeying God.

Our children may choose us their God, or listen to their own selfish desires and the whisperings of Satan. They may choose to have a mighty change of heart, and see more and more clearly as we gently lead them along, or they may choose to ignore or reject our counsel, to their condemnation. This choice is always their own.

We have now concluded our discussion with you on prayer. We encourage our children on earth to take these examples and words to you, and persist in mighty prayer. We will answer them liberally, in our own way and place, and when we will.'

I gazed on my loving Heavenly Parents before me! They were so majestic, so loving and wonderful to be with!

They then traveled back to the sun from whence they had both come. I looked on them as they went back into that bright light. I was no longer blinded, but watched until they were out of sight.

I next knelt in the adjacent room. I confirmed what I had witnessed. I also thanked my Heavenly Parents for their visions and words."


Mosiah 27:14
14 And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

160K2-160K11: "I wonder how much God may interfere with wayward children who have chosen or been subjected to a path in sin? I know they are responsible for their own choices, but can we petition God in their behalf?

I remember Alma praying for his wayward son Alma the younger. An angel came to his son when he was with the four sons of King Mosiah. Their behavior was no doubt very upsetting to their parents!

Mosiah 27:14-

"And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith."

I came with these thoughts in my mind, as I went to the desert oasis this morning. I was yearning to have additional light and love to be poured out upon my wayward daughter!

I came and drank living water at the water's edge, and felt clarified. I then knelt on the sand, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me and to calm my mind, and answer my specific prayer.

Heavenly Mother then descended upon the waters in front of me, shining her resplendent light all over the entire area! She walked to me above the water in the air, and then stopped before me. She was so full of light and acceptance of me!

She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I will answer your petition to us for your daughter in sending her more of my light upon her. My light will be accompanied by my love and acceptance of her, my daughter who feels despondent with life. I do this because of your pleadings to your Heavenly Father and me, for you have prayed to us in much faith. You have asked that, because of your closeness to us, your Heavenly Parents, that we do this thing for you, and not because of any reason of her own actions.

Alma prayed in faith for his wayward son, Alma the younger also. We sent an angel of God to Alma the younger and the four sons of King Mosiah, to convince them of the power of God. This we granted to Alma, the father, his request because of his great faith in us his Gods.

We still allowed those, our rebellious sons of Alma and Mosiah, to choose how they would react to the strong message from the angel of God. Likewise, we will still fully allow your daughter to choose what she may do in her life, even though we are sending to her a great abundance of my light and love to her at this time, even after she has chosen paths in her life that would bring sin, darkness and sorrow into her life. You and your wife have taught her clearly, but she has chosen another way. It is because of your prayers and those of your beloved wife that I am extending to her my steady and abundant light that will give her greater reasoning and increased desire to choose the right way. She still has her own full choice, for we have not taken away her moral agency. We too hope she will turn and heal, and come to us! We will then be able to bless her more abundantly, and lead her gently to us, if she chooses to follow our ways.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my prayerful petitions to her and Heavenly Father last night, in sending more light to my daughter! I too want her to choose her own path, and to have a greater amount of enlightenment sent from her own Heavenly Mother. How glad I am that God has heard my prayers!

Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me. She then said this:

'Raphael, as our servants who love us and have faith in us, pray to us for their loved ones, we will hear their prayers! If these requests are aligned with our plans for the mortal journey of the one for whom they are praying, we will usually grant their petition. However, we will never force any of our children in choosing our ways, or accepting our light or our admonitions. We will always honor their own choices.'"

June 11, 2024: I have been thinking of the estrangement of my second daughter. She hasn't spoken to us for over three years now, yet lives in the same town as us. She has asked that we don't contact her, but that she would contact us. Since then, she has been in contact with three other siblings, but not us, her parents. 

After reading of what my Heavenly Parents did for my third daughter, which turned out very well (turned her life away from darkness, a temple marriage, a good husband, and now a very cute baby boy), I feel maybe Emily, my second daughter, would benefit from additional light being poured out upon her. This would be similar to what Alma the elder prayed for his son Alma the younger. 

I received confirmation that I could stand next to her, in my replicated celestial being, with one or two hands pointed at her head, with the intention of pouring out Heavenly Mother's light through my hands into my daughter. 

My daily prayer is that I with this additional light will continue to bathe her mind. I pray that there will be an experience that will help her come back to the entire family. 

June 12, 2024: This morning in prayer I again approached my Heavenly Father after my morning scripture study. He was before me, listening to me. I approached him about my desire, to come in the celestial realms before my second daughter while she lives on earth. She would not see me since I would be in another realm. I wanted to raise one or two hands over her and shower her with additional light from my Heavenly Parents. I was hopeful that this would clarify her thinking, help her follow this light, reduce the influence of the adversary over her in her life, and help her make wise decisions. I was hopeful that she too could have an experience, orchestrated by God, to bring her back to God and to us.

As I was praying, Heavenly Father spoke to my mind these words:

"Raphael, I will grant you the desire of your heart, to come next to your daughter Emily. You may come to her in the celestial realms, and send to her our light that we will give to you. We will attenuate this light that we give her through your hands, so that she receives the best amount that she can assimilate."

I asked if I should pray continually for her well-being, and Heavenly Father said that it would be good to regularly pray for her, with hopes for a change in her heart. They will continue to pour upon her their light so that perhaps she might choose to return fully to them and to our family.

I felt very comforted and so grateful. I received directions to write this immediately which I am doing!

See also a similar blessing to me given in my post 142C4-142C15, and also in my note in Alma 4:3, a part of which is below (142C7, 142C14-142C15):

"Heavenly Mother then spoke directly to my mind: 'Raphael, I will continue to bless your loved ones for whom you have prayed this morning. I will channel my light through you to them, from the celestial realms above them. This I will do because of your pleadings for them to me.'

. . . Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we honor the agency of our children, and will enlighten them as much as they themselves are willing to receive. Our elect have a desire to be open and receptive to us and to receive of our light. They love this light we send to them and feel most comfortable in our light. This is such a blessing and assurance to them in their earthly life, whether they live in mortality or in the spirit world on the earth.

We entirely take our cues from our children on how close they desire to be to us. If they humbly approach us, we will tenderly lead them, step by step, even until we reveal ourselves directly to them as you see me before you this morning. We are eager to reveal to each one the secrets of our will, our mysteries of the heavens, and all things, in time. As they exercise faith in us, and make time for us, we will reveal ourselves more and more to them. This is all determined by them and their desires to connect with us. We always desire to connect and love them, but if they don't ask of us, and make time for us, we will not foist ourselves upon them.'"


Mosiah 27:24-26
24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit.

25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

Thu, May 16, 2024
When we repent, we become new creatures, redeemed of God (His mercy claims us) and we become His sons and daughters, to inherit the kingdom of God.


Mosiah 27:28
28 Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God.

Thu, May 16, 2024
Mercy is extended through the Lord to make the person who repents born of God.


Alma 3:26-27
26 And in one year were thousands and tens of thousands of souls sent to the eternal world, that they might reap their rewards according to their works, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

27 For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey, and this according to the words of the spirit of prophecy; therefore let it be according to the truth. And thus endeth the fifth year of the reign of the judges.

93B2-93B6, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke:

'Raphael, look on the grassy field in front of us!'

I looked and saw my own family members with their struggles in life! I saw that God was continually guiding them by his unconscious voice to their souls. I saw they struggled in their effort to follow this voice. Some were more obedient than others, but all had the voice come to them frequently. Every one had different experiences, seemingly tailored to them.

The scene changed and I saw Lucifer and his evil minions trying to persuade my same family members. His voice seemed to come in their minds, their conscious minds. His voice of enticement seemed actually louder in most cases than the gentle, tender voice of God spoken to the soul. Satan's voice usually appealed to the natural man of each of my family members, whereas God's voice appealed to their higher spiritual selves. I could see the evil spirits come and go frequently, to and from all my family.

As a family member chose to listen and follow their higher self, the influences of the adversary seemed to lessen, even to where these evil spirits had no influence. If they found one of their luring temptations gained some attention, then they would continually repeat that temptation over and over again, with that same or similar thought into their conscious minds. These thoughts came literally as a whisper or a voice to their mind. I saw it was hard for my family member to entertain both the voice of God and the voice of Satan at the same time.

Heavenly Father then turned and addressed me:

'Raphael, you saw your own family members choosing day by day the spirit who they listed to obey:

Alma 3:26-27

". . . that they might reap their rewards according to their works, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey…"

Also 2 Nephi 2:16,27

"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

What you saw in your family members is common to all mankind, both men and women who are of age and accountable before us.

In the Day of Judgment, we will show each of our children a summary of their lives like we showed you, during their days of choosing when they became accountable before us. They will then see it was their own choices that determined their life. Some will listen and hearken to our still, small voice more than the enticements of the world, society and Satan. We will continue to gently lead those who hearken to our voice, even until we bring them unto us and to eternal life and exaltation. These are our elect! They choose to follow us regardless of the other voices they may hear.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this vision I saw today and the one last night too! I knew I was only responsible for myself, for everyone may choose for themselves. I could be a good example to those around me, and shower on them more light and love, and be very accepting of them-but it was really their life and their choices that determine what kind of a person they will be."

130E6-130E20: "My glorious Heavenly Mother then appeared in a bright light on the waters in front of me! She was smiling broadly and her eternity eyes were sparkling with light. I felt so very accepted and loved from her light that flowed into and through me! I know she lives, for I saw her again with my spiritual eyes, in her celestial realms above! What a blessing this is to hear from her so frequently.

I spoke to her about certain family members I wished to have blessed. I asked that her light might shine through my hands to them, attenuated to the correct level so that they might be receptive and not overwhelmed in any way. I prayed that they be protected from the powers of the adversary more also.

I then perceived that each one received a level of heavenly light that they could take in without being overwhelmed. Instead, they felt more loved and accepted, and of greater self worth. I also felt this light repelled the evil spirits that may have been around them. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was still standing above the waters in front of me!

Heavenly Mother then spoke directly to my mind: 'Raphael, I will continue to bless your loved ones for whom you have prayed this morning. I will channel my light through you to them, from the celestial realms above them. This I will do because of your pleadings for them to me.'

I then prayed for my fellow servants, the holy angels and the celestial servants whom Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had enlisted to help and serve their elect children. I asked that they, too, receive more light, celestial heavenly light from either or both of my Heavenly Parents. I asked that they each feel motivated to draw near to their Gods and to be so very enlightened in their efforts and service.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will send more abundant light to these, our celestial servants, because of your pleadings for them! We will send the maximum amount of light to them that they each are willing to receive, based on their own agency and receptivity. As they are more diligent, and make time in their busy lives for us, they will receive more and more of our light. We will also call on them more and more, replicating them to be able to have them serve us with greater capacity. The amount of service they desire to give will determine what we will be able to do through them. As their desires to serve their fellowman increase, we will use them more and more, even in the celestial realms on the earth. We will work through them as they labor in love for the elect of God to whom we will send them. Our desires are that our celestial servants and angels become a very great multitude through whom we minister our efforts in saving, protecting, teaching, and loving our elect.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my prayers on behalf of my celestial brothers and sisters whom God has called, along with me. I felt so pleased and contented with her responses.

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we honor the agency of our children, and will enlighten them as much as they themselves are willing to receive. Our elect have a desire to be open and receptive to us and to receive of our light. They love this light we send to them and feel most comfortable in our light. This is such a blessing and assurance to them in their earthly life, whether they live in mortality or in the spirit world on the earth.

We entirely take our cues from our children on how close they desire to be to us. If they humbly approach us, we will tenderly lead them, step by step, even until we reveal ourselves directly to them as you see me before you this morning. We are eager to reveal to each one the secrets of our will, our mysteries of the heavens, and all things, in time. As they exercise faith in us, and make time for us, we will reveal ourselves more and more to them. This is all determined by them and their desires to connect with us. We always desire to connect and love them, but if they don't ask of us, and make time for us, we will not foist ourselves upon them.'"


Alma 4:3
3 And so great were their afflictions that every soul had cause to mourn; and they believed that it was the judgments of God sent upon them because of their wickedness and their abominations; therefore they were awakened to a remembrance of their duty.

142C4-142C15, from Heavenly Mother: "My glorious Heavenly Mother then appeared in a bright light on the waters in front of me! She was smiling broadly and her eternity eyes were sparkling with light. I felt so very accepted and loved from her light that flowed into and through me! I know she lives, for I saw her again with my spiritual eyes, in her celestial realms above! What a blessing this is to hear from her so frequently.

I spoke to her about certain family members I wished to have blessed. I asked that her light might shine through my hands to them, attenuated to the correct level so that they might be receptive and not overwhelmed in any way. I prayed that they be protected from the powers of the adversary more also.

I then perceived that each one received a level of heavenly light that they could take in without being overwhelmed. Instead, they felt more loved and accepted, and of greater self worth. I also felt this light repelled the evil spirits that may have been around them. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was still standing above the waters in front of me!

Heavenly Mother then spoke directly to my mind: 'Raphael, I will continue to bless your loved ones for whom you have prayed this morning. I will channel my light through you to them, from the celestial realms above them. This I will do because of your pleadings for them to me.'

I then prayed for my fellow servants, the holy angels and the celestial servants whom Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had enlisted to help and serve their elect children. I asked that they, too, receive more light, celestial heavenly light from either or both of my Heavenly Parents. I asked that they each feel motivated to draw near to their Gods and to be so very enlightened in their efforts and service.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will send more abundant light to these, our celestial servants, because of your pleadings for them! We will send the maximum amount of light to them that they each are willing to receive, based on their own agency and receptivity. As they are more diligent, and make time in their busy lives for us, they will receive more and more of our light. We will also call on them more and more, replicating them to be able to have them serve us with greater capacity. The amount of service they desire to give will determine what we will be able to do through them. As their desires to serve their fellowman increase, we will use them more and more, even in the celestial realms on the earth. We will work through them as they labor in love for the elect of God to whom we will send them. Our desires are that our celestial servants and angels become a very great multitude through whom we minister our efforts in saving, protecting, teaching, and loving our elect.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my prayers on behalf of my celestial brothers and sisters whom God has called, along with me. I felt so pleased and contented with her responses.

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we honor the agency of our children, and will enlighten them as much as they themselves are willing to receive. Our elect have a desire to be open and receptive to us and to receive of our light. They love this light we send to them and feel most comfortable in our light. This is such a blessing and assurance to them in their earthly life, whether they live in mortality or in the spirit world on the earth.

We entirely take our cues from our children on how close they desire to be to us. If they humbly approach us, we will tenderly lead them, step by step, even until we reveal ourselves directly to them as you see me before you this morning. We are eager to reveal to each one the secrets of our will, our mysteries of the heavens, and all things, in time. As they exercise faith in us, and make time for us, we will reveal ourselves more and more to them. This is all determined by them and their desires to connect with us. We always desire to connect and love them, but if they don't ask of us, and make time for us, we will not foist ourselves upon them.'"


Alma 5:7
7 Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word; yea, they were encircled about by the bands of death, and the chains of hell, and an everlasting destruction did await them.

159H1-159H9: "I came to the small meadow down from the hill from the top of the switchback in God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the horizontal log and knelt for my morning prayer. I couldn't perceive much around me, so I came to the tree of life and ate of the fruit of and leaf and then came to God's Loving Healing Lake and drank of living water. I then returned to the meadow and resumed my kneeling position. I felt more aware of my spiritual perceptions for myself, but I couldn't "see" much around me yet. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I believe that my Heavenly Father will be coming.

Soon Heavenly Father came on the other side of the log. He reached out and touched my forehead with his hands. He said a few words that I didn't understand and withdrew his hand. I looked and saw a meadow full of little blue flowers and large fir trees at the edge of the meadow. I then looked up at my Heavenly Father and saw him smiling at me! I thanked him for helping me perceive so much better my surroundings and his face!

Heavenly Father then spoke to me, in my mind as he always does: 'Raphael, since you are a mortal man it is only by our power that you are able to see and perceive in our celestial world. You are adept enough, from our blessings of spiritual sight and perceptions, to generally see into our celestial world, but you cannot yet see with your physical eyes. The things you see here are spiritually perceived in your mind, unlike physical sight like you see with your physical eyes. When I touched your forehead, I enlightened your spiritual sights, allowing you to perceive more. Trust in your spiritual sight and in my voice that speaks to you in your mind. This is very real, although you don't use your physical eyes to see or physical ears to hear.

Spiritual perceptions are often difficult for our mortal children to understand and accept. Many feel that they should see with the physical senses, like eyesight from their physical eyes, hearing with their physical ears, feeling with their physical hands, smelling with their physical nose, or tasting with their physical tongue. All of these don't work until our child is translated or resurrected. You have been translated to a celestial glory in your physical body, but even for you it is still difficult to feel and use all of these senses in our celestial realms and perceive them in your physical body on earth. Instead you rely on your spiritual perceptions, which are much clearer to you now. By your more developed and aware spiritual sense you can tell what your celestial body is receiving and doing in our celestial realm.

When one of our children in mortality prays openly to us, their Heavenly Parents, and are humble and in a meditative state, their spiritual senses are heightened. We then speak to them in their minds and heart like I am communicating to you. We send our Spirit to enlighten them. They need to believe it is me speaking to them, and not their own imaginations or their own thoughts dreaming all of my words up. It is spiritually perceived, and very real, but different for them than how they see and hear on earth in their fallen mortal state.

Raphael, when you look into my face, into my eternity eyes, you rely on your spiritual perceptions. This is the manner in which your premortal spirit saw me. When we speak to you, we speak to your mind and heart through your spiritual perceptions too. This is how we have almost always communicated to you here in our celestial world. You have developed in your mortal state a high degree of spiritual perceptions so you might hear and see us your Gods, and receive our revelations. This is very pleasing to us. We would that all of our children in mortality develop these skills also. However, there are many hurdles for them to overcome, particularly their unbelief and realization that this is how we speak to them.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for describing clearly once again how I receive his revelations, all in my spiritual perceptions. I said that this was so very real and clear to me now, and how grateful I was for this great enlightenment, even in my flesh, that he and my Heavenly Mother have given to me!

Heavenly Father then smiled and started moving backwards across the meadow and up the little hill to the switchback path. He then was out of sight and I ended my morning prayer.

I then sat in my private room where I had been receiving all of this. It is so remarkable to me to do this twice a day, and to receive such great truths from God in this manner! I know it is a true process, and very uplifting. I can know of its truthfulness also through the Spirit of God that witnesses to my mind and heart of the truthfulness of this process. This is how God has communed with his/her children in their fallen, mortal state. It takes effort and constancy to develop these spiritual skills in mortality. This is how it has been ordained. The more we try to push ourselves, the more we are blessed with this awakening in our inner souls.

I am reminded of this scripture in Alma 5:7-

"Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word; yea, they were encircled about by the bands of death, and the chains of hell, and an everlasting destruction did await them." (see also Alma 5:14-19)."


Alma 5:15
15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?

77A2-77A9, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, I am glad you come to our desert so often! This location helps you to become clearer than other places as we have designed it to be.

Becoming clear in your body, even like transparent glass, is the feeling you have been recently experiencing. You have felt that you are clear enough to not be noticed, or so clear that one can see right through you. This you feel or experience before praying to us.

Raphael, this clarity in your body is a reflection or a measure of your unconscious mind's clarity. You don't see, in your mortal conscious mind, the state of your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind now has become very clear and sensitive and open to our words and directions. You are also able to perceive our whereabouts in our celestial world. You are becoming much more clarified in all that you perceive in your unconscious mind.

This clarity in your body is the feeling we have given you to keep you, in your mortal conscious mind, aware of how clear your unconscious mind really is. We are pleased with your progress, Raphael.

We also want our other mortal angels to become clarified more and more in their unconscious minds. They also will know this is happening when their body becomes clarified like transparent glass, like you have experienced. It is an exhilarating feeling to become so clarified!'

I thanked her for her explanation of why I feel so clear these days, even as transparent glass. When she was talking to me, I noticed that my body, that looked like transparent glass, was glowing from the light emanating from my Heavenly Mother. I was happy to see her light come into me and light me up!

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you are absorbing my light as I talk and as I am with you. You then are able to shine forth yourself with this light I share with you. This is what happened to the disciples of Jesus:

3 Nephi 19:25:

"And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof."

What this account refers to as white is really the absorption of the light of Jesus, and then the disciples shining forth in that light themselves. This truly is his image (or his light) in their countenances (see Alma 5:14 "Have ye received his image in your countenances?")

Raphael, you have been clear enough to absorb my light and then to shine forth this light from your own being. You are therefore receiving my countenance, or my light, in your being. When you have become clear enough, and then when you come into our presence, you absorb our light. When we leave, this light stays with you and shines forth for others to see.

You see this is done in heaven in the celestial realms above. In your mortal body, you are able to contain, or hide, this light. However, in our celestial realms you are shining more and more by absorbing our light so frequently-like being continuously charged or illuminated.

In your earthly body, your eyes are reflections also of the celestial light you have absorbed in your unconscious mind and being. You will notice your eyes will become more and more enlightened as you spend time with us, your Gods, in our celestial realms of light.'"

146I1-146I21: "I have been pondering the vision I saw of the marriage supper of the Lamb. At first I saw the people in the banquet hall eating from the feast that was prepared, but they hadn't yet been clothed in the white wedding garments. They hadn't even seemed aware where they were, except they had all been called and they responded and came. They had been called and I think chosen, but had really not been born again or awakened unto God.

I also knew that last night, when we were all waiting for the glorious entry of Jesus Christ through the gold east door, that everyone had been washed and changed and then clothed in a clean linen wedding garment in preparation for the entry of Jesus Christ. I knew that the fine linen represents the righteousness of the Saints (see Revelation 19:7-9). I believe this also was given to them by virtue of being washed white through Christ's blood.

Alma 5:21

"I say unto you, ye will know at that day that ye cannot be saved; for there can no man be saved except his garments are washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers, who should come to redeem his people from their sins."

S wrote me an email yesterday and again this morning, asking me what awakening the elect really means?

He quoted Mosiah 27:25-26

"And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

S asked what are God's higher ways of the awakening of the elect in the coming days?

I decided this morning to come again to the high mountaintop where I had been yesterday in prayer. I faced south and knelt, for I felt facing south somehow represented seeing things as they currently are now happening. Facing east is to see things of the future, and facing west is to see things of the past.

As I knelt, Heavenly Father immediately appeared at my side! He was standing on the grass, smiling. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, look now into the southern skies!'

I looked ahead and saw a humble man in the course of his life, currently living on earth. He was having hardships in life, common to all mankind. I saw him feeling overwhelmed with life and his inability to face his challenges alone. He quietly went into a secluded place and poured out his heart to God. He seemed so humble and open, and sincerely sought for God's guidance.

I then saw the Spirit of God come to him, filling him with light and truth. He was greatly comforted, and repeated this process that evening, and in the following days. He was taught of his Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He started studying the Bible and attending a local Christian church. He slowly was changing and being molded into the man of God that he was to become.

I saw that this man had a mighty change of heart, for he was wrought upon by the Spirit and obeyed. He was particularly thirsting after direction from God, which came to him as he exercised faith and took action on all of his promptings. He was becoming awakened unto God!''

I saw then that there was one time in his prayers that Jesus Christ came to him although the man did not see Jesus. He did know that Jesus was next to him, however, and was overcome with awe! He then heard the voice of Jesus in his mind clearly, in his unconscious mind. The man was perceptive and very open, for he was in a prayerful and meditative state.

Jesus spoke peace to the mind and heart of this humble man and said to him that his sins and weaknesses were forgiven, and that he, Jesus, had redeemed and cleansed him. He said he was clean every whit, and that he was fully acceptable to God. Jesus wrapped the man in the love and light of his Spirit, which flowed like abundant water into his being. The man was cleansed and purified in every way, with his garments washed white in the blood of the Lamb of God, even Jesus Christ. I saw that Jesus departed, but that the Spirit of God continued to remain with the man.

I then thought of Alma 27:24-26 where Alma the Younger described being born again, born of the Spirit, and becoming a new creature. I thought of his father, Alma, who spoke to the people of Zarahemla, asking them if they had received this experience?

Alma 5:14

"And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"

I then saw this man arise from his secret prayer, being born of God, being a new man, a man in whose heart and mind had no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). He had truly been born again and awakened unto God!

Heavenly Father then faced me and spoke:

'Raphael, you came here last night when Heavenly Mother instructed you and you came with her to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This man you just saw was in the crowd of the elect, for he would wear a beautiful wedding garment. This garment represents that he had been changed, born of God, and awakened to hear our voice, and knew our voice. He was perceptive to my still small voice, and obeyed what I said to him.

When I invited him to come to the wedding feast of the bridegroom, he heard and obeyed. This parable is symbolic of what happens to every one of my elect whom I have chosen, for they are called and chosen. They respond and at some point are awakened to God with a very cleansing and redeeming experience by my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They then become born again of the Spirit, and symbolically are given a clean, white linen wedding garment. They are numbered with the other elect of God, and await the prophesied second coming of the Son of Man, in the clouds of heaven.

When Jesus comes in his glory, these elect from all of our children ever born to us, will meet Jesus in the air and descend with him in glory to the earth. They will then live with him on the new terrestrial earth in the millennial day, a day and place reserved for my elect who have been or will soon be awakened unto God and born again through Jesus Christ, our Son.

Raphael, our elect who are born again will be fully transitioned into the terrestrial world. They will have also been changed from a telestial state to a terrestrial mortal state, even by the end of the year 2019. These changes are all necessary for them to have the strength and assurance in God that will be required to weather the storms coming upon the earth during its cleansing of the wicked, or the ungodly.

The awakening of our elect will be done one at a time for each of our children that I have chosen. Like this man in the vision you saw in the southern skies, each needs to be born again in a very deeply personal experience. This is done by their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ himself, like you saw happen to that man. Thus our elect gradually become awakened unto God, and led carefully back into our glorious presence, even as has happened to you.'

I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Father who faced me! I knew I had received great truths today, pure revelation from his very being who was in front of me. I said I would obey all he and Heavenly Mother would ask me to do. I said I was their faithful servant."


Alma 5:21
21 I say unto you, ye will know at that day that ye cannot be saved; for there can no man be saved except his garments are washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers, who should come to redeem his people from their sins.

See my notes in Alma 5:14 above.


Alma 5:33-36
33 Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you.

34 Yea, he saith: Come unto me and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely;

35 Yea, come unto me and bring forth works of righteousness, and ye shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire—

36 For behold, the time is at hand that whosoever bringeth forth not good fruit, or whosoever doeth not the works of righteousness, the same have cause to wail and mourn.

The arms of mercy are extended to all men and women: if they repent, Christ will receive them. Salvation is free, come to Christ and bring forth works of righteousness and you shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire.


Alma 5:50
50 Yea, thus saith the Spirit: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand; yea, the Son of God cometh in his glory, in his might, majesty, power, and dominion. Yea, my beloved brethren, I say unto you, that the Spirit saith: Behold the glory of the King of all the earth; and also the King of heaven shall very soon shine forth among all the children of men.

142H27-142H29, from Heavenly Mother: "You, Raphael, have been directly commissioned by us your Gods on 5/14/2017 to 5/15/2017. (see your post 51J1-51J9 and 53A15). You were given responsibility of the wilderness area on this celestial orb until the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, of building the New Jerusalem temple, and of establishing on earth the church of the Firstborn. This is the kingdom of heaven, or of the celestial, that of necessity needs to be established on the earth when Jesus Christ comes in glory to reign. His arrival in glory in the clouds of heaven will complete the arrival of the kingdom of Heaven on the earth.

Then will the scripture be fulfilled in D&C 65:5-6

"Call upon the Lord, that his kingdom may go forth upon the earth, that the inhabitants thereof may receive it, and be prepared for the days to come, in the which the Son of Man shall come down in heaven, clothed in the brightness of his glory, to meet the kingdom of God which is set upon the earth.

Wherefore, may the kingdom of God go forth, that the kingdom of heaven may come, that thou, O God, mayest be glorified in heaven so on earth, that thine enemies may be subdued, for thine is the honor, power and glory, forever and ever, amen."

The kingdom of heaven will come on the earth in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ. He will then take his rightful place on earth as the king of heaven, for he will be the king and lawgiver to those on the earth (see 2 Nephi 10:14 and Alma 5:50).

Raphael, all of your work for us is done in the celestial realms on this celestial orb and on earth. You help us direct and orchestrate all our work for the elect in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ.'"


Alma 5:53
53 And now my beloved brethren, I say unto you, can ye withstand these sayings; yea, can ye lay aside these things, and trample the Holy One under your feet; yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts; yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?

189E13-189E24: "Heavenly Mother then walked to me on the path to my right. I rotated on my knees to face her. She was smiling and very full of light.

She spoke: 'Raphael, you felt today the reward and satisfaction of completing a hard work project. We have given all of our sons and daughters this same joy from their sense of accomplishment. There is usually relief and the contentment of completion, both which add joy to the soul.

On the other hand, when one acquires riches, he/she also feels a sense of satisfaction. Our child then has a stewardship to use these riches, either for himself or herself, or to bless others. There are certain needs everyone requires which riches may help acquire. However, excess riches may corrupt the souls of our children when they are not shared and given in love and generosity to those in need. After this, the rich who do not share freely, begin to think that they are better than the others in need around them because they have more.

Alma 5:53

". . . yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts; yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?"

This change of heart which is pride and being puffed up, begins to allow iniquity in their souls to grow.

Helaman 7:21

"But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity."

Well did Jesus Christ say of those who have riches and have allowed pride, iniquity, and selfishness to take a prominent place in their lives:

Mark 10:23

"And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!"

Raphael, when you first come here to this flooded area of the future New Jerusalem, you will have a determination to fulfill our plan to create this island and the New Jerusalem temple. You will do exactly in the physical that you already have done in the spirit (see your posts 172 and 173). This will give you exceedingly great satisfaction to witness these creative events being fulfilled. This will bring you great joy to participate in this plan we have for building the New Jerusalem temple on the celestial realm of the earth, and the surrounding terrestrial island of the New Jerusalem. You will reflect on this accomplishment all throughout the millennium, which reflection will continue to fill you with happy memories.

All the riches of man will perish on the earth, when there will be a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1), except for our celestial temple. This structure will already be celestial, and will not be consumed when the earth shall pass away. This temple will stand as a memorial for our exalted children forever.

Revelation 21:2

"And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem (the temple of the New Jerusalem in its midst), coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her teachings on riches and on the sense of accomplishment I will have with others in constructing the New Jerusalem. I told her I looked forward to all these events, even soon to happen on the earth. I told her I was so happy to meet with her tonight on the celestial grounds of the New Jerusalem temple."


Alma 5:57
57 And now I say unto you, all you that are desirous to follow the voice of the good shepherd, come ye out from the wicked, and be ye separate, and touch not their unclean things; and behold, their names shall be blotted out, that the names of the wicked shall not be numbered among the names of the righteous, that the word of God may be fulfilled, which saith: The names of the wicked shall not be mingled with the names of my people;

See D&C 85:3-5 and my notes in these verses.


Alma 5:58
58 For the names of the righteous shall be written in the book of life, and unto them will I grant an inheritance at my right hand. And now, my brethren, what have ye to say against this? I say unto you, if ye speak against it, it matters not, for the word of God must be fulfilled.

The book of life spoken of here is the Lamb's Book of Life, spoken of in post 54 below:

54K4, from Heavenly Mother: "Oriphiel records the ordinance in the Book of Life, with two witnesses from the family or friends who watch from the edge of the font. Oriphiel records the candidate's premortal name, date, ordinance done, and the premortal names of the two witnesses."

54H14, from Heavenly Father: "When you administer the ordinance, you will descend the seven steps in the oval font area with the candidate. There will be a basin of specially prepared water on the floor of this font that you will use. Once done, the candidate will exit by ascending the seven steps to the south side of the font. Oriphiel will be seated at a table at the center top of this location, with the Lamb's Book of Life. The new member may then witness the entry of his or her name in the book."

54X9-54X9, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, we are pleased that you are back in our presence, and have been redeemed by the merits and suffering of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You have our important mission to fulfill before us, in constructing this beautiful holy temple and of bringing the Church of the Firstborn to the earth.

We have shown you how the new member of our celestial church is received into this Church of the Firstborn. You are worthy and clean to prepare the special waters of separation to be used in this ordinance in this font room. You will take a red heifer and slay it on the stone alter. You will then burn its entire body on the altar, in front of this temple. Then you will take the ashes and carefully gather and store them. You will take living water and pour this over a part of the ashes, making waters of purification that will be used in the sprinkling process, in the waters of separation ordinance. When the candidate is sprinkled with this water, and you and Oriphiel complete this ordinance, we will consider our new member clean and pure before us, and a new member of the Church of the Firstborn. Oriphiel will then write their name in the Lamb's Book of Life. This ordinance represents the first gold step leading into this temple, and leading down into the font."

See also my notes in D&C 85:7


Alma 7:22-24
22 And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.

23 And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

24 And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works.

Charity is often associated with faith and hope, all three bringing forth great works together.

143C11-143C24: "Heavenly Father appeared in front of me on the stand, a little elevated in the air! He was very bright and was smiling at me. He spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought you into our temple, into one of our chapels here tonight. The chapels on earth and in heaven are where our children meet for instruction, to receive the sacrament and make covenants, and to receive personal revelation from us, their Gods. We often send our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost to dwell in the hearts of our humble and open children who come to worship us in our chapels.

You attend sacrament meeting each Sunday in an LDS chapel. Were the leaders and those who speak to be moved upon by our Spirit, you would be enlightened and receive personal revelation, for you are humble and open. However, they are now usually not inspired, you do not feel our Spirit in these meetings.

We will have the future Church of Christ build chapels where our saints will meet weekly, or as often as they need. The Nephites, who had established a Zion society, used their chapels and meeting places in this manner:

Moroni 6:9-"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

D&C 20:45-"The elders are to conduct the meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God."

We are pleased when our saints feel inspired by us their Gods on what to instruct, preach and expound to their congregations in the Church of Christ. As they respond to our promptings, and are humble and open, we will inspire them to share our words with the people. We will witness of all truth to those who in like manner receive their words by our Spirit. They then may all be edified and instructed by us, even though we may usually not be seen as present in the meetings.

"Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit; and in this there is no condemnation, and ye receive the Spirit through prayer; wherefore, without this there remaineth condemnation." (D&C 63:64)

Also: "And they shall observe the covenants and church articles to do them, and these shall be their teachings, as they shall be directed by the Spirit.

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach." (D&C 42:13-14).

If one is assigned to speak, and they are not moved upon by the Spirit, it would be far better for them not to speak, but defer to another who has the Spirit and is led to speak by our Spirit. We are not pleased when those who speak are not led by our Spirit, or who lean upon their own views and understandings. We would that all who come to the meetings in their chapels or other places, to come in humility and a worshipful attitude.

D&C 6:32-"Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them—even so am I in the midst of you."

Raphael, we want to strengthen and buoy up our humble and open believers with our word. We want them to be gathered and fed by inspired men and women, all according to the gifts and blessings of our Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. We wish that each time they meet they learn and grow in the Spirit.

We inspired Alma who addressed the people in the city of Gideon:

Alma 7:22-24- "And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.

And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."

Such is also our counsel to our faithful today. We wish to shower upon them our Spirit, but so many will not hear us, or shut themselves to our Spirit, for they do not approach us after the holy order of God, after the true order of prayer like your Heavenly Mother recently explained to you. If they are open, submissive and humble, and pray to us in faith that we send our Spirit and instruct them, we will come!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful message tonight in his chapel. I expressed my deep gratitude to him for his instruction. I said I would always humbly seek his Holy Spirit, and the Holy Ghost of Heavenly Mother. I said I loved both of them and would follow the promptings of their Spirit."

186B2-186B9: "I knelt on the ground on the land far to the north of Lake Beautiful where I had come once before to a large snowfield. The snow was now no longer there, and the ground was rocky. There was mountain grass and beautiful mountain flowers here and there. I felt at peace, and then invited my Heavenly Father to come to me.

He immediately appeared before me, smiling like I often see him do. I thanked him for coming whenever I asked. I thanked him also for continuing to give me gentle nudges and impressions, and for being by my side throughout my mortal days. I invited him to always come and guide me through my life experiences.

Heavenly Father then spoke to me, by his thoughts that came clearly to me in my mind and heart:

'Raphael, because you continually ask for your Heavenly Mother and I to come, and because you are open and eager to always receive us, then we come. We delight in being by your side on a daily basis.

All that your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night is true, and you wrote her words correctly in your journal. When we give you impressions in your thoughts during your mortal day, this is part of being one with us. Our very thoughts blend with yours, and seem like they are from the same source in a mix of your thoughts and our thoughts which merge together to become one.

Most of our children never invite us, their Gods, into their lives, or into their minds and hearts. As a result, we don't come to them. However, were they to reach out to us, even though they don't know us in their lives, we would start the process of prompting them. The more consistently they ask, the more frequently we come.

In this way we come as we are invited. We are eager to begin a renewed relationship with them in their mortal life, or in whatever state or place they may be in. These are our beloved children who are hopefully only temporarily away from us in their journey to the earth. This earth life is a necessary part of their growth and probation.

When our child enters into the waters of baptism, and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, by one holding my priesthood authority, we then generally come more frequently to them, and with more power and openness. The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is to have the continual presence of their own Heavenly Mother with them. She comes to those who invite her in by their obedience to what we prompt them to do through their heart and mind. We help refine their being, and help them overcome their mortal tendencies of the natural man. As the cleansing power of their Great Redeemer Jesus Christ comes into their lives, they become a saint, one who is purified and sanctified. They may then come more fully into our very presence, and soon may be introduced again to us by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Our relationship then continues to grow more deep and fulfilling. We gradually lead them in their life to become one with us, in their very thoughts and intentions. We give them abundantly of our peace and share our joys with them. This is the process for them to come back into our presence. Hear now my words through Alma:

Alma 7:22-24

"And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.

And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."'"


Alma 9:28
28 Therefore, prepare ye the way of the Lord, for the time is at hand that all men shall reap a reward of their works, according to that which they have been—if they have been righteous they shall reap the salvation of their souls, according to the power and deliverance of Jesus Christ; and if they have been evil they shall reap the damnation of their souls, according to the power and captivation of the devil.

160C5-160C12: "Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, some of our children are able to quickly accept changes in their new environment, and others feel like it is a dream they are experiencing. There are many changes that are coming quickly to your world, and these will change reality in the telestial realm of your earth.

There is a reality in each realm that is different to those who experience living: the new terrestrial earth will appear surreal to the newcomers, but it is still reality. Once they become adjusted to their new reality, they will gradually accept this new norm as reality to them.

Your Father and I dwell in the highest celestial realm. We see all the lower realms in their full realities as those who dwell there see things. We are able to move from our realm to another and adjust our view according to what is real, and how our children in these lower realms view life and their surroundings.

When there is a shift or change, it takes our children varying amounts of time to also shift their mindset and thinking. The changes coming to the earth will come quickly, one after another. You will often have the feelings that there is a new norm, or a new environment in your mortal world, for it is changing. These changes will ultimately bring into existence our millennial world and the elimination of all things telestial. We will help you shift your mind to more quickly change your paradigm of how things really are, even as they happen.

For those who pray to us, asking for our help to see what they might need in a future reality in their world, we will inspire them to prepare. This might be storing food, planting a garden, or anticipating shortages or a needful thing. This provident and preparedness mindset is very helpful to develop.

Raphael, your reality will also change as you actively make changes. You have dramatically changed the reality of your garden area, all by you and your family's hard work. Soon it will also transform into delicious foods you may eat and enjoy. We will help you envision what needs to be done by your hard work, so life in a future day will be pleasing to you. Planning and work create new norms and environments that you desire and will enjoy.

Such is also true in spiritual things, and how you choose to live, and to interact with others. You may develop godly attributes and become more Christ like, or choose to follow the natural man and continue in life without progress.

Alma 9:28-

"Therefore, prepare ye the way of the Lord, for the time is at hand that all men shall reap a reward of their works, according to that which they have been—if they have been righteous they shall reap the salvation of their souls, according to the power and deliverance of Jesus Christ; and if they have been evil they shall reap the damnation of their souls, according to the power and captivation of the devil."'"


Alma 11:37
37 And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.

57H4-57H13, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we too are very pleased to be in your presence, and to be before you this morning! You have entered into mortality as all our children do, into imperfect circumstances. Your parents and family had great weaknesses, also inherited and taught from the generations before them, and the culture of the times.

Recall the scripture in Ether 12:27:

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

We persuade our children in mortality to come to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and the Mediator between God and man. He will remove their weaknesses as they humbly come unto him. It is usually a gradual process of change. We give experiences and situations in life to steer them to humility and to come unto their Savior. If they do so, they may leave their weaknesses of the flesh behind them, which may be many, and accept the patterns of a Godly life, full of faith, hope and compassion (see verse Ether 12:28- "Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.").

By this means our children may become clean and pure before us. There are many weaknesses of the flesh they need to remove and replace with our ways of thinking, living and learning.

When they have reached a point of purity and are deemed clean before God, Jesus accepts them as his sons and daughters, for he spiritually begets them (see Mosiah 5:7- "And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters."). This is a mighty change of heart, where they no more have a disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (Mosiah 5:2- "And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.").

If this truly is the state of their soul, they may progress to receive entry into our church and kingdom. However, no unclean thing may enter into our kingdom, for all must be humble and clean before us, as little children. (see Matthew 19:13-14, 1 Nephi 10:21, and Alma 11:37-

Matthew 19:13-14-

"Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

1 Nephi 10:21- "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever."

Alma 11:37- "And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.")

We purposefully give our children who come into mortality great flaws and weaknesses. Yet they need to shed these and become pure and holy, and strong in righteous ways, in order to be brought back into our presence. This struggle and process is the best way we have found to sift those who really want to be like us, and live our righteous life from those who don't. This is the very purpose of mortality-to see who will come unto us and our Beloved Son, even when ladened with sin, weaknesses, and not being in our presence anymore. We give them valuable experience also for them to gain compassion and understanding.'"


Alma 11:40-41
40 And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.

41 Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God, and be judged according to their works.

125G25-125H11: "Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with me tonight. He has brought with him one of the Books of the Laws of God. This volume has a list of the types of sins that restrict entry into the celestial realms where God lives. The list is for the celestial entry requirements are more restrictive than for entry into the terrestrial or telestial realms. Each sin has listed an amount of suffering required for the sin to be forgiven, or for the law to be satisfied. Those sins of a more severe nature require more payment or suffering to have them satisfied, or remitted. The levels of suffering are described and are to be understood only by the gods to whom this book is given. The couple god parents of their own children use the Book of the Laws of God to determine how much suffering their chosen Redeemer must suffer to atone for those sins. If these sufferings of the Redeemer are not accepted by the sinner, then he or she may not enter into the celestial, terrestrial or telestial worlds. The suffering then would be endured by the sinner, but still they would not be able to be cleansed and made holy without a Redeemer, a requirement to enter into these worlds.

Jesus then spoke to me: 'Raphael, without me, all of God's children for this eternity would be forever lost and not able of themselves to return to their Heavenly Parents' presence, for this would not be allowed by the laws of God. The laws of God require full payment for sin and then that the sinner be cleansed and made holy in order to return into the presence of God.

One exception to this is when I, their Redeemer, quicken them temporarily to come to the judgment bar of God in the celestial world. Once they are judged, they are escorted to their final destination of a lower glory. They receive a resurrection freely given on my merits as their Redeemer, but are not fully cleansed to a higher level since they are going to a lower spiritual realm. They each acknowledge that I am their Redeemer, but have not taken the necessary steps to receive full forgiveness of their sins from me. They therefore need to pay for the required suffering for their own sins as given in this Book of the Laws of God, for the telestial or terrestrial glory they are being sent to.

Once they have suffered for their own sins and are resurrected, I cleanse them to the level required for entry into the telestial or terrestrial glory. This cleansing is a lower amount than given to the celestial, for the celestial have fully repented and come unto me, their Savior. I have suffered for their accumulated sins so they don't need to suffer like the telestial and terrestrial will suffer.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2019, Thursday

My prayer continued this morning and took up where I had left the night before. Jesus then opened the book in his hands. He asked me to step forward in space above the great rocky hole in the ground under him. I stood and walked up to him in the air and looked upon the book he had opened.

He spoke again: 'Raphael, this page shows the sin of adultery and gives the amount of suffering required to pay for this sin for entry into the celestial world, a lower amount of suffering required for entry into the terrestrial world, and finally the lowest amount of suffering required for entry into the telestial world. There is also a description of what the sin consists of. Once the sin is forgiven for the sinner after he or she, or I pay for the sin through suffering, then I cleanse the sinner for entry to whatever spiritual realm they are assigned. Those who receive a celestial glory are cleansed by my power and made holy to a celestial level, for these are of the celestial nature and are most comfortable living in the celestial realms of glory.

Those who receive either a terrestrial or telestial glory are cleansed by me to the level required for entry into that glory. Therefore for instance, all of the terrestrial are cleansed to a terrestrial glory and will have individually paid the price for their own sins. My sufferings for them will not have been fully accepted, for they never came to me with full repentance or in deep humility and obedience. They therefore need to pay for their own sins, for that is what the Book of the Laws of God states. Lower amounts of suffering are required for the sinner who is of the telestial nature, for their kingdom is of a lower level of glory than the terrestrial or celestial. Those of a telestial glory are also not cleansed to a higher level required for the higher spiritual spheres.

The sufferings are endured by both the telestial and terrestrial, mostly in the spirit world after their death. If they don't fully repent, even in that spirit world where it is fully given to them, nor accept me as their Redeemer so that I may have my previous sufferings accepted for them, and also that I may cleanse them, then they need to suffer themselves without my assistance.

D&C 19:15-20

"Therefore, I command you to repent-repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore-how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.

For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-

Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.

Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, ye, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."

Also, Alma 11:40-41

"And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.

Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God and be judged according to their works."

Raphael, for God's children who do not repent, I have wasted my suffering for them, and they need to suffer. This causes me to be full of anger and wrath for the unrepentant, and is likened to me smiting them with the rod of my mouth (see D&C 19:15). At the same time that I am full of wrath, I am also full of compassion for them, and wonder why they won't repent and come unto me, their Redeemer, and receive fully my gift that I freely offer to them? I therefore need to obey the Book of the Laws of God, for we who are Gods have covenanted to obey these laws.

Alma 42:13

"Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God."

Raphael, our Heavenly Mother and I have come with you to this deep pit below us, filled with jagged rocks and a steep slope. This is representative of the sufferings that I already paid, or that those who don't accept my sufferings for them will pay, for the accumulated sins of their lives. These sins all need to be paid for, according to the requirements of this book I have opened before you, in order for them to be received into a kingdom of glory. Once the payment for their accumulated sins are all fully paid, for their respective telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory, I then will freely cleanse them from their sins and bring them to their respective glory, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. They may then be admitted into their chosen kingdom of glory and dwell there, worlds without end.'

I looked down at the treacherous hole below us, with the river representing Jesus Christ crashing into it. I felt the mist of water from this crashing water. I then was overwhelmed with gratitude that Jesus Christ, who stood before me, had already suffered for my accumulated sins! I knelt in the air in front of him and thanked him for forgiving me of my many sins and for cleansing me!

He closed the book and pulled me close to him with his free arm. I felt his deep love and Spirit come upon me. I feel so very blessed! I also thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and brought Jesus and the book he showed to me. Both smiled at me and then my vision ended."


Alma 11:43
43 The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time; and we shall be brought to stand before God, knowing even as we know now, and have a bright recollection of all our guilt.

199D13-199D17: "I have wondered if anything material in the mortal telestial world would survive the destruction coming to that realm, when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. I met my Heavenly Mother in my prayer tonight on the eastern shores of the mighty river, to the west of the New Jerusalem island.

She answered me: 'Raphael, all in the telestial world will be consumed and be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. We wish to preserve your records since 2010, and will have you bring these to the mortal terrestrial realm on the earth. All lands, buildings, and anything living on the telestial earth will be consumed. This includes all earthly records, temples, and people. In order for any of these to be preserved, they need to be approved and then brought into our mortal terrestrial realm prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

We have also written in heaven the vital records that were written on earth, even from the beginning (see D&C 128:8-9). We also have the ability to recall and reveal all events and actions that have happened in the past to our children in their telestial mortal state. We will use this method to judge the actions of our children during their probation. All will acknowledge that our judgments are just, for they will also have a bright recollection of all they did in their mortal and postmortal life when they stand before us or our servants at the judgment day (see Alma 11:43).'

I recall having been in the little Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City, and saw the granite vaults on the valley hill with records stored there by the LDS church. I asked if these too would be destroyed, as well as the Salt Lake Temple.

Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, both of these will be consumed, for they will remain on the telestial earth when Jesus Christ comes in his glory.'"


Alma 12:36
36 And now, my brethren, behold I say unto you, that if ye will harden your hearts ye shall not enter into the rest of the Lord; therefore your iniquity provoketh him that he sendeth down his wrath upon you as in the first provocation, yea, according to his word in the last provocation as well as the first, to the everlasting destruction of your souls; therefore, according to his word, unto the last death, as well as the first.

45A9-45A15, from both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother: "Q- Will there be an entirely new break when the Church of Christ is created, and not a mere restructuring of the LDS Church, and weeding out the untruths? A- What David received from me is accurate-that there will be a complete, fresh start, with a new head or prophet of the Church of Christ, and other officers. Some doctrines, beliefs, and practices will be carried over from the corrupted LDS Church. The keys that Joseph Smith has will be passed onto the new head of that church. The old will be completely removed, both in leadership and in name.

Q- Will there be any still adhering to the old LDS Church, who go into the millennial day? A- No. Those who do not come to the new Church of Christ, the new restored church, will not be allowed to dwell in that happy day of the millennium. The LDS Church has made a very large provocation to God, and he will not tolerate these leaders and members who do not repent. These will not enter into the day of his rest during the 1000 years of peace. The new Church of Christ will become the preparatory, terrestrial church, and the Church of the Firstborn will be the celestial church, in the millennial day. There will be a new dispensation of the restored gospel in the Church of Christ.

Those who are now my elect, and are currently in the LDS Church, will move into the Church of Christ, for my elect hear my voice, and that will be my direction to them. Those who do not hear my voice belong to the great and abominable church of the devil, for there are now save two churches only. The wrath of God will be poured out upon the wicked and upon the great and abominable church of the devil, as spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:15-17.

(R: I searched the online scriptures for the word 'provocation' and found these two verses in the Book of Mormon:

Alma 12:36 "And now, my brethren, behold I say unto you, that if ye will harden your hearts ye shall not enter into the rest of the Lord; therefore your iniquity provoketh him that he sendeth down his wrath upon you as in the first provocation, yea, according to his word in the last provocation as well as the first, to the everlasting destruction of your souls; therefore, according to his word, unto the last death, as well as the first."

Jacob 1:7 "Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his rest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not enter in, as in the provocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the wilderness."

I believe now that God has been provoked, and there is another major church-wide provocation now, like when the children of Israel provoked God in the wilderness. Back then, all the old generation was left to wander and die for 40 years in the wilderness. Today, those who provoke God and do not repent will be destroyed at the time of Christ's coming. This includes members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who do not repent nor seek the direction they need from God above.)

Q- Will there be other churches allowed to be established in the terrestrial world in the millennium? A- Not at the beginning of the millennium, for the other churches are classed as the church of the devil, which will be destroyed. The only two churches that will be in the terrestrial world, at the beginning of the millennium, when Satan is bound, are the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. After awhile, other churches will again spring up from those good people with similar beliefs who do not enter into the Church of Christ. At the end of the 1,000 years, wickedness will also be tolerated for a little season."


Alma 13:3
3 And this is the manner after which they were ordained—being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such.

90F17-90F18, from Heavenly Father: "Q5: When Heavenly Mother brought to Raphael two Refugees of Lucifer, they were already redeemed by coming to Jesus Christ. Will these two refugees need to come to earth as mortals and need to be redeemed again?

A5: Yes, all of our children needed to be redeemed in their premortal state in the spirit world before coming to earth. They were all redeemed by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They all partook of the emblems of the sacrament, in looking forward to the great redemption of their sins and weaknesses, both in their spirit state prior to coming to earth, and then in their future mortal state on earth. This entire redemptive work is one, regardless of the progressive state of our children.

For the Refugees of Lucifer, they were finally redeemed in their spirit state prior to coming to earth for their mortal experience. This is exactly what our other children also received. Those who have come to earth, they also received a preparatory redemption through Jesus Christ in their premortal spirit state.

See Alma 13:3, where Alma spoke of those who were ordained to the priesthood in mortality who had received a preparatory redemption. This same preparatory redemption was for all of our children who left their premortal state and came to earth for their mortal experience.

Alma 13:3

"And this is the manner after which they were ordained-being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such.""

June 21, 2024: The last few days I read this verse and mused over the the words "preparatory redemption", given to the righteous men who would receive the priesthood in mortality. I believe that this preparatory redemption applies to all of God's children, and not just to those who receive the holy calling of the priesthood. It applies to all those who would truly repent and exercise faith in Jesus Christ would receive in the future the full effect of his redemption. Those who would not repent, would later receive the demands of justice, based on their works and what they were willing to receive.

In this earth life, whether in the telestial or terrestrial realm, we couldn't prepare our hearts and minds to meet God without a space or time of non-judgment from God and his laws. The atonement of Jesus Christ was extended to us in this life, to delay and appease the demands of justice so that we have time to choose good or evil.

See Alma 42:15: "And now, the plan of mercy could not be brought about except an atonement should be made; therefore God himself atoneth for the sins of the world, to bring about the plan of mercy, to appease the demands of justice, that God might be a perfect, just God, and a merciful God also."

The atonement had to cover the demands of justice, delaying these demands for the season of probation, so that God would fully know what his children would choose, whether good or evil. Only after such an experience of testing does God enact the laws of justice. Jesus claims his own who merit his mercy because of their repentance and works in their premortal and mortal lives. The atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite, spanning the time from our birth as a spirit in the premortal life, to the time just before the final judgment of God. He temporarily holds off the law of justice, that he may claim all that which is his own, before enacting the punishment of the eternal law of justice, which has to be met in full.

Alma 42:22-24: "But there is a law given, and a punishment affixed, and a repentance granted; which repentance, mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth the creature and executeth the law, and the law inflicteth the punishment; if not so, the works of justice would be destroyed, and God would cease to be God.

But God ceaseth not to be God, and mercy claimeth the penitent, and mercy cometh because of the atonement; and the atonement bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead; and the resurrection of the dead bringeth back men into the presence of God; and thus they are restored into his presence, to be judged according to their works, according to the law and justice.

For behold, justice exerciseth all his demands, and also mercy claimeth all which is her own; and thus, none but the truly penitent are saved."

My conclusion: the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ allows a preparatory redemption, a space for us to choose without the full effects of justice coming down upon us.


Alma 13:17-19
17 Now this Melchizedek was a king over the land of Salem; and his people had waxed strong in iniquity and abomination; yea, they had all gone astray; they were full of all manner of wickedness;

18 But Melchizedek having exercised mighty faith, and received the office of the high priesthood according to the holy order of God, did preach repentance unto his people. And behold, they did repent; and Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the prince of peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father.

19 Now, there were many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater; therefore, of him they have more particularly made mention.

119E15-119E28: "Evening-I came tonight to the south side of the stone room, at the northern end of the healing rooms in God's Loving Healing Center. It was between the square room and the opal room, both some distance away. Heavenly Mother had asked I come here to meet up with Melchizedek, or Shem.

I came in the doorway of the stone room, and there was nobody visible. So I came outside and knelt not far from the open doorway. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come, and for Melchizedek to also come, for I was told he would come tonight sometime. I waited and watched.

Next I saw a brilliant light come from inside the doorway of the stone room. I heard a voice in my mind to stand and walk through the open doorway. I arose and walked through the stone door frame into the open room. As I entered I saw Heavenly Father standing next to a man who was dressed in a white robe. Heavenly Father was shining moderately brightly, and was smiling. The man next to him was in a white robe also, but not as bright. He wore a medium long beard. He too was smiling, and had deep eyes, but not nearly as deep and mature as my Heavenly Father's eyes. I remained standing for that is what I felt impressed to do.

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, this is Melchizedek, our ancient patriarch who voyaged on the ark with his father Noah, and his two brothers, and all of their wives. There were eight people in the ark when all the rest of the people on earth died in the floods.

Once they landed, Melchizedek lived a long time and established the people of God. He traveled across lands and continents, and even came to the promised land that is now called America. The ark was built on this land of America, but migrated to the other hemisphere to Mount Ararat as is recorded in the bible. This is where Melchizedek, or Shem, established his family and the other righteous followers and elect of God. He has a lot of experience in building cities, even the city of Salem, later named Jerusalem in Abraham's day. He became a prince of peace, and wrought righteousness with his people in Salem, and was called a King of Righteousness in Salem. Abraham also paid tithing to Melchizedek, being such a notable high priest. He reigned under his father Noah.

Alma 13:17-19 "Now this Melchizedek was a king over the land of Salem; and his people had waxed strong in iniquity and abomination; yea, they had all gone astray; they were full of all manner of wickedness.

But Melchizedek having exercised mighty faith, and received the office of the high priesthood according to the holy order of God, did preach repentance unto his people. And behold, they did repent; and Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the prince of peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father.

Now there were many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater, therefore, of him they have more particularly made mention. "

The scriptures also record that as a child Melchizedek "feared God, and stopped the mouths of Lions, and quenched the violence of fire. " (JST Genesis 14:26). See also JST Genesis 14:25-40)

I want you, Raphael, to meet Melchizedek, my son who has now been translated to a celestial glory. He and his people live with Enoch and his translated group, to minister to those who live on the earth. His time on earth during his mortal life is now completed and he served us during his entire time. I have given him a mission to be of assistance to you as a counselor and guide when you design and construct the New Jerusalem in your day. He has much experience and abundant faith! Call on him for guidance in those areas you feel that a wiser man with so much skill and knowledge would be able to help you with.'

Heavenly Father motioned for Melchizedek to come forward and greet me. We both stepped forward and embraced, first on my left side and then my right side. I stepped back and Melchizedek spoke to my mind these words:

'Raphael, I am privileged to be brought by our Heavenly Father to perhaps be of assistance to you during your important latter-day mission of building the New Jerusalem! I am completely available to you for as much advice and counseling that you may ask of me. I honor you for your diligence in knowing and receiving from our Gods on how to perform your important mission in these last days.'

I then spoke: 'I thank you, Heavenly Father, for again introducing Melchizedek to me tonight. I am relieved to have someone so skilled to be able to guide and help me in the day-to-day work of building a city, even a celestial city and temple. I will continually call upon you, and also as I feel directed in asking for Melchizedek.'

We all three smiled together. Heavenly Father and Melchizedek then started to fade away and were next gone from my presence."


Alma 13:28-29
28 But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;

29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.

190E8-190E11, from Heavenly Father: "Raphael, one of the characteristics of our people who establish Zion is a patient and submissive heart and mind. We are molding our elect in these times of waiting and preparation to gain these attributes needed to enter Zion.

Alma spoke of these same attributes and characteristics needed in the lives of the people of his day.

Alma 13:28-29

"But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;

Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."

Our people pray to know our will for their individual lives and progression, the attainment of these attributes will be high on their list, given to them by us. We will thereby prepare our people to be more trusting, more patient, and more humble. Once they attain these things, then we will bring them to Zion, the pure in heart. Our elect in Zion will all be humble, patient and submissive to our will.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and new insights to me this morning. I thanked him to have come to me and to have taught me. I asked for more patience and more submission to his and Heavenly Mother's will."


Alma 13:29
29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.

95K2-95K9: "Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, your Father shared with you last night how important faith is in exercising our thoughts to act. We continue to exercise our faith continually in all of our actions. Faith is often described in the scriptures along with hope and charity:

D&C 18:19-

"And if you have not faith, hope, and charity, you can do nothing."

You understand how critical faith is to all action in intelligent beings, but what about hope? Hope has been described for the faithful by Nephi:

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. . ."

Hope is centered in Christ, with anticipation of eternal life.

Alma 13:29-

"Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."

When our children are able to lay hold upon the idea that they may progress and live in a happy, eternal state, even in eternal life, this hope is very motivating to their desires to persist in the path towards eternal life. It is hope that propels them forward in faith to do what they need to do in order to attain eternal life. They act in small steps towards their overall objective, in exercising their faith, being motivated by hope.

I like the phrase "having a perfect brightness of hope", for this is how our faithful believe and act. If there were no hope in our children, they would have no motivation to persist in faith, and therefore would take no action. Hope, coupled with strong faith, always produces action and improvement when focused on works we direct our children to accomplish.

Even after we ordain our children to be Gods, and ordain them with power to act like we act, the new gods need to act in faith and hope. These two attributes continue to propel them forward in all their actions.

Raphael, you have hope that all of the promises we are telling you by revelation are true. You act in faith, riveted by the hope swelling in your heart that they are true. As you move forward and progress, one step closer at a time, you are encouraged and generate more hope and assurance that you are on the correct path that leads to your own exaltation. You believe and hope that you are acting in harmony with our will. We give you more and more light and love to continue to feed your faith and hope. Soon your hope becomes a perfect brightness of hope!

Even now, Raphael, I am filled with hope and assurance that you will be motivated to do all we encourage you to do. I see your faith and hope growing stronger with each day. This confirms my own hope that you will press forward and attain all we command and encourage you to do!

I also have great hope in our holy angels-all of them! I see them acting in faith and hope to accomplish such great actions, even as we reveal to them! I desire each to press forward in hope, acting in faith, even until they fulfill all of our commands!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words on hope! I told her that I am continually motivated by hope in being with them and my lovely wife and family in eternity and all the faithful. I am filled with joy and happiness that rewards my efforts!

She then pulled me forward to a standing position and then she lovingly embraced me! I felt her great love and acceptance of me! I felt her great hope and assurance I could and would be really able to do all that she and Heavenly Father asked of me! I too was filled with greater faith, hope and charity."


Alma 26:12
12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

56A2-56A10, from Heavenly Mother: "Today I wish to share with you how one receives our power. Do not include this with your current post, but sent it out when we tell you.

First, they need to understand that they of themselves have no access to our power, for our power has been given to us because we are God. Man of themselves has no access to our power, for it has to be shared with them by us for a particular circumstance. This should cause our child to act in humility and supplication, in prayer before us.

Secondly, our child needs to ask in faith for a specific request to us, their God. We have asked they come unto us in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in prayer.

We, who are your God, exercise our power over our children and all things pertaining to them. We have the power of creation, of healing, of all varieties of miracles to shape the purpose of their mortal probation on the earth. We consider our plan when deciding whether to answer a request of our child to use our power, even the power of God.

Third, we will share with our child our decision in our own way. For example, recently you asked one of us to help you clear a migraine headache in your wife that you were unable to clear yourself. I came and assured you I would help, with my power, which was above your own ability. I inspired you to act as my conduit, using a God's Loving Focus healing gift. I placed my hand next to yours and together we moved the obstruction in your wife's head. This was only possible with my power and not your own.

Further, we expect our child to thank us for extending our power to them and acknowledge the power was God's power, and not their own. In the case above, you were impressed by the ability we had together in removing the obstruction by my power. You immediately thanked me for blessing you with my power, as my conduit, and in being with you during the healing process. You expressed deep gratitude and dependence upon me, saying of yourself you had no power, but with my power you could do all things, according to my will. (Raphael here: see Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." and Alma 26:12 "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.") Raphael, this is the most correct attitude our child should have when we extend to them our power.

There are times when it is not wise for us to grant the request of our child to extend to them our power. In this case, our child should continue to be ever humble and grateful, and perhaps importune us for what can be done by our power. (R here: See the parable of the unjust judge)

These are the simple four steps in attaining our power. If ever in question, our child may ask in faith and humility. We will respond in a way they can understand, according to our own will.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful explanation this morning to me in prayer. I feel so pleased to commune often with her and my Heavenly Father. I have sought diligently my God, and they have come!'"

192F10-192F21, from Heavenly Mother: "I came again this evening to the desert oasis. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came from the opened sky, and came upon the far side of the oasis on the water. She was shining brightly. Her reflection on the water was very blindingly bright.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, walk to me across these waters on the water.'

I stood and looked at my Heavenly Mother in the center of the very bright light. I felt her deep love for me coming in the light. I then stepped out onto the surface of the water. As I stepped, the water seemed to harden, although around my feet the water started splashing. Within a few feet upon the water, a violent wind blew from my right side, causing waves in the water to come up to my waist! I kept walking towards the light, although all I could see through the mist and wind was a blur of light, still beaming to me. I could still feel the water harden under each footstep that I made, which kept me on top of the water. After twenty seconds or so the sky and environment all around me became pitch black! I felt to keep walking, and shut my eyes. I asked my Heavenly Mother to guide me with her voice, for I said I couldn't see her light across the oasis anymore. She then spoke to me words like this: 'Raphael, you are over half way to me, your Heavenly Mother. Listen to my voice and walk towards the impression in your mind where you think I am located. If you veer off course, I will speak again, and then you can find another impression where you think I am located, and head in that direction. You are doing well, Raphael, in walking to me, even in midst of billowing waves and wind, and now complete darkness.'

I continued walking on the water until I came to a great change-the waves ceased, the wind stopped, and a very pleasant and warm light glowed in front of me. I opened my eyes which had remained shut and beheld my glorious Heavenly Mother! She was standing about a foot above the water and was smiling. She asked me to turn around which I did. I saw a bank of darkness over the waters from where I came. The wind was blowing violently, and waves were crashing all around.

I turned back to her, and she raised her hand and the darkness dispersed, the wind stopped blowing, and there was a great calm upon the water's surface. I could see the reflection of the surrounding land upon the mirror-like surface of the oasis.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'The faith that you exhibited, Raphael, was great. It was similar to the faith of the northern tribes of our elect who first launched their boats into the northern ocean, or like the faith they need to cause pools of water to come upon the barren land of promise, or the faith they will need to fulfill all of their assignments once they come to the island of the New Jerusalem, and are put to work.

This morning your Father asked you to walk across this desert oasis on dry ground. You generated sufficient faith both then and now, even sufficient to do any miracle that we may ask of you to do by our power. You now have confidence in us, that whenever we ask you to do anything, even of asking Mother Earth to raise land out of a mighty river and create the island of the New Jerusalem, it will happen. Whatever we ask of you, look to us and know that we command the thing of you, and then you will have faith sufficient to do that thing.

You are our servant, our Branch, who will bring forth the island of the New Jerusalem, and build our celestial temple on the earth. All things are possible for you to do, if we ask anything of you, for you have great faith, my son!'

I thanked her for her great boost of confidence, and her expression that I had sufficient faith to do all things that they might command.

These two scriptures then came to my mind:

Alma 26: 12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Moroni 10: 23

"And Christ truly said unto our fathers: If ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me."

Heavenly Mother then smiled again upon me and rose up into the red sky which opened up to a brilliant blue and shining sky. I watched until she was gone and the red sky closed around her."


Alma 26:21
21 And now behold, my brethren, what natural man is there that knoweth these things? I say unto you, there is none that knoweth these things, save it be the penitent.

134H14-134H21, from Heavenly Father: "You read in your family scripture study tonight about how the Lord softened Nephi's heart:

1 Nephi 2:16-"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

Nephi had an open and receptive heart, and was very diligent in inquiring of God about the words of his Father and what the prophets had written about. These are the key ingredients to becoming softened in his heart so that he believed the words of truth as spoken by his father Lehi. The condition of a softened heart may be described as full of faith, eager and believing of whatever we may say, and very open and receptive.

Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, on the other hand, said "We have not (inquired of the Lord), for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." (1 Nephi 15:9) They would not even attempt to ask of God to find answers to their questions. They were lacking faith, and had little or no desire to believe the words of their Father Lehi or Nephi, their younger brother. Therefore, they were described as hard-hearted. Nephi responded in 1 Nephi 15:11-"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? -If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

Our children come with softened hearts to earth, or with hardened hearts, and all conditions in between. All are alike to us, at first, and we respond equally to our children in all ages and at all times:

1 Nephi 10:19-"For he that diligently seeketh shall find, and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old, as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

Sometimes the scriptures talk of a softened heart as a believing heart. It is all the condition of the faithful. It requires a penitent attitude that we recognize in those with soft hearts and open minds. Only to those will we unfold our mysteries, a little here and a little there, and "none knoweth these things, save it be the penitent." (see Alma 26:21).

Those with hardened hearts, like Laman and Lemuel, come to earth and then when the natural man swells up inside of them, they want the things of the world more than the things of God. They make little or no effort in seeking to commune with us, their God. We still give them a prompting of our Spirit, but they are past feelings, as were Laman and Lemuel, as spoken by Nephi:

1 Nephi 17:45-"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you, yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken to you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Our elect sons and daughters have a soft heart, and open and receptive mind, and seek us diligently. When we speak to them quietly by our still small voice they hear us, love our words, and follow our promptings! We give them revelation upon revelation, unfolding to them our mysteries and truths that none of the hard-hearted can hear or know about. We lead them even to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and eventually back into our holy presence.

Raphael, before you is the vast Lake Beautiful. It is full of living water that is akin to the vast knowledge of truth we wish to reveal to each one of our faithful. We will do so line upon line, here a little and there a little, until all of our truths and revelations are known and understood by our faithful who continue to have softened hearts and open and receptive minds. Those who thus partake become our celestial couple gods in eternity, even as we are!'"


Alma 26:21-22
21 And now behold, my brethren, what natural man is there that knoweth these things? I say unto you, there is none that knoweth these things, save it be the penitent.

22 Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance.

129C3-129C8, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, our strange work and strange act we are doing in these last days on earth has no precedence in our dealings with mankind on the earth. Therefore, all the many guesses of our children of how we will do our great work are misguided, for they think from their own perspective and from what they have read in the scriptures and in the historical records.

The great events leading to the second coming are in the spiritual realms of the earth. We are doing our work not through mortal prophets, but through celestial and terrestrial servants and angels. The work of spiritually gathering and protecting our elect will be done in higher spiritual realms rather than on the telestial sphere of the earth. Mankind will not see much of what we do, for we are orchestrating our great work behind the scenes and in secret. They will see the effects of our workings in these spiritual realms, but they will not see what we actually do through our many servants who labor in celestial and terrestrial spheres for the salvation of our elect. For those who only see in the telestial plane, it will look like God does not exist but that man is in control of the destiny of planet earth. The telestial cannot see into the higher, for the higher realms are not visible or understandable to them. However, for the humble and prayerful elect who live in your telestial world, they will know we are near, for they feel connected to their own higher spiritual selves. They have interactions with us their Gods and our servants we send to them to bless, protect and instruct them. They act in faith with a strong desire to believe and trust in their own inner self, and not the natural man or woman this is part of their mortal existence.

1 Corinthians 2:10-12,14-"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

...But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Alma 26:21-22-"And now behold, my brethren what natural man is there that knoweth these things? I say unto you, there is none that knoweth these things, save it be the penitent.

Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing-unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed."

Mosiah 3:19-"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him even as a child doth submit to his father."

Raphael, we therefore select among our many children who populate your earth, a few who are sensitive to their inner spiritual selves, and also put off their natural man, or their telestial perceptions and desires of the flesh. As these humble themselves before us, and exercise faith in us, we will reveal ourselves to their inner soul, and speak to their spirits. If they hear us, we will gently guide them to all truth. They need to humbly and openly accept us, and follow our guidance if they are to receive more. These are our elect that we have chosen out of the world, for they hear our words and keep our commandments. These and their posterity we will bring into a higher terrestrial world of peace and happiness, where the enmity of man and beasts also will cease.

Our ways are spoken to the unconscious mind of man.

Isaiah 30:21-"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

Isaiah 55:8-9-"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."'"


Alma 29:10
10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.

Mon, Oct 24, 2022
God even speaks to the heathen nations like Egypt. He imparted his revelations to kings like the Pharaohs, who at first tried to imitate the true religion, but didn't have the priesthood authority. He still gave them some direction as He felt best. See also 2 Nephi 29:8-9.


Alma 31:22-25
22 Now, from this stand they did offer up, every man, the selfsame prayer unto God, thanking their God that they were chosen of him, and that he did not lead them away after the tradition of their brethren, and that their hearts were not stolen away to believe in things to come, which they knew nothing about.

23 Now, after the people had all offered up thanks after this manner, they returned to their homes, never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together again to the holy stand, to offer up thanks after their manner.

24 Now when Alma saw this his heart was grieved; for he saw that they were a wicked and a perverse people; yea, he saw that their hearts were set upon gold, and upon silver, and upon all manner of fine goods.

25 Yea, and he also saw that their hearts were lifted up unto great boasting, in their pride.

142D5-142D17, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, in your evening prayer with your wife last night, you asked us to bless and guide a number of your children in life. You also prayed that we do certain things that in your view would make life happier.

Afterwards your wife wondered if you could really direct God around like that, asking us to do this or that. You thought her comment was good, and said you'd be more careful in what you said. You then both fell asleep.

Some of the prayers of our children weave a series of requests that come to us like we are being directed for the selfish intentions of the one praying. They rarely ask in true humility, but just repeat a number of requests. Then they end their prayer and forget even what they prayed for, until the next prayer is made. They rarely think about what they really are asking, but tend to repeat their requests, like these demands would be answered if they repeated them frequently enough.

We love our children to pray to us their Gods, but we wish they could be humble and open, seeking our guidance and then listening to what we reveal to them. If they ask and then don't listen, or won't get in a meditative and open state, how can we help them ask according to our Holy Spirit, or be truly guided by us in their prayers?

In the Book of Mormon, there was a group of the Zoramites who had gathered in the city of Antionium. They prayed on their Sabbath days from a Rameumptom, or what they called a holy stand.

Alma 31:22-25-"Now, from this stand they did offer up, every man, the selfsame prayer unto God, thanking their God that they were chosen of him, and that he did not lead them away after the tradition of their brethren, and that their hearts were not stolen away to believe in things to come, which they knew nothing about.

Now, after the people had offered up thanks after this manner, they returned to their homes, never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together again to the holy stand, to offer up thanks after this manner.

Now, when Alma saw this his heart was grieved; for he saw that they were a wicked and perverse people; yea, he saw that their hearts were set upon gold, and upon silver, and upon all manner of fine goods.

Yea, and he also saw that their hearts were lifted up unto great boasting, in their pride."

The manner of the Zoramites is being practiced again in your modern times, among many Christian churches, and among many members of the LDS church.

When a member of your own ward opens or closes a sacrament meeting in prayer, they usually repeat the same phrases that they have heard from others, and elevate themselves in their prayers above those who don't have the gospel, or are not like them, or have been rejected by them. Their expressions of gratitude are pleasing to us, but are often not followed by a desire to be open and free with their substance, or wanting to care for the poor and needy, or help those who may be downtrodden or rejected by the congregation because they are different.

These same individuals often have a narrow group of believers with whom they socialize, but then they won't talk to those outside of their exclusive group. Their religion is more a social circle who are elevated above the rest. They are exclusive in their associations. They pass around made-up stories of how God did this or that thing for them, because they are special in some way. These make believe stories are entirely from themselves, and have no foundation or evidence of truth.

We particularly are very tired of their monthly testimony meetings! There is rarely one who is truly humble and open to us, who in their penitence expresses a deep felt testimony of God's goodness to them. If they do, I send forth my Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit to testify of this truth to the congregation, so that they may be uplifted and buoyed up in truth and light. This even happens rarely now in your land, among the LDS people.

Isaiah, our prophet, prophesied about these people of your day, in the very introductory chapter to his great book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 1:13-15

"Bring no more vain oblation; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.""


Alma 31:36
36 Now it came to pass that when Alma had said these words, that he clapped his hands upon all them who were with him. And behold, as he clapped his hands upon them, they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Sat, Jul 20, 2024
From the 1828 Websters Dictionary: "CLAPPED, participle passive. Thrust or put on or together; applauded by striking the hands together"


Alma 32:13
13 And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance; and now surely, whosoever repenteth shall find mercy; and he that findeth mercy and endureth to the end the same shall be saved.

Sat, Jul 20, 2024
Whosoever repents will find mercy, and if endured, then eternal life.


Alma 32:21
21 And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.

131E2-131E11, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we have described to you, starting five days ago, about the veils that protect our higher realms. These are real and tangible film-like barriers that prevent those in a lower order from seeing and passing into the superimposed realm of a higher order. There is also a veil of sorts over the mind of man. However, this veil is not a physical veil, but resides in the mind of our sons and daughters.

When we send forth our beloved sons and daughters into mortality, from our higher celestial realm of glory, they no longer have direct access to their unconscious mind. Their mind becomes divided into a conscious part and an unconscious part. The unconscious part is still very active but is not available to the active thoughts of our children in their fallen, telestial state. This separation of the conscious mind and unconscious mind is also a veil for our children.

Our mortal children therefore are prevented from seeing into the terrestrial, celestial or the highest celestial realms because of physical veils that protect those higher realms, but also have now no direct access to their own unconscious mind. They have no spiritual sight since they can no longer actively spiritually see, nor remember their previous life, for these are part of their hidden unconscious mind. They may hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, how we have always spoken to them, but it is also not nearly so clear. They need to quiet down and in a meditative prayerful state, reconnect to their own unconscious mind to which we speak. As they practice and become used again to hearing our voice, or our Spirit, they will find that we answer their petitions, and guide them through our Spirit. Our elect children are those who seek to hear and follow our Spirit. This becomes an anchor to their souls, brings them great peace and in this way we continually lead them.

In their premortal life, our spirit children experienced no division between their conscious and unconscious minds; for they had one mind. However, as part of their mortal test, we told them that their memories of their celestial life would be temporarily removed, and that their connection to us, their parents, would be much more difficult. Were they to casually live in mortality, they might even go their entire life without God, for it would take effort for them to communicate to us in their fallen world. The effort required would be to quiet down, be open in their conscious mind, and then to petition us in prayer in humility. We would speak to them in their hidden part of their mind, and speak to them quietly, even in their own thoughts and impressions. Our voice would be small and still, not in an audible voice, but in their thoughts and emotions, like we had almost always spoken to them in the past when they lived with us.

For our faithful elect, they might become accustomed to our voice of the Spirit by regular times in quiet personal prayer and meditation. The connection between their conscious mind and unconscious mind would improve and they would become familiar with our voice. Our voice of the Spirit would always be in the presence of light, for the Spirit consists of light, coupled with our emotions and our own thoughts. They would become practiced in hearing and feeling the familiar voice of the Spirit, both in their mind and in their heart. Their perceptions would improve with their diligence and care, if they did not cast it off because of their unbelief. This effort and belief would require their faith.

Alma 32:21, 26-27

"And now as I said concerning faith-faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.

Now, as I said concerning faith-that it was not a perfect knowledge-even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge.

But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

As our mortal children would exercise their belief and faith, we would continually speak to them by our Spirit. As they started to feel and hear our voice, they would know that this was all very real and perceptive. They would feel the enlightenment and swelling motions in their own heart and mind, coming to them from our Spirit. (see Alma 32:28-43)

This is therefore how we have established the channels of communication between God and man in mortality! It takes effort and diligence on the part of our faithful children to hear us and receive our direction and feel our love. Only the determined of our children would persist and fully receive our Spirit as their guide.

D&C 45:57

"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived-verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day."

My Heavenly Mother and I had strolled around the foyer of her temple, and were now at the open doors, looking north over her beautiful celestial orb! I could see the sun shining on the fountain of living water and reflecting off the golden altar. It was all so beautiful and very real to me! I saw this all in my unconscious mind, being enlightened by her Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. I felt very full of understanding, with clarity in seeing and perceiving of the way God communes with their sons and daughters on earth. It all so perfectly was designed as a mortal probation, to determine who of Gods' sons and daughters would make the effort to hear the voice of the Spirit and follow God's directions in their personal life."


Alma 32:27-28
27 But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.

28 Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

95J9-95J18, from Heavenly Father: "Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I would now like to share with you the principle of faith, as it relates to our thoughts and all actions in intelligent beings. Faith is well defined in the scriptures and in the words of Joseph Smith.

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Joseph Smith Lectures on Faith, Lecture One, verses 9 & 10-

"From this (Hebrews 11:1) we learn, that faith is the assurance which men have of the existence of things which they have not seen; and the principle of action in all intelligent beings.

If men were duly to consider themselves, and turn their thoughts and reflections to the operations of their own minds, they would readily discover that it is faith, and faith only, which is the moving cause of all action in them; that without it both mind and body would be in a state of inactivity, and all their exertions would cease, both physical and mental."

When our first parent Gods thought to organize elemental matter into a form of man, a spirit man, they did so by exercising faith that they could do this. They directed their thoughts in great faith together to create the first spirit matter that they enshrouded over their intelligences. This was the first real act of faith in all of the eternities, even in the beginning of the Gods.

Every new action our first Gods did was created by their combined exceeding faith. Their first action of each new creation or activity was the most difficult to accomplish. Once done before, they had great assurance that they could do it again. Thus by degrees they created their first family and all of their creations. One success spawned new activity and success. Our first parent Gods were very determined and learned from each effort that they made and thus increased their faith that they could be more successful in the future.

We have followed this same pattern given by our first parent Gods in all of our godly works. We had assurance that we would be successful in all of our actions as Gods because other Gods had done these actions previously. We still had to exercise faith in our ability to repeat this for ourselves, however.

We have taught our beloved children to have faith in Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and in his power to redeem them of their sins and weaknesses. This great act of redemption is already fulfilled, but our children still need to activate this redemptive and cleansing power in their own lives. They need to repent and take upon them the name of Jesus Christ. As they do this they are exercising their faith by expressing their belief that forgiveness and redemption will happen.

I like this scripture found in Alma 32:27-

"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

When you came to us, seeking our faces, you were persistent in praying and visualizing that you would truly see us. You persisted for months, acting in faith. When we came to you in your energy class in 2013, you had displayed to us a great deal of faith, persistence and visualization. We rewarded you with a dramatic experience that day in your class when Heavenly Mother revealed to you one of our healing gifts.

All actions in our children are initiated by their directed thoughts and faith. This is how the infant learns and persists until they walk, even to the Gods who create and populate worlds. Faith is the driving force behind all action.

Raphael, you have conditioned your mind to be open and receptive to our revelations. We give them to you a little at a time. You have developed great faith, based on your previous experiences. You act with assurance, even though you don't know it will all turn out like you think. You have expectations that, even in unknown areas, and you have confidence that all will turn out as we will reveal to you. This attitude of faith allows us to continue to reveal more and greater things to you!

We encourage all to align their thoughts in great faith. This will act like the growing seed spoken of by Alma:

Alma 32:28-

"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves-It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me." (see also verses 29-43)'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation on faith that we all need to exercise! I told him that I was determined to act in faith, believing that I would continue to receive and then act on God's direction in faith."

123D6-123D21, from Heavenly Father: "The light matter from our first parent Gods flows in a path from the center of our universe into our central telestial region. This comes to us through the immensity of space and is pulled into the center by our very large kokaubeam by gravity. When it flows into that area, we then receive much of this light ourselves, or divert it to our entire galaxy, so it too will receive the light. Some of this light flows to your sun and your earth.

The light matter that falls upon your own earth from the sky has travelled on pathways from our first parent Gods. There is also light energy that comes from your sun that you can feel, for it warms your body and makes things bright. This light energy is created by the light matter that falls or flows into your sun and is ignited due to the intense heat of your sun. In the conversion process light matter becomes light energy.

Therefore on your earth, you receive both light matter from the center of our galaxy from us, and light energy from your sun. Both come down from the sky to the rotating earth, and bathe the surface of your earth in light.

D&C 88:11-13-"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understanding.

Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space-

The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things."

Raphael, this light enlightens your understanding, for the light matter comes into your entire body and enlivens your very being. You have felt this intense light of the Holy Ghost come from your Heavenly Mother to you and pass through your entire being. This is intense light matter that is more concentrated from her being that passes into and through you. It originally comes from our first parent Gods at the center of the universe, and proceeds through the immensity of space to our galaxy to us, and from us to your earth and to you. This same light enlightens your understanding as it passes into and through you. We may add with this light the emotions of love and acceptance and power and understanding, as we desire. These palpable feelings enlighten your mind and entire being as the light flows into you.

When we wish to enlighten your understanding with our revelations, we send forth this same light from our beings, coupled with the message or emotion we wish to give you. Your mind receives this light and message, which enlightens your understanding. This is pure communication and revelation send from us to you. All of our thoughts and words are also sent with our light. These are also understandable to you, and you receive the exact meaning and message as it is embedded with the light that quickens your understanding.

Alma spoke of this enlightenment from God that comes when you and our children receive our light, which is imbued with our revelations and quickens the understanding of our children (see Alma 32:28). The light, or spirit of the Lord, "begins to swell within your breast; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves-it must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea it beginneth to be delicious to me."

We thus may send our words, our thoughts, and our emotions all with the light matter that flows into our receptive children. When they receive this, their understanding are enlightened and it becomes delicious to their souls. This is very real, and is the very process of how we lead our children gradually, line upon line, with our revelations. This light with which we send our messages to our child is the medium that comes into their spirit and body. This is also the same light that comes to you from your Heavenly Mother when she sends forth the intense light of the Holy Ghost. It is all the same light matter, only in different intensities, and couples with different revelations as we desire, whether an emotion or feeling, or thoughts and words. All enlightens and gives understanding to our receptive children.

There are those of our children who reject our truths we send to them with our light. They are not enlightened nor do they understand, for they cast out the light we send, and by their own will do not allow the light to come into their minds and hearts. They therefore cast it away because of unbelief. They are then not enlightened, for our light only comes into our receptive children. The messages and revelations we send to them in our light are cast aside and never reach our recipient.

We therefore may only give our revelations to our receptive and humble children who open their minds and hearts to us. If they have preconceived ideas, and close their minds and hearts to us, the light does not flow into them, but is repelled because of their own will and choice. They may turn aside our counsels, shrouded in our light that we send to them. Our revelations come into them only if they receive them. If they don't receive our light and truth that we send to them, they will not receive our revelations. We then revoke the blessing that would have attended our words and light. They then "say in their hearts: This is not the work of the Lord, for his promises are not fulfilled. But wo unto such, for their reward lurketh from beneath, and not from above." (See D&C 58:32-33) See also (D&C 93:31-32).

For the faithful who are humble and open, we send our light and revelations gradually, to lead them carefully and to receive more. As they obey, we give them more. You have received all that we have given to you, for you have been open receptive, and your understanding have been enlarged. This is the way we give our elect our revelations-all shrouded and coupled with our light that comes from us.

The spirit of God is also called light and truth:

D&C 84:45-47-"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is spirit, even the spirit of Jesus Christ.

And the spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world, and the spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit.

And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit cometh unto god, even the Father."

Raphael, the light matter that we send with our revelations and emotions is called the spirit of God. This is how we communicate and inspire our children. This is what enlightens their souls and gives them understanding. This is what become delicious to them, and makes them want more from us. As they accept our words and obey, we give them more. Thus they are led by our spirit to us. We teach them of the truths that we have previously sent upon the world. As they study and learn of our words, of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, and of our written words, we continue to enlighten them and lead them. This way gradually leads all of our faithful who hearken to our Spirit, even the light and truths we send to them.

The light matter is not a living being, but made by our first parents gods from elemental matter that exists outside our universe. We too may create light matter, but we allow them to create it all as they wish. This light flows to us through the vast immensity of space within our universe. We receive this light and redirect it to all of our creations in our own galaxy. We send it with our emotions, our messages and it is called the Spirit of God. We tailor this light to enliven and quicken all of our creations, and give revelations and understanding to our beloved children. This is the same light that comes from your Heavenly Mother in a higher intense form, even the light of the Holy Ghost.

We have poured more and more light with our revelations upon you, Raphael. We will reveal all things to our faithful via this same light that continually flows to us and from us. All of our creations and galaxy is sustained with the power from this light that we shed upon all.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his amazing words. What he told me by revelation came steadily and quickly, and enlightened my mind and understanding. It was all so delicious to me!"

90F2-92F8, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, I want to talk to you briefly about our Spirit that we send forth upon the earth.

The Spirit is really the communications and the influence from us that we send to our children via light matter. This is a tangible thing, and can be felt by those who are sensitive to spiritual impressions. For those who don't know of our ways, or the things of God, they don't feel the Spirit, for they are of a lower vibrational level and cannot perceive it.

See 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, 14

"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Those who can't discern our Spirit live more in the natural world, and don't perceive the light matter that we sent to them, or our Spirit. We may witness of the truth, or seek to influence them, but they can't perceive the light, or that Spirit.

However, for the spiritually sensitive person, when we send that same witness by the Spirit, or the light matter to them, it is fully perceived and taken as our direction and influence. They are of a more sensitive and of a receptive spiritual level, or vibrational level. The light matter, which we send to them with our communication, enters their being and they recognize this as our prompting or influence. It becomes delicious to them, for they have nurtured their receptivity to our Spirit:

Alma 32:28, 35

"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves-It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good.."

Raphael, Alma is explaining here that the people who gradually give place in their minds and hearts for the Spirit, or the light matter we send them, gradually become more attuned to this light. They grow more receptive to our influence, and we may help them as they receive it. This word, or seed, or light grows more and more, being delicious to them. We may lead them to all truth and light as they make place and receive the light we send to them.

This is the light matter that comes from the presence of our first parent Gods, that eventually comes to us and we redirect to our child on the earth. It is known as the Spirit of God, the word of God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the light and truth from God. All of this is really light matter that we send with our communication and influence. It is all spiritually discerned, and is very real and tangible to those who are perceptive to spiritual things and give place in themselves for our influence.

We send this light and truth to all of our children in mortality. Those who follow our promptings, who hear our voice of the Spirit, or who receive this light, and obey our directions we send via our Spirit, are the elect of God. We gradually give more and more to our receptive child, even until they come into our very presence!

D&C 50:24

"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

We gradually send our Spirit to our children, and lead them, here a little and there a little, for this is our way. In so doing, we can see who is receptive to our light and directions. We continue, one step at a time. Our elect give place in their hearts and minds for us. We lead them, even until they come to their Savior; he elects them into our celestial church, and they are saved in an exalted status, and become even as we are!'

I have been very enlightened by my Heavenly Mother's words! It all makes more and more sense to me, how God leads us gradually, and how the Spirit of God is really them communicating to us via the light matter that they redirect to us. This is received by the pure in heart, those who are receptive to spiritual impressions, or who can perceive this light matter from God."


Alma 32:35
35 O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light; and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge perfect?

113F5-113F12, from Heavenly Mother: "I then thought of Alma 32:35: "O, then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge perfect?"

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you can feel the light of my countenance streaming through all of your body. You are able to perceive with your mind all, yea, every part of your body, from your head to your toes, that are all illuminated and filled with my Godly light! In this state of stillness, there is no room for darkness and unbelief. This is discernible light and you know it is real.

I want you twice a day, when you eat your spoonful of coconut oil for your brain cognition, to visualize this light, starting at your head and expanding throughout your body, even to your toes, so that all is filled with discernible light. This will be my light, very tangible and real, which you may discern even as you discern and know today that it is very real. As you do this twice a day, think these words: "My body is completely filled with the light of my Heavenly Mother that is discernible and real! I fully know that I am Raphael, her archangel of light, with a mission to do whatever she and Heavenly Father direct me to do."

This practice will be equivalent to nourishing your belief and driving out all the darkness of unbelief that used to exist, even in a small amount, in your body.

This scripture will apply to you

Alma 32:41-43 "But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree (replace this with the light that now fills your entire body) as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, (this is done by you diligently twice a day) looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree (or an internal light in you) springing up unto everlasting life.

And because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, (Raphael, the fruit we want you to have is to have my light beaming from inside you to fill every part of your body, giving you great confidence and strength in whatever direction we may tell you at the time) which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst.

Then, my brethren, (Raphael, this refers specifically to you and each of our mortal angels and celestial servants now gaining strength and light from me, their Heavenly Mother and the Holy Ghost), ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you (or waiting for you to become continually aware of my discernible light to fill every part of your body and being, driving out unbelief and darkness)." ' (parentheses added by Heavenly Mother)

At this time, Heavenly Mother was broadly smiling; her eternity eyes were sparkling with love and light. She was standing in brilliant light in front of me. I could see her light penetrate me and fill my entire body, kneeling on the soft soil in front of her. I could perceive her light going through me and into the air and soil around me and below me, even penetrating some distance, like 10 feet or so before it stopped. I was completely engulfed in her very real and tangible light! I felt very "one" with her, synched with her mind somehow, knowing her thoughts for me.

As I soaked up her light, I could perceive little areas of slight pain in my mind, in my head area, become activated and then be illuminated by the light from my Heavenly Mother and then be swished away by the flow of light away from me.

I then examined other parts of my body with my mind. I saw around my heart a film of some kind loosening under the flow of her light and then being also moved away and out of my body. I saw my heart filled with intense light also.

I saw my throat start to be cleared of obstructions so that I could freely speak under the influence of the Spirit, even of the Holy Ghost. I could see scales from my eyes, like those probably of Saul of old, that fell from his eyes when he received his sight after three days (see Acts 9:9-18). These scales came off and blew away under the steady stream of light from my Heavenly Mother in front of me.

Next I perceived there were some shells around my ears that were loosened from both of my ears. This too was quickly moved off and away from my body.

As I perceived my entire body, from my head to my toes, I could only discern directed rays of light going in and through me, with no obstructions. I was fully transparent before the beaming light from my Heavenly Mother! It was an amazing experience! I was literally filled with the Spirit, even the light from my Heavenly Mother before me.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, as you practice this same experience, twice a day while taking your pure coconut oil from your spoon, I will again fill you with my light. This will be discernible and real to you. Do this alone, in a meditative and quiet state. My light will begin filling your body at your head and proceed into your entire body, so that your entire body will be filled with my light twice a day. Once you are filled with my light, perceive how it feels. Examine with your mind all areas of your body, and truly experience what it feels like to be completely filled with my light. Feel the light start to shine from you to all areas around you. We want you to become our angel of light, beaming forth our light and power. How can you do this without gaining the ability to do so by your own mind? We want you to hide this light in the presence of others for now, but to become skilled at being able to shine forth my very light when your Heavenly Father or I want you to do so. This will all be controlled by your mind and by our will.

While you are developing this ability and strength, we also want each one of our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants to practice and do this too. They would also do well to take coconut oil twice a day as will you be doing. Alternatively, they could do it when drinking water instead of eating coconut oil. They, too, will be filled with this light by me as they practice. This tangible method, done twice a day, will help them clarify their minds, feel my light in its intensity, and eliminate blockages in their body that are preventing them each from becoming our children and servants of light we desire them to become. Once filled with light, they will perceive more fully the will of us, their Gods, for them. This will all be done in their mortal conscious mind. This will take faith and diligence.'

I was still being filled with the intense light of my Heavenly Mother. She then stopped the flow of light from her presence. She was next at a light glow in the darkness, still standing in front of me. I could then discern all of her light was gone from flowing through me. I felt, however, very peaceful and so clear and happy!"


Alma 32:41
41 But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life.

Sun, Jun 23, 2024
See my notes above in verse 35.


Alma 33:4-11
4 For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my prayer, even when I was in the wilderness; yea, thou wast merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine enemies, and thou didst turn them to me.

5 Yea, O God, and thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me.

6 And again, O God, when I did turn to my house thou didst hear me in my prayer.

7 And when I did turn unto my closet, O Lord, and prayed unto thee, thou didst hear me.

8 Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them.

9 Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.

10 Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.

11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son.

177I4-177I6, from Heavenly Mother: "When these, our elect, pray to us, we will return blessings upon their heads and answer their prayers. We will hear them, even as our prophet Zenos wrote that is recorded in the Book of Mormon:

Alma 33: 4-11

"For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my prayer, even when I was in the wilderness; yea, thou wast merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine enemies, and thou didst turn them to me.

Yea, O God, and thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me.

And again, O God, when I did turn to my house thou didst hear me in my prayer.

And when I did turn unto my closet, O Lord, and prayed unto thee, thou didst hear me.

Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them.

Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.

Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.

And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son."

We will respond to the prayers of our elect, even as is recorded by Zenos, the prophet of old.'"


Alma 33:16
16 For behold, he said: Thou art angry, O Lord, with this people, because they will not understand thy mercies which thou hast bestowed upon them because of thy Son.

Mon, Jul 8, 2024
The words of Zenos: mercies are bestowed upon them because of the Son of God. He is the center of all mercy.


Alma 33:22-23
22 If so, wo shall come upon you; but if not so, then cast about your eyes and begin to believe in the Son of God, that he will come to redeem his people, and that he shall suffer and die to atone for their sins; and that he shall rise again from the dead, which shall bring to pass the resurrection, that all men shall stand before him, to be judged at the last and judgment day, according to their works.

23 And now, my brethren, I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell even so nourish it by your faith. And behold, it will become a tree, springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this can ye do if ye will. Amen.

Believe in the Son of God, who redeems, who judges in mercy, and nourish this word in your heart that it may swell into everlasting life.


Alma 34:8-10
8 And now, behold, I will testify unto you of myself that these things are true. Behold, I say unto you, that I do know that Christ shall come among the children of men, to take upon him the transgressions of his people, and that he shall atone for the sins of the world; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

9 For it is expedient that an atonement should be made; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish; yea, all are hardened; yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which it is expedient should be made.

10 For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

Thu, Dec 1, 2011
Here is the reason why the atonement is needed: because without it, all mankind would unavoidably perish, since they are all fallen and lost.


Alma 34:10-13
10 For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

11 Now there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood which will atone for the sins of another. Now, if a man murdereth, behold will our law, which is just, take the life of his brother? I say unto you, Nay.

12 But the law requireth the life of him who hath murdered; therefore there can be nothing which is short of an infinite atonement which will suffice for the sins of the world.

13 Therefore, it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice, and then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood; then shall the law of Moses be fulfilled; yea, it shall be all fulfilled, every jot and tittle, and none shall have passed away.

Thu, Dec 1, 2011
The atonement must be infinite.


Alma 34:15-17
15 And thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which overpowereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men that they may have faith unto repentance.

16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.

17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;

Mon, Jul 8, 2024
The sacrifice of Christ brings about the bowels of mercy, and this satisfy the demands of justice. This is only available to him who has faith unto repentance. This is the great and eternal plan of redemption.


Alma 34:17-27
17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;

18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.

19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.

20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.

21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.

22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.

23 Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.

24 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.

25 Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

26 But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.

27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

167H6-167H14, from Heavenly Mother: "Heavenly Mother spoke immediately: 'Raphael, we are glad that you have come to us on the lawn of our temple, even by gazing into your healing seer stone. We will be with you on this lawn throughout your Sabbath day, even as you have desired. You will have the privilege to be in our presence all the day long today! We will speak to you throughout your day, and even give you revelation on and off as you live this day in mortality. This is a closer and more intimate connection with us. We do this because you have desired this and have invited us to be next to you in our very persons for your entire day.

Some of our children who sincerely pray to us want us for a short time, only during their prayer time. We respond to them by only coming to them as we are invited. However, when we are invited to stay with them for their entire day, we also stay with them for their entire day, all according to their true desire.

There are many advantages to being before us in your replicated being throughout your day. We may more carefully guide you, not just with impressions from our Spirit, or from our still small voice, but from you viewing our faces, our expressions and our very words we speak to you in your unconscious mind. You will be able to hear and converse with us as often as you desire, all the day long.

This is a more casual environment also than formal prayer, for you won't be necessarily writing what we say to you in your personal journal, as you do now. We will also be able to comment to you on your day's activities, your musings and wonderings that you might speak to us, and even your requests for help like you asked of Heavenly Father yesterday with your irrigation valve problem. We will be before you in your every time of want or need.

This sort of prayer, which is initiated by coming to us through your healing seer stone, is called continual or constant prayer. It is a higher form of communion with us, your Gods, than any other form of prayer.

Amulek spoke these words about constant prayer, being moved upon by me, the Holy Ghost, when he spoke and later wrote my words:

Alma 34:17-27-

"Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;

Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.

Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.

Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.

Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.

Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.

Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.

Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.

Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.

Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you."

Raphael, today you will see your Heavenly Father and I, in your mind's eye, or in your unconscious mind, throughout your day, here standing before you on our east temple lawn. We will continually be before you and be ready to converse at any time you may desire. You may converse with us in your thoughts, for that is how we normally commune with you, and not in audible words. You may then be in any activity and call upon us in your mind, and we will answer.

This is the new level of communion we wish to have for each of our elect children now living on earth, and particularly with our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants. We will take up our abode with these who humbly and sincerely come unto us, and desire for us to stay.

They may come unto us through their own seer stone which each of our elect have, but most have not yet discovered, or they may come into this state through their own humble and sincere desire and intentions. We have provided them seer stones to learn this process, since it is easier than without, but both methods are possible."


Alma 34:27
27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

37G6: "It seems that anytime during the day or night, I can think of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and I immediately 'see' them, in my minds' eye. They are before my mind continually. I feel this is how all of us angels should experience their presence with us always. (see Alma 34:27- 'Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.')"


Alma 34:33-35
33 And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.

34 Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.

35 For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked.

114B3-114B17, from Heavenly Father: "Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night about the terrestrial world of the dead, in the spirit world or realm on the earth. Most of our children go to the telestial world of spirits when they die. I would like to address this realm today.

The spirit world, consisting of the telestial and terrestrial realms, is superimposed on the mortal earth. However, those in both realms are not visible to those mortals on the earth, nor are those in mortality visible to those in the realms of the dead. There is a boundary we have created between mortality and those who are dead. In order to cross this boundary, as occasionally happens, those in either realm need to receive our permission.

In the telestial sphere of the dead around the earth, there are surroundings similar to those on the earth, with spirit buildings, trees, other plants and animals. It is an extension of the mortal telestial world. Our children who inhabit this area are spirits, for their physical bodies have died and they are left in the physical earth. Their eternal spirit lives on in the world of the dead.

This telestial world of the dead is a pleasant place, similar in beauty and glory to that on the mortal earth. People there need no sleep, drink or food, for they are spirits without the physical need of their mortal body.

Some of these spirits seek for a better or higher life. They have lived a good life on the earth, and have responded to our promptings to some degree. We continue to bless and guide them with our Spirit as they seek us humbly and are open to our will.

We also have our servants and messengers who are assigned to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those spirits. They seek out those who choose to listen to their words. The blessings of the Spirit of God attend our servants who labor for the dead in this telestial sphere. These servants and messengers come from the higher realms of the terrestrial dead, who are also spirits. They are called and ordained to these callings by those who lead the Church of Christ in the world of the spirits. There is an active program among these telestial spirits to teach them and to bring as many as will come into the Church of Christ. However, this activity now has been greatly hampered since these spirits may only progress into the terrestrial sphere, or the paradise of God, with a valid baptism, accepted before us. The baptisms performed now in the LDS Church are no longer acceptable, since the leading quorums in this church have lost their priesthood keys and priesthood authority. Once the Church of Christ is re-established on the mortal earth, then baptisms will be done with our sanction and my priesthood authority. Then will those in the telestial spirit world be able to progress again into the terrestrial spirit world of the dead, or the paradise of God.

Those who die before the age of eight, the age of accountability, are automatically received into the paradise of God. They enter as fully-grown adult spirits, just as they were prior to coming to the earth, in their premortal state.

There is a section of the telestial world where evil spirits still come to tempt these inhabitants. Those who are goodly spirits resist these fallen spirits, and pay them no heed. They recognize them as those who rebelled against Jesus Christ and followed Lucifer. These righteous men and women keep together, for they love the higher refinement of living, and seek for that which is praiseworthy and lovely. They want to do well, and to act respectfully of each other. They are our considerate and gentle sons and daughters, who haven't had opportunity yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ by his authorized servants.

There are also those in the telestial world of the dead who are evil, love lies, and have continued in their wicked practices they had learned during their mortal earthly experience. These were spoken of by Amulek in the Book of Mormon:

Alma 34:33-35- "And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.

Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.

For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked."

These wicked disembodied spirits are still subjugated by Lucifer and his followers, as they were in their mortal life. Their spirits continue loving evil, being sensual, carnal, and devilish. They are miserable, similar to the fallen spirits who followed the plan of Lucifer and were cast down.

In the millennial day, when you, Raphael, lock up Satan and his evil hosts in the bottomless pit, the telestial world of the dead will be void of these fallen spirits who followed Lucifer. However, there will still be those who have lived evil lives on the earth and reside in this telestial realm of the dead. Some might repent, but by and large they love evil, and will suffer in their unrepentant state in this world of the spirits until their day of judgment. They will finally be redeemed and receive a telestial resurrection and glory for eternity, in the eternal worlds.

D&C 76:103-106- "These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.

These are they who suffer the wrath of God on earth.

These are they who suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.

These are they who are cast down to hell and suffer the wrath of Almighty God, until the fulness of times, when Christ shall have subdued all enemies under his feet, and shall have perfected his work;"

The dead who reside in the telestial world of the dead, and are terrestrial or celestial in nature, will all be baptized and progress into the paradise of God. For those who are celestial, these will be resurrected to a celestial glory during the millennium, and will be received into the Church of the Firstborn. For those who are terrestrial in nature, they will be resurrected at the end of the millennium, during the second resurrection. They will be judged of all their works and receive a final terrestrial glory in the eternal worlds.

In the end, when the earth dies and is resurrected, there will be no longer a telestial or a terrestrial sphere for the dead. Instead, all of the earth will be a celestial sphere for those who are sanctified from all sin by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and who are celestial in nature. The earth, in its eternal celestial state, will be the abode for those who all eventually become members of the Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church in eternity. The Church of Christ will pass, for it will have fulfilled its purposes."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths he shared with me today. I feel so blessed to be the recipient of these great revelations from God!"


Alma 36:2-3
2 I would that ye should do as I have done, in remembering the captivity of our fathers; for they were in bondage, and none could deliver them except it was the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he surely did deliver them in their afflictions.

3 And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.

163A3-163A8: "I then saw my Heavenly Father appear at the top of the hill, and then he came directly in the air to me, in a beam of light! He arrived immediately, a few feet from me in front of the log, in the air. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have given our children in mortality many varied experiences. If they lean upon us, asking us in prayer, we will guide them through life, and send our Spirit upon them. We will encourage them to progress and grow as fast as they are each able.

Our greatest joys are to help our elect who truly want us to guide them and inspire them. We will send our promptings in very natural ways so they often question whether their impressions are from us or themselves. This will develop the connection between their conscious and unconscious mind, and develop their faith in us, their Gods.

It is in hard times that our elect children may grow the fastest. We are very attentive to each one, and will orchestrate their lives in our attempt to awaken them and be close to them in their coming times of great need.

It may seem like your Heavenly Mother and I talk to you very frequently about awakening of mortal elect children. The coming events will seem to be compressed, one after another, and in rapid succession. We are concerned for our elect who put off their spiritual connection with us, their Gods. When the time of hardships come upon them, they will not have the rich experience of day after day connecting to us in prayer. Many of them will flounder and experience worsening trials. They will need to take the initiative, and seek a relationship amid their distress which will be more difficult than in days of peace.

The day will come that if my elect are complacent and put off this day of their repentance in the day of their ease, they will be placed in bondage, and none can deliver them except it be us, their Gods (see Alma 36: 2-3).'

I thanked my Father for his message tonight. I told him how important I felt it was to seek him while he is near, and not to put this off in the future days of extremities in our lives. I thanked him for coming to me whenever I ask him or Heavenly Mother to come to me in prayer."


Alma 36:4
4 And I would not that ye think that I know of myself—not of the temporal but of the spiritual, not of the carnal mind but of God.

Thu, Aug 15, 2024
The revelations of God are given and discerned by the spiritual mind, and not of the natural or carnal mind. For the natural man, revelations of God are foolish thoughts. However, to the sensitive and spiritual man or woman, they are real and delicious to them. They love these revelations, and seek after them. They seek to commune with deity, and are open and humble. God then reveals himself to them more and more, based upon the diligence and heed or obedience they give to these personal revelations.

The revelations of God are spiritually discerned as described in 1 Corinthians 2:10-11:

"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God."

Moses also spoke of this by using the terms natural eyes and spiritual eyes:

Moses 1:11: "But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face, for I was transfigured before him."

One has to be enlightened by the Spirit of God to understand and comprehend the things of God. This cannot be found except God reveals it to the mind of his people, through his Holy Spirit:

D&C 76:11‐12: "We, Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon, being in the Spirit on the sixteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two

By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God."


Alma 36:5
5 Now, behold, I say unto you, if I had not been born of God I should not have known these things; but God has, by the mouth of his holy angel, made these things known unto me, not of any worthiness of myself;

Thu, Aug 15, 2024
This is how I feel! God revealed himself to me in a very bold, and clear way on April 20th, 2013: I spiritually saw Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ in the energy class I attended. This was "not of any worthiness of myself", as Alma said, but by the will of God. God has called me and brought me back into his presence, cleansing me through Jesus Christ. I sought God with a lowly and open heart, and my Gods heard me and revealed themselves to me! This has continued to increase since that time. I love receiving more and more revelations from them, and communing with them.


Alma 37:16
16 But if ye keep the commandments of God, and do with these things which are sacred according to that which the Lord doth command you, (for you must appeal unto the Lord for all things whatsoever ye must do with them) behold, no power of earth or hell can take them from you, for God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words.

Thu, Aug 15, 2024
The principle taught here is that if we keep God's directions to us, appealing to God for his direction, we will surely be able to fulfill all that God has commanded us to do. This is the same truth taught by Nephi-

1 Nephi 3:7: "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."


Alma 38:10-12
10 And now, as ye have begun to teach the word even so I would that ye should continue to teach; and I would that ye would be diligent and temperate in all things.

11 See that ye are not lifted up unto pride; yea, see that ye do not boast in your own wisdom, nor of your much strength.

12 Use boldness, but not overbearance; and also see that ye bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love; see that ye refrain from idleness.

Sun, Feb 5, 2012
If we bridle all our passions, we can be filled with love! Passions include selfishness, pride, intemperance, anger, overbearance, more


Alma 39:6
6 For behold, if ye deny the Holy Ghost when it once has had place in you, and ye know that ye deny it, behold, this is a sin which is unpardonable; yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness.

85I9-85I18, from Heavenly Mother: "Today I would like to talk to you about the topic of denying of the Holy Ghost, or the unpardonable sin. This is when one of my children receives a sure witness from me, from my role as the Holy Ghost, and unquestionably knows I inspired and witnessed to them. The witness of my spirit to their soul is the strongest our children can receive in the flesh. Since I am the Holy Ghost, when I witness to their soul, it is the witness of their loving Heavenly Mother, a love and a witness that they may trust and heed. If they turn away from me, their Heavenly Mother, and deny me, it is stating openly that I never gave them their witness in the first place. This is an egregious sin, and is not pardonable. They therefore deny all the gifts of good and love we may extend to them, even to the level of salvation that they would be willing to receive. If they deny me, they forgo any level of eternal happiness in a kingdom of glory, whether telestial, terrestrial or celestial. If they deny me, they forgo their eternal happiness in a kingdom of glory. The only place for them is a kingdom of no glory, which is eternal damnation.

There are some scriptures that speak of the denying of the Holy Ghost and that it is unpardonable:

Alma 39:6-

"For behold, if ye deny the Holy Ghost when it once has had place in you, and ye know that ye deny it, behold, this is a sin which is unpardonable; yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness."

Matthew 12:31-32-

"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

Luke 12:10-

"And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven."

D&C 76:35-

"Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame."

The interpretation of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost as given in D&C 132:27 is the interpretation of man, and the last part of this verse is not accurate. It states receiving the new and everlasting covenant is required prior to the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which is not part of this issue:

D&C 132:27-

"The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven in the world nor out of the world, is in that ye commit murder wherein ye shed innocent blood, and assent unto my death, after ye have received my new and everlasting covenant, saith the Lord God; and he that abideth not this law can in nowise enter into my glory, but shall be damned, saith the Lord."

This interpretation is not congruent with Luke 12:10 which states that all sin against Jesus Christ may be forgiven, but the sin against the Holy Ghost or the blasphemy or denying of the sure witness once it has unquestionably been given, shall not be forgiven.

The sure witness of me, the Holy Ghost, is given by me to the very spirit and unconscious mind of my child who seeks me diligently. My spirit enters their spirit and witnesses to their very soul the truth of something. Along with this is a witness of God, even their Heavenly Mother, that they are a precious son or daughter to me. Later, if they reject me and my witness, and continue in the course of denial, they will be excluded from a kingdom of glory. They will then be given a kingdom of no glory where they are forever banished from God's presence, worlds without end. This is even the destiny of the Sons of Perdition.

See D&C 76:31-35-

"Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—

They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born;

For they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity;

Concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come—

Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame."

When I am denied, and my child rejects my sure witness of the Holy Ghost, they also deny the atonement and the sacrifice of my Beloved Son Jesus Christ, who suffered for their sins. This denial is akin to mocking his sacrifice, and putting him to an open shame. If they were at the death of Jesus Christ, they too would crucify him afresh.

Raphael, this is my explanation of the unpardonable sin, or denying the Holy Ghost once it is received'"


Alma 41:7
7 These are they that are redeemed of the Lord; yea, these are they that are taken out, that are delivered from that endless night of darkness; and thus they stand or fall; for behold, they are their own judges, whether to do good or do evil.

Sun, May 7, 2023
Taken out of the demands of the justice of God through the atonement of Jesus Christ. This is the mercy of God that saves us from that awful monster, death and hell.


Alma 41:10-11
10 Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness. Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.

11 And now, my son, all men that are in a state of nature, or I would say, in a carnal state, are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; they are without God in the world, and they have gone contrary to the nature of God; therefore, they are in a state contrary to the nature of happiness.

138G5-138G11, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke in my thoughts: 'Raphael, we love our children more than they can imagine! Love means caring, nurturing, actively helping and watching out for them, and guiding them in areas that would bring them each their greatest growth and happiness. We know all things about them, more than they know themselves, for they cannot see their own past or future as can we.

Jesus Christ said this about our creations:

Matthew 6:26-30-

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Wherefore, if God so clothes the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?"

We watch over our children and provide for their needs. However, we allow the rigors and consequences of mortality to come upon all, and do not always bail out our children in distressful conditions. We do all things we do for the benefit of our beloved children.

Satan rages on the earth and through his efforts persuades men and women to hurt and harm each other. Evil flourishes in your world now and causes great misery, suffering, and death. We allow evil to flourish to a point and then we will destroy the wicked to bring in a beautiful millennial era of peace. In this process there will be much tribulation upon the world, much fear and privations. We will allow these times of stress to come upon all so that we might prove our children and allow all to choose by their own agency whom they list to obey and follow.

Alma 41:10-11

"...Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.

And now, my son, all men that are in a state of nature, or I would say, in a carnal state, are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; they are without God in the world, and they have gone contrary to the nature of happiness."

As our children on earth come to us, their Gods, in the humility of their souls, with open hearts and minds, we will lead them to a better place and provide abundantly for their wants and needs, as we are able. We care for and watch over those who seek us diligently. We give to them who ask of us, and will lead them beside still waters, that they might be comforted and feel of our love (see Psalms 23:2).

Our children come to earth with many weaknesses of the flesh and of their heritage. It is often not the best of situations in mortality, for if it were how could we see how they really act and whom they really choose to obey? There are hard times in the lives of all of our children at different times , and we watch them in these critical junctures. We extend to those who reach out to us in faith and yearning. We will guide all who allow us to, and who choose us over the temptations of the flesh and of that evil one.'"


Alma 42:5
5 For behold, if Adam had put forth his hand immediately, and partaken of the tree of life, he would have lived forever, according to the word of God, having no space for repentance; yea, and also the word of God would have been void, and the great plan of salvation would have been frustrated.

110D17-110D27: "Q2: "Is the tree of life the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as mentioned in the Garden of Eden?" Moses 4:31 "I placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, cherubim and a flaming sword, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life." Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." See also Alma 42:5

A2 from R: The tree of life was eaten freely by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It wasn't until they ate of the new tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that they were not to eat of the tree of life again. Once they had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the fruit caused a change in their immortal bodies, making them mortal, or soon to be mortal. Had they eaten of the tree of life at that time, in their physical and newly fallen state (or falling state), they would have forever lived in their sins, having transgressed God's commandment and not having time to repent. The tree of life is not the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was made available to Adam and Eve once they became adults in the Garden of Eden. Heavenly Father introduced them to this new tree, saying that he forbid them to eat of it, lest they would surely die. He gave them their choice, however.

"Does the tree of life have 12 different kinds of fruit? Revelation 22:2 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." (speaking of the holy city, the New Jerusalem)." Later-This is a question that I don't know the answer to and I am hoping our Heavenly Parents will answer tonight!

I came to the grassy area just south of the white gate. I was impressed to kneel on the grass, which extended to my left and right. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited. To my left I saw a movement and saw my Heavenly Father signaling for me to arise and walk to him! He was next to a hedge of bushes and some taller trees. I stood and walked up to him. He was smiling and seemed eager to talk with me. He asked me in my thoughts to remain standing.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have asked you to come near these trees next to these bushes. They are two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. These trees are male and female so that they may produce fruit for our use. We planted the fruit of this tree in the terrestrial Garden of Eden on your earth once Adam and Eve were adults. They still lived with us in that paradisiacal state. When the fruit grew up to a tree, it was a fruiting tree, a female tree. We hand pollinated the blossoms from the male tree in our celestial world, that you see before you on the right (he pointed to that tree). The blossoms on the tree of knowledge of good and evil on earth became beautiful fruits on that tree. It was at that point that I introduced Adam and Eve to that tree, with my charge not to eat of the fruit lest they would surely die. Once they were deceived by Lucifer, they both ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit started a change in their immortal bodies, as you have correctly answered to your sister's question

I came again to visit Adam and Eve along with your Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. I asked Adam and Eve if they had eaten of the fruit of that tree. They both admitted that they did eat. I then asked our Beloved Son then to protect the tree of life from Adam and Eve, lest they again eat of that fruit and live forever in their sins. Adam and Eve had physical bodies of flesh and bones, which were now changing to mortal bodies due to partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They also began perceiving that the serpent really was possessed by Lucifer who lied to them, telling them to eat. Eve was the first to partake and came to an awareness of the designs of the evil one. She also began to be enlightened by the Holy Ghost, your Heavenly Mother, that now that she had partaken, she would be cast out of the Garden of Eden, and Adam would be left alone as man in the garden. They would be forever separated. Heavenly Mother reasoned with her daughter to convince Adam to partake so that they could together bring forth the children of men and women on the earth, to experience mortality in a fallen world.

Eve convinced Adam, who had not yet been enlightened by the actions of the fruit. Once he ate, he and Eve realized too that they were naked, which they had never before realized. They hid when we came walking through our garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). I knew then, besides my gift of seeing all things, that they had both partaken of the fruit of the tree that I had commanded them not to eat. I had no choice but to drive them forth into the lone and dreary world outside of their terrestrial garden home. The outside world was telestial in nature.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me these two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. He said that if I ate of the fruit, now that I had been redeemed and brought again into his presence, it would have no detrimental effect on me. I asked if I could partake, and Heavenly Father reached out to the female tree, plucked a fruit and gave it to me. I ate, and it tasted sweet and very clarifying to my mind. The effects were like drinking of living water, but had substance and was sweeter. I ate the fruit to the pit. I then asked if I should plant the pit next to the other two trees.

Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, plant the pit of the fruit you have eaten where you are standing on the grass.' I planted the pit of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the grass. I easily dug a little hole in the grass with my hand. I covered it up and stood again before my Heavenly Father.

'Raphael, the pit you planted will become a new female tree of knowledge of good and evil. I will have you transplant this future sapling tree, with other people that you choose to help you, to your celestial earth. This will be during the time that we divide the earth into inheritances for the faithful couple Gods. The tree that you will plant will be the sapling tree of knowledge of good and evil. It will have twelve manners of fruits, which yield their fruit every month, and her leaves are for the healing of the nations. This was spoken by John the revelator in Revelation 22:2. The current version reads that this will be the tree of life, but it was mistakenly written in your Bible. It should read the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That tree will remain on the celestial earth forever, as a memorial to the celestial Gods who live there and who frequent there. The memorial will be that this fruit is what initiated the past mortal journey of their first parents, Adam and Eve.'

I was amazed at this revelation from my Father! I felt so blessed to have been here with him tonight and to have learned first hand the wonderful story of these beautiful trees. I am so pleased to have partaken of one of its fruits, and to have planted that pit where I was standing. I felt so privileged to one day in the future be able to transplant this sapling tree to the new celestial earth where we will have our inheritance."

See also my notes in Revelation 22:2 about the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


Alma 42:13
13 Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God.

125G25-125H12: "Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with me tonight. He has brought with him one of the Books of the Laws of God. This volume has a list of the types of sins that restrict entry into the celestial realms where God lives. The list is for the celestial entry requirements are more restrictive than for entry into the terrestrial or telestial realms. Each sin has listed an amount of suffering required for the sin to be forgiven, or for the law to be satisfied. Those sins of a more severe nature require more payment or suffering to have them satisfied, or remitted. The levels of suffering are described and are to be understood only by the gods to whom this book is given. The couple god parents of their own children use the Book of the Laws of God to determine how much suffering their chosen Redeemer must suffer to atone for those sins. If these sufferings of the Redeemer are not accepted by the sinner, then he or she may not enter into the celestial, terrestrial or telestial worlds. The suffering then would be endured by the sinner, but still they would not be able to be cleansed and made holy without a Redeemer, a requirement to enter into these worlds.

Jesus then spoke to me: 'Raphael, without me, all of God's children for this eternity would be forever lost and not able of themselves to return to their Heavenly Parents' presence, for this would not be allowed by the laws of God. The laws of God require full payment for sin and then that the sinner be cleansed and made holy in order to return into the presence of God.

One exception to this is when I, their Redeemer, quicken them temporarily to come to the judgment bar of God in the celestial world. Once they are judged, they are escorted to their final destination of a lower glory. They receive a resurrection freely given on my merits as their Redeemer, but are not fully cleansed to a higher level since they are going to a lower spiritual realm. They each acknowledge that I am their Redeemer, but have not taken the necessary steps to receive full forgiveness of their sins from me. They therefore need to pay for the required suffering for their own sins as given in this Book of the Laws of God, for the telestial or terrestrial glory they are being sent to.

Once they have suffered for their own sins and are resurrected, I cleanse them to the level required for entry into the telestial or terrestrial glory. This cleansing is a lower amount than given to the celestial, for the celestial have fully repented and come unto me, their Savior. I have suffered for their accumulated sins so they don't need to suffer like the telestial and terrestrial will suffer.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2019, Thursday "My prayer continued this morning and took up where I had left the night before. Jesus then opened the book in his hands. He asked me to step forward in space above the great rocky hole in the ground under him. I stood and walked up to him in the air and looked upon the book he had opened.

He spoke again: 'Raphael, this page shows the sin of adultery and gives the amount of suffering required to pay for this sin for entry into the celestial world, a lower amount of suffering required for entry into the terrestrial world, and finally the lowest amount of suffering required for entry into the telestial world. There is also a description of what the sin consists of. Once the sin is forgiven for the sinner after he or she, or I pay for the sin through suffering, then I cleanse the sinner for entry to whatever spiritual realm they are assigned. Those who receive a celestial glory are cleansed by my power and made holy to a celestial level, for these are of the celestial nature and are most comfortable living in the celestial realms of glory.

Those who receive either a terrestrial or telestial glory are cleansed by me to the level required for entry into that glory. Therefore, for instance, all of the terrestrial are cleansed to a terrestrial glory and will have individually paid the price for their own sins. My sufferings for them will not have been fully accepted, for they never came to me with full repentance or in deep humility and obedience. They therefore need to pay for their own sins, for that is what the Book of the Laws of God states. Lower amounts of suffering are required for the sinner who is of the telestial nature, for their kingdom is of a lower level of glory than the terrestrial or celestial. Those of a telestial glory are also not cleansed to a higher level required for the higher spiritual spheres.

The sufferings are endured by both the telestial and terrestrial, mostly in the spirit world after their death. If they don't fully repent, even in that spirit world where it is fully given to them, nor accept me as their Redeemer so that I may have my previous sufferings accepted for them, and also that I may cleanse them, then they need to suffer themselves without my assistance.

D&C 19:15-20

"Therefore, I command you to repent-repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore-how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.

For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-

Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.

Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, ye, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."

Also, Alma 11:40-41

"And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.

Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God and be judged according to their works."

Raphael, for God's children who do not repent, I have wasted my suffering for them, and they need to suffer. This causes me to be full of anger and wrath for the unrepentant, and is likened to me smiting them with the rod of my mouth (see D&C 19:15). At the same time that I am full of wrath, I am also full of compassion for them, and wonder why they won't repent and come unto me, their Redeemer, and receive fully my gift that I freely offer to them? I therefore need to obey the Book of the Laws of God, for we who are Gods have covenanted to obey these laws.

Alma 42:13

"Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God."

Raphael, our Heavenly Mother and I have come with you to this deep pit below us, filled with jagged rocks and a steep slope. This is representative of the sufferings that I already paid, or that those who don't accept my sufferings for them will pay, for the accumulated sins of their lives. These sins all need to be paid for, according to the requirements of this book I have opened before you, in order for them to be received into a kingdom of glory. Once the payment for their accumulated sins are all fully paid, for their respective telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory, I then will freely cleanse them from their sins and bring them to their respective glory, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. They may then be admitted into their chosen kingdom of glory and dwell there, worlds without end.'

I looked down at the treacherous hole below us, with the river representing Jesus Christ crashing into it. I felt the mist of water from this crashing water. I then was overwhelmed with gratitude that Jesus Christ, who stood before me, had already suffered for my accumulated sins! I knelt in the air in front of him and thanked him for forgiving me of my many sins and for cleansing me!

He closed the book and pulled me close to him with his free arm. I felt his deep love and Spirit come upon me. I feel so very blessed! I also thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and brought Jesus and the book he showed to me. Both smiled at me and then my vision ended.

I asked in my heart if I had correctly recorded the words of this revelation given to me last night and this morning? The words of my Heavenly Mother, the Holy Ghost, came to my mind with power: 'Raphael, you have recorded correctly the words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, and me in your journal. I will witness to the humble of this truth if they ask of me for a witness from me, if they ask in humility and humbleness of heart.'"


Alma 42:13-16
13 Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God.

14 And thus we see that all mankind were fallen, and they were in the grasp of justice; yea, the justice of God, which consigned them forever to be cut off from his presence.

15 And now, the plan of mercy could not be brought about except an atonement should be made; therefore God himself atoneth for the sins of the world, to bring about the plan of mercy, to appease the demands of justice, that God might be a perfect, just God, and a merciful God also.

16 Now, repentance could not come unto men except there were a punishment, which also was eternal as the life of the soul should be, affixed opposite to the plan of happiness, which was as eternal also as the life of the soul.

Sat, Aug 17, 2024
The plan of salvation is only possible on conditions of repentance, which brings mercy. Mankind are in grasp of justice. There is no way out except by individual suffering, and if repentance/mercy occurs, then Christ suffers to appease the demands of justice. Without this, mankind would be subject to the the law and it's punishment.


Alma 42:22-24
22 But there is a law given, and a punishment affixed, and a repentance granted; which repentance, mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth the creature and executeth the law, and the law inflicteth the punishment; if not so, the works of justice would be destroyed, and God would cease to be God.

23 But God ceaseth not to be God, and mercy claimeth the penitent, and mercy cometh because of the atonement; and the atonement bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead; and the resurrection of the dead bringeth back men into the presence of God; and thus they are restored into his presence, to be judged according to their works, according to the law and justice.

24 For behold, justice exerciseth all his demands, and also mercy claimeth all which is her own; and thus, none but the truly penitent are saved.

Sat, Aug 17, 2024
Repentance initiates the great plan of mercy which satisfies the demands of justice. Normally, for the unrepentant person, the law of justice inflicts the punishment because the law was broken. Thus, only the truly penitent are saved. Mercy cannot rob justice.


Alma 42:27-28
27 Therefore, O my son, whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely; and whosoever will not come the same is not compelled to come; but in the last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds.

28 If he has desired to do evil, and has not repented in his days, behold, evil shall be done unto him, according to the restoration of God.

128F5-128F12, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke: 'Raphael, in the beginning when your Heavenly Father and I chose you to be our son, made in our image, we could tell you would have a high ambition to want to be in our presence and to become like us. This was how you always were, from your noble intelligence. To us, it was certain that you would find the most joy in becoming our son!

We found other intelligences that were also highly developed whom we chose to become our sons or daughters. These were all uniquely different, but each would find their greatest joy in becoming our own child among any other creation. Some would not have the intense desire to follow us, their Heavenly Parents, so much as their own will and nature. Still, they were very skilled and full of the powers of intelligence, reasoning, capacity for growth, and love. When created into our spirit sons and daughters, they were very wonderful children, each possessing different and unique personalities, propensities, and inner desires. We wanted them to pursue their inner soul and become the individual that they really wanted to become. We spoke to them by our Holy Spirit from the beginning. There were relatively few who really wanted to be with us, to follow our every prompting and counsel, and who wanted to partake of our fulness, even to become like us. These became our elect who would one day fulfill their desires and become couple gods in eternity.

We encouraged and spoke equally to all of our sons and daughters, and had no further influence besides encouraging and being available to each one, leading those who, of their own will, wanted to obey us and act like us. This unique group of our children became our elect, and we led them by degrees to become true and faithful to us in all circumstances to which we would expose them.

Our elect hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, and keep our commandments. Others take our counsels lightly, thinking that they want to do something else, or to find their own way. We want them to mostly follow their own inner desire, for how else could we find those who truly wanted to become like us? The worst thing would be to choose one to be a god when they really wanted to be something else. This of course never happens, for after our multiple phases over time of leading them, we truly see who will follow us and keep our sayings and counsels.

Alma 42:27-28

"Therefore, O my son, whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely; and whosoever will not come the same is not compelled to come; but in the last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds.

If he has desired to do evil, and has not repented in his days, behold, evil shall be done unto him, according to the restoration of God."

This last verse 28 would be better written as "whatever he or she has desired to do shall be restored to him or her, according to the restoration of God."

We restore to each of our children what they themselves have truly desired and chosen in the course of their lives as our spirit children and as mortal children in their probationary estates. We have many levels and kingdoms of glory, which will best suit each of our beloved children. Each will receive what they of themselves truly desired and wanted. We are careful to allow each to flourish into their own persons. We truly want each one to reach the level of happiness that they desire, and not what we desire for them.

For you and our faithful, you desire the same degree of happiness we desire for you, even that extreme happiness found in our own lives as a God.

Last night at the wedding reception, you wondered how a couple could be sealed in the temple and then desecrate that sacred experience by dancing to raucous music. This was possible because they both really wanted to follow their own natures, even if they followed earlier the culture or norms of their religion, to be sealed in the temple. They each seemed to you to love more the wild dancing rather than to keep our Spirit with them. We will continue to entice and observe both of them through their lives. Our judgments will not be isolated to one event like last night, but an entire lifetime of choice. We reward each one according to what they want, according to the restoration of God.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wise words! I know why I shouldn't judge another, for I may see an isolated incidence, but do not see the results of a lifetime of choosing what they really want, and who they wish to obey. I told my Mother I would always keep her commandments, for I truly desire to do this and find in doing so my greatest satisfaction and joy and peace."


Alma 43:8-9
8 For behold, his designs were to stir up the Lamanites to anger against the Nephites; this he did that he might usurp great power over them, and also that he might gain power over the Nephites by bringing them into bondage.

9 And now the design of the Nephites was to support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children, that they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies; and also that they might preserve their rights and their privileges, yea, and also their liberty, that they might worship God according to their desires.

Tue, Sep 17, 2024
The motives of the Lamanites verses the motives of the Nephites is remarkably different. God supported those who had pure and holy motives. In this case it was the righteous Nephites.


Alma 45:18-19
18 And when Alma had done this he departed out of the land of Zarahemla, as if to go into the land of Melek. And it came to pass that he was never heard of more; as to his death or burial we know not of.

19 Behold, this we know, that he was a righteous man; and the saying went abroad in the church that he was taken up by the Spirit, or buried by the hand of the Lord, even as Moses. But behold, the scriptures saith the Lord took Moses unto himself; and we suppose that he has also received Alma in the spirit, unto himself; therefore, for this cause we know nothing concerning his death and burial.

Sun, Aug 18, 2024
I felt to pray about what happened to Alma the younger, when he disappeared from the people. I prayed whether I could know, by the Spirit of Revelation from my Father to me. 

I first asked if the account in the Book of Mormon was correct. I felt strongly by the Spirit that it was accurate and true. 

I then asked what happened to Alma the younger. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words that he would give to me. Here are his words that I now write, that are given to me by the Spirit to my mind and heart:

"Raphael, it is pleasing to me that you have approached me on what happened to Alma the younger. As he was traveling as if to go to the land of Melek, Jesus Christ, my beloved Son, appeared to him in a vision, in the Spirit. He gave him the promise of eternal life because of his great faithfulness to him, once he had become born of God.

Jesus then said he had a work for him to do in the latter-days in the flesh. He then touched his head and translated Alma to a celestial translation, bringing him into the celestial realm. He said that Alma would be part of his ministry to the elect, just before Christ's coming in glory to the earth in the last days. He also said before this time he would command him to do special ministries among men.

You have recently met a man in the Payson Utah canyon named Calvin. Calvin told you about a man that came to his father and Bishop Koyle, during the active work on the Relief Mine. Calvin was a young boy at the time. He believed that this large statured man was Alma the younger, for he only came for a short time to the group. He is correct in identifying this man as Alma the younger. Alma shared Nephite technology relating to electricity from the atmosphere and making plants grow better with rock dust amendments for the soil. This was practiced in his days on the earth."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful message that flowed into me this evening in the quietness of my bedroom. I confirmed that what he had revealed to me was correct also.

I then wondered where someone like Alma the younger, John the Beloved, the three translated Nephites at the time of Christ lived or worked before their latter-day missions. I searched my index of the Book of Raphael and found this entry which answers my question:

105I7-105I11, from Heavenly Mother: "There are a few who have departed earth life without tasting death (Moses, Elijah, Enoch and his people, the three Nephites, John the Beloved, and more). These have received a transfiguration of their bodies, for they were caught up into the celestial realms of the earth or on our celestial orb. Once they were caught up into this celestial realm, their bodies were translated, even to a celestial glory. When they return they will still be mortal, for they one day will die in the twinkling of an eye.

3 Nephi 28:15

"For whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."

These were all translated to a celestial glory. They were free to live on the earth, as do you Raphael, but also go in their unconscious states to the celestial realms where they communed with God and angels and others who were also translated to the same celestial glory.

There are now others being translated to a terrestrial state, even the 144,000 who are spoken of in the book of Revelation. These may be quickened if they come into the celestial realms, but they generally work in the terrestrial realms, for that is the realm in which they will receive their assignments as they labor in gathering the elect of God. Therefore, they have been and are now being translated to a terrestrial glory.

Angels like yourself, are translated to a celestial glory if they are living in the flesh. They work in the celestial realms in their assignments, so they are translated to that glory.

There are only two types of translation, one celestial and one terrestrial. Within each there may also be variations. For instance, Enoch and his group were not allowed to propagate while they lived in the flesh in their translated state. However, our mortal angels who are translated to a celestial glory are allowed to bear children.

The ability to replicate oneself in their translated state has not been allowed until recently. This now is a capability of all of the celestial translated individuals. The level of translation, whether celestial or terrestrial, is not a reflection of the valor or righteousness of the individual, but more of the type of assignments they would be given. Angels receive assignments requiring access to the celestial realms, and the 144,000 have assignments in the terrestrial realms and on the earth in its telestial state. They will be working directly with mortals, whereas angels and those working in the celestial sphere, will be out of the view of mortals on the earth.'"

I believe that Alma the younger was taken to the celestial orb without tasting death. He joined those with similar missions from Enoch's group, and Moses and Elijah, all who received a celestial translation. These people could also work in the celestial realm of the earth when ministering to those on the earth. They are also able to work along side the people on the telestial earth, and appear as if they are mortal telestial individuals. They also now all have the ability to replicate themselves, according to their missions and the will of God.


Alma 46:40
40 And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land—but not so much so with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate—

Sat, Aug 31, 2024
God has created plants for the healing of the body, both physically, mentally and emotionally. These plants, their roots, stems and leaves, all have various purposes to benefit man.

D&C 42:43: "And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy."

D&C 89:10-11: "And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—

Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."


Alma 48:14-16
14 Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives.

15 And this was their faith, that by so doing God would prosper them in the land, or in other words, if they were faithful in keeping the commandments of God that he would prosper them in the land; yea, warn them to flee, or to prepare for war, according to their danger;

16 And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity.

183I15-183I23, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, we have called upon our holy angels, and many of our celestial servants to come as the legions of heaven in support of our outnumbered and faithful sons who were engaged in righteous battles with the wicked of their day. The Bible and Book of Mormon contain details of these battles where we, their Gods, fought their conflicts and routed out their enemies. We sustain and honor the requests of our earthly stewards who lead in these armies, as long as we command them to go forth to defend themselves, their lands, their families and their rights to worship God as they desired.

Alma 48:14-16

"Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives.

And this was their faith, that by so doing God would prosper them in the land, or in other words, if they were faithful in keeping the commandments of God that he would prosper them in the land; yea, warn them to flee, or to prepare for war, according to their danger;

And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity."

When the people of God followed these principles and were striving to be obedient to all that we commanded them, then we protected them against their enemies. We have sent our celestial angel servants in their defense many times, and routed out the invading armies by our great power of deliverance.

Those under General George Washington's command were greatly blessed because of the prayer and leadership of this man, and also because of the many prayers of those early day patriots on your land. Your Heavenly Mother spoke true words of how God your Father assembled the legions of heaven to turn the battle and win the war on behalf of your fledging republic.

Hezekiah, a righteous king of Judah spoke words to his people to "be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us then with him." (2 Chronicles 32:7).

The enemy sent letters and servants to try to dissuade the children of Judah, and to cause them to doubt their leaders. Then Hezekiah the king of Judah, and Isaiah the prophet prayed to us, in this, their time of great need when the armies of the Assyrians encamped around the city of Jerusalem greatly outnumbering their army. We heard their prayers of faith, and fulfilled our promise to our faithful children, that we would fight their battles and defend them at all times against their enemies:

2 Chronicles 32:21-22

"And the Lord sent an angel (angels and celestial servants), which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him with the sword.

Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother)."


Alma 61:14-15
14 Therefore, my beloved brother, Moroni, let us resist evil, and whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, yea, such as rebellions and dissensions, let us resist them with our swords, that we may retain our freedom, that we may rejoice in the great privilege of our church, and in the cause of our Redeemer and our God.

15 Therefore, come unto me speedily with a few of your men, and leave the remainder in the charge of Lehi and Teancum; give unto them power to conduct the war in that part of the land, according to the Spirit of God, which is also the spirit of freedom which is in them.

199C13-199C15: "My oldest son gave a thought after our family meal together about liberty. He spoke of Jesus Christ being the great promoter of liberty. He quoted Isaiah 61:1, read by Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth when he proclaimed himself as the Messiah (see Luke 4:18-19).

Isaiah 61:1

"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;"

Jesus is the promoter of liberty to all people. The spirit of God is the spirit of freedom (see Alma 61:14-15). I thought this is why in the millennium all will need to comply with the spirit of freedom, or the Spirit of God. This is a terrestrial law. They receive the presence of the Son which is the spirit of liberty for all, and protection of everyone's freedom to choose what they will be and do (see D&C 76:76-77). They are of the terrestrial."


Alma 63:4-5
4 And it came to pass that in the thirty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, there was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward.

5 And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.

144B11-144B26: "Evening-I received an email from S this morning about impressions he had when listening to one of M.S.'s podcast:


I was listening to M.S. on my way to work. The podcast was from the words of Mormon lecture after Omni. The phrase struck me that some of the Nephites were led to the land of the North and some went in ships. I wondered if some could have been led to the hollow earth and will return from "the North" in a coming day. Just like the Lord led many different groups to North America, i.e. Lehi family and Mulek family.

It was the words "north" and "northward" that caught my attention because that is the location given for the return of the lost tribes of Israel.

Ether 13:11

"And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and from the north countries, and are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father, Abraham."

Alma 63:4-5

"And it came to pass that in the thirty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, there was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward.

And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward."

Those were my thoughts this morning.

Have a great day.


I said I was curious too, where they went to the land northwards. I said maybe they became the eskimos, or maybe travelled to the hollow earth.

I came this evening to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful, not far from the orchard that I had previously visited. I knelt on a grassy area with many surrounding flowers, near the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

I then looked to my right, over a little hill filled with yellow and purple flowers on green stems. I saw a bright light coming over this hill, and soon Heavenly Mother came walking a few feet above her flowers in the air! She was coming to me, and was smiling, radiating so much light to me and to all of the surrounding area!

I felt so excited to be in her wonderful presence! She stopped in front of me, and raised her right hand towards me:

'Raphael, turn around and you will see the exceedingly large ship that Hagoth built to take many of the Nephite families to the land northward!'

I turned and saw a very large wooden ship on Lake Beautiful! I saw many people all around on the deck looking overboard. I saw next large chunks of ice in the water as the ship passed us.

Heavenly Mother then was next to me on my right side, also looking at the ship. She spoke again:

'Raphael, Hagoth led these people to the far northern extremities of the earth, and sailed around the cusp of the northern hole into the inside of the earth. Hagoth was a very curious man and God-fearing, as were his people. He led the people to this land by the inspirations given to him by me, the Holy Ghost and by my directions.

After they landed on the shores of the inside earth, he and his people came ashore and met and mingled with the northern tribes of Israel that I had previously brought there by my inspiration to their spiritual leaders centuries before.

Once Hagoth's people desired to stay with the other tribes of Israel, Hagoth departed again in his ship back to the land of the Nephites, even as is recorded in Alma 63:7-9-

"And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward.

And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither she did go we know not.

And it came to pass that in this year there were many people who went forth into the land northward. And thus ended the thirty and eighth year."

Raphael, all those ships that left the Nephite civilization ultimately came to the inner earth. They mixed with the peoples that I had previously brought there. They are all descendants of the house of Israel. We inspired Mormon, who compiled the Nephite record of Alma, not to include information of where Hagoth landed. We wished to reveal this information to you, and not in the Book of Mormon account.

Those who traveled northward by foot came to the northernmost areas of North America. Their descendants mixed with the people they came upon in the northern regions. Some also built boats as they could, and a few also came into the inner hollow earth, traveling on the waters. This was the only way for this ancient people to arrive or depart this region, through the northern hole on the earth.

The Nephite nation was mostly in North America, where your country is now located. Some also travelled south to Central and South America. Hagoth departed from the area north of Zarahemla, and launched his ships from the land Bountiful, in the narrow neck of land area, into what they called the west seas, or into the Great Lakes region. He travelled north along what is now called the St Laurence River to the Atlantic Ocean. From here he travelled northward to the Arctic Ocean.

I led Hagoth on his ships towards the northern hole in the Arctic Ocean. On their journey they passed areas of ice in the ocean, but the ocean path was navigable with open waters. I have shown you on Lake Beautiful this ship as it would have appeared from the shore, passing chunks of ice in the open waters.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation, and to have answered S's and my curiosity!

She spoke again:

'Raphael, the descendants of these tribes of Israel, who mingled and mixed with Hagoth's people, will come as a group in a future day to your land of America again, from lands of the north where I have led them. Your land of America is actually the land where many of their ancient ancestors of their Nephite civilization once lived. They know of their history, and of Hagoth's journey to the land northward. They will bring their records which attests of this migration, and of the appearance of Jesus Christ to them after he visited the Americas (see 3 Nephi 17:4-"But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them").

I turned toward my Heavenly Mother, thanking her for revealing to me this remarkable journey of this part of the Nephite people! I said I loved her so much, and was so appreciative of her revealing this great truth to me tonight!"


Alma 63:7-9
7 And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward.

8 And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither she did go we know not.

9 And it came to pass that in this year there were many people who went forth into the land northward. And thus ended the thirty and eighth year.

144B16-144B26, from Heavenly Mother: "Raphael, turn around and you will see the exceedingly large ship that Hagoth built to take many of the Nephite families to the land northward!'

I turned and saw a very large wooden ship on Lake Beautiful! I saw many people all around on the deck looking overboard. I saw next large chunks of ice in the water as the ship passed us.

Heavenly Mother then was next to me on my right side, also looking at the ship. She spoke again:

'Raphael, Hagoth led these people to the far northern extremities of the earth, and sailed around the cusp of the northern hole into the inside of the earth. Hagoth was a very curious man and God-fearing, as were his people. He led the people to this land by the inspirations given to him by me, the Holy Ghost and by my directions.

After they landed on the shores of the inside earth, he and his people came ashore and met and mingled with the northern tribes of Israel that I had previously brought there by my inspiration to their spiritual leaders centuries before.

Once Hagoth's people desired to stay with the other tribes of Israel, Hagoth departed again in his ship back to the land of the Nephites, even as is recorded in Alma 63:7-9-

"And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward.

And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither she did go we know not.

And it came to pass that in this year there were many people who went forth into the land northward. And thus ended the thirty and eighth year."

Raphael, all those ships that left the Nephite civilization ultimately came to the inner earth. They mixed with the peoples that I had previously brought there. They are all descendants of the house of Israel. We inspired Mormon, who compiled the Nephite record of Alma, not to include information of where Hagoth landed. We wished to reveal this information to you, and not in the Book of Mormon account.

Those who traveled northward by foot came to the northernmost areas of North America. Their descendants mixed with the people they came upon in the northern regions. Some also built boats as they could, and a few also came into the inner hollow earth, traveling on the waters. This was the only way for this ancient people to arrive or depart this region, through the northern hole on the earth.

The Nephite nation was mostly in North America, where your country is now located. Some also travelled south to Central and South America. Hagoth departed from the area north of Zarahemla, and launched his ships from the land Bountiful, in the narrow neck of land area, into what they called the west seas, or into the Great Lakes region. He travelled north along what is now called the St Laurence River to the Atlantic Ocean. From here he travelled northward to the Arctic Ocean.

I led Hagoth on his ships towards the northern hole in the Arctic Ocean. On their journey they passed areas of ice in the ocean, but the ocean path was navigable with open waters. I have shown you on Lake Beautiful this ship as it would have appeared from the shore, passing chunks of ice in the open waters.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation, and to have answered S's and my curiosity!

She spoke again:

'Raphael, the descendants of these tribes of Israel, who mingled and mixed with Hagoth's people, will come as a group in a future day to your land of America again, from lands of the north where I have led them. Your land of America is actually the land where many of their ancient ancestors of their Nephite civilization once lived. They know of their history, and of Hagoth's journey to the land northward. They will bring their records which attests of this migration, and of the appearance of Jesus Christ to them after he visited the Americas (see 3 Nephi 17:4-"But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them").

I turned toward my Heavenly Mother, thanking her for revealing to me this remarkable journey of this part of the Nephite people! I said I loved her so much, and was so appreciative of her revealing this great truth to me tonight!"


Helaman 1:12
12 Therefore, Kishkumen was not known among the people of Nephi, for he was in disguise at the time that he murdered Pahoran. And Kishkumen and his band, who had covenanted with him, did mingle themselves among the people, in a manner that they all could not be found; but as many as were found were condemned unto death.

Wed, Sep 4, 2024
This is the manner that secret combinations are done in these last days. Mingling with the people makes the combination difficult to route out. This allows the group in the combination to continue their work of destruction among the people without even being detected.


Helaman 2:8
8 And when the servant of Helaman had known all the heart of Kishkumen, and how that it was his object to murder, and also that it was the object of all those who belonged to his band to murder, and to rob, and to gain power, (and this was their secret plan, and their combination) the servant of Helaman said unto Kishkumen: Let us go forth unto the judgment-seat.

Wed, Sep 4, 2024
The object of the secret combinations is to murder, to rob and to gain power over the people.


Helaman 5:23-24
23 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire, even insomuch that they durst not lay their hands upon them for fear lest they should be burned. Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were not burned; and they were as standing in the midst of fire and were not burned.

24 And when they saw that they were encircled about with a pillar of fire, and that it burned them not, their hearts did take courage.

150K3-150K5, from Heavenly Mother: "I thanked her abundantly for her light she had given my wife to help her heal and now to have a good night's sleep. I asked Heavenly Mother about the fire that Lehi and Nephi received in the prison in Helaman 5:23-24, and she said this was similar to the level "D" (see my entries 150I11 to 150I15 [see below]) that my wife had received for her healing.

Helaman 5:23-24: "And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire, even insomuch that they durst not lay their hands upon them for fear lest they should be burned. Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were not burned; and they were as standing in the midst of fire and were not burned.

And when they saw that they were encircled about with a pillar of fire, and that it burned them not, their hearts did take courage."

The terrestrial elect now have Heavenly Mother's healing light to a level "C, or an intense light with an occasional flame. This will protect most of them from the severe plagues and toxins coming upon the entire earth."

150I10-150I15: "What I have seen in the past four days are various stages of healing in people. The variation is from the amount of healing light coming from my Heavenly Mother. Here is a summary of what I have seen when looking spiritually at the backside of my hand, when my hand is next to the person in question who is in a healing state:

A. Low level of healing: I feel a moderate flow of light out the backside of my hand.

B. Medium to high level of healing: I feel a large amount of healing light flowing, even with a wave pattern of the light, but no flames.

C. High level of healing: I see a greater flux of light with occasional flames coming out the backside of my hand, but these flames not staying.

D. Very high level of healing: In this state, there is a steady flame, about the height of the thickness of my hand.

E. Highest level of healing: I see great light flowing, even with a corona effect which is 4-5 times the thickness of my hand. I believe this is when total healing occurs quickly. I have only seen this in the future, once I become fully accepted by God in my conscious mortal mind as a healing conduit on earth."


Helaman 5:30
30 And it came to pass when they heard this voice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul-

199H5-199H9, from Heavenly Father: "In these troubled times, we will lead our elect who come unto us in faith and prayer. We will talk to them in our still, small voice. It will generally not be "a voice of thunder, neither… a voice of great tumultuous noise, but… a still voice of perfect mildness, as if… a whisper, (to) pierce even to the very soul (see Helaman 5:30). Our voice will pierce the souls of our elect and cause their hearts to burn (see 3 Nephi 11: 3). We will lead our elect, even as we did the Nephites who opened their ears to hear my voice:

3 Nephi 11:5

"And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it, and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from where the sound came."

Our elect who pray for guidance and instruction from us, their Gods, need to be open and seek to act on what we may whisper to them. Our voice will pierce their soul as they seek us. They will be assured that it is us, their Gods, who do lead them and speak to their inward soul. Those who are full of faith, will act on our directions. Those who are afraid of the pressures of their society and of Babylon, the world, will not have strength to follow our voice of the Spirit.

These times will separate the wheat from the tares. The wheat will eventually be gathered "and secured in the garners (even to the New Jerusalem) to possess eternal life." (see D&C 101: 65, words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).

Raphael , continue to seek the face of your Heavenly Mother and I in your morning and evening prayers. We will continue to give you revelation and guidance, and send forth our truths, even never revealed before to man.'"


Helaman 6:17
17 For behold, the Lord had blessed them so long with the riches of the world that they had not been stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to bloodshed; therefore they began to set their hearts upon their riches; yea, they began to seek to get gain that they might be lifted up one above another; therefore they began to commit secret murders, and to rob and to plunder, that they might get gain.

Sat, Sep 7, 2024
This is very similar to the state of those who live in the United States, and who belong to the LDS Church and Christian churches in the land. There is a lot of pride in the members, and people who are puffed up, having lots of riches. We have been blessed so long with prosperity and ease that it most have never experienced privation or want. The desire for gain and money above another is common and the norm.


Helaman 6:31
31 And now behold, he had got great hold upon the hearts of the Nephites; yea, insomuch that they had become exceedingly wicked; yea, the more part of them had turned out of the way of righteousness, and did trample under their feet the commandments of God, and did turn unto their own ways, and did build up unto themselves idols of their gold and their silver.

Sat, Sep 7, 2024
While in my personal prayer this morning, I felt the prophet Mormon put this chapter in the book of Helaman, because he saw our day, and knew we would be in a similar situation as were the Nephites at this time. Also, the Lamanites will become a humble and a righteous people in our day, even as they were at this time in the Book of Mormon times. They will follow the Spirit and do God's will in our day as they did at this time in the Nephite history.


Helaman 6:36
36 And thus we see that the Lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the Lamanites, because of their easiness and willingness to believe in his words.

Sat, Sep 7, 2024
When we are quick to believe the things of God, then we are able to be led by the Spirit to all truth, and to be guided and protected by God.


Helaman 6:39
39 And thus they did obtain the sole management of the government, insomuch that they did trample under their feet and smite and rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek, and the humble followers of God.

Sat, Sep 7, 2024
This is exactly what has happened in our our American society, the modern Gadianton secret combinations have completely taken over the control of the governments, both federal, state and local. These make it difficult for the Christians in the land to have freedoms to do what they feel is best, aligned with gospel principles, and to worship as they desire.


Helaman 7:4-5
4 And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment-seats—having usurped the power and authority of the land; laying aside the commandments of God, and not in the least aright before him; doing no justice unto the children of men;

5 Condemning the righteous because of their righteousness; letting the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money; and moreover to be held in office at the head of government, to rule and do according to their wills, that they might get gain and glory of the world, and, moreover, that they might the more easily commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills-

Sat, Sep 7, 2024
This is the current condition in the United States of America, with the Gadianton leaders in charge.


Helaman 7:7
7 Oh, that I could have had my days in the days when my father Nephi first came out of the land of Jerusalem, that I could have joyed with him in the promised land; then were his people easy to be entreated, firm to keep the commandments of God, and slow to be led to do iniquity; and they were quick to hearken unto the words of the Lord

Sun, Sep 15, 2024
This is what the elect of God do: easy to be entreated, firm to keep the commandments of God, allow to do iniquity, quick to hearken to the words of the Lord (through the Spirit of God or the Holy Ghost).


Helaman 7:21
21 But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity.

189E14-189E20, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke: 'Raphael , you felt today the reward and satisfaction of completing a hard work project. We have given all of our sons and daughters this same joy from their sense of accomplishment. There is usually relief and the contentment of completion, both which add joy to the soul.

On the other hand, when one acquires riches, he/she also feels a sense of satisfaction. Our child then has a stewardship to use these riches, either for himself or herself, or to bless others. There are certain needs everyone requires which riches may help acquire. However, excess riches may corrupt the souls of our children when they are not shared and given in love and generosity to those in need. After this, the rich who do not share freely, begin to think that they are better than the others in need around them because they have more.

Alma 5:53

". . . yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts; yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?"

This change of heart which is pride and being puffed up, begins to allow iniquity in their souls to grow.

Helaman 7:21

"But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity."

Well did Jesus Christ say of those who have riches and have allowed pride, iniquity, and selfishness to take a prominent place in their lives:

Mark 10:23

"And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!"


Helaman 7:23
23 For behold, thus saith the Lord: I will not show unto the wicked of my strength, to one more than the other, save it be unto those who repent of their sins, and hearken unto my words. Now therefore, I would that ye should behold, my brethren, that it shall be better for the Lamanites than for you except ye shall repent.

Sun, Sep 15, 2024
If we repent before God, he will extend extra protection and strength to us as he did to the Nephites, as long as this is his will. We can find out if this is his will through humble and lowly prayer.


Helaman 10:3
3 And it came to pass as he was thus pondering—being much cast down because of the wickedness of the people of the Nephites, their secret works of darkness, and their murderings, and their plunderings, and all manner of iniquities—and it came to pass as he was thus pondering in his heart, behold, a voice came unto him saying:

Sat, Sep 14, 2024
This voice, the voice of the Spirit, comes into the mind and heart of the receiver. This often comes in the thoughts of the mind, so that it is indistinguishable from one's own thoughts except for the presence of the still small voice of peace and assurance that are repeatable, and cannot be denied. This cannot be duplicated by the person or any other source, except it be from God only.


Helaman 10:4
4 Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.

174G2-174G8, from Heavenly Father: "I want to seek diligently the presence of God and to always do their will as I understand it. I want to also be as Nephi, son of Helaman, who continually sought to do God's will, and did not seek his own life.

Helaman 10:4

"Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done, for I have beheld how thou hast with weariness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments."

I came this new morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hands. I felt clarified and truly part of the celestial world. I was filled with desire to hear God's word and to do whatever they might ask of me.

I came to the bench and sat on one end of it. I then closed my eyes and asked to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father, and to commune with him today.

As I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting next to me on the bench! I was very pleased that he, my Father in Heaven, had come to be with me and had answered my prayer.

Heavenly Father placed his hands on my shoulder and spoke: 'Raphael , you tirelessly pray to us, your Heavenly Parents twice a day. You already do what we ask you to do, above any personal desires you may have to do your own thing. You have gained our trust by your actions, and we will therefore continue to reveal to you the secrets of our will.

Raphael , you will act as our witness of the transition of the earth and your society in mortality from a telestial realm to a higher terrestrial realm. Your extensive record will bridge this transition to a better, more Spirit filled world where we will successfully establish our Zion, with our elect who are pure in heart, and who seek for the interest and wellbeing of their neighbors."


Helaman 13:3-5
3 But behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him, that he should return again, and prophesy unto the people whatsoever things should come into his heart.

4 And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; therefore he went and got upon the wall thereof, and stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice, and prophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart.

5 And he said unto them: Behold, I, Samuel, a Lamanite, do speak the words of the Lord which he doth put into my heart; and behold he hath put it into my heart to say unto this people that the sword of justice hangeth over this people; and four hundred years pass not away save the sword of justice falleth upon this people.

156D2-156D7: "I can really relate to Samuel the Lamanite in the Book of Mormon. The words of God came into his heart (see Helaman 13:3-5). Samuel had no idea apparently beforehand what he would receive, but just spoke as a conduit for God. He seemed to be open, humble and even put himself at risk by getting on the wall of the city of Zarahemla. The more part of the people rejected his words. Even after they couldn't hit him with their stones and arrows, they still "cried unto their captains, saying: Take this fellow and bind him, for behold he hath a devil; and because of the power of the devil which is in him we cannot hit him with our stones and our arrows; therefore take him and bind him, and away with him." The Savior even said that one part of the record of Samuel was left out of the Nephite record, and should be included in the record (see 3 Nephi 23:9-14).

I too want to be open and receptive, and write whatever comes into my heart from God I don't want to go back and edit these initial words except for grammar issues, for what I write under God's inspiration should stand and never be censored.

While writing this, Heavenly Mother came next to me and spoke to me. Her word flowed into my mind:

'Raphael , your Heavenly Father and I will freely speak to you in your mind and heart our will, even as you remain open and humble enough to receive them. You will continue to receive great revelations from us, for you write exactly what you receive without any restrictions on our words and thoughts.

Because of this same characteristic, Samuel, our ancient Lamanite prophet, was given by Jesus Christ many clear and plain prophecies that only the humble and elect among the Nephite and Lamanite peoples would believe. Others rejected these words, and tried to bind and destroy Samuel.

Were you to share our own prophecies that we have shared with you to your friends, family and neighbors, and people in your society, you would be rejected and labeled as a false prophet who possessed a devil. We do not want these many great revelations to come among the people now. We will wait until the wicked are destroyed and the righteous preserved by our matchless power.

Continue to write our words and the spiritual experiences that you have in your personal journal. The method of typing these up, editing for grammar issues, indexing and then distributing them to your small group on your email list is pleasing to us. We will preserve your account and publish it to the world at a later time, in our own way.'"


Helaman 13:7
7 And behold, an angel of the Lord hath declared it unto me, and he did bring glad tidings to my soul. And behold, I was sent unto you to declare it unto you also, that ye might have glad tidings; but behold ye would not receive me.

Sat, Sep 21, 2024
I read the account of Samuel the Lamanite who preached to the Nephites from the walls of Zarahemla. I wondered who the angel was that declared to Samuel glad tidings and who prophesied in the book of Helaman:

Helaman 14:9, 26-28: "And behold, thus hath the Lord commanded me, by his angel, that I should come and tell this thing unto you; yea, he hath commanded that I should prophesy these things unto you; yea, he hath said unto me: Cry unto this people, repent and prepare the way of the Lord.

. . . And behold, thus hath the angel spoken unto me; for he said unto me that there should be thunderings and lightnings for the space of many hours.

And he said unto me that while the thunder and the lightning lasted, and the tempest, that these things should be, and that darkness should cover the face of the whole earth for the space of three days.

And the angel said unto me that many shall see greater things than these, to the intent that they might believe that these signs and these wonders should come to pass upon all the face of this land, to the intent that there should be no cause for unbelief among the children of men"

In my prayer to my Heavenly Father, after pleading and asking in all sincerity of heart, my Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, asking me to write his words in a note in the Book of Helaman where the angel declared the words to Samuel.

Here are the words that Heavenly Father brought into my mind and heart at this time:

"Raphael, I am glad that you have asked of me the identity of this angel today. Your Heavenly Mother had revealed to you that you, as a premortal angel of God, revealed to Nephi great things about the last days, after she had appeared to Nephi as the Spirit of the Lord (see your note in 1 Nephi 11:21).

The angel that appeared and spoke to Samuel, bringing him great joy and also telling him of the prophecies of the birth and death of Jesus Christ in the land, was also you, R! You were the archangel of God sent by me and chosen to appear to Samuel, our humble, open and very faithful servant. You delivered to him the message exactly as I had delivered it to you. You spoke with the tongue of angels, even by the Holy Ghost which dwelt in you, giving you words to say to our earthly servant. Samuel believed and was greatly touched by your words. He was also filled with the Holy Ghost, and couldn't be constrained by the Nephites in delivering his message, so he got on the walls of the city and spoke with my great power and authority.

Raphael, you have been chosen to speak to selected individuals now written in the Nephite record, even as your Heavenly Mother or I have directed you at that time. You are our chosen archangel to do this. Your mission was to come forth in the latter-days as our leader and prophet of the Church of the Firstborn. The Book of Mormon was also chosen to come forth in the days of your ministry. You are hidden from the world while the telestial world becomes wicked again as the Nephites became in the days of Samuel."

What I just received was not from me, from from my Heavenly Father. I thanked him for this great revelation! I feel very humble and open at this time. I am not trying to promote myself, but humbly accept his word. I wonder and ponder on these things, and keep them in my heart, hidden from others for now. There will be a time in the future when I will share all of this, exhorting those who many read this to confirm all of this with their God.


Helaman 13:26-28
26 Behold ye are worse than they; for as the Lord liveth, if a prophet come among you and declareth unto you the word of the Lord, which testifieth of your sins and iniquities, ye are angry with him, and cast him out and seek all manner of ways to destroy him; yea, you will say that he is a false prophet, and that he is a sinner, and of the devil, because he testifieth that your deeds are evil.

27 But behold, if a man shall come among you and shall say: Do this, and there is no iniquity; do that and ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say: Walk after the pride of your own hearts; yea, walk after the pride of your eyes, and do whatsoever your heart desireth—and if a man shall come among you and say this, ye will receive him, and say that he is a prophet.

28 Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye will give unto him of your substance; ye will give unto him of your gold, and of your silver, and ye will clothe him with costly apparel; and because he speaketh flattering words unto you, and he saith that all is well, then ye will not find fault with him.

43A3-43A6: "I attended sacrament meeting with my wife. She asked me about the scripture with itching ears. Here it is, in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

This sounds exactly like what I experienced this past week with false notions and magic beliefs! These could be named just as easily 'fables' as in verse 4 above. The lusts spoken of in verse 3 refer, I believe, to pleasurable words and thoughts that people want to hear-like fables they think that God did in their behalf (false notions).

This reminded me of Helaman 13:26-29. It reads:

"Behold ye are worse than they; for as the Lord liveth, if a prophet come among you and declareth unto you the word of the Lord, which testifieth of your sins and iniquities, ye are angry with him, and cast him out and seek all manner of ways to destroy him; yea, you will say that he is a false prophet, and that he is a sinner, and of the devil, because he testifieth that your deeds are evil.

But behold, if a man shall come among you and shall say: Do this, and there is no iniquity; do that and ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say: Walk after the pride of your own hearts; yea, walk after the pride of your eyes, and do whatsoever your heart desireth—and if a man shall come among you and say this, ye will receive him, and say that he is a prophet.

Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye will give unto him of your substance; ye will give unto him of your gold, and of your silver, and ye will clothe him with costly apparel; and because he speaketh flattering words unto you, and he saith that all is well, then ye will not find fault with him.

O ye wicked and ye perverse generation; ye hardened and ye stiffnecked people, how long will ye suppose that the Lord will suffer you? Yea, how long will ye suffer yourselves to be led by foolish and blind guides? Yea, how long will ye choose darkness rather than light?"

To me, this seems like what is happening already in the LDS Church! The leaders I believe teach a culture and pattern that is filled with stories and interpretation of scriptures that flatter the people (verse 28), and are pleasurable to hear, feeding their lusts. They tell us we are doing right things, and all is well in the church and with the people. As a result, we pay our tithes and offerings (giving them our gold and silver, verse 28) and hold them up as our prophets whom we love to hear. I almost think a lot of what they say is in the category of false notions, magic beliefs and fables.

The Lord wants the people to hear truths from heaven, not words that appease our itching ears!"


3 Nephi 1:8-10
8 But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that day and that night and that day which should be as one day as if there were no night, that they might know that their faith had not been vain.

9 Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who believed in those traditions should be put to death except the sign should come to pass, which had been given by Samuel the prophet.

10 Now it came to pass that when Nephi, the son of Nephi, saw this wickedness of his people, his heart was exceedingly sorrowful.

146C8-146C11, from Heavenly Mother: "3 Nephi 1:8-9

"But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that day and that night and that day which should be as one day as if there was no night, that they might know that their faith had not been in vain.

Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who believed in those traditions should be put to death except the sign should come to pass, which had been given by Samuel the prophet."

Nephi, the son of Nephi, prayed unto the Father in mighty prayer in behalf of his people lest they all be destroyed. Then the voice of Jehovah came to him, that on that night the very sign would be given, and on the morrow he would come into the world.

There will be other such dramatic signs given and fulfilled in these last days. These signs are for the faithful who wait upon us, their Gods. We will reward them for their faith and great belief in us and our promises made through our prophets and confirmed to them through our still, small voice. In the process of the fulfillment of these signs and promises, our people will become unshakeable in their trust and belief in us, their Gods.

We will graciously answer the prayers and pleas of our people who come to us in faith and great humility. We love to honor and bless those who act in faith according to our promises to them."


3 Nephi 3:13-15
13 Yea, he sent a proclamation among all the people, that they should gather together their women, and their children, their flocks and their herds, and all their substance, save it were their land, unto one place.

14 And he caused that fortifications should be built round about them, and the strength thereof should be exceedingly great. And he caused that armies, both of the Nephites and of the Lamanites, or of all them who were numbered among the Nephites, should be placed as guards round about to watch them, and to guard them from the robbers day and night.

15 Yea, he said unto them: As the Lord liveth, except ye repent of all your iniquities, and cry unto the Lord, ye will in nowise be delivered out of the hands of those Gadianton robbers.

Tue, Oct 1, 2024
This is the pattern from 3rd Nephi: foreboding pattern of how last days strongholds in mountains might be besieged by invading armies. There is a precedent for gathering in one place.


3 Nephi 3:15-16
15 Yea, he said unto them: As the Lord liveth, except ye repent of all your iniquities, and cry unto the Lord, ye will in nowise be delivered out of the hands of those Gadianton robbers.

16 And so great and marvelous were the words and prophecies of Lachoneus that they did cause fear to come upon all the people; and they did exert themselves in their might to do according to the words of Lachoneus.

94J2-92J6: "He [Lachoneus] then said this in 3 Nephi 3:15-16

"Yea, he said unto them: As the Lord liveth, except ye repent of all your iniquities, and cry unto the Lord, ye will in nowise be delivered out of the hands of those Gadianton robbers.

And so great and marvelous were the words and prophecies of Lachoneus that they did cause fear to come upon all the people; and they did exert themselves in their might to do according to the words of Lachoneus."

Lachoneus was called a "just man". He first found out God's will and then directed his people to comply. This resulted in the full defeat of the robbers in the land.

3 Nephi 4:31, 33

"And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in singing, and praising their God for the great thing which he had done for them, in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies.

. . . and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction."

This is such a great example of a leader first finding out God's will, directing his people to conform to the will of God, and then having them fully act in prayer and fasting, repenting and gathering, and then fighting their enemy. God strengthened them in the battle and they were fully delivered.

Similarly, God now wants the peoples of the earth to repent and to come to God in humility and openness of their hearts. If they do this, God will lead them and protect them. If not, more and more calamities will come into their lives and the wicked will perish.

Unlike Lachoneus, a local Stake President is asking the people to fast and pray that God will stop the fires. He should ask the people instead to repent and come before God in humility. The people need to drop their attachments to the wicked things of the world, and drop their own selfish desires. They need to act more like the Nephites of old in repenting in humility.

Anyway, I want to now connect to my God in prayer. I love to come into the presence of God and to hear his/ her words and then to obey them!

I came this morning to the little forest just northwest of the circling waters. I walked up the path to the horizontal log. There I knelt, leaning upon the log, facing northeast. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father appeared in front of the log in front of me! He was smiling. His eyes were deep and full of acceptance for me. He seemed to be so fully in control of all of his domains and creations. I had utmost confidence in whatever he might say.

He then spoke:

'Raphael, we have brought the story of Lachoneus and the robbers to your mind last night. This remarkable story is in the Book of Mormon because of the similar need of the people in your day to repent in humility and to come unto us. You are correct that our intention is to stir up our people to repentance. They first need to know our will and then to pray and fast in the humility of their hearts, and openness to us. We will then be able to lead them step by step to a life that will bring them the most joy and satisfaction they could receive! It is not about the fires; it is about them dropping their wicked ways and truly coming unto us in humility, being determined to obey our words and to keep our commandments."


3 Nephi 3:21
21 But Gidgiddoni saith unto them: The Lord forbid; for if we should go up against them the Lord would deliver us into their hands; therefore we will prepare ourselves in the center of our lands, and we will gather all our armies together, and we will not go against them, but we will wait till they shall come against us; therefore as the Lord liveth, if we do this he will deliver them into our hands.

Tue, Oct 1, 2024
This is the pattern from 3rd Nephi: gather in center of land and wait until being invaded by one's enemies.


3 Nephi 4:31
31 And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in singing, and praising their God for the great thing which he had done for them, in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies.

146B3-146B11: "Heavenly Mother then spoke to me, in my mind: 'Raphael, this is the last Christmas you will enjoy before the whirlwind of destruction comes to the earth. Even as I come to you this morning in great speed, so will the whirlwind come upon your world in great speed, almost suddenly!

However, we have promised protection upon the chosen ones of God, even our elect! When that day of destruction falls upon the wicked, their destruction will be likened to the defeat of the Gadianton robbers as recorded in 3 Nephi, chapter 4. When attacked by the robbers, "the Nephites did not fear them; but they did fear their God and did supplicate him for protection" (3 Nephi 4:10).

Once the wicked had been destroyed, the righteous Nephites were united as one, saying with one voice the following:

3 Nephi 4:31-33-

"And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in singing, and praising their God for the great thing which he had done for them, in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies.

Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to the Most High God. And they did cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty, the Most High God.

And their hearts were swollen with joy, unto the gushing out of many tears, because of the great goodness of God in delivering them out of the hands of their enemies; and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction."

Likewise, in your day, in a day not far distant, the righteous who are upon your land will also be gathered, even my elect. The wicked will have been destroyed from off the land. Then will you also be freed from the great evil combinations that now riddle your land, and also freed from Satan himself, for he will have no power or control over you.

The people in your land will again be as one, rejoicing and praising their Gods for their great deliverance.

Then the righteous in other lands will be also gathered to your land, even to Zion, by the 144,000 that will be called:

D&C 45:71-

"And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy."

We will come and protect our own during the great days of tribulation that will come upon the entire earth.

Once the tribes of Israel are gathered in righteousness upon the land, then will you, Raphael, build our New Jerusalem! We will direct you as we have always directed you in the past. We will inspire many to come forth to assist you in the building our celestial temple and the city of the New Jerusalem. This will all be done prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, in glory to the earth. What a great day for the redeemed that will be, in building our celestial temple on the earth!'"

3 Nephi 6:14-16, 43O1-43O4: "I was in my prayer this morning, and thought of the historical precedence for the church in our day becoming 'splintered', as was one of the answers to my questions yesterday. I read 3 Nephi 6:14-

3 Nephi 6:14-16 "And thus there became a great inequality in all the land, insomuch that the church began to be broken up; yea, insomuch that in the thirtieth year the church was broken up in all the land save it were among a few of the Lamanites who were converted unto the true faith; and they would not depart from it, for they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord.

Now the cause of this iniquity of the people was this—Satan had great power, unto the stirring up of the people to do all manner of iniquity, and to the puffing them up with pride, tempting them to seek for power, and authority, and riches, and the vain things of the world.

And thus Satan did lead away the hearts of the people to do all manner of iniquity; therefore they had enjoyed peace but a few years."

It sounds like people can hardly stand too much power and authority. See D&C 131:39-

"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion."

This is what history has shown to us.

In Book of Mormon times, at the time Christ was born on the earth, during the early Christian church, men yielded to Satan and began transgressing. I believe our day is no different-why would we even think that our day would be spared from dissent and breakup? Even our very nation is now very divided since President Donald Trump came to power, and began doing all his actions, infuriating so many people on the one side, and acting with so much power and authority. I believe great troubles are in store for our land, as we seem to be on the verge of civil war."


3 Nephi 5:25
25 And as he hath covenanted with all the house of Jacob, even so shall the covenant wherewith he hath covenanted with the house of Jacob be fulfilled in his own due time, unto the restoring all the house of Jacob unto the knowledge of the covenant that he hath covenanted with them.

Tue, Oct 1, 2024
The covenant is the new and everlasting covenant, described in the scriptures (see Jeremiah 31:31). This is culminated in the New Jerusalem temple with the promise of eternal life.


3 Nephi 6:10-12
10 But it came to pass in the twenty and ninth year there began to be some disputings among the people; and some were lifted up unto pride and boastings because of their exceedingly great riches, yea, even unto great persecutions;

11 For there were many merchants in the land, and also many lawyers, and many officers.

12 And the people began to be distinguished by ranks, according to their riches and their chances for learning; yea, some were ignorant because of their poverty, and others did receive great learning because of their riches.

Sat, Mar 26, 2016
Just like in our day, the people began to dwindle because of pride and riches


3 Nephi 6:14
14 And thus there became a great inequality in all the land, insomuch that the church began to be broken up; yea, insomuch that in the thirtieth year the church was broken up in all the land save it were among a few of the Lamanites who were converted unto the true faith; and they would not depart from it, for they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord.

Sat, Mar 26, 2016
The church began to be broken up except for a few people, just like today.


3 Nephi 6:15-16
15 Now the cause of this iniquity of the people was this—Satan had great power, unto the stirring up of the people to do all manner of iniquity, and to the puffing them up with pride, tempting them to seek for power, and authority, and riches, and the vain things of the world.

16 And thus Satan did lead away the hearts of the people to do all manner of iniquity; therefore they had enjoyed peace but a few years.

Sat, Mar 26, 2016
Satan tempted the people because of riches, pride power and inequality.


3 Nephi 7 Chapter Summary
The chief judge is murdered, the government is destroyed, and the people divide into tribes—Jacob, an anti-Christ, becomes king of a secret combination—Nephi preaches repentance and faith in Christ—Angels minister to him daily, and he raises his brother from the dead—Many repent and are baptized. About A.D. 30-33.

165D20-165D24: "I asked him to bless some family members who were struggling. I asked him to help me always speak kindly to every one of those close to me, all of the time. I thanked him for my blessings. When I was done, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, there is now a very thick layer of spiritual darkness that covers the entire earth. In order to break through the discouragement and gross deception, our elect children will need to pray with greater faith and diligence. We will answer their prayers quicker with more intensity, but they must press forward in faith, with a determination to receive instructions from our hands. One personal prayer a day is not sufficient nowadays. Meditation and prayer, sincerely entered into with an open heart and mind, will be required for all.'

I asked my Father if this thick darkness was from Satan, or what the purpose was?

'Raphael, the thick spiritual darkness is from our children on earth rejecting our light and truths. There is so much quarreling and fighting, and distrust of each other. The people are divided into sides, and they are akin to the Nephites when they divided up into tribes (3 Nephi 7). This will do more to destroy the government of your own country than even the insurrections and attack from a foreign power. The people are not united, but have allowed themselves to yield to Satan and his ways. There are numerous secret combinations in the land, and this has also caused us to withdraw our Holy Spirit from the people. We have waited until Uriel blew his trumpet of God, and then have removed our light to a large degree. In its place, darkness has come, like the thick dark fog that you saw covering the earth.

In the book of 3 Nephi, the direct events following a similar spiritual darkness on the land described fire, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals that came upon the land. There followed three days of physical darkness that covered that land. In that day, the people who survived the calamities could feel the vapor of darkness (3 Nephi 8:20). In your day, the darkness is spiritual. It will be likewise followed by great calamities upon your land.'

I thanked my Father for his message tonight. I told him that I would continue to pray twice a day to my Gods, and wait upon them, receiving their light and directions. I asked that I would not be overtaken with the spiritual darkness that has descended upon the earth.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, fear not, for we will enlighten you even more. For those who sincerely come unto us, we will visit them by the power of the Spirit of God, even as happened when Nephi began to preach with more diligence among the people of his day (3 Nephi 7:16). There were but few who were converted to the Lord, "But as many as were converted did truly signify unto the people that they had been visited by the power and Spirit of God, which was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed." (3 Nephi 7:21). Likewise, in your day, there will be relatively few who will be converted to the Lord.'

My Heavenly Father's eyes were full of compassion."


3 Nephi 7:2
2 And the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land.

161B5-161B16: "Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that there will be many conflicts in your land this summer. A large part of the people will continue to believe that all of the coronavirus news and the lockdowns are a grab for power by those leaders in the government that want to control them. They will also continue to believe this is all fake news. This will be part of the spiritual darkness across your land.

ou discussed with your wife yesterday to allow all your own family and friends their own beliefs without any judgment. You both decided to give them total acceptance on whatever belief they may have and just to love them. This is the best approach. You may still do whatever you want to do while they may act in another way. Skirt all arguments so that they know you care and love them, even when they act differently than do you.

Your country will now become similar to the Nephite nation described in 3 Nephi chapter 7. The people in your land will realize there are secret combinations in government and industry that are trying to control them. They believe this from the many news reports. There will be groups of all different beliefs and practices that are so suspicious of leaders of any kind and are similarly divided into tribes, or groups of similar beliefs. This will be the state of the people when Uriel blows his trumpet of God at the end of June 2020, and the people fall into great spiritual darkness. In this way, the mistrust of the people will destroy the effectiveness of the central government and large industries in your land.

3 Nephi 7:2

"And the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land."

In your day, however, there will be many families divided into different factions also, for great will be the controversy among the people of your land. This all occurred among the Nephites just prior to the great tempest, earthquakes and physical upheavals in their land. These came upon the people quickly, like a whirlwind. A great physical darkness also covered the land for three days.

Although your country will not have physical darkness, there will be great spiritual darkness this summer on your land. There will be many similarities between the Nephite destruction in 3 Nephi in your Book of Mormon, and the destruction in your own land of the United States.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, another similarity in 3 Nephi chapter 7 to your day will be the actions of Nephi, their prophet, and our own actions of being more available and open in giving the humble our revelations.

3 Nephi 7:16

"Therefore, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds--went forth among them in that same year, and began to testify, boldly, repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ."

Similarly, because of the greater spiritual darkness coming to your land, we three Gods will come more boldly and personally among our elect, and witness to them of many truths. We will shower upon them more abundantly my light of the Holy Ghost, even to awaken them from their deep spiritual sleep. There will be many also who witness to those around them of their change of heart, similar to those in Nephi's day.

3 Nephi 7:21

"...but as many as were converted did truly signify unto the people that they had been visited by the power and Spirit of God, which was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed."

In Nephi's day, it was the more righteous part of the people that survived the calamities on the land, and were visited by Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. In your day, it will be the elect, chosen by the Father, and filled with my corona fire, that will survive the great calamities coming upon your land and upon all the earth.

We will make greater efforts to show ourselves to those elect who humbly and openly come to us in prayer. They will feel more clearly our guidance in their lives and our protection that we give them. We will awake and preserve our elect in the days of trouble ahead!'"


3 Nephi 7:7
7 And they did cause a great contention in the land, insomuch that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous men among them.

159A19-159A23: "Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me! She spoke right away: 'Raphael, there are many people in your country who are convinced one way, and who are directly and vehemently opposed to others who may think just the opposite. There is not a lot of openness between them, nor kindly feelings, for each feels they are correct and the others are wrong. There will continue to be much division among the people, with sharp contentions and arguments. Your country will become so divided at one point that they will be like the Nephites of old:

3 Nephi 7:7- "And they did cause a great contention in the land, insomuch that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous men among them."

It is important for you and our faithful elect not to argue or contend with others over their points of view. There is so much that you may agree with them, and have pleasant conversations. Spread love and acceptance among all peoples. Even if you know truth, there are times when trying to voice a defense of these truths is not wise. It is better to "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison." (Matthew 5:25)

Heavenly Mother then said this hardwood room next to us is like the way some people act when confronted with opposite views: they react and are so hard-hearted! She said it is far better to be accepting, loving and agreeable. You don't need to agree with people to be nice to them.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wisdom. I told her I would try to be more mellow when in a crowd, or more accepting of all people, even with their different beliefs and standards."


3 Nephi 7:8
8 And thus six years had not passed away since the more part of the people had turned from their righteousness, like the dog to his vomit, or like the sow to her wallowing in the mire.

90A6-90A10, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, you have observed a concerned look on my face as I came to you tonight. I am saddened by the short-sightedness of so many of our children in mortality. They don't have the tenacity to hold onto righteous practices and habits that they have learned over years of maturing in our gospel ways.

3 Nephi 7:8

"And thus six years had not passed away since the more part of the people had turned from their righteousness, like the dog to his vomit, or like the sow to her wallowing in the mire."

This type of behavior is due to the people succumbing to the enticements of the evil one! They are now repeating this same behavior, and are cycling down this path as those in the Book of Mormon era from this scripture.

At the end of the world, when Satan is loosed for a little season, this same phenomenon will happen again to the good peoples of the earth. This is always so difficult for me to understand how they could turn away from their righteous behavior and follow the enticements of that evil one!

In every eternity, there is always a Satan figure that emerges as the leader of the wicked who opposes our chosen Savior. Your current eternity is no different than the previous ones. We allow this to happen so that our children may be enticed by both evil from the adversary and from the good from God and those who are inspired of God. We need to know who our faithful children are, and we find out after they resist the temptations of the devil. We reward those who seek us all the days of their lives and who reject evil.'

I asked my still somber Heavenly Mother for forgiveness of my own sins, when I tend to wander and follow after wicked or evil thoughts.

She responded:

'Raphael, you have weakness as part of being in mortality as do all men and women. You are still subject to the natural man to some degree, even though you have a shield of the Father. I forgive you for your waywardness at times, R! However, you are humble and repentant, and our Beloved Son has told us that he as atoned for your sins, and you are still pure and clean before us. We have accepted you into our heavenly presence, even with your weaknesses of the flesh. However, in the celestial realms, you are doing our work with decisiveness and are a great leader. We will continue working with your replicated celestial person, and with your mortal self also as you live in a telestial world that is quickly becoming more and more evil. We love you Raphael, stay strong and you will serve far beyond your natural abilities and power, for we will buoy you up and greatly strengthen you!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her loving words, and acceptance of me! I told her I desired with all my heart to be obedient and trustworthy to her, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! My greatest desires are to follow them at all times.

Heavenly Mother then smiled! She didn't look so glum anymore and her eyes started sparkling again! She rose up next into the sky, being filled with light and strength and glory! Oh, I love her so much!"


3 Nephi 8:1
1 And now it came to pass that according to our record, and we know our record to be true, for behold, it was a just man who did keep the record—for he truly did many miracles in the name of Jesus; and there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity-

Sun, May 26, 2013
Man must have purity to perform miracles. We need to be cleansed every whit from iniquity to be able to do healing miracles in the name of Jesus.


3 Nephi 8:5
5 And it came to pass in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month, there arose a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land.

144H2-144H14: "I have been thinking of the swirling leaves that I was immersed in my prayer last night. I then thought of the great storm that came upon the land of America among the Nephites, just prior to the appearance of Jesus Christ.

3 Nephi 8:5

And it came to pass in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month, there arose a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land.

This storm came suddenly, and if their calendar coincides with ours, it was January 4th. I wonder why this date was given in the Book of Mormon record?

It seems too that in our current land there are "great doubtings and disputations among the people (previous verse, 3 Nephi 8:4), even as we see today. There are impeachment hearings and it seems in the world all it needs is a spark of some kind for war to erupt almost anywhere! There are senseless shootings at schools and public places. There are lots of divided opinions. It seems most people don't trust the government nor big industries like Google or online sources. The climate of our society seems to have changed. Even as I glanced at my email this morning, there was an email from Dr. Mercola about Google whistleblower Zach Yorkies who has released 950 pages of Google documents that paint a comprehensive picture of how Google is manipulating public opinion and the political landscape. Wow, what kind of world do we really live in?

Anyways, I came this morning to the bench in front of the desert oasis. I felt very safe and secure here, far away from the troubles on earth and in my own land! I knelt in the sand and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would be visiting me this morning.

I then saw Heavenly Mother descend upon the oasis, so very bright in her glory! The reflected light off the water was exceedingly bright, and I felt to cover my eyes for a moment.

When Heavenly Mother was a little above the water, she walked in the air to me and came right in front of me. Her light seemed to penetrate everything-myself, the sand, bench, water-like we all became transparent somehow!

She then spoke to me: "Raphael, my son, your land is in turmoil, and there are many disputations and harsh arguments across your land. Industries and groups of similar minded people have largely dropped their personal values of integrity and honesty, and the people in your land are hardly caring much anymore about all of this, as long as they have their cell phones.

You live in the time spoken of by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:

Joseph Smith Matthew 1:28-30.

"And they shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.

Behold I speak for mine elect's sake; for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax cold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved.

We purposefully don't reveal precise dates when calamities will come like the whirlwind of leaves that you experienced last night in the birch tree grove. We do, however, give many signs that our elect may clearly see.

Joseph Smith Matthew 1: 39-40,46-48,55-

So likewise, mine elect, when they shall see all these things, they shall know that he is near, even at the doors;

But of that day, and hour, no one knoweth; no, not the angels of God in heaven, but my Father only.

And what I say unto one, I say unto all men; watch, therefore, for you know not at what hour your Lord doth come.

But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been broken up, but would have been ready.

Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.

When the days of calamity erupt on the earth, like the tornado of leaves you saw last night in your prayer, our disciples will be ready. Their bodies will be changed to a terrestrial level, and most of them will "stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die." (see D&C 45: 32).

The holy places are where our elect are located and gathered, for they hear our voice, our still small voice, and keep our commandments. We will preserve them by our matchless power and protection!"


3 Nephi 8:23-25
23 And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there was great mourning and howling and weeping among all the people continually; yea, great were the groanings of the people, because of the darkness and the great destruction which had come upon them.

24 And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.

25 And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children have been spared, and not have been buried up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible.

146E2-146E25: "As we were walking, the voice of the Father came clearly into my mind:

'Raphael, I have asked you this morning to follow me. You immediately stood and followed me, for you knew my voice and recognized me as your loving, trusting Father. You know I love you and will never lead you astray. I am leading you to an area where I will show you more truths and revelations!

We kept walking in silence, but soon came to the overlook facing the valley and green hill. As we came here, I could see the temple of God in the distance to the southeast. The sun was shining brightly and it was a beautiful day.

I came next to my Father who was looking over the valley in front of us. I was on his left side.

'Raphael, you have come here by following me. We will now see examples of others who either follow or don't follow me. Look now upon the valley below!'

I looked and saw a man in the field under a tree on his knees. He was praying in the sincerity of his heart. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come next to him. He didn't see her, but she was speaking peace to his soul and sending forth her love and light to him. He soon stood and sat on a chair he had brought, and he wrote his impressions in a book. Heavenly Mother was still by his side, comforting him from the celestial realms where she dwelt.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this man has prayed to me in great humility, alone and apart from others, seeking my guidance and light. Heavenly Mother has come and endowed him with the Holy Ghost. She will stay by his side and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We give the gift of the Holy Ghost, or the companionship of the constant presence of Heavenly Mother, to those who have been confirmed in our church, by the laying on of hands:

D&C 33:11,15-

"Yea, repent and be baptized, everyone of you, for a remission of your sins; yea, be baptized even by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost.

...And who having faith you shall confirm in my church, by the laying on of the hands, and I will bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost upon them."

Heavenly Father said that the elect of God, whether they are baptized or not, if they pray to him like this man did, will also receive the companionship of their Heavenly Mother, or the gift of the Holy Ghost. This special gift of God will be given to all of the elect because of the difficult times in which the elect live. They will thus be guided and directed by God in these difficult days.

For those who haven't yet been baptized, he and Heavenly Mother have decided to still give this great gift until such time as the true Church of Christ is again established on the earth. Once restored, the gift of the Holy Ghost will again only be available after baptism by water, and then by the laying on of hands.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this great temporary gift of the Holy Ghost that they will bless the faithful elect with!

Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, this is the first time we will give this great gift from God upon our children, our elect children that I have chosen, without them being first baptized. We may do as we wish, and this is our great gift to our unbaptized elect, given by us to them because of the whirlwind of calamity that will soon come upon the earth. Once the true Church of Christ is again established on earth, we will withdraw from them this gift until they have the opportunity to be baptized by our true servants who bear my priesthood. We will always thus be by their sides, and protect and guide them in their lives.'

3 Nephi 8:24-25 "Heavenly Father then extended his arm over the valley below us and spoke: 'Raphael, look again upon the scene below us!'

I looked and saw an LDS church meeting being held in an LDS chapel. I saw this was somewhere in the United States. The ward members had gathered because their Stake President and bishop had called them together during the week. The members had become frightened due to many disasters in their own area and also the worldwide calamities.

The meetinghouse was full to capacity. The Stake President was comforting the members by trying to assure them that God would not leave them alone, for they had the gift of the Holy Ghost, and all could receive this gift.

I saw that the Spirit of God was not present in this meeting. I saw it was conspicuously not present! The people were not comforted.

Then in the meeting the electric power flickered and then went out. The frightened Latter-day Saints then left the building and drove home.

I looked closely and couldn't see the gift of the Holy Ghost with any, except a very few who had previously petitioned God, in personal and humble prayer, for protection and guidance. I also saw that those who had received this great gift of the Holy Ghost had been also chosen by the Father as his elect.

The remainder of the LDS church members seemed upset and frantic, at times, not knowing which way to turn or what to do. They hadn't felt the Spirit of God at church, for they had become used to made-up stories of God favoring them, and coming to their rescue. However, in this time of need, there was no rescue. The whirlwinds of destruction came upon them just like they came upon the rest of humanity.

This scripture then came into my mind from my Heavenly Father who I was now looking at:

3 Nephi 8:23-25:

"And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there was great mourning and howling and weeping among all the people continually; yea, great were the groanings of the people, because of the darkness and the great destruction which had come upon them.

And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.

And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and fair daughters, and our children have been spared and not have been burned up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible."

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the crying, mourning, and howlings of those in the LDS church who have been once baptized, but had never received truly the gift of the Holy Ghost, will be as great as these Nephite people in this scripture I gave you. We will only protect our own elect who come unto us and keep our commandments, and not the sayings of men or their supposed spiritual leaders.'

Heavenly Father then raised his hand again, and I saw another scene, in a great city of the United States. There had been severe destructions from an earthquake and flooding. Then there was a nuclear explosion high up in the air above the city. There was silence and darkness over the city.

Then this scripture came into my mind-

3 Nephi 21:14-15, 18, 21-

"Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots.

And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds.

...And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy the cities.

And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel."

'Raphael, thus will calamity come upon your land and people as a whirlwind. However, in all of this we will stand by our elect, by giving those who ask of us for guidance and protection, the great gift of the Holy Ghost.'

Heavenly Father was facing me. I knew he loved his children, but no longer would stay his hand in delaying the promised calamities that would destroy the wicked out of the land."


3 Nephi 8:24-25
24 And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.

25 And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children have been spared, and not have been buried up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible.

96D2-96D7, from Heavenly Father:

"He spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has spoken to you last night that we are allowing the fires and the weather to proceed without our interference. We will hear our children who repent and come unto us in humility. We have had no more than normal pray to us, as we desired. We therefore are commanding our angels in your area, in our celestial realms, to create more calamities that will come forth upon the people.

In a future day, they will cry out like the Nephites of old:

3 Nephi 8:24-25

"And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.

And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children have been spared, and not have been buried up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible."

These events among the Nephites were prophesied to them by our servant Samuel, a Lamanite (see Helaman 13:36-37). Yet the people rejected Samuel's call to repentance. There were some who believed in Samuel's words, as we inspired him to speak. However, many more did not believe and became angry with him, and "cast stones at him upon the wall, and also many shot arrows at him as he stood upon the wall." (1 Helaman 16:2)

Raphael, were we to ask you to speak out among the people, and tell them that they needed to repent or more calamities would come upon them, they would similarly reject you, as they rejected our servant Samuel. You also have a commission that we need to keep in secret from the people at this time.

Therefore, we are having you record our words that will one day be published among all the people. We also are speaking individually to them clearly, asking them to repent before destruction comes upon them. However, most will not listen at this time.

Therefore, we need to come out of our hiding place and vex the nations!

D&C 101:89-90, 92-93

". . . then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation

And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers.

Pray ye, therefore, that their ears may be opened unto your cries, that I may be merciful unto them, that these things may not come upon them.

What I have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without excuse."

This scripture was given in a different context, but it applies to your situation today, even among the Latter-day Saints in your area in Utah and surrounding states.'

I looked upon my Heavenly Father. He was looking off in the distance behind me. I think he was seeing these future events of destruction coming upon the people. His visage changed to disgust. I watched then as he turned and walked back around the path around the desert oasis. He then vanished.

I silently thanked him for his strong message to the people! I closed my prayer and got ready for my new day."


3 Nephi 9:2
2 Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice, because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people; and it is because of their iniquity and abominations that they are fallen!

65A7-65A13: "I was kneeling before both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the path in the wooded area. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, stand before us!'

I stood and looked directly at my Heavenly Father. He was very serious as he spoke. His eyes were so piercing, like they were on fire! He was so majestic and terrible in his look, like he could destroy anything he wanted with the look of his eyes! He spoke again:

'Raphael, the inhabitants of the earth are following Satan and his hosts more and more! They don't pray to us much and when they do, it is often shallow, with no intensity in their efforts. The lures of the world tempt them so easily. Satan rejoices and his angels rejoice.

(see 3 Nephi 9:2-"Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice, because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people; and it is because of their iniquity and abominations that they are fallen!")

We will come out in our vengeance and wrath more and more upon the inhabitants of the earth! All will feel our anger, until the earth and the wicked are consumed. We do this to prepare the way for the glorious return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth and for the New Jerusalem to be established in great celestial peace and glory.

Raphael, we will use you and all our holy angels to execute our judgments upon the earth! We will send you to initiate calamities and cleansing where we will. All our holy angels are poised, prepared, and already trained in hearing the voice of our command, all working in the celestial realms above the earth and in heaven. Our activity among the wicked will now greatly increase as the fire of our indignation will rock the nations of the earth.'

I bowed my head and spoke:

'Father, we angels stand ready to obey thee and our Mother in all of your directions and commands!'

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, our son, these are very difficult times for our elect! If they come unto us in the sincerity and depths of their souls, in their prayers of humility, we will bless them during these days of tribulations. We will send our angels and other servants to protect, gather and teach them how to escape the wrath and judgments upon the world. We will bless them as they come unto their Savior, Jesus Christ, who will receive them. We yearn for our chosen elect to awaken and come unto us, their God!'

I looked into my Heavenly Mother's face and saw tears of yearning to bless any effort of her children who come to God! She and Heavenly Father love them so much and want to extend to them. However, their children must first make the effort to approach God of their own volition and desire, over the enticements of Satan and the world.

Thus ended my morning prayer. The vision was finished. I had been commanded by Heavenly Mother to write all of this down. As I wrote in my room in my house in Utah, I saw my replicated celestial self also sit down on a bench along the path in heaven, and also write in my journal there. I felt I had frequently been recording all of these experiences in my web posts in heaven and on the earth."


3 Nephi 10:7
7 But if not, O house of Israel, the places of your dwellings shall become desolate until the time of the fulfilling of the covenant to your fathers.

The fulfilling of the covenant to your fathers is the gathering of the righteous descendants of these people, who are gathered as the elect of God. These will be given the opportunity to make an everlasting covenant, starting with Jesus Christ who will prove them. As they are diligent, he will at one point choose them to enter into his Church of the Firstborn, and start the process to attain eternal life and exaltation. This is the covenant spoken of here in this verse that Jesus is referring to.


3 Nephi 10:18
18 And it came to pass that in the ending of the thirty and fourth year, behold, I will show unto you that the people of Nephi who were spared, and also those who had been called Lamanites, who had been spared, did have great favors shown unto them, and great blessings poured out upon their heads, insomuch that soon after the ascension of Christ into heaven he did truly manifest himself unto them-

Thu, Oct 3, 2024
The terrible destruction on the land and people was in the very beginning of the 34th year (see 3 Nephi 8:5). Jesus Christ appear to these people at the end of this same year according to this verse, giving each one that was spared time to repent and come unto him. As a people, they apparently needed time to reconcile to Christ and be in a state ready to receive him, even after nearly the full year.


3 Nephi 11:3-5
3 And it came to pass that while they were thus conversing one with another, they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven; and they cast their eyes round about, for they understood not the voice which they heard; and it was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, and notwithstanding it being a small voice it did pierce them that did hear to the center, insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake; yea, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.

4 And it came to pass that again they heard the voice, and they understood it not.

5 And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came.

107E2-107E14: "I received an email from S this morning. He had an interesting insight. Here is his email:

'I started your email yesterday. While pondering spirit sense this morning, I was directed to this verse. I felt this was the first mode of communication from heaven directly to the inhabitants of America after the destruction when it pierced to their soul. I felt the first voice spoke to their intelligence. The second their spiritual ears. The third to their physical ears.

It has been awhile since they had communed that way so for this reason, "They understood not the voice which they heard."

Have a blessed day. S.A.'

3 Nephi 11:3 "And it came to pass that while they were thus conversing one with another, they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven; and they cast their eyes round about, for they understood not the voice which they heard; and it was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, and notwithstanding it being a small voice it did pierce them that did hear to the center, insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake; yea, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn."

After writing this, I read the verses 1-7 of 3 Nephi 11. It was very enlightening to me and I feel S.A. is correct in his view. It is interesting, too, that the second voice, the voice of the spirit-to-spiritual ears, is also called a "small voice".

1 Nephi 17:45-Nephi speaking to his rebellious brothers. ". . . ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

Again, in D&C 85:6 "Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it maketh manifest…"

I think the voice that Laman and Lemuel rejected was the voice of the Spirit, and the voice in D&C 85 refers to the spirit sense. Both are referred to being a small voice. The spirit sense pierces the soul.

I remember clearly how overcome I felt, struck with awe even to tears, hardly believing I was experiencing all of this communion with God in my energy class I attended in 2013. This was surely my spirit sense hearing and seeing God! This truly did cause my "bones to quake". I could say it was a small voice and that it did pierce my soul at the time.

I now am accustomed to all of these voices. I no longer feel my bones to quake, but I do know assuredly that I am hearing and seeing God with my spirit sense and my spiritual eyes, or perception. These are the most reliable of all forms of communication with God. I feel so very blessed to have such open, clear communion with God!

In summary, here is one way to distinguish which method of communication is received from God: 1. Spirit sense-small, piercing to the soul, making bones to shake, causes quaking and burning in the very inner soul, a deep sureness. 2. Voice of the Spirit-still, small voice, received through feelings and enlightenment. 3. Audible voice of God-often makes the ground to shake, or comes in a voice of thunder. In the case of the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11, the people did open their ears to hear this voice, and then they did understand and steadfastly look upward toward heaven from where this audible voice came.

I now usually receive communion with my Gods with my spirit sense and the voice of the Spirit, the two most reliable and sure methods of receiving revelation. I am happy to finally understand how I receive my revelations!"

199H5-199H9, from Heavenly Father: "In these troubled times, we will lead our elect who come unto us in faith and prayer. We will talk to them in our still, small voice. It will generally not be "a voice of thunder, neither… a voice of great tumultuous noise, but… a still voice of perfect mildness, as if… a whisper, (to) pierce even to the very soul (see Helaman 5:30). Our voice will pierce the souls of our elect and cause their hearts to burn (see 3 Nephi 11: 3). We will lead our elect, even as we did the Nephites who opened their ears to hear my voice:

3 Nephi 11:5

"And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it, and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from where the sound came."

Our elect who pray for guidance and instruction from us, their Gods, need to be open and seek to act on what we may whisper to them. Our voice will pierce their soul as they seek us. They will be assured that it is us, their Gods, who do lead them and speak to their inward soul. Those who are full of faith, will act on our directions. Those who are afraid of the pressures of their society and of Babylon, the world, will not have strength to follow our voice of the Spirit.

These times will separate the wheat from the tares. The wheat will eventually be gathered "and secured in the garners (even to the New Jerusalem) to possess eternal life." (see D&C 101: 65, words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).

Raphael, continue to seek the face of your Heavenly Mother and I in your morning and evening prayers. We will continue to give you revelation and guidance, and send forth our truths, even never revealed before to man.'"


3 Nephi 12:1
1 And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words unto Nephi, and to those who had been called, (now the number of them who had been called, and received power and authority to baptize, was twelve) and behold, he stretched forth his hand unto the multitude, and cried unto them, saying: Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after that ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost; therefore blessed are ye if ye shall believe in me and be baptized, after that ye have seen me and know that I am.

144D13-144D16, from Heavenly Father: "Raphael, most of the descendants of our people Israel, who live in the inner earth, are still God fearing. There are very many among them whom I have chosen as my elect. These are now also being changed to terrestrial mortals, as those on the outer surface of the earth whom I have selected are being changed.

The peoples inside the earth have an active church organization and prophets. They were formally organized by Jesus Christ when he visited those people after his resurrection. They had twelve disciples whom Jesus ordained as his apostles, similar to what he earlier did among the Nephites:

3 Nephi 12:1 "And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words unto Nephi, and to those whom had been called, (now the number of them who had been called, and received power and authority to baptize was twelve), and behold, he stretched forth his hand unto the multitude, and cried unto them saying: Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be our servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and the Holy Ghost; therefore, blessed are ye if ye shall believe in me and be baptized, after that ye have seen me and know that I am."

These people still have their original Church of Christ intact, over all the centuries from the time Jesus Christ visited them. They are now preparing, as a people, to migrate out of their lands to come again to the north countries in North America. Their prophets are inspired by us their Gods, and receive true revelation. When the correct time comes for their departure, we will lead them forth with our power."


3 Nephi 12:22-25
22 But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of his judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

23 Therefore, if ye shall come unto me, or shall desire to come unto me, and rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee—

24 Go thy way unto thy brother, and first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I will receive you.

25 Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him, lest at any time he shall get thee, and thou shalt be cast into prison.

42H5-142H13, from Heavenly Mother: ""Raphael, when you are settled in your own mind, having no desire to control anyone else, and can think of nobody that offends you, you are in a settled state, ready to receive our presence.

Jesus Christ came to the Nephite people and repeated these words to them that he had taught in the Sermon on the Mount when he was in his mortal ministry:

3 Nephi 12: 22-25-

"But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of his judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Therefore, if ye shall come unto me, or shall desire to come unto me, and rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee—

Go thy way unto thy brother, and first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I will receive you.

Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him, lest at any time he shall get thee, and thou shalt be cast into prison."

These words from our Beloved Son express the same perspective you have, in not seeking to control another adult, and agreeing with them, accepting them, and holding no grudges or offense towards them. Neither you, Heavenly Father or I can control their actions without manipulation or force, which none of us use. We delight in the agency of our children, and their ability and freedom to choose on their own how they will act. We accept them and love them just as they are. We encourage them to choose our ways by our gentle and quiet whispers to their unconscious mind, but if they will not hear us, they are free to choose their own path or behavior. In the end we will reward them for the type of person they have become. "

Heavenly Father then spoke: "Raphael, you received an email from S.A. this morning. In it he shared with you a perspective that I gave him from the time of Moses and also when Jesus came to the Nephites. We allowed our people in these times to choose to grovel in wickedness or to follow us their Gods, and either enter the promised land or be brought into the presence of Jesus Christ. We allowed the wicked to die off so that the righteous could move forward to the next higher phase of their lives. It would have not been good for the wicked to have been rewarded to enter the promised land also, or to come into the presence of Jesus Christ.

Here is the email from S.A. that I had received this morning on 11-3-2019:


I was typing up your record this morning. We had a similar learning experience yesterday. You wrote from Heavenly Mother, "The remainder of our children that are not changed by us will not tolerate the changed terrestrial earth, and will perish, for we will not quicken them to a terrestrial glory." I had a similar with Heavenly Father.

11-2-19 In prayer today, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed immediately to "Look!" I looked below me and saw the children of Israel anciently being led of Moses. I perceived great humility and submission to God from Moses. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, "He desired only to do what God directed him to do. He had no other intention. Many looked to him for guidance and direction from the Lord, but they did not seek the Lord intently themselves." Heavenly Father continued, "Raphael has similar characteristics to Moses of being humble and desiring only to be led and follow the commands of Us, his Heavenly Parents. He seeks no notoriety, fame or honor unto himself. You also seek to do our will and desire to seek Us intently and follow our direction in your life. You were concerned about R's record falling into the wrong hands if printed. All these things are in Our control and Our work will move forward by Our infinite wisdom. Be at peace and seek only to do Our will as did Moses and currently Raphael.

He was then standing beside me, and I felt His love and strength. He spoke, 'There were many of the Israelites of a telestial nature and not ready to seek God. These died in the wilderness. At the time of the Nephites, the great destruction removed the telestial inhabitants who were burned by fire, drowned or buried under mountains. The remaining inhabitants were of terrestrial nature and Zion was established among them. Those of a telestial nature on your earth will soon be destroyed in like manner. This will occur according to our plans and our words, for the earth will receive its paradisiacal glory! Our children who ultimately remain will be at least of a terrestrial nature.'

He departed from my side as His message was complete. I closed my prayer and was left considering the pattern that would repeat similar to the Nephites. I had not previously considered that all the telestial natured children were destroyed and those of a terrestrial nature were preserved when Jesus came. It made more sense that even those not present during Jesus' visit were "all converted" unto the Lord and a Zion society was established for almost 3 generations."

Similarly, we will restrict your record from falling into the hands of those who would reject our words because of unbelief. We will also not reward the wicked with the same blessing for the righteous in coming into our millennial day of peace and rest, and freedom from Satan's grasp. We give our higher gifts to those who demonstrate to us by their actions and open hearts to receive our truths. Listen to these truths spoken of in the parable of Jesus.

Mathew 13: 44-50

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

We love all of our children, even the wicked who reject us. We will allow the natural consequences to sever them from the gifts and blessings we will give to the righteous.

Your day again will have an entire separation of the righteous and the wicked. (See D&C 63: 54) This separation is now accelerating, and will end with my angels in plucking out the wicked and bringing them into the world of the dead that will be their consequence.""


3 Nephi 16:4
4 And I command you that ye shall write these sayings after I am gone, that if it so be that my people at Jerusalem, they who have seen me and been with me in my ministry, do not ask the Father in my name, that they may receive a knowledge of you by the Holy Ghost, and also of the other tribes whom they know not of, that these sayings which ye shall write shall be kept and shall be manifested unto the Gentiles, that through the fulness of the Gentiles, the remnant of their seed, who shall be scattered forth upon the face of the earth because of their unbelief, may be brought in, or may be brought to a knowledge of me, their Redeemer.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
The fulness of the Gentiles are the people who have received and been taught the Book of Mormon, which contains the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These are or have been member of the LDS Church.


3 Nephi 16:8
8 But wo, saith the Father, unto the unbelieving of the Gentiles—for notwithstanding they have come forth upon the face of this land, and have scattered my people who are of the house of Israel; and my people who are of the house of Israel have been cast out from among them, and have been trodden under feet by them;

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
The unbelieving of the Gentiles are those who do not believe in the Book of Mormon, or have not been gathered into the LDS Church. These are the Gentiles in the land of America who have not been gathered by God into his fold.


3 Nephi 16:10
10 And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them.

Sun, Oct 13, 2024
When the USA (Gentiles) are full of sins and hypocrisy, they will be primed for destruction.

100E11-100E16: "Evening-We went into Deseret Book and I browsed around. I had a flashback to a time when my wife and I were very involved in the church culture. We would have been very impressed with all of the books written by the general authorities that were among the top ten books. There were so many products for sale that promote living the gospel in the home. I walked around wondering how this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could really be supplanted by God and replaced with another restored church, the new restored Church of Christ? There were so many books and products supporting gospel living. I took note of books written by apostles that were selling well, in Deseret Book's top ten selling books category. I wondered if this was the place for those who were supposedly called of God to be selling their own books, in a business owned by the church (kind of gives them an unfair advantage over other authors).

I came to heaven to pray tonight. I came to the temple mezzanine area west of the temple. I found a quiet area with benches and some pretty flowers and bushes. I knelt there and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father responded and appeared before me in my little secluded spot! He appeared suddenly before me, standing on the ground. He was smiling and looked powerful and seemed to be very much aware of everything.

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, when Joseph Smith the prophet organized the Church of Christ in Fayette, New York, these were very humble beginnings. You have seen today a retail store owned by the church that was very well organized, well funded and the products well displayed. It gives the feeling to promote belief in the church and its leaders. Nevertheless, we have rejected the leaders and have removed their priesthood and the keys to their priesthood. Deseret Book will continue to promote the belief that "all is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well" (see 2 Nephi 28:21). This church is prospering and the leaders are very well off.

Raphael, we look on the heart of man and not on the outward appearance. Our Beloved Son revealed this to Samuel:

1 Samuel 16:7 "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as a man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

The same is true of Deseret Book. We see what the books and products represent and who wrote them. Most of the items there are produced for the gain of the author. Many Latter-day Saints trust whatever is available at this bookstore for it is owned and promoted by the church.

We are not pleased with the many books promoted by general authority leaders because of their position in the church. They should not promote their own books, but teach the people to be humble, repentant, and depend upon God and not man.

Your day was seen by Jesus Christ when he had recorded the following: 3 Nephi 16:10 (Heavenly Father's words in parentheses)

"And thus commandeth the Father that I shall say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles (the Latter-day Saints) shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (introduction to the leaders of the office of high priestess), and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts (like promoting their own books they have written for monetary gain), and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them (or, in other words, I will remove their priesthood and priesthood keys from this church and its leaders who have gone astray)."

I am the Father, the one who commanded my Son, Jesus Christ, to speak these words and make sure that they were included in the Book of Mormon. This scripture has been hidden from the view of the people, but now the correct interpretation is made known to you, Raphael. Had the church leaders accepted our revelation on the office of High Priestess, the fulness of the gospel would have already been revealed and established among them. However, they have rejected us, and the fulness of our gospel; therefore, we have rejected them, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We look upon their hearts, and not upon the outward appearances, like you have seen today at Deseret Book. We will bless you, Raphael, for you are our humble and obedient servant. You will be the one through whom the fulness of our gospel is revealed. You have my priesthood and keys to do our great work among our elect.'"

174C1-174C5: "This morning I read from 3 Nephi chapter 16. I read about gentiles (I believe those currently in our country, see verse 10,13) and the fulness of the gentiles (those who have accepted the truth about the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith the prophet, and us who receive further revelation from God, such as my Book of Raphael, see verse 4).

Our day is exactly described by Jesus in 3 Nephi 16:10-12: "And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (I believe this is when the leaders of the LDS church will be cut off from the revelations of God which has already occurred), and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations (this is exactly describing what we continually read about in the news of our day in the United States, so much so that it is near impossible to know the truth from what we read); and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (which included the revelation of the high priestess office which I believe the quorum of the twelve and the First Presidency rejected), behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. (Heavenly Father would do this by revealing these things to me and others, and revealing the fulness of the gospel to us, or the abundant revelations he and Heavenly Mother have in store to reveal in our day, much of which is in the Book of R).

And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them (in part by the scripture study groups in the New Jerusalem in the evenings).

And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you (when you come from the north and from the south to the New Jerusalem, and your enemies, or the gentiles, will be a prey to you; as sheep before a lion); but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel". (Or the abundant revelations found in the Book of Raphael, which represents the fulness, or the many new revelations recently given). (These comments are from me, Raphael as I am pondering and interpreting these words this morning).

At this moment, Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have been inspired by me in the correct interpretation of these words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son to the Nephites at the time he appeared to them and taught them. The tribes of Israel from the north, and the remnants of Jacob from the south, will be inspired to come to the New Jerusalem and build up this city to their Heavenly Mother and me in the day, and learn of our truths at night. They will in this way gradually "come unto the knowledge of the fullness of my gospel" (3 Nephi 16:12) that I have revealed in the Book of Mormon and to you in the Book of Raphael. These people will at first come without this knowledge, but you will very soon have them taught from the scriptures you bring to the New Jerusalem, including the standard works of the church and your Book of Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother will witness all of our abundant truths by her Holy Ghost.

Once these, our house of Israel, and as many of the repentant gentiles who will come to the New Jerusalem are all taught, then all will be my people, and be numbered among my elect and chosen Israel (see 3 Nephi 16:13).

Raphael, after these elect are taught, Jesus Christ will formally organize and empower them to go forth among all the nations of the earth to glean the elect from wherever they may be, and bring them to the New Jerusalem and the surrounding cities of Zion."

Sun, Oct 13, 2024
I have been mulling over these words in this verse: "I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them". I had felt strongly in prayer today that this meant that the fulness of the gospel was to be withdrawn from the LDS Church. I wanted to hear what my Heavenly Father said about this also, in his own words. I am now ready to received his words, as I petition him in humble prayer:

"Raphael, I have been impressing upon you yesterday and today that this scripture has already been fulfilled. Jesus Christ was referring directly to our previous latter-day church, that there would be a time when the fulness of the gospel would be removed from them. This happened in January 17, 2018, when President Russell M. Nelson became the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He and the other leading authories of the church have lost their priesthood authority and their priesthood keys. They are now fully cut off from our direction.

The fulness of the gospel requires my priesthood and active keys. The leaders of that church no longer have authority to baptise nor to lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, both which are part of the fulness of the gospel.

The priesthood keys now reside with you, my son R! You have received these from our hands on May 14, 2017, and now retain them alone on the earth, as a mortal man and our hidden servant. Others who have previously been ordained to my priesthood before President Nelson was ordained as president, and who are righteous before us, retain their priesthood to which they were ordained. However, they do not have any keys to administer these outward ordinances in that church.

I have rejected the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They claim to receive direction from me and Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, but this is not true. The Holy Ghost is also not with them, and they are as other Christian churches in the world, without my authority. The church is without direction from the heavens, and is lead by men."

I humbly thanked my Heavenly Father for this newest clear direction, and for the correct meaning of 3 Nephi 16:10. I feel so grateful to have received clear revelation from my Heavenly Father again!

October 13, 2024:
I sought to define what the "fulness of the gospel" means. Here are some scriptures about it, with my 7 conclusions numbered below:

D&C 35:17: "And I have sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph; and in weakness I have blessed him."

1. Joseph Smith the prophet had the fulness of the gospel.

D&C 20:8: "And gave him power from on high, by the means which were before prepared, to translate the Book of Mormon; Which contains a record of a fallen people, and the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the Jews also."

2. The Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the gospel.

I Nephi 13:24: "And the angel of the Lord said unto me: Thou hast beheld that the book proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew; and when it proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew it contained the fulness of the gospel of the Lord, of whom the twelve apostles bear record; and they bear record according to the truth which is in the Lamb of God."

3. The Bible as it was written contains the fulness of the gospel.

D&C 42:12: "And again, the elders, priests and teachers of this church shall teach the principles of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, in which is the fulness of the gospel."

4. Both the Bible and the book of Mormon have the fulness of the gospel.

D&C 42:13-14: "And they shall observe the covenants and church articles to do them, and these shall be their teachings, as they shall be directed by the Spirit. And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach."

5. The fulness shall be taught by the Spirit, for without the Spirit, the fulness of the gospel cannot be taught.

D&C 39:6&10: "And this is my gospel--repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things, and teaches the peaceable things of the Kingdom. Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on my name, and you shall receive my Spirit, and a blessing so great as you never have known."

6. The baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost are an essential part of the fulness of the gospel.

I took most of this information from a talk entitled "The Fullness of the Gospel"
by J.J. Dewey.. He has a very good conclusion which I will include below as the 7th conclusion:

7. "To have the fullness of the Gospel is to have the fire of the Holy Spirit, the end product of the first and basic principles of the gospel. This is the underlying principle taught in the Bible and Book of Mormon and the reason they are said to contain the fullness.

. . . Verily, the Spirit does testify to all: "Come up higher and drink freely of the waters of the Spirit that you may remain always in the fullness of the bosom of the Eternal God, that your work will be a fullness of your potential, being God working in you and speaking to the souls of humanity."

October 14, 2024:
I thought more about the fulness of the gospel that I explained yesterday (see above). I feel what I wrote is true, and accepted of the Father and Mother. I also see now that when the leaders of the LDS Church rejected the revelation of High Priestesses, they really did so because they rejected the revelations of the Holy Ghost which bore witness of the truth of this action. They really then rejected the fulness of the gospel, since they rejected the Spirit. The presence and continual direction of the Holy Ghost is essential to the fulness of the gospel.

Heavenly Father told me "that there would be a time when the fulness of the gospel would be removed from them [the church of the gentiles, or the LDS Church]. This happened in January 17, 2018, when President Russell M. Nelson became the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." (see above entry dated October 5, 2024). This was the exact date when God chose to remove the fulness of the gospel from the church.

This action is a direct fulfillment of 3 Nephi 16:10: ". . . and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them." It is significant that Jesus said that this action would be done by the Father. Another way to say this is that the presence of the Holy Ghost (the presence of Heavenly Mother) was be removed from church leaders, and the church at large. The removal of the Father's priesthood, along with all of the keys to the priesthood, also occurred at that time.

Heavenly Father also said that "The fulness of the gospel requires my priesthood and active keys" (see above). This was necessary since these priesthood keys are required, in the way that Jesus Christ set up the latter-day church, to perform acceptable ordinances of baptism and conferral of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and to have them properly recorded in church records. Now that the keys are removed, the Father no longer accepts these ordinances and the recording from that moment on of these ordinances in the LDS Church, for they are all rejected. This action is stated by the scripture in 3 Nephi 16:10 which states that the Father "will bring the fulness of my the fulness of the gospel from among them."

As I was writing this, I felt the presence of the Father, and his desire to speak to me. Here is what he said to me, as his words flowed into my mind by the power of the Spirit:

"Raphael, what you have written this morning was inspired by me, and is true. I have been by your side and directed you in choosing the words you wrote. My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, saw your day, and I had told him to say the words that he recorded in 3 Nephi 16:10, that I would bring the fulness of my gospel from among them, meaning the gentile church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What you have written in defining the "fulness of the gospel" in your words from yesterday is also exactly true. The active presence of the Holy Ghost needs to be with our baptized and confirmed children in order for them to exercise the fulness of the gospel in their lives. Without the continual companionship of the Holy Ghost, they no longer exercise the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their daily living. They become dead to the Spirit, and are left to wander without our direction.

There are a goodly number of members of the LDS Church who actively seek and receive the presence of the Holy Ghost. These are part of my elect that we have selected. However, we have chosen to not yet awaken them to the lost state of their church as yet, unless they specifically humbly and openly ask this of us. They will each have a time when we testify to them, by the power of my Spirit and the Holy Ghost, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has gone astray, and no longer has our directions. This awareness and witness will come to each individually, even as we will. When they chose to follow our revelations to them as directed by the Spirit, we will further lead them, step by step, to receive more and be gently guided to Zion and a better millennial world.

D&C 45:56-59:
"And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver.""

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words! They are such a comfort to me.

I then saw, in my mind's eye, my Father smile in confirmation of what I have written. Oh, I feel so very blessed to be in his presence!


3 Nephi 16:10-12
10 And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations; and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel, behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them.

11 And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them.

12 And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel.

174C2-174C7: "This morning I read from 3 Nephi chapter 16. I read about gentiles (I believe those currently in our country, see verse 10,13) and the fulness of the gentiles (those who have accepted the truth about the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith the prophet, and us who receive further revelation from God, such as my Book of Raphael, see verse 4).

Our day is exactly described by Jesus in 3 Nephi 16:10-12:

"And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (I believe this is when the leaders of the LDS church will be cut off from the revelations of God which has already occurred), and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations (this is exactly describing what we continually read about in the news of our day in the United States, so much so that it is near impossible to know the truth from what we read); and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (which included the revelation of the high priestess office which I believe the quorum of the twelve and the First Presidency rejected), behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. (Heavenly Father would do this by revealing these things to me and others, and revealing the fulness of the gospel to us, or the abundant revelations he and Heavenly Mother have in store to reveal in our day, much of which is in the Book of R).

And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them (in part by the scripture study groups in the New Jerusalem in the evenings).

And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you (when you come from the north and from the south to the New Jerusalem, and your enemies, or the gentiles, will be a prey to you; as sheep before a lion); but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel". (Or the abundant revelations found in the Book of Raphael, which represents the fulness, or the many new revelations recently given). (These comments are from me, Raphael as I am pondering and interpreting these words this morning).

At this moment, Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have been inspired by me in the correct interpretation of these words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son to the Nephites at the time he appeared to them and taught them. The tribes of Israel from the north, and the remnants of Jacob from the south, will be inspired to come to the New Jerusalem and build up this city to their Heavenly Mother and me in the day, and learn of our truths at night. They will in this way gradually "come unto the knowledge of the fullness of my gospel" (3 Nephi 16:12) that I have revealed in the Book of Mormon and to you in the Book of Raphael. These people will at first come without this knowledge, but you will very soon have them taught from the scriptures you bring to the New Jerusalem, including the standard works of the church and your Book of Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother will witness all of our abundant truths by her Holy Ghost.

Once these, our house of Israel, and as many of the repentant gentiles who will come to the New Jerusalem are all taught, then all will be my people, and be numbered among my elect and chosen Israel (see 3 Nephi 16:13).

Raphael, after these elect are taught, Jesus Christ will formally organize and empower them to go forth among all the nations of the earth to glean the elect from wherever they may be, and bring them to the New Jerusalem and the surrounding cities of Zion.

D&C 77:11

"Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe?

A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests (and high priestesses), ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel (that they were recently taught in the New Jerusalem); for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn." (which is located on the New Jerusalem. This latter group, from every nation, kindred, tongue and people will be the first elect that the 144,000 will bring to the New Jerusalem. These will become taught and also convinced by the Holy Ghost, and then be ordained as high priests and high priestesses to join the 144,000 and go out to gather the elect from all the nations of the earth. The center place of gathering will be the island of the New Jerusalem, and the surrounding cities of Zion.)

3 Nephi 16:17-20

"And then the words of the prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled which say:

Thy watchmen (the 144,00) shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God (when the 144,000 come among them to gather out my elect)." (Words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Father).

Raphael, at that day we will have you and others of our mortal angels and celestial servants replicate themselves and teach our elect in the New Jerusalem area frequently, even during their workday time in their breaks and times when they eat and rest. We will fully have our house of Israel be immersed in learning the truths of the fulness of the gospel. They will all accept this eagerly, for they are now being prepared in the spirit in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms. They will recognize these truths and fully embrace them. Once taught, this growing group will be ordained and greatly motivated to bring all Israel from every sector of the earth where they are scattered. Their faith, verve and commitment will be their hallmark, for these are those ordained by the angels (see Revelation 7:2-4 and D&C 77:11).'"


3 Nephi 16:11
11 And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them.

Wed, Apr 10, 2024
Jesus is now making a transition to speaking about the lost tribes of Israel that will come upon the terrestrial earth, upon the promised land. Read my notes in verses 12-16 below. This is referred to this people, who are of the lost tribes of Israel, and not of the remnant of Jacob, who are the descendents of the Nephite and Lamanite peoples.


3 Nephi 16:15-16
15 But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel.

16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, thus hath the Father commanded me—that I should give unto this people this land for their inheritance.

141D1-141D16: "I received a very interesting email last night and again this morning from S. He shared with me some of his past journal entries about the ten tribes from the land of the north and asked me about whether this large group would be the people who fulfill 3 Nephi 16:12-16, a prophecy from Jesus Christ. He also shared many other teachings he received from God.

Here is his email from 10-23-2019:


I told you I would share some of my journal entries confirming things you have shared after returning from my vacation. I arrived this morning and here are some of my entries.

10-12-19 In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Lake Beautiful once I was able to quiet my mortal thoughts of tasks before me. I was at peace and able to focus as I was directed to Lake Beautiful. I was on the East bank looking west and there was a slight breeze.

Heavenly Mother approached me and She was full of light and love. She spoke to me, "You have been reading and pondering much on the return of the lost tribes from the North. You read about Joseph Smith's account where he received the keys for their gathering. He still holds those keys and will return them to the prophet of the newly organized Church of Christ in a coming day. This will coincide with the return of this people in short succession from that point in time. All these changes will come to pass in due order. Even the physical changes coming to your nation and land of America will be great. This is all preparatory for Zion to be built. Be at peace as you see these changes unfold. We will continue to bless and strengthen you as you persist in seeking Us in prayer.

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees about how they could read the signs of the sky but were oblivious to the fulfillment of scripture regarding Jesus' mission. There are clear signs now as well including the division of the people of your land and the great wickedness, which coincide with the time of destruction among the Nephites shortly before Jesus visited them.

Your lands have now been given to the lost tribes of Israel as they were previously taken from the Jaredites and given to the Nephites, and then taken from the Lamanites and given to the gentiles. The gentiles who repent may receive the fullness of the gospel as well. (These verses from 3 Nephi 16: 12-16 came to my mind.) Be at peace and We will lead you along in paths of safety." Her message was complete and I closed my prayer.

"And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel.

But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be numbered among my people, O house of Israel.

And I will not suffer my people, who are of the house of Israel, to go through among them, and tread them down, saith the Father.

But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, thus hath the Father commanded me—that I should give unto this people this land for their inheritance."

10-13-19 This morning I read about the lost tribes coming from the North with their records in D&C. I next read R's record of further insight from my experience with the fish falling at my feet. He recorded his experience with Heavenly Father and he was taught that the elect would be raised to a terrestrial level. I wanted to pray and ask if it was true.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to a dirt road that I knew was the road to Emmaus anciently. Jesus was there on the road and directed me to walk next to Him. He spoke to me, "this is the road I walked with a few of my disciples anciently. I was able to use scriptures they were familiar with to open their minds to greater truths I taught them at that time. This same experience has occurred to you after you read R's account of the hollow earth where the lost tribes have dwelt and then read scriptures about their return. You understand much more now when you read in Doctrine and Covenants that their prophet would smite the rocks and ice would melt. You also see that their bringing of records will occur and this is much different than those who in a few scattered numbers have joined the LDS church in the Eastern European and Russian nations.

You read in R's account today that the elect as chosen by Me would be raised to a Terrestrial level. I direct you at this time to reread the parable of the wheat and tares with this new information you received. The spirit will enlighten your mind to greater understanding as it has with the lost 10 tribes.

I know mine elect. I will choose mine elect and raise them to a Terrestrial level. You wondered about the timing of this event when reading R's account. This will happen at different times for each individual. Some may need the opposition from the buffetings of Satan a little longer to grow to their full potential. Others may make this transition earlier because of their mindset and state of their heart that is already focused on God and building Zion.

Be full of peace and love as you interact with your wife and children and help them along their progress in mortality." We continued to walk the dirt road to Emmaus but the rest of our conversing no longer came to my mind. I was grateful for His message and closed my prayer.

10-14-19 I read more about the wheat and tares today. In D&C 86 and 101 it talks about wheat and tares. In D&C it says wheat is gathered first. In Luke, it says the tares are gathered first. I focused on the D&C 101 where the wheat is secured in the garners. This preserves them from storms, animals, and pests that would damage or destroy them. I was impressed by the spirit that the wheat being "secured in the garners" was a reference to the elect being raised to a Terrestrial level. Once secured in the garners (or raised to a Terrestrial level), the elect won't be in danger of the many things that could damage or destroy them.

D&C 101: 65 "Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be.."

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Lake Beautiful. Heavenly Father was there at the side of the lake. He picked up a rock and threw it so it skipped across the water. I noted that the water was very still except for the rock that skipped across it. I wondered what the still water meant for I have seen the water lap on the shoreline in small waves and I have seen larger waves and strong winds too.

Heavenly Father spoke to me, "This calm water represents the calm stillness before a storm. There may be a calm stillness on the ocean for many days with no approaching storm. However, when a great storm comes such as a tsunami, there is a profound stillness and quiet that precedes its coming.

You have been shown much of what is coming to your nation. However there are great storms coming that will impact every nation and people upon the earth.

In the parable of the wheat and tares, Joseph Smith recorded angels ready to harvest the field and burn the wicked almost 200 years ago. The time is now very near, even at the door.

Be at peace and calm as you sense what is soon to come. You questioned the discrepancy of the wheat and tares in Luke and D&C. In this writing the bible was translated inaccurately and the wheat will be gathered first as described in D&C and not the tares as recorded in the bible. Once the wheat is gathered to safety and securely preserved, next the angels will reap down the fields. D&C 86:5.

He continued, "Enjoy this upcoming trip and time with your family," then He disappeared before me and I closed my prayer.

D&C 86: 5 Behold, verily I say unto you, the angels are crying unto the Lord day and night, who are ready and waiting to be sent forth to reap down the fields..

D&C 86: 7 Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned.

Have a blessed day, S

I also received this email this morning, 10-24-2019:


Previously when I last read in 3 Nephi 16 about a year ago, I thought when it said "this people" in verse 16, it was referring to the Lamanite/Nephite remnant. In prayer, the thought came clearly to my mind that this was a reference to the lost 10 tribes who would come to North America/ Zion. I had never previously considered this at all or given it any thought. What are your thoughts on this matter if you have a chance to pray about it?

Warmly S

I came to the east end of Lake Beautiful, looking west, where Heavenly Mother came to S on 10-12-2019. I also thought about Heavenly Father skipping a rock on Lake Beautiful that was in a great calm, from his account on 10-14-2019. I knelt on the shore and noticed that Lake Beautiful was very calm, even glass-like on its surface, with a great smooth surface. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came in brilliance above the water! I could see her reflection shining brightly a few seconds before her arrival. The light reflected to me from the mirror surface of the water and filled me with anticipation and excitement to be again in her presence!

She came upon me and was smiling! I loved seeing her happy countenance, and felt the warmth of her love! She stood a few feet before me, a little elevated in the air.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have inspired S to share his journal accounts with you so that you too would be enlightened. We want you to share his words in your post 141, for they are from us, your Gods.

I have come to you above Lake Beautiful, which is in a great calm today, and smooth as glass. This represents the calm before the storm as mentioned by S in his email. However, soon turbulent times will come as a whirlwind upon your land and immediately afterwards, upon the entire world. We will first gather all of our elect into garners spiritually, so that they will be protected and able to weather the many storms of adversity that will come upon the wicked. This time will be compared to the violent storm and changes in the land prior to Jesus' arrival to the Nephites, as recorded in 3 Nephi 8:15-19 that lasted three hours. The arrival of the storm or whirlwind in your day will signal the destruction of your wicked government and corrupt industries and businesses that pollute the land, and the wickedness that is so prevalent among the people.

You and S asked if the arrival of the ten lost tribes from the land of the north would fulfill the prophecy of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, found in 3 Nephi 16:12-16. Their arrival will come with power and as they descend as a group from the lands northward, all of their enemies who attack them, or seek to destroy them, will fail in their efforts to stop their progress to the center of your land. These enemies will be as "treaded upon" by the House of Israel.

3 Nephi 16:15

"But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel."

The arrival of this people will come soon after the land is devastated by the storm that comes upon the land and upon the whole earth. To you, it will seem as though these events come very quickly, one after another. You will be prompted to start the beginning of the construction of the New Jerusalem. When the tribes of Israel come, they will assist you as you orchestrate the building of our temple and the city of the New Jerusalem.

The prophecy of Jesus found in 3 Nephi 20:13-22 will be fulfilled:

"And then shall the remnants (see also D&C 45:43), which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.

And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people-

Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob (these are the remnants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations, mostly from the south of your country), go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. (Raphael, the remnant shall come from the south, the ten tribes from the land of the north, and both tread down the wicked in your country. You will also be invaded from the east and west by conspiring nations of the world who wish to by war take over your land. This will all be because your Gentile nation has rejected Jesus Christ who is the God of the land, and the great blessing of our restored gospel among them.)

Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

And I will gather my people together (the elect who are changed to terrestrial mortals) as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.

For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

And it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that the sword of my justice shall hang over them at that day; and except they repent it shall fall upon them, saith the Father, yea, even upon all the nations of the Gentiles.

And it shall come to pass that I will establish my people, O house of Israel.

And behold, this people (the house of Israel that are gathered) will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even I will be in the midst of you." (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, partly because of the calamity, war and the treading down of your country and land have your Father and I chosen to change and elevate our elect to a mortal terrestrial estate. We will protect and guide each one as we gather them spiritually to their safe garners, prior to the destruction upon the tares of the earth.'

I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable and clear words! Oh, I love her so much.

She then ascended right up into the sky in a magnificent swirling cloud! Then the lake in front of me became suddenly turbulent and stormy, with very large waves crashing on the shore in front of me. I raised myself up in the air about 100 feet and then saw violence upon these waters like I had never seen before! I saw a tsunami, a water vortex whirling around, and huge waves!

The voice of Heavenly Mother came into my mind: 'Raphael, we will be with you in every time of trouble! Fear not, only be believing.'

I then was immediately back in my house writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day. Wow, what a great revelation this morning!"


3 Nephi 16:17-20
17 And then the words of the prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled, which say:

18 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

19 Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

20 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God.

174C4-174C13, from Heavenly Father: "Once these, our house of Israel, and as many of the repentant gentiles who will come to the New Jerusalem are all taught, then all will be my people, and be numbered among my elect and chosen Israel (see 3 Nephi 16:13).

Raphael, after these elect are taught, Jesus Christ will formally organize and empower them to go forth among all the nations of the earth to glean the elect from wherever they may be, and bring them to the New Jerusalem and the surrounding cities of Zion.

D&C 77:11

"Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe?

A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests (and high priestesses), ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel (that they were recently taught in the New Jerusalem); for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn." (which is located on the New Jerusalem. This latter group, from every nation, kindred, tongue and people will be the first elect that the 144,000 will bring to the New Jerusalem. These will become taught and also convinced by the Holy Ghost, and then be ordained as high priests and high priestesses to join the 144,000 and go out to gather the elect from all the nations of the earth. The center place of gathering will be the island of the New Jerusalem, and the surrounding cities of Zion.)

3 Nephi 16:17-20

"And then the words of the prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled which say:

Thy watchmen (the 144,00) shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God (when the 144,000 come among them to gather out my elect)." (Words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Father).

Raphael, at that day we will have you and others of our mortal angels and celestial servants replicate themselves and teach our elect in the New Jerusalem area frequently, even during their workday time in their breaks and times when they eat and rest. We will fully have our house of Israel be immersed in learning the truths of the fulness of the gospel. They will all accept this eagerly, for they are now being prepared in the spirit in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms. They will recognize these truths and fully embrace them. Once taught, this growing group will be ordained and greatly motivated to bring all Israel from every sector of the earth where they are scattered. Their faith, verve and commitment will be their hallmark, for these are those ordained by the angels (see Revelation 7:2-4 and D&C 77:11).'

My Father ceased speaking. He stood before me at the shore of God's loving Healing Lake. I knelt before him and thanked him for his new revelations! I was very enlightened with the opening of these scriptures to my mind this morning.

I said I would stay here by his side in my celestial being, and start my day in my mortal being. I then consciously started my new day on earth.

Evening-I reread what I had written this morning and was again impressed how important it will be for all of the elect of Israel, and particularly the 144,000, to be fully taught the fulness of the gospel. I know Heavenly Mother will witness to their hearts and minds the truth of all the things. They then will go forth with that sure witness to the ends of the earth, and with that faith and testimony convince others of the elect. Once these new elect are convinced, then they will be brought to the New Jerusalem in the portals of those members who teach them. This movement will be immediate and will be a new terrestrial environment for the newly converted elect. They will move from the telestial sphere to the terrestrial sphere, and it will be tolerable for them, for they are of the terrestrial elect of God.

I love to think of those days in our near future whose great numbers will swell the cities of Zion and the New Jerusalem."

198G8-198G13: "Evening-Prior to my prayer tonight, I read again 3 Nephi 16 and my posts that referenced this chapter (see my post 100E15, 141D2 (from S), and 174C2). I had read the interpretations of these verses in chapter 16. I thought that the verses in 3 Nephi 16:17-20 had not been adequately addressed in the past. I referenced this in my post 174C7, but there were no comments from either of my Heavenly Parents on these verses. Heavenly Mother had said that Heavenly Father would address 3 Nephi 16.

I knelt in prayer in the north entry of the celestial temple on the celestial orb. I humbly asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

He appeared before me, shining brightly. He was smiling, and I could tell that he accepted me, and loved me. I felt great peace being in his presence.

He spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to address the words of Isaiah that my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, spoke to the Nephite people found in 3 Nephi 16: 17-20. I will read these words of Isaiah found in Isaiah 52: 6-10, starting two verses earlier than quoted by Jesus. I will add my comments to these verses.

Isaiah 52: 6-10 (see also 3 Nephi 16: 18-20):

v6. "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. (Raphael, our elect hear our voice and obey our promptings. They will pray for an escape from the hardships and oppressions they will experience in their fallen telestial world (see Isaiah 52: 5, the previous verse). In their distress they will begin to hear my voice, and the voice of Heavenly Mother through the Holy Ghost. They will know that it is God who speaks to them in that day. We will then speak peace to them, and prompt them to come to Zion, where there is peace, safety, and protection. They will then yearn to come there. Groups of them will embark on a journey to that holy place, and we will inspire them to walk in the correct direction. For those who cannot travel by foot, or who are sick or afflicted, we will send our servants to transport them to Zion.)

v7. How beautiful upon the mountains (Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be a large hill or even called a mountain on an island, even in the central part of the barren land of promise. It will be the most elevated place in the land of promise) are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Raphael, this refers to two of our servants who have built up this waste place on the barren land and great deep. One of these is you, our Branch! You have been given by ordination the keys of the gathering of our elect along with John the Beloved (see your post 53A14, 53T7). You have received these keys from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, the Prince of Peace. You and John the Beloved both possess the keys of gathering in these last days. The feet of him that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings, that publishes salvation are both the feet of you, Raphael, and John the Beloved. The salvation you both will publish is that given by Jesus Christ. You will both be our main leaders in our New Jerusalem and will gather our elect to come there, through many of our angels and other celestial and terrestrial servants. The great beauty of the hill of Zion, the mountain of the New Jerusalem, will be the result of you and John acting upon our revelations. Through both of you, this island of the New Jerusalem will become completed, ready for her great Redeemer, Jesus Christ to one day come. Oh, how beautiful our New Jerusalem will be! There is both a celestial realm where our holy celestial temple is located and the terrestrial city and outlying terrestrial farmlands. All of the celestial areas will be like unto our celestial orb, the residence of God, and all of the terrestrial will be like a garden of Eden, in paradisiacal glory. This will be such a beautiful place for our weary elect to come to at the end of their journeys!)

v8. Thy watchmen (these are those who allow entrance into the island paradise of the New Jerusalem. Gideon (S), our captain of the guard, is their leader. He and those at the future gates of Zion, and in all of her cities, will rejoice together, and like the other inhabitants of Zion, will see eye to eye) shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

v9. Break forth into joy; sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed (the New) Jerusalem. (Raphael, the watchmen shall join with the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem, and sing anthems of praise to us, their Gods, for comforting them, and for redeeming and rescuing them from Babylon and the telestial world. Oh, how happy all of the inhabitants of Zion shall be!).

v10. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God." (The nations refer to the many multitudes of our elect who will flee to Zion in our terrestrial world. These people, eventually from all nations, will see the great salvation, protection, glory and beauty of the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion. For these, the arm of the Lord will be made bare, or be very powerful.)

Heavenly Father stopped speaking. I felt great reverence for his remarkable words of revelation and interpretation of these words of Isaiah. I can see why Jesus Christ quoted this to the Nephites in 3 Nephi 16: 17-20. I bowed my head before my Father and thanked him for his revelation to me tonight. He smiled upon me, and then departed into the ceiling of his temple above us. I then closed my evening prayer."

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, it is now time to begin your mortal day on earth. Stay with me throughout your day, in your unconscious mind, in constant prayer, and I will reveal more to you.'"


3 Nephi 17:4
4 But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them.

139A9-139A10, from Heavenly Mother: "A3-The rich treasures are their scriptures and other sacred relics they will bring. These include the account of the visitation of the resurrected Jesus Christ, after he left the Nephite nation as recorded in the Book of Mormon-3 Nephi 17:4 "But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth wither he hath taken them"

There will be relics and jewels that these people will brings to adorn the New Jerusalem temple. These are telestial relics when they bring them, and you will be given power, Raphael, to change them to celestial relics, even by our power. There will also be other relics and adornments from other civilizations and times that will be brought to you to change into a celestial nature, by our power. The New Jerusalem temple will have a record of such artifacts from different religious groups of our elect throughout the earth's history, to adorn its surface, even our celestial temple.'"

144B25, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, the descendants of these tribes of Israel, who mingled and mixed with Hagoth's people, will come as a group in a future day to your land of America again, from lands of the north where I have led them. Your land of America is actually the land where many of their ancient ancestors of their Nephite civilization once lived. They know of their history, and of Hagoth's journey to the land northward. They will bring their records which attests of this migration, and of the appearance of Jesus Christ to them after he visited the Americas (see 3 Nephi 17:4-"But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them")."


3 Nephi 17:24-25
24 And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them.

25 And the multitude did see and hear and bear record; and they know that their record is true for they all of them did see and hear, every man for himself; and they were in number about two thousand and five hundred souls; and they did consist of men, women, and children.

101C13-101C17, from Heavenly Father: "Heavenly Father turned to me and then spoke:

'Raphael, we are in the domed room. This was your own private room up until we ordained you and the other angels to be our holy angels. After that time, you relinquished this room so that we could use it for the center place of the healing angels. At that time we placed your personal items you had received and treasured in a hidden compartment on the wall. We also made room for each of your heavenly journals on the same shelf. This is where you keep your journals, or records, that you have written in our celestial orb on the earth.'

Heavenly Father then came to the wall above the entry opening where we had entered. I then saw a compartment open in the wall and a few shelves appear! I saw a number of books, similar to my current journal size. These were my records that I had written in heaven of all my activities and my revelations. I took one down and thumbed through it. It was familiar to me and written in a different script or language than I consciously knew. I had written with a pen of some sort on lines. The entire journal was filled from the front to the last page.

Heavenly Father then spoke again.

'Raphael, this is one of the many records that you have written and keep here in the domed room. Your Heavenly Mother also said this morning that some of your records are kept elsewhere in heaven. These are actually stored in the celestial realms on the earth, in another room with a hidden compartment with shelves. You have your records now in both locations. These will eventually both be transferred to the central library in heaven in our top throne room floor of our temple. We keep these records close by during the days of judgment for our children. These records are kept on hidden shelves on the north and south walls of the large throne room. The records of all our angels and guardian spirits, as well as some other records, will be placed in the shelves of this room. When all are judged and all of our children are assigned to their eternal glory, then we will release these records to the library in the New Jerusalem. These will remain there permanently through all eternity.

Other angels have their own chosen or assigned compartments with shelves for their own records. All things are written by the Father and Mother or by the servants of God, as stated in this scripture:

3 Nephi 17:24-26

"Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men.

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged." '

I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me where the records I write in heaven are kept. I feel that it must be so very important for us who are angels to record all of our activities, our service, and our revelations, both in heaven and on earth. I am now diligently writing in my journals on the earth. I go through a 128-page journal now about once a month. These records are mostly my revelations from my Heavenly Parents that I receive in prayer."


3 Nephi 19:23-25
23 And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one.

24 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus prayed unto the Father, he came unto his disciples, and behold, they did still continue, without ceasing, to pray unto him; and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray, and they were filled with desire.

25 And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof.

161F5-161F12, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, everyone who seeks our face and comes into our presence, and obeys our commandments, will change gradually until they have the mindset of us, their Gods.

3 Nephi 19:23,25,29- Jesus spoke of this oneness-

"And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one. ...And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold, they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus, and behold, the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof. ...Father, I pray not for the world, but for those whom thou hast given me out of the world, because of their faith, that they may be purified in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one, that I may be glorified in them."

Raphael, Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has also come to you because of your belief in him, and has blessed you, even as these Nephites in this record. He has made his countenance to shine upon you and has remitted your sins. He has purified you so that you could return again into our presence. Now that you have pressed forward over the years, and have sought us diligently, and obeyed our words, we are one with you. This change from your natural mortal being to becoming one with us is gradual. You now think and see and feel things more and more like your Father, Jesus Christ and I do.

Our countenance, or our light of God, shines upon you twice daily when you pray to us. We send forth our love, and acceptance and revelations upon you. These you accept and cherish. This becomes who you are, and we help you change, even according to your own desires. Look now upon your robes, Raphael, as you kneel before me!'

I then looked and my robes were brilliant white and shining, just like my Mother's robes were brilliant and shining! I saw that my very being was also radiating her intense light that as coming from her to me, and shining forth from me too:

'Raphael, the light of my countenance is fully now upon you, even to shining from you as it shines from me. You are one with me, for my light passes into you and through you, and even shines forth from you. My light also brings with it my emotions of love, acceptance and all truth. Therefore, when I will, I may send my very thoughts and words, and my emotions also with this light. You, in turn, accept these fully into your being, and thus become one with me. This is what Jesus prayed to the Father would happen to the Nephites when they were praying to him, and he in turn was praying for them to the Father. This is the highest achievement of mortal men and women, to reach a point when they become one with us, their Gods!'

I then thought of the experiences I have had in the past when I actually felt like I came into the eyes of either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, even into their very beings, and also saw through their perspective the world around us. I felt then that I had the perspective of God, or was one with them.

'Raphael, when you come unto us, even with your very spirit that we permit to enter us at times, you really do see with our perspective, as much as we wish you to view. This high state is being one with us. Were it possible, for you to remain in the flesh, we would reveal to you all things; however, in our wisdom, we continue to gradually show you a little here and a little there, leading you slowly so that you may absorb our words and thoughts, so you may change your own.

We now may give you a slight impression and you are sensitive enough to feel it, for you are one with us. We desire all of our elect to come to us constantly, as you do, so that we too may wrought upon them this same change over time. We desire that they too become one with us, even as you are now one with us.'"


3 Nephi 19:25
25 And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof.

77A5-77A9, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, you are absorbing my light as I talk and as I am with you. You then are able to shine forth yourself with this light I share with you. This is what happened to the disciples of Jesus:

3 Nephi 19:25:

"And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof."

What this account refers to as white is really the absorption of the light of Jesus, and then the disciples shining forth in that light themselves. This truly is his image (or his light) in their countenances (see Alma 5:14 "Have ye received his image in your countenances?")

Raphael, you have been clear enough to absorb my light and then to shine forth this light from your own being. You are therefore receiving my countenance, or my light, in your being. When you have become clear enough, and then when you come into our presence, you absorb our light. When we leave, this light stays with you and shines forth for others to see.

You see this is done in heaven in the celestial realms above. In your mortal body, you are able to contain, or hide, this light. However, in our celestial realms you are shining more and more by absorbing our light so frequently-like being continuously charged or illuminated.

In your earthly body, your eyes are reflections also of the celestial light you have absorbed in your unconscious mind and being. You will notice your eyes will become more and more enlightened as you spend time with us, your Gods, in our celestial realms of light.'"


3 Nephi 20:11-14
11 Ye remember that I spake unto you, and said that when the words of Isaiah should be fulfilled—behold they are written, ye have them before you, therefore search them—

12 And verily, verily, I say unto you, that when they shall be fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel.

13 And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

14 And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.

143A5-143A11, from Heavenly Mother: "One of the gifts we will give our terrestrial elect is that there will be no language barrier for them. Those who are telestial will not have this blessing unless they speak already the language of those who will come.

Many of those coming will also be of our terrestrial elect, for they will have heard and obeyed our voice that we will speak to them to travel northward. They will come in large groups, and will have leaders of great faith who will even perform miracles. They will also receive our protection from our holy angels who will go before them. Many of these will also travel to Zion, the New Jerusalem, as part of the gathering of Israel, our elect.

S.A. is also correct that those coming from the south will come from central and south America. These are descendants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations and are of the blood of Israel.

he ones coming from the north are also of ancient Israel, for they have been kept isolated for millennia on lands inside the earth.

3 Nephi 20:11-14-

"Ye remember that I spake unto you, and said that when the words of Isaiah should be fulfilled (refer to Isaiah 11:11-13)—behold they are written, ye have them before you, therefore search them—

And verily, verily, I say unto you, that when they shall be fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel.

And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, there will be a great gathering of our people Israel upon this land of America. Your land will have much devastations on it, and your federal, state and local governments and industries that now exist will be toppled. Even those who invade the land and seek to take control will be powerless among our people who shall descend upon the land in great numbers. They will tread down their enemies and these will become a prey to them, our house of Israel!

There will also be some among the invading armies who will repent and join those who come from the north and from the south. The invading armies from the east and west will destroy Babylon, even the proud and lofty in your land (see Isaiah chapter 13). The invading armies will then be destroyed and become powerless before our people, O House of Israel, that will next come among them and tread them down (see Isaiah chapter 10).'

I began to see that Babylon that now exists in our country would be torn down and destroyed by the calamities and the invading armies. These armies would then be trampled under foot by the remnants of Israel. Both would be brought here by the hand of God to fulfill their purposes. The terrestrial elect would survive the day and be gathered as one upon the land of what we call America, the choice land."


3 Nephi 20:13-22
13 And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

14 And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.

15 And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—

16 Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

17 Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

18 And I will gather my people together as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.

19 For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

20 And it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that the sword of my justice shall hang over them at that day; and except they repent it shall fall upon them, saith the Father, yea, even upon all the nations of the Gentiles.

141D11-141D12, from Heavenly Mother: "The prophecy of Jesus found in 3 Nephi 20:13-22 will be fulfilled:

"And then shall the remnants (see also D&C 45:43), which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.

And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people-

Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob (these are the remnants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations, mostly from the south of your country), go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. (Raphael, the remnant shall come from the south, the ten tribes from the land of the north, and both tread down the wicked in your country. You will also be invaded from the east and west by conspiring nations of the world who wish to by war take over your land. This will all be because your Gentile nation has rejected Jesus Christ who is the God of the land, and the great blessing of our restored gospel among them.)

Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

And I will gather my people together (the elect who are changed to terrestrial mortals) as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.

For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

And it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that the sword of my justice shall hang over them at that day; and except they repent it shall fall upon them, saith the Father, yea, even upon all the nations of the Gentiles.

And it shall come to pass that I will establish my people, O house of Israel.

And behold, this people (the house of Israel that are gathered) will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even I will be in the midst of you." (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, partly because of the calamity, war and the treading down of your country and land have your Father and I chosen to change and elevate our elect to a mortal terrestrial estate. We will protect and guide each one as we gather them spiritually to their safe garners, prior to the destruction upon the tares of the earth.'"


3 Nephi 20:14-16
14 And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.

15 And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—

16 Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

143A3-143A11, from Heavenly Mother: "Heavenly Mother came next to me in the sky, filled with her light. I felt so pleased to be again next to her!

She spoke: 'Raphael, you received an email from S about the people coming from the south into your land. This will be in a time when we will inspire these humble people by our Spirit to walk northwards into your land. None will be able to stop them in their course to the land northward, into your current nation. If they try, these people will be as a young lion among the beast of the forest (see your post 141D11).

S received this answer in praying about the truthfulness of your post:

"Hello R,

Last night in prayer, I asked about this part in your Protection for the Elect post (see post 141D11):

"Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob (these are the remnants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations, mostly from the south of your country), go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

(Raphael, the remnant shall come from the south [in the telestial mortal realm], the ten tribes from the land of the north [from the terrestrial mortal realm], and both tread down the wicked in your country. You will also be invaded from the east and west by conspiring nations of the world who wish to by war take over your land. This will all be because your Gentile nation has rejected Jesus Christ who is the God of the land, and the great blessing of our restored gospel among them.)"

I discussed this with my brother (S), and asked who are the people coming from the south? He then told me he prayed and asked and got that it would be people from Central and South America who feel lead by the spirit to come to our country, even when it is in turmoil, to trek towards Zion.

I was asking in prayer if this was true?

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Yes, and the people lead by us from the south will spread throughout your land and some will even be lead to join with other groups traveling to Zion. The language barrier will be removed from them and those elect who dwell in your land. This will occur with those coming from the north, too. They will speak in their own native tongue, and our terrestrial elect will be able to understand them as if there were no language barrier.'

I'm not sure if you've talked about this before, or if it was mentioned in visions of glory, but I thought the language barrier removal amongst the elect was interesting, and felt to share this with you.

Have a great day!"

One of the gifts we will give our terrestrial elect is that there will be no language barrier for them. Those who are telestial will not have this blessing unless they speak already the language of those who will come.

Many of those coming will also be of our terrestrial elect, for they will have heard and obeyed our voice that we will speak to them to travel northward. They will come in large groups, and will have leaders of great faith who will even perform miracles. They will also receive our protection from our holy angels who will go before them. Many of these will also travel to Zion, the New Jerusalem, as part of the gathering of Israel, our elect.

S is also correct that those coming from the south will come from central and south America. These are descendants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations and are of the blood of Israel.

The ones coming from the north are also of ancient Israel, for they have been kept isolated for millennia on lands inside the earth.

3 Nephi 20:11-14-

"Ye remember that I spake unto you, and said that when the words of Isaiah should be fulfilled (refer to Isaiah 11:11-13)—behold they are written, ye have them before you, therefore search them—

And verily, verily, I say unto you, that when they shall be fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel.

And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, there will be a great gathering of our people Israel upon this land of America. Your land will have much devastations on it, and your federal, state and local governments and industries that now exist will be toppled. Even those who invade the land and seek to take control will be powerless among our people who shall descend upon the land in great numbers. They will tread down their enemies and these will become a prey to them, our house of Israel!

There will also be some among the invading armies who will repent and join those who come from the north and from the south. The invading armies from the east and west will destroy Babylon, even the proud and lofty in your land (see Isaiah chapter 13). The invading armies will then be destroyed and become powerless before our people, O House of Israel, that will next come among them and tread them down (see Isaiah chapter 10).'

I began to see that Babylon that now exists in our country would be torn down and destroyed by the calamities and the invading armies. These armies would then be trampled under foot by the remnants of Israel. Both would be brought here by the hand of God to fulfill their purposes. The terrestrial elect would survive the day and be gathered as one upon the land of what we call America, the choice land.""


3 Nephi 20:16-19
16 Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

17 Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

18 And I will gather my people together as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.

19 For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

Wed, Apr 10, 2024
This is the destruction of the wicked, Babylon, and the invading army by remnant of house of Jacob (daughter of Zion, see Micah 4-5, and my notes in 3 Nephi 21:12). See also 2 Nephi 6:13-18 and my notes. Jacob confirms that in 2 Nephi 6:14 that "he will manifest himself unto them [the remnant of the house of Jacob] in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him."

See also my notes in 3 Nephi 16:12-16


3 Nephi 20:19
19 For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
See Micah 4:13. This is a last days prophecy about the northern tribes destroying the wicked in Babylon, and the occupying armies in the land of America. The people with whom the Father hath covenanted are the tribes of Israel from the north, those who have been ordained as the 144,000. These will come from the unseen terrestrial realms, and may come between the terrestrial and telestial realms to 'beat in pieces many people'. This will be unnerving to the wicked in the land! The occupying armies will retreat and many will return to their own lands.

The land of America will therefore be cleansed by the 'remnant of the house of Jacob' (the descendents of the Nephite/Lamanite nation whom Jesus was addressing, see verse 16) and 'my people with whom the Father hath covenanted' who are the 144,000, from the lost tribes of Israel. Jesus calls them his people, for he is in charge of them, as is his son John the Beloved. See also verse 21 when Jesus calls them specifically the house of Israel, a name which infers they are of the lost tribes of Israel.


3 Nephi 20:22
22 And behold, this people will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even I will be in the midst of you.

Sun, Jul 14, 2024
The house of Israel is established to create Zion and build the New Jerusalem.

July 14, 2024: When pondering on the covenants of God to his children, I came to realize that the covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is really the same covenant called the everlasting covenant. It was not given in completeness to Abraham, but was meant from the beginning to be the same everlasting covenant, even as revealed through the prophets until our day.

This covenant is ultimately when the righteous descendents, or those adopted into Abraham's seed, come to the New Jerusalem, and are admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. They then become separated from the remainder of God's children by an ordinance, are fully accepted by Jesus Christ, and have the promised of eternal life and exaltation. This is really the same covenant that God made with Abraham, called the Abrahamic covenant. All the righteous from the days of Adam and Eve, until the last man and woman born in mortality, may enter into this covenant as they prove themselves by their actions and obedience to Jesus Christ and the whisperings of the Spirit. Once proven obedient, Jesus then admits them, one by one, into this Church of the Firstborn, and they proceed in the covenant to their own eternal life and exaltation.

In prayer I confirmed this today, and received these words of the Father who was before me:

"Raphael, what you have written is true! It was always our intention when we made this covenant with Abraham, that this would become the everlasting covenant, even for the exaltation of my elect children who heed my voice and keep my commandments. More revelation was given to the prophets through time, even until we revealed this anew to you, with greater clarity and completeness. This is the promise and realization of eternal life and exaltation. This is the everlasting covenant I make with all of our righteous posterity, even to become couple gods in eternity."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words to me this morning! I am so grateful that he is so close, and answers my questions so immediately and with the confirming impressions of the Spirit!


3 Nephi 20:30-35
30 And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fulness of my gospel shall be preached unto them;

31 And they shall believe in me, that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and shall pray unto the Father in my name.

32 Then shall their watchmen lift up their voice, and with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye.

33 Then will the Father gather them together again, and give unto them Jerusalem for the land of their inheritance.

34 Then shall they break forth into joy—Sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem; for the Father hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

35 The Father hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Father; and the Father and I are one.

202I2-202I5: "I too rejoice that the 144,00 are now being taught the fulness of the gospel, even as recorded by Jesus in 3 Nephi 20:30

"And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fulness of my gospel shall be preached unto them."

This refers to the house of Israel (see verse 27, same chapter). This teaching of the gospel is being now extended in its fulness to them, even within the borders of the New Jerusalem.

Soon many of these faithful souls will be called and will accept the call from John the Beloved to be part of the 144,000, and then this prophecy in 3 Nephi 20:35 will be fulfilled:

"The Father hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations (this will be by the frequent visits of these 144,000 to the elect over the earth, in sessions where these elect students will be taught the fulness of the gospel in great power, and by the Spirit burning in their bosoms); and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Father; and the Father and I are one." (words in parenthesis from R)."


3 Nephi 20:36-38
36 And then shall be brought to pass that which is written: Awake, awake again, and put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

37 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

38 For thus saith the Lord: Ye have sold yourselves for naught, and ye shall be redeemed without money.

Thu, Dec 14, 2023
Israel shall be converted, trust in the Lord, and rise up in priesthood power. This will be evident when the events of Micah 4 and 5 come to pass, when the priesthood thrashes upon their enemies and the fury of the Lord rises to destroy the beast and their allies. See also D&C 113:7-8 and my attached notes.


3 Nephi 20:43-44
43 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently; he shall be exalted and extolled and be very high.

44 As many were astonished at thee—his visage was so marred, more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men

Fri, Dec 15, 2023
Received from Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father in answer to prayer on 12-13-2023: This servant is John the Beloved. His marring continues from his mortal telestial life, even from before his translation. The word visage in "his visage was so marred, more than any man" may relate to the word vision, meaning perhaps that the vision of John was so marred, even more than the sons of men who have normal eyesight.  His eyesight was removed for two years because his father, Jesus Chist, didn't want John to be married yet, as other men, and as John naturally desired. When his physical eyesight was restored on the third year, his mind was also expanded so that he John could see and perceived into the spirit realms, even into the celestial. This was much like Raphael 's gift of seeing with his spiritual eyes, the things of God. This additional spiritual gift occurred when his eyesight was restored. 

The marring for John also included the suppression of his desire to be attracted to women, so that he would want to marry. This suppression will continue, even until his mission of a rod and root of Jesse is fulfilled. When he takes his place as king in the New Jerusalem, this final marring will be removed and he will marry. His wife will become translated too, to a celestial glory, and will act in her role as a queen to him. They will act as a king and a queen in the New Jerusalem, ruling for the entire millennium. He will rule under his father, Jesus Christ, who will be the king over the entire earth. 

See also my note for 3 Nephi 21:10, which gives John's own account of his marring from the Acts of John (apocryphal work).


3 Nephi 20:45
45 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him, for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

Wed, Dec 13, 2023
See my note on 3 Nephi 21:8.


3 Nephi 21:1-2
1 And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place—that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion;

2 And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, and concerning this my people who shall be scattered by them;

198F6-198F11, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, I inspired you last night and this morning to read again the words of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi chapters 16, 20, and 21. I also prompted you to review your previous posts that referenced these chapters. There is yet new revelation that I will reveal to you from these chapters that relates to the gathering of our elect to the New Jerusalem.

I would like you to write these verses in your journal again, even in more detail. You know that the gathering of Israel and our elect will occur in the terrestrial realms of the mortal earth. This will be happening even while the land of America on the telestial mortal realm will experience more calamities, destruction and wars. We are using these two realms in which to both gather our people and destroy the wicked. In the end, only the righteous elect and Zion will remain.

Turn now to 3 Nephi chapter 21, and record in your journal the words of Jesus starting in verse 1. I will inspire you to add my comments in parenthesis.

3 Nephi 21:1-2,4,6-7

v1. "And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place--that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion; (Raphael, this time of gathering is in reality about to begin! The northern tribes of Israel will soon arrive in their large caravan, and you will greet them into our prepared island of the New Jerusalem. They will be the first arriving of many groups of travelers, all who have been chosen as our elect. They will all start from this time forward to be gathered into the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial realm on the physical earth. You will then come with your wife and son next, and then some of the descendants of the ancient Nephite and Lamanite people whom Jesus addressed in 3rd Nephi will come. This is now the very time that Jesus spoke of in verse one.)

v2. And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign--for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, (Raphael, Jesus saw that I would speak to you at this very time in these last days about these signs and prophecies, even by the Holy Ghost who is me. He said that I would further elucidate his words so that the great mysteries in his words contained in the Book of Mormon would become clear, even in combination with your current understanding of how we would gather our people in the terrestrial realm) shall be made known unto the gentiles…

v4. For it is wisdom in the Father (and Mother) that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father (and Mother), that these things might come forth from them (these things are found in the Book of Mormon which was brought forth by way of the gentile, and found in your record of Raphael by you, who are also among the gentile nation) unto a remnant of your seed (these are 1-the northern tribes who are now coming across the barren land of promise on the terrestrial earth, who have much of the seed of the Nephites among them from Hagoth and his people, and also 2-the large groups of illegal aliens that are flooding into your country across your southern borders. These latter groups have many of our chosen elect among them who will find their way soon to the New Jerusalem, for they will hear my voice and be guided there by the Father and me by our Spirit. These, our elect, are open and humble, and have very little in the way of material possessions, for they have forsaken all, seeking for freedom and asylum in the land of promise, which has before been given to them by Jesus Christ by covenant), that the covenant of the Father (and Mother) may be fulfilled which he (they) hath covenanted with his (their) people, O house of Israel;

v6. For thus it behooveth the Father (and Mother) that it (the fulness of the gospel) should come forth from the Gentiles, that he (the Father and the Mother) may show forth his (their) power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine (these are the elect of God), that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel. (Raphael, we will call our elect from your nation and many other gentile nations where they are currently living, to come to Zion. They will need to become open and humble, like those of the house of Israel from the north and south who will come. All who come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, need a receptive mind and heart, and a willingness to receive and obey what we tell them by our Spirit.

v7. And when these things come to pass that thy seed shall begin to know these things--it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father (and Mother) hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he (they) hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel."

Raphael, meet me here again tonight in your prayer, and I will continue with this chapter of 3 Nephi 21 with my commentary.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and interpretations. I said I would come here to her temple again tonight.

She departed and I closed my prayer.

Evening-I came later than I expected tonight to visit with my Heavenly Mother in her temple on the celestial orb, even as she had requested. I knelt and asked for her to come.

She appeared before me. She said she would continue with 3 Nephi 21:9-11

v9. "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father (and Mother) work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them. (Raphael, this man is you, for you have written the details of the building of the New Jerusalem which is our great and marvelous work that Jesus is referring to. Those who will not believe and won't come to the New Jerusalem are those who will be left behind when their friends and family depart to go to Zion.)

v10. But Behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. (This is the servant John the Beloved. See your post 53T9 to 53T10. John will be healed by his Father Jesus Christ. He will come to the New Jerusalem soon after you arrive there with your wife and son in September, 2021. He will be in charge of the design and construction of the New Jerusalem city. With your help and many others, this terrestrial city will be part of the great and marvelous work Jesus Christ referred to in verse 9 above. In your post 54L7 I spoke to you that you will be in charge of building the celestial city. This should have written as 'in charge of the celestial temple and temple block area plus the entire island.' This includes the terrestrial city to some degree, but John the Beloved is the head one in charge. He will ask for your assistance which you will freely give.)

Yet I will heal him for I will show unto them (those who come to the New Jerusalem) that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

v11. Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant. (Raphael, our servant John the Beloved has brought forth the Book of Revelation found in every complete Bible on the earth. This is the record Jesus is referring to. If the elect will not believe these signs and wonders given in this book of Revelation, as we shall impress upon them by our Spirit, that it is time to gather to the New Jerusalem and to Zion spoken of in this book of scripture, they shall be left behind. See Revelation 3:12 where John speaks of the righteous being gathered to the New Jerusalem. However, the wicked, who won't believe and just can't decide on their own to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, but follow Babylon and the wicked, will be left behind, and will be figuratively "spued out of my mouth" (see Revelation 3:16). These will not come to Zion, for they hear but will not take action.)" (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother)."


3 Nephi 21:4
4 For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth from them unto a remnant of your seed, that the covenant of the Father may be fulfilled which he hath covenanted with his people, O house of Israel;

Wed, Jan 31, 2024
It is a necessity that the USA becomes a free land. 

See also my notes in 1 Nephi 14:1.


3 Nephi 21:6-7
6 For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel;

7 And when these things come to pass that thy seed shall begin to know these things—it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel.

174B15-174B22: "3 Nephi 21:26

"And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people…"

I wonder if this is referring to the evening reading of the scriptures by those who have gathered to build the New Jerusalem? I wonder too if these, the remnants of Jacob, will generally not have knowledge of the Book of Mormon or the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith?

I believe the tribes which have been lost will have a religion that they all believe in, but they won't know about the Book of Mormon or the restoration of the gospel.

In 3 Nephi 21:27 it reads "Yea, the work (the work of building the New Jerusalem and of teaching these workers daily in the evenings) shall commence among all the dispersed of my people (the tribes and the remnants will all be very dispersed from their own homes and lands), with the Father to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me (who is Jesus Christ, speaking to their ancestors), that they may call on the Father in my name." (my comments in parenthesis).

How can these tribes of Israel and the remnants of Jacob call upon the Father if they don't know the true points of the gospel of Jesus Christ? They surely need to be carefully taught and witnessed of these great truths by the power of the Holy Ghost.

These were my thoughts tonight as I came to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer by the little stream that flows gently into God's Loving Healing Lake. I was by both my Heavenly Parents who were smiling upon me.

Heavenly Mother spoke immediately: 'Raphael, your interpretation of 3 Nephi 21:26-27 is correct. Our elect with the blood of Israel will be the first ones coming to build up the New Jerusalem. I will witness to them, to their hearts and minds, of all the truths their teachers read to them from the scriptures you bring that are reproduced for each group that reads and studies them. Once they know of the truths in our holy scriptures, they will then know how to pray to both Heavenly Father and to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We will then bless them with great understandings, faith and hope. They will hear our voice and keep our sayings and our commandments.

Once fully taught, they will then prepare the way for all our elect to be gathered home to this, the land of their inheritance (3 Nephi 21:28). Many of these will be numbered among the 144,000 who will specifically gather our elect from all over the earth. They will carry forth our Spirit in great power and faith, even to the convincing of our scattered elect to come home to the beautiful Zion societies they have built up in the center of the land of promise. This will be the great day of gathering among all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples who are the elect of God.'"


3 Nephi 21:8
8 And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

Tue, Jul 2, 2024
The kings referred here are the elect men of God who are taught by the 144,000 under the direction of the Spirit and John the Beloved. They will be taught and will consider the fulness of the gospel, in the Book of Mormon and portions of the Book of Raphael, that which they never heard before. They are called to become kings and high priests, just like the elect women are called to become queens and high priestesses. 

See the reference for this in Isaiah 52:15.


3 Nephi 21:8-11
8 And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

9 For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.

10 But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

11 Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant.

Sat, Oct 12, 2024
This work is the record of Raphael. See 198F and 198G for a commentary from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

198F6: "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father (and Mother) work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them. (Raphael, this man is you, for you have written the details of the building of the New Jerusalem which is our great and marvelous work that Jesus is referring to. Those who will not believe and won't come to the New Jerusalem are those who will be left behind when their friends and family depart to go to Zion.)"

December 13, 2023:
Those who declare this message of Raphael are the 144,000, seeking to bring all that will come to the Church of the Firstborn in the New Jerusalem (see D&C 77:11, speaking of the 144,000: "A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests [and high priestesses], ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.") Note that this implies that some will not come to the New Jerusalem to whom the 144,000 will try to persuade to come. The record these 144,000 are using is the Book of R- "and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.
although a man [R] shall declare it unto them."

October 11, 2024:
I have been studying 3 Nephi 21:8-11, and have had impressed upon me by the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost that these verses speak of two servants, even John the Revelator or John the Beloved, and Raphael, the archangel of the Lord. The Lord combined these two servants in these verses partly to keep their identity secret until the last days, when R would reveal their identity.

The one servant John is the one who is marred and who is healed. As the son in the flesh of Jesus Christ, he will be the king of the New Jerusalem. He also wrote the Book of Revelation which he was commissioned to write of the last day events.

The other servant in these verses is Raphael, the archangel of the Lord. In his mortal life he will bring forth a record, the Book of Raphael, with remarkable contents which the people have not before heard about nor considered. This record contains truths never before revealed to man which are very great and amazing. The kings of the earth (and the queens, all the the elect of God) will have been taught these truths by the Spirit of God, in their nighttime teachings to their unconscious minds in celestial realms above, and by the 144,000 servants when they are gathered to Zion.

In verse 11, Jesus speaks of a record that the people will need to believe in or they will be cut off from Jesus Christ. This record is both the Book of Revelation and the Book of Raphael. Both books will be revealed in clarity in the last days prior to their being gathered to the New Jerusalem.

The Spirit weighs upon me that what I have written is true and revealed to me of the Father.

I sought confirmation from my Heavenly Father in prayer today, and felt to write his words as he inspired me to write:

"Raphael, this is your Heavenly Father speaking through your mind by my Spirit while you write my words. You are correct that my Beloved Son has spoken these words, as Mormon wrote them in verses 8-11 of 3 Nephi 21. You wrote my words above by my Spirit which came upon you. The identity of our two servants spoken of in these verses is now made clear before the world, my elect who will read them and may pray to me if they are true. Your Heavenly Mother and I will confirm to their souls the truth of your words, and also fill them with awe concerning the marvelous work and a wonder that we are doing through these, our two latter-day servants, John and you, R."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words, and his promise to confirm these truths to any of his people who will pray in the sincerity of their hearts whether they be true. I feel so very uplifted and blessed!


3 Nephi 21:9-10
9 For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.

10 But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

53T9-53T11: "Q- Who is the servant spoken of by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi 21:9-11-

"For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.

But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant."

A- From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, this servant of Jesus Christ is his own beloved son, John the Beloved. He too will be wounded as our own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ was wounded. This will not be unto death, however, but he will be marred, and then healed. The healing will come from Jesus Christ, his father and our Beloved Son, through you, Raphael, as his conduit for healing. This is spoken of in verse 10 above. This healing will allow John the Beloved to continue in his roles as both the rod and the root of Jesse, as spoken of in Isaiah chapter 11.'

I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their revelations this morning, in my prayer. I feel confirmed that what I have received is true, and is from them, my Heavenly Parents."


3 Nephi 21:10
10 But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
This man is John the Revelator.

198F11: "But Behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. (This is the servant John the Beloved. See your post 53T9 to 53T10. John will be healed by his Father Jesus Christ. He will come to the New Jerusalem soon after you arrive . . . He will be in charge of the design and construction of the New Jerusalem city. With R's help and many others, this terrestrial city will be part of the great and marvelous work Jesus Christ referred to in verse 9 above. In post 54L7 I spoke to you that you will be in charge of building the celestial city. This should have written as 'in charge of the celestial temple and temple block area plus the entire island.' This includes the terrestrial city to some degree, but John the Beloved is the head one in charge. He will ask for your assistance which you will freely give.) Yet I will heal him for I will show unto them (those who come to the New Jerusalem) that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

Updated in prayer on 12-12-2023: from Heavenly Father-- Jesus made promises to John the Beloved, his son, that he would not taste of death, but be like a flaming fire and a minister to the nation's (see D&C 7:1-6). I asked in prayer about John being marred, and was told that he was marred nearly to death in his telestial, mortal life, but was healed by the power of Jesus Christ and translated to a celestial glory to fulfill the promise of Jesus to him previously. I was also told that he couldn't be marred after being translated, for his enemies would have had no power, for he could have disappeared before them at will. 

From the Acts of John, an apocryphal work, whether all true or not: It appears that marring was the loss of John's eyesight for 2 years, after which Jesus healed John and gave him both visible and mind sight (see 113 below):

"111 After that he said unto Verus: Take with thee some two men, with baskets and shovels, and follow me. And Verus without delay did as he was bidden by John the servant of God. The blessed John therefore went out of the house and walked forth of the gates, having told the more part to depart from him. And when he was come to the tomb of a certain brother of ours he said to the young men: Dig, my children. And they dug and he was instant with them yet more, saying: Let the trench be deeper. And as they dug he spoke unto them the word of God and exhorted them that were come with him out of the house, edifying and perfecting them unto the greatness of God, and praying over each one of us. And when the young men had finished the trench as he desired, we knowing nothing of it, he took off his garments wherein he was clad and laid them as it were for a pallet in the bottom of the trench: and standing in his shift only he stretched his hands upward and prayed thus:

112 O thou that didst choose us out for the apostleship of the Gentiles: O God that sentest us into the world: that didst reveal thyself by the law and the prophets: that didst never rest, but alway from the foundation of the world savedst them that were able to be saved: that madest thyself known through all nature: that proclaimedst thyself even among beasts: that didst make the desolate and savage soul tame and quiet: that gavest thyself to it when it was athirst for thy words: that didst appear to it in haste when it was dying: that didst show thyself to it as a law when it was sinking into lawlessness: that didst manifest thyself to it when it had been vanquished by Satan: that didst overcome its adversary when it fled unto thee: that gavest it thine hand and didst raise it up from the things of Hades: that didst not leave it to walk after a bodily sort: that didst show to it its own enemy: that hast made for it a clear knowledge toward thee: O God, Jesu, the Father of them that are above the heavens, the Lord of them that are in the heavens, the law of them that are in the other, the course of them that are in the air, the keeper of them that are on the earth, the fear of them that are under the earth, the grace of they that are thine own: receive also the soul of thy John, which it may be is accounted worthy by thee.

113 O thou who hast kept me until this hour for thyself and untouched by union with a woman: who when in my youth I desired to marry didst appear unto me and say to me: John I have need of thee: who didst prepare for me also a sickness of the body: who when for the third time I would marry didst forthwith prevent me, and then at the third hour of the day saidst unto me on the sea: John, if thou hadst not been mine, I would have suffered thee to marry: who for two years didst blind me, and grant me to mourn and entreat thee: who in the third year didst open the eyes of my mind and also grant me my visible eyes: who when I saw clearly didst ordain that it should be grievous to me to look upon a woman: who didst save me from the temporal fantasy and lead me unto that which endureth always: who didst rid me of the foul madness that is in the flesh: who didst take me from the bitter death and establish me on thee alone: who didst muzzle the secret disease of my soul and cut off the open deed: who didst afflict and banish him that raised tumult in me: who didst make my love of thee spotless who didst make my joining unto thee perfect and unbroken: who didst give me undoubting faith in thee, who didst order and make clear my inclination toward thee: thou who givest unto every man the due reward of his works, who didst put into my soul that I should have no possession save thee only: for what is more precious than thee? Now therefore Lord, whereas I have accomplished the dispensation wherewith I was entrusted, account thou me worthy of thy rest, and grant me that end in thee which is salvation unspeakable and unutterable.

114 And as I come unto thee, let the fire go backward, let the darkness be overcome, let the gulf be without strength, let the furnace die out, let Gehenna [Gehenna is a figurative term for hell] be quenched. Let angels follow, let devils fear, let rulers be broken, Iet powers fall; let the places of the right hand stand fast, let them of the left hand not remain. Let the devil be muzzled, let Satan be derided, let his wrath be burned out, Iet his madness be stilled, let his vengeance be ashamed, let his assault be in pain, let his children be smitten and all his roots plucked up. And grant me to accomplish the journey unto thee without suffering insolence or provocation, and to receive that which thou hast promised unto them that live purely and have loved thee only.

115 And having sealed himself in every part, he stood and said: Thou art with me, O Lord Jesus Christ: and laid himself down in the trench where he had strown his garments: and having said unto us: Peace be with you, brethren, he gave up his spirit rejoicing. We brought a linen cloth and spread it upon him, and went into the city. And on the day following we went forth and found not his body, for it was translated by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto whom be glory."


3 Nephi 21:11
11 Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant.

198F11: "Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant. (Raphael, our servant John the Beloved has brought forth the Book of Revelation found in every complete Bible on the earth. This is the record Jesus is referring to. If the elect will not believe these signs and wonders given in this book of Revelation, as we shall impress upon them by our Spirit, that it is time to gather to the New Jerusalem and to Zion spoken of in this book of scripture, they shall be left behind. See Revelation 3:12 where John speaks of the righteous being gathered to the New Jerusalem.

However, the wicked, who won't believe and just can't decide on their own to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, but follow Babylon and the wicked, will be left behind, and will be figuratively "spued out of my mouth" (see Revelation 3:16). These will not come to Zion, for they hear but will not take action.)"

See also 1 Ne 14:5-6 for similar words of Nephi about repenting and believing Jesus Christ, and my notes:

"And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be well with them; and thou also knowest concerning the covenants of the Lord unto the house of Israel; and thou also hast heard that whoso repenteth not must perish. [in 3 Ne 21:11 Jesus uses the word "cut off" instead of perish, both have the same meaning. See also D&C 1:14 , 133:63 , Deut 18:18-19 , Acts 3:22-23 and JS—H 1:40 where "cut off" is used in a similar context.]

Therefore, wo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God."


3 Nephi 21:11-29
11 Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant.

12 And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

13 Their hand shall be lifted up upon their adversaries, and all their enemies shall be cut off.

14 Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots;

15 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds;

16 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thy land, and thou shalt have no more soothsayers;

17 Thy graven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands;

18 And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy thy cities.

19 And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

20 For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;

21 And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.

22 But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, and they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance;

23 And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

24 And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

25 And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

26 And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

27 Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father in my name.

28 Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance.

29 And they shall go out from all nations; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight, for I will go before them, saith the Father, and I will be their rearward.

143B11-143B13, Vision from Heavenly Mother: "[After quoting] 3 Nephi 21:11-29-

. . . I saw that in a relatively short time, Babylon would be destroyed, that great whore of the earth. Then the invading armies that helped destroy Babylon would be destroyed by the hosts of Israel. God would then have gathered many of the terrestrial elect into this choice land of America, and they would help build the New Jerusalem. They would inherit the once Gentile nation, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited (see 3 Nephi 22:3-"For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.").

Heavenly Mother then faced me and spoke:

'Raphael, your scriptures are replete with the prophecies of these events soon at hand. However, you have not understood them clearly, nor how they would be fulfilled in the way you have seen below us today. This is all part of our strange work and our strange act, in destroying the wicked and preserving our elect, the house of Israel!'"

198G3-198G4, from Heavenly Mother: "She came in great light and glory. She stood before me smiling, and spoke: 'Raphael, I will conclude my interpretation of 3 Nephi 21 this morning. I have previously given my comments to 3 Nephi 21:11-29 in your post 143B10 to 143B13. I had said that the tribes of Israel who come from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south would be full of the power of God to destroy the wicked in the telestial world, including the occupying armies in your land. These armies are largely in place, and control most of your American society. They have infiltrated your federal and state governments, industry, the universities, the social media outlets, including news agencies, and the military complex in your country. These are those we call the standing or occupying armies in your land. These tribes of Israel who are now on the barren terrestrial land of promise will smite these occupying armies and the wicked in your land, even though they are traveling in a higher realm on the earth (see your post 190J30). Those who come from the south will also do so, for both groups will trample the wicked in your gentile nation under their feet, even "as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver" (see 3 Nephi 21:12).

This morning I will conclude my interpretation with 3 Nephi 21:19-29

v19. "And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceiving, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away. (Raphael, your nation has become now one of the very most wicked countries of the world, and is full of lyings and deceptions of all sorts. There is no major news source that reports the truth, for they are full of lies and falsehoods aimed to deceive the people and influence them to do harm to themselves and accept evil practices. The cities of your land are full of crime, great wickedness, and abominations. All areas of your once great nation are infiltrated, with great divisions among all people in all sectors of society. We can no more tolerate this gross wickedness, but will destroy these telestial people, cities and lands.)

v20. For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel.

v21. And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard. (Raphael, those who hear our voice and obey, will be our elect who make their way to the place of gathering, even to the New Jerusalem. Those who reject our voice when they hear, will be left behind and reap the whirlwinds of destruction. This will fulfill the prophecy of the great divisions in your land once the righteous depart (see 2 Nephi 30:10 "For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.")

v22. But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, (this is the restored Church of Christ, with a new prophet and new apostles, for the former LDS church has gone astray and no longer has our power and authority) and they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance; (the covenant is the covenant of Zion, to live the laws of the terrestrial realm, and to live peaceably, one with another. All who come into the borders of Zion and the New Jerusalem will need to accept this covenant.)

v23. And they (those elect who shall come to the New Jerusalem) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem. (Raphael, you have already built up the celestial realm of the New Jerusalem and the outlying farmlands of the island. What is left to build up is the city with its buildings, gardens, parks, and 24 terrestrial temples. All of our elect who come will be given assignments to build up this city section of our New Jerusalem island.)

v24. And then they shall assist my people (the elect of God) that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem. (This is happening even now Raphael, with your own trek of twenty people to arrive at the New Jerusalem in August 2021 (see your post 197G10). Others will start their own treks by walking to Zion as they are inspired by our Spirit and gentle whisperings. They will begin this summer and fall. The next month of September 2021, you will arrive with your wife and son at the New Jerusalem (see your post 197L6). Others will also come to the New Jerusalem in their own portal by their intention, starting in September and October of 2021, just months away.)

v25. And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in their midst (as well as your Father and I, for we will come in disguise frequently among our people. We will come among them during their journeys, even as you and I have come among your own trek currently on its way to Zion).

v26. And then shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people (this includes the teachings at night while our people slumber, even in the celestial realms, and also when the new arrivals come to Zion and read or have read to them our scriptures in the evenings after their daily labors.). Verily, I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father (and Mother) hath led away out of Jerusalem.

v27.Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father (and Mother) to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father (and also the Mother) in my name.

v28. Yea, and then (even now, in your summer of 2021) shall the work commence, with the Father (and Mother) in preparing the way whereby his (their) people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance. (Raphael, the land of inheritance for our elect whom we have chosen is the land of the New Jerusalem and the surrounding future cities of Zion on the promised land.)

v29. And they shall go out from all nations; (they will largely come by the way of the 144,000 who will transport them to the New Jerusalem and to Zion) and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight (in modern airplanes), for I will go before them, saith the Father (and Mother), and I (we) will be their rearward." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)."

167I12-167I14, from Heavenly Mother: "Answer 2- Finally, I will answer S.A.'s second question about the people coming from the southern regions of the area of Mexico, central and South America. The leaders of this people are currently being funded and infiltrated by the Chinese and Russian communist nations to attack your land of America from the south. They are being armed and are making their plans for invasion. These also will be disarmed and the wicked among them destroyed at the same general time as the occupying troops in the now United States.

Those of this southern group who repent, and who humble themselves will join the tribes of Israel in the New Jerusalem area to build that holy city.

In that day will be fulfilled 3 Nephi 21:12-21. This people, who are also a remnant of Jacob, will be in the midst of the occupying armies of your land, and the wicked of your land, as a lion among the beasts of the forest, "as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver." (3 Nephi 21:12)

Thus shall the wicked be destroyed in your land by the invading armies, and then those armies destroyed by our people Israel, coming from the north (tribes of Israel) and the south (the remnant of Israel). In the end, the wicked are destroyed and the elect of God preserved, many which will build the New Jerusalem city and temple.'"


3 Nephi 21:12-13
12 And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

13 Their hand shall be lifted up upon their adversaries, and all their enemies shall be cut off.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
Christ reiterates the prophecy of Micah chapter 4 and 5 of the remnant of Israel in the last days: Both the tribes of Israel in the terrestrial realm, and those in the telestial mortal world who come across the southern borders of the US, will trample the wicked in America while the Lord destroys them in His fury. 

See 198G3 from Heavenly Mother: "I have previously given my comments to 3 Nephi 21:11-29 in post 143B10 to 143B13. I had said that the tribes of Israel who come from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south would be full of the power of God to destroy the wicked in the telestial world, including the occupying armies in the land. These armies are largely in place, and control most of the American society. They have infiltrated the federal and state governments, industry, the universities, the social media outlets, including news agencies, and the military complex in this country. These are those we call the standing or occupying armies in your land. These tribes of Israel who are now on the barren terrestrial land of promise will smite these occupying armies and the wicked in your land, even though they are traveling in a higher realm on the earth (see post 190J30). Those who come from the south will also do so, for both groups will trample the wicked in your gentile nation under their feet, even "as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver" (see 3 Nephi 21:12, Micah 4:10-13 and Micah 5:8-15)."

143B10: "After I saw the destruction of Babylon by its own collapse from within, by natural destructions and finally by the invading armies, I saw another scene: God was inspiring the people of Israel, his terrestrial elect, to descend upon the occupied land of America from the north and from the south. These righteous people would be full of the power of God, and would have exceedingly great faith. The occupying armies in the land crumbled under these people, like they were being trampled under their feet. When they resisted, the hosts of Israel would be among them as a young lion among the flocks of sheep."

Additional info, received in prayer on 12-11-2023 from Heavenly Father:

John the Beloved, having the power of God to destroy the wicked, in his role as the rod of Jesse (see D&C 113:3-4), will extend this power to the 144,000 whom he is in charge of in the terrestrial world. He will exercise through them his power from Jesus Christ to destroy the wicked in the world, and then to gather the righteous (in his role as the root of Jesse). These 144,000 are translated to a terrestrial glory, have means to move about in the telestial mortal world without being seen, are high priests and high priestesses, and are imbued with power from God. These will afflict the wicked, destroying their properties, their places of false worship, and greatly afflict their lives. They will largely work from the unseen world in troubling and trampling the wicked. The scripture says they will tear in pieces, and none can deliver. This is because they may disappear at any time, and will use the power of God to destroy the places and possessions of the wicked. They will also cause disease, starvation, pestilence to come upon these wicked ones. Once their work is done, and these wicked ones continue in their evil ways, cursing God, they will be destroyed, along with the telestial world, when Jesus Christ comes in glory. 

Three 144,000 will come from the north, figuratively, for they initially came from the northern parts of the earth when they came to the New Jerusalem. When they come among the wicked, they may also gather the righteous they find, since this is also their role as gatherers under John's role as the root of Jesse (see D&C 113:5-6).

The ones coming from the south are the remnant of Jacob, or the Lamanites, who have been allowed entry into the United States, mostly from Central and South America. They will occupy these destroyed places of the wicked, and also afflict them in the flesh. They too will be imbued with the power of God to destroy the wicked. Later, many of these will be gathered by the 144,000 to the New Jerusalem, prior to the destruction of the telestial world they live in.


3 Nephi 21:14-15
14 Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots;

15 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds;

172H1-172H11, from Heavenly Father: "This morning I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the water's edge and drank of living water, and continued kneeling there. I intended to come again before my Heavenly Parents, even as I would do had I looked into my healing seer stone.

I immediately felt lifted up in the air above my location on the shore, and came in front of my glorious Heavenly Father! We were up in the celestial sky above the grove and the beautiful lake below us.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you see below us our celestial Lake Beautiful. I will show you in this lake how the promised land will be destroyed by the earthquake caused by Nibiru, and then quickly covered by the mighty rushing floods of water that will cover it. Once the earthquake and flooding comes, nothing built by man will remain, for so mighty will be the rushing of waters that these structures will be toppled, destroyed and buried deep in the ground. Look now below us and watch what will happen in the area of Jackson County, Missouri where the New Jerusalem will be built!'

I then saw a very large celestial body approaching us from the sky. I knew it represented Nibiru. It was glowing orange. It swept over us from the west and went east over the sky above Lake Beautiful. It's gravitational pull made the waters recede so that the floor of Lake Beautiful was fully exposed for miles in front of us.

I then heard a very large cracking of the celestial orb and a large fissure opened up in the bare lake bed. I saw a lot of the lake bed fall into the crack in the celestial orb and just disappear. There was severe quaking over all the land.

Next I looked up and the celestial body was going back out into space from where it came. I heard another loud sound, this time of rushing water of the lake that was now released of the gravitational pull from the large celestial body. The water was like a huge tsunami coming up the evacuated lake bed. It came with great intensity and strength, and completely crashed the maple tree grove below us and filled it with high floodwaters. I heard great noise as the waters completely covered the land.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have asked our celestial orb and the waters of Lake Beautiful to illustrate the great destruction that will likewise come to the center of your land, once Nibiru comes and passes over. In the center of your land, this destruction will destroy most cities, structures, and all man made things on the earth's surface so they are no longer there or there are only a few unrecognizable parts of structures.

This will be the day when the scripture will be fulfilled; spoken of by Jesus Christ:

3 Nephi 21:14-21

"Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots (this is the destruction of the invading armies that will occupy our promised land);

And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds;

And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thy land, and thou shalt have no more soothsayers (all the wicked who follow Satan and his host will be destroyed);

Thy graven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands;

And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy thy cities.

And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;

And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).'

Heavenly Father then turned and extended his arm over the flooded lake and surrounding area below us. It was instantly changed back to the maple tree grove, the calm Lake Beautiful, and everything was as it was before the destruction came!

My Father then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, such will be the vengeance and fury I will have upon the people in your land who will not repent. Your land will be greatly changed, and in the center of your land the great waters of the southern gulf of Mexico will flow northward as a tsunami and destroy the land, wiping it clean of inhabitants and anything man made. All vegetation will be destroyed, and the land will shake mightily and be greatly changed. The vast waters will then cover the bruised and torn land, even until you arrive with us and create beauty out of the devastation.'"


3 Nephi 21:18-21
18 And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy thy cities.

19 And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

20 For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;

21 And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.

Thu, Feb 15, 2024
The Lord will cleanse America by burning and destruction by the invading army until it is free again and cleansed from all iniquity. God will also cause the remnant of Jacob to be as a lion among the flocks of sheep, that teareth up, and none can deliver. 

Note that Jesus quoted Micah 5:9-15. He inserted 3 Ne 21:20 which is not in the Micah verses. This added verse is the key to being numbered among the elect of the Father, or members of the Church of the Lamb as spoken of by Nephi in 1 Ne chapter 14.

143B13: "I saw that in a relatively short time, Babylon would be destroyed, that great whore of the earth. Then the invading armies that helped destroy Babylon would be destroyed by the hosts of Israel. God would then have gathered many of the terrestrial elect into this choice land of America, and they would help build the New Jerusalem. They would inherit the once Gentile nation, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited (see 3 Nephi 22:3-"For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.")."


3 Nephi 21:19-21
19 And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

20 For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;

21 And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.

144G17-144G18, from Heavenly Father: "We will transition all of our elect who are upon the earth to a terrestrial state before the whirlwind begins. This will give them strength and protection against the storm that will descend with fury upon the face of the whole earth.

3 Nephi 21:19-21:

"And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.

For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;

And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard."


3 Nephi 21:22
22 But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, and they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance;

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
The church that Jesus will establish among those who repent will be the church of the Lamb, and then later the Church of Christ. See 1 Nephi 14:10 and my notes in 1 Nephi 14:12.


3 Nephi 21:23
23 And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
Jesus is referring to the city is located in the terrestrial realms of the earth, and not the celestial temple area. The city construction is under the stewardship of John the Beloved, who will become the king of the New Jerusalem.


3 Nephi 21:23-25
23 And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

24 And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

25 And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

197K7-197K10, from Heavenly Mother: "In that day close at hand, will be fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus Christ found in 3 Nephi 21:11-29. Those who come will take part in the building of our terrestrial city:

3 Nephi 21:23-25

"And they (the elect who will come to the New Jerusalem) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem (and the surrounding lands of Zion).

And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, all who come to the New Jerusalem in these early days of gathering will have specific missions and duties to build up the city, welcome those who arrive, and see to their needs. Our work will be very organized to meet every need of construction, beautification, and attending to the needs of each other in our Zion community. Love, peace, and great purpose will pervade this city. Your Father and I will come among our faithful elect there in disguise frequently. What joy and excitement all will experience during these early days of building up Zion!

You, Raphael, will be continuing your duties as your replicated celestial angel in the New Jerusalem temple at this time. In your mortal body, you will labor among the builders of the city of the New Jerusalem."


3 Nephi 21:23-26
23 And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

24 And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

25 And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

26 And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

171C19-171C20, from Heavenly Mother: "3 Nephi 21: 23-26

"And they (the elect Gentiles) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob (the elect descendents of the Nephite and Lamanite nations), and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

And then shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day, shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father (and Mother) hath led away out of Jerusalem." (words in parenthesis by Heavenly Mother).

Whenever this and other scriptures say "the Father's work", it is also my work, for the Father and I are one, and I am now being revealed among our elect as an equal and prominent God with the Father. Up until this point, I have been purposefully hidden, but now no longer. In the millennial day, our children on earth will commune with the Father as frequently as they do with me."

Fri, Aug 16, 2024
This is the establishment of the New Jerusalem, by the remnants of Jacob. This refers to the building of the city of the New Jerusalem. Jesus Christ will be among the people at different times as they construct this terrestrial city. The construction will be under the direction of John the Beloved who is the future king of the New Jerusalem city. Christ, his father, will become the king over all the earth.


3 Nephi 21:26
26 And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

Mon, Jul 15, 2024
Once the elect of the remnant of Jacob, or descendents of the Lamanites, are gathered together to the New Jerusalem, they will all be taught the gospel in its fulness. All 'the dispersed of my people', or the elect scattered upon all the face of the earth, will be gathered and taught in areas of the New Jerusalem where they will have been brought.

Jesus refers again that this is the work of the Father. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are the ones who have chosen the elect of God who will move into the terrestrial millennial world. See 3 Nephi 21:2-4 where Jesus reiterates that this is the work of the Father. This is the strange work and act, spoken of in Isaiah 28:21.

Note also that he names the lost tribes of Israel who were led out of Jerusalem. These had previously been dispersed (scattered), and the largest group of them brought to the lands of the north by the Father.


3 Nephi 21:28
28 Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance.

Mon, Apr 22, 2024
The preparing of the way means the destruction of the wicked and their evil practices in the land. This will humble and make available these elect for their acceptance of the truth and their gatherings by the 144,000, who in turn will bring them to the New Jerusalem.

Tue, Dec 12, 2023
The 144,000 will gather for the last time the elect who are the remainder of the good terrestrial people from the earth for the last time


3 Nephi 22:1
1 And then shall that which is written come to pass: Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.

Tue, Jun 4, 2024
The children of married wife means the great marriage supper of Lamb has occurred, and Christ has come to his people.


3 Nephi 22:3
3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

Sun, Sep 29, 2024
Israel is to inherit the Americas after the cleansing of the land, and Zion is to be established. There will be some desolate cities left over from the telestial world that will transition into the terrestrial millennial world. The telestial soil and rock layers will also transition to the terrestrial, along with some remnants of the old telestial.

From my note on Genesis 49:26: "There will also be residences of our faithful elect whose properties will transition to terrestrial mortal earth just before the second coming of Jesus Christ." [Later on July 3, 2024: when reading 3 Nephi 22:3, I asked more about this issue. I was told that there would be only a handful of the elect who would have their residences transitioned from the telestial to the terrestrial earth. See also my information below under the date of July 3, 2024.]

After the elect rise with Christ in the clouds of heaven, they will all return to the earth in the New Jerusalem area. Those who live in that area will return to their own lands and homes. The remainder of the elect will settle in this area.

During this time period, there will be many places on the earth with desolate (uninhabited) cities. Many of these will be very suitable houses, yet without inhabitant (hence the word desolate, or nobody there). As the elect spread forth, it will be only natural for these to become occupied by the elect of God who are living on the terrestrial earth.

In addition, I have been shown that it will take a few years to fully transition to a terrestrial earth from the telestial:

From my notes in Genesis 49:26, April 28, 2024: "Q: Will we be able to approach the state of the garden of Eden on our land as we apply ourselves in being wise stewards on the land, according the the inspirations of God? A: Yes! As you apply yourself as a wise steward over your land, and seek to improve your soil health and vitality, it will improve over the next few years. The plants will thrive and produce more abundantly as you do so. The garden of Eden soil was virgin soil on a brand newly prepared earth, whereas your soil has been depleted over the years. You need to continue to wisely amend the soil to approach the terrestrial soil condition as it was at the beginning of the earth. [See my more recent note in D&C 76:71 where I elaborate more on this topic.]"

From my note in D&C 76:71, dated May 29, 2024: "Here's another way to test my now terrestrial soil: If the garden of Eden terrestrial soil (in its suspended state) is a 10/10, my average garden soil is a 2.5/10! I tested if my soil would improve over the next few years: in one year it would likely be 3.5/10, in two years 5/10, in three years 7/10, in eight years 10/10, or the same as the terrestrial garden of Eden soil. I suspect I won't get any better than this! I know this is a lot of speculation, for my accuracy is likely lacking being so far in advance. However, the trend is to improve a little each year.

. . . There is still lots of improvement to be made, which I believe will take some transition time. Once we are in the millennium, I believe that the average soil in my garden will be as vibrant as the soil was in the terrestrial garden of Eden. I then tested that it would be a similar to that virgin terrestrial garden of Eden soil. The trend is to be improved year by year. I am also thinking that this requires me to use good amendment practices available to me to enhance the soil. This is probably not too accurate since it is in the future, but it gives me an idea of where the soil quality is heading."

July 3-4, 2024: In my morning scripture study, I was lead to read D&C 29:8 and Ezekiel 37:21‐23, about the gathering of the elect to one place, prior to the second coming. The land of America will be the primary gathering place for all of the elect on the telestial earth, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. There will be other places of refuge scattered over the earth, with pockets of the righteous who will have gathered to those holy places also (see D&C 45:32).

When Jesus Christ comes in glory, all of the elect will be caught up in the clouds of heaven with him and descend to the terrestrial earth. The soil and rock layers will transition at that time from the telestial to the terrestrial earth, and a few certain houses/lands of the elect will also transition from the telestial to the terrestrial, thus being preserved (I was told by Heavenly Father that one could count on one hand the number of houses/lands of the elect that will fully transition at this time from the telestial to the terrestrial earth).

Portions of some of the telestial cities will also transition into the terrestrial, along with the telestial soil and rock layers. All the remaining telestial people, with their lands, buildings, cities etc. will be destroyed by the intense heat and fire from the presence of the returning Lord Jesus Christ. However, all the terrestrial (the elect and most animals and plants), will remain, being transitioned to the terrestrial and be preserved. All the earth's celestial realm will also be preserved.

This morning I asked my Heavenly Mother whether the elect will return to any other place after descending with Christ from the clouds of heaven, other than to the New Jerusalem area. She asked me to write her words now: 

"Raphael, when our elect descend with Jesus Christ to the earth, they will come to the area of the New Jerusalem. This will be on the terrestrial earth. Only this area, and your property in Utah will have been fully transitioned to the terrestrial earth. Across the terrestrial earth it will be not be inhabited by our elect if there is no living water flowing to it yet.

At the second coming of Jesus Christ, the telestial soil and telestial rock layers will have just transitioned to become the top layers of the barren rock layer of the terrestrial earth. The rain that this new earth will receive to keep the forests and animals alive will be both telestial and terrestrial rain, eventually transitioning to all terrestrial rain. The streams that will flow to these newly transitioned lands will gradually change from telestial water to streams of living terrestrial waters. It will take a few years for the living water from the New Jerusalem to reach all the water on the earth, then making the transition complete. When living terrestrial water flows into telestial water, it all becomes changed to living terrestrial water.

By the time of the second coming, much of the surrounding areas around the New Jerusalem will have living water flowing regularly to the land, making it lush and fully habitable.

When the elect come from the clouds to the New Jerusalem, some will be taken into the homes by the inhabitants there, and some will also spread out to adjacent lands which will be growing with vegetation where living water flows. There are areas outside of the New Jerusalem where the tribes of Israel are currently building houses and shelters for those who will be coming to this area immediately after the second coming. The climate will be pleasant so that many of the elect may inhabit the land that surrounds the New Jerusalem. In time, all will become inhabited as the people homestead other adjacent lands. New cities will also be built. It will be a wonderful and happy day of colonizing outlying land as living water enters the land. The people will then make the desert (previous barren lands) blossom as the rose!" [See my notes in Isaiah 35:1].

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer to my questions. I am thrilled to have access to her and Heavenly Father in this way.

190H24-190H27, from Heavenly Father: "At some point, when the telestial land is devastated, those in the terrestrial world may build upon the structures in the cities and lands of the telestial world. (see 3 Nephi 22:3). This will be only for a limited time while the telestial realm remains on the earth. Once Jesus Christ comes in his glory, the telestial realm will altogether pass away, along with all the lands, geography, structures, and peoples on the telestial land.'

I asked about the animals and plants in the telestial world, if these would transition to the terrestrial realm before the telestial realm was removed.

Heavenly Mother responded to this question:

'Raphael, there will be several years that animals and plants may transition from the telestial to the terrestrial. This transition will occur under the supervision of your sister, Rachael (K). She is the female archangel of the elements and nature, and has stewardship over the telestial and terrestrial plants and animals (see your post 24D8 and 24D12). We will instruct her in the details of her calling in the near future. She will have the service of celestial beings in doing her great task, prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.

The animals and plants that remain on the telestial earth, when Jesus Christ comes in his glory, will not survive when the telestial realm is destroyed from the earth at that time.'"

120G4, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, you have been told by your Father all about how the rock layers were gradually formed on your own earth. This same pattern of gradually creating the soils, rich fuel deposits and preparing the surface to be suitable for man, happened on our own earth. When your Father and I lived on our telestial earth at the time, it brought forth in abundance and was a perfect place for us to live. This is how every earth is created and prepared for the advent of man on its surface, in every eternity throughout our vast universe among all the gods."

190G29, 24, from Heavenly Mother: "Q. When will this large group of people [the ten tribes from the north] enter into the terrestrial realm of the earth on their trek to the New Jerusalem? A. 'Raphael, they will remain on the telestial sphere of the outer earth for a short time, until they are discovered. Their prophet will then prepare his people, even while in the northern barren countries of your earth, to enter into the terrestrial realms on the mortal earth. A highway has been created in this terrestrial realm on which the northern tribes will travel (see D&C 133: 27 "an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep."). All around them will be the great waters that now exist in the terrestrial mortal realm.

Q. Does the terrestrial realm of the mortal earth exist all over the earth, superimposed upon the telestial mortal earth? A. 'Yes, this terrestrial mortal realm has been created in the beginning when the earth was created. When Adam and Eve fell, the terrestrial earth also fell at that same time into a mortal telestial earth. However, the foundations of the terrestrial mortal earth were not wholly changed, but a part remained over all the earth. Most of the terrestrial land was covered with terrestrial waters at that time, and has continued in that state even until now. There are no plants or animals on the terrestrial earth at this time, but only waters, land and air."

190H6-190H11, from Heavenly Father: " When your Mother and I raised Adam and Even in this general area where we are located, the earth was a beautiful area, even with a Garden of Eden. The entire earth was a terrestrial realm, a telestial realm, and a celestial realm. These three realms were created in the beginning, and were superimposed upon each other. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I were the ones who primarily came into the celestial realm. However, once the man and woman fell, our angels ministered from the celestial realms on the earth.

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden in the physical terrestrial earth. This entire terrestrial globe was planted and populated with our plants and animals. When Adam and Eve fell, and were cast out of the beautiful garden, the entire earth fell from a terrestrial state to a telestial state. The telestial had already been created, but was without form and void of life. It was covered with water prior to the fall of man. It also housed Lucifer and his fallen spirits. At one point, we allowed Lucifer to enter into the terrestrial Garden of Eden to tempt and try Adam and Eve.

Once the terrestrial earth fell and transitioned to a telestial fallen earth, the terrestrial foundations of the earth became a dark and a dreary place. Terrestrial waters then covered the earth in most places. The garden of Eden was covered with water, and remains that way, even until today. This general area is where the future New Jerusalem will be constructed.

The telestial realm that was under water before the fall transitioned into the fallen terrestrial realm, for it [the terrestrial] all became telestial. It was then that the waters that had once covered the telestial earth became terrestrial waters, and then covered the terrestrial earth. The terrestrial physical earth was not destroyed, but was preserved under water for the last days when it would start to transition again into a beautiful terrestrial earth. At the time that the waters came upon the terrestrial earth, we raised up the highway above the waters so that, in a future day, the northern tribes would be able to travel to the New Jerusalem. We also kept dry land on much of the promised land area so that some of our first elect could walk east to the New Jerusalem area that you would have started to build.

The entire physical terrestrial earth has remained in this same state, without plant or animal life, even until today.'

Heavenly Father then looked around upon the barren land and distant mountains. He then looked towards the muddy shores and waters to our east. He continued: 'Raphael, you will come to the area to our east, which is now under water, to construct by our great power, the island of the New Jerusalem. The waters will continue to surround this city, even into the millennium. Beyond this circle of waters, lands will emerge from the waters on which our Zion cities will be built. Those lands in the west, where there is already dry land, will also be populated with our cities of Zion. Soon the entire terrestrial realm will all become Zion, an abode for our chosen elect!"

July 5-7, 2024: After reading the above, I wondered if the actual current terrestrial earth that is largely covered with terrestrial waters, will remain terrestrial? The reason I wonder is because after the fall of man, the terrestrial earth and the telestial earth swapped places, and the terrestrial waters swapped places with the telestial waters. It was at that time that most of the terrestrial earth was covered with water, awaiting the changes coming in the last days.

I wonder if a modification of the swapping process this also occur at the second coming, with portions of the current telestial earth being changed into a new terrestrial earth. If this were to happen, then might not the current terrestrial earth and the terrestrial waters be transitioned to a telestial earth and water, and then be destroyed at the second coming? What would remain would be the changed telestial earth to a terrestrial earth, and telestial waters changed to terrestrial waters.

It is all so confusing to grasp by my finite mortal mind! I am now praying to my Heavenly Father, asking him to answer my question. I have no idea what he will speak to me, but I feel him near, ready to answer my question.

Heavenly Father then came before me, in my mind's eye, this morning on July 6th during my scripture study. He came in glory before me, and asked that I write his words. Here is what he spoke to me, written in my own words:

"Raphael, my son, the way that your Heavenly Mother and I, and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ transformed the telestial and terrestrial creations remains a mystery until today. I will explain what we did in the day of creation, in the day of the fall of man, of the future day at the second coming of Jesus Christ, and at the end of the millennium at the death of the earth.

In the beginning, before Adam and Eve were born on the earth, we created the physical earth in three realms: the telestial, the terrestrial and the celestial. All three had veils and were superimposed on each other. Each consisted of a physical earth, physical water, and physical atmosphere, each in their respective realms. There was no soil, plants or animals, nor any life in any of these realms. The only three entities were the mortal earth, the mortal water, and the mortal atmosphere, each created in three realms on the earth. Each entity controlled their respective elements in each of the three realms. All were created physically in their respective realms.

In addition, we created the highest celestial realm, where we who are Gods dwell and visit. In this highest celestial realm there was no need for any entity like earth, atmosphere or water since it is superimposed over all of the other three realms. When we visit any realm on the earth, and want to remain hidden, we dwell in this highest celestial realm. See your post 133F8-133F26 for more details about this highest realm.

We first populated the telestial realm of the earth with large plants and large animals, even before man came on the earth. These were brought from our celestial orb. Some of these plants were very large, and used only for creating soil, and not used in any other realm or time. We also brought large animals, many of which when dead were added to the dead plants to create soil, fossil fuels, and the rock layers of the earth where their remains are stacked on top of each other. These plants and animals remained for millions of earth years in this state, even to create the rock layers of the earth and the rich soils on her surface. Under these rock layers was the foundation rock of the telestial earth. This was all done on the physical telestial earth.

At the time that the rock layers and rich soil was being created on the telestial earth, the terrestrial and celestial earth each laid dormant. The terrestrial earth consisted of a terrestrial foundation rock layer, fully covered by terrestrial waters and terrestrial atmosphere. The celestial earth also consisted of a celestial foundation rock layer, also fully covered by celestial waters and celestial atmosphere.

At this end of the telestial creation of the rock layers and soil on the telestial earth realm, we caused all telestial life to end in this earthly realm, leaving behind the rock layers and rich soil on its surface. We replicated the telestial rich soil layers so that there were two soil layers.

We then focused our attention on the celestial creation of the earth. We brought the celestial earth out of the waters so that dry land appeared. We placed on this celestial earth the replicated telestial soil layer that had been created. We blessed the soil so that it would become celestial soil on the celestial rock foundation. At this time there was a celestial earth consisting of the rock foundation and soil, celestial waters, and celestial atmosphere on the celestial earth.

We then had our angels and celestial servants bring forth different plants, plant seeds and animals from our celestial orb and place them on the celestial earth. These propagated quickly on our celestial earth, and filled this realm with life. We created the celestial earth after the pattern of our celestial orb. It became a beautiful and glorious celestial realm.

At this time there were now four physical realms. The lower telestial realm consisted of soil and rock layers, a foundational rock layer, atmosphere and water. The terrestrial realm consisted of a foundational rock layer, atmosphere and water. The celestial realm consisted of plants, animals, soil, rock foundation, atmosphere and water. This celestial realm was fully created, beautiful and glorious. The fourth realm was the highest celestial realm where we Gods come and work from.

It was at this time that we wanted to bring Adam and Eve to the earth. However, we first wanted to create a beautiful terrestrial world for these to live in. We then chose to change the terrestrial realm into the telestial realm, and the telestial realm into the terrestrial realm. We did this change by our power of being Gods over our creations. When we made this switch, then the new telestial realm (the previous terrestrial realm) consisted of the foundation rock, water and atmosphere, all being now telestial. These telestial waters covered the rock foundation, and telestial atmosphere was above the waters.

At the time of the switch, the terrestrial realm consisted of fertile soil, the rock layers which had built up remains of dead plants and animals from millions of years, water in the oceans, rivers and clouds, and atmosphere. There was not yet live plants or animals on the terrestrial earth or waters.

We then focused our attention on finishing the creation of the terrestrial earth. We brought plants and animals from our celestial orb, and these propagated quickly on our new terrestrial earth. We followed the same pattern of creation as we did for the celestial realm on the earth, only not so glorious, but in a terrestrial state. The plants and animals soon transitioned from celestial to terrestrial entities.

Once the terrestrial earth was completed, we created a beautiful garden, eastward in Eden. Heavenly Mother then birthed Adam and Eve on the terrestrial earth in this garden of Eden (see your post 50B4 to 50B5). Here they were raised to adulthood. They were given celestial garments of light from birth so that they could always commune with us on the celestial earth. However, they had a terrestrial veil of forgetfulness over their minds so that they could not remember their previous premortal life. Your Heavenly Mother and I always dwelt in the celestial realm or highest celestial realm, but Adam and Eve lived in the terrestrial realm. See your notes dated May 26, 2024 in D&C 85:7.

We commanded Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth, a commandment they were not yet capable of but would be in the future. We also commanded them to tend and cultivate this garden, and to be happy in their new world together. They could eat of all the vegetables, fruits from the ground and trees in the garden but one. We gave them a commandment not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We said that if they ate of this fruit, they would surely die in the day they partook of it. As of that time, the earth still had its time reconning of one day to a thousand future years of earth time. The earth in its four realms was next to our celestial orb, for it had not yet been placed in the telestial area of our vast galaxy.

Once Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were removed from the garden of Eden. This was the fall of man. It was at that time that we chose to again switch the realms of the earth. We chose to make the telestial earth, which was under telestial water, to become the terrestrial earth. We brought up land out of the water on this terrestrial earth for a highway for the tribes of Israel to walk on in the last days, and much of the promised land area. The terrestrial earth then consisted of earth, water and atmosphere, with no life on its surface nor in the waters.

With the switch given above, the previous terrestrial earth outside of the garden of Eden became a telestial earth. The terrestrial plants and animals on its surface transitioned to telestial plants and animals. It was in this new telestial realm that Adam and Eve ventured forth from the garden of Eden. They could now fulfill the commandment to replenish and populate the earth with their own offspring.

The immediate garden of Eden area remained a terrestrial realm during the fall of man switch described above. The soil layers remained on this terrestrial area, whereas the other terrestrial areas after the switch, became a rock foundation, water and atmosphere only, with no soil layers or rock layers.

Shortly after the fall of man, the garden of Eden area, with its soil layer, joined the other terrestrial realm and became one with it. It was then submerged in the terrestrial waters, ready in a future day to emerge as the island of the New Jerusalem. This is why the land was muddy when it emerged out of the waters when you, Raphael, created by our power the island of the New Jerusalem: the mud was the original soil layer of the garden of Eden area. Were this soil not submerged there would have been no muddy water.

Once the terrestrial garden of Eden joined the submerged terrestrial rock foundation, we replaced where it was on the telestial earth with a replicated soil layer over the rock layers and the foundation rock that was there. This allowed all of the telestial earth to have a soil layer, a rock layer with the dead remains of plants and animals that once were on its surface, and finally a rock foundation.

Now that we are near the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, there will be another major change between the telestial realm and the terrestrial realm. The island of the New Jerusalem has already been brought forth from the terrestrial waters. The island, and much of the immediate surrounding area, has a soil layer so that plants and animals may abundantly grow and flourish. However, the remainder of the terrestrial land on the earth, excepting your own ___ acre property, does not have soil layer.

I will now explain how the terrestrial earth will receive its soil layer and rock layer of the remains of dead plants and animals from the earliest days of telestial creation.

When Jesus comes in glory, there will be another instant switch between the telestial and terrestrial realms in this way: the telestial soil, telestial rock layers, telestial rock foundation (that has been on your fallen telestial world since the fall of man) and telestial waters will transition immediately into the terrestrial realm. This will merge with the terrestrial New Jerusalem area and your terrestrial ___ acre property. At the time of this merging, the entire terrestrial earth will have a soil layer, a rock layer of the remains of the previous telestial creation, and a rock foundation. The bulk of the plants and animals that were on the telestial earth will also change into terrestrial plants and animals, and come into the new terrestrial earth. The terrestrial atmosphere will remain on this newly changed terrestrial earth.

At this same time of this switch, the previous terrestrial rock foundations and terrestrial water outside of the New Jerusalem will change to a telestial state. This changed telestial earth, consisting of the rock foundations, telestial water, and telestial atmosphere will all be consumed in the heat and fire from Jesus Christ when he comes to earth. There will be no more physical telestial anything, for all will have been consumed, including the telestial mortals on the earth. Our mortal telestial children will be ushered into the telestial realms of the dead which realm will remain through the millennium in the spirit world. The consumed physical lands, waters and atmosphere will return to elemental matter and be placed in a location outside the universe, where it was first obtained by your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and me. 

When the rock foundations of the terrestrial earth, with the elevated highway in the midst of the great deep, and the telestial earth switch, the elevated highway will then become telestial and will be destroyed. However, the monument created by the tribes of Israel when they entered the terrestrial realm will be preserved in the millennial day. See post 193A10-193A11.

The hidden treasures and records in the earth, that have been hid up to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, will also be preserved and transferred into the soil layers of the new terrestrial earth. These will be found by inspired men and women of God, and brought forth and shared with all those in the great millennial day when all things will be revealed.

In addition, all of the telestial pollutions that have accumulated since the fall of man will be extracted from the earth, atmosphere and water. These telestial elements will all also be consumed by the glory of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the new terrestrial earth will be fresh and clean of toxins, and will be like it was in the beginning when Adam and Eve were born on the terrestrial earth. The soils have provided well for all the living on the earth since the fall of man. Nevertheless, these will be renewed to the same state that they were in the beginning of man on the earth. Then will come to pass the words of Joseph Smith in the Articles of Faith 10: ". . . the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory."

Raphael, the terrestrial earth will remain in this state until the end of the millennium. At that time, Jesus Christ will consume the terrestrial realms of the earth, including the telestial and terrestrial realms of the dead, and the earth will die. When it is resurrected, it will come forth as a glorious celestial earth, an abode for those of my elect who become couple Gods in eternity. There will no longer be telestial or terrestrial realms on the earth, but only a celestial earth. The members of the Church of the Firstborn will all receive an inheritance on this eternal celestial earth. Your own celestial earth will have moved to her place next to our celestial orb, along with other celestial earths from previous eternities that are there. All the rest of our children will go to their eternal rewards of glory. Satan and those who remain with him to the end will receive no realm of glory.

This is the great mystery of how we created the earth, and how we will continue to have our beautiful creation last into the millennial world."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his extremely remarkable revelation to me this morning! It took me over two hours to receive. I have also reviewed and edited my words, with Heavenly Father at my side to insure all is correct. Oh, I am so grateful for such beautiful truths that he revealed to me! What a great mystery has been revealed! See also Moses 3:7 for supporting information to what Heavenly Father revealed today.

July 7, 2024: At church today I was pondering why God created both a telestial and terrestrial earth in the beginning, if one realm seemed to always be only a rock foundation, water and atmosphere. Couldn't our Heavenly Parents just have switched a single creation between the telestial and terrestrial realms?

As I wondered, I then thought that this would only work if one realm were used at a time. However, in the last days, God's plan was to bring the tribes of Israel from the north on the terrestrial highway, and to create the island of the New Jerusalem, all on the physical terrestrial earth. This occurs when the other telestial earth is filled with people. They are fully unaware what is happening on the physical terrestrial realm. It is also at this same time that the New Jerusalem celestial temple is constructed in the physical celestial realm.

Without the three physical realms of the earth, with their respective veils that protect them from each other, our Heavenly Parents's planned events of the last days could not happen.

I found the following very interesting about the veils between the realms of glory on the physical earth, which pertains to what I have written above:

131E2-131E5, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, we have described to you, starting five days ago, about the veils that protect our higher realms. These are real and tangible film-like barriers that prevent those in a lower order from seeing and passing into the superimposed realm of a higher order. There is also a veil of sorts over the mind of man. However, this veil is not a physical veil, but resides in the mind of our sons and daughters.

When we send forth our beloved sons and daughters into mortality, from our higher celestial realm of glory, they no longer have direct access to their unconscious mind. Their mind becomes divided into a conscious part and an unconscious part. The unconscious part is still very active but is not available to the active thoughts of our children in their fallen, telestial state. This separation of the conscious mind and unconscious mind is also a veil for our children.

Our mortal children therefore are prevented from seeing into the terrestrial, celestial or the highest celestial realms because of physical veils that protect those higher realms, but also have now no direct access to their own unconscious mind. They have no spiritual sight since they can no longer actively spiritually see, nor remember their previous life, for these are part of their hidden unconscious mind. They may hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, how we have always spoken to them, but it is also not nearly so clear. They need to quiet down and in a meditative prayerful state, reconnect to their own unconscious mind to which we speak. As they practice and become used again to hearing our voice, or our Spirit, they will find that we answer their petitions, and guide them through our Spirit. Our elect children are those who seek to hear and follow our Spirit. This becomes an anchor to their souls, brings them great peace and in this way we continually lead them.

In their premortal life, our spirit children experienced no division between their conscious and unconscious minds; for they had one mind. However, as part of their mortal test, we told them that their memories of their celestial life would be temporarily removed, and that their connection to us, their parents, would be much more difficult. Were they to casually live in mortality, they might even go their entire life without God, for it would take effort for them to communicate to us in their fallen world. The effort required would be to quiet down, be open in their conscious mind, and then to petition us in prayer in humility. We would speak to them in their hidden part of their mind, and speak to them quietly, even in their own thoughts and impressions. Our voice would be small and still, not in an audible voice, but in their thoughts and emotions, like we had almost always spoken to them in the past when they lived with us."

129C3-129C4, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, our strange work and strange act we are doing in these last days on earth has no precedence in our dealings with mankind on the earth. Therefore, all the many guesses of our children of how we will do our great work are misguided, for they think from their own perspective and from what they have read in the scriptures and in the historical records.

The great events leading to the second coming are in the spiritual realms of the earth. We are doing our work not through mortal prophets, but through celestial and terrestrial servants and angels. The work of spiritually gathering and protecting our elect will be done in higher spiritual realms rather than on the telestial sphere of the earth. Mankind will not see much of what we do, for we are orchestrating our great work behind the scenes and in secret. They will see the effects of our workings in these spiritual realms, but they will not see what we actually do through our many servants who labor in celestial and terrestrial spheres for the salvation of our elect. For those who only see in the telestial plane, it will look like God does not exist but that man is in control of the destiny of planet earth. The telestial cannot see into the higher, for the higher realms are not visible or understandable to them. However, for the humble and prayerful elect who live in your telestial world, they will know we are near, for they feel connected to their own higher spiritual selves. They have interactions with us their Gods and our servants we send to them to bless, protect and instruct them. They act in faith with a strong desire to believe and trust in their own inner self, and not the natural man or woman this is part of their mortal existence."

98H9, from Heavenly Father: "3 Nephi 22:3 "For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited."

These telestial cities in your day will be transformed into cities of great beauty and peace. Those who inhabit them will be the children of our elect who are now being born in your world.'"

158G5, from Heavenly Mother: "The mountain that is burning represents global economies of the world. Those are burning due to the global pandemic that was announced on 3-11-2020. It has now reached every nation of the world. Governments have issued edicts for businesses to close while the coronavirus spreads, in hopes to reduce casualties. Although its been only seven weeks in your country since this announcement that non-essential businesses have been closed, this has initialized a major disruption in the global economies of the nations. People are out of work, many businesses will never reopen, and the great mountain, or the economies of Babylon the Great, in part will fall. The economies are where people buy and sell, and this has been greatly curtailed, or will in the near future after Oriphiel sounds his trumpet of God. This is the first phase of the destruction of Babylon. There will be other destructions, including more plagues from the desolating sickness that will continue to cover the earth, and destructions by invading armies that will finally lay waste the cities of your own land (see 3 Nephi 22:3 and Isaiah 61:4)."

190H24-190H27, from Heavenly Father: "At some point, when the telestial land is devastated, those in the terrestrial world may build upon the structures in the cities and lands of the telestial world. (see 3 Nephi 22:3). This will be only for a limited time while the telestial realm remains on the earth. Once Jesus Christ comes in his glory, the telestial realm will altogether pass away, along with all the lands, geography, structures, and peoples on the telestial land.'

I asked about the animals and plants in the telestial world, if these would transition to the terrestrial realm before the telestial realm was removed.

Heavenly Mother responded to this question:

'Raphael, there will be several years that animals and plants may transition from the telestial to the terrestrial. This transition will occur under the supervision of your sister, Rachael (K). She is the female archangel of the elements and nature, and has stewardship over the telestial and terrestrial plants and animals (see your post 24D8 and 24D12). We will instruct her in the details of her calling in the near future. She will have the service of celestial beings in doing her great task, prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.

The animals and plants that remain on the telestial earth, when Jesus Christ comes in his glory, will not survive when the telestial realm is destroyed from the earth at that time.'"


3 Nephi 22:4-5
4 Fear not, for thou shalt not be ashamed; neither be thou confounded, for thou shalt not be put to shame; for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.

5 For thy maker, thy husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel—the God of the whole earth shall he be called.

Tue, Jun 4, 2024
Now Israel is married to the Lord after the great marriage of the Lamb. As such, we will forget largely the telestial world of evil where we came from, and the tribulations we experienced. We will find great joy in the world of peace that will be provided for us.


3 Nephi 22:14-17
14 In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear, and from terror for it shall not come near thee.

15 Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.

17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

141F1-141F9: "I have thought of these scriptures of protection for the righteous:

2 Nephi 30:8-10, 18

"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.

And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings."

D&C 97:22-25

"For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?

The Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;

For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.

Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her."

1 Nephi 22:17,19,22,24-25

"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.

And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded.

...And the time cometh speedily that the righteous must be led up as calves of the stall, and the Holy One of Israel must reign in dominion, and might, and power, and great glory.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture."

3 Nephi 22:14-15, 17

"In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear, and from terror for it shall not come near thee.

Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

...No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."

Moses 7:61

"And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve."

I have also wondered why there is often fire spoken of to protect the righteous prior to the Second Coming?

I feel relieved that God will protect and preserve the terrestrial elect! What a great blessing this will be!

I came this morning to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where I had seen the mirror-like surface of the lake on Thursday morning 10/24/2019. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came immediately beside me, smiling! Her light was not shining, for she looked like a normal person, but I knew her, particularly her eternity eyes.

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I appear to you this morning with no glory that you see from a normal person. This is how our terrestrial elect will appear to those who are telestial round them, prior to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.

However, we will entirely protect our terrestrial elect, even if it so be by fire that will consume the telestial wicked, our terrestrial will be preserved! The fire I speak of will be terrestrial fire at the second coming. At the end of the world, when the earth dies after the millennium, we will also send fire, but that will be celestial fire.'"

Wed, Jun 5, 2024
After the deliverance of Zion and the second coming of Jesus Christ, then comes great peace and freedom from oppression.


3 Nephi 22:17
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

Wed, Jun 5, 2024
This is the heritage of saved Israel upon the Americas after the cleansing of the land.


3 Nephi 23:1-3
1 And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.

2 For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people which are of the house of Israel; therefore it must needs be that he must speak also to the Gentiles.

3 And all things that he spake have been and shall be, even according to the words which he spake.

Mon, Aug 22, 2011
The words of Isaiah are for our day, days of the Gentiles


3 Nephi 23:9-13
9 Verily I say unto you, I commanded my servant Samuel, the Lamanite, that he should testify unto this people, that at the day that the Father should glorify his name in me that there were many saints who should arise from the dead, and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them. And he said unto them: Was it not so?

10 And his disciples answered him and said: Yea, Lord, Samuel did prophesy according to thy words, and they were all fulfilled.

11 And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not written this thing, that many saints did arise and appear unto many and did minister unto them?

12 And it came to pass that Nephi remembered that this thing had not been written.

13 And it came to pass that Jesus commanded that it should be written; therefore it was written according as he commanded.

113E2-113E7: "Heavenly Father appeared in front of me, smiling. He was bright and seemed so compassionate and accepting of me. I felt very comfortable to be in his presence. I spoke: 'Heavenly Father, I am so very grateful you have come to me this morning! I pray for those many people I know, family and friends, who are in such need!' (I then prayed for them specifically). 'I also feel very inadequate that I seem to make mistakes in hearing and writing the words from Heavenly Mother and you at times and that some of these go undetected. I believe this was the case in the discrepancy between post 84 and 112, about the presence of single celestial servants to the gods in eternity. I have now learned the truth, that only the couple gods are received into a final celestial glory.'

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, don't feel too inadequate that some small errors are left uncorrected in your posts for a time. These will all be corrected in the future like this small error in post 84. We allow these errors to be, for you are mortal and you are receiving our revelations very fast, hardly looking back on them once they are given to you. You are quite remarkable to be able to receive so much so quickly and there may be little errors or items needing clarification in the future as well. However, these will all be eventually corrected and your works will all be fully accurate. This is acceptable to us. We always ask each of our children who reads another's revelations to pray to us and verify whether what they read is exactly accurate. Each of our children needs to know for themselves, by our confirming voice, that what they are believing and accepting is fully from us, their God. If they find faults, these are the faults of men or women who wrote these words, as best they could discern, from our revelations to their souls. One mistake shouldn't discount the entire revelation, however.

Raphael, as far as the many posts you continue to share, these contain abundant truths from us, your Gods, many which have never before been revealed to man and many which also correct previously held scriptures among our people. We will eventually have all errors in our canon of scripture corrected. It is best to mark these with notes of correction, like Heavenly Mother asked you to do last night for your post 84. We want you to leave the original and correct it with a note of clarification so our children who read this in the future may know how the correction was received. They too will know you received all of our words in your weakness and that it is incumbent upon them to verify all scripture accounts with us.

It is not pleasing especially when our elect accept all words in our published scriptures as fully correct, without asking us if they have questions. We want them to always challenge and test, both their leaders and scriptures. Joseph Smith, the prophet, said that the Book of Mormon was the most correct book, but he didn't say it was exactly completely correct. Likewise, your revelations are almost 100% correct, but there have been an occasional error here and there. This is the nature of revealing our words through the minds of our children who then write our thoughts in their words.

When Jesus Christ examined the Nephite record, he asked Nephi, the current record keeper, to add some important information into his written record (see 3 Nephi 23:9-13). We have the option to add to and correct records that have been written that contain our many revelations.'

Heavenly Father was smiling and seemed to accept my efforts in writing down the many revelations that I have received to date. He then turned and I saw Enoch the prophet coming to us from his city with both of his arms filled with books. When he arrived, Enoch spoke: 'Raphael, our Father had asked that I come to show you some of our most important records that I have written of my own revelations. These are now bound in these volumes I am holding. I had received all of these by revelation, but continued to adjust these until they were correct enough to bind in these volumes so my people could read and study them. They are now correct and accurate, at least as best I can determine. I have received the confirming word of God that these records will also be published and freely made available to the elect during the great millennial day. They will come into the New Jerusalem library also, becoming a permanent part of that repository, as will your records you are now writing. All the people of God will have free access to the many records of God's children who receive personal revelations from the heavens, whose records are recorded like yours and like mine.

I thanked Enoch for showing me his records! I thanked my Heavenly Father for his consoling words also. I feel much better about all of this! I will continue to do my best and let come what may, realizing I am mortal and have weaknesses."

156D1-156D7: "I had another prayer while in bed last night. Heavenly Father confirmed to my mind that I had recorded Heavenly Mother's words correctly. He didn't appear to me, but whispered to me in my heart and mind.

I can really relate to Samuel the Lamanite in the Book of Mormon. The words of God came into his heart (see Helaman 13:3-5). Samuel had no idea apparently beforehand what he would receive, but just spoke as a conduit for God. He seemed to be open, humble and even put himself at risk by getting on the wall of the city of Zarahemla. The more part of the people rejected his words. Even after they couldn't hit him with their stones and arrows, they still "cried unto their captains, saying: Take this fellow and bind him, for behold he hath a devil; and because of the power of the devil which is in him we cannot hit him with our stones and our arrows; therefore take him and bind him, and away with him." The Savior even said that one part of the record of Samuel was left out of the Nephite record, and should be included in the record (see 3 Nephi 23:9-14).

I too want to be open and receptive, and write whatever comes into my heart from God I don't want to go back and edit these initial words except for grammar issues, for what I write under God's inspiration should stand and never be censored.

While writing this, Heavenly Mother came next to me and spoke to me. Her word flowed into my mind:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will freely speak to you in your mind and heart our will, even as you remain open and humble enough to receive them. You will continue to receive great revelations from us, for you write exactly what you receive without any restrictions on our words and thoughts.

Because of this same characteristic, Samuel, our ancient Lamanite prophet, was given by Jesus Christ many clear and plain prophecies that only the humble and elect among the Nephite and Lamanite peoples would believe. Others rejected these words, and tried to bind and destroy Samuel.

Were you to share our own prophecies that we have shared with you to your friends, family and neighbors, and people in your society, you would be rejected and labeled as a false prophet who possessed a devil. We do not want these many great revelations to come among the people now. We will wait until the wicked are destroyed and the righteous preserved by our matchless power.

Continue to write our words and the spiritual experiences that you have in your personal journal. The method of typing these up, editing for grammar issues, indexing and then distributing them to your small group on your email list is pleasing to us. We will preserve your account and publish it to the world at a later time, in our own way.'"


3 Nephi 24:1
1 And it came to pass that he commanded them that they should write the words which the Father had given unto Malachi, which he should tell unto them. And it came to pass that after they were written he expounded them. And these are the words which he did tell unto them, saying: Thus said the Father unto Malachi—Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in; behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Tue, May 21, 2024
See my note in Malachi 3:1. It is very clear that the Father commanded Jesus to share these words with the Nephites. It is also clear that the Father directly spoke to Malachi. This is the Father speaking to Malachi, not Jesus. When referring to Jesus, the Father uses the word "Lord". The messenger spoken here is not Christ, who is the Only Begotten and the Messiah of the Father, but an archangel named Raphael. The archangels are continually in the presence of the Father and Mother, and report directly to them.


3 Nephi 24:6
6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Tue, May 21, 2024
The faithful are not consumed like the rest of the telestial wicked at the Lord's coming. ______________________________

3 Nephi 25:1
1 For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

Tue, May 21, 2024
The burning in America and across the world is part of the cleansing of the telestial lands, removing all the telestial spent and people from the earth in preparation for the great millennial day.


3 Nephi 25:3
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Thu, Dec 1, 2011
The tribes of Israel and the 144,000 shall tread down the wicked invading army under their feet.


3 Nephi 26:2
2 And he saith: These scriptures, which ye had not with you, the Father commanded that I should give unto you; for it was wisdom in him that they should be given unto future generations.

Tue, May 21, 2024
We are of the future generations that Jesus refers to! These scriptures are now being unfolded before our eyes, and they relate to our very day.


3 Nephi 27:10-14
10 And if it so be that the church is built upon my gospel then will the Father show forth his own works in it.

11 But if it be not built upon my gospel, and is built upon the works of men, or upon the works of the devil, verily I say unto you they have joy in their works for a season, and by and by the end cometh, and they are hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence there is no return.

12 For their works do follow them, for it is because of their works that they are hewn down; therefore remember the things that I have told you.

13 Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.

14 And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil-

Sat, May 24, 2014
The church not only has to have the name of Christ to be his church, but has to be based on his gospel. If it isn't based on his gospel, even though it has his name on it, then it is not his church any longer. The people have to take upon them the name of Christ, and act in a Christ-like way for it to be called his church. Wards and branches can be different too--all based upon whether that ward is living or trying to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in their personal lives and in their interactions with others.


3 Nephi 27:13-21
13 Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.

14 And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil—

15 And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me, that they may be judged according to their works.

16 And it shall come to pass, that whoso repenteth and is baptized in my name shall be filled; and if he endureth to the end, behold, him will I hold guiltless before my Father at that day when I shall stand to judge the world.

17 And he that endureth not unto the end, the same is he that is also hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence they can no more return, because of the justice of the Father.

18 And this is the word which he hath given unto the children of men. And for this cause he fulfilleth the words which he hath given, and he lieth not, but fulfilleth all his words.

19 And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.

20 Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day.

21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;

138C3-138C9: "Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, my son, last night your Father and I asked Jesus Christ to come to you and explain the way that all of our faithful sons and daughters are brought into our presence. Some complete this journey in their mortal lives, and some in the world of the spirit dead. However, all who have come to earth who are faithful to the end have a journey to take that is narrow and strait, to prove them to see if they will do all things their Gods shall command them (see Abraham 3:25). On this journey, Jesus Christ speaks to them by his Holy Spirit, and I witness to them by the power of the Holy Ghost. These are baptized members of my true Church of Christ on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead. They have all passed by the gate and had their sins remitted by our Beloved Son and their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. They pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and we answer their requests through an increased level of guidance in their lives. These are our candidates that we prove and watch carefully, making sure that they put us first in their lives. These are our elect sons and daughters who hear and respond to us, to whom we guide carefully through their own times of trouble and choice.

Once Jesus fully proves them, and brings them through their journey into our presence at the tree of life, his guiding stewardship for them is transferred to us, your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We then continue to guide and direct them, our faithful elect sons and daughters.

Now when they partake of the Lord's sacrament they continue to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ, but then they will always remember us their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments. This sacrament covenant changes from obeying Jesus Christ to obeying us their Heavenly Father and me.

We will then continue to bless them with abundant revelations of truth and guidance in their lives. We will always be with them, whether with our Spirit or in our very persons like we have been with you.

It is at this time when our chosen son or daughter is elected into the Church of the Firstborn, where you and Oriphiel, our archangels, will receive them into our celestial church in the New Jerusalem temple. You will administer to each one the waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel will record this ordinance and write their premortal name in the Lamb's Book of Life. They will be exalted in the future and become couple Gods in eternity, just like your Father and I are.

This process and journey, from the beginning by baptism in the Church of Christ to completion of their final binding ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple by the angels of God, and later by us their Gods on our celestial or and on their own resurrected celestial earth, is the way we exalt our beloved faithful children. We have done this for all of our children, for every previous eternity who have come into mortality and accepted our ways and truths. We do this again for our children in this your own eternity, and for all future eternities. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the path to eternal life.

3 Nephi 27:13-21:

"Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.

And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil—

And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me, that they may be judged according to their works.

And it shall come to pass, that whoso repenteth and is baptized in my name shall be filled; and if he endureth to the end, behold, him will I hold guiltless before my Father at that day when I shall stand to judge the world.

And he that endureth not unto the end, the same is he that is also hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence they can no more return, because of the justice of the Father.

And this is the word which he hath given unto the children of men. And for this cause he fulfilleth the words which he hath given, and he lieth not, but fulfilleth all his words.

And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.

Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;""


3 Nephi 27:21
21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;

Mon, Sep 18, 2023
We know what we must do in the church (live the gospel of Jesus Christ, and strive to do the works of Jesus that we see him do). If we don't then it is no longer his church. See D&C 10:67, where Jesus defines his church as those who repent and come unto him.


3 Nephi 27:23-26
23 Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those which are forbidden.

24 Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

25 For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men.

26 And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged.

138N4-138N12, from Heavenly Father: "In the future Church of Christ, the law of witnesses will continue to be operative in that church.

D&C 6:28

"...and in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."

Witnesses need not be a priesthood or high priestess holder, but should be a member of the Church of Christ in good standing. All members who are baptized may act in a witness capacity in whatever ordinance they may witness. We do not require anyone with any authority or special calling to be a witness. If needs be, they may stand at the judgment bar, stating what they witnessed in the flesh. We also have all ordinances written and properly recorded, both in the Church of Christ and in the Church of the Firstborn.

3 Nephi 27:23-26

"Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those which are forbidden.

Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men.

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged."

Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to have records written both on earth and in heaven, of the works of our children who live on the earth. We command every one of our children to record their own inspirations and revelations they receive from us, their Gods, in their own personal journals. We also have ordinances recorded in the organized churches we have established and sustain. These words are written on earth. If necessary, we may go back in time to the event that was recorded and see the records of that time, as written buy our faithful witness.

In the terrestrial realm of the spirit dead, we also have faithful elect assigned to write a record of the important events of our people in mortality. Those who record these things write them in a book that is preserved in that realm and stored in organized repositories. These records are those written in heaven of the proceedings of our children on earth. Those who record these things are given permission to view into the mortal lives of their assigned people. Those who witness and record the events of the people are not the same as those who are guardian spirits, which are usually of the same family line as the one they assist and protect on the earth.

The ultimate record of the faithful that will last into eternity is the Lamb's Book of Life. Only Oriphiel, our called and assigned archangel, will write in this Book of Life, save a few entries by your Heavenly Mother. We will keep this permanent record in eternity in the library in the New Jerusalem that will be constructed for the purpose to hold and keep the sacred records of this eternity.

All other important records, journals, and scriptures will also be preserved and held throughout eternity in the New Jerusalem library. These will be for the gods to review and read in eternity, even as they desire. They will be a record of all the important events, ordinances, and recordings of this entire eternity. Records from the premortal life of our children will also be housed in that library. By this means, all things will be kept in order, for my house is a house of order. (see D&C 88:119).

All previous eternities also have their own set of records that now are housed in their own resurrected celestial earths. All records of the final judgments of each one of our children are also written and stored in their own library in their celestial city on their own earth. We know and remember all of their works and proceedings and know where the written records are kept. Such will be the case one day when your eternity is finally closed and your earth is resurrected.'"

161E7-161E11: "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have also been recording your own journal in heaven. This celestial journal is recording the celestial realm events as we reveal them to you. This includes the sequences of the meetings, the activities of various groups of our called servants in our higher terrestrial and celestial realms, both on the earth and on our celestial orb, and in the spirit world. You are aware of all these things in all of our creations for this current eternity, as we reveal them to you.

We want everything written in the books that will be preserved, both from earthly records and heavenly records. Jesus Christ said these words to our Nephite leaders:

3 Nephi 27: 23-26

"Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those which are forbidden. (Raphael now we want all the secrets of our revelations written by you and others).

Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men. (Your records will be shared extensively in our millennial day, for the faithful to read and rejoice in these truths)

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged. (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father)"

Raphael, these last days events are now continually before us, for we see the hearts and know the minds of all of our children in mortality. We also see the past and future as clearly as we view the present, for all is before us. We are fully in charge of this great transitional work of cleansing the earth of the wicked, and preparing her for a habitation of our elect who now live on her surface and who are now coming as babies on the earth. This is our strange work, and strange act. No mortal man knows how all the events and actions of your day will play out. You do know of our promises of a better day, and of the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Keep these views in your heart and mind during the coming days of increased spiritual darkness that will soon descend upon the earth.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their clear words today! Heavenly Father then showed me where my heavenly journals were kept in this domed room. I had access to these records, and added my latest entry daily to these records. These, he said, would ultimately be transferred to the New Jerusalem library once the millennium is completed and the earth becomes a celestial abode for the inhabitants living on her surface. Then all things celestial would also be revealed to everyone who receives that same glory as their inheritance."


3 Nephi 28:1
1 And it came to pass when Jesus had said these words, he spake unto his disciples, one by one, saying unto them: What is it that ye desire of me, after that I am gone to the Father?

165L3-165L17: "Heavenly Father spoke to their Beloved Son: 'Our Only Begotten Son, we are glad that you have come to join us for this meeting! Your Heavenly Mother and I wish you to be the concluding speaker in our meeting. We will have Raphael announce your arrival, having the entire congregation greet you on bended knee. Once you arrive in glory below, as your desire, have them resume sitting or standing, and then address the activities of the group of servants you are managing and directing in the terrestrial realms on the earth. When finished, then return to us here.'

Jesus Christ said he would do so.

I then was consciously immediately at the podium. I said to the audience these words:

'My beloved brothers and sisters who serve tirelessly our Heavenly Parents in the celestial realms on the earth, we will have one last speaker before concluding this wonderful meeting.

Will all of you come to your knees to greet Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, who will shortly arrive before us and address us?

The entire congregation then knelt in place, anticipating the appearance of Jesus Christ! I stepped back to my place on the stand and knelt also. I then saw Jesus come in a bright column of light from the ceiling directly above me! He descended slowly until his feet touched the top of the podium. The entire assembly hall, the ceiling and walls, then became transparent as Jesus Christ increased in light and radiance! All of us who were called and chosen celestial servants of God surrounded our glorious Redeemer, from in front and behind, and above him. His radiant light, accompanied by great love and acceptance, filled our hearts. When he then spoke, he was speaking as if he was only addressing each one of us.

He called me by name and spoke to me. I knew he was individually speaking also to each one in this assembly by their premortal name, at the same moment!

'Raphael, I love you, and wish to share with you the great love that your Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and I have for you! We are very pleased that you too are chosen and elected, and have eagerly agreed to serve and help us rescue your fellow elect brothers and sisters who are now living on the mortal earth. They are the recipients of your constant care and service now. Oh how we love you as our servant, and them as our mortal children!

His light started to diminish, and he then asked each of us to resume standing or sitting as we had done before he came. He then came behind the podium and spoke again:

'My fellow servants, I have been asked of our Heavenly Parents to share with you the great work that I am directing in the terrestrial realms on the earth. Our elect, whom we both serve and love, are terrestrial mortal beings now, although few of them realize this. They are protected by the corona fire of our Heavenly Mother, and are easily distinguished by us who work in their behalf in either the celestial or terrestrial realms on the earth. They are in all varied conditions now as the tribulations coming upon them are set to increase in intensity. Our mission is to jointly help influence and entice them to pray, in humility and openness of heart, to our Heavenly Father and/or our Heavenly Mother, in my name, calling upon us from the depths of their heart for protection and direction. In return, our Heavenly Parents will send us, their fellow elect servants, to minister to them as we are directed. Our Heavenly Parents and I will also reveal ourselves gradually to them, in our own way, in order to reestablish a goodly connection with them. In time, I will also come to each one individually, accept and redeem them fully, and introduce them to their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother again. I will also elect them into my Church of the Firstborn, each at their own time and condition as agreed upon between our Heavenly Parents and myself.

I have a large body of servants who labor like you do in this celestial realm, but who labor for me in the terrestrial realm on the earth. There is a veil between us and the mortal elect, so they cannot see us unless we choose to show ourselves to them.

Our terrestrial group of servants consist of the host of the righteous dead who dwell in the paradise of God in the world of the spirits surrounding the earth, and other mortal elect who are living on earth and called as part of the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of the house of Israel. This latter group is now organized, taught and empowered to act under my direction, and that of my called leaders in that group. They work side by side with those who have been also called as terrestrial servants from the paradise of God. They also together help guard and protect, influence for good, and inspire the host of terrestrial mortal elect on the earth. Those who are servants and recipients generally cannot see you in the celestial realm, for there is a veil that prevents them from seeing you. However, the mortal elect can feel the combined influence of both the terrestrial and celestial servants. Were there a need to transport our mortal elect out of their circumstance, this generally would be done with those I direct in the terrestrial realm. We will move many as the circumstances worsen on earth, all in an attempt to save our elect so they might continue to grow in their experience, and ultimately be brought into the terrestrial millennial world coming to the earth. For those who desire and are chosen, we may also bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem, even the place where Raphael will have established the celestial Church of the Firstborn, with the help of many of you who labor in the celestial realms.

This is my celestial church, even named after me who am the Firstborn of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I have redeemed and sanctified each one of you to also come to my church, and receive in your own time the glory of the kingdom of God, even of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and dwell with us in the celestial glory in eternity!'

Jesus stopped and looked around. He then spoke to each of us individually in our thoughts, and asked of us what he might do for us. This was surprising to me, but I immediately responded back to him in my thoughts, to strengthen my loved ones in my earthly family, and to help me in my service as Raphael as our Heavenly Parents would ask of me. I then felt the smile of Jesus come upon me, for I could envision this in my mind also!

I know Jesus had done the same for each one in our large congregation. I thought of the scripture in 3 Nephi 28:1-

"And it came to pass when Jesus had said these words, he spake unto his disciples, one by one, saying unto them: What is it that ye desire of me, after I am gone to the Father?"

I then returned to the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Jesus then soon returned and reported back to both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Once done, Heavenly Mother spoke to him:

'Our Beloved Son, we are pleased how you have interacted with and blessed our elect servants in the celestial realms in this meeting! Oh, we so love you, our Son!'

She then reached forward and embraced Jesus, her Firstborn Son. I felt her and Heavenly Father's deep love for their Beloved Son at that moment! Oh, what care and love they have for him!"


3 Nephi 28:4-10
141A2-14 And when he had spoken unto them, he turned himself unto the three, and said unto them: What will ye that I should do unto you, when I am gone unto the Father?

5 And they sorrowed in their hearts, for they durst not speak unto him the thing which they desired.

6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.

7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.

8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father.

9 And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.

10 And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are one;

41A13: "I came to the desert oasis tonight, next to the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would be coming. I was kneeling, waiting for his appearance. He then appeared, sitting on the bench to my right! He motioned for me to stand and sit next to him.

I did so, and after being seated, he put his right arm on my leg and spoke:

'Raphael, the primary reason we are elevating you and our elect to a terrestrial state is for you to be freed from Satan's power, to be able to endure the hardships that will be facing the world, and to fill you with more light and love to minister our love to those around you.

D&C 76:71 speaks of the qualifications of the terrestrial. These are honorable men and women in their life, and merit a final terrestrial glory as the moon is compared to the stars (the telestial) or the sun (celestial).

As far as the changes in the physical bodies for our terrestrial mortal children however, there is very little change that one could detect except a few things, including increased light and love that emanates from their being. This increase of light will cause greater clarity in all areas of perception, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The physical mortal body will become more robust and strong, better able to withstand the vicissitudes of life and rigors of physical labor and physical endurance. Pain in the body will become minimal and sickness will be infrequent.

Most people who are of the telestial realm will not be able to perceive a difference in those who are terrestrial.

However, most who are terrestrial will know, in time by their increased spiritual perceptions, those who are also terrestrial like themselves. They will similarly be able to tell those who are translated to a terrestrial glory, like those who are of the 144,000.

The translated terrestrial and the millennial terrestrial (or those who are changed to a terrestrial state without a terrestrial translation) have similar physical bodies. However, the translated are not subject to death, but the seeds of death are delayed until they are to be resurrected.

They will die at the appointed hour and then be immediately resurrected to a celestial glory. This is the state of the three disciples of Jesus that he changed to a terrestrial translated state as recorded in 3 Nephi 28:4-10.

Those who are translated to a terrestrial glory will "not have pain while (they) dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world" (3 Nephi 28:9). They will also be blessed to be able to go to the terrestrial world of the spirit dead, and the terrestrial realms on the earth. In this latter realm, they may instantly travel using their portals. This will be part of their mission as the 144,000 to "bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn." (D&C 77:11). They will be given power to protect, teach and transport their converts to safe places and to the city of the New Jerusalem.

Those who are millennial terrestrial mortals will generally not have these same capabilities of travel that the translated will possess in their physical bodies.

Our celestial translated angels and servants work in the celestial realms on the earth, in their spirit, resurrected and replicated physical translated states. They are not seen by the telestial or terrestrial mortals. If they are dwelling in mortality, they are either in a telestial or terrestrial mortal state. They act and fulfill their mission in our celestial realms, but while on earth are normal and non-suspecting individuals. You and our mortal angels are regular people in your communities on earth, with normal families and circumstances, but are very actively working for your Heavenly Mother and I in our celestial realms on the earth.

We have servants and our elect who are in many states of glory and translation. This might all seem confusing, but all is part of our overall scheme and plan for these last days' events.'"


3 Nephi 28:6-10
6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.

7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.

8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father.

9 And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.

10 And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are one;

134E10, from Heavenly Father: "Raphael, you wondered about my three disciples that were translated to a terrestrial glory when Jesus Christ came among the Nephites. (see 3 Nephi 28:6-10). These are still abroad in the land, and serve my elect in secret. Some of the accounts you read about last night were true stories of them serving our elect. They will join the 144,000 who are now starting to be translated, to also serve the elect, even as the three Nephite disciples. They are all subject to the directions of Jesus Christ whom they serve. They will help in the great work of gathering my elect to safe garners around the earth. This will be in the day of coming days of increased tribulations. When the time comes, they will also gather those elect to the New Jerusalem, to the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 77:11).'"


3 Nephi 28:6-7
6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.

7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.

Sat, Apr 20, 2024
Jesus knows our thoughts, and rewards us according to our desires. A translated person never tastes of death, and will live until Jesus comes again in his glory. They also will not have pain, and the only sorrow will be for the sins of the world.

Added on April 7, 2024:

R's Translation

*On February 8, 2013: The translation process began on 2/8/2013 (day 1)

In a meditative state, the impression came that I would be translated, that my body would be revitalized.

I noticed a strong sinew, connecting the top of my head to Jesus Christ, or heaven. It was at first reddish in color, or like a muscle (see image to the right).

Also I had a feeling of being clothed like with a mantle over my shoulders and arms to envelop my whole being.

I felt my “Calling and Election” was made sure.

*On February 11, 2013: “After working on my son, doing energy work, I felt quite happy and grateful in my prayer with Heavenly Father. I felt the love of Jesus, and, in my mind’s eye, could sense Him coming to me and embracing me. I felt He told me something (not sure what it was yet), and then I saw Him in my mind’s eye, back off and then leave. After He left, I noticed the ‘sinew’ from my head to Him or heaven, was no longer like a muscle, reddish, but instead it was white and full of light. It was connected to a bright place, just like a few feet up, which opened up to celestial light.”

This sinew light, in retrospect, was really my crown chakra being lit up by heaven’s light. This visit from Jesus Christ was one of the first that I had ever experienced.

This sinew continued to connect the top of my head to heaven. This encompassed my crown chakra.

I also received a “mantle”- a feeling of being clothed, like with a mantle, over my shoulders and arms which enveloped my whole being.

The white sinew and mantle were on the outside of my head and body. These were filled with light which came from above (heaven’s light, light of Jesus).

The mantle itself represented love and charity:

D&C 88:125: “And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace.”

When my remaining 6 chakras inside my body were later “lit up” on the inside, the outside light (sinew and mantle) merged with the inside light.

This “oneness of light” was symbolic of me being led by the will of God.

The sinew and mantle provided light and protection to my whole being.

I could continually see above me, above the sinew and mantle, a bright light from heaven above.

My spirit later could actually go up the sinew into the heavenly place which is full of light (spirit world).

*On February 17, 2013: “The pineal is the link of our mind/ spirit to the Spirit World. By developing it, we develop more and more the ability to see energy, for energy is spirit connection. In 3 Ne 28, Jesus touched the disciples with his finger. Where did He touch them? Where was He directing his energy? I believe He touched them on their forehead, with His finger. His focus was deep in their brain, their pineal, for the 3 that was the start of the translation process. I believe this is where translation starts, and there begins the translation process. It is a process, and a change that occurs in the body.” (in 3 Ne 28:12, it records that Jesus touched all but the 3 with his finger. I believe He also touched the remaining 3 on their forehead, focusing on their pineal to initiate the translation process. I received this thought after praying.)

I went to my pineal gland, filtered it energetically, found “thickened sand-like substance, molasses- like” (represented aging, or mortality time-table. My pineal was about 67 years old, equivalent. I was 62 at the time.).

I felt impressed to give my pineal a priesthood blessing that the translation process begin for the pineal.

Next I filtered the pineal gland again. I got the same “thickened sand-like substance, molasses-like” stuff. This represented a future buildup of my pineal for the rest of my mortal life.

I filtered until nothing was left in the pineal.

I felt that my pineal would be instrumental in changing the rest of my body to a translation state, sometime in the year 2013.

When I left, the pineal was lit up brightly from inside my head, the white sinew and mantle were on the outside of my head and body. The lights from all these sources were merging.

I felt that the pineal would continue to be fed from the white sinew and mantle light from above. This “oneness of light” is symbolic of me being led by the will of God

I received a visit in the spirit (in my mind’s eye) of Jesus Christ who gave me a blessing about my future mission. My spirit was also embraced the Savior.

I felt to question all that had happened. I concluded it was all true.

Now my crown chakra (the sinew light) and my brow chakra (pineal) were beaming brightly.

This process with the pineal was repeated for each of the remaining 5 chakras.

*On February 18, 2013: I cleansed and lit up the remaining 5 chakras in this order (2/18/2013, day 10): heart chakra thyroid chakra solar plexus chakra sacrum chakra root chakra

This consisted of healing passes/healing filters with my energized hands and healing priesthood blessings by myself on each chakra point.

I eliminated "thickened sand-like substance, molasses-like” (represented aging, or mortality time-table) on each chakra. All the chakras became brilliant white and far exceeded their normal bounds.

*On February 23, 2013: This occurred on 2/23/2013 (day 15)

I felt impressed to filter, so I did it 4 times over the entire body—front to back, head to feet, back to front, and then very slowly to catch all the remaining (100%), feet to head. I used both of my “spirit” hands. What I filtered was not visible but it was tangible.

Each succeeding pass collected a lower amount. I wondered what this transparent material was, and found out when I asked, that it was the “seeds of death”, in all my body tissues in my physical body.

During the last pass, from my feet to my head, I felt like I had just energetically filtered all (for the last time, so all the seeds of death were removed)—then I felt floating or free somehow.

Then I felt more that way over all of me. It is like I was free now to more easily move about. I tried to imagine myself going through the ceiling and soon I was on the top of the house—all in my mind’s eye. It was a very natural feeling.

Next, I thought about the light at the crown of my head, and felt it overcome my head and gently but fully pour over me—my entire body. It pushed out something and filled me with light, heaven’s light, and had the additional purpose of purging my entire body—all cells, of impurities and such. I felt this purification process was now to be ongoing for some period of time.

*On February 28, 2013: “I started with prayer and spent a lot of time visualizing what I most prayed for. I thought I was sitting on a chair in a very lovely place, where there was lush, green grass, pools of water, trees, flowers—very heavenly! I was awaiting a visit from my Savior. He came from around the corner, having a golden tunic on. I came to Him and fell on my knees, thanking Him for all He has done for me. All this was mostly in my mind’s eye, and not super close, but nevertheless what I was visualizing. I believe one day it will be very real and in my full person. It was like I was watching this as a spectator, not really as a participant.”

Jesus then wanted to know what I really wanted.

I feel this is the question each of us really need to deeply consider.

Jesus asked me this question twice, on day 3 and on day 20.

After I told Jesus what I really wanted, He said that they would be granted!

I believe our desire is often aligned with our mission and His desire for us.

These blessings were received on days 26, 27, and 30 by from Jesus Christ to my spirit by the laying on of His hands. I believe these blessings will gradually be fulfilled in my life, and most were not immediately given.

Promised to be the extension of the hands of Jesus to encourage, bless, comfort, direct, teach and love His children.

Blessed with purity of mind and heart.

Promised that I would receive a portal.

Promised to have abundant love for the people.

Promised that my hands will be filled with healing power.

That which I ask of God will be granted, for I will ask that which is just and righteous.

When I call on His name, He will always come.

He will be my friend.

All events in my life will be orchestrated by God.

Angels in numbers will be sent to attend me, Jesus will come and be with me.

Those I bless will have an added measure of the Spirit with them, and angels above will attend them and protect them based on my prayers and blessings for them.

Promised that I would see people with God’s perspective.

Told that I would know what He (Christ) suffered for the people I would serve so as to love them more fully.

Promised to gain increased perception of people’s motives, their lives, their needs so I will know how to love them more fully.

Promised I would have many opportunities to serve and love His children.

My mission would be to uplift, support, serve, to care for, to listen, to bless in secret.

Promised that He would move along the translation process.

Told to use anonymity in the energy healing work that I will be doing.

Promised that He would give me a seer stone to give me much added knowledge in due time.

Told that I have been redeemed and purified as the Nephites of old in 3rd Nephi of the Book of Mormon.

Promised that my body will be strengthened and that my mind will be sharpened.

Assured that my joys will be deeper and will increase.

Promised that Jesus will go before me and will be my constant companion.

I believe this step is specific to the weaknesses of the person being translated. For me, this occurred on 3/3 and 3/5/2013 (days 23 & 25)

I then felt intense, brilliant light from Jesus Christ which had the effects of cleansing and purifying me.

I felt distinctly 2-3 areas in my head and also a few in my heart that needed more purging.

I felt the rest of me was being cleansed and filled, but that there were no more obstructions like I felt in my brain and heart.

While taking the sacrament, I felt like a cleansing of my mind and heart happened, so that He took all those issues away. I felt I had 2 areas that I needed further adjustment in and a course correction: 1) I have been in the habit, or fear, of what people think, and 2) I have wondered what the future holds, sometimes more than what the present holds.

When I meditated on these two things, I could feel the light washing over me like fluid, like water, cleansing my mind without obstruction anymore.

*On March 5, 2013: I felt somehow transfigured. I prayed that the seeds of mortality, or seeds of aging, be all washed away. Inside I felt light and life, beaming from within me (seems like at my 7 chakras) so that light came out of me to the outside of my body. I also felt that the light stream down from heaven too—principally throughout my head (crown chakra), down through the head, neck, torso and rest of my body. My arms were transmitters of this light and I could direct it where I moved my arms and hands. I truly felt pure and cleansed, white and bright.

*On March 13, 2013: I pushed out something invisible and large out of my body. When I asked, the words “natural man” came to me.

It was huge, so had to be divided into 2 parts to get it all the way out. I removed it by the power of Christ, the light pushing it away until it vanished.

It seemed my body was all transparent, yet it was filled with light and transformed or transfigured in some way.

*On March 14, 2013: Prayed to have the mindset of God, to eliminate my own mindset.

I felt impressed to do a healing pass on my head, back to front. A “leathery shell” was peeled off before the wall of light.

I perceived this represented my “mortal perspective and feelings”. Underneath would be the perceptions of God, His views, His care and understandings of people and things.

I prayed for the Savior to come, and He came immediately, and laid His hands on my spirit head.

In the blessing, He blessed me to have the perspective of God in my mind and heart.

I embraced Jesus and perceived the wounds in his feet.

*on March 20, 2013: Jesus came and laid His hands on my spirit head. He gave me the blessing of sanctification.

I was blessed to be freed from the temptations of the flesh, and that Satan would have no more power over me.

I was promised that who I bless, He will bless, and who I curse, He will curse. I will have His power to be with me.

I was told again I would do many acts of love and service to those He loves with anonymity.

*On March 28, 2013: I felt to do a healing/clearing pass on myself, from the top of my head to my feet. Some “white powdery stuff ” came out.

This represented “generational weaknesses” I had in my body.

These were now gone from my body.

*On April 2, 2013: I felt to start clearing the “fear of man”, starting at the top of my head and passing with my “spirit” hands to my feet.

When done, there was a limp deflated “me” on the ground which I gladly sent away.

I did a healing pass again, this time to bless me with full dependence upon God for my every want and desire.

Jesus then came and embrace me and smiled. He promised to be with me continually. I felt a great peace and contentment.

*On April 5, 2013:

I asked what I should do next in my translation process. The words “vitality and strength” came into my mind.

I then gave my body a priesthood blessing of vitality and strength needed for a translated person.

I did a healing pass on my body to push out the weaknesses of my body, and to replace these with strength and vitality.

When done, there was a “gummy-rubbery substance” at my feet, representing my physical weaknesses that were pushed out.

Jesus next came and laid His hands on my spirit head and blessed me with vitality and strength for every situation that I would find myself in.

I was blessed in the future not to get sick, to not require as much sleep as before, and to not have weaknesses of the flesh to cause me to stumble and fall.

*On April 9, 2013: Jesus introduced me to my portal.

I saw my portal which was given to me by my Heavenly Father in my premortal room.

I visited my premortal room and surrounding area and described these in my journal.

I thought I saw Heavenly Father when He first gave me my portal.

I then saw Jesus on the right hand of the Father when I prayed from then on, if I prepared myself in a meditative, prayerful state.

*On April 20, 2013: From my journal: “Today I had the most incredible experience of my life!”

Heavenly Mother came during the last day of an energy class I was attending and revealed to me “God’s Loving Embrace”. It was truly amazing and very overcoming to me.

I felt that the coming of Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would not have happened had I not been prepared by having the translation process in effect.

*on April 30, 2013: While doing “God’s Loving Embrace” on myself, I experienced the love of heavenly parents on the first step, and the love of Jesus on the second step. Both were deeply moving.

Then I experienced the purification step by the Holy Ghost. He came into my body and pulled more things out of my “hidden” core. These lodged outside of my body after being removed by Him. These were also symbolic. Once removed, they stayed outside of my body and gradually disappeared.

I felt very “squeaky clean” and pure. There was a slight bluish hue to my clean spirit (the word sapphire came into mind)

*On May 3, 2013, exactly 12 weeks from the start:

I had “God’s Loving Embrace” done on me by Heavenly Father. I experienced the “golden rings of fire”, the last time I needed it, He said.

I asked, what is happening to me? I heard the words of my Heavenly Father come into my mind and tell me this was part of the final translation process. He expressed His love for me, and His desire to allow me to minister to His children. He said He would answer my every prayer too.

My body then seemed to be making a final transformation, like being “atomized”, where all the particles of my body were seeming to be reorganized and put back together again, according the the will of God.

From my personal journal March 12, 2014: “I have been impressed how I had ancestors helping me lots, and then how Jesus came, and then came increasingly so, and then the Father started coming, and finally Heavenly Mother came on April 20, 2013, totally unexpectedly! It has been so gradual!

I am very grateful that I have taken detailed notes in my journal and on the computer, to document my daily thoughts, actions and revelations. When I look back, I really see how it all seems to be orchestrated, in a gradual, step-by-step process of change and training. It seems that God has a plan, a master plan, and patiently and gradually works that plan until I change to the person He wants me to become. This is very thrilling and faith-promoting to me.”

This process of translation took exactly 12 weeks to the day (84 days). I didn’t know this until I transcribed my journal and counted the days.

12 is a very significant number in Hebrew numerology and symbolizes “God’s power and authority” and “completeness”.

“Twelve can be found in 187 places in the Bible. Revelation alone has 22 occurrences of the number. The meaning of 12, which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. It can also symbolize completeness.”

“Twelve is the number of what is completed, which forms a whole, a perfect and harmonious unit. In the ancient civilizations, like Oriental and Judaic, it corresponds to the plenitude, the completion and the integrality of a thing.”

I believe it was also not coincidental that the timing started on the correct day so that I could be ready to receive what was to come, particularly on Apr 20, 2013 when Heavenly Mother came.

*on May 16, 2014: I went on a hike with my son and his boys on a fathers-and-sons campout.

I slipped at the top of a very steep rock slide on the mountain we were hiking on. I went head-first, somersaulting over the rocks!

The next moment I found myself sitting on the rocks below, and only my right hand and forearm each had a small scrape. I was fully protected miraculously from a potentially disastrous fall. I can only think this protection occurred because I was translated.

"**Terrestrial verses Telestial mortal

Terrestrial heals 10x faster than telestial.

You also asked about why the remedies you test for now are so much lower in amount than they have been in the past. This is because your wife is now fully transitioned to be a terrestrial mortal individual. She needs so much less remedies to help her heal that she needed in the past when she was a telestial mortal person. Your energy testing results are accurate.

In addition, a terrestrial mortal has greater power to direct their own body defenses to fight infections that may come upon them in the flesh than were they still telestial. This is a great blessing they now have. This capability will greatly help them survive the difficulties in the days ahead. When they take helpful remedies, they will also be able to use these much more effectively in healing their own body.

A mortal terrestrial will still suffer ills, aches and pains and other ailments in the flesh.


The main purpose of translation is to access unconscious mind in celestial realms.

The condition of having a base mortal terrestrial being allows them to continue with physical replication in the celestial realm.

Some may still die, then they would continue on in the celestial realms in their spirit only.

Translation is required for a mission during the millennium without being resurrected.

The eternal ordinances which are part of the celestial temple in the NJ are part of the terrestrial earth.

The ordinances are to be done by translated angels, and will continue to end of millennium before their resurrection.

Those translated may choose to eat or not to eat once fully translated.

A celestial translation will suspend the seeds of death until your mission is completed, or when you are resurrected in the celestial realms and continue your mission.

There is a power of replication for those translated to a celestial glory.

The ability to enter the higher celestial realm is given by ordination.

The 144,000 are translated to a terrestrial level, and have no power of replication, but have a protective layer of the higher terrestrial glory while living or working in the telestial mortal realm. These may appear or disappear from the telestial realms of glory as they transition into the terrestrial world.

The 144,000 use their own portals to move between the realms of glory, and to bring with them the elect into the terrestrial realm

Portals are also used between telestial and celestial realms for the mortal angels.

Mortal translated angels may replicate in their physical or in spirit in the celestial realm.

Multiple replication is possible, either in the celestial realms on the earth or on the celestial orb, for as many times as required by your mission.

Translation will allow you to appear like others in the telestial mortal earth, and later to others in the terrestrial mortal earth.

God's desire is for his mortal angels to continue in secret among men, and act and function in the celestial realms as they live in the mortal realms among men.

These have normal body appetites and functions.

In celestial realms, mortal angels have celestial glory, acting in power as angels of God.

In the terrestrial mortal world, mortal angels will function as other terrestrial mortals in that world.

For mortal angels in the millennium, your minds will be merged, so conscious and unconscious are very much in one mind. You will have full participation and awareness of working in this celestial realm, even though your base self will be back on the terrestrial mortal earth living there. You have to be in a replicated celestial self when you labor or work in the celestial realm because you would still be a terrestrial mortal on earth living there.

In the millennium, your mortal terrestrial self will be living in the city of the New Jerusalem, and acting like other mortal beings on the terrestrial earth. You will have a house and land, a garden, and will be involved in your community. Instead of dying at the end of your mortal life, you will live on for the entire 1000 years of the millennium.

You will be able to visit other places on the earth, speak to others from around the globe, and be involved in healing plants and remedies. You will also be a much sought after speaker and healer for those who may need a healing angel to help them.

Each night as your replicated being leaves the celestial area of the New Jerusalem, you will become once again as a mortal translated being. You will have needs of daily sleep, although this will be much shorter than you now experience. You will labor each week for six days and do no work on the Sabbath in the temple.

To the outsider, it will appear that you live a normal mortal life in the terrestrial section of the New Jerusalem. However, to the celestial, they who enter the holy temple and temple grounds in the celestial realm, you will be doing a very eternal work in behalf of our celestial elect children.

For those of you who minister in the celestial temple, and others who labor for our faithful in the New Jerusalem and throughout the cities of Zion scattered over the earth, these will become satisfying one happy day after another. Working continually with a new group of the elect each day will bring such meaning and excitement daily to our faithful servants whom we have chosen. We too, your Heavenly Father and I, will frequent your administrations and share in the joys with you, our beloved children.

There are only two types of translation, one celestial and one terrestrial. Within each there may also be variations. For instance, Enoch and his group were not allowed to propagate while they lived in the flesh in their translated state. However, our mortal angels who are translated to a celestial glory are allowed to bear children.

The ability to replicate oneself in their translated state has not been allowed until recently. This now is a capability of all of the celestial translated individuals. The level of translation, whether celestial or terrestrial, is not a reflection of the valor or righteousness of the individual, but more of the type of assignments they would be given. Angels receive assignments requiring access to the celestial realms, and the 144,000 have assignments in the terrestrial realms and on the earth in its telestial state. They will be working directly with mortals, whereas angels and those working in the celestial sphere, will be out of the view of mortals on the earth.

We desire that you still eat, however, and provide nourishment for your terrestrial bodies. You may ask of us that the food be good nourishment to your body, or be best able to feed and strengthen you. As you do so, we will help your body assimilate the food you eat, or bless and enhance the food before you eat it. The water you drink may also be blessed by you to become as pure and vibrant as possible for your best use. Always receive all your food, supplements, remedy plants, and drink with thanksgiving and a joyful heart.

A resurrected being has their spirit elements encapsulate their physical elements, on a permanent basis, never to be divided again, whereas in a translated and transfigured being, it is temporary until the resurrection.

The reason why we need celestial translated mortals to labor in our New Jerusalem temple is because this was ordained by our first parent Gods for all their posterity. This same practice is done in all God's creations in the universe. We who are Gods, honor and obey the requests of our first parent Gods. They have established the ordinances of salvation from the beginning, including the waters of separation ordinance. This has never been revealed to man on your earth until you came as the head of the Church of the Firstborn. This ordinance is part of this celestial church, so it could not be revealed previously.


From K: The other night (Oct. 23, 2019) I was wide awake between 1:00 a.m. and around 3:30 a.m. So I did some energy work on myself and then it seemed that I was tingly. I went in my mind to the healing celestial pyramid and went inside. There was a long table of wise beings with very kind faces. They had me sit on a chair before them. One spoke and said something like this "You are of the elect and will be transitioning to a terrestrial state." I laid on my bed in mortality and went through my body while holding a smooth selenite white stone and imagined each part being upgraded, starting with my brain, pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, eyes, ears, nose, face, mouth, mental clarity, memories-all aspects of my head then neck, thyroid, parathyroids, throat and all aspects of my neck then heart pericardium, thymus gland, lungs, breasts, vessels, arms and so forth-all the way down my body to each organ, gland, muscle, bone, fluid, tissue, and cell. I imagined it all being light and blessed and upgraded to a terrestrial state. As I was imagining it while lying in my physical body on my bed in the middle of the night, I was also in the celestial healing pyramid on a chair, receiving of the gods or wise beings or whoever they were.

I think they may, at the end, have indicated the process would continue. I don't recall if anything else was said or not but I then was escorted out and it seemed that another person then was ready for their upgrade.

Later in the morning, I asked Heavenly Father if what happened was real or just my imaginings. "Rachael, this experience was real. You have received further upgrades in your process of transitioning to a terrestrial state. This process was primarily focused on the physical upgrade of your body-your organs, glands, all cells and systems of your body.

Rachael, most of our elect who are receiving this upgrade are unaware, but you experienced it while fully awake, but in a relaxed and receptive state when there were no distractions, at night when it was dark. This has truly occurred. You are fully in the process of transition and this will be completed by the end of the week as with your brother. You are among the first of our elect to be transitioning now to the terrestrial state."

I asked: "May I ask who the beings were with the kind faces who were at the table?"

Heavenly Father said: "They were our servants, all resurrected, who are of a celestial nature. They are commissioned to assist in the process of upgrading the physical beings of our elect to a terrestrial level. Your Heavenly Mother and I bestowed our permanent gift of our love and light. Satan is no longer allowed to tempt you or hold you in his power. And our beloved wise and loving servants upgraded the physical aspects.

Your wisdom, intellect and understanding will all expand. Mostly this will be very gradual. Your memory will improve and your ability to think, solve problems, consider, imagine, and generally mentally expand will become apparent. Your organs and glands and all parts of your physical body will become revitalized and will have improved strength and endurance and overall health and vitality."

More was said, but I thought I'd share with you how wondrous this is. I still always have doubts.

Oh, and earlier, before others talked about it, I had received this guidance, which is in line with Mary Ann and your comments:

Heavenly Mother said on 10/19/19: "You will feel much better with greater health and vitality as you keep the laws of health. You have much good information available to you. It is up to you to learn what is best for your body and health. It is a sign of respect to your body when you take care of it lovingly and respectfully. There are many toxic foods that taste appealing. Eat foods that are grown carefully and are whole and organic primarily. We will support you.


Thursday October 24, 2019

In the domed room I knelt in the center facing north. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. After I did so, I saw a door open in the northern wall, and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walked into the room! They were both smiling and were holding hands. Their light was intense, and came through me easily, even until my body shone brightly like theirs! I was very surprised almost like I was somehow being transfigured.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, our son, we are in your old room that we at one time gave to you this is now used by many of our heavenly servants, and by us for our special purposes.

You have also seen that you are shining brightly, even like us, your Heavenly Parents! This is the completion of your transition to becoming a terrestrial person in mortality. You have previously come into this domed room, like your sister came into the pyramid room. You both have been changed by our celestial servants to whom we gave power to activate and elevate each part of your physical mortal body. At the end of this, we generally come to our elect and confirm these changes, and then transfigure their body into the terrestrial state. This is the final step.

We are meeting with you actually a few hours beyond your mortal time that you are praying, so that this final transition step occurs early Friday morning. You are having this prayer experience ahead of time so that you may see yourself this final transfiguration, where you are shining with our holy light.

Once your prayer ends, you will awaken on Friday morning with a terrestrial body! This blessing will occur at one point for each of our elect sons and daughters by the end of this year, 2019.'

I gazed into the faces of my Heavenly Parents who stood smiling before me! I felt so blessed and so full of gratitude for this remarkable blessing.

I spoke: 'My Father and Mother, I see that all of my being is shining brightly, similar to how I see your celestial bodies shining before me! I don't understand all that has happened. I do know I love you both so very much, and will keep your commandments in all things. I pray that these changes will help me fulfill all that you ask of me to do. I humbly submit my life and full efforts to your service!'

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came over and laid their hands on my head. I bowed my head. Heavenly Father spoke these words: 'Raphael, our son, we complete your transition to a terrestrial mortal being. You will keep this elevated state in your mortal body throughout the millennium in our service, in the celestial realms of glory on the earth and in heaven, you will function as a translated celestial replicated being, to as many replicated states as you require, in order to do our great work.'

My Heavenly Parents then removed their hands, and I stood before them. I first embraced my Heavenly Mother, and then my Heavenly Father. It was an embrace filled with so much light and connection, and so much acceptance and love! They both were smiling and I was crying. They then elevated themselves up into the air, and the domed room seemed to open up into the skies above. I saw many other heavenly messengers up in the air to receive them. I was quite amazed and awed by this entire experience!

Then the dome ceiling closed again, and I was alone. I wrote this immediately down in my heavenly record, similar to how I have been writing on earth in my journal. The vision then faded and I was back in my home.

This all seems so remarkable to me! I confirmed it was all true, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday October 25, 2019

I awoke today feeling very normal. I know my body had been upgraded, but I physically could tell no difference. I am relatively sure nobody else could tell that I had changed either. This is how it should be.

I also had sent to S by email my account at Lake Beautiful yesterday morning. He wrote to me today and thanked me for sharing it. I reread this account, and the account from my sister K about her terrestrial body changes. I then reread my journal from last night when I was transfigured. I feel so much revelation and truth has been being poured down upon me!

I looked up in the LDS guide to the scripture and read what is says about the definition of transfiguration: "The condition of persons who are temporarily changed in appearance and nature-this is lifted to a higher spiritual level-so that they can endure the presence and glory of heavenly beings."

One of the scriptures listed under transfigurations that has occurred was 3 Nephi 28:15., speaking of the three translated disciples of Christ among the Nephites.

"And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."

I know I have previously been transfigured somehow, for how could I have been in the presence of God, starting back in April 2013 during my energy class? However, I had never beheld my body filled with such light and glory as I had last night in the domed room with my Heavenly Parents! I hope to receive clarification.

I came to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake this morning. I feel clear and perceptive, both in my replicated celestial body and in my new terrestrial mortal body while in my house praying. I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he could be visiting me.

Heavenly Father immediately appeared in front of me! He came in the celestial glory of his being, filled with great light and love that I felt. He spoke:

'Raphael, you were transfigured last night in your prayer prior to completing your terrestrial mortal state. Our blessing by the laying on of hands completed your change. This was a unique time of transfiguration for you.

You are also correct that you received an earlier transfiguration in your life, else how could you have endured the presence of God? This was done when you were first accepted by Jesus Christ and fully redeemed, early in 2013. He told you about the translation that you would be receiving. This translation was to change your replicated states into celestial translated beings. You weren't told all of these terms, for you were not yet spiritually mature in your understanding of the truth of all these things. It has taken us years to tutor and teach you to where you are now in your understanding.

In March and April of 2013, Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, introduced you to me. You had received your transfiguration or change before that time, for you were capable to enter into my presence. I appeared in the distance, and not next to you or before you as I appear now. You continued to see me in your prayers in the sky above you, in my celestial glory until the morning of your energy class in 4-20-2013. In that prayer, you saw your Heavenly Mother with your spiritual eyes for the first time in mortality! She stepped from behind me and came right next to you in your class. You were overwhelmed by her presence, and shared your experience with those in the class.

During that day, I came at different times also, as did Jesus Christ our Son. All three of us were with you in the classroom throughout your day. This was the start of you being able to come into the presence of your Heavenly Mother and me.

Yesterday you saw and described yourself in a second transfiguration experience. This was done as you completed your change from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. You are not translated to a mortal terrestrial state, for you are already translated in your replicated celestial states to a celestial translation. This is entirely different than a terrestrial translation, even though both use the term "translation". This change to a celestial translation is reserved for those, like you, our angels, and other celestial servants who live in mortality, whom we call to labor in the celestial realms of the earth and in this, our celestial orb or heaven. You all have missions to do our work that requires you to serve in this higher celestial realm. We may empower you to act in our full celestial power, as our holy conduits, in behalf of our children who live on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead.

Those who are translated in their mortal bodies to a terrestrial state, like the three disciples of Jesus, work on the earth in the telestial and terrestrial realms. Your work, on the other hand, is in the celestial realms of glory, and you are rarely seen by mortals in your work.

When you and our holy angels administer in the New Jerusalem temple, you will all labor in the celestial realms inside of our New Jerusalem celestial temple. You will be seen and fully interact with those candidates of the Church of the Firstborn who come to you, invited and elevated there by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. He will have proven them in their lives and fully sanctified and cleansed them. They will each have a transfiguration experience like you had in 2013.

Those who are born in the millennium to terrestrial mortal parents will be born as terrestrial mortal bodies. They will never experience a fallen telestial state. These will grow up without sin to salvation (see D&C 45:58). They will each still need to prove to their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, by their dedication and diligence, that they will follow him and keep his commandments. When he accepts them fully, they will be redeemed and transfigured, prepared to come into our celestial realms. Many will be introduced by Jesus to your Heavenly Mother and me before coming to you and Oriphiel, at the New Jerusalem temple.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful clarification and truths about transfiguration, and of my own experience I felt very full of light and understanding!


Q- Is what I received yesterday correct about me requiring half the water, and no food if I desired, now that my body is transfigured? A- Yes

Q- Is it true that I can ask that normal water be blessed to become living water for my body? A- Yes

Q- In the celestial world, do resurrected people need to drink living water to be sustained? A- No, they need neither food nor drink, although they may still eat and drink if they desire.

Q- Why then do we, who are translated and transfigured, need water for our bodies? A- Although your body can do everything that a resurrected celestial person may do, it is still not perfected. It is still considered mortal, for one day you will die. Water drinking is still required to keep things running smoothly. If you are ever in an area where there is no water, simply teleport to the celestial world and drink from the living waters there, as often as is required.

Q- Is there a transition between my mortal body, as it used to be, and my translated and transfigured body, which it now is? A- Yes. This transition time varies for each person, but usually takes several months to fully occur. The description of what you experienced last night, waking up frequently to urinate, is an example of the transition, and is normal. (Note: I did not share this before.)

Q- What then will give my physical body its fuel, if eating is no longer required? A- The living waters will give you your energy. If you also eat food from the earth, this too will continue to be digested and give you energy to your body cells as well. The more efficient energy source, however, is the living water.

Q- Will my own aging stop once I start drinking this blessed water, which becomes living waters to me? A- No. Your aging will stop once you drink from the living waters at the New Jerusalem. Raphael, this is a unique situation just for you, and how we want you to appear to others in the New Jerusalem.

Q- Will I be fully transitioned into a fully functional, transfigured being by next April, 2017, when I bless the waters at the New Jerusalem? A- Yes


I am wondering more how I and others can be terrestrial mortals on earth, and translated celestial physical beings, all at the same time? I recall how it all happened in sequence:

1) I was translated to a celestial state, even while in my physical body. This was a different translation than the 144,000 who are or will be translated, for they are translated to a terrestrial state, and work exclusively in the terrestrial state and realms. My mission, however, will be in the celestial realms, either the celestial realms on the celestial orb, or in the celestial realms on the earth.

2) I next received the blessing of replication, even as I saw my Gods themselves do. This great gift was extended to me, and to many others who were given missions to be the servants of God in these last days. This allows us to multiply our work we do for our Heavenly Parents, by being in more than one place at a time.

3) At the end of 2019, we who were mortal angels and mortal celestial servants, each became aware that our mortal body, our body on earth and not our replicated body(ies) in the celestial realms, were being transfigured and changed from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. This was one of the ways we would be further protected and assured to move forward with the other terrestrial elect into the new terrestrial earth, in the millennium.

These steps have also occurred for not only us who are mortal angels, but other mortal elect servants of God, who have been able to commune with our Heavenly Parents regularly, and receive their own special missions and assignments.

Even with all of this, I still wonder how we can be mortal terrestrial beings and translated celestial beings, at the same time?

I came to the tree of life this morning, and ate of the fruit and leaf of that tree. I asked that my food I would eat today be also transformed into a higher, more vibrant food that would help me perceive better, and also help me in my physical body.

I then came to the desert oasis and drank living water from my cupped hand. I came next to the bench and knelt, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. Heavenly Father then appeared to me above the sand, in the brightness of his glory! I knew I perceived him in these celestial realms, in my unconscious mind. He was smiling upon me, and spoke:

'Raphael, my son, you have gradually been revealed the changes in your physical body over the past seven years. You are correct in what you have just written in your journal. It is hard for you to comprehend this in your conscious mind, for you wonder how you could be a mortal terrestrial man and also a celestial translated man who works for us in the celestial realms, even replicated many times over. We have told you in the past that your celestial beings are physical, and not just spiritual replications.

We have made all of these changes according to law and order, and our power of being the Gods of our beloved children with the ability to extend our power to our chosen elect children.

First, celestial translation is different than terrestrial translation. With terrestrial translation, our child who is translated has these changes in their mortal physical body. They can also only be one place at a time, for they do not have the power extended from us to replicate themselves.

However, for an individual who is translated to a celestial translation, they remain in their mortal body and receive their translated physical body in the celestial realms. This translated body is physical, without blood, but with spirit, similar to a resurrected celestial being, but in this temporary state. These individuals like you, are therefore living on earth still in a mortal state and in our celestial realms also, in another replicated body.

When we grant these celestial translated individuals to further replicate, they do so in their celestial translated body, to as many times as is required for their mission and assignments.

When your Heavenly Mother told you last night that you would walk to Zion, the New Jerusalem, with a group of other mortals, she said you would also remain with your wife and son back in your Utah home. The only way for us to do this, so that you would gain the experience from this trek, is for us to have your celestial translated body come to the earth, shrouded from its glory, and seeming like an ordinary man like the rest of your travelers. As a celestial translated person, you have this ability to mask your glory, and to appear as a normal man in a lower realm of glory. This is all done in your physical state, and in your unconscious mind. While traveling to Zion, you will be able to 'tune in' to your replicated self who is walking with the others, and gaining that experience.

Once your replicated person comes to the New Jerusalem, you will see that you have been also there in that area, in another replicated self, building up the New Jerusalem. It is at that time that we will allow your conscious mind and unconscious minds to merge and be one. You will then know what each of you is doing in the multiple places you are living in.

This may seem very peculiar to you! However, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I replicate ourselves all the time, and are thereby multiplying our beings to wherever we need to be. Our minds are all merged, and we know instantly what every replicated one of us is doing, all at the same time. This is one of the powers of being a God.

We have in part extended this power to you and others who are our servants in these last days. You still don't have your mind merged, for you still have a conscious and unconscious division in your mind. When merged, these too will come together as one, and you will know and act in multiple places, and know what you do at all times in each place.


She then spoke: 'Raphael, my food that I grow in my celestial garden beds is for nourishment and enjoyment to enliven the spirit of my sons and daughters and to promote healing. This food you have eaten and drunk will renew your celestial translated body, for you have been working non-stop in fulfilling our many assignments, all from our celestial realms on the earth and on this, our celestial orb. Although you don't need food in this realm, what I gave you both refreshed and renewed your entire being!'


Raphael, Mary Ann asked you another few questions I would also like to address. Even though she and others of our mortal angels, like you, will remain translated to a celestial glory throughout the millennium, their spouses may become resurrected to a celestial glory. Together they will reside in the New Jerusalem city. Those of you who are renewed in your physical bodies and are translated, will have great healing of the features of their own bodies, like missing teeth restored, firmness of their muscles and bodies, and wonderful physical endurance. Some may even appear much more youthful than they actually were than the age they had attained before they were fully changed into their enduring translated state. You will, however, continue to look to others as a more mature man with many seasoned years of living. You will have a beard and be recognized by all. Your important and singular work in the New Jerusalem temple of administering with Oriphiel the waters of separation ordinance will be your main focus and mission.

When you replicate yourself in a celestial body in those millennial days, you will appear usually just like your translated physical body, and have a merged mind in both your base body and your replicated body. You will be the same person, only replicated. This state of replication is different than when you will have once replicated in your mortal body while you trekked to Zion, and were starting up the New Jerusalem island. At that time (yet in your future), you will be connected in your unconscious minds only, and not in your conscious mind. You will not have had your merged mind.

Raphael, there is one thing more I wish to say about S's future mission. He will be relieved of his duties as captain of the guards when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. However, at the end of the thousand years, he will again be called to guard the four gates of the New Jerusalem, our holy city and the cities of Zion. This will be at a time when the wicked will again try to gain access to this city, and will encompass the city. Satan will have been loosed for a little season by you, and again he will have success in deceiving many.

Revelation 20:7-9

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compasseth the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them."

S will again be the captain of the guards who protect the New Jerusalem at her four gates, and every city of Zion throughout the world. He will have the same gifts of God as before to protect entrance to those places of Zion, and for the safety and protection of our elect who are valiant to us. He will have a much larger number of terrestrial elect guards at that time to oversee. S will be further replicated many times over as our celestial servant to fulfill his important mission at that time.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words this morning, and for her answers to our questions. I said I would love to remain here on the celestial orb by her waterfall throughout the day with her. She smiled and said this would please her also.

I then exited her presence in my conscious mind, and began my new day one earth.

Email from S entitled "Guards", 9-30-2020


Yesterday, in prayer I learned more about the guards that I recorded in my journal. Afterwards, I was driving to work and listening to the recent New Jerusalem part 2 post. It also mentioned someone guarding the gates and states: "Those who admit the humble traveler to Zion will be filled with the spirit. As such, they will only allow the elect of God who are the truly humble and open. There will be some who may not qualify but seek entrance. Our guards will detect these, and prevent any of the wicked, or those possessed by evil spirits from entering." (Book of Raphael 172A5)

My question is: Will these be only celestial guards, a mix of terrestrial and celestial guards, or something else.

Below is what I received in prayer, and I recorded what I received without any thought beforehand what it would be.

9-29-20 AM

I read in Revelations 20 and 21 this morning. I felt directed to read there as I was previously in Matthew 5. In chapter 21, the verse 27 caught my attention, "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth." (speaking of Zion)

In prayer, I came to the future tree of life in the New Jerusalem. I knelt beside the west flowing river and drank water from a cupped hand. I began to cry as I did this. Heavenly Mother's voice came to my mind and then I saw her descend from the sky above me. She asked, "Why do you cry?" I responded, "I am overjoyed to come into thy presence and my heart desires to share this truth with others." She came and knelt beside me and embraced me. My whole being filled with joy and light. She then placed both her hands on my shoulder and faced me. She spoke,"I know that this is the desire of your heart. You want to share these truths with others so they can experience the joy you now feel. For many years now you have communed in mighty prayer with us your Gods and recorded our messages to you. You have been unable to share these even within your own family except to your wife at times and S. If you were to cast these pearls of truth before men, even your own extended family, they would rend these and trample them under their feet and it would be for naught. Your Heavenly Father and I see the hearts of all our children. Many hearts will yet change and be humbled to the point that they will receive these truths recorded in your journal, those records of Raphael, and many others that will come forth in the fullness of times.

I directed you by my Spirit to read the last verse in Revelations 21. This pertains to one of your missions that you will perform for a season. You will be replicated as a celestial servant and be placed on assignment to guard the entrances to Zion. Only the humble followers of Jesus Christ who are pure in heart may enter. You will be a celestial servant and unseen by those seeking to enter. Anyone who is unworthy who seeks to enter will be stopped by you or one of our other servants assigned to this task. Those children unworthy to enter won't be physically capable to advance or enter. You will see clearly the light emanating from their hearts and we will grant you access to their mind and thoughts as well that you may fulfill well this responsibility. This is similar to Jesus Christ who knew the thoughts and intentions of others while he walked among the Jews as recorded in the New Testament.

At this time, Heavenly Mother showed me a vision of my group traveling towards Zion. I saw light and love coming from the hearts of the individuals walking in their journey. Heavenly Mother spoke, "you wondered about your own children. You are not able to see as we do the past, present, and future desires that each possesses. We will help refine and bless your children in their journey of faith. I showed you the light coming from their hearts and others in your group so that you could see and recognize their true desires.' I prayed in my heart for my children to come unto Christ.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message and love. I then exited my conscious prayer in Jesus' name and started my new day.

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter from prayer.

Your Friend, S"

Evening-I got ready to pray and write in my journal tonight. I checked my email and saw that S had written me. He confirmed that his mission as a guard at the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion was true by means of the Spirit and Heavenly Father, who walked by his side. I too felt joy and a surge of the Spirit as I read his email. He is so very open and accepting of God's Spirit, and comes quickly into the presence of God. I feel so honored to work with him as I do! It is very confirming to me, and I'm sure to him also, that we receive similar witnesses from God. I am very happy for him, and that he has greater views now of his future missions. See S's email at the end of this evening's entry.

I was contemplating today, while making applesauce, about the many amazing (that's the only word I could think of) revelations and events that will come to us at the New Jerusalem. One part of me said, 'R, you have a very vivid imagination!' Another part of me confirmed again that, although almost unbelievable, it was all true and of God! This is the voice I choose to follow, for this fills me with joy and peace.


Raphael, Mary Ann asked you a question by email today that I would like to answer. She wondered if you would be in your replicated state when you do the water of separation ordinance, or in your mortal translated state. She wondered if it was in your replicated state, what would your base mortal self be doing for 1000 years.

You and all of our mortal angels will be doing your work in a replicated celestial state. This will be a celestial physical translated state. While you are in this state, your mind will be merged so that your conscious and unconscious self are both very much one in your mind. You will have full participation and awareness of working in this celestial realm, even though your base self will be back on the terrestrial mortal earth living there.

You have to be in a replicated celestial self when you labor or work in the celestial realm because you would still be a terrestrial mortal on earth living there.

Were you resurrected, you wouldn't need to be replicated, for you would act in your base celestial self, and would be fully immersed in that sphere and aware of everything that would be happening there, just like you do now in your telestial sphere for things happening around you.

In the millennium, your mortal terrestrial self will be living in the city of the New Jerusalem, and acting like other mortal beings on the terrestrial earth. You will have a house and land, a garden, and will be involved in your community. Instead of dying at the end of your mortal life, you will live on for the entire 1000 years of the millennium.

You will be able to visit other places on the earth, speak to others from around the globe, and be involved in healing plants and remedies. You will also be a much sought after speaker and healer for those who may need a healing angel to help them.

Each night as your replicated being leaves the celestial area of the New Jerusalem, you will become once again as a mortal translated being. You will have needs of daily sleep, although this will be much shorter than you now experience. You will labor each week for six days and do no work on the Sabbath in the temple.

To the outsider, it will appear that you live a normal mortal life in the terrestrial section of the New Jerusalem. However, to the celestial, they who enter the holy temple and temple grounds in the celestial realm, you will be doing a very eternal work in behalf of our celestial elect children.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and clarified things and answered Mary Ann's question. I told Heavenly Mother that I was very eager to be involved in this amazing mission that she and Heavenly Father have given to me.

I also knew that my fellow mortal New Jerusalem temple workers would live a similar life as me during the millennium.


S's on 8-18-2021:

"Hello R,

Tonight in prayer, I asked a question that relates to obtaining a merged mind and was told to share this with you.

I asked about celestial mortal beings who can replicate during the millennium, if they could actually be in their conscious mind, or face to face in the celestial realm with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer?

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Those who are celestial mortal beings may choose to come in their replicated conscious state into our presence in our celestial realm during prayer. When they are not in prayer with us, like during their daily activities, we may send them our Spirit, but it will come to them in their subconscious state.

Communing with us in a subconscious state is how it will be for all of our children who are living in a terrestrial mortal state. These will only be able to pray and receive of our Spirit through their subconscious mind. In this way, it will still be a test of their faith. For them to commune with us in prayer, they will need to be diligent and faithful in seeking our presence.' -------

He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I gave S the revelation that she shared with you tonight. You are also correct that one who has a merged mind like you will soon experience, may come before your Heavenly Mother and I in their conscious mind, in a celestial replicated state. If you had your merged mind fully functional tonight, you would see me in your full conscious state, and not just in your current unconscious state. This will be such a wonderful blessing to our celestial mortal children to whom we will have blessed with a merged mind.'

I asked my Father if all who receive the waters of separation ordinance, and who have their name written in the Book of Life, who are still mortal, would become a celestial mortal being with a merged mind.

Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, these who are mortal beings, who become members of the Church of the Firstborn, and have their name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life, will become celestial mortal beings. However, only a select number of these will receive the blessing of a merged mind. These will mostly be those celestial mortals who have unique callings of laboring in the New Jerusalem temple, or who have callings that require their translation. This will include the mortal angels and some mortal celestial servants. We will reveal to them individually the revelation of this great bestowal upon them.

During the celestial training of our elect during the entire millennium, those who remain celestial mortal beings on earth and who have a merged mind, will be able to consciously attend the classes in a replicated celestial state. This will even be while they labor for our elect on the mortal earth.

This morning your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about receiving unconscious memories into your conscious memory. What you wrote that she spoke was accurate. The conscious memory of our celestial mortals who have a merged mind will be remarkable. They will remember all of their premortal memories, and also those unconscious revelations we have kept hidden from them until they received a merged mind.

The records of our unconscious revelations to you, that your replicated celestial being has written on our celestial orb, will be also made available to you after you receive your merged mind. Some of these we may choose not to reveal to our terrestrial mortals, but only to our celestial mortals and other celestial children. There are other unconscious revelations to our elect that we may reveal to them in a like manner, even during their days of mortality on earth. These will all be revealed according to the time of our choosing, and even as we will.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful words of truth. I felt the Spirit he gave to me verify of their truth


I asked another question, this one about the translation of the healing angels. I believe it was Chloe (not her real name, a healing angel) who felt that our translation was different than Enoch's translation, and that of the 3 Nephites. I agree now after receiving an answer from God. Here is the distinction: we will still be able to have children in our translated state (for there are those who wish to do so). We are being translated in order to endure and maintain normalcy in our physical bodies, while our spirits are replicated doing much unconscious healing work in the spiritual realms. I believe too that the seeds of death are removed.


He said the following to me: 'Raphael, M.S. has been translated to a terrestrial level and you have been translated to a celestial level. Therefore, your experiences are different in this transition. You also both work in different spiritual spheres and have different missions. He also mostly interfaces with Jesus Christ, whereas you interface with either your Heavenly Mother or me.

The account M.S. has shared is an experience he had in his own journey. Your journey, in the celestial realms and working with angels and the servants is necessarily different. You will not experience what he described, for you are quickened to a celestial glory and work in celestial realms.'


Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, there is a large difference between translated states of terrestrial and celestial beings. This is due to the nature of the missions of each, and from which spiritual realm they work.

For terrestrial beings who are translated, they do not have the capacity to replicate their body. Wherever they are located is where their ministry is from, in their conscious state. They are in an elevated terrestrial sphere where they minister to our elect children. They have the protection of this higher realm around their being at all times. Their translation elevates them in the flesh to this terrestrial state, from where they may freely come and work. When in the telestial sphere, they have full protection from disease and death. They may also take the elect with them into the terrestrial sphere so that they may use their own portal to transfer these elect individuals to other locations on the earth. These transfers are not visible to the telestial on the earth. They will transport these righteous individuals to the New Jerusalem and to the Church of the Firstborn, even as Jesus Christ may direct them (see D&C 77:11).

The celestial that are translated, as are you, live in the mortal telestial state like they have lived in since birth. They are still subjected to the telestial world on the earth and may become ill or even die, for they live in that telestial sphere. However, they have power to replicate their physical translated body into the celestial sphere. This celestial sphere may be around the earth or on the celestial orb, like where you located at this time.

Since your translated physical body is located in the celestial sphere, you are also elevated to that realm and what beings in that realm may do. You may replicate yourself as often as is required, to as many times as the need arises. This you do by the power of God, which we have extended to you. You come to those you minister to as angels of light, usually not visible unless we have that as part of your assignment. You receive all of your directives from us, either your Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother. There are a relatively small number of you who are mortal angels and servants, living your life in the fallen telestial sphere along with other mortals. In your mortal state, where you live with your physical body and conscious mind, you appear as the rest of humanity who are all around you. You don't have any additional powers in your flesh because of your status as celestial angels and servants. You are able to gain the lessons and experiences of the flesh, even while you minister to the elect in the celestial realms. Your Heavenly Father explained to you last night that we consider this a great advantage for your eternal progress and growth. You are able to continue learning from this fallen telestial world, even while serving us night and day in the celestials realms above. You may also bear children as do other mortals on earth.

You can see that translation to a terrestrial or celestial state is very different! We have designed it in this way because of the different parameters of each realm, and of the different missions of those who serve us in these realms. The biggest factor is that you have the power to replicate, whereas those in the terrestrial realm do not. You also are able to labor in the celestial realms in your full unconscious mind, whereas the terrestrial translated labor in their conscious mind only. Your capabilities in the celestial realm are far greater. However, this necessitates that you live in the telestial sphere of the earth in your mortal physical bodies, subject to the illnesses and potential death in that sphere. Were we to protect you in the flesh with your celestial glory, you would shine and attract attention from the celestial film of that realm that would come over you. This is not our desire, for we desire you who are translated to a celestial glory to act in the flesh as everybody else who lives there. You fully appear as a mortal since that is what you are. Your translated body, which is celestial, is only in the celestial realm and not in the mortal telestial realm. As such, you may work and labor for us in behalf of the mortal elect on the earth and the elect in the spirit realms of the dead. You work directly as our extension to our faithful children who are now on the earth.'


You have wondered about the fairness in the difference between a terrestrial and celestial translation, and how those who are translated to a celestial glory are able to continue living apart from their replicated translated bodies that live and work in celestial realms. In a terrestrial translation, there is no replication so the individual lives as one in their conscious mind in either the telestial or terrestrial realms. They also have protection from the dangers of the telestial world.

This has seemed to be an advantage for our terrestrial translated servants. However, in our wisdom, we are allowing our celestial translated servants to continue living in mortality and in gaining many important lessons and experiences in their unprotected physical bodies. They live fully in disguise, with no apparent difference between them and their neighbors. These celestial servants may even frequently question their own revelations, thinking that they only imagine being in the celestial realms.

Raphael, we desire that those of you who are in such a state of celestial translation be so very glad for your mortal and replicated states in which you live and from where you serve us! We have given you a great blessing! We don't want you to compare your standing with those who have a terrestrial translation. Your mission is entirely different and requires secrecy and working behind the scenes. You receive no notoriety or outward reward. At times you may feel physically threatened or compromised due to your exposure to mortality. However, you will be blessed with a longer full mortal life, which will bless you in the end with greater understanding, compassion and overall experience. These lessons from a mortal life are precious and invaluable!

You also have remarkable experiences in your replicated states in the celestial realms on the earth and on our celestial orb. You mingle with the celestial resurrected servants and other translated celestial beings in this realm. You also receive our continual direction in your ministry and frequently come into our holy presence. You labor selflessly for our elect as we command you. These experiences will all remain with you and will one day combine with your mortal experiences to give you an abundant full memory from both your mortal and the celestial realms. Your understandings will be great and your experiences the most of any of our beloved children that we send to earth.

Raphael, continue in your faithful service to us and be ever grateful for the high blessing we are extending to you and others who live in mortality and are translated to a celestial glory. In the millennial day, your identity will be revealed and you will all receive great honor from the faithful. You will also all be blessed to continue to serve us throughout the millennium in working for the souls of men and women in the celestial temple of the New Jerusalem. You and the other angels of God will be very highly blessed because of your faithful service!'


Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, I would like to address a different topic now. During your visit with your sister Rachael, she was confused about how there are celestial translations and terrestrial translations and the differences. These are very different, mostly because those who are translated to a celestial level are able to replicate themselves and work in celestial realms. Those translated to a terrestrial glory may not replicate themselves in their work and therefore are always only in their same physical being. They also work from the terrestrial realms on the earth. If they are ever brought into heaven, on the celestial orb, we will quicken them to a celestial glory. Since you are translated to a celestial glory, you may replicate as much as is required in the celestial realms. You have a greater opportunity to stay on the earth in your mortal bodies and continue your normal experiences of mortality there. This is a great blessing for your own personal growth and learning! The blessings of being able to learn in a fallen telestial world are great and are for such a short time when compared to eternity. This is the only time when you also live in your conscious mind, which is separated from your unconscious mind. You will see in the future that this division of your mind offers you a great opportunity to develop greater sensitivity to your unconscious mind that normally works in the background. When you develop skills in using your unconscious mind while in mortality, your skills will remain with you forever. The sensitivity to your unconscious mind, isolated from your conscious mind, can only be gained in a mortal state.

On the other hand, our translated servants who are translated to a terrestrial glory, never have their unconscious and conscious mind separated, as do you. When you, who are translated to a celestial glory, work in the celestial realms, you now work there exclusively in your unconscious mind. During the millennium, you who are translated to a celestial glory, will be able to work also in the celestial realms in your conscious and unconscious minds combined. You, Raphael, will first notice this when you come to the New Jerusalem area and start the building of the New Jerusalem. The other mortal angels will also have this same blessing soon afterward.

The assignments to work in the terrestrial and celestial realms, as our servants, are a matter only of assignment and your individual callings. You are all the elect servants of God and are each destined to receive eternal life and exaltation. We need all of these positions filled by you, our choice sons and daughters, each one of you of inestimable worth and importance to your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me.'


If a translated person, being still mortal, has an assignment that requires replication, they do that under the power of the God giving that assignment. Of themselves, they do not have the power to replicate. They may replicate in either their physical state or their spirit only state. Raphael, usually we have you replicate in your physical state. This is also true of all our celestial angels and servants who are translated to a celestial glory.

A mortal person who is not translated does not have the power to replicate on assignments. Satan and his hosts do not have power to replicate. A celestial spirit may be given power to replicate, on assignment from God, and only in the spirit form.

All of our children who come to earth as mortals may replicate in their spirits during dreams and visions. This is to allow their replicated spirits to depart their bodies while their base spirit stays with their body to keep it functioning while they sleep. We extend this to our children as the need arises.'


I have thought more about my translation. I didn't realize that my mortal body on earth was not yet fully translated, but that my replicated bodies that labor in the celestial realms were. I didn't know when I would finally come to the New Jerusalem area on foot, that when I arrived that I would then be fully translated to a celestial level. I believe this will happen to the mortal angels also (see post 53C7).

I know that translation is much different for one who is translated to a terrestrial level versus one who is translated to a celestial level. Those who are translated now to a celestial glory may be replicated in the celestial realms as many times as they need to do all of their service. In mortality, their bodies are still mortal as they have always been.

For a terrestrial translated individual, they may not replicate, and so their mortal body on earth needs to be also translated, for they are one and the same. When they depart into the hidden, terrestrial world where they may labor, their body needs to leave the telestial world of mortality. Many of the 144,000 will remain in the telestial world except when they transport the faithful to the New Jerusalem for safety, done in the terrestrial realms. This is my current understanding.

This morning I came next to the golden altar facing God's temple. I knelt on the pavement made from stones there, and asked for my Gods, or one of them, to come to me. The doors of the temple I was facing then opened up, and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking to me in the air, a little above the pavement! They soon arrived right in front of me, who was kneeling next to the golden altar. I felt so enlightened and even transparent from their intense light that shone through me. I felt loved and at great peace!

Heavenly Father spoke first: 'Raphael, you have just written in your journal correctly about the manner of a celestial and terrestrial translation. They are both very different since those with a celestial translation may be replicated multiple times in the celestial realms. We have designed it thusly so that our translated celestial children may continue to have their precious mortal experiences prolonged, even while they labor in celestial realms. It also gives us a way to continue to hide our celestial servants in the mortal world where they reside so as not to call any attention to them. At the same time, these servants are doing our great work in the celestial realms around the earth, all according to our directions. They are serving their fellow brothers and sisters who are the elect, according to the covenant (see JS Matthew 1:22).

This is our great work that we are doing in these last days on the earth! It is called in Isaiah 28:21 our "strange work" and our "strange act." The world will not know of our works except as we reveal it to them, as we have revealed this to you. However, in the future terrestrial world, in the millennial day, all will be revealed in great clarity. Your works and your acts will be revealed to all of our faithful in that day. Your words and revelations, written in the privacy of your personal journal, will one day be revealed before all of God's faithful children. The wicked will never receive them or comprehend our great works we do in these last days.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have spoken to you last night about the great stewardship each of our children has for their own physical mortal body. The advice and counsel I gave is not unique, for you have read and followed all of it already. There is so much knowledge about the health of the human body on the Internet, all easily accessible to everyone who seeks it. There is also so much filth and evil that abounds in your telestial world right now that is also available to practically anyone who seeks it. Our elect sons and daughters seek the wholesome, the truth, and the lovely in the world. They may confirm everything we have revealed through you, and I will send to them my Holy Ghost as a confirmation to their souls. They will thereby be able to be led with the assurance that they are choosing the correct path back into our presence.'

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then extended their hands and I took one hand from each one and stood. We then all three walked hand in hand towards the fountain of living water. As we came to the fountain, we all three rose up in the air, into the mist and clouds above the fountain. We continued walking into the cloud, where a vision God opened up to my view of the darkened earth in our day.

In the vision, I saw our mortal earth all shrouded in darkness. However, I also saw so many celestial servants and holy angels coming through the darkness to specific individuals who were praying to God for direction and who were open to change their lives to do as God directed them. These celestial servants and angels then came with the comfort and specific guidance these elect children were seeking. Mostly, the ones on the earth did not know a servant of God was taking to them God's message, or doing as God directed.

On the darkened earth, these angels and celestial servants seemed like little beacons of light penetrating a portion of the darkened world. There were many of these little lights coming and going all around the earth.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our work is hidden from the world now, but we will answer the sincere prayers of our faithful children. As you can see, we do much of our work through you and our few angels and celestial servants who replicate themselves as is needed to act according to our directions. We have ramped up our Godly activity as the people of the earth fall into more darkness and wickedness.'

I then looked upon my two glorious Heavenly Parents! I saw their deep love and compassion for their mortal children. I felt how they longed to help and guide each one, eager to answer their every sincere prayer that came to them.


Yesterday you saw and described yourself in a second transfiguration experience. This was done as you completed your change from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. You are not translated to a mortal terrestrial state, for you are already translated in your replicated celestial states to a celestial translation. This is entirely different than a terrestrial translation, even though both use the term "translation". This change to a celestial translation is reserved for those, like you, our angels, and other celestial servants who live in mortality, whom we call to labor in the celestial realms of the earth and in this, our celestial orb or heaven. You all have missions to do our work that requires you to serve in this higher celestial realm. We may empower you to act in our full celestial power, as our holy conduits, in behalf of our children who live on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead.

Those who are translated in their mortal bodies to a terrestrial state, like the three disciples of Jesus, work on the earth in the telestial and terrestrial realms. Your work, on the other hand, is in the celestial realms of glory, and you are rarely seen by mortals in your work.

When you and our holy angels administer in the New Jerusalem temple, you will all labor in the celestial realms inside of our New Jerusalem celestial temple. You will be seen and fully interact with those candidates of the Church of the Firstborn who come to you, invited and elevated there by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. He will have proven them in their lives and fully sanctified and cleansed them. They will each have a transfiguration experience like you had in 2013.

Those who are born in the millennium to terrestrial mortal parents will be born as terrestrial mortal bodies. They will never experience a fallen telestial state. These will grow up without sin to salvation (see D&C 45:58). They will each still need to prove to their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, by their dedication and diligence, that they will follow him and keep his commandments. When he accepts them fully, they will be redeemed and transfigured, prepared to come into our celestial realms. Many will be introduced by Jesus to your Heavenly Mother and me before coming to you and Oriphiel, at the New Jerusalem temple.'


We want you to be a seasoned older man when you come to the New Jerusalem. Some of your physical and mental abilities will also have been reduced in your body by that time as a result of aging. When you receive your merged mind later in the 2021 year, your body and mind will no more age. However, what you have at the time of your transition is what you will continue to live with in your mortal translated body. You will have some reduced physical strength and mental sharpness by that time. These will remain with you in this state throughout the millennium and will not be restored. You will have sufficient mental acuity and clarity to fully function, however, in your important calling. It won't be until your resurrection that all of your full faculties are restored.

Your level of health will be renewed as part of living on the terrestrial earth, by eating the terrestrial food there and drinking living terrestrial water. You will feel very well and happy. However, as a translated mortal, you will still have the weaknesses of the flesh that will remain with you. Some of these physical and mental weaknesses will improve when you fully change from a telestial to a terrestrial state, but the underlying weaknesses will still remain.

Basically, all who are translated to a higher mortal state will continue in the same physical and mental states at which they will be changed. There will be increased health and vitality as part of elevating their bodies from a telestial to a terrestrial world. Some persistent weaknesses or defects may be corrected, but others may remain. We will insure each of our servants have the full capability to fulfill their assignments as we may ask of them.

Raphael, when a translated individual is changed from having the aging process or seeds of death removed, they continue in the same state as when they are translated. They are not miraculously changed to a perfect man or woman, as in the resurrection. They are in a state of temporary holding in order to remain mortal but to not die. We always give our translated individuals the full physical and mental capability to be able to fulfill their responsibilities and assignments we give them. If another were to come, not knowing someone was translated, they couldn't readily tell they were translated by any outward appearances. This is as we wish it to be. In the millennium, you and our translated servants will appear as normal mortals on the earth. This is how we wish it to be.'


Q- Is there change that is now happening for all the mortal angels? A- Yes

Q- Is this change going to be done all together, so that we progress as a group to whatever the change will be? A- Yes. All of the mortal angels will be changing as a group, culminating in all of your abilities to teleport. It is God's desire for this to happen to each mortal angel at the same general time, in the near future. For those who are not feeling transfigured, this will soon happen. Then, as a group, even though you are dispersed, you will all progress quickly together into the next phase.

Q- What will be the next phase, after all are transfigured? A- From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, all the mortal angels will then be at God's Loving Healing Center, having teleported there in their transfigured bodies. We will then come. This will occur in the area around the lake. Heavenly Father will speak to the entire group from the top of the switchback path, to the west of the lake. Prepare now for this general assembly of the angels. This will be for primarily the mortal angels, but will also include all of the angels of heaven, who will be there too.'

Q- May I know when this general assembly will happen? A- Not yet. But when it happens, you will all know it. It is desirable for each mortal angel to realize what is happening in their conscious mind. For those who are then aware of this meeting, they may be able to see and hear what your Heavenly Father is saying.

Q- Will we who are mortal, be in attendance in our transfigured, physical bodies? A- Yes

Q- Will this meeting occur before our class on November 26th, 2016? A- Yes! The meeting of all the angels of heaven, which includes you mortal angels, is necessary to happen, so that you may teleport and have the experiences you will have in your upcoming class.


I looked for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and they were on the left side, and Michael was before me. He came to me and we embraced. I got a fleeting glimpse of his face, but I couldn't make it out later.

After our embrace, he said that he had been asked to show me how to teleport! He also said we were best friends, close brothers, since I was born to our Heavenly Parents.

I asked him 'how do I synch the elements in my physical body to my spirit?' I had felt this earlier that day in the morning, but did not know much more.

Then, without saying anything, there was a band or ring, starting at the top of my head, and proceeding down to my feet. It proceeded down my body, exactly like what happens with the golden ring of fire in God's Loving Embrace healing gift, except that there was no ring of golden fire. This band or ring, moved slowly towards my feet, taking 4-5 minutes I would guess. As it proceeded, I became very tired. When it reached my feet and exited, I felt SO tired, but felt I had to write what happened down. I got up from my prayer and went to the bathroom and wrote what had just happened in my pocket journal. I then came to the darkened bedroom, exhausted, and went immediately to bed.

Before I went to the bathroom to write, and after I had been 'atomized' or whatever, I felt I could take my hand and pass it right through my body without resistance. My body was golden-like too. My body seemed to be somehow prepared by being 'synched' together, both physical and spirit elements (an element is like a body cell). I was very tired, but felt I needed to write this all down. I ended my prayer.


I then thought of moving my spirit hand through my body, and feeling what I felt. There was a little resistance at the boundary of my body, and at obstructions inside my body that I might later move out. My spirit flowed into my physical body just fine, and I can do this.

Here are more questions:

Q- Does teleporting require synching my physical and spirit body together somehow, then moving the spirit body as I do when I move my spirit hand into my body, or as I move around in my spirit? A- Yes. The elements in your physical body need to vibrate at a high frequency, and align with the spirit, in unity.

Q- Do I need to do a God's Loving Reset healing gift to synch these elements together? A- No

Q- Should I ask God to change my physical elements, to synch with my spirit elements, and to then be raised overall to a higher vibrational level, and to become one? A- Yes

Q- Does there need to be a change in the elements of the physical body? A- Yes

Q- Is this 'synching' of the elements-physical and spirit elements, need to be changed from one element by element to another combined element, throughout my body, being all united? A- Yes

Q- So, the physical elements need to raise to the level of the spirit elements. Will this then allow these physical elements to pass through physical things like walls or rocks, like the spirit can already do? Or to be able to move around at the speed of thought like I can do in my spirit? A- Yes!

Q- Is it kind of like Jesus at the Mount of Transfiguration? (see Luke 9:28-36, below; Mark 9:2-9; Matthew 17:1-9. See also 3 Nephi 28:15, 17-22; D&C 63:20-21; Guide to the Scriptures: Transfiguration). He started shining in his glory while in his physical body. A- Yes

Luke 9:28-36-

"And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.

And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.

And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:

Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.

But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.

And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.

While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen."

Q- Do we need to be changed, to be transfigured in all of our physical body cells, to go to a higher level, matching the spirit within us? A- Yes

Q- Do we need to have this transfigured synching to happen before we can teleport? A- Yes

Q- How do I proceed? Can I do this in my mind through meditation? A- Lie down in the bed, meditate, and seek to be transfigured in all the elements of your body. Then observe what happens to your physical body elements.

Yesterday morning, I had received and had written all of the above in this 10-14 entry. I then went out to the front room and started talking to my wife, and never got back to try the meditation. It became a difficult day emotionally, together struggling with the results from the BYU test for A., our son. I finally got to connect again in my prayer last night when I saw Michael, the archangel.

Now, in prayer, this morning, on 10-14-2016:

Q- Is what I wrote above accurate? A- Yes

Q- Did Michael, the archangel, really come to me last night, and did I have some sort of synching occur to all of the elements and cells of my physical body? A- Yes

I then felt to meditate sometime today as I had been instructed to do yesterday. Gosh, it has been so busy that I haven't been able to really carve out time! This is a lesson to me, not to get too overbooked in my life, but to leave open spaces for thinking, meditating, and enjoying life more.

Q- I just read the scriptures about Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. I also read the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Guide to the Scripture: Transfiguration. I also read D&C 63:21-21 where it says this:

"Nevertheless, he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome, and shall receive an inheritance upon the earth when the day of transfiguration shall come;

When the earth shall be transfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the mount; of which account the fulness ye have not yet received."

I know I need to be transfigured to be able to teleport (asked previously).

Q- Was this a transfiguration what I experienced last night, with the synching of my physical elements to my spirit elements, cell by cell? A- Yes

Q- Does each person who will teleport, need to have this same experience, or this transfiguration done on their body? A- Yes

Q- What does the scripture in D&C 63:20-21 mean when it says 'the day of transfiguration shall come; When the earth shall be transfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the mount'? A- There are two parts to the day of transfiguration: The first part is when you, my angels, are transfigured in preparation for you to teleport, and the second part is when the earth will be transfigured, in part and altogether. The section of the earth which will first be transfigured is in the New Jerusalem area, soon after you arrive next April to bless the waters to become living waters. The rest of the earth won't receive its transfiguration until the end of the millennium, as spoken of in Revelation 21:1- "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."

Q- Once we become transfigured, what else is there to learn how to teleport? A- Michael, the prince, the chief archangel, and your dear brother, will show you tonight.

Now I am excited! I feel enlivened in my spirit to understand more as it relates to teleporting. Once again, God has so graciously answered my humble and sincere prayers, and so kindly led me, here a little and there a little, precept upon precept, for me to understand more and more. I feel so honored and blessed! I have to 'pinch myself, lots of times too, to make sure that this is all real and happening to me!

As I was driving home from BYU where I dropped off A. for his classes, I was listening again to the audio recording of the book of Revelation. I came to Revelation 7:13-17, where I believe one of the angels told John about the healing angels who were continually in the presence of God. The impression came to me that once we healing angels, and other angels too, are transfigured, we shall have the blessing of Revelation 7:16-17-

"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.

For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."

I believe this transfiguration will be, for the most part, a gradual transition until we are able to drink of the living waters in the New Jerusalem this next year.


Michael then continued:

'Raphael, what you have written is correct. Now that you are transfigured, which happened last night, every physical element from our mother earth in your body has now been encased by a corresponding spirit element from your spirit. The control of the physical element is therefore now all in the power of your spirit elements. When you have previously moved your spirit around, that same method of control will now also move your physical elements around. These physical elements compose your transfigured physical body, bound with your spirit's spirit elements.

For one to teleport, in your physical body, your physical elements need to be fully transfigured, each encapsulated by their spirit elements matching pair. This allows your mind to control your spirit elements, and in turn control your physical elements in all your body.

So, when you desire to move somewhere in your physical body, you move just like you did in your spirit body. You can also go through physical things, like walls or rocks, both which are made up of the elements of the earth, because your entire physical body is fully controlled and encapsulated by spirit elements which already have this capability. You are not limited to the earth, but may go to any place you may wish to visit, as before, according to the approval of God.

The way to teleport then is to think of where you would like to be, and you will then be there instantly. If you wish to hide your physical body, then think to do so, and your spirit will control the elements of your physical body to be hidden from the view of mortals on earth, like your free spirit is always hidden. If you wish to replicate, you may also do so physically if you wish, just as you frequently do in the spirit.

This is what I will do: each time you practice teleporting, I will be at your side until you feel confident that you have mastered this skill. You might, at some time, feel you are physically in one location, but also physically in another location. This is normal. You will at first only consciously be able to be in one of these locations at one time. However, in time, you will be able to consciously be in multiple physical locations, and be able to know simultaneously what you are doing in each place. Your thinking and reasoning ability will still be all linked together in one place, even though you may be doing different things at each location. I know this may be hard to comprehend, but you will get the understanding of what I am saying as you experience this.

I will leave you now, but I will return as often as you wish me to come help you, and give you more confidence by being next to you.'

He also said that it is best that the transfiguration settle at least for one full day before I attempt teleporting, since it takes that long for all the physical elements to be completely encapsulated.

Michael then gave me a big hug with his right arm around my shoulders. He then disappeared and I was alone again!


Q- Should I stay revved-up at 500 time my normal, resting vibrations all the time now? A- Yes! The normal baseline of 1.0 is the vibrational level of your physical cells which have been encapsulated by their counterpart spirit cells. There is no need now to go back and forth between 1.0 and 500 times-just stay at the higher vibrational level. There is no harm in this either-and being there always keeps you more in-tuned to God, more prepared to teleport at a moment's notice, etc. There is nor reason actually to visit this issue again-just keep your vibrations high, at 500 times your normal or baseline vibration. Lock them in place now at this higher frequency, and never give this another thought. You have experienced living today at this higher vibration. This has not been any problem at all in your normal activity and normal function.

You also noticed last night, in your prayer, when you came to the celestial world at God's Loving Healing Center, that you could not reduce your vibration level while there. This is because you needed this higher state in order to be there with us.

Just 'lock-in', in your mind, to this higher vibrational level for one last time, with never intention to reverse this, and you will have it permanently set at the higher 500 times level.'

I then made a mental statement like this: 'Oh my Father in Heaven, I wish to make the vibration level in my body to 500 times the baseline vibration, and to make this permanent and irreversible. I intend that this will continue until the time, at the end of the millennium, when I am changed, in a twinkling of an eye, to a resurrected state. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'

I now tested if this change was permanent, and I felt it was!

Q- Is my vibration level now 500 times my baseline now, and is this permanent as I have intended it to be? A- Yes

I then tried to mentally reduce my vibrations, and I was not successful. I am therefore fixed at this higher vibration state which allows me full capability to teleport without revving-up, or even thinking about anything with my vibration level, for I am always now at the optimal vibration level!

Note that I can still ramp-up or down my light intensity level, from my golden baseline level-like using a dimmer switch. This is something I can do at will in my mind by the power of my thoughts.

I also have no need to ever separate my spirit, or replicate my spirit without my body, except in the healing work where I, in my spirit, go into the body of my client. I also may need to separate off my spirit occasionally to fully embrace God, or a dear friend-when our spirits go inside each other as a sign of true friendship and love. These sorts of full embraces are more the exception than the rule I think.

So, from now on, I will almost exclusively replicate my physical body and spirit combined together. I find I am so much more comfortable and capable in this way anyway. I can replicate being either seen (visible) or unseen (invisible). This capability is also the ability of a resurrected transfigured being.


R's Personal Journal Entry 10-23-2016, Sunday

I feel so pleased and excited about the future! I am feeling so blessed too, with new information and direction in my life from my loving Heavenly Parents.

I feel too that I have just been 'notched-up' in my capability, nearly twice as effective as I was before, because everywhere my spirit before replicated, now it is my spirit AND my body replicating, in a fully transfigured physical state. This replication includes all those replications that I have been unconsciously doing in my healing role of Raphael throughout the world. I also now stand behind each healing angel, in a state of protection in my physical body, with my Sword of Raphael held up high in the air. I also am protecting others that Deity tell me to protect, who have heavy burdens and have come unto God-all of these now I go to in my physical body. I feel more empowered with strength and ability, now that I have permanently been changed to a higher vibration level that is optimal for teleporting to all of these locations.

What I need to do is now practice teleporting. I also need to learn to more consciously be aware of what I am thinking and doing as I go places by teleportation. I know I do so very little in my conscious mind versus what I do in my unconscious mind. My goal then is being aware of what I am doing and thinking in multiple locations.

Later, after church: At sacrament meeting today, I felt I wanted to teleport up to a mountain trail that my family and I had been on recently, with all the beautiful fallen leaves. I went there, in my minds' eye, and was right off the pathway where there were loads of red, fallen leaves, entirely covering the trail. This was the Bennie Creek Trail, off of the Payson Lakes Scenic Loop road. I felt I had teleported to that area, off the trail and facing the trail. I felt I was invisible, but also in my physical, transfigured body. I was kneeling there when the priest offered the prayer on the bread.

I made, in my mind, my covenant with the Father. I soon partook of the bread which was passed to me. I then heard someone walking down the leaves on the trail, from higher up the trail. It was Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, holding hands and talking! When they got next to me, they stopped, turned, and Heavenly Mother came over to me. She invited me to stand and walk with them! I took her left hand in my right hand, and we both went back to Heavenly Father. She took his left hand in her other hand, and we all three started walking up the trail together in the leaves. It was a slight incline on the trail. Heavenly Mother started talking again:

'Raphael, your path in the future will include more and more understanding of truths that will be gradually revealed to you. This is your wonderful path ahead of you! As you practice teleporting in your physical, transfigured body, you will become more and more comfortable and proficient doing so. We are pleased with your progress to date.'

At that moment we started floating up into the sky, on a path that seemed to be made up of clouds instead of leaves where we had been walking. This path of clouds was steeper, but I saw that both my Heavenly Parents were with me continually, every step of the way. Our destiny was in the sky somewhere, which was bright and shiny, full of hope, extreme joy and deep satisfaction.

At this time the sacrament was all done. I then lost sight of where I had been with both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I remember clearly, however, the constant companionship of God in the journey ahead, and the excitement I had in learning and doing so much, with their ever clear and kind direction. Wow! That was the best sacrament meeting!


Here are your questions and my responses:

Q- How will the 144,000 learn to teleport? How will the rest of the healing angels who haven't found you learn? A- I am not sure how they will learn. Maybe I will be involved too, or Michael or someone else. I am feeling a little over the top in trying to tutor just the mortal angels, when I myself have barely done this. It is not easy to perceive, or to make it all function just right. However, God is merciful and will help us all to practice and learn. Apparently it is a very important matter that we learn now, and with some urgency. This is the message I have been receiving, as well as others of us have.

About the other healing angels in mortality, I think I must be involved, unconsciously, also with them in helping them teleport. Gosh, there is so much that I must be doing! I can barely consciously keep up, let alone unconsciously! However, I feel that this is the direction I have received from God who makes the decisions. He is sustaining me in all of this, of which I am so, so grateful!

Q- How do you teleport with people, do you have to be holding their hand or what position enables them to teleport with you even if they haven't acquired the skill themselves? A- When you learn to teleport, you can transport anyone or anything, according to God's will, even though the people do not have this blessing or skill of teleporting. I think holding hands seems correct. I am not sure how Moroni went into the mountain with John Koyle, if they were holding hands, or what. I think you need to touch the person or thing, at least at first, to have these go with you.

Q- In the 5 steps listed, I feel one should be added to ask if it is okay to go and do, or wait for a direction to go, etc. What do you think? A- I agree S.A., in all of our doings, we should ask God if what we are doing, or planning to do, is approved of God. For me, recently when I pray, every time I connect, God wants me to teleport and learn! We are to act in accordance, sometimes too, with D&C 58:26 "For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward." I think this applies also in teleporting-we sometimes need to take the initiative, and not ask every single time or we might weary him, especially in our practice.

Q- About teleporting, when you broke it down in slow motion- if we go invisible in location A, does that mean we are still there? Can I completely remove myself from a place? A- Yes, you are still there, even though invisible. This is a hard thing for us mortals to grasp, that we can physically be in more than one place at a time. This is how God works, and it is so hard to understand. Resurrected beings who have been transfigured (celestial beings I believe) can also do this. Also, mortal translated and transfigured beings can also do this, all subject to the will of God. We can be visible or invisible, in any or each of these locations we may be in. This is all according to propriety, and never for our own aggrandizement. We wouldn't probably be visible in more than one place where someone could see both of 'us', for instance. This happened to me only once: I saw Jesus at the sacrament table, and also next to me in the pew during a sacrament meeting I attended a year or so ago. This was for my benefit, to teach me about replication. For us, all would be to fulfill our missions, and to do the will of God. S.A., this is really amazing doctrine, but I firmly believe it is true. It has taken me months to really start to understand this replication doctrine, not just in our spirits, but also in physical bodies.

Q- When we are transfigured, will we glow like it talks about in the scriptures? A- Once one is transfigured, he/she has the full ability to adjust the level of brightness from their bodies. See my description when I went into the old Nephite tunnel.

Q- Are there others who will be teleporting besides healing angels, and the 144,000? A- I don't know if God has chosen to do this for any other groups of people. I would imagine those who have already been translated, like the 3 Nephites, John the Revelator, Moses, Elias and Enoch's group are all transfigured too, because they seem to have a mission that requires this.

Q- Are there prerequisites to being transfigured, besides the Lord's will, of personal worthiness and righteousness, being made perfect in Christ? A- I believe there is definitely a worthiness issue, not judged by man but by God. God sees our actions not only in this mortal state, but also in our premortal state. Christ is the one that qualifies us for translation and transfiguration I believe.

Q- Was Christ's atonement done in a complete healing way, where he traveled past present and future with each person to atone for all of their sins, sorrows, etc.? A- I believe this is true, yes. I also now believe he did this in his transfigured physical body.

Q- About transfiguration, what is this verse really all about? Luke 9:33 33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. A- I think that the apostles were confused, since during the transfiguration these two other beings appeared. The apostles seemed to want a memorial to these three, as a way to honor them. The great event of this meeting on the mount of configuration was the transfiguration of Christ, plus transfer of priesthood keys. According to the Guide to the Scriptures, Joseph Smith taught that, in company with Elijah, he came to the Mount of Transfiguration and bestowed priesthood keys upon Peter, James, and John.

I think there is some confusion about the term 'transfiguration' and quickened, or Shekinah, or being filled with the Spirit like Abinadi experienced before wicked King Noah. The transfiguration I am referring to is the changing of the body of a translated or resurrected person, where the spirit cells encapsulate the physical cells, allowing them to teleport. This is what happened to Jesus Christ, and others. It did not happen to Abiinadi, or those who are caught up to heaven in the spirit and see great things (that is more called quickened). Moses and Elias both were most likely translated, never tasting of death, when they appeared to Christ and his three apostles on the mount. They may have also been transfigured with Christ, or before. They had to be in the flesh I think to pass priesthood keys."



Later: I was asked on an email, if I have felt any differences, now that I was transfigured. Here are some of these sorts of questions I posed to God in prayer:

Q- Do I need less water, now that I am transfigured? A- Yes

Q- How much less water? A- About 50% less.

Q- Do I need less food now? A- Yes

Q- How much less food? A- You don't actually need to eat. However, you may still eat as you have normally done, to keep your normal image to others around you, who know you well (like in your family).

Q- One of the mortal angels wrote that she mashed her finger, and burned her arm, and that these healed immediately when she meditated (she said an angel came to her arm and held it and healed it completely). Is this something that will also happen to me, and to the others who are translated and transfigured? A- Yes. It may require some meditative thought to repair things immediately, like she did.

Q- How does this work, with less water and no food required? A- Your physical cells, now being encapsulated by your spirit cells, are fully sustained by the spirit cells. However, they do best with some water. In the New Jerusalem, transfigured people will drink of the fountain of living waters, and have no need of food. This will entirely sustain them.

Q- Is there a way that we can improve the water we now drink, those of us who are transfigured? A- Yes! Ask a blessing on the water to be like the living water, from the fountain of living waters in the celestial world, north of the temple. Then when you drink your blessed water this will act in your body like this living water, just like if you had drunk it out of the actual fountain, or the rivers coming from it, or the lake in God's Loving Healing Center.

Q- How do I bless the water? A- Hold the container of water you are to drink, and with intention and a prayer, ask Heavenly Father to bless it to be living water for your body. This will then be living water to you, but regular water to those who are not transfigured. You will find also that you will not need to drink nearly the amount of water you used to drink. However, it you eat food, your body will require more water than if you didn't eat food."


3 Nephi 28:6-10
6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.

7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.

8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father.

9 And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.

10 And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are one;

134E10, from HF: "R, you wondered about my three disciples that were translated to a terrestrial glory when Jesus Christ came among the Nephites. (see 3 Nephi 28:6-10). These are still abroad in the land, and serve my elect in secret. Some of the accounts you read about last night were true stories of them serving our elect. They will join the 144,000 who are now starting to be translated, to also serve the elect, even as the three Nephite disciples. They are all subject to the directions of Jesus Christ whom they serve. They will help in the great work of gathering my elect to safe garners around the earth. This will be in the day of coming days of increased tribulations. When the time comes, they will also gather those elect to the New Jerusalem, to the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 77:11).'"


3 Nephi 28:13
13 And behold, the heavens were opened, and they were caught up into heaven, and saw and heard unspeakable things.

Thu, Feb 9, 2023
That is, the 3 Nephites


3 Nephi 28:15
15 And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God.

Mon, Sep 30, 2024
Translated state allows the person to be in an immortal state, to behold the things of god.

104I7-104I11, from Heavenly Mother: "There are a few who have departed earth life without tasting death (Moses, Elijah, Enoch and his people, the three Nephites, John the Beloved, and more). These have received a transfiguration of their bodies, for they were caught up into the celestial realms of the earth or on our celestial orb. Once they were caught up into this celestial realm, their bodies were translated, even to a celestial glory. When they return they are will still be mortal, for they one day will die in the twinkling of an eye.

3 Nephi 28:15

"For whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."

These were all translated to a celestial glory. They were free to live on the earth, as do you Raphael, but also go in their unconscious states to the celestial realms where they communed with God and angels and others who were also translated to the same celestial glory.

There are now others being translated to a terrestrial state, even the 144,000 who are spoken of in the book of Revelation. These may be quickened if they come into the celestial realms, but they generally work in the terrestrial realms, for that is the realm in which they will receive their assignments as they labor in gathering the elect of God. Therefore, they have been and are now being translated to a terrestrial glory.

Angels like yourself, are translated to a celestial glory if they are living in the flesh. They work in the celestial realms in their assignments, so they are translated to that glory.

There are only two types of translation, one celestial and one terrestrial. Within each there may also be variations. For instance, Enoch and his group were not allowed to propagate while they lived in the flesh in their translated state. However, our mortal angels who are translated to a celestial glory are allowed to bear children.

The ability to replicate oneself in their translated state has not been allowed until recently. This now is a capability of all of the celestial translated individuals. The level of translation, whether celestial or terrestrial, is not a reflection of the valor or righteousness of the individual, but more of the type of assignments they would be given. Angels receive assignments requiring access to the celestial realms, and the 144,000 have assignments in the terrestrial realms and on the earth in its telestial state. They will be working directly with mortals, whereas angels and those working in the celestial sphere, will be out of the view of mortals on the earth.'"

141E1-141E14: "I awoke today feeling very normal. I know my body had been upgraded, but I physically could tell no difference. I am relatively sure nobody else could tell that I had changed either. This is how it should be.

I also had sent to S by email my account at Lake Beautiful yesterday morning. He wrote to me today and thanked me for sharing it. I reread this account, and the account from my sister K about her terrestrial body changes. I then reread my journal from last night when I was transfigured. I feel so much revelation and truth has been being poured down upon me!

I looked up in the LDS guide to the scripture and read what is says about the definition of transfiguration: "The condition of persons who are temporarily changed in appearance and nature-this is lifted to a higher spiritual level-so that they can endure the presence and glory of heavenly beings."

One of the scriptures listed under transfigurations that has occurred was 3 Nephi 28:15., speaking of the three translated disciples of Christ among the Nephites.

"And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."

I know I have previously been transfigured somehow, for how could I have been in the presence of God, starting back in April 2013 during my energy class? However, I had never beheld my body filled with such light and glory as I had last night in the domed room with my Heavenly Parents! I hope to receive clarification.

I came to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake this morning. I feel clear and perceptive, both in my replicated celestial body and in my new terrestrial mortal body while in my house praying. I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he could be visiting me.

Heavenly Father immediately appeared in front of me! He came in the celestial glory of his being, filled with great light and love that I felt. He spoke:

'Raphael, you were transfigured last night in your prayer prior to completing your terrestrial mortal state. Our blessing by the laying on of hands completed your change. This was a unique time of transfiguration for you.

You are also correct that you received an earlier transfiguration in your life, else how could you have endured the presence of God? This was done when you were first accepted by Jesus Christ and fully redeemed, early in 2013. He told you about the translation that you would be receiving. This translation was to change your replicated states into celestial translated beings. You weren't told all of these terms, for you were not yet spiritually mature in your understanding of the truth of all these things. It has taken us years to tutor and teach you to where you are now in your understanding.

In March and April of 2013, Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, introduced you to me. You had received your transfiguration or change before that time, for you were capable to enter into my presence. I appeared in the distance, and not next to you or before you as I appear now. You continued to see me in your prayers in the sky above you, in my celestial glory until the morning of your energy class in 4-20-2013. In that prayer, you saw your Heavenly Mother with your spiritual eyes for the first time in mortality! She stepped from behind me and came right next to you in your class. You were overwhelmed by her presence, and shared your experience with those in the class.

During that day, I came at different times also, as did Jesus Christ our Son. All three of us were with you in the classroom throughout your day. This was the start of you being able to come into the presence of your Heavenly Mother and me.

Yesterday you saw and described yourself in a second transfiguration experience. This was done as you completed your change from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. You are not translated to a mortal terrestrial state, for you are already translated in your replicated celestial states to a celestial translation. This is entirely different than a terrestrial translation, even though both use the term "translation". This change to a celestial translation is reserved for those, like you, our angels, and other celestial servants who live in mortality, whom we call to labor in the celestial realms of the earth and in this, our celestial orb or heaven. You all have missions to do our work that requires you to serve in this higher celestial realm. We may empower you to act in our full celestial power, as our holy conduits, in behalf of our children who live on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead.

Those who are translated in their mortal bodies to a terrestrial state, like the three disciples of Jesus, work on the earth in the telestial and terrestrial realms. Your work, on the other hand, is in the celestial realms of glory, and you are rarely seen by mortals in your work.

When you and our holy angels administer in the New Jerusalem temple, you will all labor in the celestial realms inside of our New Jerusalem celestial temple. You will be seen and fully interact with those candidates of the Church of the Firstborn who come to you, invited and elevated there by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. He will have proven them in their lives and fully sanctified and cleansed them. They will each have a transfiguration experience like you had in 2013.

Those who are born in the millennium to terrestrial mortal parents will be born as terrestrial mortal bodies. They will never experience a fallen telestial state. These will grow up without sin to salvation (see D&C 45:58). They will each still need to prove to their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, by their dedication and diligence, that they will follow him and keep his commandments. When he accepts them fully, they will be redeemed and transfigured, prepared to come into our celestial realms. Many will be introduced by Jesus to your Heavenly Mother and me before coming to you and Oriphiel, at the New Jerusalem temple.'"


3 Nephi 28:17
17 And now, whether they were mortal or immortal, from the day of their transfiguration, I know not;

Fri, Jul 26, 2013
Translated persons may be mortal our immortal from the time of change.


3 Nephi 28:19-22
19 And they were cast into prison by them who did not belong to the church. And the prisons could not hold them, for they were rent in twain.

20 And they were cast down into the earth; but they did smite the earth with the word of God, insomuch that by his power they were delivered out of the depths of the earth; and therefore they could not dig pits sufficient to hold them.

21 And thrice they were cast into a furnace and received no harm.

22 And twice were they cast into a den of wild beasts; and behold they did play with the beasts as a child with a suckling lamb, and received no harm.

Sun, Jul 7, 2013
Translated brings have the power of god to smite the earth.


3 Nephi 28:25
25 Behold, I was about to write the names of those who were never to taste of death, but the Lord forbade; therefore I write them not, for they are hid from the world.

Fri, Jul 26, 2013
Translated beings are to be hid from the world, to act in secret, being messengers of the Father and the Son.


3 Nephi 28:30-31
30 And they are as the angels of God, and if they shall pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus they can show themselves unto whatsoever man it seemeth them good.

31 Therefore, great and marvelous works shall be wrought by them, before the great and coming day when all people must surely stand before the judgment-seat of Christ;

Sun, Jul 7, 2013
Translated beings are like angels of God, being able to appear to whomever is required.


3 Nephi 28:34
34 And wo be unto him that will not hearken unto the words of Jesus, and also to them whom he hath chosen and sent among them; for whoso receiveth not the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth not him; and therefore he will not receive them at the last day;

Fri, Jul 26, 2013
Translated beings are angels to God, and he sends them forth on his errands, to act in his stead.


3 Nephi 28:37-38
37 But behold, since I wrote, I have inquired of the Lord, and he hath made it manifest unto me that there must needs be a change wrought upon their bodies, or else it needs be that they must taste of death;

38 Therefore, that they might not taste of death there was a change wrought upon their bodies, that they might not suffer pain nor sorrow save it were for the sins of the world.

Sun, Jul 7, 2013
Translated beings have a change to immorality else they would be subject to death. They are also protected from Satan, but can suffer for the sins of others.


3 Nephi 28:38-39
38 Therefore, that they might not taste of death there was a change wrought upon their bodies, that they might not suffer pain nor sorrow save it were for the sins of the world.

39 Now this change was not equal to that which shall take place at the last day; but there was a change wrought upon them, insomuch that Satan could have no power over them, that he could not tempt them; and they were sanctified in the flesh, that they were holy, and that the powers of the earth could not hold them.

Sat, Mar 26, 2016
Translated beings are not able to be held back by the earth. They are holy and sanctified, not subject anymore to Satan. The changes in the 3 Nephites was not equal to that which shall take place in the last day, to those who are translated at that time. To those who are then translated in the last days, there will be greater changes. What changes these are we are not told. I believe it will be to include the healing work of the Father when there is so much devastation on the earth. The changes in people who become translated as healing angels will be greater than the changes in the 3 Nephites.


3 Nephi 30:2
2 Turn, all ye Gentiles, from your wicked ways; and repent of your evil doings, of your lyings and deceivings, and of your whoredoms, and of your secret abominations, and your idolatries, and of your murders, and your priestcrafts, and your envyings, and your strifes, and from all your wickedness and abominations, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, that ye may receive a remission of your sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost, that ye may be numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel.

Sun, Sep 29, 2024
This scripture is exactly what we, as a gentile nation, needs to do. The presidential election is in one month, on November 5, 2024. There is so much lyings and deceivings happening between the republicans and democrats, the federal, state and local governments, big industry and people. Many of these lie and cheat, manipulate and coerce people and things to benefit themselves. We live in the days of secret abominations and great wickedness.

In addition, as a people living in the land of America, we are ripening for destruction. We are idolatrous, many living lives that are whoredoms to God. I wonder how long the Father can stay his hand from destroying this land and people who participate in such wicked ways!


4 Nephi 1:2-3
1 And it came to pass that the thirty and fourth year passed away, and also the thirty and fifth, and behold the disciples of Jesus had formed a church of Christ in all the lands round about. And as many as did come unto them, and did truly repent of their sins, were baptized in the name of Jesus; and they did also receive the Holy Ghost.

2 And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.

133E3-133E11: "I then came to the water's edge and knelt at the shore of the desert oasis. I drank of the living water there with my cupped hand. I looked out over the water and prayed for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. I kept looking for God to come.

Heavenly Father then appeared before me, standing over the water! He was bright and smiling. He was full of truth and knowledge, for this seemed to shine forth from his being, just like emotions of love and acceptance. He spoke:

'Raphael, what you have written in your personal journal about the great millennial day this morning is true! Our children on the terrestrial earth will all worship Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother and me at that day. None will be lost, just like occurred shortly after Jesus Christ came among the Nephite nation:

4 Nephi 1:2-3: " And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.

And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift."

For the Nephites and the Lamanites, they followed the gospel teachings for nearly two hundred years, even with Satan trying to tempt them and lead them astray. In the nearly thousand years of the millennium, the people will also choose us their Gods. They will have no desires to contend or dispute with each other, for all will be made free and will be partakers of the heavenly gifts provided by Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. They too will have all things in common even as did the Nephites during this righteous era.

We will still judge our sons and daughters who live, based on their actions and the desires of their hearts. In their case, during the millennium, they will all choose us their Gods, and all be made partakers of the heavenly gifts of God. When they have been proven by their life-long diligence to us, then Jesus Christ will accept them into his Church of the Firstborn. You will then receive them into this celestial church with Oriphiel, in the New Jerusalem temple. Our holy angels will administer to them the ordinances of eternal life also in that temple. Great will be the outpourings of truth and light upon our people in that day, for they will all choose us their Gods!

Raphael, look now into the waters of this dessert oasis.'

I then looked into the crystal clear waters of the oasis. I could see the entire bottom of the large pool of water, with the light that shone from my Heavenly Father and because of the exceptional clarity of the water. It was like the water wasn't even there, and like it was only a depression in the land!

Heavenly Father spoke again-'In the great millennial day, our elect who dwell on the earth will be receptive, clear and even transparent, allowing our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost to illuminate them, to fill them, and even pass through them as you have experienced. They will be like these crystal clear waters in this desert oasis. Our holy light will enlighten them and we will lead them to all our truths, for all things will be revealed to our children in that day. How can we withhold from them the truths of God and of the universe if they accept all and are eager to receive more?'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his remarkable truths he shared with me today! I feel so blessed to have received the promise to labor for these choice sons and daughters during the entire millennial day!

Oh how I yearn to be free of the shackles of wickedness that grip this world I now live in! I feel I think like God feels-ready and eager to clear out the bad so that the good may grow (Jacob 5:65-66). I know God has all in control, and will remove the wicked after they are each proven, so that this great millennial day will come!"


4 Nephi 1:13
13 And it came to pass that there was no contention among all the people, in all the land; but there were mighty miracles wrought among the disciples of Jesus.

105E7-105E10, from Heavenly Mother: "Your Heavenly Father and I also recently came to a meeting held by their newly called leadership in the Great Assembly Hall. We were in the top front corner where we often observe, undetected and unseen. You had been invited by them to sit on the stand but you did not speak. They honor you for speaking to them each so boldly about coming to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, even when they were subjugated still to Lucifer. This was a life-changing moment for them.

Their trauma is mostly passed, and they are a delightsome people! They are akin to the Nephite people after the visit of Jesus Christ among them:

4 Nephi 1:10,13

"And now, behold, it came to pass that the people of Nephi did wax strong, and did multiply exceedingly fast, and became an exceedingly fair and delightsome people.

And it came to pass that there was no contention among all the people, in all the land; but there were mighty miracles wrought among the disciples of Jesus."

The path to becoming our chosen people, as these refugees have reached, is a path similar to all the righteous. They need to drop their own selfish interests, and humbly come to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He will graciously accept them with open and compassionate arms! As they fully repent, he will cleanse and redeem their very souls. They then become a chosen people, a delightsome people of God. Oh, we love our children who selflessly serve each other and love one another! This attitude and behavior is so foreign to Lucifer that he cannot hold onto them or have any power over them. The power that Jesus uses is love and acceptance. This is so disarming and life-changing to all of our faithful!'

Heavenly Mother then looked up, over the beautiful lake to our east, even Lake Beautiful. She was looking into the future somehow. I turned and looked, and she reached over to touch my eyes. I then saw all the humble and faithful, which were valiant in the testimony of Jesus, who had changed and become even as he is. It seemed they were all in a throng over the shimmering lake, exalted and standing together in their eternal glory. The entire lake was filled with myriads of the righteous!"


4 Nephi 1:15-16
15 And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.

16 And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

17 There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.

18 And how blessed were they! For the Lord did bless them in all their doings; yea, even they were blessed and prospered until an hundred and ten years had passed away; and the first generation from Christ had passed away, and there was no contention in all the land.

124F12-124F16, from Heavenly Father: "I then saw in my mind the Saints of this restored millennial Church of Christ. They were each very open and humble and fully receptive to the Holy Spirit of God! They were all beaming with light and sought the interest and wellbeing of each other. There was great love and peace among them! They didn't wait for their leaders to tell them what to do, but they followed the Spirit. They were like the Nephites of old:

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

And again, they were happy, and the love of God and the light of God shone through them to all other people. This was also like had happened to the Nephites.

4 Nephi 1:15-16

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.
And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."

For these reasons, I will now prepare the earth and its inhabitants for that which is to come. I will take vengeance upon those who reject me and blaspheme me in the midst of my house that I had once accepted (see D&C 112:24-26). Some of the Latter-day Saints will awaken and begin to follow our Spirit we continually send among them. However, those who are not my elect among them will perish, for they will further reject me, even in their times of trial and hardships.'"

111H6-111H8: "Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, I love the humble and the meek, the open and the questioning! I withdraw from the prideful and arrogant, those who practice exclusivity and have a "holier than thou" attitude. When the Church of Christ is reestablished again at the beginning of the millennium, we will have a humble and penitent people. All our Saints will be open and receptive to us. There will be a feeling of being the same, whether rich or poor, leader or not, with open arms to all children of God. Our love will imbue the people, and our Spirit will glow from their countenances. They will have a feeling of service and deep caring for each other. These Saints will be like those of old, after Jesus Christ visited the Nephites.

4 Nephi 1:15-18
"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.

And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.

And how blessed were they! For the Lord did bless them in all their doings;"'

Heavenly Mother was smiling broadly as she finished this scripture. Her eyes were twinkling with love and anticipation, I think, of this day ahead when she would be welcomed among her children in the Church of Christ. I love to see her in this contemplative and happy state! I thanked her for her clear message. I felt like I had seen the vision mural accurately. I was happy to end my prayer on such a happy note of the vision of a happy people."


4 Nephi 1:16
16 And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

126I13-126I17: "'Raphael, we are now going to our elect who live in your future, during the millennium!'

We were still in the higher celestial realms, so the people were unaware of our visit among them. I saw many people in houses and in places where there were stores and other buildings. We paused and watched them interact together.

I immediately saw the white loving bonds between these righteous people! These bonds of love appeared once they saw each other. Many embraced when they met, and others lovingly put arms around each other's shoulders. There were lots of smiles and laughing too! Everyone seemed to be so accepting of each other. I didn't see any judgment or controlling attitudes. I thought that there couldn't be a happier people of God than these! (see 4 Nephi 1:16) "And there were no envying nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."). I yearned to live with my own wife and family among them! They were so open and receptive, always following the Holy Spirit, and acting in love and consideration towards one another!

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you will have the privilege to dwell among such a happy people! This is Zion, the pure in heart! When you reside in a future day with your loved ones, you will be a part of such a loving group of people. Oh, I love to be among my children when they treat each other so lovingly, with kindness and gentleness! These are the fruits of following our Spirit. They think more of their neighbor than themselves. We freely shed forth our heavenly light upon these our blessed children. Satan is also bound and will not have power to bind them with his evil words and perverted dark bonds!'

I spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, how may I begin to have such loving relationships, even in my day?'

She answered: 'Raphael, for you who live in a darkened world as do you now on your earth, begin by extending love and service to all those around you. Start in your family that we have given to you. Care for and gently talk and love one another. Give freely of your time and means to those in your inner circle, so that they genuinely feel your love. Shower upon your family and friends your understanding heart, your smile, and your light. Be open and accepting of their foibles, and don't shun them. Follow my Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost that the Father, Jesus and I will abundantly shed forth upon you. You will then do more to begin Zion in your own relationships than by any other means!'

Heavenly Mother then turned and embraced me lovingly! She imbued in me her love and great peace! I feel so filled with her light, and experienced a deep calmness and abiding joy."


4 Nephi 1:20-43
20 And he kept it eighty and four years, and there was still peace in the land, save it were a small part of the people who had revolted from the church and taken upon them the name of Lamanites; therefore there began to be Lamanites again in the land.

21 And it came to pass that Amos died also, (and it was an hundred and ninety and four years from the coming of Christ) and his son Amos kept the record in his stead; and he also kept it upon the plates of Nephi; and it was also written in the book of Nephi, which is this book.

22 And it came to pass that two hundred years had passed away; and the second generation had all passed away save it were a few.

23 And now I, Mormon, would that ye should know that the people had multiplied, insomuch that they were spread upon all the face of the land, and that they had become exceedingly rich, because of their prosperity in Christ.

24 And now, in this two hundred and first year there began to be among them those who were lifted up in pride, such as the wearing of costly apparel, and all manner of fine pearls, and of the fine things of the world.

25 And from that time forth they did have their goods and their substance no more common among them.

26 And they began to be divided into classes; and they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain, and began to deny the true church of Christ.

27 And it came to pass that when two hundred and ten years had passed away there were many churches in the land; yea, there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel, insomuch that they did receive all manner of wickedness, and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness.

28 And this church did multiply exceedingly because of iniquity, and because of the power of Satan who did get hold upon their hearts.

29 And again, there was another church which denied the Christ; and they did persecute the true church of Christ, because of their humility and their belief in Christ; and they did despise them because of the many miracles which were wrought among them.

30 Therefore they did exercise power and authority over the disciples of Jesus who did tarry with them, and they did cast them into prison; but by the power of the word of God, which was in them, the prisons were rent in twain, and they went forth doing mighty miracles among them.

31 Nevertheless, and notwithstanding all these miracles, the people did harden their hearts, and did seek to kill them, even as the Jews at Jerusalem sought to kill Jesus, according to his word.

32 And they did cast them into furnaces of fire, and they came forth receiving no harm.

33 And they also cast them into dens of wild beasts, and they did play with the wild beasts even as a child with a lamb; and they did come forth from among them, receiving no harm.

34 Nevertheless, the people did harden their hearts, for they were led by many priests and false prophets to build up many churches, and to do all manner of iniquity. And they did smite upon the people of Jesus; but the people of Jesus did not smite again. And thus they did dwindle in unbelief and wickedness, from year to year, even until two hundred and thirty years had passed away.

35 And now it came to pass in this year, yea, in the two hundred and thirty and first year, there was a great division among the people.

36 And it came to pass that in this year there arose a people who were called the Nephites, and they were true believers in Christ; and among them there were those who were called by the Lamanites—Jacobites, and Josephites, and Zoramites;

37 Therefore the true believers in Christ, and the true worshipers of Christ, (among whom were the three disciples of Jesus who should tarry) were called Nephites, and Jacobites, and Josephites, and Zoramites.

38 And it came to pass that they who rejected the gospel were called Lamanites, and Lemuelites, and Ishmaelites; and they did not dwindle in unbelief, but they did wilfully rebel against the gospel of Christ; and they did teach their children that they should not believe, even as their fathers, from the beginning, did dwindle.

39 And it was because of the wickedness and abomination of their fathers, even as it was in the beginning. And they were taught to hate the children of God, even as the Lamanites were taught to hate the children of Nephi from the beginning.

40 And it came to pass that two hundred and forty and four years had passed away, and thus were the affairs of the people. And the more wicked part of the people did wax strong, and became exceedingly more numerous than were the people of God.

41 And they did still continue to build up churches unto themselves, and adorn them with all manner of precious things. And thus did two hundred and fifty years pass away, and also two hundred and sixty years.

42 And it came to pass that the wicked part of the people began again to build up the secret oaths and combinations of Gadianton.

43 And also the people who were called the people of Nephi began to be proud in their hearts, because of their exceeding riches, and become vain like unto their brethren, the Lamanites.

133D31-133D33, from Heavenly Mother: "I then asked of her if there would be other churches established besides the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn in that millennial day?

She replied-'Raphael, at first there will only be the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn, for all will be converted to the Lord and embrace our gospel! At the end of the millennium, when Satan and his hosts are loosed for a little season, false churches will again arise, like happened to the Nephites once they stopped having all things in common. (see 4 Nephi 1:20-43). It will get so bad that the righteous will be gathered to the city of the New Jerusalem, and the wicked will all be outside the walls of the holy city.'

We had walked up and down several rows of Heavenly Mother's beautiful remedy beds, full of beautiful flowers, herbs, bushes and trees. She turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, we allow hard times to come upon our many children on the earth in order to test and try them. We want to see who will follow our promptings of the Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. These are the ones who will be the primary leaders in the great millennial Zion that will be established for nearly 1,000 years! It is during times of trouble that our children really decide who they will follow.'"


4 Nephi 1:26-27
26 And they began to be divided into classes; and they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain, and began to deny the true church of Christ.

27 And it came to pass that when two hundred and ten years had passed away there were many churches in the land; yea, there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel, insomuch that they did receive all manner of wickedness, and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness.

October 26, 2024
I read this verse in 4 Nephi 1:26 about churches being built up to get gain. I had always thought that churches were built up to promote a religious motive, and to share this with the community. However, Mormon, who abridged this record of the history of the Nephites, said they built up churches for gain, like a business of today.

Unfortunately, the LDS Church of today has changed its focus too, from preaching the pure gospel of Jesus Christ, to getting gain. The leaders have changed the doctrine and purpose of tithing to one where everyone needs to pay 10% of all their income, instead of 10% of their gain. I believe that this has been done for gain. Nowadays, after a century of this, the LDS Church is extremely wealthy. Surely the church is all about getting gain, and perpetuating their very wealthy position, just as some of the Nephites did around 200 AD to get gain.

Within ten years of this time, Mormon states that there were "many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel". This is also the state of the current LDS Church. I have increasingly noticed that outwardly the church proclaims Christ, but really has its emphasis on building up temples and of other things, but not on Christ. The leaders preach that members need to attend the temples regularly, which means they are required to pay tithing of 10% of their income, and also support them as their leaders (temple recommend requirements). To me, it seems that the emphasis really is on temple worship, not on Christ worship. In meetings we seldom hear of Christ, but instead hear of all kinds of stories, many of which are about the temple.

There is a strong emphasis to be a temple worker among the adults of our wards. This often gives them a higher class of people who support each other in this divergent activity. In our ward, almost every active adult who can spare a little free time is signed up for work in the temple, to administer the temple rites.

The scripture above also states that the churches in this time of the Nephites "denied the more parts of his gospel". The LDS Church no longer has the Holy Ghost, except on rare occasions. This has been stated many times by both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I hardly ever hear a testimony born of the Holy Ghost, according to how I perceive their testimony. There are rarely healings, or gifts of the Spirit, which come by the power of the Holy Ghost. The church leaders and members lean upon medical doctors for their healing, and not on the gift of healing. They discourage any alternative practices like energy work or other alternative non-medically approved sources. We live in a desert, so to speak, of spiritual gifts and endowments of the Holy Ghost. There are, however, many members who energetically and emotionally declare they know the church is true. They also seek for signs from God, and holding fast to make-beliefs of how God is watching over them.


4 Nephi 1:41. And they did still continue to build up churches unto themselves, and adorn them with all manner of precious things. And thus did two hundred and fifty years pass away, and also two hundred and sixty years.

October 26, 2024
To me it seems that the LDS temples are adorned with all manner of precious things, like the Nephite's places of worship. It seems that there is no money that is spared on beautifying the temples, and in maintaining the beauty of meetinghouses. This is far more important that looking out for the windows and needy among us.


Mormon 1:13
13 But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his beloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people.

140F11-140F13, from Heavenly Mother: "The three disciples of Jesus who were translated to a terrestrial glory among the Nephites remained among them until the wickedness of the people became too great for them to remain.

Mormon 1:13

"But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his beloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people."

This similar level of wickedness prevails today in your day as among this time among the Nephite nation. We will not allow Satan and the wickedness of the people in your day to weigh down our beloved elect and destroy them! We have decided instead of removing them from among their wicked society, that we would elevate them to a terrestrial glory so that Satan could have no more influence over them, to destroy and subjugate them. They will mourn for the wicked and for their loved ones who choose evil rather than light, but they themselves will be spared.'"


Mormon 3:3,11,15,16
3 And I did cry unto this people, but it was in vain; and they did not realize that it was the Lord that had spared them, and granted unto them a chance for repentance. And behold they did harden their hearts against the Lord their God.

11 And it came to pass that I, Mormon, did utterly refuse from this time forth to be a commander and a leader of this people, because of their wickedness and abomination.

15 Vengeance is mine, and I will repay; and because this people repented not after I had delivered them, behold, they shall be cut off from the face of the earth.

16 And it came to pass that I utterly refused to go up against mine enemies; and I did even as the Lord had commanded me; and I did stand as an idle witness to manifest unto the world the things which I saw and heard, according to the manifestations of the Spirit which had testified of things to come.

183C16-183C17: "Here is another email I received from S on 1-8-2021 entitled "Idle Witness":


This verse from Mormon 3:16 made me think of what I transcribed today.

"And it came to pass that I utterly refused to go up against mine enemies; and I did even as the Lord had commanded me; and I did stand as an idle witness to manifest unto the world the things which I saw and heard, according to the manifestations of the Spirit which had testified of things to come."

We are idle witnesses to what will happen to our nation and testify of things to come.



Evening-I read Mormon chapter 3 where Mormon, the last great Nephite general, refuses to lead the armies of the Nephites because they were so wicked. He said when he cried to them it was in vain (Mormon 3:3). He then refused to be a commander and a leader of his people (verse 11), "because of their wickedness and abominations." God then told him "vengeance is mine, and I will repay" (verse 15). Finally, Mormon "did stand as an idle witness to manifest to the world the things which (he) saw and heard." (verse 16, the same verse that S had shared with me, and I felt we were in our day, with the decline and takeover of our country. This all grieves me, and I need diversion so my sadness doesn't overtake me. I see in part what is coming in the demise of my once great republic. It is because of the leaders and the people who have chosen Satan and captivity over freedom. They care not for their fellowmen and women, but are filled with greed, thirst for power, and a desire for evil and wickedness."


Mormon 3:18-20
18 Yea, behold, I write unto all the ends of the earth; yea, unto you, twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be judged according to your works by the twelve whom Jesus chose to be his disciples in the land of Jerusalem.

19 And I write also unto the remnant of this people, who shall also be judged by the twelve whom Jesus chose in this land; and they shall be judged by the other twelve whom Jesus chose in the land of Jerusalem.

20 And these things doth the Spirit manifest unto me; therefore I write unto you all. And for this cause I write unto you, that ye may know that ye must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, yea, every soul who belongs to the whole human family of Adam; and ye must stand to be judged of your works, whether they be good or evil;

114C3-114C11, from Heavenly Mother: "Q1-Will all of the celestial children of God be resurrected before their brothers and sisters who are terrestrial and telestial?

A1-The celestial are all part of the First Resurrection and will all resurrect before the end of the earth when it dies. The plants and animals may be resurrected at any time and are not part of the First Resurrection. The plants and animals will mostly be resurrected at the end of the millennium and before the earth dies. The celestial children of God will all resurrect once they are either redeemed then elected into the Church of the Firstborn. This follows a judgment by Jesus Christ himself, for he determines if they are to be elected into his Church of the Firstborn or are of the celestial nature. They need to be mortal, translated, or resurrected to be received into this celestial church during the millennium. There will also be some who enter into this Church of the Firstborn after the earth is resurrected to a celestial glory. This is generally for those single celestial men and women who have finally chosen a spouse and then go through the New Jerusalem temple together, that is on the resurrected earth.

The terrestrial and telestial will be resurrected once they are judged of their works done in their premortal estate, their mortal estate, and finally of their works and desires in the world of the spirit dead. Their final glory will be obvious to them and to God's servants who judge them. The glory they have chosen in these three realms (premortal, mortal, post-mortal) will be the glory they really want and the happiness level they have chosen by their actions.

Those who judge them will be commissioned of Jesus Christ and act as extensions of his grace and power of discernment. All of the final judgments of these who are commissioned will be overseen and fully acceptable by God.

Mormon 3:18-20

"Yea, behold, I write unto all the ends of the earth, yea, unto you, twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be judged according to your works by the twelve whom Jesus chose to be his disciples in the land of Jerusalem.

And I write also unto the remnant of this people, who shall also be judged by the twelve who Jesus chose in this land; and they shall be judged by the other twelve whom Jesus chose in the land of Jerusalem.

And these things doth the Spirit manifest unto me; therefore I write unto you all. And for this cause I write unto you, that ye may know that ye must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, yea, every soul who belongs to the whole human family of Adam; and ye must stand to be judged of your works, whether they be good or evil."

The twelve disciples who are commissioned to judge the twelve tribes of Israel do not judge the celestial, for Jesus Christ himself will do that, so that they can be resurrected to a celestial glory in the First Resurrection. Those who are not of the twelve tribes of Israel will be judged of other servants that are also commissioned by Jesus Christ. All of these servants who are commissioned by Jesus Christ will judge the people in the throne room in God's upper floor of the celestial temple on the celestial orb.

Once an individual is judged and acknowledges that their final judgment is just, they will be resurrected to the glory they have been assigned. Their physical bodies, which in most cases have been decaying in the earth, will come together again, uniting with their own spirit in a resurrected state. The judgments and resurrections of all God's children will happen prior to the earth itself being resurrected. Once the earth is resurrected, there will be no more of the decayed bodies of the children of God, the animals, nor the plants in the earth, for all will be fully resurrected to the glory by which they will be quickened.

Once a person is resurrected to a terrestrial or telestial glory, they will be escorted by other commissioned servants of Jesus Christ to their world of final glory. They will be brought there and set up to be comfortable there. These worlds will continue to fill up with children of God resurrected to the same glory as the world to which they are assigned.

The final destiny of Lucifer and his hosts will be done after the last of God's children are resurrected to a celestial, terrestrial and telestial glory. This final destiny of those devils who still persist to deny that their Gods are their own literal parents in the spirit, will be done by Heavenly Father and me ourselves. These will be taken to the original locations where we chose their intelligence. They will then be stripped of their spirit so that their core intelligence will be left in that original location. They will then migrate to their final destiny "where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched, which is their torment". (see D&C 76:44-48)

Once Satan and his hosts are removed from the bottomless pit in the depths of the earth and all of God's children, animals and plants are all resurrected, then will the earth die and be consumed by fire. It will then resurrect to a celestial glory, by the power of God and become the abode for the celestial. The New Jerusalem, the city of God, will come forth and there will be "a new heaven and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1-2). The new heaven refers to the spheres on the earth, for the old telestial and terrestrial spheres on the earth will be consumed in the fire and death of the earth and will be replaced by a celestial realm on the earth, which is the new heaven.'"


Mormon 5:12-13
12 Now these things are written unto the remnant of the house of Jacob; and they are written after this manner, because it is known of God that wickedness will not bring them forth unto them; and they are to be hid up unto the Lord that they may come forth in his own due time.

13 And this is the commandment which I have received; and behold, they shall come forth according to the commandment of the Lord, when he shall see fit, in his wisdom.

See my notes in Words of Mormon 1:11, about hiding up records to the Lord.


Mormon 5:18
18 But now, behold, they are led about by Satan, even as chaff is driven before the wind, or as a vessel is tossed about upon the waves, without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer her; and even as she is, so are they.

186D15: "I received this email from S on 2-9-2021, entitled "Stern Warning":


I retired to my room last night as my 5 children were then in bed. As I was unwinding for the day, I was readying myself to go and pray. I looked on my phone to see that the most recent entry from Raphael was transcribed. As I read your Monday mornings' entry, it was similar to my experience. I wanted to share the similar experience and then my experience afterwards in prayer.

2/8/21 (Monday AM)

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father. I heard his voice, but did not see him. He spoke, and his words were powerful, strong, and stern: 'I speak and the earth trembleth (Psalms 104:32). My words cause the wicked inhabitants to tremble at their knees. Most seek not my words nor my counsel (Proverbs 1:25) but are blown about to and fro by the whisperings of Satan (Mormon 5:18). Hearken now, o inhabitants of the earth, to your creator, the time is now present that all who will not hear my voice nor lend an ear to my counsel will be cut off from the land (D&C 133:63). Those who will yet remain will both hear my voice and hearken to my words. No longer will my words and counsel be trampled under the feet of men (1 Nephi 19:7). '

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. I desired to be true and faithful to his words and commands continually. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

(I looked up these phrases in the scriptures after my prayer and added them above)

R, I then read your record later that same evening. I went back and reread what I had received and recorded above. As I was pondering these events, I prayed again.

2/8/21 PM

In prayer, I asked about what I received in prayer this morning. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, but I could not see her. She said, 'Your Heavenly Father and I have spoken and our words are trampled under the feet of men and women. Our words will no longer be trampled by mankind. Our laws will go forth and our counsels will be heard. The meek and humble will inherit the earth.'

She finished speaking and I felt the seriousness of this moment. She spoke again, 'Contemplate your Heavenly Father's and my message to you this day.'


I awoke today with both of these messages on my mind. I contemplated my experience as a parent when my kids are not listening to my words and I do what is needed to get their attention and cause them to follow my direction.

It seems our Heavenly Parents will no longer allow their wayward children to continue following their same course. It caused me to remember Daniel's experience with Beltshazzar, who mocked God, in Daniel 5. A hand from heaven wrote on the wall "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." Daniel gave the interpretation through the power of God and the kingdom was taken from Belshazzar that night.

Your Friend,



Mormon 5:24
24 Therefore, repent ye, and humble yourselves before him, lest he shall come out in justice against you—lest a remnant of the seed of Jacob shall go forth among you as a lion, and tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver.

Sat, Feb 2, 2013
Here Mormon refers to a lion among sleep, referring to the destruction of the gentiles.


Mormon 8:29-31
29 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be heard of fires, and tempests, and vapors of smoke in foreign lands;

30 And there shall also be heard of wars, rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places.

31 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth; there shall be murders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations; when there shall be many who will say, Do this, or do that, and it mattereth not, for the Lord will uphold such at the last day. But wo unto such, for they are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
This now sets the stage for the time period of that which Moroni now will be speaking about. It is definitely last days, with wars and rumors of wars, and great pollutions in the land, and all manner of abominations like legalized gay marriage in Utah. This is the day that he now describes in v 32-41.


Mormon 8:31
31 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth; there shall be murders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations; when there shall be many who will say, Do this, or do that, and it mattereth not, for the Lord will uphold such at the last day. But wo unto such, for they are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
This now sets the stage for the time period of that which Moroni now will be speaking about. It is definitely last days, with wars and rumors of wars, and great pollutions in the land, and all manner of abominations like legalized gay marriage in Utah. This is the day that he now describes in v 32-41.

117D10-117D11: "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we have stepped into your celestial realm from our higher celestial realm tonight. We want to talk directly to you about an important matter to us!

You live in a day of great pollutions on the earth as prophesied by Mormon.

"Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth…" (Mormon 8:31)

You also live in a day spoken by Jesus Christ to the prophet Joseph Smith:

D&C 89:4 "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation."

Finally, speaking to the gentiles in your day, who are the nations of the world, and particularly your own country, in Ether 8:24: "Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you..."

Raphael, your own nation is the host to secret combinations run by conspiring men and women who seek to destroy the innocent of the land you live on, and the peoples of the earth. These conspirators are lawless, and have much wealth to alter in a dramatic way the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe. These once pure and wholesome sources required for your survival are now compromised and polluted to a high degree. The dramatic increase of disease and illness of the physical bodies of our mortal children can be seen everywhere. Our systems of natural immunity and vitality are being destroyed by these great pollutions in your land and world. We foresee our children on earth becoming sickly and very weak as they continue to live normal lives in this ever increasingly polluted world.

We have foreseen this time you live in and have provided a way for our people to survive in these difficult times.'"


Mormon 8:33
33 O ye wicked and perverse and stiffnecked people, why have ye built up churches unto yourselves to get gain? Why have ye transfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring damnation upon your souls? Behold, look ye unto the revelations of God; for behold, the time cometh at that day when all these things must be fulfilled.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
I wonder about if there are more and more LDS churches about to get gain for the central church? What have we as a people transfigured in the holy word of God that will bring damnation upon our souls? I wonder if it is in part the requirement to depend upon federal welfare before taking church welfare (forms required to be filled out by the needy seeking help)? I wonder how many more of these there might be too?

The LDS church has truly transfigured the holy scriptures in tithing, for their own gain as stated in this scripture. Leaders teach that tithing is 10% of all their income, whereas originally it is 10% of their excess, after the needs of the individual/family are all met. This transfiguring the scriptures allows for great income to come into the coffers of the church, even to exceed $100 billion in assets.


Mormon 8:34-41
34 Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.

35 Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.

36 And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.

37 For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.

38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?

39 Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?

40 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?

41 Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
This is addressed to the LDS church-we have become engrossed too much with our money and things of the world. Every one of our churches have become polluted because of the pride of our hearts. Remember Pres Benson's talk on pride to the members of the church--it is all around now. See also v.38 for a more clear condemnation of the holy church of God, our LDS church.

43G6-43G14, from R: "I believe, even now, that God has withdrawn his presence from 75% of the wards in Utah. Outside of Utah, I believe 50% have had this withdrawal of Heavenly Father and Jesus from their sacrament meeting. In Guatemala (where I have visited), I believe none have yet had this withdrawal happen.

In Mormon 8:38 (see also v.34-41), Moroni spends lots of verses on 'why do ye pollute the holy church of God?' (LDS churches). He said he saw our day and we were present before him:

Mormon 8:34-41-

"Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.

Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.

And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.

For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.

O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?

Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?

Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?

Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer."

The Lord considers that where two or three are gathered together in his name, as touching one thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven (see Matthew 18:19-20-

"Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.").

He says also that he will be in the midst of them (see also D&C 6:32-"Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them—even so am I in the midst of you."). He says he will be in the midst of us. I know this to be true for I have had this experience multiple times, and at church during sacrament meeting.

I remember one talk by Elder Oaks where he described a situation where he had to go outside and make sure that the name of the church was on the building-the people were so non-welcoming and did not display Christ-like behavior. I can't seem to find it now. Elder R G. S.A. also talked of a similar experience like that in a Sunday School class. It seems many people have sold Jesus for silver and gold, for pride of the world, for costly apparel, for other things that moth doth corrupt.

A final confirmation of our state as a LDS church, in our wards and branches, is found in Isaiah chapter 1. My eyes are opened since I have listened to this audio for many nights-and gradually my eyes have been opened. Isaiah addresses us, in our day, as modern Israel (Isaiah 1:2). We are sinful, laden with iniquity, evil doers, corruptors, have forsaken the Lord, and have provoked the Holy One of Israel (Jesus) unto anger; we are gone away backward. He says that except the Lord had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. He spends the entire chapter telling of our sins, and begging us to change and be more like the Savior. It is a great indictment on us as a people and as a church.

I really believe he has departed from my home ward, for I cannot feel or see him there. He has told me not to go there again until he commands me. He is pleased when I go to the State Hospital branch where Heavenly Father and Jesus' presence are. It is wonderful there to me. I will continue to follow his lead and direction in my life. I am so grateful for eyes that now see."


Mormon 8:35-40
35 Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.

36 And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.

37 For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.

38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?

39 Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?

40 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?

112J2-112J4: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we try to influence our faithful children in the LDS Church and make inroads in areas of change that are alternative in the eyes of church policy, like spiritual healing gifts, teaching children at home instead of sending children to public schools, and other activities that may be witnessed to them by our Spirit. Were your Father and I to come and live in disguise among the Latter-day Saints, we would not follow the cultural norms that the active Saints follow, but we would follow our current ways of gospel living. We would be thought of as very different members of the community, with unusual ways and practices. However, in the millennial days, in the restored Church of Christ, we would be thought of as very normal.

As the current LDS Church on earth allows more apostate doctrines and practices into its acceptable ways of living, those who follow the Spirit are always considered unusual and different. We have withdrawn our Spirit from the leadership of the LDS Church now, so you may expect the discrepancies to become even greater, until it will be difficult to know a Saint from a sinner.

There are many Stake Presidents who believe they can make local Zion societies of the Latter-day Saints in their communities. These are delusions, for the people are generally becoming more and more worldly, thinking more of themselves and their own needs and desires.

Moroni saw these changes in the LDS Church and saw your day. He couldn't understand why the current Latter-day Saints wore costly apparel, allowed pride to enter into their personal lives, loved money and substance more than the poor and afflicted, and more. (See Mormon 8:35-40). He saw clearly that the Saints of the latter day church would pollute the holy church of God. It is nearly unrecognizable to us now, for the gifts of the Spirit are so lacking in your community, and the afflicted are passed by and not helped. Soon we will replace this dead church, as you see represented by the fallen oak tree below us, and bring forth our restored Church of Christ. This new church will be full of the gifts of the Spirit. My presence, the Holy Ghost, will be abundant among the members, who will be truly humble followers of our Son, Jesus Christ.'

She continued: 'Until that time, we will strengthen you and our faithful so you remain strong, even without a church that has the gifts of the Spirit. We will bless you for your efforts to remain faithful among the fallen and polluted church that once was filled with our blessings and presence.'

Heavenly Mother looked very compassionately at me. I knew she and Heavenly Father knew the difficulties of the times we live in on earth now."

Wed, Oct 29, 2024
While pondering the verses above today, I asked my Heavenly Father the meaning of Moroni's words, and to whom they were directed. I felt it was surely the LDS Church, and it's leaders and members, but how specifically did this apply in our day. I received a wonderful answer in my mind, and was asked to reconstruct what Heavenly Father said later in the day. I am now having a prayer in my heart to capture the words and thoughts he said to me:

'Raphael, our servant Moroni was shown your very day by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He saw the many churches in the land, but spoke directly to leaders and members of the LDS Church. It is this church that he asked "why have ye polluted the holy church of God?" This latter-day church was founded upon the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as found in the Book of Mormon, and many revelations from God. Now the leaders and members of this church no longer have the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the many attendant gifts of the Spirit. These are sorely lacking! There is no more revelation among the principal leaders, for all have gone astray.

The LDS leaders reject anything that is not aligned with their own adjusted modern teachings. The members have also been well taught to reject any revelation from anyone who has revelations contrary to anything taught by the leaders and their changed doctrines. The lack of revelation is missing from this church, and is a vital part of the fulness of the gospel. The members almost exclusively depend on cultural norms and reject truths that are prompted by the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost.

The leaders have also changed many of the doctrines that were revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. The law of tithing, for example, that was originally revealed required 1) the surplus property of members to be given to the bishop, and then annually thereafter 10% of the increase (interest) of one's property (see D&C 119:1-4). The intention was never to take away from the monies of a family that directly were needed to support that family. Instead, we asked for the surplus initially, that which wasn't directly needed for their sustenance, and then 10% of the gain, or surplus beyond this basic amount in the future. Nowadays, this has been changed to 10% of ones total income, not 10% of the surplus. Today, even the very poor and needy are required to pay this amount in order to remain in good standing. Such was never intended in the beginning when this was revealed to Joseph Smith in July 1838.

Because of your current-day perversion of the law of tithing, we consider the leaders to be guilty of "suffering the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not" because they rob these of the money they need to sustain themselves and their families. In extracting money unrighteously from these poor ones, they are guilty of "building up (their) secret abominations to get gain". This causes the "widows (to) mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon (their church leader's) heads?"

The leaders and many members of the LDS Church are full of pride. Pride creates enmity towards others, and prevents the individuals who have it from yielding their hearts to God. Instead, what others, particularly the higher up LDS leaders, think of them weighs heavier than What will God think of them (see Beware of Pride, by Ezra Taft Benson). In this way the leaders and members are guilty of pride, and cut themselves off from God. In this way they are actually "ashamed to take upon (themselves) the name of Christ". The "praise of the world" is followed more than following the ways of Christ, or the fulness of his gospel. They follow their own built-up religious practices, and spurn the revelations of God. Anyone who speaks out with revelation that opposes them, they quickly reprimand or excommunicate.

The highest councils of the LDS Church promote "adorning (their) churches", meaning temples, meeting houses, and other church owned buildings. They want only the highest beauty for these, all the while neglecting the poor and needy among them. When there is a donation from the tithing monies of the church to help the poor, there is a public announcement, showing how great the church cares for the poor and unfortunate in the world."


Mormon 8:38
38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?

Mon, Oct 6, 2014
Here we see the prophet Moroni, who said he saw our day, and that the Lord Jesus Christ showed us to him, condemn the"holy church of god". We are the people he is condemning. This also includes teachers (leaders of the church no doubt). Why? Because of pride and vain things of the world and the praise of the world. We do not in sincerity take upon us the name of Christ, being ashamed to do so because of the world's influences. We are truly polluted and are getting canker in our souls.


Mormon 8:39-41
39 Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?

40 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?

41 Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023
The reason we are not approved of the Lord: we do not care for each other, for the poor, the afflicted, the sick, widows and orphans, and neglect them. The Lord will not suffer the cries of his people any longer. See Isa 1:17, 23.

We also build up secret combinations before the Lord to get power, control and gain (religious institutions, government, industry, and the people in general). Who are the blood of the Saints? It is the righteous who have sincerely taken up on them the name of Christ.


Mormon 9:19-20
19 And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles.

20 And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust.

Tue, Mar 5, 2013
Miracles have not ceased to exist. They originate in Christ, and they are part of his being and power. If we experience no miracles in our lives, it is because of unbelief, it is not because he has changed. Our job, then, is to align ourselves with God and expect and create the faith necessary for miracles to be part of our lives.

Wed, Oct 30, 2024
The miracles have ceased because we, as members of the church, have rejected the gifts of the Spirit. Were a man to come among us, and follow the Spirit in healing others by the power of God, the leaders would become concerned, and ask his to stop such healings. This is too far out of the ordinary, for "we members are to depend now upon medical doctors for our healing, and only those in our stewardship." This exact event actually happened to Johannes Wulfgram. He performed miracle healings by his priesthood, and many came to him to be healed. His leaders ultimately asked him to stop healing others who might come to him. He was asked to limit his priesthood healing practices to family and his immediate stewardship. He performed great miracles with his priesthood, even to raising a person from the dead. In being reprimanded by his leaders who asked that he no longer do so shows that we are a society of non-believers in the miracles of Jesus. We don't believe anymore in a God of miracles.

However, the fulness of the gospel, the gifts of the Spirit, and the revelations and guidance of the Holy Ghost all show forth the direction and miracles from God. He is not a changeable being, as Moroni states. The LDS Church doctrine and beliefs of its members may change, but God does not change. He has instead removed the priesthood power and the gifts of miracles because of unbelief of the people.


Ether 2:5
5 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded them that they should go forth into the wilderness, yea, into that quarter where there never had man been. And it came to pass that the Lord did go before them, and did talk with them as he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel.

177F13: "S's email entitled "Guided by light", 11-3-2020


Last night I prayed and received insights into our travels. I had not considered receiving guidance towards Zion in this way beforehand. Months ago I had pondered on the lands being disrupted from earthquakes, Nibiru etc. and thinking a regular map might be insufficient. I was directed to study in my morning scriptures today to look for similar accounts of this guidance. I am always amazed at how much the scriptures contain that shed new light on your own situation when you apply the scriptures to yourself.

Here is my prayer from last night and afterwards I share the scriptures I found and pondered this morning.

11/2/20 PM

In prayer, I came to the fountain of living water and it was nighttime. The moon was out and its reflection glowed upon the water's surface. Heavenly Mother appeared with a soft glow of light radiating from her being as she stood in the air above me. She spoke, ' You do not see into the hearts, rooms and houses of our children throughout your nation. There are many actions transpiring daily that would bring great pain to your heart and soul. We see all these evil works and the great destruction soon pending to be released upon your nation will cause the cries of the defenseless and pure children to cease before our ears. All that lack light will be cut off among the people. The light of Christ will dwell in the hearts and minds of those who eventually remain. There will be a literal light from Christ that will direct your path to Zion and lead the way. This will become more prominent as the faith and knowledge of your group grows as you travel. This light will be similar to what you read in Visions of Glory. Search the scriptures tomorrow in your study for similar occurrences recorded by our prophets.' To my mind's eye I then saw a light directly in front of us directing the way on our journey to Zion.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Ether 2: 5

"And it came to pass that the Lord commanded them that they should go forth into the wilderness, yea, into that quarter where there never had man been. And it came to pass that the Lord did go before them, and did talk with them as he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel."

Exodus 13: 21 -22

"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people."

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter,

Your friend, S""


Ether 2:7-12
7 And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people.

8 And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

9 And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

10 For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.

11 And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.

12 Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written.

184B7-184B15: "My Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, last night S saw me in a brilliant white light, even as we appear before you this morning. All around me last night I made it appear red so S could see what was soon coming on our celestial orb with the red sky you see now. When you prayed to your Heavenly Father last night in the maple tree grove, the sky was not yet red, even though I showed it to S earlier when he prayed.

Early this morning, when your national holiday began on the east coast, the celestial sky turned deep red. At that time, we overlaid this celestial red sky upon your land, signifying that our judgments are fully come upon your land of America, upon the United States of America, even upon this, the promised land.

We have further chosen red to signify that part of our judgments include an attack from communist Red China and Red Russia. The national flag of China is red with yellow stars in the left top corner, and the flag of the previous USSR was red with a yellow hammer and sickle in the left top corner. The current flag of Russia seeks to masquerade the real leadership of Russia which remains communist. The color red represents these two aggressive communist superpowers in your world, who will combine their forces to attack and bring down your nations.

We have also chosen that our judgments come on your national holiday. Although the citizens of your country may remember Martin Luther King, Jr today, future generations will remember this day was when our judgments were officially initiated upon your nation.

Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I told S this morning in his prayer that the people of your nation have broken the covenant to follow Jesus Christ, the God of this land. For Jesus Christ spoke this to the brother of Jared, once the great flood waters had dispersed from this land:

Ether 2:7-12

"And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people.

And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.

And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God--that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.

Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

Raphael, the time of our judgments is fully come, and we will maintain this red sky in our celestial realms upon this promised land until our judgments are completed. This red sky will remain even until you blow your trumpet of God after five months of enemy occupation upon the land. Upon the event of the light of a thousand suns, this red sky will depart from our celestial orb, and return again to a beautiful blue sky. The red sky is our sign in the celestial realms that our great judgments and tribulations are fully come upon the promised land.'

At this moment that Heavenly Father stopped speaking, I saw the white capes of my Heavenly Parents start to blow furiously in the wind behind them. They were very serious in their visages, and very powerful looking. I knew they meant business, and would act on all they had spoken!

They then backed up in the beam of light that again appeared behind them. They quickly returned to their holy temple and entered. The sky continued to be a deep red, even like the color of blood it seemed."


Ether 2:8-9
8 And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

9 And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

177K1-177K8: "I awoke and came to my private room before my family awoke. I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf from its branches. I sat under its canopy and ate. I felt refreshed and clear. I then confirmed what I had received last night from my Heavenly Parents. I felt confirmed in my heart that the fall of Babylon would coincide with the fall of the United States of America. Sometimes these are spoken separately, like in Isaiah 13 (fall of Babylon) and Isaiah 19 (fall of Egypt, or the United States). Last night my Heavenly Parents referred to Revelation 18 as the fall of Babylon and the fall of the United States. They referred to this as one event, or series of events.

I now want to complete my grief and the loss of my country, and allow these feelings to be fulfilled and to depart. I know that grieving takes time. I will just allow things to progress in my heart I guess.

In my country, the elect are being gathered out and the wicked will soon be removed from the land. The beautiful landscape like the national parks will transition into the terrestrial world, and should be preserved. The large cities will become uninhabited but will be built up at least in part by the elect in a future day (see 3 Nephi 22:3) I know that the decrees of God will be fulfilled in this land.

Ether 2: 8-9

"And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess the land of promise from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fullness of his wrath should come upon them.

...And the fullness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity."

I came this morning to the circling waters. I looked upon the water's movement, coming from the small river in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The water comes into a calm pool and circles before exiting. This flow of water coming into the calm pool reminds me of many people that have come into this land of promise, with new people coming all the time. There are many more elect coming to this land that will be born into a terrestrial world. These will be among those who will worship the true and only Gods of the land. The wicked will be replaced with the new.

I then got on my knees and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared, smiling upon me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the wicked in your land have reached a point where they are ripened in iniquity. You can see this simply from the falsified reporting of the counting of ballots during the election in your land. There are very many who have hid and deceived the people. Although many of the people know they are deceived, they either want that system of corruption, or are so angry that they will take up arms against those who are deceivers. The wicked love Satan more than God, and are full of mischief, trickery and deceits. They seek to control and dominate one another, even to suppression, captivity and death.

We, your Gods, have judged this people, and have determined the time has come to remove your nation and the wicked from the face of the land. We will preserve the righteous elect, and protect them by our matchless power. We will have you establish the New Jerusalem and the start of Zion on a new terrestrial earth.'

I thanked my Father for his simple message this morning. I am so happy for his and Heavenly Mother's continual guidance in my life."


Ether 2:8-12
8 And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

9 And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

10 For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.

11 And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.

12 Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written.

186G5-186G10, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, the words of your Heavenly Mother that she spoke to you last night are true. You have prayed about her words several times since receiving them, and I have come in person to confirm these to you.

You are wise to take only what she says, and not to conjecture anything else, thereby having no expectations of how her words more specifically come about. Much is under the wraps of secrecy and will never be reported anywhere to the public. However, we see all and know the hearts of the wicked, and their plans and intents to destroy your nation, your freedoms, and to take over this promised land.

There are decrees of God upon this promised land, even as revealed in Ether 2:8-12:

"And he (Jesus Christ) had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.

And this cometh unto you, O ye gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God-that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.

Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

The fulness of my wrath has already come upon me, even as you recorded in your entries on Monday and Tuesday of this week, on 2-8 and 2-9-2021. This has been fulfilled as prophesied, in verses 8, 9 and 11 above. The five months of foreign occupation and takeover has already begun. I now wait for the fulness of iniquity to come, and then the wicked will all be swept off the face of this land of promise. This ripened iniquity will come at the end of five months, even when I will then command you and our celestial hosts of heaven to clear the land of the wicked. This will be at the event of the light of a thousand suns.

We will then move forward in establishing the New Jerusalem upon our land of promise. No unhallowed hand of man may stop these decrees of God in establishing our Zion, in the terrestrial sphere of the earth, upon our choice land of promise!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me this morning. I said I thrilled at hearing his glorious words this morning! I felt his Spirit fill my soul as he spoke these truths to me. I said I would do all he may command me, when he wants me to act as his humble servant."


Ether 2:9
9 And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.

138B4-138B9: "Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your dream last night was from us, your Father and Mother. When worldwide calamities come to your area, they will come suddenly and all at once. There will be the portent of war on the news, economic collapse in the land, power grid failures, a seemingly quickly lessening of societies' values, with no regard for anything but peoples' own immediate needs and desires, and distress in peoples' lives all around you. It will come upon all the land quickly and at the same time. "As a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth." (see D&C 112:24)

Even though all these things will come upon you and your nation, we will be with the faithful who know us, and give them peace. We will fill them with assurances that they will be able to make it through these troubles, and soon they will have a glorious world ahead of them.

Ether 2:9

"And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity."

There are many dark and ominous clouds on the horizon in your land and in the world. We will protect our own who come unto us, seek our faces in humble, sincere and connective prayers. We will pour out our peace to our faithful in a troubled world.'

The faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then brightened. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'During these difficult times, look to us in every time of trouble. We will fill your mind and heart with our love and our promises of a beautiful peaceful world that will soon blanket the earth. It will seem "for a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer." (see Isaiah 54: 7-8

Heavenly Mother extended her hand and I stood and took it. She then wrapped her arm through mine and we started walking in the same direction to my left. I felt very much protected and guided by them and filled with their peaceful assurance that all would be fine."


Ether 2:10
10 For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.

146D1-146D3: "'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I also wanted our people to again be gathered upon this land of promise, even in the last days just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The gentile nation that is now built up on this land is corrupt and ripened in iniquity.

Ether 2:10

"For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off."

I will destroy this nation and those of my children who do not hear our voice and keep our commandments. We will cleanse the land of iniquity so that our people, Israel, our chosen elect, may come and be established as a free people on this promised land. They will again reestablish a government built on religious freedom and a free form of government, whose king is Jesus Christ, the rightful king of the land. This is the land upon which our Zion will be established! With the righteous elect gathered in the promised land, we will further restore all things, even in their fulness to our people. This Zion will endure through the entire millennium!'"


Ether 2:12
12 Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written.

164A5-164A12: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received S's journal account from this morning when your Heavenly Father explained the meaning of both of the eclipses coming soon to the earth. The solar eclipse seen from Africa and Asia is happening now. S correctly wrote that our protection over Israel as a country and people would now be lifted temporarily, just as the sun will be blocked temporarily as seen from the land of Israel. We will still protect our elect from the ravages of other enemy nations and peoples, who will kill many. S correctly recorded Heavenly Father's words for the removal of our protections from Israel for a season.

On July 4th, there will be a lunar eclipse that will be seen across your land of America. S wrote correctly the words of your Heavenly Father that this heavenly sign will signify the removal of many of the liberties and freedoms of your own nation, the United States of America. Only four days earlier, Uriel will have blown his trumpet of God from the spire of the Salt Lake temple. You have been told this will initiate a spiritual darkness across your land.

In the midst of this darkness, the citizens of your nation will be attacked by the foreign power of communist China. You will also have preplanned riots and insurrections directed by the communist Chinese government, which will continue to create chaos and fear across your nation. Soon the liberty and freedom that we have protected your nation with will be removed for a season, just like the light of the sun will be blocked by the earth and its shadow shown on the moon, in a lunar eclipse. This sign will be given on July 4th, 2020, the day of your national Independence Day. This too is significant, since instead of becoming independent from other nations, you will soon be subjugated to them, even to those who will overcome your land and remove some of your freedoms and liberties.

Our caution to you again is to not attempt to resist this occupying force, or the insurrections that will spawn against the freedoms of your country that we have so long protected you with. Your country no longer worships the God of this land of promise, even Jesus Christ, but many spurn Christian values and the principles of freedom, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ether 2:12:

"Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

We will therefore remove our protection from the land for a season, even until we bring protection again upon this land, but this time upon the New Jerusalem area, in the center of the land of promise.'

Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. Both my Heavenly Parents let go of my hands and faced me. She had spoken to me while we were walking.

Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, we have clearly told you today of war and the coming limited liberties that exist in wartime, even when your country will be occupied by a hostile and aggressive nation. Fear not, however, for we will still fight your battles, and bring about, in our own way, the destruction of the wicked, and the preservation of our elect. Stay near to us and we will give you revelation and much peace, even in your coming troubled days ahead.'"


Ether 2:14
14 And it came to pass at the end of four years that the Lord came again unto the brother of Jared, and stood in a cloud and talked with him. And for the space of three hours did the Lord talk with the brother of Jared, and chastened him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord.

184F12-184F20: "Evening-On our date, my wife and I talked a lot about basic principles we wanted to follow with our grown children. We decided not to press our own desires for closeness upon our children, but let them each fully choose the level of their relationship with us. Some will be happy with not much at all, maybe associations several times a year, if that. Others will want visits several times a week and daily phone calls. Both will be acceptable to us, for we want to meet their own desires with a similar level of interest and love from us.

I feel this is how our Heavenly Parents relate with us, their children. If we draw near to them, they will in turn draw near to us. If we neglect them, they will not press themselves on us.

I read about the Brother of Jared being led by the Lord to the seashore before crossing the great waters. He then didn't call upon the name of the Lord for four years (see Ether 2:14). In this case, God did not press on the Brother of Jared for years, allowing him to choose the level of the relationship they would have together.

Similarly, my wife and I want to allow our own children space to set the level of our relationship with them.

I came this evening to the banks of Heavenly Mother's river, opposite the temple. I knelt under the trees facing the river, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

She then walked to me from her temple, across the river, and in front of me in the air. She was smiling and immediately spoke: 'Raphael, there is a transition in the level of love and attention from a mother and father to their dependent infant children to the time when they are launched as adults into the world. You are correct that children pass through the lives of mothers and fathers, and then fulfill the scripture in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh."

In order for a child to become sufficiently independent of their father and mother, and to form a binding relationship with a spouse, they need to gradually have the reins of control and dependency removed. They need to learn to live on their own and establish their own family as a husband or a wife. Their years of training on being self-reliant and independent will be fully realized when they finally choose to marry.

In this way our children pass through their own parents' lives and establish their own families, with children of their own. The cycle is repeated as multiple children fulfill the scripture to cleave to their spouses and begin another family. Ultimately, the husband and wife are back alone again cleaving to each other, and their children will have passed through and moved onto their own lives and families.

A couple whose children have departed and they are again alone together, should cling to each other and support each other in love and focused interest. The children have all moved on, and now there are only these two, husband and wife. They may continue a loving relationship of mutual respect and interest for those of their children who wish to continue in a new adult friendship. Parents of adult children should allow freedom for their adult children to determine how close they wish to be, how often they want to connect, and what of their lives they wish to share. Parents may have some children who are no longer interested in being close, and that is their choice. This is part of life and what happens in many families. Parents should just let this be without becoming upset or feeling like they have been slighted. This is how many families evolve into, and is why we have given the commandment to honor your father and mother. We, the eternal parents of all our mortal children, watch and will judge all such family interactions. Our elect need to care for and love their aging parents who have sacrificed and raised them in diligence and love.'"


Ether 3:6
16 Behold, this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit; and man have I created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the flesh.

136A3-136A25: "Heavenly Mother's face soon appeared before me, but not the rest of her body. She was smiling at me. Somehow my unconscious mind did not see her entire body. She then spoke: 'Raphael, we may have all or part of our bodies revealed to our servants like I have only revealed to you my face. We control this all by our intention in our mind. This is how Jesus Christ allowed his finger to be seen by the brother of Jared.

Ether 3:6

"And it came to pass that when the brother of Jared had said these words, behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and touched the stones one by one with his finger. And the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of man, like unto flesh and blood; and the brother of Jared fell down before the Lord, for he was struck with fear."

In this instance, Jesus Christ intended that the brother of Jared see his finger as he touched the stones. Without his intention, the brother of Jared would have remained outside the veil. We who are Gods may show any or all of our beings according to our desires. In this case, Jesus appeared in the celestial realm from the higher celestial realm, showing his finger only. The brother of Jared had been brought into the celestial realm when he prayed to the Lord on Mount Shelem. He exhibited his faith in God by molting out of rock sixteen small stones and coming to the exceedingly high mountain to commune with the Lord (see Ether 3:1).

When the brother of Jared finally asked Jesus to appear to him (verse 10) and after Jesus asked if he would believe the words that he would speak, and the brother of Jared confirmed he would, then Jesus Christ showed the entire body of his spirit!

I then asked my Heavenly Mother to appear to me in her full glorious body! I said I would believe all of her words that she would share with me today, for I knew she was my Heavenly Mother, my God, and always spoke the truth.

Heavenly Mother then fully appeared to me! She was dressed in a beautiful white robe of exaltation and was shining brightly before me! I felt her intense and clear light come into and through me as I knelt before her in the birch tree grove, just east of Lake Beautiful on the slope going down to the city of Enoch. Her light came into all parts of me and I felt very and enlightened and clean before her. I was so glad to be in her glorious full presence!

Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, I have come from my higher celestial realms through this highest veil to show to you my full body. You are located in the celestial realm in your translated celestial body. We are speaking to each other face to face. I am transferring to your mind all of my words I wish to speak to you. You are able to hear these as your thoughts and then you write these very words in your journal while you are in a meditative state on the telestial earth, in your mortal physical body. This is how we usually appeared and spoke to you our many revelations.

We require our children who come to us in our celestial presence, to believe all of our words that we will share with them. You believe and write all of our words. We are then able to reveal to you more, for without your belief and faith in coming to us, we would feel very hesitant in sharing more of our truths with you.

As you continue to come before us in this same open and believing way, we will also continue to reveal all things to you. We plan to reveal all things gradually to you, one experience like this at a time, over the many days, months, and years as you continue to make the effort to approach us in a believing and open manner.

In time, your journal entries will become a compiled record that is very great and precious. Through you we will reveal all of our truths, even as fast as you are capable of receiving them.

In this entire process, we also desire that you live a normal, balanced life in mortality. We want you to not call undue attention to your actions, or your time of communion with us, for we wish your records to become very great even before we reveal them to our elect, except to those few you now share them with.

This same pattern you have established with us, in receiving our truths, coming into our very presence, and writing down our words, is the same pattern we wish all of our elect to do. As they too become open, believing and very receptive to our holy communications, we will also reveal to them our many truths. These will be similar revelations that we have revealed to you.

However, in the course of revealing all of our revelations to our children, we desire there to be a head through whom these revelations are accepted for all to receive and confirm. This is why we want every one who is now brought into our presence to accept you as the only one on earth through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes. The revelations to this church will come through you for now, even until Jesus Christ comes to take his position as the king and prophet in this celestial church and kingdom of God on the earth. Until then, we will give our abundant revelations, for being published and promoted in this celestial church, through you.

Many others will also receive our revelations and should also record them in their personal journals and records. These will become also valuable accounts of our revelations. However, they will not be canonized as official scriptures and revelations in the Church of the Firstborn. Your records will be accepted as our official revelations for all to read, ponder, and confirm by our Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.

Those records of our holy mortal angels, celestial servants and elect of God will make up a large volume of records. These may also one day be stored in the New Jerusalem library for they too will have so many gems of truth that our righteous ones may read, study and ponder and confirm as true with us, their Gods. Your records will also be housed in the same New Jerusalem library and also be made publicly available like the standard works of the LDS Church are now available to the members of that church.

There will also be records of the new Church of Christ that will be faithfully recorded and housed in the New Jerusalem library. There will be accounts from the prophets and apostles in that terrestrial church in a separate repository. Those that are accepted by the people as canonized will continue to be added to throughout the great millennium.

Your records will continue to be made available to our people as you write them in the millennium. The words of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that he speaks to the people will also be written and recorded by others and accepted as canonized as scriptures in the Church of the Firstborn. Thus will our many revelations continue to be poured out upon the world in this great millennial day! The words given through Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and great Redeemer of all mankind will become the official canonized records of the Church of the Firstborn once he comes on earth to reign. Your new records will continue to be shared, but will not have the status as canonized, as those from Jesus Christ and those from you prior to his coming into the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. This is consistent with our policy that there is only one head at a time through whom revelations come into the Church of the Firstborn.

Until the arrival of Jesus Christ into the Church of the Firstborn, you Raphael will be our spokesman and prophet for this celestial church on the earth. We desire that you free up your life to be able to receive morning and evening from us all that we desire you to receive until Jesus Christ comes.

Continue in the same pattern of writing down in your journals our revelations, and having them typed up by others, currently K and S.A.. Continue adding these regularly to your previous posts and indexing these revelations in one index, currently done through M.A., for easy retrieval of our words through you. When there are times of disruption in your life and the world and those who now assist you, we will give you other means to continue to receive and record all of our words.

This great work is the way we will move forward with our abundant revelations in these last days. Many records will also soon become available from faithful men and women throughout earth's time to date, who have written and hid up their writings to come forth in these last days. Many of these will be accepted into the new Church of Christ as part of their expanded terrestrial scriptures and historical records. When combined with our celestial records, found in the Church of the Firstborn, these will become very great, even to the overpowering of our sons and daughters in the flesh to read and receive. As they receive and study these, our many truths that we have showered upon our faithful, they will soon become accustomed to our revelations so that they are no longer overpowering for our children to read.

Ether 4:7

"And in that day (these last days in which you live, Raphael) that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations (these include your revelations we have given to you), saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words she gave to me this Sabbath morning in my prayer! I said I would act in humility and faithfulness, to do all she says I should do. I thanked her for fully appearing to me this morning here in the birch tree grove on her celestial orb. I told her I loved her so very much!

She then leaned over and kissed the top of my head as I knelt before her! She then immediately departed from my presence. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."


Ether 3:26-28
26 For he had said unto him in times before, that if he would believe in him that he could show unto him all things—it should be shown unto him; therefore the Lord could not withhold anything from him, for he knew that the Lord could show him all things.

27 And the Lord said unto him: Write these things and seal them up; and I will show them in mine own due time unto the children of men.

28 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded him that he should seal up the two stones which he had received, and show them not, until the Lord should show them unto the children of men.

104B2-104B18: "This morning on the sandy shore of the desert oasis, I also felt so enlivened before my prayer. It was in my entire body now and not just my head. This is all not my imagination, but very real and it feels so tangible! Anyway, I knelt in this state on the sand. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come and was fully expecting a visit from them. I felt like I could perceive all things around me as I prayed. I was facing the water just a few steps north of the path. I had my eyes closed but I could sense all around me. I could tell my Heavenly Father come onto the path to my right, not far away. He then walked in the air directly to me and stopped. I knew he was there before me so I opened my eyes and saw him smiling! I turned a little on my knees to fully face him. He was glorious full of light, and so warm and accepting of me!

He spoke:

'Raphael, we will appear to everyone of our elect children as I now appear to you, according to their desires. You are clear and so perceptive now! We have led you to the point where your whole body is open to us, to perceive and hear us. This is a very real sensation you have and is due to our quickening influence on your soul as you come to us in such faith. In this state, I am able to show you all things whatever I wish to share with you.

This is the same state that a few of my ancients have been in, to come unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:

Ether 3:26-28 (Heavenly Father's comments in parenthesis)

"For he had said unto him (the Brother of Jared) in times before, that if he would believe in him that he could show unto him all things-it should be shown unto him; therefore the Lord could not withhold anything from him, for he knew that the Lord could show him all things.

And the Lord said unto him: Write these things and seal them up; and I will show them in mine own due time unto the children of men.

And it came to pass that the Lord commanded him that he should seal up the two stones which he had received, (the Urim and Thummin) and show them not, until the Lord should show them unto the children of men."

Raphael, the Brother of Jared received the Urim and Thummin from Jesus Christ for the aid in translating these great revelations when needed in your day. You do not need any such implement, for you are writing my words in a language easily read and understood in your day. Your revelations are greater than those revealed to the Brother of Jared, however. They are also given to you gradually, over the many days and weeks we come unto you and that you write them. They are part of this era when all things will be revealed to man on the earth:

D&C 121:28-32

"A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.

All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And also, if there be bounds set to the heavens or to the seas, or to the dry land, or to the sun, moon, or stars-

All the times of their revolutions, all the appointed days, months, and years, and all the days of their days, months, and years, and all their glories, laws, and set times, shall be revealed in the days of the dispensation of the fullness of times-

According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest."

Raphael, we have held back some of our revelation to come forth through you at this time, never before revealed. Now all of our secrets will be revealed to man, all done as we desire prior to the great return in glory of our Beloved Son, again to the earth.

Joel 2: 28-29

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."

Raphael, the enlightenment from our Spirit into your soul that you wrote about in your journal this morning is very real and true! We will pour this same Spirit out upon all our elect who come unto us as have you, being open and diligent in seeking us. Nothing will be withheld in these days. Great are your blessings to receive these wonderful truths!'

I bowed my head and thanked my Father deeply who stood before me in great light and majesty! I feel very honored and humble to be one of those old men that Joel prophesied of. I am so energized to receive so much from my Gods! I knew my prayer had come to an end. I then closed my prayer and got started on my busy day ahead.

I am ready now to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I want to continually be near them, especially in the morning and evening. I look forward to new revelations each time!

Tonight I came up the little path past the green hill, north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I passed the overlook and headed a little further up the path. I looked over the spacious field behind me to my south. I was right in the path just before going into the fir forest, which eventually came out over Heavenly Father's wheat field on the other side. I knelt and faced the woods. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then waited and anticipated seeing the presence of God. This is my Heavenly Parents' world, and they come quickly now to me here. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking from deeper in the forest to me. They walked up to me, holding hands, both were smiling and glowing in light and excitement it seems.

Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we are now reaching out to a number of our elect children and they are recognizing our voice and feeling the surge of recognition that we are speaking to them. Raphael, this is thrilling to us! We love our children and love when they awaken to us as more and more are doing. Your sister, Rachael, had a wonderful experience with us when you acted as our conduit for removing a block from her. She was elated to name the lake at God's Healing Center as "God's Loving Healing Lake". She and all our holy angels and servants will begin receiving great revelations as do you in this new era when all things will be revealed.

I asked my sister K if she would share her experience. Here is what she wrote me:

"December 6, 2018

I drank living water at the north end of Lake Beautiful then I went to the west shore near the Great Assembly Hall to pray for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to commune with me. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared walking together along the path leading from the south along the lake. They came before me. I thanked them for coming and thanked them for this new day in mortality and prayed for my family and those in need etc.

Heavenly Father spoke:

'Rachael, you are learning to transcribe the thoughts we send to you into your journal record. This is very pleasing to us.'


'Thank you. I wish to receive whatever it is that you feel I am prepared to learn from you. I believe I have a block of some kind that does not want deeper light and knowledge because of a feeling that either:

1) I am not worthy

2) It won't really be revealed or

3) that I am just too "elementary" or not as developed as I "should" be to receive more.

Heavenly Father:

'Yes, you do have a block and we would like it to be lifted.'

He then called upon Raphael to come, who instantly came. He asked Raphael to put his hands on my head and then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother put their hands upon Raphael, one hand of each on his head and one hand of each on his shoulder. I sat on a bench or something. Raphael said a prayer asking that he be a conduit for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's blessing to me.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

'We now, with our Godly power, remove the block that is in our daughter Rachael, which has prevented her from knowing her worth and has blocked our further light and knowledge to her.'

I felt or sensed a stubborn energy leave me from my head I think. It is not totally clear to me but it seems that more was said.

Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Our daughter Rachael, we bless you to be fully open, receptive and humble and receive all we have to teach you. We love you our daughter. You are worthy of our love, acceptance and guidance.'

They released their hands and I embraced Raphael (my brother in mortality), Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. I felt loved and very humble. They all then departed."

Later, I read this to R (Raphael) over the phone. He immediately saw the block depart and he saw me filled with transparency. He said that was the last part of the healing wherein we talked and he could see it leave."

(R here: when talking with K on the phone, I immediately could tell she spoke with lots of emotion about this block. I could also tell she still had some of it left. While she talked, I took both of my spirit hands and placed them into her spirit. I could tell when I was up against the boundaries of her block that she was talking about. I silently asked for my Heavenly Mother to help me move K's block out of her body. I then saw that the block started to move as I moved my hands slowly up and out of her body. Soon I felt my Heavenly Mother's hands on the outside of mine, helping me move my own hands and the block. All the while, K kept talking to me about her block. When the block was outside of K's body, I could see it was dark and heavy. I then held it all in my right hand, and swiped it off into space with the side of my left hand, opposite my thumb. I then watched as the block fully departed from us. I looked next at K and saw she was transparent, very clear! I then told K about some of this experience.)

Raphael, we would like them to share their choice accounts with you as they feel impressed. Then share these with those on your email list for all to be edified by. They need also to write their own details of their own accounts in their journals. These will also write these in heaven, just like your own accounts are written in heaven. We want all our revelations that our servants receive to be recorded and preserved.'

Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we have noticed that various people address your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me in different ways, in their own manners and language. Some use the language of scripture (thee, thou, etc.) and some use more informal language (you, your). We want our children to be the most comfortable they can be, as a son or daughter would approach and talk to a loving parent. We love gratitude and respectful feelings and attitudes. We want our children especially to recognize our hand in guiding their lives:

D&C 59:21

"And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."

We communicate to the heart and mind of our child, and they may commune back with us. When they receive and don't make the effort to write or record our words, we are displeased. How can we give them more if they haven't properly treasured and recorded our words we have given them in the past? You have learned it is best to write our words as you receive them. This makes any memory lag not an issue, for you write our revelations immediately. Raphael, stand now, and walk with your Mother and I in the shade of our beautiful forest!'

I stood and smiled from ear to ear! I took their hands in mine and we all turned and walked into their beautiful mature fir forest! I yearned to hear what they would say, but I heard nothing in my conscious mind."


Ether 4:4-8
122H9-122H13: "Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will send to those you pray for, who may be struggling in their lives, with more light and our love. This alone will help influence them in finding their higher selves in a darkened world. As they do, we will have a greater influence in being able to guide and direct them to our ways of truth and peace.

Raphael, our intent is to reward each of our children on earth with the greatest amount of happiness we may be able to give to them. For those who follow our promptings and directions, we will be able to lead them to places of greater peace and happiness than those who choose their own paths and won't let us guide their lives so much. We know the hearts and minds of all of our children, and know which will put us above the ways and pull of the world that affect all. Remember that our elect hear our voice and then keep our commandments, at whatever stage of awakening they me be in.

We have a detailed plan of how we will reveal your revelations, and those of others that have or will be written, to our elect. When we finally reveal these abundant revelations, our elect will be overcome with our truths! They will rejoice and cling to these our words as we have revealed them so abundantly to you and our other servants.

Those who are not our elect will never have the privilege of reading and studying your words. If they won't hear and follow what we have given them, how will they be ready to receive the greater truths? We have therefore planned for only the elect to hear, read and study our revelations that we have already given to you and our other servants. Our plan is similar to what was spoken by Moroni concerning the revelations we gave to the Brother of Jared:

Ether 4:4-8-

"Behold, I have written upon these plates the very things which the brother of Jared saw, and there never were greater things made manifest than those which were made manifest unto the brother of Jared.

Wherefore the Lord hath commanded me to write them; and I have written them. And he commanded me that I should seal them up; and he also hath commanded that I should seal up the interpretation thereof; wherefore I have sealed up the interpreters, according to the commandment of the Lord.

For the Lord said unto me: They shall not go forth unto the gentiles until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord.

And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are.

And he that will contend against the word of the Lord, let him be accursed; and he that shall deny these things, let him be accursed; for unto them will I show no greater things, saith Jesus Christ, for I am he who speaketh."

I recommend my faithful to read the remainder of the 4th chapter of Ether, for it gives our plan on how we will reveal our many revelations to the faithful, even to the elect of God.'"


Ether 4:4-16
143E2: "Ether 4:16 (see also verses 4-15)-

"And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."

3. Verses 13-15 of this same chapter talk about the veil of unbelief, and how when we rend this veil of unbelief, then the hidden things will be revealed to us. These hidden things are called "great and marvelous things."

4. We are on the cusp of the day when the veil of unbelief is being lifted from our minds:

1 Corinthians 13:12-"For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.""


Ether 4:5-7,11,14,16
5. Wherefore the Lord hath commanded me to write them; and I have written them. And he commanded me that I should seal them up; and he also hath commanded that I should seal up the interpretation thereof; wherefore I have sealed up the interpreters, according to the commandment of the Lord.

6. For the Lord said unto me: They shall not go forth unto the Gentiles until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord.

7. And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are.

11. But he that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know and bear record. For because of my Spirit he shall know that these things are true; for it persuadeth men to do good.

14. Come unto me, O ye house of Israel, and it shall be made manifest unto you how great things the Father hath laid up for you, from the foundation of the world; and it hath not come unto you, because of unbelief.

16. And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed.

141G6-141G14, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke, " Raphael, you may delegate the printing of your books of Raphael to another in your group, or may print them at a local copy shop yourself, as we inspire you at the time. At the beginning of your record, make a reference page showing the journal number and the dates spanned by that journal. One may use that if they ever wanted to look back on your personal journal, were they able to access these.

You have been scanning or taking pictures of your journal pages, and then discarding these images from your computer. This is a wise practice also, so that they don't inadvertently fall into the hands of another. Also, when you send the PDF versions to those who request them, use a simple password to protect them to some degree. This is wisdom in us, and we will know who reads them and where the copies of your records will be located.

Anciently we had the revelations given to the brother of Jared also protected, so that they would not be revealed except to those we chose to reveal them to:

Ether 4:5-7 [see above]

When an individual becomes sanctified by Jesus Christ, and comes into our presence, we will then reveal to them all things. However, those revelations will still be gradually given to them just as we have gradually revealed them to you. It takes time for our mortal children to absorb, confirm and accept our revelations, one step at a time. This is the reason why we incrementally will reveal to our faithful the truths that we have revealed to you, in order that they were revealed to you.

Our sons and daughters may have faith to receive all our revelations, and be sanctified, and even brought into the presence of your father and I, but still be restricted from all of our revelations all at once.

Ether 4:11,14,16 [see above]

We require our elect children to receive and share our revelations according to the manner we have prescribed. We will reveal all things to our faithful elect, but in our own way, gradually so that they may understand and be able to truly receive and accept our truths, as fast as they are able.

D&C 63:64-

"Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit; and in this there is no condemnation, and ye receive the Spirit through prayer; wherefore, without this there remaineth condemnation."

Raphael, we will continue to manifest to our faithful elect the truth of all things, and confirm all truths to them individually by our Spirit. This will then mimic the way you or our other servants received these revelations at the first. Therefore, each of our sons and daughters will receive anew our revelations, fresh and new to them, according to how our Spirit manifests to their own heart and mind.""


Ether 4:7
7 And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are.

111F5-111F7, from Heavenly Father: "Raphael, I tell you these things so that you realize that you and those who follow you are in a similar situation as was Jesus Christ and his disciples. Because the mission of our Beloved Son required that he be open with the public, he was cast out and ridiculed by the current religious leaders of his day. These leaders were hypocrites, for they spoke one way and acted in another way. This is how the religious leaders in your very day act in the LDS Church. We see all, even that which is done in secret.

Therefore, to spare you the revilings of these leaders and prevent them from trampling upon you and the beautiful truths that we have given you from heaven, we have chosen to keep this in secret from these leaders and the people for now.

We are satisfied that you keep these teachings within yourselves, even until this canon of scripture and revelations becomes so very great. I will show these words to the faithful once they shall exercise sufficient faith in me (see Ether 4:7). Once our mysteries are thus assembled in a format that we desire, we will then reveal them to the faithful, the pure and the open. Those who are false prophets, who come in your day as religious leaders in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves (see JST Matthew 7:24), will never receive your words.

We will not allow our pearls of truth to be trampled under foot of man. Your words will come forth when their craft is destroyed and their church is fractured to the point that they have no more power to sway the minds of the Saints.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his description of how he wants God's revelations to me kept secret. I said I would continue to guard them carefully and to share them only with those with whom he says I should share. I thanked him humbly for his truths he gives me."

136A21-136A23, from Heavenly Mother: "Continue in the same pattern of writing down in your journals our revelations, and having them typed up by others, currently K and S.A.. Continue adding these regularly to your previous posts and indexing these revelations in one index, currently done through M.A., for easy retrieval of our words through you. When there are times of disruption in your life and the world and those who now assist you, we will give you other means to continue to receive and record all of our words.

This great work is the way we will move forward with our abundant revelations in these last days. Many records will also soon become available from faithful men and women throughout earth's time to date, who have written and hid up their writings to come forth in these last days. Many of these will be accepted into the new Church of Christ as part of their expanded terrestrial scriptures and historical records. When combined with our celestial records, found in the Church of the Firstborn, these will become very great, even to the overpowering of our sons and daughters in the flesh to read and receive. As they receive and study these, our many truths that we have showered upon our faithful, they will soon become accustomed to our revelations so that they are no longer overpowering for our children to read.

Ether 4:7

"And in that day (these last days in which you live, Raphael) that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations (these include your revelations we have given to you), saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'"


Ether 4:15
15 Behold, when ye shall rend that veil of unbelief which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind, then shall the great and marvelous things which have been hid up from the foundation of the world from you—yea, when ye shall call upon the Father in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then shall ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which he made unto your fathers, O house of Israel.

123G8-123G14, from Heavenly Father: "When we have said in Ether 4:15 and 2 Nephi 27:10 that the sealed part of the Book of Mormon would reveal all things from the foundation of the world, we meant that this is a revelation of the chronology of man from his state in the Garden of Eden to the end of the millennium. This revelation spans the seven thousand years of earth's temporal existence. It will contain all things "which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth." (see 2 Nephi 27:11).

Your words, however, reveal new truths never before revealed to man. Your words are not generally contained in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. Instead our words to you will be part of our many records coming forth that will reveal all things.

D&C 101:32-34- "Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things-

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."

When Jesus comes, and the wicked are destroyed, then he will have your records made available to all the living on the earth. There will also be many other records with our revelations that he will bring forth. The sealed portion of the Book of Mormon will then be translated and also revealed for all to read and ponder. All things will then be revealed at the beginning of the millennium!

We are the same Gods that reveal our same truths to men and women everywhere. We command them to record their words, and their words fit in harmony with the words we have revealed to our other children to whom we have also spoken. These records from many sources will cause our elect who remain on the earth in that future day to marvel and rejoice!

You will then lock up Lucifer and his hosts so that they will no longer deceive and blind our children during the greater part of the millennium. You will only loose Satan during a little season at the end of the millennium. We will not have him disturb our truths that we will reveal to all mankind on the earth! The wicked will never read of our great truths revealed in your day.

D&C 121:28, 32- "A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.

. . . According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest." '"


Ether 4:16
16 And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed.

102H7-102H9: "Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we see the beginning to the end. We have hidden things that we know will happen in scriptures well before they happen. You have been impressed today with words from the scriptures given long ago to Joseph Smith the prophet, about actions we are now doing in your own day. These scriptures are mostly hidden from the eyes of the people. When they are unfolded finally before the world, they will have just been fulfilled or are then being fulfilled.

Ether 4:16

"And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."

Such will be the case in your day, for as the events of our strange work, our strange act, begin to occur, then will the people understand the prophecies given in the scriptures. We will continue to reveal to you, by the revelations you receive in prayer, and by my power, even by the power of the Holy Ghost, what will shortly come upon all nations and upon the people.

Stay close to us and we will stay close to you. Keep an open mind and a humble heart and we will continue to pour out revelation upon revelation to you, our servant Raphael.'"

160B20-160B21: "I was working today and listening to my current post 158 to catch edits, and this scripture came to mind:

Ether 4:16-

"And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."

Some of these revelations given to John have been shown to me before they come to pass. The people in the world see the things he prophesied about, in very deed, like the coronavirus, or the China flag with the yellow star, and the news reports of the growing tensions between the United States and China. I feel humbled to receive the words of our Heavenly Parents as the events unfold. I feel so blessed!"


Ether 8:15-16
15 And it came to pass that thus they did agree with Akish. And Akish did administer unto them the oaths which were given by them of old who also sought power, which had been handed down even from Cain, who was a murderer from the beginning.

16 And they were kept up by the power of the devil to administer these oaths unto the people, to keep them in darkness, to help such as sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms.

Sun, Oct 29, 2023
These same satanic paths are present in our world today. This is how governments and individuals gain power from Satan.


Ether 8:18-26
18 And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;

19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

20 And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

21 And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.

22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved.

104D2-104D6: "Heavenly Father continued speaking to me:

'Raphael, there are very many false stories, cover-ups and collusions in dark and secret corners where Lucifer lurks and tempts the leaders of industry and government. These people purposefully change reports and plan for using their position to gain huge amounts of money from false reporting. They are leading the people into severe health hazards and pitfalls of all kinds. These sinister conspiring men are fully influenced by the evil one to destroy mankind in trade for large sums of money and control.

Your day is like those days of Akish that was reported by Ether and later by Moroni:

Ether 8:18-26 [see above]

Raphael, I command you also to clearly write our words about these secret combinations in your own land. The secret combination to destroy the health of our children over all the earth is evil and from Lucifer. He intends to destroy many of the innocent by his secret combinations, promoted by evil and conspiring men and women.

We desire our children to come to us in prayer about their health challenges. We will inspire those who are open and able to hear our words. We will guide them through a precarious and dangerous world where their health options may seem limited. However, we will bless them and strengthen them. We are causing many alternative health care methods to be brought forth in your day to counter the evil medical practices that you face.'"


Ether 8:22-25
22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

154F3-154F8, from Heavenly Mother: "'Raphael, there are many secret combinations in your land and in the world. The one with the virus is this: The Russian and Chinese government have been colluding for decades, with many long term plans to invade and overtake America. This weaponized coronavirus accidentally escaped the Chinese biotech labs in Wuhan and they were unprepared for its devastation. They have other, more lethal bioweapons they are developing, which are even stronger and more deadly that they also plan to release. Both Russia and China are planning also other attacks, planned for years after the US government and people are weakened and the economy in your country is shaken by reason of the pandemic in your land. The earth also will increase in her convulsions as part of cleansing and preparation for a better world. We use natural and manmade destructions to cleanse the wicked from your land, the promised land, in preparation for our glorious millennium.

In your own land there are many government, education and industry leaders who are also in collusion with the communist governments of China and Russia. They are attempting to overthrow the US Constitution and your own republic form of government. This conspiracy has been prophesied by Moroni in Ether 8:22-25:

"And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning."

M.A. asked you a question about Qanon, or the plan of President Trump to destroy the deep state, which is true. There is also a conspiracy to overthrow your current president by those who have adopted communist principles. Both are true, and both want to destroy each other.

We see all, and let these wicked men and women do their secret works of darkness as they fit into our overall plans to cleanse the world from sin and the wickedness on her surface.

Keep praying to us your Gods, and we will keep directing and guiding you and our faithful elect with our power.'"


Ether 8:24
24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

117D10-117D11: "Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we have stepped into your celestial realm from our higher celestial realm tonight. We want to talk directly to you about an important matter to us!

You live in a day of great pollutions on the earth as prophesied by Mormon.

"Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth…" (Mormon 8:31)

You also live in a day spoken by Jesus Christ to the prophet Joseph Smith:

D&C 89:4 "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation."

Finally, speaking to the gentiles in your day, who are the nations of the world, and particularly your own country, in Ether 8:24: "Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you..."

Raphael, your own nation is the host to secret combinations run by conspiring men and women who seek to destroy the innocent of the land you live on, and the peoples of the earth. These conspirators are lawless, and have much wealth to alter in a dramatic way the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe. These once pure and wholesome sources required for your survival are now compromised and polluted to a high degree. The dramatic increase of disease and illness of the physical bodies of our mortal children can be seen everywhere. Our systems of natural immunity and vitality are being destroyed by these great pollutions in your land and world. We foresee our children on earth becoming sickly and very weak as they continue to live normal lives in this ever increasingly polluted world.

We have foreseen this time you live in and have provided a way for our people to survive in these difficult times.'"


Ether 8:24-26
24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

156G9-156G11, from Heavenly Mother: "Raphael, last night you had listened to an audio recording of a former FEMA employee who once helped draft terrible contingency plans for the United States government. These plans have now been activated by President Trump and others, signaling the sinister overtaking of your country. They have secretly now in place a plan to overthrow the freedom of all citizens of your land, and propel your nation into a one-world government order. It appears to many, from their power and money backing, that this secret combination now will go forward to execute and fulfill their evil plans. Satan is the actual author of all of these evil plans (see Ether 8:24-26).

The plagues and destructions coming upon the earth will not only destroy the wicked, but also all of their evil and secret combinations and plans, such as those laid and now activated by your own government. Follow whatever we tell you to do, for you will have a part in their destruction and in saving the elect from Satan's plans to entrap the innocent and the elect. We will not allow Lucifer and his evil ones who live in mortality to subvert our plans for the glorious millennial day coming to the earth!

The monthly sounding of the trumpets of our male archangel, even until you sound your trumpet on July 31st, 2020, will initiate the destructive events coming to destroy the wicked, and to awaken the elect from their deep slumber.'"


Ether 8:25
25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

162H5-162H11, from Heavenly Father: "He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, when John the Beloved cursed your land of America with his silver rod, he did so under my direction. Do not be too grieved for the loss of your central government that will soon happen. There are so many intrigues and secret combinations at work around those who have followed Satan and who now wield great power. They are the ones who will topple your government!

The people of your land have also built up these secret combinations, laying the foundations for their own destruction. Well did Moroni speak of these things now happening in your day:

Ether 8:25

"For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies…"

The people who are not my elect in your land have become wicked, like unto those before the great flood in Noah's day:

Moses 8:22

"And God saw that the wickedness of men had become great in the earth; and every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart, being only evil continually."

In Noah's day, all the people who remained on the earth at the time of the flood were destroyed by water."Both man and beast, and the creeping things, and the fowls of the air" were destroyed in Noah's day (see Moses 8:26).

However, in your day, only the wicked, our own children, will be destroyed, and not the elect or the animals or plants that exist in your world. The wicked people who remain will be destroyed by the fire of the presence of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, when he comes in glory to the earth. However the plants and animals will be changed in that day, and be elevated to a terrestrial level. They will abide the day's fire and be brought into the changed terrestrial earth."


Ether 12:17-18
17 And it was by faith that the three disciples obtained a promise that they should not taste of death; and they obtained not the promise until after their faith.

18 And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God.

In order to be translated, and not taste of death, the three disciples had to exhibit faith in God. This promise was not given until after their faith. They also couldn't wrought miracles until they had sufficient faith in Christ. Likewise, for us who are called as healing angels, we need to have exceeding great faith, to go forth and act on all our promptings and directions. It is only when we do so that we are granted the blessings of pleasing God and fulfilling our missions.


Ether 12:24
24 And thou hast made us that we could write but little, because of the awkwardness of our hands. Behold, thou hast not made us mighty in writing like unto the brother of Jared, for thou madest him that the things which he wrote were mighty even as thou art, unto the overpowering of man to read them.

29E1, from Heavenly Mother: "Q- How will Simiel 'translate' the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?
A- He will first read it in the New Jerusalem. All the angels and all the 144,000 will hear this in their own tongue by the gift of the interpretation of tongues. The record will later also be published for all to read. The 144,000 and angels will be able to recall the words, and the power that they were given from Simiel, and from the words themselves, when they go forth to gather the elect from the earth to the New Jerusalem. (R: Ether 12:24 says that the words of the sealed portion, which the brother of Jared wrote, 'were mighty even as thou art, unto the overpowering of man to read them.' Such will be the affect on those who hear these words from Simiel, the fifth archangel.)"


Ether 12:25-27
25 Thou hast also made our words powerful and great, even that we cannot write them; wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words.

26 And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying: Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

91C2-91C4: "I then thought of how Moroni must have felt, when he wrote in Ether 12:25-26:

"Wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words.

And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying Fools mock, but they shall mourn, and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness."

I felt just like Moroni! My words are indeed written in my own hand, and in my own weakness of the flesh!

This morning I came to the lake at God’s Loving Healing Center. I came and sat on the bench on the north side of the lake, facing the lake. I pondered awhile of all the things I had been shown in vision, or had received in my unconscious mind. It is remarkable to me! I have not premeditated any of this. I feel blank now, with no idea what may happen to me anew this lovely Sabbath morning.

I then knelt on the ground next to the little stream that flowed into the lake on my left. I felt clear and ready to commune with God. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Father then appeared at the top of the switchback path on the hill to my right, or west side. He started to float in the air directly to me! He was soon between me and the lake, still a little elevated in the air.

I gazed into his face. His eternity eyes were soft and tender, and seemed so deep and all knowing! He waited until I had looked on him for some time, taking in the magnificence of his being into my mind and memory!

Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we will make your words you write in weakness become a source of consolation and peace to our faithful who read and ponder them. We will send our Spirit, the light of truth, from our very presence, to accompany your words when the humble and open read them. As they sincerely ask us, we will confirm the truth you write about to witness to their inner souls by an increase of our light. They will honor you and respect you for your efforts."

92D1-92D6: "I have re-read my entry from yesterday. I seem to have struggled to write it all down correctly in a grammar sense, for some of the sentences were not smooth and did not flow into each other too well. I attribute this to my weakness in writing all of the new ideas as they flooded into my conscious mind.

I feel like Moroni when he wrote in Ether 12:25:

". . . wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words."

I never want to cause anyone who reads my journal entries to stumble because of my lack of skill in expressing what I receive from God! I wish it to flow more freely to me, particularly for brand new concepts I have never considered like happened yesterday. Anyway, I apologize for my weakness in writing!

I awoke and talked with my wife for some time before I have come to the adjacent room to pray and meditate. I feel a little behind on my planned day, but that is fine. I am so glad to have open communication with my loving wife!

I felt to go to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I don't know why I came here. I knelt by a chair around the table, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother come to me from her garden to the east. She held a platter with a plate of food from her garden, a spoon, and a cup of water. She set this platter on the glass table.

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, the concepts and truths you received yesterday were difficult for you to fully grasp when given you by your Heavenly Father. There were lots of distractions too when you wrote. However, you have correctly recorded the truths of plants, water, air and earth properties as you received them, even with your weaknesses in writing. We give men weaknesses that they may continue to be humble and receptive to our light and voice (see Ether 12:27). You are no different, Raphael! However, the truths you have written will be spoken from the housetops and freely shared in a coming day among our faithful elect of God!

I have brought you more of my garden food to help you be clearer in your perceptions of the words we convey to you. This melon and these berries will help activate all of your mental clarity in your mortal conscious mind, and help you in transferring our words we speak to you in your unconscious mind to your conscious mind. Eat all of this now, and drink more of the celestial living water in this cup!'

I then sat up on the chair and thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming and bringing me more foods! I ate all and drank the water. I felt very clear and so very satisfied after I ate and drank!

Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, I will leave you now. Re-read what your Heavenly Father gave to you yesterday, make any further edits you may feel impressed to make in your journal entry and then let it stand as our revelations to you. We will confirm the truth of what you have received with every soul who sincerely and humbly asks of us.'

I thanked her for her confirmation of what I had written! I said I would re-read my entry from yesterday again, and then let it stand. I said I love her and felt so blessed by the food and the care she showed to me today!"


Ether 12:26-28
26 And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying: Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

28 Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.

74E4-74E8, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, we give our children in mortality weaknesses as part of their mortal probationary experience. These weaknesses are not reflections on anything they may have done or deserved. These are given to them as part of their telestial fallen state, and our own purposes to see how they would handle these weaknesses.

Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, gave these words to Moroni in Ether 12:26-28:

"And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying: Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me-the fountain of all righteousness."

In your experience yesterday with your new employee, you both exhibited weaknesses. She displayed her lack of memory, and you your lack of patience. I am glad that you have come unto me with these thoughts and concern in your mind, as you prayed and came unto me. You have seen your weakness and felt bad about your behavior. You have asked my forgiveness and have plans to make amends with your employee. You approached me humbly.

I will make your weakness in being impatient to become a strength, Raphael. I will bless you as you consciously work on becoming more patient, caring and kind. Being compassionate with others will become a great strength to you also. You, among all men, will become very filled with these godly attributes of love.

It is in one's struggles in mortality that they are able to develop strengths. As men and women come unto us, in their meekness and humility, and ask for our help, we will help them turn these weaknesses of the flesh that we have given them into their newly formed strengths. Strengths are usually created in one's effort to overcome weaknesses in this way.

You are born of the Gentile nations, spoken of in verse 28 of this scripture. For you and for our elect among all the nations of the earth, the foundation of all righteousness is faith, hope and charity. These godly attributes are essential in your great work in serving my elect on the earth. Seek to develop these godly attributes of faith, hope and charity, and we, your Gods, will bless you to fully become even as we are, for we have a fullness of these attributes.'"


Ether 12:27
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

63K12-63K14: "At this time the priests offered the blessing on the water. I then made another covenant with my Heavenly Parents and I then addressed my Savior who was also before me:

'Oh, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, I ask thee to forgive me of my sins and great weaknesses because of my flesh. I desire to be cleansed and pure before thee!'

Jesus responded:

'Raphael, my son, I freely forgive you of your sins and weaknesses. The weakness of the flesh is common to all in the telestial mortal world in which you live. I will forgive all who come unto me and I will make their weaknesses become strong unto them.'

(See Ether 12:27-"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.").

I looked at the three Gods before me. They were compassionate and looked so lovingly towards me. I felt the light of their countenances upon me, their son."

135C16-135C17, from Heavenly Mother: "We have our purposes in giving you and our children weaknesses of their flesh. Your change into a very loving, sensitive and compassionate man has been a struggle for you. However, you have humbly sought for a better life, and for help in overcoming your weakness of the flesh. What a blessing this change of heart you have experienced has truly been!

We give each of our children various weaknesses of the flesh in order that they may struggle, be humble and learn the process of change. In this penitent state of mind, and with our help, we and they may make their weaknesses become strong unto them (see Ether 12:27)."

163H4-163H10: "Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your wife and you discussed more how some family relationships turn sour because one of the spouses in the marriage is very emotionally unsafe, or toxic. In your recent case, you offered a family member gifts of swimsuits for her daughters, and she argued about wanting two suits for each girl instead of one each that you offered. You concluded that any interchange with her turns out badly because of her manipulative behavior, always seeking situations to be in her favor and being unreasonable and unthankful.

Your assessment of her and the relationship with her husband and children last night is true. She will continue to turn them against both of you in life, and by this devilish means of control, dominion, manipulation and unreasonable and continual repeated behavior, will destroy trust and love towards you and your beloved wife.

When such a relationship turns sour, you may still act in loving ways towards her and her family. However, your hopes of having a lasting relationship in mortality are dashed as long as she is in a place of power and control.

In such a case, when children in a household like this reach adulthood and move out on their own, they have many of the same behaviors of their mother, for they were raised by her and taught her ways. They will need to work through their own problems, and at one point face their own values and behaviors they learned while children, or continue in the same destructive behaviors of their mother, in their own lives. In this case, the sins of the parents are passed onto "the third and fourth generations." (see Deuteronomy 5:9). Each generation will be given a variety of the improper teachings unless they repent, realize their faults, and change their devilish ways.

Your Heavenly Mother and I allow such sins to penetrate in families, giving each new child susceptibility to their same habits of a great weakness of the flesh. All of our children in mortality have a mix of such weaknesses, taught to them by parents who themselves haven't realized their own faults and weaknesses, and yet changed before their own children have reached adulthood.

Such has been your own life. You have had to face certain habits and weaknesses you were raised with, and to come unto us, in prayer and sincerity of your soul, with a desire to change. Well did our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, speak of the way to correct such weaknesses:

Ether 12:27- "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them"

In your day, when spiritual darkness covers the earth, and Satan has great power in influencing our children, there will continue to be many weaknesses passed from generation to generation. These will be great stumbling blocks for our faithful elect. However, we who are their Gods will succor and bless them, as they are humble, open and want to each change the course of their lives."

186A13, from Heavenly Mother: "We also help you in your spiritual struggles. We know you, and we know your weaknesses. We know also how best to help and guide you to be the man of God we wish you to become. We give you experiences to help you grow, even as you struggle to become more like us and to overcome your own weaknesses. We will make your weak things become strong things to you (see Ether 12:27). We just need you to ask this of us and be willing and obedient, diligent, humble and open.'"

187J6-187J14, from Heavenly Mother: "Raphael, what your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night about weaknesses is all true. We evaluate each of our celestial sons and daughters who are prepared to come to their mortal experience. We determine what circumstances they will be born into, and how the weaknesses of their flesh will help them mature and grow into strong sons and daughters on earth. We stand ready to strengthen them as they come unto our Beloved Son and to us in humility and faith.

Ether 12:27

"I give unto men (and women) weakness, that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men (and women) that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (words in parenthesis by Heavenly Mother).

Your weaknesses in connecting to your own feelings will become a strength to you, for you will one day entirely have this mastered. As a result, this ability will become a part of you in your mortal life. Other mortal weaknesses will also be overcome, even until you will become perfected in your mortal body, as much as can be.

Ephesians 4:13-15

"Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up unto him in all things, which is the head, even Christ."

We also gave our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, weaknesses of the flesh that he struggled to overcome. He received therefore not a fulness at first, but slowly overcame until he received perfection, even to a fulness.

D&C 93:11-14

"And I, John, bear record that I beheld his glory, as the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, even the Spirit of truth, which came and dwelt in the flesh, and dwelt among us.

And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;

And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness;

And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first."

The example of our Beloved Son, in overcoming and struggling, depending upon us, his Gods, in humility and obedience, is the example for all of our children to follow. He is the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father (and Mother), but by (him)." (John 14:6, words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

I wish to add my words to those of your Heavenly Father last night. Your mortal self still has weaknesses that you surely will overcome in the flesh, even as you too grow in grace by grace, here a little and there a little. However, your replicated celestial being, our servant, is perfected before us in power and strength, even as we desire. We are glad that this is so, for you are continually in our presence and act as our faithful servant in helping us orchestrate our great work on the earth and in our heavenly realms. Keep your mortal self and your celestial replicated selves separate for now in your minds' eye, and this will serve you best. Oh, I love you, my son!'

With this Heavenly Mother leaned over the little stream and lifted me up to a standing position. She then fully embraced me! I felt her deep love and acceptance of who I am, complete with all the weaknesses of my flesh that I experience on earth."

May 25, 2024:
While studying Isaiah 49 and 1 Nephi 21, I had the overwhelming feeling of how could I possibly retain all of these insights from the scriptures that I have received? My mind is having early signs of dementia it seems, and I can't recall much of the details of what I have received and written, either in the Book of Raphael or in my LDS scripture app.

I prayed in the sincerity of heart for an answer to this troubling issue of not being able to retain or remember in my mind these great things. I then saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me, in my mind's eye, and Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words.

Here is what she spoke to my mind:

"Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have revealed to you great things, more than mortal man can retain in his mind. You have faithfully written down our revelations, either in the Book of Raphael, or in notes on your scripture app. However, when you read or listen to them again, many times these revelations seem new to you, all over again. Raphael, this lack of retention in your conscious mind is common to our children in mortality, particularly as they age.

We have given your so very much! We have plans to continue to give you many more great revelations, many which have truths never before revealed to man, and others which elucidate our revelations given to our prophets of old.

For now, do not worry about retaining all our revelations in your conscious mind. You have them perfectly before you in your unconscious mind, and many more directions, revelations, and memories also of which you are not consciously aware.

We wish that you continue to do as you are doing, in studying our scriptures, and inserting in your notes of specific scriptures that you study what we have already given to you in the Book of Raphael, and any new revelations that we will continue to give to you. This is pleasing to us how you are thirsting after righteousness, and seeking to learn and understand our will and so many truths!

Raphael, you have a blessing of a merged mind. In our own time, and by the time that our Beloved Son returns to the earth in the clouds of heaven, you will be given the full measure of your merged mind. This blessing you will retain through the entire millennium. The fulness of your merged mind will allow your unconscious mind to be continually active in your conscious mind, in your mortal body. In this state, you will no longer have memory issues, nor frustrations from not being able to retain our abundant revelations in your mind. Instead, you will have perfect recall of all that has happened to you in your past, both in the premortal and mortal periods, including all of our interactions and revelations with you.

The struggles of remembering and retaining in your conscious mind will be during a period when you will still be hidden from the world in your great mission and calling. You have been blessed already with a merged mind, but it is not yet in its fulness. The current level of your merged mind allows you to perceive your Heavenly Father and I before you all the time, even as we are before you now. This blessing greatly enhances your access to our revelations to you during all times as you live your mortal life.

Our recommendations for you is to continue to be diligent in seeking our revelations and truths, and we will continue to guide you and reveal more of our revelations to you. We have a plan of revealing more to you, a little here and a little there, until your record of Raphael and what you write in notes in your scripture app becomes very great. We will preserve all of these records to come forth in the dawn of the millennium for all to access and study.

We love you our son! Be patient in your weaknesses and they will be made strong unto you:

Ether 12:27: "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.""

See my notes in 2 Corinthians 12:5-10 under 201K2-201K9.


Ether 12:27-28
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

28 Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.

116E4-116E7: "Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have given you some great weaknesses that have come to you because of your flesh. This is common to all mankind on the earth. These weaknesses are not a reflection of who you were before in your premortal state, but were given to you to help you grow and change, in your struggles to do so. We will help you as you come unto us.

Ether 12:27-28

"And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope, and charity bringeth unto me-the fountain of all righteousness."

Raphael, you have received a view last night of the reality of how you have acted in your weakness you inherited in your family and from life that you have never corrected. This has been painful for you to see yourself in your weakness! You then became motivated to correct your longstanding weaknesses, by first recognizing you are weak, and secondly making a plan to change. As you start to take corrective action, we will come and encourage you in your efforts. As you begin change for the better, you will feel better about yourself, being encouraged by our Spirit. When you consistently act in this better way, you lose any desire to be your old self. You have then made the change and have learned the process of changing your ways. You are then able to see the fact of your changed actions and receive the rewards of being a more kind, loving and sensitive person.

In verse 28 of Ether 12, Jesus Christ, who is speaking to Moroni, states that the fountain of all righteousness is faith, hope and charity. He says it right after saying the he would show the Gentiles (that is you and those who live in your day) their weakness. We have given you great weaknesses. We are still able to reveal to you such great revelations, even though you are not perfect, but still have these great weaknesses. This alone is a witness of our truth, for it is a marvel that we could get you to the point that you become so capable in one area of receiving our revelations, and yet you are so weak and vulnerable in another area. As you see yourself in clarity, with all of your foibles and weaknesses, it is very uncomfortable, and you feel more motivated than ever to finally work on these particular weaknesses. As you gradually and slowly change, you become even more of a capable and wise servant to us."

179C5-179C9: "Heavenly Mother then stepped forward and put her hand on my shoulder.

She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, we have given you weaknesses in your flesh that you may be humble:

Ether 12:27-28

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness."

You are humble before me, and this has been primarily because of the many weaknesses of your flesh. Your memory has been weak, and you have forgotten one of the directives we had given to you. Because you are humble and open, and have approached us in prayer, seeking for our guidance, we have led you gradually to where you are today. You have responded and obeyed us, and have been strict in following everything we commanded you. We forgive you for your neglect in not following our direction to close your website yet. There is still time for you to obey this direction, and to close your website next month after you get your records of Raphael arranged, placed in a folder, and mailed to those on your email list. You will still have our revelations that we give you and through you to our faithful elect.'

She then pulled me close and embraced me, and kissed me. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I love you and will continue to sustain you in your days. We have chosen you, our weak and humble servant, to bring forth our greatest works in these last days!'"


Ether 12:33-36
33 And again, I remember that thou hast said that thou hast loved the world, even unto the laying down of thy life for the world, that thou mightest take it again to prepare a place for the children of men.

34 And now I know that this love which thou hast had for the children of men is charity; wherefore, except men shall have charity they cannot inherit that place which thou hast prepared in the mansions of thy Father.

35 Wherefore, I know by this thing which thou hast said, that if the Gentiles have not charity, because of our weakness, that thou wilt prove them, and take away their talent, yea, even that which they have received, and give unto them who shall have more abundantly.

36 And it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord that he would give unto the Gentiles grace, that they might have charity.

Christ first prepares the way for all of us to have charity by himself first laying down his life. This charity is love, which we need to have if we will live with Him. God will extend grace to the gentiles (us) so we can have charity. Grace from Christ precedes us having charity.


Ether 13:2-3
2 For behold, they rejected all the words of Ether; for he truly told them of all things, from the beginning of man; and that after the waters had receded from off the face of this land it became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land of the Lord; wherefore the Lord would have that all men should serve him who dwell upon the face thereof;

3 And that it was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord.

175J3-175J15, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke: 'Raphael, when our elect children receive a great endowment of light and truth, ahead of our other elect children, we often reserve a blessing of some sort to them until our other children receive that same blessing. Such will be with you, S and his wife and family, and the angels. These are the first workers and gatherers in our new terrestrial world, and the first to receive our remarkable revelations. They will forego some blessing of their own temple ordinances until the last.

You, Raphael, will be the first one to receive the waters of separation ordinance, and will receive it directly from Jesus Christ. After showing you and commissioning you, you will then do this for all the remainder of our elect. However, you will in turn be the last one to receive your full temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple that you will have built.

Our prophet Ether was a very perceptive man who sought our revelations. We freely shared with him parts of what we have shared more freely with you. He did see the formation of the Jerusalem of old, the New Jerusalem, and some aspects of the great latter-day work and events that would happen in the millennium. Jesus, our Beloved Son, revealed to him that at this time of the New Jerusalem, the first would be reserved until the last, and the last ones would be first. This policy will be repeated many times by us, even as we will, particularly as it relates to the times you live in now.

We desire our inhabitants of Zion to rejoice over the blessings that others receive in our temple, even as they will rejoice when they receive these blessings themselves. This is part of the same principle of mourning with those who mourn that your Heavenly Mother spoke of last night to you. This principle of the law of the celestial kingdom includes rejoicing with those others who receive before yourself, and waiting patiently for these same blessings to come to you. Our elect children therefore feel the hardships and the blessings that come to others, similar to how they would when these come to themselves. There is therefore a deep kinship, empathy, and understanding that comes to all and is felt by all.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his perspective he gave to me today! I asked him to help me feel more this way, to empathize and have greater emotions for the needs and blessings that others may experience. I want to be "all the way in" when it comes to being one with those in Zion.

'Raphael, this is the meaning of what Jesus revealed to Enoch:

Moses 7:18 "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."

Raphael, when you come to the flooded waters from where our New Jerusalem will emerge, you will be filled with this spirit of Zion to a high degree. We, your Heavenly Parents, will endow you and everyone of our faithful who makes the effort to come to Zion, and are pure in their hearts, to be filled with this great spirit of Zion. In our language, this is the very definition of Zion. This is the main sign that people will know whether a person is a citizen of Zion, for they will have been filled with this Zion spirit from us, their Gods.

Ether saw that the promised land, upon which you now live, was a choice land, "from the beginning of man; and that after the waters had receded from off the face of this land (both in the days of the physical creation of the earth, and after the worldwide flood at Noah's time), it became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land of the Lord." (see Ether 13:2), words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

Likewise, when you come to the flooded plain after the devastating earthquake in the center of the land of promise, when the island of the New Jerusalem emerges, it will become an exceedingly choice land, even the first terrestrial land on earth! It will be the location of our celestial New Jerusalem temple.

Ether saw that this our celestial temple would come down out of heaven:

Ether 13:3

"And that it was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord."

You, Raphael, will fulfill this prophecy of Ether by retrieving the walls, floor, and roof, and spires of the temple from our celestial repository, or sanctuary spoken by Ether, and build our temple on the earth. Oh, what a joyous day this will be for all of us! When you complete this phase of building, your heart will swell with the spirit of Zion, and you will yearn for every future one of the elect to come, and be blessed in our celestial temple.'

I lowered my head in deep gratitude to my Father for what he shared with me today!"

Ether 13:9
9 And there shall be a new heaven and a new earth; and they shall be like unto the old save the old have passed away, and all things have become new.

108D10, from Heavenly Mother: "Jacob 5:77 " And when the time cometh that evil fruit shall again come into my vineyard, (this is another allegory one of the branches of the olive tree, speaking of the time at the end of the millennium), then will I cause the good and the bad to be gathered; and the good will I preserve unto myself, and the bad will I cast away into its own place. And then cometh the season and the end, and my vineyard (this is the same as the entire earth) will I cause to be burned with fire (this fire will be the death of the earth. After this, the earth will resurrect, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.)" See Ether 13:9"


Ether 13:11
11 And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and from the north countries, and are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father, Abraham.

144B12: "Evening-I received an email from S this morning about impressions he had when listening to one of M.S.'s podcast:


I was listening to M.S. on my way to work. The podcast was from the words of Mormon lecture after Omni. The phrase struck me that some of the Nephites were led to the land of the North and some went in ships. I wondered if some could have been led to the hollow earth and will return from "the North" in a coming day. Just like the Lord led many different groups to North America, i.e. Lehi family and Mulek family.

It was the words "north" and "northward" that caught my attention because that is the location given for the return of the lost tribes of Israel.

Ether 13:11

"And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and from the north countries, and are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father, Abraham."

Alma 63:4-5

"And it came to pass that in the thirty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, there was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward.

And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward."

Those were my thoughts this morning.

Have a great day.


See my notes in Alma 63:7-9 concerning Hagoth and his migration to the land northward.

Wed, Jul 17, 2024
The final meaning of the Abrahamic covenant is the everlasting covenant to be received by all of the faithful elect in the celestial New Jerusalem temple. It is the promise of everlasting life and exaltation, even as a couple god in eternity. This is the great work of the Father and Mother, a marvelous work and a wonder, a strange


Moroni 4:3, 5:3
O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

83G6-83G13, from Heavenly Mother: "In the Church of Christ, the sacrament covenant is spoken by those who bless the bread and water, the emblems of your Redeemer's suffering and atonement, and is slightly different than what you covenant with us. The words in this church are given in the scriptures, in Moroni 4:3 and Moroni 5:3 (also found in D&C 20:76-79):

Moroni 4:3-
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."

Moroni 5:3-
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."

The members of the Church of Christ covenant to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember him, and to keep his commandments, which he has given them. In turn, he gives them his Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to be with them always. This is my presence, for I am the Holy Ghost.

In the Church of the Firstborn, Jesus Christ has thoroughly tested and approved those who are heirs of this church. They currently are awaiting entrance by the waters of separation ordinance. The sacrament for those who are heirs or future members of this Church of the Firstborn is slightly different, for we who are their Heavenly Parents now give them directions instead of Jesus Christ. He has led them to us, and given his approval to now be fully guided by us.

The sacrament covenant should be as follows for these approved candidates or members of the Church of the Firstborn: To take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments which we give them. In turn, we, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, will have both of our presence, our very beings, to be with them continually, as I have explained we are with you continually now during your days.

Raphael, the sacrament is only blessed in the Church of Christ, but those who are approved candidates or members of the Church of the Firstborn, make this new covenant in their minds after the priesthood blesses the bread. Then, like for you each Sabbath, we will respond to their inner beings, their unconscious minds, and accept their covenant and speak to them.

As you renew your covenant to fully remember, hear and obey us, we will come to you by covenant, and always be with you.

If you are unable to attend a sacrament meeting in the Church of Christ, you may make this same covenant in prayer and we will honor your request and make our covenant back to you.'"


Moroni 6:7-8
7 And they were strict to observe that there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ.

8 But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven.

98B12-98B18, from Heavenly Mother: "'My son, you have talked openly with your wife and daughter today about religious choices. You were correct that many religions are very restrictive on the beliefs of their constituents. They teach that their members need to all believe a certain way and have unity in what they profess as truth. They are judgmental of those who may believe a little differently.

We never intended the restored church of Christ to be so restrictive on its members. There are many opinions of all our children. They should be free to explore many options and to change their beliefs as they receive new revelation themselves.

The current Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is way too restrictive in controlling its members. As we lead our children in their prayers, they will necessarily grow and expand in their views. If they progress in knowledge faster than their leaders, they will have deeper truths revealed to them. We desire the future Church of Christ to allow for many and varied opinions of its members, without constraint. There may be certain practices not to be done, to ensure purity of the church, but beliefs are changeable as our child grows.

We also want our future Church of Christ to make its members very comfortable in sharing their beliefs, without reprisals or judgment. The standard of truth to be held up is what the scriptures and prophets state, and what personal revelation has revealed to every soul. There does not have to be complete conformity in beliefs among the members.

Currently, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, if a member is to receive a temple recommend, there is a host of questioning that eliminates many people who are open to new beliefs they may receive. They all have to conform to one standard, whereas there is no need for that. We accept our children in whatever stage of belief they may have. If they are open and humble, pure in heart, and desire to receive from God (the more important issues that many of those of the temple recommend questions), then we will be able to lead them along. Salvation is given to individuals and not to organizations. The worth of a soul is far greater than conformity with restrictive questioning of beliefs.

The greater effort should not be made in asking about beliefs and the support for local and general level leaders, but to determine if the individual is striving to be clean of iniquity. Iniquity does not mean a variant in belief. If a member is free of iniquity and doesn't support a leader yet, or doesn't know if they believe if the president or twelve apostles are inspired leaders, they should still be allowed to have full fellowship with the church. It is iniquity that needs to be restricted, not beliefs:

Moroni 6:7-8

"And they were strict to observe that there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ.

But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."

At the time of the righteous Nephite church, the members were taught Christian behavior. They were allowed a wide expanse of beliefs, for they all were conforming to good behavior and decorum in the church, which was the important issue.

Raphael, I like how you view your fellowman! You are open to everyone's beliefs and are not judgmental in any way of what they may or may not believe. You view each child of God on a separate path in being led by God to what they are willing to accept. You feel it is really not your business in the details of their beliefs, only that they are free to choose without judgment from you or others, or the pressure of religion or the culture. This very open, non-judgmental stance is the correct environment for all sincere children to flourish and find themselves and what they really want to believe and how they want to act.'"

114E3-114E8, from Heavenly Father: "He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when a group of people, like a church with a belief system common to all its members, fall into sinful practices, they tend to lose respect for the agency and choice of their members. They often become a fear-based organization, seeking to control the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of its members. Secret societies, that are inspired by Satan, require all those who make an oath to be accepted into the group, with an object to live in sin, particularly murder, plunder, all manner of wickedness and subterfuge. Their purpose is to get gain or advantage of others outside of their group. In these groups, if a member were to change their mind and exit the group, the penalty would be death. These are the worse groups who seek to control the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of its members.

However, even in a church, when the leaders control the beliefs of their own members by excommunication from the church, this is trying to control another's agency of how they may think and act. When we lead our children, we help them gradually change their beliefs and practices to our gentle ways and our doctrines. These beliefs generally change through life as our son or daughter matures and becomes more Christ like.

In our Church of Christ, we want all who become members to make a covenant to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to love and serve God and their fellowman, and to keep our commandments. The belief systems beyond this are free and open and acceptable by all in the church, just like we accept how our children in the flesh believe. We give them commandments to love one another, to be kind and accepting, and to practice no iniquity in their lives or with each other. This would include all manner of sin that we have identified in the commandments. If a member would be found in iniquity and persisted in living in sin, the leaders in this Church of Christ would then do as the Nephites of old did.

Moroni 6:7-8

"And they were strict to observe that there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ.

But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."

The members of that early church could believe in many various doctrines and beliefs, as long as they took upon them the name of Jesus Christ, kept our commandments, and sought to eliminate sin from their lives. They all loved and cared for each other and conducted themselves and their meetings after the workings of the Spirit. (see Moroni 6:9)

For example, if someone believed that they could study and invite the spirit of the one who had originally written the scripture they were studying, to come and be next to them, to inspire them on the scriptures' true meaning, but if that belief was not held by others, there would be no harm done nor act taken by the church. This might be a belief of one of its members. The Church of Christ does not need to strictly keep its doctrines pure in this way, and to excommunicate those who have beliefs that may vary from the scriptures or beliefs that have or haven't yet been revealed to man. It is incumbent upon each individual to find out directly from us, their Gods, by personal revelation, what is correct. We don't want any edicts that members need to all believe the same, for some may not have received confirmations from us or testimonies of the same doctrines. There needs to be tolerance for individual views.

In all discussions, there needs to be love and acceptance, restraint and decorum, so that members don't feel judged or rejected in sharing their beliefs. The church needs to be a place of love and peace where all feel comfortable and accepted. Removing iniquity among the members allows a place of safety to exist among the members and in the meetings of the church. There should not be excommunication because of apostasy unless the one excommunicated no longer is able to keep their covenants they made when they came into the church by baptism and renewed each week in the sacrament.

In the Church of Christ, when members act towards and serve each other in love and acceptance, the Holy Ghost will be abundantly poured out, even upon all. As our people are humble and open, seeking us, their Gods, they will all be able to receive a witness from our Spirit of the truthfulness of all things. This will keep the church pure in its doctrine, for our people will believe even as they are witnessed to by personal revelation.'"

118C7-118C13: "At the priesthood session of the LDS General Conference: I am at the General Priesthood session with three of my sons. I just read about the LGBT announcement where those who have same sex marriage are not excommunicated anymore. Their children may also be blessed by one holding the Melchizedek priesthood and those eight years of age or older children may also be baptized.

I asked my Heavenly Father in prayer if this decision was given by any of our Gods. Heavenly Father said he didn't inspire them in any way in their recent decisions.

I wonder about the commandment in Moroni 6:7-8 where the Nephite church was "strict to observe there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ. But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."

I want to know if those in same gender marriages (those who are identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) should have their names blotted out of the Church of Christ in a future day? This is a question I hope that God will answer me.

Elder Oaks said that the handbook previously characterized same gender marriage as apostasy: "While we still consider such a marriage to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of church discipline. Instead, the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.".

10. It looks like to me that any immoral activity by married couples will be now tolerated, and will not be considered sin enough to excommunicate them from the church. This does not seem to align with the doctrine stated in Moroni 6:7-8.

If someone believes differently on doctrine, they may be excommunicated from the LDS Church (like M.S.), but if they live or commit serious sin like adultery, or same sex marriage, or LGBT lifestyle, they are not excommunicated.

I want to never judge another of their actions, unless I am asked to do so by God. I seek to accept and love all God's children, even those living in serious sin. All deserve our love and care regardless of their behavior. However, I feel the organization of God's church should be free of those living in sin so that it is a safe place for us to gather in and to teach our children and each other the gospel standards of truth. If those promoting LGBT doctrines are part of our congregations and leaders (perhaps in a future day in the LDS Church), how will our children be able to sift through all of these ideas, doctrines, and particularly behavior they see at church?

I really want to hear God's words on this. At the end of the priesthood session, an Aaronic priesthood choir sang "Beautiful Savior." This was really the first time during this meeting that I felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost come to me. To me, it had been conspicuously void during the entire meeting.

At night-I came home and immediately began a prayer. I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I faced east and overlooked the fields below. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father immediately appeared to me in the air in front of me, above the fallen oak tree! He was bright and smiling.

He spoke right away: 'Raphael, you are correct that your Heavenly Mother did not send to you any of the spirit of the Holy Ghost during the priesthood session. At the end, during the closing hymn "Beautiful Savior", your Heavenly Mother sent to you her spirit of the Holy Ghost.

You asked about the new change in the LDS Church concerning LGBT couples and their children. We did not inspire the leaders in any of their decisions. You also wondered if excommunication in the future Church of Christ would be required for those members who married their same gender.

Marriage is ordained of God between a man and a woman. This is the basis of procreation and is an ordained order of heaven.

Sexual intercourse or cohabitation outside the bounds of marriage, in any variation, is sin and is not acceptable to us, your Gods, in the Church of Christ. These situations were those we inspired the Nephite church to eliminate from their congregations, by blotting out their names from their church records. Any one of our children living in sexual sin, or participating in these perverse relationships, are not to be numbered among the members of our Church of Christ. They may visit our congregations, and be loved and cared for as neighbors and friends, but not have the intimate and nourishing fellowship of the saints within the Church of Christ.

Were we still inspiring the leaders of the LDS Church, we would have continued this same policy.'"

190G13-190G15, from Heavenly Father: "When Miriam, the sister of Moses, complained against Moses she acquired leprosy. Moses pled for her well being and her life, and her punishment was to continue with the leprosy but to be banished outside of the camp of Israel for seven days.

Afterwards she was healed of the leprosy and returned. If there are transgressors in Zion, not only will our Holy Spirit be withdrawn from them, but the ordained judges in Israel and those assigned to enforce the law will take action to remove the transgressor from Zion, hopefully for only a short time until the transgression is paid for. When the repentant returns, the citizens of Zion are to rejoice and welcome back their friend who was temporarily departed. The attitude of full acceptance and non judgment is maintained among all the Saints of Zion except for those who are ordained to judge and enforce the law. After full repentance, they too are to have this same acceptance of the repentant person in their hearts.)

(39.) We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men (and women in the telestial world), as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. (Raphael, this is not what the inhabitants of Zion are like. Instead, they are not interested in ever exercising unrighteous dominion. Were they to do so, our Spirit would quickly withdraw and they would be taught by us the correct pattern of living in the terrestrial world where all are equal in status and standing before God. Were these to continue in an unrighteous dominion attitude, the ordained leaders would be apprised and take action. See the pattern given in Moroni 6:7-8 which describes how the Nephite Church of Christ was kept pure and free from iniquity. This same general procedure will be followed in the terrestrial Church of Christ.)"


Moroni 6:9
9 And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done.

93C7-93C9: "Heavenly Father then came to me and took my hands. I stood as he lifted me up. He then spoke:

'Raphael, let's go through the forest now and look at the activities and the habitations of the Refugees of Lucifer!'

He then held my hand and we were immediately above the place where the Refugees of Lucifer now live. We were at the tree top level and those below us could not see us. I saw many houses, streets, buildings, and happy people walking around. It looked like there were groups of the faithful, pleasantly communing together. I saw them depart from each other only after they hugged each other, showing forth great love and acceptance towards all.

We came to one of their assembly halls for a work meeting. It was filled with the Spirit! There were tears of joy on the faces of many in the congregation! They seemed so very happy! They exemplified what this scripture states that happened to the Nephites in their meetings:

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

I turned to thank my Heavenly Father to have visited a place of true worship! I felt tears of joy swell in my eyes as we were there-this is where I yearned to be on my Sabbaths!

Heavenly Father smiled and told me I would have many meetings like this, but my wife and I would have to wait a season longer."

97C12-97C20: "Heavenly Father then addressed me:

'Raphael, before August 2014, I came to every sacrament meeting in the LDS Church. After this date, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I decided not to come anymore to the sacrament meetings of this church. I used to come in this location in front of the podium in the chapels of the church. We will not return to the chapels during the sacrament until the new and restored Church of Christ is reestablished again on the earth. This will be when we will restore the judges and counselors as at the beginning of this dispensation:

Isaiah 1:26

"And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city."

In that day I will come to this same position in front of the podium in all of the sacrament meetings of my church, the Church of Christ. Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, will also come in the celestial realms at the sacrament table. He will make sure it is administered in a way pleasing to him. Heavenly Mother will also frequently come to all or portions of the meetings.

The Church of the Firstborn will not have regular weekly meetings of the saints. These will be held in the Church of Christ where the meetings will be conducted after the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, like those of the righteous Nephites of old.

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

It is during these times that your Heavenly Mother will frequently come in the power of the Holy Ghost, to inspire those in the sacrament meetings in the future restored Church of Christ. She will also attend other meetings that may be held as our people invite her to come, acting in her role as the Holy Ghost.

We are able to come to all the sacrament meetings of the Church of Christ because of our ability to replicate ourselves, being in multiple meetings at the same time.

Before August 2014, you always saw me at every sacrament meeting for about one year, in the air above and in front of the podium. You rarely saw your Heavenly Mother attending. This was because there were hardly ever meetings that were conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. She would have come, but the saints had, by that time in your area, mostly lost the companionship of the Holy Ghost.'

At this time the door opened again to the chapel and Heavenly Mother came in! She immediately came next to my Father. After greeting him, she looked at me and spoke:

'Raphael, each year among my Latter-day Saints who have been commanded to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, I came less frequently. I do this because the people are more steeped in sin and do not invite me into their lives as frequently as the year before. They are very concerned with the temporal lives they lead, and are making less time for God. This saddens me for I yearn to be close to each one!

In the future restored Church of Christ, the saints of that day will seek me humbly as did the righteous Nephites of old. Then will I make my abode as the Holy Ghost with these, my humble and obedient children. They may have my continual presence, as do you, to help guide and direct them in their lives!'"

98D7-98D12: "Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, I am so very pleased to come with my loving husband to you today! We are mixing truths to you in revelations about how things are in our world, on earth, and procedures, along with the importance of learning fundamentals of human behavior, love, acceptance and openness. Without training you and others on how to live our gentle ways, you would not be able to change into the godly person you wish to become. So much of the religion now on earth concerns itself in procedures rather than on living a kindly and loving life. The way our children treat each other is so important in changing them and in making for a happier world of peace and harmony. Our beloved Son, Jesus Christ, emphasized the great importance of living godly virtues, of human interactions, of openness and humility, acceptance and forbearance. We are re-emphasizing those same interpersonal virtues and teachings through you.

The Church of Christ is one where we accept all kinds of people who are striving to shun iniquity and who are learning our ways of love and gentleness. We don't like when the procedures and policies in the church become too rigid. We want acceptance and love, service and genuine friendliness to be a hallmark of our church.

This is how I promote love in my church, acting as the Holy Ghost:

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

Without the presence of the Holy Ghost, as now mostly happens in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the saints are left without my guidance. They tend to revert to policies and procedures. They generally even don't know how to act in true love, acceptance and non-judgmental open behavior. The leaders and members fear they might say or do something wrong and receive correction or disciplinary actions from higher up leaders.

When my Church of Christ is restored to the earth at the beginning of the millennium, I will be fully present as the Holy Ghost. In this office and position, I will imbue in the saints of our terrestrial church our own gentle ways of love and acceptance. Our children will soon throng to this true church, for they will abundantly feel my love and light coming to them by the workings of the Holy Ghost. This is my way, called the "manner of the workings of the Spirit."

We who are the celestial parents of every human soul on the earth are experts in leading our children to live our ways. The church helps us do that if our presence is there. We use our loving and accepting people to minister to those in need. Right now there is a dearth of both people and a church on earth through which we may act and lead our children. However, that will soon change as we enter into a millennial happy day.'"

124F5-124F16: "Heavenly Father then removed his hand from my shoulder and faced me. I turned and looked to my left upon him. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, it saddens your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and me how quickly these Latter-day Saints have rejected our Spirit in place of their traditions of worship, the ways of falseness, and worldliness! They are more concerned how they appear to other members, both in their apparel, their vain worship, and in acting without deeply thinking that there is more to religion than they experience. They are caught up in procedures and false patterns of worship that allow Satan to carefully further wrap their minds and hearts in his awful chains, that they themselves cannot see. When we send our light to them, they are so closed that our light hardly enters into their soul!

Chapter 28 of 2 Nephi is addressed to these members of our once Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our Beloved Son had shown Nephi this same vision of the fallen oak tree and Nephi also saw the emptiness of the worship of the current day Latter-day Saints! He saw their spiritually empty sacrament meetings. He saw them in their Sunday School meetings, contending with each other over points of doctrine that they did not even understand, for they denied the power of the Holy Ghost that would give them utterance. Many were intellectual in their approach and beliefs and they denied the power of God, thinking that we had done our work and now power was given to man, particularly to their own leaders. They blindly followed their apostles and prophet without even asking if they were being led in the right way. Satan had brought them to believe they should never ask God about such things, for they were a special people with the truth and a true prophet.

There were no miracles among them, but only fables and false notions that they believed in and construed in their minds that were evidence that God was leading them in the details of their lives. They completely believed false, vain, and foolish doctrines and were puffed up in their hearts. Their works were in the dark and many committed sins and sought to hide them from their family and friends at church.

Raphael, the fall of this oak tree has not only been in the leaders losing their priesthood power and keys, but in the members also becoming corrupted. They are lifted up in the pride and arrogance of their hearts! I cannot reach them for they will not repent (see D&C 29:17).

Raphael, I will now show you the true Church of Christ as it will be established in the millennium.'

Heavenly Father then placed his hand again on my shoulder. I turned and looked upon the tree. The old, brittle tree then vanished and in its place was a very healthy looking and strong live oak tree! The leaves were vibrant green and there was lots of new growth. I saw lots of acorns all over the tree.

12. I then saw in my mind the Saints of this restored millennial Church of Christ. They were each very open and humble and fully receptive to the Holy Spirit of God! They were all beaming with light and sought the interest and wellbeing of each other. There was great love and peace among them! They didn't wait for their leaders to tell them what to do, but they followed the Spirit. They were like the Nephites of old:

Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

And again, they were happy, and the love of God and the light of God shone through them to all other people. This was also like had happened to the Nephites.

4 Nephi 1:15-16

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.
And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."

For these reasons, I will now prepare the earth and its inhabitants for that which is to come. I will take vengeance upon those who reject me and blaspheme me in the midst of my house that I had once accepted (see D&C 112:24-26). Some of the Latter-day Saints will awaken and begin to follow our Spirit we continually send among them. However, those who are not my elect among them will perish, for they will further reject me, even in their times of trial and hardships.'"

143C11-143C23: "Heavenly Father appeared in front of me on the stand, a little elevated in the air! He was very bright and was smiling at me. He spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought you into our temple, into one of our chapels here tonight. The chapels on earth and in heaven are where our children meet for instruction, to receive the sacrament and make covenants, and to receive personal revelation from us, their Gods. We often send our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost to dwell in the hearts of our humble and open children who come to worship us in our chapels.

You attend sacrament meeting each Sunday in an LDS chapel. Were the leaders and those who speak to be moved upon by our Spirit, you would be enlightened and receive personal revelation, for you are humble and open. However, they are now usually not inspired, you do not feel our Spirit in these meetings.

We will have the future Church of Christ build chapels where our saints will meet weekly, or as often as they need. The Nephites, who had established a Zion society, used their chapels and meeting places in this manner:

Moroni 6:9-"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

D&C 20:45-"The elders are to conduct the meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God."

We are pleased when our saints feel inspired by us their Gods on what to instruct, preach and expound to their congregations in the Church of Christ. As they respond to our promptings, and are humble and open, we will inspire them to share our words with the people. We will witness of all truth to those who in like manner receive their words by our Spirit. They then may all be edified and instructed by us, even though we may usually not be seen as present in the meetings.

"Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit; and in this there is no condemnation, and ye receive the Spirit through prayer; wherefore, without this there remaineth condemnation." (D&C 63:64)

Also: "And they shall observe the covenants and church articles to do them, and these shall be their teachings, as they shall be directed by the Spirit.

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach." (D&C 42:13-14).

If one is assigned to speak, and they are not moved upon by the Spirit, it would be far better for them not to speak, but defer to another who has the Spirit and is led to speak by our Spirit. We are not pleased when those who speak are not led by our Spirit, or who lean upon their own views and understandings. We would that all who come to the meetings in their chapels or other places, to come in humility and a worshipful attitude.

D&C 6:32-"Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them—even so am I in the midst of you."

Raphael, we want to strengthen and buoy up our humble and open believers with our word. We want them to be gathered and fed by inspired men and women, all according to the gifts and blessings of our Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. We wish that each time they meet they learn and grow in the Spirit.

We inspired Alma who addressed the people in the city of Gideon:

Alma 7:22-24- "And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.

And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."

Such is also our counsel to our faithful today. We wish to shower upon them our Spirit, but so many will not hear us, or shut themselves to our Spirit, for they do not approach us after the holy order of God, after the true order of prayer like your Heavenly Mother recently explained to you. If they are open, submissive and humble, and pray to us in faith that we send our Spirit and instruct them, we will come!'"

145D7-145D15, from Heavenly Mother: "She spoke: 'Raphael, you remarked last night in your journal how you were very impressed in the meeting you conducted, after the manner of the workings of the Spirit. This was exactly how we wish meetings in our church to be, even as is recorded in the Book of Mormon:

Moroni 6:9 "And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

In the meeting at the Great Assembly Hall, all were edified and taught by your Heavenly Father and I, for you and the entire congregation received of my Spirit and were very edified. We worked through you who conducted the meeting, and to those who spoke as they were prompted to speak. We conveyed our light and love through the heavenly hymns and music. All were fully guided by us, through the power of the Holy Ghost that I gave to them.

These angels and celestial servants were well practiced in hearing the voice of God through our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. They were continually led, not knowing beforehand how the Father and I will lead them.

Our promptings are gentle and quiet, but very real and perceptive to those who love us and keep our commandments. They act in great faith, with assurance that they have heard our voice and the desire to keep our counsels and directions. Your Father and I have great confidence that they will be able to be fully our conduits of our will, in doing our great latter-day work among those who dwell on the earth, either in their mortal state or in the world of the dead.

Raphael, you have been well trained in following my Holy Ghost, for I dwell in you. You don't know beforehand how the Father and I will lead you, but you really don't need to know. We feel it is best to give you our inspirations, words and thoughts at the moment we give them, and not before. You then receive in the present, and act and live by faith, with an open and receptive mind and heart.

Some of the greatest revelations have been and will be given to our children in the present moment, by my Spirit that they receive from me, or by the Holy Spirit given from the Father. We will do our great work in this way, revealed in the moment we need our children to act and obey us.

Were we to do our work without involving our elect and faithful servants, our strange work, our strange act would still be fulfilled, but our children would not have learned and grown like they are now learning and growing. We have therefore chosen to work through our faithful children to bless our other faithful children, and to bring about our great work in these last days.

We have chosen you to be our leader in the great latter-day work, and also our many angels and other servants. These all are to receive our Spirit and be led by us, and follow your leadership even as we lead you. Everyone is to receive of the abundant blessings of our Spirit, and be guided in their lives. They are to confirm continually if they are acting in harmony with our will, even as we give them direct revelation or our revelations through you that you share with them. All will thus be edified together.

We have always chosen one of our sons or daughters to be a head, so that the residue of the people may be trained to be led by our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. We abundantly pour out upon each our direction, and they move and act and think as one body even as we direct and bless them. This is the foundation of Zion, our pure and holy people, who are one in thought and purpose, for they all love us and keep our commandments.'"


Moroni 7:6
6 For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing.

Wed, Mar 6, 2013
You have to be good to do good things. If we expect healings, which are gifts from God, then we need to be good.


Moroni 7:11
11 For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.

Sun, Jun 26, 2016
To bring forth goodness, good works, we need to have in ourselves a good fountain, or a servant and follower of Christ.


Moroni 7:14
14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

Sun, Jun 26, 2016
Make sure that you don't judge the gifts of God to be evil, or of the devil.


Moroni 7:16
16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

123F4-123F17: "After I prayed for my family, I asked to receive from my Heavenly Father. He then spoke to me by his Spirit that came into my mind and heart:

'Raphael, I will send more light upon your loved ones for whom you have prayed.

You asked about how our children on earth may discern between truth from God, from our Spirit, and deceptions from the adversary.

D&C 93:37, 39- "Light and truth forsake that evil one.

And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers."

Raphael, we sent the Spirit of God to all of our children who dwell on the earth. If they accept our Spirit, and act on our truths, we give them more. If they reject our Spirit, and don't do as we ask of them, then we remove our Spirit. This is also removing our light, for Spirit consists of light.

When our child disobeys us, then light is reduced in their body and spirit. Satan then comes, tempting them to further disobey God, and to remove them further away from God. As our children follow Satan and the natural man, they lose more light and truth. They choose evil ways more than the good, and we are rejected. Our efforts to reach them with our Spirit continue to be rejected, for they love Satan more than us. They become carnal, sensual and devilish to some degree.

The way to avoid therefore in being deceived by the adversary is to accept and received our Spirit that we send to them! They will know our Spirit, for it enlightens their minds and hearts, and becomes delicious to them, as spoken of in Alma 32. The darkness that comes from that evil one always appeals to the natural man. The Spirit is spiritually discerned and received, just like our children received it when they were living in their premortal state. As they receive our Spirit, more and more light will flow into them. We will guide and direct them, and they will surely know that it is we, their Heavenly Parents, who send to them this light and speak to them.

When our children ask for a witness from our Spirit, we send them either the Spirit of God or the witness of the Holy Ghost. We may therefore lead them carefully, even as they are obedient, and act on what we give them, to whatever we wish to lead them to.

Our children may discern between our Spirit or the Holy Ghost, which both are full of light and resonate in their spirit, and the deceptions of the devil, who is always darkness to some degree. Try as he might to be an angel of light, he cannot give light for he has so very little. His promptings are void of light. He whispers to our children to their minds his deceitful promptings. Our children hear his words and thoughts in their own minds. However, these are void of light that always accompanies and is part of the Spirit of God. To the spiritually discerning, there is a dramatic difference between light and darkness, or the Spirit of God and the deceptions of the adversary. The more one follows the Spirit, the more clearly is the difference between light and darkness. The more one follows Satan and his deception, the more darkness they themselves have, and they can't understand or receive the Spirit of God, for it is foolishness to them (see 1 Corinthians 2:14).

Raphael, this is the manner in which our children may receive light and truth from our Spirit, and know that they are not deceived.

All of our messengers, angels, guardian spirits and those sent from us, their Gods, also carry our messages filled with light. Our Spirit accompanies them, so that our child in mortality will know they come from God. Satan, nor his evil hosts, are not able to mimic the light that accompanies our words, thoughts or emotions.

Raphael, we frequently send our Spirit of God to our children who receive from us, and desire to receive our words and revelations. We choose whether to give them the strong witness of the Holy Ghost, or to send them our Spirit. When the Holy Ghost witnesses to them, this is a very deep and surer witness to their spirit of our message. For those who are confirmed a member of the Church of Christ, they may have the companionship of the Holy Ghost to always be with them. The Holy Ghost may also come upon any of our children on earth, and witness to them, and depart. We may therefore send our messages with more power and intensity through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Again, Satan cannot send to our children messages with accompanying light, for he has none to give. He has lost his ability to communicate in realms of light, for he is evil continually and we have removed most of the light from him. All light comes through us, your Gods. The only light he and the devils may receive is the light energy that comes from your sun, for we make this light shine upon all on the earth. Light matter also flows down freely from the heavens from us, but is not received by those who love darkness more than light.

This light matter that gently flows down upon the earth is also called the light of Christ. This enlivens all of our creations. There is no message that accompanies this light of Christ. If we do send a message, thought or emotion with this light, and it comes from us, then we call this the Spirit of God.

Our light matter, or the light of Christ, comes into the minds and hearts of our children on the earth freely. Their conscious is a manifestation of the light that comes into them, enabling them to discern good from evil, light from darkness.

Moroni 7:16- "For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God." '"


Moroni 7:16-19
16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

18 And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.

124E14-124E23, from Heavenly Father: "When I talk to you now, I don't use audible communication, but instead thought transfer from my mind to your mind. You receive these thoughts that accompany the light that I send to you. This is my Spirit. The light may be also imbued with emotions or feelings of love and acceptance, or other feelings we may generate and send to you in the same light. Light from God, accompanied by thoughts or emotions from us, is the predominant way we speak to our children. When you pray, we send our Spirit, our light coupled with thoughts and emotions, to your mind and heart. You perceive and accept our Spirit and know our message, for you are open and practiced in communing with us and in receiving our light. We are pleased when you write our words we send to you in your journal. This becomes a record of our revelations to you.

When Lucifer or any of his evil spirits speak to our children, to tempt and lure them to do evil, they come close to our mortal children. These devils don't have the capacity any more to communicate by sending their messages in the light that we used to speak to them, for there is very little light in them. Instead, Satan's host come next or into our children and think thoughts that come into the minds of our children. These thoughts from the adversary are not sent with light, but are sent since the evil ones are very close to the minds and hearts of our children in the flesh. Our children often don't realize that these thoughts are from Satan or his minions. These thoughts from the adversary seem like they are their own thoughts. However, were they astute, they could feel that these thoughts are not accompanied by light. This is a signal to our children that the message they are receiving is not from us, their Gods or our true messengers.

We Gods speak to our children with our Spirit, but Satan speaks by his thoughts, which are void of light. The Spirit is light, and therefore you may clearly discern if the message you received is of God or not. If the message comes with light, then you know it is from God. If there is no light, it is sent from the devil.

The light we use to send our messages is the same light that comes to us from our first parent Gods. This light is also called the Light of Christ, or the Spirit of Christ.

Moroni 7:16-19

"For behold, the spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge, for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one, neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully, for what that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."

Raphael, we lead our children gradually, as they accept, receive and act on our messages and Spirit. As they do so, we give them more. We thus may lead them in our light and Spirit from one truth to another. Therefore, as they lay hold upon every good thing we send to them, that is accompanied by our light, they will receive more and more from us.

D&C 50:23-25-"And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you."

When someone says that he/she is religious and follows God, but is closed to the truths we send to them, he/she is in reality rejecting our Spirit. They close themselves to the light because of their own beliefs and strongly held traditions that are not true. They also may desire not to hear the truth, for they love the natural man and listen to the promptings of the adversary. (see D&C 93:39)

This is why we desire our children to be very open to the light or Spirit we may send to them. If they accept light from us, and act on our counsels, they will receive more. If they are closed, and reject us and our messages from the Spirit, then we withdraw and they are left to themselves. They are then open to the temptations of the devil.

In the end, it is very clear who of our children have humbly accepted our light and truths, for they are filled with light themselves. Those of our children who are dark, have rejected our Spirit and light, and have also rejected us their God. Judgment of our children will be very clear at the last day, for we may see how much light they are filled with. The elect of God receive our light and keep our commandments. These are those whom our Beloved Son accepts into the Church of the Firstborn, who are heirs to our celestial glory, worlds without end!'

I thanked my majestic Heavenly Father before me for his clear message! Like Nephi of old, I delight in plainess! (2 Nephi 25:4). I feel enlightened and uplifted by God's message to me today."

126B2-126B8, from Heavenly Father: "'Raphael, time is not a major factor in our dealings with our children, for we may just as easily speak to them in the present, past or future. Your prayer may be interrupted because of events that happen in mortality, but to us we may address this prayer as one, with no seeming delay or time lapse. You noticed this same type of thing in the recent meeting at the Great Assembly Hall last weekend, where the meeting seemed to span a day in your mortal time, but for us it seemed to span only a few hours.

S.A. asked if the laws and punishments for sins are contained in the scriptures? Yes, we reveal these standards found in the Book of the Laws of God to many people on the earth. They have found their way into your scriptures and commandments, like the Ten Commandments. These laws are more clearly taught through the light of Christ, which comes to every soul that comes into the world, and enlightens all mankind. This light comes upon the minds and hearts of our mortal children and teaches them right from wrong, even those true principles found in the Book of the Laws of God from which all mankind will be judged. When a situation arises with a choice to commit a particular act that is listed as a sin in this book, the Spirit of Christ comes into the unconscious mind of our child and communicates to them the right way to act. This direction comes with light into their heart and mind. The spiritually sensitive then know how to act to please God and to avoid sin.

At the same time, Satan comes whispering his lies and temptations to our child. His voice is not accompanied by light. It appeals to the selfish desires of the natural man within our child.

In your current day, Satan is very forward in how he influences our children, even as seen by Nephi of old: 2 Nephi 28:20-22 "For behold at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.

And others he will pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; Yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell, and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none-and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance."

Our truths are always taught to our children, accompanied by our light, which enlightens the minds and hearts of our children. Thus if they listen to their conscience, and our still small voice, they will always be led aright, and know what is good and evil.

Mosiah 4:29-30 "And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin, for there are diverse ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them

But this much I can tell you, that if you do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish, and now, O man, remember and perish not."

Moroni 7:16-19 "For behold, the spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ, wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one, neither do his angels, neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully, for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ, that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.""


Moroni 7:17-19
17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

18 And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.

Wed, Mar 6, 2013
The devil doesn't persuade anyone to do good, nor his angels or his subjects. That which leads to Christ is from Christ. That which is in the light of Christ is good and is of Christ. Our job is to lay hold upon every good thing, and not condemn it, but embrace it, then we will certainly be a child of Christ, or his disciple.


Moroni 7:22
22 For behold, God knowing all things, being from everlasting to everlasting, behold, he sent angels to minister unto the children of men, to make manifest concerning the coming of Christ; and in Christ there should come every good thing.

Wed, Mar 6, 2013
Angels are sent from God to minister to us.


Moroni 7:30-31
30 For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.

31 And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfil and to do the work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men, by declaring the word of Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord, that they may bear testimony of him.

Sun, May 17, 2015
Angels DO minister, all according to the word of his command. They show themselves to godly people. They not only call men to repentance, but fulfill the covenants of the father, preparing the way, declaring the word of Christ to chosen vessels of the Lord, that they may bear testimony of him. Also, in faith we will have power to do whatever thing is expedient in Christ. I believe this includes healing people as we feel inspired by the power of Christ. It includes blessing them with his light, love and healing power, and doing anything he inspires us to do. As we receive a prompting, we act in faith, and miracles happen.

Enoch the prophet said: "You are all healers in mortality. You have all been mighty healing angels prior to your birth in mortality. You have ministered, according to the will of God, in helping heal his children. Your work was subject to God, as angels, for "neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men. For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, . . . And the office of their ministry is . . . to fulfil and to do the work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the children of men, . . . And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." These are the words of Moroni and Mormon, as found in Moroni 7:29-33. Your unique missions were to help heal, comfort, and bless his children who were in mortality, acting as his agents to bless his children. You were all mighty healing angels in your pre mortal stations."


Moroni 7:37
37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain.

Sun, Jan 11, 2015
Faith is necessary for angels to appear and minister, for miracles to be wrought.


Moroni 7:44
44 If so, his faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.

Sun, Jan 11, 2015
If we confess by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ we will have charity.


Moroni 7:45
45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Mon, Apr 18, 2016
The definition of charity: kind, no envy, not puffed up, seeks not her own, not easily provoked, doesn't think evil, rejoices in truth, bears all things and hopes all things and endures all things


Moroni 7:46-48
46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—

47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.

95L5-95L13, from Heavenly Mother: "In the instructions we continually give to our children who listen and follow us, we always act and speak in loving ways. We lead our children to serve one another in love and consideration. We teach them of the great importance of the moral agency of all of our children, so that they never seek to force others, gain power or control over them in any unrighteous way, or gain any advantage of others. Instead, we instill love, or charity in them:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."

Moroni 7:46-48

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail-

But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

When our children on earth come unto us and seek our will, we gradually fill them more and more with our light and love. This tangible substance engenders feelings of all the godly virtues of charity spoken of in these scriptures. We also encourage them to care for and serve others, to act in kindness and think of others' needs, even before their own. We gradually tutor them to become filled with the godly love called charity.

As they act in obedience to our promptings, they are not only filled more and more with charity, but are becoming like us. When they eventually come into our presence, they are already filled with a large measure of our love. We continue then to shower upon them our love, and they witness of our abundant love and acceptance that we have for them. They also may see that our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has ransomed them because he loves them so fully. He has suffered for their own sins and weaknesses so that they don't need to suffer if they would repent. He cleanses and forgives them because he loves them each so fully.

Charity is something our children receive as their greatest attribute along their journey of a full life of seeking us and wanting to do our will. They act more and more from a place of love and acceptance of others. Their faith and hope is critical in their progress, but if they don't learn along the way to love and succor others, they have really missed the lessons of life. Our objectives are to mold them so that they are filled with love, even to think, and act lovingly of others and themselves. They love seeing others succeed and rejoice in their well being and happiness.

Satan and the devils cannot understand the motivations of love, for they possess none. They are continually filled with hate and all the evil attributes that attend hate. On the other hand, our elect children are filled more and more with charity, the pure love of Jesus Christ, and all the godly attributes that attend love.

Raphael, we are pleased when our children pray to us, in the energy of their hearts, to be filled with charity. We then lead them to act in ways that will strengthen their love in their actions. We fill them with the love of God that we shed forth upon the world. We gently and lovingly act in great love as we nurture and guide their lives.

Charity grows brighter and stronger in our faithful children as they mature through life's journey. Their faith and hope not only increases with their assurances gained in life, but they develop a strong love and bond of charity that covers them, even as a mantle or a cloak:

D&C 88:125
"And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace." '

Heavenly Mother then stopped walking and faced me. She spoke again:

'Raphael, oh how we love our children! We delight particularly in those who obey us and allow us to lead them. We will fill all our elect with our love and light, and bring them even to a place like we have done for you, even while they are on the journey of life. Please convey our deep love for them!'"

Sun, Jan 11, 2015
Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it will endure forever. We gain it from God, as a gift, as a result of our fervent, energy-filled prayer, and he will bestow it upon us. We shall be like him if we have charity. It is the prerequisite for becoming purified, even as he is pure.


Moroni 7:48
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.

181E10-181E22: "Evening-I had a long discussion with my wife this morning about showing true Christian love to others. She is such an amazing example of one who continually thinks of others and wants them to be happy and comfortable! She takes time to serve people all around her. She is a very good example to me of true and pure religion. She exemplifies the scripture in James 1:27.

James 1:27

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

I desire to be more like my loving and Christlike wife! It takes time and thought to think of others before oneself. Today there are so many that only think of themselves. I was raised in such a world, but I don't want to continue in this way. I want instead to follow the example of my Savior and my wife.

Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan. He concluded it by saying these words:

Luke 10:36-37

"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise."

Jesus also said we should love our enemies, and "as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" (Luke 6:31).

I feel very convicted of thinking of myself too much, and not enough of others around me. This will be the focus of my prayer tonight.

I came to the circling waters this evening and knelt by the water. I drank living water and then faced the river to my south. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

She immediately appeared before me with a smile on her face. She was very radiant and I felt her love and acceptance.

I told her I so wanted to be filled with the love of God that I saw in my wife, and in the example of Jesus Christ in the scriptures. I told her I wanted to love others as she loved me. I felt very humbled and open. I sought her guidance.

She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, developing love and awareness of the needs and wants of others takes lots of practice for many people. As you seek to develop greater love, you will have this in your mind like your wife does each day. You will want to serve and help others in any way you can, even to putting aside your own desires and plans.

If you follow the admonition of Mormon as recorded by his son Moroni in Moroni 7:48, your Father and I will strengthen you and give you a greater portion of our love, even until you possess our love in a great measure:

Moroni 7:48

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

Raphael, extend to those first in your family and then your neighbors. There are ample people in your daily associations who would greatly benefit from your love and interest. I will be near you to help you as you seek to be filled more with my love, the love of God.'"

188B11-188B18: "11. I received this email from S.A. today on 2-28-2021 titled "Perfect Love". I loved learning about these beautiful truths!

"Hello R,

I was told I could share this with you, by Heavenly Mother. I had been pondering the last few days what is meant in the scripture Moroni 8:16 "...and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." I wondered why love casts out fear, since they aren't opposites.

This morning in prayer, I came to the temple and sat with my Heavenly Mother on a bench facing the last days mural. She put her hand on my leg and I felt her deep love, peace and Spirit warm my soul. It felt so familiar. I had felt this great peace and warmth before at times in prayer, or when I've attended the temple. I started to cry, for this familiar feeling of great love was so indelible.

She spoke, 'You have felt the familiar feeling of my deep, all-encompassing love this morning. You have felt this before in mortality at times in the temple, but it is available to all of our children who seek us in true communion and connection with us in the openness of their hearts, as you are now.

When our children know and feel of our deep, perfect love for them, this is what casts out fear, even as the scripture states, "...for perfect love casteth out all fear" (Moroni 8:16). If they were to be afraid of someone else, they could also think of our perfect love for that other person, and this too would help cast out their fears.

When Jesus was to be crucified, he could have been afraid of the pain he was going to experience, as his body would be tortured and go through excruciating pain. Instead, he had shifted his focus to perfect love for his brothers and sisters, even all of our precious children. He even felt great love for those who did this to him. (I began to sob, for I realized how afraid one could be to experience great pain. I felt an overwhelming amount of gratitude for the abundance of love my Savior had for me, and for every one of us.) He also focused on his deep feelings and understanding of our perfect love for him, our only Begotten Son. Not only did he deeply feel our love, but he felt great love for us, too.

This perfect example of love was shown to all men by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for he overcame and cast out all fear in this great and eternal act of breaking the bonds of death and pain for all men forever. If all men would focus on their love of others, from us their Gods, and their love for us, they would cast out all fear. One can experience anything hard or painful without fear if they feel deep, Christ-like love in their heart.'

I continued to cry, for it was truly so remarkable to me to think of how perfect Christ's love is. As I wondered how to develop this same love, the scripture that came to mind was Moroni 7:48-"to pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love". I prayed that I could be filled with this perfect love, which I feel will be necessary for the struggles ahead. I gave thanks for this beautiful message and closed my prayer.

I hope you have a wonderful Sabbath, it is such a blessing to commune with my Gods in prayer.


I received the beautiful email above from S.A. today. This is the manner in which we should approach very difficult tasks. If we have perfect love, we will not fear what man can do. If we think of the love of God for a person we fear, then this will help drive out our fear of that person, even as Heavenly Mother said to S.A. I desire to be filled with this perfect love, for then I would fear nobody, but only God. I then should be able to act and do with great love in my heart and confidence from God anything that God might ask me to do.

It helps me to think of myself as a lone intelligence before God. It is only God and me, and only what God wants me to do is my only thought. God first loved me and chose me to be his son. In this fallen world, there are others who are also intelligences before God, but whatever they might think of me, or what they might want to do to me, is of such a lesser importance to me than what God wants me to do and think. I love and obey God, and that is all important, and causes me to fear not others.

1 John 14:18-19

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment.

He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

We love him because he first loved us."

I came this evening to the entry foyer to God's temple on the celestial orb. I knelt near the pine tree to the east in this room. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

He immediately stood before me, a little elevated in the air. I was very happy to be before him. I gazed upon him, and felt very much one with him. I love him and want to do whatever he might direct me to do. I feel no fear of man or what men in my fallen world might do or say to me. I feel very focused upon my Father.

Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the interpretation of love casting out fear, given to S.A. from her Heavenly Mother, is a mystery of our kingdom and is true. We have many such mysteries we wish to unveil to our elect. We will reveal our truths as fast as our children may sincerely ponder and then ask of us. We will reveal our revelations to any who come before us in faith and diligence, and then is open and receptive to what we say and what we may ask them to do. This is the great time of awakening and revelation to our elect children.

D&C 42:61

"If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things--that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."'"

189I10-189I11: "Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and spoke: 'Raphael, we will answer your heartfelt prayer by sending our Spirit through our messengers and servants in more abundance. We cannot make any of our elect children listen more attentively, but we can cause circumstances to be such that they will most likely open up their hearts and minds to us. You are correct that these are very difficult times spiritually and temporally that all of the inhabitants of the temporal earth are now entering into.

11. The best way that you can prepare is to fill your heart and mind with perfect love, even as you have listened to today in your post 188 (see post 188B11). Continue to pray to the Father and me, "with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ." (see Moroni 7:48). We require the heart and a willing mind, and then we will endow our petitioning son or daughter with our perfect love, gradually and finally in a fulness."


Moroni 8:17-16
16 Wo be unto them that shall pervert the ways of the Lord after this manner, for they shall perish except they repent. Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear.

17 And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; wherefore, all children are alike unto me; wherefore, I love little children with a perfect love; and they are all alike and partakers of salvation.

Sun, Oct 16, 2011
Perfect love casteth out all fear, and what little man can do. We can be filled with charity, or everlasting love. We should love all little children with a perfect love.


Moroni 8:25-26
25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;

26 And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.

176D18-176D21: "Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, this morning you felt especially meek and lowly of heart. When you approach either of us or Jesus Christ, you receive the visitation of the Holy Ghost. This Spirit fills you with peace, love and light.

Moroni 8:25-26

"And the first fruits of repentance is baptism, and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;

And the remission of sins bringeth meekness and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God."

When the Holy Ghost from your Heavenly Mother comes, she fills you with her abundant light, which light remains in you, even to shining forth from your own spirit. She also sends within the light her comfort, peace and love. You feel assurance that you are accepted of God, and even numbered as one of God's elect. Both she and I then stay near to you, or near to our elect, as they are "diligent unto prayer". This is what is also called the peace of the saints, or that the saints dwell in a land of peace (see D&C 45:66). This is the inheritance for all our elect.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my question about the extra light I felt. I feel greater peace and love, and am so pleased!"


Moroni 9:5
5 For so exceedingly do they anger that it seemeth me that they have no fear of death; and they have lost their love, one towards another; and they thirst after blood and revenge continually.

179E4-179E10, from Heavenly Father: "We walked for a short while, and then he spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have listened to what M.S. spoke about demons and devils. He is correct that demons are more vicious than devils, and like to work alone. They are similar to Lucifer in their greater anger and evilness. However, they are not created by Satan or any of his fallen spirits, for they have no power to create any spirit or anything that is living or acts independently, or can be controlled or used by Lucifer or his followers. Demons are those who are the harshest and most ruthless of all the fallen spirits. All of these spirits were, at one time, our beloved sons and daughters. These demons now deny that they are our children, and as such, have lost a greater portion of light than they might have possessed.

Of all those followers of Lucifer who have repented and come to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, and who are numbered now among the Refugees of Lucifer on our celestial orb, none have ever been demons. You have interacted, however, with many demons in escorting them to the prison orb that we have shown you where to take them. Most of those on that prison orb are demons, for they don't follow any of our rules, standards or limits that we have set for them. They wilfully would disregard all of our limitations on their behavior except for the knowledge that they would be taken to the prison orb by you, Raphael. Were it not for this awareness, they would trespass our boundaries of engagement that we have established.

M.S. is correct that all demons and devils may be controlled by swords of light, which you continually wield in control of their behavior. Other angels and some celestial servants also have swords of light, but yours is particularly threatening to them, for you have also your angled scarlet red sash to give you our great authority and mission to remove them and control them.

Raphael, you have been removing a great number of these demons to the prison orb recently. There are still so very many, however, who continue to rage on earth with great anger in those mortals they possess who have willingly subjected themselves to Satan. These demons are now very active among these wicked mortals they possess who have willingly subjected themselves to Satan. These demons are now very active among these wicked mortals in causing destruction and mayhem to spread upon your land. This behavior will soon greatly increase.

The situation recorded by Mormon in Moroni 9:5 describes a scene that will soon come upon the cities of your own land.

Moroni 9:5

"For so exceedingly do they anger that is seemeth me that they have no fear of death; and they have lost their love, one towards another; and they thirst after blood and revenge continually."

Raphael, continue to stay close to your Heavenly Mother and me, and we will continue to give you our power to fully control these demons and devils, even according to our word and directions. You are doing precisely as we have commanded you on a daily basis. We love you, our son, and will be by your side in all your actions in interfacing with Lucifer's hosts.'"

Moroni 10:4
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Sun, Jun 8, 2014
The meaning of intent is that the one who prays with real intent is intending to do whatever God reveals to him to do


Moroni 10:4-5
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

122F2-122F14: "Even though I receive all in my unconscious mind, the only thing I have as tangible proof is what I receive in answer to prayer and write in my journal. Others to who I share these things with must also sustain and believe me because God has revealed it to them by his/her spirit, or by their own mouth to their soul. There is no other way for them or me to know. We are thus led, in one small degree to the next, gradually receiving revelation from our Heavenly Parents and Jesus trusting in our perceptions and directions of what we receive.

This is the same method of finding answers about the truth of the Book of Mormon as is given in Moroni 10:4-5:

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask of God, the eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

I came today to the desert oasis in the celestial orb. I was sitting on the bench, preparing for my prayer with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt clarified, and knelt in the sand to pray, facing the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Mother then appeared to me over the water! She was very bright and beautiful! She came directly in front of me, moving upon the surface of the water. When in front of me, she extended her right hand and spoke:

'Raphael, stand and walk with me!'

I immediately stood, and took her hand! She held it fast and began walking to my right along the path with me around the oasis.

'Raphael, all of our beloved elect children who dwell on the earth in the worlds of the dead around the earth, may choose to view their lives as mortals with a conscious mind only, or they may exercise their faith and seek to commune with us in a higher state. When they sincerely and openly pray to us, their Gods, in the name of Jesus Christ, we will respond to them in their higher state. If they are perceptive, they will be awakened to our higher thoughts, spirit and words we speak to them in their unconscious minds. They may perceive these promptings when they quiet down and seek to receive from us. We will help them hear, and will open up their mind and heart to the things and impressions of the spirit, or our voice we may speak to them.

We have always interfaced with our children in this way, on this earth and in all of the other eternities of our past. This is how we communicate with our children who live in their premortal celestial sphere on this celestial orb, or on the earth in their mortal state, or in the realms of the dead. We never change our way of speaking to them. However, in mortality there is a veil of forgetfulness that blocks most of their conscious mind from their unconscious mind, which is now divided. They may access their higher self through meditation, prayer, and quieting down.

Our children who dismiss our impressions to them will continue to live their lives on the mortal earth, in their conscious minds only. They will remain in the dark, and never hear or feel our words to them. However, our elect hear our voice and are awakened again to us as we speak to them, to their higher unconscious mind and to their higher self. These are the ones to whom we will continue to speak and guide, for our words and impressions are delicious to them! They seek after us, and want to receive more. When we ask them, from our thoughts, our Spirit, our words to their higher self, or their unconscious mind, they will act and do what we ask of them. This is what is meant by our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments.

We will lead them to do hard things, and to act in faith, trusting in our words and directions to their souls. They will not be able to deny our direction, for they hear it and know it. This has become a cherished way they have always communed with us, even from their own premortal life with this veil over their minds, to see if they will respond to us and seek us, even when our communication to them seems small or sometimes almost imperceptible. Our voice becomes stronger to them in their quiet times, like before sleeping or in the early morning hours, or in their meditation and humble prayers. Some will dismiss these feelings, but our elect will hear and respond.'

We then walked in silence for a few moments. I responded:

'My mother, I thank you for sharing your words so well, and for the ability I have to receive these you speak to me, even in my conscious mind on earth, so that I might write them down! I am so grateful to quiet myself down frequently, and to hear your words, and those of my Father, each day. Your words are so precious to me!'

She responded: 'Raphael, our words are also so precious to all of our elect, those of our many children who treasure them and want more from us. They make time for us in their busy lives. They seek for more and more, and we respond by giving them as much as they want, gradually and over time. This process proves the sincerity of our beloved sons and daughters. They too make place in their daily lives for us, and then to act on how we guide them.'

She turned and placed both hands on my shoulders, as she faced me: 'Raphael, you are our son named Raphael, and we have called you as our archangel to labor for us in our celestial realms. You are fulfilling our important mission in the celestial realms, and we direct you and our angels continually in this realm that you don't see all the time, in your conscious mind. We are pleased with your actions and those of our angels and servants in the celestial realms. This is our great work in saving our elect in these last days!'

She then drew me close and fully embraced me! I felt clearly her strong love and acceptance of me, her son! I felt enlightened and so clear and uplifted.

My prayer ended, for I was back in my conscious mind in my house, writing all of this down as I received it. The sun was streaming through the east window, and I felt peace and was settled. I know what I had received to be true. It all happened just as I recorded in my journal! I knelt by my recliner and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful experience with me this morning. I received another witness then that it was all true."


Moroni 10:5
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

203C2-203C7, from Heavenly Mother: "She gradually appeared before me, and was glorious and smiling. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Father revealed to you last night in your prayer is true. A merged mind, given to one of our faithful mortal sons or daughters, assures them of eternal life and exaltation. This stops their probationary experience in mortality, for they no longer have a veil which is common to our mortal children. At any time they may come unto us, their Gods, in a replicated celestial state, and in a full conscious mind be in our presence. Their conscious memory will include their additional unconscious memories. We will have proven them and promised them to become Gods in eternity.

It is in the state of a merged mind that our celestial mortal elect will have our revelations distill upon their souls as the dews from heaven, and without compulsory means, these shall flow to them forever and ever. (see D&C 121:45-46).

In this period of your gradual transition to have the blessing of a merged mind, I will help you perceive small changes in your conscious mind and memory. In every way you will still be our mortal son, living on the earth. However your mind will become more and more opened to the conscious awareness of all that we have revealed to you. Your faith will become very strong, and you will greatly be able to serve us and our people with greater ability and strength.'

I gazed into the loving eyes of my Heavenly Mother and was very glad! I thanked her for this exceedingly great blessing of a merged mind that I would be receiving.

I then felt her Holy Ghost envelop me and witness to me of the truthfulness of all these things (see Moroni 10:5). I knew that this was the fulness of the Holy Ghost (see D&C 109: 15). I seemed to feel synched to her being in a miraculous manner. I was very glad and filled with her light, love and peace. I felt this all in my unconscious mind, but I will soon feel all such experiences in my conscious mind.

Heavenly Mother then started going backwards and fading away. I watched until she had departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."


Moroni 10:7
7 And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.

180G9: "I received this email from S.A. later on 12-8-2020 that relates to my comments above. I felt I should share it:

". . . S and I were discussing your recent entry about delusion. We concluded that the fruits of all we have prayed about and confirmed and believed in have been good fruits. We too will sit back, wait and watch. We feel there is no other way, for believing in all these things is what is being true to ourselves.

Have a wonderful week!



Moroni 10:7-8,15-16
7 And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.

8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.

15 And again, to another, all kinds of tongues;

16 And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of divers kinds of tongues.

144A11-144A24: "Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received an email from R.S. today. He asked what was the true meaning to speak with tongues (see D&C 46:24). I would also like to address when the scriptures mention "the tongue of angels" (see 2 Nephi 31:13).

I am the Holy Ghost among my children on earth. I dispense the gifts of the spirit to my children D&C 46:11-12,26-

"For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man (and woman) is given a gift by the Spirit of God.

To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.

...And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Raphael, I give to our children various gifts. There will be a time when I bestow the gift of tongues on large groups of our children at the same time who come from various lands. This gift will enable our people Israel to communicate with each other when these groups all are assembled in your land, prior to and during the building up of Zion.

My gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues will enable my righteous children on the land to hear the words of those who don't speak their same language, in their minds, and in their own language. This gift also will enable those to read scriptures or your words in their own language and understanding. The words will be in English and not yet available in their own written language. Conversely, their records will be available to you and others who don't read or speak their language.

These gifts are available to my children, as I desire. However, I more freely dispensed these gifts among those who are our terrestrial elect, for they have been chosen of the Father.

Moroni 10:7-8,15-16

"And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for (God) worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, (and women), the same today and tomorrow, and forever.

And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto man, to profit them.

...And again, to another, all kinds of tongues;

And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of diverse kinds of tongues."
(words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

Your scriptures and your words, Raphael, will be written in the languages of those who come, and their scriptures, particularly from the lost tribes of Israel coming from the North, will be translated into English. Those who translate these records will have my gift of the interpretation of tongues. When these records are finally published in their native tongues, then will my gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues also be removed. By that time, many will also speak English or the language of those who come.

For some, like you, the angels, and those who come to the New Jerusalem temple, I will bestow the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues during the entire millennium. There will be no language barriers in our celestial holy temple!

Whenever we send our angels to minister to our children, they speak to them in their own native tongue. This is called the tongue of angels. The gift of tongues is when one speaks in their own native language, and the one receiving is able to interpret it in their own native language, in their minds. The gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues work in harmony in this instance, so that both understand each other, and both are edified and uplifted by my Spirit, even by the Power of the Holy Ghost.

When angels minister and speak to our children, they speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the language of the one receiving the message. The angel is on the errand of God, and is our conduit and servant, and bears our name and power of delivery.

When one speaks by tongues of angels, the power of the Holy Ghost, my power, delivers the message by the Holy Ghost to the hearts of the men and women who receive it.

2 Nephi 32:2-3

"Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?

Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother, who delivers the Holy Ghost to her sons and daughters on earth, and her abundant gifts of the Spirit! I loved my visit with her tonight at these circling waters in heaven."


Moroni 10:8-9
8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.

9 For behold, to one is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom;

112I11: "Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, I would like to address R.S.'s questions about the Nephites and what Jesus Christ did for them when he visited them. R.S. wondered if Jesus Christ shared with the Nephites 'energy works, spirit healing knowledge, and gifts.' He referred to the gifts of the Spirit that Moroni spoke of in Moroni 10:8-19. R.S. also wondered if these same energy healing gifts are now abundant among the Latter-day Saints in your days. He wondered if members with these gifts of healing and discernment would continue to be tolerated in this church.

A: When Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, came to the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi, he taught them his gospel of love and peace. He corrected falsehoods and then taught the people to live in harmony and love. Their culture was very accepting of all spiritual healing gifts and so there practices were readily accepted and remained with the people, even until Moroni's day when there were only a few believers in the true gospel as taught by our Son, Jesus Christ.

Energy work, as you call it, where our children have spiritual gifts of healing, (removing obstructions, clearing energy pathways, healing various spirit and physical ailments), was practiced in the days of the righteous Nephites. However, in recent years, we have inspired many more to develop various methods or modalities of healing. There are many more healing needs in your day, Raphael, than in the days of the Nephites, for the people are sicker in your day. Even though these healing gifts are not officially recognized by the LDS Church, they have become very widespread by us who have sent our children with these gifts to earth at this time. We have many healing angels and healers now, awakening to their abundant healing gifts. They use many ways, in what is commonly called energy work, to strengthen and help heal our needy children. These are truly gifts of the spirit, for we encourage these and give these as spiritual gifts to our children all over the earth. The work of energy healing will continue into the millennium and will remain a vital means of healing and blessing our children.

The current LDS Church will continue its efforts to promote accepted medical practices in the church and discount alternative energy healing methods. The Church will continue to promote everything authorized by current medical practices, whether or not these methods may harm or hurt our children receiving their treatment.

In the new Church of Christ, those saints in the Church will be encouraged to use their spiritual healing gifts. The gifts of the spirit will all be activated and shared by all to benefit the Church members. We will have our natural healing plants and healing foods promoted at all levels in the Church. The Church will align itself exactly with our healing methods that we will promote in the terrestrial world.'"


Moroni 10:20-21
20 Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith there must also be hope; and if there must be hope there must also be charity.

21 And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope.

Mon, Oct 17, 2011
Charity is a required trait for us to develop in order to be saved in the kingdom of God. One must also develop faith and hope to be received into heaven.
