77. Earth's Spirit Creation
Posted 5-2-2018

Hello my friends,

This is a very interesting post, containing the exact way that our Heavenly Parents created Mother Earth was spiritually created in the beginning. You'll also read about how God also created their celestial orb, what we call heaven. Read about how I was taught to control the waters in heaven to stop flowing, all under God's tutelage. I was shown specifics on asking the elements with their intelligence to do whatever God commands, in the authority of God. I think you will find this fascinating!

Please pray about all of these things: confirm that these really happened to me, and are the fundamentals of using God's power. Only accept that which is of God, and reject anything you may feel is not inspired or directed by our Heavenly Parents. Only in this way can you be assured that you are being led in the right way.

I love hearing from you! Keep writing, and ask me questions you may have.

I already have the next post all received–just need to get it fully typed and edited! Again, please let me know if you find grammatical errors that I need to change. I am happy to receive all of these.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R, or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2018 Monday

1. At night: I came into our bedroom and came to the west side of the winding stream in the desert. I drank once and became very clarified, even down to my toes–my entire body. I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I saw in the distance Heavenly Mother at the desert oasis. When I prayed she came to me immediately and was soon in front of me, over the stream in the air. She was smiling and seemed very happy.

I opened the prayer and expressed my happiness in having her come to me tonight. In heaven it was light and at my home in Utah it was dark outside. I asked her to share with me as she wished. She asked me to write her words.

2. I came out in the front room and wrote to this point. Here are her words:

'Raphael, I am glad you come to our desert so often! This location helps you to become clearer than other places as we have designed it to be.

Becoming clear in your body, even like transparent glass, is the feeling you have been recently experiencing. You have felt that you are clear enough to not be noticed, or so clear that one can see right through you. This you feel or experience before praying to us.

3. Raphael, this clarity in your body is a reflection or a measure of your unconscious mind's clarity. You don't see, in your mortal conscious mind, the state of your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind now has become very clear and sensitive and open to our words and directions. You are also able to perceive our whereabouts in our celestial world. You are becoming much more clarified in all that you perceive in your unconscious mind.

This clarity in your body is the feeling we have given you to keep you, in your mortal conscious mind, aware of how clear your unconscious mind really is. We are pleased with your progress, Raphael.

4. We also want our other mortal angels to become clarified more and more in their unconscious minds. They also will know this is happening when their body becomes clarified like transparent glass, like you have experienced. It is an exhilarating feeling to become so clarified!'

I thanked her for her explanation of why I feel so clear these days, even as transparent glass. When she was talking to me, I noticed that my body, that looked like transparent glass, was glowing from the light emanating from my Heavenly Mother. I was happy to see her light come into me and light me up!

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you are absorbing my light as I talk and as I am with you. You then are able to shine forth yourself with this light I share with you. This is what happened to the disciples of Jesus:

6. 3 Nephi 19:25:

"And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof."

7. What this account refers to as white is really the absorption of the light of Jesus, and then the disciples shining forth in that light themselves. This truly is his image (or his light) in their countenances (see Alma 5:14 "Have ye received his image in your countenances?")

8. Raphael, you have been clear enough to absorb my light and then to shine forth this light from your own being. You are therefore receiving my countenance, or my light, in your being. When you have become clear enough, and then when you come into our presence, you absorb our light. When we leave, this light stays with you and shines forth for others to see.

You see this is done in heaven in the celestial realms above. In your mortal body, you are able to contain, or hide, this light. However, in our celestial realms you are shining more and more by absorbing our light so frequently–like being continuously charged or illuminated.

9. In your earthly body, your eyes are reflections also of the celestial light you have absorbed in your unconscious mind and being. You will notice your eyes will become more and more enlightened as you spend time with us, your Gods, in our celestial realms of light.'

I thanked her again for her marvelous presence and for shining forth her light upon me! I felt so happy to be in her presence in prayer tonight!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 17, 2018 Tuesday

1. After talking to my wife a bit this morning, I went to the adjacent room to pray. I went today to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I drank three times from the living water in the lake, but didn't feel as clarified as I did last night. Last night seemed remarkable!

I knelt by the shore and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I saw Heavenly Father at the top of the switchback to my right and then instantly he was in front of me. I felt so glad to be in his presence!

2. I asked him a few things pertaining to my day and then asked him to share with me, as he desired. He asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, there are some days when you will feel more clear and transparent than other days, when you come before us in prayer. Most of the days that you don't seem to be so clear is due to your connection of your mortal conscious mind to your unconscious mind. This connection takes continual work to keep open and to continue to become more one in your mind.

In our celestial world, you are now always clear and transparent. Whenever we commune with you, you absorb a little more of our light and love. This has been gradually changing you, making you more and more filled with the light of our countenances.

3. Raphael, you have been recently feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the many things you would like to do in your life, apart from spending time with us in prayer. I suggest you work on your time management skills and plan in more detail what time you want to do these activities. This planning of your time will best dispel any feelings of being overwhelmed. You will also be much more productive and soon feel more free and open to do what you desire in your life.

4. Today I'd like to speak somewhat also about the properties of the living water that you drank this morning and most days that you pray to us in our celestial world.

Our living water has the ability to greatly clarify your mind and heart, to make you see more clearly around you. Your perceptions of your thoughts, emotions and feelings is also more in focus. You are also able to connect in your mortal conscious mind more fully with your unconscious celestial self and mind in our celestial realms above. All of these abilities are enhanced by drinking living water.

5. In your conscious mind, you have visualized kneeling down by a stream or lake in heaven and cupping your hand, dipping it in the water and bringing it to your lips and drinking. This daily effort has been fully realized in our world. I saw you drink three times this morning here at the lake.

The living water gradually clarifies your entire body and spirit that is replicated here in its celestial state. This has also been gradually changing your perspective and abilities, not only here but also in your mortal translated body on earth.

6. You will also observe that our way to lead our children is to use small steps and gradual changes. This makes for a more lasting and permanent change when done gradually over time. We also spend relatively short times with you, morning and evening, as you seek us out in prayer. These connections with us are changing you greatly as we lead you to new perspectives and new truths.

7. Raphael, we love to thus lead all our children on earth in this way, if they come unto us, their Gods. We will mold and lead them, one step at a time, day by day, here a little and there a little, even until they come into our presence as have you. When they come regularly into our presence, we will accelerate their growth as we have you, as fast as they are able to receive our words, absorb our teachings and guidance in their lives, and obey us in all things.'

I thanked my Father for his teachings today. I felt uplifted and enlightened. I felt he and Heavenly Mother would continually be with me during my day also. I feel so very blessed!

8. In the evening–Tonight I went to the desert oasis in my mind. I love the feeling here! It was so quiet and the moon was up, not a full moon, but very beautiful against a dark sky.

I drank from the oasis under the moonlight sky. I became clear or I felt I was very clear. It even seemed the moonlight didn't even cast a shadow–but that is probably going too far! I so enjoyed the quiet. I could almost hear myself think!

I prayed in front of the bench and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came, appearing above the water, at first faint but soon in their brightness. They asked me to come to them above the water. I stood and walked to the shore and then above the water in the air to them. I knelt in front of them in the air.

9. Heavenly Father next spoke to me:

'Raphael, it is important for you to come to our celestial world and to have time alone with yourself. Don't feel like you need to pray to us immediately when you come here. The desert oasis is a perfect spot to regroup your thoughts and to just think about things. Sometimes you may want us to come and talk with you, and we will. At other times, you may just want to wander around in our world, or to explore, or to enjoy the celestial beauty of our various locations and climates.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his advice.

I then looked down in the water underneath me. I saw the water churning a little from the underground water source. I saw water plants waving around and some fish quietly moving in a group of 4-5 fish. I thought to communicate to them how happy I was to be here. They then came to just under the water's surface and seemed to share their joy that I was there too!

11. Heavenly Mother spoke next:

'Raphael, all our celestial plants and animals often express, in their own way, to us that they are happy to have us to be with them or near them. This is what these fish are doing now! You may commune with them in your thoughts and then perceive what they are expressing to you also in your thoughts.

If you desire to be left alone, they will honor your intentions also. If you wish them to do something within their power, they will do that too.'

12. I looked again at the fish and thanked them, in my mind, for expressing their happiness to be near my Heavenly Parents and me tonight. I had the thought that they all seemed very pleased that they pleased us!

I stayed in the presence of my Heavenly Parents in this position for some time. They stayed near as I thought how blessed I was to come to their world so often and to commune with them. I felt very contented to just live life without any idea what the near future held, and to fully trust in God. I know they will lead me in ways that they need, and that this in turn will bring me great growth and enjoyment too. I closed my prayer in deep appreciation for all that they do for me.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 18, 2018 Wednesday

1. This morning I went to the orchard trees north of the shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the water twice until I felt quite alert and clarified. I then walked up the path to go into the fruit tree orchard. I could tell the new fruit had formed on the trees and were very small still. The blossoms were mostly gone. I knelt facing the lake.

I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. I next saw a bright personage in the sky, descending to me in the orchard. Heavenly Mother soon appeared to me. I felt joy to be in her presence! I thanked her for coming. I said I was honored to be again in her presence.

She asked me to stand and walk with her in her orchard. I stood and she put her hands around my left arm and we strolled around, looking at the trees. I could tell she loved her trees and the budding growth on their branches. We soon stopped and faced Lake Beautiful.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, please write my words.'

I wrote to this point. She then continued:

'After praying last night at the desert oasis, you wondered afterwards if you merely created the experience in your mind, like writing a fiction story or a novel. The ideas just gently came into your mind what you were doing and experiencing in your unconscious celestial state.

3. Raphael, these slight impressions were real, and you weren't dreaming or creating any of this! You did see the water plants waving in the oasis water and you did see the fish in the moonlit water. We enjoyed with you the stillness of the night there.

Even now. Your thoughts of us having been walking together in my orchard is very real and has just occurred. Trust in these gentle and subtle thoughts and let them flow into your conscious mind, for these are from your unconscious mind. The impressions are subtle but very true.'

I thanked Heavenly Mother, for I had just been wondering if I had just been making up events and actions in my mind. I told her I would just accept these all as true thoughts of what actually is happening to me.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, when we created Lake Beautiful, we asked our newly formed celestial orb to form a large depression where this lake would occupy. Our thoughts controlled everything. The ground of this area sunk according to our desires, for our heavenly orb desired to please us, just like the plants and animals.

We formed the canals for the water flow that was to be, for the future three rivers. We created underground return caves, as we desired--all by our thoughts. We asked the orb to make rich soil where our gardens and fields would be and it was done. This was all directed by our minds, and the celestial orb that has a spirit, complied with our request. Thus we created everything on its surface and under its surface.

5. We then brought celestial seeds of all varieties and planted them in the soil of our celestial world. We communicated to them to grow. We watered them from living water that we also created from matter in space. We gave the water an intelligence, and it conformed to our desires. This was our creation process that happened in our celestial world that we now are standing upon.

6. All the materials of the universe that we have gathered and joined to the intelligences, we selected for different entities. Your Father and I brought these together in this creative process. All of these intelligences were chosen and offered the opportunity to become living entities, whether for orbs in our skies, water in our lakes, or all the various plants, animals, and finally our own children. This is how we created all things! We directed all by our thoughts and actions. Everything complied with our wishes since they knew us from the day we chose their intelligence to be part of our creations.

7. Some of the plants and animals we created in this way, but others we populated from the worlds of other Gods. We brought the seeds or animals from their celestial worlds and these propagated in our own world. The parent plants and animals were sometimes returned to their original worlds, or stayed from then on with our world. We still have free exchanges between our celestial worlds of the Gods.

From our heavenly creations, we then populated the telestial earth with its myriad of plants and animals as well. Even now, in their telestial state, these entities know us and want to obey our words and thoughts and to please us in every way they can.

8. We give you, Raphael, our authority to ask our creations to also do certain things, as we will give you directions. Use your thoughts as you did last night to the fish in your communication to them. Tell them in your thoughts that you are our representative, and that we want you to ask them to do a certain thing. You will act under our blessings and authority. You may also feel impressed at times to state this authority in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son. He has also been given our full authority and honor.

9. Thus will all our works and creations be also subject to your directed thoughts. You should always ask in kindness, in love and with a grateful heart.

Since you act under our authority, always be sure that we have given you permission to thus ask our creations to comply with your requests. You may hear our words of direction in your mind, or feel the very subtle impression in your heart and mind--these will all be from us, your Heavenly Parents. Act in confidence and faith, and you will find our many creations love to follow your desires as you ask them in faith.'

10. I turned and faced my Heavenly Mother. I looked at her eternity eyes. They were full of confidence and love for me. I spoke:

'Thank thee, my Mother, for this great blessing! I thank thee for thy trust in me, thy son. I will only act, as I feel impressed from thee, Heavenly Father or Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I love thee so very much and feel so honored and humbled today!'

We then embraced, there in her orchard to the north of her beautiful lake!

I knew my prayer was finished. It had been amazing to me!

11. Later– I got post 75 out today, and another one getting ready soon too. I find myself writing a great deal every day–like 4-5 pages.

Tonight I prayed in heaven at the circling water. I love this mountain stream and forest area! There were many forest flowers and tender green leaves on the deciduous trees. I drank from the living water at the circling waters three times until I felt very clarified. I feel so glad to know that the clarity I feel/see in my body is a measure of the clarity in my unconscious mind. I faced south and prayed in front of the bench on the ground.

My Heavenly Father came to me, appearing gradually above the water. He was majestic and smiled at me. I bowed my head and asked if he had a message for me.

12. Heavenly Father then spoke and I wrote his words:

'Raphael, my son, you have been receiving our words twice daily in your mind. You have written all of these revelations down in your personal journal. You have nearly filled up this current journal again only after one month. This is as fast as you are able to receive our words!

While doing this, you live a normal life in mortality, even working 6 hours or so a day. You have been managing your time better so that you accomplish more than before when you had lots of open time. We are pleased that you make adequate time for us each day and then fill up your remaining time with other activities. You yourself feel a greater sense of accomplishment than before.

13. Now that you are accomplishing more each day, we want you to feel that you are never rushed in any of your activities and that you fully enjoy your time spent in what you choose to do.

You have felt at work to do one task after another and still feel quite rushed, but are able to accomplish a lot. We want you to no longer feel rushed and yet get just as much accomplished.

14. To remove the rushed feeling, concentrate only on one task at a time. Think that you very much enjoy what you are currently doing. Try to savor the time you spend on that task. This simple thought will brighten your day and give you the feeling of more happy time and even more free time.

Try this tomorrow. We will help you as you call upon us during your day.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father- I am eager to have a no-rushed day tomorrow! We'll see how it goes! I closed my prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 19, 2018 Thursday

1. This windy morning I went to the meadow of yellow buttercups that Heavenly Mother had taken me to recently. I couldn't recall the way to walk there, but I was successful in just going there. I didn't see any stream or lake so I clarified myself with my thoughts. It seemed to work the same as drinking living water.

Anyway, I knelt in a small patch of grass, all surrounded by the beautiful buttercups. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father was soon before me in the air! I felt so glad to see him this morning. I asked if he had a message for me. He asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, your effort to write our words and then the work of typing these up by your sister Rachael, and then the effort of making a web post for others to read or listen to is pleasing to your Heavenly Mother and me! We are grateful to have a way to publish to the world how we view what is truly happening behind the scenes in these last days on earth. Your words are now written in secret, but will one day be published far and wide for all to study.

3. Today, when you attempt to savor each moment, be especially aware of the precious time you have with those you interact with, especially your wife and family. You live through time in these moments, never to go back again and experience those times. Even when you may go back and see in vision what has happened on a daily basis, it is not the same as living at the moment and fully experiencing life. Take time to enjoy your associations with others of our children in mortality and try to savor these moments with them.

4. In our world, in our current lives, your Heavenly Mother and I so enjoy the moments we have, particularly with each other and our children. We have all the time we need to help each one and guide them to us, their Gods and Heavenly Parents. We thrill at their efforts to become as we want them to be and to do as we direct them. They gradually listen to our words and spiritual promptings.

Likewise, we desire you to find great joy in living each day in mortality. You may experience a great measure of joy in your daily living and in doing even routine, mundane things. Remember today to not experience the rushed feeling, but to think how much you enjoy doing even simple tasks, or in being with others around you.

5. Sometimes, in early life particularly, our children race around, doing activities of all varieties without enjoying their lives. Some feel rushed and driven by accomplishment. Some have a negative outlook on each day.

Instead, it is possible to be happy each day, even with life that doesn't seem to go as we may want. Life in mortality always has challenges, ups and down emotionally, and positive moments and difficult times. In all your living, strive to enjoy your journey through life!

6. Look around at this beautiful meadow of yellow buttercups! They are so beautiful to be amongst! This beauty uplifts my soul and brings a contented happy feeling, for that is what I choose to think and feel.

Seek to be positive today and each day after this. Replace the rushed, task-driven feelings with enjoyment, gratitude and greater love for others. You will be more happy in life and enjoy your mortal experience to a much greater degree.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and asked for his help in guiding me to improve my day as he directed me! I want to fully adopt this new perspective! I closed my morning prayer, so enjoying this short time with my Father alone. I then began my day!

7. At night- I have enjoyed a very full and enjoyable day. However, I am now exhausted and I still haven't prayed! I will seek permission to write the account of my evening prayer tomorrow.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 20, 2018 Friday

1. I had a good sleep and then talked with my wife for an hour and a half about all our many activities. I realized the life I am trying to maintain has not enough time for my "own" time, to plan and think. I want time to think and plan and to have open time. Right now, I feel jammed in my life with time for prayer, work, fixing up a rental and then other activities too, making no time for myself. My wife and I share many activities together, so we have time together. I need time for myself, my thinking, my planning, etc. I think I need to plan this open time into my day.

2. I came this morning to the quiet and still desert oasis. I just felt to sit on the bench and think and write. It has seemed that since my awakening to who I am as Raphael the archangel (it was on 4/2/2016, over two years now), that life has been a whirlwind! I see the future also being no different. I see God preparing me to deal with my increased activity by having me control my thoughts and emotions. God has shown me how to better deal with time issues and management. All this training has made me more capable, and prepared for whatever may come my way. When God directs me, I want to be quick to respond and act in a very assured and able way. I am grateful for this whirlwind training and revealing that God has given me over these past two years.

3. This morning it is raining outside. It feels like a time to regroup my thoughts and prioritize my daily schedule and activities. I plan to schedule morning and evening prayer times plus a 1-hour block of time to be open. During this open time, I can regroup my thoughts, do whatever I want and keep myself a little more stable in my life amongst the demands all around me.

Here is a tentative schedule for my current state:

7 a.m. awake
7-8 pray and meditate
8-9 chores, connect with my wife, review my day
9-10 open time
10-12:30 work at our business, train, etc.
12:30-1:15 lunch with my wife and family
1:15-3:15 work at business
3:15-6:00 pre-planned activities with my wife- fixing up rentals, gardening, repairs & chores around house, shopping, errands etc.
6-7 dinner prep and eating & cleanup
7-11 evening activities including flexible times in prayer and journal writing (1 hr), coordination with my wife on family planning and activities, spending time preparing for next web post, responding to emails, etc.
11-7 sleep

4. I want to have balanced life, with me acting happy and feeling contented. I see that I can't jam my every moment with scheduled time for activities, but I need open time too. I will plan to adjust how much time alone I need based on how busy my life becomes and what pressing things need being done.

I have been writing all of this down while unconsciously being in the desert oasis area on the bench. I have been able to think clearly and be emotionally balanced. I feel happy and now prepared to approach God in prayer.

5. I came down to the water's edge and drank of that refreshing living water. I felt very connected also to the ground in this celestial world. It seemed as I breathed in and out, I breathed in the celestial nature also. It was very calming.

I then felt the clearness come from the living water too. I felt clarified in my mind and body. I felt like I was able to connect with God in prayer, having prepared myself well.

I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. I then immediately sensed they both were right in front of me. I looked up with my spiritual eyes and saw Heavenly Father smiling at me. I love to see his big eternity eyes! Heavenly Mother was next to Heavenly Father and they were holding hands. She too was smiling and very accepting. I felt they saw all of my ups and downs, my struggle and folly, understood me, and fully accepted me just as I was! This was very evident to me today.

6. As I was gazing on their faces, their robes and their glorious beings, Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, you have progressed a great deal in your spiritual awareness and maturity over these past two years since we revealed to you that you were our archangel Raphael! We have been pleased with the volume of revelation and direction we have given you that you have been able to absorb in this period. Your perspective on who you are and who we, your Heavenly Parents and Gods truly are, has greatly clarified. You see truth more clearly now and have learned many skills.

7. You have also been able to enlighten a few mortal angels in this same process as they have read and studied your words we gave you. They have drawn closer to us, their Gods, and prepared themselves much better for our increased work we will give them.

The angels and servants in our celestial world have also been reading your words. They too have been enlightened and better prepared themselves because of your experiences and revelations.

Raphael, last night your Heavenly Father and I excused us from speaking to you except to accept your need for sleep. Sometimes your best intentions to connect to us are thwarted with the demands of the needs of a mortal body, and situations that may come up. We will continue our words this morning.'

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, the speed and intensity of the revelations we give to you are determined by your ability to receive them. Last night you could not receive these, so we excused you from prayer so you could rest.

We are pleased that in your schedule you have given time with us a high priority, of one hour in the morning and one hour at night. This is for you, and not for anyone else. Each of our children has different situations in their lives–some are busy moms, some working dads, some are single young adults with other demands and choices in their lives. Each has a different daily schedule and live in a different phase of life.

9. We have chosen to awaken you to your mission and role of Raphael, our angel in these last days on the earth, during your later years of your life. The maturity of living life, of raising a family, of having rich religious experiences, of running your own business and much more has been good preparation. We have accelerated your learning by our many revelations as well.

10. The plan we have for you, in your future years prior to the second coming of Our Beloved Son, will also be very intensive. You will one day look back at this time in your life and wonder how you received it all and did so much! It will seem to you like a dream, a flurry of fulfilling our will and receiving our revelations. This will all be done while living a normal life in mortality, among those in your community and family, as things progress in the world around you.

11. In the next week or two, we desire to train you and the angels in using our power to influence the plants, animals and the elements. This training will give you and those who respond the ability to act on our will and ask, or command the elements and world around them to respond to our directions. This will all be done by our authority and in our own way, as we direct.

12. We have recently shared our methods with you that we use, to commune with our creations by our mind-directed thoughts, and to get them to act because they love and honor us, their creators. All our creations may thus be directed in this way when we ask them to do anything we desire. We will further train you in our methods in the near future.

The recent experience of your sister Rachael, in working and being trained by her Heavenly Mother in asking plants and animals to respond, has been what we wish all of our angels to do. Each one will have different training, based on their missions and their receptivity, or personality. We will move forward in helping all our holy angels, whether they are in their mortal experience or not, to learn these now important skills. They will thus be barely trained when we ask them to act in directing our creations on the earth and in the sky, according to our will and timing.

13. Each angel needs to move ahead in trusting the gentle impressions we will continue to pour out upon them, as they are each able and willing to receive these. If they are unwilling, or not inclined to believe these revelations, we will ask those who do to act in their stead, thus making sure all our plans are enacted at the correct time. We will fulfill all these, and still allow for the agency of our holy angels in serving us to what level and degree they are willing to do.

Raphael, we love you and your willingness to act when we ask, based on subtle impressions and our gentle promptings! We will lead you along each day to higher and greater vistas of service and capability.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their encouraging words. I started then my day!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 20, 2018 Friday cont'd….

1. Friday evening - This evening I returned from a date with my wife- we ate out and had a fun time! When we came back I went to Heavenly Mother's lower garden, near the base of the waterfall by the pool of water that it splashes into. I faced the descending water from the falls. I drank of living water twice to get clarity in my mind and body. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Mother then came from the center of the falling water, walking towards me! She stood before me, enshrouded in light and smiling. I felt so happy to be in her presence tonight (it was really daytime there, but 10:40 p.m. here on earth).

I gazed into her face, as I normally do. She had sparkly eyes, deep and compassionate, and a broad smile! She seemed eager to talk to me. I asked her to share her thoughts with me. I also said how glad I was to be in her presence tonight.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, tonight I wish to help train you in controlling the gravitational forces affecting the waterfall behind me. Not only are the elements made by us, and respond to us asking them to respond, but also the forces in nature that these elements create by virtue of their mass and movement.

3. For example, the living water in this waterfall freely flows over the top of the rocks above us, and falls under the force of gravity to the depression in the ground below. When we wish our water to stop flowing, we need to change the forces moving the water. In this case, the gravity force pulls the water down into the pool behind me. From there the water is moved back to the top of my upper gardens and flows down the mountain stream again. There is an underground channel for the return of the water to a point under the top of my upper garden. I then permanently changed the flow of gravity there so that this water flows uphill to the top of the stream.

4. The changing of forces in our celestial world and in your telestial world is done the same. This is done by us, who are the creators of this celestial orb or the telestial earth, and by our power. We ask our orb or earth to change the forces where we wish them to change. We are very specific in our request. These massive bodies have the capability to change their forces that they create by virtue of the laws we set them to obey. If we ask them to change these forces, we also give them permission to not follow our laws of gravity in the specific land area we want to change the forces.

Now, I will demonstrate what I mean. Raphael, stand and come near my side, my son.'

I stood and came next to Heavenly Mother's right side.

5. She next spoke again:

'My celestial orb, I wish to temporarily have you change the forces on my mountain water stream, changing my laws of gravity in the areas where this living water stream flows. I ask you to make every place where the water is located, in my upper garden area, at this waterfall, and in the underground return channel, to have a level gravitational force. This will make the water stay in place and no longer flow downstream or over the waterfall, or return in the underground channels.'

I then watched the waterfall and in 5-10 seconds the water stopped falling! The pool area where we were standing above became still. Heavenly Mother took my hand and we ascended up in the air to view the stream area: the stream had ceased to flow and the water in the stream and circling water area all became still, like an elongated puddle or small lake!

This was a remarkable experience for me!

6. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, now will you thank our celestial orb for complying with my request and then ask him to change the forces as they were before?'

I said I would do so! I then spoke:

'Oh heavenly orb, my Heavenly Mother and I greatly thank you for complying to Heavenly Mother's request to still the waters in her stream, according to her request. Now I, Raphael, her angel, ask you to return the forces back to how they were before her request. I do this under her authority and since she asked me to ask you this.'

We then watched and the water in the stream immediately began to flow again down the mountain slope. We turned and saw the water falling again down the waterfall.

7. I then spoke:

'We thank you, our celestial orb, for again applying your forces on the water as before. We so appreciate your quick response!'

I then turned to Heavenly Mother and spoke:

'Heavenly Mother, thank thee tonight for this training! I am so grateful for thy instruction, and for the prospect of being able to do this myself, on thy direction and authority.'

I ended my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 21, 2018 Saturday

1. Last night I knelt next to my bed and confirmed my experience with my Heavenly Mother and the stilling of her mountain stream waters. It all seems so simple now to do–under the direction and authority of God, I would ask the massive orb that has a spirit and intelligence to change. In the case of last night, we asked to change the forces the orb applied to a section of its surface. Heavenly Mother could have just as easily asked for an earthquake, or a mass of ground to be removed to another location. The orb has power to do all of this. The orb now follows the will of his creator, in following the laws of gravity that were set up for him to follow in the beginning.

The earth also follows the will of God, following the will of her creator in staying in a regular orbit around the massive sun and to keep the gravitational forces active, according to pre-set laws, on her surface.

2. This morning I came to the adjacent room and wrote the above down in my journal. I then felt to go to the meandering stream in the desert. I drank twice the living water in this stream. I felt very clarified and alert spiritually.

I then knelt facing east and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came over a nearby hill, walking hand in hand. Soon they stopped, dropped hands, and Heavenly Father left Heavenly Mother in the place they were in and he alone came to me. Heavenly Father spoke as he extended his right hand to me:

'Raphael, come with me to your Heavenly Mother!'

3. I stood, took his hand in mine and we traveled instantly to the side of my Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father dropped my hand and came next to Heavenly Mother by her side. He spoke again:

'Raphael, come now with us to the beginning when we created the earth upon which you live!'

Both he and Heavenly Mother extended their hands to me, I took each and we travelled back in time to a very distant place where the intelligences are located.

When we arrived, I watched what actually happened in the beginning, when our Mother Earth was created.

4. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother worked as an amazing team. They came to an intelligence among many other intelligences. Heavenly Father spoke to this intelligence, all done in his directed thoughts:

'I and my eternal companion next to me are Gods in a distant galaxy. We have come to you today to ask you to become an earth for one of our eternities! We have offspring in our own image, and many plants and animals that we have created. All of these we wish to live on your surface as an earth in the midst of our galaxy. We have a progression of growth for these, but need an orb on which these may dwell. Would you accept our offer to create you into our earth for these, our creations?'

5. The intelligence he was talking to conveyed this message:

'Oh God, I would be so honored to become an earth for you and your eternal companion next to you. I accept your offer!'

Heavenly Father smiled on the intelligence, and then took the intelligence in his hand and then he and Heavenly Mother went to a new location. I came with them. Heavenly Mother spoke next to me:

6. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father has the intelligence in his hand, and I will now select the material from which this intelligence will be formed into a spirit earth.'

Heavenly Mother then reached out with both her hands and scooped up in her hands something. As she did, I saw behind her a large mass of matter move. We then came back to the center of their galaxy–Heavenly Father with the intelligence in his hand and Heavenly Mother with the very large mass of matter following her, in her scooped hands.

7. They then came to one of the celestial mother earths and a celestial father earth near Kolob, at the center of their galaxy. Heavenly Father first came for a father earth, which was celestial and resurrected. He spoke to this father earth:

'My celestial father earth, I have in my hand a new intelligence we wish to have birthed into a new mother earth. Please accept this intelligence in your celestial being to transfer to a mother celestial earth.'

Heavenly Father then placed the intelligence into the celestial father earth.

8. Heavenly Mother then brought the mass of material to an adjacent celestial female earth, also resurrected, and spoke to her:

'Oh my beautiful mother earth, please accept into your being this mass of matter I have brought. This I have selected for a new spirit earth that we wish you to birth. My husband, your God, has placed the intelligence of this future earth into your celestial father earth next to you.'

9. I then saw the mass of matter enter into this celestial mother earth.

I then saw that the father earth came next to the mother earth. Their surfaces touched and the intelligence that Heavenly Father placed in the father earth moved from the father earth to the mother earth. Once transferred, the father earth moved back to his position near Kolob, the central governing start of the galaxy.

The celestial mother earth then had the intelligence and the mass of material inside of her massive orb. In time, I saw that she birthed a new spirit earth! The earth came from her celestial being, and was the same size as she was. However, this new earth was composed of spirit matter, not celestial physical matter in a resurrected state like that of the mother earth. I saw also that this new earth was a female earth.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have seen, step by step, how your Mother Earth was created in her spirit state in the beginning. All things are created spiritually before physically or naturally, including this earth you see. This is your own Mother Earth in the beginning. She is destined to become a celestial Mother Earth like the one that birthed her.'

I then thanked my kind and loving Heavenly Parents for showing me this wonderful process of the birth of our Mother Earth! All of this was so completely new to me, and also seemed so true and very reasonable! I then ended my prayer and started my Saturday.

11. In the evening–I feel I have been enjoying my daily activities more since Heavenly Father asked me to enjoy my time rather than have the feeling of being rushed. I have been having greater happiness and meaning in recent days.

Tonight I went to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I remembered this water became very still yesterday evening when Heavenly Father stopped the water flow. The water was swirling around tonight, very pretty with the water plants, fish and vibrant mountain flowers all around.

12. I drank twice from the circling waters until I felt very clear, even to my toes. I knew my mind was also clarified. I then knelt back by the bench, facing the circling water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother come alone down the stream, above the water, and turn with the circling waters at the same rate coming to me as the waters flowed. She came to the point above the shore of the waters, facing me. She was smiling and happy.

13. I felt pleased she was happy. This boosted my spirits! I asked that she share with me. Then Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, you might wonder how this living water in the stream and waterfall system differs from the other living water in our celestial world. These waters are controlled by the same single intelligence that we have place into the living water when we created it. The water at the desert oasis, this mountain stream system, the three rivers coming from the fountain of living water, and Lake Beautiful and all other sources of water in our kingdom are all the same entity with one intelligence. This living water knows what each part of it does, even though separated.

14. This same principle is followed for our celestial orb–all ground, rocks, soil, mountains, sand, forest soil and controlled by one intelligence that we have created. This is the same in your world with Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the single entity that controls all rocks, mountains, substructure of the earth and all land masses. Mother Earth controls all of these. The waters on the earth, whether in the lakes, oceans, streams, or atmosphere are also controlled by one living entity of water that we have created with its own intelligence.

15. Therefore, Raphael, when you ask water on earth to stop or move, or a rock or a mountain to move, these need to be addressed to the water intelligence or the Mother Earth intelligence, respectively. You have to be specific which entity to ask to do our desire when we ask you to do a certain thing.

For living plants and animals, each living entity has its own spirit and intelligence separate from another. For example, a fir tree has its own spirit and intelligence but a new fir tree that came up from seed next to it has different spirit and intelligence. All living entities have a spirit and intelligence, for all things were created spiritually before naturally on the earth. This is also true in heaven.

16. In our premortal world, where our offspring dwell, they dwell both among spirit entities like plants and animals, and on our physical celestial orb which has both a spirit and a physical component, in a resurrected state. Our celestial world is all spiritual and physical, in a resurrected state, used for each eternity. Those in the current eternity may be in their premortal spirit state only. These include our own offspring or the plants and animals that will be coming to the earth with our children during earth's temporal existence.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this additional information. I see that the celestial orb is resurrected and those parts that remain for each eternity are resurrected. The children of our Heavenly Parents and other plant and animal entities dwell there in their spirit only state prior to coming to earth. There are also celestial plants and animals living in heaven that are resurrected, used to propagate their kind for each eternity.

This may seem complicated, but it is really quite simple. I feel clear on how it works, but may have not explained it very well.

I closed my prayer, for I knew it was time to close.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 22, 2018 Sunday

1. This morning I awoke at 7:00 a.m. and prayed in the adjacent room. I came to the quiet desert oasis. I walked around the shore to the other side of the oasis to the south. I found an area to pray in, with some bushes between the oasis and me. I drank twice of living water, and then went to the area I had thought to pray in. I knelt towards the water and asked my Heavenly Parents to come commune with me.

I then saw Heavenly Father walk from the air just above the oasis, through the bushes, followed by my Heavenly Mother. They both came right in front of me. They were smiling! I am always so pleased when they smile at me!

2. I thanked them both for coming to me! I asked them to share with me their thoughts. Heavenly Father spoke first:

'Raphael, you have learned in the past two days more about how to ask living entities in our world and on earth how to move or change as we direct you. You have learned how we created some of these entities, each having a spirit and intelligence. We have explained also how our celestial world is a living resurrected orb, along with its water and some plants and animals that are all resurrected. This is where we have each eternity begin and live, with their spirits and intelligences only, in their premortal state. This is where our own spirit children who are spirits came prior to coming to earth.

All is perfectly created for our own purposes! All our celestial creations and world love to obey and follow our will in all things.

3. When we created our physical earth, we populated it with physical plants and animals. We then came ourselves and gave birth to our first children, Adam and Eve, in the flesh, in their physical states. We therefore had given birth to these two children first in their spirit form only and then in their physical form. This was all done on our earth that was in a terrestrial state at the time. All the plants and animals in the beautiful Garden of Eden were also terrestrial, populated from our resurrected plants and animals in our celestial world. These resurrected plants and animals do this for each earth and eternity that we create. This is all done so that our children, our own offspring, may have a mortal experience on an earth.

4. Once Adam and Eve fell, and were cast out of our beautiful garden, they entered the lone and dreary world. They began bearing the souls of men and women whom we had planned to come to earth for their mortal probation. The earth, with its myriad of plants and animals, water and other single entities like the air or atmosphere, all fell to a telestial state, just like man.

These entities all had a spirit and intelligence but they were transformed to a lower state, from at first a celestial state in their spirit only form, to a terrestrial state when we created man on the earth and then finally to a telestial state after man fell. Those entities still had intelligence, and knew who we, their creators were, in all of their celestial, terrestrial and telestial states. They still recognized our voice, for this was still clear to them. However, to our own children, our voice was much more unclear, for this is how we planned their probation.

5. Therefore, when we ask our earth, or water, or any entity on the earth, to do something, other than our own children, these hear our voice and always obey, being eager to do our will. They fully remember when we asked them, as intelligences to become our creation in the beginning. They are still very aware of our actions and kindness to them. They always want to please us, their Gods and creators.

6. When we give you an assignment to ask these to change or to do our will, they will always comply, as long as they recognize you are acting in our behalf and with our authority in doing our will. You should always state that we have directed you and that it is by our authority and will that what you ask is to be done. These will also recognize you, as our angel with our direction, to do this thing we ask. These know you, for you have worked with us also in your premortal state doing these same things, acting in our behalf as our holy angel. This same thing has been done by all our angels.

7. Raphael, we will continue giving you more experience, so you may act with confidence, even while in your conscious mind only, in fulfilling our holy will. We trust you and our angels to act quickly when we direct you and to act in faith in all these actions.'

I greatly thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of trust and confidence! He said Heavenly Mother would further give me revelation at this same location later on this Sabbath day.

8. After church– I came in the sacrament meeting to the desert oasis, in the same southern end I was in this morning earlier. My Heavenly Parents were still there and I was kneeling in the same place on the desert sand.

After the priest blessed the water, I made my weekly covenant with my Heavenly Parents before me. We ate the bread and then Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Our Only Begotten Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

9. Our many creations always follow us because we are their creators and they want to please us and fulfill our desires. They are so grateful for what we did for them in their day of creation, and what we continue to do for them.

However, our own offspring, our children, mostly do not follow us. We have given them their agency, so they have full choice whether to honor us, keep our commands and to serve us, their Heavenly Parents. Nevertheless, whether they hearken to our voice or not, we still reach out to them, seeking to elevate them, one by one, to the highest level of happiness that they are willing to receive.

10. For those of our posterity on earth who desire to follow our whisperings and to listen to our still small voice, we will lead them along, step by step. We will lead those who really want to keep our commandments to the end, to a place with us in our celestial worlds above. They will be able to be Gods as we are, and to create their own worlds and bear their own children in eternity. Our greatest joy is to bring to pass their eternal happiness and help them partake of eternal life and exaltations like we live.'

The water was blessed. We then stayed there in silence. I pondered how Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's children were so free to choose to obey them or not. I am determined to follow their guidance throughout my life. I seek to always hear them and not to be led in other paths away from them. I love them so very much!

11. Later, in the evening- I came again to the south end of the desert oasis and met my Heavenly Parents there again. I came before them this morning, this afternoon and now this evening at the same place. I came again and knelt down. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are ready for more training in our celestial world. Stand now and walk with us to an area close behind you.'

I stood and walked behind me, with my Heavenly Father on my right and Heavenly Mother on my left. We stopped a short distance into the desert. Heavenly Father spoke again. He extended his right hand in front of us while he spoke:

'Raphael, all of this desert sand is part of the composition and the stewardship of our celestial orb. Our celestial orb controls both the material on his surface, as well as the forces like gravity and even atomic forces within the large mass of matter on this desert.'

12. Heavenly Father then picked up some sand in his right hand. He turned towards me and spoke:

'Raphael, I could ask our celestial orb to make this sand turn into melting lava, or be formed into a solid mass, or explode from the atomic forces within its small mass. I would ask the celestial orb to do a very specific thing and then it would be done. Our orb knows my voice and love and respects Heavenly Mother and me. He will do whatever we ask.

13. Similarly, I could ask our sand to shake violently, in an earthquake. I could ask this sand to divide and cause a large gulf between its opening sides. All is done in the same manner as we have described.

For you to do anything, you need our authority to gain the attention of our creation, and then our direction to act in our behalf for a certain action.

13. Raphael, now we want you to ask our celestial orb to cause a large sinkhole to appear before us in the sand. We have forewarned our animals in this area so they are not present.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confidence in me.

14. I then spoke:

'Oh our celestial orb, I ask you in the authority of the Father and under his direction, to cause a large sinkhole 100 feet across in front of where we are standing. Cause the hole to descend 50 feet from the surface where we are standing on.'

We then waited and then there was a rumble and the entire large section of sand before us descended into a large sinkhole! It was approximately 100 feet wide by 50 feet deep. We were standing on the edge of this precipice.

15. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, you did well in asking our celestial orb to move! Remember the thoughts behind your direction is best to be in the form of asking instead of commanding even though both will work. The entity you ask does its action because of the respect and honor it has for us, their creators.

Now have this large sinkhole return to its former position.'

16. I then said the following:

'We thank you, oh our celestial orb, for fulfilling the request of your creator, my Heavenly Father. We ask you now to return this sinkhole to its former position. We thank you in advance for your action!'

At this time there was another rumble and the sand returned back to its former position! I looked and didn't even see a mark where the sinkhole used to be!

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this training tonight. I said I believe now I know how to ask, as they direct me. I closed my prayer and went back to my evening family activities.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 23, 2018 Monday

1. I awoke early and came to my adjacent room. I felt to go to the fountain of living water. I drank living water from my cupped hand three times and then felt very clarified in my mind and body.

I faced the fountain from the north, facing towards the south, towards the temple doors. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

I then saw in the distance the temple doors open and Heavenly Father held the door opened and Heavenly Mother came through. He then stepped to her side and they both walked to me, around the west side of the fountain and then in front of me in the air. I looked steadily on them, and knew they were my Heavenly Parents. They were both smiling. Heavenly Father began to speak:

2. 'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to come before you today. We have confidence that when we command you to do anything in heaven or on earth, you will now know how to fulfill our requests.

When you are on earth, it is also proper to do all things in the name of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We have set up the stewardship of those in mortality and the earth and other entities that you may ask in the sphere of the earth, to be under the jurisdiction of our son, Jesus Christ. You should also state our authority and that it was one of us, or both who may have directed you. On earth and in all areas pertaining to mortality, close your request in the name of our son, Jesus Christ.

3. In heaven, where you had asked our celestial orb, you did this under our authority, and not in the name of Jesus Christ. This is because our celestial world houses many eternities and there are also many different Christs with the same redemptive mission for their own eternity. On each of the earths, we have created them in the name of our son, the Christ, for that specific earth. Such is the case for your Mother Earth. She was created by our power, and in the name of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. All that you do on earth and in mortality, or in his Church of the Firstborn, should be done in his name.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words.

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, our children who hold the priesthood or the authority of a high priestess, may also command something to happen, using our authority and in the name of our son, Jesus Christ. The intent of this thought and word "command" should be in the way of asking our entity to do a particular action. These entities do not have agency, except our own children, and they will always agree to your request when done in our authority and in the name of our son. You should not command any of our children to do anything with the intent of having them forced to act in a certain way. Instead, the command should be in the intent of asking.

5. The adversary uses force to subject and control his followers. We, who are the Gods of all our creations, use love, persuasion, and ask the entities we have created–the earth, plants, animals, water, atmosphere, sun, or whatever entity, including our own children, rather than seeking to force anything into compliance to our will. When we command anything, it is in the attitude and thought of asking. The great honor our creations give us ensures that our asking, or our commands, are always fulfilled.'

6. I then thought of the ordinance to receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, done in the LDS Church. I had been taught to make it a command or directive to the recipient to "receive the Holy Ghost." This, I now see, never was intended to be a force issue, but an asking issue, for we who are the children of God have our moral agency. Even God never forces us, but asks us lovingly to do a certain thing.

This same spirit of asking pervades all that God does, including the creation process, and all miracles that we may see or do ourselves under the direction and authority of God.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for both coming this morning to the fountain and speaking to me. I believe I know now how to act in their name, with their authority, wherever they may ask me to act. I love them so very much!

7. Later in the evening– Tonight I feel pretty tired. I came to the bench by the desert oasis. I just wanted quiet now it seemed, after all the hubbub of the kids and family activities. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I only had to drink once to feel fully clarified. There was also a half moon out in the dark, heavenly sky, just like was out tonight in our Utah sky! It felt so still and quiet, without any tinge of coolness like here in Utah.

I thought for a bit before I prayed. I had sent out post 76 today. I am so glad for the volumes of information I continue to receive from my Heavenly Parents! It seems to never cease! I never know what is coming next, and this is how I like it. I so appreciate the recent instructions and training on asking entities to act or move as our Heavenly Parents ask. This is pretty exciting to me! I will only act in the way that God will direct me.

8. I then knelt down and faced the water. I had my bare legs and bare feet in the desert soil. I felt very connected to this, my celestial orb. This continues to be my celestial home where I was raised and from where I work. I think it is the most beautiful and perfect place I could ever imagine!

I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come to me. Heavenly Mother came walking alone from the east, my left, on the desert floor. She walked up to me and extended her hand. She spoke:

'Raphael, come walk with me under the moonlight tonight in our desert!'

9. I arose and took her hand in mine. We walked to the east from whence she came. She continued speaking:

'Raphael, this land and world is very definitely your home, your world, your land and the place you love! You will continue to have this celestial world as your place of working from, when administering to those on earth.

When you leave here and go to the earth, you go to the celestial spiritual realms around and on the earth. There are several levels or layers of these spirit realms.

Satan and his host live and work in darkness in the lowest level, among where the vast inhabitants on earth are living in the telestial sphere of the earth.

Those in mortality and those that have died live in this telestial spiritual sphere

10. The next spiritual sphere is terrestrial. This is where the 144,000 will live and work in. They have limited powers of movement and have proficiency in some portal use. These skills are needed for their future mission. The very earth is now transitioning to this higher level of enlightenment and power.

The highest spiritual sphere of the earth, around the earth and on the earth, is the celestial sphere. Here is where our holy angels, the translated servants of Enoch's group, and all resurrected beings in heaven work from. This sphere and that of our celestial orb are on the same plateau or spiritual level.

11. You may instantly transport yourself from our celestial world to earth's celestial realm. You exclusively work in these celestial realms in either location, as a translated holy angel. You and all the angels are elevated to a celestial level in your unconscious state. You always have many replicated states of yourself, acting as our lead archangel in these realms.

We also commune with you in these celestial realms. You know in part what you do here because of the good connection between your conscious self (living in the telestial sphere in mortality) and your unconscious self in the celestial sphere.

12. These spiritual realms on the earth (darkness, telestial, terrestrial and celestial) are used by the different levels of our children to interact with those in mortality or in the spirit world. They are distinctly separate realms, one from another. Those who live on the earth in their mortal conscious state do not see those in the other realms–for they live in the telestial, in their fallen state.'

We were walking in the desert when my Heavenly Mother talked of all these things. She then concluded and said that this was enough instruction tonight. I thanked her and went to bed with my wife.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 24, 2018 Tuesday

1. The days and weeks seem to fly by! I don't know where they go–it seems almost like a dream. In my prayers, I write and write all of the impressions and feelings of what is happening to me, or what I do in the celestial realms in heaven or on the earth.

Day after day, all of this instruction and revelation comes and then more and more comes! It is very real to me and I am amazed! My connection and clarity to my celestial replicated self is very real too. The information of all my interactions with God and others in these celestial realms just flows to me. I feel I am particularly lucid in writing all of this down as I receive and experience these things.

2. I am not really trying to do this, for it just flows! I put myself in a state of connection and the revelation comes fast and steady. I am not thinking or planning any of this, like one would plan or write a detailed plot in a novel. I don't know what will come in the next moment–it just reveals itself and I write.

I feel so grateful for this gift! Other than my time connecting to my celestial replicated self, in my communion with God and others in that realm, I feel quite ordinary. I feel connected to my family and humanity all around me in my mortal telestial state.

3. This morning I went back to the bench in front of the desert oasis. The sun in the celestial world was rising in the south it seemed–different than the sun coming in my east window in my room. I believe the sun in the celestial world is not constrained to do anything, but may freely move around in the sky. Last night, in the dark sky with the moon, the sun must have been on the other side of this celestial orb I am on in heaven.

The entire world in heaven is very familiar and yet so different in many ways than our earth experience. There is a very elevated level of all God's creations that dwell here. They all want to please God and those of God's children who are here. There is so much peace and tranquility all around, particularly here in this celestial desert.

4. I came to the oasis and drank of living water. I slowly became clarified again in my mind and body until I felt very clear, even transparent once more. I stayed at the water's edge and knelt on the shore, in the sandy soil. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come to me.

I then saw a heavenly being descend quickly from the sky to the opposite side of the oasis and then walk to me across the water. I soon saw it was Heavenly Mother! She was alone, and she came directly up to me, standing a few inches above the surface of the water. She was smiling broadly. She was very beautiful and seemed so full of love and peace!

5. She spoke:

'Raphael, I want to talk with you more about these celestial realms in our world here and on the earth. Please sit up and write my words!'

I sat in my recliner in the adjacent room on earth. I remained kneeling in the sand in heaven, looking up to my glowing and glorious Heavenly Mother.

'Raphael, this beautiful world all around us is celestial, meaning all the entities herein are resurrected to a celestial glory. This celestial orb, the atmosphere and water, the plants and animals–are all our creations and have all received a celestial resurrection. They cannot die, or be destroyed or degrade. They live here in their happiest state in eternal glory, from eternity to eternity.

6. Our celestial realm on the earth has none of these celestial resurrected entities. Instead, it is an environment or sphere of entry and workspace for our celestial servants and us to enter and minister to those on the earth. We who come to this space are not seen by those in the other spiritual or physical realms on the earth. This celestial realm allows us to come and go at will without detection, so we may interact and be as our children particularly dwelling in the telestial sphere, those in mortality on earth.

7. We also come to the world of spirits that live in the terrestrial and telestial realms. We rarely go to the dark realm, for that is where Satan and his host live and work from. In the spirit world of the dead, we are also unseen except to those we wish to be revealed to. We minister to these also in similar ways as to those in their mortal physical state.

These realms are layered, all on, in or above the earth. The celestial realm or space is on the earth's surface and above the earth. The dark realm is predominantly in the earth and on the earth, but not above the earth.

8. We have created these spiritual realms on the earth to allow for a fuller experience of our beloved children who come to mortality. The devils are a necessary part in the fallen telestial world, for they tempt and try our children. The celestial realms allow us, our angels, and other celestial servant children, to observe and bless those in their fallen states, in their struggles and spiritual progression. We are continually here on the earth watching over and ministering to our children. We commune openly with our angels and other celestial servants in the celestial realms on the earth. We give these angels and servants their directions to their unconscious minds. Those servants in mortality, our holy mortal angels like you, generally do not know of their actions and work in these realms unless we reveal it to them. We are starting now to reveal all things, including how this all works and operates on the earth and in heaven.

9. Raphael, you have correctly recorded my words last night and this morning concerning these spiritual realms. Heavenly Father and I will continue to give you revelation in short tidbits, for in this way you may continue to act in secret in your world and not draw attention to yourself and your time you spend in prayer and receipt of these things. Giving our revelations to you in short segments also allows you and your supportive angels time to absorb and pray about the truthfulness of all these things.

Go now and prepare for and start your day! We will continually be with you and guide you. We will come and share more with you this evening in your prayer, Raphael.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her abundant love in sharing so freely with me! I feel very much connected to her and Heavenly Father in particular. I love them deeply!

10. In the evening–Today I did some stupid mistakes and felt very "human". I had also felt pride swell in me and tried to defend myself, a pattern I have developed in life. I started driving my car to go somewhere and had some time. I then approached God in prayer, while driving. I envisioned correctly I believe, that I was in the desert oasis again. I drank once and was clarified, to my surprise since I was occupied driving, and had felt very "human".

I then knelt in my unconscious mind next to the water's edge. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them.

11. I then saw, in my mind's eye, my Heavenly Father walking across the water to me. He stopped in front of me and spoke:

'Raphael, there is a discrepancy between your behavior in your mortal self in the telestial world, and your replicated celestial self in the celestial realms on the earth and in heaven. This discrepancy is large. In the celestial realms, you are highly perfected, full of light and an extremely capable and compassionate leader. In the telestial realm on the earth, you are subject still to the natural man, to your worldly environment and those you interact with on a daily basis.

12. We consider this discrepancy, and have looked on your heart and intentions, rather than all your actions and behaviors in mortality. In the celestial realms, you are fully strong and obedient to us–this is where your intentions and your heart are. In the telestial world of mortals, you make lots of mistakes and stumble, even though you try to be as perfect as you can be. We love you, Raphael, and will help you to gradually become the man of God you have already become in the celestial realms above.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great kindness and mercy! I felt so glad for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who continually blesses me with cleansing and redemption! Without him I would surely be in the worst of all situations!

I soon arrived at my destination in my car."