44. Come unto God
Posted 2-16-2017
Hello my friends,
I have received a lot of emails since my last post on the Cover-up. I have been amazed how many of you have received witnesses of the truth of the cover-up and corruption. I have addressed this a little more in this post.
However, the direction I feel we are now to pursue, with more effort than ever before, is to humbly seek the face of God, and receive the direct guidance of our Heavenly Parents in our life. I have been told by both our our Heavenly Parents that they will now make themselves more available to us, in what I believe is a small window of opportunity. I hope that you will NOW seek them, for I believe that you will find them in much more dramatic ways. Once you have connected with God, please confirm also all that I have shared with you in this post, and of course, also seek guidance on your specific mission.
Events amongst us, and in the world, are moving so very fast now! I believe that we are truly at the cusp of great happenings that we will all participate in, beyond our comprehension.
Enjoy my post, and let me know of your thoughts.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-5-2017, Sunday
1. . . . Later, 8:30 pm–
I just sent out the post entitled Cover-up! It has been the hardest post for me to do ever! I sent it out to those I prayed that I should send it to. I have received a strong confirmation that this was accepted from God, and that it should go out now, which I just did. Whew!
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-7-2017, Tuesday
1. Yesterday I did too much, and got to my 'limit'–feeling overtaxed and winged out. I am going to back down from being so busy. I believe, with all of my replicated states, that I need to chill-out more so I don't overdo it, and reach my max-out state, like I did today.
2. I watched some videos last night–one impressed me about how Donald Trump is being used by the elite to complete their agenda of war and such. I prayed about it, and feel it was about 80% accurate.
I also saw other videos about the illuminati and prayed about those. I felt they were not truthful. I don't know why.
3. In conclusion, I felt that there is so much disinformation that it is ne'r impossible to know what is true about what is happening in the world. So much is done in secrecy, and who knows save God, what is really happening.
4. I prayed last night at the end of the western mezzanine, facing the western wall of God's temple. Both of my Heavenly Parents came with soft, smiling eyes and gentle faces. I was so pleased! I think that the firm and resolute eyes were given to me to know of their great displeasure at what is going on in the LDS Church, for that was the topic they brought up. Now that I have sent the cover-up post, I believe they feel satisfied that we know about this now.
5. I believe too that this information has been passed onto all the holy angels as well. We all now should be able to fully take our orders from God, being distant in part from the influences of any leader or mortal. God is our director in what we should do.
6. At the end of my prayer last night, I again was asked to walk with my Heavenly Parents, with Heavenly Father on my right side, with his left arm around my shoulder, and Heavenly Mother on my left with her right arm around my waist. I remember looking into each of their faces, and being so, so happy! I remember Heavenly Mother leaning her head on my left shoulder at one time–we were all just so pleased to be together it seemed!
7. Heavenly Father told me things as we walked, then Heavenly Mother. I tried to remember them, but I cannot recall now. I am going to keep asking to remember more and more of our discussions with me during these times, and to immediately write them down.
This morning in my prayer, I was down by the pyramid room, facing east towards the stairs, which came down to it. I was in the woods to the north of the pyramid. My Heavenly Parents came, and I was delighted to see their soft and compassionate, happy eyes.
8. I prayed for the mortal angels to receive confirmations about my post on the cover-up. I asked if I should stop now watching all of these videos online about hidden conspiracies, since they all are riddled with untruths to a high degree. My Heavenly Parents confirmed that I should be patient, and receive truths from them as they wish to reveal them to my conscious mind, and not to rush things or to be impatient. They are the revealer of mysteries and of all truth.
I then thought of D&C 121:45-46, where God speaks of truth, or the doctrines of the priesthood, distilling upon my soul as the dews from heaven, and how the Holy Ghost (Heavenly Mother) will be my constant companion. I love those words!
9. D&C 121:45-46–
"Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever."
I then prayed for lots of people–for their healing, for their enlightenment. I prayed for all the angels and for the elect of God to be protected and blessed to receive direction and inspiration from God. I prayed that all of us angels, who stand next to each of the elect, will be mighty angels in our actions of following God's direction and doing what we feel impressed to do."
10. I then saw the eyes of Heavenly Father–that they were very soft and tender, as well as those of Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father told me: 'Yes, we will grant all of your requests!'
11. Next I saw me leaning against a tree a short distance away, with my Heavenly Parents in front of me, giving me more direction and guidance. I feel so blessed! I consciously don't know what I am receiving from them, but they are preparing me, and all the holy angels, in a like manner. This settles right with me, and is the truth!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-8-2017, Wednesday
1. In the last day, I have been remotely doing healing work on several people who have asked it of me. I started a new variation of healing that seems very reasonable and inspired to me.
It is a version of healing, actually taken from Complete Healing and of unwanted energy clearing. Here is what I do: I remove the unwanted energy, blockage, infection, or whatever needs to be removed. I do this by going back in time to when it began, and then forward in time until is removed. I think of doing this 'in-time', and rather than meticulously counting back to the beginning, or forward to the ending. I just think 'in-time'. I was somewhat surprised that it seems to work just the same, only taking only a few seconds in mortal time.
2. I take my hands and clear the affected area of unwanted energy, 'in-time'. This unwanted energy moves out quickly. Rather than slowly counting hours and days from the beginning in the past when it began, I just say 'in-time' in my mind, and I am able to remove it. I likewise go forward in time until it is gone.
In this way, I have been able to quickly remove unwanted energy, like an infection, trauma, emotional scarring, dead or inactive cells, inflammation, or whatever. I just remove it in a clearing pass, in the past and into the future.
3. Once the area is cleared, I then fill it with healing balm so it is occupied with a healing substance, and not open to further invasion.
I can go through a lot of people quickly in this way. It is all based on the healing power of God who works through me I believe. I confirmed that I should do this 'In-Time Healing Pass', and then I just do it. I then 'see' the area being filled with healing balm. I will see how really effective it is by the results.
4. Last night in my prayer, I actually went in my mind, to the surface of the moon! Why not?! I was kneeling there, with the earth up in the dark sky above me. My Heavenly Parents came, just like they normally do, and had soft and gentle eyes for me. I start praying generally after seeing their eyes. This seems to be the way I connect with them, and know that they are there, and perceive their mood or feelings. They generally listen intently, and then answer all of my questions I may have, in my mind. Sometimes they have a message for me. It is a great experience! I pray this way, twice a day, morning and night. Between prayers, during the day, if I just think of them, I can perceive them next to me, watching and guiding me too.
5. This whole experience, in my mortal mind, gives me great satisfaction and peace. I really have no expectation, past or future, of what God may have done for me, or may yet do for me or the world. I fully trust in their continual guidance. I don't know what will come up each time I pray. In this way, I feel very guided, with no pre-planned agenda, or any idea of where I will be led to next. I give them full reign over my life, and the direction I am led in. This all gave me great peace, in our troubled world.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-9-2017, Thursday
1. I am now in my morning prayer, and have been connecting with my Heavenly Parents. I have been asking them many questions, and feel like I have received answers.
Here is what I prayed about–
1) I prayed over each of the mortal angels I know, who have written me and/or have attended my classes. I received a confirmation that the vast majority will be ok and accept this cover-up post I have made. I really so enjoy David ______'s emails last night (not his real name), where he went through my entire post and detail, prayed and received his own answers. There were others too who have done this, but more in a general sense. I feel very gratified, with the corroborating evidence that they bring.
2. 2) I was impressed in a comment with David that the handful of mortal and other angels would be accounted as the weak of the earth, through whom God would thresh the nations. This rings very true to me. See D&C 35:13 and 133:59–
3. D&C 35:13 "Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my Spirit;"
4. D&C 133:59 "And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit."
5. Q– Does God here refer to the holy angels who will thresh the nations with his power?
A– Yes, this is exactly what God is referring to in these two verses.
Q– Does this refer to any other group as well?
A– No
6. Q– Is what David said about dark and powerful evil spirits, that now have entered into the temples and among the highest levels of the church leadership, really true?
A– Yes
Q– Should my wife and I continue to attend sacrament meeting each Sunday to partake of the sacrament? And are these emblems fully accepted by God now?
A– Yes, it is my will that you keep attending, and yes, this ordinance is still accepted by us. It was designed to be performed without the overseeing authority of anyone who is a leader in the church. It can be performed by worthy priesthood holders with the authority they themselves have been given, inherent in their Melchizedek or Aaronic Priesthood.
7. Q– For those who have current temple recommends, is attending the temple a place that they may still go to receive light and knowledge, and to worship?
A– Yes. David's explanation is good about this, that there is still a lot of truth in the temple.
Q– Is it important for those of us who are angels, who will be doing the will of God in many of these last days events, to know of the corruption in the Lord's church before the time of calamity actually comes?
A– Yes, the timing of this information being given has been fully orchestrated by God. This knowledge is now revealed to all of the holy angels. They are all now in a position to act unhesitantly in following every direction they receive from God, and acting quickly in full obedience. God requires a willing heart and quick and obedient action.
8. Q– Is the most recent podcast that I listened to yesterday from M.S. ("Seeing With the Eye of Faith"", since removed) one that I should share? Is it true?
A– Yes, please share it on your next post. M.S. is a sincere man, and speaks much truth. His comments on visualization are very insightful and should help those who approach God in prayer, seeking to connect with him.
9. Q– About my own children who are now all grown–shall we match our level of love we give them with what they are willing to give us back?
A– As they move away emotionally, then back off more, and let them determine the emotional strength of the relationship. It is pleasing to God to have a balanced, emotional relationship in this way. Relationships with some children will be light and airy–with no substantial emotional interchange, and other relations with your grown children will be deep and strong. Match the level of intimacy that they desire, based on your intuition and trust levels with each child. This same principle applies to all your relationships and interchanges with all people.
10. David mentioned in his evaluation of my cover-up post, that I was being tested to see what I did with this added knowledge of the church corruption. I agree with his evaluation. It seems that I have passed the first phase of this difficult task, and now am much better in my perspective, and have a lot of peace in my heart and mind. After the trial of my faith, I have received a second witness of my actions, that what I have done is acceptable with God and is true.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-10-2017, Friday
1. I went to our work early today to fix a problem from a power outage. As such, I had to shorten my prayer and connection to my Heavenly Parents. After more errands today, I found myself alone in the afternoon at home. I transcribed yesterday's journal entry, and then had a prayer. In my prayer, I felt to go to Heavenly Mother's gardens, east of the river named after her, and east of the temple. I was in a trellis garden area, where I had prayed last night and this morning. At those times, I was facing west (towards the temple and the river). This afternoon, I felt to face east, towards an area I had never gone into. As I was starting to get ready to pray, Heavenly Mother appeared at my right side and bid me stand. She said:
'Raphael, come walk with me and I will show you some of my glorious garden areas!'
2. I stood and we walked a ways, going east I believe. We passed small streams and then came to a very large waterfall! There were flowers everywhere, mosses, and small bushes and trees. The waterfall was tall and so beautiful. I had her left hand in my right hand, and we moved up in the sky to the top of the waterfall. We could see extensive areas all around, filled with every kind of lovely natural settings, and riddled with flowers everywhere! It was glorious beyond description!
3. We then walked forward, next to the river that went over the waterfall. There was a little pool of water on the left of the river, coming out of the river, and the water was gently circling in this pool. We sat on a bench next to and facing the pool. Again, I was greatly taken in by the flowers everywhere, and the transcendent beauty of this perfectly heavenly setting! We sat on the bench and talked, face to face, just my Heavenly Mother and myself.
4. At this point, my wife came in the house and I felt a pull to go talk with her. I looked at Heavenly Mother, and she said:
'Raphael, come here as often as you like, to pray, worship, meditate, or just to find relief from the telestial world in which you live. This is an offer I also make for all of my holy angels, and any of the elect of God as well. You are always welcomed in my gardens! I will come whenever you come here and call upon me in prayer. Sometimes your Father will come with me, and sometimes it may just be me.
5. You are doing a great work for us. Much of your service is being done in your unconscious mind, in the spiritual realms. This is likewise true for all our holy angels as well. I love you all so very much!'
I then went to the front room in my house and greeted my wife. I soon found my journal, and wrote all of my interchange with Heavenly Mother down, within 1/2 hour of this wonderful experience in heaven!
After I had written all of this, I can still see all that was shown to me in that short afternoon prayer! I feel Heavenly Mother is right next to me now.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-11-2017, Saturday
1. Last night I got to bed late, but I was able to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I was in Heavenly Mother's area, by the beautiful pool with slow, circling water, above the waterfall. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came when I prayed to them. I was facing the pool, next to the bench, on my knees. They were on the water in front of me. They had happy and loving eyes, and it was very nice to be in their presence. At the end of listening to me, they bid me come to them. I stood and walked on the water to them. We then walked to the river that went over the falls. Then we walked in a mist of a cloud, and I don't know where we walked next. However, I was filled with peace!
2. This morning, I went back to the pool area and offered another prayer. Oh, last night, after my prayer, I worried about a few of the mortal angels. I asked if I could help remotely heal, or assist them. I felt two of them had a false spirit, that somehow wiggled into their head areas. I removed these from each of them. When I got these out, I raised my sword of Raphael and fully expelled them with silver lightning from their presence. This was at 2:34 am (I had awoken in the night, not being able to sleep).
3. I prayed next that these and all the mortal angels would remain clear, and be able to make their own decisions without the negative influence of these false and fallen spirits. I then asked that light and love be poured out upon them in abundance. I stood next to them with my raised sword of Raphael.
Here are some questions I addressed to my Heavenly Parents who came to me by the pool this morning (they came to the bench, sitting down and holding hands. I was kneeling and turned towards them.):
4. Q– Do we mortal angels need to know about the corruption information about the LDS Church?
A– Yes, for this will give you more assurance to follow our direction without hesitation when we ask some of you mortal angels to cleanse the church. This will not be easy for you to do, had you not known of the cover-up. We will cleanse the church using our holy angels, many who are now in mortality and who are members of our church, which has gone astray.
5. Q- Are there other mortal angels, whom I don't know, who have false spirits adversely affecting their mental perceptions?
A– Yes
Q– May I remotely go to them, and expel these evil spirits?
A– Yes, do it now in your unconscious, replicated state.
I then went to each mortal angel that was adversely being affected and afflicted by evil spirits, and expelled all off these. I then prayed for love and light to be poured down upon them, and I stood next to each of them, in my replicated physical body, with my upraised Sword of Raphael. I don't know how these evil spirits came to them, since I had been there, next to them, for some months now. Maybe they were there from before?
6. Q– Are all of the mortal angels now clear of any evil, false spirits now, and also are these mortal angels now fully protected, and showered with light and love from thee?
A– Yes!
Q– Is the in-time healing gift (that I have been using this week), some gift for all of the healing angels to learn and to do?
A– Yes, it is available to all of them now.
At the end of my prayer, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother invited me to sit between them on the bench, facing the circling pool of water. I did so. That is the last I recalled, but I believe they talked to me further at that time.
7. Later, at evening prayer:
I prayed again at the circling pool of water, above the waterfalls in Heavenly Mother's gardens. I was kneeling eastward, and my Heavenly Parents came.
I immediately asked about the reasons why we should know about the conduct of our church leaders–the prophet and apostles. A healing angel had written me, saying this wasn't his responsibility to worry about our leaders, but he was to worry about himself. Here are my impressions in my prayer:
8. It is important that the members of the LDS Church know if their leaders are righteous or corrupt in any way because:
1) The leaders are supposed to be accountable to the membership of the church. We now have a semblance of the way it used to be, in sustaining our leaders. In the early days of this dispensation, if the members voiced opposition to a decision of the leading councils of the church, it made a difference and was often changed. See the following that occurred in 1836, which is presented in a BYU Religion 101 class::
9. "After negotiations, they agreed to offer Rigdon and Smith an annual contract of $1,100 apiece, more than three times what the average worker of the day could earn. Ebenezer Robinson, the High Council's clerk, later wrote that "when it was noised abroad that the Council had taken such a step, the members of the Church, almost to a man, lifted their voices against it. The expression of disapprobation was so strong and emphatic that at the next meeting of the High Council, the resolution voting them a salary was rescinded." (R S. Van Wagoner, Sidney Rigdon, Pg 230)"
The members kept the brethren in line, in the early days of the church. This is how I think it is supposed to be, not the other way around like it is now a days.
10. 2) We who are mortal angels will be used by God to do his bidding in cleansing the church from the top to the bottom. We need to know of the wickedness in the church, so that we will unhesitantly act on God's errand.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-12-2017, Sunday
1. I had a very heart-warming experience today during the sacrament. We attended a local ward in Utah County, Utah. In my mind's eye, I went to the circling pool area again, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's garden area, east of God's temple. I knelt down in the flowers, behind the bench and the pool, facing south.
I sang the hymn and then knelt down in the flowers. After the sacrament prayer, I addressed my Heavenly Parents as Elohim, and then made my covenant. They immediately came before me, next to the right side of the bench.
2. Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant that you have made before us, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
It has been one week now since you have sent out the cover-up post. This has been hard on some of the mortal angels to receive and accept. However, as many as have asked us in sincere prayer, have received our witness to their heart and mind.
3. We are pleased that you have fully accepted this truth, and are now prepared to act in whatever we ask of you to do. We desire all of our angels to 'wean themselves from the milk, and draw themselves from the breasts' of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the culture in which they live (see Isaiah 28:9 "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts."). Our desire is to have each of them come unto us, and receive all truth from our very mouths. For very soon, we will come down and initiate the cleansing of our own church, and then of the world (see D&C 112:24-26).
4. This information about the cover-up and transgression, at the highest levels of our church, needs to be made known and accepted by our mortal angels. The timing of the revealing of this information has been fully orchestrated by us. We will use our holy angels in our strange work in these last days. (see D&C 101:95 "That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God.", and Isaiah 28:21 "For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.", and D&C 95:4 "For the preparation wherewith I design to prepare mine apostles to prune my vineyard for the last time, that I may bring to pass my strange act, that I may pour out my Spirit upon all flesh"). This includes the cleansing and the restoration of all things, including the land of Zion and the New Jerusalem, that will soon be founded upon the land.
5. Raphael, our desire is to bring each of our holy angels to this very location in Heavenly Mother's garden. This circling pool area is one of the very most sublimely beautiful of any place in the celestial world! This was fully created by your Heavenly Mother, and reflects her love and beauty expressed in nature. We often come here to walk the trails up river, or to sit and contemplate our creations, or to enjoy valuable time together. We desire to share this with each of our holy angels–for us to bring them here. You are highly blessed to be with us this day!'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-13-2017, Monday
1. Last night I had a great experience, again near the circling pool in Heavenly Mother's garden area. I went to bed after midnight, and prayed near a little mound or hill, next to the river going east, which was also next to the pool. I looked west towards the waterfall and God's temple in the distance. I was so impressed with the beauty of all that I saw and perceived! In the garden area of Heavenly Mother, there were flowers in larger, colorful patches everywhere!
2. I turned and faced east, or up river. I knelt and prayed to Elohim, and both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. They came immediately in the air in front of me. I thanked them for coming, and for giving me so many blessings. I then asked if I might go with them up the trail, heading next to the river, which Heavenly Father had mentioned to me yesterday at the sacrament.
They both seemed very delighted to take me on a tour! I took each of their hands, and walked between them–Heavenly Mother on my left, and Heavenly Father on my right.
3. I will now describe, as best I recall, saw and perceived, the great beauty of celestial nature that Heavenly Mother had created, that I saw on this 'trail of the Gods!'
As we walked, with the river to our right, there were large rolling hills of flowers on either side of the river. The river was gurgling, with fish and other animal life, and with mossy sides and very pretty water vegetation, moving with the current. This was the prettiest mountain stream I had ever seen! Mountain flowers were all along the banks, seemingly happy to be there, and happy to have us there too. I saw deer and other animals in the meadow too.
4. As we walked further east, we entered a forested area, with large boulders. One boulder was covered with pockets, or cavities filled with flowers hanging down. There were watered from above by a slow dripping source. Between the moss and flowers and rock, were birds chirping and flying around, along with butterflies and beauty everywhere. There was a stone bench next to these hanging flower gardens where I knew my Heavenly Parents often stopped and sat, enjoying their creations.
5. We walked next, deeper into the woods, a little distance from the river. It was very beautiful and cool. Forest animals abounded, and there were many low bushes and forest flowers.
We next headed on the path back to the river. The river was very slow moving here, with lily pads, turtles and frogs, and more fish everywhere. We stepped over a rock bridge onto where the path went, which was very low or right on top of the water. We crossed over the river, to the south side (I think). Here the path went right next to the edge or shore of the slow moving river. We walked through more beautiful vegetation, trees, bushes, and lots more flowers of every variety.
6. Soon we came to a small, and what seemed to be, granite cliff. There were seats made right in the rock with dry moss covers for the seat bottoms and backs. We each took a seat.
Here is where my journey ended. It was so overwhelmingly beautiful and lovely, filled with so much peace and even wonder.
I then lost my vision, and was left in great peace.
7. Then, this morning in my prayer, I went back to the granite cliff area. When I prayed to Elohim, my Heavenly Parents both came. I had listened to a podcast last night from M.S. ("The Tip of the Spear", since removed"). I was pondering over 1 Nephi 14:14, where Nephi talks about the church of the Lamb of God ("And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.").
M.S. had come to my previous same conclusion, that the church of the Lamb was the Church of the Firstborn, not the current LDS Church. However, he also talked about an Aaronic and a Melchizedek portion of the church. Here are my questions:
8. Q– In 1 Nephi 14:14, where Nephi says that he saw the church of the Lamb, whose numbers were few, and dominions small (verse 12), being armed with power and great glory–is this referring to the mortal angels and the 144,000 who are now awakening? Are these the heirs of the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Yes! This is what M.S. describes as a group among the elect of God who are being sent to rescue the elect of God. These also will cleanse the world. These are the heirs of the Church of the Firstborn. Currently, there are no actual members in this church among God's children save Jesus, until the waters of separation ordinance is performed for each one. Many already have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and are approved for this ordinance, and their membership in the Church of the Firstborn.
I found out that the phrase 'the tip of the spear' that M.S. used, is a common idiom commonly used in military operations to mean the first soldiers to go into a war zone. In a last-days sense, it also means those who are the first ones to rescue and defend the others.
9. Q– Are the mortal angels the tip of the spear?
A– Yes
Q– Are the 144,000 also the tip of the spear?
A– No
10. Q– In 1 Nephi 14:17–"And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.", is the work of the Father the same as the strange act, and the strange work spoken of in the scriptures?
(see Doctrine and Covenants 101:95
That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."
11. Isaiah 28:21
For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.")
A– Yes
12. Q– What are the fulfilling of the covenants to the House of Israel in the same verse (1 Nephi 14:17)?
A– This refers to the work of the gathering in of the elect of God, who are scattered over all the face of the earth. This is the work of the angels and of the 144,000. The wrath of God being poured out will be done by the angels of God. The protection and gathering in of the house of Israel (the chosen elect of God) is done by the angels and the 144,000. The church of the Lamb of God in this chapter refers to those who are heirs of the Church of the Firstborn.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-14-2017, Tuesday
1. I decided to worship and pray by the hanging flower gardens of Heavenly Mother that I had visited on my tour on Sunday night. I faced east, and called upon Elohim. Both of my Heavenly Parents came. They had soft, compassionate, and happy faces and eyes. This always makes me so content and happy.
2. I had been noticing that I am changing more and more, to a more sensitive, peaceful and Christ-like person (I think). I guess, how could I not change, being in the presence of my Heavenly Parents for a significant part of each day?! I yearn for the mortal angels to have these same experiences. I long for the day also to take my wife there, and to introduce her to our Heavenly Parents! However, I am still under the secrecy rule to keep all of this quiet, and to act 'normal' in my life.
I do also notice it is harder for me to watch certain movies, especially those that deal with violence or deep sin, which are so prevalent in our society. I love peaceful, happy things, and want to think of others' needs more it seems.
3. Last night I asked a few question in my prayer:
Q– Is what David wrote to me about, the distinguishing characteristics of the righteous and the wicked as found in D&C 84:51-54, really true and interpreted correctly? Is coming to Christ really the whole purpose of religion, so that we can be introduced to the Father and Mother, and have a relationship with them again, even in mortality?
A– Yes, this is what all true religious activity points to and promotes–that our children come unto Christ (this is also the overall message of the Book of Mormon), and to have an experience with him. Then he will introduce them to the Father, and then to Heavenly Mother. They will then direct and guide their child. See D&C 84:57-59–
4. "And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written—
That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father’s kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion.
For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, Nay."
5. Also Jeremiah 31:33-34–
"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."
6. Those who try to do this are called righteous, and those who do not try, or who lack faith and don't try, are under condemnation for not coming to God, in this very personal way. These are called wicked. This is why the whole world groans under sin, because they will not make the effort to come unto God. See D&C 93:1–"Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;". This is our true desire for each of our children.
7. Last night I thought a lot about trying to hear more of what I perceive and receive from God, in my unconscious mind. I was wondering if this was possible, while a mortal or while a translated/transfigured being.
I have been told that I would start receiving more and more of what I am being told in my unconscious mind. It is not like God is trying to hide from me what he says–it is more that I have not developed in myself the perception to hear or tap into God.
8. Here is what I believe God is now telling me, in my mind–
'Raphael, all that we have been showing you, when we come before you in our kingdom and celestial world, is communicated to you in what you call your unconscious mind. Your recent tour on the path in Heavenly Mother's garden area last Sunday night, was also fully experienced by you in your unconscious mind. The reason why you recall parts of this experience is because you are already perceiving a lot of what you receive in your unconscious mind.
9. Your perceptions will increase more and more, until you see and feel more and more. It is like exercising the physical body–the more you exercise, the more fit, flexible and strong you are. This is also true in the spiritual realms, as it pertains to your unconscious mind. This awareness of what we are doing with you, and communicating to you, will naturally and gradually clarify, and become more real to you as you continue to pursue being with us, and receive direction and guidance from us. Your permanent transfiguration also greatly enhances your perceptions, and helps bridge between your conscious and unconscious minds. What I am communicating to your mind at this time is done in your unconscious mind, and you are able to receive it all and record it properly in your conscious mind.'
10. Later, at my evening prayer:
Tonight when I had my prayer, I went to the little hill next to the east side of the pool and the north side of the river. I faced the temple in the distance. I could see the waterfall a short distance away. It was all so beautiful!
I knelt on the rock, which had some grass and flowers around. I called out for Elohim to come. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in front of me. They wore gorgeous white robes with gold trim on the borders. I immediately saw that both of their capes were blowing in the breeze of change.
I looked into their eyes, and their faces. They were compassionate, gentle and loving.
'Father, Mother, I come unto thee today in this glorious place in thy kingdom. I come to thee both, seeking to receive instruction from thy mouth, and to know, if I may, why thy capes are blowing in the breeze of change?'
12. I then waited, and Heavenly Mother addressed me:
'Raphael, our son, we are giving our mortal angels a wonderful opportunity to connect with us in much more dramatic ways than in the past. It is our desire, and offer to them, to approach us in the humility of their heart, in all sincerity, seeking our face and our direction. We will much more openly answer their prayers, more freely than in the past. We will send our Beloved Son and come ourselves, depending on our child who addresses us in prayer. This is our attempt to come unto them, and make our abode with them, prior to the time when we will be asking of their service in more dramatic ways.
13. We want you to complete this current message and post, and send it out as soon as you are able. There are big changes coming in each of the lives of our mortal angels, and soon thereafter big changes in our church and in the world in which you dwell. We love you and our holy angels so very much!'
I then said to her:
'Mother, I thank thee for this direction. I will do as thou hast told me as soon as I can. I love both of you so very much!'
I then ended my prayer, and immediately came to my front room and wrote this all down, while it was fresh in my mind. I ended writing around 12:30 am, 2-15-2017
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-15-2017, Wednesday
1. This morning I awoke and prayed at the same location as last night, on the small hill next to the river above the waterfall. I called upon Elohim, and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me again.
When I again looked at them, their capes were still waving in the breeze, and their eyes were soft and loving. I asked them if what I had written last night was all that was changing, that I saw represented by their blowing capes.
2. Heavenly Father spoke this time to me:
'Raphael, there is more that will soon change, besides our more quick and open response to our mortal angels as they sincerely prayer unto us. The other great change is that all our holy angels will be clothed upon with power and great glory, as spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:14. This change will happen before, or as we use our angels to cleanse the church and the world. They must be imbued with power from on high, and with more light and strength. They will act in our authority in all that they do for us when we initiate our strange act, and our strange work (see Isaiah 28:21). They will be ready when we use the weak things of the earth (the angels) to thresh the nations by our power."
3. (see D&C 133:58-59–
"To prepare the weak for those things which are coming on the earth, and for the Lord’s errand in the day when the weak shall confound the wise, and the little one become a strong nation, and two shall put their tens of thousands to flight.
And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit.)"
4. Later:
I went to BYU today to take A. to school, and listened again to M.S.'s podcast entitled "The Tip of the Spear". This was right along what God was talking to me about last night and this morning–that we need to seek God's face and receive his direction. We, who are the mortal angels, and who are now commanded to do this specifically (in my prayer last night and this morning). We will act as the tip of the sword of the Remnant, or 'the first wave, or those who will gather the gatherers,' as explained by M.S. in the above podcast. That is soon our privilege now, as God's mortal angels, to now be armed with power and great glory, in doing the great work of the Father.
5. One thing M.S. mentioned in his podcast, is that he believes the LDS Church is divided into an Aaronic Priesthood part (from the beginning to our current time), and then a Melchizedek Priesthood part, which includes the Church of the Firstborn. I believe the Church of the Firstborn will not be an extension of the LDS Church, but will be a whole new church. This is the church that is a celestial church, and will be established in Zion, the New Jerusalem."