17. When I arrived at the tree of life, I looked back from whence I came. I saw Jesus Christ in the distance, at the white gate. I saw him wave to me, smiling I thought. I saw the gold path that led from him to the tree by which I stood. I also saw the rod of iron extend from him to the tree, next to the gold path. I felt so protected and assured that I was in the right place.
18. I felt the tree of life now beckoning me to partake of its glorious white fruit! I turned and plucked a fruit near me. It was shining, brilliant white, more than I had ever noticed, and was glowing so brightly! I ate and savored the fruit. I felt it bring me joy and deep satisfaction–like I was finally home, home to God and very safe!
19. I plucked a leaf and saw another one growing immediately in its place. I ate the leaf I plucked and I felt healed from my head to my feet! I felt very complete and so happy.
I stayed under the canopy of the tree of life for some time, before moving to a place of prayer. I just basked in the bright light from the many glowing fruits from this amazing tree. It was like a Christmas tree with myriads of white lights–only so much more glorious!
20. I next moved west to the sapling tree of life nearby. It too had glowing white fruit under its arbors.
As I thought of my Heavenly Parents, they came right before me, from the sky above, in brilliance and glory. They arrived before me, and their feet touched the celestial ground in front of the sapling tree.

21. They were wearing their regal gold-trimmed robes! They each wore a gold crown. They were holding hands, smiling broadly at me. I was so impressed by their great splendor, beauty and power! I bowed my head and submitted myself to them in my prayer.
22. I next heard the voice of my Father:
'Raphael, stand before us!'
I stood and looked up at his loving face that I cannot forget. He wore no more crown, and was smiling very broadly, like I hadn't seen in the recent past, so broadly. He embraced me fully! I was so engulfed in his acceptance and love. I started crying with such stirring gratitude and love for him, my Father! I was engulfed in him, so absorbed by his love and the safety I felt.
23. When we finally separated, I had no more tears. I was confident and assured. I was smiling broadly too. He then spoke:
'Raphael, soon begins a new era for the faithful when they may join themselves to the restored Church of Christ. This will be a church with more glory that ever a church possessed before upon the earth. It will be the church that we accept into the millennium.
24. However, the celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn that you will establish upon the earth, will far eclipse in grandeur and power the Church of Christ. Those who are accepted into this church will be our sons and daughters who receive all that we have, even eternal life and an exaltation together forever. Its glory is represented by the great glory of the presence of your Heavenly Mother and I who are in front of you.
Raphael, we will lead you in every step you need to take to establish this glorious Church of the Firstborn on the earth. Our presence and power will be there, even as you see us today.
We love you, our son!'
25. I responded:
'Thank thee, my Father!'
This apparently was all I could take in today, for I next realized I was kneeling next to my bed, writing it all in my journal. I had continued writing through the entire vision. I felt so blessed and happy, clear-minded and assured. Even as I asked if the experience was real, I knew it was true and very real! I am in awe at the grandeur of God, his wisdom and power and love!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-24-2017 Sunday
1. I awoke late, and had my quiet meditative prayer in my bedroom. I prepared well for my prayer. Jesus had opened wide the white gate. I walked on the gold path that led to the tree. There was a rod of iron too which helped me. I hadn't noticed this rod of iron in the past. I did see more fogginess, a mist of darkness that I had to walk through to continue to the tree of life. However, it was easy since I had the rod of iron on which to hold.
2. I brought the fruit and leaf of the tree of life to the area east of Lake Beautiful where I had determined to offer my prayer. I ate and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came from the sky, above the lake, until they were before me! I shared my heart, asking them to bless my loved ones, the mortal angels, the 144,000, and the elect of God. I then waited upon God.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, the sign of the heavens last night has been fulfilled. Nibiru was there next to Jupiter, symbolizing Revelation 12:3-4, with the red dragon ready to consume the man-child when he was born:
4. Revelation 12:3-4–
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born."
5. You are now in the days of repentance until the end of next Saturday, 9-30-2017. Up through that day, Yom Kippur, we will extend forgiveness and mercy for those who truly repent of their sins and weaknesses this week.
6. Starting October, 2017, vengeance and great tribulations will start to come more and more upon the unrepentant and the ungodly. However, we will protect our own, those who repent and align themselves with our ways, and hearken to our voice.'
She stopped speaking. She was smiling at me.
7. I responded:
'Heavenly Mother, I repent of all my sins! I covenant to keep all the commandments from thee and my Father.'
8. She responded to me:
'Raphael, we accept your repentance. We will protect and bless you in the days ahead. Stay humble and we will continue to guide you and be by your side. We love you, our son!'
She and Heavenly Father then started going up in the sky, still facing me, until they were out of sight.
I then wrote all of this in my journal. I feel at peace and happy.
9. Later, after church:
My wife and I attended an LDS church in Payson, Utah. It was a small ward, with mostly older people, and only one Aaronic priesthood boy passing the sacrament. At the beginning of the sacrament song, from Hymns page 177 "Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love", I had an interesting experience. I saw my replicated self preparing for my communion with God in the celestial world while my conscious mind was watching and singing the sacrament hymn!
10. I felt I was at the fountain of living water, and drinking of living water there. I then saw my replicated self walk to the white gate. Jesus opened the gate and smiled at me. He was compassionate looking as I walked past him and the gate, onto the gold path. I held onto the rod of iron as I walked towards the tree of life. When there, I plucked a white fruit and leaf, and then took these to the circling waters. All this time I was singing the sacrament hymn and watching myself!
11. At the circling waters, I ate of the fruit, and thought of three people I wanted to have more love towards. I then ate the leaf, and thought of the needs of my emotional, mental and physical body.
I then knelt next to the circling waters as we ended the sacrament hymn. I was kneeling on the east side in front of the small outcropping, facing west. I then listened to the sacrament prayer on the bread in the ward.
12. I then prayed to my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, with uplifted hands. They all three came in front of me above the water. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother, as I do each week.

13. When I was done, I brought my hands on my lap, cupped hands up. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, your Mother and I accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (he brought his right arm up towards Jesus who was on his right side), to always remember your Mother and I (he brought his left arm towards Heavenly Mother on his left), and to keep our commandments. We will always be with you!
14. Raphael, this week through next Saturday, September 30th 2017, is the time for our children on earth to repent of their wickedness, and to come unto us. We will accept them and bless and protect them. However, after next Saturday, vengeance is ours, and we'll soon thereafter come out of our hiding place against the wicked of this world on which you live. We will cleanse the earth of the sin on her surface, preparatory to the wonderful events coming forth on the earth for the righteous who will remain.'
15. At that time, the Elder blessed the water in the ward. Jesus then spoke:
'Raphael, you have gazed at each of our faces, and today have seen on our countenances feelings of compassion, love, gentleness and tenderness. These are expressions and feelings we will maintain throughout this entire week, through next Saturday.
However, our visages will change in October to bring tribulations upon the unrepentant, or the wicked on the earth.'
16. I then noticed that his robe was completely scarlet-red. I saw also that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had white robes with scarlet-red sashes around their waists. I then drank of the sacrament water that was passed to me.
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we will protect and bless you, for you have repented of your weaknesses and sins, and have humbly come before us, in steadiness and constancy. We require devotion of our children who repent and come unto us, so that we may guide them and give them protection.
We love you, and will always be with you, our son!'
18. At that moment, the Bishop stood and announced the remainder of the meeting.
I could still see myself kneeling in front of the three Gods I worship, at the circling waters. Even though they faded from my conscious perceptions, they were always there before me it seemed.

19. Later in the meeting, I felt to call on them for a question I had. I was immediately brought again before them, all three, at the same position in front of the circling waters. They answered my prayer immediately.
20. I have been listening to all my web posts from the beginning. I bought an app named "Web Page Reader" (I paid $1.00 for the version that has no ads, and allows my phone to keep giving the audio stream after my screen on my phone goes to sleep and is darkened). This has helped me to hear all of my web posts in my ear buds, and has made it so I can do other activities and still review again my own experiences in my posts. I have really been enjoying doing this! I am up to post #10 or so today. I plan to go through #58 as I am able, one after another. This will hopefully refresh my mind with my own experiences.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-25-2017 Monday
1. Last night I had a good prayer. I had no need of preparing for my prayer, for I felt I was immediately again at the circling waters, and my three Gods were before me, just as happened in the sacrament meeting yesterday! They were there all through the day for me.
2. Then Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, from now on, you only need to prepare yourself for communion with us in prayer once a day, in the morning. Then during the day, as you approach us in the attitude of prayer, we will be with you, in front of you instantly as we were in your morning prayer.
3. The next day, prepare anew for your prayer by drinking of living water, entering the white gate, walking the gold narrow path to the tree of life, plucking and partaking of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life, and then calling upon us. We will come to you immediately. We will continue to be in that location, before you, throughout the day.'
4. I thanked her for her new guidance. I am happy to receive this great change! I can therefore ask during the day and receive directions and answers immediately as I ask them.
This morning I prepared well again for my prayer, and ended up praying at the outlook facing the distant temple and the tree of life to the southeast.
5. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me. They were glorious and smiling! Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we will be here for you, at this outlook for the entirety of today, whenever you wish to talk with us. We will also be in a position to talk to you, at any instant we may wish to do so. You also will be able to instantly talk to us with any concern you may have. This is confirming what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night in your prayer.
6. The other mortal angels may have this same opportunity, as they petition us in prayer. We will let each one know of our acceptance of this closer communion with them during their day.
This is a time when we are drawing nearer to you and to our holy angels, as you all come unto us in humility and repentance.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father! I feel close to them already as I know they are immediately accessible to me at an instant in my thoughts!
The day beckons me, for it is sunny outside after all the darkened skies and rain of the weekend.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-26-2017 Tuesday
1. Last night I continued praying by the outlook point, where I had earlier prayed this morning. I went right to my prayer after meditating for a bit. I saw my Heavenly Parents before me. They were still in the same spot while I had lived my day on earth.
I asked more about John the Beloved's roles as an Elias, as a restorer of all things as spoken of in the scriptures.
2. Heavenly Mother said that she would ask Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son, to address this, since he was the Father in the flesh of John the Beloved. Jesus then came from the temple area it seemed, which was in the distance.
3. Jesus came and explained to me that John would be a king of the New Jerusalem, over a kingdom. He would rule and reign in that kingdom under his Father, even himself, Jesus Christ, who would be the King over all the earth.

4. My role would be only over the Church of the Firstborn until he, Jesus, would come in his glory to the earth. After this, Jesus Christ would be the prophet and high priest over the Church of the Firstborn.
I was unsure still what things John would restore, for I knew he is to restore all things. I was quite tired and my prayer ended, with this thought on my mind when I went to bed at 12:30 am.
After a great sleep I awoke. I anticipated my preparation and my prayer this morning. I will ask more about all of this.
5. Later:
It is now nearly 2:00 pm, and I am finally writing what happened in my prayer this morning. I prayed to be able to write all of what occurred.
I went to the mountaintop, above Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, and felt to face east. I then felt to go to a future time in the New Jerusalem. I came to the fountain of living waters, and drank three times of the living waters. I felt my mind expand as I drank this holy water.
6. I then headed towards the eastern tree of life in the temple square area. I noticed the gold path to this tree from the fountain. As I got under its canopy, I could see all of the white and shining fruits! I was about the pluck one and then I remembered that Jesus had asked that I come through the white gate to the tree of life beyond that gate, along the straight and narrow path. I then zipped away into the grassy area just outside the white gate.
I came to the gate and saw with my spiritual eyes, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer! He opened the gate and I entered. The gate swung inwards towards him. He shut the gate after I passed.
7. I then asked him a question:
'Jesus, my Redeemer, please enlighten my mind more about thy son, thy firstborn child in the flesh, even John the Beloved. I am confused about his role as Elias, and that he will restore all things.'
8. Jesus then spoke:
'Raphael, he is indeed my firstborn son. He is both the descendant of Jesse through me, his Father, and a descendent of Ephraim through his mother Mary Magdalene. His role as a rod is described in Isaiah 11:1-5. This talks about him as a destroyer of the wicked on the earth. His role as a root of Jesse is described in Isaiah 11:10-16. This talks about his role as the root of Jesse, one of his roles in gathering Israel, mine elect in these last days.
9. Isaiah 11:1-16:
"And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;
And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.
But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of A. shall obey them.
And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.
And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt."

10. John my Beloved has these two main roles as described in Isaiah chapter 11. Both of these roles serve as a preparer and a forerunner, even an Elias, before I come again to the earth.
Proceed on to the straight and narrow path, then to the tree of life. More information about my son John, my Beloved, will be given you after you prepare for your morning prayer, and address our Heavenly Parents in prayer.'
11. I thanked Jesus for his words! I then walked on the gold straight and narrow path, holding onto the rod of iron on my right hand. I soon reached the glorious tree of life. I plucked one of its white glowing fruits and a leaf. I then took them to the mountaintop and then into the eastern skies where I came again to the fountain of living water there in the New Jerusalem. I was facing the fountain looking south at the temple in the distance.
12. I partook of the fruit while thinking of increasing my love for my wife, for several mortal angels, and then for all the holy angels. As I ate of the leaf, I wanted my mind to be clear and active, and my thoughts to be objective concerning all of my past, and only emotional about the present in all my interactions with God and their children with whom I come in contact. I also thought of my heart to be open to all the feelings of love and compassion upon others. I then felt I was prepared for my prayer.
I knelt in front of the altar, and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me in a blaze of light from the skies above.
13. I shared my feelings with them, and then quickly asked about John the Beloved, and his role as Elias, who would restore all things. I told them I had seen a presentation by Anthony Stephan on the role of John the Revelator, and that he would restore all things. I wondered about D&C 86:8-11–
14. "Therefore, thus saith the Lord unto you, with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage of your fathers—
For ye are lawful heirs, according to the flesh, and have been hid from the world with Christ in God—
1Therefore your life and the priesthood have remained, and must needs remain through you and your lineage until the restoration of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began.
Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness, a light unto the Gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my people Israel. The Lord hath said it. Amen."

15. I particularly was confused about verse 10, and wondered how the priesthood of Joseph was to remain until the restoration of all things as spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began. There were other scriptures I wondered about too, which referred to John the Revelator restoring all things. I asked for enlightenment. I then waited upon God.
16. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are glad that you have asked about what John would restore, even all things from the beginning, prior to the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.
17. When Adam and Eve were first placed on earth, in the Garden of Eden, Adam was conferred the priesthood of Heavenly Father, and ordained to the office of a high priest. Eve also received her equally high authority before us, as a high priestess. I conferred that upon her myself. They were equal partners in their marriage, not only in how they conducted themselves, but also in their authority before us, their Heavenly Parents.
18. However, this authority and position of high priestess that Eve possessed. Once they left the Garden of Eden into the lone and dreary world, the telestial world, Eve did not confer her position of high priestess upon any of her daughters. The priesthood, however, continued in the earth, as you read about in the scriptures.
19. Some years ago, we attempted to restore the position of high priestess for our obedient daughters to the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We were rejected by the leaders of the church at that time. You have recorded this correctly in your posts.
20. John, the Beloved will come to the new prophet of the Church of Christ, who will be established by the prophet Joseph Smith. John will reveal to this prophet that it is time to restore to the earth again, the office of high priestess for my faithful daughters. The prophet will announce this revelation to the other apostles who will sustain him in his role as prophet, seer and revelator to this Church of Christ. They will present this to the body of the Church of Christ who will also sustain the prophet in this new revelation.
21. In this way, John will restore the remainder of all things that were lost, even the position of high priestess, that needs to be restored prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
The most important thing to be restored that was not yet restored is the calling of high priestess. Once this is restored to the Church of Christ, the fulness of the Book of Mormon record will also be restored, when Simiel translates the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon.
22. The fulness of the priesthood will be restored also, once the office of high priestess is restored formally by John. Then all things will have been restored as they were from the beginning.'
I thanked Heavenly Mother for her very clarifying revelation today! I feel so privileged to receive her words today, and the words of Jesus Christ in my prayer!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-27-2017 Wednesday
1. I was so glad yesterday to have received an email from H.B.. She has said she wants to sustain me in her mortal self as she feels she is sustaining me in her spiritual self. I welcomed her back with an email and access to the website again. We now have 15 who sustain me as the only one through whom revelation is confirmed in the Church of the Firstborn.
2. Last night after the movie, I had to keep pulling out thoughts of the movie during my prayer. I replaced these with thought of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They came, or actually I came to them, in a meditative way, at the same New Jerusalem from where I had contacted them before. They gave me confirmations that I was receiving truth from them, which I had received earlier that day.
3. This morning, when coming to the white gate, Jesus Christ was there and spoke to me:
'Raphael, what you asked for and received yesterday about my beloved son, John the Revelator (John the Beloved), is true. His role as an Elias to restore all things consists of him restoring to the Church of Christ the office of high priestess. This will be reconfirmed upon the newly appointed prophet and the apostles in that church by the power of the Holy Ghost, even that of Heavenly Mother.
4. There are already those who have received anew the calling of high priestess in this world, namely the female archangels. These will in turn be able to confer this office to others, when we will.
The fulness of the priesthood means that a couple has the priesthood from Heavenly Father as a high priest, and the calling of high priestess from Heavenly Mother. Together they receive a fulness of authority from God, even the fulness of the priesthood.
5. Another thing that will be restored to the Church of Christ is the fulness of the record of the Book of Mormon. This is the sealed portion to be translated by Simiel. Once this is restored, and the office of high priestess is restored, then all things will be fully restored.'

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-28-2017 Thursday
1. Yesterday I spent a lot of time re-reading and re-listening to my older web posts. As I read and listened yesterday to the post on the female archangels, I saw some Q&A's that were wrong, which I wanted to modify. I left the original words the same, and then added my current views in parentheses.
It has bothered me that what I wrote a year ago had a few errors, even though they have since been corrected in more recent posts.
2. For example, I had a question whether I was to be involved in the future in the construction of the New Jerusalem, in any way. I received a 'no' answer a year ago. Well, since then my Heavenly Parents have shown me in detail the way this entire city is to be constructed, the temple structure plans and construction, and they have told me I would even be overseeing the construction.
3. This discrepancy has bothered me! I wish I had been 100% accurate in my past posts. I wonder too what else is there where I made mistakes, or written something not true?
So when I came to the white gate this morning, Jesus Christ opened the gate and let me come in. Before I went on the path to the tree of life, I faced my Savior and asked him why there were such discrepancies in my web posts?
4. Here is his answer he spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, you are in the flesh, and are an imperfect man. You had received your answers to these questions a year ago in prayer and in rapid succession. In that environment of receiving, you misinterpreted a small portion of what you were receiving, not taking time to carefully go back and retest what you received. This has allowed some minor errors to creep into your web posts.
5. Since that time, your spiritual perceptions have greatly improved, because you have been able to increase your connection with us and your spiritual replicated self who dwells in the celestial realms above. You are now more accurate in your posts than you were one year ago.
6. Raphael, do not be discouraged by your weaknesses of the flesh! We still work with you in great abundance, even though you have weaknesses and flaws and still make mistakes. This too is part of our plan for you and for all of our children in mortality. This is why we had asked the early members of the Church of Christ to sustain the prophet Joseph Smith in all patience and faith. See D&C 21:4-8–
7. "Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;
For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.
For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory.
For thus saith the Lord God: Him have I inspired to move the cause of Zion in mighty power for good, and his diligence I know, and his prayers I have heard.
Yea, his weeping for Zion I have seen, and I will cause that he shall mourn for her no longer; for his days of rejoicing are come unto the remission of his sins, and the manifestations of my blessings upon his works."

8. Please note that those to whom we reveal our great truths are mortals, and are weak and imperfect. We therefore require that those who sustain them to continually test their words themselves in prayer and supplication before us. Those whom we have asked to sustain you will find faults and mistakes, but these are minor compared to the overarching and grand revelations of truth that we have and continue to reveal to you from the heavens. Weaknesses of the flesh are common to every one in mortality, including you and all of the prophets.
9. Walk in humility before us, seek our face always, and we will continue to pour down revelation upon revelation upon you, as fast as you are able to receive them.'
10. I then felt comforted by my Savior! It feels good to know that he doesn't expect me to be perfect! He does want me to be the best I can be, and to continue to repent and seek forgiveness continually and immediately. I want to become more and more as a little child–quick to observe, and humble and very open. I apologize for all of my weaknesses and mistakes. I do feel strong, however, when I am weak. I feel strong in the sense that there is a channel open up to heaven for me to receive, because of my weak and lowly state. I also feel I am doing my best. The flow of revelations seems as fast as I can possibly receive and write down, and test for accuracy.
11. With this, I thanked my Redeemer and Savior. He drew me close and embraced me! I felt so strengthened in him, in this embrace! He then released his hug, and placed his hands on my shoulders:
'Raphael, continue on the path now, the straight and narrow journey to the tree of life. We will always be with you and support you, even though you feel weak or incapable. I love you!'
12. He then dropped his hands and motioned me towards the gold narrow path behind me. I smiled at him, and turned and walked to the tree of life on the gold path, holding onto the rod of iron.
13. I got to the tree of life soon and plucked a white shining fruit and a leaf. I then took these with me to the place I had determined to go, to Heavenly Father's harvested wheat field where he had spiritually harvested the elect of God about a year ago. I knelt next to the oak tree, facing east, or to the wide field. I ate the fruit and thought of family members that I need to love more fully. I then ate of the leaf of the tree of life. I thought of the mental clarity I desired, the emotional strength I wanted to help me in my work, and the greater spiritual perceptions I desired. I then called upon God, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.
14. I then saw one coming from high in the skies to me. It was Heavenly Father! Heavenly Mother was not with him. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son–what my Beloved Son has spoken to you this morning at the white gate is very important for you and all of our holy angels to understand. We work with all of you who are weak and flawed by virtue of your mortality. This is a good environment for you to learn patience and grow by faith.
15. Stand now and walk with me into my field!'
I stood and took my Father's hand. We walked into his harvested wheat field. There was stubble where the wheat had been harvested. There were also weeds all around. He spoke again:
16. 'Raphael, the elect of God, my wheat that I have harvested, are now spiritually secured in my garners. What you see now is stubble and lots of weeds–that which I did not cut and gather. Come now with me into the skies above.'
17. We then went high above the center of the field. Heavenly Father extended his right hand and the field below burst into a blazing fire! Smoke and heat rose by us from the field that was burning below us! He spoke again:
'Such will be the destruction of the wicked at the time of the coming of my Beloved Son to the earth!'
I then was immediately gone from his presence, and was praying by my recliner, in my house, where I had been praying on earth. It had been a very dramatic conclusion to my prayer!
18. Later:
Tonight in my prayer, I had a wonderful vision! I came to an area above Heavenly Father's burnt wheat field, in the air where I had left my Heavenly Father earlier that day. I started praying to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, even though they weren't there yet. I poured out my heart in humility, seeking for strength to fulfill the great calling before me as Raphael, the archangel of these last days. I felt so very inadequate!
19. I waited for God to come. I then saw my Heavenly Father below me, next to the oak tree in the northeast corner of his field. He was waving to me, beckoning me to come to him.
I immediately came to him, and quickly went back on my knees before him. Heavenly Mother wasn't there.
20. Heavenly Father talked to me:
'Raphael, stand now and turn around. Look at my field of new wheat!'
I stood and turned around. Little sprouts of new wheat were everywhere in the field! There was no sign of any burned soil anywhere, or burned weeds or chaff.
21. He spoke again:
'Come walk with me.'
22. We walked together on the road next to the field to the north, going east towards the river representing Heavenly Father. He spoke while we walked:
'Raphael, had the wicked remained in my field, and not been burnt up, these new wheat sprouts could not have come here. They are everywhere, in great abundance! They are thriving from the sunshine of my countenance, the rich soil and the living water that comes from my river. These new wheat sprouts represent my elect in the millennial day.
23. These will grow up in peace and safety. These will grow to become high priests and high priestesses, members of my celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn! There are so many, choice souls reserved for this time to come to earth for their mortal experience.
24. It is an act of love to these that I quickly burned my field of the wicked, preparing the earth for my Zion, and for their mortal experience. Oh, how your Mother and I love these so much!'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me this great group of faithful children, his millennial elect, who are waiting to come to the earth! I feel eager to be with them, and to help prepare a better world for these elect to come.
This completed my evening prayer and visions tonight. What happy thoughts I now have of the new world that is coming after the tribulations!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-29-2017 Friday
1. This morning I prepared myself prior to my prayer as I do each morning now. I decided to pray just west of the sapling tree of life, near the mother tree of life.
My Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ all came to me, walking to me from under the canopy of the mother tree of life. They were gloriously dressed in their royal vestures. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had white robes trimmed with gold, and a scarlet-red sash around their waists. Jesus was wearing a scarlet-red robe. All of these were so very striking, and very much in glory.
2. I said a few words, seeking their forgiveness and blessings. I expressed my humility and feelings of inadequacies. I prayed for my neighbors, the angels, and my family. I then waited upon God.
Heavenly Father then spoke:
3. 'Raphael, we forgive you freely of your weaknesses and sins. We fully accept you in your mortal state. We will greatly strengthen you and bless you to be able to fulfill your future glorious calling!
We are dressed in our royal vestures in anticipation of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of all the Jewish year. We will freely forgive all who come unto us, and repent, are humble and obedient to our direction.
4. However, great tribulations will continue to be poured out more and more upon the earth, upon all peoples, lands and nations.
We will continue to be by you today, located here next to the sapling tree of life. We will be ready to answer your requests today from here and give you further directions.'
5. The three Gods stayed in place. I felt the need to write all of this down. I felt the desire to start my day.
6. Heavenly Father then concluded:
'Raphael, prepare today for the next post to go out soon after this weekend, as you are able.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction. I said I would do that. I feel so blessed to be in communion with them today!
7. Later:
Tonight when I prayed, I came immediately to the sapling tree. My Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ were still there, and I knelt before them. I saw they still had on their glorious regal robes.
I again spoke to them, asking for forgiveness and strength. I had found more mistakes in my posts (at the start of post 27, where I had quickly received answers and had not sufficiently tested the answers. I have since learned not to expect much in the way of future events (no expectations). I want now just to let things come as they will, particularly if they contain dates in the future. I then waited upon God.
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are now in Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. It is the Day of Atonement. We have freely forgiven you, by the blood and atoning sacrifice of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (she then motioned with her right arm towards Jesus Christ). You are brought back into our presence.
9. We w9ss those who come unto us tomorrow as well, for this is the Day of Atonement. We will continue to wear our royal robes all during Yom Kippur.'
She seemed pleased, and was smiling. There were no more messages from them this evening.
I thanked her for her words and their presence. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, and returned to bed a little after midnight.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-30-2017 Saturday
1. Today I awoke after a great sleep. I then snuck out of the bedroom, for my wife was still asleep. I went to the adjacent room to pray.
I went to the fountain of living waters and drank living water three times. I then was realizing that I was very perceptive to what was around me. I was observing very clearly.
2. I walked towards the celestial temple of God. I could see the temple doors and entrance. I turned west and walked towards the white gate. However, I walked and walked, and couldn't find it. I prayed to God and then saw it in front of me. I saw the white gate, and came and touched it. Jesus Christ opened the gate, not saying a word. He was smiling and accepting in his face.
I caught hold of the rod of iron with my right hand and started walking on the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of life.
3. In my journey on the path, I encountered all sorts of obstacles and difficulties! I had floods come which almost swept me off; I experienced a blazing sun which made the gold path so hot to walk on; I experienced such high winds that blew me off the path at times–I held tight onto the rod of iron with both arms wrapped around it; I had thick darkness come so I couldn't see my way. Finally, and only by holding tight to the rod, did I make it to the tree of life! I came under its canopy, and there was a fog, a darkened fog that obscured the fruit of that tree. I faintly saw the fruit, but only as I concentrated in my viewing. I plucked a fruit and a leaf of the mother tree of life, and brought my hand holding the fruit right up to my face to be able to see any brightness of the fruit.
4. I then walked west, past the sapling tree of life, next to the river representing Jesus Christ. I walked until I saw this river falling into the deep hole with treacherous rocks. I walked to the other side, to its western edge. I knelt there, with the distant tree of life far away in my view.
I ate of the fruit and the leaf there, on my knees. I fully prepared myself for my communion with God.
5. I then raised my hands above my head, and while lowering them twice, called upon my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.
I then waited. I next saw both my Father and Mother ascending the treacherous rocks from the deep hole before me! They were immersed in the crashing water all around them!

6. They soon came to the ground in front of me. They were no longer drenched or even wet. They had glorious white robes with gold trim. They were wearing the same vestures as yesterday. Today, however, their capes were blowing in the wind of change.
I gazed into their loving, compassionate faces. They were smiling, but seemed to have some anxiety for their children, their elect on the earth. I asked them why they had come from the treacherous rocks in the hole below, and why their capes were blowing.
7. Heavenly Father addressed me:
'Raphael, today is Yom Kippur–the Day of Atonement. We freely accept and welcome those who come unto us in humility and repentance.
Tomorrow begins more tribulations, in increasing numbers upon our elect and upon the world. Lucifer and his hosts are doing all that is in their power to captivate all mankind, even our elect.
8. What you have experienced in preparing yourself for your prayer today, in coming on the narrow path, is similar to the efforts of Satan in blocking the way for our elect to come unto us. He will use great trials and discouragement to turn them away from us, their God. However, if our elect persist in coming unto us as did you, in their journey in mortality, they will find us.
9. We are also not idle in our efforts to rescue our choice elect! We are actively going to them, along with all our rescuing and gathering force in the celestial and terrestrial realms, to help them when they seek us and put forth effort to come unto us, their God. This is why we have shown you the extent our effort, by going down the treacherous rocks into the crashing waters below us. The elect of God will be found in these types of conditions, and need to be rescued!
10. Our glorious capes are now blowing in the wind of change. The change is the great tribulations coming to the earth in increasing amounts and intensity.
Hold onto the rod of iron, that which represents the gospel of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the way of righteous living. This will safely guide you and our elect through life.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his stirring words. I said I would stay close to them, and persist in my efforts to live in righteous ways.

Right after I finished my prayer, we turned on our Internet to watch the first session of the LDS General Conference. The first talk by President Uchtdorf, spoke of the journey of life that we are in. He spoke of the great weaknesses and imperfections of mankind and of those who led in the early days of the church. His talk was great, and very much a follow-up on what I have been feeling from my prayer yesterday and this morning.
12. Later:
I enjoyed being with my family today. This evening I attended the General Priesthood Meeting with three of my four grown sons. While President Uchtdorf was speaking tonight, I had the impression it was sundown! I did an Internet search on my cell phone and found out sunset occurred at 7:10 pm, and it was now 7:11 pm! I immediately tuned into my Heavenly Parents in prayer, and at that moment came into the presence of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, at the rocky hole into where the river representing Jesus Christ cascaded. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were still there, in their royal and ceremonial robes. I expressed to them both my deep gratitude that they have both forgiven and cleansed me of my sins through the atonement of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I thanked them for being here, and for this great Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, that had just ended.
13. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, you have spoken the truth that we have forgiven you of your sins and weaknesses with the sacrifice of our Beloved Son.
14. We have now also completed the sacred holiday of Yom Kippur on earth in your area. We will now depart from you, Raphael. When you pray to us tonight, meet us at the fountain of living waters, in front of our celestial temple in heaven. We will communicate with you there.'
I then saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother arise into the air until they were out of sight. I have no idea what they will tell me tonight when I pray to them!
15. Later:
I prayed tonight by the fountain of living waters near the temple doors in heaven. I prepared myself by drinking three times from the living waters of that fountain. By the third drink from my cupped hand, my mind had seemingly expanded far beyond my body, and was filled with light.
I then called upon my Heavenly Parents, with my hands extended to heaven. I was confident they would come.

16. Immediately a super bright light, more brilliant than I had seen before, came from the temple doors! It came slowly to a position close to me. It was so very bright!
In this light were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I couldn't look upon them without shielding my spiritual eyes–they were so very bright! I asked that I be able to see them and their faces.
17. The light toned down a bit, but was still very bright. I saw my Heavenly Father–very sober and so majestic in his visage! He wore a scarlet-red angled sash, about 4-inches wide from his left shoulder to his right hip, around his front and back. I had never seen this piece of clothing on God ever before! Heavenly Mother wore a similar scarlet-red angled sash also. Her visage was firm, angered even it seemed, and she had no smiles. They were not angry at me I knew, but angry at the unrepentant and the wicked on earth.
18. I suddenly realized that I too wore a scarlet-red angled sash, similar to theirs, from my left shoulder to my right hip.
I then prostrated myself before them, with my hands before me on the ground.
19. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, arise before us!'
I stood and faced them.
20. 'Raphael, we are angered because of the wicked on the earth. They do not repent, but continue in their wickedness and selfish desires. The love of man has waxed cold. We will soon come upon the world in our hot displeasure because of their wickedness and refusal to repent. This is the meaning of the scarlet-red angled sash that we are both wearing. We will execute our vengeance with our power, as you have seen displayed before you when we came to you in the brightness of our glory.'
I asked my Father:
21. 'Oh Father, may I know why I too have this scarlet-red angled sash across my front and back, and if there is anyone else who has this same scarlet-red angled sash?'
22. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, the presence of this sash on you is a symbol that you have our authority and power to come against Satan's hosts and the wicked.
John the Beloved also has a scarlet-red angled sash.'
23. At that moment, Jesus Christ came and stood on the right side of our Father. He was wearing a scarlet red robe as I had seen before. Next to the right side of Jesus came John the Beloved, his son.
John then came to my left, and faced the three Deities before us. He stood next to me. John also wore a scarlet-red angled sash.
24. Jesus then spoke:
'Raphael and John, you both are now given our authority to destroy the wicked and to vanquish Satan as you feel impressed to do from us, your God.
John, you are also given this rod to execute our vengeance upon the nations of the wicked.'
25. He then gave to John a silver rod that was about 8 feet tall. It was about 1 1/2-inches in diameter, and rounded at the top. The bottom was flat, so it could be placed flat on the ground. John received this silver rod in his right hand.
26. 'John', continued Jesus, 'use this rod of our power to act in your mission as the rod of Jesse, as spoken of in Isaiah chapter 11. You may stretch forth this rod over the wicked nations to afflict them with the power of God. Hold the rod in both of your hands as you extend it over the nations to be afflicted by God.
27. Raphael, you have your sword of Raphael sheathed on your left side under your waist sash. Use it to remove any of the hosts of Lucifer who step out of their bounds that have been set by God, which bounds they pass in afflicting our elect or when getting in the way of the healing work of the angels of God. We will no longer tolerate their over-stepping intrusions into the lives of our elect or our angels.

28. Raphael, when you feel impressed, with direction from us, that any of the hosts of Lucifer have moved beyond their bounds on our people that you see or that is reported to you, then take hold of the offending fallen spirit(s) and remove them to the distant orb, out of your own solar system. You have done this before when you removed to that distant orb two evil spirits in the past, in your conscious memory, one who was a very aggressive and powerful false spirit. This orb acts as a prison for these overly aggressive evil spirits.
29. When you remove them by our power, secure them in your left hand and raise your sword of Raphael in your right hand, high above your head. Then teleport with the evil spirit(s) to that distant orb prison and deposit them onto that prison orb. These will be constrained to be there until you place Lucifer and his hosts under the thousand-year seal in the bottomless pit, after my return to the earth in glory. At that time, route these whom you have placed on that prison orb to the bottomless pit with Lucifer their master.'
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-1-2017 Sunday
1. I was interrupted last night when I was writing, and I wanted to complete last night's experience:
When Jesus had finished speaking to me last night, he and John the Beloved moved together to my left side and disappeared. I was before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother only again. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
2. 'Raphael, the angled scarlet-red sash that you and John the Beloved wear now is a symbol of your extra authority and power over the wicked. John will exercise authority over the wicked in the nations of the earth, in cleansing the world in his role as the rod of Jesse. You will have power over the adversary, Satan and his hosts, to make sure they are keeping within the bounds that we have set for them. When they overstep those bounds, then take swift action in removing those offenders to the orb prison we have created. The knowledge of your authority and actions will quickly spread among them. This threat from us, working through you, will keep them more in-line in these last days. Nevertheless, they will push their boundary limits frequently. Never argue with them, only act under our direction as you are inspired by either of us three Gods: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ or myself.

3. You will wear your angled scarlet-red sash over your healing and protective vestures until the day that you place the thousand-year seal on Satan and his hosts, over the bottomless pit.
Raphael, with this angled sash you now wear, your appearance will greatly frighten any of the hosts of Satan, and greatly bring relief to those who have been afflicted.
We love you Raphael! We are pleased to extend this power of God to you and our servant John. 4. Your joint effort will help control and eliminate evil from the earth, both among mortals and in the spirit realms of the dead. This is to prepare the earth for the glorious day of the millennium.'
5. This morning, I drank from the fountain of living waters. I next went to the white gate and met Jesus Christ there. He opened the white gate, and I entered. He then closed the gate and spoke to me:
'Raphael, you are now wearing the angled scarlet-red sash that our Heavenly Parents placed on you last night in your prayer. We are pleased that you and my son John are now empowered to act in our stead to eliminate and control evil on the earth.
6. The tribulations of God will unabatedly spread upon the earth, both in mortality and in the world of spirits among the dead.'
I thanked my Savior for his and our Heavenly Parents' trust for me go carry forth their work.
7. I then turned and walked on the gold straight and narrow path. There were no problems like I encountered yesterday while I walked to the tree of life. When I arrived at the tree, I could see the fruits ablaze with brightness, all over the tree.
I plucked a fruit and a leaf. I then teleported to the bench in front of the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden.
8. As I ate the fruit while on the bench, I thought of my increasing love for my wife and injured son, and then all of the elect of God on the earth and in the spirit realms.
I ate the leaf, and sought more and more the mind of God. I also asked that I have more love for the gatherers of the elect, and for the elect of God also. I asked that my physical body stop the aging process. I don't know if God will answer that specific request on aging, however. I had been told before that my aging would end once I drank of the living water in the New Jerusalem. I have already drunk of this water in a future day. I was hopeful this would apply to this promise of not aging now.
9. I then went on my knees, and prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They came from the sky above, until they were above the water. They were each smiling and seemed happy with me.
10. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to come before you this morning. We are glad that you are now wearing the angled scarlet-red sash over your protective and healing vestures.'
11. I then looked and saw my scarlet-red sash. It came from my left shoulder to my right side by my hip, and then extended behind my back, under my white cape. Heavenly Mother continued speaking:
'Raphael, you see that your Heavenly Father and I are no longer wearing our angled scarlet-red sashes, like you are wearing. We still are wearing, however, our scarlet-red waist sash. This represents that tribulations will continue to come on the earth, a day of vengeance from us, who are the Gods of the whole earth. We will wear these waist sashes until the field is burned with fire, ready for a terrestrial earth, ready for our new wheat sprouts, or the elect of God coming forth on the earth in the millennial day.
12. We will continue being here near the circling waters today for your immediate access to us, your Gods. We will continue this daily pattern for you and our mortal angels who come unto us, for our directions and guidance. Write these things and send your post soon.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her kind and loving words. I thanked her for her confidence in me, and in the mortal angels. I then closed my prayer and started my day.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-2-2017 Monday
1. Last night was difficult for me emotionally. . . In my prayer last night, I was located in the circling waters by the bench there. I shared my distresses with my Heavenly Parents. I felt very weak and inadequate. Heavenly Mother spoke to me after I shared all with my Heavenly Parents:
2. 'Raphael, we understand that you have many demands on your time. The thing that is more important than all is for you to act in your calling and role of Raphael. All other tasks can slip, but this mission needs your continual and utmost attention. We love you, our son!'
3. This also is the very thing that is most important to me! I need to control my activity level in other areas of my life. However, I seek for more quiet time and not-so-busy time each day, in order to keep myself balanced. I feel I am running as fast as I am able, while still juggling many other priority activities in my life.
4. In my morning prayer I came before God, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ on the east bank of the river representing Heavenly Mother, near the southeast corner of the temple. They came right through that corner of the temple wall, walked across the lawn and across the river to me. They were sober, feeling concern I believe for their elect children on earth. They stood before me.
5. I made a covenant with my Heavenly Parents, to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son, to always remember them, and to keep their commandments. I hadn't had the opportunity to partake of the sacrament today since it was conference weekend. Heavenly Mother then responded"
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made today. In turn, we will always be with you.
6. As you continue to take time for us, and to be holy, living a righteous life, we will help you have quiet time in your life. Having meditative quiet time is important for you to experience, even though your great work is in the celestial realms. We will help you discern the very most important activities to do in your life, while living in your conscious mortal state.'
7. I then realized I had much to do. I will strive to keep all my activities in order, and never to forget to have the meditative and quiet time I need in order to fulfill my overarching role and mission of Raphael. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 10-3-2017 Tuesday
1. I met my Heavenly Parents this morning in the birch tree grove on the sides of the valley going into Enoch's city. Even though I had prepared well, I didn't fully hear Heavenly Mother's message well. I asked that as I write what I could hear, that she would fill in the rest. Here is what she said to me:
'Raphael, we are pleased to come before you this morning! I would like to talk with you more about our children who obey us not, these who comprise the wicked in the world.
2. These include those who follow Lucifer who have never come to mortality, and those who have been or are in mortality and have rejected our ways and promptings in their lives. These have loved Satan more than God (see Moses 5:13). When our rebellious children do this, they become carnal, sensual and devilish. These will necessarily be damned (see Moses 5:15). In order to be acceptable to us, men and women must repent and come unto us.
3. Moses 5:13-15–
"And Satan came among them, saying: I am also a son of God; and he commanded them, saying: Believe it not; and they believed it not, and they loved Satan more than God. And men began from that time forth to be carnal, sensual, and devilish.
And the Lord God called upon men by the Holy Ghost everywhere and commanded them that they should repent;
And as many as believed in the Son, and repented of their sins, should be saved; and as many as believed not and repented not, should be damned; and the words went forth out of the mouth of God in a firm decree; wherefore they must be fulfilled."
4. There are also scattered in your world those who have and will repent and come unto us. These are our elect. These are those who we will save and bless, whether in life or after they die. We have called a large army of righteous gatherers to find these and strengthen them in their journey back to us, their God.
5. The wicked that remain must perish and be removed from the mortal earth. We have so many righteous elect yet to come forth, as newly planted wheat, to receive their mortal experience. These will group up as calves in the stall (Malachi 4:2 "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall."), without sin unto salvation (D&C 45:58-59). This will be a glorious day!
6. D&C 45:58-59–