162. Missions for the Faithful Servants
Posted 6-18-2020


I hope each of you are feeling happy and enjoying the final days of spring. Summer is in a few days, and I look forward to all the growing in the garden.

Please pray about this post, for your are the faithful servants that God is referring to! You have a unique calling and mission, soon to be revealed to you. If you want, I will help you discover it. Read about how three of us on this email list have already been awakened to their new callings! I hope it inspires you to find your own. Please write me and share with me your feelings and insights!


P.S. I have a new phone camera, and it has a close-up lens on it. I have included images I took of flowers and growing veggies on my property. Enjoy!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

This is a red clover blossom growing in my pasture

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 3, 2020, Wednesday

1. Evening– This is a warm evening, and it is nice to relax after a good workday. I am ready to connect in prayer with my Heavenly Parents tonight.

2. I came this evening to the little knoll above the circling waters. I knelt, facing the temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer. I then saw a bright light come from the temple, and within seconds Heavenly Mother stood in front of me!

3. I gazed upon her loving countenance. I then felt I should ask her these questions: 'My Heavenly Mother, knowing that there will be more rioting, looting, and evil gangs, even in suburbs and in more rural places, and that we are advised generally to not fight back, how will we be protected if confronted with these evil groups? Will we be given spiritual powers to dissuade these groups, or have heavenly protection?'

4. Heavenly Mother answered: 'Raphael, we may allow these evil groups to loot or burn properties of our elect. If they unjustly imprison or separate families, or harshly treat any of our elect, we will respond when these our faithful mortal children petition to us in prayer. In general, we will protect our elect, and preserve their lives, even in the midst of such harrowing experiences. We will give them our specific direction through our Holy Spirit, even to grant them peace among an uncertain world around them. In all things these our elect should follow our Spirit, and we will guide them and protect them. There will be privations, even for those who prepared so well for uncertainty as have you.'

5. I asked her if we should request the ability to exercise our terrestrial mortal powers, like moving from the telestial to a terrestrial realm, thereby disappearing or confusing those who seek to destroy us?

6. She spoke: 'There will be occasions when our mortal terrestrial elect may move out of the telestial realm where the evil groups are located, and move into the higher terrestrial realm or even celestial realms on the earth, if they are our mortal angels or celestial servants. This would be to escape those who seek to destroy our elect. This requires great faith and asking of your Heavenly Father or me to do this thing, for we would want to approve this. Such miracles will happen more and more as the wicked in your land gain more temporary power. Ultimately, however, they will all be destroyed by the calamities coming on the earth. Were any of these wicked individuals able to remain in the land, they will all be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes again to the earth. All of the wicked, the telestial, and their organizations and purposes will be thwarted and be overcome.

7. Think not so much what the evil groups and individuals may do to your property, or even your physical being, for they have no power over your spirit and your determination to follow our every command and revelations.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering these questions, and for giving to us her Spirit to guide us in our lives, even during tumultuous times.

She then immediately departed, and I too quickly left my prayer.

This is a bug on one of our blackberry blossoms

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 4, 2020, Thursday

1. I awoke after a great sleep, and came to my private room to pray. It was bright and sunny here. I look forward to a new day ahead!

2. I came to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and leaf. I then came to the little gully in the desert with the little stream meandering through it. I drank living water there. These actions seemed to help me be clarified mentally and spiritually alert. I felt ready to approach my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer. At my home, in my private room where I was writing, all was sunny and very quiet. This was the perfect combination to meditate and connect to my unconscious self in prayer!

3. On the celestial orb, I then knelt in the desert gully, facing the stream. I was thinking about John the Beloved's role among the lost tribes of Israel who are preparing themselves in the inner earth, to come forth to the outer earth someday in the near future. I was thinking also of John's action of afflicting the promised land of America and the United States with his rod of Jesse. I knew this land would be the first one in the world to be cleansed of the wicked so that the New Jerusalem could be established. I wondered how he is really preparing the elect of the inner earth for the day of their coming to our outer world?

4. As I was pondering these things, I saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking on the path next to the desert gully where I was kneeling. They were talking together, and then looked over to me. They made their way to me in the air, above the slow moving stream. I was very excited and pleased that they had come to me this beautiful morning.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I were enjoying our morning walk together. We purposefully have come here to where you were ready to address us in your prayer. We want to share with you more about our servant John's mission among the lost tribes of Israel in the inner earth.

6. John has come to their prophet leader and has been instructing this leader to prepare his people to come forth across the waters at the north opening of their lands that is covered with ocean waters. These waters have previously been a formidable barrier of ice and water. However, they are now navigable because the ice is melting. Large chunks of ice are breaking off and now have become icebergs in this ocean opening to your north countries on the outer earth.

7. John has been informing their prophet about the effects of the worldwide pandemic, with global chaos soon coming, and many people dying and being quarantined in their homes. He has also told them of you, Raphael, and of the corona flame that now resides in all of the elect to protect them from the pandemic. John has said to this leader that those in his inner earth community who are the elect of God also have the same protection of my corona flame within them. They are now also all changed to be terrestrial mortals, for they too will come forth in the millennial day, and will survive the last days calamities, and be caught up in the clouds of heaven when Jesus Christ comes in his glory to the earth.

8. This prophet has taught his people of these truths, with great power, accompanied by my Holy Ghost that I have borne witness to every one of their elect. They believe these things, and are imbued with a desire to leave the inner earth, when they are told it is time to depart.

This is white clover in my pasture

9. Heavenly Father then spoke: "S has recently sent you an email (see this at the end of your post 161) In the email, he wrote that he was asked by John the Beloved to pray for those on the inner earth. John said he had been directed by his Heavenly Parents to ask S. This was because S has been assigned an important mission to help this people, even before they depart, during their journey by boats to the north countries, and when they travel by foot to the New Jerusalem. This will all be done in S's replicated being which is celestial, which he will mask while he works physically among them, so that he will appear to them as an ordinary man. Only their prophet and John will know of S's real identity. To the others with whom he labors, he will appear like one of them. His leadership, faith, and encouragement will help this entire group to have similar faith as his, even to where they will move forward as a righteous group across the waters to the outer earth.

10. All the while that S is doing this, he will act as an ordinary man in his position as a father, husband, and loving person in his Arizona family and community. In this way, he will be much like you, Raphael, without his identity being known except by only a few. We will continue to direct him, even in his unconscious mind, on all of his labors while he performs his great mission among the tribes of Israel!

11. We wish S to continue to share some of his experiences with you that he receives in prayer, so that you may in turn include these in your own record, and share with those on your small email list. In addition, his own journal records will become a great witness of the goodness of God to those who read this in the future day.

12. Your Heavenly Mother and I have proven S's obedience and he is a mighty celestial servant for us! He will assist John the Beloved in his great work among our people, the lost tribes of Israel, in helping prepare and bring them to the New Jerusalem! S's work among this people will be to physically labor with them, live with them, and be one with them, even in his masked celestial replicated self. He will speak their language, act in concert with their prophet leader, and with John, and be a very valuable and inspirational leader among them.

13. When in need of our help, S will frequently ask us for direction. We in turn will send my angels and other celestial servants, as many as we need, to answer his requests on behalf of our elect among these lost tribes of Israel. S will be the man among them who works with them, day in and day out. His faith and encouragement will be instrumental in bringing them to the New Jerusalem. John our Beloved, will also walk side by side with S, only John's presence will not be recognized among the people, for he will come and go without recognition, except from their prophet and S. S, on the other hand, will become known as God's servant who works day in and day out with individuals and the masses, to increase their faith and motivate them to hear our Spirit, our still small voice. We will confirm to their hearts that they should act even as our servant S speaks to them, and their prophet speaks to them. S's role will be to walk among the people, whereas our prophet among them will be their recognized leader in their church and their prophet. John's role will be to guide their overall direction, appearing to the prophet and to S at times, and to work incognito among the people.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their remarkable words and revelation this morning! I have felt the sure witness that these truths are from God! I am pleased to be the one through whom S's mission is more defined and revealed. I feel excited for S, and for his challenges ahead. I know too that he will be undoubtedly wondering a lot about all of this, and will need to gain confirmation. These things will take S time to fully absorb and internalize.

15. I now send these words in my journal account to S to type up himself, for he has volunteered to type two days a week for me. Thank you, S, for being the great and humble servant of God whom you are! I am very thrilled to know of your important calling!

I then ended my prayer and started my new day.

16. Here is the email I received from S:


Yesterday, I had a break at lunch and read the words from your recent journal entry. My heart swelled with joy and I was overcome with emotion as I sat and pondered those words. This morning, I awoke to transcribe this entry and felt such joy again.

Here is my experience in prayer afterwards.

17. 6/5/2020 AM-

I just completed typing a post from Raphael that discussed my personal mission among the lost tribes of Israel in their journey to the New Jerusalem. In my replicated self, I will be walking among them and assisting in their journey to encourage them. My heart swelled with joy to read these words and feel the spirit lighten my heart and mind. I had a great desire to pray and ask about what I read. I went to pray with an open heart and open mind, with no expectations, only a desire to commune with my Heavenly Parents.

I went to my closet early in the morning while it was quiet in my house and my children were still in bed. I knelt in prayer and called upon my Heavenly Parents for one or both to come to me. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice call to my mind to come to her. I next was immediately by her side where she sat in the grass next to a little stream. She was full of light, and my very being filled with joy to be in her presence. She directed me to sit too. She spoke to me, " I directed you to come to this peaceful location so that you may feel great peace in your heart as you come before me. You just completed typing and reading Raphael's account of your mission among the lost tribes of Israel. His words are true and his account is accurate. As you study and review these words, you will receive additional insight, instruction, and guidance. In your patriarchal blessing that you received from your stake patriarch at age 16, there is a paragraph that alludes to your service among the lost tribes of Israel. Reread that paragraph with your additional insight you have received. You were told that you would receive great joy as you put your arms around those who would need comfort and help. The greatest joy our children may experience on this earth is to hear our voice and obey our will. This has brought you great joy and filled your heart with peace. You are currently teaching this great lesson with those you serve among the lost tribes of Israel. Continue to pray and confirm the messages we give to Raphael, Our prophet of the Church of the Firstborn. Always ask in prayer to confirm all truth with Us your Heavenly Parents, that you may stand on your own two feet and bear witness to truth. Go in peace this day and may your heart be filled with love towards all mankind." She then gave me a fruit and leaf of the tree of life so that my mind would be active and recall her message to me this day. This scene then closed to my view and I ended my prayer.


Thank you R...

Your friend and fellow servant,


Lillies in our front yard

18. Evening- Tonight I came in prayer at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank living water, and then immersed my head in water by splashing lots of water from the stream. I felt very refreshed and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents again!

19. I faced west and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I anticipated their arrival.

Heavenly Mother came and stood in a cloud that remained around her sides. She was about a foot above the water, and very beautiful and radiant!

20. She spoke: 'Raphael, we will have other angels and celestial servants receive assignments and missions as S received this morning from your Heavenly Father. Some will receive these intimations from us just prior to the revealing to them of their calling. Some will come through you like S's was, and some through the spirit directly from us. In all cases we will witness to them by my Holy Ghost the truthfulness of their mission and calling. This will give them assurance and conviction.

21. Today, while you were listening to your current post for edits, we gave you the prompting that you will walk to the New Jerusalem area on foot in your replicated state (see your post 53C7). You will be a physical celestial being, replicated and masked to a lower terrestrial level to those in your party who travel by foot together with you. They will see you as one of them, a mortal being living on earth. However, all this time you will also be living in your conscious mind with your wife and son in Utah, as a terrestrial mortal being.

22. These thoughts might seem very unique, or even unbelievable to some. However, we who are the Gods of all our children, may act as we wish for those who receive a special call or mission from us.

23. Both S and you are mortal terrestrial elect beings, who are also translated to a celestial state. As such, we may extend to you our Godly powers of replication. You both do this frequently now, and labor for us in our celestial realm on the earth. For S, he will be laboring as a celestial translated being in his mission and assignment among the tribes of Israel in the inner earth. For you, you will travel in your replicated celestial being as a fellow traveler to Zion. Both you and S will keep your same residences during these phases of your missions.

24. These actions and callings are all controlled by us, your Heavenly Parents, for our special purposes. We will gather in one our elect to the New Jerusalem, and will bring them there by our miracles and our power. When these, our elect children, share their stories of faith of what they have gone through to arrive at the New Jerusalem, it will be very inspiring to many. These will be extremely happy days for our faithful!

25. We plan and design many such experiences for our faithful servants and elect in order to strengthen their faith in us, and to help them develop needful skills in the process. Oh, how excited I am for these plans your Father and I have made for our faithful children to be fulfilled in their lives!'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation, and for her confirmation of what I had received this morning from Heavenly Father for S's mission. I am very pleased to for this exciting mission he has before him!

27. At this time, the clouds around Heavenly Mother enclosed around her, and she then stepped into her higher celestial realm, and was gone. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 5, 2020, Friday

1. I awoke before my family and reread my journal from yesterday. I felt confirmed I had written correctly, and received this truly from my Heavenly Parents. I am wondering more how I and others can be terrestrial mortals on earth, and translated celestial physical beings, all at the same time? I recall how it all happened in sequence:

1) I was translated to a celestial state, even while in my physical body. This was a different translation than the 144,000 who are or will be translated, for they are translated to a terrestrial state, and work exclusively in the terrestrial state and realms. My mission, however, will be in the celestial realms, either the celestial realms on the celestial orb, or in the celestial realms on the earth.

2) I next received the blessing of replication, even as I saw my Gods themselves do. This great gift was extended to me, and to many others who were given missions to be the servants of God in these last days. This allows us to multiply our work we do for our Heavenly Parents, by being in more than one place at a time.

3) At the end of 2019, we who were mortal angels and mortal celestial servants, each became aware that our mortal body, our body on earth and not our replicated body(ies) in the celestial realms, were being transfigured and changed from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. This was one of the ways we would be further protected and assured to move forward with the other terrestrial elect into the new terrestrial earth, in the millennium.

2. These steps have also occurred for not only us who are mortal angels, but other mortal elect servants of God, who have been able to commune with our Heavenly Parents regularly, and receive their own special missions and assignments.

3. Even with all of this, I still wonder how we can be mortal terrestrial beings and translated celestial beings, at the same time?

4. I came to the tree of life this morning, and ate of the fruit and leaf of that tree. I asked that my food I would eat today be also transformed into a higher, more vibrant food that would help me perceive better, and also help me in my physical body.

5. I then came to the desert oasis and drank living water from my cupped hand. I came next to the bench and knelt, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. Heavenly Father then appeared to me above the sand, in the brightness of his glory! I knew I perceived him in these celestial realms, in my unconscious mind. He was smiling upon me, and spoke:

6. 'Raphael, my son, you have gradually been revealed the changes in your physical body over the past seven years. You are correct in what you have just written in your journal. It is hard for you to comprehend this in your conscious mind, for you wonder how you could be a mortal terrestrial man and also a celestial translated man who works for us in the celestial realms, even replicated many times over. We have told you in the past that your celestial beings are physical, and not just spiritual replications.

 A look up through the trees from my yard

7. We have made all of these changes according to law and order, and our power of being the Gods of our beloved children with the ability to extend our power to our chosen elect children.

8. First, celestial translation is different than terrestrial translation. With terrestrial translation, our child who is translated has these changes in their mortal physical body. They can also only be one place at a time, for they do not have the power extended from us to replicate themselves.

9. However, for an individual who is translated to a celestial translation, they remain in their mortal body and receive their translated physical body in the celestial realms. This translated body is physical, without blood, but with spirit, similar to a resurrected celestial being, but in this temporary state. These individuals like you, are therefore living on earth still in a mortal state and in our celestial realms also, in another replicated body.

10. When we grant these celestial translated individuals to further replicate, they do so in their celestial translated body, to as many times as is required for their mission and assignments.

11. When your Heavenly Mother told you last night that you would walk to Zion, the New Jerusalem, with a group of other mortals, she said you would also remain with your wife and son back in your Utah home. The only way for us to do this, so that you would gain the experience from this trek, is for us to have your celestial translated body come to the earth, shrouded from its glory, and seeming like an ordinary man like the rest of your travelers. As a celestial translated person, you have this ability to mask your glory, and to appear as a normal man in a lower realm of glory. This is all done in your physical state, and in your unconscious mind. While traveling to Zion, you will be able to 'tune in' to your replicated self who is walking with the others, and gaining that experience.

12. Once your replicated person comes to the New Jerusalem, you will see that you have been also there in that area, in another replicated self, building up the New Jerusalem. It is at that time that we will allow your conscious mind and unconscious minds to merge and be one. You will then know what each of you is doing in the multiple places you are living in.

13. This may seem very peculiar to you! However, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I replicate ourselves all the time, and are thereby multiplying our beings to wherever we need to be. Our minds are all merged, and we know instantly what every replicated one of us is doing, all at the same time. This is one of the powers of being a God.

14. We have in part extended this power to you and others who are our servants in these last days. You still don't have your mind merged, for you still have a conscious and unconscious division in your mind. When merged, these too will come together as one, and you will know and act in multiple places, and know what you do at all times in each place.'

Seedless red grapes, just starting to form

15. I replied to my Father that I was still trying to wrap my mortal conscious mind around all of this, and to comprehend this, but it was hard. I asked him to enlighten me further so I could understand more fully, and to begin to grasp the grandeur of these principles, coming from the power of God. I asked that I understand these things from his perspective.

16. I then felt like I was drawn into my Father at that time by some means! I then looked out from the eyes of God it seemed, at me kneeling before him. I then saw me writing all of these words and impressions in my personal journal, in my private room in my Utah home. I finally saw multiple replications of me, Raphael, in the celestial realms on the earth, fulfilling assignments that I had received to minister to the elect of God, unseen from these mortal recipients.

17. I then came back to myself kneeling before my Father. I expressed this one word to him: 'Wow!'

18. He spoke again- 'Raphael, there is much you do behind the awareness of your current finite mind. You have just had a glimpse of your continual activity for us that you do. Trust my words for now, and in time all of this will make more sense to you, and you will see our great power in your life!

19. These same things are done for S whom I have given his mission through you yesterday. He and many others have replicated beings so they may perform the work we have extended to them to do.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this glorious and mind-expanding revelation this morning! I said I fully believed all his words and explanation, for I had the witness of God in my heart and mind.

21. Heavenly Father smiled upon me and then immediately vanished from my view. I closed my prayer and started a new day on earth.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 6, 2020, Saturday

1. I had a fun date with my wife until late last night. I came afterwards to the circling waters and knelt there. Heavenly Father came right away. I expressed to him my grateful heart, for all the many blessings I had received. I was just so full of gratitude! He spoke peace to my soul, and said he loved me after I spoke from my heart. He said my life, and my concerns with aging were fully in their hands, and for me not to fret about this. He then departed and I went to sleep.

2. This morning I awoke later than normal and have come to my private room to pray. I have been wondering recently about the differences physically between a telestial mortal like the elect used to be (like all the rest of the world) and the terrestrial mortals that they are all now. I know they have Heavenly Mother's corona flame to protect them, but are there physical changes also that we don't see or really notice?

A closeup of dill in our garden

3. I remember coming before my Heavenly Mother once where she brought three apples before me, a telestial apple, a terrestrial apple, and a celestial apple, grown on trees in these different spheres. She said the terrestrial apple was 10 times more vital or nourishing then the telestial apple and that the celestial apple was 10 times more vital then the terrestrial. I wonder if there is something like this for people too in these different spheres?

4. Anyway, I came to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake, and drank living water there. I knelt next, faced the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She immediately came next to me, and was smiling. She then addressed my question: 'Raphael, there is necessarily an improvement in the vitality, strength and stamina of our terrestrial mortal children physically and spiritually, than our telestial mortal children. These changes are not perceived by others unless they are perceptive like you.

5. You have noticed some changes yourself, like you don't need nearly as many remedies now for you and your wife and son than you needed in 2019 and before. Your body now is able to more efficiently use these, and therefore requires less.

6. In addition, you have more strength, even as you age, than before. Your spiritual perceptions are more clear, and you are able to hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, stronger with more clarity.

7. Your wife has mentioned to you that you should drink more water. However, your body is more efficient now, and you have found that you drink less. You have also been praying for the water you drink, or food you eat to be living water and food for you. We have answered your requests by making the telestial water and foods you eat into terrestrial water and foods, for your body may now assimilate them and be more efficient and vibrant. You haven't noticed this change much, but it has started.

8. In the millennium, when the world is all terrestrial, the water and foods will also be terrestrial, and our mortal children all terrestrial. They will thrive on the living water there (this will be classed as terrestrial living water, not the same as the celestial living water in the stream by which you are now kneeling), and the living terrestrial foods there. These will be fully suited for our mortal terrestrial children. They would not be right or palatable for telestial mortals, and that is one reason why our telestail will not be allowed into this new terrestrial world.

9. Our children's health in this terrestrial millennial world will be far more robust and strong than those who are in your current telestial world. Overall, there will be about a tenfold improvement in the general health and vitality of our mortal children in the millennial world than in your fallen, telestial world. This will be like the apple comparisons that I showed you in an earlier post.

10. There will not be all of the infectious diseases found on your current earth, for many of these are only able to survive in a fallen telestial sphere. Many people in the millennium will never experience sickness during their entire lifetime. People will live to the age of a tree, or have the breadth of living a full life in all its stages. We will bless them abundantly, physically and spiritually in their mortal bodies. What a blessed state they will find themselves in that blessed world!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my question. She was smiling and radiating great love and light as she spoke to me.

My vision quickly stopped, and I concluded my prayer while writing in my journal in my private room. I then started a new day.

Kale in our garden

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 7, 2020, Sunday

1. I stayed up late last night to get post 161 ready to send out this morning. I feel very glad to have the help of others to publish these posts to our small group.

2. I have been asked by some how I "see" the corona flame out the backside of my hand. It is not with physical sight, but with spiritual perception. It is still very real to me, just like receiving revelation through the Spirit is, or even like energy testing is to me also. It all seems to come from the same source, in my spiritual perceptions. I know this is also a gift I have received from my Heavenly Parents.

3. I came this Sabbath morning to the fir forest on the path to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field, or to the dead oak tree. There were tall fir trees all around me that extended high up into the celestial sky. It was very peaceful and a majestic place here!

I knelt off the path in the soft forest soil. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.

4. Heavenly Father then descended in a bright column of light from the treetops high above me! He descended gradually until I was enveloped in his bright light that shone all around me.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, last night you prayed and received my comfort before going to bed. You asked whether S.A. was the angel of peace, which I confirmed was true. All of our angels are angels of light, which means our light shines from them and illuminates their beings. This is the light of God that now enshrouds you.

6. Some of our angels have a specific mission or assignments, unique from others. These we have revealed to you in part, and reveal to those who have received these assignments. We will continue to reveal all things gradually to you and to our servants.

7. M.A. asked more about her pursuit and desire to see our faces more clearly, rather than through a glass darkly, like the scripture in 1 Corinthians 13:12 refers to:

8. 1 Corinthians 13:12–

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

9. It is very necessary to connect to one's unconscious mind, even in a quiet and meditative state, in order to initially break through the fog or like the glass that prevents our mortal child from viewing us face to face. Our mortal children are used to seeing through their conscious minds, with their physical eyesight. However, spiritual things are perceived and seen unconsciously, with spiritual perception and spiritual eyesight. This is enhanced by our Spirit, or our light that comes upon our humble and open child.

Strawberry lettuce

10. Were you to gaze upon me this morning, with your spiritual eyes, you could see me, my face, my eyes, my robes–all enveloped in my glory and light. You hear my voice that speaks to you in your mind, coming into your thoughts clearly. This is all common for you now, and is very real. You have developed the spiritual skill to hear us and connect into your unconscious mind where you receive these things.

11. In the process of learning this skill of spiritual perception in mortality, we require our child to be quiet and meditative, and seek us with all their hearts. We gradually reveal more and more, even as our child is persistent and open to our promptings and follows what we inspire him or her to do. The more our child consistently does this, pushing to perceive more, the more we open to him/ her. This is not imagination, but a gradual awakening to viewing us, his/ her Gods, and are seen and perceived in the higher spiritual realms.

12. We love our children to "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." (2 Nephi 31:20). They shall also be rewarded along the way in seeing and perceiving us, their Gods, more and more clearly, and in developing greater and greater spiritual perceptions, even in the mortal mind as their unconscious mind becomes more open to them. We gradually lift the veil that blocks the unconscious minds of our mortal children from their darkness.

13. These things are all real and true! We will carefully lead and gently guide our elect children to us, to help them receive more and more, even as they press forward in diligence and faith.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful explanation of these changes we receive in our path to see God, even in our mortal flesh!

15. At this moment, in my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal, the sunshine came from behind a cloud and shone bright light into my room through the east window. These spiritual experiences are kind of like this, with the Spirit of God illuminating our minds with greater clarity at times, and with greater light, or enlightenment. We cannot force these things, but only be persistent with an eye of faith (see Ether 12:19).

16. My Heavenly Father smiled upon me, then departed back up into the column of light, back through the treetops, and was gone. I felt his light and peace rest and remain in me. I then closed my prayer and came out in the front room to be with my wife.

17. At night- I enjoyed a relaxing Sabbath day with my immediate family. I really like administering our own sacrament at home. It is always my preference now. We have done this for almost three months. Many stakes have reopened sacrament meetings in the LDS chapels, but our local stake leaders have said we won't be holding church meetings until further notice. I think that is wise.

18. S.A. perceived in prayer "that our seer stones have the ability to appear as a Liahona inside them, with spindles like Nephi had. It makes sense that they provide direction and guidance, in different ways, as is needful in different situations." If such is the case, I would like to know further information (see S.A.'s email on 37 below).

19. I came to a place in the celestial desert, somewhere near the desert oasis I believe. However, I was basically unaware where I was located except that I was on the celestial orb. I knelt in the sand and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

20. I waited for a few seconds and then saw a person walking to me from a distant point in front of me. I could see heat waves off the desert sand obscure my view of this approaching person.

21. In a few minutes, Heavenly Mother had arrived directly in front of me! She was smiling and full of light. She spoke:

'Raphael, you have prayed to me tonight when it was dark in your mortal world, but here on our celestial orb it is warm and bright as noonday. You also have worn your angel vestures. Look now into your healing stone, which also serves as a seer stone, made just for you!'

22. I then lifted the dome-shaped light green sapphire stone about my neck, mounted on a gold chain. It was a clear, almost transparent stone. As I looked more closely, I could see into my stone. There was a connection somehow with my combined mind, conscious and unconscious, whereby I could see into the past and future, as well as the present, as I was permitted to do so by God. It was all by spiritual sight somehow too, and not with my physical eyesight.

23. There were no time boundaries, but I could see all things I was allowed to see in the past, present or future. As I thought of an event, like my own life when I was younger in life, or like a future experience that I was allowed to see, it was before me, or I was actually viewing it happening!

24. I then thought of the spindle that S.A. had mentioned in her email, like a little Liahona. I then saw a spindle compass pointer, and I knew this was the direction to the desert oasis. I looked up and gazed in that direction and somehow saw the oasis, even though it was further than my physical sight would allow me to see.

25. I saw that my seer stone greatly magnified my own spiritual sight and perceptions of things. As I thought a question, the answer would appear in the stone. My mind was somehow going into the stone and spiritually seeing it, or absorbing the circumstances, impressions I had, surroundings and outcome, as I was permitted to see. It was like it was an expansion of my mind which took away many mind limiting factors!

26. I then purposefully brought my mind or sight out of the stone and looked at it as I did at first. I only saw a dome-shaped light green stone, with its gold platform attached to a gold chain. It went around my neck as a pendant.

27. I looked up to my Heavenly Mother who was smiling. She then spoke again:

'Raphael, you have seen how your healing stone functions! It is connected just to you, and nobody else may look into it and have it function as a seer stone like you do.

28. You are correct too that this stone expands your unconscious and conscious mind, making them as one while you look into the stone. It responds to your thoughts and questions. We allow you to see past, present and future according to our will at the time, for we know what you see and are able to show you great things, or to limit what you see. Everytime you look into your stone, we also perceive and see what you see, for we are your Gods and have this stewardship.

29. This seer stone is a way we may reveal our truths, revelations, and all things as needed. It is best used when you are in a meditative and focused state, being open and humble, just as you approach us in prayer. If we wish to reveal something to you through your stone, we will prompt you or tell you to look upon your stone.

30. This is also a healing stone. This means that if ever you wish to confirm the way you desire to heal someone, acting as our conduit for healing, you may look into the stone and receive a witness or further direction what to do. This allows you to come directly in contact with your Heavenly Father or me, and we will respond to your mind about your healing question or concern.

31. We have given each one of our healing angels a similar healing stone, crafted just for them by their loving Heavenly Father. It also serves as a seer stone. Other angels we have commissioned and ordained in angel vestures also have seer stones. There are also celestial servants who may have received them too, or will yet receive them at a future time. There are more active such seer stones on the persons of our elect servants now than at any other time to date in the earth's history. We have given these in abundance for the individual guidance of these, our leaders and servants of our elect children.

32. These stones are primarily to train those to whom we have given them, so that they ultimately will be able to see these same things in their own minds, even without the stone. These are therefore tutoring devices, to bring the beholder to a higher, more perceptive state of mind and awareness.

33. We have made our healing stones shine at times when certain healing processes are completed. Some of these are hard for our healing angels to know, like the complete healing gift we have given to them. When they act as our conduit for healing, and a complete healing gift is administered and finished, their healing stone lights up briefly, letting them know it is completed. There is also an impression in the mind of our healing angel when they are finished.

34. While in mortality, those who possess their own seer stone may be assured that their stone will always be near and won't be lost. These are celestial stones, kept on their celestial replicated being, and not on their mortal being. They are perceived and accessed by spiritual means, and not physically, until this individual is resurrected, or acts in the celestial realm in their calling and office.'

35. I thanked her in my mind for her revelation tonight. I was very pleased to have received so much!

36. My prayer or vision ended and I finished writing it all down in my journal. I will read over it in the morning, but now I am tired and will go to bed.

37. Here is S.A.'s email, 6-6-2020–

As I was typing up Friday's journal entries, it brought to my mind a recent prayer I had (within the last two weeks), where I spoke with Heavenly Father. If I understood what He said correctly, He had told me I was an angel of light. I didn't know what this meant, but I recorded it in my journal.

I'm not sure if an angel of light is accurate, because a few years ago, H.B. had said she saw me as an angel of peace, and I also remember you confirming this, although I couldn't find it in any emails/posts. Anyway, as I was typing up your email, this recent prayer I had kept coming into my mind, and I wondered if you had any additional insight as to what this means (or if I even heard him correctly).

I also perceived in prayer recently that our seer stones have the ability to appear as a liahona inside them, with spindles like Nephi's had. It makes sense, that they provide direction and guidance, in different ways, as is needful in different situations. I thought this was neat!

Thanks for all you do, I feel so blessed to type these emails, I am amazed by how much I have learned and grown through these revelations, and love how you continually insist that we ask and get our own answers. I have grown so much in praying and asking for truth confirmations, and feel so much more confidence in asking and receiving answers and direction for myself. And I continue to try to grow more each day!

With warm gratitude,

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 8, 2020, Monday

1. It has rained on and off all night and is still raining this morning. We covered our tender plants last night because it was supposed to reach into the thirties in temperature. Chilly!

2. This morning I came to the desert oasis. I felt comfortable here, for I have come here often to commune with God.

3. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I was kneeling on the shore facing the water. Heavenly Father appeared immediately before me! I felt the warmth of his accepting light when he came in front of me.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, what you have written from your Heavenly Mother last night is true and accurate. I crafted each seer stone from the resources on or in the depths of our celestial orb. Your light green sapphire stone is somewhat rare and I chose it just for you! The shape is the same as the domed room which once acted as your own private room.

One of our lettuce beds

5. You have advanced in your mind and perceptions to use your mind as one, even without your healing stone. We have personally tutored you in this process over the past seven years. You have been highly blessed!

6. Nevertheless, when you have questions, or are unsure of something you should do or have a question on a point of doctrine, look into your stone. We will then magnify your own perceptions and give you further understandings.

7. Raphael, you have had in the past, experiences where you have come into your Heavenly Mother and me through our eternity eyes. You were therefore able to see through our eyes, or our perspective.

8. There is a similar experience awaiting you and to those who have seer stones. You will find that your mind seems to enter into your stone and feel expansion of your views, even to see past, present and future. This is a very real experience, for that is a feature we have given to these special stones I have created. They work in this way only for the person to whom they were given, and to none other.

9. Anciently, similar stones were mounted in the silver bows, and sometimes mounted on a breastplate (see D&C 17:1, JS History 1:35, 42, 52). These were used by our prophets who were also seers. Some of these relics were passed down to others who also received this calling. These were seer stones, used for the same purpose that your personal stone is used by you.

10. By this type of seer stone, our prophet Joseph Smith was given power to translate the ancient records of the Nephites. This worked in his mind, for he would spiritually see and then read the words in English, his own language, by looking through the stones mounted on the ancient Urim and Thummim, even while looking upon the gold plates (see D&C 10:1). Your seer stone is also able to help you translate, were you required to do so.

11. When your Heavenly Mother or I wish to give you a message through your own healing stone, we will give you the impression to look upon your stone. You may then look into it as you did last night in your prayer. Your mental perceptions will be enhanced by looking into your stone.

12. You also have drunk of the living waters of this desert oasis this morning, prior to me coming. This is another means for your mind to become more perceptive to spiritual impressions and directions from us. You also feel this when you eat of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, or eat Heavenly Mother's foods she gives you at her glass table. We often have multiple ways to give you increased perceptions to help you in your own efforts to hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, and receive our revelations.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his further enlightenment this morning on seer stones. I gazed upon his loving, smiling face and being, so wise and powerful!

14. He then faded from my view and was gone. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

My potato bed, 15 inch deep soil

15. Evening- Tonight I came on the celestial orb to the little gully in the desert with the meandering stream going through it. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came to me, walking from a short distance away. She was bright and smiling. I loved being in her presence!

16. She spoke: 'Raphael, this morning just before you ate breakfast you got visual disturbances and a headache for the remainder of the day. The reason for this is that you had tried multiple times looking into your healing stone, starting last night when I last talked to you. You have pushed your physical brain with your successful efforts in looking and perceiving both of your conscious and unconscious mind, united as one.

17. This will take more practice for you to get used to. We encourage you to look in your healing stone now only once a week. This weekly practice will help you acclimatize to your new and frequent view in your merged mind in the instances you look into your healing stone. Were you to do this more often, you might get more visual disturbances and an ensuing headache, in your mortal body.

18. These things take getting used to, and we recommend going slowly but regularly. In a short time, before you blow your trumpet of God on July 31st, 2020, you will be able to increase in your ability to look into your seer stone daily, with no physical side effects.'

19. I was surprised by what she said. I asked if I had written her words down correctly. She replied that I had. She said also this, 'Raphael, we wish you to increase in your capacity by degrees, from your consistent effort. In this way you will grow into becoming a much more capable man, and be able to be the mighty servant and minister to the people we wish you to become.'

20. I thanked her for her message, I said I would start looking into my healing or seer stone on Sundays. I asked for her help so that I could progress as fast as possible, without getting these headaches.

21. She then departed quickly. I closed my prayer and went to bed immediately.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 9, 2020, Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke after a restless sleep, still with a small headache. I will see what I can do to get rid of my headache.

2. I came this morning to the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank living water from the stream, and then knelt, facing the temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. While waiting, I saw a cloud bank appear in front of me, and the center part become very illuminated in light. I then heard my Heavenly Mother's voice, to come into the bright part of the cloud in front of me!

Potatoes in the ground

4. I stood and traveled in the air into the bright spot of the cloud. When I got past the first few feet, I beheld my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing in glory! They were holding hands, and seemed to be expecting me. I approached closer, and knelt before them.

5. Heavenly Mother's words and thoughts then came into my mind:

'Raphael, your Father and I have come into the clouds above our celestial temple this morning to speak to you. We have opposite messages.

6. There are emerging voices in your federal congress, with legislation to severely limit the police forces across your nations. These proponents are linked to the doctrine of communism, and are being told what to do by the communist China leaders. Their intent is to have riots and gangs go among the people without police protection. They have also falsely staged the recent police brutality with extra people who were brought in to riot and raise a commotion, all which has created lots of support across your country. They have done this to cause much disruption before the elections this fall, so that the people will vote for their liberal values and place people in office who support these communist plans. Ultimately, they support wide violence, destruction, and removal of any protection for the population. This is what Simiel heralded when he blew his trumpet of God on 5-31-2020, with the yellow star falling upon many waters (see your post 161B4-161B16). A third part of the rivers and fountains of waters are now bitter, tainted by those doctrines of Satan. Many people will die because of these waters are made bitter (see Revelation 8:11).

7. Satan's desires are that the people in your land, particularly in the cities and suburbs, become gripped with fear instead of civility and protection. He it is who continues to instigate government control and upheavals in your land, with staged events that are spreading across your country that promote and foment their evil purposes. None of this is from us, your Gods, but from Lucifer and those who follow him. We allow Satan to rule and reign in blood and terror as these events might fulfill our overall purposes.'

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, just before your morning prayer you received an email from S.A., asking about what the angel of peace represents. Peace is an antonym, or opposite of fear. When our elect become full of fear, anxiety, doubt, trauma or horror at what may be happening to them or around them, we will send our angel of peace to them. This is one of the missions of S.A., our angel of peace. We will imbue her with our light, and fill her with feelings of assurance, cheer, calmness, faith, comfort, courage and particularly peace when we send her among the elect. She will be able to transfer these feelings of increased light and peace to those who are gripped with fear.

9. S.A. acts in the celestial realms on the earth, and her presence to those we send her to will be unseen. The recipients of her light and peace will think this all comes from God, which it ultimately does. However, we use our elect who call on us and seek to do our will.

10. S.A.'s mission of acting as an angel of peace will increase, even as fear grips the people more and more across your world. Her actions will all be done in her unconscious mind, in the celestial realms on the earth. When she comes to one or more of our elect, she needs to mentally intend that her light and feelings of peace will be transferred through her from us to the recipients. She will act as our conduit of emotional healing and comfort to our elect. Her assignments to act as our ministering angel of peace have already begun!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her sobering message, and my Heavenly Father for his message for S.A.! I am so pleased to have received these revelations today. I am full of desire to serve God, and to clearly hear what they say to me.

12. My view of my Heavenly Parents's in the clouds above their temple ended. I feel at peace, and assured that I have written correctly their messages. I closed my prayer and got started on my new day.

13. Evening- As I got ready to pray tonight, I received a very touching email from S.A. It warmed my heart, and I immediately felt the confirmation of the Spirit. I feel so humbled to be part of the revealing of her being the angel of peace! I am so happy for her, and excited that she is so full of happy emotions now. I can almost feel her heart reaching out to everyone in fear and anxiety, in turmoil and trauma, and being God's conduit of peace to them! What a singular honor she has been blessed with!

14. I also have the impression tonight that everyone on my email list will soon receive a special assignment from our Heavenly Parents, that only they will be charged to perform. I believe each one will act as God's conduit for the particular ministry they will be given.

15. This evening, I came in humble prayer to the pool under the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. The mountain stream that cascades in the waterfall comes from Heavenly Mother's upper garden.

16. I felt the mist from the water splashing into the pool from above. I felt very clear and so very happy to be here. I believe this is where S.A. probably met Heavenly Mother who touched her crystal on the right side of her crown's centerpiece, representing her being the angel of peace.

17. I drank living water from the pool and then prayed for my Heavenly Mother. She immediately came from behind the waterfall, than above the water to me! She was radiating such light and acceptance to me. I was thrilled to be in her presence and to have her light pass into and through me.

18. She spoke: 'Raphael, this is where I came to S.A. and confirmed to her the calling as our angel of peace. She will send our emotion of peace in the light that will radiate from us through her to our needy elect children. We will keep her very active in our celestial realms around the earth, and inspire her where to go and how to minister our love and peace.

19. You are correct that others in your small email list have assignments and missions that we will soon give to them. They should each pray what we have in store for them, being open and humble. They would do well to write you so we may have you assist us in awakening them to their great callings. This is the time we need each one to serve us faithfully in our celestial realms on the earth. These callings will be accompanied by great gifts and endowments of the Spirit in their personal lives. Oh, what joy they will each receive when these callings are identified and then confirmed by either Heavenly Father or me.

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for these imminent callings for those on my email list (8 total, 2 of whom have already received callings), who have been so supportive to me. I thanked her to be able to participate in these choice awakenings in the near future!

21. My prayer closed and I felt very tired. My Heavenly Mother departed back into the waterfall before my vision closed tonight.

22. S.A. gave me permission to include her email dated 6-9-2020 below:

"Wow, I just got finished reading and typing all of this, as well as praying to ask if it is true.

I knelt before both of them, bowing my head, near a small waterfall, Heavenly Mother came forward and touched my crown (or maybe she was pointing to it). I saw there was a white crystal on the crown on my right side, next to the center piece, and I understood it represents angel of peace. (I think this is what I saw). I then asked if what you had written was true, about me being the angel of peace. She spoke and confirmed to me what you wrote is true, and I was overcome with emotion. I felt great assurance, and I spoke words like these, 'Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I pray that I can be thy humble servant, and bless all of thy children who are in distress, anxiety, or fear, sending thy peace to them according to thy will. I pray that I can be constantly working as the angel of peace according to the needs of thy children, and your desires to comfort them in their times of need.' I thought of all of my brothers and sisters throughout the world, and I felt overcome with a desire to help them all, even as a conduit of my Heavenly Parents. I continued to pour out my heart in desire to help and serve in any way I can. It was a tender experience in prayer.

It was a very neat experience, and I feel great peace and assurance that it is true!

Also, to answer your question- Yes, you can share my email.

I also thought it was very interesting, because on Sunday when I saw in prayer the spindles in the liahona of my stone, I also had a bad headache that morning, and my mind seemed to be delusional as you explained, too. I kept trying to figure out why I had such a bad headache, as I never usually get headaches. Anyway, I even went back to sleep for several hours that morning! It was another witness to me when I read that part about looking into our healing stones. I really enjoyed reading about our stones, wow, there is so much they can do- I was amazed to learn all of the different capabilities our stones have! I am excited to start practicing using mine more, but will definitely have to ask first- as I don't want to get headaches from it either.

Thanks for all you do, I so greatly appreciate what you wrote in regards to my role as the angel of peace. My heart rejoices in knowing it!! I love the thought that I am serving my Heavenly Parents, and my brothers and sisters tirelessly, even in the celestial realms. I feel so blessed to know and do this.

Sending my best,

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 10, 2020, Wednesday

1. I just love these beautiful and clear and sunny days! After our two days of cold and rain, all the world of plants around us seem to have awakened again to new life and happiness. We had blanketed or tarped everything that was tender in our garden, and they all survived the cold except for one hubbard squash we missed (it froze). I am glad we are back to summer days now!

2. I came in prayer today to the south cliff next to God's Loving Healing Lake. I was at the base of the cliff, among flowers in a grassy spot. I love the beautiful view of the lake and the celestial environment all around me!

3. I drank living water earlier and also had gone to the tree of life to eat the fruit and leaf of that tree. I felt the love of God in my heart and was happy.

4. I knelt on the grass and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He then came walking above the meadow flowers to me from my right side. He was smiling and filled with light. The celestial sun was beaming upon us and the sky was blue. I felt so pleased to be able to come into the presence of my Father again!

5. He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, when John the Beloved cursed your land of America with his silver rod, he did so under my direction. Do not be too grieved for the loss of your central government that will soon happen. There are so many intrigues and secret combinations at work around those who have followed Satan and who now wield great power. They are the ones who will topple your government!

6. The people of your land have also built up these secret combinations, laying the foundations for their own destruction. Well did Moroni speak of these things now happening in your day:

7. Ether 8:25

"For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies…"

8. The people who are not my elect in your land have become wicked, like unto those before the great flood in Noah's day:

9. Moses 8:22

"And God saw that the wickedness of men had become great in the earth; and every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart, being only evil continually."

10. In Noah's day, all the people who remained on the earth at the time of the flood were destroyed by water."Both man and beast, and the creeping things, and the fowls of the air" were destroyed in Noah's day (see Moses 8:26).

11. However, in your day, only the wicked, our own children, will be destroyed, and not the elect or the animals or plants that exist in your world. The wicked people who remain will be destroyed by the fire of the presence of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, when he comes in glory to the earth. However the plants and animals will be changed in that day, and be elevated to a terrestrial level. They will abide the day's fire and be brought into the changed terrestrial earth.

12. In order for the many plants and animals to be changed, to be able to abide the day of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, they will need to each have transformations prior this final change into a transfiguration of their telestial bodies to a preparatory state, to soon become terrestrial. The final change will occur when Jesus Christ comes in the fire of his glory.

13. We desire our daughter Rachael, your sister K, to prepare all of the plants and animals on your earth for their change to a terrestrial state. She will need to learn from us how to transfigure these to a preparatory state, prior to the second coming. She will act in our power and authority, and be our designated conduit to do this great work! Without this transfiguration, they would all be destroyed when the earth itself transitions to the millennial, terrestrial earth.

14. She is also charged to use our power to transfigure your very earth in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. All of the plants, animals, and the earth needs to be in a state of readiness for this transition to the terrestrial glory coming to all.

15. Rachael, your sister, is our female archangel of the earth and nature (see your post 24D8 to 24D12 and post 75A4). These plants, animals, and the earth all are very responsive to our voice, and the spiritual communication that our daughter, Rachael, will convey to them. When Rachael learns more fully her role and the key to transfiguring our creations in preparation for them to be fully transitioned to a terrestrial state, she may begin her great mission. She is uniquely qualified for this large effort! She will act in the celestial realms all over the earth to prepare all of our abundant creations, except for our own children, for these changes. She may call upon you, Raphael, for assistance and guidance as we may give to you. However, the actual performance of the transfigurations will be orchestrated by her.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation this beautiful morning! I am so excited for this new assignment for my sister K! I know she may feel overwhelmed at first, but will also be strengthened to fulfill her great mission prior to the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

17. Heavenly Father smiled and said that Heavenly Mother and he would soon visit my sister to confirm her calling and new assignment! I look forward to hearing from her to see how all of this goes!

18. I closed my prayer and then started a new beautiful June day!

19. Evening- I came tonight to the hill overlooking God's ocean on the celestial orb. I have no idea why I am here. This is where I recently received the interpretation of Revelation 8:8-9, after Oriphiel sounded his trumpet of God. The ocean was soothing to look upon, and I felt peaceful.

20. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, in answer to my prayer. I felt she would come, but I had no idea what her message might be.

21. As I was looking at this celestial ocean, I perceived someone walking on the beach, away from me. I then heard Heavenly Mother's voice in my mind: 'Raphael, come by my side and walk with me on this, my celestial beach!

22. I stood and desired in my heart and mind to move to a place next to her. I was then instantly walking next to her left side!

23. She looked at me, lovingly, and took my hand. We started walking together. The ocean waves crashed on our right and the water rushed around our bare feet as we walked. It was so exciting for me to be with her, and to enjoy being so close to her, walking on the sandy beach and with water coming around our feet with each crashing wave!

24. She then spoke while we walked: 'Raphael, my son, isn't the ocean so magnificent, and the beach so beautiful? I love walking here with your Father. We walk for long periods on such walks, always talking about our beloved children in the current eternity. Oh, we love them so much!

25. You have recently wondered at how natural the revelations we give to you each day come to you, without any constraint or forethought. Our revelations flow quickly into your very open mind, and you write what comes to you in your journal at that very moment. There is hardly any hesitation, for our words and thought freely flow into you. This is truly the true spirit of revelation from us, your Gods! We may lead you in such a state to whatever we desire. You are tuned into your mind and heart, so that you synch to our views and feelings, our very thoughts. You have become one with us in these beautiful instances when we share so freely with you. This makes your Heavenly Father and I very pleased!

26. We wish our mortal angels and celestial servants on earth to just accept what they receive from us without worry that they might not have heard our voice speak to them. They often wonder if this process could possibly be true, and wonder whether what they feel they receive is really from us, and not their own imaginations. Please assure them that we will speak freely and openly to each one! We are not going to lead them to this point, and then leave them alone without our divine guidance! If they humbly ask, with an open heart and mind, surely we will gently lead them and not let them go astray! They may be assured it is we who lead them, and not themselves. They feel they see us, or hear us speak to their minds the truthfulness of what they have received. What more can we do, if after all of this, they doubt us and our gentle whisperings?

27. We stopped and both looked upon the vast ocean. The celestial sun was then setting in the sky, and the entire sky became momentarily ablaze with orange and yellow hues - so breathtaking!

Red cabbage

28. 'Raphael, I loved the beautiful sunrises and sunsets on my mortal earth, while I was living in our telestial world. These same beautiful sunrises and sunsets are also here in this, our eternal home, on our celestial orb. Every beauty I experienced on my mortal earth I have created with your Heavenly Father here also. These experiences bring me lots of memories and joys. I am so happy to share this sunset with you, my son!

29. I felt her joy, and felt her light, even though it was subdued, come into me. I could think of no better place to be than here with her!

30. She then turned and spoke to me, face to face: 'Raphael, we yearn after our elect children now living on earth. Will you serve our elect, and act as our emissary of truth, light, and our love to them? We want to speak to them directly, but they are not yet ready to hear us. We need to send you, or our other angels or servants, to act as our conduits in transmitting our revelations of light, love and truth. We want you to act in great faith, and do whatever we may ask. This is our great desire!'

31. I responded, 'Oh my Mother, I will be responsive, and quick to obey your every desire and command, even as you prompt me! If I am uncertain of any details, I ask that you send to me a continual flow of your Holy Spirit to guide me. I want to be your faithful and obedient servant, my Mother!'

32. She then smiled and started glowing brighter and brighter. Heavenly Father then appeared next to her side, and he too was smiling! He spoke: 'When you promise to us to be our servant, acting in our stead, we are very happy, for we know we will effectively reach our beloved elect children. We know we may guide them to our Son, Jesus Christ so he will be able to redeem and cleanse them. He will then introduce them to us, so that we may have a personal relationship again with them, even in the days of their probation. Thank you for being our servant! Please relay our gratitude to everyone of our mortal angels and celestial servants who act quickly in doing whatever we inspire them to do, as our conduits of light to our needy elect children!'

33. I replied I would share this message with those few fellow servants that receive my posts and hopefully share this with many others also in the near future.

34. I then held still while Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother turned and held hands as they walked on the beach, into the sunset at the ocean. They had only walked 20-30 feet when they disappeared.

35. I felt very much at peace, and loved this close meeting with my concerned Heavenly Parents! I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tomato blossom

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 11, 2020, Thursday

1. I love coming to my private room each morning and praying here. It is truly a highlight of my day! I love the beautiful settings I view when in meditative prayer. I feel so comfortable now being in the presence of my loving Heavenly Parents.

2. Today I felt to come to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I just feel or think to be there and I am there. Travel in the celestial world is controlled by our thoughts and desires.

3. I knelt and drank the sweet living water that filled me with increased perception and clarity of my mind. I saw some fish swimming in these waters too, and knew they were celestial fish, at the height of their creation and enjoyment they could receive.

4. I then saw a bright light reflected on the waters' surface, and looked up to see my Heavenly Father come to me! He was full of light, sending forth also his love and acceptance to me. When he was before me, a little above the water in the air, he spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Mother and I have expressed to you multiple times our concerns and our outreach efforts to our mortal elect children. We know the trials and circumstances coming their way, and yearn to connect to them. Our efforts last night to you, at our celestial ocean beach, was to receive a promise from you and our servants whom we have called, to be our assistants, or heavenly conduits to these, our elect who haven't yet made the personal effort to come unto our beloved Son, Jesus Christ, or to seek our face in humble and open prayer. There is much we will have our faithful angels and servants do for us in the process of the awakening of our elect.

5. We will send also directly to our children who pray to us, our Spirit and inspiration. We will continue to call out to them directly, but there are times when a messenger like you may be able to bring our message of acceptance, love and specific directions to them also with great clarity and strength. Usually our elect will not know we have sent our servant, for our light will flow through our servants so that they appear transparent, or not even there to the one receiving. We desire that our servants thus act behind the scenes, or incognito to the ones receiving.

6. In our use of servants to relay our truths, we greatly help them in the learning and transmitting of our godly ways. These actions of service are almost always from our celestial realms so that our elect do not see or perceive that our servants are participating.

7. I am rehearsing these concepts and principles to you for the benefit of those who will read your words. If they are still not understanding, they may ask of us directly and we will further enlighten their minds.'

8. Heavenly Father then reached out his hands to me, and I stood and took them. He said that he wanted me to view, from his perspective, the powerful actions of his holy angels and celestial servants upon the mortal elect.

9. We came to the earth, in his higher celestial realm, so as not to be seen or perceived by anyone. We descended above a person praying to him. I then saw my Father, in a replicated being, coming near and sending his light to answer the prayer of the elect person.

Our first ripe tomatoes of this season!

10. My Father who was next to me spoke: 'Raphael, you see that in this instance, I have responded directly to my praying child. This is what your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ or I commonly do when our elect child prays to us in faith.'

11. We then came upon another who had been troubled for some time with questions and wonder over her problems. She was an elect daughter, and had prayed multiple times, and yearned in her heart continually for understanding and comfort.

12. I then saw an angel filled with light come next to her, from the celestial realms. I next saw my Heavenly Mother come behind this angel, and shine forth her abundant light through the angel and then to the prayerful elect. I saw her specific emotion flow into the light and to this elect daughter. I saw her give impressions and directions to her, even through this messenger and servant of light, this holy angel. He was only a conduit, and seemed almost transparent in his ministry.

13. In response, I saw this elect daughter stop and receive the full amount of light, love, and truth from God. She was filled with comfort and joy!

14. Heavenly Father then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, this is a demonstration of how we use our angels and celestial servants. They are fully acting in our authority and power, and transmit our light, truth and love from us that we create to our elect child. We could do this without our angel, but in this instance your Heavenly Mother has chosen to send our angel to deliver her light, truth and love. Our recipient daughter only knows this all comes from God, and has received in abundance.'

15. We saw another instance of a priesthood holder giving a blessing to one of his sick children. The wife and siblings were in prayer in the room as this blessing was being given. I then saw a celestial messenger from God come, in the celestial realms, next to the man giving the blessing, and touch his head which was immediately filled with bright light. I saw this light then flow to the sick child, and then this celestial servant came next to the child and placed his hands on the child momentarily. The servant then departed, and the priesthood blessing concluded. All the family in the room seemed to have felt the abundant light from the celestial servant, and felt the sick person would soon recover.

16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we send our celestial servants as we will, with specific instructions to aid and do as we inspire them. They follow our Spirit, and act in their office to uplift, bless and be our conduit for healing or truth, as we may direct. Those in mortality only know God has heard their prayer, seen their faith, and responded. This is how we wish it to be.

17. We then instantly returned to the circling waters. My Heavenly Father let go of my hand and said I had recorded correctly his words and our experience. He then said, 'Raphael, we want our angels and celestial servants to know how much we love them and use them in serving our elect on the earth. They need to act immediately when we inspire them, and then they will be our conduits to our needy children.'

18. Heavenly Father then departed and I was alone. I thanked him in my mind for this revelation and experience I had today. I confirmed it was all truly given to me, and then closed my prayer.

19. I received a beautiful email from my sister K tonight on her experience in prayer, confirming to her the things I received yesterday about her new role and mission. I feel very excited for her!

20. Tonight I came to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I walked up to it from the path to the north and the door opened up from the side. I walked in and knelt in the center. Heavenly Father then immediately appeared before me. He was in great glory, and sent to me his love and acceptance.

21. He spoke: 'Raphael, what your sister Rachael (K) sent to you by email today was all correct. She has self- doubts, but she wrote freely what came into her mind. This is the way revelation flows into our beloved children who trust in us, are open to our guidance, and desire with all their hearts to be obedient to whatever we request of them. Such has been the case with your sister, S.A. and S over the past seven days. Your Heavenly Mother and I will greatly magnify them in their newly announced callings. These callings will be exercised in their replicated celestial bodies, in their unconscious minds.

22. Heavenly Mother then appeared next to her husband, my Heavenly Father. They held hands and looked at each other, smiling. She then turned and spoke to me:

23, 'Raphael, we have assignments for the five more mortal healing angels that are on your email list. We want them to each inquire of us and begin receiving our revelation to them directly what we want them to do now for us. They may also ask you to help them discover their new assignments, and then we will reveal this in part to you also.

24. Our work is hastening with these assignments and callings for our mortal servants. They will each work in the celestial realms on the earth in some way. Their service will be very important in these days, preparatory to the second coming of Jesus Christ, We have everything planned in detail, even from the beginning to the end. We use our faithful and humble servants to prepare our elect and the earth for its glorious destiny to be a glorified terrestrial environment!'

25. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their messages tonight. I said I was fully committed to do whatever they might ask of me.

26. My vision closed and I also closed my prayer.

27. Here is K's email that she sent to me today on June 11th, 2020:

"Here is my journal entry of this afternoon. I had a splitting headache all night and was not feeling too good this morning, so this was my experience later when no one else was home. I have doubts that I am copying some of what others have said or experienced or that it was all just conjured up in my mind. It is so hard to be mortal and have a veil!!!!!!! I have a hard time accepting that little me could possibly be commissioned to have this kind of last days' responsibility and calling. I feel quite small and unworthy.

June 11, 2020

R was told some amazing things in his prayer journal entry yesterday. I have printed it and put it in this back pocket (of my journal).

I went to the tree of life to pluck and eat a fruit and leaf and then went to God's fountain of living water to drink of its clear revitalizing water. I then went in my mind to a beautiful place in nature--trees, flowers, streams, views of waterfalls, mountains and beautiful colors.

I knelt and prayed for God to come. Very soon Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ stood before me in their glory.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Rachael, what you have read in your brother R's journal entry is true. We have revealed and are revealing great truths to him. You have a great mission to be performed in these last days preparatory to our Beloved Son's second coming in the not too distant future.

You are our female archangel of the earth and nature. This is what we have always planned for you to orchestrate as part of this great calling, in these last days.

Our son, Jesus Christ, is the God of this world, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Many great and wonderful changes are now being prepared and orchestrated to prepare for this great and glorious day!

Rachael, today we will bless you and activate this mission and calling. We will then begin to instruct you in the ways that this great work will be accomplished. You will not learn these things in your conscious mortal state, but rather, in your unconscious state where you are serving in the celestial realms of the earth, ministering as a healing angel.

This new calling will now take most of your "time" and energy, though you will still act as a healing presence and angel to those in need.'

The three of them encircled me and placed their hands on my head. My angel vestures were on me and my healing stone around my neck and my crown was present.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Rachael, we, your Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and your Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, now activate this ministry and calling which is great. You will transfigure our creations--plants and animals, and the Mother Earth herself, in preparation for them to become elevated to a terrestrial state. You will be taught how this is to be accomplished. You are our beloved archangel of the earth and nature. Although this is incomprehensible to you as a mortal daughter, your full spirit is ready, capable and eager.'

Heavenly Father touched my crown and it was pure light and glory as was my stone and my vestures.

'You will begin your training immediately.'

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'My dear daughter, this will be accomplished according to our will and desires.'

Jesus spoke: 'I am here to help in the instructions and learning. I will be involved in this process.'

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Go now in full trust that all will be done as we have spoken.'

I thanked them humbly and told them I would be faithful and obedient. My mortal self doubts but my spirit is ready. The three then were gone.

I am doubting and feeling overwhelmed but I also know that my capacity in my spirit is beyond what I can imagine in my mortal finite self.

I desire to be 100% faithful, obedient, and able to do all that I have been commissioned to do. I pray for my Gods to be with me always."

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 12, 2020, Friday

1. Today I walked up the path next to the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I Came to the pocketed rock wall with hanging flowers. It was all so sunny and beautiful around me.

2. I drank living water and felt refreshed. I then knelt by the flower wall, facing the stream, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. I then saw a bright light in the trees in front of me, and then I saw Heavenly Mother walking through the trees to me! She was radiant and seemed to be humming a sweet tune. All the mountain birds had stopped their chirping and seemed to be listening. All I could hear was the gurgling of the water and her beautiful hummed song!

4. Soon my Heavenly Mother was standing in front of me. Her eyes were sparkling with joy it seemed, and she was smiling broadly. She had stopped humming her song.

5. I was so taken with the beauty of her song I had heard her hum, that I asked her what song she had been humming as she came to me.

6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is the new song spoken of in Revelation 15:3-4-

"And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb, saying, great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of Saints.

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name, for thou only art holy; for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest."

7. Raphael, this song of Moses is what our servant John heard and named. However, it is a song of praise that all of the elect will quickly learn and love when they hear it. John heard it in his unconscious mind, as have you this morning. You both won't remember this in your conscious minds, but you will, along with all of our elect of God when Jesus Christ, our Firstborn, descends to the earth in glory at the beginning of the millennium. At that time the entire chorus of heaven, in the clouds, will sing this new song of the Lamb.

8. Those with Jesus in the skies above the earth, prior to him descending in great glory, will become quickened, even to a celestial glory for a moment to learn this new celestial song. It is a song of praise and of great victory over Satan and the troubles, hardships and tribulations they have experienced on earth, just prior to the second coming of our Beloved Son.

9. Once the elect of all have all sung their beautiful song of praise and rejoicing, then they will descend in the clouds of heaven with Jesus Christ to the earth. This great event will then complete the transition of the earth, all of her plants and animals too, to a full terrestrial state. Those who descend will abide the fire of the Son of Man as he descends to the millennial earth. All the remaining wicked will be destroyed, making it easy for a great terrestrial paradise of God.

10. Raphael, make this morning's entry your last one for this new post 162. Name it "Missions for the Faithful Servants."

11. 'The eight people on your email list are the beginning of our other angels and celestial servants to receive their own assignments, to work in specific areas in our celestial realms on the earth. We will soon have an entire celestial army of servants ministering to the elect on the earth and in the world of the spirit dead in specific assignments just for them. Our activities in the celestial realms will then be greatly augmented to hasten the coming day of changes to the earth and her inhabitants.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message of hope and excitement! I said I was so thrilled to participate in this great combined effort to ready the world we know for this transition to a completed terrestrial state.

13. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me, and I saw her crown momentarily appear and glisten before me! She then quickly departed and I closed my prayer.