183. War is Coming

Hello my friends,

I hope you are doing well, even with all of the turmoil around us in our country. Hold onto your faith and belief in God and their revelations, for these days will be trying.

Please pray about the contents of this post, and verify it is from God and not me. I have grown a lot from the lessons God has taught me, to trust in Heavenly Father and Mother, and to just let things come and happen, with no expectations of how they might be fulfilled.

Write me if you have concerns, or just want to connect. I'd love to hear from you!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, January 6, 2021

1. I prayed this morning in the maple tree grove on the western shore of Lake Beautiful. The water was calm and the celestial sun reflected off the water's surface. I drank living water from the lake and then returned to several large trees in the grove. I contemplated a while the state of my nation, and of the uncertainty in the land. I knew great changes were soon to come. I thought again of the importance to drop all of my future expectations, and just to wait upon the Lord (Psalms 37:9). I also wanted to be meek and humble, for "the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." (Psalms 37:11).

2. I knelt facing the calm lake, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I then saw a man walking in the shallow water along the shore of the lake. I knew it was my Heavenly Father! He stopped and faced me, then signaled me to join him. I immediately arose and walked to his side. He placed his arm around my shoulder, and we started walking together along the sandy waters of Lake Beautiful.

3. My Father then spoke while we walked: 'Raphael, the sun will be shining in your mortal world today. I suggest you involve yourself in an outdoor project that you need to do, and enjoy the completion of getting something done. Involve yourself in activities in your daily life that you have control over. Visit your neighbors, spend time with your loved ones, and have joy and satisfaction in your labors. I will be with you, by your side.

4. The world and the leaders of your nation will act and do as they will. You have no control of their choices or actions. Although they might plunge your nation into a very hazardous situation in their decisions, you will be protected and led by us, your Gods, and need have no fear nor worry over their choices. You have been faithful, and we will continue to lead and direct you in the troubled world ahead. What I say to you I say to all who seek our faces and follow our Spirit. We remain in control of all the events and happenings in your nation.'

5. We then walked in silence. I felt the peace from my Father come into me and quell any feelings of anxiousness I might have. It was so beautiful and calm being with him, walking on this celestial orb, so far away from my troubled world.

6. Soon we stopped and Heavenly Father faced me. He smiled and placed both hands on my head and spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I bless you with my peace and great tranquility. I bless you to be about the work your Heavenly Mother and I will inspire you to do. I bless you to reach out and uplift others under your influence, and cheer them up and accept them. You will carry forth our Spirit in your ministrations, and be able to uplift and strengthen those in distress.'

7. He removed his hands and pulled me close in a Godly embrace! I felt deeply his love and peace. I somehow left his presence then, in the midst of this embrace, and returned to my mortal body on earth. I felt calm and filled with the love of God.

8. I thanked my Father for his blessing and embrace! I am so glad to have walked with him along the shores of Lake Beautiful this morning. I believe I will live a very happy day today on earth.

9. Evening–We still don't have a president elect, but it seems pretty certain Joe Biden will be elected. The congress doesn't challenge the votes, even when there is so much evidence that shows great fraud occurred. This is what Dana Coverstone's dream of the Birds and Maul depicted. Soon the great spike will be driven with the maul into the earth, or the fate of the United States will be sealed. This victory for Joe Biden and the manipulated election is also the death of our republic.

10. I know that this is to be, for God has said the United States of America will be overcome and will die. I will stand and watch with millions of other citizens the demise and death of this once great freedom loving nation.

11. Tonight I came to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I tried today to do things that I had power to change. My son and I put up a fence around our enlarged garden. I had a great feeling of accomplishment.

12. With the inevitable demise of my country of origin, I have no control. I can only watch and know of her imminent death.

13. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me tonight. I was feeling a mix of accomplishment and satisfaction over what I had control over, and of sorrow and sadness of my country for that which I had no control over.

14. I knelt on the granite cliff, and waited. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, looking compassionate and understanding. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have spoken correctly, in that the spike of destiny is being driven into the earth for your republic. It has gradually changed to a socialist and infiltrated nation, with the government and industry leaders turning against the founding principles of freedom and choice. They have chosen captivity and a new socialist or communist government.

15. Our purposes will not require the wicked much longer. We have other purposes for the righteous in this land who still believe in us, their Gods, and choose freedom over tyranny. The coming tribulations will be heavy and intense. We will bring forth our Zion by our power when we will.

16. You have been faithful, and we will continue to guide you and our elect. Stay close to us, and we will stay close to you, my Son. What I speak to you, I speak to all the faithful.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. I felt comforted in her being next to me, and coming to buoy me up. I said I would set my sight on Zion, the New Jerusalem, and try to not look back on the fall of my nation. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, January 7, 2021

1. I came this morning to the forest pool near the pyramid room on the celestial orb. I had read the inevitable news headlines that Biden was chosen in the wee hours this morning by Congress to be the new president elect.

2. I have come to fully accept the corruption in our government and society. I have chosen to act as independently as possible, and wait upon God to act. I have set my sights on Zion, and to do things that I have the power to change.

3. I knelt by the pool and drank living water. I sought for clarity in my mind to be able to decipher between truth and error, for my mortal world in which I live is filled with so many false reports it seems. There is great conflict and unrest in the land.

4. I then looked into the celestial forest pool, and sought for a visit from my God. A bright light appeared on the water, and soon Heavenly Father was standing before me upon the water. His eyes were on fire, and his countenance like lightning! I saw that his robes and capes were ruffling in the wind that apparently blew upon him from the higher celestial realm.

5. This scripture then came into my mind: 2 Nephi 2: 27

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto men. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

6. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the leaders of your government and industry have overwhelmingly chosen captivity and death in ignoring the voluminous true reports of voter fraud. They have shown and chosen their destiny in these choices. This has been a day of final decision for them, and relatively few have stood up for truth and freedom. Those who have chosen captivity and death are traitors to the very foundational principles of your republic form of government where honor, truth and liberty are held in 'high' standard. They have effectively chosen to be on the side of evil and the devil.

7. Your Heavenly Mother and I know the hearts and secret acts of evil and treachery of these men and women. As your mother said to you last night, our plans will not require them long. Those who bribed and paid them richly in secrecy will betray them, and the mostly communist Chinese infiltrators will double cross all of them, for they only used their current power and position for their own means and objectives. The desires of these foreign communist leaders is to fully overtake the land of America, to remove the current inhabitants, and replace these with their own. They will soon have no further use for those in your current government and industry, and will destroy them with no commitment to elevate them in their new regime, even though they had bribed and promised them falsely. The large spike, driven with the maul, as seen in Pastor Coverstone's dream, is now nearly fully driven into the earth of the promised land. When it is fully in place, this nation will crumble and die. This will be as we will.

8. Raphael, you are saddened by these events culminating in what you see as a great injustice. This is how nations fall, by conspiracy and secret works of darkness. Satan and his evil host laugh at those whom they have won, for they have no plans to reward false promises, for they have no love nor loyalty for their mortal followers.

9. The time of the great division is now come as spoken by Nephi: 2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

10. I am now in my anger, and will execute vengeance upon those in your nation that destroyed her. Satan and his demons and devils will soon be loosed with greater fury upon your land, and possess the wicked and ultimately destroy them, or place them, unknowing to them, in harm's way. These wicked will be then destroyed like the blind people and the flock of crows that entered into the tunnel in the Bird and Maul Dream of Pastor Coverstone. Great tribulations are soon coming upon your land to cleanse it of Babylon and of the wicked!'

11. Heavenly Father then was enveloped in intense light and fire. This fireball then descended into the forest pool, causing great steam and bubbling, boiling water all around me.

12. I waited on my knees until all was calm again in the forest pool. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his visit and dire message against my nation and the wicked. I committed again to keep his and Heavenly Mother's commandments always. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

13. I worked hard today fixing more fences. It was such a lovely, sunny day and unseasonably warm. I am glad that Heavenly Mother had told me that this will be a mild winter. I see this as a great blessing to be outside and to do manual work like I desire. This is helping me cope with the difficulty of isolation during this pandemic, and of what is happening in our country.

14. I came to the desert oasis this evening. I drank living water at the shore, and then came to the bench. I faced the water and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

15. She appeared on the shore, and then walked the few feet to me! She was bright and very glorious. I felt her abundant light flow into and through me. I felt her power and great intense Spirit flow into me steadily. I felt so uplifted to be in her presence!

16. She spoke: 'Raphael, the next few weeks will bring much change to your country. We know the hearts and minds of all people, and have chosen our elect who will keep our words and do as we say. In part because of the great division, we also know who loves darkness rather than light. This is evident now to many people, for sides have been taken, and those who knowingly choose captivity and death have been revealed.

17. Raphael, you have done well today in working hard on your property. You have again a sense of accomplishment which brings satisfaction and peace. We are pleased with your efforts to keep positive during the darkest day of your nation so far, even darker than previous wars. Insurrection is the worst sin against a nation. This can topple a nation faster than an outright attack by outside enemies. This is what will really destroy the United States of America. Most of your elected leaders have committed treason against their oath of office to support and defend the constitution of the United States of America. This is a grievous sin in our eyes. We inspired the creation of this constitution, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood (D&C 101:80). More blood will be shed in order to bring back this constitutional law of the promised land, and the future terrestrial world. The constitutional form of a republic supports "that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges (and) belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me." (D&C 98:5).'

18. Heavenly Mother was smiling upon me. She then pulled from her robe a brilliant gold crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it. She spoke to me again: 'Raphael, this is the crown I will give you when you come forth in the sky above the promised land after the five months of enemy occupation. You will place this on your brow, and will hold the flag of your fallen republic, to be given you by your Heavenly Father. You will take these emblems, plus unsheath your Sword of Raphael, and then descend with the legions of heaven to disperse the darkness and occupation in the land. This will be when we choose to reestablish the constitutional republican form of government again on the land.

19. I thanked my Mother for her promising and comforting words! She then replaced the gold crown in her robes and slowly disappeared. I ended my communication with her and came back to my mortal world.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 8, 2021, Friday

1. I received an email this morning from S. He related to me words from our Heavenly Parents about the coming destruction upon the land, and another witness of the truth of the event of a thousand suns. In his vision, Heavenly Father spoke to him that the fabric of our society will tear before his very eyes. Heavenly Father then used the experience of the veil of the temple being rent in twain from the top to the bottom, as similar to what would happen to our land: "The land will be torn asunder as was the veil of the temple anciently. We will cut your nation off at its knees that it may no longer seek darkness and serve the evil one." (see S's email at the end of my entry this morning). He just now sent me another email I will also include, about being an idle witness.

2. I was thinking over these things and searched on my LDS scripture app and found this quote from Joseph Smith when I searched "constitution hanging by a thread": "In Nauvoo in 1840, Joseph Smith publicly preached "Even the Nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the constitution is upon the brink of ruin this people will be the staff up[on] which the Nation shall lean, and they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of destruction". In 1843 Smith spoke "upon the constitution and government of the United States stating that the time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter-day Saints will step forth and save it." (Martha Jane Coray Notebook, n.d.CHL, July 19, 1840; James Burgess, Journal, Oct 1841-Dec1848, vol 2, CHL, May 1843).

3. I came to the desert oasis again this morning and knelt by the bench in the sand. I prayed and my Heavenly Father appeared to me.

4. He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, we directed S to share what we both told him in vision about the fabric of your nation to be rent in the near future. This is the great division that is now upon your nation and people.

5. As part of this great tearing apart, the US Constitution will hang by a thread, a brittle thread, and seem only to be a remembrance among the divided people. However, you, S, S.A. and many others like you who are mortal angels and mortal celestial servants in the flesh, will restore the glorious constitution from utter ruin and forgetfulness! I will give you a brilliant celestial flag of the United States of America as it appears today, immediately after your Heavenly Mother gives you the crown with the word "UNION" emblazoned on it. This celestial stars and stripes flag will shine in celestial brilliance, in the bright colors of red, white and blue. It represents the destroyed nation of the United States of America which had been overcome primarily from insurrection from within by its citizens and leaders. This majestic flag is also a symbol of freedom for all peoples. It finally represents the inspired Constitution of your Republic that we, your Gods, established at "the hands of wise men whom (we) raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood." (D&C 101:80). This constitution will hang by a brittle thread, and almost be forgotten, even by our elect, when you and the celestial legions of heaven descend to restore it to the land, our promised land. You who are mortal, who restore this constitution again on the land, will still be citizens of a destroyed nation, and still be our Saints of a fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You will thereby fulfill the prophecy of Joseph Smith, our prophet of the restoration, concerning the constitution hanging by a thread, and it being saved.'

6. Heavenly Father then looked up and I did also, even into the celestial sky. A bright light then descended before us, glistening with the colors of red, white and blue. A glorious large glistening flag on a staff was blowing in the wind, even the flag of the United States Of America! I burst into tears and could hardly contain my emotions!

7. Heavenly Father then grasped the staff upon which the celestial flag was attached, and held it above his head as it blew majestically in the wind.

8. He spoke again: 'Raphael, after you receive the gold crown from your Heavenly Mother, and place it upon your brow, then I will hand you this glorious flag that I have crafted. The crown will be made by your Heavenly Mother. You will then place this staff of the flag in your left hand, raise your Sword of Raphael in your right hand, and descend in our great power with the legions of heaven! You will descend from the sky even as you saw this glorious flag descend from above us in this celestial sky.

9. When you and your group touch the promised land, you will implant this staff of the "Banner of the Republic" upon the promised land. This flag will remain here for the entire millennium, in celestial glory for the celestial elect to visit and remember. The location will be in the same celestial forest next to the New Jerusalem temple that will be soon constructed. This is the celestial forest from which the resources for our New Jerusalem temple will be beautified. There is a bare hill in that celestial forest upon which this staff and banner of the flag of your Republic will be implanted.

10. When you and our celestial hosts descend together to the promised land, many mortals in the land will see you coming in the skies. This event will either be a terror to them (to the armies and the wicked in the land) or provide a great sense of encouragement to our righteous elect.

11. After you implant the staff of the Banner of the Republic, you will then remove your gold crown with the words "UNION" emblazoned on it. Lay the crown at the base of the staff, and then kneel with your heavenly hosts on the promised land. Offer aloud a prayer to turn the battle and disperse the darkness from the land. We will hear your combined prayer and cleanse the land of the invading armies and the wicked who remain.

12. At that juncture in time, Zion, the New Jerusalem, may be started. You will soon come to the flooded area where the island of the New Jerusalem will be created.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable revelation to me this morning! I was very filled with the Spirit, and had a hard time containing my emotion. I prostrated myself on the sand and cried and cried for joy.

14. When I gained my composure, I raised myself and found that Heavenly Father and the Banner of the Republic were gone. I thanked my Father again and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

15. I received this email from S on 1-8-2021 entitled "Veil Rent"


I felt to share this experience with you. There may be more to the symbolism of the veil being rent in the ancient Jerusalem temple and its significance in our day.

1-7-21 AM

This morning as I read the last several days of journal entries of Raphael, I recalled an experience years ago in the temple while I lived in Gilbert where I felt Heavenly Father's very being, even his presence on the other side of the veil before I entered the celestial room. I was overcome with tears as I realized he stood before me, though I could not see him. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind as I had this thought, while I was filled with gratitude, he said, "I have watched over you your entire life, and guided your progression, even from a babe. I will continue to guide and bless you in your life.' Next, as I was reading the excerpt regarding a light of a thousand suns again, Heavenly Mother spoke to my soul confirming the truthfulness of this event. She spoke: 'This will all occur as you have just read.' My whole being filled with peace and assurance.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father spoke, 'I promised you last night that both your Heavenly Mother and I would speak with you this morning. This occurred as you studied this morning. Come now into our presence! I next opened the doors of their celestial temple and saw them seated on their thrones. Heavenly Mother was seated to the right side of Heavenly Father. I was next immediately in front of them by my intention. I knelt before them, then prostrated myself on the ground while in a kneeling position. I was filled with love and gratitude towards my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father directed me to arise. I stood before them. Heavenly Father spoke,'You are seeing the fabric of your society tear before your very eyes. This is occurring because the majority of the people and its leaders have turned away from us their Gods. They embrace the god of mammon and seek darkness over light. When the Savior died on the cross, the veil of the temple in Jerusalem was rent. Your nation as a whole has rejected our Son, Jesus Christ, and we will cause a rent of the very land you stand upon. The land will be torn asunder as was the veil of the temple anciently. We will cut your nation off at its knees that it may no longer seek darkness and serve the evil one. These events will soon befall your nation leading to its utter destruction. Yet, we will be with you, that you may hear our words whispering to your mind and heart. You may also come into our presence and commune with us as you are now doing. Let your heart be full of peace. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be here to commune with you throughout this day.'

I humbly thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for their love and support. I then closed my prayer and departed.

Mark 15:38 "And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom." (see also Matthew 27:51, Luke 23:45)

I thought it was very interesting that the veil of the temple being rent in Jerusalem would pertain to our day too.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Your friend,


16. Here is another email I received from S on 1-8-2021 entitled "Idle Witness":


This verse from Mormon 3:16 made me think of what I transcribed today.

"And it came to pass that I utterly refused to go up against mine enemies; and I did even as the Lord had commanded me; and I did stand as an idle witness to manifest unto the world the things which I saw and heard, according to the manifestations of the Spirit which had testified of things to come."

We are idle witnesses to what will happen to our nation and testify of things to come.



17. Evening–I read Mormon chapter 3 where Mormon, the last great Nephite general, refuses to lead the armies of the Nephites because they were so wicked. He said when he cried to them it was in vain (Mormon 3:3). He then refused to be a commander and a leader of his people (verse 11), "because of their wickedness and abominations." God then told him "vengeance is mine, and I will repay" (verse 15). Finally, Mormon "did stand as an idle witness to manifest to the world the things which (he) saw and heard." (verse 16, the same verse that S had shared with me, and I felt we were in our day, with the decline and takeover of our country. This all grieves me, and I need diversion so my sadness doesn't overtake me. I see in part what is coming in the demise of my once great republic. It is because of the leaders and the people who have chosen Satan and captivity over freedom. They care not for their fellowmen and women, but are filled with greed, thirst for power, and a desire for evil and wickedness.

18. I do feel so very encouraged, however in the reestablishment of the Constitution upon this land of promise for the terrestrial nations that will be established. I feel so honored to be chosen to participate in this great dispersal of the darkness on the land after the five months of enemy occupation. I can hardly believe I will lead out in this great thousand suns event, yet I know it is true. I will set my hopes and thoughts on the New Jerusalem, and the glories of the millennial world.

19. I came in prayer tonight to the Father's wheat field, on the road that is adjacent to the river representing him that ultimately flows into Lake Beautiful. I turned off the road on the eastern side of his wheat field. I knelt in the soil and sought to commune again with my Heavenly Father.

20. He came walking upon the soil in front of me, and stood on the ground. He was looking very gentle and understanding. The light around his being was subdued, but still very bright on his body. He spoke: ' Raphael, it is not easy to see the destruction and death of your once great nation! Satan and those who follow him have been incessant in tearing down the good, little by little. Those who have loved wicked deeds in the dark and in secrecy, have been gradually compromised. They are now fully committed to their traitorist plans to remove the patriots who are loyal to the Republic and may interfere in their secret plans of subterfuge and takeover. You who grieve over the fall of their republic are the good and wholesome ones who still exist in large numbers on the land. However, there are many who have not seen the truth, and accept the lies and false reporting, and are thereby blind to what is actually happening.

21. Continue to work on things you can change and create on your property, to make a lovely environment for you and your loved ones. We will remain by your side as you watch the great fall of your nation in the days ahead.'

22. I thanked my Father to have understood my grief, and to help me maintain a happy attitude. I thanked him for his words. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother to have come so quickly whenever I pray in faith.

23. I then ended my prayer, for I came back to my mortal conscious mind in my own home.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 9, 2021, Saturday

1. I had a restless sleep last night. I am ready for something happier and lighter in my life. I wish I could better shake off the problems of the country, for I truly think my grief and sullenness is deep, even though I know the glories of what is coming.

2. I came to the circling waters this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer. She quickly appeared, and held out her hand while she stood above the water. I stood from a kneeling position and took her hand. We then turned and started walking slowly up the path by the small river in her upper garden.

3. She then spoke to me: 'Raphael, continue to drop all expectations of what will happen in your mortal world. We are in control, and will bring about marvelous blessings in your life, and in the lives of our faithful elect. Seek to involve yourself in your projects and work outside as best you can. Skim the news instead of reading it so thoroughly as you often do. Divert yourself in wholesome activities that bring joy and satisfaction. We will continue to be by your side.'

4. We walked hand in hand and enjoyed the great beauty of a mountain forest and stream. I felt the love and gentle Spirit of my Heavenly Mother as we strolled along the path. Her light and comfort flowed into me.

5. I then lost my connection, and I was in my recliner in my private room, writing all of this down. I feel better and will continue with her suggestions. I thanked my Heavenly Mother in my mind for her words and comfort. I love her tenderness and understanding. Her suggestions are very helpful to me as I do them. I feel very blessed!

6. Evening–Today I constructed a chicken door to allow my chickens to go from their chicken run to our fields. I had first spent some days repairing fences, and planning with my wife our new expanded garden area.

7. Some may wonder why I am going to all of this trouble when I have been told I will not be here in Utah, but move to the New Jerusalem, after next summer.

8. I really like what President Wilford Woodruff is purported to have said, when asked when the second coming would be. He replied "I would live as if it were to be tomorrow-but I am still planting cherry trees!" (Conference Report, April 1950, pages 105). I have been directed by my Heavenly Parents to focus my mortal energies on outside projects that will enhance myself and the life of my family, and provide for our needs, and help me work through my sorrow and grief over my country. Raising a large garden this year is therefore in my sights, as is restoring my chicken flock to provide eggs for my family. I will continue to put my effort into such projects as I continue to live in this mortal telestial world.

9. I have no idea what will happen to my home and property after we have departed in the fall. I still want to maintain the house, beautify my surroundings, and make a small Zion here while I live here. I want to have a balanced life and feel happy in whatever I pursue in my mortal home and community.

10. Tonight I came to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I desired to commune with my Heavenly Father here, for this is what I felt to do. I drank of living water and then knelt, facing the fountain. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

11. Heavenly Father then walked from the other side of the fountain and soon was standing before me. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct to make the best paradise you can wherever you may live, even though you know there are other plans for you in the future. We encourage you to continue to live a provident and self-reliant lifestyle on your current telestial earth. We will call you and your close family into a higher realm when we will. This expectation should not slow you down in maintaining and producing an abundant harvest this coming summer and fall. The added skills you, your wife and son learn will be invaluable in the next higher realm as well. Live a fulness of life by living in the present, and letting what happens in the future take care of itself. This is our recommendation to all of our elect children.

12. You have asked of us recently during your day whether building a second shed would be helpful. We indicated to you that this may be enjoyable, but wasn't very important in priority. Do what is most important first, and work hard and work smart by doing first things first. You would benefit in having a list of projects, ranked from high to low in importance. As you do so, ask of your Heavenly Mother and me, and we will inspire you and your wife by our Spirit as to the things most important.

13. It is important also for our elect to be responsible financially, as they are able, during the coming days of hardships. Some might be inclined to go on spending sprees, thinking that their world will soon collapse. We never endorse this behavior. We want our faithful to continue to work in their employ as they are able and may be inspired to continue to do so by us, their Gods. We want them to continue to live within their means and be wise stewards, even to the end. If we inspire them, they may get all things in order for a smooth transition to a higher realm, or for their trek to Zion. However, our elect should live humbly and honestly, always seeking to serve their neighbors and those in need. They should be willing to share freely of the abundance we have generously blessed them with. As they do so, the blessings of heaven will continue to replenish their storage and we will abundantly bless their harvest. This is all in the spirit of Zion, even in the place wherever they may be located. They may thus practise these principles of Zion in their current telestial mortal estate, even while they wait for the day of transition to the higher realm to arrive.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his rich and seasoned wisdom that he shared with me tonight. I loved being in his presence and receiving such timely counsel!

15. My Father then smiled, and he walked around the fountain. As he walked, he slowly disappeared behind that higher veil of the highest celestial realm.

16. I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I then got ready to retire from my productive day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 10, 2021, Sunday

1. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank some living water from the stream and knelt facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

2. I waited and watched for her arrival. She appeared on the other side of the stream and faced me. She was smiling upon me, and I immediately felt her light and love flowing into me.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I am pleased to come to you as often as you desire, here in our celestial world. While on earth, we are also next to your side to immediately give you of our Spirit, our protection and our counsels.

4. There are all sorts of reactions in our elect children to the changes happening to your nation. It is apparent to most that the US Congress and most of their elected officials are side stepping true reports of fraud, and are now choosing their own path, independent of truth and honor. Many of our chosen elect realize that there is little hope of revival with those currently in power. Some react by being very angry, many are grieving and disillusioned in their leaders and the way the country is being overtaken. Some become despondent, others are grieved or very worried.

5. We desire all to trust in us, and to let all of their sorrows and varied emotions to be placed upon us, trusting that we will work events for the best outcome for our children. We want them to let their emotions, whatever they may feel, to be placed upon us. We will do as we desire for every person, every community, state and nation. We are fully in charge, and all is in our hands.

6. Further, we wish them to drop all of their expectations of the future. We wish them to live each day in the present, living Christ like lives, loving and serving each other in love, honesty and consideration. We will quickly respond to the pleas and humble prayers of our faithful.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouragement. I said I would trust in her forever. I then departed my prayer and returned to my family.

8. Evening–I enjoyed a very sunny and above average temperature winter day in Utah. I read last night that we are in an "exceptional" drought year. The year 2020 was the driest year on record since 1895 when these records started. I imagine this summer will also be very dry.

9. I came to the desert oasis tonight. I met Heavenly Father there when I knelt next to the bench. He told me part of the last days' calamities included being very dry in my area and surrounding states. Other areas across the land would experience severe flooding or increased severe weather.

10. I asked if Utah would have a large earthquake and subsequent flooding as seen by Spencer in his book "Visions of Glory". He replied: 'Raphael, Spencer accurately saw that a devastating earthquake and then flooding would come to Utah. This is on top of the very arid lands that the southwestern United States has been experiencing recently.'

11. Heavenly Father told me other devastating calamities that would come upon the inhabitants of this land of promise. He said all the words of the ancient prophets would come to pass that are in the scriptures. He said that there were many events that would happen in our coming days that were never yet revealed to mankind. Many of these would be revealed just hours or days before, according to his and Heavenly Mother's desires.

12. I was not given to remember much of what he spoke to me at the desert oasis tonight, but he spoke for about half an hour on the tribulations coming upon the land.

13. When done, I thanked him for all he shared! I asked that for many of these upcoming calamities, that we who are his faithful elect would have these things revealed to us prior to them happening. He said he would forewarn us, his faithful, in the near term events before they would happen. This would be to strengthen our witness and testimony that God knows all things that are coming upon the earth.

14. I thanked him humbly. He then disappeared and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 11, 2021, Monday

1. I came in prayer this morning to the cliff on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt there, facing the distant temple to the far north. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. She came in a beam of light from her temple, and soon was before me in the air! Her arrival was like a bright flash in the air to my north. She was sober and very majestic looking.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, our anger is kindled against those who have agreed to ignore the truth in the election votes. They are jointly planning harm against those who actively supported President Trump and the principles of fairness and the checks and balances as found in the US constitution. They are actively in communication with the Chinese leaders, and conspiring to quickly overturn the affairs of the government. They are recklessly drunken with their newly supposed power to destroy their opposition. They want to quickly establish their power, and to do so in secrecy. Satan and his evil followers now have full reign in their lives, causing them to act in erratic ways, having lost their sense of decency and reason. We will allow them to fulfill their evil plans for a season as part of their indictment, and to initiate the cleansing in the land of the ungodly and wicked.

4. I am sharing this with you in part because of the promises to you by Heavenly Father last night, that you and some of our elect would be told hours and days before these things occur. Since these acts of darkness and great evil are done in secrecy, you will not read about them in the news. Nevertheless, our faithful can know of them through our Spirit that whispers truth to their minds and hearts. You will soon see the effects of these evil alliances and decisions in the overthrow of your nation.

5. Stand in holy places, and be not moved. We will continually be by your side to guide and protect you and our faithful elect.

6. D&C 45:32-33

"But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men (and women) shall lift up their voices and curse God and die.

And there shall be earthquakes also in diverse places, and many desolations; yet men (and women) will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another." '(words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words today. I said I would share her words with the faithful in my records. I said also that I would stay and work on my property, and seek to make it a holy place.

8. My prayer then ended and I started my new week. It promises to be a sunny winter day here in my area.

9. Evening–Tonight I worked on getting post 182 completed. I plan to send it out by email tomorrow morning.

10. While thinking over the news that we commonly read, like the Associated Press reports, I felt these were only 1 percent reported accurately or unbiased, when covering events affecting the nation and the political divisiveness. Some of the alternative news websites I felt were up to 60 percent accurate, with some much less. I think we in this country have a very difficult time finding out what is really happening!

11. I came to the area just outside the celestial temple front doors on the celestial orb. Heavenly Father opened the door and communed with me there. He said he was pleased with the manner in which I share my posts now. He said 'although it may be more difficult than before to navigate among all your posts for some, your records are now no longer online, and are in the hands of those we trust. These whom you send these posts to will keep them safe and will still be able to read them.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his and Heavenly Mother's marvelous revelations that they have abundantly poured out upon me, and upon many others of our small group. This is all so remarkable to me, how it has all worked out.

13. Heavenly Father returned into his temple and I closed my evening prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, January 12, 2021

1. M.A. wrote me this morning and asked whether the upcoming Utah earthquake would be in addition to the one caused by Nibiru. I too have wondered whether the one in Utah with the flooding, seen by Spencer in his book, was caused by the coming of Nibiru.

2. I came to the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. I could see the healing lake below me to the east. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

3. She then came walking to me from the south, along the path to the domed room. She was very bright and smiling upon me! I felt her light pass through me, and give me hope and the feeling of her love.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the Utah earthquake is separate from the larger one coming to your land from Nibiru. Nibiru will come after the Utah earthquake.

5. You have been doing well in actively working on projects around your property and in your home. This has been giving you satisfaction in seeing your goals fulfilled. This is also helping you as you work through your grief about your country that it is being destroyed by traitors and foreigners.

6. You discussed yesterday with your wife the concept of praying for others whom you love, in order for them to do something, or for opportunities to open up for them. We have great influence over the events on the earth, and may shape the happenings and circumstances in which our children live their lives. However, we always allow our children to choose on their own, and make their own choices. Your son was interviewed for a job he really wanted yesterday. We may influence those who would hire him, but we will never make them hire him. They have to choose on their own to hire him. You might pray for him to get this job, but all we would do is to influence the outcome, and never force the human mind.

7. We see the beginning to the end. We may influence circumstances or intervene to make certain situations occur, but we never will make our children choose a certain path or choice. This is always left up to them, for they have choice and agency.

8. There are many in your LDS community who feel that they can pray someone into making a certain decision, by petitioning us. If we choose, we may influence or entice them in their decisions, but we will never step over the bounds of pushing them into choosing one way or another. We have created the entire probationary estate of man to see what our children would choose in their daily living. We reward those who choose good and act, on their own volition, in loving and kind ways, and who obey our Spirit.

9. There are false notions you have recently heard, like if you hold your Family Home Evening faithfully, your children will never go astray, and if they depart from the gospel, they will someday return. This is a false promise, for we will allow our children always to choose on their own. Another false promise is that if you do your family history work, your children will remain close to you and never go astray. These are both idle promises and are not true.

10. You have grown children whom you wish would choose to act in other ways than they do. When you pray to us in their behalf, you might ask that we influence them somehow by our promptings and enticements, or somehow help them in choosing to improve their relationship with you. We may answer your petitions, or we may choose to wait and let your children continue to choose without our additional promptings. We are watching them, and seeing what they choose to do in their life. We know them well, and may not change their circumstances for our own purposes, so that the end results of the telestial probationary period are fulfilled.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insights she gave me this morning. This was such a wonderful experience today to be in her lovely presence, and to receive her directions!

12. My prayer ended and I started my new day. I have lots of projects planned for today.

13. Evening–I came this evening in prayer to commune with my Heavenly Father. I came to the celestial orb to the high mountaintop, southeast of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was high up in the celestial orb, and I could see many lands, particularly to the west. I knelt and faced east, for that is where I felt to pray. I asked for Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.

14. There was a large dark cloud that suddenly appeared above me and to the east, a bolt of lightning came from the cloud and hit the mountain about 20 feet in front of me! When the thunder came from the cloud very soon thereafter, Heavenly Father was standing in the air in front of me! His eyes were very magnificent, and he looked so powerful and in control of everything! His cape was blowing behind him to the east.

15. He spoke: 'Raphael, you saw a video tonight in which a pastor named Wade McKinney spoke of martial law coming to your nation, all initiated by President Donald Trump. Although you don't understand the details of what is happening in your country, this is what is soon coming. There is a very large effort to again impeach President Donald Trump, and by any means to stop him from using his presidential powers in these last few days of his Presidency. Those who wish to impeach him really fear being exposed for their many wrong doings and secret traitorous acts against the United States. President Trump now has very clear incriminating and overwhelming evidence to prosecute and jail these compromised and wicked members of congress and their colluding leaders in many sectors and industries in your country.

16. This act of declaring martial law will place the large military presence now in Washington DC under the control of President Trump. Although his actions will be countered by Antifa and BLM, the military will overpower these rebels. These actions will then cause foreign aggressive enemies of the United States, namely communist China and Russia and their allies, to strike the United States in support of those who seek to impeach and oust President Trump. This will further incite civil war and then occupation by very large foreign armies which come and enter your nation. Civil war will be followed by an overthrow of your nation by these enemy armies. (Later, R here: this paragraph entry has been the subject of a lot of prayer and verifying that it was given correctly, by myself and others. It has finally been resolved in the next post 184H3 to 184H5.).

17. Your Heavenly Mother and I are allowing these actions to destroy your country because of the great evil and wickedness that is upon the land. They have fully rejected our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and in place of freedom want to bring tyranny, captivity and death. My anger is kindled against these wicked leaders and their evil supporters, and we will destroy this nation and the wicked in the land!'

18. My Father ceased to speak. He stood in royal majesty as I knelt before him. He then turned and raised his arm to the east. At that moment these very scenes of which he had just spoken appeared in vision before us in the eastern sky! I saw it all, and then in conclusion I saw the promised land filled with dark clouds of enemy occupation and war. All those who arose to fight these intruders were swept down. The Antifa and BLM gangs continued their plunderous activities, mostly in the cities of the land. The occupying enemies let them alone, but kept the other inhabitants of the land in control by their overwhelming power.

19. When this scene was finished, Heavenly Father turned again towards me and told me I had correctly written his words. He then rose up in the celestial sky, into the dark cloud above us that produced more vivid lightning and thunder. As he disappeared in the cloud, it started whirling around like a giant tornado and then vanished. I closed my prayer on my knees. I then came back to my home where I had received all of this, and reread what I had written.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, January 13, 2021

1. After my wife and I retired to bed, I came in the dark, kneeling at my recliner. I received in prayer from my Heavenly Father everything he had given to me previously in my entry from last night. I reviewed each part, and asked if this all really came from him, and not me. I completely verified it was all true. I felt no glimmer of any idea that I made this up myself, or that I wrote this wrong in my journal. I felt assured I had received it all true.

2. I now come in humble prayer to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water and felt clear in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She immediately appeared across the stream, a little elevated in the air. She was bright and smiling.

3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night the truth, and you recorded his words correctly. Martial law is coming upon your land, which will precipitate great civil unrest and invasion from foreign powers.

4. Nevertheless, fear not what man may do, but be faithful and believing. All we have revealed to you will come to pass. We will care for and protect our own, and give them revelations as they pray to us in humility.

5. Remember, to keep your mind on Zion and the glories coming to your land in not many months. Continue to work on projects to beautify and enhance your home and property, and help you be self reliant. Visit your neighbors, and remember the widows in their loneliness.

6. You are doing well in working through the grief at the loss of your nation. This is a mental and an emotional process that is necessary. Once completed, you will not be weighed down by sadness nor sorrow over your destroyed nation.'

7. She reached forth her hand and I stood. We then started walking together around her lake. She slipped her arm through mine as we walked. It was very comforting to me! I so love being in her glorious presence.

8. When we arrived at the south end of the lake, we walked up into the sky, and we came to the cliff overlooking the lake. We stood on the cliff and faced God's temple to the north.

9. Heavenly Mother said she would always be near me. She then let go of me and moved forward in a beam of light to the temple.

10. After she departed, I knelt on the bluff and thanked her for her confirming words. I thanked her for her comfort and peace that I felt inside. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day on earth.

11. Evening–I received a supportive email from S.A. about my entry last night and this morning. She felt confirmed it was true. She said she was "feeling very heavy to think about all that is coming, but I believe we can feel peace and happiness inside as we focus our thoughts on things that lift our spirits and bring us hope… like the shining sun, our daily breath, being refined through trials, having our loved ones near, and getting to soon dwell in Zion!" I have included her series of emails at the end of tonight's entry.

12. I felt to pray tonight early. I have felt to come to the overlook of the path to the north of the green hill. I could see God's temple to the southeast. There was a hazy sky around. I knelt facing the temple and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me.

13. I then saw the haze in the sky quickly gather between the temple and me. The air became extremely clear except for a bright cloud where the haze had gathered. I then saw two beings in the cloud that steadily came with that white cloud around them to me! Soon my Heavenly Parents were both standing directly in front of the overlook, a few feet from me.

14. I clearly felt their light come into and through me. I felt filled with the Spirit, for I was in the glorious presence of my Heavenly Parents!

15. I then heard my Father speak to my mind: 'Raphael, our son, your Mother and I have many times helped our righteous elect in distress because of the wicked who have overtaken their governments, and brought them into captivity and death. In your day, however, even though this, your nation, will be destroyed from within and by foreign armies without, we will care for our elect with greater protection and support. The words of Jeremiah are now coming to pass:

16. Jeremiah 31: 33-34

"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days (the days of tribulations during the five months of army occupation, and the destruction of the United States of America), saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts (this is the law of the terrestrial glory into which they will be received. They are now being taught this law in the spiritual realms while they slumber and sleep), and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).

17. The righteous in your land can now clearly see who is compromised by communist China who has so fully infiltrated your government and industry. Sides have been chosen, and you can see who the enemy is very clearly. All of this has been revealed since the days of the fraudulent election in your land. The wicked and compromised have purposefully ignored the clear audits and investigations made by those who have just wanted a fair election and justice. These wicked have sided with those who have sought the destruction of your government. We know clearly those who are now the enemies of your constitution and the Republican form of government.'

18. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, continue to trust fully in our revelations to you. Keep verifying the truthfulness of what we say to you. I will always witness to you the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost when you ask of me. Once you have confirmed the truth of your revelations, or truth from any source, you may feel assured they are true. Take heart, for we are with you always, and with our faithful elect.'

19. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents to have come and spoken to me tonight. I felt at peace and felt their light upon me.

20. They then started moving backwards and were soon back at their temple. After this the cloud covered them again, the haze returned to the sky, and my prayer had ended.

21. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Email from S.A. to R on 1-13-2021:

"Hello R,

I prayed about these pages you recorded from your journal entry. Heavenly Mother confirmed the truthfulness of them to me about the coming war and changes in our land. She also spoke to me about focusing on the bright and cheery things that bring happiness.

It feels very heavy to think about all that is coming, but I also believe we can feel peace and happiness inside as we focus our thoughts on things that lift our spirits and bring us hope...like the shining sun, our daily breath, being refined through trials, having our loved ones near, and getting to soon dwell in Zion! I particularly am saddened by all of the corruption that has crept into our society over the last few decades in the education, food, drug, and healthcare industry. I am saddened to raise my children in a world with so much filth in modern music, TV, and movies.

I can't wait to dwell in Zion to say the least. I will try to keep my mind focused on it, for I know it will bring joy and gladness in a falling world.


23. Email from R to S.A. on 1-13-2021:

"Thank you S.A. When I give such definitive predictions from my encounters with God, then I sometimes feel like I am going out on a limb.

There is so much misinformation we have today. It is particularly upsetting to me to think about the downfall of our country. There is great evil now in the land, but also so many good wholesome people.

I found a picture online of what Jon McNaughton, artist named the "Angel of Liberty" from George Washington's Vision.

This painting shows the destruction of the Capitol and of the country, of George Washington and of Heavenly Mother who was the female personage in his vision. I really like this one.

If you are willing, may I share your email with the group? I think multiple witnesses, from Heavenly Mother to me and now from Heavenly Mother to you, will help buoy us all.

Thanks for responding and praying!

Warm regards,

24. Email from S.A. back to R on 1-13-2021:

"Wow, what a great find!! That is wonderful to see a painting from George Washington's vision of you coming in the Light of a Thousand Suns! Truly, it's remarkable.

I am so grateful, even beyond grateful, for a knowledge of what is coming to our land. I don't know how I have been so blessed to be in the know of these things, having confirmed them in prayer, when most everyone in this world is in the dark with the truth of what's coming to our land and world. There are no words to suffice the gratitude I feel deep in my heart for this wonderful gift. I am truly in awe as I think about having received such an abundance of truth in a world with so much confusion.

Thank you for being faithful, diligent, and true to yourself in your mission and calling as Raphael. I feel so blessed to have access to your records. I am so grateful to be a part of our Heavenly Parents' plans in these big events in the last days.

And yes, you may share my email. I am grateful to add my witness to yours, for I felt great clarity from the Spirit that what you had recorded was true. I know the feeling of going out on a limb, we are really being stretched in receiving revelation and confirming it as truth. What a blessing, though, to be doing this regularly, for it is such an important skill to have in the trying days ahead!


I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, January 14, 2021

1. I awoke late this morning to blue skies. I looked on my phone and had received this message from a new social media site I am trying out named "the jump." I don't know where the person received this, but it rang true to me. This apparently happened 1-14-1778, 243 years ago to the day:

2. "January 14–A prayer at Valley Forge during the long winter of 1777-1778, when the Patriot Army camped at Valley Forge, George Washington shared the hardship suffered by his men. He spent much of his time rounding up food, begging the Continental Congress for supplies, and bolstering the troops' spirits. His presence kept the army from disintegrating. Tradition holds that one cold day, Isaac Potts, a Quaker farmer who lived near Valley Forge, was walking through the woods when he heard a low, solemn voice. Stealing quietly in its direction, he found a riderless horse tied to a sapling. The farmer crept nearer and through the trees saw a lone man on his knees in the snow. It was General Washington. Tears marked his face as he bowed his head and asked God to look after his men. At home that evening the farmer told his wife of the encounter. "All will be well, Martha," he said. "If there is anyone the Lord will listen to, it is this brave man. I have seen George Washington on his knees. Our independence is certain."

3. I feel comfort in these words describing the great patriot of our country. Now, 243 years later, there are many more patriots on their knees, pleading for the intervention of God in behalf of this nation. I believe God will answer their prayers in a different way this time. It will look more and more like God has abandoned the cause of the freemen, these patriot liberty seekers. There will be a glorious ending to this destroyed nation, after the five months of enemy occupation. God will send the Angel of Liberty, along with legions of celestial spirits to restore the US Constitution and a pure form of government meant for all peoples.

4. In my post, I am including a painting titled "Prayer at Valley Forge" by Arnold Friberg, and another painting titled "Angel of Liberty–The Vision of George Washington" by Jon McNaugton. These depict these two great events upon this land of promise, and are both very moving to me.

5. I came this morning in prayer at Valley Forge National Historic Park, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. I found a secluded spot in the surrounding forest and knelt to pray to my Heavenly Father.

6. Heavenly Father then walked to me from the nearby trees! He came in front of me, standing a little elevated before me in the air: "Rapael, this is the place where General George Washington prayed to me during the very cold winter of 1777 to 1778. I heard his prayer, and commanded you and our holy angels, and many celestial servants, to come and support him and his worn out army to win the Revolutionary War. He prayed to me often in these woods in behalf of his men and country.

7. I am still remembering his prayers, and the sacrifices these early patriots gave to establish this free republic. I will restore a similar republic upon this promised land, under the authority of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the days ahead. I will answer these early prayers of George Washington and his men, and the prayers of many patriots in your day, in the establishment of Zion on this land of promise. What a glorious day this will be!'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering the prayers of liberty-loving patriots upon this promised land. I felt so grateful for his words today.

9. My prayer ended and I now conclude my entry. It is a beautiful and sunny winter day here in Utah. I feel at great peace.

10. Evening–I enjoyed a wonderful day today. I worked a lot outside and visited with some of my children and grandchildren.

11. I reread the words I received this morning and was again thrilled by what my Heavenly Father spoke. I feel very blessed to have grown up in this promised land of America, and in a relatively free country. As part of our family business, we have sold thousands and thousands of pocket sized US Constitutions, and a few supporting books. We have taught our children these God inspired principles found in that heavenly document and its original Bill of Rights. These founding articles are such a part of my own beliefs and heritage!

12. I have ancestors who came on the Mayflower with the original pilgrims, and others who came to New Amsterdam (later became New York City). I am through and through an American!

13. I came tonight to the trickling brook coming through the birch tree forest on the hill descending to the city of Enoch. I drank from the stream and knelt in the soft soil. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

14. She immediately appeared before me! She was smiling and very beautiful. I felt her deep love for me right away.

15. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, we have called upon our holy angels, and many of our celestial servants to come as the legions of heaven in support of our outnumbered and faithful sons who were engaged in righteous battles with the wicked of their day. The Bible and Book of Mormon contain details of these battles where we, their Gods, fought their conflicts and routed out their enemies. We sustain and honor the requests of our earthly stewards who lead in these armies, as long as we command them to go forth to defend themselves, their lands, their families and their rights to worship God as they desired.

16. Alma 48:14-16

"Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives.

17. And this was their faith, that by so doing God would prosper them in the land, or in other words, if they were faithful in keeping the commandments of God that he would prosper them in the land; yea, warn them to flee, or to prepare for war, according to their danger;

18. And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity."

19. When the people of God followed these principles and were striving to be obedient to all that we commanded them, then we protected them against their enemies. We have sent our celestial angel servants in their defense many times, and routed out the invading armies by our great power of deliverance.

20. Those under General George Washington's command were greatly blessed because of the prayer and leadership of this man, and also because of the many prayers of those early day patriots on your land. Your Heavenly Mother spoke true words of how God your Father assembled the legions of heaven to turn the battle and win the war on behalf of your fledging republic.

21. Hezekiah, a righteous king of Judah spoke words to his people to "be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us then with him." (2 Chronicles 32:7).

The enemy sent letters and servants to try to dissuade the children of Judah, and to cause them to doubt their leaders. Then Hezekiah the king of Judah, and Isaiah the prophet prayed to us, in this, their time of great need when the armies of the Assyrians encamped around the city of Jerusalem greatly outnumbering their army. We heard their prayers of faith, and fulfilled our promise to our faithful children, that we would fight their battles and defend them at all times against their enemies:

22. 2 Chronicles 32:21-22

"And the Lord sent an angel (angels and celestial servants), which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him with the sword.

23. Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

24. Raphael, those in your land now are a mix of our elect and the wicked. We will not fight for the elect until the wicked are destroyed, and Babylon eliminated from the land, and your nation is overcome and is no more. Once the five months of occupation is fulfilled, then we will answer the prayers of our elect, and come out of our hiding place to scatter and destroy modern day Assyria who will be in the land as the occupying armies. Then will we command you, our Angel of Liberty, and many of our holy angels and celestial servants who will accompany you, to rout out the invading troops and finish cleansing the land of the wicked. No earthly power will be able to stand up to our matchless power we will send to reestablish our banner of liberty again upon our land of promise!'

25. Heavenly Mother rose up into the treetops, increasing in her great light! She ascended into the celestial sky until she was gone.

26. I thanked her for her magnanimous words concerning the humble elect that would be left upon the land after the many tribulations, and what she shared with me tonight. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, January 15, 2021

1. I came to the celestial orb again to pray this morning. I am continually eager to commune with one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I came this morning to the fountain of living water. I drank some of this water, and knelt facing the fountain with the temple in the background. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. I then saw Heavenly Father open the doors of the temple, and walk the short distance to me. He was smiling as he arrived.

3. He spoke to me directly:

'Raphael, last night your Heavenly Mother shared with you that we protect our people when they are obedient, and when they do as we command them. This has always been the case, in many situations during the history of the earth, and in all of our other eternities. We expect our people to continue to petition us, even when it appears to them that they will be overcome by their enemies. We are able to adjust situations to free and liberate the righteous, and sometimes we intervene boldly like will happen when the event of the light of a thousand suns occurs. The days just before your appearance in the heavens with our celestial legions will seem desperate. It will appear that the heavens are closed to many, and that we have delayed answering the prayers of the righteous. This delay of five months is necessary for the removal of the wicked.

4. In that day shall be fulfilled this prophecy of Isaiah (see also your post 169A29 to 169A31):

5. Isaiah 10:24-27

Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod (meaning the oppression will become intense and your freedom in the land be largely removed), and shall lift up his staff (control and dominion) against thee, after the manner of Egypt (this refers to the oppressors of the children of Israel when they were slaves to the Egyptians in the days of Moses–see Exodus chapter 5).

6. For yet a little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction.

7. And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt, (see your post 169C16 to 169C19. These events will take place after the five months are fulfilled and you and our heavenly hosts will have appeared in the heavens above the promised land. At this time the enemies will have great fear of the power of God. A plague will come among them and they will fight among themselves in their fear and confusion. They will be disheartened and leave the land in haste).

8. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (the power of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, through whom we will fight the battles of our elect)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words. I said I was so grateful for his visit and revelation to me this morning.

10. I was then back in my mortal surroundings. I had written this all down while receiving this vision. I thanked again my Father, and closed my prayer.

11. Evening–It was fun to be together as a family! We are truly so blessed, for we can go outside, work on projects, we have abundance, and we are as prepared for an eventuality as I can think. We have big plans for our future and love to be together. What more could be better at this time?

12. I confirmed this evening again that the revelations I had received concerning the start of martial law and war were still accurate and of God. I confirmed it all again. I have decided not to worry about this, and just take a wait and see attitude.

13. I came tonight in the air above God's temple, on the celestial orb. I came here because this was where I felt to come. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

14. She appeared in a cloud in front of me, with her glorious face shining. I could not see the rest of her body, for it was covered by the white cloud.

15. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are richly blessed, and all things are in order for you and your family in preparation for that which is to come. I have brought you here, up in the celestial sky above my temple. You can only see in your unconscious mind my face, but the rest of my body is hidden from your view. Similarly, you can only know of what we have revealed to you of your near future, for the rest of what will happen is hidden from your view. We want you to live in the present, and enjoy each day as a wonderful gift and blessing. Regardless of what might come to you tomorrow, and the days that follow, live as best you can in the present, for the things of tomorrow will soon be in your present day, and then you can live in that present reality. We will always be by your side, so there is nothing to worry about or fear. You have written what we have shown to you about what will come, and your responsibility for these prophecies remains with us, not with you. You have reported what we have told to you, and it behooves each of our children to determine if our words through you are true. We will give the humble and seeking children our confirming witness.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her reasoning tonight! I felt at peace and also felt so loved and comforted to be in her presence!

17. She then withdrew entirely into the white cloud in front of me, and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, her Beloved Son.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, January 16, 2021

1. I received a confirming email from S this morning, witnessing to the truth of what Heavenly Father revealed to me about martial law and unrest and war coming. I will include this email at the end of this morning's entry. I am very grateful for S's words as delivered to him by Heavenly Mother!

2. I read the verses in 2 Nephi 27:3 and Isaiah 28:7-8 that S referenced in his email. I had never thought of this scripture referring to our day, and how the wicked who are overthrowing the government are being depicted by God.

3. I came this morning to the desert oasis in prayer. I drank living water and then came in front of the bench and knelt, facing the water. I sought to be humble, clear, and very open. The oasis was very calm, and the water reflection was like glass. I could see the celestial sky reflected in the oasis clearly.

4. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer. The water's reflection then became very bright, showing that God was coming to me from the sky above. I looked up into the sky and seconds later saw this same bright light when God actually started descending to me from the sky.

5. Heavenly Father descended upon the water and the water in the oasis became turbulent and stormy. Water in the lake splashed up to the sand where I was kneeling. Soon Heavenly Father walked to a point right above the sand in front of me. He was brilliant, full of great power, and very majestic! His white cape was blowing behind him. He spoke: 'Raphael, you saw my coming in the reflection seconds before you could see me coming in the skies above. You knew it was me coming soon to you.

6. Likewise, you know that martial law, civil war, and attack from foreign armies are all soon coming to your land, but this hasn't happened yet. You will know this is in reality when you read about this in your news, and we confirm these events to you.

7. The oasis water was very smooth and reflective when you first saw my future coming in the reflective waters. You have likewise been given a clear glimpse into the turmoil that will come to your land and the large cities of your nation, including Washington D.C. However, once martial law and war comes, it will be very difficult to receive true accounts of what is happening, for the news agencies will falsify reports and all will be in great turmoil and distress in your nation. We have told you what is coming in great clarity, but the reality of these actual events will be very obscured and kept largely from your view. This will even become more difficult to know once power and the internet are cut off, temporarily or permanently for a season.

8. Your Heavenly Mother gave S, our very faithful celestial mortal servant, the vision of this desert oasis when he looked upon these waters. He looked upon these clear and calm waters and saw scenes upon the water's surface of the fighting that will occur at the US Capitol in Washington D.C. His record is true, and given to him of his Heavenly Mother.

9. We wish all of our elect to confirm the truth of these things when they receive them, and that we know of these future events even before they happen. We will confirm these truths in the quietness of their calm, settled personal prayers. During the coming tribulations and great unrest in your nation and land, it will be difficult to discern what is happening. As your Heavenly Mother said to S, "it can be more challenging if they are unfocused or rushing about their daily activities with many distractions." Our faithful need to come to us in humility, faith and quiet reverence so that in their clarity we may reveal these truths to each of them.

10. Raphael, after you include S's email at the end of your morning's journal entry, make this the end of your post 183. Name your post "War is Coming". We will confirm to everyone who seeks to know the truth of your record by our confirming Spirit.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message this morning. I thanked him to have been so close to me, and for he and Heavenly Mother to come whenever I prayed and asked them to come. I said I felt his peace and assurance, and knew all would be ok with my immediate family and me.

12. I then came to my private room in my house, and finished up this entry. I started my new day. I have lots of projects to do around here today.

13. Email from S on 1-16-2021 entitled "Desert Oasis":


I felt to share this experience from yesterday. I hope you and your family are doing well.

1-16-21 Afternoon

I came to my closet to pray. I felt to come to the desert oasis. I was next standing beside the desert oasis and and looked into the water. I sensed that Heavenly Mother was standing to my left. We both looked into the water together. I could see our reflection clearly. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, 'What do you see?' I responded, 'I see my reflection and your reflection clearly.' Heavenly Mother spoke, 'Because the waters are still, you can see both of us clearly. If the waters were choppy or there were ripples, you wouldn't see a clear reflection. When our children call upon us in quiet reverence, they are able to more clearly discern our spirit and whisperings. It can be more challenging if they are unfocused or rushing about their daily activities with many distractions. You read about Raphael recording our words that the current president would declare martial law, which would lead to civil war and unrest. You wondered if this was true. Look into the waters now, what do you see?'

I looked into the waters and saw scenes appear upon the water's surface. I spoke, 'I see people battling with guns at the capitol, fighting one another.'

She spoke, 'How do you know it is the capitol?' I responded, 'because I see the capitol building in the background where the men and the military are engaged in battle.' Heavenly Mother responded, 'That is correct. You will witness these events unfold for your republic is now being destroyed and will shatter before your eyes. Those who seek to uphold the republic now will be as a man who drinketh while he dreameth and when he awakens, is still thirsty. Or the hungry man who dreameth that he eateth, but he awaketh and is still hungry. Your republic will continue to fall apart until Raphael blows his trumpet while wearing the union crown and holding the celestial American flag. Many patriots will witness this event and cry for joy. The republic that was lost will then begin the process of rebuilding under our direction. Be at peace like this water as these future events come to pass. I bless you with peace amidst the coming turmoil. I leave you these promises and blessings in the name of Jesus Christ.'

I turned to look at Heavenly Mother and thank her for her message. She smiled at me and departed into the sky and was then gone to my view. I closed my prayer.

I just now felt to look up the scripture that was referenced in my prayer. It speaks of those who seek to fight against Zion. I thought it was interesting that Heavenly Mother referenced this to those who seek to uphold the republic at this time when its judgement has already been pronounced.

2 Nephi 27:3 –"And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion."

Nephi's Book of Mormon record of Isaiah has significant changes at the beginning of the verse compared to the Bible's record. (see Isaiah 29: 7-8)

Your friend,