D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 3, 2019, Sunday
1. I came forth to the fountain of living water located in front of God's temple in heaven. I drank some water from the fountain, feeling refreshed as I drank. I felt my mind clarify and become more focused on my own perceptions and feelings. I knelt on the ground just north of the fountain, facing God's temple in the near distance and with the three rivers coming forth out of the fountain. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. Jesus Christ came to me from my right, along the river that represented him, walking in the air. He wore his scarlet red robes. He was glowing in light. I felt great love from him to me! Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, I am the Great Redeemer of the world, the one who has suffered for all, that they might not need to suffer for their own sins and weaknesses, if they repent and come unto me. I have been chosen by our Heavenly Parents from the beginning, even when they began this eternity. I was the Firstborn of our Father and Mother, being the first spirit child of many. My name was Immanuel.
3. When our Father announced my commission as the Great Redeemer, before all our spirit brothers and sisters, he and Heavenly Mother changed my name to Jehovah. When I came to earth, I was named Jesus Christ (see Mosiah 3:8). All of my names mean in some way that I would redeem and recover God's children and ransom them through my own suffering.
4. I have fulfilled my commission to suffer, bleed and die for all who had or would come to earth for their mortal probation. My atonement covered fully their sins and weaknesses in their pre-mortal, mortal and post mortal lives. I have been filled with the love of our Heavenly Parents, even from the beginning, for all of God's children. My greatest desires have been to act in obedience to their every commandment and intention.
5. My mission as the one who atones for the sins of mankind has been fulfilled! My mission to save my brothers and sisters, those whom I have spiritually begotten through my power as the Great Redeemer, is not yet completed. My mission to cleanse the world of sin and wickedness and to come in glory to initiate the great day of millennial splendor is soon at hand. I wear these scarlet red robes to symbolize one of my last role and mission.
6. I work with my servants whom I have called, and the angels of God, whom our Heavenly Parents have called. With all of these, we will save the elect, and protect and guide them back to our Heavenly Parents! In time, our elect will receive all God has, and become like us, possessing our Godly powers and authority. All of my actions are motivated by the intense love I have for each one of God's children for whom I have suffered. I know each one, and with our Heavenly Parents, know how to succor and guide them best to receive all we wish them to become, even as we are!'
7. I looked into the very loving and compassionate eternity eyes of my Redeemer who stood before me! They were moistened with tears as he spoke–he loves us so deeply! I bowed my head before him in humble reverence for all he has done for us, God's children. I told him I loved him and I thanked him for his great example in showing love, so that we, too, may follow his life and teachings.
8. Jesus then pulled me up and embraced me in a tender godly hug. I felt his great love and compassion more keenly, and started to cry also, for joy in his great redemptive power to save and bless God's children.
9. I then found myself in my chair writing all of my experience this morning in my personal journal. I feel deep love and compassion for God's children! I feel the peace and joy of God in part by what Jesus Christ shared with me this stormy morning. I am determined to keep God's commandments and to follow the example of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer and older brother.
10. At church–At the sacrament, I took the blessed bread while my replicated self was on the little knoll overlooking the circling waters. I could see the distant temple to the west. I was kneeling there, and made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents who had come before me, coming from their temple. After I ate the bread and after I made my covenant with them, Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I accept your covenant today. Because of your sincerity and diligence in always coming before us, we will reward you with our Spirit, even the Holy Ghost, who I am and with our very presence each time you come to us in prayer.' The priest blessed the water and I drank. I then thought of Jesus Christ, my Great Redeemer, who freely shed his precious blood for me. I thought of the water that represents the blood of Christ.
11. I looked into the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who stood before me. They were smiling upon me and their light and love shone upon me. I know they live and have so blessed me today.
12. Later–I received an email from my sister K who had some questions. I would like to ask these to my Heavenly Parents and, in turn, write down their answers in my journal as they come to me.
13. Q1: "Do you think it is true what M.S. said in his podcast 11 that all disease is caused by Satan? I thought it just came with the territory of living in a telestial fallen mortal world. Not so sure that it is inflicted by Satan and his followers. What are your thoughts?"
14. Here are the exact words from podcast 011 on 1 Nephi 11: at about 51:20 on the podcast. First he (M.S.) reads 1 Nephi 11:31 'And he spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Lamb of God going forth among the children of men. And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God: and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out.'
15. M.S. continues, "As we've taught in other places, except in one place that I can find, the casting out of devils and unclean spirits always precede the healing of the sick. The reason for that is taught by the early brethren of the restoration, is that the sicknesses and diseases that afflict mankind are caused by devils and unclean spirits. And that once you cast them out, you've already taken the first step, a mighty step, towards the healing of their diseases and afflictions. President Brigham Young taught this in the Journal of Discourses, vol. 4, page 133: He said there was a direct connection between evil and illness. You never felt a pain, an ache or felt disagreeable or uncomfortable in your bodies and minds but what an evil spirit was present, causing it. Do you realize that the ague, the fever, the chills, the severe pains in the head, the pleurisy or any pain in the system, from the crown of the head to the souls of the feet is put there by the devil? Do you not realize this? But I say little about this matter because I do not want you to realize it. When you have the rheumatism, do you realize the devil put that upon you? But you say, I got wet, I got cold, therefore I got the rheumatism. The spirits that afflict us and plant diseases in our bodies, pain in the system, and finally death have a control over us so far as the flesh is concerned."
16. A1: From Heavenly Mother: 'M.S. is our servant who gives many truths he has received by revelation and from scripture. However, there are many illnesses, conditions and weaknesses of the physical body that end up in disease or malfunctions in the mortal body without the influence of the adversary. There may also be some illnesses, whether physical, mental or emotional, that are caused by the body being possessed by evil spirits. When these are removed, the cause of these conditions is removed. When trying to correct the cause of disease, it is helpful to inquire of us, your Gods, who will give you the direction on how to correct the ailment and help return the one afflicted back to health.'
17. Q2: "Is the tree of life the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as mentioned in the Garden of Eden?"
Moses 4:31 "I placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, cherubim and a flaming sword, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life."
Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." See also Alma 42:5
18. A2 from R: The tree of life was eaten freely by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It wasn't until they ate of the new tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that they were not to eat of the tree of life again. Once they had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the fruit caused a change in their immortal bodies, making them mortal, or soon to be mortal. Had they eaten of the tree of life at that time, in their physical and newly fallen state (or falling state), they would have forever lived in their sins, having transgressed God's commandment and not having time to repent. The tree of life is not the same tree as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was made available to Adam and Eve once they became adults in the Garden of Eden. Heavenly Father introduced them to this new tree, saying that he forbid them to eat of it, lest they would surely die. He gave them their choice, however.
19. "Does the tree of life have 12 different kinds of fruit? Revelation 22:2 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." (speaking of the holy city, the New Jerusalem)." Later–This is a question that I don't know the answer to and I am hoping our Heavenly Parents will answer tonight!
20. I came to the grassy area just south of the white gate. I was impressed to kneel on the grass, which extended to my left and right. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited. To my left I saw a movement and saw my Heavenly Father signaling for me to arise and walk to him! He was next to a hedge of bushes and some taller trees. I stood and walked up to him. He was smiling and seemed eager to talk with me. He asked me in my thoughts to remain standing.
21. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have asked you to come near these trees next to these bushes. They are two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. These trees are male and female so that they may produce fruit for our use. We planted the fruit of this tree in the terrestrial Garden of Eden on your earth once Adam and Eve were adults. They still lived with us in that paradisiacal state. When the fruit grew up to a tree, it was a fruiting tree, a female tree. We hand pollinated the blossoms from the male tree in our celestial world, that you see before you on the right (he pointed to that tree). The blossoms on the tree of knowledge of good and evil on earth became beautiful fruits on that tree. It was at that point that I introduced Adam and Eve to that tree, with my charge not to eat of the fruit lest they would surely die. Once they were deceived by Lucifer, they both ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit started a change in their immortal bodies, as you have correctly answered to your sister's question
22. I came again to visit Adam and Eve along with your Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. I asked Adam and Eve if they had eaten of the fruit of that tree. They both admitted that they did eat. I then asked our Beloved Son then to protect the tree of life from Adam and Eve, lest they again eat of that fruit and live forever in their sins. Adam and Eve had physical bodies of flesh and bones, which were now changing to mortal bodies due to partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They also began perceiving that the serpent really was possessed by Lucifer who lied to them, tricking them to eat. Eve was the first to partake and came to an awareness of the designs of the evil one. She also began to be enlightened by the Holy Ghost, your Heavenly Mother, that now that she had partaken, she would be cast out of the Garden of Eden, and Adam would be left alone as man in the garden. They would be forever separated. Heavenly Mother reasoned with her daughter to convince Adam to partake so that they could together bring forth the children of men and women on the earth, to experience mortality in a fallen world.
23. Eve convinced Adam, who had not yet been enlightened by the actions of the fruit. Once he ate, he and Eve realized too that they were naked, which they had never before realized. They hid when we came walking through our garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). I knew then, besides my gift of seeing all things, that they had both partaken of the fruit of the tree that I had commanded them not to eat. I had no choice but to drive them forth into the lone and dreary world outside of their terrestrial garden home. The outside world was telestial in nature.'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me these two trees of the knowledge of good and evil. He said that if I ate of the fruit, now that I had been redeemed and brought again into his presence, it would have no detrimental effect on me. I asked if I could partake, and Heavenly Father reached out to the female tree, plucked a fruit and gave it to me. I ate, and it tasted sweet and very clarifying to my mind. The effects were like drinking of living water, but had substance and was sweeter. I ate the fruit to the pit. I then asked if I should plant the pit next to the other two trees.
25. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, plant the pit of the fruit you have eaten where you are standing on the grass.' I planted the pit of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the grass. I easily dug a little hole in the grass with my hand. I covered it up and stood again before my Heavenly Father.
26. 'Raphael, the pit you planted will become a new female tree of knowledge of good and evil. I will have you transplant this future sapling tree, with other people that you choose to help you, to your celestial earth. This will be during the time that we divide the earth into inheritances for the faithful couple Gods. The tree that you will plant will be the sapling tree of knowledge of good and evil. It will have twelve manners of fruits, which yield their fruit every month, and her leaves are for the healing of the nations. This was spoken by John the revelator in Revelation 22:2. The current version reads that this will be the tree of life, but it was mistakenly written in your Bible. It should read the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That tree will remain on the celestial earth forever, as a memorial to the celestial Gods who live there and who frequent there. The memorial will be that this fruit is what initiated the past mortal journey of their first parents, Adam and Eve.'
27. I was amazed at this revelation from my Father! I felt so blessed to have been here with him tonight and to have learned first hand the wonderful story of these beautiful trees. I am so pleased to have partaken of one of its fruits, and to have planted that pit where I was standing. I felt so privileged to one day in the future be able to transplant this sapling tree to the new celestial earth where we will have our inheritance.
28. I thanked my Heavenly Father for being with me tonight and for what he shared with me! He smiled and I came immediately into my mortal body, writing all of this down.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 4, 2019, Monday
1. I thought more about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It must be a very slow growing tree if I just planted the seed and at the end of the millennium, when I and others will transplant it to the resurrected celestial earth, it is still called a sapling. I believe it will not yet have born fruit by that time. Maybe God will delay the seed from growing until years into the future?
2. My sister also had some more questions, about the priesthood and the office of high priestess.
Q4: You said in post 110, C-7, that your priesthood was "valid and recognized" but then who's is not valid and recognized these days, just the 12 apostles and presidency of the LDS Church? I am confused about whose priesthood is still valid and whose isn't.
3. I came this morning to the entry room through the front doors of God's temple. I came to the east side by a spruce tree next to the little channeled stream of living water. I knelt on the floor next to this tree and stream, facing so I could see the temple doors. I drank some living water and felt clarified in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Mother appeared before me, next to the spruce tree there! She was radiant and loving, for I could feel her love I received from her in her light that shone upon me!
4. 'Raphael, I wish to answer all of the questions you and your sister Rachael have. First, about the seed you planted last night. We will keep it dormant until Satan is loosed for a little season upon the earth, at the end of the millennium. By the time the earth is resurrected in its glory, and there is a new heaven and a new earth, this seed will have grown into a sapling tree about 5 to 6 inches in diameter, and will soon after that be ready to blossom and fruit. After you transplant it, you will be able to hand pollinate the blossoms from the male tree of life that you saw last night with your Heavenly Father. The tree is a slow growing tree that, in its glory in the celestial world, produces new fruit every month from the one yearly pollination that you will continue to do in eternity. This action of a yearly hand pollination will link these two worlds together forever, a remembrance of the origin of this tree of knowledge of good and evil.
5. I will now address your sister's other questions: A-4: When your Father withdrew his priesthood authority from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he did so from the men in the leading two quorums of the church, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The keys of the priesthood were also removed. Other priesthood bearers in the church could no longer exercise their leadership keys, for once the source of the keys was removed, all keys down to the ward and branch level throughout the church were removed also. However, for those men and boys who acted in humility and righteousness, their Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood ordinations remain intact and acceptable before the Father and Jesus Christ. They may act in their own standing in their priesthood authority and power, according to the office of their priesthood.
6. You were asked to ordain your son to the office of high priest next Sunday. This you will do by virtue of your own standing in your priesthood, by your own priesthood authority and not from the keys of anyone in the LDS Church, for those have all been removed. You have your own keys of the priesthood that have been conferred upon you to organize the new Church of the Firstborn. However, these keys will remain latent and won't be exercised in the ordination of your son.
7. D&C 107:10–"High priests after the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood have a right to officiate in their own standing…" This means you may exercise your priesthood without the keys of the priesthood. Were the keys still present, those who had been ordained as high priests would act under the direction of their ecclesiastical church leaders. However, high priests may continue to ordain others in the priesthood based on their own standing. This is also true of elders (see D&C 107:11). There are many righteous priesthood holders in the LDS Church at this time. They act in their own stead, as they are inspired by God, or as the Holy Ghost inspires them.
8. Q5: In post 110, C-14, Heavenly Mother says high priestesses can confer others. "Those who are high priestesses in mortality may confer their same power and authority on others of my daughters who have demonstrated a life of kindness, service, love and holiness. So technically, I could confer that power and authority, as a high priestess, to someone whom felt was worthy? (not that I plan to..!)
9. A5: For my daughter Rachael, who holds the office of high priestess, there will come a time that I will inspire you to ordain other holy women to the office of high priestess. You will know the decision is from me and not you. My power and authority is independent of any church organization. However, in the Church of Christ in the millennium, there will be a high priestess called in that church to work with the Bishop to advance young women into their office of high priestess. The ordination of women will also occur in the temple of the New Jerusalem by the female angels for any woman who has not yet been ordained as a high priestess.
10. Q6: In post 110, C-17, it says the order of high priestess was purposefully delayed until the millennium, but I thought Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wanted it bestowed upon women now and that is the revelation President Monson received but was rejected and that is why the current leadership of the church has had revelations from God withdrawn. Do you understand my query?
11. A6: The millennial day is now dawning upon the world and you are correct that we wanted our daughters to start to be ordained soon after the revelation to President Monson was rejected. Since that time, I have ordained you and some other female angels. This will continue slowly but surely, according to my will. When the full millennium comes in, then there will be a very large number that will be ordained by the female angels of God.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful answers to these questions and for Heavenly Father's answers last night. I knew my time in prayer had ended. I told my Heavenly Mother how much I loved her and how thankful I was to be in her presence this morning.
13. Evening–Tonight I prayed on the east side of the river representing Heavenly Mother, on the grassy slope. To my east are the lower garden areas of Heavenly Mother. I am not sure why I am here, but this is where I felt to come. I faced the temple to my west, across the river. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were walking arm in arm on the temple grounds, directly across from me. They saw me and then quickly came in front of me across the river! They both were smiling. They were radiant in light and love that came into my being.
14. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we have asked that you come on this grassy bank opposite our celestial temple. Our temple has been in that same location since the day, in our first eternity, when we created our celestial orb and planned where it would be. This was the first structure we had built in that time long ago.
15. Heavenly Father continued: One of the mortal angels asked by email tonight whether or not the continents would come back together before you begin building the New Jerusalem temple. The destructions and changes on the earth, particularly in the center of your land, will all be completed before you build. These mighty shakings of the earth will be when Nibiru comes and the continents move back into one land mass. Once all is settled, then we will inform you to start building the New Jerusalem temple area. Once the New Jerusalem center construction is initiated, the ground will be stable and relieved of stresses. The temple will remain in this location until the end of the millennium, at the time of the death of the earth. The temple and grounds will be elevated above the earth prior to the final burning of the earth. At that time, the earth will be resurrected to a glorious celestial orb. The New Jerusalem will then descend out of heaven upon this glorified earth, as explained in Revelation 21:10. It will be added upon so that there are high walls and gates. This same New Jerusalem temple will be the crown jewel of the beautiful walled city that will descend upon the resurrected earth (see more details in post 103 "More Light and Revelations, 08 Dec 2018)
16. The tree of knowledge of good and evil, whose seed you planted last night, will be transplanted downstream of the river coming from the fountain of living water, the same fountain that will have existed during the entire millennium. There will be the two trees of life on either side of that fountain of living water. Downstream, you will plant the sapling tree of knowledge of good and evil in an island in the river that comes from the fountain. The river will surround the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which will bare twelve fruits each month and whose leaves will be for the healing of the nations. (see Revelation 22:2) The resurrected earth will then permanently have a rotation around the center of our galaxy as previous resurrected earths also have their own orbits.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for enlightening me with their beautiful words of the future of the earth and of the New Jerusalem. They smiled again at me and then instantly were back across the river representing Heavenly Mother, walking arm in arm around their holy temple.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 5, 2019, Tuesday
1. This morning I came to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens, a little bit more eastward than I was last night on the grassy slope. There were flowerbeds galore; it was a very pretty sight! I saw and perceived all of this in my unconscious mind. I wrote what came into my conscious mind.
As I was admiring the beauty of the flowers, Heavenly Mother walked up to me! She had a flower in her hair and looked very happy. She asked me to walk with her amongst her blooming flowers. We walked eastward, arm in arm. She spoke: 'Raphael, some of our creations we have made for their beauty and fragrance. Such is the case with these beautiful flowers! They have the effect of greatly uplifting my soul and making me smile upon them. Oh, I love my flowers!'
2. We kept walking eastward, up into her garden. 'Raphael, if there is a time that you wonder what natural remedy to give the sick or the weak to strengthen and nourish them, then ask this of me. I have remedy plants in these beds whose plants are mostly on your earth. I will then bring to your mind the plant you may use to reverse the spread of disease, inflammation in the body, or any condition that may come upon my children on earth in their telestial mortal condition. Your knowledge of these remedies and their applications will increase until you will become an expert in their uses.'
3. We continued walking higher and higher in her lower gardens until we came to a forested area. There were unique trees that were all the same variety all around us. I didn't recognize these. We came to a bench on a path in these beautiful woods. Heavenly Mother indicated we should sit down here. We both sat on the bench, facing each other.
4. 'Raphael, do you have any questions you might want to ask of me?' I responded: 'My Heavenly Mother, what makes young people so motivated to strike out on their own when they are of age and to find a companion? Then what gives them so much energy when raising their children, thinking they will always be one eternally happy family? And then what causes them to forget their aging parents or even thinking of how they might feel. When they finally wake up to their neglect, their parents grow old and die. It seems to me this is the pattern in all families and individuals across all time and cultures.'
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have designed the physical human body to change as it grows into adulthood. The motivations to become independent of one's own parents, to strike out on their own and to find a companion of one's own age is part of the body system that we have created. There are hormones and other body triggers that change as our children mature and grow towards adulthood and older age. These are strong and propel our children to act in certain ways that we have designed. As they enter into new phases of life they sometimes forget their parents and their parents' needs, for so strong are their desires to make their own way and to find happiness with another. We have designed many phases in their own physical bodies for them to experience until they are older like you and can see more clearly their past life. Some may wonder why they didn't cherish their own parents when they themselves were busy raising their own young children. It seems during that intense phase of parenting, they only had focus on their own children.
6. The phases of life give us, their Heavenly Parents, opportunities to see how they act in their different stages of their mortal life conditions. We watch them in these many phases of life and can tell what they really desire as our children. The elect always have an inward longing to be with us and to draw close to us, their Gods. Even though they may not yet be awakened to the knowledge of God and our eternal plans for them, they live good lives, or have intentions to be true to their inner spirit that is trying to make sense of their life.
7. If these, our children, live to an old age, we will have fully observed how they have acted over the many phases of life. By the end, they have matured into the ways they feel most comfortable. We evaluate all of their cumulative actions to ascertain what they really want and with what destiny in eternity they should be rewarded. When they pass into the world of spirits, we continue to observe their actions and their desires.
8. Raphael, we are now in a time when we are awakening our elect to their true identity and to their relationship with us, their Gods and Heavenly Parents. This awakening is happening to all ages of our children, for the time of choosing us is at hand because of the events coming on the earth prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. We are using our servants and heavenly angels in helping us awaken the elect. We are also causing many changes in the earth as the world plunges into greater wickedness. There will be a greater polarization between the wicked and the righteous, and our children will need to choose whom they will really follow. Many circumstances will surprise and test them in their choices.'
9. I then thought of my own journey through life and how I have come to where I am today. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for always being close to me as I sought to navigate through the phases of my own life! Heavenly Mother smiled and squeezed my hand.
10. Evening–I came to the circling waters tonight to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I drank from the water's edge and then came back to kneel at the bench. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father appeared to me at the shore. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have been discouraged somewhat by the lingering sickness of your wife. You have been taking care of her for three days and it has been wearing on both of you. You have also repeatedly done energy work for her and have administered remedies that you tested were most important for her. Sometimes it seems like illness goes on and on. Your efforts to help her be well have been observed by your Heavenly Mother and me. We will help her get well in our own time and way. Sometimes mortal life can seem very tenuous and difficult. You have also cared for her only for three days. Some of our children on earth have very severe difficulties even for a lifetime.
11. Earth life in the telestial mortal world can at times be difficult to endure when there are severe hardships, sickness and situations that are hard to handle. Emotional, mental, spiritual and physical issues try the souls of men and women in mortality. These situations could never have been experienced in a celestial spirit world where our children lived in their pre-mortal life. We have sent them to earth to gain a physical body and to be tested and to learn valuable lessons from their experiences. For example, you are becoming more compassionate and attentive from your service to your needy wife. She is learning patience and longsuffering from an illness. These will be valuable lessons that you could have never learned from any other experience except in the times of mortality.
12. In all of your circumstances, you may still choose to think in positive and happy ways. This is not pretending you feel different than being down, but it is a choice you make to control your thoughts. When you choose positive thoughts, the positive emotions, feelings, actions and results naturally flow.
13. I told my Heavenly Father that I felt sheepish to be a little discouraged. I said I wanted to feel upbeat and positive, not down. I told him that I would revamp my thoughts so that I am thinking very positive thoughts. I thanked him for reminding me of these lessons I have previously heard and at one time learned from Heavenly Mother and him. Heavenly Father smiled and departed. I already felt better from his visit and instructions to me tonight.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 6, 2019, Wednesday
1. I came to heaven today at the large live oak tree at the west end of Father's wheat field. The tree seemed so majestic and strong, but I knew that the roots were dead. (R's note: Somehow at this time I saw the tree again before it had fallen! I must have yearned for it to be upright again, for that is how I saw it. I think that normally, without the "mourning" or anxiety I had over the fallen tree, like I have experienced, then most people would see the fallen tree with the roots up in the air. See post 108 E-29). I also could see a cloud around its upper branches. All the rest of the wheat field was in full sunshine. I knelt by the trunk of the oak tree. Inwardly, I was mourning the loss of such a beautiful tree, soon to fall in the near future.
2. Heavenly Father came to me from the other side of the live oak tree. He came next to me where I was kneeling and sat on an elevated root above the ground. In this very close and personal situation he talked to me: 'Raphael, you have noticed in your body, particularly in your shoulders, a lot of stress and anxiety building up. When you are ready for sleep at night, it seems like your body is tense and somewhat electrified with bouncing energy. This is partly because you have been mourning about the fall and demise of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Your worry and concern has been transferring into your mortal physical body.
3. Raphael, you can do nothing about the collapse and disintegration of the LDS Church, once like this mighty live oak tree. The roots are already dead and there is no more revelation from us, their Gods. There is now no worry or concern you need to have over the fall of our once vibrant Church of Christ.
4. Therefore, I want you to practice relaxing methods that will help ease you of your stresses. Light exercise, remedies that strengthen the adrenals, and foods rich in B vitamins and in nutrients, will help you in your physical body. You need to learn to continue to relax and let come what may, for you have no control over what we will do in these days prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. If you aren't able to relax and shed the stress from your own physical mortal body, you will continue to be stressed and less capable. Your Heavenly Mother and I will send some healing angels who are very gifted to help heal you with methods they have personally developed.
5. You may also mentally imagine releasing your stress. When you get in a meditative relaxed state, imagine your stress grounding and flowing into mother earth and gradually dissipating. You might also imagine yourself under a waterfall that washed into your body, thus eliminating your stress and anxiety.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words today. I felt very close to him. I also knew he so loved me to take time to address my personal health issues in my body. I closed my prayer and started right away doing what he asked me to do.
7. Evening–Tonight I came to the Father's wheat field again. I came this time to the fallen oak tree, instead of it standing like this morning! I wondered if these two separate times in the same day were just a view of different periods, past, present or future, which is so easy to view from the celestial platform or world.
I had received a very warm email from S.A. tonight. She also asked lots of questions that I hope to begin on soon, depending on what our Gods may answer. I knelt by the uprooted roots of the oak tree that were sticking up in the air. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or Heavenly Mother to come.
8. Heavenly Father appeared next to me, holding onto some of the roots with his hand. He was smiling and spoke to me: 'Raphael, don't be confused by coming to our world at different snapshots of the past, present or future! We may change these very easily. They are never an issue for us, for we know always where, in the infinite span of time, each one fits. The upright tree vision you had this morning was from the end of last year. That scene and snapshot of time seemed the best to address your needs and my revelations this morning. Tonight, I feel what I will discuss will best be presented with the mighty oak tree fallen on its side.
9. You have also noticed we have a habit to take you to the tall mountaintop, above Heavenly Mother's upper garden, where we show you and our people visions of the past or the future, although we never limit ourselves with a need to go there when showing past or present events. The eastern skies are generally where we show visions of the future and the western skies visions of the past. For example, we showed you in Post 54 all about the New Jerusalem in the future, by going into the eastern skies. Nephi saw Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ by looking into the eastern skies from this same high mountain. This was in a future day for him.
10. Time is one eternal round for us in our kingdom. It is strictly measured to our children in the flesh, for in the telestial world one cannot live in any snapshot of time, but only in the present. In the pre-mortal life, we generally kept in the present for the benefit of our progressing spirit children. However, they are so used to much longer periods or expanses of the phases of our works, that they were not attuned to the counting or measuring of time. They knew of events in the past, like the expulsion of Lucifer and his followers, and events yet in the future like the second coming of Jesus Christ.
11. In your telestial world, you are used to measuring in days, months and years. In our celestial world, we measure in expanses or phases. For example, this is now the phase of preparing for the second coming. Our pre-mortal spirit children know the end of their phase by whether it has been completed or not. On earth, you tend to think of years and measured periods of time. It would better serve you to think of this era as the time of preparation before the second coming of Christ and not how many years it might be before Jesus comes again. In either the celestial realms or in the earthly telestial realm, the work is the same: act in obedience to us, your Gods. You know not the day nor hour, so why guess or try to make up timelines and time-based predictions?'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 7, 2019, Thursday
1. I came this morning to the grassy plain where I had most recently seen the olive trees growing. I wanted to see again the same olive tree with both wild fruit and tame fruit. As I thought on this, that same olive tree appeared before me! I was impressed that by my desires I could bring up a vision of the past! I also felt impressed that this would be where my Heavenly Parents would come speak to me this morning! I knelt by the olive tree. I saw many branches with withered, wild olives. I only saw a few branches with strong, vibrant olives. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.
2. Heavenly Mother appeared at the overlook above me to the north. She soon came in a beam of light directly before me and the olive tree! She was radiant and full of light. She was smiling and full of love for me, and I could feel her acceptance. This was such a comforting feeling to me! Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have desired to see the tame and wild olive tree. I have brought you to this very snapshot of time that represents your very day on earth. There is a lot of corruption among the religions of the world at this time. That is why you see so many withered and small olives, for these have been cut off from the nourishment of the roots, by their own choices in life. Because they act in selfish ways and think more of their pleasures, money and comforts, they restrict our flow of revelation into their lives. These wild olives will soon be plucked off and cast into a place where they will then be burned.
3. S.A. asked a few questions I would now like to address:
Q1: "From your cover-up post 43, you said there is also a different standard of conduct by which the leading authorities of the church live by than that which is required for all the remaining members of the church. This is also not acceptable to us and needs to be corrected. What is this standard of conduct?"
4. A1: In the general authority level of the LDS Church, there is an elite club-like attitude where those in this group have greater privileges and honors than the lay members. This includes generous repayment for their time, repayment for all their expenses regardless how elaborate, depending upon their rank, travel in first class, and a tight social network of elitism. There is a feeling amongst these who are general authorities that their craft cannot be broken up, and that God somehow honors them more than the normal members. There is even a higher elite feeling and attitude among the Twelve and First Presidency, of their exclusivity and rankings. Some of these feign their position in self-aggrandizing ways, among themselves. Their actions are allowed and not corrected. We have departed from their circles because they are repulsive to us.
5. These attitudes and self-centered behaviors are generally kept secret from the lay members of the Church. There are also some amongst these who practice in their own clique, evil cult-like practices, including those who practice ritualistic satanic abuse, that are abhorrent to us, their Gods. In time, these will all be exposed.
6. We would want our servants and leaders to always be humble and self-effacing, to mingle continually with the poor and simple of our people. We would never want them to think better of themselves than those they are supposed to be serving. We wish them to labor without purse or script as much as possible in today's era, and to be modest in their expenditures and personal wants and needs. We would want them to continually seek foremost our presence, and not the companionship of conspiring men in any sort of an elite organization. They are akin to the scribes and Pharisees in the days of Jesus Christ when he upbraided that group (see Matthew chapter 23). Well did our son, Jesus say: "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." (Matthew 23:11-12)
(Note from R: I have received the above information from my meditations and prayers. I have prayed about this afterwards, for it has been very upsetting to me that Satanic Ritualistic Abuse could even happen among the brethren, in the leading councils of the LDS Church! I have thought to take it out from this post, but I truly am reporting what I have received. I receive this quickly and I write it all down. I never want to be the one to bring harm or accusations against anyone, particularly leaders that so many look up to and admire. It is all repulsive to me! However, I feel I need to keep the revelation complete, and state all of Heavenly Mother's words, without edits. I have never done any editing like that before anyway. I am reporting what I received. I have confirmed it all in prayer afterwards, and fully believe what I have written to be words from Heavenly Mother. I am so sorry if this has offended any of you, for that is never my intention. I have talked to my sister and we both feel this same way.)
7. Q2: You wrote "In recent years the cover-ups have become more pronounced and frequent. Those doctrines have been manipulated and changed to fit the desires of the leaders and have been left in place, largely uncorrected. More and more has changed over the years. Now it is to the point that the majority of the doctrines are affected, particularly those affecting money, power and control." Any examples of the doctrines affected?
8. A2: One example that has grown into a doctrine that does not resemble the original is tithing. This was initially given to bless our growing kingdom and church on earth, with monies donated from the excess of the abundance of our people. D&C 119:5 "Verily I say unto you, it shall come to pass that all those who gather unto the land of Zion shall be tithed of their surplus properties…"
9. The surplus properties have always meant those that are not needed directly for the maintenance and sustenance of our people. If a man had a large family and worked hard to sustain them, and there was no surplus, he would not pay tithing since tithing was paid on the surplus, not on the properties or monies needed for the direct survival of his family and stewardship. That was the law and principle of tithing in the beginning as revealed to Joseph Smith. The doctrine of the law of tithing in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has changed dramatically since it was first revealed in 1838. Nowadays, it is expected that any increase a member gains should be tithed and given to the Church. This practice keeps the poor poor and doesn't allow a man to adequately convert his labor to the direct support of his family. We who are the Gods of all our children on earth never devised a program to take from the laborer while he still had demanding needs. Once there was a surplus, then we asked him to pay one-tenth of that surplus.
10. The current law of tithing in the LDS Church gleans huge amounts of money from all the members, even from the poor and indigent who can barely subsist. This is not according to our revealed law of tithing. This doctrine has morphed and grown into a doctrine of man.' (R: here is a website I found that explains some of the history of the tithing changes in the LDS Church.)
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering these two questions and for coming to me today at the olive tree. She then reached up and plucked off a branch of withered wild olives: 'Raphael, there is a hymn that was removed from the current LDS hymnbook. It was called most recently "Though in the Outward Church Below" or before that "The Wheat and Tares". I will throw this plucked branch into the pile of other branches to be burned, for soon I won't need them. The message of this hymn applies to the parable of the wheat and tares and to the allegory of this olive tree with wild olives.'
12. Heavenly Mother then threw the branch into a pile of other dried and withered branches, soon to be burned. She then left and I was alone.
13. Though in the Outward Church Below
words John Newton
music W.A. Mozart
Though in the outward church below
The wheat and tares together grow;
Jesus ere long will weed the crop,
And pluck the tares, in anger, up.
Will it relieve their horrors there,
To recollect their stations here?
How much they heard, how much they knew,
How long amongst the wheat they grew!
Oh! this will aggravate their case!
They perished under means of grace;
To them the word of life and faith,
Became an instrument of death.
We seem alike when thus we meet,
Strangers might think we all are wheat;
But to the Lord's all-searching eyes,
Each heart appears without disguise.
The tares are spared for various ends,
Some, for the sake of praying friends;
Others, the Lord, against their will,
Employs His counsels to fulfill.
But though they grow so tall and strong,
His plan will not require them long;
In harvest, when He saves His own,
The tares shall into hell be thrown.
14. Evening–This evening I came to a little ways up the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I came to the stream from the north side and drank some living water. I then knelt by the stream and asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother appeared above the stream facing me. She was beautiful and her eyes were sparkling with light. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am glad to come to you tonight. I would like to continue answering S.A.'s questions she emailed you:
Q3: "As far as the cutting off of the LDS Church, why has it suddenly changed in 2014 if, for so long, there have been corruptions and conspiracies? Why not sooner?"
15. A3: From Heavenly Mother: Ever since the days of Joseph Smith the prophet, Lucifer has been influencing leaders of the Church to change doctrine and practices. We tolerated these changes but I gradually withdrew my presence as the Holy Ghost from the leaders and members. We allowed our presence to continue for our own purposes of maintaining a Church of Christ, and to grow the Church so that we would have a partially trained elect as far as the Church and its program could do. When we finally chose to sever the leaders from our revelations and the Father's priesthood, with their rejection of the revelation on high priestesses, there were many elect who had by then been groomed in the Church, ready for our next phase of gathering. Had we cut off the leaders earlier, we would not have had the elect so well prepared, under at least some of our revelations and directions that we gave to the Church leaders.
16. Q4: "How will people be able to move beyond the Church of Christ to the Church of the Firstborn?"
A4: From Heavenly Mother: With the restoration again of the Church of Christ, with true apostles and prophets, and with the Father's authority and with my authority being conferred upon righteous women in this church, we will give revelations to our new leaders, through Jesus Christ. These revelations will include callings to help build Zion, even the New Jerusalem. There will be others outside this church that will also come help build Zion. As the foundations of the temple and city are constructed, there will be a time when the temple will be sufficiently completed to perform the entry ordinance of the waters of separation. You, Raphael, and Oriphiel, will be the ones who faithfully do this ordinance, one at a time, for the elect whom our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ chooses and informs you of. Once a candidate receives their waters of separation ordinance, and their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, then they are admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. It will take one thousand years to complete these ordinances for all those elected by Jesus Christ for entry into his celestial church.
These members will all maintain their membership in the Church of Christ also, as long as they are mortal or translated and have membership in it."