136. New Jerusalem Temple Construction
Posted 9-19-2019

Hello friends,

This post has many topics among which is the unique manner of the New Jerusalem temple construction. More on this will be explained also in the next post. There is more in this post on the great importance of us to meditate in peaceful surroundings when we pray. We need to also let pass the negative from our minds, and dwell on the positive so we experience greater joy.

I have another request: I need another one who can type my journal entries on Sundays. I normally send over PDFs of these entries on Sunday morning that should be typed sometime during that day. You would type on a Google Doc. I will also need extra help for about four weeks in November (for 3-4 days of each week) when K will be gone.

Think about this and let me know! I would so appreciate an additional someone who can help me get these posts out!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal, September 8, 2019, Sunday

1. I am happy to have slept well and to be up and awake this early morning. I am glad for the daily pattern I have of freeing up my time to commune with my God in precious prayer time. I look forward to doing so again this morning.

2. I came this morning to the birch tree grove. It was spring-like here and I felt so relaxed in this heavenly environment! I faced the little stream in front of me and asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. Heavenly Mother's face soon appeared before me, but not the rest of her body. She was smiling at me. Somehow my unconscious mind did not see her entire body. She then spoke: 'Raphael, we may have all or part of our bodies revealed to our servants like I have only revealed to you my face. We control this all by our intention in our mind. This is how Jesus Christ allowed his finger to be seen by the brother of Jared.

4. Ether 3:6

"And it came to pass that when the brother of Jared had said these words, behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and touched the stones one by one with his finger. And the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of man, like unto flesh and blood; and the brother of Jared fell down before the Lord, for he was struck with fear."

5. In this instance, Jesus Christ intended that the brother of Jared see his finger as he touched the stones. Without his intention, the brother of Jared would have remained outside the veil. We who are Gods may show any or all of our beings according to our desires. In this case, Jesus appeared in the celestial realm from the higher celestial realm, showing his finger only. The brother of Jared had been brought into the celestial realm when he prayed to the Lord on Mount Shelem. He exhibited his faith in God by molting out of rock sixteen small stones and coming to the exceedingly high mountain to commune with the Lord (see Ether 3:1).

6. When the brother of Jared finally asked Jesus to appear to him (verse 10) and after Jesus asked if he would believe the words that he would speak, and the brother of Jared confirmed he would then Jesus Christ showed the entire body of his spirit!

7. I then asked my Heavenly Mother to appear to me in her full glorious body! I said I would believe all of her words that she would share with me today, for I knew she was my Heavenly Mother, my God, and always spoke the truth.

8. Heavenly Mother then fully appeared to me! She was dressed in a beautiful white robe of exaltation and was shining brightly before me! I felt her intense and clear light come into and through me as I knelt before her in the birch tree grove, just east of Lake Beautiful on the slope going down to the city of Enoch. Her light came into all parts of me and I felt very and enlightened and clean before her. I was so glad to be in her glorious full presence!

9. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, I have come from my higher celestial realms through this highest veil to show to you my full body. You are located in the celestial realm in your translated celestial body. We are speaking to each other face to face. I am transferring to your mind all of my words I wish to speak to you. You are able to hear these as your thoughts and then you write these very words in your journal while you are in a meditative state on the telestial earth, in your mortal physical body. This is how we usually appeared and spoke to you our many revelations.

10. We require our children who come to us in our celestial presence, to believe all of our words that we will share with them. You believe and write all of our words. We are then able to reveal to you more, for without your belief and faith in coming to us, we would feel very hesitant in sharing more of our truths with you.

11. As you continue to come before us in this same open and believing way, we will also continue to reveal all things to you. We plan to reveal all things gradually to you, one experience like this at a time, over the many days, months, and years as you continue to make the effort to approach us in a believing and open manner.

12. In time, your journal entries will become a compiled record that is very great and precious. Through you we will reveal all of our truths, even as fast as you are capable of receiving them.

13. In this entire process, we also desire that you live a normal, balanced life in mortality. We want you to not call undue attention to your actions, or your time of communion with us, for we wish your records to become very great even before we reveal them to our elect, except to those few you now share them with.

14. This same pattern you have established with us, in receiving our truths, coming into our very presence, and writing down our words, is the same pattern we wish all of our elect to do. As they too become open, believing and very receptive to our holy communications, we will also reveal to them our many truths. These will be similar revelations that we have revealed to you.

15. However, in the course of revealing all of our revelations to our children, we desire there to be a head through whom these revelations are accepted for all to receive and confirm. This is why we want every one who is now brought into our presence to accept you as the only one on earth through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes. The revelations to this church will come through you for now, even until Jesus Christ comes to take his position as the king and prophet in this celestial church and kingdom of God on the earth. Until then, we will give our abundant revelations, for being published and promoted in this celestial church, through you.

16. Many others will also receive our revelations and should also record them in their personal journals and records. These will become also valuable accounts of our revelations. However, they will not be canonized as official scriptures and revelations in the Church of the Firstborn. Your records will be accepted as our official revelations for all to read, ponder, and confirm by our Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.

17. Those records of our holy mortal angels, celestial servants and elect of God will make up a large volume of records. These may also one day be stored in the New Jerusalem library for they too will have so many gems of truth that our righteous ones may read, study and ponder and confirm as true with us, their Gods. Your records will also be housed in the same New Jerusalem library and also be made publicly available like the standard works of the LDS Church are now available to the members of that church.

18. There will also be records of the new Church of Christ that will be faithfully recorded and housed in the New Jerusalem library. There will be accounts from the prophets and apostles in that terrestrial church in a separate repository. Those that are accepted by the people as canonized will continue to be added to throughout the great millennium.

19. Your records will continue to be made available to our people as you write them in the millennium. The words of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that he speaks to the people will also be written and recorded by others and accepted as canonized as scriptures in the Church of the Firstborn. Thus will our many revelations continue to be poured out upon the world in this great millennial day! The words given through Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and great Redeemer of all mankind will become the official canonized records of the Church of the Firstborn once he comes on earth to reign. Your new records will continue to be shared, but will not have the status as canonized, as those from Jesus Christ and those from you prior to his coming into the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. This is consistent with our policy that there is only one head at a time through whom revelations come into the Church of the Firstborn.

20. Until the arrival of Jesus Christ into the Church of the Firstborn, you Raphael will be our spokesman and prophet for this celestial church on the earth. We desire that you free up your life to be able to receive morning and evening from us all that we desire you to receive until Jesus Christ comes.

21. Continue in the same pattern of writing down in your journals our revelations, and having them typed up by others, currently K and S.A.. Continue adding these regularly to your previous posts and indexing these revelations in one index, currently done through M.A., for easy retrieval of our words through you. When there are times of disruption in your life and the world and those who now assist you, we will give you other means to continue to receive and record all of our words.

22. This great work is the way we will move forward with our abundant revelations in these last days. Many records will also soon become available from faithful men and women throughout earth's time to date, who have written and hid up their writings to come forth in these last days. Many of these will be accepted into the new Church of Christ as part of their expanded terrestrial scriptures and historical records. When combined with our celestial records, found in the Church of the Firstborn, these will become very great, even to the overpowering of our sons and daughters in the flesh to read and receive. As they receive and study these, our many truths that we have showered upon our faithful, they will soon become accustomed to our revelations so that they are no longer overpowering for our children to read.

23. Ether 4:7

"And in that day (these last days in which you live, Raphael) that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations (these include your revelations we have given to you), saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words she gave to me this Sabbath morning in my prayer! I said I would act in humility and faithfulness, to do all she says I should do. I thanked her for fully appearing to me this morning here in the birch tree grove on her celestial orb. I told her I loved her so very much!

25. She then leaned over and kissed the top of my head as I knelt before her! She then immediately departed from my presence. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Here is an email I just received this Sunday morning from S. I really liked it and felt of its truth! There are many gems in this email also. I wrote him and he said that I could share it with everyone:


"I served my mission in Colombia. The people would always offer you a drink or bread when you visited their home. It was a tradition that almost everyone practiced. In a way they were saying, thanks for your time, I would like to give you something in return to show my appreciation. When people come to my home now, I often feel the desire to share something with them as I learned from the Colombians.

27. This morning I was reading my scriptures and then a portion of your journal. I do this daily and then pray and record my experience. It is my favorite part of the day. My mind is most clear in the morning and I find joy in this experience. I am grateful you record your prayers and share them with us. Part of me just wanted to share back with you to say thanks as I learned in Colombia. You don't need to share with others unless you feel directed by the spirit to do so.

28. 9-5-19 AM

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I next saw myself on a wooden dock, sitting there with my legs in the water of Lake Beautiful. I never saw this dock before and wondered why it was built. At this time a beautiful wooden ship with sails came towards me. My Heavenly Parents were both aboard and beckoned me to come. I never would have imagined Them on a boat. To my mind came the scripture in 1 Nephi where Nephi build the boat after the manner of God and not the manner of man. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind, " Nephi built his ship after this ship. He was shown in detail this ship and how to build it from the beginning. Few have seen this ship in mortality since they left their pre-mortal experience." I was thrilled to hear the wind hit the sails and hear the water lap at the sides of the ship. My Heavenly Parents were pleased that I found joy in this too. Heavenly Father spoke, " Many joys and beauties of nature from your Celestial home continue in your Telestial earth. The beauty of the sunrise, sunset, and the sound of water lapping the beaches from the ocean are a few examples. This earth of yours is patterned after your Celestial home in many ways. The beauty of nature will help you remember your home, and We, your Heavenly Parents, are never far from any one of Our children. We desire to guide, bless, and direct each one in their journey if they will allow us to with their agency. The coming days of darkness and tragedy covering the earth have been prophesied by many prophets. Yet even in the darkest hour of the earth, Our children may look to nature and see Our hands and feel Our presence." To my mind came a vision of great calamity on the earth through war and devastation but as I looked down, I saw a simple beetle moving about on the ground in its usual way. I recognized God's hand in the simple beauty of this beetle on the ground.

29. At this time I knelt before my loving Heavenly Parents. I felt to bow before Them and placed my face near Their feet. I was humbled and grateful to feel Their love. I then raised my head but was still kneeling. I thought of my wife and children and my desire to love them as my Heavenly Parents love me. They both put one hand on my head at the same time. Heavenly Mother spoke, "We bless you in your relationships with your wife and children that you can be more loving with them, even as We are with you." I was grateful for this blessing and my heart filled with love. This scene closed before my view and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

30. PM

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to the Celestial Temple where my Heavenly Father was waiting for me. He was standing majestic and full of love. He spoke to me, " You listened today to Raphael recount his dream where President Nelson fell from the stand and was taken away on a stretcher. You also heard the interpretation. You have noticed a different spirit both in the church and in conference. You feel our spirit strong in prayer and at different times throughout your day. In large part We have withdrawn Our spirit and support in the church. We continue to testify of truth but you have felt a noticeable difference. This happened during Christ's time on earth. The sincere, true followers of God noticed a spiritual change that prepared their hearts to leave the religion of their birth and choose to follow Christ. This was a tremendous break from their traditions and the religious belief of their day. We are withdrawing Our spirit now to prepare many to accept the changes that will come. We will guide by the gentle whispering of the spirit Our elect who hear Our voice and follow Us no matter what their culture, religious belief set or community may say. Our spirit will direct their paths and light the way and will speak peace to their souls. Our elect will hear Our voice and follow, even as early Christians heard Christ and followed." I was grateful for His message. He indicated that His message was complete and I closed my prayer.

31. 9-6-19 AM

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I waited. I heard water falling and hitting water. At first I wondered if I was to go to the waterfall but perceived "no." I waited and I was directed to the shores of Lake Beautiful. There was a heavy rainstorm with water pouring from the heavens. I next perceived myself standing in the storm and I was instantly soaked completely. I looked to my right and both my Heavenly Parents were standing beside me looking out on the lake. They were covered and soaked from the rain as I was. While looking out on the storm, Heavenly Mother spoke. I felt Her strong emotion in Her words and I began to cry. "Most of Our children do not listen to Our spirit in small things. How is it that We can share greater things with them if they don't hear Us or seek Us?" At this moment great lightnings and thunderings occurred but I was not afraid because They were both by my side. Heavenly Mother continued, "Great turmoil will soon blanket the earth similar to this storm. Yet at this time you have no fear, for We are by your side. Continue to seek Us diligently and We will be by your side even as We are at this time. Continue to be obedient and true to Our direction. We will be by the side of all Our children who diligently seek Us." I felt such peace and calm throughout my being. I turned to face both my Heavenly Parents and expressed my desire to be true and faithful in all things. They disappeared before my face and I closed my prayer.

32. 9-8-19 AM

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Heavenly Father's wheat field, specifically to the fallen oak tree. To my mind came greater clarity on the bark of the fallen oak tree. Heavenly Father was standing there next to me looking at the tree. He was full of light and majesty. He spoke to me, "Notice the bark on this fallen oak tree. In some places the bark has fallen off. The bark provided protection from insects, animals and the elements. It provided protection to the vital parts of the tree that provided nutrients to the entire tree. We are beginning to whisper quietly to many of Our children the truth of Our guidance being withdrawn from this organization. There is no need for you to share these things with others, for We will gently lead Our children along as We did for you. We will whisper to their hearts and as they humbly seek Us in prayer, We will answer them. We are preparing the hearts of Our elect to learn greater truths. We are preparing them to hear Our voice and follow Us. Those who hear Our voice and obey will be led into the great millennial day. They will be led even as Jesus Christ was led to follow Our direction and guidance. He did not follow man or the religious leaders of His day. Our thoughts and ways are higher than man's. (Isaiah 55: 8-9)

I turned to face Heavenly Father and we embraced. I expressed my heart's desire to obey and follow His direction always. He departed from before me and I closed my prayer.

Have a blessed Sabbath,


33. After church–My wife and I attended our local ward for sacrament meeting. I really loved the opening hymn "Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise". I felt invigorated by singing this hymn with the congregation! "Let Zion in her beauty rise, Her light begins to shine. Ere long her King will rend the skies, Majestic and divine."

34. I really enjoyed the sacrament portion of the meeting too, but the rest of the meeting was pretty much without the spirit, even though people said that the spirit was there in the meeting from the pulpit.

35. At the sacrament, I came in my mind to the little knoll above the circling waters. I faced the temple and knelt. In the ward, I heard the priest bless the bread, and then at the knoll I made my covenant to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I then ate the bread back in the ward. On the celestial orb, I saw Heavenly Father come from his temple and come right in front of me in the air! He was full of light and majestic. I looked into his deep eternity eyes, and then heard his voice in my mind speak to me, in my thoughts:

36. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

37. The email you received this morning from S was given to him from us, his Heavenly Parents. He wrote about how we are now removing more and more of our Holy Spirit and our Holy Ghost from the members of the LDS church. Our elect in this church are feeling more and more a withdrawal from the meetings that they attend in this church. They are now beginning to long for more and more connection with us their Gods, to feel and hear our still small voice, and to fully follow our directions. We will lead them away gradually from this church and the feelings that their leaders are led by us. This change of heart and awakening will come differently to each one. In the process, we will prove them to see if they will do all we gradually show them and prompt them to do.'

38. The water of the sacrament was then blessed back in the ward. After it was passed to me, and I drank, Heavenly Father continued:

39. 'Raphael, we will lead our elect to rely on us, more than their leaders in their church. Those in the LDS church particularly, they will need to cast away figuratively their hand, foot, or eye, or those who seek to lead them where the Spirit of God does not:

40. JST Mark 9:40-48

Therefore, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; or if thy brother offend thee and confess not and forsake not, he shall be cut off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.

For it is better for thee to enter into life without thy brother, than for thee and thy brother to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

And again, if thy foot offend thee, cut it off; for he that is thy standard, by whom thou walkest, if he become a transgressor, he shall be cut off.

It is better for thee, to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched.

Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or not trusting another.

Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.

And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out.

It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God, with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

For it is better that thyself should be saved, than to be cast into hell with thy brother, where their worm dieth not, and where the fire is not quenched.

41. Our elect sons and daughters need to decide whom they wish to follow, either their current leaders, fellow ward members or family member, or our Holy Spirit. As they follow us, we will give them more directions. In this way, we will collect our faithful elect into a state where they will know our voice and keep our commandments. They will then be ready to receive gradually our revelations that we have given to you. These individuals will be part of our elect whom we bring into the millennial day.'

42. In the evening–Today we enjoyed a very relaxing Sabbath day. I had a good talk with my wonderful wife about how active and busy we want to be. I think we reached a good agreement. We both just love being together and doing activities together!

43. Tonight at dusk the late summer air was blowing and the coolness of the fall time could be felt. We have an abundant harvest of peaches, grapes, plums, tomatoes, and tomatillos. I love this time of year at the harvest time!

44. I came to the celestial orb tonight. I felt I was on the southern shore of Lake Beautiful somewhere. The shore felt fresh and even fragrant, with much vegetation and many lake birds all around. I had gone bird watching with my wife and grandson last Saturday, and the shoreline smelled bad at Utah Lake, with not nearly so much wildlife as in the shores of Lake Beautiful I knew one day this area on earth would be cleaned up from its pollution, and be vibrant again.

45. I knelt on the shore of Lake Beautiful, and asked for God to come. Heavenly Mother then came walking from the west or left of me, coming directly towards me! She shone brightly to all the surrounding area, and attracted the many shore birds. They came around her, flying all around! She raised her hand and smiled at them! Soon she was right in front of me and stopped.

46. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, I love the many varieties of shore birds here on Lake Beautiful! Your Heavenly Father and I created all of them, and they know us as their loving creators! These are all resurrected celestial birds. They fulfill the measure of their creation, and have great joy, as much as is possible for them, in living here for eternity upon eternity. They populate on our earths their own kind also, and their species may still be found on your telestial earth.

47. Raphael, we have no pollution in our celestial orb like you have on your telestial earth. The air and waters here are crystal clear, and the water is celestial living water.

48. Raphael, tonight I wish to share with you more about this beautiful lake and our celestial orb. You read from S when he recently visited your Father and I on a dock in a wooden boat. Your Father built this boat from wood he had hewn from some of our living trees here on our celestial orb. This boat was constructed after the manner of God, and not after the manner of men. We have enjoyed sailing on the waters of Lake Beautiful for many eternities. We have revealed this boat to those faithful in need like Nephi, in each of our eternities, since your Father first constructed it. The construction is uniquely found in this celestial orb.

49. We have also revealed to your elder brother Gabriel, known as Noah on earth, how to build an ark. There is also an ark that your Heavenly Father built, similar to the construction of our boat on Lake Beautiful, but much larger. This ark is on the shores of our celestial ocean. It is not powered by the wind or by motor, but has a unique godly construction. We revealed to Gabriel how to build his ark after the manner of our ark here on our celestial orb.

50. You, Raphael, were shown in vision the Celestial New Jerusalem temple. This is patterned in construction after our temple by our fountain of living water. You will view this temple as often as you need when you will be commissioned to build this. There is not a New Jerusalem temple built on our celestial orb, but one we both have designed to be built by you in the Jackson County area on your continent. Each eternity has a unique design for their own temple on their earth, during their millennial era of peace. We often commission one of our archangel sons to build it after the manner that we ourselves design. For your eternity, you are the one we have chosen to build our New Jerusalem celestial temple

51. Each celestial temple on each earth that we have our servant construct, is used to perform the eternal temple ordinances for our elect children in that eternity. After its completion, it is resurrected along with their earth to stand as a memorial forever. All of our celestial earths have an eternal city with their own celestial temple where they each received the first of their eternal ordinances by our angels of God.'

52. I then saw in my mind our celestial earth, sometime in the future, when she would orbit around Kolob in the skies above this celestial orb. I saw how beautiful her light was, how well designed her structure was, and how everlasting and dear this temple would be to her inhabitants, the exalted couple gods from our own eternity.'

53. I then looked at my Heavenly Mother who was also seeing this same vision, and had shared it with me. She was smiling and in a pondering state too. I thanked her for coming to me this evening, and for sharing her revelations with me! I told her how much I loved her, and was so glad to be the recipient of such amazing visions from her and my Heavenly Father.

54. She then vanished and I was alone on the beach at Lake Beautiful. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 9, 2019, Monday

1. I came this morning to the celestial orb, to the desert oasis. I felt alert and clear, ready to commune with God whom I knew would share with me of his/her vast knowledge. This experience would be a revelation, for it will reveal to me a little more of the eternal worlds and the lives of the Gods. I will also be enlightened how to live life more like they live life in eternity. I feel so honored to have this experience twice daily!

2. I sat walking over the sand to the water from the bench. My bare feet were on the sand. I felt this was a great place to commune with my Gods!

3. I knelt in front of the oasis water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

4. Heavenly Mother then came upon the waters of the oasis, very bright and shining. I could see her light penetrate right to the bottom of the oasis. The fish and water plants seemed to know their creator was above the water, for they seemed to move faster. I saw a few fish jump out and back into the water as she passed by towards me.

5. Soon Heavenly Mother was right in front of me above the sand in the air. She was smiling radiantly, and I felt her love and acceptance for me in her presence and light.

6. She spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to continue sharing with you where I left off last night. While one eternity rolls onto the next, our birds and fish, and all of our creations here on our celestial orb, continue living on in a resurrected state here. They get ready to populate the next eternity, all according to our direction. These are in their prime state of creation, even as resurrected beings.

7. There are others of their kind that are also resurrected along with the celestial earth on which they lived in mortality. The celestial earths are filled with the abundant resurrected offspring of those found on our celestial orb. These in turn may make their way to the celestial orbs of our own descendant sons and daughters who also become gods, one day creating their own galaxies.

8. Our exalted children are also unique individuals, with their own tastes and creative styles. There is a wide latitude of choice for them to create their own galaxy, celestial orb, earths, and more of their own creations. They may go to others of the gods and see their own domains and creations. We share freely the offspring of our many creations with each other.

9. Our own children, however, always are made in our own image, even from the beginning of our first parent Gods. Even among these there is infinite variety of personalities, and looks, even in great variation of shapes and sizes. Each, however, is the beloved son or daughter of parent Gods. Each have been carefully chosen and created by the Gods in the same procreative manner as all of our children have come forth.

10. Our creative cycles constitute one continual eternal round, from eternity to eternity! We find deep satisfaction and happiness in the great experience of birthing, training and loving our beloved children. We particularly thrill in those who persist in choosing to become even like us, Gods in eternity! These, our elect children, have chosen on their own to follow us and desire our ways more than anything else in their worlds of progression. We pour out upon them our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost, and give them revelation upon revelation as fast as they are able to receive. They each receive a customized experience, tailored by us, their loving Heavenly Parents, so that their progression towards becoming like us may be complete and even to eventual perfection, even as we, their Heavenly Parents, are.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for sharing the truths of eternity with me this morning! I asked that I might be clear and receptive to her and Heavenly Father's revelations, and that I might be open to her every word. I said that I wanted to shed my current perspective of how things are if these are not aligned with her eternal truths. I want to think and act more and more like them, my loving Heavenly Parents!

12. She spoke: 'Raphael, I will bless you with my continued Spirit, and enlighten you so that your understanding and perspective will become very great, even while you live on the earth in a mortal state. There is also no question or wondering that we cannot answer or enlighten. To us, all is so clear and perfected in the way we live and do our great work, from eternity to eternity!'

13. I thanked her again. She smiled and was instantly gone. I now know that she just transferred herself into the highest celestial realm, behind that highest veil. I too know she will be by me during my day, even though I may not see or perceive her presence.

14. Evening–I came again tonight to the desert oasis. It was dark with a bright moon reflecting its light off the oasis. I felt lots of peace and tranquility in the entire area and in my soul.

I love feeling the cool sand on my feet. The sun must have gone down several hours ago, for there was no hint of warm sand anymore. I came to the water's edge and the water was still warm however.

15. I knelt on the shore and asked for my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come to me. I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both, elevated high above in the air on the opposite side of the oasis. They seemed to be holding hands, for they were a ways away.

16. Heavenly Father gave me a small prompting to come up in the air next to their side. I then thought in my mind to come next to my Heavenly Mother and to face the same direction as my Heavenly Parents. I then intended to do this and then I was instantly by her side! I was feeling pretty good about my skills to move about by using my thoughts.

17. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we both love to come up in the air above our celestial orb. We often come above our temple, above my wheat fields, above Lake Beautiful and above your Heavenly Mother's upper and lower gardens. We love the beautiful vistas we see from an elevated perspective! At night, we often come above large bodies of water and see the reflection of our celestial moon or our distant celestial earths that glisten like stars in the heavens above. We can now see this, our moon, reflecting off the oasis in front and down below us.' I looked at the beautiful reflection of the moon on the oasis with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We gazed on it for a minute or so.

18. Heavenly Mother then turned to me, holding my hand: 'Raphael, we have endowed all of our beloved children with a sense of appreciation of our many creations, particularly in their beauty and function. When you go out in nature and are surrounded by our many creations, and not those made by man, you will feel of the great peace and tranquility that exists there. You will also see our own handiwork in balancing all of our creations in unity and beauty. All nature, our grand creations, witness and testify of us, their creators, and our great skill and knowledge in making it all fit so beautifully together and live in such harmony.

19. Whenever you might feel stressed or pressured in your life, or just feel you need a reset, come into our creations on earth and be surrounded by them. This experience will settle you and bring our peace.

20. You might wish to come into our many types of forests, or into a desert like this one. You might love the beach or enjoy the soothing sounds of rushing waters from a mountain stream. There are myriads of nature locations throughout your beautiful earth where you may be immersed in our creations. All of these are capable in giving you the same great peace and tranquility you might be seeking.

21. Nature is another place where you might mediate quickly and reconnect again to us. Come here also to our beautiful varied terrain on our celestial orb and you will feel so very settled and blessed!'

22. Heavenly Father then came by her side and together they started walking away. Heavenly Mother turned and extended her free hand to me. I ran up to them and we three continued walking above the celestial orb in the dark of night. Oh, it was all so peaceful there with my beloved Heavenly Parents.

23. I then lost connection with my replicated self and came back to myself on earth, writing all of this in my journal. I thanked my Heavenly Parent for inviting me up into the night skies and hearing the beautiful description of nature from my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and also closed my day on earth.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 10, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came into my private setting in my home for prayer this morning. I realize I always go into nature on the celestial orb in my mind's eye when I connect again with my Gods. My temporal environment at home is soon forgotten as I immerse myself in the beautiful celestial world. I am glad I come to my quiet meditative spot on earth where I may launch into a world of celestial nature!

2. This morning, in my meditation and prayer, I came to the young mountain forest just northwest of the circling waters, down the trail. I came to the horizontal log and knelt next to it. I felt so revived and at peace in this beautiful setting. I felt I was alone.

3. I remember what President David O. McKay taught about meditation: "Meditation is the language of the soul. It is defined as a form of private devotion, or spiritual exercise, consisting in deep, continual reflection on some religious theme. Meditation is a form of prayer."

He also said "Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord."

4. I came into this beautiful mountain forest in a meditative mood. I felt great peace and beauty all around me. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

5. I then heard footsteps coming from my left from down the path towards the circling waters. I turned and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother coming to me up the path! I was so glad to see her again! She came right in front of me and stood, shining her bright light through me and to all of the surrounding area. I felt so clear and filled with her light, even like being transparent again! She was smiling and emitted great love and acceptance to me in her light.

6. 'Raphael, you are correct in what you wrote in your journal about meditation this morning! Meditation is a secret entry way to come back into our holy presence. Being in nature is also very helpful, for we have created nature in all of its great varieties to help our children feel so very connected with us. I am glad you regularly come to our celestial orb in your meditations, for the areas you come to pray to us are perfect places for us to unveil our beings to you. We may send upon you our holy light and Spirit, with our emotions and thoughts that we wish to convey to you. You may receive a fullness of our glory and truths in a beautiful connection with us here.

7. We love to see our children who approach us in prayer to come to us in a quiet, peaceful setting. Once they visualize in their own minds themselves approaching us in humility, we wish for them to look into their own souls. Questions they might ask include "Am I sufficiently open to hear whatever God might share with me?" or "Will I follow whatever God tells me to do today?", or "Will I be able to hear the voice of God in my own mind and heart, this still small voice, above my normal thoughts and concerns of my own day?"

8. As our children practice prayer and meditation, seeking for us to come and speak to them, they will one day be able to see our face and know that we live.

9. D&C 93:1

"Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and called on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am."

10. We require that our children be clean spiritually when they see our face and when we reveal ourselves to them. We therefore send to them our beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who has suffered for their sins and weaknesses. He alone is worthy to cleanse them of their many sins, shortcomings, and weaknesses. He will forgive them of their sins, and make them clean, every whit, so that they may come back into our presence. He usually introduces them to the Father and me. We then continue to guide and speak to our child through our Spirit. One day we will come to them more openly, like I came before you today. This is all based on our own timing and way, suited perfectly for our inquiring child.

11. We watch and observe our children on earth or in the spirit realms of the dead. We see what they do with their time and how kindly and Christ like they treat others and our own creations around them. We observe how much of their day they make room for us and how much they think of us. We see all of their actions from behind the veils of mortality. This all determines how quickly we open up ourselves to them.

12. When there is a particular trauma, hardship or emotional or physical upheaval in their lives, we draw near to our distressed children. As they approach us in the sincerity of prayer, we draw closer to them and reach out to them through our still, small voice of our Spirit. We comfort and bless them, often answering their pleas for our help in ways to bless their lives.

13. We also watch how diligent and persistent our child is in their prayers and yearnings after us, their Heavenly Parents. If they are constant, consistent, and full of faith, we will respond quicker than to those who casually approach us, or only come to us in their times of great need. Our celestial natural sons and daughters will want to be in our presence, and will be persistent in their pleadings to us. They will also change their lives to conform to what we ask them to do or not to do. Thus, by degrees, we will shape our elect children to a point where we reveal more and more of our truths, our light and guidance. We lead them individually, each one uniquely, according to our understanding and desires as their Heavenly Parents. Oh how we love and nurture our faithful who want to know us and to follow us, even above the pull of the world, their culture, their family, and anything else they may place in front of us. We will them all the joys of the righteous in time, even our very presence and the joys of eternal life and exaltation!'

14. Heavenly Mother was shining with joy and happiness before me as she concluded. I knew she was visualizing her faithful children in mortality who would one day awaken to them, their Gods. She, Heavenly Father, and Jesus find so much joy in their rescued children! This deep joy is what our Gods love to experience in us, their children.

15. I thanked her for coming to me in this, her lovely mountain forest, this morning! I said I would do whatever she and Heavenly Father ask of me, and will serve them faithfully.

16. She then started to fade away until she was gone from my sight. I knew she and Heavenly Father would be continually with me, however, during my day, even though I wouldn't see them.

17. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters next to the bench. I looked around and took in the great beauty and the very calm and peaceful feeling I had while sitting! I felt connected with Deity, even before they came to me. I believe my meditative state and my wonderful surroundings created this connective feeling.

18. I then came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt more clear and receptive. I then stayed on my knees and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

19. Heavenly Father appeared a little above the shore in the air on my left side! He was very majestic and impressive. I was so very glad to be in his holy presence.

20. He spoke: 'Raphael, when you unencumber your mind, and come to a beautiful place among our creations, like here on our celestial orb, you are in a perfect place and mindset in order to hear our voice in your mind and heart, and to come into our presence.

21. There may be other times when you pray that you will be in less than these ideal conditions. Since you have come before us this long time and because we have said to you that we would always be with you, then we too will answer your every prayer. You might sense danger, be emotionally upset, or be confronted with a very difficult situation, or any other issue, and immediately may call out to us. We will be by your side and give you answer to your plea to us. We will speak our words into your mind and heart.

22. Some days that you may experience are full of great enjoyment and satisfaction, and some are more difficult, filled with disappointment and other negative emotions. Control of your own thoughts is how to let pass the negative, and dwell on the positive. You may then be generally very pleased with life, even though you still experience hardships and trials. These times of difficulty come to all in your telestial world. You might think of life as part good and part bad, and that this is part of the mortal experience. Knowing how to deal with the bad portion will make all the difference in your life!

23. When a situation comes in your life, and you react to that issue, it often may get you upset. Then is the time to work on your thoughts. Usually the situation is beyond your immediate control, so there is no need to fret, worry or become stressed. If the issue is in your control, you then have power to correct it. In either case, whether it is in your power or not to affect a change, you can learn to be steady and happy in your demeanor. This is what we would like you and our faithful to work on. We want each of you to be calm and happy, even among turmoil and strife that may be happening all around you. Now is the time to learn to control your own mind, and not during times of stress.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words today. I felt I had recorded them correctly. I then felt his confirming Holy Spirit come into me, giving me the assurance that I had. I said I would work on my mind control so as to become happy and at peace much more of the time.

25. Heavenly Father smiled and then suddenly left. I closed my prayer and returned from the day and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 11, 2019, Wednesday

1. I awoke this morning to rain and to a feeling of so much to do today! I then came to my private room to pray and meditate. I want to release from my mind the need to get started on my day in mortality, and to fully immerse myself in meditation and prayer. I can put off the thoughts of so much to do. When I get to be able to start working on my day, I can just do one at a time until I get all done that I can possibly do.

2. I came to the celestial orb this morning, to the overlook of the green hill and grassy large field. I saw God's temple in the distance to the southeast. I tried to let my mortal thoughts flow away during this time of connection with God. I knelt and faced the distant temple, asking in my mind for God to help me release my thoughts of the upcoming day and to be filled with peace and assurance.

3. While getting into my meditative and peaceful state, Heavenly Mother appeared to me in the air in front of me! She was very bright and smiling. She seemed to be at peace and sent to me feelings of love, acceptance and peace–just what I desired. I very soon was filled with her same feeling of abundant light! I felt very immersed in her entire being and tranquility.

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, when you receive my peace and understanding, you are able to fully dismiss your anxiety over your day ahead. As you keep this settled feeling, you then may be more effective in keeping happy and at peace during the day. I will help you along to keep this great feeling of peace and capability to be able to meet life's challenges. It is good that you awoke and immediately came to us, your Gods, in prayer and mediation first, before starting your new day!'

5. She then shone her light upon me while I was kneeling before her. I started feeling very full of light and even transparent. I could look at every part of me and feel any anxious feeling depart, being replaced with confidence and peace. I thanked my Heavenly Mother before me for this great gift she had just bestowed on me! I told her how much better I felt!

6. These scriptures then came into my mind: John 14:27–"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

7. Also Isaiah 35:10–"And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."

8. And finally D&C 136:29–"If thou are sorrowful, call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be joyful."

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke again; 'Raphael, it is well that you have come unto us your Gods in prayer and desire, seeking to be relieved of your anxiety for the day ahead. I have answered your request by sending to you my peace and confidence. You now feel entirely different than you did at first! I will give you of my peace throughout your day, since you asked me to help you.'

10. I then realized again how much our mind and feelings control our life. I want to keep these feelings of clearness, peace, assurance and confidence, and knowing this is a great gift from God, and not from myself.

11. I realized too that my state of mind is according to my efforts to settle down and also to call upon God to help me. I have felt her peace come upon God to help me. I have felt her peace come upon me so completely that my mind and entire being have changed in perspective! I have now no more anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed by all that I need to do today. Instead I feel happy for the things I may do, for I choose them and want to accomplish good things today. What a blessing it is to have activity and the ability to do and act!

12. Heavenly Mother spoke–'Raphael, we want you to learn the secrets of keeping happy and positive! Your Heavenly Father and I will help you along in your daily mortal life and struggles. Call upon us daily, give us time in your life to connect with us in prayer, and we will greatly help you and enhance the quality of your life. We will fill you with our peace and love so that your mind will be positive, happy and full of assurance and peace. We desire all of our faithful to do this! We will be by their side, just like we are by you, even throughout their days. When trouble comes, they will find peace and confidence in us, and will meet life's challenges in our positive Godly way. They need to work on their own mind control themselves, then ask us to help them. In this way, they will receive and learn these positive patterns of living.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and the gift of feeling at peace today that she has given me! I said how much I loved her, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son.

14. Heavenly Mother then quickly vanished. My prayer had ended, but her presence was with me, for I felt her nearby. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my day.

15. Evening–My day has been one thing after another with hardly any breaks. However, I kept my attitude positive and happy. There were some unpleasant things and some unexpected things, like work emergencies, but all in all, I felt it was a great day. I just finished cutting and freezing two gallon sized freezer bags of peppers and started 8 trays of garden tomatoes in the food dehydrator. This has been a great day!

16. I feel very grateful for the shift in my attitude I experienced from my Heavenly Mother during my morning prayer. This happier state has stayed with me all daylong. I think mind control for one's own mind is so very important! I really never learned this until only a few years ago. I know that life goes on with us being in a happy or sad state, and nothing outside of us is very much affected, but we ourselves are very deeply affected! So why not control our mind to be happy and positive, and let the world do whatever it will do?

17. Tonight I came to the forest just north of the Great Assembly Hall. The forest was densely populated with large trees and was in deep shade. I saw a path from the Assembly Hall past the bench to the north and then into the woods.

18. I felt to walk along the path to the north, deeper into the woods. I walked for five minutes or so and then saw an opening into a meadow of some sort. I then realized that just beyond this was the habitation of the Refugees of Lucifer. I therefore stopped on the edge of the meadow and knelt to pray. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I had no knowledge of why I came here, but I felt this is where I should pray.

19. Heavenly Father then came walking on the same path I had come from the woods! I felt I was the only one who could see him there. He walked right up to me and extended his hand. I stood and as we walked along the worn path into the meadow, he spoke:

'Raphael, we are going to see how the Refugees of Lucifer are doing! They will not be able to see us, for I have brought you into my highest celestial realm.

20. Last January 2019, you were told by me about the Refugees of Lucifer that had been ransomed by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son (see post 109B1-109B23). There are now about 1.2 billion refugees, with numbers coming to Jesus Christ daily. These still remember your strong words to Lucifer and all of his evil hosts. They have seen many of their numbers come to the light, even to Jesus Christ, and never return. They know that those who left are no longer in the grasp of Lucifer and assume they are with Jesus Christ and his followers. This has given many of them hope that they too might escape the very evil grasp of Lucifer, to whom they are continually subjugated.

21. As the new refugees come here to our celestial orb, they come to those of their number who have previously escaped Satan's grasp. These converted refugees love and succor their new members, helping them adjust to their new surroundings. They have all been ransomed by Jesus Christ and are cleansed, every whit, from their many sins. They are all now on a path to recovery and healing! Since they have been made clean by the sufferings of Jesus Christ, they are permitted to come back into their celestial heavenly home from whence they left many millennia ago, with their leader and deceiver, Lucifer. They now know of their very drastic mistake and error, and are on a path to correct their course and move on to progress towards eternal life.'

22. We were coming upon the settlement now and we walked right among them. I knew they couldn't see, perceive or hear us. I saw a very caring and loving people! They were all working or helping every one in their community to feel at home and be comfortable. I thought they were more concerned about the others than themselves! I saw how kindly and generous they were with their own time and resources. It seemed to me they were truly a Zion people! The group consisted of men and women. They all wore white robes, typical of pre-mortal spirits.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, let us now go to their Sabbath meeting! This will be in buildings built for worship. We have instituted the sacrament among them and have conferred on some of their male leaders my priesthood so that they can bless and administer this ordinance to their congregations. They bake their own bread and grow their own grapes to make wine just for the sacrament. Come and see!'

24. We then came instantly into one of their places of worship, a simple rectangular building. There were benches on which all could sit. There was a podium of sorts at the front for the speaker or the priest to address the congregation. I knew we were in this building last Sunday during their worship service. Heavenly Father and I stood in the top front corner of the meeting hall during their meeting.

25. After an introduction and welcoming comments, they all sang a hymn that I was unfamiliar with. Then they all bowed their heads and the priest blessed the broken bread. He and the other priests then passed the bread in trays, very similar to how the sacrament is passed in modern LDS sacrament meetings.

26. What impressed me was the deep reverence with which the Refugees of Lucifer expressed during the passing of the bread and wine! Many were very moved by this experience. I could tell they were since I also felt the Spirit in abundance in this meeting.

27. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, these ransomed souls have come to us, their Gods, with such deep humility and repentance, that we have poured out our Holy Spirit upon them in abundance! Oh, your Heavenly Mother and I are so very glad they have repented and are again back on our celestial orb, out of Lucifer's grasp!'

28. I had never been in such a moving and spirit filled sacrament meeting since coming to earth! I expressed deep gratitude to my Father to have shown me these people and their deep gratitude and reverence to them, their Gods.

29. My vision then ended, and I was back on earth writing all of this down. I feel so grateful to have experienced such a marvelous glimpse into the lives of these truly converted saints!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 12, 2019, Thursday

1. I awoke to the temperature outside down to 40 degrees F, which means fall is soon upon us! We need to harvest more from our garden before the first freeze. I guess summer is pretty much past too.

2. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake. It was so beautiful and peaceful here! I wondered why almost everywhere I go on the celestial orb, I feel I am alone. I hardly ever meet anyone else except God here on their celestial orb.

3. I walked to the shore and drank living water from my cupped hands. I returned to the bench, knelt and faced the lake. I felt prepared to visit with one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I asked for them to come, and then waited. I turned and saw Heavenly Mother in the meadow of irises behind me! She was walking among the beautiful flowers, smelling them. She then looked up at me and gave me the impression in my mind to come to her.

4. I stood and traveled the short distance. As I approached, she asked me in my thoughts to smell a few of these very fragrant flowers too. I did so and was amazed how the smell was very moving to me–so heavenly! She smiled upon me and we came together to the bench in front of the lake. She invited me to sit and then she sat next to me!

5. She spoke: 'In our celestial world, the fragrant smell of flowers are much more deep and concentrated than on your telestial earth. The fragrance here may bring up happy and peaceful feelings in your heart. That is what happened to you when you smelled the irises. Their beauty surpasses that found on the earth too. Oh, I love my flowers that I have created and have grown here!

6. You wondered earlier why we hardly ever see anyone here on our celestial orb? There are so many now who are resurrected or translated to a celestial level of glory who live here. However, we have given all of them assignments now to labor on the earth at this time. These are working in the celestial realms of the earth and act even as we direct them. If we do see another here, they too are likely praying and want to be alone with us here in their own meditations and prayers. When we gather them together for an assembly meeting, there are millions upon millions of them!

7. Our celestial orb is also very large, much more than the earth. You travel where you wish in an instant, but there is much land and water we have created to accommodate all.

8. In the millennium, we will have many who have been resurrected from the earth who will have received their celestial eternal ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple and await here until the end of the earth. These will become a vast number, and will all be here when the earth dies and is resurrected. We will then bless them each with their final sealing ordinances, one couple at a time in our celestial temple. They will next be ordained to be couple gods in eternity. We will take each couple to the new lands of their inheritance on the resurrected earth. This will become their initial land where they will begin their eternal life together.

9. Soon after this, our celestial orb will become empty of our children, for all will have gone onto their own glory or eternal destiny. Then we will close this eternity and begin planning and creating the next one.

10. The beautiful creations here will largely all remain here for the next eternity, to be an abode for our next set of our spirit children. Our irises we have just smelled are all resurrected, and have been located on this same hill for many eternities! This is true also of our celestial living water, atmosphere, and all the other many plants and animals that live here in their eternal state of perfection and felicity.'

11. M.A. had a question that she asked you yesterday that I would like to answer.

"Question: When was the Jerusalem of old taken up into the atmosphere?

Will Enoch's landmass not be returned until the end of the millennium? I was thinking it came back at the beginning of the millennium."

12. We have explained part of the landmass movement between the celestial orb and the earth in your post 68E6-68E11. The Jerusalem of old was on the earth during the early days of the life of Abram, but was taken up off the earth with Melchizedek, the great high priest. This landmass, including the city he and his people built, was originally named Salem, the city of peace. It became known as Jerusalem when it was taken. It came to the northern part of the city of Enoch on our celestial orb. The people merged with those of Enoch's group, and were all translated and had the same mission. Enoch became the leader of all this entire group. When Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, and found a lamb caught in the thicket, he offered this sacrifice where the city of Jerusalem had been.

13. When the city of Enoch and Jerusalem of old come back to the earth, these landmasses will return as one to where the Gulf of Mexico is located. This will be at the beginning of the millennium as described in Moses 7:62-64.

14. Moses 7:62-64

"...to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City (the New Jerusalem), that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming (Jesus Christ); for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem.

And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other;

And there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion, which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made (from the celestial orb where it is now temporarily located); and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest." (comments added in parentheses by Heavenly Mother)

15. The landmass that came to the earth with Lucifer and his hosts who rebelled and were cast out of heaven, will return to the celestial orb when the earth dies at the end of the millennium. It will fill the large valley that it originally came from to the west of Lake Beautiful, making it a more level piece of ground. This was the area where the city of Enoch and the Jerusalem of Old now are located.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her descriptions of these things! I told her how much I loved her and Heavenly Father, and would always do their bidding. She smiled and then vanished. I felt assured she would be with me all my new daylong.

17. Evening–This has been a very happy and productive day. I have worked up until 11:30pm unfortunately, later than I wanted to, and have little time left before I get too tired. We are in the throws of moving our business into our home, which is a very large effort in itself! I came tonight to the circling waters where I knelt by the shore and prayed to God. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

18. Heavenly Father appeared to me! He was majestic and very peaceful and smiling. I looked up into his deep eternity eyes. He then spoke:

'Raphael, you are keeping very active in your current life, and working hard. You have also been working diligently getting your posts published, your index updated, and your new journal entries edited in preparation for their publication online. You are feeling happy and are productive. We are giving you lots of tasks to juggle so that you may gain skills of getting many tasks done, and also keeping your mind happy and positive. These skills will be required for you when you come to the New Jerusalem temple. You will orchestrate many people who will assist you. Your happy and cheery attitude will infuse into them, and they will grasp the great spirit that will accompany all who work on our temple there. You will work with angels, resurrected beings, translated being, and mortal beings–all working together to build the celestial temple on the earth!'

19. I asked my Father how there would be mortal beings who will work in constructing the celestial temple?

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the ground that is telestial will be in an area where lots of upheaval will have occurred from earthquakes and flooding. This telestial area needs to become drained and solid again, so that it will eventually become a grassy park area. The celestial realm where the temple will be located will be superimposed on this telestial park area. Living water will also come from the earth and need to be diverted into the rivers and waterways, both on the telestial earth and on the celestial realm. Once it will be flowing, and the land drained, this land will be elevated to a terrestrial earth, by virtue of the living water that flows on its surface.

20. All of this land work will need mortals to work in this area. You will supervise these as well as other beings who can enter and work in the celestial realm.

21. The construction process of the New Jerusalem temple will be after the manner of God, and not after the manner of man. We will show you daily how to manage all of this, and by what means we will use in its construction. There are many skilled workers, artisans, and great craftsman who will be at your service, who are resurrected or translated celestial beings. These will all do their work based on the visions and revelations we give to you, and that you in turn assign to them. We will work all of this construction through you, our son!

22. Be not apprehensive of this great work that we have planned for you to do! You are learning certain important skills in your daily life even now, but will also gain much more as they are required. You will also have the blessing of a merged mind (conscious and unconscious), and the ability to replicate yourself in this work. You will therefore not feel so overworked as you might feel now in your mortal life. This mortal experience you gain will carry forward into your work in the future at the New Jerusalem!'

23. Heavenly Father then smiled and quickly left. He gave me confidence and purpose in what I am doing, even now, to learn the skills I need to that day in the near future.

24. I thanked Heavenly Father and said I would do all he said. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and then retired to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 13, 2019, Friday

1. I awoke after a deep sleep, and am ready again to get going on the day. I feel positive and capable to all that needs to be done today. I feel meditative and in tune to my unconscious mind.

2. I came to the treetops of a fir forest, somewhere on the celestial orb. I think I am not far from the buttercups, above a forest southeast of the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I am not sure why I am here, but I am sure God has a hand in it, since this is where I feel to be. There were rolling hills all around, and all is heavily forested. I saw a path through the trees going southwest below me. It was a very pretty place to come pray! I saw a pair of hawks soaring in the sky above me. There was also a fog bank to the south that looked like it was diminishing, for the celestial sun was warm on my back and head.

3. I knelt in the air at the treetops, and started my prayer. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would come here soon.

I waited for only a few seconds, and then saw a light start glowing in the fog bank, and then emerge! Heavenly Mother was brightly shining as she came forth in the air to me above the treetops! She was radiant and smiling!

4. She came right in front of me and immediately started to speak to my mind, in my thoughts:

'Raphael, we are near the field of buttercups that are still in the fog below. I love coming to various places and elevations in the air, either on the ground or at higher elevations like the treetops that we are in this morning. I am glad you made your way here, based on my subtle promptings to you.

5. Raphael, I would like to elaborate more on what your Heavenly Father spoke to you about last night, concerning your future mission in building the New Jerusalem temple.

6. I had given you an answer to M.A.'s question about who is the branch in Isaiah 11:1, in your post 54B3 to 54B7. Also in Zechariah 6:12 he speaks of you in your role as the Branch:

7. "And speak unto him, saying, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place (this means in the land where you currently live, as a seemingly normal person), and he shall build the temple (the New Jerusalem temple) of the Lord." (comments added by Heavenly Mother).

8. Raphael, you might find it unusual to commune with me just above the treetops on my celestial orb. Likewise, you and others might find it peculiar to build a New Jerusalem temple over a very devastated area, with future large cracks and flooding on the land, where one can barely walk. We will, nevertheless do as we will direct you, even by our continual connection to your unconscious mind by our still small voice. You are our Branch, the one commissioned to build the New Jerusalem celestial temple!

9. Others have seen the terrestrial temple complexes in vision in the New Jerusalem city, but none except you have seen in the past before we showed you the size and particular shape of our New Jerusalem Celestial temple (see your post 54Q6 to 54Q13). Your initial sketches are accurate. All of your future construction work on the temple, the fountain of living water, the two trees of life, and the temple gardens and celestial area were designed by your Father and I, even prior to the spirit birth of Immanuel, our Firstborn Son. We so look forward to this era of redemption and the eternally binding ordinances done in this temple for our elect children in each eternity!

10. The design and overall shape and size of your own celestial temple for this eternity is unique among all other celestial temples on the now other resurrected celestial earths. These also have their own temples that were resurrected along with their resurrected earth. We are able to resurrect a particular celestial building so that it may last into eternity, for all else built on the mortal earth except for this temple will be consumed in time.

11. When we resurrect the New Jerusalem temple, we are able to do so because the elements for constructing the temple will be taken from the earth, in her celestial realm. We created this celestial realm on the earth in the beginning, even in both the spirit and physical days of creation when the earth was created. We created all the large pieces of rock and stone that you will retrieve with our celestial servants from the celestial realm on the earth where we placed them during the days of the earth's creation. These pieces include large one-piece sections of the parts of the New Jerusalem temple like floors and walls. These are both spiritual and physical, all hidden from those on the earth in the celestial realms on the earth.

12. There are also all of the other items needed to adorn the entire celestial temple square area that you will find in our celestial realm on the earth. Some of these sections or items need our celestial craftsmen and artisans to work on them once they are in place.

13. The celestial temple will be resurrected since it has the spirit of the earth and the physical components of the earth. They will not die when the earth dies, however, for these parts of the earth are already celestial. The intelligence of the earth is within the temple structure as well as in the earth. The temple will resurrect as part of the earth's celestial resurrection, and will endure forever in glory on the earth, even as we have designed from the beginning.

14. Even though the physical earth will die, the celestial temple on her surface will not die, but be raised up in celestial glory above the earth, when the earth finally dies. There will be no need for the temple to even be quickened to a celestial glory, for the temple will be continually in the celestial realms of glory even from its construction at the New Jerusalem area on the earth. This temple is the only things that will not die when the earth is resurrected, for all other living beings like the earth, all of her plants and animals, the water and atmosphere, and all of our beloved children must rise from the dead before becoming either telestial, terrestrial or celestial resurrected beings. The temple will be celestial from the beginning. It will be resurrected, however, at the end of the world, and will transform without death into the New Heaven and New Earth, just as it was originally constructed by you, Raphael.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her glorious revelation this morning! I feel humbled to have been chosen by her and Heavenly Father as the one to orchestrate the construction of this New Jerusalem temple! I said I loved her so very much, and felt very privileged and honored to receive again today.

16. She smiled and retreated back into the fog nearby, and was gone from my presence. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

17. Evening–Tonight I came to the western shores of Lake Beautiful, near the entry steps to the Great Assembly Hall. The full moon was out, looking so beautiful on the lake with its reflection. The light was very white all around, like on earth when the moon shines.

18. I knelt on the beach and asked for Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. I looked up at the moon, so full and white against a dark sky. While looking up, Heavenly Father came next to me so quietly. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, isn't this such a lovely place, here on the shores of Lake Beautiful!'

19. I turned to my left side, then to my right and then saw him there! He was subdued in the light coming from his being so as not to overshadow the brilliance of the moon. I turned to face him directly on my knees.

20. I then asked my Father this question:

'Father, when I am in the New Jerusalem area, will the temple be made out of physical materials that we find in the celestial realms on the earth, or will there be anything brought from the telestial or terrestrial earth to build it? Where are these large single pieces for the floor and walls located? How are these kept hidden from those in mortality?'

21. Heavenly Father answered: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I created the floors, walls, ceiling and roof, all from our own celestial orb. We have large areas where we quarry temples like this, including our own celestial temple not far from here. These large stone slabs have been cut and moved to the earth in safe repositories on the earth, in her celestial realm. These were placed in the celestial realms around the earth. Once they were moved, they became part of the earth and no longer part of our celestial orb. This was therefore a permanent transfer of the cut stone material from the stewardship of our celestial orb to the stewardship of the earth. The very intelligence of the earth then took possession of the cut sections of stones. These sections will always remain celestial, even though the earth itself has never as yet been celestial, except when she was created as a spirit earth.

22. The celestial cut sections for the floor, walls, etc., that are in safe repositories are all physical rock matter, cut and polished. These need to be assembled by you and our other celestial workers. We will show you at the time exactly how to assemble the temple from all of the pieces we have in safe repositories.

23. The locations for these are in celestial realm areas near Jackson County, which is superimposed on that area. They are in large rooms we have built to hold these items. You and your workers will command these pieces to be placed where they need to go, by our power, and they will respond. It is really the spirit of the earth now who has stewardship of these large rock slabs. She, the earth, will respond to your every command, for this is part of your commission that the earth recognizes. The earth will adjust gravity in the movement of these slabs until they are all in place and secured. Again, the construction of our celestial New Jerusalem temple will be after our directions and manner of construction and not mans'.

24. These large slabs are hidden from the view of anyone on the earth because they are located on the celestial realms on the earth. There are now two veils that hide these from those on the earth. Those who work in the celestial realms of the earth may not see them either, for access is granted only to you who have these keys. When the time comes and we command you, you will then be brought to the large rooms where these celestial rock slabs are stored. It will be at that time that you and our other celestial servants will begin work on constructing this temple.

25. The transfer of the stewardship of these rock slabs from the celestial resurrected orb to the earth, which is not yet resurrected, will necessitate that the completed temple be resurrected at the time the earth is resurrected. Even though the pieces of the temple used to be part of the resurrected celestial orb, they are no longer resurrected since the transfer of the stewardship. When the earth is finally resurrected, the temple, which is now part of the earth's stewardship, will also need to be resurrected. Both the earth and the New Jerusalem temple will then endure eternally, worlds without end, in celestial glory.

26. We have transferred the pieces of our other celestial temples for other earths in other eternities in a similar manner. Whenever this is done, and transfer of a part of our celestial orb is taken permanently away, we replenish the quarry with new elemental matter. This becomes immediately part of the celestial orb and he, our orb, makes this elemental matter into precious stone for the next temple or structure we may need to design and quarry. Therefore, millions upon millions of temples may be taken from our celestial orb over the eons of time, and never waste away our glorious celestial orb. This process too was part of the mission and function of our celestial orb when we created him in the beginning.

27. The construction of the celestial New Jerusalem temple will be made from entirely all items from the hidden rooms. Once assembled, our celestial artisans and craftsmen will adorn the rock with motifs and such that we have commissioned each of them to create in the rock. All of the basic items will come from the hidden rooms. Once completed, we will supply the celestial robes of exaltation and other needed items from our celestial orb.

28. The waters of separation ordinance will come from living water and the blood of a pure red heifer that will be raised on your earth. You will bring this from the altar next to the fountain of living water, located outside the temple.

29. When our elect come into our New Jerusalem temple, they will know that this temple was constructed from materials from God's home, even our celestial orb. The temple will always remain in the celestial realms. It will be a place where we freely come to and from, for it is akin to any location on our celestial orb. There are also two portals in the New Jerusalem temple that will further connect it to our celestial orb. These portals will continue to be active in eternity, once the temple and the earth are both resurrected.

30. There will be nothing brought into the New Jerusalem temple from the telestial or terrestrial world except for the elect who come with their own earthly temple clothing, translated robes, or robes of their celestial resurrection. These will still be replaced with robes of exaltation in this temple by the angels of God. The entry temple clothing will be provided from the Church of Christ for those who are mortal and have gained access to the Church of the Firstborn by Jesus Christ. Translated beings will wear robes provided to them in their respective terrestrial or celestial glories. Angels will wear their angel vestures that are also robes. Resurrected beings will come dressed in the robes given them at the time of their resurrection.

31. Once the individuals have received all of their ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple, they will gain access to the celestial orb where they will then reside. These will wait there for the rest of the elect to also receive these partial ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple.

32. When all are completed with these first ordinances, then we three Gods will proceed to complete the final ordinance steps for their exaltation and eternal life as couple gods on our celestial orb and resurrected earth.'

33. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable truths given to me tonight! I know that this information had never before been revealed to man on the earth. I expressed my deep humility to have received such beautiful truths here at the moonlit shore of Lake Beautiful! Heavenly Father then left and I concluded my prayer.