192. Coming to Zion in Two Realms, Part 3
Hello my friends,
This is the third continuation about those who come to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial physical realm. There is a lot more about the lost tribes who are coming from the north. Their journey is nothing short of miracles, one after another. They have such great faith and determination to come to the New Jerusalem.
As always, please pray about these revelations, and make sure that they come from God.
For your information, the event of a thousand suns will be happening this Sunday, 6-16-2021 at 6:00 am Utah time, starting in the celestial skies over the site of the New Jerusalem. The next morning on Monday, 5-17-2021, is the time that I come to with our Heavenly Parents to create and construct the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial physical earth. These are such exciting times!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, April 16, 2021
1. Evening– This has been a wonderful week, with so much revelation in my prayers. I feel so very blessed!
2. It is late and I will pray for connection with my Heavenly Father in the morning. He told me to come to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where S had come yesterday and had received his revelation about travel in the celestial and terrestrial realms.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, April 17, 2021
1. I came this morning near the place where the small stream flows out of Lake Beautiful down the hill to the city of Enoch. I drank living water from the lake and looked across the lake. I felt so very blessed to be able to view all of this beautiful scene in my unconscious mind, and to be here on the celestial orb. I felt so much at peace.
2. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately came to me across the lake, and walked over the water to a place right in front of me. He then smiled and spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, you received an email from S yesterday where I spoke to him. When you read his email you knew what he wrote was from me, his Heavenly Father. You knew this from the witness of my Spirit which I gave to you while you read. All that I spoke to S is true, and he recorded my words correctly.
3. This morning you received an email from M.A., wondering about this group of the lost tribes who were less than two million, whereas the rest of the outer earth is about eight billion in population. She wondered how this group has such a high percentage of their people following their prophet, as compared to those on the outer earth.
4. The simple lifestyle of the northern tribes, their strong culture and their religion is what keeps this group so faithful. They place high emphasis on teaching and training their children in the home. They teach their children in the truths they have been given, in the loving and accepting environment of their humble homes. They teach and live the ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. Their culture is centered around their religious values and has not degraded as has your society in your country. Their government is localized and never has strayed far into oppression as have so many on the outer earth, particularly in these last days. They have simple faith and are a humble, obedient people.
5. Your Heavenly Mother and I have sent to them many of our choice elect sons and daughters in recent years. We knew of the rigors they would face when coming across the northern ocean to the outer earth, and then traveling on foot to the promised land. We knew they would be the first group coming to the New Jerusalem, and that much would be required of them to help establish our Zion.
6. They had not yet attained a Zion community while living in the inner earth, but were coming close. They didn't have yet have all things in common as is required under the laws of consecration and sacrifice, to become Zion communities. However, those who are coming now to the outer earth have gone through the final trial of their faith, and are in a very open, humble and submissive state to qualify them for entrance into the borders of the New Jerusalem. We have witnessed of their faith and sacrifice of all things required to become citizens in Zion. They qualify, in our estimation, to be the first ones who will build up the New Jerusalem island in the terrestrial physical world!'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the abundant truths he and Heavenly Mother have so fully poured out upon us about this extremely faithful large group of travelers. I asked him to please protect and bless them in their trials. He said he has sent many angels among them to bless them in their hardships. He said they are being sustained in all their trials by his and Heavenly Mother's blessings.
8. I then ended my prayer, for I became disconnected from my unconscious mind.
9. Evening–I wondered about what my Heavenly Father spoke of the laws of consecration and sacrifice, with all things common. I then read in D&C 42:30-39 about the law of consecration of properties to the bishop of the Church of Christ. As I read these verses, I realized that each member of the church became a steward over his/her own properties (see verse 32). Every man was given a stewardship of what he and his family needed. If they had excess that they didn't need to sustain themselves, this would be consecrated to the bishop of the church who then could give these items or properties as a gift and stewardship to those in need. Any excess commodities would be kept in a storehouse for the poor and the needy.
10. I also read how garments were to be plain with their beauty the 'beauty of the work of their own hands', see D&C 42:40. I read that those in the church were commanded not to be idle, and that "he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer." (D&C 42:42).
11. I searched in the index to Raphael and found nothing about consecration. I did find references to the law of obedience and sacrifice in Zion (see my
178A3, 178B1-178B3). This law is required for all who come into the borders of Zion.
12. Tonight I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water, and then knelt facing the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
13. She appeared in front of me, a little above the ground. Her being was very bright around her body, and she was smiling upon me. She wore a beautiful flowing and brilliant white robe.
14. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that all new arrivals to Zion are required to accept the law of obedience and sacrifice. Once they become citizens of Zion, they are given, by consecration, their lands on which to build their dwellings. They may also desire to till the land and grow the food that they will eat. They may also build more structures like barns and other buildings on their lands besides their own houses.
15. We are very pleased when the inhabitants of Zion are industrious and, by their own labor, produce that which they need and which others might also need. When there is such ambition and desire, with a good assurance that they may become a wise steward over more land and properties, then that which is available may be deeded over to them by consecration. They become stewards over this new property, and it also becomes their stewardship. They then may produce more.
16. When there is excess beyond what the steward and his/her family may need or use, the steward then may voluntarily give their excess to the local bishop of Zion, either by bringing the commodities to the storehouse in Zion, or if these be lands or buildings, then by deed to the Church of Christ. The bishop may then distribute this excess to others who are in need, or to those who wish to become stewards over these lands or buildings.
17. This is how there are all things common among the inhabitants of a Zion community. There is ownership of personal property, transacted by a lawful deed. All is based on genuine love and concern for others, for they wish their neighbors to be blessed with abundance as they have been blessed. All are productive, and there are no idlers in Zion. An idler is one who could work but is lazy and doesn't want to work, or to be productive.
18. The law of consecration is an organized method to distribute the abundance in Zion communities to those who live there as citizens. Were there to be any poor or needy among them they would be taken care of by the goodwill and abundance of the laborers in Zion. Since the citizens of Zion love one another, even as themselves, they freely share their excess with those around them. When the entire community does this, there are no poor among them.
19. Raphael, soon after the lost tribes of Israel arrive in the New Jerusalem area, they will become very productive and organized, and there will be much to do. There will soon be a need to build Zion communities in the surrounding areas. These will operate under the law of consecration. All able bodied persons will participate in construction of houses, buildings and garden areas, etc. for each other. Many of the craftsmen and women, and other workers on the New Jerusalem city and temple, will live in surrounding Zion communities, all unseen in the terrestrial realm. There will be a wonderful spirit of cooperation and coordinated labor. Each will be given a responsibility and stewardship, even as they are capable and have skills. There will be many of the youth who will be trained in apprentice roles until they too are skilled in their interests. There will be room for all who come into the borders of Zion and who are willing and able to work. The spirit of cooperation and productivity will pervade all the communities of Zion, our pure in heart.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her uplifting remarks, and clear explanations of the workings of the law of consecration. I relayed to her how much I loved her and Heavenly Father.
21. She then faded away until she was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, April 18, 2021
1. Today I awoke to beautiful blue skies and sunshine. This always thrills me! I feel happy and at peace.
2. I reread S's latest email. I was impressed with the method of transportation in the terrestrial world, by intention and faith.
3. I just checked my email and S has sent to me another remarkable email. He was told by Heavenly Father that the northern tribes would be arriving at the northern pole waters his coming week in their boats, and would depart on their land travels by the next Sabbath day!
4. I came in prayer to the domed room where S had been earlier today. I knelt in the center of this room. I had earlier blessed the sacrament bread and water for my wife and I in our home. I had made my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Parents, and to keep their commandments. Heavenly Father responded and accepted my covenant, and said that they would always be with me.
5. I thought of these things while kneeling in the domed room. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
6. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared before me in the domed room. The room lit up from their glory and bright light that shone all around. I was so happy to be again in their presence!
7. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I came before our son Gideon (S) this morning in this very location. He wrote you an email about his experience here, and what his Father and I told him. His record is true. We will verify it by our Spirit to any who humbly and openly prays to us, in the sincerity of their heart.
8. After our humble tribes of Israel begin their land trek to the New Jerusalem, it will be very difficult for them, for the weather will be harsh, with continual subzero temperatures. The buoyed faith they will receive upon their arrival on the land will again be tested with this harsh weather. It won't be until another week of them beginning the land travel that they will enter the terrestrial realm, even upon the highway that we have prepared. When entering upon this expansive highway, and experiencing mild weather, they will again receive a great boost of their faith in us, their Gods, and in Jesus Christ their Redeemer. From this point on they will average 8-10 miles per day as a group. Our abundant blessings will come upon them, and they will greatly rejoice in us their Gods.
9. By the end of this April, 2021, the tribes of Israel will be on the highway in the terrestrial realm of the physical earth.
10. Raphael, you will need to prepare yourself further for your departure next month in May to the New Jerusalem area. You should do this by reviewing what we have given to you by revelation about your upcoming mission. You will depart on foot in your replicated physical being towards the New Jerusalem. You will also go in May, in another replicated physical celestial form, immediately to the New Jerusalem area on the terrestrial earth. A very large earthquake will rock this region during the first full week of May in the terrestrial realm. This will not be felt on the telestial mortal world. This will prepare the terrestrial earth for the living water to come to the surface of the New Jerusalem island when it is time, and for the other necessary land changes we desire. We have coordinated all of the activities of you, of those tribes from the north who will be traveling, and of others who will walk in the terrestrial realms to Zion this summer. Each day in May 2021 and thereafter is critical for bringing to pass the gathering of our elect to the New Jerusalem, the city of our holy celestial temple on the earth. We are fully coordinating everything and hastening our strange work, our strange act.'
11. My Heavenly Parents then stepped to my sides and asked me to stand. When standing, the scenes that S saw this morning of the arrival of the tribes of Israel came in vision upon the wall in front of us. We watched even until this large group was safely upon the great highway in the terrestrial realm of the mortal earth.
12. My Heavenly Parents then came in front of me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, study again your previous posts concerning the construction of the New Jerusalem. Soon you will be in the New Jerusalem to do your great work there! We will both be by your side as you repeat what you did spiritually this last fall in the creation of the New Jerusalem island and our temple.'
13. I told my Father I would review again my posts as he and Heavenly Mother asked of me. I thanked both of them for their wonderful visit. I expressed my deep love for them and my commitment to do as they have asked of me.
14. They then ascended up through the roof of the domed room and departed. I concluded my prayer and continued my Sabbath day.
15. I received this email from S on 4-18-2021 entitled "Arrival":
Yesterday on Saturday, I prayed in the morning and Heavenly Mother said to return on Sunday to speak to both her and Heavenly Father in regards to the arrival of the tribes of Israel. I wondered throughout the day what that message would be. This is my record from today. It brought great joy to my heart.
4-18-21 AM
In prayer, I came to the domed room on the celestial orb. Both my Heavenly Parents were standing beside one another in front of me. I knelt before them.
Heavenly Mother had the sacramental bread in her hand. I covenanted to always remember them and to keep their commandments that I might always have their spirit to be with me. I ate the bread as she handed it to me. I then made the same covenant as Heavenly Father handed me a cup of living water. I felt cleansed through the atonement of Jesus Christ. My heart was filled with gratitude towards my Savior.
Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You read Raphael's record yesterday of the pure and wholesome society of our tribes of Israel now traveling to Zion. You felt a love and longing for this people and a desire that our children throughout the earth could experience the happiness of righteous living. Our children, who are our elect, are entrenched in the society where they were born. Many of these children long for righteousness to cover the earth and the hearts of all mankind. Our children of the tribes of Israel will be the first groups to Zion and they will set an example of the purity and righteousness needed to enter her borders. Yet faith and a desire to change will come upon millions of our precious children covering all the earth. Many others will embrace this society based off of the love of God and love of their fellowmen when it is offered to them.'
Heavenly Father then spoke, 'The Northern Tribes of Israel will return to the outer earth this week. They will disembark from their boats and begin their journey before the next Sabbath day. Their arrival will be a great day of rejoicing. Their faith will greatly increase and the Spirit of God will burn in their hearts. Our Spirit will greatly buoy them for their journey ahead. We will continue to give specific revelations to our spokesperson Raphael, but all may come to us in prayer regarding this information. Record what we have shared with you this day. We will depart now, but stay here to see their arrival on the dome of this room.'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words and they departed. While kneeling I gazed up on the dome. I saw large companies of people disembarking from their ships. As they touched the land, they began to weep for joy. Families knelt in prayer to offer thanks to God.
I saw that it was cold and windy. There was no way for their prophet to speak to all at the same time. As they were being organized into their groups and companies for traveling, their prophet leader sent many messengers running to each camp to share his words. I heard the words of one runner that he shared from their prophet, 'My fellow brothers and sisters, praise be to God for our mighty deliverance. Have courage and faith for your journey ahead. God will protect us and his angels will walk among us and watch over us as we journey. Let us go forth in one heart and one mind until we arrive in Zion.'
I began to cry for joy because my heart was overcome with emotion. I prayed to God to bless these people in their journey ahead. This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.
Warmly your friend,
16. Here is my email back to S:
"Wow, what a wonderful experience you have had in prayer today! I am also so moved with this revelation you received. Thank you for sharing your journal account. I felt deep joy too, and the assurance your record is true.
Thank you, thank you!
17. I also received this email a short time later from S:
I have read your entry from yesterday several times. I feel such joy to read about this pure people and I feel the spirit strongly witness that this is true. I genuinely feel such joy for them knowing that they are being blessed for their righteousness. What a wonderful time this is!
Your friend,
18. Evening- I have read a lot today from my 190 and 191 posts, and have been impressed by the remarkable revelations from our Heavenly Parents. It seems many of these will be very soon fulfilled. It is like the truth and knowledge floodgates are being opened just before they are to be fulfilled. This seems congruent with God's ways of waiting for the last moment to reveal something.
19. I have been pondering over the arrival of the northern tribes to the outer earth. They will only be on the telestial earth for a maximum of twelve days, and then will vanish from the sight of those on the telestial mortal earth (they could start arriving tomorrow, April 19, 2021 and will be on the terrestrial highway by April 30, 2021). I have been told that during this short time they will be discovered, but will then vanish from those who detected them. This makes for a very exciting story!
20. I came tonight to the shore of God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and drank living water from the lake, and then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came to me from the path around the lake, to my right. As she approached, she extended her hand. We then held hands and walked around her healing lake.
21. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, we plan the timing of what we will reveal to you and others on your small email list. We plan for the truths we reveal to coincide with them being fulfilled in very deed. We have particularly planned in this way for the establishment of the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial realm of the earth. We will quietly do our actions in a realm that our elect on the mortal earth won't even know about unless they inquire of us, and we reveal this to them. By the time they awaken to their society falling apart, we will have a place already established and functional for them to come to.
22. During their trial of faith, in their wonderings, questionings, and need to depend upon us, their Gods, we will be able to inspire and direct them to a tangible and real physical place of refuge and safety. Their journey to Zion will require continual faith and trust in us over their current telestial world and trappings that will pull them away from Zion. Each person will need to develop full trust in us and faith in our direction in order to arrive at the boundaries of the New Jerusalem.
23. Many will dispute such a place, for they will not be able to see it in their telestial mortal earth. People will hear of these great things of the New Jerusalem from those to whom we will reveal them. However, like the Jaredites in the days of Ether who "prophesied great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not" (see Ether 12:5), so shall many be in your day.
24. However, our humble and believing elect will hear the voice of our Spirit, and will act and come to Zion, despite those counter voices of the adversary and the non-believers.
25. Those who come to Zion on foot will come both in 1) the terrestrial physical earth, and in 2) the telestial physical earth, and then later enter into the terrestrial realm at some point. We will pour out blessings and miracles, depending upon the faith and diligence of those who come. This will be the great physical gathering of Israel in these last days. 3) The 144,000 will later gather others throughout the breadth of the earth to Zion. By these three main means we will gather all Israel to our place of safety and peace where the wicked cannot come.
26. D&C 45:66-69
"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God,
And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion.
And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.
And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another."
27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words to me tonight. I realized that the knowledge of the New Jerusalem would spread abroad and among the righteous, once it was established in the terrestrial realm on the physical earth.
28. She stopped and let go of my hands and spoke these parting words: 'Raphael, your mission needs to start next month. You will be the first one to arrive to the New Jerusalem to establish Zion. Fear not, for we will be by your side in all that you do.' She then rose up in the celestial sky and was gone.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, April 19, 2021
1. I am at the desert oasis this new morning, and am drinking living water there in my replicated celestial being. I receive this information in my unconscious mind. I can access this unconscious mind in my meditation time in my private room and in quiet settings. I am thus led to perceive all that happens to me there. My perceptions are given to me in my conscious mind, but are happening in my unconscious mind in reality. I believe it is in this mode that God usually communicates to me.
2. Once I tap into this stream of information through my unconscious mind, I can receive regular revelations from my Heavenly Parents. This is the method I receive practically all that I have written in my journal.
3. This morning I would like to confirm my perceptions of how this all works again. I hope God will speak to me about this.
4. I knelt on the sand next to the desert oasis and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. As I do so, I can perceive the sand, the water, and my surroundings. It is not all clear, but when I ponder on these things I feel strongly it is real and in a celestial state. I believe this is not just my imagination or me dreaming.
5. Heavenly Father then appeared before me on the shore. I can see his face in my mind and that he is smiling upon me. When I gaze into his eyes, his eternity eyes, they are unique and very loving. They are very recognizable and I know them.
6. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, it is truly I, myself, who speaks to you today, even on our celestial orb here at the desert oasis. You are correct that I speak to you in your unconscious mind, for this is the way that we have always communicated with you, even before you came to your mortal telestial life.
7. We have placed a veil over your unconscious mind while you are on earth in your probationary state. This unconscious mind can be still perceived, but is more difficult. It requires you to be in a quiet, meditative state of prayer in most instances. When you do so, in a state of prayer, we then may open up your mind to hear what we are communicating to your unconscious mind.
8. It is also true that you perceive the surroundings here at the desert oasis where we are located. You are here in a replicated celestial state and have full access to your unconscious mind. On earth, your conscious mind that you are required to think in, has a difficult time seeing or perceiving, or hearing or thinking all of this, for it is not clear like your replicated being before me is able to hear and think.
9. This is all by our grand design. It takes effort for you to connect in such a clear way as you do with us. You have persisted in daily communion with us over the years, and now what we say to you in your celestial replicated self flows into your conscious mind on earth. This happens even during your day when you are doing activities in your mortal life. It takes you just seconds to pause and hear us commune with you.
10. This same access to us can be developed by any one of our children on earth. We will help each one who sincerely tries, with an open heart and mind, in a quiet, meditative state. They will hear the voice of our Spirit, or our words as we communicate to their unconscious mind too. They may independently confirm this entire method of communication by the feelings and impressions we give them, even in their heart and mind:
11. D&C 9:8-9
"But behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.
But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me."
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have once again confirmed to me the process of how he and Heavenly Mother speak to me so frequently. I am so pleased to have known that I have heard his voice speak to me, even as one man speaks to another. It is so marvelous to me!
13. Evening- I have been preparing the soil where our burn in the fall was, and while doing this I listened to my posts 54 to 58. I listened a lot to a walk through of the New Jerusalem area in the future when it was all completed. This week I plan to listen to more while I continue preparing the soil. I have been digging out lots of rocks and amending with composted horse manure.
14. Tonight I came to the fountain of living water on the north side of God's temple. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came for just a moment, saying for me to come there in the morning when I wasn't so tired from the day's labors. She quickly left. I then realized I was so deeply tired, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, April 20, 2021
1. I came to the fountain of living water this morning in anticipation of Heavenly Mother coming to me in answer to my prayer. I drank living water and then prayed for her to come. She appeared immediately on my left side, and was full of light and was smiling. I felt very accepted and loved as her light came upon me.
2. She spoke: 'Raphael, yesterday you talked with your wife about healing, and the faith to heal by our power. We desire that you develop greater faith to be able to heal according to the promptings we may give you. You also watched an episode with your family of "The Chosen" where Jesus was depicted healing the sick and afflicted all day long. He healed with confidence and by our power. He was filled with our Spirit in abundance, and we were by his side continually, guiding him as he inquired of us. He always wanted to do our will, and be led by us continually. We led him in his ministry, where to go next, whom to heal, and what to do in his daily life. We did this because he continually sought to do our will and asked this of us throughout his day.
3. You too have our presence with you continually, as you remain humble and submissive to whatever we may ask of you. Your mission in the New Jerusalem area in May next month will be very focused and intense, in your replicated celestial being. Like our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, you will have us continually by your side, and will continually have access to us, even in constant prayer. We will answer your every query, and give you confidence in all you do, for you will ask of us and we will answer immediately. As you act, it will be because of your faith in us by your side, and because you are doing our will. It will be in this state that you will speak to the earth, and she will obey. The island of the New Jerusalem will then emerge out of the waters, and dry land will come forth.
4. It is important for you to continue now to review what the New Jerusalem will look like in detail. Yesterday you listened to our walk through with you in July and August of 2017. Listen to this several times more so that you know and remember clearly these details. Then listen several times to the spiritual creation you did of the New Jerusalem this past fall (see your posts 170-176). This will cement in your mind these great events that you will repeat in the physical realm on the terrestrial earth, even as you before did in the spiritual realm.
5. Your charge now is to prepare and rehearse all that you will do once we command you to go to the New Jerusalem area next month. Your role is one of preparation and review. Do not worry if you leave out any step you once did, for we will help you. You will also know where to find your record that has this all written down, which you may refer to as you may desire. We know that you will do even as we have shown to you previously, and that you will fulfill all we wish you to accomplish in every detail to our full satisfaction.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her boost of confidence, and for her clear instructions. I am excited to review all of these records, and pray that these will sink deep into my memory. My time now is one to prepare.
7. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and turned aside. She then departed and I closed my prayer.
8. Evening- I received this evening a remarkable email from S. He was told by Heavenly Mother this morning that the ships today have all landed on the outer earth! I have read over his email several times, and was moved by the Spirit each time I read. I have confirmed what Heavenly Mother told him and what he saw in vision with her. I am so glad that the ocean journey of these elect is now completed. I pray now for their protection from the cold, even until they enter into the terrestrial highway. I have included S's email at the end of tonight's post.
9. I was pondering all of this and thought of what this large group must now be doing, on their first night on the outer earth. S said that the people were burning their wooden ships tonight to keep warm, and to show their determination to move forward towards Zion, by not going back. I wondered if they would be carrying wood for fuel for their upcoming journey, for the weather would continue to be cold and windy. I wondered how this very large group could travel together, or even communicate together in these harsher conditions of the arctic. I wondered how they and their animals now could survive in such harsh conditions, after being cooped up in a ship for so long, and now being required to walk and make a new camp each night, even if it would only be for a week or so. I tried to see them in my mind's eye, but was unsuccessful.
10. I came tonight to the last days mural in the mortal probation room in God's temple. I knelt next to the mural, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I was hopeful that they would speak of the arrival of the northern tribes today, and of their upcoming journey.
11. My Heavenly Father appeared on my right side, and Heavenly Mother appeared on my left. They were both facing the last days mural in front of us.
12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is the mural I watched with my son Gideon (S) this morning. The account he shared with you today is true and accurate. We rejoice with him in the safe arrival of our elect from the lost tribes of Israel. He is among this group in his replicated body, and is experiencing the great time of rejoicing among this people. He will also experience the harsh arctic weather and difficulties traveling in that environment.
13. Look now upon the mural with your Father and I, and we will view in vision the arrival of the ships to the northernmost part of the outer earth!
14. I looked upon the mural with my Heavenly Parents. I saw on the cusp of the earth, a large amount of ice buildup except where there was a relatively small opening with waters clear of ice. There were ships passing through this small opening and then to the outer earth shores of the ocean. The shoreline was free of ice in large sections for miles, with open waters, enough to accommodate the many ships passing through.
15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we caused that this narrow passageway of clear waters be recently opened up. A few months ago this was iced over and there was no passage connecting the inner earth to the outer earth, even since the days of Hagoth. He and his people also passed through this same passageway that we have opened up for the tribes of Israel.'
16. I looked again on the mural and now saw large bonfires on the shore of the outer earth. I knew this was the wood from the structure of the ships to keep the travelers warm. There were hundreds of bonfires on the beaches.
17. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that the people will be gathering as much fuel from their ships as they can feasibly gather before embarking on their journey to Zion. They will carry with them about two weeks of wood for fuel to keep their camps sufficiently warm at night, or when they have stopped walking for the day. Although they don't know it, this will be enough for keeping them warm until they arrive on the highway and mild weather in the terrestrial earth. Their main prophet will pass the word along for the people to pray for some sort of deliverance before their wood runs out, and their journey becomes much more difficult. He will encourage them to exercise their faith in God who brought them this far on their journey to Zion. We will hear their cries and will bring them into the terrestrial earth and our highway to ZIon.'
18. I then watched the very large group start their journey away from the seashore, and onto the land which was thick ice above the arctic ocean. The shore was also ice, with clear waters where their ships came from to land on the ice shoreline. It was very difficult traveling, and although they tried to be as organized and upbeat as possible, it was very hard going. I saw that the group was quickly being tried in their faith. Their prayers increased and became more fervent. This is as far as I was shown in the scene I saw on the mural.
19. I faced my Heavenly Parents who now came in front of me. I prayed about this very desperate situation where many of this people could easily perish in a short time due to very harsh arctic weather. I knew they would be delivered, but I was very concerned for their wellbeing before they arrived at the highway.
20. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, we will preserve our elect during this short period where they and their animals are so exposed to the elements. They have brought heavy clothing and coats for themselves, but many of their animals will suffer and will not make the journey. We will, however, preserve our elect and protect them by our matchless power, even until they come to the entrance of the highway to our terrestrial physical earth.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to have shown me these great events that happened today, and will happen in the next week or two. I thanked them for preserving this humble and faithful people. I said I would do all in my power to be obedient and prepare the land of the New Jerusalem for their arrival this summer.
22. I then ended my prayer.
23. I received this email from S on 4-20-2021, entitled "Arrived":
I had a wonderful experience this morning that I was told to share with you! Here is my journal entry from today.
4-20-21 AM
Yesterday while driving to work, I listened to Raphael's most recent audio post. Heavenly Mother whispered to me while listening, that I should ask in prayer tomorrow on Tuesday to see in vision the Northern tribes.
This morning I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I shared my desire to travel to Zion. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind that my family members were not ready yet but soon would be awakened as their world and communities change. Some individuals are still awaking to this call from God that will need to travel with us. I thanked Heavenly Father and desired to obey his will in all things.
At this time, Heavenly Mother called me to her side. We stood in front of the mural wall and she held my right hand in her left hand. She spoke, 'Look to the wall.'
I looked and saw the first group of ships entering through the cusp to the outer earth. The opening was narrow and allowed between 5-10 ships to pass through at the same time. The large group of 12,500 ships were bottlenecked in the inner earth awaiting to travel through. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'This is currently happening this morning. They started through the opening with the first rays of morning light today. Only 5-10 ships may enter simultaneously based on the size of the ships and orientation of sailing. It will take until late this afternoon before all the ships will pass through. There is great anticipation among all people on the ships waiting to enter into the outer earth.'
I saw the groups waiting with excitement. I heard them start to sing a hymn, these were the words as best as I could recall, "Our God will lead us home again, for Zion will come forth. We will leave our homes and precious things and travel very far. We will see his light and be led of God until in Zion we shall rest. To build his Zion here below until heaven comes again. For Christ will reign and we shall be his children here on earth.'
Heavenly Mother spoke, 'They have sung this hymn for generations, but they weep now for it is being fulfilled in their lives.' I understood that the person who recorded these words saw in vision their journey ahead.
I saw that they used their ships to burn fires tonight to stay warm. There was no wood on the land for them to use. I felt that the ships being burned to stay warm showed their resolve and faith to move forward and never go back.
Heavenly Mother squeezed my hand. She told me to record these events and to share them with Raphael as soon as I had the opportunity to do so. I then closed my prayer as this scene closed to my view.
I would love to hear your thoughts and impressions,
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, April 21, 2021
1. I read again in my entry above and felt the confirmation of the Spirit that it was all true. I had a somewhat fitful night, thinking of this large group in that cold land. I read back to my entry where S had been told when this group would arrive, and when they would come to the highway in the terrestrial realm (see my entry from one week ago on 4-14-2021). I will try to release from my mind any worry I may have about the preservation of this group. I am very excited to meet them this June or July at the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial world!
2. I came today to the shores of the desert oasis. I drank living water, and then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I waited in anticipation for his arrival. I then saw him on the opposite shore of the oasis. He then clearly spoke to my mind to walk to him through the oasis on dry ground, and then he would speak to me.
3. I stood and knew I had to generate enough faith to walk right through the water, in a path on the dry ground, with the water bunched on both sides of me. I kept my eye on my Father and walked into the oasis water. As my foot came to where the water was, it moved away from me, on either side of my foot. My next few steps revealed that the water was separated by about ten feet, and that there was dry ground under my feet. I continued walking, but soon was below where I could see my Heavenly Father on the opposite shore. As I walked, more water separated. If I stopped, which I did, the wall of water behind me continued to be separated.
4. I walked all the way across the desert oasis until I reached the opposite shore. I looked back and the waters were still separated. I turned to face my Heavenly Father who was smiling before me. I knelt before him, awaiting his words.
5. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have exhibited sufficient faith in me to walk across this desert oasis on dry ground. This is the same level of faith our northern tribes will have will cause us to reveal to them the highway in the terrestrial physical earth, their large movement overnight to the New Jerusalem in a few months, and then their passage across the mighty river separating them from the New Jerusalem island. These, our people, will have the faith necessary to prepare the island of the New Jerusalem, even as we need, for the other travelers to Zion that will be soon be coming. They will often have the assistance of our celestial servants and angels in fulfilling the tasks we will assign them and expect completed, in so short of time. Truly, this will be a time of one miracle after another, all done by our consent, our power, and from the large amount of faith from our people.
6. Once the city of the New Jerusalem is well under way in the terrestrial world, your community and nation will experience more and more calamities, destruction, and captivity. We want there to be a safe haven for our faithful elect to seek and find themselves in. This place will be ZIon, the New Jerusalem, hidden and protected from the scrutiny, reach, and observation of the world. We will bring our humble peaceful elect to Zion, the New Jerusalem, in power and our protection.
7. D&C 103:11-20
"But verily I say unto you, I have decreed that your brethren which have been scattered shall return (these are their descendents, and the elect I have chosen) to the lands of their inheritances, and shall build up the waste places of Zion (the land of Zion prior to your arrival, Raphael, shall be a waste place, even covered by water and muddy).
For after much tribulation, as I have said unto you in a former commandment, cometh the blessing.
Behold, this is the blessing which I have promised after your tribulations, and the tribulations of your brethren (or of all those who come to our latter-day New Jerusalem)--your redemption, and the redemption of your brethren, even their restoration to the land of Zion, to be established, no more to be thrown down.
Nevertheless, if they pollute their inheritances they shall be thrown down; for I will not spare them if they pollute their inheritances.
Behold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power;
Therefore, I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them as Moses led the children of Israel. (Raphael, this man is you as we have told you previously. We will raise other leaders who also will exhibit great faith in leading their own groups of our elect to Zion, in their tribulations, but also by our strong arm. We will send you as an angel of God, and others of our angels, to come to these groups, to buoy them up in their travels to Zion- see also verse 19-20).
For ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham, and ye must needs be led out of bondage by power, and with a stretched out arm.
And as your fathers were led at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be.
Therefore, let not your hearts faint, for I say not unto you as I said unto your fathers: Mine angel shall go up before you, but not my presence.
But I say unto you: Mine angels shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land." (words in parentheses by Heavenly Father).'
8. I thanked my Father for his words, and for the boost in confidence he gave me in walking across this oasis on dry ground. He then extended his hand and I stood and took it. We then both walked back through the separated waters to the other side of the oasis next to the bench. When we arrived on the other side, he raised his arm and the waters came back together again. He then smiled upon me and rose up into the sky, separating the red skies and entering into his highest celestial realm. I watched until the red skies came back together again.
9. I closed my prayer.
10. Evening- I came again this evening to the desert oasis. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came from the opened sky, and came upon the far side of the oasis on the water. She was shining brightly. Her reflection on the water was very blindingly bright.
11. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, walk to me across these waters on the water.'
12. I stood and looked at my Heavenly Mother in the center of the very bright light. I felt her deep love for me coming in the light. I then stepped out onto the surface of the water. As I stepped, the water seemed to harden, although around my feet the water started splashing. Within a few feet upon the water, a violent wind blew from my right side, causing waves in the water to come up to my waist! I kept walking towards the light, although all I could see through the mist and wind was a blur of light, still beaming to me. I could still feel the water harden under each footstep that I made, which kept me on top of the water. After twenty seconds or so the sky and environment all around me became pitch black! I felt to keep walking, and shut my eyes. I asked my Heavenly Mother to guide me with her voice, for I said I couldn't see her light across the oasis anymore. She then spoke to me words like this: 'Raphael, you are over half way to me, your Heavenly Mother. Listen to my voice and walk towards the impression in your mind where you think I am located. If you veer off course, I will speak again, and then you can find another impression where you think I am located, and head in that direction. You are doing well, Raphael, in walking to me, even in midst of billowing waves and wind, and now complete darkness.'
13. I continued walking on the water until I came to a great change–the waves ceased, the wind stopped, and a very pleasant and warm light glowed in front of me. I opened my eyes which had remained shut and beheld my glorious Heavenly Mother! She was standing about a foot above the water and was smiling. She asked me to turn around which I did. I saw a bank of darkness over the waters from where I came. The wind was blowing violently, and waves were crashing all around.
14. I turned back to her, and she raised her hand and the darkness dispersed, the wind stopped blowing, and there was a great calm upon the water's surface. I could see the reflection of the surrounding land upon the mirror-like surface of the oasis.
15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'The faith that you exhibited, Raphael, was great. It was similar to the faith of the northern tribes of our elect who first launched their boats into the northern ocean, or like the faith they need to cause pools of water to come upon the barren land of promise, or the faith they will need to fulfill all of their assignments once they come to the island of the New Jerusalem, and are put to work.
16. This morning your Father asked you to walk across this desert oasis on dry ground. You generated sufficient faith both then and now, even sufficient to do any miracle that we may ask of you to do by our power. You now have confidence in us, that whenever we ask you to do anything, even of asking Mother Earth to raise land out of a mighty river and create the island of the New Jerusalem, it will happen. Whatever we ask of you, look to us and know that we command the thing of you, and then you will have faith sufficient to do that thing.
17. You are our servant, our Branch, who will bring forth the island of the New Jerusalem, and build our celestial temple on the earth. All things are possible for you to do, if we ask anything of you, for you have great faith, my son!'
18. I thanked her for her great boost of confidence, and her expression that I had sufficient faith to do all things that they might command.
19. These two scriptures then came to my mind:
Alma 26: 12
"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
20. Moroni 10: 23
"And Christ truly said unto our fathers: If ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me."
21. Heavenly Mother then smiled again upon me and rose up into the red sky which opened up to a brilliant blue and shining sky. I watched until she was gone and the red sky closed around her.
22. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, April 22, 2021
1. I have thought and pondered about my experiences with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother yesterday at the desert oasis. I feel more confident, that whenever they might ask of me anything, I will be able to do it, even by their great power. Without their authority or power, I can do nothing. However, if I am convinced of their words to me, and that I can correctly hear their voice, and then I know I can and will do all that they might ask of me.
2. This gives me great confidence in them. I feel completely weak as to the natural man, but under their authority, I can do anything that they might ask of me.
3. I prayed this morning to both my Heavenly Parents at the desert oasis. I was kneeling in the sand next to the bench, facing the water.
4. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father walked up to me on the sand. They wore brilliant white robes, and were very clear to me. I gazed into each of their smiling faces. My Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, eight years ago on 4-20-2013, you were asked to pray to open up the final day of your energy class (see your post "When Heavenly Mother came"). All the class members were kneeling and forming a circle, holding hands. As you prayed to me, your Father and our Beloved Son appeared above the circle to the side. You had seen them for the previous few weeks in your personal prayers. Then I stepped from behind your Father and entered the room where you were all kneeling. This was the first time you saw me when in your flesh on the earth.
5. Over the past eight years we have prepared you, step by step, to bring you to become a man of great faith and confidence in us, your Gods. You have become who we had wished you to be. You are now prepared to build our New Jerusalem, even with us by your sides, using our power and authority. You now can clearly hear our voice and know it is us who speaks to you.
6. As you look to us, we will give you our power and authority to do whatever is expedient to us for you to accomplish. You have sufficient faith and confidence in us. You have been kept from the world as we have revealed to you great revelations. All your preparations are now complete in order for you to successfully act as our Branch, to fulfill our great first mission for you to accomplish, even as we have commissioned you.
7. Continue now in the next weeks to review all that we have revealed to you about the New Jerusalem, and what your work there will be. We will help you retain it all when you begin your work.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for guiding me these eight years so steadily! I feel like a much better man from being thus tutored and led by them daily in my life.
9. My Heavenly Parents then turned and walked up into the sky above the desert oasis. I watched until they departed. I then closed my prayer and started my mortal day on earth.
10. Evening- I talked to my sister K on the phone today, and then worked with my wife steadily all day pruning one of our grape vines. I never was able to listen to my previous New Jerusalem posts today. Maybe tomorrow.
11. I came to the circling waters tonight. I knelt in prayer and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He did not appear, but whispered to me to arise early and return here in the morning. I thanked him and said I would do so.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, April 23, 2021
1. I am awake early this morning before my family awakens. I came to the circling waters and drank living water. I then knelt in front of the bench on the grass, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
2. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me over the water. I was very glad to view him and to be in his presence.
3. He spoke: 'Raphael, yesterday you tried to listen to previous New Jeruslaem posts, but were unable to do so. We only ask that you do your best each day, and we will help you.
4. This past Wednesday evening you came to me in prayer, wondering if you could be our instrument in helping heal your wife and your granddaughter with the hole in her heart. You approached me openly, and gained my approval to do as I directed you for both of your loved ones. This is the correct way for you to heal others, for it is all by the power of God, and never by your own skills or supposed power.
5. Yesterday your wife said to you that she felt significantly better from her recent fall and rib pains. Also, yesterday you checked on your granddaughter's heart issue and felt there was progress in her hole repair. You are correct in both of these healing situations.
6. Remember Raphael, that all healing is from us, your Gods, and that we may use you as our conduit for healing. Don't do any healing work on our children without securing the approval of either of us three healers, your Gods. When you receive our approval, and the method of our healing, then you can be assured by your faith that we will heal our child. We may choose to do so quickly or slowly, in secret or with them being informed, all according to our will. Make sure that you ask of us these questions, and then we will extend to you our will and then our power of healing others. We will extend our power to you in your unconscious replicated state, or in your conscious mortal state. In both states, you are our healing angel through whom we will heal our children. All glory in the healing that you may participate in goes to God and not to you. We wish that you, and all of our healing angels and healers on earth, always acknowledge that the healing comes fully from God and not at all from themselves. It is by our power, and not that of man, that healing is dispensed.
7. This same method of asking us, your Gods, whether you should do any miracle or such thing, should also be followed. Always ask of us, and when you hear our voice, and confirming presence of our Spirit, then you may act as we ask of you to do. You will act in our power and authority, and do all actions by faith and assurance that it is one of us who directs you to act.
8. Your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to be by your side in your daily conscious self, and in your unconscious replicated selves, in all of your ministrations. We will command you as our conduit, and you will respond and do our will. This is the correct order of heaven, and our will for you who are our archangel and heavenly servant. This is the same way we will direct our other angels and heavenly servants, either in heavenly realms or on earth below. All of our angels and servants act under our power and authority as we may extend to them, and never by themselves, or their own power.
9. Until the day that we extend to each one of our celestial elect our power and authority, when we ordain them to be couple Gods in eternity, they will need to be conduits of our own power, and never their own. They act as our servants until that moment of their ordination to be Gods in eternity, for it is then that they will be given the power of creation. The power of creation also includes the power to heal and have all control over their own creations in their stewardship. This is the power we exhibit in all of our healing and other miracles in our domain, for we have received this power and authority in the day we were ordained to be Gods in eternity. This same power will one day be given to you and your eternal companion. Until that day, you will need to act under our authority and according to our direction, even as our servant.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear revelation on how we, as his, Heavenly Mother's or Christ's servants, may receive any of their power to heal others or do miracles. I have confirmed in my mind that these are all done according to the will of God, and not according to my own desires or will. All I may do should be by their will, and always by their authority.
11. Heavenly Father smiled in my understanding of these truths. He then departed my presence and I concluded my prayer.
12. Evening- I worked hard today and am now tired. I came tonight to the celestial orb, to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The wall was full of blooming flowers growing out of soil in the pockets of the rock. I drank living water, as is my custom when I'm next to a stream, river, or lake. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
13. She took a few steps from my left and came directly in front of me. I felt very warm and loving feelings from her. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have been looking upon the moon today, wondering if the northern tribes could see the moon since their first few days of landing on the outer earth. They can see it in the sky as well as the sun which is at a low angled position. This has been thrilling for these travelers to see, for their people haven't seen these bodies in the sky for millenia.
14. The caravan has embarked on their voyage on foot to the New Jerusalem now. They are being led by their prophet who has seen the way by following a white light in the horizon that he can see. As he leads his people by following this light, we will lead them to the entrance into the terrestrial world on the highway. When they come to this highway, all of the people will see it, for they are all our elect and may enter into the terrestrial realms of the physical earth.
15. Within one week from today, this people will come to the highway and enter the terrestrial realms (see your post 192C9 above). They will still be able to see the sun and moon in the same positions that they could were they on the telestial earth, for the terrestrial is superimposed on the telestial.
16. We will inform our servant Gideon (S) of the precise timing of their arrival on the highway (see your post 190J7). These are momentous days for our humble elect whom we are protecting and blessing.
17. You have wondered how other people exploring the north pole could not have found the opening to the inner earth through the top hole on the earth. We have purposefully hidden this entrance, and the southern hole entrance, from explorers and those we wished not to visit or enter into the inner earth. We made this entrance hidden from all of those, with polar ice covering this entrance, as in other areas of the arctic ocean in that vicinity. When our people came forth in their boats from the inner earth, this area with the cusp of the hole became open for them to sail on. Those on the outer earth still would not have been able to see this hole in the ocean on which they travelled, for it was hidden to them. However, now that this caravan has left the remnants of their boats on the shores of the open waters of the arctic ocean, near the polar cap of the earth, these boats will soon be discovered, as well as this large group of travelers. However, our northern tribes will enter into the terrestrial realms and thus escape any contact with the outside telestial world. Their disappearance will become a great mystery to those who will discover them and their boats.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable revelation tonight to me. She then parted my presence, and I closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, April 24, 2021
1. I received and confirmed in prayer what I wrote last night in my journal. I take this as a very solemn duty to write as I feel inspired, and to be sincere and truthful. I never try to fake any experience I may receive.
2. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I have been pondering the posts that I listened to yesterday while working outside. I am filled with wonder at this journey of revelation I have been receiving, along with others on my small email list. It is very remarkable and fascinating!
3. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I was kneeling at the stream, and facing the lake.
4. I then heard my Father's voice but did not see him. I looked around but couldn't locate him. Here are his words I heard in my mind: 'Raphael, I have chosen to be before you this morning in my highest celestial realm, but not make myself visible to you. You have been pondering over the marvelous revelations we have given to you, even since your energy class in April 2013. At that time, you kept wondering if you had really seen with your spirit eyes your Heavenly Mother, our Son Jesus Christ and me throughout the day in your class. It was very much a revelatory day. We spoke to your mind through our quiet voices, and these were very clear and impactful to you.
5. Now that it has been over eight years since this occurred, you have continued seeking our presence, and inquiring of us. We have gradually led you to where you are today, with vast knowledge of our ways and our mysteries. Sometimes these have been overwhelming for you to think about, for it is all so amazing to you at times.
6. Raphael, this is all true, all that you have received gradually. We have shared with you, because you have been so diligent and have sought us humbly with an open and believing heart and mind.
7. All of the events of the lost tribes of Israel now being on the outer earth, and all the revelations we have shared fully with you are true! Move forward in faith, and more truth and revelations await you, our humble servant. You have been chosen to reveal great truths to all of our faithful. We will not limit the scope of our bounteous truths from you and our elect. Soon the knowledge we possess will cover the earth, and our faithful elect will fully know us, their Gods, and know of these great truths that you have been shown. To us, all things are possible, and we will do our great work through our elect children like you.
8. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, smiling and beaming his bright light upon me. I felt so accepted and loved, even as his son in the flesh! Of myself, I am nothing; nor can do anything of God by myself, even as Jesus spoke of himself:
9. John 8: 28-29
"...then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.
And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him."
10. I thanked my Father to have revealed himself to me over these many years. I said I would be true to these revelations, and place my faith in him and my Heavenly Mother who speak to me, and guide me.
11. Heavenly Father then rose up in the air and was soon gone. I closed my prayer.
12. Evening–Tonight I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water, and then knelt facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
13. She came in bright glory upon the lake, and stopped a few feet in the air above the water. I then heard her ask me to come before her on the water. I stood and immediately was before her, kneeling on the water. The water was hard enough to kneel on.
14. She then spoke: 'Raphael, your son who gave a birth blessing this morning to his daughter and baptized and confirmed his other daughter, is of our elect. We will help all of our elect to change their attitudes about their religious beliefs in order to conform to the many truths we are revealing to them in the nighttime, even in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms. We will work with each one of our elect, and have a separate path for each one to come to a unity of the faith, as is required in Zion.
15. Tonight you watched some videos of a recent polar expedition (the MOSAIC expedition, ending in September 2020 after one year in the arctic), and read some articles about the diminished ice on the Arctic Ocean that has been happening since before 2020. We, your Gods, have timed the arrival of our northern lost tribes of Israel to come forth from the inner earth on open waters, and yet be able to walk on the thick ice on the telestial earth for some days on their southern journey. We wanted there to be sunlight for them (only available in the spring and summer on the arctic), and partially open waters and large iced areas. Were the boats to have arrived too late in the summer, there would not be solid ice for them to walk upon, since much of the Arctic Ocean ice melts and then the ocean water freezes again during the colder months. Early spring was the very best time for this to happen, which occurred this past week. The new arrivals could build large fires on the ice without any risk of burning through, since it is still relatively thick from the winter freeze.
16. When the travelers will come upon the highway "in the midst of the great deep" (see D&C 133:27), this mighty protrusion (the highway) from the terrestrial great deep waters will be solid ground. Were the elect travelers to remain on the telestial earth, and not the terrestrial, the arctic ice would melt before these people could reach land, and there would be no way for them to come to the North American continent. They will be coming to the region where Canada is, but in the terrestrial realm. This is the closest and most direct path to the New Jerusalem. We have prepared the way for our elect to arrive at the New Jerusalem area at the exact time that you will have it ready to receive them.
17. Raphael, even as your Father and I have prepared the northern arctic regions to be perfect for receiving the inner earth tribes at this time, even so will we prepare the way for the other elect to come to the New Jerusalem. These other journeys of our elect will be done in miraculous manners also, according to the faith of our elect. We are preparing our elect and preparing the way for their future journeys. We will protect and inspire our own as they exit their telestial earth and enter into the terrestrial earth, where will be located the New Jerusalem.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. I am in awe at the enormous planning and precise timing of all these events that are now coming together!
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, April 25, 2021
1. I awoke this morning and realized that I have occasionally had some personal angst towards a family member. I don't know why I have been feeling these things at times. Angst is defined as anxiety mixed with frustration and negativity. This is what I feel about some of this person's behaviors at different times. I feel bad to have such feelings too, for I wish to not feel this way. I don't know why I am sometimes "bugged" by this person's actions and attitudes.
2. I don't know the cause, but I wish so much to eliminate these uncomfortable feelings, and then the actions that I am doing. These actions come out as saying unkind things about this person occasionally, for which I am now very sorry, or saying in my mind what I feel like at times and not voicing them. I believe this family member can feel these emotions I sometimes have, which I feel guilty about but don't know how to stop them. I most times very much enjoy their company, and am not annoyed.
3. I wish to be clear of these occasional angst feelings, and clear of the guilt I feel. I have prayed this morning, seeking correction and forgiveness from Jesus Christ, and from my Heavenly Parents. I am now at the circling waters, and have prayed about these issues openly with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I await their response.
4. My Heavenly Father then appeared before me, and spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, these angst feelings and the occasional words need to be resolved so that you can be fully clean and pure. You have prayed to us and to our Son, Jesus Christ, for redemption and forgiveness. We are pleased with your openness, but do need all such feelings and resulting occasional words and actions eliminated. Much of what you expressand is a natural consequence of the natural man, living in a telestial world.'
5. At that moment, my Savior, Jesus Christ, came before me. He was compassionate in his visage, and spoke to me:
6. 'Raphael, I have heard your pleadings to me to forgive you of your angst and actions, and other associated feelings towards your family member. Your repentance is real, and I freely forgive you. I have pled your cause before our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, asking them to help you resolve these feelings and to never again say any hurtful words, or feel such negative feelings. They have accepted my plea for you, and you are clean before us. You are now again in our presence, and are able to partake of our love and abundant light and truth.
7. We will help you as you struggle to eliminate any feelings of negativity you have. You will need to identify the source of such feelings, and resolve them by accepting fully that there is nothing you can do about the other person, for each of God's children are free to choose their actions and behaviors. Continue to seek our help to completely eliminate all negative feelings from your heart and mind, and you will be our clean and pure man who will do our great work of God. We have given you weakness in your flesh so that you may struggle and be humble. You are sufficiently humble and sincere before us, and you are open, seeking our help. We will therefore make this weakness become a strength to you. I love you, my son!'
8. I thanked Jesus Christ for his comforting words. I said I want to be free from such negative emotions, and for him and my Heavenly Parents to help me in these things. I said I could think of nothing else in my life that I may harbor or hide, to keep myself from being clean and pure before them. I asked for them to strengthen me in these, my struggles.
9. My Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ then left. I felt so much better to have gotten all of this out in the open, and to have been forgiven. I desire to be clean and pure, a worthy man, only because of Jesus Christ, who has forgiven me and cleansed me. I feel very connected with God, yet so weak at times. I will continue to work at correcting my weaknesses, with God's help, and become strong and able to do their work, even as they wish of me.
10. Evening- I came tonight to the circling waters. I have enjoyed a relaxing sabbath day with my family. We have so many blessings!
11. I drank living water and then knelt, facing the circling waters and the river behind it. I asked my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
12. She appeared in front of me above the water. She was very beautiful and shining her majesty. I felt her intense light pass into me and fill me with her love and acceptance. I felt so very much peace and lots of happiness.
13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we who are your Gods, are understanding of the struggles that our children in mortality experience. Many of their weaknesses and foibles we have allowed to come into their lives in order to see how they respond, and if they keep coming back to us in humble and repentant ways. We will always help them in these, their hardships, even until these weaknesses become strengths to them.
14. Nephi, son of Lehi, spoke of struggles he experienced in his immediate family (see 2 Nephi 4:17-35). He was very resolved to place his trust in us, his Gods, forever, and not to put his trust in the arm of flesh. You, Raphael, are doing the same process of routing out weak behaviors and replacing them with those that fully align with our truths and gospel way of living.
15. We helped Nephi in his struggles with his weaknesses, and we will help you, and each of our children who humbly and openly come to us with a great desire to change and improve. We will cleanse and purify, strengthen and make them holy men and women. They will be endowed with our great power and authority to do the works we may ask of them.
16. You will be prepared, in every way, to be our pure and holy conduit through whom we will do our work of building up Zion.
17. Continue to review your past posts about the New Jerusalem this upcoming week. We will be by your side in all of your doings, even throughout your mortal days.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of comfort to me tonight. I felt such peace and tranquility to be in her presence. She departed and I closed my prayer.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, April 26, 2021
1. I feel very much at peace this morning, and happy. My wife and I talked more at length of accepting all our children where they may be, without any preconceived way we might expect them to act or behave, no judgment or expectations.
2. I believe that this will greatly contribute to our peace and joys in life. It is not at all easy to do, since we naturally expect our children to act like we diligently taught them. However, they are free to act how they wish. We have no control nor do we want to have control, of their lives or their actions and choices, for they are free to choose how they will live.
3. I had these thoughts in my mind as I came in prayer this morning to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank living water from the lake and then came up next to one of the majestic maple trees to pray. I knelt, facing the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
4. He appeared at my side, also facing the lake in front of us. He spoke to me while looking straight ahead: 'Raphael, one of the hardest things for our elect, who know some of our truths, and who have raised children in the gospel of Jesus Christ, as far as they have understood it, is to drop their expectations for their own children. They have in many cases diligently taught their children the way they should live their lives. Then, when these children become adults, many may choose different ways than their parents. This becomes very difficult for the parents, for they reason "how could our children act this or that way, for we have taught them better!" The parents expect their adult children to live like they believe they should, even when they are adults and are out of their homes and their direct influence. This is often a constant fret and worry for these parents of grown children.
5. Your Heavenly Mother and I allow our elect, and those who are not, to come into all varieties of families. Just because one couple might teach their children diligently the truths of the gospel and model for them a Christian and upright life, does not determine how that child as an adult will choose to live their life. Some of their children may be our elect, and some may not be.
6. Their upbringing is a major contribution to how they will choose to become, but they themselves will act with the moral free agency that we have given to them, when they become fully responsible for their own actions as our adult children. We watch them and prompt them in their lives to encourage them to choose us, their Gods, and our ways of happy upright living. Their mortal parents may encourage them also, but their decisions and choices in life are theirs.
7. Raphael, this is how we want each one of our adult children to be- free to act and choose what they want in their mortal probation. This is the major purpose of this final phase of their lives and progression, to see if they will come unto us and seek us on their own.
8. Your wife and you now need to fully drop the expectations of how your children should act. You have no power except by your influence of love and acceptance. Your judgments will not make them choose a good life, nor will anything you do but your love, acceptance, and acting in a happy manner, and living your own lives in righteous ways.
9. Continue to strive to drop all of your judgments and expectations of how they "should" act. Showering all with love is your best action in influencing them to righteous living. The way you live, after the manner of happiness, will be an important influence upon them.'
10. Heavenly Father turned to me and faced me directly. 'Raphael, this is the manner we, your Heavenly Parents, act towards our many children, both in their premortal estate, and in their mortal estate on earth. We have modeled our lives for you to act in a similar way, if you choose to do so.
11. When the phases of probation are all completed, it will be only those who have diligently sought after us, even when we were away and behind a veil, that will be exalted and become like us. These will be our celestial elect. They will come to us from varied situations and families on your mortal earth. They will have chosen on their own to seek us humbly, and we will have led them gradually, according to their own effort and diligence, even until we reveal our faces to each one again, as we have done for you.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful message. I already knew these things, but the way he explained it again helped me immensely. I expressed to him my deep love for him, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer. My joy was then full as he beamed his light upon me in his beautiful maple tree grove.
13. Heavenly Father reached out with his hand. I took it and together we walked through the grove and then onto the waters of Lake Beautiful. I saw us walking out on the lake from another perspective. I was not privy to our conversation in my mortal conscious mind. I feel at peace and very blessed!
14. Evening- I came tonight to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt and faced the temple to the west. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
15. She came immediately, shining brightly in the air in front of me. I felt so glad to come into her presence.
16. She did not immediately speak, so I asked her if I could pose some questions about what I listened to concerning the New Jerusalem today while I worked in the garden. She said I could ask her my questions.
17. Q1- In the past posts, it was said that the New Jerusalem would be the first area on the earth that would become a terrestrial earth. Yet the highway, the great deep, the barren land of promise, plus the atmosphere, are in the terrestrial realm of the physical earth already. Please explain.
18. A1- 'Raphael, when your Father and I said previously that the New Jerusalem area would be the first terrestrial physical earth, we were referring to the first enlivened terrestrial physical earth, with living terrestrial waters. There is an entire terrestrial physical earth in a holding state, even since the fall of man. There is only terrestrial water, terrestrial land, and terrestrial air, with no life or living entities. This is a barren terrestrial earth, and not what we were referring to.
19. The enlivened terrestrial earth will not start until living terrestrial waters come up from the underground cavern of living water that comes to the surface, in the island of the New Jerusalem. It will at that moment become a living terrestrial earth, capable of growing living things and sustaining new life. The northern tribes, when they drink of waters from the great deep, or from the pools of water on the barren land of promise, will be drinking water that will quench their thirst, and satisfy the needs of their bodies and their animals. Not being living water, it is akin to distilled water in the telestial earth. It has no minerals and no living organisms living in it. All of the nutrition and minerals value that these individuals and animals receive will need to come from their own food or feed they have brought with them.'
20. Q2- I heard today that I will come to the New Jerusalem after two weeks of the great earthquake that will rock the promised land. Is this the devastating earthquake to be set off by Nibiru (see my post 191F20)?
21. A2- 'Yes, the coming of Nibiru in the terrestrial realm will cause the devastating earthquake on the barren terrestrial physical realm on the earth. This is the earthquake that will open up the fissure to the underground cavern below the future New Jerusalem area.
22. You will be prompted to first arrive two weeks after this devastating earthquake in the flooded New Jerusalem area. This visit of Nibiru will occur after the northern tribes enter the terrestrial physical earth, on the highway. This people will witness this large binary star approaching, and they will feel the devastating earthquake on the highway. They will sustain no harm, nor will the highway be damaged at all. However, the face of the land in the future New Jerusalem area will greatly change (see your post 191G11).'
23. Raphael, your Heavenly Father or I will inform you of the date of the devastating earthquake in the terrestrial realms of the physical earth. We will also let you know at that time the date two weeks later when you will first be coming to the New Jerusalem to start with the formation of the island of our holy city. This will happen next month in May.'
24. Q3- I read that after I come to the New Jerusalem next month, I will also begin my trek, in the terrestrial realm, to the New Jerusalem on foot. This will be in the company of other LDS individuals (see my post 171A9 to 171A12). How will my wife purportedly have died in the devastating earthquake if that will be in the terrestrial realm, whereas we live in the telestial realm? Also, are the LDS people with whom I travel with now preparing their journey in today's telestial world?
(Interrupted at night, continued in the morning)
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, April 27, 2021
1. A3- 'Raphael you will say to your fellow travelers that your wife died in the recent devastating earthquake. You will tell them that this earthquake was in the terrestrial physical earth where you recently were located and not on the telestial earth. Those in this group are being told by our Spirit that they will enter into the terrestrial realm to walk to Zion. They will accept you into their group, for you will have already been in this terrestrial realm, and will help guide them there again. You will be accepted as one of them, and will be of your same age and look as you do now, only in a replicated state. You will also meet up with them next month in May, 2021. We will inspire you where to go in your second replicated being to meet up with them. They will have sufficient food and supplies to sustain you on the journey, so that you won't need to take much more with you than a regular backpack of clothes, and a sleeping bag, and other miscellaneous items.
2. This group of LDS people are now being prepared and gathered. They are of our elect, and are inspired by our Spirit. They are waiting for our words when to depart. Once you meet them, then our Spirit will prompt them to depart to the east on foot. We will give you more information next month about this trip to Zion on foot.'
3. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her new revelation on my questions. I apologized that I was interrupted in my prayer last night, for it was late and I needed to receive her words through the night as I slept, for some reason. I asked her if what I had written reflected fully what she revealed to me.
4. She replied: 'Raphael, you have written the truths that I have spoken to you. I revealed my answer to your last question while you were sleeping so that it was in your mind this morning. Last night you couldn't figure out what I was saying, since you were too tired and lost your ability to hear my words.'
5. I thanked her again, and said I loved her. I told her that these will be very unique and exciting times for me next month. I asked her to help me prepare myself in reviewing my past posts about the New Jerusalem. She said she would be with me as I listened and read my previous posts.
6. She then departed and I started my new day on earth.
7. Evening- I reviewed much more today about the New Jerusalem (I listened and read post 54 and 55). The way that this was all revealed to me was remarkable. I first had a walk through in detail in the New Jerusalem (see my post 54 and 55 in 2017). I then had an experience in the spiritual creation (my posts 170 to 174 this past fall.) I then will create the New Jerusalem on the physical terrestrial earth starting in May, next month. I am working hard to review my previous posts on the New Jerusalem and to be all ready when my Heavenly Parents call me to do their work next month.
8. I came this evening to the fountain of living water at the site of the future New Jerusalem. My Heavenly Parents said I could come here any time to view the New Jerusalem in this future state. This is a comfort to me, for I will probably need to do this now and again, particularly when what I have written previously is not clear to me, and I need more clarification on construction details.
9. I knelt by the fountain facing south toward God's New Jerusalem temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me in answer to my prayer.
10. He came in a beam of light from the top tall spire of the temple! He was next in front of me, standing in the air.
11. I waited upon him, and in a few seconds he spoke: 'Raphael, we gave you the impression today while you were working in your garden, that the northern tribes have carts that they brought with them. These they have loaded with provisions that their large animals are hauling. This is very difficult work for these animals, particularly in the arctic weather.
12. When our elect trek to Zion, which will be for several months on foot, they too will of necessity have to bring handcarts they pull or wagons pulled by animals, in order to bring their needed supplies to be sustained. Each will be inspired to do this a little differently, for all will have a unique journey. We will generously supply many miracles for our elect, particularly as they exercise faith in us, and commune regularly with us in humble prayer.
13. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased in your effort to review in detail your posts about the New Jerusalem construction. We will help cement the details in your conscious and unconscious mind. It is good too that you are listing the steps you will need to take in the beginning construction phases. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be by your side during the physical creation process, in your replicated celestial being, and will help you and guide you in all you do by our power and with our authority.
14. Keep being steady in your reviews and preparations. We will bless you in this, your time of final preparations.
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me here at the completed New Jerusalem. He said I could come here and take measurements, or view the completed piece of construction that I had questions about, at any time. He said he or Heavenly Mother would be there to help me answer my questions.
16. He then smiled and departed back into the beam of light. I concluded my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, April 28, 2021
1. I received a great email from S.A. this morning. I hope to include it after this morning's journal entry, if she gives me her permission.
2. I came this morning to the western tree of life in the future New Jerusalem. I drank from the living water that flows around the tree. I then knelt facing the temple, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. She appeared under the tree of life, with a fruit in her hand that she had just plucked from the tree. She handed it to me and I ate it all.
4. Then she spoke to me: 'Raphael, S.A.'s email to you is true, and was given to her from her Heavenly Father who answered her questions. This fruit you just ate will help you open up your mind more to our strange work and strange act that we are now orchestrating. There will be many more unusual actions we take in bringing our elect to Zion, and in you building a place for them to come.
5. The enemies of the tribes of the north will send forth their laser weapons to try to destroy this group in a few days. However, they will have just stepped into the highway and into the terrestrial physical earth which we have prepared. The laser weaponry will have no effect upon them whatsoever. We will also turn the weaponry upon their own equipment in their satellites from where this comes, and destroy its functionality for the future. They will see this as a major malfunction.
6. Raphael, after S.A. gives her approval to include her email, conclude this post 192.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of confirmation and new insights she gave me. She departed and I concluded my prayer.
8. Email from S.A. on 4-27-2021
I prayed tonight about your journal entry.
I read through it twice today, trying to wrap my head around it all. At first, it seemed a bit strange and confusing to me as I read the answer to your first question. However, tonight as I reread it, I first prayed and connected with my Heavenly Father and asked him to help me to stay in constant communion with him as I read so I could know of the truth of these things, and ask the questions I might have.
As I reread A1, I could finally understand the answer, and it brought clarity to my mind. I felt the Spirit confirm to me that the terrestrial realm is now barren of life and will be an enlivened terrestrial realm once the living water is brought to the New Jerusalem area.
I then stopped and wondered how the northern tribes could pack enough food for themselves and their animals in their wagons (I thought that wagons is what I remember reading of them using on their land journey).
I asked my Heavenly Father, and he spoke, 'They are eating a very rationed amount of food. It is enough to survive, but not much more than this. Because they are careful, and eating so little each day, they will have enough to make it.'
I also felt peace and assurance as I read about Nibiru coming which will open up the fissure to the underground cavern below the future New Jerusalem area. I felt this is truly their plan, and it is needful for Nibiru to come to bring about these great changes to the terrestrial earth.
I had to read several times about you telling your group that your wife died in the terrestrial realm. This seemed like a strange story for those in our telestial world to believe. However, Heavenly Father assured me of it when I asked.
He spoke: 'It will resonate with them because our Spirit has born witness to them also of their journey taking place on the terrestrial realm.
Because these, our elect are being prepared now, and listen and obey our Spirit, when the time comes that we tell them, they will leave and know with a surety that this journey is what we want them to do, and they will quickly obey.'
I am grateful to have prayed about these things, for it felt like a stretch to believe at first. However, my Heavenly Father confirmed the truth of what you recorded in your journal entry.
I wanted to ask you about a past post where you recorded something about how the troops would send warfare against the northern tribes when they arrived, but all of their explosives would be turned upon their own army and destroy them. It seems like from what I've read, their arrival was without anyone knowing in the frigid northern lands. Did I understand this correctly, or maybe there is some more information on this?
Thank you again, R!
Your friend,
9. Response from R on 4-28-2021:
"Thank you so, so much, S.A.! I think your explanation is so very clear. I agree with you too that these things seemed initially quite strange to my mind and reasoning, but now they ring true, particularly after reading them several times, and letting God settle these thoughts in my mind as I am open and prayerful.
This reemphasizes the truthfulness of this scripture:
Isaiah 28:21
"For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act."
I know this is referring to God's plans and actions in these last days. So who am I to question my Heavenly Parents on how they will do their work in these last days, particularly after I have received a confirmation several times myself, and now a second witness from you, whom I fully believe will speak the truth to me? This all makes me feel like I am being stretched and becoming more open to whatever and however they may orchestrate things.
Thanks again, S.A., for sending me your reply so quickly, and for being able to connect with your Heavenly Father.
May I share your full email at the end of post 192?