I have included pictures from my recent trip to
Yellowstone National Park in this post
203. The Blessings of a Merged Mind
There have been many things happening as described in this latest post. I have received the blessing of a merged mind which I am now learning more about. Read the particular attributes that attend this great gift from God.
While S and S.A. prepare for their upcoming trek to the New Jerusalem in three weeks, my own trek has just arrived. There are many lessons we each will learn as we find out how we will be coming to Zion, whether on foot or instantly in a portal. I have a final departure date from my Utah home the day after S and S.A. leave on their trek.
There is more information about the upcoming teaching, calling and ordination of the 144,000. Those initially called will be exclusively from the tribes of Israel and will be administered to by John the Beloved. They will be ordained by the angels of God in fulfillment of prophecy.
There are many remarkable events described in this post! Please pray about these and test all things, making sure they are of God and not man. Don't take my word for any of this!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
Bull Elk
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 17, 2021
1. I reread my entries over the past two days about my change to a merged mind. It is more clear to me now as I seek to understand all of this. I plan to just be observant and not to try to analyze it further. I will just let it happen, with no expectations.
2. I came before my Heavenly Mother this morning in the font room of the New Jerusalem temple. We were in her highest celestial realm so as not to be seen. I saw myself with Oriphiel, administering and recording the names of the newest members to the Church of the Firstborn. I could feel how happy my replicated celestial being was in serving in this capacity.
3. Heavenly Mother turned to me while I was watching and spoke: 'Raphael, if you wish to comprehend what your other replicated angel self is doing, thinking and talking, you need to intend to be in your replicated being. You will then be able to sense all of your conscious state while you are administering the waters of separation ordinance to our elect children. You will momentarily be there in person, and then return to me watching.'
4. I then intended to be in my angel self in my conscious mind, administering to the elect in the font room. My feeling of what I was then experiencing wasn't real clear, but I knew it would soon come in the days ahead. When I came into my replicated self standing on the silver floor, I knew I was also in the higher celestial realm watching myself with my Heavenly Mother. It was all a very natural experience. I didn't stop in any of my administrations, but had these thoughts in the background of my thinking.
5. I then came again before my Heavenly Mother. She said I would gradually get used to doing all of this, and it would become quite normal.
6. She took my hand and we were instantly outside the north doors of the temple. I no longer was aware of my replicated angel self in the temple. I was fully focused on what my Heavenly Mother was going to say to me:
7. 'Rapahel, I will now address another topic. When you came to meet the members of your trek on your first day, you were inspired to take your printed quadruple combination of the standard works of the LDS church. These have been well marked by you in the past, and are well used. Once you arrive with your trek, you will take this set of scriptures and bring them before me in prayer. Ask me at that time to duplicate these scriptures for the 200 teachers, in 200 copies. I will do so by my Godly power. These 200 copies will not have your personal markings, nor certain unapproved portions, including D&C 132 and all references to that section, or the official declarations. I will duplicate these scriptures so our people in Zion will have copies of our revelations and records that you have access to.
8. When you finally come with your printed copy of the Book of Raphael at the end of next month, bring these records before me in prayer also. I will then duplicate these by my Godly power in 200 sets, like I did the standard works. These sets of the 14 volumes of Raphael will then be given to the teachers the next time you meet with them on the grassy park. Our teachers will then have the scriptures we wish them to possess so they may share these words with our people in Zion.
9. Until normal means of printing these and other records become available, we will continue to duplicate new records in this manner. There will be other records we will wish to duplicate, such as the records kept by the tribes of Israel that have been brought with them. Inform their head prophet of what I will do for duplicating your records, and ask him to bring his records to me of his people, in prayer. I will also duplicate his records in a like manner.
10. We want an initial set of 200 copies of our printed revelations to be made available to our people in Zion. I will not duplicate more than 200 copies, for additional copies will have to wait until printing facilities are built to print more. However, if there are other hidden records that may need to be revealed to our people, I will duplicate these 200 times for the benefit and learning of my people in Zion. Once the printing facilities are built, then I will no longer duplicate new records that come forth. As your new posts are written and published, these will also be duplicated 200 times, to be added to those I will have already duplicated.
Mammoth Hot Springs
11. We have told you in the past that once your posts of your records of Raphael are emailed to your small group, they are also made available in our celestial realm. This will continue in the future, not only with your records, but other records that are made available to our people in the New Jerusalem. All of our hidden records will eventually become available, in both the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion, and in our celestial realms on our celestial orb, for those who dwell there. All of our revelations will gradually be made available to all of our faithful elect, in whatever state of progression they may be in.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words, and great blessing of spreading forth the revelations of God she spoke of. I thanked her again for her abundant truths she so freely shares with us, her inquisitive and open children.
13. She then departed into the celestial sky.
14. Evening-Before my prayer that I write in my journal tonight, I called upon my Father in heaven. I asked him to confirm to my mind the truth of what Heavenly Mother told me this morning in my prayer, that I recorded in my journal. I prayed specifically whether she would duplicate 200 times my standard works in my quadruple combination, for distribution among the 200 teachers in the New Jerusalem. I felt a clear confirmation this was true. I then asked if she would also duplicate all the 14 volumes of my Book of Raphael 200 times, when I would bring these at the end of September 2021. I also received the Spirit, and felt the clear confirmation this was true and from God. What more can I know than this, that it is of God and is true? I feel this scripture in D&C 8:8-9 applies to me:
15. "Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God (my answer to my prayer tonight); and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it out of your hands, for it is the work of God.
And, therefore, whatsoever you ask me to tell you by that means (how I prayed and received a clear confirmation tonight), that will I grant unto you, and you shall have knowledge concerning it." (words in parenthesis from R).
16. I came in prayer tonight again, seeking to commune and hear the voice of my Heavenly Father in my mind. I was kneeling in front of the north door of God's temple on the celestial orb.
17. The temple doors opened and both of my Heavenly Parents walked up to me. They stopped right in front of me, and were both very majestic and glorious! Their white robes were glistening and blowing to the south towards their temple.
18. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our son, you have correctly received our Spirit which confirmed the truth of what your Heavenly Mother revealed to you this morning. We may do whatever we wish to do among our children. We may move them miraculously across the realms of the earth in an instant. We may duplicate records as many times over as we desire. We may bring forth our humble elect from all over the earth, according to our great power of gathering.
19. Our work is a strange work, a strange act, (see Isaiah 28:21) and we have power to do our own work (see Isisah 50:2) through our obedient and humble servants whom we choose. We are not constrained to follow any supposed prophecies of how a church, or a supposed prophet cannot fall or lead falsely the people astray. We will call our new leaders to accomplish our own works, as seems good to us. We are all powerful, and know the end from the beginning. We will orchestrate our great last days' work through you and our other humble and obedient servants. They will all act with our Spirit, and we will manifest our great power through them.
20. Soon our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will come in glory to the earth. He will initiate an entire new civilization and world upon the earth. The old telestial earth will pass away, and the new terrestrial millennial era will begin. We will preserve and groom our elect for these glorious days ahead. Our great glory will come in majesty upon the earth. Oh, what a beautiful day of peace and happiness this will be!'
21. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then held hands and rose up into the celestial sky above me. A swirling cloud encircled them, and lightning flashed all around. A magnificent noise of extreme thunder burst from the cloud, and then they were gone.
22. I bowed my head and closed my evening prayer.
Bull Bison
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 18, 2021
1. I came this morning to the circling waters on Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt on the edge of the water and drank from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clarified in my mind. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. She appeared before me on the water. She was smiling, and immediately spoke:
'Raphael, M.A. wrote an email to you with a question about a merged mind: She asked whether the merged mind made it possible to know what you have been taught these past several years in your unconscious mind. She was hoping the merged mind would allow those blessed with this gift to know all that had been taught by us in their unconscious mind, and to remember these things.
3. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have told you many things in the past that you were not aware of consciously at the time. We revealed these to your unconscious mind, with the promise that you would remember these events and teachings after you received your merged mind.
4. You will gradually remember our teachings that were given to you in the past, in your unconscious mind. These will add to your conscious state of memory. At first it will not be easy to identify when we shared this information with you but it will be present in your conscious memory. This will start coming to your mind once you have arrived in your trek to the New Jerusalem on August 30, 2021.
5. In time, all of your unconscious memories from your premortal and mortal life, up to that point, will be available to you in your conscious memory. This recall will be a wonderful blessing to you, and to those who receive this gift of a merged mind!'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this answer, and to have such a great gift! I will thank M.A. soon for having written to me about this-it was a great question!
7. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. I received a very exciting email from S.A.'s on 8-18-2021:
"Hello R,
Tonight in prayer, I asked a question that relates to obtaining a merged mind and was told to share this with you.
I asked about celestial mortal beings who can replicate during the millennium, if they could actually be in their conscious mind, or face to face in the celestial realm with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer?
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Those who are celestial mortal beings may choose to come in their replicated conscious state into our presence in our celestial realm during prayer. When they are not in prayer with us, like during their daily activities, we may send them our Spirit, but it will come to them in their subconscious state.
Communing with us in a subconscious state is how it will be for all of our children who are living in a terrestrial mortal state. These will only be able to pray and receive of our Spirit through their subconscious mind. In this way, it will still be a test of their faith. For them to commune with us in prayer, they will need to be diligent and faithful in seeking our presence.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for this message and confirmed it to be true.
Have a great night!
With love,
9. R's email to S.A. on 8-18-2021:
"Thank you S.A. for sharing this with me! I confirmed it is true also.
So when we are blessed with a merged mind, and being celestial mortal beings, I understand that we can come into our replicated conscious state before God. Having the merged mind allows us to be fully conscious in this prayer experience, and not just in our unconscious, or subconscious state. This latter condition is how I now come before God in prayer. However, with a merged mind, it will be in my full consciousness if I choose to do so.
I am going to pray more about this tonight, to see if there are additional nuances of this great gift!
May I share your email in post 203? This is all so very fascinating!
Warm regards,
One of the many hot springs at Yellowstone
10. Response from S.A. back to R, 8-18-2021:
"Thank you for confirming this! Yes you may share it. I am in awe of it all. There are no words to express how I feel at the thought of it all. It is really humbling, surreal and beyond special to think about conscious prayer in their presence! Wow!
11. Evening-I received a wonderful email from S.A. tonight (see above). It was all about being able to come before God in a replicated celestial state in full conscious reality. This is for a celestial mortal being who has a merged mind.
12. I came in prayer to the desert oasis tonight on the celestial orb. I knelt by the water's edge, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He gradually appeared before me on the water. I saw or perceived him in my unconscious mind. He was smiling and subdued in his glory.
13. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I gave S.A. the revelation that she shared with you tonight. You are also correct that one who has a merged mind like you will soon experience, may come before your Heavenly Mother and I in their conscious mind, in a celestial replicated state. If you had your merged mind fully functional tonight, you would see me in your full conscious state, and not just in your current unconscious state. This will be such a wonderful blessing to our celestial mortal children to whom we will have blessed with a merged mind.'
14. I asked my Father if all who receive the waters of separation ordinance, and who have their name written in the Book of Life, who are still mortal, would become a celestial mortal being with a merged mind.
15. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, these who are mortal beings, who become members of the Church of the Firstborn, and have their name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life, will become celestial mortal beings. However, only a select number of these will receive the blessing of a merged mind. These will mostly be those celestial mortals who have unique callings of laboring in the New Jerusalem temple, or who have callings that require their translation. This will include the mortal angels and some mortal celestial servants. We will reveal to them individually the revelation of this great bestowal upon them.
16. During the celestial training of our elect during the entire millennium, those who remain celestial mortal beings on earth and who have a merged mind, will be able to consciously attend the classes in a replicated celestial state. This will even be while they labor for our elect on the mortal earth.
17. This morning your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about receiving unconscious memories into your conscious memory. What you wrote that she spoke was accurate. The conscious memory of our celestial mortals who have a merged mind will be remarkable. They will remember all of their premortal memories, and also those unconscious revelations we have kept hidden from them until they received a merged mind.
18. The records of our unconscious revelations to you, that your replicated celestial being has written on our celestial orb, will be also made available to you after you receive your merged mind. Some of these we may choose not to reveal to our terrestrial mortals, but only to our celestial mortals and other celestial children. There are other unconscious revelations to our elect that we may reveal to them in a like manner, even during their days of mortality on earth. These will all be revealed according to the time of our choosing, and even as we will.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful words of truth. I felt the Spirit he gave to me verify of their truth . I told my Heavenly Father I was so happy to have received so very much tonight from him.
20. I then closed my prayer.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 19, 2021
1. I came this morning in my replicated celestial being to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and drank living water from the stream. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. She gradually appeared before me, and was glorious and smiling. She spoke to me: 'Rapahel, what your Heavenly Father revealed to you last night in your prayer is true. A merged mind, given to one of our faithful mortal sons or daughters, assures them of eternal life and exaltation. This stops their probationary experience in mortality, for they no longer have a veil which is common to our mortal children. At any time they may come unto us, their Gods, in a replicated celestial state, and in a full conscious mind be in our presence. Their conscious memory will include their additional unconscious memories. We will have proven them and promised them to become Gods in eternity.
3. It is in the state of a merged mind that our celestial mortal elect will have our revelations distill upon their souls as the dews from heaven, and without compulsory means, these shall flow to them forever and ever. (see D&C 121:45-46).
4. In this period of your gradual transition to have the blessing of a merged mind, I will help you perceive small changes in your conscious mind and memory. In every way you will still be our mortal son, living on the earth. However your mind will become more and more opened to the conscious awareness of all that we have revealed to you. Your faith will become very strong, and you will greatly be able to serve us and our people with greater ability and strength.'
5. I gazed into the loving eyes of my Heavenly Mother and was very glad! I thanked her for this exceedingly great blessing of a merged mind that I would be receiving.
6. I then felt her Holy Ghost envelop me and witness to me of the truthfulness of all these things (see Moroni 10:5). I knew that this was the fulness of the Holy Ghost (see D&C 109: 15). I seemed to feel synched to her being in a miraculous manner. I was very glad and filled with her light, love and peace. I felt this all in my unconscious mind, but I will soon feel all such experiences in my conscious mind.
7. Heavenly Mother then started going backwards and fading away. I watched until she had departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. Evening-I felt to come to the head of the river representing Heavenly Father that flows north from the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I knelt along the road next to the river, and faced north. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
9. Heavenly Father walked to me along the road and stopped before me. He was smiling and spoke to me:
'Raphael, just before you came to me in prayer tonight, I confirmed to you that you will depart your telestial mortal world on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. This is a full five weeks from today, and is the first day of Fall on your earth. I have told you ahead so that you may prepare your mind for your departure.
10. Make a list of everything that you feel would possibly need to be good to get done before this date. Then, in prayer with me, mark these high, medium or low in importance. You will be surprised what is not important, and what is important to us, your Gods.
11. Once you come to the New Jerusalem on August 30, 2021, you will receive your fully merged mind. You will have over three weeks to get used to this prior to departing the telestial world. We encourage you to spend a lot of your meditation and prayer time in becoming accustomed to beholding us in prayer in your full conscious mind. We also wish you to seek to bring up memories that will then gradually start emerging from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind.
12. In your prayers to us in September, your Heavenly Mother and I will guide you when to inform your loving wife, and other things to help you transition.
13. After you come back to retrieve your records and say farewell to your family, and after coming to the New Jerusalem with your wife and son, you will not be returning to visit your other family members unless it would be on an errand and mission as our archangel Raphael. We will continue having you minister to our mortal elect sons and daughters according as we do now. However, your mission will mostly be focused on events in the New Jerusalem from this point on.
Blue Staining Slippery Jack Mushroom
14. Come now, Raphael, stand and walk with me north on my road. We will discuss things in your unconscious mind. As you try to understand in your conscious mind what I talk about in this and other days ahead, I will help you gradually develop your merged mind by August 30, 2021.
15. Heavenly Father extended his hand to me. I stood and took his hand. We then walked hand in hand to the north. I had then a glimpse of his bright resurrected hand as it gripped mine! I saw part of his robe, but not his face. I knew he smiled upon me as we started to walk. I didn't hear any audible voice in my consciousness, but I knew Heavenly Father was walking with me. I felt peace and joy in being with my Father tonight!
16. I thanked him in my unconscious mind, and kept my prayer open as I shut my eyes and tried to meditate and hear our conversation in more clarity in my conscious mind.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 20, 2021, Friday
1. My neighbor just died of COVID-19 and its complications. He was fully vaccinated. His wife also barely recovered after getting it too. She was also vaccinated. It is sad to me. And now many LDS church members are feeling pressured to be vaccinated because "the prophet told them clearly to do so", like one of my sons is saying. It is all upsetting to have friends, neighbors and family be deceived, I believe the Spirit of God will never prompt them to accept the supposed vaccination.
2. I came this morning to the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem. I drank celestial living water and felt uplifted. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came from the celestial sky and soon stood before me.
3. She spoke: 'Raphael, were one of our mortal children to humbly pray to us, and ask whether to accept the supposed vaccination for COVID-19 or not, we would never prompt them to do so. This is not a vaccination but a bioweapon. It's purpose is ultimately to destroy life, not to save it.
4. The recent letter from the First presidency of the LDS church is very misguided and not from us. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles no longer have our Holy Spirit. Satan masquerades our Spirit to them, and they think they are receiving revelations from God when it is really from Satan and his clever devils.
5. Raphael, your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I continue to send forth our Spirit, and I continue to send forth the Holy Ghost upon our humble followers. They need to be open and receptive to our quiet promptings, and be willing to hear what we have to say, over any other voice of man or devil.
6. The parable of the ten virgins is now beginning to be fulfilled, even as recorded in D&C 45:56-59:
7. "And at that day, when I come in my glory (this day, speaking in terms of today, even from now until the second coming of Jesus Christ-see D&C 64:23), shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.
For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived (we who are the true Gods of our mortal children, send forth our Holy Spirit upon our sons and daughters, but there are many who will not hear or feel our Spirit. If they think they know of themselves, if they are ladened with sin, if they are proud or puffed up in their learning or riches, or if they are not willing to be guided and led by us, then they cut off the gentle and soft manner in which we speak to them. They then think they hear when it really isn't our voice at all. They are then left to themselves, and they come up with all varieties of falsehoods they say is revelation of our Spirit, when it is their own imaginations or the persuasions and voices of the adversary, even Satan.)-verily, I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.
And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).
Old Faithful
8. Raphael, for friends and family wondering whether to be injected with the supposed vaccination, you may give them all sorts of scientific articles, or seek to persuade them of the unproven nature of the injections. However, the most important recommendation is for them to ask of God, with a humble heart, an open mind, and a willingness to follow God's direction. If they were to do this, we would send forth our still small voice of the Spirit to enlighten their soul and to reveal the truth to them. This is how they will be able to not be deceived by the many other voices all around them.'
9. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her words of truth this morning. She then returned up into the sky and was gone. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 21, 2021, Saturday
1. I sent out post 202 late last night. As a result, I did not record my evening prayer.
2. This morning I received a welcomed email from S. He received revelation from both Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father on two different days. I rejoice that he and his group in Snowflake, Arizona are full of such faith. S has also confirmed several things I have said including the printing press for scriptures. I have prayed over S's email and have confirmed it to be true by the Spirit.
3. I have been pondering the great need for God's elect to carry with them the Spirit. This is the means whereby they may know the truth of all things. Without God's still small voice, we are aimless in knowing what actions to take, for there are so many carefully laid plans to entrap us.
4. I have thought particularly of the pressure to conform to the recent First Presidency letter on vaccinations for COVID-19. To me, this is an insidious trick of the adversary. It has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is out of place for these leaders and the church to press this so hard. I believe there will be so many health issues resulting from these injections, and many deaths.
5. S wrote about faith in his email. I then read Ether 12: 6-22. I was impressed again that we "receive no witness until after the trial of (our) faith." (see Ether 12:6). We will have many of those experiences ahead of us in greater numbers.
6. I sought to come in communion with my Heavenly Father this morning. I came to the grassy terrestrial park on the New Jerusalem. I was in the air above the ground, kneeling. Heavenly Father came to me quickly and was smiling. I sought to view him in my conscious mind before me. In my unconscious mind, I knew his robes were blowing to the north. However, it was much more difficult to view this consciously. I could then see the wind blowing his robes around his lower legs. This all came in little glimpses. I did not see his face consciously, but I did unconsciously. The difference between conscious and unconscious is the greater clarity and realness in a conscious state, similar to how we see things with our eyes rather than our impressions.
7. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, as we gradually merge your mind over the next nine days, you will notice more reality in your mind, even until you are able to see me in full. This will be a wonderful blessing to you!
8. My robe and cape are blowing to the north today while I stand in the air before you. I have caused this to happen to show you that there will be many changes in your telestial world soon in quick succession, making it absolutely necessary for our elect to have our Spirit to guide them. Without the assurance and direction from our Spirit, many will blindly follow their leaders and accept what they say to them as true. This will come from the US government, state governments, and the leaders of the LDS Church. When you leave with your wife and son in a little over a month, the pressure to "vaccinate" will be great, from all sources. Further restrictions will be imposed so that your freedom will be limited if you don't receive the injections. Lies and falsehoods will abound so that there will be no way for our elect to discern the truth without our Spirit. Those who try to disseminate truths about the bioweapon nature of the vaccines will be punished and many will be silenced.
9. I will unleash greater natural disasters upon the earth, and even war will come on your own land. Power outages and mass blackouts will become commonplace. An event will necessitate that you and S's group depart quickly when we have told you to leave. The world you both leave behind will soon fall into greater disarray and chaos. These will be great days of calamity for the elect who seek to follow our Spirit, and not that of Babylon that seeks their destruction, in very deed.'
10. I gazed upon the face of my Father, and I could make out part of his countenance. I knew he was very serious, and spoke these very words to me. I thanked him for his sobering message. I said I would always seek his and Heavenly Mother's face, and obey their direction.
11. Heavenly Father then quickly left, I closed my prayer.
12. I received this email from S on 8-21-2021 entitled "Faith":
I have been pondering a lot about faith needed to act. My Heavenly Parents have discussed this topic in prayer too. I wanted to share what I received in the last two days.
8-19-21 AM
In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Mother. I shared with her that I read Raphael's record that 200 duplicates would be made by our Heavenly Parents for the standard works, Raphael's record, the lost tribes' record, and others that would come forth until a printing shop was available.
Heavenly Mother called me to her side. She was standing in a grassy spot in the New Jerusalem. She smiled upon me and seemed happy. She spoke: 'This is the location where the future printing shop will be created in the New Jerusalem. Here records will be mass printed to go to the surrounding communities that eventually all may have these records. Your Heavenly Father and I rejoice in the printed words of scripture that enlighten our children and reveal truths to their soul. Our children in the lost tribes are currently receiving light and truth as fast as they are able to do so. They are hungry for our word and seek to confirm all this truth in prayer with us individually. This is a blessed day where light from heaven is being poured out upon our willing children's minds and hearts continuously in the New Jerusalem.
We are preparing you for your departure. It is needful for you personally to be here to perform your assignments beginning at the start of 2022. Your Heavenly Father previously told you that you and your group would leave in September and arrive before the end of this year. You have since received in prayer from me that the start would be September 21, 2021. You have come inquiring when you would arrive at the request of S.A.. We inspired her to ask this of you. You will still be traveling into the month of December. You will not arrive before that time. Your group will be tasked with gathering other families and individuals who are ready to depart Babylon and travel towards Zion. These individuals are prepared in their hearts now to follow the spirit. They do not need the coming chaos and turmoil to ready their hearts and minds. Your own children have hearts ready to follow the spirit and travel to Zion. They each have their own individual weaknesses to overcome but their spirits are ready and their hearts have a strong desire to serve God. You will see this more clearly as you begin your travels. You will arrive in the New Jerusalem in the middle of the month of December. This will give you and your family time to rest and be ready to fulfill your assignments once the year 2022 begins. You will fast and pray in December to know more specifics regarding your arrival date and we will reveal it to you at that time as you seek us in prayer.
Be at peace. Continue to prepare diligently and you will see the path open before you for your departure. You cannot see now what shortly lies ahead but you are to be faithful and diligent in your preparations. Moses knew he was to take the tribes of Israel to the Red Sea, and as he was true and faithful, we directed him by our Spirit and the way appeared that they might travel through the Red Sea on dry ground. We will likewise bless our individual children in their journeys ahead as they exercise faith in us, their Heavenly Parents.'
Heavenly Mother's message was complete. I thanked her for her words. She lingered in this area as this scene closed to my view. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
8-20-21 AM
In prayer, I shared my thoughts and feelings with Heavenly Father. I spoke to him of the faith needed to travel to another realm (terrestrial), existing in the middle of the United States superimposed over the current telestial world that I see all around me. Also that I would join a group of people that traveled from the inner earth and who are currently preparing this place to gather God's elect.
Heavenly Father appeared before me and took my left hand. We then flew through the air horizontally over the ocean on this earth. I dipped my right hand in the water as we flew close to its surface.
Heavenly Father spoke: 'We have created this earth in its perfection. These great waters provide moisture in the air that comes to earth as rain and snow to provide water for our children to survive. Our children all acted on faith to come to mortality and trusted that we, their Heavenly Parents, would provide for their physical needs. All the prophets whose records are in the scriptures had to act in faith, believing on the words and promises they received from us in prayer. Our spirit spoke peace to their mind as it does for you at this time. (I thought of Abraham who was commanded to offer up Isaac, Joseph in Egypt, Lehi leaving Jerusalem, Nephi building a ship to cross uncharted waters, Joseph Smith bringing forth the Book of Mormon). It is wise to confirm these things with us in prayer. As often as you do, we will speak peace to your mind and heart.
The journey for each of our children to come to Zion will require great faith. Each will need to listen to the whispering of our Spirit and trust in this feeling. Some will leave when their world is collapsing all around them and they have no other hope to survive. Others may feel to leave before such a crisis surrounds them and their family. In each scenario, our children must exercise faith in our guidance.
Our precious daughter, who is your wife, has made comments that she is ready to go to Zion. She has asked in prayer if your family is to leave but she feels she has not received an answer. She has great faith and will be blessed with our peace of the spirit to move forward. She will not understand at first why she feels impelled to do so. Along the journey, her understanding will deepen and she will rejoice in the opportunity to serve us, her Heavenly Parents, in righteousness and obedience. She desires to please us and we will whisper reassurance to her heart by our Spirit.
Move forward in faith and all these things will work together for your good! This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.
Ether 12: 6-22. These verses from Moroni regarding faith came to my mind yesterday during work as I contemplated "faith". I read and pondered them this morning.
Your brother and fellow servant,
13. Evening-I reread my journal entries over the past two days. I am so grateful for God's guidance in my own life! I feel at peace and happy.
14. I came to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens, near the glass table. I was next to a bed of beautiful garden vegetables. The colors were vibrant and the plants were very healthy. I was admiring these, comparing some to similar vegetables in my own garden, when Heavenly Mother quietly came next to me. She was standing in the path to my right. She spoke:
15. 'Raphael, my vegetables growing here in this celestial realm are very much more vibrant and full of nutrition than those in your telestial world. The same effort in planting and nurturing vegetables in a higher realm will yield so much higher quality of produce than in lower realms. When you come with your wife and son to the New Jerusalem terrestrial realm, you will be surprised at the great increase in food quality there.
16. We have blessed you with an abundant garden this summer. Your harvest is very great, and you continue laying it away for your children who will remain. You also eat something from your garden in every meal during these days of harvest. When you come to the New Jerusalem, you will be eating of the abundance of the land of Zion from our island paradise. There will be no need at first to have your own garden, for all the inhabitants share in the abundant food in common. When you have your own house built in time, then you may plant your own garden.
17. In Zion, there will be many of our citizens who desire to specialize in a given trade, in which they are interested and have skill. There will be all things in common among the people, and great abundance to share and trade. In time, there will be a medium of exchange, but the goodwill and love of all will prevent any who may feel they would go without if they don't have enough to pay or exchange for the goods and services they might receive from others. Our intent is that all become rich and have abundance, and also continue to be very productive, refraining from all idleness.
18. In the early months and years of Zion, there will not be much of a government or church organization. The citizens of Zion are pure and holy, and respond quickly to our Spirit. Regulations will come in time, and all will be orderly and organized. The peace and love of our people will continue from the beginning foundations of Zion, to when it is more organized and regulated. Our Spirit will continue to permeate all the people, and bring much joy into their lives.'
19. Heavenly Mother asked me to walk with her to the east up her garden rows. I stood and she slipped her hand on my left elbow. I looked and saw her glowing spirit hand and her robe pulled close to me. I looked into her face and couldn't consciously see her upper body like I did her hand and robe. We then faded away from my view as we walked to the east up the slight incline. My vision closed, and I ended my evening prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 22, 2021, Sunday
1. I prayed to my Heavenly Father this morning. We were in the celestial gardens of the New Jerusalem, near the lake. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you seek to see me in your conscious state, you still may only see me in your unconscious state. Your Heavenly Mother and I have, however, given to you little glimpses of parts of our bodies, like our hands and legs, and parts of our robes. We will continue to allow you to see with more and more clarity, even until August 30, 2021, when you will see our faces in full vision and detail. From then on, you will see clearly whenever you desire to come in one of your replicated celestial states.
2. When you first beheld your Heavenly Mother in April 2013 in your energy class you were attending, you saw her in your unconscious mind. This was very overcoming to you at the time, for it was the first time in mortality that you had seen her in such clarity. Similarly, you will feel nearly overcome at first when you view us, your Gods, in fullness before you in your conscious mind. You will soon, however, get used to this as you did in seeing us in your unconscious mind years ago.
3. We will generally only reveal ourselves to you when you intend to see consciously what is happening in one of your other replicated celestial states of being. This will take some meditation and quietness at first. During your normal mortal days, however, you will be able to function as you do now, with the presence of our Spirit. This is how you will have our Spirit to be with you continually, in your unconscious awareness, as you live in your activities of your days in mortality.'
4. Heavenly Father held out his right hand, palm up. I looked upon it and, after intending to see it in clarity, I saw the brightness and color of his hand. I saw the sleeve of his white robe too, but I couldn't see more. I knew this would come more and more clearly to me. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the great gift of a merged mind that was promised to me. I know this will give me a great boost of faith and assurance when I receive this gift in its fullness.
5. I then put my hand in front of my eyes, and tried to see it in my replicated state. I had a short glimpse of my own glowing hand. It was not nearly as bright as that of my Father's resurrected hand.
6. Heavenly Father smiled upon me and faded away. I closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Evening-I tried to clear my mind tonight after reviewing and watching multiple videos of expert scientists, physicians, and very smart doctors in their own disciplines about the awful consequences coming from the mRNA Covid-19 "vaccines". It is truly horrific to me! I am so grateful for God who has prepared a way for their elect to escape these awful consequences by coming to the New Jerusalem.
8. I humbly prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the clouds of heaven. I thought of all the elect that may be deceived into accepting the supposed Covid-19 "vaccine". I knew of the harm that this would do to their bodies, created by evil and conspiring men and women, in a great worldwide and very deceitful collusion of evil.
9. I then read from my post 151B26, where I had requested on February 9, 2020, that I be able to come before each of God's elect, as myself a separate replicated celestial being, and route out Satan and any of his devils with my sword of Raphael. I asked them if I might stay by their side for each one of these elect, and protect them from these evil entities, even until I were to remove Satan and his evil hosts to the bottomless pit. I was granted my request, and given God's power to protect every one of God's elect (see my post 151B27 to 151B31).
10. I wondered tonight if I could raise my sword again, over each of these elect individuals that had been chosen by God, that would have taken or would take the supposed Covid-19 vaccine. When I would raise my sword over them, I prayed that God would then protect their bodies from the terrible effects of this injection, and heal them so it would be as if they had never received it.
11. As I was thinking about these things, my Heavenly Mother came before me in the clouds. She came before me in great glory. Heavenly Father next appeared and stood by her in the air. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
12. 'Raphael, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, foresaw your day of extreme danger for all peoples:
13. Matthew 24:21-22, 24
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
. . . For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets (this includes President Russell M Nelson in the LDS Church, and all of the ordained twelve apostles in that church), and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (Raphael, the elect include many of the current active LDS Church members, and the elect righteous from all over the world, some who are deceived by the great deceptions and lies of conspiring men and women in these last days-see D&C 89:4) ." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).
14. Raphael, your current day will be shortened, even as Jesus described in verse 22 above. This will be in part by the visit we will empower you to make to every one of our elect who have or will accept the Covid-19 supposed vaccine. You will have our healing power when you raise your sword over these individuals, from the celestial unseen realm, and touch the top of their head with the tip of your sword. Our bright healing light will come from your sword, and purge from them the bioweapon vaccine effects, and remove all poison from their bodies. This will lengthen out the days of our elect. In turn, we will shorten the days of those evil perpetrators and designers of this weaponized medical injection, and those they conspire with. This is how your last days will be shortened, for the elect's sake.
15. Stand now before your Father and me, and look into our faces.'
16. I stood before them in the cloud, and gazed into their faces. I saw my Heavenly Mother and my Heavenly Father very clearly, even in a bright heavenly vision. There was light all around, and the pleasant and powerful faces of my loving Heavenly Parents.
17. Heavenly Mother reached over to me and touched my head with her brilliant hand. I saw her hand come upon me, and I felt it light upon my head. She spoke:
18. 'Raphael, I give you my corona fire and healing power to come through your sword of Raphael, to go into every elect child now in mortality who receives this inoculation. I will heal them of the bioweapon that they received or will receive, and protect them with our matchless power!'
One of the many bubbling paint pots
19. I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her bestowal of this ability, and for the acceptance of this, my great desire. Both my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father smiled broadly on me when I next looked up to them.
20. I said I would immediately fulfill their request. I stayed before them in prayer in the clouds of heaven. I then consciously came to every mortal elect son and daughter who had or would soon accept these lethal injections. I went to each and every one. I then stood above each one, and touched the top of their head with my sword of Raphael. I intended that Heavenly Mother's corona healing power that she had just given to me go into their very physical body, and heal them. I requested that all poisons be removed immediately from those who had received the shot, or that the poisons would depart once they would receive this injection.
21. I then stayed next to those elect in my replicated celestial being to continue to guard them from evil spirits, as I had previously done in February, 2020.
22. I finally came back consciously before my Heavenly Parents in the clouds of heaven, and spoke: 'My Father and Mother, I have done as you have asked me to do for your elect sons and daughters.'
23. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are very pleased with your actions tonight. Tomorrow at noon, teach the 200 teachers about the current world conditions, and about the great conspiracy by Satan and evil men and women, to destroy mankind. Tell them of the great calamities coming upon the telestial earth, among all nations. Tell them how your Heavenly Mother and I have called our elect sons and daughters, and how we have organized our servants to gather them to the New Jerusalem. Tell them of our judgments upon this land of promise, and upon the entire world.
24. Once you have spoken of the prophecies of these last days, tell of your visit tonight to our elect all over the earth, in protecting these from evil spirits, and now from the bioweapon injections many have or will receive. Tell them about the pandemic, and the great deceit upon the land. Tell them that the real pandemic issue is the bioweapon injection into their bodies of poisons and destructive elements meant to kill life.
25. Share with them the great treks and migrations coming to Zion, the New Jerusalem, that our elect will soon make. Tell them of your very trek of twenty people coming a week from tomorrow at the western shores of the mighty river.
26. Once you have discussed all of these topics, then speak of the Pearl of Great Price, with the Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses. Share with them about the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, and the accepted scripture of cannon in the LDS Church that will come to them in one week from tomorrow. Speak to them of your own records of Rapahel, and that these will be brought to them in about one month from today.
27. In all of your teachings, follow our Spirit which we will give to you of our words, accompanied with great power.'
28. I told my Father I would do as he asked of me. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for their uplifting and significant words that they had shared with me tonight. I gazed upon their faces, and saw more clearly their eternity eyes and pleasant countenances than I had seen in a long time. I felt such deep peace and satisfaction tonight!
29. My prayer then ended. I no longer saw my heavenly vision. I closed my experience in the name of Jesus Christ.
Young Elk
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 23, 2021, Monday
1. I prayed last night after writing in my journal entry, and confirmed what happened in my prayer. Heavenly Father confirmed all the words that I wrote down as true. This was a great experience I had in prayer yesterday with my Heavenly Parents. I feel so blessed to have received this.
2. Once I was able to use Heavenly Mother's power to remove the bad effects of the vaccines, I felt immediately so much more at peace. Before this, it was so upsetting to me of what was happening in the world.
3. This morning when I awoke I read an email from S.A. about animals in the terrestrial world. I will ask her if I can share this email in this post. This is exciting to me.
4. I also just now received another email from a conservative news agency that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, the US drug regulators), approved two of the Covid-19 vaccines for use in people 16 years and older. I have read enough about this latest event to believe it is all about money and conspiracy against the people. We have come so far in being linked with Satan and his evil plans to destroy mankind!
5. I came this morning in prayer to the gold steps on the north of the New Jerusalem temple. I knelt at the base of the steps, facing the temple. I prayed to my Heavenly Father. He then opened the two north temple doors and stood on the top step. He asked me to walk up the steps to him. I stood and walked to him on the landing.
6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your country will now issue more vaccine mandates in travel, the work place, and in common locations where the people gather. This will make it more difficult to resist receiving the supposed Covid-19 vaccine for our elect, and for all people. We are glad that you have protected our elect from the very harmful ravages of this injection in their bodies. This entire scenario was cleverly designed by conspiring men and women who were and continue to be inspired by Satan. We will protect our own elect by our power, and deliver them from destruction and the jaws of death and hell. The circumstances in their personal lives will bring them to call upon us, their Gods, for protection and guidance. We have prepared a vast array of terrestrial and celestial servants to use our great power to deliver them, protect them, and help bring them to safety in Zion. What you have written in your journal last night is true and from us, your Gods.'
7. Heavenly Father then reached out his hand to me. I took it and together we entered his celestial New Jerusalem temple. We came in his highest celestial realm into the font room, so as not to be seen. I saw Oriphiel and myself, in another replicated being. I was speaking to a large group of resurrected people, and then began administering to them the waters of separation ordinance. Oriphiel wrote down their name after each ordinance. There was a large outpouring of the Spirit of God, and many happy tears. I felt very pleased to have been there, viewing this scene with my Father.
8. The vision ended and I was back in my private room. I pondered over all of these things, and then closed my morning prayer.
9. I received this email from S.A. on 8-23-2021 entitled "Terrestrial; Animals". I received a confirmation it was true:
"Hello R,
I was given the impression to share this with you.
I was asking Heavenly Mother about our horses, we've been running into challenges training them to pull our carts.
She spoke: 'When you and your families enter the terrestrial realm, the animals will be changed, even in the twinkling of an eye, into terrestrial animals. This will make the horses not afraid anymore of predators, for they have none in the terrestrial realm. They will be much more calm and easy to lead along because of this.'
I also asked her how many days we would travel in the telestial realm before entering the terrestrial realm and she told me it would be 3 days.
These were comforting words for me to receive and I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for confirming this message as true to me when I asked her, after I recorded these things in my journal.
Have a great week!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 24, 2021, Tuesday
1. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake. After stepping into the water, and back on the shore, I sought to view my actions in my conscious mind. It was still not very clear to me yet. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared before me above the water, and asked me to write her words:
2. 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Father spoke to you yesterday in your prayer was true. Already the president of the United States has asked businesses across your land to issue COVID-19 vaccination mandates for all of their employees. This situation will continue to worsen and escalate until you will become more and more isolated from society unless you receive your supposed vaccination.
3. We are pleased that you are planning a short family vacation to Yellowstone National Park at the end of this week. This will provide good bonding time and enjoyment to all of you before access to your national parks will be restricted to those who don't show their vaccine passports. Soon people will be refused access to commercial airlines, public schools, and grocery stores. Even some churches will require their congregations to be vaccinated to participate in religious worship and events.
4. Raphael, there is no reasonable basis for any of these changes that will come in your land except the evil mandates of conspiring men and women. They wish as many people to become injected with those poisons that are in the shots that will start to destroy their bodies and eventually kill the masses. Their intention is to greatly reduce the world population so that it will be a better place for them and their chosen families and friends. We will cut short their evil plans and destroy the fulfillment of their wicked dreams. We will gather our elect, who pray to us and seek and follow our guidance. We will lead them to a better world, even to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial realm.'
5. I gazed upon the face of my Heavenly Mother. She was in her anger and seemed very intent to overturn the evil plans of the wicked at some point. She then rose up in the air above her healing lake and was then encircled in a swirling cloud. There was a loud thunderclap and then she was gone with the cloud.
6. I silently thanked her for her dramatic words and prophecy. I said I would always keep her commandments, and seek her face and her counsels. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Tonight I sought to commune with Heavenly Father. I came to the desert oasis and knelt in front of the bench. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
8. I saw a bright light in the cloud above the oasis. My Father's face then came into my mind. I heard him speak, and saw his lips move as he spoke: 'Raphael, come up into the lit cloud above the oasis. Meet me there.'
9. I stood and intended to move into the cloud and to meet my Heavenly Father there. I was immediately there, kneeling before my Father. He wore a brilliant white robe and was smiling. There were white clouds around him.
10. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, recently I asked you to make a list of everything you could think of to do this next month, by September 22, 2021 (see your post 203C10). You did this, and in prayer you marked whether these items were high, medium, low, or not important. You had four low tasks, and eight not important tasks. You marked no medium tasks, but four high priority tasks including preparing your personal journal records, ways to operate things around your house, spending happy times with your wife, children and grandchildren, and calling your mother twice a week. You were surprised that not much more than these things were too important to your Heavenly Mother and me. We want you to be happy, to get more and more used to your increasing merged mind, and to trust in us. We will order all things for your well being and that of your wife and son.
11. You will have your merged mind fully functional in one week when you arrive in your replicated being at the New Jerusalem in your trek. In less than a month you will all be in our terrestrial world of the New Jerusalem. By then S and S.A. and their families will have departed. We will graciously answer the prayer requests of our faithful elect who remain in the telestial world.
12. Your records of Raphael will remain behind with the few that you have emailed them to, which is six individuals. We will watch over these, and will reveal to them their own journey as they humbly call upon us.
The remaining animal pictures are from the
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone
13. When those who have received your records may begin a trek to the New Jerusalem, they may immediately start sharing more fully your records that we have shared with you with others, even as the Spirit directs them to do. We are pleased when those who walk to Zion take time in pondering our truths we have revealed to you and journal accounts of our revelations to others who also have received so abundantly. We will answer the humble and open prayers of all of our faithful who diligently seek to know for themselves the truth of these things.
14. Today you received an email from S where he expressed his belief that angels were protecting him. We are not only watching over him, but all of our elect. We have multiple servants whom we have assigned to protect and guide our mortal elect children. We are concerned about each one, and will help them as they meet the challenges of their world, and grow in ways we desire. In all of these, we have a tailored plan just for them. Most will be coming to Zion at one time or another.'
15. I gazed upon the face of my Heavenly Father. He was so much more clear than normal to me! I was still in my mortal self writing all of this experience in my journal at my telestial home. However, in my conscious mind, he was before me in a more real sense somehow.
16. He smiled, and then a cloud came in front of him and obscured my view. He then departed. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 25, 2021, Wednesday
1. We borrowed our LDS stake owned pressure cooker to do some canning of spaghetti sauce. It looks like it hasn't been used in years. All of our neighbors have very small gardens, or no gardens at all. It seems they aren't thinking to be self-reliant or provident. I have heard reports that less than 5% of active LDS members have more than a few months of food stored away. I also know the recommendation used to be one year or more, but now the LDS church recommends a three month supply. I wonder if food will become scarce, or become a controlled item.
2. I called upon my Heavenly Mother in prayer this morning. I met her by the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. She appeared above the stream in the air, and was full of love and light.
3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have always encouraged our mortal children in the telestial world to be very provident and to set aside food and other needful items for a day of want and need when these may be needed. Those who have kept a one to two year's supply of food should be able to be independent of controlling governments who require vaccination passports to buy food, or impose other requirements. There will also be food shortages from crop failure and trucking strikes or cessation. The city areas of your land will become near impossible to live in, even if one were to have enough food, for the people will be desperate for food, water and normal power and facilities to maintain life.
4. You are blessed to have grown such a large and productive garden. Over the years you, your wife and children have learned the skills of being productive in growing your own food and preserving what you have grown. Were you to stay behind in the telestial world, you would survive very well. However, we need you in your mortal being in the New Jerusalem for your important mission.
5. Those who remain behind would do well to buy and store away food before the resources are no longer available to them. Were they to trek to Zion, they would need to carry some of this stored food and resources with them as well. There will not be food or water available on their treks unless we were to provide it by some miracle.
6. Your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night that we, the Heavenly Parents of our earthly children, have a tailored plan to assist and lead each of our elect children. They need to come to us in faith and prayer so that we may reveal to their hearts and minds how we will guide them safely to Zion. We will lovingly help and lead them into a protected and beautiful world, if they but follow our guidance.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words to me. I told her I so much loved her, and was grateful for the care she and Heavenly Father had shown to my family and me. My prayer ended and I began my new day.
8. We will be leaving by car for Yellowstone National Park this afternoon, and will return this Sunday. I am not sure how much I will be able to record in my journal until Sunday.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 28, 2021, Saturday
1. I have been immensely enjoying a vacation with my family in Yellowstone National Park these past few days. I was able to connect in prayer with my Heavenly Father this morning at the desert oasis. He spoke to me briefly, saying I should continue to enjoy my trip while away from my home. He said for me to connect with him tomorrow, on Sunday evening in prayer, when I would return home. This was the extent of his message.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 29, 2021, Sunday
1. This is the last day of our vacation. We will be dropping by the homes of two of our married children and their families on the way home, plus a cousin of my wife. This trip has been a good break for all of us.
2. While on this trip I have been having vivid dreams, more than I can ever remember in my life. I have wondered if this is part of my change into a merged mind?
3. I received a short email from S this morning where he referenced D&C 86 about the parable of the wheat and tares. He wondered if it may be referencing the northern tribes. He said 'The words of the lineage of your fathers, lawful heirs, hid from the world, restoration of all things, light unto the Gentiles make me think it may be referencing the northern tribes.' He referenced D&C 86:8-11
4. I came this morning to commune with my Heavenly Father at the desert oasis. I came to the shore and drank living water. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. I tried to envision in my mind's eye the sand, the water, and all my surroundings.
5. My Father walked to me from a fog bank over the water. The fog became very bright when he emerged in front of me. He stopped a few feet from the shore and spoke to me:
6. 'Raphael, you are still on your family vacation today, and I will not interrupt much of your family time today. However, you have a lull in your morning while others are asleep, and I will answer S's question about D&C 86, and the parable of the wheat and tares since you asked. I will do so with my comments within the verses you write in your journal.
7. D&C 86:8-11
"Therefore, thus saith the Lord unto you, with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage of your fathers-(Raphael, the priesthood of the men of the tribe of Levi has continued since the tribes escaped to the north from their Assyrian captors. This priesthood of Levi has continued in their tribe only, whereas the main prophet, like Moses, has been ordained a High Priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood. This priesthood has been passed down by ordination from their main prophets through the many centuries, even from the prophets in Israel when they were living in the land of Palestine. The current main prophet holds this priesthood that he received by the laying on of hands from the previous main prophet. It is to this group of priesthood holders of the northern tribes that verses 8-11 are addressed, as my servant Gideon wrote to you about.)
For ye are lawful heirs, according to the flesh, and have been hid (in the hollow earth) from the (outside) world with Christ in God-
Therefore your life and the priesthood have remained (Raphael, we honor the priesthood held by both the men of the tribe of Levi among the tribes of the north, and their main prophet. This lineage through their fathers is from a different source than your priesthood lineage, which came from Peter, James and John when they conferred this priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. The tribes of Israel received their priesthood from Moses, even as described in D&C 84:6-12), and must needs remain through you and your lineage until the restoration of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began. (This time is now at hand, ever since the tribes have arrived at the New Jerusalem. They have been receiving instruction from you of the many records of our peoples that are being gathered as one in their classes.)
Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness, a light unto the Gentiles (through the ministering of the 144,000 servants that will initially only be made up from these tribes of Israel), and through this priesthood, a savior unto my people Israel. (Raphael, this same priesthood, held by the prophet of the tribes of Israel, will continue among the people, even through the millennium and beyond. Your priesthood lineage will also continue among the people.) The Lord hath said it. Amen." (Words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. He departed and I closed my prayer.
9. Evening-We arrived home and everything is now unpacked. I am ready to commune with my Heavenly Parents tonight. I came to the northern front steps of the New Jerusalem temple this evening. When I arrived, I beheld my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in their brightness and glory, standing a few steps from the bottom step in the air. I was kneeling on the pavement just before the gold steps began.
10. My Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are glad you enjoyed the great beauties of nature on your vacation. This was helpful to you and your loved ones who traveled with you.
11. Tomorrow morning you will arrive with your trek of nineteen others to the New Jerusalem. This will be such an exciting experience for all of you. When you reach the hill on the western side of the mighty river, you will all become greatly moved by my Holy Ghost, and fall down on your knees to thank us, your Gods, for your safe arrival. There will be others of the tribes of Israel who will ferry your entire group across the river to the western shore of the New Jerusalem island. Here is where your other replicated self will be waiting for your arrival on the ferry landing.
12. Once you see each other in your replicated states, you will become one replicated being as Raphael on the island. This is when you will welcome the other nineteen members of your trek as we have previously explained. You will go forth among those on the ferry, even as they disembark, and greet each one by name. When all have come ashore, gather up your own belongings from the boat, including your quad set of LDS scriptures.
13. Bring your trek members to the island, and introduce them to the welcoming group that has prepared terrestrial robes, food and other provisions for all. Once you are assured all are comfortable, come to the grassy area at the center of the island. Here you will bring your quad scriptures before me in prayer, even before your noon meeting with the 200 teachers. Ask of me to duplicate your scriptures and I will make 200 copies for you to hand out, one set for every teacher.
14. During your noon meeting, first pass out the duplicated scriptures to the teachers. Show them how their personal volume of scripture is divided up. Introduce to them where the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are located, where the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price are located. Show them the index and the Topical Guide. This introduction will take about ½ hour.
15. During the last half hour read to them from the Book of Isaiah. Read them from Isaiah chapters 1, 10, 13, 19 and 28, as far as you are able. Interpret these by the Spirit of God, and relate them to your current day. The teachers will be able to hear and understand you as you read to them. They will in turn, be able to read these scriptures to their own people, with great power of our Spirit. They will read and speak to their people in their own language.
16. On Tuesday through next Sunday, we will inspire you to read with them in their own copies of scriptures from the Bible. They in turn will read these to the people in their classes. Select passages from the Old and New Testament, as you are inspired by our Spirit. You will be reading from the Book of Revelation when John the Beloved comes to you, and then you will introduce John to the teachers. He will teach the teachers for a few days from his own records that he, John, hid up on parchment (see D&C 7 header). I will also duplicate John's full records for the 200 teachers and you.
17. John will teach the teachers and also teach in their classes, in fulfillment of D&C 7:6:
"Yea, he has undertaken a greater work; therefore I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel; he shall minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth. (Raphael, these whom he ministers to are the first ones called as the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel at the New Jerusalem. These will hear John's voice, and to them he will appear as filled with the Spirit in a high degree, even as a flaming fire.)" (Words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).
An otter swimming underwater
18. Next week, the second week of September 2021, the 144,000 will be chosen, ordained by the angels, and sent forth upon the telestial earth in their assignments.
19. Raphael, tomorrow you will receive your fully merged mind. We will help you in becoming comfortable with this great gift over the full week ahead. Please record what you experience for the benefit of others who will also be receiving this gift in the future.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words this evening. I gazed upon her and Heavenly Father's faces in the air in front of me. I felt very much peace and happiness to have received these revelations tonight!
21. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 30, 2021, Monday
1. I came this morning to an area in the sky above my trek of twenty people. I was observing them after they ate breakfast and were finishing up their personal time in prayer. I was unseen in the celestial realms. I knelt in the air, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
2. While waiting, I looked to the west and saw only unvegetated land, with rocks and dirt. I could only see this for miles around, but I was also not far up from the ground, and my view was limited.
3. Heavenly Father then came next to me. He was particularly bright around his being, but not shining beyond his robes. He spoke:
4. 'Raphael, your trek is getting ready to travel to the east for a mile or so. They will then reach the hill you were on recently, on the west side of the mighty river, when you were able to view the island of the New Jerusalem. This will be a surprise to the others of your group.'
5. We then saw my trek starting to move on their day's journey to the east. They looked remarkably refreshed and strong to me. I located myself in my replicated state. I sought to be consciously in that being on the trek, and momentarily I was there, walking and thinking. I knew we would come to the hill soon, and see the New Jerusalem island. From my replicated trek being, I couldn't see anything different in my view than what I had seen for weeks–more barren land!
6. I came back consciously next to my Heavenly Father. I thanked him for being able to come into my trek and be in my replicated body there.
7. Heavenly Father smiled, then placed his hand on my face for a brief second. He then spoke: 'Raphael, look down now on your trek below us as they come over the hill to view the mighty river and the New Jerusalem!'
8. I looked down and saw the first ones in my trek come over the hill and start shouting to the others behind in excitement. The others hurriedly came up and soon all were standing on the hill in great awe! I saw that I knelt among the group, and then everyone knelt on the hill. We all silently offered our prayers to God for this great event! I started to cry next to my Heavenly Father, and saw a tear in his eyes too.
9. In my trek group, after a moment, we arose and came down to the water's edge. Others of the tribes of Israel who had been working on the western ferry landing saw us. They eagerly greeted us and welcomed us heartily. They directed all of us to their ferry boat that happened to be on the west side of the river. We all boarded, according to their invitation. Some of them also came onboard, and signaled across the river to others to have their animals start pulling the ferry. From the other side of the river, the ropes held the ferry in a relatively straight line as we started to cross the mighty river. We drifted somewhat south in the strong current, but I knew this was normal.
10. My Father and I then came to the western shore of the island, still in the air in the unseen celestial realm. We watched as the ferry successfully crossed the mighty river. It was a smooth ride.
Cutthroat Trout
11. I saw my other replicated self of Raphael come upon the island side near the ferry landing, ready to welcome the new trekkers to the New Jerusalem. There were thirty to forty people waiting there with me. We were all wearing the simple terrestrial robes of the island inhabitants.
12. When the ferry finally arrived, I looked for my other replicated being on the boat. I was in the back of the ferry. When the eyes of my replicated beings met, the being on the boat disappeared, becoming one with Raphael on the shore. The others in the trek didn't notice any of this, for they were so very excited about coming ashore to the New Jerusalem!
13. After the boat was tied up on the dock, the trek members disembarked. I greeted each one, and called them by name and embraced each one. They all seemed a little bewildered. This was all so very interesting for me to observe from above!
14. When all were ashore with their provisions, my Raphael on the ground spoke to them: 'Welcome to the New Jerusalem! My name is Raphael, the same that was known as R on your trek. I am the one who is a mortal angel of God, whom the Father and Mother directed to create this island by their matchless power. Our Gods have replicated me in both places, on your trek of twenty persons, and on this island paradise. I am now one replicated being, and the same person whom you know as R. You may call me Raphael as do the tribes of Israel, or R as you have learned to call me on our trek.
15. We will come up on the island and help you become comfortable and rest from your long journey. There is a large group of mostly women who have accepted the assignment to prepare your terrestrial robes and food that grows on the island. Tonight you will sleep on this island of the New Jerusalem in your own camp, just like you have previously camped on our trek. Come, let's walk into the island on our new road that the men of Israel have recently completed!'
16. Before I left, I went into the ferry and retrieved my personal belongings, including my scriptures.
17. We then all walked up the newly constructed road. The men who constructed it were now working on one of the two northern roads. We walked next to the river that exits to the west from the center of the island. We stopped and I suggested we all drink terrestrial living water right then. We knelt by the slow flowing river, drank what we could, and filled up our containers with living terrestrial water.
18. After our short rest, we continued to the point where the large west channel flows into the west river. Here we met the welcoming group of women from the tribes of Israel. There were two structures built for changing. I asked the men and boys to go to the one, and the women and girls to go to the other. They were each given robes and under garments that would fit. I asked them to leave all of their telestial clothes in the building, and that these would be later discarded.
19. All the while this was happening, my Heavenly Father and my celestial replicated self were observing from the celestial realm, unseen by those below us.
20. I next saw my friends from the trek coming out of the changing buildings in new robes. They looked just like all the rest of the people on the island. I saw I stayed with them until they were comfortable and resting. I said that this would be their camp for now, and that they could wander all over the island. I told them that those who were 16 and older would be invited to come to a study group at 7:00 pm tonight for an hour. Their guides would have them join their own group.
21. I bid them farewell, and then departed with my scriptures to the grassy area at the center of the island. Heavenly Father and I followed in the air above my other replicated being on the ground to the grassy area.
22. I saw myself then arrive at the grassy area and kneel. I had by black quad on the ground before me. I was praying to my Heavenly Mother to come. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come, and instantly I was no longer next to my Father, but in my kneeling being on the grassy area. Heavenly Father then appeared next to Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
23. 'Raphael, what do you want?'
24. I answered: 'My Mother, I have brought my quad set of scriptures with me on my trek, and the members of my group and I have now arrived on the island. I am asking you to duplicate these scriptures, even as you have said you would do in the past. Please duplicate these 200 times, one for each of the teachers of the tribes of Israel. Please make these scriptures pure and truthful, with any falsehoods removed. Make them also readable by the humble in any language that they may read or speak. Please also bless those who read these duplicated volumes to be filled with your Holy Ghost to their understanding of what is written therein.'
25. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Rapahel, your request is a righteous petition, and I will grant your full request.'
26. She then came to the quad scripture and took them into her own hands. She then walked a short distance and laid ten duplicated copies on the grass, and then went another short distance where she laid ten more copies in a pile on the grass. She continued doing this until all around me were piles of ten copies of the quad scriptures she had duplicated. When there were twenty piles, she retired in front of me and handed me back my original quad set of scriptures. She smiled and said she had duplicated my scriptures 200 times, even as I had requested. I thanked her for doing this great miracle! She smiled and came above me in the air, next to my Heavenly Father.
27. At that moment, I realized it was almost noon, and that the teachers would soon be coming. I was excited to distribute to each one their own copy of the standard works of scripture that I had grown up with!
28. I looked up to my Heavenly Parents again, and saw them depart into their highest celestial realm above. I closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Old Faithful Inn