153. Stay at Home

Hello my friends,

As I write this, we are feeling already pretty isolated: no sacrament meetings, no dancing, and no group meetings of any size with others. I have written a lot about the revelations from God on this subject in this post. I hope you pray about these entries, and confirm that they are true and from God.

There is good news in all of this: we who are mortal angels have an extra boost of the healing light of the Heavenly Mother to help us in our ministrations and to protect us further. Heavenly Father has also told me it is now time to stay home, and only leave to buy necessities. 

Please write me and let me know your feelings and what you are doing. 


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 4, 2020, Wednesday

1. This morning I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water from the lake and felt clarified. I then returned to the center of the grove of trees and knelt, facing the lake. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. I then saw my Father way out on the lake, walking just above the water to me! He was far out on the lake, and was steadily walking. I watched as a storm suddenly came upon the lake, but he kept walking. I saw mighty waves come upon him, but he kept walking. When he got to the shore, a fire suddenly consumed him, but he kept steadily walking to me. Fierce winds blew upon him, but he never stopped and kept steadily walking to me.

3. Soon he was right in front of me and stopped. He then spoke:

'Raphael, regardless of what my come into your life, including tribulations and calamities of all varieties that will be unleashed upon the world, we desire that you be very steady and undaunted in what we may ask you to do. You will see sickness, death and destructions of all varieties, but fear not, we will be with you and will be by your side in every time of trouble.

4. A glorious dawning of the millennial day will come after the tribulations upon the elect that I have chosen out of the world. We will protect them by our matchless power and bring them forth in that happy day. Their relief and joys will be great! Each one will have experienced a different journey through the last days calamities that are coming upon the earth like a whirlwind.

5. Be calm and don't fear, for we will be with you. You may read of fearful reports on the news, but all will be well with you and our faithful as they steadily walk in obedience to all we have them to do.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting guidance today! I said I would seek his and Heavenly Mother's face daily, and do as they direct me in steadiness. I thanked him for being next to me during my days.

7. He then turned and started walking to the lake from where he came. As he walked he disappeared into his higher celestial realm.

8. I lingered on my knees among the majestic trees around me. I felt so secure among them! I determined to be steady in doing all that I feel inspired to do, and to be happy regardless of what comes my way. I know that tribulations will shape me to be a more understanding and capable person, and I determined to face these calamities coming upon all of us with a positive outlook of hope. I want to be steady, even as I saw my Father being steady as he walked through the storms of life to me this morning.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 5, 2020, Thursday

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I knelt in front of the bench and prayed to my Heavenly Mother, asking her to come to me.

2. She came from a place upon the water and walked right up to me! I felt the intense light of the Holy Ghost come upon me and pass through me. I then asked for her protection and healing upon my extended family in Utah, with many of them now sick with whatever is going around. I prayed for guidance also in my own life.

3. She then asked me to write her words in my journal:

'Raphael, I will bless your family who are ill to recover. You and your wife may continue to plan an overnight car trip to St. George, as you desire this month. However, soon there will be greater restrictions on air and land travel, even in Utah. Still avoid crowds and take precautions, as this coronavirus and more to follow are quickly spreading throughout every nation.

4. Raphael, you have a lot to do around your own property to prepare for your own garden and orchard. This will be a beautiful spring, one that you will love! Think on these happy activities that you find enjoyment doing, and stay close to us in prayer and meditation. Keep steady in doing good, ministering to those in need around you and continuing to prepare every needful thing. Your Heavenly Father and I will be by your side, and therefore you have nothing to fear. We are pleased with your daily actions.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words and counsel. I told her how much I loved her. I said I felt so pleased to have her and Heavenly Father's presence around me continually. I said I would be steady in my purposes, and love and act in thanksgiving daily. I prayed to be able to weather through any storm or calamity that may come upon my family, wife or me.

Heavenly Mother then departed. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 6, 2020, Friday

1. Last night my wife found some deals to Sea World for the time we had previously booked on our airplane to take our own grandchildren to San Diego, California. We had bought tickets for the end of April 2020 before the coronavirus scare. I said to her I wasn't sure if we would be going because of pandemic threats by that time. I had been worried about going on the airplane with children at that time.

2. Anyway, I prayed about this right after our discussion. I felt we should continue to plan for our short 3-day trip starting on April 23rd. This answer somewhat surprised me, and I felt if we went, we would all be safe and protected. I had the impression that our fun adventure with all of us would be just fine, and that we would each be safe were we to go.

3. However, a little over a month later on June 1st we wouldn't be going to my own mother's birthday party in Portland because of travel restrictions, or our fears of the spreading disease by that time.

4. This reiterated to my mind the importance of praying and receiving guidance for each upcoming trip out of our own area that we may be planning. Of myself, I have no idea how bad things will get in the future. We are all going into a big unknown situation. I know that God knows and they will guide me.

5. This morning I again felt to pray and commune with my Heavenly Mother. I came to the knoll above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I saw Heavenly Mother come before me, and distinctly looked into her calm, happy and loving eyes! She spoke to me:

6. 'Raphael, your wife is correct that you are worrying too much about the threat of the spread of the coronavirus. Take a break from reading the news for a time, even though it keeps you informed with the apparent spread of the virus. You already stand in a state of readiness and preparedness. You are prepared, and need not fear. Worry does you no good, for you have no further actions you can do. When it is time for us to use you as our healing angel in protecting groups of people, we will tell you. Otherwise, keep involved in your daily events and activities around you that you can do something about.'

7. I felt the peace that came from my Heavenly Mother. I felt the calm that she felt, and wanted to keep this in my heart and mind. I thanked her for her message and counsel today. I will do as she directed me, and not read the news of the coronavirus for a time.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 7, 2020, Saturday

1. I worked yesterday doing lots of things on my to-do list, including pruning our orchard. I spend 1 1/2 hours on two large apple trees. While doing this, I was listening to my past posts. I heard this on post 29E22 that I felt matched a soon-to-be future day: "Bishop Koyle tells of most important things to do to prepare. You should have your houses filled with a large amount of food and go inside. After you get inside your houses, you will be in there for quite some time."

2. I can see this happening even later this year. Whether or not this is a true prophecy, it seems to fit with what people are even now starting to do by self-quarantining in their own homes.

3. I have enjoyed a full day yesterday without checking in on the news of the coronavirus spread. I think it has been helping me feel happier with less anxiety.

4. Last night it got to be late after watching a recommended movie with my wife on our date night. We started talking about our children and their choices, and about things we have no power to change. When I prayed to my Heavenly Father, he told me he would bless my family even according to my prayers. He also said that each one is where they are today based on their own choices or because of life's challenges that comes upon everyone in mortality. His words were comforting to me.

5. This morning I came to the sunny desert oasis. I sat on the bench pondering and soaking up the tranquility and quietness I felt. I enjoyed being in touch with my own thoughts and feelings.

6. While in this state of meditation, Heavenly Father appeared at my side. He came and placed his hand on my right shoulder and spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will be near each one of our elect on the earth to speak comfort and peace to their souls. However, they need to reach out to us so that we may be invited to come to them. They are each our precious children. They have various strengths and weaknesses, and all are in a place where they will struggle at times to feel balanced and whole. We can help by imparting our peace and Spirit to them. By following our counsels, they have no need to fear!'

7. He smiled upon me and gradually disappeared into his higher celestial realm. I thanked my Father for coming and comforting me with his words this morning. I said I loved him so very much, would always be open to his directions. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and then got started on my day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 8, 2020, Sunday

1. I had a hard time going to sleep, and was quite tired when I came for my morning prayer. However, Heavenly Mother came and spoke to me when I became awake. She spoke kindly words to me, and is such a support to me!

2. I have been listening to my older posts while pruning our orchard. I have been impressed with what I received. I got up to post 33 "Prayer Visions". I am very enjoying all of what I have heard. I am relearning and remembering it all again too.

3. At church–I went today to a local LDS Church for sacrament meeting. At the sacrament, I went to the knoll above the circling waters. I made my weekly covenant with God right after the prayer on the bread. I then waited and sensed my Heavenly Mother come to me. She then spoke:

4. 'Raphael, your Father and I accept your covenant. We will always be with you!'

5. I then saw her face, and she was calm, smiling, and so full of love and acceptance! She shone her love and light upon me and through me. I felt very much at peace in her presence. She stayed for a moment and then gradually faded away, still smiling upon me. However, I felt her light continuing with me even though I no longer saw her. I knew she continued to be next to me, for I felt her love and light flowing into me.

6. I then tried to access the level of light from my own body. I placed my right spirit hand with my palm over various parts of my body, and felt a much higher flame from the light coming from the backside of my hand than I had ever felt before! The corona flame extended 8-10 inches from the backside of my hand, away from my body.

7. I then placed the palm of my spirit hand on my wife sitting next to me. I could "see" the corona flame extending like before, about 4 inches out the backside of her body. I felt relieved that we both are being filled with continual light from our Heavenly Mother.

8. Evening–I talked to my mother in Beaverton, Oregon tonight on the phone. Since I left there a few weeks ago, her assisted living center has taken precautions against the spread of the coronavirus. My mom orders breakfast to be delivered to her room, but still goes to the dining room for lunch and dinner. The management has cancelled all gatherings of all kinds in their large facility. Some people are self-quarantined for one reason or another. She said my sister K is taking her some food, water and various supplies tomorrow in the event she too needs to be isolated in the future.

9. I feel at peace in all of this. I feel so grateful to have the constant guidance of my Heavenly Parents to lead me through all of this. What a great blessing!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 9, 2020, Monday

1. Last night I communed with my Heavenly Father in prayer before going to bed. He listened to my pleas for the safety and health of my own family, and comforted me with his peaceful and encouraging words. I asked if I might delay writing what he said until this morning, and he said I could. Here is what he spoke to me:

2. 'Raphael, I will bless and strengthen your family as you desire. You have noticed today at the sacrament that your own corona flame was twice as high and intense as before. We have ramped up the amount of healing light for our mortal angels and other celestial servants in the flesh, to further protect them from the ravages of plagues and diseases now coming around them. These too have now a doubling of their corona flame! Heavenly Mother's light has doubled in intensity upon each one. They are each very critically important to our plan to bless and save our elect, and bring them into our new millennial world of great peace and joy.'

3. I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing this truth with me! I then asked if I might see this increased light in a few of these mortal angels that I know. I came next to three mortal angels remotely, one at a time, and perceived the same height of 8-10 inches of the corona flame coming out the backside of my hand when I placed my palm next to their body. I felt so pleased, and expressed my joy to my Heavenly Father who was still in front of me. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for this great blessing of protection.

4. Heavenly Father then placed both of his hands on my shoulders while facing me. He spoke again: 'Raphael, each one of our mortal angels and celestial servants in the flesh have critical missions to do among our elect. Your Heavenly Mother and I want them to be protected and full of our light and love while fulfilling their missions.'

5. He gazed into my soul, and I gazed upon his loving face. I felt such confidence and peace in his eternity eyes!

6. He then started to go backwards and leave. He went into his temple in the distance behind us, in a beam of light. We were in the sky above the river representing my Heavenly Mother. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

7. This morning I came down on the east bank of the river representing Heavenly Mother. I could see the grounds and temple of God across this peaceful river. Behind me was Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I faced the temple and knelt on the grassy slope. I prayed, asking for Heavenly Mother to come.

8. I then saw Heavenly Mother come from the side of the temple, walking above the ground towards me! She was shrouded in intense light. She seemed to float across her river and come up the bank to where I was kneeling. She stopped, elevated in the air at about my eye level. She was smiling broadly and so full of light. She then spoke to me:

9. 'Raphael, you have correctly written the words of your Father in journal that he spoke to you last night. We will abundantly bless our elect and our mortal angels and servants who have important missions to serve us. We love them deeply, and will strengthen them according to the multitude of our blessings, and their own petitions to us their Gods. Your Heavenly Father and I find great pleasure in abundantly blessing each one during these difficult days.

10. You continue to stand next to each of our elect, with your sword of Raphael unsheathed. You are replicated next to each one, protecting them by our power. Your Father created your unique sword to emit silver lightning that will drive away any evil spirit of those who may seek to enter or disturb. This sword also has great healing properties when you use it in faith, and with intention to heal. I will send my healing light to those you touch with your sword of Raphael, even with an abundance of my healing. Use this feature as you feel directed by either your Heavenly Father or me.

11. As the world around you falls quickly into fear, despair and great calamity, we will correspondingly bless and protect our elect by our power. A beautiful world of peace and happiness awaits them!'

12. I felt the intense light and love of my Heavenly Mother come upon me and pass through me. I knew what Heavenly Mother spoke to be true.

13. She then backed up and in a beam of light, went right back into her temple through the east wall, just like Heavenly Father did last night. I bowed my head and thanked her for answering my prayer! She whispered in my mind then: 'Raphael, we will always be with you!' I thanked her and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, her Beloved Son.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 10, 2020, Tuesday

1. I received a question a day ago from M.A. that she said Heavenly Father wanted to answer through me. Here is her question:

2. Q: 'Jacob 2:30 "For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." Question: when in history has God made such a command and given a man more than one wife to raise up seed? Heavenly Father said to ask through you.

This is being studied this week in "Come Follow Me." '

3. I had this question in my mind. I read parts of my post 51 where S.A. had asked a similar question before. In post 51N2 to 51N7 this was answered by Heavenly Father. In 51N6 he said "(We) have never condoned the behavior of having more than one wife at a time. It is not what exists in eternity, but is only a practice which happens in the telestial world, a place of testing and where Satan influences people to sin, and confuses them with dogmas, which are not of God. Such has been the case of plural marriage."

4. I came this morning to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I felt confirmed in my mind that the answer back in May 2017 in post 51 from my Heavenly Father was given accurately to me. This has been nearly three years ago. I was pondering this while kneeling by the water. I then saw a brilliant light reflected on the water, and looked up to the skies. I saw a person come from above me, shrouded in light, descending gradually upon the waters! Soon Heavenly Father was standing in front of me, a little elevated above the waters! He was smiling and full of light.

5. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, what I spoke to you in May 2017, and what you wrote in your post 51 is accurate. Jacob, the brother of Nephi, also lived in a fallen telestial world. I gave him through Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, what you now read in Jacob chapter 2. We were not wanting to reveal the full doctrine of the incorrectness of plural marriage in the Book of Mormon. When Mormon abridged this record he placed Jacob's record that Jacob himself wrote on the small plates in front of the plates that Mormon abridged. The original revelation to Jacob remained which states that if we were to raise up seed, we would command it. We never had any intention to have seed raised up by having the men of our people receive more than one wife at a time. This practice was abominable before us (see Jacob 2:24), and we did not want that righteous branch of Joseph who came to the promised land to begin practicing plural marriage like those of old (see Jacob 2:26).

6. We therefore allowed that the Book of Mormon to come forth with the ambiguity of the way Jacob 2:30 reads, so that our future Latter-day Saints would be tried and tested when the practice of polygamy was introduced by Brigham Young. We wanted our people to come unto us their God, and inquire of us directly whether to follow their leaders or not. The practice of plural marriage is not of God, neither in your fallen telestial world nor in eternity. In the eternal worlds, the Gods consist of one man and one women, who are sealed for eternity as a couple God, to rule and reign forever.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words! I never knew that Jacob 2:30 was ambiguous on purpose, so that the Latter-day Saints could be tried and tested to see if they would inquire themselves of God. He would then be able to reveal to each man and woman his own will, even as he states in that scripture. The revelation whether to take another wife would not come from a leader but from God himself to the one who should pray about it. If that man never sincerely prayed about taking another wife, but only followed his leader, he would be condemned in following false counsel. Conversely, if the woman who was asked to be a plural wife also didn't pray to God about this decision, she too would be condemned if she followed false counsel from her leader.

8. I asked my Heavenly Father if what I had just written in the paragraph above was aligned with his answer, and he said it was his exact sentiments and truth. He then had the scripture in JST Mark 9:40-48 come into my mind. This is where the Savior says that it is better to go into eternal life maimed than have followed false counsel from a brother, a standard or a leader that is false.

9. JST Mark 9:40-48: "Therefore, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; or if thy brother offend thee and confess not and forsake not, he shall be cut off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.

For it is better for thee to enter into life without thy brother, than for thee and thy brother to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

And again, if thy foot offend thee, cut it off; for he that is thy standard, by whom thou walkest, if he become a transgressor, he shall be cut off.

It is better for thee, to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched.

Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or not trusting another.

Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.

And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out.

It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God, with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

For it is better that thyself should be saved, than to be cast into hell with thy brother, where their worm dieth not, and where the fire is not quenched."

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me today. I love what I received, and this proves to be again an answer full of light and clarity!

Heavenly Father then departed quickly, and I closed my prayer and started my new day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 11, 2020, Wednesday

1. Last night and this morning I came in front of the golden altar, which is just north of the temple on the celestial orb. There was no incense burning in it, and the altar was cold. This is the same altar after which the golden alter in the New Jerusalem is constructed.

2. I knelt in front of the golden altar and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came last night but I didn't receive any message, for I was too tired from working in our orchard. However, this morning he came again and I saw his face. He asked me to write his words, so I have written up to this point:

3. 'Raphael, you have tried not to listen to the news of the coronavirus CoVid-19, but it is being actively reported now all over your internet, on TV, new channels, and among many people. The spread of this disease is much higher than is being reported. Fear not, for we are with you and our elect in this time of worry and deep concern.

4. You heard yesterday when reviewing your posts about the seven shells that you removed, the last one which was revealed in your last class in November 2016 (see your post 36 and post 37). You need to continue to drop all of your expectations of what might come to your telestial world, for nobody knows except us three who are your Gods. Continue in the state of readiness and know that we are by your side continually and will guide you along. You are doing well to work outside in pruning your orchard and preparing and planting your garden.'

5. I then asked my Heavenly Father why the golden altar before me no longer was burning incense, and no longer had the prayers of the Saints mingled with the incense. Why was the golden altar cold now?

6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the other angel who came and stood at the altar who had the golden censer (see Revelation 8:3) has now cast the fire of the altar into the earth (see Revelation 8:5). All of the fire and incense from the altar are now gone and are on the earth. This has awakened the earth to begin her physical convulsions with earthquakes and destructions on the land and waters.

7. You and your archangel brothers will soon sound your trumpets of God, one at a time, to the earth to bring forth the calamities spoken in chapters 8 through 10 in the Book of Revelation. You have sounded before (see your post 38E). The sounding of your trumpet on July 31st, 2016 was a spiritual warning to the inhabitants of the earth, and heralded certain events. You will again sound it, which will then activate the physical reality of these things, even in your own land. I will give you more information on this as the other archangels begin to again blow their trumpets of God.'

8. I thanked my Father to answer my question. I said I consciously didn't understand much of this, or what I had done or am soon to be doing in the celestial realms on the earth, or in lower realms around the earth. I said I had no expectations for what might happen, or how events would ultimately transpire, for I was waiting on him and Heavenly Mother for all of my direction.

9. Heavenly Father said that this was good, and that they would make sure I was alerted and performed my duties and charges as they would give them to me in the near future.

He then turned and walked back to his nearby temple. I watched until he entered the front northern doors of his temple. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 12, 2020, Thursday

1. Yesterday I talked to my sister K. Our mother has been locked-down in her assisted care home so that no visitors may come. This is true throughout the entire state of Oregon for assisted living places and such like she is in. K talked to the director and received permission to visit her, however, because she is involved in her health care. I feel very relieved! I talked to my mom on the phone last night and enjoyed our conversation. She is in the safest position to be in, and her assisted living place is doing apparently all they can to protect her and the others I believe.

I also feel pleased that I just had a great visit with my mother before all of this started!

2. Anyway, in my conversation with my mother, she mentioned that she had just watched President Trump's address to the nation about the coronavirus. I listened to this with my wife. We decided to cancel our Irish dance we were going to be hosting this Saturday, because of the President's request to limit social gatherings. Both my sister and my mom had encouraged us not to hold dances anymore earlier the evening.

3. My wife and I talked through our preparedness issues and our plans to become more isolated, even until about midnight last night. I am glad we are so prepared like we are.

After a good night's sleep I feel settled and happy, and eager to commune with my God in prayer.

4. I came to the calm and quiet desert oasis. As I came behind the bench facing the oasis from the north, I saw my Heavenly Father sitting on the bench! He looked at me, smiled, and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat down on the bench next to him. He placed his left hand on my shoulder and spoke to me. He asked me to write down his words:

5. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I had both told you that your recent visit would be the last time that you would see your mother in the flesh (see post 152D3 and 152I3). Her assisted living home now has eliminated visitors coming, and soon travel restrictions will come in place also. The virus may be transmitted in even small gatherings of people, whether in stores, churches, restaurants and such. There are even many in your state of Utah who unknowingly are affected.

6. The time has come to stay at home, and only make necessary trips to purchase items, etc. You have much to do around your house, even as you discussed with your wife last night.

7. Isaiah 28:18-19 is now being fulfilled in your own land:

"And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report." '

8. Heavenly Father then vanished, and I was left alone to ponder his words to me. I thanked him in my mind for speaking to me this morning! I so appreciate his words and counsels. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ, and started my new day.

9. I felt I should prepare now to send out this post 153, for there is much I have received that might help others on my email list.

10. Here is the response from M.A. about Heavenly Father's answer to her question two days ago (section G above):

Hi R,

I am so happy this was the enlightenment you received. Polygamy just makes me shutter. I find it interesting that we are not to believe the scriptures blindly but need to pray to Heavenly Father even about the scriptures correctness.

Also, I like that Heavenly Father wants you, as his spokes person only, to keep doctrine pure. Especially because this affects all people. I then go and ask Heavenly Father if what you receive is correct. I did, and it was confirmed to me to be true and the right way to know the truth of all things. I know I can receive revelation for myself and I do, which I am so grateful for.

Have a blessed day,

My response:

Thank you M.A. for your email! I appreciate your understanding also. May I share this?

As for me, I am just doing as I feel directed, just like you are doing. I do believe too that this process you mention does keep the doctrine pure. Right now in the LDS culture and doctrine, there is a wide variety of beliefs that have built up over the years, much on false beliefs or cover-up I believe.

Your friend, R