168. Raphael Blows His Trumpet
Read in this post of Raphael blowing his trumpet of God to initiate a major woe upon the earth. There are many more interesting things addressed in this post also.
Please ponder what I address here, and confirm that this is all from God, and not from me. I would love to hear your comments and questions, so please write me with these.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 27, 2020
1. Evening– I worked outside all day long and enjoyed myself. We are harvesting everyday now–tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, squash, and some berries. This is a very fun time of year for me!
2. I came in prayer to the western mezzanine of God's temple in heaven. When I came in my conscious mind, Heavenly Mother had been joined by Heavenly Father as she had promised. I came immediately into their holy presence. I know that my Heavenly Mother had been with me here all the day long. I had talked with her on and off today, and she was immediately before me. I see the wisdom in continually being in their presence throughout my day. It is so wonderful to merely think of them and then being instantly before them in my unconscious mind, which opens up to me when I think of it.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are happy to be able to instantly speak to you, at any time during your day, and have you view us and hear our words. This is because you have invited us all the day long to be with you. We then may alert you of issues that you need to be aware of, for you then also instantly hear and see us, just like we are instantly before you when you request us. It is a back and forth communication during your mortal day.
4. When our Son, Jesus Christ, was on the earth, he was in such a constant communion with your Heavenly Mother and me, every day of his mortal ministry. This is the highest form of prayer and communion with us.
5. When in constant prayer, Jesus attained the Spirit of God in great abundance, for he followed our Spirit. He always sought our will, and was fully obedient to us.
6. As you and others do the same, in keeping our commandments at all costs even as Jesus Christ, you too will receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost and a great outpouring of our Spirit. This is the best way for us to continually direct and guide you.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths he shared with me. I knew they were true, and that I heard them correctly, for they came with the Spirit. I want to be the continual recipient of God's presence and Spirit in my daily life.
8. Heavenly Mother then said it was time to close our prayer. She said she and Heavenly Father loved me, and would come again tomorrow. She told me to come where I felt I should meet them.
9. I said I loved them too! I then pulled my dome-shaped healing seer stone in front of me, and looked upon it and then looked up, with the intention to end my constant prayer tonight. I came back to my conscious mind at home, and closed my prayer.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 28, 2020
1. This morning I awoke very refreshed and well rested. I look forward to life today. I came to my private room and came in my unconscious mind to the top of the switchback path that overlooks God's Loving Healing Lake. I was standing, and looked into my healing seer stone with the intention of coming into the presence of my Heavenly Parents.
2. I then came into the clouds somewhere, and it was quite bright all around me. My Heavenly Father stepped in front of me, smiling. He asked me to follow him. I followed him into a beautiful area below the clouds where there was a stream, a meadow, and the edge of a forest. There were blue skies and great beauty all around. Heavenly Mother came walking to us on a path through the meadow, also smiling. She joined Heavenly Father and they kissed and then held hands, facing me.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we have brought you to an area on our celestial orb where we often come to relax and commune together. This is in a private sector of our celestial world where there is nobody unless we invite them here.
4. We would like you to remain with us here your entire day of mortality, and be in constant communication with us. There is much peace and tranquility that we will enjoy together here today.
5. When you desire in the day to connect to us, we will immediately appear before your mind, in your unconscious mind. We may then converse as one man speaks with another. We too may come to you and immediately speak to you, for we will be in continual communion.
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for being in this beautiful secluded area of their celestial world! I said I looked forward to being with them my entire day. I asked if there was any particular message they wanted to share with me now?
7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'No, we are just happy to show you around and be with you. Come, let's walk together!'
8. I came in between my Heavenly Parents and we strolled in the air, a little above the ground. I then knew I would be in constant prayer all the day long, even while living in my mortal day. I then decided to close my journal account for now, and write my experiences later.
9. My Heavenly Father smiled in agreement. I will then continue my account later today.
10. Evening–Today I had several times alone where I watched a couple of videos about a meteor shower that is predicted to come in September 2020. This is supposed to become more and more devastating, even causing areas on the earth to catch fire from these burning meteorites in the sky.
11. After listening to these videos, I came directly in front of my Heavenly Father. He was immediately there already, since I was in his and Heavenly Mother's presence all the day long in constant prayer. I asked my Heavenly Father about what I had just watched. He responded and told me a lot in my mind, in my unconscious mind. I could view him, but his words came into my mind like they always do.
12. Here is what Heavenly Father told me about these meteorite showers coming soon to the earth:
'When Nibiru, the binary star comes on its pass around the earth, it will bring with it many meteorites, asteroids (larger objects) and even comets. These are held in the orbital path of Nibiru because of its very large gravitational pull. This Nibiru system rotates around your sun and only occasionally comes near your earth. Its advent is very soon, with many meteorites falling to the earth. These meteor showers will come in such intensity that large areas will catch fire from these falling objects from the skies, all over the earth.
13. Nibiru will pass by the earth in the first part of next year in 2021. When it does, there will be a very cataclysmic earthquake in the central part of the United States. This will cause much water to flood the area of the New Jerusalem. It is shortly after these calamities that the northern tribes of Israel will come to that area and help in the early construction of that holy city.
14. Heavenly Father told me that these devastations will be initiated by the sounding of my trumpet on July 31, 2020. This devastation constitutes a "woe" in God's eyes, and will be very difficult times for the inhabitants of the earth. There will be large earthquakes, frequent power outages, and many fires from the meteorites.
15. I reread Revelation 9:1-11 wherein John the Revelator spoke "I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth", "a smoke arose out of the pit" (like a meteorite hitting the earth and causing a hole or pit), and darkened skies with smoke. These could all refer to the coming of the Nibiru system to the earth.
16. I received all of this information this afternoon while I was working on my drip lines in our orchard and while vacuuming my above ground swimming pool. It seemed so natural for me to receive these words while I was working alone outside.
17. As I pray and confirm all of this that I have written, I feel it is all true and will occur on the earth in not many weeks and months.
18. I also discussed with my Heavenly Father this afternoon all about my plan to keep our refrigerator and freezer operational during a power outage. I plan to use a series of 6-volt golf cart batteries I can purchase at Costco, and then use battery chargers and inverters to create the AC required. I have a gasoline generator and some gasoline storage. I need to put my final touches on this system in the next few weeks.
19. I came again tonight to the lovely place in heaven where I had come this morning with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked my Heavenly Father for talking with me this afternoon and giving me his revelations. I felt so very pleased to have been in a state of constant prayer today, even while I lived my mortal life on earth.
20. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me this evening:
'Raphael, you have benefited from talking freely and openly with your Heavenly Father during your workday. It has been helpful for you to be alone where you can be with your thoughts and listen to what one of us may speak to you.
21. We desire to have you become so used to this constant prayer that you will be able to be in conversations and activities with others on earth, and still hear our words in your thoughts, without having to concentrate on hearing us. This will allow us to direct and speak to you so that you might then speak forth our words to the people, and have assurance your words are from us. This is the level of communication that our Son, Jesus Christ, had with us, his Heavenly Parents, during his three year mission among mankind.'
22. I responded to my Heavenly Mother that I wanted to become skilled at always listening to and following what they say, even in all of my earthly activities, and at all times. I asked her to help me learn how to do this as fast as I could!
23. She said that the fastest way was to practice, and that she and Heavenly Father would give me daily practice. However, I needed to continue in the state of constant prayer daily.
24. She then said for me to now exit their presence and then come again tomorrow where I felt I should come, through my healing seer stone.
25. I thanked her and Heavenly Father and then closed my prayer with them by looking up from my seer stone. I then was in my conscious mind fully, writing all of this down. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 29, 2020
1. This morning I reread what I wrote last night in this journal. I am awed that I received so much during the day, even while working and doing other things besides being in a prayerful state. I believe this will happen again today to me. It seems very natural and reasonable to me too. Why shouldn't I have constant prayer all day long and feel like I am continually in God's presence? Having experienced the replication concept in my life makes it all so much more real to me.
2. This morning I came alone to my private room to initiate again my prayer communion with my Heavenly Parents. Yesterday morning I came to the switchback path and this morning I continued down this path at the top of the hill to the south towards the domed room.
3. I stopped in the little grove of trees outside the domed room and knelt off the path in the trees. I then pulled out my healing seer stone and looked with intention into it. I yearned to come into the presence again of my Heavenly Parents. I didn't know where this might be, but I had faith in them, that they would come to me, or I would come to them.
4. I then felt I came through some sort of tunnel and ended up in the sky. I was above some misty clouds and the sky was sunny and blue. I was standing upright and I felt I was awaiting the coming of my Heavenly Mother.
5. Soon Heavenly Mother came to me in a beam of light from above me! When she came, I felt her intense light come into me, even so that I felt transparent before her. I knew this experience was what she had called the fulness of the Holy Ghost. I felt very much one with her.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we will remain here above these misty clouds today in our communion together. Whenever you wish to talk to me, or view me throughout your day, I will be here, and instantly be before you.'
7. I thanked her for this great privilege! I said if there were no immediate revelation now, I would begin my earthly day.
8. She smiled and approved my choice. I then closed my journal account for now and decided to have a small notebook and pen with me today so I could jot down any experience or communication I might have with her. I will now leave my private room and start my new day.
9. Evening –Tonight I came above my property on the earth where I came this morning with Heavenly Father. I didn't know where I was at first when I started my day, but when the misty clouds left in the morning, I realized where I was. This is where I believe I will sound the trumpet of God on Friday morning.
10. Throughout the day I got a lot of my preparations done. I completed about 80% of my work on my backup power system. Later tonight, after dinner, we went swimming in our pool by moonlight. The water was 95 degrees F from the day's heat, but the evening outside was 75 degrees, and it was so enjoyable and memorable.
11. I came in my conscious mind to the location where I had come this morning, and immediately saw my Heavenly Mother. She was glowing slightly, like she was reflecting the moonlight. She was smiling and then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have been by your side throughout the day while you and I remained here, in our replicated beings. You asked me numerous questions that pertained to your mortal life today, and I answered you. You were surprised how much you got done in your physical preparations during the day. I was helping all go smoothly.
12. I thanked her for her support and for being with me all the day long!
13. She spoke again: 'Raphael, I want to briefly address S.A.'s question she asked you. She wondered if the solar eclipse in 2024 (4-8-2024) would mark the end of the destruction of the world upon your land of America. This is true. The destruction will continue upon your land in various parts up to that time. This destruction significantly has ramped up since the previous solar eclipse, which crossed your country on 8-21-2017. When these two total solar eclipses are superimposed over each other, they cross in the United States in the current state of Missouri, just southeast of Independence. This marks the center of the earthquake caused by Nibiru's pass near the earth and the general location of the New Jerusalem.
14. At the time of the second solar eclipse, there will be a significant portion of the city of the New Jerusalem that will be built and laid out. Your country will no longer exist as a nation at that time. The entire geography of the land of promise will be significantly changed from what it appears like today.
15. S.A. asked what would happen between the end of the five months invasion to when the second total eclipse crosses the land of promise on 4-8-2024. This time will be one of continual preparation for the elect and the cleansing of the wicked from off the land of Zion, which is the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. We will use this time to bring every one of our elect to a higher spiritual level so that they may begin living the law of Zion that will be practiced on our land of Zion, and ultimately upon the entire earth. Many will also travel to the New Jerusalem and other cities of Zion on the land of promise.
16. The land of promise, on which the New Jerusalem will be built in the center of the land, will be the first area cleansed of the wicked. Then the overall land of promise, from ocean to ocean, will be the second general area cleansed. Afterwards the remainder of the earth will be cleansed of the wicked. Soon Jesus will return in his glory, and the wonderful millennial day will begin!'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother very much for her wonderful explanation and answer to S.A.'s question. I asked her if I had recorded her words correctly. She nodded and said she was pleased with what I had written .
18. I then got the signal from her for me to now retire to sleep. I said I loved her, and then packed up my seer stone and looked at it then intended to come back to my mortal body.
19. I left her presence then, and now conclude my prayer in the name of Christ.
20. Here is an email I received from S about this topic:
S.A. had shared with me questions that she wanted to ask. She let me know that they were answered yesterday. I finished reading the most recent post this morning and then read the answers to her questions.
I thought it was interesting that I received a very similar message about the protection given to the lost tribes traveling to the New Jerusalem as you received. Here is my similar entry from several days ago.
I felt to read 1 Nephi 14 this morning. Verse 1 caught my attention about God removing the stumbling blocks of the gentiles. I thought about our stumbling blocks being the riches and vain things of the world where the stumbling block for the Jews was Jesus.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. To my mind, I saw a large bay of water. There was grass on the ground where I stood, and rock mixed with sand by the waters edge. Jesus stood before me and he was filled with light. He looked at me with compassion in his eyes. He spoke to my mind, 'This is the exact location where the ships from the lost tribes will disembark from their many ships. This bay will provide still waters as they disembark for their journey ahead. Satan will seek to thwart their journey at every point. He is aware of all the peoples on the earth and their doings on the inner and outer earth. He sees the preparations of the lost tribes and will seek to destroy them on their journey. He is unaware of the extent of our protecting hand that will watch over and bless this people. We will allow certain buffetings of the adversary, so he will be unaware of what will be effective. Our miraculous power will deliver this people.' I next saw portions of their travels. I saw that their many ships were spotted by foreign powers before arriving at the safety of this bay. Their enemies were inspired by Satan to seek to destroy this people. The enemy planes and battleships were rendered ineffective to destroy their wooden ships. I saw that along their journey by land, enemies continued to seek to kill them. Only a small portion of these buffetings were allowed to impact the people. This was allowed in God's wisdom to bless and humble the people to seek God's divine protection more earnestly. Overall, they grew in faith and obedience until they fulfilled the scriptures that they would be as a lion among lambs (3 Nephi 20: 16). I saw that Satan was completely unaware of what would be effective for he knew not the mind of God. It was similar to Adam and Eve, for instead of destroying the plan of God, he helped them progress as never before after eating of the fruit and being delivered through Christ from the fall. This same pattern would repeat among the lost tribes of Israel who would not be destroyed and emerge stronger and closer to God because of Satan's repeated attacks by their enemies.
After reading your account, I remembered this one and searched for it this morning. I thought it was a 2nd witness to the truthfulness of what you recorded.
Your friend,
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 30, 2020
1. I had a restless sleep last night, but now feel fine. I was fretting about some of my preparations I would need for my family. It is hard to know everything we might need that we can buy now while we can still do so. I trust God will make up the difference for those who tried to prepare every needful thing.
2. I came into the domed room this morning. I felt that I should come here. I was alone, and then sat in a chair and looked into my healing seer stone. My Heavenly Father then came before me in that same room. He bid me stay in my chair instead of kneeling before him. He then pulled up another chair and then sat down, facing me. He spoke:
3. 'Raphael, yesterday your Heavenly Mother was with you all the day long in the sky above your house where you will blow your trumpet of God tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM. Today I will be here with you throughout your day in constant connection with you.
4. Our constant prayer routine is one step closer to being in continual contact with you, while praying to us in the morning and later in the evening only. Your days in mortality will now be more productive also, for we will help you. Your inspirations and revelations in the day will come quickly, for we will already be with you in our being, even in your unconscious mind.
5. In the past we sent to you our Spirit throughout your day, but now we also will come in our presence. There will never be a moment's hesitation when you wonder if what you receive is from us or not, for you will view us before you.
6. Yesterday M.A. wrote to you, wondering whether the earthquake spoken of in Revelation 16:18 was the same great earthquake coming to your land at the arrival of Nibiru. We wish to reveal the events precipitated by the seven angels spoken of in Revelation chapter 16 at a later time, and not now. This revelation will come to you when we will.
7. Prepare now for the sounding of your trumpet tomorrow morning by rereading the account we have revealed to you in your post 166I7 to 16620. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be before you to your east when you blow.'
8. I asked my Heavenly Father if this would be a private blowing of my trumpet, or if others from the celestial realms would also come witness it, as happened when Uriel blew his trumpet of God one month ago? (see my post 165A4 and post 165B3)
9. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, we have invited all of the same celestial host of heaven to come witness when you blow your trumpet of God. They will be above the circle of archangels in the skies above your house and property to view this event. You will only blow in the celestial realms above the earth. The spiritual darkness that covers your earth, even in the telestial realms, will diminish momentarily while you, your archangel brother, and the host of heaven come. Although those in the telestial and terrestrial realms can't hear the sounding of your trumpet I gave you, they may feel the presence of such a large number of our celestial servants in the skies. These, our celestial servants who are now ministering to our elect on the mortal earth, will know of the woe that is coming upon the earth. They stand ready to protect and direct as much as possible the ones they have or will be assigned to.
10. Meet your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I tomorrow morning in the summer skies above your home. This will be a solemn occasion.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer. I said I would ponder throughout the day today what would happen tomorrow, and ask him any further questions I might have.
12. I then departed my unconscious mind and replicated being in the domed room. I came to the room in my house where I was writing all of this and started my new day.
13. Evening–Tonight I will be going to bed relatively early so that I might be well rested at 5:30 AM when I awake in the morning.
14. Today was another day of getting projects for our preparedness done. I connected with my Heavenly Father on and off throughout the day.
15. I came tonight in the dark sky above my property and looked around. In the morning, sunrise will come after I blow my trumpet of God, at 6:25 AM at 35,000 ft. elevation. Four years ago on 7-31-2016, sunrise was at 6:34 AM according to my post 21K1. I will see the sun 8 minutes before it reaches the ground, and I will be well above the local mountains. Heavenly Father said I should blow at 6:00 AM, which should be 15 minutes before I would see the sun rise at that location in the sky.
16. I then came to the domed room where I had been with my Heavenly Father all day long. I was still sitting on the chair, and Heavenly Father on another chair. He then stood, and I too stood. He spoke:
17. 'Raphael, come tomorrow morning at 5:45 AM to the sky where you just visited above your house, in the celestial realms on the earth. You will know when you arrive at the right location. Your archangel brothers will come soon after you arrive, and then the celestial heavenly hosts will come above your archangel circle. We three Gods will come next, before 6:00 AM, even as we described in your post 166.
18. Blow your trumpet of God at 6:00 AM We desire you to record what you observe in your journal. Share this experience in your next post for all to read and ponder. Your blowing of the trumpet of God I gave to you will introduce more severe calamities coming upon the wicked, and upon the entire world. This woe will be pronounced upon all people by our command and timing.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would do exactly as he would command me. I said I loved him, and would always seek to be close to him.
20. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it and then looked up. I came out of the domed room and came into my front room where I was recording all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer and went to sleep.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 31, 2020
1. I awoke at 5:30 AM with my alarm, and looked outside. It is still dark with the first glimmer of the day coming. The skies are clear. 5:45 AM–I am now going to go up into the skies above my house and experience this entire event! 6:08 AM–I have concluded the sounding of the trumpet that my Heavenly Father gave to me on 7-17-2016 (see my post 21H2 to post 21H7). Here is what I experienced:
2. 5:45 AM I was the first archangel of God to arrive in the skies above my house and property. It was still quite dark outside, for it would be over ½ hour before I would be able to see the first rays of the sun at 6:18 AM. It is now 6:18 AM and I do see the first rays of the sun over the earth, heralding the new day of 7-31-2020.
3. After I came at the correct location at 5:45, I withdrew my trumpet, faced east, and placed the trumpet vertical in front of me, with the opening horn towards the earth.
4. I then saw my archangel brothers come, one at a time, starting with Michael. He came behind me. I turned and watched him turn to the west and raise his sword of Michael above his head and forward. I turned to the east again, and saw Gabriel come from the sky above me, face west and raise his sword above his head and forward. He and Michael were above me about five feet in the air, about 20 feet away from me to the east and 20 feet to the west respectively.
5. I then saw my archangel brothers come in order: Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel. Uriel came and faced southwest, and raised his sword above his head and forward. Simiel did the same but faced southwest. He was followed by Oriphiel who faced northwest and raised his sword, and finally Raguel who faced northeast and raised his sword. It was now 5:50 AM.
6. In the next five minutes I saw the celestial hosts of heaven arrive above us. First I saw the seven female archangels of God come, forming another circle above us male archangels. These angels faced inward above our circle, about 20 feet above my six archangel brothers who had their swords raised.
7. I then saw all the other angels of God come above them, forming a large circle of angels, also facing inward. They were gathered several angels deep to form a final circle of angels above the female archangels.
8. Next I saw the mortal celestial servants come, then the celestial servants who were dead but not yet resurrected, then those who were translated, and finally those who were resurrected. These had all been in mortality or were currently in mortality. These formed another tier of servants in a large circle above the angels.
9. I then saw the premortal celestial elect come and completely fill up the sky above the other celestial servants. I looked at my clock and it was 5:55 AM. I then saw a bright light come from the east, and our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ all came and stood in front of me to the east, above Gabriel, but below the female archangels. They were shining in glory!
10. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, and all of our holy angels and celestial servants, this is a solemn occasion! Raphael, you will blow your trumpet of God that I have given to you, and by the blowing of your trumpet, we your three Gods, will initiate a woe upon the mortal earth. This is the first of three woes we will initiate followed by the glorious return of Jesus Christ who stands on my right side now with Heavenly Mother on my left.
11. Raphael, blow first to the east, then to the west, then to the north and finally to the south. Your note will be a pitch higher than Uriel's trumpet note which he blew one month ago.
12. When you are finished, we wish you and your archangel brothers to come before us in a line, on bended knee, and I will speak to you briefly then.'
13. I then looked in my room in my house at my clock and it was 5:59 AM. I raised the trumpet of God to the east, and brought the mouthpiece to my lips. At exactly 6:00 AM, I blew to the east for about five seconds. The note was higher in tone than any of the other trumpet sounds of my four brothers that I had heard.
14. I turned to the west and blew for five seconds, then to the north for five seconds, then to the south for five seconds. I then turned and faced my Gods, replaced the trumpet between my inner and outer angel robes, and then came and knelt on one knee before my Heavenly Father.
15. I saw next to my right Michael come and kneel, then Gabriel to my immediate right knee, then to my left Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel all came and kneel on one knee. We were all facing our three Gods before us.
16. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have successfully blown the trumpet of God in the four directions above the earth, in these celestial realms on the earth. We three Gods will now release the first woe upon the mortal inhabitants on the earth, even as we will, in our own timing and place. This will initiate greater cleansing of the wicked from the earth, all in preparation for a glorious millennial day that will soon come to the earth. We will protect our mortal elect who also live on the earth, with our celestial and terrestrial servants that we have called and commissioned. This will be a large rescue and preservation effort to bring these our elect children into a better world of peace and rest.'
17. When Heavenly Father ended speaking, my archangel brothers stood and departed. I then saw the other angels, and all of the celestial servants above us depart the skies on the earth. I was left alone before my Gods on my bended knee.
18. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, record now in your journal, while it is still fresh in your mind, the events of this morning. We will inspire you what to record. When finished, include this account in your next post.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I also thanked Heavenly Father for what he said, and for all three to have come.
20. I then consciously came to my room and recorded my account. I end now at 7:00 AM. I then realized I came in this state of constant prayer before my Gods without the need of my healing seer stone. I expect to remain here in the skies the entire day.
21. I received a question from K about my blowing the trumpet and my use of the black key. Here is my response to that question, and clarifies my understanding of why I blew my trumpet twice:
I blew this same trumpet 4 years ago. At that time I also used the black key to loose Satan and his hosts from the bottomless pit. You can read it all in my post 21.
This was the first time I blew my trumpet and used my black key. It was all done in the spiritual realm, or affecting the spiritual where Satan and his hosts came with fury among the peoples of this world. The latest trumpet blowing was to initiate events in the physical world.
Even though the account in Revelation 9:1-11 is written as happening once, it really happened twice, once for the spiritual realm 4 years ago, and once anew for the physical today.
I hope this helps!"
22. Evening–I came tonight in my mind, up to the sky above my property in Utah. I reflected several times during the day of my experience at 6:00 AM this morning. It seems like a very monumental event. I pray that I can always be in tune to my Gods to follow their every direction and command.
23. I came tonight back into the sky where I had blown my trumpet of God this morning. My Heavenly Mother was there before me, and spoke to me: ' Raphael, it is our desire to have you and our holy celestial angels and servants to know of the many events preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. We reveal these major events mostly which are in fulfillment of prophecy, and given in scripture. These things will be revealed and recorded prior to and during their fulfillment. In the end, our words will all be fulfilled, even as has been predicted in part by our holy prophets.'
24. I thanked her for having revealed so much to me already! I said I would patiently wait for her or Heavenly Father to reveal what things they wanted to reveal, and when. S said in an email to me this morning that it is like we are being shown a small portion of the puzzle of what will occur at different times. I fully suspect there will be many great and important events and revelations continuing to be revealed to us, as fast as we are able to receive them and write them down, and according to God's timing and desire.
25. Heavenly Mother gave me the impression to now close my day and retire to bed. I thanked her, and thought to exit her presence which I did. I closed today's prayer in my front room tonight, and then went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 1, 2020
1. It seems that the months pass by very fast, and that soon summer will be done and fall will begin. To me it all seems to pass so speedily!
2. I came this morning to my private room to pray and meditate. I had no preconceived ideas of what might happen, or what I might receive. I do have faith that I will connect again with one or both of my Heavenly Parents, however.
3. In my mind I came to the fountain and little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. It was so peaceful here and lovely. I knew I was here in my replicated being, and that in my mortal conscious mind I was somehow connecting to myself in that environment and place. This process is all so remarkable!
4. I knelt to drink living water from the stream and felt refreshed. I then remained on my knees and pulled up my healing seer stone in front of me. I looked into it with intention, seeking to be in the presence of my Heavenly Mother, for I felt I should come to her this morning.
5. I then saw her face, smiling upon me, in a similar way that I had viewed her last night. I didn't perceive anymore of her except her loving face, for I was in a bright, cloudy area it seemed.
6. She spoke: 'Raphael, we will give to you and our elect a short time to prepare all things in your physical possession against the day of want that is coming on the earth. You have been preparing every needful thing, and finishing the preparations in your own household. Before shutting the door of the ark, Noah worked steadily on gathering provisions and animals as we had commanded him. All the while the wicked were consumed in their own pleasure and self-centered living:
7. Genesis 6: 5, 13–
"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."
8. 2 Nephi 30: 9-10
"And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."
9. We are now prompting our elect who will hear us to prepare spiritually and physically for that which is to come. These are very uncertain times in their minds. As they labor to prepare food, clothing and shelter needs, we will greatly help them, even as we have helped you be so productive in finishing your last minute preparations in the past few days.
10. Once the fires from the meteorites start coming to the earth in intensity, it will be too late to buy things as you can do now. Your options to buy will be more and more limited.
11. The time is soon at hand that, "And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.
And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another. " (D&C 45:68-69)
12. Raphael, come stay by my side today, in my heavens, and I will help you make your final list of things to purchase or make ready for the day coming when you no longer may prepare.'
13. I thanked her for her offer, and I said I wanted to be by her side the entire day in a constant prayer and communion! I said I would make a list of my final preparations, and that I would seek her input.
14. I then asked where we were located, for I only saw her face and clouds around us.
15. She then dispersed the clouds and I saw we were by the fountain of living water, next to her temple in heaven. I thanked her for this privilege to be near her.
16. I then came back to my house in my mind, where I was writing all of this, and started my new day. In my mind's eye I was still in the presence of my Heavenly Mother.
17. Evening–We had a full day today. I worked a lot on my physical preparations, and realized a deficiency I had. I will hopefully have time to buy what I need before it is too late.
18. I came to my Heavenly Mother by the fountain of living water. I thanked her for having shown me my deficiency in my preps, and asked her to help me buy what I need in time. She said she would help me.
19. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you will have this month of August to help you get everything in order. We will help you find and to purchase what you need this month as well, between the full moon on August 3rd to the next following full moon on September 2nd.
20. Every one of our elect may inquire of us what they yet lack, and we will counsel with them, even as we have shown you. After September 2nd, 2020, goods and services as you know them will start to fall apart and become less and less available. Our people should be prepared as much as possible by that date.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and caution tonight. I said I would call on her and my Heavenly Father for help in securing what I need to be fully prepared physically.
21. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and gradually left my side. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked upon it, and then looked up in my mind's eye. I exited the celestial world and came back to my mortal self who was writing all of this in my journal.
22. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and went to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 2, 2020
1. I came to my private room this morning and knelt by my recliner. I prayed and came in my mind to the celestial orb. I came by the stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake and drank living water. I smelled some beautiful yellow and purple irises that were blooming there.
2. I then came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf and ate. I felt more in tune and filled with the love of God. After this I pulled my gold chain up in front of me and gazed into my light green sapphire healing seer stone. At that moment Heavenly Mother came from around the tree of life in front of me. She walked up to me, smiling. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, sit up in your chair now and write the words I will speak to you.'
3. I set up in my recliner and got my journal and pen out. I then felt to look at my cell phone and read an email from S. He had a visit from Jesus Christ where he was told that the northern tribes of Israel were in apostasy when they were taken captive by the Assyrians. This physical change caused a spiritual awakening in some of them who were eventually led to the inner earth.
4. S was also told there will be great physical changes coming to the earth and that our nation's restricted freedom will soon come–all which will be a similar event that will bring about a spiritual awakening in the elect. Jesus said there were many in the LDS faith who have grown into the wild fruit spoken of in Jacob chapter 5, where is given the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees. See S's full email at the end of my entry below.
I was thinking of this as I now prepare to record what my Heavenly Mother would speak to me.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we directed our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to appear to S and tell him about the current state of the wild fruit among the nations of the world, and among the LDS people. The coming calamities and personal tribulations in their lives will bring them to a spiritual awakening, similar to what happened to our elect among the lost tribes of Israel when they were taken captive.
6. When you went to bed last night, you mentioned to your wife that the recent emails from the LDS Church general and local leaders seem so disconnected from God. This drift in being more and more apart from us is true, for this church is as a boat without an anchor or rudder in a windy ocean. There are many in this church who feel this same distancing from God, even as you do. We will bring events into their lives to help them spiritually awaken to God, and lose further connection with the LDS Church. This is an era of dramatic change in your world.
7. When Jesus spoke to S, he said "They (Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother) direct me in this labor and I obey all their commands faithfully." Jesus Christ is the great example for all of our children to follow. His obedience and willingness brought upon him in mortality a great measure of our Spirit. Such will also occur for you and our faithful as you are obedient and willing to seek us diligently and obey our counsels. Fear not what man can do, for we will lead you along' (see D&C 50:40-41).
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her confirming words this morning. She then said that she would be here at the tree of life all day long to commune with me as I may desire. She said I was in a state of constant prayer now.
9. I thanked her for being with me all the day long. Back on earth in my private room, I now conclude my journal entry and start my new Sabbath day.
10. Here is the email that I received from S this morning:
You referenced 2 Kings 17 in a recent entry. I went to this scripture two mornings in a row and read the chapter. On the second morning, I had an experience in prayer that I wanted to share.
8-1-20 AM
In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was looking into my seer stone but I did not perceive where I was at the moment. Jesus' words and presence came to my mind. He spoke to me, "At times physical change in your mortal world is needed to change hearts and turn them to God. You read today in 2 Kings 17 where the tribes of Israel except Judah were taken captive due to their wickedness and idol worship. This physical change of captivity caused a spiritual awakening in some who were eventually led to the inner earth. As you have seen in vision and read from Raphael's account, there is a righteous branch now preparing to come to your land to build the New Jerusalem, even from its foundations. This is part of the good fruit mentioned in Jacob 5 that is being grafted back to the tame olive tree. Much of the fruit in the LDS faith has grown wild similar to the tribes of Israel in 2 Kings 17. The great physical changes coming to your land and nation's freedom will be a similar event to the capture of the lost tribes of Israel that caused a righteous branch to seek God and ultimately be led to the inner earth. Your Heavenly Parents are directing this work to awaken their LDS elect and other elect throughout the earth in these last days to become the good natural fruit ready to harvest. They direct me in this labor and I obey all their commands faithfully.'
At this time I saw myself kneeling under the tree of life looking into my seer stone. Jesus Christ was standing beside me. He gave me a fruit and leaf from the tree and I ate them. My heart filled with joy and then he departed and I closed my prayer.
Your friend,
11. I also received an email from our local LDS bishop which I thought would be of interest. Unlike many of the surrounding stakes, our stake has not allowed any sacrament meetings for any of our wards during this pandemic:
"Please be cautious and follow the direction and guidelines of our health professionals, government leaders, and Area Presidency when it comes to protecting ourselves, our families, and our loved ones from Covid-19. As reported by the bishops in our stake, a few months ago we had one or two active cases in the entire stake. Today, we have multiple cases in most, if not every, ward in the stake."
12. I also read an Associated Press article yesterday with the headline "US economy shrank at record-breaking 33% rate last quarter, dated July 30, 2020. I remembered what my Heavenly Mother said about the effects of the second angel Oriphiel sounding in Revelation 8:8-9 (see my post 158G5 to post 158G7), that one third part of the businesses and the commerce would be destroyed. This article is a fulfillment of that prophecy.
13. Evening–I came to the tree of life on the celestial orb tonight. Heavenly Mother was there under its canopy and I was there in my replicated self. I knew this was true, but while on earth in my mortal conscious self, it was difficult to know what we did together all day long. I did seem to have immediate access to my Heavenly Mother throughout the day, however, in my conscious mind. I could perceive her at any moment, and I knew she was there by my side. I felt closer to my Gods today due to constant prayer. If I were not in constant prayer, I would feel I needed to quiet down my mind, meditate, and then approach God anew. However, in constant prayer, God is always immediately accessible.
14. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, it is okay that you didn't remember anything, for the more important issue was that I was quickly accessible to your mind and heart throughout your day on earth. We did converse about a number of things, but we do this everyday anyway. Heavenly Father and I make assignments to you continually in your labors in our celestial realms. The difference with constant prayer is our accessibility to your heart and mind. You may immediately access us and we may immediately access you, for we are in each other's presence. This is the state of prayer we wish you to be in from now on.'
15. Heavenly Mother plucked a fruit and a leaf from the tree of life and gave them to me. She asked me to eat so that I could understand better the reasons why constant prayer is so important for me at this time. She said this was also very helpful for her other mortal angels and celestial servants to begin to do.
16. I ate the fruit and the leaf as she requested. I then realized there would be many occasions where I would need quick answers from God and that I could trust that my connection was sure. This communication would go both ways–from God to me, and my inquiries from me to God. I understood that this would be important as things ramped up and would continue from now on.
17. Heavenly Mother smiled and said I now understood the reasons. She then ascended up into the canopy of the tree of life and into the sky above. I watched until she was out of sight.
18. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked up from it. I came out of my constant prayer mode and back fully to my mortal reality. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 3, 2020
1. I came this lovely morning to the southwest side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I desired to talk with my Heavenly Father. I drank some living water from the lake and then knelt off the path facing some trees. I took out my healing seer stone and gazed into it. I felt like I came to the same place I was kneeling, and that Heavenly Father was standing before me!
2. I pleaded for him to bless and strengthen my children. I named them each one at a time, and prayed individually for them to be strengthened so that they would have power to do according to the true desires of their hearts. I prayed for the well-being of my wife. My thoughts and yearning then extended to my mother and my wonderful siblings. For all of these, I asked that they have the opportunity to be who they really want to be, with their core desires. I asked if my Father would bless and strengthen them.
3. When I was finished with my pleadings, Heavenly Father smiled and asked me to write his words in my journal.
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I will fulfill the requests of your heart upon your loved ones. Each one is in a different situation in their life. They each struggle with normal issues in life and choose what they want to do. Some are more connected to their own desires. Your Heavenly Mother and I watch over them in this, their earthly probation. We will extend to them our love and light, each as they may desire to receive. We will speak peace to their souls and encourage them to be receptive to our direction, which will give them the greatest happiness. We are very aware of each of them, Raphael, and will bless and strengthen them.'
5. I then asked my Father to bless and encourage the mortal angels and mortal celestial servants. I said I knew these were precarious times we were soon to enter. I prayed for those who support me and receive my emails. I prayed for those who once received and chose now not to receive any more. I prayed for those I don't know yet in the flesh. For all of these I asked that they be blessed and endowed with additional light and love, and guided as much as they would receive. I was filled with desires for their wellbeing. I said I loved all of them.
6. I finally prayed for my neighbors who were on my street. I asked my Father to help me as I plan to individually visit them, with or without my wife. I prayed that they would be buoyed up in these difficult times.
7. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, you have felt what my servant Enos experienced for others around him, once he received a remission of his sins, and felt the love of Jesus Christ come into his being.
8. Enos 1:9
"Now it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them."
9. Before the great flood, my servant Enoch gathered the righteous from the earth. Those who heard his words and were receptive to my light and Spirit believed and followed him. It was also a time of fear and great difficulty, for so many of our mortal children followed Satan. This was the day of a great division upon the land, even as will happen in your day. Enoch and his people established Zion, the pure in heart, for they desired righteousness, and there was great unity and love among them. Such will also come about in your day.
10. Moses 7:16-18
"And from that time forth there were wars and bloodshed among them; but the Lord came and dwelt with his people, and they dwelt in righteousness.
The fear of the Lord was upon all nations, so great was the glory of the Lord, which was upon his people. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish.
And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."
11. Raphael, in your day of wars and bloodshed, of great calamity and tribulations, we will also gather out our elect and protect them. We will send forth our light and love upon them in abundance. We will send forth our many celestial and terrestrial servants among them, hidden mostly from their view, to bring them to our Zion that will again be established on the earth.
12. In these days of preparation, make time for the lonely and fearing people among you, even in your neighborhood. Write or call those who are your family and friends. Encourage and bless them with your words and love. We will be with you, and extend ourselves to those who are open to our light and Spirit.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would act in Christlike ways as I extend myself to those around me and to those I love.
14. I then knew I would be here near God's Loving Healing Lake all the day long in constant prayer with my Father. I thanked him for this amazing privilege!
15. I then stopped writing in my journal and started my day in mortality.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 4, 2020
1. Last night I slept outside near our pool and fire pit with my son A.. He put a log on the fire that burned all night long. The full moon came up and the skies were clear. We saw Jupiter, Saturn and then Mars came up later in the night. It was so pleasant and enjoyable!
2. At night I prayed and talked to my Heavenly Father at God's Loving Healing Lake. It was very comfortable and felt so good to be with him. I thanked him for being so close to me all the day long. I said I was glad to see him or Heavenly Mother regularly in my mind's eye, throughout the day, at least their faces, and to hear their voices. This all is very real to me, and I cherish each day with them, even if mostly in my unconscious mind. They are quick and ready to strike up a conversation, at any time. I feel so blessed!
3. I came in the house from outside around 8 AM this morning and talked with my wife who remained inside for the night. We chatted for 45 minutes and now I am in my private room, being with myself and soon my Gods again. I love this practice of being in the presence of God daily. It is seeming so natural and what I should and want to do daily.
4. I decided to attempt to come into their full day presence without using my healing seer stone, just to see how I could do so. I know this is the purpose of healing and seer stones, and the Liahona, and other help God may give us, with the end purpose to learn on our own.
5. I came to the pool of water near the pyramid room, west of the domed room, in God's Loving Healing Center. I knelt on the soft forest floor facing the pool. I prayed to my Heavenly Mother that she would help me come to her, just like I would normally do with my healing seer stone. I then envisioned I would come to her, and I felt my mind going through a sort of funnel or tunnel, and then I came out where I was in front of the pool, with her in front of me smiling! She seemed so pleased that I was kneeling before her. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have successfully entered into my presence through your own portal. This was the sensation you felt by coming through a tunnel. Your portal connects you to us, your Gods, and may be the means of coming into our presence all day long. I will be with you here, at this crystal clear pool in the forest near the pyramid room, in constant prayer today.
6. You sent to M.A. the newest post 167 to edit and review yesterday. She remarked to you in an email that she has already been communing with us, her Heavenly Parents, in constant prayer every day for some time. For her, this has not been so much a process of training like we have done with you. However, it is the same constant prayer mode that you have come to do daily now.
7. We wanted you to experience and write about a step by step process in which our elect children on earth could follow that would bring them in daily continual communion with us. You have successfully written and explained this. Now every one of our elect children may come to us in constant prayer, following this process, according to their desires. Some may be able to circumvent this step by step process by doing this with their intention and the use of their own portal like you have done this morning.
8. In either case, we desire our elect children to be with us in constant prayer throughout each day. We will guide them in this thing, and spend daily communion with them throughout their mortal days, if they desire to come unto us.
9. Before each of our elect children left our presence for their earthly experience, we gave them a seer stone. Most have never realized they possess this, even after living a full life in mortality. Their own stone may, however, be retrieved and used by them to come into our presence, even as you have successfully done and written about in your post 167 "Constant Prayer".
10. Many of our elect children have their seer stone mounted on a pendant around their neck. This hangs about their spirit, not their mortal body. They may discover this special gift from us, their Heavenly Parents, by asking of us in prayer. We will direct them and show them by our still small voice, the voice of our Spirit, the details of their personal seer stone.
11. We desire that each of our children rise up to the point where they discover their own seer stone that we have given to them. Each is uniquely crafted by their Heavenly Father or by me. Their seer stone is meant to give them a way to learn to receive revelation from us, to come to us in constant prayer, and to give them guidance and help in situations in their life on earth.
12. We give these seer stones to our elect, for they are our children of promise whom we know will eventually come to us, keep our commandments, and of their own volition and will, want to do all we say to them. They will be cleansed by the great redeeming power of our Son, Jesus Christ, and be brought again into our holy presence. They are then made candidates for our Church of the Firstborn, and in time will come to our New Jerusalem temple and receive the ordinances of exaltation from you and our holy angels who will serve there. They will ultimately become couple Gods even as your Heavenly Father and me, and have all the blessings of eternity shared with them.
13. At one point along their journey, they will discover their own seer stone that we have given to them prior to coming to earth. This is a precious gift we reserve for our faithful elect! The wicked never receive one, but our elect that the Father and I have chosen do, for they are our children of great promise. We know each one, and have a detailed plan for their eventual return to us, their loving Heavenly Parents.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful revelation and words of peace and truth! I thanked her for being with me all the day long. I said I felt so loved and blessed.
15. She then asked me to stand and walk with her in the forest around the pool and the pyramid room. I stood and took her hand.
16. I now exit my journal entry, for I feel I need to start my new day in mortality!
17. Evening–I called my sister K today and talked with her about things. I also talked with my wife on and off today. It is very hard sometimes to let our loved ones fully choose their own pathway, and still love and accept them.
18. I had a question about one of my grown children who seems to be going against all that we have taught her. I asked my Heavenly Mother if I could ask her spirit if I might have permission to help her be cleared of emotional, mental and/or spiritual issues that were not her own, in hopes that she might turn and change her mind.
19. Heavenly Mother said words like these to me: 'Raphael, you and/or I might clear your daughter of several unwanted energies, were she to give her permission. However, the issue is not with these energies, but with her own will to choose the course of her life and how she will act. You can only give gentle encouragement in her case and still show love and acceptance. She will choose whatever she wants, regardless of our persuasion and encouragement. The best thing you can do is to love and accept her.'
20. Her answer rang true to my soul. I asked my Heavenly Mother to help me be accepting and loving, and never to judge her. This was a good reminder to me.
21. Tonight I came to the pool in the forest and saw my Heavenly Mother here. She was radiating love and acceptance to me, for I could feel it and knew she was so very free and gentle with me, whatever I might choose on my own. I want to have this same effect on those around me, and particularly those I love in my family.
22. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, my son, over time you will come to realize the futility of trying to press your desires upon your grown children to choose your ways, or to follow your teachings. Each one is free to decide what they will do in every phase of their lives. Your greatest gift to them is to love them and accept them, whatever they may act like and whomever they may follow. You will never error in loving them too much.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wisdom and truths! I knew her counsel was just what I needed for my precious loved ones. Oh, I never want to judge them, or withhold acceptance and love from them because of how they might act or what they might do.
24. I felt tired, and knew it was my time to retire to bed. I bid my Heavenly Mother goodbye, and thanked her for being with me all the day long.
25. I then thought about being fully back in my mortal body. I seemed to come back through the veils of the celestial terrestrial realms, and came to myself in the telestial world where I live in mortality. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 5, 2020
1. This morning I came to a place on the celestial orb somewhere. I didn't recognize it. I intended to come into the realm of my Heavenly Mother for an all day prayer experience today. I seemed to have climbed up a steep incline and then arrived at the top where I came through some clouds. When I emerged, my Heavenly Mother stood before me smiling!
2. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have again come into my presence without using your seer stone, into my higher celestial realm. I encouraged you to come and have invited you here. I am so glad you came by your desires, motivated by your intention to be before me all the day today.
3. You have remarked to your loving wife that you have taken what people say as what they mean. However, she has said that verbal communication is only a smaller part of what they convey to you of their true intentions, desires and feelings. Their verbal communication may be misleading of how they really feel. I have brought you here to my higher celestial realm to show you today the intentions of my children, even that we view from our perspective, who are their Gods. So often, what they say to you is not how they really feel. In our realm, we may perceive the true meaning of their mind and heart, regardless of their words.
4. A better assessment of their intentions are their actions. Since we may see what they do, and what they will do, we can determine their true desires. I will show you what I mean by showing you your past and some of your future actions later today.
5. Heavenly Mother reached her left hand to me and I stood and took it. We then moved to an early time in my life in my past, when I was living in the Seattle area with my parents and siblings. I saw the small upstairs room with knotty pine walls and my bed. I looked out the window at the large cedar tree in the backyard.
6. 'Raphael, look upon yourself sitting on your bed.' I was holding my Heavenly Mother's hand in the air to the side of the bed. I saw my young self turn on my radio and listen to a radio preacher, Lou Gehrig, who was reading from the New Testament of the life of Christ. I saw that I had a blue covered bible and was following along with what he was saying.
7. Heavenly Mother turned to me and spoke:
'Raphael, even at an early age you were seeking to understand spiritual things and yearned to be close to us, your Heavenly Parents. You knew so little about religion, for your parents took you occasionally to a local Christian church, but you felt to seek out on your own the meaning of what you heard. Here we see you as a young boy seeking to understand all about Jesus, and to worship God. This action we beheld was a clear indication to us of your true intent and desire.
8. We who are your Gods also know the thoughts and intents of the hearts of our children. I could perceive these from you as this young boy, so unfamiliar with life, but you cannot know his heart except by his actions. If I were to allow you to perceive the intentions and desires of your young boy heart, you could see, but normally you need to just observe behavior and actions to determine the intentions and desires of our children.'
9. Heavenly Mother then touched the forehead of my celestial replicated self, watching myself as a young boy. I then felt the very emotions of me as a young boy before us! I could feel all of the wonderings, questions, and yearnings to know all about God that I had at that time! I knew why I was so motivated to stay inside and tune into the daily radio broadcast of the radio preacher. I saw I listened to his broadcast with rapt attention. I felt filled with desire to know God and to obey.
10. In all of this observation, I didn't hear any spoken words from my younger mortal self. All of my perceptions were from observations of what I saw him doing, and the flood of emotions that Heavenly Mother allowed me to feel by her power.
11. 'Raphael, when you observe others in your life now, know that whatever they may do is more of an indication of their true motives and intentions than what they say. We, their Heavenly Parents, also connect into their emotions that we may feel, and then are sure of the intents and feelings of their hearts. We therefore know the motives and true feelings of all of our children. We can also go back into their past and see their future, and observe their actions and tune into their feelings, for these are transparent to us, and we know their motives.
12. D&C 6:16
"Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart." (see also Hebrews 4:12)
13. Heavenly Mother reached out again to my hand and we left the room of my childhood. We came back to the celestial orb where we started.
14. I asked her a question: 'My Mother, may I have the gift of experiencing the feelings of others occasionally when I need or desire to know their true intentions?'
15. She responded: 'Raphael, we guard the individual emotions of our children, and don't share them with others except on rare occasions. If there is such a need, we will allow you to perceive again, even as you felt the emotions of yourself when a young boy. However, you will need to mostly observe the actions of those around you to access their intentions. What they say may or may not be truthful, particularly in your day of great wickedness when so many people lie and seek to trick others by their words. However, their past actions are almost always more reliable and a more sure guide to the type of person they really are.
16. Raphael, come here anytime today to talk and commune with me. I know your true heart and intentions and love and accept you fully, my son!'
17. I thanked her for the experience and lesson I gained this morning! I then consciously exited her in my mind and started my new day on earth.
18. Evening–I am back to Heavenly Mother's higher celestial realms tonight. I had not yet seen some of my actions in the future like Heavenly Mother said I would see. During the day today, I was pretty occupied with work projects and doing computer work for our business. I also spent time getting post 167 ready to send out tomorrow morning.
19. I came immediately before my Heavenly Mother. She extended her hand and said the following: 'Raphael, come with me to your future life, in the work you will be doing for our children in the peaceful millennial day!'
20. I then came with her inside the New Jerusalem temple, on the east side by the place where I would do the waters of separation ordinance. I saw myself below , with a husband and wife, and their extended family around us in a circle. I was talking to this couple who were both about to receive their ordinance by me and which would be recorded by Oriphiel in the Lamb's Book of Life.
21. This was such a joyous occasion for all of us! I could see that I was in constant prayer with my Heavenly Parents who were next to us, but not visible by the couple or their family. I was being shown segments of their lives in mortality, and the many actions they took showing their obedience to God's promptings. I knew fully of their faithfulness, and the great love their Heavenly Parents had for them. I saw that I was able to voice these feelings that I received through constant prayer to this very faithful couple from their Heavenly Parents. I saw how full of the Spirit this room was, and how the light and love of God beamed upon this couple. It was such a joyous occasion!
22. I saw that I had gained a much higher ability to transmit the love of God to those around me than I do now. I saw I was also a good judge of character, for this was continually revealed to me during this ordinance work in this temple. Then my vision closed.
23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this short glimpse of my future experience with the faithful elect. I felt so honored to have this high calling. I told Heavenly Mother how much I loved her, and how much I would seek to always do her and Heavenly Father's will.
24. She smiled upon me and then started to fade away. I then felt like I fell back through the veil and came back to earth where I was writing all of this. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, August 6, 2020
1. I have pondered over the two visions I saw yesterday, one in my past as a small boy and one in the future of my life in the millennium. I am the same person but so different in my abilities, knowledge, and skills. It amazes me how much our Gods can make us into the person they want, like molding clay.
2. Isaiah 64:8
"But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."
3. I came today to the beautiful birch tree grove on the hill going down to the city of Enoch. I knelt by the little stream of living water and drank. I felt refreshed. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father, for I felt he would be with me all the day long today.
4. I then came to the tops of the birch trees above me. Heavenly Father was standing before me, and I was before him standing in the air. HIs immediate person was so magnificent and powerful! He was smiling upon me.
5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, as you pondered this morning your two visions your Heavenly Mother shared with you yesterday, you wondered how you could change so much from a timid young boy to the confident man of God with such a responsibility as we will give you. Yet this is all true, and will surely happen even as you have witnessed.
6. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I take great delight in shaping our faithful children into great men and women. We endow them with more and more of our Spirit as they are obedient to our gentle promptings. We form them like clay into what we see them becoming, according to our foreknowledge. Truly we shape them as the potter, if they themselves are willing to bend to our will and listen to our gentle promptings. This is our great work and glory, and what we delight in! It is just not getting them to be fully obedient to us, and desiring to live and be with us continually, but also shaping their character, skills, talents, and abilities to become mighty men and women of God. Each of our exalted sons and daughters have a unique path wherein we have helped them and shaped them into what they become in eternity.
7. You were reminiscing about friends you had, in your early marriage with your wife recently. One was expecting her first child and was a newlywed. She still wore clothes that were feminine that her mother had chosen, but after she was married, she gradually changed and became more of a no-nonsense woman, and started wearing very plain clothes. She was becoming her own self after she was married and no longer living with her mother.
8. Similarly, we desire each of our children to grow into the person they really desire to become. By giving them experiences in their mortal lives, they develop and grow into their own person with their own desires and personality. We enhance what they desire and choose, and help them become the very best of who they decide to be. For our faithful, they grow into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, even unto a perfect man or a perfect woman. We mold them like clay, if they are malleable and willing to follow our directions and keep our commandments. In the process, we do not change their personality, but enhance what they truly are and desire.
9. Ephesian 4: 12-13
"For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:"
10. Raphael, come here during your day at any time, whether in your conscious mind in your mortal life, or in your replicated beings laboring for us in these celestial realms, and I will be here ready to immediately commune with you!
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words, and his amazing perspective as the potter who, with Heavenly Mother, shapes our lives to become the very best we can be.
12. I then consciously exited his presence and came into my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal. I then started my new day.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, August 7, 2020
1. Last night I camped out in our backyard with three of my grandkids and my son. It was special for all of us to be around the campfire after swimming in our pool. We awoke and ate a campfire breakfast, and swam more and they played games.
2. As I lounged in our pool this morning, Heavenly Father spoke with me:
'Raphael, it is when you are relaxed and open with your time like you are this morning that we may commune with you. When there is a lot going on in your mortal life, it is hard to speak to you, or you to us except in little snatches, here and there. Make sure your life does not get so busy that you crowd out your open time, your relaxed time without pressing duties or cares. This is when we may give you our revelations.'
3. I thanked my Father. I said I would work at keeping open and relaxed times in the day, as well as morning and evening. I want to have constant prayer, but if I am not more relaxed or available to God, it is like I am not really next to God.
4. I consciously left his side, but said I would work at being less pressed today. I then started my new day.
5. Evening–We just finished with our family company for the second day in a row. I am ready for some catch-up time tomorrow and Sunday, and to have some time alone.
6. I came in my mind again to the treetops of the birch tree grove. I yearned to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I tried to slow down as much as I could today, but we still had family company that kept us very busy.
7. In my campout in the backyard yesterday, I was way impressed again by the grandeur of our night sky! I felt a renewed witness that our Heavenly Parents had created so many stars, planets, solar systems and more in this, their vast galaxy. It was all so remarkable to me. Last night I saw Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus, in that order. The moon was waning but still very bright when it came up over the mountains after 10:30 pm. Before this, we could see the vast Milky Way. I was amazed at the hundreds of billions of stars in this, the galaxy of our Heavenly Parents. And yet, even with all of this, they are so vitally interested in each one of us individually. This is all hard to comprehend with my finite mind.
8. When I came above the birch grove treetops, I immediately saw my Heavenly Parents before me, holding hands. Heavenly Mother immediately spoke: 'Raphael, our creations are vast and great! We have created millions and millions of eternities in our vast galaxy. Even with all of this, your current eternity is now, to your Heavenly Father and me, the very most important of all, and our elect living on the earth are now the very most important to us. We reach out in patience and love to each of our elect, hoping they will be open and receptive to our gentle guidance. When they respond as do you, we stay by their side and give them even more guidance.
9. This is our word now to all of our elect:
Matthew 11: 28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
10. We will do our share in staying by our chosen elect in every time of need or trouble. We know how to succor our people in these days of tribulations, for we are mighty to save!'
11. I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for extending her counsel and words. My scene changed and I exited my beautiful vision, and got ready for bed.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, August 8, 2020
1. Boy, I was so tired last night that my writing ran off the lines in my journal and it was hard for me to read! I am glad to be well rested and ready to receive this morning.
2. I received an email this morning from S. In it he said our Heavenly Mother said that she and Heavenly Father were willing to reveal more to me about the beast and the false prophet. (see his email after my entry this morning). I then tried to find what I had written about the mark of the beast, false prophets, etc. In my post 116D8, Jesus Christ identified to me that President Russell M. Nelson will "become the false prophet that John my Beloved speaks about in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 16:19, 19:20, and 20:10)." (See also Heavenly Father's words to me in post 116E8 to 116E9)
3. I came this morning to the tall fir forest just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I had been here when Heavenly Father confirmed to me about President Nelson being the false prophet.
4. I knelt down on the soft forest floor and looked into my healing seer stone, with the intention to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I then felt I came to the treetops of this fir forest, and was standing before both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were both standing and smiling upon me. I felt their intense light stream into my being and fill me with great clarity and love.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are glad you enjoyed so much visiting with your family the last two days. We purposely gave you time with your family. They have felt the love and acceptance from you and your wife and son A.. They have many memories and know you support and love them.
6. Raphael, I spoke to S yesterday when he wrote that we were willing to share with you more about the beast and the false prophet. It is now time to share some of this understanding with you. In the post we have revealed only a small amount. However, very soon the false prophet and the beast will become more prominent in the world news.
7. Both Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father have identified that President Russell M. Nelson is a false prophet. Other false prophets will also arise in the world. He will be the one spoken of specifically in the Book of Revelation. By his words, given him by Lucifer, and purported to be from us, his true Gods, he will deceive and lead away many. The Latter-day Saints in particular are very gullible, and trust what their leaders speak without confirming that their words are from us. By this means, many will become ensnared in the clever sophistries of the evil one.
8. There will be a time when the LDS church will promote to its members to accept the vaccine for the Covid-19 virus. However, this will be a great mistake, for the vaccine will not stop the spread of the virus, but will implant in those who receive it an RFID chip and more disease that will ultimately weaken them and cause death in many. The vaccine is touted as a cure for the coronavirus, but it is being recklessly created with intentions to do more harm than good.
9. This RFID chip that will be injected into the unsuspecting people will be planned to be used to control the masses, their movement and actions. This is a very sinister plan of the adversary, for he seeks to control and subjugate all humanity with his dominion. Your secular leaders will ultimately require those who earn money to receive this mark of the beast. They think they will therefore create a working class that they may control and always monitor. Ultimately the RFID chip will contain their personal information that will supplant their current methods of identification. Without such a mark in their body, they will be restricted in many areas from buying and selling (see Revelation 13: 16-18 and 14: 9-11).
10. Raphael, in your own business, you sell products as an authorized merchant on Amazon. This company, along with multitudes of others, will soon require barcodes on their products that are issued by a central controlling agency to ensure their authenticity and control their distribution. Without this barcode, these large corporations will prevent the purchase or sale of these products. They will incorporate these restrictions for those only who have the RFID chip in their body or can give this number on their purchases. The RFID chip will be part of the global vaccine to supposedly protect them from the pandemic in your world. However, this vaccine will not protect them, but be the excuse to corral the people into subjugation under a new world order.
11. The beast as termed in the Book of Revelation is another man, like the false prophet, who will mislead men. This is Pope Francis who resides in the Vatican in Rome. He promotes many ideologies and practices of the adversary, and has power to lead many in the Catholic Church astray by his influence. He will work in collusion with the false prophet and the emerging global government that he will be part of. His purpose is to turn his followers away from Jesus Christ and toward the worship of man and materialism. He has been doing this since he became the current pope and leader of the Catholic Church.
12. Your Father and I desire our elect to become as self reliant as possible. We want our elect to confirm all that they receive with us, with the intention of receiving the truth and following our direction. Without our guidance, there will be many multiple false paths they could pursue that will lead them to captivity and destruction, both temporally and spiritually.
13. Raphael, these are treacherous times! We desire continual communication throughout your days in constant prayer with you. We also desire our other mortal angels and servants whom we lead and direct to be in continual communion with us, their Gods. We will then have quick access to their hearts and minds, and they will have immediate access to us also. We will then be able to lead them daily in their lives, even as they are challenged and perplexed by the many multiple choices placed before them.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of truth she revealed to me this morning!
15. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, stay here at these treetops above our fir forest today, and we will be available to you. We will help you understand the complex nature of the plan of the adversary to entrap and control our children in mortality.
16. I thanked him for this great blessing. I then knew my time writing their words for now was completed. I exited their presence consciously, and returned to myself writing all of this down in my journal. I will continue, however, to mull over all these things, and to ask them throughout my day for further enlightenment.
17. I received this email from S this morning on 8-8-2020, and felt it would be helpful for all:
I recently read your account about watching several videos about meteor showers due to come around September. I searched on YouTube but was unable to find anything myself after trying three different word groupings. The video immediately following one search on this subject went to a preacher speaking about the great Antichrist of the last days. It seems that this title of the great Antichrist is used often by other Christian ministers. I searched for this reference in scriptures and came to a few accounts in the book of John and it seemed to reference that false Christs would arise, but no title was given to a specific person from any of the other standard works, not even that I could find in Revelations. So then, I went and reread what was spoken of from Raphael's record. I reread the two posts that speak about the false prophet and beast, and how Rome Italy plays into that picture.
18. Afterwards, I went to pray and this is my account.
8-7-20 AM
In prayer, my kids were already awake and making a lot of noise in the next room. Normally my children are still asleep when I pray early in the morning and it is quiet. I had studied verses about antichrists written in the book of John, then false-prophet and beast spoken of by John in the book of Revelations. I then called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I felt Heavenly Mother's presence beside me and I asked about what I had studied this morning and why I felt prompted to read more about these topics. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, "By connecting frequently with us, you are able to hear my voice even with distraction in the next room. This ability comes from practice and trying to seek Us continually. There will be times of distress or challenge ahead where you will need to connect with us in a moment's notice amidst distractions, and we will commune with you. Jesus communed with us in a similar manner when the Pharisees brought the woman taken in adultery. As he continued to write on the ground, Jesus was communing with us directly at that time by his thoughts and intention. You were directed to study more about the beast and false prophet today. There is more we are willing to share at this time. Reach out to Raphael and we will reveal more on this subject through him."
That was my experience and I look forward to any of your thoughts on this subject.
Your friend,
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 9, 2020
1. Yesterday I thought a lot about what I had written. I thought whether I had received correctly the information from Heavenly Mother, particularly about Pope Francis being the beast in Revelation. There are actually several beasts mentioned in that book. I believe the one Heavenly Mother was referring to is found in Revelation 13:11:
2. "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."
3. I read in Revelation from chapter 9 to 21, and tried to be open and inquisitive. Then last night I was very tired and prayed. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind words like this:
4. 'Raphael, I will share with you in your unconscious mind the meaning and interpretations of John's words in the book of Revelation. This will be in your sleep on earth. Then in the morning I will give you some of what I will have spoken to you at night. These things have been hidden from the world since they were first shown to John.'
5. I had a very restless night, and was awake and then asleep a lot of the time. I don't know if this had any bearing on what Heavenly Mother said she would reveal to me at night in my unconscious mind.
6. This morning I feel refreshed, but still perplexed. I have felt this way many times, and greatly desire to hear the voice of God settle my mind and give me revelation.
7. I came to the tree of life where I ate of the fruit and leaf of that tree. I felt settled and receptive. I then came to God's Loving Healing Lake and drank living water from this lake from my cupped hand. I then walked up to the bench facing south to the lake, and sat down. I pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it, seeking communion with my Heavenly Mother.
8. She then appeared immediately in front of me, a little elevated in the air! She was shining brightly and was smiling. I felt her love and acceptance come into my being which brought to me an extreme amount of calmness and assurance.
9. I immediately came upon my knees before her. I looked up into her beautiful face and I spoke:
'My glorious Heavenly Mother, I have been perplexed whether I heard you correctly about Pope Francis being the person identified as the beast in Revelation 13:11. I would like corrections or a confirmation of what I have written, plus any further information you may wish to share with me.'
10. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, what I have revealed to you yesterday and what you wrote in your journal account is accurate. The current pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is identified as the second beast as given in Revelation 13:11 who has two horns as a lamb and speaks as a dragon.
11. While preparing for your morning prayer, you searched the Internet for images of Pope Francis and for images of a horned sheep. The ones you found are clear enough to show the similarities that John the Revelator saw in vision. He saw Pope Francis with his ceremonial headdress. (Note: I looked up online and it is called a "papal tiara, a jeweled three-tiered crown used at papal coronations from 1305 to 1963"). To John it seemed like this was similar to the image of a two horned sheep that he was familiar with. The word lamb was used since Pope Francis represents the largest Christian based church in your current world, and Christ is referred to as the Lamb of God. The teachings and practices of the Catholic Church are, however, not similar at all to those found in the true Church of Christ.
12. The first beast spoken of in Revelation 13:1-3 refers to an earthly kingdom or nation in your day whose beliefs and control tactics have been practiced by other earthly kingdoms before it.
13. Revelation 13:1-3–
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
14. The current earthly kingdom that is identified with this beast is Russia. It has fully adopted the communist dogma, inspired by Lucifer, to control and subjugate the people. Its practices control every aspect of the lives of its people for the good of the state or central governing power. This is a sinister and evil form of government. Its practices have been used from the beginning under different names, whether through dictators or monarchs as represented by the seven heads. The six previous heads are various kingdoms that practiced similar tyranny upon their own people.
15. The beast is depicted to be like a leopard that is stealthy and deceptive, hardly ever seen and hidden from the rest of the world in terms of its ambition and purposes. The beast is like a bear, which is the national symbol of Russia. The beast is like a mouth of a lion, the symbol of England and Judah. Karl Marx had both English and Jewish ancestry. He is the mouthpiece of communism. The lion is also a symbol of crushing power, a mouth that represents a voracious appetite. When John referred to the beast with a mouth of a lion, he was referring to basic tenants of communism as originally taught by Karl Marx.
16. The wounded head is the seventh head, and the world thought that communism died when the Berlin wall came down in November 1989. The Soviet Union apparently collapsed in 1991, and Russia became a democratic republic. However, this was all for show, and the same power structure continued, even as the stealthy leopard went underground.
17. This beast, or the earthly nation of Russia, is given power to flourish by the dragon, or Satan:
18. Revelation 14:4
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
19. Raphael, we told you before that the invading armies of China and Russia would be allowed to come into your land of America and overcome your nation and peoples for five months (see Revelation 9:5 and your post 165I4 and post 165I9). However, the beast of Russia will continue to have dominion in the remainder of the earth for 42 months total, or 3½ years:
20. Revelation 13:5–
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (the dogma of socialism and communism); and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months." (words in parenthesis in this and other scriptures in this entry from Heavenly Mother).
21. Russia will continue in its power over "all kindreds, tongues and nations." (Revelation 13:7).
22. Pope Francis will come into greater world power during the time that Russia has world domination, except for power over the promised land of America. In America there will have been a major cleansing of the land and the beginning construction of the New Jerusalem.
23. The Russian leaders will allow Pope Francis to come into power since he will work in collusion with them. He will promote the principles of socialism and communism that gives them great power over the nations of the earth.
24. Pope Francis will act as a religious leader, and yet will speak and promote works of darkness inspired by Lucifer:
25. Revelation 13:12–
"And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed (Russia)."
26. At this time, Russia will bring forth its secret destructive powers and anti-gravity machines, and have them be initiated from the command of Pope Francis in order to trick the people into compliance:
27. Revelation 13:13-14
"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."
28. The "image of the beast" is not a physical statue, but socialism, for the tenets of socialism and communism are the same, only the methods of subjugating the people vary. Socialism creates the same suppression of the people by legislation and gradually taking over the industries, so that absolute control still resides in the central government. Communism does this by force of power from armies and the police force.
29. There will be a worldwide requirement for all nations, except those living in the land of promise at this time, to conform to communist or socialist dogmas and practices. If the people do not conform to their tyranny of power, they will be killed (see Revelation 15:14).
30. Pope Francis, the Russian state, and their controlled communist and socialist countries will then introduce the mark of the beast as spoken in Revelation 13:16-18
31. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
32. At the same time that all of this is happening, the 144,000 will be summoned and set on their missions upon all the earth from the land of promise to gather the elect from all nations (see Revelation chapter 14).
33. Raphael, I have explained the great mystery of the identity of the two beasts spoken of in Revelation chapter 13, as seen by our servant John. Continue to pray for understanding, for there is much which I haven't explained that will yet be revealed to you in coming days.'
34. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great revelations! I asked if I had recorded her words correctly in my journal. She nodded and said I had correctly written her words.
35. She then said for me to come anytime today, to her lake, God's Loving Healing Lake, and she would answer any further questions I might have.
36. I thanked her again, and consciously exited her presence. I finished writing and started my Sabbath day.