125. The Sufferings of Christ
Posted 6-24-2019
The information in this post has been very deeply meaningful to me. I believe you will be touched by the significance of these revelations also.
Please confirm all with God that I relate to you. I feel so blessed to have received these great revelations!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 13, 2019, Thursday
1. Yesterday M.A. finished the index for all of my posts! This has been a huge effort. It is a Google doc of nearly 200 pages. I am editing it now and planning to get these live with hyperlinks soon.
2. This morning I came to the fir forest next to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field and fallen oak tree. The trees were large and tall and the light was subdued. I found some soft ground between the trees and then knelt and prayed.
3. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. My Heavenly Father then appeared above me and he descended from the treetops down to where I was kneeling! He was smiling and full of light. His eternity eyes were loving, accepting and seemed so deep and all knowing. I felt exhilaration and so peaceful in being in his presence.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we teach our children many truths through the trials they experience. Often the hardest trials or experiences in mortality create the greatest growth and understanding in our children. You saw a portion of an online video of those who overcame cancer and near death. They did dramatic changes in their diets and mental state in order to do this. This severe trial had taught them so many lessons of healing their bodies. Likewise, your effort to deal with trauma from the injury of your son on his LDS mission in 2010 has been a journey that has been difficult but taught you so many truths. We use dramatic changes in our children's lives to teach them our truths that they could not learn in any other way.
5. You have been actively learning about and taking supplements for improvement in your brain cognition. This has been teaching you how to heal and strengthen your overall body health. We desire that you continue energy testing natural remedies from local plants and those you can purchase that will continue to boost your health and immunity to disease and body deterioration. It is in this way that we will have you attain a higher state of health and wellbeing. We are not going to magically transform your body for your future work and mortal translation without your concerted effort to change your diet and lifestyle. In the process of your learning, you will attain a much greater awareness of how to naturally heal the human body in its mortal state. We desire you to continue to study and test remedies for brain function and overall body health and immune strength. If your physical body is strong and robust, you will have the natural ability to resist the many plagues, diseases and hardships that will soon come upon humanity. Share what you learn with others so they too may make changes in their diet and lifestyle, as they may feel impressed.
6. In all things, we are pleased when our children press forward and take charge of their own health and not just wait for us, their Gods, to heal them.
7. D&C 58:26-30
"For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.
Who am I that made man, saith the Lord, that will hold him guiltless that obeys not my commandments?"
8. We desire that our elect children are proactive, taking steps to increase their own knowledge and grow in skills that they may need to be more effective servants to us, their Heavenly Parents and to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We will guide them by our Spirit, but they need to take the initiative to learn, act and grow.
9. 2 Nephi 32:3-5
"...Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what you should do.
Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.
For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do."
10. Also 2 Nephi 31:20
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear message this morning! I committed to him to work diligently on my own health, and to take more charge of my own life. I told him that his words were so pleasing and delicious to me and that I want to always follow him where he may lead me. I will seek to act on all his even subtle impressions.
12. I then came to my conscious mind and closed my prayer. I have much to do today and am eager to get started!
13. Evening–Tonight I came to the foyer of the temple on the celestial orb. I was just inside the temple on the north side, by a little stream. I drank from the stream on bended knee. I felt very humbled, and felt I knew so very little (it seemed) of eternity and of God. However, I really know more about God than most, for I have received amazing revelations morning and night, from their hand! Whenever I think I know much, then there is a whole vista of new revelations God gives to me that show me how much I didn't know!
14. I listened to M.S.'s podcasts today on 2 Nephi Chapter 31 (2 podcasts). He gave a lot of insights but he also acted like he knew so much and was quite dogmatic about doctrine. To me, I had received some information by personal revelation that countered what he said. I feel very humble and open about all of this, and feel to ask of God rather than to say I am right. All that I know I have only received from God anyway! I want to keep my open attitude, for I likely will learn more as I ask in faith and am receptive to God's will.
15. I also was talking to a neighbor about cutting a negative cord energetically. She told me to make sure that I send both people to the light before I energetically cut the cord or it won't work. I have a different opinion, but I tried to act very gracious and open to instruction from her, or God. I will use my brain and intuition to come to a conclusion, and then seek to have it all confirmed by my Father or Mother.
16. I hope I can always keep an open mind and heart to everyone, and keep humble and full of faith. I want to receive what I can from people and from God.
17. I knelt by the small stream next to me in God's temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father and or Heavenly Mother to come to me.
18. Heavenly Mother appeared to me, and extended her hand to me! I stood and held her hand. We then walked for a few steps, to the south, and then she spoke:
'Raphael, pride and feeling like you know our truths over what others may say is a slippery slope. By this I mean that you can get so concerned that you are right about something that this may spoil your enjoyment of interacting with others. We recommend that you be free and gracious to all, and very open to their views and opinions. Ask of us and we will then confirm or reveal to you our truths from heaven. You will then be happy to know the truth, and may be able to share it with others, as they too are open. However, if they hold onto their views, don't press your new revealed views on them, but act in gentleness and great kindness. Having a know-it-all attitude is not good, for likely you will learn something new that will again change your view.
19. We treat our children in patience and great forbearance. We allow them to keep their own opinions for years, until such time as they might be open and receptive to our truths. We gently give them our spirit, and are quick to defer to their own attitude that they may have received enough and want no more for the time being. We are practiced in making sure they choose their own particular belief or path on their own, not necessarily from us. It is only those of our elect who press forward with faith in Christ that will ultimately receive all truths from us. They will need themselves to initiate the receiving of our revelations, and be very open to the intimations of our spirit.
20. Whenever you state your opinion, and are strongly opinionated, those with a different view will likely not be open to you, or venture to share their own views. We love the meek and lowly, who remain open, even if others may attack verbally their belief and practices. There is no harm in others having their opinions and in you having yours. You don't need to be right in the eyes of others. You do not need to correct the world and particularly other's views.
21. When we asked our Son, Jesus Christ, to have his disciples preach the gospel, we wanted them to openly share the truths they had received and learned to be true. In all such actions of sharing, our servants should humbly share the truth, and then we will send our spirit to confirm these to those who are open and humble. If they are too bold and take an attitude that they are the only ones who had received truths from God, others would tend to shun them and not be receptive. This is an elitist attitude, and does not please us. We desire those who preach to be clear but meek in their delivery of our gospel truths!
22. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I love her and her gentle ways! I told her that I wanted to act as she acts in her attitude and actions.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 14, 2019, Friday
1. I feel so very "modern", for I just purchased hearing instruments as they are now called (I had always called them hearing aids before). I have a modern laptop computer, a modern cell phone, and other gizmos of a technology-based society. I wear "progressive" modern glasses, and feel my aging can be delayed somewhat with all of these helps. I really want to learn all about natural remedies that I can grow, or harvest locally or purchase that can really boost my vitality, my brain function and my overall strength and immunity. I feel so blessed to have ways online to research all of these things, and have the resources to buy them too. I know I may receive confirmations on doses through energy testing, and in prayer from God. I truly feel so blessed!
2. This sunny morning I came to the area immediately outside the front doors of God's temple. I was a short distance from the golden altar and the nearby fountain of living water. I faced north and knelt, then asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. They both appeared directly in front of me, a little elevated in the air! They both were brilliant and glorious! I immediately felt their intense light pass through me and fill me with peace and acceptance.
4. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, there are many of our celestial angels and servants who visit us here on our celestial orb, particularly for their prayers. We address each one individually. We also make it usually appear as though they are the only one present on our celestial orb. This allows them to be freer with us, and less distracted in opening up their hearts and minds to us. We keep them all private and quiet as they wish. You have learned that we your Gods and Heavenly Parents have great capabilities that our children don't have. We are receptacles of light, and may send forth this light to any of our children or creations we desire. We may add our emotions or thoughts to this light and this becomes our spirit. We may replicate ourselves. We may create all manner of living beings from intelligence and elemental matter. We may create visions and dreams from elemental matter and transfer these to the minds of our children. We may move between our higher celestial realms and lower spiritual realms as we desire, and remain unseen any time we wish. We may zoom down in size to create or heal the smallest organ or animal or plant. We may zoom out in size to understand or fathom our vast creations. We may at any time view and participate in past, present or future events. We may travel long distances with no delays. We interact with all of our children at once, and never feel overwhelmed. We may choose our attitude of peace, love and happiness, even though many of our children are struggling and choosing evil ways that would make us sad. We continually communicate and coordinate with each other in the management of our vast galaxy and our plans. We know all things and have all power to do as we wish within the liberal laws of our universe. We each have similar power and authority to do whatever we desire to do, or whatever enters into our hearts. We never grow tired or weary in our glorious resurrected bodies. These never can die or deteriorate, and we feel very capable and strong with no weakness of any sort. Our minds are so clear and alert, and have no limit in what they may think, remember, or plan in detail so that our works continue flawlessly.
5. Raphael, there is much more we do and are capable of doing that you have not yet received. We are your loving Heavenly Parents who lead you along. We may be fully trusted, for we both love you and understand you. We will do whatever we feel is best for your growth and happiness!'
6. Heavenly Father stepped forward and lifted me up. He then embraced and kissed me on my cheeks. He said he had full confidence in me, and in my becoming the great servant and individual that they envisioned me to become. He said they would carefully lead me along, revealing to me great truths in the process. He said I would need to continue to seek them diligently, feasting upon their words, and putting them first in my life. Then all that is theirs would eventually become my own also.
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke after Heavenly Father stepped back next to her. I was still standing.
'Raphael, when we chose your intelligence to be one of our first sons for this eternity, we could tell what you were like and would become. This is an ability we also possess as being a God. We saw your disposition and nature, even though you were only an intelligence at that moment. We had faith in you blossoming into our true and faithful servant that we could assign with confidence very important responsibilities in our last days plans. We love your open and meek attitude. These attitudes may be cultivated by all of our children, according to their desires and actions.
8. We have similar plans for each one of our elect children. We have chosen them from the beginning too, even at the time we asked them as intelligences to become our son or daughter. We know what they could become as they choose to accept our ways and truths. We are patient in leading them to our glorious world and kingdom, and even to receive one of their own. They are each our beloved son or daughter!
9. If they will come unto us, we will show them great things, even as we have shown and will show to you. They may have other very important callings and responsibilities also, of equal importance in our minds as yours. If they turn unto us, and ask of us, in the sincerity of their hearts, we will gently guide and lead them along, as fast as they are able to receive!'
10. My Heavenly Mother then smiled broadly as her intense light of the Holy Ghost flowed into and through me! I then saw a vision of my Heavenly Parents' elect children, their many paths and their glorious destinies! I felt so happy to see them in choosing God over the world. I saw that they each chose the ways that God revealed to them, and were carefully led by the spirit of God, even to receive all things. Their destiny was remarkable! I saw glimpses into their lives as they struggled and grew, trying again and again to overcome weaknesses of the flesh through Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer.
11. I saw that as many as wanted to progress and grow, could and did attain. They had to choose on their own volition, and then our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ would help them, one step at a time. The vision was in my mind, and somehow I could see all of the elect at the same time! It was like the vision Moses saw and recorded in Moses 1:27-28-
"And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it, and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God.
And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not; and he discerned them by the spirit of God; and their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shores."
12. It is hard to see this in my conscious mind, except in little glimpses, but I saw it in my unconscious mind, even all of the elect of God. I could somehow zoom up and see into their personal lives, their struggles, and their choices to select God above all other choices. I saw these wonderful men and women acting in obedience and being led by God.
13. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words and revelations this beautiful morning! I feel so honored to receive such truths from them daily.
14. Evening–I came this evening to the fountain of living water to the north. I knelt between the golden altar and the fountain. The sun was still up but it was sunset.
15. Heavenly Mother appeared before me in front of the fountain of living water. She was beaming great light and came to me in love.
She spoke again: 'Raphael, you are very exhausted. Come back to this place tomorrow and I will share with you more.'
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 15, 2019, Saturday
1. I awoke refreshed this morning! I tried to read my entry last night and the writing was very sloppy. I can tell I must have been almost incoherently tired! I feel much better now.
2. I came again to the place in front of the fountain of living water between the golden altar and the fountain. I was facing north and knelt on the pavement. The ground was paved in rocks of some kind that had apparently been quarried and set in the ground here. They were semi smooth and very even and of the same coloring as the temple that glistened in the sunlight. It was not difficult for me to kneel here as it would have been on the earth if I knelt on rock.
3. I raised both hands above my head and asked in prayer for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw the sky above the fountain and I heard in my mind the voice of my Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, come up here!'
4. I arose and thought to go up into the opening in the sky and I was immediately above the fountain. I then stepped into the opening into the higher celestial realm from my celestial realm! I was before my glorious Heavenly Father who was smiling at me and very filled with light and radiance! I saw my Heavenly Mother coming to his left side and then hold his hand. I was standing before both of my glorious Heavenly Parents!
5. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we have brought you into our higher celestial realm above our celestial orb. You may look down and see the fountain, our golden altar and the temple below us. We may go anywhere on our celestial orb in this sphere and we will remain out of sight from any of our children who may be here in the celestial realm.'
6. I thanked him for allowing me to come before them in this higher celestial realm. I told them how pleased I was to be in their presence!
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, let us now go to the Great Assembly Hall where there is a meeting being held and conducted by you. You are there in a replicated state from the one you are in now before us. We will watch together what happens in the meeting.'
8. We then were immediately in the upper corner of the hall, in the top southwest corner. I could see that I was addressing the group before me. The hall was filled with many people sitting down. Every seat was taken. I perceived in my mind that these were holy angels, celestial servants including Enoch's translated group and many who were resurrected to a celestial glory. I didn't see any others here. I could switch back and forth between my being in the upper celestial realms to myself standing at the pulpit in the celestial realms! I turned from the podium where I was then standing and looked up at the southwest corner and saw Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and myself, all standing. I knew we were not visible to the congregation, for they had not been invited into that higher celestial realm where the gods dwell.
9. I then saw Jesus Christ come and stand on the right side of the Father, so that Heavenly Father was in the middle, with Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus on his right! I was standing on Heavenly Mother's left side and we were all facing the podium.
10. I then tried to perceive both of my minds in both of my replicated beings, the one in the corner and the one at the podium. I knew I could perceive them both at the same time, but in my conscious mind I could only have transferred to me on earth while I wrote in my journal, only one unconscious mind at a time. All seemed natural and just how things should be.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we have chosen to stop the present moment for a bit while I talked to you. We may do this from our higher celestial realm. Everyone in this Great Assembly Hall remains in their moveless state that they are in. We may remain in this stopped state for as long as we wish.'
12. I observed that my three Gods before me were moving and acting as normal, whereas those in the room, including myself at the podium, were still and seemed 'frozen' and didn't move. I came to my own self at the podium and was also frozen in my thoughts it seemed! I could instantly perceive the thoughts in my mind at the podium and then my mind in the upper celestial sphere that was active and thinking normally.
13. Heavenly Mother turned to Jesus Christ who then spoke: 'Raphael, we have brought you here into our upper celestial sphere today to experience what we as gods may do in stopping the present. I also want to explain to you in detail about my suffering for the sins of mankind. Time as you know it in the celestial and lower spheres may be momentarily stopped by us who are gods and who act in our upper celestial sphere.
14. When I was on the cross, suffering for the sins of mankind and for you, I was replicated from myself in the mortal earth to myself in these upper celestial realms. I was multiplied many times over in this highest realm. I went to each person on the earth, in the spirit world around the earth, in the pre-mortal earth, and even to the evil hosts of Satan on the earth. These were all those who were the children of our Heavenly Parents. I went to each one who was 'frozen' in time.
15. As I approached you in your domed room, now in God's Loving Healing Center, you were very aware that I was suffering on the earth. You were in a meditative and saddened state, seeing me, your older brother in the spirit, suffer and tremble on the cross from the pains of my mortal death, but especially from the pains for sin I was experiencing in the higher celestial realm.
16. I came to you in the domed room and stood before you. I was not visible to you, for I was in the higher celestial realm and you were in the celestial realm. I looked upon you and saw, in my godly powers of hindsight and foresight, your very existence from the beginning when you were first born to our Heavenly Mother, to your final time of becoming a god on our celestial earth! I saw your entire life in every phase of your living, in all your states of probation and progression. I perceived your thoughts, desires and actions in every part of this journey from a spirit baby to an exalted man!
17. I then went back in time and for each moment you committed a sin, by your thoughts, desires and actions, that would have prevented you from dwelling in our presence, and took upon me the required suffering that the law of justice required that I suffer for that sin or weakness in order for that sin to be fully forgiven and erased. I gathered all of these amounts of sufferings together, by my power of being a god and a Redeemer, and then confirmed with my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother that this was enough suffering to make you clean from the sins you had or would ever have. When confirmed, I then agreed in my mind to suffer the accumulated intense pain of the required payment for your sins! I suffered in this higher celestial world, where no one saw me suffer except my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They perceived my sufferings, but did not rescue me from my pain, for I suffered alone. I chose to suffer because I loved you, Raphael.'
18. I then came to my knees and cried to my Savior, 'Oh I thank you my cherished Redeemer, to have suffered and atoned for my sins and weaknesses!' I was crying and very emotional, for I too could see Jesus suffering for me directly, back when he suffered for me in the domed room in the higher celestial sphere!
19. Jesus smiled on me and spoke again: 'Raphael, I suffered for your sins since I loved you. When I had fully suffered for you I then stepped forward and embraced you while you were kneeling in the domed room. You were in the attitude of meditative prayer at the time I suffered for you, Raphael! You did not see or feel me embrace you, for I was still in the higher celestial realm.
20. I repeated these same steps for every son and daughter of our Heavenly Parents! They each were in various states of progression. Many knew that this was the moment of my suffering and were deep in thought, praying in their hearts for me, as were you praying for me.
21. Others who were in their mortal state or were in sin had no idea of the suffering I would be doing for them. Nevertheless, I suffered for each one from the higher celestial sphere, just like I described to you that I suffered for you.
22. The entire time I suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, and later on the cross, was the period that I suffered in the higher celestial realm in my replicated spirits. I replicated myself many millions of times, for each period of suffering took finite moments for me to suffer.
23. The accumulation of my pain was also felt in my mortal body on the earth. I had been given previously a full awareness of my conscious and unconscious mind and so I could perceive all that was happening, even while I was suffering in all of my replicated states. My mind and heart on earth were synched and drawn out together in love for my fellow brothers and sisters! The pain was so severe that I bled from every pore in my mortal body on the earth.'
24. D&C 19:16-19
"For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
But if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I;
Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit–and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink–
Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men."
25. I thus suffered for the few hours in the Garden and later on the cross. In the higher celestial realms, I suffered for many long periods until all was completed, and I had suffered for all! I suffered in multiple phases, for I had stopped time for each of these phases. When my suffering was complete for one phase, I was filled again with light from both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and rested for a short moment. I then started time again on earth and then stopped it in the higher celestial realm again as I entered into the next phase of suffering. There were a total of 700 phases of suffering. This was given me of the Father to thus break down the total suffering into shorter suffering phases. I could then see the progress I made as I suffered through each phase.
26. The number of phases was significant too. Seven is a godly number and signifies in heaven completeness and one hundred signifies all. Therefore, seven times one hundred signifies all is completed. I uttered, "it is finished" (see John 19:30) when I had completed suffering the last of the 700 phases of suffering. I then voluntarily died on the cross for all mankind, having fully completed all that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had ordained me to do with regards to suffering for the sins of all of mankind.
27. At that moment, just before I gave up the ghost and my spirit was released from my physical body on the earth, I met again with both of my loving Heavenly Parents in our higher celestial realms. The suffering was all completed, and no one knew it except us three gods. I then was embraced first by my Heavenly Mother and then by my Heavenly Father. We were all crying for joy at this momentous occasion! They infused again in me their light to an exceedingly high amount and comforted and bless me, their Beloved Son!
28. I then died on earth and my spirit entered into the world of the spirits as is recorded in D&C 138:18.'
29. I was still on my knees before my Savior, Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked Jesus profusely for his love in suffering for me, a Son of God, and for cleansing me from all sin! I thanked them all for bringing me before them for this experience.
30. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, what your Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, has shared with you is true. Go now down to our very beloved celestial angels and servants and read to them the account in your journal that you have just written! This will be the only address of this meeting. After your talk, then introduce our Beloved Son to them. He will appear in glory and light, coming from our position here. He will then descend to all of you and minister to you here, in the celestial realm in this Great Assembly Hall.
The manner and details of Christ's suffering have never before been revealed to mankind until now. We wish our faithful servants to be the first to receive these wonderful truths!'
31. I thanked my Father and said I would do so now. I came into my replicated being at the podium and delivered my address on the great atonement of Jesus Christ. I read exactly from my journal to the previous paragraph above. I then introduced Jesus Christ, after first asking that we all come on bended knee before him.
32. Jesus then appeared before us in glory. He came to each one in the vast congregation and embraced them and spoke to them. It all seemed but a short moment. He then charged us to teach these truths to the faithful, even as the Spirit of God would inspire us to share and when to share.
33. While I am writing this, I felt overcome with emotion, crying with large breaths between. I am so, so grateful for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and for his revelation to me today!
34. Evening–This has been a great day. I have thought about my experience in prayer this morning and have been impressed how remarkable it was, particularly the spiritual import upon my soul. I feel so very indebted to Jesus Christ and for his redemption for me and all mankind! It is overwhelming to think of his great love for me and for each of God's other children too!
35. I had a few more questions about the great atonement:
1) Did Jesus suffer also for the sins of Lucifer and for each of his evil hosts?
2) Were any other of God's creations redeemed, like the earth or animals and plants that attain a celestial glory?
3) Was Christ exhausted after each of the 700 periods and had to be recharged with light to complete the suffering? And what kind of recharging was this?
4) How did Jesus exactly suffer that fulfilled the law of justice? Was this a pain that came upon him somehow from the spirit of the one he atoned for?
I hope to receive some answers in my prayers soon.
36. I came to the circling waters and faced south towards the water. I drank living water and asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared before me tonight, with his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ on his right side! I did not see my Heavenly Mother. They were both enshrouded in abundant light.
37. My Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought our Son, Jesus Christ, tonight to answer some of your questions about the atonement he wrought for all mankind.
38. Jesus then stepped forward and addressed me:
'Raphael, I have been asked by our Father to answer your specific questions about my redemptive work for God's children.
1) Raphael, I suffered for all, even for Lucifer and all of his hosts. Our Father and Mother still hold out that some of these will repent and come unto me. We have already received the large group of the refugees of Lucifer come to me and be saved in my light and from Satan's power. They are our faithful servants and live on our celestial orb. There will be many more before the end of the world that will also repent and come unto me, their Great Redeemer.
39. 2) I only suffered for God's children, and not for any of their other creations, like the earth or plants and animals. These have never sinned and therefore never transgressed any eternal law of heaven. They will all be resurrected by my power, since the Father and Mother have designated that I, the Great Redeemer, should initiate the resurrection for all their creations for this eternity. This includes all those who are resurrected to a celestial, terrestrial and telestial glory, not only for the children of God, but for all others of God's creations for this eternity, including plants, animals and the earth.
40. 3) I suffered for all of God's children in 700 distinct periods of suffering, all done in the highest celestial sphere where only my Heavenly Parents and I were located. Each period was very draining and left me very exhausted, even though I had been ordained and commissioned to be the Great Redeemer and even though I also was ordained as a God. The suffering was intense and even though I was God, I suffered and trembled because of pain and suffered both in my body on earth (see D&C 19:16-18) and my replicated spirits in the highest celestial realms. This was a bitter cup for me to experience for each of the 700 periods. It left me exhausted and trembling each time! I received the intense outpouring of light from my Heavenly Parents after each period ended, to prepare me for my next period I would suffer again. I did the suffering all by myself, but my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother infused in me their light between the extended periods of suffering.
41. 4) The law of justice established by our first parent gods states that no spiritually unclean thing may enter into the kingdom of God, into the celestial glory. The children of God had to be purified from all sin and be made pure and holy. My suffering for each one completed the suffering amount required by the law of justice, by one who was holy and without spot. When completed, I received from my Father or Mother their approval that I had sufficiently suffered to satisfy the demands eternal justice after I suffered for each child of God. I then could request of my Father or Mother, at a future time, when and if the recipient of my suffering repented and asked for forgiveness, that they be accepted of God and be made holy by my redeeming blood and suffering I had previously given in love for them. When approved of God, the recipient would then be made holy and pure, without spot.
42. This is the process of the one who repents and comes unto me to be cleansed:
D&C 45:3-5
"Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him–
Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;
Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life."
43. When the Father or Mother gave me their approval, then that child would be then able to have everlasting life and I could cleanse them at a future time by my power and they would be made pure and holy and without spot. They would then be fully redeemed and thus would be able to enter into God's presence in the celestial world.
44. I suffered the pain of each of our Heavenly Parents' children in this manner: After viewing and accumulating the total sins they committed or would commit in their past, present and future entire existence, I chose on my own to suffer for these accumulated sins. I knew the degree and intensity of the suffering required for payment of those sins, because I am God and had that knowledge given to me for each child of God. I voluntarily agreed to suffer, and then my Father or my Mother placed this sin upon me, upon my spirit. I felt the burden of these sins so very deeply. I knew the sorrows from sin that each experienced or would suffer. I then asked of my Father or Mother that I personally suffer for these heavy sins in my body on earth and my spirit in the higher celestial realms. They agreed, and I suffered until the law of justice for all those accumulated sins and weaknesses were satisfied. This suffering was very tangible, real pain for sin, similar to what you have felt when you sin and feel guilty. I felt that same consequence of sin, only it was by proxy since I did not actually commit the sins. I did, however, feel the pain of remorse, guilt, sorrow, and a deep desire to accept the consequences of sin and be freed of the sin.
45. 2 Nephi 2:6-7
"Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered."
46. Once I suffered these deep, negative pains of emotion, all accumulated at one time for each child of our Heavenly Parents, then my Father or Mother said to me at one point that my suffering was enough suffering for those sins and that the eternal law of justice was fully satisfied for all the sins of that child. I then had satisfied the demands of justice by extending my tender mercy of love in suffering for all of their sins, both in my body and spirit. This caused me great pain and spiritual sorrow, but I endured and completed my sufferings for each child of God, for all of their life from the beginning to the end. I suffered until I had received the approval from our Heavenly Parents that the law was fulfilled and justice had been met.'
47. I thanked my Savior, Jesus Christ, for explaining and answering my questions so thoroughly! I thanked him for his willingness to suffer so fully for me and every other of God's children, in multiple replicated states, even at the same moment, for so many of God's children! I had a difficult time fathoming the depth of his suffering he must have experienced during even one of the 700 periods! My experience then ended in front of the circling waters and I came back to my mortal self, writing all of this down in my journal.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 16, 2019, Sunday
1. I came again to the circling waters this morning in God's celestial orb. I had slept deeply and was now refreshed. I drank again some living water from my cupped hand. I asked for my Gods, or one of them, to come to me.
2. Heavenly Mother came in bright glory on the water, a little elevated in the air. She was so radiant and smiled deeply! Her eyes were sparkling with great joy it seemed, for I felt her love enter into me with the light of her presence.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought one of the volumes of the Lamb's Book of Life with me today. The volumes contain to date a record of each of the pre-mortal names of our children whom Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has suffered and satisfied the law of justice for all their sins. I have personally written the entries into this Book of Life for every one of my beloved children up to this point.'
4. She then opened the book in her hand to a certain page and extended the book to me. I then focused my eyes on a passage, for I was thus directed by her Spirit.
'Raphael, the passage you are drawn to was written by me when Jesus Christ fully completed suffering for your sins! Either your Father or I told Jesus Christ that he had suffered sufficiently for our particular child and then I wrote an entry for him or her in this Lamb's Book of Life. This particular passage reads "Raphael, my fourth son–Jesus Christ suffered for all his accumulated sins.' I then left enough space for two more entries: one which Oriphiel might write at the waters of separation (see your post 54K4 and post 107A6), for the same child for whom you might administer the waters of separation and one for a record of the final judgment for that child. In your particular case, Jesus Christ will perform the waters of separation for you since you cannot do this for yourself. Oriphiel will record your information at that time.
5. I created the lamb's Book of Life before the earth was populated by our children. It had enough volumes to record the information we desired for each of our children for this eternity.
6. Your entry is in this particular volume of the Book of Life, for I recorded the names of my children sequentially as Jesus Christ suffered for them. I alone wrote their names in these volumes, for there was only the Father, the Son and myself, your Heavenly Mother, who am the Holy Ghost who witnesses of the Son and all of his actions in this highest celestial realm! I witnessed in the Lamb's Book of Life that Christ had sufficiently suffered for each of my children, to redeem them at a future day, were they to repent, come unto our Beloved Son, and that he should redeem them fully from their accumulated sins.
7. This record is kept in our highest celestial realm until I give it to Oriphiel, our trusted archangel, to record the next entry for those who enter into our Church of the Firstborn. He will be given access to enter into our highest celestial realm by me and retrieve from me the volume(s) he will need for a particular day in our New Jerusalem temple. As the ordinance for the waters of separation is completed, Oriphiel will then find my entry in the Lamb's Book of Life and record that you, Raphael, performed the waters of separation ordinance for that child for whom Jesus had suffered. I will inspire Oriphiel where to find my entry in the volumes I had given him that morning. This entry he makes will signify that our child is now fully redeemed by Jesus Christ and accepted into our celestial church. His or her calling and election will then be made fully sure and be recorded in heaven.
8. Once Oriphiel records all such ordinances for the day, he will return the volumes I withdrew from our highest celestial sphere back to me. The highest celestial sphere is where we keep the Book of Life. These volumes are safe and protected, for no one may enter unless they are God or personally accompanied by either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or me. I accompany Oriphiel each time he requests the particular volumes for the day and will give him the books. I then stay by his side to witness to my satisfaction that all is recorded properly. When he is done at the end of the day, he returns the volumes I gave him that morning back to me. I then place them in their repository in our highest celestial realm.
9. John the Revelator wrote in Revelation 20:12: "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." (see also D&C 128:6-7) This other book, the Book of Life, will have entries written by me first, and then by Oriphiel. At the judgment day, there will be one further entry in the Lamb's Book of Life by Oriphiel, our archangel. He will write the conclusion of our judgment, where our child was assigned to go for eternity. This will be written in the space I left for each child after my first entry.
10. We will rejoice at that day for these, our children, who have both my entry and Oriphiel's entry written at the time of the waters of separation! This third entry at the judgment day will record that they were judged worthy to become a king or a queen, a high priest or high priestess in eternity. The entry will be written by Oriphiel, and then finally concluded by me once that individual is ordained to be a god or goddess. This final entry in the Lamb's Book of Life will conclude all the entries in that book for them. All the volumes of the Book of Life, when completed, will be then transferred to the repository in the New Jerusalem library on the celestial resurrected earth.
11. The gods, our children who dwell there, may then look up their particular entry in their volume. This will be their record recorded in heaven, for them to view whenever they wish, through all eternity.'
12. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words today, such an amazing revelation! I feel so blessed to have received it here on our celestial orb. I told her how grateful I was for her attentiveness to each of us to record and have Oriphiel record these records in heaven, in the celestial realm.
13. Evening–I wrote the following in my pocket journal at church today. At the sacrament meeting today in a local young single adult ward–we sang in the sacrament hymn page 188 "Thy will, O Lord, Be Done." I was especially touched by verse 3–here is that verse:
"No crown of thorns, no cruel cross
Could make our great Redeemer shun
He counted his own will but naught
And Said "Thy Will O Lord be done"
14. I came to the knoll above the circling waters. I partook of the bread in the ward, and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were not visible before me.
15. I then saw my Savior's face, and then he held out the bread in a tray to me. I then realized that I was kneeling next to the podium in the Great Assembly Hall! He was personally passing the sacrament to all the celestial angels and servants of God. This was in the same meeting I was in yesterday morning, on 6-15-2019, in the Great Assembly Hall!
16. I partook of the sacrament from Jesus, and looked up into his loving face. His eyes were so very tender! He said 'Raphael, I have suffered for your sins and weaknesses, and you are clean before me: you have no more sin in your life. You are brought back into my presence, and into the presence of your Heavenly Parents. I love you Raphael!'
17. I then looked up to the top corner of the hall, and I saw myself before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, with my replicated self kneeling also before them! Heavenly Mother spoke to me when I was there: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be with you, our son!'
18. I then looked down and could see me still in front of my Redeemer on the stand next to the podium. This was a unique experience I had. The scene then faded and I was over back at the knoll next to the circling waters! It was as if time was not a factor in heaven, for the meeting was yesterday morning that I had just come from.
19. Later–It is now evening on Father's Day, and the family has all left and my wife has gone to bed. I am alone up in my household. I wanted to connect again to my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother on the celestial orb.
20. During the sacrament meeting today, I read a little about the Book of Life, or the Lamb's Book of Life. I read that some don't have their names written in the Book of Life, or some whose names are blotted out of the Book of Life (see Revelation 3:5, 8; 13:8). I wondered if ever the names of God's children for whom Christ suffers are ever withdrawn from the Book of Life? I wondered how to interpret these scriptures in Revelation?
21. I came to the pond at the bottom of the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I faced the water and felt the mist of the falls upon my face. I felt clear and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
22. Heavenly Father appeared before me right next to the falling water from the falls! He was bright and smiling. He moved several feet forward so he was right in front of me.
23. He spoke: 'Raphael, the Lamb's Book of Life is a permanent record for each of our children. We never blot out any entries in this eternal record of heaven. The recordings of your Heavenly Mother will never be erased, nor the recordings of Oriphiel.
24. The references in Revelation about those whose names are not written in the Book of Life refer to the blank spaces under each first entry made by your Heavenly Mother. If our child has not followed our spiritual promptings, and does not repent, believe and accept Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, he or she will not be considered having their name written in the Book of Life.
25. D&C 88:33–"For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift."
26. Those that the scriptures refer to whose names are not written in the Book of Life will never have our designated angel Oriphiel write their names in the Book of Life along with the faithful when their names are written at the waters of separation. They will have had the gift of the atonement of Christ freely given and extended to them, but will reject that gift. They won't have their names recorded by Oriphiel except at the great judgment day when we appoint every man according to that which he is due.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarification! I expressed deep thanks for the great gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, made to every one of his children. I told him I love him so much. Heavenly Father then smiled and left my presence. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 17, 2019, Monday
1. A new week is upon us! I have lots on my calendar today, but I am also planning to get post 124 published. M.A. finished the entire index through this current post 124 yesterday! It might take me a week now to get this all live with hyperlinks–we'll see! I will be gratified once this is current and available!
2. My sister K has finished typing all the very many pages I sent to her over this weekend on the suffering and atonement of Jesus Christ. She and S.A. have typed tirelessly, and have been such a support. I feel very blessed to have all of these great helpers!
3. I have been very impressed with the deep and powerful revelations I received Saturday and Sunday, on this past weekend! They have deeply impacted me.
4. This morning I felt to go to the bench in front of the desert oasis, on the celestial orb. The celestial sun was behind some clouds, yet it was warm and comfortable. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt refreshed and enlivened. I came back by the bench, faced the water and knelt in the sand. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me, in answer to my prayer.
5. Heavenly Mother then appeared from behind the clouds, in a bright column of light! She descended upon the water, and then asked me by her spirit to stand and walk to her, over the water.
6. I then stood and walked down to the water's edge and then over the water to where she was standing. I knelt in the air above the water when I got to her.
7. She was so radiant that the entire oasis and surrounding area was filled with her light! This intense light of the Holy Ghost filled me and then overflowed, and also passed through me. I felt her love, acceptance and abiding joy she sent to me in her light! It was a magnificent experience again.
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, yesterday you attempted three times to find a ward to attend for sacrament, since your own home ward was in stake conference. Had you not partaken of the sacrament, you would not have received our revelations in the Great Assembly Hall, where you saw yourself replicated twice before us. You also saw that time is not a major factor in our heavenly realms like it is on earth.
9. We hold in reserve many of our revelations from our children because they do not put us first in their lives. They need the determination like you had yesterday in finding a sacrament meeting in their daily lives, and to put us before the cares of the world. They will find as we are given priority in their lives that we will bless them with revelation and guidance, so much more than they could imagine. We will lead them even to those still waters above where you now kneel (see Psalms 23:2).
10. Raphael, your steady pattern of praying to us morning and night, and recording what we give to you in your personal journal is a pattern we wish all of our children to pursue. When you write your impressions and the words we give to you in your prayers, your mind and thoughts are both tuned into us and what we are revealing to you. This meditative state is necessary for you living on earth to connect your conscious mind to your unconscious mind to which we communicate. These, our words, thoughts, visions and feelings may then come freely to you, accompanying our own light we abundantly will pour out upon you. This is our spirit.
11. When Jesus Christ suffered for the sins and weaknesses of all of our children. We buoyed him up with our spirit between the 700 periods of his suffering. We infused his entire being in our light, along with our love, acceptance of his great work and mercy that he extended to his brothers and sisters, and the desire to press forward for just one more period of suffering. He then faced his own gethsemane by his own will and determination. He did not shrink from his critical mission that only he could fulfill. As he went into each period of suffering for the sins and weaknesses of our children, he was refreshed and focused on his challenging work. He never shrunk from the pain he knew would come.
12. We watched and communicated with him for each of our children for whom he suffered. When the demands of justice were finally met for each one, we let him know by our still small voice. I then wrote the entry in the Lamb's Book of Life for my child that Jesus has fully suffered for all his or her accumulated sins and weaknesses. Christ's suffering was sufficient to cover all sins and accepted to us, his Father and Mother!
13. We also had our Beloved Son suffer for those we knew would never accept him as their Great Redeemer. How could the gift be offered to these children without it having been fulfilled completely? Once our Christ suffered for all of our children during these 700 periods, his sufferings were fully completed! He no more would be required to suffer, bleed and die! He had just this one very intense time of suffering when he gave all he had, in great love and mercy to each of our children!
14. Jesus Christ now is filled with deep love, tenderness, compassion and mercy for each of our beloved children. He invites them to come to him, their Great Redeemer, and freely partake of his free gift of salvation. If they come to him, repent of all their sins, he will accept them and cleanse them of their sins and weaknesses! They will then be clean and pure through the blood and sacrifice that he suffered for them. They will then not need to suffer, for he their Savior has already suffered. We acknowledged that his suffering was enough to satisfy the eternal law that had been broken by our sinful child.
15. This great plan of mercy, love and a Redeemer has been the pattern followed since the first eternity of our first parent Gods, even until now. It is repeated among all the couple gods in this great universe. The firstborn son of each eternity is also chosen and designated as the Great Redeemer for the remainder of the children born in that eternity. This is the way we, the Gods are able to send to earth our children, in a very fallen and sinful world, and yet bring them back into our presence after they learn and grow in mortality. The need for a Savior is so essential and critical to our great plan of happiness!
16. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message today! I thanked her again for the revelations this weekend and today that have been centered on the atonement of Jesus Christ. I told her that I too was determined to fulfill my mission as she and Heavenly Father would direct me. I have been strengthened by the determination of Jesus Christ to face his own mission, and to drink the bitter cup he experienced.
17. Heavenly Mother smiled and then ascended back up into the clouds above, I watched as she left and was gone. I then closed my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.
18. Evening–It is late and I have been working hard at getting post 124 finished. I hope I can now relax and connect to my Heavenly Parents!
I came to the desert oasis and sat on the bench. My bare feet were on the sand and it was nighttime. The celestial earths were up in the sky, glistening like stars. It was a very sacred feeling!
19. I knelt in front of the oasis and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and watched. Heavenly Father then came next to me with a slight glow coming from his body so that I could see him in the dark of the night. He put his left hand on my shoulder and looked up into the sky above the oasis.
He spoke: 'Raphael, each one of these earths up in the sky was resurrected to a celestial glory at the end of their own eternity. Your Heavenly Mother and I remember vividly each one! We have so many fond memories of the faithful elect who had allowed us, their Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, to guide and direct them. We love each of them so very much! They have all gone onto their eternal reward and have now galaxies of their own, which contain their own creations. These galaxies surround our galaxy in every direction, but mostly are located towards the boundary of the universe, away from its center. There is more unoccupied space there for these exalted couple gods to establish their own creations.
20. The boundary of our universe is ever expanding. I will address this tomorrow morning here, so come, when you are refreshed and I will reveal these secrets of our universe to you at that time!'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father and said I would come here to the desert oasis tomorrow morning.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 18, 2019, Tuesday
1. I have come to the desert oasis this morning like I was instructed by my Heavenly Father last night. I feel awake and receptive to what he might reveal to me. I walked to the water's edge and drank some living water. I then knelt on the shore and faced the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
2. Heavenly Father came from the sky onto the center of the oasis and then motioned for me to come to him! I stood and walked above the water. As I approached him, he extended his right hand and spoke to me: 'Raphael, let us now go to the edge of our universe!'
3. I took Heavenly Father's hand and we were instantly in a dark area in space!
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we are now at the edge of our universe. We just came from this direction (he pointed in one direction with his hand). This is where you see multiple galaxies in the dark sky. These all appear to you as glistening stars, just like you saw with the celestial earths in the night sky last night above the desert oasis from our celestial orb.
4. If we look in the other direction (he pointed to the opposite way), you will not see any galaxies. This is where we go to find intelligences and raw elemental matter. We are now on the border between our great universe and unorganized space containing intelligences and raw elemental matter. I can tell we are at this boundary, but it is not something with a tangible edge. Our universe is spherical and expands as more galaxies are created near its outer boundary. Then the entire boundary expands, pushing outward the intelligence and raw elemental matter even further.
5. For example, when the closest galaxy over there (he pointed to a bright object in the sky) was first created, the boundary of the universe pushed outwards from its center, making more room for this ever expanding universe that contains all of the galaxies and creations of God. There is lots of room between the galaxies in these outer edge regions of the universe. However, some day these too will have many other galaxies around them and the boundary of the universe will have moved further outward.'
6. Heavenly Father touched my head with his hand and spoke: 'I have touched your head so that you may perceive as do I, the edge of the universe' I could then distinguish in my mind a division between organized space on my right side and unorganized space on my left side! I felt a pulse or the light on my right and blank emptiness on my left! I could sense that unorganized space on my left was just existing, with no pattern of creation.
7. Heavenly Father further spoke: 'Raphael, on your right side you sense there is light that has come all the way from the presence of our first parent Gods. It pushed against the boundary of this universe and this is how the boundary expands. The universe is filled with God's light and the unorganized space has no light in it, for it contains only intelligence and unorganized matter. The light proceeds forth from the presence of our first parent Gods at the center of our universe and is beamed outward in every direction. The light that reaches on your right side keeps traveling outwards, making this universe larger all of the time. When space is then filled with light matter, it becomes also part of our universe where galaxies may be created by the many gods who come here.
8. The light also pushes this boundary outward from the center of our universe. This boundary then pushes on the intelligences and raw elemental matter and they also move outwards as a large mass. The intelligences don't perceive that they are moving, for they move as one and gradually spread apart as they are pushed further and further from the center of the universe.
9. Were we to travel to the opposite edge of our very large universe, we would experience the same boundary between organized and unorganized space, or space filled with light matter and space with no light.
10. The galaxies that occupy space in our universe are gradually rotating around the central first creations of our first parent Gods. Our galaxies remain fixed in relation to each other, or the distances between the galaxies are fixed. When there are many galaxies in one area, there is no further room in which to create a new galaxy except further outward towards the boundaries of the universe.
11. The newest ordained gods receive permission from our first parent Gods where they may establish their own galaxy in the universe. In this way there is ample space planned between galaxies for expansion as their creations within their galaxy increase and their galaxy expands. Our first parent Gods are responsible for the positioning of all the galaxies in their ever-growing universe.
12. Outside the bounds of our universe are unlimited intelligences and elemental matter. These have always existed and were never created or made. We who are the Gods in our universe come here to obtain intelligence and raw elemental matter to create these into our creations, all organized and contained within our own galaxy. We are the only ones who are capable of traveling past the boundaries of our universe to where these are located. When we travel outside of the boundaries of the universe, there is no light, so we carry forth our own light to obtain what we need and to return back to our own galaxy. Outer space, outside our universe, is therefore visited frequently by the gods in their great works of creation. This outer space is so vast that we rarely see another god. However, we perceive where all the gods are located who are in outer space. There are therefore only intelligence, raw elemental matter, and the gods who go there to visit in this outer space beyond the boundaries of our universe.'
13. Heavenly Father turned towards me. He was glowing brightly in his own light, for I knew the light from the center of our universe wasn't able to come into him, for we were now outside the boundary or edge of the universe.
14. 'Raphael, our works never end, and are endless! We continually create and organize all that we procure here (he pointed outward into the outer space) and bring it into our own galaxy to create our own children and other creations to support us in our efforts to bless and guide them, even to become like us. This is our great work and glory!'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for my vision in the dark sky tonight, at the edge of the universe! He again took my hand and I found myself alone at the shore of the oasis. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
16. Evening–Tonight I went to the maple tree grove on the west end of Lake beautiful. When I came it was dusk, and the sky was darkening quickly. I came to the shore and prayed to my Heavenly Parents.
17. Heavenly Mother then appeared to me on the shore! She was subdued in her light, I think since it was dusk outside and I thought she didn't want to over shine the beauty of the approaching night. She looked up in the sky, and I looked up too. She spoke:
'Raphael, your Father and I usually go together to the outer boundaries of the universe, in outer space where there is unorganized intelligence and elemental matter. We Gods never create anything there, but bring these two building components of our creations back with us, to our own galaxy where we create them into our creations. We receive permission from the intelligences before we take them away, but have no need to ask the matter since it has no ability to think or respond. We transport these by the power of God back to our own galaxy. Everything we create, or that the God's create, is from only intelligence and elemental matter within their own domain.
18. When we bring our intelligence(s) with us, these have never experienced light. This light begins coming around them once we pass the boundary of our universe, heading toward our own galaxy. Intelligence and elemental matter cannot move from their creation in outer space without a God coming and moving them. Once these become our creations and living beings, then they are given limited movement within the sphere we have created for them. Even our children are confined to the world or sphere we create for them. It is only those who obey us and progress to become even as we are that are gradually given more and more ability to move, act, and ultimately become like us their Gods.
19. Our life is so very exhilarating and wonderful, Raphael! We choose to have so much responsibility and dominion over our creations, and these give us much satisfaction and joy! We live in the midst of eternity, orchestrating a growing creation of so many beautiful and choice living beings and our own children, made in our very image. Life is so very beautiful overall!'
20. I reached out my hand and she touched mine. I thanked her for this wonderful journey that I am experiencing to become like her and my Heavenly Father!
She then smiled and slowly faded away. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 19, 2019, Wednesday
1. I awoke to sunshine streaming in through my window! I feel alert and very pleased to have the opportunity to come to God, and be blessed and instructed by either Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus!
This morning I felt to go to the grassy area just outside the white gate that leads to the path and the tree of life. I have come here because this is where I felt I should come.
2. I knelt outside of the gate on the grass. I faced the gate and asked for God to come answer my prayer.
The gate swung open and Jesus Christ stood in the opening! He was smiling, and had such tender and loving eyes! He motioned for me to come to him.
3. I stood and he led me behind the gate, and then shut it behind us. I was in an area in front of the beginning of the path, where both of us could easily stand and talk.
4. Jesus spoke to me: 'Raphael, our Father has asked that I meet you here prior to you going down the path, the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. He told me he would meet you there.
He asked me to speak with you a little more about my sacrifice I made for you and all mankind. He wanted me to talk about the eternal law of justice, and the requirements for the law of mercy to satisfy justice.
5. 2 Nephi 2:5-7–
"And men are instructed sufficiently that they may know good from evil. And the law given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified, or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off, and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.
Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered." (see also 2 Nephi 2:8-10).
6. Raphael, the temporal and spiritual law of justice is one law, and was established by our first parent Gods. They both saw the need to establish order and rules to govern their expanding posterity. They wisely established this law before any of their children were born, so that these would have the blessings of law and order when they were created into living beings.
7. The law of justice states that each spiritual realm, be it telestial, terrestrial or celestial, has a different entry requirement. For those who enter into the highest, or the celestial realm, they need to fully conform to the highest standards of purity, with no sin laid to their actions up to that point. Their sins would prevent them from entering into this higher realm where God, angels and holy men and women live, in an environment free from sin. Every sin has been listed by category, and a punishment affixed to this sin in order for that sin to be removed. This is what the law of justice lists in the Book of the Laws of God. These books were written by our first parent Gods, and a copy given by the parents of each couple God to these new Gods, at the time of their ordination to be a God. It is by the requirements of these laws that our Heavenly Parents and I judged how much I needed to suffer for each sin that I made intercession for, and fully satisfied. I accumulated the demands of justice for all of the sins for the recipient of my suffering, for their entire life, past present and future. I suffered for these sins to the requirement for entry into the celestial realm, the highest spiritual level.
8. Once I suffered for all the sins of a particular child of God, then the law of justice was fulfilled, as required by the Book of the Laws of God.
9. Even though the demands of justice were met, by me paying the price of suffering for each sin, the recipient still was not free from sin. This person had to meet the requirement for the law of mercy to take effect. This law of mercy, also found and written in the Book of the Laws of God, states that the Great Redeemer who atones for the sins is the one who decides if the recipient meets the requirement for receiving a remission of their sins. This law of mercy requires repentance of one's sins, and a determination not to repeat sinning, or transgress the law of justice. It also requires a humble, penitent spirit, and faith in the Redeemer to make the sufferings fully effective in answering the ends of the law of justice, and satisfying its demands.
10. Once the law of mercy is met, the Great Redeemer would then be able to extend mercy and love to the repentant recipient, and cleanse them by his power of all sin. Then he or she would be permitted into the celestial realms where God dwells.
11. The cleansing action for sin is done this way: I freely forgive all accumulated sins, and then imbue with light, even with my Spirit, the recipient who repents. I communicate in the light that he or she is fully forgiven of sin, and is pure and holy before me. This action is done by my spirit, the Holy Spirit, that comes upon my son or daughter. They then become my son or daughter spiritually, for I have redeemed him or her from their sins.
12. Mosiah 5:7
"And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you, for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name, therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and daughters."
13. Once I cleanse them by my Holy Spirit, my son or daughter has no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). They then become the elect of God, for I elect them to one day, if they prove faithful, to be admitted into my church, the church of the Firstborn. In the interim, they may be baptized into the Church of Christ, and pursue a godly life. If they are true and faithful over time by renewing regularly their baptismal covenants in the sacrament ordinance and living a righteous life, then one day I will tell them that they will have eternal life! They will then be allowed to be received into my celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, and further progress to become a God in the celestial realms above!
14. Raphael, you have lived a righteous life, and I have forgiven you of your sins. I have cleansed you by my blood, even the suffering I did for you while on the cross, and in the highest celestial realm. You are now in my presence, in our celestial world. The laws of justice are satisfied, and also the law of mercy. You may now commune with our Father and Mother, and continue to be led by them as you progress and grow!
15. I thanked my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for his loving service and sacrifice for me! I knelt before him and saw the prints of the nails on his feet! He extended his hands to me, and I saw his nail marks and wounds on his hands also. He lifted me up and then lovingly embraced me! He then spoke: 'Raphael, go now down the strait and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. Your Heavenly Father will meet you there!'
16. I thanked Jesus again, and turned and walked down the strait path. It was narrow, only allowing one person at a time to walk to the tree of life. On either side was a steep slope where one couldn't walk. I held onto the rod of iron on my right side, and walked to the tree of life.
17. When I came under the outer perimeter of the canopy of the tree of life, I saw my Heavenly Father! He was standing in front of the trunk of the tree, and was smiling at me. I came before him and knelt at his feet. I looked up into his loving face.
18. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, every one of our children who seek to become even as your Heavenly Mother and I are, must follow this same path that you have walked in your life: they need to repent, believe in our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and be forgiven of their sins and cleansed by his Holy Spirit. They need to walk in righteous ways, and prove their faithfulness before us. They need to follow the prompting of our Spirit and the Holy Ghost throughout their life. When they are fully tested and prove faithful, then Jesus Christ will make their calling and election sure, and admit them into our Church of the Firstborn. You will then administer to them the waters of Separation ordinance, and welcome them officially into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. They will then be able to progress through the steps towards eternal life, with the assurance they will be exalted and become even as we are, and dwell in celestial glory forever!
19. This is our merciful plan for all of our sons and daughters who obey us, and want to become like us. We reveal to our faithful line upon line, here a little and there a little, ever watching their actions and desires. Thus we will save our faithful sons and daughters in eternity in our kingdom of glory!'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Father in his words, and for the clearness of the path back to him and Heavenly Mother! I said I loved him so very much.
21. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, make this entry the last one in your current post 125 that you are writing. Name it the "Sufferings of Christ". ' (Note: see paragraph H13 below for an extension for this post).
22. I told him I would do so. I then came back to full consciousness in my room in my house on earth, where I had been writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
23. Evening-I had an enjoyable day today. It was sunny and warm, a great time of year! Tonight I came to a place that I usually don't come to. It was at the end of the river representing Jesus Christ, flowing into a deep hole in the ground. I came to the west side of this rocky hole. I knelt and prayed here for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.
24. Heavenly Mother came with Jesus Christ, both coming from the east and then stood in the air in front of me! They were both glowing in abundant light and were both smiling. Jesus Christ was holding a book in his arms.
25. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with me tonight. He has brought with him one of the Books of the Laws of God. This volume has a list of the types of sins that restrict entry into the celestial realms where God lives. The list is for the celestial entry requirements are more restrictive than for entry into the terrestrial or telestial realms. Each sin has listed an amount of suffering required for the sin to be forgiven, or for the law to be satisfied. Those sins of a more severe nature require more payment or suffering to have them satisfied, or remitted. The levels of suffering are described and are to be understood only by the gods to whom this book is given. The couple god parents of their own children use the Book of the Laws of God to determine how much suffering their chosen Redeemer must suffer to atone for those sins. If these sufferings of the Redeemer are not accepted by the sinner, then he or she may not enter into the celestial, terrestrial or telestial worlds. The suffering then would be endured by the sinner, but still they would not be able to be cleansed and made holy without a Redeemer, a requirement to enter into these worlds.
26. Jesus then spoke to me: 'Raphael, without me, all of God's children for this eternity would be forever lost and not able of themselves to return to their Heavenly Parents' presence, for this would not be allowed by the laws of God. The laws of God require full payment for sin and then that the sinner be cleansed and made holy in order to return into the presence of God.
27. One exception to this is when I, their Redeemer, quicken them temporarily to come to the judgment bar of God in the celestial world. Once they are judged, they are escorted to their final destination of a lower glory. They receive a resurrection freely given on my merits as their Redeemer, but are not fully cleansed to a higher level since they are going to a lower spiritual realm. They each acknowledge that I am their Redeemer, but have not taken the necessary steps to receive full forgiveness of their sins from me. They therefore need to pay for the required suffering for their own sins as given in this Book of the Laws of God, for the telestial or terrestrial glory they are being sent to.
28. Once they have suffered for their own sins and are resurrected, I cleanse them to the level required for entry into the telestial or terrestrial glory. This cleansing is a lower amount than given to the celestial, for the celestial have fully repented and come unto me, their Savior. I have suffered for their accumulated sins so they don't need to suffer like the telestial and terrestrial will suffer.'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2019, Thursday
1. My prayer continued this morning and took up where I had left the night before. Jesus then opened the book in his hands. He asked me to step forward in space above the great rocky hole in the ground under him. I stood and walked up to him in the air and looked upon the book he had opened.
2. He spoke again: 'Raphael, this page shows the sin of adultery and gives the amount of suffering required to pay for this sin for entry into the celestial world, a lower amount of suffering required for entry into the terrestrial world, and finally the lowest amount of suffering required for entry into the telestial world. There is also a description of what the sin consists of. Once the sin is forgiven for the sinner after he or she, or I pay for the sin through suffering, then I cleanse the sinner for entry to whatever spiritual realm they are assigned. Those who receive a celestial glory are cleansed by my power and made holy to a celestial level, for these are of the celestial nature and are most comfortable living in the celestial realms of glory.
3. Those who receive either a terrestrial or telestial glory are cleansed by me to the level required for entry into that glory. Therefore for instance, all of the terrestrial are cleansed to a terrestrial glory and will have individually paid the price for their own sins. My sufferings for them will not have been fully accepted, for they never came to me with full repentance or in deep humility and obedience. They therefore need to pay for their own sins, for that is what the Book of the Laws of God states. Lower amounts of suffering are required for the sinner who is of the telestial nature, for their kingdom is of a lower level of glory than the terrestrial or celestial. Those of a telestial glory are also not cleansed to a higher level required for the higher spiritual spheres.
4. The sufferings are endured by both the telestial and terrestrial, mostly in the spirit world after their death. If they don't fully repent, even in that spirit world where it is fully given to them, nor accept me as their Redeemer so that I may have my previous sufferings accepted for them, and also that I may cleanse them, then they need to suffer themselves without my assistance.
5. D&C 19:15-20
"Therefore, I command you to repent–repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore–how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.
For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit–and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink–
Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.
Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, ye, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."
6. Also, Alma 11:40-41
"And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.
Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God and be judged according to their works."
7. Raphael, for God's children who do not repent, I have wasted my suffering for them, and they need to suffer. This causes me to be full of anger and wrath for the unrepentant, and is likened to me smiting them with the rod of my mouth (see D&C 19:15). At the same time that I am full of wrath, I am also full of compassion for them, and wonder why they won't repent and come unto me, their Redeemer, and receive fully my gift that I freely offer to them? I therefore need to obey the Book of the Laws of God, for we who are Gods have covenanted to obey these laws.
8. Alma 42:13
"Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God."
9. Raphael, our Heavenly Mother and I have come with you to this deep pit below us, filled with jagged rocks and a steep slope. This is representative of the sufferings that I already paid, or that those who don't accept my sufferings for them will pay, for the accumulated sins of their lives. These sins all need to be paid for, according to the requirements of this book I have opened before you, in order for them to be received into a kingdom of glory. Once the payment for their accumulated sins are all fully paid, for their respective telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory, I then will freely cleanse them from their sins and bring them to their respective glory, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. They may then be admitted into their chosen kingdom of glory and dwell there, worlds without end.'
10. I looked down at the treacherous hole below us, with the river representing Jesus Christ crashing into it. I felt the mist of water from this crashing water. I then was overwhelmed with gratitude that Jesus Christ, who stood before me, had already suffered for my accumulated sins! I knelt in the air in front of him and thanked him for forgiving me of my many sins and for cleansing me!
11. He closed the book and pulled me close to him with his free arm. I felt his deep love and Spirit come upon me. I feel so very blessed! I also thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come and brought Jesus and the book he showed to me. Both smiled at me and then my vision ended.
12. I asked in my heart if I had correctly recorded the words of this revelation given to me last night and this morning? The words of my Heavenly Mother, the Holy Ghost, came to my mind with power: 'Raphael, you have recorded correctly the words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, and me in your journal. I will witness to the humble of this truth if they ask of me for a witness from me, if they ask in humility and humbleness of heart.'
13. I asked also if I may include this revelation at the end of post 125 and she said I might do this too. She then stopped speaking, but I felt her presence continue to remain with me, even after she and Jesus had left me. I then closed my prayer and started a new day.