101. Records in Heaven
Posted 11-22-2018 Thanksgiving

Hello my friends!

Today is Thanksgiving! I feel so very grateful for my loving Heavenly Parents and their wonderful revelations to me! This post has the following highlights you will find interesting:

• Recognition of my great weaknesses, but God will still use me
• God wants us to take time to feel settled and happy
• Relish your stage in life
• Take time to connect to God
• Earthly journals and heavenly journals, all written by the angels
• Vision of our various actions in heaven and the celestial realms
• More relationship counsels
• Viewing intelligence and elemental matter beyond the borders of the universe
• The creation and birth process of the first Redeemer of our Heavenly Parents
• Need to write about all interactions with God
• Four visions of the wicked in our day

Please pray about all of these things I have received. Follow all that God tells you.

Happy Thanksgiving today! May God abundantly bless you and your family.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 12, 2018, Monday

1. I awoke earlier than normal this morning, for we have planned to attend the Veteran's Day program at one of the Springville schools our grandchildren attend. Should be fun.

I came this morning to the little outcropping just above the circling waters to the east. I could see the distant temple to the west. I knelt facing the temple and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I fully expected a visit from one or both of them.

My Heavenly Mother came in a beam of light directly to me from the far off temple. She stood in the air in front of me. I gazed upon her beautiful being, so very loving and accepting of me, her son. I then expressed my desire to become more attentive of those around me, particularly of my own children and my wife. I want to be very sensitive to their needs and serve them more faithfully. I asked for forgiveness of my weaknesses and foibles.

I also asked for blessings of health upon some of the family who are struggling with different aspects of their health.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I accept you how you are, complete with your weaknesses and your foibles! You frequently feel weak and very much a normal fallible human being. All of our children on your earth are in this same mortal state. We come to you in your weaknesses, and reveal to you great things so that you may write about them in your weak and humble condition. We don't expect anything more from you except your humble and open mind and your desire to serve us in your weakness.

3. We come to a few of our children in this telestial world and allow them to share their experiences with others. This makes up the small portion of scriptures you have. Your accounts will also be added to this base of scripture in a future day for others to read and study.

I will bless your wife and children in need of healing blessings. We haven't healed them of all their infirmities for our own purpose of letting them fully experience a mortal probation. However, we will continue to strengthen and sustain them.

4. Some of our children on earth struggle with mental or emotional issues that are severe. You saw two college male students in A.'s Institute Choir last night. A
 kind and loving director allowed them into the choir class. The songs were beautiful, but we felt his actions of acceptance and compassion towards these two young men who were mentally very challenged was a far greater example of love and acceptance than the music even could bring to the congregation.

5. We desire our children who are on earth in their mortal state to accept those around them in their weaknesses. Love and compassion, service and kindness, are all very important qualities we wish our chosen elect to practice in their own weakened state. We will pour out our light and love upon the humble and the weak and upon those who are trying to bless others while struggling in their own weaknesses.

Remember that you are our glorious spirit children having a temporary mortal experience in a telestial, fallen world. Our grace is fully extended to all through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to all the weak and humble.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother before me for her simple message this morning. I told her how much I loved her. I thanked her for the mortal experience I was experiencing. I asked her to continue to be with me during my new day ahead. I closed my prayer and got ready for the day.

6. In the evening–It is now a little after 9:30 p.m. and I am ready to pray. I came to the desert oasis tonight in anticipation of communion with my Heavenly Parents. I felt excited to meet either or both of my Heavenly Parents tonight. I knelt in the sand next to the shore of the oasis. I asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and watched. I waited 5-10 seconds, and then saw a brilliant reflection upon the water. I looked up in the sky and then saw Heavenly Father descend in a bright light that came down upon the water. He then came to me until he was directly in front of me, a ways above the sand in the air.

I felt so grateful to hear from my Heavenly Father tonight! He immediately began to speak to me. He transferred his thoughts to me or this is what I mean by him speaking to me. Here are his words:

7. 'Raphael, M.A. had asked you in a recent email about the changes in the orders in each series of twelve eternities in a particular Epoch. She wondered what the orders were and what changes there might be between Epochs.

The orders of these twelve eternities are in the same solar system, with a different earth, different Redeemer, and a different Satan for each eternity. We always initiate the start of a new Epoch by creating a new solar system, complete with a sun or suns, moon or moons that rotate around the new earth, planets in the solar system, and a new set of constellations in the starry skies. We change the times and seasons as we desire for the new earth. Your earth has seven days in a week, 52 weeks in a year, twenty-four hours in a day. Other earths in different Epochs have had, for instance, twelve days in a week, with thirty weeks in a year, and days of slightly different durations. However, there is still light and darkness, seasons that vary, and different signs in the heavens than those we have shown and are planning for your future on your own earth.

8. These factors are all differences between the orders of different Epochs that our children experience on their own earths. We only have one earth in the creation process or of the mortal phase at a time. In all our entire galaxy, our attention is focused on the current earth and on our beloved children who dwell on its surface for their mortal experience.

(Note: the word Epoch is capitalized when it defines a span of 12 eternities. When epoch is used (not capitalized), this defines one of 7 spans of time in a particular eternity. See post 122A5).

9. Only those of our children who dwell on a particular earth are allowed to minister to it. We do not allow our children from other eternities to intermingle with those of an earth or eternity unless they become exalted as couple Gods. We close out each eternity by the resurrecting of our children to the level of glory that they were willing to receive. We also consign Satan and any who may have followed him down to hell to their eternal consignment. The earths are each resurrected to a celestial glory and come nigh to our celestial orb in the center of the galaxy.

10. When all is completed for a particular eternity, we then meet with all the other Gods in the center of our universe with our first parent Gods. Once completed, we start another eternity. Raphael, our works are one eternal round and never end. We are so happy in all of our great work in bringing to pass the exaltation, immortality and eternal life of our children.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his many new thoughts today. I felt very happy to have been enlightened again, receiving very mind-expanding truths into my finite mind with my fairly narrow perspective. I felt so cared for, so privileged to be his son and to receive such amazing truths! I closed my prayer and plan to go to bed soon.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 13, 2018, Tuesday

1. I am up again, ready for a new day. I decided to go to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came down to the water's edge and drank from living water. I felt so clear and receptive this morning. I returned into the grove of maples and situated myself between two large maple trees. I faced the lake and knelt in prayer. I sought to be open to receiving one or both of my Gods this morning. I asked for them to come.

I then saw my loving Heavenly Mother at the shore. She motioned me to come to where I had just drunk the living water. I came next to her and she extended her hand. I took it in mine and we turned and both strolled upon the surface of the water!

2. I looked into my Heavenly Mother's face. She was smiling at me and her eyes seemed to twinkle with joy or to sparkle somehow! She squeezed my hand and spoke:

'Raphael, my son, I am very pleased to come to you this morning! You have become a conduit for your Heavenly Father and I to communicate to our children, for you write our words and share them with a few others. We want those who receive your words to ponder, think about what we have shared with you, and to confirm with us the truthfulness of what you write. We will confirm our words to them as they ask us in humility and in the openness of their hearts.

3. Your Heavenly Father has recently said that we have revealed through you revelations held in reserve for these last days, never before revealed to our children. We will reveal all things to our faithful now as they seek us and ask of us. We want these new revelations to you to go to our faithful, humble and receptive children. We do not want them shared with those who would ridicule or treat lightly our revelations. For you, we wish you to continue to write all we share with you in your personal journal. Your sister then may type these up and then they can be stored and shared as you currently do. We will bring forth our words in our own way and at our own time. Continue now in the pattern we have established.'

At this time we were a good distance from the shore, over the water of the lake. We stopped and watched a beautiful sunrise together. The morning celestial sun was rising in the southeast, over the distant mountains. I realized the celestial sun did whatever our Heavenly Mother wished it to do.

4. Heavenly Mother continued speaking:

'Raphael, take time to enjoy the beauties around you! We have created all our many creations to please and uplift our children and us. Nature on your earth is so often very breathtakingly beautiful! I love to view our celestial sunrise and fall in the horizon here, in great beauty like we have seen this morning.

There is beauty in every one of our creations. Be grateful for all of these and enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes in pausing and observing the beauties of your own earth. Each season has great beauty and varies greatly from another. I love the variety of the seasons, or different landscapes I may see, or the beautiful array of plants and animals on earth's surface. We have asked all our creations to fill the measure of their existence. This not only includes propagation of its own kind, but showing forth its beauty and strength in splendor for our children to enjoy. These creations are meant to please the heart of mankind and to uplift, heal and strengthen them too.

5. Your modern society sometimes creates in our mortal children a very task-oriented mindset. Although we like them to be about doing much good, and being anxiously engaged in what they desire to do, we also wish them to enjoy quiet times of reflection, being alone in meditation, enjoying our beautiful world alone or with others, and taking time to feel settled and happy. This is so helpful to do in the fast-paced living of your modern society.

6. Make sure you are well-grounded and full of satisfaction and joy in your life. You will look back, in a future day, over the life you have chosen to live, and you will be very glad you took time to stay connected with yourself and with us, your Gods and with your loved ones, and enjoyed our beautiful world around you. Fill your mind and heart with gratefulness and enjoyment in living. We will then pour out upon you our light and love, that which brings joy and satisfaction in your life. Enjoy the present, and we will lead you along, day by day.

7. This is your wonderful day in mortality, such a unique time in all of your eternal life. Relish your stage in life, whether in your youth, your middle age productive life, or your wiser more mature older years. Each one brings its own enjoyment. Enjoy your loved ones we have sent to you in your family circles. Accept and love them, not trying to make them into anyone in particular, but just accept and love them! If they are young children, train them in love and in our gospel living, but above all, relish your time with them and love them. Seek for deep and meaningful experiences and develop choice relationships with your spouse, children and loved ones. These will bring you great enjoyment and deep contentment and joy!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her advice and counsel this morning while we strolled on the lake. She turned and faced me, smiling broadly. She then took me in her arms and hugged and kissed me! She shared her love and joy with me! I saw myself crying and smiling at the same time. I felt her deep joy and happiness.

I then was suddenly back in my mortal conscious mind. My prayer had ended but I felt still linked up with my divine Mother. I closed my prayer and began a new day.

8. Evening–I came this evening to the meadow to the northwest of the circling waters, beyond the horizontal log. I had been here a week or so ago and visited here with my Heavenly Parents.

I knelt down on the grass at the edge of the meadow, just next to some tall forest trees. There was a little pond nearby. It was so very beautiful and heavenly. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me tonight. I waited for someone to come.

I then saw my Heavenly Father appear before me a little elevated in the air. He gradually appeared, until there was a bright glow immediately around his person. I looked into his kind face and loved seeing into his eternity eyes. I could tell he accepted me and loved me.

9. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad you came here to the meadow in the woods. This is a secluded spot that is accessed by the path from the circling waters or by your intention to be here. Our creations live in perfect harmony in our celestial world. The water, the land, the atmosphere, the plants and animals, all live in peace together. Their joint mission in our world is to please us, their Gods, and our children. They are quick to respond to our thoughts and desires. We may ask our trees to grow in a certain shape. We have done this for our horizontal log at the beginning of the path leading here to this meadow. The trees may also grow parts of their structure into a bench or other living structure.

10. The rocks and minerals of the celestial orb may also be shaped into different structures. You have read about this in "Visions of Glory". The workmen for the New Jerusalem Temple complex will have developed a gift to craft stone structures into beautiful shapes, like pillars, tables, and more. This skill is done with intention and communication with the entity governing the structure, whether a rock, deposit in the ground, or a plant like a tree. The entity has desires to please us and our children, and will respond if we or our children are able to truly communicate with the intelligence of that entity.

11. This process of connecting to our creations is more easily done in our celestial realms and on this celestial orb. It is also possible in the terrestrial or the telestial world, but is more difficult for our children to connect to these in those lower glories.

We had told you before that the animals in a celestial glory might communicate with you by thought communication and some with their voice. They are gentle and eager to please and delight to bless you. Even in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer was allowed to communicate with certain animals. He even persuaded some to do his bidding, even though he had evil intentions. He cannot do this in the telestial world. He also will not be present in the future terrestrial millennial world.

12. In the millennium, you and our healing children will communicate with various medicinal plants, asking them to prepare their leaves, flowers or roots to have a strong effect to correct a given ailment. They will then create their own remedy for our children that will be the best possible to correct the cause of disease and illness.

13. We might also ask the atmosphere or living water to control their temperature to our desire. These entities normally adjust to external temperatures, but they may also adjust to their own, according to their own intelligent control.

Our creations in our celestial world are all resurrected celestial entities, or celestial spirit entities. These celestial entities are limited, however, in what they may do. However, we are not limited. For example, only we or our children may replicate, be translated, and have significantly higher intelligence to do whatever is in our heart and intention.

14. In our celestial temple, the outside structure and internal walls and floors are created from components from our celestial orb, like stone, metal and glass. Our temple includes flowing water, small areas of growing vegetation, living animals, like fish and small mammals, and birds. We have motifs depicting some of our creations in their prime, along walls, ceilings and other areas.

You have seen our vision murals and your own portal. These were created spiritually and have no intelligence in and of themselves, similar to light or spirit. They respond, however, to whatever we desire them to do within their own abilities. They are created to bless and enhance our lives and the lives of our children.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his discussion on his own creations and how their aim is to bless God and God's children. I felt very happy to be in such a joyful state as the celestial orb that my Gods live in.

Heavenly Father then smiled and disappeared quickly, similar to how he came initially to me. I said I loved him as he was fading away. He smiled and then was immediately out of sight. I got ready then for going to sleep.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 14, 2018, Wednesday

1. Today I came to the desert oasis. I enjoyed very quiet and peaceful surroundings. I somehow saw that my replicated being had a journal with me that I was writing in, just like the one I was writing in on earth. I knew I wrote my experiences down in this heavenly journal. I wondered if it came with me or if I retrieved it from some room in heaven. I was sitting on the bench in front of the oasis, writing, like I am now writing on earth in my adjacent bedroom. I then left the bench and came to the living water's edge. I drank and then knelt in the sand by the shore, facing the water. I asked for God to come to me. I waited and observed. Heavenly Mother then quietly came to me along the shoreline to my left. She was smiling and full of a subdued light. I looked into her sparkling eternity eyes. I felt loved and accepted, with no judgment.

Heavenly Mother came to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She gave me the thought to stand and walk with her. I immediately stood and started strolling on the path around the oasis, holding hands. The water to our left was glistening in the reflected sunshine. I was so happy to be again with my Heavenly Mother!

2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, you keep your heavenly journal on a shelf in the domed room, your previous own room in our world. You already have multiple journals that you have written in that have been there since you again came into heaven in April 2013, when we first came to you in your energy class. You write similar things you receive in this record that you now write on earth, all in your unconscious mind. We therefore have you write two accounts of your revelations and experiences, one on earth and one in heaven.

We have the revelations and actions of the righteous recorded in heaven on our celestial orb and in the celestial realms of God in the earth.

3. D&C 62:3

"Nevertheless, ye are blessed, for the testimony which ye have borne is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your sins are forgiven you."

The angels, who dwell in the celestial realms and from where they do their work, write these records. Your records are kept together in the domed room for now, and in other rooms in heaven.

Each holy angel also has a location for his or her own journal or record. We desire that all things are written by hand and preserved, whether concerning revelations, or actions, or service rendered to another, or how our children on earth respond to the activity of the angels.

4. We will one day call for all of these records and place them in our library in heaven. This is where the records are kept that have recorded all things of the angel activity concerning the actions of our children who come into mortality. The records of the angels are part of this repository in our library in heaven. We also have guardian spirits write in journals or records of the actions of those to whom they are assigned.

5. 2 Nephi 29:11

"For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written."

6. These guardian spirits work in the terrestrial realms on the earth. They are assigned to each mortal who comes to earth. They have been commanded to write the works of those in their stewardship. These records are then ultimately transferred to the same repository in the library of heaven.

7. The vast records in heaven, in our library on the celestial orb, will be transferred to the library in the New Jerusalem that will become a permanent part of the resurrected celestial earth. These will be transferred after the Day of Judgment of our people. They will be fully transferred once all our children are judged and rewarded for their works on the earth, some to a celestial glory, some to a terrestrial glory, and some to a telestial glory. These will then become a record in eternity for those who attain to a celestial glory, to view as they wish. Those of lesser glories will not be able to read these records, for they cannot come to the library in the New Jerusalem where these records will all be kept, for it is in the celestial kingdom.

8. Raphael, your Father and I have records of our own works and revelations on our own celestial earth, where we received our first inheritance. These records are also in a shared library repository on that resurrected earth. We may go there and read any of those records of any of ourselves or of our siblings from our same parent Gods.

These records always are finally transferred to the celestial earth at the end of each eternity. Our record vaults on our own celestial orb are then emptied, ready for a new eternity.

9. During the Day of Judgment for each of our children who have come to earth, we bring forth the records that pertain to them about their works on the earth as recorded by the angels or their guardian spirits. We also may refer to records we have preserved that were recorded on the telestial or terrestrial earth, depending when these individuals came to the earth for their mortal experience. These records tell of the choices and works of our individual whom we are judging. They are laid out for the one being judged to see. It is hard for them to argue differently than what had been written about them by another. We also bless our children at that time with a vivid memory of all their actions, from their pre-mortal, mortal and post-mortal states. They all acknowledge their works, and the eternal placement we give them in the eternal worlds of glory. They are rewarded to the level of happiness they were willing to receive in their journey up to that point. They are very satisfied in the glory we assign them in eternity, for this is where they best fit for eternity upon eternity. They are resurrected to that glory, quickened by the glory of their particular resurrection be it celestial, terrestrial or telestial.

10. Raphael, during the ordinance of the waters of separation that you administer to our faithful, Oriphiel, your archangel brother, will record in the Book of Life each of their names and that they were admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. This record is sufficient for the record of a celestial resurrection and exaltation of those who attain this final entry into our highest record in heaven. Once recorded, it is guaranteed that those recorded will receive all things pertaining to their eternal celestial glory as a God, even to become like us, their Heavenly Parents.

11. The record of the Book of Life will also be eventually placed on your own celestial resurrected earth in the library of the New Jerusalem on that earth. You may read from this record any time you may wish to in the eternities. We have looked at our own entry in our own Book of Life, which is in the library on our own celestial earth. We know our history, both from our vivid memories and that which has been written.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations to me today! I am so glad I recorded her words as she gave them to me, sentence-by-sentence, thought-by-thought. I am grateful for all I have written over the weeks and months and years. I see this as a vital responsibility I have.

Heavenly Mother told me I had correctly written her words and thoughts to me today. She said that her presence would continue with me today. I then closed my formal prayer and got started on my new day.

12. In the evening–We had a very fun day visiting with each other. It is late now and I am ready to pray before I go to bed. I decided to go to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the bluff above the lake to the south. I could see the distant temple on the horizon. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to answer my prayer and come to me. I knelt on the ground.

I looked towards the distant temple and then to the lake below me. I then saw a light to the west, near the domed room. Heavenly Father came from the domed room on the path near the top of the switchback. He waved to me to come to him.

I stood and came in the air directly to him on the path between the domed room and the top of the switchback. He told me to walk with him to the domed room. We walked together to the domed room. We entered through a door on the north side and came to the center of the large room.

13. Heavenly Father turned to me and then spoke:

'Raphael, we are in the domed room. This was your own private room up until we ordained you and the other angels to be our holy angels. After that time, you relinquished this room so that we could use it for the center place of the healing angels. At that time we placed your personal items you had received and treasured in a hidden compartment on the wall. We also made room for each of your heavenly journals on the same shelf. This is where you keep your journals, or records, that you have written in our celestial orb on the earth.'

14. Heavenly Father then came to the wall above the entry opening where we had entered. I then saw a compartment open in the wall and a few shelves appear! I saw a number of books, similar to my current journal size. These were my records that I had written in heaven of all my activities and my revelations. I took one down and thumbed through it. It was familiar to me and written in a different script or language than I consciously knew. I had written with a pen of some sort on lines. The entire journal was filled from the front to the last page.

15. Heavenly Father then spoke again.

'Raphael, this is one of the many records that you have written and keep here in the domed room. Your Heavenly Mother also said this morning that some of your records are kept elsewhere in heaven. These are actually stored in the celestial realms on the earth, in another room with a hidden compartment with shelves. You have your records now in both locations. These will eventually both be transferred to the central library in heaven in our top throne room floor of our temple. We keep these records close by during the days of judgment for our children. These records are kept on hidden shelves on the north and south walls of the large throne room. The records of all our angels and guardian spirits, as well as some other records, will be placed in the shelves of this room. When all are judged and all of our children are assigned to their eternal glory, then we will release these records to the library in the New Jerusalem. These will remain there permanently through all eternity.

Other angels have their own chosen or assigned compartments with shelves for their own records. All things are written by the Father and Mother or by the servants of God, as stated in this scripture:

16. 3 Nephi 17:24-26

"Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men.

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged." '

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me where the records I write in heaven are kept. I feel that it must be so very important for us who are angels to record all of our activities, our service, and our revelations, both in heaven and on earth. I am now diligently writing in my journals on the earth. I go through a 128-page journal now about once a month. These records are mostly my revelations from my Heavenly Parents that I receive in prayer.

I then closed my prayer for I knew my time with my Heavenly Father was concluded tonight. I got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 15, 2018, Thursday

1. I reread my journal entry of last night. I was impressed how I was inspired to go near the domed room, met my Heavenly Father, and then saw the hidden shelves where my journals written in heaven are now located.

I read in D&C 128:8 that "whatsoever you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven." I wondered if this also applied to me, the journal I write on earth, is it also recorded in heaven, by me in my replicated person?

I came to the beautiful circling waters this morning to pray to my Heavenly Parents. I took my time to ponder and think about my patterns of prayer, how I receive connection with God, and just trying to confirm it all. I knelt in front of the bench facing the circling waters. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

My Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the circling waters in front of me. She was smiling and full of light. I could perceive her in my unconscious mind and that transferred directly to my conscious mind where I write all of this down in my journal on earth as it happens.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, you asked if you write the same thing in heaven as you have written on earth. My answer is that they are different. The record on earth is your account written in your mortal conscious mind of events, impressions and revelations you receive on the earth. The one in heaven, either on our celestial orb or on the celestial realms on the earth, may contain some of these revelations you were able to perceive and write about on earth. However, your writings on earth are a smaller portion compared to your records in heaven. The larger portion of your heavenly journals has completely new information. These contain your events, service to others, and interactions with us, your Gods, and other heavenly beings. This is where you write the everyday happenings that involve you in our celestial world.

3. These records in heaven are written as tangible journals. Your records on earth are also tangible and physical. You are responsible for the safekeeping of all your journals, both on earth and in heaven. We will continue to help you preserve your records.

If your records on earth are lost or destroyed, you may always reconstruct your own records. This would be done in a visionary process where you go back in time and read from an earlier era what you wrote. You sometimes cannot reconstruct the record if it has been destroyed, but you will be able to have access to it by going into your past. We give you this ability to see with our power your past or future, as we desire.

4. We also have asked you to write your journal by hand and not on a computer. For some of our angels this may be fully acceptable. However, for you we wish you to have physical, tangible records that are written in your own hand.

You have also wondered frequently about the remarkable process you have developed to perceive what you do or how we come to you in your unconscious mind and then write these experiences in your journal on earth in your conscious mind. You have done this for years now. It takes persistent effort to have this ability, but now you have perfected this ability. We allow all of our mortal children to develop this ability, based on their diligence and effort.

5. This process of transferring very subtle feelings, impressions, thoughts and revelations from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind is real, but is a very quiet connection that most people on earth don't perceive. The flow of these unconscious thoughts to your conscious mind is fragile, and is both a spiritual and mental process. You sometimes question whether it is real, or whether you made it all up. We wish you to trust in your thought impressions, and to write in faith that all is real. You are remarkably accurate in the transfer of the unconscious thoughts to the pages of your journal on earth. You have been doing this over the years and we are satisfied with your accuracy and the truthfulness of your records, recorded usually as this all happens, or on the same day.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for appearing to me today and in confirming my revelations and writings! I feel happy and at peace with my life now. I see continually my weaknesses, but I think I am improving and being fully led on the path God wishes me to take. I desire to continue in daily prayer, twice a day, and to write what I perceive down in my personal journal. It takes a good chunk of my time each day, but I feel it is so very important for me to do. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

6. I came tonight to the mortal probation chapel, inside God's temple. I came in front of the mural representing our day, just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I knelt here facing the chapel to the front, or east of the room. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother on the stand, behind the podium. They were just sitting there in two chairs and holding hands. I then saw the room filled with people of all kinds who were sincerely interested in living as best they could and seeking for some direction. They didn't see our Heavenly Parents on the stand sitting down, for this was my strong impression. I then saw my replicated self come up to the podium to address the filled chapel. I wondered what I would say to them.

7. Here are the words I spoke:

'Thank you for coming to this chapel, meant to represent the different eras of the mortal probation of God's children on earth. You live in exciting times, for there will be a lot of changes on the earth as we transition to a happier world. These changes are being orchestrated by God and carried out by the angels of God and other servants of God.

8. God loves to hear from you. You may speak to God anytime you want. You can do this by visualizing a very tender and loving parent who cares deeply how you feel and wants you to be happy. You have a loving Father and Mother who live here in heaven. You used to live with them here in heaven, but are now temporarily there on earth.

In order to communicate with them, speak to them in your thoughts or in audible words. They hear the sincere desires of their children on earth, particularly if you are open, have faith that they live, and that they will bring you comfort and direction.

9. They have asked all of us, their children, to rely on their oldest son, Jesus Christ, who suffered for your sins and weaknesses. He has suffered for all to satisfy the demands of justice so that you could return to heaven and come back into God's presence, for we cannot come back to God's presence if we are sinful and not forgiven of our sins.

Therefore, pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and God will answer your prayers. Listen carefully to your inner voice, to feel what God may speak to your mind. Our parent Gods are eager to bless and help you in any way they can.'

At this moment the room emptied and I found myself alone on the stand in the chapel, for I was no longer next to the last days mural. I turned around and saw my Heavenly Parents standing behind me. I came to my knees before them.

10. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have seen a glimpse of a time this week when you addressed the spirits of those who dwell on earth who are sincerely seeking guidance from us, their God. They don't know where to turn. You have addressed their unconscious minds, their spirits replicated while they were sleeping on earth. They received your instruction, for they were seeking to know how to approach us in prayer. Your words will help them know what to do, for they will remember what you said like it was a dream in the night. They will remember that you were a man filled with light and love, telling them truths they didn't know and were searching for.

11. We have children in all situations on earth who seek us but don't know where to find us. These are receptive to simple truths about God and how to approach us in prayer.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for the glimpse he and Heavenly Mother gave me about some of the activities I do in the celestial world. My prayer then ended and I had to scurry off to bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 16, 2018, Friday

1. I had a good rest last night. I wondered about the unique prayer I wrote about last night. I confirmed it was true, and that I was truly speaking to a large group of people who had somehow been gathered to the mortal probation chapel. I wondered how often I do this and how involved we, who are angels, are in the lives of people like I spoke to. I wondered who these people were, if they were the elect of God?

I came this morning to the fountain of living water, just north of God's temple in heaven. I faced the temple doors from the south end of the fountain. The golden altar was in front of me to my right. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother then opened the temple doors and walked to me from the temple! She came directly to me and stood a little above the air next to the golden altar. She was smiling and was filled with light! I looked into her compassionate and accepting eternity eyes. I felt so honored to be in her glorious presence!

2. She then spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I gave you a short vision during your prayer last night of one of the actions you did for your elect who dwell on the earth. We had brought these choice sons and daughters, by our power, to the chapel and you addressed them. You taught them basic truths. They remember your words, like remembering a vivid dream. They believe your simple words, for they deeply affected each one. They will be able now to simply pray to us, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. As they do so, we will be able to help them and direct them in their lives and in coming back to us, their Gods.

3. We currently create all sorts of situations for you and our holy angels, to help awaken our sincere, faithful children to us, their Heavenly Parents. You are acting as our servant in whatever situation you may find yourself in. You speak and act as we guide you, being led by our Spirit and our voice.

4. As our holy angels who live in mortality pray to us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, we will occasionally give them also glimpses like what you saw, only of them ministering to our elect, or protecting them, or in some way leading them to us. Our angel activity on the earth has greatly increased recently and will continue to increase until things are settled and you find yourself in the great millennial day.

5. You talked with your wife yesterday about your perception of how life seems to pass so quickly that you hardly know what day it is, for the days and weeks seem to rotate through so fast. This sensation is due to the many activities you do and are involved in, particularly in the spiritual realms that are not in your conscious mind. However, you are both active in that sphere and serve us, your Gods, as you act on what we may ask you to do.'

I then asked my Heavenly Mother what actions and involvement my wife did in the spirit realms?

6. Heavenly Mother responded:

'Raphael, you and your wife are now acting together in many assignments we give jointly to you. Her support and strength is a great compliment to you and she brings insights and abilities to help in all situations she accompanies you in. This has just recently happened. In her own conscious mind, she isn't aware of being your companion in these celestial realms. However, she is with you more and more as we direct.

There are other mortal angels, too, that have their spouse now assist them in occasional assignments. They each may inquire of us if this is true for themselves or not.'

7. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words and revelations. I am so pleased to learn of all these things. I asked that she be with me throughout my day. I prayed for certain family members who were struggling with health issues, or other issues. I expressed my love to my Heavenly Mother.

She then turned and walked back to the temple. The doors were still open and she entered. My vision closed and I was back on earth in my conscious mind, writing all of this down as it all happened. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

Before bed–

8. I came to my adjacent room and knelt by the recliner. I felt to go to the small stream south west of the oasis in the desert. I drank some living water from this meandering stream. I felt clear and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I prayed for one or both of them to come to me. It took me a while to see, since I was having flashbacks of the evening events. I finally could see Heavenly Mother's face, but no shape yet. She then asked me to sit up and write the words she would speak. I have sat up in the recliner, turned on the light and have written to this point.

9. Here is what my Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am glad you have come here to hear me at this desert meandering stream. I am glad too that you attended your granddaughter's play she was in. These small acts mean a lot to her.

There is a transition in the mother love your wife expressed she felt waning today for her children, that changes to a more adult like love after they are all launched into life. This has happened with all of your children now except for A., who was mentally injured on his church mission. He still needs your help and a lot of guidance. Her love towards him is still not transitioned to the adult, peer level love mentioned.

10. A father also has a similar change in the protective and nurturing love he feels for young children up to their transition to an adult. You have also felt this transition love to a more adult love where you are more equals. This is a similar feeling that your wife has expressed that she felt.

11. Your Heavenly Father and I have created this time of transition to occur, usually in the early twenties of your children. After this, your children are fully launched into the world and separate from you. This is how it should be and as we have designed it. The relationship changes from a mother and father role to a friend role. Some children will seek out your company and some may not. This is usually their choice since they are normally eager to start their own lives and be independent. All of your children except A. have now reached this point.

12. Your wife and you have raised your children in righteousness, giving them a great foundation and start in their lives. However, now they may choose whatever they wish to do with their lives. Accept this time to let them go and accept them for whatever they might choose. They are fully responsible adults now and will make their way into life, regardless of what you might think or say. Your influence will be much better as you rejoice in them and accept them, whatever their choices. Drop all expectations of how you might think they "should" act. Let their old selves, who grew up in your home, now change to whatever they want. Don't feel embarrassed of their actions, saying it is a reflection on you, or that you taught them better. Love them for who they really become, not who you thought they were while still in your home. Let the old go to the past and not be superimposed on their present selves. Wipe clean your thoughts of any expectations you might have, or your dreams for them. They need to forge their own dreams. Be glad if they include you in their plans. Allow them to be independent of you, financially, religiously, emotionally if they choose, and physically. They should move out of your home and strike out on their own. We then may fully see how they act in this probationary state.
13. They are all part of the new generation starting fresh in making their mark in the world. Your own children will often carry your values and beliefs into their new life, but if not, still love and accept them. This is as we have designed it. How could we fully test our children in their mortal probation if they are held too tight by their parents' expectations and rules? These are parent actions we wish to have them drop. Trust in your children to become whoever they wish to be! Enjoy their discovery process with them if possible. Again, fully drop all of your should-beliefs and your expectations.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for sharing her wisdom with me tonight in this beautifully quiet desert. I know she rejoiced in me, in the discoveries and choices I have made myself, as I have sought to find my own identity and purpose. I am so glad I have lent an ear to God's counsels, and have sought them diligently. What a wonderful blessing in my life! I then told my Mother I loved her. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 17, 2018, Saturday

1. I reread my last two journal entries. I felt the truthfulness of them. I am happy to receive and be open to new ideas and concepts. I want to be a clear instrument to receive God's counsel, advice and truths that they may reveal to me!

I came today to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the temple of God to the west. There were some light clouds in the atmosphere. It seemed like a beautiful day!

I knelt and asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited and watched. I then looked down at the little pond at the start of the mountain stream. My Heavenly Father was there doing something in the water, or looking into the pond water. He then looked up and gave me the thought to come stand next to him.

3. I immediately stood and came next to his right side. I also looked into the water as he was doing. I asked him if I could see or perceive what he was seeing, for I didn't perceive anything except water gently flowing. Heavenly Father reached up with his right finger and touched each of my eyes. He then asked me to look again into the water. I had no idea what I might see.

As I looked, I saw a glow in the water. This was the presence, I believed, of the intelligence in the water. It was in all parts of the water. I asked my Father if what I saw was the glow of the intelligence of the water.

4. Here is what he said:

'Raphael, you are correct that the glow you now see in the water is the intelligence of this living water. It is the same intelligence in every particle of water in our celestial world on our celestial orb. I have touched your eyes that you might see the intelligence in this living entity. Now look at the fish swimming in this water!'

5. I then looked at the fish that was about 12 inches long. I could then see a different glow in the fish! It was immersed in the water that glowed slightly and then now there was a glow in the fish, distinct from the water's glow. I looked up and saw a mountain sapling tree. As I looked upon it, I could see another glow from this tree. I asked my Father if what I saw glowing from the tree was its intelligence too.

6. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you are correct that this is the glow of the intelligence of that tree. It comes to the borders of the elemental matter of the tree and doesn't proceed past that border, but fills all the physical boundaries of that tree.'

I then touched the tree and saw a glow from my own hand! I could see that my own intelligence filled my hand and all parts of my body and that I slightly glowed too.

7. Heavenly Father continued:

'Raphael, every living entity here is in its resurrected state except you, who are translated to a celestial state. The spirit of these entities is filled with its intelligence, which in turn fills completely its resurrected physical body. You have seen the intelligence part of the spirit it fills, glowing from its physical body. All of our beings here in this beautiful world have intelligence, that you may see if you wish. Normally we don't tune into the view to see the glow of the intelligence. We normally see the full entity, both intelligence, spirit and physical components, all together as one.

8. Come now with me to the outer reaches, past our universe, where there is only intelligence and elemental matter!'

He then stood upright, as did I. He took my left hand in his right and we were instantly in a very dark area.

He spoke again:

'Raphael, we have travelled to the area outside our universe. We have come here by my power of being a God. Nobody else but a God may come here, for they have no power to do so. Look now upon the dark space in front of us!'

I then looked and saw little glows of light, scattered in the darkness.

9. 'These are base intelligences that have forever existed, Raphael. They were not created or made. You were once like one of these little glows of light. Your Heavenly Mother and I came to an area like this and looked upon these glows of light. With our Godly powers, we could tell all about a particular intelligence. We could tell how it might act in a future state as one of our creations. We could also see how it thinks and reasons, for all of these intelligences are unique. They may think and choose within their own little domain of their intelligence.

10. Your Heavenly Mother and I chose a particular intelligence best suited, in our judgment, as one of our specific creations. We came here to this very place and chose our water intelligence that is now our resurrected living water in heaven. It used to be confined as a little glow like you see in front of you, but now the water's intelligence fills all of the living water in our entire celestial world. The water's intelligence fully controls every piece of its being, whether in our celestial ocean, in the mountain streams, or as water vapor in the clouds you saw this morning.

11. There are other intelligences that are more confined to a continuous physical entity like the tree you touched. This tree has one intelligence and this fills the full shape and size of the tree. The water, on the other hand, is divided into many parts, but still has only one intelligence that occupies all of the water.

12. There are other creations that are divided like the water that contains only one intelligence. These include the earth and the atmosphere. These are all living resurrected entities. All other living beings consist of one intelligence, clothed in their distinct spirit self and a physical component, like the tree or the fish.'

Heavenly Father then took me to another location among the outreaches of the universe. It was all black here with no little glows of intelligence.

13. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, before us is elemental matter. It does not have intelligence to think or choose. These are the building blocks we use in creating all spirit and physical matter. It is analogous to your thoughts of clay that you may feel in your world. The elemental matter outside of the universe has no boundaries, but comes in a massive amount of elemental matter. We may remove part of it as we wish in the creation process. We take a portion of elemental matter to create all living entities, along with one of the intelligences who gives us their permission to combine them with the elemental matter to become a spirit entity at first. We create the entity we most feel is suited to this intelligence, and for which we also have a need. We follow guidelines we were taught by our own parent Gods in this creation process. All of the Gods follow these same guidelines, as originally set up by our first parent Gods in the beginning.'

14. I could look upon my Father, for he had a gentle glow around his person. I could also see myself with a similar glow. However, all else was dark. Heavenly Father took my hand and said he would let me feel the elemental matter in front of us. He took my hand and placed it onto the elemental matter. This matter conformed around my hand, like clay would do. I squeezed it a little, but was unable to take any away like I could do with clay.

'Raphael, the ability to remove elemental matter is reserved for us who are Gods, who have been ordained to this power. We only use our power in creating.'

15. I then found myself back at the little pond of water at the top of Heavenly Mother's mountain stream. Heavenly Father was not present. I looked at the water and at the fish. I couldn't see the glow anymore in either of these living entities. I knelt and thanked my kind and loving Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation to me today! I closed my prayer and then was immediately back in my adjacent bedroom writing all of this down. I reread what I wrote and started a new day.

16. I came this evening to the desert oasis, one of my most favorite spots. I came and just relaxed on the bench facing the water. I felt so grateful to perceive my heavenly home, to come here so frequently and especially to commune with my Heavenly Parents. It is such an amazing experience! I look forward to this every day, morning and evening.

17. I got up and came to the water's edge. I knelt and drank from the living water with my cupped hand. I immediately felt very clear, almost a transparent feeling which is hard to explain. I felt prepared to hear again from one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I stayed by the shore and knelt on both knees, faced the water, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then looked up in the sky above water and anticipated God to come to me as I requested in answer to my prayer. I then saw the sky open up and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came down in a pillar of light from above! They came right to the water and even caused ripples in the surface of the water as they got close. They then walked a few feet above the water until they were right in front of me.

I loved looking into their eternity eyes, so deep, understanding, all knowing and loving. They both smiled at me. Heavenly Father spoke right away to me through clear thoughts that came into my mind. I was very open so that I could hear his exact words in my mind.

Here are his words:

18. 'Raphael, when your Heavenly Mother and I go to create one of our myriad creations, we come to both the location of intelligences and secondly to the location of elemental matter. These resources are shared with the many couple Gods in the heavens. There are millions of such places we may come to. We don't often meet any other Gods in our search for an intelligence that best fits our needs, or in obtaining elemental matter. We repeatedly come to a few favorite places.

19. We have previously explained to you how we create our own offspring and how we create all other living entities. This is one process we have learned well. We create as a team, both of us exercising our Godly powers of foresight in seeing how a particular intelligence would best be created into either one of our children or one of our other living entities. We have never had an intelligence refuse our offer to join them with elemental matter and be created in the spirit. We offer these intelligences an amazing opportunity to grow and flourish, to have experiences and movement, so much more than being confined in a particular location as a raw intelligence without being coupled to any matter. They all rejoice in our offer to them! We wisely choose the greatest level of experience that these intelligences may attain, based on their inherent intelligence. We too rejoice in the amazing creative process.'

20. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we were first taught by our own parent Gods in this creative process. They had both ordained us to be a couple God and then we became settled on the land of our inheritance on our own earth that had just been resurrected to a celestial glory. We came to our beautiful inheritance, complete with a mansion that was created on that land. This first inheritance is still ours and we visit it occasionally, even though we now have our main residence in our own celestial orb at the center of our galaxy.

21. One day our Heavenly Parents came to us at our original inheritance. They wanted to individually teach us of our creative powers. We came to the area your Heavenly Father took you to this morning. There were many more intelligences in that area that you first had visited. These we made into our own chosen Redeemer, our first son our first creation! We were guided in our selection by our parent Gods.

22. Your Heavenly Father took the intelligence we chose for our first Redeemer son and took this intelligence into his body. We then came to the same area where you thrust in your hand into the elemental matter. I took this matter and we then returned to our original inheritance. Heavenly Father had the intelligence, and I held the matter. Our Heavenly Parents coached us how to create our own children and then how to create other spirit entities.

23. After they left, I conceived of Heavenly Father's seed, also containing the intelligence destined for our Redeemer son. I then placed the elemental matter inside my own body as I was directed to do by our own Heavenly Parents. The new life grew in my womb, with me continuing to add more elemental matter as the fetus grew.

24. Soon I gave birth to our first spirit child! He was our precious spirit male child, destined to be our first Redeemer of our first eternity. We lived on the land of our first inheritance until our growing family got too large to comfortably all live in this confined area. By then we had also created our own celestial orb and soon moved our family there. We continued to add more sons and daughters to our growing family.

Thus we were on our way to bring to pass the exaltation and eternal lives of our beloved children, following the patterns of the Gods before us. We had never been so happy and pleased before, both in our eternal marriage and in our eternal family we were raising.

25. We have repeated this process for every eternity until we are in your own eternity. This is the very most important one now to us, for we do these one at a time. Our creations never end, but continue on forever, eternity upon eternity!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words of excitement and truth that they shared with me. I felt especially blessed to have witnessed myself in the places they spoke of outside the boundaries of the universe. I felt so happy to have seen the very places where their creations were first begun.

I thanked them both again for their revelations to me. I asked if I had written their words down sufficiently clear.

Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, your words as you have written them are sufficiently clear and acceptable to us. We love you, our son!'

She then took Heavenly Father's hand and they both rose up in the sky in a column of light. The sky opened up and then shut over them as they departed. I closed my prayer and then got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 18, 2018, Sunday

1. I am now in my adjacent room beginning my prayer.

I am here in my mind at the circling waters this morning. When I accessed my unconscious mind, this is where I am located in my replicated self. I am ready to pray to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt in front of the bench and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother then came to me from my right, walking to me from the small path that leads to the horizontal log. She was glowing in the light of her countenance. I was so happy to see her again. She is my true eternal Mother!

2. I thanked her for coming to me in answer to my request. I told her how privileged and happy I am to be in her and my Father's presence so frequently. I said I learn so very much, as I am diligent and open to all they might share with me. I asked if my last post #100, about Earth's Physical Creation, was pleasing to her and if I had recorded their words sufficiently accurately.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke these words in response:

'Raphael, you have written our words as we have given them to you, in your own language and style. We are very pleased with what you have written. We are pleased to reveal all things to you and our faithful, now that the time has come to do so. The understanding of our world is hidden from the world and from our faithful. We will reveal all things according to our own way, one of which is giving you our great revelations.

4. This morning you talked with your wife about not letting your past mistakes and weaknesses cripple you in taking action, or being a new person in the present. The past is gone and you cannot do anything about it. The real power of choice and action lies in the present. The future is illusive since it is only in your thoughts, and is subject to change. You live each moment in the present.

5. We knew our children would have weaknesses and foibles that they would have to deal with in the flesh. As they learn and grow, some may feel sad or shame over what they may have been like, or the choices they have made. These are all in the past and cannot be changed.

The view of your past and who you perceive you are can change in your mind. You control the present with your current view. You don't need to let your past keep you in bondage if you feel like you made big mistakes or acted in weakness. You may now change to become whatever type of person you wish to be!

6. Look upon your past as a learning experience to being who you are now. Don't dwell too much on it, but think more on who you want to become, and how you want to act in the present. Your present will soon become your past and your journey will have changed direction for the better. View your past as it really happened, without making excuses or covering up for your mistakes. See your past instead as a launching pad to move you forward to higher heights, to better actions, to becoming more empowered and capable in the present.

7. The past may become a shackle to your mind, restricting you in moving forward in positive ways. However, your view of the past is all controlled in your mind. If you rethink and reframe your thoughts, you can look upon your past in a positive way, in your journey and path of learning. Rid your mind of the shackles of the past– let these go so that your true self and purposes may become realized and fulfilled in the present. You are our beloved child and have no limitations on what you might choose to think or how you might act.

8. Think of the future, your future, as one where you take action to become a greater, more capable person! Think of being led by us, your loving Heavenly Parents. Think that you will choose our ways and continue to be led to higher understandings and abilities. Don't let your past be too defining on who you really are. Instead, discover our Godly view of who you really are and your great potential.'

9. I then looked deeply into my very loving and accepting Heavenly Mother. I was drawn somehow into her eternity eyes and then saw whom I really was, kneeling before her! I saw a humble, weak man, but then this changed–I saw a very capable and enlightened son of my Heavenly Parents. I saw who I was destined to become! I saw my weak self just kind of blow away in the breeze of change and persistent effort on my part. I saw me become very strong, very loving of all, and a very capable angel of God, no longer weak. My view of myself seemed to shift–I saw a very faithful and capable servant of God kneeling before me, as I looked into my future through my Heavenly Mother's perspective. I was somewhat shocked by who I saw in this brief future glimpse from my Heavenly Mother's view!

The shock of seeing myself so capable and loving brought me back to viewing my Heavenly Mother before me, smiling.

10. She spoke:

'Raphael, each of our children may view themselves as we see them, with so much potential in their future. We will grant all the faithful such a brief view of how we see them in their future. They may come to us, as have you, and sincerely seek to see themselves as we see them. We will then grant them their request!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for opening my view to who I really am. I haven't seen myself in this way, but I now feel motivated to change into this very godly person. I feel so blessed to know the process to become that person, by living and acting in the present like I am already that person. This is who I want to be!

Heavenly Mother smiled again and started fading from my view. She was soon gone and I was alone by the circling waters. I got up and sat on the bench, pulled out my heavenly journal, and recorded it all. On earth, I ended my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

12. I came tonight to pray at the top of the switchback path that leads down to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I overlooked the shimmering lake. I came to my knees and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. At that moment, both my Heavenly Parents came from a cloud that formed in front of me. They were standing in the air, a little elevated above me. They were both smiling.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you attended a Latter-day Saint ward in Payson, Utah today. Your Heavenly Father accepted your covenant. He didn't say much more to you at that time. He came to the circling waters while you were kneeling there. He said he was pleased with how you had been recording all things in your journal and that you had received so very many revelations recently. Raphael, we want you to record all of your encounters with us, your Gods, even if it is a small conversation like you received during the sacrament today.'

I remembered I hadn't written this down. I asked for her forgiveness. I said I would be more mindful to capture everything I received from them in my journal.

14. She continued:

'We wish your record, Raphael, to be the record of all of your conversations with us, your Gods. Many people will one day read your words you write. They will learn from your direct experiences with us, primarily in prayer when we speak to you. We want your record to be complete as much as you can make it, by recording all of your experiences with us and your feelings and thoughts.

15. You have talked with your wife today how you really like attending the sacrament portion of the sacrament meeting each Sunday. However, you said it is often hard to listen to the remainder of the meeting. Today was no exception. The people came to be fed spiritual nourishment and instead, often receive only dribble and nothing that merits my presence or witness of the Holy Ghost.

If you wish to take a break from attending or want to attend another church for a while, you may do so with our blessings. We wish it were otherwise with this church, but it is not.

16. You have also talked about how there is now so much fear you see in your own family, for those who are fully active in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You see how they tread lightly, thinking that they may somehow get out of line with the church leaders or doctrine. They are quick to always defer to a leader, without local or on a general level. They don't voice their opinions if these sound controversial. One of your daughters in law always seems to be apologizing that she isn't doing enough in the church, even though she is pregnant now with her seventh child and so very busy. There is a mandated view that if one does not fully align themselves with the leaders' views, they are countering God, for God is manifest through what the leaders say and preach. This is not true.

17. This has now become a very fear-based religion, unduly restrictive on the beliefs and actions of its members. We desire our beloved children to be open and malleable before us, their loving Heavenly Parents. We don't want them so restricted in a narrow view of God and of doctrine, often that is incorrect. We love our children to be humble, open and come to us in a meditative spirit so that they may feel and hear our counsels. Then we like them to also be able to act on our direction, without feeling potential reprisals of the church leaders.

18. You have experienced a brand new perspective of us, your Gods, and of the doctrine we have freely taught you. How could you have received and acted on these if you were continually feeling judged by leaders and their doctrines that didn't coincide with these truths? You are very free and open! We love you being this way. We hope more and more of our children will become so free in their minds to be open and receptive as you are.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt at that moment that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were displeased that their church on the earth had become so restrictive on its members, even to the point that many of these members wouldn't hear them anymore. This was because of the restrictive practices of the church.

I expressed my love for them. I said I would make a greater effort to write in my journal every bit of their words they give to me. I stopped speaking and listened and watched. They both then started going backwards and then up into the cloud again. Then they were gone. This ended my prayer tonight. I then went to bed and closed my day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 19, 2018, Monday

1. I read what I wrote last night. I have really learned so much and come such a long way in my view of God and of the truths they have shared with me out of the heavens. I feel privileged and so honored to receive their presence. I am continually awed by all of this.

I noticed yesterday at our Thanksgiving dinner that I smiled a lot but wasn't too talkative. I noticed my wife and one of my daughters did most of the talking. I guess we all have various amounts to speak. I very much enjoyed the family and our conversations, even though I may not have said very much. I guess this is a difference in personalities.

2. I came to the orchard on the northern shore of Lake Beautiful this morning. I walked up to the orchard from the water's edge. The trees were not blooming nor bearing fruit. I believe all had been gathered in at the harvest time. I came under an apple tree, facing the lake. I knelt in prayer and asked to receive the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I waited. I saw next a person walking up into the orchard from the shore of Lake Beautiful. I could tell she was Heavenly Mother! I looked very much forward to what she would say to me!

3. She came up to me and smiled. She then immediately spoke:

'Raphael, this is your week of Thanksgiving where you meet with loved ones for a time to give thanks to God. We are grateful for this meaningful holiday your nation celebrates. Your nation has changed dramatically since we brought many God-fearing people to its land, seeking religious and political freedom. We brought forth those who established the United States constitution and sought the freedom of all the people. This was the perfect setting for the reestablishment of our Church of Christ on the earth.

4. Now the land is filled with many more people, in cities that dot the land. We have blessed the people with great prosperity and so many blessings of a modern lifestyle. And yet they turn away from us and are generally living a self-centered lifestyle. They have turned away from us and are quick becoming more and more followers of Satan, becoming carnal, sensual and devilish. War and fighting are erupting all over the world, with the love of God departing from the people. These are troubled time, Raphael!

5. As your world sinks into more and more evil ways, we have correspondingly sent forth more and more of our angels and other servants to help rescue the elect, those who have or will hear our voice and keep our commandments. This is a great day of sifting the hearts of men and women, our beloved children who have come forth at this time to the earth.

I have brought you to my beautiful orchard this morning. It is no longer bearing fruit and the harvest is ended. Our fruit has been gathered and stored in our places of safety. Soon the winter storms will come to your land.'

6. At this time, Heavenly Mother turned and looked over Lake Beautiful. It was so pretty! I too looked at the calm and beautiful lake. I then saw some very dark clouds gather over the water near us. The sky quickly became darkened and the winds picked up. I saw lightning and thought a storm was upon us. Heavenly Mother continued to look steadily upon the lake. It began blowing, raining and with thunder and lightning all around. Heavenly Mother raised her hand and a clear column of light opened up from the dark cloud and shone around us. It felt warm and peaceful, while outside of the column of light the storm continued with great intensity.

7. Heavenly Mother turned and spoke again:

'Raphael, though storms will come upon you in your life and upon our people, you each may have the light and peace of our presence with you! We will protect our own while all around them the storms of life bear down on them and on the people. Calamity will fully come upon all people, but those who come unto us, with an open and humble heart, will find the light and love of God shining down upon them! They will then be able to receive our peace in a very stormy world that surrounds them.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words today and for the vivid teachings she shared with me! I said how grateful I was for her and Heavenly Father's guidance in my life. I truly feel the light and warmth of their presence and relish the peace I feel from them. I then remembered this scripture, spoken by Jesus Christ:

9. John 14:26-27 (Heavenly Mother's comments added)

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name (Heavenly Mother), he (she) shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

10. I feel the peace of God and the love of God more and more in my life. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the comfort she gives me, as spoken by Jesus. This is such a wonderful blessing!

I then somehow left this beautiful scene with my Mother in the orchard and was in my adjacent bedroom writing all of this down. I confirmed that I had this beautiful time with my Heavenly Mother, and that I had written it all correctly. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

11. I came next to the golden altar in heaven in front of the doors of God's temple tonight. I faced the temple. I felt humble and weak because of my many foibles. I want to be strong and firm in all things, never wavering. I want to be congruent in my views and my actions. Anyway, I knelt and asked my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

12. My Heavenly Father came through the temple doors and walked up to me. He looked sober.

'Raphael, I want you to know about the sins of your day, for they are many. I will protect you as you view the wickedness of your day so that you will witness yourself how wicked and low our children on earth have gone in following Satan and his temptations! These people are following the ancient practices, now all over your world, in great numbers. Satan rules and subjects them to himself, enticing them to be carnal, sensual and devilish. They have offended us, their Gods!'

13. I then was told to look into the fire of the golden altar that was burning next to me. As I did so, I traveled to my earth and came to a dark, evil-filled room (I could feel the evil). I saw lewd sexual acts among many of these people, in front of each other. I saw them filled with sensuality and perversions. They didn't care for anything but wickedness and pleasure.

14. I then was shown another scene where it looked like a church or place of worship. I then saw the most cruel and depraved ritualistic abuse of children done by professors of religion. It was such a terrible scene; I begged to have it gone away from me!

15. I then saw another scene of a planning meeting of serial killers, or mobsters, in a darkened room. They were planning a robbery that involved killing innocent people that might be in their path of stealing. These people cared nothing for human life or decency. I then saw their brutal fulfillment of the wicked plan to kill and steal. It was awful!

16. The final place I was taken to was a terrible scene of war. Soldiers and looters were going house to house in the city. They would find an occasional trembling inhabitant that they would quickly murder. If it were a woman or girl, they would first rape them then kill them in a terrible manner. This all made me feel so terrible. I was left in great shock from these four scenes! I was sick and begged to come back to my Heavenly Father, next to the golden altar.

17. I then found myself before my Father. He spoke again.

'Raphael, you are protected from these awful scenes of murder, rape, indecency, immorality, ritualistic abuse, and more that we continually see before our eyes. We see all and are very upset at the gross wickedness of so many of our children. These are easily persuaded by Satan and his minions to commit all sorts of crimes and evil upon each other. They are followers of Satan and his evil ways.

18. We will cleanse the world of all these, our children who have allowed themselves to be overcome by Lucifer and his hosts in their mortal life. These will all suffer the wrath of God in the world of the spirits and not be allowed to come forth with the wholesome and honorable men and women of the earth in the millennial day.

19. I have shown you a small sampling of the gross sins of your current generation. We manage to usually control our thoughts about these, our wayward children, coming to you with a smiling and happy countenance. However, we continually see all things that our children in mortality are doing and thinking. We have full control of our thoughts, and when talking with you we usually only allow happy loving thoughts to come into our minds. We do have another side of us and that is witnessing these wayward children in sin and dealing with their actions. We do not allow the evil we continually see to influence our happiness, or to cause us to be depressed or too greatly saddened.

20. You have been true and faithful to all we have shown and revealed to you. Be always vigilant and keep at arms' length away from the evil that surrounds you. You will need to confront these same scenes you have seen today and act in our behalf in bringing the wrath of God upon these wicked souls when they are fully ripe in iniquity. We will be with you always, Raphael.'

I knew my time in prayer was completed. I want to run away from evil. I don't want any part of this! I will do, however, whatever my God commands me to do, acting under their authority and power.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this forewarning tonight. I said I would keep his commandments and do as he asks I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed."