147. 2020–The Year of Healing!
Post 1-4-2020

Happy New Year!

I hope you all received and were able to download the PDF files that I sent to you last week. I plan to send you a PDF file of each of my new posts each time I send out a post.

The information in this post is very remarkable to me, and fills me with wonder and excitement! I hope you will sincerely pray about all of this, and confirm in your mind and heart it is truly from God and not me.

I would love to hear from each of you sometime. I believe great healings are on the horizon for all of us, being conduits of the healing light from Heavenly Mother!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 3, 2019, Tuesday

1. Evening–This has been a hard day for me. I prayed and talked with my Heavenly Mother for support throughout the day.

Tonight I came to the peaceful circling waters on the celestial orb. I sought the peace that this area brings to me each time I visit.

2. I have been chagrined by my personal foibles and humanness today. I wonder how someone so flawed can receive visions and revelations so great? This all makes me feel so inadequate and humbled!

3. I knelt by the circling waters, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father immediately appeared over the water. He had a compassionate feeling about him, and reached out to touch my hand with his hand. He spoke:

4. 'Raphael, today has been difficult for you. We love you, regardless of your weaknesses and foibles. Even with your many weaknesses of the flesh, we still will give you our great revelations and visions. Write these all in your journal and share these with those we direct you to share. Follow our directions, in revealing these to others, and we will do our great work through you and our other servants.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his support and confidence in me, even with my great weaknesses. I will trust in him and my Heavenly Mother.

Heavenly Father then smiled upon me and then departed. I felt much better after having communed with him tonight.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 4, 2019, Wednesday

1. This morning in my prayer Heavenly Mother told me to send out post 146 with no further additions. She also said I would be receiving no further revelations for the faithful for a while. I know part of this reason, as she told me, is because I was feeling overwhelmed by all of the increasing workload that I alone could really do, in getting this last post out and then in getting all of the PDF printable posts completed. Heavenly Mother told me this morning to get the PDFs done as I am able when I have alone time. Being alone is going to be hard to do this month I believe, for we have lots of activities planned with family . I will fit working on the PDF formatting when I find time, hopefully each day. It is a very big job!

2. I am planning to still write in my journal for my personal prayers. However, I don't think I will have my entries typed up for now. I will just get post 146 out and then have that be the last one for this year 2019. I will do otherwise if I am directed to do so.

I was also told this morning to spend time with my wife and family. I also want to get everything in order for my family.

3. Tonight I came again to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I feel at peace and in a meditative state, waiting upon God to come and speak to me. I am not making any of this up, and I don't believe I have any symptoms of being mentally delusional with my revelations. There is no compelling voice that directs me, but a still small voice that comes when I invite my Heavenly Parents. During this meditative time I feel very normal, and my directions from God are gentle and easy, never with force or a "compelling" desire. My desire is to please God, because I love my Heavenly Parents who speak to me. I see them in my mind's eye, and they are so very kind, gentle, loving and give me full freedom to choose whatever I wish to do. I follow them because that is my choice and I love them.

4. Anyway, I knelt and prayed on the shore facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

5. Heavenly Mother immediately appeared to me above the water in the air! She was bright and shining, and smiling on me. She spoke:

'Raphael, we want your post 146 to be the last one included in your PDF printable files. Once this is sent to your small group of supporters, then concentrate on getting the PDF posts all assembled as you are able. Once done, these can be emailed or mailed to those who wish to have their own copy, and to print these themselves. There will be a time to also print for the group, but that is later.

6. Continue recording your interactions with us, your Heavenly Parents, in your journal. As I said this morning, we will not give you any major doctrinal revelations for a while, so that you can do this other work we desire in getting the PDF printable versions available.'

7. Heavenly Mother was so loving and accepting of me! She gave me no pressure to work on these PDF files any faster than I am able, when I have alone time and don't feel rushed.

I thanked her and told her I loved her. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 5, 2019, Thursday

1. . . Heavenly Father responded to me: 'Raphael, it is good that you are not feeling so anxious about the PDFR creations of your web posts. You are feeling more normal, and able to shoulder your responsibilities around your home, and to maintain happy relationships with those you love.

2. I am also pleased that you continue to question your revelations from us. It is difficult in mortality to clearly connect to your own unconscious mind, and to hear our voice. In your world, there are those who hear voices that are not real. These may be from mentally impaired individuals, in the throws of psychosis, or who may be experiencing hallucinations. These voices are very real to the individual. However, there are other significant signs of psychosis, which accompanies such individuals in their mentally impaired state.

3. When our children receive revelation from us their Gods, this is always accompanied by peace and enlightenment. There is full choice and agency that we give our children, and never intruding or compelling voices. If there is an urgency to act, it is always accompanied by increased light and clarity of thought that we give. We often stretch our children to follow us in faith, but this is always given and should be confirmed by our Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings enlightenment to the minds and swelling feelings of peace to the hearts of our children.

By these ways our beloved children may know if we speak to them or not.'

4. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful and comforting words today. I asked for his help in guiding me in all my confirmations at this time.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 6, 2019, Friday

1. . . Do not fret about sharing with your wife our revelations. That will come in time. Once post 146 is finished and sent out, turn your efforts to getting the printable PDF files finished. Back up and store away everything. When done, even if after the time we specified by the end of 2019, then send these PDFs and whatever else you feel impressed to send, to those on your email list who sustain you. These should also be password protected.

2. We want you to enjoy with your loved ones this Christmas and New Year's season. We will both be with you in every time of need, to comfort and to help you!'

3. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very supportive words. I felt peace and confirmation of her words. I said I would continue in wrapping up their revelations to me up through post 146. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 7, 2019, Saturday

1. I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb again this morning. I came there with a humble prayer, asking my Heavenly Father if I truly was Raphael, and if I truly had received Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's directions throughout these years since 2013. I deeply and humbly prayed to know for a surety, by confirmation from God, whether I truly am whom I claim. I just felt a strong witness from God, that this is all true and that I am not being deceived, or led away by my own imaginations of my heart.

2. I then held very still and only humbly sought for God's directions, not mine.

1) Am I really Raphael, the archangel? When I ask, I only feel enlightenment and that this is not from me. I feel peace and clarity of thought. I can't get a "no" answer in my mind or heart. I only receive a "yes" answer.

2) Are the many revelations I have written as from God, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, true? I again feel a swelling my heart, an enlightenment sensation that fills my mind with light. I feel no darkness in me, or thoughts at all that the answer to this question is false.

3) Am I currently being led to create and share PDF files of my posts 1 to 146 with those few who support what I have said? I then feel a strong feeling that I should do this, and that this is the Spirit of God that gives me this impression, a still small voice of God. This is true, and I feel inside me this feeling is of God, and not of myself nor of any false spirit, but of God!

3. I then felt to write words that I receive while writing in my journal. In my mind, I feel I am kneeling at the circling waters on the celestial orb. These are words of my Heavenly Father to me:

4. 'Raphael, it is well that you question and re-verify all that you receive from us continually. Yes, you are our son Raphael, our chosen archangel whom we have commissioned for our work in these last days! What you feel when you ask of us is our still small voice that cannot be imitated in your heart or mind, for you ask of us openly and humbly. You ask in the way we require, and you will do whatever we speak to your mind and heart. You come to us in a quiet, meditative state. You come to us in the name of Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer. We surely have answered your prayers, and have confirmed all to you!

5. Therefore, go to and continue with our directions we give to you. We will not lead you astray, but will be with you continually. We will be next to you and guide you, even as we have said and as you have written in your journal. This is our personal direction for you in mortality, Raphael!

6. In the heavens, in the celestial realms on the earth or on the celestial orb, you are our great and humble leader through whom much is directed by us. You will do what we say to you, for you are our trustworthy servant.

On earth you will continue to live a quiet, normal life, drawing no attention to you or your mission beyond what we inspire you to do. This is our will, Raphael!'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assurances and his Holy Spirit that I have confirmed in my heart and mind. I said I would do and act as he commands. I asked that all things be made open for me to do what he and Heavenly Mother have directed me to do.

8. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus, and started my new day.

At this moment I felt such peace and love, and great assurance from the Holy Ghost, even from my loving Heavenly Father whose face I could somehow feel or spiritually see in my mind's eye! I know she confirmed these words from my Heavenly Father to me this morning. I feel they are both by my side, buoying me up and supporting me in my work and tasked before me. What a great blessing this is to me!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 8, 2019, Sunday

1. I enjoyed square dancing with my wife and other couples last night. We got home late. I communed with my Heavenly Father last night and my Heavenly Mother this morning, both at the circling waters. I feel my life is well balanced now, as far as living an ordinary life, a quiet life. I feel all will work out as far as my balancing getting the PDF files done, and this post out today hopefully. I am feeling happy.

2. When I pray, I feel God's presence but no words from either of them last night or this morning. I will do my work steadily, for they have shown me what I need to do.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 9, 2019, Monday

1. Yesterday my wife and I went to church. I wrote down my experience in my pocket journal as follows:

2. At church at our ward: At the sacrament I came above the circling waters on the little knoll. I heard the sacrament prayer in the ward and then made my covenant. Then Heavenly Father's face came before me, and then he spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant. We will always be with you.'

4. At that time, Heavenly Father went backwards and was then flanked on his right by Jesus Christ and on his left by Heavenly Mother.

5. I gazed on each of them, started with Jesus, then Heavenly Mother and finally Heavenly Father. I tried to make out their faces and visages. I spoke to each one, thanking them for how much they have done for me personally.

6. When I finished with my Heavenly Father, then they all smiled, and Heavenly Father said: 'It is well!'

7. They then faded away, going to the holy temple behind then in the distance. I ended my prayer and the meeting continued.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 10, 2019, Tuesday

1. Last night I prayed on my knees next to my bed. We had worked hard all day on our business and I had worked also on the PDF files. I tried to go to other areas on the celestial orb but couldn't. It was like my access was limited to the circling waters area or the knoll above the circling waters.

2. Heavenly Father was standing above the waters, and immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, we had said that we would give you no new revelation until you finish the printable PDF files of the revelations we have given to you already. We also want you to come to this area of the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens on our celestial orb, until that time, and not to other areas on our celestial orb unless we direct you. Your Heavenly Mother and I will both continue to always be with you every day.'

3. I thanked him for his message I said I was working on these files as fast as I was able, fitting this editing working in my open time throughout the day. He indicated that he was pleased with my pace and my effort. I also prayed for my loved ones.

4. He then smiled and I saw him depart behind himself into the sky. I was alone and ended my prayer.

5. This morning I came again to the circling waters. I knelt and drank living water with my cupped hand, and felt clarified in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

6. She appeared above the circling waters, and stood, smiling and full of light. I asked for her presence to be with me throughout my day today. I prayed to be filled with more love and patience today, and not to think of my own needs so much, but of others.

7. Heavenly Mother smiles and gave me this thought: 'Raphael, I will be with you throughout your day, and bless those for whom you pray.'

She then left from above the waters to an area in the sky behind her, and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 11, 2019, Wednesday

1. Tonight I came to the circling waters again. I was happy with lots of activity today, and for completing my PDF file goal. I knelt by the water's edge and looked up. I saw my beautiful Heavenly Mother in front of me, smiling. She spoke:

2. Raphael, we wish to give you more revelations once the many posts are formatted and sent to those on your email list who wish to receive them. They may then be printed by them if they wish. Once you do this much, in the formats we inspire you to do, you will then be able to receive our revelations on our celestial orb as you have done in the past. We love you, Raphael.'

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 21, 2019, Saturday

1. I had a wonderful conversation with my wife about light, intelligence and elemental matter, and how these all affect healing. I talked to her about me being a conduit of healing, and about intention healing.

2. It all stemmed from a phone conversation I had with my daughter yesterday morning. I was energy-testing remedies for her stomach pain and cleared her with light. I was on the phone with her, when I did this. I could very clearly see the light from God filling her with alignment and clarity so that the remedies I was testing came into her body easily and did their function without any rejection like she had experienced in the past. In the past, the very remedies she tested for would cause her pain and adverse reactions because her body couldn't assimilate them. However when I use intention then she was filled with light and all works well again.

3. This morning and last night I felt there would be a break through in healing, once I finish these PDF files. The light that I feel comes upon a person that I intend to bless, will not only align all the meridians and chakras, but also heal them by the power of God. I believe this will in reality be the intense light from Heavenly Mother, or the Holy Ghost that will come upon the person. This will truly be intention healing I believe this great day is soon at hand, once I finish all of my many PDFs.

4. In my morning prayer I felt again that Heavenly Mother was near me. I was kneeling on the knoll above the circling waters. I asked Heavenly Mother if I would receive a much greater ability to heal soon, once these revelations were all assembled in the format required, and sent to those who are on my email lists. I felt very strongly that this great day of healing was soon at hand!

5. Oh, happy day! I don't know too much what is around the corner, but I believe something big and wonderful in the area of healing is at hand.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 22, 2019, Sunday

1. This morning I came again to the knoll above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt and faced west to the distant temple. I perceived a few clouds in the daytime sky.

I prayed to my Heavenly Father, for I perceived he was near. I could make out his pleasing face before me, a little elevated above where I was facing. I addressed him and prayed to him.

2. I told him that I realized that for certain people I had been given a gift to clear them and align their energies of their physical bodies, and fill them with light from my Heavenly Mother. I said I knew that this was a great gift that I had been blessed with, activated by God when I exercised my intention.

3. At this time in my prayer, my Heavenly Mother came and stood next to my Heavenly Father. They were both smiling and holding hands.

4. I asked if I would be given the great gift to heal, once I finished with these PDF files that I had been diligently working on.

5. Heavenly Mother addressed me:

'Raphael, once you send the PDF files in the book format that you are inspired to do, to those who support you, we will increase your ability to heal certain of our children in mortality. You have noticed the great change in the level of light that your daughter has received starting Friday morning, 12-2019. When you told her on the phone that you would 'clear' her with light, so that she could assimilate the remedies to help her heal, you saw in your mind, your daughter becoming filled with my light, even the intense light of the holy Ghost. She muscle tested and was surprised that she was energetically aligned to receive these remedies without them being rejected. You said you would continue doing this morning and night over the weekend.

6. When you saw her yesterday evening at your yuletide dinner, she said she had continued to be cleared and receptive to her remedies for healing her body. This is my great gift to you, Raphael! You are acting as my conduit for light to fill with the intense light of the Holy Ghost to those whom I wish. This light aligned their energy systems in their physical body, and paves the way for their bodies to heal their ailments.

7. Once the PDF files are sent to those few who support you on your email list, your Heavenly Father and I will grant to you great healing power. You will be able to act as our healing conduit for certain individuals whom we wish to bless with healing. You will be able to send forth my light like you have done with your daughter using your intention, and I will heal them of specific ailments or conditions according to my will. This great gift and power will be granted to you, both in person and by remote intention. You need not inform those people what you are doing, but you will know if you should say anything to them. All praise and thanksgiving should be directed to your Heavenly Father and I, and not to you, for you will be acting as our holy conduit.

8. More information will be given to you once this great gift of healing is granted to you, Raphael!'

9. I gazed into the face of my Heavenly Mother, and she was smiling broadly! Her eternity eyes were sparkling and so filled with her light and love. I thanked her and my Heavenly Father abundantly for this great gift that they had granted to me. I said I was so very honored to receive this blessing! I said I would act even as they inspired me.

10. They both then went backwards in the sky to their distant temple. I was left on my knees, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I felt confirmed in my heart that all was true! I am excited to get these PDFs done so I may learn how to do this healing, acting as God's conduit.

11. After church–My wife and I attended our local ward. There were Christmas numbers and congregational singing of Christmas songs today at church.

12. During the sacrament, I came to the knoll above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt there as we sang the sacrament hymn, page 196, "Jesus, Once of Humble Birth." I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me in the sky. There were spotty clouds around also. When we sang verse 2 of the hymn, we sang the verse 'Now his chariot is the cloud.' and Jesus came on the right hand of the Father on a cloud! He stepped next to him so that they were all three in a row below me, Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus Christ on his right.

13. I then heard the sacrament prayer in the ward, and waited until I partook of the bread. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father then responded:

14. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant and will be always with you.' He then looked to his right at his Beloved Son Jesus Christ who next spoke:

15. 'Raphael, I am the Firstborn of the Father and Mother, and was chosen as the Great Redeemer for this eternity. I have suffered for the sins of all mankind. By me all men and women may come back into our presence, if they will repent and come to me, and allow me to forgive them of their sins and cleanse them.'

16. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael my son, next year in 2020 will be a marvelous year for the faithful elect of God, yet it will be a terrible year for the wicked. The righteous will all be elevated by the start of the year to a terrestrial mortal state, and will be better prepared to withstand the calamities coming on the earth.

17. Raphael, you will be given a great gift at the beginning of this new year, for you will be allowed to be my conduit for healing those elect that you feel inspired to heal. I will pass through you my intense light of the Holy Ghost to heal those that I will show to you.'

18. She then turned to Jesus Christ who again spoke to me:

'Raphael, when I was on the earth in my mortal ministry, I healed the sick, caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and even raised the dead. I cast out devils and healed the people. In your day, there will also be a great outpouring of healing. This will start with you, our healing archangel. From you this power will spread to all of the mortal healing angels. Later this year, all of the righteous bearers of the Father's priesthood and those women who hold the office of high priestess will also be able to heal with great power and authority. All will act as conduits of healing by the power of the Holy Ghost that will be poured out upon the elect, chosen by the Father. This great outpouring of healing will come upon the elect of God to bless them to be able to endure the storms that will descend upon the entire earth.

19. You will be given more information on the manner of healing that you will need, prior to exercising the healing power of God.'

20. I thanked my Gods who were before me today! I said I would do as they directed me. I said I was humbled by their trust and confidence in me. I expressed excitement for this New Year that is soon upon us, and the great healing blessings that will come upon the elect of God!

21. When I got home and wrote this in my journal, I confirmed in my mind the truthfulness of what I had received today at the sacrament meeting. When I thought on these things, I felt a surge of the light from my Heavenly Mother, and these words came into my mind:

22. 'Raphael, the long-awaited day of the outpouring of my Spirit is soon at hand, and abundant healing will be for every need for the righteous.'

23. I then thought immediately of Joel 2: 28-31:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come."

24. I felt satisfied that what I had received today was of God and was true, and would surely come to pass. . .

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 23, 2019, Monday

1. I finished all of the editing of the posts, plus two web pages last night. I now need to convert these into PDF format, and then bundle them into printable books. I'll start at the beginning. I'm still not sure if I should have a separate book for my web pages, and then another for the posts. I'll pray about this too.

2. I came to the circling waters this morning at the water's edge. I drank living water from my cupped hand, and felt enlightened. I faced the water and prayed to my Heavenly Father.

3. He came and smiled, sending me the light of his presence. He did not speak. I prayed that I be able to continue exercising the gifts of God in my life that he and Heavenly Mother had so abundantly blessed me with. I then prayed for family members, for all were in need to some degree.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 26, 2019, Thursday

1. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. We had various family members come throughout the day. I also got past post 90, making all of these into PDF individual files.

2. This morning I came to the knoll above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came from her temple, and I spoke with her. I asked if I might be blessed to send the intense light of her Holy Ghost upon a few of my family members, to help them heal.

3. She said that I could do that as her conduit. I then asked if I asked for her light of the Holy Ghost to come upon one who was not chosen as an elect of God, what would happen?

4. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, my light of the Holy Ghost will enlighten, uplift and bless those who are the elect of God, for they will receive my light. However, those who were not chosen as the elect of God perceive not my light. They may have previously been called but not chosen, for they have not hearkened to my light in the past, nor obeyed my voice or the voice of the Spirit. Hence, many are called, but few are chosen (see D&C 121:34-40). This applies both to my sons and daughters.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning to me. She then smiles upon me and left my presence. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 28, 2019, Saturday

1. Last night I completed ten volumes of Raphael, plus one index volume! I got them password-protected and all ready to email or download. I thought of one additional section to add, a "Foreword" section in the first volume. Then it should be ready to send out.

2. When I prayed last night, I came to the bench at the desert oasis! I had only been able to come to the circling waters or the knoll above the circling waters during the entire time since 12-3-2019 when I had come to the high mountaintop. It had been 23 days that I had come to the circling waters, while I was given time to create the PDF files into a printable format.

3. I now feel a great sense of accomplishment. I came to the bench at the desert oasis and Heavenly Father appeared to me. I expressed my excitement to have completed the volumes of my posts. I asked Heavenly Father what he wanted me to do now?

4. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are pleased that you have completed your PDF printable volumes. We want you to email these to those who support you on your email list. This will give them a few days to download them and for those who wish to print them to do so, even before 2019 is completed.

5. We will also continue to give you more revelation as we have done in the past, so you may continue to create more posts. Each time you email a post, also send to them a printable PDF version. When you have enough for another volume, send that also to your supporters in a PDF printable version, along with an updated index volume. In this way your records will be kept up-to-date with everyone so that they might be able to have their own printed copy of our revelations to you.'

6. I asked about sending HTML versions, and Heavenly Father said to not worry about that for now. He said that the online web version I currently keep updated would be sufficient for now.

7. Heavenly Father then pulled me close to him and embraced me! He then backed up and smiled, and then departed. I closed my prayer and tried to go to sleep. I finally went to sleep in a few hours, for my mind was active and it was hard for me to go to sleep.

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 29, 2019, Sunday

1. I sent out the PDF files yesterday morning to those on my email list. I am relieved that this is all done! I tried printing double-sided on my printer, and wasn't immediately successful. In my evening prayer, Heavenly Mother said for me to go to a copy center and run the files in a duplex mode, and then get them spiral bounded (Note: I later found that they charged 13 cents a copy per side, so I figured out how to print them from my own printer, double-sided. This is how I ended up printing my own physical copy). I will see if I can do this on Monday or Tuesday.

2. . . I came this morning to the floor of the fir forest on the celestial orb. I was shady in the forest, with the tall trees above me on every side. I knelt on the soft ground. I faced the direction of the opening to the Father's wheat field to the east. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would come to me this morning.

3. Heavenly Mother appeared at the treetops, at the canopies of the fir trees! She gave me the impression to come up in the air to her. I stood and rose up in the air to the fir tree canopies where she was standing, just under the highest limbs and branches.

4. Heavenly Mother was smiling and full of light! I could feel her light penetrate and pass through me.  I felt that every part of me had received of her intense light, she spoke to me:

5. 'Raphael, I am pleased that you have come to me this morning up in the tree tops of my fir forest! You have completed the PDF printable files, creating them into ten volumes plus an index. You have emailed these to those on your email list. Some of them will print these off and have them for their reference. Your Heavenly Father and I will resume our revelations through you as we have done in the past.

6. During these past three and a half weeks that you have written and prepared these printable files, we have restricted you to coming to the circling waters on our celestial orb. Your entries in your own journal have been much more restricted during this time. We gave you no major revelations except last Sunday and a few other days. I want you to go through your journal over the past 3 1/2 weeks since you last did a post (post 146) and extract portions that you feel should be shared. This should then be part of the next post 147.

7. . . Raphael, in a few days the 2019 year will come to a close. You will begin a new year, and the old will be part of the past and of the historical records. We will continue to guide and bless you and those of the faithful who come unto us, their Gods.

8. By the last day of the year, all of the elect living in mortality will have been transitioned to a terrestrial mortal state. Almost all of them will not have realized that there has even been a change in their bodies. However, they will become protected from the fiery darts of the adversary in their personal lives, and will become more perceptive of spiritual things and events. Please share what we have given M.A. that she shared with you when she heard singing and music playing in the choir.'

9. Emails from M.A.:


"I hope you are having success with the PDF so we can hear from you soon. I had an interesting experience last night and this morning. Last night I was with my youngest son and his wife going to a family Christmas party. While traveling in the car we had a very close call with a semi truck. It was unnerving for me.

This morning in prayer Heavenly Father told me He was protecting us. I was told that even though we have been raised to a terrestrial level we could still die. In order to survive we need to be aware and alert at all times to our surroundings, unexpected circumstances can rise very quickly. In order to have this advantage of being elevated to terrestrial we need to spiritually stay connected to Them, our Gods, and be observant and watchful at all times. We still have our agency and we can still make wrong choices if we are preoccupied, in a hurry, and/or are casual in our relationship with Them. Only a constant connection with a prayer in our hearts at all times will we be safe.

I just felt to share. Let me know if I am wrong about any of what I said."

10. 12-22-2019:

"I had an interesting experience in church today. I sing with my ward choir. We are not very good because there are so few of us. The meeting was all music today except for the sacrament. The choir did three numbers accompanied by the piano and organ. As the piano started playing I could hear a viola and other string instrument playing along. I looked to see who this might be. There was no one playing instruments. I then wondered if we had a new type of piano that had instruments that accompanied the piano, because I was so sure I heard this. Tonight in prayer Heavenly Father assured me I had heard the heavenly orchestra playing and the angels singing along with us, for the choir sounded so good to me. This was such a glorious experience for me today. Heavenly Father assured me that because I was raised to a terrestrial level my spiritual senses would be elevated also. Wow! I look forward to more of these types of experiences. I'm sure our Heavenly Parents and Savior we're pleased today that we all honored our Saviors birth.

Just felt to share, can't tell anyone else. Lol.


11. 'Raphael, continue to send forth my light to those in your family, in need of healing, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. I will have you be my conduit for sending forth my light upon them so that they may receive my healing that comes through my light. At first this will take some concentrated effort on your part in sending this light in your mortal conscious self. However, you will find success and they will find and sense more light and healing.

I will be with you in your daily work, Raphael!'

12. Heavenly Mother then stepped forward and pulled me close to her in a godly embrace! She then held my two hands and said: 'Raphael, let's go above the canopies of these trees to the full sunshine of my celestial kingdom!'

13. We then slowly ascended up past the highest branches of the fir trees until we were well above them. It was a beautiful view, overlooking the forest below us!

14. She spoke again: 'I will bring you and the faithful elect to a much more perspective and brighter world, individually for them in this coming year. I will fill them with the light of my countenance, which will heal and bless them. They will experience gradually more and more of the light of my presence in this year!'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful and very hopeful words. I told her how much I loved her, and wanted to be a conduit for her light among her children, as she would direct me.

She then smiled and let go of my hands. She departed up into the celestial sky, and was soon away. I closed my prayer and started my new Sabbath day.

16. After church–My wife and I attended a local LDS ward in Utah County, Utah. At the sacrament meeting, I prayed on the knoll above the circling waters, and prayed towards the temple to the west. Heavenly Father came and I made my covenant, and then partook of the bread. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, for he was smiling before me:

17. 'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Mother and me, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

18. Raphael, all that your Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning is true. We will be with you and continue to give you revelation.'

19. I then partook of the water, and the meeting continued. I lost my connection at that point with my Heavenly Father.

P. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 30, 2019, Monday

1. I have selected some entries from my own journal over the past three and a half weeks that I am typing up. Soon I will get caught up and then I will probably need the help of others to help me type those entries like I have done in the past.

2. This morning I spent some time filling with light four of my immediate family members. I was acting as a conduit for our Heavenly Mother. It was a remarkable healing session for each I thought. I could feel my hands being filled with the intense yet gentle light from my Heavenly Mother!

3. Her hands were behind mine as I swept slowly through the bodies of each person, visualizing them in front of me. I could feel very distinctly the "stuff" that we were pulling or pushing out of each person. In one I could sense a wiggly something we removed (looked like a corkscrew); from another a feeling of sand or chunky blocks of unwanted stuff from their head; from another deep inflammation that appeared warm, spongy and very palpable; from another dark trauma (that came to my mind) with a slimy feel. All of this "stuff" that I felt I pulled out under the guidance of my Heavenly Mother who was helping me use her power. I was truly her conduit!

4. Anyway, when this unwanted energetic substance came out of the bodies of each of my family members, Heavenly Mother and I then pushed it deep into the earth, some 100 feet down, some down to 500 feet. The unwanted stuff was then trapped in the deep rock of the earth.

5. I then came back and checked each person and was pleased to find each one very clear! I then filled them with the light from my Heavenly Mother who was sending her light through my hands to them.

6. The entire experience was very clear and remarkable to me! I feel so blessed to have acted as God's conduit for healing, and for filling with light each of my beloved family members that Heavenly Mother and I working on!

7. I plan to do this twice a day, in the morning and night for these individuals.

We will see what happens!

Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 31, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came to the adjacent room to meditate and pray this morning. I was alone, and came to the healing waters at God's Loving Healing Lake. As I came, I wanted to fill with light the same four family members, my wife and three of our close children. I had an experience with both light and the healing waters this morning:

2. When I filled them each with the light from Heavenly Mother, I found no obstructions at all, or darkness. I searched everywhere in their bodies, and each one was so filled with light easily.

3. I then helped each one to enter into God's Healing Lake with me. We walked in together, usually with me holding their hand and then me first immersing myself fully into the water. Each of them then did the same as me. The water was not wet, for when we brought our heads, arms and then entire bodies out of the water, these parts were fully dry. I knew that this was living water and was filling them with healing. I could also fill them with the same intense light from God while they were in the water.

4. We then were all five in the lake, and feeling very happy to be in the healing waters. I then looked up and saw my other daughter, her baby boy, and her husband. I came out of the lake and stood before her. She readily accepted the light from our Heavenly Mother, and was soon also filled and shining with light. Her husband was holding the baby, so I invited her to also come with me into the healing lake. We walked in, immersing ourselves fully, joining the others in our family who were swimming or relaxing in the water.

5. I came out again and brought the baby, and he came and joined his mother. Finally, I came out again and filled her husband with Heavenly Mother's light. I could then see Heavenly Mother behind him, smiling at me. I don't know if the others saw her or not.

6. When I brought the light into her husband, he was at first darkened but the light seemed to break up in chunks all the darkness about him. I knew he had a brain seizure issue, so then I did a slow energy pass with my hands on his heart with my left hand and his head with my right hand. During this time, I had walked with him into the water. When my spirit hands finished passing through his heart and head, I looked carefully at my hands: My left hand had a slippery and rubbery-like shell the same size as his heart. It was in my left hand and I was handling it, outside of his body, for I had pushed it off of his heart. As I felt it in the living water, I saw it quickly diminish in size and just disappear!

7. My right hand had passed through his head where he had experienced seizures in the past. For my right hand was also outside of his body, and I looked at what I had extracted from his head: there was sandy stuff, light brown, and some chunks of little darker material. These were in my hand under the living water. As I was feeling the sandy stuff, the stuff was disappearing before me! I opened my fingers and saw the sandy stuff descend towards the bottom of the lake where we were standing. The sand continued to disappear until it was all gone, never reaching the bottom of the lake.

8. I then passed my spirit hands through his heart and head again, and could remove nothing else, for he was completely clear!

I then filled him easily with light from our Heavenly Mother, and he joined his wife and baby in the lake.

9. I then looked and saw Heavenly Mother smiling, standing near the little stream that flowed into the lake on the north. I came before her and knelt. She was beaming her intense light of the Holy Ghost upon me so that I was fully filled with her light. I felt much peace, love and acceptance from her.

10. She spoke: 'Raphael, what you have done and cleared with my light and the healing water will make a permanent change in your family members in time. Some will experience healing in their physical bodies sooner than others, but all will fully heal, even as I will.

Write now all of this in your journal.'

11. I then came and wrote all of this in my chair while in my room at home. I have written to this point.

12. Heavenly Mother then spoke again: 'Raphael, come here twice a day until you fill with light and immerse in the healing lake all of your immediate family members and their spouses and children. I will bring healing to them all.

13. Once you have done this, complete the post 147 and send it to those support you on your small email list. This is the beginning of the healing of my people in this upcoming year of 2020!'

14. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother before me! She was so brilliant and her eternity eyes were sparkling and so filled with love!

I then lost my connection with her suddenly. I now conclude my entry in my journal. I feel such great peace and assurance, and even wonder at all of this!

Wow, I can tell this is going to be an exciting year ahead!

R. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 1, 2020, Wednesday

1. Evening: I slept longer into the morning, and then I did energy clearing work on my seven family members again. It seemed to go very well, with each one being fully filled with light and healing. I sure hope and pray all of this is working correctly, and pleasing with my God! I believe it is.

2. Last night I had an interesting experience: I have set my phone alarm for 8 pm to do light clearing of my 30-year old sick daughter. She has been severely sick for 20 months now, and has gone to so many doctors, specialists, energy healers, etc.–all in attempts to help her feel better.

3. I started clearing her ten days ago with the intense light of the Holy Ghost from Heavenly Mother as I felt directed. My efforts significantly have been helping her, for she has gone off her restrictive diet and eaten whatever she wanted over the Christmas holiday. In addition, the intense remedy regiments which she has taken have remarkably been fully assimilated with into her body during this time. At one point, I saw in my mind's eye a wiggly corkscrew "something" come out of her when I cleared her stomach and/or bladder area. It was remarkable to view! I buried it deep in the earth.

4. Last night just after midnight, 10 minutes into the new year, I had the impression to clear and heal her, once and for all! I stopped what I was doing and connected to her spirit. I commanded that she be fully healed of her long-standing illness that she had been suffering with for the past 20 months. I pronounced this in my mind, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the promptings from my Heavenly Mother. I felt I saw Heavenly Mother next to me, smiling upon my actions. It seemed significant somehow that this be done as a start of healing in 2020. I was only ten minutes into the new year.

5. Today that same daughter came with others of my family. We celebrated the New Year in the evening, and enjoyed a wonderful time together.

6. Before she and her husband left, we went through her remedies she had been taking and I energy tested each one. Almost every one of these pills or liquid drops had completely dropped off, and were no longer needed! She also had been learning to muscle test, so she too verified my findings. I told her I tested that she no longer needed hardly any of these remedies, nor did she need to be on her two special restrictive diets, for that is what I energy tested. I said I thought she was healed of her illness, and would be able to act normal again. This is what I tested, and what I felt to say to her. I also told her a little about my experience last night at 12:10 am with her healing.

7. She said she had felt so much better today also. I am very hopeful that her healing will endure. I know her illness has eluded so many specialists and alternative health professionals also. What a blessing to her now, even to have experience the last ten days of relief, and hopefully continued days of health with no more symptoms!

8. Tonight I came in prayer to the desert oasis, and knelt by the bench, facing the water. Heavenly Mother immediately appeared to me and spoke to me:

9. 'Raphael, I have healed your daughter through my godly power, transmitted through you with my intense light of the Holy Ghost. You are my archangel of healing, Raphael, and I will continue to heal through my transmitted light through you, and then through others in the near future.

10. You have felt my increased light come through your hands, for your hands have transmitted my light of healing. When you direct this, my healing light, through your hands, I will heal those you intend to heal, by my power. You will be able to do this according to my will, for I will be next to you, and will whisper to you how to use my healing power.

11. Raphael, this is the great start of healing my chosen elect, with my power and my light!'

12. I bowed before my glorious Heavenly Mother! I felt such love and power of her light fill me, even to overflowing. I thanked her for the healing of my daughter, and thanked her humbly to be her conduit of healing light.

13. At this time I was interrupted to help my son living with us to calm his racing mind. He was supposed to be asleep, and needs to get up early to go to work. I went to his bedroom and gave him a priesthood blessing. I then directed my hands onto his head, and felt Heavenly Mother's light come into him to calm him down. It wasn't intense light, but a very low-level and very calm and sedating light. I then heard the voice of Heavenly Mother in my mind:

14. 'Raphael, the feeling you had when this sedating light came through your hands is the way we caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites when Alma and his people escaped their captors (see Mosiah 24:16-25). This light will continue helping your son settle his mind and to go to sleep for the night.'

15. I then came back upstairs and finished writing all of this experience in my journal. I also quietly prayed by my bed in a humble petition that he would sleep, and that my daughter would truly be healed.

I closed my prayer, rejoicing for the gifts of God in my life and those of my family members.

S. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 2, 2020, Thursday

1. I got up this morning and did more of my energy work on the same family members. Last night when we went to bed, I shared all that I had done with my wife. She too was hopeful that I could continue to use this great gift of healing. I described to her how I could see the "stuff" that came out of my energy clearings. I told her all about how my hands felt very much like focused light beams when I filled people with light. The intensity and way the light filled them up seemed to vary, depending on if I was clearing their body, trying to fill them with healing light, or helping them sleep. I woke up early this morning when I wanted to sleep, and started thinking about all of the ways I could bless my family and others, and I had a hard time settling back down to sleep. I then shone the "deep sleep light" on my own head and was able to settle down and fall back asleep!

2. This entire experience is very marvelous and remarkable to me. I feel this is a new beginning, just like Heavenly Mother expressed last night in my prayer.

3. I came this morning in my meditative prayer to the area just outside the northern doors of God's temple, on the celestial orb. The doors were closed. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

4. Heavenly Father stood before me, smiling. His robes were gently blowing in the wind as he walked to a point right in front of me. He was brilliant and so full of great glory and power! He spoke to me:

5. 'Raphael, as the world around you begins to collapse, and continues to spiral downward in sin and wickedness, you will experience the great gift of healing others. We will soon give this similar gift to all of our mortal healing angels. They too will find healing in their hands, and will each be able to have our great godly power to heal. They will begin like you, starting with their loved ones and family members, then spreading to their neighbors and acquaintances in need of healing.

6. In their entire healing ministry, they should confirm with us, either their Heavenly Mother or me, if they should heal using our light that comes from their hands. As they follow their impressions, we will give them our healing power in great power and glory! In all of their administrations, they should give all glory to God, and not to themselves. They will find great satisfaction also if they heal others in quiet and non self-attracting ways. As they are humble and full of faith and desire, we will greatly magnify their abilities to be conduits of our healing power.

7. Raphael, finish typing up your journal entries and then share this all as post 147. Share it with those who support you, even as we have instructed you.

8. You have seen that my cape is blowing in the winds of change. The year 2020 will be a great year for many who will experience healing in their bodies, and increased light that comes from their Heavenly Mother. Their changed terrestrial bodies, coupled with the intense light of the Holy Ghost, will prepare them for what is coming to the earth in the way of calamities and destructions, and will be the means for them to transition into the millennial day of peace and rest. I have chosen my elect and will protect and preserve my own!'

9. My Heavenly Father stood in great majesty and power before me! His cape began blowing much stronger behind him. His eternity eyes were so deep and very loving. He then rose up into the sky and disappeared in clouds that gathered above.

10. I then bowed my head and thanked him and Heavenly Mother for this dawning of glorious days ahead of us. I thanked them for extending to us, their healing angels, their power of healing. I closed my prayer and started my new day.