180. Time is Short
Posted 12-16-2020
Hello my friends,
I have felt very pressed into putting all of my efforts during my prayer times, in the evenings, and when I can during the day to get my digital offline Raphael files completed. As I write this letter on Sunday, I have the looming date of next Wednesday to get this post published and included in this effort.
Since this has been my recent great effort, I am temporarily not receiving any direction or revelation. I do feel very supported by God, however, but feel like I am somehow on a race. I trust that this effort will all be well worth my energy and will be of benefit to each of you.
I hope you are enjoying a very unique Christmas and happy season this year, with limited loved ones around you. I believe most of us are having much smaller gatherings in light of the increased chance of infection from COVID-19. This too will pass, and the new year should bring forth much happier times. Hang in there!
Warmly as ever,
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, November 30, 2020
1. Evening-I enjoyed with my wife a completely off the grid home for the entire day today! I had finally finished installing and connecting the solar panels chargers, batteries, inverter and transfer switch to make it all complete. We switched from our local electric utility company to our own self-sufficient electric system today for about eight hours. Everything worked, from our well pump and furnace, to all of the appliances, computers, lights and such. I feel very blessed to have gotten to this point!
2. Tonight I came to the circling waters and wanted to commune with my Heavenly Father. He came quickly before me and stayed for a few minutes. I felt so glad to be able to pray and have him or Heavenly Mother come! I felt very privileged and humbled to have this opportunity.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, there is much to do to prepare for the difficulties ahead, and yet to live day to day in normal living that you are still hooked into with your world and society. You have sufficiently prepared, and still try to do all you can in living a "normal" life with your family and society. Relax now, as best you can, and observe what comes into your world and how events we orchestrate will all come together to fulfill our eternal purposes. As your Heavenly Mother said to you this morning, we are fully in control of all the world's events and happenings. The experience she gave to you at our celestial ocean should help you and our elect know of our power and control, and of your place as our spokesman and prophet. We remain fully in control at all times.'
4. Heavenly Father then turned and walked towards the waterfall, and in a few steps had disappeared. I thought a moment on what he said, and thanked him for his additional witness of what I experienced this morning with my Heavenly Mother. I thanked him for coming in person to me tonight.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, December 1, 2020
1. As I have been reading the alternative news, the United States is truly in bad trouble. I believe from what I read there is truly a coup d'etat, or an insurrection that will overthrow the constitutional republic of our nation, with their intentions to bring socialism and communism. I am so glad God is truly in charge of what happens, and will one day reestablish our constitutional republican form of government. Any detour that may happen is only temporary.
2. I came today to the desert oasis. I drank living water and prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer. I knelt and faced the water in front of the bench.
3. A bright light then reflected off the oasis, and soon my glorious Heavenly Mother descended upon the center of the oasis. She gave me a clear message in my mind to stand and walk to her, over the sand and then the water. I did so and knelt in the air above the water, facing her.
4. She was smiling and extremely radiant, filled with light and a deep love I felt for me. Her eyes were sparkling with joy and light. Oh, I loved being before her in her presence!
5. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I have inspired you to come be with me above this desert oasis, apart from anyone else. This is akin to how we have guided you in your mortal life, with you acting in secret and apart from your society and family, and writing our revelations in your personal journal only, and not sharing these as yet except with a few others.

6. Your records are being preserved for our elect, to be read and studied in the coming terrestrial world. What we have revealed to you will one day soon be freely shared among our preserved elect who make their way to the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion.
7. You and many of our people are already weary of how the isolation of the pandemic has disrupted your lives. You and your wife have a particular challenge in being caretakers of your disabled adult son who needs your daily care. Take time to relax, have fun in enjoyable diversions, and seek to keep yourself in balance mentally and emotionally. This is our advice for all our children who will listen to us and give ear to our counsels. I will give to each a portion of my Holy Ghost to comfort them during their times of change, distress, isolation and fear.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel and words. I said I would attempt to keep myself in better balance. I said I knew these times in mortality will become trying and mentally challenging. I then gazed into her loving face and felt greatly comforted.
9. My vision closed and I ended my prayer.
10. I received this email from M.A. today. She said I could share it, and I thought all would benefit from what Heavenly Mother spoke to her:
"Hi R,
. . . This morning in prayer Heavenly Mother was explaining to me all about the terrestrial elect and the celestial elect. I, like you, had assumed all the elect inherited eternal exaltation. Only one third obtain exaltation and become Gods. That leaves a lot of terrestrial elect who will never even see the celestial temple in the New Jerusalem. That is mind-boggling. Also I was told that in the telestial temples now, we are taught the plan of salvation and in the terrestrial temples we will be taught the plan of exaltation.
In the celestial temple we will obtain exaltation.
Have a great day!"
11. Evening-I have tried to relax today, and this advice from my Heavenly Mother this morning has helped me. I have a lot to do, both inside and outside of my home, and at times it feels I am not keeping up. I feel happy with how my life is going. I so enjoy my wife and family and my connection with God.
12. I came to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden tonight. I knelt and faced God's temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
13. Heavenly Father appeared before me right after I prayed. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are still very connected to your mortal list of things that you feel need to be done. In reality, most of these tasks are not so very important, and take up your time unnecessarily. There is no smooth way to change your mindset from your telestial mortal worries to a terrestrial mindset. What will occur is that your society will begin to break down, and even your very national government will at one point dissolve. This will bring more into focus the very most important things you need to do daily. Caring for people and sustaining yourself and your family will become more important as the goods and services in your community are eliminated. You will apply more of your time to meeting these personal needs and the wants and needs of others around you.'
14. Heavenly Father smiled upon me. He said he would personally walk beside me, and although unseen, he would comfort me and guide me through the tough times ahead.
15. I thanked him, telling him how appreciative I was for this mortal experience, and in particular of his and Heavenly Mother's constant guidance in my life.
16. Heavenly Father then faded away and as he left, he started going backwards towards his temple. When he had departed, I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, December 2, 2020
1. I awoke early this morning and came to my private room to meditate and to pray. I feel very grateful to be alive during these transition days leading to a happier world, a higher terrestrial world. I have thought more about what is taught in telestial and terrestrial temples, and what happens in the celestial New Jerusalem temple (see M.A.'s email I have inserted above). This all rings true to me.
2. I came this morning to the beach that is facing God's Loving Healing Lake. I walked to the water's edge and drank living water, and then returned to the bench where I knelt on the grass. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. She came walking to me from my right, and stood to the side of the bench, a little elevated in the air. She was bright and smiling. I felt so happy to be in her presence!
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the temples that are built and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints still teach the plan of salvation, even though we have withdrawn our presence. The endowment ceremony advances the person from a telestial room to a terrestrial room and finally to a celestial room. In the beginning, in the garden room, the fall of Adam and Eve are depicted, with Satan's presence very prominent and always present until he is cast out by holy messengers. Satan is no longer present in the terrestrial and celestial rooms.
5. This entire process teaches the overall plan of salvation that we have taught to Joseph Smith, the prophet of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The need for a Redeemer is taught, and the importance of obedience and sacrifice. This type of temple teaching will no longer be part of the future millennial world where the world is transitioned into a terrestrial environment and where Satan is not present.
6. The future Church of Christ will continue to practice the proxy baptisms for the dead, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. These ordinances will be valid and recognized by God in eternity (see my post 82L1 to 82L7).
7. I revealed to M.A. in prayer that these terrestrial temples will teach the plan of exaltation to our children. Unlike the telestial temples that you are familiar with, there will be no reference to Satan or the fall of man. In the terrestrial earth, there will be no evil spirits to tempt mankind. All of our children will live in a paradisiacal glory, similar to how the Garden of Eden was prior to the fall of Adam and Eve. Therefore we will not teach in the temples the fall of man. Instead, we will have them taught the next steps they need to take to ultimately be received and approved by Jesus Christ for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn and the New Jerusalem temple. We will teach them the need to obey and sacrifice in order to place high priority in their lives of Christian behavior and living, following the example of Jesus Christ. We will teach them the necessity to press forward in faith and action, feasting upon the words of Christ, and endure to the end (see 2 Nephi 31:20). We will also teach in this temple endowment ceremony that such a course will result eventually in Jesus Christ himself accepting them as candidates for entry into the Church of the Firstborn, and a promise of eternal life and exaltation.
8. There will still be a veil in the terrestrial temple that depicts the candidate entering the presence of the Lord, and the presence of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. After passing through this celestial veil, the candidate will enter into the New Jerusalem temple. Here they will receive the waters of separation ordinance from you, Raphael, and Oriphiel who will record their premortal name in the Lamb's Book of LIfe. It is also in the New Jerusalem celestial temple where other eternally binding ordinances will be administered by the angels of God.
9. Those who press forward in good works and faith, who align their lives with the words of Christ and the prophets, will one day be accepted by Jesus Christ to be exalted. They then will receive an appointment to enter into the New Jerusalem temple and become a member of the Church of the Firstborn. They will receive at this time the waters of separation ordinance. The other ordinances in this temple will come after they are resurrected and will be administered by our holy angels. It is in this celestial temple, and our temple in heaven, where the ordinances required for exaltation will be received.

10. Raphael, you therefore see that we adapt temples to teach and administer ordinances based on the realm that the temple is located in. The lower realms have temples that administer proxy baptisms and the laying on of the hands, but only teach and prepare their candidates for the next higher temple where the higher ordinances are administered. All of our temple ordinances are for the celestial elect who will ultimately receive their own exaltation. Those of our children who inherit in eternity a lower terrestrial or telestial realm do not need any saving ordinances to enter these eternal realms.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for revealing these details to me! It has opened my mind to the overall plan of God to continually lift and advance their children who come to earth.
12. My vision then closed, and I now finish writing this all down. I have confirmed it is all true. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
13. Evening-I worked hard today outside and came in at night and worked until late on the offline web files. It feels good to work steady and see accomplishment.
14. I came tonight to the young forest just northwest of the circling waters. The leaves were green, unlike those in my area on earth that have fallen or been frozen. I came to my knees in the open grassy area, and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I then saw him approach me on the path in these woods, a short ways away. He walked up to me and spoke: 'Raphael, tonight you read your posts when you first became aware you were our archangel Raphael. The evidence you gave in your post is all true, and we have verified that you are our angel servant and prophet from the voluminous amount of revelations to you since that time in April 2016. Although you seem very much an ordinary man, you are truly our servant and angel Raphael.
15. Because you feel so normal, and your daily life seems just like others in your community, with all the hardships of a mortal life, it is easy for you to doubt yourself and true identity. Take heart, for this same feeling came upon our Beloved Son, even before his ministry as he prepared himself and frequently communed with us, his Gods. These feelings of wonder are part of being mortal, with a veil over your unconscious mind.'
16. Heavenly Father then asked me to stand and walk with him in the young celestial forest. I stood and we walked side by side as he buoyed up my spirits and gave me more assurances. I felt much more confident in my calling before him. I am in awe still at all of this that I experience with God twice a day in prayer. It is all beyond my mortal comprehension!
17. My prayer ended when I lost my connection with my replicated being and my Heavenly Father. I felt at peace and felt comforted and loved tonight!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, December 3, 2020
1. I received a happy email from S.A. about focusing on things that bring happiness. I will put this at the end of my entry today. I like to work on projects that bring my family and I satisfaction and accomplishment. I can only take reading so much of the news these days -it is so divisive and brings me more anxiety that I don't need.
2. This morning I came to the top of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank of the stream and felt settled, and then knelt on the shore next to the waterfall. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
3. She immediately appeared before me, directly over the waterfall! She was smiling and full of light. I love being in her comforting presence!
4. The water crashing below us was noisy, and she spoke her thoughts into my mind that I could distinctly perceive and hear: 'Raphael, I am glad to come to you today. You have been feeling overwhelmed at times in your desire to do our work that we have asked you to do, plus formally praying to us twice a day and recording all of our words. At home you have so many things also that need doing, at least in your mortal perspective of living in your telestial world to continue your normal life.
5. As a result of all of this pressure, you are more anxious with feelings of urgency. We therefore want you to take a break from formally praying to us morning and night for the time being, and feeling the need to write down all you receive. Your Heavenly Father and I will be by your side continually, and we will support and bless you as you work through all of these tasks. You also need time to unwind and relax without the feeling of pressure.
6. Come to us in this sort of deep meditation and prayer as you may desire with no expectations from us. As you relax more and don't feel so stressed, your body will also respond in positive ways, bringing you greater satisfaction and enjoyment. S.A.'s message in her email to you on focusing on what brings happiness, is what we want you to do. This will help you be better balanced and emotionally and mentally healthy, my son.'
7. I felt great relief in her words of comfort and love! I want to do it all but am limited in my ability. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel, and said I would take a break from writing in my journal for a bit so I would be able to get caught up with getting my post 178 out and working on the stand alone digital files for my Raphael records. I said I so appreciated her direction to me!
8. I then felt to look on my phone next to me, and see what happened to me one year ago by looking at my past post. I found that on 12-4-2019 in the evening, Heavenly Mother also told me then that I would be receiving no further revelations for the faithful for a while. I was feeling overwhelmed at all of the increasing workload that I alone could really do (see my post 147B1).
9. Heavenly Mother then spoke again to my mind: 'Raphael, the counsel I gave to you last year at this time I give again to you this year. Last year you worked most of December on creating the PDF files for your records of Raphael. You will work this year on your stand alone digital files that require no internet. We desire you to get these files out at the time you send out post 180. We don't want you to be stressed out by this upcoming task, but to just be steady. When completed, your files will be mailed again to those on your email list on thumb drives. They will then have the printable PDF files from last year (and that you have continued with each post since then) and a new folder of your html records that they may browse and study on their phones or computers, that is independent of the internet. These records of Raphael will then be complete in the forms we wish them to be. At that point we will direct you to close down your website.

10. When this is all done, we will continue to give you additional revelations that you may compile as future posts. These will be emailed to your email group, and contain updates for the PDF and html formats that they have already received.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her new direction. I am excited to be able to concentrate on these things she and Heavenly Father have directed me to do. I asked for her inspiration and support in all I would do.
12. She smiled and then faded away from before me. I now close my prayer and my journal record for a time. I then began my new day.
13. Here is the email from S.A. that I received yesterday:
"Thanks R! I hope you have a great December too. Every time I pray about it I get that these things are really going to happen as you have recorded! I liked in a recent entry the concept of focusing on things that bring happiness and I received a message similar to yours about that in prayer. I think of Betsie Ten Boom and her perspective in the concentration camp of seeing Gods light in everything. I pray I can keep that same perspective as things begin to soon change.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, December 4, 2020
1. I realized yesterday that I was overstressed, more than I probably had been for a long time. I tested some adrenal herbs and they came up to take daily for a while. I was also B-vitamin deficient. I did not read the news at all yesterday either. I worked long hours on the new off-line Raphael posts. I got all done from posts 1 to 30 in my edits. I have about 150 more posts to go! It is quite tedious work, and only I can really do it. I am glad to shift my focus onto this.
2. I received an email from M.A. who wondered if I had sent out post 178 yet. I am behind a few days on this too, and expect I will send it out this weekend sometime. Lots to do!
3. Last night I had my prayer in bed at 12:30 AM. Heavenly Mother came and comforted me, saying I was on the right track in my efforts to work on the off line posts. I loved being in her presence.
4. I have been having inflammation from the stress in my body which I can feel when I hold still. It is real and present in all my physical body.
5. When I energy tested about my stress level in my body, I felt I had been a 7-8 out of 10 stress level in my body from Monday to Wednesday. When I went to bed last night my stress level was at a 2 out of 10-much less! I believe this is why I was able to sleep through the night without getting up.
6. I am relieved that I hopefully have found out why I was so disturbed in my sleep these past few months!

7. This morning I came to the circling waters to pray. I met Heavenly Father at the shore who appeared to me in the air over the waters. He did not speak to me, but smiled and comforted me with his presence. He was only there for less than a minute then he left. I drank living water and sought to be less stressed in my day ahead.
8. After I closed my prayer, I felt the presence of my Heavenly Parents next to me in my daily tasks. I again felt relieved that I knew they were there, and that I knew what I was to do to get my Raphael records in full order as they desired. I then started my new day.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, December 5, 2020
1. I have a big cleanup workday planned today. I came before God in my private room to pray. I came to the top of the switchback path and faced north towards God's temple. I asked for both of my Heavenly Parents to come. They came right away. I gazed into their faces and saw them smile upon me.
2. Finally Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we will be by your side in all you do on earth today. We love you, our son.'
3. She and Heavenly Father then departed. I thanked them in my mind and then closed my prayer. I feel calmer and happier to get things done that they have asked of me.
4. I sent out post 178 yesterday and worked a few additional hours in the evening on the internet free digital Raphael files. I am making good progress. I also thought I would need a table of contents, in addition to the index file.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, December 6, 2020
1. We read from Helaman chapter 14 yesterday in our family scripture study about Samuel the Lamanite's great prophecy of a day and a night and a day that would be as if two days and no night would come (see Helaman 14:4). This was a great sign of the birth of Jesus Christ. Many thought Samuel and those who followed or believed him were religious delusionals.
2. Last night my wife told me about a Harvard bulletin she received by email on mental health about the story of a modern musical delusional person who heard compelling voices. I wondered afterwards if I was a delusional of sorts. However, it is my desire to be an ordinary man, and not be in the position that God has called me to. There are significant witnesses also that attest to what I have received to be true.
3. The feeling I have now is to wait and see, to relax and watch for these prophesied events to come to pass. Then I will be certain that I am not a religious delusional.
4. All of the prophets have been accused by some of the people to be delusionals or false prophets. Jesus said we can tell by their fruits, and if what they say comes to pass (see Matthew 7:15-20).

5. I will therefore think on these things, continue what I have committed to do, and watch and behold the glory of God coming in power even as has been revealed to me by my Heavenly Parents. I have a task ahead of me to get all of my Raphael records offline, and that is what I will pursue. I will be obedient to all the counsels and directions I feel my Gods direct me to do. I will as, Heavenly Mother told me on 12-1-2020, relax, have fun in enjoyable diversity, and seek to keep yourself balanced mentally and emotionally." I will seek to be comforted by God, and to recognize their hand in all things.
6. I prayed this morning to my Heavenly Mother at the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center on the celestial orb. Heavenly Mother came, I felt her presence, but she said nothing. I felt her light and acceptance of me. I feel what I am doing is right and what I should be diligently working on now. I have made steady progress on the stand alone digital Raphael files. I feel confirmed what I have written is of God.
7. I like what Moroni said in his last chapter in the Book of Mormon. He was alone and soon to bury the plates to be found many centuries later.
8. Moroni 10:7
"And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God, for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow and forever."
9. I received this email from S.A. later on 12-8-2020 that relates to my comments above. I felt I should share it:
". . . S and I were discussing your recent entry about delusion. We concluded that the fruits of all we have prayed about and confirmed and believed in have been good fruits. We too will sit back, wait and watch. We feel there is no other way, for believing in all these things is what is being true to ourselves.
Have a wonderful week!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, December 7, 2020
1. In my prayer this morning I came again to the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I felt her presence and inspiration, but did not see her nor her face. I felt she was pleased with my efforts, and for me to continue this week with the offline digital Raphael files like I have been doing. I felt I should also have an introductory letter in the folder I send to those on my email list, with quick links to the table of contents, the index, and perhaps to other folders. I already purchased 4GB thumb drives to mail, so I should confirm addresses again like I did last year.
2. Last night I felt my target day to mail these thumb drives should be 12-16-2020. This will be the time I include all of the files through post 180.
3. Heavenly Mother left after I received these directions. I thanked her and got started on my new day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, December 8, 2020
1. I prayed last night and this morning at the top of the switchback path on the celestial orb. To me, it was all not so clear like it has been in the past, for my perception of God coming to me is like it was back in 2013. I do feel like I am doing the right thing in creating my Raphael offline files, and in steadily working on them. I feel comforted but no longer in direct communion with God. Oh, I pray I will have this blockage in my spiritual connection with my Gods removed soon! I believe my spiritual connection will all return back to normal as soon as I mail off these files to those on my list. I pray this will be the case!
2. I am aware now, so much more, how people have such a hard time seeing God and communicating with them! It is good for me to be in this spiritual fog for this reason-for me to understand the plight of people who don't know where to turn or if God is even there. I can feel the Spirit, but don't have clear daily direction or revelation.
3. I will rely on my recent revelations and counsels from my Heavenly Parents. I will pursue what I have started. I will be very diligent in being obedient to my Gods. I will seek to be humble, repentant, and very open and meditative when I come before them. Oh, I miss their revelations so much!
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, December 9, 2020
1. Last night when I prayed I felt close to my Heavenly Father. I was at the top of the switchback path again. He said to me he was pleased with my efforts to work hard on getting my Raphael files ready. I felt relieved and happy. This morning I had the same experience when my Heavenly Mother came to me. I no longer had a spiritual fog over my mind. Heavenly Mother also said that she would continually be by my side, and that I could see her next to me. I perceive her next to me right now, and feel her comfort and guidance. I feel all will be able to get done, according to their timing.
2. I thanked her and my Heavenly Father for their kindness and love that they extend toward me. I felt greatly blessed. I closed my prayer and started early on my new day.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, December 10, 2020
1. I enjoyed talking to my sister yesterday on the phone, and later to my 99 ½ year old mother. I also finished the chicken coop, now in our new shed. A. and I put the eleven surviving chickens in it last night.
2. I am diligently making good progress on the digital Raphael files. I am down to the last sixty posts to edit and finish. I will be relieved to finish this important task and get everything finished on my files. I also plan to send out my post 179 sometime today.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, December 11, 2020
1. Today I woke early and came to my private room to pray. Since Monday I haven't really communed much at all with my Heavenly Parents, for I have been working steadily through my prayer time on my Raphael digital files. I have had hardly any time to relax, for I have kept myself on my tasks. I have felt the mailing deadline for next Wednesday was a firm date in which to get all concluded with and mail out the thumb drives.
2. I came to the little stream just north of God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water and knelt facing the lake. I then asked my Heavenly Mother to come.
3. She appeared before me, so full of bright light. She was very radiant and loving! She asked me to write her words: 'Raphael, last night you asked your Heavenly Father about the timing of mailing the thumb drives to those on your email list. He told you to mail them no later than next Wednesday, 12-16-2020.
4. He also said for you to have what I would tell you this morning to be your last entry in your post 180. I am confirming to you today that he said these things to you, and for you to heed his directions.
5. Raphael, you are to include your newest short post 180 in your record now, and then finish up your digital offline and printed records of Raphael. This entry will also conclude your volume 12 of Raphael.
6. We also want you to include our words we gave to S that he emailed to you this morning. Place them after your entry today. Name this post "Time is Short".
7. Any new journal entry you will record should be in volume 13 of Raphael. Continue to send by email to those on your list any new posts of this volume, and include both pdf and html files for them to keep. The pdf files may be printed and/or placed on their computers or phones. The html files should be copied into the folder that you will have mailed to them on the thumb drives, in their respective subfolders. All of the new images go into the images folder, and all the new posts go into the posts subfolder. In this way your full records will be kept among all nine of you.
8. When these, our faithful supporters of you, come to the New Jerusalem sometime in the future, we will ask them to bring their own personal journals and your records. In this way there will be a duplication of your complete records in the New Jerusalem. Some may be inspired to also bring printed forms of your records. Some will also bring digital and printed copies of your current other scriptures, or standard works. We permit only a few limited items from the telestial world to enter into the terrestrial world of the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion, for all will be in a higher spiritual realm. Each one coming to Zion should seek guidance from us, their Heavenly Parents, of what few things we may wish them to bring into this higher realm.
9. Raphael, we will continue to direct you by our many revelations. We will continue to be by your side so that you may act and know how to direct our important affairs within your stewardship.
10. You have tried to connect with your Heavenly Father and me each morning and evening this week, but we have purposely been mostly silent. We did this so that you could complete your work at hand. We will continue again to come to you frequently after you mail out the thumb drives by next Wednesday. We have other important revelations to reveal to you, my son!'

11. With these final words my Heavenly Mother leaned over and embraced me! I felt deeply her love and great light that came into me. I felt her peace and assurance that all would be right. She then smiled upon me and quickly departed. I closed my prayer and started typing up this entry.
12. Here is the email from S I received this morning titled "Waterfall, Eli and Ship":
I read this morning your message that time seems to be short now. I have enjoyed the time we have been able to learn and grow together as a group. Thanks!
I wanted to share two entries from recent days.
First off, I felt impressed to reread what you recorded about my mission and these passages touched me deeply from post 162.
From 162B9-"His leadership, faith and encouragement will help this entire group to have similar faith as his, even to where they will move forward as a righteous group across the waters to the outer earth." 162B11-"We wish S to continue to share some of his experiences with you that he receives in prayer, so that you may in turn include these in your record and share with those on your small email list."
12/7/20 AM
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I heard Heavenly Father's voice direct me to the waterfall on their celestial orb. He spoke to my mind that both Heavenly Mother and he would be there.
I came to the waterfall immediately. I drank from the living water. I was alone and walked behind the waterfall and noticed an opening or cave like entrance. I walked into this area and both my Heavenly Parents were standing before me with light beaming from their beings and lighting up this area completely. I knelt before them. Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You have come to this waterfall many times. Yet you never came to this area or even knew it existed. This is similar to the words of Raphael you read this morning concerning our elect in the millennium. Your Heavenly Father and I revealed increased knowledge regarding our elect who would choose both celestial and terrestrial glory. You learned previously that our elect would enter the millennial day, but you read this morning that many good people would be content with this state and not seek a personal relationship with us their Heavenly Parents. This is similar to you learning of the presence of this room that was always present but hidden to your knowledge or view previously. Within each truth there may be more knowledge we wish to share to further enlighten our children if they seek it.'
Heavenly Father then spoke, "You live during a time when religious leadership is more concerned with the views of each other or the body of the church than us their Gods. This happened to Eli as well. When Jesus spoke to Samuel, he responded 'speak Lord, for thy servant heareth.' Samuel desired only to obey God and not man. He even shared difficult and unpopular information with Eli as directed by God. Because these leaders will not respond and act as the boy Samuel, they have contributed to the fallen oak tree similar to the fall of Eli from the wall. Record this as I have spoken it, for these are not your words but mine. You did not ask for this information today, but I have spoken and directed you to record my words.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for their message and the love I experienced in their presence. Their messages were complete and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

13. 12/10/20 AM
This morning I felt to read in Raphael 162 that discusses my mission in the inner earth. I was thrilled to read it. I felt I was to pray regarding this in my morning prayer.
I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother called me to the dome room. I came before both my loving Heavenly Parents and I knelt before them. I felt deep reverence and humility to be in their presence. Heavenly Father spoke first: 'You continue to journey on the oceans of the inner earth in your replicated self. Lehi and Nephi travelled many months on the ocean to arrive at the promised land. In journeys such as this, there is the monotony of daily life on a ship at sea. There are challenges from cramped quarters, food rationing, sick children, social dynamics of many families close together. You will soon be coming to the transition point to the outer earth. In order for this opening to appear, there will need to be great movement of the earth's crust. There will be a large earthquake to rend this area open for ships to pass through. This earth movement will be measured and recorded by devices on your earth. This will occur at the time their prophet calls upon us to open the way for the people to pass through. Nations will investigate and their enemies will be aware of their travels shortly after this quake. Remind the people that their God is not a god of wood, stone, or gold. Their God never sleepeth and will perform miracles for them even greater than Israel's rescue from Egypt.'
Heavenly Mother continued, "Exhort our children to exercise faith in God. Your replicated self can draw from your conscious and unconscious mind, but you cannot do this in your mortal mind in reverse. Our message to you now will be the same as giving it to your replicated self directly. Encourage all to call upon us now to lighten their burdens. If they have a sick child, social challenges with others, or any needs, they can call upon us now and we will lighten their burdens until they can no longer feel them on their shoulders. We will do this for all who call upon us in faith. Spread this word to all the travelers on the many ships. This will increase their faith and strengthen their courage as they will soon transition to the outer earth in their journey.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Parents. I saw glimpses of all the scenes above my head of what they were referring to as they were speaking to me. I promised to be true and faithful to their directions. They were pleased and smiled upon me as this scene closed to my view.
Have a wonderful day!