A monarch butterfly in our garden
83. Prayer
Posted 6-27-2018
My friends,
I have been enjoying lots of connection with my Heavenly Parents during the past eight days covered in this new post. I hope you enjoy it, and will pray about it, verifying that my interactions with God are accurate, and their revelations to me true.
I have been particularly instructed on prayer. As part of this experience, I was able to witness a similar view of God as Saul had on the road to Damascus. I have also seen the first part of the First Vision to the young Joseph Smith, re-enacted in vision in heaven. These have all been part of my instructions on prayer.
I hope each of you are enjoying the summer that is now upon us! I love this time of year. As for me, I am happier than ever, and love life! Please write me and share your lives with me also!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 13th, 2018, Wednesday
1. I came today to the sapling tree of life. It had more fruit than before, and was producing well. I plucked a fruit and a leaf, and then sat on the ground under its canopy.
As I ate I didn't feel the affects of the fruit and leaf as I had experienced before. I think I am more transparent or spiritually clear somehow. However, I do feel more perceptive and more connected to myself these days.
I knelt and prayed, facing the larger distant tree of life. I sought for God to come so I could commune with one or both of them.
There was a bright opening in the sky in front of me, and both of my Heavenly Parents descended to a place just in front of me!
I gazed first into Heavenly Father's eyes and face. His eyes were tender, accepting and filled with understanding. I knew he could read my thoughts and fully see my state before him. I then looked at Heavenly Mother's eyes and face. She too appeared happy and loving, and smiled broadly like a mother does for her infant child. They were both shrouded in bright light, but I could see them clearly.
I thanked them both for coming to me this lovely morning! I sought their peace to fill me up in my prayer, for I have had periods of feeling overwhelmed a little. I asked them to help me in my thought control.
I also thanked them for various blessings. I prayed for various people, particularly family members. I prayed to have success in dictating my journal entries and have my phone app to transcribe this into a written format.
2. I then turned to my Heavenly Father and asked him to deliver his message. I had felt he would be doing so. Here are his words he spoke to me, written by me as he spoke them:
'Raphael, when you later transcribe my words to you today, include here your sister's journal entry that she sent to you yesterday. Our revelations to you are for many varied people on earth, in a future day. These will greatly benefit from some obvious truths like integrity that we are giving to you. These are our revelations, whether great or small in significance.'
3. K's email from yesterday, June 11, 2018:
"As I was typing post 82, I was thinking that so many of these "revelations" R had written didn't seem like revelations. They seemed like normal understandings, common sense, obvious truths and nothing new to me. So I was being a little critical in my mind in that regard. When I prayed that evening (June 9, 2018), Heavenly Mother said to me:
'My daughter, we know of your thoughts as you typed the entries today for Post 82–June 6–but I would remind you that these words might seem obvious and elementary to you, but the words and teaching are for all who read, all our children. What might be elementary and obvious to you may be a new principle for another. And you have always noticed grammatical and spelling errors. Those are minor as our words go through R's filter and emerge in his own way of expression and speaking as do yours.
Do not bother yourself with doubting whether these words we have given to your brother are true. They are true. And yes, you have learned many of the principles and truths already, but remember, we are speaking to a more general population of our children who will come from many and varied backgrounds.' "
4. Continued from Heavenly Father:
'We also will use your words to help show our elect children what they need to improve in their own lives. Many times they don't see themselves clearly, as do we. When they read your words, we may prompt them to see themselves and their actions in a new light.
5. Today we have come to you together in answer to your request for communion with us. Sometimes we come one at a time, sometimes together, or sometimes also with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We vary how we come to you, in various environments and manners. We often fit the environment to lessons we wish to teach you. We are also very creative in ways we show you ourselves, or initially appear to you. You have done very well to perceive us from whatever way we approach you!
6. You have worried some about the many tasks you feel you need to do in your mortal life. When you exercise good thought control, thinking only on one task at a time, any anxiety of feeling overwhelmed will depart. You don't have yet the gift of replicating yourself in mortality to meet the increasing demands on your time. You won't receive this blessing until you come to the New Jerusalem area in the near future.
You have also been acting well in dropping your expectations of people and of future events. This has allowed us more freedom and ability to lead you along, just as we desire. You still should plan events, and fill your day with meaningful and necessary activities, but we feel very able to guide your life, your thoughts and to lead you as we desire.'

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, the revelations that we recently gave you about the LDS Church and its ordinances, and those which are part of the Church of the Firstborn, is one of the great mysteries that our elect do not understand. There is great power, new enlightenment and progressions that come with the fulfilling of an ordinance in the way we prescribe. These ordinances are meant to be received as part of a step-by-step progression for each of our faithful children. With each ordinance, more light, understanding and more sureness are also imparted from us to our obedient child. If our child who receives an ordinance, in either the Church of Christ or the Church of the Firstborn, acts with a humble and open mind and heart, we will be able to more fully enlighten and strengthen them. I will ratify also their ordinance to them by the Holy Spirit of Promise. They will then know that we, their Gods, approve of this ordinance, and that it is binding as it is meant to be.
8. The repetition of temple work in the Church of Christ that is not yet eternally binding or valid, helps our elect child to be filled with more revelation and truths from us, their Gods. They will find greater understanding in their own life, and in the guidance we individually give them.
The final binding temple ordinances, performed in the Church of the Firstborn, will give our child significant increased power and understanding. These are eternally binding and honored ordinances, preparing them to be a God or Goddess, even as we are'
9. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words. Oh, how I love their revelations and counsels!
At this time they both extended their arms around me and embraced me together! I felt fully filled with their bright light and love! It seemed to engulf me in fire, or in intense love, joy and light!
They then both stepped back, and ascended into the sky just how they came. The sky then received them and closed over them as they left.
I was next alone by myself, under the canopy of the sapling tree of life. I closed my prayer and finished writing. I then started my day on earth and my work in the celestial realms above.
10. Before bed–Tonight I am ready to connect again to God in prayer. I shared with my wife my view of the best church on earth in which to raise a family was the LDS Church. She was surprised, especially after experiencing all of the drama from the church and ward members that we had gone through in the past 6 1/2 years, since A.'s accident. I wanted to ask my Heavenly Parents more about this tonight.
I came to the circling waters, and knelt next to the bench, facing the forest to the north. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
11. Heavenly Mother came to me, stepping out of the young forest of mountain trees. She was smiling! She began to speak to me immediately:
'Raphael, I want to answer your question about why I feel the LDS Church is still the best church in which to raise a family today:
There are many practices that are so wholesome and inspired, like the blessing and passing of the sacrament to the congregation of Saints. Strong family relationships and connections are encouraged and taught. The Holy Scriptures, all the standard works, are encouraged to be studied and read, individually and as a family. The doctrine of divine revelation from God is promoted. The idea of inspired leaders and prophets is plainly taught as well. The teachings of service, care for the sick and needy, and showing love and acceptance is promoted and taught. Overall, children growing up in faithful LDS families are likely to turn into honorable citizens and good, wholesome God-fearing men and women.
12. In general, we are more able to reach a Latter-day Saint adult who is well prepared for life than another of our children from another religious background or another walk of life. We have many of our elect now as active members of the LDS Church. We have our plans to reach them each in the near future, one at a time.
13. When our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was on the earth, the Jewish church of his day was corrupt and was filled with falsehoods. This religious organization, however, was still the best choice of his day in raising an honorable family and righteous children. It was not a perfect organization.
When Jesus Christ organized his church in his day, this became the most correct church on the earth, and the one that we inspired the humble and open to join and support.
14. In your day, there will soon be another Church of Christ that we will inspire our faithful to join and support. Its doctrines and practices will be pure and holy, and a wonderful place in which to raise a family. Until that day, we suggest you continue your connection with the LDS Church. Attend the sacrament meetings each week, and support your family members who are active in this church. We will continue to lead the faithful along!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her practical and understandable words tonight. I feel clearer about all of this now.
My time in prayer had ended. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus. I saw my Heavenly Mother fade from my mind. I then got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 14th, 2018, Wednesday
1. This morning I awoke a little before 7 am and came to the adjacent bedroom to pray. The sun was streaming in the east window.
In my mind, I came to a hill in the desert southwest of the desert oasis. I knelt facing west, which contained more desert as far as the eye could see. I felt clear and receptive. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
While praying, I sought to see if either or both of my Gods were coming to me. I next saw Heavenly Father gradually appear before me, a little above the ground, in the air. He was smiling, and seemed happy to come to me. I looked into his eternity eyes. They were tender and loving towards me. I almost got taken into his eyes, but I didn't I came back to my self kneeling and started the prayer"
2. 'Heavenly Father I am so happy to come before thee this new day, in this lovely heavenly desert setting. I thank thee for the abundant blessings I have received from thee and Heavenly Mother! I can always come to thee and receive answers to my questions. I also am so enlightened by thy abundant revelations!
I ask to continue to help my loving wife and I with proper mind and thought control. We want to maintain happy feelings regardless how family and friends may treat us. We also want to always act in loving ways to those around us, and accept and love them more. Please help us both to see others with a more Godly view, even as thou and Heavenly Mother see them.
Please help my wife in her struggle to feel assured she is pleasing thee. Help her come to know thee more intimately also.'
3. I then paused, and Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, we will bless you and your wife with our peace and assurance. Living a service-oriented and productive life brings great satisfaction to the soul, and this is how you both live on the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will help awaken her to us, her Heavenly Parents in our own way and timing. We will bless you both to look on others in the way we see them, as our children trying to manage in a fallen world. We will bless you with more permanent thought control also.
4. Today I wish to talk to you about the hearts and intentions of our children on earth.
We have been with these our children in our celestial world until their spirits came into their new physical bodies on earth. As they grow up, their remembrance of us, their loving Heavenly Parents fades. They become immersed in their new world and lose touch with their unconscious mind. A veil of forgetfulness comes over their mind and blocks this part of their mind. They live almost exclusively in their telestial, conscious state.
5. Their heart, however, is still the same, and hasn't been divided as has their mind. Their heart has always been the receptacle of their strong emotions and intentions. Now that they are unaware of their unconscious mind, we see what they really want to do, mostly driven by the intentions of their heart. Once they become adults, and aware that they may choose for themselves without their parents or society watching them, their true intentions in their heart comes to the forefront. They begin choosing what they want to do themselves, independent of another. If they have been loved and cared for with consideration, they have an easier time coming to what they desire to become. Some take longer if their childhood has been more difficult. However, all of our children who become adults are free to choose the way they want to live and act, mostly driven by their heart's intentions.
6. Some choose to act in kindly respectful ways towards others. Some decide they need to be more self-centered and protective, nearly always thinking of themselves. Some have manipulative behaviors that seem to come naturally, so that they position themselves to always be in control or to have power, as they suppose. Some have no guile, and have no such intentions.
It is only in such a state where their overpowering unconscious mind is hidden that the true intentions of our children's hearts come to the forefront. We are thus able to see what our children really want, and what their core-unmasked intentions are.
7. We, who are their Heavenly Parents, are able to see these intentions, even when they were in our heavenly premortal life, with their minds fully functioning as one. However, our children don't know until they come to a fallen mortal world what they are really like, and how they will act.
8. We speak to their unconscious mind frequently, and if they will hear us, this inner feeling or direction will guide them in their life. We are able to lead our children throughout their lives, for they hear our voice and follow our promptings and words, being guided by their conscience. They have power to train and change their intentions if they allow us to lead them. Thus they may overcome the natural man or woman that is part of their intentions. As they follow our lead, the natural man diminishes in their heart. It is gradually replaced with intentions to love, accept and serve other people. Our child begins to have greater compassion and empathy for others. They desire more to bless and enhance the lives of those around them, than their own desires of the natural man or woman:
9. Mosiah 3:19–
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."
10. Raphael we have been able to help you train the true intentions of your heart through the loving example of your wife, others around you, and especially our continual gentle promptings. Some people like your wife have a very large heart! There are those whose intentions have always been pure and holy, responding to other's needs and to our promptings. The intentions of your own heart have thus been refined and strengthened, making your selfish desires diminish and eventually disappear. This is what we love to see in our elect children! We then may continue to fill these with more and more of our love and acceptance of others, as they allow us.
11. Each of our beloved children on earth may choose for themselves what their intentions are, and how they will act. We prompt these and entice them to choose our loving ways, but they of themselves need to choose. In the end, those who manage to fill the intentions of their hearts with Christ like behavior are those who are chosen to come into our Church of the Firstborn. These are those we choose to become like us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!'

12. I feel in awe of this great discourse from my Heavenly Father! I had no idea what he would say, but as I wrote, his words just freely flowed into my mind! I feel so blessed to receive these words!
I thanked my Heavenly Father before me! I reaffirmed my intentions to always follow and obey what he and Heavenly Mother would show me and reveal to me. He smiled and said these words:
'Raphael, you have correctly conveyed my words in your own words, in your journal today. I am pleased with what you have written. These words will be a great strength and provide guidance for our elect children who will one day read and study them.'
With these words, Heavenly Father gradually disappeared from my view. I was alone, kneeling on this distant desert hill in heaven. I then stood and started my day in heaven and on earth."
13. At night– I was feeling pretty tired tonight. I started my prayer–on the hill going down from Lake Beautiful to Enoch's city. I was on the south side of the small stream, facing north. I asked Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come, or one of them to come to me.
I heard some talking and saw a light from my left, or from the west towards the lake. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were coming down the stream towards me! The light from their beings was shining through the forest, and soon they were next to me, in front of me!
14. I gazed on their faces, and rejoiced to be again in their presence! Heavenly Father immediately spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, stand and walk with us above the stream as we descend down this incline towards the city of Enoch!'
I stood and they each took my hand. I walked between them as we strolled down the hillside. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, when you connect to your unconscious mind, the first thought that comes in your mind that seems true is what you should write in your journal. These impressions are so slight! However, they are very real and accurate.
15. Tonight you invited us to come to you. You then thought we were to your left, coming down the hillside. You then thought of hearing us talking together, which was also true. You wondered if you would be asked by me to come up to us, but that thought was immediately replaced with the stronger impression that we were coming to you.
In this way you are able to perceive very accurately in your conscious mind what you are actually experiencing with us in these celestial realms.
16. When one of us starts to speak to you, we speak to your unconscious mind. Once these words begin in your mind, they flow in an uninterrupted flow of thoughts, and then you are able to write. Time is not a factor in our celestial realms, so the thoughts are available at whatever speed you are able to hear them and write them.'
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke next:
'Raphael, you have found that you are able to get little snatches of time here and there, in order to type or dictate your journal entries, ultimately getting a post of your entries ready. Use whatever method works best for you until your sister K returns from her trip.
We are very pleased at the speed you are able to keep up with us giving you so many revelations from heaven! Continue in this mode, with no expectations of what we may say or what the future may hold. We will be with you continually!'
18. The path next to the stream then widened, and we were able to walk from then on in the path, all side-by-side. We then seemed to be walking into the clouds, for I didn't see threes anymore! My Heavenly Parents were still by my side. We kept walking. Then I started seeing beautiful fields of flowers and trees around, with another path that we were walking on. As we walked on this new path, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are on our own celestial earth where we once lived, and where we were first given our original inheritance by our own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Our original inheritance is just a little ways ahead!'
19. All of the vegetation and trees looked just like what I was familiar with in my own heaven. There was a stream on our right side, and we were following the curvature of the stream on the path. The path was paved with gold it seemed, with stones on the sides, which jointed like curbing on a street.
Soon we came to a lake where the stream emptied. There were cultivated fields and several gardens that I could see. There was a large house, with cheery flowers on the sidewalk approaching the front door.
20. We stopped on the sidewalk. My Heavenly Parents dropped their hands and stood in front of me, between the door and me. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, this is where our own Heavenly Parents ordained both your Heavenly Father and I to be Gods, forever being bound together in creating worlds without end! I always have tender feelings when I revisit here! We have since moved our main home to our own galaxy, where our heaven is located, that you come to visit so frequently. This home here and the land is where we started our first spirit family. We had to move because our numbers became too great! We moved to where we are now.'
21. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, you will be given a similar inheritance on your own mother earth where you now dwell, once it is resurrected to a celestial orb. You will come to your inheritance place that we give to you, and there we will ordained you and your wife to be Gods. You then will begin the wonderful life like we live, having posterity and creating worlds in eternity!'
22. I looked into their beautiful faces, and they were crying for joy, I thought of anticipating how wonderful it would be for my own wife and I! I knelt before them, and started crying for joy also! I felt so much love for them, for all they had given to me! I knew this would be duplicated for all their faithful children who endure to the end.
This is the last scene I recall. I am now still writing, but I am no longer on their original inheritance on their own earth where they had once lived. I felt so much gratitude to them, for all of their love that they give me, and even all that they possess and all that they are!
I thanked them again for this wonderful vision! This is so hard to convey in my own words!
I ended my prayer and retired to bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 15th, 2018, Friday
1. The days just seem to zip by these days! I am happy with life, even at it's very fast pace.
I came this morning to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I felt spiritually clear, and so I knelt facing the field. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
I then saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother working together in the wheat field below me. When I prayed, they both paused and Heavenly Mother came up to me. She was very happy it seemed, and stood in front of me while I gazed upon her. Her eternity eyes were particularly sparkling, and she was so full of life and happiness it seemed to me.
2. I gazed on her face, taking all of this in when she asked me to sit up in my recliner and write her words she would speak to me:
'Raphael, we have been overseeing our newly planted wheat in Heavenly Father's wheat field below. Many of these children, represented by the growing wheat, are now being born into mortality. These will come into the millennium, and will be the elect of God! They are they who are spoken of in the scriptures:
3. D&C 45:58-59–
"And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver."
4. Those who will multiply and wax strong are those who are being born as children now in your day.
Come Raphael, and see!'
I then stood and took the outreached hand of my Heavenly Mother. We came quickly to the high mountaintop above her upper gardens. We went next to the eastern skies and then traveled to the earth in a near and future day. We came to a small settlement in Zion, what is now in my day called America. We saw happy families living in peaceful settlements, free from oppression, war, or any social unrest. I was particularly taken with the great peace in the land! I knew this was after Jesus Christ had come in glory to the earth.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we will extend to these in this happy community, and those throughout the land, great peace, even like a river (see Isaiah 66:12 "For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river"). This is the beginning days of Zion, in the great millennial day. These choice parents will raise their children in a time of great peace. These their children, will grow up without sin unto salvation. Such happy families will continue for the entire thousand years of peace and rest on the earth.
6. D&C 45:58-59–
"And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver."
7. Raphael, in the New Jerusalem at this same time, you and the angels will be starting your great service in the Church of the Firstborn, administering salvation in the temple to the elect of God!
The holy ordinances in that celestial temple will be forever binding on our children. These grown children will come from these peaceful settlements throughout the land. You will also administer to all of our elect since the days of your first parents, Adam and Eve, who have ever come forth on the earth. The beauty of Zion in this choice land will fill the skies with light beaming from their happy and peaceful countenances! Our glory will rest upon them as they humbly see us, their Gods, and fully respond to how we lead them. Your Heavenly Father and I love to think of this time, soon to come upon the earth!'
8. Heavenly Mother and I were in the skies next above the earth. I did see a glow of heavenly light coming forth from these peaceful settlements! These dotted the land, and shone forth their peace and light.
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for my vision of Zion, the pure in heart, in a future day upon the land of America! I knew my time was ending in my prayer. Oh, I so love to witness these heavenly visions, like this and the one last night on my Heavenly Parent's original inheritance on their earth.
As I closed my prayer, I could only see Heavenly Mother's happy face in my mind. She was beaming with joy, and seemed so happy! Thus ended my prayer today!
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 16th, 2018, Saturday
1. I came to my bedroom and knelt. In my mind, I came to the circling waters and knelt in front of the bench there. Heavenly Mother came, and excused me from my prayer since I was feeling bad. I thanked her for her consideration. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
This morning I came in my mind to the circling waters. I still wasn't feeling too well. It has been so windy that the pollens are bugging me. I think I also have a little head cold.
2. Heavenly Mother again appeared before me on the circling waters. It was harder for me to discern her face, however, probably since I had a head cold. I asked her to please give me her message. She spoke and wanted me to write her words:
'Raphael, you see it is harder for you to connect to us, your Gods, when you feel tired or ill in any way. This is because your mind is more affected by your head cold, and is not as clear. However, you are sufficiently well to hear my message. I will also bless you to get better from the cold.
3. Raphael, one of the hardest things for parents is to know when to train their children and correct their behavior, and when to let go of their control. When our children come on earth as babies, they need great care and training from their parents. They are at first so helpless. They also accept training done in love so very well. Some may be headstrong, but still need to know that the parents are in charge and don't allow certain behaviors. Parents also naturally give lots of praise and love to these little ones, to encourage them and bless their new ones to feel accepted and loved. Babies learn quickly these lessons!
As the child grows, they may begin to help in the family. Chores and responsibilities in the home can be taught to young children, which gives them a meaningful way to feel contributing. At an early age, these little ones should also be taught manners, faith in God, respect, and how to act in this brand new world, to honor and please their parents, siblings and others they may meet.
4. As the child matures, parents expose them to more work responsibilities and education. When their child is a young teenager, parents may begin to start releasing their controls on their child, for by then they should have been well-trained to function and behave well in society. They also know how to give respect to their loving parents. Certainly by the time they are in their late teens, their parent's teachings and training are firmly implanted into their mortal being. These nearly adult children should no longer depend upon mother or father watching over them, controlling their actions, or acting in untrusting ways. By adulthood, all of one's children who are not handicapped, should fully be able to act on their own, make their own decisions, and be able to become independent in most ways from their parents.
5. At this early stage of children becoming adults, in their early twenties, parents need to mentally fully release their children and accept their actions, whatever they may choose. Parents still need to extend lots of love and support, but not judgment or criticism. These years of transition are usually difficult for parents who have nurtured, trained and guided their beloved child. However, their child may now act independently if they wish. Adult children should also honor their parents, and give them love and respect. They may choose wisely to ask for advice from their caring parents. However, if they don't follow the advice, parents still need to accept and love them without judgment. The responsibility of their actions now rests entirely upon the adult child.
6. Parents soon realize that adult children may act foolishly in some situations. However, this is part of their further learning and independence.
Generally, those children who have been raised by loving and accepting parents will value their early training and teachings. However, they may choose for themselves, now that they are launched into life! The more self-reliance they experience, the more assured and capable they will feel in facing and living their life as they choose.
7. Once children reach adulthood, the relationship between their parents also changes. They interact as adults now, and not so much as the parent overseeing the child. Parents give advice, not directions on their behavior or choices. The adult child will do well in fully assuming responsibility for themselves as their parents let go of their control, and switch to loving advice if they are asked to give it.

8. Parents also should not feel guilty if their child chooses paths or a direction that the parent does not agree with. At this point, acceptance, love, emotional support and connection are all important as the now new man or woman faces life and navigates on their own.
9. Raphael, many of these child-raising concepts may seem obvious now to you, you having raised with your loving wife, seven children to adulthood. However, this advice will help those who do not have an easy task to be a parent, and for them to know when to release control and accept their actions without judgment. We, who are the loving parents of all our mortal earthly children, will guide and help those who seek us openly and diligently.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her sage advice this morning! I feel so blessed to have received this information, for it has been difficult to obtain clear direction on parenting in our own lives. I trust this revelation will bless future parents and their children.
10. In the evening-I came to the desert oasis tonight. I sat on the bench, facing the oasis. It was very still and quiet, and the moon was reflecting off the water. I then knelt in front of the bench , facing the water. I asked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come, or one of them to come.
I then perceived two people walking around the oasis on the path from the east, or to my left. When my Heavenly Parents came, they were walking hand-in-hand and glowed slightly in the warm night. They stopped talking together, and then faced me. I was facing south.
11. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have enjoyed time building a tree house structure with your son this morning and afternoon. You completely forgot yourself, and just did his bidding. He is so grateful for your loving service to him and his family.
When you drop all of your plans and just serve another, this is the highest form of service! You are also doing this in the celestial realms, with each mortal angel in helping them awaken. You have nothing to gain in this service for yourself, except the satisfaction to enjoy being with them and see their great personal pleasure.
12. We who are your Heavenly Parents and your Gods, also serve without any thought of our own increase in any way, but in helping, loving and watchfully caring for our children on earth or in other realms. Our motives are always the same–to help them to see them improve and to have them be so pleased when we assist them. Our greatest joys and eternal rewards include the satisfaction in uplifting and strengthening our own children. We find joy when our children find joy in what we do for them. We are pleased when they thank us and have a grateful heart.
When you serve unselfishly, without any personal motive, you are serving our children as we serve them.'
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, true love is to seek to bless, care and serve others without seeking something from this except personal satisfaction and joy. We rejoice in our elect who receive our love to seek to improve and to follow what we say. However, we also love all of our children, even those who reject our love and service. We do not find joy or satisfaction with these as we do with our elect who hear our voice and obey our words. We extend to all of our children, but we favor the righteous:
14. 1 Nephi 17:35-
"Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one, he that is righteous is favored of God."
15. We favor the righteous because we rejoice in their choices to follow our counsels, and obey our words. We therefore love them more since we favor them. We have therefore chosen to save these in these last days, and bless them, since they will follow us. For the remainder of our children we do not extend our continual influence over their lives since they continually reject us.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for their words of insight tonight! I said I would always obey them and keep their counsels.
I then saw my time with them was over tonight. They smiled at me and said that they had great satisfaction and joy in my willingness to obey them and to keep coming to them in prayer.
I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

E. 's Personal Journal Entry, June 17th, 2018, Sunday, Father's Day
1. I had a good sleep last night. We are having a large gathering and meal tonight with our children to celebrate Father's day. I look forward to this!
I came again to the desert oasis this morning. I love the stillness in this celestial desert! I came to the water's edge and looked into the water, seeing my reflection. I saw myself with a white beard, trimmed similarly to how I wear the beard on earth.
I knelt in the sand near the water, and started my prayer. I looked up then and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother in front of me, standing a little ways above the water! Her eyes were bright and sparkling with love and acceptance! Her whole face was happy–she was smiling broadly at me. She asked that I write her words:
2. 'Raphael, my message today is more about love. When you love as we love, you care and serve another without personal self-interest. You rejoice in their successes, and mourn with them when they mourn. You may have hope in their happiness and success, but you do not hinge your love on any particular outcome. For you, you have no expectations, and accept them unconditionally. You have interest in them, not in any particular behavior that they may choose. This is unconditional love.
3. For us, who can see the end from the beginning, we know which of our children who honor and obey us, or will do so in the future. We extend to our elect, more than to those who give us no honor, little respect, or recognition, and don't follow our directions. We see how they will continue in this same pattern, even though we continually try to guide them. They will receive the maximum level of happiness in eternity that they were willing to accept in their premortal and mortal life.
4. When our children hear our directions and feel and accept our love, we rejoice! We love to see them thus progress and grow, even as we counsel them. As they continue to follow our lead, we continue to pay more attention to them, and to extend to them the sunshine of our countenances and our love. We have hope in their future also, for we see how far they will let us guide them. We particularly find great joy in our children who are humble and open to our bidding and our promptings. We help these navigate through the difficulties of living. We selflessly and tirelessly guide them to be with us in our celestial, heavenly home.
5. Raphael, we have scattered over the earth and over many families, both our elect and non-elect children. You purposefully do not know who, if any, are the elect in your own family. They each must choose. However, of you, who are destined to become even as we are, you need to accept all with unconditional love, with no agenda or expectation. For when they become adults, they may choose whatever path in life they desire to follow. Some may reject us and our gentle whisperings, and others may be open to us. You never know when one of your children, living in sin and spiritual darkness, may repent and then follow us to eternal life and happiness.
6. When your Heavenly Father and I lived on earth, a part of our seven children were obedient to our own Heavenly Parents. They are now exalted and live lives similar to us in eternity, on their own galaxy and worlds without number in eternity. However, we also had children who did not obey all promptings and commandments of our Heavenly Parents. These have been rewarded kingdoms in eternity where they are pleased and happy. However, they are single and have no possibility of eternal increase as do we or their other exalted siblings.
7. Our exalted children are sealed to us in eternity, but those who are single in a lower level of salvation are not. Only the Gods receive eternal sealing blessing in eternity. We therefore keep our connections alive and active with our children who are sealed to us. We also are each sealed to exalted ancestors, and continue active relationships with them too.
Because of these sealings, forward and backwards in family relationships, we have a very large family of the Gods, all linked together. We know all of them, even to our first parents who are the first Gods. We share and love each one, in eternal felicity and joy! We are all about the same purposes, in continually bringing forth offspring and creations in eternity.
8. Of all our relationships and experiences, the ones that bring us the greatest joy and happiness are our own immediate marriage to our eternal spouse, and then to our obedient children. Your Heavenly Father and I rejoice continually at your receptivity and obedience, Raphael!'
I bowed my head and felt overwhelmed in the love of my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father! I felt so humbled and honored to receive their love and guidance. I rejoice in being with them, and to be able to hear their voices when they speak to me. Their messages are so amazing to me! These uplift and continually inspire me to be more and more like them.
I then looked up again, and Heavenly Mother had vanished. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day!
9. At church– During the sacrament, I came in my mind to the desert oasis. I made my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, and to always remember my Heavenly Parents, and to keep their commandments.
Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father appeared to me above the water. He was alone, his eyes deep and accepting of me. He spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept the covenant you have made before us. Our presence will always be with you.
The value of making a weekly covenant like you do, to take upon you the name of your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and to always remember us your Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments, is so very important! When you sincerely do this by covenant in your mind and heart, we will honor this. We will also send our presence to be continually with you. If you did not have our presence with you always, how could you receive our words whenever you pray?
10. When you have our presence with you, we will be by your side during your daily walk. We will be fulfilling the words of Isaiah 30:20-21:
"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."
11. Raphael, we are continually behind you, or next to you, showing you the way to live and guiding you.'
At this time, the speaker was talking about the great importance of doing family history work and temple work. I have a much clearer view now of the real purpose of temple and genealogical work. In this church, the LDS Church, the work is all preparatory for a finalized eternal version of the work in the celestial temples. We do genealogy work to identify our ancestors who are dead, so we may perform baptisms for the dead. These normally are binding for eternity in the Church of Christ, but all of the other ordinances are preparatory.
12. In the millennium, when such a person who has prepared themselves in the temples of the Church of Christ, they then can look forward to their great and final temple ordinances to be performed in the Church of the Firstborn, in the New Jerusalem temple. These are forever binding, and done by God and the holy angels. This will be done for each person individually and in person, for those who qualify and are approved by Jesus Christ himself.
I came back in my mind to the desert oasis and felt the approval of my Heavenly Father on my new perspective of temple work. He smiled and faded from my view. I thanked him for accepting my covenant today, and for his words.
13. In the evening–I came tonight to the bench, facing south to the circling waters. I then sat and assessed myself, and felt very clear and perceptive. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then looked up and saw a person to my right, towards the waterfall. Heavenly Mother then came walking on the water until she came in front of me. She was smiling and asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, either your Heavenly Father or myself come to you right when you pray to us. We do this because we have said that we would do this for you, since we have proved you and this long time have you prayed to us in faith. We prove our children until the time comes that we will always immediately come to them when they pray to us in faith. We will reveal to any of our children our mysteries as they come unto us in prayer, as you have come unto us.
14. When our children pray to us, they would do well to study the manner you have prayed to us. We will speak to their unconscious mind as we have spoken to yours. We will guide them, a little bit here and a little there, and help them progress to where we will be with them all of their days, as we do now for you. We will bring them to our heavenly world where you come to pray. We will embrace them, love and accept them. Oh, we love our children, Raphael!'
I then thanked her for this message tonight. I love to come and receive words from my loving Heavenly Parents twice a day! I feel great security in their love and guidance. I then lost my connection, and ended my prayer and got ready for bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 18th, 2018, Monday
1. This morning I started my prayer near the shore of the northern central part of Lake Beautiful, up in the fruit trees. There were fruits ladened in all of the trees, and the blossoms were all gone.
I tried to absorb my surroundings for a bit, and then felt clear and receptive. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited only seconds and then saw Heavenly Father approach me from the path from the lake! He was smiling and was very majestic. I thanked him for coming! I asked for certain blessings on family members in need. I then asked if he had a message for me. He asked me to write his words:
2. 'Raphael, yesterday at your Father's day party, the conversation turned to the practice of polygamy, or plural marriage in the LDS Church. This topic often creates lots of anxiety for members of the church. Your oldest son said it was a dark mark for the church, and that most organizations have situations like this. His wife said she thought it might be a higher law. Your other daughter-in-law was very defensive, saying the members of those days needed to strictly follow the prophet, whatever he might have said. You were feeling incredulous of how blind she was in believing that all she had to do was to follow the prophet.
3. Raphael, when one thinks deeply of polygamy, and sees the contradictions, with an open heart and mind, this stirs wonder and questions. However, many members don't address this and other topics since it is hard to reconcile, unless they shelve the idea and do not face it, believing the prophet is infallible and won't lead them astray.
4. We will create situations in the near future where the strong religious beliefs will become greatly shaken. Our children will need to come to us in humble prayer, in the openness of their hearts, to be able to find the truth and know what to do. They will not be able to live off borrowed light any longer. Many will fall away from their religious moorings, and some will continue to blindly follow their leaders who have been shown to have made errors in judgment, and have not been guided by us their Gods.
We orchestrate challenges like this so that our elect will feel pressed to find the real truth from God. They will realize there is no other way to navigate with any confidence in this world. Trust of leaders will diminish until they will feel spiritually floundering unless they receive truth from heaven.
5. You later mentioned to your wife last night how confident and assured you felt in your beliefs. You have this great faith and peace since we have revealed ourselves to you, and our many revelations. We have answered your questions, and settled all of your concerns and wonderings. We will do this for every soul who humbly and openly comes to us, in diligence as have you.
Remember too, Raphael, that only a few years ago you had belief systems that were false and misguided. This gives you a deeper understanding of those still in these conflicting belief patterns. Act in understanding and love to all of these, remembering your own path and history.
6. We love when our children humbly and sincerely pray to us. When they are open to our revelations and have a willingness to change themselves, we will give them our directions and answers to their prayers. We hear all such deep and sincere prayers. We will not leave our child comfortless, but will answer their prayers and bring them our peace and our truths.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this assurance, and thanked him for answering my many prayers! Oh, how grateful I feel to be guided and led by God! I feel full of faith and assured that I am in the right way. My mind is clear as God's truths have flowed down to me continually from heaven.
I closed my prayer and started my new day.
7. In the evening–Our lone employee now called in sick today, so my wife and I worked all day in our business. Then tonight we took two of our granddaughters out to dinner and dessert. It was enjoyable for sure!
Tonight I prepared for my evening prayer. I came to the maple tree grove near the Great Assembly Hall. I came near to the western shore of Lake Beautiful I knelt down and scooped some water and drank. I looked over the lake and saw a light far away, from the shore. I looked with more intent and saw the light grow larger and larger. Pretty soon both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were standing above the water in front of me! I gazed into Heavenly Father's eyes–they seemed so settle and assured, full of strength and capacity. There were very soft and accepting of me just how I am!
Next, I gazed into Heavenly Mother's eyes. They were very alive and happy, so loving! I love her large smile she gave me again tonight!

8. Heavenly Father wanted me to write his words:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I knew you would ask us to come to you tonight in your prayer. You are very consistent in coming to us so regularly. Your long habit of approaching us in prayer gave us confidence you wanted us to come again tonight.
3 1/2 years ago, at the beginning of 2015, you decided to wait for us to come to you before you tried to connect to us in prayer. You were steady and consistent, never varying in your purpose of waiting for us to come. This is a very good way for our children to have us come. If they importune before us, as have you, we will soon come to them, and reveal ourselves to them. This persistent, importuning is what the widow did in the parable of the unjust judge:
9. Luke 18:1-8–
"And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.
And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
"Now, unto what shall I liken the children of Zion? I will liken them unto the parable of the woman and the unjust judge, for men ought always to pray and not to faint, which saith—
There was in a city a judge which feared not God, neither regarded man.
And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary.
And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me."
11. We are the Gods of the earth and of our children on the earth, and if our children petition us and importune us in mighty prayer, we will hear them and answer their pleadings.
12. Finally, when you started prayer 3 1/2 years ago, you had no idea how we would come to you, or in what way we would answer your prayers. You were taught in your unconscious mind, and you had to develop an ability to feel and hear that part of your mind in your conscious mind. We helped you perceive our voice in your unconscious state, in the spiritual realms. You gradually began to see and feel these very slight and almost imperceptible words that we spoke to you. You became more adept until now our words flow to you freely, all still spoken to your unconscious mind and perceived in your conscious mortal mind. The veil of forgetfulness is thinner in your prayers as you approach us in your meditative and pondering states. This is a vital key to being able to hear our words.'
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, your Father and I have talked to you in the last few prayers about how to pray and connect to us. Each of our children needs to do this on their own–it cannot be learned except in person. They also do not know whereof you speak or explain the way to pray except that they experience this themselves.
14. 1 Corinthians 2:14
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
15. Every one needs to put in the time and effort to connect to us if they desire to know our will for themselves. As they persist, being open and humble, we will open their hearts and minds to us so that they may hear our words.'
I understood all that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother said to me, for it is clear to my mind and heart. This same understanding will be given to all the faithful as they put forth the effort.
I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 19th, 2018, Tuesday
1. Boy, the days just seem to fly by! I am surprised by how fast my summer is already going! I think I have been enjoying this summer more than any other I have had before. I feel more congruent inside, more at peace, and I have greater confidence in my relationship with God and other people around me. I feel more in charge of my emotions for sure! Even though I have no anticipation of what may come in daily life, I feel so assured God is directing my life, so then how can I worry or fret? My Heavenly Parents guide me along so well!
This morning I want to connect again to my Heavenly Parents. I felt to go to the desert oasis. I saw a very beautiful white owl fly by, completely in silence it seemed. All is so very quiet here!
I came to a place a little ways from the shore of the oasis to kneel, facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me. Heavenly Mother then gradually appeared to me over the water! She was beautiful and smiling. She immediately asked me to write her words:
2. 'Raphael, my fourth son, you have chosen well to come here to the desert oasis this morning in your prayer. I have inspired you to come here. The serenity and beauty of the lands here lend to a state of mind where our children may quickly meditate with good success.
Meditation is a very important part of prayer! It is becoming quiet within, with no outside distractions. Right now, for example, you are quietly connecting to me, to my words that flow to you. You have no distractions or worries, but just concentrate all of your faculties on our communication. You "feel" my words, so soft and quiet, but very real to your inner self. This is what you call your unconscious mind. It fades, or seems to go away in the day when you are involved in daily living on earth.
3. If our children wish to commune with us, their Heavenly Parents, they need to quiet down and meditate. They need to put away all thoughts but those that relate to trying to hear us. They need then to be very perceptive to small feelings or thoughts. This cannot be forced, but just comes as they let their thoughts and feelings be what they will be. We will then be able to come, and in this state they will be able to hear us. In time as they persist, these quiet feelings will become comfortable and recognizable, even our words and thoughts that we impart to them.
4. In the evenings you have developed the ability to hear our words among the distractions of being with your family. This is more difficult, but because you know how to connect to us, you are able to unobtrusively receive our communications, even among distractions. If you need, you may now do this anytime of your day. We are near you always, and will immediately respond to your requests.
5. In the day, when you ask us something in your mind or your thoughts, you are able to perceive us and then hear our words, even though you haven't gone through the formality of finding a place to pray and preparing to meet us. We are instantly there, reached by asking of us, in your mind! You may even see our faces, and perceive our eternity eyes and selves talking to you. This is the constant companionship that we have covenanted to give you during the new covenant of the sacrament that you make each week.
6. In the Church of Christ, the sacrament covenant is spoken by those who bless the bread and water, the emblems of your Redeemer's suffering and atonement, and is slightly different than what you covenant with us. The words in this church are given in the scriptures, in Moroni 4:3 and Moroni 5:3 (also found in D&C 20:76-79):
7. Moroni 4:3–
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."

9. The members of the Church of Christ covenant to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember him, and to keep his commandments, which he has given them. In turn, he gives them his Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to be with them always. This is my presence, for I am the Holy Ghost.
10. In the Church of the Firstborn, Jesus Christ has thoroughly tested and approved those who are heirs of this church. They currently are awaiting entrance by the waters of separation ordinance. The sacrament for those who are heirs or future members of this Church of the Firstborn is slightly different, for we who are their Heavenly Parents now give them directions instead of Jesus Christ. He has led them to us, and given his approval to now be fully guided by us.
11. The sacrament covenant should be as follows for these approved candidates or members of the Church of the Firstborn: To take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments which we give them. In turn, we, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, will have both of our presence, our very beings, to be with them continually, as I have explained we are with you continually now during your days.
12. Raphael, the sacrament is only blessed in the Church of Christ, but those who are approved candidates or members of the Church of the Firstborn, make this new covenant in their minds after the priesthood blesses the bread. Then, like for you each Sabbath, we will respond to their inner beings, their unconscious minds, and accept their covenant and speak to them.
13. As you renew your covenant to fully remember, hear and obey us, we will come to you by covenant, and always be with you.
If you are unable to attend a sacrament meeting in the Church of Christ, you may make this same covenant in prayer and we will honor your request and make our covenant back to you.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her revelations today about meditations and the sacrament! How wonderful I feel to be able to receive her and Heavenly Father's words daily! I thanked her abundantly for her words. I feel I have written them correctly also in my journal. I then closed my prayer and started my day on earth!
14. 10:25 pm: I felt to go to the overlook on the south side of the forest in the celestial world, facing the temple to the southeast. It was from this overlook on the path that I had seen several visions in the field below. Tonight the field was grassy, extending to the river representing Jesus Christ to the south.
I knelt on the ground of the overlook, a little ways off the path. I was open and spiritually clear. I then asked for either or both Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come.
15. At this time, the field became forested, and a bright light, a column of light, descended into the tops of the trees from heaven's skies above! I saw it was Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ descending. I looked to where they were descending, and a young boy was looking up into the column of light! It was the young 14-year old boy prophet, Joseph Smith! He had gone into the woods to pray, seeking an answer from God on which church to join. He was humble, sincere, open and intent on receiving an answer.
I saw the Father and the Son descend through the trees to just above the kneeling boy. I knew he received his answer to his prayer that day!
He had great faith, and took the admonition of James seriously"
16. James 1:5-6-
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
17. The vision in the field ended, and I saw Heavenly Mother at my side! She spoke to me:
'Raphael, the young boy prophet found the scripture in James to be true. We give to all men and women liberally! This means we give usually more than what they ask for, or more in abundance than they expect. Joseph asked sincerely in great faith, trusting in James' words in the Bible. He asked without wavering, believing he would receive. He prayed with intent, preparing his mind for what he would ask, with intensity of his heart.
18. See Joseph Smith History, verses 12-13-
"Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed wisdom from God, I did; for how to act I did not know, and unless I could get more wisdom than I then had, I would never know; for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible.
At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. I at length came to the determination to "ask of God," concluding that if he gave wisdom to them that lacked wisdom, and would give liberally, and not upbraid, I might venture."
19. Raphael, we have showed you this vision, an answer from God to one who was open to our answer, and willing to do what we directed him. He had thought out his prayer ahead of time, and felt to venture in prayer, being bold of faith.
Joseph's prayer is a model for all our children on how to pray!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words, and this wonderful experience, seeing the vision in the field before me. My connection with heaven then faded and I was writing in my journal. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ and went to bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20th, 2018, Wednesday
1. I re-read what I wrote last night. My experience in seeing the vision was clear and simple, and Heavenly Mother's words were direct. I feel so grateful to have seen and received what they gave me!
This morning I came early into the adjacent bedroom at 6:40 am. The sun was just rising over the eastern mountains. It was streaming into this bedroom that I was in–a promise of another wonderful day!
I came to the desert hill, west of the oasis. The celestial sun also just arose on this beautiful desert location, just like back home. I felt its warm rays to my right front.
2. Unlike the boy prophet Joseph, I have no idea what I want to pray for, except for communion with God. I have no anticipation of what may happen in my prayer this morning. However, I feel prepared, clear, meditative and full of faith, like Joseph. I too know that God gives liberally. I have lack of wisdom, seeking this from God.
I knelt and prayed facing the distant oasis. I asked my God(s) to come.
I then saw towards the sun, a blinding light come to me! I saw the outlines of two personages! They came from the direction of the sun, and soon stood in front of me. I had tried to see them come, but my eyes seemed burned or temporarily blinded when I tried to look on them! I could tell these were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, but I couldn't see their faces clearly at all–only the outline of their bodies!
3. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you experience in not being able to see your Heavenly Mother and I before you, except our outlines, is akin to what Saul saw on the road to Damascus:
4. Acts 9:1-9–
"And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,
And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pRs.
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
And the men that journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.
And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.
And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink."
5. Saul also couldn't see, for he had been blinded by the brightness of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who appeared to him on the way. Saul had been astonished, and asked his Lord what he would have him do. The scales of unbelief soon fell from Saul's eyes. He had been in darkness three days, as he grappled with the mighty change in his view of God and what he was to do.
During this time, Saul had a mighty change of heart. He wasn't freed from his blindness until Ananias laid his hands on him, and Saul was filled with the Holy Ghost.
6. This experience of Saul was akin to Alma the Younger when he too was going forth to persecute the members of the church of God. An angel appeared to Alma the younger, to convince him of the power and authority of God, and that the prayers of God's servants might be answered according to the faith (see Mosiah 27:10-17 below). Alma the younger was unable to speak, and his limbs had no strength, for he was overcome.

"And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—
And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;
And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them.
Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.
And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.
And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God.
Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off.
And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed."
8. Both Saul and Alma the younger had a dramatic experience wherein they completely changed the course of their lives. They experienced a mighty change of heart. They were both born of God. They both drastically changed their lives, and followed what God told them to do.'
I still couldn't see my Heavenly Parents clearly. I then looked at the sand before me, and scales fell from my eyes on the sand! I looked and gazed on the loving and accepting faces of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother! I could clearly see them! Their eyes were so loving and clear, so deep and accepting of me!
9. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we have also changed your heart and mind, as you have come unto us in humble prayer. We have given to you liberally, and you have witness our very presence in the energy class when I came to you, now over five years ago. You could hardly believe what you spiritually saw, but you knew it was true! For you, this is when your eyes became opened, and you began to see us and receive our clear direction on your mission as a healing angel.
10. Each of our children who come unto us needs their own mighty change of heart. They need to have a spiritual rebirth. Sometimes we orchestrate an experience like we did for Saul and Alma the younger, forever changing the course of their lives. Sometimes we come in answer to a prayer like we did for Joseph Smith, and for you when you were kneeling before your Heavenly Father in prayer, in your energy class. However we come, we will come and witness to the soul of our child on earth of our reality and presence. We will lead them along, each one differently, but we will give them liberally. Each one will receive a new perspective, or eyesight of who we are and what we want them to do. Each needs to experience this mighty change of heart and be spiritually reborn.
11. We come to our child usually when we know they will act in faith, in the new mission or change of their life, even as we direct. If we don't have confidence that they will change, our words and the spiritual experience may turn to their condemnation. Their hearts and minds need to be open and humble before us, and take the action we inspire them to do.
When Jesus, our Beloved Son, spoke to Cain, when his offering was not accepted (see Moses 21-26), Cain rejected the greater counsel from God, and was cursed, because he did not repent and change. He was condemned for not obeying God.
12. Our children may choose us their God, or listen to their own selfish desires and the whisperings of Satan. They may choose to have a mighty change of heart, and see more and more clearly as we gently lead them along, or they may choose to ignore or reject our counsel, to their condemnation. This choice is always their own.
We have now concluded our discussion with you on prayer. We encourage our children on earth to take these examples and words to you, and persist in mighty prayer. We will answer them liberally, in our own way and place, and when we will.'
I gazed on my loving Heavenly Parents before me! They were so majestic, so loving and wonderful to be with!
They then traveled back to the sun from whence they had both come. I looked on them as they went back into that bright light. I was no longer blinded, but watched until they were out of sight.
I next knelt in the adjacent room. I confirmed what I had witnessed. I also thanked my Heavenly Parents for their visions and words. I closed my prayer and started my day."