91. The First Creations
Posted 8-28-2018


If you liked the last two posts, you will surely like this one! I learned so much about how our first parent Gods set up their first creations. All was geared around their plan of progression for their children. So much was very amazing! Throughout this post there are so many gems of truth!

I don't know where to begin in covering all that is discussed in this post! Please read or listen to it, and then confirm it all is from God or not. 

I hope you enjoy the last days of summer too! I love summer, and love fall time too!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal, August 17, 2018, Friday

1. I have lots planned today, working on our rental house and swimming with our grandkids! Should be fun.

This morning I felt to pray at the circling waters next to the bench. There was a pleasing sound of the gurgle of water. It was morning in this beautiful mountain stream. The celestial sun was already up in the sky.

I felt very clear and then knelt, facing the water next to the bench. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I next saw a bright light coming from the distant temple of God to my west. Soon my Heavenly Father was standing before me just above the circling waters!

2. He spoke immediately to me in answer to my request that he or Heavenly Mother comes:

'Raphael, we may influence our children by sending more light matter into their beings. In so doing, this enlightens their intellect and helps them understand better, and to be enlightened. However, it does not overpower their ability to fully choose on their own.

3. When you attended your energy class in April 2013, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I were with you in the class that entire Saturday. You were transfigured in the class to a celestial nature so that you could fully perceive our presence. The other class members did not perceive anything or any part of what you related to them, for they were not transfigured. We brought our celestial realms with us, for how else could we show ourselves to you? For you, this event that Saturday was as dramatic as the First Vision was for the young prophet Joseph Smith, or for Moses with the burning bush. For you, we chose to appear during an energy class since you are a healing angel of God. You saw details of our healing methods that seemed entirely out of this world, from an entirely different realm!

4. Last night you saw in vision a short view of our first parent Gods creating light matter and starting to shine with light energy. This too was an experience totally from the earliest time just after our Gods made themselves, man and woman as spirits. All the rest of their creations were still in their intelligence state. This was the primeval dawn of the worlds and universe we now live in. We greatly honor our first parent Gods for having the superior intelligence to create all things, like their own spirit selves and light, in the beginning!

5. Soon after they created light, they also created sound and our ability to detect sounds. At this early state, there was no sound until they created elemental matter into objects. These objects included earth and the vast array of molecular structures that now constitute the elements of the earth, like gold, oxygen, hydrogen, and iron. These elements were created in a similar pattern for them to build vastly different items. They created the metals, the liquids, and the gases we are now familiar with--all from elemental matter. In their great wisdom, they created large bodies of these substances, which made up their first world.

Some creations they made without intelligence, like light matter, and some they created with intelligence, like plants and animals. Their very greatest creations were, however, themselves and their own offspring.

6. From these first days of creation, man began to have being with choice or agency. This was determined to be an integral part of man, god’s own offspring, but not for other creations. The first Gods devised a plan of progression to insure their offspring would qualify to become like them, with pure intentions and selfless desires to help and serve others. They realized that the powers of creation had to be guarded to be only used and taught to those with pure and holy desires and intentions.

7. Our first parent Gods realized that there were intelligences that they would bring forth in their image as their offspring that would rebel against their own intentions and goodness. They saw that there would be good and evil. This gave them more motivation to create a plan of progression and testing to verify that only those with pure and good intentions would be taught and empowered with their knowledge of creation. They developed the current plan of salvation, including a system of just and fair principles that all intelligences could support and trust.

8. At an early point, they made their plans known to all of the intelligences at the same time. These intelligences were in their unembodied state that existed and were not created or made. They possessed a basic power of discernment and choice. They all were pleased to support the gods in their new venture of creation!

9. This is the background of how the gods came to first be, and how intelligences and elemental matter were created and formed into the vast array of today’s creations. There have been countless eternities to mortal men since these first days of creation. There are many gods now too, all descendants from our first parent Gods. Each of these are couple gods, the man and the woman, as husband and wife. We have each gone through a series of progressive proving steps to verify to our first Gods our willingness to keep their trust and powers of creation in the way they desired from the beginning. You, too, will continue to progress through these same steps even until you become even as we are!'

I gazed upon my magnificent Father who stood before me! He was so majestic and capable, so loving and accepting of me, and so intelligent and all knowing! I thanked him for his revelations this morning to me.

I am awed by the wonder of it all! I know I want to one day be like him, with such ability to bless others so fully and to bring them happiness like he is doing for me!

Heavenly Father said that I now needed to start my day and that he would send his Spirit to continually be with me. I thanked him for his promise. I then closed my prayer, being very uplifted by it all. I then started my new Friday.

10. Evening: This evening I started meditating in my recliner in the front room. I felt to go to the tree of life and fountain of living water in Enoch’s city, directly east of Lake Beautiful in the valley below. I don’t know why I felt to come here. I came to the fountain and faced the tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw to my left my Heavenly Parents come with Enoch, the prophet, between them! I kept kneeling until they were all three in front of me.

11. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, arise and stand before us.'

I stood and face them.

Heavenly Father continued.

'Raphael, we have brought the prophet Enoch with us today to visit you in your prayer tonight. In honor of him and his people, we have asked that we all meet in his city that was brought here from the earth to this location.

12. Enoch’s people have now been taught to replicate themselves only recently since their workload has greatly increased. They have responded to the great need to help the Refugees of Lucifer. We have asked Enoch to be the temporary priesthood leader in charge of administering to this vast group of the Refugees of Lucifer. We have brought him to you today to speak to you about some needs he has in this stewardship.'

13. Enoch then spoke:

'Raphael, our Father and Mother have asked me to come to you since we need the help of the angels. The Refugees of Lucifer are all spirit beings, none of whom have come to earth for a mortal experience. My people of translated souls, and the resurrected souls of the righteous since the days of Adam to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, have been working incessantly in comforting, training and encouraging these refugees. We now need the holy angels to buoy us all, both we who lead and guide and those whom we serve who are so needy. I have petitioned our Heavenly Parents and they have agreed with my request. This is why I have been brought to you, Raphael, the chief angel in these last days.

14. Here is what I want: We are planning a large gathering of all of the refugees and most of us who tirelessly serve them. We will at first all meet together and then have smaller gatherings that we will rotate through until we have attended to all. We request of you to have the holy angels buoy us and strengthen all of us! We need fresh encouragement and new ideas. We want 100 angels to teach and inspire us in these small gathering groups. And we want you and John the Beloved to address and inspire us in a general meeting for all the attendees at the first. I feel these meetings and groups will greatly help us focus on our vision and purpose.

15. In addition, we are training a number of the refugees themselves to become new leaders of their own group. My role as leader of the Refugees of Lucifer was temporary, and I will be soon replaced with a leadership presidency of the refugees themselves. I may need help too in transitioning these leadership roles and responsibilities to these new individuals.'

16. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, as you know, it is our practice to have our own children help and direct our own children. We have endowed you and our holy angels to minister to all of our elect children. We have concurred with Enoch’s request to have the holy angels give more directed service to those who currently serve the Refugees of Lucifer and to also buoy up the refugees themselves. This is in the spirit of our children helping and blessing our children.

17. Therefore, work with Enoch after we depart and assign angels to fill in positions for those who will teach and inspire in each small gathering group. Plan all of this out in detail. Your Heavenly Father and I will inspire you both in your plans. Once approved, call and assign all the angels who are to participate. Then set a date and fulfill the plan by holding this conference of the angels. I have assurance it will be just what is needed for all concerned!'

18. I then spoke:

'My Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father and Enoch, I am honored to be asked to participate in this upcoming meeting and the small gathering meetings! I will meet with you Enoch, after our prayer tonight and go through and plan all of the details.

19. My Heavenly Parents, I accept this assignment in behalf of the holy angels. I thank thee to know that Enoch and I will be inspired on what the angels should inspire and teach and who should be assigned. I ask that thy Spirit abundantly bless us in these planning tasks, and in issuing callings and assignment to the angels. I thank thee all for your confidence in leading out in this important event in heaven!'

My Heavenly Parents and Enoch smiled at me. I then saw my Heavenly Parents depart, leaving Enoch and I. He invited me next into the adjacent building in his city where we walked. I knew we were right then going to plan this entire conference of the angels and the small gathering groups. I then watched as we went into the building and shut the door.

At that time I only perceived myself in my recliner, writing all of this down. When I pray about it, I feel assurance this all happened in heaven just as I have written. I knew I had accepted more responsibility in the celestial realms. I knew my roles there would only expand as similar events like this happen to me. I am grateful to have glimpses like this into my mission and labors in the celestial realms and in heaven.

B. R's Personal Journal, August 18, 2018, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the adjacent bedroom to pray. I knelt by my recliner and felt to go to the mortal probation chapel in God’s holy temple in heaven. I knelt facing the mural of our time prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I didn’t perceive them coming at first, so I watched the mural events start to change. As I was watching, I saw then my Heavenly Father watch the mural also, and he was sitting next to me in a chair! I turned towards him and thanked him for coming to me. He then asked me to watch with him the events in the mural that would soon appear. I then turned and watched. Here is what I saw:

2. It seemed we were exactly in our day in the mural. People in power had been planning in secret the events that would soon happen that would greatly shake our world. It seemed we all currently live in a time of great distrust of our leaders in government, in industry, with people in general. There was a lot of self-interest with little concern over the public welfare, or what was best for society and the betterment or protection of the rights of the people. On almost every front, there were groups acting in secret to usurp our rights and disturb our peace. I didn’t know how we could continue our affluent lifestyle since it seemed so many were trying to subjugate us into doing their will, or in taking advantage of us by some clever deception. This was a very unsafe and precarious time that we lived in all over the world!

I saw diseases then start to spread by some group, infecting several cities at the same time with man-made deadly diseases. These spread and caused the death and misery of many peoples.

3. I saw wars break out among nations, many also engineered by those who had power over the money supply. The leaders of these nations who were known by the people were really only puppet leaders. It was those who worked in secret who really had power to bring war and destructions on the people. I also saw that natural disasters were beginning to happen in increasing frequency. These were augmented by manmade calamities of large proportions, like earthquakes and fires, initiated and spread by focused energy weapons, and wild weather patterns that were blamed on nature but really were orchestrated by evil man-made hidden tools that had been developed.

So much of society was perpetrated on the people in secret by a small group of powerful people who had lots of money in order to destroy and then dominate the population who remained. This whole world looked like a scary place in which to live!

4. Heavenly Father then turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, amongst all of this evil destruction that wicked and powerful men and women perpetrate on your society, we will then command our angels to also initiate destructive forces on those inhabitants of the earth who are not the elect of God. The earth will then convulse and shake by the commands of God through the angels. Nibiru will come close to the earth and cause lots of upheavals and drastic changes to the earth’s surface. Satan will easily influence mankind, so that people will fight and kill each other over very petty reasons. Lawlessness will begin to envelop the earth. This chaos will spread worldwide. There will be no safe places except by the protection from God, as we guide and guard the elect. The work of angels will largely turn to protection of the righteous against the downward spiral of a wicked society. There will only be peace and safety in appealing to us in prayer, who are the true Gods of this world! We will be ever responsive to the sincere and humble, the faithful and obedient!

5. This time of evil and destruction will last only a relatively short time. It is during the breakdown of society that we will have you, Raphael, and our holy angels at first, start the New Jerusalem foundations. We will protect our chosen land by our power against the growing and enveloping tide of evil and destructions.

6. Soon our Zion people, or the pure in heart, will start to gather to the New Jerusalem, for this will become the only place of safety for such a large group of people and in a large area. No man-made weapons, no government, man-made powers, no evil influences will stop our beautiful city from being established and built. While the nations and the peoples of the world are destroyed, our center place of Zion will flourish. It will be a place of safety for all the pure in heart that will come to it! Our 144,000 will then begin their great work, along with the angels, in gathering to Zion the elect of God!'

A day's harvest of our tomato crop!

I thanked my Heavenly Father for what he told me and for seeing what appeared to me on the mural. I told him I would do all he commanded me. I said I would continue to importune him and Heavenly Mother in prayer, and fully obey all they asked of me. I would be the person and leader they expected me to become!

7. Heavenly Father smiled and stood. He faced me and spoke:

'Raphael, even though so much destruction and wickedness will spread soon upon your world, we will be with you and all the faithful. We are fully in charge of saving the elect of God and will lead them beside the still waters of peace and safety!'

He then suddenly left me. I was alone and then lost my unconscious connection with heaven. I have continued writing in my journal during this entire experience.

I then asked in prayer by my recliner if all I had written was accurate. Heavenly Father spoke to me peace and assurance that I had written it all correctly. I felt his Spirit with me and am at peace. I then closed my prayer.

8. At the end of the day– Tonight I went to the bench at the desert oasis. I walked half way around the oasis and then faced north, or towards the bench on the other side of the water. I felt clear all over so I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

They came from the northern skies and descended before me on the shore! Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came! I was excited to come again in their presence. They descended in a bright light, and then dimmed the level of light energy from their persons so I could see their faces with clarity. Both were very pleasant and were smiling!

9. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are glad to both come to you tonight. I want to talk to you about how the mortal experience came about for the spirit sons and daughters of God.

10. In the beginning, once our first god had created light and then created physical resurrected bodies for themselves, they had experienced themselves in their spirit state and then in their spirit and physical resurrected state. They determined this resurrected state would be the final status and highest state of the man and the woman. They decided to bear their children in spirit form, being the first creation of these, their sons and daughters. They wanted to create two progressive states of their children. In each state their children would grow and learn as much as possible in their state. For instance, their children in the first spirit realm would have spirit experiences in a celestial world. However, there were many other experiences and growth possibilities they couldn’t receive in their spirit only state.

11. Our first Gods bore their children from their own physical bodies. They incorporated light in the creation process and a birth process where their spirit babies' fetuses would grow to an infant state inside Heavenly Mother. When birthed, both of the parents would nurture and train spirit infants until they reached maturity. They would continue to train, but the agency of their children would then be fully in place once this child was fully-grown.

12. Then our first Gods created a process wherein their children would be born again, this time with two new conditions: in a lower telestial world, and in a physical state. To preserve their identity and growth to date, they decided to have their mature spirit, with all of their strengths and ability to go into this physical state that would end after the time of their new testing, or second probation. They would be introduced into this new physical state by a birth process like they already experienced before in their spirit state when they were born to Heavenly Mother. This time, however, their parents would be physical parents going through the same testing experience that they would soon be born into. When born, their mature spirit would go into the infant physical state. They would likewise be trained and nourished by their earthly parents, similar to how their Heavenly Parents had nurtured them in the celestial world.

13. In addition, the first Gods wanted to remove the memory of their spirit child who would come into a new physical body. This way they could see how their inherent spirit self within their new physical body would respond to their gentle and soft directions they would give to them via the light matter they would send to them.

If their child in this temporary physical state were able to hear their soft voice and keep their counsels, they would qualify for a place and position like they themselves were in. These children of God who qualified would be resurrected to a celestial holy state and have the full memory of all that had happened in their spirit probation (first estate) and in their physical probation (second estate).

14. These were the fundamental principles that our first parent Gods decided upon, even before they bore any spirit children. Once agreed upon, they then added other details, like the necessity of a fall and a redeemer. They also planned the aging process, death, the post-mortal state of man, and all of the details that mortality would entail.

In every eternity since our first parent Gods lived, the same process was followed as these first parent Gods. We still have these same principles in force for your eternity, Raphael! There is a Redeemer, Jesus Christ. There is a spirit estate of man and woman (premortal life) and a mortal experience. Those who are obedient to the further light and knowledge that we send forth to each of our children in mortality are chosen as the elect of God, eventually to be resurrected into celestial glory and become like us, their Heavenly Parents.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very insightful words. I was enlightened by this history of our first parent Gods and the plans from the beginning.

I knew my time was completed in prayer. I thanked them both for coming and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal, August 19, 2018, Sunday

1. I got up early and read my journal entry from yesterday. I sometimes wonder if what I write in weakness will be received well by the faithful who might one day read my words.

2. I then thought of how Moroni must have felt, when he wrote in Ether 12:25-26:

"Wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words.

And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, saying Fools mock, but they shall mourn, and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness."

I felt just like Moroni! My words are indeed written in my own hand, and in my own weakness of the flesh!

3. This morning I came to the lake at God’s Loving Healing Center. I came and sat on the bench on the north side of the lake, facing the lake. I pondered awhile of all the things I had been shown in vision, or had received in my unconscious mind. It is remarkable to me! I have not premeditated any of this. I feel blank now, with no idea what may happen to me anew this lovely Sabbath morning.

I then knelt on the ground next to the little stream that flowed into the lake on my left. I felt clear and ready to commune with God. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Father then appeared at the top of the switchback path on the hill to my right, or west side. He started to float in the air directly to me! He was soon between me and the lake, still a little elevated in the air.

I gazed into his face. His eternity eyes were soft and tender, and seemed so deep and all knowing! He waited until I had looked on him for some time, taking in the magnificence of his being into my mind and memory!

4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we will make your words you write in weakness become a source of consolation and peace to our faithful who read and ponder them. We will send our Spirit, the light of truth, from our very presence, to accompany your words when the humble and open read them. As they sincerely ask us, we will confirm the truth you write about to witness to their inner souls by an increase of our light. They will honor you and respect you for your efforts.

This morning I would like to continue recounting the events of our first parent Gods when they were still planning how they would create two periods of probation for their future children.

5. The first man and the first woman Gods had designed their own bodies to have the ability to create their own offspring. They did this by their superior intellect and they did it because of their selfless desires to bless other intelligences around them to be able to become like them. They neither had desires to control other intelligences, or to in any way subjugate them. They developed a great desire to share and tenderly bless the other intelligences that they felt would one day somehow become like them.

6. This attitude and feeling they called the love of God. They wanted only those who could ultimately become like them to be imbued with this same love they possessed. They realized that at some future time there might be some intelligences that would be clothed in a body of their same form, but would have no feelings of love for the other intelligences. They could imagine some who might try to take advantage of another and want to control them somehow.

7. This entire new view they considered made them quite uncomfortable. They therefore planned into the states of progress of their future offspring ways to test their children's true desires to either love or control other intelligences. They devised two states of probation: a spirit only state in a celestial environment, or highest place where they themselves would be visible and present; and a physical and spirit state where they would not be visible and where it would be a lesser, more coarse environment of lesser light. These would be the two probation states of their future children.

8. If their children passed the first probationary state, they could then proceed to the second estate of testing. If they successfully navigated through the second phase of testing, then they would qualify to become even like themselves, with all of their capacity of creation and joy.

9. See Abraham 3:25-26

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.

And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep that second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever."

10. Once these two probationary estates of their offspring were devised, they then felt the need to create a system of justice, or right and wrong. They wanted all things and actions they themselves did to be good, or inherently fair that could be sensed as good by every intelligence in the vast expanse of space. They set up standards of justice, of order and basic rules of conduct they would follow by themselves. They reasoned how could they act one way and expect their offspring to act any different. They set a standard of godly conduct that they would follow and teach their future offspring. This was all based on their Godly love that they keenly felt for their fellow intelligences.

11. They decided that they would judge the behavior of their future offspring in their probationary estates based on their rules of justice, of right and wrong. They then wanted all their actions in the estates of their offspring to be very just and fair, so that none would be able to question their intentions or conduct. They realized that if their children made mistakes, there would need to be a way to forgive and repair these so they could keep progressing. It wouldn’t be fair if they were forgiven of mistakes or sin without justice needing to be met. Justice required a punishment of their sin before they could move onto more light and progress.

12. During this consideration, they decided to choose a choice intelligence that they were assured would have great love and would strictly follow them. They would have this intelligence be like the first male god, who had attributes of strength of body, protection and love.

13. They called this intelligence the Redeemer, for he would suffer for the sins or mistakes of other weaker intelligences, and thus the justice of God would be satisfied. This Redeemer would be perfect and not have himself fallen from the demands of justice. Therefore, if he forgave the one who sinned, and also suffered for their sins, then they could together be made as though no sin had ever happened. This would allow the sinner to continue to progress and be tested in the probationary states, and ultimately come back to the first Gods in their celestial presence. It would be fair to everyone that they could then come back clean and pure, since the demands of justice had been met.

14. All of the work and suffering of the Redeemer would be based on the love of god that the first Gods had in abundance.

These were all the plans and designs of our first parent Gods, Raphael, even before they chose to have their own offspring. You can see that they wanted to fully establish a system that would be foolproof and meet their desires.

Your Heavenly Mother and I will come again soon and explain more of the plans of our first parent Gods in the beginning. We feel it is important for you to know the basics of how our first Gods established all things in the beginning of man.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his understandable concepts and words! I so love to receive the revelations of God, even while in the flesh! I then closed my prayer for I knew he wanted to give me no more now, and that he wanted me to ponder on his words before he gave me more. I then started my Sabbath day.

15. After church– During the sacrament, I felt to go again to God’s Loving Healing Center, to the lake where I had knelt this morning. On the last verse of the sacrament hymn, I saw Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, at the top of the switchback! He stood there while we finished singing the hymn. Just before we finished, my Heavenly Parents came next to Jesus on each side of him. They were all facing me. I seemed to be able to zoom up close to them. I saw the details of their faces.

16. After I partook of the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father responded to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant. Our Beloved Son is our chosen Redeemer from the beginning of this eternity. He has ransomed all of our children who have or will come to earth, by suffering for their sins and weaknesses. We have chosen other Redeemers for other eternities in the past, who were born in that eternity.'

The water was then blessed and passed to the congregation in the ward.

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, our first parent Gods also chose a Redeemer son for each of their eternities. For their first eternity, their Firstborn Son in the spirit was the Redeemer of that very first eternity of all the gods. He was obedient and fulfilled everything that our first parent Gods asked him to do. He suffered during his mortal life and died for the sins and weaknesses of all his mortal brothers and sisters who came or would come to his earth.'

I then felt I was somehow taken in a vision with my three Gods next to me, looking on this chosen Redeemer for the very first eternity!

18. We saw the birth of this first Redeemer as an infant spirit. We saw him next as a grown spirit accepting his call as the chosen Christ. We saw him later on his earth, in his own mortal experience, ministering to the people. I saw that he suffered and died for all of their sins and weaknesses. We saw he was resurrected. I saw judgment and great tears of joy for the righteous. This entire vision included short highlights of his life.

19. I finally saw that this first Redeemer went on to receive his own kingdom of glory with his chosen spouse, and they became a couple god. I saw that they are still having joy in their creations and posterity, just like all the rest of the gods.

I saw that the pattern set by this first Redeemer and our first parent Gods was followed by all the subsequent gods. The vision then closed and my sacrament meeting on earth continued with the speakers. I then lost track of all that I had seen in heaven.

20. In the evening- After I returned home, I just finished transcribing my pocket journal from church today. I have thought about this vision experience I had, in seeing the first Redeemer of all, and little glimpses of his life in that first eternity. I was amazed that such great little visions were opened to me! I saw the various snapshots of his life in fairly rapid succession, all during the sacrament. I marvel how I could receive all that I saw in so short a time. I feel so very grateful for these wonderful and meaningful views of eternity! My perspective has entirely changed about eternity and the beginning of man.

Tonight I came to the top of the switchback path where I had last been with my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, my personal Redeemer. I knelt on the path and asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

21. My Heavenly Mother came to me from the path, coming from the domed room! I saw her come to me and then she placed her hands on my shoulders. She smiled at me and spoke:

'Raphael, you have had a unique visionary experience with us, your Gods, today at the sacrament. We have showed you events of the very first eternity where the life of the first god's chosen Redeemer of that eternity was shown to you. This was real, Raphael! You saw what we wanted you to see in your unconscious mind. You have correctly written about what you perceived in your conscious mind.

22. We have shown you in the past few days our first parent Gods creating light matter for the first time. We showed you how they planned the progression of their children to one day become like them. We showed you today their first child, their chosen Redeemer of all their children that would come forth on their mortal earth for that eternity. These are great truths never before revealed to man on the earth, Raphael, excepting to our own chosen Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

23. Once our first parent Gods completed their first eternity, they fulfilled their plan to create worlds of various glories, places of reward, for their children. They had divided the various degrees of glory into three divisions. We have continued this same practice in all of our creations and eternities. We call these celestial, terrestrial and telestial glories.

There was a Satan and his followers also in that first eternity. All of these received no kingdom of glory, but were banished forever as single separate intelligences in darkness, just like we continue to do now.

24. The first Gods then chose to start a new second eternity like the first. There were little changes from the first eternity, for they had thoroughly planned out in detail all of this before taking any action and it all happened as they planned. Thus had the gods started the family of the gods from which we have descended. This is the same pattern we continue to do!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt such honor and love for my Gods for these great revelations! I closed my prayer and told her I loved her so very much!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 20, 2018, Monday

1. This morning I awoke early to have my personal prayer. I came to the desert oasis. I am still pondering over the things I saw and received about our first Gods and their first eternity. It all seems so remarkable to me how this all happened! While I was pondering while sitting on the bench in front of the desert oasis, my Heavenly Father appeared in front of me! He was smiling and seemed warm and accepting, and so magnificent! I slipped onto my knees before him on the sand.

2. He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I wish to continue showing you the pattern of the gods that was set by our first Gods. Once they had made light and planned how they were going to do all things, they then chose to create their home in heaven. It was the first orb or planet they had created, for before that moment there were no stars, planets, or any heavenly orbs.

They followed the sequence of creation as recorded in your scriptures as described in the Book of Abraham chapters 4-5.

3. Abraham 4:1

"And then the Lord said: Let us go down. And they went down at the beginning, and they, that is the Gods, organized and formed the heavens and the earth."

4. Raphael, the first Gods created the heavens, which consisted of their first celestial orb on which they lived as celestial resurrected beings. They created this before they begat offspring, for they wanted a place first to bring forth their children. This was a very large orb, similar in size to our own celestial creation or orb. They created it first spiritually so that it did not yet have any physical matter, but spirit matter. This was more refined matter.

5. They then created the spirit plants and animals on this celestial orb, following the sequence in the scriptures. At the end of the spirit creation, when all was prepared, they created their own offspring. Their first child was to be the male Redeemer of the subsequent children they would bear in that eternity. These children grew up from their infant state to fully-grown spirit sons and daughters of these, our first Gods. They were all on a spirit heaven at that time, for everything had been created spiritually and none had physical bodies except for our first parent Gods who were resurrected with spirit and physical bodies.

6. Once they had birthed all of their children for that first eternity, our first parent Gods announced their plans to create an earth. They explained the details of their plan to test their children to see who would be obedient to them in their fallen state, on a physical earth. They wanted their faithful children to become like them, gods in eternity. They announced their chosen Redeemer who would have a critical role to suffer for the sins and weaknesses of all the rest of their children. There were some who dissented and were angry. Their leader became the Satan of that first eternity.

7. Our first parents then created an earth where their children could dwell. Their earth was created exactly in the same pattern as the earth upon which you live, Raphael. It was created spiritually before physically.

8. There was a point that Satan was cast out of heaven for rebellion, along with those who followed him and his ways. They were cast into the spirit earth, out of the presence of the first Gods and their other children.

9. The sequence of creating the first man and woman on that earth followed the same pattern and method as occurred on your own earth, Raphael. This earth was created first spiritually, and then naturally or physically to a telestial then a terrestrial state, even before man was placed on its surface. Our first celestial parent Gods came to this physical earth and bore their first physical children, their Adam and Eve of that eternity. They grew up as children until fully grown physically on that first earth. Satan had been previously cast to that earth and was then allowed to tempt the man and the woman. They fell by succumbing to the temptations of the devil, and earth also fell from its terrestrial state to its fallen telestial state. All of this followed the same pattern that we used in creating man on your own earth.

All of this while the celestial heaven was only in a spirit state and had not yet become physically created. There were, however, a physical earth, moon and a sun, along with a few planets for the solar system.

10. The first heaven wasn't physically created until their first Redeemer was resurrected, having lived a sinless life on the fallen earth. When he was resurrected, the first Gods then created the physical heavens for the first time. This then became the abode for the first Gods and their first Redeemer, plus those who were resurrected at the same time as the first Redeemer. Even the first heavenly orb was resurrected into celestial glory by virtue of the atonement of the first Redeemer. All creations of our first Gods were resurrected by the virtue and atonement of their first Redeemer, except for themselves.

11. The first earth continued from that time to be a telestial body until the days of the millennium where Satan was limited so he could not tempt mankind and the earth became a terrestrial body. At the end of the millennium, the first earth died and was resurrected by the power of the first Redeemer, so that the demands of justice could all be satisfied, not only for the children of God but all of the creations of God, including the earth and the heavens.

12. The first earth then came near the abode of God, the first celestial orb, and it remains there even today. Your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to follow this same pattern and sequence in the creation of our own heavenly orb and the multiple earths we have created since our own first earth we created. Our celestial heavenly orb was at first created by us in a spirit state and then became resurrected after our own first Redeemer was resurrected. It has remained in that state since then as a glorious celestial heavenly orb.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this expanded view of the way that our first Gods created all things and how Heavenly Mother and he followed this same pattern of creation. It all became more and more clear as he explained it to me. I feel so grateful for his revelations!

I knew my time in prayer was ended. I looked into the face of my Heavenly Father as he started to fade away and I was soon alone at the desert oasis. I closed my prayer and started a new day!

13. Evening–I had a question tonight about what I had received and written this morning. I wrote that the first heavenly orb was resurrected by virtue of the atonement of the first Redeemer. I had thought that that the first Redeemer and all other Redeemers or Christs since, only atoned for the children of God and not the other creations. I hope my Heavenly Parents will answer this question for me.

This is the scripture I use to base my view:

14. 2 Nephi 9:21

"And he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam."

I then came to the celestial realms on the earth, next to the grassy area and little stream I have come next to before. I felt clear from my head to my feet. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother then came over the small hill and walked right up to me!

15. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have shared many new revelations with you over a short time. We only showed you summaries or short views of some of the things you saw and that we shared with you.

Your question is a good question. Every Redeemer, or Christ, since the beginning, has suffered willingly for the sins and weaknesses of the children of God who have or would come forth into mortality. In addition, the great Redeemer of every eternity is the one through whom the gods create and resurrect all of their creations, including plants, animals, earths and any new orb in the sky. We each do this to have this Redeemer be the one through whom all our children and all our creations progress. This honor is because of the atonement, or the ultimate sacrifice of this Savior for every mortal human being.

16. For our first creation, when we first became a couple God, our first Redeemer was the one through whom we resurrected our celestial orb in the beginning. Since that celestial resurrection of our heavenly home, we no longer had the need to have any other Redeemers of subsequent eternities do this since it was already done before.

17. The Redeemer of each eternity does not suffer for the devils that disobey and follow Satan. If there are those of the devils who repent and subsequently come to the light of their Savior, he will accept them, having suffered already for their sins and weaknesses. In the foreknowledge of God, we all three Gods know who of all of our children will ultimately repent and receive the need for the atonement of their Savior. He only suffers once, and when completed does not suffer for the sins of any individual in the future, after he is resurrected. This ability to know who will come to mortality by the end of the earth is known only by God, through our foreknowledge.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear answer and for the further understanding I received on the power of the foreknowledge of God. I then watched her as she smiled and said that this was enough for tonight. She said she loved me, then turned and walked back over the hill from whence she came.

I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 21, 2018, Tuesday

1. I have thought more on the role of the Redeemer or Christ of each eternity. Here is the next scripture I wanted to now resolve...Jehovah talked to Moses from the burning bush. He spoke as if he were the Father (I assume using what is known as the divine investiture of authority). We know he who spoke was the great Redeemer, even the future Jesus Christ, for he spoke to Enoch in the same way–see Moses 7:53).

2. Moses 1: 32-33

"And by the word of my power, have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth.

And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten."

3. Also Moses 2:1

"And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I reveal unto you concerning this heaven, and this earth; write the words which I speak. I am the Beginning and the End, the Almighty God; by mine Only Begotten I created these things; yea, in the beginning I created the heaven, and the earth upon which thou standest."

4. I am still a little confused with the wording here, where God says all things were created by the Son–does he mean "Sons" or all the Redeemers or Christs of previous eternities, including all the gods back to the first parent Gods?

I came today to the beautiful circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water to the south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father came immediately to me, standing just above the water! He was majestic, and full of light and power. His visage was happy and I felt so assured in his presence.

5. He spoke:

'Raphael, our first Gods set a pattern to have their Firstborn Son to be the great Redeemer for the eternity they were currently involved in. They did all things through their Beloved Son. He was beloved because he was fully obedient, and he willingly sacrificed his life by suffering for the sins and weaknesses of all his brothers and sisters who came to their earth. Through him, the parent Gods would do all things required for that eternity.

6. When referring to all other creations, from all other eternities, we Gods refer to them being created by our Son, even the many Redeemer sons we have chosen for the many eternities. The current Redeemer fills the office and calling of the Messiah, shared by all of these Redeemers from all the eternities of all us many gods. We refer to all the creations in the entire universe as being created by the Son, meaning the Redeemer of each of the many eternities of all the gods, for that is the office and calling of the current Redeemer or the current Son of God.

7. We also allow our Son, who is the current Redeemer, to speak as if he were I, the Heavenly Father of our galaxy, and also represent all the gods of the great universe. He speaks sometimes as if he were the Heavenly Father of all the many couple gods back to the beginning first Heavenly Father of our first parent Gods.

We do this so that our children may know it is through their own current Son of God that their eternal salvation is dependent upon. He is their only path to an eternal reward in eternity. It is through him only that we, their Heavenly Parents Gods, will accept them back into our presence. He it is who has our full power and authority for all creations in that current eternity.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words! I feel so clear now on all of this!

8. Heavenly Father further spoke:

'Raphael, there may be times too that we have you, or a prophet of God, or any one of our children, speak in our name. Whether by an angel or a prophet, or a child, we may speak through these as they are moved upon.

When you speak to the people under our inspiration, as if you were God, or in behalf of us your God, it is the same as if we ourselves speak. You are, of course, not God, but are our steward and servant, speaking under our inspiration and full direction, as we pour out upon you our heavenly light, our Spirit. In this state, you speak the word of God in great power and authority, even as our spokesman and mouth.'

I replied:

9. 'Father, I am humbled to receive thy words, thy revelations! I will only speak in thy name as I am directed to do so, and am inspired by the Spirit. I feel so assured of the many truths I received from thy mouth, and from my Heavenly Mother and my Redeemer! I submit myself as thy humble servant, willing to act and speak and write as I am directed.'

Heavenly Father smiled, and the light of his countenance literally lit up my being, for I was filled with his Spirit he sent to me from his presence! He then departed up into the sky above until he had gone.

I knelt down by my recliner and confirmed all he had spoken to me. I feel at peace and very happy. These are good signs!

I then started a new day.

10. Evening– I had a question from one of the earlier posts, post 61, where Heavenly Father had answered a question about where Lucifer would end up. Here was the answer from my entry on Oct. 29, 2014, Sunday:

From Heavenly Father:

'Lucifer will be returned to the location where he was chosen as an intelligence. His spirit will be stripped from his intelligence and his primeval intelligence will go back to his original place, with a mark on it. He will also soon thereafter have a destiny with all of the other fallen and stripped intelligences, apart from all of the unchosen intelligences in the universe, and all elemental matter too. From the time we place Lucifer back into his location from where we chose him and then set a mark on this location, he will then be required to migrate to a location with all of the other rebellious intelligences, apart from all other unchosen intelligences. This migration will happen to all those with a similar destiny. Their final destiny and location will be single and apart, yet within a certain confined location together where God will never visit. This destiny has neither light nor connection with the rest of the universe that is filled with intelligence, elements, and God's creations.'

11. Q1: My question–When the gods visit once in every eternity the darkness between the galaxies where Lucifer and his evil intelligences migrate to from their original place they were placed in by our Heavenly Father at the end of the eternity, is this incongruent with the answer that the gods never visit the final location where Satan is confined? I am just a little confused on the exact process that happens.

Q2: M.A. had a couple of questions about how Heavenly Mother determines whether a child will be born in the spirit form or in a physical form? She wondered if it was depending on how much light she gives to her fetus in her womb? Or is there some other principle involved? (This question was asked since Heavenly Mother's offspring may be born in spirit form (in the premortal life) or in the physical form (including Adam, Eve and Jesus Christ).

Q3: She also wondered if there had been any other people resurrected since the time of Christ's resurrection up to the present time.

There are other questions but I can address these later. I'll see what happens tonight, if they answer any or all of these questions.

I came to the circling waters tonight for my prayer. I came above the waters on the little bluff to the east. I faced the waters looking west. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

My Heavenly Mother came from her lower gardens, rose up over the waterfall and then came in the air directly in front of me! She was smiling and was beaming with a happy countenance and light!

12. She spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad you were able to listen to past posts you have published. It is important to continue to keep abreast of what you have received. There is a great amount of revelation that we have given you.

13. I will answer your three questions tonight:

A1: About the demise of Lucifer: We will take Lucifer and all his evil spirits to the same location from where they were originally chosen. We will remove their spirit element so that their primeval intelligence remains. They will then be placed in this same location where we chose them originally, with a mark on that location. We will then initiate a migration for their intelligence to travel to the designated darkness between the galaxies that we have chosen. Lucifer and the other wicked intelligences will have no choice, but will move to this darkness in space. We actually don't go to that darkness location ever, but to the location in space where they were originally chosen to be our child as an intelligence. When we said we go to this darkness once every eternity, the darkness referred to the dark space where their intelligence had been initially chosen by us, their future Heavenly Parents.

The migration to the dark isolation where no light penetrates, even from a visit from the gods, is akin to a slide or a chute that takes their intelligence from their place of origin to their final destiny, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment. (see D&C 76:44-48)

14. A2: About how I determine a spirit child from a physical childbirth: All of my children who are born from an intelligence become spirit children. Their intelligence enters into my womb from your Heavenly Father, and does not have any elemental matter or spirit matter accompanying it.

For those children who are born physically, like Adam, Eve, and Jesus Christ for this eternity, the seed from the Father contains the grown spirit of the individual, sized down to accompany his holy sperm into my womb. The spirit is one of our previously birthed intelligences into our spirit child. The spirit child has matured to his/her full stature. Since the spirit has the capability to reduce to any size required, this is how these spirits enter into my womb in a very small spirit stature. These spirits accompany the holy seed of the Father into my womb. They grow as I add physical elemental matter to their spirit, and the spirit continues to expand to the same size, as is the fetus. When I birth these physical babies, their spirit is exactly the same size as is their body. The spirit and body continue to grow in size together until the physical body reaches its full stature. This is the size of the full spirit's stature as well.

Raphael, this same process is similar to conception for our mortal children on earth. The spirit from our premortal realms enters into the mother from the father and accompanies the physical sperm into her womb. The spirit is the same size as is the small fetus, and grows until birth as a physical baby, and continues growing until the full stature of the mature adult. This same pattern of conception also occurs for animals where there is a male and female in that species.

15. A3: About the resurrection: There have been a few persons who have been resurrected since the general first resurrection at the time of Christ's resurrection. These have been few, and are allowed to occur because of their mission. The angel Moroni was one who was resurrected after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and before the second coming when there will be another resurrection of the righteous. To find out if someone has been resurrected during this span of time, based on their mission, one might diligently inquire of us in prayer.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answers. I was especially enlightened by the answer to the second question. I feel these are all truly given from my Heavenly Mother to me by revelation.

She smiled at me and told me my time in prayer was completed tonight. She asked me to return to this small outcropping tomorrow and she would answer my additional questions that the mortal angels had asked me. She then returned in the air to her lower garden from where she came. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 22, 2018, Wednesday

1. This morning I awoke and came again to the outcropping above the circling waters. I felt very clear and knelt in prayer. I expect that the additional questions I received will be answered this morning. I will give them here before I begin.

Q4: Heavenly Mother said that as celestial Gods and Goddesses, they feel more love for their children. My question is do the telestial and terrestrial people feel love or concern for others in their kingdom?

Q5: In the book, "Visions of Glory", Spencer talks about portals as means of travel. Are these portals made of light?

I next prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw light coming from the lower gardens, over the waterfall and directly to me in the air again. Heavenly Mother was before me in the air again! She looked glorious and stunningly beautiful and happy, like she was last night when she came to me!

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad to answer your questions from the mortal angel who had sent them to me.

A4: Love is present in great abundance in the hearts of our children in the celestial world. There are decreasing amounts of love in the telestial and terrestrial worlds, for it had to be nurtured in their life in the premortal life and also on earth. The reason these, our children, are restricted and placed in these lower realms of glory is because they were not as faithful and didn't receive the light and love of God that we sought to shower upon them in their mortal lives. However, they did receive some light and love. They carried this with them into their eternal place of glory:

3. D&C 130:18-19–

"Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.

And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come."

4. Those who filled themselves with love by serving and caring for others in mortality will retain that love in the next world. Remember, those who receive a terrestrial glory are "the honorable men of the earth" (see D&C 76:75), receiving of our glory but not of our fulness (see verse 76). There is a significant amount of light and love in that kingdom, but not to a fulness, even as the difference of the moon in glory compared with the sun. The telestial also has light and love, but to a lesser degree, even as the stars differ in glory than the moon and sun in glory. Even in the telestial glory, there is sufficient love, consideration, gentleness and the general Christian values so that civility and peace continues in that society.

5. Q 5: Question about portals: A portal is a gift we give to each of our children who come to mortality. It remains with them without normally being seen in their life. Once they die, it brings the spirits of our children into their next phase of progress. It is also the means of them at any time connecting to us in prayer. You were able to come into this celestial world immediately by use of your portal that we have activated to a celestial glory, so that you have access into our kingdom.

6. These portals are made up of light and elemental matter. They have no intelligence, however, but are used by your individual spirit for access to us, your Gods, and for travel to the different realms. They are also used by us to connect with our child. They continue with our child into the resurrection and into their assigned glory they attain to in the resurrection.

These portals are only given to those spirits who come to a mortal experience. The devils that were cast into the earth for rebellion have no portals since they never received a mortal physical body.

7. Our spirit children who came to earth were trained in the use of their own portal before being allowed to come to earth. Their portal is controlled by their spirits, and because of their knowledge, when they die, their spirit knows how to use their portal to bring them into the world of the spirits.

Portals also are assigned by us, who are their gods, to a given level of access. Those in the spirit world who receive the valid ordinances to enter into the paradise of God have their own portal elevated to a terrestrial glory, and therefore may come into that elevated terrestrial sphere in the spirit world where the devils may not enter.

8. In eternity, our child who attains a telestial glory has his/ her portal activated to a telestial glory. They do not have access to places of higher glory unless they would be quickened to a higher state by one possessing that higher glory. Quickening is temporary, and after they would return to their normal state of glory.

Those who attain a terrestrial glory have their terrestrial portal capable of visiting a lower telestial world and their own terrestrial world. However, they would need to have been given an assignment and access to travel to that other kingdom. If assigned, they travel there by use of their own portal.

9. Those who dwell in the celestial glory have full access to their own domain. They, too, may visit other worlds of lesser glory, depending on the need or an assignment. Those who become exalted are able to freely travel in their own domain, as they desire. They, too, may visit and travel across the light matter by virtue of their own celestial portal. All those who are resurrected to a celestial glory have their portal continue with them into eternity as a permanent part of their living.

10. When traveling across the light matter to a distant location, the celestial portal is used. It consists of light and matter, and brings the celestial being instantly to his/her desired location. The control of their celestial portal is learned at first by the celestial being, just like in the beginning when they received their portal at first. The capability of celestial portals is far greater than portals of lesser levels. Celestial portals may also be the means of quickening those of a lower order to receive the presence of a celestial glory, even the glory of God. All of this activity is learned once the individual receives a celestial resurrection and also more capability when ordained to become a God or Goddess in eternity.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her clear answers today! They all have been very enlightening to me, and will hopefully be so to others who read and ponder them.

Heavenly Mother then started backing up, going back to her lower gardens. Soon she was gone. I then closed my prayer and returned to myself in my adjacent bedroom. I got ready for the new day.

11. At night– Tonight I came to the fountain of living water. I walked around it and looked around at the calm and beautiful world. I felt clear and happy. I knelt facing the door of the temple, just on the south side of the fountain. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw the temple doors open and both of my Heavenly Parents came walking from inside the temple to me. They were both smiling and radiant with light!

12. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have talked with your wife tonight about how quickly you change once you come as a child into mortality. You told her that even as an adult, the change due to the aging and maturing process is very dramatic from young adult to old age. The change from infant to adult is very dramatic also. During this entire mortal experience, the spirit of the individual stays inside their body boundaries, whatever size it is. The spirit adjusts to the size of the body it fills and does not exceed the boundary of the physical body.

13. You were surprised at the ability of the spirit to go to the size of a single sperm cell as it is placed into the womb of the mother. There is no size too small or too large for the spirit of man to adjust to! You have done energy work in the past where an evil spirit was confined to the tiny organ of the pituitary of its mortal host. This evil spirit went undetected in this organ for years. There have also been some of our children whose mortal bodies were very large in stature. Their spirits were naturally not so large, but nonetheless conformed to the full stature of the larger physical body.

When resurrected, the stature of the grown spirit will be the final size of the stature of the final resurrected body. However, in the mortal state, there may be short people or very large people whose spirit may naturally be of a different height. This discrepancy will be corrected in the resurrection.

14. When our mortal children are resurrected, they are resurrected in the state that they died. If a child, they will be raised in the resurrection as a child, and then grow into an adult in the resurrection, at their prime. If our mortal child dies in their old age, they will be resurrected in the state their body died, as an old person. Once resurrected and appearing as an older person, they will gradually change to conform to their size, stature and look of their spirit, in their prime condition.

15. The resurrected person may also appear as needed in disguise at times. This is a capability also of celestial resurrected and translated persons. We allow disguise to come in order to fulfill a particular assignment, which is approved or assigned from God.

The angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith while walking on the road to Cumorah. In "Visions of Glory", Spencer talks about seeing himself disguised as a translated being to fulfill an assignment. Such is the capability of celestial resurrected individuals and translated individuals.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and for both of them coming to me here at the fountain of living water. I sensed this was what I was to receive tonight, so I thanked them for coming and closed my prayer. I then felt myself falling from the celestial world back to my mortal telestial state. I felt in awe of how this all comes to me! I then got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 23, 2018, Thursday

1. Last night I told my wife when we went to bed how I was not as mentally alert as I used to be. I compared myself to a neighbor who recently moved who is 10 years my senior, who started failing. I said to her that working in our business is harder for me to do now than it used to be. This helped her see how I felt when I expressed at times being overwhelmed. I have so many to-do lists for around our house, at our rentals, in our store business–there is no way I could possibly do them all! This allows me to be very active to do whatever I choose to do. An advisor told us to just get sloppier, but still do what we enjoy doing, rather than retiring like so many people do. I think that is good advice. I need to control my mind so not to get overwhelmed, however.

We can also get emotionally upset at how our family or friends treat us, or lack in their interest. This is also controlled by us, for our perceptions can be created by our own mind control. We choose how we look at rejection by others, or people not caring. We may still be very happy emotionally and mentally by our own mind control. My wife and I talked about this many times this month. It seems to be harder for mothers when their children are involved. I seem to be able to say that our children are now adults and may choose whatever they wish, and we have no more control over what they choose. I can then mentally be happy by my own control of my mind. It seems harder for her with our own children.

I came this morning in meditation to the golden altar, near the fountain of living water where my Heavenly Father spoke to me last night. I felt clear and pure and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came to me from the doors of the temple alone. She stood in beauty and majesty before me where I was kneeling! I hadn't heard from her last night, although she had come with my Father.

2. She spoke now to me:

'Raphael, I didn't speak to you last night because you were too tired and had work to do right after your prayer. Nevertheless, you did the correct thing in ending your prayer when you did. I will therefore deliver my message I was going to give last night.

Lucifer and his hosts who follow him have continually pushed against the rules of decorum that our other spirit sons and daughters obey. These include telling lies, misleading by trickery, trying to take advantage by deceit, and a host of evil manners. Satan and his minions also may appear to our mortal children in various forms because of the inherent capacity and capability of the spirit men or women that they are. We have rules of conduct for our faithful spirits, but tolerate misuse of these powers for Lucifer and his evil hosts for now.

3. Satan and his devils may deceive others by appearing as aliens of some concocted shape, they may appear as disguised or imitated individuals, or even appear as animals. They may appear as angels of light to mortals. However, in every case they are detectable by the faithful who call upon us in humble prayer for confirmation. This is why you have continually asked our faithful mortal angels to receive a spiritual confirmation that what you write is of God and not of man or of devils.

4. D&C 46:7-8

"But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils.

Wherefore, beware lest ye are deceived."

5. You have continually sought the guidance of God and the Spirit in discerning whether you are being led on the correct path or not, Raphael. Many of our mortal children, however, are deceived by men or devils, for they do not think to ask of us, or spend time in prayer seeking discernment from God.

We require of the faithful to navigate through the treacherous mortal tests by the Spirit, or the light from God we send to them. The devils have very limited light, which greatly reduces their power to deceive the elect.

When Moses had Satan appear to him, he discerned him because of the lack of light Satan possessed.

6. Moses 1:13-16–

"And it came to pass that Moses looked upon Satan and said: Who art thou? For behold, I am a son of God, in the similitude of his Only Begotten; and where is thy glory, that I should worship thee?

For behold, I could not look upon God, except his glory should come upon me, and I were transfigured before him. But I can look upon thee in the natural man. Is it not so, surely?

Blessed be the name of my God, for his Spirit hath not altogether withdrawn from me, or else where is thy glory, for it is darkness unto me? And I can judge between thee and God; for God said unto me: Worship God, for him only shalt thou serve.

Get thee hence, Satan; deceive me not; for God said unto me: Thou art after the similitude of mine Only Begotten."

7. Raphael, some of our children will be deceived by Satan, but the elect will do as Moses did and discern his darkness and by our Spirit know it is the devil. You have had an ancestor who became a preacher to whom a supposed angel appeared with wings. Your ancestor said he felt the air blowing from the flapping of the wings. This was a deception by Satan. Had your ancestor been astute, he would have seen no glory or light in that supposed angel. Had he inquired of us in humble prayer, we would have led him by our Spirit that this was really not of God but of Satan.

8. You have also talked to some energy workers who say they have seen spirit bears and other creatures, and that they were seeing reincarnated beings. They also think they have been reincarnated from animals or other entities. This is all false, and this deception is all Satan and his hosts who mislead and trick our mortal children on earth. They then may gain the full trust and confidence of our mortal child, and carefully lead them away from God into dark areas and practices.

9. I tell you now, Raphael, that you are fully clear of Lucifer or any of his evil spirits. You have the shield of the Father to keep them now away from your spirit and your person. You have been given our power to vanquish these evil deceptive spirits to the prison orb when they overstep the bounds we have set in which they may act. You have been strictly following our direction in acting in your unique role. We have given you our scarlet-red angled sash, an emblem of the power of God, and your sword of Raphael to vanquish the evil spirits to the prison orb as we direct. This work now occupies a good portion of your activity in the spiritual realms of the earth.

10. To the faithful we say to be humble and seek our Spirit in discerning the truth, and the spirits that are in the land. You have power of perception and power over these evil spirits. Let them trouble you no longer. Seek to possess the shields of the Father and we will safely lead you in every time of trouble. Oh we love you, our elect!'

I saw a warm smile on my Heavenly Mother as she finished speaking to me! I felt assured she would guide every soul and help them in seeking truth and seeking God.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message this morning. I thanked her to be so privileged to have her come to me in my morning prayer! I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and got ready for the active day I have ahead of me!

11. Evening– I came to the desert oasis tonight. There was a pretty sunset of the celestial sun in the sky. I paused on the bench in front of the oasis, with my feet in the sand. I feel clear and ready to connect with my God. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I saw my Heavenly Mother then walking to me on the sand from my right. There was lots of light radiating from her person and she was smiling and seemed so happy! I love to see her this way!

12. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am glad you came to me early tonight. I love to see a sunset like the one tonight!'

She paused and looked at the beautiful sunset tonight and we looked together.

'Raphael, there are many mysteries of God to many, but to us there are no mysteries or secrets. All works are precisely as we Gods have designed. Mortal man knows nothing of our higher ways unless it is revealed to them. We have given you revelation upon revelation about the workings of God, how we came to be and how we act in our great glory!

13. We have shared with you a great deal of our first parent Gods, how they came to be, their plans, and how they set up the system of salvation for their offspring. They thought of every major issue that would come up in raising their children, and setting up two probations to thoroughly test and give experience to their children. Those who act in love and obedience may receive an ordination to become even as they are. This has continued through all the many eternities of all the many gods.

14. The second eternity for our first Gods was set up to end at the same time as the first eternities of their exalted children. The third eternity also began and ended for the first Gods, their children, and their grandchildren who became gods.

15. The gods then decided to continue starting and ending each eternity from then on at the same time. At the end of each eternity, the gods met together at our first God's residence at the center of the universe. This was a time for all the couple gods to share experiences, establish better connections and receive instructions from our first Gods. During these get togethers, we receive a great amount of unity together. We also welcome all the new couple gods and give them confidence and help. At the end of our conference of the gods, we depart back to our own galaxies and then begin a new eternity, all at the same time.

16. At this same time in our current eternity, it is comforting to know that throughout the universe the gods are orchestrating the mortal experience for their children at the same time. Many gods also have a millennium like we do and change the earth from a telestial to a terrestrial world. The satans of all these eternities are locked up for a one thousand year period. After this, their earths die and are resurrected to a celestial glory, just like will happen to our earth.

17. All of the eternities of the gods are conducted in separate galaxies. There is one new earth at a time for each eternity for each galaxy. This process is an amazing work to bring about the salvation of God's children, and the exaltation of those who in the next eternity will be a couple god for the first time. They will begin their eternity with the meeting of all the gods at our first parent God's home, the center of our universe in their own galaxy.'

I was really blown away with this information tonight! I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message! I so love how she shares her life with me, her loves and thoughts, and ends up explaining a great revelation!

She then told me she needed to leave now. She leaned over and kissed my forehead and then continued walking around the oasis and then soon disappeared. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 24, 2018, Friday

1. I came this morning to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the water's edge and drank living water and then came and sat on the bench to the north, facing the beautiful lake.

2. I had received an email last night from R.S.. Here is a question he asked:

Did the first Gods create the first tree of life? Were the fruits from that tree of life shared with the new gods? Or did the new gods receive knowledge and plant their own? The tree of life seems much more of a tree to me than normal trees. Does the tree of life represent the first Gods, or knowledge from the first Gods to be passed on?"

I thought this was a great question! We will see what happens today.

I felt very clear and ready to pray so I knelt in front of the bench facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me, appearing a short distance on the path along the lake to my left. He walked up to me and stopped. He was smiling and full of light and majesty! His eyes were deep and compassionate and seemed to convey to me his great knowledge and power!

3. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, I will address the question about the tree of life. R.S. is correct that this unique tree was created by our first parent Gods on their first creation for their first eternity. They used it precisely as we use it in our domain even today.

4. At the end of the conference of the gods, the new gods that attend are given a fruit of that tree to take back to their own creations they will begin. The tree of life at the beginning of each eternity, in our first God's residence at the center of the universe, created all fruit with seeds, like is common to fruit. These are given to the new gods so they may plant these fruits and grow their own tree of life. They usually plant it on their own inheritance on their resurrected celestial earth. When the time comes when they build their own celestial orb and the beginnings of their own galaxy, they bring a transplant from their own tree of life on their own celestial earth where they had originally planted the seed. This first tree of life transplant is a physical tree, brought into a spirit celestial creation, even before the celestial orb is resurrected. This celestial orb remains a spirit creation until it is resurrected as a glorious celestial orb. I will speak about this more.

5. The tree of life therefore is brought from the first creation of our first Gods. It is the plant that is always brought from the residence of our first Gods. It is altogether a miraculous tree, for it only has seeding fruit at the beginning of each eternity for the new couple gods. However, once on their own domain, it produces non-seeding fruit (no seed) so that it may continually be eaten, both the fruit and the leaf. It is a gift from the first Gods to every one of their posterity who become gods. It represents their great love for all their children in their great universe! When one partakes of the fruit of the tree of life, they are filled with this same love of God, from their first parent God. The leaves of this tree are for the healing of the souls of man and woman, another great gift from our first parent Gods!

6. This tree of life may be planted in physical or spirit creations, and works the same in each one. This is why it may be transplanted in the new spirit creation of the celestial orb of the new couple god.

7. The first celestial orb is always created spiritually before physically. We have explained this before. When the first Redeemer of the new couple god atones for the sins and weaknesses of all their children who will come to mortality, the celestial orb is created physically by the gods of that creation. This celestial orb then rises in the celestial resurrection along with the first Redeemer in that domain. The tree of life on that celestial orb is already in a physical resurrected state, so it is not resurrected again. The resurrection of the celestial orb applies to everything else that was created spiritually on that orb.

8. The gods all share freely their own creations with each other. We share these when we meet at the convention of the gods at the completion of each eternity. We have created some new plants on our own that we have brought and shared with the other gods.

However, all the other plants and animals we have brought to our own domain are from the worlds of the other gods. Most are from our own parent God's residence, but we have brought more also from the other gods.

When we bring a physical celestial plant or animal from another of the god's creations, these plants and animals are able to create a spirit offspring. We planted these spirit plants in our spirit celestial orb, and brought these spirit animals to that same creation. These were also brought in their spirit form to our first spiritually created earth, prior to its becoming physically created. These all came from the resurrected celestial plants and animals from other gods.

9. The earth was created physically, even before we bore the first physical man and woman on that earth (the Adam and Eve of that eternity). Once our earth was created spiritually, we then created it physically.

10. This was done as is revealed in Moses 3:6-9:

But I, the Lord God, spake, and there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

And I, the Lord God, formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the first flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created and made according to my words.

And I, the Lord God, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there I put the man whom I had formed.

And out of the ground made I, the Lord God, to grow every tree naturally, that is pleasant to the sight of man; and man could behold it. And it also became a living soul. For it was spiritual in the day that I created; for it remaineth in the sphere in which I, God, created it, yea, even all things which I prepared for the use of man; and man saw that it was good for food. And I, the Lord God, planted the tree of life also in the mist of the garden, and also the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

11. This scripture refers to the physical creation of the earth. It was created physically, in a telestial state when it was without form and void. Then it was populated with unique plants and animals to create the rich soils on its surface. When ready for Adam and Eve, we then planted a garden eastward in Eden. The earth then became elevated on its surface to a terrestrial state. Satan had already been cast into the earth, that portion remaining telestial. Your Heavenly Mother and I came and then bore Adam and Eve physically, for we had already birthed them in the spirit. They and all the creations on the earth were physical, but in a suspended state, in its terrestrial state. This was the paradise glory state of the earth. Once Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, of which we had commanded them not to eat, they fell and their bodies became mortal. All of the earth then also fell from its paradise state, and also then became mortal, or could die, decompose, etc.

The tree of life in the garden was subsequently removed from the Garden of Eden, and brought back into our celestial orb. It was resurrected and could never die.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answer to the question on the tree of life. It is so fascinating! I thanked him for this revelation. I feel very enlightened by all of this new knowledge revealed to me from God.

I knew my time was completed for my morning communion with my Father. I said I loved him, and that I would keep his commandments. I closed my prayer and came back in my mind to my adjacent room in my house where I had received all of this. I then started my new day.