161. The Rod of Jesse
Posted 6-7-2020

Hello my friends!

I hope each of you are well and are enjoying your lives. I have so enjoyed a beautiful spring. I have been working hard to finish up with preparing and planting our garden.

I am seeing more and more happen according to God's words, all around me, and at a faster speed in fulfillment. I think we will accelerate into more and more national distress in the next weeks and months. Now is the little time to make sure that you and your family are prepared for what is to come, both physically and spiritually.

Please pray about all that I share with you in this post. It is named "The Rod of Jesse" by our Father after my experience with John the Beloved. Read about this remarkable vision at the end of this post.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 24, 2020, Sunday

1. Evening–We enjoyed a nice Sabbath day today. In the evening we went to the local cemetery to place flowers on my wife's family's graves. This place was packed with people doing the same, making the graves all covered with flowers. It is very heartwarming to me to go there each year.

2. Tonight I came to the forest pool of water next to the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. It was still light outside. I could see into the crystal clear pool. I drank living water from my cupped hand. While kneeling at the pool, my Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me! She was subdued in her light and seemed happy.

3. I looked into her glowing face and into her sparkling eternity eyes. She was standing a little above the waters of the pool. She spoke: 'Raphael, this journal entry will be the first one of your post when Simiel blows his trumpet of God in one week, on next Sunday morning, May 31, 2020. I told you what would happen after he blows, in fulfillment of Revelation 8:10-11 (see post 160A6 and 160B4 to 160B18)

4. You listened to my interpretation yesterday as you reviewed your post 160. We have created these unique signs and wonders after our archangels blow their trumpets of God.

5. These signs, as seen by John have been a wonder to many scholars and religious people for centuries. None of them could have understood the true meaning of these signs, for none knew of your world and the international conflicts and conspiracies of the nations in these last days. John saw the signs and wrote them accurately, but didn't know the interpretation. This has only been revealed to you, Raphael. This is our strange work, and our strange act. We see all events from the beginning, and could foresee clearly the details of the days you now live in. This will be a witness to you that we see all things before us, whether past or future, as easily as we see the present. We know the hearts and the thoughts and intentions of all men and women. There is nothing that we miss, for we see all!

6. Your day will continue to be one upheaval after another. You are wise to continue to occupy yourself in being self-reliant and living providently. Your greatest place of safety and security will continue to be in your own home with your wife and son. You have only come to this state by listening to our counsels and following our promptings.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her protection and for her great revelations to me! I have great confidence in her and Heavenly Father's guidance. I will always follow them!

8. Heavenly Mother then reached out and touched my hand with her right hand. She said she would bless me to see these events actually being fulfilled after Simiel and Uriel blow their trumpets, so that I would be a witness to their fulfillments. I thanked her for her blessing!

9. She then disappeared in a wispy cloud that quickly formed around her being. She then was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 25, 2020, Monday, Memorial Day

1. I read this morning an LDS blog of mostly conservative individuals. There seemed to be a large number of them who believed this coronavirus and the reopening were fake. I also read more about how the LDS Church plans to gradually reopen the meetinghouses and temples. I see so much controversy brewing!

2. President Trump also declared that houses of worship are essential in America, and that states need to allow them to reopen. Some democratic governors said they were going to ignore what he said. It seems the conflict of opinions will rage with those in power in our government also.

3. I came this morning to the granite cliff. I faced God's temple to the west and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

4. My Heavenly Parents both came in a beam of light to me from their temple! They stood before me, full of brilliant light, which illuminated the countryside all around me. They were both smiling upon me.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that there will be many conflicts in your land this summer. A large part of the people will continue to believe that all of the coronavirus news and the lockdowns are a grab for power by those leaders in the government that want to control them. They will also continue to believe this is all fake news. This will be part of the spiritual darkness across your land.

6. You discussed with your wife yesterday to allow all your own family and friends their own beliefs without any judgment. You both decided to give them total acceptance on whatever belief they may have and just to love them. This is the best approach. You may still do whatever you want to do while they may act in another way. Skirt all arguments so that they know you care and love them, even when they act differently than do you.

7. Your country will now become similar to the Nephite nation described in 3 Nephi chapter 7. The people in your land will realize there are secret combinations in government and industry that are trying to control them. They believe this from the many news reports. There will be groups of all different beliefs and practices that are so suspicious of leaders of any kind and are similarly divided into tribes, or groups of similar beliefs. This will be the state of the people when Uriel blows his trumpet of God at the end of June 2020, and the people fall into great spiritual darkness. In this way, the mistrust of the people will destroy the effectiveness of the central government and large industries in your land.

8. 3 Nephi 7:2

"And the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land."

9. In your day, however, there will be many families divided into different factions also, for great will be the controversy among the people of your land. This all occurred among the Nephites just prior to the great tempest, earthquakes and physical upheavals in their land. These came upon the people quickly, like a whirlwind. A great physical darkness also covered the land for three days.

10. Although your country will not have physical darkness, there will be great spiritual darkness this summer on your land. There will be many similarities between the Nephite destruction in 3 Nephi in your Book of Mormon, and the destruction in your own land of the United States.'

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, another similarity in 3 Nephi chapter 7 to your day will be the actions of Nephi, their prophet, and our own actions of being more available and open in giving the humble our revelations.

12. 3 Nephi 7:16

"Therefore, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds--went forth among them in that same year, and began to testify, boldly, repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ."

13. Similarly, because of the greater spiritual darkness coming to your land, we three Gods will come more boldly and personally among our elect, and witness to them of many truths. We will shower upon them more abundantly my light of the Holy Ghost, even to awaken them from their deep spiritual sleep. There will be many also who witness to those around them of their change of heart, similar to those in Nephi's day.

14. 3 Nephi 7:21

"...but as many as were converted did truly signify unto the people that they had been visited by the power and Spirit of God, which was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed."

15. In Nephi's day, it was the more righteous part of the people that survived the calamities on the land, and were visited by Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. In your day, it will be the elect, chosen by the Father, and filled with my corona fire, that will survive the great calamities coming upon your land and upon all the earth.

16. We will make greater efforts to show ourselves to those elect who humbly and openly come to us in prayer. They will feel more clearly our guidance in their lives and our protection that we give them. We will awake and preserve our elect in the days of trouble ahead!'

17. I gazed upon my Heavenly Parents who were standing before me in great light. I thanked them for their beautiful message! I felt the confirmation of their Spirit upon me that I had written correctly their words.

18. They then both turned and returned to their temple in a beam of celestial light! I closed my prayer in the name of Christ and started my new week.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 26, 2020, Tuesday

1. Yesterday on the Memorial Day holiday we enjoyed an outdoor family gathering with some of the local family, all at a distance. It was so enjoyable to be together! We cooked and prepared the food with masks and gloves. We even strung ropes around areas where we ate so the children wouldn't inadvertently get too close.

2. Last night I worked more on post 160 until late. In my evening prayer Heavenly Mother came and told me our activity was good and that we kept the various groups of people apart. She gave me some ideas on how to keep those who were not social distancing in their personal life more apart from interfacing with the rest of the group. Without conscious vigilance, we tended to drift together, closer than is recommended. Nobody came into our house except those three of us who live here. We even set up an outdoor toilet!

3. This morning I came to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and leaf. I also came to the fountain of living water and drank living water. I asked again that our food we eat, and our land we grow our food on, be living terrestrial food for us. I felt more prepared also to commune with my Gods.

4. I knelt in front of the fountain, facing south. I could see the temple in the background. I prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents come to me. Heavenly Mother then walked from behind the fountain, and was soon facing me! She was smiling, and radiating abundant light. I felt her light pass through me, and fill me with her love and acceptance. She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, I recently spoke to you about waiting for you to come to your Father and me in prayer before we would reveal to you our truths (see your entry on May 21st in the morning). If you get too busy in your life with activities, and don't make time for regular communion with us, then we are not able to reveal through you as much as we would like. To you, it seems like there is a lot we are revealing. However, to us, we have an abundance of truths to reveal, which you don't know about. You just need to get in your meditative state in prayer twice a day, and then write the words we reveal to you.

5. Ask again your group that you email to if some would again be willing to help you type up your journal entries. You will not be able to keep up with our abundant revelations if you spend your evenings typing them up from your handwritten journal. I know this had been a burden on you more recently. We now wish you get some help. You may sacrifice a little in editing your posts, but others can now do that also for you.'

6. I responded that I was feeling like I was always behind, and always typing up my journal entries, now that they were getting longer again. I thanked her for her direction. I said I would write those on my list again, asking them for typing help.

7. Heavenly Mother then smiled, and extended to me her right hand. I stood and took her hand. We began then walking around the fountain, and then south along the side of her river, with the temple on our right. She started talking again:

'Raphael, not only do we have much to reveal to you while you are in your mortal body in these last days, but your work and actions in our celestial realm on the earth is becoming more and more extensive. This is also true of our angels and celestial servants whom we have called. In a future day, when you review again this time of our last days work, you will see how active you and our servants have all been in this extensive work in behalf of our elect. Your Father, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I have also greatly increased our activity in orchestrating our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21). This is all a remarkable activity that we are doing, unseen from our heavenly realms.'

8. We then turned to the east and walked across her river in the air, and then up the grassy hill to her lower gardens. We soon arrived at her glass table. She asked me to sit on one of the chairs there, and that she would be back soon.

9. She disappeared and in moments reappeared with a plate of food.

'Raphael, here are some nuts, berries and greens that I have chosen to give you, to strengthen you. They will boost your emotional stability and also your physical vitality. You will feel this particularly in your celestial translated body in our celestial realms. You may also feel strengthening in your mortal body on earth. Take now, and eat all of it.'

10. She handed me the plate and I set it on her glass table. She also gave me a clear glass of living water. I ate and drank all. It was so delicious and very satisfying to my entire being!

11. Raphael, come again tonight, here to my table, and your Father will also come. We will instruct you further at that time.'

12. I told her I would come here tonight. I thanked her for her loving guidance, and for her delicious and strengthening food.

13. She smiled upon me then walked around her flower arbor and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started another day on earth.

14. In the evening–I came to Heavenly Mother's glass table tonight. I knelt next to the chair where I was sitting this morning. I asked that both of my Heavenly Parents come to me.

At this moment they both appeared above the table in the air! They were standing directly in front of me, both holding hands and both smiling.

15. Heavenly Father immediately spoke: 'Raphael, we have been gradually awakening you to great emotional recognition in your mortal being. You were raised in a non-emotional home, yet very caring and loving to you. We now have awakened you to a higher level of emotional sensitively than you have ever experienced before in mortality. These emotions are sometimes intense, and there are mood swings that you have been experiencing. However, these are healthy for you to fully experience. You are getting your emotions more in control, now that we have awakened them to you later in your life. Your enjoyments and disappointments, and your broader spectrum of human emotions will make you a better rounded individual. These are results of your same emotional sensitivities that you enjoyed prior to coming into your mortal body. They will also reside with you from now on.

16. The foods that your Heavenly Mother prepared and gave to you this morning in part will help you in controlling your own emotions. Emotions are a wonderful part of living. These can be heightened in this terrestrial or celestial spheres as well. These can bring to you a fulness of joy, even in the celestial world!'

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, many of our children repeat the patterns of emotional sensitivity from the families in which they were raised. If they were raised in a non-emotional family, where parents guarded closely their highs and lows, sometimes they may continue this same pattern in their own lives and family. You are now so much more real with your emotions than you have ever been. This is a great blessing to you and your family now. When you were a young father and husband, the world of emotions was so foreign to you. This created difficulties in your marriage and with your children. Now you are finally able to deal with a much wider spectrum of emotions, after having struggled with this in your life.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for awakening me to the rich emotions I now have that come upon me. I am so pleased to finally have found myself, complete with deep emotions that I feel.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 27, 2020, Wednesday

1. I have pondered over the message from my Heavenly Parents last night. I wonder how many other human experiences I have been missing out on or have not received due to my exposures in my life. I have experienced a lot so far.

2. Thirty-two years ago my wife and I left the life in southern California suburbia and moved to ___ acres in the country in Utah. We also soon started our own business, reselling educational supplies. We had been gardening ever since we were first married and tried to live providently. We were both converts and became very religious and we were very active in the LDS Church. The biggest change for both of us, however, was when our 6th child became injured on his mission in Chile. He suffered a brain injury, requiring so much care and our full attention. This traumatic event 8 ½ years ago, launched us into a new change, with many new experiences. I found myself on a path to help him heal using energy work, which came naturally to me. My wife and I became a team to research, test, and try many healing modalities in an effort to help our son.

3. The most marvelous event in my religious life has been when my Heavenly Mother came to me in my energy class I was attending, now over seven years ago! This started a chain of events that has gradually changed and shaped me to where I am today. I feel so deeply happy in being reconnected to my Gods. I love so much receiving from them twice daily whatever they wish to share with me. They have helped me change my view and attitudes and have continued to give me experiences to help me be a better man and more in tune to them. Well, enough of my own story. I want to record what my Heavenly Parents will share with me today.

4. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake. I walked to the shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then thought of going to the beautiful tree of life, which I instantly did. I ate of a fruit and a leaf of that tree and felt more filled with the love of God somehow. I felt prepared now to receive whatever my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother might share with me.

5. I returned to the bench facing the lake and there I knelt, facing the beautiful healing lake. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, for she it was that I felt would come this morning.

6. A bright light shone upon the waters and within seconds my Heavenly Mother appeared in the air, just a little above the center of the lake! She spoke to my mind to stand and walk to her. I then stood and walked to the shore and then on the water, while I continually looked at her. She was very brilliant and so full of light that was streaming through me. I felt very transparent and transformed in her presence. It was a transfiguration feeling, for I was in the glorious presence of my Heavenly Mother!

7. When I got near, she extended her hand and I took it. We turned and started walking across the lake, heading south to the path around the lake. We then walked, hand in hand, around the lake. She then started talking to me in my mind, very clearly:

8. 'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Father and I have given you many experiences in your life that have helped you develop yourself into the man you are today. We are pleased with how you have responded to life's challenges and what you have learned in your journey so far. You are now well rounded and capable of fulfilling the mission we have for you to do. Mostly you have sought for a deep and close relationship with us, your Gods, even with your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me, your Heavenly Mother. We have tutored you and revealed to you great truths. We will continue to share all things we want to reveal to you and the faithful so many more of our revelations, even as fast as you are able to receive them!

9. Your mortal world is now in great turmoil because of the global pandemic. Many more dramatic changes will also come. We have gradually prepared you and others of our elect for this time to fulfill important roles to help us transition your earth into a glorious millennial terrestrial state. Life will change more and more until the second coming of Jesus Christ and the dawning of a fully transitional terrestrial world. All that is telestial will depart, for they will not be able to withstand the glory of a higher realm. Those who are telestial will be sent to the world of the telestial dead in a realm we have prepared for them. Satan and his evil hosts will be locked away in the bottomless pit and won't have the ability to tempt mankind anymore for a thousand years, even in the telestial world of the spirit dead. All will be changed in not many more years!'

10. We had reached the area on the path closest to the little stream of water that comes into the lake, and the bench on the north side of the lake. We walked next to the stream and stopped. Heavenly Mother let go of my hand and faced me. I was on one side of the stream and she was on the other side.

11. 'Raphael, I have recently created this little stream of living water that flows into our healing lake. The stream flows gently, with a little volume of water. It flows into a large and beautiful lake. Likewise, we have led you to this point where we have fed you into our living and steady stream of truths over the past seven years, since I first appeared to you in mortality in April 2013. You have steadily received our truths, just like this water in the little stream, even until now when you have received so much, even like our vast lake of living water. This is the same way we will lead and fill each one of our elect children who come to us ready to receive our living truths, and to walk with us. They too will receive in abundance, just like you.

12. It is our greatest desire to have each of our beloved elect children living on earth, or who have come to earth already or who will yet come, to take this individual journey with Jesus and us, their Heavenly Parents, even as you have! We will lead each one carefully along and shape their lives and guide them, even until they may visit us if they desire, twice a day even, as do you. We are ready to nurture each one. They need to desire this of us with all their hearts. They need to be humble and open and place great value on our words and impressions we give them. We yearn to have a close relationship with each one!

13. Heavenly Mother then pulled me close and we embraced. She smiled broadly and kissed me on my lips and cheeks. She filled me with her love and joy! I was so happy to be with her!

14. My vision closed and I now finish my journal entry for this morning. What deep peace and stillness I feel when I think about all of this! I love having these deeply meaningful experiences with my Gods in prayer!

15. Evening- After thinking this evening of the coming spiritual darkness on the earth, even after Uriel blows his trumpet, I believe our Heavenly Parents are wishing the elect, like never before, to seek them out and develop a relationship with them. They have said they would come quicker to those who petition to them than in the past. They will even send the Holy Ghost of Heavenly Mother to those across the earth who do so, in great abundance and power.

These are my thoughts tonight.

16. I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I could see the dead oak tree still standing, barren of any life it seemed.

I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I wanted to feel his presence and hear his words. I prayed in faith.

17. Heavenly Father then came to his wheat field below me to my right. He was bending over one of his plants in his field. He then looked up and saw me. His words "come!" came into my mind! I stood and went right to his field, in front of him. I knelt in a row that had no plants, for I didn't want to bend over any plants.

18. Heavenly Father sat upright on his knees where he had been bent over. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, look at this new emerging wheat sprout in my field!'

I looked and saw a very small blade of wheat coming up through the soil.

19. 'I want to make sure that when this and other small sprouts emerge, that your telestial world on the earth is well on its way to being transitioned into a better terrestrial earth. These innocent wheat sprouts are also my elect that I have chosen. They are now being born on the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I want a purer world for these little ones to grow in. It is your responsibility to help us orchestrate these changes, along with your archangel brothers and many of our angels and celestial servants. This small group constitutes the few servants spoken of in Jacob 5: 70-76. We will labor with all diligence, so that the natural fruit, or the elect of God, may be found again in my vineyard. As the natural fruit grows, the bad fruit that has corrupted the vineyard will be cast away and burned. Soon there will be no more corrupt fruit in my vineyard, even as this small sprouted wheat seed grows to become aware of the world around him. Raphael, I interchange these two parables, the parable of the wheat and tares, and the parable of the tame and wild olive trees, for they both refer to the same thing. The focus of each is that our elect may be saved while the wicked perish and are cast away.

20. You are also correct that the arrival of the spiritual darkness coming to the earth after Uriel blows his trumpet of God, will be even more reason for your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I to reach out to our elect, and to manifest ourselves to them with greater clarity and power then ever before.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message to me, while both of us knelt in the soft soil of his wheat field. I saw that the elect of God now living as adults and older children had already been harvested from his field. I knew they had been gathered to safe garners, and had received the protecting corona flame of my Heavenly Mother.

22. Heavenly Father smiled at me, for I perceived he knew and concurred with what I had just written.

My Heavenly Father then stood up and lifted me up to my feet. He said he was happy that I had come to his wheat field tonight so that he could show me his new elect that were already sprouting. He said he loved me too!

My prayer then ended. I reviewed what I had written, and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 28, 2020, Thursday

1. I am relieved to get some help in typing up my journal entries! My sister K, S.A. and S are all going to help me type up these entries like happened last December and before. I have been doing this myself for a little over five months now. I have been recently getting overburdened with these necessary typing tasks. Thank you my helpers!

2. I have also added my sister K to the task of catching detailed grammar issues before I publish these journal entries as posts. I first send the post to M.A. who gives me her edits, and also helps me on creating the updated index including the newest post. K then goes over this post again and catches more detail grammar issues like mismatched tenses etc. (three eyes are better than one; my edits, M.A., then K). I then prepare these posts and index for sending out in an online version, two printable versions, and an audio/video format. I have been asked to get these posts also in a searchable PDF format, preparing for the day when the Internet goes down. Whew! These efforts all take a coordinated team! If anybody else finds mistakes, I am glad to correct them on any post. Thanks to each of you who diligently help!

3. This morning I sat writing in my sunshine filled room. It is an ideal place for me to ponder and meditate, and then to record my impressions and revelations as God speaks to me. I find great joy in doing this! In the evening I usually write in the front room with my wife near me, and also receive my inspiration then too.

4. I came mentally to the celestial orb where I go to pray in my unconscious mind. I came to the domed room. As I entered my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both were standing there, awaiting my arrival! I came before them and knelt directly before them.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased that you have more help from those who support you. We aim to fully document these last days events in the way you described until the communication between you in mortality is cut off. Then you all should individually record what you each experience in your own journals. We will continue to reveal to each of you our revelations and personal directions.

6. Raphael, even in times of no electricity or communications with the outside world, we desire you to continue to pray and commune with us at least twice a day. We will continue to share with you the events occurring in the world among the nations, and the correct interpretations of prophecy, usually just before they are fulfilled.'

7. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have also been recording your own journal in heaven. This celestial journal is recording the celestial realm events as we reveal them to you. This includes the sequences of the meetings, the activities of various groups of our called servants in our higher terrestrial and celestial realms, both on the earth and on our celestial orb, and in the spirit world. You are aware of all these things in all of our creations for this current eternity, as we reveal them to you.

8. We want everything written in the books that will be preserved, both from earthly records and heavenly records. Jesus Christ said these words to our Nephite leaders:

9. 3 Nephi 27: 23-26

"Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those which are forbidden. (Raphael now we want all the secrets of our revelations written by you and others).

Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men. (Your records will be shared extensively in our millennial day, for the faithful to read and rejoice in these truths)

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged. (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Father)"

10. Raphael, these last days events are now continually before us, for we see the hearts and know the minds of all of our children in mortality. We also see the past and future as clearly as we view the present, for all is before us. We are fully in charge of this great transitional work of cleansing the earth of the wicked, and preparing her for a habitation of our elect who now live on her surface and who are now coming as babies on the earth. This is our strange work, and strange act. No mortal man knows how all the events and actions of your day will play out. You do know of our promises of a better day, and of the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Keep these views in your heart and mind during the coming days of increased spiritual darkness that will soon descend upon the earth.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their clear words today! Heavenly Father then showed me where my heavenly journals were kept in this domed room. I had access to these records, and added my latest entry daily to these records. These, he said, would ultimately be transferred to the New Jerusalem library once the millennium is completed and the earth becomes a celestial abode for the inhabitants living on her surface. Then all things celestial would also be revealed to everyone who receives that same glory as their inheritance.

My vision then closed. I now end my prayer and am going to start my new Thursday.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 29, 2020, Friday

1. We worked hard again yesterday, so much that I had to change my clothes twice because I sweated so much! It felt good, however, and we got lots done in the new garden area.

Last night I stayed up late working on post 160. Finally I went to bed late and had a short prayer. Heavenly Father came and said he was pleased with my efforts to get the post nearly finished.

2. Now I feel refreshed again, for it is morning and my body and spirit are somehow renewed. I am so glad for a reset every night!

I came to the desert oasis this morning in my unconscious mind. The celestial sun was shining upon me and I felt very happy. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then returned to the bench and knelt facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. She appeared from her higher celestial realm right in front of me! She was beaming lots of light upon me, far more intense than the celestial sunshine. I felt so pleased and excited to be in her presence!

4. I gazed into her deep and sparkling eternity eyes. I then realized I was somehow one with her! She then spoke to me:

5. 'Raphael, everyone who seeks our face and comes into our presence, and obeys our commandments, will change gradually until they have the mindset of us, their Gods.

6. 3 Nephi 19:23,25,29- Jesus spoke of this oneness–

"And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one. ...And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold, they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus, and behold, the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof. ...Father, I pray not for the world, but for those whom thou hast given me out of the world, because of their faith, that they may be purified in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one, that I may be glorified in them."

7. Raphael, Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has also come to you because of your belief in him, and has blessed you, even as these Nephites in this record. He has made his countenance to shine upon you and has remitted your sins. He has purified you so that you could return again into our presence. Now that you have pressed forward over the years, and have sought us diligently, and obeyed our words, we are one with you. This change from your natural mortal being to becoming one with us is gradual. You now think and see and feel things more and more like your Father, Jesus Christ and I do.

8. Our countenance, or our light of God, shines upon you twice daily when you pray to us. We send forth our love, and acceptance and revelations upon you. These you accept and cherish. This becomes who you are, and we help you change, even according to your own desires. Look now upon your robes, Raphael, as you kneel before me!'

9. I then looked and my robes were brilliant white and shining, just like my Mother's robes were brilliant and shining! I saw that my very being was also radiating her intense light that as coming from her to me, and shining forth from me too:

'Raphael, the light of my countenance is fully now upon you, even to shining from you as it shines from me. You are one with me, for my light passes into you and through you, and even shines forth from you. My light also brings with it my emotions of love, acceptance and all truth. Therefore, when I will, I may send my very thoughts and words, and my emotions also with this light. You, in turn, accept these fully into your being, and thus become one with me. This is what Jesus prayed to the Father would happen to the Nephites when they were praying to him, and he in turn was praying for them to the Father. This is the highest achievement of mortal men and women, to reach a point when they become one with us, their Gods!'

10. I then thought of the experiences I have had in the past when I actually felt like I came into the eyes of either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, even into their very beings, and also saw through their perspective the world around us. I felt then that I had the perspective of God, or was one with them.

11. 'Raphael, when you come unto us, even with your very spirit that we permit to enter us at times, you really do see with our perspective, as much as we wish you to view. This high state is being one with us. Were it possible, for you to remain in the flesh, we would reveal to you all things; however, in our wisdom, we continue to gradually show you a little here and a little there, leading you slowly so that you may absorb our words and thoughts, so you may change your own.

12. We now may give you a slight impression and you are sensitive enough to feel it, for you are one with us. We desire all of our elect to come to us constantly, as you do, so that we too may wrought upon them this same change over time. We desire that they too become one with us, even as you are now one with us.'

13. I thanked deeply my Heavenly Mother for her words! I said that these were very comforting to me. I told her how much I cherish her, and how much I wanted to continue to change and grow in becoming more like her. I asked for her help in my change, even in my mortal and fallen state on earth.

14. She smiled upon me and gave me the thought that she would surely continue to help me change. Then she gradually stepped into her highest celestial realm and was gone. I concluded my prayer. I felt great peace and confidence in what I had received, and that it was all true.

15. Evening- Tonight I came to God's Loving Healing Lake, and started walking around the lake path. When I got to the south end, I went off the path to an area under the cliff above me. I knelt among the bushes and wildflowers, and faced the lake to my north. I felt somewhat secluded, and very comfortable. I anticipated meeting with my Heavenly Father, for that is who I thought would come. I then prayed that he would come to me.

16. As I looked upon the lake, I felt my Heavenly Father would come on my left side. I then looked and immediately saw him, also looking at the lake! He was standing on the celestial orb with his bare feet on the ground and retained his brightness, for he was only slightly glowing. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you just listened today to your post 71 "Heavenly Mother's Remedies" In this 71I10, your Heavenly Mother said by coming twice a day in prayer, as you do and seeking our presence, we then make it a practice to be next to you in your mortal journey all the day long. This is also true when you come here on the celestial orb. You therefore stand continually in our presence. We don't do this only for you or our other archangels but for any of our elect who seek us diligently as do you!

17. Heavenly Father then faced me and spoke, 'Because you are diligent in coming to your Heavenly Mother and me, we show to you our revelations and have made our abode with you, and you with us. This is what it means to be one with us, even as your Heavenly Mother explained to you this morning. Then you will always have the light of our countenance to be with you. You will also have a sense when we, your Gods, are next to you even though you cannot physically or spiritually see us.

18. Tonight you knew I would come and you perceived I would come next to you, on your left side. You are starting to even perceive our thoughts before we speak them to you in your mind. This too is becoming one with us.

19. These spiritual subtle perceptions are so soft and quiet. We don't share these with anyone except to those who are one with us. This is a great blessing you are now starting to experience, Raphael! We are pleased with your progress to reach this point in your life.

20. We are concerned that the coming spiritual darkness, following Uriel's blowing of the trumpet of God on June 30th, will entrap many of our elect into a state of complacency so that they will put forth little or decreasing effort in praying to us their Gods. Oh, we yearn to help and lead them, to awaken them from their spiritual sleep and malaise! We want to enlighten them with our light, even the light of our countenance, and yet many will put forth little effort to come to us. We therefore have no choice but to send upon them calamity, trauma, terror, and a great disruption in their lives, in the hopes they will awaken to us, their Gods.

21. I have chosen our elect carefully, and consulted with your Heavenly Mother on each one. These now living in mortality need to soon act before it becomes very difficult in their personal and family lives!'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. I too yearned that the elect would awaken to God, and feel of the presence of God before the clouds of spiritual darkness descends.

23. We both then faced the lake again. When I turned back to Heavenly Father, he was gone from my view, but I knew he was still beside me. I felt his peace and assurance with which he buoys me up! What great blessings these are!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 30, 2020, Saturday

1. I came again to the same lake, next to the little stream on the west side today. I was out in the open, not hidden as much as last night. I know God would come to me wherever I might go when I prayed.

2. This morning I prayed for Heavenly Mother to come. I felt she would come and deliver a message to me.

3. She then appeared before me across the little stream where I was kneeling next to. She was full of her light and glory, and so radiant and beautiful to behold. I felt great joy to be again in her presence!

4. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, tomorrow morning at 6 am your archangel brother Simiel will blow his trumpet of God above the spire where the angel Moroni was located on the Salt Lake Temple. His sounding will herald to the world the fall of communist China as spoken of in Revelation 8: 10-11.

5. You have read increasing reports on the Internet about how your own President Trump is voicing the rhetoric of war with China. A number of organizations are demanding that China pay somehow for the deaths of thousands of people worldwide in this global pandemic. There is now a second wave of new deaths from the Covid-19 virus in China and other nations in the world. Soon this second wave will come to your own land.

6. We have foreseen all of these events happening with increasing speed in your world. It is wise not to loosen your own quarantine standard, even though many businesses, churches, and gatherings of all kinds are opening up in your land. The virus continues to rage despite the attitude of the government and people in trying to ignore the actions they need to take in the midst of a growing pandemic like you are in.

7. You have done well in expanding your garden and working hard to prepare all things for another lockdown coming to the lands, cities and communities all over the world. Now is the brief moment to further prepare, both physically and spiritually, so that everything is in order. Soon spiritual darkness and ignorance of the looming threat will cover the land.

8. Raphael, meet your Heavenly Father and I and your archangel brothers tomorrow morning in the air above the Salt Lake Temple. We will open the ears of the spiritually sensitive to hear the sounding of Simiel's trumpet blown in four directions as his brothers Raguel and Oriphiel have done before.

9. Revelation 3:19-20

"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

10. Heavenly Mother was looking off in the distance behind me. I received the impression she was seeing the events soon to be unleashed upon the earth in the coming months.

11. I thanked her in my mind, and expressed gratitude for her divine guidance. I said I loved her, and would always follow her command. I said I would see her and the others tomorrow morning above the spires of the temple.

She then disappeared from my view and I ended my prayer.

12. Evening–This has been a very productive day. I am happy and pretty tired. I reread my account of Raguel blowing his trumpet of God on March 31st, 202 (see my
post 155G4 to 155G14). Since then Oriphiel also has blown his trumpet on April 30th, 2020 (see post 158H1 to 158H8). Tomorrow morning Simiel will blow his trumpet of God at 6:00 am, like these previous archangel brothers did. Simiel's trumpet heralds the fall of communist China and the portent of war.

13. I came above the Salt Lake Temple in the air. It was dark outside, and I came in prayer before my Heavenly Father. I was kneeling in the celestial realm, and faced east. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

14. Heavenly Father appeared before me in the air. We were both out of sight of anyone on the earth, since we were in a higher realm on the earth, and there was a veil between us.

15. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, these events of the blowing of my trumpets of God that I gave to each one of you male archangels are significant junctures in what is coming to your telestial earth. We have planned this sequence of events long before these happen, for we have seen in detail all of the things coming to the earth in your day.

16. Your Heavenly Mother and I will come here tomorrow morning to witness Simiel blowing his trumpet of God. Come here at 6:00 am so you will be in place when Simiel blows his trumpet.'

I said I would be there. Heavenly Father then departed and I closed my prayer.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 31, 2020, Sunday

1. 6:10 am–This morning I awoke around 5:35 am and came to the Salt Lake Temple spire. I awaited the arrival of my archangel brothers and also my beloved Heavenly Parents.

2. Simiel was the first one I saw come. He came a little above the same spire that Raguel and Oriphiel had come previously. Simiel withdrew his trumpet of God from under his robe and placed it vertical, with the horn opening down. He was facing east, about 10 feet below my elevation, and in front of me.

3. Raguel came next and faced northeast, and raised his right arm to the square. He faced so that Simiel was behind him. He was at the same elevation as me. Oriphiel came next and faced northwest, and raised his arm to the square. Michael then came and face west. He withdrew his sword of Michael and raised it high above his head.

4. I then saw Uriel come and face southwest, and raise his right arm to the square. Finally, Gabriel came next to my left side, facing southeast, and raised his right arm to the square. I turned to the east, withdrew my sword of Raphael, and raised it directly above my head. I could then see my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother about 30 feet away, a little higher than us archangels in the circle.

5. I then looked at my cell phone back at my home in my telestial mortal realm on earth, and it was 6:00 am.

6. I then heard Simiel blow his trumpet of God behind me to the east. I somehow also saw him blow, from a replicated position above our circle of angels. The sound was a little higher than Oriphiel's sounding on April 30th, 2020, and with more loudness or intensity. Simiel blew for about 5 seconds, and then faced west. He blew the same note again in that direction. He next turned to the north and blew the same note for 5 seconds, and finally to the south and blew for 5 seconds.

7. Once Simiel had blown 4 times, he placed his trumpet of God under his robe on his backside, and then we all 7 archangels came on bended knee before our Heavenly Parents. To my far left was Michael, then Gabriel on my immediate left. On my closest right were Uriel, then Simiel, Oriphiel and finally Raguel. We all knelt in a line before our Heavenly Parents.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke to us: 'Our archangels sons, we are pleased that you have done according to our directions to you this last day of May, 2020, here above the Salt Lake Temple spire. Your blowing of the trumpet of God this morning Simiel, will now initiate the fall of the nation of communist China, and soon the initiation of war, even in this land of America, in fulfillment of Revelation 8:10-11.

You are now dismissed.'

9. All of my archangel brothers departed. I then looked upon my Heavenly Father before me. They then moved backwards and departed also to the east. I then got my journal and wrote all that had happened. I finished writing about 6:35 am and lay back in my bed.

10. Evening-We attended a birth blessing of our newest baby, Joshua, outside in a church pavilion. We roped off an area and sat there while the family all around us seemed unconcerned about physical distancing. It was hard to see others carrying the newborn around when my wife, son and I chose not to do so! We kept our distance, but this whole thing was difficult! I did somehow get a lot better emotionally about this as the evening went on.

11. In the evening, I had chosen not to be in the circle of men to bless the baby, nor to eat the food that was provided (we prepared and ate our own). It was awkward, but I think others accepted our choices. I feel glad that our son who lives with us also was strict in his distancing.

12. After coming back home I prayed to my Heavenly Mother at the little pool next to the granite cliff, the east end of Heavenly Mother’s upper garden. She came immediately and spoke peace to my soul:

‘Raphael, you, your wife and son enjoyed the family gathering of the birth blessing of your grandson, Joshua R. You did well by keeping your physical distance, even though it was uncomfortable with everyone else being so much closer. I blessed you emotionally as the evening progressed, and helped you see that each person may fully choose for themselves and their family what they themselves wish to do and that is okay. You had come to accept this while watching them pass the new baby around and loving on him. You chose to keep apart, yet socially enjoy everyone’s company at a distance. I am pleased that your wife, son and you acted in this way. I will continue to bless and strengthen you while you follow how I ask of you to act.’

13. Heavenly Mother was very warm towards me. She came next to me and embraced me while I was on my knees before her! I felt her great love and acceptance. She then left and I went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 1, 2020, Monday

1. I awoke and read a wonderful supportive email from S. I felt comforted in reading it, for I felt like I have been a lone voice many times in my witness of what is happening on our earth nowadays, and of the significant events I have been shown in prayer. I have asked S if I could share the email with others in my next post.

2. Here is S's email:


I am still reading the second half of this last post. However, I wanted to share my experience from the 31st of this month.

5/31/20 AM

Currently there are riots raging daily in numerous cities throughout the U.S. They are burning buildings, attacking police officers, and damaging everything in their path. Today is the morning where Simiel is the 3rd archangel to sound his trump. I desired to know more about this.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I immediately felt Heavenly Mother's presence and it brought joy to my heart. She spoke to my mind, "My presence is sweet like nectar and honey to your soul. You perceive me not through your physical senses, but through your spiritual senses. Many of our children do not trust their spiritual senses and wait for their physical senses to believe a certain thing. They seeing will not see and hearing will not hear unless they open their spiritual eyes and listen with their spiritual ears. Come to the temple in Salt Lake City above the spires where your Heavenly Father and I await you.

Next I came to the spires above the SLC Temple, where the angel Moroni statue was located. I saw both my Heavenly Parents who stood in great light and glory. I came to their side as they faced their archangels. I saw Michael and Raphael facing West and East. The other archangels formed the remaining circle with Simiel in the middle. Heavenly Mother spoke, "You were typing Raphael's post when this occurred, but we will show it before your eyes as if you were present." At this time, I perceived great light coming from each archangel. I saw Simiel in white robes blow his trumpet, and he blew once in each direction. I heard clearly the sound and it was the same note each time. It was as clear to my spiritual ears as sounds to my physical ears. I looked to my Heavenly Parents who presided in great glory over this gathering. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, "you will soon witness with your physical eyes the aftermath of Simiel's trump heralding great changes coming to the nation of China that will impact the world! Record what you have seen and heard today.

This scene closed before my view and I ended my prayer.


3. On a slightly different vein, I asked about the current contention in the land of the U.S. At the time, I only read of riots in 3 cities on 5/28/20 and Chicago was not one of them, however, currently in the last few days it has spread to every major city in the U.S.

This was what I received in prayer on 5/29/20

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to their sides and we were in the air above a modern day city. I perceived it was Chicago. I saw people of all races attacking and killing each other in the streets. I perceived other major cities acting similarly. They were full of anger. Heavenly Mother spoke, "We have withdrawn our light and spirit from these our children. We have done this according to their desires. They rejected our light and sought darkness in their hearts repeatedly. With our light withdrawn, they are free to pursue their true desires without us hindering them in this choice. We withdrew our sprit from the Nephites and Jaredites when they were at a similar stage. Without our light, darkness, chaos and destruction physically and spiritually await these children." (I saw a few with light inside of them too in this city). Even among this chaos, some of our children will continue to seek us and be filled with our light. They will have our light because they seek and desire it. This is similar to Mormon and Moroni, as well as Ether who were surrounded by darkness but were filled with light themselves. Each will be filled with light or darkness according to their desires, for our spirit will no longer strive with man. These are the days that are now covering your earth."

I desired to have a portion of their light always residing within me. I saw sadness in their countenance that so many of their children at this time embrace darkness rather than light. This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer.
Have a blessed day,



4. I also have been buoyed up by the typing support of K, S.A. and S again. It had been about 5 months where I had typed up my journal entries myself, and at times it was quite overwhelming to me. I so appreciate their help!

5. I realize more and more that my record and those each of us write in our personal journals, will be read as accurate historical records for those in the future millennial day who read about these last days of difficulties. I want to be as accurate as I can be and share all of my feelings also in my record, to express how it really has been and will be in our near future lives.

6. This morning I came again to the little gurgling pool of water under the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden where I was last night. I drank of celestial living water and felt refreshed. I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

7. Heavenly Father then came in front of me, in the bright light of his person! He was smiling and immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, last night, while you were lying in your bed, you asked to know about the new virus that came to the Salt Lake area where you had gone last night for the baby blessing. I told you there were now 142 people infected with the newest virus, and that a total of 5 elect persons had also received it and had recovered. These 5 recovered because our angels were sent to them to increase Heavenly Mother's corona flame in their bodies to a point where it would destroy the virus. On the average, this was a doubling of the intensity of the intense light of her corona fire.

8. This light is not normally detected in our elect, for it is given to them in their terrestrial bodies, in the terrestrial realms, and not seen or perceived by those in the telestial sphere of the earth. They could see this flame, however, were they to slow down and meditate on the light their Heavenly Mother had poured out upon them.

9. Our elect are all terrestrial mortal beings and don't realize it. We will gradually awaken them as they come to us in humble, open and petitioning prayer.

10. I am also pleased how your wife, son and you acted among family members at the gathering last night. This same behavior will need to be followed throughout the summer months.

11. You also had checked your own corona flame and that of your wife and son who live with you. This had remained at about 8 inches for each of you when you checked its intensity from the backside of your hand.

12. Were you to become infected with this new virus, or the corona virus, you would have immediately seen the corona flame jump to a higher, more intense level in your bodies. This is our effort to further protect you, after you are making the effort to first protect yourself. For you who are aware of the dangers of the viruses with this pandemic, we want you to be cautious and make a personal effort to keep yourselves safe through physical distancing, wearing masks and gloves and being outside as much as possible.

13. This new month of June 2020, you will see further violence and international turmoil in the news reports available to you. We have forewarned you and will continue to be with you.

14. We love you and our beloved elect children who are now going into these difficult times. We will be with each of you in every time of trouble!'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message and for his presence this morning! I thanked him for the protection he and Heavenly Mother give to us constantly.

16. He then ascended directly up in the air and departed in a cloud that wrapped around him. I closed my prayer and started my new day and month.

17. Evening- I read tonight about the rioting in US cities across our nation. This has been ugly and I believe started by those who wish to overthrow our country. Scary!

18. I came tonight to the little stream flowing into Gods Loving Healing Lake. I tried going elsewhere, but kept coming back here. I drank living water from the stream, and then knelt by the bench, facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

19. Both of my Heavenly Parents came to me, walking in the air from the shore of the lake. They both wore scarlet-red sashes around the waists. They looked so concerned and sober.

20. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, yesterday Simiel blew his trumpet of God, and today your nation has erupted in rioting. This is all a coordinated effort by those communist and socialist groups all over your nation, with close ties to communist China. All is being orchestrated by these evil forces and groups to create anarchy, death, and wanton destruction, first in the cities of your land, and then to the suburbs. Those who are spawning this activity are represented by the waters into which the burning yellow star has fallen (see Revelation 8:10-11). Those who are rioting, and those who support them are bitter and very angry, being influenced by Lucifer and his evil hosts.

21. There is becoming a conflict between President Trump and these rioters, with force from the military and police forces in your land. There will be increased civil disturbances starting now and spanning over your nation during the summer months.'

22. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, if you are ever, or any of our faithful, approached by looters and rioters, it would be far better to let them be and not resist with weapons or force. If armies come to occupy your area, you can still be peaceful. We will protect our own without the need for armed conflict. We will inspire our elect what to do in any particular situation, at the time that they might be subjugated and in bondage.

23. Remember in the Book of Mormon, how we allowed Alma and his people to be subjected to the Lamanites, even under the rule of Amulon. Alma showed the Lamanites the way to the land of Nephi, with the promise they would be free. However, the Lamanites would not keep their promise, but set guards around the land Helam. (see Mosiah 23:25-39).

24. This was a very trying period for our people who were righteous, being subjugated to the rule of wicked Amulon and the Lamanite army. They couldn't even pray to me without being put to death, so Alma and his people "did pour out their hearts to (me); and (I) did know the thoughts of their hearts. (see Mosiah 24:12).

25. There will be similar oppressions in the last days for some of our faithful. However, if they now come to your Heavenly Mother or me, in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we will comfort and bless them, and deliver them out of their oppression and bondage.

26. Mosiah 24:13-14:

"And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their affliction, saying: Lift up your head and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.

And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their remarkable and clear message to me. Oh, I love their guidance in my life! They quickly left and I went to bed.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 2, 2020, Tuesday

1. I received a sweet email from R.S. yesterday where he said he was invited with his wife to bathe in Lake Beautiful and partake of the tree of life, and eat healing foods and herbs at Heavenly Mother's glass table. My sister K had also said she ate at Heavenly Mother's glass table too. This is all so exciting to me, that these faithful souls are experiencing similar things that I experience!

2. R.S. wanted confirmation of what he experienced for he said it was very real, even though it came as spiritual impressions and spiritual healing. I had these thoughts in my mind as I came this morning to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where there is a stream that exits the lake and flows down the slopes eastward to the city of Enoch.

3. I faced the lake, drank from the water with my cupped hand, and then knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. She immediately appeared in front of me on the shore, a little above the water. She was filled with light and smiling. She spoke to me:

5. 'Raphael, what R.S. and your sister K experienced at my glass table was true. They are both experiencing these strong spiritual impressions, given as real experiences in their unconscious minds and relayed to their conscious minds, even while they are in a still and meditative state. This is the same process by which we have always spoken to our faithful, by our still small voice and gentle impressions. This is the same way that you now hear my voice  distinctly and write my words that I give to your heart and mind. This is also the way that I spoke to Alma and his people, by my voice, even that of the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, when they were in bondage to the Lamanites and Amulon, their wicked ruler.

6. I am the same who caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites so that Alma and his people could escape their grasp and severe bondage (see Mosiah 24:17-25). Your Father and I will also deliver our elect out of their dire circumstances they find themselves in during the tribulations coming to your world.

7. The wicked want to control others, and kill and ravage with violence, all in their anger, and are being led to do so by Satan and his evil hosts. However, our righteous elect may find internal peace and comfort from us their Gods, even in the midst of their severe afflictions. We will protect and deliver our own who cry to us, and covenant to obey us and lend ear to our directions. We will send you and our angels and other celestial servants to deliver them and protect them, even in all of their distress and problems. See your post 33 "Prayer Visions" for how we will send you and other servants to save and protect our elect.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit, and comforting words today. I said 'Oh, how I love you, my Mother, and love to be in your glorious presence! I feel so comforted and full of peace.'

9. She smiled upon me and faded away. I then closed my prayer. I next went to the tree of life and ate of the sweet white fruit and leaf of the tree. I left and then got started on my day.

10. Evening- I came to the celestial orb tonight in the birch tree grove on the slope going down to the city of Enoch. This is a secluded and very pretty area, with the little stream from Lake Beautiful flowing next to the birch trees. The leaves were bright green and the bark on the trees white. I felt this was a perfect place to pray tonight!

11. I drank living water from the stream and then knelt next to the stream. I asked my Heavenly Father to come. He came from the other end of the birch tree grove, walking through the trees to me! Soon he was upon me and stood in glory in front of me. He was smiling, and spoke:

12. 'Raphael, we inspired the prophet Mormon to include the faith building stories during the Nephite and Lamanite history that would be similar to your day. We will bring these events in the historical record of the Book of Mormon to you and others as similar events approach and actually happen in your own land and in the world.

13. The overall message of these stories that happened in Nephite history, when compared to your day, is that if our people pray to us and keep our commandments, we will sent to them our divine protection and guidance.

14. If they do not, then they will be ravaged by the great tribulations coming upon the land. Those who have faith in us, and in our Son Jesus Christ, will be given power over their enemies, and miraculous blessings of preservation and well being will become commonplace.

15. In a future day, when our elect in the millennium look back upon the historical records written in your day, they will be taught clearly through the stories of the faithful of your generation how we blessed and protected them by our matchless power. They will be moved by the stories of great faith and trust in God by our elect.

16. They will hardly believe how great were the calamities all around you, and how Satan raged in the hearts of the wicked in your day. They will be motivated by these stories of valor and faith, and will rehearse these and read these to their children and in their discussions and discourses. You who will be the first generation in the millennial day will be greatly honored by those who follow you!

17. Ever be prayerful and seek continually our face, and we will abundantly come and give your revelations.'

18. I thanked my Father for his message. I kindly asked for his continued blessings upon my family and upon the elect in our day.

19. Heavenly Father then turned and walked back through the grove of trees and soon was gone from my view.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 3, 2020, Wednesday

1. Today my mother turns 99 years old. She is somewhat frail, but is still remarkably robust and healthy. She is 30 years older than me. I will be 70 next March.

2. I thought of my own vitality, and have wondered how I would manage during the coming days of hardship where our physical strength and endurance would surely be required. I trust that God will do as he/she wishes to preserve my life on this earth.

3. I received an email from S about an encounter he had with John the Beloved. He was shown that John was currently working with the tribes of Israel, helping them prepare for their journey from the inner earth to the New Jerusalem.

4. I also had the impression that events would degrade quickly in our own country and the world at large, bring chaos and war quicker than any of us could imagine. These were my thoughts about things before my prayer this morning.

5. I came to the eastern wall of God's celestial temple. This is where S recently had an encounter with his Heavenly Parents. I felt this is where I too should come today.

6. When I arrived on the grassy area, I walked down to the river representing my Heavenly Mother and drank living water from my cupped hand. I wanted to be sure I was clear and my mind was perceptive.

7. When I arose to return to the east side of God's temple, I met John the Beloved. I saw he was wearing his celestial robes, and he wore also a scarlet red angled sash across his left shoulder to his waist on the right sight. (see my post 59H22 when Heavenly Father said John also had a scarlet red angled sash).

8. I greeted him and we talked together. We both had our scarlet red angled sashes over our robes. He also had his rod in his right hand. John then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have this angled sash to represent your power over Satan and his host, in vanquishing those who pass the bounds of their limits, and send them to the prison orb. You also will have power to cast Satan and all his evil followers in the spirit realms, into the bottomless pit.

9. My scarlet red sash gives me power and authority over the wicked in the nations of the earth in your day that you are living in mortality. My silver rod that my Father Jesus Christ gave me (see post 59H25), in my right hand, is to be used to stretch over the nations of the earth, to afflict them with the power of God.

10. The time has fully come for me to stretch my rod, the rod of Jesse over the nations of the earth, to afflict them with the power of God. Will you accompany me to the earth now and be my witness of this action?'

11. I said I would be his witness! I then heard the voice of my Heavenly Father in my mind to go and be John's witness today.

12. John and I then traveled above the earth. We were above the United States first, in the atmosphere where we could see a large section of the country below us. I could see the curvature of the earth, so I knew we were high up.

13. John spoke again: 'Raphael, I will now stretch my rod over your own nation, the first that I will afflict with the powers of God.'

14. He extended the rod in front of him, and pointed it downward to the land below us. He spoke again: 'By the authority of God, and with this silver rod of Jesse given me from Jesus Christ, I now afflict the nation of the United States of America with destruction, even given by God the Father. This affliction will come in the way of pestilence, famine, war, earthquakes and physical upheavals of all varieties, severe weather, and even the coming of Nibiru to pass over the breadth of this land. All of this devastation will be unleashed quickly, in not many days, in order to destroy the wicked from the land of promise, and to make way for the establishment of the New Jerusalem in the center of the land. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

15. John then brought the rod of Jesse vertical next to his body. He then went backwards in the sky and departed.

16. I then knelt above my country in the place where I was and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately came to me in his glory and stood before me.

He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, you are now the sole witness of what John has done in bringing afflictions of every sort upon your native country. What you have recorded in your morning journal entry is correct.

17. Ask S to share his email at the end of your entry this morning and then make this the end of post 161. Title this post "The Rod of Jesse". We will continue in the next post to answer more questions about my servant John's mission and role among the lost tribes of Israel, and what he is doing among them.'

18. I said I would do as he asked. I said too that I was privileged to be his witness of John's actions against the wicked.

19. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, our anger is upon the wicked in your land! Your Heavenly Mother and I will come out of our hiding place and cause our angels of destruction to use our power to bring these devastations upon your land, to destroy cities and to remove the wicked, and to topple your very central federal government. We are now in our anger and have no more patience! Our vengeance now will come speedily upon this nation (D&C 112:24).'

20. I thanked my Father for his message. I humbly submitted myself to him and said I was fully his servant. My vision then ended. I concluded my prayer and started my new day.

21. Email from S to R



A few days ago, at the end of a prayer, I saw our Heavenly Parents turn to speak to John the Beloved. Two days afterward, I reread my journal and felt that I should ask about why I saw that encounter. This is my journal entry from yesterday. Afterwards, when I had breaks during the day I looked at the index to find anything that might be on this same thread and I have added it to the end.

22. 6/2/20 AM:

I felt to ask about John the Beloved whom I saw my Heavenly Parents speak to at the end of a recent prayer.

I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to the East wall of their celestial temple on the outside. Both my Heavenly Parents were there standing beside me. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, "you have visited the western wall in Jerusalem where Jews write prayers and desires on paper and place them in a crack in between the rocks. This is wishful or fanciful thinking where these our children write this on paper, but do not come before us in open communion. We are here this day to openly commune with you. We are here at this time to see the celestial sunrise." As I looked east, the celestial sun was beginning to rise. I was able to look directly at it and see its glory where on earth, it hurts my eyes to look at the sun. Heavenly Father spoke, "We have granted you to see things of great glory as you have come to converse with us, even as you now behold this beautiful celestial sun. Come as we walk together to the sun." We walked and ascended until we stood above their sun. As we arrived, I beheld John the Beloved standing before me. He wore plain cotton appearing robes and appeared as a normal man. My Heavenly Parents departed and I was left alone with John. He spoke to me, "Our Heavenly Parents asked that I come speak to you this morning. You are seeing great changes coming to your land that will eventually cleanse and prepare it for the return of the lost tribes of Israel. These now reside on the inner earth as you have already been taught. I am currently working with this people to prepare them for their return. They are preparing the needful things for their journey including boats, provisions, warm clothing, and also increasing their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. When Jesus visited them after the Nephites, they were promised that I would come in a future day to help prepare them to return to the New Jerusalem. I am fulfilling this promise at this time. I have been directed by our Heavenly Parents to ask you to pray for them. Will you do so?" My heart swelled with joy and I said, "yes." We next both knelt in prayer beside each other. I spoke, " Our dear Heavenly Parents, I pray for the tribes of Israel who reside on the inner earth, bless them that their faith in Jesus Christ may be fortified and strengthened for their journey ahead. Bless them in their physical and spiritual preparations that they may be come with an eye single to the glory of God. Bless their faith that they may overcome any obstacles that will lie before them. Bless the sinews of their muscles to have the physical strength to endure their coming journey ahead of them. May they be filled with light and a singleness of heart as they journey to Zion. May they be protected and preserved from any hand that seeks to thwart their journey. These blessing I ask in the name of Jesus Christ."

My heart swelled with joy and love for these people. I stood with John and we embraced. He spoke into my ear of some of my upcoming duties in the New Jerusalem and then this scene closed to my view.

I felt both my Heavenly Parents' presence near and then I ended my prayer.


23. Raphael's post 53D6-53D7

6. Q– L also mentioned that the date of September 23, 2017 would be a time when John the Beloved would start to lead the lost tribes of Israel and the 144,000. May I have clarification on this?

A– From Heavenly Father:

7. 'Raphael, the date of September 23, 2017 will end the current Jubilee year of the Shemitah. Once complete, great tribulations will be unleashed on the world. After this date, those in the "north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves" (see D&C 133:26-34, given below). My servant John will be among them in their journey to Zion, the New Jerusalem.

There will also be great signs in heaven to initiate these events. All men's hearts will be in turmoil, during these times.'


This was the only reference I found in the index that was about this information.

Let me know your thoughts,
