111. Growing Through Life
Posted 2-22-2019


We had our long-expected grandson born to our daughter this past week, hence all the newborn baby images! We have been up a lot to visit our daughter, husband and newborn, both in the hospital and now at their apartment, so I have been a little slow in getting this post out.

I expect you will enjoy all of the journal entries of this post. There was a lot about agency, growing through life's journey, interaction with our society we live in, appearances that are not real, and even reports of a general meeting in the Great Assembly Hall in heaven. I learned all about the creation of the healing properties of the aloe vera plant. We were reminded again to keep our work in secret for now, including our written journals of all of our accounts. The day will come when our journals will be revealed to all of the faithful. However, now is the time of preparation.

Please pray about all of these new revelations and concepts that may be new to you. 


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 9, 2019, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the desert oasis. I started to walk around the oasis in the cool of the morning. I was thinking about thoughts of my family and their needs when I came upon my Heavenly Mother rather suddenly! She seemed ready to talk to me, so I didn't have time to come to my knees before she began to speak: 'Raphael, may I join you on your walk?' I quickly agreed and she joined me in my walk around the oasis. As we walked, I looked intently on her face, seeking signs and impressions from her. She seemed fully open, without anything she was going to address.

I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, I thank you for coming to me today. I love to be with you! I pray that my oldest daughter be able to have a safe birth, for the baby is nearly ready to come and she has lost two previous boys at birth.'

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are very aware of her plight and will care for her and her little one! Life in mortality has many ups and downs, some by design and some just occur. It is possible and helpful to let life just happen without trying to order and plan how it may turn out. When you accept whatever your life of mortality brings to you, it is usually easier to handle all the disappointments, for there are no expectations. One aspect of mortal life that none of our children know is what will really happen in life to their loved ones and them. My recommendation to you is to just let life happen. Do your best, love your family, think of ways to bless and serve those around you, and be happy with what comes. You will then best be able to enjoy the journey of your life on earth.'

2. Heavenly Mother continued: 'It was a tragedy in my own life when my husband died. I had no idea this would happen and it came as a shock. His passing entirely changed the course of my life. However, now in looking back, this experience greatly blessed both of us, and particularly gave me experiences with loneliness and compassion that I would never have learned. When we joined after my death, we were both significantly better prepared for our eternity together. When the unexpected comes to you in life, roll with the consequences and have continued faith in your resiliency and strength. You can face any obstacles that may come your way and become a better person from that experience. Remember, earth life in mortality is to learn and grow from, in all the stages of life. Continue to come unto us in prayer so we may personally lead you and strengthen your ways. In the end, you will bless and thank us for every experience you have had in your mortal life.'

3. We continued walking in silence for a moment. I then had a memory of an emotional rejection from an experience in my pre-mortal life.
Heavenly Mother turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, we gave our spirit sons and daughters many experiences in their pre-mortal life on our celestial orb before they came to earth. You have recalled one experience of rejection. You gained strength and moved forward in your life. We call this period the first estate, and mortality the second estate. Tragedy, heartache, emotional distress and all varieties of experiences happened during this first estate to our children. Even though this is the third heaven, and even though it is in the celestial world, there were so many experiences that tried and were difficult for our children. We gave them as many situations to grow from as possible before they came to mortality. In their new telestial home, there were many more. Once our children navigate successfully through both estates, we bless those who choose us and our ways, even with eternal life and exaltation, to live in the highest heaven forever!'

4. We had arrived at the bench next to the path. Heavenly Mother faced me and said she was now going to leave so I could live my day in mortality. I thanked her for her perspective on earth life that I was in. I said I would try to just let life happen and enjoy the experience as best I could. I thanked her for allowing me to come and grow from such a place of learning.

5. Evening–Tonight I came to Heavenly Mother's lower garden just south of the pool of water under the waterfall. I was on the path leading up to her glass table. I turned and faced the nearby waterfall and knelt just off of the pathway. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came up the path from the waterfall. He was alone and glowing in light! When he reached me, he immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, the advice from your Heavenly Mother this morning to let life come as it will without trying to control anything of what comes, will serve you very well. As you relax more and just enjoy what comes, with no worry or fear, you will really learn to roll with whatever comes. We will inspire you as life happens, so that you will always fulfill our will. Whatever happens to you or your loved ones, we will be with you. Should there be any reason to have apprehension or to be afraid?'

6. He continued: 'Spend your time in your life in becoming the very best person you can be! Think of others more than yourself, develop compassion for others in need and serve them unselfishly. Pray for those in need, but more importantly, take action to lift others' burdens. Don't worry so much about your own weaknesses and shortcomings, for we accept you just as you are! Instead, look for ways to lift others' burdens and care for them. Follow the example of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, in how he paid attention to the poor and the needy. Be loving and accepting of all. Withhold any judgments you may feel to impose on any of our children. Your influence and love for them can only be felt in an attitude of acceptance and non critical behavior. You may look on the outward appearance, but we see the heart and intentions of our children. Pray to have your eyes opened to see our children as we see them.'

7. Heavenly Father continued: 'Spend particular quality moments with your loved ones in your family circle. Be emotionally open and available to all ages and be sincerely interested in what they are doing in life, in their interests and desires. Always accept them and they will love to be in your presence. Your influence in their lives will flow to them without anything else you may do. Do little things for them, acts of kindness here and there. Be sincerely genuine and loving to them. Raphael, in these ways strengthen those who are family, neighbors and friends. You will find great joy in them and they will count you as a true friend and confidante. Seek to spend quality time with your wife, share joint activities and serve her continually. Be sensitive to her needs and desires. Do little acts of love and kindness. She will be loyal to you forever!'

8. I thanked my Father for his wonderful advice! I felt so very accepted in his presence and I want to make others feel so very accepted and loved in my presence also. My prayer ended. I am going to relax in my life and spend better time with those I love!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 10, 2019, Sunday

1. This morning I came to the horizontal log on the path northwest of the circling waters. I love this forested area where the trees are not too tall and I can see the clear sky all around. I knelt by the horizontal log and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared to me in the air next to the horizontal log. I gazed upon her loving face and felt the light of her countenance beam upon me. I prayed to her, face to face, with the desires of my heart for those of my loved ones in need. I asked to become a more loving and accepting person. I felt the love and light of her being as she responded emotionally to my request. She is so very non judgmental and accepting of me, complete with all of my weaknesses. Her eyes seemed very compassionate and understanding of all my desires. She had all the time for me I needed.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I will be with you so that you grow to become a very loving, understanding, compassionate and accepting person. You will then be able to serve and bless others even as we would do were we you. Today I would like to talk a little more on the choice and agency of our beloved children. When we approached each intelligence whom I later birthed as my spirit son or daughter, we asked their intelligence if they would accept our offer to become our child, made in our image. Even from that first encounter, they were given the ability to decide for themselves and to choose. We have since, and always will, give full opportunity for these intelligences, now spirits, to choose whatever they wish. We know their will by what they tell us and particularly by their actions. If they say they will do one thing but do another, then we know their actions are what they really want. Some say they will do but then do nothing, and that, too, is their own choice. We observe what our beloved children choose and we reward them according to their desires and choices. We particularly want them to be happy and comfortable in their choices.

4. Your Heavenly Father and I continue to exercise our agency in our standing as Gods over our creations. We work together, counsel together, and plan our decisions so they will come to pass just as we desire. We have the greatest freedom to choose of all living beings, for we have the greatest ability and power to fulfill our own desires of any. This gives us the greatest latitude to choose and to act. Whatever we place in our heart to do, we will do it. We rejoice in this process of bringing to pass our choices and desires, and to create a new result or action.

5. Raphael, you may choose to become whomever you wish to be, for the power is in you, in your power of choice, to become exactly as you wish. Once you decide to become a certain way, or to act in a certain manner, or to create a result in your life, you then have power to make it happen. We rejoice in your ability to choose!

6. D&C 58:26-29 "For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned."

7. There will always be something you want to improve, something you wish to accomplish, or something that you desire to do. Your decision to act is fully within your own power. If it requires our help and blessings, we will assist you, for we have power to lift you up and help us to help you fulfill your dreams, and we will be by your side in these good causes.

By your choices, you will be able to move forward, improve, and fulfill all you desire. Stay focused on your objective and think on it being fulfilled. Gradually, you will become whom you wish to be or to do and fulfill according to your desires.

8. As you have shown in your life, in this process of choice and fulfillment, we have given you more power and ability to further make new choices and have them fulfilled. Thus by small steps, all made by choice and desire, coupled with the faith to fulfill, you become who you really choose and want to be. You become aware you may do any good thing with God who strengthens you.

9. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words on choice and agency, and on our power to accomplish according to our desires. I asked her to help me be more loving and caring to all, particularly my loved ones. I said I desired to be filled with her love and acceptance that she has for me, so that I may be that for others.

11. She reached out and placed her two hands on my shoulders. She looked me in my eyes, with her sparkling, happy and very deep eyes: 'Raphael, I will imbue you with my love and my acceptance for all my children! You truly desire this thing. I will help you as you make the effort to change. Start acting as you see me act, and I will help you along, for I will constantly be with you, my son!'

12. I reached out and she came forward and embraced me! I felt her deep love and yearnings for her beloved children! Oh, I want to capture this feeling for her children when I am with them. I want to act and love in a way like her. I came to my mortal self and realized my prayer was ended. I felt the peace and love of God in my heart.

13. At church–I came to the horizontal log on the path from the circling waters. I knelt facing southeast. I heard the sacrament prayer in the ward and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. They were not before me yet. Just before the bread came to me, my Father and Mother appeared in the air, having walked to me down the path. After I partook, Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant. In turn, we will always be with you.'

14. The priest then offered a prayer on the water. I then looked into the eyes of my Heavenly Parents. I then spoke to them: 'My Heavenly Parents, please give me a further witness that this Church in which I am partaking of the sacrament, really is in apostasy and that you have cut off your priesthood authority and keys from the leading quorums of this church, and no longer give them revelation to direct this church.'

15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I will come to you and witness to you by the power of the Holy Ghost the truth again of all that you have witnessed and seen in your unconscious mind by our revelations.'

I waited and then asked this same question in my mind. I sat still and meditated. I then was filled slowly with the power of the Spirit. The feelings in my mind and heart were clear and I was enlightened with the Spirit of God. I felt light penetrating into my mind and a peace come over me. I could think of the question again and knew inside the answer–yes, the LDS Church is in apostasy, the leading quorums have been severed from the Father's priesthood and keys, and both Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ are no longer giving revelation to these leaders to direct this Church. I felt sure, through the Spirit, that this is true! I could think of no other possibility, that I could be mistaken, for I knew it was true.

16. Then I started to record all of what happened to me at church today. I felt so pleased to have partaken of the bread and water and to have received a confirmation that my covenant was accepted by God. I also know I have received a confirming revelation about the status of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I felt grateful and at peace. I reread this again and have felt again the confirming voice of the Spirit burn into my inner soul these truths.

17. Evening–I came to the little stream not far from the desert oasis to the west. I drank from the stream before kneeling on the shore of the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came on the east bank of the stream, standing on the ground facing me. He was filled with light and was very powerful looking. I knew he had something important for me to hear: 'Raphael, you ordained your oldest son today to be a high priest under the guidance of the Stake President. When others were being ordained and set apart, you saw in your mind's eye Jesus Christ standing apart from the ordinations, on the other side of the room near the ceiling. Jesus was not participating since we have cut off our keys from this Church. Callings and setting aparts no longer have our sanction. This is true throughout the LDS Church.

However, you stepped forth and ordained your son to the office of high priest. This ordinance you did in your own standing, independent of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At that time, Jesus Christ came in front of you in the air and a beam of light connected him to the top of your head. This signaled to all who could see, that your ordination was acceptable before God. Once you were finished, our Beloved Son stepped back to the opposite side of the room again, no longer approving the other setting aparts.

18. Raphael, I tell you this since you heard the Stake President tell how he received revelation in the call of this new bishop, and of the inspired boundary changes in the wards. The Stake President was teary-eyed about these great revelations. He also said he knew Jesus Christ was directing the LDS Church through his prophet President Nelson. There were many men and women who sustained the Stake President today in all of his testimony and his actions. What he said was not true, but his imagination.

19. During the sacrament today your Heavenly Mother gave you a witness from the Spirit about the true standing of the LDS Church and its leaders in answer to your question. Tonight I give you another witness by my own voice of what actually happened during the ordinations. You have had our revelations periodically about the current state of the LDS Church. We will not address these issues directly again in the near future.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I thanked him for the priesthood power he has given me.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 11, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I came to heaven to pray again. I feel so grateful to have a daily pattern to connect in prayer to my Heavenly Parents! I feel truly guided as I seek the face of God and seek to do their will. I have sought my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother diligently and they have revealed themselves to me! This is truly an amazing thing. I feel so blessed!

2. I came to the south side of the fountain of living water next to the bank of the river representing Heavenly Mother. The temple was immediately to my west. I knelt on a grassy slope facing the fountain. I saw nobody around and knelt to pray. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

Heavenly Mother appeared on the river that represented her that was coming out of the fountain. She walked the short distance to me in the air and stopped in front of me. She was radiant and beautiful! She spoke: 'Raphael, you live in a fallen world where things may not appear as they really are. This is one reason why we have you come to our world to pray to us, so that you may see things as they really are. When you pray to us, we reveal to you our revelations and then you write them down. However, you soon return to your fallen telestial world where you are immersed again in an environment of darkness and appearances that often are not true to how they really are.

Seek to rely more fully on our revelations and not on the appearances in your world! Seek to see the world as we see it for this is reality. Do not be deceived by the outward appearances of men and what society may accept as reality. The entire world may believe a falsehood, but that doesn't make it reality or true.'

3. I thought of the conversation and revelations I had yesterday about the standing of the LDS Church before God. They see the truth and my culture and society in Utah generally see an entirely different image of the Church, particularly among active members of the Church among whom I frequently mingle. I felt chagrined that it has taken me repeated revelations to really believe and accept the truth about the demise of the LDS Church and its leaders.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we will have patience with you, for you spend most of your time in a false world of pretenses. Your neighborhood and community believe stories and imaginations that are made up and are not true. These are called the "vain imaginations and the pride of the children of men". (see 1 Nephi 12:18) In the vision that Nephi of old saw while on the the straight and narrow path leading to the tree of life, he saw mists of darkness:

5. 1 Nephi 12:17 "And the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and harden the hearts of men, and leadeth them away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost."

6. The mists of darkness are very strong, even now in your day, in your community, even among the Latter-day Saints who profess to believe in us, their Gods! Satan has created a culture of make believe among them that is analogous to the mists of darkness, which truly blind the eyes of our people. There are many of the elect who are among them, who are being led into broad roads of false beliefs. If they do not question or they are not open to our gentle, peaceful reasonings and promptings, they must perish, for they are deceived. They say that I, the Holy Ghost, inspire them and that I have guided them to be led in some sensational story they weave that supports their false belief that:

7. "...All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them carefully down to hell.
...Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!
Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!
Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men (like that given by your son's Stake President), and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!
Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more! (at least no more from God, but from their fallen leaders)
And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he fall.
Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!
For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts and lend an ear unto my counsel (these are the truly humble, inquisitive and open of our people, for if they are steeped too much in the fables and doctrines of men and devils, they push aside our whisperings and cannot hear us!), for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receive I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." (I have taken away my presence, even of the presence and gift of the Holy Ghost from among those who profess to receive my Spirit!)
(See 2 Nephi 28:21-30 inclusive)

8. Raphael, my son, I do not fault you for questioning your own revelations from us, for these are very counter to the culture that you live in. However, now is the time to fully accept these truths from us, wholly and with faith! You must make them your own, and no more pine over the fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! We have so many more glorious events we will reveal among men and women from the heavens, and a clean and fresh new Church of Christ that is soon to be reestablished on the earth. This church will be pure and holy, having my presence in abundance. It will not be riddled with the concepts and false beliefs of man or of devils!'

9. I bowed before my glorious Heavenly Mother who stood in majesty before me! I said I would no longer question my doubts, but have full faith in these things she and Father have shown to me in such clarity. Heavenly Mother then quickly departed, leaving me to ponder the truths of all I have seen and received directly from my Gods.

10. Evening–I came tonight to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. It was sunset on the lake and I could see the reflection of the celestial sun on the waters. I then knelt facing the lake and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me from the shore of the lake and then walked in the air to me in the maple trees where I was kneeling. He was soon in front of me, smiling as he does. His eternity eyes were happy and full of light. I told him how grateful I was that he came to me!

11. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have recently read and listened to comments of others who prophesy or speak of last day events. They are speaking from their pure intention but most things they say are not correct. No one knows the exact sequence of events or even the events, so when they act or speak as if they know, they are making suppositions and are misguided. They are trying their best, but without our direction they will never know. We have planned to hide what will happen in most cases, in the last days' sequences until it happens. This is as it should be, so that our children may learn to rely on us, their Gods, and not on the predictions of men or women. Our children too should just relax and live their lives, trusting in us as they strive to commune daily in open and humble prayer.'

12. Heavenly Father continued: 'There are and will continue to be many signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. These will happen more and more rapidly in succession. Men and women might suppose what will happen next, but they would do better to spend their energy in seeking our face and in following our prompings.'

13. Matthew 24:42, 44–"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh."

14. Heavenly Father: '"Watching" in this verse means coming to us in humble, sincere prayer, full of faith. Our saints also wait upon us in their quiet moments. As they are diligent and open in their minds and hearts, we will come to them, after the trial of their faith. As they persist, they will begin to hear our still small voice, even the voice of the Spirit. We will lead them and protect them as they come to rely on us. Gradually, we will open up more and more to them as they acquaint themselves with our manner and ways of communication. We will open up to every soul who diligently seeks us.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me tonight. He then extended his hand and said we should go in the nearby Assembly Hall and join those in attendance at their meeting. I stood and took his hand. We were immediately in the front corner of the Great Assembly Hall. Heavenly Father turned and said this to me: 'Raphael, come here tomorrow morning and I will show you this important meeting in my kingdom when you are fresh and have had a good sleep.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father. I then was immediately in my front room in my home, writing all of this down. I look forward to my meeting with my Father tomorrow morning.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 12, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came to the top corner of the Great Assembly Hall this morning in my prayer as I was asked to do by my Heavenly Father last night. I could see the hall filled to capacity with people. I turned and saw my Heavenly Father next to me and Heavenly Mother next to him. I believe we were not visible. I asked both of them who was assembled and what was the purpose of the meeting.

Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, our servants regularly have meetings to be buoyed up and to hear the latest words from their leaders, as we inspire them. In this meeting, our holy angels are all assembled, along with the resurrected servants we have chosen, and Enoch and his translated people. These are all those who work in the celestial realms, either from heaven or the celestial realms around the earth. We have asked that you call all of these to this meeting in our Great Assembly Hall. You cannot now remember what preparations you have done and whom you have asked to speak. However, this will come to you as you begin the meeting.'

2. I thanked my Heavenly Father and I said I would conduct the meeting now as he and Heavenly Mother would inspire me. I then came down from the corner and came to the pulpit. I turned around and saw the speakers sitting on the stand and the congregation ready to be spiritually fed. I still had no idea what I was doing! However, I proceeded in starting this meeting!

3. I spoke: 'My fellow brother and sister servants, my name is Raphael, an angel of God. The Father has asked that I assemble all of you and have those I have chosen to speak to you. I have just left the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I will follow their direction as I conduct this meeting.
We will open this meeting with a hymn of the restoration "The Morning Breaks". After this, we will have a fellow mortal angel, known as S.A. in mortality, offer our opening prayer.'
We sang the beautiful hymn, accompanied by a celestial orchestra that appeared over the north side of the podium in the air. (Our Heavenly Parents were in the southwest corner and remained hidden there). S.A. then offered a humble and sincere prayer and sat down.
I stood back up at the podium.

'My brothers and sister servants of God, it is my opportunity to address you first. After I speak, those on the stand will stand and introduce themselves and deliver their messages, starting from my left back side. After all have spoken, I will stand again and announce the remainder of the meeting.'

I turned and looked up to my Heavenly Parents in the corner. Heavenly Mother then came behind me and whispered to me that she would give me the words to speak, even from her, the Holy Ghost. I felt comforted and assured and thanked her for coming.

4. Here is a summary of my address as she (Heavenly Mother) inspired me: 'My fellow servants, the calamities on the mortal earth are ramping up in frequency. Our work among the elect of God is also greatly increasing. We are receiving our direction directly from our Heavenly Father, our Heavenly Mother and from Jesus Christ. They are orchestrating this great work directly. They have a master plan and we are part of their great plan to rescue and save the elect of God and to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The last time I spoke to you in this Great Assembly Hall, I believe I emphasized the importance of acting immediately on every prompting, in full faith. Our Gods are giving us promptings at the very moment we need to act. We no longer have time to prepare, but to respond and act. Many times we will go out on these promptings, not knowing beforehand any details of what we are to do. As we come to the elect person(s) we are to help or serve, we then will receive the inspiration from the Spirit what to do. Our instructions will be concise and clear. What is left is to act in our calling and do as we are commanded.

We then find when we act in obedience, we have an assurance by the Spirit that we have served well and are doing as we have been asked. This confirmation from God uplifts us and strengthens our resolve to act again on the next prompting. Usually, immediately following, we receive another direction to bless another elect child on earth or in the world of the spirit dead. We then repeat this entire process.

Today I would like to emphasize the great importance to carry with us the light and love of our God in all of our ministrations. We would do well to smile a lot and shine forth light from our beings, particularly from our eyes. Our countenance should radiate compassion and love. We will then be seen as truly messengers of God and will be able to quickly set at ease the ones we serve. The elect will perceive us in different ways–some will see us with their physical eyes, but most will see us with their spiritual eyesight. Many will be unfamiliar with this spiritual sight, but this gift will be very familiar to them from their pre-mortal existence prior to coming to earth. Others may know that they have been ministered to by God, but they won't consciously know it was God's servant that came. Therefore, in all your ministrations, act fully in godly ways, even as our Gods have come to you and acted.

When your service is completed to the elect child on earth or in the world of spirits, you will need to depart, for there is another directly after for you to serve. Be ever gentle and kind, acting in the commission of representing God to this elect person. They may later come and thank you for your service, whatever it might have been when the veil later is removed from their mind and they see again their life and how you positively influenced them for good.

I give you each encouragement and joy in your labors, even from our Beloved Heavenly Mother, who is now speaking to me as I speak to you. She, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so deeply love their elect now living on or above the earth in the spiritual realms! They will imbue you with their very spirit and/ or presence as you serve those they ask you to bless. God bless you in your efforts!'

5. I then sat down at the beginning of those who would speak. The next one arose and came to the pulpit. I then couldn't hear anymore or see anymore of this meeting in the Great Assembly Hall, for I was then consciously writing in my journal in my house on earth. I only assume the meeting continued on as I had outlined. Maybe I'll be able to hear more tonight in my prayer?

6. Evening–I came in my prayer tonight again to the Great Assembly Hall. I came to my chair where I sat after I spoke this morning. It is curious to me that my time on earth really has no effect on the "time" in the celestial world. I tried to "tune in" to what was happening in this meeting of the celestial servants of God.

7. Next we heard from a resurrected man who had lived in the days of the patriarchs, before the flood. He wasn't one of the patriarchs we read of in the lineage of the patriarchs, but he was a righteous man who knew Adam and was a contemporary of Mahalaleel, the patriarch. He had lived in the promised land, now America, before the flood, before the lands were divided into continents. His name was Enos I believe, but I had a hard time discerning his name when he spoke it.

Enos spoke on the importance of these last days events in the overall scheme of the earth's life. He spoke on how in every age there were the righteous elect on the earth, but particularly right now there are very many before the transition to the millennium. Enos expressed his great pleasure in serving his brothers and sisters now living, those who were the elect of God. He said these days were particularly dark and difficult, compared to any previous time on the earth. He said that the elect today would be exposed to more evil influences in their short lives than he and his people had experienced in their much longer lifetimes, living many hundreds of years before the great flood.

Enos bore a strong testimony of the gospel plan of living in mortality, going to the spirit world of the dead, and then being resurrected at the time of the Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He said the process of progression of going between stages had created in him a great love and concern for his brothers and sisters now living on earth in these last days. He said he was so pleased to serve God and to respond to all assignments he would be given. He expressed a deep commitment to Jesus Christ and his wonderful parents, our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

8. After Enos sat down, a female angel who had lived on the earth several hundred years ago stood up and spoke. Her name was Hannah. She shone brightly as a holy angel of light, being a spirit awaiting her resurrection. She felt so honored to be able to speak in this meeting of celestial servants. Hannah said she had been working in the celestial spirit realms on the earth since her death. Her time in ministering has been greatly increased in recent years as the assignments from both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have become so much more frequent. She said as soon as one assignment is completed, there is another one to begin. She said she replicates herself in the spirit many times over just to keep up.

Hannah expressed her love of the work of being so involved in serving her fellowman! Her testimony was filled with love and concern that seemed to exude from her being! I loved her message!

9. We next had a husband and wife team from the city of Enoch. These two were translated when Enoch and his city were translated. They had grown children at the time and were blessed to usually work together in serving their fellow brothers and sisters. The woman remarked how much more that the work of service had increased in recent years. She said all of her group had learned replication skills in the past few years, which has allowed them to serve so many more people.

10. Her husband then spoke that he never tired of going on the errands of God and particularly loved doing acts of love and service with his wife. They were a sweet and lovely couple, filled with cheer, lots of smiles and love! They both expressed excitement to work now in these final days leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

11. When this couple sat down, I stood up and closed the meeting. I said that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were very pleased with us, their servants, who served them tirelessly in the work of blessing their elect children. I had received this communication from our Heavenly Parents just before I stood up. I bore my testimony of the great compassion of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I told how I loved his eternity eyes, so understanding and accepting of me and every one of us! I said I loved my three Gods and that I would faithfully follow their every desire and command.

12. We closed with another song of the restored church "Arise, O Glorious Zion " (hymns, p. 40), after which John, a member of Enoch's band of translated souls, offered a benediction to our meeting. The congregation then quickly dispersed for the assignments started coming again from our Beloved Heavenly Parents!

13. I next came to the top corner of the Great Assembly Hall and knelt before my Heavenly Parents who were still there. They were both smiling and full of light. I asked if I had truly perceived and written what had happened in the meeting of the celestial servants. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, you have written accurately what came into your unconscious mind as you perceived it in your mortal conscious mind. You have wondered if you had perceived all correctly, but you have. (We accept your written account of this wonderful meeting! I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their support and love. I said I loved to serve them and obey their every command.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 13, 2019, Wednesday

1. Evening–My daughter gave birth to a very sweet baby boy. This has been a great thing and brought us all such relief! I am very happy he came so perfectly into this world and that my daughter is doing so very well.

2. This morning I came to the fir forest just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. The ground was soft and the trees were tall. I came to a spot where the celestial sun beamed down its rays through the trees. I felt warmed by this celestial sunbeam. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me from within the sunbeam and was soon standing in the rays of light before me. I asked him how I could be accurate in recording all I receive in my unconscious mind, for my impressions are so slight and seem like I even make them up.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you are in a meditative, still state, you may receive small impressions in your conscious mind. These are impressions or small imprints given to you by your unconscious mind. They are so slight that they could easily be brushed aside. Such was your experience in the meeting you conducted last night in your prayer time with us. You tried to perceive these small feelings and impressions and just wrote what you thought. Heavenly Mother confirmed you received accurately. You had doubted that these small impressions were truly from your unconscious mind, which you experienced in that meeting in the Great Assembly Hall.
The transfer of these small unconscious impressions to your conscious, mortal mind is one best made in a meditative prayerful state. You are skilled now from practice in this procedure. If you question your accuracy, just ask us and we will let you know.'

4. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, we periodically have important meetings of our servants. When they work alone, as is often the case in responding to our promptings, they don't interact very often with others. These meetings are very uplifting to all and strengthen their resolve to serve us tirelessly.

The work they do is so very personally rewarding, for when they serve another selflessly, they receive the joy of the Gods! This joy is very deep and long lasting. From this joy comes more love and compassion for those they serve, their brothers and sisters in need, as we direct. The elect are real people with real lives and real problems. Being uplifted and strengthened by a celestial servant of God is an immeasurable boost for them! Whether they are consciously aware or not, they are greatly uplifted and feel God's presence and love. We are so pleased to send our caring servants to minister to their needs. Many of the elect feel God has touched their lives directly.'

5. Heavenly Father: 'There will come a time when we also send our terrestrial servants to our elect. These will be part of the 144,000 and are sent on their assignments by Jesus Christ. They will come most often to the physical mortal person to whom they are ministering. The recipient will see them and will be given comfort, messages of warning, protection, or any other thing that Jesus may ask his terrestrial servants to do. Many times they will transport them from areas of danger, or bring these elect to places of safety, or to the New Jerusalem itself. This group has been identified now and is being assembled. Jesus Christ has already commissioned each one on Mount Zion, in their spirits, as you have witnessed in your post 28 in October 2016.

6. Heavenly Mother truly said that our yoke is easy and our burden is light when the banner was unveiled on Mount Zion. These original words of our Beloved Son express what keeps our servants so happy and ready to tirelessly serve us, their Gods.

7. Raphael, we not only are reaching out to bless and serve our mortal elect, and the elect in the world of the spirit dead, but we are greatly blessing our servants. It is when serving us and keeping our commandments that they really find themselves and are filled with the deep joy and love we abundantly pour out upon them. If they are mortal celestial servants, like yourself and the other mortal angels, they are also strengthened and blessed in their own mortal lives and families. They find that blessings are poured out in abundance to them.'

8. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his message this morning. I feel so honored to work hand in hand so close with him and Heavenly Mother in this great effort of blessing the elect of God! Heavenly Father then smiled at me again as he arose back up into the beam of light and into the tree tops and then away.

9. I came this evening to Heavenly Mother's upper garden near the pocketed flower wall and situated myself to the south. I was in the woods of mountain trees that weren't too tall. I came to a grassy area and knelt facing the mountain woods, with my back to the stream. I felt Heavenly Mother would come to me here. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Sure enough, Heavenly Mother came into this little grove of trees that I was facing. She was filled with resplendent light, glowing her beams of light throughout the entire mountain forest. Her eyes were sparkling with bursts of light. She seemed so radiant and happy!

10. My Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I am very pleased that our choice son came to your oldest daughter last night as a newborn infant. His arrival and the well being of your daughter has been such a wonderful experience for you and your family as you visited them today. I have watched and cared for your latest grandson's arrival in mortality!

I love the new arrival of our innocent children to mortality. They each have prepared well for their advent into mortality. They each have prepared well for their advent into the second estate of man, coming into a fallen telestial world of mortality. Your grandson has a full life ahead. Your daughter and son in law will have great joys in raising him into manhood, teaching him how to live and meet life's challenges.

We taught your grandson soon after I birthed his spirit in his first estate. He and our other spirit infants stayed in our nursery in our temple while your Heavenly Father and I nurtured them as they grew to their full spirit stature. They learned first hand their earliest lessons of behavior and of our loving ways. We taught them by our own example and by our precepts. We did this in hopes that these early lessons would be impressed upon their souls and remain part of them.

11. However, every one of our spirit children had full choice to decide how they would act once they left their temple home and started living outside of our direct presence. They left when they were full grown spirits. They each had a desire to find new experiences in our vast celestial world, in the third celestial glory or level. We watched them as they interacted together and established themselves among their fellowman.

12. Once Lucifer and his followers left our presence, we started preparing the remainder of all of our spirit sons and daughters for their mortal experience. Your newest grandson was one of many who are now coming as mortal infants at the threshold of a new millennial era. When he comes to awareness, the world will be fully involved in this great transition. What an amazing time to come forth, to live in these great changing times to a better world and at the very beginning of the millennial day!

13. The challenges of the first estate were great for our pre-mortal spirits! They exercised their moral agency in all of their choices, for we fully allowed them to choose what they wanted to do and whom they listed to follow and obey. In their second estate in mortality, they also are free to choose for themselves and to decide whom they list to obey. This time, Lucifer and his hosts are abroad in the land, unseen from their view. They are tested and tried over their phases of life, in all things. The elect hear our voice and keep our commandments. They relish the ways of God and shun the temptations of the adversary.

14. You have been talking with your wife this evening about how there are your family members in every generation from the youngest to the oldest who have various desires to help and serve one another. Some are more self-centered, thinking mostly of their own comfort and well being. Some are so concerned about how others feel, and seem to want to always bless them with their kind acts of love. This attitude of service is independent of their age. Those who act in kindness and love to others are those who almost always also want to hear our voice and keep our commandments. These are our elect! They are scattered throughout families all over the earth.

15. When the times come for our holy angels to protect and gather our elect, at the time of the second coming of Jesus Christ, then will be fulfilled the following:
JS Translation Luke 17:36-39
36 "And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord, shall they be taken.
37 And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is gathered; or, in other words, whithersoever the saints are gathered, thither will the eagles be gathered together; or, thither will the remainder be gathered together.
38 This he spake, signifying the gathering of his saints; and of angels descending and gathering the remainder unto them; the one from the bed, the other from the grinding, and the other from the field, whithersoever he listeth.
39 For verily there shall be new heavens, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."

16. Heavenly Mother continued: 'This is the same event as spoken by my son Jesus Christ concerning the second coming; when the righteous will be gathered in the clouds of heaven and come to dwell on the millennial earth. (See JST Matthew 24:27; D&C 45:44)
The earth will be renewed and become a habitation for our elect. Satan and his hosts will be bound and locked up for the thousand years of the millennium. Then will my righteous and the earth rest for a season.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words about her elect and the glorious day soon at hand! I thanked her for sending my newest grandson and in protecting him during the tenuous path that we all take into mortality.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 14, 2019, Thursday

1. This morning I came to the bench at the desert oasis. It was early morning here, with a beautiful sunrise. I sat on the bench enjoying the great tranquility of the morning here in the celestial world! I felt very settled and at peace. I then came to my knees in the sand in front of the bench. I faced the water and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and watched attentively.

2. Heavenly Father came from my left, in the air a few yards from me! He took a few steps and was in front, facing me. He spoke: 'Raphael, S had sent you an email this morning concerning the words of Jesus Christ to the disciples on the mount, in Matthew 7. He sent you a page from the Joseph Smith Translation of this chapter. You read it over several times before praying to me this morning.

3. During his day, Jesus Christ was considered an outcast from the church, for he did not endorse the leaders of the Jewish church. He could clearly see that they were hypocrites, for "They teach in their synagogues, but do not observe the law, nor the commandments; and all have gone out of the way, and are under sin." (JST Matt. 7:6) He was excommunicated from their fellowship.

4. He then said:
"And the mysteries of the kingdom ye shall keep within yourselves; for it is not meet to give that which is holy unto the dogs; neither cast ye your pearls unto swine, lest they trample them under their feet.
For the world cannot receive that which ye, yourselves, are not able to bear; wherefore ye shall not give your pearls unto them, lest they turn again and rend you."
(JST Matthew 7:10-11)

5. Raphael, I tell you these things so that you realize that you and those who follow you are in a similar situation as was Jesus Christ and his disciples. Because the mission of our Beloved Son required that he be open with the public, he was cast out and ridiculed by the current religious leaders of his day. These leaders were hypocrites, for they spoke one way and acted in another way. This is how the religious leaders in your very day act in the LDS Church. We see all, even that which is done in secret.

6. Therefore, to spare you the revilings of these leaders and prevent them from trampling upon you and the beautiful truths that we have given you from heaven, we have chosen to keep this in secret from these leaders and the people for now.

We are satisfied that you keep these teachings within yourselves, even until this canon of scripture and revelations becomes so very great. I will show these words to the faithful once they shall exercise sufficient faith in me (see Ether 4:7). Once our mysteries are thus assembled in a format that we desire, we will then reveal them to the faithful, the pure and the open. Those who are false prophets, who come in your day as religious leaders in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves (see JST Matthew 7:24), will never receive your words.

We will not allow our pearls of truth to be trampled under foot of man. Your words will come forth when their craft is destroyed and their church is fractured to the point that they have no more power to sway the minds of the Saints.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his description of how he wants God's revelations to me kept secret. I said I would continue to guard them carefully and to share them only with those with whom he says I should share. I thanked him humbly for his truths he gives me.

8. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, we will show that our plans are greater than the cunning plans of that evil one who seeks to thwart our plans! Lucifer has a sinister plan to lead the unwary and the trusting in the LDS Church into ways and paths that will bind the people in falsehoods, complacency, and become surrounded by devils. In that closed and satisfied state, they will say "All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell." (2 Nephi 28:21)

9. Our plan is that you go forth, independent of their preachings and plans to entrap the Saints and the elect of God in the LDS Church. We will only reveal our words through you to the faithful when they themselves have largely become disillusioned with their leaders and are compelled to be open and humble by their circumstances. When the elect are ready, in a state of receiving, they will only then be privileged to receive our words through you. We will not have our revelations be trampled under foot of men and be reviled by those who follow Satan and his ways!'

10. At noon–After I sent the above journal entry off to my sister K to type up, I received a long awaited podcast update from M.S.. He said he had been excommunicated for apostasy. This is a sad day, I am sure, for Brother Stroud! It was very appropriate that I again received Heavenly Father's words on the leaders of the LDS Church, comparing them to the Jewish leaders of Christ's day. I was also told this morning that his son, Jesus Christ, had been excommunicated from the church of his day. I think we will see more purges in our day, like what happened to M.S.. I trust that our Heavenly Parents's plans for revealing their holy mind and will shall go forward regardless of whatever the Church leaders may do.

11. Evening–I have been thinking all day long of the excommunication of M.S.. Even though this may one day happen to me and even though I am told to act and write in secret, I would not hesitate to write and share my revelations that God continues to reveal to me.I feel so anchored in my relationship with my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ! Their words, counsels and directives to me are everything to me. I continually test and challenge all that I receive, by confirming all before God as best I know how. I would admonish all the faithful to continually test their inspiration in the same way.

12. I came this evening to the desert oasis where I was this morning. The celestial sun was still high up in the sky and its warmth felt so good on my body. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt clarified and ready to connect to my Gods. I knelt back by the bench and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

Heavenly Mother appeared at the water's edge. She walked in the air above the sand and soon was before me. She was smiling and full of light and acceptance for me. I gazed into her deep and sparkling eternity eyes. They were so compassionate and kind to me!

13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, once a servant like you has come into our presence and has received our words and knows us, even as you do, there is nothing in the telestial world that has power to sway him or her off course, only their own free will. We care not what men or the religious institutions of man may do, for we know our servant, and love and direct him or her. They have reached a pinnacle of faith and progression to even be in our presence! There is nothing greater than this accomplishment for our children in mortality!

14. The excommunication of M.S. will now be an opportunity for him to connect even deeper with us, his Gods. We have great plans to groom him as our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ or the Father or I continue to inspire and instruct him. If he allows us, we will make him a very valiant servant who will do much good on the earth and affect many, bringing my Spirit to witness of any truth he may teach. It is our will that all our children speak in our name and carry our Spirit with them. It is incumbent upon all to continue to test and challenge their own directions and counsels, thus assuring that they are being led in the right way.

15. You have been instructed by us, your Gods, on the words of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, found in JST Mark 9:40-48. During times when our children, whom we have trusted, are excommunicated, this scripture would be good to review again. Jesus, our Beloved Son, talked about one's hand offending you (the brother), or one's foot offending you (he that is your standard), or one's eye which seeth for you (him that is appointed to watch over you and show you light).

In each case, "Seek unto my Father (and Mother), and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive." (Parentheses added by Heavenly Mother, JST Mark 9:45)

16. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Our children need not fret or worry, for we hear every petition made in the sincerity and openness of heart, asked in faith, and we will reward our humble and penitent children with an answer from us, their God. We will not leave them without our comfort and guidance! Raphael, trust in our gentle directions and revelations. These are truths, many of which we have held in reserve for our faithful, to be revealed at our own timing, in our own way, and only to those who humbly and openly seek. The proud and self-centered and those who esteem themselves to be above their brothers and sisters, will never receive them. Come here again tomorrow morning when your Father and I will again reveal great truths to you from our heavens, to be revealed now to you and then soon to our faithful children!'

17. I thanked humbly my Heavenly Mother for her very comforting words. I so love her and my Father! I cherish deeply all they share with me.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 15, 2019, Friday

1. I came early this morning to the desert oasis for my quiet time in personal meditation and prayer. I came again to the bench where the celestial sun was not yet up above the horizon, yet it was light outside. I knelt in the sand facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw my Heavenly Parents coming on the path from my left, walking arm in arm! They seemed to be on a slow stroll around the oasis. They were smiling and quietly talking.

2. They came in front of me and Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, M.A. had a question she wrote to you that we would like to answer.

Q–If we were left in outer space where intelligences reside, would we become more intelligent, or does experience make a person more intelligent?

A–The intelligences have a given level of intelligence at which they remain. By remaining in their state in eternity, they do not become more intelligent, but remain as they are. Progression and growth comes from the experiences we give them and then in their mortal physical bodies. We who are Gods also have more intelligence added in eternity, but those who attain a degree of glory in a lesser kingdom do not have more intelligence added, but have a cap to their growth.

We all existed in this state of being as intelligences from the beginning. We were co-eternal with each other. There were no intelligences that were created or made (see D&C 93:29), only those who were given opportunity by a couple God to become one of their creations or one of their own children, created in their very imaged.

In the very beginning, when our first parent Gods were intelligences and had not yet created spirits for themselves, all of the intelligences existed that would ever be. There were all varieties of intelligent beings, called intelligences. These were located in the vast immensity of space which had no boundaries. There was no organization of these intelligences by groups or classes,for all were randomly located wherever they existed. Each one had a being of knowing, with the capability of communicating one with another by their spirit sense. They had no form, for they existed only as intelligence with no elemental matter. These intelligences didn't have knowledge of how they even came to exist. However, they have always existed, for there was no time nor state that they didn't exist. This concept has now become just accepted as what was in the beginning, before the gods came to be.

The same situation existed for elemental matter. This was tangible substance that had no intelligence or being, but existed as raw element, the fundamental building blocks that the gods used in creating intelligent beings when they combine intelligence and elemental matter. The intelligence and elemental matter never were created, but always existed in the vast immensity of space. There are no limits to intelligence and elemental matter. These continue to exist in space and uninhabited space continues to exist outside the organized universe without end.

3. Raphael, these concepts are what are, and have no resolution as to why they exist nor how they could have come to be, nor the question of, if there is an end to space, intelligence or elemental matter, for this has never been found. Therefore, we who are the Gods, accept these facts and do not dwell on reasons or queries anymore about how these all came to be. We all have accepted this is what is and do not question further. We know what is and that is sufficient. Basically, there was no creation before our very first parent Gods started to create their own living beings, consisting of their own intelligence and elemental matter. This is the beginning of all creation.

4. We are very indebted to our first parent Gods who, by their superior intelligence began the process of creation, starting with themselves. They are still creating and finding great happiness in their creations. They also have shared with their own offspring who qualify, their methods and means of creating so that they, too, may have this great joy and happiness in their own creations and offspring. Those with whom are shared these secrets and powers of creation are called the Gods, and belong to the family of the Gods. Without these there would be no perpetuation of creation. New creations bring joy and happiness to their creator Gods. The Gods continue to create and find deep satisfaction and happiness in their creative works. These works of God never end.

5. We have found that the greatest joys we are able to attain, amongst all the actions we do, are when we experience with our highest creations, our own children, the fulfillment of them becoming even as we are, gods themselves! This process starts with the selection of an intelligence whom we offer to create into our own son or daughter, combined with elemental matter into a spirit offspring. The process continues as these, our children, accept, by their own will and agency, to become like us as they progress in their first and second estates. If they are faithful and obedient, they are eventually crowned as husband and wife couple gods themselves, to begin the same life and godly processes as we experience.

When these, our children, attain to becoming gods themselves, we, in turn, receive the highest joy and happiness possible. We become fully and eternally bound to them forever, linked in love and in a relationship that keeps bringing us deep satisfaction and joy. There is no end to the amount of joy and happiness we are able to receive from the continuing process of these choice children becoming like us. As they receive joy, we also rejoice with them and find more joy too. Our works are eternal and we call them one eternal round.'

6. I thanked my kind and loving Heavenly Father for his remarkable words this morning. I told my Heavenly Parents that I received a great measure of happiness when I come before them and receive from them. They both smiled. Heavenly Mother said that my joys would only increase as I follow them and keep their commandments. I saw that their commandments are calculated to make me happy and bring this same joy to them as I obey.

7. Evening–I came this evening to the mortal probation chapel on the main floor of God's temple. I was up near the front of the chapel, kneeling. I asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I faced the front and waited upon God.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came on the stand, facing me. They seemed happy that I had come here.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have asked you to come to us here this evening in your prayer. Come walk with us to the mural at the back of our room depicting your day.'

They both walked to me in the air and I joined them as we came to the last days mural showing our current time. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what you see is happening at your time, and in the days soon at hand. Look!'

8. I turned and looked on the last days mural. I saw that M.S. had just been excommunicated, so I knew this was our very day. I saw there were others that were prominent that were also soon excommunicated. I saw that the Saints became more fear-based, fearing to counter their leaders in any way, and were fearing lest they make a mistake and become reprimanded by their local leaders. The people seemed to go more and more through the actions of religious practices, but had lost the real verve and spirit in their worship. All the meetings became increasingly void of the Spirit, and the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, was becoming so foreign to the people that they didn't remember how it even felt! I could see that Heavenly Mother's presence and influence had fully departed from the meetings of the Latter-day Saints! There seemed to be so little motivation to attend church or the temple except from a fear perspective, for the Latter-day Saints replaced true worship with thoughts that if they did not do exactly as their general local leaders asked, then they would somehow get in trouble with God. They also felt they had to look good to other Latter-day Saints. There were also many who didn't follow their leaders because they didn't believe anymore their idle promises that were frequently made to the people.

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you can see on the last days mural that in a fairly short time the LDS members have lost a great deal of religious fervor, for I no longer come and witness to the people of their leaders nor what they say that is no longer aligned with our truths. I still witness of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the restoration through Joseph Smith the prophet, but not of modern day "prophets" and leaders. Satan and his minions are more and more among these Saints, leading them into false paths and causing them to fear instead of being filled with the love of God in their hearts. They are becoming like any of our other children in the world and can't be distinguished readily anymore as Latter-day Saints, for they don't have the Spirit any longer.'

I looked at my saddened Heavenly Parents as they looked upon the last days mural with me. I felt saddened too! We soon walked away from watching, for it was a depiction of the loss of a once great and spirit-filled people.

I then came to my own self writing all of this down in my front room chair. I felt a continuing sadness, all caused by the peoples' rejection of God's truths and revelations and being misguided by false leaders.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 16, 2019, Saturday

1. I came to the maple tree grove on the shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the water's edge to drink of the living water and felt enlightened. I then walked back to the grove and sat on the soft ground under the large canopies of some majestic maple trees. I thought of my experience last night in seeing the loss of the spirit of the Latter-day Saints. It had disturbed me! I also didn't like to see the religion becoming a fear-centered rather than a love-centered form of worship. I wanted to confirm whether I really saw this all correctly. I knelt and faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared down by the shore and came up in the air and into the grove next to me. I felt so pleased to be in her presence! Her visage and eternity eyes were sparkling and happy. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your vision mural experience last night was disturbing to you. Your Father and I have withdrawn from the Latter-day Saints as a people, and come only when our elect humbly ask us for our personal guidance in their lives and not for activities void of the Spirit. You saw correctly and recorded accurately what was depicted in the days ahead on our vision mural. This is what happens when I withdraw my Spirit gradually from the people, when they are governed more and more by hollow practices and false habits of worship, of a fear-based religion, and of pride and exclusivity.

3. When you were in Chile seven years ago, getting your injured son off his mission, you and your wife realized that we were a bigger God than just the God of the Latter-day Saints. You came to understand more clearly that all mankind were really your equals, and your brothers and sister, and not just the Latter-day Saints. This false notion of being in an exclusive religion is in itself a very prideful stance that does not serve the people well. They feel that we, their Gods, favor them over all the other peoples of the earth. If they were to truly worship us in humility and openness, we would open their minds to their own "sameness" with their other brothers and sisters living in all the world. We only favor the truly righteous on a one by one basis, regardless of religion, for their personal obedience to us and how they follow our gentle promptings.

4. "Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one; he that is righteous is favored of God."
(1 Nephi 17:35)

5. There is particularly a feeling of being exclusive among the local and general authority level of the leaders in the LDS Church. Many of these think that they are better than the general membership of their own LDS Church, and for sure better than the other people in the world. This is a great stumbling block for them! I have withdrawn my presence from those who carry this prideful air with them. Satan wishes that the Latter-day Saints themselves become more and more like the Zoramites of old in their attitudes on religion and worship. It was only among the poor and those rejected by their Zoramite leaders that Alma and his brethren began having success in sharing true doctrine and religion. This is how it will become again, even in your day among our Latter-day Saints. Only the humble and the rejected who question their own religious beliefs and practices and who question what their leaders may say and do will be sufficiently open to hear and receive our words that we gently whisper to them. These are the only ones to whom I will send my Spirit, even the Holy Ghost.'

6. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, I love the humble and the meek, the open and the questioning! I withdraw from the prideful and arrogant, those who practice exclusivity and have a "holier than thou" attitude. When the Church of Christ is reestablished again at the beginning of the millennium, we will have a humble and penitent people. All our Saints will be open and receptive to us. There will be a feeling of being the same, whether rich or poor, leader or not, with open arms to all children of God. Our love will imbue the people, and our Spirit will glow from their countenances. They will have a feeling of service and deep caring for each other. These Saints will be like those of old, after Jesus Christ visited the Nephites.

7. 4 Nephi 1:15-18
"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.

And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.

And how blessed were they! For the Lord did bless them in all their doings;"'

8. Heavenly Mother was smiling broadly as she finished this scripture. Her eyes were twinkling with love and anticipation, I think, of this day ahead when she would be welcomed among her children in the Church of Christ. I love to see her in this contemplative and happy state! I thanked her for her clear message. I felt like I had seen the vision mural accurately. I was happy to end my prayer on such a happy note of the vision of a happy people.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 17, 2019, Sunday

1. Last night I got home very late. I knelt by my bedside and prayed. I came to the circling waters and Heavenly Mother came to me there. She was so loving and accepting of me! She expressed her love to me and was glad for my effort to have come to her in her world, even when I was so very tired. She excused me to bed and I slept like a baby until now when I awoke. I felt very blessed to have connected to my Heavenly Mother last night.

2. This morning I came to the desert oasis. It seemed foggy there for some reason. I made my way to the water's edge where I knelt down and drank some living water from my cupped hand. I felt clear and more perceptive having drunk living water. I looked out over the water and saw my Heavenly Mother gradually appear before me in the fog. She glowed brightly amidst the fog and lit up the shoreline round about. I was so glad to be again in her glorious presence!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to you in the fog this morning. The world lies in a heavy spiritual fog that keeps the children on earth from seeing clearly their own place in the world. They are almost always unaware of what is coming their way or who in the spirit realms is near them. Many are aimless in their life, for they cannot see any path to take. They usually stay put and make no effort to pray to God to help them see where they really are or what paths they might take.

3. There is a way to perceive in this fog around them. If they humbly and sincerely come to us, in a quiet and meditative state, we will come to them and speak to their inner soul. We will speak in a way they have known well before they left our presence. They will feel comfort from us just being near them. As they are open to our gentle promptings, our thoughts will pour into their own mind, speaking direction and peace to their spirit. As they seek to hear, we will speak to them. This revelation comes to their unconscious mind so quietly and peaceably. Those who have been close to us before coming to their mortal experience will relish this time with us, for they will remember how much we have loved them and that familiar voice with which we now speak again to them. There will be a time in their mortal life, as they persist, that we will remove the fog and they will perceive us so much more clearly. We will come to each one differently, but we will come.'

4. At this time the fog quickly dispersed and a bright celestial sun shone all around us. I saw my beautiful Heavenly Mother before me in glory! I saw her eternity eyes, so loving and compassionate. I saw her broad smile. I felt so comfortable to be in her presence. I knew she accepted me just as I was, complete with all my weaknesses and strengths. She saw into all of me, all my thoughts, all my secrets, and all of me.

5. She spoke again: 'Raphael, your Father and I see our beloved children without disguise, for we see all of them, even their intentions and their hearts. We know of their struggles and weaknesses and accept them just as they are. If they open up to us and want our guidance, we will tenderly lead them to become the beautiful and capable children we know they may become. We will strengthen them so they may see us more and more clearly too, and have normal and frequent visits with us. Our Beloved Son will come unto them and help purify and cleanse them from all sin. They, too, will begin shining forth with the light we send to them. All of this connection we have with them is so deeply personal and so sweet.'

6. She continued: 'Raphael, my first encounter with you in mortality had been at the energy class in April 2013. Since that time, I have come to you so many times, along with your Heavenly Father and sometimes Jesus Christ. We have come because you have diligently sought us and hearkened carefully to our words. You have valued our relationship to the point that you come now mornings and evening into our presence. We have then spoken to you, taken you in our arms, revealed to you great things, and guided you in your life. This experience has brought you peace and immense happiness and joy! You continue to come before us and seek our face. In turn, we reveal ourselves to you and speak revelation to your heart and mind.

7. We will continue to guide you, Raphael, and continue to pour out our revelations upon you. Treasure these, our words, write them down, and we will make the canon of scripture we reveal through you very great. Many will seek these truths, first revealed through you and written by you even as you receive them in your quiet time. We have planned our revelations to you, even from the beginning, for your own benefit and for those of our faithful children who similarly love our words and diligently seek us.

We will confirm to them the truths of what you have and will write. We will lift the fog from their minds and hearts too, as they study and meditate upon our words we give through you. We will also reveal to all of our faithful our personal direction and revelations.'

8. I basked in the love and light flowing to me from my Heavenly Mother. I felt so much at peace. The fog started gathering again, this time around her and soon enshrouding her so I couldn't see her. Then the fog dissipated quickly and she had departed. I feel the lingering peace and love she left for me in my heart. Oh, I love to be with her! I believe her presence continues to abide in my heart.

9. At Church–I came to my son's ward today. I came to the top of the waterfalls in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, looking east to the mountain river. I knelt there as I sang the sacrament hymn. Once the priest offered the prayer, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. I waited a short time for Heavenly Mother who came in front of me and then my Heavenly Father came out of the air next to her, and then they both faced me. I made my weekly covenant before them both. After I voiced my sacrament covenant, my Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments. Each time you remake your covenant, we, in turn, strengthen you to more fully keep your resolve to remember us and to do our will. We also more abundantly pour out our Spirit upon you, so that you may more fully be receptive to all our words and directions. We are able to give you our revelations in more clarity and power, because you have made a recent renewal of your covenants to us.'

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother stood smiling above the water while I started writing all of this down in my journal that I had brought with me to church. I then lost connection with my Heavenly Parents.

10. Evening–I came to the celestial world in my unconscious mind, in my replicated self. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream on the bank that led to the lake to my south. It was lovely and very pleasant here. I drank from the little stream and then faced the lake. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. I waited and held still, with my eyes upon the water.

Heavenly Father appeared to me, under the canopy of a tree. He walked a few steps to my front. I rotated to my right a little to face him more directly. He was smiling and seemed so accepting of me.
He spoke:
'Raphael, my son, when you attended your son's ward this afternoon, his bishop said something that was significant, that will help you. He said that two people can experience the same situation and have entirely two different viewpoints of what happened. This is the same when one of our children is looking for evidence or impressions upon which to build his or her own story, testimony, or account of an experience. The person then may boldly testify that they know that God's hand was influencing the results or the outcome of what happened. The more removed my people become from the true Spirit of God, the more stories or fables they concoct. Such were the testimonies you heard today about how God led them to call people to new positions in the newly organized ward.

There are now so many of the Latter-day Saints who so much want miracles in their personal lives that they make up a miracle story. They don't even put forth the effort required to receive our guidance, but are so prone to tell a sensational story. They continue to become removed from our influence as they perpetuate these sorts of fables.'

11. Heavenly Father continued: 'The Spirit of God may come upon one of our children in their mortal life, bearing witness to their heart and mind in an unmistakable way. These impressions come distinctly by the still small voice, or by the power of the Holy Ghost. This is our Spirit that may touch and inspire our child. Often this Spirit comes in response to humble, open and diligent prayer. We may come to gently guide and prompt our pleading child. We rarely come in sensational ways, but in the quiet times during or after meditation. We also influence and guide our children in small whispers that they feel or hear in their own minds and hearts. The feeling that a decision is right comes after studying the situation and asking if it be right. We may cause the bosom to burn within our recipient so that he or she knows it is right (see D&C 9:8-9). If it be not right, we give other directions, like a stupor of thought or forgetting of the thing that is not right. All of this takes time to cultivate and to hear with accuracy. When our children persistently seek us in prayer, in their meditative and quiet time, then they are more likely to hear our gentle whispers, by the Spirit of God. There is no shortcut to developing within oneself a familiarity with our voice, the voice of the Spirit.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for enlightening me with these truths from him directly. I thanked him to have heard his voice in my mind as I wrote these words. I feel assured of their truthfulness.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 18, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I pondered before my prayer and communion with God. I wondered what I could receive? I feel a blank over my mind. I am so glad God chooses what to talk to me about, for it does not come from me, for I have no ideas this morning! I always come to my Heavenly Parents with a blank or fully open mind.

2. I came this morning to the celestial world at the top of the switchback path above the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I faced east towards the lake, knelt down in the grass and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

My Heavenly Mother came to me from the south, or to my right side. She wanted me to come with her to the domed room at the end of the path she was on. I stood and walked next to her, and then together we walked in silence to the domed room. We entered. We walked to the center and she then stopped and faced me.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you to our domed room. From this location, we may see anything we wish, any of our creations, up close or at a distance. Today I would like to address how we determine the composition of one of our many healing plant remedies.
At the beginning of the creation process, we determined if there are chemicals or components that need to become an integral part of the plant we are wanting to create that will counter the cause of a particular disease or condition. Once we determined what this plant was to cure or in some way minimize the effects of the condition, we then decided how it would be incorporated into a living organism.

4. For example, the aloe vera plants we have created have a gel-like substance that is very cooling and healing for burns of the skin. It can also be ingested for stomach and digestive complaints.'
I then saw around me on the walls of the domed room details of what Heavenly Mother was explaining. Heavenly Mother continued: 'When we first created the aloe vera, we determined everything we wanted it to help cure and heal. Then we wanted this gel-like surface to not only be cooling to the touch, but promote reconstruction of a burned area. We also wanted it to relieve pain and to act as a poultice in itself, simply by cutting the stem lengthwise, removing the edge thorns, and applying the gel of the stem directly on the wound or burn. It is like a ready made poultice or applied covering.

5. We first created the substance of the plant, its properties and consistency, and then designed how a desert plant would be able to grow this component within its stem or leaf. We worked with the family of desert plants and adapted this aloe vera to have these special properties. We also directed our creation to be able to pull up nourishment from its roots and abundant sunshine from above, plus the limited water the desert has, to create this jelly healing substance in its structure. We knew the jelly substance had to be slimy on its surface when cut, but it also needed to retain the cooling properties over time of when applied on a wound or burn.'

6. Heavenly Mother continued: 'I was directly involved creating this plant many eternities ago. I created this with your Heavenly Father. Together we designed the propagation process, the way the plant would create its fat leaves, and how it would be resistant to insect damage and other intruders. The primary purpose of the plant is to heal wounds and burns and to help soothe digestive issues.

We wanted there to be abundant living poultices on a single resilient plant that could be used without killing the plant. Your Heavenly Father and I worked together, along with our intelligence that we chose to be our first aloe vera plant, in designing exactly what we desired. We are extremely knowledgeable on all phases of plant growth, on the living composition and structure of the leaves and roots, and how exactly the aloe substance both cools and heals a wound. Every aloe vera plant has as part of its individual mission to heal, comfort and bless our children in ways we have set from the beginning of its creation. The plant can be grown in a desert area, or inside a home, ready to be applied for skin burns and problems when needed. We are very pleased how well our aloe vera family of plants has continued to serve our children so well, who live in a telestial, fallen world!

Our children come into a mortal world with plants like aloe vera, that are available for their use. We inspire those who have desires to learn how to use our creations in ways we have designed. They, in turn, share their new found knowledge with family and friends.

7. Aloe vera is just one of thousands of plants that we, or the other Gods, have created to help heal and sustain our beloved children on their earths. We have designed their worlds to be self sustaining, with so many nutritious foods to eat and plants to be used for healing in every situation! We have designed the human body to self heal and correct its own ailments. This process of healing and growing is all controlled by the spirits of our children who dwell in tabernacles of flesh. Their unconscious minds have knowledge to operate and heal all of their body systems we have created. This knowledge was gained in classes of instruction, required for every soul who would come to earth for a mortal experience. We had established elaborate training classes to train and instill within our spirit children so we could send them to earth in confidence. They would need this information in order to survive a mortal world until they would have completed their second estate.'

8. I saw on the walls of the domed room the extensive training processes that we, as pre-mortal spirits, were required to take. I saw we had to learn all of these lessons so we could live long lives on earth. This would be necessary for most of us to be fully tested and to gain the experiences we needed in our second estate.

9. At his point, Heavenly Mother took my hand and we walked out of the domed room to where we had originally met this morning. We passed an aloe vera plant on the side of the path. Heavenly Mother stopped, reached down and touched this plant: 'Raphael, here is one of our aloe vera plants that was the first generation offspring of our first aloe vera creation. It is now a resurrected plant, living in our celestial creations, for eternity upon eternity. We use her for propagating new plants on our many earths and other telestial, terrestrial and celestial worlds throughout our vast creations!'

10. I also reached down and gently touched this amazing creation of my own Heavenly Parents! I was so impressed by the great variety of wonderful healing plants they and the Gods have abundantly created for our use! I turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her creations all around me! She smiled and said she and Heavenly Father continue to do this so that we, their children, may have a better world and a wonderful experience in their second estate.

11. With this my prayer ended today. I felt so overcome with the great planning and skill in creation that goes into one plant like the aloe vera. I thanked my Heavenly Parents in my mind again for their wonderful creations!

12. Later in the afternoon–Here is an email from S that I received today: "Yesterday I pondered and prayed about what happened to brother Stroud. I was directed in prayer to continue my daily journal but to keep it personal as I have done, not for the world to see. My Heavenly Father quoted jst verses that I had read the day before my prayer

JST Mathew 3:24-26 (these not found in the King James Version)
24 And it came to pass that Jesus grew up with his brethren, and waxed strong, and waited upon the Lord for the time of his ministry to come. 25 And he served under his father, and he spake not as other men, neither could he be taught; for he needed not that any man should teach him. 26 And after many years, the hour of his ministry drew nigh.

"This is a day of preparation for you. Wait as the Savior did for the time of your ministry to come," was His message to me."

13. Here is what I wrote back to S:

"Thanks for your thoughts, S. That is a wonderful message from your Heavenly Father to you. I believe we are all in a day of preparation now. We need to keep our experiences we write in our journals to ourselves for now. This is the time to wait and prepare. I like what Heavenly Father said that you (we) should follow the example of the Savior for our ministry yet to come."