55. Visiting the New Jerusalem, Controlling Your Thoughts
Posted 8-16-2017

Hello my friends!

It has been only eight days since my last post went out, and yet so much more information has come my way. I hope you enjoy this post–I think you will be challenged in your mind! Please pray about whether what I have received is true or not, and how it applies to your life now.

I know that my mind has been expanded this past week, with practical application of controlling my thoughts. Please take time to practice all of this too. There is great freedom in control of oneself!

Several of you mentioned how you liked the pictures of our flowers, so I continued with more images flowers and of vegetables that are ripening in our garden areas. I love this time of year!

Please also connect with me–write me by email. I would love to receive your emails, just to know you received this, or have questions, or just want to chat. 

Much love,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-8-2017 Tuesday

1. Yesterday, my wife and I had a shutdown on our Amazon merchant account. They called it a permanent shutdown. We wrote an appeal and are waiting for their response. I was not happy and upset. Here is what I received in answer to my prayer:

2. 'Raphael, we have orchestrated the current shutdown of your Amazon account, and the eventual shutdown of your business. Accept the consequences of what we have done. You will see that it is for the better. We have much for you to do that will require your attention in the near future.

We are also pleased with your website post. You have been sufficiently clear on what we have revealed to you over the past month.'

I then thanked him, and went to bed.

3. This morning in my prayer, I prepared myself and was petitioning God in heaven in the little birch tree grove, next to the living water stream on the valley slopes to the city of Enoch. My Heavenly Parents came before me, with happy faces. I shared with them my acceptance of the direction in my life and that of my wife. I thanked them for the new direction I would have, and the greater opportunity to serve them, being soon freed completely from our business of many years. I thanked them for the revelations I had received this past month, which have been great. I then waited upon God.

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. She spoke in a very kindly way, like she always does:

'Raphael, life in mortality is always changing. We do this for our own purposes for our children, and to test them, to see if they are obedient to us in every new situation. Your life is no exception, and will change. It is time now for you to be more fully available to us, and this change with your business ending in the near future is the change we now require. We will continue to provide for you and your family needs in the flesh.

5. Raphael, we have much more to reveal to you. Trouble yourself no more over the mortal angels, for they are all in our hands. You have been true and faithful, and will fulfill all we have commissioned you to do.'

I then thanked her and my Heavenly Father. I felt their love and guidance. I then started my day.


B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-9-2017 Wednesday

1. Yesterday my wife had written several persuasive letters to Amazon to try to convince them to open up our account again. Then they surprisingly opened us on Amazon in the early afternoon, to be available to sell again! This action was with the condition that if we ever had late orders again in the future, that we would be shut down immediately.

We were so relieved! We now will be able to hopefully either sell our business outright or sell off our inventory through Amazon over the next few months. We have been shocked sufficiently to now act and close out our business! It is a blessing to have this mindset now to sell out and sell off.

2. I feel too that God orchestrated this tender mercy, so that we can recoup what we can before closing our doors. This is a great blessing.

This morning I prayed at the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. My Heavenly Parents came. Heavenly Mother spoke first to me:

'Raphael, we are pleased that you sent out your website post yesterday, and removed login privileges for those who didn't support you.'

3. Then I waited longer, and Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we would like our angels who are supportive to you to experience what you have been shown in the New Jerusalem. You already have your residence, in your unconscious mind and being, in the New Jerusalem city, in the spiritual realms. We desire that those mortal angels who support and sustain you to also take up their residence there, in these spiritual realms. We will help them perceive spiritually as you have done, the temple, the temple square area, and any other portion of the city they may desire–all in their conscious mind's too.

4. Being able to perceive this unconscious awareness in one's conscious mind is an attribute that you should all develop more fully. This will help you to all see spiritually with senses and perceptions of a celestial nature, the glorious celestial city in the future. With we who are your God, time is not a limiting factor in our world. We will allow time also to not be a limiting factor for any of our humble and receptive angels.

5. Raphael, you have led the way with your initial descriptions as you have spiritually seen the New Jerusalem, and the basic purposes of the Church of the Firstborn. We desire all our holy angels to perceive and experience this too.

6. If they will each individually seek us, in meditation and prayer, and meet us on the tall mountaintop near Heavenly Mother's upper garden, then we will speak to them. We will also take them into the eastern skies and walk with them in the holy city, the New Jerusalem. We will show them all that we have shown you. We will continue to bless them with more clarity, and celestial perception. At first they may see only some fleeting feelings and visualizations, but as they persist, as have you, they too will be able to see, feel and walk the paths of gold, and enter into our glorious temple.

7. When you send your next website post in a few days, they will have read and pondered your post from yesterday. Please tell them they need to make time in their life, as you have, to approach us and have these experiences. When they are brought to the New Jerusalem, they will also all see you who are already there.

We stand ready to bless each one as they come unto us in this manner.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their direction this morning! I am so grateful for their words each time I pray to them.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-10-2017 Thursday

1. This morning in my prayer, and last night too, I prayed by the little granite cliff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. My Heavenly Parents came to me, smiling and happy with me. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, what your wife is learning about, schooling and controlling one’s thoughts with her life coach (Self Coaching 101 by Brooke Castillo), is true information. You each have the ability to shape your attitude and views of every situation by control of your thoughts. Learn as much as you can from her.

2. You received an email from M.A. who spoke about 8-8-8, the numbers associated with the date of your last post (the last number 8 = 1+7). What she said is true about a new phase. The angels are now in a new phase, a time of testing for them. It is a time for them to be more open and aware of us, their Heavenly Parents. We will reveal to them all things as they come unto us, just like we are doing to you. What your Heavenly Father told you yesterday about us revealing more openly to those who sustain you is our plan and purpose for each one. We desire to show them each great things, as they are willing to come unto us.'

3. I thanked her for her words. She then had me stand on the granite cliff, and walk with them into the sky above her lovely upper gardens to the west. I walked between my Father and Mother in my unconscious mind. I couldn't tell what they were telling me or showing me. I then ended my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Kale with a lone flower in its midst

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-11-2017 Friday

1. Last night I got to bed past midnight, and was quite tired. When I prayed, I was at the top of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I prepared well for the prayer, and my Heavenly Parents came. I shared a little with them, and then waited. They only smiled and just accepted me as I was! It was a short prayer. I felt like I was basking in their presence, with no message. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed. It was a memorable experience, even though no words or thoughts were exchanged except for acceptance and love. Since I was very tired, I don't know what I could have received very well anyway!

2. I.R. wrote me and asked about how different objects looks–like the fountain of living water, the leaf and fruit of the tree of life in one's hand, and more. I will try to sketch these.

3. In my morning prayer today, I prayed looking north at the pool of water under the waterfall at Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I looked into the faces and eyes of my Heavenly Parents who came from the skies above and stood before me, standing just above the water.

4. I said a few words, and then waited. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind and heart. I could hear distinctly his words, in clarity. They came to my mind in sentences, although I didn't hear his words audibly with my ears. I listened, and then responded. I felt to write all of this down now:

5. From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, we are very pleased to come before you this morning. You have prepared yourself well, by coming out of the telestial world where you consciously live, to a meditative state in the celestial world.

6. You have drunk three times from these living waters in this waterfall pool, to give you clearer perception of your celestial realms and surroundings. You have then entered in by the white gate near the golden altar by our temple. Our Beloved Son has opened the gate and accepted you, welcoming you to the narrow path that leads to our tree of life. You have traveled that narrow path, symbolizing your obedient actions in doing all we have asked of you up to this point in your life.

7. When you arrived at the canopy of our tree of life, you have seen one white fruit which you plucked from the tree. You also picked one leaf. You brought these to these waters, and ate. As you partook of the fruit, you thought of someone in your life for whom you would like to have more abundant love. You did this three times as you partook and ate the white fruit. Then you chewed and swallowed the leaf of the tree, for your own healing. You thought of the needs of your body and spirit, and thought of us healing the areas you thought of.

Then you knelt at these waters, and called upon us with uplifted hands. We both came to you, descending from the sky above. We stood before you.

You next welcomed us, and waited upon us to speak to you and to lead you.

8. Raphael, we will always come to you when you so prepare for us to come! Your approach shows humility and diligence. We are very pleased to give you revelation, here a little and there a little, each time you come to us in this manner. We do so gradually, over time, so you are able to absorb in your mortal conscious mind, the direction we give. You have no pre-conceived ideas or expectations. You are open and clear.

9. Raphael, your wife has been sharing recently her learning about thoughts and how these affect feelings and actions. These words from her are true. Your own peace and view of your life should really not be dependent upon other people or circumstances. You, and not others, determine it all.

10. The five steps of the Life Coach, Brooke Castillo

>We have perfect control of our thoughts. We also desire that you develop the skill of being in perfect control of your thoughts.

11. You have experienced a great freeing of your mind and thought by unhooking your dependence upon religious leaders and religious culture from the LDS Church in the area in which you live. You have seen how many live in fear of what control their leaders have over them, and fear of what others may think. You have released all such fears, and have experienced great freedom and clarity in your thoughts in these areas. This has opened you up to us to receive new direction and revelation. You are not subjugated to any man or creed of men, or culture of expectation on how you should think that is created by man. This is pleasing to us, and is a mature view.

12. Circumstances in your life could also control your thoughts. Part of the mortal experience is to have a wide variety of situations so we may see how you do, and if you come unto us. Many in the world are controlled by the circumstances they find themselves in, whereas they need not be controlled in this way. They may instead direct and control their own thoughts, based on truthful statements that bring them joy and freedom, and other desired feelings and actions. These are all initiated by their thoughts.

13. Control of your thoughts during meditation allows you to be elevated into celestial realms above, and to commune with us your God. Your openness is created by control of your thoughts. Your visualization of us and of the celestial realms we are in help you see with more clarity your glimpses into heaven. This practice, done daily and steadily, develops the mental clarity and connection with your unconscious mind, which sees and perceives your entire environment in these celestial realms. You are truly in a state to hear us, and to receive direction from us.

14. Share these words with our holy angels. Their thoughts will clearly create their feelings and actions. We are pleased with those who have listened to us and are led by revelation. We will guide them, line upon line, in their progression also.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words this beautiful morning! I am so grateful to have received today such good insights from him. I will work on determining what thoughts I allow to take root in my mind, so that my feelings and actions are pleasing to God and myself. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son. I am ready to start a new day!

Our favorite cucumber!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-12-2017 Saturday

1. Yesterday evening I had a good prayer with my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother spoke to me about controlling my thoughts. She offered to help me learn to have greater control of my thoughts, as they have perfect control of their thoughts. She said she would tutor me! I expressed my excitement, and willingness to learn.

2. When I was looking into their faces and soft eyes, I realized we all three had perfect choice to do as we wished. They were perfectly free, and had agency to act as they do. I was before them, and also had perfect choice to come unto them, of my own volition. I had no coercion or constraint at all from them. I was completely in charge of my own destiny, if I wanted to continue receiving from their hand or not. I have been choosing to draw close to them, and to come to them twice daily in prayer. I had fully sought them, prepared my mind and heart for them, and they had graciously chosen to reveal themselves to me. This was a pure celestial relationship and interchange, based on choice and agency.

3. I do so much desire to be close to them, my Heavenly Parents and my Gods. I desire to learn all I can from them. I seek them diligently, and they said they would continue to reveal to me great things, and their Godly ways as I diligently seek them. They reveal a little each time, giving me time to absorb it and to gradually change my mindset, my paradigm. My relationship with them is the very most important thing in my life!

4. Heavenly Mother asked me to seek to develop control of my thoughts as I partake of the leaf of the tree of life. She said I could seek that ability while eating the healing leaf of the tree of life. I plan to do so.

I.R. had asked me by email about the fountain of living waters at the New Jerusalem. I prayed about this in my mind and was given this information:

5. The center part of the fountain is all pure gold, a cylinder that is placed 20 ft into the ground over the fissure of the water springing up from the earth. The part of the cylinder pipe that goes into the ground is 4 ft inside diameter and 25 ft long, so that 5 ft of it is above the ground level. This large volume captures the pure living water and directs it up to the next tier of attached piping. This 4-ft diameter gold pipe has 4-in wall thickness. It is capped with another 4-in thick gold ring, shaped like a huge washer used with bolts. In the middle of this ring is another cylinder pipe that has an inside diameter of 2-in, and also has a 4-in wall thickness (outside diameter is 10-in). This second pipe extends upwards another 4 ft, and then is attached to another 4-in thick gold washer with another vertical cylinder. This last cylinder has a 1 1/2-in inside diameter, by 3-in thick by 3 ft tall (the outside diameter is 7 1/2-in diameter). The total height of the gold piping is 12 ft above the ground level. The water from the fountain spews forth high into the air 50 additional feet or so and then spills back into the reservoir area of the fountain.

6. The reservoir area of the fountain has a 33 ft inside diameter. The outer rim wall of this reservoir is 5 ft tall from the ground. There are 10 ft openings for the four water channels that exit the reservoir to the north, east, south and west. The rim wall of this reservoir is 2 ft thick, making the outside diameter of the reservoir 37 ft. The rim wall is made of stone, with a 2-in edge on the top to accommodate a 3-in thick gold inset. This gold extends all around the circular top perimeter of the reservoir wall.

7. The height of the reservoir wall is 5 ft from the ground. On the outside of the fountain stone reservoir wall there are 3 steps that rise 3 ft high total. These three steps are 1 ft tall each, with a landing of 1 ft width except for the last step, which is 2 ft wide. These steps are stone inlayed on the top with gold, similar to the top rim of the reservoir. When on the top step area, a person has a 2 ft wide landing and a 2 ft height to the top of the rim. They may lean over the rim or sit on it in order to dip their cupped hand to drink of the living water.


8. Here is the email I sent to I.R. that I felt would be helpful for all:

Hi I.R.,

Thanks for your email! It was nice to get your deep and great questions. . 

I have waited to respond to your email for a few days, so that I get some clearer idea myself of what I am seeing.

9. Here are your questions and my responses:

· Why does the baptism change from one of immersion to one of sprinkling? I don’t understand that.
The baptism is still a baptism, and hasn't changed at all. Baptism by immersion is performed in the Church of Christ in the millennial day, and the Waters of Separation ordinance is performed in the Church of the Firstborn. They are two completely separate things. Both are needed in the progression of man.

10. · I don’t think I understand that importance of the Red Heifer. Could you explain that? You probably have written it up previously and I should go back and look. I just don’t remember at this time.
I don't know the significance of the Red Heifer either. I know there is a reference to this in the Bible, in Numbers ch 19. See it here.
11. I also don't know why sprinkling is used in this ordinance. I would like to find out, and I am sure that someday I will find out more of the symbolism and reasons why all of this with the red heifer.

· Could you sketch what the leaf of the Tree of Life looks like in the hand? I have been trying to picture it and don’t quite have it.
12. The closest leaf I have found is the stevia leaf. I have one in my greenhouse, and eat a leaf frequently. The stevia leaf is extremely sweet tasting (19x as sweet as sugar!). The tree of life leaf is not nearly as sweet, but it also is not bitter. I have taken a picture like you requested of the stevia leaf that is close to the size and shape of the the leaf of the tree of life (attached)

Stevia leaf

13. · Could you also sketch the fruit of the Tree of Life in the hand? (The hand helps me understand how big it is and what it would look like in my hand as I partake of it.)

My son A. has a tomato that is a heirloom green zebra variety that we have growing. He gave me one this afternoon when we walked through our garden. This picture (attached) is about the size and shape of the fruit of the tree of life, only it is white and glows in my hand. I am able to easily take three bites of this fruit while I seek to have more love for a particular person or persons. For some reason I always take three bites when thinking of three people. I try to savor the fruit as I partake.

Green zebra tomato

14. · Could you sketch the Tree of Life? (I like to hug the tree. I find myself hugging the tree and feel of its love, and also asking permission to partake of the fruit and leaf. I also find myself thanking the tree.)
I haven't sketched this out, but here is my description from my last post: "I went to the mother tree of life. It was 60-in in diameter; the spread was 99 ft wide at the widest point and 45 ft tall. It was more of a sprawling tree than a tall tree." I found a sketch of a wide tree online and have attached that image. It is about the same general shape of the tree of life I believe.

15. · Could you sketch the Fountain of Living Water outside the Temple in the Celestial World (God’s Loving Healing Center)? So many times I feel like I almost see/sense it. I seem to always be looking at it as if I have the temple doors behind me and am trying to see the fountain and the courtyard area. What does it look like?
Here is what I found out about the details of the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. It is probably about the same size and shape as the fountain in heaven (see my journal entry above and the images below).

I have also sketched this on my computer (see below)

16. · I also love the lake at God’s loving Healing Center. I wish I could picture it at ground level. What does it look like at ground level looking out at it?
Everything in heaven is bright and full of flowers and other plants. The water is crystal clear and glows. One can see the fish swimming even at the deepest parts. Looking south over the lake, there is a cliff (I call it the bluff) on the other side of the lake and the path that circles the lake. The bluff has trees on top with an opening where one may pray to the north, overlooking the lake and seeing God's temple in the distance. There are various benches around the outside of the path around the lake. The path is made of soil, but when this path goes up the western slope (the switchback area of the path) it turns into a gold path. This gold path extends along the rim of the woods to the domed room to the south.

17. . . . I hope this helps, I.R.. I plan to share this email on my next post too, so others may receive this same information. I will be praying for you to be able to better visualize everything I share with you!

Say hi to N.R. and your girls!


Journal sketch of the fountain from above

My sketch of the fountain at the New Jerusalem area

18. This morning I drank of the water from the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. The water level was near the top of the fountain pool top–about 3-in lower than the edge of the rim. It flowed into the four channels at a pretty fast rate. I think the volume of water from the fountain sprayed high into the air and fell in large clumps of water into the pool around the gold fountain. It seemed a little misty at the pool edge from the spray of water in the center.

19. I kept asking if the nozzle at the top of the fountain was really only 1 1/2-in inside diameter, and I felt it was. This creates a huge pressure for the water that sends it 50 ft into the air above the nozzle! It is very impressive!

20. (Later on 8-14-2017: While typing this out in my journal, I wondered again if the water only shot out through the gold nozzle on the top of the fountain. I felt the answer was no–it also came out through holes in the sides of the 4 ft diameter gold pipe that was under water. These holes allowed the water to come out with great pressure sideways into the pool of water. When added to the water shooting up in the air, there is sufficient flow into the pool to match the water leaving through the four channels. This water supplies the four rivers that flow out into and from the New Jerusalem.)

21. Several journal sketches of side views of the fountain area

I believe the three steps are steep for the same reason the steps to the nearby temple are steep–to represent the effort we need to apply to reach the living waters. I also saw there were steps in certain areas near the fountain to the four channels. There were between the bridges next to the fountain to the next circles of the trees of life, the altar and the temple entrance. This is so people could reach the living water from the channels too, just like at the fountain. These steps were also 1 ft wide by 1 ft high, except for the top step, which is 2 ft wide. They are all inlayed gold on stone.

22. I partook of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life to the west of this fountain. As I ate of the leaf, I thought of healing my thought process , so that I would have complete control of my thoughts. I also thought of being taught by Heavenly Mother on how to have complete control of my thoughts.

23. My Heavenly Parents then both appeared to me at the edge of the fountain. I was kneeling between the fountain and the eastern tree of life, on the walkway. They were glorious to me, very majestic! They were each smiling. Father was contently smiling, and Mother was broadly smiling, with happy 'twinkling' eyes. I could feel their love and acceptance for me!

24. I opened the prayer, thanking them for their presence and visit to me. I expressed deep appreciation for their love and kindness in sharing with me knowledge and direction. I said I was eager and pleased to receive from their hands. I then said I was waiting upon them for their words this morning. I was waiting upon my God.

25. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. I will try to reconstruct what he said to me in my journal, now that he has stopped speaking:

'Raphael, we are pleased also to come to you in this lovely celestial place. We have showed you more of the fountain of living waters–its construction, operations, and details. This design is from us, not man. It will also be constructed by the power of God.

26. After drinking of this living water, you next went to our tree of life behind us to the west, and partook of the white fruit and of the leaf. When you chewed the leaf, you asked in your mind that we tutor you in the full control of your thoughts, as your Heavenly Mother said we would do for you.

27. Raphael, we will honor your request, and will tutor you this weekend. We have given you a help, which is the leaf of the tree of life. This will help in this training process as you chew and swallow the leaf with the thought of having us to tutor and train you.


28. The leaf will act as a training aid, much like the Liahona was to Lehi in the wilderness, or the Urim and Thummin was to Joseph in translating the Book of Mormon. For you, once we have trained you, and you learn, you will no longer need to associate the partaking of the leaf of the tree of life with training from us, for you will understand the full process. However, with the leaf you will much more quickly gain access to this skill of controlling your thoughts in ways you desire.

29. Raphael, the first step in controlling your thoughts is to be free of the expectations of others. There are so many of our children in mortality who have willingly subjugated themselves to the control of others, or to outside circumstances. They unknowingly have chosen to do so, because of the traditions of their fathers or the culture of the world around them. Had they possessed full control of their thoughts, they might have freed themselves from all this with their choice of thoughts. They are trapped in not knowing how to control their thoughts, but are carried about with every wind of doctrine and of the influence of others and of the world.

30. There is a filter that you have created around your own mind. This filter is created by your actions. You have diligently sought us, your God, twice daily in prayer. You have thought of us and our words to you by day and night. You have, of your own volition and choice, sought us above the world.

31. We in turn have revealed ourselves to you, gradually at first, but more and more as you have persisted. You have sought to become like us in how you see us act. You have sought Godly actions, repented of your foolish and worldly ways. You have aligned yourself with us more and more, especially over the past few years.

32. This effort to draw close to us has created a filter of sorts around your mind. You have layered more and more filters, making it stronger and more robust over your time of association with us.

This filter now operates like this: when you see someone, or a situation, or actions of others, these views enter through your mental filter. You can now see these views through objective eyes. You have learned gradually through seeking the good and praiseworthy in life, the truth about what you see through this filter. You have learned to see objectively, without emotion, the world around you. You see the situation more and more as we see it.

33. This view of life through the filter you have created over time is the second step to full control of your thoughts. The goal is to see life and things as they really are, and objectively without emotion. You may see lovely things or wicked things, all with an objective mind.

Once you see life through this filter, it is like seeing life through our eyes. This is only developed over time, and of your close association with us and our ways.

34. Once you objectively see things as they really are, we will next share with you how to consciously choose or select your thoughts about what you think about the situation you see. We will share this next process with you this weekend. You will then possess the keys of fully controlling your thoughts.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear direction and explanation this morning! If feel so blessed! I knew my prayer was ended. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, their wonderful Son.


F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-13-2017 Sunday

1. Last night I returned to bed early, but was still so tired I don't think I even connected with my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

This morning I was again by the fountain of living water next to the temple in the New Jerusalem, in the future day. I prepared myself well, including eating of the leaf of the tree of life that was to the east, and thinking of healing or correcting my thoughts that were not correct. I asked at that time that my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father help train me in this healing of my thoughts.

When I prayed, my Heavenly Parents came on the rim of the fountain reservoir, standing on the gold inset surface. I was facing them, on my knees. I expressed gratitude that they came.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, sometimes you might be too tired to pray like happened last night. In these cases, don't feel guilty for not connecting to us in prayer. This is infrequent, and happens only occasionally.

3. I want to continue sharing with you how to fully control your thoughts. Yesterday your Father shared the idea of being free of expectations, and of the filter around your mind. I will show you how to know what you are thinking or feeling.

4. The information you are reading from the Life Coach materials is very helpful too. Continue reading these materials and having discussions with your wife on the process of being in control of your thoughts and feelings.

Again, today I will show you how to ready your feelings and thoughts. This is a method that we will bless you with by virtue of you eating of the leaf of the tree of life with the thoughts of controlling your thoughts and feelings.

5. Do an evaluation every hour or so of your thoughts and feelings, like the Life Coach suggests. Take your spirit right hand and do an energy swipe through your head where your mind is located. Bring your hand next in front of you and "read" what you have withdrawn from your mind on the palm of your hand. This visualization will help you identify the simple sentence or even single word of your thought or feeling. Take your first impression what you "read" in your mind.

6. Once you have this first impression, then evaluate: "Is this thought or feeling something I want to keep in my mind or want to change?" If it is good and praiseworthy, and will bring completeness to you and ultimate happiness, then take your right hand and put the thought back in your mind that you have read in your palm. On the other hand, if it is unwanted, and does not serve you well, then swipe it off with the back of your left hand from your right palm. The thought or feeling will be eliminated. Replace it with a better thought, which is based on truth. It will then appear in your mind on your right palm. When satisfied, take your right hand and put this thought as a replacement thought into your mind. Think that you now have this thought in your mind, and own if fully.

7. This visualization process will allow you to quickly correct your thoughts and feelings. If you read a feeling on your right palm, think of the thought that created that feeling. This is the thought that you are to either replace in your mind or correct and then place in your mind. Your thoughts create your emotions and feelings.'


8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the details of her third step of controlling my thoughts. I will try today to evaluated frequently, every hour or so, my thoughts and feelings in this way! I closed my prayer and started my day.

9. Later: We attended sacrament meeting in Orem Utah today to hear our son-in-law play a musical number in church. We enjoyed dinner at their home afterwards. During the sacrament, I visualized being next to Jesus Christ at the front of the white gate in the celestial world. Jesus is the keeper of the gate. He was there on the other side of the gate. At this same time we sang the sacrament hymn, #196 "Jesus Once of Humble Birth." I was looking at my Redeemer as we started singing.

10. Jesus opened the gate and allowed me to pass. I passed through the gate, and Jesus embraced me fully! He whispered to me during the embrace and said:

'Raphael, I have redeemed you, and you are brought back into my presence. You may walk down the narrow path to our Heavenly Parents!'

11. I looked around and saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the end of the narrow path, next to the tree of life.

I then walked on the narrow path during the remainder of the sacrament hymn. I came to my Heavenly Parents and knelt before them. When before them, I made a covenant with them as I do each week. Heavenly Father responded after I partook of the bread:

12. 'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made, to take upon yourself the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (he looked down the narrow path to Jesus who was still standing by the gate), to always remember us (he looked at Heavenly Mother and extended his hand towards her), and to keep our commandments.

We will give you the fourth and final key to controlling your thoughts today in this meeting.'

I then partook of the sacrament water. I had no expectation, no idea at all what Father or Mother would next share with me.

13. Heavenly Father then spoke again:

'Raphael, we have shared with you the first step of no expectations, the second step of the need of a mental filter, the third step of the ability to read your thoughts and feelings after a spirit hand pass through your mind, on the palm of your right hand. The fourth step in learning how to fully control your thoughts is to evaluate frequently your actions and their results in your life. If you see an action or result you have which is not aligned with what you want or like, then think of what thought or feeling precipitated this action or result. While pondering this, swipe your right spirit hand through your mind. Bring your right palm in front of you and read the first impression of the thought or feeling as you were shown to do in step three.

14. If this thought is not a good or correct thought that you wish to have, then swipe if off your right palm with the back of your left hand. This will clear that thought from your mind. If it is a feeling, determine the thought that precipitated that feeling and remove that thought.

15. Once cleared, then find a suitable replacement thought that will ultimately produce a better action and result. Open your right palm and think of this replacement thought. Then read this same thought on your palm. Next place it into your mind with a spirit hand passed through your head so it becomes seated in your mind. This will then produce the correct feeling, action and result you are seeking.

16. Use these four visualization methods we have shared with you to control your thoughts, and to gain the ability to be fully in charge of what thoughts you create.

Once you become practiced at this, you will no longer need this visualization tool. It is similar to a Liahona or an Urim and Thummin in training our sons and daughters to listen to our Spirit and translate. You can become completely in control of all your thoughts and all of your feelings, actions and results in your life.'


G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-14-2017 Monday

1. It is a beautiful sunny day, and we have the prospect of a happy week. I am eager to learn to control my thoughts more and more, using what my Heavenly Parents taught me the past two days. I tried yesterday afternoon and evening to evaluate my feelings and thoughts, and then correct some. The change seemed to happen immediately.

This morning in my prayer I prayed in the maple tree grove by Lake Beautiful. I had prepared well. I also had eaten of the leaf of the tree of life, thinking of healing my thoughts.

2. My Heavenly Parents came. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have successfully replaced a few of your thoughts yesterday using the methods we revealed to you. We encourage you also to read some of the materials your wife has received from her Life Coach.

3. It is now time for each of our mortal angels to also work at this same control of their own thoughts. They may use the same procedure in evaluating their own thoughts and feelings, and systematically learning to replace those unwanted ones in their own mind. In this way, they too may have full control of all of their thoughts, and align them with our thoughts.

4. Prepare your next post now, and send it out soon. We desire each mortal angel to work on these things, and not just read your post. We desire that they each step-up to acting on the words we share with you. They too will find an increased ability to gain control of their own lives.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming this morning and sharing these words with me. I will work on evaluating my thoughts, feelings, actions and results so that they may replace unwanted thoughts with more correct ones. I look forward to living today and this week, and to making personal progress in control of my thoughts.

6. Later, at evening prayer:

I prayed in God's Loving Healing Center near the domed room, down the little hill opposite the switchback. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father came, and Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have taught you last weekend our method to fully control your thoughts, in conjunction with the Life Coach information that you have in your possession. We also want to share with you how to gain access to our power, and how to have great faith. We plan to share these with you in a coming day.'

Obedience plants

7. I thanked her for this promise, and look forward to their instructions! I said I tried several times today to replace unwanted thoughts with more appropriate thoughts, and found more peace and happiness.

I replaced agitation feelings with calmness.

I replaced impatience with patience.

I replaced a feeling of being overwhelmed of multiple tasks to do with self-assurance, taking one item on my task list at time.

8. I made a much better day because of shifting my thoughts! I thanked them for this training they gave me. When I used my spirit hand, I could remove and replace my thoughts quickly and remarkably, and completely too. The emotions that followed seemed instantaneous. The result at the end of the day was contentment and accomplishment.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-15-2017 Tuesday

1. I awoke relatively early for me, and alert. I feel so grateful for the reset that sleep gives me!

I went in the celestial world again during this morning in prayer, near the domed room. I prepared myself well, and asked for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They came as they always do, and were smiling and happy with me. I thanked them for coming and communing with me. I thanked them for the great blessings of controlling my thoughts more with what they taught me. I realized how fickle I have been to my emotions, being responsive to circumstances and others, without really thinking of how I was feeling or acting. I expressed a great desire to take control of my thoughts and feelings, and of my life in a much more dramatic way, working towards full control of my thoughts. I thanked them for their example. I then waited upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are very happy to come to you in our lovely world, and to communicate with you so frequently. We are glad you have tried and been successful yesterday in controlling and changing your thoughts several times. Continue in this practice daily and you will find more peace and control over your life.

3. We are also glad you worked on preparing your next post for the thirteen mortal angels who support you. We have more to share with you, about receiving our power and acting in great faith. However, we want you to share what you have received first. We will give you opportunity today to work on this.

4. We have also seen that you have consistently eaten of the leaf of the tree of life, with the thought that your brain be alert and clear, and that your left shoulder be healed of its pain. We have blessed you more and more in these areas also, as you have noticed. Your clarity and perceptions in the celestial realms have also sharpened as you have diligently drunk of the living water in preparation for each time you pray. This has allowed you to connect more fully with your unconscious mind that sees all things in the celestial realms that you are in.

5. You have also frequently come by the white gate and approached our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ there. He has continually assured you that you are redeemed and clean before us. It is a wonderful privilege to come back into the presence of God, and to be with us so often, while at the same time living in the telestial mortal world. We have welcomed you here because of your diligence and the time you have set aside for us in your life. This will continue to be one of the most important activities you do in your life. Continue to take time to be holy.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words, and the comfort they gave me. I finished writing all of this down, and then closed my prayer."
