10. Raphael, your intelligence permeates all the space of your spirit. Your spirit has a boundary, which is completely filled with your intelligence. Therefore, wherever your spirit is located, there also is located your intelligence. Your intelligence gives all the personality and intelligent being to your spirit. This spirit in turn gives all of your mortal body its being, intelligence, choice and character. What we love about you, Raphael, is your core intelligence that gives all of your assigned spirit matter and physical matter its being and character. Without your core intelligence, all the substance of your spirit or physical self could return to elemental matter and you would still be you. This is because you are your intelligence entity, your intelligence, and not the elemental matter that makes up your spirit and physical body. However, we have decreed that for all of the intelligences we have chosen, save Lucifer and the rebellious, they will retain their spirit and physical bodies in eternity, in the resurrection, with their core intelligence controlling all of these components.
11. Some intelligences are more capable and more intelligent than others. We, who are your Gods, are more intelligent than all of our creations. We may, for example, appear or not appear to other intelligences. We may choose to remain hidden out of the perception of other lower intelligences like you. Tonight when I first came next to you, hidden from your eyesight, I chose not to be hidden from your spirit sense.
12. When you look upon another physical entity or substance or on your mortal earth, you say this is real and tangible. However, you have learned it is tangible because in your mortal state, you have always felt it be tangible. You may feel it is tangible and see it with your eyes. I say to you that more tangible than seeing and feeling with your physical senses is the reality of your spiritual eyesight and view. Finally, more real and tangible than your spiritual senses is your spirit sense, which is inherent with your base intelligence.
13. Raphael, I call the most perceptive of all senses your spirit sense, but it is really the full capability of your intelligence which fills the entire being of your spirit. I therefore call it your spirit sense, "spirit" from your spirit that your intelligence fully fills, and "sense" from referring to the capability of your core intelligence.
14. Learn to fully trust your spirit sense in all things. This is more trustworthy and real than anything in your physical state. It is certainly more tangible than physical eyesight or physical touch. When your Heavenly Mother and I appeared to you in April 2013, you perceived both of us with your spirit sense exclusively. You couldn't see us with your physical eyes, or even your spirit eyes, for spirit sense with your intelligence was the surest sight of all.'
15. All this time that my Heavenly Father was communicating to me was in the thoughts he gave me in my mind. I couldn't see him with my physical or spiritual eyesight, for he was hidden from me. However, his voice came clearly into the mind of my spirit, and my spirit sense fully perceived it all. It was very real, more real than anything else I could experience.
16. All of this is very hard for me to understand. It helps me immensely to have had my Heavenly Father not visible and next to me. He had to be perceived and not seen. I actually received a great confidence boost in this prayer, for I always perceive God, mostly in this surest way, in my 'spirit sense'. I don't want to get confused by Heavenly Father's terminology, for this phrase incorporates the word "spirit" which might confuse some. He explained why he used the phrase "spirit sense" when he was speaking to me.
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father abundantly for this mind-stretching revelation to me tonight! This explains many of my wonderings why I hadn't really "seen" God, but more "perceived " God. I now know that this way has been much more sure and tangible than I could ever receive in any other way.
18. Heavenly Father then became illuminated before me, shining with his light that came from his being, shining forth in space. He then spoke: 'Raphael, you now also see me with your spirit eyes, the eyes of your pre-mortal spirit. You see or perceive me now both with your spirit sense and with your spirit eyes. These are the two most sure ways for you to see and perceive me, even your Heavenly Father.
19. In the future you will finally see me with your physical eyes also, and then your sight and perception will be full and complete. There will be no more ways to see and perceive me before you.'
20. I thanked my Father for his wonderful lesson tonight. I feel so blessed to be in his presence. He then left me and I fully left my place in the celestial orb, off of that western mountain. I am back in my mortal chair, writing all of this down. Gosh I have so much to ponder! I closed my prayer and retired to bed."
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 21, 2018, Friday
1. "I fell asleep last night pondering the deep revelation I just received on "spirit sense". I reread my entry this morning too. It is a monumental revelation I believe! I have the view opened up to me now that all living entities are really core intelligences walking around or existing in a spirit and physical body shell. These entities are really the components of intelligence and matter. Both the spirit and physical are matter formed in different ways. The core intelligence cannot be seen but is only perceived unless it is clothed upon with matter, spirit matter and/ or physical matter on top of that. This is very enlightening to me! I feel deeply grateful for this new information and understanding!
2. If we were only intelligences, without matter, we would only be able to perceive each other, for we would have no eyes to see each other. I am so thankful our first Gods combined and created spirit beings and then physical beings to house our intelligences! This is such an amazing process!
3. This morning in my prayer I came to the desert not far from the desert oasis. I was southwest of the oasis I believe, out in the middle of the celestial desert. There was sand and beautiful desert plants here and there. The celestial sun was up in the celestial sky and I was happy and enjoying my surroundings. I perceived great peace all around me. I walked around a little and felt this is where I was to meet with my God(s) this morning. It was so exceedingly quiet here.
4. I knelt on the sand and faced the distant oasis that I had come to love. I didn't see the oasis but I knew in which direction it was. I realized this direction sense I had was also from my spirit sense capability. I then asked in my mind for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited and watched, or waited and perceived.
5. Heavenly Mother then came walking to me from the desert oasis. I couldn't see her, but I fully perceived everything that she was doing, for it was given to me. I saw her waiting on the bench by the oasis, then she heard or perceived my request to have her or Heavenly Father come. She then stood and started walking directly to me. As she walked, she came in a beam of light to a location right in front of me, wherever I was in that desert.
6. I still did not see her with my spirit or physical eyes, but I fully perceived everything about her presence and being. I sent to her my thoughts of me being so pleased to be in her wonderful presence, and that I felt so honored to be with her again! I could perceive she smiled broadly, and that her eyes were sparkling and shining with joy. I knew all of this observation was fully in my spirit sense that my Heavenly Father had shared and explained to me last night.
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me, all the while remaining hidden from the view of my spirit eyes or my physical eyes. 'Raphael, my son, what you have written last night and so far this morning in your personal journal is true. Your Father has revealed to you the core way we communicate with each other in our celestial world. It is the very most real form of communicating, intelligence to intelligence, spirit to spirit, and entity to entity, that is possible. All intelligence beings have this capability, for it is part of their intelligence makeup.
8. Our intelligences have always existed. You, Raphael, and I have always been, and were never created or made in our intelligent form. We were contacted by other, more intelligent beings at the time of our first being chosen as a child of God. This came first to me before that opportunity came to you. I ultimately came through a creation process, finally becoming a female God. And then, with your male God, your Heavenly Father, we came to your eternal intelligence and communicated with you.
9. At the time we both first met you and communicated with your intelligence, you were located outside the boundaries of the universe, which universe consisted of organized intelligence and matter. Outside this universe boundary, all was unorganized intelligence and matter. All of it had always existed and was never created or made:
10. D&C 93:29 "...Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be."
11. You were intelligence, also called the light of truth, for all intelligence is the basis for all truth and being. There is no existence or intelligent being, or truth of anything without intelligence existing in the vast existence of space.
12. In the beginning, there was no universe, for there was no organization of the intelligences, and all was just 1) intelligence, or the light of truth and knowledge, and 2) elemental matter. It was only when our first parent Gods, being the most intelligence of all the intelligences, each combined elemental matter with their own core intelligences and made a spirit in which their intelligences fully filled this spirit form that now had a boundary.
13. Raphael, all of this may be difficult to understand, but it is real. You are now communicating with me by the spirit sense that Heavenly Father revealed to you last night. You cannot see me, but only perceive me with your spirit sense. This is akin to the way we first communicated to you as a single intelligence outside the organized universe.
14. The core intelligence has no boundary or substance, for it is not matter. On the other hand, matter has substance and is tangible. Your base intelligence, before we contacted you, existed, had being, but did not have any substance or a boundary. It did have a location, however. We came to that specific location where your intelligence existed and communed with you. We offered you to become our son, created with substance or elemental matter, in our own form and image. We were communicating with your intelligence with the spirit sense. You accepted our offer, and then we took your intelligence and ultimately created you in the birth process as a spirit infant. This was the very first time your intelligence had been combined with elemental matter and had a boundary.
15. It took your intelligence some growing into your new infant spirit form. You soon filled completely your new spirit, occupying all the spirit with your intelligence. From this time onward, your intelligence would always be housed in your spirit. As you grew larger in your spirit, your intelligence also filled your spirit. In the future, when you learned to replicate your spirit, your intelligence then filled more than one spirit entity that was still you, with all of your intelligence and being. This then became the new separated boundary parts of your intelligence.
16. All the while now, Raphael, that you live and have being, your intelligence fully occupies your spirit or spirits that are replicated to as many number as is needed to do your great work. You are still one intelligence in all of these spirit forms, or boundaries, for your intelligence has the capability to divide among all the separate spirits and still be the same and in all only one intelligence.
17. You have also learned to replicate in your physical body, all controlled by the replication of your spirit bodies. Raphael, your core intelligence also increases in its light and knowledge, or intelligence factor. You will continue to grow and increase in intelligence until you even become like us, a God, knowing all things.
18. Raphael, I will return to you tonight to this isolated desert location to explain more on your intelligence and its capability and composition. You have received enough to absorb for now!'
19. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her beautiful revelations to me today! I feel kind of maxed out, and also so very excited to learn more! I feel so very grateful to my Heavenly Parents for their amazing revelations to me! I then closed my prayer and started my day.
20. Evening–Tonight I came to the isolated desert location where Heavenly Mother had appeared to me this morning. I felt I would receive more revelation on intelligences and spirit sense.
21. While I was walking on the desert sand, I felt to face and kneel towards the desert oasis to my north. I couldn't see it, but I sensed where it was located. I asked my Heavenly Mother to come. I waited and observed. I shut my eyes and tried to sense, with my spirit sense, where my Heavenly Mother would be coming from. As soon as I shut my eyes, I realized my Heavenly Mother was standing right next to me, on my right side! I decided to keep my eyes closed and communicate with her through my most powerful communication method, my spirit sense.
22. Heavenly Mother was standing and smiling at me. She seemed to be waiting for me to quiet down in my thoughts so that I could fully perceive her.
23. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me (or rather, communed with me in her mind with her thoughts): 'Raphael, I am glad that you have quieted down yourself and sought to perceive me, rather than try to see me with your eyes. Again, spirit sense is the most real and sure way to perceive me.
24. Tonight, I would like to share a little more about the characteristics of intelligences and elemental matter. We each have one core intelligence that directs all of our spirit being. In turn, our spirit directs the physical body in which it is housed. So, ultimately, the intelligence directs and controls everything about who we are, how we function, and what we do.
25. The base intelligence, in the beginning, was not visible because it had no substance or matter. This is hard to visualize for you. You are familiar with spirit entities made in our image, or in images of the other creations. In these spirit states, the intelligence occupies the space of the spirit that is created from elemental matter. The spirit is tangible, but the intelligence is not.
26. In their original locations, beyond the boundaries of the universe where there are creations of God, the intelligences remain where they have always existed. They do not have movement since they are not tangible. We, who are Gods, come to them in their location and communicate with them. They may think and have agency, but do not have any abilities associated with material entities, like any of the creations of God.
27. The elemental matter, located next to the intelligences, also has no movement, for they have no intelligence being that would move them or act upon them. If we, who are creators of the universe, and who are Gods, act upon the elemental matter, only then may it move and be organized by our power.
28. In the very beginning, when there were only intelligences and elemental unorganized matter, we all only existed as intelligences. As we have told you before, the very first two most intelligent of all the intelligences found a way to take the elemental matter and combine this with their own intelligences to create their own spirit beings. They then became spirit entities, or intelligences, shrouded by the spirit. The intelligence of each first God filled all the space and boundary of their spirit and then had form and boundary, and tangible substance. This was the first creation.
29. All other intelligences at that time had no substance and therefore were hidden, or not in a tangible state. They had full function of thought, agency and being, but were unable to do anything. They had to be invited by the first or subsequent Gods, to be added to their creations. To be created meant that these initially would be born into an entity, possessing elemental matter, formed in a shape and creation designed by God. This was a very great increase in capability of that intelligence, for now it could move, have tangible substance, and continue to think and communicate with other intelligences who had also been created in some form.
30. These are the principles of the creation of entities in the beginning. Remember, both the intelligences and the elemental matter always existed, and were never made by the Gods. The Gods instead used their superior understanding and intelligence to form what always existed into a living entity.
31. The entity of the spirit, filled with intelligence, became a living creation. The intelligence gave the entity thought, agency, and the motivation for all actions, and the elemental matter gave the entity substance and material being with which the entity could move.
32. The communication between intelligences always existed, and exists now also. When we wish to communicate with one single intelligence beyond the universe, we may do so. We use directed thought from our intelligence to that isolated intelligence. This is called spirit sense, our term for the most sure form of communication between intelligent beings. This communication occurs before there is often any spirit associated with the intelligence. All intelligent beings are able to thus communicate together, in this intelligence-to-intelligence communication of thought exchanged between them.
33. When one intelligence wants to commune with another, the thoughts of the first enter into the thoughts of the second. The second intelligence may then understand the first. It then may send directed thoughts to the first.
34. This same spirit sense communication may occur between all intelligent entities that possess spirit form and physical form, in any of their states of creation. It is the most basic and sure way of communication.
35. When one entity becomes familiar with another, it begins to sense when the other comes into its presence. This is also part of the spirit sense capability. The entities are also able to perceive with the capability of the intelligence all of the boundaries or form of the other spirit entity, or the physical entity if that is the case.
36. Raphael, with no spiritual eyesight, you may only perceive me next to you and you may also "hear" in your mind, of your intelligence, what I may place there with my directed thoughts. We may thus carry on a conversation of thought exchanges back and forth. We cannot be deceived in this thought exchange, for there is only one way to place a thought and that is by the base intelligence placing it there directly.
37. When there is spirit-to-spirit communication, it is possible that one spirit may deceive another by their talk, whereas with thought communication this is not possible. This is why the Spirit of God, that uses thought communication, cannot be deceived and is sure. This is the way we often speak to our children.
38. When our children become mortals, and fall to a telestial state, they are subject to communication methods that are not as sure as spirit sense communication. Speaking with words is the most prone to deceptions, spirit-to-spirit communion is next most sure, but the very most secure is by intelligence-to-intelligence communions, or by spirit sense.'
39. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words, transferred to my mind from her directed thoughts. I felt so honored to receive her revelations tonight. My wife then said she was going to bed and I knew my time was over in prayer. I closed my prayer and went to bed."
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 22, 2018, Saturday
1. This morning I read again my journal entry from last night. I am very enlightened by the new concepts I received! I communicated only with my spirit sense last night, never seeing Heavenly Mother with my eyes, but yet fully knowing she spoke to me with her thoughts that came in my mind. It is a new shift in my thinking that the surest way of communicating with another is through this spirit sense, as it is called. This is how I have communed during my last three prayers with my Heavenly Parents. I feel assured this is true.
2. I wonder how it would be to communicate with other fellow human beings only with this spirit sense method? We are certainly not in tune to our own intelligence to do this. Instead, we rely on speech. My neighbor who recently moved away had a stroke earlier this week. He can't talk now but can move his hands and write. He must feel so trapped! I wonder if he could quiet down and communicate with his spirit sense and if his spouse could also quiet down and sense his directed thoughts. It is part of the way we communicate as intelligent beings or entities. Once we were to learn this better, we should be able to communicate with other living entities like plants, animals, and even newborn baby children who haven't yet learned the fallen earth ways of this telestial world. Interesting thoughts.
3. This morning I came to the circling waters, one of my favorite places. I expect to communicate in prayer with my Heavenly Parents, or one of them. I will try to detect which way I mostly commune with them. I drank some living water and then knelt in front of the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. Heavenly Father then came, appearing to me across the water. He walked in the air across the circling waters to a place in front of me. I could tell I saw him both with my spirit eyes and my spirit sense.
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when we first came to you as a base intelligence, outside the boundary of our universe, we perceived you and communicated to you exclusively with our spirit sense. There was no other way to speak to you except with this form of communication. We have continued to communicate to you with our spirit sense, even when you were inside your Heavenly Mother when growing as a spirit fetus. Once you were born as a small spirit infant, we used spirit sense to teach you. We soon also taught you how to speak using the vocal cords of your new spirit. However, we never relied on this new method of communication exclusively, but kept our spirit sense as our primary way we communed with you and all our children.
5. When you started interacting with others of our spirit children, you mostly spoke with your voice and saw with your spirit eyes. However, you also retained your spirit sense with us in particular. We taught you, however, to keep communicating with directed thoughts with others of your spirit siblings. This you quickly relearned. We encouraged all of our children to communicate in this way as a basic method to speak with each other.
6. Some of our children discarded their spirit sense quickly in lieu of speaking with their spirit voice. Others, like you, kept their spirit sense alive and active. We tried to communicate with all our children with our spirit sense, but some couldn't understand us too well, so we reverted to speaking. However, we have always tried to keep their first primeval and basic method of communicating using their spirit sense.
7. When our children started coming to their mortal experience, they were immersed in a fallen telestial world, which relied on verbal and written communication. However, we still sought to communicate with them via our spirit sense. Some were unfamiliar with this, whereas others could distinctly feel us nearby. When we finally gave you your awakening experience in April 2013, you were fully able to communicate with us using your spirit sense. You had learned well to retain your ability to receive and to send thought energies back and forth to us, your Gods. You could also perceive us, your Gods, with your spiritual eyes, for that too was activated on that day. You saw and heard us in very real and tangible ways, unlike what you were used to in your telestial world.
8. This was a natural way of communicating with us, even though you were shocked to receive this new awakening experience. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus and I all came to your energy class that day, openly showing us to your spirit sense and to your spiritual perceptions. We came in our celestial realm, and quickened you to come into that same realm where we were located. Nobody else in the class that you spoke to could see or perceive us because they were not quickened, as were you.
9. After that class, we continued to communicate with you as you persisted in coming unto us. We communicated with both our spirit sense and spirit voice and sight, which were inherent in your spirit, as you had learned in your pre-mortal life with us.
10. Over the years since then we have persisted in helping you communicate with and sense us and other entities using your spirit sense. You have successfully received all of our revelations these last three times exclusively using your spirit sense. We are very pleased you have been able to fully communicate and receiving using your spirit sense.
11. Our Holy Spirit accompanies our voice and spirit sense when we communicate with you and with our children. Some hear our voice more clearly than others. Our spirit that we send helps them more clearly hear us. Our holy spirit, or the light of truth–this tangible substance of light matter, is able to enhance and enlighten your spirit sense capability. You understand more clearly when we send our thoughts to your mind with our holy spirit accompanying these thoughts.
12. Raphael, some of our children will more easily be able to recapture their innate ability to use their spirit sense than others. They should not feel discouraged, but let our holy spirit flow into them and they will gradually relearn. We did not intend to exclusively use our spirit sense capability to communicate, but we wanted all of the capabilities to be used. This includes spiritual speech and sight, and physical speech and sight. When all these are combined with spirit sense, there is a full communication capability.
13. I am speaking to you using both my spirit sense and all my spiritual speech and sight to commune with you. There will be a future time when you will have the full access of your unconscious mind and your full chakral memories and also have your full physical speech and voice when communing with us. This will be added to the other communication methods to enhance all of our communication. However, you now have the two greatest and most reliable ways to commune with us. What you now receive is extremely real and true.'
14. I thanked my loving Father for his direction and revelation this morning. I feel very enlightened and clear. I hope I was able to write what he spoke to me well enough in my personal journal. I felt that it was acceptable to him. I then closed my prayer and got ready for my new day.
15. Evening–I came to the desert oasis tonight. I arrived at the bench and then came to the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand. I stayed next to the shore and I knelt, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I stayed quiet and still, seeking to use my spirit sense and my spiritual eyesight. I then saw Heavenly Mother come to me, on my right side. She seemed to hold something in her right hand. I was wondering what she had. She was beautiful to me, and smiling upon me. I am so grateful I can perceive her and Heavenly Father when they come before me! I feel so honored to receive whatever they wish to share with me!
16. Heavenly Mother spoke to me in my open and receptive mind: 'Raphael, I have come to you this evening with something unique and precious in my right hand!'
17. I immediately knew it was a single intelligence that she had brought to her world from outside the boundary of the created universe. I was surprised!
18. She continued: 'Raphael, we have offered to create this intelligence into one of our animals in our celestial world, to be birthed as a baby spirit mammal, a mountain goat! We have its resurrected mother and father on the mountain slopes, above my upper gardens. I will bring this intelligence to the father goat, and place it into his body. He will then add some of his own body to the intelligence, and impregnate the mother in whom the fetus of the goat will grow. The female baby goat will be born as a spirit goat to these resurrected parents. The mother will nurse her spirit offspring and teach her how to be a little goat, here in our celestial world. This goat will then grow to its full stature in our world before coming into the mortal earth in the millennial day ahead.
19. I have brought this intelligence to you in your prayer tonight so that you may gain a better appreciation of how an intelligence is perceived and how we may commune with it. Your Heavenly Father and I recently went to the place where this intelligence was located, beyond the boundaries of the universe and have withdrawn a number of intelligences that gave us their permission, to join our animal kingdom. I have held back this one intelligence for a short time for you to observe!'
20. Heavenly Mother then opened up her hand. I peered in with my spiritual eyes and saw nothing. However, as she held open her hand, waiting for me, I tried to sense or perceive with my spirit sense what I might "see". As I tried to perceive, I could tell there was something in her hand. I could not detect any boundary of anything, but I could sense it was there. I could tell it wasn't in her other hand, but was in her right hand. It did not have any substance nor was it subject to gravity. It did not glow nor did it seem like anything. However, I knew it was there, for this is what I perceived.
21. Heavenly Mother then told me that I had perceived correctly the presence of this intelligence. She said I had also described well what it was not. She then asked me to communicate with this intelligence, using my spirit sense. I told her that I would do my best, and that I might need her help.
22. I then mentally sent this thought to the intelligence that was located in her right hand: 'My name is Raphael, a son of my Heavenly Mother who has you in her hand. Are you aware you will become a being with a spirit, and that your intelligence will fill this spirit, becoming an entity?'
23. I waited only a second, and then this thought came into my mind: 'Yes, I am the intelligence in the God hand who had just asked me if I wanted to be one of the God's creations. I said yes, and I am very pleased to move forward in my own progression!'
24. This thought came directly into my mind, just like my own thought would come. It was so interesting to me that this was communication with another intelligence, from my own intelligence in my spirit!
25. I then asked this intelligence what it called itself? The thought immediately came that it had no gender, and that it did not have any identity from the past. However, now it would become an entity and therefore could have a name and an identity! It knew it was going to become an animal, a female goat in the sphere or world of the Gods who approached it. I then asked what was the name of the God that approached it.
26. Here was the response in my thought: 'The God called herself a Mother God, and that she and the Father God had a vast array of creations. I had been chosen to become one of their creations called a goat!'
27. I felt very amazed to be able to communicate with my spirit sense with this intelligence held in Heavenly Mother's right hand. I then directed my thought to Heavenly Mother: 'Heavenly Mother, when I speak or direct my thoughts to you, does the intelligence in your hand hear or perceive what I communicate with you?'
28. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, when you direct your thought to me, only I hear this thought. When you direct your thought to this intelligence, I am able to hear what you say because this intelligence has accepted a place in our own vast creations. I heard what you "spoke" to this intelligence.'
29. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for bringing this intelligence to me tonight in my prayer! I said I felt honored that she would go out of her way to show me this manner to communicate with another intelligence. Heavenly Mother said she would come tomorrow sometime and share more information with me about communication with her and Heavenly Father's creations. She smiled at me and said she was then going to the pair of resurrected mountain goats to introduce this intelligence to them. She smiled and then disappeared! I thanked her in my mind and then ended my prayer. I then got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 23, 2018, Sunday
1. I reread my remarkable experience in prayer last night. It is pretty amazing to me how I was able to perceive and communicate with this single intelligence!
2. I came to the little young forest with the horizontal log just northwest of the circling waters. I didn't go down the path but came immediately to the clearing at the horizontal log. I was enjoying my surroundings when my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came down the path to meet me there! I immediately came to my knees next to the horizontal log and faced them as they walked up to me.
3. They both were glowing in light and were smiling. I gazed into their happy faces and their eternity eyes. I became quickly relaxed and so comfortable when I saw how loving and accepting each were of me! I want to be just like them.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have been walking in the cool of the morning here in our celestial world. We had asked you, in your mind, to meet us here at the horizontal log when we would be arriving here. This place has a lot of choice memories for us with you, Raphael!'
5. I then remembered the first little family meeting here with us eight spirit sons when our family hadn't yet had any sisters. I also remember my first sacrament here, and also recent visits here with my Heavenly Parents.
6. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, your memories of what happened in your past, when you were only a spirit, or even before that when you were only an intelligence, are all held in your chakral memories. This is a place in your unconscious mind. It is now not activated unless we help you remember specific memories, for there is still a veil over your unconscious mind, even while you are here with us in our celestial world. Your memories will soon be lifted and restored however, and you will fully remember all you did in your existence before coming to your mortal experience.'
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have a memory of us coming to you as an intelligence, near a hill that was gray colored, in the area outside of our organized creations. You remember both your Father and I coming before your intelligence that was uniquely you. We perceived you and asked if you would accept to being our son, created in our own image. You were thrilled at this offer and joyously accepted! Do you remember those feelings?'
8. I completely remembered this experience! I still feel so amazed and impressed that my Gods had chosen me! What an honor to become one of their children, created in the spirit in their very image!
9. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, the intelligences have fundamental emotions like you displayed of joy and humility and honor. This capability has always existed in the intelligences. You communicated last night with the intelligence in my right hand that I brought to you. You perceived how pleased this intelligence was to join our animal creations. She will find greater joy once she progresses to become a spirit goat and then a physical goat, and eventually a resurrected goat. She will fill the measure of her creation and find joy and satisfaction in what she becomes. She will continue to be so grateful for the moment that Heavenly Father and I chose her intelligence to join our creations.
10. There are varying levels of intelligences we choose to make into our creations. Our beloved children are those with the greatest intelligence of all the others. We are able to perceive, with our gift of foresight, what gender is best for them and how we wish to create them. We are the material creators of all the intelligences that we place in our creations in our world, and know each intelligence we have chosen, and how these fit into our beautiful world. We love being creators. It is so satisfying to us and brings us joy. We particularly love creating and helping our own children, and leading them even to become like us!'
11. Heavenly Mother then came to a beautiful flower next to the horizontal log. She asked me to come to her, next to this yellow and purple petalled flower with a green stem and leaves. I stood and knelt next to the flower.
We visited a southern plantation, the Houmas House
12. She spoke again: 'Raphael, I want you to communicate with our beautiful resurrected celestial flower! Use your spirit sense to communicate and "speak" to this flower.'
13. I then looked at the flower. It was so beautiful and seemed so pleased to be the focus of our attention today.
14. I then directed my thoughts to this flower: 'My name is Raphael, the son of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who are here with me. Do you have a name?'
15. The thought then came immediately into my mind without me premeditating: 'My name is Rose, and I am a yellow and purple iris. I was named by my Mother God and placed here next to this horizontal log on her and Father God's creations and world.'
16. I was very impressed it had a name and knew so very much. I continued: 'Rose, are you happy to be here? Are you pleased to be such a lovely flower?'
17. Rose responded with thoughts that quickly flowed into my mind: 'Raphael, I know that you are a child of my Mother and Father God and are in their image. I am so very happy that they created me as a beautiful flower. I feel content and very happy to be here in their world, next to the horizontal log, in such a peaceful place. Yes, I am happy to be a flower and to remain here!'
18. I was again impressed with the full sentences of thoughts I could understand, coming from Rose, the beautiful iris.
19. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, it is relatively easy to communicate with our vast creations here in our celestial world. It is more difficult to do so in lower orders like in your telestial world, but it is possible for you to do so. It takes these, our creations, some ability and awakening themselves to communicate so quickly and fully as Rose did with you this morning.
20. We, who are the creators of all, may communicate with all of our vast creations, in all the spheres and worlds we have made, at any time. If there is a need, we will help you to communicate with our creations, even in your lower order on your telestial earth.'
21. I felt so grateful to have met with my Heavenly Parents on their early morning walk this morning! I asked if I might join them if they were to continue on their walk.
22. Heavenly Father extended his hand and spoke: 'Raphael, we love walking together with you! Come, walk with us!'
23. I stood and joined their hands. I saw that we walked off together, along the path to the northwest, deeper into this young forest. I watched from my perspective as a replicated person, being next to Rose and the horizontal log. Soon we were out of sight.
24. I then knelt next to Rose, this beautiful flower. I sent my thoughts of gratitude to have talked with her in my thoughts. She quickly responded that she loved being beautiful for her Gods and me. I then thanked my Heavenly Parents and closed my morning prayer.
25. During and before the sacrament, I was thinking all about each of these people in the congregation. I was thinking of them as intelligences and the time long ago that they had been chosen by my Heavenly Parents. I thought of the great honor they felt to be chosen as a child of God. I thought of all the investment of time, love, effort, and hope that they will continue to grow and progress, even until they fully come unto their Gods.
26. I came to the same horizontal log and the little iris named Rose. I knelt by the flower and looked up. I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The priest blessed the bread and I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents in front of me.
27. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, all of these, our children, in this congregation are our precious ones that we have individually chosen!'
28. She then became choked with emotion and buried her face in Heavenly Father's robes. He comforted her.
29. Heavenly Father then soon spoke: 'Raphael, our son, we accept your covenant that you have taken upon you the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.'
30. He and Heavenly Mother then stood upright and then departed. I then came to my conscious mind in the meeting.
31. Evening–I have been thinking all day about the intelligences in each person I see, and also in the various living organisms around. I am so awed by how great a work God does in creating all living things, particularly those, their children, created in God's image! These are so very precious in the sight of our loving Heavenly Parents!
32. Tonight I returned again to the little purple and yellow iris flower named Rose. I don't know if Rose was named by herself or by one of our Heavenly Parents. This communication experience with Rose has been very moving to me! I don't know why, but this has really opened my mind.
33. I faced the spot where I had last seen my Heavenly Parents at sacrament. I was kneeling next to the iris. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched. Heavenly Mother then came from the sky above in a brilliant display of light. She slowly descended to me. She was smiling and very warm and accepting. I loved gazing on her and seeing how happy she seemed! She came next to my side and put her left hand on the horizontal log.
34. She then spoke: 'Raphael, our works are great and are endless. This is the great work of God–to create our children and other creations from the intelligences and elemental matter. We gradually bless and help them all grow to become the happiest they can possibly become. Our own children, created in our image, are those who have the very greatest potential for joy and happiness of any of our many creations. All other creations support and help us provide the best environment for our own children, the prize of all our creations! We labor incessantly on behalf of our children! We carefully watch and orchestrate all situations they may encounter for their ultimate growth and happiness. Oh, how we love them!
35. Raphael, you have asked us to fill you with our love so that you may know how to succor and minister to our beloved children. We will bless you with this love and as you serve our children faithfully, as we direct you, your love will increase more and more. You will gain a glimpse of the depth of our love we have for each one you serve.
36. There is no greater emotion than the love we experience for our beloved children! We received a fullness of love, for we labor with such effort to serve our children in hopes they will come to us and choose us, their loving parents. When they do obey us, and keep our commandments, and want to follow our gentle ways, we are so very thrilled, even with deeper love and joy. This euphoria makes all our effort worthwhile!'
37. I thanked my Mother for her love she shares with me so abundantly! I thanked her for the promise to be filled with God's love. I felt it so fully flowing into me from her! She then reached out with both her hands and drew me close. As we embraced, she kissed me on my cheeks and said in my ear that she loved me so much! I felt so thrilled by the rich outpouring of her love upon me tonight!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 24, 2018, Monday, Christmas Eve
1. I received an email from S, S.A.'s brother, who is now on my email list. He sent a journal entry he thought to share. I was impressed that he experienced the same thing where he couldn't see our Heavenly Parents, but then heard Heavenly Mother in his mind. This was just like the experience I received, starting on the evening of 12/20/2018. S had his similar experience with Heavenly Parents keeping hidden, two days before.
2. Here is S's email: S's Personal Journal, 12-18-18
"As I awoke from a dream this morning, the word "egg" came to my mind. I read in the scriptures and searched for the word "egg". In Isaiah, it talks about the Assyrian ruler taking over the riches of the world and gathering "eggs" without a peep. This is found in 2 Nephi in the Isaiah chapters too. That is an interesting analogy where the mother bird that is normally sitting on the eggs is no longer there, and she does not peep or flutter her wings when someone comes to take the eggs. I thought of America losing it protection from God for a time because of unrighteousness.
3. In prayer, I felt a strong desire to go to the Tree of Life. It was very peaceful there. I was alone. I partook of the fruit and knelt to eat it. I felt great joy and peace. I stood and partook of a leaf. I felt it clear my mind. A portion went to my lower back on the right side to assist in healing. I was grateful for my mortal probation and my mortal weakness (I recently injured my back playing frisbee with my family and it was not healing as quickly as I hoped). I knelt on the ground, and called upon one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I heard Heavenly Mother speak to my mind, but I could not see Her. I waited and could see no one near. She spoke to me, "Last night you correctly saw and recorded the events that occurred at your sun. I did whisper a message to the sun. I whispered gratitude and love to the sun for his service to Our children and all Our creations. It has been true and faithful to Our directions for many eternities and I was pleased. You next correctly saw Myself gathered with Heavenly Father and the Savior next to the sun. We were orchestrating the events of the last days and the sun's coordination of some of these events. The sun will participate in helping Us prepare and gather the elect. It will also bring forth some of Our judgment on the wicked, where their tongues will be scorched and they will curse God and die. (Revelations 16: 8-9) Previously the scriptures state that the sun riseth on the righteous and the wicked, which was true. 3 Nephi 12: 45. The transition to the millennial day entails the destruction of the wicked while the righteous are preserved. The sun will be ready to participate in blessing the elect and fulfill Our judgments upon the wicked as We have planned and orchestrated from the beginning. That was why We were gathered near the sun last night when you saw Us." As this message ended, I was still alone, kneeling under the tree of life. I looked up and both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared standing in the air above my head. They were filled with light and love, joy beamed from Their countenance. Heavenly Mother spoke, "We were here the entire time, but withheld Ourselves from your view. We wanted you to hear Our message in your mind without seeing Us. We desire you to be very familiar with Our voice and recognize it when We speak to you throughout the day. You desired to know if the truths you have been reading and learning about are true. They are from Us and are true. Continue on the path you are on and We will bless you with greater light and truth. I humbly thanked my Heavenly Parents for Their love and message to me. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
Have a blessed day, S"
4. The messages of protection for the righteous during troubled times seems also to be a theme of what S, M.A. and I received. I feel comforted to know we are all receiving similar messages at about the same time!
5. Here is an email from M.A. , with another similar message: From M.A. , 12-23-2018
"I am especially grateful for your last comments in the post about how you are not anxious and have no expectations for what may happen in the near future. Two nights ago I met my Heavenly Parents in the celestial Temple. All three, Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father and Jesus showed up. I knew something was up. They wanted to go to the mural room that showed future events. Heavenly Father said, “watch, tribulations are ramping up.” I went with them to the mural, but I did not want to see. And thus I didn’t. The next morning I felt to go back to the mural room and we were all there still. Heavenly Father said, “Mary, don’t be afraid we are with you and will be with you during the calamities and distress. You know they are going to happen and need to happen for the earth to transition into a terrestial world. This is all in our plan. We will watch over you and your family members, as you continue to pray for them and bless them. You have this power, given you by your Heavenly Mother. Bless others as you feel inspired. Stay connected to us, for we are always with you. Be not afraid. Have faith in us, your Gods, and all will be well.” So as can see your words were of great comfort and courage for me. . ."
6. This morning I came to pray at the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. There seemed to be a haze in the air, so that I couldn't see the distant temple. I knelt on the granite and faced west, and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and watched. Heavenly Father came to me from the right and stood next to me. I perceived his presence and turned and faced him. He was dressed in a white robe and glowed in light that came from his person. He was smiling. I felt so blessed to be in his presence!
7. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, sometimes there are signs we give in heaven of happenings on earth. You have seen that the air here is hazy. We have made this haze as a sign of events that will soon unleash on the earth, that will fill your skies with smoke and vapors and obscure the skies with haze. These will be from natural calamities and the results of warfare and other manmade destructions. However, be not afraid, we will protect our elect who seek our guidance and protection. These destructive works are needed on the earth to cleanse the world from sin in preparation for a glorious millennial day ahead. We also are sending our angels to the sun, moon and the earth to give our messages to these, our orbs. We too have come ourselves to these, alerting them to their roles in the latter-day work we are directing.
8. The peoples of the earth are now left without excuse, for we have warned them multiple times, and have extended our arms of mercy and peace for many years. However, all but the few elect have rejected us. We have arrived at the end of the time we can continue to reach out to them, for there is no more time.
9. Raphael, you have been wondering what effect the prayers of the righteous will have for their family members. You wonder how we can also soften their hearts to turn towards us, repent, and follow our ways. You know those who are being prayed over still have their agency. I would like to address this issue now.
10. We have some very faithful servants who now are living in mortality, like you. You accept and love your family, but there are most who are not awakened to us, their Gods, and blindly follow false beliefs and insecure institutions like their Church or the ways of the world. You pray for all of them but wonder how effective your petitions will be. You are feeling happy and protected yourself, but you see some of them are anxious.
11. Raphael, as you pray in faith for their spiritual welfare, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I hear your pleas. We answer your righteous prayers with protection upon those you pray for because of you and your standing with us. This gives them a privileged status. We consider this in the Day of Judgment and reckoning.
12. However, even in their privileged status of protection, we cannot and will not ever influence them beyond what they themselves truly want and choose. We never force the human mind, but may persuade gently, working all things for their good in hopes that they will awaken and choose us, their Gods.
13. We send to families various mixes of the righteous and those who are not so valiant. As they grow in mortality, we see them separating and choosing their own paths. In every family, the members have varying degrees of valiancy to serve us, their Heavenly Parents. Some are more self-centered, some are more loving, and some are more diligent in wanting to please us. Each needs to find their way and settle on what they want.
14. When you love and accept those in your family on earth, you are allowing them the greatest opportunity to become whomever they wish to be. They will not feel pressured by you to conform to a religious norm or behavioral standard once they become adults, if you accept and truly love them. When they are young and growing up in your home, you need to discipline and teach them as you desire and feel impressed, but when they leave your home you no longer may tell them what to do. They are now in an equal adult role and fully may choose whom they list to obey and what they want to do. They may believe what they may, accept and love them as they are.
15. We will extend to them, your family, in and out of your home, protection from calamities to a degree, but they to may put themselves in harm's way by what they choose. We continually evaluate if our protection that we offer them, based on the prayers of their righteous loved ones, is serving them best in their mortal probation. Ultimately, we do what we can for them within their plan of life that your Heavenly Mother and I decide.
The apothecary of the plantation house
16. You have read in the scriptures that there are times we soften the hearts of the hard-hearted, or those with particular tendencies. This is usually done by the circumstances we orchestrate for those whom we want to soften. Other times we may whisper to them more openly what we desire them to do in more dramatic ways. However, in all cases, we never force the human mind or press too much on the intents of their hearts that are bent on other motives. We remember that the overall purpose for earth life is to evaluate our children in a fallen world. When the scriptures say we softened the hearts of the wicked, it is by orchestrating circumstances or by whispering more outwardly to their inner self.
17. At different times we softened the hearts of Laman and Lemuel, brothers of Nephi, to allow Nephi to do certain actions. However, their own propensities of murmuring and acting in selfish ways, and following Satan, was their predominant behavior. We watched as they were rude to their family, tied up Nephi in the desert and later on the ship, and in general were a continued grievance to Nephi and those others who sought to do our will. We softened their hearts as much as we could and still allowed them their full agency. Nephi prayed frequently for them, asking us to bless these two rebellious brothers. We did what we could within the limits of our plans.'
18. Early evening, Christmas Eve–I came to the overlook of the green hill and field on the north side of the river representing Jesus Christ. I was elevated above the hill on the path leading to the woods to my back left. I had a perfect view of the lovely field, the temple to my southeast and the distant river. I was listening to beautiful Christmas music back home on this Christmas Eve. I was kneeling, thinking of the great advent of Jesus Christ to the earth over 2,000 years ago. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or Jesus to come, for I felt especially tender towards him.
19. My three Gods burst upon me in a bright light in the sky! Heavenly Father was in the middle, with Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right. Both of my Heavenly Parents wore scarlet red sashes and gold-trimmed matching off-white robes. They were amazingly regal, powerful, and majestic! Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son, wore a scarlet red robe with a golden sash and gold trim on the lower hem, the neck hem and at the ends of his sleeves by his wrists. He looked so powerful and majestic. I felt so awed by their appearance before me! I just knelt there in adoration, not wanting to disturb the silence of the heavens.
20. Heavenly Father spoke: Raphael, we are prepared to come forth now out of our hiding place! We will come to vex the nations, to destroy the wicked, and to protect our righteous elect. We are sending our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in great glory and triumph to vanquish Satan and redeem our righteous elect. We come with healing in our wings to rescue our elect, for their glorious resurrection and to come to the earth with our Beloved Son in glory!'
21. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we are sending forth more light and love than ever we have sent since the days before the Fall of Man. Our angels and servants are being filled with our Holy Spirit, declaring to choice ones our great message and to witness of the coming forth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You will help us to orchestrate great miracles and signs that have been reserved for these last days preceding these dramatic events. Our great millennial day is soon at hand, and the advent of our celestial Church of the Firstborn to the earth. We are very pleased that these great things are at hand, even at the doors!'
22. Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, then spoke: 'Raphael, when I come in great glory, at the time appointed by my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, all of the holy angels, all servants we have called, and all our elect will come in the clouds of heaven with me. I will even bring all the unborn host of heaven who are the elect of God, to be brought forth in the thousand years of peace when I come to rule and reign in righteousness. You, Raphael, are commissioned to remove Lucifer and his evil hosts to the bottomless pit when I vanquish them to their prison for one thousand years. We will then have peace and a beautiful world to do our great millennial work!'
23. I bowed my head and spoke: Oh my Gods, I submit my full energy in fulfilling all your commands! I feel overwhelmed by the great love and light that is being showered upon the faithful and me. I thank you for your generous and beautiful messages tonight to me. I love you all very much!'
24. With this, the sky was filled with all the holy angels over the field behind my glorious three Gods! There was spontaneous singing and music from a heavenly orchestra behind them! The sky filled up with all the righteous latter-day servants. It was so remarkable and so awe inspiring!!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 25, 2018, Tuesday, Christmas
1. I came to heaven this Christmas morning to the desert oasis. It was very still and quiet. I knelt in the sand and drank from living water. I felt very clear and spiritually ready for a visit from God. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father came from my left side, walking on the path around the oasis. He was wearing a simple white robe. He was glowing with light and seemed happy and accepting of me. He extended his hand and I stood and took it.
3. He pulled me up and then faced me directly: 'Raphael, we have revealed to you great things and you have seen and heard more of our mysteries already than any mortal man excepting Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. Yet this is just the beginning that we will show to you and to our faithful! The floodgates of revelation are pouring upon the righteous now. We are not restraining the revealing of our truths now from heaven!'
4. He then asked me to walk with him. We then walked next to each other around the desert oasis. We soon came upon my glorious Heavenly Mother who was walking towards us! She and Heavenly Father greeted with an embrace and kiss.
This is our cruise ship
5. They then held hands and she faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, we will pour out upon you and our faithful revelations upon revelations, as fast as you are able to receive! You will have your mind expanded more and more with our truths from heaven, even until you are changed and become the servant and archangel of light and truth we desire you to become. As you gradually receive and record all of this, you will gradually change, becoming more refined and strengthened. We will then be able to do our great work through you. Our other many angels and servants will likewise grow and change until our army of righteous and capable servants is so very great! Before you all the hosts of hell will tremble and quake and the wicked on the earth will hide from your presence. This will be your state when our Beloved Son comes to earth in glory!'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to both have so graciously spoken to me this lovely Christmas morning! We then started walking around the oasis. I saw us three walking and talking. I lost my connection, came back to my mortal conscious mind, and then ended my prayer. I came out with the family who were awakening in my house on Christmas morning.
7. Evening–I came to the celestial orb, to the outcropping above the circling waters. I looked west towards the temple and the skies were clear. I felt happy and prepared to pray with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt on the ground facing the distant temple. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer. I waited and watched.
8. I then saw my Heavenly Mother in the lower gardens to my left. She was walking towards the waterfall. Next she was coming up the river in her upper garden, then to the circling waters. Finally, she came up to the outcropping and stood before me. She was beautiful and smiling. I felt so happy to be in front of her.
9. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have seen me come to you from my lower gardens when I came to you. You see me now with both your spiritual eyesight and your spirit sense, both together. If I didn't show myself to you, and were hidden from your spiritual sight, you would have still seen me just as clearly using your spirit sense. This is a great gift you have, Raphael. We may also hide our very presence, even from your spirit sense, because we are Gods and have this power. Other intelligences and living entities do not have the power to hide them from the spiritually astute that can discern using their spirit sense.
10. Were you to go into the area outside of the boundaries of the universe with us, you would be able to perceive all of the intelligences with your spirit sense. You would also know where the elemental matter is located. However, although you might be able to communicate with the intelligences under our supervision, you would be unable to know how to transport them or to do any creation work, for this is reserved for the Gods who are ordained to this power.
11. I had shown you recently an intelligence in my hand that we had destined for birth as a spirit goat. The capability to hold an intelligence and to transport it is a power that cannot be relegated to anyone except we Gods who have this power.
12. When you are commanded of Jesus Christ to vanquish Lucifer and his host to the bottomless pit, we will delegate this power to you. You will transport spirits to their confinement, not intelligences alone. When we finally vanquish Lucifer and those who continue to rebel with him at the final day of judgment, we will take them ourselves to their exit location and then, by the power of God, remove their elemental matter from their intelligence and send their intelligence off to dwell in their confinement, alone forever and ever. This capability to give Lucifer and his host their final damnation can only be done by a God since it involves separating intelligence from elemental matter. All actions relating to base intelligences are done exclusively by the power of God except communication with these intelligences.
Leaving New Orleans on the cruise ship
13. When an individual is judged to receive a kingdom of glory and is quickened in the resurrection to that glory, they never will have the possibility to have their intelligence separated from their spirit, and their spirit separated from their physical body. They live forever in their saved state to the glory they were willing to accept, whether telestial, terrestrial, or celestial.
14. If an exalted celestial resurrected being ever is to be replicated, they may choose to replicate either in their resurrected state, or in their spirit state only. This latter replication state is how I came to my children as the Holy Ghost.
15. If a translated person, being still mortal, has an assignment that requires replication, they do that under the power of the God giving that assignment. Of themselves, they do not have the power to replicate. They may replicate in either their physical state or their spirit only state. Raphael, usually we have you replicate in your physical state. This is also true of all our celestial angels and servants who are translated to a celestial glory.
16. A mortal person who is not translated does not have the power to replicate on assignments. Satan and his hosts do not have power to replicate. A celestial spirit may be given power to replicate, on assignment from God, and only in the spirit form.
17. All of our children who come to earth as mortals may replicate in their spirits during dreams and visions. This is to allow their replicated spirits to depart their bodies while their base spirit stays with their body to keep it functioning while they sleep. We extend this to our children as the need arises.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifying words on intelligences, resurrection and replication. I am coming to understand these rules of the heavens as God communicates these to me. I am so honored to receive such wonderful revelations!
19. Heavenly Mother then indicated that this was enough instruction for tonight. She gradually faded and then was gone from my view. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 26, 2018, Wednesday
Top level of the cruise ship!
1. I believe that our Heavenly Parents feel closer to those who genuinely extend love and caring towards them and who put them first in their lives. Those who are negligent won't receive the same blessings or rewards. Yet, our Heavenly Parents accept all their children for how they choose to act. Somehow too I see the way we treat others, particularly our own immediate or extended family, is evaluated and rewarded by our Heavenly Parents. If we are negligent, or if relationships are not too important, it is not looked upon well by our Heavenly Parents in the Day of Judgment. I see some who act religious are the worst acting ones to other family members. I see others who don't act outwardly religious at all but are the most sensitive and kind.
2. This morning I came to heaven to meditate and pray. I came to the field of buttercups, for I wanted to feel unconditional acceptance and joy in my surroundings. I had been here several times before. I came today above the buttercups in the air so as not to bend over their lovely flowers and stems. These flowers exuded joy and acceptance somehow to me. These are simple emotions that these celestial flowers have in abundance.
3. I felt clear and ready to connect with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came from behind a lovely spruce tree in front of me! She was smiling, reflecting the yellow glow of the beautiful flowers beneath us. She was shining with light and acceptance for me.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have expressed well in your journal some of the main types of issues that exist in most families on earth. We experience this same lack of caring and ingratitude with many of our children, whether in their pre-mortal state or in their mortal state. There are some children, however, who are very sensitive to their fellow brothers and sisters and to us, their loving and accepting Heavenly Parents. Some are also very grateful and some are not. We love them all, but honor and reward the faithful that do not forget or neglect us. These are our elect children.
5. Raphael, you too have elect children and grandchildren, and you have others who care more for themselves and not so much for you. This is part of the experience of being human, and has existed in our family from the beginning. Lucifer was even able to cause insurrection and a war in our family because of his self-centered agendas. We were powerless to do anything to stop him or to change his behavior. We mourned over him and at times mourn over all of our children who do not choose us, their loving and accepting Heavenly Parents, and do not value us.
6. We have chosen to clear our minds during most of the time that our mortal children have lack of caring for us. During this time they act incongruent with how they used to act when they were with us in the pre-mortal life. We will later address their behavior in the Day of Judgment and reward. Until them, we have chosen to work more closely with our elect who hear our voice and respond to our gentle and steady love. We honor them; we seek to reveal ourselves gradually to them, and will lead them to us, for they are responsive to our Spirit.
7. In your own family on earth, you have seen how some children are more attentive to you than others. When you were deathly ill last year with the flu, you were really able to see who were attentive and loving to you. Some of your children were sorry you were sick, but that is about all the care they mustered. Some didn't even know you were sick, for they weren't interested. Only one was extremely attentive and very caring and a few others tried to help. In some families on earth, there are no children who are genuinely so caring as you have.
8. My advice to you is to be grateful for who you have and be grateful to be so close with your spouse. Strive to be close to those who respond, yet accept and love all. You will naturally love more those who love you back. There is nothing wrong with loving certain children more because of your tender relationship of caring you have with them. Accept all for what they are willing to share with you and how much they are willing to invest in the relationship. You will naturally honor and favor those who are close to you. This is our behavior towards our elect children.
The children's pool on the top deck
9. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will guide you along as you seek our help with the relationships with your family members. Relationships change with time and age also, and may be nurtured. Nurturing and growth in relationships require both parties to extend and participate. You can be the one who never limits the growing relationships. You can be the one who is always available and caring. You will develop a certain level of a relationship with each one, always ready to become closer. It is never too late to change and to extend to each person in your family as they, too, change and extend to you.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her advice and counsel. I asked for her guidance in helping me accept all and in developing closer relationships with those in my family who are responsive. I thanked her for my very sensitive and loving wife who helps me learn all of this too, by her personal example of love and caring. I closed my prayer since it was finished. I felt loved and so fully accepted by my Heavenly Mother, above the field of happy buttercups."
11. Evening–Tonight we came home and finished packing for our trip tomorrow. We are leaving mid morning for New Orleans. We were there seven years ago to go on a cruise to the western Caribbean. A. was on his mission at the time. We had our summer clothes packed and we were with our three unmarried children who remained with us. This is when we were notified of A.'s accident on his LDS Church mission in Chile. We chose to have our three children go on the cruise while my wife and I traveled to Santiago to be with our missionary son. We stayed with him six weeks and then traveled back to the states with him. There was a lot of trauma we hope to overcome while going on our trip tomorrow, both in New Orleans and on the cruise, now with A..
12. I came to the celestial orb, on the bench next to the circling waters. I want to connect with my Heavenly Parents, or one of them. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water until I was refreshed. I then knelt, facing the water, and asked for my God(s) to come. Heavenly Father immediately appeared in front of me.
13. He was smiling and spoke to me: 'Raphael, I came as you requested to bless your wife through you, my healing angel, when she was suffering in pain from an earache. You were reading over some of your website, in the early posts where you talked about complete healing and the other healing gifts that we revealed to you gradually. We introduced our revelations to you slowly so that you could learn and assimilate all the new knowledge and practice. You pushed yourself at first and got lots of headaches if you overextended. Then there was a point that you could do all we asked of you in the way of healing gifts and service. It was only after all the healing angels were awakened and that you were comfortable in the healing gifts that we gradually started revealing more mysteries to you.
14. You have reached a point now where you feel very comfortable in writing down in your journal the words we give you in your thoughts by direct revelation. You are proceeding at a rapid pace of recording our words and at the same time living a normal life with your family. Were you to do more, you would attract undue attention to all your prayer and meditation time. We desire that you stay in this delicate balance of receiving and writing all that we reveal to you daily. You are at the maximum flow of receipt of our revelations now for a mortal who is to keep incognito, or not gaining any more notice from your family and friends.
15. Tonight I would like to answer a question that you posed to your wife about how if at all, to make suggestions to your adult children about changes you wish them to make. The issue was that one continually arrives late at family gatherings. Your wife had written a kindly email to this person, expressing her desire that the family events start on time and that all arrive on time. She wrote other things, including how arriving late made her feel not very important.
Our room steward created animals like this frog from our towels
16. Raphael, it is helpful to set a boundary with emails like this. However, the intent should never be to want to change anyone's behavior, for they may act, as they will. This will be the case with your tardy daughter in law. You may accept her as she is, or become further frustrated if you keep the feelings that she should change. I suggest you don't bring the issue up again, but just accept her when she is late without trying to ever correct her again. Instead, you both may orchestrate family gatherings so they are the least impactful on you and those who arrive on time. You might consider having those who arrive on time to bring all the essential food and to start on time with a meal. If your daughter in law and her family arrive late, you will have already been visiting with the others and it won't bother you very much. It will also motivate the tardy family to arrive earlier next time.
17. There are a host of issues like this that most families have. The best solution is to kindly establish boundaries, accept them still if they don't honor those, and then to try to minimize the negative impact. Almost always, the greater good occurs with acceptance and love. If situations become intolerable, counsel in prayer with both your Heavenly Mother and me and we will help you in this family matter.'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 27, 2018, Thursday
1. I am up early before the rest of my family, in my adjacent room to pray. I came to the desert oasis to pray. It was early morning there too. The celestial sun was coming up over the horizon to the south, reflecting over the water. There is no pattern of the celestial sun or moon movement that I have discovered. It was very pretty, however. I sat on the bench looking at the reflected sun on the water with my spiritual eyes.
2. I then knelt by the bench facing the water and the sunshine. I asked for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother then came to me, traveling from the celestial sun it seemed! She quickly arrived in a beam of light to a place before me on the sand. She was bright with sparkling eyes, so characteristic of her. She was smiling broadly. I looked forward to her words she would share with me.
3. I opened the prayer. I asked for a blessing of healing upon my loving wife so that her trip on the airplane this afternoon would be without pain. I asked for protection upon our little party on our vacation. I prayed that this would help us all release any vestige of trauma any of us might have. I asked that we would have closer relationships this year among us.
4. I also prayed for each one of the mortal angels to be blessed to fulfill their great work ahead of them. I asked for each servant of God to fully awaken and come unto God. I prayed for the elect of God to also awaken unto God and to develop a close relationship with Jesus and ultimately also with their loving Heavenly Parents who reach out to them continually. I then paused and waited for Heavenly Mother to respond.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will bless your family and loved ones as you requested. We will also bless and strengthen our holy angels, servants and all of the elect of God as they seek us and come to us through our Son, Jesus Christ. As he cleanses and purifies them through his blood, they may become pure and holy and be brought by him into our very presence. We wait with open arms for our elect to awaken to us, their loving Heavenly Parents. We desire so very much to rekindle our eternal relationship with them, even while they are in the flesh or in the world of spirits.
6. Raphael, this morning I would like to reveal to you something more relating to the vast array of intelligences that exist beyond the creations of God, beyond the boundaries of our universe.
7. We have told you that in the beginning, before even our first Gods created themselves as the very first spirits, there were only the intelligences and elemental matter. These were not created or made, for they always existed. You might wonder how they came to be? How could they always have existed?
8. We were all intelligent beings, for we had the ability to think and perceive. We also could communicate with other intelligences, although this was not too frequently done. We were invisible to each other, for we had no substance associated with our intelligence. We were neither male or female, human or plant or animal. We only existed as intelligent beings that could think and perceive and have some level of communication.
9. There were multitudes upon multitudes of these distinct intelligent beings. These could not move on their own, for they had no means to do so. No one knows how these all came to be, only that the intelligences have always existed. The intelligences had no capability to remember before this time, only that they had being and thought. These did begin to remember at some point, at this early juncture before the creation of the first Gods. There was no measurement of time before this.
10. Matter was also interspersed around the intelligences in certain regions. This we called elemental matter, for it had neither molecules or atoms. It consisted of element, which was unorganized and had only matter or substance. This was the very building block of all the creations of God. In the beginning, it was in element form only, in a mass of substance that existed in large deposits of matter. It had no capability to think for it had no intelligence. It only existed. It was near the intelligence and the intelligences could perceive this elemental matter, but the matter could not perceive the intelligences.
11. All was without form. The intelligences had no substance, therefore they had no form. They merely existed, perceived, thought and observed. The elemental matter was in large bodies of substance, without any definitive form. At the boundaries of the elemental matter, there was an end of the matter and the beginning of the unoccupied space. Into this space there was not anything except space. At some point, there were also intelligences that existed, but again, these had no substance. They were, however, in a location, for they could perceive each other and have rudimentary communication or perception between each other.
12. This is how all the intelligences existed and the elemental matter existed in the beginning before any creation. There were two intelligences that were located near each other that perceived each other. They both were very advanced over all the other intelligences. They had means to communicate and share thoughts together. This they did and started the first relationship between them, for they could perceive each other's location and knew with whom they were communicating. They began to reason and have higher intellectual powers than all of the other intelligences. In this state of existence, they shared and communicated and reasoned by the transfer of their thoughts. They learned to take turns sharing directed thoughts between each other. They also tried sharing with other intelligences, but the others seemed more limited in their capacity and were not so advanced in reasoning and thinking as these two.
13. These two high intelligences could also remember what each other thought and had communicated between themselves. They were improving in their memory and reasoning power, for they each learned from another. They found that intelligence could also improve with thinking, sharing ideas, and communicating. As they did so, they found they could also perceive their surroundings more and more. Thus by working together, these two very "smart" intelligences improved and grew more and more full of memory, perception and knowledge.
14. Soon these two intelligences perceived the elemental matter that was near them. They were not able to move yet, for they thought they had no capability. However, they discovered in their evaluation of the elemental matter that their higher thoughts that were directed at the elemental matter could influence this matter. They both worked as a team, using their directed thoughts to remove some portion of the elemental matter and bring it between themselves. They then began a more detailed evaluation of the matter.
15. One of these two intelligences brought the portion of elemental matter to their own location where they existed. They brought this matter to their own location, on top of them. This intelligence then found that it could occupy the elemental matter and have a tangible boundary and tangible substance. They both soon had experienced this same phenomenon. Before this, intelligences were always separated from the elemental matter. However, now these two intelligences could occupy tangible matter by directing the matter to come on top of their location. This was the first discovery that these two intelligences had found!
Food displays on one of the ship's buffet tables
16. They soon realized that with their intelligent-directed thoughts they could not only fully occupy this section of elemental matter, but they could have movement. They stayed close together and continued sharing their thoughts. They were each occupying elemental matter in its most fundamental state.
17. Their next task was to discover how to adjust the elemental matter to become reorganized into a different form of matter. They each continued to grow and learn intellectually in this state of occupied matter. They reasoned that they might use their directed thoughts to manipulate and change the fundamental structure of the elemental matter. This did eventually happen, but only after working together in this state of occupying the matter and after many trials and experiments. They had memory, so they began to reason more concerning their past trials.
18. At one point, these two intelligences learned how to adjust the form of this elemental matter that they each occupied separately, into a spirit form. The spirit form became the new state of this transformed matter that they occupied. The spirit form, as they called it, was more refined than elemental matter. They found they could use their directed thoughts to make the spirit form of matter have various shapes that could move under their direction. They therefore were at the early stages of creation, making appendages that that ultimately became arms and legs to do different functions. Together they created the first man and woman, reasoning and experimenting together as intelligences. This was a long process of creating back and forth, and reasoning and building upon their new discoveries and processes.
19. This was the formation of the first man and woman spirit! Those who did this were our first parent Gods. They were remarkable in their learning and growth capability. They had far surpassed all of the other intelligences that continued to exist near them. They had discovered the process of directing elemental matter with their thought energies, even to a point of creating the first man and woman.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very detailed description of this amazing process of creation! I told her how excited I was to be so enlightened with the details of creation. I told her how grateful I was to hear her thoughts in my own mind as she shared them with me today.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 28, 2018, Friday
1. Last night I prayed at the circling waters. I was able to connect to my Heavenly Father there. He told me to continue to check in with him and Heavenly Mother, but that they would not give me any major revelations. He said to enjoy myself with my family on our trip. I was very tired last night and everyone was asleep so I couldn't write this down in my journal.
2. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt clear and ready to connect with my God in prayer. I asked for one or both to come to me. I waited and watched. Heavenly Mother then came to me. She appeared on the water and then came up to me next to the shore.
3. She was smiling and spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are glad that you are spending lots of quality time with your immediate family. This city that you have been visiting is steeped in sin. Many of the people in the French sector are largely aimless in their lives, focusing more on pleasure than lives with a purpose. You are blessed to live in your area in the country and to have such peaceful surroundings.'
Welcome 2019!
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 29, 2018, Saturday
1. Last night as I drifted off to sleep I listened to the M.S. podcast on the tree of life. I had been alerted to something during the last few minutes of his podcast that seemed odd, from an email to me from M.A.. I came to that point and listened to it also. I then asked, in my mind to my God, if this was a true account. I felt it was something that M.S. experienced and that I did not. I felt it was because he was translated, or is being translated, to a terrestrial level, whereas I had experienced a celestial translation.
2. I went to sleep and this morning addressed my Heavenly Father at the little outcropping above the circling waters. I drank some living water prior to asking for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared for a brief time. I asked him about whether the experience of M.S. with Jesus Christ that he shared in his podcast was accurate and a true record.
3. He said the following to me: 'Raphael, M.S. has been translated to a terrestrial level and you have been translated to a celestial level. Therefore, your experiences are different in this transition. You also both work in different spiritual spheres and have different missions. He also mostly interfaces with Jesus Christ, whereas you interface with either your Heavenly Mother or me.
4. The account M.S. has shared is an experience he had in his own journey. Your journey, in the celestial realms and working with angels and the servants is necessarily different. You will not experience what he described, for you are quickened to a celestial glory and work in celestial realms.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanation. I am glad to know my journey is unique to me and similar to those translated to a celestial level and who work in celestial realms.
6. Evening–I wanted to connect to my Heavenly Parents tonight. I came to the fountain of living water. I felt prepared to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt and faced the temple doors nearby. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited. Heavenly Mother then came to me from the golden altar and took a few steps to me.
7. She spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad for the time you spent with your loved ones today. We send to you our blessings of health and protection, upon all in your family.' I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her sweet message. I told her I so appreciated all she promised me. I told her I loved her too. She then backed up and disappeared.
More beautiful food displays!
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 30, 2018, Sunday
1. This morning I came to the desert oasis. I spent longer than usual to come to an awareness of my surroundings in this heavenly place. I guess it is due to being more in contact with my family and in the mode of visiting and vacationing. I came to the water's edge and drank of living water. I then felt quite clear and 'transparent'. I knelt by the bench, facing the oasis, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came to me from the shore. It took me awhile to see her beautiful face. I could see her shining eyes first.
2. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you are immersed in the activities of the telestial world, it is more difficult to behold our presence in the celestial world. You have been visiting with your family the local area, and have not had any breaks to meditate or really pray to us, except in the quieter times. We are pleased that you are spending this time with your loved ones. You are still very active in your replicated self in our celestial realms above, and there has been no interruption for you here. We love you, Raphael.'
3. Evening–We are on our cruise to the Western Caribbean now. We enjoyed our first day. It is hard to keep the Sabbath if you wander the ship. Anyway, I wanted to connect to my Heavenly Parents tonight. I came to the desert oasis and prayed near the beach, facing the water. I asked if my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother would come. Heavenly Father appeared before me. He stood smiling but didn't say anything. I thanked him for being close to me today and for being with my family today. I told him I was so glad for those who came into our family that we had. I feel very blessed. I asked for his Spirit to be with me. He then faded away and I closed my prayer in the name of his Beloved Son.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 31, 2018, Monday, Last Day of the Year
1. This morning I was alone on the recliner in the warm sunshine. I offered a prayer to my Heavenly Father who immediately appeared to my unconscious mind. He was smiling and spoke to me with words like this: 'Raphael, we will bless you and your family on your trip. Please enjoy yourself and our beautiful creations!'
2. Heavenly Mother then came to his side momentarily and both were smiling. I thanked them for the beautiful clear skies and sunshine. I felt close to them. My connection with them then ended and I resumed the time with my family.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 2, 2019 Wednesday
1. We had two days of fun excursion off the ship: one yesterday snorkeling in Cozumel and one today going to Mayan ruins in Belize. Both days were beautiful and very enjoyable together with my family. I felt one time today on the rapid riverboat to the Mayan ruins that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were smiling down on me, being happy that I was fully enjoying myself. They were smiling at me, seeming to be enjoying that I was having a very happy time. I believe they find joy when we are happy and are enjoying our family relationships. This stands to reason since they are our parents and just like we are happy when our children are happy, they are too.
2. I have been thinking on and off of my Heavenly Parents when going to bed or arising in the morning. When there is a pause in my activities is when I find the greatest ability to pray in my mind to my Heavenly Parents.
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 3, 2019 Thursday
1. This morning I came to visit my Heavenly Mother at the circling waters. She didn't say anything, but she did smile and heard my grateful prayer. I am glad our time together as a family is going so well. We are healthy and happy and are enjoying ourselves so much together.
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 4, 2019 Friday
1. Today I again connected in my mind to Heavenly Father while at the beach. I didn't hear anything, but I could tell he was happy with me.
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 5, 2019 Saturday
1. I am now trying to connect again to my loving Heavenly Parents. Last night I saw my Heavenly Mother and she spoke to me. She said that they never intrude into the lives of their children, and allow them wide choice to act as they wish. She was happy that I have continued to connect to them daily. However, if I hadn't, they would not have made any significant effort to "shake" me or even to awaken me. She also said that the people on this cruise ship are all her children. Many of them have lost their way and are trying to drown their troubles in temporary pleasures and surround themselves in a sinful environment.
2. I came to the desert oasis this morning. I feel so comfortable in this environment! I love being in the celestial world and in areas on earth where I am with wholesome people. I really liked the native people we visited with on our excursions from the cruise ship.
3. Anyway, I came to the water's edge. I drank the refreshing living water that greatly satisfied my soul. This is what I love and where I love to be. I came back to the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared before me, a little above the sand in front of the water. They were smiling at me and I felt so accepted before them. I felt they loved me immensely!
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your assessment of the lifestyle of our children on this ship is accurate. When people seek to escape the troubles they face in mortality, or make poor choices, they often try to escape these rather than face them, repent, and improve their lives. If they come unto us, their Heavenly Parents, we will help them. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will cleanse them of their weaknesses and sins and bless and prosper them. They need to choose us, however, over the temptations of the adversary and the ways of the world.' I seemed to have a better perspective on the extent of how people escape their problems now that I have been on this weeklong cruise. I am so glad I have chosen to come unto God, for now I am able to commune directly with them!
This is our first boat we took to go snorkeling
Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 6, 2019 Sunday
1. I had a good prayer last night. I came to the fountain of living water facing the temple. I drank some living water from the fountain and then asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother appeared before me quickly but I could only see her face at first. Soon she was all before me, smiling.
2. I heard words like this from her: 'Raphael, you will soon be arriving in your own country. You have enjoyed a good break from your routine and have drawn closer to your loved ones during your trip. You received a few questions from M.A.. I would like to address them. She had a question about previous eternities, where I was not the Holy Ghost. In those eternities, both Heavenly Father and I were known to our children as the Gods they worshiped. Our children prayed to both of us. There was no Holy Ghost that was identified as a single person. Instead, we gave our faithful children the gift of the Spirit. This was the equivalent of the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift gave our faithful children our presence to be with them always, as they were obedient. There were previous eternities that I was the Holy Ghost also, and some that we hadn't identified a Holy Ghost as a specific person.
3. The other question that M.A. asked was concerning a podcast from M.S.. He had said he saw in vision the river of water coming from under the tree of life. You have not seen this or written about this. The entire area from the white gate to the tree of life, and of the tree of life in the city of Enoch is extremely adaptable for each of our children that come there. Each may have a separate journey and experience. You have seen and experienced this area differently than M.S.. He saw a river coming from under the tree of life, and Lehi saw a river on the side of the path and rod of iron. You didn't see the river. This is all acceptable. You have all seen this area in vision.'
4. I came this morning to the desert oasis. It was sunny and quiet. I am so glad to be able to come to beautiful areas like this in the celestial world. I came to the oasis and drank some living water. M.A. had asked me also in her email about the living water, whether it gave my spirit a different status once I drank this water. I do feel very 'transparent' each time I drink living water. I feel more clarified and aware of my surroundings somehow.
5. Anyway, I knelt in the sand, by the bench facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then waited and watched. Heavenly Father came to me in front of the water, a little above the sand. He was smiling at me. I felt so pleased to be again in his presence! I loved seeing his eternity eyes so clearly again.
6. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you drink living water from our celestial world, you do become more clarified, with the feeling of being transparent. You are able to drink this water because you are redeemed by our Beloved Son and brought back into our presence. Those who are quickened by the Spirit and brought into this celestial world, are all redeemed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, for how else could they come into our presence? Coming into our celestial world does not guarantee them of a permanent place in our kingdom, for we have other means to determine this.'
R. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 7, 2019 Monday
1. I reread my email from M.A. and had remembered it wrong. The real question she had wasn't about living water, but about the fruit of the tree of life. "Question: Does partaking of the fruit from the tree of life make a person eternal? (Never die). Is that why Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat of the tree of life after they had already eaten the forbidden fruit? Therefore, they would have lived in their sins forever? And what about you, is your spirit now eternal?"
2. I came to the desert oasis this morning. I am glad to come here and write in my journal my experience as it happens. I think this gives me the maximum ability to perceive and immediately record what I receive. I am now in my adjacent bedroom and the house is quiet.
3. I came to the living water at the desert oasis and knelt at the water's edge. I drank from my cupped hand. I felt clarified and happy. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer. Heavenly Father came to me, walking to me along the shore to my left. He was glowing with light and smiling! I am so pleased to be again in his presence. He lifted me with his hand, put his arm around my shoulder, and we started walking together along the shore of the oasis. I felt very secure to be in his presence and to be so enveloped with him so closely!
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you are back home in your house in Utah. You have routines of prayer that you will resume that allow us to again communicate to you our many revelations. Your trip has been a needed change of pace for you. It is helpful to have a break like this every so often. This rejuvenates your soul and makes your mind more clarified when you return. You can more effectively see yourself, your many blessings, how your actions affect your life, and more, once you come back to the routine of daily living.
5. I would like to address M.A. 's question about the effect of eating the tree of life fruit and leaf. Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of the fruit of the tree of life once they had eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They transgressed my commandment and therefore received the consequence to die in the flesh. They had previously eaten freely of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, while in the Garden of Eden, for this fruit kept them in a highly clarified and spiritual state. The fruit and leaf of the tree of life are celestial and those who partake of it are clarified to a celestial level.
6. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lived in a terrestrial world, but as they ate of the tree of life, they were quickened to this higher celestial state, even in their physical bodies. They had not become mortal yet. Once they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they had the seeds of mortality introduced into their systems. It was in opposition to the fruit of the tree of life (see 2 Nephi 2:15). This was called the forbidden fruit, and its effect would propel them into their new mortal life and would initiate the fall of man.
7. We did not want Adam or Eve, or any of their children, to now freely partake of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life in their mortal state without their own effort to come unto us and seek our face with all of their hearts. We wanted them to grow and progress gradually in their struggle to come to us in the telestial world that they would soon come into.
8. For this reason, I asked my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to guard the way of the tree of life so that Adam and Eve could no longer eat of the tree of life. We now wanted them to experience a mortal life, in which they would grow from their being cut off from our presence, and need to diligently seek us through our Son, the Great Redeemer. It would no longer be easy, but it would be possible.
We saw beautiful fish while snorkeling!
9. Once Adam and Eve fell and came into a telestial environment, the fruit and leaf of the tree of life would no longer be easily accessible. However, as they grew close to us, by degrees, we helped them to progress. At the end of their mortal life, they each did come again to the tree of life which had been relocated on our celestial orb. They partook of this tree after coming down the path from the white gate. This was done in their unconscious state, in a vision like the vision that both Lehi and Nephi received. These all partook of the fruit of the tree of life and were blessed.
10. Partaking of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, like you have done, or like Adam and Eve, Lehi and Nephi had done while in the flesh, does not mean they would become eternal or never die. Adam and Eve and their posterity who have partaken of the tree of life in their unconscious state, still would die. You too will die, but the seeds of death are suspended until your time is appointed to die at the end of the millennium. You are therefore translated, for while you live in your mortal state, to fulfill your mission. At the end of your mission, you will yet die at some time in the future. The purpose of translation is to delay the time of death to fulfill a particular mortal mission.
11. During the millennial day, there will be the trees of life in the New Jerusalem. Those who are permitted to come and partake of these trees will be those who are elected into the Church of the Firstborn, or who have entered into the Church of the Firstborn. They will partake in their flesh of these trees. They will yet still die, for they are mortal. They will be partakers of eternal life and exaltation. There will be others who are resurrected, or even who are not yet born in the flesh, that may partake of the fruit and leaf of the trees of life in that millennial day.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear and wonderful answer to this question! We had arrived again at the area where we had begun our walk, for I saw our footsteps again. I told my Heavenly Father how much I treasured his words! I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for protection upon my family and me during our trip. I said I was so glad to be back in the routine again to receive so much revelation from them. Heavenly Father then came in front of me, smiled and turned. He walked to my left and was soon out of sight.
Brittle Black Starfish