139. Freed from Satan's Grasp!
Posted 10-19-2019

Hello my friends,

Here is another post right on the heels of the last one I just sent out. I am all caught up now after my recent move and trip to Oregon!

There are many truths of great significance in this post. I chose to name this post "Freed from Satan's Grasp!" You will read about this new twist on how our Gods will completely free the righteous elect from the adversary, as a second phase to the what our Heavenly Father did nearly two years ago with the "Shields of the Father".

Please pray about this and the other new concepts that may be introduced to your mind while pondering this post.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 6, 2019, Sunday

1. I am on the airplane with my wife and son, flying back to Utah. I enjoyed a wonderful visit with my family there! I feel very grateful for the practice I have of visiting every other month with my mother and family in the Northwest. I feel blessed to have loving family members there.

2. I just received a remarkable email from S of several journal entries he wrote. One of them was a very strong witness on the hollow earth that I recently posted in post 136. I felt very gratified that I was not alone to have received and confirmed these remarkable truths from God. I also received confirmation from both M.A. and S.A., for in the mouth of 2-3 witnesses (3 witnesses in this case) shall every truth be established (see Ether 5:3-4).


You asked us to share feedback on the hollow earth.

I had two journal entries that I would like to share on this matter,

10-4-19 AM
I read today in Ether 3 and pondered on the brother of Jared's experience with Jesus. Next I read Raphael's account of the hollow earth. I had never imagined or given thought to such an idea. I read it with an open heart wanting to know of its truthfulness or not. As I completed reading the his account followed by the scriptures D&C 133: 26–28, 30-34, I distinctly heard Heavenly Mother's voice come to my mind confirming the truthfulness of those scriptures and that Raphael's account was accurate and he recorded it according to the words from both his Heavenly Parents. Joy filled my heart as I contemplated more children of God who followed the spirit and would come to Zion as the pure in heart.

I then went to my closet and knelt in prayer. I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother appeared standing before me. She was lovely and full of light, dressed in Her royal robes. She took my right hand and we were instantly at the northern inlet to the inner earth. There was ice enclosing this location, preserving its location from the outer earth's inhabitants. We next travelled to a town inside the earth where I saw an agrarian lifestyle that reminded me of the Amish people. Next we entered a home where I saw a mother teaching her daughter to pray to god. They were kneeling together in a bedroom. I felt the faith and love of this mother for God, and she was instilling this love into her young daughter. Heavenly Mother told me this mother and daughter would follow their prophet and come to Zion. My heart yearned for such a time of goodness and purity to cover the whole earth. I desired to be able to instill such love and faith into my own children. Heavenly Mother knew my thoughts and spoke to my mind, " I will bless you by the spirit to know how to individually help your young children to feel the love of God." At this time I was overcome with emotion and love towards my Heavenly Mother. Tears streamed down my face and cheeks and I knelt before Her. She hugged my head against Her body and I felt Her great love. I expressed my desire to be true and faithful to Her, Heavenly Father, and Jesus. I also wanted to be able to assist my fellow man to be able to feel this love in their lives. This scene closed before my view and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was immediately in front of a large forest and it was burning. I sensed the intense heat and smoke. There were tall trees all about and they were burning. I saw into the future and new trees began to sprout up from the ground even though there were burned-out trees and blackened area all around. Jesus stood beside me. He spoke to me, "I have suffered for your sins and you are clean before me at this time. These tall trees that burned represent the many peoples on the earth that are full of wickedness continually. They seek after the lusts of the flesh and carnal desires. They are led about by Satan and are spiritually lost in the world by their own agency. The earth will be burned and wickedness will cease. This is part of the glorious plan of Our Heavenly Parents for this earth and Their children. You will live to see this transition. It is okay to look forward to this day of righteousness with hope and longing. You wondered today about the great faith needed to bring about a people ready for Zion. As the world will spiral into deeper wickedness and turmoil, the elect will seek light as never before. This faith and light will spring forth within their souls as these tender trees you saw sprouting forth in this burned forest. Be at peace. These events will be part of your mortal experience and learning that will bless you throughout eternity. These experiences and this knowledge will be a treasure to you eternally." As He completed His message, He rose into the sky in a column of fire until He disappeared before me. I closed my prayer.

10-5-19 AM
I felt to reread Raphael's account of the hollow inner earth. I felt such peace as I read of prophets readying the people for their return to the outer earth and to Zion for Jesus' return to the earth. My soul filled with joy.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed by the spirit to come to Them. I was by Their side in the air next to the inner earth's mini sun. Heavenly Father spoke, "We are standing next to the mini sun of the inner earth. This portion of the earth is beautiful and filled with Our creations. You are familiar with the Book of Mormon account that We miraculously brought Lehi and Nephi and their family to the Americas. This American land was protected from the knowledge of other people for millennia. We have preserved this inner earth land from the knowledge of the world for these same purposes. Even your modern technologically advanced society has no idea this people and inner earth exists. We have done this for Our wise purposes. You rejoiced today when you considered these faithful people following their prophets to the outer earth for the return of Jesus. This will try the faith of many of these people. This trial will ready their hearts and minds to return to Zion and be prepared for the 2nd coming of Jesus. They will bear their records which contain Jesus' visit to them when He left the Nephites. Oh what a glorious day this will be! They will be brought to Zion in a miraculous way.

At this time my young son had awoke from sleep and entered my closet and I closed my prayer.

Have a blessed Sabbath day,


3. During my morning and evening prayers over the past few days I did not connect very much with my Heavenly Parents. I prayed, and felt their presence but did not actually see them. They were more in a "mist" or a cloud before me, and were smiling. I was very grateful for the time to visit my loved ones during my trip. I felt family relationships are so very important to our Heavenly Parents that they back off when we are intensely visiting like I was. I felt their presence and acceptance on all I did.

4. My wife suggested we visit two of my nephews and their families in the Portland area. Each had young families and were very busy. We took gifts and only visited for an hour or so. It was very rewarding to us, and to me personally. I saw their struggles, and their joys in raising their families. They seemed very glad we went out of our way to visit them in their own homes too. I want to be a very attentive uncle to them and others of my family. I think it is very important to be accepting and loving to all, free from any judgment. They may not get that too often in their own social circles. I think they each are wonderful people.

5. I thought more of what S saw in his vision of the Mother teaching her child to pray to God, living in the inner world, or the hollow earth area. What a blessing he had to have had Heavenly Mother show him this spirit-filled home of one of the many righteous in that community!

6. As I was thinking on this, I too felt my Heavenly Mother near me! I immediately asked several questions of her:

Q1–Are the northern and southern hole opening on the earth completely closed now with ice? Is this the ice that the prophets will smite and will flow asunder from their presence? (see D&C 133:26–"And they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.").

Q2–What is the highway spoken of in verse 27–"And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep."?

Q3–What are their rich treasures they shall bring to Ephraim, my servants?

Heavenly Mother then spoke clearly to my mind, and I wrote all of her words on the airplane, while sitting next to my wife:

7. 'Raphael, I am glad that you, your wife and son enjoyed such a wonderful time visiting your family in Oregon! This is exactly what your Father and I wished to have happened. I will now answer your questions:

A1/A2–There is a large mass of ice in both the northern and southern holes that lead into the lands inside the earth. Air may still flow through opening, but human travel is impossible in either direction. We have created this in modern times in order to protect those inside the earth from discovery. When we will, we will inspire the prophets of God who lead the people inside the earth that it is then time to exit with their faithful people. The prophets will come with their people, a very large group, and smite the rocks at the northern hole entrance to the outside earth. Large icebergs will then break off, revealing clear waters for those people to travel on. Some will go by boat, but most will travel on foot on a wide earthen highway that will rise up out of the water around the northern opening of the earth. They will follow this highway around the cusp of the earth and onto dry land in the northern part of North America.

8. This is a spectacular experience for these faithful elect!

As they emerge in these northern regions, the nations of your world will see them as intruders, and will seek to destroy them. However, we will extend the power of God to the prophets, and "their enemies shall become a prey unto them" (D&C 133:28). No nation or powers on earth will stop these faithful souls on their travel to Zion, even the New Jerusalem! As they travel, "pools of living water" will emerge, necessary for this large group of traveling souls. The land will also no longer be a parched land, nor a barren desert (see D&C 133:29). They will not hurt nor harm anyone on their journey, for we will go before them as the children of Israel left the land of Egypt, with a pillar of the cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night (see Exodus 13:21-22). We will lead them to the center of your land, even to the city of the New Jerusalem that will be being built by you and others.

9. A3–The rich treasures are their scriptures and other sacred relics they will bring. These include the account of the visitation of the resurrected Jesus Christ, after he left the Nephite nation as recorded in the Book of Mormon–3 Nephi 17:4 "But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth wither he hath taken them"

10. There will be relics and jewels that these people will brings to adorn the New Jerusalem temple. These are telestial relics when they bring them, and you will be given power, Raphael, to change them to celestial relics, even by our power. There will also be other relics and adornments from other civilizations and times that will be brought to you to change into a celestial nature, by our power. The New Jerusalem temple will have a record of such artifacts from different religious groups of our elect throughout the earth's history, to adorn its surface, even our celestial temple.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words to me today, even while I was on the airplane flying to Salt Lake City! I told her how much I loved her. She smiled upon me, in my mind's eye, and was gone. We landed a few moments later.

12. Evening–Tonight I Came to the celestial orb, to the circling waters. It is late and I am wanting to connect with one or both of my loving Heavenly Parents. I knelt and drank some of the water, and then felt clear in my mind. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

13. My Heavenly Father appeared to me, standing on the shore to my right. He was facing me, so I turned on my knees and faced him. He spoke:

'Raphael, there have been a few people who have entered the inner earth and returned to the outside surface. These were in a day before we created large areas of ice to cover the hole opening. This ice barrier will be broken up when our prophets smite the rocks with their staffs, even as we will command them at the correct time. It will take some months for the ice to break apart and for open ocean to appear.

14. At the time that the rocks are smitten, the great highway will become elevated under the ice. This will help break up the ice, and will be above the water level of the clear ocean water to either side. There will also be a large earthquake that will be felt both on the outer and inner surfaces of the earth, in the northern regions.

15. These choice people, descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, will come to the outer surface of the earth in a future day of great turmoil in your world. Their appearance will be heralded throughout the earth, and will cause many to be frightened and also fascinated. We will both try the faith of our elect who come forth as a large body, and protect them by our power. Their prophets have been ordained to my holy priesthood.

16. There are also many of the 144,000 among the large group of the pure blood of Israel. They will join those who are called and commissioned from the outside surface of the earth. This will begin the great day of their service to all the nations of the earth.

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths he shared with me tonight! I said how grateful I was for his and Heavenly Mother's revelations on this group of his elect that would join the elect on the outer surface of the earth.

18. Heavenly Father then left my side and I closed my prayer.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 7, 2019, Monday

1. It is so wonderful to be reset by a good night's sleep! I feel alert and ready to meet a new day. I came this morning to the fir forest next to the overlook at Heavenly Father's wheat field, and the fallen oak tree. The trees were very majestic and tall. I am grateful to be here, and to connect to my unconscious mind. I could see the opening of the overlook nearby.

2. I knelt by the base of one of the majestic and tall fir trees. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I had faith one would come to me.

3. I then saw a bright light appear behind the tree and start moving to my side of the tree. Soon my glorious Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, from my right side! She was smiling and so full of bright light that shone all around. I distinctly felt her light come into and through me! I was warmed by the light of her countenance.

4. She spoke to me, to my mind: 'Raphael, you are come again back into my presence, and have come to me in a very open and humble state. This is how we prefer our children to come to us! We are then able to share with them whatever truths we desire and to lead them along.

5. Your sister K asked you a question when you were alone with her on your recent trip. She wondered how there was night on this celestial orb, and whether those who live here go to sleep like they do one earth. In your answer to her, you said it might be day to one and night another, but you were not sure.

6. I would like to answer this good question.'

7. At this time it started to get very dark around us, and the intense light from Heavenly Mother decreased to a warm glow!

8. 'Raphael, we may cause night time to immediately come upon you in this local area, whereas at the overlook it might be bright as day!'

9. I looked towards the overlook and saw a much brighter light coming from that opening into the darkened forest. That light was some distance away and didn't reach me much.

10. 'Raphael, this change of light in your immediate surrounding area is all controlled by my thoughts. I wished it to be locally dark here in this forest, for us only, and it immediately became dark. However, another celestial being may walk through here and it might be bright for him or her. This change in surroundings is based on the person perceiving all of this. In reality, there is a bright world here on our celestial world all of the time, in whatever place one may be in.

11. This same changeable environment to the one experiencing the terrain and atmosphere is very evident along the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of life. The path and obstacles along the way are different for each of our sons and daughters who travels along the path. Some might experience thick darkness, some a mighty wind, and another some other obstacle–all which relate to the unique challenges of life we give to them. These are representing the trials of mortality in finding true happiness and joy at the end of the strait and narrow path.

12. You have seen the celestial sun and celestial moon in the sky at different times. These are there at different times, but appear or disappear to our children based on their desires to see night or day. Our celestial world operates on an entirely different manner than on your fallen telestial world, which is extremely reliable and predictable in the times of rotations and seasons that all may see.

13. What is reality for one here on our celestial orb is often different from the reality of another. We do this to help in the understanding and growth of each of our children.

14. Our truths are eternally the same, and do not vary as do the local environment or conditions. All that we have revealed to you is truth and light, for these never change. Our teachings and revelations also never vary, and are the same from eternity to eternity.

15. Time may also vary here on our celestial orb. We may view past, or future times just as easily as the present. All of this is controlled by our minds. We adjust the enviornment or time to best fit the needs of the learning and growth of our own children. Our pre-mortal children, who also live on this celestial orb, live in perpetual day, for they have never experienced night. They will once they come to a telestial world for their mortal experience. When they die, and live in the world of the spirit dead, they will not experience night either, for their world is continually day.

16. However, in our glorious celestial world, we have desired to experience again the joys of mortality that include night experiences. We love to stroll arm in arm under a bright moon on a dark night, for instance, or to see a beautiful sunset. All of these are possible here in our celestial orb, for these bring us joy and fond remembrances. In order to not disturb the personal experience of another, we have made it possible for us and our celestial children who live in this section of our celestial orb to change the environment around them. This is in compliance with the laws of the celestial kingdom. We also oversee all that happens here. All is changed locally according to our will and pleasure.'

17. The darkness around us then gradually dispersed, and my Heavenly Mother was standing before me again in her bright glory. I felt very grateful for her beautiful explanation of the capabilities of her wonderful celestial world. I thanked her for coming to me this lovely day. I told her I loved and cared for her so very much, and felt so very connected to her.

18. She smiled and then walked around the trunk of the fir tree and was gone. I ended my prayer and started my new day.

19. Evening-I have come to realize that mortality in the telestial world provides many experiences that we cannot get anywhere else in our stages of progression. Being in a fallen world, with very real experiences that our conscious minds have, really shows what kind of a person we are that couldn't be determined in any other way. Somehow it brings out the best and worst in all of us.

20. I came to the overlook to the grassy area and the green hill near the river representing Jesus Christ!

(Note: I was interrupted and will continue tomorrow.)

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 8, 2019, Tuesday

1. I knelt at the overlook, facing the distant temple to the southeast. It seemed bright and sunny there. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for she was who I felt would come to me this morning.

2. She appeared to me in the air in front of me! I felt so pleased to be in her presence. She was smiling broadly and was full of light and love.

She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, whether you pray to me last night or this morning here, it is very acceptable to me. I look on the desire of your heart and you are full of intention to connect to us, your Gods. Sometimes there are interruptions in life that may prevent you from immediately connecting with us. We will wait, for the overriding issue is the status of your heart and intentions of your mind. Time is not so critical to us, or whether you are here in prayer at night or the next morning. We love and accept you at either time you are able to free up yourself. You have demonstrated your great diligence, day in and day out, over years of praying and putting us first in your life.

3. This morning I wish to speak to you more about your telestial mortal experience. Our first parent Gods devised the plan to send their spirit children to a fallen telestial earth. This was planned and determined from the beginning. One of the crucial parts of this plan was to restrict a portion of their children's mind temporarily from being in the forefront. Their unconscious mind was still very functional, but hidden behind a veil. This portion of their mind contained all of the memories of their pre-mortal life and a sure knowledge of the existence of God. They became again in their innocent state, similar to how they came just after being birthed by their own Heavenly Mother in the beginning.

4. These new arrivals on their mortal earth also received a new physical body, patterned after the first one they received at birth in the spirit when their intelligence first entered. Now in mortality, their spirit would enter into this new physical body as a very innocent and dependent baby. They would again be entirely helpless and need direction and intense caring from their parents, just like occurred at the beginning of their spirit existence in the pre-mortal spirit world.

5. When they would become fully grown adults, they would also become much more capable and independent from their parents. They would now fully choose on their own whatever path they wished to follow. This too was similar to their experience in the pre-mortal world.

6. We instilled a number of new experiences for our adult mortal physical children. We gave all men and women the desires of the flesh, called the natural man. In opposition to these inclinations we sent our Holy Spirit to guide and direct them in ways we had always done. They heard our voice now as a still and small voice, still spoken to their unconscious mind, just like we had always done in the beginning, during their pre-mortal world.

7. There would thus be a conflict between the natural man tendencies and our Holy Spirit, or the light of Christ that would give them their own conscience. In this realm, they had free choice to choose either one.

8. In addition, we allowed our fallen spirits, even Satan and his hosts, to tempt and persuade them. This was always counter to our own whisperings to their inner soul. Satan appealed to their natural man tendencies and we appealed to their higher, more honorable self. Many of our mortal children would choose Satan and his temptations of the flesh over our gentle promptings.

9. Moses 4:4

"And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice."

10. Moses 5:12-15

"And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters.

And Satan came among them, saying: I am also a son of God; and he commanded them, saying: Believe it not; and they believed it not, and they loved Satan more than God. And men began from that time forth to be carnal, sensual, and devilish.

And the Lord God called upon men by the Holy Ghost everywhere and commanded them that they should repent;

And as many as believed in the Son, and repented of their sins, should be saved; and as many as believed not and repented not, should be damned; and the words went forth out of the mouth of God in a firm decree; wherefore they must be fulfilled."

11. This same pattern has continued from the beginning, even until your own day. Satan, in your day, has a greater hold upon our mortal children than any other time since the days of your first parents, Adam and Eve. Your mortal world is ripe in iniquity and as such will soon be destroyed.

12. 2 Nephi 26:10-11

"...and they shall sell themselves for naught; for, for the reward of their pride and their foolishness they shall reap destruction; for because they yield unto the devil and choose works of darkness rather than light, therefore they must go down to hell.

For the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction, and this grieveth my soul."

13. Raphael, your Father and I have already withdrawn our Spirit from a large portion of the inhabitants of your mortal world, for they have continually chosen Satan over us. Therefore, speedy destruction will soon come upon them.

14. We have also called upon many who hear our voice and keep our commands. These reject Satan consistently in their lives. We therefore enlighten them more and more with our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. These are our elect that we will save and bring forth into a better world, even where Satan and his evil hosts are no longer present.

15. In the beginning, with our first Gods, they found the greater part of their children on the telestial earth would follow their own Satan. This tendency has continued in every eternity since then. Those who truly reject the natural selfish man inside of them and seek to hear and obey our voice, are so much fewer in number. These will have proven themselves by their own individual agency, acting on their own and not from another. This is exactly as we wish, for salvation is an individual issue, earned and gained by individual choice and decisions in daily living.

16. You are correct that mortal life is a very unique time in the progression of our children, with no other way for us to determine who will follow us and who will follow Satan.

17. Abraham 3:25-26

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.

And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever."

18. I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother in front of me in the air! I love her words of revelation that flow into me with such clarity. I told her how much I desired to always follow her and Heavenly Father and to keep their commandments. I said I wanted to suppress the natural man in me and to reject Satan's temptations always.

19. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and immediately disappeared. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

20. Evening–Tonight I came to the sapling tree of life which is west of the tree of life and the strait and narrow path. This tree was beautiful and not nearly as large as the other tree of life. It had many fruits growing from its limbs. I ate one of the white fruits and it was very sweet and filled me with joy. I felt light in my head area particularly it seemed.

21. I then knelt under the canopy of the sapling tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

22. Heavenly Father then appeared a short distance away, and walked in front of me! He was very majestic and his eyes were very deep and penetrating. I felt very open and receptive to anything he would say, for I knew he was my Father and always spoke the truth in all things. He then spoke:

23. 'Raphael, you worked very steady and hard on your business today, moving your items onto shelves you have built to hold them. At the end of the day you were amazed by the progress you made, more than you thought possible in one day. Day by day you are doing this, and your progress is remarkable.

24. When it comes to doing your work we assign you in the New Jerusalem area, you will also experience great changes from day to day. The building of the temple and the surrounding city will progress steadily and quickly. We will bring to you many talented and hardworking individuals whose missions will also be to assist in building the New Jerusalem.

25. With God, all things are possible, and we will move forward on our own schedule and manner (see Matthew 19:26). Seek to us with an open mind and willing heart, and we will inspire you to move forth the cause of Zion in preparation for the Church of the Firstborn and the New Jerusalem.'

26. Heavenly Father smiled at me. I then felt his light and love shed forth more abundantly upon me! I felt so gratified for his mission that he and Heavenly Mother have called me to do. I spoke:

'Heavenly Father, I will be diligent in calling upon you in prayer for you direction in whatever work you wish me to accomplish. I have a believing heart and am eager to do even as you direct me!'

He then departed and I got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 9, 2019, Wednesday

1. My weather app on my phone indicates a hard freeze over the next 3 days. We have already picked 10 or more boxes from our garden, and today need to pick the orchard. They predict it will reach 18 degrees F on Thursday night! That will freeze even the apples on the trees. I will probably pick over 10 buckets of apples, pears and peaches today.

2. I came to the desert oasis this new morning. It was warm there, and I felt the sand between my toes. It was warm too and I felt connected to the celestial orb.

3. I drank living water from the oasis, and then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited only for a few seconds when Heavenly Mother appeared in the center of the oasis, extremely bright and smiling! I felt I should stand and walk to her on the water. I did so and was very soon in front of her, kneeling before her just above the water in the air. Her eternity eyes were sparkling and seemed so filled with love!

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the world will soon receive foreboding news of war and calamity, yet they will do little to stop the devastations that surely will come. This is like the very cold temperatures that will blanket your land in the next few days. There is very little you can do to stop the freeze, except to harvest what remaining produce and fruit you have grown. Once all is safely gathered in, then the effects of freezing weather will come.

5. Your world marches forward into the future steadily and sure. You cannot change the decreed course of what we have planned for the world, but can only prepare yourself.

6. You were impressed with all of the camping, cooking, heating and emergency food and equipment you had gathered over the years yesterday when you moved these onto a different shelf. You also discarded what you didn't need any longer. All of our children should prepare, for there will be privations in the near future when normal water sources, electricity and natural gas will be cut off temporarily. We will be with you and each of our elect who have diligently prepared for this day. For those who haven't prepared, we will help them also in their needs, as they call upon us in the energy of their soul. "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear." (see D&C 38:30).

7. The very most important preparation one may do in the days ahead is to become in tune to us, your Gods. If our mortal children strive diligently to come unto us, whether in times of peace or of tribulation, we will guide and direct them by our still small voice. With us by their side, what do they have to fear?

8. We might prompt them to move to safer areas, or stay put. We might have them reject certain beliefs and norms that they have always held as true. We want them to be open and receptive, for if not, how can we lead them? We will prove our faithful by how diligently they seek us, or how malleable they are to adjust their lives to our directions. We need them to listen to us more than any leaders or man or society that they may have always trusted. We will try and test them in the difficult days ahead.

9. You have often remarked to people how much experience it takes to grow and tend a garden in order to sustain oneself. The garden seeds in a long-term storage can that you used to sell will not do the knowledgeable new gardener much good without the skills in knowing how to sprout, nurture, water and protect the growing fruits and vegetables. You have learned by over nearly 45 years of gardening how to raise your own food. This similar experience of growing and using healing plants will also be a very prized skill you have gained in the troubled days ahead.

10. Nevertheless, we will help all of our children, regardless of their skills or knowledge, if they come unto us in humble and open prayer. We will teach and guide them along.

11. Isaiah 28:16, 22-26, 29-

"Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.

...Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.

Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.

Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground?

When he hath made plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the cummin, and cast in the principal wheat and the appointed barley and the rie in their place?

For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him.

...This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."

12. The important thing in all learning is to counsel with us, the Heavenly Parents of our children on the earth! We will bring each of our faithful to Jesus Christ who will also guide and bless them, and redeem all who repent of their sins in the humility of their heart. We have all knowledge, and will freely impart of our wisdom and guidance to our faithful who listen to us and then do as we ask.'

13. At this time on earth I heard a strong wind blow outside my window. I know that the cold front was on its way, with the winds that precede it.

14. I thanked my loving and kind Heavenly Mother who stood in the air above the desert oasis, for her warning and her wisdom. I said I was planning to work hard all the day long in preparing and securing every needful thing.

15. She smiled again upon me and I felt very comforted and loved. I then saw her rise up into the celestial sky above and then disappear. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.

16. Evening–Tonight I came to the celestial orb to the forest pool near the pyramid building in God's Healing Center. It was light outside but I was in a heavily wooded forest so it was darker. I could easily see the pool. I knelt and drank living water and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come.

17. I immediately saw a bright light reflected in the water and saw that my Heavenly Mother was going to come! I didn't actually see her until a few seconds later, but saw her reflection ahead of time in the forest pool. I know that this is a quality of living water.

18. Heavenly Mother soon appeared in the sky and descended in a bright light through the trees. She was emanating bright light and the feelings of acceptance and love. I felt very relaxed and so receptive to anything she might impart to me. She spoke when she was a few feet above the pool in front of me: 'Raphael, this afternoon you picked all the remaining apples, pears and peaches in your orchard. You did this because of the hard freeze that is coming to your area.

19. When you were picking apples and peaches, sometimes there were fruits that were hidden behind leaves and branches that you missed. You went back over the tree from different angles until you spotted them all and picked them. Some of the fruit you picked were full and robust, full of flavor and without blemishes. Others had defects like being bird eaten, or even rotten and undeveloped. You saw many ground apples and pears that had been bruised or eaten by animals like raccoons, insects or slugs.

20. These fruits you picked may be compared to our many children we have sent to earth. We know each one and where each one is located. We know how attentive they have been to us and how much they have developed and grown. The elect who hear our voice and obey our commandments are like the beautiful and tasty fruit that have filled the full measure of their creation. The deformed or rotten fruits are like our many children who have done their own thing and wandered away from our influence and direction. They have chosen, by their own will and pleasure, to follow their own interests, their natural man tendencies, and have been led astray into sin and bad habits by the adversary, even by Satan and his hosts. These have developed a little fruit, but they are not like the fully ripe and beautiful fruit.

21. You will find a lot of satisfaction in these whole and fully ripened apples, pears and peaches that you picked. Likewise, we find great joy in our elect who are attentive to our words, and do whatever we ask of them. These developed step by step and made diligent efforts to keep close to us for many years. Oh, we love our elect children! We find such deep satisfaction and joy in helping them awaken to their true potential, even to become like your Father and I someday!'

22. I thanked her for her instruction tonight. This fit in very well with what she told me this morning in prayer. I told her I am striving to always follow her and Heavenly Father's direction diligently, every day. I asked for her Spirit and light to dwell with me always.

23. She smiled and said she would always be with me. She then ascended up into the treetops and was gone. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 10, 2019, Thursday

1. I awoke after a good sleep. I feel refreshed and clear in my mind. I am so glad for my daily routine, morning and night, to approach God in meaningful prayer! I always have no idea what I will receive.

2. I also pray for my loved ones, even though I don't write about them in my journal. Sometimes I wish to help heal or bless someone, but I am not physically present next to them. I then ask that my replicated celestial angel self come to them and act as a conduit for the healing power of God to bless them. Other times, I visualize doing this myself.

3. It is only my desire to connect in prayer to God, to receive their will, be whatever it may be, and then to do what they instruct me. I try to be diligent in doing this in a steady way. I feel so blessed to receive all that they have revealed to me!

4. I came from this new chilly morning on earth to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden to the southeast. I was warm inside but it was cool outside in heaven. The celestial sun was beaming down on me in this crisp day on the celestial orb. I knelt facing east. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

5. Heavenly Father appeared before me from a cloud that suddenly came! He stepped out of the cloud, shining in majesty before me.

He spoke: 'Raphael, I have inspired you to come here to the high mountaintop, facing the eastern, sky which represents looking into a future day.

6. Just before you prayed to me this morning, you received and read an email from S about a trout dropping near him from the air above. We gave him this experience and our interpretation as he recorded it in his journal. We would like you to insert this in your journal.'

7. Here is the email received:


2 months ago, I went to a plant nursery in the mountains near my home to look for fruit trees and nut trees to plant around my house. As I was walking through the nursery looking at trees, I heard a loud thud. I looked around to see what it was, and within a few feet of me there was a large trout that had fallen from the sky. I looked up and there was a clear sky. Upon closer inspection of the fish in front of me, there were talon marks in the fish where an eagle had caught it from a nearby lake a few miles away. I thought it was a very unique experience when it happened but hadn't given it much thought since then.

This morning in prayer, I was taught more about that experience.


In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I waited and the image of an eagle at the very top of a tall tree came to my mind. I next saw my Heavenly Parents in the air above the tree, and they were looking down on this eagle. I was directed to come to Their side, and I was next standing beside Them in the air. I noticed the strength and awareness of this eagle. To my mind came the image of the fish that fell from the sky from the clutches of an eagle and landed next to my feet when I was at a plant nursery in Pinetop, AZ several months ago. My Heavenly Parents communed to my mind as if the message was coming from both of Them, "This event that you witnessed of the fish falling from the eagle is symbolic of what will occur in these last days. The eagle represents Satan and our elect who are scattered among all the nations throughout the world are the fish in his powerful grasp. We will cause Our elect, the fish, to be freed from his grasp. The fish fell at your feet. Our elect will fall from the grasp of Satan as nations crumble, and they will come to the feet of Our servants who will be directed by Us to carry or direct these elect to places of safety." The words of Isaiah 49: 24-25 came to my mind, " Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." They continued to speak to me, "This prophesy of Isaiah will soon come to pass as We gather Our elect from the four quarters of the earth. We will save Our elect children from Satan's grasp among all the nations of the world in a miraculous way as Our children turn to Us and exercise their faith in this coming day soon at hand." Their message to me was completed. Next, We began to travel through the air with great speed and then this scene closed before my view and I ended my prayer.

I felt to share this with you twice today, so here it is. Maybe you can let me know your thoughts,


8. 'Raphael, I wish now to show you how our elect will be delivered from Satan's grasp in the near future! Come with me into the eastern skies.' I took my Father's hand and together we stepped into the cloud from where he had stepped to me moments earlier.

9. My Father spoke again: 'Raphael, you will see different scenes across your earth in the near future when Satan's grasp will be entirely loosened from the chosen elect of God. We are causing Lucifer and his hosts to do this because we are elevating the realm around our elect from a telestial sphere to a terrestrial sphere. This change in the local realm will cause Lucifer or any of his evil minions to quickly loosen their grasp on these, our choice children, in their mortal journey. They will not realize that they are in a higher realm at first, but will soon realize Satan's influence has fully departed.

10. The hosts of hell are able to abide a telestial glory, or realm. Therefore, they may tempt and influence those who live and exist in this realm. However, Satan is not permitted to dwell in the terrestrial realm, for this is contrary to the law of the terrestrial glory. Therefore, by simply elevating the realm around our elect, we may cause Satan to loosen his powers from these choice individuals. They may then be freed to discover their true desires, to hear our voice, and to follow our directions to gather to Zion. This process is figuratively like the eagle dropping the trout from his talons, and the fish landing next to S that he wrote you about.

11. You have wondered if this is similar to the shields of the Father that we have explained to you previously, that have come upon the elect (see post 69 "The Shields of the Father"). I have caused these shields to come from me to those chosen elects, as the first part of their protection from Satan. It has been about 1 2/3 years since these shields have come upon the faithful. The changing of them from a telestial state to a terrestrial state will be the second and final state of loosening of Satan's grasp in their lives. They will feel then completely free to pursue our words and inspirations we give to them to gather to Zion, the pure in heart.

12. Our elect who receive both the shields of the Father and this change to a terrestrial glory, will still be able to view all that is happening in the telestial deteriorating world around them. However, they themselves will grow and progress much faster now that they will be elevated to a terrestrial environment around their body and spirit. They will be able, in this state, to move into the millennium without any restriction, for they will already be terrestrial.

13. I have chosen the elect of God myself and will have the holy angels of God assist me in changing their state from a telestial to a terrestrial state of glory.

14. Satan will be powerless in influencing them in the flesh, for he will not be able to come close to them. These newly changed terrestrial individuals will still live in the telestial world, but they will themselves be freed from Satan's grasp entirely.

15. Come now, let us go down to your telestial earth and see these changes in the elect of God that I have chosen!'

16. Heavenly Father and I then were immediately in several consecutive scenes, in an unseen state. I saw first a woman and her child in their family. These two had been changed to a terrestrial state and did not know it. They became more sensitive to their inner voice, the voice of the Spirit, that God was giving to them.

17. I saw glimpses of their future lives as they continued living in mortality with their loved ones. They chose to follow God and yet couldn't understand how their other family members were mediocre in their choices, or chose activities or actions that were worldly, or inspired by the adversary. They experienced heartache like I have felt in my own life, by others they loved who chose self centered or evil paths. They came to realize that each one chooses whom they will obey, either God or Satan, or their own natural man self.

18. I then saw another scene where a couple were both of the elect and elevated to a terrestrial state. I saw their grown children choose ways that were inspired by Satan. These children seemed to allow Satan to subjugate them and control their destiny, for they gave over their agency to the adversary. I saw the parents mourn for their children.

19. I saw a third scene where the entire family of parents and three children were all changed to a terrestrial state. I saw their family watch as the world, their friends, and most of their extended family, chose to follow the ways of the world.

20. I saw a fourth scene where an unmarried man was changed, but none of his friends. He slowly departed from their ways, and chose to follow God and the abundant promptings he now was receiving. I saw he was much more able to hear God's voice to his unconscious mind.

21. I saw too that the 144,000 were also all terrestrial beings who had been entirely freed from Satan's grasp. These ministered eventually to all the elect and brought them to safe places of refuge and to Zion. I saw that in Zion was to be gathered these pure in heart who wanted to follow God and not man.

22. Heavenly Father then faced me after we had witnessed these scenes in the future.

He spoke: 'Raphael, I have chosen the elect from all of the rest of the world based on how much they have wanted to follow me and have chosen me over the temptations of this world. There is a unique difference in their willingness that I can easily determine with my godly hindsight into their lives up to this time and my godly foresight into their future desires and choices. These are the same individuals that are represented by the wheat in my field that I will gather in safe garners.

23. They are scattered all over the earth, among all people, nations, cultures and races. We will give to these I have chosen our care and direction, for they will hear the voice of the Spirit and will keep our commandments.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful and very remarkable instruction and visions this morning! I thanked him for revealing all of this to me. I said I loved him and would follow him always. He smiled and the scene vanished.

25. I found myself continuing to write in my journal but I was no longer on the celestial orb. I confirmed what I had received as true and that I had written it correctly. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

26. Evening–Tonight I came to the birch tree grove next to the stream, on the west side of Lake Beautiful. I was in this beautiful grove of trees, and knelt by the little stream coming down the hill and drank of living water. I felt refreshed and uplifted. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would come tonight.

27. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, across the little stream! She was standing on the ground. She also had a warm glow of light, like a halo, around her body. She was smiling at me. I felt her acceptance and love!

28. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you spend a lot of time problem-solving today, and then making the solution happen. You moved all your ethernet lines and Wi-Fi router. You were successful in all you planned and accomplished.

29. We who are your God have multiple plans. We make sure all of our plans are accomplished, even as we have planned. There is also not anything we desire to do but that we will do it! We know all of the laws of each kingdom, and adjust our plans to follow the laws of the kingdom in which it is fulfilled. Some plans cover multiple kingdoms, so we ensure each kingdom conforms to the laws set up by our first parent Gods when fulfilling our plans.

30. To a lower kingdom, it may appear that the event we accomplish is a miracle. However, the fulfillment conforms to the laws of a higher realm, but the results are seen in the lower realm. This is how healing miracles are done, or even great worldwide events like the second coming of Jesus Christ. They are done in the celestial kingdom, according to our power, and then seen in the lower telestial and terrestrial realms as well as supernatural events.

31. When Satan tried to come as an angel of light (see Alma 30:53 and D&C 128:20) to deceive one of our children, he could only act in his own realm he operated in, which is the telestial realm. He must follow the laws of this kingdom. He cannot use the laws of a higher realm, for he doesn't know them nor does he have power. He is confined to the earth since he cannot travel to other worlds or realms, for he has no power. He would like to think he has power beyond what other spirits or mortals have when living in the telestial realm.

32. There has been confusion about Lucifer carrying up Jesus Christ to the pinnacle of the temple when he tempted Jesus (see Matthew 4:5). However, Satan had no power to do this, for the spirit of God did this: the "spirit setteth him on the pinnacle of the temple" (see JST Matthew 4:5). It was in this situation that the devil came to him and tempted him. Satan was limited in what he could do as a spirit in the telestial realm and he could not move people about who had not given their consent to be possessed by him.

33. The 144,000 servants operate in the terrestrial realm. As such, they may "bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn" (D&C 77:11). They do this by their power of movement they have been given in the terrestrial realm. Those they transport will need to consent to this instant travel.

34. If your Father and I have a desire to do something, we surely will do it. We know all the ways and means to do our will. All things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).'

35. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight, and for sharing her tidbits of great truth! I felt humbled as always to receive her truths!

36. She then disappeared as quickly as she came, and was gone. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 11, 2019, Friday

1. I am awake and ready to meet a new day, along with its challenges. We are getting everything in order in our business, and should complete our final inventory after our recent move today. I will be relieved!

2. I found myself this morning walking around the desert oasis. The celestial sun was shining brightly and I felt warm and comfortable. I was in a receptive mindset, wondering what my Gods would share with me today?

3. While walking, my Heavenly Father started walking beside me on my right side, and Heavenly Mother on my left side! I felt immediately their love and acceptance of me, and then their light shine upon me! I felt so glad to be in their presence.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, may we walk with you around the oasis this lovely morning?'

5. I replied that I was very happy to have them both come and walk with me.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I frequently walk and talk together throughout the day. This is one of the most enjoyable activities we do each day! We walk in all varied places, often on our own celestial orb. We always hold hands or put our arms around each other as we walk.'

6. She then took my left hand and my Father placed his arm around my shoulders. I felt very loved to walk with both of them in such a close experience!

7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'All things we have created or made are continually before our minds, even though we may not be present, or even replicated and be in that area with them. In this way, if any of our planned actions, or any of our creations have any issues we would want to correct, we may go immediately here to correct the situation.

8. You might wonder how we can be everywhere, or know all this is happening, even though we are not everywhere, even in our replicated beings? This is what we would like to share with you this morning!"

9. We had arrived in front of the bench where I often come and pray. From here we started walking in the air, a little elevated above the desert floor, and headed west. I hadn't been over this part of the desert before. We were still walking closely together.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, there is a deep connection we have with each of our many creations that possesses an intelligence. These include our orbs, planets, stars, atmosphere, water, and every plant and animal on or in their surfaces. We especially are linked to our beloved children at all times. Were any of these to wish to call upon us, their creators, we would immediately know how they are doing, or if anything has changed, or if they are in need.

11. For example, in the last eternity we have created multiple telestial worlds of glory for our many children who were assigned to those realms. These exist in our large galaxy, and are telestial orbs. We have created these orbs, and they act and move in our set location and rotations that we assigned them. These orbs are linked with us, their creators forever, for this was agreed upon in the day we created them. Our intelligence and their intelligence are always in open communication. We do this for all of our many creations, for we are Gods and have this capability. We don't need to be with them to communicate with them, for intelligences continue to have connection together if they desire, across all space or time, wherever they may be.

12. We are the children ourselves of Heavenly Parents, and are also linked to them, for they created us and set up this communication with us in the day we were chosen and created into their children. We don't have such connection to the other gods in the universe who are not of our own lineage, for they were not involved in our creation, nor were we involved in theirs.

13. However, because our Heavenly Parents were also created by their own Heavenly Parents, we are linked also with these our grandparent gods, and know of them and they know of us. We are linked with them just like we are to our own Heavenly Parents. Thus we are linked through the generations of the gods, right back to our first parent Gods, for we are also their descendants.

14. When our first parent Gods wish to summon their descendants who are Gods, we all know their desire to do so immediately, for we are all linked together as a family of the Gods. We may therefore come in our replicated states to our meetings at the center of the universe, on their own celestial orb, whenever they desire. We do this sometimes when each eternity is completed.

15. When our children pray to us, we know and immediately hear their prayer. Our intelligences have agreed to be in open connection in the day we first chose them and received their permission to create them into our son or daughter.

16. When Lucifer rebelled and persuaded many of our children to follow him, our connection to each one of them continued. It is only at the final judgment when those evil spirits still refuse to accept their own redemption made by Jesus Christ, that we will send them to their own place of no glory. In that day when they return back to their base intelligence, being stripped of their spirit, that we will finally remove our connection with their intelligences for they have fully rejected us. Once in their final state as a base intelligence again, they will truly be single and alone as they were in the beginning, with no connection with any other intelligence. They will only have their memories. They also will not have capabilities to connect with any other intelligences forever.

17. Our many sons and daughters who have gone onto their own states of eternal glory are also linked to us, and we with them. We are connected by the agreement we initially made in the day we chose them to be our own sons or daughters. They are all so pleased still to be a child of God, and have received in eternity the happiness they were willing to receive. We continue to love and communicate with them as any desire or the need may arise.

18. Our biggest efforts and connections always are focused on our current eternity. We commune with all of our children in all their states of progression in this eternity. We continue to nurture and direct these our sons and daughters, to the extent they will allow us. Our connection to their intelligence within their spirit and/or their body of flesh is still very strong. Even though they may consciously not be aware of this connection, it is still strong and active.

19. We rejoice most when our son or daughters hear our voice, the voice of the spirit, and chooses to follow our counsels. We then lead them a little more, all by gradual means.

20. Our chosen elect hear our voice and keep our commandments. We lead each one to the highest level of glory they are willing to accept.'

21. We had arrived at the end of the stream in the desert gulley where I had been before. I thanked them for walking with me this new day! I thanked them for their words and revelation. I told each how much I loved them, and wanted to do their will.

22. They both smiled upon me, kissed me, and said they enjoyed their walk with me also. They then held hands and rose up into the desert sky together and were soon gone.

23. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my day on earth.

24. Evening-I am relaxing at home after a good workday. I am ready to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the fountain of living water, facing south. The temple was to my southwest and was bright and glistening in the celestial sun. I felt clear and happy. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

25. Heavenly Father came to my right side by the fountain! He was standing on the ground and smiling. He looked at me and I felt he knew me very intimately, for he saw all of me–my intelligence, spirit and my body. He knew all that I had done or thought from the beginning of my birth as a spirit to him and Heavenly Mother. He knows my current desires to always remember him and to keep his commandments.

26. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have brought you here to the fountain of living water today. This has been here since we first established our celestial orb. The celestial living water has flowed here from the beginning. We have experienced millions upon millions of eternities since this time long ago.

27. We know each of our children since they came into our first eternity and each eternity since. We still stay connected to each one except those like Lucifer who fully rebelled against us. We also know all of our creations from the beginning. Many of these on this celestial orb have continued for many eternities here, and some from the first eternity. These are all resurrected creations, and span eternity after eternity. They all have the overall purpose of beautifying our celestial world and helping us in the grand purposes for the salvation of our beloved children.

28. We have our living water still flowing from our beautiful fountain. Living water here is finite which was created at the beginning. This water is located all over on this orb in oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and fountains and also in the atmosphere. The many plants, animals, and our own celestial children here drink of living water. As on earth, this water is recycled if used, and is eliminated from these creations as moisture, sweat and urine. The ground helps cleanse this water that continues to cycle around on our celestial orb. At the end of each eternity there is about the same amount of living water as in the beginning of that eternity. If there is less, then we create more living water and add this to what is already there. The water is still controlled by one intelligence, similar to the celestial orb and atmosphere.

29. The atmosphere on our celestial orb was also created in the beginning during our first eternity when the celestial orb was created. It also recycles and stays here on this heavenly orb. We never need to replenish the atmosphere from one eternity to the next.

30. At times we move around our resurrected plants and animals, both on this orb and on other planets, earths or orbs. They beautify our lovely celestial creations and also are used to propagate their kind on other worlds of the same or lower order.'

31. Heavenly Father then looked upon the fountain.

He spoke: 'I remember distinctly the first time living water flowed from this fountain. Your Heavenly Mother and I remember all things, now that we are Gods. We may recall and see in vision whatever we wish to see from our past. Similarly, we may also do this for the future. We mostly live, however, in the present, for in the present we receive the most joy and satisfaction!'

32. Heavenly Father then smiled at me and walked around the fountain. As he walked, he disappeared from my view. I thanked him in my mind for his revelations to me tonight. I said I wanted to become like him and that I loved him. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 12, 2019, Saturday

1. I slept in an hour later than normal. The house is quiet and I am in a meditative state. I feel my replicated celestial being is in the forest just north of the pocketed rock wall. There is a path through the forest that I am on. I was walking north, to the large rocky cliffs. Here is where Enoch's city lies below the cliffs.

2. I then decided to stop walking and to kneel off the side of the path. I am all alone and wondered if my connection to my Father and Mother, and where I am physically located anywhere that I may be in the universe, may be hidden from them? On second thought, I am sure that they always know where every one of their children or creations are located at any time! I believe this is because of the eternal connection to their abundant creations that they agreed to and made with them in the day they were created. They therefore always know where each one is located, how they are doing, and what issues each one may b e dealing with.

3. Matthew 6:26

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

4. I knelt on the soft soil under the majestic trees, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

5. My Heavenly Father next came walking down the path next to me, from the north! He was brightly shining and seemed so happy. Soon he came upon me and stopped in front of me.

He spoke: 'Raphael, come with me to the north on this path, to the rocky cliffs!'

6. I stood and we walked side by side along the path through the woods. 'Raphael, these woods are of ancient date, for I love how they have been, even from their first creation , when our celestial orb was created in the beginning. We have changed the geography of many areas on our celestial orb, but this has remained untouched. The rocky cliffs are also untouched from the beginning, but the valley below it is continually changed from eternity to eternity.'

7. We soon arrived at the rocky cliffs. The sun was shining all around. I saw a male and female brown bear nearby that walked over to us. Heavenly Father stroked their heads and smiled upon them. They then walked into the forest from where we had come.

8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this pair of bears are resurrected and have been living in these woods since our first eternity. They are both very content and happy to be here. From these two bears have come all of the brown bears of their own kind on your earth. These couple bears propagated a male and female bear on earth and then returned again to this forested area on our celestial orb. Their offspring then produced all of their species on your earth soon after the time when they were created. They were born as celestial mortal bears, but soon became part of the terrestrial garden of Eden creation and lowered to a terrestrial glory. When the earth became telestial, these bears also became telestial.

9. We watch over all of our creations, including those who are descendants of this couple pair of bears, for they are all our creations. We provide for them in all of their realms of glory they may be in.

10. Matthew 6:28-34

"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

11. Your Heavenly Mother and I beautify and sustain all of our creations! We establish nature and the beautiful balance and loveliness of the world. We provide for all in your fallen telestial world. It is man who comes and upsets our creations with his construction, pollutions, and works. Also, our sons and daughters are in charge of all others of creations, for they were given "dominion over all the beasts of the field" (see Moses 5:1), and over every living thing we had created for their enjoyment.

12. D&C 59:16-20

"Verily I say, that inasmuch as ye do this, the fulness of the earth is yours, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees and walketh upon the earth;

Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards;

Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;

Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul,

And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion."

13. Once a man or a woman seek us first, they will lessen their worry about clothing themselves in a particular garb, or eating a particular food, for we will provide all for them. They are still to plan for the days of want ahead in your world, but we will be with them and help them find food, clothing, and basic needs.

14. We will inspire them and direct them with what they should store or make, and the skills they need to possess to be self-reliant. Of all our creations, our own sons and daughters will be cared for, who first come unto us and seek to do our will. There will be struggles and growth, for this is the very purpose of mortal life.'

15. We looked down upon the beautiful city of Enoch, nestled in the valley below. I could see that this city fit very well with nature and with the beauty of this celestial world.

16. Heavenly Father then said he was going to leave me now and that I had received enough instruction for today. He said he loved me and would provide for all my wants and needs, since I had put him and Heavenly Mother first in my life.

17. He then vanished from my view. I thanked him for the time to be with him today! I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

18. Evening–Tonight I came again to the celestial orb in the small grove of trees northwest along a path for some distance. The leaves of the mountain trees were all ablaze in reds, yellows and oranges! It was very pretty to be surrounded with such color. This fully reminded me of fall time in Utah's mountains.

19. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would visit me tonight. I immediately heard some rustling leaves in front of me and then my Heavenly Mother appeared! She was radiant and lovely! Her eternity eyes seemed to brightly shine! Her light filled up the entire forest we were in and penetrated into and through me. I felt warmed and loved by my Heavenly Mother at this wonderful time!

20. She spoke: 'Raphael, we love fall time and how colorful the trees become just before they lose their leaves. I have fond memories of fall on my own earth when I was a mortal young woman, and later after I had my own family. There are memories of very happy times and hard difficult times. I realize I grew most when I was struggling and at my limits of coping. It is when our children are challenged with intense problems that they may develop in positive areas of growth!

21. You wondered today with your wife how extensive we are involved in the day in and day out struggles and challenges of living that our mortal children experience. Your Heavenly Father and I planned the mortal life of all of our children–when they would come on earth, the general experiences they would have, their weaknesses and shortcomings, and our overall objective to strengthen and perfect each one. We set in motion their arrival and their departure on earth, but if our children do not call on us in humble prayer, we usually won't intervene in their lives and difficulties. We continually prompt each one as we speak to their unconscious mind. Only those who will listen and heed our direction are those we really are able to protect from harm's ways that must come upon them in mortality.

22. For our faithful who hear our voice and keep our commandments, we give them more and more guidance and more attentive care and protection. They still need to go through hardships in order to grow and progress, and we generally don't remove these experiences.

23. Some of our children grow quickest when confronted with trials, whereas others with a similar intense trial may stop believing in God, or wonder why we didn't intervene. In these difficulties, we generally won't intervene, but bless them with additional strength to meet their challenges. Raphael, you have made the most progress and learned the very most since you worked through problems in your weaknesses.'

24. Heavenly Mother then told me to come here tomorrow morning and that she would address more on this question at that time.

25. I thanked her for her words and her revelations. She left quickly with the same sound of stepping on dried fall leaves on the ground. I then got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 13, 2019, Sunday

1. I awoke and prepared for my morning prayer. I feel new perceptive and attentive to whatever my Heavenly Mother would share with me this morning. As I came to the beautiful mountain forest grove this morning, I saw Heavenly Mother already there! She was standing in leaves on the ground, smiling at me. I came right in front of her on the fallen colorful leaves and knelt before her.

2. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, you have recalled talking to me about your struggles with your son A. in December 1016 (see your post 39E4). At that time I told you to leave A.'s healing with us, according to our own timetable and our wisdom. I asked you to release your expectations of what we might do for his future. I said 'Plan for what seems to be reality. If healing comes, embrace it with gratitude. If not, keep hoping, but also living in the reality of your mortal experience.' (post 39E4)

3. When our mortal children are confronted with trials and difficulties in their lives, we desire that they come unto us in the humility of their souls. We wish that they place in us their faith to help them in their struggles, even if it culminates in death or some difficult trial to pass through. We desire that they drop their expectations of what we may do to intervene. We want them to face the reality that they live in a fallen telestial world that sometimes is very harsh and non-forgiving. It usually does not seem fair, for it isn't fair from the perspective of a mortal life only.

4. We set in motion our plans for the mortal probation of our many children coming to earth. Then we seek to commune and connect to them through their unconscious mind. We next observe how they meet the challenges of living in this unfair and often harsh world. We reach out to comfort and bless, to strengthen and to help them grow in their trials and difficulties, but we usually won't simply remove the trial.

5. We have created this world of sorrows and hardships to help our children grow and turn to us for strength, so why would we want to take away the obstacles in their lives that are the means for them to learn and master themselves? There is usually no other way but to pass through hardships to attain the caliber of character and mastery of self that we wish our children to obtain. Skills and good habits are best learned when there are tribulations of all degrees.

6. There are also times that we will heal and remove an obstacle, for we have determined enough pain and hardship has been imposed. We do this, however, usually sparingly. The reality of earth life is that normally consequences follow, ending in tragedy, death or facing additional trials of life.

7. To us, whether our child remains in their mortal telestial environment or moves onto the next phase of progression in the world of the spirit dead is not the main issue, for this change of state may not affect their growth and learning. We still are connected to them and help them grow, strengthen them as they will allow us to, and bless and guide them, whether in their physical body or in the world of the spirits.

8. D&C 122:8

"The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?"

9. We will stand by our faithful forever (see D&C 122:4), and surely will not abandon our children in their great time of need and want!

10. When the Father announced our plan for our spirit children to come to a fallen telestial earth to receive a physical body and to grow to become like us, their Heavenly Parents, our children greatly rejoiced! We told them that mortality would not be easy, but would even be possible for some of them to live with great difficulty. We told them they would experience the rigors of harsh reality without our rescuing them from passing through these trials. Even with all of these conditions, all of our children who venture forth to earth agreed to come, not knowing the conditions, nor really knowing of our plan for them, for the hardships they would endure.

11. They agreed to act in faith, trusting in our plans and our judgments. We said we would continue to commune with them when in their future mortal state, just as we had always done in their pre-mortal life. They all were eager to move forward in their progression and to face the mortal world.

12. We prepared and taught them how to operate their own physical bodies. We also taught them that their emotional, mental and spiritual beings would be stretched and tried. We instructed them to turn to us, their loving Heavenly Parents, so that we could help them and strengthen them in their struggles that they would face. They each agreed that we shouldn't take away the trials, but help them grow and learn through their future mortal struggles.

13. Once they accepted all of these qualifications, by their own will and choice, and were fully prepared and trained, we sent them down to mortality from our realms of glory. This was a monumental opportunity for their speedy growth and progress to become more like us, their Heavenly Parents!

14. Raphael, some of our children say that they don't believe in God because how could God allow all of the evil to exist in the world, or to subjugate their children to such a harsh world as this and not rescue them. These children only express this from the shortsighted perspective of their conscious minds, and from their fallen telestial world. We see who they are and were in the pre-mortal world and who we hope them to become in the future.

15. Earth life is very short compared to other phases or realms of the progress of our children. However, it is so very critical to the growth and preparation of our children to become more like us, their Gods. We stand by to strengthen, understand, and bless all of our children in their earthly trials!'

16. I thanked my gracious and loving Heavenly Mother for her words. I told her I was very grateful for the trials I have experienced and am now passing through. I asked that she and Heavenly Father help me learn and grow as much as possible, so that I might master myself more and more. I said I believed this is what would be needed for me to fulfill my mission that they had in store for me.

17. Heavenly Mother then smiled and touched me on my head. She said: 'Raphael, I will strengthen and bless you in all your trials to learn all you can from them. We will do the same for everyone who comes unto us in the humility of their soul.'

18. She then withdrew her hand and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my new Sabbath day.