191. Coming to Zion in Two Realms, Part 2

Hello my friends,

This is a continuation about those who come to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial physical realm. Read more about the lost tribes who are coming from the north in large numbers. This post and the next one contain much more information about this group that you will not want to miss!

Please pray about these revelations, and make sure that they come from your Gods and not me. You are responsible for what you choose, and to be led in the right way.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, April 5, 2021

1. I prayed last night and met with my Heavenly Mother. She told me to go to sleep since I was tired, but to meet her this morning at the point where the highway that the northern tribes would travel on meets the barren land of promise. This would be at the shores of the great deep. This is all in the terrestrial realms on the earth.

2. I came to that location this morning. I could see to the north the large highway with water on either side of it. This large earthen mass of rock, sand and dirt came right onto another massive barren expanse. For as far as my eye could see, the land extended to my east and west, and to my south. I knew this was the barren land of promise in the terrestrial realm. It was superimposed over the land of promise on which I live. I don't know where the northern border was located that corresponds with the telestial world, but I think it is in Canada somewhere.

3. I knelt on this vast barren land. I thought I must have felt like Lehi on the dark and dreary waste in his dream (see 1 Nephi 8:7). I knelt and faced north. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer.

4. She appeared far to the north, as a tiny speck on the highway, in my perspective. I watched as she came with great speed in the air to where I was kneeling. Soon she was right in front of me, shining her light upon all of the barren land round about. She was smiling and her eternity eyes were sparkling.

5. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have brought you into our barren physical terrestrial realm on the earth today. It is at this place that the tribes of Israel will begin traveling on the promised land on this barren terrestrial earth. They will camp here for the night as their prophets and leaders meet together to discuss how they will travel across this barren desert. When they pray together in faith, they will receive the inspiration to smite the ground with a staff so that pools of water appear. In this way, each day when they stop, they will create a new pool of water to refresh the camp. They will create the pool of water by simply striking the ground where they desire it to appear.

6. The daily miracle of the pools of water will be akin to the miracle of Moses smiting the rock with his rod, and water coming out abundantly to the hosts of Israel in the wilderness (see Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:8-11).

7. At this point where you kneel, the children of Israel who travel will not know which way to travel unless we guide them. Anciently, when their ancestors came across the wilderness to their promised land, we gave them a pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, to show them the way (see Exodus 13:21-22).

8. This same miracle will begin to happen at this place when these tribes come to this barren land of promise. Previously, there was no need for such direction while they were on the highway, for there was only one way to travel.

9. During their travel to the New Jerusalem, this group of travelers will feel the shaking of the earth when a very large earthquake hits the future New Jerusalem area. This earthquake will only be felt on the terrestrial physical earth and not in the telestial earth. The earthquake will open up a fissure from the deep underground cavern to just below where the fountain of living water will be constructed. This fissure will bring the living water to the surface of the terrestrial earth, once the fountain and the circular four channel pipes are formed (see your post 172J4). The large earthquake will also raise the earth up out of the water on the eastern part of the barren land of promise. This new dry land will allow the tribes of Israel and other travelers from the west and north to come up next to the mighty river that will surround the New Jerusalem.

10. While traveling to the New Jerusalem, these northern tribes will continue to have pleasant weather. They will travel in a straight path, even as they are led by the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Along the way, the camp will hear your single note of the trumpet of God, during the light of a thousand suns event, as your Heavenly Father told you last Saturday night on 4/3/2021. They will also smite their enemies as he explained to you in that great revelation.

11. Other than these few events, the tribes from the north will steadily travel, day by day, towards the New Jerusalem. They will rest on the sabbath even as ancient Israel did when traveling across the wilderness.'

12. I asked my Heavenly Mother if there would be fires in the camp of this large group, or times of celebration.

13. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, each time these northern tribes camp for the night, they will cook their food over open fires as they are accustomed to. There will be a few holidays that they will celebrate on their travels also. These will be part of their traditions, long since established when they were in the hollow earth.'

14. I asked if the sun, moon and stars would all be clearly visible then to the inhabitants of this large group.

'Raphael, the same sun, moon and stars that you see in your telestial world will be seen by this group. All of our spiritual realms on the physical earth, celestial, terrestrial and telestial, are able to still be warmed by the sun, have day and night, and view the same moon and stars as do you. The night skies will be particularly bright for this group of travelers, for there will be no light from the telestial cities that they will see. The moon and stars will continue to fascinate these travelers, for their people have not seen these for millennia.' (From R: I looked up on the internet, and in early spring the sun is at a continual sunrise at the north pole. The moon is visible around the first quarter of the moon until a full moon for about two weeks before it is below the horizon again continually. As the group of travelers goes south, the night sky will become more visible, for the sun will have set.)

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable vision this morning! She smiled broadly again, and then walked off across the barren land of promise. She traveled again at greater and greater speed. I then had the impression that she was going to the land that would become the New Jerusalem. I knew it was now all under water. The lands to the west of the New Jerusalem would elevate after the mighty earthquake, in not many days. This would be just before I come there and with God's direction create the New Jerusalem island.

16. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my new day on earth.

17. Evening-I worked late on post 189 tonight and I am now very tired. I have received so much information on the northern tribes of Israel, and how they will travel to the New Jerusalem in a very miraculous fashion. Their protection, safety and well-being will be foremost to God who will lead them by his mighty arm!

18. I came this evening to the celestial orb, to the desert oasis. I knelt by the bench and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared, and asked me to come here, at this same place in the morning. He said he would come to me at that time. He then departed as quickly as he appeared.

19. I thanked him for his visit, and said I would be here in the morning.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, April 6, 2021

1. Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ according to D&C 20:1. On Easter Sunday I thanked my Redeemer for all he had done to redeem me and his elect. He appeared and spoke to me and I felt very connected with him at that time.

2. This morning I came to the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand living celestial water. I sought to be clarified and very perceptive. I came back to the bench, faced the water, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He immediately appeared in front of me and spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have revealed to you the miraculous manner in which the tribes of Israel will come to the New Jerusalem, once they come upon the great highway. Today I would like to describe some of the ways our other early travelers to Zion will travel. These include the remnants of Israel, and those who come from the west, as well as other directions.

4. When our early travelers come to the terrestrial realm, they will still see trees and other vegetation. These will be from the telestial world. The terrestrial is superimposed on top of the telestial, and at times looks just like the telestial world. However, at other times the geography will diverge greatly. In such cases these travelers will need sources of drinking water, for they won't be able to bring their own water for more than a few weeks in most cases. In these situations, we will answer their prayers and provide pools of water for them, similar to what the tribes of Israel will experience daily when they camp at the end of the day. The water will be terrestrial water.

5. The travelers will also have a light that will go before them. Although not a large cloud by day, and a fire by night like the northern tribes will have, the light will be very distinct and clear for them. This will be our manner of leading them to the easiest travel paths. Although the barren promised land is void of vegetation, it still has mountains, gullies, steep precipices and such that will be best to avoid. Our leading light will be seen by the leaders and all who generate the faith to see it. At the end of the journey, all persons in the groups will behold this guiding light.

6. The weather will be mild, even as the northern tribes experience. Your Heavenly Mother and I will give the travelers many spiritual experiences on their treks to strengthen and prepare them for that beautiful land of Zion they are being led to. We will have these people be taught many truths in their journeys. They will need to develop patience, love and other godly attributes in their privations and simple living.

7. The various groups first coming to Zion will come because we will inspire them to come. They will help set up the foundations of Zion. They will learn to follow our Spirit, and will be very motivated in walking to Zion. There will be no other way to come except by foot or on an animal like a horse. No motorized vehicles will function in the terrestrial world at this time, for they are telestial. We will have the travelers discard any trappings from their telestial world that won't be needed in Zion. The transition to a terrestrial state and perspective will come to all who travel in the terrestrial world, even by degrees. They will all transition to become the sanctified people we desire.

8. Raphael, you will go on one of these journeys in a physical replicated state (see your post 171A10). Your travels to Zion will take the entire summer. Previously, you had thought that you would be traveling on the promised land after it is torn apart by calamity, war and a devastating earthquake on the telestial earth. However, these will still come, but your expectations of timing have been off. Let what comes happen, with no expectations, for some events may happen in the telestial world, and some in the terrestrial. All of our words will be fulfilled, even every whit.

9. Stand in holy places and watch for the great work and act we will bring about in these last days.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations today. I felt so grateful for glimpses into these great changes and events coming upon the earth.

11. I closed my prayer, for my vision at the desert oasis ended.

12. Evening-I listened to my post 15 today, entitled "My Premortal Name." My first entry in that post was exactly five years ago on 4-6-2016. This was my awakening week to who I really was, my true identity. I listened to all of the four sections of post 16 that reviewed my new knowledge of being Raphael, an archangel of God. It was very good for me to think back on this awakening experience five years ago. There has been so much that has occurred over these past five years! I am now very convinced that I am Raphael, and am chosen of God to do a great work. I am sure excited about what will be happening in the next five years too. I approach the future with a very open mind.

13. I came tonight to commune with my Heavenly Mother. She came to me in the domed room where I was kneeling.

14. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, on 4-20-2013 I first appeared to you in your energy class, nearly eight years ago. Five years ago you found out from your Heavenly Father and me that you were Raphael, our fourth son in the spirit, and our third archangel. You have been faithful and obedient to all we have directed you to do in these eight years. We will continue to pour out upon you our abundant revelations, and give you more and more of our power to create the foundations of the New Jerusalem, and all that we have revealed to you up to this time. No earthly power can stop us in our planned course in bringing about the glorious terrestrial millennial world, and replacing the old telestial earth.

15. Meet with me tomorrow morning here in this domed room. It is late now, but tomorrow I will give you more of my truths and revelations.'

16. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight. She departed quickly, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, April 7, 2021

1. I received a very sincere and welcomed email from S.A. late last night (see our email exchange below). It is hard to roll with changes that shift our expectations. The traveling to Zion in the terrestrial realm has been one of these paradigm shifts for us. I have lots of questions about how we will travel to ZIon in the terrestrial realm and not the telestial realm. I have confirmed that my revelations are true, but I must admit, it is hard to comprehend the many things that will happen! I trust in what I have received, and will seek to reread and ponder these new directions and revelations.

2. I came to the domed room on the celestial orb early this morning. I knelt in the center of the room, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. Heavenly Mother then appeared in the brightness of her glory, right in front of me. She was smiling and full of warmth and acceptance.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you did receive from your Heavenly Father and me recent revelations about traveling to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial realm. This has always been the way we have planned you and the first travelers to Zion to come. However, you have not seen the overall strange work, and strange act that we are orchestrating, and so this has been very new and surprising to you and a few others.

5. When you and others come into the terrestrial realms on the earth, it will feel at first like you are still in the telestial realms, or the normal physical earth. You will be able to see your world around you, but you will be in the terrestrial realm. Those who may look towards you from their telestial perspective will not see you, for there is a veil over them. However, you will often see them. Remember, the terrestrial is superimposed over the telestial. You can see or view the lower telestial realm and its inhabitants by your intentions.

6. The barren promised land in the terrestrial realm has been superimposed on the telestial fallen earth since the days of Adam and Eve. It has been in a simple state, void of plants and animal life. We have created it to this state so that further creations may populate its realm in your day, at the start of the New Jerusalem. We will use it for those traveling to Zion that we want to hide and protect from the harsher telestial realm that is populated with cities, devils and both good and evil people. We will use this additional terrestrial realm in which to gather our elect according to our own plans and desires.

7. Because of these things, we will have all the foundations of Zion established by you done in your replicated state in the terrestrial realms on the earth. This will all be hidden from the world, for they cannot come there, nor even view Zion, for they are of the telestial. As the world you know degrades into more anarchy and destruction, we will have a place of safety, a refuge from the storm in a very protected place, where Satan nor the wicked may never come, or even know about.

8. D&C 115:6

"And that the gathering together upon the land of Zion (in the terrestrial realms of the earth), and upon her stakes (these are the future stakes of Zion), may be for a defense, and for a refuge from the storm (on the telestial earth where the wicked and Satan are raging), and from wrath (the wrath of God) when it shall be poured out without mixture upon the whole earth." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

9. Raphael, our great secret is to withdraw our elect into the terrestrial realms of the earth prior to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. These elect will therefore be able to abide the day of the coming of their Lord (see D&C 35:21), whereas the wicked we will destroy as the telestial world is destroyed on the earth.

10. Study again our many revelations that we have recently given to you. Seek for greater clarity and understanding, and you will see the great wisdom of our plan which is hidden from the world.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have taught me more of her and Heavenly Father's truths and plans to preserve the righteous! She smiled upon me and then departed.

12. Email from S.A. to R on 4-6-2021:

"Hello R,

S and I have spent a lot of time discussing the recent information about traveling to Zion. We have had a lot of questions, and the information has been difficult to comprehend, with all of the different realms, etc.

We have been particularly interested to know where we fit into all of this, for in past prayers, we were told we would be one of the first groups to arrive in Zion. We wondered if that was really happening this summer, us leaving our homes in our mortal telestial world where we currently live. With the earthquakes happening on the terrestrial sphere, we weren't sure what we would be doing in this telestial world we're currently living on.

The other day in prayer, 4/5/21, I came to the celestial realms kneeling in prayer with these thoughts in mind. My Heavenly Mother came before me in bright white light and spoke: 'We know of the struggles you have had as you've read of the events coming to your land happening on the terrestrial realm and not on the telestial realm as you had supposed. Be of good cheer, for our words will all be fulfilled. Many of the events will happen unbeknownst to you, for the news won't cover them, and they will be hidden from your mortal view, but we see all, and one day you too will see in plain view how all of these events transpired according to our words.

You will not be making your journey in your mortal body from your current telestial realm to the New Jerusalem this summer, but you will be making it in your replicated self in the terrestrial realms. Later, when we inspire you to, you will make the journey from your current telestial world as we direct. When you arrive in the New Jerusalem, your minds will be merged and you will recall both of your treks to Zion.

Just as you and S discussed today, we want you to know we will guide you directly with our Spirit to know all that you need to know and do. Do not wonder or worry, for we will reveal all things you need to know in a timely manner, as you continue to counsel with us in prayer and follow our direction. We will not fail to direct you or lead you astray in these days ahead. You are our elect and we have important missions for you to do.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message, and felt so blessed to be able to ask specific questions to the things that had been weighing heavily on my mind about the days ahead. I confirmed her words to be true and closed my prayer.

I have read and am continuing to re-read Post 190, trying to wrap my head around all of it. I have confirmed it to be true, but it is taking time to absorb it all. I will let you know what else I receive as I pray about these things.

Thanks for being open and receptive and receiving so many wonderful truths and mysteries from our Gods, we are all so richly blessed!


13. Email from R to S.A. on 4-7-2021:


"Thank you for writing. I understand the wonder and confusion that you and S may have felt. I have felt this same thing in the past, many times. It sometimes seems like things are all scrambled up for a time. It is a comfort to have received, however, some clear direction from your Heavenly Mother. What a great blessing to be able to communicate with God and receive such a direct answer, S.A.!

I am starting to make sense of all of this too. I need to read and ponder over my own revelations again, for it seems that I am on a locomotive racing down the railroad tracks, and I can hardly take a moment to breathe! I too know what I received to be true. However, the revelations come very fast. I need to absorb this and ponder these things more, and like you said, "wrap my head around it."

Let's continue writing back and forth, and stay in open communication, for we both receive God's revelations. What you received provides me comfort and assurance that I am not off in some unknown track, for Heavenly Mother confirmed this new twist of events to you in prayer.

Hard as it may seem, may I share your email and my response in post 191? I know this would help the others understand things.

Hang in there, for there is sunshine ahead, and all will work for God's glory and our good! We will fully understand all of these things soon. This is truly all God's doing and not ours.


14. Email back to R on 4-7-2021:

It's true, all of these revelations have been abundant and there is so much to try and grasp! I'd be happy to have you share my post if you feel to do so.

I feel great peace knowing that I can just rely on them day by day, and they will give all of the direction and guidance I need. It was hard at first to settle on that, after reading so many great revelations about what is to come and wondering what I will be doing.

Anyway, this is truly their work and it is remarkable to see it unfold in ways I could never have imagined.

Thanks for all you do!


15. I received this email from S on 4-7-2021 titled "Tapestry":


I read your last post and the message from S.A. as well. As I went to pray this morning, I reread my message that I received on the same day that S.A. shared. I have an early morning surgery today and as I knelt to pray, Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind to share my journal from that day and to pray in my heart.

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Mother. I read many things recorded by Raphael from our Heavenly Parents about travels to Zion on terrestrial realms versus telestial realms. I was curious how this might pertain to me and what my thoughts should be in relation to this new information.

I felt to come beside Heavenly Mother. She stood in the air in a room above women who were sewing blankets. I saw the borders being sewn along with stitching towards the middle of the blanket. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'The borders of the blanket are thoroughly sewn together to prevent the batting and materials from being exposed. The inner stitching keeps all the batting aligned in its proper place.'

At this time she brought me to a place overlooking the center of the United States. She spoke, 'Your Heavenly Father and I are carefully sewing the tapestry of Zion. The edges are carefully being bound together and the inner stitching perfectly placed. You are reading and learning from Raphael's record that our preparations and planning are more extensive than you could have imagined. You wonder about your timing to participate in this great work. You are currently located where we have led you to be. We desire that you wait for our spirit to direct and lead you according to our timing and master plan that we have for each of our children. By simply waiting for our spirit, and trusting in our guidance and timing, you will not feel stressed or concerned as our tapestry unfolds before your eyes. The time will come when we will lead you along by the whisperings of our spirit and for now, wait patiently upon us your Heavenly Parents as our great tapestry of Zion comes forth to cover all the earth.'




16. Evening-I read again my journal entries from 3-31-2021 in the evening when my Heavenly Mother gave me answers to my questions. This was the start of learning about how our Heavenly Parents would use the terrestrial and telestial physical realms on the earth. In one week, after multiple revelations, my mind has entirely shifted to a greater understanding of how God will do their great work and act in these last days. I am amazed at this shift in my understanding.

17. I came tonight to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared before me. He spoke: 'Raphael, come here tomorrow morning and I will come with your Heavenly Mother. We will share with you how we will transfer many plants and animals from your current telestial world on earth into this terrestrial world, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. This work will be orchestrated by us through your sister Rachael (K). She will also be in attendance.

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for letting me know. I asked if I could email my sister to let her know? He said that her replicated celestial being would come, and that she could hear again their conversation at any time of her choosing. He said it would be sufficient to let her know after they meet with us.

19. I thanked my Father, and said I would be here again in the morning in prayer. Heavenly Father then departed and I closed my prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, April 8, 2021

1. I came today to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank celestial living water and felt that my mind was clear and perceptive. I then knelt in front of the bench there, and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me, and for Rachael (K), my sister to also come.

2. I then saw my Heavenly Parents and my sister walking to me from the nearby river to my south. Rachael was holding Heavenly Mother's hand. They all three came over the waters and stood in the air.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Rapahel, we have brought your sister Rachael with us today, and will reveal to both of you the manner in which plants and animals from your current telestial earth will be elevated and transferred into the terrestrial earth. Rachael will be the one to orchestrate all of this, and act as our agent. She will have as many of our celestial servants as she may need. This will all occur prior to the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.'

4. Heavenly Mother then let go of my sister Rachael, and asked me to stand in front of the bench on the grass. Rachael came by my side and we both faced our Heavenly Parents.

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to both of us: 'The ancestors of the plants and animals that currently populate your telestial mortal realm were brought to the earth in the days of creation. We commanded our Beloved Son to have our celestial servants, all who were our spirit offspring at the time, to plant seeds and transplants from our celestial orb into the earth. They also brought celestial animals to the earth to propagate their kind on the land and in the waters and in the air. These actions were first done spiritually and then physically upon the earth. It was finally all done in a terrestrial state (see your post 77H3).

6. Now the offspring of these plants and animals cover all of the earth. They all exist and live in the telestial realm of the physical earth. They need to be transitioned back into the terrestrial realm before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. When he comes, the telestial physical realm will be permanently removed from the earth. There will still remain a telestial spiritual realm where the dead are residing. There is also a telestial realm where the bottomless pit is located and where Lucifer and his spirit hosts will dwell during the millennium.

7. We are here today to share with both of you how we wish the telestial plants and animals on the physical earth to be moved into the terrestrial physical realm.

8. Raphael, in your post 77H2 to 77H7, Heavenly Father spoke to you that the plant and animal creations always hear us and want to do our will. They obey our commands. We had asked them, through our servants at the time, to descend from a terrestrial physical state to a telestial physical state, when Adam and Eve fell and were cast out of the garden of Eden. The entire plant and animal kingdom transitioned at this time into a lower telestial physical state. This has remained this way even until today.

9. In order for these plants and animals to change into the terrestrial physical world coming to the earth, we need to command them, by our authority of being their Gods and creations, to do so. We then will empower them to make this change in their physical body or structure. We may also extend our power to any of our servants we desire, and have them act in our name. This is what we will do, all at our own timing.

10. Rachael, we have placed you to be in charge of this great activity of transitioning our telestial plants and animals into a terrestrial state, by our power and authority. We will direct you how to do this, and how to delegate this authority and commission to others of our celestial servants. With their assistance, you will all be the ones to make this happen.'

11. Heavenly Father then spoke to us: 'Raphael, we are having you here with your sister Rachael in order to document our plans and our mission that we are giving to your sister. She is the female archangel of the elements and of nature, and to her falls this responsibility.'

12. Rachael, we will give you further personal revelations on the particular way that you will orchestrate these changes over the entire earth. You will start with the island of the New Jerusalem, even from the beginning when your brother Raphael creates this island from the midst of the mighty river. At the time of the creating of the island, you will begin by transferring many plants and some animals there from the telestial world. This will be in addition to the planting of celestial seeds and transplants from the celestial orb by our other celestial servants. These that you bring from the telestial world will be the first ones that you transition to the terrestrial world. These will be brought from all over the earth, even as your Heavenly Mother and I may direct you. You will do this initial work in your replicated celestial being, even as Rapahel will be in his replicated celestial being. You will replicate yourself as much as is needed, and will have access to hundreds of resurrected celestial servants who will act under your direction.

13. Your work in the New Jerusalem area will constitute your training for doing this same thing later in the rest of the earth, even according to our instructions. We first require that living terrestrial water be abundantly available to the plants and animals that you and your helpers will transition. When the plants and animals absorb and drink of this living water, their bodies will enliven and make the final changes into becoming full terrestrial living beings. Their natures in many instances will change, and many of the animals' eating habits will also shift.

14. In that day this scripture will begin to be fulfilled:

Isaiah 11: 6

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." '

15. I then knew our time with our Heavenly Parents was ending. I looked at my sister who seemed a little overwhelmed! She and I both thanked our Heavenly Parents for their instructions today. I felt great peace and excitement at this new view of how the earth would be transitioned into a beautiful terrestrial world again.

16. My vision then ended, and I found myself back in my private setting in my home, writing this all down.

17. Evening-I worked hard getting the ground ready for planting of our extended berry bed. I also enjoyed talking to my sister today. It is always so nice to talk openly with her about our new insights. I told her all about my experience with her in prayer this morning when she was with me.

18. Tonight I came to the maple tree grove, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. The sky was still red, as it has been every time I pray on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then returned to the grove and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

19. I then saw the red sky open up, and Heavenly Mother descended to the grove in a very bright and white splash of light! She was smiling and came in front of me in the air.

20. She spoke immediately: 'Raphael, you have wondered about our use of the telestial and terrestrial physical realms of the earth to bring about our changes for Zion and in the millennial day. This practice at the end of each of our eternities is very common and is normally what we do. Each eternity is slightly different, but in all cases there are three physical realms on each earth: a telestial, a terrestrial and a celestial. The first part of each eternity involves a fall of man to a telestial state. At the end of these eternities, there is a terrestrial era of peace and ordinance work for our faithful children. We almost always completely remove the telestial mortal realm during this peaceful and higher terrestrial era.

21. At the end of each earth, the earth dies and is resurrected into a celestial earth. The previous realms of telestial and terrestrial are removed and burned with fire. The telestial is normally burned with fire at the start of the era of peace (as will occur on your earth when Jesus Christ returns in glory.) The terrestrial realm is burned with fire at the end of the era of peace when the earth dies (as will happen at the end of 7,000 years of earth's temporal continuance, or after the millennium on your earth). When the earth resurrects, it comes forth in celestial glory with no lower realms, either in the physical or spiritual states. All those who await judgment will be placed in other telestial or terrestrial orbs of glory until all judgments and assignments are finalized. The celestial people will have gone onto their glory and exaltation. Any intervening waiting period for the celestial will occur on the celestial orb.

22. The righteous who are exalted always inherit a portion of their own resurrected earth. There is great camaraderie and unity among all the celestial in the same eternity. We all receive immense joy and deep contentment in these times. These are our choice elect children who have proven by their works that they are eternal celestial gods, even couple gods in eternity!'

23. I asked if there is usually a transition individual like myself, Rapheal, that bridges the telestial to the terrestrial changes.

24. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, we always choose a capable son to act in the same mission and calling as you have received. Usually this individual lives at the very end of the telestial mortal era, and has a role of preparing the people to receive their Redeemer in a second coming event. In your case, you have also been assigned to build the celestial temple on earth, and to perform the entry ordinance into the celestial church. You have great responsibilities that we are trusting you with! Be ever faithful and diligent throughout your entire mortal life, and we will continually be by your side to direct you and guide you in your callings.'

25. I bowed humbly before her and asked for her strength to be my strength, and to always help me in my callings.

26. She smiled as she departed. She told me she would always be by my side. I then watched as she departed into the sky, and the red sky came back over where she had gone. I closed my prayer and ended my day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 9, 2020, Friday

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis, and sought to commune with my Heavenly Father in prayer. Heavenly Father came and wanted me to walk with him around the path that surrounds the oasis.

2. We started walking and he began to speak to me:

'Raphael, when you come to the New Jerusalem in your physical replicated self, and when you walk the first time to Zion in the terrestrial realm, you will do so in your unconscious mind. Your minds will not yet be merged. Your conscious mind in your physical self in Utah will remain with you there. However, I will help you quickly perceive and see what you are doing in your replicated selves whenever you wish to do so. It will take being in a quiet place and concentrating, similar to how you are connecting now with me in prayer. Right now I am walking around the desert oasis with your replicated celestial self. When you first come to the New Jerusalem area, you will be in this same replicated celestial being. When you walk to Zion, you will go in the terrestrial realm, but actually be in your same second replicated celestial self. (R here: I am not sure why I will need to trek on foot to Zion except for the experience of doing so, and of understanding the difficulties and growth that I and the elect will have in doing so. I will be doing it because my Heavenly Parents want me to do it.)

Whenever you replicate, it will always be in your celestial physical being. You will be able to hide your glory and seem as a normal mortal when you are replicated in your celestial glory. This is the only way and state that you are able to replicate. You cannot replicate in a terrestrial state.'

3. Just then my Heavenly Mother came on the other side of me so that I was walking between them! She smiled upon us and took my arm. We continued walking and talking, but I was not aware in my conscious mind what we said. I believe such discussions are hid from my conscious self by God for their wise purposes. I believe I will be able to recall such conversations in a future day when my conscious and unconscious minds are merged.

4. I lost track of us, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 10, 2020, Saturday

1. I prayed last night. I talked to my Heavenly Father and prayed to him. He was in front of me and heard my requests. He asked me to come to the top of the switchback path tomorrow. He left quickly.

2. I prayed this morning again at the top of the switchback path, with God's Loving Healing Lake at the bottom of the path to the east. I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He appeared to me in the air to the east. He was smiling and full of glory. I felt so glad to be in his glorious presence, and to listen to whatever he might speak to me.

4. 'Raphael, come with me and I will show you things in the near future!'

5. He extended his hand, and I stood and took it. When I did, we were immediately above my garden in Utah. It had all been prepared and mostly planted. I thought this was sometime in mid to end of May.

6. 'Raphael, here is your garden area in Utah in a little over a month from now. You will be working in your garden when we will give you the impression to pray to us in midday. You will then sit on a lawn chair in your garden, for you will be alone. When you pray to your Heavenly Mother and me, we will tell you it is now time to go in your replicated celestial body to the area of the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial physical realm on the earth. You will obey our direction and will go there with us at that time. This will be the beginning of your activity in creating, by our power and authority, the island of the New Jerusalem. This will be the repeat of what you did spiritually as is recorded in your post 171B14-171B25.

7. You have read of an experience you had with your Heavenly Mother in bringing forth the land mass of 26 square miles from under the water that would become the New Jerusalem island (see your post 172F3-172F18 and 172G2-172G13). This is the time you will then come to the New Jerusalem. When you arrive, your Heavenly Mother will come to you above the water and muddy area where the island will emerge. The great earthquake will have devastated your barren promised land in the terrestrial realm. It will have occurred 14 days previous to your arrival there (see your post 172F24). The barren promised land in the terrestrial realm will be divided into two halves, with a mighty river flowing north to south where the Mississippi river flows in the same corresponding location in your telestial earth.

8. At this time while sitting in your Utah garden in May, 2021, you will come in your replicated celestial body to this terrestrial water over the New Jerusalem area. That day you will physically command the earth to raise the land mass above the waters. This will be the starting day for creating the island of the New Jerusalem on the physical terrestrial earth.

9. The physical manner in which the island and eventually the temple will be constructed will follow what you experienced spiritually last September, 2020.

10. Review in the next few days our revelations from that time so that you will be prepared in all ways to know what you are to physically do next month. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be by your side in all your activities, Raphael.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me this morning, and to have given me specific directions and signs when this would all start! I thanked him that the time was soon at hand.

12. He smiled upon me, and departed. I pondered a little over what I had written, and reread it all. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

13. Evening–While working alone, I listened on and off to my posts on my phone, including post 172 about the creation of the New Jerusalem island. I heard several times that the New Jerusalem would be the beginning of the terrestrial earth. I believe the barren terrestrial world, the great deep waters and the air are called technically the "terrestrial foundations" and not the "terrestrial earth". The foundations are void of life, whereas the terrestrial earth is teeming with life. The terrestrial foundations have land, water and air, but are not suitable yet for sustaining life until terrestrial living waters come in contact with it. I want to confirm that this is right.

14. I was in my garden today and listened to events caused by Nibiru, a binary star that will come close to earth and cause the great earthquake in the New Jerusalem area. I felt that Nibiru would first come to the terrestrial foundations in the terrestrial realms, and then later again to the telestial mortal earth. I would like to have this also confirmed.

15. I came tonight to the beautiful desert oasis where I hoped to meet my Heavenly Mother. I knelt on the sand and faced the water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

16. She appeared on the shore, and walked on the sand a few feet to me. I was very happy to see her.

17. She spoke: 'Rapahel, once Adam and Eve fell, their bodies became telestial mortal bodies, and the entire earth also became a telestial mortal earth. We preserved the terrestrial physical realm by preserving the terrestrial land, water and air. There was also new telestial land, telestial water, and telestial air. These three sustained the mortals living in this new physical telestial world.

18. On the other hand, the terrestrial land, water and air were in a holding state, or a foundational state. We could have had it destroyed, and then recreated it at the beginning of the millennium. However, we chose to keep these foundational elements of land, water and air in an unused state for approximately 6,000 years of earth's mortal existence. Now it will soon become active again, with the New Jerusalem being the start of the terrestrial mortal life. The New Jerusalem location will really become the first terrestrial mortal earth since the days of Adam and Eve who lived in the garden of Eden. This is why we called that location the first terrestrial earth in your previous posts. Your description of the terrestrial foundations is a good description of the three elements of land, water and air which are still in a holding state.

19. This afternoon you asked me whether Nibiru would come separately to the terrestrial physical foundation of the earth. I confirmed to you this was accurate. The binary star of Nibiru also has a terrestrial physical realm and a telestial physical realm. The terrestrial physical realm of the star will sweep by the terrestrial foundations of your physical earth. It will cause the devastating earthquake in that terrestrial realm, preparatory to your arrival to the site of the New Jerusalem.

20. Those on the telestial earth will not see the terrestrial binary star of Nibiru coming to the earth at that time. They will not know that a great earthquake subsequently occurred in that realm, for the veil will prevent them from seeing the star or feeling the tremors.

21. Later on, the telestial physical star of Nibiru will come near the earth and wreak havoc on the telestial mortal earth. This event is what we were referring to in some of our revelations to you. When this star comes in the telestial realm towards the earth, it will have no effect on the terrestrial earth, for that is in a higher realm.

22. Finally, when the telestial mortal earth is destroyed and removed from your Mother Earth, it will not affect the higher terrestrial mortal earth. Those living on the earth in that terrestrial realm will continue living in that higher sphere into the millennium.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for responding to my questions, and for providing clear answers. I marveled at God's ingenuity in working back and forth between the telestial and terrestrial physical realms on the earth and Nibiru. I said to my Heavenly Mother how glad I was to be again in her presence tonight.

24. My prayer session ended and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 11, 2020, Sunday

1. During my sleep last night I grappled with wondering how Nibiru could come twice in a physical state near the earth, the first time in a terrestrial realm and the second time in a telestial realm. This was confusing to me. I hope I can get my mind to understand this and how it can all work.

2. I came to the physical foundations of the terrestrial earth in the air above the site of the New Jerusalem. There was sunshine reflecting upon the terrestrial waters below me. I then lowered myself with my intention and touched the water with my foot and splashed it around. It was physical water, like I was accustomed to, for I could feel it being wet on my foot. I withdrew my foot and came above the water up into the air. I could then feel my one wet foot becoming cooler than the other from evaporation of the water, just like would occur on my physical mortal earth.

3. I then was about 100 feet or so above the water in the air. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me, and to answer my questions from last night.

4. He immediately appeared before me, smiling and enveloped in a bright white light. I was sure he would clear up my confusion. I was very glad to be before him, and in his presence.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I wish to answer your questions this morning. Whenever we create a spiritual realm on a planet, or an orb, or on a star, that entity has a distinct way it may appear in each of those realms. When it appears in one realm to one of its inhabitants, or to another planet, orb or star, it can only appear in that realm. It does not have the power to replicate itself. For example, we created your earth in the beginning with four distinct realms: the telestial, the terrestrial, the celestial, and finally our highest celestial realm where only Gods may come, or those whom they bring. These four realms were at first created spiritually, when the earth's spirit creation occurred, and then physically when the earth's physical creation occurred.

6. When Adam and Eve were born on earth by your Heavenly Mother, they were birthed in the highest celestial realm where your Heavenly Mother and I dwell. When they were young children, we brought them into the terrestrial physical realm of the earth, into the garden of Eden that we had prepared. They grew up in this beautiful environment until they were adults. We were with them frequently as parents are with their children on your mortal earth. We let them play together and explore in their new terrestrial environment.

7. When I cast out our beloved children from the garden of Eden, I transferred them into a lone and dreary wilderness of the telestial physical earth. This telestial physical earth had been previously created with barren land, water and air, all in a telestial physical state with no life living on its surface. This is similar to how the terrestrial physical earth now appears. As other terrestrial creations also fell, and transferred into a telestial state of being, they too became mortal as part of the telestial earth. Being mortal, those that now were in the telestial mortal world had the sureness of death sometime in their future. On the other hand, the terrestrial physical earth then became void of life, for all life had fallen into the other lower realm. We kept all of the foundational elements of land, water and air in the terrestrial physical realm of the earth, even as we are in now.

8. Similarly, when we created Nibiru, a binary star in your solar system, we created it physically with a telestial realm, a terrestrial realm, and a highest celestial realm. There was no need to create a celestial realm, for we never intended it to ever enter into that realm. We always create a highest celestial realm on every one of our planets, orbs or stars so that we may have a place to dwell or visit when we come to them, and remain hidden for any reason.

9. We created a separate telestial and terrestrial realm so that we could direct Nibiru to come to the earth in either of these two realms. We can have Nibiru come around the sun in either of these realms, and not be seen in the other realm. This allows us to hide Nibiru's presence from the telestial inhabitants of the earth or from the terrestrial inhabitants, if we desire. When we wanted Nibiru to come into the terrestrial realm and not the telestial, it could pass by that same realm of the earth and be seen in the skies above, and have gravitational pull in that terrestrial realm, but not to be seen or noticed on the telestial earth. Nibiru acts as we direct it, or have it directed by our servants. It may appear in either the terrestrial physical realm or the telestial realm.

10. On the first pass by the earth, in these last days, we will direct Nibiru to come by the earth in a near miss pass as a terrestrial star. It will enter into the earth's terrestrial realm and cause the devastating earthquake in that realm only, and not even be seen or noticed on the telestial mortal earth. This pass of Nibiru will happen just before your arrival to the site of the New Jerusalem below us where you will create, by my power and that of the earth herself, the island of the New Jerusalem.

11. The first arrival of Nibiru will be seen by the northern tribes, for they will be at that time on the barren western section of the promised land in the terrestrial realm of the earth. The earthquake will elevate more of the promised land in that realm and cause a division of two halves of the land mass, with water remaining over the New Jerusalem site, even as it is below us now. The earthquake will also sink most of the highway that the tribes will have walked on southward to the barren land of promise. We are leaving the northernmost portion of the highway as a monument for future generations.

12. The second pass of Nibiru near the earth will be in the telestial realms. We will ask Nibiru to come as a telestial physical star this second time. As such, it will only be seen and felt in the earth's telestial realm. It will cause destruction to the telestial mortal earth and its inhabitants, even as we have previously told you in your past posts. When Nibiru passes by the earth this second time, the New Jerusalem and its inhabitants will not be affected, for they are all in their terrestrial mortal realm of the earth.

13. Raphael, these mysteries have been planned by your Heavenly Mother and me from the beginning of this eternity. This constitutes part of our strange work, and our strange act in these last days. You can see that whatever we may wish to do, in orchestrating anything for our creations, we may do so as long as we are within the laws of each kingdom that has been established. We know all of the laws, and have a perspective where we may plan and do these great events to bring about our eternal purposes.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wondrous explanation to me this morning! I said I felt the truth of all he spoke as his light and Spirit enlightened me. I told him how privileged I felt to receive his truths and mysteries!

15. He then departed into his highest celestial realm. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my Sabbath day.

16. Evening-I worked on getting post 190 out this evening. There has been a lot of new revelation for me and the others on my email list to ponder over. It is very exciting to receive these truths from my Heavenly Parents! I never know what is coming up next.

17. I came this evening to the birch tree grove on the eastern slope from Lake Beautiful, going to the city of Enoch. The birch trees were very beautiful with their white bark and new green leaves emerging. I knelt by the stream and drank living water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

18. She came from the stream above me to my west. She was walking above the stream and between the trees. She was shining her light to all the beautiful birch trees.

19. When she arrived in front of me, she spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have much more to share with you in the next month, prior to you coming to the New Jerusalem site in the terrestrial realms. These revelations will in part relate to how our elect will be prompted to begin their trek on foot to the New Jerusalem, even in the terrestrial realm. We also have more to reveal to you on the manner of how we will awaken our elect now living in the telestial mortal realm. We want to share with you what is being done among the realms of the dead, whose spirits are believing and want to participate in any way they can.

20. We also will give you more information about the arrival of the northern tribes to the lands of the north. You have no idea what we will say or do, for it is all hidden from you and the entire world. However, we reveal our secrets to our servants, the prophets (see Amos 3:7).

21. These will be our secret acts we are soon planning to unfold to our elect and then to the world. You will be among the first to receive our words and great secrets that we have planned since the beginning, Raphael.

22. Come here again tomorrow morning and I will meet you after you have refreshed yourself in the night.'

23. I thanked her for her abundant revelations and said I would be ready in the morning.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 12, 2020, Monday

1. I feel refreshed this morning and came to the birch tree grove next to the stream. It was a beautiful spring morning! There were birds tweeting and the stream was gurgling down the hillside. I drank living water and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. She immediately appeared, like she was waiting for me. I felt so pleased to be before her this morning! She spoke: 'Raphael, over the last two days your Heavenly Father and I talked to you about Niriru coming twice to your earth, once in the terrestrial realm, and lastly to the telestial realm. This still may be difficult for you to understand. However, we are following the laws of these kingdoms in having Nibiru come to one realm and not to the other.

3. As all entities with two realms we've created on it may do, so is Nibiru able to do: our creations like a star or planet may appear in whatever realm we create upon their surface. Were our creation a plant or animal, and had we created it in both a terrestrial and a telestial realm then it could appear in one realm and not the other.

4. When one of our creations has been quickened or created in one realm, it may act, move, and function in that realm. If it was quickened or created in another realm also, then it could act, move, and function in that second realm also. It could only act in one realm at a time, however, unless it could be replicated. In the case of all of our creations, except our children, they may not replicate.

5. On an earth where many of our creations dwell, we allow these creations to dwell in the various realms we have created on the earth, apart from the other creations in other realms on the earth. This principle allows us to house the spirit dead in realms of the dead on the same earth as those living on her surface in a living physical realm. We can separate the spirit realm from the physical realm also, even of the same order.

6. For example, the telestial spirit dead may live superimposed upon the telestial mortal realm, and these not see or be connected to each other. This is what we do when a person dies that departs into the telestial realm of the spirit dead. Those on the telestial earth cannot see them any longer or associate with them.

7. The earth has a telestial, terrestrial, celestial and finally a highest celestial realm. Each of these were created to allow individuals and our other creations of the same realm to dwell in. The lower two realms can further be divided into a spirit realm and a physical realm. This allows multiple areas on the earth where our children and other creations may dwell.

8. We may have one realm area experience or event without the other realm areas knowing about it. It is analogous to a house with multiple rooms. A person in one room wouldn't know what may happen in another room.

9. Your earth that we have created has many realms or rooms to house our children and creations, in order to accommodate their progression. It was set up in this way from the beginning with our parent Gods.

10. When we say something will happen in the future, we may be referring to what may happen in one room, or one realm, and not in the others. Sometimes our children may think our words are not fulfilled since they are thinking it would happen only in their own realm or room.

11. We, who are gods of our creations, know what happens in all the realms we have created, on the earth and upon our other many creations. Our perspective is greater than all, and our understandings of all the laws and doings in all places is vast. All our creations move forward in our great plans and order as we designed.

12. D&C 88:37

"And there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom."'

13. My Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. She looked upon me with compassion and said she would help me understand all of these things, even until I knew all. She said she would do so for every one of her elect that would come to her and Heavenly Father with an inquiring mind.

14. I thanked her for the truths she revealed to me today. My prayer then closed.

15. Evening-I came to the domed room tonight. I knelt in the center of the room and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

16. He then quietly came by my right side and spoke to me while looking straight ahead:

'Raphael, look on the wall to our front and let's watch how some of our elect will be prompted at different times to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem.'

17. I looked and saw different individuals and some families praying to God, asking how and when to come to Zion. Others wanted to know what they might do to protect their family from the difficulties they were experiencing in the world. There were some others who had been impressed while reading scriptures about gathering to Zion. Some others recalled teachings that they had been given in the night about traveling to ZIon, all from their celestial teachers.

18. I saw the Spirit of God come upon these elect individuals, and how it wrought upon them. They started preparing, and continued praying for direction.

19. Heavenly Father then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, we are inspiring each of these elect individuals now to prepare to travel to Zion. They are receiving from us and our heavenly servants specific directions. At a certain time, we will tell them to depart on foot, and not in a vehicle. They will see a light to guide them, and will be encouraged in their faith. We will lead small groups and individuals to meet up with others who are similarly inspired. They will all follow the light we give to them, a visible light that they each can see.

20. We will lead these, our elect, in a path towards Zion. These early travelers will be of different understandings, but will be buoyed up by traveling together. As they walk, others will join them.

21. At a certain point, they will walk into the terrestrial realms that are superimposed on the telestial earth. They will not know this at first, or notice a difference. However, soon the geography will change and they will be walking on the barren land of promise, and still be following the light.

22. Most of these few groups that will be led to come to Zion will only know how to follow our Spirit and the light that will lead them. For water, they will find pools of water in the mornings near their encampments. These will be similar to those created for the tribes of Israel who will be traveling a little ahead of them.'

23. Heavenly Father then told me to come here to the domed room again tomorrow morning, and that I would be able to view other travelers coming to Zion, in other situations.

24. I thanked him for coming and showing me these very faithful elect. He then parted from me and I closed my evening prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 13, 2021, Tuesday

1. I reread what I received last night in the domed room from my Heavenly Father. I wondered how likely this would be for people to be led by the Spirit to start traveling to Zion, and then meeting up with others who had been also been inspired.

2. I next found myself in the domed room again, looking upon the wall. I saw other individuals and groups praying and meeting together in their communities. They were sharing together their spiritual impressions, and were finding that they had similar promptings. They determined to follow the still small voice within their minds and hearts, rather than dismiss these strong impressions that kept coming back to them.

3. As I was watching this all on the wall, my Heavenly Mother appeared next to me, also facing the wall and watching.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, why do you think that I cannot inspire these open and humble elect with specific impressions to do the same thing, in preparing and walking to Zion?'

5. I looked upon her and spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, I am sorry to have doubted the visions I saw on these domed room walls! I know that with you and my Heavenly Father, all things are possible. I also know that you speak to my unconscious mind, even now, in clear words that I understand and write down. How then could I wonder that these your open, humble, and petitioning elect children couldn't be led to prepare and walk to Zion? Please forgive me for my doubting heart! Help me to be more believing and understanding.

6. Heavenly Mother smiled, and told me to look again upon the wall. I turned and looked. I saw then a short vision of this scripture:

7. 1 Nephi 8:21, 24

"And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood.

...And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree."

8. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, there are many now upon the earth who will press forward in what we whisper to their hearts and minds, even as Nephi and Lehi saw in their vision of the tree of life. Remember, "mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts" (D&C 33:6).

9. Look again upon the wall!'

I looked and saw new individuals and families humbly praying to God, seeking to be led by the Spirit of God. I heard them pray that they would do whatever God inspires them to do.

10. I then saw the Holy Ghost, even from my Heavenly Mother, come upon them in a powerful way and speak to their unconscious minds. I saw them trying to discern her words, and then writing these in their journals. I saw that they pondered these impressions, and prayed more to God about them.

11. I then saw groups of like-minded people sharing their impressions and finding out they had similar feelings from their individual prayers. I saw the Spirit of God, angels, and other heavenly messengers whispering these same impressions to these humble elect mortal individuals and groups. I could tell these recipients understood and were deeply impressed.

12. Heavenly Mother turned and spoke again to me: 'Raphael, we are using our many celestial servants and our Spirit, to whisper the same message to our faithful elect. We desire to gather them, one at a time, and to as many as will listen and hearken, to our voice of the Spirit.

13. 1 Nephi 19:15-16

"Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, then will he remember the covenants which he hath made to their fathers.

Yea, then will he remember the isles of the sea; yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel, will I gather in, saith the Lord, according to the words of the prophet Zenos, from the four quarters of the earth."

14. Now has begun the gathering of Israel, from all the ends of the earth. It will start in full force, even upon your promised land, with us gathering our elect who will hear and obey, to come by foot to Zion, the New Jerusalem. We are whispering this same message to all now, to prepare. Soon we will speak the message for them to come. Soon they will start coming and be guided by our light that will show them the way to travel.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifying words, and for telling me that the gathering of Israel has now fully begun, even as spoken of in the scriptures. I knelt before her, so glad to have received her message.

16. She smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, come again tonight to this domed room, and your Heavenly Father will give you more revelations on the gathering of Israel, our elect.'

17. I said I would come. She then departed and I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

18. Evening-I came tonight to the domed room in anticipation of coming into the presence of my Heavenly Father. I knelt in the center of the room and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

19. He then walked to me in the air from through the wall I was facing! He stood before me in his glorious being.

20. He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother shared with you this morning great truths that we are now beginning among our faithful elect. We are whispering to them to prepare to walk to Zion. We will gather others with our 144,000 who will be called to bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem. Still we will change the hearts and minds of others to our way of thinking, by the whisperings of our Spirit. This will prepare their hearts and minds for the time when they too may be physically gathered.

21. We are inspiring congregations of our faithful elect to get prepared for our messengers that we will, at some point, send to them. There will be some of these large groups of our elect who will drop everything and come to Zion. We are starting now to help them prepare what they may need to bring.

22. Those who are our faithful elect who are in the realms of the spirit dead await their resurrection. Until then we will have them join our celestial servants and the terrestrial 144,000 in reaching out to their living descendents on the earth. These ancestors and deceased relatives of the living elect will be assigned to help guide them through difficult times ahead.

23. Raphael, our intent is to orchestrate, at every level, the gathering of our mortal elect into the terrestrial realms of Zion, the New Jerusalem. As more come, we will extend Zion in neighboring cities upon the promised land. We want as many of our mortal elect as will come, to relocate from their current telestial world and out of danger and wickedness, to a place of peace, safety, and abundant truth from heaven. They will begin coming in larger and larger numbers, beginning with the arrival of the northern tribes of Israel this summer. Most of the wicked won't even realize that these elect are departing at first. We want our elect to come without much fanfare or celebration. We want those to come who truly hear our voice and see our light guiding them.

24. We will have our elect start coming quickly into the terrestrial physical realm on the earth. Some will travel sooner on the terrestrial sphere than others. Some will travel on the telestial earth and then enter into this higher terrestrial sphere from the current Missouri area. However, ultimately we want all to come who can, who are our elect children that we have so designated on the earth.'

25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I felt that the great gathering of Israel, the elect of God, is now upon us.

26. Heavenly Father departed and I closed my prayer.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 14, 2021, Wednesday

1. I awoke this morning and read what I received last night. I prayed whether it was all true, as well as what I received over the past few days on the elect coming to Zion. I received the confirmation of the Spirit that it was indeed all true.

2. I came in the attitude of prayer to the far northern opening on the earth where the tribes of Israel are due to arrive. There were clear waters with icebergs. The shore was also ice covered, but there were sections that were suitable for landing ships, with bare land. I didn't know if I was here at the present day, or sometime in the near future. The sun was shining, I didn't feel the cold since I was here as a celestial replicated being, but I am sure it was quite chilly.

3. I knelt on the portion of the shore that was bare ground and free of ice. I faced the open expanse of ocean waters and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

4. She immediately came before me, standing a few feet above the shore in the air. She was bright and smiling, and wore a brilliant white robe.

5. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, this is the location where the ships from the tribes of Israel will arrive. This will be the end of their travel by boats from the pleasant shores of the inner earth. They will disembark when the sun is shining like it is today. This is what we call the cusp of the outer earth, where the ocean wraps around the opening edge of the earth. Up to this point, the weather will be cloudy. This will be the first time they will feel the rays of the sun. Even though very cold, they will all rejoice and kneel on the shore where you are kneeling. It will be a very happy day for all of them. They will all safely arrive and camp for the night near here.

6. After a few days, upon unloading all that they need from their boats and getting their directions from us by revelation, they will start their migration to the south. In not many days in this cold arctic spring, they will see the great highway entering into the terrestrial earth. This will be another very happy time for these foreigners on a new land!

7. We have chosen to inform our son Gideon (S), who is among this faithful elect group as a replicated being, when they will arrive and when they come upon the highway into the terrestrial earth. We will give him visions and the ability to see this great entry to the outer earth, of the people he has been living with. We wish him to share this information with you so that you may include it in your record, Raphael. We will give him directions on all of these things.

8. You read recently from earlier posts that you have written, that John the Revelator is among the tribes of Israel also (see your post 53D6). John started coming among these people, and particularly to their main prophet in September 2017. Since that time, he has been instructing them on the need to prepare to come to the outer earth. They are now on the waters which is 3 ½ years from the time of his first visit among them. They will arrive on these shores in not many more days. John continues to come among them, encouraging their prophets and coming in disguise among the travelers to buoy them up. He will continue to come among them on their travels to the New Jerusalem.

9. The arrival of the tribes of Israel to the New Jerusalem will be the firstcomers to that land. From that time forward, there will come increasing numbers to the New Jerusalem. In order for these all to arrive, we are inspiring many, even now, to prepare to start a trek to Zion.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very informative revelation this morning. She then reached out her hand and I stood and took it. We then came together into the arctic skies and traveled over the waters. Soon I saw below us the ships of the northern tribes, traveling on the waters of where we just left!

11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, these faithful elect have gone through a great trial of their faith, and are accepted of us. We will soon pour out abundant blessings upon them, even when they arrive on land, and then come upon our highway that we have made just for them.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me this choice group of Israel coming out of their comfort to make their way to the New Jerusalem. I said to her how privileged I was to be with her and see and receive all of these things.

13. She smiled upon me, and then suddenly I was back in my private room writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

14. Evening-I listened today to my post 190. I plan to send it out tomorrow. I worked on it more tonight. One question I had was when Jesus Christ comes, will he only remove from the earth the telestial physical realm, but not the telestial spirit realm where many of the dead live?

15. I came tonight to the desert oasis and invited my Heavenly Father to come to me. I was hopeful he would answer my question. I knelt and faced the oasis.

16. He quietly came in front of me and spoke these words: 'Raphael, the telestial mortal earth will be destroyed and removed from the earth when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. At that time, those who live in this telestial world will die and depart into the telestial realm of the spirit dead. There will be a large influx in this spirit realm of the dead at that time.

17. The telestial spirit dead will live in this realm on the earth throughout the millennium, even while the elect live on the terrestrial mortal earth. They will be superimposed but will not generally have contact with each other.

18. When you remove Satan and his followers of evil spirits to the bottomless pit, this will be in one part of this telestial spirit realm. Those who have died will not have contact with these devils, for the devils will have a 1000 year seal to keep them in the bottomless pit. There will be a division between the telestial dead and Lucifer and his hosts in the sealed bottomless pit.

19. When our children die in the millennium, if they are celestial elect, they will immediately resurrect as part of the First Resurrection. If they did not qualify by their lack of diligence in keeping the commandments in their life, and if they were not chosen by Jesus Christ to come to the Church of the Firstborn, they will die at the end of their life. They will normally be admitted into the terrestrial realm of the spirit dead. They may progress in that realm, and be ultimately received into the Church of the Firstborn, and be resurrected in the celestial First Resurrection. They may also be received into an eternal kingdom of terrestrial glory after the earth dies. There may also be a few who are received into the telestial world of the spirit dead. When they die, this determination will be made of which spirit dead realm they will enter, all based on their actions towards their fellowman, and the way they pressed forward in seeking us, their Gods, while on earth.

20. In summary, the only realm that will be removed when Jesus comes in his glory will be the telestial mortal (physical) realm.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarification. I thanked him for taking time to answer my question. My prayer then ended, and I ended my day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 15, 2021, Thursday

1. I received a question from M.A. this morning about how many of the northern tribes were coming to Zion, and how many stayed in the inner earth. I had looked up and found a reference to an impression I had that there were less than two million who were "underground" (see my post 52K6).

2. I also wondered how long it would take the tribes to travel, once they get on the highway in the terrestrial physical realm of the earth. I looked up and found it was 3,517 miles from Independence, Missouri to the north pole. If the tribes were to start on the highway in one week from today (April 22, 2021), and were to arrive on July 31, 2021, this would be 100 days. This would be 35 miles a day traveling. To me, this seems way too vigorous of a walking schedule for such a large group. I would think 10 miles maximum a day would be what they might be able to do. Plus they wouldn't travel on Sundays. I hope my gods will enlighten me on this entire issue.

3. I came to the desert oasis again this morning, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came silently as my Heavenly Father had come to me last night here. She was smiling and said she would answer my questions: 'Raphael, there are one and a half million faithful elect coming by boats now on the waters on the cusp of the earth. They average 120 passengers per boat, which makes for 12,500 total ships. This is a very large group of our faithful elect!

4. There were a little over 20,000 of these people who did not come and follow their prophet on the boats. They stayed behind on the inner earth.

5. When this very large group of travelers gets on the highway in the terrestrial physical earth, they will only be able to travel eight to ten miles a day. When they arrive on the barren land of promise, their prophets will realize that they are way behind the time that they should arrive at the New Jerusalem. At the rate they could travel, excluding travel on the Sabbath, they would be arriving much later in the year, even into winter time.

6. They will hold a fast on a Sabbath this coming summer, and will pray for a miracle so that they may arrive in June-July 2021 when they feel they should arrive. Your Heavenly Father and I will answer their petitions with another miracle: we will move the entire group to just miles outside of the New Jerusalem in one day! This will remove nearly three thousand miles from their travel across the barren land of promise. This movement will happen on one of their days of walking after their fasting and prayers to us.

7. Raphael, in the future terrestrial mortal world, travel across large distances will usually occur like the quick travel of our northern tribes across the barren land of promise. Our people will all learn this method of movement. The terrestrial world will be very connected because our people may associate with each other quickly, and then return to their homes once their visiting is done. There will not be many roads between the cities of Zion, for our people will travel between locations instantly using their intentions, similar to how you travel and move about here on our celestial orb.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable information she gave to me this morning! I felt this was all true, and that what I have written is accurate. Wow, the arrival of the northern ten tribes of Israel will be one miracle after another.'

9. Evening-Tonight I sought for ways that my wife and I in particular can return to a more normal life, even with COVID-19 still around, and now lots of "vaccinated" people (who could be more dangerous to be around) all around us. We found a protocol from Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Mercola (see below in paragraph 17) that I received preliminary approval for from my Heavenly Father tonight! I feel if we follow this protocol, then we can basically return to visiting our family and friends again in their homes. We can also return to shopping in person in stores. We can even hug our grandbabies and not have to worry so much about social distancing.

10. I want to confirm all of this again in a more formal prayer setting tonight with my Heavenly Father..

11. I came to the beautiful circling waters tonight. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared in front of me over the waters. I was kneeling on the shore facing him.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, you and your wife have been guided to a method that will remove the symptoms of airborne illnesses, like COVID-19, upon you first contracting it, were this to happen to you. The protocol involves taking high doses of vitamin A, C, D, Lugol's Iodine, using a nebulizer to breathe in through your nose, and a low dosage of hydrogen peroxide. These natural remedies, taken at low levels when you have no symptoms, and at high levels if you ever feel you are coming down with an infection, will keep you from contracting airborne infections. Your Heavenly Mother and I approve of this natural approach of using these infection fighting remedies. If you follow the protocol that you have energy tested yesterday and today, you can return to a normal lifestyle without regards to social distancing or wearing a mask (unless required by stores or restaurants, etc).

13. We know this has been a very difficult time over the past 13 months for you, and many of our children on earth. By following this protocol, you will be doing all you can do to prevent airborne infections from taking hold in your body. Your Heavenly Mother will most likely not have to activate the corona flames to further destroy the viral or bacterial disease that may be trying to take hold in your body and cause illness. This protocol will remove these infections very early on.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father so much to have helped my wife and I find this method, and to have approved it. I said I am anxious to tell her and share these things more fully with her!

15. Heavenly Father smiled and spoke again: 'Raphael, you, your wife and son A. have been very diligent in following our directions to you up until this point. As you may choose to follow this new protocol, you will continue to receive our blessings of health and strength to your bodies. You will be able to supplement your own immune system so as to ward off any illness, particularly those spread by airborne droplets like COVID-19.'

16. Heavenly Father then stepped back into his highest celestial realm and departed. I rejoiced in this great confirmation tonight, and closed my grateful prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. Here is the protocol I received, adjusted from this page from Dr. Mercola (the link to the article was just taken down by Dr. Mercola after being threatened by the FDA.

Take when there are no symptoms:
Fat soluble Vit A          20,000 units/day
Vitamin D3                 15,000 units/day
Vitamin C (Liposomal   1,000 mg/day
Quercetin                    none
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide, (1 teaspoon 0.03 dilution in a 0.9% saline solution, with 2 drops
of 2% Lugol's Iodine)   1x/week

Take when first coming down with symptoms of infection:
Fat soluble Vitamin A    80,000 units/day
Vitamin D3                  50,000 units/day
Vitamin C (Liposomal)  1,000 mg/hour
Quercetin                    500 mg/day
Lugol's Iodine 2%        25 mg Iodine/day, or 26 drops
Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide, (1 teaspoon 0.03 dilution in a 0.9%saline solution with 2 drops
2% Lugol's Iodine),      1st day: once every hour.
                                  Each following day 3 X day until symptoms resolve.

Here is nebulizer recommended by Dr. Mercola. My wife also bought some additional face masks because you need to breathe through your nose, and not use the mouthpiece.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2021, Friday

1. I discussed with my wife the proposed protocol that I energy tested yesterday, and that Heavenly Father approved last night. We discussed the ramifications of all of this in our lives, and those of our children. We are choosing to further discuss all of these things, and take a very cautious approach for now. We can start the protocol and still keep up our same social distancing standards, not going in others' houses and stores for now, and still feel safe and protected. In February 2020, my wife almost died from the flu and we still are feeling very cautious of relaxing our standards. Whatever we do, it will be a joint decision.

2. I am so grateful, however, to have had my Heavenly Father confirm to me last night that he and Heavenly Mother approve of this method for us. Whether we take advantage of loosening up our standards or not is really our choice. We may also follow this protocol and feel even safer than we have been in the past.

3. I came this morning to the circling waters where I was last night. I drank living water there, knelt, and then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She immediately appeared in a bright light upon the waters. I was so happy to be again in her presence!

4. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night is all true. We fully accept this protocol for fighting and protecting yourself against airborne infections like COVD-19 and the common flu. You are wise to have taken the approach to be cautious, and whatever you do to act in full harmony with your wife in a joint decision. You have our blessing regardless of how much you choose to open up yourself again to the world around you were you to start this protocol in your lives.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for giving us the option to act as best we feel. It can be a scary world in our current environment. I want to act in unity with my wife, not out of fear but out of caution and our own joint wisdom.

6. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we are pleased when married couples discuss such things together in love and consideration of each other's feelings. You are blessed to have such a relationship where neither of you press your own personal views and opinions upon the other. You each value how you both feel, and freely express this in an attitude of acceptance and love. Your choice to keep discussing this over the next few days, keeping your discussions to yourselves as a married couple, is also pleasing to us, your Gods. We will continue to bless and increase your mutual love for each other, by pouring out our light and love upon you both.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her support, acceptance, and love for my wife and I. I thanked her for her promised blessings!

8. She then departed. I lingered a little longer, and reread over what I had written. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

9. I received this email on 4-16-2021 from S entitled "Travel in Terrestrial":


I wanted to share my journal from today.

4/16/21 AM

This morning I transcribed Raphael's record from yesterday 4/15/21. He asked that I confirm in prayer what he received regarding the lost tribes' journey.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful. I saw my Heavenly Parents's footprints in the sand. I began to follow them. I saw that the footprints ended. I looked ahead and saw my Heavenly Parents in the distance. By my intention, I then came to their side. They were both smiling and pleased I came to them today.

Heavenly Father spoke, 'You saw our footprints for a time and then they vanished. We moved forward for a time without walking and came immediately to the location farther down the shore. Travel in both celestial and terrestrial levels may be done by your intention where this is not possible except in very rare circumstances in a telestial world. This will also be true of our children who inherit telestial and terrestrial glory throughout the eternities too.

What Raphael recorded in his journal is true. Our children from the lost tribes who arrive will travel only 8-10 miles a day. There are many aged and infirm members among this large company. Together with the logistics of moving such a large group, they will not travel long distances daily. Their prophet leaders have received revelation that they are to arrive this summer. Yet they do not know the exact distance to Zion. After they have travelled for many days, their prophet will ask how much farther to reach Zion according to their measurements. When we tell them they have 3,000 more miles to travel, they will quickly realize they will not arrive in Zion this summer. Their prophet leader will ask our direction in regards to this problem. We will respond that it is our desire that they obey our will and arrive in summer. He will ask how this is to be accomplished. We will direct him to gather the people in fasting and prayer on a Sabbath. They will supplicate God to intervene in their lives. Their prophet will inform them that their destination is still 3,000 miles away. The people will fast and join in united prayer on their Sabbath day. The following day, they will awake to find themselves only miles from Zion. They will see clearly that their prayers were answered and their faith will deepen. There will be great joy and rejoicing in this miracle. It will be the beginning of such travel in the terrestrial realm based off of faith and intention.

The lost tribes were the last to receive the visit of Jesus Christ and they do not have the Melchizedek priesthood. Among them exists blood from all 12 tribes. They will be the first to gather to Zion and prepare the way for many to come, and even bring many themselves who are scattered upon all the earth. The last will be first and the first will be last.

We will let you know when the tribes arrive on the outer earth as Raphael recorded. Continue to inquire of us and we will let you know when it has occurred.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents and closed my prayer."

10. R's response to S on 4-16-2021:


I just read your email, and it brought me lots of peace and sureness that it was true. Thank you for responding and for adding your witness to what I had earlier received. Your account is a beautiful explanation from our Heavenly Father spoke to you about this wonderful miracle that the lost tribes of Israel will experience. I am planning to share your email in post 191.
Thanks so much for your second witness, S! Aren't these such very exciting times??!!

Warmly, R"