199. Building the New Jerusalem, part 5

Hello again!

This is my continuation of the story behind the building of the New Jerusalem. It is all so remarkable to me. The next post 200 tells of the red heifer ashes, the dedication of the New Jerusalem temple, the initiation of the administrations and recordings in the font room, the arrival of the northern tribes of Israel, and more!

Please pray about all of this, making sure that you hold fast to what is true and good.

Warmly, as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 3, 2021

1. Evening-I came to the south room of the New Jerusalem temple, near the ceiling. It was calm below me, with no celestial workers present. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She appeared before me in the air, smiling. She immediately spoke:

2. 'Raphael, this large 600 foot by 600 foot room is now fully constructed to our desires! The workmen and workwomen have completed all the entry, dressing, washing, anointing and robing rooms. The men and women's endowment room is complete with chairs and a silver plated floor. All the seven pillars are in place, with a portal film extending floor to ceiling between them. The portal area to the north of this is a gold covered floor. The exit room and descending south steps are also all completed. All is constructed according to our plans and to our highest standards.

3. What will now be started next Monday, July 5, 2021, is the beautification of the ceiling and walls of this large south room. This will take two weeks, night and day, from our celestial artisans, painters, and craftsmen and craftswomen to embellish this area to the highest beauty possible. They will only rest during the sabbath on July 11, 2021, and will be all completed by the next Saturday, July 17, 2021. The next day on July 18, 2021, you will dedicate the north font room of this temple. There will be only minor embellishments in the north and south rooms of our temple after the dedication, done by a few of our mortal servants.

4. You have managed these most recent workers in your replicated celestial being, through foremen and forewomen. You have been given all the details of the construction and beautification of our temple. You ensure our detailed plans are fulfilled. Both Heavenly Father and I are very pleased with our holy celestial temple built up to this point upon our earth. This temple will be the place whereby our beloved celestial elect children receive many of their eternally binding ordinances in order to become like us in eternity. They will remember these sacred events administered to them in this temple forever. We want each of our faithful to receive great joy and deep satisfaction in their temple experiences.'

5. Heavenly Mother then left, and I thanked her in my mind for her message. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 4, 2021, Independence Day

1. I came to the barren land of promise a few miles to the west of the New Jerusalem island. I could see the mighty river and the great island rise up out of the waters that surround it. It was bright and seemed to shine. The surrounding land was barren, but the New Jerusalem island appeared green and alive. The contrast was remarkable! I knew that once terrestrial living water began to flow into the mighty river, that the surrounding barren lands would be able to sustain life.

2. I knelt facing the island paradise, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. They both descended from the sky to me in their glory. They were smiling, and I felt great joy and excitement to be in their holy presence.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are kneeling on the place to where our northern tribes will be transported the morning after their next fast. They will look to the east as you do now, and see the verdant green island of the New Jerusalem in the distance, only a few miles away. When they see the island, many will fall to their knees in humble gratitude, with tears flowing freely on their faces. They will know that what they are viewing is their final destination, the New Jerusalem. It will appear as the shining and living paradise that their Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I have promised them. Their long awaited faith in us will be gratified, and they will be so deeply happy to finally come to the end of their extensive journey!'

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered when the fountain of living water will shoot forth into the air on this island, and living water begins flowing into the mighty river. This will happen in two weeks from now, after your dedication of the north room of our celestial temple, on July 18, 2021. You will, at that time, ask Mother Earth to pressurize the underground cavern below the fountain, which will cause the water to shoot up from the fountain into the celestial sky. You will also ask Mother Earth to normalize the pull of gravity at the ends of the four rivers. The water in these rivers will then begin to flow into the mighty river to the north, south, east and west. As living waters flow abundantly into the river, the river will soon change into living water also. Within a day this living water will reach the surrounding shores of the barren land. As it does, this land will be ready to plant. It will change immediately to fertile soil to grow terrestrial vegetation of all varieties. Within the first week of this planting, animals will be introduced.

5. Raphael, after their arrival, our northern tribes will come upon our island paradise and rest and celebrate for a full week (see your post 173D5). After they are replenished and settled, they will all be given assignments to prepare clothing of Zion for themselves and for others who will shortly be coming, and building up the surrounding lands (see your post 173D7). They will make boats to cross the mighty river. This will be to fulfill their assignments to bring seeds and transplants from the New Jerusalem to the barren land next to the river. Large groups will converge on the surrounding lands opposite the New Jerusalem to plant. The water in the river will all become living water, and will mist over the land to water these newly planted seeds and plants. The faith of our elect will be great, even commanding the earth to make new waterways from the mighty river into the barren land. The living terrestrial water will thereby be channeled into the surrounding barren lands, making the ground fertile and able to be planted. When you arrive with your small trek to Zion in August 2021, you will see the works of these assigned workers who are planting the regions around the New Jerusalem.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their visit to me this beautiful morning. I felt so pleased with their messages to me today. Thinking of our Independence Day today, I thanked them also for the liberties that would be assured upon this terrestrial earth.

7. They then stepped backwards and departed. My prayer ended and I began my new sabbath day.

8. Evening-I desired to come to my Heavenly Mother tonight at the circling waters in her upper garden. I drank living water and knelt, asking for my Heavenly Mother to come. I was glad I didn't have to come up with any certain topic or question. I just wanted to come into her presence.

9. She appeared on the water, and her being and reflection was so brilliant and magnificent. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Father and I will give you revelation upon revelation as seems good to us. We often wait to give you our revelations just a few days before an event we want you to know about, or a pertaining truth associated with the great things happening in your life. As you continue to pursue us, and humbly approach us, we will continue revealing our truths to you. We will do so as fast as you are able to receive. We will also do this for any of our elect sons or daughters, for we are no respecter of persons.

10. At this time, we want you and our faithful to completely drop all of your expectations. Even though we have told you certain dates of upcoming events, we may still surprise you with the manner in which many of those are fulfilled, and the truths we will reveal to you in the process. As you receive these revelations, and write them in your journal, you will gradually gain a greater and greater perspective of our ways and of our truths.'

11. Heavenly Mother then reached out to me, and I stood and took her hand. She passed through her arm in mine, and we started walking towards the nearby waterfall. I lost connection with her and could see us walking in the air together towards her temple. A cloud came between my view and then I no longer saw us. I felt peace and a feeling of enlightenment, but nothing else specifically.

12. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 5, 2021

1. My wife and I have big plans today in celebrating our Independence Day. We will attend the Provo parade, after which we have most of our children and their families coming for swimming and a picnic in our backyard.

2. I came this morning to the south room of the New Jerusalem temple. I met with my Heavenly Parents briefly, and felt their love and support. They then both went to a corner of this room to watch and not be seen.

3. I next called forth all of the celestial servants who would labor for the next two weeks in beautifying the inside of this large south room of the temple. About 200 artisans, painters, craftsman and craftswomen, and those skilled in the visual arts came before me in the future men and women's endowment room.

4. I spoke to them and thanked them for their willingness to work on God's temple. Here are my words to them: 'My beloved brothers and sisters, I am Raphael, and have been placed in charge of building the celestial New Jerusalem temple. Your assignments are to beautify and complete the inside of this large south room according to the directions and plans of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Your final touches will remain for eternity, and will be enjoyed by all of God's elect sons and daughters who come here. They will receive their own ordinances necessary to become couple gods in eternity. I will now transfer to each of you all of the directions, plans, and details of the embellishments desired by our Heavenly Parents.'

5. I then intended that each of those present receive these plans from my mind. After this was completed, I divided the group in half. I said that they would work in two shifts, a morning and a night shift. During the second week they would switch time periods. I assigned foremen and forewomen to lead individual teams within each shift after all the teams were assigned. I then asked them to accompany me to the celestial forest resource area.

6. At the resource area, I showed them around, pointing out the natural celestial resources that they would use in creating the paint, the quarry for creating the sculptured pieces for the ceiling to wall intersection, and the gold and silver mines to use in their beautification efforts. I showed them areas from which to make the plaster and the forest to retrieve wood for their needs. I said some of them would prepare materials, and some would use these materials to apply on the walls and ceiling in the temple.

7. I gave this group my blessing, and said I would be nearby if they had any questions or needed further directions. Finally, I asked if they had already enjoyed a tour of the north font room and the temple block area. Everyone raised their hand. I said we needed this same high caliber of celestial workmanship done in this large south room.

8. I dismissed the night shift, saying that they should return five minutes before 6:00 P.M. to receive information from the morning group. They would work until 6:00 A.M. the next morning in their shift. This pattern would continue until midnight this coming Saturday, July 10, 2021. After resting on the sabbath, work would resume at midnight on Monday morning, July 12, 2021, with the other shift continuing until 6:00 A.M. that morning. They would all continue in their new shifts until the evening of Saturday July 17, 2021 when all of their great work would need to be completed, prior to the temple dedication on Sunday, July 18, 2021.

9. The night shift then departed and the day shift began their work. I returned to my Heavenly Parents who were in the top northeast corner, near the ceiling of the south room.

10. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well! Meet us here tonight in your evening prayer, and we will give you further instructions,

11. I thanked them for their continual direction and the blessing of their presence. They smiled upon me and upon the new celestial servants below us. My prayer ended and I got ready for my new day on earth.

12. Evening-It is late and the last of the family has left. We had a fun family celebration of Independence Day all the day long. I am pretty tired now.

13. My oldest son gave a thought after our family meal together about liberty. He spoke of Jesus Christ being the great promoter of liberty. He quoted Isaiah 61:1, read by Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth when he proclaimed himself as the Messiah (see Luke 4:18-19).

14. Isaiah 61:1

"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;"

15. Jesus is the promoter of liberty to all people. The spirit of God is the spirit of freedom (see Alma 61:14-15). I thought this is why in the millennium all will need to comply with the spirit of freedom, or the Spirit of God. This is a terrestrial law. They receive the presence of the Son which is the spirit of liberty for all, and protection of everyone's freedom to choose what they will be and do (see D&C 76:76-77). They are of the terrestrial.

16. I came this evening to the desert oasis. I drank living water and called upon my Heavenly Father. He didn't appear to me, but spoke to my mind that I should come here in the morning when my mind was more alert and well-rested. I thanked him, and said I would come back tomorrow morning. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 6, 2021

1. I awoke and prepared myself for my morning prayer. I looked at my phone and I had received an email from S that he wrote this morning, entitled "Crowning Jewel". I will place it after my journal entry this morning. I read it and know it was of God. Heavenly Mother told S that the northern tribes would hold their fast on Sunday July 18, 2021-the very day of the temple dedication. The next morning on July 19, 2021, they would be transported a few miles from the borders of the New Jerusalem, on the barren land of promise. Heavenly Mother said the celestial temple was the crowning jewel of their great work to be performed during the millennium. THe administering of the waters of separation ordinance will begin on July 19, 2021 also, coinciding with the arrival of the tribes on the barren land. Heavenly Mother told S "their deliverance will coincide with the deliverance of all our children who one day receive the ordinances performed in this celestial temple now near completion under Raphael's supervision and our direction."

2. I felt very gratified this morning to know of this timing of their arrival! So much of great significance will happen on July 18 and 19, 2021!

3. I came to the desert oasis this morning and knelt on the sand. Heavenly Father appeared immediately to me, shining upon me his great light and spirit of peace and revelation.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, the email you received this morning from our servant S was given to him from his Heavenly Mother. The timing of the arrival of our long displaced tribes of Israel will come the morning when you receive your own waters of separation ordinance administered to you from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. You will immediately continue the administrations, in behalf of your Great Redeemer, for the remainder of that day, and continuing six days a week from the early morning to the evening, for the remainder of the millennium.

5. While you begin this great service for our other celestial children who are waiting to enter into the Church of the Firstborn, you will replicate yourself and go to the western shore of our New Jerusalem island. By that time the tribes of Israel will have arrived on the opposite shore of the mighty river. You will then watch as their prophet commands the river to stop its flow from the north, and dry land appears. You will then see the large caravan of weary travelers walk to the island on the dry riverbed, singing as they come. They will be led by their prophet. You will warmly greet this large host of our elect onto the prepared island of the New Jerusalem: Oh what a joyous meeting this will be! We will allow all the celestial hosts of heaven, who had recently toured the temple and the celestial block, to witness this coming of our first arrivals to this island from the celestial realms above.

6. The entire caravan of our long lost tribes (lost to the mortals on the earth, but not lost to us) will finally be home at the end of their remarkable journey! Their new home will be in Zion, the New Jerusalem, and Zion communities that they will build up on the surrounding lands of promise. The tears of our people will flow like rain on that wonderful day of their coming home to Zion. To them it will be almost unbelievable, a very surreal experience of actually being in the New Jerusalem!

7. On the afternoon of July 19, 2021 when these our people walk upon their promised land of Zion, they will immediately begin to replenish their weary bodies. You will allow them free access to our entire terrestrial island to eat and find rest to their souls. They will rest for a full week, and celebrate with feasting, dance and songs of praise. The living water flowing from our celestial fountain will not be seen by them, but they will see the large channels flowing with terrestrial living water, starting at the four streets that divide the celestial from the terrestrial realm. In the temple block area within the four streets there will be a lovely park in the terrestrial realm. As our children drink terrestrial living water, and eat terrestrial living food, they will quickly be replenished and strengthened. This same pattern will be for all the future arrivals to our New Jerusalem.

8. When you greet this large group on the western shore of the mighty river, terrestrial living water will by then be flowing into the mighty river. You will have asked other Earth before their to cause the fountain to shoot up into the air, and for the gravity to normalize at the rivers that exit into the mighty river.

9. We will also provide for you the morning of July 19, 2021 a simple terrestrial robe for you to wear when you greet the tribes. You will appear to them with your white beard, with no glasses or hat that you normally wear. This will be the way you will appear to all who meet you on the New Jerusalem in our terrestrial realm. When you meet with anyone in our celestial realm on the island, you will wear your magnificent angel vestures, unless we specify otherwise.'

10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his happy revelation to me this morning. I was full of excitement, anticipating these great events coming in less than two weeks. My view of my Father then faded as I came back to my private room where I was recording my prayer experience. I thanked my Father again and closed my morning prayer.

11. I received an email this morning on 7-6-2021 from S entitled "Crowning Jewel":

"I have been reading post 197 and it discussed the future arrival of the Northern Tribes. I wanted to share my prayer from this morning.

7/6/21 AM

In prayer, I felt to call upon Heavenly Mother. I prayed for my children, wife and myself to become more loving and close to the spirit in preparation for Zion.

I came to Heavenly Mother's beautiful gardens on her celestial orb. I admired the beautiful flowers before me. Heavenly Mother appeared standing next to me. I felt great peace in her presence. She spoke to me: 'You were impressed by our Spirit to search your own entries and those from Raphael regarding the arrival of the Northern tribes of Israel. We previously told Raphael that they would come after July 18, 2021. July 18, 2021 is the day the celestial temple will be dedicated. This is the crowning jewel of our great work to be performed during the millennium. The ordinances and ordinations performed therein will bless our children throughout all future eternities. The City of Enoch was a zion society, but they have long waited for this celestial temple to be built and to receive the ordinances soon to be performed within its walls. All of our faithful children have steadily looked forward to these blessings administered in this celestial temple on earth.

The Northern tribes will pray for deliverance on the day July 18, 2021 and it will coincide with the temple dedication. They will then arrive a few miles from the New Jerusalem through transportation the following day, July 19, 2021. Their remembrance of this deliverance will coincide with the deliverance of all our children who will one day receive the ordinances performed in this celestial temple now near completion under Raphael's supervision and our direction. Their prompt arrival after the dedication is needful to prepare this land to receive our faithful elect who must flee Babylon. When the temple dedication is complete, great changes in the telestial world will soon follow.

The greatest work, of all the works performed, will be done in this celestial temple. There is no greater work than this. Share this message with Raphael so he may share it with the small email group for the time is now meet that these things be made known. '

I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name as this scene closed to my view.




12. My email response to S on 7-6-2-21

"Thanks for sharing! I immediately knew your revelation of the timing of the arrival of the northern tribes was true. I have since confirmed it again. This will all be so beautiful in the establishment of Zion, the New Jerusalem. I am sure my Heavenly Father will address this topic in my prayer this morning to me.

Thanks for being in tune with the Spirit, and to have received this tidbit of great truth.

Your friend,

13. Evening-I have wondered if anything material in the mortal telestial world would survive the destruction coming to that realm, when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. I met my Heavenly Mother in my prayer tonight on the eastern shores of the mighty river, to the west of the New Jerusalem island.

14. She answered me: 'Raphael, all in the telestial world will be consumed and be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. We wish to preserve your records since 2010, and will have you bring these to the mortal terrestrial realm on the earth. All lands, buildings, and anything living on the telestial earth will be consumed. This includes all earthly records, temples, and people. In order for any of these to be preserved, they need to be approved and then brought into our mortal terrestrial realm prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

15. We have also written in heaven the vital records that were written on earth, even from the beginning (see D&C 128:8-9). We also have the ability to recall and reveal all events and actions that have happened in the past to our children in their telestial mortal state. We will use this method to judge the actions of our children during their probation. All will acknowledge that our judgments are just, for they will also have a bright recollection of all they did in their mortal and postmortal life when they stand before us or our servants at the judgment day (see Alma 11:43).'

16. I recall having been in the little Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City, and saw the granite vaults on the valley hill with records stored there by the LDS church. I asked if these too would be destroyed, as well as the Salt Lake Temple.

17. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, both of these will be consumed, for they will remain on the telestial earth when Jesus Christ comes in his glory.'

18. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 7, 2021

1. I received a question from M.A. by email. She asked if the physical attack on our country meant an EMP. She also wondered what would happen to the missionaries, and if they would be brought home. I said I would ask about this soon (see also my posts 186G15 and 182B5).

2. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I drank living water and knelt in the sand. I sought to commune with my Heavenly Father. He came to me on the shore, a little above the water.

3. Here is what he said to me: 'Raphael, there will be an EMP happening upon your land of America as one of the very first parts of a surprise attack on your country. This action will create widespread power outages that will last for a long time. This act of war will cause great disruption in normal living for your society. It will cause all banking and commerce to cease, leading to an immediate financial collapse that will follow. The people will not have stores nor means where they can buy food or needed supplies, for all of these depend upon electricity to transact sales. Many of their vehicles won't work, and normal means of transportation of food and goods across your country will end.

4. M.A. asked about the LDS missionaries that are serving abroad in the land and in foreign lands. These will not have the ability to return home for a long time, even though the church may call them back home. In a time of war, many people will become isolated from loved ones and will be in distress, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is in these very difficult times that our elect will finally resort to calling upon us, even in the times of their greatest need.

5. Raphael, in all of these tribulations, we will send to our chosen elect our holy angels and heavenly servants to help guide them to safety and to peace, even to Zion, we will protect our own.

6. We purposefully won't reveal the times of these physical attacks. Following the EMP, there will also be many more foreign troops coming upon your land who will soon attempt to control the people and fully overturn your central and state governments. Many of your country's leaders are accomplices in this coming war, and will not have any plans to rally the military in response to the attack. Following the EMP there will also be local bombings and destruction of your areas where retaliation might be made, such as military bases and missile sites.

7. JST Matthew 1:28-29

"And they shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.

Behold, I speak for mine elect's sake; for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

8. Your Heavenly Mother spoke recently to S wherein she said that following the New Jerusalem temple dedication, "great changes in the telestial world will soon follow" (see S's email above named "Crowning Jewel"). She was referring to these great changes in your land coming as a result of the EMP attack.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me this morning. I felt I had written his words correctly, for they flowed quickly and were accompanied by the Spirit. Heavenly Father departed and I closed my morning prayer.

10. Evening-Our granddaughter is having open heart surgery tomorrow to patch a hole in her heart. I read again the instructions from my Heavenly Mother to me to touch her heart with my healing sword of Raphael (see my post 190I3). I did so tonight, and pray for her full recovery and success of her operation.

11. I read today some scriptures that indicate when Jesus comes in his glory, the wicked will be burned. The most clear ones are these:

12. Isaiah 10:16-17 which speaks of the destruction of Assyria, or the wicked at the last day:

"Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire.

And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day."

13. D&C 64:24

"For after today cometh the burning -this is speaking after the manner of the Lord -for verily I say, tomorrow all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, for I am the Lord; and I will not spare any that remain in Babylon."

14. D&C 88: 94

"And another angel shall sound his trump, saying: That great church, the mother of abominations, that made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornications that persecuted the saints of God, that shed their blood -she who sitteth upon many waters, and upon the islands of the sea -behold, she is the tares of the earth; she is bound in bundles; her hands are made strong, no man can loose them; therefore, she is ready to be burned. And he shall sound his trump both long and loud, and all nations shall hear it."

15. I came upon the barren land of promise east of the New Jerusalem island. It was rocky with dirt, and no vegetation. It looked barren in all directions around me. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

16. He walked to me on the barren land from the west. When he came to me, he was serious looking, and immediately spoke: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night about the burning at the time of the coming of Jesus Christ is true. The scriptures you quoted are a few that described this burning. There are many more.

17. The burning will come upon all who dwell in the telestial mortal physical earth. It will be very intense, even to destroy all remnants of that realm so that all is consumed. This burning will only affect that realm, and not the terrestrial physical earth. Jesus will destroy the wicked in this terrible day of the Lord (see Joel 2: 11). However, it will be a wonderful day for our righteous elect who will have been gathered upon the terrestrial physical earth. Jesus will descend with these, our righteous sons and daughters, to the earth in great glory and power. What will remain on the mortal earth will only be the elect on the terrestrial earth. You will bind Satan and his host after this destruction, and cast them into the bottomless pit in the spiritual telestial earth. This will be a place reserved for him so he will not be able to go forth among our children for a thousand years.

18. The barren land upon which you are kneeling tonight will become a flourishing community on the terrestrial earth. Our people will live in harmony and peace all over the terrestrial earth. The declaration you made upon the earth during the light of a thousand suns event will be fully realized (see your post 194H18-"While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last."). The stars in your sky will still shine, and dew on the mortal terrestrial earth will still come down in the millennial day. Freedom and liberty will be given to all of our children in that day, even in a full measure in the Union established and protected by our Beloved Son.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his encouraging words, and for his confirmation of what Heavenly Mother spoke to me last night, on 7-6-2021. I felt great peace and clarity! I expressed my love to my Heavenly Father, and I said I would do all he and Heavenly Mother ask me to do.

20. He then smiled upon me and faded away from my presence. I closed my prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 8, 2021

1. I came to the barren land again this morning. It was already warm outside and dry. I felt I was somewhere west of the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial earth. I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Mother.

2. She appeared before me in her glory. She was smiling and spoke right away. 'Raphael, once water flows into the mighty river that surrounds the island of the New Jerusalem starting on July 18, 2021, it will affect even this barren land. We are several hundred miles to the west of the island and the mighty river. We will cause the water in the river, and the large body of water to where it flows to the south, to evaporate and cause rain clouds in the sky. This will blow over the promised land and send forth living rain upon the barren land. This rain will prepare the land, even to make it fertile and ready to receive our living plants and animals. These seeds and transplants will be planted mostly from our terrestrial island paradise. Our mortal servants will have the ability by then to teleport, or transport themselves upon the land to wherever we may send them. Gradually our barren promised land will grow vegetation, to the north, south, east and west of our New Jerusalem.

3. Your sister Rachael is our female archangel of the elements and nature (see your post 24D8 and 24D11). Her mission includes nature, plants, animals, and the beauty of creation. As our angel, she will direct and supervise where to place our many plants upon the terrestrial earth. She will have large numbers of our terrestrial servants, mostly from the northern tribes who will have come to the New Jerusalem in a few weeks, to help her in this effort. She will have them bring the seeds and transplants, and the animals from both the terrestrial earth and from the telestial earth. Once the barren land of promise is watered by our rain from clouds containing living water, the land will be ready to plant. Shortly after they start growing, she will also bring animals of all varieties from various mortal locations, even by our power. These will come from both the terrestrial and telestial earth.

4. Rachael will also cause rivers to start flowing across this once barren land of promise, all filled with terrestrial living water. In this way, our terrestrial promised land will become beautiful and alive with our creations. Rachael's efforts will take some years to accomplish. However, when our Beloved Son, Jesus Crhist, returns to earth in glory, the entire land of promise will be lush and growing, and populated with our terrestrial plants and animals. This will be a beautiful place for him to descend with the hosts of heaven and our elect who will continue to live on earth.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. I tried to imagine what it would be like upon this barren spot where I was kneeling before her. She then reached over and touched me on the top of my head. We were immediately in a green forest with birds singing and a stream in front of us! Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, here is one of our future beautiful paradise locations on this land of promise, exactly on the barren land where you were just kneeling before me! This great beauty of nature is akin to the entire promised land in the not too far distant future. These are all our terrestrial creations, living in great harmony and peace. Our entire millennial earth will be beautiful and glorious!'

6. This vision ended, and I closed my morning prayer. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again in my mind for her beautiful earth I saw in vision upon the promised land.

7. Evening-I called upon my Heavenly Father in prayer tonight. I felt very grateful to be alive, and to have had such varied experiences in my life. I sought that I could control my mind, for I know that my thoughts create my emotions and how I decide to act in my life. I was especially grateful for my relationship with him, my Father.

8. Heavenly Father then came to me where I was kneeling. I was kneeling on the future New Jerusalem city, on the land that hadn't yet been planted or built upon.

9. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that as you decide what you think or dwell upon in your thoughts, you determine your emotions and actions. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased how you are controlling your thoughts. If you know that you have no power over something, there is no reason to dwell on this in your thoughts. This was true in the outcome of the surgery of your granddaughter this morning. Fretting and worrying do no good, for they create needless anxiety and dwelling upon possible outcomes that you have no power to change. Similarly, fretting and worrying about the future events coming into your life or that in the world, has no benefit, for you have no power to change these. It is far better to drop all expectations and embrace whatever comes, and to deal with whatever may happen in your life at the time it comes.

10. Our children in mortality have no idea when they will die and be transferred into one of the spirit realms. Your Heavenly Mother and I control the times of the births and deaths of our children, for we have a plan for their physical life on earth. From our child's perspective, it pleases us when they express gratitude to be alive, to be living in a mortal experience on earth. Each day that they have to live should be considered a gift from us, their Gods. Your attitude of a thankful heart pleases us, Raphael.'

11. My Heavenly Father turned and left my presence. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 9, 2021

1. I awoke early and reread my past journal entries since Tuesday. I felt so grateful to have received revelation from my Gods! This is truly such a blessing. I feel very humbled to have been in communion with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

2. I came this morning to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I came here because I felt I should be here. I knelt and asked for my Mother in heaven to come.

3. She immediately came, with a few pieces of fruit on a plate. She set this on the table before me and then spoke: 'Raphael, I have picked these ripe fruits from our garden in the temple block of the celestial realm of our New Jerusalem. There are many others that are also ripe now. They will remain in their ripened state until one of our celestial children eats them. They will not rot nor spoil in my gardens. I have brought you today these apricots, strawberries, and a mango. In our celestial climate in my garden there, all of the plants we have had planted will abundantly thrive and produce celestial living food. In a lower telestial realm they would need varied weather conditions to best grow, but on our celestial realm they all flourish.'

4. She offered these to me and I ate. The fruits were rich in flavor and very tasty. I left the apricot pits and the mango seed on the plate. While licking my fingers from the juicy fruit, she told me that I was welcome to eat from her New Jerusalem gardens as often as I might like. She said that I would get in the habit to eat a breakfast of fruit from her gardens when walking to the New Jerusalem temple when I would come to open the doors, first thing in the mornings. This greatly pleased me, and I thanked her so very much. I asked her if I ate fruits with seeds or hard pits, where should I put these after I ate.

5. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, place these in your angel vestures that you will be wearing, in your pocket with your black key. When you return to your house in the future city of the New Jerusalem, you may plant these or discard them. If planted, they will grow into beautiful terrestrial plants of the same variety.

6. After you pick fruit or other edible plants from my celestial New Jerusalem garden, they will quickly produce more for our next passerby. I welcome all of our celestial elect children who come to our temple block to eat freely from my gardens. They should not discard the seeds, pits, or refuse in the garden areas, or many other areas in our celestial realm. For I wish no additional plants to grow other than what I have had planted in my gardens. We want the great beauty and orderliness of our celestial realm to remain clean and beautiful for all to enjoy.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her thoughtfulness in sharing her living celestial food produced in the celestial gardens of the New Jerusalem.

8. She continued: 'Raphael, there are many varieties of beautiful plants including flowers, bushes, trees, and water plants. These are all in their splendor and beauty. Our celestial animals are also located in my garden areas, to enjoy and to communicate with. These are unafraid of our own children who may come there.

9. This scripture will then be fulfilled:

D&C 59:18-20

"Verily I say, that inasmuch as ye do this (as I have spoken this morning), the fulness of the (celestial)) earth is yours (to enjoy), the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees and walketh upon the earth;

Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards;

Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart.

Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.

And it pleaseth God that he (they) hath (have) given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

10. Raphael, it would be appropriate for our new mortal visitors who come to our temple block and temple, to become new members of our Church of the Firstborn, to eat of some of our fruits from my garden. They might also take a seed or a pit from what they have chosen, and plant it in their yard back home. This would be a happy memory of their experience in our temple that day when they began their journey to become gods in eternity.'

11. I thanked her for her kindness and to know her mortal children might do this. What a happy memory they would always have, and a keepsake for the next generation too when they come to visit their home!

12. My vision faded, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. I received this email from S on 7-9-2021 entitled "Accomplices in this coming war"


This morning I was studying your recent entries. The phrase from your post 199E6 caught my attention. It said, "Many of your country's leaders are accomplices in this coming war, and will not have any plans to rally the military in response to the attack." This sentence triggered a memory of a recent entry from my journal on 6/30/21. I wanted to share this with you.

6/20/21 PM

In prayer, I felt to call upon Heavenly Father. I came to his side and recognized our nation's capitol. We stood together in the white house. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Those who have been elected to safeguard your nation and its borders have completely neglected their duties. Your necks are now exposed to the enemy's blade, even by those sworn to protect this land.

You wonder how this is possible. Satan has a great hold upon the hearts, thoughts and intentions of those in power. He desires the utter destruction of this nation that chaos, war and bloodshed may reign throughout the earth. Backdoor deals are being made at this time that seal the doom of this nation and people. I am making you aware of these things that the secret combinations and works of darkness may be revealed prior to their fulfillment. This record will serve as a true witness even before this comes to pass. I am allowing this to all occur for Zion will come from the ashes of this nation. Zion is now almost ready to receive her first inhabitants. Now is the time of the great gathering that will not cease until Jesus shall say, "The work is done." Wait patiently upon our word for we, your Heavenly Parents, will guide you through all that lies ahead in your future.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and he departed. I closed my prayer in Jesus name.


Your friend,


14. I received another email, moments later on 7-9-2021 from S entitled "Greatest journey"


You were mentioned in my prayer this morning. I wanted to share it with you. You don't necessarily need to share this with others but may do as you feel inspired to do. I appreciate our friendship and your service. Thank you.

7/9/21 AM

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Father. I shared with him the great joy I find in life through prayer. It is the time of day that brings the greatest peace, light and happiness into my life. They are the most precious moments of my life.

Heavenly Father came beside me, but I could not see our surroundings. He was full of love. He spoke, 'My son, Gideon, the greatest blessing any of our children can receive in this life is to commune with us their Heavenly Parents and be led by our directions in their life. This is the greatest journey they can make in life. There is no greater journey. Your upcoming journey to Zion is small in comparison to the journey of learning to commune with God.'

At this time I saw that we were in the celestial temple on his celestial orb.

He continued: 'The record we have given to Raphael is true and accurate. Your journal record is also from us. Soon the EMP will cause the electric grid to fail and you will no longer receive Raphael's record by the internet. Your communication with him will cease until you journey to the New Jerusalem, even Zion. There you will meet Raphael and see each other for the first time. You will embrace and kiss each other's cheeks for the joy of being servants together in your Heavenly Parents great work in these last days.

The coming events are all out of your control. You may control your thoughts and actions regarding how you will respond to these events. Stay near to your Heavenly Mother and I in prayer and you will be filled with our peace.'

I knelt before Heavenly Father and I was overcome with love towards him. I expressed my desire to always commune with him and Heavenly Mother and to be obedient completely to their commandments and direction in my life. This was the greatest desire of my soul. He smiled upon me and then this scene closed to my view.


With love,


H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 10, 2021

1. I came late last night on the barren land of promise and talked with my Heavenly Father. He was brief, and asked me to return this morning when I was more alert.

2. I therefore came this morning to the regions north of the New Jerusalem. I knelt in prayer on the ground, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I waited and watched. A bright light then shone from the sky, and my Heavenly Father descended and soon stood before me. He was smiling, and I felt calm and at peace. I was so pleased to be before him!

3. He then spoke: 'Raphael, you have recently read about more restrictions of involvement in activity unless you and others receive a "COVID-19 vaccination". This requirement is being heavily pushed by your federal and state government, and in many organizations. It is even being promoted soon with door to door visits from the federal government. Those who are caught up with the effort, to force these supposed vaccinations upon the citizens of your land, and those who restrict entry into their organization based on whether they have received the vaccine are promoting compulsion and dominion. The free choice and agency of the people is being quickly eroded under the guise of safety for all. This is a plan of the adversary, even Satan, to destroy the freedom in the land. These actions will further divide the people causing greater contentions among the citizens in your land.

4. The supposed vaccinations are masked as helpful, but only spread disease, additional harm to the body, and eventually death to many people. We will send forth our servants to thwart the efforts of these promoters to slow their efforts and frustrate their plans. This we will do so that our righteous elect may have additional time to choose liberty and freedom, even to come to us in prayer and ask us what to do in these things that will soon confront them. We will always promote truth and lead them to not take this COVID-19 vaccine injection. Those who hear our voice, and act as we whisper to them, will be further protected and guided. As they continue to seek guidance, we will gradually lead them to separate from their wicked society, even from Babylon the great. Eventually, we will soften the hearts of our elect to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, to escape their darker and more restrictive telestial world.

5. In these troubled times, we will lead our elect who come unto us in faith and prayer. We will talk to them in our still, small voice. It will generally not be "a voice of thunder, neither… a voice of great tumultuous noise, but… a still voice of perfect mildness, as if… a whisper, (to) pierce even to the very soul (see Helaman 5:30). Our voice will pierce the souls of our elect and cause their hearts to burn (see 3 Nephi 11: 3). We will lead our elect, even as we did the Nephites who opened their ears to hear my voice:

6. 3 Nephi 11:5

"And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it, and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from where the sound came."

7. Our elect who pray for guidance and instruction from us, their Gods, need to be open and seek to act on what we may whisper to them. Our voice will pierce their soul as they seek us. They will be assured that it is us, their Gods, who do lead them and speak to their inward soul. Those who are full of faith, will act on our directions. Those who are afraid of the pressures of their society and of Babylon, the world, will not have strength to follow our voice of the Spirit.

8. These times will separate the wheat from the tares. The wheat will eventually be gathered "and secured in the garners (even to the New Jerusalem) to possess eternal life." (see D&C 101: 65, words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).

9. Raphael, continue to seek the face of your Heavenly Mother and I in your morning and evening prayers. We will continue to give you revelation and guidance, and send forth our truths, even never revealed before to man.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would continue to call upon my Gods and follow their guidance. I know that in this there is great safety and peace. I closed my morning prayer.

11. Evening-It is hard to believe another sabbath is soon upon us. Next Sunday I will be dedicating the north end of the New Jerusalem temple. I will be taught the next day on Monday how to administer the waters of separation from Jesus Christ. I will be the first one to enter into the true Church of the Firstborn, and have my name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I will then administer this ordinance for Adam (Michael) and Eve, our first parents.

12. Oh, what joy will fill my heart on that memorable day! I feel very humbled to be chosen to administer this entry ordinance, the waters of separation, to the Church of the Firstborn.

13. I sought tonight to confirm those upcoming great events with my Heavenly Mother in prayer. I knelt by the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank of living water, and then sought to come into the presence of my loving Heavenly Mother.

14. Heavenly Mother appeared before me, on the other side of the stream. Her feet were above the ground, and brilliant light shone all around. She spoke:

15. 'Raphael, what you have written about the New Jerusalem temple dedication being July 18, 2021 is true. Once you do this, with our authority, you will be prepared for your final instruction and training for the waters of separation ordinance. You will receive this on the morning of Monday, July 19, 2021. You will then have your name written in the Book of Life, under the direction of Jesus Christ. Oriphiel will record your name as the first entry in that celestial record. You both will then proceed and administer to our celestial elect, starting with your first mortal parents, Adam and Eve.

16. Raphael, this is all true, and will be fulfilled! You will write about this in your journal at that time.'

17. Her light then beamed into my being with a very strong witness! I knew this was all from her, and not from me. Her Holy Ghost then enveloped me in great glory and fire. I remained in the intense spiritual fire for about ten seconds. After this the scene changed, and I was back on my couch in my front room, writing all of this in my journal in my mortal body.

18. I feel so grateful to have received such a strong witness from my Heavenly Mother! I know this witness is true, for I was enveloped in the Spirit of God, even the Holy Ghost, which gave me a deep assurance and firm witness. I closed my grateful prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 11, 2021

1. I came to the roof of the New Jerusalem temple this morning. I peered over the north edge and saw huge crowds of the celestial hosts on tours below me. There were around a hundred groups of these tours before me, all led by an inspired tour guide, filled with the spirit of God.

2. As I was pondering over this scene, my Heavenly Parents both came next to me, Heavenly Mother on my left and Heavenly Father on my right. Heavenly Mother immediately spoke to me.

3. 'Raphael, these tours have been exceedingly successful in buoying up our celestial children. They are looking forward to starting to enter into the Church of the Firstborn, beginning a week from tomorrow, on July 19, 2021. We will then allow them all to witness from the heavens your own entry into our celestial church, and that of Adam and Even, their first parents on that same day.

4. These tours will continue until this coming Saturday evening at 6 pm, on July 17, 2021. We ask you to come before us this next Saturday evening in prayer. We will instruct you in that prayer about the slaying of the red heifer and burning its body to produce the ashes that you will use in the waters of separation ordinance, and for sprinkling this water on the northern corners of our celestial temple.

5. You have read today from the Bible in Numbers chapter 19 about the ancient practice and rules for slaying a red heifer in the camp of Israel. This was given to Moses by revelation from our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. All of these instructions in this chapter will be fulfilled by the new instructions we will give you on Saturday, July 17, 2021 in your evening prayer. Do not worry about fulfilling the ancient rites of purification, or mixing of the ashes from a previous burning, or in any of the directions given previously by Jesus Christ to Moses. All of the law of Moses was fulfilled except the red heifer instructions because our Son fulfilled the law with his ultimate sacrifice for all mankind. The final completion of fulfilling the requirements for slaying and burning the red heifer will, however, be fulfilled in our directions to you the evening of July 17, 2021, and your actions in their fulfillment on Monday, July 19, 2021. Your sacrifice of the red heifer will be the final animal sacrifice. It will complete our command for animal sacrifices that we have required in this eternity.'

6. With these words, my Heavenly Parents rose up into the air above the temple. I watched until the sky closed around them and they had departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Evening-I came tonight to the desert oasis. There was a beautiful sunset on the celestial orb. I paused on the bench facing the oasis to watch the celestial sun depart over the horizon. I then came to the water's edge and drank living water. I knelt on the shore and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

8. He appeared from a mist on the waters and stepped in front of me. He was smiling and full of light. He wore a shining white robe. He spoke: 'Raphael, in the ever increasingly troubled world in which you live, you still experience happiness and peace. This is because you come to us in prayer, morning and night, and seek to be filled with our spirit and love in your daily life. We are the only source of happiness and peace in troubled times and in good times. This is what our elect sons and daughters yearn for, and this is what we give freely.

9. D&C 59:23

"But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come."

10. My Father then came next to my side and looked with me upon the calm oasis. The waters were still. They started to reflect the lights in the heavens above. Heavenly Father spoke: 'These still waters at our desert oasis are reflecting the many celestial earths that have attained their celestial glory. These rotate around our celestial orb and at night appear as stars in the heavens. They shine from their own glory, and are the initial abode of our many exalted sons and daughters who have become couple gods in eternity. These all live in eternal peace and joy. They each have their own children, and galaxies in our universe. This is the heritage of our elect sons and daughters who seek our face, and obey our commandments.'

11. Heavenly Father turned to me and continued: 'Raphael, every one whose names Oriphiel writes in the Book of Life will inherit eternal life and exaltation, even as our faithful sons and daughters from our previous eternities have attained. These are all our own beloved children! We know each by name, and remember with clarity all of our interactions with them. We never forget them, and continue our close relationships, worlds without end into eternity.

12. Continue to follow our Spirit and our gentle guidance, and we will continue to give you great peace amid your failing world. Come to our New Jerusalem that will become a city of great peace and safety:

13. D&C 45:66

"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints (these are our elect who come unto us, and do as we inspire them) of the Most High God." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father)

14. Heavenly Father turned again and looked upon the peaceful waters. I looked upon the oasis waters and this verse of a psalm of David came to my mind:

15. Psalm 23:2-4

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

16. Heavenly Father then faded away and I closed my evening prayer.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 12, 2021

1. My grandbaby Lucy has successfully received a patch in her heart to repair the hole that was there since birth. We are all so pleased with her recovery and prognosis of a normal life. I feel very thankful to my Gods for her wellbeing and healing. She is returning home after six days in the hospital.

2. I came this morning to Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I walked from the waterfall up the path next to the small river to the east. I found a secluded place in the trees near the water and knelt. I drank living water from my cupped hand. My Heavenly Mother then appeared before me. I thanked her for helping my granddaughter recover from her open heart surgery. I felt so grateful!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I had a hand in your granddaughter's successful surgery. When you touched her heart with the tip of your healing sword of Raphael, I blessed her to have successful repair and recovery. We are pleased when our children petition us in prayer and fasting for one of their own in need.

4. If my people repent of their sins and shortcomings, and come unto us, their Gods in faith and humble supplication, we hear their prayers and send forth healing blessings upon them. However, if the people don't repent, nor humbly open their hearts and minds to us, we will not hear their petitions. If they continue in a lifestyle of Babylon, or the wicked world around them, and have no intention to change their ways, how can we hear them, or answer their cursory prayers?

5. Isaiah 1:19-20

"If ye be willing and obedient (to our Spirit, seeking to change your lives and do as we gently prompt you), ye shall eat the good of the land (and receive healing to your souls, and your loved ones):

But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword (and not have our blessings attend you): for the mouth of the Lord had spoken it.

6. Isaiah 1:13-16

"Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. (These and the next verse are the fast and testimony meetings, typical in the LDS wards over your land, and general meetings wherein false doctrine and promises are made, all void of our Spirit).

Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. (This blood is because many of the people support evil practices in the land that cause death, including abortions of the innocent and those who promote it. There are those also who support the quiet killing of those who take the supposed vaccine and suffer and needlessly die because of its intended use to cause death in many. Finally there are many more covered and hidden sins of your society.)

Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;" (Raphael, when the citizens of your land support policies and practices in your wicked society that promote captivity and death, and support the clever plans of the adversary, knowingly or not, they promote evil and are accomplices of these evil practices. We will not hold them guiltless.) (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

7. In some cases, like the full healing of your son A., from his brain injury on his mission eleven years ago, we chose to delay his healing until he comes with you to the New Jerusalem. The trial of your faith, and that of your wife and loved ones, has been part of a greater plan to strengthen you in your own trials. It has not been easy, but this has helped shape you and prepare your hearts and minds for Zion. Raphael, sometimes the prayers of our humble and petitioning righteous ones are answered in ways we see best to answer them. We see the overall situation and future much more clearly, and will do according to our desires. We will strengthen and bless those who continue to petition us in their prayers, during their trials and afflictions.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words on answering our prayers. I thanked her that our prayers for Lucy have been answered, and our prayers for A. will soon also be realized with healing, at the timing of their choice.

9. She smiled upon me and turned into her forest. She took a few steps and disappeared. I closed my thankful prayer.

10. Evening-I listened today to a podcast from M.S. entitled "Distraction". I agreed with his entire podcast, but was wondering about his strong testimony of President Russell M. Nelson. He says he communed with his Heavenly Father who confirmed that the LDS church was his true church upon the earth, and that President Nelson was his prophet. I would like to have my Heavenly Father address this, for I received a different witness from God the Father.

11. I came to the overlook to the fallen oak tree looking to the east. I could see the oak tree in front of me on the ground and Father's wheat field in the distance. I knelt and humbly prayed that my Heavenly Father would come to me.

12. He immediately came above the fallen oak tree which lay on its side, completely dead, with no apparent life.

13. He walked a few steps in the air to me and spoke: 'Raphael, we give our spirit of revelation to our humble and open elect children. They may receive our words and interpret what we speak to them. We will hold each man and woman responsible for how they receive our words, and if they obey and heed what we speak to them. However, we don't hold others responsible who may listen to their words unless we also speak a witness by our Spirit to those receiving their testimony. There may be many people who bear testimony of what they believe to be true, but our children are under no obligation to believe their words unless we testify that their words are true by our Spirit, or by the Holy Ghost.

14. Today when you listened to M.S.'s testimony of President Russell M. Nelson as being the Lord's anointed and prophet of God, we did not send our confirming Spirit to you. Other things that M.S. said we gave you a good feeling about, even a witness of their truth by our Spirit. This is often how we speak to you, or by our own mouth, or by the transfer of our thoughts and words to your own mind. By these means you may know the truth of all things.

15. I have previously shown to you several times the dramatic fall and burning of the oak tree below me. This represents the fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leaders. This includes President Russell M. Nelson who no longer speaks with us, his Gods. He is left to his own conjecture of what he thinks that the Spirit says to him. However, I say to you, our Spirit no longer speaks to him nor do we give him revelation from the heavens to direct the LDS church.

16. Raphael, you are responsible for what we have revealed to you. Our words and truths are accompanied by our Spirit. By this means, whether you receive the Spirit or not, you may know the truth of all things (see Moroni 10:5).

17. It is incumbent upon every man and woman to seek us and determine for themselves what they believe. We generously send our Spirit, even the Holy Ghost, to witness the truth of all things, or to not witness false notions or falsehoods. We have clearly done this for you today.

18. Some of our children may be unwilling to hear our truths, for they are blinded by that which they want to hear, or by their deeply ingrained traditions and taboos they have set for themselves as personal boundaries. They may so much want to hear what they believe is true that they close their hearts and minds to our deeper truths. Some will not hear what we gently whisper to them, for they are afraid of truth if it is too hard for them to bear.

19. You have thought of this scripture in JST Mark 9:44-46 this evening:

"Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or trusting another.

Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.

And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out."

20. Raphael, when a man or woman bears witness to you and you don't receive our confirming witness, then you may ask further of us. You will then know by the burning in the bosom if it is true, or by a stupor of thought, or a negative impression if it is false (see D&C 9:8-9). In this way you will be carefully led to know the mind of God in all situations that confront you.'

21. I felt a peaceful assurance from my Father that his words were true. I thanked him for this clarification, and told him I would set no boundaries of what he might reveal to me. I sought to be open to all things that he and Heavenly Mother might wish to share with me. I wanted to know all truth, regardless of how hard to bear it would be.

22. Heavenly Father smiled and said this was good. He then rose up into the celestial sky and was gone. I closed my prayer.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 13, 2021

1. I came this morning to the south portion of the roof of the New Jerusalem temple. I was alone, apart from the celestial workers and the tours. I came here to commune with my Heavenly Mother. I knelt and asked for my Mother to appear to me here.

2. She descended in a bright cloud directly above me. The cloud descended to a place above me in the air. My Heavenly Mother then stepped out of the cloud and stood before me in great glory! I felt the intense light of her being come into me. There was no part of my being that was not filled with her light.

3. She smiled upon me and spoke: 'Raphael, your Father's message to you last night is true. He gave you clear instructions on how to know if what another speaks is true or not. My Holy Ghost is with you continually, and I will testify of the truth of all things to your heart and mind. I will also do so for all of my sincere sons and daughters who are open to our whisperings and our gentle voices. Our children need to be open, humble, and consider themselves fools before God, or fully depend upon our words we will reveal to them.

4. 2 Nephi 9:42-43

"And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches-yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

And the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever-yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints."

5. Come now Raphael with me, and hold my hand, as we descend below us into our large south room of our temple. We will see the beautification work and progress that is currently being done.'

6. I stood and took her hand. We were then immediately in the air near the ceiling in the south room. I could see all before me.

7. She spoke again: 'Raphael, our celestial laborers here have fully painted the walls and ceilings that are stone. They have applied a clear coat over the light wood to help preserve its luster and great beauty. There are new sculpted motifs and flowers along the wall to ceiling intersections and corners. These match those in our north font room. A gold or silver line will be painted in multiple places along the walls today, bringing more beauty to the inside of our temple. Where there is a gold floor, these lines will be gold, and where there is a silver floor, these lines will be silver. These lines of gold or silver, and the celestial paint, will glow with our glory, day and night, so that no other illumination will be required.'

8. We then came to the east wall and viewed several murals painted by celestial artists. These were having finishing touches applied today by these celestial artists. They depicted various scenes of loving relationships of families of the children of God. They showed marriage, teaching of children, family gatherings, and older age of a married couple. These were all along the east wall.

9. Along the west wall there were the same number of paintings. These depicted the creation of God's great works: the earth and heavens, the plants and animals, and the great beauty of the New Jerusalem island and celestial temple block. All of these paintings were very real looking and magnificent!

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, during the endowment presentation, our children who will be seated in this room before our veil, will see in vision whatever we wish to show them. They will see scenes from our first parent Gods, and scenes from the lives of their Heavenly Father and me. This is to prepare them to become like us, couple Gods in eternity. When our instructions are completed, they will proceed through the veil of the temple into our very presence in our celestial temple entry room on the celestial orb. Oh, what a joyous experience this will be for all of us!

11. This beautification work will all be completed before midnight on July 17, 2021. You will meet with your Heavenly Father and me in the north font room that same evening for our final instructions and blessing to you prior to the dedication the next morning, on July 18, 2021.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words and short tour of the progress of beautification. I felt very honored and blessed to be in her glorious presence.

13. She then stepped into the bright cloud that reappeared, and then the cloud faded away. I felt deep peace and assurance that all was truly given to me, even as I wrote in my journal this morning. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

14. I had this email discussion with S.A. on 7-13-2021 concerning my journal entry from the evening of 7-12-2021 (starting at my above post 199J10):

"It does seem strange when some testify with firm conviction that they have received strong witnesses of him being God's prophet, and whenever I ask I haven't received that same answer. It also has made me wonder why.

It resonated as light and truth to read about how we can ask to know if something is true, if we don't receive a witness of what one testifies. Also, that we are only accountable to that which they witness to us. These words resonate as true!


15. Here is my email in response:

"S.A., thank you for taking the time to confirm what I received! It is such a great blessing to have confidence to pray to God and receive truth and direction, at any time. This reminds me of the scripture in D&C 121:45

". . . then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God"

When you or another receive the same witness as do I, it buoys me up and strengthens my faith. Thanks!

May I place this email conversation after my entry from this morning?

Warmly, your friend,

16. Here is her final response:

"Yes you may, and that scripture applies beautifully to this blessing and gift! It feels so assuring and comforting to be able to commune openly with my Gods in prayer!

Your friend,

17. I received this email on 7-14-2021 from M.A., about the same topic as S.A. wrote me:

"Good morning, R,

It will become a real stumbling block for so many in the LDS church to think that a prophet could actually lead the members astray. "Follow the Prophet" is so ingrained in the members, even as little children. It gives the members a sense of security to think that they have someone wiser and more spiritual to lead and guide them instead of thinking for themselves and going directly to God. M.S. has taught seminary and institute for so long there must be a lot that is tradition and hard for him to give up. I have children who may not ever believe that a prophet might be leading them astray.

It really concerns me. We as members have been taught to be so obedient and do just as the prophet says, not realizing that it's God's commandments we obey.

I received the same confirmation in prayer as you and S.A. did. We need to realize that men and women are mortal and not perfect and not everything they say is prophetic.

Have a blessed day,

18. Evening-I received a confirming email about President Nelson from S.A. tonight (and M.A. the next day, both above). This witness from her helped me feel more assured in my confidence and faith. Try as I might, I cannot get any positive confirmation that he is a prophet of God, nor that the LDS church is any more approved of God. I keep having the image in my mind of the fallen and burnt oak tree, on the celestial orb.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

1. I was interrupted last night with phone conversations I had with my mom and sister K. We think our mother had a stroke of some kind, for she was so incoherent when I called her last night. K spent the night with her. At one point our mother didn't recognize her and we are very concerned. She celebrated her 100th birthday a month ago, and has been remarkably lucid and self reliant until now. K is trying to pack, move, and now being with our mother, and has the heavy responsibility of that. She is the only local one of us four children to oversee things with our mom. Of course, this is upsetting to all of us children!

2. This morning I came to the calm desert oasis, and drank living water at its shore. I knelt and sought to commune with my Heavenly Father. He came to me, standing above the water. He was smiling and full of light.

3. He spoke: 'Raphael, the life of your earthly mother is in our hands. She has lived a good life on earth, and will one day leave mortality. When you prayed to me last night while on the phone with your sister K, I spoke peace to you and gave you the impression to have your sister remain with your mother, and not go to the hospital. This is how we had desired it to be done. These are difficult times for your sister and you, and your other two siblings. Although you are not with your failing mother or your sister, we will allow you to come near her as our angel of support and healing, unseen to all.

4. Mortality is difficult, particularly when a loved one departs and dies. The transition between life and death can be short or elongated, and is different for all. However, soon death arrives and tears of love and remembrances come. This can be a difficult time.

5. When our children transition from one realm to another, like your mortal mother will do soon, we have designed that there generally is no more connection with those left behind. However, for good upright people like your mother, she will be in a better place. She will be with her husband (your father) and loved ones in the spirit realms of the earth to where our deceased depart.

6. Similarly, when one of our elect transitions from the telestial realm on earth to the physical terrestrial mortal earth realm, on their travel to Zion and the New Jerusalem, there is normally no returning to the former state. The environment, the conditions that surround our elect, and the other elect people they meet and begin to associate with will all be new and different. It will be a world of great peace, safety, and abundant love. It will be by far a better world in which to live. This is the world that will remain for a full millennium. The old telestial world will pass away at some point, and all will become new and far better.

7. During the times of departure from loved ones, when our elect move to this terrestrial realm, their separation will be like the death of a loved one. The separation, however, is not forever, for they will one day generally be able to see their loved ones again, even in a future day. We will, at some point, separate our children into their final worlds of glory, when we reward them for their works on earth. Those who have been valiant and faithful to us will have the most glory, and the freedom to visit their family members wherever they may be. In the end, all who receive a kingdom of glory, whether celestial, terrestrial, or telestial, wil be most happy where they will be eternally assigned and placed.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of comfort and peace to me this morning. I said I loved him, and would always follow him and Heavenly Mother.

9. He departed and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Evening-I came this evening to a future night at the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem island. The water was shooting up into the air. A celestial glow surrounded the living water and the fountain area. The trees of life nearly also glowed because of their white fruit that gently lit up the tree. I was alone.

11. I drank living water from the fountain, and then came to the eastern tree of life and ate a glowing fruit. I felt great peace and was settled and happy. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

12. She walked from the other side of the tree of life, and stood before me in her great beauty and majesty. I came to my knees in front of her. She spoke: 'Raphael, you, your wife and son spent the day celebrating the birthday of your oldest daughter. You took the entire afternoon and early evening focusing on her and her two children. She was so pleased and happy with the love you all showered upon her, making her birthday a big celebration.

13. The attention you gave to her and her two young boys is the type of love, care, and service that our elect will have for each other, even to those not in their families. They will be genuinely interested in the happiness and well-being of each other. This sort of love is rarely found in your telestial world except for parents' love to their children. The intensity of service and love will be similar to this love that some parents have for their children. They will study what service would delight their neighbors and then actively do it. This is akin to the love Jesus had for his disciples.

14. John 13: 34-35

"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

15. When you felt tired today, you still pushed through and did the things that made your daughter and her two boys feel so special and happy. You didn't do your own will, but you did what pleased them. This is the type of love Jesus, our Beloved Son, showered upon his disciples and all the people he ministered to. He rarely thought of himself, or his own needs. When he had any free time, he often sought us, his Heavenly Parents in prayer. He then sought to do our will, and not his own. This was truly selfless service.

16. John 3: 30

"...because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

17. Love in the terrestrial realm focuses on the one who is being served. Love in your telestial world has waxed cold (see Matthew 24: 12). Often in your society, the love expressed or done for others has something in it for the one serving, rather than selfless love typical of our Zion society. In that realm, we won't have a people who have ulterior self-centered motives when giving service to others. The love in Zion is pure love, given freely without thought of personal compensation of any kind. The focus is also fully on the one being served, and not the one serving. This type of love will spread quickly among our faithful living in Zion, and will make a very peaceful and happy community. Here is where we will shine forth our love in our heavenly light upon all the people.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great insights in the increased quality of love in the terrestrial realm. I expressed my joy to be in her presence, and my love for her.

19. She then took a few steps to go to the other side of the trunk of the tree of life, and vanished from my sight. I closed my prayer.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 15, 2021

1. I came this morning in my prayer to visit the trek to Zion that I myself am on. I came several hundred feet above the camp in the air. It looked like the camp was cleaning up after breakfast, ready to soon begin another day's walking. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.

2. Heavenly Father then came to my side, also looking down on our group of twenty individuals. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your trek to Zion has been on their course to the New Jerusalem for six weeks (see your post 196F2). You are at the halfway point in your journey, and will arrive at the New Jerusalem during the last week of August, 2021. This will be about a month before you come there with your wife and family. You have been walking about 8 to 10 miles per day. Each day you have begun your trek with a prayer, and we have shown you a light on the horizon to the east. This has been the direction of travel for you to take that day. There are several others in your group this morning that will also see the light on the horizon after your group kneeling prayer. Let's go close, and watch their excitement.'

3. I then stood, and together Heavenly Father and I descended to the camp. We couldn't be seen. They had everything ready to depart for the day's journey, and were kneeling in prayer. One of the men with a family was offering a prayer to the Father. He asked in his prayer that others in their group would also see the directional light like R saw each day. He thanked his God for having been on their journey for six weeks, and the changes in the hearts and minds since they began their trek. He pled for more personal revelation to be poured out upon each one in their group as they humbly sought to know and hear the voice of the Spirit.

4. Upon concluding his prayer, he looked to the east and excitedly spoke that he saw the same light that R saw, that would guide them that day in the direction they should travel. Another woman and a child said they saw this light too. Others peered to the east but didn't see the light.

5. I then in my group, stood up from the ground where I had been kneeling and spoke: 'I believe by the end of this week we will all be able to see the guiding light.' I hope you will each pray for this in your heart while we walk today, and then this evening in your personal prayers. I believe seeing this light will give you a boost in your faith and confidence!'

6. My words seemed to settle upon the others, and some were crying, and others were visibly touched. Heavenly Father said he was going to send his spirit among all of us at that moment. He raised his arm, and I saw a glow come upon all, which I knew was the visual sign to me of the Spirit of God coming in their midst. No one spoke, and some got back on their knees and had a personal prayer. I saw my own replicated self on the ground look up towards Heavenly Father and I, and smile in recognition of our presence.

7. This sign brought deep emotions in me. I was so glad to view and participate with my friends and myself in my trek group!

8. Heavenly Father then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, we want these sorts of experiences to happen in all of those groups who travel to Zion! We could have transported your group to the New Jerusalem instantly, but then they would miss out on the spiritual growth of such experiences in a walking trek together. These sorts of gradual, day by day spiritual events are shaping each one to be prepared for Zion, the pure in heart. Oh, how your Heavenly Mother and I love our elect!'

9. With these words, Heavenly Father and I moved back up into the sky. He continued ascending and I stayed several hundred feet above the camp. I thanked him in my mind for this moving experience this morning. I believe I stayed in the air, watching the company below me. I then closed my morning prayer.