157. The New Virus
Posted 4-25-2020
Hello my friends,
I have important information to share with you about a new virus that is soon to come upon the earth, starting from our very own Salt Lake Valley! I believe it has already started. I have been in an email exchange with S and M.A. over the past five days, and we have all received parts of this revelation. Please pray about this very serious matter also, and find out for yourself if what we have said is true or not. I would suggest also for you to carefully follow all promptings you receive so that your life is fully guided by God and not yourself.
I also address in this post that self-doubts that are common to mankind, whenever any of us receive promptings and revelations from God. I have learned a lot personally about myself from my prayers, my level of belief and faith. I am working on these things myself.
Please pray for the faithful, your friends and family! I believe there will be many who will come unto God during the extremities of these times, or become part of the cleansing of the wicked. Scary times!
P.S. This email is pretty heavy and unsettling, so I have included a lot of fruit tree blossom pictures. Our fruit trees are all blossoming now. Enjoy!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2020, Thursday
1. This morning I came to the celestial orb and knelt next to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. All was spring like and beautiful there, with daffodils, tulips and irises all around. In my Utah area, the daffodils and tulips pass on before the irises bloom.
2. I faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came in a shaft of light upon the lake, and then walked in the air towards me! I felt her deep love and acceptance of me.
3. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, even though you might feel very normal or ordinary, you are still our mortal prophet of the Church of the Firstborn. We have chosen you and you have not chosen yourself. You are called of God, like Jesus called his earliest apostles:
4. John 15:16–"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you."
5. Continue in daily communion with us, your Gods, and we will continue pouring out upon you our Spirit and directions.
6. D&C 42:61–"If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."
7. This same promise we extend to all of our faithful. We require a humble, open heart and a willing mind to shift their views, beliefs and actions according to our will, and not to follow man, or the ways and thinking of man or the society of man. We will thereby lead our elect into a better world of peace, joy, and soon our millennium as we have promised.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her truths, and for the revelations I have received! I thanked her for shedding forth her abundant light upon me. I said how I cherished her peace in my troubled world.
She smiled and then walked over to her beautiful flowers all around us. She bent over, smelling some irises, and then walked in the air above her flowers, and then was gone.
I closed my prayer. I felt her lingering peace remain with me. I feel prepared for a new day.
9. At night–During my prayer Heavenly Father came and confirmed to me that the coronavirus and events coming to the earth are in large part planned by conspiring men to destroy much of humanity and collapse the nations. Their plan is world domination. These will be cut short in their plans by God, and they themselves will be destroyed. I lay in bed thinking on these things as I fell to sleep.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 17, 2020, Friday
1. Tonight after a full day I came in prayer to a place in space above the earth. The earth looked so beautiful below me, and was glowing into all the dark space around me.
2. I knelt in space, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came quickly in a beam of light! She stood to my right, also facing the earth below us.
I asked for her forgiveness for complaining about the slight inconveniences we had been experiencing in the quarantine. I knew we were just at the beginning of the tribulations. I said that I knew that M.A. was correct in the email she wrote to me today–that we need to be humbled much more in order to receive so much that is coming in the millennial days ahead.
3. Heavenly Mother then turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, in every eternity that we have had, there is a telestial period followed by a terrestrial period. There is always a transition between the telestial to the terrestrial, which has been difficult for our elect living on their earths at that time. Your tribulations will also be difficult for all the faithful on your earth.
4. The tribulations in our previous eternities, and also your eternity in this transitionary period, are mostly the designs of wicked men and their organizations to control and subjugate humanity. Your Heavenly Father and I are overall in full control, and we let them only fulfill their evil designs as these plans fit into our purposes to removed the wicked and to purify and prepare the righteous.
5. Stay near to your Heavenly Father and me, and we will lead you in every moment with our directions and abundant revelations! Fear not, but rely on my light and peace, and you will lead our faithful in our ways, and help them navigate to our better world of peace and rest.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words that she spoke to my mind and heart. She asked me to write these her words before I went to sleep. I have written all she spoke. She then smiled and left me. I arose and returned to my home and went to sleep.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 18, 2020, Saturday
1. It is surprising to me how fast the weekend is here again! I can hardly remember all that happened, day-by-day, between last weekend and this one.
2. I came to the circling waters this morning on the celestial orb. I had first gone to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and the leaf, and asked again that my food on earth be living food. I also knelt down and drank from the circling waters and felt refreshed by living water. I asked that my water on earth be also living water to me. I felt invigorated and clear.
3. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my petition and prayer.
Heavenly Father then appeared in front of me, a little elevated above the waters. He immediately spoke to me:
4. 'Raphael, when our four archangels blow their trumpets, the promised events given in Revelation chapter 8 may overlap into the events of the other angels, even after they blow their trumpets. They are not all to occur within the month following their sounding of the trumpets.
5. With the coronavirus in your land, it will not die off from the population before other bioweapon viruses are released. The intent of conspiring men and their organizations who release these infectious diseases and other manmade calamities such as severe weather, fires, earthquakes and more, will be to destroy the economies of nations and to benefit from the financial collapse that comes from them. They also intend to depopulate much of humanity and launch their own new world order. They envision a highly controlled police state. They do not realize that their plans will be upset by invading hostile armies who will topple their best-laid plans (see Isaiah chapter 13).
6. Isaiah 13:17,19:
"Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.
. . . And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah."
7. Then once this invading army destroys Babylon, the great, who want to be benefited from the financial collapse of your nation and all other countries, I will destroy this army from off your land (see Isaiah chapter 10).
8. All of these international intrigues, and plans of wicked men and their organizations and nations, shall lay your land waste. Once the wicked destroy the wicked, and Babylon, or the wickedness of your world is destroyed, then will I bring forth Zion. Zion cannot be established in the midst of your land until it is cleansed of your corrupt government and secret societies that now riddle the land. It is then that the remnants of Israel shall come forth from the north countries, and that we will command you to begin the foundations of the New Jerusalem. The earth shall also convulse and add to the cleansing on the land.
9. Raphael, we see all the plans and secret thoughts of conspiring men and women, and will use these to work our great purposes to transition your earth from a telestial state to a glorious terrestrial state. The promised millennium will come after much tribulation upon the earth.'
10. Heavenly Father smiled upon me, and comforted me with his words of peace and acceptance:
'Raphael, follow all of the revelations that we will give to you, and we will guide you and our faithful through these dark days ahead. We will have a humble and an open people who know our voice and keep our commandments.'
11. I thanked him for his beautiful message today! I said I would do as he and Heavenly Mother guide me.
He then departed into his higher celestial realm, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 19, 2020, Sunday
1. I awoke an hour ago and quickly read my latest post 156 again. I feel gratified that I was able to hear the words of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in my mind and heart, and to write these down in my journal. I love doing this daily, and connecting to my Gods.
2. Last night I got to bed late after trying to find a high adventure movie on Amazon and on YouTube. I zipped through half a dozen or so movies, but was not satisfied in what I found. I felt a little guilty for wasting my time until midnight.
3. I then talked to my wife, and had my evening prayer after that. Heavenly Mother came to me at the little pool at the base of the granite cliff, at the far end of her upper garden on the celestial orb. She stood in light above the little pool. She was smiling and very accepting of me.
4. She said this: 'Raphael, a bow has to be unstrung occasionally to remain strong and balanced. Do not feel guilty in having free time to unwind, or doing seemingly silly things with your time. We love you and accept you! Your activities you do in your free time can balance and strengthen you overall.'
5. I feel so comforted in her words! I thanked her and told her I loved her counsel so much that she always gives me. She smiled and disappeared. I closed my prayer and went to bed. Before doing so, I asked if I could record this interchange in the morning, and felt that I could.
6. I am now ready to have my morning prayer. I received two good emails this morning, one from B and the other from S. I so appreciate their support, and for them testing and praying about all my words that I share in my posts.
7. S wrote of an event soon coming to the LDS Church, which would be compared to a snake that has its head chopped off. The body of the snake would writhe around, symbolic of the members wondering what had just happened to their leaders. Those who prayed sincerely, with open hearts and minds, would be led by God to understand or ponder things, that they had never before considered. Those who didn't pray would be left in the dark. These are my thoughts as I now begin my prayer.
8. I came to the overlook to the fallen oak tree on the celestial orb. I came here because I felt I should come here. I looked and the tree before me was old and starting to rot. This was before the intense fire would come down in the future to consume it, that I had seen in previous visions (see my post 108F12-108F12 and post 154H3).
Anyway, I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Father. He then came from the path behind me, and stood next to my right side while I knelt. He too was looking at the fallen oak tree.
9. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, S is correct the there will be an event that will be a shock to the LDS Church members, in the near future. It will be akin to a snake whose head I chopped off, and its body writhes for some time. It will also be akin to this fallen oak tree that is decaying now before us, ready for me to burn it by my intense fire.
10. There are many in the LDS Church now who are my elect, but are misguided in their beliefs. They have listened to and been led by man for so long that they don't know how to receive our revelations for themselves. The are as infants who need to be taught to follow our Spirit, and be led by us and not man, for the first time in their lives. This will be scary for many of them, and they will doubt their own impressions and leanings. They will need to be buoyed up in their faith in us, their Gods.
11. The only way we can awaken our elect is for these who "are at ease in Zion" to be shocked and writhe in their unbelief of what will occur. Here what Nephi wrote about them:
12. 2 Nephi 28:21-28, particularly verses 21, 24-27 given below-
"And others will he (Satan) pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
. . . Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!
Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!
Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!
Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!"'
13. Heavenly Father then turned to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. He spoke directly to me, looking me in my eyes:
14. 'Raphael, we need to shock these our elect with trauma and an event that will bring them to their knees in prayer to me, their Father, in the name of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It is only then that I will begin speaking peace to their souls, and lead them tenderly along, as fast as they are able to reject their religious and world beliefs, and accept those of your Heavenly Mother and me that we give them by revelation.'
15. 2 Nephi 28:30-32:
"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him (or her) that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men (their leaders in their church and world), save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Wo be unto the Gentiles (these include the LDS Church members as well as the peoples of your nation and the world), saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."' (words in parenthesis given my Heavenly Father).
16. Heavenly Father then lowered his arms and moved backwards above the fallen oak tree. He raised his right arm and fire came down and consumed the fallen tree! This was the third time I had seen this tree that represented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, burn with fire. I believe that my seeing this fire burn the tree now three separate times makes this event more sure somehow in my mind as an unalterable happening.
My vision then closed. I ended my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
17. At night–I received an email from M.A. about premonitions she had yesterday and today, about something perhaps coming from the sky. She wondered if I had felt anything like this. I wrote her back and said that I hadn't. I also said I thought she wasn't crazy (she asked me that!). I said I would pray about this tonight.
18. I was tired when I finally prayed. I came to the celestial orb in the air, high above the cliff to the south of God's Loving Lake. I knelt in the air here, and faced God's temple in the distance. I prayed for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
19. Heavenly Mother came before me. I told her about M.A.'s concerns. She listened and then spoke:
'Raphael, M.A. felt our prompting of an event coming from the skies in the Salt Lake area. We gave her those impressions. There will be an event this week that both S, M.A., and you have been told will come to the physical earth.'
20. This was her message that I heard in my mind. She then faded away and there came a mist of clouds where she had been. I wrote all of this down at the time, and then I now am going to bed. We will see what develops this coming week!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 20, 2020, Monday
1. After I awoke this morning to sun streaming in my east window, I looked at my cell phone. I had shared with S my journal entry from yesterday morning. S had written me and given me permission to use the portion of his email I wrote about in my journal. I then looked at my KSL phone app (Utah news channel) in search for any local news in Utah that was unusual. Seeing none, I knelt by my recliner and prayed.
2. I came to the outcropping above the circling waters, and knelt facing the temple on the celestial orb. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I prayed in faith, hoping he would come.
3. I then saw a light glowing in the celestial sky, and Heavenly Father came quickly before me in a beam of light from the cloud!
I gazed into his eyes and face. I yearned to see what he saw coming up this week in future events in my area of Utah. Suddenly I was somehow swept into his mind, even through his eyes! I don't know how this was done. However, I soon came in front of Heavenly Father kneeling again. I don't know if part of me, in a replicated state, was still looking out of the eyes of God upon me kneeling. I think that this experience was to let me know that my prayer would be from God's perspective, and not my own.
4. I then spoke to my Heavenly Father, all about M.A.'s email and the response I received from Heavenly Mother last night. I admitted to him that I felt shy about being too bold in writing something that might not come to pass, or that I didn't hear correctly. I then felt I should forget all such wonderings and fears, and share and write exactly what comes into my heart and mind, even as Samuel the Lamanite did when he went upon the wall of the city and prophesied great things.
5. When I was done asking my Heavenly Father these things, he spoke:
'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about late last night, and what you wrote at that time in your journal is true. We did prompt M.A. about an event that would come from the sky, and for her to remain inside and keep her windows shut. There will be an event that comes this week in the Salt Lake City area that will come from the sky and that will take by surprise many people.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father. I then sat up and wrote all of these words in the calmness of my private bedroom and my quiet meditations.
6. Heavenly Father then further spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, get used to writing our words as we give you information of things to come upon your lands and the world you live in. You read also from the news reports this morning on your phone about more tornadoes and severe hail weather in the southern states of your nation. The report indicates that "the past seven days have been 400 to 600+ percent of normal in the Tennessee Valley," according to the weather service.
7. Raphael, the severe weather has been initiated by evil and conspiring men and their organizations that have manipulated weather patterns, using their machines and science. They are finishing up their extreme weather testing so that they may do this targeted destruction upon other areas of your country. Their control of weather patterns has been being developed for years, and now they are also unleashing this according to their desires. These secret societies have no feelings of disrupting lives and property, and killing many people. When they work in secret and with great power, they feel that they even have the power of God to do according to their plans and desires.
8. Write freely in your journal all things that come into your heart and mind. Continue to approach your Heavenly Mother and me in your meditations and prayers, and we will continue to reveal to you things and events that will shortly come to pass.'
9. At this moment I felt a strong breeze come from the east behind me. Heavenly Father's cape started blowing in the wind to the west. I remembered he had said that the east wind "bringeth immediate destruction."
He then suddenly went back into the cloud in a flash of light and was gone. The wind stopped and there was a great calm. I could even hear the gurgling water in the river below me, and the waterfall in the distance.
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirmations this morning. I said I would write exactly as I perceived and share this with those on my email list in my next post. I said that I wouldn't fret or worry about these things, but go about my daily work. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother stay nearby me today and this week, and prompt me as they desire. I closed my prayer and started my day.
11. Evening–Tonight I came in my private room to pray. I came to the path just north of the domed room on the celestial orb. The domed room was to my left, and the way to the switchback path leading down to God's Healing Lake was to my right. I knelt on the grass facing west to the path.
I prayed for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come tonight. I felt particularly humble and open. I was thinking about the prophesied event coming sometime to the Salt Lake Valley.
12. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came walking down the path to me! They came from my right side. They paused when they got to me, and Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, stand and come with us into the domed room!'
I stood and took Heavenly Mother's left hand. We all three then walked up to the domed room and a wide doorway opened up and we entered.
We came to the center of the room. Both of my Heavenly Parents then faced me, and Heavenly Father spoke:
13. 'Raphael, what is your request of us tonight?'
I then recounted how I felt anxious about the event that they each had told me about that would happen this week in the skies above Salt Lake City. I expressed in humility that I hoped I had heard and then recorded all that they said clearly enough. I said I only wanted to report what they said to me, and nothing of my own. I said I was trying to be as open and clear as I could, and that I wanted to see more what would happen, if they were willing.
14. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, I will buoy and strengthen your faith. Write in your journal only what you hear and perceive when we reveal our thoughts to you in your mind and heart. You are not embellishing anything that we say to you. You are also not responsible for what we say, for you only write our words that you receive and feel impressed to record. This is a true record that nobody can change, for it is your personal account. Whether you hear us correctly or not, what you have recorded is your own account. We want all who read your words in your journal not to take your own witness that they are truly what you received, but we want them to test your words, and receive their own witness from us. They will each need to pray openly and humbly to us on their own, and receive their own confirmations by our Spirit to their heart and mind.
Even if what you write were to not come to pass, you would still have been true to what you heard, perceived and wrote at the time. This is your personal account.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear and reasonable words! I felt my main task was not to worry if what I write is true or not, but that I have received the words from God and written these words down as I heard and perceived them. I felt comforted in this understanding. This buoyed my faith.
16. Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, look now upon the rounded walls and ceiling of this domed room. This is what will occur this week in the skies above Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake Valley.'
17. I then looked up and saw a small airplane flying across the sky. To me, the rounded walls and ceiling appeared like the Salt Lake Valley in a panoramic view. I looked closer and could see that there was a spraying device letting out some lethal bioweapon virus! I saw this virus falling to the earth–to the city, to neighborhoods, and was dispersed with the winds over a great area. It seemed that the airplane flew in a crisscross pattern across the skies several times before the canister of virus spray was expended. The plane then flew away.
18. I then realized this was an invasion on the people by a hostile power! I thought it was from Russia or China, and had been developed over the years with the intention to kill the people and decimate the economy. These enemies wanted our land and infrastructure, but not the people.
19. As I looked upon Heavenly Mother and then Heavenly Father, they were both very sober looking. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:
'Those who are our elect now have my corona flame to protect them from this deadly virus. This is the greatest protection that our mortal children can receive. Also fresh greens, like you have been taking, will be very helpful for them to survive this deadly virus. It is more lethal than the coronavirus that has come upon your land and the world. From here, this new virus will spread forth. It will also be sprayed over other cities of your lands, and will eventually spread across the earth.
20. Raphael, these attacks are the doings of man and their evil regimes against humanity. We have allowed them to come upon the people in order to cleanse the earth of the wicked, and to bring our own elect to us in humility, with an open heart.'
21. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father then held hands and began ascending through the ceiling of the domed room! The celestial sky opened up, and they rose with increasing speed. Soon they left to the north, I believe to their temple.
I looked again and the ceiling closed and the domed room was like it was in the beginning when we first came in.
22. I knelt and thanked my Heavenly Parents for this dramatic revelation tonight! I said I would be more faithful and to try not to doubt so much what great things they reveal to me! I closed my prayer and went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 21, 2020, Tuesday
1. I awoke a little later than normal, for I had a hard time getting to sleep after I had seen the airplane spraying its lethal virus on the Salt Lake Valley.
2. I had sent my recent journal entries last evening to M.A., but not last night's entry yet. I really liked her response that I received this morning (see this at the end of this entry). We who are God's children often have many self-doubts. She and I are no exception, particularly in receiving a revelation about an event in the near future of such terrible consequences. I want to think not of the message so much, but of how clear I am in recording what I received. I loved what my Heavenly Father told me last night in his response to my self-doubts!
3. This morning I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I felt great peace here! I knelt, faced the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
She appeared directly in front of me, in subdued light, but being very bright immediately around her being. She was smiling, and her eyes were sparkling. She began to speak to me:
4. 'Raphael, my son, all of our prophets who have ever received great revelations from us had to question if they saw and heard us correctly. Self-doubts are what mortal beings have to insure themselves that they are correct in what they claim they saw and heard from us.
5. When Nephi, the son of Nephi, predicted that the chief judge in the land had been murdered by his brother (see Helaman 8:29), he was filled with my Spirit. He had been arraigned before the corrupt leaders of the people, and chastised them and taught them according to my revelations that flowed into him. Nephi was a pure conduit, as was Samuel the Lamanite, and declared whatever came into his heart and mind, which was directly from me. Nephi's only desire was to speak my words, and not to worry about his own safety, or whether his words were said exactly right. When enveloped by the Spirit of God, our mortal children may speak and declare great things without regard to what seems reasonable, outlandish, or risky for them to declare. There is no self-doubt in these cases, for the Spirit of God, even my Holy Ghost, overshadowed them and they were filled with my light and clairvoyance.
6. On the other hand, when you receive revelation in your quiet meditations, you write our words in the clarity of your mind. Before you share these words, you may wonder if you wrote our revelations correctly, or heard us right. This is natural. However, remember those moments that we, your Gods, filled you with clarity, peace and a new perspective, or new ideas that were not your own. This will give you greater confidence and faith that your record is true, and given to you from us your Gods.
7. What you experienced last night in the domed room actually happened, even as you wrote this at the time. Does not your record speak peace and truth to your heart and mind, even now?
8. This is the same Spirit by which Oliver Cowdery was able to verify the truth:
D&C 6:20-24–
"Behold, thou art Oliver, and I have spoken unto thee because of thy desires; therefore treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love.
Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the same that came unto mine own, and mine own received me not. I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.
Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?
And now, behold, you have received a witness; for if I have told you things which no man knoweth have you not received a witness?" '
9. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for coming and being loving, patient and straightforward with me! I told her how much I loved her, and loved her counsels.
She then departed quickly. I mused over my vision, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus.
10. I received this email from M.A. today. I had sent her copies of my journal entries from 4-19-2020 (D1 above) to 4-20-2020 (E10 above). Here is her response:
Here is my email conversation with M.A.:
4-19-2020, 2 PM
"Hi R,
Saturday I was told I could go only to a certain grocery store to buy what I needed. But after Saturday I am to stay inside my home and not even go outside for the next event will soon happen. I'm told to even keep my windows closed. S was told, "What is soon coming to the land above (what is meant by above, upon, or from the sky?) the current coronavirus pandemic will be unexpected, sudden and intense like hail." I'm sensing the next poison will come from the sky or fall from the sky. Am I nuts? Have you been told not to leave the inside of your house? Or am I being paranoid?
Thought I'd ask."
11. Email from R to M.A.:
4-19-2020, 4 PM
"Wow, sounds like something is imminent! I will ponder and think on this too. Thank you for sharing, M.A.. And I don't think you are crazy either! We will see.
(I then shared with her my journal entries above from S.)
12. Email from M.A. to R:
4-21-2020, 8 AM
"Good morning R,
Thank you for sharing what you have received. I feel so hesitant in sharing premonitions that I have, mostly out of fear that I am wrong. I still have the same premonitions about this week. Nothing has changed concerning what I wrote you about. I understand completely about how we both have self-doubts. The impressions I got were so nagging and I kept asking Heavenly Father over and over. I'm sure I must weary Him by constantly re-asking the same questions over and over. But then I think, "Well we do have a veil between our conscious and unconscious minds." I guess it is normal to doubt ourselves. My motto is, "BELIEVE that you can, and you can." (Even if it is receiving directions and promptings from God.). I think we are going to be teaching others how to get over their self-doubts when it comes to receiving personal revelations. So many of the elect are unaware they are capable of really connecting with our Heavenly Parents. They think that is something only prophets do. But then receiving personal revelation makes everyone who receives it, a prophet, just like Lehi. He was not considered a prophet for his day, but he became a prophet for his family. I guess we need to stop the self-doubt and believe all is possible to him who believes.
Again thank you for your timely reply to me. I appreciate it. Maybe I'm not crazy.
PS. the snake writhing with its head cut off, was a great analogy."
13. Evening–I came this evening to the bench facing the circling waters. When I arrived I saw Heavenly Father sitting on the bench next to me on my right. He was speaking to me. He said this:
'Raphael, the lessons we want you to learn from the revelations about the new virus over the Salt Lake Valley are important for each of our children to learn. These lessons are to teach you to trust what you hear and perceive from us your Gods. As you develop great trust and faith in your ability to hear the words of us your Gods, then we may truly lead you.
You are tired now, and it is late. I love you, my son. Write my words now before you retire to bed.'
My vision closed and I ended my prayer. I wrote all of this and then went to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 22, 2020, Wednesday
1. I came to my private room before the family awoke. I love the sunshine coming into this bedroom, in the early morning!
2. I came to the small meadow to the west of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. I walked down the small hill and knelt next to a horizontal log on the north end of the meadow. I prayed for either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. Heavenly Mother came to me, walking down the hill a little above the ground in the air! She was bright and radiant! I gazed into her eternity eyes that were so very deep and seemed to sparkle somehow. She then spoke:
4. 'Raphael, you have gained the skill and practice of receiving in your conscious mind what we speak to you in your unconscious mind and heart. You are now kneeling before me, looking into my eyes and face. This is reality here on the celestial orb, but in your mortal mind, you need to quiet down in a meditative state to perceive this. You are very good now at writing what we say to you in your unconscious mind, and hearing our Spirit speak to you.
5. Continue to trust in these impressions and thoughts we give you. You can be sure what we say and do with you in this celestial orb, or in the celestial realm on the earth, for you can see and hear these things, even in your mortal mind. These are the lessons your Heavenly Father spoke to you about last night in your prayer.
6. When you let self-doubt come into your mortal conscious mind, then reconfirm that we have truly spoken to you. When you ask for a confirmation, we will again give you of our Spirit that will enlighten your mind and give you peace and assurance. You may therefore be sure that you have heard us clearly and have written correctly whatever we have spoken to you.
7. As you continue to do this, your unconscious mind will become more and more clearly revealed to you in your mortal life. This unconscious part of your mind will become fully part of your conscious mind once you come to the New Jerusalem area in your mortal body to start building this great city. Until then you will need to quiet yourself down, remove distractions, and approach us in prayer and be open to hear what we say to you. We will then give you glimpses of what we speak to your heart and mind in these celestial realms.'
8. Heavenly Mother then stopped and smiled her love and acceptance upon me! I felt her light come into me, accompanied by these sweet emotions. Oh, I love to be in her presence!
She then turned and walked back up the little hill and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
9. Afternoon: I received this email from M.A. today. I had sent her copies of my journal entries from 4-20-2020 (E11 above) to 4-21-2020 (F9 above). Here is her response:
Email from M.A. to R:
4-22-2020, 10 AM
"Good morning R,
Yes you may share what I wrote.
I prayed this morning about the truthfulness of what you sent me last night. Heavenly Father said it was all correct. He said that the virus was being released at the time, you were witnessing it happening while in the domed room in God's Loving Healing center.
Thank you for sharing. It did fall from the sky like rain. It is so hard to believe that there is such evil in the world and that other mortals could inflict such horror on other human beings. It is time for a cleansing so that peace, love, and kindness can return to the earth. I was told to focus on the good that would come forth and to stay positive and happy even during these cleansing times.
Have a blessed day,
10. Email from R to M.A.:
4-22-2020, 6 PM
"Thank you M.A. for your second witness! I am so glad that you tested all that I wrote you last night. It was surprising at first that the virus was being released as I saw it happening. I feel that was also true. That was a little past midnight on 4-20-2020, so this would be on 4-21-2020 very early in the morning. I believe that most of it is now on the earth, or blown to other local areas.
It is very difficult for me also to know how evil men and regimes could deliberately kill so many, for how could this not do that? It is part of our day when wars will come upon all the face of the earth.
I too want to focus on the good that is in the world, and look forward to the righteous day of the millennium soon to come forth on the earth.
Thanks again for allowing me to share this.
11. Here is an email I wrote S tonight:
Wed, 4-22-2020, 10 PM
You had written me two days ago about the writhing snake confirmation that I had received from you. It is good that we bounce our inspirations off each other.
Since then I have been in a conversation with M.A. about a peculiar prompting she had to stay inside and shut her windows (she lives in the Ogden area of Utah, north of Salt Lake City). We had both approached God in prayer. The result of all of this concluded today.
My request is that you read what I have written below and pray about this also. I want an unbiased confirmation or not of its truthfulness from you, if you will do that. It is of great significance. I trust your judgment because I know that you will let me know what you think and what God tells you. I only ask that you keep open and test what we have both received.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 23, 2020, Thursday
1. I received yesterday M.A.'s confirming email about my journal entries. I then shared all of this since Monday with S. He wrote me back this morning a very confirming email. I feel like these two individuals and me have received independent confirmations from God on this same event that came from the skies above the Salt Lake Valley.
2. This is according to what Jesus said in Matthew 18:16: "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."
3. S also asked me what my thoughts of his journal entry from 3-3-2020 were (see below his email).
4. I came this morning to the circling waters, facing the distant temple of God to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I had come here last night and Heavenly Father came but said nothing. Maybe he said nothing because he wanted me to read S's email from this morning?
5. Heavenly Father came next to me on my left side. He seemed intent on saying something right away, for he immediately spoke:
'Raphael, you have read S's email, M.A.'s emails, and all of your journal entries since Sunday again this morning. You now have three witnesses from you and your friends that the attack of the new bioweapon virus in your Utah skies is true. We have witnessed to all of you our truths, for we see all the secret acts of men that nobody else sees. All of these reports from you three are true and correctly written.
6. It is now time to conclude your post 157 and send this out to your email list. Ask S if you may include his email from this morning in this post too.
7. This outbreak of disease in the Salt Lake City area will begin soon. Stay close to our Spirit and follow our promptings in all things!'
8. Heavenly Father then smiled, placed his right hand on my shoulder, looked sober again and spoke to me:
'Raphael, there will now begin increased activity of you and our holy angels in helping those in distress who begin suffering from this terrible virus coming upon humanity. Keep your mortal self safe, by remaining quarantined as you have been doing, and by being careful. You will then be able to serve us fully as our conduit for healing and protection for our elect who may fall pray to this latest plague.'
9. I thanked my Father. I said I would do all he asks of me.
He then stepped backwards and was gone into his higher celestial realm. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
10. Email from S this morning:
4-23-2020, 8 AM
Thanks for sharing this message that is very timely. I will share what I recorded in my journal this morning and from an entry 56 pages or 6 weeks ago too.
I received an urgent email from Raphael to read and pray about a virus coming from planes in the sky that would affect SLC and other major cities in the U.S. from evil conspiring men.
When I read the entries from Raphael, I felt the spirit whisper the truth to my heart and it was almost an overpowering sensation that started in my heart and filled my whole body. I felt an impression immediately afterwards that I had received something in prayer that I recorded about this event. I read my last 2 days of journals, but that was not it. I felt to review a prayer from a month or two ago. I flipped back once 56 pages of journal to 3-3-20. I read this entry and the spirit whispered that this was the journal entry I needed to read prior to prayer. I read the entry and realized that at the time I did not know what event I was seeing. (This previous entry is at the end of my email today)
I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father sat upon their thrones and I knelt before them. I felt urgency to speak to them. I asked about what I read from Raphael and M.A. this morning. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, "What they recorded is true. You felt my spirit whisper the truth as you read the record and I confirmed it to your heart. You also received the impression to search your previous journal entries. You flipped back 56 pages once to the exact entry where you were shown the aftermath of this event. At the time, you did not know the event's timing or what caused it to occur. This event spoken to Raphael and M.A. is the causes of what you saw. As you can see now, this will have a strong immediate effect upon our elect to distress them and cause them to seek us in their great need and despair." At this time she looked to Heavenly Father seated to her left, and he spoke to me, "This event will begin the timing when we desired you to no longer go to work at the hospital. Our spirit will direct you to the moment or minute to make this decision. Some of your extended family will receive the simple impression, "Go!" and they will know what that means. You are to open your guest house and share your provisions with those we lead by our spirit to join you and your sister S.A. Look to us in faith and cause your children to seek us in mighty prayer for solace and understanding."
I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for their message. I felt secure and calm in their presence. This scene closed and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.
11. Previous journal entry from 3-3-20:
In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was then looking down on a scene of death and carnage all about me. I saw people suffering or lying dead in the streets. I perceived that a great stink of dead bodies rent the air. It was a frightening thing to behold and witness. A light appeared as my Heavenly Mother appeared to my left and Heavenly Father appeared to my right. They were at peace, calm, and full of light. Heavenly Mother spoke, "You have not experienced or witnessed what you now see before you firsthand. Mormon and Moroni experienced this and wrote in detail of the Nephite destruction. Their souls were pained by the suffering and death all around them. We see death through an eternal view. Our children are temporarily on this mortal journey then continue to progress in other realms. Have compassion and love in your heart for all those around you that will be suffering and die. Seek us for help as these scenes come into your life. We will bless you and strengthen you to withstand this experience of death that will soon surround you. We continue to guide, bless and direct our children in their progression after they leave this mortal existence. For us, it is one eternal round". At this time they departed. I then saw in the future the bodies that were dead rise up before me and their spirits rejoined their body in preparation to stand before God for their final judgment. I felt God's love for each child whether they were elect and followed God or were rebellious. Each was called home to stand before God to receive the greatest possible blessing that can be given them. Death was simply a temporary state in their immortal progression.
I gave thanks for their teachings and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
R, This is what I received in prayer today. I prayed openly with no expectations and this was the answer I received.
Let me know your thoughts of this entry too.
Your friend,
12. Email from R to S:
4-23-2020, 10 AM
I thoroughly felt all that you had written was true and of God. You seem very close to the Spirit, and have written well your feelings and thoughts. May I share this entire email in my upcoming post? I was asked to ask you by our Heavenly Father (see my journal entry below).
I felt like your account from your March 3rd account was true (and scary), and would like to share that too. Gosh, all of this seems happening so darn fast and remarkably given to all three of us!!
Let's stay in contact with these things we receive. Feel free to share what I wrote to you with S.A. also.
Have a good day. I am impressed you have a guest area in your house to accommodate family coming to you.