181. Continual Revelation
Posted 1-2-2021
Happy New Year,
I am hopeful that 2021 will bring happier times to each of us, after some tribulations and seeming setbacks in our nation and around the world. This is the year for the start of the New Jerusalem! I am being told to drop all expectations, and take up the wait and see attitude, for we have done all to get ready. I have also been repeatedly assured that God will continue to be by our sides, and give us continual revelation.
Please pray about all of these things that I have written. Each one of us has the responsibility for our own personal beliefs, and should seek to confirm with our Gods all that is purported to be true.
The attached files can be downloaded and then moved directly into the respective folders on your thumb drive (and/or where you may have copied them) which you should have received by now via the US Mail (let me know if you haven't yet received this). You will need to be a little computer savvey to do this. If it is too much for you, then just read the pdf files, for they will open right up on your computer, tablet or phone.
Here are where the attached files go. I suggest doing each step before starting the next.
1. The attached "181-continual revelation.html" goes in the "Posts" folder
2. The attached "181-continual revelation.pdf" goes in the "Posts-pdf" folder
3. The attached "index.html" and "index.pdf" both go in the main Raphael folder. The "index.html" replaces the previous file by that same name. The index.pdf may be printed or viewed.
4. The attached "Raphael-volume-12.pdf" goes in the "Posts-pdf" folder and replaces the previous file by that same name (we found an error in the table of contents)
5. Download and then unzip the images from the attached "images.zip" folder, and then drag (or copy) all of these over to the "Images" folder.
6. The attached "tableofcontents.html" goes in the main Raphael folder and replaces the previous file by that same name
7. I have a folder named "Audio-recordings.zip" that you if unzip this, contains 18 files. These pull up all the YouTube videos of my posts from post 15 to 181. Copy this over into your Raphael folder on your thumb drive if you desire. I plan to update the current file for your records every so often.
I hope that wasn't too painful! Once done, your files will all be offline. You can open up the "181-continual revelation.html" file and read this latest post 181 in a browser like Chrome or in any other web browser. This file will then link with the others, as will the "index.html" file. Write me if you are confused at all.
Again, Happy New Year 2021!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, December 16, 2020
1. I finished last night the editing of the posts and the new links in the index. Today is my final check day where I search for linking errors. Boy, I will be glad to be all done with this major project, and to be able to reconnect with my Heavenly Parents.
2. I prayed last night and this morning and felt the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. There has been no significant communication except their support and love.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, December 17, 2020
1. Late last night I completed the digital offline files of Raphael. I felt quite relieved that my efforts allowed me to finish by the 16th, the mailing date that my Gods told me I needed to meet. I have all eight thumb drives now copied and just need to mail them today.
2. Last night I prayed in the domed room. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to both come to me. They appeared before me in great glory, and were both smiling. Heavenly Father spoke and told me that they were pleased with my efforts to get the offline Raphael files completed. He asked me to come this morning to the domed room where they would meet with me again. Then they both quickly departed and I closed my prayer at 12:30am.
3. This morning I came into my private room where I prepared my mind and heart to pray. I came to the domed room and entered. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were both standing there in the air, about a foot above the ground. I walked before them and knelt. I looked up into their smiling faces. I felt the bright light of their countenances beam upon me!
4. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have prepared your Raphael files as we have directed you to do. You now only need to mail the thumb drives today to those on your email list.
5. This effort has been very time consuming for you in the recent weeks. We helped you along the way as you put forth your effort. We did not give you any major revelations during this time of intense work, thereby freeing up your time to work steadily on the Raphael digital files.
6. We wish you now to complete printing and binding your last two volumes 11 and 12 of Raphael so that you have a completed set. You will then have both an offline copy of your Raphael records, and a printed version. You also have all of your handwritten 49 journals in your possession. Gather these journals together in one location and box them up except the current one in which you are writing. Your records will then be in the state we wish them to be, both in your possession and with those on your email list. There will be a duplication of your records with you and among the eight people who support your efforts.
7. Your Heavenly Father and I will now continue to reveal to you our abundant revelations. Start recording these entries as post 181, even as you have done in the past. When each post is completed, email these attachments to be added to the digital Raphael folder on the thumb drive you will have mailed to each one on your list. Also send to them a printable version of the post, an updated index file and a table of contents. In this way your records will continue to be shared with those who sustain you. We desire them to bring these records with them to Zion when they ultimately come, according as our Spirit will direct them.
8. Remove the payment option for your current website and remove its contents on Christmas day in less than a week. In this way there will be no more online file except for your google docs for editing the current posts, and your emails. This is as we desire.
9. You will then be prepared for power outages with sufficient backups of your very important records of Raphael. We suggest our elect, who also have their own sacred records of our revelations to them, to prepare these so these will be preserved, according as our Spirit directs them.
10. Raphael, with your mailing of the thumb drives today to those on your email list, we are also releasing your completed twelve volumes of Raphael in our celestial realms. These records will be available for all to read and study who are our celestial servants, angels and premortal celestial children. We desire our revelations given through you to become widespread and available to all our children in the celestial realms.
11. As our elect come to the New Jerusalem and to Zion, your records will be available to them. These records will be freely dispersed in the terrestrial realms on the earth. They may also be read in the telestial realms, but need to be guarded and kept secret there except to those we direct to have them, as given by our Spirit.
12. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will answer your humble prayers and reveal more of our truths with you in the days ahead. When times of tribulation increase with no electricity or means to share your records, keep them safeguarded as you are able. Continue to type them up as you may be able, and continue to add them to your digital Raphael records. We will give you means to thereby prepare your records digitally, even though your local community may not have electric power, for you will have limited electricity for your own needs.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and directions this morning! I said I was eager to be again in their presence in the celestial realms during my morning and evening prayers. I said I loved them exceedingly, and would obey their commandments.
14. My Heavenly Parents then rose up slowly in the air and the domed room opened up into the celestial skies above. I watched until they disappeared out of sight. I then closed my prayer in the name of Christ and started my new day.
15. Evening-When I dropped off the thumb drives in their padded envelopes at the post office today, I felt a surge of relief and gratefulness. I am so glad to have that all behind me now! I feel my digital records are now all in order. I plan to print the remaining files soon to complete volume 12, and to assemble all of my written journal together. Happy day!
16. Tonight I came to the little cave behind the waterfall, by the pool that S had recently found. It was initially dark inside, but by my intention this soon became lighter so I could see around. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
17. He immediately appeared before me in subdued light, standing a little elevated in the air. He was smiling and immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, what you have done in preparing your digital records is similar to other future tasks you will do that will have to be done within a specific period of time. You have prayed for help and we have strengthened you to accomplish your task. This same sort of tenacity, faith and diligence will be required of you in the future also. As you rely on us, and pray to us, we will help you, but you need to be very diligent in fulfilling these future assignments. Many of them will require only you to do them, and others will require a concerted effort by many people. We will always give you adequate time and strength to fulfill our commandments.
18. 1 Nephi 3: 7
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
19. Sometimes you will not know how to accomplish all we ask of you in so short a time. However, we will work through you our wonders as you place your full faith in us and are diligent and constant. Your mission requires that you do these things in your mortal body, or as a replicated translated celestial being.
20. When our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, suffered for the sins and infirmities of all mankind, he knew he had to fulfill his mission only by himself, for he was our chosen Redeemer. However, at one point he prayed that we would take this away from him. Nevertheless, he desired more that our will would be done, even more than the pain and suffering he would need to suffer:
21. Mark 14:36
"And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt."
22. The example of Jesus is for all our children when we give them a difficult task that only they can do. They need to press forward, with faith and great diligence, relying wholly upon us and yet working as if all depends on their own effort and work. It is in these high intensity moments as well as in the day to day pressing forward efforts that our children grow into the stronger servants, the men or women we see them becoming. They thus become perfected, even "unto a perfect man (or woman), unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:13, comments added by Heavenly Father). Our beloved Son has descended below all things (see D&C 122:8), which means he has fulfilled the greatest task and mission of any of our children, and thereby has set forth the example to all of pressing forward, with great diligence and faith, in order to fulfill our commandments.
23. Whenever you might feel that the task we have asked you to do is too great, or beyond your capability, or that it requires too much effort, then remember that Jesus Christ descended below all things, and thus was exalted above all, for he was fully obedient to all we commanded him. We will never abandon you, but will be by your side to buoy you up and to strengthen you in fulfilling all of our commandments. By pressing forth, you will fulfill our words, and will become a stronger and more capable servant in our hands.'
24. I asked my Father to help me continue to grow in these things and to be diligent always. I said it was my greatest desire to go forward in faith in whatever he may direct me to do. I said I was so very grateful for him and Heavenly Mother constantly being next to me. I said I loved their support and comfort, and to know that they were by my side.
25. Heavenly Father smiled and said he was pleased in my efforts so far. He said he had still chosen me to be his servant to do all things he and Heavenly Mother had previously revealed for me to accomplish.
26. He then faded away until he was gone from before me. I thanked him for his message again. I then closed my prayer and came back to my mortal self on earth.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, December 17, 2020
1. I sent several pages to S.A. to type up yesterday. Her support and faith buoyed me up! She said, "Yay! I am excited to start up again! I always love to do this service and feel so edified by all that I am learning."
2. This morning I received an email from S that I will include at the end of my typed up entry. This also speaks of faith. In his entry, Heavenly Mother showed him the faith of a mother speaking to her daughter on one of the ships coming to the outer earth. The people hadn't been to the outer earth's surface for thousands of years. From their perspective, the belief of an outer earth and the populated world took faith to believe it was all real. Faith, not knowledge, is required when our perspective is limited. For me, faith is required in how things will be in a future day, for I have only seen this in vision and it physically hasn't yet happened. The young mother on the ship had faith in Christ and that what the records among her people said were true, and that he had lived on the outer earth. Faith in truth helps us all grow into the men and women of God we are to become.
3. This morning I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and drank living celestial water and was clarified and enlightened. I felt buoyed up somehow, and was glad. I then faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
4. She came from my left, along the stream! She walked to me on the ground, and stopped in front of me. She extended her hands and asked me to walk around the lake with her. I quickly arose, took her hand, and together we started walking.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, there have been times in your recent life that your Father and I haven't come before you clearly, although you could feel our presence. During these times we purposefully gave you no additional revelation. This was during a time when you were visiting family, or when you had an intensive task to do that required you to focus and apply yourself to meet a deadline.
6. This was the same situation that occurred when Jesus Christ, our chosen Messiah, wrought by himself the great redemption for all mankind of this eternity. We were near his side, but he had to do this work by himself. He had to do it while yet mortal, but in his replicated being in our celestial world. He was very determined and focused. He pressed forward in great faith steadily working through the pain and great labor before him.
7. When you again face a time crunch, when we depend upon you fulfilling a commandment by a certain date, think of the great example of our Beloved Son. He was perfectly obedient to all we asked of him, even of the greatest commandment to atone for the sins and weaknesses of all of our children. You too will be perfectly obedient as you fulfill all we ask of you to do in establishing the New Jerusalem and in doing your great millennial mission. Raphael, you are our chosen Branch. We will lead you along and guide you in all things. Continue in diligent morning and evening prayer daily, and you will receive from us our continual direction and revelations.'
8. We had arrived at the far end of the lake under the cliff which rose above. She let go of my hand and rose up into the sky, next to the cliff and disappeared into the celestial sky.
9. I thanked her for her message and for the beautiful walk around her lake. I said in my mind that I would follow the example of her Beloved Son in all things.
10. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
11. Email from S on 12-17-2020, entitled "For Thousands of Years":
I wanted to share my journal entry from yesterday. It lifted my spirit as I received it.
12-16-20 AM
This morning, I read the entire post 180. There were several messages that I pondered.
As I began to pray, I shared the overlying messages I received with my Heavenly Parents. I spoke of reading Raphael's record and the feelings to watch and observe the prophesied events occur according to God's timing and plans for the human race.
I also shared that I read again the words of Heavenly Mother to me at the very end of the post. I had the impression while reading this portion that for thousands of years none of these people have ventured to the outer earth and its existence and the possibility to travel from one to the other at this time is an act of faith.
As I had this last thought while sharing what I was contemplating with my Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Mother came immediately to my side. She directed me to look down. As I looked down, I saw a young girl on a ship with her mother kneeling at her side. The girl looked to be six or seven. The girl asked her mother, "Is it really true that there is another world with people and we will be able to travel there on these ships?" The mother had the light of testimony that I saw in her heart as she began to speak, "I have never been there, but I believe the records of our people that Jesus Christ came among us. When he came, he testified that he lived in Jerusalem and died for all of us. He testified to us that after he left Jerusalem, he visited other sheep of the tribes of Israel that also heard his words too. He then visited us and I believe this record to be true. Our Savior Jesus Christ will guide us to this outer earth safely and lead us to Zion. There we will receive the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.'
I began to cry as I witnessed this strong faith. This scene closed before me and Heavenly Mother remained standing beside me. She looked at me and there were tears on her cheeks too. She spoke, 'What you just viewed was an actual event that occurred among this people. When your mind merges with your replicated self among this people, you will have a memory and knowledge of many similar experiences where great faith was seen and exercised by this wonderful people.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message to me. She said to record this experience and share with Raphael. She then departed and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
Have a blessed day,
12. Evening-This afternoon in a family conversation, my wife and I became aware of some family members who were making fun of us, saying we were too strict with keeping ourselves protected from COVID-19. I became upset and even excused myself and isolated myself in my private room to meditate and pray. I met my Heavenly Mother at the top of the switchback path and talked with her there.
13. She heard me out, and then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you need to have no expectations of what others, even family members, may say about you. You need to not get upset when others laugh at you or make fun of your behavior, practices or beliefs.
14. Remember that our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was "despised and rejected of man" (see Isaiah 53:3, and the entire chapter 53). Your Heavenly Father and I were by his side during all phases of his ministry, even to his death at the hands of those who should have been his friends. He knew of our presence and could keep or see us continually by his side. We supported him in all of his actions, for he was obedient to whatever we asked of him.
15. Similarly, others may ridicule you for acting as you do. You have followed our guidance and have been obedient. It doesn't matter what others, even family members, may think, for we support you and you are acting even as we have commanded you. We are also by your side continually, even as we were by Christ's side, and supported him. We will always support you as you are true and faithful to us.
16. We have purposefully not revealed you to the world, but only to eight others who sustain you. Your revealing will come in the terrestrial realm, and not in the telestial where you now reside. Here the people would ridicule and scoff at you, but there, in the terrestrial world, they will honor and respect you as our prophet through whom the New Jerusalem and Church of the Firstborn are established.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for calming me down with her words and reasoning. I felt very much settled after she came and took away my upset feelings. I thanked her to be so readily available to me, and to comfort and teach me!
18. She then faded away from my spiritual view. I then felt so much better and returned to my family. I said I was sorry to have become upset, and that I wanted to enjoy the family activities tonight. We had a fun and enjoyable evening together.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, December 18, 2020
1. I came this morning to the top of the switchback path on the celestial orb. I came here also last night and Heavenly Father came by my side. He did not speak to me, but only stayed a short time. I was very tired and went to bed early.
2. I knelt again this morning on the switchback path and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared immediately before me and spoke:
3. 'Raphael, if you are very tired we generally do not reveal to you much, for we want you to be able to receive our words and understand them. When you came to me last night you were not in a state that you could receive.
4. You discussed with your wife last night the issue of allowing your name to be slandered, ridiculed, or yourself to be laughed at in a derogatory way. This is what our Beloved Son experienced, and he paid no heed to those who did so, for he knew he pleased us. When you are able to know that your Heavenly Mother and I approve of your actions, or that you keep our commandments despite what others may think or say, and you don't get upset but keep your focus on doing our will and the right thing, you are truly our faithful servant. Because of these actions, we may more fully work through you our great works, or reveal to you our revelations with confidence that you will continue to do as we ask.
5. There are people all around you who respond to what others think and base their actions on their opinions. These do not have the strength or courage to be true to themselves, but are double minded, and are unstable in all their ways.
6. James 1:5-8
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
7. Our faithful servants, on the other hand, are true to what they know is right and what we have revealed to them to do. They pay no heed to the opinions or actions of others, but keep a steady course in following their own purposes and are obedient to our promptings.
8. Lehi saw in his dream groups of people coming to the tree and partaking of the fruit. Then he saw those in the great and spacious building "in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. And after they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed, because of those who were scoffing at them; and they fell away into forbidden path and were lost." (1 Nephi 8:27-28).
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words this morning. I said I wanted to be fully obedient to him and my Heavenly Mother, and to pay no heed to the mockings of others around me. I said I was so pleased to hear his words and to keep his commandments.
10. He then smiled upon me and then left my presence. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and returned to my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal.
11. Evening-I called my sister today and we had a great talk. It feels good to be able to talk openly about things. I have also talked with my wife more about my desires to become stronger when others criticize or make fun of me. I am determined to be undaunted in my purpose, and let whatever anyone may say or think to not adversely affect me. What is important is whether I am pleasing my Gods-this is all that matters!
12. I came tonight to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank living water from the lake and then came into the center of the grove to kneel and pray. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me and commune with me in prayer.
13. She then descended from the treetops until she was right in front of me in the air! She was so full of light, and a deep feeling of love accompanied the light. I felt immediately transparent before her, with her light fully engulfing me and passing through me.
14. She spoke: 'Raphael, we have recently told you that you are the shadowy angel in George Washington's vision (see your post 179F30). You will blow your trumpet of God three times to bring forth the coming foreign troops upon your land of America, even as seen by George Washington.
15. The time that you will blow three distinct blasts is soon at hand! M.A. had recently asked you a question by email about whether the convergence of Saturn and Jupiter in the heavens on December 21, 2020, the winter solstice, has any significance. This is significant, in that it is the time that you will blow your trumpet of God three times to bring forth the troops from foreign countries into your own land. They will arrive after this date and bring war and occupation to your land of America. Their arrival will signal the downfall of your republic which is still divided and embittered over the fraudulent election.
16. In the vision of George Washington, he saw that after the three distinct blows of the trumpet of the angel, there came a fearful scene: "From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one." The convergence of Saturn and Jupiter in the night sky is a sign that on earth these nations will join into one, even on a dark cloud with a dark red light which represents communist China. The armies of men from these nations will advance by land and by sea to your land to occupy and devastate your country.
17. Raphael, at the end of five months of occupation, you will blow your trumpet of God once more. As seen by the founder of your republic, immediately afterwards a light as of a thousand suns will then instantly shine down from the heavens. The dark clouds of occupying and warring troops will then break into fragments and disperse by the power of God.
18. When you blow your trumpet of God next Monday three times, we desire you to blow in the evening when you visibly see the conjunction of these two great planets in your southern Utah skies. You will arise up in the air as you did in the past when you last blew your trumpet of God from above your property. You will arise in your replicated celestial translated body to an elevation of about 35,000 feet above sea level (See your post 21K1). Blow your trumpet of God three times toward the great convergence of Saturn and Jupiter that you will see in the night sky before you. After you blow your trumpet, come into your home and record the account in your personal journal.
19. Following the blowing of your trumpet, we will no longer withhold your enemies from gathering and entering the promised land of America (see your post 179G8).
20. In George Washington's vision it was also recorded that you, the shadowy angel, would take water from the ocean and sprinkle it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa. This you will immediately do after you blow your trumpet that night three times. The nation of communist China, represented by the dark red light, will be the prominent nation behind the invasion, and which you will sprinkle with the ocean water of the Pacific. The ocean water of the Atlantic will be sprinkled upon Russia and other countries we will inspire you of on the night of December 21st. These nations will combine as one to attack your country from the Pacific and Atlantic shorelines, as well as from Canada to the north. There are also insurgents from China already within your nation, and who will attack from where they currently stand. These have infiltrated your military and important commercial business ocean ports, and major entry places into your land. The attack has been well planned for years, but their leaders will wait until you blow your trumpet three times and sprinkle their land with ocean waters.'
21. Heavenly Mother then turned and looked up and I saw the sky darken, and then two bright stars or planets came together in a convergence. They then moved across the celestial night sky even as one. We watched until they departed over the horizon.
22. Heavenly Mother turned to me again and waited. I then spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, I will be obedient to all that you have commanded me tonight to do on next Monday, the winter solstice. I am honored to be called to blow God's trumpet and act as your archangel in bringing forth this great event upon the land!'
23. She then rose up into the celestial sky above the maple tree grove. I watched until she was gone. I pondered what had been just revealed to me. I confirmed it was all true and I had written it down correctly. I then closed my prayers and concluded my journal entry tonight.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, December 19, 2020
1. I came this morning to the maple tree grove again where I felt impressed to go. I sat among the majestic trees there as I reread what I had written last night in my journal. I corrected a few typos and then confirmed again in prayer that what I had written was of God and not me. I had not before considered that the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the skies had any significance. I read online that these two planets will be visibly closer in our sky than they've been since medieval times in 1226, nearly 800 years ago. I read that this great conjunction can even be viewed online.
2. I then knelt in the maple tree grove and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared at my side, standing on the ground in his bare feet. He was smiling upon me, and very bright and majestic. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, what you have written in your journal that your Heavenly Mother spoke to you here last night is accurate. The reason you will sprinkle the ocean waters on the lands of the invading nations is because the bulk of the troops will principally come by ships to the ocean shores of your nation. China will come on the west coast and Russia on the east coast.
3. You wondered why you would sprinkle the continent of Africa with water from the Atlantic. There are no nations coming from Africa. However, the scripture found in D&C 87:4 will be fulfilled with the very angry black citizens in your country who are aligned with "Black Lives Matter" (see your post 174F2 to 174F7. The countries of origin of these black citizens were from Africa. You will sprinkle this continent with water, signalling them to become more violent and aggressive. They have already been well armed by communist China, and will wreak havoc in the large cities where they are principally organized. They will be joined by Antifa groups across your country as well.
4. Raphael, we send our angels at different times to herald major events coming to the earth. When you blow your trumpet next Monday on the winter solstice, and sprinkle ocean waters on three continents, you are formally acting on our behalf to herald the invasion we see coming to your land. We use the intentions and actions of the wicked for our own purposes. In this case, Babylon will be destroyed by their sudden arrival (see Revelation 18: 10, 17). The arrival of foreign troops will cause the fragile economy of your nation to finally crumble and fall forever. Your nation, the great American Republic, will then be overrun and destroyed. However, we will bring again the constitutional form of this republic upon the terrestrial world in a future day. This was seen by George Washington in his vision.
5. We also send signs and wonders in the heavens, and give men and women our visions at various times. All of these combine to show our faithful that we, their Gods, are in control and know the end from the beginning. All of our purposes will be fulfilled, even as we have revealed.
6. Continue to stay close to us, and we will continue to unveil to you our many revelations in their time.'
7. Heavenly Father then placed his right hand on my shoulder, and said I was his archangel, and would do many things on earth for him and Heavenly Mother that only I could do. He said he was pleased with me.
8. He then quickly disappeared. I thanked him in my mind, and then closed my prayer.
9. I received this email from S on 12-20-2020 that relates to the above two posts. He entitled his email "Gettysburg"
I transcribed your journal entries this A.M. You asked that I confirm these things and here is my journal entry from this morning after I finished typing your record.
12-20-2020 AM
In prayer I called upon Heavenly Father. I came to a hilltop covered in grass with some trees at Gettysburg. Heavenly Father appeared next to me and I knelt before him with gratitude. He directed me to stand and he pointed to the field below us. He spoke, 'These fields are empty now but previously many soldiers fought here. You have seen a video depicting this battle. What you did not see in the battle was our hands leading the direction of the battle to be a victory for the Union. In both the Revolutionary War and Civil War, our hands caused this nation to triumph in order to bring forth great liberties to all the world. There was a time when victory for the North looked bleak and had the South won, the liberties and freedoms you now enjoy would not have been available to all the citizens. The coming war also has our hand guiding the outcome. For a time, many will lose all hope as your nation is overrun by foreign troops, a devastating virus kills large populations, famine covers the land, and radical changes occur to the earth's surface from Nibiru. We have revealed through Raphael these events beforehand as we have done with ancient prophets. This offers hope to those who have faith and believe in our words. Those who do not have these records may pray and receive peace and comfort. Isaiah prophesied to King Hezekiah that the Assyrians would be destroyed. This occurred when Jerusalem was surrounded and greatly outnumbered by an army of 185,000 Assyrian men and the Israelites were starving to death (2 Kings 19). Few of our children are aware of this third conflict coming to your nation. In the first two conflicts of the Revolutionary War and Civil War, we caused Americans to conquer by strengthening their hands. This conflict will be won only by the power of us your Gods. This is similar to our hand that caused an angel to slay the entire Assyrian army without an arrow shot. We will destroy the foreign troops and cause them to flee as prophesied and spoken through Raphael 5 months after their invasion. His interpretation of John's words in Revelations is correct regarding the length of occupation. Look forward with hope to our mighty deliverance!
At this time I knelt again at his feet. He smiled upon me and ascended into the sky in a pillar of light and I was left alone. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
It appears great change is soon coming to our lands! S.A. recently shared with me a dream from her husband where a plane was crashing to the ground. Only a few of the people knew beforehand it would crash and the majority were surprised by it. As the plane was crashing to the earth, the people who knew it was going to crash were at peace and the others who were surprised to find this out were screaming and terrified. S.A. and I both feel grateful to have this knowledge beforehand.
Have a wonderful Sabbath day,
10. Evening-I had a long discussion with my wife this morning about showing true Christian love to others. She is such an amazing example of one who continually thinks of others and wants them to be happy and comfortable! She takes time to serve people all around her. She is a very good example to me of true and pure religion. She exemplifies the scripture in James 1:27.
11. James 1:27
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
12. I desire to be more like my loving and Christlike wife! It takes time and thought to think of others before oneself. Today there are so many that only think of themselves. I was raised in such a world, but I don't want to continue in this way. I want instead to follow the example of my Savior and my wife.
13. Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan. He concluded it by saying these words:
Luke 10:36-37
"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise."
14. Jesus also said we should love our enemies, and "as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" (Luke 6:31).
15. I feel very convicted of thinking of myself too much, and not enough of others around me. This will be the focus of my prayer tonight.
16. I came to the circling waters this evening and knelt by the water. I drank living water and then faced the river to my south. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
17. She immediately appeared before me with a smile on her face. She was very radiant and I felt her love and acceptance.
18. I told her I so wanted to be filled with the love of God that I saw in my wife, and in the example of Jesus Christ in the scriptures. I told her I wanted to love others as she loved me. I felt very humbled and open. I sought her guidance.
19. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, developing love and awareness of the needs and wants of others takes lots of practice for many people. As you seek to develop greater love, you will have this in your mind like your wife does each day. You will want to serve and help others in any way you can, even to putting aside your own desires and plans.
20. If you follow the admonition of Mormon as recorded by his son Moroni in Moroni 7:48, your Father and I will strengthen you and give you a greater portion of our love, even until you possess our love in a great measure:
21 Moroni 7:48
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
22. Raphael, extend to those first in your family and then your neighbors. There are ample people in your daily associations who would greatly benefit from your love and interest. I will be near you to help you as you seek to be filled more with my love, the love of God.'
23. I thanked her for her promise. I asked her to help me as I extend more to those around me, and think of them as I think of myself. I said that this was the great desire of my heart.
24. She smiled upon me and faded away from my view. I felt humbled to be in her presence, but I know that didn't make me any more a follower of her Beloved Son than had I not been in her presence. Instead, I need to take the initiative and act in more loving ways if I were really wanting to be filled with God's love. I don't want to be a hypocrite! I don't want to be like the man that doesn't bridle his tongue and yet says he is religious:
25. James 1:26 "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain."
26. I could reword this to say "If any man among you seems to be religious, but thinks more on himself than others, or loves not others by his actions, this man's religion is vain."
27. Oh, I desire to be filled with the love of God for the others around me!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, December 20, 2020
1. I received an email from S this morning entitled "Gettysburg". I had asked him to confirm what I had asked him to transcribe about me blowing a trumpet three times to initiate war upon the land of America, even as seen in the vision by George Washington. I very much appreciate S's response and confirmation. I have included it at the end of my entry yesterday morning where it properly goes to confirm what I had just received. I am at peace about what I will do tomorrow by blowing my trumpet in the night towards the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. I know that is the desire of my Heavenly Parents at that time. They are in charge of the battle and will control the length of stay of the occupying troops in the land. I feel settled about this. I am so grateful for S to have prayed and received his new revelation from our Heavenly Father on the fields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
2. This morning I came to the overlook on Heavenly Father's wheat field and fallen oak tree. I knelt facing east and prayed to my Heavenly Father.
3. He came in the air in front of me. He was majestic and bright in his glory and radiance. His cape was blowing to the east behind him in a steady wind.
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, tomorrow is the shortest day of the year, for it is the winter solstice. This is the day your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to bring the dark clouds of war and occupation to your country. Their arrival will be a dark day for the inhabitants of your land who believe that the nation will recover and once again be the bastion of freedom it once was.
5. Even though the solstice is the shortest daylight of the year, the next day becomes a little longer daylight, and a little less darkness. This will continue until the summer solstice on June 20, 2021. By this time the foreign troops will have been broken up and dispersed. Each day towards then will have the promise of a new longer day.
6. Similarly, to our faithful who know our promise of a short military occupation in the land for five months, there will be hope for deliverance and of a day when the bright light of God from heaven will disperse the foreign troops and remove them from the promised land. We have other plans for this land, even of the coming forth of the New Jerusalem and a new terrestrial realm starting here on the earth!
7. Keep your hope alive with our promises. There are happier, more glorious days coming. Great changes are coming upon the world, first starting here in the promised land.'
8. At this time a violent and loud lightning strike hit the fallen oak tree next to him. The tree burst into flame and Heavenly Father was gone.
9. My vision then abruptly ended. I was comforted by Heavenly Father's words, and felt to look forward in hope to the summer solstice six months away, even when great changes would be underway in building up Zion, the New Jerusalem. I pondered over the lightning hitting the fallen oak tree and causing it to burst into flames.
10. I then thanked my Heavenly Father in my mind for this visit he gave me this morning. I said I felt assured in doing his and Heavenly Mother's will tomorrow night in blowing his trumpet of God to bring forth the foreign troops. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my Sabbath day.
11. I have wondered why I saw the fallen oak tree again catch fire from a lightning bolt. I had seen this before (see my post 154H3 to 154H8, and post 157D16). I wondered if the event I had seen before just repeated itself again as the same event, or if it was a new time happening? I was kneeling there, facing God's temple to the west. I asked if Heavenly Mother would come to me.
12. She came in a beam of light from her temple, and stood before me in the air. She was so majestic looking and her cape was blowing behind her. Her eyes were very bright and ablaze, it seemed, with fire.
13. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have seen the same event of the lightning bolt coming and striking the fallen oak tree, even as in your post 157D16. The fallen oak tree represents the fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Soon our hand will expose some of the current leaders of this church, which shall be as the shock of a lightning bolt to many of its members. We will not tolerate such flagrant sin and corruption to remain unexposed among those who profess to know us, and supposedly lead the Saints to believe in their words, as if these words come from us, their Gods. We have departed fully from this church that was once our telestial church on the earth.'
14. My Heavenly Mother ceased to speak, and stood in royal majesty. I had not recalled seeing her full of fire and vengeance as I saw in her eyes tonight! Her cape was wildly whipping in the wind also. I felt to shrink from before her.
15. She moved backwards and was about halfway to her temple when another lightning bolt lighted the skies around her! There was a very loud clap of thunder and then smoke. Heavenly Mother had departed in this dramatic ending to my short prayer tonight.
16. I wondered what would be exposed that would anger her so much as to display such anger and vengeance. I guess I won't know unless one of them reveals it to me. I will then wait and see. I thanked her for her words and visit. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. After my prayer, I remembered my sister K recommending that I listen to M.S.'s latest podcast. I listened to it tonight and was impressed with what he said about the children, and the sacrifice and killing of the children, even in our nation and in the LDS Church. I liked his ability to speak clearly about a very terrible and abominable sin now in the land and apparently in the Church.
18. I then returned to the granite cliff and knelt there, facing the celestial temple. I asked once again for Heavenly Mother to come to me and confirm if what M.S. said about the sin against the children was true in our day.
19. She immediately came by my side, in light and glory. Her visage was pleasant and very clear. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, M.S. is correct that the vengeance of God is kindled against those in your nation, the world, and in the LDS Church also, who defile and kill the innocent children. We will no longer tolerate this abomination! We will fully expose all perpetrators of this dark and sinful practice soon, even before the eyes of the people and of the Latter-day Saints.
20. The scripture will soon be fulfilled, for our wrath is kindled and we will repay:
D&C 87:6-7
"And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth (and the wicked leaders of the LDS Church who hide their abominable sins against our young children) shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also (like you have just seen tonight and this morning in your prayer), shall the inhabitants of the earth (and members of the LDS Church) be made to feel the wrath, and the indignation and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations;
That the cry of the saints, and of the blood of the saints (and their slain children), shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies. (comments in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'
21. Heavenly Mother had spoken very clearly to me! I now know in part why the foreign armies are being summoned to this land, to cleanse the promised land and the people who commit such heinous crimes, and to destroy their wicked and infiltrated and corrupt nation, even the United States, and the evil in the churches of this land.
22. I knew that upon the LDS Church it was prophesied to begin, and from this Church spread forth upon the inhabitants of the earth. It would be a day of burning, of desolation, of weeping, mourning and of lamentation, and as a whirlwind it would come upon the face of the earth (see D&C 112:24-26).
23. I too felt the fire of vengeance swell in my soul against these wicked people and their abominable practices against innocent children. I am glad to be privileged to blow my trumpet of God tomorrow to bring forth a cleansing army to our land.
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and revelations to me. I will recommend to those on my email list to listen to and ponder M.S.'s message about the slaying of the innocent children, now and in times of old.
25. Heavenly Mother then instantly departed, for she had confirmed my request. I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ.
26. I then played on my cell phone Handel's Messiah "And He Shall Purify". This was very moving to me, for I believe it refers in part to purging the priesthood of the wicked practices against the children. Here is the scripture that was sung by the choir:
27. Malachi 3:3
"...and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."
28. I also had the Battle Hymn of the Republic come up on my YouTube and I listened to this.
This was even more of an emotional experience for me! I remember singing this hymn at the sacrament meeting where, in the spirit, I received my trumpet of God from my Heavenly Father on July 17, 2016. I have included this on the thumb drive which is located in the "Posts" folder of that thumb drive, entitled "the-battle-hymn.html".
29. Anyway, I realize we have a battle coming against evil, and God will be victorious. God will cleanse the wicked and their evil practices from this promised land!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, December 21, 2020
1. I awoke early and came to my private room. I reread what I had written last night and felt again the conviction it was true. I believe we live at the time when hidden things of darkness will be brought to light (D&C 123:13), and we may even be called upon to expose such evils.
2. I came this morning to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I knelt in the center of the room and asked for both my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I looked up at the ceiling and waited.
3. The celestial sky opened up before me, and a bright light filled the room. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared before me in the light! They were standing in the air before me.
4. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have both come in answer to your prayer this morning. Great darkness is now upon the earth. You are called upon to blow again my trumpet of God that I gave to you nearly 4 1/2 years ago. This will be following the blowing of Uriel's trumpet which herald the great day of spiritual darkness upon the earth (see your post 164H8 to 164H10). Your trumpet blast, blown towards the planets Saturn and Jupiter, on this the shortest daylight day on the earth, will bring forth the armies that will invade your land. This will, like Uriel's trumpet blast, be in fulfillment of Joel 2:1, and specifically for your trumpet alarm tonight in Joel 2:2-11.
5. Joel 2:1-11
"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.
A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.
Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.
Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.
They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.
The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:
And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?"
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, if our elect humble themselves, and call upon us in the sincerity of their hearts, we will hear their pleas and prayers. We will come to them with our angels and guardian spirits to protect them. I will send my Holy Ghost to comfort them and calm their anxieties and concerns. We will prepare their hearts and minds for a better world soon coming upon the land. Our great purposes in their temporal and spiritual salvation will be fulfilled, for they are our elect. Our elect hear our voice and hearken to our words.
7. Tonight your Father and I will be at your side when you blow the trumpet of God into the night sky towards the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter. You will be doing our will and fulfilling our commands.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words. I said I loved them and would be their servant in doing all that they ask of me.
9. They both smiled and a bright light then engulfed them so I couldn't see them. When the light dispersed, they were both departed. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
10. Evening-This late afternoon at 5:42 p.m. in my area it was sufficiently dark to see Jupiter and Saturn very close to each other in the southwest sky. I had just returned with my wife giving neighbors some homemade bread as a Christmas gift she cooked. We came out and looked at the conjunction in the sky. My wife and son went inside and I stayed in my backyard, It was extremely clear and about 38 degrees F.
11. I then replicated myself high above my property, in my minds' eye, like I had done previously when blowing the trumpet of God. This time I was alone and saw the two planets in the growing night sky. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then immediately came in front of me in shining robes. They smiled upon me and then Heavenly Father came to my left side and Heavenly Mother to my right. They faced Saturn and Jupiter with me.
12. I then reached behind my angel vestures, under my cape, and pulled out the trumpet of God. I brought it forward, facing the two planets, and blew three distinct blows for about 5 seconds each, on the same note. I took a breath between each one. When finished, my Heavenly Parents came together again in front of me. My Father spoke:
13. 'Raphael, you have fulfilled our commandment to blow the trumpet of God this evening as we have directed you. We will return together to you this evening in your prayer tonight.'
14. With that they held hands and went backwards into the night sky and were very quickly gone.
15. This entire event took about one or two minutes total. I knew I had fulfilled God's command to herald the coming forth of foreign troops upon the land, war, and the destruction of my nation, the United States of America.
16. Tonight I came to the domed room on the celestial orb. As I walked up the path to enter, I noticed my cape blowing behind me. I walked up to the side of the dome and an opening appeared, through which I walked.
17. I came into the center and knelt on both knees. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
18. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me in the air, about a foot above the floor!
19. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are pleased how you obeyed our command to blow three times on the trumpet of God towards Saturn and Jupiter in the evening sky. Although only you and a few other mortals knew about your actions tonight, this was a significant event, and was needful for us to initiate the coming tribulations upon your land and the people. Now we will initiate several events in rapid succession to bring about the cleansing of the wicked, the destruction of modern Babylon, and the overthrow of your country. We will soon expose the secret works of men and women who have been traitors to your country and citizens, and liars, and who have hid great evil from the view of the people to get gain, power and favor. Their destiny is among the vile and corrupt, and those who love evil and care not for others unless they may use them for their own gain and advancement.
20. We will hasten the time when the foundations of Zion will be initiated. Keep your mind and heart on this coming time in not many days in the future!'
21. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, you have received a confirming email from M.A. when you shared with her your journal entries of you blowing the trumpet of God this evening. She also said she felt an EMP will be coming soon. We will reveal to you the day before so you may safeguard some of your electrical systems. We will answer questions that you and others may have when they ask of us.
22. You also have your solar photovoltaic system that you plan to operate during daytime hours for your house, in an off-grid state, and on your normal electric utility at night. Continue to use it in this way as you familiarize yourself with its capability. As more sunshine comes with longer daylight and a more intense sun, your system will work better. We are pleased with your preparation efforts. We will be with you and with those who do all in their power to prepare for difficult days ahead.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their support and love. I said I would always do whatever they ask of me.
24. My prayer ended and I came back to myself writing all of this down in my journal. I feel safe and secure in the arms of my Gods.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, December 22, 2020
1. This morning I came to my private room feeling satisfied in what I did yesterday in blowing the trumpet of God. I am pleased to follow God's directions in all things.
2. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water from the stream from my cupped hand. I then faced the lake, and knelt on the soft grass. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. He stepped out of his higher celestial realm to a point in the air directly in front of me! I was so glad to see him again and to be in his presence.
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, include in your post after your entry last night the email from M.A. where she confirmed as true what you had emailed to her about blowing your trumpet. We desire your record to include witnesses of the truths you state, to make your record more complete.
5. We had you blow the trumpet I had given to you, with only your Heavenly Mother and I in your presence last night. Others of the heavenly hosts will only have your written word and were not present. We have decided to keep this event private, unlike previous times when you blew your trumpet. We will confirm to each who prays to us, with an open heart and mind, the truthfulness of what you recorded. We will do so by the confirmation of our Spirit.
6. When you are cut off in communication with the others who support you for a season, we will have the things you do witnessed by various ones of our heavenly host. Their accounts will be included in your companion journal that you keep and store in the domed room. We desire a unified and fully witnessed account of the events you see and that are revealed, to be recorded in your personal journals. These records will be later shared and published to our elect, and used as a faithful record in the day of judgment. Other records will also be used in such a manner.
7. Complete the printing of your record through your post 180 in volume 12 of Raphael. As each post is created, print up a physical copy of these also and store with your other bound copies.
8. We love you, Raphael! You are our faithful servant.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his directions and comforting words and support. He departed and I closed my prayer in the name of his Beloved Son.
10. I received this email from S.A. today, 12-22-2020:
"Last night, I came in prayer, with the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn on my mind. I was thinking about you blowing your trumpet over your house.
In my mind, I perceived events soon to take place. I saw scenes of famine, civil war in America, great devastation and death.
The words "High on the Mountaintop the Banner Is Unfurled" next came to my mind. I thought of when you blew your trumpet over Mt. Timpanogos, and placed the banner in the mountain for the world to see.
Next, I heard Heavenly Mother say words like these, 'I want to reemphasize, even at this time to my children, that while these devestations and calamities come upon the land, that they may "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."
My arms are extended to all my dear children for the coming days of their suffering and anguish. We will lift their burdens and strengthen all those who come unto us to seek refuge for their souls.'
I felt touched by this message, that even though destruction is knocking at our door, so are our Gods. They stand ready to help, succor, guide, and strengthen all of the elect and deliver them into the peaceful day of rest ahead.
I asked my Heavenly Mother today in prayer if Raphael had really blown his trumpet, to herald the coming of the foreign troops to invade the land.
Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Yes, Raphael correctly recorded this major event of blowing his trumpet which was foreseen by George Washington. Many of the troops are even now on their way, by ship, and will be arriving on your land in not much time.'
I felt to share this with you. Let me know your thoughts.
Sending my best,
11. I received this email from S early on 12-23-2020 entitled "Fully in control"
I read this A.M. your record of the trumpet blown above your house. I was reading in my chair beside my bed and had an experience that I recorded in my journal.
12/23/20 AM
I read this morning the account of Raphael blowing his trumpet to signal the coming of the foreign troops. I asked in my mind after reading that section, "Why is it needful for him to blow the trumpet if the troops are already coming?" As I asked this question, Heavenly Mother's voice came to my mind softly and clearly, 'We desire our children to know with his record that we are fully in control of all these events. We are allowing these foreign nations to overrun your nation for our purposes. Man is not in control of these events, we are in control. By our matchless power we will preserve our elect and bring forth Zion! For this reason we directed Raphael to blow his trumpet as we stood beside him.'
I often ask myself questions when reading the scriptures to ponder and think about what I just read. It was a pleasant surprise to hear Heavenly Mother's voice clearly speak to my mind this am and give me further understanding.
12. Email from S.A. to R on 12-23-2020:
"Thanks R, I'm looking forward to reading these! I felt to share my experience in prayer, so here it is. Let me know your thoughts!
Last night in prayer, I asked about what I read in regards to people, including those in the LDS church, defiling and killing children. I wondered if it was really true?
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Yes. Some do these things for their abominable religious ceremonies. Some in the LDS church do this for their own evil pleasures and kill them in attempts to hide their sins. They have fallen deep in the ways of sin and are entrenched in wickedness and abominations, yet they believe they are men of God. They have listened and been lured by the cunning ways of Satan and live a double standard life.
Some LDS members will be shaken greatly when this is revealed, while others will put those apostles aside in their hearts and look to the others for direction. M.S. was correct to say that it is critical not to put your trust in the arm of flesh, but to go directly to the source, even our Gods.'
I feel similar to what R said, I am looking forward to the destruction coming and for justice to come upon those who have defiled and killed so many poor and innocent children, as well as all those who have openly controlled, accepted and embraced abortion.
This morning I wondered what would happen with all of the orphan children who are saved as the elect to enter the millenium, but have no family with them?
Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Families will reach out and take these children in and raise them as their own. We will inspire and guide certain families to take them in. Some families will take one, and others will take many. All those whom we will, will be lead by our Spirit in bringing these new members into their families.'
I felt very grateful to have received these words from my Heavenly Parents in regards to my questions in prayer! It is such a blessing to me, to be able to pray, receive my own answers, and witnesses to the truths of the things I am reading!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, December 23, 2020
1. I received two confirming emails, one from S.A. and one from S. In each one Heavenly Mother spoke her words that confirmed to them that I had blown my trumpet and that war was coming soon. I am grateful for these confirmations.
2. My wife and I worked on Christmas presents last night together. I also finished printing all of my records through volume 12 of Raphael. My handwritten journals are all boxed and labeled except for this one I am writing in. Everything that I have been asked to do is completed now. I feel calm and prepared.
3. Last night I had met with my Heavenly Mother while kneeling on my bed. She came to me and told me that she would protect my sensitive electronic equipment, for I had been obedient to all of her promptings in protecting them as the Spirit directed me. I thanked her and was glad.
4. I came this morning to the forest pool near the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. I felt to commune with my Heavenly Father. I knelt by the edge of the pool and drank living water from my cupped hand. As I looked into the pool I thought I saw Heavenly Father under the water, in an area under the pool somehow. He asked me to come before him. I then intended to go to him and immediately found myself before him standing before him. He put his right arm around my shoulder and we started walking. I had no idea where we were or where we were walking.
5. Soon we came to a lonely isolated road in the desert. I think we were somewhere in Utah. There was nobody around, and no view of anything man made except for this road.
6. Heavenly Father stopped and then faced me. He spoke:
'Raphael, this is an isolated road in Utah, and hardly ever has anyone been recently driving on it. The animals who live here have never seen mortal human life. However, the events coming to your nation and the entire world will impact these desert animals and plants, for the earth will transform into a beautiful terrestrial realm. This desert will blossom as the rose!
7. Isaiah 35:1-10
"The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them (the righteous who come to this land of promise); and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing, the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God.
Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you (these are our words to our elect during troubled times).
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. (Raphael, this desert shall be flowing with great beauty. Living water in streams and lakes shall abound here, and it will be a beautiful and lovely habitation for our elect who live in the millennial world).
And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.
And an highway shall be there (this highway will be this same road, transformed into a thoroughfare for the righteous to walk on, to converse with each other, and to pass through their beautiful communities), and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return (these are the ten tribes of the north, the remnants from the south, and our elect we glean from the gentile nations), and come to Zion with songs, and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).
8. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, look now upon this desert road and the surrounding countryside!'
9. I looked and I perceived we were in an early time in the millennium. The road was refurbished with trees and flowering bushes on its sides. There were beautiful houses and lawns and gardens, and abundant flowers everywhere! There was a stream on the left side of the road with pretty arched bridges over it, connecting walking paths to a local village of Zion. There was a large lake I could also see where the stream apparently came from. The surrounding mountains were looking lush and forested. Many birds were singing, and it was such a beautiful, well kept and gorgeous area!
10. 'Raphael, such areas like this will be all over the promised land and the entire earth in not many years. Think on this beautiful view of Zion, the pure in heart, when you pass through times of hardships in the coming days. We will make this desert blossom as a rose, a beautiful habitation for our faithful and believing elect!'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for bringing me here to Zion! Oh, I longed to be here in my mortal body. However, at this thought I immediately came to my private room, and was writing all of this down in my journal. My vision had ended. I felt great comfort and peace. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
12. Email from S.A. on 12-23-2020-
"... I felt to share my experience in prayer, so here it is. Let me know your thoughts!
Last night in prayer, I asked about what I read in regards to people, including those in the LDS church, defiling and killing children. I wondered if it was really true?
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Yes. Some do these things for their abominable religious ceremonies. Some in the LDS church do this for their own evil pleasures and kill them in attempts to hide their sins. They have fallen deep in the ways of sin and are entrenched in wickedness and abominations, yet they believe they are men of God. They have listened and been lured by the cunning ways of Satan and live a double standard life.
Some LDS members will be shaken greatly when this is revealed, while others will put those apostles aside in their hearts and look to the others for direction. M.S. was correct to say that it is critical not to put your trust in the arm of flesh, but to go directly to the source, even our Gods.'
I feel similar to what R said, I am looking forward to the destruction coming and for justice to come upon those who have defiled and killed so many poor and innocent children, as well as all those who have openly controlled, accepted and embraced abortion.
This morning I wondered what would happen with all of the orphan children who are saved as the elect to enter the millenium, but have no family with them?
Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Families will reach out and take these children in and raise them as their own. We will inspire and guide certain families to take them in. Some families will take one, and others will take many. All those whom we will, will be lead by our Spirit in bringing these new members into their families.'
I felt very grateful to have received these words from my Heavenly Parents in regards to my questions in prayer! It is such a blessing to me, to be able to pray, receive my own answers, and witnesses to the truths of the things I am reading!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
13. Evening-Tonight I came to God's Loving Healing Lake. I walked in up to my knees in the water and drank living water from my cupped hand. I returned to the southern shore, faced the lake and prayed to my Heavenly Mother.
14. She came to my right side, looking over her healing lake! She then walked over the water in front of me and faced me. Her eyes were particularly clear and compassionate looking. She spoke: 'Raphael, S.A. wrote you an email today about what her Heavenly Father and I revealed to her in prayer about the great sins against the children in your day. You have included it in this entry. All I had said to her is accurately written and true, as shocking as it might seem. Our vengeance will soon come upon the leaders of the LDS Church that practice this great evil, and yet act as if they are holy men.
15. There are also many in power in your government and in leadership positions in influential companies and industries in your country who also traffic children and prey off of the innocent and promote abortions. These men and women will be thrust down to hell, and have no part of our future millennial day. We will no longer hear the cries of the terrified or deceased little ones.
16. You have mentioned many times to your wife how you don't know whether what you read on news outlets is true or false. None of the sources are infallible, and much is disinformation. It is very important for each of our elect to develop a sure way to connect to us, their Gods, and to know that they receive revelation from us, and not from man or others around them. We transfer truth to the heart and mind of our humble and faithful elect through our Spirit. Each one may know for a surety what is true and what is false from us, the source of all truth.'
17. She then returned to my side and again faced the lake. She stood on the shore as if she was seeing something in the present day in the air above the lake. I looked too and felt I saw the desperate and lonely little ones that have been hurt and killed by evil and conspiring men and women. I heard momentarily the cries of these little ones! It was too much for me and I begged that she shut up this awful scene before me. She did so and then turned to face me. Tears were running down her cheeks. I then heard her voice in my mind: 'Vengeance is mine, and I will repay.' (See Romans 12:19) We will answer the prayers and yearning pleas of these little ones!'
18. She then gradually faded away, even until I was left alone. I closed my prayer and retired to bed.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, December 24, 2020
1. I reread my account above concerning the pleas of the little children, and S.A.'s email. This entire topic makes me feel sick inside, and I cannot think about it very long without getting depressed. Our society has many deep and dark secrets that have remained as abominable unrepentant sins of these wicked men and women. It is time for them to be removed, and for these terrible practices to stop. I pray for those innocent little ones whose lives have been cut short, or who live in great terror and fear from their captors. Some are abused in their own homes by those who should be protecting them. Oh, this is just awful!
2. I came this Christmas Eve to the throne room on the top floor of God's celestial temple. Heavenly Father was standing next to his throne in front of me. He asked me to approach him closer so that I could see his face more clearly and hear his voice. I stood about six feet before him. He then spoke: 'Raphael, we knew that some of our innocent little ones who would come to earth would suffer great abuse even at the hands of their parents or others who would capture and traffic them to evil and conspiring men and women. This has happened throughout the centuries, but in your modern day is far more voluminous because of the number of abortions and evil sophisticated human trafficking rings. We comfort these children when they are slain, and provide healing to their souls. Many of them will be brought forth in the first resurrection, and raised to adulthood by accepting, loving resurrected parents. Many will also be received into the Church of the Firstborn and will receive their initial ordinances from you and Oriphiel. All injustices will be corrected and made whole in their lives.
3. We send forth our light of Christ to all in the world. Those who reject this, and sear their conscience, by acting in evil ways, will be held responsible for their actions. In the day of judgment, those whom they killed or hurt in any way, and for which they did not severely repent, will be brought to stand at this judgment bar. The innocent will be brought to witness against them, and condemn their heinous actions. We will thereby correct all the injustices that were committed in mortality, and reward the good and punish the evil. Those who are evil will suffer the wrath of hell, and be subjected to the confinement of spirit prison during the duration of the millennium. Most of these abusers and evil ones will end up in the telestial kingdom as spoken of in D&C 76: 81-85.
"And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.
These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.
These are they who are thrust down to hell.
These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work."
4. I asked my Father about those who specifically murdered innocent children. I said I knew the scripture in D&C 42:18 that "he that kills shall not have forgiveness." I wondered if they would even be forgiven.
5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'These will be thrust down to hell and suffer. They will be subjected to the devils, even in that portion of the spirit world where the devils may still have influence. Lucifer himself will be confined in the chains you secure him in, in the bottomless pit, but other demons and devils will still have access to that portion of the spirit prison where these murderers shall be thrust and confined. Those who have murdered will be subjected to these evil ones during their confinement for the entire period of the millennium. They will not be redeemed until they have paid for their own sins by the sufferings they will endure. They will at last be redeemed by Jesus Christ at the last resurrection. He will not have suffered for their sins of killing but they will have suffered sufficiently by that time. They will thus be finally redeemed and granted a degree of glory in eternity, even in the telestial worlds.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words. I still wondered how these wicked ones would suffer for their own sins and have it be sufficient to pay for their evil deeds.
7. I then recalled the scripture in D&C 19: 15-17, 20
"Therefore I command you to repent-repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore-how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.
For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
...Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."
8. I knew that these murderers would have to suffer, for they would not be forgiven by Christ, but suffer for this sin themselves in hell. At the end of their sufferings, they would finally be redeemed and receive a degree of glory, unless they become a son or daughter of perdition. In that latter case, they would have the same terrible eternal consequence as the unrepentant devils and demons, and even as Lucifer himself.
9. The wicked who murder may not be forgiven and cleansed by Jesus Christ, but they will suffer the consequences of these sins themselves. They will finally be redeemed and resurrected at the last resurrection, even that of the telestial.
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming and instructing me on this topic this morning, in his throne room. I closed my prayer and soon joined my family.
11. Evening-It is late and my wife just fell asleep. I am up writing for a few minutes. Now is the time to just wait and see God's hand in what will happen. I am relaxed and feel content that all will unfold according to their plan.
12. I know that Moroni felt all had been abridged of the people of Jared, and then he supposed he would not have written more in the Book of Mormon (see Moroni 1:1). He then said he as yet hadn't perished, so he decided to write a few more things, contrary to that which he had supposed (Mormoni 1:4).
13. I feel somewhat like Moroni must have felt I believe. He had finished his record and thought he was done. For me, I know more will be revealed, but the time is short, and I wait with anticipation to see the unfolding of God's plans. I probably have in my mind how things will unfold differently than it really will happen. I need to drop all expectations, and just have a "wait and see" attitude, all the time trusting in God and their promises.
14. I knelt by the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake tonight. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I felt her presence immediately but could not see her.
15. Then I heard her voice in my mind: 'Raphael, you are correct to drop all expectations of how we will bring about the details of the tribulations in the next few days and weeks. You really have no idea except for little glimpses we have shared with you. Drop all your thoughts of how events will play out, and lean upon our Spirit and voice, just like I now speak to you and you cannot see me. This is how we wish you to lean upon us now. We will continually be by your side and give you clear directions through our voice of the Spirit, even throughout your day.
16. You have been obedient to us in all things, Raphael. All is prepared and in place for you and your records. We will continue to commune with you and add to these through the times of tribulations that come.
17. Make this entry the last one in your post 181. This will also start your volume 13 of Raphael. Name this post "Continual Revelation". This means we will always guide and direct you and our faithful servants and elect who call upon us in humble and open prayer. We will lead them each by continual revelation.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I reached out to where I believed she was, for I still didn't see her. She touched my hand with hers, so I could feel her hand. I knew this was the hand of her spirit.
19. She then departed and I felt her great comfort and peace. I closed my prayer and went to bed. Tomorrow morning is Christmas, a holiday where we exchange gifts and remember Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to my family holiday tomorrow!