75. Subtle Impressions
Posted 4-18-2018

My friends,

I hope this finds you happy in your lives and connecting more and more to our Heavenly Parents. I hope you enjoy reading and deeply thinking about all the things I share in my posts too!

I share in this post that I have learned more about the subtle impressions from God. I have been taught how still and small some of these feelings are! I have also learned more about the transfer of the unconscious to the conscious mind. Our Heavenly Father asked me to connect to them in various situations, including driving a car and while talking people are around. This has helped me learn to listen to the communications I receive from them, in all types of situations.

I also received more information about the Latter-day Saints in this post. I had the experience to witness the last moments of the Savior's life while he lived on the earth. I also had an experience with our own sun up in the sky–read on for this account and many more insights!

Always, please pray about these things I purport doing and revealing! You need to know for yourself if what I say is true!

I hope you find this post helpful to you also! I also have included some pictures I took around the yard and areas in my community of the emerging springtime! 

Please feel free to write me with questions, or just to share your life with me.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 3, 2018, Tuesday

1. I cloistered myself in my adjacent bedroom. I knelt in prayer. I felt to go to the birch tree grove, on the descending slopes to the City of Enoch. I drank living water from the little stream and then prayed next to the stream, facing north.

I then felt Heavenly Mother was up in the trees and that I should go up to meet her. I went up and found her smiling, waiting for me. I knelt in the air before her. It was very awe-inspiring to be with her at the tops of the beautiful birch tree grove! I so enjoy being with her!

2. She asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, your Father and I ask you to write our words because you have a well-developed ability to capture what we say to you in written word, as we speak. It is more difficult to speak and then have you reconstruct what we have said after the prayer.

The impression you had to first come to our birch tree grove, and then to come up into the treetops was a very slight thought. You could not have perceived this had you not been in a quiet, meditative state. In this sort of prayer, our children may similarly be able to commune with us, their Heavenly Parents.

3. You had a conversation yesterday with your sister, K, known to me as Rachael. She is very sensitive to plants, animals and the earth. She relayed to you her plea to me about the mistreatment of animals and what she could do. I said I would help her develop the ability to commune with the plants and animals that are in distress. I want to explain this more to you.

4. Rachael is the female archangel of the earth and of nature, or of living entities on the earth. These plants and animals all have intelligence and spirits, for they were created spiritually before naturally on the earth. Mother Earth also has intelligence and a spirit and was created spiritually before her physical state.

5. You and Rachael can develop the ability to commune with all of these in your telestial state. This will even be easier to do in the terrestrial millennial day, and in the celestial state of these, our creations. They all have no intention to hurt mankind, but instead, were created to bless and please our children. We love our creations!

6. In a similar way that you commune with me, you can communicate in your unconscious mind with our plants, animals and the earth. They are very responsive to your spiritual communications, for that is how we designed it. When you think pleasant and loving thoughts towards these, our creations around you, you convey to them your love and acceptance. They, in turn, will bless and enhance your life, for that is their purpose and mission.'

My Heavenly Mother then looked at the beautiful birch trees all around us. I heard her express her love towards them–how beautiful they were, and how happy they made her. I then could sense they were thrilled with her loving feelings! They seemed to beam for joy at being near her!

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:

'Raphael, the attitude of love, consideration and full acceptance of our plant and animal creations will always please them. We, who are their creators, are also so pleased when our children treat and care for these in kindness and love. As you do so, you may ask them to respond in ways you desire, and they will respond.

Here, in our celestial world, these birch trees respond to me immediately. If I want them to turn their now green leaves into a brilliant array of yellow fall leaves, they would do so. The ability of similar trees in your world is more limited, but nonetheless responsive to your requests.

8. It pleases me, your Heavenly Mother and creator with your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, to always treat our creations with kindness and love, ever thankful for their beauty and function they give to enhance your life. Also, give thanks to us, your Gods, for giving you such a beautiful world in which to grow and live.'

I thanked her for her creations, the plants, animals and Mother Earth! I said I would treat all of these creations with care and love and give thanks to God for their great service to others and me.

I then closed my prayer and started my day.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 4, 2018, Wednesday

1. I still feel full from overeating this morning from my wife's birthday party last night. It is so fun to be with family and we had such a happy time!

This morning I prayed at the fountain of living water, facing east. My Heavenly Parents both came to me. They looked somber. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, yesterday afternoon you prayed to me while driving your car. We came to you and communed with you, even though you had lots of distractions all around you. This is good practice since you will have many situations where you need our guidance and won't be able to get in a meditative posture. Continue doing that at random and we will come to you during your day.

2. We also have found you are more accurate writing our words as we speak them to you, instead of trying to recall something we said and writing it afterwards. We will therefore usually proceed in this way.

When you pray in distracting circumstances, we are fine with you coming back to the conversations after being interrupted a number of times. To us, time-related issues are not so critical, and for you to keep coming to us even though repeatedly interrupted is as if our prayer is continuous with you. You have seen this in meetings at the Great Assembly Hall too–you may come when you are ready and then the meeting starts. This may be difficult for you to understand in a very time-based world, but that is how it is in our celestial world, since time is not a governing factor.

3. I want to talk to you about the hearts of the wicked that are living now in your day on earth. There are many who have thrown out all factors of decency and morality, consideration of others, and only think of their own lustful and sin-laddened desires. This has created a society that has significantly degraded, compared to social respect and consideration for others just a few years earlier. Satan has persuaded a great many to throw out Christian values of decency and respect that their parents possessed. This has allowed Satan to continue to have greater power and influence over the people.

4. When war, desolations, and more severe hardships come to your land and the world, these wicked-oriented inhabitants will continue to think only of themselves and not of others. The removal of an enforced civility of society will cause the people to be dangerous, acting without order and with great selfishness.

These will be difficult days for our elect! They will find safety, however, as they pray unto us and follow our promptings. We will send our holy angels and other servants to help them navigate to places of physical and spiritual safety.

5. In the book "Visions of Glory", Spencer accurately described how he saw the breakdown of society in your own land. The most important factor in the protection and preservation of our elect is for them to learn to hear our voice and then obey our counsels. We will give the humble and the open our revelations that will literally save their lives and those of their loved ones.

6. These transitionary times will be difficult. They are coming fast and are at your doors.

We will watch over our elect we have selected and will continually seek to rescue and protect them! Oh, we love them, and yearn for them to individually come unto us, their loving Heavenly Parents. Hear the words of Our Beloved Son:

7. Come unto me, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting counsel on how he, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ will guide their elect in our troubled world. I said, too, I would commune more frequently with them in everyday distracting circumstances. I would not always wait for the meditative state I seek when I am alone. I expressed my deep love for them. I then closed my prayer and started another day.

9. Later–Yesterday on the drive to my daughter's house for our birthday parties (for my wife and I), I decided to pray to my Heavenly Parents. I decided to pray in the desert on the west side of the winding stream. I did this while driving, so I was pretty distracted. I still was able to envision me drinking living water, kneeling in the sand by the side of the stream, and praying. I then saw my Heavenly Parents come walking from my right (south end) of the stream. I could tell they were strolling along, talking together.

When they got on the opposite side of the stream from me, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother turned and faced me. They each looked somewhat somber. I was eager to hear what one or both would say to me. I felt a little uncomfortable, not being able to write, since I was driving.

I then pulled up to our Springville house and spent 10 minutes or so doing an errand. I got back in my car and then resumed my prayer. I asked my Heavenly Parents to speak to me.

10. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, there is the sound of war in your land. In not many days your country will launch into a war that will catapult your nation and people into great distress. Other destructions will also come on the very heels of the war, so that there will be calamity on every hand. Earthquakes, fires, war, severe weather, and more will rock your land in rapid succession. We will be with our faithful elect, to continue to guide them and offer protection.'

11. I then responded to my Father:

'My Heavenly Father, I am driving in the car and am somewhat out of my normal element in writing thy words–usually in quietness with little distractions at these times, feeling more acutely thy voice.

I also have some fear of saying one thing, that thou has said to my unconscious mind and then not hearing this clearly in my conscious mind, particularly something of this magnitude of a message! Do I need to share this with the mortal angels?'

12. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, write these words down later and do not share them for now in your future web post (later I was told I could share this). You will find that you will gain more confidence, as you get more accustomed to hearing our voice, even amongst distractions all around you. In a future day, you will have no lack of confidence in hearing our words, for your faith will become unshakeable.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his kind words and for his understanding! I will keep this short entry of my experience in my car to myself. I will wait and see if all of this comes to pass.

13. Later–at bedtime: I prayed tonight in a lovely meadow of purple and yellow irises, I believe, facing the lake to the south at God's Loving Healing Center. This was where I knelt and prayed.

Heavenly Mother came to the lake and walked up the air to me in the meadow. She came right in front of me. I gazed on her happy smiling face. Heavenly Father was not there.

14. I asked for her to share with me. She asked me to go into the adjacent room to write her words:

'Raphael, as you pray to us in all situations, many which are filled with distractions, you will get to where you can hear our voice in any situation. This is how we want it. This still will come after persistently praying to your Heavenly Father and me in all varieties of situations you find yourself in.

15. I would like to point out that you grew up in your private room nearby, after you first left our temple on your own as a young spirit. Your room was the domed room. This you kept until after Lucifer rebelled and was cast out of heaven. At that time, when the holy angels were chosen and set apart, you relinquished the room for all of the angels' use, particularly for the healing angels. This was when this entire area was designated as God's Loving Healing Center.

16. Since that time, you have frequented the domed room, but came also to many other areas in my celestial world. We have visited with you in many of them in the past few years.

There is purpose in praying in so many different areas in heaven. The variation of the climate, terrain, and vegetation allow us to use those different areas to teach you symbolically many things. We also weave a story or a lesson in each area, tied with our revelations we want to share with you at the time.

17. We wish we could emphasize enough to our other angels, servants and elect the subtle impressions we give to you, and how soft our voice is. We wish each could develop the keen belief they, too, are hearing our soft voice. They usually think at first what they perceive is their own thoughts. Always trust in us, and in our gentle whispers, and you and they will not be led astray.

Once one learns to hear our still small voice, then we will help them perceive our presence in their unconscious mind. This is unexpected for most at first. However, this is what the scriptures call spiritual discernment and spiritual insight. You, Raphael, have done well in trusting in your spiritual discernment when you gaze upon us, and see our face, and know it is us who speaks to you.'

I so enjoyed Heavenly Mother's message tonight. I wrote as she talked to me. Her words came clearly to my spiritual perceptions. I am so glad to have learned this secret of communion with God while still a mortal man!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 5, 2018, Thursday

1. I came this morning to the desert meandering stream, faced the oasis in the distance, and prayed in the sand. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. A bright light came from heaven above and lighted upon me. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, above me in the air. They were both smiling!

I expressed joy in being in their presence again! I so love to be with them. I asked for them to share their message today.

Heavenly Father asked me to sit up from my kneeling position in my adjacent room, and write the words they would both speak to me. I have no idea what they will share. I then sat up and wrote to this point.

2. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I wish to talk to you about the celestial power you and our angels have in ministering to our elect children in your fallen telestial world.

You work and act in our celestial realms. These celestial realms are both in heaven and on the earth. You easily go back and forth between these two celestial locations. You also easily replicate your physical bodies as the workload and assignments from us increase. You replicate your physical body since you are translated to a celestial level and you are in mortality, in your physical state. There is no limit to the number of replications you each may have.

3. All of your work for us in these celestial realms is done in your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is fully aware of all the tasks that you are doing simultaneously. This is one of the powers of God, our celestial power that we have extended to each of you.

All this time you also live in mortality, in your telestial state and conscious mind. In this state you are not aware of what your unconscious selves do in the celestial realms above. This is how we have designed the work of angels while you live in mortality on earth.

4. Your mind is still one, both conscious and unconscious, but there is a veil between these as long as you have your mortal body. This veil will lift and become fully removed once you come in person in your conscious mortal self to the New Jerusalem, in a future day. However, now you do not have awareness of your activities that you continually do in your unconscious mind in the celestial realms.

5. The only way we have designed for you to know what you do in these celestial spiritual realms is for us to reveal it to you by revelation, or for you to develop a sensitivity to knowing what your own unconscious mind does. This awareness is developed at first in quiet meditative times when you have very gentle impressions and thoughts. These are given to you by your unconscious mind, even though there is a veil over it.

6. You are now writing my words by these gentle, soft thoughts that come to you from your unconscious mind. You have developed the sensitivity to these slight impressions and are therefore able to write what I speak to your unconscious mind.

We speak to your unconscious mind, as we have always done since your spirit birth as our spirit son. We do not speak to your conscious mind unless there is a pressing need.

7. When our children on earth die, and their spirits go to the spirit realms on the earth, they soon have access again to their unconscious mind. Those who are righteous return to communing with us like they have always done. Those who are wicked shun our voice and will not or do not want to hear us. This is because they desire to be carnal, sensual and devilish, a habit and desire they learned mostly during mortality. We therefore cannot commune with them because of their own choice, unless we were to be intrusive, which is not our nature.

We therefore speak and communicate to all our children who follow our ways and want to hear our words, whether in their mortal state or in the world of the spirits, both on the earth.'

8. Heavenly Father stopped speaking and Heavenly Mother started to speak. Here are her words:

'Raphael, I have chosen to be the Holy Ghost to our children during their earthly probations. Those who seek us have access to this influence I give them, besides hearing our voice in their unconscious mind.

I have recently explained to you how I influence my righteous children by my power of the Holy Ghost. This is when I come as a spirit that I replicate of myself by my celestial Godly powers. This, my spirit, comes into their spirit and body and thus influences them deeply. They hear and feel my influence, since I am their dear Mother in Heaven, whom they know and love. The impressions by the Holy Ghost are often very strong, unlike the still small voice that we speak to them in their unconscious mind. However, these impressions and the influence of the Holy Ghost may also be soft and still, all according to my desire.

9. I will become widely known in the millennial day as the one who is the Holy Ghost. As for now, my identity continues to be hidden except to those who ask humbly and openly.'

My Heavenly Parents had ended speaking to me. I looked at them and they were smiling. I took this as their acceptance of what I had written when they communicated to my unconscious mind.

I then looked at my clock and knew I had to get ready for my day. I thanked them for their instructive words. I so love to be led by them and taught by my own Heavenly Parents!

I closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, and started my day.

10. Later–I came to the desert tonight in prayer, west of both the oasis and winding stream, to a little hill. I prayed there for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father came from the oasis in the air, just above the ground. He came to a position in the air in front of me. He was smiling.

11. I asked him to speak if he wished. He asked me to write his words.

'Raphael, we have every variety of climate and vegetation in our celestial world. Even though this desert area may not be as breathtakingly beautiful as other areas we have created, it is extremely still and quiet. Being here helps our children perceive things more clearly.

12. Our speed of acting and orchestrating the events of these last days is increasing noticeably. All our angels are replicating more and more as the need has arisen.'

At this time, my wife came into the bedroom and I wasn't able to get back to my prayer until ½ hour later. When I resumed my prayer, Heavenly Father said he would continue the conversation in the morning. I felt disappointed in initiating the prayer too late. I then thanked him closed my prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 6, 2018, Friday

1. Today is the day of the organization of the Church of Christ in 1830, being precisely 1830 years since the birth of Jesus Christ, according to D&C 20:1. We are today 188 years later than the organization date, or 2018 years since the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ! This is his birthday!

I came this morning to the west side of the fountain of living water. I had thought to go to visit Jesus at the white gate, but felt to come here instead. I drank living water and then prayed, asking for my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ to come.

Next I saw them all three, walking from the temple to my right! They came and stood between the fountain and me. I spent time gazing into their happy faces! I felt so privileged! I told them how humbled I was to be in their glorious presence again.

2. The Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we have invited your Redeemer, Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to come this morning. It has been 2018 years since he came to earth in the flesh as a babe in Bethlehem!'

3. Jesus Christ then spoke:

'Raphael, not only was I born on this day, but I also completed my sufferings for the sins and weaknesses of all mankind and was resurrected from the dead on this day. I had thus completed my critical mission given me of my Father and Mother in being the Redeemer of all of their children.'

4. I looked into his eyes and knew he had fully cleansed and redeemed me. I then spoke:

'I thank thee deeply, my blessed Redeemer of my soul! I am so, so grateful for thy great work for me, and for all mankind! I feel so honored to be in thy presence this morning.'

Jesus smiled at me! He stood in majesty next to his Father. Jesus was dressed in full scarlet red robes, signifying his great latter-day work he would now soon be doing, culminating in his second coming to the earth in glory.

5. My Father then spoke:

'Raphael, I will now continue the message I was going to deliver last night in your prayer.
I had started talking about the increased activity that is being performed by our holy angels, on our commands. This work will continue to accelerate, culminating in the return to the earth of Jesus Christ in glory.

We will also reveal to you our secrets of doctrine and of events, as we have planned. One of the important secrets has been the uncovering of Satan's intrusions into the LDS Church, that you unexpectedly saw and heard during the previous weekend at the church's general conference.

We do not direct any of the activity now in the upper levels of the church. They are quickly moving to their own directions and soon that of the adversary.

6. M.A. wrote you an email last night where she expressed fear for her own children. She said this was scary. She was fearing the clever deception by Satan that the church leaders were being led by their own minds, and then shifting to being led by Satan. I believe she feared that it would be difficult to navigate through these difficult times for her own children.

7. It is scary for those who will not come unto us in the humility and openness of their whole soul. Without a sincere willingness to follow our direction when they pray, regardless of the answer we give them, they will not have sufficient faith to act when we reveal to them the truth of what they should do. Our words to them will either condemn them if they don't act in obedience, or bless them.

8. For those who approach us in humility and openness, with faith to hear and act, we will give them revelation. We then wait and see if they act in obedience, going against the social and religious pressure from family and friends. We will continue to gradually lead the faithful so they will be able to change their mindset. We will offer these elect our blessings of truth, our protection and our continual guidance.

9. The very most difficult situations to follow our will are in areas of religion. The people who profess to be righteous, religious, and faithful, often are the most closed to change. Many believe so fully in the traditions of family and the church culture that thoughts of acting in any way other than following these strong pressures are very difficult. Nevertheless, this is exactly the test we wish to have them experience! In such pressure, our elect will obey our revelation to their soul and keep our commandments. Those who follow the crowd, the religious culture, are not worthy of the crown of eternal life we promise the faithful.'

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are so glad to all three be before you today. You have followed our will, and we have given you more, here a little and there a little:

"Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little." (Isaiah 28:9-10)

11. You have been weaned from the milk, or separated from the religious norms all around you. You have been open to us, which has caused you to be drawn away from the LDS Church to some degree. We have then revealed you our word, gradually as you were able to receive and assimilate our revelations. We thus continue to bless and guide you.

We will repeat this pattern for each one of our elect children. They thus will individually choose to follow us over man or Satan's ways.'

I thanked all three of my Gods for their revelations to me today. Oh, I feel so very blessed!!

12. Later–Tonight, after our date night, I went into my bedroom to dress for bed and to pray. In my prayer, I felt to go to the small hill in the desert west of the winding stream. I had been there recently for the first time.

I clarified myself, and then knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Parents to come. I soon saw a bright opening in some clouds above. I saw two beings in the light. One spoke to me:

'Raphael, come up here to join us!'

Our onion bed in our front field

I then went up and was in the sky amongst bright light before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were both smiling and seemed very happy.

Heavenly Father asked that I write his words. He said that I could go in the front room to write, with my family who were there. They were occupied with other activities.

13. Here are Heavenly Father's words:

'You have been talking to your wife about time management. These concepts she has recently learned about will greatly help you become more productive and yet seem like you have more time free time.

14. In our lives, we completely organize our activities ahead! We have, for instance, planned in detail when we will reveal to you various new doctrine and revelations. We always work this way, having planned together in detail the path and methods we will use to help each one of our children attain their highest potential. Practically all of our activity is thus planned ahead and then fulfilled by us at the moment we have planned. This process ensures we do exactly as we have planned and wanted to accomplish, as we have detailed in the beginning of the eternity.

15. Because we have planned in detail our activities at the beginning, we are able to get so much more accomplished than had we not planned ahead. Similarly, you will find you get so much more accomplished when you plan details ahead of your days and weeks. When you plan ahead, you are able to prioritize and think what activities are most important. Time management dictates that a date and time is assigned to the planned activity. When you fill up times of the day on your calendar with these activities, you accomplish the important things that you have planned and accomplish more.

16. In our lives, as the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother of all our children, we watch over them with love and concern. We plan together what would be best for our child. All of this is usually planned when our child still is not born to your Heavenly Mother as a newborn spirit. This may surprise you, but with our foresight we can see their life ahead. We see their choices and the consequences of these choices. We therefore plan out the best way for us to interface and encourage our child to choose our happy and gentle ways, without taking away their agency to choose on their own. This forethought and planning is done for all of our beloved children. We choose their intelligence and their future place in our eternity. We always plan to help them achieve the greatest happiness possible.

17. We then interweave every child's plan with the overall plan we have for the earth's existence and the overarching events. The most complex so far are these last days, plans, and events. There are many of our children now on earth and many factors and events we have planned in detail that will bring about our overall plans. These will culminate in the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, followed by the great millennium.

We could not orchestrate all this if we were not endowed with our Godly powers. We find great joy and satisfaction in this process, for we give each of our children the greatest opportunity for growth and happiness.

18. Raphael, we desire that you plan more in detail what important activities and events you wish to accomplish each day in counsel with us. We want to train you more in time management skills, since these are similar to our plans and activities we do. We want you to have set aside open-ended time too, so we may instruct and guide you daily. You will find greater personal satisfaction in doing this planning and acting in the way we show you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his Godly perspective, and his introduction tonight. I look forward to future instruction in the next days, so that I please them and find more joy and satisfaction.

I knew my time with my Heavenly Parents was ending. I faded away in my mind from this scene, and closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 7, 2018, Saturday

1. I felt to go to the top of the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced the temple in the distance. When I prayed, Heavenly Mother came to me. Heavenly Father was not there. I was excited to hear her words today! She asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, you have been puzzled how we could plan the details of our interactions and the life of each of our children, even before they were born to us. This is what we do when creating their spirit in my womb. We also knew before we chose their intelligence, when they would come to mortality and what circumstances they would experience. We had planned all of this at the beginning.

2. With our powers of foresight, we were able to accurately know all things in the future for our children, the events that we had planned on the earth, and the ultimate destiny of our children. We could do this without interfering with the moral agency of our children.

I know this ability we have and use is impossible for you to fathom in your mortal conscious mind! It is only able to be understood when you are quickened and blessed with the full gift of foresight yourself.

3. We have started to share with you a little of our celestial foresight gift. You now receive little glimpses into the future, not by you trying to see these, but from us. It comes without you trying at all. This is how you know it is from us initially. You may always later ask us too if this foresight view you receive is from us, your Heavenly Parents.

4. I therefore birthed all of my spirit children before they came to earth. Your Father and I had planned the best experiences that would help them become the happiest and receive the most glory they were willing to receive–all done while they were growing in my womb as an infant spirit! I also created their unique look and entire spirit that would soon encompass their intelligence. These were days when Heavenly Father and I spent moments together planning all things.

Now that we are no longer having spirit children for your eternity, we are fully involved in fulfilling our plans. We know and remember when we have planned together. We so enjoy acting on and living our pre-planned life with our children in this phase of their growth.

5. We are the very most pleased in our elect children, for they respond to our counsels and promptings. They obey our words as we gradually, line upon line and help them accept our ways, all on their own. We find extreme joy in their choices to eventually becoming even as we are.

We have the maximum number of elect children in this eternity as possible, all by their own choices, for that is how we have planned it. This process is the great work of God! We love this process of planning and fulfilling our plans.

6. Raphael, we want you and our holy mortal angels to be more involved in planning and fulfilling important activities in your lives. This process will give you a sense of great satisfaction! It will also give you a glimpse of how we operate, on a much grander scale, in behalf of our own children.

7. Those of you who have children may mold them by the experiences you give them in your own home. When they become adults and leave, you will continue to have influence, but to a much lesser degree. Nevertheless, you may plan to involve yourselves in their lives, as you are able, and love and accept them, how they and their families are. Acceptance and love have the greatest influence in the lives of your grown children, their spouses and children.

Oh, Raphael, we desire to share so much with you, as fast as you are able to receive! We will continue to reveal to you our Godly ways so that you may record all of this and share our words. We want our elect children to ponder our revelations so that they are influenced by them to act more in faith and love, obedience and happiness.'

8. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words I received from her this early Saturday morning! I love hearing from my Gods their revelations!

I stood and I embraced my Heavenly Mother. I felt her love and deep desire for my own happiness. I know she has this love for all of her children.

We separated and she smiled at me as she began fading away. My prayer ended and I started my Saturday.

9. Later, in the afternoon– I came in and dressed in dry clothes. I then went into my bedroom and prayed at the maple tree grove on the west end of Lake Beautiful. I became clear for my prayer, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I looked out over the lake, but couldn't see anyone. Then I realized Heavenly Mother was standing right by my side! She asked me to write her words. I came to the front room and wrote:

'Raphael, this morning you had a conversation with your wife and son where you felt you had to verbally defend yourself. You later apologized to your wife. You said you never want to feel like you need to defend yourself again.

10. What you said is true–that you don't need to ever defend yourself! As you develop self-confidence, there is no reason to justify your actions or thoughts that you might feel inadequate in. You might also feel misjudged or had misinterpreted feelings like you did this morning. In neither case do you need to justify yourself to others by defending yourself verbally. You may, instead, agree with those who speak to you, thus diffusing your feelings of being judged or misinterpreted.

11. The thought of feeling misinterpreted is only in your thoughts anyway. By agreeing with your wife, or by saying that is a good idea, or that you had never thought of her perspective before will fully dispel the feelings you had. You may continue to work on understanding your thoughts and feelings and seek to improve your weaknesses.

12. In the past, we have asked you not to schedule too many things in your life and to make sure you have open time for meditation and communion with us, your God. We still want you to have open time, but you may choose to schedule these times into your day. This allows your other times to be filled with meaningful plans that you wish to accomplish. Planning actions and events that are prioritized and meaningful will help you dispel the "busy" feeling you have felt. This busy feeling is only in your mind and not perceived by anyone but you.

13. You might think your Heavenly Father and I are very busy. We actually have a very lot happening, but we act on all of these and thus fulfill our plans. When we act, we do that one thing and have no feelings of being rushed or overwhelmed. Instead, we feel like I do now–I have all the time I need to speak to you so you might understand. You call this "having all the time in the world." I never feel rushed, but feel so satisfied in each activity that I do. I have multiple replications happening at all times also as I need.

Likewise, in your mortal life and in the life you lead in your unconscious mind in the celestial realms, you also need not feel rushed or pressured, but feel great satisfaction in your work. You can only do one thing at a time in each replicated state you are in. Your many replicated beings are content and enjoy doing each task we give you.

14. In mortality, where you can only do one thing at a time, with no replication, you may also feel relaxed and happy in all your work, even though you have much to do. You don't need to feel too busy or overwhelmed. You may enjoy each moment and feel satisfied in doing your best.

The key to this continued feeling of joy and satisfaction is proper planning! This is what we do, and we have extreme joy in our labors. There are some moments we grieve and feel other negative emotions, but these are short lived and have a purpose.

15. The information your wife is listening to this month from her life coach, is very good information on time management skills. Spend some time reading, doing the workbooks and listening to her. You will find an increased amount of free time and satisfaction in organizing your day in this manner.'

I told my Heavenly Mother that I would work on this life coach's approach in my life. I thanked her for inspiring her in teaching these concepts. I then closed my prayer and continued my day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 8, 2018, Sunday

1. I awoke early and came to the adjacent bedroom to pray. I came to the desert oasis to pray. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me from the skies, in bright light. I gazed on their loving faces. They were so very majestic!

Heavenly Father asked that I write his words:

'Raphael, it doesn't matter how many or how few people support you in your views of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leaders, as we have revealed them to you. What is important is what you received and that you know it is true. This revelation will be a guide to your life. We will continue to give you revelation and direction, regardless of who or who does not support you. We also will reveal to them each the same truths we have revealed to you.

2. R.S. has shared with you in an email you just read that he supported you. He has been led, as have many, by me to these similar truths. The ancients knew your day too, as R.S. stated in his email. They wrote this in the scriptures, but most of our people can't see this yet. Isaiah is very clear to those who have fully studied and received our revelations. However, to those who don't seek diligently, these same scriptures remain hidden from their eyes.

This past weekend at general conference, the leaders held a solemn assembly. Here is what we had Isaiah say about the church in your current day that we had Joseph Smith establish (note: My comments are in parenthesis.)

3. Isaiah 1:2-6, 1:11-15–

"Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel (the current day LDS church) doth not know, my people (the Latter-day Saints) doth not consider.

Ah sinful nation (your United States), a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

Why should ye (the LDS people) be stricken any more: ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick (the leaders of the LDS church as well as the leaders of the nation, the United States), and the whole heart faint.

From the sole of the foot even unto the head (the leaders) there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? (speaking of all the churches of the land, but particularly the LDS church) Saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. (all of the temple sacrifices, mission sacrifices, all the sacrifices of my people I no longer delight in).

When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? (or to tread with evil in your temples)

Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; (the offerings of my Latter-day Saints are now not acceptable to me in the current LDS church) the new moons and Sabbaths (the fast and testimony meetings, the sacrament meetings), the calling of assemblies (stake conferences, general conferences), I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting (the solemn assembly held last weekend at general conference).

Your new moons (monthly fast meetings) and your appointed feasts (Halloween, New Years, Easter and Christmas even-as these have been changed from original Christian purposes and worship) my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

And when ye spread forth your hands (prayers and other actions in temples), I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood (there are many hidden acts that we see that are murderous, evil and corrupt in your land now)."

4. Raphael, I could go on with other scriptures found in the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. We have not been silent, but have revealed in our scriptures our words. Most don't see this, for they will not consider the true meaning of our words, so we have hidden them, revealing them only to the humble and open.

You live in troubled times! However, to the honest in heart, the truth seekers, the open and humble, we will reveal our revelations and the awfulness of your situation (see Ether 8:24) We will save our elect, whether in this life or the next, and lead them to eternal life and their exaltation. We require the heart and an open and willing mind (D&C 64:34 "Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind, and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.")'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, those who come unto us as we require, in humility and openness, seeking to see the truth and be guided by us and not man, we will answer. We will guide them in love and safety.'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Parents for their clear words. I feel so very enlightened continually by their words! Oh, I love them so much!

I then knew my communication with them had come to an end this morning. I said I would be obedient to their directions. I closed in the holy name of Jesus Christ. I started my Sabbath day.

6. Later, at church–My wife and I attended a local ward today for sacrament meeting. They sang hymn 199 "He is Risen" which I enjoyed. During the sacrament, I felt to go to the overlook on the trail going into the woods. I looked southeast to the temple in the distance. There was a green hill below me, down from the overlook, and then a green field beyond that. There was the river representing Jesus Christ in the distance and then the temple beyond that.

After the blessing on the bread, I made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents, in the air since they were not yet present. I was on my knees, very clarified and aware of all that was happening.

After I ate bread, I saw my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me in the air! They were smiling, in bright light with a cloud around them.

7. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to us today. We will always be with you, my son! You have also taken upon you the name of Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son. He has suffered for your sins, and the sins and weaknesses of all our children in this eternity.'

At this time, I saw on the green hill below me a cross, with my Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross. This had transformed to the hill at Golgotha, rocky and harsh. I saw Jesus at a distance, suffering. There were a few people on the hill too.

8. Heavenly Mother continued:

'Raphael, during the sufferings of Our Beloved Son, your Redeemer, in Gethsemane and then on the cross, he suffered for the sins of all mankind. He suffered for you while on the cross. During this period when he atoned for your sins, you also saw him in the domed room where you were located at the time. He is your personal Savior and Redeemer. Without the suffering and redemption of our pure and sinless Son, you could not come back into our presence.'

The priest then blessed the water. I then saw on the hill that the friends of Jesus took his body off the cross, and tenderly transported him to a tomb that had been newly hewn out of rock, on the side of the hill not far away. They placed him into the tomb, placed a linen cloth over his body, and then rolled the stone over the opening of the tomb.

9. The Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have seen that Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was placed in the tomb on Friday before the Jewish Sabbath. His body remained in the tomb for three days, until Sunday morning. Early on that morning, he arose from the dead and by the power of God that we had given him, he became the first fruits of the resurrection. Because of his resurrection and victory over death and the grave, all mankind will be also resurrected, through the great power of their Redeemer. Some will be resurrected for a celestial, terrestrial and telestial resurrection.'

I then drank of the water and sacrament was done. The green hill and green field had become like they were at first. I felt so grateful for the vision to my unconscious mind I had received during the sacrament. At the end of the sacrament, we sang from hymn 200 "Christ the Lord is Risen Today".

10. Later in the evening– I went into my bedroom to pray. I had been feeling a great need to look into the eyes, the eternity eyes, of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I came to the golden altar and prayed towards the temple. The doors were closed. I knelt and humbly asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I felt aware and clarified of all that was happening around me.

The temple doors opened and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walked up to me and stopped. They were bright and very glorious! I gazed on them for some time, looking into each of their eternity eyes. This was very comforting for me to do and it strengthened me. They let me take all the time I needed to look steadily upon them, in my unconscious mind. I felt at peace.

11. I asked them to share with me. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, you have enjoyed a very full day today, on this, the Sabbath of your Lord, when you saw Jesus Our Anointed resurrected from the dead in your vision. His mission of redeeming all mankind allowed us to freely send our children to mortality. This has been essential to finding out who would follow us and keep our commandments. This was the only way to sift our children through earth trials and find who were our elect sons and daughters.

12. You discussed with your wife tonight that you had once strictly followed the norms, culture and procedures taught by the LDS Church. This strictness had made you closed to a degree, so that you couldn't really be reached by us until we orchestrated trauma in your life. You mentioned to your wife that some of your children are also very strict in the LDS Church and also are some of the most closed to change. This is true because they are taught over and over to not question the general authorities and leaders of the church. They are taught to receive revelation as long as it agrees with the current doctrine and what the leaders teach. This creates a closed mind so that we have a much harder time influencing them, and having them see the truth as it really is.

I will talk more to you tomorrow about this and other things. Now it is time to close our prayer and allow you to retire to bed.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and for their wonderful visit today. I loved being with them!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 9, 2018, Monday

1. This morning I awoke early and came to the adjacent bedroom. I felt to go to the area just south of the circling waters, next to the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I drank living water and became very clear in my body. I then knelt and prayed.

Heavenly Father came in front of me immediately. I looked on him and he was happy. He asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, I want to continue speaking to you along the same topic as last night.

2. We have found in our experience that the most open children to us are those who have somehow separated themselves from their culture and religious dogma. If they are LDS, the doctrine of their church has less effect on them than the personal revelation we give them. They begin questioning their leaders and all the religious patterns, culture and doctrine. We are able to witness to all truths and able to gently and slowly lead them to our truths. They become more and more open and malleable to us.

3. As you have received our revelations, we have asked you to drop your judgments and expectations of what we would reveal to you. We asked you to become very open. We gradually helped you clarify your mind to be in a state of receptivity to our very word.

Then we helped you develop your sensitivity to your unconscious mind where we speak to your mind and heart. You loved to spend more and more time in meditation, then connecting to us in more real and dramatic ways. We now have a pattern of speaking twice daily to you in your personal prayers. You feel us next to you daily, throughout your normal day.

4. We wish to lead all of our elect to this same state of awareness of our presence. We will lead them along as we have led you. Your Heavenly Mother and I love to bring our elect sons and daughters to us in this way. They are the most open to change and, like the clay, we may mold them into the great and noble children we desire them to become.'

I looked into Heavenly Father's eternity eyes. He had finished speaking. He then looked up and so did I. I then saw Heavenly Mother descend from the skies directly above us!

5. Heavenly Mother came down next to Heavenly Father's left side. They lovingly looked at each other then held hands. She then turned and faced me. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we have shared with you over the past weeks and months our thoughts and views of how we wish you and our elect children to become. When our sons and daughters are in this open and malleable state of mind to accept our every word, we then accelerate the flow of revelation to them as fast as they are able to receive it. We speak truth to all our children, and say the same words and truths. We are always consistent and constant.

6. We soon reveal ourselves to their unconscious minds. They love to be in our presence, and as they diligently seek us, in humility and persistence, we reveal our faces and beings to them, more and more:

Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;" (D&C 93:1)

Your day has an increased number of our faithful who are thus coming to Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He then brings them to the Father and me, as he has done for you.

Comfrey coming up in our fields

7. The adversary is trying all sorts of tricks and deceptions to thwart our faithful from coming to us. You were talking to your oldest son last night at your family party about computers and Bluetooth devices that remotely connect to these computers. He is correct that the adversary now uses these remote earphones having the low-level Bluetooth technology as portals into the minds of our children. You have Bluetooth earphones that are potential portals and entry points of the adversary. However, for you and others who now have the shields of the Father, these are ineffective portals for the adversary. For those who don't have such a shield, these devices in their ears have usually become an entry point for Satan and his minions. If they listen to dark or heavy music prevalent in your day, almost always evil spirits enter into the minds of these unsuspecting people.

8. Other technologies such as medical implants have also become common entry points of the adversary for our sons and daughters. Those with the shields of the Father need not worry, for Satan and his minions are held away from their immediate persons. However, for the unshielded in your day, Satan has many more entry points to enter into our children and deceive them with his whispers and evil influences.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their inspiring words. I am thankful for continued and clear truths from my Heavenly Parents. I next saw them rise up into the sky together and soon disappear in the clouds. I closed my prayer and got ready for my day.

9. Later– I came in my bedroom tonight and initiated a prayer. I felt to go to the southern side of the circling waters, facing north. I was on my knees, looking at the young forest of saplings. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came immediately in the forest, and looked eager for me to come to her, for she motioned quickly for me to come. I immediately was on her left side and she grabbed my right arm with a grasp and we started walking together into the forest. I looked at her and she was smiling and eager to go somewhere with me. Soon we were walking no longer in the forest, but up in the clouds and then in space! Soon we came to Heavenly Father and Jesus on his right side. Heavenly Mother then let go of my arm and came on the left side of Heavenly Father.

10. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has brought you to us up in space in your own solar system. We are now going to all four of us travel to an area above the surface of the sun!'

We soon were above the sun which was very bright underneath us.

Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, we have come here to the sun in your solar system to give him directions and a blessing. We are all celestial beings, and so the heat and gravity of the sun has no effect on us. Your Heavenly Mother will give the sun his directions and blessing.'

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, go to your front room on earth and write the words that I will speak.'

I came out of my bedroom and wrote to this point. I pray to be able to write accurately all the words of my Heavenly Mother.

12. Here are the words Heavenly Mother then spoke as she faced the sun:

'Oh wonderful sun! You have been serving our many earths that we have brought to you for a number of eternities. You have provided our current Mother Earth her light and warmth for many years. You hold her in her precise orbit by reason of your large mass and gravitational pull. You have obeyed our commands from the onset of us placing you here in your glorious solar system!

13. It is now time to create more coronal mass ejections and other disruptions on your surface that face Mother Earth. We want you to do so when our holy angel Raphael comes with other angels and returns to this location above your massive surface. Raphael and his small group of angels will give you directions as they receive them from us, their Gods and creators. When you hear Raphael's voice, he will speak with our authority and strength, for he and our angels are our servants that we will command in a not too far future day, to have you erupt on your surface towards the earth. Timing is critical, so we are preparing you now to know this will happen soon. When our angels direct you, immediately spew forth a very large ejection towards our Mother Earth.

We thank you our Father Sun of this solar system, for your obedience to us in this matter!

14. I bless you now to be on alert as we begin major shifts on the earth, in preparation of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ who also is with me today, to return to the earth a second time. I bless you to respond to all of our directions that we or our holy angels give you. I bless you to have great power and strength to continue to hold Mother Earth and all the planets and their moons in perfect rotation. I bless you to assist Nibiru on her large and wide path around your massive being. Oh, we love you, our Father Son!'

I then heard the deep voice of the sun:

'My Heavenly Mother, my Heavenly Father, the Savior of Mankind, Jesus Christ, and Raphael, their holy angel–I am so honored to be in your holy presence! I will obey the directions and commands that any of you give me! I will become on high alert now until the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.'

15. Heavenly Mother smiled broadly and turned again towards me. She spoke:

'Raphael, record all of this interchange with the sun, as our record of heaven and earth. Calamities are at the door, and in not many days you will return to this place, with a few other holy angels, to command the sun, as we direct you.'

I then immediately lost connection with my three Gods above the sun! I had written all of this and now confirm it all to be true! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 10, 2018, Tuesday

1. “This morning I awoke at 6:55 a.m. and came to the adjacent room. I felt to pray at the desert oasis. I drank once from living waters in the oasis and then felt very clarified from the top of my head to my toes. I knelt by the water's edge, facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or at least one to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me in the middle of the oasis. She then came near me and spoke:

'Raphael, you are pushing hard and are tired. Spend some time at work when alone to ponder and re-read your journal entry. You will then receive a witness that what you saw last night and heard from my mouth, when I spoke to the sun, is true.

Now, please sit up and write my words.'

2. I wrote to this point. Heavenly Mother then continued speaking:

'Raphael, every one of the planets and moons in your solar system have a spirit and were created by us, your Gods. We bring a new earth into your solar system for each eternity, but the sun, moon, and planets with their moons remain from eternity to eternity. The earth is physically much younger than the sun, moon and planets.

3. When the earth and solar system come towards Kolob during the millennium, once these get to our celestial spherical section at the center of our galaxy, the earth continues on to its place near Kolob, whereas the solar system returns back to its location where it is now, in the telestial sphere of the galaxy. It is then ready for a new earth and eternity in time, for the next eternity.

We keep all of our exalted Mother Earths near to us in the center of our creations, in our galaxy, for the earth becomes celestial and an exalted abode for its celestial inhabitants.

4. The stars and other orbs in our galaxy are for the eternal abode of our children, some telestial, some terrestrial, and some celestial. These all live to the highest level of happiness they were willing to receive in their forever state. We create one earth at a time and live in one eternity at a time. Our beloved children come to their new earth for the mortal experience. It is an exciting and very fulfilling life for us, their Heavenly Parents.'

I felt in awe over my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father's experience and great work! I thanked her for coming to me and sharing these truths with me.

5. At that moment, Heavenly Father appeared on the water next to Heavenly Mother. They looked at each other and held hands. Heavenly Father then turned and spoke to me:

'Raphael, we had created your sun and solar system many eternities ago. Your Heavenly Mother was particularly attached to the sun in this creation process. This is why she wanted to speak to him last night.'

6. At this time, my Savior, Jesus Christ, came next to the Father. He next spoke to me:

'Raphael, I was given the responsibility to create your Mother Earth, under the direction of our Father and Mother. I used many of God's children in this great creation work. All of our holy angels were involved in the creation of the spiritual, then physical, earth. There were others whom we also selected to assist. The other Christs of that eternity use this same pattern of using other angels and servants. This is the great plan set forth by our Heavenly Parents, who received it from their exalted parents, and back to our very original grandparent Gods in the beginning.'

I thanked my three Gods for their great revelations this morning! I feel enlightened with new knowledge, and in receiving a witness that what was explained is true, and I heard and wrote all correctly this morning and last night. I then asked that my Gods stay close to me during my day. I will ponder all of this during my day. I then closed my prayer and began a new day!

7. Later at work–I read over again my journal entry from last night and this morning. At the end of reading, I had a very warm, confirming feeling and witness this was all true, and that I had recorded it well enough.

Later in the evening--I got an email from S.A. today with lots of questions. I love questions! One question she asked in her email that put it rather succinctly: "So do I understand correctly–you hold the keys of the Church of the Firstborn and Joseph Smith to the Church of Christ?"

8. I have never sought this appointment by God. I only ever wanted to be a normal man with a normal life! These things started coming with more and more dramatic revelations, that I am now caught off guard when I read S.A.'s question. I have heard this multiple times from God, that I am called and commissioned, even with priesthood keys that Jesus Christ himself conferred on me. I have had this confirmed again and again! So why do I recoil from this thought suddenly, when asked so clearly by a dear friend and fellow healing angel?

9. I only can say what I have received, in daily directions and revelations from God. I have written all of these down in my personal journal and I send out regular typed-up transcripts of my journal by email. That is what I do. And yet, the claims I make that God has told me are extremely bold! They very much surprise me! I cannot deny, however, what I have honestly heard and received.

I know each person that reads my accounts cannot believe what I have written, except they receive revelation, too, from God, that this is all true or not. Each one has to inquire and receive if they are to not be misled. They need to know, as I know, whether God has directed me to write these words, claiming that they are from God, our Father and our Mother, and / or Jesus Christ.

10. Tonight I came to one of my newly favorite spots–the desert oasis. I drank once from the oasis and felt extremely clear. I then knelt next to the bench, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come.

Then from my right side my Heavenly Mother came, walking quietly. I turned and faced her. She put her hand on my right shoulder and I took it in both of my hands kissed her hand lovingly. I looked up into her smiling face and very compassionate and deeply loving eternity eyes. She asked me to write what she would speak to me:

11. 'Raphael, we know it is difficult for you to accept all that we have given to you in so short a period of time! You have shared this with a few choice people as well, keeping your identity hidden for now, as well as our revelations to you.

Further, we have revealed ourselves to you only in your unconscious self, which is not in your conscious mind. This had further pushed your faith, even though you have keenly developed sensitivity to perceiving in your conscious mind what we say and do in your unconscious mind. Your perceptions and clarity to hear our voice has been remarkable. However, since you haven't often received these revelations in your mortal conscious mind, you are more prone to question what you have received.

12. In addition, your writings we give you are countering the religious and societal norms in which you live. In your area, there are predominantly Latter-day Saints who have so abundantly supported the new First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Many claim they have received a witness from God that these are living prophets. They boost each other in their faith and feel very emotional about all of this.

13. Raphael, all of this makes it more difficult to accept your commission and your calling. When Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, he was also very alone in knowing his great mission. He kept it in secret until the start of his ministry. We communed with him daily and he fully followed our guidance.

Joseph Smith, our young prophet, wondered why the world of his day persecuted him so much for telling the truth. At one time, Joseph knew he saw a vision and was telling the truth of his experience. (See JS History:25)

14. Similarly, you have written your personal experiences in your journal as you have received them from us. The world doesn't know of these things, for they were only revealed to you and to those who read them and diligently sought for confirmation from us, their God. Even if the entire world believes otherwise, these words are still true, and were given to you by us.

Your mission and calling, like that of Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith, will continue to expand and grow as theirs' did. Man is not able to stop you from increasing in strength as our servant before us, even though currently hidden from the world, until we reveal you to the faithful. Raphael, we will continue to be with you and to reveal to you all things that we have planned.'

I humbly submitted myself to my Heavenly Mother. She brought her arms around my shoulders and drew me close to her--I was kneeling and she was standing.

She then smiled at me and quietly returned to my right side and faded out of sight. I concluded my evening prayer and got ready for bed!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 11, 2018, Wednesday

1. Today I enjoyed chatting with my wife before coming to pray in the adjacent room. I am going to try to pray at work more today I think, since my time alone in meditation is less this morning.

I came to the steps of the Great Assembly Hall, and faced the beautiful waters of Lake Beautiful in front of me. The "sun" was reflecting off its surface (I think this was some light above in the sky, like a sun). I prayed after fully clarifying myself, so I became almost transparent and felt so open. I asked that Heavenly Father and/ or Heavenly Mother come. Then I saw high in the sky a glorious being of light quickly descending to me. Soon Heavenly Father was standing in the air a little above the stairs. I gazed on him for a bit, and told him how grateful I was for his visit to me today. I felt very open and humble, ready to receive his words.

2. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our son, and I are the true Gods of the whole earth. Satan's time is limited now and he is very frantic in spreading forth his evil and sinister traps for all mankind. However, his kingdom must decrease now, and our influence for good must increase! Just like the first flowers of spring have now emerged, with a foreshadowing of the whole world warming up and becoming alive with greenery and abundant flowers and beauty, so is our influence on the elect of God going to increase and grow. We are intent on influencing those who will obey our promptings and keep our commandments.

3. Raphael, so must it also be with you and our holy angels–you must increase and grow in maturity, strength, confidence and action. This is gradual as you learn and have experiences. We desire to lead you and motivate all of you who are our angels and servants, as fast as you are able to receive us and our ways. Your perspective will broaden as you learn new views and as our revelations enlighten your soul with truths from God. Your awakening and emerging will happen just as we need your service and work. This is as we have planned it from the beginning.

4. The sun rises earlier now each morning, and sets later each evening, making for a longer day. So it will be with your work and that of our other angels and servants: their labors and abilities will lengthen and increase, during this day called today of the return of the Son of Man, even in these last days (see D&C 64:23 "Behold, now it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man. . .")!

5. The earth, too, is transitioning to a terrestrial environment. Mother Earth will be ridding herself of the many wicked inhabitants on her surface. The acts of God will increase on Mother Earth too, to engulf the wicked and to promote the righteous and preserve them for the beautiful millennial day.

As you love springtime, Raphael, so do I love these transitionary days leading to the millennium. I love to see my elect children awaken and take control and charge of their own lives, their thoughts, and their actions in following us in all our directions and commandments.'

6. I saw that Heavenly Father stopped speaking. I was basking in the light coming from his glorious countenance! I felt so uplifted and full of his light and love. My transparent and clear replicated self was reflecting and absorbing his light so that I, too, became very bright! I was fully consumed in the presence of my Heavenly Father!

This is how my prayer ended today. I gradually seemed to exit this vision of my replicated self with my Father. I feel assured it is all true as I have written. I feel so encouraged and blessed!

7. Later, in the evening: I came to my front room and felt to have my prayer while I was on my recliner and my wife in her chair on her computer! I was to be writing in my journal.

I felt this would be the way that God wants me to have my prayer tonight so there were distractions all around and I would probably be interrupted too. This would give me experience in connecting in a busy environment.

In my work today, I didn't carve out time to have a prayer. I felt I would do so tonight in my front room instead.

8. In my prayer, I went into the sapling tree forest, just north of the circling waters. I clarified my mind and knelt facing west, deeper into the forest, towards an area I had never really explored. I asked in my unconscious mind for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and looked west into the forest. There was no path that I could discern, only smallish trees about 4-10 inches in diameter. It seemed these were birch or mountain trees like aspens.

I looked into the forest again and heard talking. I immediately thought my Heavenly Parents were strolling in the woods towards me. Soon they stepped out in front of me. They were both smiling and seemed very happy to be with me. I was certainly happy to be with them!

9. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we love to walk together in our young forest of mountain trees. I love the mountain wilderness that I have created in my upper garden area.

In your Utah area, there are often times like today when it is sunny and warm and then the weather quickly turns cold, or even snowy. This is how it can be here also, but controlled all by our thoughts instead of by changing weather on earth.

Similarly, it can seem that all is well on your earth, in your country and community, and then suddenly it all quickly changes for the worse. You live in treacherous times, and the world, your country, and community can all change in a matter of days. We control this by our plans we orchestrate, just like we change the weather in heaven by our thoughts.'

10. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, the best way to prepare for the worsening of events in your world is to become familiar with our voice and to practice obeying what we say. Every adult person stands independent from another and needs to receive their own light, not leaning upon another, nor trusting another. This attitude will motivate our child to put significant effort in connecting with us, his or her God, and seeking to hear our voice. If they rely on others, they might be led astray along with the one they rely on.

Dandelions coming up again!

11. This was all spoken of by Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:
Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 9:40–48–

"Therefore, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; or if thy brother offend thee and confess not and forsake not, he shall be cut off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.

For it is better for thee to enter into life without thy brother, than for thee and thy brother to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

And again, if thy foot offend thee, cut it off; for he that is thy standard, by whom thou walkest, if he become a transgressor, he shall be cut off.

It is better for thee, to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched.

Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or not trusting another.

Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.

And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out.

It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God, with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

For it is better that thyself should be saved, than to be cast into hell with thy brother, where their worm dieth not, and where the fire is not quenched."

12. I know you have taught these concepts in your beginning energy classes when you did those, Raphael, but I feel to emphasize now how critical this is, particularly at this dangerous time in your world.

Raphael, you have done well in seeking me, your Father (see verse 45), and either your Heavenly Mother or I will do in the very moment what ye shall ask, as you ask in faith, believing that you shall receive.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for coming to me tonight, in this beautiful day in heaven, in this young mountain forest. Heavenly Father invited me to stand and walk with them back into the forest from where they came. I quickly arose and walked slowly westward into this beautiful forest.

I became disconnected to my unconscious self at this time. I knew my conscious prayer had ended. I felt grateful to have communed with both my Heavenly Parents tonight!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 12, 2018, Thursday

1. I am now in the adjacent bedroom. I was in prayer with my Heavenly Mother. She asked me to write up to this point and then to record her words.

This morning, I felt to go next to the shores of the desert oasis. I drank and became extremely clear on drinking one cupped hand of living water. I knelt to pray. I then had the impression to replicate myself and rise up high in the air and perceive where God was and them for me to go to find her. I saw in my mind a being, far out in the desert, along, beyond the desert hill to the west. I went there and came upon my Heavenly Mother. I knelt before her.

She was crying, or had recently cried, for her eyes were wet still with tears. I humbly asked her what was wrong and why she had been crying.

2. Heavenly Mother responded:

'Raphael, I am distressed by my many children, many of them the elect whom we have chosen, who have said that I, their Mother and the Holy Ghost, had inspired them and witnessed to them that President Russell M. Nelson was God's prophet. Many said this with gushing words and tears this last Sunday in their testimony meetings.

3. Raphael, I have not inspired or spoken to any of them, to witness to them he was their prophet! I have watched as they claimed it is me who inspired them. Instead, it is either their own emotional feelings they take as my spirit of the Holy Ghost, or a false lying spirit that whispers this to them!'

I looked upon her face and she started crying again, being so sad at the state of many of her sons and daughters!

She then asked me to write her words up to this point and to write the remainder.

I have written to this point. I now see a changed Heavenly Mother, for when I look now in her face I see her upset feelings, now being turned into disgust and determination to do something to remedy this situation.

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke. Her tears had dried, yet she seemed a little red around her eyes, and swollen in her cheeks and around her eyes, I think from crying.

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will now come out of our hiding place and affect the lives of the elect children who are in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who are thinking they hear our voice and really don't. We have planned to orchestrate circumstances that will shake up their lives. Many will start to question everything; particularly those they think are chosen of God and are not. Some will wander away from us, in their attempt to find truth. Others will come more and more to us, with at first questions that will create doubt and wonder, with a desire to be open. It will be very hard for many to truly become open and humble enough to be ready for me, their Holy Ghost, to touch them and lead them gently to our truths.

This whole experience of what your Father, Jesus Christ, and I see is becoming truly disgusting to us. Here is how we now feel.

5. Isaiah 1:14-15

"Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood."

Irises in our front field, not yet emerging

6. Here also is what we will do to stir up our elect who thus deceive themselves:
Isaiah 1:20, 24, 25, 28, 31–

"But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

Therefore saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies.

And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin:

And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed.

and the strong shall be as tow, and the maker of it as a spark, and they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them."

7. Raphael, those who read your words should read and study again Isaiah chapters 1 and 28, for our disgust has reached a breaking point.'

I looked on my Heavenly Mother. Her eyes were becoming very determined, and were filled with disgust it seemed. She extended her hands to me and I stood, holding both her hands. We then were immediately rising up in the air, over the western desert. We traveled together to the high mountaintop, next to her upper garden.

8. She then turned me to look into the western skies, to see the fast and testimony meetings this last Sunday throughout the LDS church. It seemed all the same: filled with so many gushy testimonies, claiming the Spirit touched them and witnessed the "truth" that the new prophet was called of God.

Heavenly Mother then turned me to see into the near future, into the eastern skies. I next saw calamity of all types coming upon this land of America and also across the entire globe. I saw war in our own land. I saw earthquakes and Mother Earth convulsing, and many sever weather and other destructions!

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, have this entry be your final time write for your post 75. Also, if you wish, you may keep the journal entry in this post, given to you personally on 4/4/2018 by your Heavenly Father while you were driving your car. It speaks of these calamities you see now in the near future.'

10. I thanked her for her very revealing words and feelings today. I also thanked her for showing me the recent past and near future. I, too, am now filled with more disgust at what I saw and how justified she, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are in coming out of their hiding place to affect their elect who are deceived.

I turned and embraced my Heavenly Mother there on the high mountaintop. I started crying and feeling what she had so deeply felt when I met her in the desert earlier. I then lost my connection and will finish up this morning's prayer and the conclusion of my journal entry for this post 75. I then realized I needed to get ready for work and feed the chickens."

At the park at sunset