52. The Awakening of the 144,000
Posted 6-16-2017

Hello my friends,

I hope each of you are enjoying a very lovely summer, with lots of peace and joy. I have so much enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and warmer weather. Life proceeds very quickly, and I need to take time to smell the roses which are blooming, and enjoy the beautiful mountains and shady lawn.

This post centers mostly around the awakening of the 144,000. We who are mortal angels, appear all to be in place now, even though we may not know this fact in our conscious minds. We are being instrumental in helping awaken this large group of gatherers, the 144,000, who will help assemble the elect of God prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Please pray about the contents of this post, and verify that my experiences are real and from God. I just write what I see and feel, mostly from prayer. I record all in my journal, and this post is the account of my experiences over the past 3 1/2 weeks. I hope you enjoy it!

Please send me your comments and questions. I love you, and want to connect to each of you over email!


PS. You will notice that the pictures in this post are of the peoples of the world. The elect of God are now identified, and scattered over all the face of the earth. The mission of the 144,000 is to bring them to Christ, and then ultimately to the New Jerusalem and the Church of the Firstborn.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-23-2017, Tuesday

1. Late last night, I sent out my 51st post on my website. I confirmed that it was pleasing to my Heavenly Parents, in my prayer this morning. I went, in my mind's eye, to the granite cliffs at the end of Heavenly Mother's gardens in her upper garden area.

I also asked a blessing on my wife and son A., with their health issues. I asked then this question:

2. Q– Why did the commissions that I received end with just an 'Amen' and not 'in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Isn't everything supposed to be done in the name of the Son that is done by God?
A– Answered by Heavenly Mother:

3. 'Raphael, we may conclude any blessing with either just 'Amen', or 'in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen'. The difference is this: when done with just an 'Amen', this means that the redemption of that child we are blessing is now completed, through the Son. This was your case–you are fully redeemed and brought back into our presence. The work of our chosen Savior, Jesus Christ, has been completed in you except for your resurrection, which is assured with the completion and acceptance of his redemption for you.

4. When we give a blessing in the name of our Beloved Son, the work of our chosen Savior has not yet been completed for that child. This is why earlier blessings we gave to you, in previous years, have been concluded in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

5. Once the work of Christ is completed for all of our children and our creations in this eternity, and Christ says 'The work of redemption is now complete, my Father and my Mother', then there will be no further need to give any commands or blessings to be concluded in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Again, we only say or pronounce an Amen in the name of our Beloved Son, when the redemptive work of our child or our creation is not yet completed by our chosen Savior, Jesus Christ.'

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-24-2017, Wednesday

1. It has turned warmer and we have been transplanting tomatoes and other garden produce in our garden. This is a happy time of year for me.

I had impressions the past few days, that my aging and health would progress as normal people do. I have thought that I would be blessed with these experiences, so as to understand more fully what some health issues are like, first-hand. This is a blessing, for that understanding is what life in mortality is all about. In eternity, this will be valuable information to understand, so I may succor my own children in eternity more fully. Earth life is the only time to gain this valuable experience. I wanted to pray about this more today, to see if these impressions are true.

2. Q– Will I have health issues in my own mortal life, that I will need to deal with, to give me experience in the future?
A– Answered by my Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, we want to give you a full spectrum of experiences in mortality. We therefore will allow your physical body to experience the normal aging process in mortality, and normal health issues often associated with older age. We will give you these experiences for your eternal good, for these experiences will give you more compassion and understanding, so important for you in your calling to heal and in your eternal perspective on how mortality progresses. Each phase of life comes with challenges and strengths. Your wisdom and understanding will greatly increase, even though your mortal body will seem to be deteriorating. In the spirit celestial realms, your ability and strengths will be great, as we continue to bless and direct you in the great work you will be doing.

3. Many of our mortal angels will have similar experiences in their mortal bodies. These factors will only enhance their understanding, compassion, and ability to succor the elect of God on the earth.

4. In the millennium, you will be restored to strength and vitality in your mortal, translated and transfigured physical state. Your work will continue on through the thousand years of peace, in great glory, as you bless millions of the lives of our chosen children on earth.'

5. Here was an email that I received from M.A. on this same topic, to whom I responded with more detail:


On Fri, Jun 2, 2017, from M.A.:

Hi, your explanation on translation was very interesting and a little confusing. Are you considered a mortal angel? Do you think you will or will not die? Those that are part of the 144,000, are they translated? And if they are translated to do their work, is their translation different from the mortal Angels? It sounded like the mortal Angels are just the same as all mortals living on earth as far as death is concerned, because their work is in the spirit realm. I'm confused.

Hope to hear from you soon,

6. On Jun 5, 2017, at 10:12 PM, from R:


Sorry I am late on this. I was spending the weekend at my sister K's in Portland, for my mother's 96th birthday party.

I know that this information about translation is a little confusing. I guess the easiest way to explain it is that there are different kinds of translations, just like there are different kinds of resurrections. The translations are not permanent, but necessary for the mission that each does. The Gods do what they want, and have a variety of translations to fit the particular need of the time. This is why the translations are different, because the missions are different.

7. We who are mortal angels (yes, I am one), have our primary work and mission in the celestial realms, almost exclusively. Our mortal bodies are not really tied in much to our missions I believe, since we work in another realm, a celestial spiritual realm. We angels are translated to a celestial level, and act behind the scenes, in our unconscious minds, and we are hardly ever seen by mortals directly in our celestial selves. We are translated and transfigured, to work in our physical bodies in the celestial realms. We do great works in behalf of our Heavenly Parents, and all glory goes to God, not us.

8. Our translation and transfiguration is different than those who receive a translation like the 144,000, who are translated to a terrestrial level, not a celestial level. The 144,000 use their mortal physical translated bodies day in and day out for their primary mission. The 144,000 act in the terrestrial sphere, and are more visible and more involved with the elect mortals whom they teach, and then transport to the New Jerusalem, one by one. They need direct protection from elements, plagues, etc. since they are in the sphere where a lot of harm can be done.

9. On the other hand, the angels are beyond the harm of the telestial world, since they work in the celestial sphere. True, they live in their mortal bodies in the telestial sphere, but what happens to their mortal body is not so vitally important to their mission. As long as their mortal body is alive and generally well, they may continue to work in their translated, transfigured physical bodies in the celestial world and realms. If they were to die in their mortal bodies, which is possible, they would just continue their angelic ministry, now in their spirit only (no body). The mission of the angels is on such a high plane, that they can experience, at the same time in their mortal body, the full experiences of life–like aging, illness, health problems, so that they may develop compassion and other emotions that they only can receive during mortality. I think this is a great blessing that our Heavenly Parents have extended to us, who are mortal angels–to have these experiences in the flesh, while we still are able to serve God in the celestial realms as angels.

10. Mortal angels are able to have children, and have many of the experiences of mortality while they accomplish their missions in the celestial realms.

11. The people of the city of Enoch, are translated and transfigured to a celestial level, and now will replicate like the angels of God. They may not reproduce, since they are no longer on earth, and have lived from many ages before now.

12. The 144,000 are to be translated, and I believe will not be able to reproduce during the time of their missions. Having the experience of family life with babies would complicate very much their missions, since their mortal conscious self and their terrestrial unconscious self are both in the same proximity of work. They would be pulled in different directions if they had to worry about little children, and this would take them from their mission of teaching and transporting the elect of God.

Gosh, this is quite difficult to explain. I believe I am correct in my differentiation of the different types of translation. I will continue to pray for guidance and direction.

Let me know if this is understandable to you. I am coming to understand more and more of all of this myself, for it is gradually revealed to me over time.


13. I was praying next to the sapling tree of life when my Heavenly Father spoke to me. I noticed it was now 1 inch in diameter, and double its height to about 12 feet! I was given to understand it would grow to a 12-inch diameter tree when we finally were to transplant it to the earth, to the New Jerusalem area. I asked my Heavenly Parents, who were before me, that its roots do not extend beyond a 24-foot diameter circle, nor beyond 24-feet deep. I could see, in my mind, that when we transplant it to the earth, that the angels would be in a perimeter around this tree at a 24-foot circle, and lift it up. We would want to contain all of its roots at this future date.

I felt like my Heavenly Parents would stop the expansion of the roots beyond this root ball volume.

14. Q– Will I also learn, in my aging process, what remedies and foods to use to slow down or alleviate the health issues I would experience?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, we will bless you with an understanding of what plants and foods will slow down and/or reverse some of these ailments that will come upon you. In our creation of the foods and medicinal plants, common to mankind, and thriving in your area on earth, we will bless you to experience these beneficial effects in your own body. This knowledge is available in part, on the Internet now, but much more will be given to you also. We will reveal to you the healing properties of these, our creations, that we have designed for the natural healing of the human body. This knowledge will continue to bless our children on earth, into the millennial day.'

15. I then prayed for my family members, some of whom have major health issues. I prayed to become aware of what would help and heal them, from the natural food and plants that grow in our own area.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this blessing that they will be giving me, in my life. I prayed for courage and strength to face the challenges of health and aging that would come upon me.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-25-2017

1. As I have been working and living during the day, I have been thinking of my Heavenly Parents, right behind me. This is like the scripture in Isaiah 30:20-21–

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

2. I actually sense Heavenly Father on my left backside and Heavenly Mother on my right backside, during the course of my day. I feel to act in goodness and holiness through the day. Their presence shields me from evil too, for I realize they are continually there, so I watch my actions more closely. I also can ask them questions during the day, or call on them for strength or help. It is a wonderful assurance to me, to have them always both there.

3. This morning in my prayer, I drank from my cupped hand, which I dipped three times in the fountain of living waters. I also sensed as I did so, that a clarity came upon my mind. I also ate of the fruit of the tree, and felt its effects in my body. I also ate of the leaf and felt healing and strengthening. I perceived that these three things I drank and ate were blessing my unconscious body, in the celestial realms, and not my mortal body on earth. I felt I needed to find those items on earth that would similarly enhance and strengthen my mortal body, that are available to me on earth. I confirmed that these notions and impressions were true also.

4. I went, in my prayer, to the highest or tallest point in the celestial wilderness area in heaven, in the upper area of Heavenly Mother's garden, on the mountaintop at the border of the wilderness area. I had been here once before when I was escorted to the area where the premortal spirits lived.

Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me in my prayer. I looked into their eyes and faces, and saw them happy and loving towards me.

5. I asked them if there was any significance of Heavenly Father on my left backside, and Heavenly Mother on my right backside, during the day. Heavenly Father spoke:

'My son Raphael, I am on your left backside so that you are on my right hand side. This signifies that you act in my power and authority, in your commission, which you have received last week from us. Your Heavenly Mother is on your right backside, or her left side. She is also in a close position to influence and guide you in all things. However, the normal flow of light and inspiration from us flows to you through your left side. You dispense our strength and authority through your own right side, or right arm. This is why your left side, particularly your left shoulder, starts to pain somewhat whenever you pray to us. We are flowing our light and truths to you through your left side. As this continues, you should become used to this heavenly channel of the flow of light from us, so that your left shoulder will not ache so much as it does now.'

6. I then asked if there was anything I should eat or do that would enhance my mortal strength and purity before them. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, as you eat foods or remedies that have high vibrational levels, these will enhance your own body to attain a higher vibrational level. As you eat low vibration foods, these reduce your own vitality and strength in your mortal body. However, regardless of what you may eat or consume, we will continue to be next to you, and pour down revelation and our light into you. You are highly favored, our son!'

7. I then thanked them both for their revelation and light they send to me. I felt very close to them.

I then asked if I would be privileged to be escorted to their uninhabited section of the celestial world, if it were ok with them. I wanted particularly to see the area where new creations are made by my Heavenly Parents.

8. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother looked at each other, then they took me by my hands, Heavenly Father on my left side, and Heavenly Mother on my right. We rose up into the clouds above the mountaintop where we were standing, and traveled in the same direction as I had gone before with them. We passed the place where we had descended to the world of the premortal spirits, and kept going on!

9. Then we came to some very tall mountains, which seemed like a border to the land area we were descending into. As we lowered into this area, I saw large, green areas, like a jungle, with many creatures of all varieties. I saw what we call a brontosaurus, which was on the land and in a marshy area. He was at great peace it seemed. I came to understand that he and all of these creations were resurrected. They were in a state of peaceful living together. They were all very happy. Heavenly Mother spoke:

10. 'Raphael, these creations, both plants and animals in their resurrected state, are at their highest level of joy and felicity that they may experience. They are not on your earth now, but their offspring were once on your earth, prior to the advent of mankind. Their offspring were born as live offspring, or as seeds or other propagation ways for the plants. These were all in a telestial state, as offspring of these resurrected plants and animals.

11. There is another section in this uninhabited area that is home to all the plants and animals that currently dwell on the earth. These too are resurrected, in a state of eternal happiness. These have offspring that are terrestrial, which are used to populate the earth during the time that our first earthly children Adam and Eve were brought to the earth, in their terrestrial state. You see that we may create any plant or animal to have either a spirit or a physical offspring, in either the telestial or terrestrial world, all according to our desires. Our plan of populating the earth, from the beginning, follows the same pattern for every eternity. These are all orchestrated by us, their creators, for the eternal life and well being and happiness of our own progeny, our beloved children.

12. We will now escort you to the section where we create new plants and animals, or minerals, which will be of use and joy to us and our children.'

We then came to a smaller area, where I saw a rose-type flower with florescent rainbow colors. There were beautiful gardens of various plants being cultivated by our Heavenly Parents.

13. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:

'Raphael, this uninhabited area on our celestial orb, also has a lovely place where I live in my physical resurrected body. Your Heavenly Father frequently comes, and we enjoy each other's company there. This is a place where we are together, apart from any of our children or creations. This is a location where my resurrected self stays for now, and my replicated spirit self leaves to interact with all of my children on earth where I am known as the Holy Ghost. To you, I appear as your Heavenly Mother. However, my resurrected, glorious self is in this secluded section of this uninhabited area on our celestial orb.'

14. I then was musing over all of this, when I realized I was back on earth, next to my bed kneeling in prayer. I then asked if I might record all of this properly in my journal, and I proceeded to write.

15. I had not realized before that some of the plants and animals in the uninhabited area had telestial offspring, for the first creations on the earth, and then later some of the plants and animals had terrestrial offspring on the earth. This now makes perfect sense to me.

I believe what I saw this morning in my prayer is all true. It is glorious to me to have such wonderful privileges to see areas like this, and to understand more of God's creations.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-26-2017, Friday

1. This morning I prayed at the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. It was very peaceful. I was conversing with my Heavenly Parents there. It is so nice to just commune with my loving Heavenly Parents!

2. I felt that the archangels were all involved in the terrestrial creation of the earth. I felt too that a smaller sapling tree, of the tree of life, was transplanted to the Garden of Eden when it was being created on the terrestrial earth. We archangels worked closely with our Beloved Savior and our Heavenly Parents in getting this all created and beautifully planted. I don't feel all of the angels were involved for some reason, but I do believe all of the male and female archangels were involved in this creation. I did confirm, in prayer that all of the holy angels were actively involved once Adam and Eve became mortal, after being cast out of the Garden of Eden.

3. Later: I was feeding the chickens this morning, and gathering greens for our daily green drink (particularly helpful for A.), and I was listening to the latest M.S. podcast on my phone. I had a distinct impression to call a person I know named Phillip (not his real name), and to tell him about the angels–at least some things. Here is what I feel to share with him:

• I'll keep my anonymity, and say I am a friend of R.B.

• A large percentage of God's holy angels are now on earth in their probationary estate. These I call mortal angels.

• All of these angels work in the celestial realms, in their unconscious minds.

• On earth, these mortal angels live normal mortal lives–they are married, many of them, and have children, etc.

• Many are in the LDS Church

• Their mission is to work at the commands of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for the elect of God who are on the earth.

• The mission of the 144,000 is in the terrestrial realms. These work at the command of Jesus Christ.

4. • The mortal angels are translated and transfigured to a celestial level. The 144,000 are to be translated to a terrestrial level. The people of the city of Enoch are translated and now transfigure to a celestial level, for they work in the celestial realms. All of these are the gatherers. It is a concerted effort by the Father and Mother to save the elect of God.

• The mortal angels have been charged by God to work behind the scenes, without their identity known except among themselves. All glory for their work among mortals, goes to God, not themselves.

5. • I have been called to lead the holy angels in this great work. I commune frequently with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, in the celestial worlds from where we work and operate. This is all that I can really say now. They have told me to connect with you and share this part of our roles.

• Great events have happened in heaven, in response to the deteriorating world we live in. The full focus of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are to save their elect children on the earth.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-27-2017, Saturday

1. Yesterday I was successful in calling and talking with Phillip and Rebekah Johnson (not their real names). I spent 40 minutes or so, mostly sharing with them about the mortal angels, and what I experienced and learned over the past year or so. I talked to them about our missions as angels, that we work in the celestial realms, in a mode of working behind the scenes. I shared with them all of what I planned to share, that I wrote down yesterday, and quite a bit more too. I delivered the message I felt I was supposed to, from my Heavenly Parents to them. I am still uncertain why I was to do this–but I feel very satisfied and assured that I did the will of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

2. I told them to make sure that they confirm all that I said, and not to believe me at all, unless it was all confirmed to them by their Father in Heaven.

At the end of our call (it was mostly me speaking, and Phillip had a few questions which I attempted to answer), Phillip asked how he should address me in our future communications. I paused, and received clear direction to tell him my name was Raphael, the same who is a holy angel, as written in the scriptures and in the apocryphal book of Tobias, which account was mostly true. I said I wasn't at liberty to say more, but that I was under a command at this time to keep my mortal name withheld.

3. I wrote him an email from a new Google email I created last night, for that purpose. I believe this will keep my anonymity. I did call him from my regular cell phone, however.

This morning in prayer, and last night, I prayed next to the golden altar, facing north to the fountain of living water. Each time, I perceived clearly, in my unconscious mind, the presence of my Heavenly Parents before me.

4. Q– May I know the reason now why I was to share with Phillip the information I shared yesterday?
A– From my Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, Phillip and Rebekah Johnson have an important role to play in being able to disseminate information to a large group of our gatherers, in these latter days. We have orchestrated this ability for Phillip to reach many like-minded people. This will be one of the means where we may share information, through his instrumentality, as we shape up the events we have planned in these times.

5. You have shared what we wanted you to share. We will confirm all to Phillip and Rebekah Johnson to whom you spoke yesterday. They are open and know our voice, and are obedient. We love both of them deeply.

As they have questions, we will continue to inspire you with what you may share with them.

6. We love you, our dear and choice son Raphael! We have much coming for you to do, as well as for our holy angels, in this great work of gathering! Stay close to us, and we will direct you in all your actions, in helping save our elect, our beloved children who hearken to our voice.'

7. Later, I had my prayer at night, by the sapling tree of life, facing the larger tree of life by the temple in the celestial world. My Heavenly Parents were before me, and answered some questions I had:

8. Q– Am I supposed to have instructions for the 144,000 on my own website?
A– No. It should be an independent website.

Q– Should I operate this website?
A– No. You should send website-ready HTML files to be uploaded on that website, but operated by someone else.

9. Q– What is the role of Phillip and Rebekah Johnson in this new endeavor, if anything?
A– From my Heavenly Father:

'Phillip and Rebekah Johnson are to act as the gatekeepers for this website. For those who come to them, or contact them with the impression that they are of the 144,000, the Johnsons are to discern whether they are of the 144,000 or not. If they are, then they should keep their names, and also give them access to this website that is created. The website will not be accessible by others, only by those approved by the Johnsons.

10. It is partially through this means that we will be able to teach and train the 144,000, in their conscious minds, of what their mission is, and how to receive direction from their Savior, Jesus Christ who will direct them.

11. Of necessity, there must be an organization of the 144,000, of mortal leaders who help teach and train. However, each of the 144,000 is to receive their directions of what they are to do directly from inspiration from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. They are to act as the Spirit of God directs them, and as the voice of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ inspires them.

12. The website for which these are to be given access is to help teach and train them in their general responsibilities and duties. Their mission as gatherers will be taught them on this website. They are to have access to Phillip and Rebekah for questions, and ultimately you, Raphael, if these answers are not known or revealed.

13. Raphael, go through your current posts, and under our direction, glean out information relating to the 144,000 for this new website. Other instructions will also be added. Your Heavenly Mother and I want Phillip and Rebekah Johnson to oversee all of this dissemination of information for the 144,000. Others will be appointed under the direction of Jesus Christ, to be leaders among the 144,000 also. This organization is to be independent of any church on the earth at this time. There will be gathered to this group those who are Latter-day Saints, and many others who are currently Christian and non-Christian alike in their religious beliefs. They are all of the house of Israel, as spoken of in the scriptures.

14. The work of the 144,000 will be that of gathering the elect of God, and to bring them to the New Jerusalem, once this is established in the center of the land upon which you dwell. Your work, Raphael, will be involved with this celestial city, and the Church of the Firstborn. A portion of the work of the angels, and all of the work of the 144,000, will be to lead the elect of God to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and to the celestial city of the New Jerusalem, and to the Church of the Firstborn which will be established there.

15. Act tomorrow, and share this information with the Johnsons, so that they may confirm its truth and their role in this great work of gathering.'

Q– Will the Johnsons receive confirmation of all of this, as they humbly ask thee our Father, in the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ?
16. A– From Heavenly Father:

'Yes. We will confirm all of your words that you have written to both Phillip and Rebekah Johnson. They will also receive further direction, from the Spirit and from Jesus Christ, on how to proceed, to know that this is from God. They will also know that this calling is not from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but one from us directly.

17. Also, please assure them that all of the 144,000 have been set apart and ordained by the angels of God already. They have also been instructed on Mount Zion as you have described correctly in your post on your website, and they have been taught as a group by our Son, Jesus Christ in the celestial world. These events also need to be shared with them. The work of translation is also happening at this time.

The time is now to act and move forward in this great work.'

F. Raphael's Personal Journal Entry, 5-28-2017, Sunday morning

1. In my prayer this morning, I was next to the sapling tree of life, in the same location I was last night in my prayer. I was looking into the faces of my Heavenly Parents when Heavenly Mother spoke to me, even before I addressed both of them in prayer. Here is what she said to my mind, very clearly:

2. 'Raphael, what you have written last night and typed up this morning on your computer, about the mission of the Johnsons, is true and is from us. Again, send this today by email to them, and we will confirm it by the Spirit to them. They will receive additional insights on how to proceed. This is a calling they both received in October 2016, while on Mount Zion in the white cloud, as spoken of in the book of Revelation chapter 14, and as you have properly recorded as happening on your website and journal. Share with them this experience, as you are able. This was all received by them, and all of the 144,000 in their unconscious minds–their spirits, and is largely still hidden from their view because of the veil that covers their minds. However, as they come unto us, in the name of our Beloved Son, we will lift this veil sufficiently so that they will know of their calling and ordination by Jesus Christ himself, to this work that they are to do for the 144,000, who are of all the tribes of Israel, now scattered throughout the earth.

Also, please convey to the Johnsons again, our love and confidence we have in them. They are choice and beloved of us!'

3. I also noticed, while kneeling next to the sapling tree of life, that it has grown to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. It is very fast growing! It has leafed out well, but still has no fruit. I see the lateral branches growing, so that it will be a beautiful and full tree, like its mother tree of life near me.

4. I confirmed all that I had written, from my Heavenly Mother just now, that what I had written was accurate and true. I also re-confirmed what my Heavenly Father had said to me, and what I had written last night.

I feel so pleased and happy to be in the presence again of my loving Heavenly Parents! This is such a joy to me in my life! I will do as they have directed me today.

5. Later:

We just returned home after attending sacrament meeting, and I wanted to share my experiences I had at that time. We sang, as an opening hymn from page 3, 'Now Let Us Rejoice.' It was all really about the gathering. I was impressed that Jesus would say to all Israel 'Come home' This is all about what is right now happening from Jesus, and from Father and Mother, in gathering the elect of God on the earth:

6. Now Let Us Rejoice Lyrics
1. Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation.
No longer as strangers on earth need we roam.
Good tidings are sounding to us and each nation,
And shortly the hour of redemption will come,
When all that was promised the Saints will be given,
And none will molest them from morn until ev'n,
And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden,
And Jesus will say to all Israel, "Come home."

2. We'll love one another and never dissemble
But cease to do evil and ever be one.
And when the ungodly are fearing and tremble,
We'll watch for the day when the Savior will come,
When all that was promised the Saints will be given,
And none will molest them from morn until ev'n,
And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden,
And Jesus will say to all Israel, "Come home."

3. In faith we'll rely on the arm of Jehovah
To guide thru these last days of trouble and gloom,
And after the scourges and harvest are over,
We'll rise with the just when the Savior doth come.
Then all that was promised the Saints will be given,
And they will be crown'd with the angels of heav'n,
And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden,
And Christ and his people will ever be one.

Text: William W. Phelps, 1792-1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
Music: Henry Tucker, ca. 1863

7. During the sacrament meeting, I came, in my minds' eye, to the maple tree grove next to the west shores of Lake Beautiful, in the celestial world. My Heavenly Parents were both in front of me, and I could see the beautiful and large Lake Beautiful behind them. Behind me and to my left, was the large assembly hall. I was here, in the celestial world, while the sacrament was being administered in our meeting.

8. After the blessing by the Priest on the bread, I raised both of my hands above my head in the celestial world, and made my weekly covenant with my Father and my Mother in heaven. I then partook of the bread back in the chapel on the earth.

My Heavenly Father then addressed me. I had written all of this down in the meeting in my pocket journal, after the sacrament. I am now transcribing this to my larger journal.

9. From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, our son, we accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

10. You have received great revelations these past few weeks, more than mortal man has ever received! We will continue to direct the overall affairs of these last days, prior to the coming of our Son to the earth in glory, through you in all major issues. We will also work directly with each of our holy angels.

11. You have been informed about the mission and responsibilities of Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, yesterday and today. This direction is of us. We are hastening the work at this time, of the 144,000, now that our mortal angels are fully in place and working day and night, in their unconscious minds, in the celestial realms above. The 144,000 will be working in the terrestrial realms, so to be with and guide our elect who are in the flesh, more working in their conscious minds, in the reality of the telestial world. Our angels will work in unseen celestial realms, as our direct representatives as part of this very large gathering effort we have undertaken.

12. All major events we do will have you, our angel of major responsibility in these last days, to write and record on earth and in heaven. Our power and authority will continue to be manifest through you, our son.'

13. At this time, the water was blessed in the ward. When done, Heavenly Mother spoke to me, in clear sentences to my mind. I was before her, looking into her face, as she spoke to me from the maple tree grove, in front of Lake Beautiful:

14. 'Raphael you have been blessed today, as you came in your prayer this morning, and drank of these living waters from Lake Beautiful behind us. This living water continues to enhance your mortal perception in all that you do in this celestial world, as our archangel. We recommend you also tell this to the Johnsons, that they too may go, in their minds' eye, to either the fountain of living water, or to this Lake Beautiful, to drink of living water. As they do so daily, they will be able to perceive more of the doings of their unconscious minds. The effects of this living water will help remove the veil, which is over their minds, which veil is common to all mankind. Recommend this practice again to all of our holy mortal angels as well.

15. As your Father just told you, we are speeding up the calling, work, training and translation of the 144,000. This work will almost exclusively be directed by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

We are also pleased that you have worked more today with your healing gifts, in your conscious mind, for your family members. You do this in great magnitude and strength throughout the world, acting in the celestial realms.

16. All of our healing angels, and all healers on earth who use our power, are conduits for our healing light that we shed forth among our beloved children on earth. All of your focus will be in blessing the elect with healing from us, as we direct each of you. You will be our conduits for healing. You are all highly blessed!'

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-29-2017, Memorial Day

1. Last night I had more correspondence with Phillip. I had made a clerical mistake, by stating the wrong chapter in my email (15 instead of 14 in Revelation). I signed it as R, not Raphael, also by mistake. Anyway, Phillip wrote back and said I revealed my name. I then prayed again, and felt I should share with him how I discovered who I really was as Raphael. I got out of bed, and for several hours prepared a new set of four links for Phillip and Rebekah to see, and to introduce me and my own website, but not give him the login privileges.

2. He has indicated that he and his wife are fasting to know if this great calling they are being extended is from God or not. For myself, I feel assured that I am acting in accordance with God's plan. I feel very directed in my bold inspiration, and in writing the Johnsons.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-30-2017, Tuesday

1. I also corresponded to Phillip some more. He and his wife started a fast, but as yet haven't received confirmation of what I had written–although he says there is truth in all of this he feels. He was not liking that I had charged for the classes in the past either, or had this on my website. I then felt to take all of this charging money for classes off of the website as a result of his prompting, which I did last night. It is more aligned now like I really feel, with no mention of class payment. I am not planning any class in the future anyway, and won't be charging for any of my services either, as I have done in the past. I am glad that Phillip has stirred me to clear up this issue in the public view, on my website.

2. I prayed this morning, in my mind's eye, next to the sapling tree of life. It is now about 2 inches in diameter–it grows so fast! As I was kneeling next to this sapling, Heavenly Father appeared alone before me! I was able to perceive him, and to look into his eyes and face, with my mind, my unconscious mind's eye. I asked him some questions, after drinking of the living waters from the fountain, and eating of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life.

3. Q– Did I properly hear and record the words of thee, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, on Sunday, concerning Phillip and Rebekah Johnson's future role with the 144,000?
A– From my Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, we are pleased that you have contacted the Johnsons, and that you have recorded and shared what we have told you from Friday to yesterday. You have shared with them exactly what we wanted you to share. We are also pleased that your website is now not mentioning anything about charging for your classes or services. As you have awakened to the grandeur of your mission, this aspect needed to change in your work. For all future work, do not charge for your services. We will sustain you in all things.

4. As far as the information you have shared with the Johnsons, it is pleasing to us. We will work with them, and lead them along, according to our plan. Your responsibility towards them, for now is completed.

5. Raphael, the role of a leader is frequently lonely. Such will be your role. We will guide and continue to direct you. However, there will be times of feeling all-alone, and you may even be questioning where we may be leading you. Stay focused and continue to trust in us, and in all that you may see and feel. Continue to drink of the living water daily, and eat of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, and we will continue to enhance your understanding and vision.'

6. I thanked my Father, for his care and direction to me. I then asked if I was receiving answers and direction from him, and from Heavenly Mother, and none else–that I was getting my direction from no one but them. Heavenly Father again responded:

'Raphael, you are fully receiving direction from us! You are confirming your answers and information also, and relying on the Spirit, which leads to all truth. Have heart and courage, my son!'

7. I then reviewed my method of verifying truth from God. I confirmed this was a true way that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother reach and whisper to me. I felt stillness and peace.

8. I also suspect there will be many turbulent times that I will be asked to pass through, along with my fellow elect of God. I believe that we need to develop clearness in our prayers, even amongst trouble brewing all around us, to be able to hear his voice and see his face. I feel deeply blessed to be able to commune with my God daily in this way!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-31-2017, Wednesday

1. I went to bed after midnight, and prayed by the bench, next to the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I had received an email from Phillip and Rebekah Johnson. They were prompted to read much of the material I gave them on my website. This has changed their view, Phillip wrote, and they are both intrigued and lean towards the truth of what I have said. He said that he feels Rebekah and he should do something with me. He said he will wait for further information, and instruction from me, if Father wants it so.

2. So I prepared several posts for them, for their instruction. I feel there needs be two things now:

1) Bring them up to speed with regards to what has happened with the 144,000, and
2) Bless and ordain them to their callings in the leadership of this noble group of gatherers, the 144,000.

3. After my prayer last night, I was thinking of what their role might be, and I received more clarity: They are the overall leaders of the 144,000! Both of them! They need to be commissioned to their grand callings soon, at the correct timing of the Lord.

4. I feel this commission will be voiced by me, acting in my role as Raphael, the archangel before the presence of God. I will be part of a blessing given by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. We will ordain and bless them to their foreordained mission, for which they have been prepared.

5. I don't know why I am to do this, and to act as voice, except that this now is my own commission to act in such things, for God has said that they will do all things through me from now on, as pertains to the last days wrap-up. This must be the reason.

6. Soon after I started praying, by the bench next to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, I came in the presence of my Heavenly Parents! Heavenly Mother wanted me to write as she spoke to me. Here are her words:

'Raphael, our son, you need to act as our voice as we bless both Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, individually, to be the leaders of the 144,000 gatherers, 12,000 from every tribe of Israel. They are both of Ephraim, of the house of Joseph, who has leadership by birthright over all of the remaining tribes. They have been foreordained before they came to mortality, to lead out in this leadership role.

7. Raphael–as our angel who stands before us continually, and the one through whom we will orchestrate all major issues in these last days, prior to the return of our Beloved Son to the earth in great glory, we want you to act as voice and bless and ordain them. Your Heavenly Father, our son Jesus Christ, and myself will also bless them as you lay your hands on their heads, and bless them in our behalf. They are both our very choice and noble children prepared for this great calling.

8. The date for this blessing is to be tomorrow, on 6-1-2017 at 7 am, your local time. You will bring them both with you to our celestial world, into the entry area of our glorious temple, there just inside the north doors, facing the fountain of living waters. We will be there waiting for you, as you walk there and talk through what is happening, and then voice the blessing. They will be both transfigured in order to come, in their spirits, into our presence and into our glorious temple.

9. Once they have received their blessings, walk them to the fountain of living waters, so that they may drink of this living water, in order for them to perceive more and more in these spiritual realms. Then accompany them to the white gate where they will again meet our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. As he allows you to pass, walk with them down the narrow path to the tree of life, where they may partake of the fruit of the tree of life, and also the leaf of that tree. Also show them the sapling tree of life, destined to go to the New Jerusalem. Invite them to come back daily, in their mind's eye, to drink again of the water, and of the fruit, and of the leaf of the tree, as you currently do daily.

10. Once the Johnsons are commissioned, we will continue to instruct them by revelation. Our Beloved Son will walk with them frequently in their new roles, and guide them day-by-day. Their great responsibilities and calling will unfold before them, more each day, as they are taught and act on their direction.

11. Raphael, please express our great love for both Phillip and Rebekah Johnson! We are very happy for tomorrow! Also write and call them soon, to receive their acceptance of this communication that I have described to you.'

12. I then thanked my Heavenly Mother for this clear direction. I also confirmed that what I had written from her mouth in my journal in my prayer was accurate. I feel tomorrow is a day of significance, with numbers representing God:

6-1-2017 at 7 am, is
6 + 1 = 7
2 + 1 = 3
7 = 7
7 am = 7
or 7-3-7-7, where 7 is the heavenly number of our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, and 3 is a holy number, where three of them, all our Gods we worship, will be at the blessing of the Johnsons.

13. I don't know what will happen during the blessing, but I will dialogue it all, and record this on my phone if the Johnsons don't mind, later to be given to them. I plan to call the Johnsons tomorrow morning, and walk them through all of this, over the phone. It matters not that we are in different locations on earth. We are all going to God's celestial world anyway!

14. Later: I talked to Phillip on the phone this afternoon, and he wants to meet me in person before moving forward with any such major event or blessing as I had talked about, in my email to him. Here are some questions I how have with my Heavenly Parents, when I just now met them again by the circling waters:

15. Q– Should I meet with Phillip on Monday morning, on his way back from his trip, if he and I are able to meet in person?
A– Yes

Q– Why do I feel a letdown, after talking with Phillip?
A– Raphael, you need to have no pre-conceived ideas, or expectations, with the responses of people, or with how things will go or may turn out. Trust in me, and not in your expectations. Expectations are fickle, and are usually false, or from pre-conceived ideas that may be misleading.

16. After this answer, I felt much better. I want to act in a way I feel God directs me, and then let the consequences go where they may, with no expectations. I want to take each moment and day as it comes, with no expectations where all of this is leading.

I believe this will leave me very open to direction from God, with no feelings of dissatisfaction either way, with the end results or outcome, as long as I act true and faithful before God.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-1-2017 Thursday

1. I had a prayer last night and this morning at the edge of the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I also had just listened to R.B.'s video, which was a great comfort to me for some reason. He is a humble and sincere man. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:

2. 'Raphael, we will bless with their commission, Phillip and Rebekah Johnson in the future, and you will also be there to assist us. However, this will all be done now in their unconscious mind, without the benefit of you dialoguing what is happening. You also will take them to the fountain of living water, and to the gate, narrow path, and the tree of life–all in their unconscious mind, in their spirits. They will not have immediate recollection of any of this, nor will you dialogue this to them. The blessings and commission will still be accomplished, at a time and date of our choosing in the future.'

3. I felt that neither my Heavenly Father nor my Heavenly Mother had any misgivings about the Johnsons, and their decision to wait for further confirmations. They honored them for being careful, so as not to be deceived and to be sure. However, a larger portion of the experience, for their conscious mind, would not be available to them.

4. I have also learned something from this entire experience, for my own benefit: when I am impressed with revelation from God, I need to immediately act, without hesitation, once I know what I am supposed to do or say. This is pleasing to God. This is how I need to act, as all the other holy angels also. Many times, the impression and revelation will come, and needs to be acted upon immediately–for this is how God has planned it to be. They will often reveal at the moment of, the direction we should take.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-2-2017 Friday

1. We arrived late last night and went right to bed, at K's house, in her loft which has three beds. We enjoyed a smooth trip to Portland, and are glad to be here.

Last night, in my prayer, I prayed about the ten northern tribes of Israel, where they are and how they got to where they went. I was conversing with my Heavenly Father in prayer, next to the waterfalls in Heavenly Mother's upper garden.

2. Q– Are the Ten Tribes still intact as a group?
A– Yes, there is a large group still together.

Q– How did they separate, and what was their history?
A– From Heavenly Father:

'The Ten Northern Tribes were taken captive by the Assyrians and moved as a group. The account is in Esdras (later I found a reference to this apocryphal book of 2 Esdras 13:40-56). They moved north, and had prophets among them, doing mighty miracles of crossing over the river on their trip north. Some of their group intermarried with local inhabitants and settled in regions of current-day Russia. However, most stayed together as a group and settled in northern areas.'

3. Q– Were they taken away on a portion of the earth, as was purportedly stated by Joseph Smith?
A– No

4. Q– Were they located in caves and underground caverns, as seen by Spencer in his book 'Visions of Glory'?
A– Yes. A large group went into that area that Spencer saw in vision, and another group went into another underground area. These two groups constituted the largest portion of the Ten Tribes. They still have prophet leaders.

5. Q– What percentage went underground?
A– 80% went into the cavities in the earth, and 20% stayed on the surface, and intermarried with other peoples.

6. I also had the impression the group was less than two million people, where they were together in the caverns of the earth. It seems logical, that they would be in greater numbers, but who knows what may have happened to them over the centuries.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-3-2017 Saturday

1. Last night I prayed by the birch tree grove, by the little stream of living water coming from Lake Beautiful, on the valley slopes going to the city of Enoch. I confirmed all about the Ten Tribes with my Heavenly Parents that I had received yesterday. I also prayed for multiple people who were in need.

1. This morning, I felt that the 20% remnant of the Ten Tribes now also numbers over one million people, scattered in Russian predominantly. There is also 1-2 million in caves or caverns, making 2-3 million total."

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-5-2017 Monday morning
1. I met with Phillip in person for about 40 minutes or so, face-to-face, near the freeway entrance this morning. We had a great visit, at least from my perspective. I told him of my first encounter with Heavenly Mother during my first energy class, back in April 2013. I also shared with him lots more. He told me that he had a vision yesterday where he met the Savior and felt his body. He feels his mission, given to him from Heavenly Father, is to teach his children, one by one. We hugged and parted our ways, both pleased I believe. He said he had a long trip ahead, and he felt he would know for sure about whether I am a true messenger or not, sent from God. I also gave him a token and sign, as the messengers in the temple give when they are tested by Adam. I gave him the sign, but wouldn't give him the name of the sign. He seemed to accept what I did.

2. I will pray for Phillip and Rebekah this morning when I pray. I have no expectations at all; I only trust in God that I am doing what is right before God.

This morning, in my prayer, I went to the granite cliff or bluff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. My Heavenly Father came to me. I thanked them to be there and to have had the face-to-face meeting with Phillip. I asked again if I had said everything correctly, and if they would bless Phillip and Rebekah with the truth, and inspiration on this important juncture in their lives. Heavenly Mother then wanted me to write while she spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, we are pleased that you have met with Phillip this morning. You said all that we inspired you to share with him. We will bless Phillip and Rebekah with inspiration and revelation, so that they will know the truth of your identity, and their own mission. You have acted with faith and assurance, in all of your interactions with him.'

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-6-2017 Tuesday

1. I had a short prayer by the granite cliff in the Heavenly Mother's upper garden last night. This morning I went first to drink of living water from the river representing Jesus Christ. I then partook of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life next to God's temple. I finally knelt down next to the sapling tree of life. I had grown to 3" in diameter, and 30-feet tall! I faced the mother tree of life (east), from the side of the garden area where the sapling is growing.

2. I prayed and my Heavenly Parents came in front of me. I looked into their eyes and faces. I feel so, so blessed to go into their celestial world, and see them daily before me!

I confirmed all that I had received about translated groups of people that I had written to M.A. last night. I also prayed for various people, for their healing and well being.

3. I next asked about K.P.'s questions that she had emailed to me, whether I should find the answers to her questions about John and Elias. She wrote me on May 28th:

Good Morning R,
May this be a marvelous Sabbath for you.

4. I have some questions concerning John the Beloved. Can you tell us more about his role as Elias in these last days? D&C 77:14 Tells us that John eating the little book is a mission an ordinance to gather the tribes of Israel "behold this is Elias, who as it is written, must come and restore all things." and D&C 77:9 tells us that "the angel ascending from the east is he to whom is given the seal of the living God ...and if you will receive it, this is Elias which was to come to gather together the tribes of Israel and restore all things". Rev 10 tells us after eating the little book verse 11 to John "Thou must prophesy again before many people and nations and tongues and kings". The same message is found in D&C 7:6 "Yea, he (John) has undertaken a greater work; therefore I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel; he shall minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth. D&C 7:4... For he desire of me that he might bring souls unto me. 3 ...and prophesy before nations kindreds, tongues and people.

From all written by John especially the book for Revelation and the Lord referring to him as John, my Beloved, he is probably the son of Jesus Christ. Is that right?

Thank you for blessing especially me and many others with downloads from heaven!


5. Q– May I know more of the role of Elias in these last days?
A– Elias is not one particular person, but a messenger from God who has a forerunner mission. John the Baptist served as an Elias before the earthly appearance and ministry of Jesus Christ in the flesh.

6. In these last days, there are many who are fulfilling this role of an Elias, prior again to the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

The holy angels are preparing the way, in the spirit and calling of Elias. The people of Enoch and the 144,000 are also doing vital foundational work, to gather and prepare the elect of God, to be in place and ready for the glorious return of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the earth.

7. John the Beloved, who wrote the Book of Revelation, has a mission of an Elias for these last days. His words in the book of Revelation describe the events of these last days. His commission to record these events were specifically given to him, as a mission, as emphasized by his eating the little book. See Revelation 10:8-9-11:

8. "And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.

And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings."

9. The angel ascending from the east, in Revelation 7:2 ("And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels,"), is not John the Beloved, but is an angel who was commissioned to speak and command the two male and two female angels who sealed the 144,000 on their foreheads. This angel also acts in the role of an Elias, as do the four angels and as do the 144,000 who are sealed.

10. Raphael, you are also acting in a role of an Elias, in helping orchestrate and prepare every needful thing in the celestial realms, as God directs you.

See also the LDS Bible Dictionary for a good explanation of Elias.

11. Q– Is John the Beloved the brother or son of Jesus Christ?
A– No, he is neither.

(NOTE: I wrote this answer about whether John the Beloved is the son of Jesus Christ to K.P. above on 6-6-2017. Since that time, I have received further information on this question, and now answer this differently. Please see the end of this post, on my journal entry on 6-16-2017)

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-7-2017 Wednesday

1. I spent some quiet time this morning, after I awoke, to go to the celestial world and meditate, prior to my prayer. I drank of the living water in the river next to God's temple, representing Heavenly Mother. I then went to the tree of life, and ate of the fruit–it had the consistency of a sweet juicy plum, but was white and had no pit. I ate of the leaf of the tree of life, and it was sweet, but not as sweet as my stevia plant in my greenhouse, however. I could feel its effects go throughout my physical body. I also felt I could direct where it was to heal me, so I asked it to go to my left shoulder area which often aches, and also to my brain to help me have quick recollection to counter the effects of aging.

2. I then went to the opposite side of the river representing Jesus Christ (north side), opposite where the tree of life was located. I faced the temple and knelt down. I prayed for Elohim to come. Both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I looked carefully into Heavenly Father's face and eyes, and saw the gentle, loving person of my Father. I could see his blue eyes, and see his deep understanding and wisdom. I then looked into the face of Heavenly Mother. She had particularly smiling happy eyes today, and I saw them more clearly today. I looked at both of their robes–these were simple and brilliant white, with a white sash tied on their right sides, with the excess fabric flowing to their right side. They were holding hands. Heavenly Mother was on the left side of her husband, my Father. They had all the time in the world for me.

3. I thanked them profusely, for being able to be in their presence so very often! I basked in their love and strength. I felt assured that all was in control among their elect, and that they had all things and events planned and orchestrated. It seemed to me that all their servants on earth and in heaven were being assembled and awakened now.

4. I told my Parents how much I loved them, and how much I enjoyed being with them. Heavenly Mother responded:

'Raphael, we too are so happy to be with you!'

I felt so completely loved!

5. I then told my Father about the email I received from Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, that they wanted to proceed with wisdom and prudence. I said that I had the impression to give them several hyperlinks to my website**, and was planning to ask them to read these. I felt assured from my Father that this was a right approach, and that once they had responded that they had read these, I would be able to share more as I was directed. I also felt that the 144000 link I prepared would be a way for me to share information with more of the 144,000, as these were awakened. I felt that the Johnsons could share this link with whomever they felt to do so, or my email address that I wrote them from, with those whom they felt they could share. This would be the first step for them to get started in their new commission.

6. I felt also to share with them my recent direction about their commission. I plan to do that in an email to them.

In addition, I felt to share my journal accounts with the angels, including those of Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, with their names changed.

7. To me, it seems the time we are now living in is the time of the awakening of the 144,000, by God through his angels, and by Enoch's group. This is their current time of awakening. Somehow, my own website will be available to disseminate certain truths, and somehow a future website of the Johnson's will be used to teach and train the 144,000.

I then confirmed in my prayer that what I have written is true and acceptable to my Heavenly Parents.

8. I then wondered what I should call Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, in the post I was planning. Then I felt I should find out their premortal names right then! I asked if I might do so. These are the premortal names that came into my mind at this time: Phillip is named 'Elias' and Rebekah is named 'Elisa' (pronounced EE-LEYE-SUH). I should make this journal post for them to see, using these names. I believe that God is laying the foundation of my website link that will be used and read and seen by many of the angels and the 144,000.

These were my impressions and directions today.

** Here are the links on my website that I feel impressed to share with them:
144000-information which has 2 additional entries (6 total now), The White Cloud on Mount Zion, and The Spiritual Harvest is Completed

P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-8-2017 Thursday

1. I have been having better sleeping these days–not awakening at all in the night, and feeling more fully rested.

This morning I went in the celestial world, where the river representing Heavenly Father enters into Lake Beautiful. I was there also last night in my prayer. I drank again, both times, of the living water which came into the lake, ultimately from the fountain of living water. I also ate of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life. It seemed to me that the leaves were about 2 inches long.

2. I then prayed on the banks of the river representing Heavenly Father, on the east shore as it came into Lake Beautiful. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared to me there. I again gazed on them, and they both had smiling faces for me.

3. I confirmed what I had received yesterday, and that the email I sent to Phillip and Rebekah was good and correct before them. Here are other insights I received:

• The 144,000 have already been commissioned in their callings on Mount Zion (Mt Timpanogos on 10-3-2016) and when Jesus appeared to them in heaven recently on 4-12-2017, in their unconscious minds to their spirits.

• Phillip and Rebekah have yet to receive the blessing/commission as the leaders of the 144,000. I will know when this happens.

• My website link page for the 144,000 should be added upon, suitable for others who are called as the 144,000 to view.

• I should encourage Phillip and Rebekah Johnson to drink of the living water, and of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life. They would do this in their spirits, in their unconscious minds. They can access this by using prayer, meditation and visualization methods.

• I don't think to have any more of the 144,000, as of now, to try to drink of living waters, or eat of the tree of life. I do feel that I should encourage every mortal angel to do so daily.

Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-9-2017 Friday

1. These are glorious days! This morning, and last night in my prayer, before approaching God, I partook of the living water, the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life again. I visualized the effects as I drank or ate, and I felt changes gradually happening to me. I prayed for more clarity and perception, as a result of drinking of the living water. I prayed to be filled with the love of God as I ate a single fruit of the tree of life. I then felt more compassion for my fellow man, and prayed for these individually. I then prayed that the healing effects of the leaf on my body would bless my brain and mind and left shoulder. I felt healing happening.

2. When I prayed by the fountain of living waters this morning, my Heavenly Parents came in a blaze of light from the skies, until they stood in front of me. I looked into their happy faces. I felt so blessed!

I prayed to know the next steps today, for me to further understand and to act upon.

3. I prayed for light and knowledge to be poured out upon Phillip and Rebekah Johnson. I then felt that they needed protection, like I had. I felt they needed 24 warrior angels to continually surround them. I also felt I should stand behind them, with my Sword of Raphael raised high, so that they would be assured to not be deceived by the adversary, or inflicted with the wiles of the devil in any way. Their calling is of such importance that they need to be free of Satan from now on. I will write R.B. to ask him to do so, and to keep this in confidence. I will then let Phillip and Rebekah Johnson know of what I have requested for their protection. I received this in prayer, and I feel confirmed in my mind and heart this is what I should do now.

4. I next wrote and email to R.B., in my prayer on my phone, asking him for this protection to be given for Phillip and Rebekah. I then felt to clear both Phillip and Rebekah of any false, or evil spirits of any kind right then. I did so, and found a few hidden devils, which I removed far away. I then came behind them, with my Sword of Raphael held in ready stance, so they would have no more intrusions from Satan. I believe this will clear up their minds and allow revelation to flow more freely from God to their minds and hearts. I believe too that Satan had set up a plan to trick and dupe them, and to hide in their bodies, away from detection. However, now all are routed out and adequate protection is on its way, for their callings are great!

5. Here is the conversation of emails between R.B. and myself this morning:

9:18 AM, 6-9-2017

R.B., in my prayer this morning, I felt that it is now time that 24 warrior angels surround and protect Phillip and Rebekah Johnson from now on. Would you please send these, with a charge to ward off Satan and his host at all times? Also, please keep this confidential-I will write Phillip and Rebekah today, info copy to you too, and let them know, once you write be back.

Thank you R.B.! I have been praying for you and H.B., and for your father-in-law.


9:23 AM

to R
Yes. I'll do it now and report back.


6. R.B.
9:35 AM

to R
It is done.
Q: Heavenly Father can I do this for Phillip and Rebekah.
A: Yes. Do it quickly.

I then gave my instructions to Michael the Archangel for 24 angels to surround Phillip and Rebekah at all times to protect them. I also shielded them on the top. If Phillip or Rebekah are ever separated 12 will go with one and 12 go with the other.


9:40 AM

to R
I also did some clearing prior to this. There seemed to be a dark cloud smudge around them that is now gone.

7. R
11:55 AM

to R.B.
Thank you so much, R.B.!


I next had the thought that rest of the 144,000 who are being awakened, also need protection at this critical time of their awakening. I prayed to my Father in front of me, asking that I provide this protection for them, behind each one, with my replicated presence and with my sword of Raphael, raised in readiness to ward off any devil or false or unwanted spirit. He nodded, and then spoke to me:

8. 'Raphael, it is now time to fortify the Johnsons and protect them, as well as each of the 144,000, against the adversary and his hosts. Go behind each one, whom I will show you, and raise your sword of Raphael high above your head, in a protection stance. This alone will cause the evil ones to flee. Those who are being awakened need to be clear of the tricks and deceptions of the evil ones, so that we may clearly speak to their souls.

9. This is the great time of the awakening of our 144,000 gatherers! We will use all of our angels and those of Enoch's noble group to help us awaken these gatherers now.'

I then thanked my Father, and then saw in my mind, that my replicated person went behind each of the designated chosen 144,000 mortals on the earth, and removed Satan and his hosts from their souls and presence.

10. I next prayed to my Heavenly Parents that these would arise and shake off their shackles, and receive revelation from God (see Isaiah 52:2–"Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.", and D&C 113:10–"We are to understand that the scattered remnants are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen; which if they do, the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them, or give them revelation. See the 6th, 7th, and 8th verses. The bands of her neck are the curses of God upon her, or the remnants of Israel in their scattered condition among the Gentiles."). I felt that my Heavenly Parents would grant this, starting today!

(Note: I received an email back from Phillip and Rebekah Johnson on Saturday, 6-10:

Thanks for sharing R. I appreciate your efforts on our behalf. May the Lord continue to bless you.

Phillip & Rebekah Johnson")

R. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-10-2017 Saturday

1. In my prayer this morning, I was by the little stream of living water that flows into the valley where the city of Zion (also known as the city of Enoch) was located. I was in a grove of birch trees.

2. I prayed that the 144,000 would be blessed with healing. Yesterday they were blessed with protection. I asked my Heavenly Mother who was before me, to grant that we who are healing angels would be able to act as conduits for their healing power and light, for the 144,000. She asked me to write as she spoke to my mind:

3. 'Raphael, your request to have the healing angels bless the 144,000 with our healing power is a very good request! We will grant this. Today, we will summon each of our healing angels to go and act as our conduits of healing for each of the 144,000. This is in conjuncture with their translation process that they are currently receiving. They will need to have strength and protection against the elements and destructive forces coming forth in the world, on the earth.

4. We also grant to the 144,000 that once they are in their labors and mission, of teaching and transporting the elect of God, that they may pray to the Father, in the name of our Beloved Son, for healing to the elect to whom they are administering. We will grant their requests, as they are done under the inspiration of our Holy Spirit, and in the sincerity of their hearts. We will, in this way, also preserve and heal our elect who are scattered upon the face of the earth.'

5. I then thanked my Heavenly Mother for this great blessing that they are giving to the 144,000 and to the elect of God.

I also felt that God would individually direct each healing angel today to administer healing to the 144,000. This will be a great day of healing, coming forth from God, to these chosen gatherers.

S. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-11-2017 Sunday

1. Today we got up early and attended my second son's ward for his 6th child, a baby girl. He gave a nice blessing to his baby. During the blessing, I looked around spiritually, and saw Heavenly Father to the back right side of us in the circle, and Heavenly Mother to our back left side. Jesus Christ was directly behind my son, with his hands on my son's head. I am sure nobody else could see this. I also saw in front of us, my son's ancestors on the right front side, and his wife' ancestors on the left front side. I also saw future descendants of this sweet baby being blessed, directly in front of us.

2. When I was thinking on this, the voice of Heavenly Mother came into my mind:

'Raphael, ______, as her name is known on the earth, is a noble daughter of ours! She has been very faithful in the premortal life. We love her very much.'

3. I then sat back down, and enjoyed the sacrament. I visualized myself at the place where I met and prayed with my Heavenly Parents, at the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I was standing during the sacrament, looking south over the lake at my Heavenly Parents who were on the shoreline of the lake. I wondered why I wasn't kneeling before them, and I thought that since my morning prayer this morning at the same location, when I had been on my knees, I had since stood. I had also been communing with them the entire time!

4. Anyway, as I was standing, I heard the prayer in the chapel, and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother who were before me. I then partook of the bread. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind, in clear words and sentences:

5. 'Raphael, your Mother and I accept your covenant this morning that you have made before us. This is a great day of awakening for the 144,000 gatherers who are commissioned. We are awakening each one now, and are using our holy angels and the host of Enoch's band to assist us in this awakening process. They will each have experiences in their conscious minds to give them the assurance that they have been called of God.

6. The hymn 'Do What Is Right' that you sang that says 'Angels above us are silent notes taking' is accurate. You, Raphael, are recording the major events, like this time of great awakening of the 144,000, both in the records of heaven, and in your journal on earth. Other angels are also writing their experiences and interactions with our children that they have on earth. All things are thus written by the Father, to be used in the day of judgment which will come upon our children in a future day.'

7. Tonight we are going to another son's house for dinner. It should be enjoyable to be with them. He and his wife are planning on attending the healing energy convention in Layton, Utah next week. This is where I spoke just three years ago! I am glad that my perspective has shifted, and that I am no longer worried about gaining any revenue from my work. My attitude has completely shifted now, as I have realized more the greatness of my calling before God.

8. Later: We went over to my son's house tonight, and ate dinner. It was fun. My son and I talked a lot about healing, using predominantly Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code. It was very helpful. We worked on his daughter who was ill, and had a deep cough. We found a lot of things to help her, including remedies. She got a lot better as the evening progressed.

9. Next my son worked on my left toes, which had toe fungus, and was able to make some good headway in correcting this situation. I asked him to help me aide my left shoulder pain. We worked together, but mostly him. He said that I had a belief once that I was unwilling to believe in myself (I am sure that it relates to my calling and position as Raphael, although he didn't know about this). He also found mold that was a problem, which he released. Then he finally went with me in another room, along with his 2nd daughter, who gave us faith and assurance, and by the priesthood he removed the last 17% of the effects in my left shoulder. I saw energetically 'red lava' energy flow in the first release from my left shoulder, then a black mist lift from the left shoulder on his second release, and finally a fog which immediately vanished once he gave me the priesthood blessing! It was great–and I felt so good afterwards! He and I both energetically tested that my shoulder was 100% healed of its pain. I am so thankful! This has been bugging me for several years. I pray it will be fully removed as we verified in our energy testing.

T. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-12-2017 Monday morning

1. I received an email from my son about the healing session we had last night. He told me about what my false unconscious belief was, and it is this: "I am unworthy to receive spiritual inspiration." He removed this, and then the mold was removed, and finally the last remnant was removed by a priesthood blessing. I am so happy about this–for my left shoulder has been a literal pain for several years now. I also told him why Jesus is on the right hand of the Father, to receive into his left side the inspiration and direction from God. I think also that, in a similar way, I have been receiving so much inspiration and direction through my left side, particularly via my left shoulder area, that it has caused some physical issues in that area. I am hopeful that my pain will now all go away now in my left shoulder.

2. He also said that his daughter had removed some trapped emotions on herself, from a traumatic experience at birth. He said they also identified a nutrient, related to her birth, that she need more of now. He asked me to help identify what this nutrient is.

3. In my prayer this morning, I asked if his 2nd daughter (age 11) was a healing angel, and confirmed that she truly was! I felt also that the lacking nutrient is in the leaf of the tree of life! It has been lacking since birth, since she has been used to partaking of it in her premortal life, and has been wanting and needing it since birth. This would greatly strengthen her body and her spiritually as well.

U. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-13-2017 Tuesday

1. Last night and this morning, I had sweet experiences in prayer, just with connecting with my Heavenly Parents. I had a choice experience yesterday with Heavenly Mother when I looked into her face and eyes. I yearned to be next to her, and to run my hand and fingers through her long hair. The next thing I knew, she was embracing me! I took my right hand and ran my fingers through her hair near her head! I pulled her hair to her left side and it fell to her front left side. She was smiling at me, and had very loving eyes for me, her son. It was a tender moment for me!

2. I have been drinking of living water, and eating of the fruit of the tree of life, and a leaf from the same tree each time before I prayed, twice a day. This seems to have prepared me better for a more communicative prayer. I have received more connection and clarity as I have done this, I believe.

At this time, it seems we angels are fully busy in the celestial realms. We are helping awaken the 144,000 also. This seems to be a great day of awakening. I feel great peace with all of this.

V. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-14-2017 Wednesday

1. In my prayer today, after drinking of living water, and eating of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life in heaven, I prayed for these, my own children in need, and next for neighbors. I felt compassion for them. I prayed for our business, for the angels, and for those being awakened who are part of the 144,000. I prayed for Phillip and Rebekah Johnson too. I had met with Phillip in person 9 days ago this morning, and still had no significant response from them. I had some questions for my Heavenly Father who was before me in prayer today:

2. Q– Shall I just leave Phillip and Rebekah Johnson alone, and let them proceed at their own awakening pace? Are they following a pleasing timetable of awakening before God, to the grandeur of their calling?
A– Yes, leave them alone for now, for God is working with them at the level they are able to accept and proceed onward.

3. Q- Shall I do another website post?
A– Yes. Use the other names for Phillip and Rebekah Johnson to protect their identity, and share this all with the mortal angels.

4. Q– Are we, who are angels, more busy and involved in blessing mankind and acting on our direction from God, than we have ever been before?
A– Yes, you are all much more significantly busy in all the works of God, done in the celestial realms.

W. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-15-2017 Thursday

1. I awoke early, and spent some time preparing for my morning prayer, in the celestial realms above. I found myself on the little rock outcropping, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I could see the waterfall in the distance, and the glorious temple of God even further in the distance. I knelt, and raised my hands high above my head as I addressed my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer.

2. They came before me. I looked into their eyes, their faces. They seemed pleased to come to me. After I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them, I asked them to bless many people–family members, the mortal angels, the 144,000 who were being awakened, and Phillip and Rebekah Johnson.

3. After my requests, I felt to look more closely at my Heavenly Mother. I asked what message she had for me, if any. She then spoke peace and assurance to my soul. She said, in my mind, that all of the holy angels, including the mortal angels, were in place and working in the celestial realms above and on earth. She indicated that this would be the way we continue working into the last days events. She seemed pleased.

4. She also said that the mortal angels and I would live our lives in mortality, in our conscious minds, quietly, with no fanfare. She said that my Father and she would continue to fully direct our lives, as we come unto them in quietness and peaceful surroundings. I felt gratified that all seems to be in place now for the angels.

5. She said that the 144,000 were being awakened now, and that we were very involved in their awakening, behind the scenes. She said the people of Enoch were also very much involved in this process of awakening the 144,000. Great things await the elect as their gatherers are awakened now.

6. She was also pleased with my post I wrote and finished last night. She said that she and my Heavenly Father would be with each mortal angel, and bless them as they serve them above.

I then thanked her for this peaceful, heavenly message. I felt very close to her, and expressed my love for her. I could see the twinkle in her eye, and her smile as she spoke to me.

7. Then she asked me to stand before them. Heavenly Father then came on my left side, and Heavenly Mother on my right side. They took me by my hands closest to them, and we walked up next to the mountain river in Heavenly Mother's upper garden together. We talked together as we walked. I don't know what we talked about, but I do feel great peace and very settled. They are both so loving and kind, and fully in charge of the happenings in our day, and in our lives!

X. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-16-2017 Friday morning

1. This morning and last night I went to the highest point of the celestial world that I knew of. It was above Heavenly Mother's upper garden, to the southeast. I had been there before, when I was taken to the world of the premortal spirits.

2. Last night I gathered water from the fountain of living water in a cup, and I had picked the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life. I had brought them all to this high location, and drank and ate of these. This morning I drank and ate of the same before coming to this location. I am not sure why I was brought here. I am there now as I write.

3. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They seemed to come from the distance, I think from the land where Heavenly Mother's physical resurrected body dwells. I looked into their eyes and faces. Then I realized Jesus Christ was next to my Father, on his right side! I then looked into his eyes and face. I saw a very compassionate and loving Redeemer of the world, in my Savior Jesus Christ.

4. Behind these three Deity were clouds which seemed to lift as I looked at them. It was like a clearness was also opening up in my head, in my perception of some things.

I had received an email from L this morning about John the Beloved. She said that she received a strong prompting last night to write me, particularly about John the Beloved, or the 'disciple whom Jesus loved' (see John 13:23– "Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved."). She said that I had answered a question to K.P. this way:

5. Q– Is John the Beloved the brother or son of Jesus Christ?
A– No, he is neither.

L disagreed with me, and wanted to have me pray about this some more. She said "I feel like you asked two questions and got an answer to the first question. John is not His brother. He is His son.'

6. So, now that I was before my Savior Jesus Christ, I asked him directly these questions:

Q– Is John the Beloved thy brother in the flesh (same mother)?
A– No

Q– Is John the Beloved thy son in the flesh?
A– Yes

7. So L was correct, and I had not received the answer on 6-6-2017 clear enough, by lumping the two questions of being a brother and a son together! Either that or the answer was purposefully withheld from me for some reason. This is why we each need to ask and confirm all answers that I receive, or perceive that I receive! Thanks L! I must have glossed over this question quickly, and not thought much about both answers.

8. I still had more questions for Jesus Christ, who was still before me:

Q– The man who was John, the son of Zebedee, brother of James, who was a fisherman–was he then not the same as John the Beloved?
A– These are different men. John the son of Zebedee was called and ordained as an apostle, whereas John the Beloved was not called with the original twelve apostles.

9. Q– Did John the Beloved write the Book of Revelation?
A– Yes

10. Q– Did John the Beloved become translated?
A– Yes. He is the one spoken of in D&C section 7, and will tarry in his translated state until the glorious return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He is as a flaming fire and a ministering angel, as spoken of in D&C 7:6–"Yea, he has undertaken a greater work; therefore I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel; he shall minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth."

11. Q– Do Peter, James and this John the Beloved, have the keys of the ministry as spoken of in D&C 7:7–"And I will make thee to minister for him and for thy brother James; and unto you three I will give this power and the keys of this ministry until I come."?

12. A– Yes. This John who jointly holds the keys of this ministry is John the Beloved, not John the son of Zebedee. These three apostles returned and conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. See D&C 27:12–"And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them; Unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth;"

13. Q– So was John the Beloved later ordained as an apostle?
A– Yes. He is spoken of by Nephi as the one who would write the last days events, and also be one of the apostles of the Lord. See 1 Ne 14:18-27–

14. "And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, saying: Look!

And I looked and beheld a man, and he was dressed in a white robe.

And the angel said unto me: Behold one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Behold, he shall see and write the remainder of these things; yea, and also many things which have been.

And he shall also write concerning the end of the world.

Wherefore, the things which he shall write are just and true; and behold they are written in the book which thou beheld proceeding out of the mouth of the Jew; and at the time they proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, or, at the time the book proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, the things which were written were plain and pure, and most precious and easy to the understanding of all men.

And behold, the things which this apostle of the Lamb shall write are many things which thou hast seen; and behold, the remainder shalt thou see.

But the things which thou shalt see hereafter thou shalt not write; for the Lord God hath ordained the apostle of the Lamb of God that he should write them.

And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have written them; and they are sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.

And I, Nephi, heard and bear record, that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was John, according to the word of the angel." "