97. Premortal Memories
Posted 10-24-2018

Hi my friends,

I hope my email finds each of you happy and enjoying this beautiful fall!

This post includes many revelations of varied topics. I think you will like the extra information about our premortal life. I had some special vivid memories too that you will want to read about.

Please confirm that I speak the truth. Our Heavenly Parents know all, and will confirm to your mind and heart all truth that you may ask of them.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 8, 2018, Monday

1. In the evening–I came to heaven tonight at the fruit orchard on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. It felt good to feel assured I was surrounded by those who were celestial who live here. We are all trustworthy!

I knelt near the shore with the orchard behind me. I was facing the beautiful lake. I prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, asking one of them to come to me and deliver to me their message. I immediately saw a bright light come from high above the lake and descend gradually upon me. In this light was my Heavenly Mother! I had been privileged this morning to have her instruct me too.

She was bright and shining. She had very sparkling eyes and a broad smile. She extended her hand to me! I took hers in mine and stood up. We then walked up into the orchard, her arm through mine!

2. As we started to walk, Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you have seen a very small part of the evil in your current world today, with those fraudsters who used stolen credit cards. This is an ever-growing problem for merchants like you who are trying to sell to legitimate customers. There are so many ways evil people are using modern technology to steal, deceive, and entrap the innocent! This evil world will soon change, however, to a much safer and happier millennial society where neighbors and all people will have a much higher level of trust and love. The wicked will be destroyed and our elect will inherit the earth!'

We walked up to a fully ripe apple tree, with red apples. Heavenly Mother stopped and picked one and handed it to me.

3. She then spoke again:

'Raphael, keep this celestial apple in your robe pocket for a time that you may need it! This heavenly apple will sustain you for many days in your work in our celestial realms, in a future day of great need.'

I took the apple. I hadn't been aware of any pocket in my robe! She then pointed to my right side, under my green sash. I felt around and found a slit for a pocket. She said she had planned this when she was designing my robe! I moved the sash slightly up over the pocket slit and inserted the apple there. I then covered it again with my sash.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, you will be glad for this apple in a future day of heavy workload and a demanding schedule. We will bring to your mind the apple at the right time that you will need it.

5. Now I want to answer M.A. 's question she wrote to you:

Q–"Why have women throughout history been put down, used and abused and been made less than men? Why did Heavenly Mother have to go into hiding? It doesn't seem like there is equality."

6. A–During the past 6000 years, my daughters have suffered sometimes immensely at the hands of men. Almost all cultures have elevated men over women. Your Heavenly Father and I knew this would happen for there are many men who wish to lord over women and put them down. There are also many women who take the abuse. This is not how it will be in the terrestrial world, or the great millennial day. However, it always gets like this in a telestial world like you live in, on every earth we have created and populated with our children.

7. In the terrestrial world, there will be full equality between men and women! My daughters will hold the office of high priestess, in similar and equal authority to the men who hold the priesthood of the Father. There will be great love and consideration for all, with wide acceptance of the many gifts and talents that my daughters bring. Their presence and power will be a wonderful compliment to those powers of the priesthood. My daughters will live in great harmony and unity in the beautiful millennial day!

8. I went into hiding in heaven so I could act as the Holy Ghost among my children who would come to earth. I greatly desired to exercise my witnessing power of all truth to my beloved children. I therefore had to replicate my spirit among them, without my resurrected physical body that was in hiding. This period of hiding is now almost completed! At the beginning of the millennium, I will continue to act as the Holy Ghost but will also occasionally come among my children, who are celestial, in my full resurrected body. They will all know that one of my roles is to act as the Holy Ghost.

9. Your Heavenly Father took the role as the Parent God of all our beloved children during the earth's telestial period and I took the role as the Holy Ghost. In the terrestrial world, we will appear together sometimes as Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, joint parents of our beloved children.

10. During the telestial period of earth's temporal existence, our children didn't know I was among them. The Father thus protected my identity, even though I have been very involved from the beginning as the Holy Ghost. My hiding allowed me to not be known, or ridiculed or sworn at or abused. Those who blaspheme against the Holy Ghost have a severe punishment. We also didn't want more of our children to have knowledge to verbally abuse me and then reap punishment themselves.

It may not all seem fair, but I am so pleased to work directly, behind the scenes and in secret with my beloved children. Your Heavenly Father does not have this experience like I do. I feel this is a great blessing to me!'

11. We were now at the northernmost part of the orchard. Heavenly Mother faced me and smiled. She spoke one last time:

'Raphael, I feel so very happy in my role as the Holy Ghost! It is such a satisfaction to serve my children in such an intimate way!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words! I said I admired so much the abundant love that she shed forth on her children! I thanked her for the many witnesses of the truth that I have personally received. I told her I loved her!

She then rose up in the sky in a bright light, like she came to me over the lake. She was then gone. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 9, 2018, Tuesday

1. I came to the bank along the river representing Heavenly Mother to pray this morning. I came to the eastern side that was grassy. I found a spot opposite God's temple across the river. I prayed facing east, or towards Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come to me.

Heavenly Father appeared to me above the grass! I could see into his face clearly, but not the rest of his being at this time. I knew he was alone. I could see into his deep and compassionate eyes! This always thrills me and gives me a sense of how he is feeling. His eyes were tender and in control, as always.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, yesterday your wife started a short online non-religious course on how to pray. She told you about this during dinner. She said that she was very open and is seeking ways to reach out to a benevolent God and in the universe. The author of the course had not been religious nor had ever prayed, but had continual experience of wanting to pray for accident victims she met in her profession. She finally responded and just followed the inner voice she heard and her own intuition.

3. Today I'd like to speak on how we connect to our children who cry out to us, regardless if their upbringing has been religious or not. Sometimes the roles of the religion get in the way, for our child may feel they are to address us in a certain way and style of language. Sometimes they have a view of what God must be like. Sometimes they approach us is fear, for they have been taught or have read from the Bible that we are a vindictive God, who punishes people who rebel. Some of our children have never yet heard about Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. Some are in various religions that do not include Jesus Christ in their teachings.

4. For all our children who have come to the earth in so varied of circumstances, I would like to address. Each has an innate desire in times of trouble to call out to us, even though their conscious self doesn't know who or what they are addressing. Most feel the unknown universe is benevolent and accepting of their pleas. Many have experienced protection and some unseen guidance in their lives.

5. When you were both in Chile with your recently injured son on his mission in the hospital, there was a time when you and your wife realized that we who are Gods are bigger than the God of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that you had been taught. You were given awareness that we hear and answer prayers of all of our children, not just the LDS people. This was particularly a great awakening for your wife. We answered her pleas with our voice that she plainly heard and then shared with you.

6. Raphael, the universe is a benevolent place, with those of us who are the Gods of the universe, in control of all our creations. We are extremely loving and accepting of those on the earth, for these are our own children! They are formed in our image and placed on earth without knowledge of where they came from. Their premortal memories are blocked from their conscious reality. All are trying to make sense of their lives, some more than others. They each have deep unconscious beliefs and hidden experiences they remember of us, their loving Heavenly Parents. However, the veil of forgetfulness is very strong, and they act out of instinct and intuition unless they have been taught faith in God. Even if they have never been taught the truth about us, they act in hope and faith that God is near and is benevolent.

7. We respond to each of our children who call out to us from their inward sincere self. They may just automatically call out in times of trouble or distress of some kind. This is a witness that they are spirit beings having a physical, mortal experience.

We respond and speak to all of our own children, to their unconscious mind. Some hear this in their inner self, like the author of the prayer course. They may feel a need to speak out to the benevolent universe like she does, not consciously knowing whom we are. However, her inward unconscious self knows us well, and continues to receive our loving thoughts that we distill upon her spirit, just like we have always done in her premortal experience and life in heaven.

8. As our children respond to their inner voice as we speak to their unconscious mind, they want to respond back to us. They view us as loving beings, or a loving entity of some sort, unless they have been taught by their parents, religion or culture otherwise. However, if not taught in ways to negatively influence their concept of God, they cry to a loving being.

9. We respond and lead them. We guide and protect them. Satan comes and tries also to dissuade them or divert them from their intention to commune with us, their loving Heavenly Parents who they do not know consciously. If they respond to us and not Satan, we gently lead them to a point where they gain faith and comfort in us. We lead them to Jesus Christ, to his loving teachings, if they are open to that. We lead our listening, humble child to true religion, or truths that they may grasp and feel are sure. We lovingly lead and teach each one who cries out to us and yearns to be in connection with us, their God. They feel or sense it is us who speak to their inner self. They follow our lead and may be thus lead into truth and the way to live and be happy. We always instill and teach values of love, kindness, gentleness, and all godly virtues taught and lived by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, when he was on earth.

10. Even if our child never finds some version of true religion, which may not be in their local area, we still have connection with our children who seek us. We are their inner guide and the one who speaks to their unconscious mind. They may thus be led to live a good life, in love and kindness to others, by just following this inner self. We want to see how they act with regards to our still, small voice within them. This is true for all of our children, even those who know about Jesus Christ and have learned of his teachings. We reach out to all our children, from every clime, creed and culture there may be found on the earth!

11. We therefore see how our children act in their mortal experience. This is a probationary experience, and our main purposes are met by how our child responds to our voice to their inner self. Our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments and guidance.'

I thanked my loving Father for his words! I am impressed how he and Heavenly Mother reach out to each of their children who come to earth. They love and care for each one! They are the true Gods of this world. They are such a benevolent source of light and love!

My time in morning prayer is now at an end. I expressed my love to my Heavenly Father for speaking truth to me. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother be near me all the day long.

I then ended my prayer and started a new day.

12. Evening–I had a chance to listen to several old posts, including post 74 "The Great Test is Coming" posted 4/7/2018. This was all about my impressions and revelation from the April General Conference of the church. Nothing has really changed in this conference we just experienced. The message from our Heavenly Parents and Jesus to me is unchanged: the leaders are now without their priesthood and without revelation from God. Why would I ever think it was otherwise?

I am glad to be going through these older posts. There is so much information in them! And it looks like the revelations just keep coming strong and steady, with no lessening!

13. Anyway, tonight I came to heaven to the meandering stream in the desert. I felt clear and ready to meet my Heavenly Parents. I knelt on the western bank and faced the distant oasis that I could see on the horizon. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Mother soon appeared to me on the opposite side of the stream. She was smiling and bright with light. She then walked in the air to a point over the stream, right in front of me.

She spoke:

14. 'Raphael, you are correct that your Heavenly Father and I have revealed so much to you in the space of a very short time. It pleases us that you listened to your posts again, to refresh your mind on what we have already revealed to you. You also have continued to grow in greater understanding as we reveal more and more to you.

15. The seasons come and go, but our word we reveal will stand the test of time. All we have revealed to you continues to be true in your current day and time, and it will in the future as well. Soon winter will come and go and then spring will blossom with flowers and new life. During this winter we plan to keep up a rapid pace of giving you revelation on many varied topics. There will always be something new, even if it is to give more depth on a previous topic we have addressed.

16. Tonight I would like to speak on sleep! It is a very necessary part of each day's activities for all our children. Our mortal angels, like you, never tire in the celestial realms where they continually serve as we direct. However, their physical bodies, even though translated, still need sleep while in their mortal existence on earth.

When you sleep, your replicated self continues on in the celestial realms, acting in your angel mission as we direct you. We always have plenty of service for you to administer to!

17. Brigham Young once said that when God's children are asleep, their minds are often as bright and active as a mind of an angel (
"He has caused us to forget every thing we once knew before our spirits entered within this vail [sic] of flesh. For instance, it is like this: when we lie down to sleep, our minds are often as bright and active as the mind of an angel, at least they are as active as when our bodies are awake. They will range over the earth, visit distant friends, and, for aught we know, the planets, and accomplish great feats; do that which will enhance our happiness, increase to us every enjoyment of life, and prepare us for celestial glory; but when we wake in the morning, it is all gone from us; we have forgotten it. This illustration will explain in part the nature of the veil which is over the inhabitants of the earth; they have forgotten what they once knew. This is right; were it different, where would be the trial of our faith? In a word, be it so; it is as it should be." Journal of Discourses 1:351-52). He was correct about the minds of mortal angels when they sleep. Their minds are bright and serve us faithfully, all during the night. We also have our angels now each replicated several times, both working in the day and night in the celestial realms on the earth.

18. For all mortals, rest at night is very rejuvenating to the body, allowing the physical tabernacle to repair and recuperate. While the body rests, the spirit often dreams and works through unresolved issues. This is why in the morning after a good night's sleep, both the body and mind (the mind is associated with the spirit) are both revived.

19. We often come to visit our children while they are asleep. We love to commune with them during these times! We express love and encouragement to their unconscious mind, which is really the key to their spirit's understanding and thoughts. We often exchange a lot in a thought communication that serves both of us: For our child, they are encouraged, accept our love and light, and regroup to meet a new day the next morning. For us, their Heavenly Parents, we are deeply satisfied in being again with our wonderful child whom we deeply love!

20. Sometimes we orchestrate dreams to help our children release trauma, come to a solution to a problem(s), meet with other friends and family to exchange love and strengthen family ties, and receive direction from us, their Heavenly Parents. It is in these quiet times that we are best able to connect to our mortal children. Their conscious mind rests while their unconscious mind is available to really be nourished and strengthened.

21. We have given some of our prophets, like Lehi, the father of Nephi, dreams and visions in the night. These directions they vividly recall and serve as our revelations to their souls.

Some of our faithful, like you, rarely remember dreams or activities in the celestial realms. Right now you have so much angel activity that you do for us, that your conscious mind does not recall anything you did during the night. Some angels may recall a little, but mostly your angelic work in the celestial realms is hidden from your conscious mind.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words on sleep and all else that she shared. I said I was grateful to be in a position to serve her and Heavenly Father as an angel at night and during the day! I asked for strength to be able to maintain my mortal strength during all of this activity in the celestial realms.

22. Heavenly Mother then said the following:

'Raphael, we give you and our holy angels directions for your next task once you complete the previous task. When done, you ask what next you may do to serve us and then we give you our words as thoughts in your mind, your unconscious mind. You then immediately go and fulfill that assignment. You do this same process all day and all night long. Right now you are also replicated multiple times during this same process. We therefore have your activity magnified many times over what you could do with just one replication.

We do this same process with all our holy angels now. They are each replicated for several times in doing their work.'

I thanked her again for this insight! She then vanished from before me. I was next alone and quickly came back to my conscious state at home.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 10, 2018, Wednesday

1. I enjoyed a great sleep last night. I don't remember a thing–no dreams or visions or activity. It was pure rest for my conscious mind and my body. I feel physically refreshed too. I am so glad I can sleep deeply, for there have been times I couldn't go to sleep, or had a very restless night.

This morning I came to the beautiful meadow of buttercups on the path going eastward from Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I felt happy being there, it is so bright and cheery! I knelt in the air above the field of buttercups so as not to bend their happy faces. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come. Heavenly Mother came then from the path leading to the meadow of buttercups. She was smiling and had very happy eternity eyes. My heart seemed to skip a beat when she came before me–I do love her so very much!

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I am happy to be with you, here with my happy buttercups! They are always so cheery and happy!

You talked to your wife last night about the differences in males and females. She said she had a hard time making her mind to not create additional meaning to others' actions. She mentioned a friend who cancelled for a lunch date. She said it was hard for her letting that not mean anything. She had thoughts that the friend didn't want to be her friend anymore. You said that you usually don't let your mind think those types of "make it mean" thoughts, for they have no basis except for the circumstance. She could just as easily had a conflict that came up.

3. Raphael, my daughters and my sons often think so differently, thinking and struggling with different issues. Your little granddaughter told you last Sunday all about her pretty pink dress, complete with white butterflies and flowers. She knew all of the details, even to the differences between her dress and her sister's dress, which also had butterflies and flowers. She knew all the details, and it was important to her to look pretty in her dress.

4. Your own grown son was with you on Monday for lunch and you asked him how old his last son was. He didn't know and then tried to figure it out by logic. His mind works so different than that of his pretty daughter's mind! He spends eight hours a day programming for a company, spending time in logic and non-emotional issues. He pays close attention to details in his programming, but his mind thinks and acts differently than his daughter who knew all the details of her pretty dress. We have chosen the sex of the intelligence we invited to be our child based on how this intelligence thinks. By our Godly powers, we were able to see this intelligence as a female and then a male and then we compared the two choices. Your Heavenly Father and I then always choose the sex of our intelligence based on these comparisons and our Godly gift of foresight.

5. There are great varieties of how our male and female children think. There is not a set pattern of thinking for women versus men. Some of my daughters think very logically and some of my sons are very emotion or detail-based in their thinking.

When you talk to one of my children, you may not know how they think. Never judge their actions by how you think, for this will probably be wrong. Accept all as our beloved and varied children, each with a unique way of thinking and acting. The great variety is so very fun and enjoyable to me!

6. Our children who are still under the guidance of their parents and are not yet adults usually take on the thinking and cultural norms of their upbringing. It is usually only when they leave their home and become independent adults that they start to think and act on their own. Their upbringing establishes a basis, and will continue to bless or hinder them for some time until they are able to find out who they really are and what they really think. When they marry, they then are greatly influenced by the way their spouse thinks and acts.

7. In all of life's experiences, our child usually comes to be their own self. We then may truly see and observe whom they choose to obey, independent of others, to listen to either our gentle promptings or that of Satan and the natural man. Struggle in growing up is necessary for them to find themselves. This is what we have designed, for without opposition our children cannot choose for themselves.

8. We desire each of our children to become who they really are, their thinking patterns, their actions and choices. When they are aligned with their true self, not pretending to be someone other than himself or herself, they then may be the happiest. It is also our desire as their Heavenly Parents to help them attain the happiest state they may be able to achieve, all by their choices.

9. When your children become adults and strike out on their own, be glad for the lives they choose! Some may struggle in life for a while, until they find their true self, and are able to fully act on their own. Do not impose your own values on your children after they leave your tutelage and the environment of your home and teachings. You, as their parents, have launched them into a world where they now may choose the kind of life they want. Continue to love and accept them in whatever path they choose. Include them in your family activities, as they are willing to participate. Do not judge them based on your own thoughts and perspective, for they are their own person and may fully choose for themselves.

10. One of the hardest things for parents to do is to let go emotionally of their grown children, and allow them to freely act on their own without expectation of what they "should" do. Acceptance, love and inclusion in your life are now your parenting role, with no judgment or any form of control. This perspective will aid your child in finding themselves. They will love you more for the freedom and love you continue to show them.'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for this wonderful true perspective of how I should view others and my closest family members! I so admire her great wisdom and nuggets of truth she shares with me!

I then came back immediately to my conscious self. I have been writing all of this in my journal during my prayer with my loving Heavenly Mother. What a special time this has been!

11. Evening: This evening I came to the mortal probation chapel. I entered and came to the chapel area by the chairs. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Father then came into the room from the door to my right. He then became elevated in the air in front of me, near the ceiling. He then asked me to come in front of him. I came up into the air in front of him and knelt in the air.

12. Heavenly Father then addressed me:

'Raphael, before August 2014, I came to every sacrament meeting in the LDS Church. After this date, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I decided not to come anymore to the sacrament meetings of this church. I used to come in this location in front of the podium in the chapels of the church. We will not return to the chapels during the sacrament until the new and restored Church of Christ is reestablished again on the earth. This will be when we will restore the judges and counselors as at the beginning of this dispensation:

13. Isaiah 1:26

"And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city."

14. In that day I will come to this same position in front of the podium in all of the sacrament meetings of my church, the Church of Christ. Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, will also come in the celestial realms at the sacrament table. He will make sure it is administered in a way pleasing to him. Heavenly Mother will also frequently come to all or portions of the meetings.

15. The Church of the Firstborn will not have regular weekly meetings of the saints. These will be held in the Church of Christ where the meetings will be conducted after the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, like those of the righteous Nephites of old.

16. Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

17. It is during these times that your Heavenly Mother will frequently come in the power of the Holy Ghost, to inspire those in the sacrament meetings in the future restored Church of Christ. She will also attend other meetings that may be held as our people invite her to come, acting in her role as the Holy Ghost.

We are able to come to all the sacrament meetings of the Church of Christ because of our ability to replicate ourselves, being in multiple meetings at the same time.

18. Before August 2014, you always saw me at every sacrament meeting for about one year, in the air above and in front of the podium. You rarely saw your Heavenly Mother attending. This was because there were hardly ever meetings that were conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. She would have come, but the saints had, by that time in your area, mostly lost the companionship of the Holy Ghost.'

19. At this time the door opened again to the chapel and Heavenly Mother came in! She immediately came next to my Father. After greeting him, she looked at me and spoke:

'Raphael, each year among my Latter-day Saints who have been commanded to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, I came less frequently. I do this because the people are more steeped in sin and do not invite me into their lives as frequently as the year before. They are very concerned with the temporal lives they lead, and are making less time for God. This saddens me for I yearn to be close to each one!

20. In the future restored Church of Christ, the saints of that day will seek me humbly as did the righteous Nephites of old. Then will I make my abode as the Holy Ghost with these, my humble and obedient children. They may have my continual presence, as do you, to help guide and direct them in their lives!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents who stood before me! They were both smiling at me. The light of their presence filled me with joy and great peace!

I then saw them depart together, out the chapel door, leaving me alone on my knees in the air. I quickly came back to my conscious mind in my front room where I had been writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and ended writing.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 11, 2018, Thursday

1. Today I awoke early before the others in my household. I came quietly to my adjacent bedroom to pray. I came to the pool of water under the waterfall, next to Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I knelt facing her lower gardens next to the trail leading south. I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents or one of them, to come to me. My Heavenly Mother then appeared to me a little above the path. She was smiling and seemed very happy. She had sparkling eyes and a warm glow of light coming from her. I just love being in her presence!

2. I asked if she had a message for me this new day? She answered:

'Raphael, you are highly blessed in that four of your grown children and your wife come together to eat lunch at your house at least weekly. You also spend the day with your two daughters frequently each week and your loving son A. lives with you also. Although these children have varying belief systems now, they all feel very loved and accepted in your home. There is an open and happy feeling among them. You have consideration and love and kindness among you!

3. Your three other grown children are busy with their own lives. They love and respect you but in their own way have distanced themselves from you and your loving wife by their own choices. You have struggled in this, but now accept this as their choice.

Your accepting and loving attitude towards your grown children is very pleasing to me! You realize that each one may choose how they wish to believe and act. You and your wife have done well in instilling in them faith in God, good Christian values, and how to interact with their fellowman. You have fully dropped all of your expectations of how you used to think they should act now that they are grown.

4. You have noticed how the weather has changed quickly, signaling that you are in fall time. Winter will soon come. In your own family, there have been many changes like the change in seasons over the past nearly seven years. Your life has dramatically changed. You are now settled with all of this change. You now have a much healthier view of how life happens, and the views of being a parent of older children.

5. Your Heavenly Father and I have enjoyed immensely our grown children who still seek our company. There are many, however, who do not. We have enjoyed millions of eternities and have raised countless numbers of our own children. We love our close association with those who have become like us, a God and Goddess in eternity! We love their companionship and the happy connections we have with them. We only have direct control now over our creations in our own galaxy. These others who are exalted have moved on to establish their domains in this vast universe. Oh, these bring us great joy and such pleasant memories! We love our current relationships with each one.

6. Our other myriads of children have chosen to distance themselves from us, their loving Heavenly Parents. They are mostly in states of telestial and terrestrial glories, having received a level of happiness that they were willing to accept. Our relationships with them are not as strong, for they have chosen different paths than we have chosen. We still know what each is doing, but we meet with them infrequently. They all live in our vast galaxy in their eternal worlds that we have created for them.

7. We have also experienced sorrow in some of our children who have fully rejected us. These, from our other eternities, live in dark areas, alone and single as intelligences, never able to interact with us or any other of our creations. We rarely think now about them, for they have damned themselves and chosen their forbidden paths and own destination!

8. Our great work in our celestial realms in heaven is to thus raise and bless our own children, seeking to influence them to become so very happy as we are. They each choose what they desire, their level of happiness and their closeness to us, their loving Heavenly Parents.

We will always have a very close relationship with you, Raphael! You have demonstrated a desire to be very close to us and to become like us. Our eternal relationship will continue into the eternities!'

I expressed my deep love for my Heavenly Mother! I thanked her deeply for all she and Heavenly Father have shown me and how much they love me!

Heavenly Mother then pulled me up gently from my kneeling position and lovingly embraced and kissed me!

9. She then spoke:

'Raphael, I have all the time in the world for you! Let's stroll and talk more as we stroll into my lower gardens!'

We then walked arm in arm on the path leading to her lower gardens. I could see us walk slowly together, but I didn't know what we were sharing in my conscious mind. Oh, I am so happy to be in her loving presence!

I then came back to my mortal self and completed writing all of this. I am happy and am ready to start another busy day on earth.

10. In the evening–Today we did a lot of work and now I am tired, yet it is till early in the evening. I am praying tonight on the green hill just north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I faced the distant temple to the southeast. I knelt and asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

As I looked at the temple, I saw two personages come out the door and then a bright light came from them directly to me! They were then both before me immediately. They were Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I gazed into their compassionate, loving faces! I felt very happy to be again in their presence, after a long workday.

11. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, today was a difficult day for you since you neglected to include your wife in some scheduling concerns. You both work as a team and need to counsel with each other where each of you are concerned.'

I asked my Father and Mother the following:

'My Heavenly Parents, I don't know why but I feel I tend to solo, and when stressed I often do not seek the advice of my loving spouse. Please help me to always include her on all our joint decisions and schedules.'

12. Heavenly Mother answered:

'Raphael, as you put forth effort to change, we will help you change old habits to one where you work fully as a team and not alone. Your Father and I always consult with each other on everything we do! We have created a plan for each of our children, our greatest treasures who are living on earth or in the spirit world, during the days of their probation. If we ever vary from our plans, we always consult together. This is our practice, and this keeps us both happy and united.

13. In marriages on earth, there are all varieties of relationships. Some cultures dictate that the man overlords the woman, or acts independently. This is never how a lasting relationship can endure! The husband and wife are best suited as equal partners, with each giving and taking in a relationship of love and consideration. Each should participate equally in decision-making. They each bring a different perspective and strength, much more capable as a couple than alone. We desire you and all others of our married children to strive to be equally yoked and equal partners.

14. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12

"Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God."

15. There is some work that inherently is more adapted to men, like heavy lifting or hard labor. The work of cooking and preparing meals may be equally shared, unless one or the other has more time demands. Nurturing young children is more frequently done by the woman than the man, since he is often providing for the family. Each spouse also has unique talents that may greatly enrich their relationship. Love and consideration of the other should always be a dominant factor in all of their duties.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words on the marriage relationship!

16. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, today you have felt very humbled and repentant in overlooking asking your wife about a schedule issue. You will be able to change, even though this practice has continued to plague you, even as you age and mature. We help you, as you desire to change! You will change, for you and your loving wife will completely work things out in your marriage. You both will become so very happy and considerate always when together. You will show respect and be able to openly talk and come to unity about all that you do together.

17. Your mission will also include counseling others in marriage relationships and any relationship issue that may be troubling them. This may be a surprise to you! You will learn from the hard road of change and repentance, until you live in an exemplary marriage relationship, one that will last into the eternities!'

I said I was so grateful for his message, but that I needed a mind shift to even fathom that I could ever counsel anyone in relationship issues! I would be much more comfortable in doing any counseling together with my wife!

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both smiled at me then. I felt their confidence that I could change and be a much better husband and father! I thanked them for this hope and said I would work in faith on improving!

They then both extended their hands to me. I stood up from my knees and we all three turned and traveled immediately down the light beam that reappeared, back to their brightly shining temple!

I next lost my unconscious connection with my Gods and myself. I felt hope and increased desire to change my faltering ways! I thanked them for my prayer and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 12, 2018, Friday

1. I experienced a restless night last night. I was fretting over how I have chosen to act that upset my wife. I also felt bad I hadn't realized that my actions were so upsetting and unsettling to her. We talked before bed and I stayed awake for several hours into the morning, fretting about how I upset her and my poor behavior!

This morning I came early to the adjacent room. I spent ½ hour on my knees at the circling waters in heaven. Heavenly Mother came at my request. I poured out my feelings to her, seeking her blessing to comfort my wife and to help me change my ways. I also asked that I be made more aware of how my actions affect her so I will be able to not repeat any insensitivities. I really want to change my ways!

She then spoke to me, asking me to sit up in my recliner to write her words. I have come to this point.

2. Here is what she said to me:

'Raphael, you have come to me this morning in prayer very humbly and pleading for help. Because of your intent and your strong feelings for me to help you, being humble and repentant, I will help and strengthen you in your marriage relationship.

Your wife said last night that she can't change you, since you only can change yourself. This is true, for our grown children may only change themselves and not another, even their spouse. There are many men and women in marriages that try to change their spouse. However, this is futile, since they may only influence. Trying to change someone is a control issue and never works. We have blessed our children with agency to choose for them, but not for another. Your wife is wise to take this approach and to accept you just as you are. It is only you who may change yourself.

3. What she said to you last night about how you oft times act is also true, acting without her involvement. You have thought you have acted otherwise. Our children often can't see their own faults or the effects of their poor actions. They do well to listen to another who lovingly yet clearly may share with them how their actions appear to others and themselves. Your loving wife is good at this.

4. You have often remarked to your wife in confidence how you see how another husband's or wife's action is not good for their relationship. However, your own actions are often hidden from your own view! It is good that you want to see how your actions affect others and how you have a desire to change. This attitude is really essential for one to hope to change themselves. Old habits or ways one has learned can be changed, but without the humble and sincere desire, there is little hope of change.

5. I am glad that you desire so much to change and that you have come to me for help! I will bless you in your marriage relationship and help you to change and improve. It will take vigilant effort on your part to watch and check your actions, rethinking your old patterns into new patterns.

6. When you think to act independently in areas you have agreed to do with your spouse, think to first ask her. Don't succumb to pressures of others, some whom you've never met before. Don't allow them to dictate your schedule when you haven't yet discussed the matter with your wife. Tell them you'll get back with them after you consult with your wife. This thought pattern needs to replace your old ways so that a series of new actions will result. All change needs to start with a new set of thoughts. Changes in your behavior are always started with shifting of your thoughts and thinking patterns.

7. You have wondered last night how you, having so many weaknesses like this in the flesh, can possibly be allowed to receive so great revelations? You think how you could even be a majestic mortal angel, with all of the activities that we have told you that you are doing in the celestial realms? You then start to question yourself, wondering how you could ever have thought you could possibly be Raphael, our archangel!

8. You are our chosen servant Raphael! You do have, however, major stumbling blocks in the flesh for you to choose to correct. We give you weaknesses to keep you humble, so that you will be motivated to change and come unto us. You have qualified for our help and have pled to us to help you.

9. Raphael, we take the weak and lowly and make of them our strong and mighty, if they will come unto us in humility. We will do so for you, as you are willing to change. Your weaknesses will become strengths. Your marriage and your consideration will greatly grow as you enact changes. You can do this, my son! You and all of our children have power to change yourselves. This is our great gift to them to choose, even when doing something one way for many years, to change their actions to a better way. There is always hope and the ability to repent and change!

10. We desire each of our children to carefully look at their actions. If they see that these need correcting, they need to start with their own thoughts and correct their thought patterns. Their new emotions will then follow their new thoughts and cause the desired actions and results.

I have used this same process to become always filled with love and happiness, unless I need to occasionally act differently to create a certain action. I am so happy where I am today because of my changed thoughts and resulting feelings and actions. You and any of our children may do the same! It is never too late to change and improve oneself!'

I looked into the loving eternity eyes of my Heavenly Mother. They were filled with love and hope for me to change. I knew the actions had to start with me.

11. I spoke:

'Heavenly Mother, I thank thee for such clear and understandable words today. I will work at changing my thought patterns. I feel very repentant and humble and desire to change! Please strengthen me in my resolve to become a better husband!'

Heavenly Mother reached out her hand and touched my head. I felt her light and her love flow into me! I felt more resolve and hope too for me to change! I felt strong in choosing better thoughts to always involve my wife in all decisions I make that include our joint efforts.

I then came back to my mortal conscious mind. I am writing still in my journal. I am happy to have been so uplifted by God in my prayer today! I am ready to become a better man! I will now start my new day.

12. In the evening–
Tonight I came to the fir forest overlooking the Father's wheat field. I was kneeling at the overlook, looking east to the wheat field. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father came directly in front of me, above the edge a little in the air. He spoke immediately:

'Raphael, you and your wife enjoyed visiting with your oldest son today. He said that in the past year or so there had been a dramatic increase in power that energy workers are now doing. He even mentioned that angels were known to come to healers like him and assist them in their work, to be done in great effectiveness and strength.

13. Raphael, these are our healing angels who are now receiving our direction to more dramatically heal the people. When a healer like your son does energy work, we often send our healing angels to act in our power and authority to that healer. Our angel comes in the celestial realms, where they are generally not seen. Our healing influence goes through our healing angel through the healer and then to the person seeking healing. We are doing this to counter the ever-increasing evil on the earth. As evil increases, our love and light also increases among our elect. There are more of our angels working from the celestial realms on the earth than we have ever had before! These are all working night and day, per our directions, in administering to the faithful and those seeking our blessings.

14. On the dark side, Satan and his evil hosts are acting in more violence and anger than ever before. You, Raphael, are escorting many per day to the remote prison orb, for those who have overstepped their bounds. There is a real war for the souls of men and women on the earth. The battle rages between the hosts of the righteous, who stand behind Jesus Christ, and the hosts of the devil, even Lucifer. The adversary uses many spiritual weapons of war to afflict and torment man. However, with my shields for the elect, Satan and his hosts cannot afflict these, our faithful, with their many spiritual weapons.

We will win the battle! Our faithful need to take upon themselves the whole armour of God:

15. Ephesians 6:12-18

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." '

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation on the healing angels and of his disclosures about the evil hosts we fight with! I know it is a very real battle.

My prayer was ended, for I felt brought back to my chair where I was writing all of this. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 13, 2018, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the little outcropping overlooking the circling waters. I could see the temple of God to the distant west. I felt clear and ready to commune with God again. I asked for one or both of them to come to me. I was kneeling facing the distant temple.

Heavenly Mother came to me, coming up in a shining light from the waterfall and then traveling directly to me in the air! She stood before me smiling.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me from the transfer of her thoughts to me:

'Raphael, I am happy to be with you this morning! I too love the changing of the seasons. We portray them here in my upper gardens. Right now you may see the fall leaves on the trees. I love this time of year!

3. Your oldest son mentioned yesterday during his visit with you of the revealing of memories of the deep past of his clients even back to their premortal time with us in heaven. He said there were many who had trauma from this era and brought this with them in their spirits to earth. He said these were from experiences that our children had with the adversary and by viewing the dramatic events on the earth. He is correct in what he told you!

4. Even though we lived with our own spirit children in the premortal celestial spirit world, they still were able to receive trauma, spiritual scars and emotional upheavals, prior to coming to their own mortal experience. We allowed our children their own choice, or moral agency. The greatest decision each had to grapple with was choosing Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and his plan for allowing all to choose on earth for themselves, or to choose Lucifer's plan of coercion.

5. Lucifer was very persuasive! The trauma that our children experienced when some of their siblings turned to follow Lucifer rather than Jehovah was greatly felt, and impacted their spirit beings with trauma, deep sadness, and a host of emotions that stayed with them, even until they came to earth. They therefore had these emotional scars in their spirit being when they emerged as new babies with a new physical body. We allowed them to feel in whatever way they chose. Many hadn't learned to control their emotions by controlling their own thoughts. Even though they couldn't recall these emotions and the trauma in their spirit, they still harbored this in their spirits. These memories were in their chakral memories and were all brought with them to earth.

6. We provided ways and teaching for them to someday release these premortal wounds. The most direct way was for them, or a healer, to identify these traumatic experiences and to release them. This trauma many times manifests itself in the physical body, like a nagging or chronic physical issue that is very persistent. When the emotional scarring or trauma is resolved and eliminated, the physical ailment then heals.

7. Your son was also correct in telling you that trauma was received from events in our heavenly home, or by viewing events on the earth with their brothers and sisters that came before them. Big events which caused deep emotions included the war in heaven, the crucifixion, the fall of man, and the evil that these premortal spirits saw during many of the earth events, including wars between nations, robbings and killings and so many evil practices they saw among their brothers and sisters, and more. These premortal spirits are often assigned as guardians or spiritual guides to their ancestors to be that came to the earth before they came. We also allowed all of our children who chose to follow Jesus Christ to see his life, including his death and crucifixion. This was very traumatic for most of our spirit children who watched!

8. Raphael, you came to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as our chief healing angel, to comfort and bless him as our conduit for healing when he was suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane! All the hosts of heaven, premortal or post-mortal, were allowed to witness, if they desired, this momentous event of Christ's suffering. They also experienced his suffering directly for themselves. He came to each of them and they witnessed his suffering for their own past, present and future sins and weaknesses. This was usually deeply felt, and these very strong emotions were stored in their spirits. Some of these created traumatic scars that remained with them when they themselves would come to earth. As their Heavenly Parents, we allowed all of this, since these were created and initiated by their own choosing.

9. Much of the healing done by us for our beloved children is to remove and cleanse our child from their premortal trauma and spiritual scars. We use our healing angels as our conduits for healing all done in the celestial realms on the earth. Our earthly children can't see the angels' actions, for they can't see into the celestial realms, for they live on a telestial earth. They often attribute the healing to God, which is correct. Angels are our conduits of healing, and all healing comes from us, their God.

10. Your Heavenly Father mentioned last night that our healing angels are sent to augment the healing done by the many healers on earth. They have experienced increased ability to heal because of our greater presence via our healing angels that we send to them in the celestial realms on the earth.

11. We allow all of our children to choose what they want to do, who they wish to follow. They receive the consequences of their actions, mostly without our interference. Our great work is to guide and lead our children, if they are willing to follow us, to live in happy ways like we live. If each follows us, we will gently lead them to a place of healing, peace and joy.'

I loved hearing these thoughts from my Heavenly Mother who stood before me! I thanked her for her clarifying words. I have a better understanding of the deep experiences we all have had that we bring with us in our unconscious minds.

Heavenly Mother reached out to me and I touched her hand. She then smiled and quickly faded from my view. I confirmed that what I wrote was true and then ended my morning prayer.

12. Evening–

This evening I came to God's celestial orb and prayed at the desert oasis. The moon was up, about a half moon, and the sky was dark. It was pleasant outside on the desert. I knelt by the water's edge and asked if my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother would come to me.

I then saw a bright reflection in the water and a few seconds later saw my Heavenly Parents descending from the dark sky to a place before me, just above the water! The water reflected their coming by a few seconds earlier, having this property of foresight that living water has in the celestial kingdom.

My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore beautiful off-white robes with gold trim at the end of their sleeves and also along the bottom hem of their robes. They wore matching scarlet-red sashes. Their faces were very pleasant and full of love and acceptance. They both seemed so very happy to have come to me!

13. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, our son, we have come to you tonight at our desert oasis where it is so still and silent. We love evenings like this when the moon is shining and the sky is dark. We have asked that you come meet us here in our celestial world, hoping you will be in a contemplative mood. We want to describe more what life was like in the premortal life of our spirit children here in heaven. Perhaps you will recall some of these events again as we describe them to your mind.

14. There is a notion among the Latter-day Saints that life in the celestial world with our host of spirits we bore was always peaceful except for the war in heaven. Just because we raised them and we were always accessible and this was a celestial world, doesn't mean there wasn't a lot of conflict! From the beginning, our children learned our gentle ways and we taught them how to act and behave as our spirit children. There were many varied personalities. Some got along well, but others had conflict in their personalities, and their desire to please themselves over another created conflict. Love and consideration were not automatically learned, for these, our children had such limited experience to develop these high virtues of love and other Christian virtues. Our children developed our godly characteristics, as they desired to follow our example and teachings. We allowed all to choose how they would act and never forced any of our ways on any of our children.

15. Some of our children developed love and these other Christian virtues of patience, gentleness, cooperation, kindness, etc. faster than others. Some developed hardly any of these, but chose more self-centered practices and habits. We observed and watched our children as they interacted with each other. We withheld our plans for a Savior and the plan of redemption until all of our children had been born in this spirit world. We allowed all of them to reach their full stature as spirits and to have matured to a reasonable degree.

16. Many of our children broke off in groups they felt comfortable with. We provided houses and lands for all of them, as they chose. There were towns, cities, and nations–all on our celestial orb. Those that wanted to be by us, their Heavenly Parents, chose to live close by and visited us frequently. Those who acted independently, usually moved further away and led more separate lives. They didn't visit us very frequently. We let all decide how they chose to live and their companions and close friends.

17. It was at this point, when all our children had been born as spirits, had matured and grown, that we called them all together in the Great Assembly Hall. Your Heavenly Father presented the plan for our children to come to an earth in a lower telestial state, in a state of probation. He explained they would all gain physical bodies that would come to earth. He also detailed the great need for a Redeemer, so that our children could continue to choose on their own and return to us. These children would be allowed to die, and then be resurrected with physical bodies, similar to their own bodies. If these, our children, followed our direction they could return to us again and partake of a glorious celestial glory like we enjoyed.

18. I also spoke to these our children after Heavenly Father spoke. We presented the full plan of salvation, but did not identify who we would send as the Redeemer of all mankind.'

I then seemed to have a glimpse into my premortal life at this point in that world! I remembered that Immanuel, my oldest brother, had been appointed by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to be the Great Redeemer from the beginning. We were only eight boys at the time, very early in our family. I remembered this time that our Heavenly Parents wanted us to keep all of this secret.

19. At this point, right after Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother spoke to all their children at the Great Assembly Hall, I remembered seeking out Immanuel, my beloved older brother. I spoke to him in private, asking him if he recalled the great promise from our Father that he was to one day become the Great Redeemer. Immanuel nodded, saying that he had always kept this in his mind and heart since that meeting by the horizontal log near Heavenly Mother's upper garden.

20. I then put my hands on Immanuel's shoulders. I remember what I next spoke:

'Immanuel, I am your faithful brother, and will support you as the Great Redeemer of all mankind! I will always obey what our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother say, for I love them so very much!'

21. I remember looking at that time into the deep eyes of my future Redeemer, even Immanuel! His eyes were so tender, compassionate, and gentle. He said he too would do as our Heavenly Parents wished, but he said he felt some trepidation at the task. He said he would act in faith!'

My premortal memory then vanished. Heavenly Father then spoke to me next as I was kneeling near the shore of the desert oasis before my Heavenly Parents:

22. 'Raphael, this announcement at the Great Assembly Hall caused quite a stir! We had told our many children that they would receive more information shortly in a follow-up meeting we would also call to be held at the Great Assembly Hall.

23. Between these two meetings, Lucifer, one of our most intelligent spirits, who had been given great responsibility in one of the nations, determined that he was to be the Great Redeemer. He gained a strong following. He also came up with his plan to coerce every spirit coming to mortality so that not one would be lost. He would force each to live in obedience to God and then he wanted all of the honor and glory for himself. He was so pleased with his unique plan and decided to propose it at the next upcoming meeting that I would announce in the Great Assembly Hall.

24. Soon your Mother and I called all our children to come to the second meeting at the Great Assembly Hall. I conducted the meeting and reviewed our plan, giving a few more details of the mortal life that we would have each participate in.

I then asked this question to the vast congregation of our spirit children:

Whom shall I send as the Great Redeemer?"

25. At that moment, my well beloved from the beginning, stood up and came to the front, to my right side. He spoke these simple words: "Father, here I am, send me. I will obey all thy words as I have done from the beginning. The glory be thine forever!" Immanuel then went back to the chairs on the stand and sat down.

26. Then Lucifer arose and came onto the stand from my left. He came to the podium and spoke:

Father, choose me! I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost! Surely, I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor." (see Moses 4:1)

27. Lucifer then proceeded to detail his own plan before all of my children. He spoke very convincingly and told of his great plan to force each soul on earth who might go astray, in following his own commandments, so that they could return without sin to the Father. He told how wonderful and clever his plan was.

28. When Lucifer was done speaking, he sat down on my left behind me. I then arose and said that I would confer with Heavenly Mother and let everyone know when we would announce our decision of who would be the Redeemer. I then dismissed the vast assembly of our children.

29. After consulting with Heavenly Mother and Immanuel, both in private and also with Lucifer in private, I called a third meeting of my children to the Great Assembly Hall. I invited Immanuel to sit next to Heavenly Mother on the stand. After opening the meeting, I stated that their Heavenly Mother and I had chosen Immanuel to be our Beloved Son, for he was our firstborn and beloved from the beginning. I invited Immanuel to come next to me, on my right hand.

30. I then announced that Immanuel was to be the Great Redeemer of all our children! He would fulfill our plan as I had explained from the beginning of our meetings. His station and calling would be great, even that his name would be changed to Jehovah, the Great Redeemer!

31. While we were yet at the podium, Lucifer marched up to the stand in great anger! He spoke loudly to the entire congregation, stating that his plan was better than mine! He said emphatically that he knew it would be the best plan so that not one soul would be lost. He was so full of anger and rudeness! He then said he would meet with all the sons and daughters who wanted to hear more of his amazing plan, on the plain east of Lake Beautiful. He then stormed off the stand in great fury.

32. I then told the congregation that my plan for each of them to freely choose what they wanted to do here and in mortality would be honored. I said their Heavenly Mother and I would never force anyone to be righteous! We would always let them choose whom they wanted to follow and obey.

I then dismissed the meeting at the Great Assembly Hall. My children then had time to discuss and side either with my plan by choosing Jehovah and their agency, or Lucifer's plan, by choosing coercion and no agency.

Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will continue revealing to you more of the events in the premortal state of man in the next few days.'

Heavenly Father then stopped speaking. I had been very enlightened to hear, in my conscious mind, all about these events that took place prior to mortality! I said I loved them for sharing so freely with me. I then knew my prayer was completed tonight. It had been a very enlightening prayer! I closed my prayer back at home and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 14, 2018, Sunday

1. I awoke early this Sunday morning. I re-read my journal entry of last night. I have been thinking all about how it was in our premortal life together. I particularly loved the new memory glimpse I had with Immanuel, the future Jehovah, prior to him being announced as the Great Redeemer! I also loved how our Heavenly Parents so fully allowed all of us freedom to choose what we wanted to do. I was eager to hear more about the premortal life! I knew I had received a lot of information previously in my posts about this also.

This morning I prayed at the desert oasis in heaven again. The sun had lightened the sky but wasn't yet visible. It was very still and serene! I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me in my morning prayer. Both of my loving Heavenly Parents then came again to me, holding hands in front of me a little ways above the water. They wore their same regal robes and seemed very happy. I was overjoyed to have them come!

2. I started the conversation:

'Oh my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I have been thinking over what I saw and have written down last night in our prayer about the premortal life! I thank you both for your words! I really so appreciate the memory you allowed me to receive of my personal encounters with Immanuel! I continue to follow you both and to keep your commandments!'

3. Heavenly Father spoke next:

'Raphael, we know you will keep our commandments! When you looked into Immanuel's eyes you saw how full of love and acceptance he had, even then for each of our spirit children. His eyes have become eternity eyes and are even deeper and loving now that he has fulfilled his mission of suffering for each soul in hopes to redeem them. He was the perfect choice to be our Great Redeemer!

4. After the third meeting, Lucifer continued to promote his plan, even though I had announced to all that your Heavenly Mother and I had chosen Jehovah to be our Great Redeemer. Somehow, Lucifer felt that he could still convince us, his Heavenly Parents, to accept his plan. He thought by gathering a very large number who supported him he would sway our decision somehow.

5. He continued acting in defiance of my decree that Jehovah our Beloved Son from the beginning, would be the Great Redeemer. He went from nation to nation, gathering supporters wherever he traveled. Jehovah did not campaign like Lucifer, but was being trained by us and prepared for his ordination to Godhood.

6. Soon your Heavenly Mother and I called you and your six archangel brothers to our throne room. We had Jehovah, your older brother with us. We announced to your seven future archangels, that we were then going to ordain Jehovah to be a God like us at that very moment! We said he would have all our Godly powers, even before he would come to the earth. We said we had been privately teaching him to fulfill his new calling as a Redeemer God.

7. I then asked each of you individually if you supported our plan to ordain Jehovah as your Redeemer, and to become a God like us. You each supported us and said you would keep our commandments and those of Jehovah. We then had you kneel in a semicircle and your Heavenly Mother and I ordained the great Jehovah to be a God, with all of our powers and fully have our authority. We blessed him to be successful in all of his preparations in becoming the Great Redeemer of all our children. We infused in him our light and love and commissioned him to be the Redeemer, the Messiah, and the Savior of all our children for this eternity!

8. After the ordination, we then came around to each of you seven sons and ordained you to be our holy archangels. Jehovah also came and together we three Gods ordained you each to be our holy archangels. You were given extra strength and insight to become our leaders in helping fulfill our plan for all of our children!'

At this time, I had a memory surface of these three Gods, my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jehovah, laying their hands on my head as I knelt in the throne room. My other six archangel brothers were witnesses to my own commission as I was a witness to their commissions and ordinations!

9. When they were done with my ordination, I looked up into the eternity eyes and faces of my three Gods before me. I remember their smiles and deep love and acceptance of me, their son or younger brother. I remember feeling very humbled and so incapable in my new calling. This ended my new memory.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me at the desert oasis:

'Raphael, we have blessed you with another choice memory of your own premortal past. At this time we asked each of you seven sons to keep your ordinations secret until we would announce this to all of our children at a future meeting. You were not given your new robes yet, but we waited until after the announcement to our children. You were, however, ordained and commissioned at that time.

Your Father and I will reveal more to you about important events in the premortal life in the next few days, Raphael.'

I then knew my prayer had ended or that my current communion with my Heavenly Parents had ended. I thanked them so very much! I then confirmed all that I had written to be accurate and started my Sabbath day.

11. After church–Today my wife and I attended a local ward. It was great during the sacrament, but terribly lifeless in spirit for the testimony part of the meeting. During the sacrament we sang p. 187 "God Loved Us So He Sent His Son". I came to the green hill at the overlook on the path leading to the fir forest, with the temple to the southeast. There was a heavy fog all around me as I tried to peer out to the green hill from the overlook. I knelt at the overlook. Once the sacrament prayer on the bread finished, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother whom I could not see because of the fog. Once I partook of the bread however, the fog immediately lifted. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared and Heavenly Father spoke:

12. 'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of your Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments. Watch now what occurred in the premortal world at this very green hill during the suffering and death of our Beloved Son!'

I13. then saw my Heavenly Parents turn and watch the green hill area in front of us. I was next flanked by my archangel brothers behind them. I looked up and saw all the hosts of heaven, all of God's children then in the premortal world who lived there, watching from all around the perimeter and up in layers into the sky above. All were poised and reverently watching the events on the field and on the green hill in front of us!

14. I then saw what I saw when I was in the premortal life from that same vantage point and location. I saw Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer, suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. I saw him suffering so! I then saw myself go to him and comfort him, with a God's Loving Healing Hands healing gift, myself as the conduit. I then came back to my vantage point behind my Heavenly Parents who were also watching.

15. I then saw the events of the last hours of the life of Jesus Christ. I saw him betrayed, arraigned before Pilate and Herod and taken to the hill Golgotha. I saw him cruelly punished and nailed to the cross. I saw that he suffered again on the cross for the sins and weaknesses of all God's people. I saw him cry out at one point "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (see Matthew 27:46). I could tell Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were crying with their Beloved Son. However, they did not come to his rescue. All the hosts of heaven were crying and very much in agony over the suffering of the Son of God!

16. Jesus then gave up the ghost and collapsed on the earth. I then saw his spirit come out of his body and immediately come into heaven, right before his Father and Mother in front of us! He came and knelt and bowed his head. He then said these words:

'Father, Mother, I have completed the great redeeming work that you have sent me to do!'

17. Heavenly Mother then stepped forward and lifted up her Beloved Son and they embraced together in a very emotional hug! No words were spoken. All of heaven watched this poignant scene!

Our biggest apple this year!

18. Heavenly Father then stepped forward and embraced his Son, the great Redeemer! They too held each other for some time, with no words as I recall.

At this point, the fog came back and I was not able to see any more of this touching scene in heaven of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, my elder brother.

The meeting then began again on earth with the member of the bishopric bearing his testimony. I then wrote all I could of what I had seen.

19. In the evening– I wrote all about the events of the sacrament meeting and now I am ready to pray again.

I came to the desert oasis tonight, facing the water in front of the bench. I was kneeling, thinking again of the great revelations of these last three prayers of the premortal life I had been shown. At this moment, Heavenly Father came to me along the path around the oasis to my left! He walked up to me and extended his arm, indicating for me to come stand and walk with him. I immediately stood and he placed his right arm around my shoulders. We started walking in the same direction he had been walking.

20. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Mother and I have shown you events of the premortal life so that you could see for yourself and record very important happenings in the world. We want all of our children to read of these accounts, in your own words, of what you perceived. I accept your written description that you have recorded in your journal. I will reveal no new revelations tonight so that you may read back and review what we have shared with you. Raphael, these are great revelations from us, your Gods, to you!'

21. I then thanked my Father for his words and those from Heavenly Mother. I thanked him for the memories that surfaced when I remembered them in my prayer. I said I would review all. I said I love him so very much and promised to always obey him and my Heavenly Mother.

I then immediately came back to my place on earth, writing all of this down. I then stopped and reread what I had written from last night.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 15, 2018, Monday

1. I got so tired last night while rereading my journal entries that I had to stop and go to bed. I just now finished rereading these entries. I am impressed with the great events that had been revealed to me.

This morning I awoke a little late and after rereading what I had written, I came again to the desert oasis. It was so very still and quiet there. The sun was shining on the desert and there was a little chill in the air. I came to the water's edge, dipped in my hand and drank some living water. I then felt very clear. I felt so happy to be there. I came back to the bench and turned and faced the water. I knelt in the sand and asked my Heavenly Father and or Heavenly Mother to come. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Mother then came across the water from a little cloud that had just formed over the middle of the oasis. She was shining brightly and was glowing with happiness! I was taken with her extreme joy and love!

Jonathan apples in our tree

2. She came up next to me and spoke:

'Raphael, I will show you one last scene of the premortal life this morning. This will end your series of recent visions of what happened in the premortal life.

3. After we ordained our Beloved Son, Jehovah, to be the great Redeemer, and he became a God and you and your six brothers were also ordained as our archangels, there continued to be lots of activity in heaven. Some of our children thought Lucifer would stop his effort to campaign to be the redeemer himself. However, he continued recruiting and gathering more and more of our children to his way of thinking. He wanted to amass as many as possible to support his plan.

4. Once he had gathered about one third of our children to support him, he came to your Heavenly Father and me. He brought with him a small group of those he had chosen who were extremely valiant for him. We invited Lucifer and his group to talk to us just north of the fountain of living water, in one of the fields of Heavenly Father. Once we arrived there, we listened to what Lucifer said. He explained how perfect his plan was. He said we were mistaken to have chosen Immanuel to be the great Redeemer. He said that his very large group of supporters were prepared to support him fully as he would step into the place of Immanuel and to continue with his superior plan. He said he was sure we had made a mistake in choosing Immanuel!

5. Lucifer did not recognize that we had changed Immanuel's name to Jehovah. He also didn't know that Jehovah had become a God like us with all of our power and authority.

6. Heavenly Father then spoke on our behalf to Lucifer:

'Lucifer, our son, I have announced our decision to choose Jehovah, who had been named Immanuel, at our last meeting at the Great Assembly Hall. You have defied our decision by continuing to campaign among our many children, trying to persuade them to follow you and your plan. We will never support a plan that takes away the moral agency of our children. Your plan would coerce our children to choose your way and not allow them choice. Therefore, we will continue to fulfill our plan of Jehovah as the great Redeemer and our plan of complete agency for our children!'

7. Lucifer became very angry at that moment. His countenance lost any light that he had and we could see him becoming full of evil.

He spoke:

'My Father and Mother, I will no longer call you my Father or Mother, for I myself am my own creator! I will not follow your plan nor ever support Immanuel!'

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Lucifer, depart to the large field east of Lake Beautiful with all those who support you. I will have our Beloved Son, Jehovah, meet you there to end this conflict!'

9. Lucifer then turned to his supporters and they all quickly departed from our presence. You have previously written about the great battle in heaven when, by the power of the Only Begotten, even Jehovah, Lucifer and all his supporters were cast out of heaven for rebellion.

There was great mourning in heaven for so many of our children who had departed, following Lucifer. This was a shock to all of our children who remained!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this glimpse into what continued to happen in heaven, culminating in the great war in heaven. I felt this additional knowledge gave me really more understanding and power. I said I felt power in knowledge and when I see the details of what happened, I am in a better, stronger position. I thanked her for her revelation to me today!

She then smiled at me again and then quickly vanished. I came back to myself in the adjacent bedroom and ended my prayer. I confirmed what I had written to be true. I then started my day.

On our bike ride on the Payson trail

10. Evening–
I came to the celestial world tonight. I came to the main tree of life on the north end and under its canopy. I found a fruit and leaf and plucked these. I sat on the ground and ate the fruit and the leaf. As I ate the fruit, I felt at peace with my day I had today, realizing that I shared and received love today in talking to and listening to my wife and family. I felt a lot of peace. I think I did the right thing today. As I ate the leaf, I thought I wanted to change my view that I only felt content when I outwardly accomplished something. I prayed in my heart that I could make this change.

I then got on my knees and faced the trunk and offered a prayer. I asked that either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, or both, would come to me tonight. At that point, Jesus Christ, my Savior, came from behind the trunk of the tree of life! He walked up to me and stopped when he got to me. He was smiling! I loved seeing his deep and compassionate eyes, so recognizable, even when I had seen him as Immanuel, before it was known that he was to be the great Redeemer.

11. Jesus spoke:

'Raphael, I have come to you tonight in answer to your prayer. Our Heavenly Father asked that I come to you. We are meeting under this beautiful tree of life. I want to share with you how we used this tree of life during the premortal world. The tree of life remained here where I stand from the previous eternity. As our Heavenly Parents' bore more children, they populated this area and all became familiar with the location of the tree of life. It is near the temple where they grew up as young spirits.

12. Both the fruit and leaf of the tree of life can be ingested by either a spirit or physical child of our Heavenly Parents. We were all taught during our premortal life that we could be filled with the love of God if we ate from the fruit of the tree of life. We were also taught that if we ate of the leaf of the tree of life, and sought to improve something in ourselves, that we would be able to make speedier improvements. Partaking of both the fruit and the leaf, with good intention, greatly blessed the spirit who partook.

13. As our brothers and sisters separated from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's presence, they often no longer came back to the tree of life. However, those who sought to be near our Heavenly Parents and remain close to them, often came frequently and partook of the fruit and the leaf. These elect spirits continued to make progress in becoming more and more like our Heavenly Parents.

14. Once our Father announced that I was to become the great Redeemer, he had us who were his elect spirits come to God's temple nearby in the surrounding area. We were told that Lucifer's recruitment of the spirits to him and his plan to overthrow the agency of man would result in a major conflict. Heavenly Father said he and Heavenly Mother wanted this area including the temple, this tree of life, the Great Assembly Hall and Lake Beautiful and surrounding areas of the three rivers from the fountain of living water, to all be protected from Lucifer and his growing band. He called this the wilderness area, a place of safety that the righteous who followed him and Heavenly Mother, could flee from the upcoming conflict and be safe. He said any of us who desired to avoid the war could come here and be free from any entanglements and contact with Lucifer or his supporters.

15. Heavenly Father then told the large group that he would next give certain of us assembled specialized swords to be used to protect the perimeters of this new wilderness area. This is when all of you seven archangels received your current swords. Many others also received swords at that same time. These swords had the ability to ward off spirits who followed Lucifer who wanted to enter this protected wilderness area.

16. Father then had me stand next to him. He said all who supported his plan of freedom and of me, Jehovah, as the great Redeemer, would from then on do all things we do in this great cause of truth and the free agency of man, in the name of Jehovah, the future Son of God in the flesh. He then shared with all the faithful that I would come to earth in the meridian of time and have my actual physical mother and father to be them, Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. This is when I would be called the Only Begotten of the Father, or the Son of God.'

17. I then had a distant memory of each of us who had been given swords of the Father, that we then raised them high above our heads! Michael, the second son and the first archangel, rose up in the air above the crowd with raised swords. He spoke as he raised his sword high above his head:

'Let salvation and power be with our great Redeemer, even Jehovah!'

He then tipped his sword forward and silver lightning connected from his sword to everyone's sword, which had been raised up in the air!

18. The great Jehovah then came in the air next to Michael and spoke:

'My beloved faithful brothers and sisters, we will win this upcoming conflict with Lucifer! Those with swords will guard the perimeters of this wilderness area and have the power of God to route out Lucifer and any number of his intruding forces that may want to breach this protected area! When they come, raise your swords above your head and then tilt it forward. The same silver lightning that came from Michael's sword will then come from your swords also. This silver lightning will greatly scare and remove all of our enemies. In this way, we will protect this wilderness area designated by our Father!'

19. Michael then bent the knee in reverence and obedience to Jehovah! Then the vast assembly also bent the knee in their support and allegiance to the great Jehovah! My memory then vanished!

I was next before Jesus Christ, kneeling before him under the canopy of the tree of life. He spoke:

'Raphael, this concludes our series of visions of the premortal life that we, your Gods, have shown to you.'

I bowed my head and thanked Jesus, my great Redeemer, for his wonderful revelation to me tonight! I said I loved him and would always take upon me his name! He smiled at me and then vanished from my view. I then closed my prayer under the canopy of that beautiful tree."

I love Utah skies!