54. Expansion of the Work
Posted 8-8-2017

Hello my friends!

It has been a month since I have written you. Our numbers have also dwindled now to twelve total including myself. You have access to this because you have sustained me as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes, or is verified. This was required by Heavenly Mother. Thank you for your support! If you feel otherwise, please write me.

This last month I have received some very great and wonderful revelations about the New Jerusalem. I hope that you will read this very long post, and pray about it to confirm its truth. God has asked that I only share it with you for the time being. Please do not share with others except for those who also have received an email.

I would love to hear your comments and feelings about all of this too.

Much love,

P.S. Recently I have had a rebirth in my appreciation of flowers, their beauty and smell!  I have included pictures I took of some of those in our yard that were blooming during July and August.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-9-2017 Sunday

1. I sent out my most recent post last night. I have no expectations what will happen to my support among the individuals I sent this email post to (37 individuals). I have requested an email back from those who agree or are open to my views, who still want to receive these emails. I told them I have been asked for them to sustain me as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn will come and be verified. I referred to my journal entry of 7-6-2017.

2. In my morning prayer today, I felt to write the words that my Heavenly Mother would speak to me. Both she and Heavenly Father were before me, at the lookout point facing southeast, to the fountain of living waters and the temple, and the tree of life. She and Heavenly Father had happy faces for me, and stood before me as I was kneeling.

3. Here are the words from my Heavenly Mother–

'Raphael, we are pleased that you have sent the email post to the mortal angels. You have acted under the direction that we have commanded you. We will bless each mortal angel who sincerely inquires of us whether to sustain you or not, as the only one through whom revelations come and are verified to the Church of the Firstborn. We will confirm to each one that you are the one we have chosen to do this great work, as you have shared with them.

4. There will be a smaller list of people who respond, and to whom you will send your emails in the future, and who will have access to the login-portion of your website. This is by our design. We want only those who are now truly committed to this work you lead, to be able to consciously act in this strange work, and our strange act. These who don't respond will still be acting in their roles as holy angels in their unconscious minds, in the celestial realms, even though they may be unaware of their actions in their mortal, conscious minds.

5. It is also our desire that you keep yourself very open and clear for the new directions we will give to you in the near future. You will still act in secret, without the world knowing what you are doing. This also is our design and plan.

Raphael, you have been faithful and true to our guidance. We love you, and will continue to walk with you daily, showing you the way to act.

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her love and support, and the message she gave to me just now. I felt that those who don't respond by email to me would soon lose their connection with their unconscious self, if they had any connection before. I believe they will tend to forget also all that I have shared with them, so that it all becomes foggy and unclear in their minds, even that they were a mortal angel.

7. Later, after sacrament meeting:

My wife and I went to a sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, we sang from Hymns 175, 'Oh God the Eternal Father'. I felt to go then above Lake Beautiful, in the sky in the celestial kingdom, and there meet my Heavenly Parents. After this, the first line of the hymn that we sang stated 'Oh God, th'Eternal Father who dwells amid the sky.' I was in the sky, just like the opening line of the hymn!

8. I sang the hymn, the priest blessed the bread, and then I made my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep their commandments.

I waited and my Heavenly Parents came to me, from the south where I was facing. They had bright, smiling faces. They stood before me.

9. Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have come to you today, in the skies above Lake Beautiful. We accept the covenant you have made with us today. We will always be with you.

10. You are now entering a new phase of your work. You will continue to act in secret, and to do your work in your unconscious mind, in the celestial realms. This is true also of the mortal angels. You will feel more alone, unsupported at times from the mortal angels in the near future. However, in the celestial realms your work will be magnified and increased. Large groups of angels and others in the celestial realms will work with you as you give them strong and definitive leadership, as you receive direction from us. You will continue to write all of your experiences that you are aware of, or that we tell you of in your journal, and make posts to your website. However, not as many may read these accounts now, but they will in a future day. You should record all of these activities. Great revelations await you, as you continue to seek us and act in all that we command you.

11. After this season of more isolation in mortality, you will be able to again have the full support and blessing of companionship from the mortal angels. These will come to you in large numbers, along with many translated individuals in mortality.

12. Each of the mortal angels will also have a path similar to what you experience. Their work will also be in their unconscious mind, in the celestial realms, all in secret from the world.

We are doing this for a wise purpose. Our work will progress in increased strength and activity. We will continue to be with you always, Raphael!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father, and asked him what being in hiding or working in secret really meant. He responded:

'Your activity will appear to others around you in your mortal life, to be as one of a normal man, but to those in the celestial realms, you will fully rise up to your magnificent commission in orchestrating for us the great work we have for you to do.'

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-10-2017 Monday

1. This morning I received an email from J.W. and M.A. , asking me the same question! They may have been talking together. They both asked about 2 Nephi 21:2–'the Spirit of the Lord.'

2. Here is John's email:

"Hey R,

Please read & pray about 2 Nephi 21:2. replace "spirit of" with "angel of". I think this the break down of our group.

I think you are the Angel of the Lord. Then it's probably obvious who Wisdom, Understanding & Knowledge would be.

I believe I'm the Angel of Counsel & that I'm supposed to help counsel you on how to effectively lead & connect to the group.

Let me know what you get.

3. M.A. asked me in her email to interpret 'the spirit of'. She also said the verse 2 Nephi 21:2 listed all the virtues of the counsel.

Here is the original verse from Isaiah 11:1-2–

4. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;"

5. I prayed this morning, and asked this question:

Q– In Isaiah 11:1 (2 Nephi 21:1), if John the Beloved is the rod, Christ is the stem of Jesse, who is the branch? Also, in verse 2, is the 'spirit of the Lord' correctly interpreted as the 'angel of the Lord'? Who is this angel, or this spirit? Is this the counsel of the angels?
6. A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, this scripture has been hidden until this day from your eyes, and from the eyes of men.

7. The branch is not referring to the rod in verse 1, but is another individual. This person is you, Raphael! You are growing out of the root of the stem of Jesse, or you have grown up in the knowledge and fear of the Lord. You have always sought to be close to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who is the stem of Jesse. Your work is now beginning and is hidden from the world, just like the interpretation of verse 1: the rod is John the Beloved, the stem of Jesse is Jesus Christ, and the branch who comes forth out of his roots is Raphael, the archangel of healing and love.

8. In verse 2, J.W. is correct in stating the 'spirit of the Lord' should be replaced with the 'angel of the Lord'. This angel is you, Raphael, who is supported by a counsel of angels who have attributes of Wisdom (L), Understanding (M.A.), Counsel (J.W.), Might (K), and Knowledge (J.D.). The counsel of angels needs to act in the fear of God, which means in the way you described in your last post of how all should act in the counsel of angels. In verse 2, the angel of the Lord (Raphael) shall rest upon the rod (John the Beloved). Verses 3-5 refer to John the Beloved.

9. Then in verses 10-16, this section refers to the root of Jesse, who is also John the Beloved, in his role as a gatherer. This root of Jesse is not the same root as mentioned in verse 1, and has a different meaning. The root in verse 1 is from where the branch grows out, which branch is Raphael, our archangel in these last days.

10. In his book, the 'Visions of Glory' (written by John Pontius), Spencer saw three individuals with the Savior Jesus Christ in the temple at one time. These were Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, you Raphael, John the Beloved, and one other (see page 190, excerpt below). These first three individuals have the keys of gathering of Israel, and all work in different ways to lead out in the gathering of our elect children from all the ends of the earth. These three individuals are all mentioned in Isaiah 11:1 and 2 Nephi 21:1.'

11. Excerpt from page 190, 'Visions of Glory':

"A moment later, the door opened and He walked into my office. We stood as He entered. Our hearts were kneeling before Him, but He had asked to not fall to our knees before Him as we were now His friends as well as His servants. We felt comfortable and loved His presence. He was dressed in a beautiful white robe across his right shoulder and pulled up on his left with a clasp. He was in His glorified state. Three translated men followed Him through the door. Christ did not introduce them. I knew exactly who they were in the vision, but as happened many times, I am not allowed to remember now."

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this clarification and revelation of these verses! I feel enlightened by her clear explanation, as I have written this down in my journal this morning.

13. I then asked my Heavenly Parents who was the angel of might in verse 2? I had matched L with wisdom, M.A. with Understanding, John with Counsel, and J.D. with Knowledge, but I wasn't sure of Might.

14. From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, your sister Rachael (K) is the angel of Elements and Nature, which is grouped under this description of Might. The other female archangels, having Love (H.B.), Faith (P.B.), and Purity (G.A.) are also part of the attributes of the counsel of angels, even though not mentioned in the scripture. P.B. and G.A. won't participate for awhile since they are now too young.'

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-11-2017 Tuesday

1. I had a prayer last night where I asked a question posed by M.A.. I was in the mortal probation chapel in the temple, before the vision mural in which I play my mortal role. My Heavenly Parents came from the elevated stand, walking towards me until they were in front of me.

2. Q– At Adam-Ondi-Ahman, why did all those holding keys need to return them to Jesus Christ, since he already had all the keys in the first place, and kept these keys himself even after they were conferred upon his prophets?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

3. 'Raphael, the act of voluntarily returning the keys from the heads of each dispensation, back to Jesus Christ is a sign of full agreement that:

1) He it is to reign had the full permission of all heads of dispensations during their particular time on the earth, throughout the entire time of human existence on earth and to fully act as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. It is a sign of submission to Christ the head.

2) This returning of keys completes the full cycle of the dispensations. For those who haven't yet completed their era, returning and maintaining their keys is done as if they were completed in the future day when they are completed. This completion signifies fulfillment of each dispensation, a type of return and report.

3) Redemption and judgment are fully returned to Jesus Christ, whose right it is to redeem and judge all mankind. Each head of the dispensations had a temporary stewardship to do so, but now each acknowledge that this right fully belongs to the Firstborn, even Christ the Great Redeemer.

4) This is how both Heavenly Father and I want it done.'

I thanked her for this information she gave me. It was late, and I was quite tired in my physical body, and ended my prayer.

4. This morning, I drank of the living waters at the fountain immediately north of the temple, from which flows the three rivers. I walked west to the white gate. I knelt down before the gate, and saw my loving Savior on the other side of the gate, ready to open it to me. I asked him if I was correct in recording what I felt I heard Heavenly Mother speak to me last night about returning the keys to Christ, at Adam-Ondi-Ahman.

5. Jesus responded:

'Raphael, you have recorded it correctly in your journal this morning. You have more revelations to receive this morning and forward in time, from our glorious Heavenly Parents. Enter into the narrow path, leading to the tree of life. Prepare yourself for what you are to receive.

6. Raphael, you are the branch spoken of in Isaiah 11:1. You have grown out of my roots, which also supplied nourishment to me, who am the stem of Jesse. These roots symbolize the nourishment from our Heavenly Parents, that come line upon line, here a little and there a little. I followed this same path of progression, and received not a fulness at the first (see D&C 93:13). Likewise, you are growing in this same way, and you will also receive of my fulness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father and Mother (see D&C 93:20).

7. Enter now through the gate to the narrow path, which leads to the glorious tree of life. Partake of the fruit and the leaf of that tree, and you too will gradually receive of the fulness of our Heavenly Parents!'

8. He then opened the gate and drew me close in a Godly embrace. I felt his deep love for all mankind whom he had redeemed! We parted, and I started walking down the narrow path. I turned and saw the gate was closed. He was hidden next to the gate, and not now visible. He is the keeper of the gate (2 Nephi 9:41), and employeth no servant there.

9. I turned and continued walking to the tree of life, where I ate of the fruit, and ate of the leaf. I ate and then walked further to the once sapling tree of life. It was now 14 inches in diameter, the same as the smaller tree of life in Enoch's city. I believe that this size is where it will now remain, until we are privileged to transplant these two trees to the New Jerusalem area.

10. I knelt down on the ground, facing the mother tree of life and called upon my Heavenly Parents. They both came from the sky, in bright light, holding hands, until they stood before me. I gazed into their glorious, happy faces. I then addressed them, thanking them for the revelations they continually give me. I prayed for many people, the elect of God that they would be awakened and led, line upon line, even until they would come to the gate by which I had just entered, with Jesus Christ letting them into the narrow path and the tree of life.

11. I prayed for the angels, to also be blessed and guided. I prayed for my loved ones.

I then asked if I should know important information about the solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017 or the event in the heavens on September 23rd, 2017. I asked to know how important these two events were to me, the holy angels, and to our work.

12. Heavenly Father then spoke to me in response:

'Raphael, these events are part of the signs and wonders that are shown in the heavens above (see D&C 45:40). These signs in heaven will be the sign of increased signs and wonders in the earth beneath.

13. There are others who have seen these events in more detail, as part of their mission of warning to the inhabitants of the earth. These individuals will testify of these things, as occurred and is recorded in 3 Nephi 10:14-15.

14. Your mission will be unfolded to you as you need to know what you are to do, in the very time you are to act. Such is also generally the case for all the holy angels who all act in the celestial realms of heaven. Each of you is to act immediately when we command and inspire you to act. The angels are those to whom we reveal things and actions never before revealed. We guard our plan closely to ourselves. This is our strange work and strange act. Nobody on earth knows these secrets, until they are executed upon the world by our angels and others whom we use to perform our work.

Stay close to use, and we will stay close to you, and direct your every action.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father. I said I would stand in readiness and receptivity to their direction. I asked for continual guidance in all things.

16. Later:

I was listening again to M.S.'s podcast 'Adam-Ondi-Ahman', and was impressed with what he said about ordinances. He said that all of the LDS temple ordinances are not completed yet, when we just attend the temple. He quoted the familiar line in the temple, which states something like this (I added the numbers below):

17. 'Brothers and sisters, if you are true and faithful to your covenants, the day will come when you will be 1) chosen, 2) called up and 3) anointed kings and priests, queens and priestesses, whereas you are now anointed only to become such. The realization of these blessings depends on your faithfulness.'

18. I immediately knew that Jesus Christ will 1) choose each of us, individually to enter into the Church of the Firstborn, once he has thoroughly tried and tested us. We will then be 2) called up to receive the waters of separation ordinance and sprinkled with specially prepared water. This sprinkling will be done with the water of separation that is made from running water over the ashes of a red heifer, which has been fully burned, according to Numbers chapter 19 in the Bible. The person receiving this ordinance, will then be able to proceed forward and receive 3) anointing with oil of their body and spirit, as I have described earlier in my journal post on 6-30-2017. The final ordination of this process in the Church of the Firstborn will be ordaining to be a king and priest, a queen and a priestess, as a couple to be a God and Goddess in the eternities.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-12-2017 Wednesday

1. I awoke this morning after preparing myself well for my prayer. I always now use meditation, drinking of the living water, and partaking of the tree of life (fruit and leaf) to get me ready to enter into the presence of my Father and Mother. I am perceiving them, seeing their faces, looking upon them with my spiritual eyes, before I ever address them and commune with them.

2. This morning, I was on the top of the granite cliffs, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me. I humbly addressed them, thanking them for the great privilege of being in their presence. I said to them how I received an email from N.R., who said he would not sustain me. Heavenly Mother then addressed me:

3. 'Raphael, this is a time of decision and reckoning for each of our mortal angels. It will give us and you a definitive answer on who is supportive to us, and who is not. Whether they sustain you as the only one who receives revelation for the Church of the Firstborn, is really whether they accept the truths we have been revealing to you up to this time.

4. You have done correctly in removing N.R.'s access to your website. Respond to him in a short email, kindly as you always do.

N.R. also was not correct in saying that one could not be a member of the LDS Church and agree with you. It is pleasing to us that you are a member of the LDS Church, but currently not attending the temple in this church.

5. Raphael, the requirements to be screened with so many questions for entry into the temples, to receive a temple recommend as happens in your day, has not been confirmed by us. Many of these questions are unnecessary, and invoke fear and suppression for our people. These have been designed by certain leaders to subjugate the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under their dominion and control. This is not pleasing to us. As a result of this and more, we have withdrawn in a measure, the Spirit's presence from the temples, from the meetings in large part, and from the upper leadership of this church. What you have written about the cover-up is true and continues today.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer. I then prayed that all the mortal angels and myself might be blessed in acting as normal mortal individuals in our circles. I prayed that we would not be exposed in our identities, if that were according to their will at this time. I prayed especially that we might all be more able to connect with our unconscious replicated selves who work in the celestial realms in behalf our God and the elect.

7. Heavenly Father responded to me:

'Raphael, we will protect the identity of our mortal angels as long as they individually don't reveal to others who they are, and are careful. We will direct them to reveal themselves to whom we wish, but they shouldn't do so on their own volition. Our intent is that you all continue to work behind the scenes in the great work in which you are involved.'

8. I also prayed against the sinister plans of evil ones, or even potential traitors or unsupportive mortal angels, so they these do not derail us in any way. Although I have no expectations for the future, and where this all goes, I did feel that God is in control and will direct all of our affairs, so that the evil purposes of our enemies would be thwarted. I fully put my trust in my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

9. When I received the email from N.R., I felt fear and anxiety. I then felt worry that I was off the path someway. However, I very soon realized that this feeling came from several evil spirits that somehow accompanied the email he sent!

10. I immediately removed these false spirits from my being, and could tell they had come with the message of unsupport from N.R.. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents, and felt much more happy and clear. I no longer have anxiety or fear, but assurance I am on the correct path, and pleasing to God.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-13-2017 Thursday

1. This morning I had a very communicative prayer–so real and clear! I prepared myself as always and was next to the pocketed flower rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. When I asked my Heavenly Parents to come, they came from the skies above, in beautiful white glorious robes, like I had never before seen. Each of their outer white robes were clasped on their right shoulder, with their outer robe flowing to their bare feet. They each wore a golden sash tied on their right side. Their outer robes were beautifully pleated. They were each shining brightly. They stood above the ground before me.

2. I looked into their loving faces. I was especially taken by the sparkling eyes and broad smile of Heavenly Mother. I told her she looked so beautiful! Heavenly Father looked so magnificent and powerful, so much in charge. I just loved being with them again, and basking in their presence!

3. I addressed them humbly, and spoke for some time before Heavenly Mother spoke to me. I was humble and articulated exactly what was in my heart. I was clear and so open before them. I felt so much at peace in such a loving environment!

4. I prayed for individuals in my own immediate family–all of them. I prayed to overcome my weaknesses in the flesh, to be more loving and kind to all of those in my family. I prayed for their burdens to be lightened, if it were according to the will of my Heavenly Parents before me.

5. I then prayed for each mortal angel by name, that I knew in my conscious mind. I prayed they would be encouraged to each take time to humbly approach their Heavenly Parents, to confirm the things I have told them. I prayed that they would be greatly blessed in this time of reckoning, and of their decisions.

6. I prayed for Enoch and his group of translated and transfigured beings. I asked if they knew of my commission, as the archangel of God in these last days. I then knew that they all had supported and sustained me, each one, in this great calling I had received from God.

7. I prayed for the Johnsons, as head of the 144,000, and for all the 144,000 who were now being awakened. I felt that they too would someday soon know more details of the angels of God, and our role in the work of gathering, the building of the New Jerusalem, and the establishment of the Church of the Firstborn.

I prayed for each of the elect of God throughout the world. I asked for their protection and guidance.

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me, once I had finished my many requests:

'Raphael, we will bless those and yourself, whom you have prayed for this morning. We will bless all those who come unto us, in the humility of their hearts, and who seek us. We will confirm to them the truthfulness of your commission, and that you have received these great responsibilities with the keys conferred upon you.

9. There are many more mortal angels whom you do not know in your conscious mortal mind. These too we will bless and awaken in their conscious minds, so that our army of angels becomes very great, both on earth and in heaven. You will continue to direct and lead them in the ways we lead you.

10. We will bless those with weaknesses for whom you prayed. We will strengthen them, and cleanse and purify them. We will bless them with strength for their glorious missions. All who come unto us in humility we will guide and bless.

Our work and act is rolling forth upon the darkened earth, and upon the sinful inhabitants of your world. Our day of glory is soon at hand, and redemption will come soon!

11. This is the great day of our revealing to all the peoples of the earth, either in mortality or in the spirit world–all culminating in the glorious return of our Beloved Son Jesus Christ to the earth!'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words and message! I saw such glory and love and power before me, in these two individuals, my Heavenly Parents! I expressed my deep love and commitment to them. I asked that they be with me the entire day today. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-14-2017 Friday

1. Last night I asked about N.R., and the manner I should act if he wants to return to fellowship and if he supports me in my role as Raphael, as I have described. Heavenly Mother said he needs to write me directly, and then I should ask them (my Heavenly Parents) what to do in his particular case. For now, wait until then. That all makes sense to me.

2. I have felt sometimes I get too tired at night to really connect well with my Heavenly Parents. I want to retire to bed earlier so I may have more clear and effective evening prayers.

In my prayer this morning, I was before the gold alter on my knees, facing the beautiful fountain of living water. My Heavenly Parents came in front of the fountain, wearing robes which flowed to their feet, with no sash. They were both smiling at me, and very accepting.

I asked them if one of them would communicate with me first, rather than me starting the prayer with my own requests.

3. Heavenly Mother asked me to write while she spoke to me:

'Raphael, there has been a gathering this morning where we all three are now located. We have been instructing our holy angels. All of our angels of God were here assembled in their positions, by their special gifts and missions. Your Father and I conducted this gathering.

We gave each further instructions how to be bold, how to act in love towards our 144,000 and our elect who are scattered on the face of the earth.

4. We shared with them our efforts in the spirit world to rescue our elect who are located there. We gave each one the authority to visit the spirit world of our departed children. Our directions to the angels of God would start including their actions not only on the mortal earth, but also to the world of the dead that is in the spirit sphere of the earth. We said they would go to both the righteous in paradise, in their glory, or to those who hadn't yet made commitments to follow us and keep our commandments, who are in spirit prison. Some of these are also our elect who need an angel to teach them and free them from their captivity and weaknesses.

5. Raphael, all of our children in their second estate, wherever they may be located, will participate in some way in the glorious return of our Beloved Son Jesus Christ, to the earth. We are moving forward our work among the dead in the world of spirits. We are very actively working with our mortal children as you are aware. The 144,000 are charged to gather those elect in mortality.

6. We also are involving those yet unborn, who are in vast numbers, who live with us still in our celestial orb in heaven. We have personally instructed these frequently. They will come forth, most of them, in the millennial day, for their mortal experiences.

7. We have chosen you, Raphael, our male and female archangels, and some of the translated and transfigured members of Enoch's group, to now also visit these unembodied spirit children, in their current home in heaven. Michael, our mighty archangel, has been commissioned to lead this group of our noble children in preparing and teaching these spirits. We desire that they know, even in their premortal state, of the current conditions on the earth, the major events leading up to the day of the Lord, the New Jerusalem, the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn, and the great millennial reign of Jesus Christ on the earth. All of these premortal spirits will also attend the glorious second coming, to be present for this event, even before entering into mortality themselves on the earth. The opportunity for our premortal children to participate on the earth in such an event has not happened in the past.

8. We also are pleased that some of Satan's band are questioning their earlier decision to follow their leader, Lucifer rather than Jesus Christ, our Chosen. These individuals may still come to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and be redeemed. There is an effort to rescue and save those who have even a glimmer of light and who of their own volition come to Christ. Both R.B., M.A., and J.K. are correct in their assessment of sending these evil spirits to the Light, if they desire to go there. These may directly go to Jesus Christ who will bless them and know how to help them. We are hopeful they will repent, and gain the privilege of a mortal experience in the future. We will accept them back if they fully repent and change their ways. Satan's grasp on them will be loosened as they accept their Savior, Jesus Christ. Some of our angels may be requested to guard and also help them in their transition.

9. Raphael, all of these efforts are orchestrated by your Heavenly Father and me. We are fully in charge and in control. This is a great day of decision-making and reckoning for all of our children!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this amazing insight and truth she shared with me! I felt to share this message with those who support me in my role.

10. Next I saw my Heavenly Parents start departing, ascending up into the skies above the fountain of living waters, until they were out of sight. I was left alone before the fountain. I then got ready for my day in mortality."

11. Below is part of an email I received from J.K. this week, that directly relates to what Heavenly Mother said above:


. . . I have several things I have wanted to talk to you about. So I will break them up below in several questions so that it will make it easier to communicate.

12. • I have a brief comment on R.B.’s thoughts of turning the hosts of Satan to the light. I am glad it came up because that has been our experience. As we have done healing work for people often there are evil entities attached to the negative energy afflicting the person. In clearing that entity I have asked if this entity needs to be cast out or if they are willing to come to the light. Some are willing to accept Christ. Some need to be cast out because they are not ready. But every being no matter how evil has the spark of light or intelligence in them, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. All life is in Christ these evil entities have just buried it so keep they think they can hide from the light, hide from the pain. For those who are willing I command them to look into the eternal mirror of light and truth and see that light that is within themselves and confess and acknowledge all the evil that has been perpetrated upon them and from them upon others. I then ask the Holy Ghost to bear record of truth unto them. Then if they accept Christ as their savior I have angels escort them to a higher realm of light and truth to continue their progression. If they don’t accept, then they are cast away. Either way they are away from the person. What the future holds for the entity I don’t know, but I know it is in God’s hands. This has been really powerful when the evil entity is an ancestor of the person, so they are in the spirit world and afflicted with their past traumas. When they accept, the spirit is really powerful and it is a beautiful experience. I am sorry I haven’t shared this previously. I know how you feel. When the Holy Ghost moves you strongly to do something that is new and you have never heard anyone ever doing it before, it is hard to share with a lot of people."

13. Here are a few other items J.K.covered in his email that all would be interested in:

"• I have from a very early age known that I would be very involved with the building of the New Jerusalem. I had visions about it before I knew what it was. All of my education and things I have learned seem to continue to guide me there. Even meeting you and all we have learned has been 100% orchestrated by God, I have no doubt of that. I know you are anxious for the work to begin and so am I. But I will patiently wait and continue to practice until God calls me forward. I know I shared the experience previously taking me to the peak of a mountain and putting a seal in my forehead. I am still not entirely sure of its meaning, but I feel it stronger and know that God is going to reveal it soon. I will let you know as soon as it is clarified to me.

14. • I was in the temple doing Baptisms for the dead for my children when I had an awesome experience. We were doing all family names. In the small room for confirmations as I would call their name the person would come in through one door and I could see them. Then as I commanded them to receive the Holy Ghost, As they would receive, Heavenly mother appeared at the other door and they would embrace and then leave through the other door. This happened with every person who received the Holy Ghost. The Spirit was so strong and it was so beautiful to see Her tender love for each of her children.

15. • I thought you would find this really interesting. Scientist have successfully teleported a photon. I don’t know that they actually did anything but they were able to verify and record replication. Where the same exact photon is in two different places at the same time. This is no longer science fiction. As I understand it a photon is both energy and matter. There is also no limit to the number of times you can be replicated. You are then literally in multiple places at the same time. Your mind imagining something is creating the energy or photons of that thing, or you in another place then it is just a matter of turning the energy to matter. I think the timing of this short article coming out and me being led to see it is not happenstance. I will continue to practice.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-15-2017 Saturday

1. This morning I awoke for a few minutes, and the family was all going on garage sales! I went too, and didn't get my quiet time until after 1:00 pm. We had such a fun time together, bumming around, like they say!

2. I prayed by the little stream going into Enoch's valley. I was in the grove of birch trees. I was able again to connect to my Heavenly Parents. They were both before me again, with smiling and shining faces. I asked if there was anything either of them wanted to share with me, before I would share my feelings with them. Heavenly Father said he would like to add to what Heavenly Mother talked to me about yesterday! I was very eager to hear him. He spoke to me clearly for five minutes or so. When done, I had entirely forgotten my own desires, since I was so enraptured with the truths he shared with me. I will have to make this my practice now to first ask my Heavenly Parents for their words and messages and directions in my prayers, rather than going first myself.

3. Here is what my Heavenly Father said to me this morning, as best I recall:

'Raphael, I would like to share with you more in detail of what you Mother shared with you yesterday morning in our conversation.

4. When Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, was resurrected, there were many of the righteous also resurrected. These received their part in the First Resurrection, which will extend to the end of the millennial day. They were chosen by our Beloved Son to be received into the joy of our rest. They had already completed their mortal probation on the earth, back as mortals and secondly in the paradise of God in the spirit world. Their testing and probation was completed, and now they are resurrected.

5. We received these into our own celestial world, in the wilderness area in heaven. This is the same area where we are talking to you now, and where you have thoroughly visited. This area is very vast, with lots of room for all of these celestial resurrected souls.

Some of these have missions still in conjunction with those on the earth, such as Michael, our prince archangel. However, their residence is here in heaven, in our celestial world.

6. This large group of our resurrected children is in a state of waiting, for they have yet to be received into the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, in the New Jerusalem. They are all heirs of that kingdom and church, for they have been chosen by our Beloved Son for entrance. Their entry is soon at hand, once the New Jerusalem is built on the earth, and they receive the waters of separation ordinance from you and Oriphiel, our archangels. They will then receive their final temple blessings as we have described to you before.

7. During the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, there are four groups of our children who will attend the second coming of Jesus Christ.

1) All of these resurrected souls will come with our Beloved in the skies of the heavens above.

2) The righteous mortals and dead from the paradise of God, who dwell on the earth, will be caught up to the clouds of heaven also.

3) All the translated souls who are helping gather the elect and all the angels will also be in the skies above.

4) Those yet unborn will also attend, so that all of our righteous children will be with our Beloved Son in the clouds of heaven when he returns in glory to the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will watch from the skies as our Beloved Son, Jesus comes with all of the elect of God to the earth! This great event will herald in the millennial day of rest for the entire earth. This great day of the Lord is near at hand!

8. After the final cleansing of the wicked, you, Raphael, will lock up Satan and his unrepentant hosts in the bottomless pit for a thousand years, as recorded in the scriptures. The earth will be fully renewed and receive its paradisiacal state of glory, to that of a terrestrial earth. This will be the great day of progression of our elect to become even as we are. You have accurately written about this process, culminating in our sealing each couple to be a king and a high priest, a queen and a high priestess in their own kingdom, to rule and reign forever. This truly is our work and our glory.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this panoramic view of how the elect of God, of all ages and times, would be saved and move forward in their progression. I felt very humbled to receive all of this great revelation today!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-16-2017 Sunday

1. I awoke and talked with my wife, walking outside in the beautiful morning with her. After a good while, I excused myself to go have a prayer.

I prepared myself well, as I always do now, and found myself at the mountaintop next to Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I raised both of my hands high above my head, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from the east, I think from near the completed New Jerusalem that was still in vision before me. I could see them traveling across the sky to me.

2. When they came, I gazed into their faces. They were smiling and happy with me, their son! I am always so pleased when I see this! After looking at them, I wanted to see them as they really were, in their normal glory. They granted me this view. I then could hardly see their faces, for they were surrounded by such white, bright light! I realized they reduce their glory so that I may come and view them, and come into their presence. I am sure that I too am enlivened spiritually to come up to their grandeur and to view their faces.

3. I felt like I had found a new way or a high level of prayer these past few days: I felt in the past, I told them all about me and my feelings at first. However, now I feel to wait, and listen to them. I did so again today, waiting for them to commune with me. I said a few things, to let them know I was prepared and ready, but I really wanted to hear what they wanted to share with me–their thoughts and their lead.

4. I have written all of this in my journal during my prayer, to capture my exact feelings, before hearing from them this morning.

I lowered my arms and hands, and saw that both of my hands were now in a cupped shape, resting on my upper legs, while I was kneeling before them. I was in a prayer position, ready to receive from them. I then mimicked in my body by my bed, what I saw my replicated being doing on the mountaintop.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we are pleased that you have come to understand a higher level of praying. You are ready to receive first from us, to receive our direction and guidance, and not first sharing your feelings of the day. Come to us from now on in this same attitude, and we will continue to reveal to you great things, and our will for you.

6. Stand now, and come with us–holding our hands, as we visit again the New Jerusalem in the eastern skies!'

I then stood, and held hands with my Heavenly Mother on my right, and my Heavenly Father on my left. We traveled into the eastern sky, arriving on the gold path or street before the fountain of living waters.

7. We came directly to the south end of the fountain of living water. I could see the two trees of life, one to my right (east) and one to my left (west). I am going to write more of this vision later today. Heavenly Father spoke to me and showed me details of this area, including the temple behind me, with steps leading to the gold temple doors which allowed entrance into the font where I would be performing the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel, my brother. I plan to write all about my vision today, in a quiet time I seek to have.

8. Later, before church:

I have done my normal activities on Sunday morning, and have thought about what my Heavenly Father showed me in my morning prayer. I think I will draw out, or make a sketch of an aerial view of what I was shown, and then attempt to write what he said. Here is my plan view or aerial view from my computer that I first sketched in my journal:

9. The center of the New Jerusalem showing the fountain, the water channel
configurations, the altar and table, the two trees of life and the temple

We arrived in the New Jerusalem, facing north at some time in the future. We were before the fountain. Heavenly Father told me all about the area we were in, in words like this:

10. 'Raphael, we are on the gold pathways of the New Jerusalem. To our right and left are the two trees of life, now fully grown. The water from the fountain is propelled up from the deep reservoir of water in the ground that the angels poured in their pails of water from Lake Beautiful, and that you and your sister blessed. The gold paths and the gold doors are from the precious metal mine where you placed your gold and silver pails.

11. Immediately to the north of the fountain is an altar much like the gold altar in front of our temple in heaven. There is a small stone table just north of the altar where you will slay and then burn up the red heifer on the altar. These ashes will be used to create the waters of separation using the living waters from this fountain.

12. You also see that there are four channels where the living waters flow from the fountain. These are now small in size, but will expand in size and flow as the land of Zion spreads forth on the earth. These channels flow into four rivers going north, south, east and west. The channel going north forms a circle around the altar and table, and the channels going east and west form a similar circular channel around the two trees. The channel going south goes completely around the temple area where you perform the waters of separation, and the angels administer the temple ordinances for the new members of the Church of the Firstborn.

In each of these areas where the channel circumvents the altar, the trees, and the temple, there are bridges that span the channels so people may freely move to those areas.

13. When you initially direct the construction of this center place of the New Jerusalem, these areas need to be the first ones constructed. When directing the building of the temple, also construct and complete the large room where the lowered font is located, where you and Oriphiel will administer the waters of separation. Once this section is completed, including the seven steps leading to the two gold doors, then we want you to dedicate this portion so it may be operative, even before the remainder of the temple to which it is attached is completed. There are very many of our elect who have been patiently waiting for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn that this ordinance will provide. Many of these elect will receive first the waters of separation ordinance, and then later their final temple ordinances, once the remaining building of the temple is completed.

14. When you administer the ordinance, you will descend the seven steps in the oval font area with the candidate. There will be a basin of specially prepared water on the floor of this font that you will use. Once done, the candidate will exit by ascending the seven steps to the south side of the font. Oriphiel will be seated at a table at the center top of this location, with the Lamb's Book of Life. The new member may then witness the entry of his or her name in the book.

15. When the candidate first comes into the two gold doors, which you open, he or she may also want loved ones to witness this ordinance. These may stand around the side of the oval area, without going down the steps. They then may rejoice with their loved one in their grand entry into the Church of the Firstborn.'

At this point my Father and Mother stayed with me, but I lost contact with them. However, the vision was clear and detailed. I have thought about it all morning.

16. Later, my wife and I attended a sacrament meeting near the river bottoms. In this meeting we sang from page 62 'All Creatures of Our God and King'. I was impressed with verse three:

"Thou flowing water, pure and clear
Make music for thy Lord to hear
Alleluia! Alleluia!"

I also enjoyed the other verses. I thought they all very appropriately described the environment of the New Jerusalem.

17. I then envisioned that I was again on the high mountaintop in the wilderness area, where I was this morning in my prayer. I again saw the New Jerusalem in the eastern skies. I teleported right into the city, to the area in front of the altar, in front of the fountain of living water and the temple to the south. After the priest in the ward blessed the water, I raised my arms towards heaven, by the altar, and made my weekly covenant with my Heavenly Parents. I then waited. I next saw my Heavenly Parents coming from the south, traveling directly towards the fountain and me. When they approached the fountain, Heavenly Mother went to the west of the fountain and Heavenly Father went to the east. Then they came back together on my side of the fountain, and stood before the altar and me, in the air.

18. Once I had partaken of the bread, Heavenly Mother addressed me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be with you, our son!'

19. At that moment, Heavenly Mother rehearsed all over again the same tour and instructions I had received this morning from my Heavenly Father! She described the fountain, the channels of water, the two trees of life, the altar and the table, and the temple area, just like I had heard from Heavenly Father. I thought this was like when Moroni repeated three times the same dialogue to Joseph Smith when he appeared to Joseph that first night in his bedroom (See Joseph Smith History 1:43-47).

20. During the next part of the meeting at church, I rehearsed in my mind all that they had said to me. The next speaker was unfortunately pretty negative, so I blocked her from my thoughts while I rehearsed all of this in my mind.

21. I feel so pleased to have gone to this one central area of the New Jerusalem! I believe the other temple complexes and areas that were seen by Joseph Smith and others, of the New Jerusalem, are in areas beyond what I saw, and that these will be constructed later. What I visited today will be our first order of business, once the borders are secured and the water from the underground reservoir comes upon the land.

22. Later, in my evening prayer:

I came again to the high mountaintop. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me again! I looked into each of their glorious faces, and knew they were my Heavenly Parents before me. I saw them both with my spiritual eyes.

23. I greeted them in prayer and waited. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, you have received an email from J.W. where he said he thought your last post was not completely accurate, like previous posts have been.

24. I am the one who asked you to have the mortal angels sustain you or not, as the only one for whom revelation for the Church of the Firstborn would come and be confirmed. What you have written that I said is accurate, and was from me, not yourself.'

I then paused and asked by energy testing and in the openness in prayer to my mind and heart, how accurate I was and how truthful I was, in my last post. I felt I was 100% accurate, which actually surprised me!

25. Heavenly Mother continued:

'Raphael, it is our will, however, that you receive counsel from J.W. and listen to his insights. Then bring them to us and we will confirm or deny what he says to you as from God or not. Be open with all the mortal angels, and continually test and clear all of what they suggest to you. In this way we will keep the doctrine pure and fully truthful, and from us who are your God.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her direction. I will write this back to J.W. tomorrow. Personally, I feel very open to anything, for I know I can inquire of God and find the truth of all things. This gives me great confidence, yet lots of humility, for I of myself know nothing.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-17-2017 Monday

1. This morning in my prayer, I went again to the mountaintop, near Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I met my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there. I was again able to gaze into their faces and eyes, and see their happy countenances. I also opened my prayer, and waited for one of them to guide me in my prayer.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me. He again showed me the third time, the beautiful area of the New Jerusalem next to the fountain of living waters. Both he and Heavenly Mother walked with me again, and allowed me to see dimensions and more details of the channels going from the fountain, the details of the altar and table, the trees, the doors of the temple–all of it! I was shown more about how all of this would be constructed in more detail.

3. I went into the two gold doors of the temple and saw how the steps were made of gold, how beautiful it all was. I saw where I would be located, and where Oriphiel would sit, when we administer the waters of separation ordinance. I felt how joyous this would be to those who receive this ordinance.

4. I thanked so much my Heavenly Father for this tour again, the third time! I prayed that I would have full memory of how it should all be constructed. I felt so humbled, so privileged to be there, anticipating the great events that would happen there at the New Jerusalem, with the wonderful elect of God.

5. In closing today, Heavenly Mother said again to me that I have not been misguided in my last post to the angels, but that they approved all that I wrote. She said that she and Heavenly Father would bless the holy mortal angels to be guided and to eventually receive all the truth from them directly. I prayed for each of them.

6. Later:

I want to describe some of the aspects of the New Jerusalem area I saw last night.

Channels: These are stone of some kind, about 5 ft deep by 5 ft wide in capacity, expanding to 
5 ft deep by 10 ft wide. Around the circular areas, the expansion also increased this same amount. One of the upright sides of the channel slides to the side to expand as the channel increases to a higher water flow. I don't know how the circular areas expand, since the outer circle has to increase also in diameter.

7. Altar: The altar is similar in shape to the gold altar near the temple entrance in heaven. It is square shaped from the top view and about 3 1/2 ft tall. The table to the north of it is a large stone table for the slaughter of the red heifer.

8. Circles: Around the trees, the circular channals isolate these large areas, sufficiently large so many people may come under the arbor of the trees of life. I feel each is about 110 feet in diameter.

9. Bridges: Each are about 7 1/2 ft wide by 20 ft long, to accommodate the 10 ft wide channel as it expands. Each has a railing, and there is a gold chain across the two bridges leading to the altar and the sacrificial table. All the bridges are matching, with a gold path inset into the stone edging and stone structure. The stone bridge is arched slightly over the flowing living water.

The two bridges to the temple and two bridges leaving the temple are wider: 10 ft by 20 ft each, of the same design.

10. Temple Doors: These are two large doors, gold plated or solid doors. These are hinged on the sides and swing open in the middle. This is similar to the exit doors on the south side of the temple building.

11. Steps: There are seven gold steps leading to the gold temple doors, and also exiting the temple at the south end. There are also seven gold descending and seven gold ascending steps into the oval font area. All is gold covered except for the flat base of the oval that is a silver floor. There is a basin that holds the special water standing upright on the silver floor. The basin is made of hard stone like granite or marble or something similar.

All the pavement seemed to be made of stone, with inlayed gold paths that lead up to the trees, the temple and the altar.

12. Garden and meditation areas: These are to the east and west of the font inside the temple, through glass-like windows and a glass double door. This allows the newly received member to enter to meditate, ponder, and to pray if they wish. There are benches and chairs, and it appears a stream from the fountain of living waters also.

To the south of this area from the font and gardens, are the temple ordinance room areas. I haven't visited these yet.

13. In the garden areas around the temple, Heavenly Mother told me that we would be able to transplant many of her flowers and other plants from her gardens in the wilderness area of heaven. I felt that we would beautify the inside temple garden areas with her plants also.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-18-2017 Tuesday

1. Life just seems to stream by so very fast! I have been trying to enjoy the moment and beauty of each day. I have been appreciating my wife more and more! It is a wonderful experience to transition into phase 2 for us (no more or less children at home). We have many talks as we do things together. We love to walk, to work in the garden/yard areas together, to sit in the front room, to go out and eat or shop together. I have also recently been thinking of her every time I partake of the fruit of the tree of life, so that I might be filled more and more with the love of God for her.

2. We have been working on controlling our thoughts that cause our feelings. We want to be happy and to have positive thoughts. This has been very fun to work on together!

Today I found myself in my prayer next to the sapling tree of life, facing east towards the larger tree of life, near the temple in heaven.

Last night I also confirmed that Angela Teachout, a woman who has contacted me, is indeed a healing angel. I will write her soon.

3. In my morning prayer, I gazed upon my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I said a few sentences and then waited for my Heavenly Parents to speak. Heavenly Mother then said that my description of the circular areas around the trees in the New Jerusalem are too small at 75 feet. They should be 110 feet in diameter to the inner ring location. I will change this. Other details are good, and may be further refined when planning or construction begins. She expressed joy in bringing her plants to this area too, in the gardens inside and outside of the temple.

4. I asked my Heavenly Parents if I had accurately described this New Jerusalem area in my journal. Heavenly Father said that they were pleased, and that I had accurately now described this to their satisfaction. I would be shown more details in the future, but this is now sufficient.

5. I then asked that I be led into areas that they wished me to know or describe now. Heavenly Mother responded:

'Raphael, we are spending a lot of effort in instructing and guiding you, now in your unconscious mind in the celestial realms. This would be overwhelming for you to deal with or comprehend in your conscious mind now. This has also been the cause of you being so very tired recently.'

6. I thanked her for the care they have for me in allowing me to still function well as a mortal, in my conscious world. I submitted myself to them.

I asked them to bless me to have greater love and faith in my life. I thanked them for their continual guidance each day too.

Later, after evening:
I received from Heavenly Father the dimensions of the font tonight. I just made some sketches and will go to bed. I plan to write about it in the morning.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-19-2017 Wednesday

1. Last night I had a good connective prayer. I had been very tired after being with our two daughters and then with four of our grandchildren. I went to bed early.

2. In my prayer I was again on the mountaintop. Heavenly Father spoke to me and he and Heavenly Mother took me again to the New Jerusalem. This time we went into the temple and I was given the overall measurements of the font–110 ft (the width of one of the trees of life) by half the length that is 55 ft. The seven steps total 10% of this width, or 5 1/2 ft tall by twice for the width, or 11 ft wide, or extending into the font area, all around the inside perimeter of the font. The steps are all gold and the base is silver where the candidate and I will be involved in the ordinance.

3. Original sketch in my journal of the font area

Font room shown in the middle, updated a few days later

4. Oriphiel records the ordinance in the Book of Life, with two witnesses from the family or friends who watch from the edge of the font. Oriphiel records the candidate's premortal name, date, ordinance done, and the premortal names of the two witnesses.

5. The altar contains the ashes of the red heifer. Living water is poured over these ashes, and I then use the resulting water. This water is held in the stone basin which sits on the silver base floor of the font. The candidate kneels and I sprinkle this prepared water on their bowed head. I don't know what I say yet, but Jesus Christ will instruct me when he performs the waters of separation ordinance for me, the first one to receive this. I am also the last one to go through the temple at the end of the millennium.

6. The dimensions above were all conveyed to me last night in my prayer. At the end of my prayer, Heavenly Father asked me to lie down in my bed and ponder all of these things. I did so, but couldn't get to sleep until past 1:00 am!

7. In my prayer this morning, I saw myself walking with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother around the streets of the New Jerusalem! I guess I am supposed to know details of the city–how it is laid out and constructed.

8. I heard a podcast yesterday from Julie Rowe about her views of the Church of the Firstborn. She had some things correct, in my opinion. She also mentioned the Davidic King and the Davidic Servant. These are both descendent of Jesse and Ephraim from Joseph she said. M.A. wrote me an email, wondering about what Julie Rowe said. I believe these are the rod and the root, as spoken of in Isaiah 11:1 and 11:10 (see also D&C 113:3-6 and also Romans 15:12). In the D&C verse, the rod is laid upon with much power, and to the root: 'unto whom rightly belongs the priesthood, and the keys of the kingdom, for an ensign, and for the gathering of my people in the last days.'

9. In my morning prayer, Heavenly Mother said to me:

'Raphael, you have had a question about the Davidic King and the Davidic Servant. These are names that refer to the rod and the root, as spoken of in Isaiah 11:1 and Isaiah 11:10. These are both the same individual, for this person has the same lineage, which descends from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son who is his Father (lineage of Jesse) and Mary Magdalene who is his mother (Ephraim from the lineage of Joseph). This individual is their son, John the Beloved.

10. You Raphael, are the Branch spoken of in Isaiah 11:1. Through you will be established the New Jerusalem and the Church of the Firstborn. We will be directing you in all of this. We are showing you the New Jerusalem in its completed state so that you know how it is to be constructed. We are also showing you the waters of separation ordinance that brings our elect into our Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church on the earth that you will establish in the New Jerusalem.

11. The council of angels, as spoken of in Isaiah 11:2, will assist you in all of your endeavors. You will also have many people assisting you who are the laborers in building the New Jerusalem.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this information. I feel so blessed to receive her direction so frequently, even from her own mouth, or the mouth of Heavenly Father!

12. As I concluded my prayer, I saw that my replicated body remained with my Heavenly Parents in the New Jerusalem. I saw that my translated mortal body fell back to the earth, to my location where I was kneeling by my bed. I believe my unconscious mind is being shown more and more details of the New Jerusalem while I move and live daily in my conscious mind.

13. I also believe my residence in the New Jerusalem has already happened, in the celestial sphere above, on the mountain top in the eastern skies. I believe other angels too will join me sometime in this visionary experience, in their unconscious minds.

(Note: I was initially surprised that Heavenly Mother said Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ and the mother of John the Beloved. I have since made an online search and saw there were lots of references to Mary Magdalene being the wife of Jesus.)

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-20-2017 Thursday

1. I prayed last night and this morning in the wilderness area of heaven, in the field north of the sapling tree of life, across the river representing Jesus Christ. My Heavenly Parents came to me both times, and I basked in their presence! I feel so privileged to be in front of them each day!

2. While I was waiting upon them in prayer, Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, our son, you have some questions still about the roles of John the Beloved, the firstborn of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He fulfills two roles, that of a rod of Jesse and that of the root of Jesse.

3. The rod mission is explained in Isaiah 11:4–

"But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked."

4. His role as the rod is one of a cleanser, and of a judge of the people, both of the wicked and also of the humble. This is a role he performs to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He acts in this role as the Davidic Servant.

5. In his second role as the root of Jesse, he is a gatherer of the people. He holds the keys of the gathering of Israel, and of the elect of God. He will set his hand to recover the remnant of the people, the elect of God, from all the ends of the earth. In this role he will also become the Davidic King, for he will become the king of the New Jerusalem, reigning under his Father Jesus Christ, who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and the King over the entire earth. Both Jesus Christ and John the Beloved have the royal line of David by their birthright.

6. As Melchizedek became the king of Salem, so shall John the Beloved become the king of the New Jerusalem, even after his Father Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign over the entire earth.

7. Your role as the branch, spoken of in Isaiah 11:1 will be to establish the New Jerusalem and the Church of the Firstborn. You are charged to build this glorious city and to establish this celestial church, prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Once he returns in glory, John the Beloved will become the king of the New Jerusalem as the Davidic king, and your commission to build the celestial city will be completed and fulfilled. You will continue to serve in the temple as you administer the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel. This service will continue to fill you with joy and deep satisfaction through the entire millennial day.

8. The reason why the keys of the gathering of Israel have been conferred upon both you and John the Beloved is this: John has the commission as the root of Jesse to bring the people to Zion, to the New Jerusalem, to gather them physically. This requires the keys of gathering. You, Raphael, also have the keys of gathering and to bring all the elect to the Church of the Firstborn. If the elect come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, and enter not into the Church of the Firstborn, they are not able to progress in eternity and become as we are. Your role is more one of spiritually gathering the elect to our celestial church, and to aid them in their progress towards eternal life and exaltation in their own kingdom, to become exalted couples for eternity.

Both of the roles of gathering are very important in gathering and saving our elect.

9. Both you and John the Beloved have different roles and commissions. You are not part of any presidency together, but act independently. Raphael, you have a council of twelve angels who give you guidance in important matters that may arise. John the Beloved acts as a king, and does not have a presidency either. His role as the descendant of Jesse is completed once Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign on the earth. However, John's role as a righteous king, as the root of Jesse, continues throughout the millennium.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful explanation! My mind has become entirely clarified by this revelation this morning. I looked again into the loving and smiling faces of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother! I felt so much satisfaction and peace!

I asked also if I should share this information with the mortal angels.

11. Heavenly Father said this to me:

'Raphael, wait until the mortal angels have a full month to respond to our request to sustain you or not. Share this with those who sustain you, but not with those who don't or haven't yet responded.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father. This makes perfect sense. I closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and started my day.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-21-2017 Friday

1. My wife had sinus pain yesterday, and I attempted to remove the blockage energetically. I prayed to God at the beginning, and then I felt the presence of Heavenly Mother, and she placed her hand next to mine in a God's Loving Focus healing gift. It happened fast: with my hands next to hers, she moved the obstruction in my wife's head. The energy blockage moved very quickly and needed no secondary clearing which was a surprise to me. As Heavenly Mother did this, I could see Heavenly Mother's face and what she was doing. I was very grateful for this! My wife went to bed early, and I haven't yet talked to her.

2. In my prayer last night, I was on the bluff overlooking the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. Both of my Heavenly Parents were in front of me, smiling. They seemed eager to convey to me more information. I spoke a little in my prayer, and then waited.

3. Heavenly Father spoke more about the branch that he again said I was. He said this was planned from the beginning, that I would have this role. The branch was a name chosen because it grows out of the stem of a plant, and gradually receives nourishment and growth–just like I am gradually tutored and grow in knowledge. There are a number of Old Testament and some New Testament scriptures too that refer to the branch. A few refer to Jesus Christ, but many refer to me, Raphael, and my foreordained mission in building the temple and in my millennial mission.

4. I believe there is no way that one could figure any of this out except through direct revelation! I went online yesterday and saw a great number of opinions that all just got me more confused.

5. I feel so very ordinary, a normal man. This is how it is supposed to be I believe. I do feel more mature in my views, more loving to people and my own family, and clearer in how this will all come about, or be in the millennial day. I also see clearly how one central area of the New Jerusalem is to be constructed.

6. Also, last night when preparing for my evening prayer, I passed by the white gate that Jesus Christ keeps or guards, to the narrow path that leads to the tree of life. I asked him, as I was there, if I was really the branch spoken of in the scriptures. Jesus responded with his clear, smiling eyes:

7. 'Yes, Raphael, you are the one who will perform this great work spoken of in the scriptures as done by the branch!'

We touched hands as I started down the narrow path.

8. I passed again this morning the gate, and Jesus placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled. He told me to come as frequently as I wished through the gate to the path and then to the tree of life. I thanked him abundantly for my redemption, for saving me and cleansing and purifying me.

I then went to the tree, plucked of the fruit and the leaf, and brought them with me to the bench near the circling waters. Here I ate while I prepared for my prayer.

9. I then knelt down in front of the bench, and prayed with uplifted hands, being gradually lowered three times. My Heavenly Parents came in front of me. I gazed into their eyes and faces, and they were happy with me. I said a few words, ending with this:

'Oh Father and Mother, I wait now to hear thy instruction, guidance and revelations to me today. This has been gradually given to me, each time I pray it seems. I await thy word today.'

10. I waited. Heavenly Father then came forth and wanted me to write as he spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, our son, we are pleased that you prepare yourself for your prayers, or communion with us your God. The words we speak are not to be taken lightly, and lead you gradually, here a little and there a little, so that you come to where we wish you to be in your manners and understandings.

11. You have learned more clearly this week the greatness of your calling for the elect of God who enter into the Church of the Firstborn. This event, to receive the waters of separation ordinance from you and Oriphiel, will greatly impact the life of each one who comes into our church. We will be frequent visitors to this ordinance for our children. They will feel our presence, and many will see us. This is their entry into the Church of the Firstborn.

12. You are correct that you have a replicated self who now lives or has residence in the future New Jerusalem. You are gaining detailed information for the construction of our celestial city.

Do not fret about the other mortal angels. Each has their own journey, as do you. We will bring each again to you to strengthen you in your mission, and to fulfill their own. All things are going as planned as our work unfolds.

Continue to stay close to us, and we will pour out revelation daily to your mind and heart, so that you will be prepared to fulfill your glorious commission. We love you, our son!'

13. I thanked Heavenly Father for sharing his direction with me. I felt like I was then hearing more, but my mortal mind came back to the reality of my mortal body. I feel very happy and at peace as I now start the day!"

14. Consider these scriptures about the branch from the Old Testament:

Zechariah 6:11-13–

"Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;

And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord:

Even he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both."

Comment: The branch in verse 12 is Raphael, who will build the temple in the New Jerusalem.

15. Jeremiah 23:5-6–

"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.

In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."

Comment: In verse 5, the righteous branch is Raphael, and the king is John the Beloved, the one raised unto David. The king will execute judgment and justice in the New Jerusalem. The verse would be better written as follows:

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise a righteous Branch, and unto David a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth."

16. Hosea 3:4-5–

"For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days."

Comment: Verse 5 refers to the latter-day Davidic king, even John the Beloved.

17. Jeremiah 33:15–

"In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land."

Comment: This is a reference to Jesus Christ, who comes from the seed of David.

18. Zechariah 3:8
"Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.

Comment: I believe this is a reference to the last days' branch that builds the temple, although the reference is somewhat obscure.

19. Isaiah 4:2-3

"In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:"

Comment: Verse 2 is a direct reference to the branch who shall build the New Jerusalem. In verse 3 there is a direct reference to the latter-day Zion and Jerusalem (New Jerusalem). It will be a holy city, and everyone who dwells in this city will be holy.

20. Isaiah 60:19-21

"The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.

Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified."

Comment: This is a latter-days reference to the city of the New Jerusalem, where the light of God will illuminate the people, and God's temple. Verse 21 has a reference to "the branch of my planting", referring to the branch who would build the temple of God.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-22-2017 Saturday

1. This morning we are planning to go for breakfast. I am now in my prayer. I am on the high mountaintop in the celestial world, and have gone into the New Jerusalem in the eastern skies. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother met me in front of the fountain. They had me stand, and turn with them and walk up the seven gold steps to the two gold-hinged doors that they each opened. We entered.

2. I saw for the first time the largeness and expanse of this glorious entry area where the oval fountain is located:

Original journal sketch of the font room and the two adjacent garden rooms

3. The plan view above, is the top view of the font room and the two adjacent garden areas. The width of the font room is 200 ft, the height is 200 ft, and the depth is 200 ft–a big square shape. The garden areas are also a 200 ft square shape each, butted next to the font room. The two end square areas are garden/meditation areas. The center is the font room.

4. The remainder of the temple is also a square shape, 600 ft wide by 600 ft deep, and 200 ft tall, the same height as the front area of the temple. This back area is where the final temple ordinances are performed on the earth.

5. The outer doors that lead into the temple are each 20 ft by 20 ft, side by side hinged doors. This is the same size as the south doors of the temple that exit the building. The internal doors are 10 ft by 10 ft hinged, and lead from the font room into the garden areas to the east and the west.

6. This large temple area is 600 ft wide (east to west) by 800 ft deep (north to south) by 200 ft to the ceiling. There is probably some sort of spire on the top beyond the 200 ft height. There are no other floors to this temple front area, only the ground floor to ceiling, which is 200 ft tall.

7. There are also no internal floor-to-ceiling beams that I saw supporting the roof, except the outer walls that reached 200 ft in height. The span of 200 ft width is one large span!

8. The garden areas are separated from the central font area by vertical glass-like material from floor to ceiling. Each garden area has one entrance, a 10 by 10 ft double door (10 x 20 ft opening) that is also made of hinged glass.

9. The garden and glass gives the appearance of a very wide expanse of the font room, east and west, in the midst of celestial nature. There are trees, flowers, shrubs, hills, streams, ponds, etc. in the garden area. This is very much like a small version of Heavenly Mother's upper garden area.

10. There are gold paths winding through the gardens–so lovely! All represents heaven, the paradise and dwelling place of God.

11. The inside of the 200 ft outer walls, and the ceiling, are also beautifully decorated with symbols of nature, in three dimensioned sculptures and motifs. These are painted beautifully also.

12. The light inside the temple glows from the walls and ceiling, so that it looks like outside on a bright beautiful summer day. It is always bright inside I believe, with no night.

13. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me, after I soaked up this grand tour! Heavenly Mother addressed me:

'Raphael, our son, you have now seen the exquisite beauty and expanse of this, the front font area and gardens of our celestial temple in the New Jerusalem. There will be other temples in this city too, but none so grand and large and majestic. This is the celestial temple! The others are terrestrial temples in the city. We will show you these in time too!'

14. I then was called by my wife to get ready for breakfast, to join the others who were camping. I have thought about this wonderful experience throughout the day today. I am eager to see more details of this glorious city!

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-23-2017 Sunday morning

1. In my prayer this morning, I found myself on the south side of the font area in the celestial temple, in the New Jerusalem. My Heavenly Parents were in front of me in the air, over the font area. I had verified they were my Heavenly Parents before me. I was so enjoying a meditative prayer. I was waiting upon God.

2. Heavenly Father then asked me to write as he spoke to me:

'Raphael, it is pleasing for your Mother and I to be before you today! You are in a future day in our temple, our celestial temple on the earth in the New Jerusalem. This beautiful room you see is where you and Oriphiel will administer the waters of separation ordinance to our elect children who have been fully tried and accepted by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. This ordinance will admit them into the Church of the Firstborn. Before this occurs, they are heirs to that church.

3. After these new members are received into our Church of the Firstborn, they may have access to one or both of our beautiful gardens on either side. Once they enter into the garden area on the east, they are transported into your Heavenly Mother's beautiful upper garden area, starting at the circling waters. If they enter into the western garden area, they come to the Lake at God's Loving Healing Center. These two entry garden areas into our celestial kingdom are portals. They are permanently linked to the garden areas in our kingdom. There are glass-like transparent doors into each garden from the font room. The new member may go into these areas, once their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life as having received the waters of separation ordinance. They may exit also through these same portal doors, back into the font room. However, more commonly they return in front of the temple in the New Jerusalem by their thought of being transported to that location. This return to the New Jerusalem area on the earth will allow you and Oriphiel to continue uninterrupted in ordinance work for other candidates.

4. There is a glass-like transparent membrane that separates each garden area, floor to ceiling, from the font room. This glass-like membrane is sealed around the doorframe. This blocks any sound but allows the celestial light from these areas to fully illuminate the font room.

5. In the construction process for the two garden areas, you only need to build the 200 ft square boxed room with the outer walls, ceiling and floor of the temple, and the glass-like hinged doors. Once these are separately dedicated, we will link these to heaven permanently through a portal. The ceiling and walls are to be made from stone, and the floor is to be paved with gold in each garden room area. Once dedicated, these will transform into portals to our actual celestial areas on our heavenly orb.

6. It is our desire, Raphael, to emphasize the great importance of this ordinance for all candidates coming into our celestial church. By creating the front portion of our celestial temple as a portal to heaven, we will have shown that entry into the celestial world requires the waters of separation ordinance performed by you and Oriphiel.

7. There are other temple ordinances performed for the new members of the Church of the Firstborn by the angels of God. These are performed in the remaining southern portion of this temple in the New Jerusalem. This combined temple work in this building constitutes the great labor of exalting our choice and obedient children during the millennium. We have ordained that this work be done on the earth, where each of our elect will have lived.'

8. As I finished writing all of this, my Heavenly Mother wanted me to write her words also:

'Raphael, we are showing this all to you since you are in charge of the design and construction of the New Jerusalem. We will continue to gradually reveal all of these plans to you, so you will be able to do it in our way.

9. Do not worry about others who may have seen and written about the New Jerusalem in vision. We are revealing to you by revelation all of these detailed plans, not before revealed. We have also an array of architects, builders, craftsmen, artists, gardeners and more or all varieties, and raw materials also to be used in building the New Jerusalem. This city will be the link to heaven where we live. You will be building a city that will last forever, and never be destroyed or replaced.'

10. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother for their revelations this morning. I feel overjoyed by the information I am continually receiving from their hand.

I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son.

P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-24-2017 Monday, Pioneer Day.

1. Yesterday at church I had an interesting experience. I was in sacrament meeting, and was in my mind's eye in the eastern skies at the New Jerusalem. Heavenly Mother came to me after I made my covenant with her and Heavenly Father. She accepted my covenant. Then she asked me to walk with her and Heavenly Father. We walked east into the New Jerusalem, past the tree of life, walking from the fountain of living water. We kept walking and then I perceived more buildings after some distance. I felt that there were three temples or buildings on each side of the living water that flowed east. This cluster of six temples also occurred on the northern, the western, and the southern water flows from the channels beyond the temple. These 24 temples were beyond a square edge of the main temple complex. These four groups of six buildings made up 24 total temples or buildings.

Journal sketch of the inhabited area of the New Jerusalem

2. Last night in my prayer, I was uncertain in what I was seeing. Maybe I will gain more information today.

In my morning prayer today, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared before me, in front of the altar in the center area of the New Jerusalem. Heavenly Father asked me to stand. I walked between them, Heavenly Father on my right and Heavenly Mother on my left. We walked east, on the southern side of the channel of living water.

3. As we walked east, we passed the eastern tree of life, with the circular channel surrounding it. We were walking on a wide path on the southern side of the channel. It had stone curbing and a gold path. This same design and structure was symmetric throughout this square temple garden area. The square measured 3,000 ft by 3,000 ft. The gardens were breathtaking on either side of the living water channel. There were also winding paths between these straight paths which went on either side of the channels. All of the paths in the garden were of the same design, with stone curbing and gold paths on which to walk. There were many benches and areas for meditation. Beautiful trees, bushes and flower areas adorned this entire large temple square section. This entire square area was a celestial area on the earth! Outside of this block, it was a terrestrial environment. However, the temple block was celestial, with celestial light glowing continually. The animals and plants were also from the celestial wilderness area, and lived in this area.

4. There were no fences, but the animals within stayed in this 3,000 ft by 3,000 ft square celestial area. Also, only those who were invited into the temple square area could enter. The Spirit of God invited them. If they were not of a celestial nature, they would be uncomfortable and quickly leave. There were also cherubim at entrances guarding the way to the tree of life and the other areas within for those who wanted to enter who were not celestial in nature.

5. We left the temple square area, still walking east. The channel of living water went under the very wide street (150 ft wide). On the other side of this road, the channel again became open and was a river of water. This was gently flowing out into the remainder of the city and the lands around. The four rivers flowed east, north, west and south, all with slow, gentle flow.

6. There were three temple buildings on the north of this eastern flowing river, and three temple structures south (see my sketch above). These included lodging for visitors to stay that were traveling for temple worship, similar to how we worship today, and for churches, administrative and government buildings, etc. There were also stores and other businesses to the north and south.

Residences were in the corner areas to the northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. The residences were for those who labored in the New Jerusalem area.

7. The New Jerusalem will be a large hub of continual visitors, many of whom come for their entrance into the Church of the Firstborn, and to visit the trees of life and fountain of the living waters from its source from deep in the ground.

8. I walked with my Heavenly Parents to these areas outside the temple square. These sections were very lovely, and were of terrestrial glory. It was only the center temple square area that was of celestial glory.

I saw that my residence was in this terrestrial section of the New Jerusalem. John the Beloved, who was king of the New Jerusalem, was also living nearby.

Journal sketch of the city area and boundaries

9. The temple areas described in 'Visions of Glory' were all located in the terrestrial sections of the city. The celestial area at the center place was reserved for those who were brought into the Church of the Firstborn. It was so magnificent! There was a quiet reverence that pervaded this celestial temple block. The glorious celestial temple could be seen for miles around, for it was very large and so beautiful!

10. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have now seen the beauty and majesty of our city, the New Jerusalem! You have seen it in the future in its grandeur. We have given you an overall tour of the city. You will continue to remember different aspects of this city that you couldn't yet fully absorb in your mortal conscious mind. We will return here with you often to help you see and recall further details of our city.

11. We want those who come here, who have been called by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who become members of the Church of the Firstborn, to have a very memorable experience. These ordinances they will receive in our celestial temple on earth will be binding for eternity. We anticipate with great joy the change in the earth that will allow you to build this beautiful city, Raphael!'

I embraced my Father, and then my Mother. I was so filled with emotion I couldn't say anything!

12. I then thought I was back in my bedroom, kneeling by my bed, writing all this down in my journal. I feel so much peace and happiness in thinking of all this experience now. It is appropriate that this is Pioneer Day, 2017 when I was showed the grand tour of the New Jerusalem.

13. Finally, I approached again my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I was immediately in front of the altar, facing the fountain, in the New Jerusalem. Both of my Heavenly Parents were in front of me. I asked them the following:

'Oh my Father and Mother, is all of this true and real that I have seen and experienced today? Is what I recorded in my journal all true?'

14. Heavenly Mother smiled broadly and said:

'Yes, Raphael, this is all true! You have also recorded what we wanted you to write, and it is accurate. We will give you more details in a future day.'

I then thanked her, and closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It has been about 1 3/4 hours since I came in my prayer this morning.

Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-25-2017 Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke and then prayed again on the mountaintop in the celestial world. I met my Heavenly Parents there, and then we were instantly transported to the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. We walked east again, past the tree of life, on the path just south of the channel, going east. We passed the six temples and then the residences. There were three city blocks from the six temples to the end of the inhabited city limits. The city is symmetric, with 216 residential city blocks of 24 families each. This works out to be 5,184 family residences, or about 25,000 people if each household averages five people per family. I sketched this out on a separate paper, and will sketch it below.

Area of the New Jerusalem, 5.1 miles per side, 26 sq miles

2. The land around the inhabited part of the city is for farmland, parks, recreational areas, etc. There is also a wall around the entire perimeter of the city, 27,000 ft long on each side, or about 5.1 miles square on each side, or about 26 square miles total for the greater city area. The wall is 12 ft tall. The wall has openings where the four rivers leave the city. These openings don't have a door, but are guarded on either side of the river. There is a road on both sides of each river (8 roads total), which lead into the city.

The four exit openings in the wall of of the New Jerusalem

3. This map shows the size of the 26 sq mile New Jerusalem superimposed
on an area of Utah County. The yellow center is the temple square
of the New Jerusalem, and the white area is the inhabited part of the city.
The outer blue lines represent the outer walls of the city.
Image courtesy of Google Maps

4. The wall keeps out intruders at first before the wicked are destroyed, and for the curious who later on may cause mischief. It also establishes a clear perimeter for the city boundaries. There also is a road about the outside of the entire wall that is frequently patrolled at first. The roads have a bridge over each river at the entrances.

I have a lot to ponder today as I saw the overall layout of the city of the New Jerusalem!

5. Later at night: In my prayer this evening, I again felt to go to the New Jerusalem, in the eastern skies from the high mountaintop. I prayed with hands uplifted, lowering them three times, praying specifically for the Father, Mother and the Son to come. All three came before me, while I was kneeling before the fountain of living water. I looked into each of their loving eyes, and knew and recognized each of them again. I know their visages well now.

6. Heavenly Mother wanted to speak to me:

'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to come before you today in communion with you. You have been given today a wide understanding of the overall layout of the city of the New Jerusalem. You have seen details of the inner city and of the outlying lands.

7. Tonight we wish to show you the spires on the temple, the celestial temple in the center of our celestial city, the New Jerusalem!'

I then was taken to the roof area with all three of them. I saw there was a central spire, right in the middle of the roof. Its base was 200 ft by 200 ft square, aligned with the temple perimeters (facing north, east, south and west). This central spire rose 400 ft from the base at the roof level, in the shape of a pyramid, with a point at the top. The top of this central spire was 600 ft from the ground since the temple walls were 200 ft tall.

Overall spire configuration

Original sketch of the spires in my journal

8. There were also four smaller spires, 200 ft tall by the same base configuration as the central spire (200 ft by 200 ft), located at the four corners of temple roof. They were constructed as pyramids also. In between these on each north and south ends was also yet a smaller spire, with a similar 200 ft by 200 ft square base by 100 ft high.

9. There were therefore seven total spires, the central one 400 ft tall, the four corner spires 200 ft tall, and the two north and south end spires 100 ft tall. Each had a base of 200 ft by 200 ft square. All were placed on the roof that was flat, and was 200 ft above the ground level.

10. The spires were made of stone on top of a steel structure I believe. The spires each came to a point, which was directed heavenward, symbolizing the link between heaven and earth. The two northern corner spires were directly over the garden portal areas, and were a part of the portal functionality I believe.

11. There was also an 'edge' section all around the periphery of the temple. This has some sort of design made from precious jewel and stones that adorn this top edge of the wall where it meets the roof.

The temple outline from a view from the north or the south

12. There are also large trees, garden areas with brilliant patches of flowers all around the temple, inside the moat of living water that encompasses the temple. All is so well landscaped and very beautiful! I believe there are no windows, for inside the temple the portals open up to the windows of heaven, filled with light and celestial beauty.

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ my Savior, for being with me tonight as I viewed the great beauty of the outside spires, walls, and grounds of the temple. The temple is so majestic, large, and beautiful!

R. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-26-2017 Wednesday

1. Last night in my prayer when I went to the roof of the temple to see the spires, I saw at first a flat roof. Then I saw the tall central spire, and was given its measurements and shape in my mind. Then I saw a corner spire and received its dimensions. I was told the corners were all identical. Then I was shown the smallest spires on the north and south ends. These all came one at a time to me in my mind. Finally I counted them and there were seven spires. None of this was thought ahead, but came to me in layers, or a little at a time as I have explained. This is remarkable to me, and verifies also that it all comes from God to my mind, and that I didn't have any forethought in creating any of this!

2. When I started my meditation this morning, I felt like I was at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I then realized I was seeing the boundaries of the eastern portal in the temple, next to the font room. The portal boundaries included the waterfall, the circling waters, the mountain stream, and the outcropping just east of the pool of circling waters. The orientation was also shifted: the waterfall (west in the celestial orb of heaven) was located in the northern part of the 200 ft by 200 ft portal square room area in the temple. The glass doors entered on the south side of the stream, as viewed in heaven. The portal in heaven was shifted 90 degrees from the orientation on earth: the north on earth was west in heaven.

3. On the other portal in the temple in the northwest corner, the glass doors entered into the lake by the bench at God's Loving Healing Center, facing south in heaven. This area in the portal included the lake, the bluff, the switchback path to the domed room, the domed room, and the forest nearby. This portal was also rotated 90 degrees: the west on earth was south in heaven.

I wondered if my observations on the portal orientations had any significance.

4. Anyway, I prepared for my prayer as usual this morning. I drank of the living water, and partook of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life as I always do now twice a day. I felt to eat of the fruit and leaf in front of the altar in the New Jerusalem, in the eastern skies on the mountaintop. After eating, I knelt down and prayed, asking for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. They came quickly! I looked into their faces and eyes, and was so glad to again be in their presence! I didn't see them with my physical eyes, but my spiritual eyes, which is more of a perception in my mind and heart, although very, very real and verifiable. I waited upon God in my prayer.

The temple outline from a view from the east or the west

5. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have just realized that the orientations of both portals in our temple are rotated from north on earth to west in heaven, or a 90 degree rotation. We have purposefully re-oriented the directions so that our newly received members of our Church of the Firstborn will realize they themselves now also have a new orientation. Their old view of life, from the world they left, is now new. This re-orientation includes how they view things, and how they think and perceive themselves and their brothers and sisters, and us their Heavenly Parents. They now need to start thinking as we think, and loving their fellow man as we love them. They will start acting more in the orientation of serving tirelessly other people in love, much more than before. This love will grow more and more within them as they forget their own needs and desires, and want to uplift and care more fully for those around them.

6. The spires that we showed you last night in your prayer are also significant. There is one very large central spire, pointing to heaven. This brings the highest love and light possible from us to the earth below in its terrestrial state, not only to the temple, but also to all the earth.

7. The four corner spires are half the height of the central spire. These spread the love and light from God to the four quarters of the earth, located to the northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast corners of the temple. From here the love and light of God will spread across all the earth.

8. The two smallest spires are in the central northern and central southern areas of the temple roof. These figuratively declare from earths pole to pole the wonders of God, and the light and love that emanates from this central grand temple on the millennial earth.

9. There are seven total spires, that signify as the earth was created in seven days, and as the earth has seven celestial days of mortal existence, there are also seven steps of progression in the Church of the Firstborn. These steps are for our most faithful children who ultimately become even as we are, one step at a time. You have described these seven steps previously for the new members:
1. Waters of separation ordinance
2. Washing of the body and spirit
3. Anointing of the body and spirit
4. Receipt of the robes of exaltation
5. Endowment of knowledge and power
6. Sealing to their spouse and of their spouse to them
7. Final ordination as a couple to be a God and a Goddess in the eternities

10. These spires greatly glorify and beautify the temple, as these seven steps transform our child to become even as we are. This process of change in our child brings your Heavenly Mother and me the greatest joy we could possibly receive.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words this morning. I felt great love and ultimate wonder and respect for him and Heavenly Mother.

I felt then that my time with them, in my conscious mind, was ending. I expressed my love and gratitude again, and closed our communication for now, in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

S. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-27-2017 Thursday

1. Last night we watched a movie together and got to bed late. I had a prayer at the north entrance of the New Jerusalem last night and again this morning. My Heavenly Parents came quickly both times and showed me all about the details of the outside of the temple. They confirmed all I had received yesterday too about the sizes and shapes of the spires. The taller the spire, the more vertical the angle is toward heaven, or the more direct the spire points to heaven as can be seen in my sketch below. This higher angle with the taller spire signifies that we gradually increase in our connection with God who dwells in heaven. The 100 ft tall spire is directly over the font room, the beginning of the seven steps toward Godhood. Its angle is low, or small, signifying the beginning of the process. The gradual increase to more connection with God is the process in the entire gospel, including the preparatory gospel found in the Church of Christ.

The taller the spire, the more pointing it is to God in heaven.

2. Last night and this morning in my prayer, I saw details of the outside of the temple:

Foundation: The foundation is on bedrock that is 30 ft thick by the perimeter of the temple (600 ft by 800 ft). I have no idea how it gets there! It is of one piece of rock, very stiff and strong!

3. Walls: The outer walls of the temple are 12-in thick for the 200 ft high perimeter walls. There is a 600 ft east-west wall also at the end of the first northern end of the inside of the temple. This is also 12-in thick and 200 ft tall.

The remaining back part (southern section) of the temple is a square shape from above. I am unsure if there are other internal walls in this back structure.

Journal sketch of gutter pipe configuration on the roof of the temple

4. Gutters: At the base of each northern and southern spire, there are half-round channels that bring the water to the outer perimeter of the roof-wall interface. There is also a channel around the central spire with a channel extending to the center of the 800 ft perimeter roof-wall edge. These channels slope gradually to the perimeters where there is also a channel going all around the roofline. There are 6-in diameter gutter holes at each corner and at the center of the 800 ft sides. These bring the rain water down to the ground level. These internal gutter pipes are inside the 12-in wall. They exit a few feet from the ground level onto sloped rain dispersal stones. Rainwater from the spires flows into the gutter channels and down the gutter pipes.

Gutter configuration at the base of each spire

5. Roof edging: The roof edge is adorned with precious gems and stones. These are about 3-in thick by up to 15-in tall. I am not sure of its construction yet. Maybe we need to see what is available first. This edging is also around the temple entrance doors and exits and the outer wall corners, a full 200-ft in height.

6. Outer doors: The temple doors are 20 ft by 20 ft each, hinged on the outside so they open outward. There are no outer handles or knobs, but there is a keyhole which locks the doors. The key that fits the temple is the black key that I, Raphael, continually carry on my green sash. This is the only key to the temple. I assume I will open the door to the temple in the morning and then all of the angels and workers may enter into the temple. I will also lock the doors when needed.

7. When the candidate is ready, I will open the large gold doors outward and invite the candidate and his guests into the font room. For those receiving the waters of separation ordinance, I will invite them and their guests to stand in their places. Other angels will also be there to assist the people who come. When finished with the ordinance of the waters of separation, the new member(s) will exit into the side garden portal areas, and I will bring in the next group.

8. The outer doors are trimmed with jewels all around. This is very pretty and breathtaking at the main entrance into the temple.

9. There is no temple recommend, but only a verification by the Spirit that the desired person(s) are who they say they are, and have been chosen by the Savior Jesus Christ. I imagine Oriphiel and I will chat with the candidate before the ordinance.

Gold pyramid top of spires

10. Top of the Spires: There is a solid gold pyramid at the top of each spire that matches the angle of the spire. Each is 12-in tall. The tallest spire also has a lightning rod that connects to the gold pyramid piece.

11. Grounds: There are trees all around the temple, inside the moat area. There are shrubs, grass, flowers galore, and beauty in abundance. There is a path around this area too which goes all around the temple, inside the moat area. All is so very lovely.

12. Material of walls and roof: These are all of granite-like stone of some kind. The temple glistens in the sun and is very reflective.

I was able to view these details up close and also from afar, from the northern entrance to the city. The temple is very tall and large and can easily be seen for miles around.

T. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-28-2017 Friday

1. This morning while preparing for my prayer, I received a lot of details, even before I began my prayer! I starting thinking about the temple, and information just started flowing into my mind. I was opening the large gold doors to the New Jerusalem temple with my black key. I looked carefully at the construction of the door:

Front gold doors of the New Jerusalem Temple, showing various details

2. Along the top and sides, the 2-in thick solid gold door fit into a 2-in groove inset in the wall on the front of the temple. On the floor, it was inset to a 1-in in height, so that the outside entry floor threshold was 1-in lower than the floor level in the font room. A person would have to step up 1-inch from the outside to enter the temple at the main floor.

Front gold door and seven gold steps leading into the temple

3. There are 3 12-inch long gold-plated steel hinges on each side of the door (east and west sides), which allow the door to swing open to the north. The keyhole is on the right side (west door) at my elbow height when I am outside the door facing the temple. The outer threshold floor area at the top (7th step from the bottom) of the outside gold steps is 12 ft wide to the north from the wall to the first descending step, and 24 ft long at the wall along the east-west directions. From the top step, the step lengths and widths increase (see image below) until the bottom step is 23 wide by 46 long.

4. When closed, the door and wall are flat and smooth. There is no outside handle or knob, and there is no way to even wedge something into the door or frame to open the door. Only the black key will open the door. When the key is inserted, I saw the key sparkle with a white light when I turned it clockwise a full turn. I then pull gently with the key inserted, and the right door easily swings open. I then can put my other hand on the left door and swing the edge of that door open too.

5. On the inside of the door, there are two handles, one on each door that I use to push open the door and close it afterwards. The lock is left unlocked during the day when I am in the temple. Even unlocked, nobody may enter since there is no handle or knob on the outside. It has to be opened from the inside or with the black key from the outside.

6. The seven gold steps that come up to the door make the floor of the font room elevated by the height of the steps that is a 5 1/2 ft rise. The floor in the font room is built up with wooden supports from the solid rock foundation. The steps descending into the font are also made of wood, going down to the rock foundation. All plumbing for restrooms, etc. is hidden in this wooden structure and flooring. The adjacent garden rooms are not on a wooden floor, but are directly on the rock foundation. This is 5 1/2 ft lower than the glass doors. The portal will fill this entire area up so there will be no step down to the gold floor.

7. In the font room, a 1-in gold layer covers all the wooden floor structure and steps. It is all gold except the base or bottom of the font floor that is covered with a 1-in silver base over the rock foundation.

8. The workmanship is exquisite and very much of superior quality and extremely precise. I believe the construction methods have never been used in the way the temple is constructed. There is no expense spared–for all the riches of God are used in all the construction. All of these materials come from the hidden riches of the earth, to be brought forth at the right time for the building of the New Jerusalem temple.

9. There is one restroom for men and one for women in the font room area, against the northeast wall, to the right backside of where Oriphiel sits in his chair. All walls are vertical, coming at right angles to the foundation floor and rising 200 ft into the air. These walls sit on the foundation and are 12-in thick, and of one piece I believe. I don't know how they are constructed, but it is amazing! The walls somehow attach with slots or bolts or something to the foundation all around the temple so that these never move from their location.

10. The ceiling is unsupported between the vertical walls from any beams from the floor. It appears there are steel beams extending across the ceiling to support the weight of the stone roof and spires above it. There is a wooden ceiling covering the beams, and allowing the craftsmen to decorate the edges and corners of the ceiling area with beautiful motifs and sculptured artwork. There are also designs in the center area of the ceiling. There are not, however, lights with electricity, for the walls, ceiling and floors all glow with heavenly celestial light.

11. Yesterday I saw that the outer walls are exactly flush on the temple outside with the foundation. The foundation is cut exactly to the edge of the outer wall. There is rich soil all around the temple for the many plants to grow that adorn the outside.

12. I also saw there were gems all around the perimeter of the outer front door and back doors on the north and south walls. The four corners of the outer walls are also adorned with jewels and/or precious stones. The top where the roof meets the outer wall is also adorned with jewels and precious stones.

13. I believe I have described all the basic features of the font room, the two garden portal rooms, the outside of the temple walls, ceilings, spires, roof, and the garden beds on the immediate outside areas inside the mote area.

14. Oh, the paths around the temple inside the moat area are straight on the north and south sides of the temple, but curve in and out of the large trees planted on the east and west sides of the temple.

I confirmed all that I have written as accurate as my mortal mind can now grasp. I wrote in my journal all of this during my prayer time, and now I must start my day. I feel so blessed!

U. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-29-2017 Saturday

1. Last night in my prayer Heavenly Mother showed me the garden paths in the temple square area of the New Jerusalem! I am going to try to describe them here.

My Heavenly Parents were before me in prayer. I was kneeling at the 2nd circular paths intersection with the eastern path next to the eastern river channel, on its north side. I looked into the faces and eyes of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

Heavenly Mother asked me to stand and walk with them up this 2nd circular path, going north. I observed and she answered my questions as we walked. We walked the entire path to the northern river channel.

This shows the southeastern paths around the garden areas

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, there are three circular paths in each of the four quadrants in our celestial garden area of this temple square area. Each path is 12 ft wide, paved with gold and edged with stone. Between these paths are lovely garden areas where our celestial plants and animals dwell in total happiness and felicity. Those people walking the paths are free to exit into these beautiful flower areas of trees, shrubs, flowers, waterfalls, pools of all varieties, and all landscapes depicting the fulness of the earth.

3. Each night at midnight, a mist of water comes up from the four river channels to water this beautiful park area. The watering mist lasts for three hours. You are to open the temple at sunrise and close it at sunset. These are the operation hours of our beautiful celestial temple, 6 days a week. The temple is closed on the Sabbath. By the time of the first glimmer of the sun in the mornings, the garden has absorbed all of the mist of living water and is ready for visitors who may wish to come to meditate and pray. The paths are also dry and shining brightly at that time.'

4. I noticed there were no water channels visible along the circular paths, nor in the garden areas. The pools and waterfalls were supplied with water from the channels of living water, somehow being piped in under the earth. These water areas were also filled with living water that was continually circulated somehow. These beautiful celestial gardens were planted from celestial plants brought from the wilderness area in heaven. I will sketch the entire garden area later today on my computer, as I see it. I was only shown this northeastern sector this morning by my Heavenly Parents.

I saw in my mind the configuration of the paths also around the southeast quadrant with the eastern side of the temple. Here is the entire garden area path configuration:

The three concentric rings of gold paths in the Temple Square garden areas

5. I saw that a person with a celestial nature, approved of God, could enter the temple square area on the gold paths, or enter into the garden areas and travel where they wanted. The temple square area is 3,000 ft by 3,000 ft square.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this wonderful tour of their garden areas! I will come back frequently to explore, meditate and pray I am sure!

V. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-30-2017 Sunday

1. Today in my morning prayer I met Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the north entrance to the city of the New Jerusalem. We met at the northern open gate by the outside wall. Heavenly Father had me stand and walk between them through some of the outer fields, until we entered the inhabited section of the city. We walked down the residential streets until we arrived at the smaller temples in the city. We walked further until we arrived at temple square, and then we strolled from the north through the beautiful gardens there. We came upon the altar and stone table. We saw the trees of life on either side (east and west) of us. We walked across one of the gold bridges, up the seven gold steps to the gold temple doors on the north side of the temple. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then opened the temple doors and we stepped into the beautiful font room. I saw that on the far wall there were men and women's restrooms to our left against the wall, and an administrative office area to the right against the wall. These were matching size on either side of the 10 ft by 10 ft gold hinged doors (20 ft 
by 10 ft high opening ) that led into the southern part of the temple.

2. I turned and faced north, and my Heavenly Parents came to an area about where Oriphiel would sit. My back was to the gold southern doors behind me, leading to the 600 ft by 600 ft square area of the temple that I hadn't yet been in before.

3. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, today and this upcoming week we will show you the areas behind the two gold doors, to the south end of our temple. We will show you this beautiful area where our holy angels administer the eternal and permanent temple ordinances to those who have been received in our Church of the Firstborn, through the waters of separation ordinance. We will now walk with you through all of the areas in this portion of our temple. Come walk with us!'

4. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came and took my hands. The gold doors leading into the southern part of the temple then opened, and we entered. Before we went in, I noticed in the font room there were three sets of 10 ft by 10 ft double doors: two to the garden areas to the east and west, and one to the south where we were now entering.

5. We came upon an open area where there was a room for men to change to the left, and a room for women to change to the right. I went to the left or east room with my Heavenly Parents.

I saw that the members of the Church of the Firstborn replaced their clothing they were wearing with a full-length fabric shield, like the one worn in modern LDS temples when going to the initiatory ordinances.

6. We next entered another room eastward where male angels ceremonially washed male member's body and spirits. Then we entered another room to the east where men angels anointed male member's body and spirit. Then we entered a final room to the east, against the far eastern wall of the temple, where the members were clothed in their Godly robes, brilliant and white. This was all done preparatory to the endowment. The women's side of this temple had similar matching rooms.

7. We then walked south to a very large room, a full 600 ft wide, where men and women joined together for their endowment of knowledge and power. There was a central curved area in the middle southern part of this room that I knew was the veil of the temple. We then walked through the veil in our tour. We immediately came into the first floor of the heavenly temple in the celestial home of my Heavenly Parents! This was the third permanent portal to heaven in this temple!

8. I saw that when the member passed into the veil, Heavenly Father and or Heavenly Mother were there to greet them individually, welcoming them to their temple home. The member was then free to roam on the first floor in the all the rooms, and perhaps the fourth floor to the throne room.

9. We then thought of exiting the temple and were transported to an area in front of the large 20 ft by 20 ft double gold exit doors on the south end of the New Jerusalem temple. There were couches and chairs, like in a waiting room to assemble with loved ones, before exiting the temple through these large gold doors.

10. We walked through the large gold doors and down the seven gold steps, and onto the south end of the temple grounds, onto a gold path. We turned and looked at the temple.

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother very much for this wonderful tour of the New Jerusalem temple again, and for the tour of the entire temple today, particularly the southern end.

I asked that I be able to record all of this experience well in my journal. I then closed my prayer, in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

I began writing my account in my journal. It is now 9:00 am and I am ready to start my Sabbath!

12. Later, after church:

Today my wife and I attended a ward in Mapleton, Utah. I enjoyed this meeting today–there were speakers who spoke on acting like Jesus, to be kind, and to know that he loves us.

In the sacrament, I meditated and felt I was right next to the 400 ft tall spire, above the New Jerusalem temple! I was facing north. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents after the sacrament prayer on the bread was given in the ward. I then made my weekly covenant to them. After the deacon passed me the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

13. 'Raphael, we accept your covenant with us today, and will be with you continually. We have showed you this morning the basic structure of the southern portion of the temple that is below us. We have also shown you more details of our temple and of our city. We will go down now and show you more in the temple!'

14. We went down into the temple, and I perceived more of how the 600 ft by 600 ft southern part of the temple was laid out. Here is my sketch of what I saw:

South 600 ft by 600 ft square area basic configuration

15. The endowment ceremony in the Church of Christ centers on the journey of Adam and Eve, and of the members likening themselves to their first parents, Adam and Eve. In this endowment in the Church of the Firstborn, the journey of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother is depicted, and the members are to liken themselves to them, and to become even as they are. This journey shows how God progressed and gained his/her power.

16. I think the veil goes floor to ceiling between the seven pillars. The veil is opaque white, or translucent white. Scenes depicting Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are portrayed in vision on these portal screens.

17. At the end of the endowment, the member puts his right hand into the veil as either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother puts their right hand to test the member of their knowledge of the signs and tokens they were given previously. There is no slit in the veil, but these hands still pierced the veil. If the member passes this test at the veil, he or she is admitted into the actual presence of God in the temple in heaven!

18. The area south of the veil, behind the seven pillars, is a permanent portal to the celestial temple in heaven. The temple in heaven (in the portal) is from the front door (also facing north) to the side walls on the east and west. The celestial temple in heaven is also 600 ft wide at this point. There is no rotation in the portal like there is in the garden portals on the north end of the temple. In the south end portal, the exit door of the New Jerusalem temple matched the location of the opening of the hallway in God's temple in heaven. This is occupied in the New Jerusalem temple by the exit room.

19. The member may go anywhere in the celestial temple in heaven on either the first or fourth floors.

When exiting the portal, the member may assemble in the exit room with loved ones and friends. Alternatively, he or she may think to exit the temple altogether and go to a location they desire outside the temple.

W. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-31-2017 Monday

1. This morning in my prayer I prayed in front of the New Jerusalem temple. My Heavenly Parents came to me on the gold steps in front of the temple, facing me.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are both glad to be before you again this morning.

You have asked about why there are two temple ceremonies that are similar, one set done in the Church of the Firstborn and one set done in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the future Church of Christ on the earth (both referred by me from now on as the Church of Christ).

3. The temple ordinances performed in the Church of Christ are mostly preparatory ordinances, done for those in the telestial and terrestrial worlds. Since the days of Joseph Smith the prophet, they have been performed in temples in the telestial world. Once the Church of Christ is restored again to the earth, these ordinances will be performed in temples on the terrestrial earth. This temple before us at the center place of the New Jerusalem, will be the only celestial temple on the earth. It is in this temple where ordinances are all fully binding for eternity for those who are to become as we are, Gods and Goddesses.

4. The temples in the Church of Christ have ordinances that are binding depending on the faithfulness of the member, with a promise that one day they will be fully realized if they are true and faithful. The promised blessing of being chosen, called up and anointed, kings and priests, queens and high priestesses is only realized in the celestial temple in the New Jerusalem, in the celestial temple in heaven, and on the celestial earth.

5. As you can see, the fulfillment of the ordinances performed in the telestial or terrestrial temples is dependent upon
• The faithfulness of the member
• That this member is chosen and called up by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to enter into our celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, and
• The seven steps and ordinances are completed in the Church of the Firstborn.

6. There are seven steps for a member to receive an exalted position as a God/Goddess couple in eternity. I have listed the similarities in ordinances done in the temple of the Church of the Firstborn and in temples of the Church of Christ:

7. Similarities of temple ordinances:

1) Church of the Firstborn: Waters of Separation ordinance. This ordinance brings the candidate into the Church of the Firstborn.

Church of Christ: Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, followed by reception of the Holy Ghost and the baptism of fire.

8. 2) Church of the Firstborn: Washing of body and spirit

Church of Christ: Washing from the blood and sins of this generation

9. 3) Church of the Firstborn: Anointing of body and spirit. The male members who have not previously received the office of high priest in the Church of Christ, are now ordained a high priest. Women members who have not previously received the office of high priestess after the order of Heavenly Mother, are now ordained to the office of high priestess.

Church of Christ: Anointing, and conferring the Melchizedek priesthood for men.

10. 4) Church of the Firstborn: Robing with the Godly robes. These robes are worn from this moment on throughout eternity. There may be other Godly robes worn at future times, for ceremonial and other uses, but these initial Godly robes are the first basic robes of exaltation worn.

Church of Christ: Placing the garment to cover their nakedness, to be a shield and protection against the adversary until their work is finished on the earth. These garments are to be worn until death.

11. 5) Church of the Firstborn: Endowment of knowledge and power. At this time instructions are given to the member about how to act as Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The story of the creation of the first God is depicted, and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are the ones the members seek to become like, in every way. A depiction of their life and progression is given so the member may do likewise.

Church of Christ: Endowment. At this time, the story of the spiritual and physical creation of the earth is given. The events in the lives of Adam and Eve, the first parents of mankind, who fell that men may be, are depicted. Adam and Eve are the ones the members are to become like, in every way. The member is to follow the way their first parents sought for God in prayer, received messengers from their Father, and avoided Satan and his temptations. There are covenants, signs, keywords, and tokens that help guide these members to God during their mortal journey.

12. 6) Church of the Firstborn: Sealing of a husband to his wife, and of a wife to her husband, each spouse to each other. This is performed in a special sealing room on the fourth floor of the celestial temple in heaven, the throne room. This is performed by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ.

Church of Christ: Sealing of a husband to his wife, and of a wife to her husband, each spouse to each other. These are performed by one with authority holding the keys, or delegated keys from one who actively has these keys. The sealings of the wife to her husband and husband to his wife are to be fully realized when the couple is sealed in heaven by God. The sealing of children to their parents is to link the family for all the faithful in eternity, in parent-child relationships. These relationships are binding for eternity so that there will be one large family of the faithful, from Adam and Eve, the first righteous parents to all their faithful children who receive their exaltation. This is accomplished by the sealing power of Elijah, which was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. [Correction: I have learned some years later that this sealing power of Elijah was intended only for Baptisms for the Dead, and not for temple sealings of marriages. See D&C 128:15,18, and my notes in Moses 6:51-53,59-68. The sealing of a husband to his wife, and a wife to her husband, and only the exalted children from mortal families on earth to their parents, is done by one of our Gods in the celestial temple on the celestial orb. This is done so that the earth will not be utterly wasted at the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, as spoken of by Malachi theprophet.

13. Malachi 4:5-6:
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

14. There is a pattern of the sealing of the husband to his wife, and the wife to her husband in the Church of Christ. It will be corrected to not only have the wife sealed to her husband as now exists, but also the husband will be sealed to his wife. This was changed without our permission after Joseph Smith the prophet died. We have, however, accepted these husband-wife sealings since they will all be reconfirmed and performed by one of us three Gods for the couple, in the celestial sealing in the temple sealing rooms in heaven. This will be corrected in the Church of Christ when Joseph the prophet restores again this church to the earth.

15. 7) Church of the Firstborn: The ordinances of the sealed couple to be a God and a Goddess in eternity. This is an ordination performed by both your Heavenly Father and me to the couple, as their final step in the Church of the Firstborn. It is done by the laying on of hands by Heavenly Father, with his eternal priesthood power, and the beaming of my love and light through my own order, to the couple, at the same time.

Church of Christ: There is not an equivalent step in the Church of Christ. However, this is alluded to at the end of the endowment ceremony where it is said: "If you are true and faithful to your covenants, the day will come when you will be chosen, called up and anointed to become kings and high priests, queens and high priestesses, whereas you are now anointed only to become such. The realization of this blessing depends upon your faithfulness."

16. Raphael, both temple ordinances in the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn are necessary for the progression of our faithful children. In the New Jerusalem, there will be both a celestial temple in the center of the city (operated by the Church of the Firstborn), and a terrestrial temple also in the city (operated by the Church of Christ).'

X. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-1-2017 Tuesday

1. Yesterday evening I came to the white gate and spoke with Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate, in the celestial world. I begged him to let me know that I was fully redeemed and clean before him. I expressed sorrow for my sins, my many weaknesses and my foibles. He listened, and then said he forgave me. He told me I was fully clean before him. He smiled at me as he spoke to me! I thanked him abundantly, and then walked down the narrow path to the tree of life.

2. I next took of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life, and took these both to the gold steps of the New Jerusalem temple, north entrance. I ate and when done, I knelt down before the steps. I prayed with both hands lifted high above my head. I lowered them three times, asking for the Father, the Mother and the Son, to all come to me in my prayer.

3. They all three came. Before I was able to speak, Jesus Christ came between my Heavenly Parents and myself. He spoke:

'Oh my Father and Mother, please accept Raphael into thy presence, for he is clean and pure before me. Accept him because of me, and because I have done no sin before thee. I have taken upon me his weaknesses and sins. Wherefore, spare him and allow him to do his great work before thee, because of my merits.'

4. Jesus then turned and smiled at me. He then rose up into the sky and was gone.

I looked at my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and they were smiling at me. I knew they had accepted me back into their presence because of the merits of the Beloved Son, who is mighty to save.

5. I thought of D&C 45:3-5. I felt this is exactly what Jesus, the Great Redeemer, has done for me! I will feel ever grateful to him for his atonement, for his suffering that he has wrought for me, to redeem me and bring me back into the presence of my Heavenly Parents!

6. D&C 45:3-5:
"Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him—

Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;

Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life."

7. Yesterday when moving my daughter and her husband, we moved up and down steps all morning. I realized then that the seven gold steps that ascend and descend over the height of 5 1/2 ft are taller steps than the normal 7 to 7 1/2-in steps I am used to. The temple steps are about 9 1/2-in tall. I received the impression that the reason these are taller steps is because they represent a journey that has taken hard work, and much effort to attain. Each step is prepared for the growth of the candidate, as they enter into the Church of the Firstborn, on their path to eternal life and exaltation.

I then was before my Heavenly Parents, in the font room of the New Jerusalem temple. I expressed gratitude for the privilege to be in their presence. I then waited upon God.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. He and Heavenly Mother were standing in their glory before me, on the gold floor in front of the font. Here is what he said:

'Raphael, we are pleased that you are back in our presence, and have been redeemed by the merits and suffering of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You have our important mission to fulfill before us, in constructing this beautiful holy temple and of bringing the Church of the Firstborn to the earth.

9. We have shown you how the new member of our celestial church is received into this Church of the Firstborn. You are worthy and clean to prepare the special waters of separation to be used in this ordinance in this font room. You will take a red heifer and slay it on the stone alter. You will then burn its entire body on the altar, in front of this temple. Then you will take the ashes and carefully gather and store them. You will take living water and pour this over a part of the ashes, making waters of purification that will be used in the sprinkling process, in the waters of separation ordinance. When the candidate is sprinkled with this water, and you and Oriphiel complete this ordinance, we will consider our new member clean and pure before us, and a new member of the Church of the Firstborn. Oriphiel will then write their name in the Lamb's Book of Life. This ordinance represents the first gold step leading into this temple, and leading down into the font.

10. The new member then will proceed to receive their next steps 2 to 5 in the southern part of this temple. Step 6 will be performed in our own temple in heaven. Step 7, the final step, will be an ordination on the celestial earth where our exalted couple will receive their inheritance.

11. When the new member comes into the temple for steps 2 to 5, they may come with their spouse, family and friends if they would like. This is arranged with the angels of God. Each member needs to be resurrected to a celestial glory before these steps happen in their progression.

12. The members are brought through the two gold doors behind us, opened by the angels, or brought separately by the angels and invited into the entry room. Here they are instructed and given a white shield to cover their bodies. The women then exit to the southwest door, and the men to the southeast door. From here they go into individual changing rooms, and remove their resurrection robes (given when they are resurrected), and place the shield over their bodies. They have no other clothing on. The shield is open on the sides, yet fully covers their nakedness during the next three steps in the temple.

13. The women exit the dressing room to the west through a door, and the men exit their dressing room to the east. The rooms they pass through are similar but on different sides of the temple: the west rooms are for the female members, and the east rooms are for the male members.

14. The first room the members enter is the washing room. Here angels of the same gender ceremonially wash the body and spirit of the resurrected member, under their shield.

15. The member then proceeds through a door to the second room, the anointing room. If the member has not yet become a high priest or a high priestess, they receive this ordination at this time. They then are anointed to be a king or a queen, a high priest or a high priestess, to rule and reign in the house of Israel forever. This anointing is performed with holy olive oil pressed from olives grown in the celestial world and consecrated by the angels.

16. The member then exits through a door to the west for women, and to the east for men. In this room they are given a white robe of exaltation, prepared for them by their Heavenly Parents. They are asked to go to a private area to remove the shield and place their new robe over their body. They leave the shield for use of others. Their robe of exaltation, however, remains on them forever. The angels then bless the robed member and instruct them.

17. At this point, the robed member is asked to exit through a gold door on the south wall. He or she then enters into the large endowment room. Both men and women are gathered in this room. They may sit together as couples and in families. The chairs are elegant throne chairs for each to sit in, facing the seven pillars and veil to the south. There is one row of chairs, so each is in the front.

18. Once all are seated, the angels instruct the group what will happen. Next a vision opens up to each member on the white veil of the temple, which also acts as a portal.

The members then see in vision how the first Gods came to be in the beginning. They see how they used their creative powers to propagate their own posterity, create animals and plants, and worlds without number. The members witness the origin of the great plan of salvation, or the plan of happiness. They receive a direct witness of how this all came to be in the beginning.

19. Next the lives of their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are portrayed. They see how they progressed in their premortal, mortal and post-mortal journeys. Members are to consider themselves as if they were Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They also see a vision of their own birth and journey in their own premortal, mortal and post-mortal journeys up to this point, and then into their future lives as Gods and Goddesses They receive a revelation of all things that pertain to their own lives. They see their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, his sacrifice for them individually, and their redemption. They see how the plan of happiness has been operative in their own lives.

20. When their vision and instructions are completed, they are asked to come to the veil of the temple. One member comes between each pillar, and they are tested of their knowledge of the tokens and signs at the veil. There is no opening in the veil, but they extend their hands and arms through the veil. Either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother is on the other side of the veil to test their knowledge, and then to receive them into their presence.

21. When they are admitted into the presence of God, they enter the third permanent portal in the temple, into the celestial temple in heaven. They arrive in the entry area on the north side of that temple. The members are free to roam on all the first and fourth floors of the temple, either alone or with their spouse, family and friends.

22. When done, they then exit by the power of their thoughts into the temple exit room in the New Jerusalem temple. This room has chairs and couches, and is a waiting room. It also has the two large gold exit doors to the south that allow exit from the temple. Outside are the seven descending gold steps and the outside grounds of the temple.

23. The sixth step is a sealing of the couple in the sealing rooms of the temple. The husband is sealed to his wife, and the wife is sealed to her husband for eternity by God–either Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ. None of the members have this done until the last one leaves the temple, and completes step 5. You will be the last one resurrected to a celestial resurrection Raphael, and the last one to complete your eternal temple experience in the New Jerusalem temple.

24. When you complete your own step 5 in the New Jerusalem temple, then all of the robed members are able to receive their sealing as couples before God in the heavenly temple.

25. Finally, once step 6 is completed for all, each couple receives their inheritance on the celestial and exalted earth where they themselves have experienced their mortal probation. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both perform the final 7th step, as the couple is ordained to be a God and Goddess, from eternity to eternity!

26. Once all of the elect are exalted, then the remainder of God's children are judged and assigned their glory to the kingdom of glory they were willing to receive. In the end, after all God's children are assigned and receive their kingdoms, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are again alone, just the two of them, on their celestial orb. They then close out their current eternity, and make plans for their next eternity, worlds without number.

27. Raphael, such is the process of exalting our righteous children. Your participation and mission is critical in our plan to fulfill all our desires for our elect children who will become like us in eternity.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful explanation to me! I prayed whether I had written this down according to his desire, and whether it was acceptable before him. I could see him smile and accept it as if from his own mouth. It has taken me an hour to write all of his words in my journal this morning.

Y. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-2-2017 Wednesday

1. This morning in my prayer, I met with my Heavenly Parents at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I approached them humbly, seeking their guidance and information. I waited for them to respond.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me all about more details of the seven steps into the Church of the Firstborn. Here is what she said:

'Raphael, I want to share with you more details of what you will do in the New Jerusalem when you bring the heirs of the Church of the Firstborn into our celestial temple.

3. At the beginning of each temple day, Oriphiel will give you a list of those appointed to receive their initial ordinance of the waters of separation. You will confirm by the Spirit that these individuals on this list have been prepared and are waiting, in turn, outside the temple entrance.

4. You will then take the list, and open wide both gold temple entrance doors. You will then exit and stand on the top gold step and ask those below to come forth up the steps, whose names you read from your list from Oriphiel. They are listed in family groups and friends who love each other, and have deep connections. Spouses will always come together.

5. Invite the first group to ascend the seven gold steps, and come inside the temple. As they enter, invite each to surround the oval font at the main floor level. When all in this group are inside, close the gold doors of the temple and descend into the font, standing on the silver floor next to the basin. You then will instruct this group on what will happen as you and Oriphiel perform the ordinance of the waters of separation for each individual, one at a time.

6. Invite the first one on the list to descend the seven gold steps to be next to you in the font. Invite that individual to kneel on one or both knees, and then perform the ordinance for them, as our Beloved Son Jesus Christ will show you, when you receive it from him yourself.

7. When completed, invite the new member to ascend the seven gold steps to the south to where Oriphiel is seated. Oriphiel will allow the new member to witness for himself or herself that their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

8. You will also have designated two individuals from the group to be witnesses for the ordinance. They will confirm that it was performed on that day, and give their names to Oriphiel to record next to the new member's name in the Book of Life.

9. In this manner, perform the waters of separation ordinance for each individual in the group, one at a time. When finished, ask them which portal they would like to exit to, either the one on the east which is the circling waters portal, or the one to the west which is God's Loving Healing Center portal, both into the celestial world. The party may go as a group to either one or both.

10. Walk then to the portal(s) of choice, and open the glass-like doors for them to enter. When the group has all departed you will then be left alone again with Oriphiel. Then go to the next person and group on the list and repeat the process again.

In this manner you will welcome and receive our beloved children who have been called and chosen by Jesus Christ to enter into our Church of the Firstborn.

11. A similar procedure occurs for those who are received into this temple for steps 2 to 5. An angel of God is given a list of individuals who have their appointment in the temple that day for these ordinance steps of washing, anointing, robing and of endowment. The angel of the Lord will appear to each in the group and invite them to come to the front steps of the temple, as a group. When ready, that angel will appear to them and normally bring them by teleporting with the group into the entry room inside the temple. Alternatively, they may enter the front gold doors and enter through the font room.

12. Once in place, the same angel will give instructions for the men to go to private changing rooms to the men's section, and women to private changing rooms to the women's section. The angels will have prepared bags into which their current resurrected robes will be placed, and will also have a fabric shield for each of them to place over their resurrected body. Everyone in this group will have already received the waters of separation ordinance, and will also have been resurrected to a glorious celestial resurrection.

13. When individuals in this group are washed, anointed, and robed in their new robes of exaltation, and receive their endowment, they are received into the presence of God and into the portal of the temple in heaven. The angels will then have moved their individual bags containing their resurrected robe into an area in the exit room, on the south central side of the temple portal area, behind the veil.

14. When the newly robed members have completed with their experience in the temple in heaven, then they may gather again together in the exit room. They will retrieve their bags and exit together out the gold exit doors of the temple, and descend the seven gold steps to the temple grounds outside the temple of the New Jerusalem.

15. Raphael, in this manner we wish our beloved children to receive their first five steps on their path to their exaltation in our kingdom. Once all have completed this process, you and your loved ones in your own group will finally go through the temple. Yours will be the last group.

16. When you enter into the celestial temple portal in heaven, all of our children who have been called and chosen will meet us in our throne room in our temple in heaven. These will all have completed the first five steps in their progression in the Church of the Firstborn. We will then instruct all on the next two steps of the seven steps.

17. We will then begin to seal couples in our sealing rooms off of the throne room. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I will perform this sealing for all, one couple at a time, until all have been sealed for eternity upon eternity.

18. The final step seven will be done once each couple is rewarded with their inheritance on the celestial earth. Both Heavenly Father and I will ordain the couple to be a God and a Goddess in their own kingdom, to start their own eternity together.

19. Raphael, please share this information with those mortal angels who have accepted you as the one through whom revelation comes to the Church of the Firstborn, and accepts you as one who has received the keys for this knowledge as revealed to you from us, your Heavenly Parents. We are very pleased to reveal these truths that have been hidden from before the world began, now revealed in the fulness of times!'

Z. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-3-2017 Thursday

1. Last night in my prayer, Heavenly Father told me my website posts that I had just finished typing up (up to yesterday) were sufficiently accurate for them, and that I should aim to send out the next web post on 8-8, next Tuesday, August 8th. The post will go to those who have written me and sustained me as Heavenly Mother has stated. There is only 5 days left before everyone who has not written me are cut off from my website, or those who have written me that cannot sustain me are cut off. I am starting to see the wisdom in this, since the revelations on the New Jerusalem are very elaborate and great. If all would have access to this information, and didn't believe it really, it would be perhaps condemning to them, and like casting pearls before swine (although mortal angels are hardly like swine!). I think God wants a group who is believing and supportive, and not a group that is mostly waffling between opinions.

2. I have also noticed the recurrence of the numbers three and seven in the temple area. I know these are Godly numbers.

Occurrences of the numbers three and seven:

3 rooms in the north end of the temple
3 of the same sized doors in the font room area
7 ascending and descending steps, on the entrance and exit of the temple, and also in the font area
3 circling gold paths in the temple square garden area
7 spires on the temple roof
7 room divisions in the center of the temple
7 pillars at the veil
3 circular areas where living water flows around (the altar and 2 trees)
3 portals to heaven in the temple

3. In my morning prayer, after I had prepared myself well, I found myself on the top large entry step of the New Jerusalem temple looking north. I could see the fountain of living water, the altar and table, and the two trees of life. I could also see the northern part of the gardens in front of me, and a portion of the city of the New Jerusalem, out to the distant walls at its border.

4. I knelt on the steps, raised my hands in the attitude of mighty prayer, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come commune with me.

I then saw a glorious light slowly descend to me from the skies. When the light rested upon me, my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me, shining brightly. I looked into their soft eyes and smiling faces.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to commune with you this morning! We are also pleased with your journal and pre-post entries. After editing, they are sufficiently accurate for you to share with the mortal angels who have or will support you as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn is given and verified. You are clean and acceptable before us at this time.

6. We have sufficiently shown you the details of the construction of the New Jerusalem temple, gardens, and overall layout of the city. We have also showed you details of how we wish the ordinances and procedures to occur in our celestial temple. You have meticulously recorded what we have shared with you by revelation. No man could have written what you have recorded without the Spirit of God resting upon him in mighty revelation!

7. We now wish to show you more details of the 24 temples that are in the New Jerusalem. These buildings have various purposes. They also serve as a pattern for other cities of Zion that will be scattered throughout the earth. We will first show you all about these 24 temples in this city and then how they should provide a pattern for other cities of Zion.

Stop now, Raphael, and write what I have just shared with you in your personal journal. When finished, we will continue.'

8. I then wrote my entry this morning to this point. I next went back to listening to my Heavenly Mother. She spoke again:

'Raphael, stand and walk with us along the eastern canal and river to the six eastern temples!'

9. I then stood and walked between my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Mother was on my left. We moved quickly to the wide road just outside the temple square area. We walked across the street and came to a path or sidewalk on the northern side of the eastern river of living water. We came to the first temple building on the north, and walked down the pathway to this first temple.

10. The pathway was stone, very precisely laid, like polished tiles. There was green grass on either side with garden and tree areas beyond that. There was an open small channel of living water coming from the river and extending to a lovely fountain in front the first temple. The fountain water projected into the air about 10 ft or so, and the return water came back to the river in a hidden pipe under the open small channel.

11. There were three stone steps to the front of the building. There were two side-by-side large doors, each 4 ft wide by 7 ft tall, hinged on the sides. There was a handle on each door in the center. I saw that an elevated porch was immediately in front of this entrance. Next we walked to the east of the building.

12. The entire building was constructed of beautiful smooth stone, very expertly built. The corners were of different coloring than the darker stone of the temple itself was 100 ft wide by 200 ft deep by 50 ft tall. It was set back 100 ft from the pathway in front of the eastern river.

13. There were beautiful windows with stained glass or other art glass in them. These seemed on each story of the temple. The grass and flowers and paths extended around the sides and back of the temple.

14. In the back there was another door and porch with steps similar to the front. I saw pools of water and beautifully landscaped areas surrounding this temple.

The room on the temple was gabled, and a single spire was above the front entrance on top of the roof. It was similar in shape to the tallest spire in the New Jerusalem celestial temple, it was 100 ft in height (150 ft from the ground.)

15. I saw that this temple was so very beautiful and exquisitely constructed to last a millennium. I was taken by the beauty of the surroundings as we circled the temple on the path that went around it.

16. We came again to the front porch. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, each of the 24 temples have a similar construction and layout. Each is also for a different function. We will share more with you later this week about these 24 terrestrial temples.'

17. She and Heavenly Father then departed, and I found myself by my bed writing all of this down in my journal. I thanked her in prayer and started my day. I am excited to receive more this week!

AA. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-4-2017 Friday

1. This morning I received more information about the New Jerusalem 24 temples. I was in prayer before the first temple to the east, just north of the east river and path. Heavenly Father spoke to me there, and he and Heavenly Mother walked around the first temple and showed me more details. He answered my detailed questions. These are all in my mind now, and are mostly about the structure and design of the building and the surrounding area.

Sketch from my journal, of one of the 24 temples

Sample terrestrial temple, one of 24 by the east river of living water

2. These temples all face one of the rivers of living water. The one I walked around was facing south to the east river, and was the first temple on the north side of the river.

Some temples have three floors, and some have two floors. I believe all have a perimeter foundation and a basement area.

3. The windows are on the sides of the temple, and are 5 rows of windows per floor, 5 ft by 5 ft in size. I am not sure of the type of windows these are, but I think they all vary in design and clarity. It probably depends on the purpose of that temple. There are no basement windows. The front and back of each temple has no windows. These areas each have silver steps, three steps of normal height, and these are all silver.

4. The entry and exit doors are also silver, 4 ft wide by 7 ft tall, double doors (opening 8 ft wide by 7 ft tall), and hinged on the sides with three silver plated steel hinges. There is a silver path leading up to the steps from the fountain and the path next to the east river. These paths are stone-edged, similar to the paths in the temple square area, but are silver not gold. They are 12 ft wide. The silver is about 1-in thick on the path and on the steps and porch.

5. The fountain is 50 ft from the front path and 50 ft from the front door. It also has a circular shape, with the silver path going around it, similar to the temple square design around the fountain, two trees of life, and altar area.

There are stone paths around the temple going to the sides and the back. These are straight. On either side are beautifully landscaped areas with grass, flowers, trees and such.

6. There is one spire on each temple on the front of the roof. It is 50 ft square on each side at the base, and 100 ft tall. There is a solid silver pyramid on top of the spire, with an internal lightning rod. The silver pyramid is 12-in tall, similar to the gold pyramids on the celestial temple.

7. The temple is set back 100 ft from the closest edge of the path in front of the river of living water. There is 150 ft between adjacent temples, and 75 ft from the path on the side of the outer temples. Each temple is 100 ft wide by 200 ft deep and 50 ft tall to the corner of the roof. The gable is raised another 15 ft above the center and the roof overhangs the front and sides. There are gutters all around. The roof is of darker material than the sides of the temple.

8. The four corners of the temple are of rough stone I believe, and are lighter in color. The sides of the temple are smooth stone. All is very precision work.

9. There is a rough stone edge on the outside where the foundation is located. Since there is a basement, there is an edge foundation 12-in in thickness to support the 12-in thick stone walls. The outside perimeter foundation comes up two feet above the ground where the smooth wall begins and is attached. The height of the three steps is 21-in (7-in high steps), and an entry step of 3-in into the main floor of the temple. This floor is flush with the wall-foundation joint. Inside, the floor is of wood construction throughout the temple. There may be heavy wooden or steel beams as necessary underneath the flooring. I have yet to go inside, but just perceived this design as I observed from the outside.

10. I believe the temples are all made of the same glistening stone from which the celestial temple is made. I didn't see any precious stones or jewels on the outside of the temple like I did on the celestial temple.

AB. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-5-2017 Saturday

1. This morning and last night in my prayer, I was privileged to go inside one of the 24 temples with my Heavenly Parents! They had me stand and walk between them as we entered the first eastern temple, which we had been walking around for several days now.

2. As we walked up the silver path to the silver doors, I noticed that the fountain was also made of silver–all of it! I then thought that the fountain of living water, in front of the celestial temple was all made of gold. I felt confirmed in this revelation too.

We walked up the three steps on the wide silver porch, and then entered the two silver doors.

3. The inside of the first of 24 temples was completely breathtakingly beautiful inside! This one had a main floor, two upper floors and a basement. There was a reception desk as we entered, out of beautifully carved wood. There were wooden and overstuffed chairs placed in the entry area.

4. I next saw the beautiful stairs leading immediately up to the next floor–at the front of the building. The next set of stairs ascended to the third floor in this same general location from the second floor. We walked up the stairs–very open and beautiful with polished wooden railings.

5. On the third floor, we entered a hallway and walked by the third floor windows to the second of two very large rooms, like chapels. We entered and stood at the back, looking north. There was a raised section and a podium, like an LDS chapel. The ceiling was angled with the slope of the roof, so that the center of this chapel was vaulted to about thirty feet high. There were benches facing the podium. There were lights that one could turn on I thought, of some sort to illuminate the chapel.

6. We walked out the other side and then south down the hallway on the west side. There was another similar chapel area we passed in the center of this top floor, similar to the one we passed through on the end.

We walked then to the second floor, down the stairs we had come up. I saw one large office or classroom. It seemed that the ceiling was about 15 ft tall or so–and all so beautifully constructed.

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have shown you the interior of part of one of the 24 terrestrial temples. The structure of each building is the same on the outside. However, some have three floors and some two floors, and all have a basement. Each temple has a different function, whether to include a chapel, an assembly hall, offices for administration, classrooms, lodging rooms for visitors, areas in which to feed and hosts guests, and more. Our servant, John the Beloved, will decide what the purpose of each building will be, and will work with you in construction of the interior to meet his needs. He is the king of the New Jerusalem, and will reign over all the administrative functions.

8. You, Raphael, are charged to build our beautiful city, the New Jerusalem. You will build the celestial temple and all of the temple square area, these 24 temples, and will be responsible for the overall layout of the city. Your efforts will also focus on establishing the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, centered in this city, and the celestial temple at its center.

9. We will no longer show you more concerning these 24 temples, for we have sufficiently shown you enough details for now. We want you to complete your next post, and then send it next Tuesday to those who sustain and support you. We will continue to be with you, on your right hand and on your left.'

10. Heavenly Mother then embraced me! She held me close, then withdrew and placed her two hands on my shoulders as she smiled broadly at me. Heavenly Father then came and embraced me too! He told me he loved me.

11. They then withdrew a step, and started going up to the ceiling and then were gone. I was back at my bed, kneeling in prayer. I completed my prayer, thanking them for this communion today with then. I closed my prayer and started writing all of this down in my personal journal. I am now ready for the day!

AC. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-6-2017 Sunday

1. Yesterday was very enjoyable. We had some family over, and ate outside and swam in our above-ground pool. The water was 90 degF (all from solar heating)! We had a very pleasant visit!

When I went to bed last night, I was pretty tired. I had prepared myself for my prayer, and felt I went in the sky above the north entrance to the New Jerusalem. I could see the entire city from my vantage point. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, and they both came to me, in the skies above the city. I waited upon God.

2. Heavenly Father then addressed me:

'Raphael, we have shown you the temple and city of the New Jerusalem over these past few weeks. The revelations and details are sufficient for you now to bring you to an understanding of the overall design. You also see more clearly your mission to build this beautiful city, and to establish the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. We have shared with you how both needs to be established and built up.

3. Raphael, anytime you wish, you may come to the future state of the New Jerusalem. We will also come with you to guide and direct you. However, we have other issues to show you, and won't be telling you further of these things unless you directly inquire of us.'

At that time, I lost awareness of my unconscious self and ended my prayer.

4. This morning I felt to write these things before I began my morning prayer.

As I was preparing for my prayer, I was by the sapling tree of life in current time, in the celestial world next to the temple of God. The trunk of the tree was 15-in in diameter; the spread of the branches and leaves was 30 ft wide and 20 ft tall. I didn't see any fruit on it, so I went to the mother tree of life. It was 60-in in diameter; the spread was 99 ft wide at the widest point and 45 ft tall. It was more of a sprawling tree than a tall tree. I partook of the white fruit and of one of the leaves from this tree of life.

5. This morning I prayed in the field north of the river representing Jesus Christ. My Heavenly Parents came before me. I looked into their pleasing eyes and faces. I then went down their bodies with my spiritual eyes, and saw their capes blowing in the breeze slightly. I remember this now too from last night when I saw them. It seems there is a shift of some sort in the directions my prayers and revelations will now turn.

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, our son, we are glad that you have completed your introductory instruction on the New Jerusalem and on the Church of the Firstborn. We are glad to meet with you today in this field next to our temple and the river representing Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son.

7. Raphael, once Tuesday arrives, 8-8-2017, go through your website and change the access password for all the mortal angels who have not written you in support. For those who have written you, counsel between you and ourselves, to verify that their heart and mind are fully aligned with us. Then share your website post with them, which contains much information on the New Jerusalem and the Church of the Firstborn. Remove the link to the angel login on your website. Alternatively, you may email each person the webpage, which has information they may have access to. Please do this for newly introduced healing angels like Angela Teachout. We do not want to overwhelm anyone who just recently contacted you, with too much information all at once.

8. Once you cut off those who do not support you, who are mortal angels, we will trouble them in their spiritual connection with us. There are some who have plans to take a lead in this work, without our express approval. We will, however, work through you as the head and the lead in this great work. We wish each to sustain you as the only one through whom revelation and direction comes to the Church of the Firstborn. They may receive revelation for this church, but it has to be approved and sanctioned through you, who will approve it through us your God. In this way we will keep the doctrine pure.

9. There are some mortal angels who need to be more humble, supplicating us, their Heavenly Parents, for direction, and not rely on their own beliefs or perceived direction. Satan wishes to circumvent their true communion with us, and will do what he can to mislead them. Continue to pray for these, your fellow brother and sister angels that their hearts and minds become clear again and become humble before us. Our work will prevail, and we will use our holy angels in mighty power, those who are humble and seek us sincerely.'

10. I then saw my Heavenly Parents step back and leave into the heavenly sky above. I then confirmed each of those who wrote to sustain me, as Heavenly Mother instructed. I made a mental note, and will later write their names down. I am now ready to start this beautiful Sabbath day!

11. Later:
I listened to a podcast from Julie Rowe about fear energy. I thought it was very good. I want to eliminate areas that I associate with fear. . .

These fears are real, but of varying amounts of fear. I just push these fears away now, and try to replace them with positive truths that create happy feelings, thereby replacing fear energy. I also trust fully in my God to lead me along. This replaces fear, which is from the adversary and not from God.

12. Last night I added images to my post. It is very lengthy. I hope it is not too long. I have yet to type in my journal entries from Saturday, today and tomorrow. My sister K said she would send me the edits tomorrow.

13. Later, after sacrament:
My wife and I attended a local ward for sacrament meeting today. I visualized I was in the field just north of the tree of life, on the north side of the river representing Jesus Christ. I made my covenant in my mind in this field, and waited upon my Heavenly Parents. They both came, and were smiling. Their capes were no longer blowing in the wind.

14. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke while in front of me, with my Heavenly Mother on his side:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

15. This is a different covenant than the priest offered in his prayer that is for the members of the church. We have inspired you to adapt these words to remember us, your Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments. This is a covenant for you who are an angel, who report directly to us, and work in the celestial realms. This same covenant should be used by the mortal angels who attend their weekly sacrament meetings.

16. The mortal angels who do not sustain you as the one through whom revelation for the Church of the Firstborn comes and is approved will have some customized trials in the near future. We will do this to bring each to a place in which we wish them to be. They need to each be humble and receive direction from us, being obedient to us and not from their own thoughts.'

AD. R's Personal Journal Entry, 8-7-2017 Monday

1. I received an email from a mortal angel this morning. She asked:

'R, can we continue to receive emails if we have not yet received the confirmation? Can our emails be confidential?'

2. In my prayer this morning, I again found myself in the same field as yesterday, in the celestial world above. My Heavenly Parents came. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we stand ready to confirm each angel who comes to us, in the sincerity of their heart, in humility and openness. The one praying needs to be able to receive our word, acting in full faith and confidence. In many cases, our child needs to come to a position to hear and feel our words. Raphael, in every case, we confirm to them that you are our archangel Raphael, and have been given this great mission to establish the Church of the Firstborn, and to receive revelation from us for our celestial church. We will continue to work with each one who continues in faith and prayer. We require their heart and mind, and a commitment to follow what we tell them.

3. You have been faithful and true to us. Send out your post only to those who sustain you. Remove the login passwords from those who do not sustain you.' "