131. The Veils
Posted 8-8-2019


Today you will read about the veils that protect the higher spiritual realms. It is very interesting to me, and I am sure that it will be to you also. There is more about veils coming in the next post also that I have already received.

Please pray about all of this, and verify that this is from our Gods.


P.S. I have included some images of other flowers that are now in bloom in our yard. Anyone know what flowers these are called?

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 28, 2019, Sunday

1. At church–My wife and I attended our own sacrament meeting at noon today. During the sacrament, I went to the forest pool where I was this morning in my prayer. As the sacrament hymn ended in the ward, I was looking into the clear pool in the celestial orb. I wondered if I could see the reflection of Heavenly Mother like I saw last night before she came? At that moment I felt like I was falling into the pool, and then I passed right through it! I then found myself standing before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who were both in front of me smiling!

2. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents right then. Back in the ward, I partook of the sacrament bread. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.'

3. I then marveled how I had fallen into the forest pool and ended up in front of them!

I then heard the voice of my Heavenly Mother in my mind: 'Raphael, we have brought you into our highest celestial realm, where we dwell. This is where the Gods dwell, or those whom they quicken to come into their presence.

4. You passed into this realm through our highest celestial veil because we quickened you and brought you here! I want to share with you all about our veils that protect higher realms from a lower realm, even when these realms are superimposed on each other. Come to me when you are able and I will share this revelation with you. When you come, start writing and I will bring my words into your mind.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their words. I then listened to the talks and wrote what I could of my experience at the sacrament today in my pocket journal.

6. I am now in my home after church, and have written this account to this point. Here are the words of Heavenly Mother that are now coming into my mind about the veils over the spiritual realms that she promised:

'Raphael, you came into our highest celestial realm today through the highest celestial realm veil. We quickened you so that you could pass by this veil. Had we not done so, you could not have entered, for this is the realm where the Gods dwell. In our galaxy, all of those who are Gods who have been ordained to this power, who are our own children, may freely pass into this highest celestial realm. They have the keys and powers to pass through this highest veil.

7. However, on our celestial orb there is normally only your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I who are free to pass into our highest realm, for the other Gods have moved onto their own domains and galaxies, or into their own celestial resurrected earths that orbit our celestial orb.

8. There are other veils that we have created that are associated with other glories. You now live in the lowest telestial glory or world. In this realm, you may live your life without the realization of any higher realm, for you cannot see into these spiritual realms. They are protected by a veil that restricts entrance into that glory from a lower glory.

9. To enter into the terrestrial glory, one in the telestial needs to be quickened to the terrestrial glory and pass through the veil of the terrestrial. The veil is an actual tangible thing, made from elemental matter. Its function is to allow those of that terrestrial glory to pass and to also restrict those of the telestial so that they don't pass or see into that realm of glory.

10. Similarly, there is a celestial veil that keeps those of the telestial and terrestrial from entering into or seeing into the celestial order. Were the lower allowed to enter into the celestial, he/she would need to be quickened to the celestial glory by us, their Gods who control access to each of our kingdoms of glory. To reside permanently in a kingdom of glory, the one assigned to live there is given keys and powers by ordination from us or our servants who have been ordained to that power.

11. Our kingdoms are administered with great order and purpose, controlled with access privileges given to those who come there by ordination.

12. One who has received a key to enter the celestial kingdom, also receives keys to enter a lower degree of glory, even that of the terrestrial and telestial. One who has keys to enter and live in the terrestrial may also enter into the lower telestial glory. However, their access to the lower glory is determined by their mission to administer to the lower also. Therefore, if one has keys to enter and live in the celestial but has no keys of administration to serve those of the lower kingdoms of glory, then they are constrained to remain in the celestial glory. This same principle applies to those who dwell in the terrestrial glory.

13. There are therefore three veils that separate our spiritual realms: the highest celestial glory veil, the celestial veil, and the terrestrial veil.

14. We who are your Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, have purpose in keeping our children within their own glory and not seeing into the other realms, unless they have a mission to administer to those of a lower glory. If they do, we commission them in their administrations, either under our own hands or by our servants.

15. Raphael, you and our holy angels have access to our celestial realms. You administer to those of the celestial, terrestrial and telestial who are of our elect in those realms. You have keys and powers to come into our celestial realms, and pass through the veils of this kingdom or realm. You also have a mission to administer to the elect in those lower kingdoms. You do not have power to come into our highest celestial realm unless we quicken you and bring you through our highest celestial realm. We brought you through today at the sacrament meeting in order to teach you about the veils of our spiritual realms.

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words she just now gave me. I am so appreciative of her abundant revelations to me!

17. Evening–Tonight I came again to the forest pool. I really like this place! Regardless of my own feelings, I felt I should come here. I came in front of the pool, and knelt by its side to drink living water from its source. I felt clarified and ready to commune again with God in prayer. This has been a very enjoyable and relaxing and quiet Sabbath day for me also. I prayed then on my knees for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

18. Heavenly Father came walking to me through the trees from the other side of the pool. He had a soft glow coming from his being. He arrived smiling, and stopped on the other side of the pool from me!

19. He spoke: 'Raphael, this is a lovely and quiet spot in these woods, in the borders of God's Loving Healing Center. Feel free to come here whenever you wish! This is the place that your sister Rachael comes to frequently.

20. Your experience of falling into this pool only occurred today because of our plan to admit you into our higher celestial realm. You came through a veil protecting that realm by being quickened by us. Normally, this experience would not occur to you or any others of our children, here at this forest pool.

21. Veils are created by us when we create an earth or an orb. We make them of elemental matter, as we do several other things like light or portals. These veils are not in the mind of man, but are analogous to a film or boundary of glory, to protect it from a lower realm of glory. The veil is not really a film-like substance, but it can be compared to this so that you may understand. When one of our children passes through a particular veil, they pass through this film, which allows them to pass, then shuts up behind them. This is really not a film, but acts like one that you might be familiar with.

22. All the spiritual realms are superimposed on each other, and yet entirely separate the realms of glory. On your earth, there are four realms of glory: telestial, terrestrial, celestial and our highest celestial glory. There are three veils protecting the last three realms of glory, all is planned and created this way from the beginning when the earth was created.'

23. Heavenly Father stopped speaking. I had the impression that I had received enough for today. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming and for sharing such wonderful new truths with me! I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 29, 2019, Monday

1. Another week is before me, and another month in a few days also. I have really enjoyed the greater understanding that comes from veils that was revealed to me yesterday. I wonder if we, who are mortal angels, have always in reality been working in the celestial realm, even right after our birth on earth? We would surely have two veils between us and the celestial realms. If we who are angels, had been commissioned to work in this celestial realm, even from the beginning of man on this earth, then our spirits were in that realm in a replicated state, while our new bodies and spirits were experiencing mortality. Our unconscious mind accompanied our replicated spirits that were laboring as celestial angels in the celestial realms on the earth.

2. After I became consciously aware of God's presence and saw them in the celestial realm on the earth during my energy class in 2013, I then began being taught by my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, even in my conscious mind, while in the celestial realms, either around the earth or on the celestial orb. I started becoming translated to a celestial glory, for that is what mortal angels are translated to. Now that I am fully translated, my translated celestial body can be replicated in the celestial glory and not just my spirit. I think this reasoning is all correct–I would like to have confirmed that this is all true in my prayer this morning, God willing!

3. I came into the celestial realm, on the celestial orb at the circling waters. I tried to detect the veil separating me from the highest celestial realm, but could not. I couldn't "see" any lower veil as well. I guess the veils are invisible to man in whatever realm they are in.

4. I knelt by the shore of the waters, and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt clarified, and then was mentally ready to commune with my Gods. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

5. Heavenly Mother then came walking to me, from a realm that she appeared from. She passed into the celestial realm where I was located, from a higher realm, for she came walking to me and suddenly appeared.

6. Soon she was right in front of me, above the water! She was smiling and very radiant! I felt her light pass through me so that I had that transparent feeling again. I felt to bask in her light, and felt clearly her love and acceptance!

7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what you have just written in your journal about our veils is true. You only perceive a veil when you pass through it into the realm of a higher glory. In your case this morning, your mortal translated body remained in the telestial world, but your celestial translated body, which is replicated, from your mortal translated body, is in the celestial realms. There are two veils separating your mortal translated state from your celestial translated state. You have passed through these veils so often now that you don't even realize that these veils are there! Your connection between your conscious mind, which resides in your mortal telestial state, is able to connect to your unconscious mind, which is active in the celestial world. Your unconscious mind is still in your mortal mind also on earth, but works behind the scenes, which is common to all mankind.

8. You also have movement between the telestial and celestial by means of your own portal. This also is part of your spirit, and will always be with you. It allows you to pass from realm to realm, and to do your work seamlessly, even without awareness that you pass through the two veils protecting the celestial realm from the telestial realm. Both the veils and portals are tangible things, but are only material with no spirit. Veils and portals are not living beings, but they are real since we created them from elemental matter.

9. When the earth was created, we also created the spiritual realms and the veils on the earth. When the earth dies, before it is resurrected, the veils will also vanish away as the earth dies and is consumed by fire. When resurrected, the earth will become the abode for the Gods, and will have two veils, that of the celestial and that of the highest celestial glory. To those of a lower order than the celestial or highest celestial glories, the earth will appear as a star, glowing in brilliance. However, to the Gods or to those quickened to the highest celestial glory, they will pass through this highest celestial veil into the highest celestial realm on the resurrected earth. To the spirits of the Gods who are born to them and reside in their lands of inheritance on the celestial earth they will reside in the celestial glory on the earth. These spirits will not be able to see into the highest celestial glory They will also be confined to the lands of their own parent gods, so that they don't mingle with other spirits of the other couple gods residing on the resurrected earth. Confinement to a particular place in a realm of glory is normal unless that spirit or being is ordained to serve others in different locations or realms of a lower glory.

10. This all might seem very confusing at first, but the veils we have created allow our earths and orbs to house our many children on the same location, while all the time seeming to each that they do not have others nearby, on other sides of a veil. The veil allows us to have multiple spiritual realms on the same earth or orb, for each realm, is independent and separate.

11. Our first parent Gods created the first veils and first spirit realms of the different glories on their own first celestial orb and first earth. This pattern has been continued with them and their children who become gods themselves, in all of the subsequent creations of earths and orbs in the universe.

12. We who are Gods have received keys and powers of movement, which allow us to go to any realm in any of the universe. When we desire to come into the domain of another God, we first receive their permission. When received, we may visit with them, or go with them to any of their own creations. Each couple God has their own galaxy in time, which is their own domain. They also have the land of their own inheritance on their own resurrected celestial earth, which is also their domain. These two domains are theirs for eternity, where their creations may come to or live in.

13. Raphael, our creations are great and very controlled and well organized. We use veils and spiritual realms wherever we need, in order for our own purposes in creation. All of these support our overall plan for the happiness and eternal destiny of our children that we have created in our very image.

14. Your Father and I have continued to reveal to you from our heavens great truths never before fully understood by our children. However, you have been selected to reveal so many of these truths to mankind, to our elect who cherish our truths and keep our saying. All of these, our elect, will come to see eye to eye, and will be very united in truth and purpose. Their knowledge and wisdom will become great, and their understandings of us and our ways will be exceedingly expansive!'

15. I felt so very enlightened by my Heavenly Mother's words this morning! These truths have been so inspiring to me. I thanked my Heavenly Mother profusely, and felt so deeply grateful to her and Heavenly Father!

16. She then started fading away from my view, and was soon gone! I knew she had moved through the highest celestial veil into that higher realm where Gods live and dwell. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

17. Evening–I came to the beautiful desert oasis tonight. The full celestial moon was up in the dark sky and there was a pleasant soft breeze out. I could see the moon's reflection on the water. I came to the water's edge and knelt there, intending to stay there a bit before I would start my prayer. As I looked at the moon's reflection on the water, I saw a bright light increase from within the reflection, right in the center of the moon! I soon saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descending from the dark sky in glory, lighting the entire region with bright light like at noonday.

18. They both came before me on the water, right in front of the shore! They were holding hands. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stand between us and enjoy with us our evening walk!' I stood and came between my Heavenly Parents. Their light radiancy decreased to a soft glow. We then all held hands and walked in the air, under the light of the moon! I was somehow able to see us depart, but try as I could, I heard no words! I soon lost the vision and was back on earth. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 30, 2019, Tuesday

1. I came again to the desert oasis today and came to the shore. The celestial sun was warming the area and I saw no sign of the celestial moon that I had seen last night. I drank living water from the oasis from my cupped hand. I was feeling well rested and clear, ready to commune again with my loving Heavenly Parents. I then invited one or both of them to come to me.

2. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, smiling broadly! I felt her intense and radiant light flow into and through me! I felt her joy and happiness and then I felt such pleasure in being in her presence.

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I spend relaxing time together like we did last night on our evening walk. We cherish our quiet times together! Last night we enjoyed that you joined us for our evening walk. You couldn't hear us, or be with us in your conscious mind. However, we casually talked, and greatly enjoyed each other. You will one day remember what we spoke, at a future day.

3. We almost always come into the celestial realm from our higher celestial realm when we come to you on our celestial orb. We rarely now meet you in lower realms, like on your own telestial realm where you live in mortality. Usually we bring you into the celestial realm on the earth if we come to you. This is how we visited with you on April 2013 when we came to your energy class. You were quickened to be able to come into our presence, whereas the rest of the class remained in their telestial sphere and could not see us. The celestial realm is always super imposed on the telestial. In your energy class, the surroundings of your mortal world remained, only you could see and hear us, and perceived much of what we did.

4. Raphael, normally in your work, and that of our holy angels, you reside and labor for our elect in the celestial realms on the earth. The elect generally cannot see you, but you are truly next to them in order to fulfill our will in their behalf. The work of the angels is among those to whom we send you. You carry our love and Holy Spirit in all of your administrations. You have great joy in serving and helping them in the specific ways we tell you. You replicate yourself for as much as we ask so that our will is performed within a short time of our requests.

5. This labor for our elect is all done in your translated celestial body(ies). You act and move under our direction, in your unconscious mind. This process may seem strange to some, but the ways of God and of our world and realms are nonetheless real, but are hidden from mortal man.

6. When one realm resides upon another, the lower never may see into the higher realm because of the veil that exists over the higher realm. The ones in the lower realm don't see or perceive the veil, and they think they are alone in their realm. However, those who minister to them from a higher realm are among them, and come and go according to our commands. The angels have power to come in all three realms of glory, in the celestial, the terrestrial, and in the telestial. They do not control the access of our children through the veil, for we who are the Gods and parents of all our mortal children determine if they can see through the veil to the higher realms or not.

7. If we do permit our mortal children to see through a veil, they may see partially or all of what those in the higher realm may be doing. For you in your energy class in 2013, you saw partially into the celestial realms, for as much as we desired you to view. The clarity of your spiritual sight was completely lifted at times during your first encounter with me in 2013. This made such a deep impression upon your soul and you reflected upon your real experience again and again.

8. Raphael, our works and ways are much higher than man's ways! We have control over all the spiritual realms and may open or close the veils and minds of our children according to our will and purposes. We do all for the wellbeing and ultimate happiness of our children, according to their agency and desires, and our purposes and plans. We are continually seeing what our many mortal and spirit children in the spirit worlds of the dead may be doing. We love them and guide them as they allow us. We so love our elect children in these realms, for they love us, cherish our promptings, and act on what we say to them!

9. I thanked my loving and radiant Heavenly Mother for coming to me this beautiful morning! I thanked her for the great privilege to come into her celestial realm, even on her celestial orb! I feel so honored to receive God's word twice a day and to have their Spirit to be with me always while I live in my mortal body.

10. Evening–I just love summer evening in the country, when the fields and rivers cool down the heat of the day after the sun goes down! It is like this right now for me. I came to the granite cliff at the eastern end of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I could see God's temple in the distance to the west. I asked that one of my Heavenly Parents come to me tonight, in answer to my prayer.

11. Heavenly Father came to me from a cloud that opened up in front of me in the sky not far away! He was radiant and accepting of me.

12. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have worked hard and played hard, all day long, like you are trying to extract every last bit out of life! I prefer you come tomorrow here at the granite cliff, so that I may reveal to you more truths from heaven.'

I thanked him, and closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 31, 2019, Wednesday

1. I awoke very stiff and sore from working and playing hard yesterday. I had an intermittent sleep also. Nevertheless, I think I will have a connective prayer.

2. I came to the granite cliff in my Heavenly Mother's upper garden and knelt, facing the distant temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come like he said he would come last night. I then saw Heavenly Father come out of a cloud that opened up in front of me in the sky not far away. Heavenly Father was soon in front of me, smiling at me and full of light. He immediately spoke:

3. 'Raphael, you discussed with your wife yesterday how a few people in your own family get very opinionated, emotional, mentally unstable, and out of sorts on a repeated, regular basis. The best way to interact with them is not to engage in their wide mood swings and judgmental conversations. Those who do this are in poor patterns of behavior, and try to entrap and control others in their manipulations. It is helpful not to try to defend yourself or your name, for their accusations may be to engage you in an emotionally or mentally unhealthy relationship where they desire to control you or dump on you their emotional garbage. This is their underlying intent. Until they repent, humble themselves in the openness of their own heart, and come to us their Gods, they will not be able to find a cure to their behavior. Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, has suffered for their emotional sickness, and is the one who may be able to help them unravel their behavior and find better ways of interaction with their family and fellowmen. There are also people who have been trained how to help them recognize that their behavior is an emotional or mental illness, and may have methods to help them return to normal human behavior.

4. Usually the one who has the emotional or mental behavioral problems were taught these patterns in their childhood by controlling or uncaring, or emotionally or mentally sick parent(s) or relatives, who may not know they even have a problem. These issues may be passed from one generation to another. They impede the spiritual progress of the emotionally or mentally sick individual, even in the telestial world of the spirits where they end up. These destructive emotional and mental issues may be cleared from those of their ancestors by one who is a descendant and capable to release the generational issues. You, Raphael, had come to mortality with many such generational issues that have entrapped your own ancestors. You volunteered to do this for them in your pre-mortal life. You learned how to release these from your own mortal body, thereby also freeing those of your progenitors who were plagued in life and the world of the spirits. These individuals are very grateful for your service to free them of their emotional or mental issues. You have no more generational issues that you now carry.

5. Your Heavenly Mother and I have realized there are sometimes innocent children born into earthly families whose upbringing has deeply marred them in their life. These weaknesses of the flesh are varied and complex. We have determined a way that these may find relief, which primary method is to come to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, and seek relief from their problem. Some of our children may find complete healing in coming to Jesus, for their humility and sincerity is deep. In the cleansing process, they need to learn the kind and loving ways of God in order to heal.

6. However, there are others who are not strong enough to recognize their own great weaknesses, or don't know that Jesus may completely heal them. For those we have allowed one of their descendants, who is spiritually strong enough, to carry their burdens by proxy, and then unconsciously work through these issues and release these from their own body and spirit. We allow these changes that are done in the flesh to release by proxy the shackles of those who still struggle who are dead. Once the generational issue is gone, the ancestor may then be able to come to their Great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ, and finalize their complete healing and forgiveness. In these cases, their willing descendent had helped them resolve their emotional or mental sickness that they experienced in life.

7. This proxy effect of having a mortal descendent carry the emotional and mental burdens still possessed by an ancestor, or a chain of ancestors, may be difficult to understand. However, this is real and happens all the time. We allow our children in families to thereby support and help each other heal, even to previous generations in their own family lines. This selfless service of a descendent for their ancestors is one way that our children help and bless each other.

8. We encourage those in families also to help others in their own family circles who struggle with weaknesses, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues. Sometimes the burden of helping also may pull another down, which is not healthy or needful. Occasionally even avoidance may be required, or a boundary needs to be established for the protection of the ones who are healthy and balanced. Some issues in families are very caustic, and entrap innocent ones in their awful snares. These make up part of the weaknesses of the flesh that Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, described in Ether 12:27. "And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words he gave me this morning! I asked if I had recorded these properly, to which he replied I had. I am very grateful for this knowledge and truth I have been given from my Heavenly Father! I feel so blessed to have worked through trauma, weaknesses of all sorts in my life, and am still struggling with many weaknesses. These all help me remain humble. I am at awe how God still can work through me, who have great weaknesses in understanding so many things in emotional and mental areas. I feel like a novice in these areas, being untrained and growing up in a family where feelings were not much expressed or discussed. The whole area of mental illness, or all of the manipulative and weird behaviors that are so common these days, was so unknown to me, and in large part still is. I am grateful for personal family experiences that have taught me great lessons, and continue to shape me. I am very blessed to be mentored and taught from God who knows all, and whose experience is unsurpassed!

10. I knew my time in prayer had ended. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

11. Evening–We had rain for most of the day and cooler weather, quite unusual for this time of year. Tomorrow we are supposed to be back in the nineties with sunshine.

12. I am glad to come in prayer again to the celestial orb, this time to the entry foyer of God's temple. I came in the northern doors and came by the medium sized trees to the left side, next to the water channels that flowed there. I knelt on the floor, somewhat out of sight of anyone who might come through the front doors. I then asked if my Heavenly Parents, or one, might come to me.

13. Heavenly Mother appeared next to the tree by where I was kneeling and shone bright, lighting up all the floors, walls and ceiling in the foyer area of her temple. I received her bright light, which passed into and through me. I felt very clear and invigorated!

14. Heavenly Mother spoke to me in my mind: 'Raphael, you have read tonight about the difficult times that your nation will undergo, once an economic collapse occurs in your land. You read that there will be violence in the cities and widespread disruption of services that you now take for granted. The prospect seems frightening!

15. This is all true, for there will be great tribulations for all people. I would suggest to you and our elect to trust in our Spirit that will bring peace in a very troubled world! Our Spirit will also help guide our elect and their families to places of safety. Those who are not familiar with the voice of our Spirit will flounder and won't know which way to turn or what to do. However, we who are the Heavenly Parents of our children know all things and will gently guide our elect who trust in us and our Spirit.

16. There is no need to fear, for I am telling you of these events in your near future to help you prepare. Not only will food, security and shelter be needful for the survival of our elect, but emotional and spiritual strength and stability. We will greatly buoy up and inspire those who rely on us in faith. You who are our angels and celestial servants will continue to serve the faithful in secret, from celestial realms on the earth. Be of good cheer, for you will survive just fine, for you will continue to receive our inspiration and continual guidance.

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message tonight. She gave me the impression to come here tomorrow morning to receive further instructions from her. I thanked her and then got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 1, 2019, Thursday

1. I came again to the temple foyer this morning, next to the tree where I prayed last night. I knelt and drank living water flowing from the little water channel passing next to me. I felt well rested, alert, and clear in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, as she promised last night.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me in her bright glory! She was smiling and her eternity eyes were sparkling. I felt immediately accepted and loved! She reached out her hand to me. I stood and took her hand and we started walking together, hand in hand!

She spoke: 'Raphael, we have described to you, starting five days ago, about the veils that protect our higher realms. These are real and tangible film-like barriers that prevent those in a lower order from seeing and passing into the superimposed realm of a higher order. There is also a veil of sorts over the mind of man. However, this veil is not a physical veil, but resides in the mind of our sons and daughters.

3. When we send forth our beloved sons and daughters into mortality, from our higher celestial realm of glory, they no longer have direct access to their unconscious mind. Their mind becomes divided into a conscious part and an unconscious part. The unconscious part is still very active but is not available to the active thoughts of our children in their fallen, telestial state. This separation of the conscious mind and unconscious mind is also a veil for our children.

4. Our mortal children therefore are prevented from seeing into the terrestrial, celestial or the highest celestial realms because of physical veils that protect those higher realms, but also have now no direct access to their own unconscious mind. They have no spiritual sight since they can no longer actively spiritually see, nor remember their previous life, for these are part of their hidden unconscious mind. They may hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, how we have always spoken to them, but it is also not nearly so clear. They need to quiet down and in a meditative prayerful state, reconnect to their own unconscious mind to which we speak. As they practice and become used again to hearing our voice, or our Spirit, they will find that we answer their petitions, and guide them through our Spirit. Our elect children are those who seek to hear and follow our Spirit. This becomes an anchor to their souls, brings them great peace and in this way we continually lead them.

5. In their pre-mortal life, our spirit children experienced no division between their conscious and unconscious minds; for they had one mind. However, as part of their mortal test, we told them that their memories of their celestial life would be temporarily removed, and that their connection to us, their parents, would be much more difficult. Were they to casually live in mortality, they might even go their entire life without God, for it would take effort for them to communicate to us in their fallen world. The effort required would be to quiet down, be open in their conscious mind, and then to petition us in prayer in humility. We would speak to them in their hidden part of their mind, and speak to them quietly, even in their own thoughts and impressions. Our voice would be small and still, not in an audible voice, but in their thoughts and emotions, like we had almost always spoken to them in the past when they lived with us.

6. For our faithful elect, they might become accustomed to our voice of the Spirit by regular times in quiet personal prayer and meditation. The connection between their conscious mind and unconscious mind would improve and they would become familiar with our voice. Our voice of the Spirit would always be in the presence of light, for the Spirit consists of light, coupled with our emotions and our own thoughts. They would become practiced in hearing and feeling the familiar voice of the Spirit, both in their mind and in their heart. Their perceptions would improve with their diligence and care, if they did not cast it off because of their unbelief. This effort and belief would require their faith.

7. Alma 32:21, 26-27

"And now as I said concerning faith–faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.

Now, as I said concerning faith–that it was not a perfect knowledge–even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge.

But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

8. As our mortal children would exercise their belief and faith, we would continually speak to them by our Spirit. As they started to feel and hear our voice, they would know that this was all very real and perceptive. They would feel the enlightenment and swelling motions in their own heart and mind, coming to them from our Spirit. (see Alma 32:28-43)

9. This is therefore how we have established the channels of communication between God and man in mortality! It takes effort and diligence on the part of our faithful children to hear us and receive our direction and feel our love. Only the determined of our children would persist and fully receive our Spirit as their guide.

10. D&C 45:57

"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived–verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day."

11. My Heavenly Mother and I had strolled around the foyer of her temple, and were now at the open doors, looking north over her beautiful celestial orb! I could see the sun shining on the fountain of living water and reflecting off the golden altar. It was all so beautiful and very real to me! I saw this all in my unconscious mind, being enlightened by her Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. I felt very full of understanding, with clarity in seeing and perceiving of the way God communes with their sons and daughters on earth. It all so perfectly was designed as a mortal probation, to determine who of Gods' sons and daughters would make the effort to hear the voice of the Spirit and follow God's directions in their personal life.

12. I turned and thanked my very loving and happy Heavenly Mother on my left! She was so radiant and beautiful. I felt so much peace and understanding.

13. I then had my unconscious connection with my Heavenly Mother disconnected, and I was writing all of this as it happened in my personal journal. I then closed my prayer and started a new day and month of August 2019.

14. Here is an email I received from S just after I wrote in my prayer this morning. He received similar insights as I had received:

"I hope you are doing well. I felt to share my last journal entries with you from the last two days.

7-30-19 PM:

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to the desert oasis. It was nighttime and peaceful. My Heavenly Parents appeared in the air above the water with a soft glow of light around Them. I read from Raphael that only 8 received emails from 15 from 28. I asked in prayer about this. Heavenly Mother spoke," The brother of Jared pierced the veil through faith. This had not occurred prior and relatively few since that time have come before Us with such faith. The veil covers the earth and the minds of Our children. Faith and the desires of their heart are needed to rend the veil." Heavenly Father spoke," As Our children exercise faith, We will lead them in paths of peace and righteousness and they will grow in the light of truth. Press forward with faith in Christ and We will lead you along."

I was grateful for Their message and closed my prayer.

7-31-19 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I gave thanks to be able to call upon Them in prayer. I gave thanks for my Savior who atoned for my sins and cleanses me. I was desirous to be clean through Him. I perceived my mortal weakness but also realized all fall short and need the grace of God through Jesus Christ. I felt peace. I was directed by the spirit to an orchard. I saw blossoms covering the trees and they were beautiful. I understood in my mind that the blossoms were all on cherry trees. Heavenly Father approached me walking through the orchard of cherry trees. He lowered the intensity of His light and majesty still had a soft glow about His being. I felt His love and understanding. I wondered why with truth and light being poured upon the earth abundantly, so many are turning away from it. Heavenly Father spoke, "These cherry trees in full blossom are beautiful. They will soon bear fruit too. This fruit in these celestial realms may stay on the tree in perpetuity. They will be tasty and delicious and may remain on the tree forever. It is not needful that the cherries fall off the tree and decay on the ground as occurs in your telestial world. Death and decay is part of the telestial world continuously. The ability to receive light and maintain that light is elusive in your mortal world. Satan seeks to take away light. The natural man is also an enemy to God. Our children must seek Us intently to receive Our light. They must press forward to obtain more light and to grow in truth. Many do not have this desire in their hearts. We allow each to choose. During the Savior's mortal ministry, many enjoyed His teachings but returned home without seeking further light. Early Christians were persecuted and put to death. This caused some to turn away quickly and others to call upon Us more fervently and find more light in their extremity. Lucifer will once again seek to end the cause of Christians and destroy those with faith in Christ. This opposition will cause some to seek Us as never before as it did many of the early Christians. Our light cannot be dimmed and We will pour out light and truth in greater proportion to oppose the greater wickedness and darkness that is increasing as never before and covering the earth in these times. Do We not speak peace to your soul and bring light into your life daily? We will so bless all Our children who call upon Us in Faith."

I was grateful for His message and closed my prayer.


15. Evening–It has been a beautiful day today, and I have been very happy! I got a lot done and played with my grandchildren, wife and son today.

16. I came this evening to the young forest just northwest of the circling waters, where there is a horizontal log. I came to the log and knelt on the ground while leaning upon it. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

17. My Heavenly Parents both came walking up to path from the circling waters to me, talking together! They were looking so bright and happy, walking and talking together. Soon they came to me. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you have enjoyed a beautiful day and a very pleasant time with your loved ones on earth today. You even mentioned to your wife how happy you felt, and that "it doesn't get any better than this!"

18. Actually, your joys and happy moments that you experience in mortality would be far surpassed were you to live in a terrestrial world, and even more full of happiness, to a fullness of joy in our celestial world! You have found life is a mix of ups and downs in your life, which is common in the telestial world. However, in the terrestrial world there are more happy and pleasant times than those that are difficult, and in the celestial realms there is far more happy times than troubled times. The troubled times come as a result of our own spirit children choosing ways that lead them away from us their God. The very most troubled times was when Lucifer was cast out of heaven because of rebellion. This caused deep emotional trauma in many of our children who remained in our celestial environment.

19. The celestial realm is necessarily divided up into two sections or areas, depending upon the state of our children's progression. We keep our spirit children, who are in their pre-mortal state, separate from associating with those who are resurrected to a celestial glory or who are celestial spirits who have already experienced a mortal probation. There may be a few exceptions in families where pre-mortal and post mortal spirits act as guardian spirits and mingle together in service to those on earth, but mostly they are separated. Those who have experienced a mortal probation who are celestial may generally mingle together in the celestial orb or on the celestial realms on the earth with each other.

20. Associations are based mostly upon family relationships and missions. For example, our angels work closely together since they each have the same mission. Birth, baptism, marriage and other blessings times, and guardian relationships and missions bring those in the same family together also.

21. In the terrestrial regions around the earth, our spirit dead live together in a place called paradise. These do not mingle with those in the millennium in their terrestrial state except for their coordination of their joint assignments. There will be many who are in the terrestrial world of the dead spirits during the millennium who soon resurrect to a celestial glory, creating a high turnover of the spirit dead in the terrestrial world.

22. In your telestial world, the telestial world of the dead do not mingle with those having their mortal telestial experience. These all may also be ministered to from those of higher spiritual realms, whether seen or unseen.

23. We keep our children who are in the same state of progression thus generally together and apart from those of other realms and states of progression. We see all, and are very involved with our children in all their locations and states of progression.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words! I felt more enlightened with the truths he shared with me tonight.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 2, 2019, Friday

1. I awoke ready to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I came today to the circling waters, and knelt to drink from my cupped hand of some living water. I felt refreshed and ready to pray. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared above the water, directly in front of me! I felt her intense light and love come into me, and permeate all of my being.

3. She immediately spoke her thoughts into my unconscious mind: 'Raphael, we have a series of progressive steps for our children in their various states, as they move towards their final kingdom of glory where they will be the happiest. Not all of our children want to receive a celestial glory, but would rather be rewarded a kingdom of glory in eternity where they feel most comfortable. This is the state with which we desire to reward them.

4. In the end of each eternity, we feel very satisfied that each of our children has been rewarded the most ideally matched kingdom of glory that will bring them the most happiness that they are able to receive. Just like yesterday, when you said that "it doesn't get any better than this", when speaking about your joys and pleasures, it truly won't get any better for those who inherit a telestial glory. However, for the terrestrial and celestial it will get much better!

5. A fulness of joy awaits the elect who have proven to be true and faithful to us their Heavenly Parents in all things. These will inherit celestial realms of glory. They will experience a fulness of joy, a fulness of glory, and a continuation of progression and service in the eternal worlds! They will all become couple gods in eternity, with no end to their joys, peace, and pleasures. This is the inheritance of our faithful children who have proven by their actions, in every step of their progression, that they will follow us and our ways, and truly desire the greatest happiness available to them!

6. Raphael, our desire is that each of our children becomes happy to the level that they desire and are willing to receive. You have noticed that some of your own actions may increase your joys, and some create frustration or unnecessary worry and discontent. Although it is important to experience the negative at different times, prolonged exposure to such emotions like grief, sadness, and worry are unnecessary. You may feel the negative emotions for a time, but then let them pass and try to find joy in every situation. It is of no use to fret and worry about that which you have no power to change or control, like the actions of your adult children, or even your own spouse. Acceptance of "what is", or reality, brings a greater measure of peace and contentment.

7. You only truly may determine what you yourself may think and how you will act. All others, when they become of age, may choose their own path, regardless of your teaching and training as a parent or a friend to them. The skill to let them choose and for you to let go of the burden of what they do that you would not do, creates greater peace and joy in your life. We desire all of our children to accept that they ultimately can control only themselves, and act for themselves only in whatever they choose, according to their own moral agency. This is our free gift to each of our beloved children! They will each be rewarded for whatever they choose.'

8. I thanked my lovely Heavenly Mother for her wisdom she shared with me today! I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, I desire to learn well these lessons, and to receive the greatest contentment and joy possible in each stage of my own progression and service. I ask of you to keep tutoring me in learning these important lessons!'

9. Heavenly Mother said she would help me, and be with me always. She said for me to listen to her gentle promptings, and to follow them, and I would be able to learn the fastest. She asked me to be open and humble, and that this too would accelerate my learning of these important lessons.

10. She then began to fade away and was soon gone from me. I knew her unseen presence was always with me, however. This gave me great comfort, for which I thanked her. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

11. Tonight we attended the International Folkfest in Springville, Utah. We watched dances from Croatia, Mexico, Taiwan, Russia and Native American. I really enjoyed this! Viewing these dancers made me wonder about the great diversity of our own world in the many cultures that do and have existed. The people of the world all have similar circumstances, in being born in families, and learning the language and way of life in their own community.

12. I came again to the circling waters tonight. I wondered about such divergence in our Heavenly Parents' children. The children born in various nations and of different races and ethnicities is remarkable! I also thought of the many children of different eternities that have come to their own earth for a mortal experience. How must that have been for all–so varied and uniquely their own individual mortal life?

13. I knelt by the water and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I waited and listened. Heavenly Father then appeared by the waterfall and came walking to me in the air! He stopped in front of me, above the water, and smiled on me, his son who was kneeling before him. I felt so honored and privileged to be in his glorious presence!

14. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we sent our beloved spirit children to their earth in so many different conditions and times, that the experience of one is quite diverse from the experience from another. The cultural variations are very different and help form our children's views of life. They also are given weaknesses of the flesh from their own families and the times they live in. Some nations and situations are more righteous and promote strong values of honesty, integrity and moral decency. Others may be very liberal or under the grasp of the adversary who wishes to subvert wholesome relationships in families and thus leads our children in perverse paths.

15. Even with all this great variation, a mortal experience for each of our children is sufficient for us to see how they act and respond to our spiritual promptings. We see if they heed our gentle guidance and seek us above the world and above the society they were born into. We can easily determine who are our elect children, regardless of what nation or clime they may live in. We love them all equally, and honor and bless those who follow our promptings and our Spirit. We have elect children in most every nation, community, race, and culture found in your world, or that has ever existed on your earth. We scatter the faithful amongst all families too, so that we may see how they respond to pressures of others in family, religion, and their society. Our faithful love us, their Heavenly Parents, above all others in their lives.

16. Matthew 10:37-39

"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words. I am grateful to be so motivated to seek always my Heavenly Parents, and to count their words and lifestyle above my family, religion, community and nation. I truly seek to put them first in my life and to keep their commandments above the world.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 3, 2019, Saturday

1. I came this morning to the beautiful orchard of fruit trees on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful! I came from the water's edge up the short path into the orchard. There were mostly trees burgeoning with beautiful fruits all around me! In my area on earth, we are now eating apricots, and here in heaven there were plum, peach, apricot and apple trees, all fruiting in abundance. I ate an apricot and then wasn't sure where to place the pit. I found an open area between the trees and buried the pit there. I wondered if it would grow there. I knelt on the ground by where I had buried the apricot pit and faced the nearby lake. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

2. I then could see a bright light coming from below me, from the lakeshore. I soon perceived it was my Heavenly Mother! She was smiling and so radiant and filled with light! She soon was standing before me! I loved to view again her sparkling eyes and beautiful countenance, so cheery and happy! She was shining brightly as she has always recently done. I felt her light pass into and through me and received the joy of her presence!

3. She then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I love diversity and variation in all things! We come to different areas on our varied celestial orb and have new vistas each time we come. We add variety in the cultures of our lands and societies where our children come to their mortal probation. There is great divergence in families and how each of our children is raised. In practically all cases, our children mature and grow up based on their pre-mortal training and natural body clock in their own bodies until they are full grown adults with the capacity to choose and exercise their own moral agency. We give our children strong desires so that they will be motivated to enjoy a marriage relationship with the opposite gender and have children of their own. There are also very strong desires to care for, nurture, and protect their own offspring and raise them into a new generation of responsible adults. These are all God given desires that are common to all of our children who live in such diverse and varied cultures and societies.

4. Our children come to earth with many varied interests and talents. We help inspire them to excel in their gifts and skills so that their society may be benefited from them being there. We are pleased when our children bless others by their own natural gifts aimed at helping make a happier and more productive community.

5. Sometimes our children are born in suppressed or spiritually darkened nations in which Satan has subjugated the people. We see how our children fare in such societies, for they may receive a mortal life in such diverse situations. We judge all fairly, based on what each has been given. Where much is given, much more is expected. In the millennial day, there will be no more evil spirits to test and tempt our children. These people will be judged in a different light than those who lived in a world suppressed and largely controlled by Satan and his hosts.

6. If our sons and daughters will hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, we will help them each make their own society a little better for the whole. We inspire each of our children in whatever position or role that they might find themselves in. In all cases, our sons or daughters may be able to provide for their own. It may be difficult, but we will help them improve. They will be able to improve life that their own family may experience over what they themselves may have grown up in. This is a natural inclination and motivation we also give to all of our children. They feel that they can generally improve their situations as they work hard and thereby bless their own family and improve the entire society.

7. Our spirit children come into families in a great variety of circumstances in their mortal lives. While trying to protect and provide for them, our grown children gain habits and beliefs and give all varieties of weaknesses to their own children so that they too will struggle and become humble. We will help them as they come to us, seeking our guidance. We delight to uplift and bless our children, whatever circumstances that they may find themselves in!

8. There is generally a longing and desire for many of life's answers in their world. As our children wonder about who they really are, where they came from, and what lies ahead after they die, we will help enlighten their curious minds. Many will be satisfied by answers from their religious leaders of the day, but some may still be motivated if these answers are insufficient to them. They will then keep searching until we gradually lead them into more truth and revelation.

9. Some may never find us in their mortal life, so they will have to wait in the world of the spirit dead to receive our truths from our servants we may send to them. However, in the end, all will hear of our truths and plan for their eternal growth and progression. All will be given an opportunity to hear and accept if they desire, in situations where they truly may choose by their own agency. There are many voices trying to lead our children, but our voice is unique and familiar to the spiritually sensitive. If they give place in their hearts and minds, we will surely lead them and guide them back into our very presence.

10. We who are the Gods of the universe, in our own galaxies and domains, have not been able to improve upon this mortal plan for the progress and testing of our own spirit children. The experience of a mortal life, with veils over the minds of our children and over the higher realms of glory, has proven to be the best place for their final test in their progress to become like us. Those who don't achieve a celestial glory, still receive a great glory in their final telestial or terrestrial glories. All are finally placed in a saved condition where they enjoy happiness to the level they were willing to receive. The only ones who receive no kingdom of glory, even Satan and his evil hosts, will receive no lasting happiness or enjoyment. They will receive that which they themselves have chosen.

11. Our great work, Raphael, is to bring happiness and eternal bliss and enjoyment to all of our children, in our established kingdoms of glory! We will have done all we could for each of our precious children, by the end of this eternity. This is our continual great work and our own happiness in eternity!'

12. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her beautiful truths and descriptions this morning! I told her how much I cherished her words and loved her and my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ. I said I would always seek their guidance in my life and follow and trust them.

13. Evening–Tonight I came to the western mezzanine, just west of God's temple on the temple grounds. I went to the far western end of this place and knelt facing the temple. The temple was very large, and so majestic from my view. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

14. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then both appeared next to their western temple wall! I could see them distinctly, even though I was a good distance away. I saw my Father then look up and I was immediately kneeling before him and Heavenly Mother! I don't know how I was transported there in an instant, but it doesn't much matter, for I was basking in my Heavenly Parents' presence!

15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we revealed a portion of our temple ceremonies to Joseph Smith the prophet. These were given to him so that our people could have promises based on their faithfulness. They were told that if they were true and faithful to their covenants, one day they would be called up, chosen, and then receive the eternally binding ordinances. They would then be ushered into our kingdom of glory, even the celestial kingdom.

16. This instruction has been preserved mostly, even in temple ordinances performed in LDS temples today. However, the people don't realize that these LDS temple ordinances are preparatory and nonbinding for eternity, and secondly, that we have withdrawn now our sanction on all temple ordinances performed in LDS temples.

17. The current doctrine in the LDS Church teaches that all temple ordinances in their temples, that are entered into and accepted by the Holy Spirit of promise, are eternally binding. We have never taught this to Joseph Smith, Jr., or to any subsequent presidents of the Church. It is not the doctrine. It undermines and makes less important the need for a Church of the Firstborn. Most members and leaders of the LDS Church consider the Church of the Firstborn is a mystery anyway, and don't understand the need for the establishment of the Church of the Firstborn.

18. Without the preparatory church, the Church of Christ, that will soon be established, the people will not be sufficiently prepared for the final and eternally binding ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn. Without the ordinances of the Church of the Firstborn, we would have no means to administer eternal salvation to our elect children who have been qualified, called up and appointed to enter into the Church of the Firstborn. Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate to eternal life and entrance into his Church of the Firstborn, is the one who calls and elects our faithful. He is the eternal judge of the celestial, for he has redeemed them and cleansed them by his own blood. He introduces them again to us, even their Heavenly Parents. He also tells you and Oriphiel to admit each one of these elect into the Church of the Firstborn. You perform the initial waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel records this ordinance in the Lamb's Book of Life. They are then on the path to receive other ordinances required for their eternal exaltation.

19. You attended another reception tonight where the son of a family friend was "married for time and all eternity", or sealed in the Payson, Utah LDS temple. This couple mistakenly believes they are eternally sealed now, and that this is fully accepted in the eyes of God.

20. During this same reception, at the end of the celebration, the couple danced in the ways of Babylon and the Spirit in their union and reception entirely left, what Spirit there was in the first place. They desecrated the sacredness of the marriage vows by bringing in the loud and vulgar worldly dance and practices. Such a behavior is one we never look upon kindly!

21. Marriage covenants, in whatever setting, church, or civil circumstance, is very sacred. These are promises usually made before God. We view all, and take seriously the promises of the man and the woman to each other and to us. We are pleased when our children make marriage promises, and watch if they continue to be true and faithful to their spouse in life. We are displeased if our sons or daughters take lightly this very sacred promise and vow of marriage. We wish everything surrounding the wedding day to be uplifting and sacred, and that the promises are made very seriously. We delight to honor and bless those who are true to their marriage covenants, vows or promises.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight, next to his celestial temple on the celestial orb! I feel so privileged to have received these truths directly from my Heavenly Father!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 4, 2019, Sunday

1. I am now sitting on my recliner in a bedroom in my house where I am alone. I am the only one awake and up, I believe, in my household. Sunshine is streaming through the window from the east and I am very pleased to pause again to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I actually cannot think of anything that my Heavenly Parents could share with me, but I know that there is so much that I haven't yet been exposed to, more truths and mysteries of heaven, that I hope to receive even a portion of today.

2. I know too that we are each to seek to know and receive the mysteries of God. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are very eager to reveal all to us, as fast as we are able to receive.

3. 1 Nephi 10:19

"For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

4. Jacob, in the Book of Mormon, said that the mysteries are unsearchable, and that no man knows of his ways except it be revealed unto him (see Jacob 4:8). This is how I feel. The mysteries are entirely unknown to me unless they are revealed to me, for I can't even begin to search them, for I wouldn't know what even to search or think about! So much of what I have already received I had no concept of until my mind was enlightened by my Heavenly Parents who revealed these truths to me. I am eternally grateful for these revelations of God!

5. I came before God this new Sabbath day, very open and humble. I feel receptive to receiving more, and have great desires to be illuminated again by the Spirit of God, and the Holy Ghost. I pray my Heavenly Parents to open the eyes of my understanding to receive more of the mysteries of God, their wonderful truths of eternity!

6. I came to the desert oasis, in front of the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come while on bended knee. Heavenly Mother then came in great light upon the waters in front of me! She was brilliant and unmistakably my Heavenly Mother! She came right in front of me after she came a few feet above the water. Soon she was directly in front of me smiling.

7. I love receiving her intense light of the Holy Ghost, for I feel so filled with her light and love. All of me feels so much joy and peace at the same time. She was smiling broadly, and her eternity eyes were sparkling with happiness. What an amazing experience to be brought into her presence!

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are very pleased to reveal to you every aspect of godliness, of our life and our truths! We will give you revelation upon revelation, as fast as you can receive these. You are enlightened and filled with the light of my presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost in its fullness. There is no greater light that mortal man may receive than the fullness of the light of the Holy Ghost!'

9. I then paused to look up in the index to the triple combination under 'fullness' on my digital cellphone, and found one reference to the 'fulness of the Holy Ghost, given by Joseph Smith during the dedication of the Kirtland temple (see D&C 109:15).

10. D&C 109:15

"And that they may grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing

11. Heavenly Mother spoke to me again: 'Raphael, the fulness of the Holy Ghost is to receive my glory and light, even as you are receiving from me today. It is to receive the brightness of my glory, to have the feeling of my intense light of the Holy Ghost penetrating into you in every part of your being. This light is so intense and full that it passed entirely through you and you felt a very transparent feeling. You are pure before me, for without being pure and holy, cleansed by the sanctifying blood of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, you couldn't withstand my glory. You are not quickened anymore by me, but have become fully cleansed by the Son, even your great Redeemer. Therefore, you can endure my presence, and bask in my intense light!

12. We desire all of our children who are elected by Jesus Christ to receive the fulness of the Holy Ghost. This is not an ordinance, like the gift of the Holy Ghost, but the receipt of my very presence in my glory and fulness. It is a capstone of our blessings upon our faithful in their progress and enlightenment to receive all from us, their Heavenly Parents.

13. In the beginning of this eternity, your Father and I determined that I should be the Holy Ghost to our beloved children who would come to mortality. I was to be a witness to the faithful, and a comfort to all who sought us, their Heavenly Parents. We planned that the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost would be received by ordination, by the laying on of hands by one in authority, to do so. I would then be always with my faithful, being next to them in the higher celestial realms, unseen by them but felt by the perceptive and faithful. I would be a guide to them in their daily mortal life.

14. Once our children had proven themselves by their faithfulness and diligence, then your Father and I decided that Jesus Christ, our future great Redeemer for all of our children, would be the one to accept them and qualify them into our Church of the Firstborn. This would be an election he would make. At or around that same time, he would reveal himself to them, and then soon introduce our faithful child to their Heavenly Father and me, one at a time. We would continue to love them, and openly begin teaching and leading them more fully in their life. We would begin revealing to them gradually all of our mysteries of godliness, our eternal truths. In time, as they proved faithful, I would give to them an experience where they would receive the fulness of the Holy Ghost. This gift and revelation is what you have received a number of times recently, and have recorded this experience in your personal journal each time I came to you in the fulness of my light and glory. You have described the sensation of being transparent, with my intense light of the Holy Ghost passing into and through you in every part of your being. You have also described the feelings of acceptance, love and joy come into you that accompanied my light.

15. This great gift, the fulness of the Holy Ghost, comes from me directly to each of our children who, in the mind of your Heavenly Father and I, have pressed forward in diligence and faithfulness.

16. 2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

17. In the beginning, we decided that the Father would announce to our faithful the promise of eternal life as described in this scripture. I would later bless them with the fulness of the Holy Ghost, which blessing you received again today. I may bless our faithful repeatedly with the fulness of my glory, as often as I desire.

18. Raphael, there have been very few who have already received the fulness of the Holy Ghost. However, we desire each of our faithful to receive this great gift from me in their journey and progress towards eternal life and exaltation.

19. My Spirit of the Holy Ghost fills my child with joy, hope and love. They are thereby encouraged by me to continue to press forward, with an eye of faith, even to the end. I encourage and strengthen them frequently with my intense light of the Holy Ghost.

20. We have created an actual area in our celestial orb where our children may experience a pattern of their journey to their own eternal life with us, their Gods and Heavenly Parents. This is located to our north, near our temple.

21. The area I speak of begins with the white gate. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, is the keeper of the gate and he alone stands ready to accept our faithful onto the path that leads to our tree of life. The tree of life, and its precious fruit, represent our child's final eternal state of exaltation and eternal life. The path from the white gate to the tree of life is narrow and allows only one traveler at a time. We also provide a rod of iron on which to grasp and hold onto tightly, for there may be many mists of darkness and treacherous pitfalls along the way. Ultimately, however, our chosen son or daughter reaches the tree, having pressed forward in great diligence and effort. Those who make it to the tree of life become gods, even couple gods before us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, for they have been proven in all things along their journey. They have taken my Holy Spirit for their guide and some have received even the fulness of the Holy Ghost along the journey. What a boon and a blessing to our traveler to the tree of life!

22. We adapt this area between the white gate and the tree of life to the individual circumstance and mortal experience of each of our children. Each one who travels the path has a unique experience. This ability is only possible because we are the Gods who have this power, and also because this area is in our celestial orb. We have had all of our faithful children from our past eternities also pass through this journey from the white gate to the tree of life. Each one of our faithful received a unique journey, tailored just for them, based on our plan for their mortal and post mortal experience in their quest for eternal life and exaltation. We still have many in this current eternity who will yet travel the path towards the tree of life and partake of its precious fruit and leaf.

23. Raphael, there have been few who have thus far received a fulness of the Holy Ghost in this current eternity. However, now is the day and into the millennium that I will greatly increase my great gift upon my faithful children. Millions and millions will yet receive of the fulness of the Holy Ghost, even as you have received again this morning from me. Oh, how I love to pour out my abundant light, love and acceptance upon our faithful and choice sons and daughters.

24. I bowed my head in reverence to my glorious Heavenly Mother who had just revealed again to me some of God's greatest mysteries from the heavens! I feel so grateful and honored, so loved and blessed, to receive all she, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ have given to me in such abundance.

25. My prayer ended and I got up and started a new Sabbath day.