146. The Bridegroom Cometh
Posted 12-8-2019
This is a very conclusive post on the whirlwind of destruction coming to the earth. It ends with a vision of the wedding of the bridegroom. It has been very dramatic to me!
You very much need to pray about all of this and confirm in your own heart that this is true or not. I know that God answers the humble prayers of the righteous. Please, don't trust my words only, but find out directly from God.
This post may be the last one this year, since I need to work on the PDF files and hopefully get them out by the end of the year. I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
P.S. The dark clouds at the front of this post represent the whirlwind coming to the earth. The banquet pictures for the remainder of the post represent the great wedding feast at the marriage of the bridegroom that the all peoples are now being called to. However, only the elect will hear the voice of the Father and will come to the marriage feast.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 25, 2019, Monday
1. Evening-Tonight my wife and I watched a fun movie at home and then did our finances together. I finally came to pray at almost midnight.
2. I came to the circling waters and knelt by the shore. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents, and Heavenly Father came to me, standing above the waters! He immediately spoke:
3. 'Raphael, come here in the morning and your Heavenly Mother will address you. I am glad you spent some relaxing time together with your wife this evening. I will give you no further revelation tonight.'
4. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 26, 2019, Tuesday
1. I came this morning to the circling waters, even as directed by Heavenly Father in last night's prayer. I knelt on the shore, faced the water, and asked my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. Heavenly Mother came upon the circling waters it seemed from a distance, with great speed. She stopped abruptly in front of me, smiling and shining in her great light and love! I felt immediately so happy to be in her presence! I felt her love fill my entire being as her light penetrated me completely.
3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me, in my mind: 'Raphael, this is the last Christmas you will enjoy before the whirlwind of destruction comes to the earth. Even as I come to you this morning in great speed, so will the whirlwind come upon your world in great speed, almost suddenly!
4. However, we have promised protection upon the chosen ones of God, even our elect! When that day of destruction falls upon the wicked, their destruction will be likened to the defeat of the Gadianton robbers as recorded in 3 Nephi, chapter 4. When attacked by the robbers, "the Nephites did not fear them; but they did fear their God and did supplicate him for protection" (3 Nephi 4:10).
5. Once the wicked had been destroyed, the righteous Nephites were united as one, saying with one voice the following:
3 Nephi 4:31-33–
"And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in singing, and praising their God for the great thing which he had done for them, in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies.
Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to the Most High God. And they did cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty, the Most High God.
And their hearts were swollen with joy, unto the gushing out of many tears, because of the great goodness of God in delivering them out of the hands of their enemies; and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction."
6. Likewise, in your day, in a day not far distant, the righteous who are upon your land will also be gathered, even my elect. The wicked will have been destroyed from off the land. Then will you also be freed from the great evil combinations that now riddle your land, and also freed from Satan himself, for he will have no power or control over you.
7. The people in your land will again be as one, rejoicing and praising their Gods for their great deliverance.
8. Then the righteous in other lands will be also gathered to your land, even to Zion, by the 144,000 that will be called:
9. D&C 45:71–
"And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy."
10. We will come and protect our own during the great days of tribulation that will come upon the entire earth.
11. Once the tribes of Israel are gathered in righteousness upon the land, then will you, Raphael, build our New Jerusalem! We will direct you as we have always directed you in the past. We will inspire many to come forth to assist you in the building our celestial temple and the city of the New Jerusalem. This will all be done prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, in glory to the earth. What a great day for the redeemed that will be, in building our celestial temple on the earth!'
12. I humbly bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation today! I said I would do even as she and Heavenly Father would direct me. I said I too looked so forward to that glorious day when we would be free at last to build up the waste place of Zion (see D&C 101:18).
13. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, in that day when you begin to build up again my Zion shall the ancient scripture be fulfilled:
14. Isaiah 52:6-12–
"Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. (Raphael, many of my people will also get to know me, their Heavenly Mother in that glorious day!)
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation (salvation in the Church of the Firstborn with eternally-binding ordinances that are necessary to exalt my children); that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.
Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed (the New) Jerusalem.
The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her (spiritual Babylon); be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.
For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rearward." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).'
15. Heavenly Mother then shone exceedingly bright and gradually raised up into the celestial sky above. Soon she was out of sight. I then closed my prayer and came back to my conscious mind and started my new day.
16. Evening–I have thought several times throughout the day of what my Heavenly Mother said, that this would be our last Christmas before the whirlwind of destruction comes to the earth. I then thought of Samuel the Lamanite who prophesied of heavy destruction that awaited the Nephite nation. Among his prophecies in Helaman chapters 13, 14 and 15, he said in Helaman 14:2 the following:
"And behold, he said unto them: Behold, I give unto you a sign; for five years more cometh, and behold, then cometh the Son of God to redeem all those who shall believe on his name."
17. He also gave the great sign of the birth of Jesus Christ to the earth. Later he gave the signs of his death, accompanied by the great destructions on the land. Samuel prophesied whatsoever things should come into his heart to say to the people (Helaman 13:3,5).
18. This morning in my prayer with Heavenly Mother, the very first thought that came into my heart was that this 2019 Christmas would be the last one until the whirlwind of calamities would come, meaning these would come sometime in 2020.
19. I am curious how closely God gave his prophets signs of future events, even with dates. I know God tries the hearts of the faithful, and desires that they turn to God for all promptings. Usually, it seems, we receive promptings at the moment we need them. However, other times there are signs within a date period for the faithful to cling to.
20. I came with these thoughts when I came to the celestial orb in prayer. I came to the desert oasis. It was already dark here, and I could see celestial bodies in the sky shining like stars. I knelt on the sand in front of the bench. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me tonight.
21. Heavenly Father then walked to me from the waters edge. He stopped in front of me. He had absolutely no light coming from his presence. However, I knew he was before me, standing. I looked up into the dark space where I knew was face.
22. He then communicated to my mind these words:
'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother revealed to you this morning is true. We decided to reveal a broad span of nearly a year when the timing of the whirlwind of calamity may come upon the earth in great fury and destruction. We both know the precise timing, for all events and details are known to us, for we are Gods who have created the earth, our children, and all our creations who dwell on the earth. There is not anything that will happen but we know about before it happens.
23. We also plan for signs and wonders, prophecies and promises for the benefit of our elect children who love us, and obey our words. We will stand next to all these who sincerely pray to us for protection. We test their faith and diligence, and yet never leave those to whom we have promised to protect and guide.
24. You may wonder why I appear to you with absolutely no light coming from my being. I do so to emphasize that before an event happens that is promised or prophesied, you hope and look forward to the fulfillment of this thing. When it comes, your faith in that one thing is buoyed, and you know it happened, for it is then in the present or the past. This strengthened your faith in other things that have not yet come but are still in the future.
25. This pattern is pleasing to us, for we find our children are thus motivated to keep hoping and acting in faith, as if all things will happen as we have promised. Those with great faith have a greater sureness than others who have lesser faith. We bless our children who exercise faith in us, their Gods.
26. Raphael, you know you are now receiving my voice in your mind, even though you cannot see me. You have great assurances that I am before you, for you may also feel my presence. We reward those who hear our voice and then follow our commands, even when they cannot see us. Were they to see us, then their reward would not be so great, for they would not need so great faith.
27. These things are true also with signs and events yet in the future. By not knowing the exact way they will come about, or when they will come, our children develop faith in our words. They look forward with an eye of faith and this pleases us. They act in humility and dependence upon us, which also pleases us. Were they to see in vision all the details of a future event, they would not have a need to develop so much faith, for they would have knowledge instead of faith. The greater the faith, the greater the reward from us, their Gods.
28. You noticed in the account of Samuel, a Lamanite, that we told him by the voice of our Spirit to go back to the city of Zarahemla and speak to the people whatever comes into his heart from us, his Gods. Samuel turned about and immediately obeyed our Spirit. When they wouldn't let him into the city, he got upon the wall and declared to the people whatever we gave him in his heart and mind.
29. Because of his great obedience and faith to take such a determined action, we revealed through him great truths that he immediately spoke boldly to the people. He was our true conduit of truth and light to the people, for many had rejected our still small voice.
30. You, Raphael, have exercised great faith in writing whatsoever comes into your heart and mind. Those who read your words should also confirm with us by our Spirit whether you speak the truth. They will then be responsible for their own revelation, for they will know you speak the truth and will act in faith.
31. We give signs and wonders to our faithful to strengthen their faith and trust in us, their Gods. We give them knowledge of some portions of events in the future but not all, for we wish their faith to grow. We also want them to know of our love and protection we will always send to them, regardless of what may happen to them in their telestial fallen world in which they live.'
32. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words to me tonight. I knew he had given me great truths, even though I didn't see him before me.
33. He then faded away back into the celestial night. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 27, 2019, Wednesday
1. I got very little sleep last night, for my wife and I were tending our sick son. We are glad we can be together to tend to his needs.
2. I came again to the desert oasis this morning. It was bright and sunny, and I could see everything in the celestial world.
3. Last night, all through the night until even now, the wind was blowing fiercely outside at my home in Utah. This wind also kept me awake, on and off through the night.
4. I knelt in the sand in front of the bench and faced the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would come to me.
5. Heavenly Mother then descended from the celestial skies above, in great light and glory! She came to the center of the oasis, and then moved to me on the shore. She was very bright and smiling. She spoke:
'Raphael, we will bless your son in his condition to stabilize and improve. You and your wife have been very attentive to him.
6. Whether you see us, in the brightness of our glory, or whether you don't see us, we are still close to you. Your spiritual sensitivities are more sure than your sight.
7. You have always written whatever comes into your mind and heart, and in this way have been like Samuel, the Lamanite. His prophecies were very great, and we had them delivered to the entire Nephite nation who lived in the land of Zarahemla. The righteous treasured his words. They looked forward, with an eye of faith, to their fulfillment. There was a great division among the people over the sign of the birth of our Beloved Son:
8. 3 Nephi 1:8-9
"But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that day and that night and that day which should be as one day as if there was no night, that they might know that their faith had not been in vain.
Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who believed in those traditions should be put to death except the sign should come to pass, which had been given by Samuel the prophet."
9. Nephi, the son of Nephi, prayed unto the Father in mighty prayer in behalf of his people lest they all be destroyed. Then the voice of Jehovah came to him, that on that night the very sign would be given, and on the morrow he would come into the world.
10. There will be other such dramatic signs given and fulfilled in these last days. These signs are for the faithful who wait upon us, their Gods. We will reward them for their faith and great belief in us and our promises made through our prophets and confirmed to them through our still, small voice. In the process of the fulfillment of these signs and promises, our people will become unshakeable in their trust and belief in us, their Gods.
11. We will graciously answer the prayers and pleas of our people who come to us in faith and great humility. We love to honor and bless those who act in faith according to our promises to them.
12. I thanked my gracious Heavenly Mother for her supportive words and witness to my heart. I said I loved her and would always be ready to act on their every commandment that I would receive from them in my mind and my heart.
13. She then ascended back up into the celestial sky and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
14. Evening–Tonight I came to the tall fir forest and faced the overlook in the distance, from which one can see the fallen oak tree. It was still light and very pretty in this forest, for the celestial sun was still beaming above, although none of its direct light seemed to make it to the forest floor.
15. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents and asked for one or both to come to me. I was kneeling on the cushy forest floor. Heavenly Father then descended from the top of the trees and slowly came down in front of me! He was brightly shining and very majestic looking. He was also smiling and his light and love came upon me. I felt so very happy to be in his presence!
16. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, tomorrow you celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday in your country. Your nation was colonized by men and women seeking religious freedom. They sought a better world, one where they would be free from oppressive governments and corrupt systems. Your Heavenly Mother and I brought these pilgrims and other emigrants to your land. We wanted a free nation built on principles of self governance and religious freedom, so that we could restore the gospel of Jesus Christ again on this choice land, the promised land that is called America.'
(Interrupted, continued in morning)
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 27, 2019, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day
1. I came back to the forest floor where I was in front of my Heavenly Father. He continued his communication from last night. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I also wanted our people to again be gathered upon this land of promise, even in the last days just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The gentile nation that is now built up on this land is corrupt and ripened in iniquity.
2. Ether 2:10
"For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off."
3. I will destroy this nation and those of my children who do not hear our voice and keep our commandments. We will cleanse the land of iniquity so that our people, Israel, our chosen elect, may come and be established as a free people on this promised land. They will again reestablish a government built on religious freedom and a free form of government, whose king is Jesus Christ, the rightful king of the land. This is the land upon which our Zion will be established! With the righteous elect gathered in the promised land, we will further restore all things, even in their fulness to our people. This Zion will endure through the entire millennium!'
4. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great promised to those of us who will come to this choice land! I thanked him to have been born in the promised land and to have lived here my entire life. I feel so very thankful for our abundant blessings!
5. Heavenly Father smiled upon me, even with the light of his entire being and countenance. He started to fade away and soon was gone from my presence.
6. I then stood and walked on the forest path to the overlook to the east. I saw the fallen oak tree and Heavenly Father's choice wheat field. I thought of how Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother protect those who come to them in humble and sincere prayer, putting their trust in God. I know that the elect of God, represented by this wheat before me, will soon fill the land of promise, and that Zion will be built up.
7. I felt again so thankful to my God for their matchless love and concern over us, their elect. I committed to always follow the directions I receive from my Heavenly Parents. I will always remember them and keep their commandments. I closed my prayer and started my Thanksgiving Day.
8. I received this email from M.A. today that she said I could share. It relates to the whirlwind coming on the earth:
Email from M.A., 11-28-2019
. . . I also had quit the experience the night I was editing the post when you and S were discussing the whirlwind. I physically was in the middle of my surroundings and all was spinning. I had to go to bed and just observe it. Heavenly Mother told me this morning that when everything is happening so fast as a whirlwind, one thing after another, it will be difficult to cope, so just remain calm, to go to them and connect my conscious mind with my unconscious mind, and They would direct me and protect me.
Have a wonderful day,
From R:
Thank you M.A.! I loved your account of your interaction with Heavenly Mother when things were whirling around with you. May I share this? Thank you also for your support.
You may share if you want. Remember when I felt the earthquake 2 1/2 years ago. It seemed so real to me and the swirling was very real. I was so dizzy from the swirling I had to just rest and close my eyes.
9. At our Thanksgiving today we had two of our children recite poems that they had learned in our homeschool from years ago. One of these poems seemed to stick with me, especially since I had just prayed this morning in the tall fir forest. I had also been thinking of the whirlwind that would soon come upon the earth. I could relate well to this poem. I thought to share this with you:
Good Timber
By Douglas Malloch (1877-1938)
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing.
The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees,
The further sky, the greater length,
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.
Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.
10. Evening–I had a wonderful Thanksgiving today with some of my family. It all seems so happy and peaceful now in our home! I know it isn't that way outside in the world.
11. M.A. and S both have mentioned to visualize our Heavenly Parents next to them when the calamities come. Then come what may, we will be as calm as we can be, for our God will be next to us.
12. I came to the celestial orb tonight to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was peaceful here, with the celestial sun near the horizon at sunset. I could see the distant temple that seemed to be glowing. I knelt on the granite and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come visit me and instruct me.
13. I immediately saw a flash of light at the temple and then Heavenly Mother was by my side! I think she came suddenly from the temple to a place in the air in front of me.
14. Heavenly Mother was so bright and smiling. I felt so blessed and filled with her light, and to be in her presence!
She spoke:
'Raphael, your family gathering today was very pleasing to you and to all those in attendance. You are highly blessed! Throughout the day you shut your eyes and prayed short prayers to your Heavenly Father and me. I was there immediately, in your mind's eye. This was very real and was very comforting to you. I will not leave your side, or the side of our faithful who ask me humbly to come. The more obedient and responsive to us they are, the more we will be with them.
15. You were impressed with the poem "Good Timber", recited at your Thanksgiving meal. We give our children "the bread of adversity and the waters of affliction" (see Isaiah 30:20) to help each grow. Without the winds of change and hardships, there could be no growth. However, we will truly be with our chosen ones during their tribulations. It may seem like we have forsaken or abandoned them, but in reality we have not.
16. Isaiah 54:7-10
"For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee.
In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer.
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."
17. Heavenly Mother extended her hand and I arose and took it in mine. She then took my replicated being with her back to her temple in the distance! I was also replicated and stayed there at the granite cliff. I then realized I was to not know what we discussed. I was, however, filled with comfort from her visit.
I closed my prayer and ended my day.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 29, 2019, Friday
1. I came this morning to the path leading into the tall fir forest from the southwest, just beyond the overlook to the green hill and valley. I was in the midst of vegetation with open skies, just before entering the tall trees. The path was narrow, and I stepped off into the bushes, in a more secluded spot to pray.
2. I knelt in this area and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
Heavenly Father then came walking down the path from the tall fir forest! He stopped momentarily and asked that I follow him as he continued walking on the trail. I stood and followed him, for the path was narrow, only allowing one person wide while walking.
3. As we were walking, the voice of the Father came clearly into my mind:
'Raphael, I have asked you this morning to follow me. You immediately stood and followed me, for you knew my voice and recognized me as your loving, trusting Father. You know I love you and will never lead you astray. I am leading you to an area where I will show you more truths and revelations!
4. We kept walking in silence, but soon came to the overlook facing the valley and green hill. As we came here, I could see the temple of God in the distance to the southeast. The sun was shining brightly and it was a beautiful day.
5. I came next to my Father who was looking over the valley in front of us. I was on his left side.
'Raphael, you have come here by following me. We will now see examples of others who either follow or don't follow me. Look now upon the valley below!'
6. I looked and saw a man in the field under a tree on his knees. He was praying in the sincerity of his heart. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come next to him. He didn't see her, but she was speaking peace to his soul and sending forth her love and light to him. He soon stood and sat on a chair he had brought, and he wrote his impressions in a book. Heavenly Mother was still by his side, comforting him from the celestial realms where she dwelt.
7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this man has prayed to me in great humility, alone and apart from others, seeking my guidance and light. Heavenly Mother has come and endowed him with the Holy Ghost. She will stay by his side and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost.
8. We give the gift of the Holy Ghost, or the companionship of the constant presence of Heavenly Mother, to those who have been confirmed in our church, by the laying on of hands:
D&C 33:11,15-
"Yea, repent and be baptized, everyone of you, for a remission of your sins; yea, be baptized even by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost.
...And who having faith you shall confirm in my church, by the laying on of the hands, and I will bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost upon them."
9. Heavenly Father said that the elect of God, whether they are baptized or not, if they pray to him like this man did, will also receive the companionship of their Heavenly Mother, or the gift of the Holy Ghost. This special gift of God will be given to all of the elect because of the difficult times in which the elect live. They will thus be guided and directed by God in these difficult days.
10. For those who haven't yet been baptized, he and Heavenly Mother have decided to still give this great gift until such time as the true Church of Christ is again established on the earth. Once restored, the gift of the Holy Ghost will again only be available after baptism by water, and then by the laying on of hands.
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this great temporary gift of the Holy Ghost that they will bless the faithful elect with!
12. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, this is the first time we will give this great gift from God upon our children, our elect children that I have chosen, without them being first baptized. We may do as we wish, and this is our great gift to our unbaptized elect, given by us to them because of the whirlwind of calamity that will soon come upon the earth. Once the true Church of Christ is again established on earth, we will withdraw from them this gift until they have the opportunity to be baptized by our true servants who bear my priesthood. We will always thus be by their sides, and protect and guide them in their lives.'
13. Heavenly Father then extended his arm over the valley below us and spoke: 'Raphael, look again upon the scene below us!'
14. I looked and saw an LDS church meeting being held in an LDS chapel. I saw this was somewhere in the United States. The ward members had gathered because their Stake President and bishop had called them together during the week. The members had become frightened due to many disasters in their own area and also the worldwide calamities.
15. The meetinghouse was full to capacity. The Stake President was comforting the members by trying to assure them that God would not leave them alone, for they had the gift of the Holy Ghost, and all could receive this gift.
16. I saw that the Spirit of God was not present in this meeting. I saw it was conspicuously not present! The people were not comforted.
Then in the meeting the electric power flickered and then went out. The frightened Latter-day Saints then left the building and drove home.
17. I looked closely and couldn't see the gift of the Holy Ghost with any, except a very few who had previously petitioned God, in personal and humble prayer, for protection and guidance. I also saw that those who had received this great gift of the Holy Ghost had been also chosen by the Father as his elect.
18. The remainder of the LDS church members seemed upset and frantic, at times, not knowing which way to turn or what to do. They hadn't felt the Spirit of God at church, for they had become used to made-up stories of God favoring them, and coming to their rescue. However, in this time of need, there was no rescue. The whirlwinds of destruction came upon them just like they came upon the rest of humanity.
19. This scripture then came into my mind from my Heavenly Father who I was now looking at :
3 Nephi 8:23-25:
"And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there was great mourning and howling and weeping among all the people continually; yea, great were the groanings of the people, because of the darkness and the great destruction which had come upon them.
And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared, and they would not have been burned in that great city Zarahemla.
20. And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out; then would our mothers and fair daughters, and our children have been spared and not have been burned up in that great city Moronihah. And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible."
21. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the crying, mourning, and howlings of those in the LDS church who have been once baptized, but had never received truly the gift of the Holy Ghost, will be as great as these Nephite people in this scripture I gave you. We will only protect our own elect who come unto us and keep our commandments, and not the sayings of men or their supposed spiritual leaders.'
22. Heavenly Father then raised his hand again, and I saw another scene, in a great city of the United States. There had been severe destructions from an earthquake and flooding. Then there was a nuclear explosion high up in the air above the city. There was silence and darkness over the city.
23. Then this scripture came into my mind-
3 Nephi 21:14-15, 18, 21-
"Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots.
And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds.
...And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy the cities.
And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.
For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel."
24. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, thus will calamity come upon your land and people as a whirlwind. However, in all of this we will stand by our elect, by giving those who ask of us for guidance and protection, the great gift of the Holy Ghost.'
25. Heavenly Father was facing me. I knew he loved his children, but no longer would stay his hand in delaying the promised calamities that would destroy the wicked out of the land.
26. I thanked him for his revelation this morning. I told him how I wanted to always keep his commandments, and would thereby receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, or the constant companionship of my Heavenly Mother.
27. At this time Heavenly Mother appeared next to my Father! They held hands and turned and walked down the path to the green field below. As they walked away they both vanished.
28. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
29. Evening–Tonight I returned late after an evening with my immediate family. I am feeling content and wanting to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I think I have fully come to understand now we can't control nor change anyone but ourselves, and to change oneself is usually quite difficult also! I am glad to finally know myself and who I am. I am grateful for the gifts my Gods have given to me.
30. Tonight I came to the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I came above the falls in the air, and knelt in the air. This is where I felt I should kneel. I then felt I should pray to my Heavenly Mother and invite her to come. These were the impressions in my mind.
31. I was reminded of the scripture about being given by God what we should pray for (3 Nephi 19:24 "and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray for, and they were filled with desire.")
32. I was unsure what I personally wanted, except to be in the presence of my glorious Heavenly Mother, and to hear what she wanted to share with me. After I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, she came first to my mind and then before me in her full body, standing in front of me above the waterfall in the air!
33. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, when our children pray to us with real desire, their own personal desires become swallowed up in us, their Gods. They begin to pray with great desires to hear our words and trust in how we lead them, for they don't want their own desires, but fully our desires, whatever those may be.
34. When they reach the point of subjugating their own desires and only wanting what we want, then we will give them abundant revelations. We will lead and guide them in our own way back into our presence. We will pour out our truths as we wish, for they trust us to do so. They have full confidence in us and fully believe and know we will order all things for their wellbeing. They don't worry so much about their own desires, for they know we will always be with them.
35. It is in such a state or condition that true prayers of desires of their heart are offered. The desire is given to them by our Spirit, and they hear our voice and impressions and act on them. This is very pleasing to us, their Heavenly Parents! We would that all of our children lean not to their own understandings and personal desires, but instead lean upon what we give them and how we lead them.
36. You came to this location, in the air above this waterfall in my upper gardens, because I gave you that direction by my Holy Ghost that flowed into you. It was a peculiar prompting and you did not dream it up.
37. Look down now upon the water falling directly below us into the pool far below. This is how I will pour down upon my faithful so many blessings, even so that there won't be room enough to receive them! My Spirit will also flow through them and fill them with my light and love, even to overflowing so that they become eventually transparent, because so much light penetrates and passes through them.
38. I rejoice when our children reach this point of desire and trust! Your Father and I will lead them along as fast as they are able to receive, and in a way so far better and grander than they could ever have dreamed of. This is true revelation and prayer!'
39. I gazed upon my loving Heavenly Mother before me. She was so filled with the bright light of her being, the love of God that completely filled my soul, so I felt so satisfied, like a well-watered plant. I just felt so happy!
40. Heavenly Mother then moved backwards into the sky behind and above her and in a few seconds was gone. I felt so pleased with my prayer of desire tonight. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 30, 2019, Saturday
1. After my prayer last night I had a very peaceful feeling! I was feeling so assured that God, my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, were watching over me. I had no inclination to fret or worry about anything, for my confidence and faith in them was great. It was also like I felt a glow of warmth around me, even like a cozy blanket.
2. I thought of this scripture from Isaiah 40:1
"Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God."
3. Isaiah 51:3
"For the Lord shall comfort Zion; he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody."
4. I came this morning to one of my favorite places, to the desert oasis! As I sat on the bench looking over the water and the surrounding sandy desert, I saw accents of beautiful color. These colors looked deeper somehow against the desert backdrop! All was so beautiful to me.
5. I knelt in front of the bench and prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking in faith that he would come to me. Heavenly Father then immediately appeared in front of me, a little elevated above the sand! He seemed so majestic in his power and strength and yet so tender and loving to me. I particularly love his very deep eternity eyes!
6. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have experienced since last night in communion with your Heavenly Mother the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding" (Philippians 4:7). This is the comforter, even the presence and Spirit of your Heavenly Mother.
7. John 14:16-17
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that (she) may abide with you for ever;
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth (her) not, neither knoweth (her): but ye know (her); for (she) dwelleth with you, and shall be in you." (words in parentheses changed by Heavenly Father).
8. In this eternity, the role of a comforter has been assigned to your Heavenly Mother. She is also the loving Mother of each of our earthly children. More than anyone or anything else, she knows how to comfort her own, the elect whom I have chosen.
9. The clouds of darkness and adversity may swirl around you, but with her peace and comfort, you shall have such assurance and contentment so that nothing else matters much. In turn, you may help settle those around you and bring the love of God into their presence also.
10. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I have this deep peace and joy always with us. We see the past, present and future. We know how to succor and lead our people in ways of peace, like we feel, and of safety. Fear flees away in our presence, for we are filled with peace.
11. You may wonder how we can be filled with peace, even when we initiate the whirlwinds of calamity soon coming upon the wicked and the world? We initiate this destruction so that the wicked will pass away and the beautiful world of the terrestrial millennium may come! The passing away of the evil and telestial will be relatively quick. The gathering of our elect will come in not many years. You will soon be in a world filled with peace and beauty, freed from Satan's influence. We will make all things new, even to the filling of our people with joy and consolation!
12. Isaiah 51:6-8, 11-12
"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.
Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.
For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.
...Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass."'
13. Heavenly Father then reached down to me with both of his arms. He pulled me gently up to him, where he was standing above me in the air. I stood in front of him and he embraced me and kissed me! He then spoke to me in a whisper:
'Raphael, our peace and comfort shall not depart from you! You will feel great peace, even with the wind whirling around you, for your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you!
14. This is the same promise we give to each of our elect who come unto us in the way you have approached us. If they will humble themselves before us and seek our comfort and peace, we will come to them and will not leave them comfortless. They will then experience no fear, for that is of the telestial world. We will make them changed, even to a terrestrial state where they more fully feel of our peace and love. This great peace will wrap them in our security and ever watchful eye!'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great promise to me and to the elect! I felt so elevated to be in his presence and in the presence of my Heavenly Mother last night! They have all under control, and will order all things for the blessing of their children.
16. Heavenly Father then withdrew and quickly faded away into his higher realms. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my new day.
17. Evening–Tonight my wife and I and a group of a dozen more dancers danced at intermission at a Christmas Carol It was fun to dress up in clothes of the time! I liked imagining how it was to live in those times. However, I am so glad to live in our times, in our modern society. I also love seeing most every year "The Christmas Carol" movie. There is so much meaning in the new man Scrooge after being visited by three ghosts. I know it is just a story, but change to the better is something each of us can do and should work on daily in our lives.
18. I am now settled in my front room chair, and the house is quiet. I am ready to connect again with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the mountain small forest in Heavenly Mother's upper garden near the pocketed rock wall. The sound of trickling water pleasantly came to me. This is a very soothing and peaceful place!
19. I knelt on the soft forest floor, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Mother then walked to me from between two medium size trees in front of me! She was smiling at me. I felt so loved by her, for I could truly feel this very palpable love.
20. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, we give our children experiences in their mortal journey in life to help them understand themselves better, and to know how they will respond to life's challenges. However, we also give these experiences so that they may understand their fellow man better and love those who have similar experiences. Hardships are usually times of growth that mature and deepen the understanding and love of our people for each other.
21. For example, you are now so much more aware of the needs of a caregiver to one who is disabled. This has been your personal journey for your wife and you. You know of the strain on yourself, and the patience you have had to develop. This is a difficult path for any of our children. Your Father and I had this experience in our own family, in caring for our young daughter in mortality. We developed charity, understanding, and greater compassion, besides patience and forbearance. These are now treasured experiences that we have shared together. There was no other experience that could have taught us so well these choice lessons.
22. In the future, there will be many who will seek your counsel. Without your personal direct experience in similar areas, how could you wisely counsel them? Often the loving care our children show to each other is sufficient to lift the burdens of the one suffering grief, pain and hardships.
23. We expect our faithful to love each other, to just be there to support the one who is suffering. In the case of loved ones, this might require many hours or days of putting aside their own plans and bearing their burdens with them. Such are requirements of loving family members, and also loving members of the fold of God, or the elect of God.
24. Mosiah 18: 8-9
And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;
Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times…"
(Interrupted, continued in the morning)
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 1, 2019, Sunday
1. Last night my wife and I began a conversation that lasted late into the evening. I would like to continue my prayer in my Heavenly Mother's upper garden, near the mountain forest stream, next to the pocketed rock wall.
2. I then thought of being there on the celestial orb, and saw my Heavenly Mother instructing me in prayer while I was kneeling before her! I then immediately was in my body kneeling before her. She spoke: 'Raphael, many of our children reject the requirements of being loving members of the fold of God. Most respond when a loved one is in great need, but even then they are often too self-centered to drop their own agendas and open their time to serve and bear the other's burdens, that they may be light.
3. As our elect children awaken to us their Gods, they will also awaken to the need of others around them whom they may serve and love. We will help them love by the circumstances that come into their lives that give them this opportunity.
4. Right now you have one in your own family who is in great need, and needs your time and support. Go now to him, and with your loving wife, help and support him in this his time of need.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words, and said I would now go to serve. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
6. After church–We went to a local church today and attended sacrament meeting. It was a fast and testimony meeting.
7. During the sacrament I came to the knoll overlooking the circling waters on the celestial orb. After the sacrament prayer on the bread was offered, I made my weekly covenant like I always do. Heavenly Father then came before me while I was kneeling there. He spoke:
8. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today. We will always remain with you!
The greatest lesson of life for our children is for them to turn outwards from themselves to those around them. Our way is to serve our children, and this love for others was clearly taught by Jesus Christ in his life and teachings. We desire all of our elect to love each other, and to care for the needs and concerns for their family and for those around them.
9. The meeting then started with the bearing of testimonies. I tried to feel the Spirit of God in the meeting but I could not. I wondered again, as I frequently do, why so many say that the church is true, almost in an automatic pattern or by rote. They also say that the Spirit is so strong, and yet I feel no Spirit. I can only go by what I personally feel, and that is counter to what they express and believe. I get the subtle impression it is an attempt by the LDS members to hope it is all true, and that they really have the Spirit. It is like they are grasping at something they wish for but don't seem to get.
10. Evening–I received two emails this morning from S about his instruction and revelation from God. I have felt prompted to share both of them for they are from our Heavenly Parents and give us all much instruction.
Email from S to R on 12-1-2019:
Subject: Water in a brook
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I had some special experiences in prayer recently that I was directed to share with you.
11-29-2019 AM
I read in D&C, then I read from Raphael. He recorded a wonderful experience of an assembly in Heaven and the messages presented. I read the messages, yet I desired to pray and ask if it is true.
I drank of water and prayed for it to be living water. I do this every morning with physical water that I get before starting my prayer. I felt refreshed and my mind clear afterwards. I then called upon my Heavenly Parents. I had no inclination of what I would learn today. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice clearly call to me to come to her side. I came to her and she was standing bare foot in a brook. There were animals all about us drinking water from the brook. I stepped into the water next to her and the water was very cold but refreshing. She was smiling and full of light. I was happy to be in her presence. She spoke to me, "This water in this brook is cold because it comes from melted snow. When the snow hits the ground it is still pure. As it melts and forms this brook, the water gets impurities from the dirt, leaves, sand, and remnants of the vegetation and wildlife. The purest form is the snow as it falls from heaven. In your current religious culture from your youth, many drink the waters of past revelations given to man. Many seek to follow current leaders who look for light from past revelations given by previous prophets. This is similar to the water in the brook. We are glad you pray to confirm each new truth you read from Raphael. You then pray to Us and receive greater light and understanding directly from Us your Gods, the fountain of all light and truth. Those who trust only in the arms of flesh will be misled. We will never lead any of Our children astray, for that is contrary to Our very nature. In a coming day when these truths come forth to those of your religious upbringing, be patient and understanding. Many will justify not searching these truths based off of their interpretation of a previous statement of a prophet years ago. For pure revelation like the snow, they will need to petition Us directly. Encourage others to seek Us directly for answers to their prayers and not rely upon the arm of flesh. It is important that you record this message accurately and I will bless your memory to recall my words. At this time she departed in light before my eyes. The words from the scripture Matthew 16:17-18 came to my mind as she departed, "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
I pondered on Peter's experience. Peter accepted truth based off of revelation he received in prayer from Heavenly Father that was counter to the religious culture and norms of his society. Most did not believe that Jesus was the very Son of God.
I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
11-30-19 AM
I read in D&C 43:25-26 where the Lord has called out to His children in many ways to come to Him. I next read Raphael share an experience of a returned widowed missionary, yet neither he nor his wife felt the spirit as she spoke. I pondered similar experiences of mine where this has occurred too. I loved the scripture from the Book of Mormon where the people prayed, sung, and discoursed according as the spirit directed them. What a difference the spirit brings!
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents for one or both to come. I heard a sound of a drop of water hitting metal, then the sound of a flood of water falling into more water, then again I heard the sound of a drop of water against metal followed by a rush of water into a pool of water, this pattern repeated a third time. Heavenly Mother spoke, "Raphael recorded that many of Our children are not open to Our revelations. They do not ask Us if their leaders are guiding them to Us. They follow blindly without seeking light from Us humbly. They are as the metal where the drop of water hits it and spreads in many directions but doesn't penetrate. Our light does not enter their hearts but is pushed away. Those who are humble and open will receive Our light and truth as the rush of water hitting the pool of water. We desire all to be open to receive this light as fast as they are able to receive it."
At this time I heard a loud call, coming from far way. The voice was strong and powerful. The voice said, "Come!" There was a moment pause and the voice said, "Come!" There was another pause, now louder the voice said, "Come to the wedding of the Bridegroom!" I knew at that moment that it was Heavenly Father's voice. Heavenly Mother took my left hand in her right hand and said, "Let us go to the marriage feast!" We were next in a room with a large banquet table. There was a great feast of food on the table. There were all sorts of people, already sitting and eating. They were people from all walks of life, and I perceived that most were poor or unassuming in our mortal world. I understood by the spirit that they were humble and receptive to the spirit of the Lord. Heavenly Mother spoke," We have called out to Our children by the voice of Our servants and by the voice of my spirit, but most have blocked my spirit from entering their heart. This is true of most all Our children. Your Heavenly Father now calls out to them with His own voice. Those who have come are already beginning to feast as We have directed them. They will continue to feast until the bridegroom cometh, which is Our Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Sit, eat this feast because your heart is open and you desire to hear Our words and follow Our direction to you." I sat as I was directed but I looked back on my loving Heavenly Mother filled with gratitude and love for the eternal kindness of both my Heavenly Parents. A tear rolled down my cheek as I was filled with her love. She then departed and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name as this scene closed before my view.
I thought of Raphael's words that he recorded that many elect would yet awaken as God lifts the darkness and they come before God humbly. Many will yet come to the feast.
Raphael 145-G14
14. We will lift the darkness that covers the world, and the minds of our elect in our own way.
Raphael 145-I6
6. We desire our elect sons and daughters to come before us with no judgment or perception of how things ought to be, but to be very open and receptive to our still, small voice. How can we lead and guide them if they restrict in their minds what words we may say or limit revelation to a very narrow mindset, shrouded with false beliefs and judgments that they are not willing to let go? We cannot give our Spirit in such conditions, for they are not open, humble or penitent before us. They feign that their newest imaginations are revelations from us, or our Holy Spirit, where in reality they are not.
Matthew 22: 2-10. Parable of the marriage of the king's son.
Second email from S to R on 12-1-2019:
Subject: Gratitude
After I wrote to you this morning, I reread my email. I wondered if others would read this and feel I was judgmental.
I had this thought in my mind as I went to pray.
In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice come to my mind, " You wondered if your words in your journal would appear judgmental. You have sought to record our words to you and not your own. Judgment is ours. We have tried to share with you, to your understanding, the condition of the hearts of the children of men in your day. We love all our children and desire all to come unto us. Yet we see all things presently before us and know what our children will choose when We call out to them. Most of our children are ungrateful to us their creators. They do not pause to thank their God for their mortal experience and the many beauties of the earth that surround them. Even our poorest children from man's perspective on earth are blessed beyond measure with a physical body that gives them experience and allows them to act, move, and experience this beautiful earth We have created. We desire more of our children to become aware of our many blessings in their life. This will not come to many until their peace and prosperity are taken from them. This will cause many to awaken to their awful state where they have turned away from God and sought only their own pleasure. We long for the coming day where many elect will be humbled and call upon us in the sincerity of their hearts and be filled with gratitude to us their creators. Oh how gratitude can change mankind and awaken individuals to their divine nature and potential.
I tried to express my gratitude and love towards Her with the workings of my very soul and being. My entire being desired to shout praise and thanksgiving to my Heavenly Parents and my Savior. All I am and can become is because of Their goodness. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name. I felt Her love and appreciation for the words and feelings of my heart.
Have a blessed Sabbath,
11. I am glad that S and hopefully others confirm what I receive, whether it is the truth from God or not. I actually feel so very ordinary, and wonder why anyone would follow what I say. However, it is not from me as an ordinary man, but from God through me as his conduit. I feel like I am almost transparent, for the words of God are from God and not from me. I say a few things between their words in my journal, but when I quote either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, it is they who speak and not I. Often their words come so quickly it is hard for me to write them down fast enough.
12. I really like what S experienced in the sound of a drop of water hitting metal, versus the sound of a rush of water into a pool of water. I love these comparisons that Heavenly Father, in this case, gave to him. I want so much to be receptive to the light from my Gods. I want my heart to be very open to them, to receive whatever they send my way. I do not ever want to add my own words or thoughts onto what they tell me. All they send to me comes directly from them and not me.
13. I also am intrigued by S's account of coming to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Matthew 25:2-13. There is also a reference to this in D&C 58:8-11
"And also that a feast of fat things might be prepared for the poor; yea, a feast of fat things, of wine on the lees well refined, that the earth may know that the mouths of the prophets shall not fail;
Yes, a supper of the house of the Lord, well prepared, unto which all nations shall be invited.
First, the rich and the learned, the wise and the noble;
And after that cometh the day of my power; then shall the poor, the lame, and the blind, and the deaf, come in unto the marriage of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, prepared for the great day to come."
14. Here is another reference to the marriage of the Lamb:
Revelation 19:7-9
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."
15. I want to understand this whole process better. I am glad S shared his experience with me about the calling from the Father to "come".
16. I came to the high mountaintop, above Heavenly Mother's upper garden tonight. It was black and there was a full moon up in the black sky. I wasn't cold, and I knelt on a grassy part of the summit of this mountaintop. I don't know which direction I faced, but I then called upon my Heavenly Father in humble and open prayer.
17. Heavenly Father then appeared in front of me in a subdued light, but he was much brighter than anything else around me! His cape was blowing gently in the wind, and he was very majestic and looked so powerful. I gazed into his eternity eyes and into his smiling face. He then spoke:
18. 'Raphael, your Mother and I shared with S an experience where he heard my voice calling twice "come". He finally heard my voice "Come to the wedding of the Bridegroom!" Heavenly Mother then brought him by the hand into a room with a large banquet table.
19. Come here tomorrow morning and both your Heavenly Mother and I will show you more of this marriage supper of the Lamb. It is late tonight and you will be refreshed in the morning.'
20. I responded that I could come here tomorrow morning as he directed me. I thanked him for coming to me tonight this beautiful evening! I closed my prayer and went to bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 2, 2019, Monday
1. I have awakened refreshed and alert. I am ready to commune with both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I anticipate becoming enlightened about the marriage supper of the Lamb.
2. I came again to the high mountaintop. It was bright and sunny there this morning. I saw my surroundings better. I was truly at the top of the mountain, and there were no visible mountains higher. I knelt to the south, for that is how I felt to do. I think I will be shown what is presently happening, and not some future or past event.
3. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Then both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descended to me from the southern skies! They were holding hands, full of the brightness of their glory! They lighted upon the grass while their capes both blew in the breeze. I could hear the movement of their robes when they snapped in the wind.
4. Heavenly Father spoke first.
'Raphael, come with me to the southern skies behind us! Come to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'
5. He then moved backwards into the sky and disappeared. I heard his call, from his voice in my mind then: "Come!"
6. I stood from my kneeling position on the grass, and Heavenly Mother extended her right hand to me. She spoke: 'Raphael, let's go to the marriage supper of the Lamb as given in Matthew 25:1-13
"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
7. Then Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, the parable of the ten virgins that you have written is the same event as given in the parable of the marriage of the king's son, given in Matthew 22:1-10-
"And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,
And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.
Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.
But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:
And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.
But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests."
8. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, in both parables given above, the Son or Bridegroom is being married, and there is a celebration. The virgins are members of the LDS church, some which expect to be called into the marriage feast but have not ordered their lives to hear the voice of the Father calling to them. The second parable focuses on the remainder of the peoples of the world, in every walk of life, both good and bad. All are called to the wedding feast of the Son, for the meal is prepared and ready.
9. The servants are the angels of God, and other celestial servants calling to all to hear the voice of the Father to come to the feast. However, only a very few, whether virgins or any other peoples, hear the voice of the Father, for they are likened to drops of water bouncing off the metal, for they will not hear our voice. However, for those who hear our voice they are likened to the flow of water into a pool of water. These fear our voice of the Spirit and come to the feast of the Bridegroom that the Father has prepared.'
10. Heavenly Mother took my hand and we followed the direction to the south where Heavenly Father had gone.
11. We were soon in a very large room, a banquet room with many tables filled with abundant foods of all varieties. There were also many tables with chairs where the invited guests were eating. There were clean linen cloths over the tables, and fancy plates, and cups and utensils for the invited guests to eat from. The tables were rectangular, and each seated many guests.
12. Heavenly Mother then brought me to a clean table with white linen, beautifully set. She took the plate and cup and handed it to me:
'Raphael, come and feast from our abundant foods of celebration that we have prepared!'
13. I took the plate and cup, and walked with her to the food tables. I picked meats, potatoes, vegetables and fruit of all kinds! It was extremely sumptuous and beautifully prepared foods of all kinds.
14. Heavenly Mother then poured me some drink, of "wine on the lees well-refined" (D&C 58:8), or prepared and preserved for the elect of God to drink with their feast. She filled my goblet up to the top. I then walked with her back to my table and set my filled plate and filled cup on the table. she invited me to sit, which I did. She then spoke:
15. 'Raphael, we are finishing calling all of our elect this month of December, and completing their translation to the terrestrial realms. They mostly won't know that they have been chosen and changed. These our elect come from the LDS church and from all walks of life, from the entire world. The elect hear the voice of the Father, given to them by the Holy Spirit. He calls to them and they hear his voice that says to them "come", and "come to the marriage supper of the Bridegroom." They hear his voice and obey, for they are our elect.'
16. I looked around and saw, like S saw, many of those who had come and were coming to be the poor and humble, the unlearned and unrefined. They had never come to a feast quite like this ever in their lives!
17. Heavenly Mother continued: 'We have prepared this great feast for all of our children, and could accommodate all. However, only a few hear the voice of the Father or the servants he has sent. Those who will not hear his voice are the proud, those who think they know us, or think they know of themselves our still, small voice. However, they hear other voices and mistake those voices for the voice of God. Some also hear voices of the world, or of their own self-centered desires. However, if these were each to humble themselves before the Father, in open and sincere prayer, and come to us in the name of our Beloved Son, they would begin to hear the voice of the Spirit of God. Instead, they harden their hearts and will not hear!
18. Raphael, you and our elect hear our voice because you are humble and open in your heart and mind. All of you are our elect, chosen by the Father and called by him to this great wedding feast!
19. The hour when the wedding feast doors will close is soon at hand. When filled, we will shut the doors, and no one else may enter. Those inside will be called and chosen, for they will have heard the voice of the Father, and have come to our feast. These will be the ones whom we will bring into our millennial world when Jesus Christ comes to the earth.'
20. I stood and bowed my head before my Heavenly Mother. I thanked her for sharing the meaning of this beautiful parable of Jesus with me! I said I loved how I now see they are all one together, and not different, and that this great feast is the marriage supper of the Lamb.
21. I asked when my Savior Jesus Christ would come to this feast?
22. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, come to the high mountaintop again tonight and face east as you pray to us. We will come again and reveal to you the answer to your question!'
23. Heavenly Mother then quickly departed and I found myself in my private room writing all of this down in my journal. I ended my prayer and started my new day.
24. Evening–Tonight I came to the high mountaintop to the same grassy spot where I came this morning. It was light outside and a few wispy clouds were in the sky. I knelt and faced east and prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking them to come to me.
25. My Heavenly Mother immediately came in the brightness of her glory! Her cape was gently blowing like this morning and her hair was slightly blowing in the breeze. She extended her hand to me and spoke: 'Come Raphael, let's go to the wedding feast when Jesus Christ comes!'
26. I stood and she whisked me away to the same large banquet room that I was in this morning. I saw the same humble and poor in heart people as this morning, but so many more! The banquet hall was filled and everyone had on a beautiful white linen robe, which I understood was the wedding garment for all the attendees (see Matthew 22:11-14). We were all standing, for we had finished the great feast, had washed up and been clothed in these special robes. The tables and chairs in the great hall had all been cleared away. We were looking to the east door of the room with great anticipation, for this is where the Bridegroom would enter!
27. Heavenly Mother spoke to me while I was standing next to her (I don't think the others around us could see her, but I did.)
'Raphael, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who alone was worthy and took upon himself the sins of all mankind, has washed each one of these elect in this great hall with his own blood! Your Father and I have accepted his great offering, and have accepted these, our faithful elect, into our presence, or would soon do so. These elect are from all ages of time of those who have ever lived on earth, who live in mortality, or who would someday live on the earth or be born on the earth. These are all of our elect of God whom the Father has chosen! These are all in this banquet hall. Watch now, and be ready, for the Bridegroom comes in an hour that you know not.'
28. I turned and looked on the faces of the faithful who were standing next to me. They were waiting with great expectation for the Son of Man to burst forth into the room from the east door in the great hall.
29. I noticed that all the doors to the outside of the hall had been shut and secured. I saw angels who stood as sentinels above the doors, to protect anyone from entering who might try to enter.
30. Heavenly Mother then took me by the hand again and we were instantly in her higher celestial realm. She brought me up above the crowd and near the front of the hall, near the east door. It was a gold door, trimmed with jewels, and the door frame was very beautifully decorated.
31. Suddenly the door opened and Jesus Christ stepped forward into the hall above all the crowd, so all could easily see him! He wore a gold crown that shone brightly, and a scarlet red robe and sash. His cape of the same color was blowing behind him and in every way he was extremely majestic and powerful!
32. Everyone in the banquet hall immediately came to their bended knees and bowed their heads! I looked down where I had been and I saw myself among the congregation on my knees, whereas in the higher celestial realm I was holding onto Heavenly Mother's hand still.
33. Suddenly we were all in the clouds of heaven above the earth! Jesus Christ was in front, with his archangels flanking him on both sides, then with all the holy angels. The vast congregation in the banquet hall were all next, on both sides, above and below those next to Jesus Christ. The entire host of the elect of God were there, all in their wedding garments! It was an amazing sight! I was no longer with my Heavenly Mother, but next to my archangel brothers and sisters, behind Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven.
34. Jesus then came to the earth in great glory and power! I did not see any further events or happenings. I was deeply moved by the grandeur of the wedding feast of the Lamb, of the glorious entry into the banquet hall among all of the elect first, and then of his powerful entry in the clouds of heaven above the earth!
35. As I close my prayer tonight, my mind is whirling with this vision I've experienced! I feel so humbled to have felt these things, as they come with deep impressions in my soul. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for revealing such great things to me tonight!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 3, 2019, Tuesday
1. I have been pondering the vision I saw of the marriage supper of the Lamb. At first I saw the people in the banquet hall eating from the feast that was prepared, but they hadn't yet been clothed in the white wedding garments. They hadn't even seemed aware where they were, except they had all been called and they responded and came. They had been called and I think chosen, but had really not been born again or awakened unto God.
2. I also knew that last night, when we were all waiting for the glorious entry of Jesus Christ through the gold east door, that everyone had been washed and changed and then clothed in a clean linen wedding garment in preparation for the entry of Jesus Christ. I knew that the fine linen represents the righteousness of the Saints (see Revelation 19:7-9). I believe this also was given to them by virtue of being washed white through Christ's blood.
3. Alma 5:21
"I say unto you, ye will know at that day that ye cannot be saved; for there can no man be saved except his garments are washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers, who should come to redeem his people from their sins."
4. S wrote me an email yesterday and again this morning, asking me what awakening the elect really means?
He quoted Mosiah 27:25-26
"And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."
5. S asked what are God's higher ways of the awakening of the elect in the coming days?
6. I decided this morning to come again to the high mountaintop where I had been yesterday in prayer. I faced south and knelt, for I felt facing south somehow represented seeing things as they currently are now happening. Facing east is to see things of the future, and facing west is to see things of the past.
7. As I knelt, Heavenly Father immediately appeared at my side! He was standing on the grass, smiling. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, look now into the southern skies!'
8. I looked ahead and saw a humble man in the course of his life, currently living on earth. He was having hardships in life, common to all mankind. I saw him feeling overwhelmed with life and his inability to face his challenges alone. He quietly went into a secluded place and poured out his heart to God. He seemed so humble and open, and sincerely sought for God's guidance.
9. I then saw the Spirit of God come to him, filling him with light and truth. He was greatly comforted, and repeated this process that evening, and in the following days. He was taught of his Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He started studying the Bible and attending a local Christian church. He slowly was changing and being molded into the man of God that he was to become.
10. I saw that this man had a mighty change of heart, for he was wrought upon by the Spirit and obeyed. He was particularly thirsting after direction from God, which came to him as he exercised faith and took action on all of his promptings. He was becoming awakened unto God!''
11. I saw then that there was one time in his prayers that Jesus Christ came to him although the man did not see Jesus. He did know that Jesus was next to him, however, and was overcome with awe! He then heard the voice of Jesus in his mind clearly, in his unconscious mind. The man was perceptive and very open, for he was in a prayerful and meditative state.
12. Jesus spoke peace to the mind and heart of this humble man and said to him that his sins and weaknesses were forgiven, and that he, Jesus, had redeemed and cleansed him. He said he was clean every whit, and that he was fully acceptable to God. Jesus wrapped the man in the love and light of his Spirit, which flowed like abundant water into his being. The man was cleansed and purified in every way, with his garments washed white in the blood of the Lamb of God, even Jesus Christ. I saw that Jesus departed, but that the Spirit of God continued to remain with the man.
13. I then thought of Alma 27:24-26 where Alma the Younger described being born again, born of the Spirit, and becoming a new creature. I thought of his father, Alma, who spoke to the people of Zarahemla, asking them if they had received this experience?
14. Alma 5:14
"And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"
15. I then saw this man arise from his secret prayer, being born of God, being a new man, a man in whose heart and mind had no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2). He had truly been born again and awakened unto God!
16. Heavenly Father then faced me and spoke:
'Raphael, you came here last night when Heavenly Mother instructed you and you came with her to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This man you just saw was in the crowd of the elect, for he would wear a beautiful wedding garment. This garment represents that he had been changed, born of God, and awakened to hear our voice, and knew our voice. He was perceptive to my still small voice, and obeyed what I said to him.
17. When I invited him to come to the wedding feast of the bridegroom, he heard and obeyed. This parable is symbolic of what happens to every one of my elect whom I have chosen, for they are called and chosen. They respond and at some point are awakened to God with a very cleansing and redeeming experience by my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They then become born again of the Spirit, and symbolically are given a clean, white linen wedding garment. They are numbered with the other elect of God, and await the prophesied second coming of the Son of Man, in the clouds of heaven.
18. When Jesus comes in his glory, these elect from all of our children ever born to us, will meet Jesus in the air and descend with him in glory to the earth. They will then live with him on the new terrestrial earth in the millennial day, a day and place reserved for my elect who have been or will soon be awakened unto God and born again through Jesus Christ, our Son.
19. Raphael, our elect who are born again will be fully transitioned into the terrestrial world. They will have also been changed from a telestial state to a terrestrial mortal state, even by the end of the year 2019. These changes are all necessary for them to have the strength and assurance in God that will be required to weather the storms coming upon the earth during its cleansing of the wicked, or the ungodly.
20. The awakening of our elect will be done one at a time for each of our children that I have chosen. Like this man in the vision you saw in the southern skies, each needs to be born again in a very deeply personal experience. This is done by their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ himself, like you saw happen to that man. Thus our elect gradually become awakened unto God, and led carefully back into our glorious presence, even as has happened to you.'
21. I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Father who faced me! I knew I had received great truths today, pure revelation from his very being who was in front of me. I said I would obey all he and Heavenly Mother would ask me to do. I said I was their faithful servant.
22. Heavenly Father then smiled the light of his countenance upon me and I felt his great love and acceptance in my heart and mind.
23. I then was back in my private room in prayer. I reread what I had written, confirmed that I had written it all clearly and correctly, and then closed my morning prayer.