57. Premortal Life and Preparatory Meetings
Posted 9-19-2017
Hello my friends!
Lots has been happening these past 2 1/2 weeks since I wrote you last! I feel at peace, yet with no expectations, even though I have been told great things that will happen. I hope you each have tranquility in your lives too. One of the very important messages from this post is that we each need to carve out time to be holy, to commune with God and receive communion with our Heavenly Father and Mother.
Please let me know how you are doing! I yearn to connect. I have been taking a little longer responding to emails sometimes, but I think of what you say often. Your questions and comments are very helpful to me.
I wish you Godspeed in the journey each of you will be taking, in the celestial realms above. Some of you have already felt this hastening hand of God giving you more direction and the flow of light from heaven above.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-2-2017 Saturday
1. I awoke this morning and prepared myself for communion with God in prayer. I felt to go to the south side of the mountain stream, opposite the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area.
I prayed with uplifted hands, asking for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come. They came to me from a cloud that formed just west of me. They all three walked in front of me and stood before me!
2. I gazed into their faces. They were happy and pleased with me, their son. Jesus had a scarlet red sash, but Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore no sash. It seemed I could see into their very mind as I looked at them. I had a very good view and spiritual connection with my Gods on this lovely morning.
I opened the prayer, telling them what I felt, what I was involved in, and prayed for my loved ones. I said I had fully read my post, and asked if it now was ready to email out. I then waited upon God in my prayer.
3. Jesus Christ, my Redeemer and Savior, first spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are happy to come and openly talk with you this morning. We will increase your clarity in these celestial realms that are above the earth. We approve of your post, and desire that you send it out soon. We will be with you as you continue to importune us, and seek to do our will. You will receive more of our power as we promised in our recent blessing to you.'
4. I waited, and then Heavenly Father spoke next to me:
'Raphael, our son, we will continue to magnify your abilities as you have requested today. On the first pass by the earth by Nibiru, there will be a major earthquake in Utah. However, on the second pass by, there will be a devastating earthquake in Utah. The second pass of Nibiru will also create a series of events, which will end in an extreme earthquake in the center of your land. This will open up the fissure to the cavern of living water deep in the ground. The living water will then come to the surface in the New Jerusalem area, initiating the destructions in that area. You will then be able to start the events leading to the construction of the New Jerusalem. This will happen as your country is in great distress because of the tribulations among all the people of the land. You and our angels will be the first ones to come to the Missouri area, following the living waters flow onto the land. We will continue to be with you in all of these events.'
5. While I was taking in what Heavenly Father said, then Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we love you very much! We are pleased with your growth and awareness of spiritual things, and your ability to hear our words, and in diligently writing them down.
6. We will bless you more and more with an endowment of our love for our children. You will minister to our children in great love and compassion. They will be in distress, and you will extend to them God's love and blessing, in our behalf. Keep humble, always remembering that we extend to you our love and power for you to act in our behalf, and not in your own behalf. Act quickly when you know our will. Also, always seek confirmation of your actions as you act in our behalf. We will magnify you far above your natural ability and strength.
7. You have been worried some about your mental acuity, and your ability to remember names and events. We have given you these experiences for your benefit, so you will have compassion on those of our children who age and have similar problems due to aging. However, we will quicken your mind in due time so that you will fully be able to accomplish all we expect you to do.'
8. I thanked each of them for their kindness towards me, and for their words of advice and direction. I confirmed that I had written all of this down correctly.
At that time, they each smiled at me, and returned into the cloud behind them from where they had come. They soon vanished from my view and were gone! I knew I had received my full message this morning. I ended my prayer and started my day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-3-2017 Sunday
1. I awoke late today, and immediately started preparing for my prayer. The house was very quiet.
I felt to go to the high mountaintop in the celestial world. Before I went, I drank three times from the lake of living water at God's Loving Healing Center. I felt my mind clarifying as I did this. Next I went to the white gate, and the keeper of the gate, Jesus Christ, was there. He opened the gate and without a word let me pass onto the straight and narrow path. I gazed into his eyes and it seemed I knew him well, and his visage and inner person.
2. I arrived at the tree of life, and plucked a fruit and leaf, and returned with these to the high mountaintop. I ate the fruit as I thought of the others to love more. I ate the leaf as I thought of my mind, how I wanted my thoughts and feelings to be controlled, and how I wanted my mind to be quick and clear, with great memory and function.
3. I then knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. At this time I perceived them in the western skies calling to me! I felt I was going into my past as I traveled to them–my past! I thought this was to be a very unique experience for me in my prayer this morning!
4. (Note: After reading this post, M.A. asked me about the name Immanuel, Jehovah, and Jesus Christ, as names of the promised Messiah. When I originally wrote this entry below, I was calling my Savior "Jehovah" at many times that I should have called him "Immanuel", for that was his orignal birth name. I also wrote that his name was announced as "Jesus Christ" when chosen before the group to be the promised Messiah, when Lucifer rebelled. As clarification, he was given a new name of "Jehovah" at that time. This name of Jehovah replaced his name of Immanuel. The name of Jesus Christ was to be his mortal name, when Jehovah came to the earth to live as the Only Begotten of the Father. For more information see my previous post #23.
I have modified the following entry to conform to the proper names and sequences as they should be.)
5. I went to them and found myself as an intelligence, without any spirit or physical body! I had gone into my past, with a very clear memory of my beginnings.
I could perceive my thoughts and impressions at that time, and they felt just like ones I now think in my being! I was an entity in the immensity of space.
6. I could also perceive my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother coming into the area where I was located. They were looking at all of the entities around me, for their fourth child, their spirit child that was to be. They came to me and were pleased. They received my acceptance to become one of them, the highest honor that I could have ever received!
7. My next memory was being inside my Heavenly Mother, fully ready for my spirit birth. Her womb was large as she was now ready to give birth to me, as her offspring from the seed of Heavenly Father where I was as I entered into her resurrected body. I was fully aware of my coming birth.
8. I remember going through the birth canal and exiting her body to my Heavenly Father who was there. He took me, a brand new spirit body, into his arms and kissed my face. He smiled broadly at me, his newest born son! He gave me to the waiting arms of my eternal Mother. She kissed me too, and then put me to her breasts where I began nursing. I could see myself in an aware state, but very innocent and unknowing of what was happening. I could remember, however, clearly nursing and feeling my mother's great love as I fed, to receive the nourishment from her to one day become like her and my Father!
9. I then remember having baby spirit clothes placed on me too. I remember seeing Immanuel, my elder brother. I looked into his face, a teenage face. I knew him, for he had the same exact look as I saw at the white gate earlier this morning! I knew Michael and Gabriel too, my other older brothers. We were a small family of two parents and four boys. I was the baby, and loved being in my new surroundings as a spirit son of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!
10. My vision of that early time in my spirit life then ended. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father were before me in the eastern skies where I had traveled to them. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son–you have the same open and humble soul now as you did in the beginning, even when we chose you to be our fourth son from among the intelligences! You have seen also that Immanuel, our Beloved Firstborn Son, also had the same look and personality from the beginning too, when he was your teenage older brother in our small family.
11. We have given you this memory again which you may always remember in your conscious mind. You have continually sought to have a clear mind when you have chewed and swallowed the leaf of the tree of life. We will continue to quicken your mind so it becomes more and more sharp while in your flesh, so that you may fully fulfill your glorious mission on earth. You may also share this experience with those angels who support you in your role as the archangel of these last days.
12. I love you deeply! The love I had for you since your Father and I first chose you in the realms of the intelligences, and when I birthed you and nursed you, has continued to grow. I have more and more love for you as you continue to act in obedience to our word also. You are our special son!'
13. I felt overwhelmed as I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this vision, and for her words of love for me! I then felt a need to immediately capture all of these experiences in my journal. I have been writing for forty minutes or so, and now I am done writing. I have captured adequately what I experienced, although I can't capture my inner feelings very well. I feel so thankful for my experience in prayer this morning!
14. Later:
We went to church in Provo today. There was a kindly Bishop conducting the meeting who made me feel very welcomed. He was also kindly to the members, who were mostly young marrieds. He had the wives of husbands who blessed their babies stand up and be recognized. They seemed very pleased to be recognized. He seemed to be a very kindly man, thoughtful of others and their needs.
15. During the sacrament I felt I was again on the high mountaintop in the celestial world. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents whom I could see in the distant western skies. As soon as I partook of the bread, I felt them beckoning to me to come to them. I went in the skies to meet them and came upon another premortal scene!
16. I saw my replicated self in front me, now a young spirit teenager. My brothers now numbered seven. With myself, there were eight of us sons of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father was addressing our small family of eight boys. Heavenly Mother was next to him. Heavenly Father told us sons that we were going to have some new changes coming to our family. He said that Heavenly Mother was going to have baby girls. He said there would be changes, including more drama and even evil introduced into our family, as more male and female babies were to be born.
17. He told us we eight sons would become the leaders of all their other children who would be coming next. He said that each of us would continue to have access to their presence, even during the time of probation that they were planning for us. He told us about going to earth, a telestial state, where all would be tested and gain a physical body. He told us eight boys of their plan for all of their children to progress to the point of becoming even as Heavenly Mother and he were. We were then taught the plan of salvation from our Heavenly Father.
He next talked to each of us, in a group setting, what Heavenly Mother and he were planning for each of our leadership roles.
18. He started with Immanuel, the Firstborn. He said he would be the great Redeemer of all their spirit children. He would come in the meridian of time on the earth. He would become their only Begotten Son in the flesh on earth. He would be the one through whom all of their children would come to them, their Heavenly Parents, in their journey towards eternal life. He would become a God with both of them, acting in power and authority as the Mediator between their children and themselves.
19. Heavenly Father next talked to Michael. He said he would have the great privilege of being the first man on the mortal earth. He would be married to one of their future daughters, and together would begin the process of bringing forth all of their children on the earth. He, Michael, would be next in authority, after Immanuel, in administering salvation to their children.
20. He then turned to Gabriel, his third son. Father said that Gabriel would come in days of great darkness and wickedness on earth among their children. He would save himself and a few of his family members in an ark to preserve them from the wrath of God when the floods came on the earth. He would come forth with his family and start human life again on the earth. In this way, he would act like his brother Michael. He would be third in authority, following Immanuel and Michael, in administering salvation to God's children.
21. Heavenly Father then came to me. He said that I, Raphael, would have my mission on the earth in the last days of the telestial earth. He said these days would be dark and very wicked. These would be the days of the second return of Immanuel to the earth, ushering in a thousand years of peace, and a new terrestrial world. My responsibility would help the world prepare for Immanuel's coming, and then administering the ordinance of entry into their celestial church. This would be for all the faithful, those who follow their Heavenly Parents and their beloved Son Immanuel. He said I would be acting with my brother Oriphiel in these ordinances through the entire thousand years of peace. He said I would have the help of many thousands of righteous children in preparing the earth for the transition to a terrestrial world. We would also build a celestial city, much like our home here in heaven, on the terrestrial earth. Also, one of my main purposes would be helping my brothers and sister heal through the power of God.
22. Heavenly Father then went through the missions of Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel. I don't recall now all of what he said to these, my younger brothers. Once he was finished, he asked us to keep these words he gave us confidential. He said he would later tell everyone their plans for Immanuel being the Messiah, and of our future leadership roles.
23. Heavenly Mother then spoke to all of us, her eight sons, when Father was done. She said that they had chosen us to be the leaders of their future children because of what we were like among the intelligences. They knew we would be true and faithful in all things. However, the choice to follow their plan and their voice was still ours, and we would have the freedom to choose whether to follow them or not. She expressed her love for each of us, their first eight sons.
At this point, the vision of this family meeting in my premortal life vanished! I was brought back to my conscious mind, to the Bishop speaking to the congregation. I took a few cursory notes, and then enjoyed the testimonies.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-4-2017 Monday
1. This morning I felt to go again to the high mountaintop, facing the western skies. I could not see my Heavenly Parents. I had prepared myself well for prayer. I knelt facing west, and prayed for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.
I immediately seemed to be whisked away into the western skies next to my Heavenly Parents who were standing, and observing their children in the premortal life. I stood next to Father, and watched.
2. I saw multiple short experiences of myself, now a grown spirit. I saw my interaction with my brothers and sisters who were also spirits. I identified all my seven brothers whom I had seen the day before, and also lots more siblings including Lucifer. Many of the scenes I saw had Lucifer as the central figure.
3. I saw initially that Lucifer was very open and extremely intelligent. He didn't seem to have much love, however, for his brothers and sisters as Immanuel and my six other brothers had (we who were the first eight children). Lucifer was inclined more to be manipulative of others, and enjoyed tricking them for his own gain and purposes. He was subtle at first, but soon become very expert in always maneuvering himself to be in control of a situation and becoming in charge.
4. He attended a few classes with me on healing, but soon lost interest and no more attended. He also seemed to gather a following of other spirits who fully trusted his judgment and followed him wherever he went. Lucifer was very intelligent, but conniving from the beginning. He became a very prominent and influential leader by his own manipulation in placing himself at the head.
5. Then I saw Heavenly Father gather all his and Heavenly Mother's children to the great assembly hall at Lake Beautiful. He was in the front along with Heavenly Mother by his side. He explained to all of their children their plan to send all of us to earth that they had already started to create. He explained that this would be a time where Heavenly Mother and he would see if we obeyed them, and sought righteousness, even when we no longer were in their presence.
6. He explained the great need for a Redeemer. He said they would choose one among us, their children, to be the great Messiah. We would each have choice to follow their chosen Beloved Son. This Redeemer would suffer for their sins on earth. They would accept this sacrifice and allow their repentant child back into their presence, by virtue of the sinless life of their chosen child who would be their Savior of mankind.
7. Father then said 'whom shall we send? Who will be this great Redeemer?'
I saw both Immanuel and Lucifer. They were near the front of the large assembly. Immanuel stepped forth and said:
'Send me, I will be thy Son, and will do thy will. All the glory be thine and Heavenly Mother's forever!'
8. Then Lucifer became very bold and walked up next to Father and Mother on the stand in front of everyone. He said:
'Give me thy honor and power, for I will save all of thy children so that not one will be lost!'
9. We all heard his plan of control and force. We all heard his persuasive arguments and admired his great skill in laying out a plan to save each one of us, without any loss.
The meeting was dismissed without any decision being made. We thought our Heavenly Parents were unsure whom to choose, and we all talked about this great choice.
10. Immanuel was following the plan of our Heavenly Parents, but Lucifer had presented a very persuasive plan to save each one of God's children. We discussed these options among ourselves at length over the next days and weeks and months. Lucifer continually was working the crowd with his persuasive manipulation of what we perceived was his sincere desire to make us happy. He used trickery and lies, and was not genuine. He had his own power and gain as his hidden motive, and not love for us.
11. Some days later, we again were called to meet at the great assembly hall. Father called us all to order and announced the decision that Heavenly Mother and he had come to, about choosing a Redeemer for their children. He said they were choosing their own plan, and would have Immanuel be their Redeemer for all their children. He gave Immanuel a new name at that time, even that of Jehovah, the Redeemer of all mankind.
12. When barely done announcing this, Lucifer stood up in front of the stand again, visibly shaken and very angry. He said he would not support the plan of our parents! He said his plan was better, and that he knew it would work flawlessly. He asked all who wished to hear him explain more, to go to the other side of Lake Beautiful and meet him there where he could explain the details of his plan that he had perfected. He said he would have his own meeting without the presence of our parents and Immanuel. He then left the meeting in great fanfare, all of a sudden.
13. At that time, many who had been on Lucifer's side went to the appointed place of meeting, on the other side of Lake Beautiful. They were separating off from all the rest of us who supported Father and Mother's plan.
14. I then saw a time in the near future where we who followed Jehovah had a battle with Lucifer and his followers. We had the battle on the east side of Lake Beautiful, in the area where Lucifer had gone with his followers for their initial meeting, and now where there is a valley where Enoch and his people live.
15. Michael led the battle, and all of us who had swords, were in battle array against Lucifer and his hosts. We cast them out of heaven to the new earth, along with the battleground on which we all stood, to the telestial earth. They were fully cast out of heaven because of rebellion against the Father and Mother's plan.
16. When cast out, we who were warriors for Jehovah and the Father, surrounded them in the perimeter of the battleground. Michael commanded, in the name of Jehovah, that the ground itself was to depart from heaven, and to go to the earth, still with all of us who were surrounding Lucifer and his followers. The ground and the defeated army of Satan were all cast into the earth by force. When on the earth, the warriors of Christ departed from their perimeter positions. The celestial ground then became a part of the telestial earth. I believe it will one day return to heaven to be replaced over the large valley where the city of Enoch is now located.
17. As I watched all of this as an outside viewer, I then was taken back to heaven. I saw the shock and deep sadness of all of God's children at the loss of Lucifer and their brothers and sister who followed him. I saw the heavens weep!
My vision then ended, and I was completed with my prayer this morning.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-5-2017 Tuesday
1. This morning I awoke after a restless sleep. I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. My Heavenly Parents came from the north through the woods until they were before me. I am always so grateful for their presence! They were smiling and happy before me today.
I prayed for many people with needs, both family, relatives, and mortal angels whom I knew were struggling. I then waited upon God.
2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me. She reviewed some things they recently showed me, including glimpses of my premortal life, my recent 'tribulations coming' post, and my desire for more clarity in the celestial realms.
3. She also told me that when a person is resurrected, they receive this by an ordinance. It comes by the laying on of hands from those who hold the priesthood, or as a beam of light from those who have this power from her order. Either is acceptable. Once this power is conferred, the resurrection is then initiated from the individual by the power of God, calling forth their body from the grave or wherever it was laid. The physical elements then come and rejoin their spirit, from wherever it was laid. The person then is resurrected to the glory of their spirit. The celestial spirits are the first ones to be resurrected, and are part of the First Resurrection.
4. When done addressing me, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother started walking towards the waterfall. I was still on my knees. I stood and ran after them, and they allowed me to walk with them where they were going. I walked next to Heavenly Mother, holding her left hand with my right. I don't know where we went, or what we talked about–but I was so happy to be in their presence again.
This ended my prayer this morning. I am now starting my day this morning on earth.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-6-2017 Wednesday
1. My wife and I awoke this morning and started talking about manipulative people in our family. We have several who work the crowd to their own gain and purposes, with a hidden agenda that is hard to discern because of flattery and supposed interest in the one they are working. These impure motives are sometimes hard to discern unless you have been repeatedly stung. They are like the story of the snake, that somehow by their trickery, ends up close to their victim when they strike.
2. I have thought of Lucifer's ways–how he was the master persuader, seemingly having real interest in others, making them feel good by hearing flattering words about themselves. He truly is a master in working the crowd to his own gain and control.
3. These are the thoughts I had when preparing for my prayer. I prayed at the bluff overlooking the lake at God's Loving Healing Center below. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I had prepared well–I even ate the fruit of the tree of life with the intent to increase my love of those in our family who bugged me, who seemed to have impure motives and worked people for their own purposes and gain.
4. When my Heavenly Parents came to me in prayer, I gazed into their eyes, faces and very souls. Heavenly Father was so clear and full of truth, righteousness and love. Heavenly Mother had sparkly eyes, and a broad smile, and had such deep love for her children and me. She too was clear in her soul–I could see the great clarity!
5. When I came to the white gate to have access to the tree of life, I saw again Jesus Christ this morning. He was also so very clear, and had the overall feeling of compassion and love for me. He too had nothing in his soul that I could see except a desire to make me happy and free like he was free.
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, every one who enters into our church and kingdom, the Church of the Firstborn, is pure before us. Their motives are pure and clean. They have no desire for their own gain, self-promotion, control or power that may be centered in themselves. They are fully clear of these feelings. They want to be with us, and want to be like us and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They desire to be fully obedient to us, and to keep our commandments. You can gaze upon any of these and see clearness in their souls. This is reflected in the clarity of their eyes and face.
7. Such is not the case with those who manipulate others for their own purposes or promote their own interests above others. They may at first make others feel good about themselves by their flatteries, but their motives are hidden. They are not clean or clear in their souls. They have hidden a desire for power, gain or control in some way. Such was and still is the case with Lucifer. He persuaded so many with his sinister ways of manipulating lies and trickery. He is insincere and fake. All those who have any such issues need to repent, humble themselves and rid themselves of such behavior. We will not allow anyone into our kingdom who has any inclination for such personal aggrandizement.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insightful words. I knew they were true. I prayed for greater discernment of the hearts and souls of the many men and women I come in contact with. I don't want to be deceived by such tricks and manipulations of others.
9. Later:
Tonight during my evening prayer, I prepared well, and stood on the high mountaintop. I could see my Heavenly Parents, both in the western skies, beckoning to me. I went and stood as a spectator before them, and myself in my replicated spirit, before being born on earth. I was with other spirits. We had not yet populated the earth, but were receiving directions from Heavenly Father. He said we would have power over Lucifer and his hosts who were cast into the earth, since we would have a physical body. We also would have free choice to act how we pleased. If Lucifer or one of his angels were to perturb us while on earth, we could cast them out by the power of faith, and in the name of Jesus Christ. We could also use our priesthood if we had been ordained again on the earth (for we had been ordained in heaven). Satan had to obey us if we did this in the name of Jesus Christ, his Only Begotten Son in the flesh.
10. Heavenly Father, and Heavenly Mother who was next to him, then told each of us what we would individually do when we came to earth. We accepted the challenges given to us, designed for us by our Heavenly Parents. We were told to have faith, and to seek them, our Gods, during our probationary estate, and that they would lead us along.
11. I also saw that three of us archangels (at least) had special swords to eradicate and move Satan and his hosts. I saw my sword of Raphael at this point. It was then sheathed and put away until I would be given it during a battle with Lucifer on the earth. I knew this was on 12. Friday, the 13th of May, 2016 in my energy class in Utah County, Utah. This is when I received again my sword of Raphael from Michael via S.G. (also whose premortal name was Michael). This will continue to be a powerful tool to move Satan and his hosts from people, and to locations to where I need them to move. It is only to be used by me, Raphael, during my mortal mission here on the earth.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-7-2017 Thursday
1. Today I awoke and prayed again at the high mountaintop in the celestial world. As I tried to go to other areas in this wilderness area in heaven, it was like I was "sprung back" to the mountaintop! It was an interesting feeling. I knew I was supposed to be at the mountaintop.
After preparing myself for my prayer, I knelt down and then saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother beckoning me to go into the western skies, like in recent days past. I stood and went there.
2. As I arrived, I was in the domed room watching my Heavenly Parents send me off to earth. I saw I was wearing my healing robes and they were giving me my send-off blessing to come to earth. I didn't see family, but only my Heavenly Parents and me. I did not have my sword of Raphael, the black key, or my trumpet of God. I saw too that I wore these healing robes when I entered my mortal body as a newborn baby boy. I kept them on throughout my life.
3. Heavenly Father was voice as he and Heavenly Mother blessed me in the domed room. He spoke of my last days mission that I would do. He said I was being born into a respectful family who had high integrity and honor, but that weren't members of the Church of Christ. He said I would be led to that church, to receive a foundation in the gospel of Christ. He said too that my sister and twin-energy healing angel Rachael (named K in mortality) was already in this same family. She would be my older sister in mortality.
4. He also said that I would awaken to my great mission later in my life, when my children would have mostly departed from my home. He said they, my Heavenly Parents, would lead me to a wonderful woman who would be my wife and eternal companion, one I had chosen in the premortal life. Our life together would be one of growth and struggle as I learned lessons of love and service. Once I would awaken to my mission, our life together would become very sweet and happy.
5. At the end of my blessing, my Heavenly Parents and I came again to the high mountaintop. Here Heavenly Father spoke again to me, saying there would not be more visions at this time of my premortal life. He said they showed this to me in multiple settings, from my days as an intelligence entity to my send-off to mortality. These would give me greater insights that would help me in my imminent mission.
6. Heavenly Father embraced me, and told me he loved me. Then Heavenly Mother embraced me too, and kissed me. She also was so very tender and loving, and said she loved me. She said they would always be with me.
Then I felt to write all of this in my journal. I sat in a chair and wrote until now. I am feeling very happy and settled. It is all true and clear to me! I feel so very blessed to have received such great blessings!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-8-2017 Friday
1. The days seem to go very fast for me! One day after another comes and goes so fast it seems, and I can hardly believe we're at the weekend again!
Last night and this morning, I prayed on the north side of the fountain of living waters, facing north. My Heavenly Parents came to me both times. I could see them well each time, but I had a harder time hearing what they said to me. Sometimes some aspects of my prayers are clearer to me than others.
2. This morning Heavenly Father had a message for me. I heard it, but felt I would receive more if I wrote what he said, and what came to me, under his inspiration. Here is what I wrote:
'Raphael, our son, we have shown you glimpses of your premortal life to strengthen you and others who read your accounts. If one of our righteous sons or daughters desires to see into their premortal past, they may petition us to reveal to them part of their premortal experience, in our own time and way.
3. It is important that our children realize that some of our children have tendencies to control and manipulate others. These have a behavior that is very detrimental to themselves and others they attempt to control. There are numbers of our children like this in all circles of friends and families on earth. This distribution of such people is by our design. We desire our righteous ones to have exposure to these tendencies in themselves and others so they might be able to spot such behavior. Those who possess this are not approved to enter into our Church of the Firstborn and our kingdom until such tendencies are fully routed out of their lives. This is very prevalent, and hence many are called but few are chosen (see also D&C 121:34-37–
4. "Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—
That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.
That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.").
5. Lucifer had this behavior in an extreme way, and continually controls others with his lies, tricks and manipulative behavior. He rules and controls others by force and extreme subjugation. There are many others of our children who have such tendencies to a lesser degree, and continue to live their lives in unrighteous ways, with these behaviors dominant. They view life from this perspective and think they can get ahead. They see others as ones to control and subjugate.
6. Look to our Beloved Son for an example of humility and love, with no glimmer of such controlling behavior, or the desire to be better or more esteemed than another. As your Gods, we have no such desire or behavior, but only love, compassion, and a great desire to elevate our humble and obedient children to a station like we have, and a life like we live.
7. When our Beloved Son accepts one of our children into the Church of the Firstborn, he makes sure that such negative behavior and tendencies are not present in those he approves. Zion consists of the humble and pure in heart, and all seek for the interest and welfare of each other.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words of counsel. I feel clear and pure before my Heavenly Parents, and try to keep myself this way. I really seek no station in life that would elevate me above another. I only seek to do God's will. If it is their will that I have a very important mission like they have revealed to me, I will do this with all my heart. All glory and notoriety that may come my way I feel to deflect to my God, and not to myself. I want to follow the example of my Beloved Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I strive to overcome my sins and weaknesses. I want to be a pure vessel in the hands of God to act how they want me to be. This is my greatest desire and motivation.
9. I wonder too about those of us who are so severely shaped by the families we grow up in, and in life's circumstances, both that create patterns of living and the way we look at life. Some of us may come from very abusive and controlling parents, and this may also taint our actions to also be controlling and manipulative.
10. I believe those who have been raised in such an environment can and need to change, even though it will be harder to drop such behaviors. This is why we really need our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He can take away these sins and behavioral tendencies if we come unto him. He can make us pure and holy, without any blemish from our upbringing. We all need such a cleansing, for we have all fallen short of the glory of God, and we all sin.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-9-2017 Saturday
1. I had a vivid dream last night where I was teaching a group of people how to pray to God. I was quite adamant of the great importance to connect to God in prayer, rather than just pray without connecting, which is common in so many of us. I realized in teaching in my dream that I really had super experience in this area. It was like the group had never really thought of this before, but had only prayed like people do–into space with no visualization that they were making real contact with God.
2. I prayed today in a field just south of Lake Beautiful. I had never been there before that I remember.
In my preparations for my prayer, I ate of the fruit of the tree of life, seeking three people I knew that were very flawed and controlling people. I prayed to have compassion and understanding for them instead of judging them that I before had done.
3. When I partook of the leaf of the tree of life I prayed for greater love and compassion for all my brothers and sisters in mortality, because of their great weaknesses due to the flesh. I know we all receive our training by imperfect examples, and this flaws us in great ways. I want to have greater compassion for these people.
My Heavenly Parents came to me in my prayer. I gazed upon them, looking into their eyes and faces, seeking to perceive them more and more clearly.
When satisfied, I began my prayer. I asked again about the issue of people receiving these great flaws,, including myself, that keep us from their presence. I asked how this works, and again what requirements they have for entry into their kingdom.
4. Heavenly Mother responded to me. I will write what she said to me, as best I can:
'Raphael, we too are very pleased to be in your presence, and to be before you this morning! You have entered into mortality as all our children do, into imperfect circumstances. Your parents and family had great weaknesses, also inherited and taught from the generations before them, and the culture of the times.
5. Recall the scripture in Ether 12:27:
"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
6. We persuade our children in mortality to come to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and the Mediator between God and man. He will remove their weaknesses as they humbly come unto him. It is usually a gradual process of change. We give experiences and situations in life to steer them to humility and to come unto their Savior. If they do so, they may leave their weaknesses of the flesh behind them, which may be many, and accept the patterns of a Godly life, full of faith, hope and compassion (see verse Ether 12:28– "Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.").
7. By this means our children may become clean and pure before us. There are many weaknesses of the flesh they need to remove and replace with our ways of thinking, living and learning.
8. When they have reached a point of purity and are deemed clean before God, Jesus accepts them as his sons and daughters, for he spiritually begets them (see Mosiah 5:7– "And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters."). This is a mighty change of heart, where they no more have a disposition to do evil, but to do good continually (Mosiah 5:2– "And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.").
9. If this truly is the state of their soul, they may progress to receive entry into our church and kingdom. However, no unclean thing may enter into our kingdom, for all must be humble and clean before us, as little children. (see Matthew 19:13-14, 1 Nephi 10:21, and Alma 11:37–
10. Matthew 19:13-14–
"Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
11. 1 Nephi 10:21– "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever."
12. Alma 11:37– "And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.")
13. We purposefully give our children who come into mortality great flaws and weaknesses. Yet they need to shed these and become pure and holy, and strong in righteous ways, in order to be brought back into our presence. This struggle and process is the best way we have found to sift those who really want to be like us, and live our righteous life from those who don't. This is the very purpose of mortality–to see who will come unto us and our Beloved Son, even when ladened with sin, weaknesses, and not being in our presence anymore. We give them valuable experience also for them to gain compassion and understanding.'
14. I thanked her for her wonderful teachings I received. I believe what I wrote was truly from my Heavenly Mother. She smiled on me as I asked if I had recorded it properly. I believe I did write it in an acceptable manner.
I feel blessed and my mind feels clarified with greater understanding! I am ready to start my day.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-10-2017 Sunday
1. Yesterday, my wife and I worked hard in our greenhouse and two of our ground greenhouses. We put in our winter gardens. We overdid it a little, and had to go to bed early, exhausted!
I did have a unique prayer, however. I was way too tired to record it last night.
I felt to go to the assembly hall in the celestial world. I thought this a little odd to go inside this building. I prepared myself by drinking of the living water in the city of Zion, and eating of the fruit of the tree of life and of the leaf there.
2. I then went to the assembly hall. I immediately felt to go to the back top section, in the air, facing the front. I called upon my Heavenly Parents there, and they came to me, facing me in the air near the roof inside. They then took my hands, had me stand, and then they turned around, to face the front of the great hall with me.
3. At that time, a meeting began! I was a spectator in that meeting, with Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We were standing next to the back room of the great assembly hall. The hall was completely filled with people who were seated.
4. Michael, the prince archangel (named Adam in mortality), was speaking to the vast assembly of resurrected, righteous individuals who had lived on the earth. These had been part of the First Resurrection at the time when Jesus Christ was resurrected. They had been living in the wilderness area in heaven since then. They were in a state of great happiness, having lived in the paradise of God.
5. As Michael spoke first to the vast group, he told them the time had now come for them to go back down and help the elect of God on the earth. He said Enoch and his group, living in the city of Enoch, had already gone there to assist in the great work of awakening and protecting the elect of God who were now living in a very darkened world, during these last days. He said their Father and Mother now wanted all of those assembled to also join forces with them and the holy angels, to help save and bless the elect of God on earth.
6. Next Michael introduced me, Raphael, to speak to the vast congregation! I then watched and heard my replicated self stand and address this vast group. Michael introduced me as Raphael, the archangel who had the great mission to be in charge of building the New Jerusalem, and in administering the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel, another archangel brother. He said I also had major responsibility to oversee many happenings in the last days. He said I was translated, one of many who would receive this state in order to more effectively do my work.
7. Michael then motioned me to come to the podium and he sat down. I saw my replicated self then stand and speak. Here are the words I recall that my celestial self spoke to this vast group. As I spoke, I felt I was there in my conscious mind also speaking:
8. 'My dear brothers and sisters who are gathering in this vast assembly: I feel so humbled and honored to be in your presence! As Michael said, I am Raphael, the archangel of God whose mission was to come forth in these last days on earth, prior to the glorious second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have just recently, over the past four years, been gradually awakened to my important mission on the earth. I am living in mortality with my wife in Utah. Most of my seven children have left our home and are married. My youngest is 21 years of age.
9. I meet with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother twice daily in this glorious celestial realm in heaven where you dwell. They have been preparing me for my assignment to act in their behalf in orchestrating and initiating actions relating to this preparatory work, prior to the return of our Savior Jesus Christ.
10. Now is the time for you to join us on earth in the great effort of Father and Mother in saving their righteous elect on the earth! Your numbers, your strengths and abilities, and the fact that you have been resurrected to a celestial glory makes your addition to our small group a huge contribution! I feel so honored to be part of this great army of righteous, powerful and obedient resurrected souls!
May God bless you abundantly in helping us in this great work!
11. You will take your directions from Michael, the prince archangel who just spoke to you. Also act in obedience to the Spirit of God within you, in protecting and nurturing, in any way you feel impressed, the elect of God on the earth.
12. The elect are now scattered throughout all nations of the earth. Most don't know of the upcoming events planned for the destruction of the wicked. Satan has a hold of many of these and desires to destroy them. Your roles will be to help guide them to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and to protect them. This expansive effort will be to lead them ultimately to Zion, the New Jerusalem, where they may enter with you and be received into the glorious Church of the Firstborn. Jesus Christ is the keeper of the gate, and will approve them, one by one, as they change their lives and come unto Christ.
13. We have a glorious yet difficult mission ahead of us! We are in a real battle with evil in saving the souls of righteous men and women in these last days.
Thank you again for your willingness to serve! All of you have already been promised entry into the Church of the Firstborn. My charge from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother is to build the New Jerusalem, with the help of many including some of you. Once we have the glorious celestial temple constructed, which will be built in the center of the land of what is now called the United States of America, I will start the first ordinances with Oriphiel, for you and others who have been accepted for entry into the Church of the Firstborn! This will begin even before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth again in glory.
14. Thank you, Michael (I turned to address him) for allowing me to speak to this amazing group! We on earth are so very appreciative of you who have gone before us in time, to lead the way and to give us valuable records to guide us. We are your descendants. We love you!'
15. I then stepped aside of the podium and realized I was next to my Heavenly Parents in the back of the room, and not speaking. I was in awe at what had just happened! I then abundantly thanked my Heavenly Parents for bringing me here to the great assembly hall in heaven, southwest of Lake Beautiful!
I then found myself kneeling next to my bed in my room. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and returned to bed.
16. In my morning prayer today, I felt to go to the front stage area of the vast assembly hall. I prepared myself well. I was kneeling in front next to the podium where I had spoken from last night.
I called upon Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come to me in my prayer. I called upon them with uplifted hands, lowering them three times as I prayed.
17. Immediately my three Gods appeared before me in the assembly hall! Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had brilliant white robes, each with a 2-in wide scarlet-red sash, tied on their right side. They were glorious to behold! Jesus Christ was on the right side of Father, and wore a wider scarlet-red sash about 5-6-in wide, also tied with a bow on his right side. I gazed into their eyes and faces. They were all smiling before me!
18. Jesus Christ first addressed me:
'Raphael, we have come to the location where you spoke last night to the vast assembly of the righteous who were resurrected at the time of my resurrection. These all accepted your instruction, and have now gone to their stations on earth. Here is what occurred after you spoke to them:'
19. I then saw that I was seated on the stand, having just spoken to this vast group. Michael stood again and spoke:
'Thank you, Raphael, for coming here and addressing us!'
20. He then turned and looked at the assembly of resurrected souls:
'I want now to have each of you accept what Raphael and I have told you today. All who agree, stand and raise your right arm to the square.'
21. All the assembly stood and raised their right arm to the square.
'If each of you accept your assignment, bow your head and say "yes." '
There was a loud resounding "yes" that echoed in the assembly hall.
'You may now be seated. If there are any who do not want to support us, for any reason in this cause, please stand.'
No one stood.
22. Michael then raised his two arms forward, and offered this blessing on the congregation:
'I bless you, my children, to go forth in great strength and wisdom to the earth, to find the elect of God. I bless you to follow the promptings of the Spirit of God, to know who to protect and nurture, and to lead them to Christ.
23. Remember that these whom you serve are in their days of probation. Keep behind the veil in most situations, and reveal not your presence unless directed to do so. Remove Satan and his hosts from the elect that you serve as much as possible. Go forth in faith in service to these, our posterity and the righteous, and bring them to their Redeemer. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!'
There was a resounding "Amen" from the assembled group.
24. Michael then spoke again:
'You now are empowered to fulfill your mission and assignments. Let us now go to the earth and bless and save the elect of God in mortality!'
They then all of a sudden left! The vast assembly was gone to the earth.
25. My Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. They were all three again before me on the stand.
'Raphael, you have witnessed what Michael, your elder brother, has spoken and done following you speaking to this group. They are all now on earth fulfilling their own missions!
Great tribulations are coming to the earth. All of the helpers on the celestial side of the veil are now in place. We will soon unleash our fury, and great anger, upon the wicked.'
26. Once Heavenly Mother finished speaking, Heavenly Father concluded by saying:
'Raphael, our son, record all of these events in your journal this morning. We will continue to be with you always!'
'Oh Father, I thank thee for thy words, and I thank thee, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, to have also spoken to me today. I am grateful to have been shown so great of events as I have witnessed last night and this morning!
I now covenant, in the name of Jesus Christ, to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember thee, oh Father and Mother, and to always keep thy commandments.'
28. Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant today. We will always be with you and will guide you as you fulfill your important mission for us on earth.'
At that time, they all three gradually ascended into the air above, and went right through the ceiling and were gone!
I wrote down everything immediately.
I am now ready to start my Sabbath day.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-11-2017 Monday
1. Yesterday we attended a local non-LDS Christian Church. There was no LDS Church having the sacrament since there was a regional meeting in our area.
I wasn't very impressed with the loud music they used in the their services. It took away the reverence for me that I feel for God, his majesty and wonder. I did enjoy the sermons, but the dark music with electric guitars and drums got in the way of true worship for me.
2. Nevertheless, I knew there were sincere people there, and some were the elect in churches like this. I felt the elect of God are scattered over the entire world, in many places.
This morning and last night I was praying in the domed room. It was hard for me to concentrate last night–I was so very tired when I finally went to bed.
3. This morning I gazed on the smiling faces of my Heavenly Parents in the domed room. I opened my prayer and shared my heart. I had listened to a podcast last night by Brooke Castillo, the Life Coach, about rewriting our history to how we want to remember life. She says too many of us ruminate on the bad that has happened to us, or the bad that we may have done ourselves in our past. She says we can choose the events that happened in the past that bring us joy and happiness, and let the rest go by not dwelling or thinking about these bad events. We do this to strengthen ourselves now, and to empower us to do good actions, rather than dwelling on unsavory situations in our past. We all have different stories of our past, and even a parent will have a different perspective of what happened to that of their child, of the same events in their past.
4. I asked my Heavenly Parents about this method of remembering only life-building incidents of our own past, and letting the rest of it go from our minds. After all, it is past and we generally cannot change it unless we use the power of God to go back into the past. This isn't done unless we are to heal something specifically. We normally go forward and live only in the present, looking to the future.
5. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words as she spoke to me in my mind. I pray I will be very much in tune to hear and write her words to me now:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased that you have come before us in this domed room in our celestial world. This is located in God's Loving Healing Center.
6. This area used to be a place of refuge for us and those of our children, seeking a meditative state. It was transformed into a healing area after Lucifer and his followers were expelled from heaven. These events are part of your premortal history. These were real happenings, some very pleasant and some that bring sadness. In the record of heaven, both are recorded. We are also able to revisit the past, and to relive the moment, unlike those in mortality who only live in the present. In the celestial world, and by our power because we are God, we live in the past, present and future. This perspective allows us to see clearly the hearts and intents of all our children on their path of progression. We are able to judge clearly the intent of their hearts, and to prepare a place where they will be most happy for the eternities. We see the past always before us. We see even the sad times and the happy times–all is before us.
7. Since we also see the future, we know that the greater portion of our children will end up in kingdoms of glory in which they will be very comfortable and happy living. We see how their choices in the present determine where they will end up. The only ones who don't end up in a kingdom of glory, who are banished forever, are those who cause us ultimate great sorrow and grief. Such is the case with Lucifer.
8. For those living in mortality, like yourself, you cannot relive the past or live in the future, unless we quicken you to do so by our power. This is rare for us to do for our children. We have done this recently for you in showing you some of your premortal past, and in showing you some of your future in the New Jerusalem and beyond. The telestial world is very limited in living only in the present.
9. You asked about what Brooke Castillo promotes, which is selectively choosing happy moments in your past that build and strengthen you when you think about these times past. I agree with her thoughts, to be used for the time of mortality that you are living in. It is not wise for any of our children to dwell on their past that is unpleasant or that presented hardships. These were, however, given to them to strengthen them, and not to stop or slow them in their progression and maturing in their lives.
10. Everyone's story of their past is of their own making. That which you dwell on and think about will surely affect your view of yourself, and your present state and thoughts.
In most cases, it is best for our child in mortality to learn from the past, and to move forward in the present, looking forward to building a happier future. The past is to build upon. If mistakes were made, then our child should repent and move on, without ruminating on the past. We want our children to be happy, and to remember the past with an attitude of happy memories. When recalling difficult times, it is well not to purposefully bring up hurt and pain again and again from those times, but to move forward in faith. Your story of the past should be a healthy mix of thinking you made mistakes and are moving forward now in correcting your behavior in strengthened ways, and in thinking on happy past moments that bring joy to the present. This is good. One cannot change the past, but only can move forward, living a happy life in the present, and enjoying life each day that comes.
11. If the past is too hard to get over, then our child should petition us, their God, who are merciful and will bless them. We will make the hard past difficulties be more objectively viewed, without the deep negative emotions of the past time. This will allow our child to dwell in their mind on present activities, and look forward to future happy times. This is the balanced and healthy thinking patterns of living in mortality.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear view on how we can move forward from difficult experiences of our past, and live happier lives. I feel so blessed to have the wisdom of God to guide me!
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-12-2017 Tuesday
1. Last night and this morning I found myself praying again in the back of the grand assembly hall, on the main floor. I couldn't connect well last night, but this morning my Heavenly Parents came to me. I said a few words, but then waited upon God.
2. Heavenly Father immediately spoke to me, and wanted me to write the words he would speak to me:
'Raphael, our son, you have been watching video reports on the recent activity of the sun. Last night you saw a very large coronal mass ejection that happened on 9-10-2017, towards Venus, Mercury and Mars. This was an extremely large eruption on the sun, and was initiated by the presence of Nibiru in the region of these planets. There are many reports of observers on earth who have visibly seen the presence of Nibiru. This star will maneuver in place to be one of the twelve stars of the constellations Virgo and Leo in the skies on the night of September 23rd, 2017, as we have told you earlier.
3. There are many increased troubles affecting the earth at this time, including floods, hurricanes, forest fires, sunspots and other activities on the sun, and increased earthquakes. These are the beginning of the tribulations on the earth. Soon there will be war, even upon your own land. The scripture will be fulfilled, that all things will be in commotion, and men's hearts will fail them (D&C 45:26–"And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.", and Luke 21:26–"Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."). Soon an overflowing scourge and a desolating sickness will cover the land (D&C 45:31–"And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.").
4. It is important that you, Raphael, and our holy angels are ready to respond to our direction, for you will all soon stand in holy places, even on the land where the New Jerusalem will be built. This will be at a time of great wickedness and destruction upon the land. You will stand in the Missouri area in the celestial realms, in your replicated state. You will have connection between your conscious and unconscious minds as you follow our direction. (See D&C 45:32–"But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die.")
5. You have also wondered about how you mortal angels will communicate with each other during times such as these, when power and electricity are removed for a season. The communication between you will necessarily be done in the celestial realms where you will do your activity. Every mortal angel that desires to be connected to their own replicated celestial unconscious mind needs to learn how to connect their conscious mind to their unconscious mind in the their celestial state. They may do this by meditating and praying, and connecting more fully with us, as you have been doing. This requires time that they set aside for communion with us. We hope they will do so before the current telestial communication channels are removed.
6. Raphael, we have met with you here in this assembly hall preparatory to several meetings you will conduct and participate in here.
The first meeting is with all the holy angels tonight, where we will be present. We will speak and you will speak under our inspiration. This will be to reinforce to the holy angels their current directions and to give them new information.
7. The second meeting tomorrow will be for the combined groups of resurrected righteous men and women, and Enoch's group–all who have lived prior to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. You will conduct this meeting and speak to this group, as well as Michael and Enoch. You three will give them more instructions and new information.
8. The next day, 9-14-2017, you will conduct a third meeting for the 144,000. John the Beloved (also known as John the Revelator) will also be there, and you both will speak to this group. Those in attendance will all be quickened to the celestial realms, and come here in their unconscious state. You and John will give them more directions and new information. Not all of this group is yet awakened, but they are in the process, even now. Nevertheless, they will all be able to come in their unconscious state, in their spirits to this meeting.
9. These three meeting, over the next three days starting tonight, will prepare all our gatherers and leaders for the new activities they will soon be doing. Follow our Spirit, and do exactly as we direct, in your important leadership role.
We love you Raphael, and will continually be with you and guide you. Record in your journal all of the proceedings of these meetings also.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for a heads-up of what will soon happen in this great assembly hall. I prayed for strength and the gifts of God to lead in a way pleasing to him and Heavenly Mother. I look forward to these meetings, and to seeing what happens next!
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-13-2017 Wednesday
1. Last nightI had an interesting prayer. I prepared myself for my prayer well. When I was ready, after drinking of living water, and eating of the fruit of the tree of life and the leaf of the tree of life, I came to the front raised area of the great assembly hall. I sat in one of the seven chairs there, along with my six archangel brothers on the stand.
I stood and came to the podium. The hall was filled with all of the holy angels except two, who had decided for some reason not to attend.
2. Here is what I spoke to the group assembled:
'My fellow brothers and sisters, welcome to our meeting this evening! You have all been called today to attend this important meeting. I thank you for your attendance here.
3. We will open by singing together "The Spirit of God", after which Raguel, the seventh male archangel, will offer an opening prayer. Margaret Blackburn, who recently left mortality, will lead us in the singing.'
The Spirit of God
1. The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
The latter-day glory begins to come forth;
The visions and blessings of old are returning,
And angels are coming to visit the earth.
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
2. The Lord is extending the Saints’ understanding,
Restoring their judges and all as at first.
The knowledge and power of God are expanding;
The veil o’er the earth is beginning to burst.
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
3. We’ll call in our solemn assemblies in spirit,
To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
That we through our faith may begin to inherit
The visions and blessings and glories of God.
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
4. How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire,
And Ephraim be crowned with his blessing in Zion,
As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
Text: William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835. Sung at the Kirtland Temple dedication in 1836.
4. We sang all four verses. I was impressed that the hymn spoke of "And angels are coming to visit the earth", for that is really what was happening! Raguel then offered a prayer.
5. I stood back up and addressed the assembly of angels:
'Thank you for leading us in that stirring hymn Margaret, and thank you for that prayer, Raguel!
I shall mention also who is sitting on the stand behind me.
6. From my right to left is Michael (or Adam in mortality), Gabriel (or Noah in mortality), myself Raphael in the next vacant seat, Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel. These are the seven male archangels of God. I am conducting this meeting because our Heavenly Parents asked me to do so, and also because my specific mission is one to lead in these latter-day events.
Today I will speak and then we will have the promised visit of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!
7. My dearly beloved holy angels, I address you very humbly this evening. I have only recently been awakened from the deep sleep of mortality. I have awakened to God, and to my mission as the archangel of these last days.
Each of you has had or will have, or are having your mortal experience. In the flesh, we may be deeply flawed, and been given many weaknesses. I know this is how I feel I have been. I am having my mortal experience now. I appear before you in my translated state.
8. We each also are now called to awaken and stand up as the holy angels of God! We are called upon to serve our fellow brothers and sisters in mortality, and to save the elect of God. They are on earth and in the spirit world now. They are mostly asleep, or lulled by the adversary, and need to be awakened and led to Jesus Christ, the great Mediator and Messiah of all mankind. They need to be protected as they awaken from the wiles of the devil also. They are precious to our God!
9. Let us all stand and commit to God, by covenant, that we will act in our holy stations as angels of God!'
All the congregation of angels arose.
'Bring your right arm to the square, and repeat in your mind this covenant as I speak it. When I am done, if you are in agreement, bow your head and say Amen.
10. I, (think of your premortal name), covenant and promise to seek the will of my Heavenly Parents, and then to immediately act as they direct me, with no hesitation, in all holiness of heart. In the name of the Father, the Mother, and the Son, Amen!'
All then bowed their heads and audibly said 'Amen' together.
11. I then said:
'That is well. You may now be seated.'
I then sat down myself in the chair between Gabriel and Uriel on the stand.
12. We all waited for a few seconds, and then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descended from the ceiling in a glorious pillar of light! They descended gradually and came between the podium and us seven archangels. We all immediately stood when they arrived from the skies above.
13. This is where my prayer last night ended! I wondered why, and then realized that my Heavenly Parents wanted me to receive this next part of the meeting when I was fully awake and alert, the next morning in my prayer.
I then slept well, and wrote all of the above when I first awoke. I am now going to start my morning prayer, and have the remainder of the meeting revealed to me I hope.
14. I next knelt down by my recliner chair in the adjacent room in my house. I went, in my mind's eye, to the fountain of living water and drank three times from that water, from my cupped right hand. I felt greater and greater clarity and enlightenment as I drank this celestial living water, like I was one with my unconscious mind.
15. I then went to the white gate and saw Jesus Christ, my Savior. He opened wide the gate and smiled at me. I paused as I gazed into his eyes and his very compassionate face. I then walked down the straight and narrow path to the tree of life. I found a glowing white fruit that I plucked and ate in three bites. I thought of loving more fully my own wife, then my archangel brothers, and finally all the holy angels.
16. I then plucked a leaf from the tree of life. As I chewed and swallowed the leaf, I thought of healing my mind where my thoughts reside, then my heart where my feelings are usually held, and then my entire physical body to be able to maintain my healthy well-being as I do my work in life.
When done, I returned to the great assembly hall on the stand, between Gabriel and Uriel.
17. We were all standing, both our Heavenly Parents had just descended in front of us, in front of the podium. Heavenly Mother asked me in my mind to write the words that she and Heavenly Father would next speak. I immediately got my journal out back at home on the earth, and have written to this point. I am ready now to record the remainder of the meeting.
18. Heavenly Mother came to the stand, facing the congregation of the holy angels, and spoke these words:
'My beloved sons and daughters, whom we have chosen to be our holy angels–I am so pleased to be here with you! You may all now sit down.
We have called each to come and listen to Raphael and us.
19. Great tribulations are coming to the earth, both in the physical sphere for those in mortality, and for those who have died and are in the world of spirits, who live in the spiritual sphere of the earth. There are the elect of God in both of these locations. Your call to action is to go out and protect them from Satan and his hosts, and from the tribulations that might destroy them. You are also called to help lead them to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who will purify them as they come unto him in humility and repentance. This is your mission.
20. We will whisper to each of you what we want you to do to bless the elect of God, our precious children. When you receive your direction from us, act in immediate obedience. We have timed your service to these to be best done at the time we speak this direction to you. We will work our mighty works through you as you respond and act. The power of God will be manifested through you from us.
21. Oh how we love you, our holy angels! We have called you, ordained you in the domed room, and have robed you with vestures of power and authority. Go forth now and help us rescue our beloved children, the elect of God!'
Heavenly Mother then moved back by Heavenly Father, to his left side.
22. Heavenly Father then walked to the podium to speak. Here is what he said:
'My beloved angels, we will be next to each of you as you seek us, on your right hand and on your left. We have chosen you, our holy angels, to act through and manifest our power and actions to many of our elect children. Stay in the celestial realms and reveal not yourself to our elect unless we direct you to do so. To the astute, they will know angels are blessing them, protecting and guiding them.
We will now give you a blessing before your Mother and I depart.'
23. At that time Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother rose up in the air, above the podium, next to each other. Heavenly Father raised his hand forward, and Heavenly Mother sent forth beams of light in every direction from her person. Here are the words of our Father:
24. 'We bless you' (we then each heard our own premortal name in our mind) 'to act in all faithfulness and in power, even in the power of God. We will act through you to bless and encourage our sons and daughters, the elect of God! We bless you with more clarity, more light, more humility and dependence upon us, your Heavenly Parents. We bless you to be conduits of our power and authority in serving our beloved elect children. Amen!'
25. At this time, fire came from them–heavenly light and fire, that encircled each of us, their holy angels! We were all in the midst of brilliance and power! The ceiling of the meeting hall seemed to disappear as we were all lifted up in the sky with our Heavenly Parents. When we were well above the great assembly hall, there came a bright cloud around our loving Heavenly Parents, and then they were gone!
I next realized I was in my room writing all of this in my journal. I had seen it all and had written it all as it occurred.
This was the prayer I had this morning! What a wonderful meeting I had been in this morning and last night! I feel so blessed!
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-14-2017 Thursday
1. Yesterday was a very full day for me, even until it was late. I got to my prayer around 11:30 pm. I tried to figure where to go, and when I went anywhere but the assembly hall in heaven, I would be sprung back to the assembly hall–like this is where I was definitely supposed to be! I had this same experience last night too in my prayer.
2. After I prepared, I checked myself–I was clear of any self-centered desire or motive of myself other than serving God. I was robed in my healing angel vestures, and I had no idea what I was to do or say at the meeting I was to speak at and conduct! Then trusting in God, I went to the assembly hall.
3. I arrived at an empty seat, one of three on the stand. To my right was seated Michael, the prince archangel, and to my left was seated Enoch, the prophet before the flood. The hall was filled with so many people–I knew they were the resurrected celestial people from the time of Christ's resurrection, and Enoch's entire group of translated individuals. The hall was completely filled to overflowing, with some standing on the sides.
4. I stood and came to the pulpit. The talking in the great hall ceased, people took their seats, and all eyes were upon me. I knew there were millions of the righteous who were poised to hear from me. Here is what I said:
'I welcome you, the righteous of God! You have lived in the first part of earth's history, and have been judged of Jesus Christ to enter God's celestial world. We are now in the great assembly hall in heaven, the celestial kingdom.
5. My name is Raphael, an archangel of our Heavenly Parents. With my six other archangel brothers, I stand in the presence of God. I feel so very humbled to be in your presence. It is a great privilege for me to address you, and to conduct this important meeting. I have been directed to conduct and speak to you, by our Heavenly Father.
6. I am currently living in mortality as you probably know. It is only by the direction and blessing of our Heavenly Parents that I am even able to stand before you today. My mission is to direct the building of the New Jerusalem temple, to establish the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, and to perform the initial ordinance, the waters of separation, for each of you. I will do this with my brother Oriphiel, he who will record your names in the Book of Life once this ordinance is completed. We both look forward to doing this together for each of you assembled here, as your entry into the Church of the Firstborn!
We will begin our meeting with a latter-day hymn, "Because I Have Been Given Much" (Hymns 219, all verses). After this, Uriel, my archangel brother, will offer the invocation.'
7. Because I Have Been Given Much
1. Because I have been given much,
I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty Lord,
Each day I live;
I shall divide my gifts from thee
With every brother that I see
Who has the need of help from me.
2. Because I have been sheltered, fed
By thy good care;
I cannot see another’s lack and I not share;
My glowing fire, my loaf of bread,
my roof's safe shelter overhead
That he too may be comforted.
3. Because I have been blessed by
thy great love dear Lord;
I’ll share thy love again
According to thy word;
I shall give love to those in need,
I’ll show that love by word and deed;
Thus shall my thanks be thanks in deed.
Music by Phillip Landgrave (1975)
Lyrics by Grace Noll Crowell (1936)
(courtesy of Daily Prayer)
8. Uriel came from the first row where he was seated. I saw my other archangel brothers there as well, on the first row.
When the prayer was finished, I stood again and continued speaking:
'Let me now explain the remainder of the meeting today.
I will speak a few words, followed by Enoch the prophet. He will be followed by Michael, the prince archangel and father of all mankind in the flesh.
9. Once Michael finishes, we will sing another hymn to be announced at that time. I have asked Gabriel, the second father of mankind in the flesh (known as Noah on earth) to give our closing prayer. We will then dismiss to our stations and work on the earth.
10. Both of you two groups met separately with me in this great assembly hall, and have been given your charge to serve your brothers and sister who now live on the earth. Three days ago, Michael committed all of you who are resurrected in this hall, by covenant and promise, to go forth to the elect of God on the earth. You were charged to lead them to our Savior Jesus Christ, who will help them repent and become clean and pure before him. He will then qualify them for entry into his church and kingdom, when he deems they are ready.
For you who are translated, and are part of Enoch's group, you have demonstrated by your continual service to mankind of your commitment to serve Jesus Christ.
11. The children of God who remain, after the resurrection of Christ until now, are either in the world of spirits on the earth (those who have died but not resurrected), or on the earth in mortality. Among both of these vast two groups are many of the elect of God–those who will ultimately come unto Jesus Christ, repent and change, and obey him faithfully. These are those who are heirs to his church and kingdom.
12. These righteous souls are those under your charge now! You are commissioned to go forth and help save them in whatever condition you may find them. They are to be brought home to their God! Go to the world of spirits, or to the mortal earth to find the elect of God.
13. Lucifer and his hosts are unleashed on the earth, both in the world of the spirits and amongst those in mortality. They know their time is short, and are very bold and intrusive. Our elect need protection from Satan, which protection you are to provide.
14. Along with the holy angels of God, you in this vast assembly will go forth, in the celestial realms, to those in a much more fallen condition. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have said for us to keep behind the veil unless we are specifically directed otherwise.
Be active in your efforts, follow strictly all of the directions from God in performing this great rescue effort. Most of you will act singly in helping save the elect, but sometimes may act in groups.
15. I know that God has utmost confidence in each of you to succeed in your efforts.
God bless you, this great heavenly celestial army!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!'
I then sat down in my chair between Michael and Enoch.
16. Enoch then stood and spoke to the congregation. He spoke of the great privilege it is to serve God. He told of the vast experience that his group of translated beings has had since before the flood, in administering to the needs of God's children on earth. However, never before except at the time of the great flood, has there been such wickedness on the face of the earth. He said then and now are times that are more difficult to influence those chosen of God, the elect, because of the power of the adversary on the inhabitants of the earth. He said that these current days are extremely dark and troublesome for the righteous. He said we have Satan in greater forwardness today, making it much more difficult to influence the righteous who are still very connected to the world and its ways. He was grateful for the tribulations coming upon this world so that the righteous will also be very troubled and seek for a better life and way of living.
17. He encouraged all to put forth their best efforts, without resting, for the labor before us is so great and within such a short span of time. He said that rest is needed for those in mortality, but for all present in this vast assembly, they should be continually serving without interruption. He said that the knows the holy angels of God are replicating themselves multiple times in order to fulfill all the work that God is requesting of them. He said that just recently his group of seasoned translated souls have been taught and authorized to replicate themselves so they could do more service to mankind, the elect of God, on the earth.
18. He also suggested that those who are resurrected should exercise that power of replication. He thought most have done this before, and are familiar with this process. He said now is that day when all of them need to replicate themselves, like the angels of God, to be able to multiply their efforts far beyond what they normally could do singly and without that power of replication.
19. Enoch bore strong witness of the great work before us all, of the power of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and of the purposes of God. He said more was expected of this group now than ever before since the world began.
Enoch then left the podium. Michael, our great prince and chief of the archangels, stood next. His presence was mighty and he was very powerful in his address. It reminded me of the mighty angel, clothed with a cloud, as spoken of in Revelation 10:1-3–
20. "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices."
This is Michael, the great archangel of God. His voice was loud and roaring like a lion (see verse 3 above. Also see D&C 88:110-112–
21. "And so on, until the seventh angel shall sound his trump; and he shall stand forth upon the land and upon the sea, and swear in the name of him who sitteth upon the throne, that there shall be time no longer; and Satan shall be bound, that old serpent, who is called the devil, and shall not be loosed for the space of a thousand years.
And then he shall be loosed for a little season, that he may gather together his armies.
And Michael, the seventh angel, even the archangel, shall gather together his armies, even the hosts of heaven.)
22. Michael spoke of the great honor he had, with Eve his wife and mother of all living, to be the first man on earth. He said they soon learned the lessons of agency that their grown children would choose whom they wanted to follow, either God or Lucifer. He talked about the great struggle in mortality for each son and daughter of our Heavenly Parents to decide for himself or herself who they list to obey (see D&C 29:43-45–
23. "And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation—that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;
And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not;
For they love darkness rather than light, and their deeds are evil, and they receive their wages of whom they list to obey.").
24. He told the group that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother only wanted us to seek after the elect of God, those who have been chosen by Father to be influenced by us. He and Mother carefully watch and monitor the progress of their children on earth. They too will inspire us to reach out to those they have personally selected. Michael emphasized that these choice elect of God were still in the days of their probation, and we needed to keep behind the scenes, and not reveal ourselves openly, unless specifically told to do so by the Spirit.
25. Michael said he would suggest having frequent meetings several times a year, where all of us gather together and receive further instructions like this meeting. He said he, Enoch and I, Raphael, would be available to help anyone that has difficulties in reaching someone.
Michael also said that I, Raphael, was also the lead angel of healing, and that all the healing angels and healers in the world were also at their disposal. He said for anyone needing healing help for the elect they would be serving, to not hesitate in asking for healing help from the angels.
26. Michael closed with his powerful testimony of the plan of salvation, as proposed by Father and Mother in the beginning. He bore witness that Jesus Christ, the great Jehovah, was chosen to be the Messiah for all mankind. He said he looked forward to guiding and saving so many of his children on earth in great need. He said the day was soon at hand when they would be saved in the kingdom of our God.
When Michael was finished, the entire congregation arose spontaneously to their feet, in respect to this mighty man of God! He sat down and then we all sat down.
27. I came to the podium, and expressed thanks for everyone's attendance. I particularly thanked Enoch and Michael for their mighty sermons.
I then said we would sing a favorite hymn of mine, "How Firm a Foundation" to conclude the meeting. A heavenly orchestra appeared in the air above the front area, while the conductor lead us in singing this stirring hymn. The music was breathtaking!
28. How Firm a Foundation
1. How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
What more can he say than to you he hath said,
Who unto the Savior, who unto the Savior,
Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled?
2. In ev’ry condition—in sickness, in health,
In poverty’s vale or abounding in wealth,
At home or abroad, on the land or the sea—
As thy days may demand, as thy days may demand,
As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be.
3. Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, upheld by my righteous,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.
4. When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o’erflow,
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee, and sanctify to thee,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
5. When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, thy dross to consume,
Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
6. E’en down to old age, all my people shall prove
My sov’reign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And then, when gray hair shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs shall they still, like lambs shall they still,
Like lambs shall they still in my bosom be borne.
7. The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, I’ll never, no never,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!
Text: Attr. to Robert Keen, ca. 1787. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
Music: Attr. to J. Ellis, ca. 1889
29. When done, Gabriel arose from the front row, and offered a closing prayer.
When finished, the multitudes in the huge assembly hall vanished quickly! They all went to their stations on earth, eager to help the elect of God.
This ended the great meeting on 9-13-2017 in heaven, in the assembly hall next to Lake Beautiful.
30. I want to make a note of how I receive all of this, and how I write it in my journal: There is, at the beginning of my writing, no idea of what will come to me. I seek, however, to be very connected with my replicated celestial self, my unconscious mind, who attended and spoke in this meeting. As I write, the thoughts of what to write just flow quickly and naturally. I believe it is like a download from my unconscious mind to my conscious mind during this time. It all seems so natural to me also now.
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-15-2017 Friday
1. Last night I had another very unique prayer. It was my third meeting in a row in the great assembly hall in the celestial world, next to Lake Beautiful.
At the beginning of my prayer, I had the "spring-back" sensation when I tried to go to anywhere except the assembly hall: my spirit would bring me immediately back to the assembly hall!
2. However, before the meeting I was able to prepare myself by going to Enoch's city, and drinking from the living water there, and eating of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life there too. However, once prepared, I was sprung forward to the stage area of the assembly hall. I guess my presence was needed there.
When I arrived on the elevated front area, the assembled congregation arose to their feet. This was very surprising to me! John the Revelator was also on the stand. There were other chairs behind our two chairs also, but they were empty.
3. I came to the podium and asked everyone to sit down. I then spoke these words:
'Welcome everyone to our meeting this evening in this great assembly hall next to Lake Beautiful in heaven, the celestial world! You have all been assembled here because you are part of the 144,000, as spoken of in the Book of Revelation.
This evening, Heavenly Father has asked me to conduct and speak to you. He has also asked John the Revelator (also known as John the Beloved) who wrote the Book of Revelation, to speak after me.
4. Each of you has been quickened by the Spirit of God to be able to come to these celestial realms in heaven. You have come in your spirit from your body, which now resides in mortality, or from the world of spirits, which is located around the earth in the spirit realms. We are very glad that you are all here!
We will open this meeting by singing "Who's on the Lord Side?" (Hymns 260), led by one of you in the front row. After this, Simiel, the fifth male archangel, will offer the opening prayer.'
5. I then sat down in my chair. One of the 144,000 stood up and led us in singing "Who's on the Lord's Side?". Someone also played an organ that filled the hall with beautiful music accompaniment.
6. Who’s on the Lord’s Side?
1. Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
We wage no common war,
Cope with no common foe.
The enemy’s awake;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
2. We serve the living God,
And want his foes to know
That, if but few, we’re great;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
We’re going on to win;
No fear must blanch the brow.
The Lord of Hosts is ours;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
3. The stone cut without hands
To fill the earth must grow.
Who’ll help to roll it on?
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Our ensign to the world
Is floating proudly now.
No coward bears our flag;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
4. The pow’rs of earth and hell
In rage direct the blow
That’s aimed to crush the work;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Truth, life, and liberty,
Freedom from death and woe,
Are stakes we’re fighting for;
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Text: Hannah Last Cornaby, 1822–1905
Music: Henry H. Russell, 1818–1900, alt. Lyrics
After we sang, Simiel then offered the opening prayer.
7. I then spoke again:
'Thank you for singing this opening hymn so well! I noticed when Simiel arose to pray, that all of the other six archangels of God were seated on the front row. I would like them to come to the stand and take their seats that are empty. I will introduce them when they come up.'
The six male archangels came to the stand and stood next to their seats.
'I want you to know who these important archangels are. These stand before God, day and night, and may be able to help you in the future.
8. Starting behind me on my right is Michael, the prince archangel, who was named Adam on earth, the first man in mortality. Next to him is Gabriel, or Noah in mortality. The next archangel in order is me, Raphael, who currently lives in mortality. I come before you in my replicated translated body. Uriel is the next archangel, then Simiel who offered the prayer, who is the fifth archangel. Oriphiel is the sixth archangel, and will offer our benediction at the end of this meeting. The seventh archangel is Raguel.
9. My brothers, you may be seated.'
The archangels sat in their seats on the stand. I resumed talking:
'The Father has asked that we hold this meeting here to instruct you in your duties and to give you additional information that pertains to your callings.
10. I have been involved in two other meeting in this assembly hall in these past two days.
Two days ago, I met with all of the holy angels of God here. I spoke first and then, when I was done, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in great glory! Heavenly Mother and then Heavenly Father spoke. Next together they blessed all the angels. Fire encircled all of us and we arose up in the air, above the assembly hall with our Beloved Heavenly Parents. They left in a brilliant cloud of light. We all then went to our stations on earth, to administer to the elect of God in the celestial realms. It was an amazing meeting!
11. Yesterday another meeting was held in this assembly hall. All of the resurrected righteous souls who were raised with Jesus Christ when he was resurrected came here. Joining them were also all the translated people of Enoch's group. Both of these two groups have residence in these holy realms in heaven. Michael, the chief archangel and first man, Enoch the prophet, and I, Raphael, all addressed this large combined group. We gave those assembled their charge to work in the celestial realms on the earth, behind the veil, to lead the elect of God to their Savior Jesus Christ. This is the mission now of this great group of resurrected celestial souls, and this group of translated celestial souls of the city of Enoch.
This final meeting today, September 14th, 2017, is to give you an additional charge and instructions.
12. You were each brought in the Spirit last October 3rd, 2016 to Mount Zion on earth, called Mt Timpanogos in Utah. Jesus Christ appeared on that mountain, and called and commissioned you to be his 144,000. This great event is described in the book of Revelation, chapter 14. A sickle was given to Jesus Christ, and he was told to reap the earth, for the harvest of the earth was ripe. Jesus Christ then thrust in his sickle in the earth, and the earth was reaped (see Revelation 14:14-16–
13. "And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.").
14. Since that time, the world we live in has become increasingly more wicked. Satan and his hosts have been in the land, and have lured and tricked even many of the elect of God to follow their ways. The world is full of evil and darkness!
15. The Father and Mother have commanded, on the morning of the recent great solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017, that we seven archangels go to the future site of the New Jerusalem, and blow our trumpets of God in all directions to the inhabitants of the earth. We blew an ominous single note of woe to the earth!
16. Immediately following this event, the sun was darkened all across the chosen land of America, from its west coast to the east coast. This was a sign from God that great tribulations were now coming to the earth, among all peoples.
There are other signs in the heavens that are also coming forth on the earth. The times of the Gentiles are already fulfilled and completed. We are now in the seven years of tribulations, as spoken of in the scriptures.
17. Many of you, who are called to be part of the 144,000, are yourselves not yet awakened to the grandeur of your callings. You have come here in your unconscious mind, in your spirit, while your body on earth is still in the slumber of a deep sleep, not yet awakened or empowered.
18. These tribulations will serve to awaken you to the calling you have, to help gather the elect of God from all corners of the earth. You will find them in all conditions, in all countries, in all situations. We will assist you in your efforts, but you will primarily be directed by Jesus Christ himself who has commissioned you on Mount Zion.
19. Your great work will be among those in mortality and those in the world of the spirits. Most of you are now living in mortality, but some of you have passed into the world of the spirits, which surrounds the earth. Those of you in mortality will be soon translated to a terrestrial state. Some have already been translated.
20. Those of you who live in the spirit world will be elevated to a terrestrial state of glory. You will go to those in the world of the spirits to gather out the elect of God there who have died. Those of you in mortality will gather out the elect of God there. Together, all of the elect of God from both realms will be gathered. Those who are born after these, who are raised in the millennium, are not included in the elect that the 144,000 gather.
21. Your work is on a one-by-one basis, face-to-face with the elect of God! This is why you are elevated to a terrestrial level, so that you may appear to them as men and women in their own realms. You will usually appear to them as a common mortal. You will be protected from the devastations coming upon the earth. You may also call upon the holy angels, the resurrected who have lived on the earth, and Enoch's band to help you and to extend protection to the elect of God. Our role is to work behind the veil, for the most part, in the celestial realms, to also help influence and gather the elect of God, and to bring them to Jesus Christ. We will continually be with you to assist you, as you work in person with the elect of God.
22. Our combined effort is fully orchestrated by our God. Follow the Spirit of God, and you will be led to those to whom you are directed to rescue. These are the elect of God.
Oh, we love you, our 144,000, the gatherers of God! God bless you in the great work before you!'
I sat down. John the Beloved stood and came to the podium.
He turned and thanked me for my words. He said that my words were inspired, and were true.
23. He then faced the audience. He said that he had waited many years for this time, the last days, to finally come. He said he had written the Revelation from Jesus Christ many centuries ago, and was very glad it is in the Bible. He said when he wrote it initially, in Aramaic, it was plain for man to understand, who had the spirit of prophecy. It had been changed over the years, but the content is similar.
24. He confirmed that all who were gathered in this great assembly hall were chosen as the 144,000, twelve thousand from every tribe. He said the exact number was not so important, and that the 12,000 out of every tribe was more a symbolic meaning, that all of the tribes of Israel were fully represented in this group. He said more than half of those were also righteous women.
25. He told the group that one of his missions was to oversee the 144,000. There was also another man and his wife who were already commissioned to be in charge of teaching and training the 144,000. He said that I, Raphael, had already made contact with them (R here: this is Phillip and Rebekah Johnson) and that I had participated in their commission.
26. John said that he was translated, and I Raphael was also translated, both to a celestial level. This higher translation allowed us to freely go into the celestial realms. He said that their translation would be to a terrestrial level for the duration of their missions. They would have the ability and power to work one-on-one with the elect of God on earth, and when ready be able to transport them with the use of portals to areas of safety and to the New Jerusalem area. He said the translation that the 144,000 would receive would protect them also from the ravages of these last day tribulations.
27. John said the 144,000 were to follow the Holy Spirit in all of their activity. They would also be directed, in certain things, by the Holy Ghost that would be their guide.
When John the Beloved was finished speaking, we concluded the meeting with another hymn "O Ye Mountains High" (Hymns #34):
28. O Ye Mountains High
1. O ye mountains high, where the clear blue sky
Arches over the vales of the free,
Where the pure breezes blow and the clear streamlets flow,
How I’ve longed to your bosom to flee!
O Zion! dear Zion! land of the free,
Now my own mountain home, unto thee I have come;
All my fond hopes are centered in thee.
2. Tho the great and the wise all thy beauties despise,
To the humble and pure thou art dear;
Tho the haughty may smile and the wicked revile,
Yet we love thy glad tidings to hear.
O Zion! dear Zion! home of the free,
Tho thou wert forced to fly to thy chambers on high,
Yet we’ll share joy and sorrow with thee.
3. In thy mountain retreat, God will strengthen thy feet;
Without fear of thy foes thou shalt tread;
And their silver and gold, as the prophets have told,
Shall be brought to adorn thy fair head.
O Zion! dear Zion! home of the free,
Soon thy towers shall shine with a splendor divine,
And eternal thy glory shall be.
4. Here our voices we’ll raise, and we’ll sing to thy praise,
Sacred home of the prophets of God.
Thy deliv’rance is nigh; thy oppressors shall die;
And thy land shall be freedom’s abode.
O Zion! dear Zion! land of the free,
In thy temples we’ll bend; all thy rights we’ll defend;
And our home shall be ever with thee.
Text: Charles W. Penrose, 1832–1925
Music: H. S. Thompson, ca. 1852
29. Oriphiel closed the meeting with a prayer.
When done, I immediately departed. I am not sure why I left so quickly, but all of us seven archangels left immediately.
I prayed how accurate I was in writing the proceedings of this meeting with the 144,000. I felt confident I had recorded the important things said in the meeting.
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-16-2017 Saturday
1. This morning and last night I prayed near the stream coming by the circling waters, on the south side looking south. Both of my Heavenly Parents came this morning. I saw their faces, and eyes and smiles. I wondered about these past few days when I felt like it had been a marathon of sorts, writing and writing what I felt had happened in those meetings I attended. There were four meetings:
The first meeting was on Sunday, 9-10-2017 with the resurrected souls (Michael spoke, I spoke, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother spoke).
2. Then there was a second meeting on 9-12-2017 with all the holy angels. I spoke and our Heavenly Parents came in glory from the skies above. Heavenly Mother and then Heavenly Father spoke. We all arose in the sky above the assembly hall with fire surrounding each one of us.
3. The third meeting was on 9-13-2017, where I, Michael and Enoch spoke to the vast assembly of resurrected souls since the time of Christ's resurrection, and the great group of Enoch's band of translated souls.
The fourth meeting was on Thursday, 9-14-2017, where I met with John the Beloved and all of the 144,000. We both spoke and instructed the group.
4. I feel somewhat wasted after all these meetings! I wonder how I was able to write all the important aspects of each meeting down! It truly felt to me like a whirlwind experience! Was I accurate? Did I record all of this correctly? How can I know that what I wrote wasn't just my own creation?
5. Heavenly Mother spoke then to me:
'Raphael, our son–you have been able to connect in your mortal conscious mind to your celestial replicated self, and to your unconscious mind. This replicated self was a full participant in all of the four meetings, and had fully experienced these events. Therefore, when you wrote what happened, you were not creating a story, but you were writing what happened from your unconscious mind. We approve of your accounts of these meetings. You have captured the important points of each meeting, and what happened. The persons who attended the meetings will one day fully recall all. The holy angels who are mortal, and the 144,000 generally don't know yet in their conscious minds these things. However, all know in their unconscious minds.'
6. I thanked her for her boost of confidence, and for her confirmation. I then asked if I should prepare another post. She replied:
'Yes, Raphael, now is the time to type this all into your computer, and then prepare your post as you normally do. Send it out to those angels who sustain you. Many will read and comprehend your post when you publish it, in the celestial realms above. We are please with your actions to record everything that occurred in the meetings this week.'
7. I felt comforted that I was on the correct track, and not just dreaming all of these events. I knew what I had participated in was true. I will make time when I find myself alone, to transcribe my journal entries. I do this when alone so that I don't arouse suspicion and questions. I still need to act incognito around my immediate family.
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-17-2017 Sunday
1. Last night and this morning I had my prayer by the horizontal log, west of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. It is in a lovely grassy and meadow area.
2. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came, last night and this morning. They were happy and smiling. They didn't have much to say to me, and only stayed a short time after each prayer. I prayed for my loved ones. I also asked to have some open time to type up my journal entries. There is so very much I have written over a short period of time.
3. . . . I have been intrigued by a thought control method of controlling delusions. A. has been plagued by such thoughts. This method helps the affected person to challenge their delusion with logic, gradually replacing the delusion thought with true thoughts. In this way they can be eliminated. We are hopeful that A. can replace his thoughts with true thoughts, and gradually wean-off his medications. This would be so good!
4. Later:
We attended sacrament meeting at a local ward. During the sacrament, I was seeing myself on the top of the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I was singing the sacrament hymn "Jesus Once of Humble Birth" at the edge of the falls, facing west. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents–and they both came in front of me, in the sky over the falls. Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father accepted my covenant. He said they would always be with me, just like they promise in their part of the covenant.
5. I then thought that the normal covenant in the sacrament prayer at church is that the Spirit would always be with us. But in my covenant, when I always remember my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and keep their commandments, I will always have their presence, that of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, to be with me! That is a different covenant than the normal one recorded in the scriptures and said at church. I am so grateful that I have this supernal blessing!
6. Heavenly Father also said that this was a great week ahead, because all of those in the celestial realms are now in place, in an effort to rescue the elect of God, their children! The 144,000 are transitioning to a terrestrial state, a translated state for most of them where they soon will join fully in the rescue effort for the elect of God.
Heavenly Father said he would make time open up for me to transcribe my many journal entries so I could send out my post soon.
I felt happy to be with them as I always do, and with my wife at church. It has been such a nice day!
Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-18-2017 Monday
1. We had a nice party at the end of the Sabbath yesterday. The house was filled with children, spouses, and grandchildren.
Last night and this morning I communed with my Heavenly Parents at the top of the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. This morning, as I waited upon God, Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words. I am ready now to receive them and write them as she speaks them to me:
2. 'Raphael, our son, we are always happy to come before you when you call upon us. We will make ourselves more known also to our holy angels who are in their mortal probation. They need to make time for us, however, and to seek us with diligence. We desire to elevate and quicken each one that humbly and sincerely comes before us, seeking to commune with us. Most importantly, we will lead them along, and give them revelation. We desire they gain this communion in prayer with us. This is the most important thing for them to do at this time. As they do so, we will fill them with peace and tranquility in this ever troubling world.
3. We will also give you valuable time you have requested to complete your post so you may send it out early this week.
Many events are coming into your lives, with increasing speed and activity.
4. We are very happy with the response of those in the recent meetings that were held in the great assembly hall last week. At this moment, we have sufficient helpers in the celestial realms to guide and protect our elect of God on the earth and in the world of the spirits. Draw near to us, and we will continue to guide and direct you in all things!'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I felt peace and tranquility myself, even as she promised. I feel secure and assured in my life. I am happy and content to be led, without expectations, into the wonderful future we all will have.
R. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-19-2017 Tuesday
1. I sent my post to my sister K last night for editing. I have a few more days of journal entries to transcribe. Heavenly Mother asked me in my prayer today to see if I could get it out today.
2. This morning I went to the gate and Jesus opened wide the gate. I asked him a question about if when he becomes the Father of the faithful (see Mosiah 5:7 "And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters."), is this a spiritual father position, and does this disrupt in any way our relationship with our Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother? Here is what he answered:
3. 'Raphael, when I accept the faithful, humble and obedient son or daughter of our Heavenly Parents, I become his or her Father spiritually. This is because they are reborn into a fullness of life, to be received into my church and kingdom, the Church of the Firstborn. This is not the same father position like Heavenly Father, who is still the Father of their spirit. The relationship with Father and Mother remains fully intact, only my position becomes a spiritual father, not a spirit Father as Heavenly Father is.'
4. I asked him if he is exalted to a higher degree then, than the remainder of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's children, because of his exalted position as their Mediator and Spiritual Father. Jesus responded:
5. 'Raphael, each of us who are exalted to become a God or a Goddess will rise to that position, retaining all the skills, habits, attributes and character gained in our previous estates in our path towards becoming as our Heavenly Parents. Therefore, when an individual receives their exaltation, as a God or a Goddess, they are not equal to another who has received the same position–they are all different still. We also continually progress and grow in our Godly attributes, from eternity to eternity. There is always growth and improvement. We carry forth all that is good into eternity with us, and add to that goodness during our progression.
6. If I have attained a high level of compassion because of my experience being the Messiah of all mankind, this compassion will continue with me into the eternities. It is not a helpful to make a comparison between myself and one of God's other exalted children., for we are both on the path of progression and upward movement in eternity.'
7. I thanked my Savior for this wonderful explanation.
I then turned and continued on the path to the tree of life and prepared myself for my morning prayer.
I went to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. Here I met with my Heavenly Parents who came to me.
After asking for certain things, I waited upon God.
8. Heavenly Mother addressed me:
'Raphael, all of our gatherers are now in place in the celestial realms, to help bring our elect to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. These are helping also awaken the 144,000 to their callings on the earth and in the world of spirits.
9. B asked about what was happening to him on Thursday before noon, 9-14-2017, when he felt lots of energy from his head to his hands. He said he felt he was a part of something and not just receiving. He was actually part of a group of angels who were gathering the 144,000 to the meeting that was going to happen in the great assembly hall later that day. It was a big effort for these angels to gather all of the 144,000 to that hall, for most of them have not yet been fully awakened. They came as their spirits, and were quickened by our power, through these angels who were gathering them. This is the reason why B felt the way he did on Thursday.
10. We are now days away from the sign in the heavens with the constellations Virgo and Leo. There will also be a series of Jewish holiday events that will happen starting on that day. Tribulations are soon coming with more frequency upon the earth, Raphael! Watch and respond immediately to our directions, for they will increase.'
11. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her words. I have actually now just finished transcribing my journal entries for this post. I will get my post finalized now."
12. I was talking to my sister K today, and she shared with me some of her revelations she received from Heavenly Mother in her prayers. I thought these would be helpful for all. She gave me this to share with you:
I have been somewhat slothful with prayers, sometimes getting distracted in the morning and forgetting to pray or being unfocused and too tired at night. And I have often prayed while lying in bed without getting on my knees. Here are some words from Heavenly Mother over the course of a few days time which was a gentle, loving chastisement I think:
13. 'Our daughter, we are glad you are before us with a prayerful heart. Pray to us morning and evening as well as throughout the day. We cannot guide you if you do not seek us.
14. ...The guidance you seek cannot come if you do not connect more regularly in prayer.
...We will show you great things as you show us your diligence. We will grow your faith until you have FAITH.
...We are pleased when you are on your knees in prayer, even when less comfortable, it demonstrates coming before us in humility.
...As you pray and are humble before us, seeking our guidance continually, we will be on your left hand and on your right--leading you along.' "