122. Space and Time
Posted 5-26-2019

Hello my friends!

Boy, it has been so very rainy here in Utah! We plant our seedlings in our garden this week–very fun for me!

I think you will find this post interesting! Here is what some of it covers–

Please pray about all of these, and make sure that you only receive that which is of God. 


P.S. I shot these photos around our house this week. Enjoy! 

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 10, 2019, Friday

1. This morning I found myself in the clouds above the granite cliff, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I was kneeling and facing west. It was all white around me. I am unsure why I was here, but this is where I was praying. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. Heavenly Mother then appeared to me in the clouds of heaven, and was bright and smiling! Her love was intense and very wonderful to me! I felt so uplifted and happy.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have mostly finished speaking about our galaxy for the time being. Please make yesterday's entry the last one in your next post 121.

4. Today I want to speak to you about a new topic. I want to talk about time.

Time is a factor in all of our spheres, but it is measured differently. On your mortal earth, time is very accurately measured, all measured precisely according to rotations and orbits of your earth, moon, and exact repetitive patterns. Your earth's years are also synched with the rotation of Kolob and our celestial orb which both rotate one day for a thousand years of earth time.

5. Once earth is resurrected, and takes its place in the central tier of our celestial creations, she will rotate around our galaxy center in a precise orbit also, but time will not be a significant factor like it is now on earth. Time will be measured in epochs, for all time-related issues will not be so important once your earth is in the celestial environment in eternity.

(Note: Epochs (capitalized) are also mentioned in post
101A7-101A10, where one Epoch is 12 eternities. The epoch described here in post 122 below is not capitalized, and describes 7 epochs in each eternity. I also inquired about this and feel that the word "epoch" refers somehow to a time span. I guess with God all time is relative, and for us who want some measurement of time, God uses the same word in English, with slight distinguishing between them!)

6. On your mortal earth now, we have set days, weeks, and years to repeat with precise regularity. Seasons come and go with preciseness also, as well as the growth and aging of all our creations that dwell on the earth. Our children become accountable at age eight years old, and mature into adults with predictable changes in their bodies, all in measured time. There are seasons to marry, raise a family, see them grow and leave the family, and then the parents mature into older ages. Death comes at the end of a long life for most, and is a predictable time-related event.

7. You are now immersed in your time-related world, and understand how we have assigned time to be a very important factor in everything you do.

8. However, in our celestial realm, time is not so important in the daily life our children and creations. Our plants and animals that are resurrected will remain in their same state from eternity to eternity with no change. The time-related issues are measured in epochs that are phases of each eternity.

9. The first epoch is when our first children of a given eternity come to dwell on our celestial orb as spirit children. They grow from infant spirits to full grown spirits. There is continual day for these, for there is no need for cycles of day and night. Our celestial sun remains in the sky and does not set. Our children grow on the celestial orb that faces the sun. The opposite side of our celestial orb is also bright and day-like continually, being lit up by our light that shines upon it.

10. Our first epoch is usually very peaceful and enjoyable for us and our growing spirit children. There is no real conflict, and also no significant growth, for growth and choice come out of opposition.

11. Our second epoch is always initiated once we reveal our plan for our children to come to a mortal earth, to gain a physical body, and to choose right from wrong. We select a Messiah, and in doing so an Anti-Christ emerges who creates conflict, war and eventual expulsion of those who want to follow this adversary. It is a turbulent epoch!

12. The third epoch is after the wicked that have been cast out for rebellion have departed our celestial orb. We begin an intensive training program for all who have passed their first estate, and will be entering their second estate in their new mortal experience. There is a very large amount of growth during this epoch!

13. The fourth epoch is during the very short seven thousand years of earth's temporal existence. This is the most active period where our mortal children grow so very much. This is the only epoch when there is preciseness in time, all centered on the time sequences we have planned on our earth and for our children.

14. The fifth epoch centers around judgment and assigning our children to their eternal inheritance, be it celestial, terrestrial or telestial. Time is no longer an issue, like it was in the fourth epoch. We are not on a strict time-based schedule anymore. We move forward in our works of this epoch, but are not on a schedule. At the end of this epoch, all of our terrestrial and telestial children will have been judged, resurrected and will have entered their eternal glory. Our celestial children also will have been resurrected to a celestial glory.

15. The sixth epoch is when our earth dies and becomes resurrected to a celestial world. It becomes a new eternal abode for the gods that will soon have their inheritances on her surface. Satan and his rebellious spirits are also vanquished and receive their final destiny.

16. The final and seventh epoch is the most rewarding of all! It is when our elect become finally crowned as gods, even couple gods in eternity and receive an inheritance on the celestial earth, their initial celestial home forever! It is completed when all of our righteous children enter into their exaltation, are sealed to the spouse of their choosing, and become gods, even with all the capability as we possess.

17. When the seventh epoch of the eternity is completed, your Heavenly Father and I are left alone again on our own celestial orb. We meet again, with our newly called and ordained children who are gods also, in the council of the gods at the center of our universe, at the residence of our first parent Gods! It is extremely rewarding to meet there and to mingle with all the gods of the universe, who are many. We share ideas and plans, of what we each have done, and rejoice in our time together!

18. When finished, we all return to our respective worlds and begin our next eternity. Our newly ordained children couple gods begin their first eternity starting on their own lands of inheritances on their own resurrected earth.

19. Time is only a present factor in our fourth epoch when our children each come to their mortal experience. All other epochs are open-ended until everything in them is completed. We live in peace and felicity in our lives particularly during these other epochs, with plenty of eternal space for each of us to accomplish all that we need to do.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for sharing the concept of time, and of the seven epochs of an eternity! I know we met in the clouds so as to be apart from any epoch in our minds, or apart from time-based things. I expressed my great love to her also.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 11, 2019, Saturday

1. Last night I was out late with my wife. Afterwards I knelt by my bed and met with my Heavenly Father next to the circling waters. He told me that he was pleased that I went on a date with my wife. He said he or Heavenly Mother would meet with me tomorrow morning. He then left me alone and I closed my evening prayer.

2. I am now up early. The sun is streaming through my window. I feel well rested now and ready to communicate with my Heavenly Parents. I came again to the circling waters where I prayed last night. It is a very familiar place for me! I came to the shore and drank living water. I remained on my knees and offered up a prayer asking for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. Heavenly Father came again in front of me, in the air over the water! He was very majestic and seemed so in charge of all of his creations. He smiled and I felt his love and acceptance of me.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you yesterday morning about time and about our seven epochs in each of our eternities. We have followed this pattern from the beginning in each eternity. You are now immersed in a time-based world that has regularity, seasons, days, months and years. However, before you came to earth, in your pre-mortal life, you really knew nothing about a time-based world. There was no day nor night cycles, but only day all of the time. You had no physical body that required rest and the rejuvenation from sleeping. We taught you about time in your third epoch, but it was hard for you and all of our children to grasp. It was only in being immersed in the environment of your time based telestial world, with a physical body that required regular sleep and meals, that you really understood the concept of time.

4. Your epoch in mortality is the only one where time is so regulated and such a part of your existence. In all the other epochs of your eternity, there is no need for time, schedules, sleep for the body, or the need to have events be time based. However, any assignment where you would interface with those in the mortal state, time would be an issue. Events still need to be done in all epochs but the emphasis in not when they are done, but if they are done.

5. When you come here on our celestial orb, we are not in a time-based world or existence. There is ample opportunity to do things, which are measured by whether they are completed or not. We never feel pressed to fulfill our desires by a certain time, but only to do them. We still ask our children and servants to act and do certain things, and then they directly fulfill our wishes. We never measure the time it takes them to complete their assigned task, but whether our children are diligent in fulfilling and doing it.

6. If multiple tasks are to be done, our children will use scheduling skills they learned in mortality to prioritize their work effort. They will also have learned to put the needs of others in a balance with getting things done. Our celestial children may replicate themselves so that they may do all that is required. Time never becomes a very important issue like in mortality.

7. We also measure past or future events not so much in terms of time when they were done or would be done, but with a different perspective. We always have past, present and future before us continually in our mind. Life is a continuum of change and progress. We see the state of our children, for example, by their maturity, level of understanding and growth, not so much how old or what phase or epoch they are in. We view their lives more on a continuum.

8. For example, we see your life, Raphael, from your spirit birth to your exaltation, as a continual process of growth and learning. We see how well you respond to our promptings and desires and how receptive you are to change and growth. We see where you are presently, based on your progress to your current state and not on any time based date. Since all of your life is before us, we can just as easily see you in the present as in the past or future. We may easily see your celestial nature, for we see your actions from the beginning until your becoming an ordained god.

9. The sensation of moving from one location in our vast galaxy and universe to another is one of folding the two spaces on top of each other and then stepping from one to another. This is how we travel long distances. We really don't make the full journey through space each time, but step from one space or location into the other, regardless of where this may be.

10. Moving through the past, present and future is also done in this same way. We may desire to be with you when you were first born to your Heavenly Mother as an infant spirit. That past moment or event would then be folded, or superimposed on top of our present state and then we would just step into that past state. We could observe what you and we did, our circumstances and such, but we couldn't relive that moment. What we would observe was what happened or what was.

11. We may do this also for the future. We may see your ordination in a future time to become a god by the folding of that time or event on top of the present and then we could step into that future time. We would see events as they would become, but could not change the circumstance or interfere or communicate with anyone in the future. We see you in your future life this way and observe. These events are those we see that are in your future. They will be realized by your steady effort and actions that change and shape you into a new person, a little change for each action you do.

12. The process of folding both locations or time is a gift of becoming a god. We may go back to the first known space and time, which involved our first parent Gods as intelligences only and into the future, which has no end. Space changes as it is occupied by different creations. We may form and create, but each location in space has a unique place. In your world, a location or space in our vast universe is akin to a GPS location on your earth that is unique. Past and future events are also unique.

13. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I may travel to a space and time in our past or future, as we desire. We have chosen to limit our views to our own domains and not of the other gods in their own domains, excepting our first parent Gods that they have given all the gods permission to view. We may go back in time and space to our intelligence only states or forward to our future eternities. Our course is one eternal round! Time and space (or a unique location) is not so important as who we are, our natures and desires. The purpose of creating our children is to help them find their true natures and to be happy. Our greatest joys, along with them, are when they become even as we are, gods in eternity, with deep joys and capabilities. Our efforts are then fully centered in helping our children, both present and future, obtain a similar full life and fullness of joy!'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very mind expanding revelation this morning! I feel very enlightened and in a calm peace. I feel so blessed to have called upon God and received so much!

15. Evening–I love the springtime weather with flowers that are fragrant and beautiful. The weather is warming up and I love this change! I came to the beautiful meadow of purple and yellow flowers on the slopes just north of God's Loving Healing Lake. I felt settled and at peace here, with the mild fragrance of such a pretty meadow of lovely flowers. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

16. Heavenly Mother appeared before me, standing in the air above her lovely flowers! She was bright and radiant, with her light passing into and through me. I felt every part of me was uplifted and enlightened!

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Father described to you this morning about the capability we have of moving through space and/or time by the folding of the two locations or times on top of each other and then stepping into the new space or time. Also, now that we do this so frequently, we don't mechanically go through the steps of folding the spaces or times on top of each other, but we just step into the new location or time and it is done, even as we intend it to occur.

18. We almost always step from our higher celestial realms into another higher celestial realm, so that those of a lower realm wouldn't ever know we moved from one space or time to another. Everywhere we travel we may continue to remain in our higher celestial realms, except for areas outside of our universe. In these spaces or times, these are always our highest celestial realms that have been created. The only exception where there is no highest celestial realm is outside the universe where there are only intelligences and elemental matter.

19. We allow our children who are celestial or have been quickened to a celestial realm to use our power of travel. Of themselves, they may move in the sphere where they are located, like on the celestial sphere of the earth. However, to transport themselves to our celestial orb requires the power of God to fold these two locations on top of each other and then to step into the new location. Travel into the past and future is also only done by the power of God and with our permission.

20. When we take you to the high mountaintop to the east of my upper gardens, we usually accompany you to a location and/ or time of our choosing. We usually go into the western skies for a time or place in the past and the eastern skies for a time or place in the future. To travel to a place at the present time, we usually don't go to our high mountaintop, but just go there. The high mountaintop has been a traditional place where we bring our children to show them visions of the past or future. It is not necessary that we come here, but it makes the setting more distinct and the beginning of the travel transfer more clear.

21. Several days ago I showed you our magnificent galaxy. I squeezed your hands each time we transitioned into a new location or a new time in the past. I did this so there would be a distinct change of scenes for you and that you would know of the transition. Squeezing your hand was not necessary, but was for your benefit.

22. We have given our angels celestial robes that allow them to travel in space and time according to our direction and the calling we have given them. For example, you have the specific calling to remove the hosts of Satan who overstep their bounds to the prison orb where they are temporarily banished from the earth. This is outside your own solar system. You are the only one of our angels with power to travel there. The devils have no power of movement from that prison orb.

23. Our angels and celestial servants may freely come from the celestial sphere of the earth to our celestial orb, as they desire. The healing angels also may bring our children, whom we assign to them to act as our conduits, to the celestial orb and God's Loving Healing Center. They have the authority to transport the ones assigned and themselves, by virtue of their angel robes.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great words on the details of celestial travel. I said I loved her so very much!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 12, 2019, Sunday, Mother's Day

1. This morning it is so pretty, with sunshine streaming through the window! This enlivens me and brings me joy in living.

2. I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. The trees were majestic, with new green leaves on each branch. The ground was soft and I knelt, facing the lake below. I felt very grounded to the wonderful celestial orb! I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my request.

3. Heavenly Mother appeared directly in front of me in the air, among the maple trees! I came to expect her brilliant light pour into me each time she came and today that is what she did again. She was beautiful and happy for I felt her happiness fill me as her intense light came into my body. I love the extremely clear feeling that comes when her light passes into me and through me!

4. I gazed into her loving face and was drawn into her sparkling eyes. I then saw that she continually chooses to be happy and so positive and to not dwell on the negative or unwanted. She has perfected the skill to not allow the wickedness of many of her children that she continually sees to adversely affect her. I would like to become like her!

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, gaze again upon my eternity eyes and you will see how I remain so positive and happy!'

I then looked steadily upon her sparkling eternity eyes, the eyes of a God, and then was somehow drawn into them! I was inside of her somehow, looking at me kneeling before her!

'Raphael', she spoke, 'your spirit has jumped into mine so that you can see through my eyes the perspective I see. I have allowed you to come into me and see and feel as I do in this expanded perspective. It is a real sensation you have because your replicated spirit really is inside of mine, looking out with me at the world before us.'

6. I then saw myself kneeling before her on the soft ground of the maple tree grove. She then transported me to my telestial world on my own earth. I knew we were in the higher celestial realm so nobody would perceive us. We were in a modern city, a little above the sidewalk where many people were busily walking in the morning, each to their own desired location. We saw these were mostly going to the places of their employment. We could "see" their thoughts too as they walked. Most of their thoughts were very carnal, sexual and self-centered! I could perceive nobody with thoughts of compassion or caring for another! I saw that they had so few morals even though they didn't seem that way to me on the outside appearance, for they were dressed in business attire and looked conservative.

7. I saw this perspective through my Heavenly Mother's eyes. It was disheartening to me that the people thought so vile of thoughts, with the intent to find temporary pleasure for themselves only, not thinking of others.

8. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I see all the thoughts of my children on earth. There are so many nowadays like this who are carnal, sensual and devilish! Their numbers are increasing and Satan has great hold upon their minds and hearts. I could dwell on the wicked state of my children, for I see them all, for their thoughts and actions are continually before me. However, I choose to dwell on the elect of God and their innocence and good desires. These latter ones are those who bring me hope and joy! They are in a stage of growth and some level of purity. They usually have kindly feelings towards others and they act with respect and consideration towards their fellowman. I know them each individually and also see them continuing to choose good over evil in their mortal world. I find joy in their future! These are my children I think about now. I see the wicked too, and know all of their works, but I dwell on the goodness of my own elect. I will prompt these by my Spirit and they will respond, for they love me and will keep my counsels and obey them.

9. The joy I receive from the righteous is what I bring in my heart and mind. I let the thoughts of the wayward ways of my other children to slip away and not be at the forefront of my thoughts. This effort takes practice, but brings me great hope, love, enjoyment and happiness. I choose to think in this way. I also may see into the future of my elect and their glorious progress and awakening. This gives me excitement and joy!

10. As I continue with these positive and selected thoughts, I am continually feeling happy. Over time, my eternity eyes have started beaming with joy and sparkling so that you may see how happy I really am.'

11. I then came in front of my Heavenly Mother. We were above the city where I perceived the intents of the busy workers walking so fast. We were in the celestial realms above the earth. It was peaceful and beautiful with greenery all around and a little stream flowing next to us.

12. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, it is okay to block the negative from your mind. Worry, fretting, and concerns about others and their wayward actions may also be blocked from your own mind, for you have no power to change what other adults may think and ultimately do. You may love and accept them and offer some words of encouragement in doing and choosing good choices. All adults may choose what they want to think and do. You may choose to be happy or you may choose to be weighed down by the thoughts and actions of the wicked, even if they are present in your own children or those you love. Remember, worry, feelings of being offended or upset, fret and fussing do no good but only occupy your thoughts and have no benefit in changing anything. The most effective action you may have towards those you love and deeply care for is to accept and love them. They feel this and may choose to open up to you or to want to be happy like you are. This is your greatest influence!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was still before me. I said I so appreciated her example to me. I want to be more happy and filled with acceptance and love towards those I come in contact with.

14. Evening–This afternoon I went to our own ward for sacrament meeting. This morning I had an awakening experience where I became again aware of my great weakness of my flesh. I realized that all of my emotions about feeling bad are a result of my own thinking, I desire to improve my thinking like that of my Heavenly Mother that she shared with me this morning. This will all help me better control my feelings when I get down.

15. At the sacrament, I felt I was in the celestial realms in the clouds above, in the celestial realms of the earth. I was feeling down because of my weaknesses, and was feeling very humbled.

16. In the ward, the priest offered a blessing on the bread. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents, and waited. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, in the clouds.

17. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, and will always send our Spirit and will also always be next to you in the higher celestial realm, next to you while you are in your mortal state.

18. You wondered also how we could give you such great revelations, and yet have you possess such great weaknesses and shortcomings in your mortal body.'

19. Raphael, we give you your great revelation in your unconscious mind in your celestial state as a mighty archangel of God. You live in the celestial realms as our faithful servant and are an effective leader of our faithful servants in that realm. You act on whatever we ask of you, in great faith. You are fulfilling your mission before us, as Raphael, our archangel and servant.

20. In your mortal life, we have given you great weaknesses to help you learn important lessons, to help you grow, and to keep you humble and open before us. We view you, however, in your celestial state as you labor tirelessly for us.'

21. I then took the sacrament water.

22. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we love you, even with your great weaknesses that you struggle with, my son.

Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, also received great weaknesses in his life and struggled with these until the time of his ministry. We gave those weaknesses to him for his growth and understanding of how to succor and bless our children. When he began his ministry, first after fasting for 40 days and becoming strengthened by us (at the mount of Temptation, see JST Matthew 4:1), he then became fully connected with his unconscious mind. He then began his ministry with full awareness of who he was, his powers, and his connection with us, his Heavenly Parents. He was then able to act as the Son of God.'

23. The meeting continued, and we soon came back home and enjoyed visits from our children on Mother's Day. By the time everyone left, and I wrote the above, it was well past 11 pm. I am interested to know more about the weaknesses that Jesus received, and more also about the details of the mindset of Jesus during his ministry.

24. I am now ready to pray to my Heavenly Parents. I came tonight to the clouds above the granite cliff, in the celestial realm on the celestial orb. I knelt in the air, in the cloud and faced west, towards the distant temple. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come:

25. Heavenly Mother came immediately before me. She was smiling and full of light. She spoke:

'Raphael, we love all of our children, but have chosen to give each full freedom to choose whom they would follow. There are many who put themselves in harm's way by subjecting themselves to the adversary, and allow themselves to be led away by Satan into dark paths. Others are whiplashed in their mortal life by spouses or supposed friends who abuse and control them. This is all part of the trials of a mortal life.

26. We also give our children weakness of the flesh, flaws that they may have inherited or been taught by family, culture or circumstances. These weaknesses can be deep-seated, and be very difficult to change or remove from one's person. In the process when our child becomes aware of their weaknesses, they may become humble and open to us, and want to change. This is what we like to see. We then may help and coach them in overcoming their weaknesses. This process of change is greatly strengthening to their being. They also become aware and compassionate of others of our children with their weaknesses. Having weaknesses themselves may help them succor others of our children.'

27. Later–I was not able to finish my prayer last night, but will continue in the morning.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 13, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I came again to the same place in the clouds I was in last night. At first my Heavenly Father came, and then my Heavenly Mother. They both comforted me with some personal requests for a member of my family in need. The one I pray for has choice and agency, and may reject God's approaches and spirit they said they would send. Everyone may act and choose as they wish.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, when one of your own family members is in trouble by following Satan, or being influenced by a controlling person who wishes to subjugate or control them, there is not much you can do except to love and accept them, and pray to us in their behalf. We will not overstep our own boundaries in guiding them if they will not listen to us. We too become powerless to help them unless they themselves take initiative to reach out to us in their yearning and pleas for help. Sometimes the best influence may be from a caring friend or family member who loves and accepts them. Love is a very strong antidote to those entrapped in sin and dark paths.'

3. These are difficult times when I feel powerless to help when one I love is in trouble.

Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'We sent our own Beloved Son into your dark and troubled world in a difficult time. He was acquainted with grief and sorrow in his own family, for this was one of his burdens he bore prior to his great mission among our children. Isaiah spoke of these difficult times in the life of our Beloved Son:

4. Isaiah 53:3 "He is despised and rejected of men (including his own family); a man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him (his own family and friends rejected him and wouldn't extend their love to him); he was despised, and we esteemed him not (many of his friends and family did not believe him, even when he did miracles during his ministry, and taught the truth as he received it from us, his loving Heavenly Parents)." (emphasis added by Heavenly Father).

5. Once we proved him, and he still came unto us his Gods, and leaned on us and not others who mostly rejected him, Jesus Christ started his ministry at age 30. He started his service as the great Messiah by being alone with us on the Mount of temptation. We came to him and continued to teach and direct him on how to minister in love to our children. After being tempted of the devil, and further proving his faithfulness, we blessed him on the mount of temptation with his full conscious and unconscious mind. He then had the veil of forgetfulness lifted and remembered fully his pre-mortal standing and memories. He therefore was able to go forth among our children with confidence and great authority. He acted in his Godly role of power, performing miracles of all kinds and teaching our truths. He was endowed with the great blessing for the last three years of his life. He knew more about who he was and his calling than any other man or woman. This gave him the strength to go forth in great power among his brothers and sisters and to know all men, for he was given the blessing to see them with his full mind without the veil that restricts all the rest of mankind.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their truths that they had given to me! I felt comforted in their plan to send us forth into this dark and troubled world, and the growth we could receive here. I also felt comforted about how they strengthened and blessed their Son, Jesus Christ, in his ministry. I hadn't known this before.

7. My prayer ended and I felt at peace. I came back to my room where I had been writing all of this in my personal journal.

8. I enjoyed a fulfilling and busy day and feel happy tonight. I came to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The last two prayers I had were in the clouds above this granite cliff. I now saw the temple to the west, glowing in the distance. I knelt on the granite and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

9. Heavenly Mother came immediately in front of me! I could see the higher celestial sphere open up and Heavenly Mother step forth! She was radiant and beaming with bright light. I felt so happy to be in her presence. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, when we speak to you now, we also send our light and the emotion we wish to send with our message. Therefore you receive additional clarity with our message. We wish you to fulfill our requests with the same message and light intensity that we give to you.

10. For example, if we wish you to send a message to one of our elect sons or daughters, and we give you that message, along with a medium level of light intensity and with peace and acceptance, we want you to send to our elect all of these like we sent to you. You may duplicate our message, our light intensity, and our emotion. Sometimes we will send this to our recipient ourselves, but sometimes we will send you or another angel or heavenly servant. Each should replicate our message to our elect son or daughter in the way and manner we sent it to them.

11. Our higher celestial realm is very bright and is a place where we, who are gods, come. We may invite our celestial angels and servants, but without us they may not come there.

12. You also saw correctly that this highest realm might be opened by us as we step through it to one of our lower realms. Each level of realm from this highest celestial realm is somewhat reduced in glory as the realm decreases from celestial to terrestrial and finally to telestial.

13. Between the galaxies of the gods, there is much space. There is nothing in this space except occasionally the final residence of the intelligences of past devils. It is also a place where channels of light matter stream from one galaxy to another. The distance between our galaxy and the next closest one is approximately 100,000 times the current diameter of our own galaxy. This allows expansion of all the galaxies.

14. Our universe is also ever expanding with the borders of the outer limits of the universe growing larger. The universe is shaped like a giant sphere that continues to slowly expand.

15. We may take both intelligence and elemental matter from any location outside of the expanding universe. There is so much of intelligence and elemental matter that we gods will never remove all there is available. There is no end to the reaches outside of our current universe where the gods live and their creations. The universe does have a finite size, but outside the universe there are no size limitations.

16. We could call the prison orb a planet, but it is a temporary place for the habitation of devils that are still our children, created in our image. Because it is a place of residence, this is why we call it an orb. This orb has been used for every one of our eternities. It is a place where those who do not follow their rules of conduct are taken by one of our angels with that authority. You have been designated as our angel with authority to remove these outcast devils. You are feared by the hosts of Satan, for you have power and capability to remove them if they cross the lines of conduct that we have set. Your scarlet angled sash is the symbol we have selected for you who have this authority, to transport them to the far away prison orb. This prison orb is within our own galaxy in a secluded place only known by us and you to whom we have revealed it. We are the only ones who may travel there.

17. Our holy angels and celestial servants are restricted in their travels to be between the earth, your solar system, and our own celestial orb. We wish them to not travel to other locations now in our great universe unless we take them there, as we have recently taken you. You also, Raphael, may travel to the distant prison orb.

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words of wisdom and truth! I told her how much I loved her too! I closed my prayer and went to bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 14, 2019, Tuesday

1. I love the sun streaming through my window from the east when I pray in the mornings! This is what is happening this morning. I feel awake and alert, and eager to connect again to my Heavenly Parents.

2. I came to the beautiful fountain of living water on the north side. I drank some living water and felt refreshed in my mind. I then knelt and prayed facing north, with the fountain to my backside. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayers.

3. Heavenly Father came to me. I saw him moving on top of the river that goes north from the fountain, named after him. He was bright and smiling. He came right up to me and stopped. I gazed into his loving and accepting face! I felt very much peace and joy in his presence.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we have blessed your loved ones you prayed for recently. We sent them more of our light, which diffused the darkness within them. We did this because you prayed for them, asking for us to do something. Once they received our more abundant light they came more to themselves and gained some temporary relief. This may help them also in their future decisions to choose light and seek for it rather than grovel in darkness, being subject to the devil and his ways.

5. We do not wish to in any way control, manipulate, or to use force on our children in mortality or in the spirit world of the dead. We desire they each choose for themselves, in this time of testing and of gaining experience. However, we may send more light, love and feelings of worth and acceptance to them as a blessing of relief from the non-happy state they may find themselves in by their own devices. Our light and positive emotions that accompany our light may help them choose us and our happier ways.

6. We remove our light from our children as they consistently choose darkness, for light cannot remain in dark places when they choose to rebel against our ways. The devils that follow Lucifer have very little light in their hearts and minds. They do have enough, however, that it may trigger them to reject their evil ways and come to their Great Redeemer, even to Jesus Christ. Lucifer has the least amount of light of all of his subjects. He would like to appear as an angel of light, but that is so difficult for him to do when he is so filled with darkness. He does have great powers of reasoning and logic however. He is also very intelligent and has so much experience in lying and deceiving his minions who follow him, as well as our children who have come to the earth. He wants all mankind to be as miserable as himself (see 2 Nephi 2:27). He continually seeks to captivate all of his subjects. He laughs when they are hurt or become entrapped. He cares not at all for anyone! His intent is to overthrow Jesus Christ, his archenemy, and our kingdom. He particularly targets the righteous who are currently out of his control and dominations. He actually believes he will be victorious, and yet how can he be, for he has no power as do your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me?

7. Lucifer has targeted you and those you love, Raphael. He feels if he can destroy you or the lives of those close to you, that he may destroy your peace and capability. However, we will guide and protect you and send our light and acceptance upon your family to strengthen them against the fiery darts of the adversary. Satan has also targeted the righteous angels and our other servants by seeking to derail them from following us, their true Gods. You always have more power over the adversary, for you have choice whether to accept or reject his ways. When you choose to act or believe in any dark ways, or go against our counsels and gospel, you become subject by degrees more and more to Satan.

8. Similarly, as you follow God and our ways, you become more free and happy, filled with our light and peace. We deeply care for you and all of our righteous children!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for enlightening me on the tactics of Satan. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for sending light, love and acceptance to my family to bless and help them!

10. Evening–I have been thinking today of my mission of Raphael. My entire mission is in the celestial realms on the earth, and not in my mortal telestial life on earth. In fact, I was told to relax and enjoy my life, and not to share any details of my mission except with those few to whom I send my posts.

11. This is a very interesting assignment and calling I have! It is like Jesus when he said of himself and his disciples: "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." (John 17:16)

12. I guess the only way for a person to know consciously if I am truly Raphael, and if my mission is not of this world, is to pray to God and have the spirit confirm this to their heart and mind. They may also one day read my journal posts, and pray about them. If they find they are true, by a witness from God, then they will also know that what I claim to be is also true. These will be the only works that they may have as a tangible witness of my mission and calling.

13. Tonight I came to the stream coming down in the mountain woods, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I prayed near the pocketed rock wall, on the south side of the stream. I prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

14. My Heavenly Father came to me tonight above the stream! He was smiling and full of light and majesty. I gazed into his eternity eyes–they seemed so assured and in-charge.

15. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your mission is not in the telestial world in which your mortal body and being live. Your current mission is now in the celestial world, as a holy archangel of God!

16. Once you lock up Lucifer in the bottomless pit at the beginning of the millennium, you will continue also working in the celestial realm of the earth. The world will then be elevated to a terrestrial sphere on the earth, except for the New Jerusalem Celestial temple and grounds. This is where your mission will continue throughout the millennium. It will still be in the celestial realms on the earth, where you currently labor for us your Gods.

17. Raphael, you are also correct that our elect who read your posts of our revelations to you, may pray to us for a confirmation of the truths you write in your posts. We will confirm all of these to the sincere and open seeker of truth. We will also confirm to them of your celestial mission among our elect of God. You will interface with each one as you bring them into the Church of the Firstborn through the ordinance of the waters of separation in the celestial realms on the earth. At that time, your conscious mind will also be merged with your unconscious mind, just like Jesus Christ our Beloved Son received at the start of his mortal ministry. However, your mission will remain in the celestial realms of the earth, and never be done on the telestial or terrestrial realms on the earth.'

18. I thanked my Father for he and Heavenly Mother's confidence in me, their son! I said I would continue to fulfill my mission among my brothers and sisters from the celestial realms on the earth, as he and Heavenly Mother may direct me.

19. My prayer ended, for Heavenly Father faded quickly away after confirming to me about my mission as Raphael.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 15, 2019, Wednesday

1. I received last night a confirmation that my mission is only in the celestial realms of the earth. I do remove the devils to the prison orb, and interface with Lucifer and his hosts as well, and they are in the lowest telestial realm-but I do this from the celestial realms of light to where the elect dwell in the telestial realms on the earth, or to the telestial or terrestrial realms of the dead. This is still working from the celestial realms, for that is where I receive my direction. All of the angels and celestial servants work form this higher celestial realm as well to receive their direction from God. They too minister to those of the lower terrestrial or telestial realms. We who have this calling only know about it from our prayers and meditations our quiet time when we connect to our higher, unconscious self. For us in mortality, this is sometimes a difficult thing to do.

2. Even though I receive all in my unconscious mind, the only thing I have as tangible proof is what I receive in answer to prayer and write in my journal. Others to who I share these things with must also sustain and believe me because God has revealed it to them by his/her spirit, or by their own mouth to their soul. There is no other way for them or me to know. We are thus led, in one small degree to the next, gradually receiving revelation from our Heavenly Parents and Jesus trusting in our perceptions and directions of what we receive.

3. This is the same method of finding answers about the truth of the Book of Mormon as is given in Moroni 10:4-5:

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask of God, the eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

4. I came today to the desert oasis in the celestial orb. I was sitting on the bench, preparing for my prayer with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt clarified, and knelt in the sand to pray, facing the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

5. Heavenly Mother then appeared to me over the water! She was very bright and beautiful! She came directly in front of me, moving upon the surface of the water. When in front of me, she extended her right hand and spoke:

'Raphael, stand and walk with me!'

6. I immediately stood, and took her hand! She held it fast and began walking to my right along the path with me around the oasis.

'Raphael, all of our beloved elect children who dwell on the earth in the worlds of the dead around the earth, may choose to view their lives as mortals with a conscious mind only, or they may exercise their faith and seek to commune with us in a higher state. When they sincerely and openly pray to us, their Gods, in the name of Jesus Christ, we will respond to them in their higher state. If they are perceptive, they will be awakened to our higher thoughts, spirit and words we speak to them in their unconscious minds. They may perceive these promptings when they quiet down and seek to receive from us. We will help them hear, and will open up their mind and heart to the things and impressions of the spirit, or our voice we may speak to them.

7. We have always interfaced with our children in this way, on this earth and in all of the other eternities of our past. This is how we communicate with our children who live in their pre-mortal celestial sphere on this celestial orb, or on the earth in their mortal state, or in the realms of the dead. We never change our way of speaking to them. However, in mortality there is a veil of forgetfulness that blocks most of their conscious mind from their unconscious mind, which is now divided. They may access their higher self through meditation, prayer, and quieting down.

8. Our children who dismiss our impressions to them will continue to live their lives on the mortal earth, in their conscious minds only. They will remain in the dark, and never hear or feel our words to them. However, our elect hear our voice and are awakened again to us as we speak to them, to their higher unconscious mind and to their higher self. These are the ones to whom we will continue to speak and guide, for our words and impressions are delicious to them! They seek after us, and want to receive more. When we ask them, from our thoughts, our Spirit, our words to their higher self, or their unconscious mind, they will act and do what we ask of them. This is what is meant by our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments.

9. We will lead them to do hard things, and to act in faith, trusting in our words and directions to their souls. They will not be able to deny our direction, for they hear it and know it. This has become a cherished way they have always communed with us, even from their own pre-mortal life with this veil over their minds, to see if they will respond to us and seek us, even when our communication to them seems small or sometimes almost imperceptible. Our voice becomes stronger to them in their quiet times, like before sleeping or in the early morning hours, or in their meditation and humble prayers. Some will dismiss these feelings, but our elect will hear and respond.'

10. We then walked in silence for a few moments. I responded:

'My mother, I thank you for sharing your words so well, and for the ability I have to receive these you speak to me, even in my conscious mind on earth, so that I might write them down! I am so grateful to quiet myself down frequently, and to hear your words, and those of my Father, each day. Your words are so precious to me!'

11. She responded: 'Raphael, our words are also so precious to all of our elect, those of our many children who treasure them and want more from us. They make time for us in their busy lives. They seek for more and more, and we respond by giving them as much as they want, gradually and over time. This process proves the sincerity of our beloved sons and daughters. They too make place in their daily lives for us, and then to act on how we guide them.'

12. She turned and placed both hands on my shoulders, as she faced me: 'Raphael, you are our son named Raphael, and we have called you as our archangel to labor for us in our celestial realms. You are fulfilling our important mission in the celestial realms, and we direct you and our angels continually in this realm that you don't see all the time, in your conscious mind. We are pleased with your actions and those of our angels and servants in the celestial realms. This is our great work in saving our elect in these last days!'

13. She then drew me close and fully embraced me! I felt clearly her strong love and acceptance of me, her son! I felt enlightened and so clear and uplifted.

14. My prayer ended, for I was back in my conscious mind in my house, writing all of this down as I received it. The sun was streaming through the east window, and I felt peace and was settled. I know what I had received to be true. It all happened just as I recorded in my journal! I knelt by my recliner and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful experience with me this morning. I received another witness then that it was all true.

15. Evening–Today was a hard day for me. I hope I can shake this and still have a good prayer. I came to the little stream in the desert not far westward from the desert oasis. I put my bare feet in the stream and sat on the bank of the stream. I tried to settle down so that I could clearly connect with my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

16. I soon knelt and offered my prayer. I felt like my anxiety from my day was from my mortal conscious self and somehow it transferred to my replicated celestial translated self, here by the desert stream. I don't understand much of how emotions transfer between myself on earth and my replicated selves. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I felt like I had grounded myself sufficiently on the celestial orb to connect to them.

17. Heavenly Mother appeared next to my side with her hand around my shoulders. She spoke:

'Raphael, your emotions from a hard or difficult day on earth that haven't been resolved, or that keep you in anxiety and emotional turmoil are fully transferred to your replicated selves in other spheres. This is because your mind and all of your emotions are shared, so that you act as one, even if you are living in two different spiritual realms. Your intelligence occupies yourself in as many replications as you possess.

18. Your intelligence controls your mind and your emotions. Even though you may experience a set of emotions in your conscious state, it is still transferred to your unconscious mind. Your feelings or emotions from your unconscious mind do not, however, usually transfer back to your conscious mind since you normally don't have access to this in your mortal state. It is therefore important for you to be as settled and at peace as you can be in your mortal state so that your replicated selves in the celestial realms are settled also. When you are unsettled or disturbed it will affect your work for us in the celestial realms.'

19. She pulled me close for a moment and then smiled at me. Then she was quickly gone. I thanked her in my mind for her visit tonight and for her instruction. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 16, 2019, Thursday

1. I awoke early this morning and came to my adjacent corner room to pray. My family was still asleep. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake to pray. All was still and I was alone. It was very beautiful around me! I knelt by the little stream of water going into the lake. I drank from living water and was refreshed. I felt at peace and happy!

2. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came in her bright glory next to me! She was smiling broadly and radiated her love to me with her intense pure light. I looked upon her as her light and love streamed into me. I felt very much at peace.

She spoke: 'When our children become entrapped in subjugation to another, there often develops a strong negative cord from the one who wishes to control and subjugate the other. This is a very strong energy and is very real. There may also develop a heavy spiritual shell that attaches itself around the victim, even to the point of making them feel very oppressed. They may also feel a suffocating feeling. You or any of our healing angels may cut the cord and remove this shell. This will free our child from the subjugation and control of their captor.

3. Our healing angels may come here to God's Loving Healing Center to do their work of healing. They may also invite the spirit of those they work on and help heal to come here with them. This is why we have created this very peaceful area of healing. We want our oppressed children in mortality, or in the world of the dead, to become free of their heavy burdens and to leave them here. Our celestial orb will soon make these shells and any other negative things like cords and weapons disappear.

4. We desire you and our healing angels to actively come here to our healing lake and our healing center to bless and strengthen our children in need and distress. Their healing here will precede their healing in their mortal state. Once their spirit is freed from oppression and their spirit is energetically healed, they will then be able to recover in their mortal body.'

5. I thanked my gracious and loving Heavenly Mother! I thanked her for her presence and for helping us in all we need to help heal her children.

6. Evening–Today I felt productive and happy. I got a lot done today, and served others in my family. I came to God's celestial orb and came to the top of the waterfall at the west end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank some living water from the mountain stream, and then faced the distant temple to my west. I felt refreshed and clarified, and ready to commune with God.

7. I wondered how quickly my feelings changed from last night to tonight. It was all be the perspective of my mind, from my own self. I realized that, just like God has told me, my perspective and feelings fully flow from my mind, from what I think. Each of us on earth think so differently, and therefore feel so varied, even in the same circumstance. I want to select how I want to think in order to control how I feel and act.

8. I knelt and prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Father came in a beam of light from his temple! When he came to me, he was majestic and full of light. I felt humbled and so desirous to hear what he wanted to share with me tonight.

9. He spoke: 'Raphael, don't demand so much of yourself in thinking that you can quickly change your thoughts, regardless of circumstances and what others may do. Your Heavenly Mother and I are both Gods with much higher capacity, and we have experienced so many more situations that have matured us and helped us control our own minds. As you work on your own mind control you too will make gradual progress. Two of the key factors are that you must realize that you mostly can't change circumstances, and you can't choose how people will act. You are able to influence others by your love and acceptance. Beyond this, you have no real control except for controlling your own thoughts.

10. When you are heavy-hearted, because of past actions of another that are not the actions you would do, then it may be very hard to become cheerful and positive. You have found that some diversionary activities help, and service to others also helps. Also talking this over with your spouse helps. However, you may learn to change your mindset by your own will power. This means to think in positive ways, and to block the negative. This means of controlling one's mind is the hardest way to learn, but in the end is the most reliable. This is how your Heavenly Mother and I have learned to control our thoughts.

11. In order to block unwanted thoughts, I suggest you visualize the unwanted thoughts as a dark cloud in your mind. Then take your right or left hand and move the dark cloud representing the unwanted thoughts out of your head area. You can do this by swiping your spirit hand through your head slowly, feeling that you are capturing the dark cloud of thoughts. When the cloud is outside your head, swipe them away with the back of the palm of the other hand across your hand containing the dark cloud. Watch this group of dark, unwanted thoughts disappear off into the distance so that they are far away, and no longer are part of your thoughts.

12. When you do this procedure time and time again, you will learn to block or remove these unwanted thoughts from your mind! You will therefore be able to fully change your mindset, and have happy selected thoughts of your choosing. This procedure takes practice and diligence. However, the rewards of increased peace and happiness are immeasurable!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful counsel: I said I loved him and would do as he suggested in removing unwanted thoughts from my mind.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 17, 2019, Friday

1. I awoke before my family and came to my adjacent room in my house to pray and commune with my Heavenly Parents. I found my replicated self next to the horizontal log on the path west of the circling waters on the celestial orb. I was in a young mountain forest, and I was alone. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came to me, strolling on the path to my west, or my front! They were talking together, and then stopped right in front of me. They both turned and smiled at me, kneeling before them. Heavenly Mother spoke:

3. 'Raphael, we are pleased with your efforts to index your posts. You had a question whether to index the first posts that were only directed to the healing angels or not, and were very early in your experiences with us. We want you to index them all, including the links of pages that you wrote that are only accessible from your main post pages. The finished index will therefore be one from the beginning of your writings. It will show to all your progress in understanding, and how we gradually led you to greater and greater revelations and truths.

4. Raphael, we had our watchful eyes over you in your life from your birth. We gave you experiences to help shape you into the servant you are today. However, only since you have come to realize that you are our servant and archangel Raphael in the flesh, did you really start to receive greater revelations about the beautiful truths we desired to reveal to the world. You have been correct in making the private posts for now only shared with those who sustain you as our commissioned servant and angel Raphael.

5. Your awakening has coincided with many others of our first servants that we are using to gather our elect. We have enlightened and led each of them as we have led you, and have awakened them to God. This transition has been the start of the great awakening of our elect in these last days!

6. You blew your trumpet of God in all the realms of the earth on May 5th, 2019. Since that day, less than two weeks ago, we have started to awaken our elect living on the earth in more dramatic ways. Their awakening will be similar to what you and our first servants and mortal angels have received already. We will use our awakened angels and servants to help us stir our elect from a spiritual slumber, wherever they may be living. We will speak to them in clear ways, and touch them deeply by our Spirit. We will send angels and our servants from the celestial realms to reveal to them the secrets of our will for them. These messages and impressions will deeply affect them, and spiritually lead them to Zion, the pure in heart where our elect of God will gather from out of the world.

7. At this time, we are continually giving celestial angels and servants directions to give our messages to those, our elect, in the terrestrial and telestial spheres of the earth. We will gently and quietly lead our elect, even until their minds and hearts lean towards us and depend upon us their Gods.'

8. I then asked my Heavenly Parents who were before me, if and how they will bless those in my current family and friend acquaintances that are in great need. I said that some of these may not be the elect, but for all of those I have love and concern.

9. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will send to those you pray for, who may be struggling in their lives, with more light and our love. This alone will help influence them in finding their higher selves in a darkened world. As they do, we will have a greater influence in being able to guide and direct them to our ways of truth and peace.

10. Raphael, our intent is to reward each of our children on earth with the greatest amount of happiness we may be able to give to them. For those who follow our promptings and directions, we will be able to lead them to places of greater peace and happiness than those who choose their own paths and won't let us guide their lives so much. We know the hearts and minds of all of our children, and know which will put us above the ways and pull of the world that affect all. Remember that our elect hear our voice and then keep our commandments, at whatever stage of awakening they me be in.

11. We have a detailed plan of how we will reveal your revelations, and those of others that have or will be written, to our elect. When we finally reveal these abundant revelations, our elect will be overcome with our truths! They will rejoice and cling to these our words as we have revealed them so abundantly to you and our other servants.

12. Those who are not our elect will never have the privilege of reading and studying your words. If they won't hear and follow what we have given them, how will they be ready to receive the greater truths? We have therefore planned for only the elect to hear, read and study our revelations that we have already given to you and our other servants. Our plan is similar to what was spoken by Moroni concerning the revelations we gave to the Brother of Jared:

Ether 4:4-8-

"Behold, I have written upon these plates the very things which the brother of Jared saw, and there never were greater things made manifest than those which were made manifest unto the brother of Jared.

Wherefore the Lord hath commanded me to write them; and I have written them. And he commanded me that I should seal them up; and he also hath commanded that I should seal up the interpretation thereof; wherefore I have sealed up the interpreters, according to the commandment of the Lord.

For the Lord said unto me: They shall not go forth unto the gentiles until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord.

And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are.

And he that will contend against the word of the Lord, let him be accursed; and he that shall deny these things, let him be accursed; for unto them will I show no greater things, saith Jesus Christ, for I am he who speaketh."

13. I recommend my faithful to read the remainder of the 4th chapter of Ether, for it gives our plan on how we will reveal our many revelations to the faithful, even to the elect of God.'

14. I thanked both my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their words of truth that they spoke to me this morning! I was so pleased to be able to hear and write their words, even at the time that they spoke them to me.

15. Evening–I prayed tonight at the little outcropping above the circling waters. I faced west and asked or one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. The sky was somewhat foggy, especially towards God's temple where I was facing. My Heavenly Mother then was immediately at my side! She was smiling and so full of bright holy light. She looked directly at me and spoke:

'Raphael, your Father and I revisit many of the topics we address with you since each time we do you are more mature with greater spiritual insights and a greater background understanding.

16. When others read your revelations, they too would benefit by reading your revelations from the beginning. This will give them a foundation on which to build in understanding than later revelations we have given to you.

17. We expect our faithful to come to read and study our words that we have given to you to be like this fog that obscures our view of the temple. At first our elect cannot see the temple because of the fog. This is akin to them coming into a state where we are ready to reveal all things to them. We want them to gradually be introduced to our revelations, even as have you over these past few years. Were they to see them all at once, it might be overwhelming to them! However, if they start reading and studying our words through you from the start from post #1, then they will gradually have their minds opened and taught. They should confirm our words we gave you all along the way as they read and study the posts in chronological order. They need to apply themselves in changing and accepting our truths into their minds and hearts.

18. We have a plan to gradually reveal our words to our elect by degrees. Each son or daughter is also on an individual rate of receiving and accepting our words. Our plan of gradually revealing our revelations to them will also come by small degrees. It does not work to confirm too many of our revelations too quickly either. It takes time for our children to open their hearts and minds to our ways and truths.

19. Once our elect have read and accepted all of our revelations, then they will be free to use the index you are preparing to help them go back and study our words through you.

20. We plan to reveal our revelations to you up to the time you come to the New Jerusalem and receive the charge to then build the New Jerusalem temple and celestial grounds. At that time our revelations will then be for revealing details of the construction and workings of the New Jerusalem and Church of the Firstborn. You will then be able to close your Books of Raphael, which will by then be a detailed compilation of many of your posts which contain our revelations to you.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words to me tonight! I thanked her for so carefully guiding me as fast as I was able to receive her and Heavenly Father's words. I told her how much I loved her and would obey her counsels.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 18, 2019, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the desert oasis. It was dry and warm here with a beautiful morning sun up in the sky. I am feeling happy and clear. I knelt in front of the bench on the sand, facing south to the oasis. There was a blue sky and no clouds. I prayed and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. My Heavenly Mother appeared before me, between me and the water, a little above the ground in the air! She was very bright and I received her radiant light as it streamed through me. I felt warmed by her love and acceptance of me. Her eyes were bright and sparkling and she seemed very happy. I prayed for various family members in need. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I will answer your prayers for your family members. We love each one and will send to each our love and light. We will also speak to their unconscious mind our peace and truths.

3. Life can be precarious and scary for those who strike on their own without heeding our Spirit. We are always seeking to connect with them but most reject our entreaties to their heart and mind. For those that may listen to us, we will guide them gently:

4. Psalms 23:1-6

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

5. Raphael, we will always be with our elect, in every time of trouble! We know the overall "picture" and plan for their lives. If they will trust in our lead and seek us, we will guide them "beside the still waters" even like this beautiful desert oasis in our celestial orb. I will send my light, the light of the Holy Ghost, to enlighten and bless them, even in their darkest times of trouble. We will not take any the important lessons of life, but will pour down upon them goodness and mercy, our light and peace. Oh, your Father and I, and Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, love each of our children so very much.'

6. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand and I stood. She started walking with me towards the path around the oasis. She talked more to me as we strolled, arm in arm, around her beautiful desert oasis!

7. 'Raphael, I could share with you more wonders of our creations. I could take you to the very center of our universe and introduce you to our first parent Gods. However, I choose to just walk with you and enjoy the beauties of our celestial desert that we have created for our own enjoyment and that of our children!'

8. We walked in silence for a ways. She then spoke again: 'Raphael, you have been taking oral supplements to enhance your physical brain cognition. You have also been seeking to energetically give these remedies a charge to renew your mind so that your brain acts and feels young again. As you continue to do so, we will bless your efforts so that you have clear thinking and good memory, even as you continue to age. We will remove the effects of the poisons and harmful substances found in your foods as you seek to eat more clean and wholesome foods as are available in your stores and in your garden. You are learning valuable self-reliance skills when you grow your own organic garden produce. When you bless your food at your mealtimes, seek that we enhance it to be most pure and wholesome for your body and those of your loved ones. As you petition us, we will bless and strengthen you. This same counsel applies to all of our children who take seriously the great stewardship we have given to them over their mortal physical bodies.

9. You will have times you eat party foods and treats that may not be good to eat too often, but these are relatively rare occasions. It is what you regularly eat and drink that enlivens and strengthens your body.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for just being with me and showering her light upon me and being next to me! I told her how happy I was to be in her presence and that I loved her so very much. My prayer ended on this sweet experience, walking around the oasis with her, arm in arm. I will always follow her and Heavenly Father's counsels and commandments that they will give to me!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 19, 2019, Sunday

1. We just returned this afternoon from a short trip to Murray, Utah to be there for my daughter's baby–2 parties on Saturday, and the baby blessing and luncheon today. Our grandson was cute and all went well!

2. At the baby blessing this morning, I felt Jesus Christ was behind Michael. It was a sweet blessing! I felt Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were behind us, in the corner of the stand in the chapel.

3. At the sacrament that followed immediately I was kneeling on the shore at the circling waters in the celestial orb. After the sacrament prayer on the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father who then appeared before me on the water. Heavenly Mother wasn't with him. After I partook of the bread, he spoke to me:

4. 'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Mother and I, we accept your covenant, and promise we will always be with you. You will have both joy and sadness in your life. We will help you control your thoughts so that you may have happy and peaceful thoughts most of the time, even when your circumstances are distressing. This control will allow you to not only be at peace in your life, but will help you stay focused on your mission that we will ask of you.'

5. The priest then blessed the water. At that time I saw my Heavenly Mother come next to Heavenly Father above the water. Her light was intense and came into my heart and mind. She then spoke to me:

'Raphael, your grandson Elijah will be a kindly man, even as his father expressed in the blessing. Jesus Christ, our beloved son was behind him during his blessing, and your Heavenly Father and I were on the stand in the corner.'

6. This is all she said. We continue on with the sacrament meeting and Sunday school.

7. At night, I came again to the circling waters. I drank some living water, and knelt by the shore, facing south to the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come to me.

8. Heavenly Mother immediately came on the water in front of me! She was very bright, and her light reflected off the water, and illuminated all of the surrounding area. I also was so filled with her intense light. I felt peace and her acceptance of me.

9. She spoke: 'Raphael, each time you go on a family trip and are away from your normal routine at home, we will not come to give you revelations on any particular subject. We will comfort and bless you as you continue to connect to us twice a day.

10. You have been impressed recently how important a loving family and particularly understanding and caring parents are for their children. In your day, there are so many threats to children, and they are so vulnerable to dark influences around them! Children are so innocent and are fully subject to the amount of light and darkness that their parents allow. Parents have a nurturing and protective role, to guide and steer children in ways that will benefit their growth and understanding of truth. Children should be taught to believe in God, and in the need for a Savior, even Jesus Christ. Ideally, parents teach by example how to pray and lead godly lives.

11. D&C 68:25-28,31: "And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ, the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.

For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized.

And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands.

And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

Now I, the Lord, am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion, for these are idlers among them; and their children are also growing up in wickedness; they also seek not earnestly for the riches of eternity, but their eyes are full of greediness."

12. Raphael, we wish children who reach the age of eight years old to have been taught these things and to be baptized by one who has honored his priesthood. However, there are no priesthood keys remaining in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those parents who have children that have reached the age of eight years old, and would normally be baptized in the LDS church, may still be baptized. This ordinance will be done with the inherent authority of the one who holds the Aaronic or Melchizedek priesthood, who is acceptable to the Father. Whether or not they receive approval from their LDS bishop or not is no longer an issue to us. If the priesthood holder is righteous, and receives our spirit, we will honor him to continue to baptize the living using his inherent priesthood power. This is similar to how the Aaronic priesthood holder currently blesses the sacrament, without the necessary approval of the bishop since there are no more keys in the LDS church.'

13. We will allow these baptisms to continue to be accepted by us, and the sacrament to continue to be blessed in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

14. The conferral of the Aaronic priesthood has inherent keys to administer the sacrament and baptize for the remission of sins. (See D&C 13 and 107:20)

D&C 107:20–"The power and authority of the lesser, or Aaronic priesthood, is to hold the keys of the ministering of angels, and to administer in outward ordinances, the letter of the gospel, the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, agreeable to the covenants and commandments."

15. At this time, my Heavenly Father came next to Heavenly Mother above the water. He appeared so majestic and full of light. His eyes, his eternity eyes, were so full of truth and understanding!

16. He spoke:

'Raphael, you are wondering about the inherent authority of those who hold my priesthood on the earth, whether Aaronic or Melchizedek.

17. What your Heavenly Mother has spoken to you about the authority of those righteous men and boys who hold the Aaronic priesthood is true. They may administer the sacrament and baptize by immersion for the remission of sins, for the living and have these be acceptable before us, their Gods. These ordinances are inherent in their Aaronic priesthood, as described in the scriptures.

18. Normally, we have these ordinances controlled and administered in a regular manner by the bishop, who would normally hold the keys of the Aaronic priesthood (see D&C 107:15). However, the keys to the Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthood in the church have been removed, because that priesthood and keys are removed from the First Presidency and Quorum of the twelve apostles. Now there only remains keys and authority in the bearer of that priesthood inherent to that priesthood. Blessing the sacrament and the authority to baptize is inherent in the calling and conferral of the Aaronic priesthood. A priest in that priesthood may bless the sacrament and baptize by immersion for the remission of sins.

19. There are responsibilities and powers of the Melchizedek Priesthood that also do not require church keys to function, but are inherent in that priesthood. These include giving priesthood blessings, healing blessings and sealings of those blessings, and conferral of the gift of the Holy Ghost. All ordinations to confer the Melchizedek priesthood or Aaronic priesthood will need to wait until the Church of Christ is again established on the earth, in a future day. Other ordinances relating to church callings, and all temple ordinances are also no longer acceptable to us without the keys in the church of Christ are restored again to the earth.'

20. Raphael, this is a unique time of transition between the once approved church of Jesus Christ and the future Church of Christ. Follow our guidelines until the new Church of Christ is established again on the earth through our prophet Joseph Smith.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their direction to me tonight! I said I would follow whatever they reveal to me.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 20, 2019, Monday

1. I awoke before the rest of the family and came again to the circling waters on the celestial orb. Before praying, I looked up in the index that is being compiled the word "baptism". I found in post 100D10 the following from Heavenly Mother: "However, the authority to baptism in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has now been removal from this church." I think I should add this to that sentence: ", but has not been removed from the inherent power of the Aaronic Priesthood of the one who is righteous and honors his priesthood.

2. I also read from post 104I4: "There is now no one on earth who performs a valid baptism ordinance, since these priesthood keys have been withdrawn from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

3. Finally, from 104I6: "The ordinance of baptism is one that resides in the church of Christ and not in the Church of the Firstborn. It won't be until the new Church of Christ is re-established by Jesus Christ again, and the keys are conferred by Joseph Smith, the prophet, the head of this dispensation, on our new prophet leader in this church, that baptisms will again be accepted. This ordinance may be done by proxy also."

4. I am feeling confused a little why now I received the updated counsel that the authority to baptize is inherent in the Aaronic Priesthood, and can now be valid before God? I know the overall keys in the LDS church have been removed, which normally would direct the use and practice of baptisms performed in the church I just need some more clarification!

5. I knelt by the circling waters, facing the water. I prayed humbly, and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

6. Heavenly Father immediately appeared to my side. He was very majestic and full of light. I loved looking into his calm and accepting eternity eyes!

7. I then asked of him this question: "My Father, I have been receiving your revelations about the priesthood keys being removed from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have read about this as it affects baptism, and have become confused by now your acceptance of this ordinance because the power to baptize is inherent in the Aaronic priesthood. Previous entries written in my journal seem to conflict with this new direction. May I receive more clarification on this topic today?"

8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, in the past we talked to you about the authority to baptize and regulate the baptisms in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This authority to regulate and approve baptisms has been removed from the bishop, because the priesthood keys in the church have been removed. Therefore, all ordinances recorded in the church records are no longer accepted by us, since the management of these ordinances resides on the keys possessed in the church, which are now removed.

9. At the same time, the bishop also approved the sacrament to be blessed and passed to the congregations of our saints. This approval process has also been removed since his keys have been removed. However, there are many in the church that have honored their priesthood and still act in righteous ways, and we honor some of the ordinances they performed by virtue of their priesthood. This includes blessing and passing the sacrament. A righteous Aaronic priesthood bearer could just as acceptably bless and pass the sacrament to our saints without the approval of the bishop.

10. As similar approval for baptisms applies for those who hold and honor the Aaronic priesthood and have been ordained to the office of a priest in that priesthood: We accept the baptism that righteous leaders of that priesthood do for one who is of age and wants to be baptized. Whether or not the bishop approves the ordinance, we still accept it as valid before us.

11. When Alma baptized in the waters of the waters of Mormon, he had received the Aaronic priesthood office of a priest from his father before he had become a wicked priest to King Noah. After he repented, and taught the words of Abinadi to those who would listen, he wanted to baptize those who met with him in secret at the waters of Mormon. He baptized them with authority of the Aaronic priesthood that he possessed. The power to baptize was inherent in that priesthood. We accepted all of those who were thus baptized and poured out upon them our spirit. There was no bishop or overseeing authority to give Alma permission to baptize, for the church in that region had not yet been regularly established (see alma chapter 18).

12. This is the same situation now, since in our eyes the church is no longer regularly established with keys to the priesthood, for they have been removed from the church. However, the power or keys to baptize are inherent in the Aaronic priesthood, just as Alma exercised at the waters of Mormon. We will accept and honor baptism performed by our righteous and humble followers in your day also in a similar manner.

13. Raphael, please make a reference to this new revelation in those previous posts that either your Heavenly Mother or I have revealed to you in the past. Refer to this current revelation that baptisms for the living, done in righteousness, will be accepted by us for now. When the new Church of Christ is again restored on the earth, we will no longer accept baptisms except as they are regulated and approved by the bishops in that future church, for they will be given priesthood keys to regulate all the affairs in their own words as we may inspire them.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming today and in clearing up my confusion! I see that there is both authority to baptize (inherent in the Aaronic priesthood) and authority in keys to regulate the power to baptize. These are different powers or keys. Now the keys in the church have been removed (the power to regulate), but the inherent power to baptize in the Aaronic priesthood remains.

15. Evening–I came this evening to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I saw the fallen oak tree before me at my front left and the growing wheat on my front and front right. I knelt facing these and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

16. Heavenly Mother appeared in the sky above me to the east and gradually descended to a point in the air right in front of me! She was very full of light and seemed so very happy. Her light and love came into me and passed through me. I felt very enlivened to be in her presence!

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, come hold my hand and let's look at the fallen live oak tree!' I stood and walked into the air to her extended hand. We came to the first branches of that fallen tree sticking up in the air. I reached out and touched them. They were very dry and brittle now. I could see there was no moisture from the roots to any of the branches I could see all up in the air.

18. We then went to the roots that were also exposed to the air. These were also dry and had dried soil adhered to them. They were obviously dead and had no life. I could see no part of the live oak tree that was alive.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the priesthood authority and keys of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been completely removed by us. None of the tree has nourishment from any soil or water for it is all dead and cannot be revived. It awaits now to be burned with fire.

20. Until the new Church of Christ is restored, those who hold and honor the Father's priesthood in this church will be able to exercise some of their powers inherent in their Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods. The full exercise of their priesthood power will need to wait, however, until the new restored Church of Christ is established.

21. Raphael, you hold the keys for the Church of the Firstborn. These are priesthood keys that you have both kept and returned back to Jesus Christ at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. He will soon rule and reign as the king and high priest in Zion and in the world. His son, John the Beloved, will be the king of the New Jerusalem. You will exercise your keys of the priesthood in administering the waters of separation ordinance. You will also continue to be our leader of the angels who administer all of the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple during the millennium.

22. Raphael, our ways are not your ways, but are higher and we have planned for all the events that will happen on the earth. We cannot be surprised, for the future is continually before our eyes. We know the end from the beginning. We will delegate our priesthood and high priestess authority to our faithful sons and daughters as we wish!'

23. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her very clear words tonight! I felt so secure in their guidance and direction!

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 22, 2019, Tuesday

1. This morning I came to the road that parallels the river named after Heavenly Father that has another little road that heads west next to the Father's wheat field. I could see the fallen live oak tree in the northwest corner of the field in front of me.

2. I knelt just off of the road at the corner of the wheat field. I could almost touch the waving stalks of wheat before me! I prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me.

Heavenly Father then appeared on the road that came from the fallen oak tree! He was walking towards me and appeared happy. When he got to me he stopped. I was so glad to be again in his glorious presence!

3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you may wonder why my wheat field is next to the fallen oak tree. It is because the tree represented the now fallen Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the wheat field represents many of the elect, some of whom had joined this church at one time. There are still many who are very active members of the church in their mortal lives. These are righteous men, women and children. They don't know that your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I have withdrawn ourselves from the leadership of this church. They will have to find out by their own revelation that we will give to them. Each has a unique path to be able to return fully to us and receive the guidance we will give them.

4. Our ways to test and guide our elect are not in a group setting, but always individually. We may have a prophet leader who gives them direction, but it is incumbent upon them to find out for themselves whether their leaders and the church is truly being led by God or not. We will come to our elect children, one at a time and reveal to their souls the same truths. Some will be willing to hear quicker than others, and some will at first not believe us. However, we need a dramatic event in their personal lives like the fallen oak tree, or the church no longer being the true church of Christ on the earth, for them to be led by us. Without such a dramatic event that is so unexpected, we could not adequately test our elect! Without their own guidance however, by personal revelation, they could just sit back and follow the crowd who never questions events as they unfold. However, our elect will hear our voice and choose to act on what we reveal to them.

5. We need our elect to choose us over the family pressures, over long-held traditions and practices, over father-mother, brother-sister, spouse, children or friends' views. They need to show their own courage to follow the light and inspiration that we give them through our Spirit. Their path will be uniquely their own.

6. You blew the trumpet of God that I gave to you, in the three spiritual realms above the earth on May 5, 2019. This was a call to all of our children to awaken and be gathered to Zion, the pure in heart. Our elect children are now beginning to question and ask of us the incongruities that they see in the LDS Church and in other religions. We will respond to the humble followers of Christ the truth of all things, gradually as they are capable to receive. We will thus lead our faithful line upon line, here a little and there a little, even until we guide and direct them to spiritually gather to Zion.

7. Raphael, you have also wondered about what will happen to your journal records that you and others are compiling and indexing. We have revealed to you freely the wonders and truths of our world, and wish to share these with our faithful. We will reveal them gradually so that they will have limited access at first. As they confirm and shift their mindset, we will gradually give them more. We will control all this, through the use of passwords and access levels. We do not want our faithful to receive too much too fast, for this might overwhelm them. Others may receive our truths faster or slower, but in the end all will have been gradually led as fast as they are willing to receive.

8. When our elect are ready for more, we will reveal to them how to access the next level of revelations that we have revealed to you. We wish that they only receive as fast as they are able and have time to shift their mindset, as have you. Your revelations are to be gradually comprehended as you have gradually received them and even as your mind and perspective has slowly shifted.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths that he revealed to me this morning! He extended his hand and we began walking towards the fallen oak tree, with the wheat field on our left side. A cloud then obscured my view of us walking together and I lost connection with my unconscious self. I thanked my Heavenly Father in my small room and then closed my prayer and started my new day.