C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 12, 2018, Sunday
1. I came to the bottom of the green hill that leads into the forest, north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I was down in the grassy field, facing east. I could see the temple doors to my southeast across the grassy field.
I felt very clear, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come so that I could commune with them in prayer. I turned and looked up the hill and saw Heavenly Father walking down the grassy hill to me. He came right in front of me where I was kneeling in the grass.
2. He immediately spoke to me:
'Raphael, today I would like to share with you information about darkness. I had introduced you ten days ago all about light. The opposite of light is darkness. Darkness is the absence of light. In the beginning, when there were yet no Gods, all was darkness, for light had not yet been created. Once our first Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother clothed themselves as spirits, with their intelligence inside their spirits, they then created light. This was created even before they created their first child or themselves were resurrected. Once they created light matter from the elements, they also made a way for this light matter to flow into them and become converted into light energy. This allowed them to shine forth in the vast darkness. They learned how to control the level of intensity of this light coming from their persons. They could cause the light to brightly shine or not to shine at all.
3. All about them was darkness. There was abundance of the elemental matter from which this light was created by them. There were also intelligences among this elemental matter. From these three things: intelligence, elemental matter, and light, they began creating all things. They chose to make their offspring and all things they have since created to have being and be able to function only in the presence of light. This was akin to sending electricity to a light bulb, for the creation of the light bulb couldn't function like it was intended unless electricity flowed to it. Likewise, none of their creations could function without this light that they, our first Gods, would send to them. This is how our first parent Gods created all things and enlivened all things.
4. At this moment during their first creations, all the universe was darkness except around their own beings, for they had just created light. The darkness pervaded all intelligences and the infinite amount of elemental matter had no intelligence.
5. Today, there is still part of this vast network of galaxies in their universe that is dark. This darkness exists in two locations: 1) inside the boundaries of their universe, between the multiple galaxies, and 2) outside of their universe in dark space.
6. Within their universe, the darkness exists in locations found between the galaxies of the Gods. These are distinct locations where the light of our first parent Gods never enters anymore. All other space between the galaxies has light matter flowing now through it, to some galaxy where a couple god are located.
7. However, these dark locations in between the galaxies have no light matter, for these are the final habitation of the devils who once were the offspring of a couple god. They have all insisted that they were not descendants of these Gods, and they only wanted to rebel and practice evil continually. They have been given kingdoms of no glory, which means their kingdom has no light, but is in complete darkness, even as it was in the beginning before the days of creation.
8. These devil or evil entities are stripped of all elemental matter at one point, and their base intelligence is confined to these dark regions between the galaxies. Their elemental matter that is stripped from their spirits is sent back to the pool of elemental matter to be reused again. However, their core intelligence has been proven to never be able to be clothed upon again with elemental matter of any sort. These evil intelligences are confined in the darkness, alone and single, never capable to afflict or torment man. They have no power to ever of themselves rise to even contact another intelligence. They are left alone with their own thoughts in eternity, all in complete darkness and the absence of light.
9. The second area of darkness is outside of the universe of all the creations. In this region, there is no end to space and darkness. This region contains two things: intelligence and elemental matter. This is the region that all Gods come to select intelligence and matter to form their own creations, and then bring them into the universe where they may be filled with the light that comes from our first parent Gods.
10. The only beings that have power to go beyond the edges or boundaries of the universe are the Gods who have been ordained to this power. Without this ability, there would be no new creations, for all new creations need intelligence and elemental matter, found only outside of the universe.
11. When we or any other couple Gods go beyond the boundaries of our common universe, we are able to travel there with our full power and light. Even when we go out into the darkness of outer space, the light matter from our first Gods continues to be in us and flow into us. We may, therefore, be in the regions of outer darkness and fully perceive every intelligence and elemental matter source that we may come upon. We perceive who and what they are with our full perceptions and capabilities of being a god. This fulfills the scripture:
12. D&C 45:7–
"For verily I say unto you that I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the light and the life of the world–a light that shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not."
13. In this scripture, Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, says he is the beginning and the end. This is talking about god and the power of all the Gods to go forth into darkness of outer space. When we go there, we have light coming from our very beings that shines forth into this darkness. The intelligences that exist there do not know us until we communicate with them. If we don't communicate with them, our light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth us not.
14. The darkness of outer space is not scary or evil, like the darkness that houses the evil intelligences between the galaxies. We never go into these latter dark locations except to place the latest group of evil intelligences from our latest completed eternity. We have the power to create and to destroy. We therefore have the power to remove the intelligence from the elemental matter and place the evil intelligence into these dark confined locations. We do this by the power of god.
"Wherefore, he saves all except them-–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–
And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;
Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;
Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;
Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation."
16. Raphael, you know of the existence of these dark locations now between the galaxies, but you do not know where these are located. You also don't know of the terrible sufferings that these evil ones have brought upon themselves by their own choices. This suffering is only revealed to those who are made partaker thereof.
17. You may think that the prison orb is a place of darkness, temporarily holding evil spirits. You might also feel that the bottomless pit is also a place of complete darkness.
However, neither of these two locations are in complete darkness, for we still direct our light to these darkened places. These are our children, and some may still repent and come to our light, by their own choice. It is only in the two locations of darkness that have no light as I have indicated. The darkness of space beyond our universe does, however, have frequent visits from the Gods who are filled with light, but this darkness doesn't comprehend them as I have explained. The darkness between the galaxies does have visits occasionally too, when we, who are Gods, bring the evil intelligences there at the end of each eternity.
18. Light and darkness are opposites. They exist forever, and will never end. The more you obey us and follow our promptings, the more light, understanding and knowledge we send to you. They more disobedient you are, the more we take away light and truth from you.
Raphael, your mission requires you to be endowed with more and more light, truth and knowledge from us, your Heavenly Parents. We therefore will continue to reveal more and more to you, as fast as you are able to receive it!'
I knelt before my Heavenly Father on the grassy field. Heavenly Father stood before me, in light and power! I felt so receptive to his light that it seemed to beam into my being!
I thanked him for his amazing revelation today on darkness; what beautiful truths too about light and how this all works in the universe! I knew I had received enough this morning to absorb. I asked if I had record this revelation accurately.
19. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have correctly written all that I have revealed to you. This revelation is reserved for the faithful, and will not be revealed to the wicked.'
I bowed my head in acceptance. I then saw my Heavenly Father no longer, yet I knew he would come back to me if I asked him or at a moment's notice. I closed my prayer and started a new sabbath day!
20. After church– At the sacrament, I came to the same field in heaven where Heavenly Father spoke to me this morning when he told me about darkness. I knelt there during the sacrament hymn. Jesus Christ came to me during the 2nd verse of hymn #169 "As Now We Take the Sacrament". He stood in front of me and I looked steadily upon him as I sang the hymn until done and immediately after the sacrament prayer, Jesus spoke to me:
'Raphael, stand and come now with me to go to the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.'
I stood and he extended his hand. Upon taking his hand, we came immediately into the throne room in God's celestial temple. Before us was Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on two elevated thrones on the west end of the room. Jesus let go of my hand and took a step between our Heavenly Parents and me.
21. He spoke to both of them:
'My Father and Mother, I have brought to you today your son, Raphael. I have fully suffered for his sins and weaknesses. He is pure before me and I bring him back into your presence.'
22. Heavenly Father spoke next:
'Our Beloved Son, we accept your sacrifice for our son Raphael. He is therefore pure and clean before us.'
Jesus then stepped aside, smiled at me and then immediately disappeared.
23. I was then before my Heavenly Parents! I looked steadily upon my Gods. I then said the following:
'Oh my Father and Mother, I covenant to take upon me the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember you both, and to keep your commandments.'
24. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant and we in turn will always be with you. We have asked our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to bring you before our throne today. Jesus Christ will do so for everyone of our elect who prove themselves before him. He will then elect them into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. They will all receive the first five steps of progression towards their exaltation on the earth in our celestial temple at the New Jerusalem.
25. Once you and your family complete these same five steps, all of our elect will meet us in this, our throne room. We will then seal each husband to his wife and wife to her husband in the sealing rooms at the back of our throne room. This is the sixth step to their exaltation done in our temple in heaven.
26. The final seventh step will occur once the earth is resurrected to a celestial orb and brought back near our own celestial orb. We will there ordain each couple to be Gods even as we are, receiving all our power and keys done on each of their lands of inheritance on the resurrected celestial earth. They will then receive all that we have, even throughout all eternity!'
27. In the evening: Tonight I came to the desert oasis in hopes of connecting one more time with my Heavenly Parents. I enjoyed the warm evening, sitting on the bench and looking into the beautiful oasis. The celestial sun had recently set in the sky and the stars were starting to come out. The sand was still warm under my feet.
My wife and I were talking about having dreams in our lives. We have both been contributors to society, but now I have been told to live a quiet life in mortality. However, I can still have a dream to fulfill until my God has me more outwardly do my mission for them, my Heavenly Parents, and I come to the New Jerusalem in my mortal body.
In this time, between now and then, I want to be very happy and strengthen my relationships in my family, particularly with my wife, children (all grown now), grandchildren, my mom and my own siblings. That should keep me quite busy!
I also want to continue to write faithfully in my journal all of my interactions with my God and my personal revelations. I want to pray twice a day and connect to God at this time.
These are my dreams for my continued life in mortality. I don't want to have expectations about my future mission, for I don't know how God will lead me. I know my work in heaven and in the celestial realms on the earth will completely be in God's hands.
28. After I finished pondering on the bench, I knelt in the warm sand facing the oasis. I raised my hands towards heaven and asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw my Heavenly Mother descending from the celestial sky in the brightness of her person! She came to the oasis and soon stood before me. I saw her come in her reflection to me before she actually was in front of me. (I knew this was an attribute of living water.)
I gazed on my lovely and bright Heavenly Mother! She had a large smile and her eyes were deep and sparkling like they usually are. I so enjoyed just soaking up her light that shone upon me!
29. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, I want to continue talking with you about the seventh step for our elect children in being ordained to our power. I had spoken to you this afternoon at your sacrament meeting in our throne room in our celestial world.
Once our elect couples are ordained to be a god and goddess, they have all the power, authority, capability, keys and a new kingdom similar to what we possess, only they need to learn in their new stature as a god. They will each be given a white stone that they may access at any moment to help tutor them.
There is much to learn in being in our exalted status! Creating our worlds, our plants and animals, our vast domains, is relatively easy compared to learning how to raise and nurture our own offspring. There is a fine line between training them at first and then letting them learn to act in their own agency.
30. We love our children very much more than we had felt in mortality, for even our own children. As a god, the feelings and emotions are deeper and more poignant. We also need to learn to fully control our own thoughts so that our emotions will be just what we want them to be.
We give lots of help to our newly ordained Gods who seek guidance. They learn to quickly depend more and more upon each other and to develop a very mature and strong bond of a trusting relationship. Love continues to grow between every couple.
Our newly ordained couple also has power to control the flow of light energy from their beings, and light matter into their beings. There is an eternity upon eternity to fully learn and practice all that will be required of them!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her openness in how Gods progress and grow into their stature as Heavenly Parents to their children, and creators and all that they do.
31. I had a question that I then felt to ask my Heavenly Mother:
'How is light a medium of communication between the Gods?'
32. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, light comes from our first parent Gods through the immensity of space to ultimately our galactic center and to us, the Gods of our own galaxy. This light matter flows in definite channels across this vast universe, although light matter fills all the universe except for places of darkness as we have explained to you.
33. When our first parents started sending communications to their children, they used the medium of light to come to their children and also to travel to them. The best communication is directly talking or communicating one's thoughts. This was done as our first Gods came in front of their child and transferred their thoughts through the light energy they created from the light matter that came into them. This conversion of light matter to light energy, capable of transmitting their thoughts, was done precisely as they transmitted light energy in bright light. They controlled all by their thoughts, both the conversion of light matter to light energy and the transmission of their thoughts via the light energy.
34. This same practice has continued since our first parent Gods, even to us and to all our exalted children. We have learned to transmit our thoughts to one another via light energy that we direct to that other person. It may be sent to our exalted person, one of our children in any of their progression states, or to any of our creations, be it plant, animal, orb, water, etc.
35. When we transmit our thoughts across vast distances, the light matter is already glowing or present in space. We then use our minds to direct our thoughts instantly across these vast light webs to wherever we wish them to go. We may also travel along these same light paths instantly, just like we send our thoughts along these paths of light. We may replicate ourselves and have this replicated self travel to these distant locations instantly too, so the communication will be face to face, or spirit to spirit.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very exciting words! I know too that she communicated these to me from her personage before me, using her directed thoughts that came to me via light energy. These thoughts have an enlightening affect upon me too, for they swell my understanding and are delicious to me!
I knew my time was done. I am so thankful for my prayer tonight! I closed in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 13, 2018, Monday
1. I just re-read what I wrote last night and prayed to verify it was accurate. However, I wondered more how a god may travel across space on light or via light. I wondered if it was like a skipping rock on the water, where the thought or the actual person instantly traveled on the light? I wondered if it was in the light some other way? I guess I will see if God addresses this more to me in my prayer soon.
This morning I came to the desert oasis again, where I had come last night. The celestial sun was up and it was warm already. I felt comfortable and clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Father then appeared directly in front of me! I was kneeling in the sand facing the water.
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, I will answer your question about our thoughts or our person being able to instantly go to any place in the universe. This is part of the power of god, only reserved for the exalted. Those who dwell on telestial or terrestrial realms of glory are confined to those worlds. Only our own children with whom we might empower our godly attributes of travel or thought through space may use our godly powers. However, we have preserved for all our children, in their final states of glory or in their progressive states, the ability to communicate to us through instant prayer. This is how you communicate with me now, even while writing this experience in your journal on earth at the same instant that we commune in heaven.
3. When we move our beings or our replicated beings from place to place, whether close by or to far distant places, we travel via the light matter that is already filling the immensity of space. This light energy that comes from us is created from the light matter we receive continually.
4. The light energy has properties of shining bright light like you are familiar with. I also can be in this same medium where we instantly travel or send our own thoughts in communication. This is instant, regardless of the distance! Distance, even across the universe, is instant for us who have the power of God.
5. The light energy also has the capability to make us able to travel in its influence immediately. This was one of the attributes of this light when our first Heavenly Parents created light from elemental matter. We use this feature continually in our own vast galaxy and all our creations. We instantly connect to all and comprehend all through the light energy that allows our thoughts to be linked to each creation instantly and continually. We therefore are always aware of all and know at all times what is happening in all the reaches of our own vast domains. We are able to process this all at once for all of our creations because we have this godly attribute.
For you, this would seem impossible. However, as an exalted celestial being, we are able to do this continually, all part of the very capable exalted man or woman in eternity! You have a finite mind, but ours is infinitely capable. This is the state of an exalted man or woman.
6. The light energy that we direct ourselves or our thoughts travel on the paths of the light matter that pervades all space in our universe. When light energy beams across these light matter webs, the travel is instantaneous. There is no diminishing of our beings or our thoughts like physical light waves that you are used to, like when you shine your flashlight. This light from the flashlight diminishes in strength with distances, whereas light energy traveling on light matter paths does not diminish. This is the attribute of light in our celestial realms. It can only be fully understood by being quickened to a celestial glory and experiencing this capability. This is what you are able to do each time you connect to us in prayer, for you instantly come into our presence via this capability of light energy.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his amazing words! I feel so enlightened as I am beginning to understand a little bit of the attributes of celestial light! I thanked him for giving me lots to ponder. I then knew I had to start my new day. I expressed my love and devotion and then ended my prayer and started my day.
7. At night– Tonight I came to the celestial realm on the earth. This all seems so familiar to me, and I come to the same area each time. I come to a grassy area with a little stream passing through it. There are shade trees and a lovely vista a little ways away. That is all I consciously know.
I decided to come here and knelt down on the grass next to the stream. I have no sense of direction. I did have some questions, however:
8. Q1: What does it mean to be raised in the resurrection? Does this all happen in the millennium or is it done sometime at a different time?
Q2: Is energy the same as light matter?
Q3: What determines what animals, plants, waters etc. receive a telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory?
I received these from my sister. I hope to get answers soon.
I drank some living water from the stream and I felt very clear. This was a celestial world, even though in the realms of the earth. I don't know how big it is or its boundaries. Anyway, I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I saw nobody around while I waited. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come over the hill behind me, so I turned around, still kneeling. She came from a vista that seemed to open up to the celestial realms.
9. Heavenly Mother was brilliant, with light coming out of her body, especially her head where she shone brightly. She was smiling and seemed very happy! I gazed on her for a few seconds and then she spoke to me:
'Raphael, I will answer your questions and wonderings tonight. We want to answer anything you may ask of us that is appropriate.
10. A1: About the resurrection–those who die before reaching their full stature need to grow to their full growth in the resurrection. Those parents who are celestial and are resurrected to a celestial glory who have had infants who died before their full stature was reached, may have these infants resurrect to the stature of their age in which they were laid down in the grave. If these children die before eight years old, they will automatically receive a celestial resurrection. If older than eight years old, they need to be found worthy of a celestial resurrection before being resurrected. If they are brought forth as a celestial resurrected child, they may be raised in the millennium by their resurrected father and/ or mother.
11. If the child over eight years of age when they died does not merit a celestial resurrection, they they will be resurrected to a telestial or terrestrial state. They generally will not be privileged to be reared by their own parents. They will grow up in the resurrection, in their world of glory that they are assigned to. They will be raised by those who live in that world.
Only the celestial are able to raise their celestial children in the millennium, in their resurrected states. They will live in the celestial realms on the earth or in the wilderness area in heaven prior to the resurrection of the earth.
12. The others who are resurrected to a telestial or terrestrial glory are resurrected after the millennium. The phrase "raised in the resurrection" or "raised in the millennium", both refer to the same experience to those who are resurrected to a celestial glory and are privileged to raise their own children who are also resurrected as children in a celestial glory. These children grow naturally to an adult in the resurrection in the millennium.
13. A2: About energy being the same as light matter-–When light matter comes into one of our mortal children, some may perceive this as tangible matter. This is what you perceive, Raphael, when you feel what you call "energy". It is a tangible substance perceived by perceptive individuals.
When you were practicing Tai Chi some years ago on your lawn, you felt like you could perceive light coming down from the sky. This was light matter. You were able to move this matter and focus it to some degree.
When you began doing what you call "energy work", you began to perceive this same very tangible light matter. Since your own spirit knows answers about your health conditions, it gives your conscious mind yes/ no answers with muscle strength or weakness, or when you got skilled through the medium of light matter. In this latter case, you sometimes have the answer come to your conscious mind from your spirit's unconscious mind via light matter.
14. When you "energy" test another for health related issues, your spirits communicate together and the response is either by muscle strengthening or weakening, or alternatively, through light matter to your conscious mind from your unconscious mind. Your communication with the other person's spirit is through communication via light as I explained to you last night. Each spirit is responsible for his/her own mortal body and communicates this to you, the one who perceives the response to the question via light matter or physical muscles'
15. A3: About what determines plants and animals being resurrected to different glories–Raphael, we choose where these, our creations, will go in their eternal glory, whether celestial, terrestrial, or telestial. Our plant and animal creation has no choice since agency and wrothiness is only associated with our own children. Our creations are all very pleased to serve and bless our own children in whatever world they are assigned to.'
Heavenly Mother smiled as she finished communicating to me. I expressed gratitude for her very quick responses to my questions!
16. She spoke again:
'Raphael, come here tomorrow morning and either your Heavenly Father or I will show you more of the celestial realms on the earth!'
I was excited and thanked her. I then realized it was late and then closed my prayer. I got ready for bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 14, 2018, Tuesday
1. I awoke at 7:00 a.m. and came to the adjacent room to pray before my wife awoke. I re-read what I wrote last night. I wanted my tour of the celestial realms on the earth this morning, so that is where I went to pray.
I came to a kneeling position in front of the stream on a grassy area. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or both to come to me.
My Heavenly Father came from behind me, from the same location my Heavenly Mother had come last night. I turned and saw him smile! He extended his hand and I stood and came next to him. He placed his extended hand around my shoulder.
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have come to our celestial realms on the earth to pray this morning. This is located on top of your own mortal world. It may expand or contract in size, depending on the need. Right now it is fairly large, the largest it has been since the days of your first parents Adam and Eve. This is because there is so much angel activity here now. The angels use this as a base for their ministrations to those on earth.
3. We are able to add or take away areas of these celestial realms. This area has physical and tangible earth, trees, grounds, buildings etc, like that found in our own celestial orb in heaven where we dwell. These are only seen or perceived by those who are celestial or those quickened by us to a celestial state.
We often come to the celestial realms of the earth, for all here is celestial. We usually only come to the celestial realms on a lower order globe where our children may or will live. Come with me now as I show you the celestial realms on the earth!'
4. We turned and he continued guiding me with his arm around my shoulder. We walked up a slight incline and came to an opening in the grassy area with a few trees where I had been kneeling. I then saw a plain of land for as far as my eyes could see. There were trees and lakes, streams and meadows and all varieties of landscapes it seemed that were well manicured and so lovely! There were no major structures, only benches and paths that I saw were interspersed through the landscapes.
I also saw many people dressed in angel robes that were coming and going constantly. I could tell they were focused on their work as they were prompted to do by our Heavenly Parents.
5. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'This is a celestial environment that we have created now primarily for the work of angels. In the millennium, those who are resurrected to a celestial glory may also frequent this place. They may raise their children in the resurrection here, those who are parents of children who died before their full stature and who are all celestial resurrected beings. During the millennium, this area will become greatly expanded.
6. These celestial realms are not tied to any particular location on the telestial earth. A celestial angel, for example, may come here by thinking to do so in his/ her thoughts. We will grant access to all of these in their labors for our children on the earth. There is also a terrestrial realm on the earth, similar to this area and reserved for those who are the 144,000 and other translated individuals who are elevated to a terrestrial translation. The celestial angels and those resurrected to a celestial glory may also be able to come to these terrestrial realms.
7. There is also the vast world or sphere of the deceased on the earth. This is where spirits go when they have died, their physical bodies being left behind on the mortal earth. This spirit realm is divided into two sectors: one which is called the paradise of God, a place where the righteous may go, awaiting their resurrection. Satan may not enter the paradise of God.
8. The other very large sector of the spirit realm is where the spirits of the rest of humanity go when they die. They also have grounds, meadows, trees, lakes, buildings, etc.–all created in the spirit state, similar to those who dwell there. Satan and his minions may come to this sector. The dead may move from this large spirit sector to the paradise of God sector if they accept the gospel and have been baptized on earth or for the dead in temples of the Church of Christ. These baptisms for the dead have not been valid since May 2014, so there are many who feel stuck in this sector, not being able to move forward into the paradise of God. This is a great motivation for us to move forward with our plans to reestablish the Church of Christ on the earth again, for then the baptism of the dead will be valid.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me this celestial realm on the earth and for telling me about other realms that exist on the earth. I asked him about the realms on the final residences of those who receive a telestial or terrestrial glory in eternity.
9. He spoke:
'Every orb of a lower order has a celestial realm associated with that orb, in the sphere of that orb. For example, a telestial world of glory has a celestial realm and a terrestrial realm. The terrestrial realm is where terrestrial beings who minister to it by assignment may come. The celestial realm is where heavenly celestial beings and God may come as occasion may arise. Both of these higher realms are not seen by the telestial inhabitants on that orb.
10. In the terrestrial eternal worlds, there is only a celestial realm associated with it. This realm is also not seen by the inhabitants of that orb. These celestial realms, among all of our creations, have instant connection with our central celestial orb where we dwell. Through these celestial realms, we may know all the happenings on these orbs, through the medium of light communication. This light is channelled through these celestial realms for those worlds of a lower order. We who are the Gods of our vast domain in our galaxy have a network of light, like a web, connecting all of our creations to us in our center celestial orb. We perceive all and know all that occurs in our vast domains.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for freely showing me all of these things! I feel so grateful that Heavenly Mother and he are so free with their amazing revelations to me! I feel honored and humbled to receive all of this!
Heavenly Father told me it was now time to start my day on earth in my mortal state. I told him I loved him and was deeply pleased with his revelations! He smiled and then I found my connection with him was gone. I finished writing and closed my morning prayer. I started my new day.
11. In the evening– I came to heaven at the edge of the fir forest overlooking Heavenly Father's wheat field. I looked over the fields down below, looking east. I felt clear and ready to connect again to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt on the ground at the overlook and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw my Heavenly Father below, on the road by the oak tree next to the wheat field. He looked up from his work and was then immediately by my side! He looked invigorated from his work and looked happy.
12. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, I enjoy work, for I feel refreshed in working the soil! I enjoy growing my field of wheat and watching and caring for these individual stalks of wheat. These represent my millennial elect who hear our voice and keep our commandments.
13. You have pondered about how all of these, my elect, will be gathered prior to the destruction of the wicked by devouring fire, with the armies outside of the walls of the New Jerusalem. We have told you that you and your family will be the last ones through the New Jerusalem temple to receive your eternal binding temple endowments there. Even at the time of you receiving your temple ordinances necessary for your exaltation, the wicked armies of God and Magog will be gathered around the walls of the city. The sentinels of God will guard the walls of the city day and night at that time. Every last elect person will have been gathered in our Church of the Firstborn by then. Those righteous who remain gathered in the city will be the good people of the earth, but not the celestial elect. Within a few days of your temple blessings, Jesus Christ will bring down fire from heaven upon the wicked, and the earth will be burned with fire!
14. Raphael, we will have you and Oriphiel receive every one of these millennial elect into our Church of the Firstborn. Every one of these stalks of wheat now growing represent these millennial elect. When they all have been gathered into our celestial church, and you and your family have fully completed your temple work on earth, then the end will come. This will be a final victory of Jesus Christ, our righteous Redeemer, over Lucifer and his evil followers!'
My Father was looking out into the sky above the growing wheat field from the lookout. I perceived he was watching these events in his mind that he had been talking about. I waited a minute and then he turned again to me:
15. 'Raphael, you will yet bring every single elect of God child into our Church of the Firstborn except yourself. Jesus Christ will do this ordinance for you as the first one officially brought into our celestial church. You will also be the last one to receive your full temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. This will fulfill the scripture in part, wherein it states the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.'
16. See Matthew 19:29-30
"And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words to me tonight! I understand now how it will all happen at the end of the earth. I am so grateful to have such a privilege to participate in the salvation of these elect! I am so blessed!
I know my prayer message was all completed tonight. I love how my Heavenly Parents answers all of my questions and concerns, even when I don't voice them, but just wonder about them!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 15, 2018, Wednesday
1. Today I came into the young mountain forest just north of the circling water. I had been here when I first received the sacrament with my archangel brothers. I knelt by the horizontal log and prayed towards the circling waters in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Mother appeared to me gradually, appearing before my immediate front! She was beaming and was happy! I love it when she comes so happy! I just love to be with her!
2. She spoke immediately:
'Raphael, I want to talk to you briefly about our Spirit that we send forth upon the earth.
The Spirit is really the communications and the influence from us that we send to our children via light matter. This is a tangible thing, and can be felt by those who are sensitive to spiritual impressions. For those who don't know of our ways, or the things of God, they don't feel the Spirit, for they are of a lower vibrational level and cannot perceive it.
3. See 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, 14
"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
4. Those who can't discern our Spirit live more in the natural world, and don't perceive the light matter that we sent to them, or our Spirit. We may witness of the truth, or seek to influence them, but they can't perceive the light, or that Spirit.
However, for the spiritually sensitive person, when we send that same witness by the Spirit, or the light matter to them, it is fully perceived and taken as our direction and influence. They are of a more sensitive and of a receptive spiritual level, or vibrational level. The light matter, which we send to them with our communication, enters their being and they recognize this as our prompting or influence. It becomes delicious to them, for they have nurtured their receptivity to our Spirit:
5. Alma 32:28, 35
"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves–It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.
O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good.."
6. Raphael, Alma is explaining here that the people who gradually give place in their minds and hearts for the Spirit, or the light matter we send them, gradually become more attuned to this light. They grow more receptive to our influence, and we may help them as they receive it. This word, or seed, or light grows more and more, being delicious to them. We may lead them to all truth and light as they make place and receive the light we send to them.
7. This is the light matter that comes from the presence of our first parent Gods, that eventually comes to us and we redirect to our child on the earth. It is known as the Spirit of God, the word of God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the light and truth from God. All of this is really light matter that we send with our communication and influence. It is all spiritually discerned, and is very real and tangible to those who are perceptive to spiritual things and give place in themselves for our influence.
We send this light and truth to all of our children in mortality. Those who follow our promptings, who hear our voice of the Spirit, or who receive this light, and obey our directions we send via our Spirit, are the elect of God. We gradually give more and more to our receptive child, even until they come into our very presence!
8. D&C 50:24
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
We gradually send our Spirit to our children, and lead them, here a little and there a little, for this is our way. In so doing, we can see who is receptive to our light and directions. We continue, one step at a time. Our elect give place in their hearts and minds for us. We lead them, even until they come to their Savior; he elects them into our celestial church, and they are saved in an exalted status, and become even as we are!'
I have been very enlightened by my Heavenly Mother's words! It all makes more and more sense to me, how God leads us gradually, and how the Spirit of God is really them communicating to us via the light matter that they redirect to us. This is received by the pure in heart, those who are receptive to spiritual impressions, or who can perceive this light matter from God.
I thanked her for her wonderful revelations! It is all so simple and clear, how it all works.
I then saw her gradually fade away from me, and I was left alone in her young mountain forest. I closed my prayer and started my new day!
9. In the evening– My wife and I discussed some family problems. We sometimes see things so differently than our children and many of us rewrite history to a point. We think an event happened altogether different than the real circumstances. On the other hand, I may remember the real circumstance and then make up my story of the past–what I choose to think of the event. This can be geared where I have fond memories of the event in the past, something I want to do rather than rehearse some negative feelings all the time I think of it
I am pretty happy now with my past, since I bring up fond memories, or my story based on my choice. I see some of our children really struggling with thoughts of the past that create negative feelings that don't serve them well. Makes me saddened.
10. Tonight in my prayer I came again to one of my favorite places, the desert oasis. I sat on the bench for some time. I felt centered on happy thoughts and I felt clear and ready to commune with my God(s). I knelt on the sand in front of the bench, facing the water. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw both of my Heavenly Parents appear on the water! They were holding hands and walked on the water and then on the shore until they came in front of me. They were both smiling and seemed happy to be before me.
I looked into each of their faces. Heavenly Father seemed in control as he always does and was very calm and majestic! Heavenly Mother was smiling and exuding lots of happy light beams it seemed, like her sparkling eyes and cheery smile! I felt very safe and secure in front of them!
11. Heavenly Father was the first to speak:
'Raphael, we are both pleased to come before you this evening! We know that problems come to every one of our children in mortality. You are correct that being in control of your own thoughts of the past can make you have happy memories. Your choice to rewrite the story of what you choose to remember and emphasize can bring happy feelings if those thoughts are happy.
We do this all the time, for there could be many remembrances of the past that we could choose to think in a negative way, creating unwanted feelings. However, we choose to be happy and remember more clearly the circumstances and happy thoughts of those events. We then may live in a happier state.
You have received a lot of revelation concerning light recently, as well as the topic of darkness. You had an email from a mortal angel who had lots of questions. I would like to answer these now:
12. Q1: Do the first Gods still create eternities or are they busy sending light matter to all the other Gods?
A1: Our first parent Gods love foremost to have offspring, as all of us do, and help those who qualify to be as happy as they are. This continues to be their main purpose. This same great work is shared by all of the Gods. The effort to create light matter and send it into their creations and us other Gods is something they continue to do, but it is not all-consuming their efforts. They (and we) all are extremely capable in our multiple tasks we continually do.
13. Q2: When the sacrament prayers say "that we may always have his spirit to be with us", is this referring to light? Not Heavenly Father's or Jesus Christ's replicated spirit? I was assuming that his spirit was meaning their replicated spirit would be with us.
A2: When taken in mortality, in a telestial state, we send our Spirit, meaning our light, to our faithful who seek to keep their sacramental covenant. This light matter enlightens their minds, helps them be receptive to our promptings, and is the means whereby our revelations or communications come to them. This is a great blessing to receive in your telestial world!
14. In our celestial realm and in heaven, we bring our very presence, or our replicated beings to or near the faithful. We always minister in person to our children in the celestial state. This is how we are ministering to you now while I am talking to you. Whether you see us or not, we are next to you always when you are in our celestial realms on the earth or in heaven, our celestial abode.
For those in a telestial or terrestrial state, where we do not come in our own beings (if we do so, we quicken our faithful to a celestial glory, who then come into our celestial presence), we send our Spirit, or the light of our countenance! This is the Spirit that is always with our faithful in their telestial or terrestrial states.
15. Q3: People vibrate at different levels, so does the higher vibration of a person mean they have more light? Is there more enlightenment? And if so, I'm assuming we should pray for more light.
A3: The higher the vibration level of our children is, the more light they have received, and will continue to receive. All of our creations and our children need light matter to live and exist and grow and flourish. We impart to all of our creations and children the light matter they need. For a faithful son or daughter, they may receive more and more light if they are obedient and hearken to our directions that are given via our communications through the light we give them. Our intention is to give more and more light to our obedient children as fast as they respond and act. They eventually are brought back into our celestial presence, as are you, Raphael.
16. Q4: Would it be good for us to get more sunshine?
A4: The sun emits light energy in the form of heat and brightness of light. There is a certain amount of this that all our mortal creations need. However, this is not light matter with which we embue our faithful, from our presence. Our faithful receive light matter from us in increasing quantities. There is light matter that flows through space and evenly disperses itself over the earth's surface. This does not come from the sun, but from our galactic center where we redirect it to earth and to the sun, and to all heavenly bodies also. This light matter ultimately comes from our first parent Gods to fill the immensity of space in the universe. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to receive more sun. By being faithful and obedient, we direct to you more light matter from our presence. This is what will bless you the most.
17. Q5: When Heavenly Mother brought to Raphael two Refugees of Lucifer, they were already redeemed by coming to Jesus Christ. Will these two refugees need to come to earth as mortals and need to be redeemed again?
A5: Yes, all of our children needed to be redeemed in their premortal state in the spirit world before coming to earth. They were all redeemed by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They all partook of the emblems of the sacrament, in looking forward to the great redemption of their sins and weaknesses, both in their spirit state prior to coming to earth, and then in their future mortal state on earth. This entire redemptive work is one, regardless of the progressive state of our children.
For the Refugees of Lucifer, they were finally redeemed in their spirit state prior to coming to earth for their mortal experience. This is exactly what our other children also received. Those who have come to earth, they also received a preparatory redemption through Jesus Christ in their premortal spirit state.
See Alma 13:3, where Alma spoke of those who were ordained to the priesthood in mortality who had received a preparatory redemption. This same preparatory redemption was for all of our children who left their premortal state and came to earth for their mortal experience.
18. Alma 13:3
"And this is the manner after which they were ordained–being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such."
19. Raphael, there are a few other questions which one of us will answer in the morning. This is enough for now. You need to prepare for bed now since your communion with us tonight is sufficient.'
I then thanked my Heavenly Father for his great answers! I asked if I wrote all his words correctly.
Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Yes, Raphael, your words are correctly written!'
They then both turned and walked back to the shore and onto the water. They then slowly disappeared while walking. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 16, 2018, Thursday
1. I have been pondering over many things since last night's discussion with my wife and also my experience in prayer.
I came to the desert oasis again this morning to pray. My Heavenly Father came alone this morning. He soon was before me who was kneeling on the sand.
I gazed on him for a bit and then opened the prayer. I asked if he and Heavenly Mother would send more light to bless my own child who was being troubled. I then asked that we be blessed with more light too, so that our problems we experience would be better resolved. Finally, I asked that my son be blessed to sleep better at night. I then waited upon my Heavenly Father.
2. He immediately asked me to sit in my chair on earth and write his words. Here is what I heard next:
'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Mother and I will send more of our heavenly light upon your children as you have requested and upon your wife and you also. When we do so, our children are more enlightened so that they may deal with their problems better. This extra light, or our Spirit, will only help your family in your struggle with your current problems.'
I looked steadily into the face of my Heavenly Father. He smiled upon me before him and I received the assurance we would be able to better resolve our problems we face in life.
3. He spoke again:
'Raphael, I wish to continue with the few remaining questions from last night:
Q6: When a person is set apart as one of the 144,000, will this setting apart be done by the current prophet of the Church of Christ, or will it be done by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus?
A6: Raphael, Jesus Christ has already met with the 144,000 on Mount Zion, which is called Mt. Timpanogos, in September 2016 (see my post 28 'The White Cloud Upon Mount Zion, posted 10/5/2016). This was a meeting of all those who were of the 144,000 in their replicated spirits, transfigured to a celestial glory state, when they all came before Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. He commissioned them all at that time, even though most of them did not know consciously what was happening. There will not be a further setting apart by the prophet of the Church of Christ at any future time.
4. Q7: Can we assume that light is a medium? The definition of a medium being a substance that carries a wave (or disturbance) from one location to another, such as sound waves, etc.?
A7: Light energy that is created by the sun, or that we shine forth from our bodies as God, is in a wave form of energy when produced. However, light matter does not travel in a wave form, or any other manner, but travels as matter through space from the presence of our first Gods. It can be directed by us, who are Gods, when it arrives in our own domain. Light matter is directed to our galaxy by our first Gods themselves.
5. Q8: Why are the children Gods not taught how to create light, like our first parent Gods, instead of just controlling the flow of light? Why would the parent Gods want to be the only ones to control its creation?
A8: Raphael, this is a very good question! Our first parent Gods taught their immediate children Gods how to create light matter from elemental matter. These children Gods therefore started creating light matter, just like our parent Gods. After a few generations of the Gods, it was decided among them that only the first Gods would continue creating the bulk of light matter from elemental matter and then they would transmit this light from their first creation galaxy outward to their children god's galaxies. Those who then would receive this light matter that comes to them from their first parent Gods would be relieved of this continual effort to create light which one set of the Gods could easily do. The more important reason, however, was to keep a link of light matter flowing between the Gods, from parent to child, even back to the first Gods. This flow of light matter enhanced greatly the communication and connection with each other. At that time, the communication between galaxies had to be initiated by the flow of light matter from the god who wanted to communicate with another god. Light had not filled the void between the galaxies as now happens. It was decided among the relatively few Gods at that time that light matter would best be created at the center and original galaxy, by our first Gods, and then proceed through all space (except to specific locations of darkness that would be identified) to all the other galaxies of the children Gods. The light matter would continually be created and fill the immensity of space within the current universe.
6. When this occurred, the light matter, being between the galaxies, allowed instant communication and connections between the ever growing family of the Gods. In respect to this decision of the Gods at that early juncture of creation, we who are the Gods that are their descendents, honor their decision not to create much light matter ourselves. However, as part of that first meeting, it was also decided that each new god would be trained in how to create light matter from elemental matter, so that all of the Gods would have the same powers of creation.
7. Raphael, when we were first ordained to become Gods, joint heirs of all the Gods in power, capability and understanding, we were trained by our immediate parent Gods in the ways of creation. This training included the creation of light matter from elemental matter. We created light matter, to show ourselves we knew the process, then your Heavenly Mother and I agreed to limit the creation of light matter that we wanted for our own domain to be only a very little, in respect to the decision of our first Gods to have light matter flow to us through the immensity of space from their very beings and first galaxy.
8. At that time we met directly with our first parent Gods for the first time. We were so blessed to commune with them, along with our immediate parent Gods! We have since met with them multiple times, and we love and honor them, for they started all the creations and the generations of the Gods!
The practice of training new Gods by their parent Gods has also continued through the generations of the Gods. We also introduce our first parent Gods to our newly ordained children Gods as part of their initial training. Every one of the Gods do this now, and every child god has willingly agreed to respect the decision of the Gods in that first meeting where the main source of light matter was decided.
9. We continue to commune immediately and frequently with our ancestor Gods in our great work of creation and of bearing our own offspring. Our support system is remarkable and can be immediately accessed, thanks to the light matter which pervades the immensity of space between our galaxies. I see the great wisdom of having our first parent Gods to create all the bulk of light matter and for us, who receive it from them, to then direct it in our own domain.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable and clear answers this morning and last night! I am awed by his answers, particularly to question 8. His and Heavenly Mother's ways are so remarkable! I love being enlightened so fully by them when I receive their revelations!
I have lots to ponder and think about now. I know I need to start my day, but I would like to linger here! I nevertheless closed my prayer and started my new day.
10. At night– I am ready for a connection with my Heavenly Parents. I came this evening to the overlook near the grassy hill, with the temple in the background. I knelt on the edge of the overlook near the edge of the wide path. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
At this time, the celestial world became very dark and the stars and moon were even not in the sky! I didn't even see the outline of the temple!
I then perceived in front of me two beings in the darkness, in the air. There was a man and a woman spirit. They were both concentrating on doing something with their intellect and with their hands. I then saw their creation taken into their own bodies and their bodies started to shine. They became brighter and brighter! They looked at each other and started weeping for joy. They hugged each other and elevated themselves together right up in the sky! Then they were gone.
Next the sky became light again as it was at first when I was kneeling.
Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me in the air!
11. She spoke:
'Raphael, we have showed you a short vision of our first parent Gods when they were yet spirits, and had no posterity. They were in the midst of creating light matter for the very first time! They worked together using their combined intellect and their hands. When the light matter was created, it was still dark, but it was matter, all created from the elemental matter that they used as the fundamental building blocks of light matter.
12. When they placed the matter in both of their spirits, the light matter was transformed by their intention and thoughts into light energy. They then began shining with light! They had learned in this first creation process to create both light matter and light energy for the first time! We still use this exact form of their creations of light even now.
13. You see also that our first parent Gods were so elated in the creation of light that they wept for joy and fully embraced each other. This was a monumental act of creation! Had they not created light, we would all be in darkness, even as our celestial world was at the time of your vision. However, we have this great resource of light matter and the ability to create light energy in our bodies, even as the first Gods did. This is such a wonderful blessing!'
I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing vision I received of our first parent Gods in the primeval days of creation. I thanked her so very much for this vision. I feel humbled and honored to have perceived and seen all of this. It is almost beyond my ability to understand how I could ever witness such a remarkable vision!
Heavenly Mother smiled at me and started shining like the sun in bright light as she arose in the sky in a brilliant display of light energy! She rose up until she was gone and out of sight.
I knelt again and thanked my God for this great prayer tonight. I felt then that my prayer had ended. I closed in the name of Jesus and prepared for bed. I also felt this should be the last entry for post 90."