126. Time and Thoughts
Posted 7-1-2019
I hope each of you are having a wonderful summer! It is hard for me to believe that 2019 is half way finished!
In this post I have received so much about time and how God uses time. There are also so many other interesting tidbits given, like how our thoughts and feelings are real, tangible matter.
Please pray about all of this, and verify that I am speaking the truth.
P.S. I have included pictures around my yard in this post. I love this time of year!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20. 2019, Thursday (continued)
1. Evening–tonight I came to the circling waters, at the bench. I was contemplating my life and thinking about all that has been revealed to me. I feel happy in my life. I feel humbled that so much has been given to me–so many blessings in my life!
2. I felt concern for my loved ones, for we all have many problems and issues, common to every family and all mankind. I pray for them that God will send them more light and the Holy Spirit to guide them, as they are open.
3. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then felt clarified in my head area. I could feel the light matter coming down from the sky into me and through me. I felt clean and pure.
I knelt and then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited and watched.
4. Heavenly Father appeared next to me on the shore, standing on the ground! He was smiling and seemed happy. I gazed into his face, into his eternity eyes and saw such deep understanding of everything! I then asked for my loved ones to be blessed and given more light, so that they could move forward in their lives, and be happy.
5. Heavenly Father then responded–'Raphael, I will bless them with more light so that perhaps they may make wise decisions and better solve issues that confront them in their lives. All of our children in mortality have weaknesses and problems that continually face them. As they choose our light and Spirit, they will be better able to make wise decisions, and be led by us their Heavenly Parents in their individual lives.
Raphael, we designed mortality to be difficult, so that our children would need to struggle and grow, even without our presence. They may choose whom they list to obey. They need to act in faith and follow our still small voice to find true happiness.
6. I had to interrupt my prayer at this time, and didn't come back until morning. My Heavenly Father indicated to me that this was fine, and to come here again at the circling waters tomorrow. I will plan to do so.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 21. 2019, Friday
1. I awoke refreshed after a good sleep. I came to the circling waters again this morning, by the shore on my knees. My Heavenly Father was there standing where he was last night! He spoke to me again:
2. 'Raphael, time is not a major factor in our dealings with our children, for we may just as easily speak to them in the present, past or future. Your prayer may be interrupted because of events that happen in mortality, but to us we may address this prayer as one, with no seeming delay or time lapse. You noticed this same type of thing in the recent meeting at the Great Assembly Hall last weekend, where the meeting seemed to span a day in your mortal time, but for us it seemed to span only a few hours.
3. S.A. asked if the laws and punishments for sins are contained in the scriptures? Yes, we reveal these standards found in the Book of the Laws of God to many people on the earth. They have found their way into your scriptures and commandments, like the Ten Commandments. These laws are more clearly taught through the light of Christ, which comes to every soul that comes into the world, and enlightens all mankind. This light comes upon the minds and hearts of our mortal children and teaches them right from wrong, even those true principles found in the Book of the Laws of God from which all mankind will be judged. When a situation arises with a choice to commit a particular act that is listed as a sin in this book, the Spirit of Christ comes into the unconscious mind of our child and communicates to them the right way to act. This direction comes with light into their heart and mind. The spiritually sensitive then know how to act to please God and to avoid sin.
4. At the same time, Satan comes whispering his lies and temptations to our child. His voice is not accompanied by light. It appeals to the selfish desires of the natural man within our child.
5. In your current day, Satan is very forward in how he influences our children, even as seen by Nephi of old: 2 Nephi 28:20-22 "For behold at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.
And others he will pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; Yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell, and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none–and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance."
6. Our truths are always taught to our children, accompanied by our light, which enlightens the minds and hearts of our children. Thus if they listen to their conscience, and our still small voice, they will always be led aright, and know what is good and evil.
7. Mosiah 4:29-30 "And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin, for there are diverse ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them
But this much I can tell you, that if you do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish, and now, O man, remember and perish not."
8. Moroni 7:16-19 "For behold, the spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ, wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one, neither do his angels, neither do they who subject themselves unto him.
And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully, for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.
Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ, that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."
9. On another topic, M.A. had written to you this question, "Is there more we can learn about the celestial law of intention? I feel it is very important somehow."
10. I would like to end my conversation with you this morning in speaking on the celestial law of intention.
11. Intention is defined as the focused thoughts, feelings, and energies of ourselves and our children to bring about a certain action or result. We who are Gods may focus our thoughts, and send them in our light, to do a certain action. We have power to create, for example, and we use our intention to reorganize elemental matter to whatever form or structure we wish, and then to place intelligence into this new creation. This is all done, at the highest level, by the celestial law of intention. We have great power because we are God who were ordained to use this power and were given the key of knowledge how to do all things, like the creation process.
12. Our children do not yet have these powers of creation, but are still able to cause actions to happen by their intentions. In our celestial world, these intentions more easily create results and actions, than in the mortal telestial world. In our celestial world, our celestial servants and children act under our inspiration and direction, and when doing our errand, will also act in our authority and power. They may therefore act with celestial intention and have it happen, just as we who are God would do. This requires their faith for the intended action to happen.
13. For example, we have commanded our angels to receive and redirect the intense light of the Holy Ghost from Heavenly Mother and to shed it upon the earth, to help cleanse the earth of the many pollutions upon the land. This is done by the power of the Holy Ghost, or by your Heavenly Mother. She receives this light and intensively sends it into you and our other angels, who then transmit it to the earth. You who are angels need to exercise your intention to have this happen, as we desire. Were you not to do so, or to not act in faith that it would happen, we couldn't use you to perform our works of God.
14. The celestial law of intention needs to be exercised in faith that it will happen as we have commanded you to do. You act as our servants, doing what we tell you to do by our Holy Spirit, with every belief and intention this will happen. You all therefore are conduits of power to act on behalf of our children for their well being and benefit, even as we direct you.
15. In your mortal state, you act and move, and accomplish all things by first believing that you may be able to accomplish these, and then taking necessary steps to accomplish them. You therefore act in faith. If we tell you by our Spirit to do a certain thing, you move forward in faith to accomplish and fulfill that commandment. We bless you with assurance and guidance, and in this way your intentions produce results and actions.
16. You who are our celestial mortal angels and celestial servants may use the celestial law of intention to do our will in your telestial world. We will inspire you, and you then will act in faith that it will happen, just as you do in the celestial realms. We will bless you to then do our higher works of God, even in your fallen telestial world.
17. The celestial law of intentions is also found written in the Book of the Laws of God. It is the first step for all actions to be realized. When coupled with faith, all intended actions in heaven and earth may be accomplished.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words this morning and last night! I feel more enlightened on God's ways and understandings.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 22, 2019,Saturday
1. I am up earlier this morning after getting home very late and wasn't able to write in my journal or have much of a prayer last night. The house is all quiet and I came to the celestial orb to pray.
2. It seems remarkable to me to instantly travel to wherever I may wish to go, like the celestial orb, or be taken by God to the outreaches of the universe! Yet this all happens for how else could I have such remarkable encounters and record them all? These can be verified as true by the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost. I trust in God that all happens just as I have recorded it. These truths are spiritually discerned for "the natural man receiveth not the things of God; for they are foolishness unto them, because they are spiritually discerned." (see 1 Corinthians 2:14)
3. The power and ways of God are "higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (see Isaiah 55:9). Every person who reads the scriptures, and particularly what grand things I claim and have written, needs to grapple with these things. It takes a believing heart and an open mind.
4. This morning I came to the circling waters again, in God's celestial orb at the center of our great galaxy. I came here because I heard with my spiritual senses trickling water and discerned an outcropping in the land of some kind to my left side. I asked quickly if this was the circling waters area and I confirmed in my mind that this is where I was. I was there in my unconscious mind and needed to connect to that in my conscious mind on earth, which I did. Then I just started recording consciously what comes my way unconsciously. This too is a remarkable process. I claim nothing extraordinary, for this discernment of spiritual things is common to all mankind if they will slow down and be open in receptive meditative prayer.
5. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water from my right cupped hand. I felt clarified in my mind and ready to commune with my God. I knelt facing the waters, near the shore, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come to me.
6. Heavenly Mother came in front of me, upon the circling waters, a little bit above the water in the air! She was bright and smiling, with her intense light of the Holy Ghost streaming into and through me. I could feel every part of me filled with light, for there was no hidden spot not illuminated. Even though this was spiritually discerned, I could very much feel this all so clearly. I could go to any part of my body and feel very transparent and full of light that was streaming through me. This is the same feeling I have when I do energy work, for all is real and is clearly perceived in my mind. Heavenly Mother's eyes were bright and so very deep. I saw in her eyes such deep love and acceptance of me who was kneeling before her! Oh, I love being in her glorious presence!
7. She spoke: 'Raphael, what you have recorded in your journal about your spiritual perceptions and sensations is true. Your replicated body is truly here in our heavenly home on this celestial orb located at the center of our galaxy. This great galaxy contains all of our creations that your Heavenly Father and I have made, save a few on our own celestial earth that was our first inheritance when we were ordained Gods.
8. Raphael, I am the Holy Ghost! I have been in this role since the beginning of this eternity. I will witness to my humble and open child who asks of God the truthfulness of these things. They too may know by the same light that you are receiving from me, with my message of these truths to their minds and hearts. These are all spiritually discerned by our children who live in the fallen telestial world.
9. I come to each of my beloved children from higher spiritual realms. What they discern comes to their unconscious mind and penetrates deep in their soul. My witness and Spirit are all very real and tangible. I consistently witness of the truth of all things. I am no respecter of persons and will reveal all things to any of my children who humbly and diligently ask of me, in the name of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, even if these words you write are true. As they are open and receptive, I will pour out a spiritual witness upon them that they are all true!
10. Raphael, today I wish to address some more of the way we approach our children and open up ourselves to those who diligently and consistently seek us, their Gods. We generally do not reveal ourselves physically before our children in their telestial fallen world. We live in a much higher celestial sphere where we may come next to our inquiring and prayerful child without them realizing we are nearby. They cannot see us, for we need to quicken or elevate them to even be able to discern our presence. However, this is all very real when one of us comes and spiritually witnesses to the one praying for us to come.
11. We witness to their hearts and mind by sending our Spirit. I am the one who sends the more intense light of the Holy Ghost upon my children. I know exactly how they communicate and discern spiritual communication, for we have shared many times in their pre-mortal existence on this celestial orb before they came to earth. We have always talked to them in the unconscious part of their mind, even at that earlier time.
12. When they came to earth, the unconscious part of their mind was divided off from their conscious part, with a veil of forgetfulness between them. However, we have continued speaking to this same unconscious part of their mind. This requires spiritual sensitivity to discern and interpret what we communicate now that they are in a fallen world. This more difficult situation is part of the mortality test of the telestial environment. It was brought upon them by the fall of man. All men and women since Adam and Eve had similar struggles in hearing and discerning our words.
13. The process to hear us involves the preparation of the minds and hearts of our mortal children. If our son or daughter will quiet down their mind and heart and eliminate distractions as much as possible, they will be in preparation to hear the voice of the Spirit. They then need to agree in their heart that they will believe and follow whatever they may receive, trusting in faith that one of us Gods will come to them and speak to them. We will not reveal much of our words unless we have an assurance that our son or daughter will act on our words.
14. We reveal more and more gradually, each time verifying that our child has heard our spiritual voice to their mind and heart, and has acted on this new revelation. As they obey our Spirit, we will steadily give them more. If they reject our direction by not acting or in not believing that this inner voice came from us then we will not give much more. Why would we continue to reveal to them if they don't act on what we say?
15. For the diligent believer and one who obeys our words that they have received from our Spirit, we will give more. They should continue to test the truthfulness of their directions, for we will always confirm this again by our Holy Spirit, or by my Holy Ghost. They will know this is from us, for they will feel enlightened, or filled with our light and with our words we communicate to them in this Spirit. Our words may be of comfort, of emotion and encouragement, or of direction or counsel. We are pleased when our children act in faith, or even a desire to believe. They may be assured that we will always guide them along, even as they act in diligence and consistency.
16. We therefore prove our elect children while they are in their mortal state. If they are true and faithful to us, and keep our commandments and continue to be open to our Spirit, they will then one day receive a confirmation from Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. Jesus Christ will somehow communicate, usually by the Holy Spirit, that our son or daughter is now fully accepted and has been proven. Our child will then have an encounter with Jesus, discerning him somehow in an impactful spiritual experience where they deeply feel his love and acceptance. This is called the second comforter experience. I will add my comments.
17. This is described by Jesus in John 14:15-18, 21, 23
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (Raphael, this is my Spirit, even the Holy Ghost. I will come to my obedient child, providing comfort and guidance. I will be his or her constant companion if they have received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Also, we asked Jesus to speak of me as a male god, or "he", since the time of my revealing was not yet, but would be revealed in the last days through you, Raphael.)
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (This is the presence of the Holy Ghost, even me, the Heavenly Mother of each of my beloved sons and daughters!)
18 I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." (Raphael, here Jesus shifts talking about the Holy Ghost as a comforter in verse 17 to himself becoming a comforter in verse 18. He is now describing a second comforter experience, when he himself would come to our diligent and faithful child.)
21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
23 "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man (or woman) love me, he (she) will keep my words: and my Father will love him (her), and we will come unto him (her), and make our abode with him(her)" (Emphasis and comments added by Heavenly Mother in parentheses)
18. Raphael, in verse 21 and 23, Jesus Christ states that he will personally come to our elect obedient child and even bring the Father. Together they will make their abode with our child.
19. This same experience is what quickly follows the second comforter event: After Jesus manifests his love and acceptance to our faithful child, he will then soon introduce the Father and me. We, the Heavenly Parents of our child, will then continue to teach and direct them. The role and mission of the great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, has now been fulfilled for that child, for they are fully redeemed, forgiven of all their sins, purified and cleansed by Jesus Christ, and then brought back into our presence! We, their Heavenly Parents, will then predominantly interact with our son or daughter and continue teaching and leading them.
20. Generally, around this same time, Jesus Christ will witness to our son and daughter that he/she will be received into our kingdom, and will have eternal life in celestial glory at a future day! This is an event named "calling and election made sure". Jesus may also mention that they will become a member of the Church of the Firstborn, a necessary step in their progression towards godhood, or living in celestial glory forever.
21. Raphael, these progressive steps are followed by all who come to us. You have received all of these, and now are in our presence receiving more direction and guidance in your life. Your mission includes revealing in greater clarity these things and in revealing many more great truths never before revealed to mankind!'
22. I humbly thanked my Heavenly Mother who stood in great glory before me. I received a strong witness from her that I had correctly written her words and that she was pleased. She smiled and then went quickly up into the heavenly sky and departed. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
23. Evening–After a very full day I am back to the circling waters. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared next to me sitting on the bench! He was radiating subdued light and probably didn't want to disturb the beautiful low light on this celestial orb. The sun had set and it was getting dark.
24. Heavenly Father patted the seat next to him and asked that I sit on the bench with him. I stood, thanked him for coming and sat next to him on the bench. I looked into his deep eternity eyes. They were very clear so that it seemed like I could see right into his inner soul. I perceived such amazing congruity and unity of all his thoughts and actions!
25. He then spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad that you have come to me here on my celestial orb! You have diligently called upon us, your Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ in your personal life on earth. We have sent to you Jesus, our Redeemer for all our children and he has led you back into our presence. We are so pleased that he has redeemed you, cleansed you, and brought you up to a celestial glory in our kingdom of light. We desire all of our beloved children to also come unto us in a similar manner.
26. Tomorrow, meet your Heavenly Mother and me at the granite cliff at the east end of this, Heavenly Mother's upper garden. We will give you more revelations at that time!'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and told him I would come there. He smiled and quickly left. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 23, 2019,Sunday
1. This morning I came to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden on the east end. The celestial sun was up and a beautiful day was before us. I knelt facing the distant temple to the west. Everything seemed so still and beautiful!
2. I then asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in a beam of light from their celestial temple, right in front of me on the granite cliff! Their entry was majestic! They stood in the air, elevated about 1 foot above the granite surface. They were holding hands and wearing matching white robes. I first gazed upon my Heavenly Father and saw his very deep and clear eternity eyes like I did last night. He smiled at me as I looked upon him!
3. Heavenly Mother's eyes were very much full of joy and happiness it seemed. She was smiling broadly and her whole face was beaming with light! I felt her light come into me and also fill me with joy. All of my mortal worries fled away as she infused me with her light!
4. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we come to each one of our elect children who are redeemed by Jesus Christ, cleansed and brought before us by him. We will teach them all truths as we may and lead them gently along. These are our beloved children who one day will become even as we are, Gods in eternity!
5. Raphael, today we would like to teach you how we discern the thoughts in your mind and even your heart, and the intents of your heart. We see all and know your state as you pray to us from your mortal position on earth.
6. Your thoughts are tangible things, made of elemental matter. We taught you as an infant spirit baby how to create thoughts in your mind and heart from this elemental matter. You became skilled at this, just as you learned and practiced developing feelings and emotions from elemental matter. Soon your intelligence inside your spirit body knew how to create thoughts and feelings and communicate them to us and other spirits around you.
7. Elemental matter exists in great abundance outside the boundaries of our universe. When we brought your intelligence to us to create your body, we also brought elemental matter. I created your spirit within me from these two components. Once I gave birth to your spirit, you didn't know how to really think or have feelings. You did possess in your spirit body, however, excess elemental matter that had not become made into your spirit. We left this matter in your head and chest area predominantly, with the intention to teach you how to make these yourself into your thoughts and emotions.
8. At the time you were a spirit infant, newly born in our image, you had no thoughts or feelings. Your Heavenly Father and I communicated to your intelligence using spirit sense. This you could understand, for that is how all intelligences think and have being. These communications were very simple, however, and not at a higher level like you have now, with elaborate ability to think, reason, imagine, and feel all sorts of things.
9. When I first birthed and nursed you as an infant spirit, I gave you your first lessons in how to create your thoughts and feelings. The method for creating both was the same. I spoke to your intelligence in the same way we had asked you if you would accept becoming our son, made in our image, when you were located as an intelligence in outer unorganized space. You communicated back to us using your spirit sense. This did not involve any elemental matter in the transfer of your response, for you were only a single intelligence. We couldn't see you, but knew you existed, for you had no substance associated with your intelligence.
10. After your spirit birth, your intelligence was housed in a spirit body, created from elemental matter, and your intelligence completely filled this new body, giving it life and movement! We taught you how to take the free elemental matter within your head and heart that we had now formed into a structure in your spirit, and make these into your thoughts and feelings.
11. We started first helping you create tangible thoughts. I did this for you by coming with my replicated spirit into your new spirit body. I then had both your and my intelligence inside your spirit body. I had you then observe how I created a thought that I cared about you. I created this with my intention into a thought, taking free elemental matter in your head area into a tangible thought. This process you observed and repeated yourself. It took you several attempts to duplicate a thought with your intelligence, but you were successful. I then exited your spirit body and asked you, with spirit sense, to create a similar thought in your head without me coaching you through the steps. You then created another similar thought that you cared about me, your Heavenly Mother.
12. We gradually taught and trained you how to create your thoughts and then your feelings. Creating feelings were similarly taught to you, with the feelings of love and then acceptance, first created by me in your heart, having you observe how I did this, and then trying it yourself. Emotions, or feelings were soon being created by your own intention from your intelligence, using free elemental matter in your heart area.
13. Once you became skilled at creating thoughts and feelings, I started sharing new thoughts with you that you, too, created on your own and shared back to me. This sharing was a thought transfer created by our celestial intention, a skill we helped you also develop that was formed by your intelligence's will. You always have enjoyed agency and choice, even while a single intelligence in unorganized space. However, now that you had the medium of a spirit body, and a skill to develop thoughts, you could intend by your will to transfer them to us, your Heavenly Parents.
14. When you transferred your thoughts to us, this tangible thought bundle, created by your intelligence from free elemental matter, moved from your mind to my mind. I then perceived what this thought bundle "said" to me. Since I too create thoughts like we taught you, I knew how to unravel this thought bundle and interpret it correctly. We soon became proficient together in transferring our thoughts back and forth, and this became our first method of a higher-level communication, above spirit sense communication.
15. Your Heavenly Father and I also taught you in similar ways how to create and transfer your emotions to us. We at first only shared positive emotions like love, acceptance, peace, joy and pleasure. You were successful in creating these feeling using your intelligence and intending them to come to us.
16. We taught you next to guard your thoughts and feelings except to us, your loving Heavenly Parents. We said to you that other spirits like you could only know what you thought and how you felt if you were to transfer these to them with your intention. Your intention would be a choice that only you could make, by your own agency.
17. When you started interacting with our other sons and daughters who were spirits, they too transferred to you their thoughts and emotions, and you were able to communicate with each other. You had the option with them to not transfer your thoughts and feelings, however, and to keep them to yourself in your own head and heart areas.
18. We taught you that your thoughts were created in your mind, which is in your head area, and your feelings were created in your bosom, in your heart area. We said that you had plenty of elemental matter to create all the thoughts and feelings you wished, even if you gave them away by your intention to another.
19. Once created into a thought or feeling, the elemental matter could return again into raw elemental matter if you dismissed the thought or feeling. This was then ready to be reused by your intelligence in creating a new thought or feeling. You realized that these thoughts and feelings were usually transitory and forgotten, being dismissed and recreated into something else. However, they could be quickly reconstructed if you recalled them from your memory.
20. Your memory was also located in both your mind and bosom. With this you kept a record of all of your thoughts and emotions that you ever had. If you needed to access a record from your memory, you would be able to experience again the thought or feeling you once had, and even to recreate it again, even after it had been turned again into raw elemental matter. This great memory ability made it possible for you to freely let go of your thoughts and feelings, for they were all recorded in your memory and could be recalled if you desired at a future time.'
21. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has spoken to you how we taught and trained you in your primeval days as a spirit infant, to create and transfer your thoughts and emotions. This skill is part of each of us who are offspring of a god, as you are and as we are. The plants and animals have much lower ability to think and feel and some don't even have this ability at all. For these, we communicate with them only with spirit sense.
22. Once you matured as a spirit, you could freely think and feel and became proficient in communicating with us and your brother and sister spirits. You hadn't learned a language yet, for your thoughts and feeling transfers were an accurate way to communicate exactly what you wanted to express to others.
23. When we decided it was time for you to exit our temple nursery, where you had lived up to this point, we wanted you to learn oral communication also. This we taught you before you left our holy temple. It would become an additional way to effectively communicate with larger groups of spirits, which you would encounter, rather than just one on one transfer of thoughts and feelings.
24. We taught all our grown spirits in our nursery at one time together our oral language. You all learned very quickly and soon were speaking fluently with each other. We next taught you the written form of this language and taught you how to record the language in books. We also taught you how to read these words, for we had multiple libraries with books written in this, our language, that you would want to read.
25. In all of our instruction, all of our spirit children learned quickly and soon could read, write and talk individually or in groups. We then graduated all our mature spirits from our nursery and provided places for them on our celestial orb where they would live and further grow and develop.
26. Raphael, this same language of the gods we taught you and our other children was the same language developed by our first parent Gods. We use this method of communication, along with thought and feeling transfers interchangeably in our celestial world. We need a written and spoken language, for there are so many times that this is preferred to transfer of thoughts and feelings.
27. We who are gods may freely see or perceive in our own children their own thoughts and feelings. This skill is not granted to our children unless they too become a god. We limit the access of our children to each other because of their agency. Some may not wish to transfer their thoughts and feelings to others. We told them in their infancy that we, their parents, would however always know their hearts and minds, in all their stages of progression and growth.
28. We still know all the hearts and intents of our children, wherever they may be. This is a great gift we gods reserve to ourselves. We may share this insight occasionally with our children, for others they may be communicating with, for our own purposes. However, generally, all thoughts and feelings are kept private between our children.'
29. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their revelations to me this beautiful morning! I told them how much I adored them and loved them. They then departed in the same beam of light and returned to their distant temple.
30. At church–Today we came to our own ward. During the sacrament, I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb, in my replicated self. I received the sacrament on earth in the ward, and then made my covenant in heaven. I made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents who were not yet before me. Just before I partook of the bread, I saw my glorious Heavenly Mother coming to me above the water! She was very radiant, so filled with light. She spoke to me:
31. 'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Father and I, we accept your covenant that you have made with us today.
The Sacrament prayer you heard in your LDS ward, in your telestial world has wording that is recorded in your scriptures (see Moroni 4 and 5, D & C 20:77, 79). This states that the spirit will be with the recipient, who sincerely makes this covenant, this is the Holy Spirit.
32. In the millennium in the Church of Christ in the terrestrial world, there will be a different wording that we have revealed to you (see post 83G6 to 83G13). The spirit promised here is the Holy Ghost, or my spirit that I will pour out upon the faithful who make a covenant like you have made with us today.'
33. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I looked into her face, so bright and beautiful to me. I then took the water, and she remained standing in front of me. I know she would give me the abundant gift of the Holy Ghost, her spirit that she was shining upon me at that time.
34. After I drank the water, I saw Heavenly Mother come into me, with her entire Spirit! I then knew I had fully received the gift of the Holy Ghost! This was a very remarkable experience I had today at church!
35. In the evening–tonight I came to my quiet time again at the circling waters. This is where I felt I should come. I drank of the water, and knelt on the edge of the water, on the dry ground. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
My Heavenly Father came walking to me from the waterfall. He was smiling and seemed intent on something. He came directly in front of me and spoke:
36. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are revealing many truths to you in rapid succession. We know that it is very difficult for you in your mortal finite mind to grasp the extent of what we reveal to you. You are doing well to write our words in your journal, and then to have them typed up and posted on the Internet. The index you are working on will also be very helpful for many.
37. Tonight and tomorrow morning I wish to explain to you more details of how we stop time to do some of our work, and how often we do this.
38. A little over a week ago we brought you to our Great Assembly Hall when we three Gods conversed with you in the upper corner of that hall. We stopped time in the celestial orb. You saw those in the hall all stopped in their actions. You also could see yourself replicated at the podium, and even knew the thoughts you were thinking in that snapshot state.
39. We stop time whenever we wish, so that we may slow down the present and have some work done at that moment that would take more finite time then the moment would allow. We wanted you during this meeting to receive a great revelation while time was stopped for everyone else in that hall. When time was resumed, they didn't know that you had received so very much already, and had written it all down in your journal.
40. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I stop time like this occasionally to fulfill our Godly purposes. Time is stopped only in our galaxy, which consists of all our creations. We limit this ability to stop time to our domains, and not to those outside our influence and jurisdiction.
41. Stopping time is a power we have as God. No one of our children may do so, unless we grant them this gift. This power was extended to Joshua, a man of faith who was fighting with his men against the Amorites(see Joshua 10:12-14). The scriptures record that the sun stood still while the army of Israel fought the Amorites in the valley of Ajalon. The sun did not go down about a whole day.
"And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of man: for the Lord fought for Israel." (Joshua 10:14)
In this case, our Son, Jesus Christ, stopped the sun and the entire earth except for those who fought in this valley. When time started again, the earth and sun continued again without interruption. Time was stopped for about a day.
42. You have been taught how stopping time was a very necessary element of Jesus Christ suffering in our higher celestial sphere for all mankind for this eternity. During each of the 700 periods of suffering, time was stopped while Jesus suffered. Time was restarted for a few moments and while his mother and I refreshed and strengthened him in his mission to suffer for the sins of mankind, during the next period of his suffering.'
43. Heavenly Father said to me that he would continue in the morning where he stopped tonight. I thanked him, and said I would return in the morning here at these circling waters.
I closed my prayer and went to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 24, 2019, Monday
1. I awoke after a good sleep. I am refreshed and am the only one up early in my household.
2. I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area, on the celestial orb. I came right where I was kneeling last night, and knelt again. I felt refreshed and open. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come, as he said last night he would.
3. My Heavenly Father immediately appeared where he was last night, a little elevated above the water! He spoke again:
'Raphael, I will continue where I left off last night-
4. 'We stopped time in our entire great galaxy while our Beloved Son suffered for the sins of the world. All planets, orbs, stars, earths, and all our creations stopped momentarily while Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of mankind in this eternity.
5. In addition to these two major events when we stopped time, we do this occasionally like we did last June 15, 1029 at the Great Assembly Hall with you. Only us 4 know about this. When time resumed, it was as if it had never stopped for the rest of our creations.
6. When we desire to stop time like we did a week ago Saturday, we intend time to stop for all of our creations except for when we designate for time to continue. In the case of Joshua when the sun stood still, we stopped all the earth and the entire galaxy except for those who fought in the valley of Ajalon. This was in the telestial sphere. Jesus Christ stopped time, with our permission. We all three Gods observed for the extra day that they fought, so that Joshua would win the battle.
7. During Christ's atonement, there were 700 periods that time was stopped so Jesus would have uninterrupted moments to fully suffer for the sins of mankind. This action only occurred in the higher celestial world, and for Jesus who was also suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane or later on the cross near the Garden tomb, outside the walls of Jerusalem. In this case, time continued in the higher celestial sphere on our celestial orb, and on those two locations on the telestial earth.
8. A week ago Saturday time was stopped in our entire galaxy except for in our higher celestial realm where we three Gods were and with you who was also there.
9. We may stop time in any spiritual realm we wish while in another realm time continues as normal. In every case, we stop the remainder of the galaxy so that the cycles of rotation and systems we have in place will continue uninterrupted, even without the knowledge that time had been suspended for them.
10. We have in our power to stop time as we wish, in locations we wish, all because we are ordained Gods who have been given this great power. We initiate this action of stopping time by our celestial intuition. We determine when to start, where to start, and for how long, and it is begun as we desire. We resume all as normal again when we are done.
11. The creations we have made will stop in their movement and in their awareness of the stoppage of time. Their breathing will stop, their entire being will stop without any movement or deterioration, even for as long as we desire. This is all done by our power of God. Other galaxies outside of our domain have independent time measurements that are unaffected by what we do in our own galaxy.
12. Raphael, you have noticed that we may suspend an action for as long as we wish for a certain event. You came to the Great Assembly Hall a week ago Sunday, the day in your time frame after the meeting when you were on the stand talking to the vast congregation. And yet, Jesus came the next day to you and passed to you the sacrament there. He didn't really wait a full day, but we took you back in the past, in real time, and you experienced again what had actually happened the day before.
13. We may also relive the past as if it was the present. We may also live in the future moments as we desire, even before they come. However, almost always this sort of thing is rarely done, and we choose to live in the present, and to experience time as we have it roll forth upon all of our vast galaxy.
14. We suspend time for one part of our creations and allow time to continue for another part. We do this temporarily, and soon align time to be the same again in all of our creations. We don't do this too often, but have certain times we may want or need to do this.
15. Time is unalterable for man, but not to us your Gods. Time is not a substance, but a state of being. When we alter time, we alter the states of being of our creations. We may choose these states to be "broken" in time, or stopped while others of our creations continue in time in their own state of being.
16. The scriptures refer to wings of power when Nephi was carried upon wings of the Spirit to a high mountaintop (2 Nephi 4:23), and when the earth rolls upon her wings (D&C 88:45), and when God will bear his servants as on eagles' wings (D&C 124:18). Each of the references to wings in these scriptures refers in part to our power to adjust time, for wings refer to movement of time and to different places.
17. When we create any of our vast creations, either from intelligence and elemental matter, or just elemental matter, we do so with the understanding that we may adjust at any future time their state of being. For our own children, we convey this clearly during our creation process, and receive agreement that we may do so with our Godly powers, at any time. We do this change occasionally for our own purposes. When that moment may come, we therefore do not overstep our own bounds to honor the agency of man, for we have already received permission to do so in the beginning from our son or daughter's intelligence.
18. All of our actions as God are delineated in the Book of Laws of God, a part that Jesus Christ has recently shown to you. This book describes in detail to us the laws by which the Gods are governed, and in which parameters the Gods may work and act. This was created in the beginning by our first parent Gods. The powers and limitations of our use of adjusting time for our own creations is explained in this book. Each one who is ordained to become a couple God receives one of these Books of the Laws of God to share and to refer to in all of our activity. These laws set standards of conduct between the Gods so that we all act in similar ways with the same capabilities. The Book of the Laws of God have been periodically updated and redistributed at our meeting with other Gods between the eternities.
19. You may also wonder how we Gods synch our eternities so that they all begin and end at the same time? This is not necessary, for we travel backwards or forward in time to a point when we are all together. For your Heavenly Mother and I, we meet with the other Gods once our last eternity is completed. We travel backwards or forward in time to be located at the current meeting. When we are completed with the latest meeting, we then return to our galaxy and start our next eternity. Remember, time is a state of being, even for us Gods when we go outside of our own galaxy to the center of the universe where our first parent Gods live.
20. Time is a state of being we initiate for each of our creations once they become a living being. Before this, as an intelligence or raw elemental matter, there was no measurement of time. This concept and experience of a time state is altogether new to our creations, just as is the experience for an intelligence is new when it enters into our material creation we made just for it.
21. Raphael, I have briefly shared with you how time issues and states are modifiable by us who are the creators of all things and beings in our great galaxy. Your Heavenly Mother and I will share more about time states as the need arises in the future.'
22. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Father for his revelation on time! I felt so very happy to be further illuminated by his great power and understanding. I told him again that I would always seek his face and seek his counsels and revelations.
23. Evening–I have started praying and writing earlier in my journal tonight than normal. It is still light out somewhat for we just had summer solstice last Friday and the days are long.
24. I came to the desert oasis tonight. My legs were tired for I worked hard today. It seemed somehow I was tired in heaven, but I don't see how that could be. Maybe this was in my conscious mind only.
25. I received a confirming email from M.A. concerning the suffering of Jesus Christ. She had gone to the Great Assembly Hall during the meeting where I read to the congregation the revelation on the suffering of Jesus Christ. Here is her email that she said I could share:
From M.A. 's email, 6-24-2019:
"This morning in prayer I went to the Assembly Hall and knelt just inside. I asked my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ to come. Heavenly Mother said for me to go sit with all the other archangels, male and female on the stand. She told me to take notes. You were reading about our Savior's atonement and His suffering and paying for our sins and the pain it caused Him. Everyone was weeping and feeling bad that we had caused our Savior so much pain. It was exactly how you described in post 125. The Savior came and spoke after you finished. He told us He did it because He loved us.
As I read post 125 yesterday Heavenly Mother was bearing witness that it was all true. So I was a little surprised when She reconfirmed it again in prayer this morning."
"Yes you may post my comment if you want. It was such a touching prayer that I had. Such a confirmation about what you wrote."
26. I love the feeling of warm sand under my feet and between my toes! I felt this at the desert oasis in preparation for my prayer tonight. I knelt in front of the bench and faced the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
27. Heavenly Mother appeared before me on the shore and walked upon the sand to me! She came by my right side and spoke, while facing the oasis in front of me.
'Raphael, I want to show you what this beautiful desert oasis was like in different eternities!' She reached out with her left hand and took mine. I was still kneeling and she was standing. She squeezed my hand and then we were both instantly in a beautiful meadow with scattered bushes and trees! In the place where the oasis was located was a beautiful pond with ducks and other birds, lily pads and such–it was so pretty! There was a walking trail right in front of us too that meandered through the meadow and landscape.
28. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this same area is the desert oasis in your current eternity. We are now back in time during the previous eternity.'
She grabbed my hand and we started strolling around the path.
'Raphael, we are back in the past, even to the previous eternity. You were an intelligence only during this time period, but now with me, by my power, we may visit anytime we may wish. Time is only a state of mind. We will not see others of our children from this previous eternity, but will only be alone here together.
29. You also see that I had a different landscape environment here instead of the desert oasis for your eternity. In most eternities, I change the landscape around me to suit the desires of both your Heavenly Father and me. Much of our celestial orb has a different look for each eternity. We are still in the celestial world on our celestial orb.'
30. At this time, Heavenly Father descended from the sky onto the path and joined us while we were walking!
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we change things on our celestial orb as we desire. We ask the celestial orb to change the ground and the atmosphere here to change the weather patterns. We may change rivers, streams, and lakes as we desire. We then plan new vegetation and find joy in our creations. We usually do all of these changes prior to populating our celestial orb with our new family from the current eternity.'
31. My Heavenly Father stopped, looked at Heavenly Mother and then spoke: 'Raphael, hold both of our hands and we will go to the eternity prior to this one now!'
32. I held their hands and we were on a road with many fields of grain in front of us! Behind us, to the north of the road, was a hilly area with extremely large hardwood trees, looking like maple trees! There was no lake and the terrain was entirely different than the next eternity or my own with the desert oasis.
33. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the farmland in front of us was where your Heavenly Father grew his grain in this previous eternity. In this eternity we were both known to our children as their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother during the entire 7,000 years of the earth's temporal existence. We both acted as the Holy Ghost and came interchangeably to our beloved children who were faithful on their earth.
34. We may go to any time, past and future, or place we may desire. We may also take you there by our power. On your own, you are not able to do so until you too become a god as we are gods.
35. Our children from these past two eternities are now all gone on to their eternal rewards. We remember each one and still visit with our exalted children frequently who are couple gods. We love them dearly and they love us. We share freely with our faithful children in eternity, worlds without number, galaxies without end, and children born in the image of the gods!'
36. We were then instantly back by the bench on the familiar desert oasis! Heavenly Mother was in front of me and I was standing. Heavenly Father was no longer with us.
37. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this exciting demonstration of the changes in our celestial orb with different eternities. I thanked her for giving me such a great lesson on time and how it is really just a state of mind. I said I loved her and Heavenly Father so very much!
38. My prayer ended and I came back to my chair on earth where I had been experiencing all of this in my conscious mind, at least to some degree. I knew I had fully experienced this entire visionary experience on the celestial orb in my unconscious mind.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 25, 2019, Tuesday
1. My sister, K, had asked my a question when I recently wrote that Heavenly Mother is the Holy Ghost for this current eternity. I had said that the scriptures refer to her as a man. K had asked how this could be since God is supposed to never lie?
2. I went to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden this morning. I thought it is so lovely here, in her beautiful mountain forest and stream below me! I knelt on the granite and faced the distant temple. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I asked in faith, believing it to happen.
3. Heavenly Father gradually came in front of me! He became brighter and brighter until he was in his full glory. He smiled and then spoke to me:
'Raphael, there are many things and truths that we don't openly share with our children. It is either not the correct time in our mind to reveal these to our sons and daughters, or they are not ready to receive our truths yet.
4. You have also seen that we may change our plans for each of our eternities, including how we appear to our children. In this eternity, your Heavenly Mother is the Holy Ghost. In a previous eternity, she may have a different role and I too might be the Holy Ghost. We may or may not wish to make our identities known exactly who we are at a certain point in our eternity. This is not lying, but is waiting for the correct timing to reveal our truths. In each eternity, we have a time when all truths are revealed to the faithful.
5. We chose to have Heavenly Mother be referred to as a man from the beginning of this eternity. Jesus Christ, our beloved Son, referred to the Holy Ghost as a man during his mortal ministry, even though he knew this was your Heavenly Mother. He did so since that was our plan from the beginning of this eternity. We did so to protect her identity for our own purposes. The role of the Holy Ghost was so important that we wanted him to reveal the role of the Holy Ghost, but still to keep her identity hidden, for the time of her revealing was not yet. We chose to refer to her as a man. We even confirmed to our children that she was a man, a member of the godhead.
6. Raphael, we may choose to act in this way and it is not a sin, nor a lie. We have options to protect the identity by withholding information due to timing and a need to know. This is explained to us in the Book of the Laws of God, what may be appropriate to withhold or not. We are within our rights and bounds in what we have done, according to eternal law.
7. Our faithful will be blessed by us just the same if they believe what we reveal to them, for if a truth is not yet to be revealed, they are not responsible to know what we haven't yet told them. We want them to be open and believing of whatever we reveal to them. As they believe and act in faith, they will be blessed to obtain our Spirit and guidance continually in their lives. We don't want them to be stuck in a certain belief and not be willing to accept new truth that may augment that which we had previously revealed to them.
8. There will be other issues we will reveal to our faithful that were hidden and then were brought into the light. We want our children to be malleable and believing of these new truths. We reveal our truths in a way we choose, and as fast as they may be able to receive.
9. In the case of your Heavenly Mother, we chose to have her revealing to be in the last days. We planned all of her role, identity and revealing from the beginning. We particularly wanted our faithful children to accept what we revealed to them at the time it was revealed to them. We want them to always have full confidence in our words. We will abundantly bless our believing and faithful children that are open to our instructions and our Holy Spirit.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanation. I told him I would follow the path he would reveal to me to take and always follow the light.
Heavenly Father smiled and then faded away while I was left kneeling on the granite cliff. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
11. Evening–Tonight I came to the maple tree grove near the Great Assembly Hall, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the Water's edge and drank living water from this pristine-clear lake. I stayed on the shore and knelt, facing the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
12. Heavenly Mother came in a brilliant splash of light, it looked like from the far side of the lake! The light was very bright and intense, and it lit up the whole end of the lake! Heavenly Mother stopped right in front of me. I felt her bright heavenly light of the Holy Ghost penetrate into my entire being, and pass through all of me. It was accompanied by a deep love and acceptance that I deeply felt. I was almost brought to tears of joy to be again in the presence of my glorious Heavenly Mother!
13. She spoke directly to me, with thought communication. These words came right into my unconscious mind, and I wrote them down as I perceived and thought these words:
'Raphael, I am very pleased to come before you here, at the western shore of our large celestial lake in heaven! This is one of our favorite places to come in of our creations.
14. We have recently taught you about time as being a state of mind or existence. Prior to creating our children, we came outside the bounds of our great universe and traveled to places to select intelligences that we would form into our very sons and daughters. These intelligences lived in an environment void of light and time. They were able to communicate in rudimentary ways together and with us when we came to visit them. We brought our own light that they perceived, but we came independent of time. These intelligences never had any concept of time, for they always existed, and had no concept of past, present or future, for these are measurements of time. They were able to communicate with us, and trust us because we carried with us light and could communicate with them through spirit sense communication. These intelligences possessed a will and agency, even at this very early stage of their existence. They could reason and perceive. There were various levels of intelligence among these, and these with the higher intelligence, possessing more reasoning power, we chose to become our sons and daughters.
15. As soon as they each accepted our offer to become created into our image, we brought them with us, along with elemental matter, and I conceived of the Father and his seed and this single intelligence entered into my womb. Here I created my infant child who would soon be born in the spirit that I created from my body, from this elemental matter.
16. Once born, our new son or daughter began experiencing time periods. This included past, present and future measurement of time. For example, as they grew, they knew they were once born in the past, and would one day grow into our fully-grown son or daughter spirit in the future. They also knew of their current state as a spirit child in the present. They had never before been able to conceive of these concepts, but not as they started to grow they could comprehend this.
17. In the pre-mortal life of our spirit children, time was measured in large periods of past, present and future. There was no exact time or dependable clock, or even night and day. The night and day on our celestial orb was reserved for those who have already experienced a mortal time-based existence.
18. After the phase of events when Lucifer and his hosts were cast out of heaven, our children who remained with us prepared for their time-based world. This would be a very time centered telestial environment.
19. I will continue more explanation of this transition with you tomorrow morning, Raphael, meet me here on this same shore in the morning, and I will continue my discussion of time.'
20. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother, and then she suddenly left in a flash. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 26, 2019, Wednesday
1. This morning I awoke refreshed, and felt ready to receive more from my glorious Heavenly Mother! I came again to the western shores of Lake Beautiful, and knelt by the water's edge. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
2. She immediately appeared next to me, exactly where she was last night! Her light increased and she was smiling. She spoke:
3. 'Raphael, I cut off my discussion with you so that you could be with your wife when she retired to bed. You were also so very tired from all you did during the day.
4. When our children prepared for earth life, we taught them more about the time-based world that they would soon enter.. They never slept up to this point, so a routine of day and night, activity and rest had never occurred to them. We brought into our world the movement of our celestial sun and celestial moon. Prior to this moment, the celestial sun and moon remained stationary in the sky above. We showed them what day and night would be like, when the sun set, and how beautiful nighttime was. They still didn't experience fatigue and the need to rest, but we taught them details of the human body, and how and why regulation of the physical, telestial body was so essential. Night and day would become a clock for them that cycled every day once they came to the mortal earth.
5. We taught them of morning, noon and evening, and how they would be most energetic during the day. We taught them of seasons of the year, and phases of life from childhood, adulthood, and ultimately old age. We taught them of birth and death–all of these would be experienced in our environment when time progressed steadily, all regulated by the earth's rotation with precision in the solar system. So much of their future human physical body would cycle on repeated time-based needs. All this we would teach them, and have them learn as much as possible in their pre-mortal state, prior to entry into the telestial physical world.
6. Our spirit children were very excited for the new adventure and experience of coming to the earth and to be born into a family! We told each one that once they entered mortality, it would become difficult for them to understand a world that wasn't so strictly time-based like where they currently lived. Changes in the pre-mortal spirit world were measured in long periods or phases, with emphasis on completion of that phase, and had no regular time-based environment.
7. Raphael, you have been immersed in mortality for many years now, and are extremely familiar with your time-based world. This time-based world will continue into the great millennial day, for that too will be a physical earth, and you will have time cycles in your own physical body, with needs of sleep and recuperation. Once the 7,000 years of earth's temporal existence comes to an end (see D&C 77:6), then the earth itself will die and be resurrected. It will take up its place in rotation around Kolob and become a celestial earth, continually bathed in light and glory. Time cycles will end, the temporal existence of all creations on its surface will cease, and it will become an eternally glorified habitation for the celestial creations that live there and for our children who become couple gods. This will complete the salvation of mankind, our sons and daughters, and our current eternity will end.
8. Time is an important part of each eternity. We use the various states of man or time experiences, for his/her progression in our great plan of happiness and growth. All the progress and growth are various states of our children as they move towards their eternal destiny. When this eternity is closed, and our celestial are exalted, their past will become a very memorable experience that they will not only be able to recall in their minds and memory, but they will be able to go back to their own states of being, at any moment or period in their past, and witness their state of being at that particular time. They won't be able to relive their past, but they may experience how they acted and what they choose to do. They may visit their past environment like we visited with you recently that past two eternities at the desert oasis area: we visited those areas that had different landscapes and environments, and we were filled with memories of those periods in our past. We may even have visionary experiences in our past that we see repeated the past, with people and places, and ourselves. We may observe and reminiscent, and enjoy again those times or states of being we once had. We may thus travel and experience past, present and future events with our godly capability.'
9. Time is therefore a state of being that we all experience, whether past, present or future. Our first parent Gods created time measurements, and the various states of being so that the children of God could progress and grow. Oh, I am so thankful for our first parent Gods, for the wonderful experiences they set up in the beginning in a time-based universe, as we all move forward in eternity!'
10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her beautiful explanation of time! I look forward to learning more, as the need arises, on time-related discussions as they have told me I might someday also receive. Now, I feel the time–discussions will end, however (my hunch). I told my Mother how pleased I felt to be in her presence last night and this morning. I too said I was grateful for meditative periods when time seems to be suspended as I pray and receive from either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother. I told her I loved her and my Father and would keep their commands and commandments.
11. I then saw Heavenly Mother ascend up into the beautiful celestial sky and disappear from my view! I closed my prayer, left the celestial orb, and started my new Wednesday, June 26th, 2019, on the earth.
12. Evening–Tonight I came to relax in my chair very late in the evening. I came to the small pond at the start of Heavenly Mother's upper garden stream. I stood by the shore, looking at the pretty lily pads and flowers and aquatic animals all around. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
13. My Heavenly Mother came to me here, with no fanfare like she did last night on Lake Beautiful. She had soft light and was smiling!
She spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have lived a full day on earth today. You spent valuable time with loved ones, visiting with them and enjoying your time together. You and your wife sought to uplift and bless their lives.
In the evening, there is no harm in having personal time, alone from the desires of family members with needs. It is acceptable to have quiet evenings, alone with your wife and with yourself. You have lots of activities all day long. We also desire to commune with you in the early mornings and evenings and don't want to have you keep too busy with family or outside interests at those times. How you fill up your time during the day is certainly up to you, but keep open your quiet time in the mornings and most evenings, if possible.
14. In our celestial world where we live, we have lots of time to mingle with each other and visit family and friends, our godly circles. We spend most of our actions in caring for and blessing our beloved children of the present eternity, with whom we live. We have many plans to live and fulfill, all prepared and detailed in advance. We do this to insure we never leave out any necessary actions to bless and strengthen our children and give them every opportunity to accept our ways and to keep our counsels. Our purposes and plans continue to roll forth with great majesty, all according to our will and desire.
15. We are giving you, Raphael, experiences of aging that will be for your learning and understanding. Without reaching and living in this phase of life, you wouldn't understand so well the needs of the elderly. We desire you to be able to relate to people of all ages and situations, by experiences you have lived through in mortality. You will be able to extend to our faithful kindness and love, understanding and compassion, when they come to you and you perform for them the ordinance of the waters of separation. You will carry our Spirit with you in all of your administrations also.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words and counsels! I told her I would obey and follow her always.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 27, 2019, Thursday
1. Each morning I come to God in prayer, I am successful to really get in a meditative state where I am mostly unaware of time passing, or even what day it is or where I am located on earth. I mostly feel I am on the celestial orb somewhere. I think identifying my location there helps me fully get into a meditative state where I may have an experience with my Gods. I am sure if I were too preoccupied with things that could distance me, I would find it so much more difficult to connect with God.
2. This morning I came to the young forest along the path going westward from the circling waters. I came to the horizontal log and knelt there on the ground, facing east from where I came. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking side by side down the path to me! They were conversing and were holding hands. My heart jumped in excitement in seeing them!
When they arrived at me, they both faced me, who was next to the horizontal log and smiled. Heavenly Father spoke first: 'Raphael, your comments in your journal this morning are correct about the need for you to get in a meditative and calm state on earth prior to praying to us, your Heavenly Parents. This connects your conscious mind to your unconscious mind best, and allows you to hear more clearly when we speak to your unconscious mind. This state of mind requires that you put us first in your life during the early morning and evening hours also, if you hope to really hear and communicate with us. It is in this state of mind that we give revelation most of the time to our mortal children.
4. It is time for us to start a new topic with you. We have mostly talked to you about time in this last week since Monday. However, we intersperse other important topics so that our children who read your words need to glean from them the gems of truth you write on many topics. Being with us in your replicated person here on our celestial orb gives you a wonderful view of how we live, treat each other, and interact with our children. We vary our approaches to come to you, and our settings in which we speak to you to give variety and interest. The words you record at the time we speak to your mind and heart are true. These come gently and steadily, in the fragile communication channels between the celestial and telestial worlds, which separate us. Although you are before us in your replicated state in our celestial world, you write all in your mortal conscious mind in your telestial world. We desire our other mortal children to connect to us in the ways you have demonstrated in your efforts to pray and commune with us.'
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, stand and take our hands and walk with your Heavenly Father and me!'
I stood and came between them. Heavenly Father was on my right and Heavenly Mother on my left. They started walking with me in the middle. Almost immediately, we were above the trees and had entered into their higher celestial realm! I experienced a more difficult moment trying to connect to myself in the higher celestial realm from my meditative state on earth. However, soon I reconnected and we came above a world filled with people of all sorts, in family and friend relationships. I wondered where we were.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we are above your earth in another area than where you live. You can see all of the relationships between our children below us that exist. The strongest and healthiest relationships are depicted as love bonds that are bright and white. These connect fathers to mothers, husbands to wives, parents to children, and friends to friends in both directions. These healthy connections are very enlivening to the souls of our children! They provide purpose and a motivation to serve each other in love. These love bonds are created through love and acceptance between our children. These are also imbued with trust and assurance that this relationship will continue to provide mutual respect and openness.
7. You see also bonds between our children that are of various colors. The worst bonds or cords that exist are dark colored and even some that are black. These are usually between a manipulative controlling person and his/ her victim. The control person receives their motivation to keep this negative cord active because of something that fills their own personal needs or evil-based desires. There is no love or consideration for the other person, but rather a self-focused desire to prey on that victim, usually emotionally, spiritually, mentally and/ or physically.
8. The victims involved in these dark relationships are also linked to their abuser with bonds of connection that are addictive and unnatural. They often desire to escape but are unable to leave for a number of reasons, all based in fear or trauma of some sort. Their persecutor holds them in bondage because of false beliefs and threats.
9. Raphael, we may come upon a community of our children on earth and visibly see these relationships, whether good or bad. We may tell how healthy the society is by how many white, loving and pure relationships we see versus how many colored or dark relationships we see. Your world now has a preponderance of dark relationships! The love of man has waxed cold, because iniquity abounds in your world and society (see JS Matthew 1:30 and D&C 45:27). Satan has great hold upon the people, for they reject the light of Christ that comes to each one, and he or she turns away from that which is good and lovely and follows the natural man. Their deeds become dark and the people become carnal, sensual and devilish (see Moses 6:49). Their relationships and bonds with others become perverted and are depicted by these dark cords between them.
10. We came upon the cities of the plain in Abraham and Lot's day and saw so very many dark and black cords of wickedness between our children there. The victims in these relationships cried out to us but did not have the strength or the ability to free themselves from these evil bonds of their persecutors. The entire city of Sodom where Lot lived was so evil that the wicked people wanted to do their devices on the men of God whom we sent to free Lot and his family and to destroy the city with fire (see Genesis chapter 19).
11. Raphael, there are many areas on your earth that are similar in wickedness to that of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities of the plains in those ancient days. Were you to try to energetically cut the dark cords of these with black cords, the desires and addictions of the persecutor and the victim would soon reattach themselves. This sort of healing requires a change of heart. Only once one of the parties of the evil cording repents can this cord be severed and the evil relationship broken.
12. There are skilled therapists and professionals in your world who have been trained in helping free our children who find themselves in this condition. We desire you to also learn some of these fundamental principles so that you may help those in need and heal them by our power. We will address these issues in upcoming prayers.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words! I am very interested in this, for I have those close to me who are entrapped in dark cords and are the victims. I want to bless and help them in particular.
14. My Heavenly Parents then started to fade from my view and I knew my prayer had ended for now. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
15. Evening–Tonight I came to the celestial orb, to the overlook on Heavenly Father's wheat field to the east. I saw the fallen oak tree with roots up in the air too. As I was viewing the scene in front of me, there was a gathering of light to my front left! I then saw Heavenly Father appear before me, and I quickly came to my knees out of my love and honor for him. He was smiling, and shed forth his heavenly light upon me! I felt great peace and calm with his light.
16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have felt a great calm with my light that I sent into you tonight. This same peace and calmness may be with you always as you choose to think and control your thoughts to be in peace and calm. You may develop the ability to control your mind, even in the midst of great trauma, distress or grief. You have full power to choose your own thoughts.
17. When a loved one chooses to live in sin, or allow themselves to be subjugated to an evil person or Satan's ways, this can be very distressing to those who love him or her. You might extend love and acceptance, but you don't have control over that other person living in sin. No matter how much you grieve, worry or fret, you have no power to make a change in the other person.
18. I have so many of my children living in sin, that were I to continue to grieve, worry or fret about these wayward children, but continue to love and accept them as my children. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus and I invite them to repent and partake of our spirit that brings joy. We will accept all who come to us with repentant hearts in humility. If they conform to our gospel standards we will welcome them, and lead them to realms of happiness and peace.
19. This morning we showed you in vision cities of sin where so many of our children experienced dark or black negative cords between them. This situation was so severe in Sodom and the cities of the plain in Lot's day, that we completely destroyed those cities and their inhabitants. As more children would be born in those perverted relationships, they too would become in bondage without any hope of becoming freed.
20. You heard your wife make a comment to you today about what she heard on a podcast: when a member of the LDS church leaves the church, those around them grieve their departure, and often start to shun them from their religious circles, which is counter to their very own religion. Often there is then a lot of non-acceptance and backbiting, which is not what the gospel of Christ teaches.
21. The correct way to handle such an announcement is to show increased love and acceptance to the one departing the faith in sincerity and friendship, lest they esteem you to be an enemy (see D&C 121:43). In most of such cases, you can do nothing about changing the mind of the one who is disaffected. Your greatest influence is to truly love and accept them, and drop grief, worry and fretting. There is a certain amount of grieving one might expect, to allow the negative emotion to fully be realized and dealt with. Then there is a time to release the grief and move on in peaceful and calm feelings. This is the choice I make with regard to my wayward children.'
22. Heavenly Father smiled again, and his peace beamed upon me. I felt very calm and felt to bask in this beautiful light he gave me.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 28, 2019, Friday
1. I am up before my family in a room in my house where sunshine is streaming through the window. I am very grateful for the blessings of being alive and happy!
2. I came to the rock cliffs just south of the city of Enoch on the celestial orb. The celestial sun was shining brightly in the sky, and I felt very happy and clear in my mind. I looked down to the lovely valley where Enoch's people live and it seemed so peaceful.
3. I knelt on the rock and faced the city, then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. Heavenly Mother immediately came to me from the northern skies! She was bright, and shining her light upon me and the surrounding area. I felt very loved and happy.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the beautiful city below us is the residence of our happy and loving children who were born in Enoch's day before Noah's flood. There are a few others who also joined them from the days when Melchizedek lived and he and he and his people were also translated. These are now mostly out serving their fellowmen, following our spirit to guide them in their godly work of love.'
5. She then touched my forehead, and extended her hand. I took her hand, and she spoke: 'Raphael, we are now in a previous day in the past, several years after Melchizedek and his people had joined Enoch's group. Let's go in my higher celestial realm and view the happiness and peace that exists among our choice sons and daughters.'
6. I stood and held my Heavenly Mother's hand. We then traveled above the city, like I had done above the city of Sodom and other cities of the plains in Lot's day yesterday morning. The city now below us was a vast city of Enoch and his people, living in this valley on the celestial orb!
7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you will be able to view the relationships between the people. In this city of righteous, God-loving people, there are no dark bonds like you saw yesterday morning among the wicked. Instead you see white connections of light and love, acceptance and gratitude! This is a result of the people living in ways Enoch and Melchizedek have taught them, and how our Holy Spirit has inspired them. These our faithful elect children follow principles of righteousness in all their interactions with each other. They live in an attitude of loving and serving each other. They accept all and genuinely care and think of one another as themselves.'
8. I looked closely and saw the white loving cords of close relationships, in families and friends. I could see no relationship that was colored or dark!
9. 'Raphael, if there is ever a time when any interaction between our children here becomes stressed or unnatural, or not with happy feelings from either party of a relationship, our children in these situations follow what Jesus later revealed:
10. Matthew 18:15 "Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and how alone: " he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. " (see also JST Matthew 7:4-8).
11. Any squabbles between these righteous people were not allowed to fester, but they peacefully resolved them in love and charity. This is the reason why you don't see dark relationships here among these people of God, but instead are love bonds between many people! We love to be among these our elect children who follow our spirit and keep their relationships happy! The bonds of love are strong and link the people in unity. This brings great peace and well-bring to this society!'
12. Heavenly Mother then squeezed my hand we then quickly left the people of Enoch. We came next to the earth, for I saw it as we descended to another area where people lived.
13. 'Raphael, we are now going to our elect who live in your future, during the millennium!'
We were still in the higher celestial realms, so the people were unaware of our visit among them. I saw many people in houses and in places where there were stores and other buildings. We paused and watched them interact together.
14. I immediately saw the white loving bonds between these righteous people! These bonds of love appeared once they saw each other. Many embraced when they met, and others lovingly put arms around each other's shoulders. There were lots of smiles and laughing too! Everyone seemed to be so accepting of each other. I didn't see any judgment or controlling attitudes. I thought that there couldn't be a happier people of God than these! (see 4 Nephi 1:16) "And there were no envying nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."). I yearned to live with my own wife and family among them! They were so open and receptive, always following the Holy Spirit, and acting in love and consideration towards one another!
15. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you will have the privilege to dwell among such a happy people! This is Zion, the pure in heart! When you reside in a future day with your loved ones, you will be a part of such a loving group of people. Oh, I love to be among my children when they treat each other so lovingly, with kindness and gentleness! These are the fruits of following our Spirit. They think more of their neighbor than themselves. We freely shed forth our heavenly light upon these our blessed children. Satan is also bound and will not have power to bind them with his evil words and perverted dark bonds!'
16. I spoke: 'My Heavenly Mother, how may I begin to have such loving relationships, even in my day?'
She answered: 'Raphael, for you who live in a darkened world as do you now on your earth, begin by extending love and service to all those around you. Start in your family that we have given to you. Care for and gently talk and love one another. Give freely of your time and means to those in your inner circle, so that they genuinely feel your love. Shower upon your family and friends your understanding heart, your smile, and your light. Be open and accepting of their foibles, and don't shun them. Follow my Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost that the Father, Jesus and I will abundantly shed forth upon you. You will then do more to begin Zion in your own relationships than by any other means!'
17. Heavenly Mother then turned and embraced me lovingly! She imbued in me her love and great peace! I feel so filled with her light, and experienced a deep calmness and abiding joy.
18. She then brought me back to my chair where I had been writing all of my experience, back to my home. She vanished and I continued to feel her love and great peace. I feel so happy, so wanting to preserve this feeling throughout my coming day!