119. Opposition in All Things
Posted 4-24-2019
I hope you are each doing very well! I am so happy that spring is finally here! All the trees are leafing out, and our flowers are gorgeous!
In this post I write a lot about the opposition that is required to forge an elect son or daughter of God. You will also find more insights on the war in heaven here also.
As always, don't take my own word for any of this, but petition God to reveal whether I speak the truth or not. I would love hearing you too!
P.S. I took some pictures around the yard and in the orchard from this week. The blossoms are breathtaking! I also included a few pictures from a recent hike up in the mountains.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 14, 2019, Sunday
1. I awoke early this morning and feel refreshed and ready again to pray and receive from my Heavenly Parents. I came this new morning to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank from the shore the pure living water. I felt clarified and ready to pray again! I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
2. Heavenly Mother appeared a little above the water in the air in front of me! She was radiating her intense light and love that streamed into me and filled me with great peace and acceptance. I felt so very comfortable and enlivened in her presence!
3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, make this new journal entry a new website post. We want our angels to receive what we have recently shared with you more about the light that I will send to them to shine on the earth!' Her eyes were so very bright and sparkling and she was smiling broadly!
4. 'Raphael, I want to talk with you about a new subject today. We gave our beloved children on earth experiences that they learn from all throughout their lives. The lessons of childhood are just as important as those they receive when old and feeble, but are so different. Every phase of life provides new growth and greater understanding. These are all so very valuable for them!
If our children live to an old age, they will have most likely learned all we have planned for them during their stay in their mortal telestial sphere. They will have grown in much greater wisdom and experience which is such an invaluable foundation for their future lives in the next phase of their progression.
5. They then move into the spirit realms of the dead, unless it is in the millennial day when they may die and be immediately resurrected to a celestial glory. The realms of the dead are not only times of waiting to move onto the next phase where they will be judged and resurrected, but are most often filled with service to others. For the righteous, they are assigned to watch over and guide someone in their mortal life from where they have just come. The righteous also spend time in the telestial world of the dead in helping those there progress in knowledge and understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
6. A guardian spirit is usually one of a near family member who watches over an individual person in their mortal life. We have those in the paradise of God who are in the terrestrial world of the dead, make these assignments through inspiration from us. The guardian spirit may be one who lives in either the telestial or terrestrial realms of the dead. They have a vested interest in their own family member. Often they are a spouse, a parent, or grandparent, an uncle or an aunt or a sibling. They are chosen based on their willingness to serve unselfishly the one in mortality, and to encourage them to turn to God and not follow the adversary.
7. A guardian spirit who is assigned to one in mortality is charged to watch and guide from behind the visual realms of their mortal family member. We don't want them to interfere in any way except to encourage, bless and protect. They have a special admission to view continually the one in mortality. For other spirits in the realms of the dead, there is a boundary between the dead and the living, and they are restricted in coming into and witnessing the events on the earth unless we have them occasionally witness something of great importance.
8. We have those assigned who call the ministering spirits to come and assign the one to minister. They meet together in a private setting to talk over all the situations that they may encounter for the one in mortality. We are not restrictive of the gender of the ministering spirit, for a grandfather could be assigned to watch over his granddaughter for instance. We assign each person on earth a special family member by the time they are eight years old in the flesh.
9. When assigned and after accepting, the one in authority then sets the ministering spirit apart by the laying on of the hands. This has been usually done by male spirits who hold the priesthood, but now is starting to include my own daughters who hold the office of high priestess. We want the one who sets apart the ministering spirit to have our authority to do so from us, their Gods.
10. I have interchangeably said guardian spirit and ministering spirit. Both are used in describing the calling and function of the ones assigned. They need to have love for their relative, but true desires to minister at all times and follow our basic guidelines of decorum and watchfulness.
11. We always insist that the guardian spirit allow the agency or choice of the one in mortality following our pattern we have set for interacting with our own children. They may whisper to the mind of their family member in mortality, and warn them of danger, or encourage them in ways and paths of righteous behavior. If evil spirits come to their family member, and that member takes interest in the evil enticings, they then need to step back and watch without interference. The one ministering should also step back in private times that might embarrass their family member if they knew they were being watched. These include dressing, bathing, any intimate sexual relationships, or such an activity they would want to keep private. If the one being ministered to becomes engaged in non wholesome activities, we encourage our ministering spirit to watch for times when they may influence and persuade through spiritual communications and thought transfers to stop such behavior. They need to be careful not to be forceful, but instead entice and persuade them to make correct choices. The guardian spirit has a rich experience from their own mortal life to know good and evil and nuances of allowing free choice in the one they are seeking to influence.
12. The ministering spirits are given insights and foreknowledge of events that may be crucial or dangerous in the life of their family member. This is a blessing they receive in their setting apart ordinance. They usually grow deeper in their love also for the one they minister to during their time of service.
13. Your Heavenly Father died before me when I was still living on earth, in my older age. He was then assigned and set apart to minister to me until I too passed away. Prior to this, I had my grandmother, whom I knew when younger, but had died in my twenties. Before that time, I had my great grandmother assigned to me since I was eight years old.
14. Each of these loving ministering or guardian spirits loved and cared for me while I was in mortality. They protected me from harmful situations I couldn't see coming by giving me impressions and thoughts in my own mind. They were compassionately encouraging me during my struggles and times where I grew a lot from hardships. They all worked behind the scenes so that I didn't consciously know that they were present. At the end of my life, I knew my husband was often near me and was lovingly watching over me in my life. This gave me great comfort in my old age!
15. Raphael, you now have your great grandfather, Raleigh Gray, assigned to you as your guardian spirit. He has developed a great love for you. He has been your guardian spirit since soon after he died when you were a child. He knows of your great calling and has effectively guided you in your life.
16. We also may take a more prominent role in the lives of our mortal children as we have recently done with you. We are now with you continually, by your side, in our higher celestial realms. Your grandpa Gray does not see us, since he works from the terrestrial realms of the dead. He has been ordained to the priesthood by his proxy ordinance in the LDS temple. He lives in the paradise of God, and is very diligent in watching over you in your mortal life.
17. When you have communions with us, as you are receiving now from me, your guardian spirit does not come into our celestial realms, as do you in your meditations and prayers. He watches over your mortal physical life on the earth, in your telestial realm where you live day in and day out.
18. We use our children to minister to and serve our other children as much as we can. This increases their own love for the ones they serve and provides a valuable and essential service to those who receive their care. You are being served and you also serve others. This is part of our plan for the lives of our righteous children.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her loving and beautiful message today! I feel very honored and blessed!
20. Evening after church–Today my wife and I attended our own ward for sacrament. I came to the circling waters where I was kneeling by the shore of the water. After the priest blessed the bread, I made my weekly covenant without seeing either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother. After I partook of the bread, the face of my Heavenly Father came immediately into my mind. He spoke to me:
21. 'Raphael, in behalf of your Mother and I, we accept your covenant to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be next to you.
22. The most important and critical probationary experience for our children was in their pre-mortal life in the celestial world. In this first estate, they either followed Lucifer and were cast out for rebellion, or they followed Jehovah, our Beloved Son.
23. The second important probationary experience is their mortal life in a fallen telestial world. Here they choose what they really wanted and desired to do, without seeing us and acting on faith. The third and final probationary state, the spirit world of the dead, is an extension of the mortal state of man where they may choose what they want, with limited views and faith.
24. Abraham 3:26–"And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon, and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate, and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever."'
I then lost connection with my Heavenly Father whose face I saw in my mind so clearly.
25. Tonight I visited some neighbors with my wife, and am now ready to pray. I had a question for what Heavenly Father spoke to me at the sacrament: How was the pre-mortal spirit life a time of great probation? I had thought that the mortal probation of mankind was the great time of testing, but I hadn't thought that the pre-mortal life was a more important time of testing for God's children then even their mortal experience.
26. Tonight I came to the overlook point next to the great hill and field to the south and southeast, with God's temple in the southeast distance. I knelt facing the distant temple, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I waited and watched.
27. Heavenly Mother soon appeared before me, glowing brighter and brighter in a place next to me! She soon was fully standing before me. She was very bright and smiling. I felt lots of love from her!
28. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I want to show you a vision on the green hill and grassy field before us. What you will see will be an experience you directly lived through in your pre-mortal life.
29. Stand and look now on the hill and field in front of us! I turned, stood and looked on the hill and the field. I then saw people in lively discussions in three separate groups. Some were standing and listening to one speaker talking energetically in persuasive ways. In the second group there were men and women talking in lively discussions, reasoning with each other to follow their own views. I saw this group get frustrated with each other, and the people walk off in two different directions.
30. I saw then a third group of men and women meeting in a grove of trees, trying to stay out of the public eye. As I looked closer, they seemed to be conspiring against Jehovah, the chosen great Redeemer of the people by God the Father and Heavenly Mother. They were talking about Lucifer's proposed plan and how reasonable and sure it was, compared to our Heavenly Parents' chosen plan and their chosen Christ. I then saw them secretly agree to meet again soon in that same grove of trees, and to bring other friends that were questioning the choice of our Heavenly Parents in choosing Jesus Christ.
31. Heavenly Mother spoke again–'Raphael, you were involved in both of the first two groups, but not in the latter conspiring group. At this time, there were so many of our children questioning whether to follow Jehovah or Lucifer. You were a very persuasive proponent of our gospel plan of our Beloved Son, Jehovah. In the first group, you were one of those who spoke energetically in favor of our plan. You warned repeatedly how flawed Lucifer's plan was because of his disregard for the agency of man, and that he didn't have the support of us, their Heavenly Parents.
32. These discussions and talks were the very most important moments of decision for our spirit children up to that point. These discussions continued on for a period until there was a clear polarization between Jehovah's followers and Lucifer's followers. As yet there was no violence, but many strong words and negative unpleasant feelings, particularly from Lucifer's followers.
33. The polarization occurred over our entire celestial orb among all our children. It felt like a very difficult decision in the hearts of many of our children. Some like you were very strong proponents of our plan, and some were just as strong of proponents for Lucifer's persuasive plan.
Q: Is it always the same plan proposed by an adversary in every eternity?
34. This was the very most important probationary experience of our future descendants ever, even including their future mortal probation.'
35. I felt very enlightened how dramatic the contest of persuasion and decision was for the spirit children of our Heavenly Parents! I thanked my Heavenly Mother for showing this vision to me of the three groups of people. I felt relieved that I had always been a strong proponent of Jehovah and my parents' plan.
36. I told her how much I continued to love her and follow her and Heavenly Father's plan for the salvation of their children.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 15, 2019, Monday
1. I have been thinking of the great debates and discussions that we, the spirit children experienced in our pre-mortal world. I had never realized how openly, and also in secret these heated and emotional group discussions were. I believe Lucifer was very active promoting his own plan and of destroying the plan of his Father and Mother.
2. I came today up the path where I saw the vision, and started to enter the tall fir forest. I felt impressed to stop here and pray. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.
3. Heavenly Father then came to me from deeper in the fir forest. He was flowing in light, and the smile of his countenance came upon me. I felt warmed by his peace and great love for me!
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our Beloved Son, the great Immanuel to whom we gave the new name of Jehovah, was conspicuously absent from all of the heated discussions among our spirit children. We were training him and preparing him for his great mission of being a god, and in learning our godly ways in his new role as the Redeemer of our children.
5. All of the archangels and the others of our children hadn't yet received their calling and assignments. We wanted them to divide into two main groups so that we could know for certain who were for us and who were against us. We watched from the higher celestial realms all that was going on with our children as they discussed and persuaded each other.
6. For our children who had stayed close to us and lived near us, they all were very faithful proponents of our peaceful gospel plan of love. They had observed how we respected each of our children's agency, and how we were so very free and open with them. On the other hand, Lucifer proposed a plan of coercion that had never before been part of our kingdom in heaven. He said he would guarantee their return to heaven again once they come to mortal earth. Lucifer was a liar from the beginning, and had no such ability or power to fulfill his words. We have no such guarantees, but instead we said that whatever our children choose by their own agency and choice would be their destiny. This topic of agency was one of the most heated topics of discussion.
7. When we were with Jehovah at this time, we ordained him to be a God. We invited a group of our future angels to our throne room in our holy temple (see post 99B11). We had only some of the very most faithful who had never wavered in their support of us their Gods in attendance.
8. Those who were cast out of heaven for rebellion in following Lucifer's plan were cast into a telestial sphere on the earth. Unless they would repent, they would receive a kingdom of no glory, being cast off forever from our presence and our light. They would be forever alone, never able to interact with others, and be returned to their intelligent-only state.
9. All the remainder who would come to earth had passed their first estate of probation. Their new probationary estate would be on the fallen, telestial earth. They would also receive a new physical body and no longer be in our presence. The challenges of this testing environment would be difficult, but not as critical and divisive as their experiences in their first estate of probation as pre-mortal spirits,'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words to help me see how critical the pre-mortal life choices were in following his Beloved Son, Jehovah. I told him I would always be true to him and my Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ their Beloved Son. I told him I loved him.
11. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis, next to the bench. I wanted to be still and let the silent peace of this location sink deep into my being. I walked to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt more clear and knelt by the bench and faced the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
12. Heavenly Mother came in front of me, above the sand. Her light was shining through me and filled me with hope and love. She was smiling and seemed very pleased to visit with me tonight! I prayed for certain family members who were struggling with physical and emotional difficulties. I asked for blessings to be poured out upon them.
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you have been true and faithful to us, your Heavenly Parents. Because of your diligence, we will bless and strengthen your family members so that they will have our influence with them. It is difficult for many of our children in mortality at different times of their lives. These are all calculated as lessons and experiences that will spur growth and develop more well rounded individuals.
14. The choice between Lucifer and Jehovah was a choice of decision, and not thought of as a learning experience like you have frequently experienced in your mortal telestial lives. Instead, the decision in the pre-mortal life for our children was very clearly a choice between spiritual life or spiritual death. There would be a few we could convert from Satan's host to our own in the future, but for most, their decision to follow Satan led them into subjugation and being controlled and a very unhappy life.
15. We view our children who have chosen our plan of the gospel and our choice of Jehovah, to be at the beginning of their training once Lucifer and his hosts were cast out. We then directed specific training and lessons to be taught about their new physical bodies, their roles as men and women, husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers. Prior to the war in heaven, we allowed our children to find and pursue their interests, but now we focused on the next estate of their probationary experiences.
16. Our individual lessons and trials for our children who would come to mortality were very diverse and tailored to help them grow and overcome their weaknesses. We never got to this level of detailed planning when Lucifer and his followers were mingled with our more faithful children who wanted to come to earth and grow from their mistakes and take upon them the name of our Beloved Son.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insights she shared with me this evening! She then faded away and I was again alone in the desert, feeling at peace and settled.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2019, Tuesday
1. Today I came again to the desert. I came to the little stream not far away to the southwest of the oasis. I could see the oasis in the distance. I walked around the sand and in the water, trying to ground myself. I have felt a heaviness of sadness due to poor choices of loved ones I know. Trying to ground myself has helped me, for I feel in synch with this heavenly orb. I will come here when I feel a need to settle myself, when I feel sad or grieving, or when I need to face reality and see life as it really is.
2. I found a shallow area of the stream and knelt in the wet sand. I drank of living water, with the intent to fully feel my emotions and to accept reality. I felt much more settled. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
3. Heavenly Father then came to me, walking above the desert stream to me from the south. He came to me and immediately embraced me! I felt his understanding, his deep love and compassion. I felt his gentle light soothe and comfort me.
Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, it is important to let yourself be sad when another you love makes a poor choice. It is normal to be filled with sadness, heaviness, and grief. This is a process to feel and accept. There is no real prescribed length of feeling these negative emotions. However, when you have fully felt all of these, and accepted reality, you then will wake up one day and be ready again to be happy. We who are your Gods have undergone many times of sadness and grief in this eternity.'
4. Heavenly Father then stepped back and stood in the wet sand in front of me while I was still kneeling in the wet sand.
'Raphael, I want to express to you the feelings we had of deep sorrow and sadness when Lucifer and his hosts were finally cast out of heaven for rebellion. This event is always extremely painful in each eternity for us and all who remain with us on our celestial orb.
5. D&C 76:25-27 "And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son, whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son.
And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him–he was Lucifer, a son of the morning.'
6. Once the battle with Lucifer and his hosts was completed, and Satan and his followers were all cast to the earth that we had created, the angels who removed this third part of heaven away, returned to our celestial orb. They told us of the battle and we all wept and greatly sorrowed! It was difficult for many of our children to accept reality that this event had actually happened! Many felt like their spirits were being torn apart in grief and deep sorrow. We taught them to allow these deep feelings to settle on them, and to do like you are doing, and ground themselves on our heavenly orb. We allowed all to suffer the pains of separation, to be filled with trauma and dark negative emotions of sorrow, grief and loss. We too, who are the Heavenly Parents of those who had rejected us, also wept, mourned, and grieved. We talked with our grieving children many times, alone and in groups, of how to accept the reality of the great schism in our family.
7. Once a goodly period of mourning passed, we held a general meeting for all of our sorrowing and traumatized children, all of them, in the Great Assembly Hall. Your Heavenly Mother and I conducted the meeting. We said it was now time to return to our happy selves, for we had sorrowed and wept for many days. There was nothing we could do, for the choice to rebel and follow Lucifer was not our decision, but an individual decision of each one who followed Lucifer. We had tried to persuade them otherwise, but they would not listen. We allowed them their agency to choose whom they wanted to follow, and each one had made their choice. There was nothing we could do about it now.
8. Your Heavenly Mother and I then announced our next phase of effort, that of preparing for mortality. We said this would take lots of training and focused energy. We told our children that they should now put their energy and mind on this new exciting adventure of coming to a beautiful new telestial world, where they would gain a physical body like their Mother and I possessed. We showed them in vision a glimpse of what they would someday experience. This became a happy focus of their next phase of living and learning.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words today. I said I admired his great wisdom and the love and comfort he had continually given to me. I said I loved him so very much.
10. Evening–Tonight I came to God's loving lake, and sat on the beach, overlooking the lake. It was still sunny outside, with the celestial sun on the horizon to the north. I was next to the little stream that meandered down the slope to the lake. I sat peacefully on the beach. I felt clear and ready to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I felt happier and less emotionally heavy ladened then this morning. I had involved myself in both service and work today that I'm sure helped.
11. I then knelt in front of the bench, and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I was facing the lake, and felt very open to any prompting I might receive.
12. I then saw a bright light on the lake, and then seconds later my Heavenly Mother descended in bright glory upon the lake! She walked directly to me in front of the bench. She was smiling and very filled with light! I felt her light beaming into me and passing through me. I was feeling very clear and transparent. I felt also her love and concern for me, and for her many other righteous elect on the earth at this time.
13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, when we chose our intelligences that we planned to birth into our own offspring, we know that most of them would not attain a status of exaltation, becoming in time gods like your Father and I. However, our great plan required a broad spectrum of our own offspring, some who would be extremely valiant, but most who would not be valiant. Without the spectrum of good and bad, valiant and not valiant, light and darkness, our elect children could not have had opportunity to be tempted and tried. They could not have known the sweet without tasting the bitter. Had we only made the elect into our own children, there would not have been the opposition necessary for any of them to become strong enough to become a candidate as a god, the ultimate aim for us in creating our children.
14. Therefore, I needed to give birth to a wide variety of our children, and to give them their agency to act and to be acted upon.
2 Nephi 2:11-12–"For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness, nor misery, neither good nor bad.
Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God."
15. Raphael, without Lucifer rebelling and causing great contention, our elect would not have risen up and proven their valiancy to us and our Christ. They had to have a choice to follow Jehovah or Lucifer. This great division in the pre-mortal estate of our sons and daughters was the most critical choice in their own paths, either towards "liberty and eternal life, through the great mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." (2 Ne 2:27)
16. When the third part of our beloved spirit children were cast out of heaven for rebellion, we knew that they would tempt and try our other children even more on this fallen earth than they had previously done so then in the pre-mortal life. This was a very necessary part of the opposition our righteous children needed to become fully obedient to us their Heavenly Parents, and to generate the faith necessary for eternal life and salvation.
17. On their mortal earth, our celestial elect would also be surrounded by many of our other children who would be of a telestial and terrestrial nature. They also were fully mixed in families, and this made it difficult to rely on anyone except us, their God, and themselves. This is why we insist each person be able to choose for themselves, and not for another. Exaltation is a very personal choice, by continually testing and confirming their own way in their mortal life. They can really only choose for themselves and no other.
18. Joseph Smith Translation Mark 9:44–"Therefore let every man (and woman) stand or fall, by himself (or herself), and not for another; or not trusting another." (see also JST 9:40-48 inclusive. Parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother.)
19. It takes opposition and several estates of well-designed probationary experiences for our righteous elect children to develop the strength and faith to become a God like your Heavenly Father and I are. This power and authority to become a God is carefully extended to only those who fill the full position, by their repentance and change, and their growth, in becoming even as we are.
20. Therefore, in each eternity we choose and I birth spirit children who we know will eventually fill the broad spectrum of our children, from Gods to devils, and everything in between. This is the great work we are involved in!'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words tonight! I felt very enlightened on the reason why there are so many gradations of righteousness of God's children.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 17, 2019, Wednesday
1. Today I came at the beginning of Heavenly Mother's upper garden, under the granite cliff. I was at the small pool where the upper mountain stream started. It was very pretty there. I bent over the water and drank from my cupped hand living water. I then knelt facing down stream, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, or one to come to me.
2. Heavenly Mother came walking to me up the path to where I was kneeling! She was bright and smiling I loved looking into her eternity eyes–so happy and sparkling! Her light filled me with her own joy and great peace.
3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am pleased with your growth in becoming a strong and valiant angel of God! You have grown because of the opposition you have been exposed to, and have on your own chosen to follow our ways. You have listened to our gentle whisperings and directions. We have gradually increased your light until you have been filled with our light each time we commune with you. This is the path for each of our valiant sons and daughters, here a little and there a little:
4. Isaiah 28:10–"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"
5. We now introduce to you truths of our world, here a little and there a little, in a gradual way. As you consistently come to your Heavenly Father and me, we also consistently pour out upon you our revelations, and our truths from heaven.
6. We will reveal to each of our diligent children all of our truths as they come to us in humility and determination. They each demonstrate to us that they place receiving our revelations and truths higher than anything else in their lives. They each must choose what they put first in their own lives. Without the options to choose, we wouldn't know what they really wanted.
7. The ability of each of our spirit children to choose was planned from the very beginning, even with our first parent Gods. They realized the great importance of opposition, and freedom to choose on their own, without compulsory means. As their righteous children, they valued living more and more like their gods, and changing until they even became like them. It is only when they are like them, as celestial children, that they were to be ordained after their order, even in becoming gods themselves.
8. Others of our children arose to the level of goodness they chose, some to a terrestrial glory and some to a telestial glory. If they didn't put us first in their lives, they wouldn't receive the same reward and blessing as those who put us first. It was a great blessing for each of these, our children who received a salvation from our hands, to have what they were willing to receive. We are happy for each one, and reward each according to their desires and their actions. However, the ones who give us a fulness of joy all are those who become like us, and are even ordained as couple gods in eternity.
9. The only children that I gave birth to that it would have been better for themselves not to have been born are Lucifer and his followers, who continue to insist on following Satan to the very end. The end of their state is worse than the first. At the first, they were in the same standing as all other intelligences, even on an equal basis as their brothers and sisters who became also our spirit children. In the end, because they rejected everything we gave them, even to denying that your Father and I were their very parents, they were eventually stripped of their own elemental matter and placed back into a state of intelligences only. However, in this final state, they were isolated, never receiving our light again and never being able to be visited by their gods in the future.
10. D&C 76:36-39–"These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels–and the only one on whom the second death shall have any power;
Yea, verily the only ones who shall not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, after the sufferings of his wrath.
For all the rest shall be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the triumph and the glory of the Lamb, who was slain, who was in the bosom of the Father before the worlds were made."
11. You see that all of our children except for the devils are saved in an eternal state that is much better than they were at the beginning when they were intelligences only. They receive the level of happiness they chose to receive. Only our elect children receive a fulness of joy in eternity, and become like us. They receive all that we have, even through the merits of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and their own diligence in choosing to follow us and our ways.'
12. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for coming to me this morning! I love her words, and seek for her presence that of my Father more than anything else in my life.
13. Evening–Tonight I came to the road that heads north from the fountain of living waters, towards Lake Beautiful. I stopped at the east end of Heavenly Father's wheat field. The wheat seemed to be growing tall and green.
I knelt at the little road that travels adjacent to the wheat field, heading west to the fallen oak tree. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
14. Heavenly Father appeared twenty feet or so away on the adjacent road and motioned for me to come walk with him. I stood and was quickly at his side! He had very deep eternity eyes, so knowing and wise. He was moderately shining his light and was smiling. 'Raphael, come walk with me alongside my wheat field!'
He put his arm around my shoulders and then together we walked and talked. The wheat was breezing gently in the mild wind.
15. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother told you this morning our aim is to have as many of our spirit children grow and become the elect of God and eventually become even as we are. These are each represented by the growing wheat plants in my field. Only the elect have been planted here by me. The others who are not the elect of God have not had a representation of a wheat stalk planted in my field. The tares that have been planted were sown by Lucifer and his followers before they were cast out of heaven. All these years they have sprung up at different times along with my wheat. They have attempted to choke the wheat, making it struggle for the moisture and nutrients it needs to survive. This harvest is the last one where I will grow the wheat side by side with the tares. In the millennial day, there will only be wheat for the fire will burn up the remaining seeds of the tares.
16. Without the tares, the wheat would have no struggle. However, in my kingdom and in my field, the wheat actually becomes stronger with opposition from the tares who seek to imitate themselves, or masquerade themselves as the true elect that I have planted. These tares do not fool me, but in life the elect think and trust many of the tares that are not really my elect. In life, the tares also look so righteous and good. They are often leaders in churches who feign religious values and authority, but they are able to mislead the elect by their careful manipulations of falsehoods that are hard to detect. Lucifer still has power over the tares, for they have been planted by him and still receive a certain amount of instruction and guidance from the adversary.
17. The most important task for our wheat to do is to grow strong and pure, by keeping our commandments in all things, and not to follow another who may seek to lead them astray.
If another person offends them, or if another (their standard) gets off from what they think God would tell them, or if those who claim they can see better than they do and then become transgressors, at this point it is important for our elect to cast them off. This was taught clearly by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
18. JST Mark 9:40-48:
"Therefore, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; or if thy brother offend thee and confess not and forsake not, he shall be cut off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.
For it is better for thee to enter into life without thy brother, than for thee and thy brother to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And again, if thy foot offend thee, cut it off; for he that is thy standard, by whom thou walkest, if he become a transgressor, he shall be cut off.
It is better for thee, to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell; into the fire that never shall be quenched.
Therefore, let every man stand or fall, by himself, and not for another; or not trusting another.
Seek unto my Father, and it shall be done in that very moment what ye shall ask, if ye ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive.
And if thine eye which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out.
It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God, with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
For it is better that thyself should be saved, than to be cast into hell with thy brother, where their worm dieth not, and where the fire is not quenched."
19. Heavenly Father stopped and turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, if our elect children seek their Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me, their Heavenly Father, in faith, we will give them true direction! They need to trust us more than others, their brothers, their standard, or those appointed to watch over them. They need to trust in our voice that gently guides and inspires them in the way they should go.
20. All of our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments. They are tempted by others in their mortal probation who keep them down and restrict their growth towards us, their Heavenly Parents and Savior Jesus Christ. The elect need to be sure that they hear our voice and obey us and not man or organizations of men that may lead them astray.
21. Heavenly Father turned around to the end of the road where the live oak tree had fallen. He spoke: 'All the institutions of man, or the voices of men and women that are not grounded in us, their Gods, must needs fall like this large oak tree! Our elect may be persuaded by such churches or organizations for a time, but the elect are called by me because they hear my voice and obey my commandments.'
22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing with me tonight. I expressed my allegiance to him, my Heavenly Mother, and my Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 18, 2019, Thursday
1. Today I arose before the others in my household. It promises to be a sunny day ahead. I am always pleased with sunshine and blue skies!
Today I came on the path just entering in God's fir forest that overlooks the wheat field. I came from the west entrance, along the path of the overlook that extends over the green field and the green hill. The celestial sun was overhead and shining brightly. I felt warm and invigorated. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
2. Heavenly Mother came next to me from her higher celestial realm, a few feet in front of me at the start of the fir forest! She increased in glory more and more until her light was very bright and intense. She was broadly smiling and I felt her love and acceptance come into me from her radiating light she beamed onto and through me! Her eyes were full of life and excitement.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I want you to visit tonight Melchizedek, named Shem, who was the son of Noah in the flesh. He will meet you by the stone building in God's Healing Center, to the north of that area. He has valuable information to share with you about the New Jerusalem and its construction.
I thought with anticipation of meeting up with such a great high priest, after whom the priesthood of the Son of Man was named!
4. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, I would like to address some of S.A.'s questions she wrote to you about the ministering or guardian spirits.
She is correct that after a guardian spirit is assigned to one person, they still may attend other special events such as blessings or weddings. They have been blessed with limited foresight, so that they would know if danger is soon approaching or not. They may make their plans accordingly, and are not so restricted in their watchful ministrations so as to be allowed to go elsewhere for a short time.
5. The way that our servants minister to others is one of love, protection and warning. They never want to be intrusive, but be rarely seen or perceived, for they work behind the scenes as they labor for their own kin who are living in the flesh. They are assigned by those who have this calling, who live in the terrestrial world of the dead. Those who make these assignments receive their inspiration from us, their Heavenly Parents. Spouses do not always become assigned , nor close family members who are yet unborn or who have passed on from mortality. They are assigned to only one mortal person at a time, and if there are many living relatives, there may be some who are further away on the family chain. Unborn children may be assigned also as guardian spirits. Sometimes, these family members in the spirit world of the dead, or of the celestial world yet unborn, may request to watch over a family member in mortality. We then may have them assigned as a guardian spirit.
6. There is no set length of time for any particular service. Sometimes there may be a change, like in my case when I was a mortal. After my husband, your Heavenly Father, passed away, he desired to watch over me in the guardian role. Our own Heavenly Parents accepted his desires and then inspired the one who made the assignments. Having a deceased spouse as a ministering spirit frequently happens. There is no pattern to making guardian spirit assignments.
7. I would also like to address M.A.'s question about the righteous rising up in the clouds when our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, comes again in glory. This rising up in the sky will be a literal experience in the physical body, for those living on the earth. When they are taken, the higher law of celestial glory will quicken each one so that the effects of gravity will no longer have dominion over them. They will meet Christ in the air, and descend with him when he comes in glory to the earth. All the unborn hosts of heaven, who live in the pre-mortal world, will also be able to participate in their spirits when Jesus Christ descends to the earth.
8. There will be lands and houses of the righteous on the earth that will be preserved, for they will need to occupy them and live on their own lands. However, the wicked and their habitations will be burned with the fire of celestial glory, for these are telestial in nature and will not be quickened. All those who have done wickedly shall be as stubble, as spoken by Malachi the prophet.
9. Malachi 4: 1-2
"For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall."
10. When the dead who are righteous come to meet their Great Redeemer in the skies, in the clouds of heaven, they will first become resurrected on the earth to a celestial resurrection. They will then rise up in the clouds with the whole congregation of the celestial righteous, and descend with Jesus Christ to the earth in triumph and glory! The dead and living on the earth, and those previously resurrected, and the unborn righteous, will all intermingle for a time in their own families to whom they will meet in the clouds above prior to their descent to the earth. This will be a time of great rejoicing together, and then rejoicing with their Savior and Redeemer as he descends to the earth. All of the inhabitants remaining in the flesh on the earth, and all the telestial dead, and all of the devils too, will witness the glorious advent of Jesus Christ to the earth! Those who cannot withstand the brightness of Christ's celestial glory and who are not quickened to a celestial glory, must needs perish. Their lands, cities, and all of their possessions will be burned up in preparation for the advent of the new millennial world coming on the earth!
11. Once Jesus descends and comes to his glorious city of the New Jerusalem, and to his temple there, those who will not be able to remain, like the pre-mortal spirits, will depart. All those who are mortal will return to their own houses and lands. Those who are newly resurrected will go live on the terrestrial earth or the celestial orb,, or receive assignments in continuing the construction and great work in the land of the New Jerusalem, or wherever they may be assigned. Those who perish in the brightness of Christ's coming will be ushered into the telestial realms of the dead on the earth.
12. Raphael, then Jesus Christ, the great Jehovah, will call you forth to place Lucifer and his entire group, into the bottomless pit for 1000 years. Before you fulfill his command, you will gather them all up over the ocean, in the air in one body. You will then address them and invite any of them to come join the ranks of Jesus Christ, their personal Redeemer. There will be a great amount who come forth at that time in the humility of their souls. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will then receive and accept them. They will be taken to the Refugees of Lucifer who will succor them and help them heal from their gross sins and subjugation to Lucifer.
13. Those who are unrepentant and angry, who will include Lucifer, will still be gathered in one body over the ocean. With the support then of your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and with your sword of Raphael, you will then take Satan and lock him in a chain in the depths of the bottomless pit. Once he is secure, you will then corral all the remainder of the wicked minions of Satan, and place them in that dark and deep bottomless pit in the earth. You will then retrieve, in your replicated body, the ones who are in the prison orb. These too you will invite to Christ. For those who remain in their dark and loathsome state, you will return with these to the bottomless pit to join their evil brothers and sisters. Once all are in the bottomless pit, then you will place the seal over the bottomless pit, never to be visited again until the end of the millennium!'
14. I bowed my head in acceptance of my Heavenly Mother's beautiful revelation! I said I would be true and faithful, and do all that I was expected and assigned to fulfill.
15. Evening–I came tonight to the south side of the stone room, at the northern end of the healing rooms in God's Loving Healing Center. It was between the square room and the opal room, both some distance away. Heavenly Mother had asked I come here to meet up with Melchizedek, or Shem.
16. I came in the doorway of the stone room, and there was nobody visible. So I came outside and knelt not far from the open doorway. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come, and for Melchizedek to also come, for I was told he would come tonight sometime. I waited and watched.
17. Next I saw a brilliant light come from inside the doorway of the stone room. I heard a voice in my mind to stand and walk through the open doorway. I arose and walked through the stone door frame into the open room. As I entered I saw Heavenly Father standing next to a man who was dressed in a white robe. Heavenly Father was shining moderately brightly, and was smiling. The man next to him was in a white robe also, but not as bright. He wore a medium long beard. He too was smiling, and had deep eyes, but not nearly as deep and mature as my Heavenly Father's eyes. I remained standing for that is what I felt impressed to do.
18. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, this is Melchizedek, our ancient patriarch who voyaged on the ark with his father Noah, and his two brothers, and all of their wives. There were eight people in the ark when all the rest of the people on earth died in the floods.
19. Once they landed, Melchizedek lived a long time and established the people of God. He traveled across lands and continents, and even came to the promised land that is now called America. The ark was built on this land of America, but migrated to the other hemisphere to Mount Ararat as is recorded in the bible. This is where Melchizedek, or Shem, established his family and the other righteous followers and elect of God. He has a lot of experience in building cities, even the city of Salem, later named Jerusalem in Abraham's day. He became a prince of peace, and wrought righteousness with his people in Salem, and was called a King of Righteousness in Salem. Abraham also paid tithing to Melchizedek, being such a notable high priest. He reigned under his father Noah.
20. Alma 13:17-19 "Now this Melchizedek was a king over the land of Salem; and his people had waxed strong in iniquity and abomination; yea, they had all gone astray; they were full of all manner of wickedness.
21. But Melchizedek having exercised mighty faith, and received the office of the high priesthood according to the holy order of God, did preach repentance unto his people. And behold, they did repent; and Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the prince of peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father.
22. Now there were many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater, therefore, of him they have more particularly made mention. "
23. The scriptures also record that as a child Melchizedek "feared God, and stopped the mouths of Lions, and quenched the violence of fire. " (JST Genesis 14:26). See also JST Genesis 14:25-40)
24. I want you, Raphael, to meet Melchizedek, my son who has now been translated to a celestial glory. He and his people live with Enoch and his translated group, to minister to those who live on the earth. His time on earth during his mortal life is now completed and he served us during his entire time. I have given him a mission to be of assistance to you as a counselor and guide when you design and construct the New Jerusalem in your day. He has much experience and abundant faith! Call on him for guidance in those areas you feel that a wiser man with so much skill and knowledge would be able to help you with.'
25. Heavenly Father motioned for Melchizedek to come forward and greet me. We both stepped forward and embraced, first on my left side and then my right side. I stepped back and Melchizedek spoke to my mind these words:
26. 'Raphael, I am privileged to be brought by our Heavenly Father to perhaps be of assistance to you during your important latter-day mission of building the New Jerusalem! I am completely available to you for as much advice and counseling that you may ask of me. I honor you for your diligence in knowing and receiving from our Gods on how to perform your important mission in these last days.'
27. I then spoke: 'I thank you, Heavenly Father, for again introducing Melchizedek to me tonight. I am relieved to have someone so skilled to be able to guide and help me in the day-to-day work of building a city, even a celestial city and temple. I will continually call upon you, and also as I feel directed in asking for Melchizedek.'
28. We all three smiled together. Heavenly Father and Melchizedek then started to fade away and were next gone from my presence.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 19, 2019, Friday
1. I have pondered over my interesting meeting with Melchizedek last night. He lived in a time, when he came off the ark, much like I will someday live in: the land will be cleared of inhabitants, and it will have just been devastated by a natural disaster. In the mission area, there will have been flooding and a very devastating earthquake, at least that is what I have read about. The area of the New Jerusalem will be wet and muddy, until it all dries out, which is similar to the land when Noah and his family came off of the ark (see Genesis 8:3).
2. Melchizedek (and Noah) lived in a time when people thought and did evil continually, much like my day:
Genesis 6:5,11–"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
3. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence."
The parallels to our day are many. I feel blessed to be able to call upon Melchizedek in receiving advice and counsels. I wonder if there is any significance in being introduced to Melchizedek now?
4. I also went back to my post 74 and read more about what I wrote then (I started with the March 27, 2018 entry). I had actually met him at that time, and we had embraced. I had seen that he and his people were involved with hiding and protecting the elect in the days ahead, to find places of safety and security. It seems that the visit last night was more for my direct needs of counseling in building the New Jerusalem. The previous visit in March 2018 was to show me that he and his people would guide and protect the elect.
5. This morning in my prayer I came to the little rock outcropping above the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could easily see God's temple in the distance to the west. The celestial sun was in the sky and it was spring like outside. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
6. Heavenly Mother then came in front of me, in a beam of light that extended from somewhere up in the sky. She was very bright, brilliantly shining her light! I felt her peace and love come into me as her intense light penetrated into my being. I felt transparent and completely visible before her, even in all of my body.
7. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father re-introduced you again to Melchizedek last night. We will bring him one more time to you in the future also. After that time you will be able to call on him repeatedly without us being with you.
8. There will be others who are translated or resurrected who are our servants who also will come to minister to you and assist you in your mission. If you don't know who may help you in a particular time in the future, ask of us to send someone who may help you. We may come or we may send one like Melchizedek who has developed skills and expertise you may need. We are pleased when we are able to send one of our own children to come to you in our place. We will inspire and direct you in your coordination with them.
9. You had a question you wondered about since last Sunday. You had written a comment from a mission talk you heard: "Do you owe the Lord by serving a mission?" I would like to address this now.
10. Many of my sons and daughters throughout history have responded to our call, or the call of their Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, to serve their fellow man. Sometimes we have called them from my spirit, and the inspiration they had felt when the Holy Ghost came upon them. Other times we have inspired a leader to call them with our own calling.
11. We are pleased when our sons and daughters respond to our inspirations, whatever that might be. For some it may be to bear a child, to others to quietly prepare themselves until the day of their revealing, such as John the Baptist. To others, it may be serving a formal mission for the church of Christ. You, Raphael, felt the prompting to be called as a missionary for the LDS church when you were 19 years old. You labored faithfully in your stewardship.
12. There is a calling to serve for every one of our sons and daughters. When of age, and able to do so, we desire to have our child serve us in whatever we may inspire them. This is no longer in the LDS church for most, for the message is basically the same that you preached nearly fifty years ago, but the authority to call has been removed from the leaders of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We desire that our child seek us in humble and open prayer, and then we will give them our direction and guidance.
13. When the church of Christ is re-established again on the earth, there will again be callings for service that are authorized by our servants and inspired by us, your Gods. Until that time, callings will come mostly directly from us since there are no leaders who have keys or authority except you, Raphael. Your role is not to issue priesthood callings at this time, but to grow, learn, write and serve as an angel of God. Your example and voice to the angels and others is your calling at this time. You are to act in secret and prepare, along with the mortal angels and mortal servants that work in celestial realms.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations this morning. I feel humble and open and clear and receptive. I said I loved her and will always do and act as best I can, following the directions of God to me.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 20, 2019, Saturday
1. Last night I got to bed very late after having a date with my wife. I prayed at the circling waters and Heavenly Mother came. She excused me from my prayer and then left. She said she would visit with me in the morning.
I came again this morning to the circling waters. I felt alert and receptive. I drank of living water and was refreshed. I then knelt by the water's edge, facing the water to my south. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. Heavenly Mother appeared again to me, on the circling waters like she had come last night. She was smiling and so full of light and radiance. I felt very clear and receptive and very filled with her light!
She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am pleased that you can relax on your date night with your wife and build and strengthen your relationship with her. When you have the opportunity to do that, we may connect with you in prayer for a very short time like I did last night.
3. S.A. had a question whether the adversary of each eternity always presents the same plan. First, our plan is always the same, with a Christ that we have chosen for one entire eternity to be the Great Redeemer. He also is always the Firstborn Son. He always is ordained to be a god with our powers of a god, like the creative and healing powers. He is always our Beloved Son. This allows the plan of mercy and justice to be fulfilled according to the scriptures, and only the Holy One to suffer, bleed and die for the sins of mankind. He forgives each one as they repent and come unto him in obedience. Once he has proved them thoroughly, he accepts them into his kingdom or Church of the Firstborn, electing them to one day become a god as we are. There is always an outward Church of Christ where our humble followers may gather, support and strengthen each other. We always use baptism as the ordinance for them to accept their Christ, to repent and be cleansed of iniquity, and to determine to take upon themselves the name of our Only Begotten, and to keep his commandments.
4. When we complete bearing children for a given eternity, then we announce our plans for our Firstborn to be our Christ, or Savior of our children. We speak of an earth that we have been preparing where our children may experience a fallen telestial mortal life. Without exception, there is always rebellion among our children! The one who is appointed or who rises to the control of this rebel group becomes the chief adversary and leader. It is always one of our sons who is very capable and smart. He always has as his main tenant the agency of man, and his plan to force each one in his plan to do as he says. His plan always involves our children to go to the earth that had been prepared, however with a different twist where there is a guarantee from the adversary leader that our children would be able to return to God. Many of our children want to be controlled and directed so that they are assured to pass their mortal probation. This is always the same issue.
5. We allow our children to polarize in their views and to support either our chosen Christ, our Firstborn, or the plan of the rebellious evil one who seeks to subvert the agency of man. When all have chosen sides, we have our faithful ones remove the rebellious from our celestial orb, by the power of our Christ, our Beloved Son. The rebellious spirits are always cast down to the earth that we have created to become the devil and his minions, who continue to rebel and fight against God. There is always war in heaven and great trauma and sadness among our obedient children.
6. We repeat this cycle of the eternities time and again! We find such joy in seeing our obedient struggle, choose and grow into the sons and daughters of God that we desire them to become. They are only able to grow in an environment of full choice and opposition.
7. We use our own rebellious and disobedient children to provide this state of choice between good and evil. Only in the refinement of struggle, in the presence of being enticed by evil and good, are we able to really see how our children will choose us and be obedient. The fallen state of men and women in the mortal environment of an earth life is a perfect place to test and insure that they are candidates for eternal life and exaltation. They grow and progress on earth in ways never possible on our celestial orb.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her overall perspective of the plan of salvation for each of the eternities. I told her how pleased I was to receive so very much truth and revelation from her this morning.
9. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, next Wednesday, April 24, marks a full two weeks since you had sent your post 117 "Shining the Intense Light of the Holy Ghost". We expect each angel to be fully ready to shine my light on the earth with you at that time. Our angels are all becoming more and more practiced and skilled at shining forth my light through their hands. I am working individually with each one in their training.
10. You have continued to work tirelessly for your Father and I in shining my intense light of the Holy Ghost onto the earth and its inhabitants. You have become very skilled at doing this. I have strengthened you in your mortal body to no longer be tired or adversely affected by your increased labors for us in the celestial realms.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her update. I said how privileged I felt to do this service and whatever more she or Heavenly Father want me to do.
12. Evening-Tonight I came to the desert oasis. It was so nice to just sit and be still! The quietness of the desert was very grounding on my soul too. I was sitting on the bench facing the desert oasis.
13. As I sat pondering, I saw Heavenly Father walking to me from my right side on the path around the water. He was bright and seemed intent on sharing something with me! He spoke when he arrived in front of me:
'Raphael, I am pleased that you came to this quiet oasis on our celestial orb. This has always been a place of quietness and peace for our children and for ourselves to come and ponder.
14. Tonight I would like to speak on the natures of our children. When they lived in the pre-mortal world, they had the same nature as they had once they came to earth, but didn't know their own nature. Your Heavenly Mother and I knew what their individual natures were, for we have the gift of foresight. We may see into their future, even before they become our son or daughter. We could foresee their very natures from the beginning.
15. Those that were chosen to come to the mortal experience, because they followed our plan of having Jesus Christ be their Great Redeemer, still did not know their own nature. The experiences we gave them in their fallen state brought out their individual natures.
16. You have wondered how Jesus Christ always thought about others and loved and served and even gave his own life for his brothers and sisters? This is all because it was his nature to do so. Once he became an adult and knew himself, he continually cared for, loved and succored our children in their needs. He had a unique nature among those he lived with on earth at the time he came in your fallen world.
17. You have recently talked with your wife about how it is easy to see that circumstance brings out the true nature and disposition of our children. However, in the same circumstance, another would act and choose differently. The nature of that individual is far more determining on their actions than what a circumstance or event would precipitate.
18. When all seems peaceful in a community or in a family and then a tragic event comes upon them all, there will be some who get angry and may even want to abandon any belief they had in God. However, for others, the same event would only humble them and make them more determined to follow God and to be obedient. This is all determined by their individual natures.
19. There are many natures among our varied children. We give each one an experience in mortality to show to themselves their own natures. They see, too, that they have weaknesses in the flesh that may temporarily mask their natures. However, if they humble themselves, and come to us, their Gods, we will make their weaknesses become strengths to them. They will have hopefully enhanced and improved their own natures also in the process of growth.
20. Many times an adult in mortality will say that they have a certain weakness or tendency, because that is how they were trained and learned as a child, until they became an adult. However, this early training may not reveal their true nature. As they see their own weaknesses, their desires and actions to change themselves will bring out their true nature more than anything else.
21. Raphael, in your own life, your parents did not have an emotional centered home where feelings were frequently discussed. You didn't even know your feelings until you started living with your wife who had been raised in a very open and emotionally centered home. As you learned to love and express that love to your wife and growing family, you rekindled gradually your feelings. You have leaned heavily on your loving wife for help and guidance in these areas. You now have awakened your true nature of deep love and caring for others because of your experiences as a married and family man. This revealing of your true nature has taken much of your lifetime.
22. We want all of our children to find themselves like you have been finding yourself. You have come to gradually know who you are and your true nature. For you, this has been a wonderful discovery later in life that you care deeply and want to love people abundantly, and take interest in who they are and how they feel. This is your true nature that you feel very comfortable being. You love being that way and you now never tire of serving and caring for others.
23. You also are a healer and love to help others improve and progress in their health. You love being a conduit for our healing and relish helping those with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. This is your nature.
24. There are also some of our children who continue to focus on themselves and think only about their own needs. They never rise above focusing on themselves or to help and serve another. Even after a full life of opportunity to help others, they always seek to first help themselves and forget others' needs. This is their true nature. They do not merit the celestial nature, for that requires loving others and wanting to help and serve them selflessly. When they are judged, they are judged on their actions they did in the flesh, and in their pre-mortal life. This will be a composite of their true nature that they have attained.
25. There is a celestial nature that becomes a part of our elect children. The greatest characteristic is love for another. They want to selflessly serve others regardless of who they may be. They feel empathy and wish to serve by their actions those who they see are in need. This is the true celestial nature. All the gods have this nature in abundance.'
26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his thoughts he gave to me in my mind. I hope I have conveyed them clear enough in my own words as I wrote them down during my prayer!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 21, 2019, Sunday, Easter
1. I awoke early this day to pray. I reread my entry from last night. I want to act with a celestial nature because that is who I am. I don't want to react to people around me who may act in selfish ways or act and think mostly about what they want and disregard others' needs. I see this sort of behavior in so many people. However, I want to choose actions based on love and consideration for others and try to think of their needs even above my own. However, I also want to love myself and treat myself with love, acceptance and forgiveness. I have a twice-daily experience in being with my Heavenly Parents who are always so considerate, accepting, and loving of me. This has greatly shaped who I am and has brought out my true celestial nature.
2. This morning I came down the path going northwest from the circling waters. I came to the small grove of trees where there is a horizontal log. I yearned to hear again from my Heavenly Parents this Easter morning. My thoughts were turned to my Savior, Jesus Christ and his glorious resurrection. I knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.
3. Heavenly Mother then gradually appeared in front of me! She was very brightly shining. She was smiling and so loving and accepting! I felt her light come into my entire being and fill me with brightness and love!
4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, today is Easter, a time when our faithful reflect on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and their own future resurrection. This becomes the eternal state of our children who receive salvation, whether in their telestial, terrestrial or the glorious celestial resurrection. Resurrection is the most happy and exalting condition to be in!
5. This state is brought to pass by the free will sacrifice by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, for all of our children. He suffered for each individually, that they needn't suffer if they repent and come to him in obedience. This is such a wonderful blessing to our children!
6. Resurrection is a dramatic sign of life and eternal happiness in the eternal worlds. This is the most capable and fulfilling state of each of us who are in the family of the gods. Once our child is resurrected, their state will always be one where they have a resurrected body.
7. I come to you this morning in my own resurrected body of flesh and bones! I usually come in my replicated spirit-only state, where I am best able to fulfill my mission as the Holy Ghost. However, in my resurrected state as I appear before you today, I may also shine and beam upon you my abundant light. It feels so exhilarating to have a glorious resurrected celestial body of flesh and bones, coupled with my eternal spirit and intelligence. I am most alive and capable in my resurrected being!
8. I will appear to my people at the end of the earth in my resurrected body. However, until that time they will recognize me as a celestial spirit, even as the Holy Ghost. I come as a spirit because I may more easily come into my children and influence them through my spirit that will come upon them in their minds and hearts. I am best able to witness to their own spirits by my spirit. This is not as easy to do, or as effective when I attempt to do so in my full resurrected body. I therefore still reside in my resurrected body as you see me today before you, in the private setting of the uninhabited section of our celestial orb. I have, however, come to you on this Easter time in my full resurrected body.'
9. Heavenly Mother then reached out her two hands to me. I took them in my own translated body, in my own hands, and felt them! I held her resurrected beautiful hands in mine! I felt so privileged and honored to do so! She then brought both of my hands to her face and placed my hands on her cheeks. I felt her physical face and felt her smile, her chin, her forehead, her hair! I know she lives, such a glorious and beautiful God, my own Heavenly Mother!
10. She then raised me to a full standing position and kissed me on my lips and my cheeks. She pulled me close and physically embraced me with her glorious resurrected body! Her light penetrated into my being with such brightness and peace! Every part of me was filled to overflowing.
11. She then stepped back and was smiling broadly. She began rising up in the celestial sky, above the treetops. I watched as she went out of sight.
12. Upon her departure, I fell again to my knees feeling overcome with emotion! I had experienced a beautiful embrace from my resurrected Mother in Heaven. Oh, she loves me and cares for me. I know too that she loves each of her obedient children with such intense love also. I believe each may have such a close encounter with her, their own Heavenly Mother!
13. After church–My wife and I attended our own ward again. I enjoyed seeing neighbors and old friends. At the sacrament, I felt to kneel just outside the white gate to the south. After the sacrament prayer on the bread, I made my weekly covenant in prayer before the white gate. I saw no one near. I prayed, and then I felt in my mind that I should stand and enter the gate. I stood and it opened wide. As I entered there was a very bright light. I came into the area behind the gate, and came again to my knees. I lifted up my head and saw Heavenly Father in front of me, with Jesus Christ on his right side and Heavenly Mother on his left side. They were all very brilliant and bright! Their light came into and through me. Heavenly Father then spoke:
14. 'Raphael we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son Jesus Christ, and remember us always, and to keep our commandments.
Heavenly Father also transferred To me the thought that Heavenly Mother had come in her resurrected body, like she did this morning.
15. At that time, Jesus Christ stepped forward in front of me. He extended both of his hands towards me and smiled. I was kneeling before him. I reached out and took his hands in mine. I felt the nail wounds in his hands and wrists with my fingers. I know he had suffered for my sins and weaknesses! I bowed my head, and then I saw the nail marks in his feet. I reached forth and touched them also. As I did so I saw in my mind a vision of Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, on the cross at Calgary. I saw the actual large spikes the Roman guards had used to nail Jesus to the rough wooden cross! The vision was only for a minute, but it made a big impression on me! The vision ended, the meeting continued, and then I wrote in my pocket journal what had happened today at the sacrament.
16. Evening–I enjoyed the afternoon with my family over for Easter dinner. They are all gone now and I have finally sat down to start my connection with my Heavenly Parents.
Tonight I came to the main tree of life at the north end of the straight and narrow path. The tree was warmly glowing with the love of God that spewed forth into the sky above the tree.
17. I plucked a white fruit and leaf from the tree. I came on the grass next to the tree and ate it all. I felt enlivened with the love of God coming into my being, like light streaming into me. I knelt next to the trunk of the tree of life, and faced south to the white gate at the beginning of the straight and narrow path. I asked for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come.
18. Heavenly Father appeared next to the tree in front of me! He was smiling and full of light. He spoke:
'Raphael, I have brought you here to our tree of life in our celestial orb. When the two trees of life are transplanted in the celestial temple grounds of the New Jerusalem, the love of God will flow out from those two trees to fill all of the earth.
19. Today your Heavenly Mother and I brought our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to you at the time you partook of the sacrament. Jesus Christ is our love-in-action that we send. He was the great Redeemer we called and focus of our love that we extend to all of our children.
20. One day soon Jesus Christ will reign as a spiritual and political leader on the earth, for one thousand years of peace. He will send forth the love of God from the New Jerusalem from where he will reign. These two trees of life will send forth upon the earth the love of God from this world center at the New Jerusalem. This love will soften the hearts of all people and cause peace to endure for the entire millennial era.
21. You wondered why you saw a vision of Jesus on the cross at the sacrament today. The reason is that you were touching and feeling the marks of his tokens wherewith he was slain for the sins of the world. The death and suffering of Jesus Christ was necessary, but only a part of the great atonement. He next overcame death and hell, and himself was resurrected as a final triumph. Raphael, look now with me back down the straight and narrow path, towards the white gate!'
22. I looked down from my Father towards the white gate. I then saw a vision before my eyes of the garden tomb on the back of the hill named Golgotha. I saw this scripture as it really happened, for it was very early in the first day of the week:
23. John 20:1,11-18–"The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher.
But Mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the sepulcher.
And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
And they say unto her, woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and knew not that it was Jesus.
Jesus saith unto her, woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou has laid him, and I will take him away.
Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself and saith unto him, Raboni, which is to say, Master.
Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them I ascend unto my father, and your Father and to my God, and your God.
Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her."
24. I saw this simple scene in vision before my eyes! This was just after my Redeemer, Jesus Christ was resurrected to a glorious celestial resurrection. He has power to lay down his life and then to take it up again, as he had said!
25. I felt so very happy to have concluded my prayer with such a happy vision! I know Jesus is the resurrection and the life (see John 11:25). I so fully trust in his great redemptive power and the power of the resurrection that comes through him to all mankind. Though we die, yet shall we live! What a glorious message. I have felt his wounds today, and now witnessed the exhilarating good news of his resurrection to immortal life! I felt so, so thankful for this concluding vision today. It really was the most meaningful message I could ever receive!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 22, 2019, Monday
1. I am awake and in my adjacent bedroom, ready to connect again with my loving Heavenly Parents. This is always such a wonderful experience for me!
2. I came today to the entrance of the river representing Heavenly Father that came into Lake Beautiful. I came to the east side of the river. It was still and pretty there, with lots of vegetation and low shrubs. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hands. I then found a grassy spot where I knelt and faced the lake. I felt clear and receptive. I immediately felt light streaming into me. I looked up and Heavenly Mother stood in the air in front of me
3. She was smiling, with sparkling eyes and wearing a beautiful robe! She increased in radiance until I was completely filled with the light from her presence!
4. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you notice that we bring you to many varied areas on our celestial orb when you pray to us. We always select where we want to come to you. Many times we incorporate our surroundings in our message. Today, however, I will give you only my message, independent of the surroundings.
5. We are pleased with those who have been helping you type up your journal entries, and those who have been helping index your journal posts. When you publish your next post 119, also publish the index as it is. It may not have any active links yet, but it will be a helpful resource for those who want to search some of the revelations we have given to you. We have discussed and revealed to you many great things, more than one can learn all at once. However, when you receive them a little at a time, then you may understand and comprehend by my spirit all things that we have revealed to you.
6. Raphael, I appear to you again in my Spirit only this morning. This is my replicated self. My resurrected being is again in the uninhabited area of this celestial orb. I will continue to appear this way in my spirit to my children who come to me in great faith. I will send forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost upon them, as they are able to receive my presence.
7. You noticed that my light comes forth from my spirit being to all the surrounding area, and to you. You are filled with my light, and it passes into you. The surrounding area also receives my light and it flourishes also under the light. This light enlivens and enhances all our creations that receive it. Normally, the light of Christ flows continually upon our creations, including our celestial orb. When I come, with increased and intense light, our celestial creations become even more enlivened and love the extra light! Light is what sustains and continuously feeds our creations so that they may live and find joy in their existence and life. Were there no light, the opposite would occur, which is death and non-functioning or no life.
8. Our first Heavenly Parents create all the light that proceeds forth to the very end of all creations that fill their ever-expanding universe. The universe is the expanse in which all life exists. Outside the universe is only intelligence and raw elemental matter. Neither have yet been created or made into any living thing yet. There is no end to intelligence nor to matter.
9. Our first parent Gods create this light from the elemental matter. Light follows the laws of each of the three levels of glory that it comes into, even telestial law, terrestrial law, and celestial law. It may act differently in each glory, to best enhance and enlighten those creations living in that gory. When this light matter comes into a particular kingdom of glory, it has a clear sense of what kingdom it is in, and then it acts according to the laws it was created for, in that kingdom. The actions of light in the celestial world are different than the actions of that same light in the telestial world. Every place where the light flows into is assigned a kingdom of glory. Sometimes there are more than one kingdom, like a celestial realm superimposed upon a telestial kingdom. In this case, light acts differently in each realm, according to the law that our first parent Gods created it.
10. Each God who is ordained knows how to create this light from elemental matter. However, in deference to our first parent Gods, we do not create light, but allow them to create all light and to send it forth from their location to us, for our individual use and sustenance.
11. Light enhances, enlivens, and is ever essential in all of our creations. The only place where we do not send light is to the stripped intelligences of the devils that exist between the galaxies of the universe. These locations never have the flow of light come to them. We also never visit them in the dark and lonely existence. Raphael, make this journal entry the last one for post 119. There are many truths that we continue to reveal to you, in every one of our encounters with you. We will do the same for every faithful one of our children who are introduced again to us by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and who pursue a relationship with us. All that we share with you will also share with them.'
12. I thanked my very loving Heavenly Mother! I so love her words and her light and love she sheds forth upon me!