134. Accept and Judge Not
Posted 9-4-2019


I have chosen to name this post "Accept and Judge Not". There is a lot in this post about not judging, not speaking one's mind all of the time, and just allowing people to be who they are and accept them. I also love the concepts taught by our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother that all of our perceptions are in our own minds, and we may choose how we wish to think and act. I want to think in happy ways, and to be loving and accepting. 

I hope you enjoy this post! I have learned so much from the abundant revelation God continues to shower down upon me. I feel so grateful and blessed!

I hope you will ponder these words and pray about them. I know they are from God.


P.S. I have chosen a smattering of pictures in which we may think to judge those in the picture. Enjoy!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry,

1. Evening–we had computer and phone technical problems today! We are so dependent upon these, but sometimes they are so hard to fix. I am glad we have most of these problems fixed now. I am very glad to have gone out and fed my chickens, and to have mowed in the orchard. I like the connection to the land. I love the abundant plum harvest we have, and the beauties of the land.

2. I came tonight to the little meadow in the depression just west of the top of the switchback path, in God's Loving Healing Center. I leaned up against the horizontal log in that meadow, and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I faced the little hill leading to the switch back and knelt on the grass.

3. Both of my Heavenly Parents appeared at the top of this little hill, and then came straight in the air to me by the log. They were soon in front of me, holding hands. They were smiling and shining forth their light on me. I felt very honored to be in their magnificent presence!

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I both have come to you to discuss a topic that is dear to us. We wish to speak of the procreative powers we have given to our mortal children, or the power to beget life.

5. This power is one we ourselves exercise at the beginning of each eternity. I receive the holy seed of my husband, your Heavenly Father, which contains the very intelligence of the one who will grow into our beloved son or daughter spirit. This is the highest form of our creative efforts, of all of our creations! We populate our celestial orb using our procreative powers, one spirit child at a time, until millions have been born to us. We love and nurture each one, and care for them tenderly. For those who keep our first estate, and accept our Beloved Son and Redeemer, they also may have a small taste of the procreative process on earth, in bearing our own children in their own families.

6. Our children come into a fallen telestial world, where Satan and his evil hosts are abroad in the land, and where the natural man and woman dwell in the hearts and minds of our children. Even in these conditions, we still allow our sons and daughters to procreate and bear children.

7. In the telestial world, and among those whose natures are telestial, there are many who play with their own passions and desires, outside of the bonds of marriage. They seek pleasure without thinking of the consequence of children that may be conceived and born to the mother. In these cases, without the security and love that most marriages provide, the children in these often broken families are in a difficult situation. We yearn to help and bless them in spite of the actions of their parents, but are limited in what we can do.

8. The sins and habits of the parents often are repeated in the lives of their children when they come of age. This pattern perpetuates then their chosen telestial life-style, sometimes for generations.

9. There are others of our children who fall in love, and are married before entering into sexual relations. These tend to honor marriage vows, and raise their children with a mother and father in the home. For these our terrestrial-type and celestial-type children, they are honorable people, and care and love their spouse and children. They seek to nourish and provide for their own. We bless them as they love and serve each other. We inspire them as they are receptive to our gospel truths.

10. From this group of wholesome sons and daughters come forth usually our elect. These hear our words, follow our promptings, and obey us in all things, even above the pull of their telestial world. Our celestial elect, however, may come from all walks of life, for we send them to broken families as well as virtuous and caring parents.

11. We instill in all of our sons and daughters, regardless of their situation they might find themselves in, a strong and constant desire to find a mate with whom they may love and cherish. Children born to those who cherish each other and make lasting marriage vows are greatly blessed.

12. Only those who are our elect, and who pattern their own desires and actions after our gospel, will become membered among the gods who will continue to propagate children in eternity. The same methods of procreation that we their Heavenly Parents use in creating them are the same they use in creating their own offspring in mortality. This is a very sacred and beautiful process that we share with our earthly children!

13. We are saddened when our children only seek for personal pleasures, and use these powers of procreation outside the bonds of marriage, usually without thought that children may come as a result. We have therefore set commandments to only have sexual relations within marriage, with one spouse and no other. Children that come are therefore more protected and have a home where both the mother and father may be there to love, nurture and train them in ways of honor and righteousness, for years to come. This marriage requirement is a law of the terrestrial kingdom. Our telestial natured children have no such laws, for they love lies, practice adultery, commit whoredoms, and all manner of self-centered lasciviousness.

14. It will be the telestial who will all be removed by the glory and fire from Jesus Christ at his terrible second coming. That day may be either great or terrible for the terrestrial natural person, depending on how carefully they followed our laws and kept our promptings and commandments. We will consider how loving and Christ-like our terrestrial children treated their spouse and children in that determination. Our children who have a celestial nature, hear our voice and keep our commandments. They choose us and our ways above the temptations of the flesh and the pull of the telestial world they live in. The celestial will abide the day of the second coming, and it will be glorious for them!'

15. I responded:

Thank you my Heavenly Mother for sharing these truths tonight about the procreative process and marriage! I am enlightened by these principles. Thank you both for allowing us in mortality to procreate in marriage, with your approval, and thus bring forth your own children into strong homes and families! I am so grateful for the many joys that my wife brings to me, and that we share in our children and grandchildren!'

16. My Heavenly Parents smiled, and then quickly faded away from my presence. I bowed my head and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 23, 2019, Friday

1. I have awoken refreshed and ready to meet a new day. I feel happy and clear also. I came to the top of the switchback path, looking down at God's Loving Healing Lake to the east. I saw to my left God's temple to the north. The sun was up in the sky, and all seemed so lovely here in this celestial realm. I perceived it all by my unconscious mind in my translated body.

2. I knelt and asked for God to come. I then saw a bright light to my right and saw light coming from the opening of the domed room. Heavenly Father then came walking down the gold path directly to me! He stopped a few feet to my right where I was kneeling. I rotated my body to face him. He was smiling and full of acceptance and love for me!

3. He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I observed carefully our children in the fallen telestial mortal earth where you live. We have devised this fallen physical world in which they live to see or perceive what they choose without our presence. We are often next to them, on the other sides of three veils. They don't perceive that we are nearby.

4. We have divided up the categories of our children into three divisions, into the telestial, terrestrial and celestial. We see how they respond to our promptings, and watch their actions. The types of behavior of each division type is given in D&C 76, when multiple visions of these our children were revealed to Joseph Smith and SIdney Rigdon in 1832. These series of visions were given to them in the spirit, for by the spirit are hidden things brought to light. (See D&C 76:7-10).

5. Your Heavenly Mother and I have followed the same pattern as established by our first parent Gods who established the divisions of the type of their own children. These categories are for those who choose to follow their Great Redeemer as pre-mortal spirits, and thereby kept their first estate.

6. Abraham 3:26–"And they who keep their first estate (the pre-mortal life with us their Heavenly Parents on this celestial orb) shall be added upon (this means that these obedient spirits who accepted Jehovah would be allowed to come to the telestial physical world and gain a physical body and enter into their second estate); and they who keep not their first estate (this refers to Lucifer and the spirits that followed him in rebellion against their Heavenly Parents and our chosen Redeemer) shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate (this glory comes when our spirit children receive their own beautiful physical bodies. This makes them more capable and powerful than Lucifer and his fallen spirits who don't have the glory of a physical body); and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads forever and ever. (These are those who prove to us and themselves that they are our celestial elect. They will continue to be led by us back into our presence, and become couple Gods in eternity!) (comments added by Heavenly Father).

7. Each category of our children, whether telestial, terrestrial, or celestial, have laws and behavior we accept in our children for their entry into these kingdoms. We judge our children by what they do, how they act in their first and second estates. Our faithful elect hear our voice, the voice of our spirit in both estates, and then prove by their actions that they follow us above other voices and lure of the culture and environment they may be in.

8. Raphael, you and Oriphiel will receive our celestial natured children who will have overcome the world of the telestial or terrestrial environment, and risen to a celestial nature. There are laws and entry requirement for the celestial to qualify. The most evident is their obedience to our gospel standards of love and acceptance of all God's children. You will see this kindness, gentleness, acceptance and charity-depicting their love they received first from us their Heavenly Parents, and then repeated in their own lives. This love can be felt in their presence and seen in their eyes. You will get to recognize this quality of our faithful celestial children, for all will enter into our Church of the Firstborn. Our holy angels, who administer to them in the New Jerusalem temple, will also observe every one of these faithful, and likewise will see who the celestial-natured are like. Oh, we honor and love our celestial children! These will all become like us-for this glory that we give them in eternity, this godly life, is the very purpose of every eternity! In all the process of progression they go through, in both first and second estates, the end result is the eternal glory of our beloved children, in their many worlds of glory. Our celestial are the crowning jewel of all our creations! They become even as we are!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me today, and for his wonderful insights and impressions I felt during this revelatory experience! He pulled me up off my knees so I was standing before him, and spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are so pleased in your obedience and diligence in seeking us, to be guided by us and filled with our love! We are able and feel free to share with you our many truths, as fast as you are able to receive them! We will reveal all these things also to all of our faithful who hear our voice and keep our commandments.

10. D&C 76:7-10–"And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.

Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.

And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.

For by my spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will–yea, even those things which has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man."'

11. He then vanished! I was left standing, in awe and humility, for what I had received today! I closed my prayer and started my new day.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 24, 2019, Saturday

1. Last night my wife and I got home late from our date night and I was unable to write in my journal. I prayed on my knees by my bed and my Heavenly Father came to me. He told me he loved me and that it was fine that I went to bed without a longer conversation with God. He then immediately left and I went to bed.

2. I am up early this morning, ready for a new day. I came to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden today, on the celestial orb. I knelt facing the distant temple. The sun was just rising over the western horizon and it was a beautiful sunrise. I watched a moment while the celestial sun arose in the sky. I knew the sun moved around the celestial orb and not that the orb rotated around the sun in a regular pattern.

3. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me in answer to my prayer. Heavenly Father came next to me from the temple in the distance! He came in a beam of light that extended from the temple walls it looked like, to right in front of me. He stood in majesty and power! I looked up into his face and eyes and to me he was smiling, loving and accepting. I wondered if he looked so accepting and loving to others as he did to me.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, I appear to my children often in great power and majesty, for those who see me in prayer like you have diligently sought for me, and I have gradually opened up. They usually see our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ first. He is the one who redeems and cleanses them by his great sacrifice for their sins and weaknesses. He soon then introduces your Heavenly Mother and me to these, our children. This is on a one by one basis, just like you had experienced in May and April 2013.

5. You had a dream last night while sleeping. In your dream, you saw a time of General Conference in the LDS Church in a large building, not the Conference Center. The entire First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve were dressed in white suits. You saw that President Russell M. Nelson fell over some stairs while attempting to show how spry he was to the congregation. He was taken away on a stretcher from the conference before it started.

6. This dream was not reality, but it was from me, your Heavenly Father, to your unconscious mind. Dreams are often full of symbolism, but not realistic to your conscious mind. I wanted to show to you how the outward clothing, or signs (white suits), or the effort to impress by being spry like President Nelson did in your dream, and then he fell, is not sufficient to impress the people. What is sufficient is whether the Spirit of God accompanies their words and actions. The people would then know they are being led aright. However, without the Holy Spirit, there is nothing they may do to sufficiently impress the spiritually sensitive to follow them.

7. The conclusion of this dream will play out in reality over the next phase of the LDS Church. Without our confirming Spirit, the spiritually sensitive will lose their verve to follow the leadership in this Church, by withdrawing our Spirit and confirming witness of the words and actions of its leaders. They will become like the professor of religion in Joseph Smith's day: "They draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrine the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." (Joseph Smith History 1:19)'

8. I then thanked my Father for the correct interpretation of my dream. I then asked about the restrictions of the Word of Wisdom, as taught nowadays by the LDS Church leaders. My sister K had specifically asked about green tea as being something we shouldn't drink (as per the Word of Wisdom). She said she had read over and over how healthy it is and even bought matcha tea, which is grown in Japan and she believes is full of good medicine. She had asked if I had any insights.

9. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the Word of Wisdom speaks of hot drinks not being for the body or the belly (D&C 89:9). The Church leaders have said that the term "hot drinks" means tea and coffee (see Handbook of Instructions 21:3,11). However, our original statement in section 89:9 was about the temperature of the drinks that people consume, and not the type of drink. Extremely hot water is not good for the throat and stomach and should be avoided. We never intended that our children should have coffee or any teas to be restricted. In these cases, we wish our children to study out what foods or drinks they consume and judge for themselves whether they are healthy for their own body. If drinks are consumed, these should be avoided if they are hot.

10. In your day, there are many drinks and foods that are harmful to the body. We desire our children to study out for themselves, based on the abundant health research and studies available in your day, what they consume. We will also inspire and direct our children who approach us in sincere and humble prayer, on what actions to take with regard to their own health and vitality.

11. The leaders of the LDS Church were mistaken to label the words "hot drinks" in D&C 89:9 to mean tea and coffee. The restriction of these drinks should not limit them access into their temples. However, we have now departed their temples and access to their temples is no longer an issue with us, your Gods.

12. Raphael, earlier this week you asked us about how to dispose of your worn garments that you had received by covenant in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in 1969. You have always disposed of them as you had been instructed by your church leaders of the day, by cutting out the marks on the garment and burning or disposing of them. However, now you asked of me this week if you could dispose of the entire used garment in your normal garbage. I inspired you that you could, and wouldn't need to dispose of these used garments like you have done in the past.

13. Raphael, now that we have departed from the LDS Church, and have removed the priesthood and priesthood keys from the Church, the temple clothing sold by the Church and worn by Church members is no longer sacred, nor holds any special powers or significance. You still wear your temple garments because of the covenants with us, your Gods that you wish to be true to. We accept your desires and your covenant, even today. However, your temple garments you wear as underclothing is only a piece of fabric and clothing now, without our sanction and protection except to the faithful, like yourself, who have made these covenants with us in the day that we honored and accepted these covenants in the LDS Church. When you buy new temple garments, or even wear old temple garments bought anytime, these worn garments are in remembrance only of your covenants. The garments themselves are not sacred, nor are the marks on these garments anymore sacred.

14. In the future Church of Christ, there will be renewed temple ordinances that we once more accept and honor. There will also be temple garments that will be part of the ceremonial clothing in these ordinances. When our faithful again accept these covenants, they will again wear daily their own temple garments, in remembrance of the covenants they have made with us, their Gods, in their temples. The disposal of worn garments in that day will be given by the inspired leaders in that Church of Christ, even as we direct them by our Holy Spirit. Until that day, when the Church of Christ is reestablished on the earth, my instructions to you will apply about your temple garments.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his instructions today! I asked him if I had written his words down correctly and if he approved of them.

He spoke: 'Raphael, what you have written expresses correctly my directions to you by revelation.'

16. He then smiled, turned, and in the beam of light went back to his beautiful temple in the distance. I then started my day on the earth.

17. Evening–Tonight I came home around 10:00 p.m. after a fun filled day. I came to the desert oasis tonight. It was already dark outside and I knelt on the sand in front of the bench, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come. The moon was up in the sky, a partial moon. I could see what seemed like stars in the night sky. As I was looking at these, a glow started getting bright, next to me, until the whole area was lit up with a bright light. Heavenly Mother then appeared in the light! She was smiling and seemed so happy to come. Her eyes were particularly bright and shining!

18. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am pleased that you enjoyed a very fun and happy day! You have experienced a lot of pleasure with your family and friends today. These are all my beloved children whom we have sent to earth now at this time. When our children associate together in wholesome recreation and activity, this makes me smile and be happy.

19. From the beginning with this eternity, as with all previous ones, I inwardly yearn that our spirit children love each other and also enjoy being in each other's presence. As intelligences, prior to becoming our spirit children, they had so very little of any awareness or associations together. Once I created these intelligences into our spirit offspring in my womb and birthed them, they became a living spirit, with celestial matter from my body, which I obtained from elemental matter. They were born in our image as spirit babies, destined to become our adult spirit sons and daughters. We taught them by our example and word how to interact with each other, how to love and watch out for each other. We taught them how to think of others and their needs, even more than their own needs and wants. Therefore, when we see this occur with our earthly children, we are very happy!

20. 3 John 1:4

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

21. Another thing I particularly do not like that my children do to each other–they judge each other, making up ideas about them that are usually false. Then these untruths are shared about and ultimately hurt the one being judged.

22. I so wish that my children would just love and accept each other just as they are! They often have expectations in their mind of how the other should act. They often view others from their own very limited perspective also, making up additional stories of how they must think and feel, based on their very limited view of what they see them do and how they act.

23. We wish they would just accept their brothers and sisters with no judgments, expectations, or 'should' beliefs. As they get to be closer to them, they will see that the judgments that they would have made would have been very wrong anyway!

24. In the great millennium coming to the earth, our righteous children will become known by their acceptance and love towards each other. They will be secure in their own relationships and with us, their Gods. It will be hard to offend them. There will be little judgment, for our people will accept others how they are. They may all have divergent opinions about things, but will have great tolerance and lack of judgment about each other and their views and opinions. All will feel acceptance and love and will reciprocate this love back. Our Zion society will be a very safe and happy place in which to live!'

25. I expressed my love to my Heavenly Mother tonight. I said I yearned to have a much more accepting and non-judging society. I asked that she help me not to judge my fellowman. I told her how much I loved her message tonight and for her and Heavenly Father's ways that they continually show to me.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 25, 2019, Sunday

1. Another Sabbath day is upon us! I am glad to renew my baptismal covenants today at the sacrament. I look forward to this time that I personally spend with my Gods.

2. I came again this morning to the desert oasis. It was bright and sunny outside and I sat on the bench in front of the oasis. I then reread my journal entry of last night. I loved the message not to judge and to be so accepting of each other! I feel like I have fewer and fewer expectations of my family, and to just allow them to be however they are. I want to increase in my love and open acceptance of them; to not be shocked by anything they may do or say. I want to be able to do this also with my neighbors and fellow members at church. If I love them unconditionally, they will most likely be comfortable and feel accepting of me too. I believe when we judge others they can feel it even if we don't verbalize our thoughts. Similarly, if we accept them and are kind and patient, they too feel that, and act more in that same way back to us.

3. I knelt in the desert sand in front of the water where I had walked. I drank living water from my cupped hand and felt more clear in my views. I felt that gradually I am getting the mindset of God, for either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother usually appear before me and speak to me. I feel very open and receptive to whatever I hear and feel from them.

4. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. As I pondered, I felt I was taken up into the throne room of God's temple! I was kneeling before my glorious Heavenly Father who was sitting on his throne! There was a glow around him that was brighter than the already shining room. My Father was smiling and I felt such love and acceptance in his presence.

5. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have asked that your Heavenly Mother help you not to judge others, but to be loving and accepting of them, even if they act or say things that seem hurtful to you or what you consider inappropriate. I have brought you here to my throne room, where we, or our representatives whom we commission, finally judge our children. We judge them for what they have thought and how they have acted during their first and second estates.

6. I see past, present and future. I see all the circumstances in which our beloved children come to mortality. I know of their weaknesses and inherited issues that affect how they deal with life. I see their struggles and hardships, and even the inward desires of their hearts. I see in an accumulated way the summation of their actions, their thoughts, their desires. I have great empathy and compassion for them in their struggles! We have raised them in our celestial environment in their pre-mortal life and then immersed them in a fallen telestial or terrestrial world. I watch them so closely and have prompted and sought to inspire them to choose our ways in specific situations throughout their lives. I remember all of these things in detail and know them better than they themselves do.

7. After all of this, and during all of their lives, I have loved and accepted them! I hoped for them to choose us, their Gods, and our gentle loving ways. I postponed judgment until the end, when I, or one whom I have commissioned, may judge them of their actions to date. Those who judge are given my perspectives and power of God to judge fairly. I always oversee all of their judgments, to insure all is just and fair.

8. We hold our judgments on the actions of our children until the very end of their lives, for some change and repent, desiring to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ. If they do so, we rejoice and continue to shower them in our love and acceptance. We give them a little more of our directions gradually, and watch and wait. They may become more and more open to our promptings and change. If they do, we hold off our judgments even until the end. We continually hope for changes in how they might act and think.

9. In the end, however, we judge every one of our children. We know them and have proven them. We are in a position to judge and our judgments are always true, fair and just. Our children who are judged see their life as they have lived, in this judgment process. They too remember with clarity all of their choices, feelings, and desires that motivated and formed their actions. They freely express to us that our judgments are just. They see eye to eye with us at that day and accept our judgments. They realize too that the reward of their kingdom of glory we give them is exactly what they have always desired. They then are able to fully accept our judgments and that these judgments become their own. They willingly and usually happily enter into their kingdom of glory that we assign them. Their judgments are theirs, a revelation to them that this is who they really are, and that this assignment will not change, worlds without end. Their lives have been sufficiently long and, in various situations, that prove to them of who they really are, both to themselves and before God.

10. Those who may be assigned to help your Savior, Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother and me to judge our children are filled with love and acceptance. They are blessed with great clarity as we endow them to judge, just like we would judge. Sometimes we judge, and sometimes they judge in our behalf, but in either case, the judgment process and end result is the same.

11. Until the great Day of Judgment, we who are your Gods, and our commissioned servants, withhold our judgments on all of our children from this eternity. We ask you to withhold your judgments too. Instead, we ask you to love and accept each other! Your perspective is so limited and flawed that were you to make a judgment on your own, you would most likely be wrong.

12. There are times during the probation of mankind that we direct our angels and servants to make a decisive action. This comes from us, and is directed by us, and not from them. It is not a final judgment, for that comes at the end of the first and second estates, at the final judgment day.

13. Some of these actions we take redirect the probationary experience of our children. When our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, comes in glory to earth, he will send the wicked into the telestial realms of the spirit dead and preserve the righteous on the earth for the millennium. This is a temporary judgment, made by God that directs our children into a different environment, based on their actions to date. There is still time for our children to change, and some may repent and progress in their attitudes and actions. We are pleased when they change for the better and seek to follow us, their Gods. However, at the final Day of Judgment, all will receive a final determination and assignment of glory. At that final day, they will find their assigned glory will be the happiest place for them. They will all praise us for our wisdom in finding the most comfortable and pleasing place for their eternal reward.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wisdom in the great plan that he, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ orchestrate in behalf of all of us, his children! I felt that his description today was very clear and descriptive and gave me better insights into the true character of my Heavenly Father. Oh, I want to be just like him someday–so loving, accepting, fair, wise, and all knowing! I told him I would always follow him and my Heavenly Mother in everything they ask of me.

15. Heavenly Father smiled at me as he sat on his throne. I then felt like I was falling back to my room on earth where I continued writing all of this down in my personal journal. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

16. After church–my wife and I came to the sacrament meeting in our ward today. During the sacrament hymn I came next to the outcropping by the circling waters. After the prayer on the bread in the ward, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents as I do each week. I then partook of the bread. Heavenly Mother next came before me on the outcropping where I was kneeling!

17. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

18. The messages we have given you last night and this morning are core principals of our gospel. You have asked us to help you be more accepting and loving towards our children. I will do so by allowing you to see my children through my eyes, my eternity eyes!

19. She then came right into my being, and I felt I was looking through her eyes and not my own! I somehow felt that I was inside of her.

20. I then looked around and then looked on others at church–my wife, the people in front of me, and my neighbors. I felt a greater tolerance and acceptance of these individuals, more than I had before. I felt no inclination to condemn, judge or criticize. I thought better of the people around me! I felt compassion and forbearance, and a desire to reserve stating my opinion about the weaknesses of the people. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to always be with me! She was still inside of me, and I felt she would always be with me. I felt blessed and gratified!

21. Evening–Tonight I came to the beautiful circling waters, next to the bench. I faced south towards the water. I felt the setting sun on my back, and I felt at peace. This was a perfect setting to end my day and start a new week.

22. I came by the water's edge and knelt. I prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother then appeared to me on the circling waters, next to the bench. I faced south towards the water. I felt the setting sun on my back, and I felt at peace. This was a perfect setting to end my day and start a new week.

23. I came by the water's edge and knelt. I prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother then appeared to me on the circling waters! She stood a little above the water, in her brightness and glory. She was smiling and seemed full of happiness.

24. She then spoke: 'Raphael, when I came unto you at church today, you had the sensation of looking at others through my eternity eyes. I gave you this sensation so that you would know how it felt to be able to see with my perspective, on your family, neighbors, friends and all people. I want you to continue to be very accepting and non-judging of all our sons and daughters!

25. When you see a wrong that you might feel needs correcting, first ask of me if you should just let it be. It is fine for others, for instance, to judge you wrongfully and for not to respond in a corrective response or in retaliation. It is also fine for others to think that something is true when it really is false, without you correcting what they believe. If someone believes one way, and you believe another, it is fine for you to accept them and to say nothing. You don't need to correct views of people, for it is far better for you instead just to accept and love them.

26. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said this in the Beatitudes:

Matthew 5:38-44–"Ye have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth;

But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

Give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away-

Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thy enemy.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

27. Raphael, we want you to be strong and steady in your personal life, but when it comes to others, we want you to be open and loving to all, accepting them where they may be spiritually and emotionally. You may often need to let justice or fairness to be delayed, even until we whose right it is to judge all men and women. Of you, we wish you to love and accept all men and women. Let their behaviors and actions towards you go unresolved if so doing would cut those parents off from your loving influence. They will feel your acceptance and kindness, your gentleness and forbearance! They may then count you as a valued friend who understands them.

28. In your own marriage, you may discuss in private, the doings of others to settle in both of you about what your joint actions should be, as you consult between yourselves and us. However, outside of marriage, we desire you to be accepting and affable to all.

29. When you are to act with directness or confrontation, we will direct you, even by the voice of our Spirit. However, usually you should act according to the law of the gospel, as taught by Jesus Christ.'

30. I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother for her words tonight! Oh how I love her counsels!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 26, 2019, Monday

1. I read last night after my evening prayer about the three Nephites. I read accounts of these men helping people in distressful situations. They always came and went in secrecy, in their stories , not usually giving their names, and disappearing from view when they were done in their service. I believe these were translated to a terrestrial level, without the power to replicate. When they depart beyond the terrestrial veil, they are no longer in the telestial realm, where we mortals now live, but they are hidden from view in the terrestrial realm. From the accounts I read, their mission seems to be one of service to the righteous ones in need of the earth.

2. Anyway, today I came to the celestial orb again, this time to the overlook on Heavenly Father's wheat field, and the fallen oak tree. As I looked over the wheat field I saw a man working in the field. He was weeding the tares out of the field it seemed, and placing them in a cloth bag strewn across his body. As he would fill up the bag he took it to the road and dumped these tares in a large pile. See my post 107H6.

3. When he got to the road, he looked up at me and asked me to come next to him. I knew he was my Heavenly Father! I stood and traveled in the air to him on the road. There were several large dumps of the tare weeds in piles on the road.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, in order to keep our elect growing in my field, I regularly need to weed the tares from among them. I pull them up from the field and also cut them with my sickle, and bring them here on the road north of my field. I will have my angels then come and bind these in bundles, even according to the parable of the wheat and tares:

5. D&C 101:65 "While the tares shall be bound in bundles, and their bands made strong, that they may be burned with unquenchable fire.

6. There are still yet small tares in the field that remain, that too will grow up in sin and become large weeds. After we finally gather the wheat out from my fields, and secure them in my garners, the field with those remaining tares will be burned with fire. The tares on the road which will then be bound in bundles shall also be burned in this same fire. I have these tares on the road bound in bundles so that I still have access on my road, also it would be too encumbered with tares everywhere, making travel on the road difficult. After binding the tares in bundles, I will have the angels stack these bundles on the sides of my road closest to the wheat field.

7. D&C 101:64-65–"That the work of the gathering together of my saints may continue, that I may build them up unto my name upon holy places; for the time of harvest is come, and my word must needs be fulfilled.

8. Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be;"

9. Raphael, I watch over my faithful ones, who are represented in this field as wheat. These will be gathered even to safe places on earth and in the clouds of heaven at the second coming of Jesus Christ. When he descends and burns the tares in the fire of his presence. Prior to this, the wheat will be gathered and placed in safe garners on the earth. These are protected places that temporarily house my elect during the times when calamities of all varieties sweep the earth and destroy the wicked. The garners may include one house here and another one there, or places of refuge where more of my wheat will be gathered in groups. In all cases, I will watch over my elect, and angels will protect them in their places of safety.

10. Raphael, you wondered about my three disciples that were translated to a terrestrial glory when Jesus Christ came among the Nephites. (see 3 Nephi 28:6-10). These are still abroad in the land, and serve my elect in secret. Some of the accounts you read about last night were true stories of them serving our elect. They will join the 144,000 who are now starting to be translated, to also serve the elect, even as the three Nephite disciples. They are all subject to the directions of Jesus Christ whom they serve. They will help in the great work of gathering my elect to safe garners around the earth. This will be in the day of coming days of increased tribulations. When the time comes, they will also gather those elect to the New Jerusalem, to the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 77:11).'

11. I looked up at Heavenly Father, and gazed into his eternity. eyes–so strong and showing me how capable he was of fulfilling all of his words. I knew he spoke the truth. I also knew what I had written was true and acceptable to him.

12. I then thanked him for this vision at his wheat field this morning. I then reached down and touched one of the tares in the closest weed pile. It was limp and had no spiritual life, or recognition of things spiritual. I brought this weed before me and thought I saw an individual in this plant in his real life on earth! It was only a quick glimpse, but enough for me to know this was a man who was living in sin, and feigned to be righteous. He attended church every week, and considered himself an active member of the LDS church. He had no companionship of the Spirit in his life, for he did his own pleasure and did not follow the still small voice of God. It appeared to me that his desires were to get gain and pleasure in the world, and to satisfy his natural man desires within him that seemed very strong and dominant in his life.

13. I set this weed plant back on the stacked tares that Heavenly Father had removed from his wheat field.

Heavenly Father then spoke again: 'Raphael, each of these tares represent a person on earth who tries to show to others he or she is upright and religious, like the wheat. They may appear to most as wheat, but they inwardly reject me and the Spirit of God that I send to them. I have temporarily judged them, and plucked them out of my wheat field, for they will not listen to my Spirit now in any way, even after I have tried to reach them over these many years. Now, at the time soon at hand when I will harvest my wheat field, they encumber the wheat and need to be removed in these piles.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and explanation to me. I felt to yearn after these many tares in these piles of weeds on the road, for I know each represented a person judged of God! I knew that Heavenly Father was fully justified, and had to clear his field of these religious imposters. I felt relieved that I didn't have to make any judgments of any of these tares, but to just accept and love all people, even if they were tares, even as Heavenly Mother taught me last night.

15. This is how my morning prayer ended today! I came back into my conscious mind, and reread all I had written. I closed my payer and started my new day and week.

16. Evening–My wife and I attended a ward party tonight. So many new people, many young and rich, with big homes and large properties. It is a different environment than the old for sure. We visited with the older that have remained and didn't move away or die off. It seems like a whole new ward of people to me.

17. Tonight I came to the circling waters. It seemed to be late afternoon to me. I have found that the movement of the sun on this celestial orb doesn't correlate with the day or night on earth in my part of the world. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then knelt and faced the water, looking south, with the bench behind me. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

18. Heavenly Father came from behind me and I turned and faced him. His light shone round about and into and through me. He was smiling and immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, life is a process of change. Just like how your LDS ward changes, or your neighbors–people move out, others move in, the old retire and the younger take over the leadership in the communities, churches and businesses.

19. In the mortal earth, there is a lot of change. In this eternity, once our children come into their mortal existence, there begins a lot of change and challenges for all. We have many realms for our children to progress through as they mature, gain experience, and find out who they really are. We provide the perfect testing ground in which we may see who will really follow us above the pull of the world. We attempt to continue to speak to all of our children, but only a limited number will really hear us and keep our commandments.

20. Part of growth comes with wisdom and experience. We are giving you many experiences in your life, with a life full of problems, trauma, health issues, family love and division, and trials of all varieties. Similar experiences are lived by many in the process of their mortal probation. We want you to add to all of your mortal life's journey much wisdom and truth that we have been abundantly pouring out upon you. When you will come to the New Jerusalem, you will be a very seasoned older mortal man with lots of wisdom and experience. You will have developed a deeper love for all of our children and an understanding of our truths that few will have ever attained. Your knowledge will be great, for you will still commune twice daily with us, your Heavenly Parents. We will continue to pour out upon you our abundant revelations, many of which have never before been revealed to mankind on earth or in heaven.

21. In this mortal state you will begin to fulfill your mission to administer to our faithful the waters of separation ordinance. You will have the honor of bringing these into our celestial Church of the Firstborn, one at a time! Oriphiel will assist you by recording their names in the Lamb's Book of Life, an assurance that they will receive eternal life and their exaltation as a future couple God. The significance of this welcoming ordinance will be so very important to our faithful elect! Oh, how we love them and want them to have such a wonderful experience as they first enter the New Jerusalem temple!

22. We are preparing our mortal angels in a similar way. They will be the ones who help our elect and administer to them the ordinances in the temple that we will recognize for eternity! Their service will also be emblazoned in their memories forever! Oh, we are so pleased to have our mortal angels to do this great work, under your supervision and that of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. All of your service will be for an eternal memorial to our elect who will progress and grow in the ways of the gods.

23. These same processes of growth, refinement and progression into the celestial worlds happens with all of our elect children, in all of our eternities. It is also the path for all the faithful children of the gods of all of the universe, in their own respective galaxies and eternities.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful and hopeful words to me! I so yearn to be a wise servant, a humble and acceptable son of my Heavenly Parents in doing all that they ask for me to do. I told my Heavenly Father how much I loved him and his wonderful truths!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 27, 2019, Tuesday

1. This morning I have mulled over the feelings one might have in subjecting oneself to a young leader like an LDS bishop, particularly if the one coming to the leader is older and wiser. I think God wants me to be old and wiser than most who come to me so that they don't feel awkward or feel they are more mature than I will be. I also see how, if I have many years of communing with God, that this alone will give me wisdom and eternal perspective that they will respect and honor. I believe this is part of God's purpose in having me start my assignment in the New Jerusalem temple when I am old and seasoned in life's experiences.

2. I came this morning to the bench at God's Loving Healing Lake. The water was still and the surroundings beautiful, with abundant flowers, greenery and trees. I felt very comfortable and happy. I forgot all pressures of my mortal life, all troubles and cares, and just came to commune with my God. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water and asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

3. The heavens opened in the air above the lake and my Heavenly Mother descended in a glorious splash of bright light upon the waters! She stopped a few feet above the water. She then gave me the distinct prompting to come to her on the lake. I then stood and walked to her, even until I was directly before her beaming presence. I knelt and looked up into her glorious face! She was smiling at me and I felt such deep love and acceptance from her.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, when you visit with someone, even if briefly, you can recall in your mind what they look like and some aspects of their behavior. When you see someone frequently, you know them much better. Likewise, when you are brought into our heavenly presence so frequently, day by day and year by year, you come to know us very well! You can easily recognize our appearance before you, or think about us in your mind's eye and see us. Our intention is for you to know your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me so very well that you may speak our words, do our works, and know us very intimately. It is in this mode we wish you to begin your mission of service to each of our elect children who will come to you to be received into the Church of the Firstborn.

5. You are correct that we desire you to be an older, well-seasoned man of wisdom and maturity, one whom our elect will be able to respect and honor. They will look up to you as their older, loving spirit brother, since you are our fourth son in the spirit. Both Michael and Gabriel, your own two older brothers, will also have the deepest respect and love for you. They too will enter into the Church of the Firstborn through you and Oriphiel, our seventh son and sixth archangel.

6. All who come to you and Oriphiel will be acquainted with your calling as archangels of God, called and commissioned by us, your Heavenly Parents, in the pre-mortal life. You will both wear your angel vestures when performing the ordinance of the waters of separation and recording in the Lamb's Book of Life. My spirit of the Holy Ghost will be in abundance during all of your administrations, as well as those of the other holy angels in the New Jerusalem temple. Oh, this will be such a wonderful and memorable experience for all of our children!

7. Raphael, we come to you each day and love and instruct you in our Godly ways. You are coming to know us and our many truths. We vary the environment in which we appear to you so that you will become accustomed to our desires to continually have change and a new perspective. In this gradual process of revealing ourselves to you, you are beginning to gain much better foresight of what we plan to do. You also gain greater hindsight of our past works and your own memories of your past.

8. We desire to lead and guide each of our faithful in ways similar to how we are leading you. We are no respecter of persons, but shower upon our diligent seeking children all of our truths and revelations, as fast as they might be able to receive them. When they individually value our relationship with them above their own will and pleasures, and seek us with all of their hearts, might and minds, we will open up to them. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, will redeem and purify them and they will come again into our holy presence. We look forward to a deep and lasting relationship with each one of our faithful children!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting and beautiful words to me this morning. I feel so honored and blessed to be in her presence and to receive from her and my Heavenly Father! I thanked her for inviting me to come before her on these crystal clear waters today! I told her I loved her and would always seek to come into her presence.

10. Evening–I came tonight to God's Healing Lake and started walking around the path. It was very heavenly, with birds chirping, flowers growing so vibrantly, and everything in order and extremely beautiful! I came to a point on the path around the lake under the bluff to a place where bare rock is exposed in a cliff protrusion on the steep hill above the lake. I faced the direction of the temple to the north, although I couldn't see the temple (one can see the temple from the bluff). I knelt just off the path and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

11. I then looked across the lake and saw a couple sitting on the bench where I usually pray. I immediately knew they were my Heavenly Parents! I received the prompting to come directly across the water on the lake to them, and to not walk around the lake on the path like I had come.

12. I then stood and walked to the shore, directly opposite them. I intended to walk in the air above the water, and then I actually did walk in the air above the water. I kept looking at my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the bench while I passed over the lake. Soon I was over the shore and continued to walk in the air above the ground, and I did! I came right in front of the bench where they were sitting, and then came on my knees in the air before them. I had to concentrate to keep myself in my course to them above the ground in the air. I transferred a thought to them that I had come before them according to their prompting. I waited.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad you obeyed our prompting and did not ask questions about how you could fulfill our will. Instead you were resourceful and just tried to obey, according to your best ability, and then it happened just as you intended. We like this initiative in following our directions and our commandments! This is the level of obedience we desire in our faithful children who hear our promptings, and are not sure how exactly to fulfill them.

14. 1 Nephi 3:7–"And it came to pass that I Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

15. Nephi showed extraordinary faith in retrieving the records from Laban, even after his brothers were so discouraged and even beat him with a rod. The spirit of God led him how to proceed in each part of his journey.

16. 1 Nephi 4:6–"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."

17. This faith and obedience allowed us, Nephi's Gods, to direct him in a journey where he ultimately obtained the brass plates and the servant of Laban, and returned with his brothers to the tent of their father in the wilderness.

18. In these last days, there will be many occasions for our elect to hear our voice of the Spirit, and not know how they will fulfill our commands. We want them to fully trust in our still small voice of the spirit, and like Nephi of old, be led to fully accomplish all the directions and commands we give them. We will lead our faithful and open servants in a step-by-step manner to be able to fulfill our will.

19. In these cases, it is so important to be open in your mind, and to be perceptive to any intimations that we might give in your thoughts. We will guide you by this our voice, in your unconscious mind, quietly yet assuredly. We will always give directions, in a progressive step-by-step manner, on the way we wish you, our servant, to fulfill our commandment.

20. Doubt not, and fear not, for we will lead you and the faithful along, and will never abandon you.

21. When the wicked priest of Elkenah rose up to slay Abram, we rescued him at the last moment and slew the priest and broke down the altar (see Abraham 1:15). The people also sought to take away Noah's life, but we were with him and protected him (see Moses 8:18). We will also protect you Raphael, and have preserved you even until now. Remember when you fell headlong down a loose rocky steep slope in the mountains, during a hike of a Fathers and Sons campout? You were fully protected by being turned over in the air and landing in a sitting position on the rocks. We protected you in that instance against severe injury. We have a mission for you to accomplish, and will be with you in every time of trouble.

22. When danger comes around you, or our commandments seem impossible to fulfill, then listen to our still small voice and we will guide you along, so you will be able to fulfill our will. Be believing!

23. D&C 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

24. What I speak to you, I also speak to our other faithful in these last days. You will all face times of decision whether to act in faith in keeping all of our commandments. These last days will provide many opportunities for us, your Gods, to watch how you consider and then fulfill our promptings.'

25. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents to be before me, and for the words of encouragement from my Heavenly Mother. I told her I would seek to always be diligent in following their still small voice.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 28, 2019, Wednesday

1. I came to the celestial orb today, to the pocketed flower rock wall, along the path in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I am glad I have varied places that come in my mind to where I feel I should go to pray. This gives me experience to hear and feel the still small voice, and to confirm that this voice that comes to me in my own thoughts is from God and not myself. I often also check other places, with "no" answers. When I come to the correct place, I am now accustomed to hearing a "yes" answer.

2. I also can just sit and try to feel where my replicated translated self may be located. Sometimes I perceived trees around me or other distinctive terrain, or I may spiritually hear or perceive water trickling, for instance. This gives me a clue to where my unconscious self may be. If I wait for the prompting, before I really ask where I should go, it often becomes obvious where I should come to commune with my loving Heavenly Parents in personal prayer.

3. I believe my Heavenly Parents always like to vary the places where they come and how they come. They seem to love variety and new ways to do things each time! I too am glad for these varied experiences they give to me!

4. I knelt in front of the pocketed rocked wall, with the stream on my left. I love the beautiful flowers growing out of the holes or pockets in the rock wall in front of me! I heard the gurgling of the mountain stream to my left also. It is such a beautiful place in which to commune with God!

5. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Father started talking to me, in my mind. I didn't see him:

6. 'Raphael, what you have written about the way and manner we speak to you in your journal this morning is true. We love variety, and to approach our children in different ways. Right now I am speaking to your unconscious mind, in your thoughts and you cannot yet see me before you. However, you know it is I who speaks to you, and not yourself. You are able to perceive because you are in a meditative state, and because you have heard my voice many times before, and know my voice.

7. When my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ was in his ministry on the earth, he said this:

John 10:14-15–"I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep."

8. When on the earth, Jesus daily communed with your Heavenly Mother and I. He spoke to us throughout the day, and we spoke to him also daily in his personal prayers, just like you do. He came to the same celestial orb in his prayer, just like you do. He received personal revelation to his unconscious mind just like you do. We helped him become aware of our voice, the still small voice of our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. He came to know intimately both his Heavenly Mother and me, his Father while he was in the flesh.

9. Jesus was also an ordained God, and had been the great Jehovah in directing our prophets and faithful sons and daughters since the days of Adam and Eve. He had special gifts we endowed him with, even with the ability to have his conscious and unconscious minds merged after his experience on the Mount of Temptation. He therefore knew all men and women on the earth.

10. We also gave him great power to perform all sorts of miracles, proving to the people that he was the promised Messiah who should come. We confirmed to our faithful by our Spirit that he was their promised Redeemer, and they who were open and receptive, and knew our voice could hear and feel of or witness to their hearts and minds.

11. In all of this, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, grew by degrees, even during his mortal ministry:

D&C 93:12-14–"And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first but received grace for grace.

And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness.

And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first."

12. The pattern Jesus took in gradually receiving a fullness, is the same pattern we plan for each of our beloved faithful elect children. We will lead them each along, as they are willing and open to receive our gentle promptings, and as they obey our words, spoken to them by our Spirit. This whole process will help them become even the mighty men and women of God that we desire them to become!'

13. Heavenly Father then appeared in person to me, in front of the pocketed rock wall! He was smiling and so full of light and glory! He then started fading away and then disappeared again.

14. I knew I had clearly heard and written his words to me, given to me in my thoughts. I thanked him in my mind, and I knew he heard my thoughts. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my busy and active day on earth.

15. After a full day, I have come to my recliner in my front room next to my wife who is sitting across the room. The house is quiet and the crickets are chirping outside on this late summer evening.

16. I came to the birch tree grove, next to the little stream coming down the hill from Lake Beautiful. I knelt by the stream of living water and drank from my cupped hand. I felt clarified in my mind and perceptive. I then faced north, towards the stream, and asked for my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come. I thought Heavenly Mother would come for some reason.

17. A glow of light began forming in the air in front of me and soon Heavenly Mother was standing before me! She was bright, shining her light upon me. I felt so loved and comfortable in her presence! She was smiling at me!

18. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I am pleased to come to you tonight! I want to speak to you about some hints I have to share with you about keeping cheery and in avoiding discouragement and becoming depressed.

19. You have noticed how happy I almost always am. My eternity eyes even sparkle with joy and I love to smile! This is a choice, for there is always something that I could think about that would make me sad. I therefore choose what I wish to think about. I think about the things that brighten my day and make me feel happy.

20. I also know about those things that bring sad or depressed thoughts, but I choose to not dwell on these. Knowledge of these thoughts that pull me down is not the same as dwelling on such thoughts. Even for us, who are the Heavenly Parents for all of our children in this eternity, we could feel a number of negative emotions were we to allow these thoughts to remain in our active mind. We usually can't do much about the actions of our disobedient children anyway, for we have given all of our children their own moral agency since the time I birthed them as spirits in the pre-mortal life. They have continued to choose for themselves when they came into the mortal telestial world. We may entice and speak to them, but if they won't hear us or obey, we then are powerless to affect a change in their own lives.

21. I choose to think thoughts and allow feelings to enter into my mind that I can control in exercising my own agency. These are within my own domain, and when I choose to do something, it happens. I have power to affect a change in these things.

22. I also rejoice with your Heavenly Father in our faithful elect who listen to us and obey what we say. This group of our children brings us great joy and the satisfaction of orchestrating everything in this eternity to bring to pass their exaltation and glory. Your Father and I continually think about these, our righteous children! We so love how they are eager to follow our gentle promptings and subtle nudges. We spend our time teaching and guiding them and delight to honor and bless these, our elect!

23. D&C 76:5-10

"For thus saith the Lord–I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.

Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.

And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.

Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.

And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.

For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will–yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear hear, nor yet entered into the heart of man."

24. Raphael, these things that we share with our elect delight me! I love to share these new truths with them and thrill with them in their new insights and understandings. These are the things that I allow to occupy my thoughts and upon which I dwell and think of. These make me happy and full of light and joy, even to making my eternity eyes beam with sparkling light and deep contentment!'

25. I said to my Heavenly Mother the following–'My beautiful Heavenly Mother, I feel so honored to have heard these great truths from your lips tonight! I too wish to employ these keys of keeping happy and positive in my life. I want to think of those things in my control that I can change. I also want to think about the positive and the many blessings that you and Heavenly Father pour out so abundantly upon me! Oh, I love you so very much! Thank you so much for all your care and love you shower upon all the faithful!'

26. She stepped forward and embraced me in her loving arms, even while I was still kneeling before her! I felt her deep joy and love, particularly for her faithful children. I knew she loved to guide and serve them and to think about them continually.

27. My prayer then ended and I found myself again writing all of this in my journal while still in my recliner chair. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 29, 2019, Thursday

1. This morning I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I sat on the bench facing the water in the mountain stream. I felt pleased to be in this beautiful environment and anticipated hearing from one or both of my Heavenly Parents this morning. I then knelt on the soft grass and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father then came walking to me from my right side! He was smiling and beaming upon me his light and acceptance.

He spoke: 'Raphael, you have written correctly in your journal last night some secrets that your Heavenly Mother shared with you that she uses in staying happy. We see all that is happening in your world and view all the secret acts of men and women in your fallen telestial world. However, we choose to dwell on the positive and that which we have power to change according to our will and pleasure. Our rebellious children and their evil works hardly ever have a place for long in our minds. We love to dwell on the positive and thereby are happy from day to day.

3. The ability to control one's mind is a learned skill. We have both learned how to control what we think about, and so can you and our mortal children. Think of your thoughts as a steady stream flowing in and out of your mind. For instance, when you know you have an appointment, you mark it on your calendar and set your digital alarm, and then you dismiss the thought that you might miss the appointment. You are able to dismiss it because you know you will be reminded at the moment to leave on time to your appointment. Between setting your alarm and the alarm going off, you no longer allow your mind to occupy thoughts of perhaps being late or missing your appointment.

4. In a similar way, we dismiss thoughts that are negative or bring us sorrow. We know they exist and we know that we will address the consequences of evil at a future day. However, we don't fret or worry about the negative thoughts anymore. We also know we may revisit and recall all of the past in perfect clarity in the Day of Judgment for our rebellious children, so why would we dwell on their upsetting actions in the interim? We usually reserve until the end and just continue in seeking to help and guide them, even when they reject us and our promptings.

5. We also detach our emotions from our view of their actions. Were we to allow ourselves to do more than just see the evil actions of our rebellious children when these actions occur, we would allow these negative feelings to arise in our hearts and minds. Instead, we see the actions like they are on a video screen in front of us, without emotions becoming involved or arising within us. We are able to do this because we detach our emotions from the scenes of evil that we continually see.

6. We also see all the good and lovely come before us in a steady stream of the present actions of our faithful children. For these we allow our emotions of happiness, joy, excitement, and other positive feelings to swell within our breasts. These actions give us hope and a vision of how we might continue to succor and guide our faithful, even to coming one day again into our presence and partaking of our deep love we have for them. We scheme and discuss together our plans of what to reveal next to our receptive and open children. We love the thrill when we speak to them and they hear and are filled with excitement and joy at our revelations of truth. These happy feelings continually bathe our minds with the positive. This is all done by our own choice and agency. We see all, but dwell on the happy and positive. We know by so doing we will find the overall greatest eternal happiness in the present. We see past, present and future, but live in the present most of the time. By living in the present, we have found the greatest satisfaction and lasting joy.'

7. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father before me for his words of clarity and truth! I have been further enlightened by his words and his clear explanations. I told him that I feel so blessed to be receptive to his truths as given to me directly through his Holy Spirit as his words flowed into my mind! I said I would seek to be open and receptive all the time to what he and Heavenly Mother would reveal to me. I said I loved him and would always obey and follow them.

8. My prayer then ended and I realized a new day was soon upon me. I closed my prayer and then started my day.

9. Evening–I came to the celestial orb tonight, on the north shore somewhere of Lake Beautiful. There was a pretty beach and ahead of me to the south so much water! I couldn't see the other side, or any thing recognizable to the west or east. I know I was on the celestial orb, and that the lake was all living water.

10. I knelt facing the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I knew it would be him who would come tonight. It was dark outside, but I could still see somewhat.

11. I saw him next coming in the air a little ways out over the water! He took a few steps until he was right in front of me. He then stopped and smiled and shone his light upon me, his light that was full of acceptance and love.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you to the northern shoreline of Lake Beautiful tonight.

13. It is dark outside, but my radiance lights up the surrounding area. You also have felt my deep love and acceptance of you tonight.

14. You read in your family scripture study tonight about how the Lord softened Nephi's heart:

1 Nephi 2:16–"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

15. Nephi had an open and receptive heart, and was very diligent in inquiring of God about the words of his Father and what the prophets had written about. These are the key ingredients to becoming softened in his heart so that he believed the words of truth as spoken by his father Lehi. The condition of a softened heart may be described as full of faith, eager and believing of whatever we may say, and very open and receptive.

16. Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, on the other hand, said "We have not (inquired of the Lord), for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us." (1 Nephi 15:9) They would not even attempt to ask of God to find answers to their questions. They were lacking faith, and had little or no desire to believe the words of their Father Lehi or Nephi, their younger brother. Therefore, they were described as hard-hearted. Nephi responded in 1 Nephi 15:11–"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? –If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

17. Our children come with softened hearts to earth, or with hardened hearts, and all conditions in between. All are alike to us, at first, and we respond equally to our children in all ages and at all times:

1 Nephi 10:19–"For he that diligently seeketh shall find, and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old, as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

18. Sometimes the scriptures talk of a softened heart as a believing heart. It is all the condition of the faithful. It requires a penitent attitude that we recognize in those with soft hearts and open minds. Only to those will we unfold our mysteries, a little here and a little there, and "none knoweth these things, save it be the penitent." (see Alma 26:2).

19. Those with hardened hearts, like Laman and Lemuel, come to earth and then when the natural man swells up inside of them, they want the things of the world more than the things of God. They make little or no effort in seeking to commune with us, their God. We still give them a prompting of our Spirit, but they are past feelings, as were Laman and Lemuel, as spoken by Nephi:

1 Nephi 17:45–"Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you, yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken to you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder."

20. Our elect sons and daughters have a soft heart, and open and receptive mind, and seek us diligently. When we speak to them quietly by our still small voice they hear us, love our words, and follow our promptings! We give them revelation upon revelation, unfolding to them our mysteries and truths that none of the hard-hearted can hear or know about. We lead them even to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and eventually back into our holy presence.

21. Raphael, before you is the vast Lake Beautiful. It is full of living water that is akin to the vast knowledge of truth we wish to reveal to each one of our faithful. We will do so line upon line, here a little and there a little, until all of our truths and revelations are known and understood by our faithful who continue to have softened hearts and open and receptive minds. Those who thus partake become our celestial couple gods in eternity, even as we are!'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful message! I watched him turn and walk over the vast lake of living water. His light around him gradually dimmed and soon I could no longer see him. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 30, 2019

1. My wife and I had a visit last night from one of our grown children with their children. We had prepared a lot for their comfort and for the meal. They came late, never expressed any words of gratitude, and never asked how we were doing nor expressed anything about us, or even seemed interested in us! I could have had terminal cancer with a death sentence, and they would never know, for it seemed that they were completely uninterested! They were all generally disrespectful and only interested in themselves. After our scripture study together, which gave me insights, but during which there was some bickering and lack of kindness among them, they finally left.

2. My wife and I discussed our impressions before going to bed. The experience was distasteful to us, and surprising to both of us how ungrateful they were. I felt much more connected and cared about with my neighbors whom we had visited earlier in the day, and shared some of our produce. Our neighbors were connective, and we had respect and gratitude for each other. I counted them as friends, but I hardly knew my own child and grandchildren!

3. After my discussion together with my wife, I tried to let the experience and the attendant thoughts pass through my mind and not dwell. I will try to remember in the back of my memory not to extend so much to them, for why would I want to do that again? I will become more reserved so as not to get so shut down and disappointed again. I am going to try to let go of all my negative emotions about them however, so that I may be happy from positive thoughts that remain and dwell in my mind. I keep thinking what my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father have told me how to keep the positive in my mind so that I may feel happy and full of light. If my child and grandchildren change, I will gladly be open and loving to them. Right now I feel they owe my wife and I a little gratitude and some recognition or respect!

4. Anyway, I came this morning to the celestial orb on the grassy hill above the vast ocean where I had been invited to come pray before. I sat on the hill and watched the gentle waves come and go. I smelled the salty ocean in the air, and had remembrances on earth of watching sunsets on the beach. I felt in a contemplative mood.

5. While sitting, looking at the ocean, I felt someone next to me on my right side, also sitting and watching the ocean waves. I looked to my right and Heavenly Mother was there! I was so glad to again be in her presence! We both sat for a moment, looking at the celestial ocean, and just were enjoying our time together.

6. She then stood and extended her hand to me and spoke: 'Raphael, would you like to stroll with me on my ocean beach?' She had a sparkle in her eye, and I quickly stood and took her hand in mine. 'Heavenly Mother, I feel so very pleased and honored to stroll with you on your ocean beach! Thank you for coming here with me today.'

7. When I took her hand we were immediately on the beach, barefoot in the sand. We were facing the gentle waves that rhythmically crashed on the beach and rolled up to our feet. I felt the cool water surrounding my feet and then quickly sink into the sand.

8. At this moment, back on earth, my phone beeped and I read the message. My child that came last night thanked my wife and I for postponing our dinner to accommodate their schedule. He said it was good being with us. This made me feel a little better!

9. Back at the ocean, Heavenly Mother then squeezed my hand and we started walking slowly. She started speaking: 'Raphael, sometimes a loved one(s) acts in ways that seem offensive or even rude. You never know what their life has been like, or the thoughts or feelings that have recently occupied their mind just prior to them saying offensive words or acting self-centered, and not inquiring after you, or being grateful. It takes us a lifetime to really see what our children are like and what they really want in their own life. Each of our children shape their own lives by the day-by-day actions they choose to do, and the thoughts they choose to have occupy their minds.

10. My advice to you is to continue to be generous, affable, and kind to your own family member, regardless of their behavior towards you. They will feel of your acceptance and love, even until the end of your days. The attitudes you have towards them will be a memorial in their minds of the person you are. They may then desire to change because of your loving example to them.

11. You might freely discuss with your wife your inward feelings from your fun-filled dinner experience last night, and how you felt rebuffed by our family that you both put out for so much, but that conversation would stop there. You are correct in allowing the negative emotions to just pass on from your mind, and to not dwell on them. By practicing in doing this, you are gaining greater skill in mind control and emotion control. This skill will help you dwell on the positive and bring you much happiness in your life!'

12. We were walking and out of the water that came and went from the waves. The celestial sun was shining upon as and the waters, creating beautiful reflections on the ocean as it continually moved and undulated.

13. My wife and I had tended two of our young grandchildren from another child, ages two and four. This was really a delight for us, seeing their innocence and excitement for their new lives. I had given the older boy some peanuts in a bag, after feeding him and his sister a peanut butter and honey sandwich. I had told him that peanuts can be turned into peanut butter, even while he chewed the peanuts.

14. Anyway, his mother also just texted me a picture of them grinding up his peanuts into peanut butter and then eating it. She was loving, grateful, and made the effort to share a picture of him grinding up the peanuts. I felt happy to have received this sweet message from her!

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, when you treat our little ones with love and respect, as you and your wife did yesterday for your two grandchildren, they will remember how nice you were to them forever. Little acts of service and kindness, showing to them your interest and love, sink deep in their hearts and minds. They will feel secure and accepted in your presence. As you continue to interact with them in love and interest, they will hold you up as an example to follow and to become like in their own life. They are fortunate to have loving grandparents like your wife and you.

16. The generations in families that your Heavenly Father and I have placed you on earth are meant to help and support all of you. Acceptance and love, kindness and gentleness, gratefulness and generous behavior are always well received by the family members, regardless of their current situation or age in the telestial world. Grandparents, who are more seasoned in life, may have a huge positive influence on all the younger generations. Family life can be a wonderful support to all, even to those who may stray away and seem to live life on their own without family in their lives.'

17. We stopped in front of a large rock imbedded in the sandy beach. Some sea birds were perched on top of the rock, and started flying around us, chirping a lot. Heavenly Mother put out her arm and they all three landed on her arm. She let go of my hand and stroked them gently, cooing at them. I could tell they loved their creator, and she loved them! She lifted her arm and they flew away again to the rock. It was a beautiful scene to watch.

18. Heavenly Mother turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, show kindness and love to all our children, to all of our creations, even to the birds that eat your now ripe grapes! As you shower your love on all, you will find great joy and happiness in your life!'

19. She smiled broadly at me, and then turned and alone walked around the rock in front of us. As she turned to the other side of the rock she disappeared.

20. I thanked her in my mind for her words of counsel. I said I was so privileged to have been in her loving presence today, here at the celestial ocean beach! I closed my prayer and started a new day.

21. I received the following from my sister K that I wanted to share with everyone:

'I wrote in my journal the other day as I was praying:

"I have spent the day at Faerieworlds (it is a faerie festival) with my friend and her mom. It was enjoyable as everyone was in costume and it was a pretty setting. (woods with lake) But what struck me was the feeling that this is a telestial world portrayal. My friend said several times "these are my people" because everyone is accepted as they are and there is no judgment. But as I looked at it from a different perspective, it seemed that this might be what the telestial glory looks like–people somewhat happy, every type of person, probably oblivious to God in their lives. The thought came to me, I don't really want them to be my people. I want a higher level."

Later, Heavenly Father told me in my mind as I prayer journaled: "That greater perspective opened you up to the awareness that the festival you attended yesterday was representative of the eternal telestial state of glory. The people were happy and content, friendly and feel that they are in a good place. There was music and some dancing and singing. The people were in a beautiful natural setting, respectful and content to be there. These were "their people", all kinds, all manner. They could happily and contentedly live like this for all eternity. It is where they belong. It is where they fit and are most comfortable and where they want to be. It is a degree of glory and it is most pleasurable and satisfying to them."

Heavenly Mother later said to me in my mind as I prayer journaled: "When you were at the Faerieworlds festival yesterday and compared what you saw to a telestial degree of glory, it is quite accurate, as Heavenly Father told you. Also, those who will receive this level of glory are missing our presence and greater beauty, love, and much greater glory in every aspect. But they do not know better, so do not feel unfulfilled. They are very content with their eternal state of telestial glory and are happy and content, as much so as is possible. They do not miss what they don't know about. They rejoice where they are. But you would not be satisfied there. These are not your people."

I responded: "I want more, far more when I am assigned my eternal level of glory. I want the fullness. I want to be able to be in thy glory and light and to have access to all that is beautiful, good, loving, light and of the highest glory. I do not want to dwell in the telestial glory forever."

Heavenly Mother responded: "You will not, my daughter. You have gained insight into the telestial. Satan will not be among the people of the telestial realms and they will be a happy people, but will be far below the glory of the terrestrial or celestial."

This has been an impactful learning for me. It seemed to clarify what the telestial kingdom might be like. I do not wish to live there forever.'