128. Patterns of Creation
Posted 7-21-2019


I think you will enjoy this very diverse and interesting post! I came up with 15 different topics which it contained. Please pray about these and confirm that all of this is from God, your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

Your next post is coming fast, since it is already written, so expect it before the end of the week.

Have a very enjoyable summer!


P.S. I took some pictures around the yard this week. It is a very fun time of year for me!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 9, 2019, Tuesday

1. Evening–Tonight I came on the southern shores of Lake Beautiful, and knelt by the shore. I drank living water, and then asked my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared over the water, with her very bright, intensive light. I felt very pleased to be again in her presence! She smiled on me, I felt her love and acceptance that went deep in my heart.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we are in a higher celestial realm than you are. Our highest celestial realm is above your celestial realm, and above all of the earth in its fallen state. Our sons and daughters don't often understand our higher ways, for they don't think and see like we do.

3. When our children open up their hearts to us, and wait upon us for guidance, we will lead them with our higher understandings, much higher than their own. We may easily see past, present and future equally easily, and will lead our children aright. However, they must, on their own volition, come to us, in the openness of their heart and mind. If they think they know more than us, or want us to lead them in a way they determine with their very limited perspective, then we will not open up to them. They truly need to see themselves as fully dependent upon us, their God, and trust in where we may lead them. We will always lead them in our higher celestial ways.'

4. Heavenly Mother then reached out to touch my shoulder with one of her hands: 'Raphael, continue in the meekness and lowliness of heart, and we will continue to pour out upon you "revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things–that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal." (D&C 42:61).'

Heavenly Mother then stopped speaking and vanished from before my presence. I next found myself on the chair writing all of this down, even as I received it. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name, and went to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 10, 2019, Wednesday

1. This morning I came to the celestial orb at the fountain of living water. I came here because this is where I felt to come to commune with my God.

2. S.A. had asked me a question while typing up my entry last Monday, 7-8-2019: "I wondered why Joseph encountered such opposition from Satan when he had his vision, and your experience, of equal impact to you, was met without such great opposition? It seems like Satan knew of Joseph Smith's mission, how was this so?" I kept this thought in my mind during my morning prayer today.

3. I went to Joseph Smith History and read this in JS History 1:15 "...and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction." Joseph then exerted all of his powers to call upon God and was soon delivered.

4. I knelt by the fountain of living water facing south so that I could see the temple in the near distance. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

5. Heavenly Mother came to me, from the temple doors, wavering in the air to me until she was on my right side! She was very beautiful and so filled with light. She immediately spoke:

'Raphael, I will answer S.A.'s question. When Lucifer and his hosts were cast out of heaven for rebellion, you and others removed them by the power of the Son of God, even Jehovah, with your flaming powerful swords. After your birth in mortality, you had not yet received your sword of Raphael in the flesh until recently, for it was to be given to you on May 13th, 2016 (see your post 57E11 and post 16A4-16A15). During the time you received your sword of Raphael in your energy class you held on that date, Lucifer and all of his evil hosts attacked you and your entire class. You were successful in scattering them, using your sword of Raphael. This attack was a much greater attack on you than that given by Lucifer in desperation upon the young boy Joseph Smith in the spring of 1820.

6. Raphael, also remember the time that you took your son A. to an energy healer in Salt Lake City, and afterwards you had unknowingly received a very powerful evil spirit from her? When you came to understand that two evil spirits (one very powerful and another one not so powerful) you received were in you, you extracted them and removed both of them to the distant prison orb. These were the first evil spirits you took there. Subsequently you have taken tens of thousands to this prison orb. The first time you took these evil spirits to this distant orb, you didn't use you sword of Raphael, but your innate sense of your gifts and callings to keep Satan and his hosts in check. You had also done this similar removal during your pre-mortal life as an archangel of God, including removing the evil spirit afflicting the daughter of Tobias (see your post 16BA3). You have this gift and power to remove Satan or his hosts as we direct you. We have since given you your angled scarlet red sash, depicting our power to remove Satan (see your post 60E12). Both this sash and your sword of Raphael represent our power and authority we give to you over the powers of the evil ones, even Satan and his minions.

7. Now, back to S.A.'s question: Raphael, Lucifer knows you well, and your powers we have given to you to have power over him. He has therefore carefully orchestrated attacks to destroy you, and will continue to do so. He seeks to destroy and harm not only you, but also your loved ones in your family. However, we will protect your own, and also deliver you out of his grasp, for he has no power to fulfill his sinister plans in stopping neither you nor our great work. You have received much greater attacks from Satan than even received by Joseph Smith, mostly in the spiritual unseen realms. Satan rages now, more than ever, for he knows his time is short before you lock him and his evil hosts up in the bottomless pit, after the second coming of Jesus Christ.'

8. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking and walked directly into the fountain of living water where she vanished from my sight! I bowed my head and spoke these words to her in my mind: 'Heavenly Mother, I thank you for your clear answer to S.A.'s question this morning! I am so privileged to be here in your glorious presence, here on the celestial orb. I will always act as I am directed by you and my Father!'

9. Evening–Tonight I came to the celestial orb at the desert oasis. This was pleasantly warm still from the radiation of the celestial sun. It is curious to me how there is a desert here, when the sun shines like on earth. There are desert plants and animals too, all happy to be in this environment where the sun is very warm in the day and the air is dry. This is all celestial also, anyway, I know our Heavenly Parents may create anything they wish that pleases them.

10. I came to the water's edge at the desert oasis. I leaned down and drank living water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father appeared before me, a little elevated in the air. He appeared very much in control of all of his creations.

He spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are correct that your Heavenly Mother and I like to choose any environment for different sectors of our celestial orb. We change these frequently for each eternity. Only our celestial creations live here, each in their respective climate and habitat. They provide offspring for the animals and plants of our earths that come in each eternity.

11. We have also created our celestial sun that creates celestial light and heat for or celestial orb, similar to your earth, by control of the celestial sun, water and atmosphere. We have oceans, rivers, mountains and various terrains. We may also control gravity on our celestial orb as we wish. We do all of this for our own purposes in the creation of our worlds and in the support of the eternal progression of our children.

12. Moses 1:38-39

"And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words.

For behold, this is my work and my glory–to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

13. Raphael, Moses was shown the creation steps of the earth upon which you stand. (see Moses 1:40) However, we are showing to you our many creations, even much more than the earth, and the laws and principles by which they were created and are governed. We are not holding back from showing you all things, even how all things function and operate, and from what they are created, what they consist of, and how they move in their glory and splendor in all of our created realms and locations! We will reveal all things to you and to our faithful elect, starting in these last days and extending into the millennial days.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths he reiterated and also revealed anew to me tonight. I told him I loved him!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 11, 2019, Thursday

1. I came again to the desert oasis this morning, next to the bench that faced the water. I breathed in and out, just like I do on the earth. I picked up some sand and then let it drop to the ground. The sand felt gritty, just like it would on earth. I stood and came into the water and immersed my feet and they were cooler than the air, being submerged in the water. I reached down and drank from my cupped hand living water. The water clarified me, particularly in my head area. I knew this environment was all celestial, and yet was so similar to my telestial earth. I also knew that telestial people or creations couldn't come here unless quickened by God. I wondered what this quickening was, how it worked, etc. I also wondered about the resurrection, and by what mechanism this worked, or translation to the celestial or terrestrial glory, how that really worked.

2. I returned to the bench. I noticed that my feet were not "wet", but cool when I exited the water. I wondered if the water evaporates like happens on our telestial world on the earth? I knelt by the bench on the sand. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I fully expected one of my Heavenly Parents to come, for I had faith they would, for they had come in the past each time I asked them to answer my prayer, after I prepared myself to enter into their presence.

3. Heavenly Mother then arrived from the sky above, descending from an opening in the sky! She had her hands to her side, arrived a few feet above the water, and then came to me without walking, in the celestial air. She was brilliant and beautiful, and was smiling broadly! She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am glad you are curious and ask details about our worlds we create! Your questions you have written and asked in your journal this morning are good questions. I will answer your inquisitive mind.

4. We pattern all of our creations in all of our spiritual and physical realms like each other. There may be slight differences, like celestial water enlightens your celestial unconscious mind, but by and large, all of our creations are identical, except in higher spheres are more refined. The higher realms are enlivened by more of our light.

5. You live on earth in the lowest spiritual and physical sphere. You are very familiar with the laws that govern our creations on your earth. The laws of science you know are the same in all of our telestial worlds, in a fallen mortal state. However, once the telestial orbs, plants, animals, water, atmosphere, and everything living in the telestial world is resurrected, it remains in that telestial state forever. There is no decay or death, but perfection to the glory and laws of the telestial. This is the environment of our children and creations that exist in telestial worlds of glory in our vast galaxy!

6. Each telestial orb has a sun around which it orbits, just like your earth orbits around your sun. Each telestial orb rotates, creating day and night. These telestial creations exist in the outer ⅓ of our spherical galaxy, in the outer telestial area.

7. Our telestial resurrected children experience no disease or death, for they are resurrected to a telestial glory. There are no requirements for them to eat, although they still drink water on their telestial orb. The plants and animals cohabit their world, and in almost all conditions in the environment it is identical to yours, except there is neither death nor decay. It is a happy world in which to live! There are no wars or fighting, or our children vying for power or gain. This condition was part of their past on their mortal earth, but not part of their eternal glory. Their resurrected body provides them great stability and contentment for their eternal spirit. The people on these eternal telestial worlds are no longer manipulative, evil, or seeking to harm or get gain above their neighbor. They have no ambition to do so, for what motivation do they have? There are no devils or beings from another spiritual plane as on your mortal earth, for there is only one telestial sphere where all is visible and where all live in peace and enjoyment. This is the great reward for the telestial who once lived on the earth in mortality. Their world is very similar to your earth, except there is no sin or death.

8. The terrestrial glory, where our resurrected children live on terrestrial orbs, is similar to the telestial, only there is more light and happiness experienced there. The terrestrial worlds are patterned just like the telestial world but are in a brighter, more abundant environment of light. These worlds are in the middle third of our galaxy. All of the creations found on the lower telestial worlds are also found in these terrestrial orbs. All is quickened and resurrected to a terrestrial glory, which is compared to the brightness of the full moon, as compared to the stars in glory, which are compared to the telestial worlds of glory.

9. Our telestial children and creations may not come into the terrestrial, for they are entirely of a lower order. They would not function well in the terrestrial since their lower order does not have the capacity to receive so much light as the terrestrial receive and enjoy. Each telestial or terrestrial realm is made to live in each of their glories, in the similar state of all the creations in that glory. We send to the lesser, or telestial, our light like the intensity of the stars, whereas to the terrestrial we send our light intensity like that of the moon. These light intensities are what they are resurrected to receive and enjoy and they are wholly unsuited to receive more than their glory allows.

10. The telestial and terrestrial also exist in different sectors of our galaxy. The telestial are further away from our central celestial hub, and have less light arriving from us to their telestial orb and solar system. The terrestrial is closer to the center of our galaxy and receives more light that continues to enliven and enhance their world.

11. Light is how we maintain their worlds, for even though these telestial and terrestrial worlds are resurrected, they still need our constant light flowing into them to be sustained. This light comes from us, their parent Gods, and their creators. We receive this light from our first parent Gods, through the immensity of space, through the worlds and beings of our immediate parent Gods. Thus all the creations of this vast universe are sustained and bathed in light!

12. Our faithful and obedient children, who have proven themselves in mortality and in all their stages of growth and development, become exalted and celestial like us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They are fully redeemed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer. They are resurrected to a celestial glory and become gods. There is only one final level of celestial glory for our children, and that is to become a couple god in eternity. This is their destination and their ultimate existence!

13. The celestial world may receive an unlimited amount of light, even as your Father and I may receive. All of our creations that permanently dwell on our celestial orb are resurrected to a celestial glory, and are able to also receive any amount of light we may send to them and their surroundings. These do not require food or water, but may consume these, for their main sustenance is light.

14. Our celestial children dwell in our celestial orb also. We have many who are still here in their pre-mortal spirit state. They are all celestial. We also have our celestial children like you, who are either translated or resurrected to a celestial glory. These work from celestial realms on this orb, or from your own earth in a celestial realm around the earth. These celestial individuals are our beloved children, all working and serving their fellowman on earth, under our constant direction. They extend our own labors and act in our behalf.

15. The celestial environment is unique among all others of a lower order. You are very familiar with celestial living water that fills all of our lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans on this celestial orb. These waters also house our resurrected plants and animals that dwell in the waters. All of these have powers of procreation in their resurrected state of glory, whereas other lower realms may not multiply or have progeny.

16. The celestial atmosphere here is ideally suited for the celestial environment also. All living beings that breathe on earth also breathe in our celestial orb. Those who do so here are translated or resurrected celestial living beings. Those in the pre-mortal state have no capacity to breathe unless they are training for their advent to mortality. These pre-mortal living beings, our own children and all the other spirit plant and animal creations that dwell here, come to a mortal state of existence where they receive a physical body from parents of their like kind: plants begat plants, fish begat fish, our children begat their own children (our offspring in the spirit), each after his or her own kind. This new creation process in mortality is marvelous to watch and behold! This process was established by our first parent Gods and has been repeated in every creation of the gods since the beginning.

17. Our celestial orb itself is a celestial, resurrected being. He controls all the ground, minerals, rocks, sand, and terrain on his surface and under the surface. He follows all of our directions and desires. He exists here in his resurrected state, in an orbit around Kolob, our first creation in our galaxy. Our celestial orb may receive as much light as we desire, for he is celestial.

18. This entire celestial world in which we dwell also has a higher celestial sphere that surrounds it. This is where gods may dwell, or we who are the creators and gods of all of these creations. Each of our orbs and the earth that houses our creations and our children also has a higher celestial realm that surrounds it . We therefore may come and visit or dwell in these higher realms, unseen from those who dwell on that orb or earth.

19. When we quicken one of our children to enter into a higher realm than they were created for, or in which they live, we change their reception to light. We allow them temporarily to receive more light from that higher realm so that they may survive and be in that higher realm. When they exit the higher realm, we remove their quickening. The quickening changes the nature of their physical body or structure to receive more light. Their spirit already may receive this higher amount of light, for it came from the celestial and dwelt here on our celestial orb in a pre-mortal state. We may quicken from a telestial state to a terrestrial or celestial state, or from a terrestrial to a celestial stage. Each quickening process involves a temporary change of the physical body to that of the higher state of glory. Glory states are all determined by how much light we send into that environment. The celestial glory is compared to the sun in glory, and may receive unlimited brightness and light!

20. All states of glory, whether to telestial, terrestrial or celestial, have identical creations, only they are resurrected or dwell at a level where they may receive various amounts of light, glory, knowledge, power, enjoyment and happiness. Patterns of how our creations interact and coexist together are also very much the same. We are the creators of all and dwell among all of our myriad creations, in all their glories and states! We are very happy and full of purpose and design. This is the life we promise our faithful, in the end of their creation as gods in eternity!'

21. I bowed my head in reverence, submission and acknowledgment of the overall grandeur my Heavenly Mother spoke of and shared with me today! I told her how much I adored her, loved her, and wanted to be like her and my Heavenly Father!

22. She then turned and returned to the center of the desert oasis. She faced me, smiled, and then ascended back into the celestial sky above, like she first came to me! I closed my prayer and started my day.

23. Evening–Tonight our electric power went off on our street during a very intense but short windstorm. All is calm now, and we are using multiple flashlights and LED lanterns to stay up in the dark. I want to connect again with my Heavenly Parents before I go to sleep.

24. I came to the western mezzanine area next to God's temple. I used to come here around the time that the healing angels were being identified who lived in mortality, named mortal angels. We sure didn't know what was around the corner, what God would reveal to us! I feel so very blessed!

25. I knelt on the ground near the furthest Western part of the mezzanine, directly west of the temple. On the north side of the bushes was the river representing Jesus Christ, and the grassy field and the green hill.

26. Anyway, I knelt facing the temple to the east. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me, or one to come.

27. Heavenly Mother came to me from her temple, in a beam of light! She came immediately before me, smiling broadly and seeming so happy and full of joy. Oh, I love to be in her presence!

28. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are without light in your world because of a power outage. This situation will become commonplace in not many years. You will learn to cycle more with the earth, and sleep when it gets dark, and awaken when it gets light. In your modern world, you may extend living with lights and modern conveniences. In our millennial world, there will still be modern convenience, but mankind will be very connected to the earth and her cycles and seasons. There will be a version of the internet so that our children will be linked together. Many purposes of God will be promoted using modern communication means to share worldwide the information we wish to distribute. Satan will be bound, and there will not be evil or manipulative men or devils to influence them.

29. We use our own higher ways to communicate with those in celestial realms that are instantaneous. However, in lower telestial and terrestrial worlds, such as our mortal earth, a version of the Internet will be a wonderful way to disperse our knowledge and truth around the earth.'

30. Heavenly Mother then indicated that she wanted to continue speaking to me in the morning. She asked me to come again to this same western mezzanine area when I awaken, and she would continue here in the morning.

31. I thanked her and told her I loved her and my Heavenly Father's words so very much. I felt connected to her and then closed my prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 12, 2019, Friday

1. Power came back on for us around midnight last night. I enjoyed a restful sleep and am up before the rest of the family.

2. I came this morning to the same location in the western mezzanine area where I was last night. I could tell it was a beautiful morning here! I am pleased to feel meditative, and connected to my own unconscious mind. I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Mother, asking her to come to me.

3. She came immediately in front of me from the higher celestial realms. I gazed into her sparkling eyes–so bright and cheery! As I did so, I felt drawn into her eyes somehow, and was able to in part see me and the surrounding area from her perspective!

4. Heavenly Mother's words came into my being at that time: 'Raphael, you were in tune to me, and I invited you into my own mind, to see a portion of my view from my perspective. This phenomenon is not to be worried about, for you could only enter into me as I allow. I also may come into you, which is more common, since this is often what I do as the Holy Ghost. It is your spirit that you have replicated, and not your translated body, that is inside of me. Your physical replicated bodies cannot come into me, who is a replicated spirit before you. My resurrected body still resides in the uninhabited area on this celestial orb, and will remain there until my children accept and know that I am the Holy Ghost. At that time there will be no need for me to keep hidden, for all things will be revealed to our children. This will occur at the beginning of the millennial day.

5. At the transition of your earth from a telestial, fallen world to the brighter, connected terrestrial earth, we will only keep technologies that enhance and uplift our children. This will include enjoying the benefits of electric power, and modern conveniences. There will also be better devices and processes that improve significantly and replace what you now view as modern conveniences. Only that which is wholesome will be allowed to enter into the terrestrial realms that the earth will transition into.

6. Most importantly, the hearts and minds of our children that are allowed into the millennium will become much more refined and pure, even to that of a terrestrial glory. The base and vile, and those who succumb easily to the temptations of Satan will not gain entrance into our higher terrestrial world. We will increase our light that flows onto the earth, and thus help our earth and her inhabitants to fully transition into a terrestrial realm.

7. The earth and all that dwell thereon will then become the highest abode in glory that we allow our mortal children to come to earth. This environment will be such a happy and bright place for our beloved elect children to live in! There will still be the natural man that rises up in the breasts of our children, but this will be much more subdued and more easily tempered since Satan will have no power over the hearts and minds of our people.

8. Inventions and technologies yet undiscovered will increase and flourish, until the millennial society will far surpass your own modern society. Travel among our faithful will be through spiritual means of teleporting from and to locations on the earth. This will be so used that roads, airports, and other paths of travel will become nonexistent. People will be respectful and kindly, full of love and gentleness. The demeanor of the entire society will be upbeat and happy! What a wonderful world this will be!'

9. I then found myself back in my translated physical body in front of my Heavenly Mother. She was standing in the air in front of me.

10. 'Raphael, whether you are inside of me, or I in you, I still may communicate to you with my spirit that comes into you. This is my light emitted by my thoughts that flows into your mind and heart. This method remains the highest form of communication, and will never be supplanted by modern inventions of communication. You have marveled how your cell phones allow you to stay connected with family and friends. However, the emotional and thought transfer of our children with each other will never be supplanted with devices or other inventions. The human mind far surpasses anything man may create for communication!

11. In areas of the control of the elements, including knowledge of the laws of the terrestrial kingdom, mankind will advance and not need large machines like earth-moving equipment. Men and women of skill and faith will be able to move mountains if needs be, all by thought-control. Advancements in engineering, the sciences, and in the arts will enhance life and be so very stimulating for many of our children.

12. We will encourage our millennial elect to live off their own land as much as possible. The earth will greatly produce all the foods people will need, and a family may easily grow what they eat. There will be little need of grocery stores. People will freely share produce so that there is always an abundance and variety. This will be a Zion society, where there are no poor among our people. Plants and animals will respond to the gentle and kind ways of our people, and support and produce for their well being and all their physical needs.

13. Water will be pure and have some attributes of our living celestial water. Disease will become rare, and injury to the body quickly repaired by reason of the many healing plants that will grow in abundance. Faithful healers will also be plentiful.

14. Higher education will be taught along with spiritual education. We will pour out our revelations in abundance, and confirm, to our inquisitive, open children the many truths that have been revealed to mankind up to this point. Revelation will flow to all the faithful.

15. Our children will live in modest and simple dwellings. Their interest will be in raising their children in righteous ways, supporting and loving family members and friends, and continuing to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Lord. "...for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9). All things will be revealed–"And all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of man, and which even will be unto the end of the earth." (2 Nephi 27:11).

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words, of a wonderful world soon to be! I asked for her Holy Ghost, her very presence, to guide the faithful through the treacherous times we need to pass through to get to such an idyllic world in the millennial day. She responded: 'Raphael, we will pour out on the humble and openhearted of our children continual guidance, as they are diligent in asking of us. We will not leave them alone in the dark days ahead, for we will come to them, and enlighten their ways.'

17. I felt comforted and pleased! I thanked her to have given me so much truth and revelation, even today! She smiled and then disappeared. I closed my prayer and started another day in mortality.

18. Tonight I came in prayer to the area just outside the door of the domed room. There was grass and a golden sidewalk to the top of the switchback path, down to God's Loving Healing Lake. All was so familiar to me here! I knelt on the grass and faced north towards the switchback path, or in the far distance to God's temple. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

19. Heavenly Father came to me from the door of the domed room to my left! He walked up and faced me. He was smiling and shone in a medium intensity light. His eternity eyes were deep and seemed very all knowing, which I know he was.

He spoke: 'Raphael, we enjoy our children so very much! They have such varied interests and talents. They come from every walk of life and find gainful employ in so many varied ways. We are happy when they are motivated to pursue their interests and use them in ways to provide for their own families. I loved to farm as did my father in mortality and many in my community on my earth. It doesn't really matter what our sons and daughters do or have interests in, but what is important is their desire to be close to us and obey our commandments by following our Spirit. We will lead each one into all truth, as they are diligent in seeking our face and being led by us.

20. In your more modern society than mine was, there are many opportunities for our sons and daughters to excel. We encourage each to learn all they can, particularly in their areas of interest. We give our children talents or gifts in their pre-mortal life, based on their interests and diligence in that realm. When they come to earth, these are then their innate talents they may continue to expand and enjoy. They will find satisfaction when they serve others in these areas of their interests. If they are fortunate enough to find employment or to provide in some way for themselves and their loved ones and family, in these areas of interests, they will be most happy in their work and activity. I found lots of enjoyment in farming, while providing for my wife and family. I continue to enjoy this activity in my eternal station as a God and a Father to all.'

21. I thanked my Father for coming to me! I thanked him for the many opportunities to learn and find my interests. I am glad I have talents and gifts that he has blessed and encouraged me in, in the pre-mortal life and in my mortal life. What a great blessing to enjoy what I do!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 13, 2019, Saturday

1. Today I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. The sun was shining on the lake, but in the grove of trees not much direct light filtered down to the ground where I knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I was facing the lake to my east.

2. Heavenly Mother came on the waters quickly after my request! She was shining brightly and her intense light reflected on the water. She also fully illuminated the maple tree grove as she ascended from the shore to where I was kneeling. She was smiling broadly and her eternity eyes seemed to be bright and cheery!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael last night your Heavenly Father spoke to you about the interests and talents of our children who come to earth. He also said that when they find ways to provide for themselves in areas of their interests, they would be the happiest.

4. We encourage all, male and female, to pursue their interests and learn as much as possible. To some this may mean that they extend higher schooling, for it may not be possible in their community to learn what they wish to develop. In the millennium, there will be schools associated with our temples and churches in communities. Our people will teach children basic skills of interaction, how to read and write and provide a good basis for the liberal arts and sciences. Some may also wish to homeschool their own children to some degree. Several educational areas that will be emphasized that are almost entirely neglected in your current day schools are true religious training and relationships. Basic decorum and manners will also be taught.

5. In the homes of our elect in that millennial day, mothers and fathers will nurture and teach by precept and example patterns of living and worshipping us, their Heavenly Parents. They will generally be very active in their communities and the Church of Christ. In the Zion society they will live in, each person will watch out for the wellbeing and needs of their own and their community of saints and others. There will be lots of interaction and sharing among neighbors. Oh, what a happy and well-balanced world this will be!

6. In your day, there is increasing control and intrusion by government, always wanting increased taxes and licensing requirements aimed at gain and dominion over the people. In the happy millennial world, governments will be loosely controlled and established only as needed to regulate the affairs of the community. There will be no need for a police force, for the people will live in peace and harmony. Strict rules will not exist since the people will govern themselves. They will all live standards of the terrestrial kingdom. There will be great peace and safety all over the earth, among all peoples. None will seek to injure or manipulate another for gain, control or dominion, for there will be so much abundance of whatever they need or desire that the thought of wanting more will not even occur to the people! There will still be private property, but individuals and families will not hoard or seek for more than they need for their own wellbeing.

7. The earth will become extremely regulated and predictable in weather patterns and seasons. Those who grow gardens and orchards will have predictable times of planting and harvest, year after year. Their plants will grow lush, and fruits and vegetables will thrive and become large and very nutritious. Pests and weeds will become nearly non-existent, for these are of a telestial world. The poisons of animals and the intrusions of thorns and thistles, weeds and noxious or poisonous plants will decrease or be eliminated. Our healing plants will flourish in the wild and in cultivated areas for all to access and use as they may need.

8. There will be planned communities with a nice balance of parks, schools, churches, living communities, farmlands, and recreational areas. Wildlife preserves will also dot the land and our plants and wild animals will flourish. Even the wildlife will be much more tame than in the telestial world, for they will not be afraid of man nor be aggressive to each other. There will be no more hunting for sport, or even a need to kill animals for food. Our people and the animals will all eat a plant-based diet. Our plants will be so very more vibrant in nourishment than in your fallen telestial world that they will provide abundantly all the needs of our people, and domesticated and wild animals. Our people may camp in nature without fear of any animal, large or small, that would afflict or hurt them. Even the mosquito will not bite, but have other means to reproduce, pollinate the plants, and even have joy in its creation, and not afflict man or beast. These and other pests in your world will be limited in their population and serve a useful purpose, but not afflict man or any animals.

9. The plant world will grow stronger and be able to provide more minerals and nourishment from the enriched soils of the earth. They will be fed from streams and rain of terrestrial living water that will heal and feed the ground. All of our creations will find maximum joy, contentment and rest in their own being and creation. Our light from our very beings will shine down upon your mother earth and all of her inhabitants in abundance. Your sun, and even the planets of your solar system, will also temporarily enjoy a terrestrial state, for they will all come into the terrestrial realms of our galaxy as they move together towards the center. When the earth comes to the border of the celestial realm, she will die, but be soon resurrected to a glorious celestial earth as she comes to her place near the center of our majestic galaxy. The solar system will then return to its telestial place where a new earth from the next eternity will be created and placed.

10. Raphael, a glorious world awaits our faithful who seek us and obey our counsels! The millennial world will be the highest temporal realm that our children will come into for their mortal probation. It will be glorious and beautiful for all who live there!'

11. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her amazing words of a future world! How I long to be in such a happy and peaceful place!

12. Evening–My wife and I went to a wedding reception tonight of a family friend whose son was sealed in the temple earlier today. The groom danced with his mother and the bride with her father. It was calm and pleasing music. I commented to my wife how much I enjoyed the music to which they were dancing. After the dance, the bride and groom danced to some more pleasing music. Then on the third number, a heavy rock beat started, the volume increased, and the bride and groom and all of their age friends started jumping up and down, gyrating their bodies and singing the lyrics (which I could hardly understand!). It was such a contrast to the first two dances. I felt the Spirit of God immediately leave on the third dance. I wondered how they could have received a very solemn temple sealing, at least in their minds, and then to almost desecrate the sacredness with such jarring music? I have thought of this all evening since we left the reception. It seemed like the newlyweds thought their behavior was very normal and acceptable. I felt ashamed or embarrassed for them before God.

13. I came to the granite cliff at the upper east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt on the ground, faced God's temple, and asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come, in answer to my prayer.

14. Heavenly Father came to me immediately. He was majestic and shining brightly.

'He spoke: 'Raphael, the behavior you witnessed at the wedding reception tonight with the loud heavy beat music did not please your Heavenly Mother or me! She immediately withdrew her presence of the Holy Ghost and I withdrew my Holy Spirit. Our Spirit was conspicuously gone, which you felt. You soon departed, which was the correct action to take.

15. M.A. wrote you an email about how she attends church for social reasons, for she feels that there is no Spirit in her meetings. You have also often expressed this. We find so few occasions now in which to come and dwell among those who claim they worship us, for their hearts are usually far away. When we have one of our sincere children humbly seek us, with openness of heart and mind, we always come. This sort of petition is becoming more and more rare in your current society!

16. In the millennial world, we will come so very frequently that it will be like we are always attending our faithful. This is what the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost refers to. We attend you always, and when the loud heavy beat music played today, you felt clearly the withdrawal of our Spirit, both that of the Holy Ghost and of the Holy Spirit. You who are attuned to our presence could very quickly feel our departure.'

17. Email from M.A., 7-13-2019:

"I don't know if you know this about some of the changes in the church, but to me it shows how uninspired the church has become. In Sunday school and Relief Society they no longer open the meetings with prayer there is just a closing prayer. I feel like they need an opening prayer because there is a closing prayer in sacrament meeting.

Also there is no more singing in RS. There is no spirit at all. I only attend these two meetings because I need the sociality and yet if I don't initiate a conversation I could go to church and never have anyone say a word to me. So of course I'm the one being social."

R's response, 7-13-2019:

"Thanks for your efforts, and your comments about church. I feel just like you! We have gone to various wards in our Utah Valley over the past several years and it is actually very rare that anyone ever talks to us! Sad to me. Christian churches are always so much more outgoing!"

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words tonight. I felt his presence and feel so glad to know he and Heavenly Mother are with me.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 14, 2019, Sunday

1. I received an email from S where he described an experience he had with our Heavenly Parents at the edge of the universe. He was told information about the process of selecting intelligences, and how it is all determined by how much joy each intelligence would have in the creation they would become. He said I could share it.

2. Email from S, 7-13-2019:


In your last email, I read the part where you wrote that God selected the intelligences to be His children based off of their power to reason. I wondered if the ability to reason was like a muscle and some intelligences worked harder or practiced more to increase their ability to reason or what determined that one intelligence could reason better than another.

I prayed and recorded the message I received. I felt to share it with you, and you can let me know your thoughts.

On 7-11-19:

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt directed to the edge of Their galaxy. I came to this location where the edge of Their galaxy existed and space continued. Light appeared directly in front of me and grew until I saw both my Heavenly Parents standing before me. They were smiling and full of light. Heavenly Father spoke, "Directly behind you is Our galaxy. Your Heavenly Mother and I have created all this together. We have done this according to Our desires and using Our power as Gods. We have created all this in its beauty and splendor. Our children experience some of this joy in life as they work hard to create things with their own hands and intention. You have had joy in overseeing the construction of your home, which was brought to pass by your desires. As you have desired your house and land to appear, so is it occurring. It brings Us joy to create and we are glad when Our children have this opportunity as well."

I was grateful for His message. I saw Heavenly Mother smile and perceived both Their joy together with Their vast creations.

They both took me by the hand and We travelled to the end of the universe where raw intelligence and matter are found. I asked my question from my reading of Raphael's email. I asked why some intelligences have greater power to reason and become God's children and others do not. Heavenly Father responded, " These intelligences have always existed and each is unique. With Our powers of foresight as Gods, your Heavenly Mother and I can see each intelligence and their potential in the future. We can see which will be Our children, and others that will be plants or animals. Even among animals, We find that which would bring the intelligence greatest joy and fulfillment in eternity. We see with Our foresight what sex to make each creation. We also perceive which intelligence would be able to become the Savior of all our creations for that eternity. It is not simply seeing which intelligence would pass a test for reasoning at a particular moment but more the wisdom of God with foresight to see the endless possibilities of each intelligence once created into the state of being We direct. We desire each intelligence to reach its greatest potential, that which would bring it the greatest joy, knowing the potential of each one with our gift of foresight."

I was grateful for God's light and sharing His understanding with me. I was thankful for Their love and time with me. I then closed my prayer."

3. I wondered also what makes a certain spirit son or daughter of our Heavenly Parents so determined to want to be connected to God, to love them and to keep their commandments? Others don't seem to care too much, but desire to follow their own path and not God's. Even in the absence of Satan's temptations, why do some choose one way and others choose another?

4. I came to the deep forest just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field and the fallen oak tree. I was among the tall and majestic fir trees that towered next to me. I knelt on the soft soil and asked for God to come.

5. Heavenly Mother came from the canopy of the treetops above me! She was alone and descended slowly to me below. I could feel her intense light of the Holy Ghost come upon me and pass through me. I felt loved and accepted!

She spoke: 'Raphael, in the beginning when your Heavenly Father and I chose you to be our son, made in our image, we could tell you would have a high ambition to want to be in our presence and to become like us. This was how you always were, from your noble intelligence. To us, it was certain that you would find the most joy in becoming our son!

6. We found other intelligences that were also highly developed whom we chose to become our sons or daughters. These were all uniquely different, but each would find their greatest joy in becoming our own child among any other creation. Some would not have the intense desire to follow us, their Heavenly Parents, so much as their own will and nature. Still, they were very skilled and full of the powers of intelligence, reasoning, capacity for growth, and love. When created into our spirit sons and daughters, they were very wonderful children, each possessing different and unique personalities, propensities, and inner desires. We wanted them to pursue their inner soul and become the individual that they really wanted to become. We spoke to them by our Holy Spirit from the beginning. There were relatively few who really wanted to be with us, to follow our every prompting and counsel, and who wanted to partake of our fulness, even to become like us. These became our elect who would one day fulfill their desires and become couple gods in eternity.

7. We encouraged and spoke equally to all of our sons and daughters, and had no further influence besides encouraging and being available to each one, leading those who, of their own will, wanted to obey us and act like us. This unique group of our children became our elect, and we led them by degrees to become true and faithful to us in all circumstances to which we would expose them.

8. Our elect hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, and keep our commandments. Others take our counsels lightly, thinking that they want to do something else, or to find their own way. We want them to mostly follow their own inner desire, for how else could we find those who truly wanted to become like us? The worst thing would be to choose one to be a god when they really wanted to be something else. This of course never happens, for after our multiple phases over time of leading them, we truly see who will follow us and keep our sayings and counsels.

9. Alma 42:27-28

"Therefore, O my son, whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely; and whosoever will not come the same is not compelled to come; but in the last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds.

If he has desired to do evil, and has not repented in his days, behold, evil shall be done unto him, according to the restoration of God."

10. This last verse 28 would be better written as "whatever he or she has desired to do shall be restored to him or her, according to the restoration of God."

We restore to each of our children what they themselves have truly desired and chosen in the course of their lives as our spirit children and as mortal children in their probationary estates. We have many levels and kingdoms of glory, which will best suit each of our beloved children. Each will receive what they of themselves truly desired and wanted. We are careful to allow each to flourish into their own persons. We truly want each one to reach the level of happiness that they desire, and not what we desire for them.

For you and our faithful, you desire the same degree of happiness we desire for you, even that extreme happiness found in our own lives as a God.

11. Last night at the wedding reception, you wondered how a couple could be sealed in the temple and then desecrate that sacred experience by dancing to raucous music. This was possible because they both really wanted to follow their own natures, even if they followed earlier the culture or norms of their religion, to be sealed in the temple. They each seemed to you to love more the wild dancing rather than to keep our Spirit with them. We will continue to entice and observe both of them through their lives. Our judgments will not be isolated to one event like last night, but an entire lifetime of choice. We reward each one according to what they want, according to the restoration of God.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wise words! I know why I shouldn't judge another, for I may see an isolated incidence, but do not see the results of a lifetime of choosing what they really want, and who they wish to obey. I told my Mother I would always keep her commandments, for I truly desire to do this and find in doing so my greatest satisfaction and joy and peace.

13. After church–I came with my wife to our own ward at noon. During the sacrament service, I came to the outcropping area just a few feet east of the circling waters. I knelt facing the distant temple of God.

14. The Aaronic priesthood blessed the bread in the ward, and then I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. I waited and watched. I became aware more and more of my surroundings on the celestial orb. I waited until just before I was passed the sacrament bread.

15. Heavenly Mother then came down in great light from directly overhead, from the skies above. Her light penetrated and passed through me.

16. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I accept your covenant of the sacrament today. We will always be with you!

17. When our children come back into our presence, they must be pure and clean before us. There must be no impurities or hidden issue inside of them. My Holy Ghost will penetrate and clear all that is unholy or impure. Our child needs to be humble, penitent, and open and determined to act on what we say. This is the attitude we require of our children who come into our presence.'

18. The water was then passed to me. At this time, I gazed into her eyes, and then came into her being, and I saw through her eyes myself kneeling before her! I saw me with great weaknesses, but I could tell I was pure and clean. I saw I was determined to follow her and Heavenly Father. I was so glad I was clean and pure!

19. I then came back to myself before her. I felt her intense light pass through me. I felt so uplifted and strengthened! She smiled upon me, and I felt her love, acceptance and peace.

20. Evening–tonight we returned home late from a family birthday party. I enjoyed myself a lot. I have thought about my great weaknesses I see in myself, and how I feel weighed down by them. I do take consolation, however, that I am clean and have no bad motives that I believe would keep the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost from coming into me.

21. I listened to M.S.'s latest podcast today while feeding the chickens. He said that there was nowhere to go except this LDS church in pursuing eternal life, and seeking the face of God. I believe there is no reason to cut myself off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for where else would I go for the associations with good wholesome people? In my area there are mostly LDS families in every household. We all know each other and many of us associate with each other. When I went to church today, nobody says hi to us, and we are used to not feeling the spirit at church. Still there is familiarity and our neighbors present. Some of the doctrines and discussions I do not enjoy, but I so enjoy partaking of the sacrament. I love being with my wife too. She too is not too enamored with the church practices, and it is hard at times for both of us to remain in the meeting on Sunday we attend which is so void of the Spirit. We seek to serve others around us in need, and not draw any attention to ourselves.

22. I came tonight to the west end of Lake Beautiful, where a little stream flows out and down the hill to the city of Enoch below. I knelt so I could look upon the lake. There was a beautiful full moon and the sky was dark! I saw the moon's reflection on the lake, which was so beautiful and brought me peace. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

23. Both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared on the water not far out in front of me on the lake! Their light was subdued. They gradually walked to me above the water, and stepped in front of me. They were holding hands.

24. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we give each of our children in the flesh weaknesses that they may remain humble and penitent. You have felt your weaknesses of the flesh today, and are sufficiently humble and open before us. We are pleased that you do not think you are better than others of our children, but are equal before us as our other children whom we love.

25. We are pleased also that you attend your local LDS church and partake of the sacrament weekly. We think you have found a reasonable balance in serving your family and neighbors also.

26. If our children will ask of us, we will lead them along in every area of need. We will bless and strengthen your extended family, and continue to reveal to you the secrets of our world and kingdom.'

27. My Father and Mother extended their outward hands to me! I stood and took their hands and came between them. We turned and walked out upon the lake in the beautiful moonlight! They each spoke more to me but I don't know what was said. I saw myself walk away with them until we were far out on the waters, for I was replicated where I had knelt and observed us three from the shore of the lake. I closed my prayer and got ready soon for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 15, 2019, Monday

1. I am up early before the rest of the family. I look forward every morning and evening to meditation and then connection to God in prayer. This is a very real and meaningful experience to me, and keeps me coming back for more!

2. I wondered about the need or not of being required to eat, particularly for those of us who are translated to a celestial glory and yet remain in the flesh in our mortal bodies. Are our earthly bodies still in need of daily food, or is it just our translated bodies in the heavenly realms on the earth or on the celestial orb that don't need food? At one time I had thought the requirement for food was optional. I had thought that as we fully transitioned to a translated state, we would no longer need food. I know I have a translated body now, for this happened in April 2017. See (see my post 33E15), where I received the answer that I actually didn't need to eat, but I could to keep my normal image to others around me.

3. I came to the circling waters this morning. I knelt by the shore and drank the cool water from the stream with my cupped hand. I knelt and asked for one of my Gods to come in answer to my prayer. Heavenly Mother came upon the circling waters in front of me! She was shining brightly in the beautiful celestial day!

4. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have wondered about particular details concerning your translated and mortal body. When you are praying and writing my words in your earthly house, you are in a translated mortal state. On earth, when you are replicated from this your base state to come before me at these circling waters in my celestial orb, you are replicated to a translated, celestial physical state also. All of your replications are in a physical translated state unless you intend to replicate as a spirit like when you came into me like happened during the sacrament yesterday when you entered into my spirit. At that time, you were replicated to a celestial spirit state. You could not have entered into my spirit as a translated being. However, I may come into your translated, physical body since I appear to you almost always as a replicated spirit. My resurrected, celestial body resides still in the uninhabited area on our celestial orb.

5. You had a question about eating, and about your mortal physical body. Your mortal body you enjoy is translated on the earth. This is elevated to a celestial translation. However, it appears just like others in your family and community, who are mortal and not translated. Translation is a temporary suspension of the seeds of death. You will still one day die, for your body is not resurrected yet to a celestial glory. Were that to happen, you would also be able to appear as a normal mortal man if you desired.

6. Because you have a translated celestial body, you may also replicate with this same translated physical body in the celestial realms, either on the earth in her celestial realm, or on our celestial orb. You do your celestial work in those areas. We desire that you do your work with a physical body here, so we have translated you so you could do so. That was the main purpose of your translation.

7. You now are continually replicated as many times as is required for you to do your work as an angel of God in the celestial realms. You also live a normal life in mortality with your wife and family, and appear to all of those around you as a normal mortal, having the normal experiences of aging and maturing. On earth in your telestial environment, you experience everything normal mortals experience, including hunger, thirst and fatigue. This is as we wish. However, your physical body has changed from a mortal state to a translated mortal state. This translated state allows you to be replicated in the celestial realms above and to do your work there that we wish you to do.

8. Were you to stop eating in your telestial mortal state, you would survive just fine. You would still need to drink water, for your body is translated and is not resurrected and perfected. You still also experience fatigue and may be injured, like has happened when playing sports recently. Your injuries repair just like would normally occur in mortal people. It takes time for you to heal and rejuvenate in your body.

9. Yesterday at your family party, in the late afternoon you felt hungry and ate a lot of food. You hadn't eaten much before this. You could have, however, just as easily gone without food and still done just fine. Had you desired, you could have stopped eating from then on and still felt normal. However, we desire that you continue in secret among your fellow man, and act and function like those around you. This necessitates eating, sleeping and living like them also, so no attention is drawn to you.

10. All of the mortal angels are also translated now to a celestial translated state. Were this not so, they wouldn't be able to labor in their physical bodies in the celestial realms like we now desire. They too have normal bodily appetites and functions, like they had experienced when they were not translated.

11. For those of you who enjoy a celestial translation, you may each also replicate your bodies in our celestial realms. In those realms, your celestial glory is clearly seen, and you operate in your celestial self and powers. However, in mortality while still living in your fallen telestial world, you still are subject to the telestial world. This is an interesting phenomenon, but it is just as we wish it to be. It also requires you to have faith that all this is true.

12. In the millennium, each of you will live and function on the earth in the state that you live or work in. When you live in the New Jerusalem city, you will live in the terrestrial world like those around you. When you labor in the celestial New Jerusalem temple, you will work and act in the celestial glory, for that is the state in which this temple is in. You will appear to others who come there in your celestial state as angels of glory, fully functioning in your power and celestial authority. At the end of each day, you will return back to your terrestrial homes. Some of you will replicate to do your labor in the temple so that you may also function and live in your terrestrial world with your family and friends.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit to me today, and for these amazing insights she shared with me! I told her that I loved her so very much, and would always seek her face and her and Heavenly Father's counsels.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 16, 2019, Tuesday

1. I prayed by my bed last night in the dark. I came to the circling waters where my Heavenly Father came and told me to come there in the morning for my prayer. I was exhausted and felt glad to go right to sleep.

2. This morning I prayed at the circling waters. I drank living water here and knelt on the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. Heavenly Father appeared to me in the circling waters! He was smiling and full of light. I loved looking into his eternity eyes, for they were so full of peace and serenity! It was as if I could see into his soul through his eyes!

3. He spoke: 'Raphael, when you pray to us, your Heavenly Parents, you often gaze into our eyes. You call these our eternity eyes. These are a reflection of our soul, of our character and personality that shines forth from our eyes. This is partly true of our children who come to earth also.

4. Luke 11:34-36

"The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light."

5. D&C 88:67

"And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things."

6. When our children arrive to the earth, their eyes are how you may recognize their unique person. You are peering into their spirit and intelligence that has lived and grown in their pre-mortal state. If that spirit is very intent on following us, and loves God and our ways, we will fill them with our light. You are then able to see into their soul the light that we give them, for it will shine forth through their eyes. You may also perceive other godly emotions or states of being like love, compassion, joy or peace.

7. You saw in my eyes this morning deep peace and sureness. This has accumulated and been developed in me over the eons of living in peace and happiness. My assurance of knowing what is what has been and what will be also is conveyed to you through my eyes, my eternity eyes. Eternity eyes develop over multiple eternities.

8. When I look into your eyes, I see that you are filled with our light, and that there is no darkness in you. However, the depth and peace and compassion that will shine forth from your eyes have not yet been fully developed. This will occur as you labor tirelessly for us and our beloved elect children throughout the millennium. It will also be developed in our loving angels who serve us daily in our temple at the New Jerusalem.

9. The phenomenon of shining eyes, or deep eyes, filled with light comes over time. Our people are recognizable through their unique eyes too. You will be given our gift to see into the eyes of our children and recognize the amount of light in their souls. This gift will come to you as you practice looking into the souls of our children through their eyes.'

10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his insight on seeing into eyes, and of the promise he gave me of the gift of perceiving the souls of his children as I look into their eyes. I said I loved him. He then quickly left, and I closed my prayer.

11. Evening–I came again to the circling waters tonight. I drank of living water from my cupped hand. My Heavenly Mother then appeared to me while I was drinking and kneeling on the shore! She was smiling and was so beautiful to behold, and to be in her presence!

12. 'Raphael, your Father talked to you about the light that shines through our eyes and your eyes that will increase particularly as you serve in love to our children and keep our commandments. Tonight I want to talk to you about our light that comes through your hands.

13. Tonight, just before this prayer, you messaged your wife's forehead where she experienced some sinus pain. You also rubbed her head, back and shoulders with your hands. While massaging, you intended that the pain in her head be broken up and reduced or removed. You pulled out the pain that you felt was there with your spirit hands, passing these hands through her head and then out of her head. Your hands and your intention did all of this from your mind.

14. Raphael, this is all real, and you can tell by how your wife said the pain subsided and was no longer intense–we send to your our light continually and you in turn send this light through your hands. With your skill of healing, you direct our light matter into and through your hands to break up, clean and remove the pain and unwanted energy. When you perceive or "see" the energy to be removed, you can also remove it.

15. Raphael, you still take coconut oil twice daily also to go to your brain. You visually activate your neurons in your brain, as you swallow this very healing and strengthening brain food. You have noticed that the intensity of your clarity in intending the coconut oil to go to every sector of your brain is significantly enhanced when you focus your hands onto your head. This increases greatly the effectiveness of sending the coconut oil to all parts of your brain, and in time will increase your cognition.

16. All of the activities involving your focused energy and light from your hands are real, and occur in the celestial realms. You can perceive this energy from your hands since you can perceive clearly now our light in this realm. You see this with your spiritual eyes and perception.

17. You use your hands very frequently also in your replicated celestial self. You are able to intend that you be replicated in the celestial realms on the earth and travel to bless and help heal our children, by our will and power. This happens according to your desires. Most of your healing work involves your hands that are full of light that we send to you, and in turn you use to heal and bless our children.

18. Heavenly Mother then reached out her right hand to me and I stood and took her hand. We went to the center of the circling waters pool. She placed her right hand then on my head and asked me to shine my hands to the water below us.

19. I then felt her intense light come into me through my head. I could distinctly feel this tangible light travel into my head from her hand, and then down my head and neck into my torso and shoulders. I felt the light then flow into my upper arms and down into my hands. As I focused this light onto the water I saw two beaming rays of light, like flashlights, shine down into the water from the palms of my hands! I could tell this all came from her, transmitted through my body, and then out my hands! It was an exhilarating feeling!

20. Heavenly Mother spoke to me while her light continued to shine from my hands: 'Raphael, I give you the gift to request of me my light, even the light of the Holy Ghost which is mine to give, into your head and out your hands. As often as you ask I will grant it to you, for I know that you will not ask amiss, but use my light to bless and heal my children in need. I will grant this to you in your mortal body or in any of your own replicated celestial translated bodies, for as often as you request. You will then be able to direct my light into others to heal them with greater power than you were able to do tonight. I caution you to keep your great gift secret from the world, and from unbelievers. You would do well to act in secret when doing so, that attention is not drawn to yourself.'

21. I thanked my very loving and gracious Heavenly Mother for this great gift! I reach out to her and embraced her with my arms. She took her hand from my head and also embraced me with both of her hands! She kissed me and said she loved me! I felt so very filled with her light, love and peace. I began crying for joy in being in her very presence in a full embrace!

22. She then started rising up in the air and our embrace ended. She smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, remember this great gift I have given to you.' Ask me in your mind and I will send to you my intense light as you desire. You may need to project a lower beam of light from your hands so that our receptive child may be able to receive this lower, attenuated light better than the full beam of light!'

23. With this she departed. I knelt again by the shore of the circling waters and thanked her for her gift and blessing. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 17, 2019, Wednesday

1. I re-read what I wrote last night in my journal I felt very awed to be so blessed by my Heavenly Mother last night, with the great gift of receiving her Holy Ghost light to come out of my hands, as often as I request it! This morning I asked that her light come through my hands to the correct level of light into my wife's head area. I visualized my replicated person lying next to her where she laid in bed. I asked that this low level of light come into her all the day long, for as long as she would benefit and be healed.

2. I came this morning to the outcropping just east of the circling waters. I knelt and faced the distant temple to the west. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

3. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came to me from their holy temple! In my mind, I could see them open the northern doors and walk out together, then hold hands and come in the air directly to a place in front of me where I was kneeling! They were both smiling and so full of light, accompanied by love that I knew they felt for me!

4. Heavenly Father spoke first: 'Raphael, we have spoken to you about our light we send to you that comes from your eyes and your hands. This morning we will speak of our light that enhances and strengthens your own body, both your physical and spirit body, and any other replicated bodies your may have at a particular time.

5. When the light from us, your Gods, comes into the human body, it always enhances and strengthens. This same light enlightens and clarifies the mind, and helps refine the feelings of the heart and the bowels, or the gut. These are where feelings are all generated and reside. There may be godly feelings, or those created by the individual as influenced by their own natural man or woman. When our light comes into our receptive and open children, the light strengthens these godly virtues and emotions, and reduces those of the natural man or woman. Our child gradually increases in godly feelings of love, compassion, gentleness and all other Christ-like emotions. Everything that is of God is positively enhanced and enlarged in the presence of our light.

6. D&C 93:29,32,37–"He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.

And every man whoso spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation.

Light and truth forsake that evil one."

D&C 50: 23-24–"And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

7. Raphael, only our receptive, open and humble children have receptive hearts, minds, and bowels, which receive the light from us their Gods. If our children are closed, think they know of themselves, or are hardhearted, living in sin, or seek for their own pleasure, gain, or other selfish desires, our light does not stay with them but departs. Light cleaves unto light (D&C 88:40), and will not remain in darkness where darkness is desired and resides.

8. On the other hand, if light resides within our children, then when more light enters into them this light may remain and enlarge the amount of resident light. In this way our children may gradually receive an abundance of our light, and be further taught and refined in our light, being led to all truth. The light that remains in them will continue to enhance and refine them, for this light is really our Spirit by which we may speak to them peace, teach them how to love, and bring into their beings our joy and every form of enlightenment. If they don't reject our light, they may receive more and more light, even until they receive of our fullness.

9. D&C 93:20 "For if you keep my commandments, you shall receive of his fullness (which fulness is being filled with our light), and be glorified in me as I am in the Father, therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive grace for grace." (emphasis added by Heavenly Father in parenthesis).'

10. Heavenly Mother then started to speak to me: 'Raphael, you see that our light shines forth upon all of our children, but only comes into and resides upon those who are open and receptive. Our light may continue to come into them as they make place for the light, by their acceptance of our light, our truth and our messages that come with the light, specifically for them. This is our Holy Spirit. Our receptive and open followers will become more and more filled with our light, even to a fulness. When a fullness, they may then come into or presence, being accepted by our Beloved Son, and introduced again to the Father and me. We will then continue to teach them by our revelations, and lead them gently as we are leading you.

11. This entire process is our gospel plan for our children, as our children receive more and more light, and it remains in them, being continually poured into them by us, their loving Heavenly Parents and Savior, Jesus Christ, then that same light will shine from their eyes, and may come out of their hands too, even as has happened to you!'

12. I thanked my loving and brightly shining Heavenly Parents who stood together before me! I felt clearly their light coming into me, passing through me, and much light remaining with me. I felt very clarified and enlightened, every part of me. I could tell there was no darkness in me, but that the light penetrated every cell and sector of my spirit and physical body.

13. My loving Heavenly Parents then turned and, in a beam of light, went back to their Holy temple in the distance. I closed my prayer and started my new day.