89. Light
Posted 8-14-2018
Hello my friends!
I have been learning all about light (this post) and darkness (next post). It has been so very fascinating to me. Read this post to learn just some of what I have recently learned!
In addition, there is also a lot of information on the resurrections and on the progressive states of man and all creations. I also learned more about the power of God, how our Heavenly Parents can perceive all things in their own domain, including our thoughts. Finally, there has been more revealed that will happen at the end of the millennium after Satan and his hosts are freed again for a little season on the earth.
Please pray about all of these things, and confirm all my revelations with your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
I hope you enjoy the ending days of summer! The days are already getting shorter and shorter. I love this season of the harvest time!
P.S. The images in this post include some of the mountain flowers I captured in pictures on my recent hike, plus pictures around my home and area.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 1, 2018, Wednesday
1. In the evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis. It was dark and the stars were out but no moon. I came to the waters and dipped my cupped hand and drank this living water. It was warm but very refreshing to me. I came back to a point on the sand by the shore and prayed. I was facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
I looked up and saw my Heavenly Father sitting on the bench near me! He motioned me to come sit by him on the bench. I stood and sat on his right side, for there was lots of space there. I looked into his warm eyes, his pleasing countenance. I felt very secure and happy in his presence.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we have shared with you many revelations about our worlds and the changing earth to a millennial, terrestrial state. We have shared with you much about the salvation of man, our plan for the eternal happiness of our children. We have shared with you the importance of thought control so that your feelings are happier and best serve you. I would now like to share with you all about the light that comes from the presence of God and fills the immensity of space.
3. D&C 88:11-13
"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understanding.
Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.
The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things."
4. Our first Father and Mother God created their first celestial home at the center of the universe in the "bosom of eternity". They created light from raw elemental matter. This light does not have an intelligence, but it has both characteristics of illuminating the rest of their creations as well as enlightening the mind and intelligence of all creations. For their children, this light enlightened their intellect, helps in the comprehension of all things, and refines all understanding. This light continues to be created from elemental matter by these first Gods. This light shines from the presence of these, our first parent Gods, to all of their creations, whether to the celestial orb itself, the water and atmosphere, all the plants and animals, and especially to all of their children.
5. As some of their children became gods, even as they were gods, our first parent Gods connected them to the source of their light they created. As their children gods branched out in new galaxies from the parent galaxy of the first Gods, the light flowed from the home galaxy to these outlying galaxies. This flow of light then filled their children's galaxies and creations with light, just as was on the first creation and galaxy.
6. Since this time in eternity until now all of the galaxies of the gods have been linked together in webs or channels of light. These attached each parent galaxy to children's galaxies in a large web of light! All of this light still proceeds from the presence of our first parent Gods, even to us and all of our creations, through all of the galaxies of the gods in between us and our first Gods. We keep in touch with each of the gods who are our direct ancestors back to our first parent Gods using this light medium, for this is how light flows to us. This light path provides lines of connection and communication also.
7. We direct the light that flows into our own galaxy to go to all of our creations, for this light is now in our domain. The light of god flows to all of our stars, planets, orbs of all varieties, moons, comets, and all bodies of matter. The telestial and terrestrial worlds in our galaxy each have different levels of light that flows to them from the central core of our galaxy, even from Kolob and the governing stars where light flows into our galaxy.
This light also flows from this galactic center to our children who are exalted and who live in their own galaxies. There is a large flow of light entering into our central hub and out to our own creations and to our children gods and their creations. One cannot see the flow of light between the galaxies, for light is not illumined unless it shines on matter. Between our galaxies is a void of matter except for light.
8. In your solar system, the light of the sun flows from the central hub of our galaxy to the sun. As this light flows into the sun, the sun is ignited with the light matter and creates great light and heat. This in turn flows to your earth and reflects off your moon. When this light comes to your mother earth, it enlivens all the creations we have made on the earth and the earth itself. This light enlivens the life of all creation. It really begins flowing from our first parent Gods in the bosom of eternity to fill the great immensity of space!
"Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.
As also he is in the moon, and the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made;
And also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which it was made;
And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand."
10. Raphael, since we do all things pertaining to your eternity in the name of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, all of the flow of light from our presence in our central galaxy to your sun, moon, stars and the earth, are in his name and by his power, even by the power of God. The flow of light to our previous eternity orbs is not by his power, but by our own power. All of this power is really the same, but in the current eternity we do all activity like this in the name of the current Son of God.
I will continue to explain more on the flow of light and its great enhancement on all of our creations at another time. What I have revealed to you tonight is enough for you to absorb for now.'
I sat next to my Heavenly Father. He was explaining all of this to me, his son, on the bench in the darkness of the night, with soft light coming from his very person. I saw his expressions and was greatly enlightened by the light from his being that flowed into me!
I thanked him for the greatness of his words tonight on light! I felt very enlightened and clarified! I then asked that he give me more understanding as I review what I wrote down in my journal. I want to really understand all! I closed my prayer tonight and then got ready for bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 2, 2018, Thursday
1. I just reread and slightly edited the revelation on light that I received last night. The overall gist of all of this is that light comes to us on earth from the first Gods in the bosom of eternity, or the center of the universe. It flows outward to all creations in this great universe, from galaxy to galaxy in the order they were created, and from parent to child gods. There are millions of such galaxies that this light flows through until it reaches our God in our own Milky Way galaxy.
This light flows into the central hub of our galaxy and is then controlled by our Heavenly Parents. They send this light onto their own worlds they have created, and also to the galaxies of their children who now also have galaxies of their own.
2. The light enlivens and enhances all creations of God. Although Heavenly Father did not say this, I believe that light does not flow to the regions of darkness where the Satans and their followers of previous eternities ultimately received a reward of no glory. I think this is the only place where light does not flow.
Anyway, the light is created by our first parent Gods, and from them is directed by their children gods even until it reaches our own galactic center. It then comes into the domain of our own Heavenly Parents Gods who cause this light to flow to their own creations and children gods.
Wow, this is really an amazing concept! I hadn't imagined any of this until it flowed into me by revelation from my Heavenly Father last night.
I came again this morning to the desert oasis. I sat on the bench where I had communed with Heavenly Father last night. I knelt next to this bench and faced the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer. It was morning with subdued light.
Heavenly Mother then appeared on the water of the oasis! She was shrouded in a bright light. She came to me, standing in front of me. She then decreased her light about her person until I could more easily see her and her happy face.
3. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, the revelation on the creation and flow of light that your Heavenly Father revealed to you last night is a foundational truth that we will continue to discuss. You have correctly written the truth as it came to your unconscious mind and then to your conscious mind. We are pleased with what you have written. I would like to share with you how this light comes unto us, your Heavenly Parents, ultimately from our first parent Gods.
4. In the beginning, our first parent Gods created light that flowed into their own immediate beings. This light came into them and made them glow and shine. They were able to control the amount of light showing from their own persons, even though a larger amount of light flowed into them and from them. This light is continually created by each of our first parent Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. It flows into them and then from them into their creations.
5. You have accurately described how this light then flows from them into their own first parent galaxy. From them to this galactic hub, this light then flows forward to all of their creations and children galaxies. However, light first is created by them and flows into them. They are both the creators of all light that fills their vast universe. We other gods do not create this light. We control the flow of light; however, as it enters into our own domain from our parent galaxies, controlled by our parent gods, even back through our ancestor gods to these first parent Gods.
By the means of the flow of light, the entire power of godliness is manifest. We are all linked together in the flow of light.
6. When your Heavenly Father and I were first ordained to become gods, we were given power and authority by our own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They then gave us the keys to control the flow of light. This light is like the electricity that causes the light bulb to illuminate. We were also given powers of creation. We created all things in our own domain, and then gave these life through the flow of this light that we directed to it. Our creations we made are akin to the light bulb itself, and the light to the electricity that flows into it to make it work and illuminate. Without the flow of godly light, our creations would have no source for their life. They would still be our creations, but would not move or have a being that could function.
7. In our creation process, we bring an intelligence into a formed body like a tree that we create from elemental matter. Once the intelligence is in the tree it has no life until we direct light into it. It then may have being and may grow. We are the only ones with power to control the flow of light to our creations in our own domain. Therefore, we are the only ones with creative powers. We sustain all of our creations, including our children, with the flow of light that we control. We sustain all of our creations therefore with the flow of light.
This light flows into our galactic hub and then flows into us and into our creations as we direct. I may also control the amount of light that flows into me and from my being by my own mind since I have been given the keys of the authority to do so. Heavenly Father also has these same keys. We confer these Godly keys on our children who become exalted as a husband and wife in eternity, to rule and reign in their power as God.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her teachings today on light. I know she only wanted to give me this portion, a little here and a little there, as was their pattern. She smiled and then vanished.
I closed my prayer and started my day.
8. In the evening– Tonight I felt to go into God's temple in heaven. I came just inside the front door and turned to the left, by a little stream of living water that flowed by living small trees. I found a corner to kneel, facing the main lobby area. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come or one to come to me in prayer tonight. I then saw Heavenly Mother come through the front door of the temple. She walked right over to me and stood, smiling.
9. She then spoke:
'Raphael, I am glad you came here to our holy house, our temple! This is where I inspired you to come to me tonight! I have shared with you this morning how light energizes our creations and allows them to function, act, move, grow, and so forth. I would like to expand more on this creation process tonight.
When we birthed our spirit children, the intelligence came into me from the Father during our procreation process. This intelligence grew in my womb and was enlarged by the spirit matter from my own body. At this same time, I infused light into the growing fetus so he/she could fully function and grow in the proper order. When I birthed this spirit baby, he/she had been filled with not only spirit matter, but also light that I directed there.
Once our spirit child was born, your Father and I continued to infuse him/her with light. Our infant grew and became eventually a fully-grown spirit son or daughter. There was no time in all of this growth that light was not present.
10. Without the infusion of light into all such birthing processes of our animals and plants, there could be no growth. The light from the bosom of eternity from our first Gods is therefore redirected by us, who are Gods in our own domains, into every living entity in it. This is the basic power of life of all of our creations, even the power of God, which sustains all the universe. This light comes to us from the immensity of space to our galactic center and then we disperse it to all our locations.
In this eternity, this same light is called the light of Jesus Christ, for all things are done in the name of Our Only Begotten Son.
11. D&C 84:45-46
"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit."
12. In this scripture, light is synonymous with Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ. It is this same substance that comes into our galaxy that we disperse, even light from the immensity of space, from the bosom of eternity. This Spirit or light is created by our first Gods and flows into all the universe, their creations.
In our domain, in this eternity, since we do all things in the name of the Son, all of this light or Spirit is called after his name and power:
13. D&C 45:7
"For verily I say unto you that I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the light and the life of the world–a light that shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not."
14. For our children, Jesus Christ is truly the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, for without him there would be no eternal life of these our children until he ransoms them from the fall, elects them into the Church of the Firstborn, and introduces them to us. All come unto us through him. He also has our same power to direct the light that comes into our galaxy and to all our creations of this eternity. It is truly through him that life is sustained for our eternity, for we do all of this in his name for our children.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations tonight! I really want to understand this better. I asked for more light and understanding. She then told me I needed to study about the subject of the Spirit of Jesus Christ more, the light that come from him and the Spirit of God. When done, she or Heavenly Father will address my questions. I agreed to do so. I then knew my precious time in prayer had ended. I thanked her again and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ."
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 3, 2018, Friday
1. I awoke at 7:00 a.m. and have been reading in the scriptures all about spirit and light even as I was asked to do last night in my prayer.
I read this verse in D&C 131:7-8
"There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter."
2. I also re-read part of what God revealed to me about light. Heavenly Father told me light was created and continues to be created by our first parent Gods in the bosom of eternity. They create light from matter, from elemental "building blocks" that all things are created from. This light does not have an intelligence, but is directed by God to enliven and give life to all of their creations. This light also is called in the scriptures the Spirit of God. This is not the spirit of their beings that can be replicated like the Holy Ghost (the actual spirit body of our Heavenly Mother). This light instead is the substance that is controlled and directed by God.
This light or spirit substance (called the Spirit of God) is thus directed by God in various levels of intensity to their creations. When we are filled with light, the spirit of Christ (it is all the same), or this light or spirit can be slightly given or given in a great measure. This flow of light is all controlled by God.
3. The light I see in God is this same substance they call light that ultimately comes from their first parent Gods who create it. The amount of light our Heavenly Parents receive and pass through their bodies, be they shine brightly or dimly, is all controlled by themselves. They control all of this by their thoughts as Heavenly Mother said. They also control the amount of this light substance to their own worlds, children, and creations by this same means.
There is no other substance they use besides intelligence, elemental matter, and this light. From this, all entities are created and sustained.
I love the illustration of the light bulb: it is not illuminated until electricity flows into its filaments. Likewise, intelligence and elemental matter that form a spirit and/or physical entity are not really "alive" until light flows into this entity. When God thus breathes into this entity, his breath of life, or this light or spirit (it is all the same, just worded differently), the entity then becomes alive.
4. Moses 3:7
"And I, the Lord God, formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the first flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created and made according to my word."
5. Adam was created spiritually when his single intelligence was clothed upon inside the womb of Heavenly Mother with spirit elemental matter. When born in the spirit as an infant baby, he looked like his Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother had infused light into her growing fetus so he could grow and mature according to her power of creation.
When Adam was born physically on the earth, Heavenly Mother conceived the physical seed or sperm from Heavenly Father and Adam again grew in her womb. This was, however, a physical creation. Adam's spirit entered into the growing physical fetus and, with the infusion of light, started to grow and physically develop. He was born a physical baby.
6. He and Eve grew up in the Garden of Eden, our Heavenly Parents being there to nurture and care for them. This entire birthing process and growth process is what Moses 3:7 states in symbolic terms of having the breath of life coming into Adam's nostrils.
I am confident that there is no other spirit substance that God uses to enliven their creations other than light. It is named or called by different names, but it is all the same thing.
When Adam and Eve had their children, they were in a fallen telestial state. Light infused into their bodies to sustain them and help them grow and flourish. Their children grew in Mother Eve's womb and grew into physical babies, being infused with light so they could grow and mature. Their sons and daughters were born, being filled with light to grow, think, have being, etc. Thus came all the posterity of Adam and Eve. All of us need light to be sustained.
When we die, our spirits separate from our bodies. However, light continues to remain with our spirit, for it does not die. We continue to think and have being because of this light that God directs to us.
These are my thoughts from reading the scriptures this Friday morning.
I came to the bench at the circling waters and knelt in prayer, facing the waters. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, even Elohim. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the waters! They were filled with light, which shone brightly from their beings! They were smiling and seemed very happy!
7. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we have guided you this morning in your thoughts as you have studied the scriptures and written in your journal. What you have recorded is true.
There is no other substance besides light that we infuse and direct to all of our creations. We always use light in our creation process. This same substance is called the Spirit of God, the Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ and light and truth. This light comes to us from the bosom of eternity from our first parent Gods. All of their creations are upheld and have being by virtue of this light that they continue to send to us.
You see too that we are both filled with this same light. It flows now from us to you, illuminated and enhancing your intellect and mind, and filling your entire being with light. We control all of this light energy by our power of being God.
8. When you receive answers in prayer, this light is the medium by which you receive our words, for it accompanies our voice of revelation to your soul. All things we do and you do are enabled because of this light that you receive. This is the Spirit of God spoken of in the scriptures.'
I gazed upon the faces of Elohim, my Heavenly Parents! They were sending forth great amounts of light to me and all the surrounding area at the circling waters. I had great clarity of thought, great enlightenment, while in their influence and power. I felt so much at peace and assurance also.
9. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, you may ask us any further questions about light you or the mortal angels may have. However, because we have infused you with our light, you have come to a greater understanding of this topic, even so you comprehend it now.'
I thanked her for her words, and my Father for his words. I said I loved them and that I was so glad to have received the light from their countenances. I said I loved being in their holy presence!
I then was disconnected from my unconscious mind and will now end my prayer and start my day. This has been a wonderful connection with my Heavenly Parents this morning!
10. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters to pray. I relaxed on the bench and looked some time at the mountain stream water. It wasn't dark outside although several nights ago I prayed at this same time on earth and it was dark in heaven. I came next to the circling waters where the water meets the land and knelt there. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Mother then appeared at my side, also looking at the circling waters. I wondered what she saw there and what she was looking at in the water.
11. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, I am looking into the living water at a plant and a fish in the water. These currently reside here in my upper garden stream. They love to live here! When these fish and plants were created, they had first a spirit creation here in our celestial world. They were both living in a stream in another part of our orb where all were spirit creations. Then this fish and plant came to an earth like yours for a mortal experience. The fish was hatched from a mother fish egg and the plant was propagated in a mountain stream on earth. They subsequently died and their spirits came to the world of spirits around their earth. The spirit world was populated by many of our own children awaiting their resurrection.
In the time of the celestial resurrection of our beloved children in the last eternity that was completed, this fish and plant were also resurrected to a celestial glory. They were both placed in this mountain stream by myself at the end of that eternity, before your eternity began.
12. Raphael, we change our celestial orb around for each new eternity. The temple, our heavenly home, remains the same structure, but we may change the inside rooms to meet our desires. We also change the surface of our celestial orb to bring variety and change. What does not change is our great love for our children who come forth in each eternity! We also don't change our basic patterns of creating all things spiritually before they were naturally upon the earth.
"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth."
14. All of our creations, including plants, animals and even orbs and planets, were created spiritually before we created them naturally on their earth. They were also resurrected to a level of other celestial, terrestrial or telestial glory. They accompany our own children who received their salvation to their eternal worlds of glory, some to celestial, terrestrial and telestial glories. In each of these worlds, our plants and animals are very pleased to exist and continue with them and desire to bless our own children in their worlds of glory!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her discussion of this fish and plant and how they progressed. I was enlightened, as always, by her revelation!
I looked again down into the water and looked at this fish and the water plant. I then realized these were each created spiritually, naturally and then resurrected while I was still in my intelligence state! These creations were from the previous eternity!
I then looked into the eyes of my Heavenly Mother. She has been through countless eternities herself, with my Heavenly Father! She certainly knows what she has repeatedly done for each eternity. I felt so blessed to have her wealth of knowledge and experience!
I knew I was to end my prayer now. I thanked her again and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I then got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 4, 2018, Saturday
1. This morning we will be attending the baptism of one of our grandsons. I look forward to spiritually seeing what will happen at that time.
I came into the adjacent room where I always come for my morning prayers. Sunshine was streaming in the window. It is supposed to become sunny and warm for the entire week ahead.
I came this morning to the overlook on the path to the woods, located north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I had a large grassy field in front of the temple and me, 300 yards or so to the southeast. I asked to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I was kneeling, facing the distant temple. As I waited, I thought I saw a man on the grassy hill, pouring out his heart in prayer. I saw he was in a small grove of trees. I then saw the details of the exterior of the temple from my vantage, quite far away and wondered how this was all done?
2. I then realized that my Heavenly Father was next to my side at the lookout. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, while you were waiting for me to come, you saw a time in the past when I was a young married man. My wife and I were desperate over the condition of our daughter who needed to be held all the time. I was pleading to my God in prayer, in the private setting of some nearby trees. It was a trying time in our lives!
I gave you this glimpse into my own past to show you that at times we all struggle with big problems. You were able to see my expression on my face and to feel the desperation in my heart. You saw and felt these things because I gave this to you. You also became aware that you could zoom into some scene far away and see up close all of these things, even from your vantage point while physically far away.
You next looked at the doorknob of our temple from your location. You saw you could zoom your mind close to whatever you wished to see with your celestial eyesight.
3. Raphael, I have shown you these things to come to the awareness of the powers we use all of the time! We may see past, present and future. We see everything we wish, even up close or far away. There is no view we cannot see in our vast creations, at any time! We may also see details of atomic structures of our creations, or distant stars or galaxies that fill this vast universe!'
Heavenly Father then placed his left hand on my right shoulder.
4. He said to me:
'Raphael, look at the grassy hill where you saw me in vision when I was praying.'
I looked and saw the grass. I then could see an individual blade of grass and then into its molecular structure. I saw how this blade of grass was alive with chlorophyll moving, like I had once seen under the microscope. I saw there was light all throughout the structure of this grass which gave it life and vitality. I could then see the past of this grass, how it had been spiritually created and lived later on a telestial earth. I saw that it had been resurrected and placed on this hill along with millions more blades of grass–all by the power of God. I saw it had basic intelligence and that it was very happy in its current state. It knew its past and that God had created it. It also seemed to know I was looking at it at this enlarged view of its structure inside.
5. Heavenly Father then spoke again:
'Raphael, I have shown you one of our powers to zoom up, even to see a magnified view of one of our creations. You were able to also see the past history of this single blade of grass! You could comprehend even its intelligence and its perceptions. This is what we may see and view at any time with our creations! We may also know thoughts and intents of the hearts of our own children.
6. D&C 6:16
"Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and intents of thy heart."
7. We see and perceive all of these details for our children, for we know them so very well and have created them, even in our own likeness and image. We may clearly see and perceive their thoughts. We see all that their conscious and unconscious mind thinks and what motivates them. We clearly see their weaknesses and how they deal with them.
We see how these, our children, respond when we prompt them with our gentle spiritual guidance. We see how these promptings are perceived and acted upon, if at all. We remember all of the past thoughts and intentions of our children in mortality. We see how dedicated they are in becoming like unto us, their Heavenly Parents. We see when Satan comes and tempts them and how they succumb or withstand. We yearn after our children, for we see the choices and intents of all of them!
We do this for all of our children who come to earth, all at the same time. There is nothing they may do or think that we couldn't see or perceive. Our views are always clear.
8. Raphael, we see you and your many weaknesses. We see the intentions of your heart and those issues we wish to strengthen in you. We may therefore plan a way to gradually direct you, all dependent upon your choice to follow us.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing his views of his creations and his power and abilities to see into all of his creations! I was quite impressed with the powers of God! He and Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ see all and cannot be deceived!
I then felt I was fully in my chair writing all of this down. I could then somehow perceive in my mind my Heavenly Father watching lovingly me do and think everything I was doing. I perceived his warm and accepting smile. I knew I could never hide anything from God, for they saw all. I didn't feel judged either, for I felt very accepted and loved. I thanked my God again and then closed my prayer.
9. In the afternoon–We just returned from the baptism and luncheon for my grandson. I enjoyed being with him and family. As I participated in the confirmation blessing for my grandson, I sought to spiritually see if God was near. I then saw Jesus Christ in the top left of the room where we were laying on our hands on him. My son gave him a nice blessing. However, Jesus stayed in the upper corner and didn't come down to us as I have seen in the past.
While my hands were on my grandson's head, I felt I was replicated and next to the side of Jesus Christ. I could see myself in the circle down below us. I heard the words and saw our heads bowed. I then looked into the eternity eyes of Jesus Christ before me. I asked him if he ever comes behind the priesthood brethren for any of God's children that are now being baptized.
10. Here is his response:
'Raphael, I don't go to anyone now who is baptized or confirmed, for those who baptize do it without our power or authority since May 2014. In the past, before this date, I frequently came to those priesthood brethren who gave the blessing for the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. I used to send my light and strength upon them. I will not do this until the reorganization of the Church of Christ on the earth for those who honor us and keep our commandments.'
11. I saw that he was very interested in my grandson, but would not participate in the blessing. I then came back to the priesthood circle when the blessing was ending.
In the evening: Tonight I came in my prayer in my meditation to the bench next to the forest just north of the Great Assembly Hall. Behind this forest were all of the refugees of Lucifer. I am not sure if there is a reason that I came here, but this is where I felt to come tonight. I checked myself and I felt very clear. I then knelt facing the forest and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.
I then saw a light in the forest. There were three individuals coming to me. I soon recognized my Heavenly Mother in the center and an individual on her right and one on her left. She was holding their hands. I was on my knees facing them.
12. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, these are two of my children who have wandered from their Heavenly Father and me. They were under the influence of Lucifer who rebelled against our plan for Jesus Christ being our only Beloved Son and Redeemer of all mankind. These two sons have repented after they heard your powerful speech to all of the hosts of Lucifer. They were persuaded by your words. These two are representative of the millions that have since repented and wholeheartedly followed our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He has redeemed them and they are pure before us now. We are so pleased that these two and their fellow refugees have come unto us, their God!
13. Raphael, there is still time left for every one of our children who are wandering in sin to repent and be cleansed by Jesus Christ, our appointed Redeemer for all our children! Even at the time you go to bind Lucifer and his evil minions and place them in the bottomless pit, you will make another plea to these, our children, who have followed their evil ruler to repent and come to their true Messiah. Even at that late hour, there will be a large group who go to the light where Jesus will receive them with open arms. Once these have departed to him, you will then grasp Lucifer in the chains provided you and lock him in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. You will also round up the remainder who are at large of those who follow him in this prison, deep in the earth.
14. You will then go to the prison orb where you have placed the followers of Lucifer who have pushed their limits beyond the boundaries we have set. There will also be many in that location. You will then announce to them the same plea as you did to Lucifer and his hosts. There will be some of these who will also repent! You will allow them to leave their prison to go to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. Our Beloved Son will receive them with open arms. Then you will take the remainder and export them all to the bottomless pit where you had just chained up Lucifer. You will have the assistance in all of your actions of as many warrior angels as you need. You will also be able to be replicated yourself to keep every wicked spirit in line in both locations.
Soon all will be placed in the bottomless pit. You will then place a one thousand year seal at the opening of the pit and lock it with your black key you have clipped on your waist sash. Raphael, in all of this, we desire to give every wayward child whom I birthed in the spirit an opportunity to repent and change their course! We will even extend this same chance at the end of the millennium when you release the hosts of Lucifer from the bottomless pit for a little season.'
Heavenly Mother then hugged each of her repented children on her left and right sides. They then smiled at her, being teary-eyed, and then vanished away through the forest behind her! She was standing alone before me.
15. I spoke:
'Heavenly Mother, I thank thee for the great trust that thou and my Heavenly Father have in me to perform all of these actions towards Satan and his minions. I feel happy that there have been and will be yet so many who come to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ! I will do all things that thou and my Heavenly Father may ask of me.'
Heavenly Mother smiled and pulled me up off my knees. She then embraced me and said she loved me. She whispered in my ear:
'Raphael, we trust you to do all we ask of you!'
She then brought me to arms length and then started fading away until she was gone from before me. I then came again to my knees to confirm that I had really seen all of this in my prayer tonight. I felt assured it was all true, even all that I have written. I ended my prayer and was immediately back in my front room with my family. I got ready then for bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 5, 2018, Sunday
1. This new Sabbath I got up before the rest of my family and came to the recliner there and prepared for prayer.
This morning I came in heaven under a fruit tree (apple I think) facing into the orchard. This was on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. I was clean and pure before God. I prayed that Elohim come.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came walking to me from the north, from deeper in the orchard. I soon was gazing on their glorious faces! I fully recognized each and was blessed that they were smiling at me, happy to be in front of me in my prayer.
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have received a few questions from two mortal angels. I would like to address these questions now.'
I looked at my email and wrote questions from two people. Heavenly Father answered all of these questions.
3. Q 1: 'I am doing more to be connected with Father and Mother, but I am feeling further from them. Do you know why that could be?'
A 1: 'There is often a time when our child starts putting out more of an effort to get close to us and yet we wait to respond. This happened to you, Raphael. It was what you call your Gethsemane experience. For you, we gradually helped improve the circumstances. Also, you started waiting on us in prayer, waiting until you were able to perceive our presence and eventually see our faces. This persistent determination was what we liked to see. After some months, we opened up to you more and more.
This person who asked this question needs to press forward in faith, continuing to be persistent.'
4. Q 2: 'What exactly are Father's and Mother's commandments? Are they the Ten Commandments given to Moses? If so, is honoring your Father and Mother referring to our Heavenly Parents?'
A 2: 'The Ten Commandments are basic commandments we had our Son, Jesus Christ, give to the house of Israel in the wilderness (see Exodus 20:1-19). When in the flesh, Jesus Christ also gave the Beatitudes (see Matthew 5-7). Lastly, Jesus Christ summed up all of these commandments in John 15:12 "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."
These are all the basic commandments. In addition, Jesus gives to each of our sons and daughters commandments individually for them. Once these children are proven and tested by their faithfulness, he introduces them to us, their Heavenly Parents. We continue to lead and guide our sons and daughters.
5. 2 Nephi 31:29
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
"For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.
Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do."
7. Also, honoring your father and mother in the Ten Commandments refers to your earthly parents. One may not even like their earthly parents, but they have given you life and brought you into the world and raised you. This love and sacrifice requires that you give them honor and respect.'
8. Q 3: 'Why would our Heavenly Parents place poisonous berries on the earth such as baneberries?'
A 3: 'There are currently poisonous berries, mushrooms, snakes, spiders and insects, to name a few. These are part of the telestial world, to afflict and torment man:
9. Genesis 3:18
"Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee…"
10. This telestial earth does not always bring forth pleasant things, but hard things in opposition to that which is helpful and pleasing to man. It is part of the entire experience for our children to navigate through in their mortal life.
In the millennial world, in a terrestrial state, these same thorns and thistles and poisonous plants and animals will be changed to be no longer poisonous.
11. Isaiah 11:8-9
"And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
12. Satan will also be bound in the terrestrial world. He is currently afflicting our children in the telestial world, even worse than these few poisonous things that exist there.
The baneberries will lose their poison once they are nourished and healed by living water that will cover the earth. They will be a prize berry that our children will eat in the millennium.'
13. Q 4: 'How does being spiritually gathered protect one in their mortal physical body? Could you expound? You did say that some elect would be physically gathered, but what about the other elect?'
A 4: 'We have plans for each of our children who turn unto us and come unto us and repent. Some of these we spiritually gather, by giving them revelation. They learn to follow us and our promptings while in their mortal physical body. We lead them along and will protect them through perilous times.
There are other elect who may not come unto us until the last moment, like your Heavenly Mother explained to you last night about the refugees of Lucifer. There are others whose mission will lead them into harm's way, each for various reasons. In the end, all of the elect will be saved in our glorious kingdom, and be received into the Church of the Firstborn. They will have been fully proved in their obedience to us, their Gods.'
14. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, what you have written is pleasing to us and given in sufficient clarity!'
I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for this wonderful prayer, in this lovely orchard area in their world! I ended my prayer and came out to the front room with my wife.
15. After church– During the sacrament hymn I felt to come in front of the fountain of living water. I faced the temple doors and came on my knees. We sang p. 190 "In Memory of the Crucified". I sang in the ward and on my knees in heaven. In the last verse, Heavenly Father came from the open front door of the temple and walked up to me at the fountain. I watched him walk to me. I then gazed on his loving face. Here are the words of this last verse of the hymn:
"Our Father, may this sacrament
To ev'ry soul be sanctified
Who eats and drinks with pure intent
That in our Savior he'll abide."
16. Once the hymn was completed, and the organist sat down, the priests were still breaking the bread. I was on my knees looking at my Father. I then made my covenant with just my Father before me:
'Oh Father, I covenant with thee to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember thee, and to keep thy commandments.'
The priest then offered the prayer on the bread. The deacons then passed the trays of broken bread to the congregation. I then saw Heavenly Mother come from the open doors of the temple to us! She walked along the same way as Heavenly Father and came next to her husband. He looked lovingly at her and smiled at her. I then looked into her sparkling eternity eyes and loving face.
I then spoke directly to her:
'Oh my Mother, I covenant to take upon me the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember thee, and to keep thy commandments.'
17. Heavenly Mother then responded:
'Raphael, on behalf of your Heavenly Father and I, we accept your covenant you have made individually to each of us. We covenant to always be with you in our very persons in this celestial world and in the celestial realms on the earth, and we will also send our Spirit to always be with you in abundance in your mortal life!'
There was a pause while I drank the water and the sacrament was being concluded to the congregation.
18. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we have blessed you with our light and revelation in abundance! You have started this past week your 26th personal journal since your son's injury on his mission six and a half years ago. You are now writing about a journal a month. We have poured out our revelations upon you in increasing abundance as you have hearkened to our voice. We will continue to bless you with more and more of our revelations, until you will have come to know more about us, your Gods, our ways and this celestial world than any other person who has ever lived in mortality, excepting Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. When we ultimately reveal you to the world at some future time, you will have all the truth and knowledge you need to fill you with great confidence and assurance to fulfill the great calling we will have you do.
Until that time, continue to work in secret and do not reveal yourself or your revelations to any except to those few we tell you to share with. Be careful in sharing with anyone unless we prompt you and confirm to you to share. We love you, Raphael our son!'
19. After church, I discussed with my wife my yen to leave the sacrament meeting after I wrote in my pocket journal. She said she too felt quite uncomfortable with the testimonies at church. We felt consolation that we both independently felt the same way! I think there is a lot more emotion than Spirit that was felt. I certainly didn't feel God was in the meetinghouse, nor his Spirit. I did feel their presence, however, in abundance in the celestial world as I have written.
My wife and I further discussed what was our purpose in coming to earth. I ultimately said my belief was that I lived with my Heavenly Parents in a premortal life and was their son, born in their image. As a son, I was destined to become like my Father and Mother as far as I am able to follow their directions to do so.
This same purpose continues in mortality, only I can't hear their words as clearly, for they speak to my unconscious mind. I still want to become like my Heavenly Parents, particularly to be like my Heavenly Father, one day to become even as he is. This is my central purpose.
I too believe I have a mission and calling from God to help my brothers and sisters return to them and become like their Heavenly Parents too. This is my calling and mission. I will follow what God tells me so I may fulfill my calling. I only know what to do as they show me, else I am clueless!
20. In the evening–I have a pattern on Sundays to write in my journal three times–at morning prayer, at church and at the evening prayer. I feel so very fortunate to be able to write three times on Sundays.
Some may think this is a huge sacrifice, but I don't feel that way. Each time I come to pray I anticipate coming into the presence of God and then receiving personal revelation. This is truly amazing! I feel so blessed to receive so very much! I hope that those who read these words will truly verify through their own prayers that what I write is true. My hope is that everyone who wishes to may see ultimately the face of God and receive their own personal revelation!
One problem I see with the current doctrine in the LDS church is that if we, who are lay members, receive personal revelation, it is supposed to conform with what the current doctrine states. If it doesn't, we are in hot water, or our revelations are not true. Are we then to doubt what we receive?
This is very restricting to God, dictating what our Heavenly Parents are allowed to reveal to us! We are also to keep our revelations to ourselves if the new doctrine or insight hasn't yet been revealed, until a prophet reveals it to the church at large.
Smoke in Utah Country from the fires in the mountains
21. I feel to be very free with personal revelation! God may reveal whatever He/ She wants! Also, God may tell anyone whom to reveal their revelation to, to share with whomever they want. We should never restrict God. In my experience, this is how it works, and revelations are not restrictive to the leaders of the church, to myself, or anyone. We each may confirm for ourselves whether a given idea from God is really from God or not. We don't need a set of standards to judge them by.
Tonight I came to the celestial world, and came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I came again to the new little fountain that flowed into the lake. I wondered about the new little plants and little minnows I saw swimming in the little stream. Since the fountain was recently placed there, were these minnows only recently resurrected as minnows to grow to full size fish in their resurrected state? I then wondered if I had just recorded my thoughts correctly about revelation?
I knelt by the little stream and faced the lake. I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. My Heavenly Mother then appeared instantly in front of me! She was standing in white light, a little above the stream.
22. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, you have asked two good questions. I will answer both of them. The first question about the minnows. You were observant in noting these were not fully-grown fish. Yes, these were recently resurrected, to a partly grown state since that is how they died. These came from your own earth and have been resurrected to a celestial glory. There are some of our children who have also been resurrected from this eternity to a celestial state who were faithful and lived prior to the death of Jesus Christ. These small minnows will continue to grow in their resurrected state until fully grown. Then they will necessarily need to swim into the lake for a larger body of water. Once they naturally reach their full size, they will remain this size in eternity.
We may mix plants and animals from different eternities in our heavenly home. These minnows are from your earth and yet the fish and water plants you saw in the circling waters were from the previous eternity. We may do whatsoever we desire in our own domain.
23. About your second question concerning personal revelation: We never feel restricted by any doctrine or dogma of man. We reveal our words to our children wherever and whomever we choose to. We always reveal the truth and do not lie. Often we reveal only partial information, which to some of our children may seem conflicting. However, were the full truth to be revealed, all is consistent and from us, full of truth.
24. You are correct that we need no restrictions on our revelations. If they are not from our own mouth, there will be inconsistencies. Man has tried to cover up some of these, only making it more and more difficult for those who follow who want to appear consistent with these earlier prophets. This has happened, for example, with D&C 132 being purportedly from us. This and many other inconsistent supposed revelations have led to the current doctrine in the LDS Church, to check the personal revelation by what has previously been revealed. This has caused some of our children who have received our revelations to later discard them because of inconsistencies with the current doctrine in the LDS Church. This saddens us! There is a current fear among many Latter-day Saints to walk very carefully when voicing their opinions. They fear they will be judged wrongly according to the current culture or doctrine of the LDS Church. This is part of the reason why we now have rejected this church and was a factor in our decision.
We wish all of our humble and open children to come unto us and receive our directions and revelations. If these are in conflict with their own current beliefs, or that of their church, they should follow us and our revelations. We will then be able to continue to lead them along.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her kindness in answering my questions. I thanked her again for this little fountain and stream she placed here recently. I love her sweet kindness.
She then left as suddenly as she came. I knew my prayer was finished. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 6, 2018, Monday
1. This morning I awoke early so I would have my full time to pray and commune with God.
In my meditations this morning, I came to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens at the beginning of the mountain stream. I was able to see clearly around, even to God's temple to the west in the distance. I felt clear and prepared to meet God. I knelt and faced the distant temple. I asked then for my loving Heavenly Parents to come to me.
I then saw a light in the upper gardens below me. Heavenly Mother was in the light and soon was in glory in front of me! I gazed on her face, especially her eyes and smiling mouth. I thanked her for coming to me.
2. She asked me to write her words. I got off my knees in the adjacent bedroom at home and started writing:
'Raphael, I wish to confirm to you the doctrine of raising children in the resurrection. This doctrine was first taught by the prophet Joseph Smith when his brother, Don Carlos's wife and he had just lost a little daughter Sophrina to death:
"President Joseph F. Smith, the sixth president of the church, reported 'Joseph Smith taught the doctrine that the infant child that was laid away in death would come up to the resurrection as a child; and, pointing to the mother of a lifeless child, he said to her: 'You will have the joy, the pleasure and satisfaction of nurturing this child, after its resurrection, until it reaches the full stature of its spirit.'" (Joseph F. Smith Manual, chapter 15, "The Salvation of Little Children")
3. Raphael, this doctrine is true! When little children die in their infancy, before the age of eight, they are saved by the atonement of our Son, Jesus Christ. Satan also cannot tempt them and they are fully ransomed from his influence.
When these little ones are resurrected, they will rise a celestial body as an infant, to the same stature they died in mortality. If their parents have been faithful, they too will be resurrected to a celestial glory and will have the privilege to raise this little one to its full stature in their resurrected state. These will come either to our celestial world here in our celestial orb in heaven, or to the celestial realms on the earth. Their great sorrows will turn to exceeding great joy!
4. For those who are older than eight years old, and have lived worthy of a celestial resurrection, as have their parents, they will resurrect to the age of their death. They, too, will be able to be raised in the resurrection.
For those who are older than eight years old and died before reaching adulthood, they will be resurrected to the stature at their death. If they have not merited a celestial resurrection, they will not be raised by their parents in the resurrection, even if their parents were raised to a celestial resurrection. The privilege of raising little ones, or those not fully mature when they died, is reserved for those who attain a celestial resurrection. The others will live and be resurrected to a terrestrial or telestial state, and will be with adults in those worlds who will care for them until they are fully raised. These who care for them may be a parent who received the same glory in eternity, but usually is not a relative from earth. In eternity, there are no family ties in the terrestrial or telestial glory.
If the parents or a parent are resurrected to a celestial glory and their child who died over eight years old are resurrected to a lesser glory, the parent(s) will not raise them in the resurrection.
5. For those who die in their infancy before the age of eight years old, they will have every privilege of eternal reward in the celestial kingdom in eternity! They will need to still prove to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, that they are worthy of entrance into the Church of the Firstborn. If elected, they will enter into our celestial church and have the privilege of being sealed to a spouse of their choice, even though they hadn't married in life. In their case, they will be sealed to their spouse and their spouse to them by one of us three Gods in our celestial temple in heaven, like all the rest of the exalted. They do not need to be married on earth, or even sealed in the Church of Christ prior to their sealing for us to perform their eternal sealing.
6. In the millennium, marriages will generally be performed in the Church of Christ by a temple sealing in a temple of that church. This sealing will be temporary, for those who perform this ordinance will have the sealing power of Elijah, given by the priesthood keys to the president of the Church of Christ, but this first sealing power for eternity is reserved for us who are Gods. The sealing ordinance that is pronounced on earth is dependent upon their faithfulness, a conditional sealing of the man and woman. When we who are God seal the couple in our own temple, the sealing will be permanent, binding forever in eternity as part of their exaltation to becoming Gods like we are Gods.'
Smokey skies above the Spanish Fork river bottoms
I felt very satisfied in the truths I heard from my loving Heavenly Mother this morning! I could see the distant celestial temple in heaven where my Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ will perform permanent celestial sealings. I felt assurance and peace that this is true doctrine, as delivered to me by my loving Heavenly Mother.
I thanked her for her great revelations today. I feel very happy to have communed with her today. I closed my prayer on earth and started my new day.
I looked back in my journal and saw I had 17 pages of scans to send to my sister to type up, just for this weekend since my last scans that I sent to her! This is more than I have ever received I believe. I have been very busy with the flood of revelation pouring into me this weekend!
7. Evening–It has been smoky around here, so many forest fires around us! This happened last year too as I recall.
I came to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden with the mountain stream going by. There were many pretty flowers growing there that enhanced the area. It reminded me of the dripping rocks along the Spanish Fork River. I went on a walk up this small river with my wife and two grandchildren. It was remarkable how the water just dripped out of the hanging rocks there!
Anyway, I prayed in front of the pocketed rock wall facing the stream. I felt pure and clean. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or Heavenly Mother to come.
I next saw on the opposite side of the stream both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking to me through the small forest grove! They were talking and strolling in the woods. Soon they came to the opposite bank of the mountain stream and then walked right on top of the water until they were only a few feet from me! They stopped and dropped their hands and looked at me. Both were smiling at me. I was smiling back at them too. I was so very pleased to be before them tonight! I get so completely happy and assured, full of faith and goodness when I am in their presence!
8. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we have talked to you over the past few days about the resurrection. Our first Gods designed the optimal estate of men and women for themselves and their children, to be in a resurrected state. All other states of mankind were preparatory states, the premortal spirit only state, the mortal state, the postmortal spirit state, or any of the translated states of mankind. All of these are temporary states. It is only in the celestial resurrected state of men and women that the human body is fully functional as it was intended from the beginning.
In this celestial resurrected state, it is only our exalted children who are ordained to be gods that have procreative powers. These gods have the most capable and fully functional human bodies, capable of performing as the first Gods designed. Those human beings who are resurrected to a lesser glory have only partial capability in their resurrected bodies.
9. For our other plant and animal creations, only those that are resurrected to a celestial state have full function of their bodies. They may reproduce in eternity either spirit only offspring or spirit and body offspring. The spirit and body offspring are reproduced by the spirit entity being born into the physical body. These would be by live birth, eggs, spores, seeds, etc., typical of that animal or plant. This same process is how Adam and Eve, your first parents, were born in a terrestrial world. Your Heavenly Mother and I were their parents. Their premortal spirits entered the fetus in your Heavenly Mother and a normal birth on earth occurred, only it was by a celestial mother on a terrestrial earth.
The plants and animals that live in a terrestrial or telestial world may not reproduce in eternity. They are very pleased to bless the children of the gods who are rewarded those states of glory.
10. All gods have powers of replication. This allows them to appear in multiple places at the same instant. They may replicate in their full celestial physical state or in a spirit only state. Your Heavenly Mother does this latter state in acting as the Holy Ghost to her children.
The mind of the gods is still one mind, even though there may be multiple replications. Our minds are capable to know all that we are doing and thinking in every replicated state we may be in. We never feel rushed, with all the many things we choose to do, for we just replicate ourselves more to meet the demands and needs.
11. A resurrected celestial person always has sufficient energy to accomplish all he/she wants to do, in all of their replicated beings. This is one of the best features of a resurrected celestial person. Energy is derived from the light that is created and channeled from our first Gods to us. We never tire since there is always abundant light. We may eat or drink in our celestial resurrected state, but these are not required to sustain our energy level.
Our movement and all our actions are controlled by our godly mind, by the medium of our thoughts. We generally communicate by our thoughts also. These are tangible and recognizable signals of communication similar to the voice or written word for those who live in mortality.
When we appear to you in various ways, coming to you in different patterns etc., these are all controlled by our thoughts. We have gained this control of our resurrected bodies with practice and by faith.
We also have the full procreative and creative powers. This allows us to create our own children and form a wonderful world in which they may progress and grow.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his explanations of the great powers of a celestial god. I expressed gratitude that I was their son and am destined to become even as they are. What an amazing blessing!
I then closed my prayer since they gave me the thought that this was my only message I was to receive tonight. I expressed my love to them before coming back to my recliner in my front room.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 7, 2018, Tuesday
1. I awoke around 7:00 a.m. and reviewed my journal entry above. I am impressed by how revelation just gently and steadily flows into my mind and heart!
I came again this morning to the flower pocketed rock wall where I was last night. I saw Heavenly Mother alone there, waiting for me. I immediately knelt in front of her. She was smiling, standing a few inches above the mountain stream.
2. She immediately spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke last night to you while you were kneeling in your same location before us. He spoke to you about the optimal state of mankind, as a god in a resurrected celestial state.
He also told you about the resurrected state of plants and animals and their capabilities. There are other creations that have intelligence like the orbs (planets, moons, stars, comets), wind or atmosphere and water. These also are ultimately resurrected to either a celestial, terrestrial or telestial state. The celestial resurrected orbs are able to create other orbs as we have once shared with you. The atmosphere fills the worlds where our children live in all their various states or progression, and in their eternal worlds where they live. Celestial atmosphere may create new atmosphere, and celestial orbs create new orbs. Finally, only living water exists in its full celestial resurrected state. This too may propagate other water in a telestial, terrestrial or celestial state, depending upon our needs. In the upcoming millennium, the celestial living water will spread over the entire earth, propagating living water wherever it physically contacts. Even though this is a terrestrial world, the water will be living water. When the earth is finally resurrected, this living water on the earth will also be resurrected as celestial living water.
3. We will have the atmosphere in the millennial world also changed from a telestial air to terrestrial air. This change will also help transform those who breathe it to transform themselves into terrestrial mortal creatures. This includes our own children living on earth and the plants and animals.
The transformation of the earth from a telestial to a terrestrial state has been well underway for nearly two years now, since your blessing with our holy angels at Utah Lake in August 2016. Once fully transitioned, the soil of the earth will be significantly improved to be able to nourish the many plants on its surface to a much higher level, even to support terrestrial plant life.
4. These three entities on your own earth–atmosphere, water and earth, will be the main means of change to a wonderful terrestrial world in which our other creations will live and flourish.
You have been seeing many days of smoke in your atmosphere recently. Fire is not an entity, nor does it have a spirit. It is a change of state of combustible materials which creates heat, light, and exhaust like smoke.
At the end of this telestial era on the earth and during this time when the air, water and earth are transforming to a terrestrial state, these entities are also revolting against the wickedness of man. These three entities are causing more turbulence on the earth with freak weather, including tornadoes, hurricanes, and wind–related damage, fires, upheavals in the waters all over the earth like monster waves and tsunamis overflowing the land and ships on the waters, excessive flooding and finally convulsions of the earth's crust like earthquakes, volcanoes, and land sinking and rising unexpectedly, etc.
5. Once our Beloved Son comes in great glory to the earth, and officially begins the millennial terrestrial state, the three entities of atmosphere, water and earth will all become exceedingly calm and finally happy, for wickedness will finally have been eliminated from the earth's surface!
This will become the great day of peace and rest for the earth, water and air, as well as for mankind and all our creations! We will then bring forth Zion, the celestial city of the New Jerusalem, and the long–awaited Church of the Firstborn on the earth!'
6. I looked steadily into the face of my Heavenly Mother and she was looking off into space behind me. I knew she was looking into this new refreshed earth in its future millennial state! I reached out to her with my hand and she grasped it in both of hers so that I stood before her. She touched my eyes, one at a time, with her finger. I then could see what she was seeing with a very happy future world! I saw the earth from space, like a round globe shining forth her light for all to see. She was beautiful! There was great peace, perfect regularity in the change of seasons and in the rotations and times on the earth.
I even thought I heard Mother Earth express her joy to rest for a season: 'Now I may rest for a thousand years of peace while my children are happy and righteous on my surface!'
Heavenly Mother was next to me in space, looking down at the happy future state of the earth. She was smiling broadly and her eyes were sparkling and her whole body was emitting light and exceeding love! Oh, I loved to be next to her, my beautiful Heavenly Mother!
7. She turned and spoke to me:
'Remember how happy the earth is now, Raphael! This is during the great millennial day, a day soon to come to replace your wicked times that you live in now.'
She then pulled me gently to her, kissed my cheeks, each one, and said I better had get started on my new day on earth. She told me to meet her again tonight in the celestial realms on the earth where she would inspire me to go. I then suddenly felt she vanished, and I was left alone finishing up my journal entry. I knelt by my recliner in my adjacent bedroom and closed my morning prayer. I feel great peace and happiness!
8. Later in the evening–I thought some today more about light and wondered if this light was matter or wave energy, like some scientist argue. I wondered too how light energy can go undiminished through space or if it is matter at some point then it wouldn't probably diminish since matter doesn't reduce in intensity when it travels, at least I don't think so.
Tonight I remembered my Heavenly Mother asked me to meet her in the celestial realms around the earth, not in my normal location in heaven. I decided to go a few feet above my recliner that I was sitting in. I did so and felt I was in a very green area with a small stream passing through. There were trees and a beautiful woodsy setting, but with lots of open space too. It seemed like I had been there before. I dipped my hand in the stream and could tell this was living water passing by. I looked and saw water plants but no fish.
I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come, particularly my Heavenly Mother since she had said this morning she could come to my prayer. I looked up and then saw my glorious Heavenly Mother before me. She had a beautiful white robe and was glowing with soft light. I thrilled to see her!
9. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, I want to share with you more information about light that our first Gods created. Our first Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother continually create this from the elemental matter. It is matter once it comes into their beings. Then as it exits them it comes out as light from their beings and matter to be transmitted to others. This matter is light matter, transparent, unseen matter. Once it enters another entity, this light matter converts into light energy or is transmitted to another. It is tangible when it travels and tangible when it converts into light energy.
10. From the light matter that continues on from God, it travels without being diminished, for it is matter and this is how matter travels, without any degradation in its strength or intensity. When it comes to its next entity it is intended to reach, some of this light matter converts to light energy. This necessarily reduces the amount of light matter that continues onto the next object to enlighten or shine upon.
Light matter comes from the immensity of space and travels from our first Gods, ultimately to us, to the center of our galaxy. This is all received as light matter. It travels from our first Gods to us without being diminished in power or intensity.
We who are your Gods, tap into this source of light matter and become filled with the amount of light we wish to receive and convert to light energy. We pass the remainder of the light matter onto our children and creations in our own galaxy.
11. When this light matter comes into your sun in your own solar system, this matter is pulled into it by the strong gravitational pull of that large body of mass. As it falls into the sun, the sun ignites this light matter and converts this matter into light energy and heat. This is transferred by the shining sun to the planets and the earth. Every living thing on the earth thrives off of the warmth and light from the sun.
In addition, light matter also falls upon the earth as very small invisible particles of matter. This also comes to earth, being pulled in by the relatively large gravitational pull of the earth.
Corn in our river bottoms near our house
12. As the light matter comes to our sons and daughters, they too are able to convert the light matter into light energy. This enlivens and enlightens their intellect. They may experience the same sort of sensations we have in converting this light matter into light energy, only they are able to convert a very small amount compared to us. We, who are your Gods, may convert large masses of light matter into light energy and shine even brighter than the sun, all controlled by our own mind and by the power of God we possess.
In our own galaxy, the center hub of the large governing stars pulls the light matter from our own parent God's galaxy, for that is where we came from. This light matter is directed to us by our parent Gods and comes to the center of our own galaxy. They in turn receive it from their parent Gods and so forth back to the first creation which is in the control of our first Gods.
The light matter flows from place to place from the immensity of space or from our first Gods. All creations in the universe are therefore enlivened by this light.
We only receive the amount of light matter that we need in our own galaxy, for sustaining ourselves and all of our children and millions of worlds and creations. We communicate this need back to our parent Gods who create sufficient light matter for us and all of their descendant gods, plus their own galaxy.
13. Once light matter is converted to light energy, it is consumed and released as light. This may not be retrieved, for it shines forth and in so doing is consumed. In this way, it is like food and drink for ourselves and all our creations.
Raphael, as you become more enlightened with our revelations and as you continue to be pure and holy before us, you will continue to be capable of receiving more light matter from us, your Gods. We enlighten your intellect and your entire being when we speak to you and transfer our revelations to your soul. We actually communicate with the medium of this light energy that comes from us.'
I was way impressed with the new truths I received from my glorious Heavenly Mother tonight! I could only receive her words and revelations in a celestial environment, in these celestial realms of light. I felt so clear and enlightened tonight!
Heavenly Mother then said I needed now to prepare for bed. She said she loved me and that Heavenly Father and she would continue to reveal all things to me as fast as I was able to receive them.
I thanked her once more and closed my prayer. I then got ready for bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 8, 2018, Wednesday
1. I just re–read my journal entry last night about light matter. This concept is not what scientists believe about our sun, for they believe the energy of the sun will become exhausted and the sun will gradually decrease in its intensity. However, the source of light and heat from the sun is really this great amount of light matter that continually flows into it from the great immensity of space. I believe this is true for all stars. If hot enough, this star ignites the light matter and then it is able to shine in the sky. The great combustive power of the sun consumes this matter and converts it to light energy.
For us who do not combust this light matter, it flows into us and enlightens and enlivens our beings. We too convert a small part of this matter into light energy, but not by combustion like the sun, but by absorption into our body cells and being. This enlivens all our being and keeps us alive and functioning, I believe.
2. With God, they have the capability to actually shine like the sun, converting somehow this light matter into light energy. This is part of their power they possess. They also impart this same capability in part to some of their children who come unto them, at least to some degree.
It seems to me if somehow the source of all light matter was suddenly stopped, it would then stop being forwarded to the gods and their multiple creations. However, this thought is impossible, for "God ceaseth not to be God" (see Alma 42:23). Instead, our first Gods continually sustain their vast children and creations. This is a total act of love on their part!
3. M.A. had two questions that I received from her by email last night I am hoping God will answer these:
Q1: 'Who will reside on the celestial earth once all the exalted couples have created their own galaxies? Will the celestial earth be home to the two lower celestial kingdoms of angels?'
Q2: 'If the earth is terrestrial during the millennium, how can Satan be let loose at the end of the millennium if he can't be in a terrestrial world?'
I started my prayer this morning in heaven at the meandering desert stream not far from the desert oasis. I felt clear and even transparent. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, or one of them.
Heavenly Father then appeared to me, walking on the desert floor in front of me. He stopped when he got to me. He was glowing in light and was smiling.
4. He spoke:
'Raphael, what you have written this morning in your journal is true, for I inspired you when you wrote and your words came to you from me.
I will now answer M.A.'s questions:
A 1: About the location of the celestial angels–M.A. is correct in that celestial angels who are given their eternal reward live on the earth in its glorified celestial final state. They live on the celestial earth along with the exalted gods, for there is room enough for all. The celestial angels also receive mansions and properties in this celestial orb. However, these are much less glorious and expansive than those celestial exalted couples who also have residence on the earth.
Even when the exalted go on to create their own galaxy, they still maintain their residence on their home base planet earth. The celestial angels continue to live in their celestial residences on earth for they have no power to create a galaxy like their neighbors who are exalted.
5. A 2: About how can Satan be let loose in the terrestrial earth– We allow evil influence to come in a celestial world for a season for our own purposes. For example, Lucifer became very evil after he rebelled against our plan to have Jehovah to be the Redeemer. Once we announced this, Lucifer was no longer a celestial spirit, but also fell gradually to be evil, even more manipulative and prideful. Yet we tolerated his influence among our many children for our own purposes for a season. We corrected this inconsistency when we had Lucifer and his followers cast out of heaven for rebellion.
Likewise, there is purpose in having Lucifer and his hosts to be loosed on the terrestrial earth at the end of the millennium. We desire to have a final victory over Satan and all those who continue to follow him.
6. D&C 29:22-23
"And again, verily I say unto you that when the thousand years are ended, and men again begin to deny their God, then will I spare the earth but for a little season.
And the end shall come, and the heaven and the earth shall be consumed and pass away, and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth."
7. When you loose Satan and his hosts to go forth on the earth for a little season from the bottomless pit once all the temple work in the New Jerusalem temple is completed on earth for the members of the Church of the Firstborn, we will suffer Satan's influence to come again on the surface of the earth:
8. Revelation 20:7-9
"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city; and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them."
9. Raphael, during the entire millennium, there will be those who do not gather to the Church of Christ, nor are brought to the Church of the Firstborn. They live peaceably with the members of our church. However, once Satan and his hosts are loosed at the end of the millennium, he will have great success among those particularly who are not in our Church of Christ. These will be deceived and become filled with anger. They will ultimately surround the city of the New Jerusalem. Those who remain will still be mortal, for all the remainder will have been resurrected to a celestial glory. This is the time when there will be a great battle among the mortals of the earth, the wicked inspired by Lucifer and his host, and the righteous who are gathered in the city of the New Jerusalem. I will then have my Beloved Son send fire from heaven to consume all the wicked, as a final victory over evil on the earth. Then the earth and the heavens (the celestial realms on the earth) will all die, prior to the glorious resurrection of the celestial glory of the earth.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his stirring explanation! I am so very grateful for these clear answers I received today.
I knew I had to get started on my day. I asked my Heavenly Father to continue to be with me all the day long, which he said he would do. I then closed my prayer in heaven and started my day on earth.
10. Evening– Tonight I went again to the meandering stream in the desert. I happened upon a desert tortoise while there. I then knelt on the sand, facing the oasis in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking on the path next to the stream. They were headed towards me. Soon they came before me and Heavenly Mother reached out her hand, indicating for me to come walk with them! I jumped up and came to hold her left hand and we all three continued walking along the path.
The next thing I knew, we were in the clouds, still walking. Next we were in dark space, still walking. Finally, we were above the New Jerusalem, in the air. I could see the glow of the celestial temple.
However, all around the walls of the city I saw darkness, evil people gathering around in a great army, planning their attack on the city. I realized this was a future time of the great last battle with Lucifer and his hosts who had been loosed, and those mortals on the earth who had succumbed to Satan's temptations. It seemed like the entire earth had again become darkened again with evil except for the holy city of the New Jerusalem. Many righteous had fled to within the walls of this holy city from Zion, the pure in heart, who had settlements all over the earth. These were fasting and praying for deliverance to God from Gog and Magog, the great wicked army who were surrounding the last vestige of righteousness on the earth.
I marveled how much a beautiful terrestrial world had suddenly over a matter of a relatively short time fallen into wickedness again, like it was prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ!
11. I then heard my Heavenly Mother speak:
'Raphael, we have brought you here to see the beautiful city at the end of the millennium. This time you see is in the future after you and your spouse and family, who were accepted into the Church of the Firstborn, have completed their temple ordinances in the celestial New Jerusalem temple. Those you see gathered inside the New Jerusalem walls are mortals who are righteous who will not follow Satan or his minions. The ones outside the city walls are the wicked that have allowed themselves to be overcome by the whisperings of Satan.
Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, is still the righteous high priest in this city, and John the Beloved is still the king of the New Jerusalem. At this time, you dwell in the celestial realms on the earth, awaiting the conclusion of this great battle of our Lord that is about to begin.'
12. I then looked at the temple at the New Jerusalem and saw Jesus Christ come in the air to the top central spire of the New Jerusalem temple. He raised his arm towards heaven and fire came down from heaven and consumed the armies of the wicked who were encamped around the city of the New Jerusalem!
This is in fulfillment of Revelation 20:9.
I then was immediately back on my knees at the meandering stream in the desert. I knew what I had seen was the answer to my prayer tonight. I then was alone again. I then completed my prayer and went to bed with my family.
I. 's Personal Journal Entry, August 9, 2018, Thursday
1. I re-read what I wrote last night in the presence of my Heavenly Parents above the New Jerusalem, watching the final battle. I just don't understand how the terrestrial peoples on the earth could so quickly be lured into evil by Satan and his hosts?
I know that all of those selected for the Church of the Firstborn will have departed, being resurrected and will have fully received their final ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. Those who remained in mortality and were good people must have not been elected by Jesus Christ to be in this celestial church. For those who had been elected would have all had to have received their resurrection, to receive their robes of exaltation in the temple. My family and I were to be the last ones through to receive our ordinances. Therefore the righteous mortals remaining in the New Jerusalem would then be good people, but not those who would be exalted at some future day. It just seems a wonder to me how the earth could de-populate so quickly of the righteous who would only be gathered in the holy city!
Anyway, I came today in my prayer to the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I was in the small forest of trees along this stream, not far from the pocketed flower wall. I felt clear and ready to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me.
At this time, Heavenly Father appeared to me in the forest of mountain trees! He was alone, and was glowing in light. He seemed happy. I gazed into his eternity eyes, which were very deep and full of understanding.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, those who remain inside the New Jerusalem city walls, at the final battle, at the end of the millennium, are the descendants of those who were elected into the Church of the Firstborn, and also the good people of the earth. They who remain in the city will not follow Satan. The vast mortal numbers of those outside the wall are those who suffered themselves to be overcome by Satan and his hosts. They are part of the group of Gog and Magog, some of who are in this vast army of evil people.
All of those who have been elected to the Church of the Firstborn have been resurrected in celestial glory. They dwell with you in the celestial realms on the earth or in heaven, unseen by those who are mortals.
What you saw last night with us in vision was the final battle between Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and Lucifer, who was inspiring those mortals outside the city walls. This event is the final conclusion of good versus evil in this eternity. Satan and his minions are fully overcome and cast figuratively into the lake of fire and brimstone:
3. Revelation 20:10
"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
4. At this time, Lucifer and every wicked spirit who had endured with him since he was cast out of heaven for rebellion, will be cast away from the domains of the earth into outer darkness to their final isolated state. This will be at the time the earth will be burned with fire that proceeds from heaven, initiated by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The earth will die in this fire and will then arise in its celestial resurrection.
In heaven, all the dead who were not resurrected to a celestial glory and received into the Church of the Firstborn, will be judged:
5. Revelation 20:11-13
"And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works."
6. Raphael, the great white throne spoken of in the scripture is the throne room in the top floor of our celestial temple in heaven. We will judge all of our children who are not exalted at this time.'
I was satisfied with the clarifying answers from my Heavenly Father. He spoke to me clearly so I could really comprehend it all. I thanked him for coming to me this morning in the forest in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I felt fully loved and my questions answered.
I also believe that the book of life in verse 12 is the record of the works of all those who have come to mortality. See also D&C 128:7 for more explanation.
I knew that this concluded my morning prayer. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and found myself writing in my journal all of this. I finished and started my day.
7. At night–I enjoyed a beautiful day, excepting for all of the smoke from a main fire up the canyon. They even had a health advisory in our area from all of the forest fire smoke!
I wanted to connect a little early tonight since I was feeling very tired. I decided to come to the white gate and see if I could connect to my Savior, Jesus Christ, and then walk the straight and narrow path to the tree of life.
I came to the grassy area in front of the white gate. I felt very clear and pure, ready to see Jesus Christ if I was privileged to do so. I came up to the white gate and the gate opened inwards. I stepped in and then shut the gate behind me. I took a step towards the narrow path and then knelt on the grassy area. I asked to be able to see the great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ.
I then looked around but didn't see Jesus. I then looked down the straight and narrow path and saw Jesus walking towards me on the path! He was radiant, full of light! He came up to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. I gazed into his deep, compassionate eternity eyes! There were so soft and tender! I recognized him as my Savior, Jesus Christ!
8. Jesus spoke to me:
'Raphael, I am glad that you have come to me today at my white gate. I am the keeper of this gate and allow only those to enter who have fully taken upon them my name and have shown by their actions a willingness to keep my commandments. These I receive also into my Church of the Firstborn. They then may travel to the glorious tree of life and partake of its fruit, representing eternal life. They many commune with our Heavenly Parents at the tree of life.
9. You, Raphael, will be privileged to walk the straight and narrow path in just a moment and partake of the fruit and leaf of that tree. You will also be blessed to meet our Heavenly Parents on the other side of the tree.
Raphael, last night you saw that I came to the center spire of the New Jerusalem temple, and commanded fire to come down from heaven and consume the wicked. This same fire brought on fire that enveloped the entire earth and brought about the death of the earth. The earth and the heavens on the earth passed away. What you saw was a vision of what I will do at the great last battle at the end of the millennium. Once the fire consumes all, then that which John saw will come to pass:
10. Revelation 21:1-3
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."
11. Raphael, the new heaven and the new earth are one, as the earth will be resurrected to a celestial earth, a habitation for those who have ever lived on the earth who are resurrected to a celestial glory. They will be my people, and your Heavenly Parents will both be with all of our elect on the earth in that day.'
Jesus Christ then lifted one arm and pointed to the path, which led to the tree of life. I stood and we embraced! I then started towards the narrow path as Jesus had directed me. I turned and thanked him for his witness of the vision I had seen. He smiled and I proceeded on the path.
I reached the tree of life without an issue. I held onto the rod of iron, on the right side of the path, keeping my eyes focused ahead on the tree of life. When I arrived, I reached for a white fruit and a leaf. I ate both while standing under the canopy of that beautiful tree of life.
When finished, I walked to the other side of the tree of life and beheld my Heavenly Parents awaiting there, with their hands held, and their outside arms extended to me! I walked quickly to them and embraced them both at the same time! I felt this full embrace enliven me with great light and great understanding.
12. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we will thus greet each of our children that comes to the celestial earth when it is resurrected, as a new heaven and a new earth! All of our children who receive a glorious celestial resurrection from this eternity will be there with us. This earth will then be their abode forever!'
I thanked them for being here at the tree of life, and for the words of Heavenly Mother. I felt so very much at peace and filled with great hope for myself and all the faithful!
13. I then heard the voice of the Father:
'Raphael, what you have written tonight and these past few days in your journal is accurate and true!'
I thanked him for his assurance. I knew I was to end my prayer, so I asked that they both be with me continually. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and prepared for bed."