117. Shining the Intense Light of the Holy Ghost
Posted 4-9-2019
I have been asked by my Heavenly Father to get this post out to you right away. In it you will find details of what our Heavenly Parents would like each of you mortal angels to prepare to do.
I sincerely hope you will pray about this, for God has a great work for all the holy angels in shining forth the intense light of the Holy Ghost upon all of the earth. This will counter the efforts of the adversary in a remarkable way.
P.S. I have taken a few pictures of springtime awakening around my house. I have these scattered throughout this post.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 31, 2019, Sunday (continued)
1. Evening–I attended church with my wife in a local Utah ward. During the sacrament hymn, I came in my mind's eye to the granite cliff. Both of my Heavenly Parents came to me. I made my weekly covenant and then Jesus Christ came on the right side of the Father, so that all three Gods I worship were before me. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
2. 'Raphael, we accept your covenant you have made to us today, and your Mother and I will always be with you.
When our son or daughter comes into the church of Christ by baptism, they covenant to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ (he looked to his right at Jesus Christ). They renew this covenant weekly at the sacrament. When our Beloved Son finds them fully committed and determined to follow and obey him in every condition, he will soon say that he/she will receive eternal life. He fully cleanses their sins and weaknesses, so that they are clean and able to come into our presence. When our Son decides, he introduces our son/daughter to us. At that time our child then covenants directly with us at the sacrament table, and no longer covenants to keep the commands of Jesus, but instead keeps our commandments we directly give to him/her. They also covenant to always remember your Heavenly Mother and me.
3. In turn, your Heavenly Mother and I covenant to our child to always be with them. We also may send to them a greater portion of the Holy Ghost, even as you have recently experienced.
The priest blessed the water and I drank. However, I no longer heard from any of the gods in front of me during the rest of the sacrament meeting,
4. I felt this was a second witness to what my Heavenly Parents had spoken to me this morning.
Later–I am preparing for my evening prayer, and left to go to the pocketed flower rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt by the mountain stream and drank living water from my cupped hands. I then felt clear and very perceptive. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.
5. Heavenly Mother stepped from the other side of the rock wall on my left side! She came in front of me, shining brightly before me. She was smiling and very lovely. I could feel her light pass through me and give me great peace and serenity. Heavenly Mother Spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to answer a few questions that you have collected from those who support you:
6. Q1–"About the resurrected celestial earth –will it ever be emptied of the couple gods when they all go and create their own galaxies?"
A1–'Each of these couple gods will continue to maintain an inheritance on their own earth, and keep a residence there. Your Heavenly Father and I still maintain the lands of our original inheritance on our own resurrected celestial earth. We often go there, so that we may be alone with each other, away from our children and our galaxy, as we desire. We have none of our own children living there anymore. When we go there, we go in our replicated states so we are also on our own galaxy doing whatever we do without interruption. There are many of our brother and sister gods from our same eternity that frequent their own lands of inheritances on our same resurrected earth!

7. Q2–"From rereading your post on the spirit world, you said there are boundaries so that we on earth don't see them, and they don't see us. How then are there guardian spirits who watch over us in the mortal state? Do we need to be thinking of them in order for them to see us? Do we need to ask for their help before they can help us?"
A2–'There are many of the hosts of the dead who are not assigned as guardian spirits, and these who are unassigned generally do not interact with those on the mortal earth. There are some exceptions where disembodied spirits may come near those on the earth, and even attach themselves to mortals if those in mortality give their permission.
8. Guardian spirits are assigned to those usually through family lines, to watch and help lead their mortal relative. These act to help influence them for good and to act uprightly. They also guide them based on the will of God that is commanded to them from the spirit or from their leaders in the church of Christ. These guardian spirits are given authority to see beyond the boundary, which exists between the mortal and the spirit worlds. They come unseen to the one to whom they are assigned. They may influence by whispering and in other ways persuading their relative, yet not take away their moral agency. These guardian spirits may warn of impending spiritual or physical dangers that they see coming. They cannot ward off evil spirits if their assignee invites them into his/her life.
9. The guardian spirit may be those who are of the same family, either already born and died, or they may be those of the same extended family that has not yet been born on earth. The family relationships are known and established well before each one of our children come to earth for their mortal experience. Guardian spirits are only assigned to one mortal family member at a time. They assist with birth and death events, or their entry and exist in the mortal telestial sphere."
B. R's Personal Journal Entry. April 1, 2019. Monday
1. I came this new day to the desert oasis, at the bench there. I felt pleased and happy there. It was very quiet and tranquil, with the celestial sun up in the sky. I stood and came to the water's edge and drank living water. I was kneeling on the sand, looking over the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. As I was waiting, Heavenly Father appeared above the water in front of me! He was bright and full of light. I could feel his love and acceptance of me. He immediately spoke to me:
'Raphael, last night you began shining forth your Heavenly Mother's light she gave to you from the palms of your hands. You did this because of her request a week ago. As you ate your coconut oil, you very clearly could feel her healing light come from your hands, as you thought that this light would come from your hands. You could easily direct this light like two spotlights. You could also turn off the flow of light by your own thoughts. Continue to practice this for this coming week. We want you to be able to know how and feel very comfortable shining her light she sends to you, either from your heart or from your hands, all controlled by your mind and your intentions. We desire all of our healing angels to develop the ability to also do this.

3. The light that Heavenly Mother sends to you is the intense light of the Holy Ghost. She has the responsibility in this eternity to act as this special emissary of God in interacting with our elect children. When you shine or redirect her light from you, always remember that the light is from her, acting as the Holy Ghost. We will inspire you in the future to use this skill in directing the light as we will direct you. It is a sacred calling to represent us your gods, and the Holy Ghost specifically, in this role. You are acting as our holy angels that we send to serve our elect children living on the earth. We have chosen our healing angels to use her power in this way. We will start using you in the near future to bless, heal and comfort our children.
4. I wish to answer M.A.'s questions she sent to you yesterday:
Q1–"I have a friend who was an airline stewardess and claims she has seen UFO's. Are there such a things, and are there aliens? I know if there are, they have to be human, right? It seems you wrote that in the terrestrial kingdom people might advance in their technology. Would these ever visit other worlds? Would that be allowed? I asked Heavenly Mother, but she said I needed to ask you, because you are the one who receives new revelations."
A1–'We only have one earth at a time go through its mortal state with our mortal children living on its surface or who are in the world of the dead or are resurrected. All of our other children have gone into their eternal rewards, or live with us as pre-mortal children, or have followed Lucifer and live in telestial realms on the earth. These are the locations of our children.
5. Only the children from this eternity are allowed to minister or in any way interact with those living on the earth in their mortal state. There are no other aliens or creatures that have a high form of life capable of visiting your planet. If these aliens have been viewed, they are manifestations of Lucifer and his evil minions, whose intentions are to deceive and blind our other children. They may appear in different forms to deceive those on earth with the intentions to subjugate and control.
6. There are technologies hidden from most in your world that allow men on earth to build and fly anti gravity machines and vehicles. These are in possession and are controlled by certain government agencies in your day. Their works and actions are in secret. These have been seen by those mortals on the earth and are called UFO's. or unidentified flying objects. Currently they pose no active threats to those on earth. However, when war breaks out, those governments may choose to use the UFO's to gain control of their war efforts, and to subjugate and control mankind. However, their dominance will be limited, and we who are the true gods of this world will continue to keep their powers in check, until he whose right is to reign will return in glory to the earth. Once Jesus Christ returns, all such technologies will be destroyed or seized by him or his agents. This technology that has been accepted will be used to some degree in the terrestrial world, according to the desires of Jesus Christ, our beloved Son.
7. There are some of these current UFO's that are controlled by Lucifer, who have gained power over those who operate these machines. They have sinister plans to deceive those on earth with made-up stories of aliens coming from another world. These will be allowed to act out intentions to a point. We always have control and power over Satan and his hosts and governments or organizations of men and women on the earth. We may use our heavenly servants and angels to keep these technologies and deceptions in control, all according to our own will and plans.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words. I am so grateful for communion with God who is so powerful and all knowing!
9. Evening–Tonight I came to the outside doors of God's temple on the celestial orb. It was dark outside and the light of the temple glowed upon me. The doors were shut. I knelt 20 feet or so before the doors. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.
The doors opened up and before me stood my Heavenly Father! He was smiling and invited me into his temple. I stood and we walked to a couch in the entry area on the main floor. We were alone in this beautiful room.
Heavenly Father put his right arm on the back of the couch and faced me. I was sitting next to him and looked at him. His eternity eyes expressed great love and joy to me! I seemed to feel he wanted to share with me his great knowledge as fast as I was able to receive it!
10. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, S.A. asked a question I would like to address tonight. She asked, "how do they (the Gods) decide which family we go to? Did we decide who we wanted to be with?"
After your Heavenly Mother birthed all of our spirit children, they lived in vast areas on this, our celestial orb. We gave them many opportunities to learn all sorts of knowledge and skills. We had multiple library locations with easy access. We also held classes in music, art, fine arts, healing, engineering and all disciplines and interests that would delight our curious children. We taught them truths of our universe that we selected. We had not yet announced that Immanuel would be the Savior and the Great Redeemer. We knew that announcing the details of our gospel plan and choosing one who would be the future Christ would cause division. I have previously explained the details of this announcement and how Lucifer rebelled and persuaded many to follow his plan.
11. After Lucifer and his followers were cast out of heaven for rebellion, we again taught our children more intensively about their physical bodies, that they would be given through birth, about the mortal telestial world and about other phases or realms that they would pass through in their path to come back again into our presence. We taught them of our plan for families. We encouraged them to find associations together with other spirits and to come to us, their Heavenly Parents with their desires. Some came to us, having desires that their close friends become their spouses, their parents or children and other relations. Your Heavenly Mother and I listened intently. We shared with these who came to us some of the experiences we wanted each to individually have in their future mortal life. We sat down and made a plan for each one and their associates and friends they had wanted to be in their future family. This was a very enjoyable time for all, with lots of anticipation and hope! We shared with these, our children, our plans and interwove their desires into all of the final plans for their future family. They each knew of their future ancestors, the ones with whom they would share an immediate and extended family and future descendants. We shared with them our hopes of how they would communicate with us in the telestial mortal life. We told them how we could influence and bless them throughout their mortal journey.

12. We gave each child who would come to earth an individual blessing, sharing highlights of their journey that we saw. We emphasized they each had full choice to choose as they wished, even though they made plans with others to form certain family relationships in this, their pre-mortal state. When we saw their major difficulties that would happen in their lives, we often received the verbal consent of our child to accept to go through this difficulty. Some of our children were chosen to have experiences that would impact many on earth, such as you, Raphael. We chose you from the beginning, and foreordained you as our archangel in these last days. Many others were also foreordained with specific and important missions and assignments. We had a detailed plan for each one of those who would come to earth. We foresaw everything and planned all the details. Many of these details we held back and didn't share. However, we gave every one of our spirit children a full opportunity to grow and choose our ways and to return to us if they so choose.
13. When it came time to be born, the future family would usually gather around the spirit being born. The veil was opened for a moment while those innocent spirits entered their own physical body in their family on the earth. Many others in heaven also rejoiced at their advent into mortality.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Father next to me to have so openly and warmly shared what happened to each of us in helping decide our future family. I felt so comfortable next to him on the couch, hearing his wonderful true account that happened to each of us! I told him I loved him and would always follow him.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry. April 2, 2019. Tuesday
1. I received a sweet email from S.A. again today. She said that after her prayer this morning, she confirmed the message she received in prayer. She then saw her stone light up. When she asked if this was a way to know if she had received their words correctly, they said to ask R. She then wondered if this is another way to confirm their words when we pray?
I also wondered how many of God's children actually received a stone? I know that the healing angels have one, all different and unique. Mine is in the shape of the domed room and is a light green sapphire. It lights up when I do certain healing work for others, acting as a conduit for my Heavenly Parents or Jesus Christ.
2. On my website, under the top "witness" menu, under 21 angels and 12 more healing rooms, I have recorded 92 times the word "stone", which mostly refers to healing stones, appears. The healing stone is also a seer stone. I stated that it was not to be used for personal interest or gain, but only when the angel feels impressed to look into the stone. My stone is suspended on a gold chain that I war around my neck and is part of my angel vestures.
3. Heavenly Father had spoken to me these words: "As you need guidance and help in any situation, we may ask you to look into your stone. This will give you more knowledge on past, present and future pertaining to your situation. Only look when we prompt you for now. Your stone will always be before you and was carefully made and tailored just for you by your loving Heavenly Mother! It is unique and both (the healing stone and healing robe) will be yours for eternity."

4. Anyway, I wondered about any further uses of our stones and who had received them. I came to the south side of the fountain of living water near the temple on the celestial orb. The celestial sun was shining brightly, reflecting on the moving water spraying up into the air.
I knelt before the fountain and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother then came from directly overhead, descending into the fountain mist in front of me! She then continued her descent from above and came right in front of me, between the fountain and me.
My Mother was very bright and shining so much! I could see her sparkling eternity eyes, and her great splendor. Her light came into my being and filled me with love and peace. I felt so happy to be again in her presence! I looked at my own healing stone and it was extremely white and also shining. It was located directly over my heart area.
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have crafted your light green sapphire healing stone. You always wear it around your neck as part of your healing vestures that we, your Heavenly Parents, have designed and crafted for you.
All of our healing angels have healing stones, all uniquely designed and given by us to them in the day Heavenly Father ordained them to be our healing angel. All other angels also have stones, used as seer stones to help them in their labors among our earthly children. There are also others of our children who were given seer stones, based on their foreordained missions of service to others of our children. They may each inquire of us if they have a seer stone. These are worn along with their vestures that we clothed them with, to be worn upon the spirit body or on their translated body. Once they are resurrected, they receive robes of exaltation. Their vestures are still theirs' forever. They may also wear their stones as they wish if they are attached to a pendant like yours, or keep it in their pocket as they desire.
6. These stones have been given to our few children who have a particular mission and can be used in various ways. They normally are seen only by them and are private and personal, only to be used by them also. These stones may also confirm the truth of all things, including revelations we may have given to each personally.
7. If ever one who possesses a stone we gave to them wants a confirmation of our directions, guidance, revelation or that of any other thing they may be questioning, they may look into their own seer stone in faith. The stone will light up, like yours is shining now even as I am before you. This is a confirmation of the thing our servant wishes to know and receive to be true.
8. What I do when my child or servant inquires of their Heavenly Father or me is to give them a witness of my light of the Holy Ghost. This is my unique role for this eternity for each of my faithful children. The witness will come to their heart and mind, each differently, as I wish, and in my own way. For those who have proven faithful, and have received the added portion of my Holy Ghost, and if they have a seer stone that I have crafted, their stone will also light up from the light of the Holy Ghost which I will send to them. The light of my presence will also fill them with my intense light of the Holy Ghost.'

9. Heavenly Mother paused and I spoke: 'My glorious Heavenly Mother, what is this that you have Heavenly Father have spoken about, the added light of the Holy Ghost, or the enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost, or the full measure of the Holy Ghost? I know this involves your intense light coming directly from your presence.'
Heavenly Mother then responded: 'Raphael, when one of our children comes into the presence again of their Heavenly Father and me, being redeemed by Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, they may receive in time our enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost. I give this selectively to my faithful sons or daughters, as I will. This is the gift I have given to you! It is when my child comes before me so frequently, that I may shine upon them in my normal glory and they can abide in my presence. This light from my very being penetrates and passes through them, even through every part of their being. This is the light of the Holy Ghost, from me. This light is so very clarifying and enlivening to their being! You have expressed this feeling multiple times recently in your personal journal that you have shared with others.
10. When you inquire or confirm something from me, I send to you my light, the light of the Holy Ghost. This passes through all of your being so that you feel transparent and feel very clear. You also feel the emotion that I wish to convey to you capsulized in the light that comes into you. If it is a true or a yes response, you will also have your own heart shine forth with reflected light that you can perceive or see. For those who have seer stones, these too will light up. For those who do not, I will give them their own individual seer stone at this time, or soon after they experience this enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost. If the answer from me to their query is no, then they will have no such feelings or light coming from me. It will be extremely clear what their answer is from me, the Holy Ghost.
11. Since this is a very sacred gift from me to my son or daughter, I also wish them to share that they have received this enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost with only those I may inspire them to share with. It is not to be publicly announced. Instead, I enhance the gift of the Holy Ghost to them as a special sacred gift to them as a reward for their diligence and great effort to put us, their Gods, and our gentle ways and commandments first in their lives.
12. Any of our children may receive this, my enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost, at any time that I choose. It may come to them in their mortal state, their spirit state, their translated state, or their resurrected state. Once exalted, they will receive their own light from that created by our first parent Gods that will flow directly into them. They will also receive their own white stone spoken of in D&C 130:10-11.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful comforting words and for her enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost! I told her again how much I loved her and worshipped her. She then smiled again and was instantly gone from before me. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

14. Evening–Tonight I came to the overlook on the path going into the fir forest, from the overlook. I could see the green hill the grassy field, and the temple to the southeast. The Celestial sun was still up in the sky, and the celestial moon was above God's temple. It was a pretty sight!
15. I paused and could feel the light of Christ coming gently down from the sky. It felt like soft light was flowing down all around me. I could feel it come upon my head and body. The light didn't penetrate much, but just went into a few inches it seemed, into my body and into my mind.
16. I knelt at this overlook, facing the distant temple, and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. I then waited, looking at the distant temple. I then heard steps from the path coming down from my back left. I turned and saw Heavenly Mother coming towards me
17. She was smiling, and enshrouded in light. She came in front of me and spoke: 'Raphael, isn't our temple so beautiful in the distance, with our celestial moon in the sky above it? This celestial orb and your mother earth are very benefited from the light of Christ that flows to these larger bodies. All of our creations are enlivened by the light!
18. There was another question from one of our healing angels I would like to address tonight She wrote: "I was wondering how President Nelson's "revelation" comes...does Satan just speak thoughts to his mind that he assumes are from God? Or does he appear as an angel of light? Or something else?"
19. This answer can be applied to all of our children who mistakenly receive direction from our unseen source that they believe are from God.
You wrote in your journal how you could feel the light of Christ fall from the sky above upon this celestial orb. This is our light, the light that enlightens the understandings of our children. It is a clean feeling and uplifting to the souls of our sons and daughters. This gentle flow of heavenly light guides our children to do well and to act with love and peace towards each other and all of our creations.
20. Whenever Lucifer or one of his hosts speaks to any of our children, there is a clear and distinctive difference from the light of Christ. There is no light, or very little light in the devils that seek to sway the minds and hearts of the people to do evil. There is no peace in their whisperings, for it is darkness, even though the adversary may seek to mask as a messenger of light.
21. Moses beheld God on the exceedingly high mountain. Once Jesus Christ left his presence, Satan came to Moses. Moses could tell that Jesus had light or glory, out Satan had none, for he was as "darkness unto him" (see Moses 1:15). Moses could easily judge between light and darkness.

22. When our children don't receive our revelations or inspirations or when they reject the light that we do send to them, we withdraw that light. They then become non-discerning of the light from the darkness, and even will forget their previous interactions with us their Gods, or with the light. Being not able to discern, they take the darkness for light. They also receive more readily that which appeals to the natural man, or some story made up by Lucifer that may be partly true, but have an element of darkness in it. Our son or daughter who listens to the adversary thereby will be led carefully to Satan, one small degree to a larger degree, until they are fully entrapped in the snares of the devil.
23. Such is the case with President Nelson. He rejected our magnificent revelations and persuaded his brethren also to reject it, saying that President Monson was too old to receive our revelations, and that they couldn't possibly be true. We then withdrew our light or spirit from President Nelson, and he became used to not receiving the light from us. He thereby became open to the influences of the adversary who continually wanted to carefully lead him away even more from the light. It was at this time that he became used to a lower level of light in his life. Once he became the new president and prophet for the LDS church, he continued in similar ways. Soon more inspiration came to him, from Satan, who crafted clever and credible stories with a little darkness in them. This will continue gradually until more and more darkness is in the story, although still credible to the undiscerning.
24. This is how a leader like President Nelson can lead a large group of people away from light and truth. If they are not perceptive, and neglect to ask of us, they too will be led astray.
Satan rarely would appear as an angel of light to the one he is deceiving unless he is assured that he may trick and deceive them. President Nelson is too perceptive to have this happen at this time. Many people support and love him, waiting on his every word. This appeals to the natural man in him, and supports even more the subtle story of deceptions he is receiving from Satan himself.'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation. I said I would always seek to feel her light, and obey her commandments, so that more and more light could flow into me.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry. April 3, 2019. Wednesday
1. I came back to the overlook point I was at last night. I called up the path into the beginning of the fir forest to the northeast. I found a grassy spot in to the northeast on which to kneel. I knelt there, and asked if one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come to me this morning.
2. Heavenly Father appeared before me on the path! He was bright, shining, and I felt peace and love coming from him. I always yearn to be in the presence of God, to be open to their revelations, and to obey what they may say to me. Heavenly Father extended his right hand to me and motioned that he wanted to walk with me! I stood and he placed his arm around my shoulders. We started walking together up the path into the woods.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, in your day there are many who are feeling depressed and are living in sin. They may feel they have no choice or options to feel better, and they become surrounded by evil spirits who are attracted to their sadness, and their dark feelings of negative emotions. One of our mortal angels asked if those who are aborted may come to another body. She also asked if people who commit suicide are possessed with evil spirits that take over, leading them to make this decision. Also if they are possessed, do these devils leave them once that person dies?
4. I would like to answer these questions now. We are moving from an open area in our world into the forest where it is darker. In the lives of these people, something has happened to them that has brought their own life into a darker place. They no longer feel the light so clearly, and allow themselves to be influenced by the adversary and his followers. These evil spirits continually are looking in a way to enlarge the darkness, and to take advantage of a hard circumstance. The devils are only interested in making the one in mortality miserable like they are, and to subjugate and control them. These evil spirits want to destroy the agency of man. They delight in bringing as many as possible into a dark and desperate state. This is their ambition and utmost desire. They themselves are controlled carefully and harshely by their master who is Lucifer, who rejected our decision in choosing Jesus Christ as the great redeemer, and a gospel where we always allow each of our children full choice and accountability. When Lucifer and his followers rejected our light and our commandments, we withdrew the light by degrees even as they continued to dwell in evil and sin.
5. When one of our sons or daughters in mortality aborts a fetus, or takes their own life, they have already been dwelling in darkness for some time. They have listened to the whisperings of the evil ones, and rejected the light that we gently sent to them, even the light of Christ, or the Holy Spirit. They have their full choice to accept or reject the light. However, once they reject our influences, and those of our servants that we may send to them to influence them to choose to preserve life and accept more guidance from us, the evil ones move in and persuade them to accept their dark ways. They tell them in their mind, in their own thoughts that what they think are their own reasoning, and not that of the devils, that it is ok to take life, either of the growing fetus or their own. They are led in a path of reasoning that is more and more shrouded in darkness and evil. These individuals fully reject the light of Christ, which influences them to preserve life, face their challenges and seek for help from those who truly love them.
6. For those spirits whose future mother aborts their growing body, they are themselves rejected and feel terrible! They are returned to our spirit world, among those who love and accept them. We shower our light and love upon them, and heal them of their abandonment and feelings of rejection. They then become more settled until they are ready for re-entry into another family, or that same family at a later time. These spirits may still have emotional scars when they again try to come to earth to gain their physical body, however.
7. For the one who takes their own life, they are always possessed by evil spirits, for they have rejected our higher commandments and the light of Christ. The evil ones move in and have greater power to lead their desperate soul and the mind of their captive, carefully into suicide. Once they no longer have a body, but are spirits only, the devils even have greater power and influence, for they are in a spirit only state like the devils that were surrounding them. These spirits who took their own life and rejected their body have now fallen more fully captive to those evil ones. They still have choice, but are now surrounded and influenced more and more by these evil ones. Their life in the world of spirits, in their telestial realm of the dead, is worse than it felt like it was before. There is a way out, however, and that is to repent, humble themselves, and call upon God in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus will send messengers to help rescue them in their distress, as they are diligent and determined in their efforts. However, it is far more difficult to repent and change, now that they have no physical body and have committed a deep sin of taking their own life.'

8. My father and I were now fully in the tall mature forest. I couldn't see the light of the celestial sun, for it was fully blocked by the top branches of the tall trees.
My Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke again: 'Raphael, one who has taken their own life, and then finds themselves in the spirit world, surrounded by the devils who influenced them to take their own life, feel like they are truly in captivity. They may look for the light, but it seems so far away, like their own light is far away from us, at the tops of these tall trees. These desperate souls often think it is impossible to reach the peace and light of God, and be delivered from their emotional pain. The path to the light seems insurmountable to them, but is possible. It is like, in their own minds, trying to climb up these tall trees of this forest, which have no lower branches, and are so tall. However, if they humble themselves, and call upon us their gods in prayer, we will still come and help them and rescue them, as they are persistent and determined to come to us who are their gods, and come to the light above.'
9. Evening–Tonight I came to the edge next to the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Immediately below me the water from the stream careened over the falls into the pool below. I could see God's temple directly in front of me in the distance. The celestial sun was low in the horizon, and a calm peace seemed to be over all the land. I knelt and faced the temple, asking one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
I then saw my Heavenly Parents come to me from the air directly in front of the waterfall. It seemed like the air opened up and my Heavenly Parents stepped into my celestial realm from their higher celestial realm.
Heavenly Father looked deep in thought and Heavenly Mother looked not so serious. She wore a smile on her face, but I could tell she wasn't her normal upbeat self. They were shining brightly before me.
10. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we have stepped into your celestial realm from our higher celestial realm tonight. We want to talk directly to you about an important matter to us!
You live in a day of great pollutions on the earth as prophesied by Mormon.
"Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth…" (Mormon 8:31)
You also live in a day spoken by Jesus Christ to the prophet Joseph Smith:
D&C 89:4 "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation."
Finally, speaking to the gentiles in your day, who are the nations of the world, and particularly your own country, in Ether 8:24: "Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you..."

11. Raphael, your own nation is the host to secret combinations run by conspiring men and women who seek to destroy the innocent of the land you live on, and the peoples of the earth. These conspirators are lawless, and have much wealth to alter in a dramatic way the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe. These once pure and wholesome sources required for your survival are now compromised and polluted to a high degree. The dramatic increase of disease and illness of the physical bodies of our mortal children can be seen everywhere. Our systems of natural immunity and vitality are being destroyed by these great pollutions in your land and world. We foresee our children on earth becoming sickly and very weak as they continue to live normal lives in this ever increasingly polluted world.
We have foreseen this time you live in and have provided a way for our people to survive in these difficult times.'
12. I asked my Heavenly Father if we needed to eat more organically grown foods, or foods we grow ourselves. I also asked if we need to find sources of pure water. I also asked if we need to move out of polluted cities to areas in the country that have cleaner air.
Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, all of these efforts will help you keep your physical body stronger than were you to eat the poisoned foods in your grocery stores, or to drink recycled tap water, or to live in areas of poor air quality. However, we have a solution that will dramatically counter these sinister plans of the evil one who controls these secret combinations and conspiring men and women.
13. We desire our holy angels to become conduits of my higher, more intense light of the Holy Ghost. We want them to quickly develop the ability to receive my light from my very presence, and then come above these polluted areas and shine my light through their hands. This light coming from their hands will be projected upon these polluted areas. With the correct intentions of the angels, this light will start to reverse the overtaking scourge and pollutions that are adversely affecting your food, water, and air. If our angels direct my light with intentions to heal the land, food, water sources, and air, we may reverse the ill effects on the physical bodies of our children living in these environments.
14. At the end of this week, on Sunday April 7, you will have completed your training to shine my light from your heart (done last week) and from your hands (being done this week). Once completed, we will begin commanding you to come over these most severely affected areas at first, and shine forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost on the lands, people, food, water and air, with the intention to purify these of their pollutions. Once other holy angels learn this same skill, they will be charged to do this also. We will have you and our angels replicated many times over to do this great effort, day and night, even until the poisons and pollutions are purified and cleaned up to a better level. We will tolerate a certain amount of poisons to enter the bodies of our elect who are scattered among all nations and peoples on the earth. However, were we to not do this cleansing, the people would soon languish to a point of great death and inactivity.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their great revelation to me tonight! I said I would convey this to all those in our celestial realms where we, who are angels of God, will be working from when we redirect the light of the Holy Ghost down onto the earth.
Heavenly Father spoke: 'In the day of the millennium, the water will become pure again, even akin to the water flowing over this beautiful waterfall. All the waters, food, land, and air will become pure and clean again.'

E. R's Personal Journal Entry. April 4, 2019. Thursday
1. I have been swallowing a spoonful of coconut oil morning and night and since last Sunday have been practicing projecting the light from my Heavenly Mother out of my hands. I have felt this light, in a very tangible way, come out of my hands. I have been able to turn it on or off at will, all by the thoughts of my mind. I have been able to control the intensity of this light, the focus of the light, whether wide or narrow, and the exact location where this light is to go. It has been a very interesting experience for me! Some days I do better than others. I try each time to visualize the light coming from the very presence of my Heavenly Mother before me come into my transparent and clear body. I then see this light somehow channeled into my arms and out of my hands. If I reduce the amount of the light coming from my hands, the excess light from Heavenly Mother (the light of the Holy Ghost) penetrates my body and passes through me and exits behind me. If I use all of her intense light coming out of my hands, then there is no light that exits behind me.
2. I could have never dreamed up myself this unique solution of correcting some of the effects of the pollutions upon our physical bodies! This was truly from my Heavenly Parents, from which this all came to me. Again, God's solution involves using their own children in helping correct a mounting epidemic problem of rising pollutions, poisons, pesticides, chemicals of all varieties, drugs in the water supply, genetically modified foods, depleted soils where the food grows and no longer may absorb rich and nourishing nutrients, toxic fumes and lethal components created by conspiring men and women that are spewing forth all over the earth.
3. We truly live in a day of great pollutions all over the earth! We might legislate laws to limit these pollutions, but those conspiring organizations are able to buy their way out of prosecutions in many cases, and wiggle around the established laws. They have a host of lawyers who are able to promote their agendas of using their poisons in today's world, all for gain and control.
4. I feel blessed myself to live out in the country and to have sufficient money to buy organically grown foods and to get our water from a deep well that is yet not too contaminated. Our air here is usually free from toxic buildup I think too. However, the grocery stores are filled with sugar ladened foods, chock full of preservatives and chemicals that I can't even pronounce! When we eat at local restaurants, they use the same food source we see in the grocery stores. I think only the food labeled organically grown, or foods we grow ourselves in our organic gardens are still good. I know even the label "organically grown" may not be correct in some cases, being given that label that labeled by sloppy inspectors.
5. I know I sound like an alarmist. I have had my eyes opened last night I guess, by the words and sober looks of my own Heavenly Parents when they addressed me. I have felt the detrimental effects of these polluted foods on my own physical body. I become foggy-minded by certain foods today, and my body has increased inflammation from these toxins. I have wondered how to rid my own physical body of the pollutions I continue to ingest by what I eat, drink and breathe.

6. This morning I came to the little stream coming down the slopes to the city of Enoch. I was in a forest of birch trees, so beautiful with their white bark. Their leaves were green and freshly new it seemed. I drank living water from the stream and refreshed my replicated celestial body. I felt clear and receptive to any thoughts and words I might receive from my Heavenly Parents.
I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came in front of me, appearing suddenly in the air. She was bright and smiling. Her light was bright and immediately came into all of my being and passed through me. I felt very enlivened and happy.
7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you are not an alarmist in any negative way, but have written truthfully in your journal this morning. You and our children on earth live in difficult times due to the ever increasing evil on the earth and those poisons that the evil ones have conspired to bring forth to pollute the earth.
Our solution we shared with you last night, in shining forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost upon your earth from celestial realms above the earth, is the first step in cleansing the earth. My intense light is capable of clearing toxins and removing them from your soils, lands, foods, water sources and air. This light will also remove it in part from the physical bodies of our sons and daughters who live on the earth.
8. First we will send forth our light upon the earth. This is concentrated and intense light that ultimately comes from our first parent Gods to us, your Heavenly Parents. In my role as the Holy Ghost, I may shine forth this intense light upon the angels of God and have them shine this all over the earth, in great power and abundance. This is the first phase of our cleansing.
9. Secondly, when the living celestial water begins to come forth upon the land, now in a deep cavern in the earth below the Jackson County area, this living water will continue to cleanse and revitalize the earth. Everything will be cleansed and made strong and vibrant, even to a terrestrial level of vitality. Our living water will proceed from the New Jerusalem to all the earth, through all the waters.
10. Third, in the millennial day, there will no longer be sinister organizations that produce all of the great pollutions like there is in your current day. These will all be destroyed, including the conspiring men and women and supportive organizations and governments who have drunken of their wealth and lived deliciously at the hands of these wicked ones:
11. Revelations 18:3,5-7
"For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."

12. Raphael, this great whore that sitteth upon many waters (Revelation 17:1) is the one who polluted the earth for her own gain and power and control, with whom all the nations and merchants of the earth have been accomplice in her crimes. (see Revelation chapters 17 and 18) Satan himself has built her up, she who is composed of secret societies and secret combinations, governed by conspiring men and women. We will destroy her completely, and all the wicked organizations, governments, societies, groups, religions, schools of higher education and systems and people who support this wicked whore of all the earth. Without her and her organizations, the earth will only need to be further cleansed, revitalized and nourished again, in order to bring forth her beauty and pure food, water and air for my people, my choice elect who will come forth upon her in the great millennial day.
13. We have chosen the intense light of the Holy Ghost, instead of the lesser intense light of Christ, to shine forth to start to heal the earth. The light of Christ already filters gently upon the earth, but is not sufficient to correct the effects of the great pollutions, nor eliminate much of the pollutions that are already on the earth.
14. Our fourth method to cleanse the earth has already been initiated by the blessing you gave to the earth at Utah Lake, August 20, 2016. The earth has been awakened herself to begin cleansing her surface of these pollutions. She is now transitioning from a telestial glory to a terrestrial glory. Your blessing was heralded by all the male archangels and was blessed by our very presence in the skies above our group of mortal angels. In your blessing you "blessed the animals to thrive, the plants, water to be purified, the oceans to be cleansed, the weather tempered to deliver the rains so that plants and animals would flourish. You blessed the soil to be enriched to feed the plants." (see post 23B)
15. I will be available to all my angels who sincerely seek me, to learn how to transfer my light of the Holy Ghost through their hands to the earth. This is our will at this time, for each of them to learn and then to do, even as we command them individually.
16. Raphael, make this entry the last one of post 117, so that our angels may read your words with which we have inspired you. Tell each one they need to become skilled at sending forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost upon the earth through their own hands.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me this new day! I told her how much I loved her. I also said how grateful I was to receive her great revelation this morning.