92. The Love of God
Posted 9-6-2018

Hello my friends!

Wow, such a great outpouring of information given to me in this post! Would you be interested in any of these topics?

• The tree of life is always a resurrected tree and spreads forth love from the center of the universe
• Creation of the earth in its first primeval state
• Various ways of propagation in various worlds
• What actually happened in the Garden of Eden
• Plants in various states of glory
• Water, air and the earth in various states of glory
• Recent meeting with Enoch for the Refugees of Lucifer and those who have been supporting them
• The love of God an tangible substance like light matter is tangible
• Thought energies produced by God's children
• How the first Gods figured out replication
• Properties of elemental matter and properties of intelligence

Read or listen to this post and find out! Please pray about all of this to verify that what I say is true. I don't want you to just accept what I say, but to pray about these specific revelations.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 24, 2018 Friday

1. In the evening–Tonight I came to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's mountain stream, in her upper gardens. I could see a few white clouds between the temple and me to the west. I felt clear and ready to meet again with my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother. I asked one or both of them to come to me.

I then heard a voice from below me, next to the beginnings of the mountain stream! I descended to the pool below me and saw both of my Heavenly Parents there holding hands! I knelt by the shore and faced both of them. I was feeling so pleased that they both came to me to answer my prayer!

2. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, all things are created spiritually before naturally in all of our creations that were created except for the tree of life. The tree of life was raised from seed from the first creation in the center of the universe. When it grew up, it was resurrected already, for the seed of the tree of life always grows into a resurrected celestial tree.

3. When we placed the tree of life into the Garden of Eden, it was a resurrected celestial plant. This tree represents the love of God that is spread abroad among all of our children. When Adam fell, the earth fell from its terrestrial state to a telestial state, and so we had to remove the tree of life back to our celestial orb. It could live on a terrestrial earth but not on a telestial earth. Around the tree of life was a celestial realm on this terrestrial earth in which the tree of life grew.

4. In the New Jerusalem, the two trees of life that you and the angels bring will be located on the celestial sphere of the earth in the New Jerusalem area. Before the destruction and death of the earth at the end of the millennium, these trees will rise up from the earth, along with the celestial New Jerusalem temple and temple square area. When above the earth, the earth will burn with fire and die. However, our trees of life, which are resurrected cannot die and will be with the celestial grounds that will have been raised above the earth.

There will be a fountain of living water at the Jerusalem of old during the millennium, but not a tree of life. The area of the old Jerusalem where that fountain is located will not be in the celestial realms, but will be on the terrestrial earth. It will be destroyed in the fire of the earth when it is destroyed.'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, the reason why the tree of life is always a resurrected tree is because it is always at the prime of its creation, which is in its resurrected state. Our first parent Gods wanted this to represent that their love, symbolized by the tree of life and its fruit, is always at its maximum strength and prime state whenever needed by any of their children who partake of it. The fruit and the leaf are always normally available to both the spirit and the physical state of our children. It can be eaten by either, and still infuses the love of God into he or she who eats of it.

6. We brought the original seeded fruit of the tree of life from our first parent God's tree of life and planted it in the celestial earth of our first inheritance. It is still there now. We ask it to produce a seeded fruit when we want another tree of life to grow. We may also ask of the tree of life, which grew from one of these seeded fruits near our temple in our celestial orb, to also produce a seeded fruit. This is how the sapling tree of life started growing under its canopy that is transplanted nearby. This tree of life will be one that you and the angels transplant to the New Jerusalem. The other tree of life will come from Enoch's city. These all originally came from the land of our own inheritance on our own celestial earth.

7. All other creations we make are all created spiritually before physically. They all have a birth process, or a reproduction process dictated by how this creation naturally propagates. There are always two birth processes, a spirit birth and a physical birth. These are usually propagated from celestial creations for the same species in our world. They birth the spirit creations from intelligence and elemental matter. In the physical creation, they birth the spirit clothed with elemental matter. Once their physical infant creation comes to earth as a terrestrial physical entity, it undergoes a fall and then propagates in the telestial world.

8. There will be some plants and animals brought back into the terrestrial earth during the millennium also, those that have died off and become extinct that we wish to have populated on the earth again. These will be birthed as terrestrial physical creations to populate in the terrestrial earth. They require no fall since their parent creations may propagate them in a physical celestial state or a physical terrestrial state, but not a telestial state. This is true for all celestial resurrected entities, and they all have power to procreate or to populate offspring as needed.

Raphael, we have given you much to absorb tonight! There is purpose and order in all that we have revealed to you, for our kingdom is one of great order and purpose.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words tonight! I will have to go over all this several times again so I can see how it all fits together. I hope I wrote it all correctly!

9. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we have revealed some of our ways and operations to you tonight and you have written them down correctly.'

I felt comforted with this assurance! I have just written it all, but still hardly know what I wrote! I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed in my home on earth.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 25, 2018 Saturday

1. I awoke at 7:00 a.m. and came into the adjacent room to pray. I came to the base of the trail leading to the woods north of the green hill. This path leads to the lookout point where I can see God's temple to the southeast.

Anyway, I faced south and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared to me immediately on the grass in front of me. He seemed happy and ready to speak to me:

2. 'Raphael, I will continue explaining to you how we have set up our creations and their capabilities.

Most of our creations, the plants and animals, water, earth and air, were all created in the spirit by a birth or propagation process from the same species. These parents need to be resurrected to a celestial state to give birth and propagate their own offspring. These offspring may be spirits or physical creations to a terrestrial or celestial state. All the spirit creations are birthed or propagated to a celestial state from intelligence and elemental matter. These are created in heaven and become part of a premortal world.

3. These creations come to earth which was also created spiritually before naturally or physically. Once all of our spirit creations, including our own spirit offspring, are on the earth or in heaven, ready for a physical creation, we then repeat the entire creation process in the physical state. This is in the sequence of the creation story found in Moses chapter 3. All the generations of heaven and earth had been created in this spirit form and not physically.

4. At this point, I caused all of these same parent creations to now create physical offspring for those that would populate the earth at that time. There were many spirit creations that were not to be created physically until after the fall, from the natural propagation of their kind in the telestial fallen world, or in a terrestrial millennial world on the earth.

The very first physical creation on the spirit earth was the physical earth and then the primeval plants and animals that would prepare the earth on its surface to be able to bring forth rich soil, ready for the later advent of new plants and animals and our own children.'

5. I then asked my Father this question:

'Father, if the earth at this primeval time was telestial and man was not yet physically on the earth, how were these creations physically created without a fall in their telestial state? I thought all celestial resurrected beings could produce terrestrial and celestial offspring but not telestial physical offspring?'

6. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, Adam and Eve were the first terrestrial flesh (human flesh) upon the earth, birthed by Heavenly Mother on the earth. We created the Garden of Eden on this earth, which was also in a terrestrial state, where Adam and Eve could dwell. However, before this time of the placement of the man and woman on the physical earth, the earth had to be prepared to receive them, for it was only rock and void in the beginning and not suitable for mankind yet.

7. We therefore placed water on the earth, the mist spoken of in Moses 3:6–

But I, the Lord God, spake, and there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

8. At this time, the physical creation in Abraham chapter 4:1-25 was done. The creation process was the creation of the earth, waters and plant and animal life in the primeval state in the days of their organization. There was not mankind yet upon the earth. These primeval plant and animal creations were intended to create the rich soils and coal deposits, and their remains are now seen in the rock layers' history on the earth, laid down over eons of time, gradually deposited.

9. The earth was then a primeval telestial earth, but the initial creations were terrestrially created by their celestial parents and placed on the terrestrial earth at the time of their creation. However, when they came to earth, they assumed the state of the earth, which was telestial. The earth was also initially created in a terrestrial state when it was without form and void, but when the waters came on the earth, we caused the earth to become a telestial world, for that is how we wished it to be when the many plants and animals would come on its surface. When the time came for mankind to come on the earth, the earth had rich soil and mineral deposits on its surface and under its surface. We caused most all of the primeval life to die so that the prepared earth would be ready for mankind, with a fresh replanting of the earth with new plant and animals suitable for mankind.

10. We then created a new phase of the earth as is recorded in Abraham 4:16-31, 5:1-21 and also Moses 3:7-25. This is when we created a beautiful Garden of Eden and introduced mostly new plants and animals on its surface. These were brought as plant and animal spirits to the earth to this Garden of Eden. These had lived previously in our celestial orb. When all was spiritually created, and ready for man, your Heavenly Mother and I came to the Garden of Eden and created Adam and Eve as our own physical children. They were the first terrestrial flesh on the earth. Once birthed, we caused the remainder of the spirit plants and animals on the earth to also be physically birthed and propagated in this beautiful terrestrial Garden of Eden. Resurrected celestial animals birthed these. By the time Adam and Eve were aware and of age as young children, the Garden of Eden had completely been transformed from its spirit state to its physical terrestrial state. Your Heavenly Mother and I, and our children Adam and Eve, grew up in a beautiful world, which we had prepared for us. This is where we raised our two children to adulthood in their physical terrestrial states. We elevated the areas where we directly lived to be in a celestial realm, for that is the only way we could be in the terrestrial world.

11. When of age as adults, we married our two children as husband and wife. They were in a terrestrial state, but were transfigured to a celestial state when they would commune with us in the Garden of Eden.

We then brought our celestial resurrected tree of life to the Garden of Eden. They partook freely of the fruit of the tree of life and received the love of God to their souls.

When all was prepared, we planted a new tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We told Adam and Eve not to partake of the fruit of this tree.

12. Moses 3:17

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but, remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

We had freely spoken to Adam and Eve of the earth life they would one day live in their future. However, we did not tell them of the fall of man nor how this would happen.

We then allowed Lucifer to come forth from under the earth where he and his evil spirits had been placed. We allowed him to come into our beautiful Garden of Eden for a season, even though he normally couldn't do so since it was in a terrestrial state.

Soon Satan became familiar with all of the Garden of Eden, its plants and animals. He had persuaded some of the animals to follow him, for in their terrestrial state the animals have choice and may communicate with mankind.

13. Moses 4:5-7

"And now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which I, the Lord God, had made.

And Satan put it into the heart of the serpent, (for he had drawn away many after him,) and he sought also to beguile Eve, for he knew not the mind of God, wherefore he sought to destroy the world.

And he said unto the woman: Yea, hath God said–Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (And he spake by the mouth of the serpent.)"

14. Normally, the animals in their terrestrial state do not respond to the influence of the adversary, and are always obedient to us, their Gods, for that is their nature. However, we allowed Lucifer for a season into our terrestrial state of the Garden of Eden. He then easily persuaded many animals to follow his sinister plan to deceive Adam and Eve, for Lucifer was far more intelligent and deceptive than the lower order of animals.

15. Once Adam and Eve both partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we came to visit them. They were cast out of the Garden of Eden because they had transgressed our commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was by their own choice that they had brought upon themselves eventual death and a mortal life.

16. When Adam and Eve left the beautiful garden, they entered into a telestial world. All of the physical creations that were terrestrial also fell into a telestial state, for that is what we did once man was expelled. We then removed the tree of life from the garden and brought it back into our celestial orb. Adam and Eve were then driven from the beautiful garden (Moses 4:31) and began to till the earth (Moses 5:1). They continued to have dominion over all the animals in their new telestial world.

In this fallen state, Adam and Eve could then bear children in mortality. The premortal celestial spirits that we had birthed in heaven now could come through Adam and Eve, and their posterity.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me this morning! I feel there is so much here for me to absorb, for it is not how I thought it had been, although I knew the scripture story. Heavenly Father began to fade away from me until I was alone at the base of the trail. I knelt and closed my prayer and started my day.

17. In the evening–I have re-read my morning entry twice now since this morning. I have particularly thought about what changes there are in animal behavior between their telestial, terrestrial and celestial states, particularly the higher mammals or higher forms of animal life. I wonder about their agency and their ability to communicate with mankind and each other.

Anyway, these are the thoughts I had today.

Tonight I decided to come in my prayer at the circling waters just before the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was light as day there. I drank some of the living water and felt refreshed and very clear. I knelt at the exit of the circling waters back into the stream. I faced south and asked God to come in answer to my request.

I then saw a light in front of me and soon a human figure. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, in the air a little above her mountain stream! She was radiant and seemed very happy.

18. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I love coming frequently to my upper gardens where I have planted mountain flowers and plants, and brought many mountain animals to bring me joy! During the last eternity, this was not a mountain forest with a stream, but another nature setting--in a jungle setting, with very large tropical leaves and vegetation everywhere. I had many jungle animals adorn this beautiful landscape! I am happy that it is a mountain stream like it is now, however. I sometimes change my garden areas with each change in the eternities!

19. You asked about the capabilities of our animals we have created. These are in a telestial, terrestrial and celestial state. Only those of each species that live in a physical celestial state have power to procreate offspring. These live in our celestial worlds where we live, either on this celestial orb or on one of the celestial earths from each eternity.

The animals in each state of glory only desire to serve us, their Gods and our human offspring. They have different capabilities and awareness abilities in each of their states of glory.

20. In the celestial glory, our physically, resurrected animals, or our spirit animals, are able to speak to us by thought communication and by their voice as their vocal chords allow. They act and move by their own choice and since they can understand our will, they may choose to follow what we ask. Generally, since they have intentions to serve us, their creators, and to please us and our children, they almost always obey our commands. Their celestial nature is the prime state of the creation of their animal species.

21. These celestial animals may bear posterity of their own kind in a spirit form (intelligence that we, their Gods select, plus elemental matter) or a physical form. The physical creation form process has a birthing from a premortal spirit with elemental matter of their species into either a terrestrial or celestial state of glory. The terrestrial state is always to go into a terrestrial mortal world or a telestial world. In the latter, they soon assume the state of glory of that telestial existence once born into it. We had our celestial animals in heaven create (birth) terrestrial posterity in their physical state into the Garden of Eden, and continue in their terrestrial state of glory in the garden. We had earlier primeval animals born on the telestial earth by celestial resurrected primeval animals that lived in our uninhabited area in heaven. These were born at first in their terrestrial physical state and then soon assumed a telestial glory since they were in a telestial world.

22. These celestial animals may create, or birth celestial physical offspring too, but this is rarely done to fulfill our own purposes at different times.

In their terrestrial state of glory, our physical animals may communicate still with man through the thought communication method, and some also with verbal communication. They have limited choice and agency. They still have their greatest desire to serve us, their creator Gods, and our posterity in the terrestrial world.

23. Satan is not allowed to interact with the animals except for a short season at the end of the Garden of Eden phase. If the evil spirits were allowed to interact with our terrestrial animals, they would unfairly be able to deceive and persuade them, for they are of a higher intelligence level.

In the premortal celestial spirit realms, Lucifer and his hosts had persuaded some of our animal creations as well. However, we did not hold our animals in accountability since their intelligence was not as high as our own descendants. We did hold our own children responsible, however, for their choices in the premortal estate in heaven. Those who did not follow Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and instead followed Lucifer were not allowed to come to earth for a mortal experience. All of the plants and animals, however, were allowed to come to earth to experience mortality.

24. You are familiar with the status of animals in the telestial state, or your mortal state of glory of the earth at this time. Animals act more ferociously, and there are carnivorous animals and animals who may hurt mortal man. This is also the state of animals in the telestial worlds of glory in eternity. However, for these worlds, we don't allow ferocious animals to inhabit those creations in their resurrected state. All of these ferocious animals are either in the terrestrial or celestial glory in the eternities.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great revelation on the animals in their various glories! I felt very enlightened. I thanked her for the animal creations that she and Heavenly Father have allowed to come forth on their many creations!

Heavenly Mother said that I had a lot to think about! I said I loved her and closed my prayer. I then was propelled into my conscious mind and I was finishing up writing all of this in my journal.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 26, 2018 Sunday

1. Yesterday I received some great truths from my Heavenly Father in the morning and from my Heavenly Mother last night. I am very impressed with what I have received!

I came to a place in heaven under the large pine tree in the snow-covered field to the extreme north. Heavenly Father had taken me there before. Last night I awoke because our house was too hot to comfortably sleep. I maybe felt like a little wintertime might help! But I also felt this is where I should go to pray. I faced north and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

I then saw Heavenly Father on top of the snowy hill in front of me. He was enshrouded with light. He asked me to come to him from my location under the tree. I stood and moved myself by my thoughts and desire to a place in the air just in front of him. He asked me to stand and look at the beauty all around us. I stood next to him.

2. He put his right arm around my shoulder and spoke:

'Raphael, you see snow-covered fields and mountains in all directions. The sky is blue too. Isn't it just so beautiful?'

I replied it was a breathtaking sight! We then started to move slowly over the snow-covered hills in the air. He still had his arm around me. We came to a gurgling stream from melting snow. There was a mountain blue spruce tree in the middle of the small stream looking very happy.

3. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I want to speak to you about the plants in their various states of glory. Yesterday your Heavenly Mother told you all about our animal capacities in their various glory states. They even have limited agency and the ability to communicate with each other and us.

4. Our plants that are resurrected celestial plants, like this mountain blue spruce tree, are able to communicate with us in their celestial state. They, however, do not have choice or agency, even in their celestial glory. Their intentions are always to please us and to serve us and our children. They maintain this same attitude also in the terrestrial and telestial states of glory.

5. In the celestial glory, these plants may propagate either terrestrial or telestial offspring of their same kind. If we were able to see under the snowfield, you would see many blue spruce trees that are all celestial resurrected trees. They each lived on a telestial earth in our previous eternity. We have planted them here on this mountainside. They were resurrected initially at the aging state in which they died on earth. Those that were not mature at the time of their death have grown here to their full stature in our celestial world.

6. We may ask these trees to bear terrestrial seeds, which we gather and plant in a terrestrial or a telestial world. Those we plant in the telestial world assume the glory of that world as they grow. This is generally how we create plants in our many worlds we have created. Each plant generally finds joy in their life, just as do our many animals. They all greatly enhance and populate our many worlds!

7. These resurrected trees also have the capability to bear celestial physical seeds. We rarely ask them to do this except to provide to gods on other galaxies their own celestial plants and seeds that are capable of seed propagation. In every case of propagation of physical seeds or plants, these seeds or plants that are created have been also created previously in a spirit state. This practice is common to the animal creations and to our own offspring too.

8. The resurrected celestial plants may also produce seeds or propagate their own kind in spirit form. This process is to develop seeds from intelligences we have selected and adding elemental matter. The resulting spirit seeds are planted in our physical celestial orb and grow to their full spirit state. These are the premortal plants. They are then reborn into a mortal state on the earth by resurrected celestial plants.

9. You can see we have a vast system of creating our plants and animals, first in the spirit state and then in their physical mortal state. These are then all resurrected to various degrees of glory to populate worlds in our vast galaxy. These worlds of glory are to reward our own children for what they were willing to receive, some telestial, some terrestrial, and some celestial. We so love our many plant and animal creations! They respond so well to our commands and desires. They all greatly support us and love us, their creators!

10. These plants and animals have a limited ability to feel emotion and to think, each to a varying amount based on their intelligence. Our own children, who are created in our image, are fully able to think and reason, and have full choice and accountability. They also have full capacity for feeling emotions of all sorts, both positive and negative. All of our creations aid us in bringing to pass the salvation and eternal life of our children!

Later today I plan to meet with you here to talk about air, water and the earth. These three creations have intelligence and have unique characteristics also in our many creations.'

I thanked Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation on plants today! I do love plants--they provide not only our main source of food, but they greatly adorn our world, making it so beautiful!

I closed my prayer. I said I would come back here for more communion with my God. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

11. After church– In the sacrament, I came to the snowfield where I had met with Heavenly Father this morning. I listened to the sacrament prayer, and then made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents. I then saw my Heavenly Father before me!

12. He spoke:

'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Mother and I, we accept the covenant you have made to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

Raphael, I want to share with you about water, air and the earth. I will begin with water. Water is an entity with intelligence. It is in a resurrected celestial state in our heavenly orb. In this state, it may reproduce either spirit water or physical water, in either a celestial or terrestrial state of glory. In the celestial and terrestrial mortal states, our physical water is living water. It is very healing and is capable of blessing and strengthening all our creations where it comes in contact with, keeping them vital and strong! 

13. In the terrestrial mortal state, the water that comes from the New Jerusalem from the celestial fountain of living water, is living water. It flows out into the terrestrial world and maintains most of its living water qualities to the end of the earth. However, in the terrestrial eternal worlds, where there is no fountain of living water, there is no living water.

In the telestial state, the water is not living water but is still necessary for the well-being and life of all the living entities in that telestial world. The celestial spirit water is also living water, but is more refined than the resurrected physical celestial water. The highest form of water is in its glorified physical resurrected state in our celestial world.

14. You have noticed that living celestial water on our celestial orb has the capability to "see" into the near future. This power may enlighten your mind with this same quality. You have also seen that even the reflection from living water may give you a glimpse of what will happen in the next few moments. This feature is not available in the terrestrial state of living water that flows on the terrestrial mortal earth.

15. To propagate water, we bring an intelligence to our celestial living water and bring it into the water. We then take this intelligence and the surrounding water away with us, add to it more elemental matter, and this becomes a distinct and a separate entity. We grow the amount of water by adding more and more elemental matter. This is what we did when we created the spirit water that came upon the primeval spirit earth.

To create physical water in its terrestrial state, we place spirit water into a portion of the living celestial physical water. This physical living water then propagates throughout all the spirit water, making it all physical water.

16. We elevated the telestial water on your earth, under the Jackson County, Missouri area, to a celestial state of living water. We had our holy angels pour celestial living water into this telestial water and it has propagated into all of this water, making it now celestial living water. This will be the means of healing and revitalizing our telestial earth and help with converting it into a terrestrial world.'

Later–I got interrupted in transcribing the above. I want to continue with what Heavenly Father spoke to me about air or atmosphere. This was added upon during my evening prayer tonight.

17. From Heavenly Father:

'Air is similar to water as far as its creation and propagation. It too is essential to those in the mortal telestial and terrestrial worlds. It is not necessary for those who are resurrected in these same glories, but is still abundantly used by all of our creations including our resurrected children in these realms. It is not necessary for the survival of either the spirit or physically resurrected creations that live on our celestial orb. However, air can be breathed in by ourselves and our plants and animals as they normally function, and bring these creations and us joy and satisfaction in their glorious condition. Breathing air in lower realms of glory does not normally bring this joy and satisfaction.

18. Air is composed of various gases. These may vary in its composition of these gases based on the realms they are in. However, in each realm, air is best suited for those who live in that realm of glory. In all realms, air is the substance of the atmosphere. It is adjusted for those who live there to bless those who live in these creations. There is never a world of our creations where our plant and animals live, or any of our own posterity, that is void of the correct atmosphere of air. The air is best suited for those who live there for their best growth and happiness.

There is air also in the celestial realms, elevated in its resurrected celestial state. It provides a beautiful atmosphere where we may have different weather patterns come to our celestial orb.

19. All earths are in the location where mortal experiences for our creations come for each eternity. The earths are living entities and each goes through the spirit and physical creations as do the plants and animals. Your earth will also be resurrected to a celestial glory. The earth that you are upon will be elevated to a terrestrial state, then will die and be resurrected. It will join the myriad of other earths from our previous eternities that surround our celestial orb, in the center of our galaxy.

20. Each earth has one intelligence per earth, even though there is a great variety of rocks and minerals upon and under its surface. The spirit birth of the earth is from a male and female resurrected earth. We have explained this previously in detail (see post 77).

21. The physical creation of the earth is not by the normal process of birth common to plants, animals, and man. Instead, we created the earth spiritually and then caused a mist of water to cover the face of the earth. The earth then transformed into a physical entity. At the same time the mist came upon the spirit earth, we added more elemental matter to the earth that we, the Gods, had brought from outside the universe. As the mist of water covered the earth, symbolically the birth process, we added this matter to create a physical earth. This was the same size and shape as was the spirit earth. When the mist settled, the earth became a new physical earth, created in its telestial state. When the many primeval spirit plants and animals came to be born and propagated physically on the earth, these came in their physical terrestrial state. They soon conformed to the telestial state of the earth, for the plants grew from the rock matter that was telestial, and the animals ate of the plants that had been grown from the telestial earth. This entire primeval earth remained in this telestial state in order to create an earth suitable for man, many eons later.

I have shared with you the various states of water, air and the earth. These are all for the benefit of man and our other creations. They are essential in our plan of salvation so that all of our plans may be fulfilled.'

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 27, 2018 Monday

1. I received a lot of revelation yesterday about plants, water, air and the earth from my Heavenly Father, all in their various states, and the ways they are propagated and created. This whole process is beginning to settle in me and become an obvious truth.

I have re-read my entry from yesterday. I seem to have struggled to write it all down correctly in a grammar sense, for some of the sentences were not smooth and did not flow into each other too well. I attribute this to my weakness in writing all of the new ideas as they flooded into my conscious mind.

2. I feel like Moroni when he wrote in Ether 12:25:

". . . wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words."

3. I never want to cause anyone who reads my journal entries to stumble because of my lack of skill in expressing what I receive from God! I wish it to flow more freely to me, particularly for brand new concepts I have never considered like happened yesterday. Anyway, I apologize for my weakness in writing!

I awoke and talked with my wife for some time before I have come to the adjacent room to pray and meditate. I feel a little behind on my planned day, but that is fine. I am so glad to have open communication with my loving wife!

I felt to go to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I don't know why I came here. I knelt by a chair around the table, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother come to me from her garden to the east. She held a platter with a plate of food from her garden, a spoon, and a cup of water. She set this platter on the glass table.

4. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, the concepts and truths you received yesterday were difficult for you to fully grasp when given you by your Heavenly Father. There were lots of distractions too when you wrote. However, you have correctly recorded the truths of plants, water, air and earth properties as you received them, even with your weaknesses in writing. We give men weaknesses that they may continue to be humble and receptive to our light and voice (see Ether 12:27). You are no different, Raphael! However, the truths you have written will be spoken from the housetops and freely shared in a coming day among our faithful elect of God!

5. I have brought you more of my garden food to help you be clearer in your perceptions of the words we convey to you. This melon and these berries will help activate all of your mental clarity in your mortal conscious mind, and help you in transferring our words we speak to you in your unconscious mind to your conscious mind. Eat all of this now, and drink more of the celestial living water in this cup!'

I then sat up on the chair and thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming and bringing me more foods! I ate all and drank the water. I felt very clear and so very satisfied after I ate and drank!

6. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, I will leave you now. Re-read what your Heavenly Father gave to you yesterday, make any further edits you may feel impressed to make in your journal entry and then let it stand as our revelations to you. We will confirm the truth of what you have received with every soul who sincerely and humbly asks of us.'

I thanked her for her confirmation of what I had written! I said I would re-read my entry from yesterday again, and then let it stand. I said I love her and felt so blessed by the food and the care she showed to me today!

She then took the dishes and spoon and the melon rind and placed them all on the platter. She smiled at me and took it all away as she turned and left. She was soon departed and I was left alone. I knelt and closed my prayer. On earth, I re-read the Sunday entry and then started my new Monday.

7. Night– It is now 10:00 p.m. I am in my chair in the front room seeking to commune with my God. I am writing as I meditate and pray for this is what I have been instructed to do in my evening prayers. I am able to receive God's inspiration in my unconscious mind, transfer this to my conscious mind and write it all down as it happens in my journal. This process is such an amazing blessing in my life! I feel very honored to commune twice a day with God, and receive such amazing revelations!

I confirm what I receive in prayer after I write all of these things down. I often go back and correct grammatical edits, but the basic truth stands as I received it. It is so remarkable!

Tonight I came in my celestial replicated state to the Great Assembly Hall, west of Lake Beautiful. I came up the steps from the hall and then saw the east doors to the lake open wide. There were scores of people who started pouring out! I quickly elevated myself in the air and desired to be unseen. I then knew these were the multiple hosts of refugees that had been called to a meeting in the Great Assembly Hall!

8. I then wanted to go to the inside west front of the hall, so I came there behind the podium. I saw that the meeting had just been dismissed. I saw Enoch the prophet still on the stand. He looked up at me and smiled. I then came down in front of him. Enoch the prophet then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we just concluded the general assembly meeting for all the Refugees of Lucifer, for all my translated people, and most of the resurrected elect who had died before the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This was an extremely full meeting! I conducted the meeting, and both you and John the Revelator spoke and inspired the vast congregation. I also spoke. We were all very inspired by all that was spoken and the Spirit that was there.

9. We have chosen to meet directly in our smaller group meetings for the next two days. These are to be held in various places in this wilderness area of heaven. You have already assigned the one hundred angels to speak in these smaller groups. We all look forward to these classes. We plan to rotate through twenty of these classes of our choice over the next two days. I am sure these will be very inspiring and will buoy us all to be revived in our great work!'

I thanked Enoch for sharing this with me!

10. He then spoke again:

'Raphael, we had both planned the details of our conference ten days ago on the 17th of August in my city. I know you already are aware of all these plans, but I also know you are connecting your unconscious mind now to your conscious mind, so I repeated the basic points of what we decided together.'

I thanked Enoch for repeating this to me and I said I didn't have full connection with my unconscious mind, so I couldn't recall what we had planned.

I then immediately felt that I was back on the steps outside of the Great Assembly Hall! The crowds had dispersed. I knelt down on the stairs. I faced the lake and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came in the air right in front of me! She was smiling.

11. She spoke:

'Raphael, we inspired you when you spoke at the conference and we sent our Spirit in abundance. You greatly encouraged those who have tirelessly served the Refugees of Lucifer since their conversions!

The refugees are progressing very well. They have been developing a lot of love for each other and for their helpers like Enoch and his faithful group. These refugees will become known for their valiancy in being true disciples of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ! These will become wonderful and obedient elect children.

Raphael, I will speak to you again in the morning. Meet me at the desert oasis in your morning prayer. I love you, Raphael!'

With that, Heavenly Mother turned and started to leave. She disappeared from my view in a few seconds. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 28, 2018 Tuesday

1. This morning there was a real nip in the air--I knew fall is coming soon! I already saw changing leaves in the mountains. It is the time of harvest, such an abundant time of year for those of us who have gardens and orchards!

I came this morning to the desert oasis in hopes to commune with my Heavenly Mother as she told me to last night. Just thinking about this location I seemed to be already there! I already felt very clear and ready to pray. I then knelt facing the water and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came alone, appearing to me on the water and taking the few steps to be right in front of me. She looked glorious and majestic, and so full of heavenly light!

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, fall time is coming here in heaven according to my desires. There are a few leaves changing in my upper gardens. It is such a beautiful time of year!

This morning I would like to share with you a few more ideas about the love of God that sheds itself abroad in the hearts of the people:

3. 1 Nephi 11:21-23

"And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?

And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.

And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul."

4. Raphael, you were the angel who appeared to Nephi on our high mountaintop in heaven, above my upper gardens! You spoke to him after I came as the Holy Ghost to him. You visited and instructed Nephi as recorded from 1 Nephi 11:14 to 1 Nephi 14:30. At that time, you did not realize that the tree of life actually came from our first parent Gods, from their original tree of life they created to share the love they possessed for all of their own posterity. This love of God is a very real tangible substance and, like light, it may truly shed itself abroad in the hearts of all the children of God, even of our first parent Gods.

5. Like light, love may come from one person to another. Our first parent Gods created love from elemental matter. It does not have an intelligence component, but, like light, it may beam across the particles of light matter from the very center of the universe, and beam itself to all the very outer reaches of every space in the great universe where light itself may go.

6. Most people consider love only as an emotion, felt in the heart mostly but also in the mind. This actual substance called love from our first parents, comes across the light matter from them, and sheds itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men. It penetrates the heart of every one of our children. This motivates and encourages each to act in more kindness, gentleness, consideration of others, and every godly virtue of thinking about oneself and others.

7. Even though our first Gods may send love from their very presence, their children may choose how they receive this love. Love is such a tender and gentle substance that it can easily be rejected or brushed aside. It will, however, keep coming and be abundantly present all around God's children, but they have to open up their own hearts to receive it.

8. Our first parents created the first tree of life in order to shed forth their love upon their children. They created the substance called love and then sent it up the very roots of the tree of life. Love then beams forth from their tree to all space. It is extremely abundant in the fruit of the tree of life.

All gods know how to create the substance called love from elemental matter. We too create love abundantly, and in the same way bring it forth through our tree of life trees, wherever they may have been planted.

9. This tree of life is always a resurrected celestial tree, and is a transmitter to all our children of our love that we abundantly create. We have chosen to have two Trees of Life in our New Jerusalem, as you have previously seen. Our love will emanate from these two trees to our entire millennial world. Love will come from us to our celestial center of the New Jerusalem, and literally shed itself abroad in the hearts of our elect. Our elect will accept love as it gently comes to them, and they will share this love by their actions to themselves and to others around them.

10. In our own galaxy, our love we continually create from elemental matter comes through us to our many Trees of Life in our domains. Our love comes from these trees to the entire myriad of celestial earths that surround our galaxy hub or center, and into our own glorious celestial orb. These Trees of Life are actually love transmitters to our vast domains. Wherever there is a tree of life, our love comes and is shed forth abroad upon all of our children.

11. We also focus more and more of the love of God upon our children who are receptive to our love. The more actions of love they produce, the more love we send to their hearts. Soon they have a vibrant channel of love flowing into them and from them. When combined with actions of love from themselves, they are filled with more love for themselves and for others around them. Others feel this abundant love flowing from them.

12. We also send more of our light with our love that is turned into actions of love. Light and love go hand in hand together, each also proceeding from us, their Heavenly Parents, and also from our first parent Gods. As we send forth our light abroad, we also send forth our love, for these always accompany each other.

13. When our love substance is received in the hearts of our children, they feel this increase of love as an emotion, both in their heart and mind. When our children are well practiced, they then turn this emotion into action. They then seek to bless themselves and others with more kindness and consideration. Love tempers all other emotions, bringing them into check and greatly enhancing their fruits of actions.

14. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has been one who has abundantly received our love, even from the beginning. When we first chose him as an intelligence to be the Redeemer of this eternity, his very intelligence fully received our love and was particularly responsive. Our Beloved Son has continued to be filled with love, particularly for others of our children. This great quality has motivated him to act as a sinless sacrifice for sin, and qualified him as the great Redeemer of our children. We have utmost confidence in all his works, for they continue to be based on love.

15. Raphael, our holy angels also have an abundance of love for their fellowman. This receptivity to our love was the primary criteria for us choosing each of you, even from the beginning. As you grew in our premortal world, you all exhibited great actions of love towards your fellowman. We honored you by choosing you as our holy angels who would represent us and our Beloved Son to our many children.

16. To all our elect children, we encourage you to receive openly our love. Try to look around you beyond your own needs. There are so many in great need of your love and consideration! We desire you each to be our servants of sending forth actions of love to all peoples everywhere! As you do so, we will more abundantly shed forth our light and love upon you!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her amazing revelation on love! I feel so grateful for this new knowledge! I feel so very loved by her and Heavenly Father, in sharing their light and love of God with me!

I then saw my Heavenly Mother smile. I could feel her love coming from her into my heart, and actually all of my being too! She started to depart by backing up to the water's edge. Then she left my presence. I did, however, still feel her love coming into my heart.

I then felt that this communion with God was so very real, and I confirmed the truth of what I received. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. In the evening–I have thought about light and love today and wondered if there were other emotions and such that were created by the Gods like these.

Anyway, I came to the horizontal log in the young mountain forest, near the circling waters. Heavenly Mother had come here to me several times, the first to show me intention healing. We also were given the sacrament here for the first time I believe.

I came here and knelt by the log, facing the direction of the circling waters in the distance through the trees. I asked for Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come through the trees on a path near to me. She was walking on the path with her feet, not in the air like she often does. She seems more like she probably did as a mortal on earth, but she had lots of light and glory. She came to me and sat down on the log while I was praying next to it.

18. She smiled and spoke to me:

'Raphael, sometimes there might be discrepancies in what we said to you several months ago and then recently. You thought there was such an issue with terrestrial water. However, the terrestrial water in the millennium is living water that comes from a celestial source, and the terrestrial water on terrestrial orbs in eternity is not living water. You did correctly in slightly editing your journal entry on Sunday, after you inquired of us how to reconcile this supposed difference.

19. You are receiving many revelations very quickly and have little time to review your past posts. Continue to review as many as you are able, and we will guide you to listen to or read those that are most important to you.

We are pleased that you are able to receive our words in a group setting where there are distractions. This you do in your evening time. In your morning prayer time you are alone and in a more traditional meditative state. We are able to communicate to you in both of these settings.

20. You asked about other creations we make besides light and love that don't have intelligence. I wish to share with you one common practice we do as healers: we combine light and love energy together which synergizes and together has a much stronger effect than each alone. These are tailored to each individual based on his or her need. Some of our children who need healing may need more light and less love energy whereas another may need more love energy and less light energy.

21. When you do healing work, calling on us as your Gods to do the healing, we incorporate these two energies in all of our healing work. They both constitute what you normally call energy in the healing work you do.

22. There are other tangible energies that are created by our thoughts. These are not created in abundance like light and love, but are generated from our thoughts. These are unique emotion energies that are created by thoughts and may be created by all our children. Energies or emotions created form specific thoughts include both positive tangible energies like peace or negative like anger. Satan also is able to create very real emotions that may be felt by others like fear and hatred. These energies may be received into the spirit and the body of man or rejected by man, all based on control of his own thoughts. A controlled thought of shunning fear, for example, and bringing peace, may be sufficient to keep peaceful in the midst of a negative energy.

I would like to continue talking about this tomorrow, Raphael, in your morning meditation. Come again here in my mountain forest in heaven tomorrow morning for more information on thought energies.'

I thanked her for her time with me tonight! I then felt I came fully back to my conscious mind and then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 29, 2018 Wednesday

1. This morning I awoke after a good night's sleep. I very much look forward to revelations on thought energies from my Heavenly Mother! I have been thinking of this.

I came to the horizontal log in the forest where I was last night. I felt clear and receptive to receive truths from God. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or just my Heavenly Mother if that is what they wanted.

I then saw Heavenly Mother appear again on the horizontal log in front of me, just like she had been on the night before. She was full of light and love coming from her presence! I felt very accepted and was very receptive and open to these energies.

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are weak in your mortal body, but you are very strong and extremely capable when you work in our celestial realms and here in our celestial world. You are one person, only replicated in the celestial world. We work with you on earth even though you have multiple weaknesses of the flesh. We will bless you to become strong like your replicated celestial self even while you are in mortality.'

3. She smiled broadly at me, and then continued:

'Raphael, I want to now continue my discussion on thought energies. The minds of our children are very powerful both in creating emotions or thought energies and in being capable to direct energy to another.

Our first Gods have not only created light and love to fill the immensity of space, but have designed themselves and their offspring to be able to create a wide array of energies. These energies are very tangible and therefore have substance, made from elemental matter. There is no intelligence associated with these energies.

4. Our children have enough free elemental matter in their spirit body to use in creating these emotions or energies. I call them energies, for they are tangible and can be perceived by others of our children, and even by our animals and plant creations. Thoughts are so very powerful!

5. In the beginning, the intelligences had the ability to think and make choices. Some were more skilled at this than others. Our first Gods were extremely skilled and possessed very high intellect, reasoning and choice. Before they ever created any offspring, they devised a system where they would create abundant light and love themselves, for they saw into the future and foresaw the great need of these two energies in their creations.

6. They also realized that there would be a great variety of other energies that would be necessary, such as all the emotions, both positive and negative that we now have experienced. They wanted these to be created or made based on the thoughts that intelligences possessed already. They reasoned that this emotional energy created by these thoughts would initiate all action:

Thoughts create emotional energy
Emotional energy creates action
Action is a choice of all intelligence
Actions produce results

They wanted this pattern to be part of the constitution of mankind in particular, among all their creations.

7. To be able to have emotions carry enough motivation for their offspring, our first Gods would give their future offspring the ability to create tangible emotional energy of all varieties from elemental matter. The more energy, or the more intensity, the more of this matter would be used in creating this energy. Their plan was to always have abundant elemental energy available for themselves and their posterity to create any emotional energy they desired. All was to be created by their inherent thoughts which their core intelligence would continue to have.

8. As our first Heavenly Parents began bearing their own children, they taught them how to create emotions using their new spirits. They learned and practiced how to create emotional energy based on their own thoughts. This energy could be contained within their own spirits which would create all action in themselves, or it could become a radiating emotional energy that other spirits could also detect.

9. Our first parent Gods wanted there to be interaction between the spirits based on these energies. They all became very skilled at perceiving what each other felt or were emitting in the form of emotional energy. Their interactions were largely based on the interchanges of these energies.

Their children were constantly receiving light and love energies from their Heavenly Parents and also became very skilled at sharing these energies with others, all based on their thoughts and what they really wanted to do (their choices).

10. Raphael, you see that how we think creates emotional energy. This is part of what we taught you and all our other children as young spirits. You all became very skilled at creating these emotional energies. We also gave you the ability to keep these hidden within yourself if you desired, or to be shared with others, all dependent upon your choice. We, your loving Heavenly Parents could "see" all your thoughts and the emotions they produced, but our other children could not. Some of our spirit children became very perceptive of what others were feeling, for they could detect even very slight energies.

11. When we sent our children to mortality, they continued to create emotions from their thoughts. They also continued to interact with each other based on the emotions and resulting actions of each other. Their thoughts would continue to be kept hidden from others except us their Gods.

You see now why we have been teaching you the great need to control your own thoughts! These thoughts always create emotions and then actions. If you become skilled at choosing what thoughts to think, you really are choosing what emotions to create.

12. When a very strong emotional energy comes from another person, you have the power to receive this emotion and have the resulting action, or the power to reject this emotion. The incoming emotion might be very positive, like joy, passion or excitement. This can be accepted or rejected, all by the choice of the recipient. The incoming emotion might also be very dark or negative, like anger, hate or despair. These too may be accepted or rejected by the recipient. The recipient accepts or rejects emotional energy by their choice. There is never a time that our son or daughter needs to feel they have no choice, for in reality they always do.

13. Sometimes the adversary, or the cultural norms of society, may dictate that you need to accept the emotional energies of others and conform. However, you always have choice and the ability to think on your own and choose thoughts to reject or accept. You also have power to add more of your own emotional energy to those emotions you accept from others, or you may counter those you reject by consciously adding your own emotions to block those that are radiating from other people. All is based on your choice and your thoughts!

14. All energies other than light and love are therefore created exclusively by each human being, a son or daughter of God. We have an amazing system of creating emotional energies based on our choice and our thoughts! These energies are real and tangible, created from elemental matter. All mankind therefore are fully responsible for their own actions since they are in control really of what action they choose to do, created by their own thoughts and emotions.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her clear discussion of emotional energies! I am enlightened to have it all described like she did, as planned by our first Gods from the beginning.

I knew my time was completed in my prayer. Heavenly Mother stood and brought me from my knees with her hands. We embraced tenderly! I felt her deep and strong acceptance of me! I felt her peace and her abundant love! I was filled with light from my magnificent Heavenly Mother!

She then vanished and I felt so pleased and filled with her presence still. I came back to my being in mortality, writing all of this down as it occurred in my personal journal. I then knelt and confirmed all she had given me as true. I closed my prayer and started my new day!

15. Evening– I received a question from one of the mortal angel about replication:

Q: "I wonder how the first Gods figured out replication? Does each replication have the same intensity as the original?".

I came this evening to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I walked up the path from the north and an entrance came opened on the domed room and I entered. The entrance stayed open while I came to the center of this room. I faced the doorway that was open and knelt on the floor. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

16. I then saw Heavenly Father come walking on the path and enter into the domed room. He came directly in front of me and he spoke immediately to me:

'Raphael, I am glad to meet with you in your previous room we created for you in your premortal life. We converted it to a general room for healing work once you were away to earth to do so much on assignment. Now that you have been awakened, you are very active and still rarely come here. You are here in your replicated celestial person. I would like to address the question tonight about replication.

17. Our first Gods began bearing their children in their spirit state, prior to their children coming to their first earth. Both our first Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were very capable, but still were much busier than they wanted to be. They really wanted to have adequate time for each of their children, and to also attend to the needs of their growing eternity.

18. They then set their minds to creating replicated beings so that they could be in more than one place at a time. They knew that their intelligences would fill whatever spirit space they created for themselves. Therefore they thought to multiply their spirits initially in two parts, exactly the same size and shape. This they knew how to do, for they initially created their own spirit in the beginning. They were pleased when their intelligence was capable to divide itself between both spirits. They also found that their intelligence which was thus divided was able to share information with both spirit bodies, whatever each separate spirit was doing. This was shared intelligence among two spirit bodies. They had thus created their first replication!

19. At first they tried to replicate themselves, who were both resurrected, into a spirit only state. This was successful, so they then created a replication of their resurrected bodies. This also was successful! Their intelligence could be shared equally and fully between as many resurrected or spirit bodies that they created.

20. The next obstacle was to create and then return to elemental matter their spirit and their resurrected bodies. They wanted to be able to have the option to be single in a resurrected state or replicated in either a spirit or a resurrected state. Our first Gods worked on an automatic way to replicate by initiation of their thoughts to do so. This was all controlled by their intelligence that had capability to think and create, or think and return the creation to elemental matter. They then decided to establish these five rules of replication:

21. 1. They would insure to have at least one body always in its resurrected state. They called that their base state of base person.

2. They would be able to replicate in their spirit only state, or their resurrected state, only in these two celestial states.

3. They would be able to control the replication by their own mind as needed, in any of their replicated persons.

4. All of their replicated states would fully share all information about their activity and thoughts in all their replicated persons.

5. This power of replication would be fully shared with those who became even as they were, Gods themselves. In turn they could share a portion of their power of replication with their children who were also progressing towards godhood.

22. They, the first Gods, were the only ones among all the intelligent beings who knew how to create life and how to replicate themselves. They shared this power with their chosen Redeemer of their first eternity, prior to him coming to earth for his own mortal experience. They did this so he could replicate himself multiple times during his suffering for the sins and weaknesses for all the other children that had or would come to earth. This made the length of suffering relatively short, but also more intense since the replicated Redeemer would suffer and feel pain in all of his replicated states.

23. The first Gods also shared their keys to creation and replication with those who obeyed them and were fully redeemed. These they ordained to be gods even as themselves. They too now had all the capabilities that they themselves had learned.

Later in the first eternity, the first Gods also gave their power of replication ability to others, depending upon their need and their obedience.

24. These same practices of replication have continued even until now. We use this capability that we have learned and been ordained to use, in the same ways as our first parent Gods. Recently the power of replication was shared with our holy angels, and then with Enoch's group of translated souls, and finally to those who were resurrected at the time of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We have extended the power of replication to these for their work they were assigned.

25. There was also a portion of our replication power that we have given to all our mortal children who came to earth life. This was so that when they had dreams or visions, their spirit would be replicated so that their base spirit stayed with their body, and their free spirit would go to the vision. We trained this ability to our premortal spirits before they ever came to mortality. This is a limited version of replication, all controlled by their spirit in their unconscious state, and under the knowledge of us, their parent Gods.

The devils never were taught to do this limited form of replication, for they chose not to come to earth for a mortal experience.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering this question so thoroughly! I expressed gratitude that he and Heavenly Mother have extended to me some of their godly powers to replicate as often as I need, to fulfill all my work in the celestial realms above.

I knew my time with my Heavenly Father was ended. He smiled at me, turned and started walking out of the domed room and then disappeared.

I then closed my prayer and started getting ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 30, 2018 Thursday

1. I am in my front room this morning with my children during my morning prayer time.

In heaven, I went to the maple tree grove, west of Lake Beautiful. I hope I am able to effectively commune with God, even with my headache. I took a ginger drink but still have some head pain. I did feel clear in my replicated celestial state, however.

I then wondered about the intelligence of certain entities, like some plants, water, air, and the earth that seemed so vast. I wondered if the single intelligence of these entities was able to fully spread itself among all of their vast body. Sometimes, like with water, this body of water is so divided up into little segments all over the place, yet has only one basic intelligence among all of the water.

I had this thought in my mind as I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me in prayer.

2. I then perceived Heavenly Mother coming into the maple tree grove from the shore of the lake. I saw her walk up to me and then address me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father has revealed to you a great secret of how our first Gods were able to replicate themselves in the beginning, in their first eternity. They knew that intelligence could fill as much spirit as was desired when that intelligence was clothed upon with elemental matter, making a spirit entity. This spirit portion could expand to as many portions or replicated spirits as needed, and the intelligence would fill all of these. The spirit matter may be disjointed or separate, like in replicated spirits or resurrected persons (each resurrected entity has a spirit, not just a physical body). It can also be in a large mass of matter, and fill it all with intelligence, as the earth, water or air. These latter entities can be broken up and the intelligence will still fully be present in all parts of this broken up entity. This feature of intelligence allows us to have only one intelligence per earth, water or air.

Some plants are also able to be subdivided and keep only one intelligence in their spirit or physical plant body (or bodies).

3. The intelligence that is created or birthed into elemental matter creates a spirit entity. This spirit has the capability to grow or contract, and the intelligence will still fill all of its spirit being. The spirit always is present in resurrected beings, and therefore allows these resurrected beings to be replicated. The body portion of a resurrected person by itself does not have capability to replicate, but it is the capability or feature of the spirit.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations. I am so pleased to be able to understand a little more of the workings of replication!

I knew my time in prayer was completed. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again, and then ended my prayer and started my day.

4. In the evening– I came this evening in my prayer to the circling waters. By the time I finally came here tonight it was 11:15 p.m. I felt very clear and able to connect in my unconscious mind to my Heavenly Parents. I knelt facing the water and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, walking on the path on the north side of the mountain stream. They were holding hands, strolling together. They both soon stood before me over the circling waters.

Heavenly Father looked magnificent and very peaceful and in control! Heavenly Mother was smiling broadly as she usually does and was so accepting and loving! They were both filled with light and love.

5. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, it may be hard for you to grasp how intelligence can fill spirit matter, whether small like an insect or extremely large like the ocean. It is not easy to understand how one intelligence may fill one or thousands of replicated spirit bodies at the same time in their replicated states. Some or all of these may also be housed within one or more resurrected bodies also.

Nevertheless, this is what really happens! There is really nothing comparable in mortality.

6. When we replicate ourselves, we create additional spirit matter for our replicated being. This additional spirit matter is more easily created because our spirit already been exists with an intelligence. We who hold this power become very accustomed to creating additional spirit matter for ourselves when we desire to be replicated. This is all controlled by our thoughts. Once replicated, by creating more elemental matter into a replicated spirit, our base intelligence then quickly fills up this spirit. If we wish this replication to be in our resurrected state, then our physical resurrected body is also created again from elemental matter, and takes on the full-resurrected form of the replicated spirit within. This entire process is very quick, so that replication is almost instantaneous.

7. When we wish to reduce the number of replications we have, the opposite of creation is done. If we desired three replicated bodies to be decreased to two replicated bodies, the one excess body needs first to have the intelligence removed, then the spirit reduced to its original elemental matter. Finally, the physical body would also need to be returned to elemental matter. This now excess elemental matter remains ready to be converted again to a spirit and its physical pair. When the spirit and physical body are dismantled, the intelligence also withdraws fully into the remaining entity replications or the base person if there are no replications. All of this action is controlled by our thoughts, almost instantaneously.'

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, it is late and our topic tonight of the details of the replication process may be very difficult to understand. However, it all happens as we think it to occur and we are therefore able to greatly extend ourselves to our many replicated selves.

Reread these past few entries and see if you understand all about the replication principles and basic process. We will answer any questions you might have!'

I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their great mind-expanding words. They are hard to comprehend but I am trying. I then closed my prayer and was brought back again into the reality of my mortal life. I then got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 31, 2018 Friday

1. I came into the adjacent room and reread all my recent journal entries about replication. It seems remarkable how this all really works! I feel content to know this now and am amazed at the entire replication process.

I would like to know the capabilities and properties of elemental matter. I have more of an idea about intelligence now, after the discussion of replication.

I came to the small winding desert stream near the desert oasis. I came on the side of the stream with the stream and the oasis in the distance before me. I knelt in prayer and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father came to me from the oasis, traveling very quickly in the air. He stood above the stream at my same height. I was kneeling on the bank which was elevated several feet above the water.

2. I especially like gazing into his eternity eyes, so very deep and all-knowing. He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I will start speaking to you about elemental matter. This elemental matter and intelligence are the only two things in the space outside our universe. In the beginning, they were the only two things until our first Gods created themselves from their intelligence and elemental matter. Each of these components had never been created or made, but were always existing.

3. Elemental matter is tangible and has substance, whereas intelligence has a being but no tangible substance. When combined, they may make a spirit which has a being and substance.

4. Elemental matter is not visible even though there is substance. It is unorganized matter, not like the elements on the periodic chart you know about, but just the substance building blocks that make up the elements. Our first God found a way to organize elemental matter into an organized creation. Some creations also contained an intelligence which had the property to fully be present everywhere in this organized elemental matter.

5. D&C 131:7-8

"There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter."

6. Joseph Smith here described the properties of the spirit, made from elemental matter filled with intelligence. Because intelligence fills all the matter which is organized into spirit, it enlivens the matter and makes the combined spirit able to grow and have being and choice.

7. When we gather elemental matter in order to create an additional spirit and/or a physical body for replication, the elemental matter is not visible to man, but it is discernible to us. We use the powers of our mind and thought to organize this elemental matter into the spirit being we wish, and then fill it with the intelligence for our replication process. When reducing or eliminating replicated beings, we keep our base self and then unorganize the elemental matter and it returns to its former unorganized state. It is then not visible to man, but it is perceived by us who are the Gods with our creative powers.

8. Because God perceives elemental matter, it can be acted upon and organized. Without organization of the matter, there is no creation. We organize matter in various ways to create light, love, energy, entities of all varieties with intelligence, our replicated states, and everything that exists in our known tangible world.

9. Elemental matter only has substance, and is unorganized matter. It does not have intelligence, cannot think, act or have any properties associated with intelligence. Intelligence and elemental matter coexist until we, who are the Gods, organize them into our creations.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful explanation! I then felt thirsty and drank some water near my recliner. I thought of the water being organized elemental matter and intelligence, coming into my body. I thought of my lips pressing against my water bottle–all having powers of action and being, since it was organized into my mortal physical body, housed by my organized spirit. Wow, it is all so very amazing when I really think about how it is all so perfectly organized!

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great creative power! I thanked him to have chosen my intelligence in my own beginning. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for forming me by a creative process into a spirit that acted and learned and grew! I thanked him for my mortal body and the great opportunity to grow and have choice and being. It is all so amazing!

Heavenly Father then smiled and left me. I was still kneeling on the sand of the stream in the desert. I closed my prayer and came fully into my conscious mind. I reread my entry above, closed my prayer, and started another day!

10. In the evening– I want to connect to my God now. I came to the orchard on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. There were many trees with ripe fruit, like peaches, plums, apricots and nectarines. I felt that I was very clear in my being. I knelt facing the lake, next to a path and a peach tree. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother then came walking to me from the shore! She came up to me and stopped. She smiled and looked down upon me.

11. She spoke:

'Raphael, your wife and you have been very busy harvesting from your garden. These all take time to process if they are not eaten immediately. Soon fall will come and the seasons will change again.

One of your mortal angels asked more questions by email today. I will answer these now:

12. Q: In the original City of Enoch, did the Savior bring the tree of life, or did the Savior plant the tree from a seed, under the direction of the Father? Please also explain how celestial living water came into the fountain.

A: The City of Enoch on the earth did not have a tree of life or a fountain of living water. It wasn't until we took Enoch, his people and his entire city into heaven where they are now located that a tree of life and a fountain of living water was established in this city. The tree of life was planted from a seeded fruit from the tree of life near our temple. It was given to Enoch who took it into his city and planted it near the fountain of living water.

The fountain was part of the original city that Enoch constructed on earth. After brought to heaven, it was here where we sent the water from a small stream down the hill from Lake Beautiful into that fountain. This is where it stands today. Water from this fountain goes into the surrounding city and lands.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer. She then asked me to stand. We walked up into the orchard to see the beautiful fruits from these trees. They all seemed very ripe. As we were walking, I lost track of my unconscious self. I then got involved with my wife who wanted to talk with me. We talked for some time and then went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 1, 2018 Saturday

1. I got up early this morning and knelt by my recliner. I prayed for family members in need. I envisioned Heavenly Mother in the orchard that we were in last night.

My wife and I had a lot to do and think about this week. We have become distressed about our decreased ability, due to aging, in a number of areas. We have noticed degradation in our physical, mental and emotional selves. Yet during our older age we have also become wiser and more capable in some areas. We each have our own interests and desires, and need to accept this in each other, as well as our current capacity which is waning some. We want to age gracefully.

I came in prayer to the orchard again on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. I knelt at the start of the path through the orchard, near the water's edge. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother soon appeared at my side! I feel so blessed to feel and perceive her presence next to me! I tried to gaze into her face and saw her sparkling eyes, nose and broad smile! I felt so accepted and loved. I felt her light came into me which fully penetrated my soul.

2. I was in this state when she spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, I will respond to your pleas to bless your family. I will enlighten your mind and increase your perceptions. Your life is pleasing to your Father and I. Your wife and you have been discussing your decreased abilities in physical, mental, and emotional strengths as you age. It seems to you that you reach your limits more often than in the past. I know that this is frustrating to both of you. You are wise to try to accept these changes.

3. Raphael, continue in accepting whatever comes to you in your life. We are allowing the natural aging process to come upon you until you come into our New Jerusalem area. You will be older and also wiser at that future time. Have faith that we will bring forth our strange work and bring to pass our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21). Let come what will come, with no expectations on your part, for we will work our marvelous work and a wonder in part through you:

4. Isaiah 29:14

"Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid."

5. This scripture refers to not only the restoration of the Book of Mormon, but also the restoration of all things, including our Zion, the New Jerusalem, and the restoration the second time of our Church of Christ on the earth. Your role, Raphael, in the restoration of all things is currently happening too, as we reveal to you all things from the beginning. Your wisdom will become great as you continue to age. You may feel some weakness and degrading of your body because of the aging process, but we will continue to strengthen you as we desire. You are one of the old men who will dream dreams and see visions:

6. Joel 2:28-29

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."

7. Raphael, continue to live the life you choose in mortality, and come unto us in prayer twice daily. We will continue to pour out upon you our multiple and abundant revelations! You will continue to be in our holy presence as we reveal to you all things as part of this great restorative work in these last days!'

I felt much better after communing in prayer with my Heavenly Mother this morning. I felt more assured that I am on the course and path that God wants me on! I feel buoyed up in the light my Heavenly Mother has poured out upon me! I feel so blessed.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me. I confirmed what I had written to be accurate. I then closed my prayer and started my day.