My photograph of the Sun and Nibiru on the Gulf of Mexico.
13. I came in heaven to the green hill by the grassy plain, just north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I was looking at the beautiful temple of God in this celestial world. I felt clear and open, ready to commune with my God. I then knelt on the grass, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
14. I then saw the celestial bright sun in the sky to my southeast, in the direction of God's temple. It was very bright but I felt I should look up at this sun with my spiritual eyes. I did so. I then saw a bright round sun and a smaller, round sun near it. This was curious to me, like a sign of Nibiru in the celestial world. I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come to me from the bright sun in a beam of light. They were both smiling and full of bright light, even brighter than the celestial sun up in the sky.
15. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your picture you took of the sunset on Jan. 5, 2019 in the Gulf of Mexico is truly an image of Nibiru. This binary star is usually not visible to the naked eye, for the sun is too bright to see it. You did capture Nibiru on your very own camera. You have seen this represented just now as a sign in our celestial heavens. The celestial sun represents your sun around which the earth rotates, and the smaller brighter sun you saw represents Nibiru, which also rotates around your sun. We will cause Nibiru to come close to the earth at the time of our choosing. This pass-by will wreak havoc to the earth and its inhabitants! This is part of the calamities that will soon suddenly come to the earth. The purpose will be to cleanse the earth of its wicked inhabitants, nations, and institutions.
16. I then saw the small sun in the sky start to come close to us, whereas the celestial sun stayed up in the sky. It got bigger and bigger as it approached us. Soon it was directly above us and so very close! My Heavenly Parents and I were watching as this now very large star passed overhead. None of the celestial ground, forests or buildings were affected, unlike what will happen on the telestial earth. We watched as the new sun passed by and soon was out in the sky and then into space, out of sight. This was a very dramatic vision I had, while kneeling in front of my Heavenly Parents in the celestial world!
A coconut tree
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we have created this sign in our heavens to show you how close Nibiru will come up in the sky to the inhabitants of the earth. Major earthquakes and upheavals will result, along with oceans and waterways overflowing their bounds. Fear will grip the people, but most will not turn unto us, their Gods. This dramatic experience will also disrupt the modern-day society you now enjoy.
18. In all of these tribulations, we will protect and inspire our elect who hear our voice and keep our commandments. Have no fear, but watch the great hand of God that will rock the nations of the earth!'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Parents in front of me, for their demonstration and message they gave me tonight! I thanked them for their protection and peace they will give my family and me and the righteous. I committed to do exactly what they say for me to do.
20. I then saw them start to beam back to the celestial sun, going backwards in a beam of light. Soon they were out of sight.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 13, 2019, Sunday
1. I am completely out of ideas of what my Heavenly Parents could reveal to me today and this coming week. I am so glad they have this completely in their power and that I don't have to worry about this at all.
2. I came this morning to the fountain of living water, not far from the temple. I could see the golden altar to my south, and behind this the temple of God. The doors of the temple were both opened wide and I could see into the entry area a little ways.
3. I knelt facing the altar and temple. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, in answer to my prayer. At this time, I saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come to the temple entrance and walk on the ground to me! It was a short distance. When they came to the golden altar, they split, Heavenly Father going on the east side and Heavenly Mother going on the west side. They both then stopped, with the golden altar between them.
4. Heavenly Mother then sent a message to my mind for me to stand and walk up to them and remain standing. I stood and walked up to them and stopped in front of the golden altar. I then remembered the scripture found in Revelations 8:3-5, where the prayers of the saints were offered upon this altar with incense. I had written in my post 27 that this occurred on Pioneer Day, 7/24/2016. I was curious why we were surrounding this altar at this time.
Pepper vines growing up the mahogany trees
5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the prayers of the elect who are now living on the earth in their mortal experience, will increase. These prayer to us increase because now greater calamities will be unleashed upon the wicked. Our elect pray for help, guidance and protection upon themselves and their loved ones. We will now direct these prayers to this golden altar. They will rise before our temple, with the smoke of the incense that is continually burning here on the altar. These prayers stand as a witness before us, and to those who may behold this in vision, that the protection and blessings we will pour out upon our faithful who offer these prayers is fully justified. When our elect pray to us, in the sincerity of their hearts, we hear their requests. We then have their prayers rise in the air with this burning incense from our golden altar as a memorial and witness before all.'
6. I then looked at the golden altar more closely. I saw a steady flow of smoke from the burning incense on the altar rise up into the sky, between my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The smoke of the burning rose straight up, for there was no wind, until it was out of sight. I then saw that the smoke of the incense also contained the prayers of the righteous. These prayers were not visible, but were somehow in the smoke. I saw this from my spirit sense capability. The smoke was rich with these prayers at this current moment.
7. Heavenly Mother then told me to look again at the smoke, during a time in the near future when calamities on the earth would be at their peak. I looked again upon the smoke. It still had the same amount of smoke rising up into the sky but now was so much more impregnated with the urgent prayers of the elect! These hidden prayers seemed to be colored red in their urgencies! I could tell that these prayers were much more intense and frequent. The smoke of the incense was so saturated with the prayers of the righteous. This smoke all appeared red with my spirit sense, but the smoke still was black through my spiritual sight.
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, even though the intensity and amount of these latter prayers are so very much more, we will hear every one and answer them with a blessing upon the head of our righteous child. This will be during a time when our angels and messengers from heaven will also be at their highest activity level answering many of these prayers for us.'
9. I then heard my Heavenly Father: 'Raphael, tell our holy angels and servants now to prepare their hearts and minds to serve us continually without ceasing. We rely on them so much!'
10. I then bowed my head and acted as I felt inspired. I came into the smoke of the incense that rose up into the sky. I elevated myself above the height of the temple, still inside the column of smoke. I then withdrew my trumpet of God and pressed it to my lips. I faced north and blew a single note, then faced east and blew the same note, and also south and then west, blowing the same note in each of these directions.
11. I then withdrew my trumpet, faced north to the Great Assembly Hall in the far distance and spoke loudly: 'All angels and servants enlisted in the service of God, prepare your hearts and minds to serve God continually without ceasing, to answer the prayers of the elect on the earth that they offer to our Gods. Follow strictly the inspiration from God how you are to answer these prayers!'
12. I then replaced the trumpet under my robe. I next descended in the smoke until I was between my Heavenly Parents, just above the golden altar. I then stepped to the north on the ground to my place where they had been speaking to me.
13. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have done well in alerting all of our angels and servants!'
Vanilla beans before curing
14. I looked then into his eternity eyes. They were so deep and powerful and full of love. I looked at Heavenly Mother's eternity eyes next. Hers were so loving and accepting of all her children it seemed. I could sense her eagerness to respond to the least sincere prayer from one of her mortal children. I knew both heard every prayer!
15. They then both extended their hands to me. I took them in both of my hands. I felt great strength from them, even an assurance that I could do all the work they had for me to do in the days ahead. They then smiled and dropped their hands. They turned and walked back to their temple hand in hand. When they entered into the temple, the doors of the temple shut behind them.
16. I asked in my mind if I recorded all correctly of this prayer in my journal. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have recorded accurately all that occurred this morning.'
17. I then thanked my Heavenly Parents for this wonderful experience. I said I would follow all that they inspired me to do. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for my new Sabbath day.
18. After church–My wife and I attended our own ward at noon. We stayed for the sacrament meeting. We met lots of our neighbors there. I really enjoyed hymn 44 "Beautiful Zion, Build Above" that we sang, especially verses 2 & 3.
19. Beautiful heav'n, where all is light;
Beautiful angels clothed in white;
Beautiful strains that never tire;
Beautiful harps thru all the choir;
There shall I join the chorus sweet,
Worshipping at the Savior's feet.
Beautiful crowns on every brow;
Beautiful palms the conq'rors show;
Beautiful robes the ransomed wear;
Beautiful all who enter there;
Thither I press with eager feet;
There shall my rest be long and sweet.
20. As I sang, I could easily envision all of this, for most have I already seen. I wondered if those in the congregation had any idea what they were singing about. I don't think so!
21. I came again to the golden altar where I had been this morning in prayer. I knelt facing the incense, which was rising, with God's temple in the background. The temple doors were still closed.
An ancient Mayan ruin in Belize
22. After the priest's prayer on the bread, I made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents, even though I didn't see them in front of me. When done, I saw the temple doors open and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walked to me from the temple doors. They came and stood on the other side of the golden altar.
23. When I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to us today. We will bless you with strength and vitality to fulfill your heavy workload you will soon receive from us.'
24. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you need our deep love and acceptance of all of our children, for this will give you the ability to endure the many consecutive assignments that we will be giving to you. We bless you with our love and acceptance in more abundance for all of our mortal children.'
25. Heavenly Father then asked me to write all of these words down. I pulled out my pocket journal and wrote. When done, he said that I had written this correctly. I have since transcribed this account into my larger personal journal.
26. Later in the sacrament meeting, I checked in at this same location in the celestial orb. I saw neither of my Heavenly Parents and the temple doors were closed. We returned home and are soon going to visit our widow neighbor who now lives in a rest home not far away. I later called my aging mother and had a great talk with her.
27. Evening–We just finished having an enjoyable family party at our house. Four of our children and their children came and we ate and enjoyed each other's company.
28. It is now 10:00 p.m. and the house is back in order almost. I am reclined in my chair and want to commune with my God. I came to the little stream flowing into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank from living water here. I feel refreshed and clear. I then knelt on the grass facing the lake and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
29. On the lake, I saw my Heavenly Mother descend and then float in the air to me. She came across the lake shore and grassy slope, right in front of me. She was smiling and beaming with light and acceptance of me.
30. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad to meet with you tonight on the shores of this beautiful lake. Some of the angels have wondered if we have communed with them using spirit sense. They also would like to experience this themselves again. Of all of our children who have or will come to the earth, our angels have tried the hardest to keep and use their spirit sense. They have occasionally been asked to fulfill assignments that require their spirit sense. You, Raphael, have kept your spirit sense alive and working in all of your pre-mortal life and now have been able to easily rekindle this ability in the flesh.
31. If our children wish to test and develop more fully their spirit sense that is inherent in their intelligence, which occupies and controls their spirit, they may call upon us. We will show to them everything that we have shown to you. They need to approach us in faith and we will personally guide them according to their desires.
32. The most common thought our children have when trying to perceive with only their intelligence, is the feeling or thoughts that what comes into their mind is their own imaginations. They need to be open and accept that these gentle thoughts are not their own, but are really coming from another intelligence. They need to develop trust and faith they truly are perceiving what they receive and that this is using their spirit sense.
33. Raphael, you often feel glimmers of ideas of what will shortly happen. This is often your own spirit sense perception, and not that of the Spirit or spiritual perception. Your spirit sense is more perceived and not seen. Your spirit sense has no spiritual or physical eyes. If you have such a perception, then feel free to ask of us if this is from your spirit sense and we will let you know. By this means, and by diligently asking of us, any of our children may develop again their spirit sense in mortality.
34. When I come to one of my children, and speak to them as the Holy Ghost, I use my spiritual level of communication that they may see and hear with their own spiritual perception. This is how we communed usually in the pre-mortal life with our children. This is communication through our directed thoughts, from one spirit to another. I use this spirit-to-spirit communication as the Holy Ghost. The spirit sense is an intelligence-to-intelligence level of communication and is the most reliable of all communications available.
35. In the pre-mortal life, our spirit children became accustomed to communicate with us and each other using their spirit communication skills. Most had forgotten how to communicate as the intelligences do, using only intelligence communication, or spirit sense.
36. When our children receive physical bodies, most also forget their spiritual communication skills and use only their physical body communication skills. Our elect, however, are familiar enough with their previous spiritual perception and communication skills that when I speak to them, by my Spirit and by the power of the Holy Ghost, they listen, recognize me, and then obey. There are only a few of them that can detect the spirit sense communication in the mortal physical state at this time.
37. Once our elect come into our Church of the Firstborn, they are given more opportunities to relearn their spirit sense capability. This still is vital to possess once they become ordained as a God. How else could they perceive and communicate with the intelligences if they didn't have their own spirit sense activated?
38. In the millennial day, when the earth will be fully transitioned to her glorious terrestrial level, there will be many who can actively commune with their own spirit sense. They may therefore communicate to the plants and animals, the earth, atmosphere, and water on the earth. This is a very high level of communication, used by the gods, but not limited to them. It is inherent in the capability of their own intelligence and cannot be restricted from any living being.
39. When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, they mostly communicated with the plants and animals there with their spiritual communication skills. When the earth fell to a telestial level, the plants and animals lost their spiritual communication skills and were only reachable by their spirit sense. Mankind, on the other hand, could physically speak to each other and relied on this physical method almost exclusively, losing their spiritual communication skills and their spirit sense communication skills.
40. In eternity, among the Gods, we communicate with both spirit sense and spiritual perception or communication. We may also speak orally to those on the earth who are in a lower physical order or to those in eternal telestial or terrestrial orbs.
41. Raphael, we came to you in April 2013 using your spirit sense and some of your spiritual perception ability. This was a very deep and reliable and sure level of communion.
42. Joseph Smith, the prophet, saw and communed with your Heavenly Father and Jesus primarily with his spiritual perception ability, and also a little with his audible hearing and physical eyesight. However, the impact of the First Vision was primarily with Joseph's spiritual perception. Most visions and revelations of our children are with that spiritual perception, or by the voice of the Spirit.'
43. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her enlightening words on the differences between the three levels of communication. I feel so blessed to know how to communicate in all three, even if at a rudimentary level. I feel so desires to further gain skills in the spirit sense ability I have. Heavenly Mother then started ascending up into the sky. I watched until she was gone.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 14, 2019, Monday
1. I also reread my entry from last night. It seems more and more clear how communication works between intelligent beings in the various stages of their growth. I wondered too about foreign languages, if these are only part of our telestial state, and if there is only one language spoken in both the spirit sense and spiritual perception states. I hope my Heavenly Parents will address this today.
2. I came to the overlook point at the edge of the fir forest that is above the Father's wheat field. I could see below me the large oak tree in the northwestern part of that field. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I saw someone working in the field below. I realized that this was my Heavenly Father. I observed him with a sickle in his hand. I was curious how he was using this and whom the wheat represented. He soon looked up, saw me, and beamed himself up in the air right in front of me. He still had his sickle in his hand. I thought of the scripture in Revelations 14:14-20 where Christ, the Son of Man, held a sharp sickle in his hand. I had been in the white cloud on Mount Timpanogas on October 3, 2016 with my sister K (see post 28). At that time I saw Christ on the mountain with a sickle.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct in thinking that this sickle is the one that Jesus Christ held on Mount Zion, as spoken of in Revelations 14:14–"And I looked and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle."
The view of the jungle from a pyramid in Belize
4. Jesus Christ used this sickle to reap the earth, which was to begin the harvesting of the fully ripe grapes and to cast these into the great winepress of the wrath of God (see Revelation 14:18-19). This is spoken figuratively, and the winepress of the wrath of God is yet to be pressed. The wicked have yet to be fully removed from the righteous and cast into this winepress. We are now much closer to this happening. This is the same as the event in the parable of the wheat and tares, when the tares of the earth are to be bound in bundles, and the field remains to be burned.
5. D&C 86:7–"Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned."
6. Raphael, I was going through my field of wheat representing the elect of God on the earth, and carefully evaluated each plant. I have yet found some tares, and these I cut down with my sickle. I have placed these aside of my field, on my road that leads to the oak tree. I have asked my angels to bind these tares in bundles, soon to be burned with fire.
7. D&C 86:5–"Behold, verily I say unto you, the angels are crying unto the Lord day and night, who are ready and waiting to be sent forth to reap down the fields."
8. The wheat is now fully ripe, ready for harvest. This means we will now soon gather them, one by one, into our safe garners. We need, however, to remove the tares from among them, separate them one by one, and bind them ready for burning. This means that the time is now at hand for calamities of all varieties to come to the earth, which calamities are aimed at destroying the wicked, the nations of the earth, and the evil establishments and organizations on the earth. Our great work in saving the elect and destroying the wicked is to be done one at a time. I know the works of each of my children, and your Heavenly Mother and I will access the hearts and works of each of our mortal children. This time of judgment in separating the wicked from the righteous is now fully at hand.'
9. Heavenly Father then gave me the sharp sickle to heft and feel in my hands. It had a wooden handle, and the blade was curved. It was very sharp, for I passed my thumb across it softly so as to not cut myself. The blade seemed made of fine steel.
10. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we will use this sharp sickle in separating the wicked from the righteous in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is where my wrath will begin when it comes on the earth as a whirlwind. I will first separate those who blaspheme me in the midst of mine house. (see D&C 112:26)
11. Your Heavenly Mother and I will also call upon the angels to help us separate the wicked in preparation for their removal from the earth. We will work in coordination with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and with John the Beloved, his son, who has been commissioned to do much of the destructive work among the nations and peoples of the earth.
12. I gave the sickle back to my Father. He took it, smiled at me, and then said that he needed to return now to his field below. He departed and I saw him return to the same spot he was in when he first saw me this morning.
13. I thanked him in my mind for his great revelation to me this morning. I thanked him for showing me his sharp sickle too. He then looked up from his field below, acknowledging to me that he heard my grateful words. He continued again in his work..
The beach at Costa Maya
14. Evening–Today I had a good and very open conversation with my sister K. It is a heavy load to type up all of my journal entries! I know too that I sometimes write a lot, or tend to belabor a given topic. This seemed especially true with how I wrote about light matter, spirit sense and perhaps the details of creation. I believe my Heavenly Parents are kind enough to keep explaining to me when I really haven't fully grasped how some concept all works, in detailed sequence and understanding. I know I have an analytical mind and love to know logically and in detail how everything works. So I am sorry if my journal entries might be too repetitive at times and so detailed! I know this method greatly helps me understand.
15. Were another person to receive the same revelations from God, they would undoubtedly perceive differently and write what they received with a different slant. I know my writings tend to be detailed and analytical.
16. Tonight I came to the bench at the desert oasis. As I looked out on the water, I saw someone sitting on the bench! I turned and saw my Heavenly Father smiling at me! He patted the bench and invited me to sit next to him.
17. He then spoke: 'Raphael, you have correctly written that you receive our revelations through your own thoughts, and filter them according to your understanding and then write them immediately in your journal. This is very acceptable to us.
18. Another of our children would write somewhat differently our same revelation, according to his/ her filter. This is also acceptable to us. We speak to our children and they write according to their own understanding and perceptions.
19. 2 Nephi 29:11–"For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man (and woman) according to their works, according to that which is written."
20. When you grow in your understanding of our truths and ways, you are able to more deeply and quickly understand our new revelations. We gradually build up your new mindset to become more and more filled with our truths and perspectives.'
21. I expressed my difficulty in understanding some things he and Heavenly Mother share with me. I asked that he verify my words, if they are all true, to the sincere and faithful.
22. He spoke again: 'We will verify by the witness of our Spirit, all the words you write that you state come from us. Your words are written in weakness, but we will make them great. As men and women humble themselves before us, their Heavenly Parents, we will reveal the truthfulness of all these words to them.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting comments. I pray continually for the clarity of God to be with me as I write down what I receive from God.
Oak Alley Plantation
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 15, 2019, Tuesday
1. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake, near the bench. I was among some pretty flowers, daffodils that were purple and yellow–so beautiful! I found a grassy spot among them and knelt, facing the little stream that goes into the lake. I felt clear and receptive. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
2. I then saw my Heavenly Mother walking to me from beyond the stream. She was smiling at me, glowing in light and acceptance of me. She spoke immediately to me: 'Raphael, I am glad to come to you each time I answer your prayer. You are responsive, accurate in what you perceive, and very open. This allows us to share with you as we wish. These are attributes we desire that all of our children would have when they seek our face.
3. We have been guiding you on the details of how to index your posts. Implement this method on your current post, with this journal entry being the last one in that post. Once you feel it is working well, then go backwards to the previous post and index that one. Proceed one at a time, as you are able, until you come to post 1. Keep the index in alphabetical order, by the topics we inspire you to create. This will take time, so don't feel rushed, but do this as you are able.'
4. Heavenly Mother was smiling, full of light. I love her sparkling eyes! They were conveying to me love and acceptance. I thanked her for her confirming words. I felt happy and so peaceful in her presence.
5. I asked her if there was more she wanted to share with me today. She said she was done for now, but would like to stroll with me around the lake if I desired. I stood, took her hand, and we walked to the wide path that goes around the beautiful lake. I found that my replicated person went with her, while I watched us depart from the place I was kneeling. I turned and came to the nearby bench for a better view. I watched both Heavenly Mother and me as we headed south on the west side of the lake. We were soon out of sight. I closed my prayer and started my day."
Oak trees lining the walkway to the Oak Alley Plantation
J. Here are some emails I'd like to share:
1. From my sister, K: "R, this is what I wrote last night in my journal:
2. Thank you my beloved Heavenly Parents for this day in mortality. I know I expressed frustration with Raphael about the differences between spirit sense, spiritual perceptions and other kinds of godly spiritual communion. I expressed frustration because those differences and details don't matter to me. All the nitty details don't seem pertinent to me. What matters to me is to grow in true communion with God, however it happens, to grow in love, light, insight, FAITH, trust, love, kindness, wisdom etc. I want to treat others with love, sensitivity and respect, to speak my truth, to use my voice and actions for good. All the myriad of details do not matter much to me and yet it consumes volumes in what Raphael writes about. So I have had some frustrations.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Our daughter, you needn't be overly concerned about all the many details we have shared with Raphael. Take in what you wish. You are right that what matters more is how you live, how to treat others, how much you love, and your strivings to shed the weaknesses of the flesh for the divine nature you have within you. Do not get bothered. Your efforts of typing these entries are appreciated. We love and appreciate you as does Raphael.'
4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Our daughter, your focus is very different than Raphael's and you are justified in feeling the way you do. Do not despair! Rejoice in those matters that elevate and uplift you. We understand and we are with you. We love you, our dear Rachael. Never think less of yourself for not being interested in the myriad of details that we share with Raphael. Some of our children want and need all those pieces of information. You do not. All is perfect.'
5. My response: 'Thank you my loving Heavenly Parents. I am grateful for your hopeful and supportive words to me.'"
6. From R.S.: "Hi R, I just wanted to thank you for your hard work and this amazing post (106). Please share with M.A. and our other dear friends (I don't remembers their names), it's such joy to read. R please let your sister know how much I appreciate her efforts in this great work. Your dear friend, R.S.