68. The Fire of the Battle
Posted 2-11-2018

Hello my friends!

These posts seem to be coming faster, with more punch, and very long! I hope you enjoy this post, with its interesting twists. I share a lot of personal stuff, but I guess it is all personal, isn't it!

Please try to keep up by confirming at least some of the big things in this post, like the increased opposition of Satan and his hosts, like the revelations on portals and our two minds, and like the several meetings in the Great Assembly Hall I talk about. Please make personal time for meditation and prayer–the rewards and connection with your Heavenly Father and Mother are amazing!

You each are being abundantly blessed by our loving Heavenly Parents. They are sending your unconscious minds a hosts of repeated assignments to bless and strengthen each other and the elect of God. Wow, these are such glorious times!

Write me as you have time! I love your questions and my connection with you.

May the peace of God rest upon each one of you!


P.S. I said that this is another very long post. I hope you don't mind, for the flow of information from God seems without end! FYI, I have just completed my 20th mortal journal since the start of all this in 2013! I am told there are more that I keep in heaven too. These pictured are all filled and labeled as you see below. I also have lots of pocket journals that I have taken with me to record energy work and revelation on the spot, wherever I may be.

My 20 personal journals and pocket journals since April 2013

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 25, 2018 Thursday 1:55 AM

1. I awoke early this morning and wasn't able to go to sleep. I had earlier gone to bed around 11:30 PM, and then my wife soon came in and interrupted my prayer. I had been in a conversation with my Heavenly Parents at the desert oasis. They were instructing me, telling me that they approved of what I had written for my post 67 "Why Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?"

Anyway, I abruptly ended my prayer and started talking to my wife. I got very tired and fell asleep after we had talked for some time. I had never finished my prayer!

So after I awoke just now and couldn't go to sleep, I decided to go finish my prayer.

I came to the oasis again, and my Heavenly Parents were still there, waiting for me to return! Felt bad that I had gone to bed after talking with my wife, and that I had not returned to my prayer!

I then asked if they had a message for me.

2. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are fine with your prayer being interrupted when your wife came into your bedroom. You really couldn't continue with her there awake next to you. However, We were in a communion, a conversation that you needed to return to! We were waiting for you to return, even if you were tired, to end our conversation and prayer.'

3. I immediately asked forgiveness of my Heavenly Parents! I felt very bad to have neglected my prayer this evening! Heavenly Father said they forgave me, but to not do this again. He said that they could see if there are circumstances that prevent completing a prayer. But once these are completed I should return to the prayer to complete it.

I have learned an important lesson! I will not repeat this again!

This message is what my Heavenly Parents wanted to tell me tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of their son Jesus Christ, and then went back to bed.

4. Later-at morning prayer: I awoke at 8 AM and came to my adjacent bedroom. I feel refreshed and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I decided today to go to the circling waters. I drank from living waters there, and then petitioned my Heavenly Parents to come.

Next there was a bright light coming directly overhead. It gradually descended until my Heavenly Father was before me! Heavenly Mother was not there. I gazed on Heavenly Father and looked into his deep and accepting eternity eyes. I was able to actually go inside of his eyes and see myself kneeling before him. I saw myself very open to receive, and more mature than last time I viewed myself from God's eyes.

5. I came back to myself and gazed again on the face of God, my Eternal Father.

I then opened our conversation. I told him how privileged I felt to come into his presence. I told him how much I loved him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, my Redeemer.

I prayed for the well-being of my family. I prayed that they too would have spiritual connections with them, my God. I prayed for their health and happiness.

I then asked that the holy angels might receive well the post I am currently wrapping up, post 67. This has been difficult for me to receive, with the rehearsal again of the state of the LDS Church and its leaders. It has never been anything I have sought for!

I then asked my Heavenly Father for any message he might want to share with me.

6. He asked me to write his words in my journal, as he would speak them to me:

'Raphael, I am pleased to come before you this morning. Your Heavenly Mother will join us soon in our connection together. Sometimes one or both of us come to you when you ask for both of us to come. This all depends on our message we have prepared for you that day.

7. We have been gradually tutoring you in the ways of heaven and of the Gods, and gradually sharing with you truths from heaven. We will continue to do so as you come unto us so faithfully. We will do so for every one of our children who come unto us with diligence, with an open heart and mind, and in humility. Change and new direction is what we reveal to our elect, so that they may ultimately become even as we are.

8. We are pleased when you and the others who have access to your writings are able to review the truths we have shared with you. This is a great part of our revelations, when we reveal all things to the children of men, at the beginning of the millennium:

9. D&C 101:32-34–

"Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things—

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."

10. During all of the future turmoil that is coming to the earth, we will continue to pour out upon you our revelations, in a continual flow of truth from heaven! Continue to record all of these in your journals on earth. They will also be recorded in heaven. These records will be combined with others we will bring forth to constitute these great revelations we will soon share with the faithful.'

Heavenly Father stopped speaking. He then turned towards heaven above. Another very bright light started descending from the sky above, from the same place he had just come!

11. Soon my Heavenly Mother came before us, in resplendent light and glory! She was magnificently beautiful and shining! She was smiling broadly, and so happy it seemed! She took the left hand of Heavenly Father in her right hand and looked at him lovingly. She then turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, today is the revealing of my person and power in the world! I will shed forth more and more my love and light to you and the faithful, as you come to us, your Heavenly Parents. It is very appropriate for our children now to call on our names together when they pray. We will gradually reveal ourselves to them, even in mortality, as they humbly come unto us in faith.

12. Your words you have written and will write over the years will motivate our elect children to persist in coming to us in deep prayer and meditation. Your words will be revealed when we reveal all things in this, in a day called today, in the days of the coming of your Lord, Jesus Christ:

13. D&C 64:23 "Behold, now it is called today, until the coming of the Son of Man."

14. D&C 45:6 "Hearken, O ye people of my church, and ye elders listen together, and hear my voice while it is called today, and harden not your hearts."

15. Today is the day of my revealing, first to you and our holy angels on the earth, and then to the elect who hear our voice and keep our commandments.

Raphael, what we reveal to you will be read and studied by the faithful in a day not far distant. We have yet much to reveal to you, as fast as you are able to receive. Flow with the pace we now share with you, and you will see greater things yet that we will show you.'

16. She then extended her left hand to me and I took it in my right hand. I stood and we all then elevated together into the skies above from where they came. I saw that my replicated self went with them to regions unknown, above in the skies of heaven!

Thus ended an amazing prayer this morning! I can only assume my unconscious mind was further receiving more truths and revelations from God, yet unknown to my mortal conscious mind. I do know, however, that I feel so full of peace and light within. I feel so blessed!

I am now ready to start my day!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 26, 2018 Friday

1. I have been keeping myself very busy during each day, with my lists of things to do. It has been fun getting more things done in my life nowadays!

Last night I felt to pray by the bench next to the fir forest, facing the Great Assembly Hall. I drank from Lake Beautiful prior to praying for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.

2. I fully expected them both to come, and then I saw, in my unconscious mind, both of them in front of me, smiling! They wanted me to go with them it seemed. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, there is a large meeting of our servants soon starting in the Great Assembly Hall. We want you to conduct the meeting and also speak there. Come with us now!'

3. I stood and came with them to the front of the meeting area. We were in the air above the podium area. I saw Michael, the great prince, Enoch the prophet, Joseph Smith the prophet, the leaders of the 144,000 Philip and Rebecca Johnson, and others on the stand. These were all on the elevated stand. There was a stirring in the room as people were getting seated in the vast congregation. I could see the people being seated were so vast–like every single servant and gatherer of the elect was being assembled!

4. My Heavenly Parents then smiled at me and went to the southwest upper corner, out of view of the people. I felt like I, too, was out of view, above the podium in the air!

I then felt my prayer was meant to end, and resume in the morning! I looked into the faces of my Heavenly Parents and knew I was to continue tomorrow morning when I was more alert. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and then went to bed.

5. Now it is morning on Friday, about 8:30 AM. I have just written all of the above. I feel I am now again in the air above the podium, where I left off last night. In my mind, I see the faces of my Heavenly Parents still in the corner, encouraging me now to step down to the podium and start the meeting. Okay, here goes!

I descended to the podium and made myself visible to all. I turned and faced those seated behind me and smiled. They each saw me too and smiled back.

6. I then turned and faced the huge crowd before me. I started speaking:

'Welcome to our meeting today of God's servants! We are all called to help rescue, gather and encourage the elect of God. These are found on the earth in their mortal experience and in the world of spirits. In our meeting today we will be addressing our efforts to help these elect.

My name is Raphael, the third male archangel. I have been asked to conduct this meeting and later speak to you.'

7. At this time, I wondered what we should sing, and the name of the hymn "God Speed the Right" (Hymns, page 106) came into my mind. I next said to the group that we would sing, "God Speed the Right", accompanied by a heavenly orchestra behind me. After this, Sophia, the first female archangel, would offer the opening prayer.'

"God Speed the Right"

Now to heav'n our prayer ascending,
God speed the right;
In a noble cause contending,
God speed the right.
Be our zeal in heav'n recorded,
With success on earth rewarded.
God speed the right.
God speed the right.

Be that prayer again repeated,
God speed the right;
Ne'er despairing, though defeated,
God speed the right.
Like the great and good in story,
If we fail, we fail with glory.
God speed the right.
God speed the right.

Patient, firm, and persevering,
God speed the right;
No event nor danger fearing,
God speed the right.
Pains, nor toils, nor trials heeding,
And in heav'n's good time succeeding,
God speed the right.
God speed the right.

Text: Wiliam E. Hickson, 1803–1870
Music: Ernst Moritz Arndt, 1796–1860

8. We sang the hymn and she offered an opening prayer. I saw she wore her full angel vestures, as did I. It was a little curious to me that Sophia (with a different mortal name), hasn't been following my posts since I asked the mortal angels to sustain me as the only one to receive and confirm revelation from God for the Church of the Firstborn.

9. Anyway, after she prayed, I stood again and spoke:

'My dear brothers and sisters, Michael, our lead archangel, had indicated in our last major gathering, that we would have regular meetings together in the future. This is the first of these regular meetings he talked about.

10. Since our last meeting, our numbers have significantly grown! We have assembled in this vast meeting into the following groups:

• All of the resurrected children that came forth at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. These lived from the days of Michael or Adam, until the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
• All of Enoch's group of translated individuals. These include those of Melchizedek and some others who had joined them, all translated to a celestial glory.
• All of the holy angels of God, including all male and female archangels.
• All of the righteous in the world of the spirits on the earth who have been called and work with the departed souls who are the elect in that sphere.
• All of the 144,000 who are being translated now and awakened to their great calling.
• All of the committed Refugees of Lucifer who will comfort and bless the elect who come to them on Lake Beautiful.

These are all seated before me in separate groups.

11. Lastly, we have the unseen presence of God the Father and our Heavenly Mother, in the top back corner to my right. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Savior, has now just joined them too. He will come to speak to us and hopefully bless us near the end of our gathering!

12. We will hear from the following leaders in this order:

First, Joseph Smith, Jr., the mighty prophet of the restoration in these latter-days will speak. He will be followed by Enoch the prophet and then Michael, or Adam, the first mortal man. I will then speak and then I will invite Jesus Christ to come to the stand. We will proceed now with our speakers.'

I then turned and sat next to Michael and Joseph on the stand.

Joseph Smith extended his hand to me and smiled broadly as I came to sit down. He then came to the podium and addressed the vast group.

13. Joseph spoke at first like a lamb and grew more and more in great power and strength, like a lion. His skill of oration was remarkable! He wore a white suit of some kind. He spoke of the many faithful in the world of spirits that had been specifically called and were present in today's congregation. He also said there were so many faithful and elect in the current Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the earth. He said that these would be gathered mostly after they had tribulation in their lives, from the many calamities coming to the earth. They would be gathered physically and spiritually to safe places in their distress.

14. Joseph then spoke of the great need to follow the intimations of the Holy Spirit in all of our activity. He said we each had the right to revelation from God also. He emphasized the need to act quickly and decisively when we received a commandment or prompting from God. He emphasized that the great work we all do is fully orchestrated by our Heavenly Parents.

15. He concluded with his witness of Jesus Christ being the Savior of all mankind. He bore testimony of the pure religion of our Savior. He said he (Joseph) would return to the earth and restore again the Church of Christ that would practice this pure religion again in the world. Joseph's great message was powerful and remarkable to me. I was riveted by all his words!

16. The next one to speak was Enoch the prophet. He said that he had his group of translated souls almost exclusively working now with the Refugees of Lucifer. He told the group of my recent powerful speech to all the hosts of Satan, and how so many have since come to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ! He said that all of the resurrected servants and all of his translated servants work together still in teaching and serving this vast body of spirits. He said the conversion of these has been so remarkable! He said these are like the Anti-Nephi-Lehi group of Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon who converted to Jesus Christ and the religion of the Nephites.

17. Enoch said that Jesus Christ had asked that he be the head leader of the Refugees of Lucifer for now. He said his group and the resurrected souls provide priesthood leadership for this group of refugees.

18. After Enoch sat down, Michael spoke. He spoke with such power and authority and spirit! He expressed great love to all in the congregation. He asked his wife, Eve, who was on the stand, to come join him. He put his arm around her as she spoke to the group. I felt like she was so much like our Heavenly Mother as she spoke! She exuded great love and compassion for all of us, her children and for the refugees who would one day become her children in the flesh, during the millennium. When they both concluded, the entire assembly stood in honor of this, the first man and the first woman!

19. I then addressed the congregation. I told of my recent experiences with the holy angels in giving them each blessings. I said that our Heavenly Parents were there at each one also. I told that this year, 2018 on earth, would make a significant increase in the activity of all the holy angels. I emphasized that these angels of God, though relatively few, are far more empowered now than ever before. I said that any in this vast assembly could pray to God for an angel to come for their protection, and to add strength when confronted by Lucifer or his minions, and we would come immediately.

20. I then told about the scarlet red sashes that both John the Beloved and I had recently received from God. I then asked that John come stand next to me. He came, also holding his silver rod that he would use to vex the nations. I had John speak for a bit on his role and commission from his Father, Jesus Christ.

21. After John spoke, I told of my role to remove the evil spirits of Lucifer who passed their bounds to the distant prison orb. I explained, too, that I had the charge to take Lucifer and those who remained with him, and lock them all in the bottomless pit at the beginning of the millennium. I emphasized we have a battle before us with Satan that will be ferocious at times. However, we would be fully victorious in all aspects in saving the elect of God.

22. I then paused and became teary-eyed. I said we each needed to bend the knee at that moment and receive the presence of our glorious and powerful Savior, Jesus Christ! I retreated to a place just in front of my chair and knelt with those on the stand.

We all then knelt on one or both knees and bowed our heads. Jesus Christ then came in power and great glory from the ceiling in a pillar of light! He came to a place above the podium and stopped. He was smiling and so radiantly bright!

23. He then spoke peace to our souls. He spoke to each of us by our name and expressed his love to us! He then embraced each one somehow. We each had a personal experience with our great Redeemer. This was the best conclusion of any meeting I think I had ever attended!

Jesus then ascended back up into the skies, the same way he arrived. We were all overcome with joy and awe!

24. I stood and came again to the podium. I paused and then spoke:

'We will now conclude our remarkable meeting by singing "Jesus, Mighty King in Zion" (Hymns, 234).'

The orchestra appeared again and accompanied us.

"Jesus, Mighty King in Zion"

1. Jesus, mighty King in Zion,
Thou alone our guide shalt be.
Thy commission we rely on;
We will follow none but thee.

2. As an emblem of thy passion
And thy vict'ry o'er the grave,
We, who know thy great salvation,
Are baptized beneath the wave.

3. Fearless of the world's despising,
We the ancient path pursue,
Buried with the Lord and rising
To a life divinely new.

Text: John Fellows, d. 1783. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
Music: Tracy Y. Cannon, 1879–1961. © 1948 IRI

25. After this, J.K., one of the healing angels, came and offered the benediction. We then dispersed to our various places.

I felt like my morning prayer was concluding! I knelt down and confirmed all happened, as I have written in the past hour and a half. I then started my mortal day.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 27, 2018 Saturday

1. I just re-read the full account of the remarkable meeting yesterday in the Great Assembly Hall. I feel that I accurately recorded all of it.

Last night I prayed to my Heavenly Parents at the base of the upper waterfall, on the north side of the pool of water. I saw how this water somehow went underground and flowed to all of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens in an amazing distribution system.

2. My Heavenly Parents both came to me there last night. I gazed upon their happy faces. I had the night before shared with my oldest son my first encounter with Heavenly Mother (his family came over for dinner). He had written me about this later, about being guided in his scripture study by energy testing what to study. He also referred me to D&C 67:10-13 where he had been led, to where God gives us a promise to see him and know he lives.

3. D&C 67:10-13–

"And again, verily I say unto you that it is your privilege, and a promise I give unto you that have been ordained unto this ministry, that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am—not with the carnal neither natural mind, but with the spiritual.

For no man has seen God at any time in the flesh, except quickened by the Spirit of God.

Neither can any natural man abide the presence of God, neither after the carnal mind.

Ye are not able to abide the presence of God now, neither the ministering of angels; wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfected."

4. This explains that seeing God is not with the carnal neither natural mind, but with the spiritual. I realized that this is how I have always been able to see and converse with God! To have this privilege, we need to strip ourselves from jealousies and fears (two negative emotions), and humble ourselves. If we are sufficiently humble, the veil shall be rent and we will see God.

5. This morning I prayed at this same pool under the waterfall. I was facing south. I prayed and my Heavenly Parents came to me. I gazed upon their loving and happy faces. I scanned their glorious bodies, their robes, and saw their scarlet red waist sashes, tied on their right sides.

6. I asked if they had a message for me. Heavenly Father asked me to stand and join them! I stood and took their hands, Heavenly Mother in my right hand and Heavenly Father in my left. We walked across the pool of living water to the south. We soon came to a canal about 1 to 1 1/2 feet wide and very long, made of cement or stone of some kind. The water came from the waterfall pool via an underground corridor to this canal. The canal had openings that opened and closed, allowing the living water to flood-irrigate a particular garden bed on the slopes of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. The water went over the soil in each bed, being absorbed by the roots of her plants. The nutrients from the rich soil, the living water and the light from the celestial world created fruit, vegetable and flowers in rich abundance!

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, I desire to feed you again at my glass table today. Come with us!'

We then traveled above her lower gardens to the glass table. She asked me to sit while she retrieved the foods she wanted to feed me. She soon brought a whole mango and a bowl of freshly picked berries, looking like marion berries. She said:

8. 'Raphael, these two fruits are specifically designed to strengthen your weakness. They will help you to be more self-assured, and yet continue to be very humble and obedient to us.'

I ate the entire mango except the seed, and all of the berries. They were very enlivening to me!

9. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Your Father and I want to feed each of our holy angels at my glass table, here in my beautiful heavenly gardens! They need to come to us in great humility, as the scripture your son shared with you states in D&C 67:10 "And again, verily I say unto you that it is your privilege, and a promise I give unto you that have been ordained unto this ministry, that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am–not with the carnal neither natural mind, but with the spiritual."

10. When our angels, who are ordained and called to this ministry by us to do our will, and come to us in great humility, we will bring them to my glass table. I will determine what foods to strengthen them in their weaknesses. They may then eat here as you have eaten, and become more powerful angels of God before us!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother profusely for her wonderful foods and her kindness and love towards me. I said I would relay this message to all the angels in my next post 68, when they tell me to share it.

I looked again into the faces of God, and so enjoyed their happy and warm countenances! I was smiling broadly too, seeking to have their image in my own countenance!

I knew my prayer was ending. I kept gazing upon them and then realized I was praying on my knees, with my blanket on my back, next to my recliner. I arose and wrote all of this immediately in my journal. I then started my day. It is sunny with snow on the ground. I feel very much settled and happy!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 28, 2018 Sunday

1. This morning and last night I went to the fountain of living water. This morning I drank and then knelt, facing south, with room between myself and the fountain for God to come. Heavenly Mother came from her lower gardens. She soon stood in glory before me. Heavenly Father did not come today. I gazed upon her face and body before me–I knew it was she!

I opened my prayer, thanking her for the great privilege of being in her presence. I thanked her for appearing to me back in April 2013, the first time she came to the energy class I attended. I recalled some of the great things she and Heavenly Father have shown me since then. Wow, what an amazing journey!

2. I asked her a question about replication, given to me from M.A. (a mortal angel) by email:

'I did have one question that I don't understand, what is the doctrine of replication? I thought only God, angels and now Enoch's group could replicate. Are the elect of God able to replicate? Because you mentioned that the angels brought the replicated spirits of the elect to the celestial world to be helped by the Refugees of Satan. I'm a little confused. Can the spirits of all people replicate?'

3. I asked Heavenly Mother, and she asked me to write her answer:

'Raphael, the resurrected servants and the people of Enoch have the charge to bring the replicated spirits of the elect in their unconscious mind, to Lake Beautiful. There, the Refugees of Lucifer will be able to comfort and bless them.

4. The elect of God are given power to replicate their spirits for this strengthening experience. They live in a darkened and difficult world. This will be a great blessing to them!

Your Heavenly Father and I extend the practice of replication to those whom we will, for our own purposes. Not all of our children that come to earth have this privilege.

5. We first extended this to our holy angels so that they could fulfill all of our many commandments. They did this before even coming to earth for their mortal experience. When they came to earth to receive physical bodies, they continued replicating, for their workload continued.

6. We also extended this to Enoch's band because of their increased work among our elect. We have also extended this now to our resurrected servants who have attained a celestial resurrection. These all work with Enoch's translated servants in caring for and blessing the Refugees of Lucifer. They all have the power of replication. They replicate in their physical bodies since that is their resurrected or translated state.

7. The next group to whom we are now extending the power to replicate is the elect of God who possess a physical body on earth. These will be directed and invited to attend with the resurrected and translated servants, in their spirits, to Lake Beautiful. It is an act of mercy and kindness to them that we, God, have given. These mortals will have this experience in their replicated unconscious mind, in their spirits only.

8. The other servants we have and will yet fully call and awaken, are the 144,000 and those who are in the spirit paradise of God, in the world of the spirits on the earth. These will generally not be given the blessing of replication. They may do their work one-on-one with those elect they serve.

9. Sometimes, when we give our mortal child a vision, and they are brought into our presence, we, at that moment, replicate their spirits when they come into our world. They have their spirit and body on the earth, and their replicated spirit with us in heaven. This is what Lehi experienced in 1 Nephi 1:8–

10. "And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God."

11. Lehi's spirit was replicated and taken into heaven, to the Great Assembly Hall, in a meeting there with our pre-mortal spirits. Without replication, his body couldn't continue to function on earth, for it needed his spirit to continue to reside inside his body to perform all of its functions.

When we give our children visions or certain dreams, they necessarily need the ability to replicate themselves if we take them away from their bodies. Most of our children have dreams within their own bodies, so replication is not required.

12. In the millennial day, we will have many more of our elect on earth given the blessing of replication while living in mortality. The earth will be renewed and receive a paradisiacal glory, even a terrestrial state. Those who replicate will do so because we will extend this blessing to them due to their faith and desire, and the need to replicate.

13. We, who are your Gods, continually replicate ourselves to fulfill all of our desires to meet the needs of our many children. You, Raphael, blessed all of our holy angels recently, by replicating yourself in our celestial world. Without this, you couldn't have done so in so short of time.

When our children or we replicate, their minds are connected even though their bodies or spirits are replicated. They thus know all that their replicated selves are doing–all in their unconscious mind. In our world, our conscious and unconscious minds work together in unity as one.

14. We have not extended the power of replication to any of our other children. We guard this power for those who exhibit faith and obedience. It is extending to them one of our powers of Godliness. We may extend this power and revoke it, all according to our purposes and desires.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great explanation! I feel much more clear now on replication, and to whom this power has been extended.

I thus ended my time in prayer. I feel so blessed! I look forward to partaking of the sacrament today, and meeting my God(s) again in that meeting.

16. Later–We attended a local Utah ward. We met a few people we knew there. During the sacrament, I felt to go in my mind to the desert oasis that my Heavenly Parents had recently shown me. I made my covenant, while kneeling before the oasis. I didn't see my Heavenly Parents but I verbalized my covenant in my mind, right after the priest blessed the bread. I then saw my Heavenly Parents coming before me from a path to my left. They turned and faced me. They had loving and happy faces. They then waited until I partook of the bread. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

17. 'Raphael, your Father and I accept your covenant, and we will always be with you.

You and all of the holy angels may come here to the still waters as often as you wish to commune with us. This area is very quiet and peaceful. I come here frequently to meditate and connect with our children and with your Father. The oasis water has no outlet and is very still. It is connected to a slow gurgling aquifer under its surface that keeps it always at the same water level.'

18. I then asked her if I was pure and clean before them today.

The priest then blessed the water. Heavenly Father then answered my question:

'Raphael, you are clean and pure before us, for you couldn't come into our presence without being clean from all of your sins. It is only through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that you can be cleansed and purified before us so that you are able to be brought back into our presence.'

19. At this point in the sacrament meeting while I was writing, a boy sang 'Gethsemane', a very appropriate song for the words I just had received from my Father.

Music by Melanie and Roger Hoffman
Copyright with Peace Mountain Music ASCAP.
Lyrics licensed by LyricFind.

Jesus climbed the hill, to the garden still. His steps were heavy and slow. Love and a prayer, Took Him there to the place only He could go.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me! So He went willingly, to Gethsemane.

He felt all that was sad, wicked or bad, all the pain we would ever know. While His friends were asleep, He fought to keep His promise made long ago.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me! So He went willingly, to Gethsemane.

The hardest thing, that ever was done, the greatest pain that ever was known, the biggest battle that ever was won, this was done by Jesus! The fight was won by Jesus!
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me! So he gave His gift to me, in Gethsemane.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me! So he gives His gift to me, from Gethsemane.

20. Heavenly Father continued:

'Raphael, we are very pleased that you continue to persist in diligence in coming before us! You have received great understandings and revelations from our very mouths. How could we not reveal all things to you gradually, as you come daily to us in such a manner? We will continue to reveal from heaven all of our secrets and revelations over time to you as you continue to come unto us. We have so much to reveal to you, Raphael! We will also do so to all of our children who similarly come unto us.'

21. During the remainder of the meeting, I opened up my Book of Mormon on my gospel library phone app and read the scripture:

1 Ne 2:19 "And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

I felt everyone who seeks God with diligence and lowliness of heart, or true humility, will receive blessings, and knowledge, even revelation from God! This is the promise today from the Father to me, also for all of his children.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 29, 2018 Monday

1. This morning I prayed in the maple tree grove next to the Great Assembly Hall to the south. I drank of living waters from the lake. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came from the steps outside of the hall to a position to my north in the grove of trees. They were smiling at me.

2. I opened our conversation, and said a few things. I asked them to give me directions if they wanted. Heavenly Father asked me in my mind then to write the words he would speak:

'Raphael, we were here on the steps outside of the Great Assembly Hall because of another meeting we held there. We were leaving the meeting when you prayed unto us.

3. We had met early this morning with those that had been resurrected of our children at the time of Jesus Christ. These all had been raised from the dead and received a celestial resurrection at the time our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was resurrected.

Your Heavenly Mother and I had both addressed them. We revealed to these choice sons and daughters our plan for their involvement in these last days, prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

4. Their mission and responsibilities to help the elect of God are primarily focused on blessing the Refugees of Lucifer, in bringing the elect of God to them to Lake Beautiful, and in returning these elect back to their physical bodies on earth. They will also bring some of those in the world of the dead who are awaiting their resurrection.

5. Those who are resurrected have the most capabilities of all our children, with regards to their physical and spiritual bodies. They will be assisted in their work with the Refugees of Lucifer with Enoch's group of translated souls. These also have attained a celestial physical body, but are translated and not resurrected. They have not yet died, but were changed to a state of temporary suspension of the seeds of death. We did this so that they could inter-mingle with those in mortality to serve and bless them, without being detected, and in acting in secrecy among them. They have been doing this mission since the days of the flood. Their work has been very helpful to us. They work like the angels of God, in the celestial sphere.

6. Prior to the flood, Enoch's group of righteous souls lived in Zion on the earth. We walked with them and translated their city and themselves, allowing them to remain on the earth while others were gathered to them, also receiving translation. This city of the righteousness on the earth remained until just prior to the great flood. We chose not to translate Noah or his family since they would perpetuate mankind after the flood in mortality.

7. At the time of the removal of Enoch's city and people, we brought them to their current location in heaven, just east of Lake Beautiful. Their city was placed in the area of land which had been taken with Lucifer and his followers to the earth when they were cast out of heaven for rebellion. In a future day, Enoch's city will return to the earth, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. This will come back to its original location, to where the Gulf of Mexico is now located. This return will be in a day when the New Jerusalem will be built up in the center of the land, and the celestial temple will be under construction. It will be following much physical upheaval and destruction in the land of the now United States.

8. This landmass that is returned will contain all of Enoch's current city, a tree of life and a fountain of living water. Instead of receiving its living water from a small stream from Lake Beautiful, this fountain will receive living water from a river from the New Jerusalem fountain of living water. This water will exit the New Jerusalem fountain in four directions across the land of Zion. The river exiting south will go to the city of Zion where Enoch and his faithful group will live.

9. Once these return to the earth as a group, they will all be resurrected following the return of our Beloved Son to the earth. They will continue to live in this beautiful city of Zion on the earth to where they have come back after so many years. They will live in this city as a resurrected people, awaiting their entrance into the Church of the Firstborn, and of the death and resurrection of the earth at the end of the millennium. This place of inheritance will be their abode forever on the earth after the resurrection of the earth and their exaltation.

10. The landmass from our celestial world that brought Lucifer and his followers to the earth, prior to Adam and Eve, was brought to the earth at the northernmost part of the earth. It was a physical piece of land. Once it came, it assumed the same telestial state of the earth. When the earth dies at the end of the millennium, it will be returned to the valley where the city of Enoch now is located. In their future day, Enoch's city will have been removed to the earth from where it was originally taken. The northern landmass on the earth will then fill this valley in the celestial world and resume its celestial state again. It will no longer be a valley east of Lake Beautiful, but a level piece of land. This will return that part of our heavenly home to its original state prior to Lucifer's departure.

11. We use pieces of our celestial world and of the earth we have created for the temporary removal for our various purposes. In the end, all landmasses are returned to their original positions as we created them in the beginning. The celestial orb on which we live will be used for the next eternity we create, populated with our future descendants. We will, however, create a new earth for our new eternity of our children on which to dwell for their mortal experience. Your earth will become the eternal abode for all our resurrected and exalted children from your own eternity.

12. Raphael, our works never end, but continue on forever! We find the most joy and happiness in this great work of blessing our children who obey and follow us, and become like us. This is our great work and glory.'

13. I was so grateful to my Heavenly Father for his explanations this morning! I am amazed at the way revelation just flew to me from him as I write his words! I feel very honored to receive such great understandings and revelations!

I concluded my prayer and started my day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 30, 2018 Tuesday

1. Last night and this morning I prayed at the edge of the cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, near the waterfall, looking south. I settled on a place in which to pray after I meditated for a bit and clarified my mind by drinking living water. When I do so, it usually is the very best place for me to be instructed by my Heavenly Parents.

2. This morning in my prayer, I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. They came in the air from their holy temple to my west. Soon they were in front of me and I was very glad to gaze into their happy faces, full of light, joy and smiles. I always look into their eternity eyes. I often wonder how experienced and mature they are, having gone through countless eternities (countless to me, not to them). I feel so honored to be in their presence!

3. I wondered too about Heavenly Father's white beard. I know he could appear at any age he would want. However, he has chosen to look like a mature, wise man with white hair. Heavenly Mother has brown hair and look younger, but I know they are of equal maturity, perfectly matched!

4. I began my prayer, asking for a blessing upon my wife whom I love so much! I asked for her health and well-being. I asked that we could remain together, being a strength to each other, during our later years in our life on earth. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we will bless you in more years with your loving wife. She is a very choice and faithful daughter to us, and so filled with love! We will bless her to be with you as you fulfill your mission, into the millennial day.'

5. I thanked her for hearing my prayer and desire. This would be wonderful!

I then asked my Heavenly Parents if they had a message for me this morning. Heavenly Mother asked me then to write her words, as she would speak:

'Raphael, we have brought you to this location overlooking my lower gardens below us. We inspire you to come to an area in our heavenly kingdom where we may most appropriately share and reveal to you the wonders of our kingdom and of truths we want to share with you.

6. You see below and behind us to the south, my lower gardens. These provide plants of high nourishment for my children. I find great satisfaction in thinking of the needs of each one who comes to their mortal experience! Some would be overcome by the rigors of earth life had I not prepared strengthening foods for them. I give these to my needy sons and daughters when they are asleep in the slumbers of the night. I usually bring them what I have prepared so they may eat while yet in their physical body while it rests. My foods bless them to be strong for the difficulties they face. I often embrace and tenderly kiss my children at these times also. However, in all of this, they remember nothing, for I come to them in their unconscious mind, behind the veil over their conscious mind.

7. I bring also drink for them, to be refreshed and invigorated. This is often living water or a blend of living water with certain fruits or leaves I mix. These are wisely combined to help my loved ones on earth.

Often your Father accompanies me in visiting our children. He also blesses and embraces our children, for his love is deep and tender also for each one.

8. We are now blessing our elect whom he has selected while harvesting his wheat field. These will particularly have difficulty in coming days. We will come to these ourselves, in the slumber of the night, and also send our servants to them. Our servants will act in our stead, in more outward ways and often when these elect are awake and dealing with the issues of life. Oh, we care so much for our obedient children! We understand their pains, their joys, their weaknesses. We bless them, being sure not to overextend to them, so that they fully act with their own agency and choice. We see how they are tempted and influenced by the evil one. We encourage them and entice them to do well, and follow our gentle holy promptings. Our elect children hear our voice and willingly obey. These we may continue to guide through their lives, for they act in ways to follow us and our promptings.

9. Raphael, we have been teaching you many aspects of your role and mission in your unconscious mind. You have often seen us at the end of your prayers, walking with you in our heavenly home. You do not know consciously what we say, but this instruction is preparing you to be able to do all things we ask of you in a future day. We have you very busy already in our celestial realms, in directing and serving our other servants and in blessing our elect.

We also have been particularly strengthening our holy angels who are now in their mortal experience. These are being prepared directly by us in these same ways.

10. The role and activity of our holy angels is so critical in the fulfillment of our latter-day work. As we have previously said, this year of 2018 will be a major shift where your angel work is highly increased. We desire it mostly all to remain in secret from the elect and from the world. In a future day, all of the work of our angels will be revealed. Your satisfaction now will be in serving us faithfully and in extending love to our needy elect. Your reward of faithful service will be great. Oh, we love you, our holy angels!'

11. I bowed my head and spoke to my Heavenly Mother:

'Oh Mother, I thank thee for thy great love I see extended to thy elect children, thy servants, and to me! We are so deeply thankful for the loving care and compassion thou and Heavenly Father extend to us, in ways we don't consciously know! In behalf of all the faithful living in mortality, we love thee, and pledge our minds and hearts to follow thee and our Savior, Jesus Christ.'

12. Heavenly Mother then stooped down and lifted my bent over shoulders so that I stood before her. She smiled broadly and lovingly at me, took my face in her two hands and kissed me! We then embraced and I heard her tell me she loved me.

While we were together, my Heavenly Father came and wrapped his arms around both of us. I started crying for the deep happiness and joy I felt!

13. This is how my prayer ended today. I have written all of this while seeing it all portrayed before me in my conscious mind. I believe my connection with my unconscious mind was extremely clear today. The words and feelings have freely flowed. I know that I had this experience as I have described it. I feel so blessed to have seen into such an amazing experience in heaven! I feel so humbled to have been the recipient of such eternal love from my Heavenly Parents today.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 31, 2018 Wednesday

1. This morning and last night I prayed before the fountain of living water, and my Heavenly Parents came both times. Last night they came but left no message. This morning I was more awake. They were smiling at me, elevated in the air above my head, between the fountain and me.

I prayed for my wife and also asked about my prayers late at night that aren't nearly so effective. I have been going to bed at 11:00 PM, but an earlier time improved my evening my evening prayers. I asked for guidance.

2. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words. He said when I write it is easier since I don't need to go back and try to reconstruct all that he said. Here are his words to me this morning:

'Raphael, we will continue to bless your wife. Her health and well-being are in our hands.

You have also asked about the effectiveness of your evening prayers. We always come to you at night, but are not able to engage you in much conversation or new revelation because you usually don't write down our words at the moment at night, and you are tired.

3. It is our desire that you carve out some time earlier in the evening. Do this when you have quiet time in the early evening, well before retiring to bed. We will then be able to speak with you more extensively, and you will be able to write our words down, like you do in the mornings.

We also have another message to share with you.

Yesterday afternoon you visited with your neighbors with your wife, who are soon moving, downsizing to a smaller home. They have some large items for sale. Afterwards, on your walk home, you talked together with your wife about your desire not to accumulate more things, but to have fewer things. I would like to talk about accumulation of the world's goods now.

4. We desire your life to become more uncluttered with things that may distract you or be really unnecessary. Your mission of serving others around you can be done without possession of more things. We are pleased that you are trying to simplify your life with less material possessions. It is good to possess basic necessities, but not the extras like recreational equipment or large collections or extensive hobbies like your neighbor possesses. We want our mortal angels to have no attachments to things of this world that may distract them away from their missions of serving our elect, whether in the celestial realms above or in the mortal world around you. By far the more important activity is to lead a holy and pure life, not distracted by too much activity that doesn't build family life or relationships. Make sure you have ample time set aside for meditation and prayer. If you get to feeling rushed or too busy in your life, this will act as a deterrent to being close to us, your God.

5. Your schedule now has open time in the morning and in the evening to connect with us in prayer. Between these times it is good to fill your time with projects and activities as you are now doing, based on things you desire to do in counsel with your wife. Some of these activities will spill over into the evening, which is fine. Come to us in prayer earlier than you now do, so we may more fully commune with you.

6. Relationships of all kinds also take time. Those you further develop with friends and family are very necessary to further during the day.

Many of our mortal angels who still work in a job and/or have young children have a more difficult time in setting aside time for meditation and prayer. We understand that demands of life when raising a family makes connecting to us much more difficult. However, it can be done.

7. We have planned your life, when you are now awakened to your calling, to be at a time when your children are mostly gone from your home and are adults. This has given you maturity with these experiences behind you mostly, and more open time. You have also retired from the intensity of providing a living for your family. This has been a perfect time for us to awaken you and continue to enlighten and bless you with revelation.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his advice, particularly with praying earlier in the evening when I am more alert.

8. Heavenly Mother then expressed a desire to speak. Here are her words that I will also write as she tells them to me in my mind:

'Raphael, we are so appreciative of your efforts to make time for us in the quiet periods of your day. We know that there are many demands of life, but you have choice to arrange your schedule to adjust, as you need and desire.

9. Our entire life is consumed in serving and blessing our children. We also spend time alone and together, and seek a balance that brings us great happiness and the most satisfaction. We often do our work together when interacting with our children, as you have been doing with your wife. Having activities and strengthening our children together is always the very most rewarding to us! We do lots of planning together and then execute our plans. We have extensively planned all of the events leading to the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth. These plans include details of what you, our angels and our other servants will be given to act as our conduits and our extensions in serving the elect. We also have planned how to reach and help each son and daughter, who is our elect. This is our highest priority in all of our activity now.

10. For us to give you all of the revelation we have planned, we need you to be more available to us in the evenings now. What your Father has expressed in your praying earlier will allow us to reveal more and more to you, as fast as you are able to receive! All of these revelations will be good to continue to write in your personal journal and then to share with those mortal angels who support you. We love you and our holy angels, Raphael!'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her further explanations and all her words. I am eager to receive what they have in store to reveal to me! I told them I would adjust my evening time to connect with them much earlier!

I then closed my prayer. I asked them to be by me throughout my day's activity. I thanked them to have orchestrated my life also! I plan to flow with all that comes my way, with no expectations. I will seek to fill my life with loving and peaceful activities too.

12. Later at 9:20 PM: After dinner tonight, I slipped into the bedroom and prayed in my mind by the fountain of living water in heaven. I drank from the fountain and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came from the sky above the temple to a place in the air before the fountain. They were both smiling at me.

13. I opened my prayer, and said I had come to them 2 hours earlier at least than I usually came to them for my evening prayer. I said I did this because they had asked me to come earlier and more refreshed in my evening prayer.

I then asked if either of them wanted to speak to me to share with me any revelation or their thoughts. Heavenly Mother indicated she would like to speak. She said I should write her words, and that I could go out in the front room to do so. I immediately got off my knees and came to my chair and wrote to this point in my journal. As I have written, I continued to have conversations with those I love while writing in my journal!

14. Here are Heavenly Mother's words:

'Raphael, we are glad you came to us early in your prayer tonight. We are glad you have quiet evenings usually too, in your family setting, so that you may be clear enough to write our words while around your family whom you love.

15. M.A. wrote you an email asking about the role of the three Nephites who were translated soon after the appearance of Jesus Christ to their people. These and other servants throughout history have been translated, and have in your day joined Enoch's group of other translated servants. These all work in a group under the leadership of Enoch. If there are specific missions that these three Nephites are supposed to do, they will still be able to fulfill them. Currently, the entire group of Enoch's translated souls is working almost exclusively with the Refugees of Lucifer. They are all assisted by the resurrected souls who came forth at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These all work in the celestial realms on the earth and in heaven, the paradise of God.

16. Our angels travel back and forth to the earth through portals so that their travel is immediate. This is the same as the speed of your thoughts in prayer when you visualize yourself in this celestial world, in your replicated state. All travel of angels and other celestial beings travel through portals, which allow instantaneous travel to their destination. We provide this to all of our servants who work in celestial realms above.

17. The 144,000 who are being awakened and called now are being translated to a terrestrial state. They don't come to the celestial world unless we empower them to do so for a special purpose, for their mission is earth-bound. They will be able to gather to the New Jerusalem our elect through portals that are used for earth travel, or teleportation in the terrestrial sphere of the earth. They will be able to bring their converts and themselves from one location on earth to another location, according to their faith and the power we extend to them.

18. The use of a portal for celestial and terrestrial portals are really the same type of portal, only activated to a different level of what sphere they are used in and have their work.

Once the Great Redeemer comes to the earth and the millennium begins, the earth will be the abode of terrestrial and celestial beings. They will use portals activated to both celestial and terrestrial levels. The terrestrial portals will allow instantaneous earthbound travel to distant orbs including this kingdom where we are now communing.

19. Travel using our terrestrial and celestial portals is a power we reserve for our faithful. These are gifts from us, your Heavenly Parents, so that you may fulfill your missions. If one of our sons or daughters is successful in seeing us, their God, then they see us using their own portal elevated to a celestial level. Others around them who don't have this great gift extended to them will not be able to see beyond their own veil, for they don't have their own portal activated to a higher level.

20. When one of our children in mortality dies, their portal brings them into the world of the spirits, now located on the telestial sphere of the earth. When they are called forth from the dead, to be resurrected, their portal is also activated again, some to a celestial state, some to a terrestrial state, and some to a telestial state.

21. Lucifer and his minions do not have access to portals, since they were not given one. These were given to those who are born in mortality on the earth. They were developed and created in heaven, and became permanently attached to one's earthbound spirit once they came to earth for their mortal experience. These portals allow our sons and daughters to change from mortal beings to disembodied spirits in the spirit world, then back to retrieve their physical bodies at the time of their resurrection. They also are activated to terrestrial and celestial levels as our children exercise faith in us and we extend this elevated portal activation for them. Your portal, Raphael, is activated to a celestial level and allows you to travel to our kingdom in heaven, and work in the celestial sphere of the earth. Your portal also is instrumental in connecting all of your replicated selves as one in your unconscious mind.'

22. Heavenly Mother then paused. I asked her a question:

'Mother, how do pre-mortal spirits travel in your world without use of a permanent portal? How also does Lucifer and his evil spirits travel on earth if they don't have access to a portal of their own?'

23. Heavenly Mother answered my questions:

'Raphael, our spirits who have not yet come to earth, live in a celestial kingdom of glory. This world has features of instant travel within certain areas that we have chosen. For example, our pre-mortal children now cannot come to this wilderness area where you frequent, since we have reserved this area for you and our other servants whom we have selected. Our pre-mortal spirits live and move in another area, with free access in that area. We have recently brought some that would be born in 2018 as babies to this wilderness area as a special visit for them, with our permission and guidance.

24. These pre-mortal spirits act and move by virtue of their celestial nature as spirits, and because they are in the celestial world. They learn how to use the portals we created for them so they could use these once they are born in mortality.

25. Lucifer and his hosts left this celestial world without a personal portal. As such, they are confined to the sphere of the earth. We have allowed them to travel in and on the earth bounds, with movement by thought. This is how they used to move in our celestial world before they were cast out for rebellion. This allows them to tempt all mankind as they wish. They have no place nor power to move beyond the earth, since they have no portals. Once you place them in the bottomless pit, within the thousand year seal, they will then be confined to that location, for they have no power to leave since they have no portal. They are subject to our restrictions, as we desire.

26. Those who have repented from their group, the Refugees of Lucifer, will be given a portal once they come to mortality in the millennium. They will learn how to use their portals before they come to the earth. They were brought to the celestial world by the power of their Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

27. Portals do not have agency, even though they are attached to the spirit of each of our spirits who comes to earth. We are able to control their portals and its level of power, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. We cannot control, however, any of our children, for they each have free choice and moral agency. The portals are, in a way, their assurance they will come back to us and, how they are tethered to us, their Heavenly Parents. We are able to move all of our children, to various stations of progress by the power of their personal portals.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing truths and revelations she just poured out upon me! I feel very enlightened about the wonderful portals that we each possess. I feel so blessed to have this great gift, a spiritual tether to my loving Heavenly Parents!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 1, 2018 Thursday

1. I wrote the above entry in my journal last night, while with my family, for over 1 ½ hours. These were the words of my Heavenly Mother to my mind. It was amazing to me!

When I finally went to bed, I had another, much shorter prayer. In it, Heavenly Father told me that portals were made of spirit material. He said they were always nearby the spirit and body of their children, once they were permanently attached to them when they came to mortality.

2. Last night I told my wife that I was planning on writing my personal history in the evening hours. I will intersperse this with writing in my personal journal. This will allow her and my family to not question why I am writing for long periods in my journal at night. I also plan to share as much as I can with my wife from all of my writings.

3. This morning I also re-read over my journal entry from last night. It is remarkable to me how Heavenly Mother's words just flowed to me while I was writing, even with my family around. I do feel so greatly blessed!

This morning I came again to the desert oasis in the celestial world. It is such a peaceful and calm area! I drank of living water and then knelt facing the oasis, looking south.

4. I prayed next for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came together on a path from the south, opposite the oasis. I saw them in the distance, and they were strolling together in this beautiful desert area. They came to the water and continued walking over its surface. They soon came to the waters' edge, about a foot above the water.

They were each smiling! I gazed on them, and their eternity eyes were very tender and compassionate. I scanned over their full bodies, and saw their glorious beings, robes, sashes and bare feet. Oh, I love to be with them.

I opened my prayer, thanking them for the wonderful truths that I had received last night. I invited them to speak again to me, for I waited upon my Gods in prayer.

5. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words he would give to me:

'Raphael, our son, you have experienced last night the general method that we will continue to share with you in the evenings. We therefore have a significant portion of your mornings and now your evenings to reveal our revelations from heaven. We are very pleased!

6. Your personal portal will continue with you into eternity. This will continue to be the means of your travel and movement. We also have our original portal that we were given as a gift from our own Heavenly Parents. This has allowed us to keep connected to our Heavenly Parents, and to move through progression until we even received the station of a God like them. We then were given power to create portals for our own children.

7. The portal of each of our children is located at the border of their aura, or spiritual boundary. When used, it is always in the background, and is hardly ever thought of, even though it is the means of so many activities and movement of our children and us. Satan has no power to detach a portal from one of our children, once these become forever permanent to their being.

8. Raphael, you have been brought to this oasis in our kingdom by your celestial portal. Your portal will never be reduced to a lower level again, for once we activate a portal to a higher vibration level, we don't reduce it ever again. As you mature and become more capable, your portal matches that same state, allowing you access to whatever spiritual level we grant.

When we speak to you, we speak to your spirit, and not your portal. We directly connect to your unconscious mind, the very center of your being and spirit. We have always communed with you in this same way, since you were born to us as a spirit son.

9. When our sons and daughters communicate with each other in our celestial world they too connect in their unconscious minds. This is natural and easy for them. However, once they receive a physical body on earth, they generally communicate through speech, in the language they have learned. We usually don't speak in this way in our world, but communicate through our unconscious minds, through nonverbal means, like we have always done. We sometimes refer to speech, or speaking from our mouths, but it is really normally through nonverbal means. Occasionally we speak with our mouths, also, for emphasis of what we are communicating to our children.

10. When you write our words, you are connecting to your unconscious mind with your conscious mind, and then in your conscious mind, formulating words in your native English language in which to write your thoughts on paper. These words are therefore our thoughts given to you and written in your own words.

11. As you perfect more and more the connection between your unconscious and conscious mind, you will also be able to write more clearly our precise thoughts. You are now writing to your best ability my own thoughts that I give to you.

12. When you receive revelation through this means of communication, the thought flow is gentle and quiet. It may easily be interrupted with distractions. Therefore, we ask you to receive our words and thoughts in meditation and quietness. The intimation you so gently feel in your mind and heart flow from us, your loving parents. These are what is called the still small voice. They can be very soft, almost imperceptible at times, or they can be firm and sure, depending on our own energy in which we send them to you. You can always know if they are from us by questioning in your mind whether they came from God. We will give you an immediate witness of peace and assurance. It generally is not loud, but it is a quiet assurance in your mind and heart. This assurance is our signal to you to go forth in faith and act on our words and thoughts. By this means we give our directives to you also, on what we want you to do and how to act before us. As you respond to our quiet promptings, you become more and more practiced in knowing our voice.

13. We know the thoughts and intents of all of our children. We can see and sense this through our power of God. Others of our children cannot know your thoughts unless you allow them to hear or perceive them. You may therefore keep your thoughts hidden from others, except from us, your Heavenly Parents.

14. Sometimes we allow our children to perceive the thoughts of others. This is temporary and done by sharing our power of discernment. Some of our children have spiritual gifts from us to do this more frequently throughout their lives. These are gifts of God, or gifts of the Spirit of God.

15. Lucifer and his evil hosts cannot read your thoughts. They may, however, see your actions and deduce what you may be thinking. You always have more power over these evil spirits, and may keep them away at will by your own power and spiritual strength. These are continually now trying to catch you in your weakness and afflict you somehow. However, we have strengthened your 24 guardian angels and yourself, so that their influence and methods are of much less effect on you. Keep pure in your thoughts and intents, commune with us regularly as you do, and you will have no problem in keeping away from their influence in your personal life.

16. We care deeply for you, our son! We are delighted to share with you our many truths and revelations!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his connective thoughts to me today. I felt assurance that I had written all to his satisfaction in my journal. I then realized I need to now start my day in mortality. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

17. Later–I realized that the scripture in D&C 67:10 that Heavenly Mother referred to on 1/27/2018, referred to a "carnal neither natural mind" (this is the conscious mind of man) and a "spiritual" mind (unconscious mind of man). I have been seeing God in my spiritual, or unconscious mind.

I prayed this evening at 9:50 PM after a very hard working day. I got a lot done today. I wanted to connect to my God before I got too tired.

18. I came to the oasis again, next to the bench facing south to the water. I drank three times, and noticed how gently it opened up my mind to receive. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came in a mist or a cloud over the water and grew more and more visible. Then they both stepped onto the dry ground in front of me.

They were both smiling and happy with me. I asked them for their direction while I waited upon them. Heavenly Father looked at Heavenly Mother, then she asked me to write her words:

19. 'Raphael, you have written correctly that the scripture in D&C 67:10 speaks of the natural mind and the spiritual mind. These are the same as your description of the conscious mind and the unconscious mind respectively. These are the same. Your description gives more depth to how these minds of man work.

20. When I gave birth to all of my children as spirit creations, male and female, they each had one mind that they used. They knew not at first that it would be divided into two parts once they left their celestial abode and entered mortality. However, we taught them how to automatically perform basic autonomic body functions in their unconscious part of their mind. This would work behind the scenes, and no longer be a conscious part of their mind, once they would enter mortality. When you energy test, you are accessing this hidden unconscious mind section of your mind. The unconscious mind performs many more volumes of functions than the conscious mind. It also holds or can access memories of the pre-earth life with us. The veil we have created exists between these two sections of the brain, or mind. Our children on earth do not recall their previous life since those memories are not in the conscious mind area, but we are accessible from the unconscious mind area.

21. You have developed a skill to access your unconscious section of your mind through your conscious mind. This takes skill, and is also a gift from us, your God.

We normally speak to your unconscious mind, since this is the spiritual mind. This can be accessed by your conscious mind, or natural or carnal mind when you meditate and pray to us. We bless our children on earth to receive confirmations of truth through this connection and revelation.

22. Lucifer and his minions are able to recall all of their memories from the pre-mortal world. They do not have a veil of forgetfulness, but their unconscious and conscious minds have kept together as one.

23. When our son or daughter dies, most gradually experience their minds being again united as one mind. Their memory of their pre-earth life and of their earth life become both part of their united mind. However, even with these full memories, many still choose to accept evil into their lives. They do so knowing our teachings to them before they came to mortality.

24. We have observed that if one of our children has propensities to spiritual areas, they will also have the same inclination in the flesh, in their conscious mind. We are also able to see how determined our children are to hear our voice and follow our gentle promptings. All of this testing is done on earth, without them realizing that they have left our presence, or that we even prepared them for their mortal experience. We often come among our children, but they cannot see us in their conscious minds. Their unconscious mind can see us and we can communicate with this portion of their minds.

25. The way to develop the communication between one's conscious and unconscious mind is by carefully sensing or spiritually listening to one's inner feelings and thoughts. Our children often reject these small intimations, thinking it is just their imagination. However, this is the pathway to connection with one's unconscious mind. The perceptions or connections are fragile, and are only developed with faith and persistence. You, Raphael, have refined your mind connection (unconscious to conscious) by repeatedly following those small perceptions, and becoming attenuated to them. You are therefore even able to write my words that I speak to your unconscious mind, even to your replicated self, in our heavenly realms.

26. Your conscious mind acts as one in all of your replicated selves and your spirit self inside of your body. Your conscious self only resides, however, in your mortal body.

Of all the stages of progression for our beloved children, it is only in mortality that their conscious and unconscious minds are separated. We watch carefully how our child acts in their conscious mind when confronted with good and evil choices, or all the abundant choices they are subjected to, with their veil over their unconscious mind.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful explanation of the human mind, and it two sections, the unconscious and conscious mind. When she finished, I knew my prayer was concluding. I expressed my love and willingness to obey them always. I sought to be open and humble so that I could continue to receive from their hand such wonderful truths!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 2, 2018 Friday

1. I prayed at the circling waters, and when I called upon God to come to me, Heavenly Father came from behind me in the woods. He called after me and asked me to come with him! He had his hand extended to me, so I stood and grasped his hand. We walked quickly through the trees to a place to the north where my Heavenly Mother stood. Heavenly Father then let go of my hand and stood next to her on her right side, my left, in front of me.

I knelt again, and then gazed in their eyes. They seemed very happy to be before me! I asked for them to share with me more this morning if they wanted to do so.

2. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, we are very glad to be with you in this beautiful spring-like morning in this grove of trees! You have come here before, just north of the circling waters in the woods. We ask you to come to various locations in our kingdom, usually to help you perceive where we will meet you for communion at that time. We do this so you may learn quicker our subtle promptings to your mind, your unconscious mind. Each time you pray, you ask or think where you should go to meet with us. We gently put the impression of a place we would like to meet you. You then always go to that location. Today you had the impression to come to the circling waters. This is where we gave you the impression to go for your morning prayer. We then intended your Father to bring you here to me, and that I would speak to you.

3. We do this all for our purposes of training you how to listen to our subtle whisperings. You could not hear our promptings had you been in a noisy or distracting environment. We are pleased you come in a mode of meditation. This is how all of our children should regularly come to us if they really desire to commune with us, their God.

4. In your state of meditation, you visualize your world around you. You usually drink of living water, cupping your right hand and dipping it in living water. You wait and think of how your mind is being clarified as you drink. You usually do this three times. The number is not important really, but what is important is how your mind is clarified and ready to perceive us in an open state.

5. You then kneel in a direction and place that you 'feel' is correct for that place and time. This is what we inspire you to do. You then ask us, your Heavenly Parents to come. We come every time together or singly, as we desire, based on what we want to share with you at that time.

6. I have rehearsed all of this for the benefit of others who may read this. We are pleased in the way you approach us in deep prayer and meditation! You wait until you 'see' us in your unconscious mind, and then gaze on us. You look at our eternity eyes, our faces. You see how we are feeling, based on our visage before you. You also look at our forms and robes. We are pleased you wait and gaze on us before you begin communicating.

7. Next you often share with us your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, like this morning, you immediately ask us to share with you. We are pleased either way. We just love to be sharing with you and being here!

8. Once we talk to you, usually in our mind to your mind, we reveal to you our revelations, our will, answers to your questions, etc. Once your prayer is all done, we ask that you record our words. Recently we have been asking you to write our words as we give them to your unconscious mind. You then write directly what you hear or feel we say at this time we speak. You have developed a clear pathway between your unconscious to your conscious mind, which is most clear when you are in your meditative stance before us. This method of writing our words has been working very well for us, and we are so pleased how you are able to let our words flow to your conscious mind and then are formulated into your journal entry.

9. Once you write our words, you always go back and re-read them. Sometimes you correct some things, but usually it stands just as you initially wrote our words to you.

10. Raphael, you are also now making sure you are open to us, in such an open meditative and prayerful status in the morning and the evening. You have dedicated several hours per day to communion with us. This pleases us also, for you demonstrate to us how important it is to you to connect to us.

11. We desire our children who want to come unto us to sincerely devote a portion of their day regularly in prayer with us. Many are so busy we cannot connect to them. Some have young families that require lots of care. However, even in a busy life, there can be quiet time made when life is more settled, allowing meditation and prayer.

12. When you record our words in your earthly journal, you also have a replicated self recording this in heaven. We have you do this so your continuing record will be made in heaven. If ever your earthly records are destroyed, there is a backup in heaven. It is our will that all of these recordings become available in a future day to the faithful and not just to those you share with on earth at this time.

13. We also share with you, Raphael, our words a little at a time. We have much to share with you, and will give you here a little and there a little (see Isa 28:10 "For precept must be upon precept, precept up precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.")

14. We are willing to give you our revelations as fast as you are able to receive them. This is the day that we will reveal all things to the children of men (see D&C 101:32-34). Much of our revelations will come through you, Raphael!'

I felt so humbled to have received this stream of revelation from my Heavenly Mother this morning! I thanked her and asked that I continue to be able to receive all they send me, as fast as I am capable.

I then closed my prayer. I feel so blessed and honored to be in their heavenly presence today!

15. Later–Today has been a busy day. I got home and after I finished everything, I slipped into our bedroom and turned the lights off. I was hoping I could connect with my Heavenly Parents and then return to be with my family while I would write God's words to me.

I came immediately to the fountain of living water. I drank from my cupped hand this water, and then faced north on the side of the channel that went into Heavenly Father's river. I prayed and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I immediately saw Heavenly Father coming from the sky above his fields. He came to a place in the air above me.

16. I thanked him for coming! I looked steadily on his face and saw him smile. He then said that Heavenly Mother would join us soon. He also said that he wanted to share with me more mysteries of the kingdom. He asked then that I write down his words.

I asked if I could go out in my recliner and write his words there, among my wife and son. Heavenly Father nodded and said I could write in my front room. Here are his words:

17. 'Raphael, my son, I want to share more with you how our children who come to mortality choose good or evil when choices are placed before them. They have newly a mind divided by a veil, so that they cannot consciously access their unconscious mind. However, this unconscious mind is still active, but hidden. It still plays a very active part in the decisions they make when faced with a situation to choose good or evil, or any shades of right or wrong. Their unconscious mind has developed during their mortal journey to date, a series of beliefs or patterns by which they govern their lives. These unconscious beliefs are commonly known about in your world. They directly influence their decisions and actions. These are developed through life and seem real, or true beliefs of how the world is to them. These beliefs, coupled with their conscious mind, or natural or carnal mind, work together to choose actions and govern choice.

18. Had our child a vivid recollection of their pre-mortal memory, they would be dramatically influenced to act in ways they chose before coming to earth, and in pleasing us, their loving Heavenly Parents. However, now without that memory to access, they necessarily act more in their own mind in making a choice or exercising their agency. We want to see how our child chooses on their own, without our influence from their memories. We may entice them through our still small voice, and the adversary may also tempt them with his luring carnal desires, according to the flesh. This is the right situation for us to see what our children's own mind chooses, when enticement from a good source and an evil source occurs. The temptation might also be from the carnal nature of man, which they inherited in a telestial fallen world. Their choices are all before them, and they have full agency to choose whom they wish to obey, or the good or evil choices.

19. If our child, in this fallen world, tempted with the desires of the natural man and the adversary, still wants to do good and follow our gentle promptings, we then see that we have a positive influence. We lead them carefully to choose better choices when next faced with situations, even until we lead them to our Beloved Son who may cleanse and purify them. These become our elect, for they hear and obey our voice. They desire truth and inherently choose the good and the right.

20. All of these, our elect, have come to their decisions by following their unconscious mind which has formulated a system of beliefs, and their conscious mortal mind. These are inherently good people, even without remembering us, their Heavenly Parents, and are choosing all on their own when choice is presented to them, being enticed by both good and evil sources.'

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 3, 2018 Saturday

1. Last night while writing the above, my Heavenly Father (I believe) gave me a real life experience that somehow upset me to my core! I had just written what he had said, above, when my wife, who was in the room with me (our son had gone to bed), said the following to me:
'R, I am disappointed that you have broken your promise to get the new swimsuits up on our website for sale. It has been three weeks since we have had them on our goals list and you still haven't got them advertised!'

2. I had tried to advertise our modest swimsuits, but had been snagged in a technical difficulty. I had called the web-hosting company and talked several times to their customer service team and escalated the difficulty several levels, on my wife's prompting. Still, I hadn't been able to get the swimsuits advertised like I wanted to. In my wife's mind, I hadn't put forth sufficient energy in trying to remedy this situation. In my mind, I had done all I could, waiting for the response from this customer service team, and their engineers to fix this problem.

3. This began a long discussion of both of our points of view on how I had acted. She stayed relatively calm, and even rewrote her own story of how she came to her conclusion in her thoughts and feelings.

4. However, I somehow had a hidden unconscious belief that my integrity had been attacked or questioned, in "breaking my promise". I had no recollection of any promise, only a series of goals we had discussed together. I became, unfortunately, emotional distraught inside. I had a hard time thinking reasonably. I finally concluded I could rewrite the swimsuit page so it works in advertising our products, with another way customers could order them.

5. In the end, we talked it all out, until almost 1:00 AM. I had become settled, and my wife asked for my forgiveness–she never thought I would become so upset emotionally by what she said! Instead, she had thought it was obvious I hadn't done my task that I said I would do. She said I must have a subconscious belief that I needed to correct!

6. We prayed and kissed, and then I knelt down at 1:00 AM to pray to my Heavenly Father who was still before me, next to the fountain of living water. I asked him if I could continue my prayer in the morning, after I could think straight (hopefully) and after I had rested. I said I was not in a position to receive any more direction, since I was still emotionally charged.

7. Heavenly Father accepted my words. He said I needed to sleep and to settle down emotionally so I could commune with them again. I thanked him and then closed my prayer.

I actually slept well which was surprising to me. I awoke soon after my wife got up, and I came to the adjacent bedroom. I immediately came to the fountain of living water, and drank and then prayed in the same location as last night. I petitioned my Heavenly Parents to come.

8. I saw next a bright light with a person in the light coming from the skies above Heavenly Father's fields to the north. Heavenly Mother then came in front of me in the light! I gazed on her, and then asked her to please guide me as I wrote all of this experience in my journal, since Heavenly Father had last spoken to me last night. She indicated she would help me write this all down.

9. Now that I have reached this point in writing, my Heavenly Mother wanted me to write her own words:

'Raphael, you are correct that we had orchestrated a real-life experience for you in demonstrating how our children make decisions and think of their views on what they do. Your wife is also correct when she said you must have a subconscious (unconscious) belief that you need to correct.

10. Raphael, you have seen how your hidden unconscious belief and your integrity was challenged by your wife with her initial words , really not true. One of your hidden beliefs is that "I always keep my promises", and when challenged, you had to face the thought that you failed her and yourself with breaking your integrity. This triggered distraught emotions, which upset you. You started thinking irrationally, and it took a long time to emotionally settle yourself.

11. These unconscious beliefs greatly affected your demeanor and your choices, and the way you interacted with her. You escalated the conversation to a higher level than needed to be. However, in the discussion you saw an alternative approach in writing the program to use another website method in advertising your swimsuits.

12. Our children in mortality each have a set of unconscious beliefs they have accepted which affect how they act. When these beliefs are based on false notions or untruths, they may make poor choices. Their conscious mind responds to their own unconscious beliefs in choosing how they will act. We see how our children act and what they choose to do when they are confronted with decisions. Some also choose evil based on their carnal fallen nature and a poor set of unconscious beliefs. We are able to see why they choose one way or another, and thus determine over their lifetime whom they really wish to obey–us, their Gods who gently prompt them to make good choices, or Satan and their natural man, which entice them to become carnal, sensual and devilish (see Moses 5:13, 6:49).

13. Earth life is therefore a perfect situation for us to sift the souls of men and women, our children, to see who really, of their own volition, really want to do good and become like us. We provide a Messiah to redeem them from the effects of their fallen state, through repentance, humility and their willingness to come unto him.

14. When we choose finally those who are candidates for eternal life and exaltation, to live like us, they have been thoroughly tested and tried. We lead them to accept our ways as fast as they are able. We help them patiently with their problems and through their weaknesses. We see their potential, and help them as they make good choices, to gradually become even as we are. Their experience in this journey strengthens their resolve to overcome their inherent weaknesses that we give them in this fallen world, and helps them to rise above their situation, to eventually become like us, their Heavenly Parents.

15. Raphael, there are many ways to reprogram false unconscious beliefs. It takes time to sometimes figure out what the core belief or thoughts you have that drive your feelings, decisions and actions. I will bless you as you identify more clearly what unconscious beliefs you relied on last night when you become emotionally charged.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words to me, and in helping me with a real-life situation of how my beliefs and thoughts so dramatically drove my actions!

16. Here are possibilities I came up with on what my unconscious beliefs are that governed my choice of action (note there are lots of "should beliefs" here!). Note: I ranked these beliefs as H (high), M (medium), L (low) in importance:

H 1: Pride- if someone challenges my integrity, I should get emotionally charged, defending myself.

H 2: I should always keep my promises
M 3: The level of interest in what my wife wants should be matched by my own level of interest (not true)
H 4: I know best how to arrange my time and priorities and don't need my wife to help me balance my energy applied to each task (cocky, prideful)
L 5: I am really not interested in advertising our modest swimwear, and only need to do a patch up job in my meager efforts, to placate my wife's desires (not true)
M 6: If someone else (the company providing the website service) has a technical difficulty, I don't need to press any further once I alerted them to the problem. I can chill out and not actively press them for a response and action.
M 7: I don't really "own" our recent mutual goals since it came from my wife mostly, and not me
H 8: It is okay to skirt the true issue when confronted with accountability when I haven't yet completed the task
M 9: It is okay to "flutter", thinking I have too many things to do and can't do any more, and even feel sorry for myself
H 10: When confronted with why I don't or didn't do something, it is permissible to argue and defend myself.
H 11: When discussing an emotionally charged issue, I may allow myself to become upset and moody and even depressed rather than unemotional and reasonable.

I am sure there are many more of these I can come up with. Some of these are not true and some are more true or the real ones I truly believe. I have been talking about all of these with my lovely wife and friend.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 4, 2018 Sunday

1. We had a quiet Saturday yesterday! My wife and I talked a lot about reprogramming our thoughts, which is basically reprogramming our unconscious beliefs. There are many systems to do this. The one I like a lot is with my wife's life coach program, where you write down all the thoughts you can think of, kind of like what I did with my unconscious beliefs yesterday. Then you settle on one you think is most in operation. Then you create what thought you would like, that is true, that best serves you and brings you the feelings you want. You replace the old with the new.

Gosh, I feel like I have so many thoughts that need re-writing! I feel quite weak in this entire area!

2. Afterwards, we dropped by our Springville rental house and then went square dancing. On the first dance I somehow twisted my knee! It somewhat buckled and left me on the sidelines! Bummer! It must have been the result of all the work I did at the rental house on my knees, pulling staples and nails out these past few weeks! We left the dance and went to Walgreens to buy a knee brace, and then came home to ice it up. I also took lots of inflammation reducing remedies like turmeric, rosemary, cloves, ginger, astaxanthin, and later, ibuprofen. I then did energy work on my twisted right knee. I actually imagined my replicated self coming to my knee, putting my left hand over the top of the knee, and then Heavenly Father sending light and healing energy to my replicated self, down the arm and passing through the knee. I also envisioned dipping my knee into the living water canal coming from the fountain of living water and going to Heavenly Father's river to the north. I "saw" the living water passing through my injury.

3. I next had a prayer last night when I went to bed. My knee was elevated on a pillow in the bed. I had a body magnet on the knee to increase circulation. I didn't have my journal and I have since forgotten what Heavenly Father said to me! I feel bad in not remembering!

4. One thing I am learning from all of this is that I am not as limber and spry as I was in my earlier years! I probably shouldn't be on my knees on wooden floors for several hours at a time, pulling staples and nails! I am planning to rethink what manual labor actions I really want to do and hire the rest out! I am leaning towards hiring more and more out, and preserving my body's strength.

I know last night in my prayer I was not hindered in my movement in the celestial world. I knelt on the ground just fine in my prayer, even though I can't do so on earth now.

5. I came this morning in my prayer to the oasis, facing south on the ground kneeling in front of the water. I drank from living water and felt clarified in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

I saw them next coming from the south in the sky, until they came over the water and then to the edge of the oasis closest to me. They were each smiling and happy. I gazed on them for some time. They were holding hands.

6. I opened our conversation, telling about my knee problem and talking about my weakness in my thought control and in my core unconscious beliefs. I expressed love and appreciation for my kind and wise wife. She is my wonderful companion and we do so much together.

I asked then for words from my Heavenly Parents, as they want to share with me.

7. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write while she spoke to my mind and heart:

'Raphael, we are sorry for your injury to your knee. It was partly a result of injury due to stressing your knee when pulling staples and nails over weeks of repeated manual work. You are doing correct therapies to help it recover. You are also correct in what you have written that your Heavenly Father has sent healing light and energy through your replicated self-acting as his conduit for healing.

8. Raphael, it is proper and important that you also ask for help from others in the celestial world. You may call on healing angels to bless you! Instead, you had your own replicated self be your conduit for healing. We expect you to rely on others, as you want them to rely on you for strength and protection. You will need to be able to just as easily receive service from others as you give service to them. This is how we act in our celestial world, among our friends.'

9. At that moment, I asked for a few healing angels to come to me, on the earth, and to help me heal. I saw my physical self in my recliner writing and then three healing angels came to me there. There was one male angel who came behind me, placed his hands on my shoulders. The other two were female angels. They placed their hands on my right knee. Then the man placed his hands on my head and offered a blessing while the women continued holding my knee. Soon he and the sister angels were done and quickly left me. It was fast and quick. I then felt less pain in my knee.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:

'Raphael, there are several thousand healing angels who work now in the celestial realms above and also on earth. You were able to see three that we had sent to you because you asked for healing angels to come. You did not recognize those three in your conscious mind, but you know them and they know you. Our elect may call upon the healing angels to come bless them as they have need, just like you asked for a few healing angels to come to you on earth. We will then direct one or more of our healing angels to come to administer relief and blessings. They love serving their fellowmen!

11. You may also call upon other angels, such as warrior angels, for added protection, or others as you may think. This is true for all of our elect.

Many call upon you, Raphael, in the entire world. We send you according to their faith and prayers. This service you have continued doing for many years.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insights to how her holy angels work in the celestial realms. Heavenly Father then wanted to speak:

12. 'Raphael, we will also coach you along with correcting your belief systems and your thoughts in your unconscious mind. This will take hard work but will make you much stronger in coping with life and the work we have for you to do.'

13. Heavenly Father then gave me the direction to go back over my 11 beliefs I wrote yesterday, and rank them H, M, L (high, medium, or low) in importance and whether they were true or not. I did so in my journal. I then saw I had 6 out of 11 unconscious beliefs that were high in importance. This means that these helped govern my agency, or choice, and how I acted. I really don't like these, particularly those associated with pride! Heavenly Father then had me choose belief 10- "when confronted with why I don't or didn't do something, it is permissible to argue and defend myself".

14. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, for your unconscious belief #10 that you have written, you may not know where this belief came from in your life. These often come from beliefs of parents or societal norms, or from an experience you had where you formulated this unconscious belief. However, it is incorrect. This belief leads you to make poor choices in your life.

As you now recognize it is wrong, here's how to correct this belief: Find first a replacement belief that will serve you better, that is based on truth.'

15. I then responded:

'Heavenly Father, I think I want to never argue or defend myself when confronted by my lack of doing something that I "should" have done. Instead, I would do well to state what I plan to do and then give this action the energy it needs to be accomplished, if at all.'

16. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, that is good you have identified this new belief you want to replace for the unwanted belief. Next, do what we have shown you to do with your unwanted thought replacement: Take your right spirit hand, and while thinking of your unwanted belief #10, swipe through your head and capture that belief. Bring it in front of you, palm up with the belief energy in your hand. Next, swipe it away with the back of your left spirit hand, and then watch this unwanted belief go off into space, never to come again to you!

17. Finally, place the new better belief into your right hand, and then place it in your unconscious mind in your head area. Make sure it stays there and then remove your right hand. It then would be wise to repeat the belief audibly so that you know it is seated properly in your unconscious mind, and that you truly believe it.'

18. I then did this very exercise and replaced the unwanted belief #10 in my mind with its better replacement belief. The belief I replaced is this:

"I believe I should never argue or defend myself when confronted by my lack of doing something that I "should" have done. Instead, I want to state what I plan to do and then give this action the energy it needs to be accomplished, if at all."

As I replaced this belief in my head, it went in with a "click" like a magnet does on the refrigerator! I knew it was attached in my unconscious mind. I then repeated this audibly, and really believe it too.

19. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you may replace poorly formulated unconscious beliefs or your unwanted thoughts in your mind in this way. It is important to visualize these steps of seeing the old unwanted leaving and seeing the new become in place in your mind.

20. The hard work is identifying the unwanted beliefs or thoughts, and formulating new beliefs or thoughts, making a list of these like you did, and then ranking them also helps. As you consciously do this, you will be able to take more charge of your life and the choices you consciously make. You will not then be so whiplashed by emotion and poor choices.'

I felt so very grateful to my Father and Mother for their words of advice and counsel today! I love them so much!

I will now end my prayer and enjoy a sunny Sabbath day!

21. Later, after church: We attended a Payson, Utah ward for sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, we sang "Jesus Once of Humble Birth" (Hymns, p. 196). On the 2nd verse, I envisioned I was at the oasis, kneeling before the water and facing south. I felt I then saw a bright light coming from the sky, and the light slowly descended until it reached a spot directly above the oasis. We then sang verse 3 "Once he groaned in blood and tears; Now in glory he appears". At that moment I saw Jesus Christ appearing in glory, with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother behind him. It was just as the hymn line we sang described it!

22. At the end of the last verse they all three came just above the water in a line, Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus, their Beloved Son, on his right. The priest blessed the bread, and I made my covenant. Soon, I partook of the broken bread. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

23. 'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and to always remember us, your Heavenly Parents, and to keep our commandments. You are clean before us, and yet have many weaknesses. These do not negate your worthiness before us, your Gods, you worship. You have learned how to identify your weaknesses, your false beliefs, and your unwanted thoughts. You have learned how to correct your beliefs and thoughts. You may now go forth and replace unwanted beliefs and thoughts with those that are more appropriate for an elect son of God that you are.

We will also guide you along, and strengthen you so that you overcome and change your weaknesses you have been given, because of your flesh. You will yet become, in your mortal life, a mighty archangel of these last days before us.'

24. The priest then blessed the water. After his prayer, Jesus Christ spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have cleansed you of your sins and weaknesses. Because you are cleansed doesn't mean you no longer have weaknesses. However, we will make your weaknesses strengths to you as you humbly come before us and acknowledge your weaknesses, asking us that they become strengths to you. We will help you as you work on these systematically, and thereby become the mighty man of God before us in the flesh.'

25. After this, Heavenly Mother smiled and said a few words:

'Raphael, we love you will all help you as you persist in growing more and more like us. You are our angel, called as our archangel of light to lead in these last days.'

26. Later-My oldest son and his family came over with dinner tonight! He and our other son gave me a blessing for my injured right knee. Once this was given, my oldest son did extensive energy work on me, with hopes of correcting my knee problem. He is now a certified Body Code practitioner, and has branched out to many other modality areas such as the Spirit Code and others.

27. Here's what he found: He surfaced lots of issues, including adversarial tools and weapons that were thrown in me at age 11 during an adversarial dream! Two of these were in my right knee. These combined with a spiritual battle-axe that was hurled at me at the square dancing last night from an evil spirit carried by a girl in our dancing square. The axe hit the other two embedded knives in my knee and caused a severe buckling of my knee! Wow, kind of hard to believe, but all of this was confirmed as he did his work!

28. I feel much more empowered having all of these weapons of the adversary now removed. We also have a boundary of light/ fire all around my 7-acre property, with angels surrounding my home and property after this entire experience!

We also made the priesthood blessing retroactive to the time after these spiritual weapons were removed and the wound spiritually soothed and bandaged for healing. I honestly could see a much brighter and more assured Raphael at the end of the blessing/ energy session! I feel so blessed to have a very skilled son who is so quickly learning all of these skills! I hope to be lots better in a few days–we shall see!

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 5, 2018 Monday

1. I got some sleep last night and feel better this morning. I prayed when I went to bed and at 2:00 AM, but I didn't kneel down. For some reason, my prayer seemed to fade in and out of sleep (probably because I was sitting in a comfortable position!)

2. Anyway, I am now asking that I be blessed with the writing of the message from Heavenly Mother last night in these prayers, while I was at the oasis. Here are her words:

'Raphael, you have been greatly blessed by your son who came last night and energetically worked on you! What he found was very real, and he successfully removed these weapons from Satan and his minions. He also soothed and set to heal your wounds, mostly in your knee.

3. The adversary at the square dance attacked you again. This seems hard to understand, but the close proximity you had with the girl who carried a vicious evil spirit was real–an evil spirit threw a spiritual battle-axe at your knee, which hit the previous two embedded weapons that had been with you since age 11, hidden from your detection. The adversary has targeted you throughout your life and tried to keep you from fulfilling your critical mission.

4. When your oldest son was blessing you, I gave him the healing light and love and he acted as my conduit, using his priesthood. You saw in the blessing your Heavenly Father before you, who watched. It was appropriate too, to have the blessing timing be reapplied after all the spiritual weapons were removed from your body. You are now much more empowered, having this energy work all done.

5. You are also correct in seeing that your 7-acre property now has spiritual fire and holy angels protecting its perimeter, night and day. You may now rise up, being more self-assured and greatly strengthened! Your shielding of your home and property has also been extended to your children who are living away from you. They, too, are more protected from the attacks of Lucifer and his minions.'

6. Wow! I am awed by the amazing events that happened since the dance on Saturday night! I somehow feel that this blessing of protection and increased shielding will now be available to all the mortal angels. Many have been buffeted recently, attacked here and there. This protection is extended to them too, in this great spiritual battle we are engaged in for the elect of God!

7. 11:25 AM-I have begun a prayer now that I returned home. I felt to go to the maple tree grove by the shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank of living water from the lake, and then prayed facing the Great Assembly Hall. My Heavenly Parents both came to me from the steps of the assembly hall. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we desire you to come now with us to a meeting of all the holy angels in the Great Assembly Hall. You are to conduct this meeting. Come now with us to the front area inside this hall.'

8. I then stood and accompanied my Heavenly Parents to the area in the front of the hall, by the podium. As we passed over the hall inside, I saw all of the holy angels assembled below us. I also saw that the male and female archangels were on the stand. There was a vacant seat for me between Gabriel and Oriphiel.

9. My Heavenly Parents indicated to me that I should go down and start the meeting. They said they would be out of sight in the top southwest corner observing. I lowered myself onto the podium area. I faced all of the archangels, male archangels on my left and female on my right. I smiled at them and then turned and faced the large congregation of angels. I spoke:

'Welcome to this meeting of all they holy angels! We have met here in this Great Assembly Hall next to Lake Beautiful in the celestial world. This hall has been used more and more in recent days, as groups of servants have met here to dispense information about their collective roles and missions. We will also do so today, to discuss new information about our roles and missions of you who have been ordained as angels of God.

10. We have the great blessing of enjoying the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother behind me, in the top southwest corner, just out of view. They will be inspiring all of us in this gathering. Oh, we love them so very much!

We will open by singing "The Day Dawn Is Breaking" (Hymns, 52). Margaret Blackburn, a recently deceased healing angel will lead us after which M.A. , a female archangel of understanding, will offer the opening prayer.'

"The Day Dawn is Breaking"

1. The day dawn is breaking, the world is awaking,
The clouds of night’s darkness are fleeing away.
The worldwide commotion, from ocean to ocean,
Now heralds the time of the beautiful day.
Beautiful day of peace and rest,
Bright be thy dawn from east to west.
Hail to thine earliest welcome ray,
Beautiful, bright, millennial day.

2. In many a temple the Saints will assemble
And labor as saviors of dear ones away.
Then happy reunion and sweetest communion
We’ll have with our friends in the beautiful day.
Beautiful day of peace and rest,
Bright be thy dawn from east to west.
Hail to thine earliest welcome ray,
Beautiful, bright, millennial day.

3. Still let us be doing, our lessons reviewing,
Which God has revealed for our walk in his way;
And then, wondrous story, the Lord in his glory
Will come in his pow’r in the beautiful day.
Beautiful day of peace and rest,
Bright be thy dawn from east to west.
Hail to thine earliest welcome ray,
Beautiful, bright, millennial day.

4. Then pure and supernal, our friendship eternal,
With Jesus we’ll live and his counsels obey
Until ev’ry nation will join in salvation
And worship the Lord of the beautiful day.
Beautiful day of peace and rest,
Bright be thy dawn from east to west.
Hail to thine earliest welcome ray,
Beautiful, bright, millennial day.

Text: Joseph L. Townsend, 1849–1942
Music: William Clayson, 1840–1887

11. We sang the hymn to music that came from an organ, I believe. After the prayer, I came again to speak:

'My brothers and sister angels, I am now going to speak to you, as our Heavenly Parents direct me. When I am done speaking, I will announce the remainder of the meeting.

12. As you know, I am Raphael, the third male archangel. I have been asked by our Heavenly Parents to conduct and also speak to you at this meeting. They have given me the high commission to be the lead archangel in these last days, the days of the coming of the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ.

13. I have been preceded by our mighty prince archangel Michael, who sits on the stand behind me. He and our wonderful Mother Eve were the first parents to come to earth. They brought forth all the family of mankind into mortality!

14. My second archangel brother is Gabriel, or Noah in life. He built an ark and saved seven others in the ark to perpetuate mankind on the other side of the flood. He and his wife and family acted again like Adam and Eve in saving the human family from death by the floods. We who were born this side of the flood are his descendants.

15. I am the third archangel. My role is to help preserve mankind who will follow our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ from the destroying fire that will soon engulf the earth. You are all enlisted to help in this monumental effort in saving the elect of God, allowing these elect to be carried into the dawning of a new day, like the hymn we just sang speaks of.

16. Our servant army of angels and other holy men and women is great! We are in a battle with Lucifer and his evil minions. These want to destroy us and the elect we are trying to save. Our enemy has never fought so hard or viciously against us! They are disregarding any battle rules they may have followed before, even to the risk of being vanquished to the distant prison orb.

17. Just this past weekend, they have attacked me in my mortal life. They were able again to somehow slip past my twenty-four warrior angels and strike a blow with a spiritual battle-axe on my right knee. Their intent is to destroy me in the flesh, and every one of you who also is in mortality now. They will not retreat, but only increase their evil machinations and sinister tactics. We need to ever be on alert.

18. As the fire of the battle increases, we will be strengthened in several ways:

Increased control of our own beliefs and thoughts
Increased activity in serving the elect of God
Increased protection and shielding

I will discuss each of these.

19. 1) Increased control of our own beliefs and thoughts. Many of us in mortality are learning methods of better thought control so that we are not whiplashed by our own emotions or circumstances we may find ourselves in. In reality, we each have full control over how we will think, feel and act in any situation. We need to apply ourselves to this hard work of routing our negative beliefs and thoughts from our minds. We who are in mortality have a veil over our unconscious mind where many of these beliefs and thoughts are hidden. We have even more work than the rest of you! However, as we correct poor beliefs and thoughts with strong good ones, we will become very much more empowered, particularly if we are in mortality and do so!

The effort to correct unwanted beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve us is our first level of increased defense in this battle with Lucifer.

20. 2) Increased activity in serving the elect of God. We have come to a point where our Heavenly Parents are giving us more and more assignments to bless their elect on the earth and in the spirit world. As we immediately act on their promptings to us, we will be strengthened to do what we are commanded to do. Remember Nephi's words: 1 Nephi 3:7 "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my Father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

Similarly, as you angels prepare yourselves, you will be given assignments that are possible but push you to your maximum ability. These will increase as you act in faith, accomplishing and fulfilling each command with exactness.

21. 3) Increased protection and shielding. Yesterday I experienced some major healing on my right knee that had been spiritually axed by a battle-axe from an evil spirit. I saw then how sinister the evil tactics and weapons of the adversary really are. After the spiritual weapons were removed from my body and spirit, I saw that I became much more filled with light and more capable, more than I had ever seen before! I saw many of you come to my assistance by guarding my property and family on earth from future attacks. I saw the fire of protection guarding my family and me in mortality more than ever.

I then felt that this shielding and fire of heavenly protection would be expanded to include every single angel living in mortality! We need to now rise up in confidence, and in our strength of God. We have no fear when we go forth in the power of God and with his more expansive protection. We will fully be able to bless, protect and help rescue the elect of God!'

22. I then started fading away from my unconscious mind and became disconnected somehow from what was happening! I think I heard practically all of my address to the angels, however, I don't know what else happened in the meeting.

I next found myself again in the maple grove kneeling there like I started my prayer. My Heavenly Parents were before me. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we have decided to no longer show you the remainder of this meeting of angels today. We do this for our own purposes. We want you to send out this information soon to those on your email list.'

I thanked her for showing me what I was able to see. I then closed my prayer.

23. Later-I talked to my sister today. She has been spending a very lot of time typing up all of my journal entries. She made a comment today that bears repeating: When I receive the thoughts or words from my Heavenly Parents or Jesus, they come to my mind and then are filtered and written in my own words, not their words. When one reads those words, they are through my filter and my way of thinking and writing. If their words were to another person, they would be in their own words and style.

24. She also said that my explanation about unconscious and conscious mind seemed to go on and on, and even got somewhat confusing to her. To me, this extra explanation was very helpful, but my sister said it could have all been summarized in a simple sentence–unconscious thoughts come from the celestial realms and conscious thoughts from the earth. This longer explanation may have been what I needed, whereas my sister wanted the more terser version. We all think so differently too, some more detailed oriented, analytical, and some more creative and some are more patient. God works with us individually according to how we are and how we think. This is so very interesting to me.

25. Later at evening prayer–I felt to pray this evening at the maple tree grove. I drank from the lake for a clarified mind and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They were already there, to my north! I thanked them for the fact that my knee was feeling much better. I then asked for their words, and waited upon God.

26. Heavenly Mother spoke to me next. She said my morning prayer kept being interrupted into the afternoon, so they stopped my connection to my unconscious mind. However, she said it was important for me to understand what happened during the remainder of the meeting of angels held today.

27. Following my remarks, I had asked my sister, K (pre-mortal name of Rachael), to speak. She stood and gave such a wonderful talk on Mother Earth and nature. She said our Mother Earth was our dear friend and would fully cooperate and respond to every inspired angelic request. She said the earth knows that we are holy angels, on errands from her creators. We shouldn't be fearful of asking our beloved Mother Earth in doing anything we feel inspired to ask, and she will do it.

28. Rachael also talked about the upcoming transformation of the earth into a terrestrial state. She mentioned that pollutions would cease and evil would be quelled. She also said the millennial day would far surpass our greatest imaginations!

29. After Rachael, R.B. (leader of warrior angels) spoke about Satan's tactics in entrapping and trying to defeat the angels and others of God's servants, and the elect of God. He spoke with power from his direct experience, having learned first-hand Lucifer's deceits and evil plans. He told about spiritual weapons used now by the adversary and his hosts with increasing accuracy and strength. He told of the great deceptions that shroud the minds of those who follow Satan and his lies.

30. Finally, we heard from P.B. (pre-mortal name Pricilla), the female archangel of faith. She spoke as a fully-grown woman angel, while now she is still in her youth. She told us of the great power of faith in fulfilling all of our commands from God. She told us of never doubting, and how this is just the opposite of the faith that we angels need in our work now. She greatly encouraged us in exercising faith in the power of God that would be demonstrated through all of our angelic ministrations. It was a very faith-promoting talk!

31. We then closed, having heard Raphael and Rachael (brother-sister) and R.B. and P.B. (father-daughter). We closed singing "Thy Spirit Lord Has Stirred Our Souls" (Hymns #157).

"Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls"

1. Thy Spirit, Lord, has stirred our souls,
And by its inward shining glow
We see anew our sacred goals
And feel thy nearness here below.
No burning bush near Sinai
Could show thy presence, Lord, more nigh.

2. “Did not our hearts within us burn?”
We know the Spirit’s fire is here.
It makes our souls for service yearn;
It makes the path of duty clear.
Lord, may it prompt us, day by day,
In all we do, in all we say.

Text: Frank I. Kooyman, 1880–1963. © 1948 IRI
Music: Alexander Schreiner, 1901–1987. © 1948 IRI

32. Afterward, W.H. (pre-mortal name Gabriel) offered a prayer and the meeting was dismissed. We all immediately left to our stations in serving the elect of God.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her synopsis of the remainder of the angel meeting. I recall there had been a general meeting on January 26th, 2018, and then specific breakout meetings for particular servant groups after this. The meeting for the resurrected servants was January 29th, 2018 and today for the angel servants. I wrote all of this down and then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 6, 2018 Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke after a good night's sleep. I am so grateful my knee isn't painful like it was on Saturday and Sunday!

I came to my adjacent room and was able to kneel down without pain. This also made me very pleased. I came to the circling waters and drank of living water there. I then knelt before the bench, facing south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. I then saw Heavenly Mother come from the waterfall area to my right. She soon was immediately before me, on the water's edge of the circling waters. She was beaming with sparkling eyes and a very broad smile!

I thanked her for coming and being so radiant and happy! I thanked her for my knee feeling so much improved. I then said I was eager to hear her words this morning. I finally confirmed with her that I had recorded properly the major events of the angel meeting yesterday. She said I had recorded it well! I was quite amazed how this all comes to me, so quickly and all.

3. I then listened to what she said:

'Raphael, I am so pleased to come to you today in your prayer! Make this entry your last one for your current post 68. You have chosen well the images of fire for this post, for you and all our angels are being put through the fire of affliction, so that you become stronger and more capable.

4. The effort of Lucifer to take you down with your buckled knee has only made you stronger. Your son detected hidden spiritual weapons that had been embedded for a long time. These are all now removed. You are healing well in your wound, both spiritually and physically.

5. We have purposefully strengthened our angels in the celestial realms, because of the increased attacks they are constantly receiving from the hosts of Satan. We will give them more and more directives this year in extending help and guidance to our elect who are living in mortality or world of the spirits. Our work will go forth in great power and strength, undaunted by the attacks of the evil one. This opposition will only cause our many servants to become stronger.

6. I also want to answer some questions that you have been asked by email. Please list them and I will respond.'

I then opened my email and now will write down these questions that I feel need to be addressed to the group.

7. Q 1: What can you tell me about the prophet who blew his horn on the north shores of the Sea of Galilee? (see post 24)
A: He is a prophet also, who has limited responsibilities and a mission to the Jewish nation. He will be active in the establishment and protection of the new temple in Jerusalem that will be built. He is living in the flesh now.

8. Q 2: Are the 80% of the tribes up north on the earth right now at this time? Can you tell me more?
A: The lost tribes are currently mostly on this earth, in the lands north. Some are hidden from the world, in caverns like Spencer saw in his book "Visions of Glory", and some are in groups of ethnic peoples in northward countries, not knowing yet who they are or their ancestry. These all will come forth in due time to the land of Zion.

9. Q 3: Was there something in the teleporting class you held that should have been accomplished?
A: No, the main lesson of the class was to have you, Raphael, and the angels who attended, to drop all of your expectations. This you, Raphael, have now successfully done.

10. Q 4: Is the location of the New Jerusalem the only place where the Waters of Separation ordinance will be done?
A: Yes. Only by you and Oriphiel will do this.

11. Q 5: About the angel robes, can you tell me any more why some have gold thread and others have more or none? Is it a different style or a greater meaning?
A: The design of the robes of our beloved angels was created by me to fit the personality and future mission of that angel. I varied each robe based on my desire, and not based on anything else. The presence of a gold thread or various colors have no other specific general meanings. These robes empower our angels to act in our behalf in administering to our children in need to which we send them.

12. Q 6: Is there a specific number of times we are to lower our hands in prayer?
A: We accept the faith and intention of those who pray to us more than the exact number of times they lower their hands in prayer. We have taught to raise your hands three times, repeated as a sign, but we will respond if this is not done, if the heart and mind of our child is sincere and full of faith.

13. Q 7: Will all of the mortal angels wait until the end of the thousand years of the millennium to be resurrected?
A: Most of the mortal angels will wait until the end of the millennium to be resurrected. They will perform their service in the millennium as translated holy beings.

14. Q 8: Are we losing any angels at this time of difficulty?
A: There are a number of angels in mortality who question their roles and your standing, Raphael, as our archangel in these last days. These, however, are supporting you in their unconscious minds, in the celestial realms above. They are all at different states of progression as we seek to lead them to do their foreordained work. There may be a very relatively few who continue to question and not fulfill their glorious roles until the millennial day. These will all be fully converted in the day of great service in the millennium.

15. Q 9: Is there a time when we angels are to stop eating, or will this be done individually at different times? Will stop eating improve our other senses?
A: Each angel may stop eating, once they are fully translated, as they wish. There is an increase in sensitivities in their other senses, and a greater awareness of spiritual things and activities. We allow free choice with each angel if they wish to keep eating or not, for either will not impact their mission and functionality as holy angels before us.

16. Q 10: Is the Book of Jasher real or is it a myth?
A: There is a real Book of Jasher, but it has not yet come forth. There will be many records of our faithful dead that will come forth in this, the beginning of the terrestrial world and the millennial day. Many truths will come forth in this day.

17. Q 11: Has there been a change in the female archangel positions?
A: No, these are all as I have revealed them to you in the past.

18. This completed most of the general questions I have recently received. I love hearing these questions and in approaching God for clarity! I feel so very blessed for the huge outpouring of revelation to the world now, and to us who are called as God's holy angels!

This concluded my morning prayer. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her kindness and love. I feel so happy to be in her presence!