130. The Tender Love of God
Posted 7-30-2019


Hello my supportive friends!

I am writing eight of you who have written me this past week to let me know you support me in this great work. Thank you!! We have lost 6 others who either didn't read my email, or wouldn't sustain me. In any case, we will keep going on, with a tighter more believing and active group I believe.

We are each to make a new password too, for that is what I have been directed to do. You can do this yourself. I am not sure why our Heavenly Mother wanted us to do this, but she did. I have already changed my password.

On July 26th, I had an incredible experience where I saw first-hand the deep tenderness and love of our Heavenly Parents for each other. This has been a very moving experience for me! I hope each of you experience that love of God in your life, and see someday what I was witness to. 

Please take the time and ponder this post. I know it is from God, and I hope that you will receive the same confirmation from the Spirit.


P.S. There are many Rose of Sharon bushes all in bloom in my area now, so very beautiful! I have included some images of these flowers that I found online. 

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 21st, 2019, Sunday

1. Evening–I wrote the following at church today. 'Today my wife and I came to our own sacrament meeting in our ward. We sang "My Country, Tis of Thee" as an opening hymn, and the "Star-Spangled Banner" as a closing hymn. Honestly these were the only times besides my personal experience in the sacrament when I felt the Holy Spirit. The rest of the meeting had no spirit in it, even though many people said so in the meeting. I think they said so to make others feel good only.

2. During the sacrament, I came to the grassy field on the celestial orb just south of the white gate where I had entered this morning. I was alone in the center of the grassy field.

3. The priest blessed the bread back in my home ward. I then made my covenant that I do each week. I next waited and watched.

4. After I partook of the bread, Jesus Christ came from behind the white gate, and stood before me! He spoke:

'Raphael, in the covenant you just made to our Heavenly Parents, you promised to take upon you my name, even Jesus Christ. You thereby agree to become my disciple, to be called after my name, and to be even a Christian. You agree to follow my example, to strive to become like me in every way you can by your effort and diligence.'

5. The priest then blessed the water in the ward. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descended from the sky and stood on either side of their Beloved Son. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.'

6. This is all she spoke. They all three stood majestically before me! The sacrament ended, and my view before me in the celestial realms faded. I then started writing all of this down during the remainder of the meeting.'

7. Tonight, after I entered this account in my full-sized journal, I came again to the celestial orb to pray. I had been working today on and off to get post 128 finished and emailed. The revelations just continue to be poured out, and I receive and write them down. I try to be as accurate as possible, recording the words of my Gods at the moment I receive them at most times. It is an exhilarating experience, and the words just flow. I feel so humbled and blessed!

8. I came tonight to Heavenly Mother's lower garden, a little ways east of the glass table. I knelt in the path by some very fragrant flowers. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

9. Heavenly Mother then came to me, walking from the direction of her glass table. She was very bright and was shining! Her eternity eyes were glistening and very sparkling. She was smiling broadly. She immediately spoke:

'Raphael, your wife recently asked you how you see into the spiritual realm, wondering if it was your imagination since you had told her once this is how you were initially able to visualize in the higher realms. First, you are not imagining all that we give to you by our revelations to your unconscious mind! On the contrary, you always wait to be moved upon by us when we speak to you. You are very open and write whatever comes into your mind. This is truly our voice, the still small voice of the Spirit! Were we not to inspire you, you would not be able to write anything, for you have learned never to write unless we move upon you to write. This comes in the form of distinct words and sentences into your mind, your unconscious mind. You receive our thought transfer into your mind from us, and then you are able to write our words.

10. You also observe correctly your surroundings in our celestial orb when you pray. You describe what your spiritual eyes see in this celestial realm. Were you not to see your environment there, you could not write about it. The flow of descriptions and words would immediately stop were you not immersed in our celestial world. You are a true and a faithful servant, only trying to correctly write what you see and hear.

11. Others too might feel it is highly unusual for you to claim speaking and receiving from us twice a day. This is the way we are now revealing ourselves to our elect children and servants in these last days. We are pouring out in abundance, like never before, our truths from heaven, and revealing our very persons to select individuals. We do this because of these times you live in, and our plan to reveal all things to our children on the earth. It will take openness, humility and sincerely asking of us, their Gods, for our children on earth to receive confirmation of these truths. Once confirmed, we will continue to pour out our revelations, as fast as our elect are able to receive them.

12. We also are revealing more now than ever before because Satan is abroad in the land and rages in great fury among men and women, like he also has never done before. We are countering his evil influence upon the world with our revelations we give to our servants and our elect.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful comforting words! I feel so honored to be able to write her words as they flow into me. What a great blessing! My prayer ended and I got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 22, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I came to the celestial orb to pray to my Heavenly Parents, like I do each morning. The house is still and quiet, and I have prepared my heart and mind to connect to my Gods in prayer. I am excited to enter into their presence!

2. I came to the little streambed in the desert, just west of the desert oasis. I stepped down by the stream, and found a dry sandy place on which to kneel. I drank living water from the stream and felt enlightened in my head and heart area. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

3. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, a little elevated in the air in front of me, over the stream! He was very majestic and filled with shining light. I felt his light come into me, and give me the feeling of acceptance and peace. I also felt I could act in confidence, since he would surely direct me how to act and what to think and do. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

4. 'Raphael, today I too want to witness to you of your accuracy in recording the words that you hear in your mind from your Heavenly Mother and me. These are truly our words, and not from you or any one else. You are also accurate in your description of what you observe around you on our celestial orb, or wherever you may pray to us and receive.

5. Revelation from us flows gently, and cannot be forced or intended by the one receiving it to come. You always wait until the words come, and then write whatever comes into your heart and mind. This is truly from us and not from any imaginations of your mind or heart. We speak to you by our still, small voice, even the voice of our Spirit, or by the power of the Holy Ghost from your Heavenly Mother.

6. In our world we follow the law of multiple witnesses. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I witness of each other, at different times in clarity and in truth. We confirm to you of what the other speaks at different times and places. This gives you greater assurance that the revelations we give to you in our celestial realms are true. We often come back at later times and add to our words too, so that our words build on each other. Your posts therefore create a cohesive set of revelations that reveal our words to you and our elect who may read and ponder them.

7. We have said that in these last days that we will do things differently in orchestrating the events leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ. We will work and act in our celestial realms on the earth by our holy angels and celestial servants, and in our terrestrial realms by our 144,000 servants. In the telestial realms on the earth and in the spirit world, there will be uncertainty, and evil will abound.

8. JST Matthew 1:5-11 "And many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that remaineth steadfast and is not overcome, the same shall be saved."

Jesus here describes the telestial world. On the earth, "iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax cold, but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved." (see JST Matthew 1:36).

9. At church yesterday you heard a youth speaker in your sacrament meeting interpret the parable of the ten virgins. She said scripture study and following the LDS church prophet is what the five wise virgins in the parable must do to be safe.

10. However, the correct interpretation is that the wise virgins, or our elect, will have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived." (see D&C 45:57) See also your post 108I5-108I10). In the telestial world, many will be deceived, with false beliefs and false religious traditions. Our elect need to follow our Holy Spirit, be open to our gentle whisperings from our higher realms, or they will surely be deceived. If they rely on others or any telestial institutions of men, including any churches or even scriptures or telestial prophets, men or women who seek to lead them, they must fall. Only those who are open to our workings of the Holy Spirit, and follow our direction and help that we will give to them in abundance from terrestrial and celestial realms of glory will not be deceived, but will abide the day. Our elect need to trust our light we give to them, within their heart and mind, in order to abide the day and meet Jesus in the clouds when he descends to the earth, during his second coming.

11. This rigorous test will try many, but we desire those who come into our millennial world, even of the terrestrial, to abide a terrestrial law, for this is the requirement of that world: they need to follow and obey our Holy Spirit. The practices and institutions of the telestial will be destroyed as the earth and her inhabitants' transition into the terrestrial world. This has never happened before on the earth, and therefore we need to use different methods to qualify our elect for entry into the higher realms of the millennium. This is why relying on others and on written scriptures is not enough. Our elect need to hear our voice of the Spirit, and follow our counsels we give to them.

12. We also have never assembled such a large group of celestial angels, celestial servants, and other terrestrial 144,000 in helping us gather our elect from their fallen telestial world! We will send forth our Holy Spirit to accompany our servants and messengers from higher realms that we send to witness, teach and rescue our elect. Our methods of saving our children and transitioning from the telestial to the terrestrial constitute our strange act and strange work:

13. D&C 101:95–"That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."

14. On February 23, 1847, Brigham Young received a dream in which Joseph Smith appeared to him. He gave him this counsel and message for the saints:

"Tell the people to be humble and faithful and sure to keep the Spirit of the Lord and it will lead them right. Be careful and not turn away the still small voice, it will teach you what to do and where to go; it will yield the fruits of the kingdom. Tell the brethren to keep their hearts open to conviction so that when the Holy Ghost comes to them, their hearts will be ready to receive it. They can tell the Spirit of the Lord from all other spirits. It will whisper peace and joy to their souls, and it will take malice, hatred, envyings, strife and all evil from their hearts, and their whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness, and build up the kingdom of God. Tell the brethren if they will follow the Spirit of the Lord they will go right." (Secretary's Journal" 17 August 1845, Brigham Young Papers MS, Church Archives Manuscript History of Brigham Young, February 23, 1847).

15. This counsel from Joseph Smith applies very much today, among the elect. We will bless and direct those who listen to us!'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words this morning! My prayer ended, the vision was done, but the important message was strongly conveyed to me to follow the Holy Spirit.

17. Evening–I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful tonight. I stayed down by the water, just outside of the trees. It was very pretty, with the sunset on the lake and the light from the lake reflecting onto the trees behind me. I faced the lake and knelt on the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer for them to come to me.

18. I then felt to turn about, and looked back into the maple trees. I saw a bright light in the grove and felt a prompting in my thoughts to stand and enter the grove! I stood and walked into the trees. As I got into the trees, I could see Heavenly Mother shining brightly in the air, half way up the trees! She gave me the additional prompting to come in the air before her. I then ascended to a point right in front of her, and came before her on bended knee. I intended to go up in the air before her, and it just happened!

19. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, travel in our celestial realm is much different than in your fallen telestial world. You move here by your intentions, and gravity here may be adjusted by your own mind, requesting the celestial orb to reduce or eliminate gravity so that you may come before me in the air. You can balance perfectly in space, above the ground if you wish, like you are now doing, while kneeling before me. Our celestial orb is very approachable and quickly responds to us or any of God's children in his domain, in this celestial world, to do our will.

20. In the terrestrial state, the earth will also be able to adjust gravity for those who are in tune to her, and she to them. She likewise may adjust gravity for those who are gods or for righteous children of God who request this, based on the laws of the terrestrial kingdom. These laws are much more liberal with respect to travel in the air, even over long distances, controlled through intentions and thought. This is the same manner that travel in our celestial world occurs.

21. In your telestial world, it is unusual for most of God's children to use means of long distance space travel (teleporting) or manipulation of gravity. This is according to the laws and rules of the telestial kingdom, in which your earth now operates. You are familiar with these laws of the telestial for this is your realm in which you dwell.

22. There are other laws of the terrestrial kingdom that will enhance life during the earth's millennial state. Many of these relate to water becoming living water, and the soil and plants being so much more full of nutrients and becoming so very helpful to man and the animals. The water and air will become much purer, and will be able to rid themselves of the pollutions now abundant in your world. Movement of large masses of land will be done by intention and the earth, which is a responsible steward for her entire surface, will actually control all the land and laws of nature like gravity.

23. The enmity of the beasts will cease, and all will eat a plant-based diet, including mankind. The change in the nature of man and animals will be due to the elevated terrestrial nature and environment in which they will live in that millennial day. Many of the diseases will cease and be eliminated from the earth, for some infectious diseases are only part of the telestial world and not of the terrestrial. Many of our children will live to an old age with never having experienced illness or disease. If they ever do become ill, the increased vibrancy and healing quality of the many plant remedies will be very powerful in restoring our child to his/her health.

24. Once you lock up Satan and his hosts, the earth will rest from the wicked influence of the adversary. Satan was not only a curse to all mankind, but to the entire earth herself. All nature will grow without fear of the evil influence of the adversary.

25. Because Satan will no longer be an influence on our righteous children, they will quickly develop a stronger connection with us, their Heavenly Parents, than possible in your telestial world. Our people will be more clarified and receptive to the influence of my Holy Ghost. Their link to us will be more sure and discernible, for all will know us, their Gods, and my Holy Ghost will dwell continually with the people. Oh, how I look forward to this beautiful millennial day!

26. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words tonight. I am so grateful to dwell in celestial realms in my replicated self, in my labor as an angel of God. This is all so very remarkable to me! I then closed my prayer and got ready to retire to bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 23, 2019, Tuesday

1. As I reread my above entry this morning, I thought of this scripture, speaking of the millennium:

2. D&C 84:98

"Until all shall know me, who remain, even from the least unto the greatest, and shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, and shall see eye to eye, and shall lift up their voice, and with the voice together sing this new song, saying:"

3. There are then four verses of a song that people will sing when they see eye to eye, when God again brings up Zion, and the earth brings forth in her glorious terrestrial strength. What a beautiful world we then will live in!

Here is another scripture about all of the people knowing God in the millennial day

4. Jeremiah 31:33-34

"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

5. I believe this time spoken of by Jeremiah will only happen after Satan is bound and the earth and her inhabitants transition into a higher terrestrial state.

6. This morning I came to the beautiful celestial orb on the southern shore of Lake Beautiful. The water was so very crystal clear here, for this is the celestial world where all the water is living celestial water! I could see the bottom of the lake, far out into the lake. I could see fish swimming in the waters and beautiful water plants in the lake. The shore was also resplendent with life and beauty! I felt very connected to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother already, even though neither had appeared to me yet.

7. I knelt on the beach and faced the vast waters of the lake. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw in front of me, on the waters, both my Heavenly Parents walking towards me, on the air a little above the waters of Lake Beautiful! They were radiating abundant light that shone above and into the waters, even to the bottom of the lake!

8. They soon stopped thirty or forty feet from the shore and asked me in my thoughts to come to them above the waters of Lake Beautiful. I stood and seemed to float in the air until I was right before them! I then knelt in the air above the waters. I could see clear to the bottom of the lake still, for the light from God penetrated that far down to the bottom. I looked up and also felt their intense light flow into and through me! There was no part of me that didn't have light flowing through. I felt very loved and also accepted of them.

9. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the laws of the celestial allow us and you to come upon the waters in the air, all determined by our thoughts and intentions. We are all in tune to the celestial orb, the celestial water, and the celestial air here, which each loves to adjust themselves to our every desire. This too will occur, to a lesser degree, on your terrestrial earth during the millennial day soon at hand.

10. These phenomenon are all controlled by law and order, even as established in the beginning with our first parent Gods. Your earth now follows the laws of the telestial. It is more difficult to communicate with and ask for your earth, water and air in their telestial state to adjust the laws of gravity and other telestial laws, for you are all in a fallen state now.

11. In the terrestrial millennial day, all of our children will know us, for Satan will be bound and their minds will be clarified to a terrestrial level of understanding and vision. They will see eye to eye, when we establish again Zion, the pure in heart.

12. Isaiah 52:6-8

"Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, They God reigneth!

Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion."

13. My Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael not only will our people know us, their Heavenly Parents, and their Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, but our people will be filled with love and acceptance for all. Husbands will love their wives, and the wives love their husbands, and both will love and care for their children in their families, even to an abundance! Sin will flee from the hearts of our people, and Zion will flourish for a thousand years. Great peace and happiness will characterize our people, who are our elect sons and daughters. What a lovely world this will be!

14. Your Heavenly Father and I will frequently come among our children, mingling with them in their houses and lands. We will be ever present in our celestial New Jerusalem area where you and our holy angels will work for the salvation of our celestial children. All will know us, from the least to the greatest. The earth will be filled with peaceful settlements and communities. Our light and love will enter into all the hearts and minds of our faithful in that day. What a wonderful day this will be!'

15. I then saw in vision these peaceful lands and homes of the saints of God! I saw how beautiful the sons and daughters of God were who lived in that future day! I longed to be there, to mingle with them, to talk with them in their homes, to play with their children in their yards, to feel of their love and enjoyment for life! I yearned to meet with them in their worship time, in their homes and meeting places in their communities. There was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that I was brought to tears! Oh, I want to be there!

16. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you will be there, but for now, you must mingle with our children who cannot see or feel, for they live in such a darkened telestial world. Extend our love to all, particularly to your wife, children and loved ones. Be accepting of all, and let our light and love shine forth from you to each one. Zion will be established by the pure in heart who love and accept one another, from the least unto the greatest!'

17. I thanked her and my Heavenly Father for their beautiful words and the brief vision of the millennial world I enjoyed. I said I loved them and would always keep their commandments. My prayer ended and I started my new day.

18. Evening–I enjoyed a very pleasant day with my wife and family. We went on a hike with our son and two of our grandchildren up Payson Canyon. A lot of trees had been burned last year in the fires, but our hike was mostly unaffected from the burns.

19. This evening I came to the birch tree grove on the eastern slope of Lake Beautiful going to the city of Enoch. I have noticed in my revelations from my Heavenly Parents, I often don't understand what they are talking about at first, or wonder how what they say could be true. However, then within a short time my perspective has shifted and it seems that their truths are the only way to look at the situation! My paradigm has shifted after I have been enlightened by God. This is an amazing thing to me! I try to stay open and receptive to anything that I might receive from my Heavenly Parents.

20. I decided to come to the birch treetops and face east, or towards the city of Enoch in the valley directly below me. It was still sunny here, with the leafy treetops blowing gently in a light breeze. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

21. Heavenly Father then appeared next to me, on my left side. He looked happy and accepting of me! I was very glad to come into his presence!

22. He spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you chose to come up here in the treetops this evening, in approaching me in prayer! Our celestial orb is so exceedingly beautiful, particularly from the treetops.

23. You have noticed how our revelations shift your mindset gradually, even until you think like us. We help you slowly and now you have the same perspective as we have. In time, this shift has become a very different perspective than you had even several years ago. This is why you now see with different eyes than your neighbors and fellow ward members, and also your family.

24. When the millennium comes, we will gradually shift the minds by degrees of our open and humble children, just like we have done to you. Soon the entire society will see eye to eye, even as we see, and all will know us their Gods. This shift requires an open and receptive mind and heart. When they know the truth and understand how things came to be, and how they really are, they will become so very enlightened continually from the heavens from our Spirit and revelations. They will become filled with truth and essential knowledge that they may follow to secure their own salvation, through Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. When he introduces them to us, we will then continue to reveal to them all the mysteries of our kingdom and world, like we are revealing to you. We are honored and happy to reveal and confirm to our children these truths, to one at a time, even until they all know us and our ways. They will then be more and more motivated to become like us, and truly become a Zion people, full of love, patience, forbearance, compassion, and becoming like our Beloved Son, who is their example in every way.

25. Come tomorrow to the golden altar that is burning incense next to our temple. Your Heavenly Mother and I will meet you there and give you further instructions.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming tonight to teach me and talk to me! I told him I would come in the morning to his golden altar. I said I loved him.

I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 24, 2019, Pioneer Day, 2019

1. This morning I came next to the golden altar, facing the temple. I then thought to read my last two posts, also on Pioneer Day 1 year ago (post 54) and 2 years ago (post 21). Both of these mentioned the golden altar! I was curious why the golden altar on Pioneer Day?

2. Anyway, I knelt in front of the golden altar, facing south to the nearby temple of God. The two large doors were opened, but I did not see God or anyone else. I then prayed for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. Once I prayed, I noticed that the altar had smoke of the burning incense rising up into the air. The smoke arose in a steady, single stream up into the air.

3. Then I saw my glorious Heavenly Parents come in my view at the open door of their holy temple! They were holding hands, and walked in the air directly to me.

4. When they arrived they were about 12 feet elevated up in the air above the altar, and then walked right up into the smoke of the incense! They were wearing robes, with gold trimmed borders around their necks, and of the sleeves, and the bottom rim of their robes. They each wore a scarlet red sash around their waists, tied with a bow on their right side. They were very majestic and powerful looking, and obviously were so much in charge of everything they had created.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we visit our golden altar each earth year as you have read about this morning on your two previous web posts. We do this in remembrance of the faithful Saints who have served us, and laid a foundation for you and our faithful elect who now live on your mortal earth. This smoke we are standing in, arising from the incense on the golden altar, comes into us and through us with the prayers of the saints. We hear them all, past and present. They motivate us to answer their petition, to rescue and save our elect, our faithful who live on the earth.'

6. He and Heavenly Mother then moved out of the smoke, on either side of the smoke that ascended, behind the altar on my level so that I could clearly see their faces.

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we have worn our matching royal robes in remembrance of the prayers and petitions of our faithful children. They mostly do not know of our revelations that we have given to you, and their minds are still in the dark. They mostly follow the traditions and doctrines of the religion that they were taught. Were we to have revealed to them our many truths, like we have revealed to you, they too would accept and embrace our many revelations, and have a clearer perspective, as do you. It is our desire to gradually reveal to them our many revelations, one at a time, and confirm these to them one at a time also. They then will be lead, carefully and gradually, even into our presence, to know and understand our beautiful truths!

8. The time, however, is not yet to show them our abundant revelations. They may petition us in prayer, and we will answer their prayers, but we hold your revelations in secret until the future day of their revealing to our elect. We will gradually show them all, as fast as they are able to receive and process them, and confirm them with us, by our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. When they have accepted one post, we will show them the next, even until they have accepted all of our revelations through you. They then will see eye to eye and be prepared to bring again Zion, the pure in heart.'

9. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, we will continue to reveal to you more and more of our truths. Those who sustain and support you will also have the privilege to continue to read and ponder our revelations, even as we reveal them to you.

10. Doubt not our methods, for this is our great work, our strange work and our strange act (Isaiah 28:21).

Isaiah 28:23,26 and 29–"Give ear (oh my people), and hear my voice (that we have revealed to our servant Raphael and others in these last days); hearken, and hear my speech.

...For his God doth instruct him to discretion and doth teach him. (These are great truths to be absorbed and revealed gradually, line upon line, here a little and there a little, even until all has been revealed, according to our discretion).

...This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. (We will confirm to our faithful each of our revelations and wonderful counsels that we have revealed to you, Raphael.)" (Emphasis in the parenthesis added by Heavenly Father).'

11. Heavenly Mother spoke next: 'Raphael, look now into the smoke at the prayers of our people!'

I looked into the smoke, and saw many red, or urgent prayers and pleadings to God in the smoke. They had significantly increased since I saw them two years ago, here at the golden altar on Pioneer Day! When I looked upon one red petition, which I was allowed by God to view, I saw or felt the deep fear and uncertainty of that male individual who prayed to God, seeking for truth and solace to his soul. I then saw another prayer, yearning and pleading to God for her family and herself to be protected and guided, not knowing where to turn or what to do! I felt the poignant emotions and heart-felt feelings from both of these righteous individuals! I knew these were just samplings of millions of prayers from the faithful to God. I know too that these prayers would be answered, according to the discretion and wonderful workings of God, according to the manner of God.

12. I bowed my head and committed to follow God's plan for me! I said I would do whatever my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother would want me to do or receive, in order to ultimately bless and serve their faithful children who prayed so diligently to them. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Parents in front of me for their revelation and vision to me today!

13. My view of my Gods, the altar, and the smoke that included the prayers of the Saints, faded from my view. I was next writing all of this down in my personal journal. I then thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother again in my conscious mind, and ended my morning prayer. I got up and started my own Pioneer Day celebrations with my family.

14. Evening–Tonight I came to the fountain of living water, next to the golden altar where I was with my Heavenly Parents this morning. I just sent out post 129 where I asked each member on my email list to sustain me as Raphael and the only one through whom revelation comes to the Church of the Firstborn. I will see what happens! I also need to sustain myself, which I officially do here in my journal. I know that these directions I receive are not from me or anybody else except from my Gods whom I worship. I know that they are real and truly my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and my great Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I feel confirmation from the Holy Ghost that what I witness is true and faithful too!

15. I knelt between the altar and the fountain of living water. I faced the fountain and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me in answer to my request in prayer.

16. Heavenly Father immediately appeared before the fountain, on the elevated walk that contained the pool of living water. He was bright and shining!

He spoke:

'Raphael, your testimony and witness that you are Raphael, our archangel whom we have chosen, and the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes, is written in heaven for all to read! Your Heavenly Mother has witnessed of the truth of your testimony by the power of her Spirit, even the Holy Ghost! I now declare before my angels and celestial servants that your own witness is true! You are our fourth son in the spirit, and we have commissioned you to do our great work at this time.'

17. I then saw my Heavenly Father rise up in the fountain in great brightness and glory! He rose up like he and Heavenly Mother rose up in the smoke of the burnt incense, along with the urgent prayers of the saints from the golden altar this morning. When he was exiting the top of the fountain into the heavenly sky, his words came into my mind:

'Raphael, we are sending you to help us orchestrate our great latter-day work in order to answer the diligent prayers of our faithful that you saw this morning! All of our holy angels and celestial servants will assist you in this monumental effort!'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me and giving me such assurance in my calling! I said I would do as he and my Heavenly Mother direct me, acting in all openness and humility before them.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 25, 2019, Thursday

1. This morning I awoke early and came into the bedroom to meditate and pray. I am in a routine to pray morning and evening, twice a day, and commune directly with either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother twice a day. This is so remarkable! I feel so blessed to have this occur for me. I know too that all of God's children may have a similar experience if they carve out the time to be with God, for this experience is not reserved for me who am a mortal angel. On the contrary, God has said they delight to reveal to each of their children their many revelations and truths, directly from the heavens. This comes by hearing the voice of God in our unconscious mind, in receiving the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, and in seeing and being with our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ in higher spiritual realms where they dwell or frequently come.

2. To me, making time for God is one of the most important activities we can do in mortality! Living without God's daily direction now seems so very scary to me! This sort of living actually seems reckless and so insecure.

3. I came to the celestial orb in my unconscious mind this morning to commune again with my Gods, or one of them. I don't determine at all what they might reveal to me, for they have said they wish to share all of their truths and revelations with me as fast as I am able to receive. I have some desires to ask of them in prayer, but it is mostly them sharing with me. I feel so honored to receive their twice-daily direction, and want to always be open and receptive to their truths and guidance. I have found them to be extremely accepting and loving individuals, and so deeply interested in me!

4. I came to the beautiful circling waters at the west end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The water was continually circling around in this section of the mountain stream, surrounded with beautiful flowers, a grassy area, and a bench in front of the waters. This is a perfect place to meditate and then to commune with God. They frequently come here to me.

5. I knelt by the shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and very clarified in my mind and heart! I am now ready to hear the word of God. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me here.

6. My glorious Heavenly Mother then appeared in a bright light on the waters in front of me! She was smiling broadly and her eternity eyes were sparkling with light. I felt so very accepted and loved from her light that flowed into and through me! I know she lives, for I saw her again with my spiritual eyes, in her celestial realms above! What a blessing this is to hear from her so frequently.

7. I spoke to her about certain family members I wished to have blessed. I asked that her light might shine through my hands to them, attenuated to the correct level so that they might be receptive and not overwhelmed in any way. I prayed that they be protected from the powers of the adversary more also.

8. I then perceived that each one received a level of heavenly light that they could take in without being overwhelmed. Instead, they felt more loved and accepted, and of greater self worth. I also felt this light repelled the evil spirits that may have been around them. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was still standing above the waters in front of me!

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke directly to my mind: 'Raphael, I will continue to bless your loved ones for whom you have prayed this morning. I will channel my light through you to them, from the celestial realms above them. This I will do because of your pleadings for them to me.'

10. I then prayed for my fellow servants, the holy angels and the celestial servants whom Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had enlisted to help and serve their elect children. I asked that they, too, receive more light, celestial heavenly light from either or both of my Heavenly Parents. I asked that they each feel motivated to draw near to their Gods and to be so very enlightened in their efforts and service.

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me again: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will send more abundant light to these, our celestial servants, because of your pleadings for them! We will send the maximum amount of light to them that they each are willing to receive, based on their own agency and receptivity. As they are more diligent, and make time in their busy lives for us, they will receive more and more of our light. We will also call on them more and more, replicating them to be able to have them serve us with greater capacity. The amount of service they desire to give will determine what we will be able to do through them. As their desires to serve their fellowman increase, we will use them more and more, even in the celestial realms on the earth. We will work through them as they labor in love for the elect of God to whom we will send them. Our desires are that our celestial servants and angels become a very great multitude through whom we minister our efforts in saving, protecting, teaching, and loving our elect.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my prayers on behalf of my celestial brothers and sisters whom God has called, along with me. I felt so pleased and contented with her responses.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we honor the agency of our children, and will enlighten them as much as they themselves are willing to receive. Our elect have a desire to be open and receptive to us and to receive of our light. They love this light we send to them and feel most comfortable in our light. This is such a blessing and assurance to them in their earthly life, whether they live in mortality or in the spirit world on the earth.

14. We entirely take our cues from our children on how close they desire to be to us. If they humbly approach us, we will tenderly lead them, step by step, even until we reveal ourselves directly to them as you see me before you this morning. We are eager to reveal to each one the secrets of our will, our mysteries of the heavens, and all things, in time. As they exercise faith in us, and make time for us, we will reveal ourselves more and more to them. This is all determined by them and their desires to connect with us. We always desire to connect and love them, but if they don't ask of us, and make time for us, we will not foist ourselves upon them.'

15. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother, who stood in front of me, for her words. We were able to freely communicate with each other so very wonderfully! I felt so open and receptive to her feelings and thoughts.

16. 'Raphael, your Father and I honor the agency of each of our children. We might send to a certain child more light, coupled with our love and acceptance of them, but if they are not receptive, we will not press our will or our light on them. They each may choose whom they list to obey.

17. Alma 3:27

"For every man (and woman) receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey, and this according to the words of the spirit of prophecy; therefore let it be according to the truth."

18. We who are your Gods delight to bless those who make room for us. We find great joy in revealing to each one who comes to us in the openness of heart, all our mysteries and our will for them.

19. D&C 76:5-10

"For thus saith the Lord–I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.

Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.

And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.

Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.

And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.

For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will–yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man."'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words! I so love her and want to always seek her and my Heavenly Father with an open heart and mind, and receive what they wish to reveal to me! I told her how much I loved her.

21. She then gradually disappeared from the place she stood above the circling waters. I was alone, and then closed my morning prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Evening–We worked and then played hard with our family, enjoying the summertime. It is early but both my wife and I are very tired. Family has left now, and I hope to pray to my Heavenly Parents tonight before I am just too exhausted.

23. I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters. I knelt facing the temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

24. Light came from the top of the temple, and then Heavenly Father appeared before me in the column of light. He was glorious and so very majestic!

25. He spoke: 'Raphael, meet me here tomorrow morning at this outcropping, and I will speak to you at that time. I know you are very tired, and so I will wait until you are alert to reveal to you more of our secrets from the eternal worlds!'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his promise to meet me tomorrow. I told him how much I loved him. He then backed up in the light, which then retracted right back into his temple in the distant horizon.

I closed my prayer and went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 26, 2019, Friday

1. Today I awoke all the earlier since I went to sleep well before I normally do. I now feel refreshed and ready to pray to my Gods.

2. I came to the little outcropping where my Heavenly Father asked me to come last night. I felt clear in my mind, and receptive in my heart. I have no idea what my Heavenly Father may reveal to me, but he said he would reveal some more secrets of the eternal worlds!

3. I feel gratified to have received six positive responses to the request from Heavenly Mother for the ones on my email list to support and sustain me as Raphael, I also sustain myself, so I guess that makes seven who sustain me. I feel grateful for this small handful of supportive mortal angels and celestial servants!

4. I next knelt on the little outcropping above the circling waters and faced God's temple to the west. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come as he promised last night.

5. My Heavenly Father then came in a column of light from his temple, just like he also arrived to me last night! He was bright and shining to all the region round about. I felt his light and the feeling of love come into me. However, this light did not pass through me, but stopped inside of me. It was not like the intense light of the Holy Ghost, from my Heavenly Mother that entirely passed through me so that I had a very transparent feeling. Nevertheless, I was filled with light, love and clarity from my Heavenly Father's light.

6. He then spoke: 'Raphael, the light from my being is the light of my Holy Spirit. This is less intense than the light that comes to you from your Heavenly Mother, who sends forth her light of the Holy Ghost. We have agreed, prior to this eternity in which you live, that she would be the one to send forth the intense light of the Holy Ghost to our children, and act in that role. I was to shed forth the Holy Spirit to our children, as well as our Beloved Son once he were to become a God, ordained to use our power. In all cases, the intense light of the Holy Ghost comes from your Heavenly Mother in this eternity. We all three Gods have power to do this, but she is the one designated to do so.

7. Your Heavenly Mother also has such tenderness and love that she has developed since we met and married on our own mortal earth! She loves so deeply our children, from our own that were born to us in our mortal life together, to the billions of children in each eternity since then. Her love flows in abundance from her very being, coupled with the intense light of the Holy Ghost. In every way, she is the perfect Holy Ghost to our children!

8. Nephi of old spoke of three distinct Gods whom you worship:

2 Nephi 31:21–"And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end, Amen."

9. We are one in purpose and doctrine, and do all our works in transparency before each other, for we are one. We witness and testify of each other, for we know all actions and intents of each other, for we are the three Gods of the world upon which you stand, and are fully united as one.

10. Our individual roles are different, but our purpose is the same. When we interface with our children, we act in our individual roles. Your Heavenly Mother is the mother of each of our children, and has born each one from her resurrected and glorified body. They grew in her as spirits, from my holy seed in her womb, and were shaped and formed by her, each unique and our beloved child.

11. Once our spirit child was born, Immanuel being the very first one born in this eternity, she nursed and nourished each with great motherly care and tenderness. They grew under our constant care until they were of full stature as our spirit sons or daughters, in our very image! Their eternal intelligence filled the spirit body we created from elemental matter, to form a unique and beautiful child who looked like either your Heavenly Mother or me, a female spirit daughter or a male spirit son of God! They were destined to one day become like us too, as a God. The choice, however, was entirely their own, for they could choose their own path and determine their own future. We, their loving Heavenly Parents, would continue to nurture, comfort, inspire, and direct them in the ways of our gospel, and encourage them gently to follow our ways.

12. Our elect children are those who choose to follow our promptings and directions we give to them. I speak to our sons and daughters with my Holy Spirit, as does Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, for this eternity. We have also called this spirit the light of Christ, for it is the same light we receive from our first parent Gods who create if from elemental matter and send it forth to all of their creations. Your Heavenly Mother also receives this same light, and sends it forth with much more intensity and we call this the Holy Ghost, or her Spirit. We speak to our sons and daughters in the flesh through our Holy Spirit, the light of Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which is all light, coming from our first parent Gods.

13. We couple with this light our thoughts, words, feelings, and everything we wish to communicate or share with our beloved children. Our elect hear our voice of the Spirit, and then keep our commandments by obeying what we ask of them. They all have agency, or the power to choose, but our elect make time for us in their lives, and choose us above the world. Our elect will fulfill their destiny to become like us, their Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, to become couple Gods in eternity! They will receive a fulness of joy, and fulfill the very measure of their creation in the day your Heavenly Mother and I chose and created them.

14. When light comes into our galaxy and into the very presence of your Mother and I, we shed this light forth upon all of our creations. We have chosen Immanuel, our Firstborn Son, and have channeled this light in abundance through him. We chose and named him to become Jehovah, our chosen Great Redeemer. He in turn was sustained by our light and power we funneled through him. He was the promised Messiah and Savior of the world!

15. When he came to earth he was born as Jesus Christ, and fulfilled his mission to redeem all mankind who would come to him, accepting him as their Redeemer and personal Savior. It is through Jesus Christ that all of our other children come to us, their Heavenly Parents, for they each need the great cleansing and merciful power of our Beloved Son. Once clean and pure, he may introduce them again to us, their loving parents. We will then receive them with open arms, leading them gently through our Spirit like we have always done since their birth as spirit children to us.

16. If our children hearken to our voice, and keep our words and commandments, they will receive the Holy Ghost as their constant companion! This is the very presence of the Spirit of their Heavenly Mother! What a comfort she is to each of our faithful sons or daughters in their trek back into our presence! She, like no other, may lead them tenderly, caring for their every need and want, with her accumulated love and wisdom from the ages, and from her knowledge of how she formed them and birthed them, and what she envisioned them to become. She is the ideal one to nourish and guide them constantly in returning back into our holy presence!'

17. Heavenly Father was then crying for joy, for the wonderful companion he had in his loving wife and companion, and in her tender role as the Holy Ghost to their children! I saw his tears, and knew immediately from his Spirit why he was crying.

18. At that moment he turned towards the temple in the stance, and another beam of light burst upon us! Heavenly Mother, in her beauty and great glory, stepped forth from the light, came forth and embraced her husband, my Father, and kissed him tenderly! My heart melted and I too burst into tears, for such a tender moment I had never witnessed!

19. When my Father and I had regained some of our composure, Heavenly Mother turned to me, with her eyes also moistened, and spoke:

20. 'Raphael, you have witnessed our deep love we share together! Oh, how we love and cherish each other!'

21. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were then holding hands and held each other with their other closest arms around each other. They were both facing me.

22. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, stand and join us in a Godly embrace!'

I stood and came before them. They then each let go of their hands, and wrapped their free hands around me! They each kissed me and cried again, as did I.

23. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have felt and received the love of God in abundance this day! You are our beloved child, as are each of those we created and I birthed in our very image. Oh, we desire our children to become like us, for this was the very purpose in their creation! For those who are true and faithful, they too will have a very intimate and full Godly embrace with their Father and I, like you have experienced today.'

24. At that time, in our embrace, with their loving arms around me, I felt her intense light of the Holy Ghost beam into me and through me. We seemed like a bundle of intense light, so filled with love for each other. I will never forget this amazing moment!

25. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then dropped their hands and both stood before me. They looked behind me, and I turned to see what they were looking at.

26. My Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, was standing behind me, smiling. I turned and faced him. He was full of light and deep love and acceptance that flowed into me. I looked into his very compassionate eternity eyes, and knew he had fully suffered for all my weaknesses and sins, and freely forgiven me of them! I knew that I was clean only because of his merits, and not my own.

27. He then stepped forward and embraced me and kissed me on both of my cheeks! I started crying again for joy.

28. Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, you are clean and pure before us, your Gods! You are fully redeemed, and brought back into our presence. What our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have shared with you today is all true, and you have written their words in your journal correctly.

29. We want a tender moment like this for each of our faithful elect sons and daughters of God. This event will deeply impress them and motivate them to continue to be true and faithful to the end, regardless of the trials of their journey back into our presence.'

30. My time with Jesus and my Heavenly Parents started to fade, and I found myself writing in my bedroom in my journal. I immediately thought of this scripture;

1 John 4:7-11 "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.

In this way manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another."

31. I feel so weak, because of my mortal weaknesses, and yet I feel so strong because of the love of my Father, Mother and my Great Redeemer Jesus Christ! I feel somewhat I think like Nephi–"He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh." (2 Nephi 4:21).

32. I closed my morning prayer with such gratefulness for the tender mercies and love of God that have been poured out upon me so abundantly today!

33. Evening–Tonight I came to the overlook on the Father's wheat field and the fallen oak tree. I don't know why I am here, but I tried to go other places in my mind and just kept coming here.

34. I knelt and asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother then appeared to my right side, facing the tree and the field! She was looking over this area when she spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have asked that you come here with me, and your replicated person had heard my request, but you hadn't heard this in your conscious mind yet. There is sometimes a delay you experience between what we say to your unconscious mind and when you hear this in your conscious mind.

35. I am come here tonight to share with you my perspective on the religions of the world. The fallen oak tree is likened not only to the fallen LDS Church, but now all the other churches on the earth. All churches are floundering on their own in the world, for they have no sure direction from us, their God. Their leaders are trying to inspire and lead their members, but they themselves are as lost as their members. We require all of our children to seek us themselves and humbly seek our direction rather than depend on their pastors, leaders, or anyone else. We desire each one to come to us, instead of the religious and doctrinal directions of their leader.

36. In the case of you, who are led by revelation, or other leaders who will be called of God and receive our direction in the future Church of Christ, all of those they lead should also confirm that they are being led in the right way, and that this direction is from us, their Gods. This is a standing principle in our churches, even in the terrestrial world in the millennium. There should never be constraint or judgment against those who may choose not to support their leaders, for their choice to support their leader is entirely between them and their God.

37. If we inspire the leader, as in your case Raphael, and one does not support you, they may simply no longer have access to your higher revelations, but they would still be allowed to participate fully in our church. We want all of our faithful children to still mingle with others of our true religion, and to continue to believe the basic doctrines of our gospel, and be able to partake of the sacrament weekly. Excommunication or disfellowship from our Church of Christ is only for the cause of iniquity, and not for variations in belief like supporting a leader or not, or in various doctrinal beliefs.

38. We do, however, require the basic belief in Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, for that is a foundational tenant of the Church of Christ. However, other beliefs or variations in beliefs are not grounds to cut any of our children off from their membership in our true Church of Christ!

39. When our faithful read, ponder, and pray about the scriptures and the new revelations we have taught to you and others, they will gradually all receive our confirming revelations also. The saints will then become very united in these truths and will see eye to eye, for they will understand more and more from our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. There will be great tolerance and love and leeway for all levels of understanding of our gospel truths. Our Spirit will continually be with the humble and prayerful and the love of God will abound. This will be a beautiful day when all of our people are accepted and invited to join the fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ and us, their Gods.'

40. Heavenly Mother quietly disappeared from my side then and I was left alone. I have to seek some greater understanding on how tolerant the members of Christ's true religion really ought to be with each other. Even leaders are to act in great humility, love and acceptance, hardly ever judging others except in the cases of sin, when they need to keep the church pure.

41. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit tonight! I told her in my mind that I loved her so very much.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 27, 2019, Saturday

1. I have just reread my journal entry from last night. I see how quickly a religion like the LDS Church may fall into neglect and disrepair, even though it is founded on truth in the beginning. We too may individually wander away from truth and be cut off from revelation from God if we let ourselves become proud, self willed and no longer depend upon God for our support and direction. If we think we know of ourselves and are not open, receptive and humble before God, we might also be left to our own devices, receiving no revelation and be left to wander without the guidance of our Gods. I believe this is the state of many of the elect of God now, for if they are not diligent in seeking humbly and openly a daily communion with our Gods, they will not be in a position to hear the Spirit of God in their lives. They then become subject to the traditions of the past, their leaders who might be misguided and a religion and belief system that is becoming even apostate! Satan will then be able to also lead them.

2. This state of being led away carefully by the devil is well described by Nephi who saw our day.

3. 2 Nephi 28:19-32

"For the kingdom of the devil must shake, and they which belong to it must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp them with his everlasting chains, and they be stirred up to anger, and perish;

For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.

And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none–and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.

Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.

Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!

Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!

Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.

Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."

4. Boy, I didn't mean to quote such a long scripture! However, as I was writing down in my journal Nephi's words, the words seemed to become opened up to me, with their true meaning. He was somehow viewing us in these last days, even in our Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He saw that the devil had twisted truth and that the leaders were cut off from revelation and their priesthood. He saw that so many had been left to themselves to flounder and be carefully led away by the adversary. He saw that only the humble that repent, and openly come unto God will be led, and others will become misguided with unbelief and false religion. They will think "all is well in Zion", even their leaders, but it will be just the opposite, with Satan carefully and deceptively leading them away down to hell, being cut off from God! What a dire state we really live in!

5. This morning I came to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I found myself kneeling, facing eastward. There was a cloud that hung below me on the mountaintop. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

6. Heavenly Father then came from above me, in the sky! He was bright in his glory and came with a man by his right side. He spoke to me when they both came before me.

'Raphael, I have brought my servant Nephi of old, son of Lehi, that you have extensively quoted from the Book of Mormon in your journal this morning! He is now one of our celestial resurrected servants whom we are using in these latter day, and supports and follows your current leadership in heading up our great latter-day work.'

7. Heavenly Father smiled, and then turned to Nephi. I saw a man with a brilliant white robe, which I knew was a robe of resurrection for the celestial. He had not yet received his robe of exaltation, for that would be given to him in the New Jerusalem temple by the holy angels. He, too, was smiling at me.

8. Nephi spoke to me: 'Raphael, what our Father has said to you about me is true–I support and sustain you as the only one through whom revelation comes to the Church of the Firstborn. You too are God's prophet in your day now on the earth, just like I was a leader and a prophet of God for my people, the Nephites, in my day.

9. What you have written today in your journal from 2 Nephi 28:19-32 is also a true account of what I wrote many centuries ago on gold plates that I had molten and made for our holy records. I was taken by the Spirit of God to this same exceedingly high mountaintop frequently. I looked eastward as you now are doing. God, my Father, who is beside me, and the Holy Ghost who I now know is our Heavenly Mother, both came frequently to me here and showed me many things, even that of your day in the future. I saw exactly your day, in your churches across the earth. I saw that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had fallen, with leaders who had become misguided, lost the Holy Spirit, and then lost their priesthood and priesthood keys. I wrote on plates the very words you wrote this morning in your journal about this very LDS Church, at this time in your day. I wrote these words as I was inspired, to you whom I called gentiles.

10. Raphael, as you know, you live in a very difficult time of deception! Satan is abroad and inspiring men and women to masquerade as prophets and leaders of God, when they are truly led by him, the master of all lies. He deceives even the very elect!

11. The way for these people to not be deceived is to repent, to take upon them the name of Christ in all humility, and to seek in prayer to be led by revelation from the Holy Spirit of God and by the Holy Ghost. They will be led line upon line, even as I wrote in 2 Nephi 28:30. If they are open and obedient, God will lead them to all truth, protect them by his power, through his holy angels and celestial servants like me, and prepare them for the great millennial days soon at hand. All will be well with them if they follow God's Spirit and keep the directions they receive from God, and not man.

12. I have looked forward to your day, and rejoice in the privilege to serve with many of my resurrected brothers and sisters from our deceased nation, in this great latter-day work!'

13. I was kneeling before my Father and Nephi. I felt so pleased that I had written down Nephi's words this morning in my journal, and that Heavenly Father had brought him to me at this very high mountaintop where he had frequently come in his day on the earth.

14. I spoke: 'I thank you, Nephi, for coming to me with such an urgent message to my fellow elect now living on the earth! I thank you, my Father, to have brought such a choice and faithful servant as Nephi to me here! I will always seek your face and keep your commandments! With your revelations such as this today, I know I will not be led astray."

15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, what you and Nephi have spoken and written is from us, your Gods, to help lead our beloved sons and daughters back into our presence!'

16. Heavenly Father then looked at Nephi and then they went backwards together into the clouds, lower on the mountain. I was left alone and closed my morning prayer.

17. Evening–Tonight I came to a place K told me about today while I was talking on the phone with her. It is a pool of water not far from the black pyramid, in God's Loving Healing Center. My sister says it is such a beautiful spot to quiet down and meditate. Anyway, I came right there to this forest pool. I sat on the moss or ground cover surrounding the pool. I drank some living water before praying. I then knelt and prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me tonight.

18. Heavenly Mother came quickly, but I first saw her reflection in the pool water. Then a few seconds later she came from above to me in the air! She was full of bright light and love, for I felt these both.

19. My wife then announced to me in the front room of my house that she was going to bed and couldn't stay up any longer. Then Heavenly Mother smiled at me and told me to meet her in the morning at the forest pool on the celestial orb in my morning prayer. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and went to bed with my wife.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 28, 2019, Sunday

1. I am up early after a good sleep. I read my entry from last night and was a little chagrinned that Heavenly Mother came and then I left her so quickly, since I was so tired and went to bed!

2. I came again to the forest pool that K had told me about in God's Loving Healing Center. It was just like I saw it last night. I looked and saw no source of water flowing into the pool, so I thought it must be filled from an underground spring. I imagined it was about 15 feet across. The water was crystal clear and I could see the entire bottom.

3. I knelt again where I had last night and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came again from above me to the water, just like she had last night. She was smiling and full of acceptance and love!

She spoke: 'Raphael, do not feel bad, because you did pray and commune with me last night. I am able to come and appear to you whenever you wish! I have no need of sleep and never tire from my work like you, who are in mortality still do.

4. You received an email from Tania, the newly awakened healing angel. The last healing angel to be awakened in mortality was about two years ago. This doesn't mean that they haven't been laboring in the celestial realms around the earth, for they have all been helping us in service to their fellowman in their unconscious minds. The awakening is for our mortal angels in the flesh to become aware of their calling, in their conscious mind. There are still many living on earth that consciously are not aware that they are a healing angel, or any other angel. They will all know in time of their important calling before us.

5. Mortality is a very critical time for us and our children on earth to see who they really are in terms of their desires to be close to us and to follow our Spirit. The world around them is very alluring and distracting and Satan is abroad in the land to entrap and tempt them. The natural man or woman is common to all, but the amount of heed our children give to their carnal state is entirely up to them. Mortality is a way to help them overcome the natural desires of the flesh and to control every appetite. This mastery is something we require of the elect, for there is no other way for us to determine who truly desires to hear us and keep our commandments over any other thing in their lives.

6. Tania also mentioned in her email that she thought somehow that you were helping her in her physical ailments. She is correct, even though you do not consciously know this. You are replicated many times over, as many of our other angels are, in serving and blessing our elect as we direct you. Our children in mortality may pray to us, and in response we may attend them or send our angel or heavenly messenger in answer to their faithful prayer. In every case where we send one of our angels or servants, we will also send our Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost to accompany the answer to their prayer. This witness of the Spirit will give them assurance this is from us, and not from their own thoughts or another spirit.

7. D&C 46:7-8

"But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils.

Wherefore, beware lest ye are deceived; and that ye may not be deceived seek ye earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given."

8. Raphael, even though it comes so natural now for you to pray and commune with us in this beautiful celestial environment, by this very still and lovely forest pool in the celestial woods, please know that this ability you have is a great gift from God! Few people in mortality may do this and connect so clearly with their unconscious mind as do you. This great blessing is for all the faithful to benefit from, including when they read and ponder your many revelations. They too will be thus able to develop this same gift of connection with their own spiritual self, and we will open up in part their link between their conscious and unconscious minds. This is in part called the veil, and it will be more and more lifted as you and our faithful commune with us, even as do you.

9. Be believing, and let your thoughts and impressions give way above your hesitations and unbeliefs. As you allow our gentle words to come into your mind, we will lead you ever so imperceptibly. Follow our gentle and quiet still small voice, and it will lead you in the ways we desire. At any time, you may ask of us if this direction that you are impressed with is of God. At those times, we will send more light to confirm that this is all from us and is true.

10. It helps to be in meditative and quiet surroundings during your prayers on earth. Then when you come to places like this beautiful forest pool, you will be able to spiritually see it is truly here! If you cannot yet see it, or into our celestial world, have patience and continue to believe and accept that it is all true and real, for heavy is your mortal state and the veil is still determined to remain. By your own belief and faith, however, you may lift that veil of unbelief and peer into the beauties of our celestial world and even see us, your Gods.

11. You were recently asked a question about a witness you received from me, the Holy Ghost, that you said was true and faithful. You were asked what does it mean to witness something that is "faithful"?

12. Another way to say this is that what you perceived or saw spiritually, or with your spiritual perception was true and actual. Faithful is a word of belief in something real and true, viewed with spiritual perceptions from a place of mortality where there is a heavy veil shrouding the spiritual realms of a higher place. Just because one cannot see into these higher spiritual realms does not mean they do not exist. If one is faithful and believing, they may develop the ability to see and participate in these higher spiritual realms. What they see is true, and only seen because they are full of faith and belief.'

13. I thanked my beautiful and radiant Heavenly Mother who stood above the forest pool in the air! Her light fully illuminated the water and shone into the bottom of the pool. Her light also came into and through me, filling me with light and love. I feel, even now while I write this, the flow of light passing into and through me, even in my conscious mind. I know that the veil has been lifted in me in this regard, for I feel and perceive this so clearly. What a great gift this is to me! I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this great gift of God to me. I told her how I loved her, and said that I would always seek her and my Heavenly Father daily in prayer and meditation.

14. My prayer then ended, and I knew I should start my Sabbath day in mortality. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ, and started my day.