133. Joy in Service
Posted 8-26-2019


I hope each of you have been enjoying life! I have experienced a lot of happiness in my own life with my family, probably because of my own attitude has changed. It is refreshing when one views others' actions without trying to analyze them, or figure out why they act that way! I think acceptance and love is the best remedies to our own happiness. Sometimes that is very elusive, however!

I tried to figure out what to name this post, and I quickly reviewed its contents. Here is a partial list of what I have received in this post:
• joy from service
• shifting our mindset
• visions in the unconscious mind
• importance of purity
• celestial translated people are still mortal
• the wickedness of our current society
• who is allowed into the millennium
• all will be converted to Jesus Christ in the millennium
• all will receive the Holy Ghost during the millennium
• the eternal celestial worlds are only for couple gods and not ministering servants
• earth will become in a state like a sea of glass and fire
• the office of an angel
• daughters of God have been oppressed up to this time
• restrictions of the priesthood were lifted right after Christ's sufferings
• there are no more ordinations to the priesthood until Church of Christ

I don't know what is most important, if there is anything. I just called this post "Joy in Service". 

I hope you will pray about the new insights I have been given in this post. Please consider all with an open mind and heart!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 15, 2019, Thursday

1. I finished my trip yesterday evening, returning back to my home in Utah. I had a very intense, but so enjoyable quick trip to visit my mom and siblings. It was so nice we all came together. I know it meant a great deal to my mother! They were all hospitable and loving–what a blessing I really have!

2. I am ready now to reconnect again, in a meditative state, with my loving Heavenly Parents. They are both my family and I am their son. What a great blessing this is when I really think of it! I feel so humbled to know my heritage and to have great desires to reconnect, whether in my earthly family or the family of my spirit.

3. I came this morning to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I knelt facing the fallen oak tree. From the time before that I saw it last, it looked dryer and more brittle. There were several broken off branches on the ground.

4. On my trip, I could tell, I think, which travelers were upright, respectful and followers of Christ. I am sure many of them were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are trying to do well and generally are very much a wholesome people. I feel so blessed to have been baptized into this church at age 15, and to have received a witness of the truth of the Book of Mormon. I have continued being very active until our children were mostly all grown, and our fourth son went on his mission. I don't think I would have done it generally any differently, except for trying to be a more attentive husband and father and developing more loving and stronger family relationships.

5. I knelt on the overlook, thinking on these things and prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I waited after addressing them in prayer.

6. My glorious Heavenly Mother then appeared in the air right in front of me! She was so bright, beaming with the light of the Holy Ghost. Her light immediately passed into and through me! It was accompanied with a happy and loving feeling, so full of acceptance! I correspondingly felt so receptive of her love and light. Every part of me was lit up and engulfed in her light, this intense light of the Holy Ghost.

7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are happy you so enjoyed being with your mother and brothers and sister and their families! Relationships on earth and in heaven are designed to build upon each other and last eternally. Even now when we are consumed in raising our own family in our own galaxy, we still cherish and love those of our own brothers and sisters in our pre-mortal and mortal lives. We are eternally connected to our own Heavenly Parents, even today. We continue to receive our light through them, even from our first parent Gods who send it out to all of their children and creations.

8. Joy comes from loving and serving others. When our own children think more and more about themselves and less and less on others, they have reduced joy. We, your Heavenly Parents, are consumed in blessing, serving, guiding, and gently leading our own children, thinking of their own happiness and wellbeing and very infrequently about our own. Because we do this, and love so fully, we are ourselves filled with continual joy and purpose. When our children rebel or reject our light and love, we are saddened, but try to let that be a temporary passing. We find the deepest satisfaction and joy when our children, like you, seek our faces and obey our counsels! These are our very elect, our own whom we will exalt and allow to become even as we are!

9. I have brought you here, next to Father's wheat field and the fallen oak tree. There are so many of our faithful children who are active members of this fallen church. We will lead and guide each one who is open and receptive to us and our whisperings. We desire to be the ones whom they obey and follow, even more than the world or their spiritual leaders in their church. There are many who feel dissatisfied in the LDS Church, who have broken off and are like the broken off branches of the fallen oak tree before us. These are seeking our guidance, but often get lost in the many voices around them. In a day of privations, these, our elect children who have broken off of the main oak tree, will find us and be guided by us, a little at a time, a little here and a little there, even until they too may receive all of our truths. It is all up to them.

Our garlic harvest this year!

10. It takes time for them to shift their mental state so that they may receive our truths from us and not their religious leaders. Even when they are brought into the new Church of Christ and Church of the Firstborn, they need to confirm and test all things, making sure they are being led by us and not by man. We will always be with our elect, guiding and loving them in their journey back to us, their Heavenly Parents.

11. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her comforting words this morning! I told her how much I loved her and that I was so pleased to have meditative and connective prayers with her again!

12. She then stepped forward and embraced me tenderly. She looked me in my eyes and smiled! Then she was off and I was alone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

13. Evening–Tonight I came to the meandering stream in the desert, not far from the desert oasis. The sand was still warm from a sunny day on the celestial orb. I felt clean and ready to commune with my Heavenly Parents.

14. I knelt and faced north. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. As I was waiting, I opened up my mind to where my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother would come, and I felt Heavenly Father was behind me. I turned and saw him smiling! He had come behind me without a sound. He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, our children need to hear us or feel our presence, even when we come without a sound. If they have learned to trust their own intuition, or impressions in their mind or heart, they will be led aright for we speak to them very softly. I came to you without any noise, and just whispered faintly that I was behind you. As our children learn to trust their intuition, and these small feelings, that come in their minds and hearts, they will hear us, every time we speak to them.

15. The still small voice is unlike any other prompting or feeling you may have. It is unlike any other thought also. However we speak to you in your mind, in your thoughts, you may ask in your mind if this is from us, and you will always receive the same response from us, that is always confirmable, for as often as you desire.

16. It helps for our children to be in a quiet place, and seek to be very open. We speak to our children by our spirit in their unconscious mind. Were our children performing their daily tasks, they would likely miss communing from us altogether.

17. Raphael, meet me here again tomorrow morning and I will speak more to you.'

18. My Heavenly Father then gradually disappeared over 5-10 seconds, and then was gone. I thanked him for his beautiful message, so simple yet vital for man to know and learn, in order to communicate with God.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 16, 2019, Friday

1. I came again this morning to the meandering stream in the desert, where I was located last night. I look forward to meeting with my Heavenly Father who said he would come here this morning.

2. The beautiful day had begun already, and I knelt on the sand next to the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came in front of me, shining brightly! He was smiling, and I felt his love and acceptance for me.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, last night I spoke to you about the still small voice of our spirit, and how our children need to quiet down to hear us. This is a crowning experience of life in mortality, to break through their unbelief and be able to always hear our voice, and then obey. Those who do so in mortality become our elect. They will not be led astray, or be deceived. (see D&C 45:56-57).

4. We do not suddenly counter and lead our children from the norms of their society, culture, and traditions, but do so gradually. We have found it takes time for our children to shift their mindset after we have given them revelation. Thus by degrees we gradually lead them and shape their mind to our own views and perspective.

5. Your Heavenly Mother and I have addressed this topic of our spirit many times with you. Each time we do, you have matured a little more in your spiritual understanding and insight. You progress and change by following our commands, each time acting in faith. We rarely give you so much new truth or revelation in a way that doesn't require faith to accept and believe. This is our way, so that in all of our gentle leading, you may always question and keep wondering if you are being led by us or yourself, or someone else. However, whenever you may ask us, we consistently give you the same assurances that you are being led aright.

6. We gently and quietly lead our faithful children to receive more and more truths and directions from us their Gods. In their mortal, telestial state, we want them to always confirm that our guidance is truly from us, and not from themselves or some false spirit or from a friend or leader that unknowingly may be leading them astray. Each one of our elect need to choose for themselves whom they will follow.

7. When we bring our elect from the telestial world, into a terrestrial or celestial realm, our spirit comes to their mind more clearly and with greater sureness. We want them, however, to first be proven in their telestial mortal state, in order for them to act in faith. We test and try our children who act in faith and obey. This assures that they are truly candidates for entry into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. Once proven and accepted by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate leading to the path to exaltation and eternal life, they will have demonstrated they hear and follow our still small voice.

8. Some who have read your words about us speaking to your unconscious mind are confused by the term unconscious, or wonder about where this part of the mind may be located. Your unconscious mind that we speak about is not acting in your body but not consciously accessible. It is hidden from your views and conscious, comes into our children often as a questionable thought or feeling. This is in contrast to your conscious mind that may view, see, perceive and verify the source by physical sight, touch, taste, smell, sound or reasoning. To verify that something comes into your unconscious mind and is true is not verifiable by the physical senses. It is verifiable in your mind and heart, perceivable in assurances from us your Gods that we send to you by our still small voice of the spirit. The spirit is light and truth, and resonates in your being with feelings and impressions.

9. When Stephen and Abraham were in life-threatening situations (see post 132G4-132G10), and were threatened with death, we came to them in their unconscious mind, so that they clearly perceived us. They had both become accustomed to our voice and knew and recognized this just as plainly as they could verify something coming into their mortal conscious mind. They both received visions of the Almighty in their unconscious mind. This was in a realm that was not verifiable by their five mortal senses, but it was spiritually perceived. All visions from God, given by us through revelation, come to this part of the mind and heart of man or woman, for this is the region of the spirit of man where we address them. Our spiritually sensitive children are very much aware of our visions and voice of the spirit that we share with them, even in their telestial, mortal state. All of our elect hear our voice, given through their unconscious mind and heart.

10. The unconscious heart that I speak of refers to the feelings and inner yearning of your heart and breast. This is the area in our mortal children where they feel often inspired and motivated to action. We address this hidden part of our children also, in addition to their unconscious mind. Their heart is the receptacle of pure and virtuous feelings of love, empathy, compassion, and all holy and goodly virtues.

11. D&C 8:2-3–"Yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your heart (these are both not in your conscious state, but in the inner man or woman, in an unconscious or hidden part of the spirit of man), by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. (This heart and breast area is where our holy spirit, or the Holy Ghost resides in our children, so that they may feel what is right and truthful).

12. Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground. (This prompting to divide the Red Sea was given to Moses in his unconscious mind, and not in his conscious mind. It was verifiable by our Spirit, and not by the five physical senses.)' (parenthesis commentary added by Heavenly Father).

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his further detailed explanation of the unconscious mind and heart of his children, and how God communicates to mortal man. I told him how glad I was to be in his glorious presence! I said I loved him, and would follow him always.

14. My prayer ended by me coming back into my mortal conscious mind, writing all of this down. I confirmed in my mind by the Holy Spirit that what I had received and written was true. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

15. Evening–Tonight I came to the tall fir forest just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I was in a fully shaded area under several majestic fir trees that towered up into the sky. It was here where I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. I was facing the overlook. I waited with anticipation. I then felt to look up to the canopies of the fir trees. I thought I had heard my Heavenly Mother call me to come up there. I didn't see her but felt her call again. I then stood and elevated myself, by my thoughts, to an area just on top of the fir tree canopies! I had thought that I had been there before.

16. As I cleared the top branches, I saw my Heavenly Mother shining in glory to the entire region round about! Her light shone into and through me like I was transparent! She was broadly smiling, and was sending out very loving feelings to me and to all of her creations around me.

17. She then spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you came here to the canopies of these fir trees because of my gentle nudge to your unconscious mind. You are becoming very skilled at hearing my voice, so small and gentle!

18. Now that you are back in a routine of connecting with your Heavenly Father and I, morning and night, we want to introduce new ideas to you. We have recently shared more truths about the workings of our Spirit, and the unconscious mind of our children in mortality. The unconscious mind controls all of the autonomic nervous system and works seamlessly in helping maintain their body on earth. There are lots of interaction between the spirit of men and women, their unconscious mind, and their physical body. Their minds are aware of everything that the area of their unconscious mind does, because their spirit directs everything. The lessons to control the physical body were well learned in the pre-mortal life. The unconscious mind uses their physical brain in releasing hormones and other chemicals, and sends and receives signals to the nervous system, to all of their physical body. This coordination is all done in the background and not in the conscious mind of man. These functions done by the unconscious mind are in hidden regions of the mind that mortal man cannot easily access.

19. The place where we, who are Gods, speak to you is located in another hidden area of the unconscious mind. This area was not one where our pre-mortal children had to develop to come to earth, since it was not vital to the functioning of their physical body. We required all of our earthbound spirit children to learn how to develop the part of their unconscious mind to fully operate their physical body. However, we wanted our children to develop their own sensitivity to our Spirit that comes into their unconscious mind.

20. Some of our children would not have any recognition of our Spirit, and yet others would be able to hear and feel our Spirit. This receptivity was all determined by our son or daughter, and not by any requirement we had for them. They developed their own sensitivity to our Spirit mainly in their pre-mortal life by their agency. Once born in mortality, they again could develop this portion of their hidden unconscious mind by listening to our Spirit and obeying our gentle promptings.

21. Raphael, you have developed a keen sensitivity to our Spirit, even before you were born. You also have spent a lot of effort in further developing your awareness of our Spirit as we have spoken to you in your mortal life. You have a highly sensitive connection now between your conscious and the unconscious portion of your mind that deals with spiritual issues. This has all been by your own diligence and effort.

22. Our elect children who hear and obey the voice of the Spirit have also spend precious time seeking us and listening intently. They have quieted down, and entered meditative states where this spiritual sensitive portion of their hidden or unconscious mind is more clear and lucid. This effort requires belief, faith, and lots of spiritual work. In this process, their own spirit comes to the forefront and starts receiving and communicating with us, who speak to them directly. Their physical body at these times becomes quiet and settled so that their own spirit may become more active. As they continue to seek our presence, we lead them carefully and lovingly. We are not seen or perceived, or viewed with their physical bodies, but with their spirit body or unconscious mind.

23. When our children die on earth, their spirit continues on in the world of the spirits, in either a telestial or terrestrial realm. Their skill in listening to our Spirit is maintained and enlarged in that realm of the dead, if our child continues to put forth effort to hear and follow our voice of the Spirit. If they have no interest, there will be no progression in developing their spiritual sensitivity to us, their Heavenly Parents. The choice to develop or not, this part of their unconscious mind, is entirely up to each of our children, according to their desires.

24. For those who put in time and effort to develop their spiritual sensitivities, in time this portion of their unconscious mind will fully be restored to them, even before their resurrection. They will then have a merged mind, consisting of their conscious mind and the spiritual sensitivity portion of their unconscious mind.

25. For those who put forth no effort to develop a greater connection to us, they will continue in the world of the spirit dead in their conscious mind only. They will not be given pre-mortal memories either, like those who work hard at connecting with us in prayer. All will, however, receive their full mind, conscious and unconscious, once they are resurrected to their particular states of glory.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation tonight! I hadn't thought of many of these things before and was enlightened by her explanations. Heavenly Mother stepped forth and embraced me, and then was gone from my presence! I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 17, 2019, Saturday

1. I reread my journal entry of last night. It is making more sense to me now why God speaks to us in our unconscious mind. My perspective gradually changes according to what is revealed to me. We, who are God's children, take time to shift our views, to see more and more like God sees.

2. While traveling on the airplane this week, I sat by a 13-year-old LDS girl traveling alone to Utah. It was refreshing for me to see her innocence and purity! I saw this yesterday also when swimming with our grandchildren in our pool. I saw how important innocence and purity is before God.

3. I also saw on my trip older children of God who had lost their innocence and purity, in the course of their mortal lives. I could see how this grieves our Heavenly Parents. When these lose their purity, they also somehow lose their spiritual sensitivity and awareness of God's presence. I can see the great importance to remain pure and innocent before God. I see why God delights in the chastity of their children (see Jacob 2:28). I, too, cherish the delicate minds of the innocent and cherish the tenderness and purity of their hearts (see Jacob 2:7-10).

4. This morning I came to the tree of life near God's temple, near the straight and narrow path. I partook of one of its white and pure fruits, and felt very enlightened. I am so glad I can feel these things! I also ate of the leaf of this tree of life. I knelt on the ground near the trunk and prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking one or both to come to me.

5. Heavenly Father walked up next to me from the air which just opened up and from which he came forth! I knew he had come from the highest celestial realm. He was smiling and seemed delighted to be before me.

6. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Mother and I rejoice when our mortal sons and daughters remain pure and innocent by the time they reach adulthood. They then are sufficiently open and believing but have the maturity to test all things, to make sure they are true and good before accepting them into their own belief system. If they have been raised by diligent parents who have taught them about God, the ways of good living standards and how to accept the good and reject the evil, they are in the way to be receptive to our guidance. We find that we may influence and lead them in their lives as they continue to choose the good and reject the evil. We delight in their tenderness, spiritual sensitivities, and purity! These will be the ones among whom we choose to enter into the millennium!

7. Those who have not been taught in their youth to follow our ways are at a disadvantage. There will be many among them, however, who awaken to God and allow us to lead them. These, too, will come into our millennial day of peace and rest. They will repent and be made pure and holy, like those who were raised in homes where they were protected and taught the truths of God in their youth.

8. You, Raphael, were raised by loving parents who did not know many truths about God. They raised you with Christian values of integrity and honesty. You were protected and innocent, and readily accepted our Holy Spirit in your life. You left the religious patterns of your parents and sought for that which we revealed to you. We have led you throughout your life, even until now when we speak to you daily.

9. Any of our mortal children may thus be led, as you have been led, back into our presence. We are no respecter of persons, and all are equal before us, their Heavenly Parents. Their own progress and spiritual intuneness is all up to them, according to their desires and wants.

10. There are junctures in the lives of all of our children when they must choose what and whom they will follow. We prompt them, by our Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, and Satan also entices them. They have full choice and agency to decide whom they will follow. If they ever come to partake of the fruit of this tree of life, it will be because of their many choices to follow us in these times of decision, time after time. Even though their lives may have sorrow and turbulent times, as is common to mankind on earth, they will cling to our words above the world, and be enlightened by us and cleansed by Jesus Christ. We will lead each one in a course that brings them into the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. They will then be on the path that leads to eternal life and exaltation!'

11. Heavenly Father then faded from my view and was gone. I thanked him in my mind, thanking him for his message and understanding. I said I would always remember he and Heavenly Mother, and follow them in my life.

12. Tonight I came to the overlook to the green hill and field with the temple in the background. The sun was low in the horizon, and I could see a slight glow from God's temple. (The temple glows at night from God's presence and home in the temple).

13. I faced the temple and offered my prayer on bended knee. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then heard my Heavenly Mother coming from the path to my left! I knew it was she as soon as I heard her footsteps. She was very bright and filled with so much acceptance and love that came to me in her light. She was smiling broadly.

14. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I am so pleased to come to you tonight! You have wondered about your health and that of our mortal angels and celestial servants. I want to share with you what we wish you to do to keep your home-based on earth mortal body strong and healthy. While you live on earth, your translated body is replicated multiple times in the celestial realms, just as you are replicated before me now on our celestial orb.

15. Your home-based on earth mortal body needs good nutrition, clean water, a life free from undo stress, and adequate sleep. This is a pattern that is generally known in your current society. Even though you are translated to a celestial level, you still have stewardship over your mortal body on the earth. Your mortal body on earth is actually not in a celestial translated state yet, but your replicated bodies in the celestial realms are. If your home-based body gets sick, or even dies, you will have disruption in your translated bodies that are replicated. You need a mortal body on earth while you are yet in the telestial world, for you to maintain a translated state. Were you to die on earth, you would act as a disembodied spirit in the celestial realm. This would not be what we want, since you are to perform the waters of separation ordinance throughout the millennium, and we want you to be in your mortal state. When your home-based body arrives in the New Jerusalem and meets your translated replicated body that is there, your minds will be merged (unconscious and conscious) and your body in the New Jerusalem will be translated fully to a celestial glory. You will no longer have a mortal body that lives on earth and a translated replicated body doing our work in the celestial realms.

16. If you get very sick in your home-based mortal body, before that time in the New Jerusalem, your translated bodies will act less able to do your work in the celestial realms.

17. The other mortal angels and celestial servants are also translated to a celestial level. They each replicate in this translated state and work in the celestial realms, as do you. Their home-based body health and wellbeing is also critical to their performance in their replicated translated bodies. They are also subject to illness and even death. They may still do their work in the New Jerusalem temple if they are resurrected or translated. Many of them will remain in their translated celestial glory throughout the millennium.

18. You have been taking supplements that enhance your brain cognition. We are glad that you are doing this, for you benefit from all the remedies that you take. You energy test if these are needed and how frequently you should take these.

19. In addition to this, you also need wholesome food. Your best choice is the food you grow in your own garden and orchard. For vegetables and fruit that do not store well or which you don't grow, you need to buy and store these, as you are able. You already have a lot of these in your food storage, whether dried, frozen, refrigerated or canned.

20. There will be a time when you will not be able to buy from local stores and will eat what you grow, what you have stored, or what you may barter with your neighbors. There is a lot of food grown and sold in your country that is not suitable for your body. These foods are in the category of poisoned food (like grown or used with glyphosate, chemical additives and fertilizers), and genetically modified foods whose effects on the human body may be detrimental. You therefore should grow and buy organically grown and non-GMO based foods.

21. You also have chickens that provide for you organic eggs as you feed them organic food or scraps from your own table and are free ranged in your fields for most of the year.

22. Until the day of the millennium comes and the earth changes from telestial to a terrestrial world, the scriptural references in the D&C to eat meat sparingly, and only in times of cold or winter still apply (D&C 89:12-13, D&C 49:18). If our children desire to not eat meat, they may need additional protein sources or supplementation to maintain a healthy and energetic body. In the millennial day, when our living water will spread forth all over the earth, and the vibrancy of the soil will drastically improve, our children will then thrive on a plant based diet. There will be some who continue to eat eggs like you do now, and raw milk from the cows or goats or other animals. People will no longer have any need nor motivation to kill and eat animals.

23. In your current world, there are also poison laden items that are not good for the body that are regularly used. These include some soaps, deodorants, lotions, ointments and such, which may be tainted with poisons that may accumulate in the body where they are applied and used. Care and caution need to be taken when not using natural ingredients. In some areas, the air quality and water may even be not healthy to breathe or drink. There may also be electromagnetic interference with the body that needs to be corrected. When our children study these things, we will guide them in what they may do for their overall body health and well being. There are even some supplements that are touted as beneficial that may be grown or processed in ways that are not good for the body. We desire our children in mortality to take very seriously their own stewardship over their mortal body, to maintain and preserve their health.

24. I thanked my beautiful Heavenly Mother before me! I felt enlightened by her words tonight. I asked her if I had recorded this all down in my personal journal correctly to express her views as I wrote them. She nodded her head and said that my written words were acceptable to her. She then turned and started walking up the path from whence she came. She then vanished out of sight as she walked away.

25. I closed my evening prayer and went to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 18, 2019, Sunday

1. I awoke refreshed this morning. I am glad I can work and labor even to exhaustion in my orchard like I did yesterday and then, after a good night's sleep, feel so revived! This is a great blessing and even a miracle that I take for granted.

2. I have thought more about my translation. I didn't realize that my mortal body on earth was not yet fully translated, but that my replicated bodies that labor in the celestial realms were. I didn't know when I would finally come to the New Jerusalem area on foot, that when I arrived that I would then be fully translated to a celestial level. I believe this will happen to the mortal angels also (see post 53C7).

3. I know that translation is much different for one who is translated to a terrestrial level versus one who is translated to a celestial level. Those who are translated now to a celestial glory may be replicated in the celestial realms as many times as they need to do all of their service. In mortality, their bodies are still mortal as they have always been.

4. For a terrestrial translated individual, they may not replicate, and so their mortal body on earth needs to be also translated, for they are one and the same. When they depart into the hidden, terrestrial world where they may labor, their body needs to leave the telestial world of mortality. Many of the 144,000 will remain in the telestial world except when they transport the faithful to the New Jerusalem for safety, done in the terrestrial realms. This is my current understanding.

5. This morning I came next to the golden altar facing God's temple. I knelt on the pavement made from stones there, and asked for my Gods, or one of them, to come to me. The doors of the temple I was facing then opened up, and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking to me in the air, a little above the pavement! They soon arrived right in front of me, who was kneeling next to the golden altar. I felt so enlightened and even transparent from their intense light that shone through me. I felt loved and at great peace!

6. Heavenly Father spoke first: 'Raphael, you have just written in your journal correctly about the manner of a celestial and terrestrial translation. They are both very different since those with a celestial translation may be replicated multiple times in the celestial realms. We have designed it thusly so that our translated celestial children may continue to have their precious mortal experiences prolonged, even while they labor in celestial realms. It also gives us a way to continue to hide our celestial servants in the mortal world where they reside so as not to call any attention to them. At the same time, these servants are doing our great work in the celestial realms around the earth, all according to our directions. They are serving their fellow brothers and sisters who are the elect, according to the covenant (see JS Matthew 1:22).

7. This is our great work that we are doing in these last days on the earth! It is called in Isaiah 28:21 our "strange work" and our "strange act." The world will not know of our works except as we reveal it to them, as we have revealed this to you. However, in the future terrestrial world, in the millennial day, all will be revealed in great clarity. Your works and your acts will be revealed to all of our faithful in that day. Your words and revelations, written in the privacy of your personal journal, will one day be revealed before all of God's faithful children. The wicked will never receive them or comprehend our great works we do in these last days.'

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have spoken to you last night about the great stewardship each of our children has for their own physical mortal body. The advice and counsel I gave is not unique, for you have read and followed all of it already. There is so much knowledge about the health of the human body on the Internet, all easily accessible to everyone who seeks it. There is also so much filth and evil that abounds in your telestial world right now that is also available to practically anyone who seeks it. Our elect sons and daughters seek the wholesome, the truth, and the lovely in the world. They may confirm everything we have revealed through you, and I will send to them my Holy Ghost as a confirmation to their souls. They will thereby be able to be led with the assurance that they are choosing the correct path back into our presence.'

9. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then extended their hands and I took one hand from each one and stood. We then all three walked hand in hand towards the fountain of living water. As we came to the fountain, we all three rose up in the air, into the mist and clouds above the fountain. We continued walking into the cloud, where a vision God opened up to my view of the darkened earth in our day.

10. In the vision, I saw our mortal earth all shrouded in darkness. However, I also saw so many celestial servants and holy angels coming through the darkness to specific individuals who were praying to God for direction and who were open to change their lives to do as God directed them. These celestial servants and angels then came with the comfort and specific guidance these elect children were seeking. Mostly, the ones on the earth did not know a servant of God was taking to them God's message, or doing as God directed.

11. On the darkened earth, these angels and celestial servants seemed like little beacons of light penetrating a portion of the darkened world. There were many of these little lights coming and going all around the earth.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our work is hidden from the world now, but we will answer the sincere prayers of our faithful children. As you can see, we do much of our work through you and our few angels and celestial servants who replicate themselves as is needed to act according to our directions. We have ramped up our Godly activity as the people of the earth fall into more darkness and wickedness.'

13. I then looked upon my two glorious Heavenly Parents! I saw their deep love and compassion for their mortal children. I felt how they longed to help and guide each one, eager to answer their every sincere prayer that came to them.

14. My vision then vanished and I was left alone in my room back on earth. I humbly closed my prayer in thanksgiving of what I had witnessed and received today.

15. After church–my wife and I attended church at our own ward today, during our ward conference. During the sacrament, I came to the outcropping next to the circling waters. I knelt there at the end of the sacrament song.

16. After the men blessed the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I then partook of the bread, and then my Heavenly Father came right in front of me! He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

17. You are on the correct path that will lead you back into our presence and eternal life. Doubt not that we are inspiring and speaking to you on a daily basis! What you record in your journal is true. This is our great work and not your own. We have called you and have given you our directions and truths.

18. Today in your ward conference, you did not sustain the general officers of the LDS church, but you did sustain those you felt comfortable with in your own ward. We are in agreement with your actions. The general level leadership in the church are now just men, and are no longer apostles or prophets. I have rejected them as leaders in this church, and have also rejected this church. These men no longer have their priesthood or priesthood keys.

19. The members in your church generally don't know me. When your Heavenly Mother or I inspire them, and our Spirit directions conflict with those of their religious leaders, they will almost always follow their leaders and not us. Therefore this limits the amount of knowledge they have of us their Gods. We do not continue to inspire them if they continue to reject us in lieu of the world or their religious leaders. If they were to completely follow us, we would lead them gradually back into our presence. In the process of time, they would eventually come to know us, even as you know us Raphael!'

20. The meeting went on. When our newly called Bishop spoke, he said it was ok for anyone to just come and sit in the sacrament meeting to partake of the sacrament, without any other responsibilities. I was happy that he said this. I like him.

21. Then our Stake President spoke. He used to be the Bishop in our ward. He gave me an uncomfortable feeling, like he has always done, even when he was our Bishop. I studied him when he spoke today, and felt he had an attached false spirit! I felt he shared sensational-type stories that were not founded in truth, and had a smooth-tongued ability to lead the people to whatever he said. He also works full-time for the LDS church.

22. I did not solicit this information, but it came to me when I studied him and asked about him from my God. I also did not sustain him today either.

23. Evening–I have wondered how wicked our current society really is? Are we like the people in the cities of the plain, with Sodom and Gomorrah in Abraham's time, when they were destroyed by fire from heaven? Are we as bad as the people at the time of Noah when they were destroyed in the great flood? Are we as wicked as the Nephites who were destroyed in war? These were my thoughts when I came to pray tonight.

24. I came to the upper remedy plant beds of Heavenly Mother's lower gardens, for that is where I felt I should go. When I arrived, I saw a person looking at the plants. When I looked on her (I could tell she was a woman) she turned and then I saw it was my loving Heavenly Mother! She asked me to come to her. I came and remained standing. She was glowing more and more brightly, gradually shining her light into me and to all the surrounding area.

25. She extended her hand, and said: 'Raphael, come walk with me around my garden!'

I was thrilled to be again in her presence! We walked holding hands along her garden beds, and she spoke again–'Raphael, you live on earth in a very dark day that increases with evil year by year. There are more evil people, who are full of sin and wickedness, than there has ever been during the time of the flood, or in Abraham's day, or just before the destruction of the Nephites. There are more led astray in your day by Satan than ever before.

26. However, there are more of the valiant and elect on the earth than during those previous days of great wickedness also. These are our elect! They will have tribulations like the wicked, but will seek us and follow our guidance. These are the ones we will spare when the wicked this time are burned with fire at the second coming of our Son, Jesus Christ. From these righteous ones will come the inhabitants of the millennial world.'

27. I asked her if there would be others spared that are of a terrestrial nature, who are the honorable men and women on the earth now, but who are blinded by the craftiness of men. (see D&C 76:75). She spoke:

28. 'Raphael, there will be some of the terrestrial who have lived without knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it had they been adequately taught (see D&C 137:7-9). There will also be little children that will be spared, who have not yet reached the age of accountability. However, for those who profess to be righteous, but have rejected us during their life, and would not keep our promptings, they will not survive the day. They will have the demise of the foolish five virgins, spoken of by Jesus Christ:

29. Matthew 25:10-13 "And while they (the five foolish virgins) went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.

Afterward came also the other virgins, saying; Lord, Lord, open to us.

But he answered and said, verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh."

30. Also D&C 45:56-59: "And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived–verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day. (The foolish virgins shall be cast into the fire at that day).

And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver." (parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

31. I then asked of her if there would be other churches established besides the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn in that millennial day?

32. She replied–'Raphael, at first there will only be the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn, for all will be converted to the Lord and embrace our gospel! At the end of the millennium, when Satan and his hosts are loosed for a little season, false churches will again arise, like happened to the Nephites once they stopped having all things in common. (see 4 Nephi 1:20-43). It will get so bad that the righteous will be gathered to the city of the New Jerusalem, and the wicked will all be outside the walls of the holy city.'

33. We had walked up and down several rows of Heavenly Mother's beautiful remedy beds, full of beautiful flowers, herbs, bushes and trees. She turned to me and spoke:

'Raphael, we allow hard times to come upon our many children on the earth in order to test and try them. We want to see who will follow our promptings of the Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost. These are the ones who will be the primary leaders in the great millennial Zion that will be established for nearly 1,000 years! It is during times of trouble that our children really decide who they will follow.'

34. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother who was beside me! I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it. I told her how much I wanted to keep her commandments, and follow her and my Heavenly Father.

35. I then was immediately back in my chair in my front room, recording all of this as it happened. I confirmed what I had written as true and from God, my Heavenly Mother. I thanked her silently in my mind for her revelation to me this Sabbath day evening.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 19, 2019, Monday

1. I came again to the celestial orb this morning to pray. I came to the desert oasis and sat on the bench. I was thinking how wonderful it would be to have all who live on earth to be of one heart and one mind during the millennial day! Without Satan abroad in the land, there will be great peace and love. The scriptures even say the children in that day will grow up without sin unto salvation (see 3 Nephi 22:13 and D&C 45:58). All the people on the terrestrial earth will choose the gospel plan, and will worship the Lord. What a glorious day this will be!

2. In Adam's day, at the beginning of the earth when God's children came forth, many chose to follow Satan. In the millennial day, he will be bound. In Adam's day, many chose to be carnal, sensual and devilish, and they loved Satan more than God (see Moses 5:12-15). I look forward to the great day of the millennium when Satan and all his evil hosts are bound and no longer may tempt the children of Adam and Eve. Then all will follow Jesus Christ, and become members of the Church of Christ. There will be openness, and truth will abound. All will see eye to eye when the Lord brings again Zion! (Isaiah 52:8).

3. I then came to the water's edge and knelt at the shore of the desert oasis. I drank of the living water there with my cupped hand. I looked out over the water and prayed for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. I kept looking for God to come.

4. Heavenly Father then appeared before me, standing over the water! He was bright and smiling. He was full of truth and knowledge, for this seemed to shine forth from his being, just like emotions of love and acceptance. He spoke:

5. 'Raphael, what you have written in your personal journal about the great millennial day this morning is true! Our children on the terrestrial earth will all worship Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother and me at that day. None will be lost, just like occurred shortly after Jesus Christ came among the Nephite nation:

4 Nephi 1:2-3: " And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.

And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift."

6. For the Nephites and the Lamanites, they followed the gospel teachings for nearly two hundred years, even with Satan trying to tempt them and lead them astray. In the nearly thousand years of the millennium, the people will also choose us their Gods. They will have no desires to contend or dispute with each other, for all will be made free and will be partakers of the heavenly gifts provided by Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. They too will have all things in common even as did the Nephites during this righteous era.

7. We will still judge our sons and daughters who live, based on their actions and the desires of their hearts. In their case, during the millennium, they will all choose us their Gods, and all be made partakers of the heavenly gifts of God. When they have been proven by their life-long diligence to us, then Jesus Christ will accept them into his Church of the Firstborn. You will then receive them into this celestial church with Oriphiel, in the New Jerusalem temple. Our holy angels will administer to them the ordinances of eternal life also in that temple. Great will be the outpourings of truth and light upon our people in that day, for they will all choose us their Gods!

Raphael, look now into the waters of this dessert oasis.'

8. I then looked into the crystal clear waters of the oasis. I could see the entire bottom of the large pool of water, with the light that shone from my Heavenly Father and because of the exceptional clarity of the water. It was like the water wasn't even there, and like it was only a depression in the land!

9. Heavenly Father spoke again–'In the great millennial day, our elect who dwell on the earth will be receptive, clear and even transparent, allowing our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost to illuminate them, to fill them, and even pass through them as you have experienced. They will be like these crystal clear waters in this desert oasis. Our holy light will enlighten them and we will lead them to all our truths, for all things will be revealed to our children in that day. How can we withhold from them the truths of God and of the universe if they accept all and are eager to receive more?'

10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his remarkable truths he shared with me today! I feel so blessed to have received the promise to labor for these choice sons and daughters during the entire millennial day!

11. Oh how I yearn to be free of the shackles of wickedness that grip this world I now live in! I feel I think like God feels–ready and eager to clear out the bad so that the good may grow (Jacob 5:65-66). I know God has all in control, and will remove the wicked after they are each proven, so that this great millennial day will come!

12. Evening–This has been a very enjoyable day for me. I came tonight to the shore by the maple tree grove at the end of my day, at the west end of Lake Beautiful. It was just after sunset there. After drinking some living water from the lake, I turned and faced the grove of maple trees. I bent on my knees, asking God to come to me this evening.

13. Heavenly Father came walking down the path that led into the grove of trees, to me near the shore! He was subdued in his glory and seemed to blend in with the surroundings well, rather than shine brightly upon them like he and Heavenly Mother have frequently done in the past. His visage was at peace and he had very deep and all-knowing eternity eyes!

14. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, M.A. had a question she asked you this morning by email. She wondered that once our children are assigned to their telestial or terrestrial glory, would they have any more interaction with us, their Heavenly Parents? Will the celestial interact with us also?

15. The elect who become couple gods are continually interacting and learning from us, their Heavenly Parents, who are seasoned couple gods. We have experienced millions of eternities and have rich experience we continually share with our children who have attained our same highest celestial glory. Oh what joy we have with them, our own exalted children and our own grandchildren they bear to us!

16. For those whose eternal final glory is in the telestial and terrestrial worlds, our interaction with them is far more limited. We could share or teach them things, but they have already limited our influence in their lives by choosing a life that does not involve us to a very high degree. They have chosen a lesser glory and we honor their decision and agency. Once they are resurrected, judged, and assigned to their telestial or terrestrial orb in eternity, we visit them at first to make sure all is functional in their world, even to the glory they have chosen. Those in these lesser glories are happy to the measure they chose. There is a limit to their progression and enjoyment in their eternal worlds. We still maintain a higher celestial realm in every telestial and terrestrial orb we created for the eternal destiny of our children. We come to these celestial realms infrequently, or as needs arise.

17. As for our children like Lucifer who rebel against us, their destiny is never lightened by our presence, worlds without end. They never see us, their Gods, again, and we never see them either, nor do any of our vast creations.

18. For the celestial, there is only one ultimate end result and glory and that is that everyone becomes couple gods in eternity! This is the eternal destiny of all our faithful.

19. D&C 131:1-4 states this:

"In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood (meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage);

And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.

He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase."

20. The first heaven is where our celestial spirit offspring live with us on our own celestial orb. The second heaven is a post-mortal state where you and our holy angels and celestial servants labor in. It is also where the righteous who are resurrected await for their future exaltation as couple gods. The third heaven is reserved for the couple gods in eternity, who receive all and become like us, their Heavenly Parents. Once this eternity is completed, there will only be the third celestial heaven and nobody in this eternity in the other heavens. These each receives, as couple gods, their eternal inheritance on the resurrected celestial earth. This will be their eternal first residence forever. They will also create their own galaxies and domains and creations in those galaxies, worlds without end!

21. Therefore, after this eternity is completed, our children will have attained a celestial glory as a couple god, received a terrestrial eternal glory, a telestial eternal glory, or a kingdom of no glory. Each will live in their own kingdom, worlds without end, with no progression between the kingdoms.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering M.A.'s question and for elaborating much more on the kingdoms of glory. I told him I loved him and would always treasure his truths and keep his commandments.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 2019, 2019, Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke after a good sleep, ready to meet a new day. I am so glad for the refreshing feeling that comes after sleep!

2. While my wife and I played pickleball last night, there was a beautiful sunset. The other man from the couple that we were playing with said he had observed, as he grew older that he has noticed the beauty of the world more. Yesterday afternoon, I had an experience too, where I was overcome with the great beauty of our yard, the multiple trees, all leafed out and healthy, the majestic mountains, and the surrounding farmland and fields all around us! The sky was clear and the sun was shining–it was so beautiful! I often am thrilled at the individual beauty of the many flowers with which my wife has adorned our property. This is the grandeur of our telestial world! I know to how more glorious the terrestrial and celestial orbs and realms are, even more beautiful than the telestial.

3. I had read a scripture last night about the "sea of glass" in the celestial world, or that it was like a sea of glass.

4. D&C 130:6-9

"The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;

But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.

The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.

This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and the earth will be Christ's."

5. There are also other references to a sea of glass like unto a crystal in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 4:6, 15:2, 21:18, 21). I wonder if God has more to reveal to me today about this sea of glass?

6. I came to the small pool of water in God's Loving Healing Center where I had gone before my trip to Oregon. My sister K had said it wasn't as big as I described she thought. Anyway, I came through the forest and came upon the forest pool. Its water was crystal clear. I took a more careful look and it seemed about six to eight feet or so across.

7. As I looked into this pool, I thought I could see myself writing in my journal on earth at this very moment! I then knelt by the edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt enlightened and refreshed! I then prayed on my knees, facing the pool. As I waited, I looked again into the pool of water, as I felt prompted. I then felt I saw my Heavenly Mother under the surface of the water! She was bright and shining in light! She smiled at me and asked me to come through the water to her. I leaned over and immersed my head and body into the little pool and was soon before her, kneeling!

8. She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have invited you into our highest celestial realm, where we who are Gods dwell in our many creations. This realm that you have come from, in the celestial world, all looks even more vibrant and beautiful from this higher realm and appears at times like a sea of glass and fire. Our highest celestial realm is superimposed on this celestial orb and is protected from that realm by our highest celestial veil.

9. All of our earths and orb creations have a highest celestial realm. This is where we go when we visit these kingdoms. We may look into the lower kingdoms of glory at anytime, from our highest celestial realm that is superimposed on them. We may then see into these kingdoms past, present and future, even as we wish. This feature then becomes a great Urim and Thummim for us who are ordained Gods.

10. When giving the revelations to John the Beloved, or later to Joseph Smith the prophet, about the sea of glass, they didn't understand the features of the three veils. It is only in this highest celestial realm, past the highest celestial veil, that John and Joseph saw this sea of glass. I had brought each of them into this highest realm where they saw this sea of glass. Today I want to show you, too, this feature of our highest celestial realm!'

11. She then took my hand and we were instantly on the bluff facing God's Loving Healing Lake below us to the north. I could also see God's temple to the far distant north.

12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I will touch your eyes now with my fingers so that you may see this beautiful celestial orb from my perspective in this highest celestial realm!'

She then touched my eyes with the fingers of her left hand. I was still holding hands with her right hand.

13. I then looked down on the lake and it seemed very surreal, glowing brighter and even glass-like. I looked on the switchback and the shore on the northern and western parts of the lake area where I had come many times before. It too then became surreal and almost transparent! I could see why it too could be called like a sea of glass, for I could see through it if I desired and see it even in its present state, or past state, or future state! I hadn't yet seen it in the past or future, but I knew I could if I wanted.

Our local mountains

14. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, let's now look at the lake at the beginning of your own eternity!'

We both looked and I saw more trees and even a forest on the northern shores of this beautiful glass-like and transparent lake. I saw that this entire area was more like a wilderness area. I knew I had frequented here in my early years as a young spirit son of my Heavenly Parents.

15. I then saw myself as a young spirit, with some of my spirit siblings who had hiked with me to this wilderness lake, come to its shore! We all ran into the refreshing waters of the lake and swam around together, laughing and playing a tag game of some sort. We seemed to be having so much fun! I then saw my Heavenly Parents appear on the shore, holding hands and sitting on the bench. They too were laughing and smiling while they watched us, their sons and daughters, play and swim in the waters of the lake.

16. This scene was so very joyful and such a happy scene! Suddenly I felt I was actually my very early spirit, swimming and playing with my siblings! I felt the excitement of a new spirit body and the child-like fun of being with my brothers and sisters. I looked carefully, trying to recognize any of these spirits and I then saw my sister K and my now angel friend, S.A.! I also saw my older archangel brother, Gabriel. We were all so carefree and unaware of our future roles. We were in the first heaven of celestial glory, in our pre-mortal state.

17. I perceive this all in my unconscious mind, even in a meditative state. I am writing this all down as I "see" it all in my mind's eyes! This is a very remarkable experience! It all seems so dreamlike and surreal, but at the same time so true and accurate.

18. 'Raphael, what you see in your mind's eye is true! You have connected into your unconscious mind where you are with me in the highest celestial realm. Feel my right hand that is holding your hand!' She then squeezed my hand and we were next above her temple in the air. I saw the fountain of living water, the three rivers that came from the fountain, and all the lands round about.

19. She spoke: 'Raphael, we are still in my highest celestial realm. What we will see below us is in the future day, in your own eternity, when you will have just received your own final eternal ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple on the earth. You will be the last one to receive these of all our faithful elect. You have all assembled outside our temple on the north side, awaiting our instructions on the sealing ordinances we three Gods would soon do.'

20. I then saw scores of the righteous, all awaiting the appearance of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, coming out of the front doors of their temple. We were all celestial sons and daughters of God, each next to our own chosen spouse and companion. We were waiting with anticipation!

21. The entire crowd then seemed so filled with light, to where we all became like transparent spirits. The celestial orb below us seemed also to transform and become like a sea of glass. We each saw our own lives before us in visions in our own minds! We saw this by the power of God, like we were looking into a great Urim and Thummim, just for us that showed us our total existence up to that point.

22. Heavenly Mother squeezed my hand next and spoke to me: 'Raphael, you may see this beautiful scene before you from our highest celestial realm and because I am showing this vision to you now. This ability to do so is because we are in the highest celestial realm and because I have godly powers to show all of this to you.

23. This same sort of scene was shown to our servants John and Joseph, in vision. They wrote what they saw and perceived from this highest celestial realm. What you read in your scriptures about the sea of glass is what they saw.

24. One correction I would make: when Joseph Smith wrote in D&C 130:6-7 that angels live on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, it would better be written "that the gods live on a globe like a sea of glass and fire." Angels, like you, will become gods in eternity, and will no longer keep their angel missions or roles.

25. Raphael, whenever your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or I wish to see any past, present or future time, we merely have to think to do so and it will happen before our eyes, in this higher celestial realm. We see all, and there is nothing hid that we cannot see in our own galaxy and among our own creations. We are the Gods and creators of all!'

26. I then faced my Heavenly Mother. Her eyes were bright and sparkling. She was smiling so broadly and so full of joy it seemed! She pulled me close and we embraced and she kissed me. I melted into her arms, so that I felt her intense, overwhelming love and acceptance of her children! I thanked her in my mind for her revelation today and for her great love for all of us, her children.

27. My vision then closed and I found myself in my conscious mind, writing all of this down in my earthly journal. Wow, this was a great prayer this morning!

28. Evening–The nights seem to be getting cooler already, even though mid day still is quite hot. All the kids in our community have gone back to school. I can tell fall time is around the corner! Life just keeps going in cycles, year after year.

29. I received an email from M.A. about the veils yesterday. I thought it was insightful. She wrote-

"I was listening to post 131 again about the veils. This is such a brilliant idea or plan. Having veils to separate people in various stages of progression makes it so God doesn't have to have so many orbs to accomplish this."

30. In eternal realms of glory, on the telestial and terrestrial orbs, these only house the telestial or the terrestrial, and have only one higher telestial veil, for there is no more progression. The veil in that realm is so that God may visit without being seen. However, in the celestial realm there is always progression, with new pre-mortal spirit offspring and post mortal celestial beings there, and one highest celestial veil. These all require different sections or locations in their respective areas on celestial earths or orbs. Mortal earths have the most veils, even three veils on the telestial earth, because of the intense progression of God's children in all of their various stages of growth. I believe that during the terrestrial millennium, the terrestrial veil will remain so that Lucifer and his hosts will not see into that realm. There will still be a telestial and terrestrial spirit realm also.

31. I came tonight to the outcropping next to the circling waters. The sun was still up in the sky, and I felt very comfortable. I knelt facing the temple to the southeast. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

32. Heavenly Father suddenly appeared in front of me, where I was kneeling! He was majestic and full of light! He was smiling and accepting of me.

He spoke: 'Raphael, there are many secrets of our worlds like the veils, that our children don't know about. These truths have been part of all the galaxies of the gods, even from the beginning. Sometimes there are misunderstandings too, like thinking there are three degrees of glory in the celestial worlds in eternity. Some of these false beliefs are learned from false revelations, like in D&C 132:16-17. In these verses it speaks of angels who are ministering servants, who remain separately and singly, without exaltation in eternal celestial glory. This is not true doctrine! All those who inherit celestial glory are couple gods. There are no angels who are ministering servants to the Gods.

While on our evening bike ride, a fire erupted on West Mountain.
Fortunately, this only lasted 2 days.

33. The office of an angel is only for the time of service that our children are progressing and finally assigned their eternal glory in eternity. All angels need to prove themselves, like everyone else, and receive their own ordinances of exaltation. Once they receive all of the temple ordinances on the earth, in the New Jerusalem temple, their role as an angel is fulfilled. Your Heavenly Mother and I called them in their pre-mortal life to serve their fellowman, even as we gave them assignments and our power. Those who believe angels continue on into eternity are in error.

34. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I plan to continue to reveal to you gradually all of our truths from the heavens. As you are open and receptive, our revelations will flow into you and dispel long-held falsehoods. Many truths will be so completely new that nobody has even thought of them before.

35. We brought you as a youth into the LDS church. You learned so many of our revelations in the scriptures and from our latter-day prophets. There are great truths found in the standard works and words of the prophets and apostles up to May 25, 2014. We had continued to inspire and work with these leaders who sought our counsel. Even with that, there are many falsehoods introduced into the church over the years, and we tolerated these. We inspired all our faithful members like you, as you came before us humbly and with open minds and hearts. The Holy Ghost of your Heavenly Mother, and my Holy Spirit, confirmed all truth as often as our children sought for our confirmations.'

36. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me tonight. I expressed my deep gratitude to have been led by him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ, even from my youth until now. I have always had an open mind and heart, and have always sought for truth from God. I feel so humbled to have received so much, and to now know of my last days' mission. I will continue to pursue a deep connection with my Gods, and I believe will continue to receive abundantly from them!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 21, 2019, Wednesday

1. This morning I came to the celestial orb, on the golden path just outside the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I came off the path under a medium-sized poplar type of tree, in a grassy area. Here I knelt facing the path and the domed room.

2. I re-read a question from my sister K about why women, who are generally more sensitive to the spirit, are not recorded as seeing God except Mother Eve. All experiences like this are from men who become prophets, like the Brother of Jared, Moses, Enoch, Joseph Smith, and Isaiah. Where are the women?

3. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come. The doorway to the domed room opened and Heavenly Mother came out, walking on the golden path! She was very radiant and smiling. When she got to me she turned and spoke:

4. 'Raphael, my daughters have been oppressed in your mortal world (see post 84D5), even until today. They have not generally been mentioned in scriptures, for the culture of the times when they lived often did not allow them to be hardly written about. However, my daughters have continually communed with us their Gods, and have received great revelations, and many have seen God in the flesh. These experiences have been kept sacred and never made it into the written scriptures.

5. In the future, now that I am being more revealed as the Holy Ghost among our children, and now that I have ordained again women to the office of High Priestess, there will be much more equality among my sons and daughters. Records of my daughters will be just as valuable and cherished as records of my sons, and will make their way into what the future Church of Christ considers as canonized scriptures. There will be great equality among all our children in the millennial day, both with men and women, boys and girls, leaders and servants, black and white, all will have equal status and importance! I am glad these groups will be no longer suppressed and neglected. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I are no respecter of persons.

6. 2 Nephi 26:33 "...and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen, and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."'

7. At this time my Heavenly Father came out of the domed room, and walked down the path, next to his loving eternal companion! He put his arm around her and they kissed. He then turned towards me and spoke:

8. 'Raphael, when Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, your first parents, rebelled against Jesus Christ who spoke to him, he turned to Satan and worshipped him instead. He became Master Mahan, by which he felt he could murder and get gain (see Moses 5:29-31).

9. Jesus then set a mark upon Cain to distinguish him from the others of our children on earth. Cain and his descendants lived separately from the other descendants of Adam. The seed of Cain were black, and had no place among the others (see Moses 7:22).

10. From then on the races began, with darker skin and other facial and body differences that have perpetuated even to today. When Noah came out of the ark with his family, his daughter-in-law was black, of the lineage of Cain, who had married Noah's son Ham. The black race was therefore perpetuated with Ham's descendants. Pharaoh was Ham's grandson, who was a righteous man but was denied the priesthood. His race had been forbidden my priesthood power since the days of Cain (see Abraham 1:21-27).

11. The restriction of priesthood power was in force until Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, atoned for the original sin of Adam and Eve, and the sins of all mankind. His suffering also included the sins of Cain, even though Cain did not repent, even in the world of the spirits where he had remained after his death.

12. It was at that time that I lifted the curse upon the seed of Cain as pertaining to my priesthood. Nevertheless, this attitude continued on, even into the restored church in these last days. Brigham Young announced in 1852 that men of black African descent could no longer be ordained to the priesthood (see "Race and the Priesthood" in the LDS gospel topics). This announcement was given in error. It wasn't until 1978 that this was retracted, and the black race had full access, to my priesthood like any other of our worthy sons of any race. (see official Declaration 2). I was glad that this mistake was finally corrected in the church we restored through the prophet Joseph Smith.

13. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I consider all of the sons and daughters of God on an equal status. We love them all, and will reveal to each one according to their diligent heed to our Spirit, all truths like we have revealed to you and others of our prophets and righteous elect. The millennial day will be when many prophets and prophetesses will be very abundant in the land. All will have varied gifts of our Spirit, to benefit the whole, regardless of their own status, gender, race or culture. We will pour out upon all of our faithful all the blessings of heaven and eternity!'

14. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for their great revelatory words today to me! I expressed my love for them, and their graciousness towards all of the children on the earth.

15. Evening–I read again just now the great truths revealed to me this morning about the equality of all people, all of God's children. This was a very remarkable revelation! I am so glad that both of our Heavenly Parents spoke to me and witnessed of the same message. I am also very enlightened about the priesthood being available to all races now, since Christ's atonement.

16. I have more questions about the priesthood ordinations that will happen or have happened since May 2014, (when the LDS Church was rejected), until the new Church of Christ is restored again. I know at that time there will be regulations for again administering the priesthood. What happens in the interim?

17. I came to the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. The beautiful lake was below me, down the switchback path. All seemed so beautiful and peaceful! The sun was not yet set, but was in the northern sky over in the direction of Lake Beautiful. I prayed facing the lake below me, on my knees as I normally do in the celestial world. I waited and observed.

18. My Heavenly Father appeared soon in front of me! There was a ripple in the veil and then it opened and Heavenly Father was there, standing a little elevated more than me in the air.

He spoke: 'Raphael, we have honored those brethren who held my priesthood authority in righteousness, to be able to maintain their priesthood, even after we cut off the LDS Church and its leaders. There are still very many who hold my authority and whom I know. They have acted in humility and righteousness. They have sought us, their Gods, to do our will and not their own. They maintain their inherent Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthood power.

19. Since there are no more priesthood keys in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, those who still hold my priesthood in the Church may not ordain others to the priesthood. See our words found in your post 122J12 to 122K13. However you, Raphael, have obtained keys to establish the Church of the Firstborn (see your post 53U6 in May 2017. This was approximately three years after we rejected the LDS Church and I removed my priesthood and keys from the general authority leadership in that Church. You have my authority to ordain worthy men to the Melchizedek priesthood in that Church of the Firstborn. This same authority will be conferred by you upon the male angels who labor in the New Jerusalem temple, who may need to confer the Melchizedek priesthood on others.

20. The female angels who hold the office of high priestess have already received authority from their Heavenly Mother to confer that authority on those of our daughters who have not yet received this office, when they come to the New Jerusalem temple. Your Heavenly Mother and I wish all of our sons and daughters to have received, by correct authority our priesthood and office of high priestess before or at that time in the New Jerusalem temple. You and our angels will receive, by revelation from us, your Heavenly Parents, whether the priesthood or high priestess authority of our new candidates coming into the Church of the Firstborn that they may have previously received, is valid. If not, these will be reconferred with our authority by the angels of God in the New Jerusalem temple.

21. Until the time when the New Jerusalem temple will be constructed, there will be no more further priesthood ordinations that will be acceptable by me, unless 1) I inspire you, Raphael, who holds the keys to my priesthood on earth to do so for a certain individual, or unless 2) the Church of Christ is reestablished again on the earth by my authority and the priesthood keys are again reestablished in that Church. My authority will be regularly controlled and administered in the new Church of Christ as it was earlier in this dispensation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

22. I realize there are now years since 2014 when I accepted no further priesthood conferrals, and may yet be more years until the Church of Christ is restored, or the New Jerusalem temple is ready. Those righteous men and righteous women will have to patiently wait until the opportunity comes to them in the near future to bear my authority of the priesthood or your Heavenly Mother's authority of the office of high priestess.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of clarity to me tonight! I said I would humbly follow his directions to me. I told him I love him.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 22, 2019, Thursday

1. This morning I came again to the celestial orb for my prayer. I had gotten to sleep late with my wife and tossed and turned last night. I had seen part of a dumb movie that I was watching on the computer. I remember last night while trying to sleep, wondering about the movie. Heavenly Mother had spoken to my mind last night words like these: 'Raphael, the standards of the telestial world you see portrayed in movies often show the worst side of the telestial. This includes a life of those who have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ and "who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie." (see D&C 76:101,103)

2. There are also movies portraying terrestrial people, those who "are honorable men and women of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men." (see D&C 76:75) I had thought about movies like "The Sound of Music", where those actors portrayed wholesome people in Maria and the Von Trapp family who were all honorable people.

3. I want to expose myself to that which is "honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous" and to those who "do good to all men" and women. (see Articles of Faith 1:13) All other exposure to people who are of the telestial nature, for very long, also pulls me down! This includes their behavior, their music and movies, and the low standards they uphold. Most don't seem to believe in God and don't think of others, but only of themselves and personal gratification. I want to fill my mind with all that is lovely and praiseworthy.

4. Anyway, I came this morning to the bench at the desert oasis. As I was sitting there, pondering, my Heavenly Mother came again to me! She appeared, sitting next to me on the bench. She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, you live in the telestial world of mortality. There are many who are self focused in your world and have no apparent standards of decency for themselves, but seek pleasure and gain, power and control over others, at almost any cost. They only value their own wellbeing and not that of others, or the society they live in.

5. These are those who will be removed from the earth when Jesus comes again to the earth in his glorious second coming. The terrestrial people are those who are honorable and who, in their difficult times, finally accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. These will be spared and brought into the terrestrial millennial world. The celestial people will also come forth in the millennial day on the earth. These are those whose children will grow up without sin unto salvation. (D&C 45:58)

6. Raphael, continue to make your environment and the people you associate with, to be of the terrestrial and celestial of our children. Reject the movies, music and culture of the telestial, for that will only pull you down to lower levels and standards of the telestial.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who was beside me for her enlightenment! She smiled and was immediately gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.