178. Fire and Ice

Hello my friends!

Now that we are in December, and Christmas season is upon all of us, I wish you each a calm and happy month! There should be a lot changing in our nation soon, and I hope all of you will roll with it and still be happy. We can choose to be happy, and block those things that cause us distress and anxiety. We surely don't need negativity in our beings when we commemorate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Warmly as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, November 9, 2020

1. Evening–Tonight I read about Adam and Noah in the scriptures. When Adam fell, as we were instructed in the LDS endowment temple ceremony, the Father placed him and Eve under covenant to obey the laws of obedience and sacrifice. Adam and Eve, his wife, fell from the higher terrestrial sphere to a lower telestial sphere. They left all behind in the garden of Eden and came naked into the new realm. God prepared coats of skins for them to cover their nakedness. They were put under a new covenant when they came into a new earthly realm.

2. Noah was also a righteous man and gained favor with God. God established a new covenant with Noah to come into the ark with his sons and their wives (see Genesis 6:18). God saved these eight individuals by his promise or covenant, and all the rest of the living on the telestial earth died (Genesis 7:22-23). God's covenant was that he would not bring a flood any more upon the earth, and even showed the bow in the sky as a token of that covenant (Genesis 9:11-17). Noah and his family, and all living things in the ark, stayed in the same telestial world when they left the ark.

3. In our day, the earth will transition from a telestial mortal realm to a terrestrial mortal realm. We will be required to make another covenant with God, even the law of obedience and sacrifice, similar to what Adam and Eve covenanted when they left the Garden of Eden. All that we possess except our bodies, minds, and relationships, will be left behind in the former telestial realm. I have wondered how this covenant will be administered, or if there will be any other covenants required of our Heavenly Parents. I believe each accountable citizen of Zion will, at some point, make covenants to be able to dwell in Zion, in the new terrestrial realm of the millennium. The wicked will not come there, for they know not God nor seek to know God's ways.

4. It is also interesting that the first three archangels of our Heavenly Parents are Adam, (or Michael), Noah (or Gabriel), and me (or Raphael). We each have a pivotal role in transitioning the human race to a new existence or, in the case of Michael, after the fall from a terrestrial to a telestial realm, and in my case a return from the telestial back to the terrestrial realm. I know now more fully why I am called a transition prophet, for the entire earth will transition to a higher terrestrial state of man.

5. Tonight I came to the golden altar next to the fountain of living water and the front northern temple doors. I looked upon the golden altar and saw incense arise from the altar, with the prayers of the righteous to God (see Revelation 8:3). I also read my post 107G3-107G8 where I had witnessed, over a year and a half ago, that the intensities of these prayers would significantly increase, even becoming more red in color. At this current time, I could see that the prayers were more intense to God than back in January 2019 when I received my post 107.

6. I knelt before the altar and prayed to God, my Heavenly Father. He then answered my prayer by coming on the other side of the altar! I saw his entire being, standing elevated in the air above me.

7. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have brought you before the golden altar to view again that the prayers of our elect have intensified since you saw them last. Of these elect who are offering up the sincere and humble prayers of their hearts, we will require all of their desires and their hearts. Each one who is accountable will make a covenant.'

-Interrupted–continued in morning

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, November 10, 2020

1. I need to continue my prayer this morning where I left off:

From Heavenly Father at the golden altar speaking to me:

'Our elect call upon us and we hear each prayer. There will not be a general time when our elect will covenant to keep the law of obedience and sacrifice, but it will be on a one by one basis. At one point in their pleadings, they will each promise or covenant to obey our words that we inspire them, and will also give away all that they have to know us and to enter into Zion. When they enter the gates of Zion, they will have so few possessions, mostly only their clothes to cover their bodies. These too will be replaced with the simple and humble clothes of Zion. Therefore, all will be made new for our elect when they come into this higher realm on the earth.

2. After our elect individually covenant to keep the law of obedience and sacrifice, we will make our covenant with them to bring them into the higher realm of Zion, and their posterity, for the remainder of the temporal earth. This covenant will be as real as that of the covenant we made with Noah and his family that we would never again bring the floods on the earth to destroy all flesh. In the latter days, our part of the covenant will be to bring our elect into Zion, the New Jerusalem, a terrestrial mortal earth, and a place of peace and safety forever! We will no longer allow Satan and his hosts to influence or tempt them, for you will remove these wicked spirits to the bottomless pit. We will also no longer allow the mortal wicked to flourish and live in the flesh on the earth, except during the end of the millennium, when Lucifer and his hosts will be released for a little season.

3. The token of our covenant with our elect will be their simple plain clothing. They will wear this every day, and thereby have a reminder of the covenant we have made with them to bring them into Zion, the terrestrial mortal earth. All the previous telestial life will be a thing of the past save it be the relationships with those who also come with them to Zion, the pure in heart. They may bring with them to ZIon certain records we approve of that describe their personal journey to a condition that allowed them to come to Zion.

4. Raphael, the volumes of your personal record, even the books of Raphael, will be what we want you to bring with you to our New Jerusalem. Your records show the changes you experienced to prepare yourself for Zion, and a large amount of our great revelations we have given to you that can be fully shared in Zion among our elect sons and daughters. They will gladly read and ponder your records and others that contain a fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In that day, the "earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9).

5. Isaiah 65:17-19, 21-22, 24-25

"For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create (the New) Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

And I will rejoice in (the New) Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

...And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

...And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Father)."

6. I thanked my Father for the words of truth he spoke to me last night and this morning! I thanked him for answering the questions of my heart. I said I felt so privileged to receive these revelations from his mouth. I felt his confirmation that I had written them all correctly, according to what he had spoken.

7. My Father smiled and gradually faded back into his higher celestial realm. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Evening–I have been thinking of the terrestrial realm, and how separated it really is from the telestial realm that I live in now. It is exciting to think of and anticipate this transition to a higher realm of glory! I believe once we are in Zion, or in the terrestrial mortal realm, we will have less and less contact with the telestial mortal realm unless we have a direct mission to labor in that lower realm. The 144,000 will have such a mission, for they will reside in the terrestrial earth and will minister to the elect across the telestial earth who still have not come over to the higher realm. I have been told the 144,000 will be given specific assignments to bring the elect, as many as will come, to the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 77:11). They will bring these righteous souls in their own portals to the boundaries of Zion where there will be safety and peace. These newcomers will also need to make a covenant of obedience and sacrifice in order for God to make his covenant to bring them into Zion, the pure in heart.

9. Tonight I read again the Bible verses concerning Noah and the flood and the Book of Ether, about the prophet Ether and his life. I have been thinking about these mighty men of God I have great respect for what these and other prophets have done on the earth during their day.

10. I then came to the celestial orb and came by the little stream that flowed into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt by the stream and drank living water. I then prayed that my Heavenly Mother would appear and speak to me.

11. I waited and saw my Heavenly Mother's light upon the beautiful lake in front of me. She was full of light that reflected upon the lake and shone brightly all around me! She then walked directly to me, smiling.

12. When she arrived, she spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I chose Michael, Gabriel and you to be transition prophets in your world for all mankind. You are our first three archangel sons. By Michael came the fall of man, and by Gabriel came the flood. In your day and time, we will bring forth the millennium. This will transition the earth into a terrestrial state, and will only allow the elect and their posterity into this era of rest and peace. The wicked and ungodly will perish and not be able to continue on the earth. The devils and Lucifer will be banished from the earth so that they will not be able to tempt men and women for a thousand years.

13. We have chosen you to remove Satan and his hosts at the beginning of the millennium to the bottomless pit. We have chosen you to build our celestial temple, even the New Jerusalem. You will administer the waters of separation ordinance for all our elect. With Oriphiel to record this opening ordinance and to write the candidate's names in the Lamb's Book of Life, these become new members of the Church of the Firstborn. This great work will continue for the duration of the millennium for every one of our elect sons and daughters, redeemed and chosen by Jesus Christ to enter into this celestial church.

14. Raphael, your work in these last days is very important for the salvation of all of our elect who will be exalted and become couple Gods. This is the start of the progress for all of them to become even as we are, Gods in eternity! This is our great work and glory that brings our children and us a fulness of joy. There are times when you wonder about the grandeur of these things, and of the events soon coming on the earth. You trust in our word, even though you cannot understand or comprehend all of it now. We ask you to be obedient and to keep our commandments in all things, and all will work as we have planned. You are truly our son Raphael, our archangel of these last days. Keep humble and open, and we will lead you in all your actions, even to do our needful work on earth!'

15. I humbly thanked her for her assurance and enlightenment, and said I felt encouraged and strengthened. I committed to be obedient in all things according to their directions.

16. Heavenly Mother then rose up in the sky and departed. I closed my prayer and exited the celestial orb.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, November 11, 2020

1. This new day I wondered if all those who come to Zion will be exalted and become eventually couple Gods. I wondered if there were some who would not put forth the effort, and not enter into the celestial kingdom.

2. I came to the circling waters and drank of the living water from the stream. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come and enlighten my mind.

3. Heavenly Father then stepped directly out of his highest celestial realm, parting the veil and standing before me! He was smiling and full of light and acceptance.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, we allow our beloved children who make a covenant of obedience and sacrifice when entering into Zion, to continue to choose what they wish to do. Agency is always a continual blessing in their lives. Some who live in Zion may choose to not be valiant or press forward to eternal life and exaltation. Others will press forward in the energy of their soul to the lofty goal and objective of fully repenting of their sins, becoming forgiven and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and coming into the Church of the Firstborn. Once their names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will eventually be exalted and become a God.

5. There will be those in the terrestrial world who are not admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. These will not have qualified by their actions and efforts to be accepted by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. Most of these who don't qualify will be good people but not valiant in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

6. These are those who have received of the presence of the Son, but not the fullness of the Father. (D&C 76:77). They will be living in the terrestrial mortal earth, and Jesus Christ will reign personally upon the earth. They may at times see him, and will be subject to his reign. However, they do not make the extra effort to come unto him with a broken heart and contrite spirit, pressing forth with faith and diligence to be fully accepted and proven by him, to warrant him to bring them into the Church of the Firstborn. They will live and die terrestrial individuals.

7. Raphael, S.A. wrote to you this morning about the terrestrial elect and the celestial elect. When we choose our elect to come to Zion, it is not a guarantee that they will be exalted. They need to "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: ye shall have eternal life." (2 Nephi 31:20).

8. I would prefer not using the word "terrestrial elect", but just elect to describe those who are brought into the terrestrial mortal earth in the millennium. The elect are chosen at the beginning of the millennium as those who will be allowed to come into the terrestrial mortal world and Zion. This is not an approval that they will also be received into the Church of the Firstborn where they will be guaranteed a place in the highest heaven. They still need to show forth great effort in pursuing eternal life by their godly actions and daily living. It is only after they pursue this, and press forward in great diligence in their lives, that Jesus Christ will have proven them worthy of entry into his celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn. Once Oriphiel records their name in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will be promised eternal life and exaltation.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words this morning. This cleared up a misconception in my own mind that I hadn't really thought out in detail. I told him I loved him, and would pursue my course to eternal life, in all diligence.

10. He then assured me that my salvation in his kingdom was made sure. He then rose up in the air and left my side. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

11. Email from S.A. on 11-11-2020:

"Hi R!

I'm doing well. I enjoyed reading this post, is there a previous post where I can read more about the difference between the celestial elect and the terrestrial elect? I think it's interesting to contemplate the difference, it seems hard to wrap my mind around the concept that some righteous in Zion will not desire the higher celestial laws. I understand all are seeking light to the level they desire, but in a Zion society I imagine everyone wanting the greatest blessings of all.

Sending my love,

12. Evening–I called upon my Heavenly Mother tonight in prayer. I came to her lower garden, near her glass table, and faced the gentle rising slopes of her remedy beds to the east. I felt very clear and eager to come into her presence.

13. Heavenly Mother appeared next to me on my right side! She was smiling and so very loving and accepting of me. I had more questions in my mind about the elect who would be living in Zion and during the millennium. I had to shift my mindset a little today, after receiving truths from my Father this morning.

14. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we try and prove our elect whom we have chosen, to see if they will press forward and continue to choose us, their Heavenly Parents. The elect will be saved from your current telestial world, for the entire mortal earth will transition into a higher terrestrial mortal realm. Although Satan and his evil hosts will no longer tempt our elect children who will occupy the earth, there is still much for our children to do to show us that they are valiant and faithful.

15. If in the course of one's life in the millennium our son or daughter pursues a life of kindness and Christlike love towards others, and diligently seeks to keep our commandments, Jesus Christ will one day accept him/her as a candidate to the Church of the Firstborn. They will then come to you and Oriphiel, whether during their mortal life or after their death as a resurrected individual, and receive the entry ordinance into the Church of the Firstborn. They will then have their calling and election made sure, for their name will be recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life by Oriphiel. They will then receive the remainder of the ordinances of our celestial temple sometime during the millennium. They will move forward with all of our celestial elect to their final exaltation and eternal life.

16. There will be those in Zion, even during the millennium, who will not press forward in an effort to secure their own eternal salvation. These will not be as valiant in their lives, even though they will be good men and women, and responsible citizens of Zion on the earth. They will enjoy the presence on the earth of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, but will not pursue a relationship with him nor with us, their Heavenly Parents.

17. When such a one dies, they will not have proven themselves worthy of the acceptance of Jesus Christ into our celestial church. They will be buried in the earth, and will not resurrect like the celestial upon their death, for they are not yet worthy, or may never become worthy, of a celestial resurrection in the First Resurrection. They will proceed into the terrestrial world of the dead, where they may continue in their pursuit of eternal life. However, there will be many who make no further major efforts towards their progression into the celestial kingdom where God and Christ live.

18. Raphael, the parable of the wheat and tares is a parable about the transition of our elect into the millennium, or the terrestrial mortal world, (the wheat), or the tares (the telestial wicked). The elect, or the wheat, are saved into garners and protected as they move forward into the higher terrestrial realm on the earth. However, now these elect need to further prove themselves by their actions and diligence in pressing forward towards eternal life in the celestial realms. They need to seek our face, obey our counsels, and fully follow our Spirit that we abundantly shed forth upon them. Of the elect that live during the one thousand year span of the millennium, about one third will become accepted of Jesus Christ and admitted into the Church of the Firstborn and celestial glory, and about two thirds will continue on to a place in their eternal terrestrial glory in eternity. These latter sons and daughters will not show forth enough effort to receive a place in the kingdom of heaven where the faithful persevere and are appointed.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for confirming the words that I wrote from my Father this morning and for further explaining about the elect of God in the millennium. I expressed my great love for her. She then went away and I closed my prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, November 12, 2020

1. I reread what Heavenly Mother spoke to me last night about the elect. This has been very enlightening to me. I confirmed in my mind and heart this was true also. I don't know how these truths eluded me, for I had thought that all of the elect would enter into the celestial worlds of glory. When I think logically through this, of course this is not the case, since the elect all will be in a probationary estate in the terrestrial mortal earth. The purpose of this existence is to prove those who will be valiant and fully faithful to our Heavenly Parents, when those mortals would no longer be in God's celestial presence. It appears that in the millennial day, only the terrestrial and celestial will be on the earth until the very end when Satan is loosed again for a little season. At that time, evil will again dwell among men and women, and Satan will be allowed to tempt mankind. I am sure some mortals will succumb to the temptations of the devil and ultimately inherit a telestial glory, or maybe no glory at all if they do the unpardonable sin, becoming sons or daughters of perdition. I would like some enlightenment on these things.

2. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I drank living water at the shore, and then knelt in the sand, facing the water. I prayed to my Father, seeking his presence.

3. Heavenly Father then came walking to me from my right side! As he walked, I noticed footprints in the sand. He was full of light and smiling upon me.

4. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, our elect will be composed of our faithful sons and daughters who live in the mortal terrestrial earth. There will be very few who receive a telestial glory, for they are honorable and good people. However, at the end of the millennium, when Satan and his hosts are loosed for a little season, some mortals on the earth will allow themselves to succumb to the temptations of the devil, and will again become wicked. Lucifer will again deceive the nations:

5. Revelations 20:7-8

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea."

6. At this time, the righteous elect will retreat into the city of the New Jerusalem (see a description of this time from your Heavenly Mother in your post 135G15 to 135G24). The wicked mortals on the earth will die in the fire from Michael's sword, and their spirits will enter into the telestial realm of the dead. Those who suffered themselves to be tempted and overcome by Satan in that day will mostly receive the same telestial glory as the wicked now living on the earth who were previously destroyed and not be allowed to enter into the millennial day of the earth. Up until you loose Satan and his hosts from their bottomless pit for the little season, those living during the thousand years on the earth will mostly receive either a celestial or terrestrial eternal glory.'

7. I thanked my all knowing Heavenly Father for his words. I asked if there were sons and daughters of perdition.

8. Heavenly Father answered: 'Raphael, there are male and female individuals who will qualify as sons and daughters of perdition. See D&C 76: 25-38 for a detailed description of their fate. These will not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, and will suffer the same fate as Lucifer and his evil hosts who never came to mortality.'

9. Heavenly Father indicated to me that my time in prayer with him was completed this morning. He then smiled upon me and walked to my left side when he passed into his higher celestial realm.

10. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

11. Evening–Tonight I reread again D&C 76 about the three degrees of glory. I read also that "many are called, but few are chosen" (D&C 121:34, 40). I believe the elect of God are called, but there are fewer who are chosen by Jesus Christ and brought into the Church of the Firstborn.

12. I read about how the Father sheds forth the Holy Spirit of Promise upon all those who are just and true (D&C 76:53). This is the promise of eternal life, which coincides with choosing to become a member of the Church of the Firstborn.

13. I wondered if all of the elect would be able to meet Christ in the air when he returns to the clouds of heaven, or if it would only be those who will have proven themselves and received the promise of eternal life.

14. I came this evening to the birch tree grove that is on the hill east of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the little stream and felt clarified and enlightened by the Spirit of God. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer request.

15. Heavenly Mother then came upon me from the sky above! She descended through the treetops and came in front of me.

16. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, my son, when Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, comes in glory in the clouds of heaven to the earth, he will remove the last part of the mortal earth and transition it to a terrestrial mortal earth. Those telestial mortals who remain will die.

17. The others on the earth, who are the elect of God, will come into the clouds of heaven to greet their Redeemer and descend with him to the new terrestrial earth. The elect will include those who will in the end receive a celestial reward and a terrestrial reward. They will all move forward into the glorious millennial day where Jesus reigns personally on the earth. The entire physical earth will become terrestrial in nature, and the abode of Zion, the pure in heart.

18. As our sons and daughters press forward in faith, keeping every commandment and being led by our Spirit, then one day our Beloved Son will say to them, calling them by name, and tell them they will be exalted. He will soon thereafter introduce them to us, their Heavenly Parents. We will make our abode with that candidate of eternal life, our beloved son or daughter. Soon he or she will come and receive from you and Oriphiel the entry ordinance into the Church of the Firstborn. They will then be on the path to their eternal exaltation.

19. At some point in this process, I will shed forth my Holy Ghost upon them so they receive the Holy Spirit of Promise. This is the spiritual witness of what Jesus Christ promised, and why Oriphiel recorded their name in the Book of Life, which is also the promise of eternal life. It will be my stamp of approval and an additional witness of these promises made by Jesus and the angels. This individual has come this far by pressing forward in diligence and in faith, having overcome all things by their actions and effort to repent and conform to every word of direction we may give to him or her.

20. The overall purpose of the thousand years of the millennium is for us to secure to each one of our celestial elect the promise of eternal life and exaltation. Every one will have been received into the New Jerusalem temple and will have received the ordinances of the Church of the FIrstborn in that celestial temple. They will then be all ready, at the end of the earth's physical existence, to have the culminating ordinances from us, their God, to become couple Gods in eternity. All will be resurrected in the First Resurrection, or the celestial resurrection, before any of our other children are resurrected to lesser realms of glory.

21. Raphael, when Jesus, the Great Redeemer, stated that many are called, but few are chosen (D&C 121:34,40), he was referring to the elect being called. We call initially all the elect who want to keep our commandments and obey our gospel. However, those who are ultimately chosen, the celestial, are selected by Jesus Christ for entry into his celestial Church of the Firstborn. These are relatively few, even among the elect that enter into Zion, and into the millennial day. Thus many are called but few are chosen. These few become Gods, even as we are Gods, for they overcome all things by faith and their diligent heed. All of the others who are not chosen receive a kingdom of glory, but not of the fullness where your Father, Jesus Christ and I live.'

22. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her beautiful and clear explanation of these things! It all seemed perfectly understandable to me now. I was so glad to comprehend it all, and thanked her very much.

23. She then paused and looked me in my eyes with her penetrating and loving eternity eyes. I knew she fully knew me, from the beginning to the ending of my life. She smiled and shed forth a rich abundance of her light and acceptance upon me! I felt so assured of my place before her.

24. She then rose up in the sky, and through the treetops. I watched until she was out of sight.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, November 13, 2020

1. I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb this morning. I met there with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who talked with me face to face. I felt their love and their great light come into me. I expressed my deep joy to be able to come to them in such a beautiful setting, and to receive from them so many truths.


2. This morning was quite hectic with early morning errands and family matters. I will continue tonight with my normal prayers.

3. Evening–I came again to the circling waters where I had come this morning. I knelt by the water's edge and drank living water. I then felt clarified in my mind. I asked my Heavenly Parents if I could continue where I became interrupted this morning.

4. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then immediately appeared before me! They were standing next to each other. I felt again, as I did this morning, their resplendent light all around me, and through me. I gazed into their loving and compassionate faces. I waited for them to communicate to me.

5. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have pondered over the past few days how different physical or spiritual realms may be superimposed on top of each other, and yet be distinct. You wondered more also about the veils between a lower realm to a higher realm.

6. When we create an orb or a planet, like your earth, we may also create multiple levels or realms in the same location without those living in these realms realizing there are other realms in the same place. This is the case between the world of the telestial physical mortal world and the telestial world of the deceased dead. Those on earth don't realize that the deceased may be living very close to them, even in the same location. There are also communities, forests, flowers and vegetation abounding in the spirit telestial realms but all are not visible to the coarser physical mortal inhabitants.

7. In addition, the righteous dead may be admitted into the terrestrial realms of the spirit world on the earth also. This is wholly apart from the telestial, and is in more glory than the telestial spirit world is on the earth. The telestial may not enter the higher terrestrial, but the higher may enter into the lower.

8. Soon the mortal physical earth will transition from the current telestial realm to the higher terrestrial realm. The wicked may not enter this higher mortal realm, for it is reserved for our elect whom we have chosen. These elect are able to enter into a terrestrial realm, and dwell in Zion communities. The earth will be renewed and be elevated to a higher paradisiacal glory. This will still be in a physical mortal environment on the earth. The spirit realms of the dead will continue during the millennium. These spirit realms will still be superimposed on the earth over the physical earth and generally not visible to them in mortality.

9. At the New Jerusalem temple grounds, we will allow a celestial mortal realm to be established on the physical earth. This will also be superimposed over the terrestrial mortal physical earth. Only those who are celestial, or who are candidates to enter the celestial grounds and temple, or those who labor on the temple or grounds, will be permitted to enter. They will be usually quickened to a celestial glory if they live in a terrestrial realm on the earth. If they are already resurrected celestial or translated celestial individuals, they will not need to be quickened, for they are already celestial in nature and being.

10. This small celestial area on the earth will act as a portal through the temple to this celestial orb. These realms are at the same level of glory.

11. There is one additional higher celestial realm where we, who are Gods, dwell in all of our creations. Only we dwell there, and may go into that highest realm without being seen, for there is a veil that we control between this and the lower realms.

12. The method that we use for these several realms to be superimposed on top of each other was created by our first parent Gods. All of their children Gods use this same system of realms, veils, and superimposition, one realm on top of another. We create these realms by our power of being Gods. We thereby maximize our creations in order to help our children in different states of progress and growth. The overarching objective is to help each of our children grow to the highest realm of glory they wish to choose by their actions and choices.

13. The superimposing principle works much like how the spirit of man enters their physical body. The physical state is enlivened by the spirit to the realm or glory of the spirit. When in a higher realm, the spirit enlivens the physical body so it is fully in the realm of the spirit, and not visible to lower realms. This capability is all controlled by our Godly power that we extend to our children, depending upon the realm they live in as part of their progress and learning.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his recap and explanation of these higher capabilities of God. I didn't understand in my conscious state all of this, but I accept it on faith. I feel confirmed it is all true.

15. My prayer then soon ended. I felt great peace and assurance that all was well with my relationship with my loving Heavenly Parents. I closed my prayer and retired to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, November 14, 2020

1. I have been lacking a desire to continue to be attached to this mortal telestial world I live in. I yearn to be in higher realms of glory, like the terrestrial mortal glory soon coming to the earth, or the celestial glory like I come into consciously each time I pray. In addition to what Heavenly Father told me last night about the realms of glory, we who are God's mortal children have a conscious and an unconscious mind in various realms. When I pray and meditate, I become much more aware of the thoughts, activities and environments where my unconscious mind dwells and labors.

2. In addition to the division of the human mortal mind into conscious and unconscious, I also experience replication of my being. I often am in both the mortal sphere in my conscious self, and in multiple locations in the higher celestial realms in my unconscious translated celestial self. This is only possible by God extending this great power to me. Others, like the angels and celestial beings, also now have this capability.

3. For me, a mortal conscious man, this is very difficult to understand except on faith. God has shown me clearly about how they replicate themselves, and that they have extended this power to some of their children, depending upon their missions in these last days.

4. For a mortal man, this is often hard for me to wrap my finite mind around. I ultimately accept it all on what I have spiritually seen and experienced, and what God has told me is reality and truth. I have confirmed this process multiple times.

5. I came this morning to the celestial orb in my conscious mind. I realized that my unconscious mind or being was already there, preparing for prayer. This is commonplace for me now, but was at first very mind expanding!

6. I came to the little stream entering into God's Loving Lake. I knelt and drank from living celestial water and felt refreshed and clarified. I feel this in my unconscious self, and somehow connect to myself in meditation in my conscious state. This is a great blessing to me, for in this connective state I can hear and understand what God may speak to me in my unconscious mind. The process now seems simple and routine, but it took great effort at first to connect and trust what I was receiving to be reality and truth. I now know this is how revelation flows freely to me from God. It is a wonderful experience that I have twice daily!

7. I then faced the lake and asked in my mind for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I believed she would come on faith and my experiences from the past when she did come.

8. I saw a bright light gather in front of me in the air, and then my Heavenly Mother appeared! She was full of light, smiling, and her eternity eyes were sparkling with love and joy it seemed. I felt so very pleased and happy to be in her presence.

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I have shared many of our powers as Gods with you over the years. These have come incrementally, and we allowed you to fully experience them before revealing more. You now are fully sustained by our power of understanding wherein we have enlightened you. All that you have described in your journal this morning, and all that your Father shared with you last night, is true.

10. Great is our power and capability! We share this great power with those, our children, whom we will. We do this to move forward our great purposes for all of our children in their probationary states and progress.

11. You may know continually the truth through your experiences and interactions with us, your Heavenly Parents, by the light, peace, and sureness you receive when we communicate with you. This is our sure witness that you yourself can't create or duplicate, or other sources may not duplicate. This witness only comes from us, your Gods, and is from us and not man, yourself, or anything else.

12. When you receive our truths from our Spirit, these truths enter into your mind and heart. We help you understand our truths and ways and allow these to become part of your new enlightened mind and reservoir of truth. In this way, we help you progress from grace to grace, here a little and there a little, until you think and perceive even as we do.

13. Even though you long to come into higher realms in your mortal self, you will need to remain yet almost another year in your telestial mortal state. When the time comes for your full departure from the telestial realm, you will feel no more attachments, and will eagerly leave all behind. You are now preparing unconsciously for this full transition in not many more months.

14. Raphael, stand now and walk with me, your Mother in heaven, and let's stroll around my healing lake!'

15. I stood and took her extended hand. We then walked in our bare feet on the path around the lake. It seemed to my conscious mind that we walked into a cloud bank, and I could no longer hear or perceive what we were doing. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day on earth.

16. Evening–While working outside today, I listened to several recent posts about Zion. I want to listen again to all of these, for there is a lot that I remember once I listened to them. I feel so grateful to have received so much from my Heavenly Parents about Zion!

17. Tonight I came to the road next to the Father's wheat fields. The field was on my left, and the burned down oak tree was in front of me a short distance away. I came here because I felt here is where I should come and commune with my Heavenly Father.

18. As I was standing on the road, I saw a man in the wheat field to my left. I knew he was my Heavenly Father. I came to my knees and continued watching him. He was intent at his labors and seemed very skilled at weeding out the tares or weeds among his wheat. He then saw me, and walked to me above his tender wheat plants that looked like they were about five inches tall, and very newly sprouted.

10. He came to me and stood by the side of his road. He spoke:

'Raphael, there is an entire division happening now on the earth. Peace has been taken from the earth and now a great division among the people is happening, even as Nephi prophesied:

20. 2 Nephi 30:10

"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."

21. You saw me just now weeding my wheat field. The new wheat plants are my mortal elect that will enter into the new terrestrial earth. I am separating them now from the wicked. The older wheat seeds are already gathered in garners. The wicked, represented by the tares, will never come to the newly changed earth, for they are telestial in nature, and I have not chosen them.

22. In the terrestrial world during the millennium, our elect will have a higher quality of life and enjoyment than those who have ever lived during the approximate 6,000 years of the telestial earth. There is ample time in each of their lives for us, their Heavenly Parents, to see if they will press forward in righteousness and diligence. Those who seek a personal relationship with our Beloved Son and with us, and place high priority in living according to our promptings, will ultimately be numbered among our celestial children. All men and women will be good people, but the majority will ultimately be numbered among the terrestrial in their eternal reward.

23. Your Heavenly Mother and I have prescreened our elect who will come forth in the millennium to be either those ultimately numbered among the celestial or terrestrial. It is only at the end of the millennium that a host of telestial will come, for many will in that day follow Lucifer and his evil hosts whom you will again loose for a little season after the thousand years are ended.

24. Our children living during the thousand years of peace will be judged just as fairly as those who have lived during the previous 6,000 years in the telestial mortal world. We will take all their various conditions into account in our determination of their final assigned kingdom of glory. Our children who lived in mortality, at any time that they will have lived, will be allowed to progress to the highest degree they may choose by their daily actions and diligent heed to us, their Gods.

25. You might wonder why we have chosen to have a latter period of terrestrial glory for a thousand years at the end of the earth's temporal existence. We do this so that our celestial children from whenever they lived may enter into our celestial church and kingdom as we have prescribed, even in a mortal state of the earth. This is how it has been ordained among the Gods to be done for the salvation of the celestial. It is also during this terrestrial mortal realm that we have chosen to bring forth many of our valiant and great ones to the earth for their probationary experience. They don't need to be exposed to Lucifer and his hosts in order to have a completely fulfilling and meaningful probationary experience on earth.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his rehearsal of these important things concerning the elect, and why they were chosen as elect to come forth in the millennial day of peace.

27. My prayer ended. I felt very satisfied and at peace. I closed my prayer and got ready to close my Saturday.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, November 15, 2020

1. This morning I came to the beautiful forest pool next to the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. It was shady here but still very light all around. I knelt down at the pool's edge and drank living water. I felt clarified in my mind and refreshed.

2. I then brought my sapphire healing seer stone in front of me and gazed upon it, with the intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother, for I felt she would be coming to me. I then heard her voice and wasn't sure where it was coming from. I looked into the pool and then I looked up above the pool. I then saw her in the air above the pool. She smiled and waved for me to come to her. I then stood and moved through the air to a place right in front of her.

3. Heavenly Mother then began shining her bright light of the Holy Ghost which passed right through me, filling me with such joy and mental clarity. I felt very loved by her!

4. She spoke to my mind and heart: 'Raphael, my son, you listened yesterday in one of your recent posts how we will strengthen the bodies of our celestial translated angels and servants who labor for us in the New Jerusalem temple. They will become renewed and receive revitalization in their bodies.

5. You have worried a little about your body function recently, that you are getting to be an older man whose body is weakening with age. We want you to appear as a mature and seasoned older man throughout the millennium. In order to do this, we are allowing your body to naturally age and have its normal breakdown. It is also important for you to experience this process.

6. However, once you fully enter into the terrestrial mortal environment, and drink the living water and the living foods there, your body will be strengthened and renewed. This will also happen to the others who will labor as celestial translated beings in our celestial temple on behalf of those who are accepted in our Church of the Firstborn. All of your concerns and wonderings about the vitality of your physical body will then become forgotten.

7. Last evening your Father explained how it was ordained by the Gods to have the thousand years of temple work in the New Jerusalem temple to be fulfilled on the mortal earth. We could have done so at the end of the probation of man, after all our children had come to their own mortal experience. However, our first parent Gods set a pattern to have the temple work for the celestial elect done during the same time as a great many of their children would still be having their mortal probation. They used the superimposing feature of the celestial realm on the terrestrial earth to do both at the same time. This allowed the entire temporal existence of man to be completed at the end of the millennium, and the progress of the celestial elect to also be completed as far as possible upon the earth at the same time. The remainder of the eternal sealing of couples and the ordination of couple gods will be done on our celestial orb after all the New Jerusalem ordinances are completed.

8. When we are in the process of sealing our celestial children as couples, and ordaining them as couple gods, the remainder of our children will be still waiting for their resurrection and judgment. The earth will have died and she will become resurrected to a celestial glory. We then require a location to house all the remainder of our children who will be waiting who are not celestial.

9. We have chosen to prepare ahead the telestial and terrestrial orbs of glory that would ultimately become their eternal abodes. These orbs have already been created spiritually and physically, and now are in a final state of preparation. They will be planted and beautified, and prepared in every way for their future eternal inhabitants during the great millennium. We will use our celestial elect who are resurrected and waiting for their final sealings and ordinations to do this great labor. These orbs will be completed at the end of the millennium, when the earth dies and is resurrected.

10. These same celestial servants will then usher all of our deceased children who are not celestial but who will inherit a kingdom of glory, from the dying earth to their future terrestrial or telestial orb. They will come to these locations as spirits, for they are not yet resurrected. These will be physically completed orbs, with spirit realms superimposed on the physical. These escorted spirits will then fill these spirit realms on these, their future eternal orbs. They will remain there until their own judgment and resurrection.

11. At the time the earth dies, we will have you, Rapahel, escort Lucifer and his many hosts to several prison orbs we use for each eternity for this purpose. You have been using one of these prison orbs to banish those evil spirits who don't conform to the rules we have given them, to tempt and entice mankind. You will have other celestial servants assist you in filling up these prison orbs with all of the hosts of Satan. Here they will stay until all of the remainder of our children are judged, resurrected and assigned to a wonderful kingdom of glory.

12. When the salvation of all our children is completed, then we will banish the last remaining part of our children to their individual and isolated kingdoms of no glory. When this is completed, then your Heavenly Father and I will close this current eternity.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful and clear words and explanations to me this morning! I felt my mind was very enlightened and clear. I know all is well planned by our great Gods in the process of bringing their beloved children to the highest glory they are willing to receive.

14. I then lost my connection with my Heavenly Mother, and now finish writing all of this. I confirmed it was all true, and then closed my prayer.

15. Evening–Tonight I was thinking about how a celestial or terrestrial person would do very well in a Zion community in the millennium, but would struggle in a telestial world. I believe the pitfalls and snares in a fallen telestial environment, where Satan is able to tempt and entice the individual, is far more treacherous and scary than a celestial or terrestrial environment. We are used to this sort of an environment, where fallen man is often carnal, sensuous and devilish.

16. I believe in the millennial world the "natural man" is not even existent. This is because Satan and his evil hosts are absent. The nature of the people will be very wholesome, trustworthy, and upright. What a wonderful world this will be! These are my beliefs.

17. I came tonight to the domed room. As I walked up the path to this structure, a door opened and I entered. Upon looking into the room, I saw Heavenly Father standing! He was waiting for me and asked me to come before him. I walked in and knelt before him. He was standing in the air, a little elevated above the floor.

18. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when the devil tempted Adam and Eve, they "partook of the forbidden fruit and transgressed the commandment, wherein (they) became subject to the will of the devil, because (they) yielded to temptation." (D&C 29:40)

19. They then became fallen man and woman, and became spiritually dead (D&C 29:41), for they were cast out of my presence. I then gave to Adam and Eve the ability to repent through the redemption and faith on the name of mine Only Begotten Son (see D&C 29:42). This began the days of their probation in mortality. Their world was in a fallen telestial state.

20. The children of Adam and Eve often believed Satan who came among them and commanded them not to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ as delivered to them by their parents. "And men began from that time forth to be carnal, sensual and devilish." (see Moses 5:13)

21. This same fallen state of man has continued up until today in your world. However, in the new terrestrial world of the new millennium, you will remove Satan and his evil hosts so that they cannot tempt or entice mankind on the earth. Our children will also all be elect on the earth, and will of themselves allow the spirit of goodness, or our Spirit, to freely have place in their hearts and minds. They will not permit any carnal, sensual or devilish desires to find place in their hearts and minds. All men and women will love the works of God and be filled with the love of their fellowmen.

22. However, this will still be a fallen estate of our children, for they will not be in our holy celestial presence. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, will, however, rule and reign on the earth, and they may be brought into his presence, for he will be among them. This is the terrestrial state of man, as ministered by the Son of Man.

23. When our children in this high mortal state of men seek to follow diligently our Spirit, and keep all of our commandments, and press forward in faith to come unto God, our Son will one day judge of them and say to them that they will have eternal life in our celestial kingdom. He will then choose them as candidates for entry into his celestial church, and introduce them to us, their celestial parents. They will then be fully redeemed and forgiven of all their sins and shortcomings, and come back into our celestial presence. They will no longer be fallen men and women, but become our redeemed and celestial quickened children, for they are brought back into our celestial glory.

24. The rest of mankind who don't receive this favored status, (favored by being chosen because of their godly works and diligent efforts), will remain in a fallen state and spiritually dead, for they are still separated from our celestial presence and kingdom. These fallen individuals will be good people, kindly and terrestrial, unless they press forward and persist in their good works and efforts to be favored of God as the celestial elect.

25. Raphael, you are correct that the terrestrial mortal state of man is in a far more loving and happy environment than the current telestial mortal state of man. The adversary will be removed, and men and women will no longer be carnal, sensual or devilish.'

26. I thanked my Father for his confirming words and beautiful plan. I said I longed to be in that very safe and happy terrestrial mortal world, surrounded by upright and good people.

27. He replied: 'Raphael, we are hastening that day as fast as possible. Stay near to us and your journey to that world will be safe and you will be protected. This is our promise to all of our elect.'

28. My prayer ended. I felt the peace of God in my heart that this is all true!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, November 16, 2020

1. I am up early and am ready to come again into the presence of my Gods. I came to the lovely circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water there, and knelt facing the stream, to the south. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to visit me and share what she wanted with me. I had nothing on my mind in particular.

2. As I waited in faith that she would come, I saw a movement in the air in front of me, and then Heavenly Mother gradually parted the higher veil. Her light burst forth upon me and all of the surrounding area. I soon was fully before my glorious Mother in Heaven.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I are pleased when you consistently pray to us and wait for us to come. You are no longer a fallen man, for you have come into our celestial presence and are spiritually taught and enlightened. You still live in a fallen telestial world, but we have promised you that we would always be with you. We not only send upon you our Spirit to continually be with you, but are next to you when you might need us. This is our covenant with you. We do this once you become fully redeemed by Jesus Christ, and he brings you into our presence. You become quickened in the inner man, and are celestial because we have changed you.

4. This is the process that every one of our elect may again come into our celestial presence. Once Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, proves them and determines that they will always seek us diligently, by their actions and desires, he will choose to fully sanctify them and bring them again into his presence. They are greatly loved by him, and he will introduce them again to us. We will make our abode with them, and bring them back again into our presence.

5. At this moment we will increase our revelation and teaching moments with them. As they press forward in prayer to commune with us, we will become their companions and their Gods. They will become spiritually alive in us, and led by us in their lives, even by our very beings. We will commune with them face to face, as I now speak to you and you see me before you.

6. This is our plan for every one of our sons and daughters who wish to come unto us and be led in their lives by us, their Heavenly Parents.

7. In the millennium, there will be many who receive this favored celestial elect status with us. These are the sanctified ones that will come to you in the New Jerusalem temple and enter into the Church of the Firstborn. These will have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life, by our servant Oriphiel, and ultimately become gods, even as your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I are gods. To these we will give all things, for they will be partakers of all the gifts of God and eternal life in our celestial glory.

8. Raphael, this is our doctrine, and the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We wish all of our sons and daughters to make this choice to seek us diligently and be brought by their Great Redeemer into our very presence.

9. Heavenly Mother paused and extended both of her hands to me. I took them and she lifted me up. She tenderly embraced me and kissed me! I felt her great love and acceptance of me. I felt so happy and at peace! This experience ended my interaction with my Heavenly Mother this morning. I am filled even now with her love and peace as I start my new day.

10. Evening–I enjoyed a very beautiful day. I took advantage of the weather and worked hard outside, getting a chicken coop built and a shed.

11. Tonight I came to the cliff on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see the temple in the distance. The colors all around me seem exceptionally brilliant tonight. I wondered if I was perceiving my environment better.

12. I knelt on the ground and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I wanted to meet with him before I retired for the day. I had no idea what he would say to me.

13. Heavenly Father appeared before me in the air, just off of the cliff. He was smiling and full of light. I felt very satisfied to be before him.

14. I thought of how many times he must have appeared like this, face to face, to his many sons and daughters in mortality throughout his millions of eternities. He seemed to be reading my thoughts.

15. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have been appearing to my sons and daughters for millions of eternities. These, my choice children from previous eternities, all entered into their endless state of happiness in eternal felicity and joy. They are now couple Gods in eternity, bearing their own children in a forever state that never ends.

16. As one eternity comes and ends, so another follows. Your Heavenly Mother and I never tire of the joy in seeing our children grow and progress, and finding the great satisfaction and joy we live each day. Our happiness becomes deeper and more meaningful when we promote each one of our children along the path that we know will ultimately bring them a fulness of joy. This process is the core of our eternal happiness, for it continues and grows, and never ends!

17. We witness others of our children who receive a kingdom of glory in the terrestrial and telestial realms. They also become as happy as they were willing to be, and we find joy in their salvation and enjoyment. We only want them to be as happy as they choose to be by their own choices.

18. Those that don't bring us joy are those who reject our great gifts, and turn away from all choices that would bring them a level of happiness. These are Lucifer and his die hard followers who will not receive a kingdom of glory. We save all except them, for "they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment.

And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows.

...Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained into this condemnation." (D&C 76:44,45,48).

19. These are all alone, singly without others, forever, throughout all future time.

20. In all of the choices of our children in each eternity, we encourage, entice, suggest, and enlighten their minds and hearts, but never force in any way any of our children in any of their choices. Each one needs to act in the liberty and freedom of conscience that we have given them. They either choose eternal life, some level of salvation, or endless misery reserved for the devils. We clearly give them the consequence of their choices, but they themselves choose.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for responding to my thoughts, and enlightening my mind. I said to him I always want to follow him and Heavenly Mother, and always choose to act on all their promptings and encouragements. I said I wanted to progress to be like them in eternity, and would do everything in my power to reach that eternal state.

22. Heavenly Father smiled and drew me near him. He then embraced me and said to me that I would one day become like him!

23. My vision then abruptly closed, and I felt the lingering peace in my heart from this special experience. I was very moved and felt the love of my Father remain with me.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, November 17, 2020

1. In two weeks from today we will already be in December. Time seems to be passing by extremely fast for me!

2. It has seemed to me that my Heavenly Parents have recently emphasized their plan that each of their children may come to see their faces, and be fully brought into their glorious celestial presence. This has been a recent theme of their messages to me. I believe now is the time for many of their elect children to make a spiritual breakthrough, and be chosen by Jesus Christ to make their abode with God (see John 14:23).

3. Jesus himself revealed this process to his apostles after his final feast of the passover, and after Judas Iscariot already departed. He spoke to his faithful disciples who would continue to press forward in faith. This was a very dark time too, but one where he chose to reveal the process to have God come and abide more fully in their lives, even face to face.

4. I feel that we also are on the precipice of darkness in this world. It seems to me another time for this beautiful doctrine to be taught. I feel so very grateful for this revelation I have been receiving!

5. This morning I came to the fountain of living water in the city of Enoch, east of Lake Beautiful down in the valley. I drank from the fountain and felt refreshed. I then faced the hill to my west and knelt. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

6. I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking to me from the fields just west of Enoch's city! They were holding hands, walking in the air. Joy and anticipation filled my heart as they got nearer.

7. Soon they were right in front of me! They dropped their hands, and Heavenly Father addressed me: 'Raphael, you are correct that we are emphasizing and teaching the celestial doctrine of the fulness of our gospel more these days to you, of making our abode and residence with our celestial elect. We wish all who are our faithful to press forward in faith, so that we may come to them in such a manner. We will be a continual guide to them as the world around them becomes more treacherous and darkened.

8. Whenever any of our people, in any eternity on their mortal earths, have entered extremely darkened times, we have emphasized again this same doctrine. This is a great boon to their soul amidst the great evil and darkness soon to surround them!

9. Of ourselves we may teach and encourage our children, but will never make or coerce them in any of their own decisions. We strongly encourage our elect now to do as Nephi of old taught:

10. 2 Nephi 31:19-21

"And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen."'

11. My Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, when Enoch preached to his people whom he gathered from across the earth, he taught them this same doctrine. It too was a very dark time, when "there were wars and bloodshed among them; but the Lord came and dwelt with his people, and they dwelt in righteousness." (see Moses 7:16).

12. The Lord was Jesus Christ who individually came to those who pressed forth in faith and sought Christ's presence. He then sanctified these people, one by one, and brought them into our presence in our celestial world.

13. "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." (Moses 7:18).

14. Raphael, your day will be akin to Enoch's day, when many of our elect will be spurred on to greater effort in coming unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. As they press forth, he will respond and accept them, and soon appear to them in their unconscious mind. They will become purified by his great power of redemption, and sanctified so that they may come back again into our very presence, even as you have been.

15. This is our desire now, again for our chosen elect. What you have recorded in your journal by revelation in your prayers is our will for all of our faithful to do.'

16. I thanked my Mother and Father for their words. I felt so gratified to be again in their presence! I yearned for others to come to them and experience this sublime joy and peace they give so freely.

17. Heavenly Mother then asked me to stand and walk with them on their morning stroll. I stood and came between them, holding their hands as would a little child. We then walked into Enoch's city.

18. I lost my connection of this vision. I feel great peace and stillness now as I contemplate my experience this morning! I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, November 18, 2020

1. It was so very nice outside last night in the backyard that we ate with our son and his family. However, my wife and I exhausted ourselves, since we prepared everything and then went to bed early.

2. In bed, I prayed, asking for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to accept my extremely short prayer. I was so very tired. Heavenly Mother then spoke in my mind that it was good for me to fall asleep then. She said to meet her at the circling waters in the morning. I felt relieved and very accepted, complete with all my tired body!

3. This morning I am feeling awake and alert again.

4. I came to the circling waters in front of the bench. I drank living water, and even soaked my feet in the water. All of this was refreshing to me. I then came to the bench and knelt next to it. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I had my arms on the bench while praying. I then saw her come next to me, sitting on the bench!

5. She placed her hand on my forearm, smiled upon me, and spoke: 'Raphael, yesterday evening was emotionally difficult for you. You didn't give yourself enough time to prepare for the visit of your family, and felt pressed upon, having worked late on the project of building your shed.

6. Balance is very important, and people are more important than projects. Your sweet wife shared her opinions of how you got out of balance yesterday, which was loving and helpful counsel. Make sure you have adequate time for others, and don't try to jam too much into each day. When you are emotionally balanced, even with large or many projects looming to finish in front of you, you should still make time for visiting family, and also have open time as needed for those living with you.

7. When you come to build our lands and temple in the New Jerusalem area, you will be replicated so that you may focus on building our temple. However, even in this very important project, you will need to be balanced in your attitude, with the understanding that you have all the time as you need for those who may wish to talk with you, even our celestial servants. We can even make additional time in the day as needed to complete our temple project. Those who labor with you will form lasting memories of the kindness and love you shared with them, and of your great consideration. This attitude and ambiance of love will be the overriding factor you will need to have in everything you do as our prophet-leader in the New Jerusalem.

8. We want you now to hone this skill and develop more fully this attitude in your life. We will be by your side to help train you to take things as they come, and to make time for those people, your family, friends and helpers, in your life; even when you may feel you have pressing activities to do. We will help you gain the balance of living in such a manner.

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her timely words of counsel for me! I humbly and gratefully thanked her for her guidance and course correction. I also thanked her for my considerate and loving wife who spoke with me about a similar thing last night.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, everything you feel pressed upon to do, or those people you feel you should make time for, or everything you plan to do in your life, is all controlled by your own thoughts. You bring upon yourself your own stress based on your own mental perceptions. Ask of us, your Heavenly Parents, to help you balance and train your mind to think more realistically and in loving, godly ways. We will help you temper your strong impulses to what you may find most enjoyment doing, for the good of the whole. In this way we will shape your attitudes, even until they become like ours!'

11. I felt so indebted to her for her love and acceptance towards me, her "wanna be" balanced and loving son who has lots of rough edges still! I thanked her for her great kindness and love, and the time she takes to help me be a better man.

12. I leaned over and kissed her hand that was still on my forearm. She smiled upon me and started fading away into her highest celestial realm. I felt her peace and love linger in my heart and soul. I feel so grateful for her to have come to me today and guided me to a better way of living in peace and tranquility.

13. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

14. Evening–I have felt humble and very ordinary today. I want to keep in this mindset so as to relate to all people and feel very normal and human. I think I need to key in this meek mindset in order to continue to live a Christian life and to continue to receive revelation.

15. Tonight I came to the fountain of living water. I felt very grateful for the great blessings I have to commune regularly with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt by the fountain and faced the nearby temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

16. He came from his highest celestial realm, and opened the veil and walked the few steps to me. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I want you to feel humble and very human, even as one of our lowliest children in mortality. We want you to relate to everyone of our beloved children, from the youngest to the oldest, and in all situations. We want you to have no pretense to be any better than any of our other children, for you are all mortal and all may receive equally our greatest blessings.

17. Remember our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was born in the humblest of circumstances, and yet was our foreordained king and redeemer of all. Moses our great prophet was raised in the courts of Pharaoh and yet "was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth." (Numbers 12:3). We want you too to be very approachable and focused on the concerns and needs of our children with whom you will have contact.

18. It is by being meek and mild, humble and open that we may more abundantly pour out upon you our greatest blessings and revelations. Follow the example of our Son:

19. Mathew 11: 29

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

20. My Heavenly Father then smiled and again asked me to be like his Beloved Son. He next stepped backwards and the veil closed around him, and he departed.

21. I felt a desire to be as humble, lowly, and open as I could. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have come to me tonight. I closed my prayer and prepared to go to bed.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, November 18, 2020

1. I saw a new video from Pastor Dana Coverstone last night, called "The Franklin Dream". I feel like this is a true account. I hadn't seen another earlier one either. Here are their youtube links.

The new Dana Coverstone videos:

The Franklin Dream
The Lincoln Dream
Hold Your Breathe

These dreams seemed to coincide with the information I also have seen. I am glad for another witness like Pastor Coverstone.

2. I also received an email this morning from S who wondered if there will be many terrestrial temples in Zion. He also wondered if they will have similar ordinances as LDS temples.

3. M.A. also asked me in an email if my other children would know I had departed to Zion with my wife and A. when we finally depart together to the New Jerusalem, or would my other children just think we had disappeared?

4. I came this new morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. After drinking living water, Heavenly Mother appeared to me there. I was warmed and enlightened by her presence!

5. She spoke: 'Raphael, the dream named the Franklin Dream was given to Pastor Coverstone by us, his Gods. He is a humble and sincere conduit for these meaningful dreams that give our elect an idea of what is coming to your country. The dream he calls "Hold Your Breathe" was also from us. This depicts the separation of the elect from the wicked.

6. In the millennium, there will be terrestrial temples that will dot the land so that they are easily accessible to our people. Refer to your post 82K4 to 82K12 for what ordinances our people will do in these temples.

7. When you depart to the New Jerusalem next fall, some of your family will know where you went and others not. This depends on how close you are with each of them, and how much interest they have in knowing about your lives.

8. In order to know the needs of another, or the thoughts and actions of another, one needs to be involved in their life. This is true in families also. For those who are distant and aren't very connected, they may go many months without being aware of changes such as will have affected you.

9. Raphael, I know you now have events to prepare for this morning, and I will depart. I will be with you throughout your mortal day, and give you my direction and inspiration as you may seek it from me.'

10. I thanked her for answering these questions, and for especially being with me today. She then departed and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

11. Evening–Today I listened to another Pastor Coverstone dream entitled "The Lincoln Dream". I could relate with this dream and "The Franklin Dream" since I can so clearly see, more and more, the demise of our nation. I confirmed these were both dreams from God, with meaningful symbols to make us think. I included a link to this newest Lincoln dream before this entry.

12. Tonight I started my prayer later than normal since I was working on post 177. I am impressed how smooth these revelations in my posts are received, get typed up and edited, and then indexed. When completed, I send them out by email to my small group.

13. I came to a place above the spire of God's temple on the southern roof side. I had never come here before, but I felt I should. I petitioned my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared before me, and I knelt in the air before him.

14. He spoke:

'Raphael, I am about to come out in anger upon the wicked in your land, including conspiring leaders who stop at nothing to take advantage of the people. They care not for the people, but only want to kill them or subjugate them under their dominance. My plan will soon no longer require them, for they will be destroyed when I come out of my hiding place to vex, judge, and destroy them. My fire will soon burn them up, and the tribes of Israel will soon also destroy their best laid plans when they become their enemies. The Lincoln Dream of Pastor Coverstone spoke of fire and ice. The fire will be from the natural devastations we will bring upon the land, including earthquakes, volcanoes, whirlwinds, violent weather, and the arrival of Nibiru that will destroy their land. The ice is from the arrival of our people, Israel, who will call down my further destructions upon them, their enemies.

15. D&C 133:26

"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks (those rocks are those wicked in your land who have fully ripened in iniquity, even who have overtaken your government and seek to destroy the constitution and republic of the United States of America), and the ice shall flow down at their presence (this ice is both the ice at the polar caps when it breaks up before them, and secondly the power of destruction that I will bring down at the commands of their prophets upon the wicked in the promised land. "Nation, brace yourself for fire and ice" as heard by Dana Coverstone is how I will destroy the wicked out of your land, and claim the elect from among the people even as my jewels (D&C 60:4). The wicked I will blow away by my breath after they are destroyed, so that they leave neither root nor branch on the earth." (Heavenly Father's words in parentheses).

16. See Malachi 4:1

"For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall burn as stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch") (Words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Father.)'

17. I bowed my head before my Father and acknowledged that his judgments were just. I thanked him not to prolong the removal of the wicked from the land for very long. I said I was so looking forward to starting soon on the New Jerusalem next spring.

18. He smiled upon me, but his eyes seemed full of vengeance and fire. Then a large fire came around his person as he rose up in the celestial skies! There was a violent wind that also came and wrapped around him as he powerfully disappeared from my view!

19. I silently thanked my Father for his powerful message tonight!

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, November 20, 2020

1. I reread what I received last night, and listened again to part of the Lincoln Dream from Pastor Coverstone. I confirmed again that this dream was from God, and that what I wrote last night was accurate. I find it so interesting how God uses the humble and open to receive such dreams and interpretations.

2. I came to Heavenly Mother's glass table his morning in her lower garden. She immediately appeared to me right after I arrived. I knelt before her and gazed into her beautiful face.

3. Here are the words she gave to me:

'Raphael, in the Franklin Dream of Pastor Cornerstone, he saw a fist crush the American flag that was depicted as a kite. The fist pressured the peoples of your nation in the final days of its existence. This action is a symbol or type of what we will do to sift the souls of men and women in your country, and soon the rest of the world. Those who are wicked will be crushed and destroyed, ultimately being removed from your land. Those who are our elect will be brought forth as diamonds, humbled and open for our great work of establishing Zion upon this, the promised land from the beginning. It will be through tribulations that shake and mold their lives that great changes in the hearts and minds come to pass.

4. Your republic will then become a nation of the past, and we, the Gods of this promised land, will then do our work, even the work of the Father:

1 Nephi 14:17

"And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil (Raphael, this was depicted by the fist in the Franklin Dream that pressured the people in your land), then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel." (words in parentheses by Heavenly Mother).

5. Raphael, make this entry the last one in post 178 and title it "Fire and Ice".'

6. Heavenly Mother then touched my head and looked me in the eye while smiling:

'Raphael, you and our elect have no need to fear, for we will be with you in every time of trouble. (see D&C 3:8). We will protect you from all the fiery darts of the adversary, and bring peace and tranquility to your soul!'

7. She then rose up in the air and became exceedingly bright and majestic as she elevated into the celestial sky. A large cloud then swept around her as a tornado and carried her away from my sight.

8. I thanked her in my mind for this glorious vision. I knew it was true, and that what I wrote was accurate. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.