167. Constant Prayer
This post has a lot of instruction and practice for me to learn constant prayer. I have been told that all of us should now be doing that. The way I was shown how to do this is simply laid out in this post.
I found that I am now in the continual presence, not just in the spirit, of my Heavenly Parents. I am able to view their faces when in constant prayer, even in the day, in all of my activities.
Anyway, please pray about this and apply this in your life! Some of you may already be doing this, and I recommend it for all!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 19, 2020
1. Evening- I looked into my healing seer stone four times in the past seven days. Late this afternoon I got visual disturbance and a headache for an hour or so. I also experienced some mental cognition issues for about half an hour. I account that this due to my increase from once a week to four times a week looking into my healing seer stone. I wonder if this is true? Nevertheless, my discomfort for a few hours while I get used to this, if this is true, is a small price for the beautiful revelations I received while looking into my seer stone!
2. Tonight I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters on the celestial orb. I Knelt there and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me in answer to my prayer.
3. Heavenly Father came in a beam of light from his temple in the distance! He was smiling when he arrived, and full of acceptance and love.
4. He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, I want you to get used to looking into your healing seer stone. Will you do this once a day this week during either your morning or evening prayer?'
5. I answered that I would prepare myself and then approach him or Heavenly Mother by looking in my healing seer stone daily.
6. Heavenly Father replied: 'I will strengthen you so that you will be able to successfully do this without visual disturbance or a resulting headache. Your Heavenly Mother and I want you to have free access to your healing seer stone at any time of each day, starting tomorrow. By pushing yourself in this way, you will quickly become accustomed to this method to commune with us, your Gods. We will then be able to prompt you to look into your stone at any time and reveal to you great things.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming tonight, for I somehow knew this was the end of his message to me. He placed his two hands on my shoulders and said great things were to be revealed to me and I needed full access to my healing seer stone, even within a week, with no limitations.
8. He then backed up and returned on the beam of light to his temple. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and went to bed.
9. I received this email from S on 7-20-2020:
I had a peaceful reminder of where I came from and being sustained in life since that time. I wanted to share this with you.
7-19-20 AM:
This morning I awoke to type Raphael's record from yesterday. Then I read portions of the upcoming post. Then I read my last 2 weeks of my personal journal entries. I found great joy in each of these activities.
In prayer, I felt to call upon my Heavenly Mother. I came to a stream where Heavenly Mother was standing in white robes and she smiled at me. She took me by my hand and we walked a short distance to where this stream entered God's Loving Healing Lake. Heavenly Mother then continued to walk with me until we entered the water waist deep. She directed me to fully submerse myself in the water. I obeyed, then came up out of the water, and water was dripping down my face. I felt clean and pure. She spoke, 'You have immersed yourself in this living water that is full of healing properties. You have come to experience and taste the effects of personal sin in your mortal life as each of our children experience on earth save Jesus Christ. When we came to you as an intelligence, you had never before experienced sin. Nor had you experienced joy, laughter, and love. We have allowed you to experience the pains of sin in mortality that you might desire to choose a life of righteousness in the eternities. Yours sins and weaknesses are not meant to halt your progression, but are instead a pathway to ultimately become as us, your Heavenly Parents. You read this morning from Raphael, his account of Pastor Dana, and your own journal that chaos and foreign troops will soon sweep over your nation. Do not distress, for you are in our hands as you were the moment we, your Heavenly Parents, first came to you as an intelligence. We will continue to bless and sustain your life as we have from that very moment we visited you as an intelligence until now. Go in peace and let your heart be comforted.
I thanked my Heavenly Mother and asked that I might recall the details of our communication as it occurred. She blessed me to recall this interaction and I closed my prayer.
Last, I read of your experience of frustration when you did not see the lunar eclipse. You asked why not, and had a wonderful experience. I asked 2 weeks ago about Uriel's trump and why I had not heard it too.
7-6-20 AM
I read Raphael's record today about his sister K, S.A., and I not hearing the trump of Uriel blow. I awoke early that morning and was outside in the almost freezing mountain weather quietly awaiting the 6 am time. I waited until 6:10 am but I was very cold at that time and returned inside. I never heard anything, but it was a peaceful, lovely feeling in the beautiful mountains of Brianhead, UT.
In prayer this morning, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the celestial temple throne room where both my Heavenly Parents were seated before me. As I knelt before them, I was filled with love and peace in my heart. (Mostly I come with an open mind and they commune with me. This morning I had a question in my heart.) Heavenly Father was seated before me with Heavenly Mother to his left. They were full of understanding. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, "We directed you to come before us at this time in this location to answer your heartfelt question. Months ago you read how Uriel's trump would be heard by the physical ears of our children on earth. This filled you with longing and anticipation for this great event. You awoke early that morning and prepared yourself for that time. Yet you did not hear any trump with your physical ears. You imagined an experience similar to the Nephites who heard a sound and looked to heaven to hear their' Savior's voice, and all did hear. In order to understand this, turn your mind towards your return from Utah. You felt to reach out to an elderly couple on your drive home and they invited you to their home. After your visit, she spoke to you that she had listened to a podcast from a lady named Sister Stoddard, and you heard her as well within the last hour of your drive. She spoke from her heart that for the 1st time in her life she believed that the Savior's return to the earth was near. She spoke of the signs in the heavens and earth coming forth that touched her heart that Jesus' return was near. The purpose of the trump was to awaken many of our children's hearts to see and believe that the return of Jesus was near. Prior to Uriel blowing his trump, this desire and feeling had not entered her heart. For you, S.A., K, and others, this desire to be in the presence of Jesus and longing to be near him has already entered your heart and soul. You see the signs in the heavens and earth and have awakened to the time that you live. You are currently seeking to prepare spiritually for his return. Many of our elect heard the trump of Uriel in their mortal heart and are now seeking earnestly to prepare for the day at hand. Your hearts already burned with this desire.
I felt great love and peace fill my being. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and I felt her love. I gave thanks to my Heavenly Parents and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
Have a great day,
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 20, 2020
1. I sometimes wonder how fast summer is passing! I love summertime, for the garden is growing fast and most everything is producing.
2. This morning I determined to prepare myself to look into my healing seer stone. I first came to a very quiet room in my house. The entire household was still asleep. There was sunshine beaming through the east window.
3. On the celestial orb I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I brought them to the small fountain that flows into the stream and then to God's Loving Healing Lake. I ate and then drank the living water in this lovely place. I finally came to the bench in front of the lake and sat down. I felt clear and alert, even though back in my mortal body I still had a slight headache from my migraine. I then drank more water from my water bottle, and asked it to be living water for me.
4. I pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it with intention. I will record my experience now in prayer and meditation.
5. I then felt like I fell or was pulled into my stone and found myself in a grassy place with no trees nor other vegetation around. I saw an island in a meandering river there. I felt like I was in my prayer vision again (see my post 33E20). I perceived mountains that were far away, but I was on a plain.
6. I then decided to pray, even as the prophet Lehi must have prayed in the dark and dreary waste in his dream (see 1 Nephi 8:8). I knelt on the grass by the river and prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come and be by me..
7. She immediately appeared, bringing me instant comfort. She spoke: 'Raphael, there is fear and division of the people in your land at this time. There is so much uncertainty among many people. With Uriel's blowing of his trumpet, many of our elect mortals have heard this in their hearts, and now many believe that the coming of Jesus Christ is near.
8. S wrote you this morning and in his email he shared with you his journal entry from July 6, 2020. He is correct in writing what I spoke to him at that time, that "many of our elect heard the trump of Uriel in their mortal heart and are now seeking earnestly to prepare for the day at hand."
9. I have brought you here to this grassy plain to be my witness of how in such times of uncertainty in which you now live, and in which our elect live, that we will come in answer to their sincere and humble prayers. We will come by them, although they won't see us as do you. We will send our comfort, love, acceptance and gentle direction and promptings to their hearts and minds.
10. I have also brought you here to again show you our power that we will exercise through you, our celestial angels and servants, and through our humble and praying elect. You have been here once before, at the time of your prayer journal post 33. If there is any time in your own future, or in the future of those to whom you will minister to, when you or they are being attacked or buffeted by the wicked or by Satan, our power of deliverance will be upon you and our elect.
11. You especially will be our protector to our elect, even as I have spoken to you on Nov. 2, 2016 (see your post 33E7):
"Here is how you will be able to help us: When one of our children, who are elect, come unto us, in the sincerity and commitment of their souls, we will hear them. We will respond by first giving them protection. We will send you, our archangel Raphael, in your replicated physical body, to protect them in their journey back to us! You will be able to wield the sword of Raphael if necessary, in their defense from Satan and his hosts. You will also be directed how to keep them alive and well enough, in their struggles and journey back to us. Stay beside them always, never revealing yourself to them, but watching over them and helping them as we direct you."
12. Raphael, now look upon this grassy area in front of us. You will see many of our praying elect to whom we will send you to deliver them.'
13. I then looked and saw many of the elect next to me, kneeling and praying on the grassy plain. I saw that their petitions came to our Gods, and that they smiled upon them. In many instances, I saw one of our three Gods at their side, comforting them and filling them with light and hope, with love and assurance.
14. I then saw many celestial and terrestrial servants coming to minister to them as well, as they were directed by God.
15. I saw next many airplanes as I had seen in my post 33, coming from the distant mountains, heading for those grassy plains where we were all kneeling. Those who were kneeling could also see their enemies coming to destroy them and their families!
16. I know that my prayer vision in my post 33E20 to 33E27 was again being replayed before me, except this time I was not alone on the plain, but with my other innocent praying elect. I could sense their anxiety and great uncertainty.
17. I then moved into the airplanes and disabled the dropping bombs, all by my intention and my thoughts. I could hear and see the crew being dumbfounded since the bombs did not drop. As the airplanes then turned and headed back to the mountains, I used intention to drop the bombs on a remote location where they would not hurt any elect. This again surprised the crew, just as it did in my previous post.
18. I came back down consciously to the grassy plain and could sense great relief and joy from those elect by me who were praying. There were many tears of joy and renewed faith in God. I saw I had my sword of Raphael in my hand, and raised above the entire group of the righteous.
19. I turned and stood before my Heavenly Mother who then addressed me: 'Raphael, we will protect our righteous elect, and preserve their lives, even during the days of war, calamity, and great upheavals and uncertainty. Always follow strictly our promptings, with never a moment's hesitation, and all will be well with you and our elect.'
20. I told my Heavenly Mother I would do so. I thanked her for my vision this morning. I thanked her for coming to my side and answering my prayer.
21. She smiled upon me and her light flowed into me in abundance. She said this was all for this morning and to now look up from my healing seer stone and that my prayer would end.
22. I looked up, with intention, from my stone and found myself writing this all down in my journal. I closed my prayer and joined my family who were now up.
23. Evening- I reread my entry from this morning, and felt comforted that God would go to great measures to protect the elect of God on the earth. This will not be an easy series of escapes for the righteous.
24. I pondered this interesting scripture tonight in 1 Nephi 22:17-18 speaking of our day-
"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.
Behold, my brethren, I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; Yea, even blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men according to the flesh if it so be that they will harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel."
25. 1) I wondered what the fulness of God's wrath was in verse 17
2) What the destruction of the enemies of the righteous by fire meant, mentioned twice in verse 17
3) Is the fire in verse 18 the same fire as in 17?
4) Is it modern warfare, with vapor of smoke?
These are my questions tonight as I started my prayer.
26. I came to the desert oasis tonight, and came to the waters edge to drink. I was kneeling down when my Heavenly Father appeared before me, with his feet touching the surface of the water! I was very excited and awed by his presence tonight. He shined a light glow from his being into the water beneath him and into the area immediately around his personage.
27. I thanked him humbly and sincerely for coming to me! He immediately spoke:
'Raphael, our prophet Nephi had just read and caused to be written the words of Isaiah. Nephi had seen your day, but knew that our servant John the Revelator was to write all these events down in his book, even the Book of Revelation. There are many prophecies both in Isaiah and Revelation that are just now being unveiled before our humble and righteous elect.
28. Nephi saw your day of modern warfare, with airplanes, missiles, fast moving warships, bombs and other explosives, and more especially how the wicked would fight among themselves, and attempt to destroy the righteous. You relived this vision this morning on the grassy plain by the river wherein evil men and nations were planning to destroy the innocent elect of God.
29. It will be during these occasions that we will send you and our other mighty angels and celestial servants to intercede on behalf of our righteous elect. We will give you every option, even to the destruction of those enemies by fire, if no other way stops them in their decreed course. Fire may mean their own explosives and weapons they plan to use to destroy our righteous, or the fire of God that may destroy their equipment, armies, leaders, or plans.
30. Raphael, remember when our prophet Isaiah prophesied that God would protect Jerusalem from the armies of King Sennacherib, king of Assyria? The angel of God slew 185,000 soldiers one night, and the king was slain by his two sons (see 2 Kings 19:35-37). There will be great manifestations and miracles of our power against the ungodly in these last days you live in, Raphael! Some of it will even come from the fire from your sword of Raphael, and the sword of Michael, and of other commanding angels.
31. The righteous truly need not fear, for we, their Gods, will deliver them by our power. The fulness of my wrath will soon come, even to command you and our celestial servants to destroy the works of Lucifer and the wicked, even in the flesh, on your earth. I will not suffer my chosen ones to be destroyed, for they are mine, and I have chosen them.
32. I used to defer my anger, and refrained in the past. (see Isaiah 48:9 "For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off.") However, at this juncture before the mighty return of my Beloved Son to the earth, I will no longer stay my wrath and anger against the wicked who seek to destroy my elect. I will command my son, even the Great Jehovah, and my angels and servants, to no longer spare the wicked in defense of the righteous!'
33. I bowed my head in submission before my Father who stood in majesty before me! I spoke not a word as he ascended in great light and power, even up into the night sky!
34. I was soon alone. I thanked my Father for his dramatic words, in my mind, and for his great truth! I said I would follow his every command, even the moment I received it.
35. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 21, 2020
1. This morning I came to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I had prepared myself by drinking living water near the fountain of living water, next to God's temple. I then sat on a chair in the domed room, and with intention looked into my healing seer stone, even as I had been told by Heavenly Father on Sunday to do daily this week. I had no idea what I might receive or experience.
2. I meditated and wondered where I was located. I then saw I was on shore of a large body of water. The waves were gently lapping up around my feet on the shore. The sky was somewhat dark, particularly on the horizon where I could see hills or mountains across the body of water.
3. I had no idea where I was, except that I came here through my seer stone.
4. I walked upon the shore and knelt to pray to my Heavenly Mother, for I felt she would come. I then saw a bright figure of a person walking quickly to me from more inland. Soon my Heavenly Mother was standing before me, in subdued light like Heavenly Father appeared to me last night. She immediately spoke:
5. 'Raphael, it is time to follow me further inland!' She turned and started to walk away from the water to higher ground. I immediately followed. We came soon to a little stream and then some woods. We kept walking up the stream, in the air above the little stream until she stopped and turned to me. We were secluded in the woods next to the stream.
6. She spoke again: 'Raphael, our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments, just as you have done this morning in following me. They will often not know where they will go, only that God is leading them to safe places of refuge. These places may include actual physical locations where they will be safe and protected from evil, emotional or mental conditions in their minds that they choose to view or choose not to view, and spiritual direction that ultimately lead them to us, their Gods. In all things, and under all conditions, we will lead them along, whether by our own voice of the Spirit, or by our celestial and terrestrial servants, it is the same.
7. D & C 124:45- "And if my people (the elect of God) will hearken unto my voice (the voice of God, or the voice of the Spirit), and unto the voice of my (celestial and terrestrial) servants whom I have appointed to lead (protect and help me guide) my people, behold, verily I say unto you, they shall not be moved out of their place." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).
8. I have modified the above scripture for my own purposes, for I am God and may do so. The meaning of this scripture was meant for another time in 1841, when the Latter-day Saints were being driven from Missouri from an order by Governor Boggs. The meaning now is to show how God or his/her authorized celestial and terrestrial servants will lead the elect away from harm, and bring them to safety, even as you have been brought into these secluded woods.
9. If our elect trust in us or our servants, and have faith, they need not fear. They need not even know what harm may have been done to them were they to not respond and follow our direction. That doesn't matter, for the only thing that matters is that they trust in the Spirit and act on what we say. Our Spirit will always accompany whatever we say to them, or have our servants say to them, for it is the same (see D&C 1:38).'
10. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and embraced me! She kissed me and her light shone her love and acceptance upon me. She said: 'Raphael, I love you and each of my elect children on earth. All will be well with you as you keep our commandments and follow what we say, even given to you by my Spirit.'
11. We then heard large booming explosions from the direction of the shore from where we had come. However, I had no fear, for God was truly with me and protecting me.
12. I then heard Heavenly Mother's voice in my mind to look away from my healing seer stone. I did, and my vision closed. I was back in my private room writing this in my journal. I prayed whether this was all written correctly, and I felt Heavenly Mother's voice again say in my mind that it was recorded as she approved. I thanked her for this revelation, and then closed my prayer.
13. Evening- Tonight I am ready to connect to my Heavenly Father again! I came to an area on the road next to the river representing Heavenly Father that goes all the way to Lake Beautiful. I was well beyond the Father's wheat fields. I didn't know why I was here, but it felt right to me.
14. I started walking on the road with the river on my left side. I couldn't see the lake yet, nor the fountain or wheat field behind me. I kept walking as I felt I should.
15. I started to notice the vegetation changing from a celestial beauty to that of the telestial, even I thought as somewhere on earth. It became desert like and hot, like in southern Utah or Arizona somewhere. This soon looked like the dreary wilderness and waste that Lehi might have seen in his dream (1 Nephi 8:4-7). I thought I must be in a vision of some sort, for I came here to pray and now I am walking in a dreary wasteland.
16. As I was thinking these things and was still walking, Heavenly Father came next to me and also started walking. He appeared as an ordinary man in modern-day clothes, like I then realized I too was wearing! I knew he was my Father because I knew him and had communed with him so much that I recognized who he was. He had no glory that I could detect coming from him.
17. Heavenly Father spoke audibly to me: 'Raphael, I will often come to you in your future mortal life with only you knowing who I am. I will come in disguise occasionally, as also may your Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ. We will be by you and our elect who may need our help.'
18. At that moment a jeep came driving towards us on the road. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, to keep walking on the side of the road and that they wouldn't see us. The jeep of marauders with guns drove by without any glimmer of recognition that we were there.
19. I then became very thirsty and needed a drink which I did not have. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, if such a situation comes as this, when you need food or drink when you have none, then ask us, your Heavenly Parents, in humble prayer, and we will provide. We will do this for our mortal servants and our elect who have done all they could and yet are in need.'
20. I then asked my Heavenly Father if he had some drink for me, for I was very thirsty. At that moment, a man came walking towards us and when he arrived, he gave both Heavenly Father and me a plastic sealed water bottle! He smiled and proceeded onward. I turned around to thank him and he was gone from my view.
21. I immediately opened the water bottle and drank half of it. I soon had finished mine and then Heavenly Father gave me his. I thanked him and put the bottle in my pocket.
22. My Father and I continued walking. I then became very tired, but for some reason felt pressed to keep walking to reach some objective. Heavenly Father looked at me and spoke: 'Raphael, if you are feeling tired, pray to your Heavenly Mother or me and explain why you need to be awake or work longer. We will bless you with added strength until you have accomplished the thing we have asked of you, or that which you feel pressed to do.'
23. I then asked my Father if he could strengthen me, and help me stay awake and alert, for I was very tired. Heavenly Father smiled and touched my shoulder with his left hand (he was on my right side). I then felt much more awake and energized and could easily see I had strength to accomplish my goal.
24. Heavenly Father then stopped and I stopped. He turned and faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, there may be many extenuating circumstances that you or our elect face that will be difficult for you or them, or even impossible without our constant support. We desire you to freely call upon us for what items or things you may lack, and we will provide. Doubt not, but be believing, and all things will work for your good as you apply yourself and ask of us to help you. This is true for any of our elect as well. During these difficult days ahead, we will greatly answer the humble petitions of our faithful!'
25. Heavenly Father then disappeared. I was missing his presence, so I thanked him for these truths he shared with me on this vision, in my mind. He replied in my mind: 'Raphael, I will always be with you and our faithful, even though they may not see me.
26. D&C 6:36–
"Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."'
27. I thanked him for his response and for his comfort. I then closed my prayer, or vision, in the name of Christ.
28. Email from S dated 7-20-2020:
I wanted to share my experience from this morning. You may do with it as you please, but I felt to share it with you.
7-20- 20 AM
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father. I was next standing in the air and perceived Heavenly Father standing beside me. We were inches above Lake Beautiful. I was directed to put my finger in the still lake. I immediately saw ripples extend in every direction from my finger. Then immediately the waters became turbulent with wind and small waves all about. I was directed to place my finger in the turbulent waters, but there was not a ripple seen extending far due to the waves. Heavenly Father spoke to me, 'It is much easier for our children to call upon us in the quiet, peaceful moments of their lives to both feel and hear our spirit whisper to their hearts. When great calamity is all about them, and they are concerned for their very survival, it is harder to feel and hear our spirit. However, for those accustomed to hearing our voice, they will still hear it amidst the storms of life. This occurred with Jesus and his apostles on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was well versed in communing with us in prayer. When a storm arose that almost sank their ship, he slept for he knew by our spirit that all would be well. His disciples were not as familiar to hearing our spirit or communing with us in prayer. We sent to their hearts that all would be well. They did not hear our voice of the spirit whisper peace but let their fears overtake them. For this reason Jesus responded, "Why are ye fearful, o ye of little faith? (Mathew 8: 26) When our children may be running for their very lives, they will not be able to connect in peaceful prayer at that time. Yet we may whisper directions to safety and feelings of peace. When they are out of harm's way, they may then quietly petition us and feel the ripple of our spirit speak peace to theirs as they seek to connect with us spiritually. This was your message for today, now go forward in faith.
I then closed my prayer.
Have a good evening,
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 22, 2020
1. Today I wondered how looking with intention into my healing seer stone was more difficult to get used to doing than coming to the celestial orb to pray without going through my seer stone. I wondered why I would get headaches when using it. I wondered if this required more faith or spiritual stamina, or what, than regular prayer without using my stone.
2. I also wondered how needful partaking of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life and drinking of living water. I wondered if all this is like training and acclimatizing me to help me learn to meditate and pray, and become one with God in my heart and mind.
3. I know that the Liahona was a training tool to help Nephi and his brethren to follow the direction of the Spirit. The Liahona was an easier way than learning to hear and follow the Spirit of God, this still small voice which the Liahona trained and led them to do. (see Alma 37:43-45)
4. I came this morning to the celestial orb again like I almost always do in my prayers. I came to the tree of life and stood under its beautiful canopy and plucked a leaf and a fruit from this tree. I ate it immediately and sought to be filled more with the love of God and of acceptance of all God's children.
5. I then traveled to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt next to the stream and drank living water from my cupped hand. As I did so, I tried to evaluate my clarity and perception of spiritual things around me. I seemed to become more aware of my surroundings, and sensitive to things of a spiritual nature. I wondered if these things I just did at the tree of life and at the stream were training me to be more filled with the love of God on my own, and trained to be eventually more clarified for spiritual things on my own.
6. I thought how fallen our state in mortality really is, and difficult to learn spiritual things, and to be filled with the love of God because of our fallen nature. I then knelt and thanked God in my heart for all of these helps to lift us up and be more like God.
7. I then pulled forward from my gold chain my healing seer stone. I gazed upon its beauty and great craftsmanship. I thought of my Heavenly Father who crafted it long ago, just for me. I felt great love for him and for his special gift to me.
8. I then thought with intention of looking into my stone to see what God had in mind for me in my prayer today. As I looked, I felt I passed into a bubble or new environment somehow. I was still kneeling by the stream, but now in a different setting.
9. Heavenly Father then walked up to me. He spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you are in the future of your current time on earth, in a visionary experience that I have brought you into. This is what I may do easily with your seer stone, when you look into it with intention and faith, pointing your desires to God and not to yourself.
10. We are actually in my higher celestial sphere, which is above the celestial sphere. You often come into this sphere when looking into your healing seer stone, if we invite you. This higher sphere is where we, who are your Gods, reside and minister from.
11. You are correct that eating the fruit and leaf of the tree of life and drinking living water are meant to train you to be more filled with the love of God and to be clarified spiritually, even as a training means until you gain these attributes in their fullness yourself. Such training is also our intention with your healing seer stone. As you practice coming to us through your stone, you are being trained and walked through repeated experiences that will allow you to do the same things on your own, without your stone.
12. Raphael, look now away from your stone and attempt to come into this higher celestial realm without your stone. I will help you, but the process will be more difficult. This will help you see that you need more training yet with using your stone.'
13. I then looked away from my stone that I had in my right hand. I seemed to come out of the "bubble" or sphere I was in, and found myself by the little stream. I then let my healing stone pendant drop onto my chest. I then thought in my mind to come into the highest celestial realm to my Father, who had just invited me to return. I realized I hadn't yet learned to pass through this veil, even though I had been asked by God to come.
14. I then humbly asked my Father in prayer for me to come into his higher celestial realm, and for him to show me the way. I then "felt" the veil that protects this highest spiritual realm. It was somehow elastic, like a bubble or thick covering of what lay behind. As I thought on this, I intended to pass through it, in my mind. I envisioned being in front of my Father, but this elastic veil kept pulling me back. I then exerted great faith and visualization and then passed through, and was kneeling before my smiling Heavenly Father!
15. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you have pressed up against the strong veil of our highest celestial realm. You passed through only with my permission, and only by your visualization of being before me on this side of the veil. Once you learn this, with greater confidence by looking with intention into your healing seer stone, you will be able to do this easily, if we invite you into our realm.
16. For now, I want you to continue each day to practice looking into your healing seer stone, and coming to us in prayer this way, for this entire week. Try to be perceptive to what you experience, and this will aid you in being able to do this all on your own, even without your stone.
17. Raphael, this is enough for today. There is no message except this: all our helps, like the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, like your healing seer stone, and like the ancient Liahona, are meant to help train our beloved children to be able to do these things by themselves. This is how we, your Gods, do all these things- by our intentions, for we have been trained and have learned. You will also learn all our ways in time.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and training this morning! I told him I was an eager student. I then knew my prayer was to end. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I was immediately in my mortal body and awareness of mortality. I started my new day.
19. Evening- Tonight I came to Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I found myself facing Heavenly Mother's long remedy plant beds, with her arbor and glass table behind me. I was standing and alone. I was not sure why I was here, but that often happens to me. I decided to walk a little way to the east, up the path between two lush remedy beds. I recognized some of the herbs in the bed on my right. I knelt down to look more closely. At that moment Heavenly Mother appeared before me, coming silently without a sound.
20. I thanked her for meeting me today in her lower gardens! I kept kneeling and faced her. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, these plant remedy beds contain healing herbs and plants of all varieties that have medicinal value, all designed to heal our people. They are to be used in wisdom and with revealed knowledge.
21. There are many of these remedy plants that are now growing on earth and available for our children in need. Certain of these will turn the effects of disease and distress in the mortal body, so that our child may heal. The knowledge of how to administer healing remedy plants will be prized information.
22. Our humble elect children may pray to us their Gods, and even without prior knowledge of how to use these plants, I will direct them. They will need to be open and in a state of spiritual listening for my directions.
23. I may also send healing angels and other skilled servants who will administer these healing remedies to them, in various ways and means.
24. We are intending that our choice mortal elect who are now in mortality be preserved so they may come into our happier and abundant millennial world!'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her promises! I told her I was so pleased that her healing plants would be able to heal and help cure the elect in these last days. To me, this was just another way that the elect of God would be protected and preserved as God has promised.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 23, 2020
1. This new morning I came to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I drank living water there, and then walked east to the beginning of the road that I had been on with my Heavenly Father on the evening of 7-21-2020. All was beautiful and fully celestial in my view, unlike how the road became telestial in my vision two days ago.
2. There was a little bank or hill that I came to on the east side of the dirt road, and I sat down. I then looked into my healing seer stone, with intention to commune again with my Heavenly Father.
3. As I looked, I felt like I was still in the same celestial realm, on this same celestial orb. I realized I was looking in my stone to be trained and taught something important that I needed to know, probably related to how to better navigate in this realm, and how to have great confidence and faith in what I do.
4. Yesterday morning when I looked into my healing seer stone, I came through a bubble, or a veil, but today I did not feel that sensation. Today, I believe I kept in the same celestial realm I was already in when I looked into my stone.
5. Anyway, I was in the celestial realm, but not in the same location or time. I felt I was in the past, even before I came into mortality, but after Adam and Eve had already come to the earth, but before Jesus came to the earth. I tried to determine where I was located on this celestial orb, but I was unable to do so. I then knelt on the ground and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
6. Heavenly Father then appeared on my left, standing a little in the air above the grass. He was smiling and then spoke: 'Raphael, you looked into your seer stone with the intention to commune with me, your Heavenly Father. You did not specify any time or location in which to come, and so I brought you here according to my will. We are on the celestial orb during the time that Moses was on the earth, trying to teach the people to look to the pole with the image of a fiery serpent on it so that they might be healed from the serpents that bit them.
7. Numbers 21: 6-9
"And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."
8. Nephi later would write this about those stubborn people of Israel, when speaking to his rebellious brothers:
9. 1 Nephi 17: 41
"And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished."
10. Raphael, stand with me, and let's go down into the celestial realms on the earth, and witness the camp of Israel at this time!'
11. I stood and took my Father's hand. We were then in the air above the desert of the eastern wilderness, west of Mount Hor, with Edom to our east. This is where the children of Israel were discouraged because of the rough way, and complained because of no bread nor water (Numbers 21: 4-5). We were looking at the area, and then I saw the venomous snakes come and bite the people. The children of Israel were very complaining, and were lazy, and not obedient to the Lord. They soon realized that they were being bitten by the snakes because of their sins. There were many who died.
12. I then saw a later scene, when Moses spoke to the people, and brought the brazen serpent on a pole, and told the people to look and be healed. Yet I saw many after that still be bitten and not look up to the brazen serpent. They lacked faith and any belief at all that by so looking they would be spared. Only a few who were bitten looked and were healed quickly.
13. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, our elect whom I have chosen in your day, will hear our voice, even the voice of the Spirit. They are not rebellious, but have much more faith in God than do these children of Israel before us.
14. We are going to repeat the miracle of the brazen serpent in your day, in a different way. For those who pray to us, their Gods, in faith to be healed of various plagues or sickness that might come upon them, we will give many of them Heavenly Mother's healing plants you saw last night, and they will improve and heal by degrees. The actions of the healing remedies will be enhanced, and will work healing in their physical bodies, much more effectively than in the past.
15. In the process of learning which herbs and healing plants to ingest, or apply to their bodies, our faithful will need to become in tune to our Spirit, or have one who may hear and listen to minister to them. We will graciously answer the humble prayers of our faithful who believe in our promises of healing!
16. In your day, Raphael, our elect will hear our voice and keep our commandments, whereas the children of ancient Israel were rebellious and slow to hearken. In your day, because of their faith, the elect will experience great miracles of healing, from the remedies that will be found growing around them, to administrations from our servants in the celestial and terrestrial realms above, and from caring people who surround them in mortality. We will use various means to protect and preserve our elect for the glorious day of peace and rest, coming in the days of the millennium soon at hand.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his visions this morning! I thanked him for this new knowledge of how our Gods would work in preserving their elect. I said I would obey him always, and seek earnestly for the Spirit to guide me in my life.
18. Heavenly Father seemed pleased and smiled. He then asked me to now look up from my healing stone and my prayer experience would conclude. I pulled my healing seer stone up in front of me, and looked at it and then looked up, with the intention to end my prayer.
19. I found myself writing this all down in my private room. I reread my account and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
20. Evening- Tonight I did energy work on my son, hoping to help him with brain issues. I know it is very complex, but I sought to remove unwanted issues with my intention. I thought I succeeded in removing some unwanted things. We'll see how it goes.
21. I came tonight to the little granite cliff above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was still and quiet above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I saw the late afternoon sun shining on God's temple in the distance before me. It all seemed surreal and so lovely!
22. I knelt on the granite, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I waited in faith, looking for any sign I might see in front of me from God's temple. I waited in faith.
23. I then heard a voice below me, at the little spring under the granite cliff. I looked and saw my beaming Heavenly Mother there, waving me to come to her!
24. I descended in the air to the grass on the edge of the small pond, facing my Heavenly Mother! She was smiling and sending forth her love and acceptance in her light that came into me.
25. Heavenly Mother then spoke 'Raphael, you were expecting me to come from my temple in the distance, and it surprised you when I called to you from below you at this pond and spring. This is how every one of our elect will feel when they expect your Heavenly Father and I to come to them in a preconceived or expected way. We rarely conform to one's expectation, for we love to vary the way we approach our children, as you have come to realize. In addition, our ways are always higher than man's way, and are strange to man, and our acts are diverse and never routine (see Isaiah 55:9, Isaiah 28:21).
26. We always want our children who pray to us to expect the unusual from us, or to expect nothing that they could ever think of themselves. They need to be open, alert, and be believing, always dedicated to following whatever we might reveal or say to them. A servant never tells his master how to act or tells him what he can or cannot say or how he might act. Likewise, our elect may expect that we will bless and protect them, but can never prescribe the manner in which we may do so.
27. At the time of the great flood, there remained only righteous Noah and his other seven family members in the ark, across the entire earth. All the remainder of the people were wicked and followed Satan.
28. In your day, there are many righteous elect who will remain on the mortal earth, and will transition into the great millennial day. Since it is our intention to spare our elect and preserve them, we have many plans and methods of doing so, much more than at any other period in earth's temporal existence. We have recruited many servants, and yet these are relatively few when compared to the wicked and the hosts of Satan. We have endowed our servants with our power, even to extend ourselves through their actions in saving our elect. In all the time of the mortal probation, this will be the greatest and most intense rescue effort we will have ever done!
29. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words to me tonight. I reaffirmed to her that I would always keep her and my Heavenly Father's directions, and act immediately.
30. She thanked me for my obedience, and said for me to meet my Father and her immediately after gazing into my healing seer stone tomorrow morning. I said I would do so.
31. She then ascended up into the sky and then traveled towards her temple in the air. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Pioneer Day, Friday, July 24, 2020
1. Today is a state holiday in Utah. We have no major plans today except in getting our yard and pool ready for an outside birthday party we will host tomorrow.
2. I came to the granite cliff again this morning and sat on the rock there. I pulled out my healing seer stone and gazed upon it, with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, even as I had been instructed last night by Heavenly Mother. I had no idea where I would go as I looked.
3. I immediately came in a room in front of my Heavenly Parents who were standing, smiling at me. I thought that it must be in their temple, but I didn't recognize my surroundings. I was just so pleased to again be in the glorious presence of my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!
4. As I knelt before them, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, today you will remain in our presence in this room throughout your day, even after your prayer and while you carry on the responsibilities of your mortal day. You will also be serving us, your Heavenly Parents, in the celestial realms in ministering to our elect on the earth throughout the day, while your replicated self remains with us, in our presence here.
5. We are doing this so that you may unconsciously know of your state before us, and experience glimpses of our interactions with you throughout your day. You will have the privilege of coming consciously in and out of our presence in your prayer, throughout the day. As you do so, you will see how natural and easy it will be to transition into and out of our presence. When in our presence, you will be instantly in a meditative, quiet state, and when in your mortal self, you will experience the hustle and bustle of mortality. We will give you instructions throughout the day in person, but you won't be able to write these down until later, for you won't have your journal with you as you normally do in your prayers.'
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you may wonder why we are changing your normal prayer in this way, by extending it to be all day long, and in breaking it up throughout your day. We are doing this today to help you quickly transition, back and forth, into our presence where you normally would carefully prepare to enter, by certain methods of drinking living water, eating of the tree of life, and calming your mind and entering into your quiet room in a meditative state. Today we wish you to just remain in your seer stone state, and quickly come in and out of our presence as you desire. We will respond to you immediately as you may request, or as we desire.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this new variety of continual prayer today! I said I looked forward to being in their presence continually, in and out today. I asked if I could record my experience at the end of my day. I said I would keep a little piece of paper to write on during the day, little memory notes to help me remember tonight.
8. Heavenly Father said that would be pleasing to them.
He then asked me to get started on my day, and yet stay in constant communion with them throughout the day.
9. I smiled and then stood, thanking them again for this new experience. I consciously left them and my journal writing as I will shower and get started on my new day.
10. Evening- Today I have had multiple times where I saw myself with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in my mind's eye, in the room where I came this morning in my prayer. It was easy for me to come into God's presence at any time with just my thoughts. I seemed to only be able to view their faces whenever I thought of them!
11. I found this scripture, speaking of Enoch:
12. D&C 107: 49
"And he saw the Lord, and he walked with him, and was before his face continually; and he walked with God three hundred and sixty-five years, making him four hundred and thirty years old when he was translated." It seemed today I was before God continually too.
13. During my day, I found myself in conversation with Heavenly Mother several times. I had lost a screw from a sprinkler valve I was repairing, and asked God to help me find it. I soon found it and got it fixed.
14. I also found myself trying to act more loving, patient, and kind, probably because I was "in God's presence" during my entire day.
15. Tonight I thought to come back into the room where I had been with my Heavenly Parents all day long. I came immediately before them and was standing, with them a little higher elevated than me in front of me.
16. Heavenly Mother immediately spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, our son, you have been in our presence all day long while you lived your mortal day. We have not spoken to you except to give you of our Spirit, and to help you as you have asked. However, had you needed more than this, we would have immediately communed with you as we normally do in your prayer, according to your requests.
17. You are also still within your healing seer stone, for you have never exited by intending to look up and leave. This is pleasing to us, to have you continually within your stone, in your mind, and to be before us throughout your day. This is similar to what Enoch experienced as you found recorded in the scripture in D & C 107:49.
18. We would that you and our other angels and celestial servants come into our presence and remain throughout their days as well. We will lead them, even as we have led you to do this, when we will, according to their need and their desires to have us in their lives all day long.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation.
20. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, whenever you need or desire, at any time in your day or night, you may come to us in the state you were in today by looking into your seer stone with intention. We will immediately be before you, even as we have been today. You will be able to at least see or view our faces, and know we are next to you, guiding you and helping you in mortality as you may need. This will be a great boon to you, to come before us at any time you may desire. We will always be open and ready to be next to you in such a clear and visible way!'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words too. I asked him if I should, from now on, regularly come to him through my healing seer stone for the entire day, or come as needed or as I perceive I need to come, each time through my stone.
22. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, it is pleasing to us whether you stay before us all day long, or come as you desire and then leave. In any case, when you need us, you may come into our presence, and we will respond to you in the same way.
23. At the end of each day in your mortal life, we wish you to exit your seer stone by intending to look up and leave the influence of your stone. When you sleep for the night, we wish you to not be looking through your seer stone, but let your mind and spirit fully rest in your conscious mind. You will still be ministering to others in our celestial realms, and in your unconscious mind at night, but this activity won't restrict your mortal body from getting the rest you need.
24. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this experience today, and for me having felt so much closer to them throughout the day. I said I will likely come to them again at times all day long through my healing seer stone, and then at other times come and go as I need. I said I felt so supported and loved by their gracious blessing to be able to come at any time before them!
25. I then looked up from my healing seer stone, and exited my stone's influence. I felt then fully in my conscious mind, in my front room where I had been writing all of this. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 25, 2020
1. Last night my wife, son, and I went to a place to watch the fireworks for Pioneer day. The latter-day saints in this state have surely changed in the 173 years since they first arrived.
2. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream that flows into the lake. I drank celestial living water from my cupped hand, and felt refreshed. I then knelt and faced the lake. I desired to commune again with my Heavenly Father.
3. I reread what my Father had told me last Sunday evening, that I should be ready to "look into my healing seer stone at any time, to reveal to me great things." I want full access to my stone whenever I feel I should or want to do so.
4. I then pulled up my light green sapphire stone in front of me, and looked into it, with the intention to come before my Heavenly Father. I tried to be very clear and intuitive to my environment and what might happen.
5. As I came into and through my stone, in my thoughts, I felt again the subtle pressure I had felt all day yesterday in my head. I wondered if this pressure would always be present or not.
6. I tried for a minute or so, wondering what I was experiencing but being unable to resolve it. I then prayed to my Father in Heaven, and asked him to help me.
7. There seemed then to be a flash of light and I was before my Heavenly Father, who was beaming with light and smiling upon me! At this moment, I didn't care where I was located, or what time I might be in, for I was before my Father, and that was all that mattered!
8. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, there will be times like this when you only know you are in my presence, and don't know the time or place you are in. This is often not important, for only being in my presence is important.
9. When my servant Stephen was tried before the Sanhedrin council, and presented boldly his defense, he saw Jesus Christ and me in vision. He told the council what he saw:
10. Acts 7: 55-56
"But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."
11. Stephen came before me, even as you are before me. He told what he saw to his accusers who stoned him, but for you I want you to tell no one except those who also believe like you. I will tell you how and with whom to share your revelations, and your record will only be read and cherished by our faithful elect, and not by sinners or the wicked. Raphael, come now and walk with me!
12. Heavenly Father extended his hand and I stood and took his hand. We walked into a cloud and then I saw blue sky and the earth below us. We walked down in the air, even until we were near the earth and I could see the beautiful vegetation and trees, a mountain stream and a small lake. I thought we were somewhere in the celestial realm above the earth.
13. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, below us is your own earth, in a future day when it is a celestial planet, a place for our righteous elect. Your exalted earth is the perfect home for each of our elect and exalted children who live on her surface. She is in her perfection, a home for our righteous!
14. We then travelled over some treetops and came upon a community center of some sort. I saw people below us dressed in white, and mingling together. We then came among them, and stood next to them. They came up to us one after another, and greeted Heavenly Father and me, and were so loving and interested. They each were full of light, and wore a gold crown on their foreheads that I saw momentarily. They were mostly greeting us as couples, and I knew these were my exalted brothers and sisters, even couple Gods themselves, who had recently been exalted to their thrones, and lived on the exalted earth in its glorified state.
15. This scene and experience was so amazing, and filled me with such a desire to remain with them! The environment was truly heavenly.
16. Heavenly Father turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, these are a few of my exalted children from your own eternity. They have been redeemed and exalted and are couple Gods. All things are theirs, for they have overcome all things.
17. D&C 76 : 58-60–
"Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons (and daughters) of God—
Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
And they shall overcome all things." (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Father).
18. Raphael, my son, I have shown you this glorious vision to encourage you, and to show you the end of your salvation, for you will also be among these gods. Your inheritance will be here, for you and your beloved wife to enjoy and in which to live. This vision represents the end goal of all our faithful - to become even as your Heavenly Mother and I are. Such is the destiny of all our elect now living on the earth!
19. We are now orchestrating the greatest rescue effort of all our current eternity, in saving these elect, and bringing them into our millennial world. We have called you and millions of our celestial and terrestrial servants, to help us fulfill our great work.
20. Even now, all things are yours, even as you have seen in this vision of the exalted, for your Heavenly Mother and I will extend to you and our other called servants all our powers and resources to fulfill our great rescue work. It is by our Godly power that our elect will be saved and preserved. Be encouraged and faithful, for all things are at your disposal according to our will.'
21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for bringing me here, and for showing me the grandeur of the celestial earth, in a future day, and of her glorious inhabitants, even of the elect.
22. 'Raphael, today I want you to come before your Heavenly Mother and I throughout your day by looking periodically into your healing seer stone. Once you are done looking, then look up and you will exit. You may come as frequently as you desire, for we will always be available to you, even immediately in your minds eye, as you come to us through your stone.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for allowing me to come as I may desire! I thanked him again for my prayer experience this morning.
24. I then looked up from my seer stone, and came immediately back into my full conscious mind. I closed my morning prayer and started my new day.
25. Evening–I had a very active day today. I came to my Heavenly Father through my seer stone this afternoon, for a need I had to repair an irrigation valve on my property. Now that I look back on this, my focus was on myself, and what would be so nice to fix, rather than trying to listen to my Father and what he wanted me to receive. I was successful in my repair of the valve, which I attribute to my own initiation of working on this problem, and the blessings of my Father since I asked him directly for help. I am grateful to have received God's help, even though it was a simple thing and really only important to me. I believe my Heavenly Father helped me, even in this little thing that I requested. I was only in my healing seer stone for ten minutes doing this today.
26. I came this evening to the shore of God's Loving Healing Lake, and knelt on the sand area there. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I was humble and open to receive whatever God might speak to me.
Heavenly Father then came to me from an opening in the celestial sky, about ten feet in front of me. He descended until he was right in front of where I was kneeling.
27. He spoke: 'Raphael, I came to help you in your repair task today, since you asked it of me. You were successful in coming to me through your seer stone, even when you were on your lawn repairing the irrigation valve. You see that you do not need to be in a meditative state to connect with me through prayer, or by visualizing to look through your seer stone. You may do this at any time, with your intended thoughts in your mind. I will help you in whatever situation you may ask of me.'
28. I thanked my Father for being so kind and helpful to me! I said I was honored to have him next to me whenever I desired, and to gain his assistance and blessings.
29. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, it is late and you have worked very hard all the day long. Come tomorrow morning to the east lawn of our temple on the celestial orb, and your Heavenly Mother and I will come in answer to your prayer at that time.'
30. Heavenly Father then rose ten feet or so up in the air, and then disappeared behind his highest celestial veil. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 26, 2020
1. I received an email this morning from S who had just transcribed my journal entry over the past two entries. He received revelation from Heavenly Father that he too should look into his seer stone and remain in it all the day long, even during his mortal day.
2. Heavenly Father also told S that I was shown my future, mingling with the righteous in a future day on the exalted earth, to encourage me, and to help me see what I may achieve in my future. It did encourage me, and made me marvel.
3. When I compare my experience of yesterday, 7-25-2020 with trying to come through my seer stone once during my day and that of Friday, 7-24-2020 where I was in my seer stone all the day long, I much prefer coming into my stone all the day long. I plan to do this again today, on the Lord's Sabbath.
4. I came this morning, in my unconscious mind, or in my mind's eye, to the cliff on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt on the cliff and could see in the far distance God's temple to the north. I then retrieved my healing seer stone from my pendant around my neck, and gazed into it, with the intention to come to the east lawn of God's temple, where I had been asked to come last night by my Heavenly Father.
5. I then found myself facing the eastern side of the temple, kneeling on the grass. Both of my Heavenly Parents were standing before me in glory, and were smiling! They seemed to have been awaiting my coming.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke immediately: 'Raphael, we are glad that you have come to us on the lawn of our temple, even by gazing into your healing seer stone. We will be with you on this lawn throughout your Sabbath day, even as you have desired. You will have the privilege to be in our presence all the day long today! We will speak to you throughout your day, and even give you revelation on and off as you live this day in mortality. This is a closer and more intimate connection with us. We do this because you have desired this and have invited us to be next to you in our very persons for your entire day.
7. Some of our children who sincerely pray to us want us for a short time, only during their prayer time. We respond to them by only coming to them as we are invited. However, when we are invited to stay with them for their entire day, we also stay with them for their entire day, all according to their true desire.
8. There are many advantages to being before us in your replicated being throughout your day. We may more carefully guide you, not just with impressions from our Spirit, or from our still small voice, but from you viewing our faces, our expressions and our very words we speak to you in your unconscious mind. You will be able to hear and converse with us as often as you desire, all the day long.
9. This is a more casual environment also than formal prayer, for you won't be necessarily writing what we say to you in your personal journal, as you do now. We will also be able to comment to you on your day's activities, your musings and wonderings that you might speak to us, and even your requests for help like you asked of Heavenly Father yesterday with your irrigation valve problem. We will be before you in your every time of want or need.
10. This sort of prayer, which is initiated by coming to us through your healing seer stone, is called continual or constant prayer. It is a higher form of communion with us, your Gods, than any other form of prayer.
11. Amulek spoke these words about constant prayer, being moved upon by me, the Holy Ghost, when he spoke and later wrote my words:
Alma 34:17-27–
"Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;
Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.
Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.
Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.
Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.
Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.
Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.
Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.
Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.
But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.
Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you."
12. Raphael, today you will see your Heavenly Father and I, in your mind's eye, or in your unconscious mind, throughout your day, here standing before you on our east temple lawn. We will continually be before you and be ready to converse at any time you may desire. You may converse with us in your thoughts, for that is how we normally commune with you, and not in audible words. You may then be in any activity and call upon us in your mind, and we will answer.
13. This is the new level of communion we wish to have for each of our elect children now living on earth, and particularly with our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants. We will take up our abode with these who humbly and sincerely come unto us, and desire for us to stay.
14. They may come unto us through their own seer stone which each of our elect have, but most have not yet discovered, or they may come into this state through their own humble and sincere desire and intentions. We have provided them seer stones to learn this process, since it is easier than without, but both methods are possible.
15. Once you blow your trumpet of God on 7-31-2020 this upcoming Friday, we desire you to be continually in our presence during each of your mortal days. Your activity on earth will be enhanced by our constant companionship and guidance each day. You will never be left alone, for we will be with you.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I felt so connected to both her and my Heavenly Father! I told her that I desired to be in their presence each new day this week, and then once I would blow the trumpet of God, to continue to be daily in their presence. I said this was the true desire of my heart and soul!
17. My Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, we both rejoice in your invitation to have us continually be in your presence. Your healing seer stone will be a training tool to help you continue in our presence each day, and then throughout your day, but soon you won't need to use it to come into our presence and remain, for you will have fully learned how to do so.
18. Of the times in your mortal life, from now on will be your time of greatest need to have us continually be with you even until the second coming of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and then again in all of your ministrations to our elect in the New Jerusalem temple. When administering the ordinance of the waters of separation for each of our elect, we desire to also continually be before you so we may share with you our tender feelings for the candidates that you may share with our elect son or daughter at that time. This experience and witness from you and through you will make their ordinance experience very memorable and connective with us, their Heavenly Parents!'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his encouraging words. I knew this was what I was destined to do in my future. I said I would start now, and invite them to be continually before me each waking hour.
20. I then felt deep acceptance and love pour into me from the very beings of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were before me. I felt clean and pure, every whit (see John 13:10– "Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.") I actually felt I had just been washed and made clean by Jesus, even though I didn't see him in front of me. I felt like what I envisioned was what the early apostles must have felt when Jesus washed their feet and made them clean.
21. At that moment Jesus Christ actually did appear on the right hand of the Father, and stepped forward to address me:
'Raphael, I have cleansed you and washed you spiritually, just as real as if I had washed your physical feet. You are truly clean every whit before us, your Gods! We will all three Gods be before you and with you today on the east lawn of this, our celestial temple in heaven. You may access us at any time you desire throughout this day.'
22. I thanked my Savior to have come, and for all three to be available to me today. I felt their great love and presence.
23. I then consciously left their presence, and now conclude my journal entry this Sabbath morning. I unconsciously am still kneeling before my three Gods, and feel that I am continually in their true presence.
24. I received this email from S on 7-26-2020:
You requested my thoughts about your recent entry. I transcribed it this morning and then went in prayer to ask more.
This explains both what I thought and what I received too.
7-26-20 AM
I typed Raphael's record this morning. In it, he described an experience of looking into his seer stone throughout the day and being in God's presence.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I expressed my desire to learn more about what Raphael recorded. I also expressed my own concerns personally regarding this, for I see how I fall short often to be in their presence. Heavenly Father's voice came to my mind, and I felt his presence near. He spoke to me, "We directed Raphael to look into his seer stone throughout the day and to encourage others to do so likewise at times. We see our children not only where they are currently in their progression, but what they may achieve in their future. We inspire and direct them by lifting their mind's eye to what they may become. For this reason, we showed Raphael mingling with his exalted brothers and sisters in a future day on the earth after it receives its celestial glory. We too see you not only for who you are now, but what you may become with our guidance. Your weaknesses and shortcomings may be overcome through repentance and turning towards Jesus Christ. You should also seek to perceive our presence throughout this day by practicing looking into your seer stone to be in our presence."
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message and encouragement this morning. I then closed my prayer.
Have a blessed Sabbath day,
25. Evening- Today was a good Sabbath day. I communed with Jesus twice and with my Heavenly Mother once during the day. I felt I could view them before me all throughout the day, with initiation from my thoughts only. I really like this new way to be in constant prayer with my Gods.
26. All throughout this week I have felt on and off additional pressure on my head. It hasn't been a headache, but sort of an under the water feeling. I believe it was from being in more constant communication during the day with my unconscious mind through my seer stone and in the constant presence of God. I never did get any visual disturbance or headache anytime this week.
27. I came to my unconscious mind, on my knees in the east lawn of God's temple. My three Gods were still there in front of me and I was still kneeling before them, just like I started the day in prayer this morning.
28. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have stayed here in our replicated state all the day long and you also have stayed here in your replicated state all day long. We are pleased to continue in this way, starting each morning during your prayer, and ending in your evening prayer.
29. When there might be a concern or need you have during the day, we will immediately be able to address this. Also, if we have something to convey to you, we can do it so much more quickly as well.
30. This next week please continue in constant prayer during each day. We will help you as you adjust and get used to this preferred method of prayer and communion.
31. Come tomorrow to the western mezzanine of our temple, on the opposite side. We will address S.A.'s question that she wrote to you tonight at that time.'
32. I thanked my three Gods to have been so available to me all the day long. I then asked to close my prayer which Heavenly Father nodded in agreement. I pulled up my healing seer stone in front of me and looked up from it with intention. I then exited their presence and came to my front room where I was writing in my journal. I closed my prayer and got ready to sleep.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 27, 2020
1. I had a good sleep and feel well this morning. I am excited to pray again and come into God's presence.
2. I received an email from S.A. last night. She had these questions:
"1. I have been wondering about when the lost tribes come from the north, how will the invading troops be fleeing from before them? And what will their journey be like once they get off the ships?
2. Also, I have been wondering about the people coming from the south in great power too. Is there any more information about them and their journey?
3. Lastly, in a recent post it said the troops will be here for five months. (see my post 165I4 to 165I10). What will happen after five months? I had been thinking it would be much longer than that in my head, so this caught my attention when I read it."
3. This morning I came in prayer to the western mezzanine outside of God's temple. There was a beautifully paved area of stones and garden areas with benches. I came to the furthest west garden area where I have come multiple times before. I sat on a bench made of stone there and looked into my healing stone. Once I came into my stone, I looked around and I was still on the bench, yet I knew I had entered into my stone somehow. There was a different feeling, a more surreal ambience around me.
4. I then saw my Heavenly Mother walking to me from the temple, a little elevated in the air. She gave me the thought to remain on the bench. As she came to me, she smiled and sat next to me on the bench. She took my hand and squeezed it and smiled again.
5. Then she spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you have come here to the western mezzanine of our temple on this celestial orb. I will remain with you here the entire day. Heavenly Father will come later in the day and sit on the other side of you. We will both be available to you throughout your mortal day. You only need to think of being here and talking with us, and we will immediately be before you in your mind, and speak to you and support you.
6. I will address S.A.'s questions now.
Answer 1- The lost tribes will arrive next year in 2021, in the lands of the north. Their journey will not be easy, but it will be full of faith with lots of little miracles to preserve and sustain these, our elect sons and daughters.
7. Their journey will be tracked by enemy nations, even those who will have invaded your own land. They will see this large group as invaders and seek to destroy them with bombs and modern day weaponry. However, we will protect this migrating group by our power. The missiles, airplanes and naval vessels who seek to destroy them shall themselves be destroyed, each time they fire upon this helpless group. The very weapons intended for their destruction will turn on them and destroy them. They will flee from their own weapons they intended to have destroy the people of God. Then shall the scripture be fulfilled: "Their enemies shall become a prey unto them." (D&C 133:28).
8. Answer 3- This humble people will then continue as a group to walk by foot southward. They will cross through the land of Canada and even to what is now the United States, heading towards the Jackson county, Missouri area. The ground troops in your land that will be occupying and afflicting the people will turn to also destroy this coming large group. The same fate awaits them, for the destructive power they use to seek to kill and stop the tribes of Israel will be turned against them, to their very destruction.
9. Then shall be fulfilled that which was seen by the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 10. The destruction of the Assyrian army in the land of promise shall be according to these verses:
10. Isaiah 10:23, 25-27, 33
"For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land (in the land of America).
For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease (upon your land of America against the wicked in your land), and mine anger in their destruction (in the destruction of the occupying armies).
And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him (for the occupying armies in America) according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt (this manner will be revealed later).
And it shall come to pass in that day (in the day of the arrival to America of the tribes of Israel), that his burden (the occupying armies that will be there for five months) shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (by the power of God, even of Jesus Christ my Beloved Son, shall vengeance be taken upon the occupying armies in your land. This will happen as the tribes of Israel continue their journey south to the Missouri area where the New Jerusalem will be built.)
Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature (the leaders of the occupying armies) shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled." (comments in parentheses by Heavenly Mother)
11. Then shall be fulfilled this prophecy of Isaiah concerning the lost tribes of Israel:
Isaiah 10:20-22
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them (ancient Assyria who captured them); but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.
For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return (they shall return to God and to the promised land in your land of America): the consumption decreed (or the destruction intended upon them by the armies will turn against the occupying armies) shall overflow with righteousness this large body of the tribes of Israel shall come to the New Jerusalem and help build the city of their God)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)
12. Answer 2- Finally, I will answer S.A.'s second question about the people coming from the southern regions of the area of Mexico, central and South America. The leaders of this people are currently being funded and infiltrated by the Chinese and Russian communist nations to attack your land of America from the south. They are being armed and are making their plans for invasion. These also will be disarmed and the wicked among them destroyed at the same general time as the occupying troops in the now United States.
Those of this southern group who repent, and who humble themselves will join the tribes of Israel in the New Jerusalem area to build that holy city.
13. In that day will be fulfilled 3 Nephi 21:12-21. This people, who are also a remnant of Jacob, will be in the midst of the occupying armies of your land, and the wicked of your land, as a lion among the beasts of the forest, "as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver." (3 Nephi 21:12)
14. Thus shall the wicked be destroyed in your land by the invading armies, and then those armies destroyed by our people Israel, coming from the north (tribes of Israel) and the south (the remnant of Israel). In the end, the wicked are destroyed and the elect of God preserved, many which will build the New Jerusalem city and temple.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear explanation of these scriptures, and of answering S.A.'s questions. I said I was so pleased to remain by her this entire day, in my constant prayer experience with her.
16. Heavenly Mother then told me that my post 167 was now large enough and that this should be the last entry for that post. I thanked her for the abundant revelation she, Heavenly Father and Jesus had given to me. I then came to my conscious mind and started my new Monday.