163. Seven More Months
Posted 6-29-2020


We who received (me) and who edited this post were surprised what life would be like here, in the United States, in a mere seven more months! Read about it near the end of this latest post. I was told that God's plan was to bring on the tribulations quickly and intensely, rather than have them drag on and on. 

Hold onto your hat, for greater spiritual darkness is coming soon on the earth. Please pray about all that I have received, that it truly is of God and not me only.

Read also of another assignment given to one of us in this post! Since then I have received three more assignments or missions, coming in the next post.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, June 12, 2020

1. Evening- I am enjoying very much my summertime in my beautiful Rocky Mountains! The local mountains still have some snow and are so pretty to look at.

I came tonight in my prayer to the meadow with the horizontal log, to the west of the top of the switchback path. I walked down the little hill to enter this beautiful meadow. It is secluded by surrounding trees.

2. I knelt next to the horizontal log, and faced the little hill and entrance to the east. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I felt very happy and pleased with S, S.A. and now my sister K receiving important assignments and callings from God.

3. I then saw my Heavenly Father appear at the top of the hill, and then he came directly in the air to me, in a beam of light! He arrived immediately, a few feet from me in front of the log, in the air. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have given our children in mortality many varied experiences. If they lean upon us, asking us in prayer, we will guide them through life, and send our Spirit upon them. We will encourage them to progress and grow as fast as they are each able.

4. Our greatest joys are to help our elect who truly want us to guide them and inspire them. We will send our promptings in very natural ways so they often question whether their impressions are from us or themselves. This will develop the connection between their conscious and unconscious mind, and develop their faith in us, their Gods.

5. It is in hard times that our elect children may grow the fastest. We are very attentive to each one, and will orchestrate their lives in our attempt to awaken them and be close to them in their coming times of great need.

6. It may seem like your Heavenly Mother and I talk to you very frequently about awakening of mortal elect children. The coming events will seem to be compressed, one after another, and in rapid succession. We are concerned for our elect who put off their spiritual connection with us, their Gods. When the time of hardships come upon them, they will not have the rich experience of day after day connecting to us in prayer. Many of them will flounder and experience worsening trials. They will need to take the initiative, and seek a relationship amid their distress which will be more difficult than in days of peace.

7. The day will come that if my elect are complacent and put off this day of their repentance in the day of their ease, they will be placed in bondage, and none can deliver them except it be us, their Gods (see Alma 36: 2-3).'

8. I thanked my Father for his message tonight. I told him how important I felt it was to seek him while he is near, and not to put this off in the future days of extremities in our lives. I thanked him for coming to me whenever I ask him or Heavenly Mother to come to me in prayer.

My prayer ended, and I soon went to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 13, 2020

1. I awoke refreshed and came to my private room to pray. My house is quiet and I feel able to connect to God again in prayer. However, I am completely blank on what I might receive. Sometimes I have a hunch what I will hear, but today there is nothing. I will see what God reveals today.

2. I came to the circling waters, and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then went to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf. I felt more perceptive, and had a desire to serve and help someone in need. I felt full of desire to become a better man, more Christlike in every way.

3. I then walked west from the tree of life to the little garden area where I had once buried my shells (see post 36). I knelt in the soft soil, facing the distant tree of life, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I felt I had prepared as much as I could to come into the presence of God.

4. My Heavenly Mother then appeared to me in this garden. She was full of light, love and seemed so full of peace. I was very excited to be in her presence! I felt her light come abundantly into me, and press through me, so I felt even transparent somehow. I felt then one with her.

5. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, when you are in a meditative and clear state, like you are now, you are in a very open and receptive condition. Anything that I may even whisper into your mind you will pick up and receive. You are clear and very perceptive to anything I might say. This is the true order of prayer! I have revealed this to you before in your post 142D24.

6. You don't need to ever try to preconceive what I or your Heavenly Father might share with you, or even have questions to ask of us when you come to us in prayer. You only need to be clear and open to receive, even as you are this morning. This is the condition of your heart and mind. We may then guide you in whatever we desire. This is the true order of prayer. Oh, I wish more of our beloved children on earth would come to us, their Heavenly Parents, in such openness and desire to hear our words and to follow our counsels! We would then guide them gently, considering where they are in their progress in coming unto us, and reveal our will to them gradually. We love when our children consistently come to us in the true order of prayer often. This allows us to shape and bless them abundantly.'

7. Heavenly Mother then reached out and touched my eyes with her fingers. 'Raphael, I want to show you how many of our children really are coming to Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Father or me in a state of humble and open prayer.'

She withdrew her hand from my eyes, and then I felt to look to my left side. I saw my Heavenly Mother looking there too.

8. I then saw with my spiritual eyes, somehow, all of the children of God now in mortality! I felt like Moses described, where he beheld the earth, even all of it, discerning all by the Spirit of God:

9. Moses 1: 27-28-

And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the Spirit of God.

And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not; and he discerned them by the Spirit of God; and their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shore.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are able to see all of the inhabitants of the earth now, by my Spirit which is upon you. We who are Gods may have this view anytime we desire.

Look now and see how many truly seek to be open and who are humble when they pray to God.'

11. I then looked with the intention to see how many openly and humbly prayed to God in their lives. These individuals appeared to me as little lights among the vastness of all the others of humanity. There were relatively very few, for I could see hundreds, and hundreds before I could see one who was lit up with the Spirit of God.

12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Those who you see lit up are those who come to us in a pleasing way, being open and humble before us, and who are committed to following their impressions in prayer. It saddens us when so many of our very elect are not yet in a state of open, humble prayer, even occasionally in their lives. How can we lead them and communicate to these if they, of their own will and desire, won't even try to connect to us in prayer and meditation? They are so busy living their lives that they don't slow down and even try to connect to us, in whatever way they may wish.'

13. I then wondered in my mind how many in the religion I had chosen, the Latter-day Saints, were now in a posture of petitioning God in open and humble prayer? Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Look, and see, Raphael.'

14. I then looked and saw the group of LDS members, and saw about the same few percentage of those who were praying with open and humble minds and hearts to God, as I had seen before. I wondered how this could be, even with the abundant scriptures and revelations available to these members.

15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, it is not how available the truths of heaven are to our children, but it is their desires to connect to us, their Gods, that determines their open minds and hearts. There are so many active in the LDS church that have been lulled away into carnal security (2 Nephi 28: 21). They feel they have received and need no more (verse 27). Well did Nephi speak about those who were once enlightened, then felt they have received enough that they need no more:

16. 2 Nephi 28: 30-

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have."

17. Those who reject any further light are worse off than those who are just beginning to receive even a small degree of our enlightenment.'

18. I looked again and could see so very few in the LDS church who questioned religious things at all, for I perceived they felt their leaders would receive this and they didn't need to worry. I saw the great spirit of complacency and blindness come upon the greater part of the Latter-day Saints. I was chagrined by the malaise! I then spoke to my mother who was in front of me:

'Oh my Heavenly Mother, isn't there something we can do to awaken my fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?'

19. She turned to me and quoted a scripture in Luke 16: 31-

"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." (see the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, Luke 16: 19-31)

20. 'Raphael, when our Latter-day Saints refuse to receive more truth from us, their Gods, and won't be open or humble as they often once were in an earlier time in their religious life, they will not be persuaded, even though we send you, our archangel, to them, with a voice of thunder to shake the earth. When they are no longer open, they will reject all future promptings that counter their religious views.

21. What we will do instead is to launch them into great calamity and tribulations, like the rest of the wicked on your earth. There will be some then who awaken and come to us in humility and openness of their hearts, and begin to question their religious moorings.'

22. My vision of the vast sea of humanity on earth then vanished. Heavenly Mother said I had written accurately in my journal my experience with her. She then smiled and departed.

I thanked her for this remarkable vision and closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 14, 2020

1. I had a date night with my wife until midnight last night. Heavenly Father accepted my very short prayer, and asked me to return to the top of the granite cliff where I had prayed last night. I feel awake and alert this new Sabbath.

2. I first came to the tree of life this morning and ate of a fruit of that tree, and then chewed and swallowed a healing leaf. I felt clarified spiritually. I next came to the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, and drank of living water. Finally, I came to the top of the granite cliff and knelt facing west to the distant temple. There were misty clouds around the temple, appearing like it was floating in the air. The morning sun was shining too, and all was very lovely.

3. I then realized that today was when I had planned to gaze into my own healing stone! I pulled it from the pendant around my neck in front of me, and gazed into my light green sapphire stone.

4. As I gazed into my domed-shaped stone, I immediately felt that I was both on the granite cliff looking into my stone, and also inside the domed room! I could easily switch in my conscious mind between both places. I knew I was replicated in these two places, and was also in my mortal body on earth, meditating and seeing spiritually all of this.

5. In the domed room, I walked towards the wall where I knew was the opening, and it then opened into a doorway. I walked through and down the path for a bit, and then thought to go to the granite cliff where I was also kneeling and looking into my seer stone. I could see myself there looking into my stone. I then thought to think in my mind of me there, kneeling, and I was immediately thinking and acting in these replicated beings–in the air above the granite cliff, kneeling on the granite cliff, and also back home on earth in my recliner chair visualizing all of this.

6. I realized my mind was active in all three locations, and yet still was one mind with my thoughts. I felt my unconscious mind was used to perceiving all of these thoughts from my multiple replications, and viewing or perceiving them as one. I seemed to be in an altered mindset, where I could perceive all of my thoughts in my replicated beings, all at once. It was familiar, but also new to me, for I also perceived this in my conscious mind, and not just in my unconscious mind. These minds were merged as one mind.

7. I then prayed for both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared in my mind in the clouds to my left, and I could see his face there in my mind, and then he was immediately before me, standing in the air. Next I saw Heavenly Mother's face in my mind in the clouds to my right, and then she was immediately before me, standing next to my Heavenly Father. I had never had them come to me in this way before.

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, do not be confused by the new views you have seen when you just looked into your healing stone this morning. The phenomenon you described in your journal now is common to you in your unconscious mind, for in that state you have much greater comprehension and ability to connect to your multiple replicated beings, all at once and at the same time. You do this currently all of the time in your replicated states, in our celestial realms where you labor for us. To you, in this state, you perceive all of what you do and think, at the same moment among all of your replications. This is one of the features and capabilities of your unconscious mind.

9. We, your Gods, have extended to you our power to replicate, and with that the ability to be connected to every one of your replications at the same time. This ability to be merged as one in your mind is now activated by us, and is one of the powers of your unconscious mind.

10. In your mortal, finite conscious mind, it is very difficult to understand all of this. However, when you gazed into your healing stone that is on your gold pendant around your neck, which is always with you, you may have this merged mind experience, even in your conscious mortal mind. Were you to stop looking into or through your stone, you would return to your finite conscious mind. In that state, you could still perceive me speaking to you, but it would be by virtue of your skill to connect your conscious and unconscious minds that you have developed over the years. You would not be able to experience the merged mind effect that you just had when looking into your stone.

11. You see that your healing, or seer stone gives you a new perspective of being able to view multiple thoughts of your replicated beings. This will be fully integrating your conscious mind and your unconscious mind, even of your multiple replicated states of being. As you gaze weekly into your stone, you will be able to practice this and gradually feel more comfortable in your merged mind environment.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation! I said I wanted to gradually learn all of this, combining my mortal conscious mind to be able to perceive the merged minds of my replicated beings. I said I want to practice this weekly, even until I may be able to do so daily, without getting the headaches like I had this past week. Ultimately, I want to view my merged mind without having to gaze into my seer stone.

13. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, our intention is to have you learn this ability by practice. You will be able to have a complete merged mind as you desire, by your faithful practice each week, and then gradually increasing this to daily practice. When you come to the New Jerusalem, you will have completed your training and will have a completely merged mind whenever you desire, even in your conscious mind. You will be able to switch effortlessly between your conscious mortal mind and your merged unconscious minds, and experience even both at the same time. This is the capability we want you to have when you begin your work in the New Jerusalem.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his reassuring words! I loved being with both of my Heavenly Parents this morning in prayer.

I then looked up from my stone and they were both gone! I was kneeling on the granite cliff, and was alone. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.

15. Evening- I had a very enjoyable sabbath with my family today. I feel now very happy and settled after a great Sunday.

16. Tonight I came to the circling waters where I knelt on the shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I sat next on the ground and just soaked up the beauty of my environment on this, the celestial orb! I love being here so frequently, and so fully enjoy my serene experiences here. They are hard to describe, but are real and very motivating to me in my mortal life.

17. I rolled back onto my knees and prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come to me. I fully expected her to be by me soon in answer to my prayer.

18. I saw the water reflect a bright glistening light and then I looked up and saw Heavenly Mother step out of her highest celestial realm! She was beautiful and glorious to behold! I feel so honored to be her son, and to come into her presence so often!

19. She spoke: 'Raphael, this morning you had a glimpse in your conscious mind of what you experienced in your merged unconscious mind all the time that you labor for us in our celestial realms. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I all experience a merged mind all of the time. We know what each of our various replicated beings are doing and thinking always, all at the same time. When you gain this skill, you too will be able to understand all of your activities and thoughts, even at the same time. This is far more than your current conscious mind is capable of doing at this present time. However, with practice, patience and our Godly help, you will become skilled at doing this, even while you are a translated mortal being on earth.

20. You will generally not have this merged mind except when you quiet down and seek to perceive it. Normally, in your millennial life on earth, you will find it more comfortable to live in your conscious mind as other mortals do. However, at any moment, you will be able to switch to your merged mind. You will also be able to do this with your own intention without the need of gazing into your healing stone.

21. We want you to develop this skill and gift from us because you will labor in our celestial temple in your replicated celestial body. You will still be living in the New Jerusalem city with your wife as a translated terrestrial being. In both places you may know what you are doing in your other being at any time. You will do this by switching to your merged mind instead of your conscious mind.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for revealing more information on this to me! I asked her if the other mortal angels who also will labor in their unconscious celestial beings will be able to do this same thing.

23. She responded: 'They will have gained this same skill as you learn, for they too will labor on earth in our celestial temple. They will also be living in the New Jerusalem city in their translated terrestrial bodies. This skill and gift from God will be yours to all use throughout the great millennium.'

24. I thanked her for such a wonderful blessing! I said I love her and felt so happy in learning how to use my merged mind in mortality. Heavenly Mother smiled and then departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 15, 2020

1. Last night after my prayer, my wife and I had a good late evening discussion about how we now choose in our life whatever we may want to do. We have a long list of things to do, people to visit, etc., however these things are all optional. If we wanted, we could just lay on the couch all day long, but of course we want to be up and about. We have decided to call our activities "hobbies", for we could do any of them or hire anyone of them out, for we now have enough resources to do so. We both want to share as many things on our hobby list together as possible, for we love working on a common project.

2. My sister in law chooses to daily pick weeds on her property for much of her day. To me this seems obsessive, but she must enjoy it, or be driven to do so for some reason. This is her full choice, for she could also decide not to do it and pay for a gardener to come and weed so she could relax and not have to do it.

3. Likewise, I may choose to do anything on my "hobby" list or hire it out if I wanted. My wife and I both want to keep this perspective so we don't get overwhelmed (me especially) with all the things we "need" to do in our daily lives. We live in a remarkable time where we are retired from being required to work a job to survive. I have only recently come into this state in my older age. I will turn 70 next March.

4. This retired state also allows me to more easily choose to connect twice daily in meditation and prayer. Were I to leave my home for 40 hours a week to earn a living, it would be much more difficult to pray as I do. I feel my energy and activity level are waning, so I don't know if I could work full time now. This process happens to everyone who lives to an older age I believe.

5. This morning I came to the knoll above the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I felt clear and receptive to hear whatever God might share with me today. I feel very grateful I don't have any pressing activity that I must do now besides praying at this time, for this focus helps me immensely to connect to God.

6. I knelt and prayed for my Father in Heaven to come to me. He then appeared on my right side, on top of the knoll! We were both facing God's temple in the distance.

7. Heavenly Father then spoke to me while looking at his distant temple: 'Raphael, many people in your ward and neighborhood feel when they have raised their children they will then have time to attend their own LDS temple or go on an LDS mission with their spouse. However, both of these options are no longer possible to the extent they were before. We desire these retired people to choose to connect to us, their Heavenly Parents, in prayer, now that they have more time on their hands. However, most will busy themselves with unimportant things that are truly optional. People fill their lives up usually with the activities they want to do, many of which give them pleasure and enjoyment. Many of these activities such as eating at restaurants, travel, and visiting friends are curtailed due to the current pandemic. Many entertain themselves by watching TV or lounging. A lot of this comes because of the effects of aging.'

8. He then faced me and spoke again: 'Raphael, I am pleased that you have chosen to make time to pray to us, your Heavenly Parents, in your later years. You spend several hours each day in this activity. Because you have been persistent, and have prayed openly and humbly to us, we have revealed to you great revelations. It was by our design that you would have more open time in your later life to be able to choose to pray to us in this manner, so that our revelations could be revealed more and more to you. You have come to a state of openness, willing to change your religious views and to accept whatever we gradually share with you.

9. You will continue to be able to receive our great revelations, even until you come to the New Jerusalem. You will then be in a state to be guided continually by us, your Gods, to build the New Jerusalem and its celestial temple, just as we reveal these plans to you. You will become our Branch as spoken of in the scriptures who will build the temple of God. (See your post 54B3-54B14, 121E22-121E27, 136E18-136E23, and 136F5-136F8).'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words to me this morning. I trust in what he and Heavenly Mother reveal to me. In my mortal conscious mind, this is all incomprehensible and hard to grasp. I know, however, I will have a merged mind which will comprehend all that I need to do in this great task ahead of me.

11. Heavenly Father then said he was going to depart so that I could start my new day. He faded away into his higher celestial realm and was gone. I thanked him for his message again and closed my prayer.

12. Evening- Tonight I came to the entry place where the river representing Heavenly Father flows into Lake Beautiful. I was kneeling in a relatively flat area, on a small protrusion in the land. I could easily see the river to my left for a long ways, as far as my eyes could see, and the lake to my right. It was near dusk here, and very pleasant. Many flowers and water creatures and birds were around me.

13. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I was very peaceful and calm.

Heavenly Mother then appeared to me, right in front of me in the air! She was smiling broadly, and seemed so happy. She spoke to me:

14. 'Raphael, we inspired S to share with you by email two of his journal entries today. His first journal entry of 6-8-2020 provides a second witness of the coming darkness to the earth, once Uriel blows his trumpet on 6-30-2020. I had him pray for the elect living on the earth, for the spiritual darkness was great. After he prayed and wrote his account in his journal, he then saw through my eternity eyes my yearnings for my elect children living on the earth.

15. Raphael, S recorded his entry just as it happened. We, who are the Gods of our faithful, will pour our light and love upon any who call on us with desire, purity and longing in their soul.

16. He also sent to you his journal entry of 6-14-2020. This was a second witness also, for what you have written about the great earthquake coming to your land of America, even where the land will be drastically changed. These earthquakes will begin more dramatically once you sound your trumpet of God on 7-31-2020, Raphael. Your trumpet will bring Nibiru close to the earth, which will initiate these great earthquakes upon the land.

17. Write S and ask if you may share his journal entries in your upcoming post. We want your record to contain other witnesses for these events we have shown to you.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her direction tonight. I wasn't sure how to respond to S, so I hadn't written him yet.

19. My prayer ended, and Heavenly Mother left my side. I lingered on the shores of Lake Beautiful while the celestial sun set in the northern sky.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 16, 2020, Tuesday

1. I emailed post 162 last night to M.A.. It has become quite a process to record, check and then get these all published,

2. I reread S's email this morning, and the references he had to Genesis 18:23-33, and D&C 45:31-33. I wondered about the great wickedness in some of the cities of our land, how there are many cities of our land ripe for destruction. S was told that there are so few righteous that those cities will not be spared. He said large numbers of God's children would be removed by the earthquakes and destructions in the contour and face of the land. I read that the Lord would spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if there were even ten people who were righteous, but there weren't even ten, for these cities were destroyed.

3. I then read D&C 84:114-115, when the Lord spoke of the city of New York, Albany, and Boston. He said to "warn the people of those cities with the sound of the gospel, with a loud voice, of the desolation and utter abolishment which await them if they do reject these things. For if they reject these things, the hour of their judgment is nigh, and their house shall be left unto them desolate."

4. I wondered about any few who were righteous in those cities, if they would be protected? I had also read in D&C 45:32, about the desolating sickness coming to the land, that "my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die."

5. These things were all in my mind as I approached God in humble and open prayer this morning.

6. I then came to a place in my mind, in the inner city of some large US city. I was a little above this ghetto in the air, in the celestial realms on the earth. I could clearly see all that was happening in this wicked district of this city.

7. I then knelt in the air and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. He came immediately, in bright glory before me! I felt the fire of his glory, great light, passing through me, even as if I wasn't there. I still beheld his fiery face, particularly his eternity eyes that seemed full of justice and great power. He was somber and intent on something it seemed.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we are in the celestial realms on your earth above a wicked city of your nation. The inhabitants of this city are wicked and of the telestial world except for a few, less than ten required of Jesus Christ when he spoke to Abraham about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This city below us has reached the same level of evil as those ancient cities, and they will be destroyed.

9. The very few righteous that remain in these cities have been elevated to be terrestrial mortals. For these few, they stand in holy places which is in their own dwellings. If they do not respond to our promptings to leave this wicked city, we will still be merciful to them. There is a great darkness that has enveloped all of your land, and particularly the large cities like this one. Many of our elect are still in these cities, and will remain even until we destroy these cities. Some of these elect will perish, but most will be spared, even as was Rahab and her father's household who dwelt in Jericho (see Joshua 6:25). Just as clearly as the destroying armies of Joshua saw the scarlet thread in the window, and spared Rahab and her household, so clearly will the angel of destruction see our elect having the corona flame about them in their bodies, and spare them in the destructions coming to their cities. This will then fulfill the scripture in D&C 45:32, where the people around these spared elect will curse God and die, while the elect stand in holy places.'

10. I was kneeling before my majestic Heavenly Father in the air above this wicked city. I then saw below us, an angel of destruction come also above the city, and raise his right arm in the air. The power and strength of the Father then came into and passed through this angel to the city and its inhabitants. Great destruction and death came to those in this city, even to their utter destruction. I saw that S's words in his email that the large earthquakes "will remove large numbers of (God's) children from the face of the earth."

11. I saw other cities of our land also being destroyed. Heavenly Father took me higher above the land, so I could see the curvature of the earth, and the United States below me. I saw flashes of light around the land, in populated areas primarily. It was nighttime.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, these flashes of light are the wicked cities of your own land that are being destroyed, for they have reached a high level of wickedness, even as Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked. We will spare the righteous mostly who dwell in those cities, but the wicked will perish in large numbers.

13. When S saw that the light and glory of my presence destroyed him and the tree of life, this was representative of what will happen to these cities and the wicked. I will cleanse your land, and then the entire world, of all who are telestial, and spare the terrestrial elect whom I have chosen.

14. At a future day, in the millennium, my righteous shall enlarge the places of their habitations, and inherit some parts of these desolated cities:

15. Isaiah 54:2-3-

"Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes.

For thou shalt break forth on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited." (see also 3 Nephi 22:2-3)

16. I faced my Heavenly Father who was no longer full of intense fire and indignation. I spoke: 'My Father, I thank you for the confirming vision of what S saw, and more. I pray for the safety and well-being of your elect scattered on the earth. I pray that I may be able to protect them, for I know I have been replicated many times over, and stand as a sentinel or guard over them, even with my sword of Raphael unsheathed (see my post 151B26-151B31). May I help in preserving them also during the days of destruction coming upon the wicked, that these, your elect, may largely be protected and saved, even in their mortal bodies?'

17. Heavenly Father smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, you will protect and spare all of the elect that we inspire you to save from the destructions around them! You are already in place among each of our elect, in your replicated bodies, in the celestial realms on the earth. Protect them with my power that I have given to you with your sword of Raphael. Extend your sword of protection above these elect that I tell you to spare, and I will spare them, even as Rahab in Jericho. They will then be allowed to inhabit our new millennial earth, filled with others of my elect that I have chosen.

18. For those few elect who are not spared, I do this for my own purposes, that they may minister to me in the paradise of God in the world of the spirit dead.'

19. I bowed my head and thanked my Father for granting me my request! I said I loved him, and would serve him faithfully as he and Heavenly Mother would direct me.

20. My vision ended, and I found myself writing the conclusion of this morning's prayer in my journal. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, the mighty King in Zion.

21. Evening- I received an email from M.A. who had just read my post 162. She asked three questions:

1) Is it possible to be an elect person and have the corona flame given to you but it isn't functioning due to the fact that the person hasn't come unto Christ yet? Is it possible the flame doesn't function because the person still needs testing?

2) She wanted my help to let her know if I am told her mission in the celestial realms.

3) If I (Raphael) walk back to the New Jerusalem in my replicated self, how does my mortal physical self go there and how do I get there?

22. I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field and the dead oak tree on its side. I traveled in the air past the tree to a spot above the wheat field. This is where I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

23. Heavenly Father then appeared in my mind first, where I saw his face only, and then I saw him come to me in his entire body. He was standing in front of me, smiling. He spoke right away: 'Raphael, I have brought you here above my wheat field today. The wheat that is now growing represents our elect coming as babies to your earth for their mortal experience. When they come, each will have a corona flame of protection which will remain with them until after Jesus Christ comes in glory.

24. For those who are older, who have been gathered into my safe garners, they have each been given the corona flame of Heavenly Mother, regardless of their current state of awareness or conversion. There are many among them who have this corona flame active, but have not yet connected to us or Jesus in prayer. I know their hearts, and have chosen each based on the observations from both your Heavenly Mother and me.

25. M.A.'s third question is about how your replicated and mortal selves will join up at the New Jerusalem. This question also applies to others of our mortal servants who labor in the celestial realms with specific missions, like you and S have been given.

26. After one of your bodies, whether your mortal physical body, or one of your replicated celestial bodies, is in one location on earth, any of these other bodies may transfer to that location. When your replicated body arrives at the New Jerusalem, with our approval, your mortal physical body may also transfer into that body and be as one. This will then be the new location for your mortal body.

27. We have a restriction on where your physical body is to be located and this is to be only on the physical earth until you die. Therefore, you may transfer your physical body to another location on the physical mortal earth where one of your replicated celestial bodies is located, but you cannot go in your physical mortal body into our celestial realm. You may, however, go there and work from there in a replicated celestial body. You may do this latter replication because you are translated to a celestial translation, and wherein we have granted to you the power of replication.

28. When one of our servants teleports, they actually replicate first to a new location on the physical earth, and then transfer their mortal physical body to that new location. Teleportation is defined as movement on the mortal physical earth. Movement in other realms, such as in the celestial realm on the earth, is done by thought controlled movement, and does not require any replication.

29. Raphael, come here again tomorrow morning and I will address M.A.'s question about her own mission.'

30. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight! I said I would come in the morning and address him in prayer then. Heavenly Father departed and I retired to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 17, 2020, Wednesday

1. I came this morning to the air above the Father's wheat field, even as I was instructed last night. I knelt again in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. A white cloud then appeared in front of me. Then the wind came up and blew the cloud away. Standing in front of me my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, holding hands! They were brilliantly shining upon me and both were smiling. I felt their intense light come upon me and through me, even as if I were transparent. I knew I was before them as a celestial translated being in my replicated physical body.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Both your Heavenly Mother and I wish to answer M.A.'s question about her new and expanded assignment, even in her role as the female archangel of understanding.'

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, our daughter, M.A. (named Mary by us, her Heavenly Parents in the premortal life), has been very faithful in supporting you as our prophet and seer in the Church of the Firstborn. She has been active in testing and accepting the revelations we have given to you over the years. She has willingly offered her time as needed, and currently helps you edit your posts and creates the topics for the index. We have seen all of the faithful service of this, our diligent daughter!

5. Mary is my archangel daughter of understanding. She has also been ordained by me as a high priestess, and is one of the few with this, my authority, in the flesh. Her assignment and mission is one requiring both of these powers, given directly by me, her Heavenly Mother. She will act in the celestial realms on the earth ministering to our faithful elect, one at a time, as they come unto your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me. I will predominantly give her instructions, for it is I who have blessed her and given her an abundance of my light, and ordained her.

6. There is a lot of confusion in your day in finding truth. There is so much information that is false, inspired by the adversary, even Satan. Our children are confused and need clarity in order to sift through all the voices they hear. They need understanding, which is what we will give them as they seek it. I will send my servant M.A. to help teach them the truth, to bring our many truths into their minds, to help them move forward in a clear direction of truth from God.

7. Amos spoke of your current day:

Amos 8:11-12

"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:

And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."

8. Mary will be sent to those elect who sincerely seek the word of the Lord, but can't find it. They pray to us, their Gods, but have no idea what path to pursue, for it seems so confusing to them, with the great famine of truth in the land.

9. Mary will be able to whisper to the mind and heart, in the spirit of divine understanding, where to turn and what to believe. She will act as our conduit of enlightenment and understanding, guiding our elect to correct paths of truth. She will be given my power to visit them frequently in their pursuit of the truth, and reason with and teach them the glorious revelations, in their order and timing, that we have revealed to her and confirmed by our Spirit.

10. Many of those she ministers to will need to take baby steps at first, and Mary will be enlightened by me, her Heavenly Mother, how to nurture and gently lead them to understanding, here a little and there a little. Although Mary has a grasp on the overall picture and pathways of truth, she will be imbued with my Spirit, even acting in all ways how I would directly guide and lead them.

11. You might wonder why we, who are the parents of our faithful seeking children, will use someone like our faithful archangel Mary to help us guide them in understanding. You might wonder why we don't do all of this ourselves.

12. To your Father and I, whether we send our servant to serve our children to do some great thing, like the angel appearing to Alma and the sons of King Mosiah, or some gradual thing like gently visiting our elect and filling them with understanding, even as we direct, it is the same. We use our children to bless and serve our other children, in whatever way we desire. We authorize them and then they act as our conduits for our very light and revelations.

13. For the recipient, they will not know we sent an angel of understanding to them, but they will know God answered their prayers and enlightened them. They will then return full gratitude to us, their Gods, and not to our intermediary servant like Mary will be.

14. The role of being called as our servant is our highest calling to men and women in the flesh. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, taught "if any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all." (Mark 9:35)

15. Likewise, all of our angels and celestial servants act in the role of ministering to others, putting the one they serve first, in front of their own needs. We will abundantly bless and prosper our beloved servants for their diligent and faithful service!'

16. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, share with our daughter Mary, what your Heavenly Mother has revealed to you and what you have recorded in your journal. This is a high and holy calling, to reason with and inspire our elect from the celestial realms of glory like Mary will do! We both immensely love her, our daughter, and will confirm to her all that you have written.

17. Your Heavenly Mother will also further give Mary more instructions. Her work will be in the celestial realms on the earth. She will replicate as many times as needed to do her great service to our elect.

18. We have issued this call to Mary before Uriel blows his trumpet of God in less than two weeks. Uriel's call will initiate a great spiritual darkness coming to the entire earth. Mary will need to be fully active in her calling at that time to bless our elect scattered all over the earth.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their great revelation this morning! I said how happy I was for M.A.'s calling as their faithful servant.

20. At this time the cloud returned, completely covering my view of my Heavenly Parents. Then the wind came again and blew the cloud away. My Heavenly Parents were also gone and I closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

21. Here are the emails I received from M.A.:

Email 6-17-2020

Good morning R,

Ever since I edited post 162, I have been wondering what my calling and mission is at this time. I prayed yesterday morning and again last night that I might know what my mission is for now. This morning I received my answer. Here is what I received in prayer this morning.

Journal entry, June 17, 2020

I went to the tree of life, in prayer, and ate the fruit. My heart filled with the desire to bless my fellow brothers and sisters and more specifically the elect of God. My heart was filled with love for them and I now know my mission and the desires of my heart. It has always been my desire to help and bless others to open their hearts and turn to God and receive spiritual direction in their lives. I have felt this way even in my mortal self, as well as wanting to be a conduit for my Heavenly Parents in my replicated self.

I want to be an instrument in bringing souls to God.

I then ate a leaf, hoping to be physically and spiritually strengthened to perform the desires of my heart in leading others to God.

I then felt to go to the desert oasis. I knelt and drank living water from a little pool of water and then asked for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. They both appeared to me instantly. I could feel Heavenly Mother's light shine on and into me. Heavenly Mother said, "Mary, come and sit with us on the bench." I did as she suggested. Heaven Mother said, " you now know your present day calling and mission. You act as our angel of light and a conduit for your Heavenly Father and myself in giving and shining our light, (in your physical replicated self) to our elect children. We send through you our light, filled with our love and answers to their prayers. They, our elect, feel they are receiving answers and directions from God, which they are correct, but we channel it through you and many of our angels of light. This is your calling and mission for now. You have many other callings to come forth in future times, but for now you are encouraging our elect to come to Us, their Gods, both in the spirit realms and on your mortal earth. You desire all to humbly come unto us. This is a very important calling, for all must come to us in humility and seek our presence and direction if they are to abide these days of trouble and tribulations and enter into the millennium. There is no more important calling than helping our elect come unto us. You have known this and felt this way for a long time now. You just didn't know we, your Gods, gave you this assignment to be our angel of light in leading our elect back to Us. This is a very important calling for this time on earth. Now is the time for our elect to seek us and humbly come to us. Without Us they will not enter into the millennium or be worthy to to meet our Beloved Son in the clouds of glory. We thank you and are pleased that this has been the desires of your heart, for a very long time, to be a conduit and an 'instrument in our hands' in bringing our elect to Us. We love you, our angel daughter."

Mary, "thank you both for this enlightenment this morning. I am so happy that I have received the desires of my heart as a calling from thee. Sometimes I have a tendency to look past the mark instead of seeing what is right before my eyes, so to speak. I love thee my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother."



R, please let me know anything that is revealed to you. I am so happy to have received this in prayer this morning.



22. Evening- I had two experiences today with people who said this pandemic is an all made-up hoax and is being used by the government to control the people. There may be truth in the leaders or factions in our country or world who are taking advantage of the pandemic, but I am amazed how they say it is really a hoax. They believe the numbers are padded, and that this is no more harmful than the common flu. I just don't understand this.

23. I have a family member who believes that the pandemic is all a hoax and he says the word "social distancing" is like a swear word in his home. I have felt very disrespected by him in particular. Today as I wondered about him, I felt he had an evil spirit that was pushing these falsehoods. I was surprised. I have thought tonight that this is more prevalent (being possessed by evil spirits) than I have thought, particularly among conservative Americans!

24. I also received a wonderful email from M.A. this afternoon. She had a spiritual encounter with our Heavenly Parents about her mission to assist God in blessing the elect in coming to God. Her email experience and her assignment were very similar to what I received. This too was confirming that what I received and she received was true since they were the same.

25. Here is the email from M.A. this morning:

Email 6-18-2020:

Wow, thank you! I knew you would receive more detailed information about my calling and assignment. It has always been easy to support you and your calling for I seem to understand all you reveal and Heavenly Mother testifies of it's truthfulness to me. I feel very humble to be a servant of my Heavenly Parents.

That was interesting about you teleporting once your replicated self got to the New Jerusalem. I had a feeling that this is what would happen. So I guess in your mortal body you must just endure what's going on around you. This puts a new insight on life.

I guess then if a person doesn't have an active corona flame they are not an elect?

Did you hear that Jeffery Holland is in the hospital? I wonder if he has the new virus?

Thank you so much for sending me this entry today.



26. Tonight I came to the spring under the granite cliffs where Heavenly Mother's mountain stream begins. I drank living water and felt clear and refreshed.

As I was kneeling by the pool, I turned and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother walking up the path by the stream to me! She was very beautiful and full of light. Her deep love penetrated my soul and brought joy to my heart.

27. 'Raphael, you and our daughter Mary received the same information from your Heavenly Father and me about her new assignment. The fact that they were independently received and separately written, is a witness of the truthfulness of her great assignment. She will do much good in our celestial realms to help bring our elect to us!

28. This afternoon we gave you the impression that it is the devious plan of Lucifer to trick many of the conservative people in your country, saying that the pandemic is all a hoax. Those who believe these lies are open to having a lying spirit, one or more of the minions of Satan, to be attached to them. They don't realize this is who they are listening to, for it is a clever deceitful plan of the evil one. There are some of our elect who are fully believing these falsehoods.

29. Soon gross spiritual darkness will blanket your land and the entire world. Your summer will yet have lots of chaos and disruptions, particularly in the cities and suburbs, and exaggerated by the media.

30. Your wife asked you tonight not to read the awful news in your land, for she said this is weighing you down. Listen to her counsel, and stay upbeat and happy. We will reveal to you the truth of the condition of your country to some degree, as much as we wish to share. Beyond this, stay focused on living a happy life and enjoying your summer months in the country at your lovely home.'

31. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her messages tonight. She smiled and extended her hand to me. I stood and she asked me if I wanted to walk with her to the waterfall down the path. I said that this would be so nice! We then started walking west down her mountain path, side by side.

32. I asked her how I should deal with my family member, who also has been treating my wife and I rudely and has judged us as too fearful about the pandemic.

33. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael if confronted in person, clearly state your boundary, in love. Tell him you believe in social distancing and in being cautious to a level much more than he thinks necessary. Your family member has an attached spirit from the dark side, and may never understand your concerns about keeping safe. Be ready to be ridiculed and judged, which he has already done.

34. Were you to ask him to respect your views, he might say he will but his actions will show otherwise. Be aware that he may try to manipulate you, for this evil spirit he has been used to listening to is strong in arguing and discrediting others. I recommend not engaging in any discussion that might end up even resembling an argument. Two people with different views may still be respectful and love each other. Show your love to him by your words and actions, but keep your boundaries and beliefs. Don't worry about not pleasing him nor his family. These types of relationships can be accepted in love, but remain distant in beliefs.'

35. I thanked her for her advice! I said I was working on not being a people pleaser, and to keep my belief boundary strong so he could not manipulate me to think or act otherwise.

36. I believe Heavenly Mother and I talked about more issues, but I don't have them in my mortal conscious mind.

My walk soon ended, and my prayer also ended. I felt so very happy to have a wonderful Heavenly Mother who helped ease my troubled mind.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 18, 2020, Thursday

1. This lovely morning I felt like I would meet again with my Heavenly Mother, at the waterfall in her upper garden. This is where we ended our walk through her young mountain forest, along the path by the mountain stream last night.

2. I came to the top of the waterfall on the north side, and there beheld my Heavenly Mother, standing and waiting for me! She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, before your morning prayer today, you came out in your front room and enjoyed a discussion with your loving wife. You have each been mulling over how to interact with your grown children and their spouses. I have blessed her with clarity and truth, even though she didn't realize it. I had told you exactly what she told you this morning, even on our walk last night, but you couldn't remember it. I wanted you to receive this advice from her, in your conscious mind this morning.

3. Here is my revelation to you about interacting with your own grown children, or with any other adult: Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I are gently and loving people, exalted as Gods. We desire our children to follow our gentle ways. However, we never force, manipulate or in any way corner our children in ways where they would feel compelled to obey us, or to follow our ways. We love and accept who they are, and want them to choose for themselves how they will live and what they will do with their own lives.

4. Satan, even Lucifer our son, rebelled against this loving approach, and from the beginning he wanted to control, force, trick and lie to others of his siblings in order to get his own way. His evil ways have been adopted by many, and you see these behaviours in people all around you. This is in part what is called "devilish" in Moses 5:13 which states, "men began from that time forth to be carnal, sensual, and devilish."

5. In order to be our disciple, and follow our ways, we desire that our children love, and accept each other, even for those who are in paths of sin, and even when they are carnal, sensual or devilish. In particular, we don't want our followers of Christ to in any way seek to control, manipulate, or somehow coerce by their schemes, the minds, hearts and actions of another adult, even if these are their own adult children. Once grown up, their children may fully choose their own paths in life.

6. Wayward adult children cause their righteous parents to mourn, even as did Adam and Eve over their wayward son Cain. (Moses 5:27) Sometimes these sorrowful emotions in parents cause them to try to control their adult children, or impose their own standards upon them which they have previously rejected. This very behaviour is akin to those attitudes promoted by Lucifer.

7. Instead, we desire our faithful elect to love and accept other adults, without judgements or control, in any way. They may choose their own course in life, whom they list to obey. These will ultimately "reap their rewards according to their words, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one." (Alma 3: 26)

8. Without our plan to allow each of our children on earth the freedom to choose their own behaviour and way they will live, how could our plan to reward the righteous, by proving them in mortality, come to pass? We have devised a plan where by our children who have kept their first estate, prove again to us and themselves that they will follow us and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, even in a fallen telestial or terrestrial earth, without our direct presence. We will keep our plan, and ensure our children have choice on their own, without compulsion or control or dominion of others, whether in mortality or in the world of the spirit dead.

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words! I am so grateful for her great wisdom and guidance in my life.

10. I then thought of the great revelation given by Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith the prophet in the Liberty jail, in D&C 121: 34-46. I really like verse 37, which relates exactly to what Heavenly Mother just shared with me:

"That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man." (quotation marks added).

11. I feel very much inclined to allow all men and women to keep their own opinions, the way they will live their lives, and whatever they may choose, without me trying to change them. I only want them to allow me the same privilege, let me do whatever I might choose. This agency, without control from another, is what there should be among us all! I believe this will be part of a great pact of the future millennial world. In our fallen telestial world, it has become rare to find full agency, for we are buffeted by the control and dominion of others to a high degree.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 19, 2020, Friday

1. I worked late into the night last evening to get post 162 out. It will still take me an hour or so more this morning. Unfortunately, I was never able to connect to my Heavenly Parents last night.

2. This new lovely day I awoke early and came to my private room. I started meditating and came to the circling waters. I felt the need to then go to the tree of life where I ate of the fruit and leaf of that tree. I returned to the circling waters and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then knelt, paused and assessed myself, and I was clarified and seemed ready to approach God in prayer.

3. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me here at the circling waters. He came without a sound, appearing to my right, a little over the water in the air! I felt so pleased to be again in his presence.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your wife and you discussed more how some family relationships turn sour because one of the spouses in the marriage is very emotionally unsafe, or toxic. In your recent case, you offered a family member gifts of swimsuits for her daughters, and she argued about wanting two suits for each girl instead of one each that you offered. You concluded that any interchange with her turns out badly because of her manipulative behavior, always seeking situations to be in her favor and being unreasonable and unthankful.

5. Your assessment of her and the relationship with her husband and children last night is true. She will continue to turn them against both of you in life, and by this devilish means of control, dominion, manipulation and unreasonable and continual repeated behavior, will destroy trust and love towards you and your beloved wife.

6. When such a relationship turns sour, you may still act in loving ways towards her and her family. However, your hopes of having a lasting relationship in mortality are dashed as long as she is in a place of power and control.

7. In such a case, when children in a household like this reach adulthood and move out on their own, they have many of the same behaviors of their mother, for they were raised by her and taught her ways. They will need to work through their own problems, and at one point face their own values and behaviors they learned while children, or continue in the same destructive behaviors of their mother, in their own lives. In this case, the sins of the parents are passed onto "the third and fourth generations." (see Deuteronomy 5:9). Each generation will be given a variety of the improper teachings unless they repent, realize their faults, and change their devilish ways.

8. Your Heavenly Mother and I allow such sins to penetrate in families, giving each new child susceptibility to their same habits of a great weakness of the flesh. All of our children in mortality have a mix of such weaknesses, taught to them by parents who themselves haven't realized their own faults and weaknesses, and yet changed before their own children have reached adulthood.

9. Such has been your own life. You have had to face certain habits and weaknesses you were raised with, and to come unto us, in prayer and sincerity of your soul, with a desire to change. Well did our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, speak of the way to correct such weaknesses:

Ether 12:27- "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them"

10. In your day, when spiritual darkness covers the earth, and Satan has great power in influencing our children, there will continue to be many weaknesses passed from generation to generation. These will be great stumbling blocks for our faithful elect. However, we who are their Gods will succor and bless them, as they are humble, open and want to each change the course of their lives.

11. In the coming millennial day, our righteous elect will spread forth onto the renewed terrestrial earth. They won't have Satan to influence and tempt them to learn his devilish ways.

12. D&C 45:58- "And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation."

13. Isaiah 54:13- "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children."'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his teachings this morning! I told him that these instructions and counsels from him today, and Heavenly Mother yesterday are helping me immensely as I learn the proper ways to live my own life. I thanked him for sending to me a very wise and sweet wife who has also been helping me learn proper behaviors in human relationships. I feel so blessed, and desire to change my views to be the views of God. I said I desire peace and light, even in the troubled world and the gross spiritual darkness coming upon all flesh in a few weeks.

15. Heavenly Father smiled, and put his light upon me in greater intensity, accompanied by his love and acceptance of me, his humble and open servant. He then immediately left my presence. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

16. Evening- Tonight I came to the celestial orb again to one of my favorite places, the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I love the deep peace I feel here and the beauty of flowers and a mountain stream!

17. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, before I close my day on earth. She came in a bright light in front of me, and seemed to step out of the light and then stand in the air directly over the water! She was broadly smiling and seemed very happy. Her eternity eyes were sparkling.

18. I told her that I felt such a great peace each time I came to her upper garden. I told her how pleased I was to kneel before her, and receive from her anything that she may want to share with me.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I am happy you are realizing that no other person can make you unhappy, for it is your thoughts that make you unhappy. You may allow them to dictate to you thoughts that will pull you down. However, you have control of your own mind, and not others or even circumstances can change this. You may be just as happy and at peace living with lots of riches, or living hand-to-mouth, not knowing where your next meal may even come from. You may have those whom you thought were your friends turn against you, and say all sorts of bad or evil against you. However, it is you and your mind and thoughts, not your accusers, that decide how you will view yourself, and whether you will be happy or not.

20. I have chosen to think happy, pleasant thoughts, and to see the good. There is now a lot of darkness, both in the environment in your fallen world, and from the people who may act accusatory, that make it even more important to control your own thoughts.'

21. I asked my Heavenly Mother to help me control my own thoughts better, even among those who say bad things about me, or in all variety of circumstances. I said I knew it was all determined in my own mind.

22. Heavenly Mother said she would give me circumstances and people in my life, in the upcoming days, that would give me practice to be upbeat and happy still, even with my own control. She said she would help me and walk me through these experiences so that I might learn.

23. I thanked her for spending her time and energy in helping me learn these important lessons. I told her how much I loved her, and appreciated her tutoring.

24. She then stepped back into her bright light and then she was gone, as well as the bright light. I closed my prayer and got ready to retire to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2020, Saturday

1. I awoke later than normal this morning, and then read some news on my phone. I was realizing how quickly our society has changed from what we called "normal" to even now what seems full of deceit, anarchy in places, and so many opposing voices. I can see how we all will likely see our society fall quickly into disarray and great division.

2. I then checked my email and received a super encouraging email from S (see paragraphs 9 through 11 below)! He was so gracious to share this with me. My heart warmed and became encouraged from his recent insights. I rejoice at the goodness of God, and the foresight and preparation of our Heavenly Parents in getting each of us ready to fulfill our individual missions. It is so exciting to see this now beginning with greater activity.

3. I next came to the tree of life and saw myself, in a replicated state below me. I reach up and pluck and eat of this fruit, and also pluck a leaf and eat. I was observing from the air off to the side of the tree of life. I then became aware that my Heavenly Father was standing right next to me, observing this too!

4. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, only seven months ago you were preparing your posts to be converted into printable pdf files, so all in your email list could print them. (See your post 147J). The coronavirus at that time was just emerging into the news. You were also experiencing much greater capability to clear your daughter with light, and seeing this light fill her with greater healing. You worked very hard in preparing your posts and successfully mailed them in the pdf printable format to your small group.

5. Since this time, your normal world has been catapulted into great disarray and social unrest. The virus in your own country is now reported to be over 121,000 deaths, and 463,000 worldwide deaths, although these numbers are significantly lower than reality. The pandemic will keep ravaging your world in greater and greater numbers. Soon wars and major cataclysmic events will rock your world. In seven more months time, your country will be occupied by foreign hostile troops, and life will be very frightful to many in your land. Your electric power and commonly accepted habits like driving cars and shopping at the local stores or online will no longer be normal but will be rare. Your entire world will be in great commotion, and men's hearts will fail them (see Luke 21:26). Your Heavenly Mother and I want the transition from the old telestial world to the better new terrestrial world to be as quick as possible, rather than very long and drawn out. We have inspired our male archangel to blow the trumpets I gave each of them, in quick succession, heralding these great changes to the earth. These changes are now in full motion, and the great day of starting our New Jerusalem will come quicker than you realize. We are hastening our work, and in not many months you will be laying the foundations of this city of God in the center of your land!

6. Raphael, I have said these things to prepare your mind and to check your actions and preparations. Ask of me what you might do to continue to shore up your heart and mind, and your physical preparations. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you continually. We will also extend to our elect, and our faithful mortal angels and celestial servants in greater clarity. They too need to follow my counsel of preparation that I have just given to you.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message! He then turned to look at the tree of life below us, and I turned too. We saw many of the faithful coming to the tree of life, from their journey down the strait and narrow path. They too were eating of the fruit and leaf.

8. My vision closed immediately. I verified in my heart and mind the truthfulness of what I had just written. I felt the confirming voice of the spirit witness it is all true. I then closed my prayer and sent this onto S to type up.

I also felt this should be the end of post 163. I just sent out yesterday morning the previous post. We are being kept very busy getting these posts received, typed up, and prepared!

9. Here is S's recent email:


Sometimes I have a feeling to share a journal entry with you. At times, I act immediately and afterwards I am glad that I did. At other times, I wonder if it was actually a prompting or just my mind, and do not act immediately. In this latter case, I felt on two occasions that I should share these two entries. I reread the last week of entries in my journal this morning, and each brought me joy, but I felt that I was to share these two entries for a reason unknown to me.

10. 6-8-20 AM

I read Raphael's post on the Rod of Jesse this morning. Half-way through the post I had a strong desire to ask in prayer for something. By the time I finished the post over 1 hour later, I forgot what I wanted to pray about. I tried to recall the thought, but it didn't come to me.

As I readied myself to pray, I drank water from my sink and prayed it be living water as I knelt down. As I called upon my Heavenly Parents, I heard Heavenly Mother's voice call me to her side. As I came to her side, my mind became very clear and I recalled immediately my previous desire for prayer. I had felt a great desire to pray for the elect who are stumbling because of the spiritual darkness covering the earth. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, 'I will grant you the desire of your heart and we will both pray for these elect. You will pray 1st and then I will follow.' She took my left hand in her right hand as we faced the earth. I began to speak, 'I pray now for the elect of God who are blinded to the light of truth because of the deceit of Lucifer and the sophistries of mankind. I ask that these be blessed with light to the extent that they humble themselves and ask God. I pray that these will have a desire to ask God to help them discern truth from error and that they will not be tossed about by Lucifer as chaff in the wind. I pray that the light of Christ will grow within them and guide them through the dark days ahead.' As I finished my prayer, Heavenly Mother asked me to write up to this point, then return in prayer to hear her blessing, and then to record her prayer.

As I returned to pray, I came beside my Heavenly Mother. I saw her more clearly now. She wore a white robe with a red sash. Her hair was down and it was blowing in the wind. She was beautiful and radiant. She directed me with her thoughts by communing to my mind, she said, 'Come see mine elect children through my eyes.' At this time I saw through her eyes as if part of her being. I saw many of the elect who were struggling in darkness and confusion at this time. She yearned after these children even as a young mother for her crying baby in the night. She then blessed them, 'To each of mine elect who turn their minds to God in prayer, or open their hearts even a crack, I will pour down light and love from heaven as never before. If you reach out to me, I will reach out to you, and call you by name. You are loved as you have always been loved and I promise that you will feel this great love if you but turn to us your Gods, even Heavenly Father, myself, and Jesus Christ. If you but call upon us, we will fill you with our light and love in abundance.'

I perceived that these children must desire this with all the purity and longing of their soul, and it would come to pass even as Heavenly Mother said.

I then saw her look at myself standing beside her, and I felt her great love for me. I began to cry for joy filled my heart. I then saw through mine own eyes again and I looked upon her with gladness. I embraced her and she kissed my cheek. This scene then closed to my view.

11. 6-14-20 AM

Last night I prayed next to my bed as it was late and I had already fallen asleep in my rocking chair, then I awoke to get into bed. I knelt to prayer beside my bed. In my prayer, I heard Heavenly Mother's voice direct me to rest and tomorrow I would learn more about what is soon coming to our nation.

This morning, I knelt in my closet to pray. I asked forgiveness for my weakness and shortcomings and desired to be better. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice call to me. She spoke, 'You have come in prayer as directed. You will soon see what lies in the future as I spoke last night. Your Father will share this message with you. I next perceived myself kneeling at the tree of life. I was partaking of the fruit at the tree of life. Immediately, Heavenly Father appeared above the tree in great glory. I next was observing myself from afar and saw that in his full glory the tree and myself were burned and obliterated by the intensity of his light. Next, the tree and myself were returned to our previous state. Heavenly Father spoke, 'My full glory could completely overcome your entire being in your current state. Yet you are my son and may grow line upon line, glory upon glory until you may one day stand as I do before you at this time. This promise is for all our children who are true and faithful. I will bless you to progress even in your weakness.'

At this time he took my hand and we stood above my current nation. He spoke to me, "you read in D&C 45:33 that following the desolating scourge would come earthquakes in diverse places. You have read reports of thousands of small quakes/tremors occurring in many locations recently in the U.S. You have wondered if these small quakes were fulfillment to this scripture. The earth is beginning to transition to a terrestrial state. There will be a cleansing of her surface to remove the telestial order inhabitants. There will be great earthquakes that will completely change the contour of your land and wipe out entire cities as occurred among the Nephites. Many of your cities are similar to the conversation between Abraham and the Lord (See Gen 18: 23-33) when Lot dwelt in Sodom. There are cities with so few righteous that they will not be spared. These earthquakes will be large and not only change the contour and face of the land, but they will remove large numbers of our children from the face of the earth. These changes are near, even at the door. Continue to watch and be ready for these great changes coming to the earth.'

I felt peace and assurance that all these things are in his control. This scene closed before me and I ended my prayer.


Have a great week,